Pact Of Caracas 1958 (english Translation)

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Pact of Caracas (20 July 1958) translated by Jules Dubois, as published with his introduction and comments in: Jules Dubois (1959): Fidel Castro: Rebel-Liberator Or Dictator? (Indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill), pp280-283 Fidel Castro had shattered the unity of the opposition political forces of revolution when he rejected the Council of Liberation in December 1957. Now he was ready to agree to the formation of a Civilian Revolutionary Front, which he had originally advocated in the July 12, 1957, manifesto from the Sierra. "Tony" Varona flew to Caracas to confer with Castro via the secret rebel radio there on the terms of the unity compact. Complete accord was reached and other political and rebel leaders flew from Miami to Caracas to be ready to sign the pact on July 20, the anniversary of the independence of Colombia. Castro had dictated the text of the pact from Radio Rebelde in the Sierra Maestra to the secret rebel radio in Caracas. Delegates from the various groups approved the text as they arrived, and the pact was signed at a ceremony that historic Sunday. It became a manifesto to the people of Cuba, and read: "Ever since the treacherous coup of March 10, which interrupted the normal democratic process of the nation, the people of Cuba have opposed with much heroism and determination the forces of tyranny. Each and every form of defiance has been used in these six blood-stained years, and all elements of Cuban life have opposed with real patriotism Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship. The people of Cuba, in their struggle to be free, have copiously shed the blood of their best sons, thus demonstrating that their love for freedom is indefatigable. "Ever since the long-gone days of student parades and demonstrations, when the first martyrs fell, up to the recent battles, such as the one that took place in Santo Domingo, province of Oriente, in which the dictatorship suffered a crushing defeat, leaving on the battlefield its dead and wounded, as well as large amounts of war material, much blood has been spilled and numerous efforts made to free the enslaved Fatherland. Labor strikes, three large military conspiracies and courageous protests by all the country's civic institutions, have abetted the heroic armed attacks at Santiago, Matanzas, Havana, Cienfuegos and Sagua la Grande. In the cities, sabotage, armed aggressions and other forms of revolutionary tactics have tested the indomitable spirit of a generation true to the immortal words of our national anthem which declare: 'to die for my country is to live.' "Rebellion has extended over the whole nation. In mountainous regions, new battle fronts have been formed, while in the plains guerrilla columns constantly harass the enemy. At present, thousands upon thousands of soldiers, in Batista's greatest offensive to date, have dashed themselves against the courage of

Pact of Caracas 20 July 1958 [translated by Jules Dubois]

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rebels who are defending, inch by inch, the free territory at the Sierra Maestra. In this same zone in the province of Oriente, after ferocious battles. Column No. 6, called Frank Pais, controls a third of the province. In the plains of Oriente, Column No. 2 is fighting from Manzanillo to Nuevitas in the next province. In the central region of Santa Clara, the Revolutionary Directorate has been bravely fighting at Escambray, and near-by places for several months. Members of the Partido Autentico and the 26th of July Movement have also been battling in this region. At Cienfuegos and Yaguajay, revolutionary guerrillas are stanchly fighting and marauding. Small guerrilla forces operate in Matanzas and Pinar del Rio. In each corner of Cuba, a struggle to the death is taking place between freedom and tyranny, while abroad numerous exiles are making every effort to free the oppressed Fatherland. "Aware that the co-ordination of human efforts, of war resources, of civic forces, of the political and revolutionary sectors of the opposition, including civilians, the military, workers, students, professionals, the commercial classes and citizens in general, can overthrow the dictatorship if a supreme effort is made, we, the signatories of this document, pledge our united efforts. We hereby reach agreement in favor of a great revolutionary, civic coalition, made up of all elements of Cuban life, and pledge ourselves to give our best and most patriotic efforts, that thus united we may tumble from power the criminal dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and regain for Cuba the coveted peace and the return to democracy, the two blessings which can lead our people toward the development of their progress, resources and liberties. We are all cognizant of the need to act in concert and our fellow citizens thus require it. "This union of the Cuban opposition forces is based on three pillars, to wit: "First: The adoption of a common strategy to defeat the dictatorship by means of armed insurrection, reinforcing, as soon as possible, all the combat fronts and arming the thousands of Cubans willing to fight for freedom. The popular mobilization of all labor, civic, professional and economic forces, culminating in a great general strike on the civilian front; while, on the military front, action will be co-ordinated throughout the country. From this common determination, Cuba will emerge free, and the painful shedding of blood of our best human reserves will come to an end. Victory will be ours in any case, but will be delayed if our activities are not co-ordinated. "Second: To guide our nation, after the fall of the tyrant, to normality by instituting a brief provisional government that will lead the country to full constitutional and democratic procedures. "Third: A minimum governmental program that will guarantee the punishment of the guilty ones, the rights of the workers, the

Pact of Caracas 20 July 1958 [translated by Jules Dubois]

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fulfillment of international commitments, public order, peace, freedom, as well as the economic, social and political progress of the Cuban people. "And as we ask the government of the United States of America to cease all military and other types of aid to the dictator, we reaflftrm our position in defense of our national sovereignty and the nonmilitary, republican tradition of Cuba. "To our soldiers we say that the moment has arrived to deny their support to tyranny; that we have faith in them, for we know that there are decent men in the armed forces. If in the past hundreds of officers and enlisted men have paid with their lives, imprisonment, exile or retirement from active duty because of their love for freedom, there must be many others who feel the same way. This is not a war against the armed forces of the Republic but against Batista, the only obstacle to that peace desired and needed by all Cubans, both civil and military. We urge the workers, students, professionals, businessmen, sugar plantation owners, farmers and Cubans of all religions, ideologies and races to join this movement of liberation that will overthrow the infamous tyranny that has soaked our soil with blood, liquidated our best human reserves, ruined our economy, destroyed our republican institutions, and interrupted the constitutional and democratic evolution of our country, thus bringing about a bloody civil war which will come to a triumphant end only with a revolution backed by all citizens. "The hour has come when the intelligence, patriotism, valor and civic virtues of our men and women— especially those who feel deeply the historic destiny of our nation, its right to be free and to adopt the democratic way of life— will save the oppressed Fatherland. Our future is great because of our history, as well as because of our natural resources and the undeniable capacity of our sons. We exhort all the revolutionary, civic and political forces of our nation to subscribe to this declaration of unity, and, later, as soon as practicable, we will hold a meeting of all and every representative delegate to discuss and approve the bases of our pledge." Free Territory of Cuba (for Caracas) July 20, 1958 Signed: Fidel Castro, 26th of July Movement; Carlos Prio Socarras, Organizacion Autentico; E. Rodriguez Loeche, Directorio Revolucionario; David Salvador, Orlando Blanco, Pascasio Lineras, Lauro Blanco, Jose M. Aguilera, Angel Cofino, Labor Unity; Manuel A. de Varona, Partido Cubano Revolucionario (A) ; Lincoln Rodon, Partido Democrata; Jose Puente and Omar Fernandez, Federation of University Students; Captain Gabino Rodriguez Villaverde, ex-army officers; Justo Carrillo Hernandez, Montecristi Group; Angel Maria Santos Buch, Civic Resistance Movement, and Dr. Jose Miro Cardona, Co-ordinating Secretary-General.

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