I ROHIT PAL of NCRD’S STERLING COLLEGE OF ARTS , COMMERCE & SCIENCE , studying in B.M.S (Semester V I) hereb y declare that I have completed this project report on “ R E C RU I TM EN T A ND S E LE C T IO N I N SO LU T IO NS ”
And has not been submitted to any other Universit y or Institute for the award of any degree, diploma etc. The information is submitted by me is true and original to the best of m y knowledge.
Date: ____________
Place: NerulNavi Mumb ai
To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and depth is so enormous. I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions in the completion of this project. I take this opportunity to thank the Universit y of Mumbai for giving me chance to do this project I would like to thank m y Principal, Dr.M.G.Gonda for providing the necessary facilities required for completion of this project. I take this opportunity to thank our CoordinatorProf.Ranjit Thakur for his moral support and guidance. I would also like to express m y sincere gratitude towards my project guide Prof. MeghaMahajan whose guidance and care made the project successful. I would like to thank m y college library, for having provided various reference books and magazines related to my project. .
National Centre for Rural Development’s Sterling College of Arts, Commerce & Science Affiliated to Universit y of Mumbai & Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra
This is to certify that
Bachelor of
Management Studies has undertaken and completed the project work titled “RECRIUTMENT AND SELECTION AT
BUSINESS 2018 -2019
SOLUTION ” under
to this college
in fulfillment of the curriculum Of Bachelor of Management Studies(sem-vi) Universit y ofMumbai. This is a bonafide project work and the information presented is true and original to the best of our knowledge and belief. PROJECTGUIDE
Today, in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important part of an organization. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the organization in the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and rig ht time, so that organization can achieve its planned objective. The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource
Recruitment planning,
and Risk
Management, Perfor mance Appraisal and so on. Each objective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation. For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how employers go about Recruiting and Selecting staff. It is recommended to carry out a strategic anal ysis of Recruitment and Selection procedure. With reference to this context , this project is been prepared to put a light on Recruitment and Selection process. This project includes Meaning and Definition of Recruitment and Selection, Need and Purpose of Recruitment, Evaluation of Recruitment Process, Recruitment Tips. Sources of Recruitment through which an Organization gets suitable application. Scientific Recruitment and Selection, which an Organization should follow for, right manpower. Job Anal ysis, which gives an idea about the requirement of the job. Next is
Selection proc ess, which includes steps of Selection, Typ es of Test, Types of Interview, common Interview Problems and their Solutions. Approaches to Selection, Scientific Selection Policy, Selection in India and problems. Recruitment and Selection are simultaneous pr ocess and are incomplete without each other. They are important components of the organization and are different from each other. Since all the aspect needs practical example and explanation this project includes Recruitment and selection Process of Infosys. And a practical case study. It also contains addresses of various and top placement consultants and the pricelist of advertisements in the magazine.
RECURITMENT MEANING: Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people c an be selected. A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applican ts from which new employees are selected”. In this, the available vacancies are given wide publicit y and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection. In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc .are used. In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees
Definition: According to EDW IN FLIPPO,”Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to appl y for jobs in the organization.”
Need for recruitment: The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation: a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disabilit y, death and labo ur turnover. b) Creation of new vaca ncies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.
Purpose and importance of Recruitment:
1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its personnel -planning and job analysis activities. 2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. 3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibl y under qualified or overqualified job applicants. 4. Help reduce the probabilit y that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time. 5. Meet the organization’s legal and s ocial obligations regarding the composition of its work force. 6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all t ypes of job applicants.
Recruitment is a positive function in which publicit y is given to the jobs available in the organization and interested candidates are encouraged to submit appli cations for the purpose of selection. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, and eventuall y decided whether they wish to work for it. A well-planned and well -managed recruiting effort will result in high qualit y applicants, whereas, a haphazard and piecemeal efforts will result in mediocre ones.
Unscientific Recruitment and Selection: Previousl y,
infl uenced
superstitions, beliefs, personal prejudices of managers looking after the recruitment and selection of the staff. The net result of such unscientific recruitment and selection are: (a) Low productivit y of labour (b) High turnover (c) Excessive wastage of raw materials (d) More accidents and corresponding loss to the organization (e) Inefficient working of the whole organization and finall y (f) Ineffective executive of training and management development programs
Scientific recruitment and selection The importance of selection recruitment and selection of staff is now accepted in the business world. Selection is important as it has its impact on work performance and employee cost. As result scientific methods of recruitment and selection are extensivel y for the selecti on of managers and the supervisory staff. The assistance of experts such as industrial psychologist and management consultants are also taken for the purpose of scientific selection. As a result, the objective of “right man for the right job” is achieved i n many organizations. Moreover, “right job” is the basic principle in manpower procurement.
RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. Th e process comprises five interrelated stages are, 1. Planning. 2. Strategy development. 3. Searching. 4. Screening. 5. Evaluation and control. The ideal recruitment programme is the one that attracts a relativel y larger number of qualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization, when offered. Recruitment programmes can miss the ideal in many w ays i.e. by failing to attract an adequate applicant pool, by under/over selling the organization or by inadequate screening applicants before they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach the ideal, individuals responsible for the recruitment proces s must know how many and what t ypes of employees are needed, where and how to look for the individuals with the appropriate qualifications and interests, what inducement to use for various t ypes of applicants groups, how to distinguish applicants who are qualified from those who have a reasonable chance of success and how to evaluate their work.
Redroofis a rapid growing company which deals its interests into Manpower, Healthcare, Hospitalit y& Travel Services. In addition, the Manpower sector, spanning its first step in the global market. Redroof is also activel y engaged in the areas of Manpower suppl y & Hospitalit y with Communit y-Based Programs under its Foundation wing, reaffirming its grass root presence as change agents of societ y in the field of Corporate Social Responsibilit y. A out -and-out division of Redroof is managed by experienced professionals, oversees and manages its service across India. With its venture into the Manpower sector, Redroofhas established itself as a pioneer in the well provided service in the areas of the country. Among the pioneers to visualize the clients Growth, the group realized the potential needs of a rapidl y d eveloping econom y, particularl y in the area of Manpower & Hospitalit y service. One of the challenges facing the fast paced economic development in India is to provide world -class service which will further boost the growth and provide people with a better qualit y of life. Going
enthusiasticall y
foundation areas of the Hospitalit y development including Healthcare & Transportation Development. All these would be driven by a ambitious path of translating the visualizat ion of the Redroof by building well maintained organizations that make a difference to society through foundation of value.
We have structured our organization to give clients what they need, when they need it, and built in ways to uncover new efficiency opportunities forthem before they realize it themselves. Redroof is rising ahead, building on its achievements and exploring newer avenues for expansion.
Redroof is working so far in field of Manpower Suppl y, by providing talented and skill ful l employees in numerous industries like Banking, Airlines, commercial and noncommercial areas comprise as :
Placements Hospitality Import/Export Insurance Consulting
suppl y
industrials, hotels, insuranc e, corporate, information technology and various technological fields.
Redroof is enthusiastic for serving the Indian
Hospitalit y sector the best qualit y services. The company has well experienced professionals in its group who has been co nceptualized to offer niche area consultancy services to guide entrepreneurs, who are seeking to enter the wide area of hospitalit y, entertainment and food service businesses. The quest to serve the hotel industry with the bestand most competitivel y priced goods has led us to explore the world market thoroughl y. The group has a dedicated team for each step of hotel operations, from conceptualizing, development, advertising, promotion and on site coordination.
IMPORT/EXPORT Redroof the leading Import Export Advisor &Consultant, custom clearance etc.
INSURANCE Life is a roller coaster ride and is full of twists and turns. You cannot take anything for granted in life. On the one hand, human life is subject to various risks —risk of death or disability due to natural or accidental causes. On the other hand, propert y owned by man is exposed to various hazards, natural and man -made. Risk has the element of unpredictabilit y. Death/disabilit y or loss/damage could occur at anytime. Losses ca n be mitigated through insurance. Insurance policy helps in not onl y mitigating risks but also provides a financial cushion against adverse financial burdens su ffered.
K-SERVE The recruitment work with the company called K -Serve it is a BPO, initiall y it was given a task for searching the candidates for the domestic process, so The company started searching for the database on as they got the eligible candidates, they started calling them and convinced them to go for the interview. It is very easy to deal with a fresher but it is little difficult to deal with the candidates who have some experience because the main criteria what an candidate look for is CTC.
A-CONNEXION A-connexion is also a BPO. They wanted candidates only for the international process. They had their first round as a telephonic interview. Mr. Akshay who is a director of the company himself conducts a telephonic interview. He has some of his personal cri teria like the candidate must have an experience for atleast 1 year and that too for US inbound.
DUXSOFT Another company which I worked on was Duxsoft. It is an IT company. Mr. Pawan was the concerned person who gave us his requirements. His requirement was only for a front office executive and he wanted a female candidates
CHOICE CONNEX Choice connex is also a BPO. Here Mr.Mikki was the concerned person. They had an opening for international as well as domestic process. Their international process was for US outbound sales.
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS Strategic solution is basicall y an firm who provides solutions and services to the new firms entering into the market they provide them with solutions and guide them for setting up their new business. Mr. Sujay was the concerned person. They have an opening for Administrative Executive. These were some of the companies for whom Redroof worked for working for different sector because from this you come across different candidates and you come to know what an candida te actuall y wants or he expects from his company.
SELECTION Selection is defined as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of applicants) who has the appropriate qualification and competency to do the job. The difference between recruitment and selection: Recruitment is identifying n encouraging prospective employees to appl y for a job. AndSelection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants.
SELECTION PROCESS Selection is along process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employment The following chart gives an idea about selection process: External Environment
Internal Environment
Rejected Application
Preliminary Interview
Selection Tests
Employment Interview
Reference and Background Anal ysis
Selection Decision
Physical Examination
Job Offer
Employment Contract
Environment factor affecting selection : Selection is influenced by several factors. More prominent among them are suppl y and demand of specific skills in the labour market, unemployment rate, labour - market conditions, legal and political considerations, company’s image, company’s policy, human resources planning and cost of hiring. The last three constitute the inter nal environment and the remaining form the external environment of selection process. STEP 1: -
PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as to eliminate unqualified applicants. This is usuall y followed by a preliminary interview the purpose of which is more or less the same as scrutiny of application, that is, eliminate of unqualified applicants. Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to eliminate unqualified jobseekers based on the information supplied in their application forms. Preliminary interview, on the other hand, helps reject misfits for reason, which did not appear in the application forms. Besides, preliminary interview, often called ‘courtesy interview’, is a good public relation exercise. STEP 2: -
SELECTION TEST: Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests. Different t ypes of tests may be administered, depending on the job and the company. Generally, tests are used to determine the applicant’s abilit y, a ptitude and personalit y.
The following are the type of tests taken:
1).Ability tests: Assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job. An excellent illustration of this is the t yping tests given to a
‘ACHEIVEMENT TESTS’. It is concerned with what one has accomplished. When applicant
claims to know something, an
achievement test is taken to measure how well they know it. Trade tests are the most common t ype o f achievement test given. Questions have been prepared and tested for such trades as asbestos worker, punch-press operators, electricians and machinists. There are, of course, many unstandardised achievement tests given in industries, such as t yping or dictation tests for an applicant for a stenographic position.
2). Aptitude test: Aptitude tests measure whether an individuals has the capacit y or latent abilit y to learn a given job if given adequate training. The use of aptitude test is advisable wh en an applicant has had little or no experience along the line of the job opening. Aptitudes tests help determine a person’s potential to learn in a given area. An example of such test is the general management aptitude tests (GMAT), which many business students take prior to gaining admission to a graduate business school programme. Aptitude test indicates the abilit y or fitness of an individual to engage successfull y in any number of specialized activities. They cover such areas clerical aptitude, num erical aptitude, mechanical aptitude, motor co-ordination, finger dexterit y and manual dexterit y. These tests help to detect positive negative points in a person’s sensory or intellectual
abilit y. They focus attention on a particular t ype of talent such as learning or reasoning in respect of a particular field of work.
Forms of aptitude test: Mental or intelligence tests: They measure the overall intellectual abilit y of a person and enable to know whether the person has the mental abilit y to deal with certain problems.
Mechanical aptitude test : They measure the abilit y of a person to learn a particular t ype of mechanical work. These tests helps to measure specialized technical knowledge and problem solving abilities if the candidate. They are useful in selection of mechanics, maintenance workers, etc.
Psychomotor or skills tests They are those, which measure a person’s abilit y to do a specific job. Such tests are conducted in respect of semi skilled and repetitive jobs such as packi ng, testing and inspec tion, etc.
Intelligence test: This test helps to evaluate traits of intelligence. Mental abilit y, presence of mind (alertness), numerical ability, memory and such other aspects can be measured. The intelligence is probabl y the most widel y administered stan dardized test in industry. It is taken to judge numerical, skills, reasoning, memory and such other abilities.
Interest Test: This is conducted to find out likes and dislikes of candidates towards occupations, hobbies, etc. such tests indicate which occupations are more in line with a person’s interest. Such tests also enable the company to provide vocational guidance to the selected candidates and even to the existing employees.These tests are used to measure an individual’s activit y preferences. These tes ts are particularl y useful for students considering many careers or employees deciding upon career changes. 24
Personality Test: The importance of personalit y to job success is undeniable. Often an individual who possesses the intelligence, aptitude and experience for certain has failed because of inabilit y to get along with and motivate other people. It is conducted to judge maturit y, social or interpersonal skills, behavior under stress and strain, etc. this test is very much essential on case of selection of sales force, public relation staff, etc. where personalit y plays an important role. Personalit y tests are similar to interest tests in that they, also, involve a serious problem of obtaining an honest answer.
Projective Test: This test requires interpretation of problems or situations. For example, a photograph or a picture can be shown to the candidates and they are asked to give their views, and opinions about the picture.
General knowledge Test: Now days G.K Tests are very common to find general awareness of the candidates in the field of sports, politics, world affairs, current affairs.
Perception Test: At times perception tests can be conducted to find out beliefs, attitudes, and mental sharpness.etc.
Graphology Test: It is designed to anal yze the handwriting of individual. It has been said that an individual’s handwriting can suggest the degree of energy, inhibition and spontaneit y, as well as disclose the idiosyncrasies and elements of balance and control. For example, big letters
towardsdomination and competitiveness. A slant to the right, moderate pressure and good legibilit y show Recruitment potential.
Polygraph Test: Pol ygraph is a lie detector, which is designed to ensure accuracy of the information given in the applications. Department store, banks, treasury offices and jewellery shops, that is, those highl y vulnerable to theft or swindling may find pol ygraph tests useful.
Medical Test: It reveals physical fitness of a candidate. With the development of technology, medical tests have become diversified
INTERVIEW: The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in-depth
acceptabilit y. It is considered to be excellent selection device. It is face to-face exchange of view, ideas and opinio n between the candidates and interviewers. Basically, interview is nothing but an oral examination of candidates. Interview can be adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and profession employees.
Objectives of interview : Interview has at least three objectives and they are a follows: 1) Helps obtain additional information from the applicants 2) Facilitates giving general information to the applicants such as company policies, job, products manufactured and the like 3) Helps build the company’s image among the applicants.
Types of interview: Interviews can be of different t ypes. There interviews employed by the companies. Following are the various t ypes of interview: -
1) Informal Interview: An informal interview is an oral i nterview and may take place anywhere. The employee or the manager or the personnel manager may ask a few almost inconsequential questions like name, place of birth, names of relatives etc. either in their respective offices or anywhere outside the plant of company. It is not planned and nobody prepares for it. This is used widel y when the labour market is tight and when you need workers badl y.
2) Formal Interview: Formal interviews may be held in the employment office by the employment office in a more formal atmosphere, with the help of well structured questions, the time and place of the interview will be stipulated by the employment office.
3) Non-directive Interview : Non-directive interview or unstructured interview is designed to let the interviewee speak his mind freel y. The interviewer has no formal or directive questions, but his all attention is to the candidate. He encourages the candidate to talk by a little pr odding whenever he is silent e.g. “Mr. Ray, please tell us about yourself after your graduated from high school”. The idea is to give the candidate compl ete freedom to “sell” himself, without the encumbrances of the interviewer’s question. But the interviewer must be of higher caliber and must guide and relate the information given by the applicant to the objective of the interview.
4) Depth Interview: It is designed to intensel y examine the candidate’s background and thinking and to go into considerable det ail on particular subjects of an important nature and of special interest to the candidates. For example, if the candidate says that he is interested in tennis, a series of questions may be asked to test the depth of understanding and interest of the candidate. These probing questions must be asked with tact and through exhaustive anal ysis; it is possible to get a good picture of the candidate.
5) Stress Interview: It is designed to test the candidate and his conduct and behaviour by him under conditions o f stress and strain. The interviewer may start with “Mr. Joseph, we do not think your qualifications and experience 28
are adequate for this position,’ and watch the reaction of the candidates. A good candidates will not yield, on the contrary he may substantiate why he is qualified to handle the job. This t ype of interview is bo rrowed from the Military organiz ation and this is very useful to test behaviour of individuals when they are faced with disagreeable and trying situations
6) Group Interview: It is designed to save busy executive’s time and to see how the candidates may be brought together in the employment office and they may be interviewed.
7) Panel Interview: A panel or interviewing board or selection committee may interview the candidate, usuall y i n the case of supervisory and managerial positions. This t ype of interview pools the collective judgment and wisdom of the panel in the assessment of the candidate and also in questioning the faculties of the candidate.
8) Sequential Interview: The sequential interview takes the one -to-one a step further and involves a series of interview, usuall y utilizing the strength and 29
knowledgebase of each interviewer, so that each interviewer can ask questions in relation to his or her subject area of each candidate, as the candidate moves from room to room.
9) Structures Interview : In a structured interview, the interviewer uses preset standardized questions, which are put to all the interviewees. This interview is also called as ‘Guided’ or ‘Patterned’ interview. It is useful for valid results, especiall y when dealing with the large number of applicants.
10) Unstructured Interview: It is also known as ‘Unpattern ed’ interview, the interview is largel y unplanned and the interviewee does most of the talking. Unguided interview is advantageous in as much as it leads to a friendl y conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee and in the process, the later reveals more of his or her desire and problems. But the Unpatterned interview lacks uniformit y and worse, this approach ma y overlook key areas of the applicant’s skills or background. It is useful when the interviewer tries to probe personal details of the candidate it anal yze why they are not right for the job.
11) Mixed Interview: In practice, the interviewer while interviewing the job seekers uses a blend of structured and structured and unstructured questions. This approach is called the Mixed Interview. The structured questions provide a base of interview more conventional and permi t greater insights into the unique differences between applicants.
12) Imprompt Interviews: This interview commonl y occurs when employers are approached directl y and tends to be very informal and unstructured. Applicants should be 30
prepared at all times for on-the-spot interviews, especiall y in situations such as a job fair or a cold call. It is an ideal time for employers to ask the candidate some basic questions to determine whether he/she may be interested in formally interviewing the candidate.
13) Dinner Interviews: These interviews may be structured, informal, or sociall y situated, such as in a restaurant. Decide what to eat quickl y, some interviewers will ask you to order first (do not appear indecisive). Avoid potentiall y mess y foods, such as spagh etti. Be prepared for the conversation to abruptl y change from friendl y chat to direct interview questions, however, do not underestimate the value of casual discussion, some employers place a great value on it. Be prepared to switch gears rapidl y, f rom fun talk to business talk.
14) Telephone Interviews: Have a copy of your resume and any points you want to remember to say nearby. If you are on your home telephone, make sure that all roommates or famil y members are aware of the interview (no loud stereos , barking dogs etc.). Speak a bit slower than usual. It is crucial that you convey your enthusiasm verball y, since the interviewer cannot see your face. If there are pauses, do not worry; the interviewer is likel y just taking some notes.
15) Second Interviews: Job seekers are invited back after they have passed the first initial interview. Middle or senior management generall y conducts the second interview, together or separatel y. Applicants can expect more in -depth questions, and the employer will be expecting a greater level of preparation on the part of the candidates. Applicants should continue to research the employer. 31
SALES EXPERIENCE The "pipeline" refers to flow o f potential clients which a company has started developing. Business -development staff assign to each potential client in the pipeline a percent chance of success, with projected s alesvolumes attached. Planners can use the weighted average of all the potential clients in the pipeline to project staffing to manage the new activit y when finalized. Enterprises usually support pipelines with some kind of CRM (customer relationship management ) tool or CRM -database, either web-based (such as the software-as-aservicesolution) or an in-house system. Sometimes business development specialists manage and anal yze the data to produce sales management information (MI). Such MI could include:
reasons for wins/losses progress of opportunities in relation to the sales process top performing salespeople/sales channels sales of services/products
For larger and well -established companies, especiall y in technology related industries, the term "business development" often refers to setting up and managing strategic relationships and alliances with other, third part y companies. In these instances the companies may leverage each others'expertise, technologies or other intellectual propert y to expand their capacities f or identifying, researching, anal yzing and bringing to market new businesses and new products, business -development focuses on implementation of the strategic business plan through equit y financing, acquisition/divestiture of technologies, products, and companies, plus the establishment of strategic partnerships where appropriate.
After the job offer has bee n mad and candidates accept the offer, certain documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. One such document is the attestation form. This form contains vital details about the candidate, which are authenticated and attested by him/her. Attestation form will be a valid record for the future reference. There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should be included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, b ut the following checklist sets out the t ypical headings: 1.
Job title
Duties, including a parse such as “The employee will perform such duties and will be responsible to such a person, as the company may from time to time direct”.
Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service
Rate of pay, allowance, overtime and shift rates, method of payments.
Hours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements.
6. Holiday arrangements: a. Paid holidays per year. b. Calculation of holiday pay. c. Qualifying period. d. Accrual of holidays and holiday pay. 33
e. Details of holiday year. f. Dates when holidays can be taken. g. Maximum holiday that can be take at any one time. h. Public holidays.
7. Length of notice due to and from employee. 8. Grievances procedure (or reference to it). 9. Disciplinary procedure (or any reference to it). 10. Work rules (or any reference to them). 11. Arrangements for terminating employment. 12. Arrangements for union membership (if applicable). 13. Special terms relating to rights to patent s and designs, confidential information and restraints on trade after termination of employment. 14. Employer’s right to vary terms of the contract subject to proper notification being given.
Alternativel y called em ployment agreements or simpl y bonds, contracts of employment serve many useful purposes. Such contracts seek to restrain job -hoppers, to protect knowledge and information that might be vital to a company’s healthy bottom line and to prevent competitors fro m poaching highl y valued employees. Great care is taken to draft the contract forms. Often, services of law firms (prominent firms in this category include Mulla, Craigie, Blunt and Caroe, Crawford Bailey, AmarchandMan galdasHiralal, etc.) are engage d to get the forms drafted and finalized.
Most employers insist on agreements being signed by newl y hired employees. But high turnover sectors such as software, advertising and media are more prone to use contracts. The drawback with the contracts is that it is a lmost to enforce them. A determined employee is bound to leave the organiz ation, contract or no contract. The employee is prepared to pay the penalt y for breaching the agreement or the new employer will provide compensations. It is the reason that several companies have scrapped the contracts altogether
Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deduction and reaching conclusions and at last carefull y testing the conclusion to determine whether they formulating hypothesis.
Step 1: DEFINING THE PROBLEM The purpose of the study is to find out: 1) How Recruitment has become an important tool for organization’s growth and success. 2) What practices are adopted by different organizations to enhance the Recruitment aspect of an individual and its effect on the overall productivit y of an orga nization? 3) This study will also help us to find out what are the individual needs to develop as a Leader in an organization
STEP 3: OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the practices of organization to develop Recruitment skills of an individual. In the light of this primary objective the following sub -objectives are set. To study the importance of Recruitment for an organization’s success To examine ways in which Recruitment is groom ed in the organizations To study the practices adopted by the organizations to develop Recruitment at an individual as well as organizational level To examine the effect of Recruitment on organizations work culture.
STEP 4 : DECISION ON TYPE OF STUDY The t ype of Research study opted for the above mentioned study is exploratory research Exploratory research: The chief purpose of exploratory research is to reach a better understanding of the research problem. This includes helping to identify the variables which should be measured within the study. When there is little understanding of the topic it is impossible to formulate hypotheses without some exploratory studies. A situation where insufficient knowledge prevented the development of clear objectives, si nce the problem could not be articulated with any precision and therefore research of an exploratory nature was required. Such research can take the form of literature searches, informal personal interviews with distributors and users/non -users of the prod uct and/or focus group interviews with farmers and/or distributors. As we wanted to explore the aspects related to Recruitment in an organization. Through this study we have tried to explore the various practices
Recruitment in an individual. This research also explores the other aspects of being a Leader at an individual level.
Data is collected from primary and secondary sources. Collection of the data is of primary importance the research process. Data which is collected for the purpose of research helps in proper anal ysis which is helpful to conduct research effectivel y. The data source, which is very important in the collection of data, is primary data and secondary data. Both primary and secondary data are taken into consideration for the study. Primary Data: This consists of original information gathered for specific purpose. The normal procedure is to interview the people ind ividuall y and/ or in a group, to get the required data. Secondary Data: This consists of the information that already exists somewhere, either in some Annual Records or Magazines etc, having been collected for other purpose. Here the researcher has both pr imary as well as secondary data
For Primary Data STEP 6: Questionnaire Design: A structured questionnaire was designed in accordance to the objective of the study. The Questionnaire was designed to study: How Recruitment is an important tool for an organi sation’s success and what measures are taken to develop Recruitment in organisations. It consisted of 25 Questions pertaining to the organization as well as individual’s view on the various
aspects of Recruitment were asked in order to get a complete pictu re of the scenario created by the organization for development of an individual For Secondary data: A review was done of the already available data of the organizations through their web sites & Magazine s
INTERVIEW QUALITY NORMS: In today’s knowledge driven business scenario, People are perceived as the most value able assets of an organization and the optimum of the skill, knowledge, attitude they posses, are directl y instrumental to the growth of any of any organization. Therefore, while recruiting a candidate for any role, position, level, function, it should always be ensured that there is no compromise in the qualit y of people, we hire. Besides checking the presence of role -specific key competencies & behavioral attributes required to perform a jo b, few basic eligibilit y criteria should be considered even before a candidate is called for the initial rounds of interviews • Academic qualification: Minimum a Post Graduate for all positions with relevant expertise/proficiency in respective functional domain and there should not be any unjustified gaps in education. • Psychometric / General intelligence test: All the short –listed candidates should be run through a or a relevant Psychometric / General intelligence test and candidates qualifying this t est, would be eligible for the next rounds of tests / interviews. • Reference check: Reference check is MUST for all recruitments across the country and HR should always ensure that reference check is done before extending the offer to a selected candidate .offer/LOI will not be issued without reference check. a. Candidates selected after rounds of test/interviews would be asked to 40
provide the names & contact details of at least 3 persons as his/her professional references , and b. HR would conta ct these references and the comments & remarks of the referees would be documented and preserved for future records. c. HR in some of the critical cases may also carry out an independent reference check through the third part y or detective Agency respecti ve, which would check with at least 2 referees (one each from 2 different organizations) whom the concerned candidate had worked with in the past.
WORK BY ALAN Price (2007) Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business Context, formall y defines recruitment and selection as the process of retrieving and attracting able application s for the purpose of employment. He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the most appropriate manpower. There existing competition among b usiness enterprises for recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations, with management decision making and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the company (Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would particularl y shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of the position they are appl ying for, including team work. Since possessi ng qualities of being a team player would be essential in any management position
Brief Overview: Effective research cannot be accomplished without studying criticall y what already exists in the form of general literature and specific studies. Therefore, it is considered as an important perquisite for actual planning and execution of research projects. The review of existing literature helps to formulate hypothesis, identify research gaps and formulate a framework for further investigation. There are four major sections in the review of literature. Section 1: Theoretical framework of Recruitment and Career Advancement. Section 2: Studies related to Women Career Advancement. Section 3: Studies related to the Self-efficacy. Section 4: Studies related to the G ender Differences and Glass Ceiling. BARBER (1998) defines Employee recruitment as “practices and activities carried on by an organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”. Many large corporations have employee recruitment plans that are designed to attract potential employees that 43
are not onl y capable of filling vacant positions but also add to the organization’s culture. ACCORDING TO COSTELLO (2006) recruitment is described as the set of activities and processes used to l egall y obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests. 46 According to Montgomery (1996) is on matching the capabiliti es and inclinations of prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job. J OVANOVIC (2004) said recruitment is a process of attracting a pool of high qualit y applicants so as to select the best among them. For this reason, top performing companies devoted considerable resources and energy to creating high qualit y selection systems. Due to the fact that organizations are always fortified by information technology to be more competitive, it is natural to also consider utilizing th is technology to reorganize the traditional recruitment and selection process through proper decision techniques, with that both the effectiveness and the efficiency of the processes can be increased and the qualit y of the recruitment and selection decision improved.
A. Johnson (1994): Suggested methods for dealing with issues that improve Sonja the likelihood of selecting the best candidate for an correct position. It also describes desired characteristics of an professional that should be the focus of recruiting efforts and provides recommended interview questions and a skills checklist for use in the recruiting process.
OwaisShafique(2012): Strategic recruitment is of vital importance in recruitment planning now a day. it is also found the usefulness of Generation X approach in identifying the differences between the old generation and the young new Generation x and the different needs and attitudes of both the generations. This gives us an idea that the old recruitment practices might not be enough in today‟s competitive environment. The Rank and Yank approach shows just how intense the competition is in the corporate world today and the fact that this approach is so successful is astounding. Although the benefits of Internet recruiting ex ceed its drawbacks but even then we found that Internet recruiting is still more useful for computer related business sector. It is also conclude that despite all other recruitment testing methods Interviews still stand out as one of the best ways to ident ify and recruit the right person for your organization.
Merlyn Mascarenhas (2011) :Observed that the importance and purpose of recruitment stresses the need to attract and encourage more and more candidates to appl y in the organization. This creates a Talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organizatio n. It includes 45
determining present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job anal ysis activities. Thus, it is the process which links the employers with the employees. It helps to increase the pool of jo b candidates at minimum cost. It helps increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibl y under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Thus, it helps reduce the probabilit y that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization onl y after a short period of time. It meets the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. It begins identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. Finall y, it increases organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all t ypes of job applicants. The paper attempts to highlight the Recruitment & selection processes in ten organizations across sectors in the Indian scenario. It examines issues in the recruitment and selection processes and offers suggestions.
Samuel ItebaOnchoke, Dr S.B. Akash (2011): Said that the success of MNCs especiall y in emerging economies depends on the extent they cope with competit ive market dynamics in various sectors. One way of coping with the situation is through effective recruitment and selection of the right and diverse employees for business units operated beyond the traditional markets. Effective acquisition of the right hu man resource is dependent on the policies and practices embraced bearing in mind that there are no universal best practices that could be applied in all the markets. The practices are normall y dictated 46
by the parent company and subsidiary relationship, the constantl y changing business environment. Based on this backdrop, this article describes hiring issues and empiricall y evaluates selected recruitment and selection practices for MNCs in the state of Karnataka.
NavdeepKumar ,PankajGarg (2012): Said that the competitive organizations of the future have to attract and retain the best and outstanding employees to remain competitive in the market. The Internet allows organizations to reach a large number of candidates easil y and efficientl y. Although the Worl d Wide Web is becoming the hot new recruiting tool, traditional methods, such as newspaper advertising, are not yet obsolete. Local newspapers are the preferred advertising medium for no management positions, and national newspapers are widel y used to recruit managerial/professional candidates. This paper identifies Internet recruitment methods from relevant literature, and describes how their benefits can influence the recruitment performance.
Mullins (1999) indicated that to be a high performing organiz ation, human resource management must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, placement, evaluation, training and development, compensation and b enefits, and retention of the employees of an organization. Businesses have developed human resource information systems that support: (i) recruitment, selection, and hiring, (ii) job placement, (iii) performance appraisals, (iv) employee benefits anal ysis , (v) training and development, and (vi) health, safet y, and securit y. 47
Barber (1998) defines Employee recruitment as “practices and activities carried on by an organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”. Many large corporations have employee recruitment plans that are designed to attract potential employees that are not onl y capable of filling vacant positions but also add to the organization’s culture.
According to Costello (2006) recruitment is described as the set of activities and processes used to legall y obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests.
According to Montgomery (1 996) is on matching the capabilities and inclinations of prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job.
Jovanovic (2004) said recruitment is a process of attracting a pool of high qualit y applicants so as to select the best among them. For this reason, top performing companies devoted considerable resources and energy to creating high qualit y selection systems. Due to the f act that organizations are always fortified by information technology to be more competitive, it is natural to also consider utilizing this technology to re organize the traditional recruitment and selection process 48
through proper decision techniques, with that both the effectiveness and the efficiency of the processes can be increased and the qualit y of the recruitment and selection decision improved.
According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006) , Human Resource Management theories emphasize on tech niques of recluitment and selection and outline the benefits of interviews, assessment and psychometric examincüionsps employee selection process. They further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be conducted online. Typicall y, this process is based on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training (Korsten 2003).
Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare, business or industrial sector Inay offer insights into the processes involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives.
Jovanovic, 2012 Found that through the recruitment process you can identify the best candidate among all the candidates.When an organization does the anal ysis of their future need they actuall y make a plane of hiring and firing employees and give reward to productive employees to retain them.
Sriwongwanna,2009 It would be no lie if we say that outsourcing human resource functions such as recruitment and
selection is a new trend and it is affecting the future human resource strategy in a very positive way. According to business wire 2000 the comp anies who are “at the leading edge of internet recruitment” can achieve lower costs, faster recruiting cycle and higher caliber recruits.
Drake, L. R., Kaplan, H. R., & Stone, R. A. (1973) in their study entitled Organizational performance as a function of recruitment criteria and effectiveness Surveyed 258 business organizations which recruit graduating students at universities and obtained 195 (75%) responses. Anal ysis indicated that organization size, company age, and primary activit y had significant effects on responses. The recruiter screens candidates and often influences hiring decisions. It is noted that organizations had objective methods for evaluating recruiter performance, have few incentives for hiring the best candidate, and few training programs for their interviewers, yet selection criteria tend to be very subjective and nebulous.
Decker, P. J., & Cornelius, E. T. (1979) on their study entitled A note on recruiting sources a nd job survival rates observed several recruiting sources for obtaining new workers used by an insurance company, a bank, and a professional abstracting service were compared in terms of their relationship to later job survival. Types of jobs studied inclu ded clerical, managerial, professional, and sales. Significant differences were found among the various recruiting sources in their relationship to later employee turnover.
Breaugh, J. A. (1981) studied Relationships between recruiting sources and employe e performance, absenteeism, and work attitudes. This field study sought to determine whether the sources through which employees are recruited are related to subsequent job performance, absenteeism, and work attitudes. The study found strong source -of-recruitment effects. Newspapers and college placement offices were, in general, poorer sources of employees than journal/convention advertisements and self -initiated contacts.
Quaglieri, P. L. (1982 ) show that informal sources and those tapped by "walking int o" an organization for interview provided more specific and accurate information about jobs than did formal sources (i.e., newspaper advertisements, agencies, and job openings listed in professional journals) .
Caldwell, D. F., & Spivey, W. A. (1983) also studied the relationship between recruiting source and employee success: An anal ysis by race [7]. Using a raciall y mixed sample (N= 1400) of store clerks, the relationship between recruiting source and emplo yee success was examined.
Q1.What are the sources for recruitment and selection?
internal external both
ANALYSIS About 75% of the manager say that they prefer both internal as well as external source for recruitment and selection where as onl y 9% go for internal source and 18% go for external source.
Q2.When do you prefer to go for manpower planning?
20% 30%
ANALYSIS Around 50% of the managers go for Quarterl y manpower planning and 20 % do not follow any pattern they don ’t have any fixed time where as 20% go for yearl y.
Q3.What are the sources for externalrecruitment arepreferred?
25% 34%
ANALYSIS In AVIVA 34% of manager go for campus interviews, 33% go for data bank, 25% from the casual application that are received and onl y 8% go for any placement agencies .
Q4.What form of interview did you prefer?
ANALYSIS Most of the manager Prefer Personal interviews, 30% prefer to take telephonic interviews where as onl y 20% go for video conferencing and rest 10% adopt some other means of interview.
Q5.How do you rate the HR practices of the company?
30% 20%
ANALYSIS 50% of the managers feel that HR department is good where and 30%say that its very good where as 20% says its average and onl y 10% manager feel it ’s bad
The policy is explicit that our practices should be non -discriminatory, fair and should meet or exceed all legislative requirements. The policy is explicit that applicants should be assessed on merit for the post without reference to sex, marital status, religion, ethnicit y, disabilit y, gender alignment or age. Selection for interview is carried out on the basis of the person specificat ion and is carried out by at least two people. No personal information about candidates is known to the selection panel and this is done with a candidate number. This is intended to eliminate any discrimination at the short -listing stage. Interviews follow a competency-based approach and similar information is asked from each candidate. All applicants are asked to complete an Equal Opportunities Form for monitoring purposes. This information is part of our workforce monitoring and helps to identify any patt erns of discrimination in our recruitment and selection processes. A specific positive impact on disabilit y was identified as the policy supports about disability status and will guarantee to interview any disabled candidates who meet the minimum specification and who would like to be considered under this scheme
The human element of organization is the most crucial asset of an organization. Taking a closer perspective -it is the very qualit y of this asset that sets an organization apart from the others, the very element that brings the organization’s vision into fruition.
Thus, one can grasp the strategic implications that the manpower of an organization has in shaping the fortunes of an organization . This is where the complementary roles of Recruitment and Selection come in. The role of these aspects in the contemporary organization is a subject on which the experts have pondered, deliberated and studied, considering the vital role that they obviousl y play . The essence of recruitment can be summed up as ‘the philosophy of attracting as many applicants as possible for given jobs’. The face value of this definition is what guided recruitment activities in the past. These days, however, the emphasis is on aligning the organization’s objectives with that of the individual’s. By making this a priorit y, an organization safeguards its interests and standing. After all, a satisfied workforce is a stable workforce which also ensures that an organization has cr edible and reliable performance. Ina bid to underscore this subtle point, the project examines the various processes and nuances one of the most critical activities of an organization.
The end result of the recruitment process is essentiall y a pool of applicants. Next to recruitment, the logical step in the HR process is the selection of qualified and competent people. As such, this process concentrates on differentiating between applica nts in order to identify – and hire- those individuals whose abilities are consistent with the organization’s requirements.
The reader will do well to note that the transition between the 2 activities is not stringent. The 2 activities basically have one aim- to yield a perfect employee for the organization.
None of these activities t ypecast. Every organization tailors the processes keeping in mind the nature of the organization, its needs and constraints. In this project, we examine this angle through the case studies of 2 companies, involved in the same sector but essentiall y different in their perceptions towards recruitment and selection. And both seem to have benefited from their take on the 2 processes.
In the end, this project endeavors to presen t a comprehensive picture of Recruitment and Selection and hopes to enable the reader to appreciate the various intricacies involved
Q1.What are the sources for recruitment and selection? 1. INTERNAL 2. EXTERNAL 3. BOTH. Q2.When do you prefer to go for manpower planning? 1. YEARLY 2. QUATYER LY 3. NO TIME FIXED Q3.What are the sources for external recruitment arepreferred? 1. CAMPUS INTERVIEW 2. PLACEMENT AGENCIES 3. DATA BANK 4. CASUAL APPLICANTS
Q5.How do you rate the HR practices of the company? 1. VERY GOOD 2. GOOD 3. AVERAGE 4. BAD
WEB: w w w . go o gl e . c o m w w w . l e a r n i n gm a t e . c o m