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Download & View Patho-atherosclerosis as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 594
  • Pages: 20
Co ronary A ther oscl er otic He ar t Disease Andr ew D . B el us o, RN

At heros cler os is 

Athero sc leros is is a syndrome affecting arterial blood vessels. It is a chronic inflammatory response in the walls of arteries . It is commonly referred to as a hardening or furring of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries

Risk Fa ctors f or At her os cleros is 

Age :  

Male > 45 years Female > 55 years or premature menopause without estrogen replacement therapy

Fa mil y H ist ory of prema tu re d isea se  

Male first-degree relative <55 years Female first-degree relative < 65 years

Risk Fact ors for At her os cleros is 

Hyperte nsio n 

Appears to weaken the artery wall at points of high pressure leading to injury and invasion of cholesterol.

Ci ga rette S moki ng #1 cause of preventable death in US  1 in 5 CHD deaths attributable to smoking 

Risk Fact ors for At her os cleros is 

Diabetes 

50% of deaths related to DM is due to CHD

Risk Fact ors for At her os cleros is 

In activ it y 

Sedentary person has 2x risk for developing CHD as a person who is active.

Risk Fact ors for At her os cleros is 

Obesi ty

Risk Fact ors for At her os cleros is  

Abn orma l Bl ood Li pi ds LDL Cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) HDL Cholesterol (high density lipoprotein)

Ris k Fa ct or s Unc ont rol la ble

Cont rol la bl e


•High blood pressure


•High blood cholesterol

•Race •Age

•Smoking •Physical activity •Obesity •Diabetes •Stress and anger

At he rosclerosi s 

Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death.

Plaque (the build-up of lipid/cholesterol ) in the artery wall forms as a response to injury to the endothelium in the artery wall.

Plaque vulnerability factors In tr ins ic f acto rs

Many people are able to manage coronary artery disease with lifestyle changes and medications. Other people with severe coronary artery disease may need angioplasty or surgery.

Treatmen t:  

   

Wei ght Los s Low cholest erol, low sa tu ra ted fa t di et Increa sed physi ca l activi ty Smoki ng cess ati on Ma na gement of Dia bet es Rest ri cted alcohol use

Medi ci ne 

1. an tip lat el et ag gre ga ti on Aspi ri n ,ti clop idi ne, clop idogrel , GPIIb/IIIa rece ptor antag oni st

2. r egu lat e lip id For hy percholes terol emia: Sta tin s, Ch ol esty ramin e, Coles ti pol, Nicoti ni nc acid ; For Hypert rig lyceri dema: Cl ofi brate . 3 . thromb oly si s

streptokinase, urokinase

Angio pla st y

Bypass su rger y

•Get regular medical checkups. •Control your blood pressure. •Check your cholesterol. •Don’t smoke. •Exercise regularly. •Maintain a healthy weight. •Eat a heart-healthy diet. •Manage stress.


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