PARTURITION Normal parturition (eutokia, labour or nature birth) envisages various physiological processes involved in expulsion of normal viable fetus from the uterus through the maternal passage by natural forces alone at a stage when the youngone is capable of independent existence. The act of parturition is term as calving in cow ,buffalo, camel and elephant. Foaling in mare, lambing in ewe, kidding in goat , farrowing in sow, puppying or whelping in bitch and kittening in cat. This act through physiological accompanied by pain (Dolores ad partum), general disturbances, uneasiness and violent efforts in the dam, term as “labour pains” The time of parturition is most critical period in life of dam. The fetus is expelled due to rythemic segmental uterine muscular contraction, propelling the water bag through progressively dilated cervix. The intensity of contraction of uterine cornua is maximum at its apex and is relatively less towards the caudal end. No two parturition are similar within the individual or species. FACTORS INITIATING PARTURITION Several factors such as physical, neural, biochemical and hormonal are involved in the process.