Our Father

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  • Pages: 73
We thank the Father for the fulfillment of the promise by Our Lord Jesus Christ that a Comforter will come, even the Spirit of Truth, who will lead and guide us to the accurate knowledge of the Truth.






Acknowledgement.............................................2 Table Of Contents.............................................3 Statement By Leader O.O.Obu.............................4 Bible Witnesses................................................5 God Is Now On Earth.......................................11 Where The Churches Err...................................28 God Revealed As The Father..............................37 Believe Solely In God.......................................64 Know Thy God...............................................75 The Problems With Materialism..........................84 Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain...........106 Efficacy Of The Word.....................................132

Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He was sent by the Father. “I am going back to the Father because the Father is greater than I.”(John 14:28). But today no person seeks after the Father. They rather seek for Jesus. No person asks, "Where is the Father? When will the Father come?" You continue to ask "When will Jesus come again?" Oh Jesus the Son of God! But what about God Himself, is He not the Father? The (Living) Truth is that you do not lose anything in serving God. You will rather gain. After all, if you do the will of God, you will automatically become the son of God, and no more a servant. As a son of God, you have the irrevocable right to dwell in the house of God for ever. And dwelling in the house of God means you will have everlasting life. But the material things of this world will, in due time, pass away. Therefore, forsake those things. The world today is full of dishonesty and falsehood; and had there been any truthful person, the world would not have been like this. If you had practiced the truth as you have been taught in this kingdom, your sterling qualities would have endeared you (Brotherhood members) to the world for leadership. The people of the world would be coming to me to request for leaders amongst you.



BIBLE WITNESSES THE LORD’S PRAYER Matthew 6:9-13 9........: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

John 14:28 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. John 20:17 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but


the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. John 17:1-26 1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. 7 Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. 8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 11 And now I am no more in the world, but these


are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. 13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. 20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that

thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. 24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.



Luke 10:21-22 21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. 22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him. John 15:9-10/23-24 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. 23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which

none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. John 1:17-18 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Philippians 2:3-8 3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. John 14:6 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Romans 8:9-17 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead




FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 11:27 “All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.” SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 14:21 “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” GOLDEN TEXT: MATTHEW 16:16-18 “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT BEEN REVEALED TO YOU? Beloved, there is no more time for long preachment, it is rather time for the mysteries of this kingdom of God to be revealed. This revelation is not


meant for all, but for the true children of God. This explains why you have been told not to put your treasure before pigs and dogs; for they, not knowing the value, will trample upon your treasure with their feet. Declaring to have seen God should be backed with absolute righteousness. How can you just stand up to proclaim to have seen God when your principal stock- in- trade is sin, or do you mean that seeing God could be so cheap that even sinners can behold Him? It is no mean feat to behold God. All creations of God are desirous of seeing God. Now what do you think other creations of God will do to the one who claims to have seen God? Many, in search of God, have gone to the deep seas, climbed mountain tops, lived in the forest, sojourned in the desert and have enslaved themselves to several thoughts and beliefs, yet they have not seen Him. THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT GOD IS HERE IN OUR MIDST. And this is a fact which the people in general have disputed. They dispute the existence of God on earth because God has not revealed Himself to them. If I may ask, throughout the whole world, who has God revealed Himself to? Though man has done the best he could scientifically and otherwise to see God, yet, he has not seen Him. The fact remains that God sees man as often as He wants. The heavens, the earth and the fullness thereof, (man included) belong to God. This we all know; but the problem facing mankind now borders on God revealing Himself to man. It is recorded in the scripture thus, “Behold are we the sons of God, and it doth not appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as he is.” (1


John 3:2). Assuming He does not reveal Himself to you, what would you do? How would you see Him? And how would you know if actually you are like Him? The truth remains that He is in this world doing His work but the world knows Him not. Recall the encounter of the Samaritan woman and Our Lord Jesus Christ as nominated in John 4:25-26? She actually confessed that she was aware that the Messiah would come, and that she was waiting, like others, for His coming. But unknown to her, the same Christ that she was still expecting happened to be the one she was discussing with. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD TODAY. We all know that Our Lord Jesus Christ had firmly promised that the Spirit of Truth, indeed, the Comforter will come to teach and lead man to the accurate knowledge of the truth. HE IS RIGHT HERE IN OUR MIDST, TEACHING AND REVEALING THE TRUTH TO MAN, YET MAN HAS NOT SEEN HIM. History has again repeated itself like it was in the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ when the Samaritan woman discriminated against Our Lord Jesus Christ by refusing to give Him water to drink whereas the same was the Messiah whom she hoped on and on whom her salvation depended. HERE IN OUR MIDST IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTER, THE ONE WHOSE TEACHINGS ARE BILLED TO USHER US INTO THE TRUTH, YET THE SAME IS THE ONE WE DESPISE AND REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE. WITH THIS YOU CAN REALIZE THAT THE CONDITION OF MANKIND IS TERRIBLY PATHETIC. No doubt, the most difficult task is that of knowing one's creator.

NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, EXCEPT GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO YOU, YOU CANNOT KNOW HIM. It does not matter the extent of preparation you exhibit, the quantity of gifts you want to take to Him, the number of sins you have refrained from. IF GOD DOES NOT REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU, YOU CANNOT KNOW HIM, NOT TO TALK OF FOLLOWING HIM. Our Lord Jesus Christ sojourned in this world for thirty-three years, doing mighty works, yet the world never knew Him. Recall that ever before He came as was earlier prophesied that the Messiah would come, and that on Him would the salvation of the world depend, yet when He eventually came, He taught, healed, freed those in bondage, and at last surrendered His life for the salvation of mankind, man neither knew nor believed in Him. A whole lot of people are still expecting the Messiah to come at a later date unknown to them. It was not as though the people did not see the many works that Our Lord Jesus Christ did. The fact remains that He did not reveal Himself to them, hence, they could not know Him. HERE WE ARE AGAIN IN THE ERA OF THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. TODAY WE HAVE SEEN ALL THE WORKS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND WE QUITE REMEMBER THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DID PROMISE US THAT IT WAS EXPEDIENT THAT HE WENT AWAY SO THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTER, WOULD COME. ALSO YOU HAVE TODAY SEEN THAT THE WORKS DONE NOW ON EARTH ARE EXACTLY THAT WHICH OUR LORD JESUS



CHRIST SAID THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WOULD DO. THESE AND MANY OTHER FACTS CANNOT BE OVERLOOKED, BUT THE QUESTION IS, HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT? IT IS INDEED A VERY DISTURBING PROBLEM AND A VERY DIFFICULT ONE TO SOLVE. Recall that Our Lord Jesus Christ had likened the kingdom of God to "A treasure hid in a field, which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof, goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field." (Matt 13:44). Do you believe that all those who are shouting at the top of their voices, claiming to have seen God, have actually seen Him? At times, you hear somebody say, “Come with me so I may show you where God is." Is it that God is so cheap to be seen in such a manner? God is not as foolish as man. He is aware that many are waiting to fight against Him and so He would not want to reveal Himself to all and sundry. Had Our Lord Jesus Christ descended from the sky, many would have shot Him from the air. Others would have planted thorns where He was due to land so that He would be destroyed as He landed. But God knowing all the plans of man, prefers being born of a woman, so that the scripture might be fulfilled, that a male child shall be born who will rule the world with an iron rod. (see Revelation 12:5). Recall that the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ happened where and when people least expected it. King Herod was surprised when the three wise men approached him and demanded of him where the newborn king was, and that they have seen the sign of His birth from the East, and have come to worship Him. Herod was sad that a new king had been born. Not wanting to immediately disclose His negative

feeling at the information, he told the wise men to proceed on the search, and when they find Him, to bring Herod the word so that he too would go to worship Him. Herod did not, on knowing where he was born, want to worship Him. He only needed to know so that he might go and destroy the king. Of all Herod tried, he could not kill Our Lord Jesus Christ until it was the appointed time of God. You are likely to hear many people seeking for the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Note that they do not all want Him to come and save them; rather, most of them are waiting to destroy Him should He come. Even in this kingdom, you are living witnesses to the fact that many who came here did not initially come with the motive of serving God, but they came to destroy Brotherhood. But as God would always do His things, He caused them to repent of their evil intention and practice only righteousness. Knowing God and seeing Him is not what one should toy with. Hence I keep telling you that everyone should be mindful of his actions. Nobody should give himself up to be misled. Pastor Eyo (the organist, now late Bishop), in one of his publications wrote about the manifestation of the Truth on earth. When Reverend Brown read the book, he decided to visit the Truth and to interact with Him. Pastor Eyo on hearing that Reverend Brown had the need to visit the Father was very happy. He did not know that all that Reverend Brown had in mind to do was to come here and disgrace God. But can man disgrace God? Reverend Brown, you should note, hails from Scotland. On coming here, the Pastor did not know that Reverend Brown was not coming empty- handed, but he came with all the necessary weapons to fight



against God. On reaching here he could not execute any of his evil plans, but rather, he went back in utter shame. Apart from Reverend Brown, there are many that have devoted their entire lives, planning against God only to be disgraced in the end. Instead of engaging in these forms of evil practices, I would rather advice that you hold your faith in Christ, and desist from all sorts of evil practices. I am grateful to God because as the heaven is higher than the earth, so is the wisdom of God greater than man's (Isa 55:9). Brother Goring was not happy when he realized that two of his children, Daniel and George had joined Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Reverend Jeremy Goring, now Bishop Goring, did not support the deeds of his children. He decided to come to Nigeria at last because he wanted to come and vanquish the power that had taken over his sons from him. But on arrival here in Nigeria, the Father changed his mind, and he accepted and worshipped the Holy Spirit. Today, he is a Bishop and a loyal servant of the Father. Many have come into this kingdom and have received this truth even when they come here with negative plans. Take Brother Assassu Inyang Ibom as an example. He was told by his master, Dr. Bassie that he is the lord of Africa. But all of a sudden, when his two sons were sick, one of them that was taken to the hospital died whereas the other one that was equally certified dead opened his eyes when the Father's name was pronounced. Inyang Ibom then began to wonder who the Father Olumba Olumba Obu is. His heart trembled. He had no alternative but to embrace the Holy Father. Aggarwal, on the other hand, did not come to serve the Father but to wage war against the Him. At the

initial stage when he was asked to get baptized, he refused. He only opted to embrace the Father's teachings when he realized that the Father's wisdom was higher than his own. It is rather awful that you keep telling people that Olumba Olumba Obu is God, Christ, etc. As such you invite people to come and see Him. WHY SHOULD YOU TELL PEOPLE TO COME AND SEE GOD? IS IT THAT EASY FOR ONE TO BEHOLD GOD? DO YOU KNOW THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT? LET IT BE KNOWN TO YOU THAT NO ONE CAN SEE GOD EXCEPT THOSE HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO. Even when God's presence was not announced, people conversed and called for war against Him. What then do you think will happen when people now go broadcasting on the air that God has finally arrived on the earth plane?



GOD DOES NOT ERR: God does not make mistakes. Think of what happened in the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Several times people planned to mock Him. They could not but at the appointed time, they succeeded in crucifying Him on the cross. Like the saying goes,"Experience is the best teacher." If mankind never jokes with his experiences, what do you expect from God? Recall again, the events that happened in Egypt. Even before Moses was born, the sorcerers, magicians, and voodoo priests in Egypt hinted Pharaoh that a king would be born who would oversee the affairs of the Israelites. He was not happy with the information, and so he directed the voodoo priests to keep watch and report to him when eventually the birth would take

place. When Moses was born, the priests intimated the king. They went as far as telling him that the new born king was about three months old. Pharaoh ordered the killing of children of that age, indeed male children born of the Israelites. This he did to secure for himself a worldly kingdom. Now that you are shouting about the presence of God in the world, do you not know that the world is a thorny place and there are men who are all out against God? These and other instances are enough proof that you should allow God to do His things the way it pleases Him. He is the one to reveal Himself to as many as He deems fit to reveal Himself to. Reference should be made to the first lesson.

GOD IS NOW ON EARTH: Beloved, it is high time you refrained from telling people that you have seen God, and devote your life to serving Him by practicing the gospel. Do you mean that God was hiding somewhere so that on discovering His hiding place, you feel you should alert the world? God was not hiding. HE IS ON EARTH, BUT HE IS ONLY SEEN BY THOSE WHOM HE PREFERS TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO. IF GOD WANTS THE ENTIRE POPULACE OF THE WORLD TO SEE HIM TODAY, IT IS ONLY THOSE THAT HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO THAT WILL SEE HIM. IN OTHER WORDS, NO MATTER WHAT

YOUR EFFORTS TOWARDS PUBLICIZING HIS PRESENCE, THE WORLD WILL NOT FOR NOW SEE HIM, EXCEPT THE FEW HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO. An Efik proverb states that if one comes by someone bringing a mature hen to the market for sale, one should not buy it with the intention that the hen will lay eggs and hatch chicks for him. The hen is being sold because it can no longer lay eggs or it does not know how to care for chicks. Similarly, a good daughter is not given for marriage in a far away village. Put it differently, no one on discovering a treasure would want to publicize it. True as all these proverbs are, who can see God and start inviting others to come and see Him? It is through your behavior that people will speak ill against God. If indeed you have seen God, why not keep quiet and do His works? Your behavior should prove to people that you have seen God, and not by telling people that you have seen Him. IF ANY SHOULD TELL YOU THAT GOD IS FOUND IN A PARTICULAR PLACE, DO NOT FOLLOW HIM TO THAT PLACE. IT IS GOD'S EXCLUSIVE DUTY TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO THOSE HE LOVES AND NOT MAN'S DUTY TO ADVERTISE GOD TO THE WORLD. IF GOD SO WISHES AND HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO YOU, KNOW HIM AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULD NOT PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS. AFTER ALL IT IS THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT PEOPLE WILL KNOW AND BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE SEEN GOD. Everything that has to do with God is so mysterious that it should not be toyed with. Recall when



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 11:27 “All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.”

the Jews demanded of Our Lord Jesus Christ that He should show them heavenly things? He replied and said to them, "If I have told you earthly things and ye believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things?" (John 3:12). The above excerpt is a pointer to the fact that we should not bother to ask people to show us God. STRIVE TO DO THE WORK OF GOD, AND HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. WHOEVER TELLS YOU TO COME, THAT HE WANTS TO TAKE YOU TO WHERE GOD IS SEEN LAVISHLY, IS A DECEIVER. If men could value their treasures, and would not let people know about it, what then do you think of one seeing God? He would not publicize it, he would keep the experience to himself. You are the one causing problems to yourself. The things you say expose you to danger. Recall the experience of Joseph. When he told his people of the dreams he had, the interpretation of the dream proved that he would be worshipped by all members his family, and this resulted in his being sold into slavery. However that did not change the will of God in him. GOD CAN ONLY REVEAL HIMSELF TO THOSE HE LOVES, AND THESE ARE THE RIGHTEOUS ONES. Recall the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ in John 14:19 "Yet a little while the world seeth me no more, but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also." Refer to the second lesson.

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 14:21 “He that hath my commandment and keepth


them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” SPECIFICATIONS FOR KNOWING GOD Have you now known the conditions upon which God reveals Himself to man? First you have to keep the commandment of God, and secondly, you have to love Him. You cannot love God except you keep His commandment. And these done, the Lord will surely reveal Himself to you. His commandment is not difficult; neither is it more than one. It is nominated in John 13:34 "LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVEN AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." Do not be misled to engage in diabology believing that when you do this the Father will reveal Himself to you. IF YOU WANT GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU, KNOW HIS COMMANDMENT LOVE ONE ANOTHER, PRACTICE THIS LOVE AND THE FATHER WILL LOVE AND REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. Every other way which you are told can lead to knowing God is FAKE. THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE WAY OF KNOWING GOD IS FOR GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. Our Lord Jesus Christ, you would recall, usually spoke in parables to the people but later interpreted such parable to His disciples. This is exactly how God deals with His people. He is always giving preferential treatment to those He loves. He is always known to make His people triumph and excel in whatever condition they find themselves. Recall the case of Joseph who was called out from prison to interpret Pharaoh's dream. God did this as a way to free him from


imprisonment. This should serve as a reminder to those who are desirous of seeing God. They should practice love so they can see God. The attendant blessing from knowing God cannot be overemphasized. WHEN YOU KNOW GOD YOU ARE GIVEN THE WISDOM TO INTERPRET THE WORDS OF GOD, AND THE POWER TO TEACH OTHERS. But for the act of Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream of an impending famine in the nation, that led to a precautionary action being taken, the Egyptians would not have survived the famine that befell the land. But then the world does not like anyone who is associated with God. What did Our Lord Jesus Christ do to deserve death? He was killed simply because He said that He was the Son of God. Our Lord Jesus purposely declared that He is the Son of God, so that those who doubted the ungrateful nature of mankind can learn their lesson. That Our Lord Jesus Christ was killed for telling the world that He was the Son of God accounts for the reason why God does not want His presence to be publicized anymore. HE NOW PREFERS TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE KEPT HIS COMMANDMENT, AND THESE ARE THE ONES WHO LOVE HIM. ALL ODDS NOTWITHSTANDING, ALL THOSE WHO ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD WILL KNOW HIM. There is no point contradicting yourself with the claim that the Father is God and that people should come and see me. I have told you that I am not God but Olumba Olumba Obu. And so going into the world with different versions of the information exposes you to humiliation and attack by the people of the world. Allow

every work of revealing God to man to be done by God himself. WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT JEHOVAH GOD AND HIS CHRIST HAVE COME DOWN, AND IS NOW LIVING ON EARTH WITH MEN, AND HE IS THE DOER OF EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD TODAY. The problem in the world today lies in the fact that her actions are not in conformity with her claims to have seen God. You claim to have seen God but your actions depict that you are addicted to sin. You steal, tell lies, fornicate, murder, gossip, hate, fight, quarrel, and say all sorts of ills against God. Even when you have been told to stop eating meat and fish, you feel you cannot stop, since according to you, they help to nourish the body, being that they are good sources of protein. What is the basis of your claim to have seen God if you cannot keep His commandment, which borders on the love for one another? If you profess to have seen God, you have to restructure your lifestyle in compliance with the commandment of God. Refer to the Golden text.



GOLDEN TEXT: MATTHEW 16:16-18 “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO HIS PEOPLE:

Scarcely can one who professes to have seen God be upright. Take for instance a certain young man from Rivers State who came here in the company of some of his followers. He claims to be the king of kings and the shepherd. But a close look at his lifestyle proved that he was contradicting himself. This is the case with all the self-acclaimed religious leaders in the world today. None of them is interested in keeping the commandment of God. All that they do is to use the name of God to amass wealth to themselves and their immediate families. God knows all those who seek for him lovingly with clean hearts. These in fact are the ones He has revealed Himself to, and GOD DOES NOT REVEAL HIMSELF TO HIS PEOPLE IN THE FOREST, SEA, SHORE, SHRINE, PRAYER HOUSE ETC. DIFFERENTLY PUT, THERE IS NO PARTICULAR PLACE SET ASIDE FOR PEOPLE TO GO AND WAIT FOR GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO THEM. HE IS READY TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU, ANYWHERE, PROVIDED YOU LOVE HIM AND YOU KEEP HIS COMMANDMENT. Anytime you come by someone to whom God has revealed Himself you will know by his lifestyle. There is no other way through which God reveals Himself to man, except as revealed by these three texts. The way God reveals Himself to those He wishes is not subject to any controversy. ONE DOES NOT NEED TO READ IT IN A BOOK, CONSULT AN ORACLE, OR VISIT A SPECIALIST TO TUTOR ONE ON THE PROCEDURE. PROVIDED YOU KEEP HIS COMMANDMENT AND LOVE HIM, HE WILL NOT HESITATE TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU

WITHOUT ANY PROTOCOL. We can deceive ourselves or be deceived by others that we or they have seen God, but God cannot be deceived. He knows those he has revealed Himself to, and these people too know Him, and they are upright in all that they do and utter. Except God reveals Himself to you, you cannot know him. Even if He lives with you in the same house, sleeps on the same bed with you and shares almost everything with you, you will not know Him unless He reveals Himself to you. GOD HAS COME DOWN TO DWELL IN OUR MIDST. HE DID NOT COME FOR ALL TO SEE HIM BUT ONLY HIS CHILDREN MAY SEE HIM. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN HIM IT MEANS HE HAS NOT REVEALED HIMSELF TO YOU, AND THE FACT THAT HE HAS NOT REVEALED HIMSELF TO YOU MEANS THAT YOU HAVE NOT PRACTICED THE MUCH NEEDED LOVE. NO ONE WHO HAS SEEN GOD CAN DO ANYTHING TO DISGRACE THE NAME OF GOD. HE WILL DEVOTE HIS ENTIRE LIFE TO DOING THE WORK OF GOD AND HE WILL STRIVE TO PROPAGATE THE WORD OF GOD WHEREVER MAN IS FOUND, AND HE WOULD ALWAYS DESIRE THAT THE GLORY OF GOD SHOULD KNOW NO BOUNDS. THE CHILDREN OF GOD HEAR THE WORD OF GOD AND PRACTICE SAME, AND THEY ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. God knows why He does not want people to publicize His presence but He prefers to reveal Himself to those He loves. Even when He took Peter, James, and John to the mountain, and transfigured Himself there, showing the kingdom of God to them, He instructed them saying,



"Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead." (Matthew 17:9) You should then realize that the resurrection was an avenue for God to reveal Himself to those He loves. Peter knew Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God because it so pleased God to reveal Himself to him. And because Peter had love, this accounted for the reason why Our Lord Jesus Christ pronounced him to be the rock upon which He would build His temple. The same Peter had the blessing of God to hold the key of the kingdom of God. These, in effect, prove to you the attendant blessing due for those whom God reveals Himself to. It is said that a stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world. May God bless His Holy words. Amen

organizations. None is serving God but they are all serving their own stomachs. These places called churches should be rightly called mercantile houses. They do not know anything about The Truth. What you see in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the Truth which the entire world has been waiting for.


REFERENCE TEXT: HEBREWS 9:1-27) Beloved, the work of God is a personal service, and so you have to give it a personal touch, and it also involves a lot of personal sacrifice.. The world is now flooded with carnally minded and materialistic minded

this Truth, yet, the so-called world religions and church denominations continue in their old ways to lead their same old lives. If you observe the world, you would be given the impression that Our Lord Jesus Christ is yet to shed His Holy blood. That He has not yet resurrected. So, they relentlessly stick to their old ways of doing things, and they still live in their old ways, and they do not care to follow the injunctions of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people try to compare Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with the Churches and religious organizations. How can this ever be done? Is it not expedient that you keep your mouth shut in any matter that you do not understand? You should rather watch out for what will come out of this fold. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DIED AND RESURRECTED SO THAT WE MAY WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. THIS WAS WHY HE SHED HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD. THROUGH HIS DEATH, WE KNOW THE NEED TO BE HUMBLE, KIND, PEACEFUL, PATIENT, MERCIFUL AND





FORGIVING. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DIED THAT WE MAY DEMONSTRATE ALL THE VIRTUES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Unfortunately today, the reverse is the case. Man is everyday becoming more sinful. The way man conducts himself appears as if the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ was in vain. AS THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCHES CLAP THEIR HANDS, BEAT DRUMS, BURN INCENSE AND CANDLES, DRINK WINE, THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THEM. BUT FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD HAVE PERISHED. WELL, WE KNOW THAT THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BROUGHT SALVATION UNTO MANKIND. REFERENCE TEXT: Hebrews 7:1-28 You are a witness that the early Roman Catholic Church prayed with their eyes opened. This was a security measure for the purpose of surveillance. You can you now see that the difference is clear. WE HAVE COME TO SHOW MAN THE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. WE HAVE NOT COME TO TALK ABOUT ONE STATE, COUNTRY, OR CONTINENT. WE HAVE NOT COME TO TALK ABOUT THE WORLD OR ANYTHING IN IT. WE HAVE COME TO GIVE YOU RECONDITE WISDOM THAT YOU MAY UNDERSTAND A LOT OF THINGS. THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME TO TEACH: Nobody does things by his own volition in this kingdom. You are not to do anything by the dictates of the flesh. Rather, listen to the Holy Spirit so that


whatsoever He tells you, the same should you do. Strive in all ways to please the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is very erroneous for you to go about telling people that your parents were dedicated servants of God. Be informed that they were serving themselves because they were carnally minded. THEY DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. FROM THE EARLY TIME OF RELIGION TO DATE, THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THINK THAT THE WORSHIP OF GOD ENDS IN CLAPPING OF THEIR HANDS, BEATING OF DRUMS, STAMPING OF THE FEET, DANCING, LIGHTING CANDLES AND BURNING INCENSE. TO ADD TO THIS IS THE BLOWING OF TRUMPETS AND THE APPLICATION OF PERFUMES. IN THIS GENERATION, ANYBODY WHO GETS LOST IN THIS KIND OF FALSEHOOD, HIS BLOOD WILL BE UPON HIS HEAD. FOR I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT HENCEFORTH NO ONE LIVES THE WAY HE PLEASES. YOU LIVE BY THE WORDS OF GOD AND YOU LIVE ACCORDING TO THE WAY THAT PLEASES THE HOLY SPIRIT. WE MUST ALL LIVE BY THE DIRECTIVES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONIFIED. IF YOU ABIDE BY HIS INSTRUCTIONS, YOU WOULD HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN HIS KINGDOM, IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. The entire world is very conventional and very conservative. For this reason, people are tied to their traditions and their cultures and the ways of their forefathers. The so-called religions and churches sprang up from these various customs and


traditions of the people of the world. The only place you see a difference is in this kingdom of God. This kingdom came up with a different mode of worship and doctrine. WE HAVE A DIFFERENT LIFESTYLE OF BELIEF AND WORSHIP, WHICH IS QUITE DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF THE WORLDLY PEOPLE. HERE WE EMPLOY LOVE AND OTHER VIRTUES OF GOD TO OPERATE. FOR CERTAINLY THE TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ARE SUMMED UP IN LOVE, THAT MEANS WE SHOULD LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE HAS LOVED US. In the church denominations, members are grouped according to certain affiliations. There are various acts of tribalism, nepotism, segregation, and discrimination in the world. These tendencies are brought about by the churches and other religious sects. Their utterances and behaviors are so parochial that it becomes crystal clear that they have nothing to do with Christ. The general behavior of mankind up until now portrays the fact that man has no regard for THE BIRTH, THE SUFFERING, THE AGONY, THE BLOODSHED, AND THE DEATH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Israelites did not believe that the expected Christ, the Messiah, had come. They had read in the scriptures that Elijah would come before the Christ of God, and by their calculations and wisdom, Elijah had not arrived, therefore it would be foolish for them to believe that the Christ had come. So by their reasoning, since the Christ, even the Savior was yet to come, they continued in their mundane pursuits. They continued to


worship idols, and followed after the dictates of the flesh because they did not know the truth. But can you now still claim not to have known the truth after it has been shown to you?IN THIS KINGDOM WE WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. The Israelites insisted that until Elijah came, Christ could not have arrived. HOWEVER, ELIJAH DID COME WITH ANOTHER NAME, JOHN THE BAPTIST. The Jews treated John with disdain and they finally beheaded him. But even after all these, nobody believed in Our Lord Jesus Christ. HE CAME AND TAUGHT THEM THE TRUTH AND HE EVEN REVEALED TO THEM THAT JOHN WAS THE ELIJAH THEY WERE EXPECTING. (See Matthew 17:10-13). Even then, the people did not take Him seriously. BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR IS NOT A CHURCH: When you start to compare Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with the churches of the world, I look at you as a person without brain. How can you compare Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with group of people who have neither a head nor any truth in them? They go about in the customs and traditions of their forefathers because they have no head, no leader. THE ONLY SALVATION FOR MANKIND IS THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHOM PEOPLE DO NOT TAKE FOR ANYTHING. NOW YOU SEE THAT GOD IS WORSHIPPED IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH ALL OVER THE BROTHERHOOD WORLD. THE MANIFESTATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD


WHICH WAS PROMISED FOR THIS ERA IS FULFILLED. (See Matthew 12:17-21). THE NAME REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE EXCERPT IS THE NAME IN WHICH THE GENTILES TRUST. That is why even the Moslems do confirm that the Prophet Mohammed had spoken about the coming of the Holy Spirit. For this reason, whenever they find themselves in the midst of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members, they feel at home, and they do not have any problems. They always feel at home in our midst. Members of this fold do recognize the fact that this is the reign of the Holy Spirit; THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS FULLY MANIFESTED ON EARTH NOW. The Churches know nothing about the Holy Spirit and so they do not obey His instructions. When you talk about a church you are talking about a body of people. BUT BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR IS NOT A CHURCH BUT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. FOR THAT REASON WE ARE CONCERNED WITH THINGS THAT GIVE GLORY TO GOD, AND SO, WE DO NOT PREACH ABOUT MUNDANE THINGS, FOR SUCH DO NOT GLORIFY GOD. WE ARE ONLY CONCERNED WITH THINGS THAT GIVE GLORY TO GOD. I REPEAT, WE DO NOT PREACH ABOUT MUNDANE THINGS FOR SUCH DO NOT GLORIFY GOD. HOWEVER WE TEACH YOU TO WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. SO, I WILL CONTINUE TO TEACH YOU TO STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. I ALSO LIVE MY LIFE AS A







First Bible Lesson: Matthew 11:27 "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him." Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 6:9 "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Golden Text: Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

The intricacies of this Kingdom are not clear to you? This week is called the Father's Week but where are His children? Brethren, I do not blame you because it has always been like this and will continue like that till eternity. You have heard that whom the Father loves He reveals the Son unto him. Except also when the Son loves to reveal the Father unto (Matt 11:27). You have been told not to call man on earth father. Upon all the persons you refer to as father, you have only one Father. When you are told that the Father wants you, do not ask which Father because there is only one Father. We have many brothers and sisters but we have only


one Father. Whenever you hear Father, it is that One Father who is calling you. If the whole Brotherhood had known what Father means, all the inhabitants of the world would have known what to do. We use earthly things to illustrate heavenly things. The word of God says if you do not love your brother whom you have seen, how can you love God whom you do not see?(1 John 4:20). That is why in all things the Father uses earthly situations to illustrate heavenly situations. He says that whoever honors the Son also honors the Father.(John 5:23) If you cast your minds back, you will realize that the Father's Week has never been kept at any point in time because no person has ever known the Father. The whole world and even members of the Brotherhood regard this week as a very insignificant week. The women will say that the week belongs to the men and that they had the Mother's Week. And I ask how many Fathers have you got? If all the brothers and sisters had realized what is meant by "Father's Week" not even the children would have been left out of this gathering. The one and the most significant work which Our Lord Jesus Christ did was to reveal the Father. The greatest work which Brotherhood has done in this generation is worshipping the Father and setting aside one whole week to celebrate the manifestation of the Father. It is not just lip-service but a means of rejoicing with Him and glorifying Him throughout this month and throughout this year by all the inhabitants of the world so that all creations may


God Revealed As The Father realize that the Father has come. This is the week set aside for the Father who sent the son. The Father to whom Our Lord Jesus Christ was always referring to as "Father, Father" which prompted Philip to ask Him, "show us the Father." And now, that Father has been revealed to you. The whole Brotherhood would celebrate this week amidst songs, feasts, dancing, charities; in offices, at homes, in the Bethels and everywhere until the whole world acclaims that they have really seen the Father; because this is His reign. Did our Lord Jesus Christ not tell you about the Father? Did He not bear witness to the Father? Right from His infancy, when He was twelve years of age, He was always calling on the Father. He bore witness to the Father. When they went to the feast in Jerusalem, He was only twelve years old, and His earthly parents left Him behind after the feast. He went and sat in the temple with the doctors of law, the lawyers, the priests and the Scribes.(Luke 2:46). He was asking them questions and answering theirs. That was a child of twelve. Did they know that that was the Son? He is the Son of man, Son of the Father and the Father Himself. There is a local adage that a child starts his delicacies with a snail. Because if He had said that He is God, then people would have rent their clothes. From Genesis to Malachi, you will not find any portion where God is referred to as Father. Abraham did not know Him as the Father. But earthly things are used to illustrate heavenly things, and so Abraham was called "Father Abraham." He is used in the illustration


because he was the "friend" of God. He became God's representative. That is how the Name "Father" came to be known. But the substance of that name is what you now have. This is the time of the Father. This is the generation of the Father. Jesus said unto them, "Did ye never read in the Scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the Corner? This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?"(Matt 21:42/Acts 4:11). "Therefore say I unto you, that this Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."(Matt 21:43). I am telling you that Our Lord Jesus Christ was bearing witness to this glory. He said: "When the Father shall come, He will reveal all things unto you because He will glorify me. He will testify of me because I bore witness to Him. For all that belong to the Father belong to me.(John 16:15). There is no division between them. He bore witness to the Father, and the Father bore witness to Him and therefore, His glory is revealed fully. Any house which is divided against itself cannot stand. The Father and the Son are One. There is no division between them. And all that belongs to the Father also belongs to the Son and all that belongs to the Son also belongs to the Father. That is why whoever honours the Son also honours the Father, and all those who honor the Father, honor the Son also. That is why the Son bestowed all glories to the Father. The Father is not worried because He knows that all the glory is His Son's. The Father himself has bestowed all glory unto the Son, and you will wonder what then remains for the Father? I am telling you that all the glory still belongs to the Father.

It is said that whoever speaks of himself seeks his own glory. (John 7:18) Since you are seeking your own glory, that is why you speak of yourself. If the Father is not known, how can you be known? And if you are not known, how can He be known? Can you realize the wisdom of God? He came and declared that He was the Son. He did not claim that He is the Father. He called Himself the Son of God here on earth. That is why the Jews wanted to kill Him: that He being a man should regard Himself as God. They did not know Him. If you bear witness to yourself your witness is not true; but if another person bears witness to you that testimony is true. Your problem is that you complain that in your family you are the only light. When you say this you have disgraced God. Our problem is that wherever we go we continue to boast of having the power to do one thing or the other. Have you got this power? You have failed. If you bear witness of another person, people will believe your testimony but when you bear witness to yourself people will not pay any attention to you. You should realize that there was nothing at the beginning. The world was empty and void and without form.(Gen 1:2). He then created the earth, the heavens, the sun, the moon and the stars. He made the trees, the fishes in water, the birds and the animals in the forest. Finally, (and can you realize how kind, generous and unselfish God is?) He said, let us create man in our own image and in our own likeness.(Gen 1:26). If you were God you would have created man in the lowest position because you want man to be your servant.



Yet, after creating man, He said, "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Tell me what else is remaining for God? Any person who speaks of himself and arrogates to himself any power will be looked at despitefully, but when you tell people that they are beautiful and wealthy and kind, the people will begin to applaud you not knowing that you are talking about yourself. If you do not give glory to someone, who will give glory to you? If you do not love somebody who will be obedient unto you? It is God alone who has all the virtues. Do not observe how he has glorified the stone because God Himself is the Stone. Have you ever heard any person who starts counting with the number one? You have to start from zero, then one, two three and so on. That explains why He told Cain and Abel to offer sacrifices to Him.(Gen 4:4-8). He Himself did not seek for these sacrifices, but He wanted to test them. From the beginning people worshipped whatever they liked. Whoever worshipped a stone was regarded as worshipping God. Whosoever worshipped fire was regarded as worshipping God because God Himself is fire. When you do evil, fire will consume you because God is a consuming fire. When an angel operates people will accept an angel as God but thereafter, they will be advanced to the next stage of evolution. The names called by people as Elohim Jah, Jove are names of angels. They were at one time revealed unto us. God Himself says He would

come as a prophet. When He comes as a prophet we would not know that God has come but when He departs we regret His coming. Hezekiah was sick with an abscess but turned to God for help, that God should remember what he did for Him at his youth. God advised him to use the leaves of a tree to cure the abscess, and God extended his life for the next 15 years.(2 Kings 20:5-11). There has never been a time when any person starts to worship God, and admits that what he worships is God. He has to start by worshipping trees, stones and the inanimate objects. When you go and trace the evolution of religion you will realize that man started by worshipping stones, trees, roots, leaves and other inanimate objects. That is why He told Adam, eat of all the trees in the Garden except this one; and from there He started teaching them about Himself. You will then realize how difficult His way is. This is the very last generation, the end of time.



First Bible Lesson: Matthew 11:27 "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father: neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and He to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him." Brethren, have you heard that? He says my Father has delivered all things unto me. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no man knows the Father except the Son, and whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.

Is that statement not fulfilled today? Philip asked Our Lord: "Show us the Father.”(John 14:8-10). And I ask, why is it that right from Adam no man has known the Father? Every person calls Him Jehovah, but Jehovah is an Angel. When you hear that Abraham saw God, he only saw an angel. They worshipped angels and rocks and trees, and the winds. When God created Adam how would it sound if God had told him: "Adam you are God." He should worship himself. What would be the meaning of that? Who would ever greet another person in this world? Who would ever have regard for another person? He has given us an injunction to love one another, and this implies that something important was on the way. The thing that lies ahead is you, yourself. We have an adage that the fame of a man is more awe-inspiring than his person. Do you not realize that the fame is greater than what we see? When you hear stories of a famous person you desire to see him. When you see him, what is he? He is nothing. His greatness consists in the fame that people spread. I want you to experiment on what I am going to tell you. Tomorrow morning send out somebody to deliver a message to another person. Tell your servant to tell him that his master says he should take action on the instruction at once. The moment the person receives this message, even if he is a lawyer he will begin to shake because he does not know what the master of this servant looks like and how he came to know him. When you send out somebody in this way, you will look big in the eyes of the person who receives the message. But when you go out to meet the fellow and tell him that you are the person who had been sending

the message to him, the person will begin to gather himself, and express surprise because he has known you all the time. And from that day your reputation is gone. That is why you are not to glorify your own self or speak of your own self. You have to bear testimony of another person. If you should go out and proclaim to people that someone is coming from Lagos who will preach to them and take away all their problems and sickness and that you yourself are nothing, people will turn out in large numbers. As a matter of fact when that person comes, wonders will happen because they have already believed in him, and so the glory of God will be revealed. And if this person in turn tells them that he has not done anything because the one greater than him is coming, they will ask "Is there a greater person than this one?" He is the person we want! That is exactly how God lives His own life in this kingdom. It is He Himself who is doing all these things. That is why when John came he said he was nothing: that another person who was preferred before him was coming. He is so great that he John, was not worthy to untie the latchet of his shoes.(Luke 3:16). He was the same God. The Christ in turn said of all men born of woman, there is none that is greater than John except he who is least in the kingdom of heaven. Can you notice this? John is bearing witness to Jesus, and Jesus also is bearing witness to John. Finally Our Lord Jesus Christ told them "Verily, verily I say unto you whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I go unto the Father."(John 14:12). He also told them that, "the Comforter, who is



also the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and lead you unto the accurate wisdom of the truth and He shall also bring to your remembrance all that I have told you." (John 14:26). And so every person was waiting eagerly for the coming of that Comforter. We have another proverb which says. "An old thing is your own thing, and a new thing is a thing of joy." And so all of us are eager to hear new doctrines, because you will hear people telling you to go away with stale news. They are fed up and want something new. The new thing is a thing of joy; that is why God always renews Himself. He is always new with a new name. But He is the same one. And so when John taught his disciples to pray, the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ also went to him and told him "Teach us how to pray even as John taught his disciples."(Luke 11:1). Remember the word which he said: that the Father has given everything unto him; that no person knows the Son except the Father and that no one knows the Father except the Son and to whomsoever the Son would reveal him. He also says I and the Father are one.(John 10:30). Did he not reveal the Father to the whole world? The greatest work which Our Lord Jesus Christ did which no person had ever done was to reveal God as the Father. During the conversation of Our Lord Jesus Christ with the woman of Samaria, she said unto Him "Our Fathers worshipped in this mountain: and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus said unto her: Woman, believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye

know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:20-24). This is that time referred to. The spirit referred to is the "Father." This Father is the God who made heaven and earth. The Son is in Him. The children are in Him. The prophets are in Him. All the apostles are in Him. All the elders, all created and uncreated things are in Him because He is the Father who created the Heavens, the earth, the waters, the rocks, the winds and whatever flies and creeps. Noah did not know Him as the Father. He worshipped Him with the name Jehovah. God is not His name. Lord, also, is not His name. His name is not Elohim. "I am that I am," is not his name. Creator of Heaven and Earth is not His name. "Most High" is not His name. The only befitting name of God is



"Father." What does Father mean? All spirits emanate from Him. The Head from whom all things are derived is what is referred to as Father. Everything including man, trees, fishes in the water, fire, water, power, wisdom, truth, death and everything come from Him. That is why He is called "Father." When you call God you should realize that there are gods. The word God is a mere semantic. The spelling is g-o-o-d which is good. One 'O' is omitted and it is being called God. And so the word "G-o-d" has no meaning again. It is a terminological inexactitude.

I am not criticizing them. I am only correcting them. “BUT WHEN THAT WHICH IS PERFECT IS COME, THEN THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL BE DONE AWAY” ( 1 Cor 13:10). This is the time of perfection, and so imperfection must pass away; because half education is a very dangerous thing. I do not blame Adam, I do not blame Eve. I do not blame Enoch or Moses. I do not blame any person because that was their level of understanding. Those who worshipped trees have not sinned because they were worshipping the God of some kind. Those who were worshipping water as God have done no wrong. It is the same God. But now is the fullness of time for all the trees, the waters and everything to worship the Father who is the Father of all creation because this is His reign. Since He created stones, He is the Father of stones. He is the Father of the waters. He is the Father of man. He is the Father of the animals. He is the Father of the winds and sun and earth. He is the Father of everything. And so we know Him only as the Father. Let the second lesson be read.

Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 6:9 "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Brethren, what have you learnt from that? Did any person ever impart this kind of teaching, revealing God as the Father? Do you know that you dishonor God when you call another person father? Begin to trace the genealogy of your father; it ends with Adam.


And who is the Father of Adam? Is He not God? Why not call a spade a spade? This is the time to call a spade by its name. The movement of the Israelites from Egypt during the deliverance to Canaan was parabolic. They wondered for 40 years. Right from the time of Adam count the number of years up to date, yet people have not known God. You can now realize that His way is mysterious. People go to the sun to search for God. Some go to the moon. They go into water, they go into the deeps, they go to America, India and everywhere, but was He lost? Here He is. He is the Father. The Father who art in heaven. Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He was sent by the Father. I am going back to the Father because the Father is greater than I.(John 14:28). But today no person seeks after the Father they rather seek for Jesus. No person asks "Where is the Father? When will the Father come?" You continue to ask "When will Jesus come again?" Oh Jesus the Son of God! But about God Himself, is He not the Father? God sent Moses as a prophet and when Moses died the people wept for one full month complaining that their God was dead.(Deut 34:8). They did not wait unto God who sent Him, the one who did those works. Can you realize the stupidity of man? But God wanted to show them their foolishness and so raised up Joshua. And Joshua did greater works than Moses, even then, they did not learn.(Joshua 1:1-3). It is written that we are laborers together in the vineyard of God.(1 Cor 3:9). We are God's building. We are God's husbandry. We are God's vineyard. You


are walking and working with God. You are the vineyard He has planted. Therefore, He is the Father. Have you not heard that the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and His Christ?(Rev 11:15). He is the Father. He is the great Father who lives in you. It is said that the dwelling place of God is now with men: And he shall be their God and they shall be His children.(Rev 21:3). Right now there is no other name. Do not call any man on earth father. Do not contemplate it in your heart. He alone is the Father. Jehovah God is not His name. His name is not Christ. Elohim is not His name. His name is simply "Father.” He had allowed all those names so that you may realize that He has neither bias nor discrimination. He gives the leaves their own glory. He gives water the glory that belongs to it. The same with the fire. But now He has confiscated all the glories unto Himself. And so you may go to Him and tell Him to heal you. He can direct you to go and wash three times in water, and you will be well. But you begin to argue that since he has come in person he should touch you and you will be well. Just go and you are well, so that that water may be glorified. Now you may just end your ministry work only to be told to go on ministry work in Lagos. Go to Surulere and pray there. Pay your tithe and your problems are taken away. You begin to argue "But the Father is here; what have I to do in Surulere?" I say you should go. Before you get there and complete what you were instructed, all your problems are over, and you become well. You may be told to go and meet one small boy

in Ikot town who will pray for you. And you argue and ask what a small boy can pray, that you want a senior prophet or the Father to place his hands on you and pray. That small boy is the Father. Go to him and all things are well. Sometimes He will tell you to go and pray in the Bethel. Observe dry-fasting for one day and your problems are solved. You will argue that you were in the Bethel on fasting yesterday. Just go and do same. If you do what He tells you, your problems will be over. Everything is by the Father. That is why He has taught the whole world: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." Who is the Father who is in heaven, is it not this same Father? Have we hallowed His name? It behooves the children of God to worship and honor His name. Everywhere, every person should dance and rejoice and give alms generously because this is His reign. Have you ever heard of any person who practices the injunction: "Let us honor your name - our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name?" The whole Brotherhood has to honor His name. All the inhabitants of the world should hallow His own name. Fishes in the waters, trees in the forest, animals in the bush, angels, spirit, everything created by God should all hallow the name of the Father. You have heard what is said, that no person knows the Son except the Father, and no person knows that Father except the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him. Search from Genesis through the Revelation of John, search throughout the world, search through the ages: have you ever heard of the



Father's Week? Have you read of it in the Bible? Is it recorded in history? Have you heard it mentioned in the world? Throughout the whole universe this is the first time such a week has ever been mentioned. I have never heard of it myself. It is said that six days belong to the thief and the seventh belongs to the farmer. God has never revealed this week at any point in time. He kept it and reserved it to be celebrated at this time by all inhabitants of the world. The concept of Father's Week is not clear to many of you. You think the Father is man? He is not man but Father, the Father who created the heavens and the earth. It is said, but for your Father would you know your mother, and but for your mother would you have come into this world? Whose glory is it then? It is the Father's glory. Now the men folk know no better than to put on their suits and drive their long cars and speak their Queen's English. But they have never known of the Father's Week as it is being revealed today. Many people think that the Father's Week refers to the Father who begot the Leader. Okay, how did the Leader come to this place? How did that other person who begot the Leader come about? Finally, what we have is Father. Our Father which is in Heaven is the one we are referring to, the One who made heaven and earth and the fullness of them. Therefore, we should all worship and honor Him. Trace the genealogy of the father that begot the Leader. That father, who was his father? And finally you will end with Adam.And so it is that other one who made Adam and Eve that we are talking about. This is His Week. The Roman Catholics have different days and festivals for saints and what have you; but there

has never been a thing like Father's Week, Father's Day, Father's month or Father's year. But from today, "The Father's Week" has to be observed forever and ever. It has no other meaning apart from Father's Week. I want this gospel to be published so that if any person asks you what is Father's Week you hand this gospel to him. "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." That is exactly what we are doing. There is no other thing. If you bring in another father you are doomed. In which other way can we reveal the Father except in this way. When somebody asks you "What are you doing?" You tell him that you are celebrating the Father's Week. And he asks "which Father?" How many Fathers have you? This Father's Week embraces all the governments. The trees, the rocks, angels, winds, fishes, created and uncreated things, all have a share in it. There is no man who is the Father. There is no tree that is the Father. There is no angel that is the Father. There is no wind or fish or animal that is the Father except Him alone that is the Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. If you call any man "Father" you have erred. You cannot refer to Adam as your Father. If you do that you have erred. The Bible will tell you that Adam was the son of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ was also the Son of God, the Father that created Adam and Eve, the Father that sent our Lord Jesus Christ, He is the Father. He is the one and only Father. Adam was the begotten Son of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself was that one Son. You yourself are that one Son. Even if you fill the whole



world, including trees and animals, all are that one son. Therefore we all should worship Him and serve Him. This is the time of His glory and so we must worship Him. You can call God or Jehovah. We know He is not the one. If you call Elohim, He is not Him. But when you mention Father, that is it. Do you ask questions? Do you argue? Bow down and worship. There is nothing like God-Father. It is only one Father, and He is for all the heavens and earth. This is the time of His glory, and so we all should give glory to Him. Do not call any person by that name. Do not even refer to any person as your stepfather. Do you not realize how wise the whites are? They call the male parent "Daddy." The whites have gone very far. Have you ever herd them call their male parent Father? They will not, because they know that there is only one Father. But the blacks will call even somebody they have never known father because he is an old man. Afterwards they will refer to another person as their carnal father. Does it mean that there are two "Fathers?" You can call him "daddy, papa, brother" that is all that is accepted. That could also be alright. But make no mistake in calling him, father, for we have but only one Father. This is the Father's day: this is His week; this is His month, and days ahead. This is the time of His glory and so we all should give glory to Him. Do not call any person by that name. Do not even refer to any person as your stepfather. You are His child. Every person is His own child. Who then should you call the Father amongst his children. That would be a blasphemous statement. Our

Lord Jesus Christ had taught that you should call no man upon the earth, teacher: that you call no man father.(Matt 23:9). There is only one Father who is in heaven. All that you had done, the Father has forgiven you. Right from today, the 25th day of November, 1985, that it has been revealed from the highest heaven to the four corners of the world, both angels and human beings, no more make the mistake of calling any man, Father, so that you may not be consumed. Wherever you come across the word father, you have to be fearful, for there is no deputy but the Father alone exists. You have to hallow that Name. You have to fear that Name, and to bow down to it. At any time, the name is being mentioned, you have to realize that He is the One. Why I have been shown the second lesson is because that prayer is often offered by all the church denominations. The prayer is. "Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be thy name." If at any time you call on the Father, and you are asked, "Which Father", you have to refer the inquirer to Matthew 6:9. Tell the person that you are calling on that Father. If the person insists, refer him to the golden text: Matt 23:9. Know ye no other man as the father. Everything emanates from the Father. This is the reign of the Father. Brotherhood means the brethren. They are the children of this one Father, we have therefore to demonstrate, dance, and celebrate the Father's week in a grand style.It is said that the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. When the children of God are revealed, then the Father will Himself be revealed. When the Father is revealed, then the children of God will be revealed. As the



children of God, we have to honor His name. We have to reveal His name to every person. Let no one call any person Father. Wherever you go to, you have to make people know that name. This Gospel has to be read to all to learn by heart as a recitation. You have to memorize it so that the flesh might be destroyed fully. For the glory of the Father is actually revealed. I am not the Father. No one is the Father. There is no other Father excepting the one in Heaven. He is the only Father. At anytime you address a letter to the Father, I know the person you are referring to. You are referring to the Father in heaven.

It is combined when it is said, God is a Spirit. That is why I tell you that the Spirit which is now here has never at any time come down. The Father has come Himself: sending no one. The Father who is in heaven is the Father of all the Spirits: both the angels and the children, all human beings, the trees, animals, and whatever you think of. This is so because His name is "Father." You have to remember when an angel in heaven, an angel of deceit asked God that he should be allowed to enter into four hundred persons in order to deceive the king since he (the king) had refused to believe in God. That is why that spirit of falsehood said, "Let me go into four hundred persons to deceive the king that he would be victorious, since he has refused to believe in God." So that spirit came and entered into

four hundred persons. And as the king went to them one by one he was told that he would be victorious in the war. Because of these other words, he turned round to blame the prophet of God, that the stupid prophet was only deceiving him.That means that he does not love me. He (the prophet) has to suffer. Wherever the king went to, he was told that he would be victorious. Four hundred people you know are not just five people. It is said, words of testimonies in the mouth of two or three confirm a fact. You can now see the words of testimonies from the mouths of four hundred people are false ( 2 Chronicles 18:4-34). There is only one Lord, and one Father: one Spirit. All of them put together constitute the Father. Here we have only one Father. It is written boldly, "Call no man upon the earth, neither in heaven, nor in the moon, nor in the sun, nor in stars, Father." Do not wonder in thoughts. As soon as you call in the Father, realize that it is only the Father who is in Heaven. Do not call on the Father through the name Jehovah, or God, or Elohim. Once you call on Him as the Father, it is sufficient. It is Him you are calling upon, and whatever you may desire, you will have. I do not want to hear that word "carnal Father". What is the meaning of your carnal father? It is simply, Father. The greatest of all the names is "Father." The holiest of all the names is "Father." The most powerful of all the names is "Father." The only name which surrounds, and envelops both heaven and earth is the "Father." The name, "Children" comes from the Father.



Golden Text: Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in Heaven."

Angels emanate from that name. All spirits, be they white, black, or yellow come from that name. The sun, the moon, the rain, fire, stones, and all other things emanate from the name "Father." He is therefore a Father indeed. Lay aside your insolence and honor that name: for He is the Father. Lay aside those funny names as Jehovah, Jah, Elohim, and Javel for they all emanate from Him. And none of these is the name of the Father. His name right from today, for which you have to decide and abide by, is simply, "Father". When you do that, wonders will actually happen. I believe that ever since the creation of man, this 25th day of November, 1985, is the greatest of all the days. It is a day set aside by God Himself in order to reveal His name, and to hallow His name. Right from now all the inhabitants of the world, both angels and human beings, must hallow the name of the Father, so that we may be saved: that we may receive blessings, and praises and the glory kept for us. Your problems emanate from the fact that you do not know the Father, and that life eternal is to know the Father (John 17:3). Even though it is said that every thing should be asked for in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the central figure is the Father. Therefore, at any moment you knock your head, call on the Father, thanking Him for what he has given unto you. By so doing, wonders will happen. You only have to thank Him for the life He has given unto you, and all other things will be bestowed unto you. It is not a matter of long statements. As soon as you call on the Father from your heart of hearts, wonders will surely happen. You

will be healed of your sickness. You will no more be in lack. You will have many other things bestowed unto you. You will be surprised right from the day that the Father is revealed to you. We are in the Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the Father. Everything is in the Father. All trees are in the Father. There is only one flock under one shepherd. There is only one Father. Therefore, there is no more problem. When our Lord Jesus Christ came, whom did he call? Did he ever call on Jehovah? He continued calling on the Father. At all instances, he was calling on the Father. That is why Philip was prompted to say: "Show us the Father, and it sufficeth us."(John 14:8). Our Lord Jesus Christ did not condemn but only made the correction to show that He is the Father and He is the Spirit. He did not dispute about certain things because everything comes from the Father. But the accurate wisdom of the truth is to know Him as the Father. It is said, whoever has the Father has no problems. Whoever knows the Father has no encumbrances. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman." All the statements of Our Lord Jesus Christ centered on the Father.(John 15:1). Throughout this week and in the weeks ahead, you have to attribute everything to the Father both in your offices and everywhere. Say to all, both governors and others, that it is the Father who does everything. They will be forced to ask you, which Father; to which you will say, Our Father who is in Heaven. The Father had given you an injunction, that you should love the brethren (1 Peter 2:17). This again



refers to Himself. Who are the brethren spoken of? Is He not the one? It is said, Fear God. Who is God? He is the Father. You are told to honor the king. Who is the King referred to? It is also the Father. As soon as you call on the Father, it means you have called on everything; water, fishes. Things created and uncreated are therefore included. By mere writing the word, Father, made-up of six letters of the alphabet, it means that everything is accomplished. Simply call a spade a spade. Right from today, do not hold by the legs, neither the tail alone. But rather take hold of the head. 1 Corinthians 15:28 clearly states openly that the last enemy to be overcome is death. And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. You should not know any other thing apart from the Father. When you are asked who is singing, the answer should be, it is the Father. When you are asked the person testifying, you have to say that it is the Father. If you are asked who has healed this sickness, your answer should be the Father. Who is he that has called us? You have a reply that it is the Father. Who has changed us? It is the Father. Who is the visioner? It is the Father. Who is he that is doing every work? It is the Father. We have a spiritual chorus which says: In the morning, it is the Father who does the work. In the afternoon, it is still the Father who does the work. And in the evening it is the Father. In the night it is the same Father who does the work. The Father has passed through. It is He alone who passes through. The Father is still at work. As the

Father likes. Right from today: whether you have been calling on the Father jovially or have been calling in ignorance, you have to know that the word "Father" is true. Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father. Whoever honours the Son, equally honours the Father. If you honour the brethren, you are in effect hallowing the Father. If you honour the mother, you are honouring the Father. If you honour the father, it means you are honouring the Father. Anything you do unto the children, you are doing unto the Father. Remember that angel whom John wanted to worship had to say, "See thou do it not to me but to the Father, for I am your fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets." It is the Father whom you have to worship."(Rev 19:10). That time of foolishness had past; the time whereby men worshipped funny things. This is the time for the glorification of God. The glory of the Father has been revealed already. God does not only exist today. From today, you have to reveal the Father to everyone. You have to reveal the Father everywhere until even the blind will be forced to ask, who is the Father. At that point, this gospel has to be shown to him. You have been revealed as the sons, and He has been revealed as the Father. Here in Brotherhood, He is known as the Father, and you as the children. That is because the son has revealed the Father to all the inhabitants of the world as the Father. Call no other person Father. The Father Himself has revealed His children, His Christ, that all the inhabitants of the world are His children. You are therefore the sons of brethren. Can you not realize that if all the inhabitants of the world believe in the Father, that



they have also believed in the Son? Every person believes that all the inhabitants of the world are the children of God, and that they are Brotherhood, it means that they have also believed in the Father as the father of all. In the days past, we have revealed you as Brotherhood, but there has never been this type of revelation, whereby the Father is being revealed as the Father, Creator of heaven and earth. He can make and unmake. The Father does not start anything as the Son but as the Father. Listen attentively and you will understand that the Father does not speak as does the Son. He does not speak as a prophet; neither does he speak as an angel. He does not speak as a messenger, but simply as the Father. He has taken complete dominion of all of you. The one who dwells in you is the Father and not the Son. The Father and the Son are one. Once you see the Father, you have seen the Son. Wherever the Father is, there the Son is and also the Holy Spirit. Wherever the Holy Spirit is, there you have the angel, the prophet, apostles, and everything. Brethren, I am thankful to the Father for saying that except the Son reveals the Father and except also the Father reveals the Son, no one knows. Therefore, I am thankful to the Father, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That statement has been manifested today. The Father has revealed the Son, and the Son has also revealed the Father. Therefore, the children also have to reveal the Father. Brethren, we will not take you further than this. It is said that one stroke of the cane is sufficient for the


wise. Any person who has ears to hear, let him hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.


TEXT OF DISCOURSE: JOHN 21:1-END THE BENEFITS OF BELONGING TO GOD: Have you realized the benefits of your believing in God? If you really believe in God and you keep His commandments, the word of God will live in you. It will be your food, your life, your clothing, and every other thing, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Consider the words of Christ as recorded in John 21: 15-22 “So when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He said unto him, yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee. He said unto him feed my lambs. He said unto Him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He said unto him, yea Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He said unto him feed my sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter grieved because he said unto him the third time, lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus


said feed my sheep. Verily I say unto you, when thou wast young thou girdest thyself, and walkest whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee, and carry thee wither thou would not. This spake he signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, follow me. Then Peter turning about seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following which also leaned on his breast at supper and said, Lord which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me." FOLLOW GOD SHEEPISHLY: The above excerpt teaches us that you should no longer be inquisitive, trying to know what God wants to accomplish. In stead, follow God sheepishly. If He commissions you to go to Lagos, the depths of the waters, any where he sends you, go without questioning. He has the reserved right and sole authority to use us for anything he desires, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are expected to love God wholeheartedly with our souls, mind, and hearts. If we do not possess the love of God in us, then we are worthless. When we love God wholeheartedly, God will live in us. Wherever we go, He will accompany us, and He will accomplish everything for us. His words are like flames of fire which He uses to heal our infirmities, cleanse the lepers, take away our tribulations, protect you and accomplish everything for you. If you realize that CHRIST IS THE ONE DOING EVERY WORK IN OUR LIVES, WE

SHOULD NOT DOUBT HIM ANY LONGER. CHRIST LIVES IN YOU. HE IS EQUALLY BEFORE AND BEHIND YOU. HE TALKS AND ANSWERS QUESTIONS ON YOUR BEHALF, HE HEALS YOUR SICKNESSES, SINGS, AND DANCES AND DOES EVERYTHING FOR YOU. It is wrong to say that Jesus says this or Peter did that for nobody takes the glory for any work accomplished by God. Christ is the one who accomplishes everything in heaven and on earth. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked Peter if he loves Him three times consecutively. He did that because Peter denied him three times. The question was asked to affirm the extent of his love for God. This explains why at any time you are sent to do a job, He tries to affirm your commitment and loyalty. Where these are ascertained, he will assure you of His willingness to have the job accomplished. In other words you should be mindful of your negative stance towards the work of God. You are expected to declare your preparedness to serve God because every utterance you make, must surely come to pass. You may recall what happened after the death of Peter. He did not do things that pleased him but he sought to please Christ, and he believed in Christ. In the same manner, you should no longer live for yourself but live according to the divine directives of God, for God is the architect of our fortunes. Presently, you are of the view that you should live as it pleases you but to live as you please is detrimental to your well-being. Always listen to Spirit, and adhere to His divine directives. Whatever He instructs you not to do, flee from it. In the same vein,



whatever he admonishes you to do, try to adhere to His instructions. Be guided by the Holy Spirit alone. If He instructs you to stand or sit, run or walk, try and carry out His instructions. DO NOT LIVE FOR YOURSELF ANY LONGER, NEITHER FOR ANY PERSON; BUT LIVE FOR CHRIST ALONE AND ALLOW HIM TO LIVE IN YOU. OBEY CHRIST ALONE. HE IS ALWAYS IN FRONT AND BEHIND YOU. HE IS THE ONE WHO ASKS QUESTIONS AND ALSO PROVIDES ANSWERS. HE DOES VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING. Undoubtedly Christ does not forsake you for a second, hence you have nothing to do for yourself than to surrender to God and bear eloquent testimonies of His glories and manifestations. This is why the Father reiterates that you should speak the word and every word you speak must surely yield good fruits. Luke 21:13-15 states,"And it shall turn to you for a testimony. Settle therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist." THE WISDOM FROM GOD: If your Father admonishes you to speak, do so and by so doing, your words will come to pass as if He was speaking directly. Whenever you attempt to speak out of your own volition you will fail. In any given situation, if you pre-plan your speeches, it is an indication that you have failed. Instead of this, remain mute. He will speak His words. Whenever you are to preach or you are asked for anything allow the Holy Spirit to do His will. You should only bear eloquent


testimony of His works. Matthew 10:19-20 states:"But when they deliver you up, take no thought for what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." Brethren, as you walk, is it not the same Christ who is guiding your footsteps to wherever you go? Similarly the compliments you give to someone is Christ's. Therefore whatever you see, as well as the words you speak are from Him; for we bear eloquent testimony of Him. People erroneously claim knowledge of one thing or the other whereas Jesus the Christ is the Phenomenon doing all the works we are seeing today. Wherever you are sent on an errand, you are not the one going per se, but Christ Himself. It is unfortunate that you neither know yourself nor the person who is accomplishing all these great feats. As a result of your ignorance about this fact, you attribute these achievements to a chorister, or a spirited child; whereas the glory of these achievements should be credited to Christ. In John 7:16-18: "Jesus answered them and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him."

CHRIST : THE ARCHITECT OF ALL THINGS: Surrender yourself completely to God and do not speak of your own volition. Follow God sheepishly;


for He is the architect of all things. Furthermore, you should testify about His glory, and do not glorify yourself or any person, and do not attempt to do anything on your own volition. As a matter of fact, if you attempt to speak on your own volition, you will fail, for whatever you say by your own self shows that you are glorifying yourself. On the other hand if you seek to glorify the one who sent you, you will be wonderfully glorified by God, to the amazement of everyone. Realize that if God commissions you on an assignment, He does not leave you desperately. He is the way, the truth and the life. The songs you sing and all your dance steps belong to God alone. In John 14:6-12 “Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me. If ye had known me ye should have known my Father also; and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, show us the Father and it sufficeth us. Jesus said unto him Have been so long time with you and yet thou hast not known me, philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father, and how sayest then show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me or else believe me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily I say unto thee, He that believeth on me the works that I do, shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father." People, including you are looking up to the sky, inside water, the abyss, left and right axis, attributing these great feats to Olumba whereas these works are accomplished by Christ Himself who is now on earth.




The above song explains why I have warned you not to be boastful of power. The ability to preach the word of God, or raise the dead is purely Christ's. Christ dwells in us and He alone does all things. That is why people are always surprised when they see a woman or a child preaching the word of God whereas it is not this little child who is preaching per se, but the Christ who dwells in the child. Before this time did you realize that the works are accomplished by the Father? IF THE FATHER DOES NOT REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU WILL NOT KNOW HIM. You erroneously proclaim that the little children are walking alone or only women are gathered without a man. But who tells you that the children are walking alone or that there are only women gathered. Similarly you proclaim that there are old people walking around. Who tells you they are old? If someone points an accusing finger at you, is he doing so to you? The answer is, no; for he is pointing at Christ. The courage in you reveals that Christ is living in you. Our Lord Jesus Christ once said,"For I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: Whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.(John 12:49-50).

GOD'S COMMANDMENT IS LIFE EVERLASTING. The above text confirms the lyrics of the spiritual chorus which has it that: SOMEBODY IS LEADING ME, SOME BODY IS LEADING ME, OLUMBA IS THE ONE LEADING ME." Have you realized that? Truly, He is leading us and until He utters a word you would not know what to say. The prayer you offer, is He not the one praying? Everybody in the world seems to be attributing these great achievements to Brotherhood whereas Christ is the one accomplishing these tasks. How can you on your own successfully teach others? He is the only one who takes credit for all the feats accomplished in the morning, afternoon, evening and at any other time. Why do you not believe in Him? Many people are worried with thoughts about material things, and by so doing, you seek to glorify yourself. His words are so wonderful that when they fall on the ground, they crush mighty rocks and rise up to fulfill His will. YOU SHOULD FEAR NOTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE HIS VESSEL, AUTHORIZED TO BEAR ELOQUENT TESTIMONY ABOUT HIS GLORY. Undoubtedly you are an overcomer, and no one can withstand the courage which He has endowed you with. In the same vein, He has conquered the entire world and His authority is unchallenged. Read John 14: 16-18: AND I WILL PRAY THE FATHER AND HE SHALL GIVE YOU ANOTHER HELPER THAT HE MAY ABIDE WITH YOU FOREVER, EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE BECAUSE IT NEITHER SEES HIM NOR KNOWS HIM, BUT YOU KNOW HIM FOR HE


DWELLS IN YOU AND WILL BE WITH YOU. THE COMFORTER IS ON EARTH: With this assurance, why do you panic? Why are you afraid? No masquerade can attack the child when the father is present at the masquerade party. Be bold to say the truth. If you realize that He is with you wherever you go, do not be afraid. One of our local adages says ,"He who steps first into the stream sees the water at its natural state." This is to say that He is at the forefront of everything, therefore if He stands still, walks or directs you to go from house to house, try and abide by His directives. When Caiaphas pronounced that "It was expedient for one man to die than for the entire community to perish,"(John 11:49-50) little did he know that he was setting on fire dry leaves. Many people are of the view that he killed Jesus, whereas that was the time Christ actually commenced His mission. When you throw a Brotherhood child on the floor, you have succeeded in doing him no harm but you have caused the truth to explode. Lament and weep no more, do not mourn, speak no vain word, do not nurture any evil thoughts. Christ is the one who sends one on an errand, and He goes forth to accomplish the task. Do not be afraid even at midnight or when the thunder strikes, for He is always with you. You should not be afraid when you are confronted by a battalion of soldiers, continue to move; for Christ is moving with you, as He is in you. This is confirmed by His promise as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20:"ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. GO YE THEREFORE,


AND TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. FOR LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD. AMEN.” Doubt Him no more, for the Father has adorned you with His armour, and no other thing can flap its wings against you. He is the soldier, the Police, and even the Customs Officer as well as the Director and the Minister. Christ is always before and behind you. He is always with you while you are sleeping, running, and wherever you find yourself. Do not be afraid any longer; for you are no longer alone but you are with Christ while you are walking on the road. Christ will be there to clear the way and create a problem free path for you. Why then should you be afraid? He is always in front and behind you, on your left and on your right hand side, in short, Christ is everywhere. When you are sent on an errand by God, rest assured that you will have wonderful testimonies in the course of doing the assignment. It is profitable to attend Bible Class lectures and to Practice God's injunctions, for they constitute the power and salvation from God, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Henceforth, be attentive to the admonitions of the Father and do not preach what He has not directed you to preach. Whatever He admonishes you to do, do it even when it rains or shines, do not be misled by another person nor should you try to accomplish your carnal thoughts, things which you conjure up in your own mind. Christ does not forsake us for a even a

second. He is like a guide, the thunder, the lightening. He can explode at will, to accomplish His assignment. If somebody tells you that Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the sky, do not believe. CHRIST IS NEITHER IN THE SKY NOR IN JERUSALEM. CHRIST LIVES IN YOU. May my Peace and Blessings rest and abide with the entire world, now and forever more. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.





WHO IS THE FATHER? Beloved brethren, this spiritual food is going to serve as an eye-opener to the entire human race; because upon all the claims made by the whites, the scientists, occultist, blacks, and business men and women, that they know God, no one indeed knows God. But today I am going to reveal God unto you, and show you how God really looks like. Recall when John the Baptist was teaching his disciples how to pray, and the disciples of Christ, on seeing that went to Christ and demanded that He `CHRIST' should also teach them how to pray? That is where we are going to focus our attention. Read the text of discourse again. (Matthew 6:911). Who is this "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN?" Do you know Him? It is said, "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME, THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE IN ON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN." Is that statement not referring to God? Is God not the creator of heaven and earth? But do the whites or the governments recognize Him? God is only


GOD'S UNITY WITH MAN: Did you know that if you offend your fellow man, you are offending God? All the good and bad things you are doing in this life, you are doing same to God. God is the Father of all creatures. God is the sole owner of heaven and earth and the fullness therein. He is now here on earth with men, and this is the era in which all hands must be on deck to highly uplift Him. This is the time for you to refrain completely from all vices. Do not kill somebody because he has committed adultery with your wife; for whatever thing you are doing, you are doing same to God. Are you aware that all the sins you commit in this world are against God? You who claim to be so wise, do you have this wisdom? Every human being, be he big or small, is under God's governance. So, in all that you do, know that you are doing same to God. He has come to dwell with men. Hence you are told not to indulge in sin any longer. Do not take vengeance, rather commit everything to God for everything in this world belongs to Him. Hence you have no right to claim ownership of anything. The entire human race is very stubborn, even to their Creator. They disregard Him, abuse Him, and neglect His presence. That is why they are experiencing hardship. MAN'S BLUNDER: The world is so foolish to the extent that they have refused to recognize the God who created them. They are so stubborn and hard-hearted. They are the


Pharaohs, the Nebuchadnezzars and the Herods. They are so stupid and ignorant; and that is why they suffer. All the self- acclaimed scientists, engineers, doctors, the whites and the blacks etc., all their claims amount to nonsense. It is because of their so-called wisdom, selfproclaimed independence, negligence of God's work, etc., that they are now rendered useless in the world. All the encumbrances faced by the entire world is as a result of the fact that they have refused to recognize their creator who is now at their door step. It is not that the world does not recognize their presidents or governors but they fail to recognize God, their Creator. The entire world, indeed, does not know that God is in existence. People do not know that it is God who created the earth, that He is the one giving them the knowledge they use in doing all the good things around them. Because of this ignorance, you see people giving praises to stones, water, sun, moon, etc., THE FIRST AND FOREMOST THING ANY INDIVIDUAL MUST DO IS TO RECOGNIZE THE ONE WHO CREATED HIM, AND SURRENDER HIMSELF UNTO HIM. If this is done the problems confronting the entire world would be lessened. CHRIST, DURING HIS FIRST ADVENT, MADE IT CLEAR TO THE WORLD THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, See John 20:17: "JESUS SAID UNTO HER, TOUCH ME NOT; FOR I AM NOT YET ASCENDED TO MY FATHER: BUT GO TO MY BRETHREN, AND SAY UNTO THEM, I ASCEND UNTO MY FATHER, AND YOUR FATHER; AND TO MY GOD, AND YOUR GOD."

IN WHAT FORM IS GOD? My main concern in this gospel is for you to know who God is. Whether He is a stone, water, man or spirit. God is the one who rules over the entire universe, and you ought to recognize Him. He is even the person who wreaks vengeance, and He is the one ministering to the whole world; and they must recognize and succumb to His rulership. Do not think that all the good or bad things you do are against your fellow man, but rather, remember that whatever thing you do, you are doing same to God. At any point in time you tell lies to another person, understand that it is not him per se you are lying to, but you are lying to God. On the other hand, if at any point in time you conceive some good thoughts in your mind or do some good things to somebody, you are not doing it to that person but to God who created everything, and so you will have peace in your soul. There is no judge, chief judge, president, governor, or pastor who is worthy before God, in fact the whole world is found wanting in God's ways: they abuse and neglect the one who created them. That is why the entire world is suffering. But right now I have brought an eye-opening gospel so that you will know yourself and flee from ignorance and stop recognizing stone, water, tree, but recognize God. Everything you are doing is for God and not for man, stone, or tree, etc., for it is God who created everything. Everything in this world is in subjection to God. CHRIST, SPIRIT ETC., ARE ALL SERVING GOD. This explains the reason Christ bore eloquent testimony about God as the Greatest Being in creation. BUT NOW THE WORLDLY PEOPLE ARE CLAIMING THEY SERVE JESUS, AND NOT GOD



THE CREATOR. I wonder whether they have not read in the scriptures that "Whosoever does not forsake all that he has cannot become my disciple." God is too awesome for man to insult. All things both in heaven and on earth are under His rulership; for He is everything you can think of. He is the morning, night, moon, stars, the firmament, mountain, etc. Everything one is doing is in accordance with His constitution. Whether you are dead or living, you are moving in accordance with His divine plan. All the little creatures you are seeing are from God. The ants, maggots, flies, etc. all come from Him, and apart from Him nothing can exist. Therefore whether you are doing good or bad, you are not doing it for any other person but for God. So if we, as from today, start to recognize Him, we would no longer indulge in evil, and God will come and make His abode with us and reveal Himself to us. No matter the name you call God, whether you call him God, Jesus or Christ, Jehovah, etc. it is THE HOLY FATHER, (GOD) who you are referring to. Take a reference from John 17:1-26. RESPECTER OF NONE: GOD IS NOT A RESPECTER OF ANY PERSON (Acts 10:34 / Eph 6:9 / 1 Peter 1:17). The worldly people are claiming to be so wise and prudent, but observe what they are now encountering. They have no peace, no food, there is no political stability anywhere, student unrest is rampant everywhere. I have only mentioned just a few of the myriad of problems facing the worldly people. Who do you think is responsible for all these things? God can make and

unmake. People are claiming to be wise; hence they would not recognize and honor God. Is it God who will then recognize and honor them? Have you not seen how He is shaking the world? Have you not seen how He is shaking the governments, churches, schools, ministries, banks, etc.? Now Mr. President, have you known that God is the one shaking the world? What about you, Mr. Governor and Mr. Scientist, the so-called researcher, are you aware that God is the one putting everything in disarray and confusing the entire world due to their ignorance? You who claim to be so rich, you Mr. Royal Highness, you Mr. Commissioner of Police, you Mr. Chief Judge, are you at any point in time aware that God is no respecter of any person? God does not care whether you are this or that, as He treats the spirits and the angels in the same manner does He treat you. HAVE YOU NOT SEEN HOW HE GLORIFIED CHRIST? He is the one ruling over you, therefore if you do not recognize Him, how will it be possible for you to recognize Christ? IS JESUS NOT A FELLOW SERVANT OF GOD? ARE YOU NOT ALSO A FELLOW SERVANT TO GOD? WHY THEN DO YOU SAY YOU ARE WORSHIPPING JESUS, NOT THE FATHER, (GOD)? Anybody who knows and worships Jesus must also know and worship man. Anybody who honors man also honors God. God is in everything that you are seeing, and I have told you this before that His Spirit has been distributed and transmuted into everything. Without God nothing can be effective. That is why I have brought you this gospel so that you will know that God is existing, and He is very much around you; so that the traditional rulers,



chief judges, presidents, governors, etc., will know that SOMEBODY GREATER THAN THEM IS NOW ON EARTH. The traditional rulers, governors, presidents etc., are so stupid to claim that they are the rulers. They should remember the case of Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, and all other so-called kings of old. Where are they today? THE OWNER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS NOW ON EARTH, AND HE IS BUT ONLY ONE BEING. Should you steal, you are stealing his property. Should you fornicate, you are fornicating with Him. Therefore if you do not obey Him, where will you be? What is your duty on earth? What is the essence of your so-called wisdom? All the encumbrances human being are experiencing is as a result of their stubbornness with God. Right from the time of Adam, the human being has never respected God. That is why God is throwing them into a state of confusion. If you see somebody being a witch or wizard or anybody who destroys souls, it is God who is using him to punish man against his shortcomings. Have you ever seen any man who is ready to honor God, right from Adam? Everybody is engaged in warfare with God. That is the reason for the encumbrances you go through. How can mankind be free from suffering when he is waging war against the one who created him? What is the essence of the so-called knowledge? What is the sense in pointing a gun at the one who created you? What is the sense in stealing what belongs to God? Tell me how you are going to be saved when you are not obeying the one who created you? I know you are surprised to hear this gospel for you have never heard this kind of thing before. From the beginning of the world, the whole

inhabitants of the world have been engaged in war against their Creator. And yet they claim to be so wise. ARE THEY NOT RATHER STUPID? Take another reference from (Acts 7:47-end). The world has never at any point in time wanted to hear of God, and if any body mentions anything about God, they would want him to be killed. But since they started doing this, what has been their gain? Where lies the sense if you are hating God and the same time you want to erect a church for God? So you think that God dwells in house made by man?



GOD'S EXPECTATION OF MAN: Do you think that your so-called code of conduct is in line with what God desires from man? He wants you to recognize His presence. It is said that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you fear God you will never kill even a fly, talk less of killing your fellow man. All the sins you commit are against God. If at all there is anybody who is ready to forsake sin and serve God, such will surely be saved. But nobody is ready to do that or has ever done that except Jesus the Christ. The problem of the entire world is that everybody, both young and old is fighting against God, will they be able to withstand God? Do you now see the reason why I always preach about Christ? Because He is the only one who honors and sees God. He is the only righteous man. That is why He is exalted. Christ is a human being as you are, but He honors and respects God. To answer Jesus, Chief, King, this or that, can never help you. WHAT CAN REALLY SAVE YOU IS TO HONOR AND RECOGNIZE GOD, YOUR CREATOR. But you

have refused to do this, which shows that you are just a fool. WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD IS TO KEEP HIS INJUNCTIONS BY LOVING ONE ANOTHER, BY ABIDING IN LOVE AND IN PEACE WITH EVERYBODY, AND BY RECOGNIZING GOD'S PRESENCE. Since the beginning of creation the only Being I know practicing the injunctions of God is Our Lord Jesus Christ; hence, I keep on talking of Him. Therefore everybody must follow His footsteps. BELOVED, YOUR DUTY AS A PARTAKER IN THIS KINGDOM IS TO HONOR AND LOVE GOD. YOU HAVE TO SERVE GOD THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE AND SURRENDER YOURSELF COMPLETELY UNTO HIM. YOU SHOULD NOT DOUBT GOD. READ 1 John 4:1921. BELOVED, HAVE YOU HEARD THAT? WHO AMONG ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH HAS LOVED GOD, EXCEPT CHRIST? Take another reference from John 1:17-18. It is said a stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Let He who has ears to hear, hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted unto the entire world. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THE VOICE OF GOD. THANK YOU FATHER



“At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn field: and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of the corn, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day.” SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 12:22-23 “And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.” GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 6:20 “And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed are ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.”

MATERIAL WEALTH IS VANITY: Beloved, have you now realized why faith must always go with work? Had man believed in God, he would have equally believed in His words. The problem with man is that he strongly believes in, and totally depends on, material wealth. For this reason, the rich are not interested in the activities of God's kingdom. This accounts for the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ as quoted in the Golden Text. Anyone who has faith does not have any business with the world; and as many as are interested in the kingdom of God have no need for the carnal things of this world. This is because whoever is inclined to


materialism cannot love God. Consider the case of the apostles of Christ. Before they joined the service of God, they had to forsake the wealth they had accumulated. This they did with the full hope of inheriting the kingdom of God. Today, how many are ready to forsake their wealth in pursuance of this kingdom of God? How many even believe in God? Many are ready to kill others or even sell parts of their body to acquire wealth. You must no more remain in ignorance of the fact that the quest for material wealth puts you away from God, and so you cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The scripture reveals that Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the kingdom of God. In the light of this, all they who have forsaken the material things of this world can be sure of inheriting the kingdom of God. It was for this cause that you are warned, "Today, if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." (Hebrews 4:7). God is desirous that you all should inherit this kingdom. Hence God does not spare any effort telling you all that you need to know about this kingdom. It is only when you toy with the word that you fail to realize its potency. And if unfortunately you miss this kingdom of God, your blood will be upon your head.

OUR GOD IS UNIQUE: Our God is not the God of confusion. He has advised us to desist from bothering about what we should do to have salvation. He is so merciful that He demonstrates constantly to us what to do so we may inherit the kingdom of God. The choice to perish or be saved is now yours, but it is not God's will that you


should perish. This is why He has encouraged you to be identified with this kingdom. Man loves what God hates, and he hates what God loves. Pleasing man therefore is tantamount to displeasing God. But God is very happy with those who obey His instructions, and so provides for them always. These are those who Our Lord Jesus Christ advised not to take thought for life, what to eat and what to wear. THEREFORE THE CRITERIA FOR INHERITING THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS ABSTINENCE FROM MATERIAL ACQUISITION. What in this world can you compare with the kingdom of God? Cars, houses, wife, husband, children, education, political appointment, indeed all the worldly things can never be compared with the kingdom of God. Whereas the Kingdom of God endureth for eternity, all the things of this world are temporal. They easily fade away with time and indeed, at the speed of lightening. WHY YOU SUFFER: Brethren you are aware that it is your lack of belief in God that accounts for your insistence on acquiring material things of this world. The proliferation of churches in the world is not a function of man believing in God, rather, it is occasioned by man's lustful acquisition of material wealth. Were man to have believed in God, the world would not have been suffering today. God knows for sure that man does not believe in Him. In spite of how man shouts and calls on the name of God, even for a million times in a second. That is why He criticizes our deeds as He says: "Why call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke


6:46). In the world today, is there anybody who is practicing the word of God? Even here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, is there anybody who practices the word of God? Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the kingdom of God, you are aware of this, yet instead of practicing the word of God which is our main thrust here, you keep scrambling for wealth, wife, children, husband, and all such carnal things. Can these assure your salvation? Now that you prefer to seek for wealth, have you not read in the scripture that, "Blessed are ye poor for yours is the kingdom of God?" Are you sure that your thoughts, words, and deeds are such that will enable you to inherit the kingdom of God? CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY: Except you do that which is pleasing before God, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Besides you should note that for you to please God, you have to practice all the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In John 14:6, Christ has said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one goes to the Father, except through Him. Christ is the only acceptable way to God, the Father. He is the only avenue through which man can obtain everlasting life. Recall what happened between Christ and the tempter after Christ had fasted for forty days and forty nights. The tempter told Christ that Christ should command that these available stones to become bread, that He may eat after the fasting. But Christ answered and said,"It is written, man should not live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God."(Matthew 4:4) The tempter was not


satisfied with that reply so he went further to tempt the Lord. He tried to convince our Lord Jesus Christ to jump down from the pinnacle of the temple, but the Lord told him that it is written that “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” And when the tempter took the Lord to a mountain top from where He showed Him all the wealth of the world, and told Christ that all the wealth would be His if Christ would fall down and worship him, the Lord rebuked him and made him to know that it was his duty to worship and serve only the Lord God. (Refer to Matthew 4:1-10). Today are you following the footpath opened by our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you not placing the carnal wealth above God? For this and many more wrongful things you keep doing, what hope do you have for eternal life? It is not a disputed fact that a lot of you are easily deceived with the gift of cars, houses, clothing, titles. With these you carelessly tell lies against God, not minding the repercussions. This indeed is the root cause of the problem facing mankind today. It is rather unfortunate that you are seriously mindful of the things that will not at any time bring you anything good. Decide now within yourself on what to do so that you may not miss the everlasting life. Note that this kingdom is exclusively preserved for the poor at heart. GOD NEVER FAILS: Our God is the God of accomplishment. As soon as he undertakes to do anything, same will be done in the shortest possible time. His pronouncements are true because He is Truth. Do not mind the deeds of the people of the world, neither should you follow them.


But at all times be mindful of practicing only the word of God at all times. Realize that the ways of God's children are always at variance with those of the worldly people. The people of the world depend on the abundance of the wealth they have been able to accumulate, but the children of God believe in, and they depend on, the Word of God, since the Word of God constitutes everlasting life. The carnal wealth of this world is nothing compared with the reward intended for you in the kingdom of God. You should know that there were many people who had been seeking for this kingdom but could not see it. They would not see it because of how they sought for it. They sought for the kingdom of God with money, cars, houses, wives, children, husbands, etc. They were oblivious of the fact that the kingdom of God has no affiliation with carnal things. Today, you have been adequately informed that God's kingdom is exclusively for the poor at heart. This therefore implies that you have to let go of all the things of this world. Remain free and calm, so that you can receive the Holy Spirit and the power to believe and have faith in God. Except you do this, you cannot serve God whole heartedly. And if you do not serve God in this way, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. In other words if you are still hand in glove with the material things of this world, it is evidently clear that you are not interested in the kingdom of God. GOD'S KINGDOM IS WORTH EVERYTHING VALUABLE: The kingdom of God is a priceless treasure. Recall the parable of Our Lord Jesus Christ which


likened the kingdom of God unto a treasure hid in a field, which when a sensible man finds it, hides it for the joy thereof, returns home to sell all he had in order to buy the field. Compare what our Lord Jesus Christ told a certain ruler who sought to know what to do in order to have eternal life. I am also telling you now to sell all that you have acquired, distribute the proceeds to the poor and you will be worthy of the kingdom of God. (See Luke 13:18-23). If you are mindful of the material wealth of this world, you no have entry in to the kingdom of God. The Scripture at Matthew 19:24 warns us that no rich man shall enter into the kingdom of God. As many as do come in here with the mind of seeking for earthly wealth have failed woefully. They cannot possess the kingdom of God. The paramount things in the mouth of everyone who loves himself should be how to inherit the kingdom of God. Though you may possess the entire world, it is nothing compared to having the right of inheritance of this kingdom. THE INHERITANCE OF THE KINGDOM GRANTS YOU PEACE, JOY, LOVE, SALVATION, AND ETERNAL LIFE. This is the long expected kingdom which Nebuchadnezzer saw in his dream, and was interpreted to him by Daniel. Do not for any reason whatsoever toy with this kingdom. You have been thinking of how to overcome the world. Today, you have been given the clue to overcoming the world. You are to refrain from the love of the things of this world, if you must inherit the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God does not consist in meat and drink and wealth. IT IS MADE UP OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY IN


THE HOLY GHOST.(ROMANS 14:17). PIETY IS THE ONLY KEY: The prerequisite for entry into the Kingdom of God is to be as pure as He who has called you. If you allow yourself to be hopelessly entangled with materialism, same will unfailingly usher you into eternal damnation. Unfortunately, in the entire world, no one seems to be ready to inherit the kingdom of God, for no one is ready to refrain from the love of the carnal things of this life. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Perfecter of our life and indeed our most worthy model, had put food to naught when Christ fasted for forty days and forty nights. That is why Christ could overcome the tempter when he tried to lure Him to fall. Now having been aware of this, why do you still give yourself to be led astray by food and the allied carnal needs of this world? Our Lord Jesus Christ had in no small way taught us to shun all the things that are likely to debar us from entering into the kingdom of God. This explains His statement in John 14:30 that, "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and has nothing in me.” Truly, upon his coming, if the prince of this world should find that your heart's desire is money, he will use money to buy you over to himself. Whatever you deeply cherish is what he uses to buy you over to himself. But should he discover God in you, he will not be able to stand you, and then you will be quite safe in God's hands. WITH GOD AS YOUR LEADER YOU WILL ALWAYS DEFEAT THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD. It is said, that obedience is better than sacrifice. If you


are desirous of having eternal life, start now to discard materialism, and do not rely so much on it. I am not only teaching you, but I also practice what I teach. You are living witnesses that I have no business with the things of this world. All I hope for is for the kingdom of God. I implore you therefore to follow suit. I can stay for as long as ten years or more without food, and I will not be bothered. What is food and other carnal things of the world, compared to the kingdom of God? It is fervent belief that causes me not to be mindful of the things of this world. I started fasting when I was two years old and I have since held onto the fasting. The things you so value are but vanity to me. I do not own a house, a car, or any material thing. These things are nothing to me. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU CALL MOTHER, FATHER, UNCLE, AUNT OR RELATIONS OF ANY KIND. ALL THAT INTERESTS ME IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD. All I am concerned about is to bring to the utter consummation, the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ that, "When the Holy Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth..."(John 16:13). TODAY HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE TRUTH? I HAVE LAID THE TRUTH BARE UNTO YOU. The only problem is that you have rejected the truth. You have intentionally blocked your ears, and you have obviously closed your eyes, and you have shut your mouth against this truth. Except you acknowledge the truth as I have taught you, and in conjunction practice my teachings, you will not inherit the kingdom of God. FOOD KILLS YOUR SPIRIT: I AM A COMPLETE FRUITARIAN, BUT


YOU STILL TAKE DELIGHT IN EATING MEAT AND FISH. Even the sight of a goat, a cow, dog, children, etc., is enough for you to salivate. Do you not know that these things account for your spiritual death?

THE WORK OF GOD IS ENOUGH FOR HIS ELECTS: Having read through this passage, are you told that it was Our Lord Jesus Christ who had plucked the corn? It was rather the disciples, because, like some of you today, they valued food very much. Recall what Our Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples when they invited Him for a meal after His encounter with the Samaritan woman. He said to them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.(John 4:32). They then pondered over that statement, questioning themselves whether somebody had brought food for him to eat outside their knowledge. Knowing their minds, he declared: “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Say not ye there are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are white already for harvest.”(John 4:34-35). You can now realize that food does not help one

who is desirous of doing the work of God and practicing the word of God. The same is the case with all other material things of this world. IF YOU LOVE THE MUNDANE THINGS OF THIS WORLD YOU CANNOT PLEASE GOD. Apart from the symbolic "LAST SUPPER" which Our Lord Jesus Christ offered to the disciples, have you read in the scripture that He ever sat at table elsewhere? He had no other food to eat than the word of God. Even when He fed the multitude, there is no recorded account that He joined them to eat. The kingdom of God, you should note, is not an embodiment of food, but righteousness, peace, joy, and love. As many as bother their minds with the thoughts of food and drink cannot enter the kingdom of God. Man's dreadful enemy is food and drink and these separate man from God. Again it is recorded that Our Lord Jesus Christ attended a marriage feast with His mother at Cana in Galilee, and when the wine was finished He obliged His mother's request, and turned water into wine for the multitude to drink (John 2:1-10). Have you ever been told that He Himself tasted of the wine? Food indeed has done a great deal in defiling you, to the extent that you become uninhabitable by God. You are the house of God and for God to come and indwell you, you must of necessity be clean. IF YOU DESIRE THE COMPANIONSHIP OF GOD, PURIFY AND REMAIN A WORTHY HOUSE FOR GOD TO DWELL IN. SHUN THE LOVE FOR FOOD AND DRINK, KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN AND HE WILL MAKE HIS ABODE IN YOU. FOOD IS AN ENEMY OF THE SPIRIT, AND THAT IS WHY BROTHER PAUL WROTE,"Meat for belly and belly for meat, but God



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 12:1-2 “At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn field: and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day.”

shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord and the Lord for the body.”(1 Corinthians 6:13). MONEY IS THE WORST TEMPTER: As many as love food, clothing, cars, etc, have no share in this kingdom of God. At times you may be tempted to ask why then did God create money? It was meant to be used for the alleviation of the suffering of the poor. But you have to seek first the kingdom of heaven and all other things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). If you let go of the mundane things of this world, and you hold fast to righteousness, you will never lack. After all God is not poor. He is the Creator and owner of everything in existence. Why then should you lack? GOD WILL ALWAYS PROVIDE THE MEANS: As a man of God you are billed to take care of the needs of the less privileged. In your preparedness to do this, God will definitely bless you with what to use in accomplishing this divine assignment. This does not imply that you have to go about looking for money and the mundane things in the name of satisfying the needs of the poor. If you fix your mind on these things, you are perishing. One note worthy point is that you had better forget about the things of this world and face the work of God squarely, so that you may not be tempted . Do you know that Judas Iscariot was made the treasurer for the disciples? It was so because he was of the world. God does not need money. Of what use is money to God? MONEY IS MEANT FOR THE POOR, THE POOR ARE THE ONLY SET OF PEOPLE WHO


HAVE NEED FOR MONEY. The kingdom of God is not lacking in anything. It has everything in abundance. It is devoid of sorrows, sickness, hunger, death, and other misfortunes. The kingdom of God is a place where joy, happiness, satisfaction, peace, etc., abound. Above all, there is no man-made thing or god in the kingdom of God. Only God and His righteousness reigns supreme in this kingdom. The disciples of Christ could not enter into the kingdom of God because they had no Holy Spirit though their master was a bonafide member of the kingdom. But on account of love, He sanctified Himself so that we might be sanctified through the truth.(See John 17:19). Brethren, the kingdom of God is not the kingdom of the world. It is not a place where money, houses, wife, husband, children, position and all such mundane things are the order of the day. All that you have to pursue here is the Word of God; and also be in complete obedience to God. This is so because the Word of God is good health, love, peace, joy, and all the virtues for all those who must inherit the kingdom of God. As many as practice His words have no problem in life and to them salvation is sure. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 12:22-23 “And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. The life is more than meat, and the body more than raiment.” MAN IS NEVER SATISFIED. Brethren, ever since I posed a challenge that


everyone in this kingdom should practice oneness, how many of you have tried it? The reason for this is quite obvious. You refuse to practice oneness because you are materialistic. When you are not content with the abundance God kept at your own disposal, how then can you give out a part of it to another person or even share equally with your brother or sister? It is on this premise that I have advised you to let go the material things, if you must inherit the kingdom of God. The lust for material things has to a great extent resulted in the fall of mankind. It also causes the love of God to elude man. The rate at which you scramble for the carnal things of this world is a clear indication that you have not yet started seeking the kingdom of God. How can you assign a lion to watch over your sheepfold when indeed the lion needs the sheep to devour? You cannot practice common purse because you are materialistic and very greedy too. You have to turn a new leaf to be able to do the work of God. First of all, you have to sanctify yourself before you can be fit enough for God to dwell in you. Realize that a new wine must be put into new wineskin, lest the wine skin breaks and the wine spills out.(See Matthew 9:17). Beloved, God is sufficient to you, and so you have no cause to bother yourself over anything. Food is vanity, neither does clothing serve you any purpose. THE ULTIMATE THINGS IS FOR YOU TO SURRENDER YOURSELF TO GOD AND ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT TO DWELL IN YOU, FOR BY SO DOING, YOU ARE SURE OF ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. SHUN MATERIAL WEALTH:


You cannot enter into the kingdom of God with wealth; rather, it is with faith that you can gain entrance to God's kingdom. It is impossible for a servant to serve two masters at the same time. He must hate one and love the other. In the same vain, you cannot love God and the carnal things of the world. It is obligatory that you desist from the love of one and hold on firmly to the other. If you love God and you surrender yourself completely to God, you would not have anything to do with the world. And above all, you would not lack, and you would be living a problem- free life. You are the abode of God; but one thing is sure, if you do not sanctify yourself, God cannot dwell in you. He only dwells in the house that is pure, when you are pure in heart. It is said the kingdoms of this world have become the throne of God and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. (See Rev. 11:15). This indeed has brought to an automatic ending all the negative deeds, thoughts, and words of men, since the kingdom of God requires absolute righteousness. It is pertinent to disclose to you that whatever things you observe being done here are as directed by the Holy Spirit Himself. For this cause therefore, nobody has the right to question whatever is done here. Let me remind you that the Holy Spirit has no taste for the carnal things of this world. All carnal possessions are carnal before the Holy Spirit. Man therefore must of necessity stop loving the things of this world. I dare say, it is wrong, and indeed an act of sheer foolishness for one to be interested in the carnal things of this world, when in effect it yields no one any useful purpose. In the kingdom of God, there is no hunger, thirst, sickness, death, lack, etc. All that is prevalent here is love, peace and for as many as accept


to enter into the kingdom, they are assured of eternal life. WHAT A LUCKY GENERATION: You should be exceedingly glad because the scriptures are fulfilled in your time. Revelation 21:3 states:"And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God." These words have manifested in our time. You are a living witness that when the Father says, "Go all is well," it will surely be so. Even in cases of impossibilities, solutions are readily achieved with the Father's pronouncements. Again you are living witnesses to the Omnipresent nature of God in our midst. HE IS PHYSICALLY SEEN EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD AND IN ALL OTHER PLANES OF MANIFEST AT THE SAME TIME. He goes about doing His work quietly, but efficiently too. He does not make any noise and so he could rightly be called the SILENT GUEST. He has not only come in this last dispensation, but He has come with the mission to change and make mankind fit to inherit the kingdom of God. It is therefore your duty to make room for Him to dwell in you, and perfectly change you. This will indeed be possible if you sanctify yourself. Sanctification, you should note, can only come after one might have refrained from sin. FOR ONE TO BE ABLE TO REFRAIN FROM SIN, ONE MUST BE ABLE TO KNOW WHAT SINFULNESS IS, AND SO ONE MUST BE ABLE TO DETECT SIN AND REFRAIN FROM SIN, AND AT THE SAME TIME ABSTAIN


FROM THE CARNAL LUSTS OF THE FLESH. As you are aware, the lust for the material things of this world accounts for why you cannot please God. Food, cars, money, husband, wife, children, etc., serve you no useful purpose. Rather they constitute stumbling blocks unto you. If you do not forsake them, you will forever remain a slave to these things. APPRECIATE GOD'S GESTURES Examine the happenings in the world today. If you give a man one thousand naira, the person will praise and worship you. If you rent out your house to somebody, the tenant will worship you and comply strictly to your rules and regulations, not minding how stringent they may be. In fact, whatever a man does to ease your burden, that person will in turn want you to worship him. In God's case, upon all the boundless and uncountable things He has done for you, do you worship or even thank Him? Many have never remembered to say "Thank you Father," yet they are obviously enjoying the life given to them gratis by God. The sooner you disentangled yourself from the carnal lust of this world, the better it will be for you. This is because you are sure to live a life that nobody will understand or pass negative comments on you. This indeed will enable you to be appreciative of God. Do not bother yourself about the carnal things of this world. But rest assured that the Holy Spirit knows what is good for you, and He will adequately provide same at the due time. Attempting to satisfy your flesh, for your information, is detrimental to your spiritual self. Take the case of Adam as an example. Ever since God sent Adam packing from the Garden of Eden, he never


experienced a settled and comfortable life as before. This was because he had yielded to the demands of the flesh, in spite of the word of God. He invested all his time laboring for food, clothing and the allied mundane things. Today, have you seen that the quest for these things account for the reason why you have refused to hear the word of God and practice the word of God. The first step to worshipping God is the DRY FASTING. And should you want to enter the kingdom of God, the first thing to do is for you to sell all you have and distribute the proceeds to the poor and follow God. You must sell these things otherwise they will form the pivot of your mind and so debar you from serving God actively.

God has acknowledged the fact that there exists some poor persons in the world. But He wants them first to work hard and qualify for the kingdom of God before being blessed with material things as reward. As you are blessed with those things, it is expected that you distribute them to the less privileged ones. Can you now see that the children of God have no problems? They, in actual fact, have no need for anything. As you distribute this wealth to the poor, you must remember the admonition at Matthew 6: 3-4,"But when thou does alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. That thine alms may be in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."

GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 6:20 “And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed are ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.” NO PLACE FOR MATERIAL THINGS: How do you understand that portion of the Bible? Now that you profess that you want to go into the kingdom of God, how will you achieve this? Assuming you are being called up today, where will you keep your bed, your shoes, chairs, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, wives, husbands, houses, cars, etc? Recall that when Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended, He did not carry any baggage. He knew that He would not leave this world with anything, hence He did not accumulate any wealth for Himself. He had no wife, children, house, car, etc. In fact these things are of no use for any one who is desirous of inheriting the kingdom of God.

ANYTHING DONE FOR GOD IS NOT A LOSS: Whatever you can give out to the poor, be rest assured that you are saving it in heaven for yourself. Many people do not know the blessings obtainable from almsgiving. Were they to have known that they are increasing their storehouse in heaven, no man would joke with almsgiving. Whatever type of wealth God keeps at your own disposal, distribute it to the poor so that you might have it in abundance in your store house. Anything in this world which people value greatly is certainly vanity. The greatest treasure and the gift which every rationally-minded person should look for is the possibility of entering into the kingdom of God. I am now emphatically proclaiming that those who own the kingdom of God are the poor people. This is certainly so, because they do not place premium on the luxuries of this world. They are satisfied with



whatsoever is placed at their disposal. And they will happily share same out to others who are also in need. When Elijah was taken up, what did he carry with him? If you want to follow God, forsake all the material things of this world. Learn from the advice of Our Lord Jesus Christ to one of His disciples who had requested that he be allowed to go and bury his late father. The Lord said to him,"Follow me, and let the dead bury the dead." (Matthew 8:21-22). Recall again what happened when John the Baptist was killed. John who was the first cousin of Our Lord Jesus Christ, was beheaded. When his disciples rushed and told Christ, what did he do? He still went about preaching the word of God, not bothering about the death of his first cousin. (Read Matthew 14). This was a practical demonstration of what Christ taught His disciples. He was not bothered about John's death because He was convinced that John had completed his assignment on earth.

the whole Bible. Our Lord Jesus Christ had practically demonstrated that the things of the world are worth nothing. This is deduced from the event of His crucifixion when He willingly gave up His life as a ransom for the remission of the sins of mankind. Such love for man cannot be adequately estimated. Recall the words of the Apostle Paul:"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sake, he became poor, that ye through his poverty might become rich."(2 Corinthians 8:9). This is what is expected of every Christian. GIVE ALMS, ELSE YOU HAVE DERAILED THE FOOTPRINTS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

THE MOST IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT: The work of God is to save souls for Christ. Christ was doing this when He went about preaching the gospel. Again you can remember when Christ visited the city of Bethany. Martha vehemently rejoiced at seeing Him. And after welcoming Him, she rushed in to prepare some food for Him. Mary however sat close to Him, listening to the gospel. Martha then complained about Mary not coming to help out in the kitchen. Christ then commended Mary's act of listening to the gospel; for she had chosen rightly the word of God, as opposed to preparing food for Him. (Read Luke 10:38-42). After that episode, nothing is heard about Martha anymore in

WORTHY EXAMPLE FOR ALL: When Peter, James and John went and gave a hint to Our Lord Jesus Christ that Judas Iscariot had diverted money from the common purse to build a house for a harlot, He did not say a word, nothing to show annoyance. This indeed proves to you that He was not concerned of the carnal things of the world. If I may ask, when eventually, Judas Iscariot committed suicide, and died, what happened to that house he had built? What did he do with the thirty pieces of silver that he had collected to betray the Master? You who have refused to learn a lesson from the above instances, where lies your hope for eternity? The children of God have no need for carnal things of this world. Let me clearly reiterate that wealth is not meant for any other set of people than for the poor and the needy. Those of you who are scrambling for wealth, be warned that you did not come into this world with any



material things. Compare the children of God who have no outstanding need for the carnal things of this world to those who are scrambling for wealth, even to the extent of depriving others of their wealth at gunpoint. Of the two, who is wise? The children of God are wiser because they, and their hopes are based on the kingdom of God. As such, it does not matter to them what you choose to do with the carnal wealth. To them, the only treasure is the hope of inheriting the kingdom of God. Brethren, it is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise man. Those who have ears, let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen THANK YOU HOLY FATHER.


First Bible Lesson: 1 Timothy 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain." Second Bible Lesson: Philippians 4:12 "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need."


Golden Text: Galatians 5:24 "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."

Brethren, listen to the word of God. If the word of God were to have the beginning or an end this gospel would be called the foundation stone. This is the beginning and the end as far as the word of God is concerned. What else can you do if you do not practise this gospel? Any other thing that you do apart from this gospel means a waste of time. It Is Not Expedient For Man To Ask God For Anything If you read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation but do not practise this gospel you are wasting your time. If you dream like Daniel or Joseph, but this gospel is not manifested in your life, then you are dreaming in vain. Who is he who overcomes the world? He is the person who has mortified the flesh with its lusts and desires. He is the person who overcomes the world. Your problem is that you go to church so that you may prosper, or that you may have a child, a car. You have scored zero. You have failed. You may come into this world and begin to name what you want to be; that you want to be a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, a millionaire, you have failed. You are a rogue. You are a robber. That is your profession. When you are a child you are asked what do you want to become? Sometimes you say you want to be a


millionaire. Another person will want to be a doctor and another a professor. All of you are wanted persons. You are serving Satan. Trade By Barter You are witnesses that the black man's land was not so corrupt even though they were warriors. The whites have completely corrupted you, since they are a greedy people. When the whites did not come, with their government, there was no money and we lived by barter. When you give me firewood I will give you water. When you give me water, I give you food, I give you a child. You even exchanged children. There was no problem. At that time you would hear that a certain person had forty slaves. He did not buy them with money. Sometimes he used bananas to exchange for a person's child. That was all. Esau Sold His Birth-Right Today before you are made a chief or a royal highness you will pay over six thousand naira; otherwise you will not be capped. But Esau sold his own for a pottage of lentils. Can you not realize that Esau was hungry and so he told Jacob to feed him with red pottage. Jacob refused except on the condition that Esau sold his birthright. Esau thought over it and asked what profit his birth right will do to him as he was so hungry that he was at the point of death. (Gen 25:32) He thus sold his birth-right to Jacob. Reflect on our first lesson, Jacob was a white man and Esau was a black man. If Jacob were satisfied with his position would he tell Esau to swap position with him? If Esau was satisfied with his position would he sell it for a plate of pottage? After


all what is hunger? Man's Tendency To Insatiability You have heard what the first lesson says. The greatest gift a person has is satisfaction with one's position. If Esau was satisfied with his position he would have told Jacob what to do with his pottage. He would have damned it, and there would not have been any problem. What was the cause of the downfall of our first parent Adam? It was because he was not satisfied with the position God had kept him. In the beginning God created only one person, Adam. After creating him, Adam was the person who complained of loneliness and asked God to give him a companion. If he were satisfied with his position the question of his fall would not have arisen. After all loneliness does not kill. He complained that he was going to die of loneliness even though there were other creations like birds and animals around him. He did not know the thought of God. To Have A Partner Adam Had To Die Whatever comes from God is not evil but what comes from the lust of the flesh is evil. God did not create Adam and Eve together. He first of all created Adam, and Adam asked for a companion. There was no alternative than for Adam to die. You have heard that Adam fell into a deep sleep. (Gen 2:21) Deep sleep means that God killed him because Christ has said, “Except a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but when it dies, it brings forth plenty of fruits.”(John 12:24). God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and then removed one of his ribs to create


Eve. Adam's spirit died because the first Adam was from the earth but the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.(1 Cor 15:45). If Adam did not die he would have remained alone. But when he died his spirit multiplied and filled the whole world. God gave him a partner, and told him to eat of all the fruits of the trees in the garden except one. God warned them that the day they would eat of the fruit of that tree, they would die because it was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Desires Of Eve's Heart Led To Her Downfall If it were Adam alone, he would not have eaten of the forbidden fruit because he was made personally by God. But Eve was a collection of parts, and so the fullness of the Godhead was completely absent in her. That was why she easily succumbed to the Satan's lure. She felt she brought all her desires into the fruit that was forbidden her. Why did God advise that they should not eat of this fruit? You can imagine her lust taking form. The gluttony in her brought her to eating the fruit. You heard that the serpent deceived her. It was no ordinary serpent. (Gen 3:4) It was her desire which she transferred to the fruit. As you are sitting here your desire is in a certain young man or woman. That is what is called greed. That is the serpent's greed. Why it is called a serpent is that it is very unpredictable in its movement. As you are sitting here your mind has wondered to America, India and round the world while you are still sitting here. Adam Ate The Forbidden Fruit, And Was As Wise As God


That is why we read that it is not what enters into the body that defiles a man but what comes out of him. (Matt 15:11) For out of the heart proceed evil thought, fornication, theft, anger, adultery, drunkenness; and these are what defile the man. When greed lured Eve into eating the fruit, she also took same to her husband, and both of them ate, and their eyes were opened. When God came to Adam in the cool of the day he called Adam and asked, "Adam where are you?" Adam ran and hid himself. God called him and asked again. "Where are you?" Adam said he heard God's voice and hid himself. God asked him why did you run? Adam replied that because he was naked. God asked him who told him that he was naked. Have you eaten of the fruit I warned you against? Adam answered that it was the woman God gave to him that ate and gave same to him. (Gen 3:12) Adam's Greed Do you now realize? When he was alone he did not eat of the fruit. If he were satisfied with his position he would not have eaten the fruit, but now he is complaining that the woman God gave to him caused him to eat. Our first lesson shows that Godliness and the fear of God are in the person who is satisfied in the position God has kept him. If Adam were satisfied with his loneliness there would have been no problem in the world today. It is said that a child that walks circumspectly will kill that which killed his father but he that is careless will be killed by what killed his father. What is the position today? Is it not what killed your father that is killing you today? You say that Adam was not good. But what about you? Are you good?


Be Content With What You Have Son be satisfied with your position. Which of you is satisfied with his position? If we were to be satisfied with the position God has kept us there would be no problem or temptation whatsoever for us. Now that you are blaming Adam are you not deceived? Is the serpent not deceiving you even at this moment? I am referring to your greed and lusts. That girl is very beautiful. O, look at that young man. That house should be mine. How much did you buy this shirt? Do you see your position? It is not worse than Adam's. At all times your prayer is on the Lord's table. When the Father does one thing for you that is when you will have peace. When he does it you will ask for another. Until the earth passes away you will never be satisfied. That is your problem, and when he does not comply with your greedy requests you become troubled in mind. When are you going to be steadfast with God? There is no hope of steadfastness with you.

be struggling to get in without knowing where you are being taken to. I will be waiting for you here till you go and come back. I will not go. What is new in it? What is there in America? If another aeroplane comes and says they are going to heaven, I alone will be left behind. All of you will join and sing in unison -- "that great day has come." I will wait here for you until you return from your heaven. Already I am in heaven, and this one is sufficient unto me. That is what I use in overcoming you and the entire world.

Man's Unending Ambitions You want to study French. You alone want to study Latin, German, Arabic, Igbo languages. At what time will you finish learning these? What are you going to do with them? Which one will you speak finally? Tell me. You want to be a tourist, visiting America, Europe and all the important cities of the world. After you have toured all these, where do you end? You will remain in one city alone. What then is your gain except perdition? Now that we are sitting here, if an aeroplane lands and invites those who want to go overseas to join it, I alone will remain here. I really know this and I have seen this one vision very clearly. All of you will

To Be Carnally Minded Is Death And so, Brethren, for you to own a car, and be a chief does not profit you anything. But the person who is satisfied with the position God has placed him is the person who has gain. He is the person who has received instruction. He has overcome the world. Brethren, there is pleasure and great joy and peace in contentment. The glory and honour that is in it can never be expressed in words. Any person who is content with the position which God has placed him is greater than a person who gains much in her trade or another who is made the chief of a community. His glory is greater than all glories. That is the reason why Jesus overcame the world. He said to his disciples, “I will no longer speak with you because the ruler of this world is coming but he has nothing in me.” (John 14:30) I am asking you now, if the ruler of this world comes to your heart will he not find something there? If our Lord Jesus Christ was not satisfied with the position God has kept Him, when Satan told Him that if He would bow down and worship him, he would give Him all the kingdoms of the world and its glory,



would our Lord not have bowed down to Satan? If our Lord Jesus Christ was not satisfied with His own position, when Satan told Him to turn the stone into bread, if He was the Son of God, our Lord would have quickly prayed to God to change the stones into bread. (Matt 4:3)

First Bible Lesson: 1 Timothy 6:6 "But Godliness with contentment is great gain." Do Not Invest Your Love In Anything Sometimes when you sing a particular song you say that I love that song very much. How can that be? Is the song as good as the place I am? Why should I love a song? As a teacher I have to show interest in everything so as to bring you up. What have I to do with any song in itself? There is nothing I love, other than the position I am in. My position is sufficient with me. I seek no other. I have never asked God for money or children. What am I going to do with these? I have what surpasses everything. I am satisfied with the position He has kept me. I do not seek for any other glory. Whatever He gives is his own. I have no problem.

live within the position God has placed you with contentment. Do not seek for any other position because these are the things that disturb your mind. The moment your heart is disturbed you are dead completely. But once your mind is calm you have no problem whatsoever. It is said that no condition is permanent. Today you may be wealthy, tomorrow you become poor. Sometimes people love you, later on they do not love you again. Today you are sick, tomorrow you are healthy. Do you not realize the sacrosanctity of the dictum that no condition is permanent. Therefore, remain where you are. Be satisfied with the condition you find yourself. Learn to live alone. Learn to live with people. Do not say you want to live with many people. Do not say you do not want to live with many people. When many people come, live with them but realize that one day you will be alone. When you are alone live and know that tomorrow you will have company. That is the secret; and so do not trouble yourself any longer.

No Condition Is Permanent If He takes it back I will not ask Him for it back because I did not ask for it. I am telling you these things plainly because I use a live tortoise to consult my oracle. I am tired of speaking to you in parables. You have seen these things with your eyes. That way you are all taking is too far. Brethren, as a man of God, learn to

You Brought Nothing Unto The World And Will Return With Nothing A messenger does not propound riddles. All of us are the messengers of God. He can remove you from the midst of many people. The only advice for you is to be content with any position you find yourself. Do not ask questions. Your mistakes are many. The first mistake is that you claim that you are master of yourself, that someone is your wife, and certain persons are your children. You also claim "This is my land and house and property." This is a big mistake. God is bringing to your understanding that heaven and



With Pleasure Be Content With Your Position The position that profits you is to be satisfied with your position. Wherever you are, be content. Do not ask questions. Do not tell God that you need anything; neither complain about your position. I am telling you that if you are satisfied with the position God has kept you, if you are absolutely satisfied with any situation you find yourself, even if you are put inside fire, you will not know that you are in fire. You are in heaven. When you are put inside water, you are still in heaven. Every time you are with the Father. You have no problem. Remember Shedrach and his two friends who were put inside fire. Were they burned by the fire?

(Dan 3:18-28) They were not burned by the fire because they were satisfied with their position. Remember Daniel also who was put in the den of lions, but since he was in heaven he was not devoured by the beasts.(Dan 6:16) The lions were rather friendly with him. When God is with you no matter where you are, even where people complain to be a very difficult place, you have no problems. I am telling you what I have witnessed myself. You complain that a particular place is bad but in my own case, I am always in heaven wherever I am. Do not worry about me. Worry about yourself because I have no problems. You can go to No.8 Eton Street, Calabar, where it was supposed that Brotherhood was started. But Brotherhood did not start there. Brotherhood started before the foundations of the world were laid. We were completely satisfied with No.8 Eton Street. When we were at Biakpan we were also satisfied. And so every time and at every place we are content with our position. All places are the same. You have never complained that there is no good road. How did I get there in the first place? Tell me how I got to Biakpan? Or again, how did I move out of it? I have never complained about roads in Biakpan but you worry over what does not belong to you. Did God not know that there is no good road to Biakpan? Does He not know that there is also road there too? All the things that He does do not involve you. Allow Him to handle them the way He pleases. This Kingdom belongs to Him. It is neither mine nor yours. It is neither of the world nor of any person. But the Father owns everything. You cannot question Him. You cannot criticize Him that He has done this instead



earth and the fullness of them belong to Him. He owns you and the land. You do not own anything. What did you bring into the world? What will you take out of it? If you had this understanding you would be quite satisfied with your position. Do Not Aspire To Any Position But Mortify Your Body Everything will pass away, but God abides forever. People come and pass away. But He abides forever as God. And brethren let our coming here not be in vain. Because if you have been here for twenty years without mortifying the flesh, your being here for these years means nothing. You gain nothing. When you want to be a prophet, or a pastor, or a Christ student, or an elder, or a Christ servant or a chorister, or a crusader, or any other officer where will these lead you? They lead you to destruction.

of that. All your insolence arise from your lust, and this is what leads you to destruction. Let our second lesson be read.

Second Bible Lesson: Philippians 4:12 "I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need." That is what Satan has used in overcoming the sons of men. At any time he will place something before you and ask you to have it. And if you are a greedy person you take it and fall. If you will receive the lesson of today and abide in it, you have overcome Satan, you have overcome the whole world. You have overcome all spirits and even the angels. Nothing flaps its wings.

they came to see me. When they arrived, we sat down together, and the other one was so tongue-tied. He commented that people had told him that The Leader was never seen. I told him that he has seen Him before. How can I not be seen? Am I a ghost or a mermaid?

The Benefit Of The Brotherhood Pulpit Do you know why many people fall away from Brotherhood? When the Brotherhood pulpit was not introduced on the television, the whole world used to cogitate that the leader was dressed in a way commensurate with his fame. They think that maybe his dress was not made out of any worldly materials or even tailored by man, or may be his hat extends from one end of the wall to the other. That was why the people of the world were so sensitized. But when the Father appeared on the Television every person was tongue-tied. Before the civil war two pastors came here to me. They were arguing that no person ever sees the Father while the other was arguing that the Father can be seen. And so

The Leader Is Content With His Position Even when I come down from the pulpit you do not see me with any shoes or hat on my head. But in your case, when you leave this place another person will come to you to ask "Why are you so poor?" He will tell you how your leader is very rich. When you hear this you begin to steal so that you may be rich. You can now realize how Satan has deceived you. Can you not realize that the gift I possess is the greatest? I do not desire for anything. I am satisfied with my position, I have no problems. You may go and look for money and high positions. I am here waiting for you. I am more than satisfied with my position. You are witnesses that when the Headquarters was at No. 26 Mbukpa Road, and, as a matter of fact, it still remains the headquarters, the place as you know is very small. I was really satisfied with the place. Apart from the Holy Mother who renovated the place I would have been satisfied with my position. You can see where the Secretariat is standing now. It was a small thatched house but look at it now. In whatever form it was built, I cannot be worried even as I was not worried when it was not built. I am not interested in anything. I am already satisfied with my position. I am asking you: “If the whole world is Brotherhood and you are not satisfied in the place you are kept what then will be your gain?” You know that the church dignitaries have got



everything. All the heads of church denominations you find around are very wealthy. But what is their gain? What do you gain from wealth so long as you are not satisfied with your position? The first important thing is that godliness with contentment is great gain. Apart from that you are heading for destruction. The churches built hospitals, trained nurses, trained sisters and mothers, they are famous and popular but what is their gain? Is that what they were sent to do? Do Not Complain After all you are one. You have one head, one mouth, one spoon; no matter what, you can only sleep in one house, and on one bed, and on one pillow. Why do you then worry yourself? What are you going to do with all these things you are claiming. I do not condemn motor vehicle, I do not condemn the aeroplane, I do not condemn the bicycle. I do not condemn anything but I am warning you to be satisfied and content with your position with joy. Do not complain, since we are slaves, slaves do not speak in parables. Let us wait on the Lord, if He brings us an aeroplane we shall fly. If He gives a bicycle we shall ride. If He gives us food let us eat. If He says we should stand outside, let us stand outside. That is the secret. Do not complain. Do not tell Him that you want to stand outside or that you want to be inside the house so that what happened to Adam and Eve may not befall you. As I am telling you this if you bring food to me and it happens that there is no salt in the dish, I will never request for salt I must eat it without salt. If you tell me that there is no water around; I will not desire to


have a bath neither will I desire to drink. Even for three days I do not quench my thirst and I do not bathe. I am very happy. If I go to a place and they tell me that there is no toilet around, I will tell them that it is what I like. Even if I stay there for one week I will not answer to the call of nature. I am very happy. I love that kind of place. And so if you do not learn to endure every situation how can you survive? Can you be a man of God? Can you please God? How would God be God if He were to rely upon man. He created man, and then called him to come and help Him and serve Him but man has turned to another thing. He turns to fight against God. Have you heard Him answering you a word? He does all His things alone. He has no problems. It is you who have problems. He continues to give us food and clothing and life as God. Whether you thank Him or not He is not disturbed. Whether you pray or not he is not bothered. Whether you acknowledge Him or not He is not worried. He continues with His work. If He were not satisfied with Himself He would have asked: "Why is it that man does not worship Him and so He would have a troubled mind?" God's Plan And Implementation Right from the beginning, He keeps man to superintend over His creation. (Gen 1:26/2:15) He has no problems. If it were you, you would have no need for man, you would have loved to govern your business alone. He is satisfied with His position. He has not a troubled mind, and He has no problems. All over the world people have been praying and asking for God to come. Many people have proclaimed themselves gods.


People have hailed and worshipped them yet God is not disturbed. If it were you, you would want to manifest your glory alone. He is satisfied with His position. That is what He has left for you. No matter what you do, He does not leave His seat. He is satisfied with His position. He occupies His position as the Creator. He keeps another one as His king and the other for His children. There is no other order apart from this. He has no regrets. He does not want another position apart from this one. Always Be Stable In your case, you are always struggling for position. There is no person who is satisfied with the position God has placed him. When you see one person, you want to be like him. When you see anything, you want to own it. And so you have become satanic. What time do you have to serve God? "Father, even-though it is said that we should not ask you for anything, I am asking for only one thing -- give me the ability." Have you not failed? Now we are in the Pentecostal Hall, you can see how scanty the hall is. Have you ever heard me pray that God should bring in people to fill the hall? What are they coming to do? This number is enough. If they do not come, it is all right. If this hall is full it does not make any difference. If it is empty, it is still the same thing. Once you are satisfied with the position God has kept you, that is all. You are in heaven with the Father. You say that somebody has defrauded you by taking your money or your wife. No person has defrauded you. It is greed that has lured you away. Have you not told somebody that you want one thing or the other? You even put it into prayer that you want that


good thing. And when it comes it will tell you, "This is what you have been looking for." Only Have Hope In The Lord Somebody will give you a vision that he has seen you with a long envelope, and because you have been praying for money, somebody comes to your house and asks if you are the person he wants. You answer yes. He will say that you are very fortunate because he has come for you. He begins to give certain prospects which will bring you money and you begin to thank God that your vision is coming true. Why is it that you are not wise to the understanding that you did not bring anything into the world neither will you take anything out of the world? Since you have what to eat and wear and even when you do not have what to eat today, what you ate yesterday was enough. Even as Pharaoh was told that there will be plenty in seven years and famine in the next seven years. I would not be disturbed. When there is food we eat. When famine comes I do not bother. I do not store anything. I do not ask God for anything. I will only leave everything to the Father. There Is Time For Everything Under The Sun According to Ecclesiastes chapter three, if we believe that God has an appointed time for everything we would not trouble ourselves. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to reap; A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance, A time to get together and a time to loose; A time to love and a time to hate; A time of war and a


time of peace. That is all. You have no hand in it. When that time comes rejoice. When things are bad it is meant to usher in what is good. Do not ask questions other than that be always satisfied with what you have.

Man's Glory Is Relative Our Lord Jesus Christ left his heavenly throne and came down to earth. But He was laughed at and derided. They took Him as a demented person who had nothing to do. They abused and disgraced Him but He did not worry. He was satisfied with His position of glory. He did not ask for earthly glory. At one time when He fed the people, they wanted to make Him king but He ran and hid Himself. (John 6:15) If it were you, you would have said thank you Father. Now you want to be made the chief launcher. When you have, you will always be invited at every function. They will call you to come and take your position. You will be made the chief launcher at every occasion. When you have no money again, they will not sing for you. Even when you ask for the position they will tell you to sit down with your one kobo. Yesterday you used to take your position, today another person takes it. Is that a source of anger to you? You have finished displaying your glory. Give chance to another person. Equality Whenever God gives you money or wealth, use it in serving Him with all humility. When He does not give you again sit still and thank Him with humility. Do not trouble yourself because you did not create yourself. If you cannot pay your tithe, God knows that you have not,


and He does not require it from you. If you cannot attend a function God knows that He has not given you the ability. If you do not have what to eat in the day, He knows that He has not given to you. Why do you worry yourself? Why do you go to beg? Why do you go to disgrace yourself? To show you that He is the all-wise God, He says you should give one-tenth of all your gains. If you have ten naira as your gain, you give one naira to Him. The other nine belongs to you. But when He does not give you even one naira, he says that he who has two coats should give one to him who has none. And so if you do not have, another person has to bring to you. What do you lose? Why do you trouble yourself? The Rich Should Help The Poor It is exactly what obtains in this world. When you are rich you have many people to help. But when you have nothing, people will be charitable to you. That is how God has ordained it. It is not a question of lamenting and weeping. It is not something you should go and steal. It is not something you should attribute to witchcraft or juju. It is not everyday which is Christmas. Christmas is once in a year -- the 25th of December alone. But what about the other days?

Golden Text: Galatians 5: 24 "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Brethren, what has been read to you is the first


requirement in this kingdom. No one would first of all cut the branches on the top of the trees before clearing the under-growth for cultivation. You have to start by clearing the under-growth of the bush before proceeding to cut the top of the trees. First Count The Cost That was the reason Our Lord Jesus Christ said that except one hated his Father, mother, wife, children, friends, relations and even himself, he cannot be a worthy disciple of His.(Luke 14:26) He also said that any person who does not take up his cross and follow him cannot be His disciple. (Luke 14:27) Who is he who wants to build a house and would not first of all count the cost before he begins work? And, who is the king who would set out for war with another king without first of all examining the number and strength of his army? If he finds that the other king he intends to fight has a more powerful army both in number and weapons, the alternative is for him to negotiate for a peaceful settlement. Otherwise, he will be defeated.

yourself: forsake fornication, adultery, greed and all those things that do not bring glory to God. The disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ were able to kill the flesh with its lust in the first instance before they could walk with, and serve their Master. It is not English language that matters in this kingdom, neither is it Efik; not vision, not preaching, not membership of any association. What is needed of you in this Kingdom is to mortify your flesh. What caused Achan and Pharaoh and many other people mentioned in the Scriptures to fall? Was it not the lust for carnal things? (Jos 7:20/Ex 14:5)

Hypocrisy Brethren, this is the reason the Muslims, the Hindus, the whole Christian world and the entire world have failed. Because they do not take stock of themselves before doing whatever they do. And you too, when you come here you claim that the leaders and members of your former church denominations committed one kind of sin or the other. You say all sorts of things against them. But today are you not also doing those things you accused your former masters of, and even doing more? You have to take stock of

To Be Carnally Minded Is Death The whole world likes and admires mundane things. They lust after beautiful women, handsome men, nicely built and furnished houses, shiny apparels, flashy cars and many more. You are all under training. In no distant time, this place will be filled with wealthy and great men of the world. If you do not now kill the flesh and its lust what will you do? Do you think you could be enticed with all these things? And what will be your position when a common purse is established such that if you go to Biakpan you find there is plenty of food; at Lagos, Port Harcourt, New York and the rest of the places you still find there is plenty of food, money and clothing? Would you be able to serve God any longer? Will your attention not be diverted to those things? With each passing day now beautiful women, handsome men, educated persons wealthy persons are found everywhere. If you are the type of person who likes and admires beautiful women, or handsome men, or highly educated persons, or wealth and rich persons



or food, how do you think you would be able to serve God? How would you cope with the situation?

Walk By The Directives Of God That is the reason I have no friends. I have no father, no mother, no house, nothing whatsoever. And I am never bothered. Have you ever seen me with shoes? Whether or not I eat, I am not worried. After all I started to fast at the age of five. But here your own case is different. You have friends, relations, parents, houses, shoes, wives and children. I have come to serve, and not to be served. Who amongst you knows himself as to know what to do, let alone to know what I need. All of you need servants to be under you and serve you. I have never eaten or drank in anybody's house. There is nothing in the world that can win my interest, I did tell you that the first and last day I put on a tie was on December 25, 1944. But to most of you here puting on ties is a habit. I can live in any place and stay in any condition with satisfaction. We are all instruments and tools unto the Father. Anybody who does not walk according to directives of the Father is therefore a rebel. Mortify The Flesh So That The Spirit Triumphs When Brotherhood started here in 34 Ambo Street, we used to stay under a shade. And when it rained we used to be soaked to the teeth. Somedays I am soaked on my way from 34 Ambo to 26 Mbukpa when it rains. Not that there is no umbrella; but I refused to use it. Whatever comes my way every day I give thanks to the Father. But why is it that you have


seen the dead body with your eyes yet tears have refused to come out of your eyes? You people have not yet started because you are still lusting for shoes, cars, wives, children, wealth, and all such mundane things. When do you people intend to kill the flesh with its lusts? Many stations abroad are now requesting the Holy Father to send them Christ Students, and various associations too are looking for Christ Students to accompany them abroad. But where are the good ones? When I tell you most of these things you burst into laughter. Only righteous persons shall inherit and enjoy this kingdom. The Flesh Avails Nothing God sees something from afar and then advises His children to take heed. You have to hearken to His voice and obey His instruction. That was why Christ had only 12 disciples. He had many other followers; but only these 12 disciples were able to mortify their flesh. They forsook everything and followed the Lord. They left their houses, parents, friends, and everything for Christ's sake. That was the reason Christ decided to work with only these 12 disciples. (Luke 6:13-16) Their names are today immortalized in the world. The same thing will apply to those who walk according to the directives of the Father. Judas took the treasury and offered his master for 30 pieces of silver. But did he in the long run enjoy that money? Whatever you do in this kingdom I am seeing you. The true children of the Father are not interested in anything carnal. They preoccupy themselves with killing the flesh with its lusts.


Surrender Yourself To God Paul was a renowned lawyer and statesman. But he abandoned his legal practice and followed the Lord. (Acts 9:3-22/ Gal 1:15) He did not marry, he had no child, and did not engage himself in any carnal work. He surrendered himself to God first and then to hunger, persecution, hatred and torture. Who amongst you would have done that? A lawyer for that matter. It entails self-sacrifice and surrendering oneself to God. You all have to surrender yourselves to God and accept to be persecuted otherwise your donkey years in Brotherhood would mean nothing to you. Mark 8:36 :"What Shall It Profit A Man To Gain The Whole World And Lose His Own Soul?" Remember the case of Elisha's servant. Elisha healed Naaman and refused to accept anything from him as gratification. (2 K: 5:16) But his servant went behind and collected the gift from Naaman, and he had to pay for his action. Judas collected 30 pieces of silver but never made use of it. Achan hid vessels of silver and gold and other spoils of war under his tent and exchanged his life for that (Joshua 7:20). What then are you struggling for? If you read Revelation 21 you will discover that the names of the 12 Apostles are used to lay the foundation of the kingdom, and their names shall continue to be heard (Rev 21:14). Who amongst the disciples built a house for their parents, or married or did any carnal thing? This is the kingdom they had been labouring and waiting for. But those of you who are fortunate to have it in your midst, are busy lusting after mundane things. If you do not kill the flesh with its lusts where will you be? Anybody who does not mortify the flesh, neither knows

himself nor what to do. That is the reason this gospel is called the sure foundation. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ used to conquer the whole world. Millionaires and wealthy people are coming here in no distant time. If you are unable to kill the flesh with its lusts you will have problems because you can be captured through money, handsome men, beautiful women and the rest of the worldly flowery things. There is kingship, chieftaincy, and worldly positions. If you do not mortify the flesh, what will you do when the worldly people approach you with these things? They are the things which Satan uses to trap shaky children of God.



The Sure Foundation What is needed here is self-contentment. As a beautiful woman would use her beauty to trap you into her pocket so also would a handsome man, and learned men. So they can dictate to you. The rulers of the earth do the same thing. But if the world knows that you do not treasure any carnal thing they hardly will confront you with those things, and you cannot fall. These are the things Satan uses now to catch the children of Brotherhood. Brethren I do not want to take you further. A stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Let those who have ears hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.


FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 12:27-30 “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathered not with me, scattereth abroad.” SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 14:33 “Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.” GOLDEN TEXT: ROMANS 13:14 “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” BE A SERVANT OF ONE MASTER: Brethren, the texts above summarize the theme of this gospel. Do not allow food or any of the material things of this world to prevent you from serving God.


This is because a servant cannot serve two masters at the same time. Anybody who loves money does not have the love of God in him. Anybody who owns Christ cannot own money. Anybody who is after the material things of this world does not have Christ in him and no matter the amount of money you may have, if you do not use it in the services of God, such money means nothing and you are far away from Christ. Do you remember how the widow used her last mite in her life and donated it to God? Despite those who donated in thousands and millions, Our Lord Jesus Christ counted hers to be the best donation. This means that she gave it whole heartedly, not minding whether it was her last money in life or not. That is what the kingdom of God is likened to. Brethren, no matter the extent of your wealth, if you do not humble yourself like a child, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. If you do not use what God has given you to serve Him, you certainly do not have Christ as your share. THE FATHER, THE SUPPLIER OF ALL NEEDS: All the problems that befall you in life are due to your ignorance of the ways of God. No matter how wealthy you may be, if you do not first seek for the kingdom of God, you are bound to suffer loss. The Father knows all your needs and demands in life. If you examine carefully our First Bible Lesson, you will realize that the Father knows all your problems in life. BUT THE FOREMOST THING FOR YOU TO DO IS TO SURRENDER COMPLETELY TO GOD.. SEEK AFTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD(Matt 6:33) AND ITS RIGHTEOUSNESS AFTER WHICH ALL OTHER


THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. Unfortunately a rich man cannot seek or surrender himself to the kingdom of God because his attention is directed towards how he will make his millions everyday. That is why it is said: “Where your treasure is there also will your heart be.”(Matt 6:21). Brethren, the problems of the entire world, right from its inception, had been the issues of what shall I eat, drink, or put on? But the question is, where has all the money taken you to? Do you believe that if you give out money to someone, that you have given him God? Or would you think that if you accommodate someone you have given him life? Do you think that when you give someone food or clothes you have given him God? This is why I say that the entire world is blind for they do not know God. They lack the knowledge of who God is. They only deceive themselves thinking that they are deceiving God. Therefore any man who professes to be a rich man lacks the knowledge of God in Him. He cannot imagine what God is. He is always boasting of his wealth and he is consumed with thoughts of how to commit fornication. A rich man cannot pray, not to talk of testifying about God. But someone who is poor or has constant financial problems in life, cannot do without God; and if you watch his behavior closely, you will realize that his day to day deliberations cannot balance without calling on God. His boast is in God alone. THE WORD IS IMMORTAL: It is sad to note that many of you have allowed the material things of this life to gain the better part of you. That is why you cannot think of any other thing but money. WHEN YOU ARE ASKED TO GIVE ALMS

YOU BEGIN TO THINK WHERE WILL I GET THE MONEY TO FULFILL SUCH OBLIGATIONS? AND I ASK, IS MONEY THE ONLY THING YOU CAN OFFER SOMEONE? WHAT ABOUT THE WORD OF GOD? DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT THE WORD OF GOD SHOULD BE GIVEN TO PEOPLE? WHY SHOULD YOU NOT GO OUT AND PREACH CHRIST TO PEOPLE? Recall when Peter and John met the cripple man at the beautiful gate of the temple, Paul told him silver and gold have I not but in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk." The greatest thing which Paul had was the word of God. They were convinced that the greatest thing that is able to give life is the word of God. Money cannot give life, neither can car, house, nor wealth. Anything mundane cannot give life. THE ONLY THING THAT CAN GIVE LIFE IS THE WORD OF GOD AND THAT IS WHY YOU ARE ENJOINED TO GO OUT AND PREACH THE WORD OF GOD TO PEOPLE SO THAT THEY MAY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. Recall when Elijah prayed to God and invoked fire to descend and consume the four hundred prophets of Baal because of their insubordination to God. (See 1Kings 18: 19-end). This is to let you know that the word of God has the power to make and unmake. The word of God gives life, it heals all sicknesses, it also makes one to be wealthy. THE ONLY THING REQUIRED OF YOU IS TO HAVE SOLID FAITH IN GOD AND ALWAYS CALL UPON HIM ANYTIME YOU ARE IN NEED. Beloved brethren, re-examine the first lesson.



BROTHERHOOD PULPIT, NUMBER ONE ACHIEVER: Brethren, the entire world is shaking. Human beings no more feel secure because they do not know Christ. They are like a gun which when fired produces only a sound, but cannot kill a rat. The worldly people claim to know God but they cannot put into practice even an iota of the word of God in the Bible. When Brotherhood Pulpit (a program disseminating the Father's gospels through the electronic media) was first introduced by the Father on Akwa Ibom State Television, the station manager was opposed to the idea. His belief was that the program would not last, and the aim would not be achieved. Most people in Akwa Ibom State jeered at the idea. After they had watched the program the first day, they thought that the Father was wasting His time and energy. But the reverse is the case today. Has Brotherhood not been spreading throughout the nooks and crannies of the State through the instrument of the Brotherhood Pulpit? Have most of the inhabitants of the State not accepted that the Father

is a living Reality Brethren, I hereby inform you that: THERE EXISTS NO OTHER POWER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD OTHER THAN THE WORD OF GOD. WHEN YOU HAVE THE WORD OF GOD YOU HAVE LIFE, AND WITH THE WORD OF GOD ALL YOUR PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED. I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT EXCEPT THE FATHER APPROVES OF SOMETHING IT CANNOT WORK. Recall the case of the Port Harcourt Brethren, some time ago, they tried all they could to bring Brotherhood doctrines to the grass-roots but all their efforts proved abortive. But the moment Brotherhood Pulpit was aired on the Rivers State Television, the minds of the people were positively redirected towards the Father's teachings. Today, most of the inhabitants of the State stream to Brotherhood Bethels for deliverance. Some newly baptized members testify as to how the Father manifested to them physically. This is to certify how the word of God is powerful. Therefore your duty now is to go out and preach the word of God to people. Do not complain of not having money because money cannot give life to man. IT IS ONLY THE WORD OF GOD WHICH GIVES EVERLASTING LIFE. CARNALITY IS A DEMORALIZER: THE WORD OF GOD IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. THE WORD OF GOD IS LIFE, WISDOM, AND WEALTH. Once a brother came here to testify how he used millions of naira to bribe some people in order to improve the fortunes of his business. I want to tell you that such a testimony is baseless. This is because every bit of his words are connected to vain things. His testimony is centered on carnal



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 12:27-30 “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathered not with me, scattereth abroad.”

considerations. He did not talk about spiritual matters. He was so careful that he did not mention the Holy Spirit which is Christ. Such a testimony is ineffective and does not strengthen one's faith nor foundation, because of its carnal contents. And this constitutes the Brother's problems. So brethren, IF YOU WOULD LET THE WORD OF GOD DWELL RICHLY IN YOU, AND ALSO ALLOW THE SPIRIT OF GOD TO ABIDE IN YOU, YOU WILL NOT HAVE PROBLEMS. YOU WILL ALSO NOT BE WORRIED ABOUT LIFE. YOU WILL NEITHER PLAN FOR ANYTHING NOR SUFFER ANY LACK IN YOUR LIFE. ABOVE ALL, IT IS QUITE CERTAIN THAT YOU WILL HAVE THE HOLY FATHER AND OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SUFFICIENTLY IN YOU.

was carnally minded. He preached nothing but money and every speech of his called for nothing but money. The wording of his songs were nothing but money, and every speech of his called for nothing but money. In spite of all the money and the melodious music that came from his mouth, Idahosa disguised himself as a prophet of God, preached the word of God and successfully founded a church. All his activities were built on nothing but money.

FATHER OLUMBA IS ALL IN ALL: Beloved Brethren, I have made myself available to you. Our Lord Jesus Christ had also made Himself available to you. That was why he came and died for the remission of your sins. Have you now dedicated yourself for the Father so that His divine will might be manifested in you? Have you now made up your mind to preach the word of God to people? You are therefore mandated to reach out to the entire world and preach Christ to all the creations of the Father. Let them know about the kingdom of God now on earth because the world must surely imbibe this truth. You must have heard what transpired between Dr. Chief Idahosa and his American business partners. Today, his American counterpart and indeed the entire world have come to the realization that Chief Idahosa

THE SECRET BEHIND RULERSHIP: Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has come to expose all the tricks of the false prophets; and God has indeed come to expose man's falsehood, one after the other. Hence I keep telling you to go out and preach this truth to the world so that their minds and intellects will be broadened. Brethren, this is not the time for you to sit down and seek for mundane things of this world. Rather it is the right time for you to go out and preach Christ to the entire world so that the scales may fall off people's eyes. If you read the publication: He Who Is To Rule, you will realize that the Holy Spirit is really at work. Moreso you will realize that the information contained in that booklet is beyond human comprehension. Therefore if you denounce the things of this world, and surrender yourself to the Father, and seek after the natural love of God, you will finally arrive at this recondite wisdom on: HOW TO RULE. The contents of this particular booklet are very interesting and beyond prejudice. With this brethren, I hope the idea of fixing your mind on what to eat, and what to wear has departed from you. FOR THE TIME IS NOW RIPE FOR YOU TO GET INTO



THE VINEYARD, AND BRING IN THE SHEEP OF GOD WHO ARE STILL OUTSIDE. If you visit overseas countries you will realize that the people over there have really seen the glory of the Father. The two brothers from Lewes, England, i.e Christ servants Daniel and George, recently came here and testified of how the Father is manifesting His glory in Europe. Therefore you are advised to gird your loins because this is not the time for joking. Forget about materialism; for it will lead you nowhere. The worldly people claim to be prophets of God. Ironically, before they set out for any journey, they will first of all consult their oracles. Some even use magic handkerchiefs. BUT HERE IN THIS KINGDOM, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IDOLATRY. IF YOU COME IN HERE, YOU WILL NOT SEE ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE. IT IS ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT IS AT WORK. HE IS THE OMNIPRESENT GOD AND HIS PRESENCE IS FELT BY ALL AND SUNDRY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.



SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 14:33 “Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.” . THINK A LITTLE FURTHER: Beloved Brethren, have you heard that? Now how many of you have forsaken the lust for mundane things of this world for the sake of surrendering to Christ? Or is it possible for a new wine to be put into an old wineskin? Likewise can a new material be used to patch an old material? Or can a servant serve two masters? These questions are meant for you to answer, because if you observe very carefully you will see that no one has made up his/her mind to forsake the mundane things of this world and totally surrender him/herself to God. Therefore your problem right from the beginning of time is traceable to the fact that you have held tenaciously to materialism, and you have not made up your mind to let go of these material things at the expense of surrendering yourself wholehearted to CHRIST. But if you should give up the material things of the world and surrender totally to God you will see that there are many ways in which the Father could use you in manifesting His divine glory. That is why when I look at you, I discover that you are only interested in being rich overnight. With this, it is apparent that the SPIRIT OF GOD IN YOU IS ON EXILE; AND AT THIS



JUNCTURE, YOU ARE TOTALLY DIVORCED OF LOVE, PEACE, JOY, AND OTHER ATTENDANT BENEFITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Similarly it is quite impossible for you to be rich materially, and at the same time give in to the services of God. THE UNREVEALED MYSTERIES: Beloved Brethren, I have several mysteries to reveal to you, but with time I will do so. This is because I have discovered that there is little or no faith in you, and should I reveal these mysteries to you now, many of you will express doubt in me. Because of this I have to take you gradually and systematically until a final transformation is effected in you, for the better. This brings to memory the time when our Brother Paul met the necromancer, and at the instance of preaching the gospel of Christ to him, the Holy Spirit came out of Paul and entered the necromancer's body and the necromancer felt the great impact of the word of God and immediately became converted to Christ. I CAN SPEAK A WORD AND THE WORK OF TOTAL TRANSFORMATION IS EFFECTED IN YOU BUT THE QUESTION IS, “HAVE YOU DECIDED TO IGNORE AND DENY THE WORLD AND ITS AFFECTIONS AND TURN TO CHRIST?”

"Flee from youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith and charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." Brethren if you refrain from speaking vain words and you become devoted to the Lord God Almighty, only then will you become a vessel of honor, meet for the master's use, to manifest His divine will and glory. Also read 2 Tim 2:21: "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified for the Lord's use, and prepared unto every good work." In spite of the above quotation, there is none among you who is prepared to set aside him/herself for the Lord's use. I have seen your plans on how to amass wealth to yourself. These plans have taken such deep roots in you, thereby making you so reluctant to decide to be of service in the Father's house. The Father is willing to use you to accomplish His task as well as manifest His glory.

MAKE YOUR BODY A SACRIFICE FOR HONOR: I have observed that there is still in you the fear in you concerning how you would do away with the world and its enticements. If sincerely this is the case, how will it be possible for you to become a true Christ Servant or a Disciple of God? Read 2 Tim 22:

THE WINNER TAKES ALL: The kingdom of God is now on earth with all facilities needed for its operations. It is ready to provide you with all good things. The problem lies in your reluctance to forsake the base things of this world and surrender completely to God. For the scripture says whosoever speaks of himself, seeks for his own glory. HE THAT SPEAKETH OF HIMSELF SEEKETH HIS OWN GLORY: BUT HE THAT SEEKTH HIS GLORY THAT SENT HIM, THE SAME IS TRUE, AND NO UNRIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN HIM. (JOHN 7:18). It is rather unfortunate that all of you are



seeking for your own glory. In the process, you have misused the power bestowed on you. You later complain that you lack power to do the Father's work. Is the power not within your reach? Are you sure the power has not been given to you? And should you be bestowed with this power will you be able to use it to the glory of the Father? This is because the moment this power is given to you, you will claim it to be an in- born thing, and you will thus be seeking for your own glory, and you overlook the fact that it was given to you by the Father. BRETHREN DO YOU KNOW THAT THE MOMENT YOU COME AND LISTEN TO THE DIVINE SERMON OF THE FATHER, YOU ARE FILLED WITH POWER? BUT THE MOMENT YOU MOVE OUT OF HERE AND YOU BEGIN TO YEARN FOR THE BASE THING OF THIS WORLD, THE POWER IS WITHDRAWN FROM YOU ENTIRELY BECAUSE A SERVANT CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS AT A TIME. FOR THE BIBLE SAYS, IF ANY MAN COMETH UNTO ME AND HATE NOT HIS FATHER, OR MOTHER, OR HUSBAND, OR WIFE, OR CHILDREN OR THE CARNAL THINGS OF THIS LIFE, HE IS NOT WORTHY TO BE MY DISCIPLE.(SEE Luke 14:26). THEREFORE ANY THAT WOULD WANT TO BECOME A TRUE SERVANT OF CHRIST MUST TOTALLY DO AWAY WITH THE LUST FOR CARNAL THINGS, AND PRACTICE THE INJUNCTIONS OF GOD.

thereof.” LUST SHELTERS NOT: Beloved Brethren, do not involve yourselves in vain communications, rather preoccupy your mind with Christ and how to practice His teachings because money, food, clothes, cars, musical sets, house, bicycle and other mundane things will not give you life. These are base things. Therefore always listen to the word of God, and put same into practice; for in so doing, you gain everlasting life. A stroke of the cane is sufficient to the wise. Let those who have ears hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen . THANK YOU FATHER.

GOLDEN TEXT: ROMANS 13:14 “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts









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