Or Err

  • October 2019
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oracle errors: 106500 ora-942 table or view does not exist oracle error 54-trigger raised unhandled exception 4020 15094/95 frm error 40505 ora 2282 ora-02050: transaction 8.26.1764 rolled back, some remote dbs may be in-doubt ora-02068: following severe error from purch ora-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted ora-02068: following severe error from fs.world ora-03114: not connected to oracle ora-12571: tns:packet writer failure ora-20 maximum number of process exceeds ora-27 can not kill current session ora-31 session marked for kill ora-60 deadlock detected while waiting for resource ora-942 table or view does not exist ora-1403 no data found ora-000060: deadlock detected. ora-01578: oracle data block corrupted (file # 6, block # 396299)

ora-1536 :tablespace quota exceeded ora-00001: unique constraint (wildba.pk_mfg_shop_floor_mast) violated ora-00028: your session has been killed ora-01012: not logged on ora-00055 : maximum number of dml locks exceeded what is the problem and how do you fix it? expected answer: the number of dml locks is set by the initialization parameter dml_locks. if this value is set to low (which it is by default) you will get this error. increase the value of dml_locks. if you are sure that this is just a temporary problem, you can have them wait and then try again later and the error should clear. ora-02298: cannot validate (wildba.fk_packing_list_detail_product) - parent keys not found

ora-12500 predefined exceptions ---------------------ora-06530 ora-06592 ora-06531 ora-06511 ora-00001 ora-01001 ora-01722 ora-01017 ora-01403 ora-01012 ora-06501 ora-06504 ora-30625 ora-06500 ora-06533 ora-06532 ora-01410 ora-00051 ora-01422

access_into_null case_not_found collection_is_null cursor_already_open dup_val_on_index invalid_cursor invalid_number login_denied no_data_found not_logged_on program_error rowtype_mismatch self_is_null storage_error subscript_beyond_count subscript_outside_limit sys_invalid_rowid timeout_on_resource too_many_rows

error : ora-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows cause : you tried to execute a select into statement and more than one row was returned. action : the options to resolve this oracle error are: rewrite your select into statement so that only one row is returned. replace your select into statement with a cursor. for example, if you tried to execute the following sql statement: select supplier_id into cnumber from suppliers where supplier_name = 'ibm'; and there was more than one record in the suppliers table with the supplier_name of ibm, you would receive the ora-01422 error message. in this case, it might be more prudent to create a cursor and retrieve each row if you are unsure of how many records you might retrieve. ora-06502 ora-01476 ora-6503

value_error zero_divide pl/sql function returned with no value

the ora-12500 -- it could be caused by hitting the listener too fast, faster then the operating system itself can deal with. if you are using dedicated server configurations on unix for example, each connection is a unix fork/exec. if you overload the os, it won't be able to spawn any new processes. its not really that you hit the listener too fast in this case, more that the os is physically out of resources or is taking so long to get these resources in place that we time out. how fast is too fast -- thats a function of your os, the amount of ram, how many cpu's you have, how fast they are, what else is going on on the box, etc etc etc...

12500, 00000, "tns:listener failed to start a dedicated server process" // *cause: the process of starting up a dedicated server process failed. // the executable could not be found or the environment may be set up // incorrectly. // *action: turn on tracing at the admin level and reexecute the operation. // verify that the oracle server executable is present and has execute // permissions enabled. ensure that the oracle environment is specified // correctly in listener.ora. the oracle protocol adapter that is being // called may not be installed on the local hard drive. please check that // the correct protocol adapter are successfully linked. // if error persists, contact oracle customer support.

ora-00020 maximum number of processes exceeded ora-00054 resource busy in accounts database 0ra-02049 distributed transaction. we need to kill inactive session. ora � 03113,03114 not connected to oracle. network problem. close the session and open.

ora12154 microsoft -odbc settings ora-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 1024 in tablespace


ora-02050: transaction 3.73.5754 rolled back, some remote dbs may be in-doubt ora-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error ora-02063: preceding line from mistopaccounts ora-02062: distributed recovery received dbid 8a48fb57, expected 93d86b47

ora-04088 error during execution of trigger 'string.string' cause: a runtime error occurred during execution of a trigger. action: check the triggers which were involved in the operation.

ora-01034 oracle not available cause: oracle was not started. possible causes include the following: n the sga requires more space than was allocated for it. 3-24 oracle8 i error messages n the operating-system variable pointing to the instance is improperly

defined. action: refer to accompanying messages for possible causes and correct the problem mentioned in the other messages. if oracle has been initialized, then on some operating systems, verify that oracle was linked correctly. see the platform-specific oracle documentation. ora-01035 oracle only available to users with restricted session privilege cause: logins are disallowed because an instance started in restricted mode. only users with restricted session system privilege can log on. action: request that oracle be restarted without the restricted option or obtain the restricted session system privilege. ora-01036 illegal variable name/number cause: unable to find bind context on user side. action: make sure that the variable being bound is in the sql statement. ora-01037 maximum cursor memory exceeded cause: an attempt was made to process a complex sql statement which consumed all available memory of the cursor. action: simplify the complex sql statement. ora-01038 cannot write database file version string with oracle version string cause: an attempt was made to write datafile headers in an old format. the new format cannot be used until after the database has been verified as being compatible with this software version. action: open the database to advance to the new file formats, then repeat the operation. if the operation is required before the database can be opened, then use the previous software release to do the operation. ora-01039 insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view cause: an attempt was made to explain plan on other people's view without the necessary privileges on the underlying objects of the view. action: get necessary privileges or do not perform the offending operation. ora-01040 invalid character in password; logon denied cause: there are multibyte characters in the password or some characters in the password are not in us7ascii range. frm-40509 a fatal error occurred while oracle forms was trying to update a record. the table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the fatal error."

ora-03121 no interface driver connected - function not performed cause: this message occurs usually because the net8 driver is not loaded into memory or there is a mismatch of the version of the driver. a user program linked with an obsolete library may also cause this message. only programs provided by oracle corporation should use this interface. if a user program caused the message, relink the program with current versions of the oracle libraries. errors in file d:\oracle\admin\wil\udump\ora02820.trc: ora-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock ora-02063: preceding line from purch.world

alter user <user_name> quota unlimited on ; errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mis\udump\ora02668.trc: ora-00001: unique constraint (wildba.pk_mfg_shop_floor_mast) violated ora-4020 executing an invalid stored function deadlock among ddl and parse locks is detected. this deadlock is usually due to user errors in the design of an application or from issuing a set of concurrent statements which can cause a deadlock. this should not be reported to oracle support. the following information may aid in finding the errors which cause the deadlock: ora-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object scott.chartest -------------------------------------------------------object waiting waiting blocking blocking handle session lock mode session lock mode -------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ---4269c48 26535dc 2ae1d5c x 26535dc 2ae2428 s ----------------------------------------------------------------- dump of waiting and blocking locks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- waiting lock ------------1. the recompilation of a trigger can sometimes result in an ora-04020 sequence of events leading to this problem are: (1)create table and create trigger on the table. (2)modify the table by adding partitions or modifying columns, resulting in the invalidation of the trigger (3)executing a dml (that requires the trigger to be recompiled at dml time) can generate a self deadlock ora-04020 situation a deadlock among ddl and parse locks is detected. this deadlock is usually due to user errors in the design of an application or from issuing a set of concurrent statements which can cause a deadlock. this should not be reported to oracle support. the following information may aid in finding the errors which cause the deadlock: ora-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object schema.table_name" is erroneous? can a self-deadlock 4020 error really be caused by application design errors? oracle is throwing this back at us, saying it's a design issue, when i think we are encountering a bug. i've seen some discussion on your site describing some self-deadlock scenarios where these occurred due to a share lock being held which should have been released, preventing acquisition of an exclusive lock, for instance involving a stored procedure/package/etc which required recompilation

when a form is run occassionally the users will get "ora-4020 deadlock detected while trying to lock object:<package name>" message. how can i determine why the deadlock is happening. i suspect it is a coding issue. i am not familiar with the code but perhaps there are some dd tables that may help. ora-02050: transaction 1.61.11658 rolled back, some remote dbs may be in-doubt ora-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error ora-02063: preceding line from mistopaccounts ora-06502 pl/sql: numeric or value errorstring cause: an arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. for example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value null to a variable declared not null, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 88 to a variable declared number(2). action: change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate constraints. ora-01401 inserted value too large for column cause: the value entered is larger than the maximum width defined for the column. action: enter a value smaller than the column width or use the modify option with alter table to expand the column width.

alter rollback segment rbs09 shrink to 10m * error at line 1: ora-01595: error freeing extent (9) of rollback segment (11)) ora-01594: attempt to wrap into rollback segment (11) extent (9) which is being freed input truncated to 7499 characters

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