Opp Study Guide .docx

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 570
  • Pages: 4
STRA SART for lumbar Flexion for anterior 1-5 STRT for anterior 6-10 STRT with rib SARA for rib posterior

Thoracic Tender Points Anterior1-6: flexion Anterior 7-12: STRA Posterior1-4: extension Posterior 4-12: rotation Rib Tender Points Anterior 1-10: Flexion and STRT Posterior 1-6: SARA Lumbar Tender Points: AL1: medial to ASIS. F STRA AL2: Medial to AIIS. F SART AL3: lateral to AIIS. F SART AL4: inferior to AIIS AL 5: anterior, superior aspect of pubic ramus, F SARA BLT= thick/membranous Muscle energy=taut/stretched/plastic/leathery. Esophagus=T2-T8 Heart/Respiratory: T1/T2-T5/T6 Upper GI: T5-T9 Middle GI: T10-T11 Lower GI: T12-L2

Rib 1= anterior and middle scalenes Rib 2= posterior scalene Rib 3,4,5= pec minor Rib 6,7,8= Serratus anterior Rib 9,10= latissimus dorsi Rib11,12= Quadratus Lumborum.

Straight leg raise -0-35=slack in sciatic nerve. -35-70=sciatic nerve deformation -over 70= normal joint pain  Bragard test=modified SLR with dorsiflexion  Thomas test=tests for psoas hypertonicity  Hip Drop test= positive if less than 20 degrees  Trendelenberg=positive if more than 20 degrees.  Ferguson angle=30-35 between L5 and horizontal plane.  BUMBULBM  Sitting with forward slouch= most strain on lumbar spine  Herniation at L4 will effect L5 (X+1 rule)  Greenman’s half dozen: 1)non neutral dysfunction within the lumbar spine 2)dysfunction at the pubic symphysis 3) restriction of anterior movements of the sacral base 4) inonimate hip shear dysfunction 5) short-leg, pelvis tilt syndrome 6) muscle imbalance of the trunk and lower extremities. -Iliolumbar ligament first ligament to become tender

ICS 2= thyroid esophagus ICS3= upper lung ICS 4=lower lung ICS 5 left= stomach acid ICS 5 Right=Liver ICS6 left=stomach peristalsis ICS6 right=gallbladder ICS7 right= pancreas ICS left=Spleen -Sacralization=L5 looks like the sacrum -Lumbarization=S1 looks like 6th lumbar vertebrae. -rule of X+1 nerve impingement -ferguson angle

Appley scratch=ROM Apprehension=shoulder stability Still technique=Indirect-> Direct FPR= decreases muscle hypertonicity and adds a compression force -indirect myofasical release. Goal of counterstrain is to decrease pain to 3/10 from 10/10. So go until you get to 30 percent Absolute CI=lack of somatic disfunction and patient refusal/lack of consent. -Ruffini and free nerve endings not found in high numbers on finger tips. -elastic barrier= difference between physiological and anatomical barrier t2=superior angle of scapula t7=inferior angle of scapula -type 1 rotates into the convexity -type 2 rotates into the concavity -cross extensor reflex=muscle energy -post isometric relaxation is towards the diagnosis -SC joint moves oppositive of movement of shoulder (moves anteriorly with retraction and inferiorly with soulder elevation) pec minor= tilt scapula anteriorly subclavius= draws clavicle down serratus anterior= abducts the scapula Lats= extend abduct and medially rotate shoulder joint Levator= downwardly rotate the scapula Rhomboids= downwardly rotate the scapula Infraspinatous= laterally rotate, adduct, extend the shoulder joint Subscapularis= medially rotate the shoulder joint Teres minor= laterally rotate, adduct, extend shoulder joint Teres Major= extend, adduct, medially rotate humerus. Apley left shoulder: LERFAB Spencer technique: EFCARP Falling with hand forward leas to posterior radial head-> fix this by putting arm into extension and then applying anterior force. For muscle energy of posterior head, since we want to take them to the barrier, we supinate their arms and have them try to pronate. For muscle energy of anterior head, since their barrier is in pronation, we pronate their hands and have them try to supinate. Falling with hand backwards leads to anterior radial head-> fix this by carrying arm into flexion and applying downward pressure.

HVLA with rib= do the opposite for exhalation

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