
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 232
  • Pages: 2
Come to me through the keystrokes of my Love; Dancing, Jumping across the void of rhythm, Linking Linking meaningless sounds: The melodies of my passions; The fires of my desiresOn this summerHeat! The plague of my soul. Wrap yourself in returned passions; Around my slumbering mind, My spirit filled soul No longer in valiant battle; For God and Passion Stand Multilaterally; As the slave and his master. With what clarity am I blessed? In such midsummer mornings, I need be no monk; Wear no hood To follow him in faith To pursue both him and you in love. What shall September bring? In its death becoming, The foundation of life. My mind need not stand purged of blood. When my heart, Has become an ocean liner on sorrow; Displacing its tonnage with mighty force. Spirit his comrade under the red star; The mighty blood, But full of warmthSpirit and FleshBone and blood. In sweet sweet June; Did I forget;

Wounding in circles-

PulsatingOscillating. Freedom found in quantum impossibility; Non determinism for man; Unfathomable destiny for God; To return to sweet sweet melody. Oh Opus; Thou knowest my heart, To melt it. I shall cruise thy soft soft wave. Coming to rest in silence of happinessMirth’s true happiness; Silence of contemplation. In such midsummer mornings. Oh am I blessed by he in whom; And whose embodiment shall I rest; Awaiting the Lilies’ Return.

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