Ottoman Empire 14-04-07

  • November 2019
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Ottoman Empire

Sultan Mehmed IV

Ottoman Turks 1648-1673 Characters: Sultan, Ottoman General, Army Standard Bearer, Qadi, Amirs Aga and Master Gunner. Core Units: Fuedal Spahi Cavalry, Turcoman and Akincis Cavalry, Arnauts, Azab Shot and Bow, Peasant foot units (Levy). Special Units: Kapikulu Spahi Cavalry, Janissaries, Tufekcis and Medium artillery. Rare Units: Heavy artillery, Wagon Tabor, Royal Drum, Army Camel Drum and Band, Kazan Regimental Cooking Pot and Dellis. Mercenaries: may spend up to 15% on the following mercenaries: Transylvanians and Moldavians and Vlachs. Allies: may spend up to 25% on one only of the following allied forces; Reliable Allies: must take 10% and spend up to 25% of points cost on Tartar allies; Tartars - Amir, 1-4 Tartar light cavalry and 0-1 Tartar Noble cavalry (Tartars are in the Cossack list). Reluctant Allies: Cossacks 1676-81 – Ataman, 1-4 Zaporozhti and other Cossack cavalry units, 1-2 Zaporozhti and other Cossack foot*. *Allied units are listed under respective national lists.

Special rules: Units and Leaders: All units can have only one character as well as a leader. Light Lance/Thrusting Spear: Gives S+1 when charging or counter charging and can be used throughout the game (WECW p.46). The Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear armed unit always fights first against units not similarly equipped, if the opposing is armed with the Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear the unit that charged first will fight first. If charging/counter charging then the first round of combat is always fought with the lance/thrusting spear, if hand-to-hand combat lasts a second round then the unit may use Light Lance/sword and pistols if so equipped. Light Throwing Spear: Formed cavalry units equipped with throwing spear may re-roll any misses when and only when they charge into combat. Unit may also use either sword or pistol in the first round of combat, if still

in combat after the first round they may use both pistol and sword. The light throwing spear can be used throughout the game as cavalry usually carried more than one in a quiver. Salvo Fire: Veteran and Elite units may use salvo fire (+2pt). Gallopers: All veteran and elite galloper units gain a +1 rank bonus in close combat. Cloth Horse Barding: This gives a +1 armour save to missile and hand to hand attacks. Rash: The same as WECW p.52 but unit will now advance on a D6 roll of 1-2 and must test to attack any enemy in charge distance on a D6 roll of 1-2 (this means that units do not have to attack automatically but now have a chance to keep their troops under some sort of control). Panzerstechter: The panzerstechter was a solid metal thrusting sword used by the Poles and other eastern European armies. It may not be used in conjunction with other weapons in the round of combat. Delis can use the weapon in the second round of combat at +1 Strength after the lance has been used in the first round of combat. Half pike/light halberd: Gives all the advantages of a ordinary pike but always fights with a maximum of 2 ranks. The Cossack Rebels, hastilly raised levies in the Muscovite, Ottoman and Translyvanian armies are the only armies to use this weapon. Eastern Shock Cavalry: 1. May FBIGO if they win a round of close combat, but fail to either break the enemy or force it to fall back. The withdrawal must be declared immediately after the enemy has passed its Break test. It is made like a normal fall back move. 2. Unit may re-roll hit dice that miss once per game, unit can only do this when they charge or counter charge. 3. May count rank bonus of +1 when they charge. 4. When fighting Gallopers, Eastern Shock Cavalry will automatically break from a lost combat on a D6 roll of 1-3 but a roll of 4-6 means that a normal break test is taken using all the combat results. Feigned flight: If a unit flees or fires and flees as a charge reaction, they rally immediately at the end of their move, and may reform facing any direction. This means that should the charging enemy encounter them, the unit is not destroyed, and may instead fight in the Close Combat phase, their opponent still counts as charging. Expert Horsemen: Units notes as Expert Horsemen do not suffer the -1 to hit modifier to their shooting if they move in the same turn. However, this does not allow them to shoot if they charge or make a march move. Parthian Shot: Units noted as having the Parthian shot ability may make a regular move immediately after shooting. This is only allowed in the shooting phase, is not a charge reaction, and unit may not march. Special Deployment: Units with the Special Deployment ability are allowed to make a free march move after both sides have deployed. Note that they may not use this free move to charge at the enemy, and may not shoot any missiles after making the move. Nomad Cavalry: Units noted as Nomad Cavalry are subject to the rules for Feigned Flight, Expert Horsemen, Parthian Shot and Special Deployment. Massed Archery: Formed cavalry and infantry units may fire all of the front rank and every second figure in the second and third ranks but may not use this as a charge reaction. Drilled: Drilled units such as Ottoman Janissaries during this period appear to be highly trained and disciplined. The following special rules apply to these units: 1. At the start of their Movement phase drilled troops are allowed to turn 90 degrees or change formation by up to two ranks for free. Once they have taken their free turn or formation change they make they make their move exactly as they ordinarily would. Drilled troops that make a free turn or formation change can charge or make a march move in the same turn–although in the case of a charge their target must be visible to them at the start of the turn as usual.

2. 3.

Drilled troops do not have to take a Leadership test to avoid pursuit of a defeated enemy. They may pursue or not as the player desires. Drilled troops are allowed to disengage from combat without taking a Leadership test, as long as they are not fighting enemies with a Move rate greater than theirs. If any of their enemies are faster than they are, test to disengage as normal.

Mixed Formation: Some units may use mixed formation with differently equipped troop types in the same unit, typically archers take up the rear ranks of the unit. This was especially common with the poorer equipped units of Cossack, Ottoman and Transylvanian armies. This is represented as follows: • • • • •

The archers are treated as normal troops for the purposes of movement and rank bonus. The archers may shoot using the Massed archery rules below, as well as any special rules that may apply to that unit. A unit may use stand and shoot or fire and flee using massed archery. All missile hits on the unit use the saving throw of the majority of the models in that unit. Any models that fail their saving throw are removed from the unit in roughly equal proportions. In close combat, hits on the unit should be taken by whatever models are in contact with the enemy attackers.

Royal Drum: This rule is based primarily on the movies of Jerzy Hoffman who depicts the drum on campaign with the Ottoman armies. The massive drum was carried on a wagon during the wars against the Poles. All formed Ottoman regiments gain a +1 to their morale, if they are within 12 inches of the drum. Please note if the drum is captured, all Ottoman units have to take an unmodified break test with no benefits from being within 12 inches of the Army commander. The drum and wagon are drawn by horses that move a maximum of 6’’ per turn, benefits from the drum can still be used whilst moving. Camel Drum and Army Band: One formed Ottoman regiment per turn within 12 inches of the drum may reroll a failed break/panic test. Please note if the drum and band is captured, all Ottoman units within 12 inches have to take an unmodified break test with no benefits from being within 12 inches of the Army commander. The Camel Drum and Army Band may move 4’’ per turn, benefits from the drum and musicians can still be used whilst moving. Kazan Regimental Cooking Pot: This cooking pot was very important to the Janissary corps, troops would defend it fiercely and too the death. The pot is placed on a 60mm round base which contains two bearers and two defenders, any Janissary units within 6 inches of the base are considered to be stubborn (WECW p. 53). Skirmish fire: When in skirmish formation mounted and foot figures with carbine\musket can fire only every second man except for Dragoons who can fire every man. Stakes: Stakes negate all strength bonuses for mounted models attacking across them. Only Janissary units may place stakes but other formed units may use the benefits from them. Each Janissary unit may place 6 inches of stakes, the unit may make a free move of 4 inches after deployment is complete and then must deploy their stakes before the start of the game. Chained Guns: Ottoman medium and heavy guns may form into a chained battery (min.3 guns and a max. of 4 guns), which operates under all the rules for batteries (p. 111 WECW). The chained guns provide some defence against attacking cavalry and infantry, both of whom lose 1 attacking rank in combat, in addition if the cavalry or infantry win they can only break through/pursue 1xD6. The chained battery cannot move but the guns can turn 90 degrees left or right.

Characters: 0-1Sultan Morale Elite

M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

Equipment: Sword, pistols, and light armour, mounted.

I 4

A 2

Ld 9

Sv 5+

Points 123

Options: May have heavy armour (+2 pt) cloth horse barding (+4). Special rules: Army commander. 0-1 Ottoman General Morale M WS Elite 8 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 9

Sv 5+

Points 113

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 103

Equipment: Sword, pistols, and light armour, mounted. Options: May have heavy armour (+2 pt) cloth horse barding (+4). Special rules: Army commander if Sultan is not present. 0-1 Army Standard-Bearer Morale M WS BS Elite 8 4 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Equipment: Sword, pistols, and light armour, mounted. Options: May have heavy armour (+2 pt), cloth horse barding (+4). Special rules: Army standard-bearer, all relevant units within 12 inches may re-roll any failed leadership tests. 0-1 Qadi Morale Veteran

M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 60

Equipment: Sword and pistols. Options: May wear light armour. Special rules: May be attached to any unit. The Qadi and the unit he is with can re-roll failed rally attempts, if fighting any Christian army he can upgrade to fanatic Qadi (+40), which gives him a leadership of 9 and makes the character and any unit he is with subject to Hatred (WECW p. 52). 0-3 Amirs Morale Veteran

M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 56

Equipment: Sword, pistols, and light armour, mounted. Options: May have shield (+1 pt), composite bow (+2), light lance (+2), heavy armour (+2 p), cloth horse barding (+4) 0-1 Aga of Janissaries Morale M WS Veteran 8 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 70

Equipment: Sword, pistols, and light armour. Options: May have shield (+1 pt), heavy armour (+2 p). Special rules: Must be attached to a Janissary unit, the unit becomes subject to the rules for Hatred (WECW p. 52).

Cavalry: 0-2 Kapikulu Spahi Cavalry Morale M WS BS Elite 8 4 3

S 4

T 4

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 8

Sv 4+

Points 23

Unit size: from 5-12 figures, mounted. Equipment: Sword, pistols, composite bow, shield, light lance and light armour, mounted. Options: May have heavy armour (+1), cloth horse barding (+4), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt), standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Eastern shock cavalry, Expert horsemen, units may be led by General or Amirs. Light Lance/Thrusting Spear: Gives S+1 when charging or counter charging and can be used throughout the game (WECW p.46). The Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear armed unit always fights first against units not similarly

equipped, if the opposing is armed with the Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear the unit that charged first will fight first. If charging/counter charging then the first round of combat is always fought with the lance/thrusting spear, if hand-to-hand combat lasts a second round then the unit may use Light Lance/sword and pistols if so equipped.

Poles defend the army banner against Turkish assault at the first battle of Chocim 0-6 Fuedal Spahi Cavalry Morale M WS BS Steady 8 3 3 Veteran 8 4 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 7

Sv 6+ 6+

Points 14 19

Unit’s size: from 5-18 figures Equipment: Sword, composite bow, light lance mounted. Options: May have light armour (+2 pt), heavy armour (+3), shield (+2 pt), pistols (+2), cloth horse barding (+4), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt), standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Eastern shock cavalry, Expert horsemen. There must be as many Steady troops as there are Veterans. Light Lance/Thrusting Spear: Gives S+1 when charging or counter charging and can be used throughout the game (WECW p.46). The Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear armed unit always fights first against units not similarly equipped, if the opposing is armed with the Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear the unit that charged first will fight first. If charging/counter charging then the first round of combat is always fought with the lance/thrusting spear, if hand-to-hand combat lasts a second round then the unit may use Light Lance/sword and pistols if so equipped. 0-2 Dellis Cavalry Morale M WS Veteran 8 4

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 7

Sv 5+

Points 19

Unit’s size: From 5-12 figures, mounted. Equipment: Sword, composite bow, light lance, light armour, shield and panzerstechter. Options: May have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Eastern shock cavalry, Rash, Expert horsemen. Light Lance/Thrusting Spear: Gives S+1 when charging or counter charging and can be used throughout the game (WECW p.46). The Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear armed unit always fights first against units not similarly equipped, if the opposing is armed with the Light Lance/ Thrusting Spear the unit that charged first will fight first. If charging/counter charging then the first round of combat is always fought with the lance/thrusting spear, if hand-to-hand combat lasts a second round then the unit may use Light Lance/sword and pistols if so equipped. Panzerstechter: The panzerstechter was a solid metal thrusting sword used by the Poles and other eastern European armies. It may not be used in conjunction with other weapons in the round of combat. Delis can use the weapon in the second round of combat at +1 Strength after the lance has been used in the first round of combat.

0-4 Turcoman and Akincis Cavalry Morale M WS BS S Steady 8 3 3 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 6

Sv 6+

Points 15

Unit’s size: 5-20 figures Equipment: Sword, light throwing spear (can replace with thrusting spear for free), mounted. Options: May have shield (+2 pt), composite bow (+2pt), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt), standard bearer (+16 pts). Special rules: Nomad cavalry may always march move, never charge formed infantry and cavalry frontally but can charge light cavalry and skirmishers such as Tartars, Cossacks, Croats and Dragoons both mounted and on foot etc. Light Throwing Spear: Formed cavalry units equipped with throwing spear may re-roll any misses when and only when they charge into combat. Unit may also use either sword or pistol in the first round of combat, if still in combat after the first round they may use both pistol and sword. The light throwing spear can be used throughout the game as cavalry usually carried several in a quiver.

Infantry: 0-4 Janissaries Morale M Veteran 4 Elite 4

WS 3 4

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 4

W 1 1

I 4 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 8

Sv 6 6

Points 10 15

Unit’s size: 20-40 figures. Equipment: Sword, musket and shield. Options: May have light armour (+1pt), may have an officer (+5pt), musician (+5pt), standard-bearer (+10 pt), up to half the unit may swap shield for half pike/light halberd (+1 pt). Special rules: May have salvo fire (+2pt). Veteran and Elites are Drilled, must take one unit in the army which should be a minimum size of 20 figures. Units with half pike/light halberd use the the rules for mixed formation. Stakes: Each Janissary unit may buy 6 inches of stakes for 30 points.

0-4 Tufekcis Morale M Steady 4 Veteran 4

WS 3 3

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 4

A 1 1

Ld 6 7

Sv -

Points 7 8

Unit’s size: 10-50 figures. Equipment: Sword and musket. Options: May have shield (+1), may have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: There must be as many Steady troops as there are Veterans.

0-2 Arnauts Shot M Raw 4 Steady 4

WS 2 3

BS 2 2

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 2 3

A 1 1

Ld 5 5

Sv -

Points 5 7

Unit’s size: 10-50 figures. Equipment: Sword and musket. Options: May have shield (+1), may have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: Unit can add rank bonus to morale for a total of +2, (maximum Ldr. 7), Light infantry, +2 rank bonus.

0-3 Azab Shot Shot M Raw 5 Steady 5

WS 2 3

BS 2 2

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 2 3

A 1 1

Ld 5 5

Sv -

Points 5 7

Unit’s size: 10-50 figures. Equipment: Sword and musket. Options: May have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: Unit can add rank bonus to morale for a total of +2, (maximum Ldr. 7), Light infantry, +2 rank bonus. 0-3 Azab Bow Shot M Raw 5 Steady 5

WS 2 3

BS 2 2

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 2 3

A 1 1

Ld 5 5

Sv -

Points 5 7

Unit’s size: 10-50 figures. Equipment: Sword and composite bow. Options: May have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: Unit can add rank bonus to morale for a total of +2, (maximum Ldr. 7), Light infantry, +2 rank bonuses, may use massed archery. 0-4 Peasant foot units (Levy) Levy M WS BS Raw 4 2 2

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld 4

Sv -

Points 4

Unit’s size: 10-50 figures. Equipment: Bow. Options: May have an officer (+5 pt), standard-bearer (+10 pt), up to half the unit may use half pike/light halberd (+1 pt).

Special rules: Units are Raw, fear all enemy mounted units, fear all foot units they do not outnumber 2-1 (WECW p. 54). Unit may use Massed archery rules, add rank bonus to morale for a total of +3, (maximum Ldr. 7). Mixed Formation: Units with half pike and bow use the rules for Mixed formations. Half pike: Gives all the advantages of a ordinary pike but always fights with a maximum of 2 ranks. The Cossack Rebels and hastilly raised levies in the Muscovite and Translyvanian armies are the only armies to use this weapon.

0-1 Wagon Tabor Wagon M Defender Steady

M 4

WS -

BS -

S -

T 6

W 3

I -

A -

Ld -

Sv -

Points 15

WS 3

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Sv 4+

Points 10

Equipment: Each wagon may have from 3-6 defenders armed with sword, musket and shield. 0-1 Royal Drum Wagon and M drum. 6 6 Drummers Steady











































Equipment: The six drummers are armed with musket, sword and shield, but will only defend themselves if attacked and count as defending from higher ground (+1 in combat). Royal Drum: This rule is based primarily on the movies of Jerzy Hoffman who depicts the drum on campaign with the Ottoman armies. The massive drum was carried on a wagon during the wars against the Poles. All formed Ottoman regiments gain a +1 to their morale (maximum 9), if they are within 12 inches of the drum. Please note if the drum is captured, all Ottoman units have to take an unmodified break test with no benefits from being within 12 inches of the Army commander. The drum, wagon and drummers are drawn by horses that move a maximum of 6’’ per turn, benefits from the drum can still be used whilst moving. 0-1 Army Camel Drum and Band 1 Camel M WS BS S






drummer and 4 musicians Steady














Equipment: The camel drummer and 4 musicians are armed with swords but will only defend themselves if attacked. Camel Drum and Army Band: One formed Ottoman regiment per turn within 12 inches of the drum may reroll a failed break/panic test. Please note if the drum and band is captured, all Ottoman units within 12 inches have to take an unmodified break test with no benefits from being within 12 inches of the Army commander. The Camel Drum and Army Band may move 4’’ per turn, benefits from the drum and musicians can still be used whilst moving. 0-1 Kazan Regimental Cooking Pot 2 Bearers and 2 M WS BS S Defenders Elite 4 4 3 4















Equipment: Sword, musket, shield and light armour. Kazan Regimental Cooking Pot: This cooking pot was very important to the Janissary corps, troops would defend it fiercely and too the death. The pot is placed on a 60mm round base which contains two bearers and two defenders, any Janissary units within 6 inches of the base are considered to be stubborn (WECW p. 53). Please note if the cooking pot is captured, all Janissary units within 12 inches have to take an unmodified break test with no benefits from being within 12 inches of the Army commander, if the units fail they break and run however if they pass the units become stubborn for the remainder of the game.

Artillery: 0-1 Master Gunner Morale M WS Veteran 4 3

BS 3

S 3

T 4

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Sv -

Points 20

Equipment: Sword and pistol. Options: May wear light armour (+1 pt). Special rules: Must be attached to a medium/heavy gun or battery. 0- 3 Medium guns 12 pdr (3 crew minimum) Artillery morale M WS S Steady 4 2 3 M S 12 pdr (medium gun) 0 7

60 points plus 5 points per crew T W I A Ld 3 1 2 1 6 T W Damage Range 6 2 2 48"

Equipment: Battery equipment and armed with swords. Movement: Medium artillery cannot move once placed but guns can turn 45 degrees and open fire. 0-3 Heavy guns 24 pdr (4 crew minimum) Artillery morale M WS S Steady 4 2 3 M S 24 pdr (heavy gun) 0 8

80 points plus 5 points per crew T W I A Ld 3 1 2 1 6 T W Damage Range 7 3 3 72"

Equipment: Battery equipment and armed with swords. Movement: Heavy artillery cannot move once placed but guns can turn 45 degrees and open fire. Chained Guns: Ottoman medium and heavy guns may be formed into a chained battery (30 pt).

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