Patients Rights, Patients, Hospital Patient Rights, Hospital

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  • Words: 1,170
  • Pages: 23
Patient Rights…

is everyone’s responsibility… Vijay Pratap Raghuvanshi

Patient Rights… Wockhardt Hospitals, Bhavnagar, its doctors, nurses and entire staff are committed to provide patient with excellent care, both clinical and personal.

In addition it is our policy

“To respect Patients individuality and dignity”



Patient Rights  To receive the best care medically indicated for their problem  Receiving timely emergency care at hospital regardless of one's ability to pay  To be well informed about illness, treatment, and outcomes

The right to be treated respectfully by all employees

 Patients individuality will be respected and differences in cultural and educational background taken into account.  When patient have a question you will have to listen to their queries or questions and give an appropriate and helpful response.

Right to seek and receive all the information necessary to understand once medical condition.  Patient have the right to know the name of the doctor who is responsible for their care and to talk with that doctor and any others, who give care.  Patients are entitled to know the probable diagnosis, planned course of treatment and the prognosis for the future.  Patient have the right to ask doctor or nurse any question that concerns about health.

Confidentiality and privacy  Information concerning one’s health, including information concerning treatment may only be disclosed with informed consent, except when required in terms of any law or an order of the court.  The right to receive information from your doctor in non-technical language, regarding your illness, its likely course, expected treatment, the plans for discharge from hospital & for follow-up care

Patient Privacy  Patient may expect to talk with doctor, nurse or administration representative in private and know that the information they give will not be overheard or be given to others without their permission.  In the hospital when patients are in a ward they can expect a sincere and reasonable attempt to keep all conversation confidential.  In case of hospitalization, no outsiders may see them without patient permission.  Patients hospital records are private and no persons or agency beyond those caring for the patient will be permitted to see those records except the authorized statutory bodies.

Patient Information Confidentiality  Patient privacy include the following:When staff interview or examine patients, every effort is made to afford the patient with reasonable audio and visual privacy. Ensure that a female nurse is present at the time of investigations, examinations. Explain to the patient what exactly will be done prior to the procedure. Patients have the right to know of any observer have in their care and also of their right to request that the observer leave.

Patient Privacy  When they are examined patients are entitled to privacy.  Close doors, pull privacy curtains, cover patient properly  Knock before entering  Female Nurse (If Female patient)  Do not discuss patient information in public areas (Stairs, Elevators, etc)  Destroy all papers (shred) with patient names before trashing

Rules – to keep you safe  Keep discussions of patients and families professional  Discuss patient information in Pre & Post clinical conferences – behind closed doors  DO NOT remove medical records from patient care areas  DO NOT make copies of patient’s medical records  DO NOT discuss patients information in the public area (elevators, cafeteria or home)  Destroy patient documents before trashing  NEVER share computer passwords  Log off before leaving a computer terminal  NEVER view own, family’s or friend medical record in clinical setting

Patient have the right to select his/her doctor and treatment  Have the right to say “yes” to the recommended treatment.  Patient also have the right to say “No” to treatment and ask for medical consultation or a second opinion on your medical condition, if you so desire.

Refusal of treatment & Be referred for a second opinion  A person may refuse treatment and such refusal shall be verbal or in writing provided that such refusal does not endanger the health of others  Everyone has the right to be referred for a second opinion on request to a health provider of one’s choice.

Have the right to leave the hospital even if doctor advises against it. If decide to leave before the doctor’s advice, the hospital will not be responsible for any harm that this may cause Patient and Patient will be asked to sign a “Discharge Against Medical Advice” Form

The right to understand and receive information on the payment of hospital bills on a day-to-day basis in accordance with the policies of the hospital.  Receive a copy of an itemized list: Charges submitted by the Hospital to insurer or another third party regarding treatment or the amount covered by the third-party payer  Copy of the Hospital’s itemized charges sent to the attending physician. All Itemized details ( Consumables, Implants, etc)

Patient & their family or guardian has the right to tell hospital authority when something is wrong in the delivery of patient care.

 Patient or their relatives can register complaints or grievances but care will not be affected in any way.  Patients feedback/ any complain / suggestions are valuable and welcomed at all times.

Complains…  Complains about health care services to be investigated and full response on such investigation given to the patient/ relative .  Follow hospital policy for patient complaints and grievances  Ensure complaint is resolved

Patient Rights…  Refuse to be examined, observed, or treated by students or other Hospital staff, without jeopardizing access to psychiatric, psychological, or other medical care;  Refuse to serve as a research subject or receive any care or examination that is primarily for educational or informational purposes, rather than for treatment  Refuse participation in any medical study or treatment considered experimental in nature. You will not be involved in such a study without your understanding and permission;

Confidentiality..  Only those persons authorized to read an individual's medical record on an inpatient unit or ambulatory care site have access to the medical record.  Family or household members, even close relatives, may not obtain copies of the medical record without appropriate authorization except in special circumstances, as defined by the Medical Records Department.  Patient records will be kept in a secure location at all times in OPDs and on inpatient floors

Medical Records  Sexual assault counseling  HCV, HbsAg, HIV test results (patient authorization required for each release request)  Records pertaining to sexually-transmitted diseases  Alcohol and drug abuse records are protected.

Inform Patient of their Rights

 Upon admissions Provide a copy of any rules or regulations that relate to the conduct of patients, as provided “Patient Hand Book”. Written information of patient hand book available. Explain :Bill Details Admission and Discharge process No Smoking, No Food, No Flowers.

Thank you


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