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The Daily News National Model Arab League

March 28, 2009

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Arab League fights ICC with two Sudan resolutions By Brian Henske In a time of international scrutiny for the state of Sudan, allies were found in the League of Arab States as it fought back against the International Criminal Court’s recent allegations against its president, passing two resolutions. The Sudanese delegation found considerable support in passing two resolutions Friday at Special Summit of Arab Ministers of Justice during the 2009 National Model Arab League

Conference. The ICC indicted President Omar alBashir earlier this month on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. The indictment is unprecedented, as no active leader of a nation has ever been charged by the ICC. Many delegates see the ICC’s indictment as an infringement upon the sovereignty of Sudan, and the Special Summit drafted two resolutions that iterate the uproar it caused in the Arab

League. The first resolution calls for the ICC to retract its indictment, and stressed the Sudan situation can be resolved by the Arab League and the African Union. T h e preambulatory clause stated the ineffectiveness of the ICC’s action but admitted the Arab League was “deeply disturbed by the conflict in Sudan and the thousands of live lost there.” The resolution passed with a vote of 10-7-3, according to an Iraqi delegate.

Kirah Rawls ICC problems: The Special Summit Committee drafted two resolutions on Friday, which declare the recent ICC indictment of Sudan’s president an infringement upon Sudan’s sovereignty. Many of the delegates in the Special Summit allied against the ICC in the form of these two resolutions.

According to the second resolution, the Arab League “rejects completely the warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for the arrest of president

Omar al Bashir” and reiterates the indictment should be withdrawn. The resolution passed with a vote of 11-6-2, according to the same Iraqi

Economic, Social committees get head start By Anna Dallas

Alicia Alabbas Committee: A delegate in the Social Affairs Committee speaks during a topic debate.

The Council of Arab Economic Affairs Ministers developed a comprehensive agenda, deeming the review of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area the most important topic to debate. Some of the initial conflicts the council faced were the division betweenlesserdeveloped countries and the more developed countries. Godo Yannick, a

delegate from Morocco, said these developing countries should be given a “trial run” to see whether or not they lower the standards of GAFTA. “If they do not affect or raise the standards or success of GAFTA, then these countries can remain in the alliance,” he said. The Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers started out the 2009 Model Arab

League conference trying to agree on what pertinent issues face the Arab world. The topics being discussed included the benchmarks for the “Human Security Now” report, addressing family planning and health education in Arab states, establishing standards regarding the rights of the vulnerable population and attempting to define the role of NGOs in Arab states.

delegate. “What is the point of drafting a resolution that doesn’t have teeth?” stated the delegate to Sudan.

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Press Corps Staff Editor in Chief Maureen Tracey Layout Alicia Alabbas Staff Anna Dallas Brian Henske Kirah Rawls Phillip Pascual