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UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAR KITTUR RANI CHANNAMMA COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE ARABHAVI FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION S S T-303: Seed production ,Testing and Certification of Horticultural Crops I sem: 2003-2004 Max. Marks :50 TIME:2 HOURS I. Choose the Correct Answer:


1. Seed to Seed (insitu) method of seed production is followed in a. Bhendi b.Turnip c. Sugur-beet d. Potato 2.Land requirement is necessary to prevent a. Voluntary plants b. Objectionable weed plants c Disease transmission d. All the above 3.Determinate type of horticultural crops ,harvesting is done a. At once b. Two-three picking c. Four picking d. None of the above nd 4. II phase of National seed programme ,State seed corporations were established in a. Karnataka b. Uttar-Pradesh c. Bihar d All the above 5. Money back guarantee policy in seed purchased was first introduced by a. KSSC b. NSC c .MSSC d. TDC 6. Who furnished a model state seed law to India a. Prof. A.S. Carter b.Dr. S.E.Johan son c. Dr.Randhawa d.Johan Russell 7.Grow-Out test should be the integral part of seed testing was the recommendation of a. Royal commission b. Food grain policy commission c .National commission on agriculture d. Agricultural production team 8. The production of double cross hybrid involves a. 4-inbredlines b.3-inbredlines c.2-inbredlines d. None of the above

9. Breeder seed is the progeny of a. Foundation seed b. Certified seed c. T L seed d. Nucleus seed 10.High yielding variety program was launched in India a.1956 b.1946 c.1986 d.1966 11. For maintenance of viability of recalcitrant seeds requires a. Low moisture content b. High moisture content c. Too low moisture content d. All the above 12 . Varietal notification took place under the section of Indian seed act a.5 b.8 c.10 d.14 13.Varietal deterioration is not much faster in a. Cross-pollinated crop b. Hybrid seed c. Self-pollinated crop d. Often-cross pollinated crop 14. Emasculation techniques general followed in a. Male sterile line b. Hermaphrodite flower c. Pistillate flower d. All the above 15. Processing of processed seed lot refers to a. Processing b. Scalping c. Grading d. Upgrading 16. Power of the seed inspector is to a. Inspection of seed field b. Seed certification c. Supervision d. Seed quality control 17. During import of vegetable seeds, seed lot should be tested for its seed standard in a. Indian seed testing laboratory b. I S T A recognized laboratory c. American seed testing laboratory d. Norway seed testing laboratory 18. For every 1% seed moisture reduction coupled with reduction of 10o F of the storage place, increase the storage potential of seed to a. double the life b. triple the life c. Four times d. None of the above 19. Seed certification programme is a. Compulsory b. voluntary c. Compulsory and voluntary d. All the above 20. Seed is also brought under essential Commodity Act during a. 1966 b. 1983 c. 1973 d. 1968

II. State whether the following statements are true or False: 10X0.5=5

1. ______ restorer line is a male fertile and non-restorer 2. ______The National commission of Agriculture submitted its final report during 1956. 3. ______Isolation requirement is very much necessary to prevent voluntary plants in seed field. 4. ______Aleuron layer is found in between endosperm and embryo. 5. ______The main objective of seed certification agency is to conduct field inspections and certification work. 6. ______Required quantity of seed taken from the composite sample referred to as Submitted Sample. 7. ______Genetic deterioration is much faster in self-pollinated crop due to out-cross. 8. ______Sulphuric acid generally used in tomato seed extraction. 9. ______Shattering crops do not require land requirement 10.______In 1968, Indian Seed Act was enacted. III. Fill in the blanks: 10X0.5= 5 1. As per the seed act,____________ is compulsory. 2. Tag color prescribed for the breeder seed is ___________. 3. ____________ is the first public sector seed producing organization established in India. 4. In_________, New Seed Policy came in to force. 5. Degree of aliveness of the seed is generally assessed through _______ test. 6. Barrier isolation is followed in _________ crop. 7. The max. no of lines in planting ratio in hybrid seed production programme refers to ________ parent. 8. Indian society of Seed Technology came into existence during _______ year. 9. The deformed seedling is considered as __________. 10.Indirect method of seed moisture is determined by _________. IV. Define/Explain the following: 5x1=5 1. Quality seed 2. Off-types 3. Rogueing 4. Border rows 5. Gyno-monoecious line

V. Write short notes on any five: 5x2=10 1. Seed certification 2. Classification of seedlings 3. Seed testing 4. Isolation 5. Upgrading 6. Field counts 7. Synchronization VI. Answer in detail(Any three): 3x5=15 1. Explain the method of Hybrid seed production in three line system. 2. What is Genetic Purity? How genetic purity test is conducted in the field and laboratory? 3. Explain the method of seed production in Cucumber. 4. Development of seed industry in India. 5. Explain the stages of Seed production.


Max. Marks :50 TIME:2 HOURS I. Choose the Correct Answer: 20x0.5=10 1. The Royal commission on Agriculture was constituted during a.1926 b.1945 c.1928 d.1976 2. The Validity period of the license of a seed dealer will be a.6 months b.1 year c.3 years d. 2 years 3. Foundation seed is the progeny of a. Nucleus seed b. Certified seeds c. TL seed d. Breeder seed 4. The Isolation requirement of Cabbage cerified seed production is a. 1000 mts b.1600 mts c.100 mts d.500 mts. 5.The plants which are arises from the previous season crop are called as a. Off-types b. Other crop plants c. Voluntary plants d. All the above 6. Normal seedling should possess a. Well developed shoot b. well developed root c. possess all the essential structures d. None of the above 7. suitable gameticides for causing male-sterility in cucurbits a. NAA b.Fw-450 c.GA-3 d. Ethrel 8. National Seed Corporation was established during a.1973 b.1963 c.1966 d.1983 9. By using Genetic male-sterility, hybrid seeds produced in a. Tomato b. Turnip c. Radish d. Carrot 10.Minimum % of germination required for certified seeds of Brinjal is a.60 b.65 c.80 d.70

11.Karnataka Stated Seeds Corporation was started during a. I phase of NSP b. III phase of NSP c. II phase of NSP d. IV phase of NSP 12.Duties of Seed certification inspector is to a. Seed quality control b. Inspection of seed field c. Siezing of the stock at dealers d. Law enforcement 13.True Potato Seed requirement per ha. a.40 gms. B.60 gms c.100 gms d.200 gms 14. Process of removal of chaffy and inert matter during processing of seed lot refers to a. Scalping b. Aspiration c. Grading d. Sizing o 15. The sum of % Relative humidity +Temperature in F should not exceed for better storage of the seed at storage point a.100 b.150 c.75 d.50 16. Validity period of a seed lot is fixed based on a. Date of Seed processing b. Date of packing c. Date of Seed testing d. Date of harvesting 17.Germination% is calculated on the basis of a. Normal seedlings b. Germinated seeds c. Fully sprouted seeds d. None of the above 18.To conduct various tests, in seed testing laboratory, the sample is drawn from a. primary sample b. submitted sample c. composite sample d. All the above 19.Genetic deterioration of the variety is faster in a. Self-pollinated crop b. Cross-pollinated crop c. In both self and cross-pollinated crop d. All the above 20.The seed which imbibe the water, but fail to germinate refers to a. hard seed b. fresh and ungerminated seed c. abnormal seedling d. dead seed II. State whether TRUE of FALSE: 10x0.5=5 1. ______Head quarters of ISTA located at Washington, USA. 2. ______The degree of aliveness of the seed generally assessed through vigour index. 3. ______The main objectives of the Seed certification agency is production and marketing of seeds. 4. ______Cliestogamy generally occurs in cross-pollinated crops. 5. ______Small quantity of sample collected from the seed lot is referred to as Primary sample.

6. _____Validity period for a fresh seed is 6 months from the date of test 7. ______Field and Seed standards are same for certified and TL seeds 8. ______In the year 1988, Seed rules were framed by Govt. of India. 9. _____B line is also referred to as Maintainer line. 10._____Aspiration is a process of removal of undersized seeds. III. Fill in the blanks: 10x0.5=5 1. As per the seed act, ____________ is voluntary. 2. Tag color prescribed for certified seed is __________. 3. ____________ is the first public sector seed producing organization of India introduced Money back Guarantee policy. 4. Indian Seed Rules came into force during ___________ year. 5. Time isolation is generally followed in _________ crop. 6. Chasmogamy occurs in __________ crop. 7. Border rows are planted with __________ parent. 8. Indian Society of Seed Technology publishes ___________ Journal. 9. The seedling which do not possess all the essential structures are called as ___________. 10._______________ salt is used in Quick viability test. IV. Define/Explain the following: 1. Planting ratio 2. Seed viability 3. Voluntary plants 4. Pollen shedders 5. Male sterility V. Write short notes on (any five): 1. Seed processing 2. Chemical hybridizing agent 3. Self-incompatibly 4. Seed act and rules 5. Field inspections 6. Sampling 7. Grow-out test



VI. Answer in detail (any three): 3x5=15 1. What are the important recommendations of National commission on Agriculture(1976). 2. Explain the phases of seed certification 3. Explain the role of quality seeds 4. What is haulm cutting? Explain grading procedure in Potato. 5. What are the suggestions of Horne(1953) and Hartman & Kester(1968) for maintenance of genetic purity during production cycle. Explain.

UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAR FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION S.S.T-301: Seed production ,Testing and Certification I sem: 2003-2004 Max. Marks :50 TIME:2 HOURS Q1.OBJECTIVE TYPE OF QUESTIONS: A)CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1.The quality seed refers to a. Genetically pure b. Physical pure c. Both d. None 2.The Royal Commission on agriculture was Constituted during a.1966 b.1925 c.1945 d.1928 3.2551 seed farms of 10 ha. Each were started functioning for production of seed during the plan period of a.1956—61 b. 1961-66 c.1951—56 d. 1966-71 4. Cytoplasmic male sterility is of no use in hybrid seed production because the hybrid progeny would be a. Male sterile b. Male fertile c. Self-incompatabile d. All the above 5.The plants which arises from the previous season crop of the same referred to as a. voluntary plants b. Off type plants c. both d. other crop plants 6.The main functions of the state seed corporations a. seed certification b.seed law enforcement c. seed testing d.seed production and marketing 7.The world’s first intra-hirsutum hybrid cotton released for cultivation in India a. varalaxmi b. jayalaxmi c. suguna d.hybrid-4 8.Adoption of generation system to maintain genetic purity of the seed during production cycle suggested by a. Horne-1953 b. Horrington-1964 c .A.S.Cartor-1959 d. Hartman and Kester-1968 9.Meghaspores generally occurs in a. anther b. ovule c. ovary d. synergids

10.Quickest possible way to test seed viabililty through a. TZ test b.Ferric chloride test c.Iodine test d.Phenyl test 11.The male parent of CSH-5 hybrid a.IS-84 b.CS-3541 c.AKR-150 d.MR-750 12.Time isolation is permitted in seed production of a. Maize b. sunflower c. Hy.rice d. All 13.Genetic male sterility generally used in production of hybrids in a.Sorghum b.Bajra c.Redgram d.Maize 14.Minimum germination% required for certified cotton seeds a.65 b.85 c.90 d.75 15. Foundation seed is the progeny of a.TL seed b.Certified seed c. Breeder seed d.None 16. Most accurate method to test the genetic purity of any seeds a. Grow-out test b. Electrophoresis c. Viability test d. Brick-gravel test 17. Calculation seed germination% purely based on a. Sprouted seeds b. abnormal seedlings c. pre-germinated seeds d. Normal seedlings 18. International seed testing Association was established during a.1924 b.1926 c.1942 d.1966 19. The first public sector seed producing organization established in India a. TDC b. NSC c. KSSC d. SFCI 20.zthe female parent of DHB-105 Hy. cotton is a.CPD-428 b.CPD-423 c. CPD-420 d.SB289E II. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE 10x0.5=5 __________1.All sprouted seeds are taken into consideration while calculating germination%. __________2. The period of viability increases with decrease in moisture content of food, feed and fiber corps. __________3. The seeds of tropical plantation and temperate crops can be stored under very low seed moisture content. __________4. The breeder seed comes under purview of seed certification agency. ___________5.small quantity of sample collected from the seed lot referred to as primary sample.

__________6. All released varieties are eligible for certification. __________7.The field and seed standards are same for certified seeds and TL seeds. _________8. Dichogamy generally occurs in cross-pollinated crops. _________9. The Head quarters of ISTA located at Washington, USA. _________10. The seeds which imbibe the water considered as hard seed. III. Fill in the blanks: 10x0.5=5 1. The varieties are notified under section _______ of the seed act 1966. 2. The tag color prescribed for certified seed is ____________. 3. In India, by using CGMS technique, the hybrid seeds are produced in _________ cereal crop. 4. -------------is the female parent of DCH-32 cotton 5. ---------------Chemical compound used in TZ test 6. During--------------year new seed policy came into force 7. --------------------is the male parent of KRH-2 rice hybrid 8. During--------------------year NSC established in India 9. --------------------is the male parent of KBSH-1 10.During---------------year seed rules were framed 1V. DEFINE/ EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING 1.Seed 2.Up-grading 3.Normal seedling 4.Synchronization 5.Substrata V. WRITE SHORT NOTE ON (ANY five ) 1. supplementary pollination 2. staggered sowing 3. physiological maturity 4. Haulm cutting and potato grading 5. Sampling intensity 6. Two line system of hybrid seed production 7. Seed vigour



VI. ANSWER IN DETAIL (ANY THREE ) 3X5 = 15 1. Explain the role of improved seeds 2. Explain the method of Varalaxmi hybrid seed production 3. What is seed processing? Explain the major functions of the three basic elements of air screen machine. 4. Explain the floral mechanism of self-pollinated crops which prevents outcross 5. What is rouging? Explain the importance of the different stages during the seed production.

UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAR FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION S.S.T-301: Seed production ,Testing and Certification I sem: 2003-2004 Max. Marks :50 TIME:2 HOURS I.CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 20x0.5=10 1.The National commission on Agriculture submitted its final report on a.1946 b.1976 c.1986 d.1968 2.The outermost protienaceous layer which covers the endosperm of the seed a. Epithelium layer b. scutellum c. Seed coat d. aleuron layer 3.Indian seed act of 1966 first amended in a.1962 b.1968 c.1972 d.1976 4.Microspores generally occur in a. ovary b. ovule c. anther d. style 5.The minimum germination% required for certified groundnut seed a.80 b.65 c.70 d.90 6.The objectionable weed in paddy seed production a. Wild rice b. Hirankuri c. Dodder d. Senji 7.The plants which sheds the pollen in A LINES are called a. Off type b. Pollen shedder c. Voluntary plants d. None 8.Processing of processed seed lot refers to a. grading b. scalping c. upgrading d. aspiration 9.The foundation seed is the progeny of a. Certified seed b. breeder seed c. registered seed d. none 10.The seed sample which received at seed testing laboratory refers to a. Composite sample b. charged sample c. submitted sample d. official sample 11.The seedling which possess all the essential structures considered as a Normal seedling b. Abnormal seedling c. Sprouted seed . d. None

12.The quickest possible method used for estimating the germinability of the seed through a. standard germination test b.TZ test c. vigour test d. AA test 13.Govt. of India launched New Seed Policy during a.1969 b.1978 c. 1988 d.1999 14.In cross pollinated crops, the generation seed multiplication system limited to a.4 generation model b.3 generation model c. 5 generation model d.8 generation model 15.The first viability period for freshly certified seed is a.6 Months b. 8 Months c. 9 Months d. 12 Months 16.The double cross Maize hybrid involves a. 4 inbreds b.3 inbreds c. 6 inbreds d.2 inbreds 17.The female parent of Varalaxmi hybrid cotton a.DS-28 b.CPD-425 c. Laxmi d.DS-11 18.The border rows in hybrid seed production generally planted with a.Female parent b. male parent c. both d. none 19.In hybrid cotton seed production, the male and female parents are sown in a. blocks b. in planting ratio c. both d. none 20.The male parent of DMH-105 Maize hybrid a.CM300xCM400 b. CM104xCM105 c. CM211xCM131 d. CM202xCM201 II. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:10x0.5=5 __________1.The Indian seed act was enacted in 1966. __________2. There are 25 parts in seed rules. __________3. The living tissue of the seed takes blue color staining in TZ test __________4. Foundation seed production plots are inspected by seed monitoring team. ___________5.Detasseling generally carried out in male parent of hybrid maize seed production. __________6.State seed corporations were established during

1963. __________7.All notified varieties comes under the purview of seed certification agencies. __________8. The minimum genetic purity for Hy.cotton is 65% __________9. Gameticides are used to kill the female gamete. __________10. The first amendment of seed rule tool place in 1973. III.Fill in the blanks:(Each blank carries 0.5 marks) 10x0.5=5 1. __________ & __________ tests are used to assess seed viability. 2. ________ & __________ re the male parent of Jayalaxmi and Varalaxmi hy. Cotton respectively. 3. __________ & __________ seeds comes under purview of seed certification agency. 4. ____________ & __________ technique is being used to produce hy.seeds in cotton. 5. As per the seed act, ___________ is compulsory and _________ is voluntary. IV. Define/Explain the following: 5x1=5 1.Male sterility 2. Detasseling 3. Pollen shedder 4.Planting ratio 5.Fresh and ungerminated seed. V. Write short notes on(any 5): 5x2=10 1. Selection of seed production plot 2. Compact area approach 3. Components of Physical purity 4. Main features of seed act 5. Seed dormancy 6. Seed processing 7. Inter-specific hybridization VI. Answer in detail (any 3): 3x5=15 1. Explain the phases of seed certification 2. Explain the method of double cross hybrid maize seed production 3. What are the different types vigour tests? Explain Accelerated aging test. 4. Varietal release and notification 5. Seed marketing system in India


FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION S.S.T-301: Seed production , Testing and Certification I sem: 2003-2004 Max. Marks: 50 TIME: 2 HOURS Q1.OBJECTIVE TYPE OF QUESTIONS: 20x0.5=10 A)CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 10x0.5=5 1.The quality seed refers to a. Genetically pure b. Physical pure c. Both d. None 2.The Royal Commission on agriculture was Constituted during a.1966 b.1925 c.1945 d.1928 3.2551 seed farms of 10 ha. Each were started functioning for production of seed during the plan period of a.1956—61 b. 1961-66 c.1951—56 d. 1966-71 4. Cytoplasmic male sterility is of no use in hybrid seed production because the hybrid progeny would be a. Male sterile b. Male fertile c. Self-incompatible d. All the above 5.The plants which arises from the previous season crop of the same referred to as a. voluntary plants b. Off type plants c. both d. other crop plants 6.The main functions of the state seed corporations a. seed certification b. seed law enforcement c. seed testing d. seed production and marketing 7.The world’s first intra-hirsutum hybrid cotton released for cultivation in India a. varalaxmi b. jayalaxmi c. suguna d.hybrid-4 8.Adoption of generation system to maintain genetic purity of the seed during production cycle suggested by a. Horne-1953 b. Horrington-1964 c .A.S.Cartor-1959 d. Hartman and Kester-1968 9.Meghaspores generally occurs in a. anther b. ovule c. ovary d. synergids 10.Quickest possible way to test seed viability through a. TZ test b. Ferric chloride test c. Iodine test d. Phenyl test

B. Fill in the blanks: 5x0.5=2.5 1.The varieties are notified under section _______ of the seed act 1966. 2.The tag color prescribed for certified seed is ____________. 3.In India, by using CGMS technique, the hybrid seeds are produced in _________ cereal crop. 4.-------------is the female parent of DCH-32 cotton 5.---------------Chemical compound used in TZ test C. Match the following: A 1.National commission on Agriculture 2.ISTA 3.High yielding variety programme 4.AICRP on Maize 5.NSP-II


B ( ) Karnataka ( ) 1957 ( ) 1976 ( ) 1966 ( ) 1924 Maharastra Q-II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN ONE OR TWO SENTENCES: 15X1=15 a) DEFINE/ EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING 5X1=5 1.Seed 2.Up-grading 3.Normal seedling 4.Synchronization 5.Substrata b) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. If false, correct it(Any five): 5X1=5 __________1.All sprouted seeds are taken into consideration while calculating germination%. __________2. The period of viability increases with decrease in moisture content of food, feed and fiber corps. __________3. The seeds of tropical plantation and temperate crops can be stored under very low seed moisture content. __________4. The breeder seed comes under purview of seed certification agency. ___________5.small quantity of sample collected from the seed lot referred to as primary sample. __________6. All released varieties are eligible for certification.

c)Differentiate the following (ANY five ) 5x1=5 1.Seed and a grain 2.Fresh ungerminated seeds and hard seeds 3.Microspores and megaspores 4.Sampling and Sampling intensity 5.Offtype and voluntary plants 6.Vigour and viability Q-III: Answer the questions in brief: (ANY five ) 1.supplementary pollination 2.staggered sowing 3.physiological maturity 4.Haulm cutting and potato grading 5.Sampling intensity 6.Two line system of hybrid seed production


Q-IV. ANSWER IN DETAIL (ANY FIVE ) 5 x3= 15 1.Explain the role of improved seeds 2.Explain the method of Varalaxmi hybrid seed production 3.What is seed processing? Explain the major functions of the three basic elements of air screen machine. 4.Explain the floral mechanism of self-pollinated crops which prevents outcross 5.What is rouging? Explain the importance of the different stages during the seed production. 6.Explain the seed plot inspection techniques 7.Explain the method of seed treatment to improve the seed quality


FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION S.S.T-301: Seed production ,Testing and Certification I sem: 2003-2004 Max. Marks :50 TIME:2 HOURS Q1.OBJECTIVE TYPE OF QUESTIONS: 20x0.5=10 A)CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 10x0.5=5 1.The male parent of CSH-5 hybrid a.IS-84 b.CS-3541 c.AKR-150 d.MR-750 2.Time isolation is permitted in seed production of a. Maize b. sunflower c. Hy.rice d. All 3.Genetic male sterility generally used in production of hybrids in a.Sorghum b. Bajra c. Redgram d. Maize 4.Minimum germination% required for certified cotton seeds a.65 b.85 c.90 d.75 5. Foundation seed is the progeny of a.TL seed b. Certified seed c. Breeder seed d. None 6. Most accurate method to test the genetic purity of any seeds a. Grow-out test b. Electrophoresis c. Viability test d. Brick-gravel test 7. Calculation seed germination% purely based on a. Sprouted seeds b. abnormal seedlings c. pre-germinated seeds d. Normal seedlings 8. International seed testing Association was established during a.1924 b.1926 c.1942 d.1966 9. The first public sector seed producing organization established in India a. TDC b. NSC c. KSSC d. SFCI 10.zthe female parent of DHB-105 Hy. cotton is a.CPD-428 b.CPD-423 c. CPD-420 d.SB289E III. Fill in the blanks: 5x0.5=2.5 1.During--------------year new seed policy came into force 2.--------------------is the male parent of KRH-2 rice hybrid 3.During--------------------year NSC established in India

4.--------------------is the male parent of KBSH-1 5.During---------------year seed rules were framed C. Match the following: 5x0.5=2.5 A B 1.Min.germination% for paddy ( ) a)80 2.Seed rule ( ) b)1969 3.NSP-I ( ) c)90 4.Tarai Development corporation ( ) d)1966 5.Min.Germination% for Hy.Maize ( ) e)1968 f)1976 g)1988 Q-II:ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN ONE OR TWO SENTENCES: 15X1=15 a)DEFINE/ EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING 5X1=5 1.Male sterility 2. Detasseling 3. Pollen shedder 4.Planting ratio 5.Fresh and ungerminated seed. 6.Sporogenesis b) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. If false, correct it (Any five): 5X1=5 __________1. All released varieties are eligible for certification. __________2.The field and seed standards are same for certified seeds and TL seeds. _________3. Dichogamy generally occurs in cross-pollinated crops. _________4. The Head quarters of ISTA located at Washington, USA. _________5. The seeds, which imbibe the water, considered as hard seed. _________6. Foundation seed is the progeny of certified seeds. c) Differentiate the following (ANY five ) 5x1=5 1.TL and certified seeds 2.Normal and abnormal seedling 3.Seed Inspector and Seed certification inspector 4.Composite and submitted sample 5.Offtype and pollen shedder

6.Detasseling and rogueing Q-III: Answer the questions in brief: (ANY five ) 1.Selection of seed production plot 2.Compact area approach 3.Components of Physical purity 4.Main features of seed act 5.Seed dormancy 6.Seed processing


Q-IV. ANSWER IN DETAIL (ANY FIVE ) 5 x3= 15 1.Explain the phases of seed certification 2.Explain the method of double cross hybrid maize seed production 3.What are the different types vigour tests? Explain Accelerated aging test. 4.Varietal release and notification 5.Explain the method of hybrid seed production of three-line system. 6.Explain the factor which affects the seed vigour and viability is storage. 7.Explain crossing techniques of Hy.cotton.


SUPPLEMENTERY EXAMINATION S.S.T-301: Princilples of seed technology I sem: 2004-2005 Max. Marks: 85 TIME:2 ½ HOURS Q1.OBJECTIVE TYPE OF QUESTIONS: A)CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 10x1=10 1.The quality seed refers to a. Genetically pure b. Physical pure c. Both d. None 2.The Royal Commission on agriculture was Constituted during a.1966 b.1925 c.1945 d.1928 3.2551 seed farms of 10 ha. Each were started functioning for production of seed during the plan period of a.1956—61 b. 1961-66 c.1951—56 d. 1966-71 4. Cytoplasmic male sterility is of no use in hybrid seed production because the hybrid progeny would be a. Male sterile b. Male fertile c. Self-incompatible d. All the above 5.The plants which arises from the previous season crop of the same referred to as a. voluntary plants b. Off type plants c. both d. other crop plants 6.The main functions of the state seed corporations a. seed certification b. seed law enforcement c. seed testing d. seed production and marketing 7.The world’s first intra-hirsutum hybrid cotton released for cultivation in India a. varalaxmi b. jayalaxmi c. suguna d.hybrid-4 8.Adoption of generation system to maintain genetic purity of the seed during production cycle suggested by a. Horne-1953 b. Horrington-1964 c .A.S.Cartor-1959 d. Hartman and Kester-1968 9.Meghaspores generally occurs in a. anther b. ovule c. ovary d. synergids 10.Quickest possible way to test seed viability through

a. TZ test b. Ferric chloride test c. Iodine test d. Phenyl test B. Fill in the blanks: 5x1=5 1.The varieties are notified under section _______ of the seed act 1966. 2.The tag color prescribed for certified seed is ____________. 3.In India, by using CGMS technique, the hybrid seeds are produced in _________ cereal crop. 4.-------------is the female parent of DCH-32 cotton 5.---------------Chemical compound used in TZ test C. Match the following: A 1.National commission on Agriculture 2.ISTA 3.High yielding variety programme 4.AICRP on Maize 5.NSP-II


B ( ) Karnataka ( ) 1957 ( ) 1976 ( ) 1966 ( ) 1924 ( ) Maharastra Q-II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN ONE OR TWO SENTENCES: a) DEFINE/ EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING 1.Seed 2.Up-grading 3.Normal seedling 4.Synchronization 5.Substrata


b) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. If false, correct it(Any five): 5X1=5 __________1.All sprouted seeds are taken into consideration while calculating germination%. __________2. The period of viability increases with decrease in moisture content of food, feed and fiber corps. __________3. The seeds of tropical plantation and temperate crops can be stored under very low seed moisture content. __________4. The breeder seed comes under purview of seed certification agency. ___________5.small quantity of sample collected from the seed lot referred to as primary sample.

__________6. All released varieties are eligible for certification. c)Differentiate the following (ANY five ) 5x2=10 1.Seed and a grain 2.Fresh ungerminated seeds and hard seeds 3.Microspores and megaspores 4.Sampling and Sampling intensity 5.Offtype and voluntary plants 6.Vigour and viability Q-III: Answer the questions in brief: (ANY five ) 1.supplementary pollination 2.staggered sowing 3.physiological maturity 4.Haulm cutting and potato grading 5.Sampling intensity 6.Two line system of hybrid seed production


Q-IV. ANSWER IN DETAIL (ANY FIVE ) 5 x5= 25 1.Explain the role of improved seeds 2.Explain the method of Varalaxmi hybrid seed production 3.What is seed processing? Explain the major functions of the three basic elements of air screen machine. 4.Explain the floral mechanism of self-pollinated crops which prevents outcross 5.What is rouging? Explain the importance of the different stages during the seed production. 6.Explain the seed plot inspection techniques 7.Explain the method of seed treatment to improve the seed quality

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