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newsgroups: braincell.hot received: from mailqueue by vayu (mercury 1.21); 11 mar 100 17:28:24 ist+530 return-path: received: from rockfort.rect.ernet.in by rect.ernet.in (mercury 1.21); 11 mar 100 17:28:21 ist+530 received: (from uucp@localhost) by rockfort.rect.ernet.in (8.6.12/8.6.9.rockfort.1) id xaa28758 for ; fri, 10 mar 2000 23:34:25 +0530 received: from yali.rect.ernet.in( by rockfort.rect.ernet.in via smap (v1.3) id sma028756; fri mar 10 23:34:04 2000 received: from mail-relay-blr.ernet.in (mail-relay-blr.ernet.in []) by yali.rect.ernet.in (8.6.10/8.6.9.yali.1) with esmtp id gaa23389 for ; sun, 2 apr 2000 06:30:22 +0530 received: from mailcity.com (fes-qout.whowhere.com []) by mail-relay-blr.ernet.in (8.9.0/8.9.0) with smtp id raa28215 for ; fri, 10 mar 2000 17:53:23 +0530 (gmt+0530) received: from unknown/local ([?.?.?.?]) by mailcity.com; fri mar 10 03:54:38 2000 to: braincell.hot%[email protected] date: fri, 10 mar 2000 17:24:38 +0530 from: "king 1222r cobra" message-id: mime-version: 1.0 x-sent-mail: off reply-to: [email protected] x-mailer: mailcity service subject: puzzles x-sender-ip: organization: mailcity (http://www.mailcity.lycos.com:80) content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii content-language: en content-transfer-encoding: 7bit brain teaser of the week archive 1998 1998 past teaser of the weeks, answers, and winners for past 1999 teasers archive 2

week of december 24th 1998 a company gets 16 cans of paint each month. the problem is that one of the 16

cans is always contaminated with lead. fortunately, the company has


capacity to test for lead. however, due to time and money constraints, the results of the tests cannot be made known until after all of the tests have been performed. what is the fewest number of cans that must be tested in order to know for certain which of the 16 cans is contaminated. answer:

there is maximum testing that and if the

one solution is 1. if one can is tested and it is the bad one then only one test needed. however, as to a process, it can be done in a of 4 tests by mixing samples from half of the cans and then mixture. if positive, the other half of the cans are dismissed negative that set of cans is dismissed. repeat three times for remaining cans. winners: [email protected] [email protected] themistocles chronis second chance winner: jay grubber, fl

week of december 17th 1998 s e n d + m o r e _____________ = m o n e y

"m" is equal to the number "1" that is a gimme. what is the substitute numbers for the rest of the letters. e's, n's, m's, and o's are the same throughout the problem. answer: solution : s e n d 9 5 6 7 + m o r e +1 0 8 5 _____________ _______________ = m o n e y 1 0 6 5 2

"m" is equal to the number "1" that is a gimme. what is the substitute numbers for the rest of the letters. e's, n's, m's, and o's are the same throughout the problem. solution : s e n d - 9 5 6 7

m o r e - 1 0 8 5 m o n e y - 1 0 6 5 2 winners: jeeshan hafeez, orlando jason fernandez, ny [email protected] second chance winner: jason wilmer

week of december 11th 1998 steve was picked up by the police in a shop as he was about to pay for his purchase with a hundred dollar note. 3 thousand dollars was found on him, all in $100 notes. he was indicted in connection with the banknotes and for no other crime. although it was found that the bills were genuine, not counterfeit, and that steve could also prove that the money was not stolen or obtained illegally in any way, he received a 2 year suspended jail term. why? clue 1: a teller was not likely to accept the $100 notes. clue 2: steve would have made a profit if he could have used the notes. answer: he had cut the bills into very thin strips, and had glued them back together, leaving a strip out of each one, thereby having several strips left over, which hr also glued to gether to make new bills. i.e., he started with perhaps two thousand dollars, cut the bills, and turned it into three thousand dolars winners: brian geraldo, miami florida [email protected] [email protected] second chance winner: joe of idaho

week of december 2nd 1998 there is a small block of land surrounded by a moat (water,

like a

how do

castle). the moat is five metres wide. if a person has a four metre ladder, and a three metre ladder, they cross the moat. (the land in the middle is square).

distance there (can

to draw, make two squares, one outside the other, and the between respective edges is five metres. in between the squares is water, which must be crossed using only a 4 and 3 metre ladder use both) ladders cannot be joined end to end, and do no float. the person cannot swim across. answer:


by placing one of the ladders diagonally across the corner of the and then place the other one from that ladder to the center. winners: jason diaz, ma, second week in a row! iain southwell, big w discount stores (dont ask me) [email protected] second chance: jerry sanders, pa

week of november 25th 1998 they solve this

there are 3 very wise men, and they are arguing who is the wisest. decide to go to the king (who is a very wise man himeslf), to dilemma. the king decides on a test for who would be the wisest. he says to

the mark of you do take hand. explain

3 men "i will blindfold all 3 of you, and either rub a smudge coal on your forehead, or just rub my thumb on your forehead, so not know what you have. you will face each other and i will then off the blindfold, if you see at least one smudge mark raise your whoever can tell me whether they have a smudge or not first, and how, lower your hand." as it turns out, the king rubbed a smudge mark on each of the 3

wise men, and all had their hands raised. without mirrors, without their hand

being able to talk to each other, and without being able to touch foreheads, one of the wise men after about five minutes lowered his and gave the correct answer. how did he do this? answer:

since all three men had smudges they each saw two men with smudges. there are two scenarios for a... because he sees two smudges.. either he has a smudge too or he doesn't. pretty simple. now if he didn't have a smudge b would see c's smudge but not see a's. so c would know that b was raising his hand because of his (c's) smudge. and then c would know that he had a smudge. this above case could happen to either b or c. however, since neither b or c answered the king for five minutes... by then a realized that he must also have a smudge... winners: jason diaz, ma dan kang urbana il [email protected] second chance: "brainmaster" of kansas

week of november 18rth 1998 a man goes into a fancy restaurant on the top floor of a high rise. he the

orders the albatross soup. after he takes one bite, he jumps out window and kills himself. why? answer: the man, the man's wife, and one other guy survived a ship wreck.

the they guy says could

three people were marooned on a desert island for a long time. survived on the bits of food they could find. one day the other he will make dinner for everybody. the man comes to dinner, but he

not find his wife. the man enjoyed the dinner so much he asked the other the

guy what it was. the other guy said it was albatross. eventually two men are rescued and the man was very sad that he never found his

wife. and realizes knows window

when the man gets back to civilization, he goes into a restaurant orders albatross. when he tastes the food the waiter brings he that he has never eaten albatross in his life. at that moment he that he ate his wife on the desert island. then he jumps out the and kills himself. winners: jeff g., tampa fl david cheng, philadelphia, pa

we have lost the 3rd place winner, if you got an e-mail saying you got third please e-mail me as soon as possible second chance: gilbert, idaho

week of november 11rth 1998 what can you put into a barrel that:

1.) weighs nothing 2.) will make the barrel lighter. 3.) can be seen when the top is closed answer not air answer: a hole winners: denard shaw, augusta maine [email protected]

chad davis, st. ignace, michigan

week of november 4rth 1998 i have one for you... if atlantic is 80, then what is pacific? a: 160 b: 47 c: 243 d: 300 answer: just add up the numbers corresponding to the letter's position in the alphabet, ie a=1 b=2 c=3... winners: denise tai, tampa fl r. jaddi, seattle, washington kjspdsm of newark, ca

week of october 27st 1998 a strange looking man walks into a spooky bar asks the ghostly bartender for a glass of water. the bartender pulls out a rifle with a power shot adapter. the man thanks the bartender and walks out calmy and happier. why? answer: were gone!

the man had the hiccups, the bartender scared him with gun and they winners: geoff baker, ohio adrian of oakville, ontario jim, st. louis

week of october 14st 1998 how many rectangles are on this 8 by 8 checkerboard if the squares count

as rectangles. answer: the total number of all rectangles on the 8x8 board equals to the

number of

all rectangles including left top corner box plus number of all


including boxes from the top row plus number of rectangles including

boxes board board ). it's top corner the left amount of

in the leftmost column plus the total number of rectangles on the excluding leftmost column and top row (which is actually 7x7 clear that the number of all possible rectangles including left box is 8x8. similarly, the number of rectangles including 2nd from box on the top row is 7*8, and so on... let's write a recursive expression to calculate the total rectangles on the n by n board. let r(nxn) be the number of rectangles on the nxn board, then r(nxn) = n*n + 2 sum (n*m) [where m=1 to (n-1)] + r(n-1 x n-1) r(1x1) = 1 we need to calculate r(8x8). r(8x8) = 8*8+2*sum(8*m)_[where m=1 to 7] + r(7x7) after calculation from the bottom up, we get: r(2x2) = 9 r(3x3) = 36 r(4x4) = 100 ................. and so on r(8x8) = 1296 winners: winners list lost

week of october 7st 1998 eg: 16=o. in a p ounces in a pound


9=p. in the s.s 200=d. for p.g in m. 11=p. on a f.t 64= s. on a c.b there is and man that was found dead on the ground with a straw crushed

up in his hand. why? answer: 1001 arabian nights 9 planets in the solar system 200 dollars for passing go in monopoly 11 players on a football team 64 squares on a checker board winners: raj raturi, tampa, fl dean marshall, kentfield, ca eric, from new hampshire.

week of october 1st 1998 there is and man that was found dead on the ground with a straw crushed

up in his hand. why? answer:

while the man could have died in a variety of ways, why he died is because he sacrificed himself after pulling the short straw. (the straw in his hand.) i.e. if he and a friend were in a hot-air balloon that was descending rapidly, even after all the sandbags had been dropped, the two of them would then have drawn straws to see who would jump, and he drew the short straw. winners: sahara of india randy furuyama, sylmar, california mark heike, sequim, wa

week of august 21rst john and maryann are found dead in the house on the floor. the only two clues water. how

needed to solve how they died were broken glass and a puddle of did john and maryann die?????????? answer: they were fish winners list does not exist

week of august 7th orange during the day pink when the sun goes down could be used as a form of pay two in every town answer: sun's raise? (very questionable answer) winners list does not exist

week of august 1rst and a according to of the from simply quickly how?

a man carrying a 2-liter bottle of soda is stopped by a policeman grocery store clerk in front of his house and is accused, the store clerk, of stealing the bottle of soda and running out store all the way to his home. the man said he had just bought it the convenience store across the street from his house and he had walked home. the policeman asked the man to open the bottle and deduced that the man stole the bottle from the grocery store. answer:

the soda exploded and he knew who to arrest winners list does not exist

week of july 7st 1998 a man lives in his house. he also works out of his house and his job is very important. everyday the man must sleep with the lights on to avert from tradgedy. one night the man gets so sick of the light he turns it out for the night. the next moring he reads the newspaper, takes out a gun, and shoots himself. where did the man live? answer: a light house winners: "brain masta" [email protected] jon

week of july 1st 1998 1. if you break me, i'll stop working. if you can touch me, my work is done. if you lose me, you must find me with a ring soon can hold die. 4. one of may see persue, it

after. what am i? 2. this is as light as a feather, yet no man it for long. 3. feed me and i live, yet give me to drink and i we are very little creatures; all of us have different features. us in glass is set; one of us you'll find in a jet. another you in tin, and a fourth boxed within. if the fifth you should can never fly from you. what are we? answer: 1. an alarm clock 2. your breath 3. thirst 4. vowels: 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'

winners: chong of vietnam al ko michigan rob legood

week of june 24th 1998 are

you have two ropes. each takes exactly 60 minutes to burn. they made of different material so even though they take the same

amount of burns

time to burn, they burn at separate rates. in addition, each rope inconsistently. how do you measure out exactly 45 minutes? answer: take one rope and burn it at both ends. at the same time, burn one

end the

of the other rope. when the first rope finishes burning, light other end of the remaining rope. when it burns out, that's 45

minutes winners: agnlo of jamaca chris furlong st. pete. fl bob lyon

week of june 17th 1998 i dig out tiny caves, and store gold and sliver in them. i also build bridges to sliver and make crowns of gold. they are the smallest you could imagine. sooner or later everybody needs my help yet many people are afraid to let me help them. who am i? answer: a dentist

winners: eddie pinto of ny terenda millican of oklahoma jennifer worden of ca

week of june 10th 1998 if a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day in a half how many eggs can a hen lay in three days. answer: takes the 1/2

to understand this, you must disregard the half hen. it still single hen a day and a half to lay an egg. 3 days divided by 1 days=2 eggs.

one eggs 1 the

another way to think of this is that everything is on a one to ratio. 1.5hens times 1.5 days=1.5 eggs. so multiplying the # of hen produces in a day and a half by 2 which is twice the time. answer is 2 eggs. winners: phil lee of tampa fl [email protected] [email protected]

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