T By Joim Richardson
NavarrePress The Parrot Head Gubs of Pensacola and the Emerald Coastwill
"phlock" to Cococlrie'son Navarre Beach at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 for aparty that will raise money for The Z90 of Northwest Florida. "Our motto is to party with a purpose," said Emerald COastParrot Heads president, Diane Rutledge. "The zoo really needs our help and our two organizations are getting together to do all we can. What better purpose is there than the zoo? It is a vital educational tool for our children." But the party isn't limited'to Jimmy Buffett fans only. "We are not just urging Parrot Head members to come out that night We would liketo see as many people on this deck that we can fit," said Pensacola Parrot Head president, TunVmcent. ThezooiscuITentlyt~ngto raise $1 million in order to keep the gates open. Another $2 million is required to pay offoutstanding debt and help nm aprofitable business. The Emerald Coast Parrot Head Goo raised more than $18,000last year for local charities as well as the American Cancer Society through the Relay for Life. The Pensacola chapter, which has 75 members compared to 458 in the Emerald Coast club, also fundraises - but keeps its dollars very close to home. "Since we are a smaller club,we concentrate on localcharitiesrather
than national causes," Vincent said. "For instance, we have a fundraiser comingup for FavorHouse." When the clubsdecided to come together to raise funds together, the zoo was a natural choice. "Because the zoo is halfway
Predictedtides for NavarreBeachstartingwith September20. %Moon Day High Tide HeightSunrise Moon Time Visible Time Feet Sunset flow
Emerald CoastParrotHeadclubpresidentDianeRutledge, left, challenges Pensacola ParrotHeadclubpresident nm Vincent,right,to helpraisefundsfor thetoo. DougKemper, executive directorof theZooof Northwest Florida,Dholds"thewager. between both clubs, it was a perfeet charity for the two clubs to collaborate,"said Thnsacolaclubmember Betsy Broaddus. "Jersey"Jeny Foster of the Emerald Coast Gub said more than 300 people are expected to attend the event. The party will also feature livemusic by Steve Hall, who plays many venues around Navarre and is a favorite on the beach. Rutledge said there willbe special drink prices for club members wearing current patches, and that those interested in joining can find out about membership that night. The event will have a 50-50 raffiewith half of the proceeds donated to the zoo, she said. In addition, there will be several door prizes. Sponsors are still needed for the event. Those attending are asked to bring any empty ink ,cartridges or
old cell phones to the event. The zoo receives manufacturer refunds for these items. ''We are thrilledwith allthe grassroots fundraising that have been occurring on behalf of the Zoo of Northwest Florida," said the zoo's executive director Doug Kemper. "It is an indication of how impor-
tant this zoo is to the -community." The zoo will have a representative at the event to discuss memberShips and may even bring along a resident or two. For more information on the Panot Head clubs,go to www.ecparrotheads.org or www.parrotheadsofpensacola.com.
Th 20 20
High 3:04AM 1.9 6:35AM Rise 2:49PM Low 2:52PM 0.2 6:47PM
F 21 21
AM 62 High 4:18AM 2.0 6:35AM Set 12:50 Low 3:33 PM 0.0 6:46PM Rise 3:35PM
Sa 22 22
High 5:25AM 2.0 6:36AM Set 1:53AM Low 4:06PM 0.0 6:45PM Rise 4:16PM
Su 23 23
High 6:30AM 1.9 6:36AM Set 2:58AM Low 4:32PM OJ 6:43PM Rise 4:53PM
M 24 24
High 7:42AM 1.8 6:37AM Set 4:04AM Low 4:51PM 0.7 6:42PM Rise 5:27PM
Tu 25 25 25
High 9:11
W 26 26 26 26
AM 94
1.2 6:38AM
6:19 AM
1.3 6:40PH 1.8 1.3
Rise 6:33PM
6:37 AM
Low 4:52PM
1.2 6:41PM
.Low 3:20AM High11:11 AM Low 4:08PM High 9:19PM
Becausetide times are predictions, they are not a/wuys accurate. Infonnalion provided by soltwutertimes.cQm