Pablo Picasso Y El Cuerpo

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,914
  • Pages: 7
LEANRING CENTERS: PABLO PICASSO Y EL CUERPO Class will begin with a warm-up with review questions from the class before this lesson is taught (still haven’t decided the exact content). After correcting the questions, I will explain the lesson for the day and the objective of the lesson. Students will be participating in the following learning centers: Center 1: Pablo Picasso- Culture, writing Proficiency goal: Students will express their opinions about several paintings by Pablo Picasso while learning a little about the culture of Spain (Picasso is from Spain). •

What will students do? o Students will be given picture of four of Pablo Picasso’s paintings (attached). They will be asked to discuss the paintings and come up with a list of vocabulary words that they think are relevant to describing the painting (colors, shapes, people, etc.). This list will be incorporated in their evaluation worksheet to be turned in at the end of the day. o Students will then a short paragraph (also on the evaluation worksheet) about which of the paintings is their favorite and why. o In the last five minutes, I will instruct them to make a guess as to which the artist of the paintings really is. Once they have completed their guess they will be instructed to open an envelope on the table that contains a picture of the artist and a short biography (comes from their textbook).

What materials do they need? o They will need the evaluation worksheet o Pictures of Picasso’s paintings o Envelope containing the picture and the description of the artist

What is the desired learning outcome/experience? o I want the students to have practice writing complete sentences and expressing their feelings. I also expect that after partaking in this learning center, they will be able to tell me some basic facts about the artist.

How will learning/ participation be assessed? o Learning and participation will both be assessed using the evaluation worksheet. I will be grading the sheet for both accuracy and completion therefore checking both their participation in the learning center and the

quality of the work that they did. For this station, they will be writing their opinion of the paintings and 2 facts about the artist. Center 2: Vocab practice- Concentration- Vocabulary (Communication) Proficiency goal: Students will be able to communicate about different body parts. •

What will students do? o Students will be given 3 sets of cards. Each set will contain 25 pictures and 25 vocabulary words that describe the pictures (one picture and one word make a set). The groups will divide into pairs (3 sets of 2). o Students will face all cards face down on a desk. They will take turns flipping over two cards searching for a match. For example, if I am looking for a match I need to find the word “arm” and a picture of the arm. If the two cards are not a match, they are flipped back over. Students need to get as many matches as possible. o What materials do they need? o Concentration cards o Evaluation sheet

What is the desired learning outcome/experience? o Students will get practice recognizing new vocabulary words.

How will learning/participation be assessed? o Learning and participation will both be assessed using the evaluation worksheet. I will be grading the sheet for both accuracy and completion therefore checking both their participation in the learning center and the quality of the work that they did. At this station, students will need to list what pairs they found by writing both the English word and the Spanish word.

Center 3: Native speaker pre-visit activity Culture/Community/expressing opinionswriting Proficiency goal: Students will develop questions to aid in an authentic conversation in Spanish. They will express their opinions and ask another person questions about their life. They will also relate culture of Ecuador to their own lives by finding topics that are interesting to them to ask about.

Rationale: I have a good friend who is from Ecuador who is coming to visit our class. I want the students to communicate with him in the target language without feeling extremely stressed out. Before this lesson is taught, students will be assigned to do a little bit of research about Ecuador. After this lesson, we will type a list of the questions so that students can use it during the class when he visits. •

What will students do? o Students will be sharing the information that they have gather about the country of Ecuador. In their groups they will be asked to map a concept map with all of the information that they find relevant. This concept map will be put on a large poster sized paper and will be presented to the class at the end of the block (once learning centers have ended) o After completing the map, students will read a short biography about Jorge (my friend). As a group, they will brainstorm a list of 10 questions that they might want to ask Jorge. These questions will be recorded on the evaluation worksheet in the section that pertains to center 3.

What materials do they need? o Homework from the night before (information about Ecuador). o

Poster paper

o Markers o Evaluation sheet o Jorge’s bio •

What is the desired learning outcome/experience? o I expect that students will feel prepared and more excited about meeting someone from another country. Giving them the opportunity to brainstorm questions together and get feedback on their use of the target language prior to actually using it will hopefully make them feel more comfortable and more engaged in the lesson. I also hope that they learn a little about the culture of Ecuador. o How will learning/participation be assessed? o Learning and participation will both be assessed using the evaluation worksheet. I will be grading the sheet for both accuracy and completion therefore checking both their participation in the learning center and the quality of the work that they did. They will be giving me a list of the questions that they came up with and creating a poster about Ecuador as

well. Center 4: Teacher centered-reflexive verb introduction Speaking/communication Proficiency Goal: Students will practice speaking and listening comprehension in order to learn to communicate about their daily routine. •

What will students do? o Students will watch a PowerPoint containing pictures of a stuffed animal going through a typical daily routine (wake up, brush teeth, takes a shower, comes its hair, etc.). I will be narrating the PowerPoint and reading sentences that describe what is going on in each picture. These sentences will also appear on the screen. o I will then do some circling drills (Do you brush your teeth in the morning? I do too. Do we brush our teeth? Does he?, etc.) o I will give students a brief explanation about how to use reflexive verbs 

Pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se)

 Subject/object is the same o Students attempt to write a few sentences for me on individual white boards. 

He wakes up at 6.

 We go to bed after we brush our teeth. o Students will write a description of what they learned (the rules for using the reflexive verbs) and complete 2 practice questions on the evaluation sheet. •

What materials do they need? o PowerPoint o White boards o Evaluation sheet

What is the desired learning outcome/experience? o Students will have a basic understanding of reflexive verbs and start to understand how to talk about their daily routine.

How will learning/participation be assessed? o Learning and participation will both be assessed using the evaluation worksheet. I will be grading the sheet for both accuracy and completion

therefore checking both their participation in the learning center and the quality of the work that they did. At this station, they will be writing a summary of what they learned and completing two practice questions. Center 5: Command Quiz- How much do you remember? Survey Proficiency goal: Students will review grammar taught in a previous chapter in order to recycle information and allow them to make commands/communicate in the target language. •

What will students do? o Students will be complete the sample quiz that is provided on their evaluation worksheet. They will complete 5 sample sentences using commands individually. After everyone in the group has completed their questions (or reached a point where they can no longer continue, the group should come up with rules for negative commands, pronoun placement with affirmative commands and a list of the irregular commands that they remember. o Students will be given an envelope that contains the correct rules for these grammar structures and they will be asked to check their answers. o Once this is completed, students will be asked to fill our anonymous surveys about the class on a small scrap piece of paper to be placed in a box on the table that I will collect at the end of the day. o They will be asked to name examples of things they like, things that they wish would change, and a few things they still do not understand (grammar topics).

What materials do they need? o Evaluation sheet o Scrap paper o Survey questions

What is the desired learning outcome/experience? o I expect students to be able to recall old material in order to communication commands.

How will learning/participation be assessed? o Learning and participation will both be assessed using the evaluation worksheet. I will be grading the sheet for both accuracy and completion

therefore checking both their participation in the learning center and the quality of the work that they did. At this station, they will be asked to answer the sample questions and supply me with an explanation of the grammar rules. In order to teach norms for the learning centers, I will explain the stations listed above. I will also pass out a student-evaluation sheet they each of them will need to fill out and turn in, in order to receive credit for the day. This sheet (which is attached) will have a section for each of the five stations where the kids will need to write information pertaining to each station. The class has 30 students and they will be divided into 5 groups of 6 using the following scheme: Dallas Camila Ana Juan Violeta Toña Pepa Bekah Elisa Susa Blake Rafa Cata Caitlin Cristobal Miguel Zacarias Clint Benito Jerez Jacobo Juan Carlos Estacia Diego BP

1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 2 3 4

2 3 4 5 1 4 3 2 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 5

3 4 5 1 2 3 2 1 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 4 5 1

4 5 1 2 3 2 1 5 4 4 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 4 5 1 2

5 1 2 3 4 1 5 4 3 5 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 5 1 2 3

5 5 4

1 4 3

2 3 2

3 2 1

4 1 5

Pepe Elisa Juan C Chuy Wes

3 2 1 3 4

2 1 5 4 5

1 5 4 5 1

5 4 3 1 2

4 3 2 2 3

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