Overview Of Kmtw Units 1-20

  • November 2019
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Ka Mau te Wehi! Overview Unit Name

Suggeste d Curriculu m Link

Learning Intentions


Summarises contents of Ka Mau te Wehi! resource

Introduction to teaching te reo Māori

Establishing environment to encourage use of Māori, managing mixed-level classes, using tasks and activities, recommended lesson procedure

Unit 1 Ata mārie – Good morning


Unit 2 Kei te haere ki te kura – Going to school

1.2, 1.5, 2.5

Learn pronunciation, Māori alphabet, basic greetings

Learn how to introduce people and greet others, respond to greetings, express feelings Introduce idioms Learn Māori names for New Zealand, North and South Islands

New Words

He Kōrero Whakamārama Explanations

Supporting stories and songs

Kia ora, tēnā koe, ata mārie, ka kite anō, e hoa, haere rā tamariki mā, e noho rā, whaea, matua, tō, taku, kai, parakuihi

Clip 1 Why ask, “Where are you from?”

Song: Te Arapū Māori

Ko [name] tēnei, Ko [name] au, kei te pēhea, kōrua, kaumātua, e ki rā!, hiamoe, pōuri, harikoa, hiakai, makariri, riri, aroha mai, haere, tātou, Aotearoa, Te Ika-a-Māui, Te Waka-a-Māui, Te Wai Pounamu, Te mataua-Māui, Te tuarā o te ika, Te manawa o te ika, Te hiku o

Clip 4 Kīwaha: e kī rā ka mau te wehi! tumeke

Clip 2 What is a macron? Story: Te Ika-aMāui


te ika, Te upoko o te ika, Te karu o te ika, Te punga o te waka-a-Māui Unit 3 Nō hea tō whānau? – Where is your family from? Unit 4 Waea mai – Ring me

1.2, 1.7

Learn to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’, terms of address, idiom, express likes

Ko wai tō kaiako? Kia tere! taihoa, nē? ā, kāo, kaore, he pai a [name] ki a koe, kaore i te pai a [name] ki au

Clip 5 Use of nē Clip 6 Use of whāea Clip 18 Use of matua

1.4, 1.7

Learn how to count from 1 – 100 Learn how to ask who and where someone is Learn how to say this and that

Tahi, rua, toru, whā, rima, ono, whitu, waru, iwa, tekau, tekau mā tahi, rua tekau, kotahi rau, ko wai? tēnei/tēnā, ko [name] tēnei/tēnā

Clip 4 Use of waea pūkoro Clip 9 Use of mā

Unit 5 Āwhea te kanikani? – When’s the dance?

1.3, 2.4

Learn about time - days of week, months of year, telling the time, birthdays

Rāhina, Rātū, Rāapa, Rāpare, Rāmere, Rāhoroi, Rātapu, Kohitātea, HuiTanguru, Poutū-te-rangi, Paenga-whāwhā, Haratua, Pipiri, Hōngongoi, Here-turikōkā, Mahuru, Whiringa-ānuku, Whiringa-ā-rangi, Hakihea, Āhea tō rā whānau? te taima, karaka, hāwhe pāhi i te … ,

Clip 8 The Māori calendar months, days

Song: Rā Whanau ki a Koe

Unit 6 Kei hea tō pukapuka? – Where’s your book?

1.4, 1.5, 1.7

Learn how to ask where something is, ask for and give something, say thank you, classroom objects, pronunciation, ask where your family is from, Learn some Māori place

Kei hea? Kei runga i … , homai, anei, kia ora, pukapuka, tēpu, pene, pene rākau, rūri, pepa, ūkui, pahi/pēke Nō hea tō whānau?

Clip 10 Use of tangohia Clip 13 Use of homai

Song: A ha ka ma


names Learn names of colours, names of articles of clothing, and how to express likes and dislikes

Unit 7 He aha ō kākahu mō te kanikani? – What are you wearing to the dance?

2.1, 2.3

Kōwhai, kākāriki, pango, whero, kahurangi, mā, pākākā, māwhero, karaka, tawa, kanikani, kākahu, tarau, hāte, hū, panekoti, pōtae, koti, tōkena, hingareti, tangohia tō kāri

Unit 8 Titiro ki tēnei! – Look at this!

1.6, 1.7

Asking and giving prices of things, look at this, what is this, express likes, dual pronoun

E hia te utu? tāra, rawe, rāua, kata, tapawhā, pai rawa atu, titiro ki tēnei, he aha tēnei?

Unit 9 Ko wai te toa? – Who is the winner?


Learn names of sports, buying clothing, words for woman/man, sportsperson

Hākinakina, pahikara mōrearea, kauhoe, mirihau, netipōro, poitūkohu, rīki, tēnehi, whakaheke ngaru, whana poikiri, whutupōro, kanikani karetao, retihuka, he pai ki au te [sport] he tino pai ki au te [sport], he tino rawe ki au te [sport], he aha te hākinakina pai rawa atu ki a koe? Ka hoko au i te [clothing],

Unit 10 Autaia koe! – Who is the champion?


Discuss different types of music Revise greetings, introductions, food, colours, clothing, directions, numbers

He pai ake ki au …, he kaiwaiata pai a [name], kāore i te pai ki a [name] ngā waiata, tino pai rawa atu, āhua pai, kei te aha koe? kei te [verb] ahau.

Clip 9 Use of tuakana/teina Clip 11 Removing shoes

Story: Uenuku and Hine-pūkohurangi Song: Mā is White Song: Te Kōpere


Unit 11 Kapa haka – Culture club


Revise telling the time, plan daily activities, practice and perform kapa haka

He aha te wā? me hoki, ka haere, i taua wā tonu, ka tīmata, maranga, ka tae mai, ki te kura

Unit 12 Kia kaha Aotearoa! – Go New Zealand


Learn the Māori words to the National anthem Learn about tribal areas

Oma, peke, kaha, tere, kaitākaro, hoki (also), rāua, iwi, hapū, waiata, kanikani, manaaki, ahi, kauhoe, tuhi kōrero, pānui pukapuka, kōrero pakiwaitara

Unit 13 Ko te hui-āwhānau – The family reunion


Learn different words for family members, where family comes from, ask about other families

Taku whānau, Nō [place], whakapapa, koro, kuia, tuakana, teina, tūngane, tuahine, ingoa, haere, hoki, marae tikanga, paepae

Unit 14 Tō tātou maunga – Our mountain Unit 15 Te tākaro pā whutupōro – Playing touch rugby

1.4, 2.1

Prepare and deliver a mihi, research local iwi


Revise and extend sporting vocabulary, talk about weather, research , learn and retell Māori legends, kīwaha (colloquialisms)

Mihi, hongi, maunga, awa, moana, tēna koutou katoa, waka, tūpuna rongonui, tumuaki Paohia, tukuna, whanaia, hopukina, makaia, whiua, kōkiritia, kurua, he rangi ātaahua, tino makariri, heke te ua, wera, mākū, mahana, rā paki, hukarere, ua whatu, hau kaha, kapua, kīwaha, tē

Clip 17 Story of Tūtira Mai Clip 16 Waiata tikanga Clip 18 Use of matua Clip 15 Kapa Haka tikanga Clip 20 Use of hoki and haere

Song: Kua Rongo Mai Koe Song: Tūtira Mai

Song: E Ihowa Atua

Clip 20 Use of hoki and haere Clip 19 whānau and kinship Clip 21 The paepae Clip 3 Use of tuakana/teina Clip 29 Features of a marae Clip 12 Customs do vary Clip 11 Removing shoes Clip 22 The hongi Clip 23 The mihimihi Clip 24 Use of e tangi ana a Ranginui

Story: Ranginui and Papatūānuku

Clip 25 Kīwaha tē tere hoki Clip 26 Kīwaha hoki atu, hoki atu!


tere hoki, hoki atu, hoki atu Unit 16 He kōrero aroha – A love story

1.4, 1.6, 1.1, 2.1

Talk about a love story – iwi (personal) information, farewell and thank people

Waka, tangata whenua, manuhiri, marae ātea, poroporoaki, wharenui, wharekai, karanga, waiata, whaikōrero, hongi, manaaki

Unit 17 Kua reri kōrua? – Are you ready?

2.3, 1.6, 1.2, 1.5

Learn about offering food and drink, names of foods, ask for and give things, plan and perform a show

Hiainu, hiakai, hiamoe, hiawai, homai, anei, āporo, ārani, panana, merengi, pea, kua reri koe, kei hea? kia tere, tahuri mai, menemene, tīkiti, makawe, pūkoro, rūma, tēpu, kāpata, moenga

Unit 18 Te kanikani – The dance

2.3, 2.5

Discuss activities people prefer and use of word for tomorrow

Āpōpō, ngā toa, hoko, mākete, kia kaha te kōrero, waea atu/mai, kōrero mai, kōtiro, kōrua, rārangi, kupu

Unit 19 Haere mai ki te mākete – Come to the market


Learn more names of food and drink, making compliments, favourite foods

Raranga, whāriki, he aha māu? noa iho, kai, tōhi, tīhi, paināporo, kānga, tōmato, huawhenua, taupoki, rētehi, heihei, poaka, poaka paoa, ika, parāoa, hanawiti, hēki, tote, kuku, pihikete, tino kino te reka!

Clip 14 Use of rūpahu Clip 27 Use of tō koutou kāinga Clip 28 Features of speech making

Story: Tūrongo and Mahinaarangi Song: Ehara I te Mea Song: Ko Tōku Marae Tēnei

Clip 30 Language similarities – Māori and Samoan

Song: Maumahara Noa Ahau

Clip 31 Kīwaha: tino kino te reka


Unit 20 Mā wai te haka e tātaki? – Who will lead the haka?

1.7, 2.1, 1.1

Plan, practice and perform a class concert

Hui whakangahau, wāhi, kāore he utu

Clip 15 Kapa Haka tikanga

Song: Tōia Mai Haka: Ka Mate


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