one word puzzle sms A rich man needs _____. A poor man has _____. If u eat _____ u die! Only one word fits in all the 3 blanks! Ans. Nothing I + opposite of W + starting of ICE + twice of the letter before T + 1/2 of O. Ans. I Miss U
I am 10 letter word, My 1234 has power to rule, U eat my 5678. My 89 & 10 means of a lady, I can fly what am i ????? Answer: KINGFISHER Every Thing I swallon iz Digested in Full Bt If I Drink Water I’ll Die Soon. Guess Wht iz It ? Answer: Fire
If U Look At Me I’ll Look At U If U Grin At Me I’ll Grin At U I U’ll Dance I’ll Also Dance Bt If U Shout, Sorry, I can’t. Who am I ?
Answer: Mirror
I am 5 letter word, If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you, If you remove my first letter I will die, if you remove my first 2 letters I will be sick. Who am I The answer is: SKILL
i m a 5 letter word if my 1st lettr is removed i cum above u if my 1st 2 lettrs r removd i m still around u i m used for ur comfort ans: CHAIR
who konsi sabji hai,jiska phela sabdh nikal dete hi,,ek kimti cheez ka naam,,akhri nikal dete to sweetdish ka naam,,or dono nikal dete to ek ladki ka naam banjata hai.