Panorama Winter09

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PANORAMA magazine

february/march 2009

The People Quotient Recruit and retain the right team

Inspire your employees

Laura Markey and Bay Gardens rethink the funeral business PLUS: Marketing 101… shout loud in tough times $3.95 CAN The Voice of Hamilton Business


f e b r u a r y /m a r c h 2009 features



The people puzzle

The right team + the right ground rules = success


Luxe life celebrations

Bay Gardens has a new take on an old tradition


Fire up your team

Three local organizations share their secrets for success

5 6 7 8 11 12 15 16 18 22 24 25 26

President’s message Editor’s message Chamber updates News Hamilton Economic Summit The real deal with Neil Diversity in the workplace Market perspective Making the case In the loop From the rooftop Upcoming events Around Hamilton

On the cover: Laura Markey, Bay Gardens’ marketing director, in the company’s new high end hotel-like funeral home. Photograph by Daniel Banko

The Voice of Hamilton Business FEBRUARY/MARCH 2009 | PANORAMA 

THE HAMILTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE “Voice of Hamilton Business” EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Tyler MacLeod, Dundee Securities Corp. President Elect: Ruth Liebersbach, Hamilton Bulldogs Hockey Club Vice President: Richard Koroscil, Hamilton International Airport Treasurer: Paul Gibel, MacGillivray Partners Director at Large: Mike Foley, Trinity Development Group Inc. Secretary: John Dolbec, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Past President: Len Falco, LCM Associates DIRECTORS Monique Biancucci, ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. Suzanne Carpenter, Corus Radio Hamilton Neil Dring, Grand River Sachem Andrew Furgal, BMO Bank of Montreal Peter Ipema, Newalta Industrial Services Inc. John Knechtel, Bick Financial Nick Markettos, McMaster University William Oates, William Oates Chartered Accountant Kim Piper, CB Richard Ellis Ltd. Demetrius Tsafaridis, Steelcare Inc. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Ambassadors Club: Jill Genno, Rogers TV Listings Ancaster Division: John Knechtel, Bick Financial Business Development: Jay Higgins, Beau Monde Productions Chamber Connections: Norm Grey, W. Norman Grey Consulting Community Development Committee: Aurelia Tokaci, SISO Settlement & Integration Service Organization Dundas Division: William Oates, William Oates Chartered Accountant Glanbrook Division: Neil Dring, Grand River Sachem Government Affairs: Judi Partridge, Corporate Community Relations Human Resources: Rosanne Lasowski, ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. Past President’s Council: Len Falco, LCM Associates Science,Technology & Innovation: Paul Lakin, KPMG Transportation: Dan Rodrigues, Little Green Tree Ltd. ADMINISTRATION John Dolbec, Chief Executive Officer Carl Alexis, Network Systems Administrator Richard Allen, Hamilton Economic Summit Secretariat Don Crossley, General Manager, Sales & Marketing Patricia Dieryck, Events Administrator Beverley Fehrman, Advertising Manager Laura Jackson, Communications Coordinator Karen Hall, Office Manager Casey Johnson, Public Policy Consultant Jo-Ann Orth, Manager, Special Events & Promotions Darlene Schroder, Membership Sale & Services Coordinator Diane Stephenson, Member Support Services Jan Watts, Controller, G.M. – Administration

Little Green Tree Ltd. Publisher: Daniel Banko Editor: Laura Jackson, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Associate Editor: Marie Verdun Creative Director: Ali Khamis Art Director: Lynn Brenner Photography: Banko Photographic Vice President of Sales & Marketing: Daniel Rodrigues Sales Associates: David Banko, Kimberly Hoover Panorama Magazine is published bi-monthly on Forestry Stewardship Council Approved Paper. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. © Copyright 2009 Little Green Tree Ltd.

PANORAMA MAGAZINE Published by Little Green Tree Ltd. in co-operation with The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce 555 Bay Street North, Hamilton, ON L8L 1H1 Tel: (905) 522-1151 • Fax: (905) 522-1154 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Printing: Impressions Printing


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president’s message Tyler MacLeod, Dundee Securities

Business, the cornerstone for sucess

The work of your Chamber never seems to be done. We have been busy and I cannot believe the depth of issues we tackle. We’ve had recent policy recommendations that deal with: the waterfront; the transportation master plan; development fees; labour issues and public transit. The Chamber has also thrown its hat in the ring supporting the discussions on no increases in EI premiums, acceleration of corporate income taxes, an increase in basic personal exemptions for taxes, Harmonization of GST\PST, tangible infrastructure investment locally and red tape reduction in government. We have been called upon to present our views of the economy and updates on the business environment to council. We supplied our municipal and provincial politicians with business climate survey data that was readily applauded and deemed exceedingly helpful by our elected officials — those same officials that we continue to build relationships with, sometimes on polite but clear disagreement.Your Chamber has met with the provincial finance minister, our local member of the federal Conservative government, the premier and local members of the Ontario Liberal party. We also have regular meetings with the mayor and members of council. This abbreviated list represents the last few months, with much thanks to all our committee volunteers who have helped to achieve such a robust portfolio of accomplishments. Of course, nothing can be done without the support of the Board of Directors. Thank you. But why? Why does the Chamber work so hard and flourish in its travails? Because business is important. And it’s not just important, it is “the economy”. I do not want to wax poetic or get too philosophical, but sometimes we have to move to “30,000 feet” or even “100,000 feet” to actually get back to the ground level.

If a business does not exist, it pays no taxes. Given. More to the point, it would employ no one. Clear. And if no one had a job then taxes wouldn’t be paid because there wouldn’t be an income (other than those lucky few who inherit wealth). Simple. So I’m always baffled when governments, organizations or people who lobby for policies and regulations stifle and intentionally impede ethical business growth, and then act shocked when there is no money in the coffers. This is not the shocked attitude of the prefect in Casablanca, who really did understand the criminal element circling around him. No, it is a lack of understanding of, on the one hand a seemingly complex, interconnected social system or on the other, a pretty simple concept. Either way, some just don’t get it. The money comes from us — businesses and those people employed by said businesses. This holds true for all levels of government. Until the United States, Alberta or Mississauga start to pay our bills, I would say it is pretty important that taxes are collected. The Chamber and its members understand this. I do not know why it proves so dastardly elusive to some. Everyone wants a wealthy, prosperous community that offers social programs and cultural and recreational opportunities. Hamilton strives for this ideal, but sometimes fails to prioritize. (Cue the Chamber!) This is why the Chamber exists, to speak on your behalf. As a matter of fact, notwithstanding the current recession, your chamber continues to grow, with net membership up 4% year over year. This is due in large part to the fact that our members agree on one simple thing — not only do businesses need a voice, they need one that is powerful... your Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations, it’s working. Thanks and cheers.



editor’s message Laura Jackson, The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

Sharing knowledge. Connecting members.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Laura Jackson and I recently joined the team at the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce as Communications Coordinator and Editor. Although I am still relatively new to the Chamber, I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work for such an important and worthwhile organization. I am especially thrilled about the fact that I will be able to work alongside so many of Hamilton’s prominent business people. Through my role at the Chamber, I am able to gain insight into Hamilton’s dynamic business community. Hamilton businesses are comprised of so many knowledgeable and experienced people, and through the Chamber’s publications, I look forward to sharing some of this knowledge with you. At the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, we pride ourselves on the fact that we are able to assist our members in achieving optimum business exposure. Panorama Magazine is one way that we can help you to showcase your business to nearly 2,000 other members. In every issue, we will feature different members through our business profiles, which are


based on the themes that we have selected for each issue. Our focus for February/March is Human Resources. After speaking with a few of our members who specialize in Human Resources in Hamilton, I learned there’s no better time than now for businesses to focus on their workplace culture; especially during this time of economic uncertainty. In a world where technology is changing the ways in which we communicate, it’s sometimes easy to forget that people still remain at the forefront of nearly every business. And without them, our businesses wouldn’t exist. We hope you enjoy the February/March issue of Panorama Magazine. If you have any story ideas or other news you would like to share with your fellow members, please feel free to contact me. P

chamber updates

Canadian & Ontario Chamber of Commerce updates

An excerpt from the presentation to the Ottawa Economics: Pre-budget Event on Budget 2009 January 15, 2009 From Perrin Beatty, president & CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce In the Canadian Chamber’s view, the 2009 Budget needs to be based on realistic assumptions about Canada’s economic performance and provide fiscal stimulus that is timely, targeted, temporary and cost-effective. It must also focus on measures that not only stimulate the economy now, but also lay the foundation for long-term growth. The government must not be in denial about the recession’s seriousness. Certainly there are measures that it should undertake in the short term. But it also needs to convey the confidence that things will get better, and make it clear that the measures we take to respond to the crisis today will help us be more successful tomorrow.

A Canada-U.S. Agenda For a New Administration January 16, 2009

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce believes that the re-elected Government of Canada and the new U.S. Administration now have an opportunity to reinvigorate their long-standing partnership while strengthening their physical and economic security.

Closer collaboration should address the economic downturn, the global financial crisis, acknowledge our systemic integration, increase Canada-U.S. security, facilitate our integrated manufacturing supply chains (and the 10 million jobs they support), secure our mutual energy supply, and create an environment conducive to innovation; fuelling future prosperity for our children. The full report can be viewed at

2009 Business Climate Survey: Members are optimistic about economy

An analysis of the 2009 Ontario Business Climate Survey reveals that respondents are concerned about the Ontario economy, but believe the provincial government should provide taxation and regulatory relief in order to help business weather the storm. While over 80 per cent expect the performance of the Ontario economy to be somewhat or much weaker in 2009 than in 2008, a majority of respondents are far more optimistic about the future of their own companies, with 55 per cent believing that they will perform the same or better next year.

OCC moving forward in India

Foreign markets present enormous business opportunities for Ontario companies. One of those key markets for the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) is India. The OCC is organizing a trade mission to India between the end of March and the beginning of April 2009, for 10 to 15 companies. In addition to allowing people the opportunity to be more current about the available opportunities, this trade mission will focus on India’s energy and infrastructure sectors. For qualifying companies, the OCC will be able to assist with the cost under Export Market Access, its 50/50 cost sharing grant program. More info is available at:

Sales tax reform aids consumers, government and business: Report, January 22, 2009

Supporters are rallying behind a comprehensive report on sales tax reform in Ontario, as one of the most effective ways to combat the economic challenges facing the province. Prepared for the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the report demonstrates that Ontario households, businesses and government will all benefit from reform of Ontario’s sales tax. The report was released in Toronto and other communities throughout the province. It can be found at



News from our members

First of its kind

The Hamilton Port Authority launched its short sea shipping initiative with a dedicated container feeder vessel bound for India and Pakistan via the Montreal Gateway Terminal. This first of its kind shipment marks a significant step in the advancement of Great Lakes short sea shipping through the development of viable container feeder services linking with both Halifax and Montreal. Short sea shipping, a significant component to goods movement throughout Europe, provides long-term sustainability for the Seaway.


The Dunham Group is pleased to announce the launch of a new IT Services division and the appointment of Jeremy McMaster to the position of Director - IT Services. Jeremy has more than 10 years experience and has held senior positions at both Interlynx and DependableIT.


On Wednesday, December 17th, Metrolinx announced the largest cooperative bus purchase in Ontario history. This means that there will be as many as 160 new buses providing service to municipalities across Ontario.


Hamilton City Council established the Economic Development Advisory Committee on June 11th, 2008 and several Hamilton Chamber of Commerce members have since been appointed to it. Appointed Chamber members are: • Mark Chamberlain - Trivaris, Chair of Advisory Committee • Mary Lynn West - Moynes - Mohawk College • Richard Koroscil - Hamilton International Airport • Juergen Schachler - ArcelorMittal Dofasco • Tyler MacLeod - Hamilton Chamber of Commerce • Vacant - Hamilton Health Sciences • Syd Hamber - DTZ Barnicke


• Carolyn Milne - Hamilton Community Foundation • Mo Elbestawi - McMaster University • Jeremy Freiburger - Hamilton Community Foundation • Bruce Wood (Pres/CEO or Alternate) - Hamilton Port Authority

Congratulations to…

Marita Zaffiro has been awarded “2008 Canadian Citizen of the Year” by the Sons of Italy. Marita, who is president and CEO of Marchese Health Care is recognized for her contributions over the years both professionally and socially. Peter McCann of Peter McCann Corporate Consulting recently launched a new book titled Turnarounds: Brains, Guts & Stamina. His book offers advice from CEOs and consultants, based on research and experience with privately held companies in Canada, USA, Britain and Finland. Peter McCann is a CEO, Management Consultant, Corporate Director and author of Strategy and Business Planning of Privately Held Companies. Laurel Martin and Mike Martin, principles of Skyway Life Insurance in Hamilton, the exclusive local plan agency for the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance plan, received national recognition for having the highest percentage of returning customers year-over-year. This is the third consecutive year in a row that Skyway has received this award in its class nationally. Chamberlain Architect Services Limited is celebrating 30 years in business. On Thursday, January 22nd, the Mohawk College Alumni Association hosted its annual Alumni of Distinction Awards dinner. This year, Cathy Wellwood was the recipient of the 2008 Alumni of Distinction Award in the Business category. Cathy’s nomination package outlined her involvement with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. Zoom Zoom’s Indoor Playground in Ancaster has just celebrated its one year anniversary.




Written by Laura Jackson Photography by Daniel Banko

Combine clear HR strategies and the right team members for success


erception has it that only companies with many employees require HR processes and policies. But Human Resource experts say this isn’t true. If a business has employees, it should have HR strategies in place.

“A lot of companies grow quickly and they don’t have a system in place. And they’ll usually experience a problem before they get a wake up call,” said Len Falco, president of LCM ASSOCIATES.

But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to have a comprehensive policy book. “It’s enough to develop some ground rules,” he added. An HR consultant can educate you on what your responsibilities are as an employer and help you implement policies. And your decision to hire either a consultant or a paid employee will depend on the nature of your business and the size of your staff. HR consultants are often hired on a per project basis; however, the average cost in Hamilton is between $100 and $150 per hour.

With appropriate HR policies in place, you can save your business money by preventing major problems and legal issues, said Falco. But aside from legal issues, there are many other costs that can arise as a result of poor HR planning. Many businesses make the mistake of hiring employees who don’t fit into the culture of their organization — a common misstep when there is a sudden need to fill a vacant position. “It’s an emotional decision or a knee jerk reaction where an employer doesn’t take the time to go through the process properly to ensure they are getting the right candidate,” said Falco. “The key is job fit and culture fit. Hiring excellent people is about much more than excellent skill sets,” said Gay Miller, vice-president of The PartnerFirm. “It is important to structure a position so that the goals are clear and employees are challenged by their work.You need to create an environment that people want to work in,” she added.


Employees who fit the culture of a work place often require less teaching, which translates into less day-to-day management. When searching for new employees, recruiters often conduct behavioural interviews. The interviewer will first ensure the candidate is qualified for the position, then, through a series of situational questions, determine if they will fit the organization’s culture. Recruiters often use personality tests when making a final decision from a shortlist of candidates. “If two people are equally qualified, this could help to determine their ability to fit into your organization and be a productive employee,” said Falco. However, the current economic crisis may mean that businesses are more concerned with trimming from their teams rather than to adding to them. But, Miller believes an economic downturn can prove to be beneficial for businesses and organizations. For example, it can provide an opportunity to gain an edge over competitors. “Businesses should continue investing in their key people and prepare themselves for the upturn,” she said. Keeping employees happy is one sure way for businesses to save money and reduce turnover. Many employees are satisfied when their work is recognized and appreciated by their employer. “Everyone needs a pat on the back and it’s not always about money,” said Falco. Employees can be motivated by promotions, flexibility in work schedules or through involvement in decisions pertaining to their job. Businesses can take advantage of organizations such as the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS), located in Hamilton. The CCOHS was established in 1978 to help businesses and organizations prevent injuries in the workplace. The CCOHS is readily used by businesses and organizations across the nation. Last year, the CCOHS’ person-to-person Inquiries Service answered nearly 13,000 questions from Canadians pertaining to health, safety and well-being. And statistics show that Ontarians used the service the most at 53.4 per cent. Today, many businesses are turning to the CCOHS for more than health and safety information. They are also requesting tips on how to implement work-life balance into their organization. “Employees look for more than just salaries, they look at the big picture. Worklife balance is becoming increasingly important to employees,” said Eleanor Westwood, communications manager at CCOHS. The CCOHS is especially beneficial to smaller companies that don’t have the staff to implement proper workplace health and safety procedures. And finding accurate information can sometimes be overwhelming for small businesses, said Westwood. But experts agree that HR is ultimately about people. “Sometimes in business we get caught up in being productive and overlook the fact that we are relying on people to deliver the goods,” said Falco. “Businesses need to focus on HR and maximize their investment in people. It’s a strategic tool for leaders of organizations that can help them be competitive. If properly utilized, it can improve a company’s bottom line,” said Miller. P


hamilton economic summit Richard Ward Allen, HES Secretariat

Complementary event focuses on students and youth How do we involve the next generation of leaders in advancing our community’s goal to become one of Canada’s top ten census metropolitan areas within the next five years? This question arose repeatedly at last year’s inaugural Hamilton Economic Summit — a community initiative facilitated by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the City of Hamilton and the Jobs Prosperity Collaborative. Part of the answer is being delivered through a new initiative spearheaded by the Chamber in collaboration with a working committee of organizations representing a cross section of Hamilton’s diverse economy. On May 7, 2009, the committee will host a day long event at McMaster Innovation Park targeting approximately 250 local students and youth eager to contribute to creating new economic opportunities in Hamilton. The purpose of the event is to act on the summit inspired recommendation that our community introduce fresh ways to empower individual citizens in progressive economic development based on triple bottom line principles. The event’s major goal is to invite local young people to help shape Hamilton’s future through applying their perspectives to actual development scenarios and later sharing their ideas with key decision makers and the broader community. A number of informal design cafés involving sample young people were held in February to inform the final event program. The challenge of succession planning extends beyond organizations and networks. It is something Hamilton must address given its aging population and the importance of developing a new cohort of community leaders that will move our city successfully forward in the coming decades.

The Hamilton Economic Summit and the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce extend sincere appreciation to Zach Douglas, President, McMaster Innovation Park, for making this event possible, and to the following organizations for actively contributing to our event working committee: • ArcelorMittal Dofasco • Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board • Canadian Youth Business Foundation • Imperial Cotton Centre for the Arts • Environment Hamilton • Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network • McMaster University • Hamilton Community Foundation • Path Employment • Hamilton Port Authority • Volunteer Hamilton • Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board For more information, visit and click on Hamilton Economic Summit or call Richard Ward Allen at 905-572-0363. P The Hamilton Economic Summit is a community initiative facilitated by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and delivered in partnership with the City of Hamilton and the Jobs Prosperity Collaborative. For information, or to get involved, contact Richard Ward Allen at [email protected] or 905-572-0363.

Related News

The second annual Hamilton Economic Summit happens on May 6, 2009 at the newly-renovated Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Hamilton. Honorary Co-Chairs: Dr. Peter George and Ron Foxcroft. Contact the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce for registration and program details.


the real deal with neil Neil Everson, Hamilton Economic Development

Hamilton’s economy: a look back … and ahead “An Economist is an expert who will know more tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.”

in the McMaster Innovation Park, the announced relocation of Burlington based technology company Trivaris and the groundbreaking of the Federal Government’s 140,000 square foot CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory.

I would argue that although many economists forecasted an economic slowdown in 2008 – few, if any, envisioned the speed and severity of the recession that now grips the throat of the global economy. Today there is no continent, country or city that is immune to its impacts. What is clearly evident is that some countries and cities have fared much better than the rest.

One of the biggest “good news” stories in 2008, and one that was seen across the country, was Canadian Business Magazine rating Hamilton as the 3rd best city in English Canada and the 7th best place nationally to do business in 2008. Many factors contributed to this ranking but at the top of the list are the continuing diversification of our economy, the City’s efforts to provide seamless one stop customer service for business development, a financial commitment by city council to economic development, and an effective community partnership with the Jobs Prosperity Collaborative.

Is Hamilton one of those cities? The answer to that question is a very hesitant “no” and that’s because even though Hamilton has been affected by job losses and layoffs in the manufacturing sector, Hamilton is by no means at the bottom of the pile. Comparing Hamilton’s unemployment statistics (as of December 2008) to other manufacturing centres in Ontario, our municipality remains below the Ontario average of 7.2% (Hamilton currently sits at 6.9%) and significantly less than London (7.2%), Kitchener (7.7%), Niagara (8.8%), Oshawa (7.8%), and Windsor (10.1%). If we look at the construction value of the City’s total building permits for 2008, including a fourth quarter that felt the weight of the global slowdown, Hamilton surprisingly smashed its record in 2007 with a total construction value of over $818 million last year. The record growth was led by our residential, commercial and institutional sectors. What is important to remember about that $818 million number is that it represents building permits issued in 2008 which means that these new buildings will be completed this year and will invariably involve hiring new staff, paying taxes and will require services to continue operations. There were many other “good news” stories last year; stories that demonstrate that Hamilton’s efforts to diversify our economy are being realized. Some of the highlights include Sunrise Metals that established a new partnership with the Hamilton Port Authority for short sea shipping thereby opening up Hamilton made goods to new markets. Our local agricultural sector showed strong growth last year to the tune of a $260 million increase in its overall contribution to our local economy – that increases the annual economic impact to $1.26 billion in Hamilton. There were two major developments


In terms of looking ahead, there is no doubt that 2009 will be one of the most challenging economic years that Hamilton has faced in over two decades. Unemployment and layoffs are expected to spread far beyond the manufacturing sector, impacting every aspect of our local economy from retail to construction to the public sector. However, there still remains room for optimism in 2009. The City has a number of large commercial projects currently in the development pipeline on top of the multi-million dollar redevelopments of the Centre Mall and the Mountain Plaza Mall. Within the next month, there will be new industrial growth announced and the City of Hamilton, along with the other levels of government, are planning on accelerating a number of major infrastructure projects in order to stimulate economic growth in our local economy. Finally, the Planning & Economic Development Department is working diligently to capitalize on the recovery that is forecasted for the first or second quarter of 2010. These efforts include the completion of the Official Plan, the new comprehensive Zoning By-Law, the Economic Development Strategy, the comprehensive Marketing Strategy, and the servicing of the Glanbrook and P Ancaster Business Parks.



Bay Gardens runs with a new funeral home concept

Written by Laura Jackson Photography by Daniel Banko


To help support Hamilton’s many community groups, Bay Gardens has allocated a separate meeting space for non-profits to use free of charge


pscale, hotel chic and eco-friendly are not exactly what you’d expect from a funeral home. But it’s what you will find at Bay Gardens’ newest location on Hamilton’s East Mountain.

and lighting, along with a projector and a camera so that services can be recorded and projected online.

The funeral home opened its second location on Rymal Road in Hamilton last August. Sitting on 3-acres of land, it has more than 24,000 square feet of space, making it the city’s largest funeral home. In fact, there isn’t any other home like it in Canada.

Bay Gardens also offers its clients the option to create a ‘life story’ — a compilation of photos and music on DVD. The life story, played on an HD plasma TV inside the visitation room, is a unique way to celebrate lives. Each room is also equipped to accommodate personal iPods for those clients who prefer to play their own selection of music during visitations.

“There’s a reason why members of the funeral industry are coming here to tour our facility,” said Laura Markey, marketing director of Bay Gardens Funeral Homes.

To help its clients through the grieving process, Bay Gardens offers a Bereavement Program, which includes an ongoing support group and online resources.

Designed to accommodate the needs and wants of local residents, Bay Gardens has more than 200 parking spaces and the capacity to hold up to six funerals at a time. To ensure Bay Gardens would be especially unique to Hamilton, it was designed using a waterfall theme, as a way to reflect the Hamilton area, which has more than 100 waterfalls.

Aside from helping families, Bay Gardens is also committed to the community. To help support Hamilton’s many community groups, Bay Gardens has allocated a separate meeting space for non-profits to use free of charge. The investment, estimated at $500,000, features a separate wing with boardrooms, washrooms and a small kitchenette.

The award-winning interior of the home features high-definition plasma TVs, fireplaces, an outdoor patio and beautiful furnishings, which all add up to a unique experience for clients. And it was designed keeping the environment in mind, with recycled carpet throughout each room. The reception area has a two-story indoor waterfall, fresh floral arrangements, couches and courtesy umbrellas at the entrance. Upon arrival, guests are offered freshly baked cookies, coffee and specialty teas.

Although the facility has been getting a lot of attention, the staff at Bay Gardens believes that top-notch service keeps them busy.

Aside from offering state-of-the-art facilities, Bay Gardens Funeral Home strives to meet its clients’ every need under one roof. The home has been designed to accommodate receptions, with the option of having catered meals and beverages. To help make the entire funeral planning process easier, Bay Gardens sells items such as floral arrangements, caskets, urns and candles. The home can also accommodate funeral services inside the chapel, which holds up to 200 people. The modern chapel, though traditional in its purpose, is equipped with automatic curtains


“Our services are unparalleled in Hamilton. Beginning with the initial phone call and ending with our bereavement support services, we strive to accommodate our clients’ every need,” said Markey. In addition to offering excellent services and a well-designed facility, Bay Gardens is also affordable. According to Markey, most people are surprised when they learn that the prices are competitive with other funeral homes in the region. She adds, “Although Bay Gardens takes a very modern approach to the funeral planning process, it remains committed to honouring individual traditions.” P

diversity in the workplace

Chamber committed to diversity The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is committed to reaching out to more businesses and ensuring that we continue to support the changing demographics of our community. Our goals is to provide current information and resources to help our members stay abreast of diversity efforts throughout Canada, Ontario and in particular, the Hamilton community. Tyler Macleod, president of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, advised at a previous business leaders meeting: “Diversity efforts within organizations and businesses will ensure that we are competitive and allow Hamilton to continue to be a leader in attracting and retaining new immigrants. Diversity efforts today will allow us to build on our economic and labour base and provide a good pool of skilled workers in Hamilton.” In his study, a Business Case for Diversity, Dr. Jeffrey Gandz from the University of Western Ontario notes “Diversity can help organizations identify and capitalize on opportunities to improve products and services; attract, retain, motivate and utilize human resources effectively; improve the quality of decision-making at all organizational levels; and reap the many benefits from being a socially conscious and progressive organization.” A complete copy of the study can be found at the following link: projects/RacismFreeInitiative/BusinessCase-e.pdf. We look forward to exploring diversity in future issues of Panorama and welcome your story ideas. Contact Laura Jackson at [email protected] with your suggestions. P


market perspective Michael Carnegie, Taylor Leibow Accountants & Advisors

Public market meltdown – impact on private-company valuations Over the last several months, I have been asked by many entrepreneurs and other professional advisors to comment on the impact the recent volatility and downward trend in public company stock-market valuations has had on the value of private businesses. Private-market valuations and public-company valuations are correlated, albeit, not perfectly. Valuation parameters are not the same in both sectors. Much of the difference relates to the extent to which future growth expectations are included in the valuation analysis. There are large private businesses with sustained track records of growth whose values may include expectations of future growth. The values of such businesses may be more closely aligned with the prices of public-company stocks than the values of small and medium enterprises, which outnumber large private companies and are the focus of this article. As an example, let us consider “Company A”, which is listed on the TSX. The price-earnings ratio for Company A’s stock is 25:1. This 25:1 ratio means that for every $25 of stock price, there was $1 of earnings per share over the last 12 months. This ratio implies that the return on investment for the stockholder is 4%, because $1 of earnings is 4% of the current $25 stock price. Investors in public-company stocks expect a return on investment greater than 4%. Even in today’s low-interest-rate environment, investors can obtain a 4% return on a far less risky investment, such as a government bond. It follows that the market expected earnings to grow to provide a return on investment significantly higher than 4%, perhaps 8%, 10%, 12%, or more. Future growth expectations are always incorporated into pricing mechanisms for publicly traded stocks. Let us now turn our thoughts to a private company. Having dealt with many transactions involving interests in small and medium private companies, I can state with confidence that it is extremely difficult to convince a purchaser to factor growth into its pricing equation.


There are two reasons why this is the case:

1. Growth Prospects

Private businesses tend to be smaller than public companies. Beyond the inherent limited access to capital necessary to fund growth, the driving force of growth is the entrepreneur. Private companies generally do not have a formal business infrastructure to drive growth.

2. Who Gets Credit for the Growth

The lack of separation between ownership and management inherent in many private businesses indicates to a purchaser that growth, even if indicated by a review of recent results of operations, needs an outside force to be sustained. The purchaser will often be of the mindset that if the business is to grow in the future, it is a function of what the purchaser brings to the table and not factors which are inherent in the company. Therefore, a purchaser is willing to pay for what exists at present but is not willing to acknowledge a forecast for growth. The combination of these two factors means that private businesses are most often valued based on historical results of operations: sometimes some an average of the last three to five years; sometimes only the last 12 months. When growth is eliminated from the value equation, the differences between public company and private company values are not eliminated but are reduced to other factors such as the higher risk associated with smaller, less diversified businesses. The decline in stock-market values is not solely attributed to elimination of growth from earnings forecasts. Certain of those issues also impact private-market valuations. For instance, a lack of financing limits purchasers’ ability to buy businesses. The law of supply and demand dictate that as the demand for acquisitions decreases, prices also decrease. P Michael Carnegie, BComm, CA•CBV is partner-in-charge of the Business Valuation and Litigation Support Department at Taylor Leibow Accountants and Advisors. Contact him at 905-645.5576.

BUSINESS DINING GUIDE Hamilton is home to a diverse range of restaurants and conference facilities offering unique cuisine and working experiences. In each issue, Panorama is pleased to feature a selection of them to help you find the perfect place to dine with clients, create a full-service working environment, or host a memorable function.

Turn to Panorama Magazine to find the perfect facility to host an efficient business meeting and outstanding dining experience.

For advertising rates and information contact: Daniel Rodrigues

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ext. 2201

making the case Casey A. Johnson, StoneCastle Communications

Cut Your Spending During a Recession? Are You Kidding Me? If you already have a thriving business and possess the fundamental knowledge that marketing is not an expense but an investment, you already have an excellent head for business and will not learn anything new from this article. For those of you who don’t, listen up. As soon as the word “recession” is said aloud, a lot of people immediately start to panic, creating a ripple effect that seems to instantaneously resurrect the antiquated tradition of wanting to stuff all of one’s money into one’s mattress. That phenomenon may be bad news for some, but not for the keen entrepreneurial business person. The dreadful “R” word everyone is whispering out of inherent fear, reminiscent of Lord Voldemort’s He-WhoShall-Not-Be-Named moniker, is not entirely a negative entity. Yes, some industries will take a hit. It’s inevitable. But, it is also a huge opportunity for business warriors who know how to take advantage of a sluggish market.

“It’s been proven that an increase in marketing spending during a recession can gain a long-term advantage for a brand. Over the years, research studies have confirmed that the best strategy in terms of long-term ROI is to increase marketing expenditure during an economic slowdown ... [Reducing your spending] may leave your brand in a less competitive position when the economy recovers.” —Nigel Hollis, Chief Global Analyst for Millward Brown

The key is to promote, promote and promote. Whether it’s through marketing, advertising or networking, you need to take advantage of the increasing gaps in the marketplace as others stop spending. Every time an organization halts its marketing and advertising initiatives, they create a hole for others to dominate, ultimately giving those companies more exposure. With more visibility and less competition in the market, how can you lose? You can’t. Marketing must always remain consistent and fluid. Think about this. How much lead time do you need before you actually land a


client? One month? Three? More? If you stop marketing during a recession you lose the valuable momentum it took years to build. Once that momentum is lost, you have to start all over again, and it could literally take months and months to rebuild.

“It is well documented that brands that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.” —Professor John Quelch, Harvard University

There is a reason English billionaire Richard Branson is so successful. He spends one third of his time promoting and marketing. He knows the value of it. Proctor & Gamble advertised heavily during the Great Depression, so did Intel in the 1990 fiscal slowdown, and Wal-Mart in 2000 when the economy was barely moving. So continue marketing, advertising and networking. Do not stop promoting your business, not unless you enjoy learning lessons the hard way. There are copious numbers of studies that prove people who continue, if not increase marketing and promotional spending during fiscal deceleration (better than using the “R” word, isn’t it?) have been able to weather economic uncertainties with far greater success in the short and long term than those who do not. If you need any other proof, look to the leaders of industry over the next few months and watch what they do.

“Canada is relatively well placed to weather the current economic climate.”

—The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, 2008 Business Roundtable with the Federal Government

Be bold, lead with confidence, and listen to your common sense, not the fear mongering of others. And when the market takes an upswing, as we all know it will, you can say cheers from your posh new condo in the Mediterranean and thank the heavens you didn’t listen to them. P




feature Written by Paul Mitchell Photography by Daniel Banko

Inspired and engaged employees will take your business to the next level


uman Resources professionals agree that recruiting and retaining staff, often in competitive situations, requires going beyond basic employment elements such as pay, benefits and physical environment.

These factors are vital, of course. But they aren’t sufficient enough to ensure that employees will remain motivated and committed to the organization over the long term. Other discretionary factors are needed to create a work environment where people feel they will succeed and enjoy job satisfaction. Panorama spent some time with two Hamilton organizations with proven success in their HR practices and policies. They shared some insights on how to go about keeping your employees happy.

challenge whether current practices are the best thing to do,” she explains. “So being dissatisfied with the status quo is great news for us. It shows that our employees care enough to always want to get better. If we can make them feel that their contribution is valued and recognized in a supportive environment, it’s a win for them and it’s a win for us,” she says. HHS’s goal is to work with employees for continuous improvement in both health care delivery and the work environment. This is no small order for an organization of nearly 6,000 full-time and more than 3,100 part-time employees, as well as more than 1,700 physicians who practise at its hospital sites across Hamilton.

Three local business leaders are creating a winning culture through HR best practices. (LtoR) Louise Taylor-Green, vice president of human resources at Hamilton Health Sciences, Barbara Bradbury, vice president at AnswerPlus Inc. and Kevin Marshall general manager of Old Mill Restaurant.

Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton Health Sciences was recently named one of Canada’s Top 100 employers for the third successive year. The list, compiled by MediaCorp Canada Inc. and featured in Maclean’s magazine, is a catalogue of best employment practices. Louise Taylor-Green, vice president of Human Resources at HHS, believes the organization’s achievement is the result of responding to dissatisfaction within its widespread health care community.Yes, dissatisfaction can be a positive element – if responded to correctly. “People can become very comfortable in their work environment and that comfort can lead to apathy. People don’t

“This can be achieved by recognizing the unique value and contribution of all employees, and by providing the conditions that allow them to do their best work. We place a very high value on continuous development and academic preparation,” Taylor-Green says. Initiatives to help employees improve themselves include tuition reimbursement and a variety of learning and experiential opportunities. A leadership program develops the skills that are essential in creating the best environment within each work group. Diversity programs are designed to attract and retain talent from different populations. A number of initiatives centre on a values-based code of conduct that establishes a minimum level of behaviour for everyone working at the hospitals.


“Pride in the organization can’t be underestimated,” TaylorGreen says. “It would be hypocritical of me to say that we have a good culture because somebody in the executive office says we should. It happens because employees are committed to it.”

AnswerPlus Inc. Barbara Bradbury, vice president at AnswerPlus Inc., has a surprising answer when asked why the 48-year-old call centre has been such a success over the years. The customer doesn’t come first. “Our employees have to come first. We’re selling a service and you’re only going to give good service by having good and happy people,” she says. “We probably devote 70 per cent or more of our time and resources on our employees — coaching, training, monitoring. It’s all about them.” The company’s ability to attract and retain good and happy people was recognized last year when AnswerPlus won the Hamilton Human Resources Hero Award, marking it an HR leader within the Hamilton business community. AnswerPlus, a full-service, 24/7, inbound call centre specializing in emergency response, has 40 employees at its Hamilton office, the majority of them fulltime. The call centre industry traditionally has high staff turnover, but AnswerPlus bucks the trend because of its dedication to employee retention. The key is recognizing the goals and values of today’s younger workforce — the post Baby Boom Generation X, and their younger siblings, Generation Y. “I can’t tell people enough: if becoming an employer of choice is not your goal, you are not going to keep Gen X and Gen Y people,” Bradbury insists. “They will come in, do a great job for you, they will give you what skills they have learned, they will learn what skills they can get from you — but if you can’t keep stimulating them, if you can’t keep challenging them, they will leave you and go somewhere else,” she says. “The biggest key is to keep them involved in everything that happens.You have to give them perpetual feedback. Otherwise they don’t see a future for themselves with you.” Pay scales at AnswerPlus are based on skill sets, rather than tenure. “Because our clients vary so much, we have 12 different skill sets. When you’ve mastered one, we’ll move you up to the next one. And as you move up through the skill sets, you’ll recognize an increase in pay,” Bradbury says. Staff members are rewarded with performance bonuses based on evaluations of their phone calls. Corporate awards that the company receives are celebrated with special events. Management and sales meetings are open to any employee who wishes to attend and the minutes are posted for all to see.


Working at a call centre can be stressful, so AnswerPlus has been known to bring in a massage therapist on particularly hectic days. It has also set aside its own Tranquility Base, a quiet room where employees can relieve stress. “It’s all part of looking after our people. We feel a moral obligation to be doing this. It’s often the little things that make the difference.”

Old Mill Restaurant While most of us were shivering through the January cold snap, 18 senior staffers and management at Ancaster’s Old Mill Restaurant were enjoying the sunny climate of Punta Cana, a resort in the Dominican Republic. They were there as guests of the Old Mill, continuing a seven-year tradition at the restaurant to recognize the contributions of its key employees with a paid vacation. “The people who are on vacation are all people who have been with us full time for more than a year. It’s just a holiday. We don’t go down there for shop talk,” says Kevin Marshall, the Old Mill’s general manager. In previous years, the senior staffers, including its chefs, maitre d’s and head bartender, have taken cruises and visited Las Vegas and Jamaica during the slow period after the hectic holiday season when the restaurant is open only on weekends. Not that other staff are forgotten at the Old Mill, which has 50 full-time and 75 part-time employees. They all enjoy company-sponsored Christmas and summer parties and, perhaps most important, are offered career-advancing opportunities. Staff retention is a major objective. “Training is very costly and time consuming so you want to keep your people.You want experienced people who know your product and can provide better service to your clients,” Marshall says. “Employees receive a full training package when they come on site and we make opportunities available to staff who wish to progress. If there’s a waiter who’s knowledgeable about wine and wants to become a sommelier, we’ll pay for his schooling.” The Old Mill also sends its chefs to spend a month at the Fat Duck, a three-Michelin-star restaurant just outside of London, England. The company covers their room and board so they can bring their international experience back to Ancaster. “And we have a very positive work environment,” Marshall says. “We have a core group of people who are very positive and friendly. They help influence similar people as they come into the company.” P


in the loop

Get more out of your Chamber membership


Barry Reid, Chair of the new Ancaster BIA, spoke at Ancaster’s December meeting. The Division is working diligently with the Government Affairs Committee to finalize the “Many Communities, One Economy” policy. The Division is also gearing up for their Citizen of the Year and Youth Volunteer of the Year awards dinner.

Business Development:

The Waterfront Task Force has submitted the final version of their policy regarding Waterfront development to the Chamber’s Board and will be presenting it to the City of Hamilton. The Committee’s Brownfield Redevelopment policy is being updated for consideration at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s AGM. New policies on Small Business Encouragement and Funding, Downtown Revitalization, and the Shrinking Manufacturing Sector & Productivity Gap will be developed for consideration at the OCC AGM as well.

Community Development:

The Committee is looking at healthcare and LHIN initiatives. LHIN is expected to present an informational presentation to the committee in the beginning of 2009.The Committee is also diligently working on its Arts and Entertainment initiative to bring the arts community together to enhance Hamilton’s cultural profile.


Police Superintendent Ken Bond spoke at the Division’s December meeting. The Division is also gearing up for their Citizen and Youth Volunteer of the Year awards dinner. The Division is also looking forward to another successful Senior’s Day event, as well as continuing to participate on the Dundas Tourism Roundtable.


Government Affairs:

The Committee has finalized the “Many Communities, One Economy” policy, while also creating new policies in the areas of: Council Governance; a New Deal for Cities; and Area Rating.

Human Resources:

The Committee will be crafting a policy on funding to address Workforce Quality, Education & Quantity and Shortages. Issues the Committee is looking at include: changes to WSIB; the new Service Delivery Model; Prevention — changes to H & S Associations; Occupational Disease; Experience Rating; and Claims Persistency.

Science, Tech & Innovation:

The Committee will be looking into crafting a policy on Research & Commercialization. The Committee’s Innovator’s Project is moving along very nicely and they are expected to play a supporting role in the Hamilton Science Fair this year. Their January meeting was held at the Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network offices at McMaster University.


Guest Speaker Paul Kerry, Area Manager, Corporate Business Development of Canadian Pacific Railway spoke at the Committee’s January meeting. New subcommittees include: • Integrated Intermodal Transportation Gateway Strategy/SOGC • Airport development • Transportation Master Plan • Light Rail The Committee will be updating policies on DARTS and Marine Transportation. The latter will be presented at the OCC’s AGM.

in hamilton

Whether you’re looking for an exceptional professional, an outstanding service, or a unique experience for employees or clients, you’ll find it In Hamilton. Panorama Magazine is pleased to feature a select few of Hamilton’s best.

from the rooftop

Recent Hamilton Chamber of Commerce highlights Employment Insurance

In our submissions to the EI Commissioner, we advocated for no increases in EI Premiums in light of the softening economy and higher unemployment rates projected for 2009. On November 14, 2008, the government confirmed that premiums would remain unchanged in 2009. This is a win for the Chamber and other employer groups, as each one-cent increase in EI premiums represents $11 million, 60 per cent of which is paid by employers.

Cutting corporate income tax

Accelerating and deepening the already announced corporate income tax reductions from 22.12 per cent to 19.5 per cent in 2008. Reducing the rate from 22.12 per cent in 2007 to 15.0 % in 2012 will result in cumulative tax savings of $14.1 billion.

Basic Personal Exemption

A basic personal exemption increase from $8,929 to $9,600 in 2007 to 2008, and to $10,100 in 2009. This represents $1.9 billion in total tax savings in fiscal 2007-08 and an additional $600 million in 2008/09.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce insists government put Canadians Ahead of Politics Ottawa, December 2, 2008

In early December, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) voiced its concern regarding the government’s inability to put Canadians ahead of politics. The board of the CCC was dismayed with actions taken by all federal political parties. Following consultation with members of its network from across Canada, the CCC called upon all political parties to concentrate on the public interest above all other considerations. The CCC urged that the government prepare a comprehensive strategy to be presented to the public at the earliest appropriate opportunity.

Chamber meeting with MP

On Monday January 5, 2009, the Chamber’s leadership met with MP David Sweet to convey the results of recent surveys of members on key economic issues as part of his pre-federal budget consultations. Particular focus was on strategic infrastructure investments supporting the jobs and prosperity agenda, corporate tax cuts, red tape reduction, harmonizing GST/PST and alleviated inter provincial trade barriers as tangible ways that the federal government could effectively intervene positively in our current economic crisis. Tangible federal support and leadership for the manufacturing sector, particularly


the automotive industry was also emphasized, amongst other items for discussion. Mr. Sweet was so impressed with the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the recommendations, particularly on such short notice, that he strongly suggested that copies of the minutes of this meeting be distributed to all elected officials locally at all three levels of government. View a copy of online at

Waterfront Development Proposal

On Monday, January 12, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce CEO, John Dolbec, made a presentation to Hamilton City Council regarding recommendations for development of the waterfront. As a result, Council endorsed the Chamber’s proposal, along with recommendations from other waterfront stakeholders, asking staff to be guided by the City Waterfront Trust Plan. This is a major leap in moving towards waterfront revitalization, which has been a core issue for the Chamber for more than two decades. Within a week of this, the City’s Public Works Committee accepted the Chamber’s recommendations not to implement City staff recommendations for certain traffic calming measures, including some North Bound street closures (e.g. bay St. N.) leading to the waterfront.

Chamber president makes pre-budget presentation

On Wednesday, January 14, Chamber President Tyler MacLeod made a pre-budget presentation to City Council, highlighting the results of an “economic climate” survey of members conducted in December of 2008, which outlined member concerns regarding the impact of the current economic downturn on their businesses. Tyler passed on member recommendations to the city that will help businesses cope with the downturn. Recommendations included investment in infacstructure and reduction of red tape and taxes.

Our first new division in 35 years

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce welcomes its newest division in Glanbrook. This is a historic event, as a new division of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has not been created since 1973. The chairperson for the Glanbrook Division is Neil Dring, publisher and editor of the Grand River Sachem.

Chamber continues to grow

Lastly, the Hamilton Chamber continues to grow. Membership is up by 4 per cent.

upcoming events

february Tuesday, February 17th

8:00 am to 10:00 am Powerful Learning Seminar – Communications The Waterfront Centre

Friday, February 20th

7:45 a.m. Winter Games Opportunities Breakfast The Waterfront Centre

Tuesday, February 24th

7:30 am Making “Them” Work, Multi-Generation Breakfast The Waterfront Centre

Thursday, February 26th 5:30 p.m. Business After Business Canadian Red Cross The Waterfront Centre

Call for Exhibitors – Small Business Showcase (coming up in April)

march Wednesday, March 4th 5:00 p.m. Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. Reception Chamber’s Annual Meeting The Waterfront Centre

Tuesday, March 10th 7:45 a.m. Good Morning Hamilton Location TBD

Tuesday, March 17th

8:00 am to 10:00 am Powerful Learning Seminar – Sales The Waterfront Centre

Wednesday, March 25th

5:00 pm Out of Africa, Outstanding Business Achievement Awards Michelangelo’s Banquet Centre

Thursday, March 26th 5:30 p.m. Business After Business McMaster Innovation Park

april Friday, April 17th

5:30 p.m. Reception, 6:30 p.m. Dinner Ancaster Citizen of the Year Dinner Ancaster Old Mill

Tuesday, April 21st

8:00 am Powerful Seminar – Networking The Waterfront Centre For more information on all Chamber events and to register, visit:


around hamilton Hamilton Citizen of the Year & Youth Volunteer of the Year awards Photo by Roy Timm 1. The Royal Bank Citizen of the Year Award and the Hamilton Spectator Youth Volunteer of the Year Award for 2008 were announced at a gala dinner on Monday, January 23, at LIUNA Station. From left to right are: Royal Bank Citizen of the Year, Madeleine Levy; Mayor of Hamilton, Fred Eisenberger; and Hamilton Spectator Youth Volunteer of the Year, Jessica Kras.


Glanbrook Division Photo by Tamara Botting The Hamilton Chamber is pleased to welcome its brand new Glanbrook Division. 2. President and CEO of Hamilton International Airport Richard Koroscil; member services coordinator for the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Diane Stephenson, Servergraph Backup Reporting and Management Andrew Bienhaus, barrister and solicitor Anise Docherty, and editor and associate publisher of the Glanbrook Gazette Neil Dring were some of those present on Thursday, January 22, when it was decided Glanbrook business owners would form a Glanbrook division of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.


Business After Business Over 100 people attended January’s Business After Business at Meridian Credit Union in Ancaster. These Chamber members came out to the event on Thursday, January 22, to participate in the networking opportunity and to learn more about the event host. 3. Standing in front of the credit union’s vault from left to right are: Chris Farias of Kitestring Creative Marketing and Communications, Kaitlin Hurst of POWERGROUP Communications and Leah Frankiewicz of POWERGROUP Communications. 4. The staff at Meridian Credit Union in Ancaster were busy welcoming all of their guests to the Business After Business event that they hosted on Thursday, Janaury 22. From left to right are: Tina Shweihat, Shernette Bentick, Emily Whitworth and Jim Dunn.


President’s Panel The annual President’ s Panel took place on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at The Waterfront Centre. The sold out event titled “Hamilton: Today and Tomorrow” was presented by MacGillivray Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors. Three guest speakers outlined business sector trends for 2009. Below are the three guest speakers and the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce board of directors. 5. From left to right: Richard Koroscil,Vice-President, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce; Howard Shearer; President and CEO, Hitachi Canada Ltd., Aron Gampel,Vice President & Deputy Chief Economist, Scotiabank; Ruth Libersbach, President-Elect, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Peter George, President & Vice Chancellor, McMaster University; Paul Gibel, treasurer, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce; and Tyler MacLeod, President, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.


Hamilton Port Authority On November 27, 2008, the Hamilton Port Authority launched its short sea shipping initiative with a dedicated container feeder vessel bound for India and Pakistan via the Montreal Gateway Terminal. 6. Photo: John Dolbec, CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, was on hand to celebrate the first shipment of its kind.




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