Onegod, Part Nine

  • May 2020
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PART NINE-ONE IN NATURE Thus far God’s word has shown clearly that there are two spirits called God, not just one. However, some scriptures talk of the Father and the Son being “one.” How can this be? The answer is the subject of these last parts. Beginning with the Old Testament read Genesis 1:26: “Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’” (New American Bible). Who is speaking in this verse is not really clear. It could be the Father. Or it could be the God known most often in the Old Testament. This God became Jesus Christ. But the fact that this verse speaks in a plural context reveals there to be two spirits as God. Just because the word “God” here is singular does not mean Genesis 1:26 is a figure of speech. This is literal. But only one of the two spirits is doing the speaking. This is why “us” and “our” are used. This verse does show that God is one in nature. When the singular term “God” is used like this then it means both spirits were God, are God, and always will be God. The fact that the creation of man is an effort by both spirits confirms their oneness in nature even more. It has to be understood that “one in nature” does not mean there is only one God. It is not correct to say because God is one in nature there is only one God. Hebrews 1:1, 8, John 20:17 and 28 do not agree with this. To say God-the singular term like above-in regards to nature is to mention both spirits that are God. On the other hand, when speaking of actions done in the Bible, which spirit being called God has to be specific. Notice an example of this: “For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the people are idols: but the Lord made the heavens” (1Chronicles 16:25-26). According to John 1:3 the “Word” that was God did the actual creating. The Lord here in 1 Chronicles 16 is that same God. But remember Genesis 1:26 talks of “us” making man and all things. This means, as in John 1:1, God and the Word in a united effort at the thought process and design of all things. Then again John 1:3 clarifies who, meaning the Word, did the actual creating. Genesis 1:26, 1 Chronicles 16:25-26, and John 1:1-3 plainly tell how two spirits are being called God. But because there is a united effort in creating, the two spirits are one in nature.

This takes us to the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33. This chapter has Moses blessing the tribes of Israel before he died. Verses 24-25 have him concluding with Asher, but now read verse 26: “There is none like unto God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky.” “Jeshurun” means the tribes of Israel. Well, then who is the God of Israel? The God they knew intimately was the one that became Jesus Christ. However, the Father God, known by the name “Ancient of Days” in Daniel 7:9, 13, was also the God of Israel. But the Israelites did not know him probably at all. A point in using this verse is that because both called God were together over Israel, they were one in nature. There was harmony and agreement in everything spoken or done to and for Israel. Of course, the Eternal God, Deuteronomy 33:27, was the God that did all the speaking and doing. And this God was known more by Israel. The above verses confirm that there are two spirits called God with one nature. There is not just literally one God and therefore one nature. This absolutely is not in the Bible. The book of Job also confirms the oneness of nature in two spirits called God. Read first Job 1:6: “One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them” (New International Version). The question to ask is, who is “the Lord” here? If this Lord is the Lord Job knew personally then it is the God that became Jesus Christ. But this being the case, Satan did not just see the one Lord. Satan also saw the God known today as the Father. John 1:1-2 reveal in the very beginning was the “Word” as God and God who is the Father. How did this change when Satan went into heaven with the angels? The fact is that it did not change. So Satan saw two spirits that were God but he only spoke to one of them: Job’s personal, intimate God. And this God was not the Father, or the Ancient of Days as in Daniel 7:9, 13. Job 1:6 not only confirms there were two spirits as God but that what was spoken to Satan in Job 1:7-12 was in total agreement of the two spirits. This is how the TWO AS GOD ARE ONE IN NATURE. The Lord God in Job 1:7, 8 was the one who did the speaking. This Lord is not the only God there was or is. Now, even if Satan is allowed in heaven

(Rev. 12:10, last part) he still sees two spirits as God. Hebrews 1:1 says the Father is one Satan sees in heaven, and Hebrews 1:8 says the Son is another one Satan sees in heaven. God the Father and Jesus Christ as God still do everything in agreement as they did when Jesus Christ was the Word. The two were one in nature before; the two are one in nature today. Job 2:1 reveals the same thing. Before going on to the New Testament look at Psalm 50:7, 110:1, and Isaiah 41:10 for more truth of two spirits each as God being one in nature.

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