Other Sayings Of Swami Vivekananda

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1. Be a hero. Always say, "I have no fear". 2. Struggle hard to get money, but don't get attached to it. 3. Feel that you are great and you become great. 4. To devote your life to the good of all and to the happiness of all is religion. Whatever you do for your own sake is not religion. 5. At my will mountains will crumble up. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal. 6. It is those foolish people who identify themselves with their bodies that piteously cry, 'Weak, weak, we are weak'. 7. The ignorant see the person in the non-person. The sage sees the nonperson in the person. 8. YOU know, I may have to be born again, you see, I have fallen in love with mankind. 9. GOD of truth, be Thou alone my guide… 10.All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. 11.The Vedanta recognizes no sin it only recognizes error. And the greatest error, says the Vedanta is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that. 12.One infinite pure and holy-- beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee. 13.I am the thread that runs through all these pearls," and each pearl is a religion or even a sect thereof. Such are the different pearls, and God is the thread that runs through all of them; most people, however, are entirely unconscious of it.

14.Man can think of divine things only in his own human way; to us the Absolute can be expressed only in our relative language. 15.A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century. 16.A tremendous stream is flowing toward the ocean, carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss. 17.All is the Self or Brahman. The saint, the sinner, the lamb, the tiger, even the murderer, as far as they have any reality, can be nothing else, because there is nothing else. 18.......................Therefore, proclaim your freedom and be what you are-------------------ever free, ever blessed. 19.IMITATION Imitation, cowardly imitation, never makes for progress. 20.All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind. 21.All that is real in me is God; all that is real in God is I. The gulf between God and me is thus bridged. Thus by knowing God, we find that the kingdom of heaven is within us. 22.As we get further and further away from sensepleasures, “knowledge for the sake of knowledge” becomes the supreme pleasure of mind.

23.It is through the many that we reach the one. 24.Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be. 25.Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers and let them go their own way. 26.You cannot believe in GOD until you believe in yourself. 27.When we really begin to live in the world, then we understand what is meant by brotherhood or mankind, and not before. 28.The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourself strong. 29.THE will is not free- it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect -but there is something behind the will which is free. 30.THE more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them. 31.THERE is nothing beyond God, and the sense enjoyments are simply something through which we are passing now in the hope of getting things. 32.YOU know, I may have to be born again, you see, I have fallen in love with mankind. 33.IT is good to love God for hope of reward, but it is better to love God for love's sake; and the prayer goes: O Lord, I do not want wealth nor children nor learning. If it be Thy will, I shall go from birth to birth. But grant me this, that I may love thee without the hope of reward--'love'' unselfishly for love's sake.

34.MY nature is love Him. And therefore I love. I do not pray for any-thing. I do not ask for anything. Let Him place me wherever He likes. I must love Him for love's sake. I can not trade in love. 35.HOW to worship Him? through love. He is to be worshipped as the one beloved dear than everything in this and the next life . 36.THE Lord is great! - He will not allow me to become a hypocrite. Now let what is in come out.... 37.GOD is the ever-active providence, by whose power systems after systems are being evolved out of chaos, made to run for a time and again destroyed. 38.WHY should a man be miserable even here in the reign of a just and merciful God? 39.GOD is to be worshipped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and next life. 40.AS the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee. 41.THROUGH prayer, the love of God grows and assumes a form which is called supreme devotion. Forms vanish, retuals fly away, books are superseded, images, temples, churches, religions and sects, countries and nationalities all these little limitations and bondages fall off by their own nature from him who knows this love of God. 42.The body itself is the biggest disease.

43.Records of great spiritual men of the past do us no good whatever except that they urge us onward to do the same, to experience religion ourselves. 44.Everything that comes from India take as true, until you cogent reasons for disbelieving it. Everything that comes from Europe take as false, until you find cogent reasons for believing it. 45.TO worship God even for the sake of salvation or any other reward is equally degenerate. Love knows no reward. Give your love unto to God, but do not ask anything in return even from Him through pray. 46.PRAYER is divine love alone. When this highest ideal of love is reached, philosophy is thrown away. Who will then care of it ? Freedom, salvation, nirvana- all are thrown away. Who cares to become free while in the enjoyment of divine love? 47.WE find Jesus of Nazareth, in the first place, the true son of the Orient, intensely practical. He has no FAITH in this evanescent world and all its belongings. No need of text-torturing, as is the fashion in the west in modern times, no need of stretching out texts until they will not stretch any more. 48.WE see that the apparent contradictions and perplexities in every RELIGION mark but different stages of growth. The end of all religions is the realizing of God in the soul . That is the one universal religion.

49.The benefit of Yoga is that we learn to control instead of being controlled.

50.No one ever succeeded in keeping society in good humor and at the same time did great works.

51.You have read - 'Look upon your mother as God; look upon your father as God.' But I say. The poor, the illiterate, the ignorant, the afflicted - let these be your God. Know that the service to these alone is the highest religion.

52.A man may be the greatest philosopher in the world but a child in RELIGION. When a man has developed a high state of spirituality he can understand that the kingdom of heaven is within him.' 53.After every happiness comes misery; they may be far apart or near. The more advanced the soul, the more quickly does one follow the other. What we want is neither happiness nor misery. Both make us forget our true nature; both are chains--one iron, one gold; behind both is the Atman, who knows neither happiness nor misery. These are states, and states must ever change; but the nature of the Atman is bliss, peace, unchanging. We have not to get it, we have it; only wash away the dross and see it.

54.When there is a conflict between the heart and the brain, let the heart be followed.

55.A man of intellect can turn into a devil, but never a man of heart. 56.Religion is not a theoretical need but a practical necessity. 57.Whatever fosters materiality is no work. 58.If it is impossible to attain perfection here and now, there is no proof that we can attain perfection in any other life. 59.That part of the Vedas which agrees with reason is the Vedas, and nothing else. 60.If one is a slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel the pure joy of real freedom. 61.Never mind if your contribution is only a mite, your help only a little, blades of grass united into a rope will hold in confinement the maddest of elephants. 62.Salvation is not achieved by inactivity but by spiritual activities. 63.New things have to be learned, have to be introduced and worked out, but is that to be done by sweeping away all that is old, just because it is old? 64.One must raise oneself by one's own exertions.

65.He who always speculates as to what awaits him in future, accomplishes nothing whatsoever. 66.We manufacture our own heaven and can make a heaven even in hell.

67.Let us get rid of the little 'I' and let only the great 'I' live in us.

68.Keep your thoughts on virtue; what we think we become.

69.Be cautious now and do not bow, however sweet to chains.

70.Anything that brings spiritual, mental or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet.

71.Everything that has selfishness for its basis, competition as its right hand, and enjoyment as its goal, must die sooner or later.

72.This is a battlefield, fight your way out. Make your life a manifestation of will strengthened by renunciation.

73.The Hindus believe that a man is a soul and has a body, while Western people believe he is a body and possesses a soul.

74.Of all the scriptures of the world, it is the Vedas alone which declare that the study of the Vedas is secondary.

75.I find that whenever I have made a mistake in my life, it has always been because self entered into the calculation.

76.If a bad time comes, what of it? The pendulum must swing back to the other side. But that is no better. The thing to do is to stop it.

77.This world is our friend when we are its slaves and no more.

78.Eating, drinking, dressing, and society nonsense are not things to throw a life upon.

79.Any amount of theoretical knowledge one may have; but unless one does the thing actually, nothing is learnt.

80.Don't yield to sorrow; everything is in God's hands.

81.If one gets one blow, one must return ten with redoubled fury, then only one is a man.

82.He whose joy is only in himself, whose desires are only in himself, he has learned his lessons.

83.I have worked for this world, Mary, all my life, and it does not give me a piece of bread without taking a pound of flesh.

84.It is religion, the inquiry into the beyond, that makes the difference between man and animal.

85.The moment you quarrel, you are not going God ward, you are going backward, towards the brutes. 86.We, as Vedantists, know for certain that there is no power in the universe to injure us unless we first injure ourselves.

87.Whoever has dared to touch our literature has felt the bondage, and is there bound for ever.

88.If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library.

89.No good comes out of the man who day and night thinks he is nobody.

90.Verily, these three are rare to obtain and come only through the grace of God - human birth, desire to obtain Moksha, and the company of the great-souled ones.

91.Why should you feel ashamed to take the name of Hindu, which is your greatest and most glorious possession.

92.This religion is so great that even a little of it brings a great amount of good.

93.Don't believe what others say unless you yourselves know it to be true.

94.Show your power by suffering.

95.It is better to do something; never mind if it proves to be wrong; it is better than doing nothing.

96.No claim is made by the doer of great deeds, only by lazy worthless fools.

97.To know God is to become God.

98.Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man. Religion is the manifestation of the divinity already in man.

99.He, the brave alone, can deny the self.

100.And if this Maya is so beautiful, think of the wondrous beauty of the Reality behind it.

101.For one thing we may be grateful; this life is not eternal. 102.If I am impure, that is also of my own making, and that very thing shows that I can be pure if I will.

103.You have done well; only try to do better.

104.Is it such a bad choice in this world to think, not of matter but of spirit, not of man but of God.

105.If a man goes towards what is false; it is because he can't get what is true.

106.Knowledge is the finding of unity in diversity, and the highest point in every science is reached when it finds the underlying unity in all variety.

107.Death is better than a vegetating ignorant life; it is better to die on the battlefield than to live a life of defeat.

108.The highest direction is that which takes us to God; every other direction is lower.

109.I want the why of everything. I leave the how to children.

110.When we really begin to live in the world, then we understand what is meant by brotherhood or mankind, and not before.

111.We do not believe in miracles at all but that apparently strange things may be accomplished under the operation of natural laws. There is a vast amount of literature in India on these subjects, and the people there have made a study of these things.

112.I had a deep interest in religion and philosophy from my childhood, and our books teach renunciation as the highest ideal to which we can aspire. It only needed the meeting with a great Teacher--Ramakrishna Paramahamsa--to kindle in me the final determination to follow the path he himself had trod, as in him I found my highest ideal realized.

113.Its not always that you get to hit the iron when its hot; I believe in hitting it so hard that it gets hot.

114.People laugh because I am different. And I laugh because they are all the same.. That's called ATTITUDE

115.I hate this world, this dream, this horrible nightmare, with its churches and chicaneries, its books and blackguardisms, its fair faces and false hearts, its howling righteousness on the surface and utter hollowness beneath and, above all, its sanctified shopkeeping!

116.The earth moves, causing the illusion of the movement of the sun; but the sun does not move. So Prakṛti, or Maya, or Nature, is moving, changing, unfolding veil after veil, turning over leaf after leaf of this grand book--while the witnessing soul drinks in knowledge, unmoved, unchanged.

117.External nature is only internal nature writ large.

118.There is nothing beyond God, and the sense enjoyments are simply something through which we are passing now in the hope of getting better things.

We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves


to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.

120.That man has reached immortality who is disturbed by nothing material.

121.The dray, abstract Advaita must become living-------poetic---------in everyday life; out of hopelessly intricate mythology must come concrete moral forms; and out of bewildering Yogi-ism must come the most scientific and practical psychology------------------and all this must be put in a form so that a child may grasp it.

122.He who sees in the midst of intense activity, intense calm, and in the midst of intensest peace is intensely active [is wise indeed]. ... This is the question: With every sense and every organ active, have you that tremendous peace [so that] nothing can disturb you? Standing on Market Street, waiting for the car with all the rush ... going on around you, are you in meditation — calm and peaceful? In the cave, are you intensely active there with all quiet about you? If you are, you are a Yogi, otherwise not.

123.[This truth] is first to be heard. Hear it first. Think on it day and night. Fill the mind [with it] day and night: "I am It. I am the Lord of the universe. Never was there any delusion.... " Meditate upon it with all the strength of the mind till you actually see these walls, houses, everything, melt away —

[until] body, everything, vanishes. "I will stand alone. I am the One." Struggle on! "Who cares! We want to be free; [we] do not want any powers. Worlds we renounce; heavens we renounce; hells we renounce. What do I care about all these powers, and this and that! What do I care if the mind is controlled or uncontrolled! Let it run on. What of that! I am not the mind, Let it go on!"

124.Will-Power The will is the "still small voice", the real Ruler who says "do" and "do not". It has done all that binds us. The ignorant will leads to bondage, the knowing will can free us. The will can be made strong in thousands of ways; every way is a kind of Yoga, but the systematised Yoga accomplishes the work more quickly. Bhakti, Karma, Raja, and Jnana-Yoga get over the ground more effectively. Put on all powers, philosophy, work, prayer, meditation — crowd all sail, put on all head of steam — reach the goal. The sooner, the better. . . .

125.Perfection is always infinite. We are the Infinite

already. You and I, and all beings, are trying to manifest that infinity.

126.If a man can realise his divine nature with the help of an image, would it be right to call that a sin? Nor even when he has passed that stage, should he call it an error. To the Hindu, man is not travelling from error to truth, but from truth to truth, from lower to higher truth. To him all the religions, from the lowest fetishism to the highest absolutism, mean so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realise the Infinite, each determined by the conditions of its birth and association, and each of these marks a stage of progress; and every soul is a young eagle soaring higher and higher, gathering more and more strength, till it reaches the Glorious Sun.

127.It is the same light coming through glasses of different colours. And these little variations are necessary for purposes of adaptation. But in the heart of everything the same truth reigns. The Lord has declared to the Hindu in His incarnation as Krishna, "I am in every religion as the thread through a string of pearls. Wherever thou seest extraordinary holiness and extraordinary power raising and purifying humanity, know thou that I am there." And what has been the result? I challenge the world to find, throughout the whole system of Sanskrit philosophy, any such expression as that the Hindu alone will be saved and not others. Says Vyasa, "We find perfect men even beyond the pale of our caste and creed." One thing more. How, then, can the Hindu, whose whole fabric of thought centres in God, believe in Buddhism which is agnostic, or in Jainism which is atheistic?

128.To care only for spiritual liberty and not for social liberty is a defect, but the opposite is a still greater defect. Liberty of both soul and body is to be striven for.

129.One who leans on others cannot serve the God of Truth.

130.The Purusha, when it identifies itself with nature, forgets that it is pure and infinite. The Purusha does not love, it is love itself. It does not exist, it is existence itself. The Soul does not know, It is knowledge itself. It is a mistake to say the Soul loves, exists, or knows. Love, existence, and knowledge are not the qualities of the Purusha, but its essence. When they get reflected upon something, you may call them the qualities of that something. They are not the qualities but the essence of the Purusha, the great Atman, the Infinite Being, without birth or death, established in its own glory. It appears to have become so degenerate that if

you approach to tell it, "You are not a pig," it begins to squeal and bite.

131.The powers of the mind should be concentrated and the mind turned back upon itself; as the darkest places reveal their secrets before the penetrating rays of the sun, so will the concentrated mind penetrate its own innermost secrets.

132.It is only work that is done as freewill offering to humanity and to nature that does not bring with it any binding attachment. 133.However we may receive blows, and however knocked about we may be, the Soul is there and is never injured. We are that Infinite.

134.There is nothing beyond God, and the sense enjoyments are simply something through which we are passing now in the hope of getting better things.

135.What is material and what is not material? When the world is the end and God the means to attain that end, then that is material. When God is the end and the world is only the means to attain that end, spirituality has begun.

136.It appears now a very big and a very great undertaking; to many it appears very startling, but that is because of superstition, nothing else. By eating all sorts of bad and indigestible food, or by starving ourselves, we are

incompetent to eat a good meal. We have listened to words of weakness from our childhood. You hear people say that they do not believe in ghosts, but at the same time, there are very few who do not get a little creepy sensation in the dark. It is simply superstition. So with all religious superstitions There are people in this country who, if I told them there was no such being as the devil, will think all religion is gone. Many people have said to me, how can there be religion without a devil? How can there be religion without someone to direct us? How can we live without being ruled by somebody? We like to be so treated, because we have become used to it. We are not happy until we feel we have been reprimanded by somebody every day. The same superstition! But however terrible it may seem now, the time will come when we shall look back, each one of us, and smile at every one of those superstitions which covered the pure and eternal soul, and repeat with gladness, with truth, and with strength, I am free, and was free, and always will be free. This monistic idea will come out of Vedanta, and it is the one idea that deserves to live. The scriptures may perish tomorrow. Whether this idea first flashed into the brains of Hebrews or of people living in the Arctic regions, nobody cares. For this is the truth and truth is eternal; and truth itself teaches that it is not the special property of any individual or nation. Men, animals, and gods are all common recipients of this one truth. Let them all receive it. Why make life miserable? Why let people fall into all sorts of superstitions? I will give ten thousand lives, if twenty of them will give up their superstition. Not only in this country, but in the land of its very birth, if you tell people this truth, they are frightened. They say, "This idea is for Sannyâsins who give up the world and live in forests; for them it is all right. But for us poor householders, we must all have some sort of fear, we must have ceremonies," and so on.

137.Take a deep breath and fill the lungs. Slowly throw the breath out. Take it through one nostril and fill the lungs, and throw it out slowly through the other nostril. Some of us do not breathe deeply enough. Others cannot fill the lungs enough. These breathings will correct that very much. Half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening will make you another person. This sort of breathing is never dangerous. The other exercises should be practiced very slowly. And measure your strength. If ten minutes are a drain, only take five.

138. Abidyayamantare Bartamanaha Swayam Dhiraha Panditamanyamanaha ! Dandamyamanaha Pariyanti Mudha Andhenebya Niyamana Yathandha !! “Fools dwelling in darkness, wise in their own conceit, and puffed up with vain knowledge, go round and round staggering to and fro, like blind men led by the blind” (Mund. Up., I. ii. 8). The world is full of these. Everyone wants to be a teacher, every beggar wants to make a gift of a million dollars! Just as these beggars are ridiculous, so are these teachers.

139.So, in India, social reform has to be preached by showing how much more spiritual a life the new system will bring; and politics has to be preached by showing how much it will improve the one thing that the nation wants — its spirituality. Every man has to make his own choice; so has every nation. We made our choice ages ago, and we must abide by it. And, after all, it is not such a bad choice. Is it such a bad choice in this world to think not of matter but of spirit, not of man but of God? That intense faith in another world, that intense hatred for this world, that intense power of renunciation, that intense faith in God, that intense faith in the immortal soul, is in you. I challenge anyone to give it up. You cannot. You may try to impose upon me by becoming materialists, by talking materialism for a few months, but I know what you are; if I take you by the hand, back you come as good theists as ever were born. How can you change your nature?

140.The Rishi as he is called in the Upanishads is not an ordinary man, but a Mantra-drashtâ. He is a man who sees religion, to whom religion is not merely book-learning, not argumentation, nor speculation, nor much talking, but actual realization, a coming face to face with truths which transcend the senses. This is Rishihood, and that Rishihood does not belong

to any age, or time, or even to sects or caste. Vâtsyâyana says, truth must be realised; and we have to remember that you, and I, and every one of us will be called upon to become Rishis; and we must have faith in ourselves; we must become world-movers, for everything is in us. We must see Religion face to face, experience it, and thus solve our doubts about it; and then standing up in the glorious light of Rishihood each one of us will be a giant; and every word falling from our lips will carry behind it that infinite sanction of security; and before us evil will vanish by itself without the necessity of cursing any one, without the necessity of abusing any one, without the necessity of fighting any one in the world. May the Lord help us, each one of us here, to realise the Rishihood for our own salvation and for that of others!

141.No one can get anything unless he earns it. This is an eternal law. We may sometimes think it is not so, but in the long run we become convinced of it.

142.Work for work's sake. There are some who are really the salt of the earth in every country and who work for work's sake, who do not care for name, or fame, or even to go to heaven. They work just because good will come of it. There are others who do good to the poor and help mankind from still higher motives, because they believe in doing good and love good. The motive for name and fame seldom brings immediate results, as a rule; they come to us when we are old and have almost done with life. If a man works without any selfish motive in view, does he not gain anything? Yes, he gains the highest. Unselfishness is more paying, only people have not the patience to practice it. It is more paying from the point of view of health also. Love, truth, and unselfishness are not merely moral figures of speech, but they form our highest ideal, because in them lies such a manifestation of power. In the first place, a man who can work for five days, or even for five minutes, without any selfish motive whatever, without thinking of future, of heaven, of punishment, or anything of the kind, has in him the capacity to become a powerful moral giant. It is hard to

do it, but in the heart of our hearts we know its value, and the good it brings. It is the greatest manifestation of power — this tremendous restraint; self-restraint is a manifestation of greater power than all outgoing action. A carriage with four horses may rush down a hill unrestrained, or the coachman may curb the horses. Which is the greater manifestation of power, to let them go or to hold them? A cannonball flying through the air goes a long distance and falls. Another is cut short in its flight by striking against a wall, and the impact generates intense heat. All outgoing energy following a selfish motive is frittered away; it will not cause power to return to you; but if restrained, it will result in development of power. This self-control will tend to produce a mighty will, a character which makes a Christ or a Buddha. Foolish men do not know this secret; they nevertheless want to rule mankind. Even a fool may rule the whole world if he works and waits. Let him wait a few years, restrain that foolish idea of governing; and when that idea is wholly gone, he will be a power in the world. The majority of us cannot see beyond a few years, just as some animals cannot see beyond a few steps. Just a little narrow circle — that is our world. We have not the patience to look beyond, and thus become immoral and wicked. This is our weakness, our powerlessness.

143.We can never lose what is really ours. Who can lose his being? Who can lose his very existence? If I am good, it is the existence first, and then that becomes colored with the quality of goodness. If I am evil, it is the existence first, and that becomes colored with the quality of badness. That existence is first, last, and always; it is never lost but ever present.

21. Rajayoga---------Unhealthy persons cannot be Yogis. 23. mind------As soon as his thinking power goes, he become no better than an animal. 24. edu------The end and aim of all training is to make the man grow. 25. We get caught. How? Not by what we give but by what we expect. We get misery in return for our love; not from the fact that we love, but from the fact that we want love in return. There is no misery where there is no want.

26. solution---The miseries of the world cannot be cured by physical help only. Until man’s nature changes, these physical needs will always arise, and miseries will always be felt, and no amount of physical help will cure them completely. The only solution of this problem is to make mankind pure. Ignorance is the mother of all the evil

and all the misery we see. Let men have light, let them be pure and spiritually strong and educated, then alone will misery cease in the world, not before. • 27. ideal---- The vast majority of persons are

groping through this dark life without any ideal at all. If a man with an ideal makes a thousand mistakes, I am sure that the man without an ideal makes fifty thousand…………….To the vast majority of mankind, the body is everything; the body is all the universe to them; bodily enjoyment is their all in all. This demon of the worship of the body and of the things of the body has entered into us all. We may indulge in tall talk and take very high flights, but we are like vultures all the same; our mind is directed to the piece of carrion down below. Fear-- Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear. Knowledge--- First get rid of the delusion “I am the body,” then only will we want real knowledge. And------ Freedom can never be reached by the weak. Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.

• Work-If you are poor, work. If you are rich, work. If you are burdened with un-seemingly unfair responsibilities, work. If disappointments come, work. If sorrow overwhelms you and loved ones seem not true, work. If health is threatened, work. When dreams are shattered and hope seems dead, work. Work as if your life is in peril. Its really is. No matter what ails you, work. Work faithfully. Work in faith. Work is the great remedy available for both mental and physical afflictions. • Nivedita faith—The ultimate fact in the world is man, not power: the ultimate fact in man is God. Therefore let all men believe in themselves. To all men let us say---------------be strong. Quit ye like men. Work out that which worketh in you. Believe in yourselves. • Thinking---- Bless people when the revile you. Think how much good they are doing by helping to stamp out the false ego. Hold fast to the Atman, think only pure thoughts, and you will accomplish more than a regiment of mere preachers. • Edu-----Learn with all devotion. • Medita------- Work a little harder at meditation and it comes. You do not feel the body or anything else. When you come out of it after the

hour, you have had the most beautiful rest you ever had in your life. That is the only way you ever give rest to your system. •

Love---We will illustrate love by a triangle, of which the first angle at the base is fearlessness. So long as there is fear, it is not love. Love banishes all fear. A mother with her baby will face a tiger to save her child. The second angle is that love never asks, never begs. The third or the apex is that love loves for the sake of love itself. Even the idea of object vanishes. Love is the only form in which love is loved. This is the highest abstraction and the same as the Absolute. Evil-The root of evil is in the illusion that we are bodies. This, if any, is the original sin.

• Nived---There is one way, and one way only. It is, throughout the early years of education, to remember that there is nothing so important as the training of the FEELINGS. To feel nobly, and to choose loftily and honestly, is a thousand fold more important to the development of faculty than any other single aspect of the educational process. • Mind power---Along with the development of concentration we must develop the power of detachment. • Mind power---You must keep the mind fixed on one object, like an unbroken stream of oil. • Mind power---

The Only Key The power of concentration is the only key to the treasurehouse of knowledge. • Mind power---Concentration is the essence of all knowledge. • Mind power---Concentration of the mind is the source of all knowledge. •

139.The beauteous earth, the glorious sun, The calm, sweet moon, the spangled sky, Causation’s laws do make them run; They live in bonds, in bonds they die.

And mind its mantle, dreamy net, Casts o’er them all and holds them fast: In warp and woof of thought are set Earth, hells, and heavens, or worst or best.

Know these are but the outer crust – All space and time, effect and cause; I am beyond all sense, all thought, The witness of the universe.

Not two or many, ‘tis but One;

And thus in me all me’s I have. I cannot hate, I cannot shun Myself from me – I can but love.

From dreams awake, from bonds be free. Be not afraid! This mystery, My shadow, cannot frighten me. Know once for all that I am free.


Behold, it comes in might, The power that is not power, The light that is in darkness, The shade in dazzling light.

It is joy that never spoke, And grief unfelt, profound,

Immortal life unlived, Eternal death unmourned.

It is not joy nor sorrow, But that which is between,

It is not night or morrow, But that which joins them in.

It is sweet rest in music; And pause in sacred art; The silence between speaking; Between two fits of passion— It is the calm of heart.

It is beauty never seen, And love that stands alone, It is song that lives un-sung, And knowledge never known.

It is death between two lives, And lull between two storms, The void whence rose creation, And that where it returns.

To it the tear-drop goes, To spread the smiling form It is the Goal of Life, And Peace—its only home!

====================================================== A HYMN TO THE DIVINE MOTHER

Manifestations of Her glory show In power of immeasurable might, Throughout the universe, powers that swell The sea of birth and death, forces that change And break up the Unchanged and changed again.

Lo! Where shall we seek refuge, save in Her? To friend and foe Thy lotus - eyes are even; Ever Thine animating touch brings fruit To fortunate and unfortunate alike; The shade of death and immortality -Both these, O mother, are Thy grace Supreme! Mother Supreme! Oh, may Thy gracious face Never be turned away from me, Thy child! What Thou art, the Mother? The All. How praise? My understanding is so little worth.

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