Parish Newsletter Sunday 21st June 2009

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St Simon Stock Catholic Church Brookfield Road, South Ashford, Kent TN23 4EU Tel: 01233 622399

Parish Priest: Fr John Boyle Saint Simon of England RC Primary School, Noakes Meadow, Ashford, TN23 2RB. Tel: 01233 623199 Head teacher: Mrs Elizabeth Willis


MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS st Sunday 21 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 10.00am Mass (John Kelly RIP) 6.00pm Mass (People of the parish) nd Monday 22 SS John Fisher, bishop, and Thomas More, martyrs, feast 9.30am Mass (John McAndrew RIP) rd Tuesday 23 9.30am Mass (Deceased relatives & friends of Dan Treacy) followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10.30am th Wednesday 24 The Birth of St John the Baptist, solemnity 9.30am Mass (Edme Nerot RIP) th Thursday 25 St. William, Abbot 6.45pm Mass (Latin, 1962 Missal) (Teresita Palmosa RIP) th Friday 26 9.30am Mass (Joe McCarthy‟s intentions) th Saturday 27 Our Lady 9.00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00am Mass (First Holy Communion Children – Mother‟s Group) 5.30pm Holy Qurbana (Mass in the Syro-Malabar Rite) th Sunday 28 SS Peter and Paul, apostles, solemnity (B) 10.00am Mass (Irene Zolna RIP) 12.00noon Mass (Latin, 1962 Missal) 3.00pm Baptism of Emanuelle Maria Veronica Baldwin 4.00pm Mass in Polish 6.00pm Mass (People of the parish)

TODAY’S MASS TEXTS Entrance Antiphon: Ps 27:8-9 God is the strength of his people. In him, we his chosen live in safety. Save us, Lord, who share in your life, and give us your blessing; be our shepherd for ever.

CONFESSION TIMES Weekdays: before or after Mass upon request. Saturday: 10.30am; Sundays: ½ hour before Mass

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him. Preface of Sunday I, Eucharistic Prayer I

CHURCH CLEANING th rd th th th 26 Bridie; July 3 Sheila; June 10 Sue; 17 Sue; 24 Tara

Communion Antiphon: Ps 144:15 The eyes of all look to you, O Lord, and you give them food in due season.

COLLECTIONS LAST SUNDAY Offertory: £356.01, (Gift Aid: £147.20, loose plate: £208.81) + £94 approx by standing order. Second collection: Parish Maintenance & Development Fund: £133.33. Thank you. Second collection today: Parish Maintenance & Development Fund. Next Sunday: Peter’s Pence – the financial support offered by the faithful to the Holy Father for the many different needs of the Universal Church and for the relief of those most in need. THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS RESPONSE Three weeks ago an appeal from Archbishop McDonald was made for extra generosity in the second collection the following Sunday for the Catholic Trust for England and Wales which funds the work of the Bishops‟ Secretariat. As you will have seen from last week‟s newsletter the second collection concerned raised £225.47. This is double the amount often raised in the second collections. It might be that this is due in part to the fact that we had a packed church at the extra 12 noon First Holy Communion Mass. Nevertheless, I would like to thank those who increased their normal giving in response to Archbishop McDonald‟s appeal.

First Reading: Job 38:1. 8-11 Here your proud waves shall break. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 106 R: O give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures for ever. Some sailed to the sea in ships to trade on the mighty waters. These men have seen the Lord‟s deeds, the wonders he does in the deep. (R) For he spoke; he summoned the gale, tossing the waves of the sea up to heaven and back into the deep; their soul melted away in their distress. (R) Then they cried to the Lord in their need and he rescued them from their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; all the waves of the sea were hushed. (R) They rejoiced because of the calm and he led them to the haven they desired. Let them thank the Lord for his love, the wonders he does for men. (R) Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Now the new creation is here. Gospel Acclamation: Ephesians 1:17.18 Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia!

HAVE WE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT IS TO BE CATHOLIC? This is the question that Bishop Patrick O‟Donoghue – until recently Bishop of the Lancaster diocese – posed in his document Fit for Mission? A New Hope for Our Church (available online via Google). He wrote: “For those within the Church who have not succumbed to a „forgetfulness of God‟, some are at times showing signs of forgetfulness about being a Catholic.” Bishop O‟Donoghue gives examples of how one might have forgotten what it is to be a Catholic. Each week, one example will appear in the newsletter. This week‟s example: Those who ignore their responsibility to God and neighbour forget they are Catholic. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for all our sick parishioners, particularly Rita Redman and Ann Pullen. Names of parishioners who need our prayers can be placed in the box in the church foyer. All our sick parishioners, named and un-named, are remembered in our prayers.

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FR. JOHN’S DESKTOP Samuel Davey left us on Tuesday to return to the seminary and continue his formation for eventual ordination to the priesthood. The welcome he received and the interest shown by parishioners demonstrates a couple of things. One is the spontaneous desire to show hospitality that exists in the parish. Another is the real desire to encourage vocations to the priesthood. You demonstrated that you understand the need for vocations. You assured Samuel of your prayers. We had a large attendance at Tuesday morning‟s Mass and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with the Divine Mercy chaplet offered for vocations to the priesthood. Your prayers will be answered for the Lord himself wishes to send labourers into His vineyard. If the vocations do not come from this parish, they will come from another. But why shouldn‟t they come from this parish? Why should the Lord not be calling one or more of our young men to serve Him and His people as priests? Pope Benedict wrote in his message for the last World Day of Prayer for Vocations: It is priests who are called to perpetuate this salvific mystery (of the Holy Eucharist) from century to century until the Lord’s glorious return… In the celebration of the Eucharist it is Christ Himself who acts in those whom He chooses as ministers; He supports them so that their response develops in a dimension of trust and gratitude that removes all fear, even when they experience more acutely their own weakness. I hope that Samuel‟s presence among us will have been an occasion for thanksgiving that young men continue to offer themselves to God for possible ordination. I hope also that it will make some think: „Perhaps I, too, might be being called to be a priest.‟ Fr. John REGULAR EVENTS – COME ALONG! DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP after the 9.30am Mass on Tuesdays. Prayers of intercession for various needs and silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament till 10.30am. CHOIR PRACTICE TUESDAYS 7.30PM Newcomers always welcome. BIBLE STUDY THURSDAYS 7.30PM Studying the Acts of the Apostles. Newcomers always welcome. FUTURE PARISH EVENTS – DATES FOR YOUR DIARY th Parish barbecue after 10.00am Mass 5 July st Autumn Fayre 31 October Please sign up on the sheets on the notice board if you are able to help out at either of these events. Thank you. YEAR OF PRIESTHOOD A Daily Prayer for Priests Heavenly Father Grant that our priests be strengthened and healed by the power of the Eucharist they celebrate. May the Word they proclaim give them courage and strength. We pray that all those whom they seek to serve may see in them the love and care of Jesus our eternal High Priest. Who is Lord, for ever and ever. Amen. Mary, Mother of the Church, look tenderly upon your sons, our priests. THE FRIARS, AYLESFORD, SUMMER FAYRE TODAY, 11AM – 4.30PM, MASS 5PM Come and join The Friars for a family day of fun at their Summer Fayre. There‟s a great Noah‟s Ark of animals for children to pet and some lovely vintage cars to keep the adults entertained, plus games, craft stalls and so much more. Entry is just £2.50 per adult, children free. Further details on notice board and at NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR LIFE This coming Tuesday, the Vigil of the Birth of St John the Baptist, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. For more information see notice board. NEXT SATURDAY, AYLESFORD YEAR OF ST PAUL CELEBRATIONS “PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS” If you plan to go to this event and would like a lift, let Fr John know as soon as possible. Departing promptly at 10.30 am, back by 5pm.

DAY TRIP TO WALSINGHAM – ENGLAND’S NAZARETH rd Thursday 23 July. £20 for adults, £5 for youngsters. Letters are now going out to those who have signed up to explain the plan of the day. There are still a few places left on the coach. If you would like to join the group, sign up on the list on the notice board or see Eileen Conn as soon as possible. Situated in Norfolk, Walsingham is England‟s national shrine to Our Lady with a history dating back to 1061. ALTAR SERVERS SUMMER ACTIVITIES Full details about the previously advertised summer activities for altar servers are available from the sacristy. Please book as soon as you can for a guaranteed great time. SUMMER ACTIVITIES FOR YOUTH th th Faith Summer Break, 17 – 20 August, for young Catholics aged 11 – 15. rd th Faith Summer Session: 3 – 7 August., for young Catholics aged 16+. Both at Woldingham School, Surrey. Full details and applications forms available from Fr John, the sacristy or parish office. A REQUEST We have received a request from an 18 year old Polish male who wishes to spend a month (July or August) in an English family to improve his knowledge of the English language. He is happy to pay for accommodation and food and to help in housework, particularly gardening or house maintenance. Get in touch with the parish office if you would like to help. EVANGELIUM CONFERENCE 2009 th th A weekend for young Catholics aged 18-35, 7 – 9 August, at the Oratory School, Reading. Details available from flyers in the church foyer. Excellent speakers, well worth going to hear the Catholic Faith explained for the modern world. A GRAVE THREAT TO VULNERABLE PEOPLE PLEASE WRITE TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS Amendments have been tabled in Parliament to sanction suicide for terminally ill people. The effect of this will be to down-grade the status of people near the end of life, and moves like this are the thin edge of the wedge leading to euthanasia for disabled and elderly people. Please write to one or more members of the House of Lords – as many as you can (see list on notice board) by this Tuesday at The House of Lords, London. SW1A 0PW asking them to oppose any move to give approval to assisting suicide or euthanasia. Further information can be obtained from SPUC, tel: 02070917091; email: [email protected]; web:

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