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  • Pages: 22
Negative Tú Commands Page 122 – Chapter 3 Realidades 3

Negative Tú Commands ✘To form negative tú commands with regular verbs, we drop the o of the presenttense yo form and add the following endings:

Negative Tú Commands HABLAR hablo No hables ahora



Negative Tú Commands COMER como No comas eso.



Negative Tú Commands ABRIR abro


No abras esa puerta.


Negative Tú Commands ✘The same rule applies to verbs whose present tense yo form ends in –go, -zco, -yo, and –jo.

Negative Tú Commands ✘SALIR ✘No salgas si estás enferma.

Negative Tú Commands ✘OFRECER ✘No les ofrezcas comida basura a tus amigos.

Negative Tú Commands ✘ESCOGER ✘No escojas comida con mucha grasa.

Negative Tú Commands ✘Notice that -ar verbs take the ending -es and that -er verbs take the ending -as. ✘In stem-changing verbs the stem change remains.

Negative Tú Commands ✘No enciendas el horno. ✘No añadas demasiado sal. ✘No pongas los camarones en la sartén todavía.

Negative Tú Commands ✘Verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar have the following spelling changes in negative tú commands in order to maintain the original sound.

Negative Tú Commands

­car (c…qu) TOCAR toco


No toques el piano.


Negative Tú Commands

­gar (g…gu) LLEGAR llego


No llegues tarde.


Negative Tú Commands

­zar (z…c) CRUZAR cruzo


No cruces aquí.


Negative Tú Commands ✘Some verbs, such as ir, ser, dar, and estar have irregular negative tú command forms.

Negative Tú Commands ✘Dar ✘Estar ✘Ir ✘Ser

✘No des ✘No estés ✘No vayas ✘No seas

Negative Tú Commands ✘Remember that pronouns are attached to affirmative commands.

Negative Tú Commands ✘If the pronoun is added to a command form that has two or more syllables, write an accent mark on the syllable stressed in the present tense.

Negative Tú Commands ✘¿Pico las cebollas? ✘Sí, pícalas.

Negative Tú Commands ✘With negative commands, pronouns always go right before the verb.

Negative Tú Commands ✘¿Pico los tomates también? ✘No, no los piques.