Oneness Maha Deeksha Brochure- June 2009

  • May 2020
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Life is a game.

Oneness UniverCity, India

It is in playing intensely, the totality of its experience is possible.” ‘What is the right action?’, a fundamental question that has lead to the birth of numerous value systems, rules and codes & conducts for living, down history. But still, is life devoid of conflict? ‘Do I give freedom or do I restrict my children?’ ‘Do I wait lying low or do I become aggressive’ ‘Do I permit my daughter to marry the boy of her choice or do I refuse?’ ‘Do I let go or do I fight for my rights?’ – Have you heard yourself making these

statements quite often? Yes, from selecting a pen to a life partner the question is – what do I do? While decision-making and execution is one thing, being free of conflict after acting on the decision is another thing. The Maha Deeksha is a 7-step process that progressively awakens you to a state of intelligence, from which emerge superior decisions leading to conflict-free action.


‘Existing to Living’ -Sri Bhagavan

What happens in the Maha Deeksha... Being a Warrior ‘The journey begins from ‘where you are’ and not from ‘where you want to be’, say Sri Amma Bhagavan. Become cognizant of where you are and learn the art of confronting any challenge and emerge victorious in the face of every crisis. Being a Lover Relationships determine the inner experience of life and hence control your external reality. Experience greater love and connectedness in relationships through healing of past ‘charges’. Being a Magician An enemy in hiding is more dangerous than the one who faces you. Witness the automatic resolution of your stifling problems by uncovering hidden truths, through the power of integrity. Being a Leader Beliefs, attitudes, conditionings, perceptions and views dictate your action and hence your personal and organizational destinies. Experience a shift into positive beliefs & conditioning, higher perceptions & views, through the unraveling and release of birth traumas & defective childhood decisions. Being Yourself Breakdown emotions like anger, frustration, etc., perpetuate themselves due to non-acceptance, and hence cause thought noise, lack of vision and strained relationships. Experience a long lasting BreakThru state by discovering love and acceptance for yourself. Being a Discoverer Most problems that we are trying to tackle do not exist. Discover the ‘real’ problems in your personal and professional lives and arrive at empowering solutions. Being a Decision Maker Successful people are most often intelligent than intellectual, the difference being - the intelligence functions from the heart, the intellect from the mind. Take the heart into the head and awaken your potential of superior judgment and decision-making leading to conflict free action.

The Maha Deeksha is a combination of Teachings

Higher insights into life from Sri Amma Bhagavan.


Personal time for assimilation & experiencing.


Interaction with guides for guidance on personal issues.


Breathing Techniques and Kundalini meditations .


Yoga and BreakThru exercises.


A direct impact on your consciousness through special deekshas.

In the Maha Deeksha...

The question that bugged me often was – why do I detest when people touch me or come close to me?

the er of Deeksha in e a w po e th ce en ri Expe com ess Beings & be presence of Onen yourself! Deeksha Giver

In the Maha Deeksha when we were

taken through our childhood, I saw an incident where my father beat me black and blue for failing in my exams and blamed my close friendship with my cousin for it.

I was

surprised to see that this unresolved hurt with my father was unconsciously controlling my attitude and responses to people and dictating everyone of my relationships. I am free now! -

Tilak, Hyderabad

Success always came only after much waiting, when I would have lost all hopes for it. In the process, I was shocked to realize that I unconsciously feared success! Since my busy parents were never available to me as a child, I had perceived their success as the culprit that kept them away from me, in ambition for more. This fear that success would take me away from my loved ones, was causing obstacles in my career. During one of the Deekshas I was liberated from this pattern and now I see a lot of positive changes at work!


Oneness UniverCity, Oneness City 2 (GC 2), Chitlapakkam Village, Chilamattur Post, Chittor District, Andra Pradesh. Click here for route map



Rs. 5,500 ( Inclusive of food & A/C accommodation) DD in 3 parts - 3100, 900, 1500 in the name of ‘Golden Shelters Pvt Ltd’ (Payable at Chennai) Transport from Chennai Railway St/ Airport to Oneness City - 2 Ananda Travels - 09382737373 Madura Travels - 09344040470

- Raju Shah, Pune My marriage was in doldrums. I was contemplating divorce when I came for the Mahadeeksha Process. During the process, I clearly saw how I was holding my husband responsible for all suffering in my life and that most suffering was self-created. My perceptions about life and relationships underwent a Himalayan shift…I should say it was a rebirth. I walked out the University brimming with love for myself and for everyone, especially my husband whom I thought I could never forgive in my life! - Priyadarshini, Mysore


Oneness UniverCity, India


Food & Accommodation

The Mahadeeksha would be hosted in the specially designed Oneness UniverCity Campus - Oneness City 2 (GC-2), near the World Oneness Centre. The Oneness UniverCity, India is situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh, approximately 80 km north of the metropolis of Chennai, off the Grand trunk freeway.

The participants would be accommodated in specially designed residential blocks with spacious and comfortable air-conditioned rooms, each capable of accommodating 8-13 people. Air conditioned meditation halls provide the necessary comfort to the participants during the process, while the natural freshness of green lawns, trees and birds all over the campus set the tone for contemplation and reflection.

Settled majestically at the foothills of the Vellikonda range (also known as the Eastern Ghats), is the Oneness UniverCity. Well protected from the damaging effects of modern civilization, these forests and mountains, considered to be the abode of many mystics and sages, enhance the serenity and sanctity of the campus with their natural beauty.

The participants would be served healthy vegetarian food in spacious, clean dining halls.

Process duration The process would run for 4&1/2 days. Participants are expected to arrive at the campus on the previous day evening after 6 pm and could leave by 2 pm on the last day of the process.

REGISTRATION Download the application form here. Fill in and submit with course fee in the following centers. Bangalore


Chennai & Coimbatore



Mumbai & Delhi
















REGISTER ONLINE @ (OR) CALL +91 9000991042 for reg. For more details, visit or email to [email protected].

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