External Confirmations PSA 505
Generalizations on Audit Evidence If from independent outside sources: more reliable If generated internally: more reliable If in the form of documents and written representations :more reliable
If obtained directly by the auditor: more reliab
External Confirmation Procedures
Determinin g the information to be confirmed or requested
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Designing the confirmati on requests
Sending the requests
External Confirmation Procedures
Determini ng the informatio n to be confirmed or requested
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Designing the confirmati on requests
Sending the requests
External Confirmation
Audit evidence obtained as a direct It is frequently performed to confirm or response from a third party (the request information regarding account confirming party in paper form, balances and their elements electronic or other medium Determinin g the informatio n to be confirmed or requested
External Confirmation Procedures
Determini ng the informatio n to be confirmed or requested
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Designing the confirmati on requests
Sending the requests
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Confirmation requests are sent a confirming party the auditor believes is knowledgeable about the information to be confirmed
External Confirmation Procedures
Determini ng the informatio n to be confirmed or requested
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Designing the confirmati on requests
Sending the requests
1 The assertions being addressed
Designing the confirmati on requests
Factors to consider
2 Specific identified risks of material 3
The layout and presentation
Prior experience on the audit or similar engagements
Management’s authorization or encouragement
The ability of the confirming party to confirm or provide information
Different Confirmation Request
Positive Confirmation Letter
Negative Confirmation Letter
Different Confirmation Request A request that the confirming party respond directly to the auditor
Positive Confirmation Letter
It indicates whether the confirming party agrees or disagrees with information in the request or providing the requested information
Different Confirmation Request
Negative Confirmation Letter
A request that the confirming party respond directly to the auditor ONLY if the confirming party DISAGREES with the information provided in the request. It is designed for use in situations where a client company's internal controls are already considered to be quite strong
External Confirmation Procedures
Determini ng the informatio n to be confirmed or requested
Selecting the appropria te confirmin g party
Designing the confirmati on requests
Sending the requests
Sendin g the request s
The auditor may send an additional confirmation request when a reply to a previous request has not been received within a reasonable time
Management Refusal…
Inquire as to manageme nt’s reasons for the refusal
Evaluate the implications of manageme nt’s refusal on the auditor’s assessment of the relevant risks of material
Perform alternative audit procedures designed to obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence
Results of External Confirmation Procedures When Responses Necessary
Reliability of Responses
Reliability of Responses
If responses will not be available, determine the implications for the audit and the auditor’s opinion
evaluate the implications on the assessment of the relevant risks of material misstatement
If there are doubts as to confirmations, obtain further audit evidence to resolve those doubts
Factors that may indicate doubts as to reliability
Reliability of Responses 1 Received by the auditor indirectly
Appeared not to come from the originally intended confirming party
Responses are received electronically
Confirming Party uses third party to coordinate
Evaluating Evidence Obtained The auditor shall evaluate whether the results provide relevant and reliable audit evidence, or whether performing further audit procedures is necessary
Results of External Confirmation Procedures When Responses Necessary
Reliability of Responses
Reliability of Responses
If responses will not be available, determine the implications for the audit and the auditor’s opinion
evaluate the implications on the assessment of the relevant risks of material misstatement and revise the assessment
If there are doubts as to confirmations, obtain further audit evidence to resolve those doubts
Initial Audit Engagements – Opening Balances PSA 510
This PSA deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to opening balances when conducting an initial audit engagement. In addition to financial statement amounts, opening balances include matters requiring disclosure that existed at the beginning of the period
Scope of the PSA
This PSA deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating toopening balances when conducting an initial audit engagement. In addition to financial statement amounts, opening balances include matters requiring disclosure that existed at the beginning of the period
Scope of the PSA
Definitions… Account balances that exist at the beginning of the period.
Opening Balances
Based upon the closing balances of the prior period and reflects the effects if transactions and events prior periods and accounting policies in the prior period
Include matters requiring disclosure that existed at the beginning of the period
This PSA deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to opening balances when conducting an initial audit engagement. In addition to financial statement amounts, opening balances include matters requiring disclosure that existed at the beginning of the period
Scope of the PSA
This PSA deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating toopening balances when conducting an initial audit engagement. In addition to financial statement amounts, opening balances include matters requiring disclosure that existed at the beginning of the period
Scope of the PSA
Definitions… The FS for the prior period were not audited Initial Audit Engagement
The FS for prior period were audited by a predecessor auditor
Definitions… Predecessor Auditor
The auditor from different audit firm who audited the financial statements of an entity in the prior period and who has been replaced by the current auditor
Definitions… Predecessor Auditor
The auditor from different audit firm who audited the financial statements of an entity in the prior period and who has been replaced by the current auditor
Definitions… Predecessor Auditor
The auditor from different audit firm who audited the financial statements of an entity in the prior period and who has been replaced by the current auditor
Objectives… Opening balances contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial statements Appropriate accounting policies reflected in the opening balances have been consistently applied in the current period’s financial statements
Audit Opening Balances Procedures…
1 2
the auditor shall read the most recent financial statements Determining whether the opening balances reflect the application of appropriate accounting policies
Perform additional audit procedures as are appropriate in the circumstances
Audit Procedures… Consistency of Accounting Policies
4 5
Obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about whether the accounting policies have been consistently applied Obtain sufficient appropriate evidence whether changes in accounting policies have been properly accounted, presented and disclosed
Audit Procedures…
Relevant Information in the Predecessor Auditor’s Report
If there was a modification to the opinion, evaluate the effect of the matter caused the modification
Audit Conclusion and Opening Balances Reporting…
1 2
Auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence regarding the opening balances
Auditor concludes that the opening balances contain a misstatement that materially affects the current period FS Issue and ADVERSE opinion or QUALIFIED opinion
Audit Conclusion and Consistency of Accounting Policies Reporting…
3 4
If the current period’s accounting policies are not consistently applied in relation to opening balances
If the change in accounting policies is not accounted properly
Issue and ADVERSE opinion or QUALIFIED opinion
Audit Conclusion and Reporting…
Modification to the Opinion in the Predecessor Auditor’s Report
If what caused the modification to the auditor’s opinion is still relevant and material to current period FS Issue and ADVERSE opinion or QUALIFIED opinion