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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,964
  • Pages: 16
Sultan Qaboos University Collage Of Education ILT Department Spring 2009 Evaluation In Educational Technology )TECH4102(

Short Paper in:

Introduced To: Introduced By:

Dr.Alaa Sadik Badriya AL-Hinai

Asma AL-Fahdi

Introduction: This paper evaluates dissection forum in dissemination of innovation course (tech 3000). This forum is used as supplemental technology environment in this course in order to involve learners in the learning process. The purpose of this forum is for assessing student participation.

The subject matter that students have discussed online is on the issue of problems/difficulties associated with the dissemination of an educational innovation. Even if an innovation is recognized, experience and research show that numerous difficulties arise in the dissemination and adoption of an educational innovation, particularly one that is technology based. The students have discussed what some of these problems are and how they can be overcome. The rules of this dissection forum were: 1) Each student has to post and describe AT LEAST one problem (by clicking on new discussion topic) they are aware of or for see in the dissemination and adoption of an educational innovation. Talk about the reasons for the problem(s) to arise and why it is a barrier to diffusion and implementation of an educational innovation. 2) Each student also has to respond/reply AT LEAST ONCE to the ideas posted by another student in the forum. They can respond by saying whether you agree or disagree with the views expressed by the other students. they could also propose solutions to the problems posted by other students. This forum was opened from 14 March till 21 March for the students to participate in. Questions: 1-

To which range this forum supports the learning experience of the learners?


What skills that learners have as a result of participating in this forum?


To which rang the learners interact with: instructor and other learners?


What is the impact of discussion forum in student participation, and critical thinking?

Instrument: In this article we use 2 instruments: discussion forum checklist and observation of the discussion forum. 1- Discussion forum checklist: A checklist is redeveloped to evaluate discussion forum For TECH 3000 .This checklist is developed in order to answer the following Qs:

To which range this forum supports the learning experience of the learners? What skills that learners have as a result of participating in this forum? To which rang the learners interact with: instructor and other learners? We are used scale of 1(strongly disagree), 2(disagree), 3(agree), and NA (not applicable), 4(Strongly agree). This checklist is available at 2- Observation of the discussion forum: Through the observing the Forum data, the data are collected in order to answer these questions: 1- What is the degree of interaction of the Forum (instructor-learner, learnerlearner)? 2- What is the degree of participation of the Forum? 3- What is the impact of discussion forum in student critical thinking? 3- Result: 1-

What is the degree of interaction of the Forum ( instructor-learner, learnerlearner)

As the result of observation showing that there is not any interaction between student and instructor. The instructor did not respond to any student and he was not provide any feedback for students. On other hand, the observation result showed that there are a high interaction degree between the learners, every one respond to his \her partner and give him\her feedback about his\her opinion.

2- What is the degree of participation of the Forum  The average number of messages sent by students during participating in discussion forum: In this discussion forum there 48 topics are suggested by instructor and students. In this discussion forum the students have been responded to the topics by sending messages

about 369 messages. It seems that all students (32 students) responded to all topics by posting 1to 2 messages for each topic. It is presented a high average of participation. Although the total number of messages assumed to be sent by students is at least one main post and respond to one main topic, the total number of messages sent by students is very high(Table 1). Table 1: The total number of messages posted to the discussion boards Number of Total number of topics sent students by students 32


total number of messages sent by students 369

Average 46 125.

Students’ participation in discussions varied from less motivating in the discussion to positive involvement. The minimum number of messages per student sent to the discussion boards was 2. However, 7 students posted between 19 and 23 messages during participating in discussion forum. This explained the high motivation of students to participate and communicate with each others. There is no one did not participate in the discussion board.

Table2: The minimum and maximum number of messages per student Number of messages per student

N 32

Minimum 2

Maximum 23

 The average number of messages sent to every single discussion topic: The result presented that "Teachers' resistance to change" topic is the most discussion topic that student responded to it .However , other discussion topics varied from 1 to 13 messages per topic. And there were three discussion topics represented zero messages.

Table : The number of messages per student Discussion topic

Number messages

Teachers' resistance to change


Resistance of Computer Based innovations! And why new 13 innovation does not used selective exposure "Need or Awareness"


Integration of technology in education and Problems related to 9 educational innovation and The ongoing renewing of innovations common problems and Money is Honey and The environment and 8 The time and Problem of conflicting between the innovation nature & school nature Criminal myths that stop the dissemination process of new Zero innovation !! and Attributes of Innovations and Trust of the innovation

 Time of access Since discussion boards were designed to show the sender’s name, date and time of sending, it helped to know at what time students accessed the discussion boards. Analysis of discussion logs showed the most students responded to discussions participated at afternoon and at night. However, there are some of them selected the morning term to respond .Some students have the ability to manage their time and respond to his/her peers. 2-

What is the impact of discussion forum in student critical thinking?

As the result showing that there are 48 topics and with total messages about 369 messages .These works as indicators of the high participation degree of the student. However, most messages of students contain sentences (I, agree with your opinion or I, disagree with you) and they provide the response for there agreement or disagreement

.Some student that are agree with the presenter, sometimes they provide solution for the problem which the presenter is provided. Moreover, some student provides excellent sites as recourses that provide more information about his topic. Most of student provides examples from Omani context that explain the problem or the solution more critically.

Checklist result: Q1: The forum was informative and useful. The majority of the students said that this forum was informative and useful as shown in the graph. This is because the topic of the forum touch a very important area of the course. Also, many posts fit the problem which had stated in the forum in a logic and useful way.


The Forum was informative and useful. strongly disagree 0%

disagree 7%

strongly disagree 27%

NA 0%

strongly disagree disagree NA agree strongly disagree

agree 66%

Q2: The Forum met my expectations Again the result shows that the forum fit the needs of the students. Only 13% said that the forum doesn't fit their needs. It fit the needs because it was interactive and suggests many instructions related to the topic in the way of debate or disagreement.

2- The Forum met my expectations

strongly disagree 27%

strongly disagree 0%

disagre 13% NA 7%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 53%

Q3: The forum addressed important issues in my course study. As the result of the survey, the forum fits exactly the issues in the course study of tech3000.

The Forum addressed important issues in my course study. strongly disagree 0% strongly disagree 33%

disagre 0% NA 7%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 60%

Q4: I did know much about this issue before attending the forum The result shows that there is some students know about the topic before while others not. This mean that the forum add new knowledge for some students that attend the forum.

4- I did know much about this issue before attending the forum. strongly disagree 7%

strongly disagree 0% disagre 33%

strongly disagree disagre NA

agree 40%

agree strongly disagree NA 20%

Q5: I didn't know much about this issue after participate in this forum. The students learn a lot of things after participating in this forum which mean that the level of learning is high.

5- I did know much about this issue after participate in this forum. strongly disagree 13%

strongly disagree 0%

disagre 13% NA 7%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 67%

Q6: As a result of this forum, my receptions and opinions about this issue are changed. The highest amount agrees this question is not applicable but it is applicable because the topic is fit the teachers believes and opinions. The agreement and disagreement opinions are near. So, the forum add new opinions for some students.

6- As result of this forum, my receptions and opinions about this issue are changed. strongly disagree 7%

strongly disagree 0%

disagre 29%

strongly disagree disagre NA

agree 35%

agree strongly disagree NA 29%

Q7: I'm more confident about instructor interaction with me. Almost all the student agree that the instructor participation is important for them.

7- I am more confident about instructor interaction with me. strongly disagree 13%

strongly disagree 20%

strongly disagree disagre disagre 27%

agree 33%

NA agree strongly disagree

NA 7%

Q8: I want to learn more about the problems of dissemination of innovation Almost all the students want to learn more about the subject which mean it could to interest them.

8- I want to learn more about the problems of dissemination of innovation. strongly strongly disagree 27%

disagree 0%

disagre 0%

NA 13% strongly disagree disagre NA agree

agree 60%

strongly disagree

Q9: The instructor is always available and interacts with me The result shows that the instructor was not available to interact with learners which is a considerable point.

9-The instructor is always available and interact with me. strongly disagree 27%

strongly disagree 7% agree 27%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

NA 7%

disagre 32%

Q10: I like to discuss and interact with my colleagues The result shows that the student like to interact with them which is indicator for the digree of the interaction between students.

10-I like to discuss and interact with my colleagues. strongly disagree 7%

strongly disagree 13%

disagre 0% NA 13%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 67%

Q11: I have searched a lot to get the best solution of the posted issues. The result shows the forum adds the search skill for the learners.

11-I have searched a lot to get the best solution of the posted issues. strongly disagree 0%

disagre 13%

strongly disagree 33%

strongly disagree NA 20%

disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 34%

Q12: I like the way that my partners responding to me As the result, the forum was interactive in useful and informative way.

12- I like the way that my partners responding to me. strongly disagree 7% strongly disagree 33%

disagre 0% NA 0%

strongly disagree disagre NA agree strongly disagree

agree 60%

Appendix 1: (screen shots of the Forum)

Appendix 2: (Checklist)

It is available at survey console

References: 1. Discussion forum of TECH 3000(5/2009) 2. CSC-SCC,(5/2009)

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