Patron Of The Balearic Buchon

  • November 2019
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Origin: Original Palomo of the Balearic Islands, mainly of the island of Majorca, probably by means of crossovers between diverse races of palomos buchones, emphasizing of among them the old Valencian Laudino and the Rafeño.Poca thing is known the ancestor of gavatxut Balearic. One knows that the liking to its young, for the conquest of lost doves, is very old and original of the Arab culture. With the Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula one extends and also very it was practiced in the Spanish colonies of North Africa. Thus this was made common practices by all Andalusia, Murcia and Levante, like main zones, where still it persists. From one expands here, with time, to the bordering parts. It is not known if the Arabs, in their stay to Majorca, introduced this type of palomo and therefore buchones practices of the sport of capture of lost doves with the palomos, because at the moment has not been any document that speaks of this, only opportunity to find out to us its existence. The first written establishment that speaks of this type of palomos indeed makes reference of a shipment of these animals. Archduke Rescuing Luis, so many times testimony of many historical information, says us that the Marquess of the Fontsanta has proven the acclimatization of Andalusian palomos called "thieves", also says that he has not pierced much within the Majorcan fans and who they serve to take to the pigeon house the misled palomos. Jaime Conrado, son of the Marquess of the Fontsanta, presents/displays in the agricultural exhibition, organized by the Agricultural Institute year 1868, a pair of these types of palomos that had a good acceptance. The Archduke does not specify that types of Andalusian palomos were exactly and does not serve much to us as track, nor we can evaluate if this chaste arrival at the end of last century influenced or marked those that now form the local population of palomos "gavatxuts balears". Only in Andalusia there is around ten races of palomos buchones. some totally different from gavatxut Balearic as far as morphology and forms to fly, others are similarities more, although gavatxuts balears distinguishes in personality to all the other races of palomos buchones. We cannot consider "gavatxut balear' without becoming related it with the other peninsular palomos since, little or much, soon or late, they have influenced to him. We already know that this usually passes more when a concrete functionality by animals looks for much more valued that aesthetic a special one. General Aspect : Palomo of medium size to small, is harmonious, esbelto, of curved lines and smooth, of wide chest, it has a crop of normal size and not very hanging, carries raised, ardent and active. Great and powerful wings for the flight. Its form of hunting and flight is based on three defined aptitudes affluent: persecution, seduction and car conservation. It has a position raised with the high head and the low tail. Fortísimo could be said that they are ligones, elegant with an insistent instinct and to take the dove related to its pigeon house. The wished proportions are: length of 22 to 26 centimeters, measurement to take from the previous end of the keel to the end of the tail, and the weight between the 400 and 450 grams. Character : Palomo of character nervous, anxious, agile, light and

good rocket. Temperament ardent and strong in the males, and very jealous in the females. Head : The head is cleared, slightly almendrada, not very wide in its superior part, smooth curve from the nape of the neck to the end of the well provided tip and to the body. The supra-craneal line is convex, that is to say, round, forming one it curves completes from the nape of the neck to the end of the tip. The ideal form is that any breaking or concavity between the forehead and the profile of the tip does not exist, that is to say, the line of battle does not have to break with the nose nor the tip. It is better than the measurement of the head throws by small, that is not too great. Eyes: The eye is well proportionate to the measurement of the head, are very expressive with an almost offensive glance. They are beautiful, extensive, of strong coloration, agreed with the color of the pen denoting health, vigor and temperament of the animal. The rainbow has an alive color affluent red-cherry, shining and round ignition. In the palomos of clear plumage it has tendency to clearer colors and in the targets it is of black color. Of between all the colors of eyes, the most appreciated it is the red orange or yellow ignition despising the pale one. Ocular border : The border of the eye or eyelid is fine and smooth, of little thickness, without no type of rugosidad and plane with respect to the eye and to the face. It will be of the same color of the plumage, always darkest possible, better of grayish color and never of fleshy or off-white color. Also it is admitted, coverall in more veteran units, a double eyelid a little clearer in the frontal superior part. The border of the eye and the eye are a detail of very important purity in gavatxut Balearic. Carúnculas nasal : Carúnculas nasal is of triangular form, medium, of smooth texture and fine. They are of white color and with the age they are not due to develop. Tip : The tip short and heavy, is slightly bent or curved, in line with the forehead, without discontinuity and concavity. The two jaws are almost equal, exceeding superior slightly the inferior one. These two parts of the tip perfectly are fitted between if and without lateral deviations. The base of the tip is moderately heavy, although by the little length that it has it gives the robusteza impression. The color will be black in the dark palomos and of color spear of bull in clearest in correlation with the plumage, although more they will be always appreciated darkest. With the age a small wart located in the inferior part of the tip is admitted, at the most as large as a vetch. Neck : The neck is short and robust. By the part of the nape of the neck he is inclined and wide and, underneath, almost nonexistent one is confused with the crop. Crop : The crop is of normal size. of ample surface, although in the first impression it does not seem, since it has it very well compound. It must cover shoulders and almost not to exceed the breastbone. Very it is cleared, without making stock market, almost it does not hang nor it makes the sensation of flaccidity. All it, is based on only a body in his union with the trunk. Thus he must take it in the flight and when he sings to sleep. He can have a beginning of folds vertical in the center of the crop that begins under the tip, but without cracking the crop. He is tempting that

sings to sleep rather raised and that between arrullos, ahead the chest, with a light one been nauseated of neck. The crop in its aspect of pen, has to be of ample base and all tornasolado she covered with. Back : The back is wide in shoulders and flat, it falls in line straight until rabadilla. The shoulders are very separated. The pen must be flattened on the body as much superficially the covers as among them. From the back to rabadilla the width is diminishing considerably. Chest : The chest very wide and is well musculado, which provides a great resistance and capacity to him for the flight. Wings : The wings are long and of ample surface, wide pen, it uniforms and cleared in the end. When the animal walks or is quiet, it always does not take them on the tail, without crossing itself, is good either that they hang. The ideal length is of a centimeter less than the length of the tail, although they can arrive until the end of the tail. Normally they have ten pens main rowers, very ample and placed well together, although he is desirable who have eleven pens of flight. The separation between both turns of rowers is little perceivable with respect to the inclination of the pens. Tail : The tail, straight line and following the air line of the back have twelve pens rudder houses of around three centimeters in width each one. When palomo flies, the form of the On guard static tail is gathered and, if a little unfolds is left a little opened in roofing tile form being the pens of the almost vertical ends. gavatxut Balearic has abundance of pens that give a very smooth tact him, although stuck well to the body. Patas: Las patas son cortas y finas, proporcionadas al palomo, ligeramente separadas entre sí, sin ser calzadas de plumas, de color rojo carnoso oscuro en palomos de plumaje oscuro y rojo en los de plumaje más claro, apreciándose más siempre el color rojo carnoso oscuro, que al ser pichones son casi negras. Los dedos están abiertos y arqueados. Las uñas son pequeñas y fuertes, de color el más oscuro posible, como el pico. La anilla recomendada es la de 8 mm. Plumaje: Los colores que presenta el gavatxut balear son pocos, siempre colores cerrados y sin manchas. Los más apreciados por orden decreciente son : el azul, el toscado, el azul gotado, el Gabino, el melado, el negro y después todos los demás (blancos, rojos, pelo de rata, cenizos, ...). Son defectos los desequilibrios melánicos.

Principales defectos: - Tamaño general del palomo muy pequeño / grande. - Falta de carácter y temperamento. - Cabeza grande, redonda y ancha, desproporcionada con el cuerpo. - Ojos apagados de color anaranjado o amarillo pálido. - Ribete grueso y con rugosidades, de color carnoso o blanquecino.

- Carúnculas nasales muy desarrolladas y con rugosidades. - Pico demasiado corto / largo y demasiado engatillado. - Carúnculas nasales y pico en discontinuidad con la frente. - Cuello muy largo. - Escaso de buche o muy grande y colgante. - Poca espalda y pecho. - Alas cortas colgantes y cruzadas. - Patas calzadas de plumas. - Desequilibrios melánicos en el plumaje y la irregular aparición de plumas blancas intercaladas principalmente entre las alas.

Comentarios Generales: La selección del palomo gavatxut balear esta orientada en conseguir un tipo de palomo con unas características que lo diferencien bien de cualquier otro tipo de palomo buchón. El objetivo es que sea un buen volador, que sepa empalomar otros palomos perdidos, que sepa convencerlos para acercarlos a su palomar y no debe posarse en palomar ajeno al suyo. Se podría decir que son unos ligones, elegantes, atletas y con un instinto fortísimo e insistente de llevarse el palomo ligado a su palomar. En estas acciones el palomo no suele distinguir entre razas, tipos, colores, edades o sexos, aunque siempre van más encendidos cuando se trata de una hembra. Este entretenimiento suele ser practicado solamente con los machos porque tienen las características antes descritas más exageradas. Los aficionados al palomo gavatxut balear, en su función de caza y vuelo, las dividen en tres apartados. Cada uno de ellos trata de conseguir una parte del objetivo total y son imprescindibles los tres; por tanto, si falla alguno la caza no se lleva a termino, por muy bien que se hagan los otros. Estos tres apartados de la caza se denominan: persecución, seducción y auto conservación. Para la persecución tiene las suficientes aptitudes para vigilar, controlar los alrededores de su palomar y darse cuenta del paso de algún palomo perdido. Esto, enseguida le propiciará el instinto de levantar el vuelo y perseguirlo. Esta persecución se hace con una energía y una vitalidad sorprendentes, poco comunes, con insistencia y manteniendo un vuelo esforzado, casi acrobático. En los momentos de la insistencia a los palomos perdidos, se dice que comienza la seducción. Por seducción entendemos el juego, las maniobras, acciones y recursos que utiliza el palomo buchón para llamar la atención y convencer, al mismo tiempo, al palomo perdido.

Cada palomo tiene su propia gama de recursos como enseñar el palomar, la comida, el agua, entrar al nido y otros muchos más sutiles. No se cansa y es capaz de repetir las mismas maniobras una y otra vez, hasta que el palomo perdido entre dentro del palomar. Si el palomo perdido levanta el vuelo el buchón no se da por vencido y se levanta detrás a perseguirlo, volviendo a empezar otra vez todo el ceremonial. Todas estas operaciones las realiza con una melosidad expectante, sin ninguna brusquedad y sin acosar nada al palomo perdido. La conquista se hace a las buenas y es un defecto del palomo si atosiga o el instinto le lleva a ser demasiado fuerte y a maltratar al palomo perdido. La tercera condición es bien lógica, no ha de perder el instinto de orientación ni defensa cuando se concentra con otro palomo; es la auto conservación. Muchos palomos buchones, detrás de la presa, se van alejando y después no saben volver al palomar. También, cuando persiguen el palomo perdido, se pueden posar sobre un tejado o palomar ajeno al suyo, con el peligro que esto supone de quedar atrapado. Por tanto, para el instinto antes mencionado, es mejor que el buchón sólo se pose en su palomar. No cabe decir que el aficionado busca los buchones que se aproximen a la perfección a estos tres aspectos para gozar de un buen espectáculo. El buchón que cumple con estos requisitos se convierte en un palomo apreciado, viciado y valorado.


CUALIDADES....................................... OBSERVACIONES Aspecto general....................................... 20 puntos. Cabeza................................................. 10 puntos. Conjunto de ojo:...................................... 10 puntos. Ojo......................................................5 puntos. Ribete...................................................5 puntos. Pico.................................................... 10 puntos. Carúnculas nasales.................................... 10 puntos. Buche y pecho........................................ 15 puntos. Espalda y cola........................................ 10 puntos. Alas................................................. 5 puntos Patas.................................................. 5 puntos. Calidad de pluma.................................... 10 puntos.

________________ TOTAL..............................................100 puntos.

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