Oral Exam - Hints

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 702
  • Pages: 3
Interactive EU Tests & Preparatory Material www.eutests.eu

Frequently asked questions at the oral exam Please note that the oral exam is not to be confused with a job interview as it is not related to any specific task or job you are applying for. Its aim is to test the candidate's knowledge of the chosen domain (Public administration, Law, Economics or Audit/financial management) along with his/her communication skills, presentation capabilities and find out more about the candidate's professional background. The interview usually starts with the jury's introduction, followed by a request to present yourself based on the CV you presented along with you motivation to work in the EU. This usually takes 10-15 minutes. After that, an approximately 30 minute-long exam takes place where you should answer all questions to your best knowledge. The most important aspect is to show enthusiasm for the subject and try to put every issue in a wider policy context. Even if the answer is uncertain, presenting that you are well informed and up-to-date will give a good impression. In the very end, you will be asked whether you have any question to the jury. Try to think of something other than inquiring about the expected date of results or so; better ask a question about professional work as an official or how is everyday life in Brussels. Make sure to revise all issues related to your personal experiences that you listed in your CV and also it is worth trying to find out more about the jury's professional background so as to know what types of questions you may expect. The name of jury members is published on EPSO's website, but it is absolutely forbidden to make any contact with any of them! Below you will find some examples of questions previously asked from candidates. This is by no means an official list, its aim is to help you have a better picture of what to expect at the oral test. It essential that you keep track of current events and browse all Directorate Generals' website a few days before the interview to know which are the "hot" topics.

Interactive EU Tests & Preparatory Material www.eutests.eu

• How often does the Economic and Social Committee meet? • What is REACH? • How is energy policy related to other policies? • EU – Middle East relations • Services directive and its main points • Role of the Court of Justice in advancing European law • What is Galileo? • What are the GMOs and why are they a major political issue? • EU trade policy in general • What is the WTO's Doha Round? • Major points of the Lisbon Agenda • Most important competencies of the European Parliament • Current status of the Constitutional Treaty • What is the budget of the EU? How is it distributed? •

If you did a traineeship ("stage"), what are your critiques of the Commission?

What do you think of the use of external staff for Commission activities?

• EU budget, what could be used to finance environmental programmes • What is Schengen? •

Is the European Space Agency an agency like the Envionmental Space Agency?

Pros and cons of EU enlargement in the area of environment

What do you think about the EU having a seat in the UN Security Council?

What is the definition of "civil society" and how can we consult it?

When you become an official ("fonctionnaire"), what is the first training you will follow?

You work with someone who dislikes French people, how do you react?

You supervise a team and one of your people comes late, is often absent, does not write his reports, how do you deal with it?

• What was your greatest success?

Interactive EU Tests & Preparatory Material www.eutests.eu

Should we have quotas based on nationality, gender, physical disability in this concours?

• How did you judge the concours so far - was it fair, difficult, etc.? •

What would you say are the most important attributes of somebody working in the Commission?

You lived in x European countries, which one do you prefer?

Why did you learn Spanish/Italian/Russian etc.?

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