Our Perfect Home

  • May 2020
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Creation Worldview Ministries: Our perfect home

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Our perfect home As we enter a new year I want us to reflect upon the unique nature of the planet on which we live. As we boldly(?) go into 1999, let us do so with the proper awe and reverence which we should have for our Creator. Modern scientists seem to get all fired up when we are able to design, build and maintain a spacecraft which will enable seven people to stay alive in outer space for a couple of weeks. Or, in the near future to be able to keep a dozen people alive for months each (in their work rotation). Yet we live on a spaceship which was originally designed - PERFECT! Even in its current degenerated condition this spaceship is able to sustain about 6,000,000,000 people for year after year, without replenishment of supplies, new oxygen bottles, etc. Yet most people just take it all for granted and believe that such a planet just happened to happen. Evolutionists tout that there must be many such planets in the universe, yet we have no evidence that there is. If God wants to place other planets around other stars that is His business. The many reports now starting to circulate in the press about planets being discovered outside of our solar system are based on nothing more than the variation of light beams arriving here on earth - a highly speculative venture and a great leap of faith. Even by their own admission, if these results are in fact proof of planets orbiting other stars then these stars certainly do not have the environmental conditions to support life. Last, but most important, God tells us that this is the only planet in the universe where people live. (Psalm 115:16) What then are some of the factors that make this such a unique and special place? While this is only a partial list, these conditions are not known to exist anyplace else in the universe. To start with, the earth is just the right size. The earth is about 25,000 miles around and 8,000 miles across. If the earth were even 10% smaller (7,200 miles across) the lower gravitational pull would allow most of the atmosphere to escape into outer space, leaving the heavier gases behind - like carbon dioxide and argon, neither of which would benefit our health. The much smaller atmosphere would cause the earth to cool rapidly and become an ice planet, not a nice planet. If the earth were only 10% larger (8,800 miles across) the higher gravitational pull would pretty much nail everything to the floor - an equally unpleasant prospect. Then there is the rotation rate of about 24 hours. What would happen if we were spinning significantly faster or slower? What if the rotation rate were slower, say 240 hours per day? (Venus spins at a rate of once every 243 days.) Well, during the 120 hour day the surface temperature would reach +200 F, while during the 120 hour night the temperature would fall to -200 F. We know of no organism which can survive a temperature fluctuation of 400 degrees. And, if the spin were faster the wind velocities on the surface would blow us all away. (Saturn rotates once every 10 hours, the winds are phenomenal.) We all know from our high school science classes that the rotation rate of the earth is slowing down. This is because of tidal friction with the moon. The rate of slowing amounts to about five minutes per 1,000 years. Arguably a small number, but one with great significance. If we only use a linear rate (the most conservative approach, since in reality the rate is exponential) then only a few hundred thousand years ago the rotation rate of the earth would have been measured in minutes - not days! As a secondary thought, if the earth were spinning much faster in the past, then the centrifugal force would make all the dry land masses bunch up in a line along the equator. Yet the physical evidence clearly shows that, in fact, the dry land masses have moved away from the equator in the recent past. We all take breathing for granted, at least while we are alive - but our atmosphere is a wonderful creation. In our solar system the other eight planets either have atmospheres with only traces of oxygen or they have atmospheres which are made up of highly



Creation Worldview Ministries: Our perfect home

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poisonous gases. Our basically 80%-20% mix of nitrogen and oxygen is an ideal proportion for life on earth. If we had an atmosphere containing 50% oxygen, then one lightening strike would cause an entire forest to explode in flames. Likewise, we "carbon based units" could not breath without causing ourselves irreparable damage. If our atmosphere contained only 10% oxygen then there would be no fires. What would that do to our ability to warm ourselves in the winter, to conduct industry or to transport ourselves quickly (no cars)? Our 20% oxygen atmosphere does other things for us as well. You have to have oxygen to have ozone. The ozone layer protects us against ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light kills organic organisms. That is why barbers can use an ultraviolet lamp to sterilize their combs and scissors preventing the spread of disease from one customer to another. Therefore, no ozone layer around the earth - no life on earth. As I have mentioned before, this is one reason you know that evolutionists are lying to you about inorganic chemicals forming living organisms by random chance sometime in the past when supposedly there was no oxygen present. If there was a time when there was no oxygen present, then any organic compounds that would have formed by random chance would have been destroyed quickly by the ultraviolet light coming from the sun. Consider the earths magnetic field. It is oriented so as to almost line up with our axis of rotation. This is not true of the other planets in our solar system. Our magnetic field protects us from the harmful radiation of the solar wind. Some of you may remember that the earth is surrounded by the Van Allen Radiation Belts. When I was growing up we only knew of two of these belts, today we know that there are three of them. The earths magnetic field pushes this dangerous radiation away from our populated areas and dumps it harmlessly at the frozen poles. Sounds like a good plan to me. Let us rejoice as King David did: "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts toward us; there is none to compare with Thee; if I would declare and speak them, they would be too numerous to count." (Psalm 40:5)

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