Pattern Detection Software - Active Insight Ltd

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  • Words: 880
  • Pages: 3
ACTIVE INSIGHT | Turning insight into action.


Active insight Data Sheet ______________________________

Copyright 2009, ActiveInsight. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor is it subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.

ACTIVE INSIGHT | Turning insight into action. Real-time, Value-Based Reactions to Online

ActiveInsight’s behavioral Detection and reaction


ability is crucial for numerous business use cases

Whether it's online shopping, self service, online gaming or Software-as-a-Service, customers and organizations are interacting in the web cloud on a daily basis. As web usage grows, organizations must be able to detect and react to relevant behavior and

from improving online conversion rates, online sales and marketing, online campaign management, CRM and self-service, Compliance and Risk Management. ActiveInsight will: 

pattern definition schema

business events signaling up-sell/cross-sell opportunities, potential customer desertion, customer

service issues, potential fraud and more.

geo-location services, etc' 

leveraged for sales, marketing, customer service,

Feed events, in real-time, to any Marketing/Sales/Support/BI application

reaction to relevant events and behavior. Most of the data is available, at least temporarily and should be

Correlate behavior with external data sources such as: customer profile list, community sites,

Increasingly, organizations using online systems struggle to provide scalable, real-time detection and

Detect user behavior using a behavioral

React to each customer accordingly (online proposal, human interaction, …)

trading and security. Current platforms rely on data

ActiveInsight can be quickly deployed in a

sources/feeds such as logs and databases and are not

standalone deployment or alongside various

designed to handle real-time processing.

analytical and back-end applications complementing

As high throughput transaction loads become widespread the ability to process online data in real-time

and maximizing their value. It can also be deployed as a cloud service.

becomes crucial. Detecting relevant and valuable event patterns within massive data loads filters out the "noise" and allows organizations to focus and make

Online Sales, Marketing and Campaign Mgmt

Use behavioral targeting to detect up-sell/ cross-sell opportunities. Detect customer touch-points for real-time proposal delivery.

CRM, Customer Experience and Self-Service

Detect customer experience problems and offer VIP assistance. React to potential customer churn in time to prevent it. Alert CRM systems with usercentric actionable events

Security Information and Event Mgmt (SIEM) Compliance and Risk Mgmt

Provide application level visibility. Offload application logging and provide real-time formatted events to SIEM or compliance applications. React to possible internal fraud using event pattern correlation

Fraud Detection and Adaptive Authentication

Detect and feed application events in real-time. Use behavioral targeting to detect fraudulent activity and patterns. Provide non-intrusive adaptive authentication initiation

Extreme Transactions Complex Event Processing (CEP)

Offer real-time event and pattern processing in extreme transaction rates. Provide Low-latency event correlation and service initiation.

the most out of their resources. To create value, organizations must be able to react in real-time by invoking other services, interacting with the customers or feeding actionable events to back-end system. ActiveInsight detects and reacts to online events and behavior according to pre-defined patterns. It is based on an extreme transaction processing architecture, able to scale-out to handle highthroughput while offloading application servers.

ACTIVE INSIGHT | Turning insight into action. Online Users

Campaign Mgmt

ACTIVE INSIGHT Web Application




Fraud Detection


Our Technological Edge

Your Business Value

Active insight’s extreme event processing engine

As organizations move towards in-bound marketing,

utilizes a distributed, in-memory, low latency

sales and self-service as well as high throughput web-

algorithm to detect and react to any data stream

loads and cloud computing - the importance of event

derived from online behavior (click stream), trading,

and pattern detection and reaction leaps.

smart grids or others. ActiveInsight provides:

ActiveInsight provides organizations with real-time,

Distributed, high-performance, extreme

and business events.

transaction processing technology 

Integrated in-memory distributed data caching

Unlimited server scale-out (scalable by design)

A-sync or sync (w/o time-out) processing

Low latency computational de-coupling

Unique and simple, xml based, “behavioral

accurate and relevant visibility to customer behavior

With ActiveInsight organizations will: 


Detect potential customer churn in time to prevent it

processing language”

Provide better online service to customers

Sequential and time-based pattern definition

Improve and ease regulatory compliance

schema including Application/User/Session

Detect potential fraudulent activity in real-time

level patterns

Easily change pattern definitions to suit

Asynchronous, multi target feeders

Real-time, pattern based, 2-way user

changing business needs 


Save costs on coding, management and hardware

ActiveInsight’s flexible pattern matching configuration

be deployed in several phases to achieve multiple

Maximize investments in CRM, BI, Compliance and Fraud detection applications

schema enables various business use cases that can


React to more up-sell and cross-sell

Leverage online behavior to improve the bottom line

ACTIVE INSIGHT | Turning insight into action. [email protected]

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