Opinion About Our History

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,073
  • Pages: 8
The two documents have significance to the Philippine History which is one of a path to excavate the truth from the covered of misleading information that planted in our minds. My perspective changed of what I stand before, it really help me to figure out the truth using the statements of the important persons in the Philippine History. I strongly agree that the death of Supremo Andres Bonifacio must be finalized. With this article, it is clearly said that there are enough evidences that Bonifacio died on April 23, 1897. Supremo Bonifacio shows heroic actions and guide us to what we have now, freedom. As Filipino citizens, we must know what truly happened to him especially this issue about his true date of death. If this issue will not be solved, there are more chances that this fact would be forgotten and won't be passed on the next generations. For me, the death of Supremo was undeniably shows the true color of Emilio Aguinaldo. His soul is awful, he disgrace his own nation by doing such things. I can't say anything about Aguinaldo because I didn't know everything about them. But according to the documents, it really shows that the personality of Aguinaldo is awful. Considering Aguinaldo as a president is a mistake for me. The thing is, I believe that Supremo Andres Bonifacio is the one that must hold the title of being the first president. He has a great mind vision and a fighting spirit to what desired objective he wants to attain unlike Aguinaldo he is blind by reaching the popularity as he considered some recognition that there are no basis. As my journey in knowing what the truth using the help of the documents my realization was Aguinaldo had his own personal agenda. He’s been selfish for claiming the rights for being a President.

The two documents have significance to the Philippine History which is one of a path to excavate the truth from the covered of misleading information that planted in our minds. My perspective changed of what I stand before, it really help me to figure out the truth using the statements of the important persons in the Philippine History. I strongly agree that the death of Supremo Andres Bonifacio must be finalize. With this article, it is clearly said that there are enough evidences that Bonifacio died on April 23, 1897. Supremo Bonifacio shows heroic actions and guide us to what we have now, freedom. As Filipino citizens, we must know what truly happened to him especially this issue about his true date of death. If this issue will not be solved, there are more chances that this fact would be forgotten and won't be pass on the next generations. For me, the death of Supremo was undeniably shows the true color of Emilio Aguinaldo. His soul is awful, he disgrace his own nation by doing such things. I can't say anything about Aguinaldo because I didn't know everything about them. But according to the documents, it really shows that the personality of Aguinaldo is awful. Considering Aguinaldo as a president is a mistake for me. The thing is, I believe that Supremo Andres Bonifacio is the one that must hold the title of being the first

president. He has a great mind vision and a fighting spirit to what desired objective he wants to attain unlike Aguinaldo he is blind by reaching the popularity as he considered some recognition to himself even there is no basis. As my journey in knowing what the truth is by the help of the documents my realization was Aguinaldo had his own personal agenda. He’s been selfish for claiming the rights for being a President. We Filipinos have this trait called "crab mentality", we always try to pull others down and I see it the way Aguinaldo do his matters. I learn that we must practice to lift up others, not pulling them down. We, as Filipinos must help ourselves to accomplish our goal, we must not discourage our own blood. Like in my daily life, I observe that there are people that didn't want to see others to get something bigger than him or her, they would be happy see you fall. In the part of being practical, like some people said that changing textbooks would be a waste of resources and time. I think it is not a problem for them if the politicians are really there to help the citizens. Their money in their pocket is greater than the money they spend to help the citizen, if this money will be spend to the better of the country it will have a good effect. But they said that changing prescribed study material because of this mistakes is not being practical, I think they are the mistake. The two documents have significance to the Philippine History which is one of a path to excavate the truth from the covered of misleading information that planted in our minds. My perspective changed of what I stand before, it really help me to figure out the truth using the statements of the important persons in the Philippine History. I strongly agree that the death of Supremo Andres Bonifacio must be finalize. With this article, it is clearly said that there are enough evidences that Bonifacio died on April 23, 1897. Supremo Bonifacio shows heroic actions and guide us to what we have now, freedom. As Filipino citizens, we must know what truly happened to him especially this issue about his true date of death. If this issue will not be solved, there are more chances that this fact would be forgotten and won't be pass on the next generations. For me, the death of Supremo was undeniably shows the true color of Emilio Aguinaldo. His soul is awful, he disgrace his own nation by doing such things. I can't say anything about Aguinaldo because I didn't know everything about them. But according to the documents, it really shows that the personality of Aguinaldo is awful. Considering Aguinaldo as a president is a mistake for me. The thing is, I believe that Supremo Andres Bonifacio is the one that must hold the title of being the first president. He has a great mind vision and a fighting spirit to what desired objective he wants to attain unlike Aguinaldo he is blind by reaching the popularity as he considered some recognition to himself even there is no basis. As my journey in knowing what the truth is by the help of the documents my realization was Aguinaldo had his own personal agenda. He’s been selfish for claiming the rights for being a President. We Filipinos have this trait called "crab mentality", we always try to pull

others down and I see it the way Aguinaldo do his matters. I learn that we must practice to lift up others, not pulling them down. We, as Filipino must help ourselves to accomplish our goal, we must not discourage our own blood. Like in my daily life, I observe that there are people that didn't want to see others to get something bigger than him or her, they would be happy see you fall. In the part of being practical, like some people said that changing textbooks would be a waste of resources and time. I think it is not a problem for them if the politicians are really there to help the citizens. Their money in their pocket is greater than the money they spend to help the citizen, if this money will be spend to the better of the country it will have a good effect. But they said that changing prescribed study material because of this mistake is not being practical, I think they are the mistake.

I admit as a Filipino citizen, I always disregard those historical events and issues in the Philippines. I’m so ashamed about myself from being blind and ignorant after I read the two documents. Back then, everything I know and belief about the Philippine History is based on what my teacher taught using the prescribed history textbooks without any doubt if there is a contradiction of what is truth. As I understand the two documents, it made me concur some of the statement. The hearing of Andres Bonifacio made me believe that there is no justice. It made me realized that it is unfair to Andres Bonifacio because he was never had an opportunity to defend himself about the accusation and of course in the article it shows a lot of evidence that Andres Bonifacio already passed away before the trials. My stand was Andres Bonifacio was murdered already as in the article which was strongly manifested by the witnesses. It only shows that even before there is already maladminstration of justice. I disagree about the statement of Makapagal and Bonzon because the statement of the two was contradicting to what the witnesses already state. In my own perspective, I strongly agree to recognize Andres Bonifacio as the first president of the Philippines. He did a patriotic achievement which he was brave to stand and tore a cedula as a start to escape to the Spanish regime to have our own independence. Andres Bonifacio was never attached for a fame and he did not want to be in a spotlight or a center of attraction unlike some of our politicians now a days they just focused on being known of many to recognize their faces but never had a remarkable action or a project for the good of the nation. Back then in the time of Andres Bonifacio we already have constitutions, a citizens and some of evidence that for me it is already a government in which it was first led by Andres Bonifacio for the unity of the nation. However, it made me troublesome to their not valid reasons and to stick to the wrong information that was already attached to the history textbooks and not knowingly it will mislead the truth forever. Maybe, we are just contended of what already know and some people think that it will not affect what is today to the truth of yesterday. But they didn't know that the history has a connection to solve some cases and to not repeat again the mistakes in the past to our present era. In my opinion, Emilio Aguinaldo did such things which was a disgrace for the nation for his own agenda and a selfish as he self-proclaimed. How I wish that there would be the one like Andres Bonifacio in this generation that will lead a good political system and follow how the political system should be. I learned that if our government and the leader of our nation will stand and set aside their own agenda it will make a movement towards to a great improvement of our nation. I was grateful for having a chance to read the two documents which contain a lot of facts about the important argument and the statement of the document which had significance to the Philippine History. It was really an eye-opener to me as I grew up with just complying about the textbooks and not urge to validate the statement. I will bring these lessons in my entire life and as Aguinaldo was reflect to the

documents I was aware now about how awful he is and he was hunger to claim the recognition as General and to be a President. I learned that too much admiration to the popularity will force you to do such terrible things. Andres Bonifacio has a strong personality which he was not afraid to fight for the nation and he is an example of a good leader that the politicians should follow for having a great vision and stand for the nation. I will follow how Andres Bonifacio had a great quality of planning and achieving his goals. I will used how was lucid his vision and how strategic he is. Since, my college life wasn’t easy and I will used those important lessons to survive and to provide my own strategic plans to achieve my goals without any malicious doings like Aguinaldo did for his admiration to be popular.

There is a lot of worth remembering about the shortened life of our great hero. Bonifacio lacked the educational background, but he was self- determined, self – educated man. The moment Bonifacio was defeated at Tejeros was already the defeat of revolution. The man who established KKK ng mga Anak ng Bayan, the man who taught Filipinos the true way to shake off the Spaniards and now led to a tragic death. To question whether to make Bonifacio our first president is already evident. This is not senseless. Bonifacio had a government then, and there’s evidence of that. The Katipunan functioned as a government by 1896, it was not merely a Katipunan revolutionary society but a government already. That’s our stand. Changing your opinion based on new information is actually how things should work. It’s much better than being misinformed of our own country. Does it matter now since we can’t change what we’ve learned from our past textbooks? It does. We can’t hide the fact for the sake of raising awareness, even if we know what’s happening in our society right now, maybe this will inspire us one day. It gives me such burden to feel an overwhelming pain because no matter how hard we try to forget, the fact that Bonifacio’s death forces us to admit the painful reality- even the ‘glorious revolution’. . . Filipinos were murdering fellow Filipinos. At the end of the day, it's not our enemies who we will keep us closer- a man's greatest enemy is within himself. Therefore, To choose leaders who have the same ideals like Andres’ thoughts, who would live up to deeds on justice and the struggles for national sovereignty. Maybe he would’ve been the inspiration of our country that needs today.

I admit as a Filipino citizen, I always disregard those historical events and issues in the Philippines. I’m so ashamed about myself from being blind and ignorant after I read the two documents. Back then, everything I know and belief about the Philippine History is based on what my teacher taught using the prescribed history textbooks without any doubt if there is a contradiction of what is truth. As I understand the two documents, it made me concur some of the statement. The hearing of Andres Bonifacio made me believe that there is no justice. It made me realized that it is unfair to Andres Bonifacio because he was never had an opportunity to defend himself about the accusation and of course in the article it shows a lot of evidence that Andres Bonifacio already passed away before the trials. My stand was Andres Bonifacio was murdered already as in the article which was strongly manifested by the witnesses. It only shows that even before there is already maladminstration of justice. I disagree about the statement of Makapagal and Bonzon because the statement of the two was contradicting to what the witnesses already state. In my own perspective, I strongly agree to recognize Andres Bonifacio as the first president of the Philippines. He did a patriotic achievement which he was brave to stand and tore a cedula as a start to escape to the Spanish regime to have our own independence. Andres Bonifacio was never attached for a fame and he did not want to be in a spotlight or a center of attraction unlike some of our politicians now a days they just focused on being known of many to recognize their faces but never had a remarkable action or a project for the good of the nation. Back then in the time of Andres Bonifacio we already have constitutions, a citizens and some of evidence that for me it is already a government in which it was first led by Andres Bonifacio for the unity of the nation. However, it made me troublesome to their not valid reasons and to stick to the wrong information that was already attached to the history textbooks and not knowingly it will mislead the truth forever. Maybe, we are just contended of what already know and some people think that it will not affect what is today to the truth of yesterday. But they didn't know that the history has a connection to solve some cases and to not repeat again the mistakes in the past to our present era. In my opinion, Emilio Aguinaldo did such things which was a disgrace for the nation for his own agenda and a selfish as he self-proclaimed. How I wish that there would be the one like Andres Bonifacio in this generation that will lead a good political system and follow how the political system should be. I learned that if our government and the leader of our nation will stand and set aside

their own agenda it will make a movement towards to a great improvement of our nation. I was grateful for having a chance to read the two documents which contain a lot of facts about the important argument and the statement of the document which had significance to the Philippine History. It was really an eye-opener to me as I grew up with just complying about the textbooks and not urge to validate the statement. I will bring these lessons in my entire life and as Aguinaldo was reflect to the documents I was aware now about how awful he is and he was hunger to claim the recognition as General and to be a President. I learned that too much admiration to the popularity will force you to do such terrible things. Andres Bonifacio has a strong personality which he was not afraid to fight for the nation and he is an example of a good leader that the politicians should follow for having a great vision and stand for the nation. I will follow how Andres Bonifacio had a great quality of planning and achieving his goals. I will used how was lucid his vision and how strategic he is. Since, my college life wasn’t easy and I will used those important lessons to survive and to provide my own strategic plans to achieve my goals without any malicious doings like Aguinaldo did for his admiration to be popular.

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