Organisational Study Guideline At Sms

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 904
  • Pages: 4
ORGANIZATION STUDY All the students of MBA & MIB completing the second semester are to take up a one month of ORGANIZATION STUDY in an organization of their choice. The objectives of the study are: 1. To familiarize the students with a business organization 2. To familiarize them with different departments in the organization and their functioning 3. To enable the students to understand how the key business process are carried out in organizations 4. Understand how information is used in organization for decision making at various levels and 5. To relate theory with practice The above are required so that they better understand the area wise subjects taught in their Business Management Programme. This should also prepare the students with enough understanding about business organizations to enable them to locate problems to be solved as ‘Final Year Project’ later in their course. Points to be noted Please keep in mind the fact that this is NOT intended to be a problemsolving project, which has to be done in the final year. Please bear in mind that processes and functions are your focus and not data from various departments, which should only be used to help you understand the organization. SELECTION OF ORGANIZATION Care to be taken when choosing the organization. Try and choose an organization where you will be able to see 1. Operations & Systems 2. Accounts & Finance 3. Personnel & HR 4. Marketing Functions And their interactions with each other The organization chosen need not be very large, but should have all the above functional areas for you to study. This study is focused on principles and techniques in use and not on data and information i.e. to gain firsthand knowledge about how an organization is being run. HOW TO GO ABOUT THE WORK

1. Have an organization coordinator/guide in the organization. Visit the organization and have a walk through and to identify and acquaint themselves with the different departments. 2. Make the organization chart for the organization and try to understand the functions of the managers/officers and supervisors in the different departments. Record these observations of yours and clarify with your supervisor to check if the same is correct. 3. Identify the key functions of each department and try to understand how it is carried out (the process) fore.g.: Materials department having the purchase function. Process could be: collect intends, check intends, find suppliers, get Quotes, decide who to purchase from, prepare and issue purchase orders, follow up till delivery is got. 4. Try and interact with personnel and customers (both external & internal) users, to find if there are problems with the processes. Make record of your findings. 5. Find how the following are done in the organization i. New product development ii. Marketing  Promotion  Sale • locating customers • Qualifying customers • Contacting customer and making sale • Order filling • Payment Collection iii. Operation / Manufacturing  The operations/Manufacturing process  Raw Materials and conversion  Procurement  Sores  Production planning and control  Quality control iv. Accounting and Finance  A/c systems adopted  Source & application of funds  Management of payables and receivables  Costing system  Pricing system  Budgeting and budgetary control

 Financial analysis of a few previous years’ statements of accounts v. Personnel & HR  Recruiting  Induction  Training – types & where used (process of training)  Performance appraisal system  IR Scenario  Grievances & Grievance handling  Discipline  Separation Study the extent of use of information technology in different departments and also try and ascertain the possibility of its use wherever the use is currently less. Do a SWOT analysis for the organization. EVALUATION On return to SMS each students will be required to make a presentation of the study and will also have to submit a written report, which will be used for evaluation. Please also make it a point to send a joining report (By organization Guide/Cocoordinator) from the organization within a week of your reporting for the study. Please mark your attendance daily with the organization Guide. The school shall also contact the organization guide to receive a confidential feedback report about each student at the end of the project.

School of Management Studies Cochin University of Science and Technology Kochi-22, Kerala, India

Evaluation Report Name of student : Name of the Organisation: Period of study


From _______________to________________

To be filled by the guide at the Organisation (Kindly tick in the appropriate box) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Very Regular


Not Regular

Seriousness and Dedication Mannerism and Courtesy Ability to Understand Willingness for hard work Working towards an objective

Very serious & Dedicated


Calls for Improvement

Very Courteous


Need to Improve

Very able


Yet to Develop


Not much willing shown

Partially focused

Need to focus



Very much willing Does work with complete focus Very much Coverage of topics exhaustive Interest in linkages Very much among function interested Capacity to see Very much business as a whole Interested OVERALL PERFORMANCE (Please put your Marks: out of 100)

Other Remarks


Signature of the Supervisor


Name Designation

: :



Shows some Interest Shows some Interest

Not interested Not Interested

(Office Seal) Please Note: Students are required to bring this form in a sealed envelope, duly filled by the supervisor at the organization.

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