Organ Thieves, Alien Masks & White House Maoists

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The American Worldview Alert Issue #5

Dr. Frederick Meekins


Organ Thieves, Hyperfeminized Football & White House Maoists: Headline Potpourri #10 Congress is considering authorization of a tax deduction for pet expenses of up to $3500. Frankly, if you can’t afford to pay for your pet, you have no business owning a pet. Why should the rest of us have to pick up the tab for this? And unlike children, other than not deliberately running over it, I have no grand moral obligation to your pets. This is going to end up causing crazy cat people, who hardly pay any taxes anyway because of their near unemployability, to end up paying no taxes at all. Van Jones is not only a professed Communist but also a high-ranking occultist as well. In an episode of PID radio, broadcasters Derek Gilbert and Doctor Future pointed out that Obama’s former special advisor for green jobs is also a fellow at the Institute For Noetic Sciences, a New Age think tank that researches “extended human capacities”, “integral health”, and “emerging worldviews”. These categories include psychic abilities, the survival of consciousness after death, and earth-worshipping pantheism. Obama’s circle of advisors continues to grow more creepy and Nazi-like. Obama’s regulatory czar, who will play a pivotal role in overseeing how laws and policies are implemented, believes organs should be harvested from the terminally ill without their permission. WorldNetDaily reports Sustein as writing. “the state owns the rights to the body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions.” Before this is all over with and these tyrants driven from office, one of those “certain hopeless conditions” will no doubt be disagreeing with the Obama regime. White House Communications Director Anita Dunn claims she was only joking when she said Chairman Moa was one of her two favorite political philosophers. However, could someone reflect in an admiring manner upon something witty Hitler said and not expect their to be fallout over it? Trent Lott’s Senate career was ruined for admiring Strom Thurmond at Strom Thurmond’s own birthday party. And unlike Mao who killed well over 30 million people, Strom Thurmond never killed a single soul. When asked during a presidential campaign who his favorite philosopher was, George W. Bush responded Jesus Christ. For a sincerely held religious belief, he was castigated as a threat to freedom of religion. Apparently though, mass murder in

the name of secularism is perfectly acceptable in the minds of many liberals. Prudes are in a tizzy that late night host Jimmy Kimmel is dating a woman on his staff. For those unable to tell the difference, it should be pointed out that Letterman is already hitched. We are certainly so much better off since abolishing Christian standards of morality. Sodomites rampage in the street to demand we recognize their perversions and we hardly bat an eye. A single man takes a single woman out on a date and it is just about considered a headline scandal. The state of Florida plans to Terri Schiavo the terminally ill should a swine flu epidemic break out. Patients suffering from conditions such as end stage cancer and multiple sclerosis will be denied admission to the hospital during such an emergency, no doubt to die either at home or in the streets. For opposing Rush Limbaugh’s attempt to purchase the Rams, one might be inclined to call such voices pansies or dandelions, but that would be an insult to flowers everywhere. For pansies are hearty on their own amidst freezing winter temperatures and dandelions stand tall and firm no matter how much they are despised. The cowardice is appalling. Interesting, isn’t it, how an entire nation is suppose to cave to the demands of a few disgruntled Blacks. In a society where no viewpoint or culture is to be heralded as better than or superior to any other, why are a few Blacks automatically considered to be more right than any White? The contemporary Caucasian has got to be the most spineless and gullible variety of human being to ever walk this planet.

Mohler Thinks He Knows What Your Career Should Be More Than You Do On his 10/8/09 broadcast, Albert Mohler was in a tizzy wondering why fewer young men are going into missions work than women. Since we are going to turn this into yet another opportunity to bash men, a pastime increasingly popular in certain Evangelical circles, could it be that as the Bible seems to indicate men might be less prone to the kinds of emotional manipulation many missionaries utilize to whip people up into a frenzy. Just because someone in the pulpit is in a froth as to why we should do something does not mean by default that we have to go out and do it if it is not an explicit Biblical command but rather an individual interpretation. One must also ask, if in these circles women are suppose to be keepers at home, who is suppose

to go out and work in order to put something in the hands of these mendicants every time they come knocking? Furthermore, is it really the call of God not being heeded or merely overzealous school administrators being ignored in terms of individual lives? In his remarks, Mohler lamented the geographical blinders of Christian youth focusing on ministry closer to home. Interesting also how someone headquartered in what is likely one of the most lily White sections of the country insists the rest of us aren’t pleasing God unless we trounce off to the Third World’s disease ridden cesspools. I wonder what Albert Mohler’s done lately where a microphone wasn’t involved. When one couples this Southern Baptist theologian’s obsession with those not married by the age of 22 and now this seeming ability to augur what young men should be doing in terms of career even better than they themselves can deduce, one could easily conclude that what Dr. Mohler has a problem with is the freedom we have in Christ to settle many of life’s most important decisions for ourselves.

Hispanosupremacists Rampage Over Illegal Alien Costume A number of Hispanosupremacists contend that a Halloween costume titled “Illegal Alien” consisting of an extraterrestrial mask, an orange jumpsuit, and a piece of cardboard labeled “green card” will hurt their friends that are illegals. Would they prefer the costume consist of a sombrero, a beer bottle, and a book of Foodstamps? Frankly, since illegals don't belong here, rather than worry how this costume hurts illegals, maybe we should worry how illegals are hurting the United States. I remember one time it being said "undocumenteds" should not be referred to as "aliens" because these human migrants are from the planet earth and should not be referred to "illegal" either because "no human being is illegal". Yet I bet all this posturing never stopped them from calling the White folks naive enough to fall

for all this nonsense stupid gringos. Now it seems we can't even refer to aliens as aliens. Mark my words eventually you won't even be able to refer to "extraterrestrials" as "extraterrestrials" since that will be a "thought crime against galactic unity". If retailers such as Target cave to this pressure and remove the costume from sale, conservatives of all stripes and hues should rally to have Kwanza items banned as well. That might be the celebration of an ethnic group not even a party to this dispute, but those participating in that celebration are part of the same mindset out to destroy America. by Frederick Meekins

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