TITLE OF PROJECT: Effect of colour and perception on a visual search task Participant ID number Principal Investigator: Team HD Investigator contact details: Laura Hussey Email:
[email protected]
INFORMATION TO POTENTIAL PARTICIPANTS 1. What is the purpose of the project? To investigate the effect of colour and perception on a visual search task 2. Why have I been selected to take part? Selected at random and willing to participate 3. What will I have to do? Complete a series of spot-the-difference tasks, each is to be completed in a given time period of 10 seconds. 4. What are the exclusion criteria (i.e. are there any reasons why I should not take part)? None 5. Will my participation involve any physical discomfort? No . 6. Will my participation involve any psychological discomfort or embarrassment? No 7. Will I have to provide any bodily samples (i.e. blood, saliva)? No
8. How will confidentiality be assured? Each individual is allocated a participant number (see top of sheet) to ensure anonymity and confidentiality to all who partake. 9. Who will have access to the information that I provide? Only the principal researchers involved in the study, no identifiable information will be passed on. 10. How will my information be stored / used in the future? Data will be destroyed after analysis, April 2009. 11. Has this investigation received appropriate ethical clearance? Yes, approved by School of Psychology Ethics Department, Northumbria University. 12. Will I receive any financial rewards / travel expenses for taking part? No 13. How can I withdraw from the project? Email participant number to
[email protected] 14. If I require further information who should I contact and how? Contact the researchers detailed above.