Our Land Of Israel 1

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Netanyahu is Bad for the Jews Netanyahu Declares War Against Hashem by Agreeing to a Palestinian State Rabbi Sholom Dov Volpo, Chairman SOS - Israel

The “Bar Ilan Address” has shown, Netanyahu pulling his political tricks once again. We were promised a strong, assertive speech, and we were served up lies and treason. Netanyahu betrayed the very ideals that he was chosen to represent. He surrendered to High Commissioner Hussein Obama, and sold his country and nation. Netanyahu has declared open war against Hashem and his Torah, by agreeing to a Palestinian State on Holy Land territories, thereby stabbing millions of Jews in the back. The significance is obvious: the elimination of the Jewish existence in Eretz Yisroel, G-d forbid.

an army and getting arms from the whole world. In this case, the U.S. guarantees are not even worth the skin of an onion. They will be demilitarized like the Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Chamas in Gaza. They have no need to sign military pacts with Syria and Iran, since these pacts are well, alive and kicking. Only a certified liar as Bibi Netanyahu could pull the wool over our eyes. There was a reason for Obama’s dependence on Bibi’s speech; he knows that they both operate on the same wavelength. A Palestinian State will be established- we’ll tend to the details some other time. Shimon Peres, shamelessly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews in his “New Middle East” holds Bibi’s speech close to his heart, giving us food for thought.

Once again it has been proven that we were right when we warned not to depend on Netanyahu and his promises. The slogan: “Only the Likud is Capable” has once again proven correct and reflects the reality. Netanyahu betrayed his nation and his homeland, and desecrated Hashem’s name in public, with the help of religious and charedi ministers and MKs.

Netanyahu is very, very, very bad for the Jews. His hypocrisy and flip-flopping make him tenfold worse than the leftists. He handed over Chevron to the terrorists, signed the Wye Accords, supported the expulsion from Gush Katif, prevented construction in Yesha, promised not to set up new settlements - all this as a preparation for the establishment of the Palestinian state that was started at the Bar Ilan Address.

Only the feeble-minded could swallow the lie about a “demilitarized state”. As soon as a state will be established, they won’t consult with the Israeli government about building

He Who saved us from Pharaoh, will surely save us from Hussein Obama and Bibi Netanyahu.

If I Forget Thee, Oh Yerushalayim By: Geula Cohen The Rebbe Forewarned: “Yerushalayim will have to be freed once more” Recently, Yom Yerushalayim was celebrated. We bring a relevant excerpt of an interview with former MK Geula Cohen, who relates what the Lubavitcher Rebbe told her years ago regarding Yerushalayim. “I visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe immediately after the Six Day War. During the course of the conversation, which was long and touched upon many topics, the Rebbe spoke harsh words, also about Yerushalayim. “The Rebbe said that Yerushalayim wasn’t occupied because of a deep inner desire to free our holy places, rather due to external pressure. This was obvious in the way that the IDF was requested not to damage anything, and cost the lives of soldiers. “He also spoke of the uncertainties that were part of the war that they hadn’t prepared to occupy our holy places, and didn’t identify themselves with those places, and have no empathy for them. Therefore the Rebbe said that he is concerned that

Yerushalayim will have to be occupied once again. “In that same conversation, he said that this occupation will not hold out, and that the city will have to be fought for again. It is very difficult for me to discuss this. I don’t want to talk about this. It pains me. “When the Rebbe told me this, I was extremely alarmed. When the Rebbe noticed this, he tried to calm me, and said that certainly things may change, if the leadership changes their mode of thought. But this is what the Rebbe felt, and what he told me at that time. “At first I was wary of publicizing what the Rebbe said, out of respect for him. At the time, his words seemed unrealistic. Only after a while, when word got out about what the Rebbe had said to me, and we all see the situation, did I publicize the Rebbe’s words to me.” Excerpt from an interview aired on Reshet Moreshet, with Uri Revach

Shomer Hatzair? No, Settlers!

This is how we evacuated the Arabs and inherited 400 dunam of orchards. Great oranges, by the way! By Mashi Katz During the last few days an e-mail invitation is making the cyberspace rounds. The invitation is from Kibbutz Chorshim, of the Shomer Hatzair movement, and it invites one and all to celebrate the “Settlement Holiday” (Chag Hahitnachalut). What got into them? Have they done political tshuva? Not at all. The invitation is from the year 5715 (1955),

when settling in Eretz Yisroel was still called settling, sans apologia. The invitation was sent to me by Ruti Itzkowitz, and here is her input: “Here’s a bit of forgotten history: Attached you will find an invitation to ‘Chag Hahitnachalut’ of Kibbutz Chorshim, which I was honored to establish after someone chased away the Arabs of H’irbat Cherish to Jaljulya, and took over 400 dunam of fruit bearing land, which we received without compensating the original owners. This was done in order to block the then “infiltrators” to the moshavim Yarchiv and Neve Yemin.”

Quotable Quotes:

Yaakov Achimeir, senior media editor and Sokolov Journalism Prizewinner, visited the Gush Katif Museum in Yerushalayim. Here are his impressions: During the “Oferet Yetzuka” - Cast Lead- operation, thousands visited the Gush Katif Museum, many of them residents of the south. They came to get to the gist of the issues and to refresh their memories about the Gush Katif lands, now in ruins, where the missiles to Ashdod and Gederah were shot from. One of those visitors was Yaakov Achimeir who published his impressions in the Yisrael Today newspaper. On the very day that the government decided to establish an inquiry committee about the treatment of the Gush Katif expellees, dozens of young girl students from Ashkelon visited 3-4 rooms in a Yerushalayim side street, which houses the Gush Katif Museum. Before I arrived at the museum, I imagined that I would soon be bombarded by propaganda and sharp ideological messages from Rabbi Volpo of SOS-Israel fames school of thought. Rabbi Volpo Rabbi Yaacov Ariel, Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan is the initiator and the founder of the museum. I was therefore surprised to find photos, works with simple graphics, an art gallery and film clips about the expulsion from Gush Katif.

Among the documents we find a copy of the then PM Arik Sharon’s speech to the Knesset after the expulsion was voted for in the Knesset. “The Palestinians must prove themselves. They must fight the terror organizations… We will return an olive leaf handshake with an olive leaf handshake, and fire for fire, harsher than ever. Sharon promised, but did not keep his word. It is impossible not to give a sad and ironic smile after reading those empty words. Rabbi Meir Porush, Deputy Education Minister

“Yaakov Klein, curator of the museum, explains that this speech hangs in the “corner of irony”. The Ashkelon contingent watches a documentary about the expulsion; some wipe away tears, proving that the message gets across without even one shout. Some of the girls were booing the black clad policemen on the screen.

In the fore-room stands a golden menorah, the very same menorah, from the shul in Netzrim that the expellees carried on their soldiers, and is a copy of the menorah that was engraved at the Arch of Titus in Rome. According to the timeline displayed in the museum, the first “Oferet Yetzuka” operation took place in the 12th century B.C., when the tribe of Yehuda conquered Gaza. The Rabin plan for settling the area in 5730-31 was also displayed. The place has the ambience of an art gallery, partly thanks to the inspiration from photographer Ziv Koren’s photos. Revealed documents, bringing a smile and a sharp feeling of irony, while loud booms are Rabbi Menachem Porush heard from the gloomy Yerushalayim streets startle the girls from Ashkelon. One of them, used to booms of a different nature, questioned anxiously about the nature of the booms. Someone explains that this is for building purposes. Yes, builders and stone-masons, from Dovid Hamelech’s time to Nir Bareket’s day.

Mayor of Jerusalem Mr. Nir Barkat

“I expected to see graffiti on one of the wall reading: ‘We told you so’. But the ‘we told you so’ is so self evident in the midst of the Cast Lead operation. No one is in need of a reminder when the former settlements became a terrorist rocket launching pad. “The video depicts the expellees being loaded on buses and shipped out of the ravaged Gush. A state inquiry committee will yet investigate the way they have been taken care of since the expulsion. Possibly, the committee members will visit this humble museum, and maybe even mention it in their report, maybe side by side with some quotes from Alterman. And what’s most important‘Hashem will help’, as Avishag from Ashkelon stated”.

Entering Eretz Yisroel as the King’s Sons Why did it take us forty years to get there, and what is the connection to Gan Eden? Sefer Bamidbar (The Book of Numbers) teaches us about the journeys of the Jewish nation in the Sinai Desert, on the way to Eretz Yisroel. The route was a simple one: going via Mt. Sinai, and arriving in Eretz Yisroel three days later. Because they sinned, they remained in the desert for forty years.

(so to speak) – “And the L-rd G-d took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it”. The Holy Arizal teaches that Adam’s entrance into Gan Eden caused an elevation to the entire reality. From there and after that, the path to the Tree of Life must be guarded.

In Parshas Bamidbar the Torah tells us how the Camp of Israel proceeded from place to place, in perfect formation, in a regal manner. This teaches us that there was another purpose to their wandering and camping in the desert, aside from going towards Eretz Yisroel. Hashem was training them to enter Eretz Yisroel as a magnificent nation and the sons of the King.

One cannot enter Gan Eden bent and low spirited. That is the reason that the Jewish Nation prepared themselves in the desert, to enter Eretz Yisroel in a royal fashion.

In other words, the way the Jews entered Eretz Yisroel was of great significance. It is reminiscent of the way that Adam entered Gan Eden: the son of the King, the creation of His hands

However, when the Jews didn’t internalize this, and questioned: who are we that we will succeed and inherit the land, they had to remain in the desert another forty years, one for each day, until it was understood that one enters Eretz Yisroel- Hashem’s estate- only as children of royalty.

‫מרן הרה"ג יעקב יוסף שליט"א‬

Should One Prefer Purchasing from Jews? Rabbi Yaacov Yosef The Gemora in Beitza expounds on the posuk: “save that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you” meaning you (Jews) and not gentiles. The Torah allows us to cook on Yom Tov, but only for our own purpose and not for the benefit of non Jews. Therefore, a Jewish chef is forbidden to cook for non Jews on Yom Tov, as Maran ruled in the Shulchan Oruch (Orach Chayim chapter 512, para. 1) The commentators “Pri Megadim” and Maharam Shik emphasized that whatever our Sages ruled in other placesthat a Jew who desecrates the Shabbos in public has the same Halachic status as a non Jew- applies as well concerning cooking for him on Yom Tov. The Mishna Brura rules this as well. The Torah differentiates between Jews and non Jews in various places in the Torah. In Parshas Behar (25, 14) it says: “And if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor, or buy of thy neighbor’s hand, ye shall not wrong one another.” The

Toras Cohanim explains the word neighbor (Amitecha) – one who is united with us in Torah and mitzvos. Therefore, if we have a choice buying in two stores - one Jewish and one non Jewish (or one who acts as a non Jew) - we must make our purchases at the store of the G-d fearing Jew. All Halachic authorities agree on this. (Ahaavs Chesed – Chofetz Chaim). When the Chazon Ish was old and feeble, he would walk to a far off grocery store owned by a G-d fearing Jew, although there was a store close by, owned by a Jew that didn’t keep the mitzvos. The above applies not only to making purchases in stores, but also to hiring non Jews for home renovations, moving etc. One should be stringent in hiring G-d fearing workers. If there is a big difference in price and the non Jew is much cheaper- by a sixth- it may be allowed to hire the non Jew (Ahavas Chesed).

A Letter from the Rabbonim to Binyamin Netantyahu, Prime Minister:

Influencing from Outside MK Michael Ben Ari, “Eretz Yisroel Shelanu”

All Prime Ministers who Harmed our Inheritance Suffered Consequences! The 8th of Sivan, 5769 May 31, 2009 Prime Minister Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu Yerushalayim Greetings and blessings! Re: Dire warning due to your compromising of security and waging war against the Holy Land! We are following, with great trepidation, the consequences of your Washington visit, where you shamefully bowed to the demands of the United States to uproot settlements in Yehuda and Shomron. Once again we witnessed the IDF soldiers who represent you, and the interests of our worst enemies, usurp Jews from their lands and inheritance. If this was not enough, along came the order to freeze construction in Yehuda and Shomron. You have surely realized that no Prime Minister who tried to harm the integrity of Eretz Yisroel completed his term in office. Beginning with Menachem Begin who destroyed Yamit, to Yitzchok Shamir who adopted the autonomy policy, on to Yitzchak Rabin of Oslo infamy, Ehud Barak who agreed to cede Yerushalyim, Ariel Sharon who destroyed Gush Katif, and Ehud Olmert, who followed in his footsteps, not one finished his term in office! They all suffered degradation, yourself included, after you handed over Chevron and implemented the Wye Accords. The Lubavitcher Rebbe warned Mr. Moshe Katzav seventeen years ago (the 10th of Shvat, 5752- February, 1992) that he, personally will be the first to fight with all of his forcefulness and might against Shamir, so that his government will fall. The fact remains that any Prime Minister who has tampered with our inheritance of Eretz Yisroel has received his just desserts in a humiliating and painful fashion. Being truly concerned for your future, we turn to you, Mr. Prime Minister, and advise you: do not tread on the path of your predecessors which caused danger to the residents of Eretz Yisroel and themselves. Whoever harms Eretz Yisroel is declaring an open war on Hashem and his Torah, will all the resulting consequences. Do not act hastily to abandon Eretz Yisroel, and don’t bring tragedy upon the Jewish nation and yourself personally. Remember the wise words of King Shlomo in Proverbs: “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the L-rd.” On the other hand, if you will stand up for the security of the country, not cede any lands to the enemy, and allow the natural development of the settlements, you are assured of success in your important role, and Hashem’s blessings will accompany you in all your endeavors.

every vote influence after all.

Mk Michael Ben Ari led the public protest against the Pope’s visit. He sums it up: flattery of the representative of idol worship and defilement is debasing, and leaves an ugly scar on the Jews * Why does

When Netanyahu preferred a coalition with Ehud Barak, and left the Ichud HaLeumi out, we were approached by many with various questions: ‘Nu, what will you do now? Protest? Shout?’ There were others that more callous, and remarked, ‘the dogs bark as usual, and the convoy continues in its way’. When we began our public protest against the Pope’s visit, we feared that there was truth in the arguments. I presented a proposal to the Knesset that was rejected by the Knesset Presidium. After the first blow came the second one. I appealed the rejection in the Knesset Committee, hoping that I would convince them of the importance of the issue and get it to the Knesset floor. The committee consists of nationalistic Likud members, Bayit Yehudi, Shas and Agudah MKs. I presented my reasons, and asked that my appeal be accepted. I looked around me –to the right and left. Not one MK supported me. The kipah wearers explained that the issue is a “delicate” one. I thought to myself that yes, I will be the lone voice in the darkness, and those that claimed that we will “bark with no results” were right. The next day we arranged a forum of Rabbonim, historians and scholars to converge in the Knesset. Their criticism was heard via all media channels that didn’t join the boycott. We had no expectations that this conference would be significant. But.. wonder of wonders, just hours later we heard the Chief Rabbis express their reservations. Major General (Res.) Giora Eiland wrote an article in the Yediot Achronot newspaper titled: “Flattery is Harmful’. In his well written article he explained the Pope’s Nazi past, that this visit is not beneficial in any way, and that the visit serves our enemies. But the biggest surprise was that the Knesset chairman, Rubi Rivlin announced that he is boycotting the reception at the President’s residence. The rest is history. The call that went out from my office to all Knesset members did its’ job. The Pope’s visit left a great question mark, as did his personality and all that he stands for. It seems that the State wished to fall ill with three diseases concerning the Pope’s visit: * Alzheimers: They wished to erase the bloody memory of our past dealings with the “Sword of Love” that slaughtered millions of our brethren. * Blindness: Stubbornly unwilling to admit that the Pope is anti-Semitic, was an active partner with Hitler, embraces and accepts Holocaust deniers into his church, (only fools could be surprised at his boastful speech at Yad Vashem), sent his representative –just days before the visit- to cheer on Ahmadinejad, and some claim that before his speech he encouraged representatives of countries to go and hear Ahmadinejad- the current Hitler- speak.


* Golus Mentality: The amount of gushing flattery and fawning that the Ceremonial Committee planned would not have put the most menial and dejected servant in a nobleman’s mansion to shame.

Rabbi Gedalia Axelrod, Rabbi Sholom Dov Volpo, Rabbi Yigal Pizem, Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp For the Rabbinical Board of SOS-Israel

With G-d’s grace, many joined our protest. Some voices were weaker than others. We see clearly how words of truth influence, whether one is restricted as a member of the coalition or not.

Guided Tours to Shomron

The Shomron beckons you: come visit a winery, a dairy plant, organic farming, view breathtaking landscapes, have a dip in a pure water spring * Come and enjoy all that the Shomron has to offer before Hussein Obama and partners turn Kfar Saba into Ashkelon The very popular tour of the Shomron, initiated by SOS-Israel, that brought thousands of visitors to the Shomron, will be conducting another trip this week, on Wednesday, the 18th of Sivan. Buses will be leaving Kfar Saba for an enlightening and interesting visit to the Shomron settlements. The participants will get acquainted with the wonderful settlement undertaking that protects Kfar Saba and the border communities. The tour includes: *A visit to Yitzhar and the Chavat Gilad Outpost – a tour of the winery and wine tasting *The Three Sea Lookout (Mitzpe Shloshet Hayamin) - View the Kinneret, the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.

*Givat Olam and Itamar Outposts - A visit at Avri Ron’s Organic Farm, a tour of the dairy products factory. Organic milk products and eggs will be available for sale. * Alon Moreh - Lookout from Mt. Kabir: breathtaking view. Benny Katzover will address the participants and regale them with tales of the early settlement days in the Shomron. * Mt. Gerizim – Overlooking the Kever of Yosef Hatzaddik. * Har Bracha Spring – a refreshing dip in the pure spring waters The tours are organized in conjunction with the Shomron Settlers Committee. SOS- Israel chairman, Rabbi Sholom Dov Volpo calls upon the public at large to join in the tours of the Shomron, and show the settlers that you care. The tours serve to encourage and strengthen the settlers in their fateful struggle for the integrity of Eretz Yisroel.

Reserve now: Tomer Tzanaani, SOS- Israel, Kfar Saba Branch: 054-7631232

Gush Katif and Sderot Children Celebrate Lag B’Omer Happening in Action Park Thousands of children from Gush Katif, Yesha and Sderot will never forget the wonderful Parade and fun day that SOS-Israel and the Sderot and Gaza Region Chabad Houses organized for them on Lag B’Omer at Action Park in the Lachish region. Two thousand children and parents converged on the park for a fabulous, unforgettable experience, at the Shomer Shabbos park. The fun started in the morning with great attractions for the whole family, including a water park, jeeps, arts and crafts, inflateables, fire jugglers, trains and more. A chopper hovered above the park and threw candies down to the delight of the children. Some of the children won a raffle and got to fly in the chopper. Chanan Avital and his Pirchei Yerushalyim Choir entertained the crowd throughout the day. The high point of the day was the colorful Grand Lag B’Omer Parade with the recital of the 12 pesukim, and greetings from Rabbi Kirshenzaft of Chabad of the Gaza Region, and Rabbi Pizem of Sderot. Rabbi Sholom Dov Volpo, chairman of SOSIsrael, addressed the participants and promised that SOS will not forget the Gush Katif and Sderot residents. He called upon the public to heed the cry of the Gush settlers who live in uncertainty to this very day.

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