Para Jumbles

  • May 2020
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Paragraph Jumbles These questions will prove to be good exercise for some good practice in para jumbles Try to do the questions without looking at the solutions. The time allotted is 30 mins. Some useful sources for good para jumbles practice are : • Arun Sharma – Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT •

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The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. Question1: A. The word failure, it seems, is not good for building self-esteem in school children. B. Liz Beattie, a 37-year old veteran primary-level instructor, proposed that the word failure

should be banned from classrooms and replaced with the more appealing phrase deferred success so as not to discourage students from continuing efforts to achieve. C. Although the motion ultimately experienced its own “deferred success,” it was not without supporters among the 35,000-member teacher’s association. D. One Wesley Paxton, a member of the PAT Council, expressed his enthusiastic agreement, saying: “It’s time we made the word ‘fail’ redundant and replaced it with ‘please do a bit more’.” E. In the summer of 2005, a British school teacher proposed a rather controversial motion to her union, the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT). (1) ADBCE (5) ABCDE




Question 2: A. In art, essentialism is the idea that certain concepts may be expressed organically in certain media. B. Each medium has its own particular strengths and weaknesses, contingent on its mode of communication. C. This idea may be further refined and it may be said that the haiku is a poor vehicle for describing a lover’s affection as opposed to the more organically correct sonnet. D. Essentialism is attractive to artists because it not only delineates the role of art and media but also prescribes a method for evaluating art. E. A chase scene may be appropriate for motion pictures, but poorly realised in poetry because the essential components of the poetic medium are ill suited to convey the information of a chase scene.

(1) DCEBA (2) BDACE (3) DABEC (4) ABEDC (5) ABECD Question 3: A. Enter the virtual assistants who are entrepreneurial partners highly skilled in their profession and able to have an impact on the productivity of those they work with. B. But most of the small businesses started today will reach an impasse very quickly - they will be spending so much time on administrative tasks that they can no longer concentrate on growing their business. C. On the contrary, some believe that increasing numbers of small businesses will afford administrative support experts with entrepreneurial spirit opportunities that have never before been possible. D. Traditionally, the need for assistance has left the small business owner with several bleak optionshire an expensive “temp” for a band-aid-style solution, take on a great deal of expense and responsibility with a “permanent” employee, or-perhaps worst of all-turn away the work. E. Corporate downsizing and the move towards small, home-based businesses could appear to be bad news for the over 3 million people whose expertise lies in the administrative support arena. (1) DCABE (2) ECBDA (5) CDEBA




Question 4: A. How does the cellular microenvironment regulate cellular functions or vice versa? B. This understanding can be used to engineer novel therapeutic for new drug discovery techniques and for regenerative medicines using directed stem cell differentiation

C. Can the complex sugar that compose the microenvironment play a role in intercellular modulation at the protein signaling or genetic levels? D. The laboratory aims at understanding the correlation at the cellular level and in using the knowledge to develop medicines for curing diseases. E. These are the domains which are explored using novel tools to dissect complex sugars and observe changes in genetic and protein signaling. (1) DABCE (2) ACBED (3) DACEB (4) CADBE (5) ACDEB Question 5: A. As Sylvia Huot strikes, late medieval writers were perceptive of their changing status and strived to cast off their image as lyric entertainers for a more authorial identity. B. Much of the scholarship on this issue identifies late-medieval period as a critical moment in the development of modern concepts of authority. C. Jacqueline provides a detailed diagnosis of medieval literary references for students & medieval scholars alike. D. The colour of Melancholy cites an engaging survey of the development of authorship in the late Middle Ages, mainly designed for students. E. Authorship is a subject that has enraptured medievalists for the last two decades. (1) DECBA (2) EBADC (3) CDEAB (4) EADBC (5) BCDAE Question 6: A. Increasingly, many scholars in the field agree that there is a need to revert to foundational economic issues. B. This has led to important advancements, for example, in asset pricing theory, and interest rate modelling.

C. This direction of study however can be regarded as somewhat secluded from real-world considerations. D. In the last two decades mathematical finance has developed discretely from economic theory and primarily as a branch of probability theory and stochastic exegesis. E. Mainstream finance on the other hand has often entertained interesting economic problems, but finance chronicles normally pay less attention to high level mathematical approach. (1) DBCAE (2) ACDBE (3) DBACE (4) ADBEC (5) BADEC In each question, there are five sentences/paragraphs. The sentence/paragraph labelled A is in its correct place. The four that follow are labelled B, C, D and E, and need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate option. Question 7: A. Given the atrocities perpetrated with impunity by state forces, it is a moral imperative that the negotiations — scheduled to resume at the United Nations this month — on a comprehensive treaty to regulate the sale of conventional arms should succeed. B. Its recent report calls on countries to codify the so-called “golden rule” — not to allow the transfer of arms to states where there is a threat of grave abuses of human rights and humanitarian law. C. Every year, over 300,000 people are killed by conventional weapons and millions injured, forcibly displaced, and bereaved because of armed violence, according to Amnesty International. D. The consensus that has emerged, since the 2006 Resolution for a global pact, on underwriting provisions related to protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the proposed treaty is

also a tacit recognition of the brutalities committed systematically against innocent civilians in the conflict zones. E. However, opposition by the United States, Russia, China and India, besides others, to link the trade in arms to the observance of human rights and humanitarian law by recipient countries threatens to block progress. (1) DECB (2) DEBC (3) EDBC (4) ECBD (5) EDCB Question 8: A. The mentor-protégé relationship also saw the unlikely collaboration of two 19th century Victorian writers with disparate styles collaborating on two plays and a short story. B. However the first staging of “The Frozen Deep,” that Dickens produced led to the breakdown of his marriage. C. “The Frozen Deep” and “No Thoroughfare” the two plays written jointly by them have not lingered on in public consciousness unlike the novels they wrote individually, the plays having met with what one would call a “mixed response” in today’s parlance when they were staged initially. D. Charles Dickens, one of the most revered figures in English Literature, had an unlikely disciple in Wilkie Collins. Collins’s pen made popular a brand of fiction known as “sensation novels,” a genre that led to the birth of the modern day detective novels. E. Dickens appointed Collins, Editor of the literary journals he brought out and also got his daughter married to the younger brother of his protégé. (1) CDEB

(2) CBED (3) DCEB

(4) BCED (5) DECB

Question 9: A. As a big cat native to the icy trans-Himalayan ranges, the snow leopard is an elusive and intriguing species. B. Uncia uncia is a graceful golden-eyed animal with thick fur, padded paws that help it move noiselessly on rocky slopes, and a gloriously long tail that provides balance on the tricky terrain. C. Poaching to supply markets for fur and body parts presents another challenge. D. Like the tiger, the snow leopard is a keystone carnivore species whose future is clouded by conflicts with people — in this case, high-altitude pastoral communities. E. Although these peaceable folk have historically co-existed with the snow leopard in a dozen range countries, the increase in livestock numbers in recent times has resulted in depredation and retaliatory killing of the animal. (1) BDEC (2) BECD (3) BDEC (4) CEDB (5) CEBD Question 10: A. Those who created the problem are now the doctors offering the prescriptions. B. Yet nothing is being done to stem the haemorrhaging. C. A little while ago, we were told everything was fine. D. Then, less than six months ago, we were told that the economy was on the mend. E. Now we are told the patient needs a massive transfusion, but everyone can see that the patient is suffering from internal bleeding; in California, the number of foreclosures may already be outpacing voluntary sales. (1) BCED (2) BECD

(3) CDEB

(4) CEBD

(5) CBED

Answers: 1. 3 2. 5 3. 2 4. 3 5. 2 6. 1 7. 4 8. 5 9. 1 10. 3

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