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Outcome # 02 CULTURE DEFINITION: “Culture (in the sense of organizational ‘climate’) is the collective selfimage and style of the organization; its shared values and beliefs, norms and symbols.” (HND Book)

ORGANISATION CULTURE DEFINITION [1] “Organizational culture is the set of artifacts, values and assumptions that

emerges from the interaction of organizational members.” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]).

Explanation: This definition focuses totally on the members because these members will come from different area, and idea language and idea. So, these members will share all these ideas and make a complex thing. Which is called organizational culture? In organization every member has its own work which they follow. DEFINITION [2] “A system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the

organization from other organizations” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]).

Explanation: This definition states that organizational culture gives the system of shared meaning held by the members that shows his organization different from

other organization. So, every member of the organization has different ideas or ways to take risk and gives satisfaction to his employees. There work will quiet different from other organization such as activities in the organization, reward gives to employees, and a lot other things.

Types of culture There are four types of culture. Power culture (Zeus) or Club culture:

Explanation: Zeus, the ruler of the gods, who use power culture, in the organization power culture, is used by the owner of that organization. In the organization the employees gives only selection to the organization. So, the employee’s idea will come back to the owner idea. Power culture suits to small size organization because in this the owner of an organization or leader will directly meet to employees.

Role Culture (Apollo): Explanation: God of the role culture is Apollo. This is the collection organization or bureaucracy. In the role culture no personalities will occur but make roles. In this every manager or employees do his work with specific role. If the individual will not practice a lot or no experience. So, they learn from there leaders. Who has a lot of experience and there will be little risk. The changes will very slow in those organization were role of culture is applied. Task Culture (Athena):

Explanation: Goddess of the task culture is Athena. In task culture no specific leader will occur. Task culture will applied on team work. Where expertise and talent were more important than length of service. Task culture was changing with time because performance is judged by results. And they were expensive. Because the experts demand a market price.

Personal Culture (Dionysus) or existential culture:

Explanation: God of person culture is Dionysius. In person culture no team work his done. It is totally depends upon the individuals and there talent. In other three cultures the individual is sub ordinate to the organization. But in person culture it is totally different.

Organizational structure Definition [1] “Organizational structure is the formal system of task and reporting

relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate to achieve an organization's goals” [Wikipedia.com] Explanation: Organizational structure is a process where formal and informal are applied. It means that some suit of roles will made by the manager for specific work or team work. By these roles the manager will control has an employee to do his work on time achievement of the organizational goal. Definition [2] “The framework, in which the organization defines how job tasks are

formally divided, grouped and coordinated” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: In organizational structure the manager of any organization will divided the work. They will give some work as group and some individual

As well as the manager will divided whole members of the organization in specific way to give work. Designing of organizational structure involves the following key elements • Work specialization • Departmentalization(Functional, Product, Geographical, Process, and Customer departmentalization) • Chain of command • Spain of control • Centralization and decentralization • Formalization Discussing the following above key elements

Work specialization; Definition: “The degree to which tasks in the organization are subdivided into separate

jobs” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: In the work specialization the manager will divided there employees into groups. Each group has special type of work by which that group knows will. And they are also experts in his work. They have a lot of knowledge about that work. Due to apply work specialization in organization the work will do very good in efficient and effective way.

Departmentalization; Definition:

“The basis by which jobs are grouped together”

(OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Once the manager of an organization divided jobs through work specialization. So, he need to group these jobs together by coordinated the same task. The basis by which these grouped together is called Departmentalization. The manager will makes groups on the basis of geography or territory, functions performed, common skills and major advantage of departmentalization is increased the accountability for product performance.

Types of departmentalization; • • • • •

Functional departmentalization Product departmentalization Geographical departmentalization Process departmentalization Customer departmentalization

Chain of command; Definition: “The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of organization to

the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]).

Explanation: Chain of command is a line in the organization between higher management and lower management if some problem is occur in the lower management they will go to higher management and solve his problem and higher management are responsible for solving the problem of lower management. There are two major concepts used in chain of command Authority: Definition: “The rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and to expert the

to be obeyed” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Unity of command: Definition: “The idea that a subordinate should have only one superior to whom he or

she is directly responsible” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]).

Spain of control; Definition: “The number of subordinates a manager can efficiently and effectively

direct” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]).

Explanation: In span of control the subordinate will giving reporting the managers. If the span of control is too wide. The manger will not able to do or check the reports of each subordinate in little time. The manager will make limited span of control and if the subordinates do same task. So, it will easy then in wide span.

Centralization; Definition: “The degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the

organization” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Centralization involved formal authority. The decision is taken by the higher management without the involvement of lower management.

Decentralization; Explanation: In decentralization the decision are taken by higher management and lower management together. So, this may help a lot to sole the problem and employees will accept the part of organization.

Types of organizational structure; Formal Structure; That type of organization structure which is formed for the specific goal is known as formal structure. In this structure the higher management will give his goal to their lower management and then this goal is achieved by certain rules.

Informal Structure; That type of organization structure which links the network of relationship, communication and ideas among people. In the informal structure the friends or colleagues, and official channels re main things. And informal structure is flexible. Tall Structure; The tall structure is related to the size of an organization. Where a large number of levels with small groups and shows as narrow span of control. Example: Army, Police. Flat Structure; The flat structure is also related to the size of an organization. But small number of levels with large groups and shows a wide span of control. Example: Marketing Agency, ISI Agency. Matrix Structure; In this type of structure the employees of an organization are answerable to more than two managers. Which makes confusion? Because different order. Geographical Structure; Geographical structure is usually as regional and main power giving to a head office. If there is one manager in an organization. So, under the control of one manager it may other manager and under the control of other manager there will some more managers and so on. Functional Structure; Functional structure usually based on functional such as same task, skills, knowledge or use the similar technology. So, the manager will make groups of it member in an organization on the basis of functional structure.

Outcome # 3 Leader: Leader is the person. Who comes with different ideas and done a new experiment and explain these thing with his fellows by achieve the goal in better way.

Leadership: Explanation: Leadership is ability to influence a group for the achievement of goal leadership may be formal as well as informal. Definition [1] “The ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Definition [2] “Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow”. (Kouzes & Posner, 2002).

Leadership traits:

The common characteristics of most good and successful leader are: • Sincere • Honest • Hardworking

Leadership style Tells (autocratic) [1] Characteristics: In this the manager of an organization will makes all the decisions, and cannot explain to the employees. So, the employees will obey these decisions or instruction without asking and question. Strengths: • Quick decisions have taken due to time shortage. And the manager cannot take any idea from his employees. • It is very efficient as a leadership for highly programmed and routine work. Weaknesses: In the organization the manager and subordinate cannot share there idea and it s called as one-way. • In the organization when the subordinate give an idea or done a work. The manager cannot give any response to him. Therefore he will not satisfy with his work. •

Sells (persuasive): Characteristics: In this the manager of organization will makes all his decisions, but they Explain that decisions o his employees and also help or motivate them in his work.

Strengths: • Selling decisions of the staff will give him extra thing or advantage. • If there occur some problem in work to manager. So, the employees will give an idea about the work. The manager already explains his work. Weaknesses: • When the subordinates are not involved in decisions. So, they will not fully agree to the manager decisions. • It take longtime than tells.

Consults (participative): Characteristics: In this style the manager of the organization takes decision not alone but also takes the ideas or decision from the employees and at last he makes the right decision. Strengths: • Employees are involved in the decision so it gives the employees courage and also motivate them. • Employees are also help with one other in his work by sharing his knowledge and experience. Weaknesses: • This process is so long because the manager first collects the ideas or decision from the employees and then takes it final. • Subordinates will be limited in the view of organization issues. • If the manager does not take the advise or involved the employees to his decisions. So, the employees may create some problems and the work which perceive to the manager will be meaningless.

Joins (democratic): Characteristics: In this the leader and followers will collect and make the decision. Strengths: • It will give a lot of helps to the final decision. • It takes advantages in knowledge, expertise of individuals in different area for high quality and flexible decision making. Weaknesses: • The authority of the manager will makes little low. • Decision making process will make so long then other styles. • There will be no clear cut decisions.

Other book Telling style: Explanation: In telling style usually high-task, low relationship style and effective when employees are low level of maturity.

Selling style: Explanation: In selling style usually high-task is done, and high relationship style is involved.

Participating style: Explanation:

In participating style usually low-task is done, and high relationship style was involved.

Delegating style: Explanation: In delegating style usually low-task is done and low relationship style was involved.

Outcome # 4


“A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment” (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Perception is the process in which the individual judge everything by their sensory organ and giving meaning to their environment. If an individual will not clearly judge his task or not understand what manager say to him. So, it will problem in the way of organizational goal. Definition [2]:

"A psychological process by which incoming sensory data is selected and organized in patterns which is meaningful to individuals" (HND Book) Explanation: Perception is the process by which the stimuli are judge by sensory apparatus (eyes, ears skin and so on ) and then selection will done on the basis of its context, nature of the stimuli, internal factors, and fear or trauma. And these are organized in the brain taking meaningful data. If an individual will misinterpret this situation. For example the individual cannot judge correct idea about his work or cannot understand other people about his work. So, it will make a problem or affected the individual work.


‘Evaluative statements or judgment concerning objects people, or events’ (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Attitude is usually the judgment of individuals. That he judge the things around us. If they have a good qualities of judgment also handle them. So, it is very good for him and if the judge the things and May affected by them or not handle properly. So, it will give problem in his work. Definition [2]: "An attitude is [a mental and neural state of readiness exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related" (HND Book)

Explanation: Basic component of an attitude are knowledge, feeling (it may negative or positive) and the doing of an action, the individual know the thinks and feeling about something and what response give. If the manager an organization know or identify people's attitudes to things. So, he will easily know his behave to towards the things.

Attitude at work: Behaviors of an individual in work may be effected by; • Individual work will affected by the colleagues, working conditions, and the task given by organization. • Individual work in an organization may be affected by religion among other thing which they bring with there work place. • Conflict between individual and group and along with this other are class and class consciousness, age, race, culture or religion, lifestyle and interests will affected the individual behavior during work.

Personality; Definition [1]: "The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others" (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Personality is actually the individual interacting with others. Generally the manager of an organization will look the physical structure, facial attractiveness, gender, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes. Which are characterizes by looking the personality of an individual and

manager of an organization will trust on him. So, it will make a great problem in his goal and also affected his work.

Definition [2]: "Personality is the total pattern of characteristic ways of thinking;

feeling and behaving that constitute the individual’s distinctive method of relating to the environment" (HND Book) Explanation: Personality is the pattern which shows different foam of a person from its reality. If some person will go to manager and the manager will give a work to him without his documents or the manager will trust on his personality and it may wrong or correct. So, if the manager of an organization will give work to his employees on the bases of its personality not his performance or knowledge. So, it may affect the work of a manager as well as employees.

Ability: Definition [1]: "The power that people can do work"

Explanation: If an individual having an ability of intelligence and leaning. So, he does work very well. And if he has no experience, knowledge, the ability to know the things, and also not sensitive. So, it will affect his work.

Definition [2]: "An individual's capacity to perform the various tasks in a job"

(OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation:

In an organization when the individual having no stamina, lessskill, and less talent or experience about his work. So, when the manager will give work to them. They will not do properly or take some Miss Judge by which the work had affected.

Stress and change: Explanation: When an individual in an organization having a nervous tension, with drawly and low morals. So, these things will affect his work badly. When some organization change has place, instrument along his member. By this the individual work with affects and also causes a problem in the way of an organization goal.

Outcome # 5 Groups and group behaviors; Group: Definition: "A group is any collection of people who perceive they to be a

group" (HND Book) Explanation: Accentually the group is the collection of people for specific performances and they accept it as a group member. In which one leader are present. • A sense of identity;

Take every group which is formal or informal. This group can be identified by its members. And there are specific boundaries for each group members who shows that who is inside the group and who is outside the group. • Loyalty to the group; In the group each member showing a relationship to his group and they behave to the group of other member which bind them together and looks like a group.

Purpose and leadership; In every field the group having a purpose by which they collect. And they choose other subordinates or members to complete his goal.

Types of groups There are two types of groups • Formal Groups;

Definition: "A designated work group defined by the organization's

structure" (OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Formal groups are made by the organizations which have a formal structure as well as function. And the organization gives some task to them. Leader is chosen by the group members. Leader having authority given by organization for a time. For example; the six members making up an airline flight crew.

• Informal Groups;

Definition: "A group that is neither formally structured nor organization

determined; appears in response to the need for social contact"

(OBSERVATION AND BEHAIROUR [Joann Keyton, Comm. and Organizational Culture]). Explanation: Informal groups are neither organizationally determined nor formally structured. These groups are made by the nature due to there needs. For example; three employees from different departments who regularly eat launch together.

TEAM Definition: "Team is a formal group established to achieve specific objectives"

(HND Book)

Purpose of Teams; • Teams will effort to done his goal. Which require more than one effort? And each member of the team will work in controlled way to done his task. • Member of the team will exchange his idea. In this one idea of one member will exchange with other idea of other member. This is useful for making new ideas and increasing communication. • To control the member of the team as self control for doing the work and motivate them to do work in less time, also same to organization goal.

Group behaviors Forming: Explanation: In forming group will come and just seen as a collection of individuals. Each individual will show his personality in the group while the task is given by the organization members of different group will find the norms and aims of other group without know him. So it is essential to some extent but looking just time wasting.

Storming: Explanation: Storming comes after forming. After some time a little conflict will arise in the group. Some will change the group while some will change leader.

Norming: Explanation: Norming is the third stage while the agreement will take between the high level of an organization and group members. And given to each leader divide his work and given to each member a specific work for specific time to done the assignment of organization.

Performing: Explanation: In performing the group member will perform his work. Even it earlier stages some problem will arise. But later marked that point where the problem will arise.

Group behaviors will be affected by the following things: •

• • •

If a new manager comes in an organization and they will change the group behaviors. So, it will affect their work because that group will do his work upto some extent and by the manager order their member will change. So, it affected his work. If the group has done is work limited. So, they will afraid and not giving properly results in next steps. Therefore some group will make his work bride which helps in his confidences as well in his next steps. If an individual in the group will not do his work properly. So, it will affect also the work of the manager of his team. If a manager will add an individual in a team. So, the team work will be affected because other team member will try to bring itself on line and given a properly work to the new member. If a member in a group will take a decision from its own side. Then later there will no time to stand his members. This will create a problem for a time. If the group will move out of line or go to other side in his work by leaving his original task. When later they come to his task or line. So, there occur a lot of problem in his way which will affect his work.

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