Organization Behavior Learning

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  • Words: 503
  • Pages: 16
Organizational Behaviour

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Learning is modification of behaviour through practices, training or experience. It is an important input in individual behaviour. 2. Four theories explain how learning takes place. The four models are - classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitive learning, and social learning. 3. Learning principles need to be observed in any training programme. The principles are motivation, reinforcement, learning curves, meaningfulness of material and learning styles. 4. Learning is an important component of OB because of its impact on individual behaviour 5. Just as there is learning by an individual, there is organizational learning too.

Learning Learning Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

Learning Learning ••Involves Involveschange change ••IsIsrelatively relativelypermanent permanent ••IsIsacquired acquiredthrough throughexperience experience

Theories of Learning

Theories of Learning Classical Conditioning A type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response.

Key KeyConcepts Concepts ••Unconditioned Unconditionedstimulus stimulus ••Unconditioned Unconditionedresponse response ••Conditioned Conditionedstimulus stimulus ••Conditioned Conditionedresponse response

Classical Conditioning

Theories of Learning (cont’d) Operant Conditioning A type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.

Key KeyConcepts Concepts ••Reflexive Reflexive(unlearned) (unlearned)behavior behavior ••Conditioned Conditioned(learned) (learned)behavior behavior ••Reinforcement Reinforcement

Theories of Learning (cont’d) Social-Learning Theory People can learn through observation and direct experience.

Key KeyConcepts Concepts ••Attentional Attentionalprocesses processes ••Retention Retentionprocesses processes ••Motor Motorreproduction reproductionprocesses processes ••Reinforcement Reinforcementprocesses processes

Theories of Learning (cont’d) Shaping Behavior Systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response.

Key KeyConcepts Concepts ••Reinforcement Reinforcementisisrequired requiredto tochange changebehavior. behavior. ••Some Somerewards rewardsare aremore moreeffective effectivethan thanothers. others. ••The Thetiming timingof ofreinforcement reinforcementaffects affectslearning learningspeed speedand and permanence. permanence.

Types of Reinforcement •

Positive reinforcement – Providing a reward for a desired behavior.

Negative reinforcement – Removing an unpleasant consequence when the desired behavior occurs.

Punishment – Applying an undesirable condition to eliminate an undesirable behavior.

Extinction – Withholding reinforcement of a behavior to cause its cessation.

Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous Reinforcement A desired behavior is reinforced each time it is demonstrated.

Intermittent Reinforcement A desired behavior is reinforced often enough to make the behavior worth repeating but not every time it is demonstrated.

Schedules of Reinforcement (cont’d) Fixed-Interval Schedule Rewards are spaced at uniform time intervals.

Variable-Interval Schedule Rewards are initiated after a fixed or constant number of responses.

Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement

Behavior Modification OB Mod The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting.

Five FiveStep StepProblem-Solving Problem-SolvingModel Model 1. 1. Identify Identifycritical criticalbehaviors behaviors 2. 2. 3. 3.

Develop Developbaseline baselinedata data Identify Identifybehavioral behavioralconsequences consequences

4. 4. 5. 5.

Develop Developand andapply applyintervention intervention Evaluate Evaluateperformance performanceimprovement improvement

OB MOD Organizational Applications •

Well Pay versus Sick Pay – Reduces absenteeism by rewarding attendance, not absence.

Employee Discipline – The use of punishment can be counter-productive.

Developing Training Programs – OB MOD methods improve training effectiveness.

Self-management – Reduces the need for external management control.

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