Oracle Applications 11.5.10

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,144
  • Pages: 14
ORACLE APPLICATIONS DBA BLOG « Multi Node to Single Node Cloning | Main | Upgrading JDK to 1.5 and configuring Jconsole » I N S TA L L IN G O R AC L E A P P L IC AT IO N S



Installing Oracle Applications on Linux AS 4 In today’s post i will describe the steps to install oracle Application on linux. This is a simple single node installation. Conventions # prompt refers to my root prompt. $ prompt refer to my user account prompts. All OS commands are in italics as usual. Verify OS version The fist step would be however to verify your Linux installation. You could check the version of the Linux installed by the command # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2) Operating System utilities Check Perl Software You must have perl 5.0053 or higher installed to be able to create the staging area using the perl script Java Requirement On 11.5.10, Rapidwiz, installs the J2SE 1.4.2 automatically for systems running on Sun Solaris, Linux, or Windows Operating Systems. Additional Patches For Redhat linux 4 you must apply patch 4198954 This will installt the OS packages compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5.i386.rpm compat-libcwait-2.1-1.i386.rpm Create directories to hold your Oracle Applications # mkdir sam # ls -l total 24 drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Aug 30 14:41 lost+found

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 11:55 sam # chmod -R 777 sam OS user creation I am following a unix multi user installation so you need to create two OS user accounts,orasam for the database and applsam for the applications. # useradd -g dba -d /u05/sam/orasam orasam # useradd -g dba -d /u05/sam/applsam applsam Xhost client settings If you are installing using a Remote XServer you may need execute the following command # xhost + access control disabled,clients can connect from any host Set umask 022 for both the user accounts Setting umask to 022 ensures that group and others have read and execute permissions, but not write permission. # su - orasam $ vi .bash_profile add the line at the end umask 002 # su - applsam $ vi .bash_profile add the line at the end umask 002 Modify the orainventory for your new installation # vi /etc/oraInst.loc inventory_loc=/u05/sam/oraInventory inst_group=dba Set the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL parameter for both the user accounts orasam and applsam # su - orasam $ vi .bash_profile add the lines at the end LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL # su - applsam $ vi .bash_profile add the lines at the end LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19

export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL Starting the installation You start the installation as the root user by running the rapidwiz executable from # cd /u02/stage11i102/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz # ./rapidwiz

The first which you see screen is the rapid install welcome screen.

In the next screen you see,It presents you with choices either to do a fresh installation or perform an upgrade of an existing instance, I choose the first oiption.

In case you have a configuration file you can browse and choose the file here. This option is useful while doing multi node installation. Since this is a fresh install I choose NO.

The next screen is used to decide if you wish to do a single node or a multi node installation, we chose a single node installation here.

In this screen you sepcify your database OS user account and its base directory.

The following screen prompts to choose the kind of licensing we wish to have for our e business suite (in case of Vision installations you will not see this screen)

This screen is used to choose the country specific functionalities or localizations which might be required.

The next screen is used to select any additional language which we might want to install with ebusiness suite. You must have staged the appropriate language CD before selecting the language.

You must now select the character set for your database and applications, I used UTF8 to allow me to add additional languages in the future.

In this screen you specify your OS application user account and the base directory for it. You can click on advanced to further edit the directory structure.

Now you specify your domain name, and port pool. Your port pool is used to assign the ports for your various oracle application process without causing a conflict

You can specify a location to save the configuration information you have entered so far. In case of a multi node installation this config file is used to do the installation on the other nodes.

The installer will now perform a check for all the OS utilities disk space permissions port availability and display the results.

You will be prompted to start the installation of oracle applications in the next screen.

A progress window will now display the status of your installation while you grab a drink for your self

After the installation is completed a post installation sheck will be done to ensure that all the services are working as desired. Note: The installtion described above was single node installation of PROD instance of Oracle Applications on a Linux environment. P OS TE D




S E P T E M B E R 21, 2006 06:25 PM Permalink



Quite elaborative, i like it much. Posted by: Remy | October 3, 2006 09:31 AM Excellent....step by step guide for installation Posted by: vin | October 8, 2006 07:59 AM Hi Sam, Excellent document. I was successfully installed apps on Linux AS4 based on your document. Can you please let me know that how the users acccess the apps from their systems? Thanks Best regards Krishna

Posted by: Krishna | November 23, 2006 02:47 AM Hi sam, This is the great place i have hit today in my quest to find how to install ii1 11.5.10 on an XP machine. I could not find it. i will appreciate i you can help me. Another thing, appsdbablog seems purely for the techinical blogs, can you suggest me equally effective and beneficial blos for the 11i functional side? thanks, Posted by: Mohammed Ahmed | January 6, 2007 05:13 PM Hi, Where i get the oracle E-Businedd free download.If u know the URL,Pls let me know.... Thnx n Advance Sathaya S Posted by: Sathya | January 7, 2007 08:59 PM



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