Oracle 10g Rac Install-config On Solaris

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 9
Oracle 10g RAC Installation/Configuration Steps on Solaris Steps to install Oracle 10g RAC Software on Solaris

Pre-Install Tasks 1)

Ensure that external shared disks are allocated (preferably RAW) for storing Oracle Clusterware files (OCR and voting) and DB files 2)

Ensure IPs are set up properly on each node of cluster • One private IP address for each node to server as private interconnect – must be defined in /etc/hosts on each node – will be used during clusterware install

One public IP for each node to be used as Virtual IP for client connections and for connection failover – Clusterware will manage this VIP – should have entry in /etc/hosts, but SHOULD NOT BE CONFIGURED/UP (test by pinging)- CRS will manage the VIP later on • One public fixed host name address for each node • Ensure that the Network Interface Names are the same on all nodes of the RAC 3) • • •

Ensure all necessary IDs/groups created oinstall group dba group oracle UNIX ID with oinstall as primary group and dba as secondary group


Ensure all OS is configured properly according to Oracle’s install guide pkginfo –I SUNWarc


Ensure all OS patches are in place – refer to Oracle’s install guide


Check Kernel Parameters – refer to Oracle’s install guide


Check UDP Parameters udp_recv_hiwat and udp_xmit_hiwat need to be 65536 bytes at minimum

If use Sun Clusters, then you must install the UDLM patch provided by Oracle onto each node that is part of your current cluster installation. You must install the UDLM patch before you install Oracle Clusterware. Oracle Database 10g release requires UDLM asynchronous pkginfo –l ORCLudlm | grep VERSION – to determine current version


Create RSA and DSA keys on each node on server for BOTH oracle IDs. Setting up rsa and dsa key in authorized_key file in .ssh directory NOTE: Ensure no banners are displayed when doing ssh using oracle ID or install will fail. Banner can be put back after install is done.


Ensure DBAs have access to run all necessary scripts as ROOT during install and CRS management. Example:

(root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root) (root)

/usr/bin/su - oracle /etc/init.d/ /etc/init.d/init.crsd /etc/init.d/init.cssd /usr/bin/ls -l /var/core /usr/bin/ls -ltr /var/core /usr/bin/view /var/cron/syslog.log /usr/bin/view /var/cron/log /u001/app/oracle/product/oraInventory/ /u001/app/oracle/product/rdbms/10.2.0/ /u001/app/oracle/product/crs/10.2.0/ /u001/app/oracle/product/asm/10.2.0/ /u001/app/oracle/product/crs/10.2.0/bin/crsctl /u001/app/oracle/product/crs/10.2.0/bin/vipca /u001/app/oracle/product/crs/10.2.0/install/


Set up oracle .profile so environment is correct

ORACLE_OWNER=oracle export ORACLE_OWNER ORACLE_SID=xxxx export ORACLE_SID export ORACLE_BASE=/u001/app/oracle/product export ORACLE_BASE export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/rdbms/10.2.0 export ORACLE_HOME export ORA_RDBMS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/rdbms/10.2.0 export ORA_RDBMS_HOME export ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/crs/10.2.0 export ORA_CRS_HOME export ORA_ASM_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/asm/10.2.0 export ORA_ASM_HOME export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH=.:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/etc:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/local/bin: $ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin:$ORA_ASM_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH

11) Prior to running cluvfy, ensure that ssh and scp reside in /usr/local/bin, if not, get SAs to create links in /usr/local/bin to their actual location. 12) Create links for CRS Registry (crsocr) and Voting disk (crsvote) pointing to raw devices. These links will need to be set up on each node of RAC in same exact location. run ls –lL to ensure underlying privileges on files resemble the following: the crsocr raw device needs to be owned by root:oinstall with permissions of 640 and crsvote should be owned by oracle:oinstall and have permissions of 660. 13)

Run CRS Verify to do verification stage -pre crsinst -n node_list - ensures install prereqs ok comp nodecon -n node_list - ensures node connectivity ok stage –post hwos –n node_list –verbose – ensures hardware/os setup ok comp sys -n node_list -p crs -osdba osdba_group -orainv orainv_group –verbose – ensure os prereq ok

Ignore error on Solaris 10 if warning that SUNWsprox is missing – not needed

Ignore failure on UDLM if version installed is greater than what is required – (220 has UDLM Version Dev Release 03/09/06, 64bit reentrant, async

• Note:

If receive error related to not finding suitable VIPS refer to


Installation Steps 1) Install CRS into separate ORACLE_HOME – only need to do on one node as GUI will automatically install it on all nodes a) Set ORACLE_HOME=ORA_CRS_HOME b) download 10gr2_cluster_sol.cpio from Oracle site (example using Solaris file name) c) cpio -idmv < 10gr2_cluster_sol.cpio d) run CVU command: …./Disk1/cluvfy/ stage -pre crsinst -n node_list e) determine following attributes for each node in cluster: cluster name = crscognos public node name = ustsmdbcvtc017 ustsmdbcvtc018 private node name = ustsmdbcvtc017-dbint1 ustsmdbcvtc018-dbint1 virtual node name (public) = ustsmdbcvtc017-oravip ustsmdbcvtc018-oravip


Choose cluster name – crscognos


Choose IP addresses associated with node (Hit ADD to include 2nd


1) 2) 3) h)

Public IP/node name for node VIP/node name for crs Private IP/node name used for interconnect

Next screen is Network Usage Screen Answer Network usage about subnets – ALL subnets should be DO NOT USE, except subnets for Public Hostname and Private Interconnect. Run ifconfig –a on server to confirm you have the proper interface names with the IPs that have been assigned the public hostname and private interconnect.


Specify location of OCR with external redundancy


Specify location of Voting disk with external redundancy


Will need to run the following scripts as root on each NODE of cluster: 1) $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/ 2) $ORA_CRS_HOME/

Upon execution of on the last node you might get Warning message “Public Interfaces should be used to configure Virtual ip’s” . Run the $CRS_HOME/bin/vipca command as root user on the last node. Ensure DISPLAY parameter is set on the last node as the vipca command would displayed on a GUI screen . Configure Virtual IP address correctly otherwise one of the cluster service will not be running . Ensure you specify the correct Ip address , Subnet mask and server name . l)


Verify CRS install Crsctl check crs - should return ‘healthy’ for 3 components Crs_stat –t - should show online for gnd/ons/vip on all nodes

Install ASM a)

Set ORACLE_HOME=ORA_ASM_HOME b) using same software as RDBMS, kick off ./runInstaller c) choose Enterprise Edition d) specify ASM Home Name (OraASM10g) and Home Path e) make sure all nodes are selected under “Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode” f) Select “Configure Automatic Storage Management” and enter in ASM SYS password g) Start install h) Cancel out of Oracle Net Configuration Screen (netca) i) Cancel out of Oracle Database Configuration Assistance (dbca) j) Run on both nodes as root


Install RDBMS a) Set ORACLE_HOME=ORA_RDBMS_HOME b) gunzip *.gz file c) cpio –idmv < *.cpio d) run following CVU command: ……/Disk1/cluvfy/ stage -pre dbinst -n node_list -r 10gR2 -osdba osdba_group -verbose e) Shut down all services/instances/listener/nodeapps in the Oracle home on the node that might be accessing a database: srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_name_list [-i inst_name]] srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_name srvctl stop listener -n node [-l listenername] srvctl stop nodeapps -n node f) ./runInstaller g) Choose Enterprise Edition h) Specify RDBMS Home Name and Path i) Make sure all nodes are selected under “Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode” j) Install Software Only k) Install l) Run on both nodes as root


Upgrade to CRS - a) Set $ORACLE_HOME to $ORA_CRS_HOME b) Unzip *.zip

c) Shut down all services/instances/nodeapps in the Oracle home on all nodes that might be accessing a database. Shutdown ASM as well: srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_name_list [-i inst_name]] srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_name srvctl stop listener -n node [-l listenername] srvctl stop asm –n node srvctl stop nodeapps –n node d) Shut down CRS as the root user: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs e) If using Sun Cluster 3.x - may need to upgrade UDLM patch - look at Disk1/racpatch/README.udlm - Oracle Database 10g release requires UDLM asynchronous UDLM with asynchronous is included with this patch set. f) ./Disk1/runInstaller Ensure pointing to proper oracle home Click Next when on Select Nodes screen Run $ORACLE_HOME/ as root on each node (not sure if you will be prompted during install on CRS) g) Optional – run $ORACLE_HOME/install/ h) as root shut down clusterware on EACH NODE of cluster: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs i) as root start the Oracle Clusterware on EACH NODE of cluster: $ORA_CRS_HOME/install/


Upgrade to ASM - Set $ORACLE_HOME to $ORA_ASM_HOME b) Unzip *.zip c) Shut down all services/instances/nodeapps in the Oracle home on all nodes that might be accessing a database. Shutdown ASM as well: srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_name_list [-i inst_name]] srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_name srvctl stop listener -n node [-l listenername] srvctl stop asm –n node srvctl stop nodeapps –n node


d) e)


g) h)


Shut down CRS as the root user: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs ./Disk1/runInstaller Ensure pointing to proper oracle home Click Next when on Select Nodes screen Run $ORACLE_HOME/ when prompted Optional – run $ORACLE_HOME/install/ as root shut down clusterware: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs as root start the Oracle Clusterware on the patched node: /etc/init.d/

Upgrade RDBMS software ONLY (no DBs) to a) Set $ORACLE_HOME to $ORA_RDBMS_HOME b) Unzip *.zip c) Shut down all services/instances/nodeapps in the Oracle home on all nodes that might be accessing a database. Shutdown ASM as well:


srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_name_list [-i srvctl srvctl srvctl srvctl

d) e)


g) h) 7)

stop stop stop stop

instance -d db_name -i inst_name listener -n node [-l listenername] asm –n node nodeapps –n node

Shut down CRS as the root user: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs ./Disk1/runInstaller Ensure pointing to proper oracle home Click Next when on Select Nodes screen Run $ORACLE_HOME/ when prompted Optional – run $ORACLE_HOME/install/ as root shut down clusterware: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs as root start the Oracle Clusterware on the patched node: /etc/init.d/ Apply latest OPatch – 6880880 to all 3 oracle Homes

8) Apply CRS bundle for #3 – 7715304 to CRS, ASM and RDBMS oracle homes Reference Doc ID 405820.1 for known issues a) If using Sun Cluster 3.x - may need to upgrade UDLM patch look at Disk1/racpatch/README.udlm - Oracle Database 10g release requires UDLM asynchronous UDLM with asynchronous is included with this patch set. b) Shut down all services/instances/nodeapps in the Oracle home on all nodes that might be accessing a database. Shutdown ASM as well: srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_name_list [-i inst_name]] srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_name srvctl stop listener -n node [-l listenername] srvctl stop asm –n node srvctl stop nodeapps –n node c)

Shut down CRS as the root user: $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs

Perform steps d-n on each node d) Verify Oracle Inventory opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_CRS_HOME opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_ASM_HOME opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_RDBMS_HOME e) Unzip f) Run the following as root: …/custom/scripts/ –crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME –crsuser <username> g) Run the following as CRS user : ../custom/scripts/ –crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME h) Run the following as RDBMS user: ../custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ –dbhome $ORA_RDBMS_HOME ../custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ –dbhome $ORA_ASM_HOME

i) j)

Run the following as CRS user: opatch napply –local –oh $ORA_CRS_HOME –id 7715304,7421126 Run the following as RDBMS user: Opatch napply …/7715304/custom/server/ -local –oh $ORA_RDBMS_HOME -id 7715304,7421126 Opatch napply …/7715304/custom/server/ -local –oh $ORA_ASM_HOME -id 7715304,7421126

Known Issues for CRS Bundle Patch #3: ALL POSTPATCH.SH scripts (k – m) When running ./ -crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME following warning is seen: On HP-UX: selected locales are not available On Solaris: couldn't set locale correctly WORKAROUND: The workaround is to change "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" to "LC_ALL=C" in, and rerun it. k)

Run the following as CRS user : …/custom/scripts/ –crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME


Run the following as RDBMS user: …/custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ –dbhome $ORA_RDBMS_HOME …/custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ –dbhome $ORA_ASM_HOME


Run the following as root: …/custom/scripts/ –crshome $ORA_CRS_HOME Confirm installation of patch opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_CRS_HOME opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_RDBMS_HOME opatch lsinventory –detail –oh $ORA_ASM_HOME



Apply latest CPU Patch - Solaris 64 bit = 7592346

On ALL NODES, apply it to the following: a) ASM – set ORACLE_HOME=ORA_ASM_HOME b) RDBMS – set ORACLE_HOME=ORA_RDBMS_HOME

Post-Installation Steps 1.

Configure Listener a) Specify ASM home as Oracle home b) Type netca and GUI screen will open c) Select “Cluster Configuration “ on the type of Network configuration screen d) Select all the nodes to configure the Instance and then Click next . e) Select Listener Configuration and then click next f) Select “Add” and then click next

g) Select TCP and then click next h) Type Listener name , ex: LISTENER i) Select port number. j) Start the listener . At this Point the listener is configured on all the nodes . 2.

Configure ASM a) Specify ASM home as Oracle home b) Type dbca and GUI screen will appear c) Select “Oracle Real Application Cluster database “ and then click next . d) Select “configure Automatic storage management” on the type of operation you want to perform and the click next . e) Select all the nodes and then click next . f) Now Specify SYS password and then ensure PFILE path is correct and then click next g) Then a dialog window will appear mentioning “dbca will now create and start the ASM Instance . After the ASM Instance is started you can create the disk groups for database storage”. h) Now you should create 2 disk groups one for DATA and another for FRA . i) Click create new button and select the Diskgroup path and then select external if using raw devices or select Normal or high based on the storage . this is for FRA . j) Repeat the above steps for DATA group also k) Once done click Finish Button and at this point it will mount the Disk groups that you have selected . l) If it is successful then you are done with this . m) Next you have to create database.

3. Configure Database – should be done through dbca so can be added to cluster properly a) Specify RDBMS home as Oracle home b) Type dbca and GUI screen will open c) Welcome Screen Opens, select ‘Oracle Real Application Clusters database’ and then click `Next’ d) Select ‘Create a Database’ and click ‘Next’. e) Click ‘Select All’ button and ‘Next’ f) Select ‘Custom Database’ button and ‘Next’ g) Enter ‘CGNSP’ in ‘Global Database Name:’ field h) Enter ‘CGNSP’ in ‘SID Prefix’ field and click ‘Next’ i) Unclick ‘Configure the Database with Enterprise Manager’ field and click ‘Next’ j) Select ‘Use the Same Password for All Account’ field, enter in the appropriate password and click ‘Next’ k) Select ‘ASM’ and click ‘Next’ l) Specify ASM SYS password and click ‘OK’

m) Select DATA disk group to use as storage for the database and click ‘Next’ n) Select ‘Use Common Location for All Database Files’ and ensure +DATA is in Database Files Location, then click ‘Next’ o) Choose ‘Specify Flash Recovery Area’ field, enter ‘+FRA’ in ‘Flash Recovery Area:’ field and set 10000 MB in ‘Flash Recovery Area Size:’ field and click ‘Next’ p) Ensure ‘Enable Archiving’ is not clicked (will do later) q) Click ‘Next’ and continue to the next page r) Click ‘Next’ and continue to the next page s) Click ‘Next’ and continue to the next page t) On Memory Tab, ensure Typical is checked. u) On Sizing Tab leave defaults. v) On Character Sets Tab, choose UTF8 for DB character set and leave other defaults. w) On Connection Mode Tab, leave default of Dedicated Server Mode x) Click ‘Next’ y) Click ‘Controlfile’ tag on the left side and modify the file locations for controlfiles, ensure they are in +DATA, with one in +FRA z) Click ‘Datafile’ tag on the left and edit the entire necessary column under ‘File Directory’ ensuring they are in +DATA aa) Click ‘Redo Log Groups’. Ensure redo log member is in +DATA. bb) Click ‘Next’ cc) Select (create database) and generate DB creation scripts and click ‘Finish’ dd) Click ‘OK’ when provided the summary ee) Click ‘OK’ when told the script was generated successfully ff) A process message will be displayed to describe the current operation and status. Click ‘Exit’ to continue. A final message will be displayed describing the names of cluster database instances and have been started.


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