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Name of the work : Preparation of Civil Engineering Drawings in AUTOCAD FORMAT for various works of VSP – Specification No.VSP/DEG/DRG/01/R1.


Name of the Agency with Address

: _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.

Details of cost of Tender Document: DD/PO/Banker’s Cheque No.__________________________ dated _________________________ Bank ____________________________________ for Rs.________________________________


EMD Particulars: DD/BC/PO No.____________________________Dated___________________ Banker’s Name ___________________________________ for Rs.__________________________


Tender Closing Date & Time


2.30 P.M on 18.07.08


Tender opening Date & Time


Immediately after 2.30 P.M on 18.07.08

Note: Tenderer has to fill the data wherever and whatever required in the tender schedule without fail and sign all the pages

(SIGNATURE) ============================================================================= FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (To be filled by Tender Opening Officers) ============================================================================= 1. Sl.No. of Tender : out of Tenders 2.

Cover Letter



Rebate offered



Rate written in words or not



Validity of Tenders upto


---------------------------------------------Signature of the Representative of Contracts Section

No. of pages

6 months from the date of opening -------------------------------------------------Signature of the Representative of Finance Department

RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT (A Govt. of India Enterprises) PROJECTS DIVISION CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT, PROJECT OFFICE, A-BLOCK, VISAKHAPATNAM-530 031 Grams: UBEAM Phones: (0891) – 2518277 & 2518429 Fax: (0891) – 2518764 SHORT OPEN TENDER NOTICE NO.VSP-31 OF 2008-2009 DATED 19.06.2008 Sealed tenders in two (2) parts consisting of Technical & Commercial Bid (Part-I) and Price Bid (Part-II) in the prescribed form are invited from experienced tenderers for the following work: 1. Name of the work: Preparation of Civil Engineering Drawings in AUTOCAD FORMAT for various works of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant – Specification No.VSP/DEG/DRG/01/R1. Cost of Tender Document (Non-Refundable) By hand/ By down-loading

By Post



Period of Contract 24 (Twenty four) Months

Eligibility/ Experience requirements Value of single similar work executed (Rs. In lakhs)

Annual turn over (Rs. In lakhs)

Rs.4.75 Lakhs

Rs.2.85 lakhs

Earnest Money Deposit (Rs.) Rs.7,500/-


The scope of work is to Prepare Civil Engineering Drawings in AUTOCAD Brief Scope of Work : FORMAT either manually or by digitizing as per the requirements of VSP i.e., scanning into raster format and further conversion into vector format using layer concept, as per Specification & BOQ.


Cost of Tender document(s) shall be paid in the form of Account payee Demand Draft/ Bank Pay Order/ Banker’s Cheque obtained from any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED, VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT payable at Visakhapatnam. THE COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT(S) WILL NOT BE REFUNDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Earnest Money Deposit : Earnest Money Deposit shall be paid in the form of Account payee Demand Draft/Bank Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque obtained from any Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank in India drawn in favour of RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED, VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT payable at Visakhapatnam. No other mode of payment will be accepted.


The tenderers should have successfully executed a single similar work as Special Conditions : detailed at para-2 above during the last 05(five) years ending 31.05.2008. Annual Turnover shall be the average Annual Financial Turnover during the last three years (2004-05 to 2006-07). Attested (signed with date and Business/Official seal) copies of documents i.e., Works orders, Completion Certificates, TDS Certificate(s) comprising of the gross bill values issued by the Deductor for the works done by the tenderer OR Balance Sheets and P.F. Registration Certificate indicating the Employees’ P.F.Code Number etc. shall be enclosed. The tenderer should submit the relevant documents in line with para-7(a) to (c) of Tender Specification. The tenderer shall submit a copy of their ESI Registration Certificate indicating their code number. Incase the same is not available, they shall submit a letter of undertaking to submit the same before the award of work. Cont’d..,

2 5.

Non transferable tender document can be obtained from the Office of DGM(Project Contracts)-I/c, Project Office, A-Block, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam – 530 031 on payment of tender cost in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft/PO/BC. The written request for tender document should reach the office of DGM(Project Contracts)-I/c before 4.30 PM on 14.07.2008 and the tender documents shall be issued upto 4.30 PM on 16.07.2008.


Tender documents can also be downloaded from our website or with file name : “Preparation of Civil Engineering Drawings in AUTOCAD FORMAT for various works of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant” consisting of the following : i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

Notice Inviting Tender General Conditions of Contract Special Conditions of Contract Specification Quote Sheet Bill of Quantities

In case of downloaded tenders, the cost of tender document shall be placed in Envelope-I. However, RINL will not be responsible for any delay/loss/any website related problems in downloading the tender document. All pages downloaded shall be duly signed/attested by the authorized representative of the company before submission. 7.

Tenders will be received in the Office of DGM(Project Contracts)-I/c, Project Office, A-Block, Room No.20, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam – 530 031 upto 2.30 PM on 18.07.2008 and Envelope-I will be opened immediately thereafter.


RINL reserves the right to issue/refuse tender document and to accept/reject any or all tenders either in part or in full without assigning any reason thereof and without any liability to RINL. RINL will not be responsible for any delay, loss or non-receipt of tender document or tender sent by post/courier etc.


Instructions regarding Mode of submission of Tender : The tender shall be submitted in two envelopes :


First Envelope: (To be superscribed as Envelope-I with self-address, Name of the work, Tender Notice Number & Tender opening date) This shall contain : a) Cost of Tender Document (in case the tender is downloaded from the website). Tender can also be purchased from the Office of DGM(Project Contracts)-I/c by paying tender cost in the form of Account payee Demand Draft/ Bank Pay Order/ Banker’s Cheque as cited at para-3 above in which case tender cost need not be enclosed while submitting the tender). b)

Earnest Money Deposit Cont’d..,


c) d) e) f) g)

Pre-qualification Documents : Single Similar work execution certificate, annual turn over, works on hand, PF Registration, ESI Registration Certificate as detailed at para-4 above. General Conditions of Contract Special Conditions of Contract Specification Technical & Commercial offer

All the pages are to be duly signed by the tenderer. The tenderer shall note that no price/prices shall be indicated in Envelope-I. 9.2

Second Envelope: (To be superscribed as Envelope-2 with self-address, name of the work & Tender Notice No.). This shall contain : a) b)

Quote Sheet Bill of Quantities

All the pages are to be duly signed by the tenderer. 9.3

The above two envelopes shall be sealed in an outer envelope superscribed as follows and submitted before the specified time and date of submission of tender. i) ii) iii)

Name of the work Tender Notice No. & Date Due date and time of submission of the tender.


Mode of Opening of Tender :


Tenders will be received in the Office of DGM(Project Contracts)-I/c, Project Office, upto 2.30 PM on 18.07.2008. Envelope-1 containing cost of Tender Document, EMD, PQC documents will be opened immediately thereafter.


On satisfying the eligibility criteria & adequacy of cost of tender document, EMD, GCC, SCC, Specification and Technical & Commercial offer placed in Envelope-1, the date & time of opening of the Envelope-2 along with name of successful tenderer in pre-qualification will be subsequently displayed on the notice board of Project Contract only and no individual communication to tenderers will be made.


The tenderer is at liberty to be present or otherwise authorize a representative to be present at the time of opening of above Envelopes. Contd.,

4 10.4

Successful tenderer should be in a position to produce, after opening of the price bids, the Original Certificates in support of the attested copies of relevant documents submitted along with tender document. Failure to produce the original certificates at this stage in support of the attested copies of PF Regn/experiences/qualification/any other documents etc., submitted earlier would result in disqualification and forfeiture of EMD and also liable for debarring from participation in VSP tenders.


The date of opening of Envelope-I shall be the date of tender opening.


If it comes to the notice of VSP at any stage right from request for enlistment/tender document that any of the certificates/documents submitted by applicant for enlistment or by bidders are found to be false / fake / doctored, the party will be debarred from participation in all VSP tenders for a period of 05(Five) years including termination of contract, if awarded. EMD/Security Deposit etc., if any will be forfeited. The contracting agency in such cases shall make good to VSP any loss or damage resulting from such termination. Contracts in operation any where in VSP will also be terminated with attendant fall outs like forfeiture of EMD/Security Deposit, if any, and recovery of risk and cost charges etc., Decision of VSP Management will be final and binding.


RINL reserves the right to (a) issue or refuse tender documents without assigning any reason. (b) Split and award the work to more than one agency (c) reject any or all the tenders or to accept any tender wholly or in part of, drop the proposal of receiving tenders at any time without assigning any reason there of without any liability to RINL and without being liable to refund the cost of tender documents thereupon.


Interest free advance shall not be granted and if any tenderer submits an offer insisting on interest free advance, the offer shall be summarily rejected.


Tenderer shall necessarily indicate contact FAX number and valid and active email addresses in their offer. Communication given through the fax numbers / email IDs indicated shall be deemed as duly delivered to the tenderer.


Conditional tenders shall be summarily rejected.


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