One Small

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By Lakhinder Bhatia, M.D. I Fortunately, America society »w . alwaysa aminority minorityWIIOIII whom v , * M_.v~-~~ «-_^wv „ LThere n e r e 1Sisaiways (Dr. Bhatia is a staff physician at more transparent and class boundy o u can never satisfy. Less successful Webster County Hospital in Webster anes are less distinct. One _ _ _ physicians complain about an obitu Springs.) i ? ^ ! ^ ary of their competitors in bygone life An obituary is a notice of newspaper even when who were more famous than them. To death. I was surprised v American and worse still, in some t h e l i v i n g it i s glorifying the dead ind out how many people read the asfcs, downright anti-American I When some pragmatists advocated i obituary section of the newspaper. To can predict with a fair amount of compromise that obituaries should be my surprise almost half the readers fidence that when the time down to size so that more could be admitted to reading the obituary co for Fidel Castro, the American media published in the journal, many cried umn on a regular basis. The older his obituary foul and wanted well-elaborated bio reader, the more likely he or she is I Will it be an obituary with "grudging graphical sketches including phoread the obituary section. In a sms admiration" or venom, I honestly do tograpli. Somedoctorsthinkobituaries i town virtually everyone finds son know. I am sure how Colonel ^ m o r e interesting than poor quality space in the obituary list. It is pitiable Gaddafy will be treated. If obituaries research papers. The idea of a drug that during the lifetime of an indi are important historical records, the company-sponsored obituary is horvidual no one seemed to care, but Colonel justifiably has the dubious ibly absurd upon his death, the whole town came distinction of being i mourn his or her passing away. In No profession takes an obituary To write an obituary is not an easy a big city only the influential and m o r e seriously than doctors The task fact to write anything of powerful find a place in the obituary B r i t i s h Medical Journal has an obitu substance is not an easy work It list. It is almost an honor. It also ^ e d i t o r s o l e l y f o r compiling and requires time and timely research. It depends upon the political views of writing obituaries ofphysicians. There the deceased. After all, who will is a three to five month waiting period has to be factual. A self-written publish a biographical sketch of an before an obituary is published and obituary would be less time consuming and more accurate. I find an [ unknown entity if the person was not only less than half make it in the obituary more interesting if it is written - politician? obituary list. Although the dead do I learned the politics of obituaries nnr r n m plain, their living friends do. wittily. Since everyone is not a born many years ago when I was in Lon Most vocal and retired doctors who writer, I am not sure how a self-writter obituary would be more interesting don. I was a young trainee physiciai check every of the medical w v-j aouv ux u.v ,..w.v,«* , i j written by a ghost u n e s s t w a s and worked in a politically sensitiv< journal to find out which one of them _____ * * * * » _ » , _ «*w, I c a m e a c r o s s a s e l f T nnrn hospital. You were either a Tory or J h a s b e e n b u m p e d o f f . T h e r e p u t e d o b i t u a r y w h i c h r e a d , " P e t e r w a s \ Laborite, just as we are in this count; m e d i c a l j o u r n a l J A M A h a s a n o b i t u r e b e l l i o n o f t h e t i m e a n d d i d n o t - a Republican or a Democrat, irre a r y l i s t e v e r y w e e k . I t i s l i k e a c o n f o r m t o r o u t i n e . H e w a s v e r y spective of your belief in democracy, graduation party for those who have m u c h his o w n man. A s a successful One day I overheard my chief talking a n o t h e r p h y s i c i a n " D a v i d , d i d y o u f i n a l l y m a d e it t o t h e e n d . F o r s o m e t r a n s p l a n t s u r g e o n , h e w a s G o d t o h i s physicians it is an ultimate step patients God was not amused see Sir John's obituary in The Sunday immortality Peter's self-eulogy. After Peter's death Times? Tragically British doctors treat their obituaries he was reminded, "Well doctor, I don't i he Daily Telegraph , the doctor re- w ith extreme seriousness and absur care what you did on planet earth but plied They were talking about dity apart with some degree of ec- around here there is only one God. j distinguished physician friend who centricity. Although the medical And that is Me had died. The content of their conver- profession has a compulsory Medical sation implied that the deceased was Registerof physicians, in their it conservative enough to deserve historical record. For many few kind words in The Daily Tele- a n obituary is an important historical graph, a conservative newspaper. In r e c o r d w h i c h also provides us inforother words, even in death people did the changes and attitude of not spare Sir John for having different the profession of the ideas which were not shared by the mainstream establishment. In England s almost class consciousness •









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Arthur Alvin Addleman. 78 George Hunter Adams, 60 A J ' Addela Currv of Mead Creek, died Mon day, April 10,1967, in a Beck in Hunter 30, 1965 and 1passed ley hospital after a long illness ueath was attiibuted to a way January 11, igyg at the Born August 24, 1888, in heart attack. f years a $£ r !? °d 7 Farm Virgi one lived near he was a 4 Seattle, Wash Js ? « rf 1th W ! .1904, he was a ington son of the late William anU ™° u elate C. P. and Lucy Emma Ziegler Addleman UITO o n r d ed on McLaughlin Adam •v^uguuu /iaams. ,«« •. the 99th wed u „ £ !"il l **! 99th wed dln H e w a sa He was aa fformo, „ ^ 8 anniversary of hp*. T!OJI V member of the armer y 0I ler *«L „ * and me- I and w*« *CT .last/ Parents Meadow r ^ t Rontiaf Meadow H Creek Baptist PK Ch was the lame and a member of surviving ch and the Hint i Masonic Moose Lodge; Lodge M Addleman had lived in the Mead 3w Creek were area for the past sixty years, services were held (185^1939) and mother, M a S and was a retired Chesapeake and Ohio Railway agent with afternoon at,the Bax E. M,r. „„K... C u r r y ' ( S McLaughl n S y t e a n Chu fifty years of nU^ l ? ^ h a t 1940),pi US f0Ur sis I r ^ r ' "y Dunmoreto the Rev. Denver M. Curry a $ ? l S $ ? T ^ & Survivors include e r sons, Lively. .Btirml ^ . ;« M I : ; r ! » ^ « v i i ? ' '--1898), Effie E . Curry daught BtiriaT w ^ irt the ArGwinn (1879-1938) one brother Battle E. Curry Vl»M i S f t W. Addleman, of Marlin to ttie a ton and ten r C. « y »5*» ^ nd Eva E ' grandchildren ,d n ,r ^ A° (18?8-1959) a fi Ch also five broth Adam Mrs. Rosa Adeline Addingt George P D ed on M rs. Rosa Adeline Addi rday ni^bt, D S J 9 ged 0, of C after .years of died Fridayo „ . l £ A ^°rA 58), James d O Curry (1888.1906), R a , S 8 January 22, 1960. .wh visiting Tmsday afternoon th Curry (18924966), and L ? y | fu y Akron, Ohio. She had service was held a< Curry (1894-1960)! at D b.i h pastor, Rev. Grah been ill several week Grattie'8 husband m Key Kenneth In term Mrs. Add Odd member Adams (1883-1973) andl Q^fK A J — " " " u oneof Ell Cass Baptist Church and . rL e c e i l r ? . (1912,1970) i h ad been ident of Cass the The deceased is survived by his 3 ®° P <Jed. her m death ,y J1 'past thirty years. dow and their thoiV SOD, o n . OUrVlVOrs i n n l . ^ . H , D c u d e fc Sterl I T A *° sons.' i Surviving P a 8 C 0 th daught fifty years, taift ' Washing- Mrs. Clar^i Sea bolt ed b v L D e d Mrs 4 e o w a r d Vk' ?', «^esapea?*e K Washinrrnn u Mttln S i toJ Adams. Jf Paul B both of Akron;' and Ohio Railway as a section fore ™ * * M N man. hffc Lick; two sons, Edward, of Ak Mrs. Charles P. Adams RS. MARGARET „ . A C , ron d Staff Sergeant James Mrs. I Mrs. M a r g a r e t Nottingham' F. Adams, 80, died Add of Keesler Air on die Saturday, February 15, 1958, Base, Biloxi. M h o°me " *o f? £ > * * « ^ the at her home at Dunmore her daughter, She M Mr Carl 0lli s S Bostic, of D C W p AT K 2rch»23 . l "Funeral > ™s 4e r v i c P«eevening, t h e ^ d o w of the ,a,e C h a S H » bro, her, " K D ° a , e " o1f E ^ Adams s „™,r' were Ross C h " Charles D of held Tuesday at 2P- m, at the UB born W ( t t uJa orn L Mrs. Adams was ureen Bank Meth Green M*x+h«W- 1i1v.v •1878 io inVn January d Worley Dale, of St. Ala Burial wa a t T L ^ r - Ia% V * dunmore, the daub grandchildrenand hter Dall Dall a n dd HHannah a M a h Wthirty great-grandchildren Cemetery on the farm f^\f * ?J S l m 0onnulhh l c' T T ?he was wsi« voov.^ ' - tralford n. Sho . which Galford McLauerh McLaughlin. She L_c„„ reared. Fun services were held vived by one son, Hunter Adam Tuesd aft i nit he Cass ot Dunmhrft. Ba pt st C h u r c h Summers Adkison Thp- fun., i by the Rev. LeonJ ! ihe tuneral services were held ard \rnold and the Rev H a m rs Adkis i 65 j Tuesday afternoon at Smith's Zickafoose h b in the d Octobe 1919. He Funeral Hon by th R Ed Wan less m failiDg- health for <' Thomas Burial was in the Odd some month A th paper is fellow Cemetery at Elk Tivis B. Ad printed. no arrangements h Mre




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been announced for t h efu i In termed t will bo theR cemetery. The dec was a son f th Morgan Adkison: h othei was a Glad H b Gleu Adkison of Reniek I unmarried. •


Tivis B d7 died at his home on Droop QXL Atkinsor* Fri March 7 a Miss Catherine Atkinson, 15. an d On Sund of Silver Spring, Maryland Killed in a pnllionr-. «<0 1 ) n ] d in the] an inter- ^Walker lO 1 section near Fair fa Virgin 1 ne funeral (

I bundaymorning,

o r v l c e w a s hei(l f r o r n L a u r e l ^ huroh b j Rev M Calvin Lewis K v Ro er

April 11,1965' police report thecar was struck' by a truck. Th theryoung ^ « T killed Allan Adkison, aged 81 years, died She was a randaughter an d h of Ken tuck

Hill and


d was a native of H was a merchant' at his home at Seebert, oVsaourdTy. M r a n dMr^ S> , Sftfe r I , ^ ^ of d postmaster at Dr January- ••14, On I D„*U V Camden of - . 1932. ^ . Sunday S u n d a y his lllc Bethesd body was buried in the Oak Grove Maryland S d a ar 3 his wife, Mr g n dn ce Cemetery at Hillsboro. He is sur- ^ L J / of Mrs. Carl Slaven Mibel A four sons, L B vived by his wife, who was Miss Mar- of Marlint K: L dP R garet Payne, and their five children, K (y., of Chariestoo; four daag-fa Wrn. H.; Otto and Thrasher: Mrs! ters, Mrs. ide Surb-iug-h, .Virs Geneva Carpenter and Miss Maud. R Holland Doris d kins, ail of Droop, and M s. L cjlle Gum, of Akron, Oh





Fred E. Adkison, age 67 years, ! #as called to rest in a Veterans hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida on Thursday, November 10,1960. He was born near Buckeye, where he. spent the most of his boyhood He was the son of the late William McNeil! and Margaret Rogers Adkison. He was one of the four brothers who served their Country in War and Peaea. He was a member of Com -ny M. 131st Infantrv in World War I. After his rerurn home he worked for a few years-as a miner; then he was employed as a guard for fourteen years by the Leyland Electrical Company, of Dayton. Ohio. On retiring about five | years ago, he moved to Fbrida. He is' : rvived by his wife, I Mrs, Mabel Adkison; two broth-' ers, George Adkison, of Troy, Mew York, and Clifford Adkison, of Marlinton, also two sisters Mrs. H. C. Miller, and Miss Elsie Adkison both of Marlinton. He vas preceded in death by twoj brothers, Coe Adkison and Okey j Adkison. Funeral services were conducted I by Rev. H. M. Pennington at the' Smith Funeral Home on Mondav. November 14. Burial was made in Mountain View Cemetery with military honors by Veterans of j Foreign Wars. David A. Adkison David Allen Adkison, 38, of Clendeninville, died May 20,1997, at home after a short illness. He was a member of the Renick Church of the God and a driver and laborer for Atlantic Refrigeration at Frankford. Survivors include his father, Paulmer Lee Adkison,' of Daytona Beach, Florida; his wife, Teresa Adkison; two sons, Mark Adkison, of White Sulphur Springs, and Wesley Adkison, of Clendeninville; one daughter, Christie Adkison, of Clendeninville; one brother, Paulmer Adkison, Jr.; three sisters, Esther Lee Pace, of Droop Mountain, Carol Pendleton, of Hillsboro, and Margaret Brown, of Renick; one stepbrother, Bruce Adkison, of Falls Church, Virginia; and one stepsister, Lisa Adkison, of Falls Church. Services will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday at the McCraw Funeral Home in Frankford with the Rev. Dan Arbogast officiating. Burial will be at Stephens Hole Run. Friends may call one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Following the service, the family will hold a covered dish picnic at Droop Mountain State Park.

Mrs. Harper Adkison Harper Adkison Mrs. Lena L. Adkison, 85 > Harper Adkison, aged 80 years, of Buckeye, died in the Den" died at his home on Kee Flat, mar State Hosoital on Tuesnear Marlinton, on Wednesday day, October 27, 1964, after a morning, July 28, 1954. For long illness. She was the widabout twenty years he had been ow of Harper Adkison. laid aside as an invalid. On FriBorn at Buckeye, January day afternoon the funeral service 15. 1879, she was the daughter was held from Marlinton Presbyterian Church by Rev. J. D. of William A. and Clarissa Mc Arbuckle. His body was laid to Neill Duncan. She was a member nf the Mar rest in the family plot in Mounlinton Presbyterian Church. tain View Cemetery. Survivors include three sons,' The deceased was the son of the late Joseph and Mary Buck- Dale Adkison, of Renick, Isaac ! ley Adkison. His sister is Mrs. Adkison, of Port Lavaca, Tex0. E. McKeever, of Huntington. as, and George Price Adkison, Fifty-three years ago, Mr. of Elkton, Maryland; and five Adkison married Miss Lena grandchildren. Duncan. Their children are ( Funeral services will be held Dale, of Renick; George P., of j Thursday afternoon in the Mar Brooklyn, New York, and Isaac 'linton Presbvterian Church by D., of the Army, now stationed at j the Rev. W. E. Pierce with I burial in Mountain View CemHouston, Texas. Until laid aside many years ago etery. by ill health, Mr. Adkison was a busy man actively engaged as a Thrasher Adkison was born at contractor, land surveyor and Hillsboro, West Virginia, on Novem civil engineer. He was a deeply ber 25. 1895, the son of the late A C religious .nan, who was not spoiled and Mrs Margaret Adkison. EU de by prosperity, and bore adversity parted this life January 10, i#40 af f witl patience. In religion he ter an illness of ore and one ha/ was a member of tliePresbyterp' years—being 44 years of age; just in the prime of life. Chur,.'

His wife preceded him to the grave MJ-S.J M. J Adkison died at the on July 1U 1939, just six months ago. He united with the Methodist StaMmron Hospital Tuesday morning AprrT3, 1923. She was born near Church at Seebert in 1932, later trans Flarrsonburg, Rockingham county, ferrir.^ his membership r~ the Hunt Va , in 1861, and at the time of her ersville charge. death was sixty-two years of a^e. The following survive him: Lis She was a Miss Gladwell before her mother, Mrs Margaret Adkison; his marriage. She had been in failing children, Genevieve, Jeannette, Wood health for some time, but had been row, Dewey, Lorraine and Billy; two in bed two month before her death. isisters, Mrs Floyd Carpenter, of MillShe is survived by her husband and I point, and Mrs Chas C Carpenter, of their five children—Mrs. Myrtle Mc- ; >ert; two brothers. Will Adkison, Clure, of Mill point; Emery and SumGreenbank, and Otito Adkison, of mers of Marlinton; Dave and Glen of i uiillpoinG Staunton Mrs Adkison had bt Funeral services were held in the member of the Methodist Church, Hillsboro Methodist Church, conduct South for about twenty live years. ed by Rev L. S. Shires and assisted Her body was buried in the Ruckby Rev. Qiade R Arbogast, of man graveyard, near Marvin Chapel, bank. I n te r m en t in the J3 rick Oh arch this county; Wednesday April 4th. i Cemetery. We wish t > thank the people of Staunton, Va , Hillsboro, Millpoint, and Marvin Chapel neighborhoods for George Adkison the kindness shown during the death George Adkison, 73, formerand burial of our mother. ly of Marlinton, died in Troy, Children. New York, on Thursday, January 7, 1971, after'a long illness. David M Adkison, 56 of Tru^jow Survivors include his wife, street, a building contractor, died Mrs. Lucille Adkison; one son, Sunday aft rnoon, October 17,1937, William Alkison, and one of a heart ailment in a.i ambulance daughter, Mrs. Carole Deshortly after he collap-ed in an auto Giorgio, both of Troy, N e w mobile in his garage. York; also two daughters by He came to Charleston five years j a former marriage, Mrs. Hilda ago from Pocahontas county, where j Bobblett, of Holland, New lie was engaged in the contracting: York and Mrs. Lucille Kershbusiness and was a former employe of ner, of White Sulphur Springs the Kanawha county school board. and one sister, Miss Elsi» Surviving are his widow, Mrs j Adkison, of Marlinton. uaura Adkison; three sons, P^ul, Funeral services and buria Jerry and Clyde Adkison: a daughter were conducted in Troy. Mrs Opal Cline, and three brothers, Gien, Emory and Summers Adkison of T'Tarlinton.—Charleston Gaze&te


George Hunter Adams *"•• e«ffie Curry Adams George Hunter Adams, 60, A/dJ?«-8 Gwraast t »e Addela Curry of Dunmore, died at his home ^ ^ ? ' ^ m May 4, 1886 Death was attiibuted to heart attack. Born April 4,1904, he was a son of the late C. P. and Lucy McLaughlin Adams. He was a farmer and mechanic and a member of the Moose Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Mrs1. Leta Ml Adams. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Baxter Presbyterian Church at

years I K ! r *? - near



7 months

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and 8 r8T h rv? er ^ 8 Grattie died on the 99th wed

ana was the last surviving member of the Anson and Ui Marl Curry marriage. *«»ry Preceding her In death were her father, Anson W r.VrJl g 8 t 1 r 9 3 9 ) k a , o d ™ther, S ' i q 4 n M c I 1 a U 8 ^ , n C u « y (1857^

^ ^ & U ^ ^ ^ SS ^ r r y ^ g ft . - I T T r Charles P. Adams

( t w i n to Grattie); and Eva E } Curry Middleton (1898*9597 ' 75 £ , s 0 fiYe brothen George P j Urry j




Arthur Alvin Addleman, 78, of Meadow Creek, died Monday, April 10,1967, in a Beckiey hospital after a long illness Born August 24, 1888, in Farmville, Virginia, he was a son of the late William and Emma Ziegler Addleman. He was a member of the Meadow Creek Baptist Church and the Hinton Masonic Lodge. Mr. Addleman had lived in the Meadow Creek area for the past sixty years, and was a retired Chesapeake and Ohio Railway agent with fifty years of service. Survivors include two sons, two daughters; one brother, W. W. Addleman, of Marlinton, and ten grandchildren.

Mrs. Rosa Adeline Addington Mrs. Rosa Adeline Addington, Saturday night, D,oeui!,r 9 1950 Z™*7 / 3-1958), James S aged 70, of Cass, died Friday, K±wv~j.i7vvj 9 rcaieigh after years of invalidism.' O £ J £(1892-1966) » S S. January 22, 1960, while visiting y» § uurry Curry (1892-1966), and Loy R. relatives in Akron, Ohio. She had i u r w a y afternoon the funeral Ciirrv Curry fiQQA (1894-1960). been ill several weeks. service was held at Dunmore b.y r»»«*#.;-'-*/^ rr T „u«J^ Kenneth his pastor, Rev. Graham Keyes. AAda™ £ ^ ^o hM* S° Kd f' Mrs. Addington was a member j 3 ? S Interment in the Oddfellow cem son,Seth Adams (1912-1970) of the Cass Baptist Church and; etery near Eikins. had been a resident of Cass the; The deceased is survived by hi' also preceded, her in death past thirty years. widow and their son, Hunter. Surviving are three daughters, A d am P a s c o For more than fifty years, ~- ton ton, aand n H H< o' ' Washing-' Mrs. Clarence Seabolt and Mrs. was employed by the Ohesapea!*0 Washington. Paul Brake, both of Akron; and & Ohio Railway as a section fore Mrs. Norman Sharp, of Clover man. Lick; two sons, Edward, of AkMrs. Charles P. Adams MRS. MARGARET N. ACORD ron; and Staff Sergeant James G. Mrs. Lucy F. Adams, 80, died Addington, of Keesler Air Force Mrs. M a r g a r e t Nottingham Acord, aged 94*years, died at the on Saturday, February 15, 1958, Base, Biloxi, Mississippi; agister, h o m e of her daughter, Mri. at her home at Dunmore. She Mrs. Carl Bostic, of Durbin; Edith Collins, Sunday evening, was the widow of the late Charles three brothers, John Dale, of McMarch 23. Funeral services were P. Adams. Ross; Charles Dale, of Charlesheld Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Mrs. Adams was born January Green Bank Methodist Church. J18, 1878, at Dunmore, the dau- ton; and Worley Dale,, of St. Albans; seventeen grandchildren and Burial was at the Nottingham ghter of Dallas and Hannah thirty great-grandchildren , Cemetery on the farm on which Galford McLaughlin. She is surFuneral services were held ' she was reared. vived by one son, Hunter Adams, Tuesday afternoon in the Cass of Dunmbre. Baptist Church by the Rev. LeonSummers Adkison The" funeral services were held ard \rnold and the Rev. Harry Summers Adkison, aged 65' Tuesday afternoon at Smith's Ziekafoose, with burial in the pears, died October 3, 1949. He | Funeral Home by the Rev. Ed Wanless Cemetery, iad been in failing health for! Thomas. Burial was in the Oddsome months. As this paper is fellow Cemetery at Eikins. Tivis B. Adkins printed, no arrangements have Charles P. Adams, , aged years of near Dunmo-V died on £

been announced for the funeral. Inte-rmedt will be in the Ruckman cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Morgan Adkison; his mother was a Glad well. His brother is Gleu Adkison of Reuiek. He was unmarried. Allan Adkison, aged 81 years, died at his home at Seebert, on Saturday. January 14, 1932. On Sunday his body was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery, at Hillsboro. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Margaret Payne, and their five children, Wra. EL; Otto and Thrasher: Mrs. Geneva Carpenter and Miss Maud.

Q&l'Uf*). ]88

Denlly A

Tivis B. Adkins, a^red T2 years

Catherine Atkinson died at his home on Droop OIL Miss Catherine Atkinson, 15, Frilay, March 7, 1952, a l t e r a m of Silver Spring, Maryland, was jextended illness. On Sunday afkilled in a collison at an inter- ternoon his body was laid in the section near Fairfax Virginia Walker Cemetery. The funeral Sunday morning, April 11,1965 j service was held from Laurel Hill i Police report the car was struck Church by Rev. Calvin Lewis and by a truck. Three other young Rev. Roger Melton. people were killed. The deceased was a native of She was a grandaughter of j Kentucky. He was a merchant Mr. and Mrs. Sterl Camden of and postmaster at Droop. Bethesda, Maryland, and a Surviving are his wife, Mrs. grandniece of Mrs. Carl Slaven, Mabel Adkins; four sons, L B , of Marlinton. E L and P. VV., of Rainelle, and


R C., of Charleston; four daugh ters, Mrs. Maude Surbiugh, Mrs. Ruth Hollaudsworth, Doris Adkins, all of Droop, and Mrs. Lu eille Gum, of Akron, Ohio.

James H. Adkinson


Willie A. Adkison Willie Allen Adkison, 88, of r0 Tu sday M y 9 ? o o f ° V>i^ ,? ' * ' 1995, in Madison, Virginia, after a long illness. Mr. Adkison was retired from Denmar Hospital and was a member of Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church. He was born at Hillsboro November 2, 1906. Preceding him in death were his wife, Nema McClure Adkison, his mother, Maude Adkison

Charles W. Adkinson Charles William Adkinson* 73, of Marlinton, died Satur

Carpenter, a s o n ,Carl Paul Adkison, a daughter, Creola Adkison, and t w o brothers, W i n t o n and Jack Carpenter. Surviving h i m are t w o sons,

Survivors include two sons, Charles Lightner, o fBluefield, Virginia, and Kenneth Adkinson, o f Marlinton; two daughters, M r s . Frances Ball, o f

Paulmer Adkison, of Falls Church, Virginia, and Freeman Adkison, of Buckeye; six daughters, Luana McPherson, Carolyn Carter and Dottie Shinaberry, all of Manassas, Virginia, Drema Jackson, of Buckeye, Edna Short, of Roadesville, Virginia, and Patsy Mason, of Madison, Virginia; a brother, Claude Carpenter, of Scott Depot; two sisters, Jacoba Thompson, of Hayes, Virginia, Lucille Whitte, of Williamsburg, Virginia; 27 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Godfrey Tate, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, Hillsboro. Memorial gifts may be made to Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church. Emory H. /*uiuson, J r. mory H. Adkison, Jr., 63, formerly of Marlinton, died Saturday, November 19, 1983, in Topeka, Kansas, of an apparent heart attack. He was a retired colonel from the U. S. Air Force and was a retired administrator of the State Hospital in Topeka. He was a member of the Topeka United Methodist Church. Born in Marlinton on February 25, 1920, he was a son of the late Emory H. and Lillian Bletken Adkison. Surviving him are his wife, Evelyn Little Adkison; a daugh ter, Marlene, of Topeka; two brothers, the Rev. Preston Adkison, of Point Comfort, Texas, and Ira Adkison, of Cleveland, Ohio; five sisters, Bernice Hodges, of Troup, rr TT ii« AM J.' t vW Texas, Halhe Martin, of Killbuck, Ohio, Marie Genn, of Troy, Ohio, Nancy Broyles, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Kathryn Fawcett, of Lewisburg. Services and burial were in Topeka on Wednesday. *


ount Clare. Feb. 7 —James Henry Adkinson, 78, retired farmer, died „ _last evening .. B w at„ his home avatv 6v o'clock ill for d a y > M a r c h 2 9 1 9 6 9 j n t h e . a t I n t e r s t a t e . He had been Pocahontas C o u n t y Memorial five years and bedfast since November Adkin&cu had spent his entire life Hospital. Death was attribin this section. lie was born Februu t ed to a heart attack. ary 13, 1855. a son of Horace and Born in Summers County Martha Anna McKeevcr Adkinson. lay 17, 1895, be was the son His father died in 1916 and his mothof the late Peter Marshall and er in 1920. He. was a member of Odd Mar Fellows lodge, 2?o; 235, at Mount >' Adkinson. c

He was a member of the Central Union Methodist Church.

Saybrook, Ohio, and Mrs. Ann Alexander, of Painesville, Ohio; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Central Union Methodist Church near Marlinton by the Rev.


Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow aftrrnoon at the h o m e with Rev. Josiah Pavne, of Lost c r e e k , i n c h a r g e . B u r i a l v> i l l b e m a d e i nthe Mount Clare O d d Fellows cemetery. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. J.

H. Hildreth, of Wyatt, and theMisses Olive and Iva Adkinson, of Inter— ••----

state, and a brother, Oscar H. Adkinson, of Mount Clare.—Clarksburg Exponent. •

Clarence V. Aldermen Clarence V. Alderman, died November 23, 1970, at the home of his son, Vern AlAIfred G u m w l t h burial in t h e derm an,* at Bethel Heights, Buckeye Cemetery. Winchester, Virginia. He was formelry of Delray. William M. Adkinson Mr. Alderman was born at William M. Adkinson, I Marlinton, died in a Richmond Minnehaha Springs on August 3, 1896, son of the late William^ Virginia hospital on Thursand Phoebe Alderman. He was* day, September 17, 1984, after twice married, bis first wife a long illness. being Mrs. Susan Mary AlderHe was born at Durbm, man, wbo died September 28, June 4, 1920. a son of Charles 1956. He then married the Adkinson, of Marlinton. former Mrs. Laura Steinmeitz, Other survivors include two of Athens, Ohio, who survives. k brothers, Kenneth Adkinson, He was a retired farmer. of Alexandria, Virginia, and Surviving with his widow Charles Adkinson, of Bluefield, are the following children by Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. his first marriage, Mrs. James Mary Frances Ball, of North Thelma Brinkley, of MHIboro, Madison, Ohio, and Mrs. Anna Mrs. Lewis Elva Lineberry, of Lee Alexandria, of Painesville, Buena Vista, Mrs. Monte (EveOhio. lyn) Quick, of Roanoke, Chade Funeral services were held /vick^Alderman, of Milton, Ver Saturday afternoon at the •montj Maynard Alderman, of Smith Funeral Home by the Route 1, Berryville, Virginia, rence Pierson. BurKeith M. Alderman, Rt. 2, ial was in the Cloonan CemWinchester, Virginia, and Vera etery. Alderman, Bethel Heights, Virginia; a nephew, James B. Alderman, Bethel Heights, Vir• in ho reared; 37 gima wh David M Adkison, 56. of Truslow treet, a building contractor, died grandchildren, 16 great grandSunday afternoon, Ocooer 17, 1937, | children; two sisters, Mrs. Tho of a heart ailment in an ambulance mas (Rushai Meadows of Delshortly alter he collar ed in an auto ray, Virginia, and Mrs. Clabe mobile in his garage KelJison, of Huntersville. He came to Charleston five years! Three children preceded him ago from Pocahontas county, where he was engaged in fbe contracting ip death: Cody B. Alderman, business and was a fo-aier employe of killed during World War II the Kanawha county -jhool board. while with the U . S . Navy, Surviving are his widow, jvirs Lloyd K. Alderman and Mrs. —



^.aura ACIKISOU; trip*? sons, raui, I , e r r y a n d C]yde Adki.on: a daughter Mrs Opal CIine, and hree brothers, Glen, Emory and Sui mers Adkison |of Marlinton.—Charleston Gazette


Mae I inpherrv M e n m * ^} ^ ^\

» I

Services were held at Union


Wednesday. Novem-

ber, 25,1970 at 2:00 p. m. by the Rev. Daniel W. Stephens Interment in the Greenlane Cemetery.

Calm 0 . Akers

Calm O. Akers, 68, of R.D.I, Rogers, Ohio, was found drown ed in a stripmine lake Sunday, November 10, apparently having fallen in while coon hunting Tnursday night. Hundreds joined in the search after his coon hound returned without him. Mr. Akers, a retired salesman, was born January 30, 1900, near Marlinton, a son of William and Mtlvina Curry Akers. He was a member of the Methodist Church and a veteran of World War I. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Opal Morris Akers, whom he married November 5, 1922; four daughters, Mrs. George Flake, South Bend, Ind ana, Mrs. Dale Barton, Lab-wo;d, New Jersey, Mrs. David Kling, Marlinsviile, New Jersey, and Mrs. Ronald Pauli, Garrettsville, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Dainys, Johnson City, New York, and Myrtle Hefner, New Jersey; three brothers, W.liiam Akers, Buckeye, Emerson Akers, Mt. Clare, and Joseph Akers, Richmond, Virginia; nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the funeral home there with bwifcl in Lisbon Cemetery. Clinton Akers Clinton Akers, 61, of Interlaken, New York, was killed instantly in an automobile ac-j cident near Interlaken, Wed-| oesday, September 8, 1965. Born at Dunmore, he was a cook at Willard State Hospital at Ovid, New York.for nine-! teen years. ; His wife, the former Esther Frisbie, was seriously injured n the same accident. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Esther Akers; four sons, Kenneth and Allen Akers, both of Ithaca, New York; Els worth and Robert Akers, both of Interlaken, New York; four brothers, Joe Akers, of Richmond, Virginia, Emerson Akers of Clarksburg, Cam Akers, of Ohio, and William Akers, o^ Buckeye; one sister, Mrs. Evia Hoover, of Scottsville, Virginia; two half-sisters, Carrie, of Binghamton, New York, and vlyrtle, of New Jersey, and a lalf-brother, James. Funeral services were held Saturday with burial in Mountain View Cemetery at Interlaken, New York.


amuel Noah Alderman

Kermit H. Alderman

Sa iuel Noah Aide: man, aged 58 years, 9 months and 17 days, died in the Pinecrest Sanitarium, at Beckley, on Saturday, July 4th, 1959, after a long illness. Born near Huntersville, September 17, 1900, he was the son of the late William C. and Pheobe Jane Alderman. He is survived by eight children: three sons, Morris, of Parkersburg; Robert, of Delray, and Charleti in the Service; and five daughters: Mrs. Raymond Bennett, of Wavne, Michigan; Mrs. Charles Turley, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Keith Smith, of Salamanac i, New York; Mrs. George Martin, of White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, in the Service. Also surviving are eighteen grandchildren, two sisteis, Mrs. C. H. Kellison, of Huntersville, and Mrs. T. S. Meidows, of Delray, and one brother, Clarence Alderman, of Delray. and a hos. of other relatives and friends. The funeral was conducted on Tuesuay in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. T. G. Alderman and the Rev. Bernard R. Skeens. Burial was made in the Alderman Cemetery on the North Fork of Anthony's Creek. _

Kermit Holyman Alderman, 61, of Vista, California, formerly of Alvon, died Thursday, April 15, 1976, in a Naval hospital at Camp Pendleton, California, after a short illness. Born December 28, 1914, at Alvon, he was a son of the late Mitchell and Jessie Holyman Alderman. He was retired from the U. S. Marine Corps, having served in World War II, Korean War and Vietnam. He attended the United Methodist Church and was a member of the Elk? and American Legion in Vista and VFW Fleet Reserve Association. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leone Alderman; one son, Denny B. Alderman, of West Warwick, W. L; three brothers, Jenton, of Keene, New Hampshire, Mason, of White Sulphur Springs, and Charles Dale Alderman, of Lorain, Ohio* four •isters, Mrs. Freda Wade, of Franklinton, North Carolina, Mrs. Oga Wade, of White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Mabel Hartman, of Belle and Mrs. Dorothy Alderman, of St. Albans, and four grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Alvon linked Methodist Church with Rev. Eddie B. Kyle in charge. Burial was in Alvon Methodist Church Cemetery.

SUSAN BUSSARD AULDRIDGE Mrs. Susan Bussard Auldridge, aged 95 years, died at the home of her son, Davis Auldridge, near Dunmore on February 5, 1941. On Saturday morning her body was laid to rest in the McNeill Graveyard near Buckeye, the service being conducted from the Lower Church by Rev. Quade Arbogast, assisted by Rev. L. S. Shires and Rev A B Williford Mrs. Auldridge was the widow of the late T. M. Auldridge, of Buckeye, a Confederate soldier. Their surviving sons are, J. O. and Davis; their surviving daughters are

Jacob C. Alderman

Jacob C. Alderman, 75, a native of Pocahontas County, died unexpectedly Saturday, March 5, 1960, at the home of his son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Wright of Hot Springs, Virginia. Mr. Alderman was a son of the Mrs Nannie - !*entzel ana! MrcTLula ; late Walter and Jane Kincaid | Alderman. He is survived by Withrow. f&sCrD-h I Mrs, L. O. Wright and three The deceased was a daughter of other daughters, Mrs. Dennis the late Henry and Mary Hannah May of Hot Springs, Virginia, Bussard, of Cummings Creek. For a ! lifetime she had been a professing J Mrs. Victor Allender of PleasantChristian and member of the Metho-; I dale, and Mrs. Jesse Summerj field of Kerens; a son, Osborne I dist church. / of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Levia Ryder of near Hot Springs, Henley G. Albert I Virginia, and Mrs. Leah Ryder of Henley G. Albert, of RavenI Aldrfson; also eleven granclchildna, Ohio, formerly of Droop, I ren and three great-grandchildren. died Wednesday, May 23, Funeral services were held Wed 1973, after a short illness, in nesday afternoon at May's Chathe Robinson Memorial Hospel on Anthony Creek in Greenpital. brier County with burial in the church cemetery. He was born June 14, 1903, in Pocahontas CountySurvivors include his wife, Mrs. Eisie Lantz Albert; two daughters, and five sons.

Warw'ck P. Alderman

George Fountain Alderman

Mrs Ada Alderman

George Fountain Alderman Warwick Peyton Alderman of Mrs Ada Dean Alderman, aged Huntersville, agred 65 years, died 66 y«ars, of Huntersville, widow was born in Bath County, Viron Thursday, August 2, 1951, of of the late Esco Alderman, died ginia. February 9, 1871. and a heart attack, He bad gone to on January 27, 1943. Last Ma.y died September 22, 1964, in an Richwood on that day, to visit she suffered a broken thigh in a Elkins hospital f o l l o w i n g his son. Burial in the f >ters- fall. On Saturday afternoon, a long illness, at the age r ville cemetery on '-. ilC iay with her body was laid to rest in the of 93 years, seven months and services from the mith Funeral family cemetery on Ou.ninings thirteen days. He was a son of Home by Rev. R. h . Skajrgs as Creek. The funeral v*as conduct- the late John and Emily Byrd sisted by E. Clyde Bussard. ed from the Huntersville Method- Alderman* Mr. Alderman was reared The deceased is survived by his ist church by he- pastor, Rev. L. near Green Bank and later bewife, Sabina Wood ridge Alder- E. Saville. man and their six children, Fred Mrs Alderman was a daughter came a lumberman and farmer. W. of Rich wood; Mr». Grace M. of the late Isaac P. and Rebecca He*was among the last surviAlderman, Ralph G. and Romie Burr Dean. She became the wife vors of the white pine logging G., of Detroit, Michigan, Phillip of Esco Alderman, who preceded days, drivingon the Greenbrier S., of Madera, Calif., and Ber- her four years since. Their sons river, about which recently a nard, at home. There are 18 are Warwick, Henry, Merrick book was published by Mr. grand children. and Thomas, and an adopted son Bln^khurst, of Cass, entitled Harry; their daughters are Mrs "Riders of the Flood." The deceased was a son of the Mary Kennedy and Mrs Carrie He was married to Susan late William C. and Phoebe J. Noble. Nevada Kellison, a daughter Alderman His three brothers Mrs Aldermau is also survived | of the late John and Sally Kelare Gilbert and Clarence V. of by her brothers, Ellis, Cecil, For- lison, who preceded him in Del Ray, and Sam of Becklev; his rest and James Dean; by her sis- death April 20, 1942. To this two sisters are Mrs. C. H. Kelliunion were born nine children ter Miss Blanche Dean, son, of Huntersvi[]e, and Mrs. T S. Meadows of Del Ray. For many years Mrs Dean was who survive: Mrs. Ellawooi a professing christian, a member (Ruby) Hill, Mrs. Guy (Edith) Timothy Samuel Alderman Dean, Lobelia and Mrs. Origen of the Methodist Church. (Eula) Underwood, HuntersTimothy Samuel Alderman, ville; six sons, Clive Ulric and 86, of Huntersville, died in the NForman, Huntersville; TheoPocahontas Memorial HospiDaniel Shade AldermaiTv lore, Elkton, Maryland; Lawtal on Saturday, April 18,1964, Daniel Shade Alderman, son of rence, Van Etten, New York; after a long illness. CHve Allison and Elsie Rebecca NJeil, Nokesville, Virginia; one He was born on Douthards Alderman, of Huntersville, was ; s f er, Mrs. Cecilia Kellison, Creek, on November 30, 1877, born November 5, 1935, and died Richmond. Virginia; 52 grand a soi: of the late Octave and in the Pocahontas Memorial Hos- children, 98 great-grand chilNancy Alderman, and was a pital, after a short illness, on Iren and 7 great great-grand member of the Minnehaha Thursday, January 30, 1947, aged children; five sifters and onf Springs Methodist Church. 11 years, 2 months and 25 days. half brother preceded him in He leaves to mourn his departure death. Survivors include two brohis parents, seven sisters, Mrs. thers, Willie Alderman, of Mr. Alderman was saved Grace Whiting, Mrs. Edith VanHuntersville, and J. D. Alderit an early age in the Mount Reenen, of Marlinton, Mrs. Veda man, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Zion Methodist Church, at Hively, of Nokesville, Virginia, Funeral services were held Droop Mountain. M rs. Blanche Hotsenpiller, of PhilTuesday afternoon in the The funeral was conducted ippi, Mrs. Faye Sheets, of HunMinnehaha Springs Methodist Sunday, September 27, at Cum f Msville, Joy and Elaine, and one Church by the Rev. L. E Saville inings Cre°k Methodist Church brother, Junior, at home. One and the Rev. Rex Ball. Burial by H D. Sloan, Rev. Arlo Aid brother, Noel, preceded hira in was in the Alderman Cemetery erman (a grandson) and Rev. death. Sherman Markley. Grandson? Funeral services were conducted acted as pallbearers and grandHarry James Alderman from the Cummings Creek Chur- daughters as flower girls. He ch by Rev. T. G. Alderman, assist- was laid to rest in the Kellison Harry James Alderman, 58, of ed by Rev. J. W. Holliday, Rev. Richwood, died Saturday, A.pril L. E. Saville and Rev. Dean. J cemetery, Watoga State Park. 29, 1961, at his home after a long Flower bearers were his scho••! illness. He was a farmer and mates and cousins, Thelma, Har-1 woodsman. old and Lucille Alderman, Elaine Surviving are his wife, Wavie; Arnold A iderman, aged twentyand Irene Vance, Charles Hamilthree sons; eight daughters; two years, Has fatally injured in an ton, Frankie Perkins, Betty Vansisters; three brothers, EarIAl-1 automobile wreck on D r o o p derman, of Richwood; Arthur Reenen and his teacher, Miss Ves- Mountain, on Monday morning, ta Sharp. Pallbearers were Ulric, i Alderman, of Droop, and Henry Norman and Hale Alderman, Gil- November 22, 1954. A track, in Alderman, of Heartsville, Ohio, bert Jack, Jack Smith and Elton which he was riding, driven by and eleven grandchildren. Underwood. His body was laid Burl Moore, of Buckhannc i, went Services were held Monday af- to rest in the Beaver Creek Ceme- out of control and crashed intoy the road bank. The driver was! ternoon in the White and Cole- tery. thrown clear bul oung Alderman l man Funeral Home in Richwood Daniel Dear, you have left us, was so terribly crushed he died a | with the Rev. Don L. Jackson few hou\' later at the Pocahontas, officiating. Burial was in B a b . r .Left this world of sin and woe There to be a youthful angel, i Memorial Hospital. Cemetery near Richwood, Over on the heavenly shore. The deceased wi a"sou.of Mr.; and Mrs. John Alder:;;an of Spring Creek, near Renick. I &


Fata! Accident

Bedford W. Aldermau

Bedford W. Alderman, aged 67 years died at bis home on An thony's Creek, on Wednesday, March 1, 1950. He had been in failing health for several moDths. Burial on Saturday afternoon in the Alderman family cemetery on Douthards Creek. The service was conducted from Cochran Creek Church by Rev. T. G. Alderman, assisted by Revs. Vass, Arnold and Saville. The deceased is survived by his wife and ten children: Alex, Dallas, Calvin, Walter, Lawis, Wood row, Wil.iam; Mesdames Levia Lewis, Mabel Combs and Madge Lee. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Willie McComb. She passed away a number of years since. His second wife was Miss Sarah Combs, who survives. Mr. Alderman was a son of the late William and Phoebe J. Alderman. His sisters are Mrs. C. H. Kellison and Mrs. R a c h e l Meadows; his brothers are Gilbert Warwick, Samuel and Clarence. Tb is note is made of the passing of an upright, industrious useful citizen.

Mitchell Alderman

Mitchell Alderman, 84, of White Sulphur, died Saturday, March 13,1971. Born March 23, 1887, in Pocahontas County, he was the son of the late Noah and Alcinda Pyles Alderman. A resident of Greenbrier County, where he served as constable for a number of years, he was a retired line foreman for the Tree Expert Co Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Freda Wade, White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Olga Wade, Alvon, Mrs. Mabel Hardiman, Charleston, and Gunnery Sgt. Dorothy Alderman, stationed with the United States Marine Corps in Arlington, Virginia; four sons, Kermit, Vista, California, Mason and Kenton, both of Keene, New Hampshire; and Charles Dale Alderman, Lorain, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Golda Lee, of Huntersville: 14 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon in the Alvon United Methodist Church with the Rev. Eddie B. Klye officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.

i nomas t. Alderman, Sr. Thomas E. Alderman, Sr., of 201 Wilmont Ave., Cumberland Maryland, was dead on arrival at Sacred Heart Hospital January 11, 1976, after suffering a heart attack while shoveling pnow. Born at Rimel, he was the son of the late Esco and Ada Dean Alderman. Mr. Alderman was an employe of Cumberland Contracting Company and a World War II veteran. He was a member of Teamsters and Chauffeurs Local 453. Surviving are bis widow, Mrs. L. Maye Hill Alderman; one daughter, Mrs. Ann Ruehl, Bowling Green, Ohio; two sons, Thomas E. Alderman, Jr., of Cumberland, CPO L. Edward Alderman, with the Navy at Little Creek, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Hackett, of San Francisco, California, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Providence, R. I., and 12 grandchildren and one great-grandcbild. Services were conducted on Thursday morning at the George Funeral Home in Cumberland, Rev. Herold W. Crabcree officiating. Interment was in Rest Lawn Memorial Gardens in Cumberland. But once I pass this way and then—the silent door of time Swings on its hinges Opens—Closes And no more I pass this __ . way. i f < J ^ William Henry Alderman C /

William Henry Alderman, 65, of Huntersville, died Monday, January 4, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born January 29, 1905, at Huntersville, he was the son of tbe late Esco and Addie Deaa Alderman. He was a woodsman and a member of Odd Fellows Lodge. Survivors include two daughter, Mrs, Leeta Ryder, of Canton, Qhio, and Mrs. Nellie Combsltwo brothers, Thomas Alderman, of Cumberland, Maryland, and Harry Alderman, of Huntersville; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Hackett, of San Francisco, California, and Mrs. Marv Kennedy, of Connecticut and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m., in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Mark ley, with burial in the Beaver Crt e c Cemetery.


Mrs. Jewel Alderman


Mrs. Jewel Grimes Alderman, 34, of Cleveland, Ohio, died Wedneiday, September 2, 1964. She was born July 24, 1930 the daughter of Guy Grimes and che late Clara Irvine Weber. Besides her father she is also survived by three children, Olara Kellison, of Hillsboro, George Alderman, of Painesville, Ohio, and Jn.dy Alderman, of Mariinton. Funeral services were held Saturday in the Marlimon Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. J. O. Shank, with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery. Mrs. R. A. Alderman

Mrs. Ruedema Alderman, 71, died in a rest home at Staun•ton, Virginia, on Sunday, December 19, 1965. Born October 1, 1894, in Alleghany County, Virginia, she was a daughter of the late Abner H. and Ruth Smith. Her husband, Ira D, Alderman, preceded her in death December 26, 1933. Suivivors include two daughters, Mrs. LenaviersHuhner, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mrs. Leona Hoke, of Maitland, Florida; one son, Summers Alderman, of White Sulphur Springs; one sister, Mrs. Nancy Harman, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and one brother, Thomas Smith, of Silver Spring, Maryland. Funeral services were held j at the graveside in Riverview; Cemetery conducted by Dr. Julia Pentcost. Rice W. Alderman

" l'^ W. Alderman, 69 years, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Saturday, June 27, 1959. He was born April 9, 1890 ir Greenbrier County, the son r Mrs. Henrietta Alderman, ? l was a vetaran of World War Surviving are his wife, Mi "h* Alderman; four brothers, Ear Tilmon Price, of Mariinton, JaA C. Price, of Youngstown, Ohio, and P^rv Price, of Lewisburg; four sis; is, Pearl Hoffman, of Youngstown, Emma Boyce, Mary Jarvis and Byrd Veans, of Pittsburgh, Pennsj'lvania. Services were held Monday, June 29, in the West Union Methodist Church with the Rev. T. G. Alderman officiating. Burial was in the Cochran cemetery with military rites.

John McKinley Alderman John McKinley Alderman, 86, formerly of Renick, died Friday, November 13, 1981, of a heart attack. Born October 10, 1895, he was a son of the late Frank Alderman. Mr. Alderman was a retired woodsman., Mr. Alderman was preceded in death by his wife, Abbie Adelene Cutlip Alderman in 1971 and a son, Dennis Alderman. Survivors include three daughters, Reta Snedegar, of Churchville, Maryland, Theda Clutter of White Sulphur Springs and Lorene Pritt, of Buckeye; 24 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg with the Rev. Jack K. Wallace officiating. Burial was in Mountain Gate Cemetery near Renick. Mrs. Martha Alderman Mrs. Martha Sharp Alderman, 60, widow of Rice Alderirsr, difd farly Tuesday, January 20, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. S*Born at Woodrow, May 8, 1909, she was a daughter of Mrs. Dora Combs, of Buckeye, and a member of the Methodist Church. Other survivors include a brother, Norman S. Sharp, of Buckeye, a sister, Mrs. Ruby Laroca, of Chicago, Illinois. The funeral was held Friday afternoon in the West Union Methodist Church near Woodrow, wrh Rev. Alfred Gum in charge with burial in the Cochran Cemetery near Woodrow. Henry Alderman Henry B. Alderman, 54, of Newton, Roane County, died Tuesday, January 3, 1978, at home after a Ion g illness. He was a former resident of Rich wood. Surviving are his wife, Princie;daughter, Mrs. Velma Odell, of Left Hand; sisters, Mrs. Gladys LeMasttr, of Radcliff, Kentucky, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Long Beach, California; brothers, Carl, of Richwood, Arthur, of Droop Mountain. Services were held at 10 a. m. on Thursday in W h i t e White Funeral Home, Richwood with the Rev. Thomas McFadden officiating. Burial was in Baber Cemetery.

Eveiyi i. Aider mio Mrs. Evelyn Jewel Aiderman, 68, of Oiean, New York formerly of Marlinton, died Saturday, February 5,1983, in an Olean hospital after a short illness. Born July 9, 1914, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Florence Sbinaberry Irvine. Mrs.- Alder&an was a housewife and a rhember of the Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Gale, Dale and Glenn Irvine. Survivors include her husband, Lonnie Alderman; two daughters, Lois Carlson, of Hamburg, New York, and Barbara Knarr, of North Carolina; four brothers, Paul and Kyle Irvine, both of Marlinton, Norman hvine, of Huntington, and Fred Irvine, of Kentucky; a sister, Elsie Long, of Mill Point; five grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Services were held Tuesday, at 2 p. m.t at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Leonard Arnold and Rev. Vermin Butcher officiating. Buria was in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

D. W. Alderma n

Doctor Wallace Aldefnian aged I sixty-two years, died on Friday, I December 29, 1944, in a Charleston hospital. On Sunday after-, noon the funeral seryice was held i I from the home at Miunehaha Springs by Rev. L. E. Saville; interment in the Aldermac cemetery. The deceased is survived by I wife, Mrs Anna Ward Alderman, | and his children. Lt. Marjorie j Alderman, Pfc. Raymond and jCpl. Lacy Alderman, of the(army, Mrs. C. N. -Jones, Ozalia; 'Dorothy, Gilbert, Wilbur, Guy I ai 1 Roy.

Merrick Jackson Alderman Merrick Jackson Alderman, 71, of Neola, died Wednesday, September 3, 1969, in the C & O Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas'County May 7, 1898,. he was the son of the late Esco and Ada Virginia Dean Alderman. He was a member of the First Church of God in White Sulphur Springs and a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Therea Allen Alderman; two brothers, Henry Alderman, of Marlinton, and Thomas Alderman, of Cumberland, Maryland; an adopted brother, Harry Alderman, of Marlinton; and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, of Providence, Rhode Island, and Mrs. Carrie Hackett, of San Francisco, California. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Shanklin Funeral Home Chapel at White Sulphur Springs by the Rev. E. N. Clower with burial'in the Greenbrier Memorial OnrHpnc falLewisburg.



John Dixon Alderman I John Dixon Alderman, 77, I of Harrisonburg, Virginia, opci ator of J. D.'s Barber Shop, died Tuesday, June 29, 1971, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital. He was born June 28, 1894, at Minnehaha Springs, a son of the late Octave and Nancy Alderman. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. I He was the last member of his family, preceded in death by five brothers and one sister. He is survived by his wife, Mattie of 432 E. Gay Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia. The funeral was conducted on Friday morning at the Lindsey Harrisonburg Funeral Home by the Rev. A. R. Bolls, with burial in East Lawn Memorial Gardens. A. E. Alderman Aloha Ernest Alderman, 81, .of White Sulphur Springs, died fat his home on Monday, June 21. 1965, after a long illness. He was born in Pocahontas j County, July 14, 1883, a son j of the late Darius and Hester | L. Pyles Alderman. Mr. Alderman was a member of the Oakhurst Emmanuel Episcopal Church. He was a I woodsman and farmer. | Survivors include his wife, I Mrs. Tennant Corron Alder-1 | man; two sons, Wvatt Hill Al j derman, of White Sulphur Springs, and Walter A. Alder-] man, of Columbus, Ohio; one ! brother, Andrew H. Alderman of White Sulphur Springs; six grandchildren, and three greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held. June 23, in the Shanklin Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Edward S. Shirley. Burial was j in the Hillcrest Cemetery at1 White Sulphur Springs.

Ralph E. Alderman

W. C. Alderman Mrs. Pearl Alderman Mrs. Pearl Aiderman, 66, of William C. Alderman, a^ed 89! years, died January-26, 154:3. On | 1718 Hazel St., Jackson, Mississippi, died August 10, 1965, Thursday hir body his body was n the Mississippi Baptist Hoslaid to rest in the AlciermalT~c^nr)ita! after an illness of two eter.v on North Fork of Antho/eeks. Death was attributed nys Creek. The deceased was a son of the u0;s heart attack. She was born at Lobelia and late Timothy and Elizabeth Ryder Alderman. His father was lived in Marlinton and Huntkilled in war between the States. ersville until they moved to fackson six years ago. She was One member of his father's family r*mmmgfi*X»r&Aider.-: the wife of Rev. T. G. (Teddy) Alderman, a retired Methodist man of California. The deceased married Phoebe minister, who served in several Alderman, who passed away four churches in Pocahontas and years ago. Their daughters are Greenbrier Counties. Mrs Mary Kellison and Mrs RusMrs. Alderman was a memjshia Meadows; their surviving ber of Riverside Independent > sons are Bedford, Clarence, War- Methodist Church in Jackson i wick, Samuel and Gilbert. An- and a member of Daughters other sou, Esco, died four years of America, Council No. 13, [ago. _. _ Auxiliary of Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Esco Alderman, aged about \1\] Those surviving in a JdiJort }3\rs, died on Monday, September A%* 1938, at a hospital in Baltimore. On to her hi3b*nd. Rv/. Alderj Wednesday afternoon his body was man, are six sons: T-Sgt. Glenit ; buried at the family graveyard on Spinks, of Wichita, Kansas, j hk farm on Cammings Creek uear Nelson Spinks, of Elkton, Mary I Huntersville, with Odd Fellow hon I land, Warren and Harold AlJ ors. Mr Alderman is survived by Iderman, of Jackson. Captain John Dixon Alderman his wife and a number of grown chil Hale Alderman, San Antonio, John Dixon Alderman, 77, idren. • Texas an£ Rev. Ailoi. Ald-erof Harrisonburg, Virginia, oper jman, Mayland, Tennessee; Roy Alderman ator of J. D.'s Barber Shop, 'two daughters, Mrs. William Word has been received o! died Tuesday, June 29, 1971» (Lucille) Bryant and Thelma the death of Roy Alderman, at Rockinghajn Memorial HosAlderman, of Biloxi, Mississippi formerly of Minnehaha Springs, pital. 14 grandchildren and one great He was born June 28, 1894, in an auto accident about two grandchild; 4 brothers, Edgar weeks ago near Spokane, Washat Minnehaha Springs, a son of Dean, Northeast, Maryland, the late Octave and Nancy Al- ington. He was the son of MatClyde Dean,Elkton, Maryland* tie and Dock Alderman. derman. He was a member of Guy Dean, Hillsboro, and j the United Methodist Church. Grady Dean, Beckley; three He was the last member of his Master Sergeant Marion Claude Altare sisters, Mrs R. M. Clutter, 1 family, preceded in death by Eagle Rock, Virginia, Mrs.] Bluefieid—Master Sergean' Jim A r n o l d , N o k e s v i l i e ' five brothers and one sister. He is survived by his wife, Marion Claude Altare, aged 4z Virginia, and Mrs. Clive A. Mattie of 432 E. Gay Street, years, stationed with the United . Aiderman, of Huntersville; States Marine Corps at Camp j two half brothers, Foster Dean Harrisonburg, Virginia. McGuyle Hospital, Honshu, Ja-i and Lodge Deao? of New CumThe funeral was conducted pan, there on Sunday, Feb-1 berland; and ore half sister, on Friday morning at the Lind- ruary died 10, 1957. Dn Friday, Feb- Miss Anna Belle D?an, of Hills sey Harrisonburg Funeral ruary 22, the funeral held | boro. Home by the Rev. A. R. Bolls, at Bluefield., Interment was in Mon- | with burial in East Lawn Me- ta Vista Cemetery, with military j Funeral services were held morial Gardens. on Friday, August 13, from honors. Wright an1 Ferguson Chapel Sergant Altare was a veteran of j with B K Hardin officiatHarry B. Alderman 17 years oervice. He is survived ing, Rev. c ssisted by Rev. Robert Harry B. Alderman 58, died by his wife and their two child- Russum. Banal *vas in JackSDn, Wednesday, December 1,1976, ren. His father is Hunter F. Al-' Mississippi. of a heart attack, at Renick. Tare- of Talcott. Mrs. Fred SnyBora May 20,1918, he was dei j of Marlinton, is his sister. the son of Esco and Ada Dean Alderman, and a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs / Ralph E. Alderman, 50, of Detroit, Michigan, died Friday, April 3. 1970, at the Veterans Hospital in Allen Park, Michigan, after a long illness. Born December 27, 1919, at North Fork, he was a son of the late Warwick and Sabma Woolridge Alderman. He was a member of the Huntersville Lodge AF & AM, No. 65, at Huntersville. Survivors include his beloved wife, Louise; one sister, Grace M. Grafton; four brokers, Fred Alderman, of Richmond, Virginia, Phillip Alderman, of Sacramento, California, Romie Alderman, of Allenton, Michigan, and Bernard Alderman, of Salem, Virginia, and several nieces and nephews Funeral services were held in the Buresh Funeral Home Chapel Monday afternoon by the Rev. John C. Gilbert, with burial in Acacia Park Cemetery, Birmingham, Michigan.


Mrs. Timothy Alderman Mrs. Maggie Wade Alderman,, aged 83 years, 11 months and 21 days, wife of Timothy S. Alderman, died at her home on Douthards Creek, April 21, 1949, after a short illness. On Saturday her body was laid to rest in the Alderman cemetery, the service being held from her home by her pastor, Rev. L. E. Saville. The pall bearers were Wilbur, Raymond and Lacy Alderman, Denley Wade, Howard Settle and Bruce Hefner. Flower girls were Juanita Settle, Ruth Hefner, Dorothy Alderman, Thelma Settle! and Lorena White. The deceased was a daughter of the late George Washington and Mary Ryder Wade. She was born in Greenbrier County, but spent most of her life in Pocahontas county. On June 5, 1908, she was married to Timothy S. Alderman, who survives. She also, leaves to mourn their loss a foster daughter, Oma V. May, a nephew whom she reared from childhood, Cammie A. Wade, three brothers, John G. Wade, of Neola; and Gilmer Wade of Minnehaha. Three sisters preceded her to the great beyond. Early in life she professed faith in Christ and became a member of the Methodist Church. To this faith she remained true, until the Master called, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of eternal life." " A u n t Mag" as she was familiary called by all who knew her, will be sadly missed in her home,. community and church but earth's! loss is Heavens gain. Those from a distance attending the funeral of Mrs. Maggie Wade Alderman, were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Alderman of Harrisonburg, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Alderman and son, Wilbur Alderman and Misses Ozalia and Dorothy Alderman of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Settle of Montgomery and Mrs. Thelma Settle^ of Page.

GEORGE ALLEN George W. Alien died1 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital In Baltimore on Tuesday April 29, 1924. For some time he had been troubled with a cancer on his faro but his friends did not know it had reached a stage to endanger his life, and the news of his death was a shock. His age was sixty-three years. Burial on Saturday afternoon at the Sharp graveyard in the Fairview neighborhood, the service being conducted from his late residence by Rev. Nelson Hill, of the M. E church. A large congregation was in attendance. Mr. Allen was a son of the late Captain I. W. Allen, He is survived by his wife who was a Miss Morrison. They have one daughter, Mrs. Ernest h vey, of Blue Jay, W. Va. Alex Allen

f Alex Allen. 55, of Hillsboro, I I was killed Wednesday, October | 27, 1965, in a logging accident on Kennison Mountain near 1 Marlinton. Born at Renick, March 7. 1910, he was a member of i Marvin Chapel Methodist I Church, at Mill Point Survivors include his wife I Mrs. Gretchel Bostic Allen r one daughter, Brenda Sue Allen; two sons, Johnny Wallace and Walter William Allen, all at. home; two daughters by a Drevious marriage. Mrs. Marie Wilkinson and Mrs. Beatrice ! Jack, both of Aberdeen, Maryl a n d ; two sisters, Mrs. Reece l^cott, of Campbelltown, and Mrs. Cloy Taylor, of Morgan- j fown, and one brother, Johnny I Nester Allen, of Caldwell. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, in the Mar I vin Chapel Methodist Church I pt Mill Point by the Rev. Vic-1 tor Tenney. Burial was in the j Oak Grove Cemetery at Hills-1 boro. Charles Cyrus Allen

Charles Cyrus Allen, 75, was born August 29,1895, at Beard, and died April 11, 1971, at the Newton D. Baker Veterans Center, Martinsburg. He was a son of the late Samuel R. and Anna Smith Allen. On September 17, 1919, he was united in marriage to Ercie G. McClung, of Clover Lick. To this union, two daughters were born. Mr. Allen leaves his wife, Mrs. Ercie G. Allen, of Alexandria, Virginia, two daughters, Mrs. Genevieve A. Molehan, of Hampton, Virginia, and Mrs. Mae A. Amos, of Alexandria, Virginia. He also leaves one sister, Mrs, Lyda Romans, of Rupert; one brother, John Thrasher Allen, of Charmco, and eight grand-

James Andrew Allen

James Andrew Allen, age 64, of Waterford, Connecticut, died Monday, September 14, 1959, in the West Haven Veterans Hospital in Waterford. Mr. Allen was an electrician at the Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory. He had been in failing health for a year and entered the hospital five weeks before his death when his illness became serious. Born June 20, 1895, in Zenith, West Virginia, he was a son of Hugh and Nancy Mildred Hall Allen. He had lived in Connecticut for 35 years. A World War I veteran, Mr. Allen entered the Army August 5, 1917, at Washington, D . C ; was in the Quartermaster Corps, serving in France from December 17, 1917, until June 1919. He was discharged July 3,1919, at Mitchell Field, Long Island. I Surviving him are his widow, Mildred Havens Allen, whom he married March 29,1947, at Luray, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. C. S. Showalter, of Monterey, Virginia; one neice, Mrs. Aletha Hoffman, of Huntington; and one nephew, Charles Buchanan, of Cass. Funeral services were held at Byles Memorial Home by the Rev. Robert Y. Johnson, pastor of First Church of Christ, Congregational. Interment with military honors followed in Jordan Cemetery. Mrs.

Don Allen

Mrs. Dora Lee Allen, 75, of 2506 Charles Avenue, Dunbar, died Wednesday, January 2, 1980, in Thomas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church Surviving are her husband, Lawrence; sons, Vale and Law* rence, both of Dunbar, Donald, of Big Chimney, Ronald, of Red Bouse; daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Lucas, of Grayson, Kentucky, Mrs. Jeanetta Boggs, of Anderson, South Carolina, Mrs. Charlotte Mitchell, of Hurricane; sister* Mrs. Helen Farley, of Jackson* rille, Florida; 16 grandchildren; three great-grandchild ire. Mrs. Allen, is the daughter of the late Val and Virginia Fortune, of Marlinton. She worked in the Pocahontas Times office many years ago. Services were he\& at 2 p. m* Saturday in Dunbar Church of theNazarene, with the Rev. Frank Goff officiating. Burial was in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens.

Mrs. Ella Maggie Allen HOT SPRINGS — Mrs. E l l a Maggie Allen, 78, died at h e r home at Natural Well on Mon day, February 26, at 6 p.m. following a lingering illness. Mrs. Allen was born in Frost, W. Va., the daughter of Thomas B. and Marietta Sharp Kellison. She was the widow of Lewis Samuel Allen, who preceded her in death in 1945. She is survived by one s o n , Ira Lewis Allen, Natural W e l l ; five sisters, Mrs. Gertie Allen, Hot Springs; Mrs. Anna Shelton, Elkton, Md.; Mrs. Ruth Kershner, Washington, D. C: Mrs. Connie Warwick, Mountain Grove and Mrs. H. G. Sauders, Lewis burg, W. Ya. Also, two brothers, C. H. Kellison, Covington a n d H a r r y Kellison, Bloomington, Md., and three grandchildren. A funeral service will be held Thursday, March 1 at 1 p.m. at Mountain G r o v e Methodist Church with the Rev. Francis Gum and the Rev. Don F l y n n s officiating. Fred C. Allen

Fred Clay Allen, 82, of Marlinton, died Saturday, December 20, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Dr. Allen, as he was known to all, retired about six years ago after operating the Royal Drug Store for over forty vears He served as President of the West Virginia State Pharmaceutical Association in 193435 and had been a member of the State Board of Pharmacy for over thirty years. He served from 1936 to 1956 as State Senator and was chair man of the Pocahontas County Democratic Executive Conn'ttee for over twenty years. He had also served 1928 1932 as Marlinton Mayor A veteran of World War I, he was a charter member of the American Legion Post No. 50, and a member of theJV F W, Masonic Lodge andSMriner rle was lone: active in the Pocahontas Rod and Gun 3lub. Born at Alma April 18, 1888, ne was thescn'of the late Stephen and ftorcus Ston<»K ^

Ellis Cameron Allen I would like to inform you that my father, Ellis Cameron Allen, passed away on Wednesday, May 8,^1963, aged 92. He was the son of the late Captain I. W. and Elizabeth Duffel Allen. He was born on a farm near Clover Lick, near Charlie Shina berry's and Harper Beverage's farms. He had two brothers, Frank and George i^llen, and several sisters. He was married to Anna Mae Marshall, of Crabbottom, now called Blue Grass, Virginia He lived in Kokomo, Indiana, for forty-one years, where he passed away on May* 8, survived by seven children Would like to hear from any old friends or relations of my father. Edwin Lee Allen P. 0. Box 933 Opelousas, Louisiana Mrs. Dallas Abdella

Mrs. Minnie Ellen Bach Ab« della, of Huntersville, died Tuesday, October 10, 1972, in the University Hospital at Mor gantown after a short illness. Born December 22, 1906, in Springfield, Ohio, she was the daughter of the late Walter and OUie Bach; a sister, Katherine, is deceased. She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church in Springfield. She retired as a clerk from the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and moved to Huntersville two years ago. Her only survivor is her husband, Dallas Abdella, of Huntersville. Services will be held in Huntersville United Methodist Church Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. by the Rev. Kendall Hatton, with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery. Thomas Atkins

Thomas Atkins, 23, of Baltimore, Maryland, died unexpectedly Wednesday, November SO, 1977, at his home. He was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Atkins and grandson of Melvin Atkins and the late Myrtle Barlow Atkins. Other survivors are two sisters and two brothers, Julia Todd, Raymond, Billy and Beth. Services and burial in Baltimore. <»>

Harper Arderscn ! .x-pet Milton Anderson, aged 68 years, d u d a t bis home in M a r l i n t o n on F r i d a y , April 2 1954, after a long illness On S u n d a y afternoon the service was heVl from the home by his pastor, B r c t ' i e r H e f n e r , of Lewisb u r g . H i s body was laid to rest m t h e Hill C ^ m a t e r y a t Lobelia, T h e deceased was a s i n of the late Milliard D and Saliie McCoy A n d e r s o n . Of his father's family t h e r e remain his sisters Mrs P 0 . C irr.v, of M a r l i n t o n , Mr? W. G. C u r r y , of Westfield, New Jfrae.v; his b r o t h e r , E m o r y , of Marlinton. F o r t y five y e a r s since M r . Anderson married *£is% G e o r g i a S c o t t , who survives. T h e i r children are Milliard D . , of M a r l i n t o n ; Cecil H , of Mansviile, New J e r sey ; L o r i s , g r a n d d i u ^ h t e r and adopted d a u g h t e r , a t h o m e Ano t h t r son, Ne&l, preceded his father some years since. i T h i i t y - f c u r y e a r s ago Mr. Anderson suffered so severe attack of a r t h r i t i s , he became a wheel chair invalid for t h e rest of his dfe. In spite of this g r e a t haooi cap, he was cheerful and k e p t busy, d o i n g what he could. He bad a gift of p o e t r y and some vears since he published a book of verses ' W h o Shall H a v e P e a c e " and o t h e r poems Deeply r e igious here is a s e n t i m e n t picked at r a n d o m from his w r i t i n g : Knowing Christ is our perfection,' Though our talent is but one. We will not give up and hide it, But will stand up and go on To perform our assigned duty, And the will of the Almighty, Hoping He will see and p;*".y. Till our work is done. Jesse Plum?r Anderson

Jesse Plumer Anderson, age 8jl of 1602 Lynchburg Turnpike, Salem, Virginia, pa3sedi away Saturday, December 2fy 1974, in a Salem hospital He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna K. Anderson; two sons, Jesse P. Anderson, Jr., of Herndon, Virginia, and Don aid D. Anderson, of Virginia; one brother, L. Anderson, of New Philadelphia, Ohio; two. sisters, Mrs. Mary Ola Barker, of White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Leta Gibson, of Covingcon, Virginia, and three grand*children. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the John M. Oakey and Son Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Edward M. ftidout, with burial in Sherwood, at Salem.

{^/ Mrs. Cecil Anderson Mrs. Joy Barbra Andersen, 35, of Manville, New Jersey, died in the Broaddus Hospital at Philippi on Tuesday morning, October 4, 1960. She had been ill several months with cancer. A native of England, Mrs. An-' derson was born November 6, 1924, the daughter of the latej Seth and Doris Bricknell, of Eng- j land. She was a member of the ] Church of England and a member j of the Women's Auxiliary of the Moose Lodge. Mrs. Anderson came to this country about fifteen years ago. j Surviving her are her husband, Cecil H. Anderson, and two sons, David and Neal Anderson, at home. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. Herbert Pennington. Burial will be in Mountain v'iew Patrick J. Anderson


Patrick J. Andersoi^ 63, died Wednesday, October 29, 1969, in Warren, Ohio. Death was due to a heart ailment. Born May 25, 1906, in Arnoldsburg, be was the son of Charles and Josie Lynch Anderson. His first wife, Effie Morris Anderson, died April 10, 1934. A resident there 30 years, coming from End^cott, he was employed by H. K. Porter Co. for 18 years, retiring in June 196*. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of Old Erie Lodge A F & AM, Mahoning Valley Consistory and Odd Fellows Lodge of Littleton. Survivors include his wife, Naomi McKenney Anderson, whom he married May 26, 1951; three sons, Jack, of Wileyville, Bill and Eddie, both at home; a daughter, Patty, at home; and six sisters. Services were held Sunday at Hundred, with burial in Miller Cemetery. A Lake Anderson, aged 62 years, died February 2, 1939, in a Hunting con hospital. Burial at Alderson on Sunday afternoon, Mr Anderson was born in Pocahon cas County, a son of John 51-ason and Nanny Wiiiidms Anderson He fud led law and practised in Montgomery for many years. He is survived by his wire Mrs Myr i tie Anderson, who was a daughter of the Uie S. VV. iVnderson, of Gft.enbrier County and their two ?ot>s S.W. and A L , Jr. Also, by a J s t e r Mrs Pat J-'lenry and a brother, Wv S. Anders

Archie W. S. Anderson Mrs. Leaie Anderson Archie Winfred Smith AnMrs. Tossie E. Anderson, 83, derson, of Staunton, was I of New Philadelphia, Ohio, dead on arrival at King's I died Friday, July 12, 1985, in Daughters' Hospital Saturday, Union Hospital after a month's September 2, 1972. He had I illness. been in declining health for Born at Ridge wood, she was several months. a daughter of the late Warren He was born at West Augus- I and Florence Starkey Gibson. ta, March 31, 1906, a son of I She had been a member Mrs. Hattie Smith, and was since 1939 of Otterbein United reared by foster parents, Methodist Church at New Phil- James and Cora Anderson, of I adelphia. Bridgewater. He had lived in I Surviving her are her husStaunton 46 years and worked I band, Leale F. Anderson, with as a waiter at Staunton Miliwhom she would have celebrattary Academy and for the past I ed their 65th wedding anniseven years as janitor at the I versary in October; two sons, Professional Building. He was a member of Augusta Street Leale 6., of Delaware, Ohio, United Methodist Church and and Willie S., of El Paso, its Methodist Men's Club. Texas; a brother, Coleman 4 * Jack" Gibson, of GnadenSurviving are his widow, hutten, Ohio; ten grandchilMrs. Elsie (Nicholas) Anderdren, eighteen great-grandson, and three children, Mrs. children, and five great-greatGlenxia A. Ware, Mrs. Sonja grandchildren. R. Anderson and Archie W. Anderson, Jr., all of Staunton; A brother, three sisters and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Freetwo grandchildren are deceasman, of Staunton, Mrs. Kathed. erine Stovall, Richmond, Mrs. Services were held Sunday at Martha Freeman, Rich wood; 2 p. m. in Otterbein United a brother Raymond Freeman, Methodist Church by the Rev. a foster sister, Mrs. Annie Larry Hinkle, with burial in Miller, of Staunton; five grand Ridgecrest Memory Gardens at children; two great-grandchilDover, Ohio. dren, nieces, nephews and other relatives. Mrs. Georgia Anna Anderson A funeral service was con* Mrs. Georgia Anderson, 83, ducted in the chapel of the died Friday, January 21,1977, Jones Funeral Home at two o' in the Pocahontas Memorial clock Wednesday, by the Rev. Hospital following a heart atJames H. Scott, Jr., assisted by tack and stroke. the ministt rial Alliance. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery. She was the widow of Harper M. Anderson and made her home in Hillsboro with her Miss Lena Anderson granddaughter, Mrs. Dolores Miss Lena Anderson, 72, of Pyles, whom the Andersons' Elkins, died Sunday, April 17, adopted as a daughter. She 1966, in the Davis Memorial was a member of the Wesley Hospital in Elkins after a long Chapel United Methodist illness. Church in Hillsboro. She was born August 10, Born at Beard April 13, 1893, near Charlottesville, Vir1893, she was the daughter of ginia, a daughter of the late Frank and Alice Mitchell Scott William Floyd and Cora Etta Surviving her in addition to Davis Anderson. Delores Pyles are two sons, Mi*s Anderson was a former Dick Anderson, of Marlinton, social worker with the Depart-, and Cecil Anderson, of Bound ment of Welfare in Pocahontas! Brook, New Jersey; five grandand Randolph counties. A children and two great graduate of the Greenbrier grandchildren; two brothers, Seminary, College of Music; Burk Scott and Jewel Scott, for a number years she was a I and a sister, Mrs. Macel Walteacher in Cass and Rainelle ton, all of Hillsboro. and gave private music lessons I A son, Neal Anderson, two at Rainelle. brothers, Lloyd and Warwick Scott, and two sisters, Jessie Survivors include one half-! Rose and Becky Reeves presister, Mrs. Jack Kelley, of ceded her in death. Elkins, one niece, Nancy KelI 'ey 2nd three nephews, Joseph Services were hel d in Wes?. Kelley, John A. Kelley and! ley Chapel Church Monday by I Jeffrey Kelley, all of Elkins. ; the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in Emmanuel Cemetery. — IL

Baby Anderson Marsha Kay, day-old daughter of Roy and Shirley McLaughlin Anderson, of Huntersville, died in the A ucahontas Memoria1 Fospital on Friday, January 25, 1963. She was born January 24, 1963. Also surviving is one sister. Graveside services were held Saturday by the Rev. Rex Ball in McLaughlin Cemetery at Huntersville. Lake Elton Anderson Lake Elton Anderson, aged 47 years, of Lobelia, was killed instantly when he was struck on the head by a log at a logging camp he was maSMgib^ near Bartow, on Monday, September 20, 1943. On Wednesday his body j was laid to rest in the Hill cemeftery, the funeral being held from the Bruffey Creek Church. Mr Anderson is survived by his wife Mrs Virginia Clutter Anderson and their three children; Mrs Marie Kennison of Charleston; Miss Deja Anderson of Baltimore, and Lake E. at home. William A. Anderon, Sr. /illiam A. Anderson, Sr. A, of Marlinton, died Satur day, June 17,1978, in an auto accident above Minnehaha Springs. Born at Mountain Grove, Virginia, February 4, 1934, he j was the son oi Roy Anderson, Sr., of Covington, Virginia, and the late Flossie Sheets Anderson. He was a veteran. Surviving, in addition to his father, are his wife, Jo Ann, two children, William A. Anderson, Jr., and Kathy Anderson, and five step-children, Tom and Roger Dickenson, of Green Bank, John, William and Richard Allen Dickenson, at home, and Mrs. Bertha Ann Wolfe, of Cass; two brothers, Roy Anderson, Jr., of Minnehaha Springs, and Clarence Anderson, of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Anna Gale Terry, of Virginia; three half brothers, Wayne and Randall Anderson, of Covington, Virginia, and Gordon Anderson, of Marlinton, two half sisters, Mrs. Millie Forbes, of Covington, and Mrs. Shirl Fry, of Hot Springs ; one grandchild. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at VanReenen Fu* neral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum with burial at Mountain Grove, Virginia.

Neal P. Anderson, 25, taxi driver of Allentown, Pa., was killed in an automobile accident near the Pendleton-Highland county line early Wednesday morning and two other occupants of the car, Miss Lillian Scott, of York Springs, Pa., and Mahlon | McEmory, of Allentown, are patients in R. M. Hospital. Miss Scott is suffering from a probable fracture of the leg and arm while McEllory suffered only minor injuries. The trio was returning from Pocahontas county where they had left Mrs. Anderson and little daughter for a visit at her husbands home a t Lobelia, when the accident occurred # Mr. Anderson was a nephew of Mrs. P. C. Curry, of Marlinton. Pendleton Times Mr. Anderson was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harper Anderson, of Lobelia. He is survived by his parents and his two brothers; also by his wife and little daughter. On Saturday afternoon, his body was laid to rest in che Hill Cemetery near Lobelia. _ _ ^ .,_•—

Mrs. Melvin Anderson

Joy G. Malcomb Anamon,

51, died Friday, December 19, 1975, in the Broaddus Hospital at Philippi. Her death was at tributed to complications following surgery. Mrs. Anderson was an assist ant cashier at the Dank of Marlinton where she was employed for the past 18 years. She was a member of the National Association of Banking Women and the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. She was born October 1,1924, the daughter of Claude G. Malcomb, of Marlinton, and the late Jewell Alma Cleek Mai* comb. She was married to Melvin C. Anderson in 1940. Surviving are her husband, Melvin C. "Mib" Anderson, five children, Mrs. Brenda Nelson and Melvin Lee Anderson, of Marlinton, Phillip E. Anderson and Mrs. Nancy Allman, of Huntington, and Mrs. Sandra Gay, of Princeton, her father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Malcomb, of Marlinton, a half-brother, C. Stephen Malcomb, Buckhannon, a half-sister, Mrs. Melanie Shafer, Marlinton; four grandchildren/ Bryan and Rachel Gay, Kimberly Allman, and Melvin Lee Anderson, II. Services were held at the VanReenen Funeral Home Sunday with Rev. Richard L. Newkirk officiating and interment was in the Mountam View Cemetery.

Mrs. T. C. Anderson Mrs. Emma King Anderson, 80, died early Sunday morning, November .13,-1960, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital as the resuit of complications from burns received at her home ten days before. Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Born at Fairmont, November 18, 187& .she was the slaughter of the late E. D. and M/ry M. Vandervorlf Kjng. Her/husband, T. C/ "Antiersdn^ preceded her in deaths She is mirvived^y a brother W. B. Kirtg^ofsSVuiterpock, Virginia. Funeral services w^re held at the Smith Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon by her pastor, the Rev. W. E. .Pierce, with burial in | Mountain View Cemetery. Roy Anderson, If. Roy Wanamaker Anderson, Sr., of 75, Covington, Virginia, died Friday, April 20,1979, in Hot Spring, Virginia, after a long illness. Born November 23,1903 at Mountain Grove, Virginia, he was the son of William Anderson. He was a woodsman and a member of the Mountain Grove Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are five sons, Roy, Clarence and Gordon, *ll of Marlinton, Wayne and Randy, both of Covington; three daughters, Mrs. Cheryl Frye, Hot Springs, Mrs. Anagaile Terry, of Bolar, Virginia, Mrs. Millie Forbes, of Covington, Virginia; 22 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Preceding him in death were sons, William, Clyde and Sam* uel Anderson. , Services were held at two p.m., Monday, in VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Bernard Peyton Anderson, Sr., 73, of Charleston, died in a Beekley hospital Monday, May 27, 1963. He was the step father of Mrs. Nancy Smith, of Marlinton, and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Frank P. McLaughlin.

WILLIAM WISE ARBOGAS^ William Wise Arbogast died *£his home at Greenbank on December 27 1940 after an illness of ten days. Mr. Arbogast was widely known and had many prominent family con con-



Mrs. Rachel Jane Arbogast

Mrs. J o s e p h i n e A n n i e Tallman J Mrs. Rachel Jane Arbogast A r b o g a s t , aged 79 years, passed I passed away Friday, May 22nd, |away at her home near Millpoint, 1959, in the Pocahontas Memorial Ion Monday noon, J u n e 30, 1952. Hospital, at Marlinton. She had She had been in failing health entered the hospital on Thursday, nections*. He was born February 4, for m a n y m o n t h s . May 7, suffering from a fractured On W e d n e s d a y afternoon the pelvic boiie sustained in her home 1861 at Greenbank in the same house in which he died. His father I funeral services were held from at Arbovale. She seemed to be George Washington Arbogast, was a jat Marvin Chapel by h e r pastor, in good spirits, and progressing nicely when she passed away descendant of the pioneer settlers the Rev. F r a n k J o h n s o n , assisted peacefully in her sleep/ of Pocahontas county. His mother by the Rev. D r u r y J o n e s , and her was Adeline Ellinor Slayen. He spent body was laid in the family plot She was born at Travelers Rehis early boyhod days on his fathers I in the R u c k m a n C e m e t e r y , beside pose, near Bartow, March 5, 1866 farm near Arbovale. His father was I the g r a v e of her husband, H e n r y and at the time of her death she, a soldier in the Civil War and was I F r a n k l i n A r b o g a s t , who preced- -was aged 93 years, 2 months j killed in the battle of Spottsylvania ed her in death t h r e e years ago, and 17 days, having spent her en- J Courthouse. His marriage to George lacking but a single day. tire life in Pocahontas County.1 Allie Ervine took place on NovemT h e deceased is survived by her [She was the daughter of the late ber 20, 1884. They moved to Iowa, three sons: Neal A r b o g a s t , of | Adam Arbogast, Jr., and his secwhere they lived for several years Norfolk, V i r g i n i a ; Rev. Quade R. jond wife, Sarah McDonald Arboth« n returned to Pocahontas county Arbogast, of Richlands, and Bur- igast. On January 31, 1882, she I where they lived practically all of jreli F. A r b o g a s t , of Millpoint; | was married to the Reverend the remaining years of his life. two d a u g h t e r s : Miss Madge Grace ! Christopher C. Arbogast, who He is survived by his wife and the A r b o g a s t , R. N., of S t a u n t o n , j died on April 23, 1940, a son of following children: Charles Wash- Virginia, and M r s Lucille Dilley, I Adam" Arbogast and Margaret I Clarissa Sutton Arbogast, and a ington of Charleston; Clifford Mc- at h o m e ; and six g r a n d c h i l d r e n . Neil of San Francisco, Cal.; Lock She was a d a u g h t e r of the late grandson of Benjamin Arbogast, Sr., and his wife Frances Mullins,, Neil of San Francisco, Cal; Preston C v r u s W a r w i c k and Marv Ano the Jatter from Westmoreland Hunter of Neola; Mrs. W. E. Hend- Cassell Tollman. Her s u r v i v i n g erson of Richmond, Va.; Mrs. Vir- b r o t h e r is J o h n Tallman, of CAS*. (County, Virginia.' To this union [ginia Couley of Greenbank and eight Mrs. A r b o g a s t was a professing • were born three sons, Glen, of Arbovale, who survives. Addle grandchildren. Also a half brother, christian, a m e m b e r of the MethRichard, born December 22, 1886 Tilden L. Brown of Arbovale and a odist C h u r c h , from her youth up and 'died November 2, 1889; half sister, Mrs. Ida Patterson of Hers was a busy useful life, given St. Petersburg, Fla. in service to others. W h a t h e r and an infant son who died at birth. She was the last survivOn Sunday afternoon the funeral hand found to do she did with all ing member of her family, and a service was conducted from the | h e r m i g h t . " A n d her children granddaughter of Adam ArboI Greenbank Methodist Church by] riste up to call her blessed."jgast, Sr., a soldier in the RevoRev. Quade R. Arbogast, assisted by lutionary War, and his wife Mar-i Revs. W W. Sutton and A. B. WilliMiss Mary Lee Arbogast jgaret Hull Arbogast. f ord. Miss Maty Lee Arbogast, of

Henry Franklin Arbogast H e n r y F r a n k l i n A r b o g a s t was | born near D u n m o r e , W e s t Virg i n i a , on J u l y 2 1 , 1868, and died at his home near Mill P o i n t , on J u l y 1, 1949. Surviving* are his wife, Mrs. J o s e p h i n e Tall man A r b o g a s t ; five I children: M a d g e , of P o r t s m o u t h , [Virginia; Neil, of Norfolk, Virginia; Q u a d e , of G r e e n b a n k ; M r c Luclle Dilley and Burrell, of Mill Point; seven g r a n d c h i l d r e n ; one brother, W a l t e r , of Mill P o i n t ; one sister, Mrs. Vinnie W e n g e r , of F r e d e r i c k s b u r g , V i r g i n i a . F u n e r a l services were held in Marvin Chapel C n u r c h , of which Mie was a m e m b e r , with burial in I the Ruckman cemetery. T h e service was conducted by Rev. A. J . Shrader, assisted by Key. D r u r y Jones.


' i'or more years than the writer 8 Churchville Avenue, Staun- can remember she sang alto in ton, Virginia, died Thursday, the Methodist choir, and "Cousin. February 2, 1967, at King's Rachel" or "Aunt Rachel" will Daughters' Hospital. be sadly missed by the people of She was a daughter of the the Arbovale community, iier late Jerry and Elizabeth Puff- ihome was always open to any enbarger Arbogast, of High- j visiting pastor of the Methodist land County. Church, and her hospitality and I Miss Arbogast was known that of her husband was unlimitj quite well in Upper Pocahon- ed. We, who loved her, shall not | think of her as gone from us, but' ! tas County. Survivors include three sis- that she is "just in another room." ters, Mrs. Florence Lewis, of Charleston, South Carolina, In addition to her son and dauMrs. Margie Grogg, of Middleghter, she leaves a number of brook, Virginia, and Mrs. Hesnieces and nephews to mourn her ter Arbogast, of Staunton, loss, as well as a host of relatives Virginia; also surviving are a and friends.. large number of nieces and Interment was made in Arbonephews. vale Cemetery, Sunday, May 24. Funeral services were held the service being conducted by at one o'clock Saturday afterher pastor, Reverend J. E Fairnoon, from the East Chapel of burn in the Methodist Church at the Hamrick Funeral Home Arbovale, of which she had been 'at Staunton, Virginia, by the a member for the past sixty years. Rev. Paul Good, pastor of the I The active pallbearers were: Brush Run Mennonite Church Bramble, Dewey. and* William of Durbin. Buri&l was in the I Tracy, Homer Sutton and Everett Blue Grass Cemetery at Blue Arbogast, of Arbovale, and bn Grass, Virginia. nephew, Ralph McElwee, of Elkins.


Herbert Arbogast Two Die In Fire V Charles H. Arbogast K/' John Herbert Arbogast, 71, Elkins, March 15—-Two persons, Charles H. Arbogast, 60, of of Cutoff Road, Keyser, was Mrs. Grover C. Arbogast, 39 years old Willsboro, died Thursday, June dead on arrival at the hospital and Raymond Arbogast 4 years o'd, 3, 1976, at his home after a on Thursday, December 2, her adopted son, were burned to short illness. in a tire which razed their 1971, after becoming suddenly death home at Flint, last night. Mr. ArbHe was a lifelong resident of ill. ogast and a daughter of the couple Focahontas County and was a Born at Durbin December escaped. member of the Green Bank 7,1899, he was the son of the Trapped on the second floor of Liberty Presbyterian Church late William and Ella Houchin their home, after they were awakenand a farmer. ed by the frightened cries of some Arbogast. chickens in an incubator. Mrs. ArbSurvivors include his wife, Mr, Arbogast was a member Nellie Sheets Arbogast; two of the Baptist Church;. he was ogast and the boy had no time to esdaughters, Mrs. Bonnie L. a retired Western Maryland cape.—Charleston Mail Mrs. Arbogast is the (laughter of Hicks, of Monterey, Virginia, Railway Engineer and was a Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hoover, of member of the Brotherhood of Marlinton. Her body was brought and Miss Tina Arbogast, at home; four sons: Gordie, of Enginemen and Firemen. nere on Monday afternoon and taken Clarksburg, Richard of Montto the cemetery at Slaty Fork for He is survived by his widow, erey, Virginia, Michael, of Hillsburial on Tuesday. In the same Mrs. Cleo Ferguson Arbogast, were the remains of her little boro, and Timothy, at homethree daughters, Mrs. Patricia collin adopt 2d son. Mr. Arbogast Was able one sister, Mrs. Gladys Tyree' Davis, of Raleigh, North Caro- to attend the funeral of his wife, but of Marlinton, and 10 grandlina, Mrs. Betty Castignetta, his little daughter by a former marchildren. of Leesburg, Virginia, and Mrs. riage is still in an. El Kins hospital Services were held Sunday Margaret Eskridge, of Palm being treated for burns which are seafternoon at Wallace and WalBay, Florida; three sons, Her- vere but not necessarily danger^us. • lace Funeral Home in Arbovale bert D. Arbogast and Clifford with Rev. David Rittenhouse G. Arbogast, both of Baltiin charge. Burial was in the Golden Arbogast more^ Maryland, and Jess L. Arbovale Cemetery. Golden L. Arbogast, 71, of Arbogast, of Raleigh, North Carolina; two brothers, Lynn Dunmore, died October 22, 1992, The subject of this sketch is Mrs. Arbogast, of Denver, Colorado, at his home after a short illness. He had been a bulldozer Mertie Hughes Arbogast who and Lawrence Arbogast, of was born August 2, 1873;; died Elkins; one sister, Mrs. L. operator for Mower Lumber September 10, 1945, age 12 years, Hart, of Mail land, Florida, Company and was a member of the Green Bank Church of God. one month eeven days. She was and twelve grandchildren. united in marriage to Charles C. The son of the late William and Services and burial were at Doshie Ervin Arbogast, he was Arbogast June-25, 1894. They eyser on Sunday. lived in holy happy wedlock fiftyborn at Dunmore March 27,1921. The Arbogasts lived near one years, two month, fifteen Surviving him are his wife, Slatyfork for many years. days. To this union were born Daire Arbogast; two daughters, s x children, two having died in Madonna Arbogast, at home, and Jasper Arbogast ;nfancy and one son in the prime Jasper Arbogast, age 61 of Karen Lambert, of Dunmore; two of life. Bartow, died on S^turJay, sisters, Onita Puffenbarger, of She leaves to mourn her loss Davenport, Florida, and Eloise December 16, 1961. her husband and three children: Puffenbarger, of Cool Ridge; two A retired farmer, he was a brothers, Artennis Arbogast, of Mrs. James Tyree, of Marlinton; member of the American Le- Dunmore, and Pershing Arbogast, Pauline and Charles, Jr. at home gion Post No. 117 at Durbin. of Green Bank; and four Six living grandchildren, and six He was a member of the Elk died in infancy. One brother grandchildren and two Mountain Chapel Presbyterian great-grandchildren. Frank S. Hughes, and one sister, Church. Mrs. Alva A. Buzzard of DunServices were held at 2 p. m. Survivors include two dau- Sunday at the Green Bank Church more. It is hard to give up a ghters, Mrs. Tena Lambert, loving wife and mother, but we of God with Martin Samons and and Mrs. Mervel Bennett, both must remember that God is too Mancil Doolittle officiating. Burial of Bartow. good to be unkind and too wise was in the Arbovale Cemetery. to make a mistake and that our Funeral services were conloss is Heayens gain. ducted Tuesday morning in He doeth all things well; the Ell Mountain Chapel PresMrs. E. M. Arbogast We say it now with tears, byterian Church with the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of FrankMrs Annie L. McNulty Arbo- But we shall sing it with those lin, in charge. Burial was in we love, gast, aged 86 ;> ears, widow of the the Lambert Cemetery, near late E M. Arbogast, died at thp Through the bright eternal years. Cherry Grove. hori^ of her son, E. Mead ArboShe was a consistent member gast, in Albuquerque, N. M., on of Liberty Presbyterian Church Betty Arbogast, six year old daughj VIondav, February 18. 1952. She near Greenbank, and died in the ter of Dixie Arbogast, of the Sinks is survived bv her daughter, Mrs triumphs of a living faith. country was instantly killed Sunday Virginia Quackenbisb, of Pboe- Servant of God well done! morning, December 15, 1935, by her nix Arizona; Mead; Dr John \ little four year brother. The little Jio^ptX of New Cumberland, W. Thy glorious warfares past, \Tne battles fought, the race is fellow by some mean obtained a loaded shot gun shell, and taking his Va. H*T husband preceded her won, father's gun from a nearby >rner about 20 ye*rs ago. This family And thou art crowned at last. He loaded tie the gun and shot his lived in Marlinton for about 20 sister in the side of her face. The years. force of the shot knocked the body of the little girl some three or four feet, and the recoil of the gun wrenthe gun out of the boy's hands.





Rey. C. C. Arbogast

i ^

Charlts H. Arbogast

Rev 0. C. Arbogast was born July Charles H. Arbogast, :G0, of F. C. ARBOGAST [7, 1857 and departed this life April Hillsboro, died Thursday, June F. C. Arbogast, 55 years 01 **e 123, 1940, in his eighty-third year. 3, 1976, at hit home after a died suddenly and unexpectedly at Rev. Arbogast spent all of his long his home in Arbovale, Saturday night and useful life at his boyhood home short illnees. He was a lifelong resident of from a heart attack. Dr. L. C. Mc- at Arbovale. He was brightly converted at the age of seventeen years Pocahontas County and was a Cutcheon said the heart attack had been induced by exposure when Mr. at the old Greenbank church, and member of the Green Bank united with the M. E. church of Arbogast being accidentally locked Liberty Presbyterian Church which he was a faithful member out and being unable to arouse the and a farmer. until the end household, apparently went to the Born at Boyer, he was :ft*pn Until the infirmities of age prevent garage to sleep. ed he was always faithful in his at of the late Charles and Mertie On Tuesday afternoon his body i tendance of public worship and deep Hughes Arbogast, and was ' was buried in the family plot in Ar- ! ly interested in the welfare of his receded in death by one sister, bovale Cemetery, the service being I church. He was licensed to preach auline Arbogast, and one about the year 1879 and served as brother, Strickler Arbogast, conducted from the Arbovale church I pastor of charges in Monroe county by his pastor, Rev. D. R. Carter. Survivors include his: wife, and in the W Va, Conference M. E. The deceased was a son of the Nellie Sheets Arbogast; two Church. late Brown Arbogast. Hib two sisters On January 31, 1882 he was united daughters, Mrs. Bonnie L. survive, who are Mrs. Arthur Leviin marriage to Rachel J. Arbogast, Hicks, of Monterey, Virginia, say of Hinton, and Mrs. Porter Kerr, who, with their son Glen survive him and Miss Tina Arbogast, at Mr. Arbogast is survived by his He was the last surviving member of home; four sons: Gordie, of wife, who was Miss Addie Wilfong, nine children of the late Adam and Clarksburg, Richard of MontMargaret Sutton Arb9gast. and their two grown children, Ray erey, Virginia, Michael, of HillsUncle Crrss, as he was called by Arbogast, of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. boro, and Timothy, at home; 1 everyone who knew him, will be sadSylvia Orndorff, of Massachusetts . one sister, Mrs. Gladys Tyree, ly missed by his family and a wide I For many years Mr. Arbogast has of Marlinton, and 10 grandcircle of relatives and friends. He I conducted a successful store busiloved his friends and enjoyed having children. ness in Arbovale. them visit in his hospitable home, Services were held Sunday where they always found a warm afternoon at Wallace and Walwelcome. lace Funeral Home in Arbovale Funeral service was conducted with Rev. David Rittenhouse Russell G. Arbogast ^ ^ / from the Arbovale church by his in charge. Burial was in the former pastor, H Blackhurst of Cass, Russell G. A r b o g a s t , aged f 8 Arbovale Cemetery. assisted by Rev Quade Arbogasb of years, died in the Veterans 5 Hos- Greenbank; his body was laid to rest The Golden Gate stood open pital, at M a n i n s b u r g , on Sept. I in the Arbovale cemetery. He saw you needed rest 24, 1949 after an illness of five ! One of his favorite hymns which God's garden must be beautiful months. T h e deceased was t h e ! he often §£ng contained Xrie fuiluw For He always picks the best son of the lute A r e t u s and Mag-1 ing stanza. gie Tracy A r b o g a s t . H e was a ! There is a happy land far, far away. veteran of World W a r I. Where saints in glory stand, bright bright as day, S u r v i v i n g are six b r o t h e r s and two sisters; Charlie C. of B o v e r , ! Oh how they sweetly sing Mrs. Ethel Hudson Arbogast Rev. P . W. of Rivesville; W i l l i a m j Worthy is our Saviour King Loud let His praies ring H. of Alma; a twin b r o t h e r , CeMrs. Ethel Hudson A r b o g a s t , Forever there. cil T., of Arbovale; J a m e s L., of * * » • ..... jj^_ laged 68 .years, died on T u e s d a y , Cass; and• Lelund C . , . o f T i m b e r August 23, 1919, a t \ h e Peoples Icie V. Arbogast ville, Va. Mrs. William E r v i n , , Icie V. Arbogast, 63, 640 Hospital in M o r g a n t o w n , of a of North fork; and Mrs. D. M. Essex Avenue, Akron 6, Ohio, j heart attack. On F r i d a y afterNicholas of Brandonville, and a departed this life on Fri- Ln,oon, her body was laid to r e s t n u m b e r of nephews, nieces and a •in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery, day, July 30, 1965. Q^ host of friends. near Greenbank. T h e funeral j She was born March 18, service was conducted by Rev. | F u n e r a l services were conduct1902, in Durbin, Pocahontas Quade R. A r b o g a s t . ed on Wednesday Sept. 28, at the County, a daughter of the late Arbovale church by his pastor, j Mrs. Arbogast was twice m a r Adam and Nettie Arbogast. Rev, A l b e r t T e n n e y , assisted by j ried. Her first husband was t h e Mrs. Arbogast was a retired late Jesse McLaughlin, vvho p r e Rev. Quade A r b o g a s t . I n t e r m e n t employee of the Goodyear Rub ceded her more than t h i r t y years in Arbovale c e m e t e r y . ber Factory in Akron, Ohio. since. They are survived by From our happy home and circle She was a Methodist by faith their d a u g h t e r , Vida. H e r secGod has taken one we love Survivors include one son, ond m a r r i a g e was to Dr. P . D. He is borne away from sin and Lee Keller, wife, Lstnny, and Arbogast, who died some y e a r s sorrow grandson, Larry, all of Phoe- ^ince. To a nobler rest above. nix, Arizona, five brothers, T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of Yes, our family circle has been Homer and John, of Muncie, f the late Squire J. L. and Maggie broken Indiana, Parker and Paul, of Virginia Gillispie Hudson. Her F o u r links have g o n e from our Durbin, Joe. Harrisburg, Penn- .sisters are: Mrs. J . A. Kirkpatchain sylvania. One brother, Brown, I rick, of Charleston; Mrs. Russell Though we are parted for awhile preceded her death. Three sis- Crowley, of t j r e e n b a n k ; and Mrs. We know we'll m e e t again. ters, Delpha, Maggie, and Lu- E l m e r McLaughlin, of H u n t e r s die, also preceded her in death. viiie. H e r brothers are, W a r d , Ob, the m e m o r y of t h a t day Funeral services were held of M a r l i n t o n ; L u t h e r and E. A., Sunday afternoon in the Me- of G r e e n b a n k ; and Mack, of Akthodist Church in Durbin, by ron, Ohio.



the Rev. J. Miller. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetry,

Rey. C. C. Arbogast


Rev. C. C. Arbogast was borrrlfuly 7, 1857 and departed this life April 23, 1940, in his eighty-third year. Rev. Arbogast spent all of his long and useful life at his boyhood home at Arbovaie. He was brightly couverfced at the age of seventer \ years ;at the old Greenbank church, and [united with the M. E. church of which he was a faithful member until the enrt Until the infirmities of age prevent edhe was always faithful in his at tendance of public worship and deep ly interested in the welfare of his church. He wa* licensed to preach about the year 1879 and served as pastor of charges in Monroe county ;and in the W Va, Conference M. E. | Church. On January 31, 1882 he was united in marriage to Rachel J. Arbogast, who, with their son Glen survive him He was the last surviving member of nine children of the late Adam and I Margaret Sutton Arbogast. Uncle Criss, as he w^as called by (everyone who knew him, will be sad|ly missed by his family and a wide [circle of relatives and friends. He |loved his friends and enjoyed having [them visit in his hospitable home, !where they always found a warm I welcome. Funeral service was conducted (from the Arbovaie church by his former pastor, H Blackhurst of Cass, assisted by Rev Quade Arbogast of Greenbank; his body was laid to rest in the Arbovaie cemetery. ;Oo&wfhis favorite hymns which be often sang contained the follow iug stanza. There is a happy land far, far away. Where saints in glory stand, bright bright as day, Oh T.ow they sweetly sing • thy is our Saviour King r oud let His praies ring Forever there. ilL"

Richard Yeager Arbogast Richard Yeager Arbogast, aged 49 years, died on Friday, January 25, 1957. He had suffered a heart attack. On Monday afternoon, his body was laid in Oak Grove Cemetery. The service was from Marvin Chapel by his pastor, Rev. Willis Summers. The deceased was a son of Walter A. Arbogast and the late Mrs. Marjorie Beard Arbogast. He is survivad by his wife, Mrs. Vera Payne Arbogast, and their two children, Richard, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Betty iJoe McCarty, of Hillsboro; also two sisters, Mrs. Joe Kramer, of Mill Point, and Mrs. Opal Hardesty, of St. Petersburg, Florida; ! two brothers, Argile and Ralph Arbogast, both of Mill Point. Mr Arbogast was a member of I the Methodist Church.

Solomon Wade^Arbogast • Solomon Wade Arbogast, 76, or Valley Head died Sunday evening February 28. 1965, in an Elkins hospital. Death was attributed to cancer. He was a retired woodsman and a member of the Methodist Church. Born December 23, 1888, he was a son of the late Jefferson and Barbara Hinkle Arbogast Survivors include his wife, Flora Channell Arbogast; eight sons. Burton, Luther, Cecil and Scott, all of Valley Head, Stephen, of Linwood, Willard and Alfa, of Beverlv, and Delbert, of Akron, Ohio; three daughters, Mrs. Elvin Vandevender, Mrs. Geneva Bennett, of Beverly, and Miss Grace Arbogast, of Marlinton; two i brothers, Lawrence, of Buckhannon, and Marvin, of Akron, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Jim McCloud, Mrs. Parker Simmons and Mrs. Luther Channell, all of Valley Head; and 35 grandchildren. The funeral was conducted in the Valley Head Methodist Church with the Rev. C. A. Lewis in charge. Burial in the Valley Head Cemetery. Denver Arbofitt l^^ DenveidM). Arbogast, 57, died Thursday, November 24, 1977, in an Elkins hospital after a short illness. Born June 14, 1920, at Circleville, be was a son of Dixie and Annie Vandevender Arbogast. He was a resident of Durbin forty years. Mr. Arbogast was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church and was employed by the Howes Leather Company at Frank. Other survivors are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Ryder Arbogast; one daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Curry, of Warren, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Jo Ann Currence and Mrs. Maxine Cromer, both of Durbin; eight brothers, Vere Ray, of Cleveland, Ohio, Harvey, of Bridgewater, Virginia, Greene, Paul and Daniel, all of Durbin, Arnold, of Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, Henry, of Boyer and David, of Parsons, and two grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Durbin United Methodist Church with the Revs. David Rittenhouse and William Trowbridge officiating. Burial was in the Arbogast Cemetery.

Walter Arbogast


Walter Arbogast, 97, of Buckeye, died Friday, July 16, 1976, in Denmar State Hospital, at Beard, after a long illness. Mr. Arbogast, a retired farmer, was a member of Marvin Chapel Methodist Church and the Masons at Hillsboro. He was born at Dunmore March 14, 1879, the son of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth Arbogast. He was first married to Margie Beard Arbogast, who died in February, 1951. Five children were born to this union. He later married Mrs. Kate McElwee Moore, who died February 16, 1970. He was preceded by his wives and a ion, Richard Arbogast. /o4rtr£/ Surviving; sons, Ralph, of Mill Point, Argile, of Buckeye; daughters, Mrs. Opal Carte, of Pomona, California, Mrs. Marie Kramer, of Buckeye; ten grandchildren;20 great-grandchildren; 5 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday in the VanReenen Funeral Home, Marlinton, with the Rev. Sherman Mark ley officiating. Burial was in the Arbovaie Cemetery with Masonic rites. ^ J a m e s L. Arbogast


James Lawren ArbogasuT74, of Cass, died Monday, September 25, 1967, in the Denmar Hospital after a long illness He was born August 31, 1893. He was a member of the Cass Methodist Church and a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, and was a retired employee of the Cass Lumber Mill. A^~rlt Survivors hiclude his wife, Mrs. Bessie Simmons Arbogast; two daughters, M/s. Irene Cassell, of Cass, and MM Helen Swisher, of Oella, Maryland; three sons, Ernest A. Arbogast, of Cleveland, Ohio, Everett Arbogast, of Cass, and Roy Arbogast, of Whitmsville, Massachusetts: ofie sister, Mrs, Ailee Hsgan, of Arbovaie; and three brothers, Pearl Arbogast, of Newburg, William Arbogast, of Green Bank, and Leland Arbogast, of Broadway, Virginia. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. Travis E. Wells, Jr., with burial in the Arbovalp
W. H. Arbogast o " < W Mpfc Artefitt L ^ William Harrison (Arbogast, Ralph Arbogast, 71, of Mill Cecil Tracy Arbogast, aged 58 87, of Dunmore, died Sunday, Point; died Tuesday, March .years, of Arbovaie, died on FriSeptember 16, 1973, at the 28,1978, in Pocahontas Me* day, January 20, 1950. On Sunhome of his daughter, Mrs. day afternoon the funeral service Nita Puffenbarger, after a long aorial Hospital. He was a farmer and memwas held from the Arbovaie illness. /,, r ber of the Marvin Chapel church by his pastor, Kev. A. L. He was a lifelong resident of Tenney. Burial in the Arbovaie Pocahontas County, was a Methodist Church. Thesdnof the late Waltef* cemetery. <^cr^ib member of the Arbovaie UnitThe deceased was a son of the ed Methodist Church and was abd Margie Beard Arbogast, he was born July 19, 1906, at late Rete Arbogast. He is sura retired woodman. Arbovaie. vived by his widow, Alma Grimes Survivors include three dauMr. Arbogast is survived by Arbogast. Of his father's family ghters, Mrs. Juanita Lovelace, lis wife, Arlene Dunn Arbothere remain his two sisters, Mrs. of Ronceverte, Mrs. Elouise gast; two sons, Samuel ArboGrace P>vin and Mrs. Allie NichPuffenbarger, of Cool Ridge, olas, his five brothers, Pearl, Wiland Mrs4. Nita Puffenbarger, gast, with the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Delores Waugh, Manasliam, Charles, Leland and Lawof Dunmore; five sons, Artis, sas, Virginia; five grandchilrence. I Corbet, Golden, Pershing, and The deceased was a veteran of Ted Arbogast, all of Dunmore; dren; a brother, Argile ArboWorld War 1. He was an em-; one brother, Leland Arbogast, gast, of Buckeye, and two sisOpal Carte, of Laverkin, ploye of the United States Postal of Broadway, Virginia; twenty ters, Utah, and Marie Kramer, Department, at the time of his two grandchildren, and several Buckeye. death. great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday Funeral services were held Sandra Jean Arbogast,, aged afternoon at the VanReenen three years, little daughter of Mr Tuesday afternoon at the ArboFuneral Home by the Rev. and Mrs. Leo Arbogast, of Boyer, vaie United Methodist Church Virgil Hornbeck, with burial in was killed in an automobile acci- by the Rev. Kenneth MontRuckman Cemetery. dent on Wednesday afternoon, gomery, with burial in the ArMay 28, 1952 On Saturday af- bovaie Cemetery. Russell M. Arbogast / X ternoon the little body was laid Russell M. Arbogast, 44, of * /cie V. Arbogast to rest in Arbovaie Cemetery. Dallas, Texas, died Monday, Icie^V. Arbogast, 63, 640 April 4,1977. The service was held from Boyer Essex Avenue, Akron 6, Ohio, Church by Rev. J. W. Pu^h Born July 18,-1932, at Bardeparted this life on FriThe family had gone on a drive tow, he had lived in Texas for day, July 30, 1 9 6 5 . ^ - * ^ on a dirt road toward Alleghany several years. He worked for She was born March 18, j Mountain. The car struck a deep a railroad company. He served 1902, in Durbin, Pocahontas1 one term with the Army. hole. The jar caused a door to County, a daughter of the late open. The little child tumbled He is survived by one son, Adam and Nettie Arbogast. from her mother's lap to the road of Dallas, Texas; mother, Perand was run over. She received Mrs. Arbogast was a retired lina Arbogast; six sisters, Mary injuries from which she soon died employee of the Goodyear Rub Howdyshell, Andover, Ohio, Sandra Jean is survived by her ber Factory in Akron, Ohio. Sally Ervin, of Frank, Radie parents, her brother, Theodore, She was a Methodist by faith Nelson, Bartow, Ruth Ervin her grandparents, Mr. ai d Mrs. Survivors include one son, j and Mae Rexrode, of Durbin, James Varner, of Boyer, and Mrs. Lee Keller, wife, Lanny, and j Daryil Arbogast, of Dunmore; Gladys Tyree, of Marlinton. grandson, Larry, all ofPhoe-j **£ brothers, Ray Arbogast, nix, Arizona, five brothers, of Wellsburg, Elmer Arbogast, • Homer and John, of Muncie, of Louisiana; father, Martin J. Kcirinit Arbogast s-> Indiana, Parker and Paul, of Arbogast* and one brother J. Kermit Arbogast, 58, of Durbin, Joe, Harrisburg, Penn- preceded him in death. Arbovaie, died Thursday, June sylvania. One brother, Brown, Funeral and burial service 25, 1970, at his home after a preceded her death. Three siswas held in Dallas, Texas long illness. ters, Delpha, Maggie, and Ludie, also preceded her in death, j He was a lifelong resident of Baby Arbogast \yC^ Pocahontas County, a member Funeral services were held David Scott Arbogast, two of the Liberty Presbyterian Sunday afternoon in the MeChurch at Green Bank and thodist Church in Durbin, by month-old son of Daniel and Riverside Masonic Lodge of the Rev. J. Miller. Burial Maria Rodriquez Arbogast, of Cass and a retired teacher, was in the Arbovaie Cemetry, Cass, died Wednesday, March 10, 1971, in a Naval hospital principal and assistant school in Rota, Spain. superintendent in Pocahontas County. Other survivors include the Mrs. Alice Arbogast maternal grandmother, Mrs. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alice McClure Arbogast, Francisca Rodriquez of Jerez, Grace Kramer Arbogast, and aged 36 years, wife of Ola Arbo- Spain, and the paternal granda brother, Grady, of St. Cloud, gast, of Ed ray, died on Saturday, parents, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. EverJanuary 17, 1942, at the Pocahon- c ette M. Arbogast, of Cass. Funeral services were held tas Memorial Hospital. On MonSunday afternoon in the Liber- day her body was laid to rest in ^ Funeral service will be held the Cochran Cemetery on Stony Thursday morning at 11:00 a. ty Presbyterian Church at Grean Bank, with Rev. Thom- Creek, the service being conduct- m. in the Wallace and Wallace as E. Henderson in charge. ed by Re7. R. H. Skaggs. Mrs. Funeral Home Chapel at ArBurial <was \n the Jkxbcwate A r b o g a s t was a d a u g h t e r of A. L . bovaie by Father Leon Alexa n d e r , w i t h b u r i a l in t h e A r b o McClure. Cemetery. Cecil T. Arbogast


Mrs. Lelia J. Holi Arbogast Mrs. Lelia J. Hull Arbogast, aged 82 years, widow of the late ! Wardell H. Arbogast, died on Friday, April 15, 1955, of a heart attack in an Elkins hospital. She had been in failing health for some time. A few days before her death she had suffered a broken hip in a fall. On Monday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Marlinton Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. Don Taylor. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, with Eastern Star rites. The deceased was a daughter of le late W. H. and Rachel Curry uli. Her sister is Mrs. Grace Hull Yeager, of Marlinton. She became the wife of Wardell H. Arbogast, who preceded her six years since. Their son is Warren s Sifbogast, of Marlinton. ^-

Baby Arbogast

John Preston Arbogast, fourmonth-old son of John L. and Sandra Thompson Arbogast, of Bartow, died Friday, February 16, 1973, in the West Virginia University Hospital, at Morgantown. Other survivors include one sister, Elaine Ray, at home; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Arbogast and Mrs. Sylvia Mullenax and Arthur Thompson, all of Bartow. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Elk Mountain Church by Sylvia Mullenax and the Rev. F. H. Morgan, with burial in the Lambert Cemetery at Thornwood.

LOCK ARBOGAST | Lock Arbogast, aged 42 years of i San Francisco, California, died on j LOCK NEIL ARBOGAST r / \ February 5, 1941, at Cincinnati, 0. j tie had been in poor health for some Lock Niel Arbopast, born at Grt^n.-- time. ^ , W Va„ September 22, 1898 On Saturday morning his body id at Deaconess hospital, Cinciina was laid to rest in the family plot Ohio, February 5, 1941, aged 42 m the Arbovale Cemetery. rs; son of W. W. Arbogast and eor#e Alice Ervin Arbogast FathThe deceased was a son of the er died December 27. 1940 M r A r late W. W. Arbogast who passed bo^ast had worktd foi past sever away some weeks since. He is surai years as manager o ^hney Dor vived by his mother, his two brothmont Automobile Co., at i;stsburgh, Pennsylvania. Having poor health ers, Washington and Hunter; his he left for California to visit hi* two sisters, Madge and Virginia. orother. On way back he was taken ji!l and rushed to hospital in Cincinna Mrs. Glarienda Alice Arbogast fci where he died ten days later He is survived by his mother, two sisters Mrs. Clarienda Alice CurMrs Mad^e Henderson, of Richmond rence Arbogast, 57, of Mill , Va., and Virginia Conley, at home: Crepk, died Sunday, August three brothers, C. W. Arbogast of 11, 1963, in the Davis MeCharleston; Clifford of San Francisco. morial Hospital in Elkins. California, and Hunter, of Neola. Born June 25, 1906, at Mill Funeral services were held at his Creek, she was the daughter of home in Greenbank, Saturday, ITebthe late Jacob and Rosa Oxiey ruary 8, and burial at Arbovale cemetery. UWB* Currence.

Elkins— Ch^rlps Arbogast. aged 23 years, was found dead from a shoo gun wound in his chest at his cottage at a D' '- f i r i n g station on Kumbrabow a Forest, on Mill Creek, Randolph C unty, Sunday afternoon, May 45, 1938 It is supposed he accident, y shot h'mself Burial in the family lot at the Arbovale Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The dec ased was the son of Mi and Mrs C. W. Arbogast, of Elkins. Si his graduation at Davis arid ' Rlkins College two years ago he h s bad employment at the Marlintotj Trout* Hatchery. A month or two! ie was sent to to take chargf of" •he fish rearing plant on Kumb ab-jw Forest*. lie was a bright and proqa• !5iig young man with many friends
Survivors include her husband, Robert Arbogast, Mill Creek; two sons, Richard William Arbogast, Mill Creek and Jacob Dale Arbogast, Bartow; one daughter, Mrs. Jesse M. Lambert, Bartow; one brother, Peter J. Currence, Beverly; two sisters, Lyda Currence and Marjorie Cutright, both of Mill Creek, and two grandj children. Parker Arbogast Parker Arbogast, about 80, of Durbin, was dead on arrival at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Tuesday night, September 11, 1979. No arrangements have been m ade as we go to press.


A. Ray Arbogast A. Ray Arbogast, age 80, of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, died Saturday, September 19, 1992, in the Carlisle Hospital, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Born August 30, 1912, in Thornwood. He was the son of the late Fountain C. and Abbie V. Wilfong Arbogast. He was a retired farmer, and a member of the St. John's Franklin Lutheran Church, Dillsburg. Mr. Arbogast is survived by his wife, Ruth M. (Lenhart) Arbogast; a son, Vincent F. Arbogast, Punta Gorda, Florida; a sister, Sylvia Bly Orndorff, Marlinton; a granddaughter and several nieces and nephews. Services were held on September 22, 1992, at the Cocklin Funeral Home, Dillsburg. Burial was in the Franklin Cemetery, Franklin. £ 2 - Bisiis F. Arbogast


Mrs. Bessie S. Arbogast, 75, of Cass, died Friday, February 10, 1978, at Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. Born July 13,1902, she had been a lifetime resident of Cass, and was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Irene Cassell, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Helen Swisher, Ellicott City, Maryland; three sons, Ernest, Cleveland, Ohio, Everette, of Cass, and Roy Arbogast, Whitesville, Massachusetts; a sister, Mrs. Gustava Hiner, Boyer; a brother, Marshall Tracy, Arbovale; nine grandchildren. Services were held Monday at S p. m., in the Arbovale United Methodist Church with the Rev. Gregory Lewis officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. d^rtL. Warren Arbogast Warren Holmes Arbogast, age 94, of Marlinton, died Monday, October 26, 1992, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Arbogast was a retired tannery worker, a Mason, and member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Born at Green Bank August 13, 1898, he was the son of Wardell H. and Leila J. Yeager Arbogast. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial with Masonic rites will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9 to 11 a. m. Thursday.

Mrs. Perlena Arbofast


Mrs. Perlena Bennett Aroogast 85, of Bartow, died Saturday, March 18, 1978. in Nella Nursing Home, at Elkins, after a long illness. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren. Surviving are six daughters* Mrs. Mae Rexrode, of Boyer, Mrs. Sally Ervin, of Frank. Mrs. Radie Nelson, of Bartow, Mrs. Ruth Ervin, of Durbin, Mrs. Dane Arbogast, of Dun* bar, Mrs. Mary Howdyshell, of Andover, Ohio; sons, Ray, of Wellsburg, Elmer, of Louisiana; sisters, Mrs. Suttie Arbogast and Mrs. Kate Arbogast, both of Cherry Grove, brother, Riley Bennett, of Cherry Grove; 34 grandchildren; 60 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m., Tuesday, in Boyer, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Paul Good officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Nellard Arbogast Nellard Arbogast, 72, of Elk Mountain, Pendleton County, died Sunday, July 2, 1995. He was born March 12, 1923, the son of the late Mary Elizabeth Arbogast. He had worked for Judy's Fence and Rail Company at Bartow and was a member of the Elk Mountain Presbyterian Church. On December 29, 1959, he married Geraldine Lawerance, who preceded him in death on September 9, 1993. A son also preceded him in death. Surviving him are a granddaughter, Elaine Arbogast, of Moyers. Graveside services and burial were at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Lambert Family Cemetery on Elk Mountain with the Rev. Mark McAllister officiating. Hugh T.Arthur Relatives and friends were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Hugh T. Arthur, of 2220 Branch Road, Columbia, South Carolina, on February 18,1984. His wife is the former Violet Hoover, of Frank, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Hoover. He was buried in Arlington Cemetery on February 24. Mr. Arthur was a retired Captain of the U. S. Air Force, having served for twenty years during and following World War II.

Miss Pauline V. Arb Miss Pauline Virginia Arbo* gast, 71, of Boyer, died Wednesday, October 7, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born September 25, 1899, she was a daughter of the late Charlie and Mertie Hughes Arbogast, of Boyer. She was a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank, and a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Gladys Tyree, of Marlinton, one brother, Charles H. Brewster, of Boyer, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Harry Simmons and the Rev. Robert Lowther, with burial in the Kerr Cemetery. Gordon Leo Arbogast


Gordon Leo Arbogast, 48, of Chester, Pennsylvania, died by drowning on Sunday, August 15, 1971. Q/K He was born April 14,1923, at Boyer and lived in Pocahontas County until about ten years ago. Surviving him are his mother, Mrs. Gladys Tyree, of Marlin ton; one son, Theodore; two half-sisters, Mrs. Virginia Burgess and Mrs. Sylvia Woodhouse, both of Marlinton; two half-brothers, Orman Tyree and James Tyree, both of Alexandria, Virginia. Funeral services will be held at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale Thursday afternoon at 2.00 p. m. by the Rev. Harry Simmons, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Martin Arbofist


Martin Arbogast, 88, died Monday, April 19, 1976, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was a member of the Church of the Brethren* He was a retired employee of the Howes Leather Company at Frank, f^o-^^J Survivors include his wife, Pearlina Bennett Arbogast; six daughters, Mrs* Sally Ervin, of Franklin, Mrs. Ruth Ervin, of Durbin. Mrs. Mae Rexrode, of Boyer, Mrs. B^rie Arbogast, of Dunmore, Mrs. Mary Houdyshell, of Andover, Ohio, and Mrs. Radie Nelson, of Bartow; three sons, Ray, of Wellsburg. Elmer, of Louisiana and Russell, of Texas; one sister, Mrs. Sutie Lambert, of Mount Crawford Virginia, and one half brother, Raymond Arbogast, of Forminia, Maryland. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Boyer Church with Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Paul Good in charge. Burial will be in Arbovale Cemetery. Alma Arbogast %/&** Mrs. Alma Arbogast, 72, of Huntersville, died Sunday, May 29,1977, in Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church and the widow of Cecil Arbogast. She was born at Dunmore January 20, 1905, the daughter of Garfield and Ella Moore Grimes. Mrs. Arbogast is survived by three brothers, Hunter Grimes, Green Bank, Odell Grimes, Huntersville, Herbert Grimes, Dunmore; six sisters, Lillian Dahmer, Frankford, Viola Brown, Wytheville, Virginia, Juanita Winans, Buckhannon, Helen Vannoy, Huntersville, Betty * Ralston, Fayetteville. North Carolina, and Gaynelle Sharp, Charlottesville, Virginia. Funeral services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel Tuesday by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Q), Mrs. Doshie belle M*)ogas> Mrs. Dosh(ex^Bclle Arboj, M aged 64 years, wife of William Arbogast, of Dunmore, di i a1 her home Sunday night, Juiy 25, 1948. On Tuesday afternoon funeral service was held at the Arbovale Methodist Church by Rev. Q. R. Arbogast, and burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Surviving besides her husband are three daughters, Mrs. Juanita Miss Sail? Bell Arbog*«t Lovelace, of Dunmore, Mrs. Onita Puffienbager and Louise Puileu Word was received of the death barger, of Charmco; five sons, 0f Miss Sahy Br
Mrs. Margie Yeager Beard Arbogast Mrs. Margie Yeager Beard Ar„jg?„stwas born March 25, 1886 [and departed this life on February 28, 1951; aged 6± years, 11 booths and 3 days. She was united in marriage to Walter Aldine Arbpgast, on April 19, 1905, and to this union were born five children, who with their father survive her. They are: Ralph Monroe Arbogast, Dick Yeager Arbogast, Opal Elizabeth Gaylor, Argile Chapman Arbogast, and Bertie Marie Kramer, all of Mill Point. Also surviving are ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. The deceased was a daughter of the late Josiab Osborne Beard and Eveline Madora Yeager Beard, both of whom were members of pioneer families of Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties. She was one of thirteen children all 0 rhom have preceded her in d th with the exception" of two 1 iters, Mrs Don t b r p e r and Mrs. W. N. Snedegar, of Elkins, aDd one brother. B. B Beard, of Bartow. Her twin brother, Samuel Monroe Beard, preceded her in death only three months. She joined the church at an I jearly age and was active through lout her life time in church work, !having been Superintendent of 'the Marvin Chapel Church for 20 years and, along with her mother 'organized the Ladies' Aid Society jof that church some 25 years ago. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon from the Marvin Chapel by her pastor Re^. T. E. Painter, assisted by Rev. Drury L. Jones and Rev. A. J. Schrader; after which the body was laid to rest in the family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. The pall bearers were: Burrell Arbogast, Charles A. Kramer, Ward Weng er, Otis E. Webb, Neil Arbogast and Dorr Beard. Flower girls were the members of the Marvin Chapel Ladies Aid Society and the Hillsboro Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star to which she belonged. Thus is noted the passing of a lovely lady—outstanding in service at home, in trie comnvumty, and in the church.

John Armstrong John Cameron Armstrong, aged 48 years and ten months, of Buckeye, was killed Sunday afternoon, April 4, 1971, when his motorcycle bad a head on collision with an automobile driven by Oliver W. Green on Kee Flats south of Marlinton. A mechanic, he was employed by Western Auto in Richwood. He was a member of theSwago Methodist Chufch and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was born June 4, 1922, at Marlinton, the son of Lizzie Dulaney Armstrong, of Seebert, and the late L. H. Armstrong. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Flora Belle Skaggs Armstrong; three children, Lloyd Roland Armstrong, of Harman Maryland, Larry Paul Armstrong and Danny Wayne Armstrong, of Buckeye, two brothers, Jack Desmond Armstrong, of Buckeye, and Dale Calvin Armstrong, Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. William (Thelma) Consrois. of East Hartford, Connecticut, and Mrs. Ray (Helen) Gillians, Morrow Cove, Georgia. Services will be held in the Swago United Methodist Church at Buckeye at 2:00 p. m. Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Armstrong Graveyard.

Uoyd H. Armstrong Word comes of the sudden death of Lloyd H. Armstrong, aged 48 years, at his home in Moundsviile, on Monday morning, December 20, 1948. The deceased was a son of Cameron Armstrong", of Buckeye. His mother was the late Mrs. Lucy Lange Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is survived by j his wife, Mildred Beard Arm-1 strong, and by six children by aj former marriage: John, Jack, Dale, Hester, Helen and Thelma. Mr. Armstrong is also survived by his father, Cameron L. Armstrong, his step-mother, Mrs. Minnie Armstrong, his brother, Lonnie, his sisters, Mrs. Ethel Fuell, Mrs Wayne Jackson, Edna and Opal Armstrong. The funeral service will be held from the Marlinton Presbyaerlan Church on Thursday after-, noon by Rev. Roger P. xMelton, with interment in Mountain View Cemetery. For many years Mr. Armstrong bad held responsible positions %vith the State Road Department.

Mrs. Cam Armstrong Mrs. Mintie Petts Armstrong, 77 years old, of Buckeye, died suddenly Wednesday evening, February 8, 1967, at her home after a short illness. She was born at Mill Run, July 2, 1889, the daughter of the late Alfred and Mary C. Wedd Petts, Cameron L. Armstrong Her husband, Cameron ArmCameron L. Armstrong, age 82 strong, preceded her in death. years, of Buckeye, died Sunday, Survivors include one sister, June 11, 1961, at the home of his Mrs. Mary MacWborter, of daughter, Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Lawrenceburg, Indiana; four after a long illness. stepchildren, Mrs. Wayne Jack Mr. Armstrong was twice mar- son, Sr., Lonnie Armstrong, ried; his first wife was Miss Lucy Mrs. Edith Byrd and Mrs. Lange, of Buckeye, who preceded Opal Shields; and her stepgrand him in death. To this union were daughter, Mrs. Howard Beverborn four daughters, Mrs. Ethel age, who made her home with Fuell, Mrs. Leone Jackson, Mrs. her, several other step-grandOpal Shields, and Edith Byrd, children, and a host of nieces all of Buckeye; two sons, Lonnie and nephews. Armstrong of Buckeye, and Lloyd Funeral services were held Armstrong, deceased. His second marriage was to MissMintiePetts Saturday afternoon in the Swawho survives. Also surviving is go Methodist Church by the one sister, Mrs. Sarah Stratton, of Rev. Harry Drake with burial j National City, California; fifteen in the Armstrong Cemetery. grandchildren, and twenty-seven great-grandchildren. • Mr. Armstrong united with the Methodist Church at an early age. He was truly a good father and neighbor and will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon in theSwago Metho dist Church with the Rev. Ezra Bennett in charge. Burial i was in the Armstrong Cemetery.




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Mrs. Margie Yeager Beard Arbogast Mrs. Margie Yeager Beard Arbogast was born March 25, 1886 and departed this life on February 28, 1951; aged 64 years, II [moDths and 3 days. She was united in marriage to Walter Aldine Arbpgast, on April 19, 1905, and to this union were born five children, who with their father survive her. They are: Ralph Monroe Arbogast, Dick Yeager Arbogast, Opal Elizabeth Gaylor, Argile Chapman Arbogast, and Bertie Marie Kramer, all of Mill Point. Also surviving are ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. The deceased was a daughter of the late Josiab Osborne Beard and Eveline Madora Yeager Beard, both of whom were members of pioneer families of Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties. She was one of thirteen children all horn have preceded her in d .ih with the exception of two iters, Mrs Don Harper and Mrs. W. N. Snedegar, of Elkins, and one brother. B. B Beard, of Bartow. Her twin brother, Samuel Monroe Beard, preceded her in death only three months. She joined the church at an j |early age and was active through 1 lout her life time in church work, !having been Superintendent of j the Marvin Chapel Church for 20 years and, along with her mother 'organized the Ladies' Aid Society jof that church some 25 years ago. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon from the Marvin Chapel by her pastor Re,T. T. E. Painter, assisted by Rev. Drury L. Joneg and Rev. A. J. Schrader; after which the body was laid to rest in the family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. The pall hearers were: Burrell Arbogast, Charles A. Kramer, Ward Weng sr, Otis E. Webb, Neil Arbogast and Dorr Beard. Flower girls were the members of the Marvin Chapel Ladies Aid Society and the Hillsboro Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star to which she belonged. Thus is noted the passing of a lovely lady—outstanding in service at home, in ttte eomnvumty, and in the church.

John Armstrong John Cameron Armstrong, aged 48 years and ten months, of Buckeye, was killed Sunday afternoon, April 4, 1971, when his motorcycle had a head on collision with an automobile driven by Oliver W. Green on Kee Flats south of Marlinton. A mechanic, he was employed by Western Auto in Richwood. He was a member of theSwago Methodist Church and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was born June 4, 1922, a t Marlinton, the son of Lizzie Dulaney Armstrong, of Seebert, and the late L. H. Armstrong. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Flora Belle Skaggs Armstrong; three children, Lloyd Roland Armstrong, of Harman Maryland, Larry Paul Armstrong and Danny Wayne Armstrong, of Buckeye, two brothers, Jack Desmond Armstrong, of Buckeye, and Dale Calvin Armstrong, Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. William (Thelma) Consrois, of East Hartford, Connecticut, and Mrs. Ray (Helen) Gillians, Morrow Cove, Georgia. Services will be held in the Swago United Methodist Church at Buckeye at 2:00 p. m. Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Armstrong Graveyard.

Uoyd H. Armstrong Word comes of the sudden death of Lloyd H, Armstrong, aged 48 years, at his home in Moundsviile, on Monday morning, December a 20, 1948. The deceased was a son of Cameron Armstrong", of Buckeye. His mother was the late Mrs. Lucy Lange Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is survived by his wife, Mildred Beard Armstrong, and by six children by a former marriage: John, Jack, Dale, Hester, Helen and Thelma. Mr. Armstrong is also survived by his father, Cameron L. Armstrong, his step-mother, Mrs. Minnie Armstrong, his brother, Lonnie, his sisters, Mrs. Ethel Fuell, Mrs Wayne Jackson, Edna and Opal Armstrong. The funeral service will be held from the Marlinton Presbyaerian Church on Thursday afternoon by Rev. Roger P. Melton, with interment in Mountain View Cemetery. For many years Mr. Armstrong bad held responsible positions with the State Road Department. Mrs. Cam Armstrong

Mrs. Mintie Petts Armstrong, 77 years old, of Buckeye, died suddenly Wednesday evening, February 8, 1967, at her home after a short illness. She was born at Mill Run, July 2, 1889, the daughter of the late Alfred and Mary C. Wedd Petts, Camoron L. Armstrong Her husband, Cameron ArmCameron L. Armstrong, age 82 strong, preceded her in death. years, of Buckeye, died Sunday, Survivors include one sister, June 11, 1961, at the home of his Mrs. Mary MacWhorter, of daughter, Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Lawrenceburg, Indiana; four after a long illness. stepchildren, Mrs. Wayne Jack Mr. Armstrong was twice mar- son, Sr., Lonnie Armstrong, ried; his first wife was Miss Lucy Mrs. Edith Byrd and Mrs. Lange, of Buckeye, who preceded Opal Shields; and her stepgrand him in death. To this union were daughter, Mrs. Howard Beverborn four daughters, Mrs. Ethel age, who made her home with Fuell, Mrs. Leone Jackson, Mrs. her, several other step-grandOpal Shields, and Edith Byrd, children, and a host of nieces all of Buckeye; two sons, Lonnie and nephews. Armstrong of Buckeye, and Lloyd Funeral services were held Armstrong, deceased. His second marriage was to Miss Mintie Petts Saturday afternoon in the Swawho survives. Also surviving is go Methodist Church by the one sister, Mrs. Sarah Stratton, of Rev. Harry Drake with burial I National City, California; fifteen in the Armstrong Cemetery. grandchildren, and twenty-seven great-grandchildren. Mr. Armstrong united with the Methodist Church at an early age. He was truly a good father and neighbor and will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon in theSwago Metho dist Church with the Rev. Ezra Bennett in charge. Burial was in the Armstrong Cemetery.


Boyd H. Adkison

Marfcm C. Akin

Arnold Ford Anderson

LIBBY, MONT.-Boyd H. Ad FORT MYERS, FLA.-Arnold BEAVER, PA.--Marion Clifford kison of Libby, Montana, died c* Ford Anderson of Fort Myers, Florida, Akin of Beaver, Pennsylvania, for- Wednesday, March 26, 1997, at the died on Tuesday, October 3,1995, at merly of Webster County and Rich- VAMedical Center in Spokane, Wash. the Cape Coral Hospital in Cape Coral, wood, died on Sunday, Dccc nber 8, He was 81 years of age. Fla., following a lengthy illness. He 1996, in the Medical Center in Beaver, He was born in Marcus, on March was 81 years of age. Pa. He was 74 years of age. 3,1916, the son of the late Henry and He was born in Webster County He was born in Richwood, on Macel Adkison. He had lived in on September 16,1914, the son of the February 2,1922, the son of the late Cowen for many years, coming to Jaman E. and Mary Waugh Akin. He Montana in the mid-1950s, where he late Isaac and Mertie Anderson. He was a resident of Brighton Township had made his home until the time of was superintendent for the W. Va. since 1969, and was formerly of his death. He had been a long-time State Parks for 10 years and was at Monaca, Pa. He was a retired painter employee of the J. Neils Lumber Holly River State Park for several for Local 530 in New Brighton, Pa. Company and the St. Regis Paper years. He was a Hancock County He served in the U.S. Army in World Company in Libby, Montana until his deputy sheriff in New Cumberland War II and was a member of the United retirement in 1978. He served in the for nine years, and was also the HanMethodist Church and a life member U.S. Navy during World War II, and cock County assessor and director of of the American Legion and the Band was a member of the Lumber & the Hancock County Children's Home. He also formerly worked at the Homer ( Room, both of Monaca, Pa. Sawmill Workers Local 2581 and the Laughlin China Co. in Chester. FolHe is survived by: his wife, V.F.W. He was an avidfishermanand lowing his retirement, he made his Blanche Bixler Akin; son, Bernard of hunter, and also enjoyed fly-tying and home in Fort Myers, Fla. He was a, Brighton Township, Pa.; daughters, gardening. deacon and member of the Grace Marion Udon, of Industry, Pa., Janice He is survived by: daughter, Pa- Baptist Temple in East Liverpool, Inman of New Waterford, Ohio, Ber- tricia Schmasow of Libby, Montana; Ohio and after moving to Florida he nice Ruffner of Industry, Pa., and sons, Gary and Craig of Alaska, Gene became a member and served as a TinaCujasof Industry, Pa.; brother, and Robert of Libby, Montana, and deacon at the Grace Baptist Temple in Herschel E. Akin of Monte Verde, Don of Scott Depot; brothers, Frank North Fort Myers. Fla.; sisters, Anna Mary Woods of of Cowen and James of Webster He is survived by: his wife of 55 Webster Springs and Virginia Wil- Springs; sisters, Hilda Roberts and ,years, Reva Faye Anderson of North liams of Cochranton, Pa.; and 5 Maxine Weese both of Cowen and Fort Myers, Fla.; sister, Connie Fisher grandchildren. In addition to his Carol Grimes of Wintersville, Ohio; of Homeworth, Ohio; brothers-inparents, he was preceded in death by 15 grandchildren and 18 greatbrother, Crawford Akin, sister Reva grandchildren. In addition to his law and their wives, Stanley and Akin Blum,and step-brother,Chester parents, he was preceded in death by Glendeen Harris of North Fort Myers, Fla., and Lowell and Wanda Harris of Roberts. his wife, Bonnie Gadd Adkison, who East Sparta, Ohio; and several nieces, Services were held on Thursday, died in 1980. nephews, and cousins. December 12, at the Todd Funeral Graveside services were held on Services were held on Friday, Home in Beaver, Pa., with the Rev. Saturday, March 29, at 2:00 p.m., at October6,at 10:00 a.m., attheHarvyGeorge Dran officiating. Burial was the City of Libby Cemetery, with at the Sylvania Hills Memorial Park military honors by the V.F.W. and Engelhardts North Fort Myers Funeral Home, with Pastor Forrest Devore in Daughterly Township, Pa. American Legion. The Nelson & Vial officiating, and former pastor and close Funeral Home was in charge of the friend the Rev. Hayes Dietz, assisting. arrangements. Burial was at the Lee Memorial Park, in Lehigh Acres, Florida. .


Edward Jack Anderson ELYRIA, OHIO-Edward Jack "Red" Anderson of Elyria, Ohio, formerly of Webster County, died in Elyria, Ohio, on Thursday, March 30, 1995. He was 63 years of age. He was born in Hacker Valley, on September 30,1931, the son of Mira Duke Anderson and the late Marvin W. Anderson. He had lived in Elyria, Ohio for 42 years, and was retired as a machine operator for General Motors' Chevy plant in Parma, Ohio, with 41 years of service. He served in the U.S. Navy as a gunner on the USS Roanoke during the Korean War. He was a member of the Murray Ridge Church of God in Elyria, Ohio and U.A.W.Locall007,Parma,Ohio. He enjoyed gardening and had been a regular blood donor since 1968 for the Lorain County Blood Bank in Elyria, Ohio. He is survived by: his wife, Barbara Carter Anderson; daughters, Karen Anderson of North Augusta, S.C. and Karla Anderson of Akron, Ohio; his mother, Mira Anderson of Hacker Valley; brothers, Harold Anderson of Tyler, Texas and Paul Anderson of Cowen; sisters, Marie Carter of Hacker Valley, and Maxine Hines and Carol Bartha, both of Elyria, Ohio. In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by children Jackie and Cindy Anderson. Services were held on Monday, April 3, at 10:00 a.m., at the Murray Ridge Church of God in Elyria, Ohio, with the Rev. Winford Walters, officiating. Burial was at the Resthaven Memory Gardens, in Avon, Ohio. The Curtis-Scheuffler-Busch Funeral Home in Elyria, Ohio, was in charge of arrangements. John Paul Arbogast John "Paul" Arbogast, age 78, of Marlinton, died Saturday, February 20, 1999, at home following a short illness. He was a former maintenance machinist for Sunbeam appliances and was also a World War II veteran. Mr. Arbogast was born November 6, 1920, at Durbin, the son of the late James Arthur and Fanny Emma Phares Arbogast. He was preceded in death by his wife, Viola Wright Arbogast, in 1977, and a brother, Leo Arbogast, in 1988. Surviving him is a sister, Ruth Reichley, of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Graveside services will be at 1:30 p. m. Thursday at Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. David RittenhouSe.

Doris Jean Avis

Chester W. Allen

CHAPMAN VILLE-Mrs. Doris Jean Maynard Avis of Chapman ville, formerly of Webster County, died from injuries sustained in a car accident on Tuesday, August 16, 1994. She was 80 years of age. She was born in Peach Creek on February 10,1914, thedaughter of Ira Lee and Winnie Magdalene Maynard, both deceased. She was a former teacher and retired principal at Webster County schools and was a member of the Crooked Creek Church of Christ. She was a member of the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Logan County Homemakers Association. She is survived by: her husband, Roy E. Avis of Chapmanville; sons, Edward Lee Avis of Litchfield, Maine and Randall Stephen Avis of Woodbridge, Va.; and 4 grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother and one sister. Services were held on Friday, August 19,at l:00p.m.,attheCrooked Creek Church of Christ in Logan County, with Mr. Ronnie Adshire and Mr. Norman Ward, officiating. Burial was at the Forest Lawn Cemetery, in Pecks Mill. The James Funeral Home in Aracoma, Logan County, was in charge of the arrangements.

COWEN-ChesterW. Allen died at his residence at the Webster Continuous Care Center in Cowen, on Thursday, November 7, 1996, following a long illness. He was 73 years of age.

Mrs. C. L. Austin Mrs Mary Moomau Austii widow of the late Dr. Charles L Austin, died at Staunton, Vi ginia, on Tuesday, February 2 1954. On Friday afternoon h body waylaid to rest in the fat ily plot in Arbovale Cemeter The service wa9 held from Libert Church by her pastor, Rev. J. I Arbuckle, assisted by Rev. Jam Chenowith. I The deceased was a daughl of the late Dr. J. P. and Nam Arbogast Moomau, of Green Bai She became the wife of the la Dr. Charles Lee Austin, and f many years lived at Norma Oklahoma. Their sons a Charles, of Norman, Okla., ai Frank, of Baltimore, Marylan ! their daughter is Mrs Carl Ha ness, of San Diego, Californi Her step daughters are M Charles M Lancaster, of Atlant Georgia, and Mrs Forrest i Pritchard, of Durbin. Of he father's family there remain hi three sisters, Mrs Harold Leacl of Staunton, Virginia; Miss< Lillian and Lucy Moomau, an her brother, Fred Moomau, all < Green Bank.

He was born in Rosedale, on August 8, 1923, the son of William and Stella Robinson Allen, both deceased. He had lived in Webster County for the past six years, coming from Gilmer County, and was a farmer. He was a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: brother, Spurgeon Allen of Webster Springs; and sisters, Chessie Brown of Webster Springs and Ruth Norman of Mt. Clair. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters. Services were held on Saturday, November 9, at 2:00 p.m., at the Crooked Fork Baptist Church in Normantown, with Elder Henry Linden, officiating. Burial was at the Crooked Fork Church Cemetery in Normantown. Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, was in charge of the arrangements. Austin J. Aldridge Austin James Aldridge, six week old son of Heather McMillion, of Renick, and D. J. Aldridge, of Williamsburg, died May 12, 1999, at WVU Childrens Hospital in Morgantown. He was born March 31, 1999, at Women and Childrens Hospital in Charleston. Besides his parents he is survived by a sister, Brittney Aldridge, of Renick; maternal grandfather, Lonnie McMillion, of Renick; and paternal grandparents, Wandalee Aldridge, of Charmaco, and Clayton Aldridge, of Clifton Forge, Virginia. Graveside services were held Saturday, at Morningside Cemetery, in Renick, by the Rev. Dan Arbogast.

Mrs. Hunter Adams

Fatal Wreck I Allen Leon Armstrong 1 , aged 25 years, of Baltimore Md., was instantly killed in an automobile accident at the Kee place two miles below Marliuton, early. Satmorning, May 27, 1950. Fo/ some reason unknown, the car left the road and struck a gate post, Mrs. Armstrong, a bride of three months, is in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital with a brcken leg and other injuries. The deceased was a native of Harmon, Tucker County, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eii Armstrong. He served four years in the Navy during the late war. His body was buried in Harmon cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Leta McLaughlin Adams, 69, of Dunmore, died Thursday, July 22, 1976, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a year's illness with cancer. She was a retired school teacher, having taught for 26 years in Pocahontas elementary schools, and was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church Born at Dunmore, July 31, 1906, she was the daughter of John L. and Minnie M. McLaughlin. Her parents and her husbind, Hunter Adams, preceded her in death. Mrs. Adams is survived by a brother, Lyle L. McLaughlin, of Follansbee, and three sisters, Nelia E. McLaughlin and Dorothy L. Hall, of Dunmore, and Gladys M. Boso, of Willowick, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sundav afternoon.

Mrs. Lula M. Arbuckle Mrs. Lula McLaughlin Arouekle, aged *7l years, wiJov o the late Houston Arbuckle, died at her home near Lewisburg on Wednesday morning, September Miss Mary firbuekle 19, 1951, after a ioag illness. On Mm Mary Arbuckle died Thursday afternoon the funeral Sunday, October 24, 1971, at service was conducted from the ner home, H^*~~ ^^™ ' li ton Church by her pastor, Death was at Maxweltoih Rev. J. P. Profit, D. D. both heart attack attributed to a to the family plot at C l i f t o i church cemetery. D

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Surviving are three daughters Anna M c ^ a i j h l f n ' A y b u p k l ? ^ Anna Arbuck e, at home Mrs <3ho ^ ^rDUCRle u tVIr& was aa mpmkomember ~t of J.the i? M I* Brusinger, o__._ . ' ". v . kne was F. of " Elin-iurst Illinois; Mrs. Woodson Lee o Clifton Presbyterian Church and a retired Greenbrier CounVago; three sons, Rev. J. D. Ar ty Deputy CJerk. buckle, of Sinks Grove; M. F Survivors include four sisters, Arbuckle, of Rupert, and Hah Mrs. Richard (Elizabeth) Dick Arbuckle of Lewisburg. The deceased was a daughter o' son, Miss Margaret Arbuckle, the late Andrew M. and Mary and Miss Emily Arbuckle, all Price McLaugnlin. She was born jrof Maxwelton, and Mrs. Sheiat Marlinton. Of her faiber'd fam I don (Laurie) Haynes, of Lewisily there remain her sisters, Mrs. • burg. Funeral services were held J. P Arbuckle, of Maxwelton. and Mr*. J. B. Massie of Hamp Tuesday afternoon at the Clifden Sidney, Va. ton Presbyterian Church with Rev. Dean Boyer in charge. Thus is noted the passing of a truly eleet lady. Burial was in Clifton Cemetery. Mary Arbuckle Harry W. Aikey

Mrs. George Smith, of Camp belltown, has received word of the death of her brother-in- law, Harry W. Aikey, of Millmont, i Pennsylvania,



i Alarch 15, 1950, from a heart attack. Funeral services and burial were held on Saturday afternoon, at Mifflinsburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Aikey was well known in '^Pocahontas County, having be^n yuiployed here for ~a number of years by the Campbell L u m ^ r Company. He married Miss Myrtle Waugh daughter of the late J. B. Waugh, of Hillsboro, grno survives.


Mary Lynn Arbuckle, 90, of Lewisburg, died Friday, May 25, 1973, in Simms Nursing Home, at Alderson. She was a native of Maxwelton, a member of the Clifton Presbyterian Church and a retired registered nurse. Survivors include two brothers, AJex W. Arbuckle, of Lewisburg and Dr. Lockart D. Arbuckle, of St. Petersburg, Florida, and one sister, Mrs. Emily Sydenstricker, of Lewisburg, Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Clifton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Spencer Hamrick and the Rev. Jack Arbuckle, Burial was in the Clifton Cem etery.

Mrs. Moser Alexander

Mrs. Mattie Jordan Alex,nder, 82, died at St. Margaret lospital in Pittsburgh, Pennylvania, on Friday, August 6, 1968. She had been in ill lealth the past three years. Born August 22, 1885, a t Huntersville, she was the daughter of the late Aaron and Jennie Jordan. She was first married to William Reynolds, who died about 1924. To this union were born two children, James William Reynolds who died in 1951, and Mrs. Eva Primyon, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. On April 23, 1934, she was married to Moser Alexander who, with two brothers, Arthur Lee Jordan, of Denmar, and John Andrew Jordan, of Marlinton, also survive her. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church, of which she was a nember, by the Rev. R. L. Petty. Burial was in the famIy cemetery between Huntersville and Minnehaha Springs. Mrs.

Anna McLaughlin Arbuc'de

Lewisburg—Mrs. Anna McLaughlin Arbuckle, aged 80 years, widow of Dr. Julian D. Arbuckle, died at her home at Maxwelton, on Sunday morning, June 13, 1954, after a long illness. On Monday afternoon her body was laid to rest in Maxwelton Cemetery, the service being conducted from Clifton Presbyterian Church by Rev. R. A. Pfrangel, of Lewisburg. The deceased was born at Marlinton, the daughter of the late Andrew M. and Mary Price McLaughlin. Dr. and Mrs. Arbuckle wer^ fc mer residents of Cass.\ Surviving are six daughters: Mrs. R. R. Dickson and Mrs. Sheldon E. Haynes, both of Lewisburg; Mrs. F . C. McCue, Misses Mary, Margaret, and Emily Arbuckle, all of Maxwelton; one son, Julian D. Arbuckle, of Maxwelton; one sister, Mrs. J. B. Massey, of Hampton-Sydney, Virginia; one brother, E. H. McLaughlin, of Troutville, Virginia; and four grandchildren. Charles R. Apperson

News is received of the death of Charles R. Apperson, aged 80 years, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lee R: Foster, in Miles City, Montana, on October 21, 1955. He was a native of Marlinton, the son of the late Captain J. R. and Matilda Kee Apperson.

Julian D. Arbuckle

Julian Davis Arbuckle, 45, of Maxwelton, died Thursday afternoon, August 23, 1962. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Maxwelton, March 29, 1917, he was the son of the !ate Dr. Julian D. and Anna McLaughlin Arbuckle. He was a member of the Clifton Presbyterian Church it Maxwelton and a lifelong •esident of Greenbrier County. Survivors include his wife, Vlrs. Betty Laird Arbuckle, of Maxwelton: and five sisters, Mrs. Richard Dixon, of Second Creek, Mary Arbuckle, Margaret Arbuckle, and Emily Arbuckle, all of Maxwelton, and Mrs. Sheldon Haynes, of Lewisburg. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Clifton Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Dean P. Bowyer and the Rev. Jack Arbuckle in charge. Burial was in the Clifton Cemetery at Maxweltoq Doris G. Arbuckle Doris Gail Arbuckle, 45, of Lewisburg, died June 28, 1995, in Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a member of Clifton Presbyterian Church, a member of the Women's Circle, and a graduate of Frankford High School. She was a former secretary for the Naval Division at the Pentagon, a member of People United for Self Help (PUSH), and a member of the West Virginia Alumni Association. Surviving are her husband, Jim Arbuckle; her parents, Avery Roy and Opal Lyall Ray; one, brother, Jerry Ray, of Frankford; two sisters, Linda Perry, of Hamilton, Virginia, and Pam Musser, of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Services were held on July 1, at 2 p.m. at Clifton Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Ross Evans and the Rev. Roberta Mellon officiating. Burial was in the Clifton Cemetery, at Maxwelton. Donations of sympathy may be made to the Clifton Presbyterian Church or the local PUSH program in Lewisburg. Hunter F. Aliare

Hunter F. A!tare, 80, of Talcott I died Saturday, August 19, 1961, in Hinton Hospital from burns suffered while he was burning brush near his home. Mr, Altare was the father of Mm. Ksllen

Snyder, q

\\l®, formerly of


J. F. Ashford n

James Franklin Ashiore Asniorc wa rel="nofollow"> bom at the Sutton Homestead, near Green Bank, on March 20, 1886, and died at his home on October 31, 1953, aged 67 years, % months and 11 days. He was the son of the late Clay born D. and Annie L. Sutton Ashford. Both parents, one brother, John Craig, and one sister, Mrs.H. H. Hudson, preceded him in death. On May 22, 1912, he was united in marriage to JNorma Ellen Marshall, To this union were born three children: Ward J. of Fayette ville, William F , of Huntington, and one daughter. Mrs. Iiobert F Elliott (Anna Mae) of Green Bank. Four grand children: James Franklin and William Rob ert Elliott, George Craig and Mary Louellen Ashford, all of whom survive In the death of "Frank", as everyone knew him, Pocahontas County has lost one of her most loyal citizens, and many of her people, a noble iiearted aGd true friend. Beginning in early man hood, by untiring energy and industry, he succeeded well in life. Upright and honest, he was always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. H? will be greatly missed. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, afternoon, November 3, 1953, in the Green Bank Methodist Church, by Rev. and Mrs. Winkler. His body was laid in the family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. The large number gathered to pay their tribute of Oh how sad it was from him to part respect bears testimony, not on!v The one with such a true and noble I in bis home, but in the commuL hfcaii;. The one with the laughing eyes so jity in which he Ji red, and wil /linger throughout the years. : dear, The one with the voice so full of cheer. I Mrs Rosa Wsob Adkins was born at %fovil?8, Kentucky, January 22,18; S>, Oh how wa hated to see him go, inn died at her home at Spice, April To see the laughing eyes grow dim. 7 To feel the pangs of lifes' bitterest H , 1939, aged 58 years, 2 months and 22 days. Surviving her are her bus woe, I eight children. No more on earth to be with him. JTofceral services were held at the Laurel Hill Church and interment But wo see a vision across the way Of the sunlit shores of Eternal Diy, was made in the Walkup Cemetery. And with the throngs that have Mrs Adkins will be greatly missed by Her friends and relatives. , gathered there, The one that has gone, whom we loved so dear. We leave this world, we cross the tide, An Angel comes swiftly to our side, We hear the voice, so familiar of yore saying, "Loved ones this Heaved, we part no more.'' Wilson E. Sutton Cartersville, Va. John Craig Ashford was born at the SuttodP Homestead, near Green bank, W. Va, March 31, 1871. Died at the C. & O. Hospital, Clinton Forge, v a . } January 23, 1924, and was laid to rest in the Arbovale Cemetery on January 26bh. In the death of Craig Ashford, Pocahontas Co., has lost one of her most loyal citizens, and many of her people, a noble hearted and true friend. Beginning in early manhood with no means to sp.ik of, by untiring energy and industry, he succeed well in life, providing well for his household and acquiring considerable property in the meantime. Upright and honest, kind and liberal hearted, he was always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Always looking on the bright side of life, with his genial smile and cheey disposition, he won friends wherever he went or was known. Though full of life and fun from his earliest childhood, he always stood up for the right. A jolly and generous playmate, a noble hearted and true friend always. Though never having joined any denomination, he was always ready to aid any good cause, and in his kind and generous way, lived a better and nobler life than many in the pales of the church. Cut down in the prime of life when he had much to live for. He met his fate (as he had always lived) uncomplaining and unafraid. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, two children, his aged parents, one biother and sister, and a host of relatives and friends, who will ever miss his cheery smile and hearty greeting till we meet him in the Great beyond where partings will be no more.


Mrs. Lora Auldridge Mrs. Lora Auldridge, 83, of Lewisburg, died Tuesday, December 10, 1985, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea after a long illness. SJie was a member and organist of Shuck Memorial Baptist Church in Lewisburg. She had taught piano and organ for many years and was a retired school teacher. She was a member of American Baptist AssociaRetired Teachers tion, and Lewisburg Lioness Club. husSurviving are her Mrs. band, Gail; daughters,Virginia Carolyn J. Walsh, Mrs. Sandra Beach, Virginia, Lakeland, Lee Higgins, Ann and Mrs. Florida, Rolston, of Logan, Ohio; j William E.I brothers, McGregor Jr., of Dallas, Texas, John McGregor, of sisKnoxville, Tennessee; ters, Mrs. Lillian Will Mrs. Cincinnati, Ohio, Clemson, member of the Board of Education, Hubert Webb, of Deputy Sheriff and Assessor. OOCB six South Carolina; he was the nominee of his party forSheriff. grandchildren and four great grandchildren. in McCraw Funeral Home of Mrs Hulda Casseli Auld ride, *aged Lewisburg is in charge date for about 80 years, died at her home at arrangements but noset as we Onoto on Tuesday morning. January services had been j 30, 1940. She had been in failing health for a number of years, and her go to press.

George A. C. Auldridgev^ged 77 Robert A. Aldridge, 61, died years, died at his home at Onoto, on Tuesday, August 24, 1976, in Tuesday morning, February 13. 1940 a Morgantown hospital after For a number of years he had been a long illness. an invalid. On Wednesday afternoon Born January 17, 1915, at i the funeril service was conducted Corliss, he was a son of Mrs. i from the Edray Church by Rev. R H Clara Aldridge, of Rainelle and ! Ska^gs and Rev. O. N. Miles. Burial in the Waugh cemetery on Indian the late Harry Aldridge. I Draft. The pall bearers were Lee. A World War II veteran; Ivan and Russell Barlow, Clark Bax Aldridge was a member of ter, Lake VanReenan and Calvin Minie Belle Baptist Church at | Sharp. On Isovember 4, 1886. Mr Auld Corliss, Tygart Lodge 245, ridge married Mhs Huidah Casseli, Hayden Masonic Lodge 113 who preceded her husband by two in Ansted and Local 2427 in weeks, January 30, 1940. White Sulphur Springs. The deceased was a son of the late ! He was ar retired carpenter. James Auldridge IIis mother was a Other survivors include his Barlow. Of his father's family there wife, Virginia Johnson Aldridge, remains a half sister, Mrs P. L Carter. " ...-' one daughter, Mrs. Mary November 23, 1884, Mr A/tldridge Alonso, of Parkersburg; 2 sons, made a public confession of his faith, Clarence, of Morgantown, and and soon joined the Methodist Chu Harry, of Hawthorne, Florida; rch. He held out faithful to the end, two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Sevy serving his Master as church steward and Mrs. Hilda Hanson, both assistant superintendent and super of Rainelle; three brothers, intendent of the Sunday School. At his written request the following Lawrence, Harold and Herbert, hymns of the cnuroh wera used at all of Rainelle, and two grandthe funeral service ''Work For The children. Night Is Coming," "Jesus Lover Of Services were held at two My Soul" "Nearer My God To Thee ' p. m. Friday in Wallace and "What A Friend We Have in Jesus." Wallace Chapel in Rainelle Mr Auldridyre had the respect of with the Rev. Wesley Penning- all, as an honest, upright citizen, an ton in charge. Burial was in obliging friend and neighbor. He was Aldridge Cemetery in Corliss. honored with public office, serving as

Mrs. Sandy Auldridge

Mrs. Emma J. Auldridge, 95, died Wednesday, January 7, 1976, in Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, after suffering a massive stroke on January 1. Born May 11, 1880, at Mill Point, she was the daughter of the late Joseph S. and Abigail Curry Smith. She was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. She lived most of he: life in Pocahontas County. Her husband Dr. Sandy B. Auldridge, preceded her in death in August, 1963. Survivors include one son, Gail P. Auldridge, of Lewisburg; one daughter, Mrs. Lucy Duff, of Stanardsville, Virginia, with whom she made her home; three granddaughters, and six great grandchildren. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro with the Rev. Harold T. Elmore and Rev. Jack Arbuckle officiating. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

death was not unexpected. On Wednesday her body was buried in the i Waugh graveyard on Indian Draft, the service being conducted from the Edray church by her pastor Rev R H. Skaggs. Mrs Auldridge was a daughter of the 'ate Samuel and Eliza Tomlinson Casseli, of Back Alleghany. Of a large family only two members remain, Mrs George Baxter a i d Mrs Mary A r n Tallman. About fifty years ago she became the wife of George A. C. A uldridge, who survives. She did him good and not eril all the days of her life. She was a life long member of the Methodist Church.

& Harvey Glenn Auldridge Harvey Glenn Auldridge, 63, ">f Buckeve, died Tuesday, Vlay 9, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a 'one: illness. Services will be held at Smith Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Fri1ay, by the Rev. Harry Drake with burial in Kee Cemetery.


Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Auldridge ^-Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Auldridge, aged 81 years, died at- her he""ie. near Millpoint, on Tuesday, S e p t e m b e r 8, 1942, She had been ill for several m o n t h s . Int e r m e n t in the Ruckman cemet e r y on T h u r s d a y afternoon; the funeral service being conducted from Marvin Chapel at 2:30 by her pastor, Rev. L. S. Shires. M r s . A u l d r i d g e was a claughj t e r of the late Dr. Pleas S m i t h , of I r a y . She was the widow of ''the late G. L u t h e r Auldridge. Her s u r v i v i n g children are Clyde W . A u l d r i d g e , of Millpoint; Mrs. N i n a M c C a r t y , of North Calais,' Vermont, and Mrs. Glenna W a u g h , at home. Mrs. Eliza J | Ruckman, of Millpoint, is her sister.

J. E. Auldridge P Dr. Sandy B . Auldridge, 82, . J E Auldridge, aged 84 years, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, died at his home near Buckeye, August 4, 1963, in the Denmar on Friday, April 14, 1950. He I State Hospital, after a long had been in failing health for, some months. Burial in the Buckillness. cemetery, with service from , Born at Mill Point, March ley the Lower church by his pastor, 31, 1881, he was a son of the Rev. T. G. Alder.uan. late William H. and Effie Lee The deceased was a son of the Pennel! Auldridge. 1 Dr. Auldridge was a lifelong late William Auldridge. He marresident of the Hillsboro area; ried Matilda Moran who preceded he practiced veterinary medi- him a few years since. They are seven child reft, cine there and in surrounding survived by counties for more than fifty John, Cecily Harvey, Minnie Pot-1 ter, Alice WilfOngr, Elva School- j years. craft and Pearl Schoolcraft; thirty He was a member of the four grandchildren and twenty-j Hillsboro Wesley Chapel Me- four greatgrandchildren. One; thodist Church and served as son, James, preceded him in mayor and councilman for a death. number of years. Ttie deceased was a life time , One brother, Ruben Auld- j citizen of Pocahontas County and ridge, preceded him in death. a true follower in his c iristian Survivors include his wife, I faith. He was a good father and Mrs. Emma Smith Auldridge; a friend to all who knew him. a son, Gail Pennell Auldridge, of Hinton; a daughter, Mrs. Aj Cecil Auldridge Wilbur Eugene Duff, of Stan-I Cecil Auldridge, 70, of Buckardsville, Virginia ; a sister, Mrs. Mary Harper, of Hillsboro eye, died Monday, February three granddaughters, and two j 26,1973, in Weston State Hospital. He was a former railroad great-grandchildren. employee. Funeral services were held Born at Buckeye May 11, Tuesday afternoon in the Hills 1902, he was the son of James tooro Methodist Church by the E. and Matilda Moran Auld•Rev. Owen Lee and the Rev. ridge. frohn I. Prather. Burial was He is survived by a brother, ^in the Oak Grove Cemetery. John Auldridge, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Minnie Potter and Pearl Schoolcraft, both of Buckeye. Mrs. Belvesta Auldridge Funeral services will be held Mrs. Belvesta Cutshall AulFriday at 2 p. m. in the Vandridge, 91, died Monday, NoReenen Funeral Home by the vember 9,1§81, at her home Rev. Norman Alderman with at Mill Point. She had been in burial in the Kee Cemetery. ill health the past three and one-half months. She was a member of Wesley Aaron Aumiller "bapel United Methodist . News comes of the death Aaron Jhureh of Hillsboro. Mrs. Auldridge was born De- Aumiller, aged about 80 years, at cember 26,1889, in Charlottes- his home in Millmont, Pe u sylvania, on Friday, January 14, ville, Virginia, the daughter of 1955. He was a resident of PocaMinor Wayne and Fannie Bathontas County many years ggo. taiile Cutshall. He had large sawmill operations Her husband, Ruben H. at Buckeye and other points on Auldridge (1950) and a son, Robert L. Auldridge, preceded the Greenbrier. Mrs. Aumiller is the former her in death. Surviving her are two sisters, Miss Winnie Buckley, daughter Mrs. Byron D. Pultz, Mrs. of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Myron E. Henderson, and a Buckley, of Buckeye. sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Cutshall, all of Roanoke. Services will be held at 12:00 noon Thursday at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro by Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, Sandy B Auldridge


•2 Co

Claude A. Auldridge. Claude A. AuldridgSf^, of Buckeye, died Thursday, August 15, 1974, after a five months illness with cancer He was a sawmill employee arid a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was born at Buckeye June 21, 1927. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Edna Auldridge; two daughters, Bonnie and Hazel Auldridge, and one son, Ronald Auldridge, all at home; one brother, Raymond Auldridge, of Cleveland, Ohio. Services were held Sunday afternoon at the Buckeye Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Kee Cemetery, Mrs. Winiford B. Aumiller Mrs. Winiford Buckley AQmiller, 89, died in Middlesex, New Jersey, on June 6, 1976, after a long illness. She was born at Buckeye on December 12, 1886, and was the daughter of the late John B. and Elizabeth McNeill Buckley. Mrs. Aumiller was a member of the Eastern Star and the Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Aaron Aumiller; two brothers, Jay E. Buckley and Josiah Buckley; one sister, Addie B. Graham; and one grandson, Aaron Aumiller, who was killed in Vietnam. Survivors include three sons, Forrest S. Aumiller and William B. Aumiller, of Punkbannok, Pennsylvania, and Glenn O. Aumiller, of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania; one daughter, Betty Kenealy, of Middlesex, New Jersey; two brothers, William M. Buckley and Ralph B. Buckley, both of Buckeye; eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The funeral was held June 10, at the Strunk Funeral Home in Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, with burial in the Methodist Chapel Cemetery in Laurelton, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Leona Roberts Ayres Mrs. Leona Roberts Ayres, Allen Lambert Abshier, 66 56, of Wright's Trailer Court, of 2901 West Forty-eightt Aberdeen, Maryland, died sudStreet, Shawnee Mission on Sunday, November Kansas, died at his home Sat- denly 1, 1970, as the result of being urday, September 26, 1970. struck by an automobile. He was born in Italy Texas Born in West Virginia she he was a Catholic. was a daughter of the late D. Mr. Abshier, a member oi C. and Ella Miliam Hammons the security force at the City She was a member of the National Bank, had served 30 Church of God of the Bible in years as a medical technician Churchville, Maryland, and in health service for the Fedemployed by Bata Shoe eral Government, He was a was Company as a conveyor worker Navy Veteran, having served Her husband, David F. in the hospital section of the battleship Maryland. He work Ayres, preceded her in death. Survivors include one son, ed at the Mill Point Federal Oscar H. (Joe) Roberts, of Security Prison for several Goldvein, Virginia; two daugh years. ters, Mrs. Ha Hie Johnson, of Survivors include his wife, Aberdeen, Maryland;and Mrs. Mrs. Odessa K. Abshier, and Ella Baker, of Port Deposit, two brothers, James D. Ab- Maryland; six brothers, Jink shier, of Horatio, Arkansas, Hammons, of California, Ancel and Jack F. Abshier, color art Hammons, of Rocks, Marycoordinator for The Star, land, Mason Hammons, of 5721 West Sixty-first Street, Norrisville, Maryland, Jesse Countryside. Hammons, of Forest Hill, Funeral services were held Maryland, Gate Hammons, of Tuesday afternoon in the Frankford and John Hammons, Stine and McClure Funeral of Stafford, Virginia; two sisStanley Armeatrou! Sp-4 Stanley William Armen- Home Chapel, with burial in ters, Mrs. Dollie Stanley, of trout, a native of Durbin, was the Memorial Park Cemetery. Hillsboro and Mrs. Ianthia killed in South Vietnam SaturMrs. Myrtle Ash Q/ Stancy, of Lynchburg, Virginday November 16, 1968, in the Mrs. Myrtle Mae Ash, 83, ia and seven grandchildren. explosion of an enemy land died at her home Monday night, Funeral services were held mine. May 26, 1975. Wednesday aftfrnoon in the Sp-4 Armentrout was born She was a lifelong resident of Tarring Funeral Home Chapel September 13 1948, in Durbin, Durbin and a member of the in Aberdeen, Maryland, by the :, a ?cWof Stanleys Richard and Durbin United Methodist Rev. Marshall G. Suite, with Audrey Vance Armentrout, Church and the Daughters of burial in the Bel Air Memorial of Rittman, Ohio. Gardens. the American Revolution. In addition to his parents, Survivors include four daugh Mrs. Mibel Ashworth he is survived by his wife, Linda ters, Mrs. Myrtle Palmer, of Mrs. Mabel D. Ashworth, 69, Sue Kosenberg, three brothers, Canton, Ohio, Mrs. Sylvia Kinof Green Bank, formerly of David Armentrout, Canton, caid, of Bucyrees, Ohio, Mrs. Huntington, died Friday, May Ohio, Ronnie and Randy, one Anna Mae Collins, of Durbin, 9, 1980, at home. sister, Cheri Lynn, all of Rittand Mrs. Thelma Williams, of Born at Red Jacket, Septemman, Ohio. His maternal Cowen; one son, William Albert grandmother, Mrs. Ota B. ber 13,1910, she was a daughJr., of Watsonville, California, Vance, widow of Ira W. Vance, and a brother, Samuel Westfall, ter of the late Joseph and Minsurvives in Ohio. of Elk view; 18 grandchildren, nie Clay. 31 great-grandchildren. A Green Bank resident for Services and burial were in Rittman. The funeral will be at 2 p. m. three years, Mrs. Ashworth Thursday in the Wallace and was a member of the Pine Grove Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Teresa Anastasio Wallace Funeral Home Chapel Survivors include her husMrs. Teresa Anastasio, of Tracy in Arbovale with Rev. David band, H. Carl Ashworth; a California, formerly of Marlinton, Rittenhouse and Rev. Virgil died on Monday, February 9, Kover in charge. Burial will daughter, Mrs. Belva Delorea Nicely, and a son, Carl, Jr.* 1959. She was the widow of the be in Arbovale Cemetery. both of Huntington; two sislate Patsy Anastasio. ters, Mrs. Belva Weatherholt, Surviving her are four sons. Kentucky, and Mrs. Grace Jack Anastasio, Frank Anastasio, Freshour, of Parkersburg, and Joe Anastasio, and Domineck a brother, Lewis C. Clay, of Anastasio; three daughters, Mrs Florida. Mary (Corso) Fogli, Mrs. Oliva Services were held Sunday Portolese, and Mrs. Catherine at 2 p. m. in the Pine Grove Corsaro, all of Tracy, California; Church of the Brethren with thirty two grandchildren and the Rev. David Rittenhouse , thirty one great-grandchildren. officiating. Burial was MonI Funeral services were held on day at 1 p. m. in the White (Thursday, February 12 and inter Chapel Cemetery in Huntingment was made i n Tracy Cemeton. tery. Allen L. Abshier

Dr. Raymond Atkins Dr. Raymond Melvin Atkins, age 65, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Friday, November 13, 1992. Dr. Atkins, a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, had a surgical practice in Baltimore. He served in World War II. He was born January 21, 1927, the son of Melvin and Myrtle Lula Barlow Atkins, and grandson of S. I. and Lula Myrtle Moore Barlow, of Huntersville. Dr. Atkins was married to Julia Anne Todd Lacey and they had five children, Julian Anne Todd Atkins, Thomas Barlow Atkins, deceased, Raymond Melvin Atkins, William Paul Atkins, and Elizabeth Woodcock Atkins. He is the nephew of Nell Shrader, Louise McNeel, Lucille Burns, Juanita Patterson, and Evelyn Williams, The Atkins own a home, Homeland Farms on Jericho Road near Marlinton. A memorial service will be held here at a later date.


Miss Lydia Margaret Arion, iveJl known resident of RocMngaam county, died Sunday morning at 9:30 following a short ilL ness. Death was due to a stroke. She was a daughter of the late ' PVederick and Hannah Arion and was born March 25, 1866 near Sangerville. Miss Arion was ia member of the Church of the •Brethren. Surviving her are two brothers, John Arion and Samuel Arion, of Harrisonburg and one sister, Mrs. H. W. Kiracofe, of Harriionburg. Funeral Services will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock frcii> the Sangerville Church of the Brethren, conducted by the Rev. Isaac Garber. Pallbearers will be: John Cupp, Ben Cupp, S. J. Cupp, Glen Wine, A. M. Andrew and Lester WJchael. The body will be removed '"^n the Rosenberger Funeral * Monday afternoon to the *f her sister, Mrs. H. W. * fjarrisonburg, where ^eet Tuesday mornGeorge F. Altizer George F.Altizer, 82, of Renick, died Saturday, December •4, 1982, at home after a long •illness. * He was a retired coal mine r and farmer, a member of t h e Advent Christian Church at

Mrs. Alice Arbogast Mrs. Alice McClure Arbogast, aged 36 years, wife of Ola Arbogast, of Ed ray, died on Saturday, January 17, 1942, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. On Monday her body was laid to rest in the Cochran Cemetery on Stony Greek, the service being conducted by Rev. R. H. Skaggs. Mrs. Arbogast was a daughter of A. L. i McClure. W, H. Arbogast Wardell H. Arbogast, aged 12 years died Tuesday afternoon, J « ? e 8 1948 H e h a d b e e Q .Q' fainng hea thlfor many months. On Ihursday afternoon, the funeral service was held from the Marlinton Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. E. N. Carlson. His body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery, with Masonic honors. The deceased was a son of the ate J. C.,and Sallie Beard Arbogast of Green bank. He was the last of a family of four to be called. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lelia Jane HulfArbogast and their son, Warren H. In religion, Mr. Arbogast was a Methodist, a member of the Board of Stewards. He had served as Superintendent of the Sunday School and member of the choir. The deceased was a veteran employee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. He worked in the Marlintori station for many years; retiring some years since by reason of failing health. He 'was a kipdly man; who made and kept friends.

Roy G. Arbogast Roy G. Arbogast, age 73, of Whitinsville, Massachusetts, died Tuesday, May 6, 1997, in Whitinsville Regional Hospital, Milford, after an illness. He was the husband of the late Harriette Malkasian Arbogast. Born March 22,1924, in Arbovale, he was the son of the late James L. and Bessie Simmons Arbogast. He was a chief petty officer for the Coast Guard, retiring in 1966. Terry E. Armentrout He had enlisted in the Navy during Terry E. Armentrout, 70, of World War II, then served in the Manassas, Virginia, died December Coast Guard. He was also a Veteran 11,1998, at tbe Washington House of the Korean Conflict an the Vietin Alexandria, Virginia. nam War. He also worked for 15 He was born in Durbin on July years for Arctic Refrigeration, of 26, 1998, the son of Arthur and Worchester, retiring in 1987. He Leasel Armentrout was a 30 year resident of WhitinsMr. Armentrout was a ville. He is survived by two sons, 4 psychiatric social worker in the Prince William (Virginia) School Thomas J. Arbogast, of Randolph, system until illness forced his Massachusetts, and Robert A. Arbogast, of Richland, Michigan, 1 retirement in 1991. Survivors include a brother, two brothers, Ernest Arbogast, of Luke Armentrout, Sr., of Canton, Cleveland, Ohio, and Everett Arbo0 M a gast, of Cass; two sisters, Irene Cassell, of Arbovale, and Helen A memorial service was held Swisher, of Ellilott City, Maryon December 14 at the Everlyland, and four grandchildren. Wheatley Funeral Home in AlexFuneral services was held May andria. A graveside service was 9, at the Jackmon Funeral Home, held on December 15 at the Sunset Whitinsville. Burial was in Pine Memorial Gardens in Cumberland, Grove Cemetery, Whitinsville. Maryland.

Frank P. Anderson Frank P. Anderson, aged 68 years, died suddenly from a heart ^k while go» tg aboi f or Mt. View tarni. > or < had been in fpii'.ng health. On Saturdaj^norning his body was laid to $ a t in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, the funeral service being conducted from the home of his sister, Mrs. Ida Sharp by Rev. J . . C. Wool. The pall bearers were Judge S. H Sharp, Addison Pennell, B. E. Smith, Henry Hiner, Marion Burr and J. E. Buckley. § Mr Anderson was a native ot Bath County, a son of the late Samuel Anderson, at M^^Grove. His sisters are Mns Ida Sharp, of Marlinton, and Mrs Lucy Harlow, of Washington; his brother is Thomas Anderson, of Oklahoma. He married Miss Lottie Gray, who preceded him many years ago. flf x-ear^. S ? ATttfet^or i wk ttijUi»_hl: oitizefV vi I\.hontas County. He served v town sergeant of Marlinton am as County Chairman of his party. He was a good citizen; a popular man whose passing is regretted by many friends.

Everett L. Arbogast BUCKHANNON-Everett L. Arbogast of Buckhannon, died on Thursday, August 1,1996 at his home. He was 80 years of age. He was born in Webster Springs, on July 25, 1916, the son of Wade Addison and Effie Moore Arbogast, both deceased. He was a machine maintenance worker and served in the Army during World War II. He was a member of the Prince of Peace Church in Poland, Ohio. He was a member of the Buckhannon V.F.W. Post 3663 and the Frank B. Bartlett Post #7 American Legion. He is survived by: his wife, Ruth E.Sitler Arbogast; daughters, Martha Wisler of New Brighton, Pa. and Clarie QuerinofNewMiddleton,Ohio; sons, Paul Arbogast of Columbiana, Ohio and David Arbogast of Mill Creek; brother, Edward Arbogast of Hacker Valley; 5 grandchildren and 1 greatgrandchild. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Leonard and Donald. Services were held on Monday, August 5, at 11:00 a.m., at the PolingSt. Clair Funeral Home in Buckhannon, with Dr. Dan Arbogast of the Christian Bible Church officiating. Burial was at the Mt, Olivet Church Cemetery in Hemlock.

y^^^wsrs. usen uroogast Mrs. uianensa AHGC Aroogasi .^ Birchie McKinley Arbogast, Mrs. Myrtle Sherwood Ar- J a m e s ,f & Arbogast, i* Mrs. Clarienda Alice Cur53, of Hematite, died Wednes -7TA\rmarence ^ruogasL, oif ui Arbogast, 57, of ivim Mill'Abogast, 79, of Ronceverte, diedP*™> \° Newport, Pennsylvania, died nu<™?^ Sunday, August Saturday, February 24 1973 formerly of Pocahoritas County, 11 1963 19 " ? i r S a loU™^^?^ ' ' i n t h e D a v i s Me "* i n theGreenbrier V a l l ^ H o ^ ' 196^ e d l l i f o l l ™ i n g *? e x t e n d - 3 morial Hospital in Elkins. - tal at Ronceverte after a l o ? > N e w P o r t ,ea inness. &o*/c 1 Born June 25, 1906, at Mill" illness. 1^ ' • Survivors include his wife, Mrs. He was born August 8,1902, Creek, she was the daughter of She had been a resident o i f - a n n y E * A r b o g a s t ' a daughter,] J at Arbovale. the late Jacob and Rosa Oxley - Ronceverte for 13 years a n dMrs. L Robert Reichley, of Lewis_ Mr. Arbogast was a member LICurrence. . . _ wwas p ^ ? Lu er og A\ Po ff ?N7enws y lo^r a n i ? i two sons, a former resident oofF Poca-r a s aformVresident •* the Arbovale Methodist Survivors include her hus- hontas County, County a member oi. oi P t > Pennsylvania, -Church and a member of the band, Robert Arbogast, M i l l - t h e Trinity United Methodsst a n d Sohn P a u l Arbogast, of Mc-| H e n r -Brotherhood Maintenance Way Creek; two sons, Richard Wil'-_ Church and the Womens Socley > Illinois; a sister, Mrs _ Department of the Chesapeake Ham Arbogast, Mill Creek and t y 0f Christian Service Harry C. Burner, of New Berlir and Ohio Railway. Jacob Dale Arbogast, Bartow;" u o r u l l c u , n j r»w *lu J Wisconsin; six grandchildren and rea,grandchildren, - Survivors include his wife one daughter, Mrs. Jesse. M.- S ^ J ^ ^ r ^ tx -Mrs. Gladys Daywalt Arbo- Lambert, Bartow; one brother, ¥ 10,7q f uneral services were conduc . ed on Tuesday afternoon-in lb gast; two half brothers, Arn- Peter J Currence, Beverly; two rs Lyda Currence and •, _ S u r v l™ indude three sis, Arbovale Methodist Church wit old Ervin, of Frank, and Orval listers, s t h e ar ters, i Whangerjthe Rev. John Helms in charge. -Ervin, of Durbin, and one halfHM Jorie Outright, both of Mrs. 5 . I Bak r .? ' n a n 1 Burial was made in the Arbovale _ lister, Mrs. Evon Goode, of Mill Creek, and two grand- Miss P S o f Fearl bherwood, all oi Cemetery Mount Crawford, Virginia; Children. Ronceverte, and two brothers, j - one foster son, Delbert KowLawrence Sherwood, of RonceRoy E. Arbtugh J. Kermit Arbogast _ ger, of Brandy wine. verte and Albert Sherwood of 1 Roy A. Arbaugh, 67, died Kermit Arbogast, 68, of Florida. Funeral services were held 'Friday, October 10, 1975, at I Arbovale, died Thursday, June Saturday afternoon in the -25 his home in Maxwelton, of an | Funeral services were held J Shanklin Funeral Home Chap-f o n* 1970, at his home after a apparent heart attack. illn Monday afternoon at the Ron el by the Rev. Douglas N.|J g ess ceverte Methodist Church by " I He was a life long resident of Shepherd. Burial was in the He was a lifelong resident of "Hlleghany Memorial Park at Pocahontas County, a member the Rev. Alvin Guyon, with Greenbrier County and a memburial in the Riverview Ceme- ber of the Isaac Walton League -Lowmoor, Virginia. f-of the Liberty Presbyterian tery at Ronceverte, and a retired farmer. Church at Green Bank and — Anna Arbofitt Survivors include his wife, Riverside Masonic Lodge of " Qrover Arbogast — Mrs. Anna Arbogast, Dur- Cass and a retired teacher, - Grover Cleveland Arbogast — [ E l a i n e ; four sisters, Mrs. Hatbin, died Wednesday, August principal and assistant school 95, of Covington, Virginia, for- "tie Smith, of Fairlea, Mrs. 23,1978, in an Elkins hospital" superintendent in Pocahontas merly of Cass, died Sunday, Mary Harvey, Lewisburg, Mrs. — after a long illness. Maude Ford, of Winston-Salem, j-County. September 18,1977, in Bedford — Bora August 11, 1900, she 4- Survivors include his wife, Community Hospital, Bed- I North Carolina, and Mrs. Frances Goodall, of Adelphi, Mary_ was the daughter of the late Grace Kramer Arbogast, and. ford, Virginia, after a long illI land, and one brother, John, Minor and Hester Jane Van* a brother, Grady, of St. Cloud, ness. — devender. j~ Florida. Born April 1, 1885, at Val- —I of Glen Allen, Virginia. Survivors include her husFuneral services were held = ley Head, he spent most of his ==! Services were held Sunday band, Dixie Arbogast; two Sunday afternoon at Wallace and Walafternoon in the Liber-, life near Cass. A woodsman, — daughters, Mrs. Maxine Crom- ty Presbyterian he was a former employee of $Ti lace Funeral Home in LewisChurch at "?• er and Mrs. Joanne Currence, Gre3n Bank, with Rev. Thorn- the Mower Lumber Company — burg with Dr Spencer HamS.1 both of Durbin; eight S O n S I rry Henderson in charge.. at Cass, and a member of the ^ rick in charge. Burial was in ,. £ Vere, of Cleveland, Ohio, Harl f ?funnJL Cass United Methodist Church. M « the Rosewood Cemetery _ v e y . of Harrisonburg, Virginia, I C^e m a e r w a s , n t h e Al'bovale He had resided for five years nK*i 1 J — j — Arnold, of Belgar, PennsyUJ f y-, • . WW — with the June Higgins, family E u g m Wi|llam AmniaM yania, David of King George, t/ Glen Arbogast — Virginia, and Green, Paul, J- Gle ~Z n A . . ftA , „ in Falling Springs, Virginia. « Eugene Williams Ammona Danny and Henry, all of Dur- [ Arbogast, 90, of Ron • M f i L £LL # ^ f f i 1 L ! « . of Seated. Delaware, died — bin; a sister, Mrs. Mona New- f d<*verte, formerly of Arbovale,Mrs. Beulah Harvey, of Oho, .m F d a y . November 20, 1981, — man, of Baltimore, Maryland; f mi e ad Monday January 1 1972,_ son, Ralph, of Spnngerville , _ 8 t N / t i c o k e Memorial Hospi«iatwo brothers, Jim and Lee ]__ a ,, o nRonceverte hospital after Arizona, brother, Amos, of , g e a f o r d ft g g h o r t j„. — Vandevender, both of Frank8 lUness. &t*4 = Slatyfork. £ness. Kn; 51 grandchildren and 21 - He was a member of the TrinServices were held at 2 p. m. 1958 Mr. Ammons retired «.„, great-grandchildren. - ity United Methodist Church - Wednesday in Cass United manappr for in t



A Services were held at two J f Ronceverte and a retired Meth < g * < ^ ~r> p. m. Satarday in the Frank *" {arT^ef; „•« g 5 f t P S K I ^ f o 2 £ " Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. k u f was m uult w m e er ™ JiL the Church of the Nazarene with-? He lived at Arbovale until B ° P H e had been with the firm for J Rev. Roy Williams and his farm was purchased for t y> 30 years. • ' = = F He was a member of the Rev. David Rittenhouse offii-H the Observatory. I ., joanny Arbogast - Marlinton Lodge 127, AF and dating. Burial was in the famMr. Arbogast was always ~ ily cemetery in Durbin. oi active in the annual White Johnny Arbogast, 23, ° L AM. His wife, Helen Foley Am— — Pine Camp Meeting. -Pendleton County, was killed died in 19/2. Surviving '] J. fad Arbogast \ 7 Survivors include his wife, in an autonobile accident nea mons are a daughter, Betty Am/arl Arhocr'ist noY* ' ^ h r u a r y l b , Lai*. M rtle A A. Carl Arbogast, *X H y Sherwood Arbogast. Bartow, mons Bleile of Seaford; two "-years, died at bis home in Funeral services were held He was the son of Mr. and grandchildren, Robert E. and Nelard Arbogast and on Tuesday, April U , 1953, after Wednesday afternoon in the.Mrs, Scott G. Bleile, of Seaford; and a long illness. On Wednesday Trinity United Methodist had a young daughter, - t h e funeral service was held from Church at Ronceverte by the Funeral services were held two great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday ovale church, with buriai Rev. Alvin Guyon, with burial Wednesday in the family plot in Arbovale in the Riverview Cemetery at Chapel by the Rev. F. H. Mor- a t the Watson Funeral Home, ton. Burial was in Lambert-Seaford. Hiram Lodge 21, of "1 Cemetery. Ronceverte. . Seaford, held Masonic services -Cemetery near Thornwood. The deceased is survived by hie~ Sunday at the Funeral Home. ife and their daughter, Mrs Burial was in Odd Feltas^ lark wood Gum. . Cemetery. jJ^2i\


DIED William W. Addleman c Richard Yeager Arbogast Lonnie W. Armstrong, Sr. Julia Ann Duncan A&dridge, widWilliam Wallace Addleman^ Lonnie W. Annstrong, Sr., age Richard Yeager Arbogast, age ow of the late James Atijdridge, died of Buckeye, died Sunday, 48, died on Saturday, January at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 80, of Marlinton, died Friday, September 24, 1995, in Morgan 26, 1957, at his home. Funeral P. L. Carter at Onoto op Friday, December 1, 1972, in the PoManor, Morgantown, after an services were conducted at the February 3. 1933, after short illness cahontas Memorial Hospital. two He had been in declining Methodist Church at Marvin Her age was ninety-th? :e years, extended illness. 1 He was a farmer and Chapel at 2:00 p. m., Monday, monfcho and five days, having been health for several years. CounBorn in Cumberland Cou January 28, 1957, by Reverend born November 28, 18 construction foreman. On Saturafternoon her funeral was con- ty, Virginia, he was the so£ Born near Buckeye June 18, Willis Summers, assisted by day from the Stony'Creek church 1913, he was the son of the late Reverend Quade Arbogast. In- ducted by Rev. T. H. Taylor, assisted by the late William and Emr Cameron L. and Lucy Lange terment was in the Oak Grove Rev. O. N. Miles: burffj in the Coch- Addleman. Cemetery at Hillsboro. Armstrong. He was a member of t ran cemetery. ^Prec^ding him in death were two Born at Arbovale, April 2, Mrs. A aid ridge was a daughter of Presbyterian Church. Harold C. Armstrong and .1908, he was the son of Walter the lite Henry and Martha Baxter He was preceded in deat Rick Allen Armstrong; a daughter, A. and the late Margie Beard Duncan, of Stony Creek. On Octo- by his first wife, Mrs. Sylv ber 28, 1866, she became the wife of Zetta Sue Bryant; a brother, Lloyd Arbogast. the late James Auldrklge. To this Raines Addleman, a daughte H. Armstrong; and three sisters, He is survived by his wife, union was born one child, Mary S. Emma, an infant daughti Ethel Taylor, Leone Jackson, and Mrs. Vera Payne Arbogast, and wife of P. L. Carter. and a son, Woodrow, Opal Shields. their two children, Richard, of Thus ends a long, bi>oy and useful Survivors include his wif Surviving him are his wife, Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. life, spent in service for others. Mrs. Agnes Payne Addlemai Goldie C. Mace Armstrong; a Betty A. McCarty, of Hillsboro; Down to the end, Mrs. Auldridge redaughter, Lucille Gaye Kramer, of two sisters, Mrs. Jos eph Kramer, tained her mental and bodily strength one son, Willard A. Addlemai North Wales, Pennsylvania; a four of Mill Point, and Mrs. Opal to a remarkable degree. All her life of Charleston, and one ste sons, Robert Arden Annstrong, Hardesty, of Jacksonville, Florida; she was a christian, making a public daughter, Mrs. Barbara E1I< Lonnie Wallace Armstrong, Jr., two brothers, Argile and Ralph 1 profession of her faith and joining Howard, of Covington, Virgi and Lloyd Henry Armstrong, all of Arbogast, both of Mill Point, the Methodist church in the year i a 1864. The occasion was a great meet Buckeye, and Ira William and one grandson. Funeral services were he ing held in the Old Log Church on Armstrong, of Danese; a sister, Monday afternoon in the Vai Stony Creek by a Rev. Mr. Neal. Of Edith Bird, of Buckeye; 29 He was a member of the Me- the many stalwart young people who Reenen Funeral Home Chapel thodist Church at Marvin Chapel. grandchildren and 42 greati then took their stand, only one re- by the Rev. Maynard Crai He will be greatly missed by mains, the venerable Samuel B. ford, with burial in the Mou grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 his family and a host of friends. Moore of Edray. tain View Cemetery. p. m. Wednesday at VanReenenv Jack D.Armstrong Funeral Home by Pastor Jack* Mrs. W. W. Addleman N. S. Arbuckle Jack D. Armstrong, 57, of Burks andJ*£yJlJ*ivHicks. Burial Stewart Arbuckle, 85, died Mrs. Sylvia Raines Addleman Buckeye, died Saturday, Octowas in thq^Anngtrongyemeti Saturday, March 11, 1967, at wife of W. W. Add Ionian, ber 22, 1983, at home of an his home near Lewisburg. 50 years, died on We apparent heart attack. John Armstrong May 17, 1944, after a short Mines A charter member and eldA veteran of World War II, John Cameron Armstrong, On Friday afternoon hor er of the Clifton Presbyterian aged 48 years and ten months, he was a mechanic and a Church, he was well known in was laid to rest in the cemett of Buckeye, was killed Sunday member of the Swago United at Nottingham, beside the grave: Pocahontas County as an offi afternoon, April 4, 1971, when Methodist Church and Pocacer of the Farmers Home Fire of her children. The service % his motorcycle had a head on hontas County Gun Club. Insurance Company and as conducted from the homo in Mar collision with an automobile He was born September 3 r president of the Lewisburg linton, by her pastor, Rev. Janio: driven by Oliver W. Green on 1926, at Marlinton, the son of Federal Land Bank Associa- C. Wool. Kee Flats south of Marlinton. the late Lloyd H. and Lizzie Mrs. Addleman is survived b, tion. He was active in organizA mechanic, he was employ- Dulaney Armstrong. ing the Greenbrier Valley Fair, her husband, W. W. Add Ionian, A brother, John C. Armed by Western Auto in Richnow the State Fair, Greenbrier and their son, AV. A. Addleman, wood. He was a member of strong, and a sister, Hester O. Valley Stockyards and Blue of the U. S. Army. The deceased was roarod at Cirthe Swago Methodist Church Garsteck, preceded him in Grass Market. and Veterans of Foreign Wars. death. Surviving him are his wife, cleville, Pendleton C o u n t Mabel Johnson Leach Arbuckle daughter of Stuart and Elizabeth Surviving him are his wife, He was born June 4, 1922, at Marlinton, the son of Lizzie Betty C. Mace Armstrong; two a son, John, of Lewisburg, and Ann Lambert Raines. For t h o Dulaney Armstrong, of See- daughters, Roseanna L. Groves a daughter, Mrs. Carl Onteen, past fourteen years she had boo a resident of Marlinton. Stanford, Connecticut. bert, and the late L. H. Arm- of Hillsboro, and Marilyn A. strong. Armstrong, of Buckeye; a Funeral Services were held Frank Arnott " Monday in the Clifton PresSurviving him are his wife, brother, Dale C. Armstrong, of byterian Church with burial in Frank Arnott, 63 of Junior, Mrs. Flora Belle Skaggs Arm- Marlinton, and two sisters, Rosewood Cemetery. and Slatyfork. died Wednesstrong; three children, Lloyd Thelma A. Connors, of Hartday, July 26,1967, in an Elkins Roland Armstrong, of Harman ford, Connecticut, and Helen F. Hospital. Death was attriMaryland, Larry Paul Arm- Gilliam, of Morrow, Georgia, Mrs. Charles P. Adams buted to a cerebral hemorrhage strong and Danny Wayne and one grandchild. Mrs. Lucy F. Adams, 80, died Armstrong, of Buckeye, two Services were held Monday on Saturday, February 15, 1958, suffered July 15. brothers, Jack Desmond Arm- afternoon at 2 p. m. in the at her home at Dunmore. She Born June 4, 1904, he was a strong, of Buckeye, and Dale Swago United Methodist was the widow of the late Charles son of the late Esta C. and Calvin Armstrong, Marlinton; Church by the Rev. B. B. Lena Pierson Arnott. two sisters, Mrs. William Mitcham and the Rev. Sanford P. Adams. He was a member of th Mrs. Adams was born January (Thelma) Consrois, of East Boggs, with burial in the Methodist Church, Riverside 18, 1878, at Dunmore, the dauHartford, Connecticut, and Armstrong Cemetery. ghter of Dallas and Hannah Masonic Lodge of Cass, a<: <J Mrs. Ray (Helen) Gillians, Galford McLaughlin. She is sur- the Royal Arch Masonic Chap-, Morrow Cove, Georgia. vived by one son, Hunter Adams, ter of Beverly. Services will be held in the Mr. and Mrs. Arnott live of Dunmore, Swago United Methodist in Slatyfork for 19 years when The funeral services were held Chujch at Buckeye at 2:00 p. Tuesday afternoon at Smith's he served as agent-operatoi m. Thursday afternoon by the Funeral Home by the Rev Ed for the Western Marylam Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial Thomas. Burial was in the Odd- Railway Company. in the Armstrong Graveyard. Survivors include his wif< fellow Cemetery at Elk ins. Mrs. Lucy F. Foy Arnott, o Junior, and one sister, Mrjd



Ercie J . Alien


Mrs. Raymond C. Ay res Mose Alexander Fred C. Allen Mrs. Ercie G. Allen, 76, diec Mrs. Winnie Grace VanMose Alexander, 86, of Hunt-_ Fred Clay Allen, 82, of Maron February 10, 1975, at th< de vender Ay res, 79, oH ersville, died at his home Mon-Aji ton, died Saturday, Dscem n Woodbine Nursing Home fr< ber 20, ~1969~ in the' Pocahon>[ Staunton, Virginia, died _ Alexandria, Va.. where she waC day, May 24, 1976. at Hunt *tas Memorial Hospital. iSaturday, August 4, 1984, ersville. g a patient following a lengthy. S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ Allen, as he was known Jin Shenandoah Nursing Born February 29, 1890, at 7 stay at the Alexandria Hospital^ R a She was a daughter of the Lexington, Virginia,' he was -to all, retired about six years T|Home in Clifton Jorge, ._late Beaureguard and Lydia a son of the late James and**™ after operating the Royal ^Virginia Allen McClung, of Clover Lick Katherine Alexander. A re- Drug Store for over forty vears "t slie was born October 28, ^ — She" waTmawred to Charles^C.t £r?.d l a ^ r worker of the C&O He served as President of the -f-1904, at Monterville, a _Allen f who preceded her inltoihroad, mJ*-\ ***_,*,.member W e s t Virginia State Pharma- ^daughter of Kelvin Patrick of the Rising Mount Zion BapNettie Mae Conrad _death. Also preceding her in] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ceutical Association in 1934 and —^^^^^^— death were two brothers, Lee tist Church of* Marlinton and a - 35 a n ( j had been a member of +Vandevender. — McClung, of Clover Lick, Hoxie member of the Brotherhood of. t h e g t a t e Board of Pharmacy _j. she was educated in the I public schools of PocahonMcClung, of Slatyfork, and Maintenance of Way Employes for over thirty years His wife, Mrs. Mattie JorHe served from 1936 to 1956 Ttas and for a number a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Cook, of —Covington, Va, and others in dan Alexander preceded him in as State Senator and was chair -f ye ars was employed as death August 16, 1968, in the man of the Pocahontas Coun- lhousemother at Virginia J early childhood. Saint Margaret Hospital in ty Democratic Executive School for - the - Deaf ^ jind ^ ^ the - i Surviving are two daughters, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; also C o n n ttee for over twenty + Blind and at Mary Baldwin: Mrs. Genevieve Molchan, of two brothers, William and An years. He had al30 served I College. She was a mem J — Hampton, Va., and Mrs. Mae 928 1932as A. Amos, of Alexandria, VaJ Lucy, ***• a! ~nephew, n f i 2 Luther T IS52?PAKS! - 1 Marlinton Mayor J b e r £ F i r s t C h u r c h o f thel Robin A veteran of World War I. [ N a z a r e n e ^ Staunton. one sister, Mrs. Lillie McClure, \. son, and a stepson, James Rey- _ — of MarJinton, and eight grand nolds. he was a charter member ^of + Surviving are her hush children. the American Legion Post No. -f-band, Raymond CarlylcJ Funeral services were con- 1 Survivors include one sister, 50, and a rnt-mbar of the V F Ay res; four sisters, Mrs£ jL'uiictai cervices were cun-1 TP.*.,^^ rw%,,«u«-f^ »«;^*%~ ~~A OU, ^ ,«, . _ Louie Ware, Staunton, Viiv asonic L dge ^ ^ "M - W He Ions; in — the ducted at the Everly Wheatleyt XT ^ - £_ ^S^ ^&^ ^^ ^ S^ ^S^ ^^^ S 'e Mwas ° active ^ *** ginia, Mrs. Nina Beale, or! New York,0 Ia step daughter, " v. „.„' r>n^ anA Gun f-Temple Hills, Maryland,] of Pitts- _~ Pocahontas Rod and uun - Funeral Home Chapel, in Alex-4" Mrs. ?-ePnevEva ™ a1-1Primyon, ^ecnanicsviue, Uo Alta Vandevender, of Slaty_andria, on Thursday, February. burgh; also a devoted friend,_ u " b a 18RS fork, and Mrs. Nettie Dehn, _13, at 11 A. M., by Dr. Richard Mrs. Margaret Cashwell. Born at Alma April 18, 1S». e was the son of the late bte- of Gaithersburg, Maryland; M. Robertson, minister1 of the' Services were held at 2 p - h"— IT"fviw,n0 ^mnpkins __Methodist Alexandria,j — WashingtonChurch, Street United two brothers, Boyd and Friday in the VanReenen-Phf11 a n d D o r c u s S l o n e k i n g where she attended while living m. _Donald Vandevender, both Funeral Home in Marlinton _Allen. — with her daughter. with the Rev. Sanford Boggs Surviving are his wife, Mrs. of Slatyfork. — Mrs. Allen was a former res- officiating. Burial was at the "Mary Jo Berry Allen, one ~~ Services were held at 11 ident of Hillsboro, living there] —a.m. Tuesday in Bear Funsome 35 years or so, where she family cemetery near his home, -daughter, Miss Ann C lay Alien, _eral Chapel by the Rev. A. • • • i - i __L i of Marlinton, and one son, — was a member of the Hillsboro Delbert N. Abdella Fred C. (Johnny) Allen, Jr., T. Underwood, with burial i_ Methodist Cnurch. She enjoyed ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ of Charleston, and two grand- - in Union Cemetery. a great number of friends and Mrs. Brenda Ann Amos Delbert Norman Abdella, of children, = neighbors there, many of whom . BO continued close correspondence fvoute 1, Nitro, died on Saturday'" <3Prvifes were held Monday . . . D . . afternoon, June 15 1957, enrouti^fe^oonm St John's EpiscoM ^ Brenda Ann Amos 32, nwith her through her senior rL to a Charleston hospita after ta\ rhurph bv the Rev. Jamea » »w tttna Drive, 'Newport jrear8. s b

Funeral services were held on Mountain View Cemetery. ^ R i v e r s j d e Hospital. P. M. Atkinson Monday afternoon in the Cross ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Born in Roanoke, she was a Porter Morris Atkinson, aged Lanes Methodist Church by the James H- Adams >9 years, pa^ed away in his *sleep~[ Rev. James Wooddell. Interment James H. Adams, 87, of Val- 1966 graduate of KeCougharly Monday morning, July 4, was made m the Cunningham ley Head, died Wednesday, tan High S chool and em1949. On Wednesday '"afternoon j Cemetery, at St. Albans. March 13, 1963, in an Elkins ployed by Mosley Real Estate. ;be funeral wt;s held from the Survivors include her husMr. Abdt $ a chemical op- Rest Home. loofie b;y his pastor. Rev. R. P. erator at the Goodrich-Gulf chem- Born November 2, 1875, at " af utgjhjt ie ^snaHnd J.^H M? a Ll8 Me Melton. Burial in the family plot cal plant. He was a veteran of ,Mace, Pocahontas County, he^ ^ T ' \ ; T u n White Sulphur Springs cerne- World War II and a member of^as k son of the late ^ ery. home; her parents, Mr. and Cross Lanes Methodist Church. and Cornelia Adams. Mrs. Stanley L. McNeill, of The deceased is survived by his Surviving are his wife, Paulie; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^m He was a retired United • Hampton, Virginia; a brother, vife, Mrs. Kate Downs Atkinson one daughter, Mrs. Hunter P. nd their daughter, Katherine Rader, Jr., of Charleston; his par- (States forester, farmer ^nd a. j0hn A. McNeill, of Hampton; larriet ents, Harrison and Laura Abdel- jmember of the Presbyterian an( j t w o sisters, Miss Susan Mr. Atkinson was a son of the la, of Huntersville; one sister, Church. " McNeill, of Hampton and Mrs. ate Alex an i'lda Morris Atk n on Mrs. Leonard Combs, of Hunt- His wife, EffieChannell Adams- John Bertelkamp, Springfield, ifr White Sulphur. For many ersville; and three brothers, Dal- preceded him in death in 1948- Virginia. ears he was with the Bureau of las, of Springfield, of Ohio; Theofisheries, and during his long dore, of Marlinton; and Jamie, of Survivors include a son, Sam-, Funeral services were held uel Ward Adams, of Valley at 1 p. m. Friday in Denbigh esidence at Marlinton, he has Huntersville. Head; three daughters, Mrs.- Presbyterian Church, where >een superintendent of the Ed ray Iantha Miller, of Terra Altar she was a member, by Rev. rout hatchery. Elbert Sidney Anderson Mrs. Selina Simmons, of Jerry Helms and Rev. Walter | Elbert Sidney Anderson, aged Brandy wine, Virginia, and Mrs." Kennedy. Dunmore—Charles M. Acord, a£J€ 82 years, died Tuesday, January a r kin^ ^Peninsula ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Me^^ BurialPwas about 75 years' died Decea^oer lb1 26, 1960 of a heart attack at the Wanda Tracy, of Elyria, Ohio;- morial 1939 after a lon«: fand lingering il , Contributions may be made one sister, Mrs. Cornelia Mc ness. On Sunday a ternoon his body (|;home of his daughter, Mrs. W. twelve grandchildren; and four to Denbigh Presbyterian Cauley, McDowell, Virginia; was buried in the Nottingham family 'D. Sharp, in Marlinton. great-grandchildren. graveyard. Mr Acoid is survived by He was born in Summers Coun- Funeral services were held Church in her memory. his wife, who was a Miss NobtlntHl ty October 26, 1878, ^ ^ ^ ^the _ ^son ^^^ of Saturday afternoon in the Hut- Among those attending the ham, and a number of grown chi'dren \ the late Joseph C. and Mary An tonsville Presbyterian Church funeral of Mrs. Brenda Ann A son Herbert died a soldier in,France 1 derson. B |with the Rev. Acie Bryant in Amos were Mr. and Mrs. Devon Johnson, Mrs. Delores : g l e W 0 d War M d u ri county, > but l t*u The was removed to the charge. Burial was in the Clark, Mrs, Jaynell Tibbs, and a H • off Bath an native has !lH \.J body T T :L C A n ir,i«oroi R nm p Brick Church Cemetery near l Mrs. 3. B. Graham.

Mrs. Lizzie Armstrong


Mrs. Lizzie Armstrong, 77, of Seebert, died July 1, 1976, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, in Marlinton, after a two year illness. She was born at Woodrow July 22, 1898, the daughter of the late Thorton Seymour and Leona McCoy Dolaney. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd Armstrong, son, John C. Armstrong, daughter, Hester 0 . Garsteck, brothers, Luther Dulaney, Wilson A. Dulaney, and sisters, Emma Waugh and Zelna Dulaney Surviving her are two sons, Jack Armstrong, of Buckeye, Dale Armstrong, of Marlinton; daughters, Mrs. Thelma L. Conners, of East Hartford, Connecticut, Mrs. Helen Gillam, of Marrow, Georgia, brothers, Cary Dulaney, of Hillsboro, John Dulaney, of New Smyrna Beach, Florida, James Dulaney, of Minnehaha Springs; sisters, Mrs. Blanche Patterson, of Stowe, Ohio, Mrs. Grace Leach, of Rupert, Miss Lottie Dulaney, Mrs. Laura Bush, both of South Charleston; 24 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Marlinton, with the Rev. Sherman Markley officiating. Burial was in the Armstrong Cemetery at Buckeye.

Mrs. Miry Elizabeth Arbogast^ Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Arboastf 63, died Sunday morning, uly 2, 1978, in the Rockingham Memorial Hospital. Born September 14, 1924, she was the daughter of the late Emmett and Constance Byrd Irvine. Prior to moving to Harrisonburg ten years ago, she had lived in Highland County, Virginia. She is survived by two daughters, Connie Jewell Shifflett, Harrisonburg, Virginia; Mary Lee Smith, Broadway, Virginia; one son, Del ton Wayne Arbogast, Dun more; eight grandchildren; 3 sisters, Ruth Carroll, Grottoes, Virginia, Ida Snead, Stuarts Draft, Virginia, Crystal Simmons, of Weyers Cave, Virginia; three brothers, Keith Irvine, of Grottoes, Virginia, James Irvine, and Ralph Irvine, both of Mt. Crawford, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the Chapel of the Lindsey-Harrisonburg Funeral Home. Burial was in East Lawn Memorial Gardens, Harrisonburg,


Edgar I. Arbegasf •" Edgar L. Arbogast, 81, of Arbovale, died December 23, in a Philippi hospital of heart failure, diabetes and complications. Born September 15,1899, he was the son of the late W. D. and Clara Ervin Arbogast. Mr. Arbogast was a retired farmer, He was a member of the Arbovale United Methodist Church and Pine Grove Men's Organization. Mr. Arbogast spent the last years of his life in Good 8a* r^rit*»£ Forae in Belington. He was married to Roxie Phillips June 4,1927, in Marlinton, who survives. One sister, Edith Marie, wife of the lateC. E. Flynn, preceded him in death. Her daughters are Evelyn Sutton and Ruth Riley. A lot of cousins, nephews and nieces survive.


AD2 Daniel Lee Arbogast Everett and Betty Arbogast, of Cass, received word from the Department of U. S. Navy on Tuesday, April 25,1978, informing them of the death of their son, AD2 Daniel Lee Ruszin-:-Arbogast Arbogast. The marriage of Miss The word was sent to the Pamela Sue Arbogast, Navy Station at Sugar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grove and a Chief from Richard P. Arbogast, of there accompanied by Rev. Baltimore, Maryland, to Gregory Lewis, notified the Paul Matthew Ruszin, Jr., parents. son of Paul Ruszin, Sr. and Dan was killed Monday, the late Mildred Ruszin, afternoon, April 24, 1978, Miss Mary Lee Arbogast f of Baltimore, Maryland, at 4:15 P. M., while on _ M i s s Mary Lee Arbogast, of took place October 27, duty. He and two co-work8 Churchville Avenue, Staun1979, at the Patronage ers were inspecting an airton, Virginia, died Thursday, Mother of God Church in plane engine. The engine February 2, 1967, at King's Arbutus, Maryland. The had been in storage and the Daughters' Hospital. Rev. John Danilak perform- section around the engine She was a daughter of the ed the ceremony. The Wed- was in two sections, one late Jerry and Elizabeth PuffAnna Arbogast \S ding Song and other John hoisted about three feet Mrs. Anna Arbogasv"Dur- enbarger Arbogast, of HighDenver selections were pro- above the other. The top land County. bin, died Wednesday, August vided by guitarist, Larry one fell causing instant 23,1978, in an Elkins hospital Miss Arbogast was known Joynes. death to Dan. He was staafter a long illness. quite well in Upper Pocahontioned at the U. S. Naval Born August 11, 1900, she tas County. A^- Base, Rota, Spain. Rev. P. W. Arbogast was the daughter of the late Survivors include three sisHe was born November Minor and Hester Jane Van- ters, Mrs. Florence Lewis, of Reverend Pearl Washington 13, 1948, and resided in devender. Charleston, South Carolina, Arbogast, 88, died Thursday, Cass until after he graduatfA^^jL Survivors include her hus- Mrs. Margie Grogg, of Middle- June 27, 1968. ed from Green Bank High band, Dixie Arbogast; two brook, Virginia, and Mrs. Hes- Born March 24, 1880, at School. He was with the daughters, Mrs. Maxine Crom- ter Arbogast, of Staunton, Crabbottom, Virginia, he was class of 1967. On April 2, er and Mrs. Joanne Currence, Virginia; also surviving are a x son of che late Aretus Phelps 1968, Dan and a close both of Durbin; eight sons large number of nieces and md Maggie Elzeda (Tracy) friend, Robert D. Wade, of Vere, of Cleveland, Ohio, Har- nephews. Vrbogast. Cass, entered J;he Navy. vey, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Funeral services were held J He attended Mountain Lake After basic training they Arnold, of Belgar, Pennsyl- at one o'clock Saturday after-1 ark, Maryland, schools. Advania, David, of King George, noon, from the East Chapel of nitted into West Virginia were assigned to different Virginia, and Green, Paul, the Hamrick Funeral Home! Conference in 1914; Deacon schools and they were to Danny and Henry, all of Dur- ! at Staunton, Virginia, by the) 1927; and Elder 1929. Re- see each other once while 1 tired September 25, 1949. He on leave at home and a bin; a sister, Mrs. Mona New- Rev. Paul Good, pastor of the man, of Baltimore, Maryland; Brush Run Mennonite Church taught organ, piano, orchestra, couple of times as they crossed bases. two brothers, Jim and Lee Durbin. Burial was in the and band. Author of gospel In 1970 Dan was marVandevender, both of Frank- of Blue Grass Cemetery at Blue songs. ried to the former Maria lin; 51 grandchildren and 21 Grass, He was first married to FanVirginia. great-grandchildren. nie Lillian Nicholas, of Cr&b- Fernandez Rodriguis, of bottom, Virginia, July 18,1905, Spain. Services were held at two Stanley P. Adamson, 41, of and his second wife, Tressie In March 1971 they came p. m. Saturday in the Frank Whitmans was killed Saturday home, along with the body O. Ball, July 13, 1947. Church of the Nazarene with December 4, while bitch of their son, David Scott the Rev. Roy Williams and night, Their children are Merle W., hiking near Alpena, when be Arbogast, who is laid to Rev. David Rittenhouse offii- was Leota M., Elizabeth W., Ruth hit by a passing car. The rest at Arbovale. bating. Burial was in the fam- car was meeting a tractor trail- P., Lucille V., and Anna Lee, In addition to his parly cemetery in Durbin. and Jesse W. He was the uncle er when the driver saw Adaments and wife, he is surof Mrs. Nola Shears, Arbovale son in his lane of traffic. vived by one son, Jose, 8, Funeral services were held and two daughters, Linda, Surviving are two sisters, afternoon in the NewGrace Turner, of Cass, and Sunday 10, and Yvette, 6. They burg M e t h ^ ^ Church ' Ruby June Stimeling, of Mar- the reside with their mother at Rev, " linton* bur1' m ^ ^ g ^ | f l B B | Avendia De Putacion #19, Puerto

Do Santa


Willie Alderman / $ J A M E S G< A D D W G T O N Arbogast Infant Mrs. Henry Alderman ^ Willie Howard Alderman, 8 1 , James G. Addington was born on J Helen Marie Arbogast one "Vernie Belle Alderman, 25, wife Of Huntersville, died T u e s d a y , r u n e 5, 1878 and died at his home in H day old infant daughter of April 12, 1966, at his home. Cass, on November 4, 1940 at the of Henry Alderman of Dyer, died Helen Maxine Arbogast of He was a member of tillage of 62 years, 4 months a , d 4 - ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ! ^ j ^ { n L ^ | " Durbin, died Thursday, May home following a sudden illness. IOOF Lodge at Marlinton anrdays. E 8,1980, in an Elkins hospital. H She was born May 3, 1919, in' He leaves to mourn, his wife and T Survivors include two broth- the Minnehaha Methodis ers, Archie Ray, and Roy Lee, Church, a lifelong resident o' five children, Mrs. Norman Shari>, ^ I Braxton county, a daughter of, - both at home, and the grand- Pocahontas C o u n t y , WOOdsmai-Clover Lick; Mrs. Clarence Seabolt, hJohn M and Susie Seabolt Smith., Services were conducted Febof Bergoo; Mrs. Paul Brake of Cass; _ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman ] farmer and carpenter ruary 26, at 2 p. m., at the Upper Turner, of Durbin, Mr. and Survivors include his wife?iro»uV and Eugene at home and -Mrs. Ted Turner of Onegoand Obie Clarkson Alderman, anr m a ^y friends and relatives. One sonl~ glade church by the Rev. A. B. _Mr. and Mrs. Harper Wolfe, _a brother, Johnny Alderman.and one daughter preceded him to Coakley and interment was in the Gum cemetery at Upperglade, _of Green Bank. Harrisonburg, Virginia. the grave. liked by all Mr A d d ton Surviving besides the husband Services were held Saturday, The funeral was held at 2 7 ; , »^ ? wno k n e w him> |-[are five brothers, four of whom - a t 2 p. m. in the Turner C e m - p . m , Friday in the Minneha-; ' a e in the armed service, Roy, - S H * ? ^ P * 8 ! ? 1 1 ! 1 t h e Rev * -ha Methodist Church with Rev. 1 _ j _ ^ - . 1— 1 ^Ray, Oscar and Hendle Smith, Eddie Kyle officiating. Sherman Markley in charge, T T ~I nUi(la.C^^"*ll A u i d r i d ^ ^".andOris Smith of Upperglade. T "Burial was in the family ceme Al put SO >far.s, riitu ai her liomts u Tuesday morning, January Mrs, Fannie E. Andriek, 83, _Minnehaha Springs. 30, 1940 She had been in failing Mrs. Hazel Hickman and Miss [rf Elizabeth, Wirt County, health for a nu'nber of years, arid her Roxie Smith, both of Parkersburg, Med Friday, January 21,1977, dearti wa^ rioc unexpected. t On Wed- and Edith, Pearl and Gay Smith, Late Auldridge J ifter a short illness. nesday her body was buried m the all of Upperglade. She was a member of the Lake Auldridge, aged 57 years," Waugh graveyard on Indian Draft, —Webster Republican Slizabeth" Unit^"Methodist died on--Saturday^ February 23,- the »dv c-j being cjndueted froup the I 1 I l T li£ ]hurch, the Rebekah Lodge, 1957 at bis home m Seebert. On Edray chuich by her pastor. Rev. II H. Skaggs — Andrew Hamilton Alderman v? ind a charter member of the Monday afternoon the funeral Auldridge was a daughter of — Andrew Hamilton Alderman, Womens' Christian Service. was held from the Methodist- theMrs late Samuel arid lUiiza Tomlit son c h u r c h b hls 78, of White Sulphur Springs. Surviving are her husband y pastor, Rev. Willis. Casseii, of back Alleghany. Or a died Tuesday November 1,1966 Iar^e family only two members reJvah Harper, Marlinton, Mrs ?Ter* Pal0t* "J Mountain View Ceme- main, Mrs George Baxter and Mrs —»n a Clifton Forge, Virginia, hospital after a long i'lness. Helen Harris, of Elizabeth; ^ Marlinton. i Mary A n Tallman. About tifry years ago she became Born August 31,1887, in Polalf brother, William McClain, Surviving are his father, G. 0 u e w l , e of rf Akron Ohio- half sisters Auldridge; his sister, Dr. Lillie* j . George A. c Auidridge. ] cahontas County, he was s =E

Minnesota, Mrs! Zana Park, and his brother Leonard Auld- was a life Jong member of the Metho- _| and Hester L. Pyles Alderman. He was a retired farmer and )t Davisville, Mrs. Hazel Rada- ridge, of Prince. dist Church. attended the Methodist Church I "I »ugb, of Mineral Wells, Mr*. X LL Cecil Anderson He was a World War veteran [sabelle Hall, of Sun City, Mrs. Neva Adams ^n ndcn i: and a member of the American Arizona, four grandchildren; - ig ^ ^ b "on^September ? 22, » p Mrs. Neva Ellis Adams, 63, Legion Post 125 and Moose ;wo great grandchildren. 1997, at his home in Bound Brook, =L= died Wednesday, June 11, l _ Lodge. Services were held at two New Jerscv fVATi 1969, in an Elkins rest home. Eli abet He & . ? j Methodist £U?J?a £' ^ uChurch l with .u ^ in the Anny Medical -r, .„ , ^ TW,.™ —IA nSurvivors n i e K e r n include his wife, touted . C o r p s dserved ^ uring World w n md K B 9 « n i a Q n ?5 0 l ! T a H ? \ ^ Z r Alderman; three b e r 2life 6 v in P ?Pocahontas ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^Coun; ^ 5 ^ s o n s , and 16 fegrandchildren, be Rev. Charts Wilkinson, w o r k e d f o r Research Cottrell from L^ntire entire life in Pocahontas Coun- _% / the Rev. Ruby Wilkinson and< 1953.1978 ty and was a member of Wan- T• * , T h . e f ^ e P a * w a 3 held Thursless Methodist Church. = S « y » _ t h e Shanklm Funeral Rev. Wilbert Stinespring offi-He is survived by his wife, Ani t i p L ^ ? ^ . i ! 2 S M ! l 1 P i f i --§eneta Lopa Anderson; daughter, I Survivors include one son,* Chapel at White Sulphur ph Cemetery, Palestine. Susan B - t . - W * . | _ R S J I T H S S S . of C a i ^ i K i J ^ ^ E r ' l u ^ i Jersey; son, David Anderson, of T~*wr»*iqfprs Mrs Mabel Thomo- xT b n e P h e r , d -J® charge. Burial Enoch Auidndgi w Frankfurt, uermany; Gennany; brotfter, brother, Uick Dick _U or>n l ^„nH^ Mr? ^ RPPHP ' ^ Cassell c S _ i ,v v ' »^0 ' " ^" ^ "^' ^ g n^a n y^ iviemon ^ ^ . , , p .. . , . ., i-ranKiurt, r of Raltimore. Maryland: seven 6,^ark, at Lowmoor, Virg grandchildren and and one one greatgreat *"• .?«"• I 1980, in Allegheny Regional J Mr. Anderson was preceded in JL' ^anHphildren „ronra^u:iH Annie Blanche Adkison Hospital, Lowmoor, Virginia, de a t h b y h i s parents> ftajpe, md grandchild .. Services were held Friday Miss Annie Blanche Adkison after a long illness. Georgia Anderson, a brother, in Wallace and Wallace Funerwas born at Buckeye, on Novem1 Born at Seebert, he was th« Paulver Neal Anderson and a son, eal Chapel in Arbovale with ber 1, 1864, and died April 8,1944 Neal f«on of the late Jasper and Lena AUen Anderson. °Rev. Coy Matthews in charge Aged 79 years, 5 months, and 1 McCoy Auldridge. Mr. Anderson was buried in and burial was in Hosterman days She was the daughter ot Cemetery. Able and Francis Hughes Adkison • Survivors include a s i s t e r / B o u nJd Brook ' I I ,[. I -Trudie Fuller, of Frankford, and the last survivor of her lath^nd several nieces and neph« Mrtp A. W. Arbuskto er's family. She was the sister of Blake Adkison, Mrs. Amanda Mrs Minnie Anderton Mrs, A; W. Arbuckte, of and Mrs. ai Funeral services were held Maxwelton, died Tuesday, Jan^ r Mrs Minnie Cromer A_nderton, LUndia of. California, and Mj Sunday, at 2 p. m. in the Jack uary 14, 1975, ia the Green- of Philadelphia, a^fed 563 years TNettie Weiford Clark of M ™ ; i. Wallace Funeral Home brier Valley Hospital at Fair- died at the home :.f her ppa a ' e n £ ^ h e is survived i>y $ - u , ^ ^Chapel in Lewisburg. Burial lea/ _Mr and Mrs Harvey Cromer of J nieces and nephews. vas in Oak Grove Cemetery She was the wife of Alex Cheat Bridge, on Monday, No- P During the last years of her lite ArbuSkfe, who survives, her v e m b e r 15, 1943, after a ,-ong she made her home with her com - n Hillsboro. and another of Thomas Alex J illness, On Wednesday after- Jin, John Buckley, of Buckeye Arbuckle, Mrs. Virginia Lewis noon, her body will be laid to until a few months before ho Mrs. Martha Alderman Mrs Marf-ha Sharp Alder- and Lockhart Arbuckle. -rest in Bethel cemetery on B a c k | ^ a t h ' ^ n » h e w a s n w v ^ t o » j lan, 60, widow of Ri,^e AlderServices wilt be held at 2:00 Alleghany, the funeral being con-Uome of her nephew, Blake V\ ei lan dipd parlv Tnesdav, Jan- p. m. Thursday at Clifton ducted by her pastor at the Dur* < BTV 20 1970. in the Pocahon- Presbyterian Church, Max- -bin Mnfhodist Church. She is Tford, in Elkins. t On Monday morning her bod .survived by her 'husband, ber+was ts Memorial Hospital. welton. parents and a number of brothers was laid to rest in the family pk Funeral arrangements are "and sisters. , at the Lower Church at Buckeye icomplete as we go to press. f t h e service being conducted b
His doctors expected him to Bewey Ward Adkison NEAL P. ANDERSON • Osborne Cleve Alderrxfen, live six months longer than 62 Dewey Ward Adkison Neal P. Anderson, 25, taxi' driver » of Minnehaha Springs, died vas born June 27, 1924, he did. The cause of death o* Mientown, Pa., was killed in an Saturday, April 17,1982, in X Seebert, to Thrasher was mononucleosis, con- automobile accident near the PendJe- * n E , k m s hospital after a Short illness, , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ md Fannie Williamson Ad- tracted in the hospital. He is survived by his ton-Highland county line early WedBorn June 4,1919, at Mintison, the fourth of six wife, children, one broth- nesday morning and two other occu- nehaha Springs, he was a son :hildren. pants of the car, Miss Lillian Scott, He attended schools in er and three sisters: Wil- of York Springs, Pa., and Mahlon of the late Jacob and Maggie Pocahontas County and liam, of Detroit, Michigan, McEmory, of Allentown, are patients Rider Alderman. Mr. Alderman was a coal graduated from Marlinton Jeanette, of Elkhorn City, in R. M. Hospital. Miss Scott is sufKentucky, Genevieve, of fering from a probable fracture of miner and a veteran of World High School in 1942. He was a navigator in the Glen Jean, and Ann of the leg and arm while McEllory suf- War II. Survivors include a daughfered only minor injuries. Naval Air Corps and rose Hillsboro. He was preceded in The trio was returning from Poca- ter, Patricia- Kerns, of Hillsto the rank of Lieutenant J. G. After his discharge death by his parents and hontas county where they had left boro; a stepson, Dwain Wilfrom the Navy he attended one brother, Staff Sergeant Mrs. Anderson and little daughter cox, of Parkersburg; a stepand graduated from Mar- Charles W. Adkison, of for a visit at her husbands home at daughter, Marcelle Ryder, of ! Lobelia, when the accident occurred o Marlinton; three sisters, Vershall College at Hunting- Shreveport, Louisiana. Funeral services were Mr. Anderson was a nephew of Mrs. lis May and Lillie Wright, both ton, with a degree in busi of Hot Springs, Virginia, and held in Gadsden Methodist ; P. C. Curry, of Marlinton. ness engineering. Geneva Summerfield, of Davis; Pendleton Times While attending college Church December 3, 1977. six grandchildren. Mr. Anderson was a son of Mr. His body was flown to he met and married Betty He was preceded in death by Pennington, from Hunting- Huntington and a second I and Mrs. Harper Anderson, of Lo- a sister, Virgie Allender. ton. They have five chil- service was held December ' belia. He is survived by his parents I and his two brothers; also by his Services were held Tuesday, 4, at Forest Lawn Chapdren, Barbara Joan Robinwife and little daughter at 11 a. m. at the VanReenen el with burial in Forest son, of Marietta, Georgia, iwu Cemetery. v,cure.~*,. ,. on Saturday afternoon, his body Funeral Home by Rev. Rob William, of the U. S. Navy, Lawn Dewey leaves a host of \ w a s l a i d t 0 res t in the Hill Cemetery e r t Higgins. Burial in May Thomas, of Auburn, DonChapel Cemetery. ald, of Anniston, Alabama, friends and relatives to near Lobelia. mourn his untimely death and Debra, at home. Mrs. Annie Lee Allen ' \ "tfivian Jane Anderson y Dewey has worked for Mrs. Annie Lee Allen, 81, William A. Anderon, Sr. V Vivian J ane (Susie) Anderthe United States Governdied Thursday, August 16, William A. Anderson, Sr. son, age 20, of H27 Steelton ment and for Sylvania in 1973, in the Ronceverte hospitheir plants in West Vir- 44, of Marlinton, died Satur Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, tal after a long illness. day, June 17,1978, in an auto (formerly of Cass) died suddenginia, Pennsylvania, FlorSurvivors include five daughida and Alabama. He and accident above Minnehaha i y July 31,1966. ters, Mrs. Bessie Rose, Fairlea, ^^M Surviving her are her grand • his family have lived in Springs Mrst Irene Cain, Marlinton, Huntington, Warren, Born at Mou - G The GSbert ^fVb n ovalf one son", Mrs! Elizabeth Lawrence Bal Pennsylvania, Clearwater, Virginia, Februai •son, Warren, Baltimore, three sis- timore, Maryland, Mrs. Peggy Flqrida, and Gadsden, Ala- was the son of R ***« Tna Mae Wilson, I Kilduff and Mrs. Betty Phillips, r Sr., of Covingt' „ gmia, Lenora Moekousky, of Bel- both of Edgewood Maryland; ' bama. QtQ / AnThev had decided to and the late Flossie ramD Maryland, and Frances four sons, Robert andI Clarmake Gadsden their per- derson. c £ £ , oi Baltimore, Maryland; ence, both of Fairlea George He was a veteran. manent home, had bought brothers. Jack of Pali- of Edgewood, Maryland, and Surviving, in addition to twS and were remodeling a ??e*Park New Jersey, War- Sidney, of Roanoke, Virginia; lis father, are his wife, Jo Ann, house up on a high children, William A. An- r S Jr Baltimore, Maryland, one sister, Mrs, Flora Sanford wooded hill in the suburbs, two F n n ^ l S s were held of Rainelle; one brother, Bun lerson, Jr., and Kathy Anwhen tragedy struck in the erson, and five step-children, *tthP Charles 0. Zeiler Fun- Hanna, Fredericksburg, Maryform of a malignant brain Tom and Roger Dickenson, of Sral Home in Baltimore, Mary land; 31 grandchildren; four tumor—astro-gfioblastoma keen Bank, John, William S with interment in Oak great grandchildren and one Grade ffl. md Richard Allen Dickenson, Lawn Cemetery. great great grandchild. Dewey had brain surgery at home, and Mrs. Bertha Ann Out of town relatives attend- She was a lifelong resident November 1, 1976/ and Wolfe, of Cass; two brothers, in* Mrs Anderson's funeral of Greenbrier County and was walked out of the hospi-, Roy Anderson, Jr., of Minne- wire-Mr. and Mrs. Clay Lam- a member of the AF PresbySprings, and Clarence h i t c em Lambert, Herold terian Church at Fairlea. tal one week later with- haha Anderson, of Marlinton; a sis- T.mhPrt all of Arbovale; Mr. Services were held Sunday, out help—a miraculous re- ter, Mrs. Anna Gale Terry, of covery from the surgery Virginia; three half brothers, an? Mrs- Junior Lambert at Wallace and Wallace Funeritself but the surgeon had Wayne and Randall Anderson, Twrr« i n h v Pearl Anderson, all a l Home in Lewisburg with Jack Lam- Rev. A. K.Whiteside and Rev. been unable to remove of Covington, Virginia, and rf M a r ^ I r B e s New Jersey Oren Baldwin in charge. Burall of the tumor. Gordon Anderson, of MarlinHe received chemo- ton, two half sisters, Mrs. Mil- and Cretes lambert, Salem ial was in Rosewood Cemetery therapy about every six lie Forbes, of Covington, and New Hampshire weeks. It made him very Mrs. Shirl Fry, of HotSpiings; Mrs. Matilda Kiner Anderson died ill for a couple of days. He one grandchild. at home at Woodrow, November lost his hair, but tfrdn'k Services were held Tuesday 28, her 1925, aged 76 years. She was lose his sense of humor- afternoon at VanReenen Fu- twice married, her first husband he said he looked just like neral Home by the Rev. Clyde haying died several years ago. She Kojak. He went back to Gum with burial at Mountain leaves her husband and four children to mourn their loss. They are: Mrs. work, and appeared to be Grove, Virginia. Sarah Sharp, Ed Kiner, of Woodrow, fine—even drove to Florida Henry Kiner, of Holly and Daniel for a vacation in July. Kiner, of Diana. Mrs. Anderson In August his medication was a member of the Methodist made him so ill that he had church. Funeral services were conto stop taking it and his ducted at the Nazarene church. Her remains were laid to rest in the check-up showed that it White grave yard. hadn't helped, the tumor Asleep in Jesus, blessed, peaceful was growing moderately. sleep From August until his From which none ever wake to weep . death on December 1, he A $telg*bor. i^«r* Krmtft with nneumonia.

Rev. Norman Alderman Rev. Norman Hayes Alderman, age 72, of HuntersviUe, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Thursday, July 30th, 1987. Norman was a lifelong resident of Beaver Creek. He made his living as a carpenter, farmer, and state road worker. He served his country in World War II, assisting in the liberation of Europe from D-Day until the surrender of Germany. He always remained a patriot and a soldier in his heart. As a minister of the gospel he served Cummings Creek Victory Chapel for many years, as janitor, carpenter, Sunday School teacher, song leader and pastor. Preceding him in death were his parents, George F. and Nevada Susan Alderman; two sisters, Edith Dean and Ruby Hill Sheets; three brothers, Clive, Teddy and I ail Alderman; and one grandson, C ad Alderman. Surviving him are two sc as, Norman Lee Alderman and Keith Alderman, both of Marlinton; and-, four grandchildren; two foster sons, Eddie Bennett, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Mark Bennett, of Marlinton; one foster daughter, Amber "Bambi" Waybright, of Franklin, and six foster grandchildren. Services were conducted Sunday, August 2, at 2 p. m. at the Cummings Creek Victory Chapd, by the Rev. Norman Lee Alderman and Rev. Wilbur Reynolds. Burial was in the Kellison Family Cemetery in Watoga Park. Dallas Charles Alderman Dallas Charles Alderman, 83, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died February 17,1998. Mr. Aldennan was born in Pocahontas County, a son of the late Bedfotl W. and Willa McComb Aldennan. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Elsie DePreist Alderman, six brothers and one sister. He is survived by his wife, Iredo Perry Alderman, three brothers, Calvin Alderman, of Citrus Heights, California, Walter Alderman, of Minnehaha Springs and Woodrow Alderman, of Bloomerytwo sisters, Mabel Rider, of Marlinton and Levia McLaughlin, of Mt. Sidney, Virginia. Inteiment was at Emory Chapel Cemetery at Falling Springs, Virginia.

Corbin W. Andrick Sr.

Charles Arbogast Sr.

CharlesWayneArbogastSr.,58,of Corbin Sr., Q7. 97, of ^_„u:~ W. w Andrick AnHri^v Sr Charles Wavne Arbogast Sr.' Buckhannon, died Friday, Nov. 21, Valley Head, died at 6:53 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1997, in Ruby 1997, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Andrick was born Feb. 2,1900, Memorial Hospital at Morgantown, at Lillain, W.Va., a son. of William where he had been a patient since Aldirie and Nora Belle Pitman Nov. 10. He had been in failing health since August and his condition had Andrick. He was twice married: first to Ber- worsened in the past two weeks. Mr. Arbogast was born Aug. 24, nice May Andrick, who preceded him 1939, at Valley Head, a son of Burin death and second to Lorna Depoy ton Arbogast and Sena Vandevender Andrick, who also preceded him in Arbogast, who survive at Valley death. Head. Surviving are one daughter, Mary He was formerly married to Laura E. Emery, Alliance, Ohio; two sons, Blankenship Tiffner, who preceded John L. Andrick, Hyattsville, Md., him in death in 1995. and Joseph R. Andrick, Buckhannon; Also surviving are a longtime com21 grandchildren and 29 great-grand- panion, Catheryn Spiva, Valley children. Head; one daughter, Mrs. James He was also preceded in death by (Peggy) Clark, Fort Valley, Va.; one three sons, C.W. Andrick Jr., James sister, Mrs. Charles (Phyllis) Sharp, H. Andrick and Paul W. Andrick; two Valley Head;.eight brothers, Fred, brothers, Russell G. Andrick and Mike, William and Ashley Arbogast, Joseph H. Andrick; and three sisters, all of Valley Head, Charlie Arbogast, Nellie Andrick, Anna Clark and Eliz- Mingo, Mitch and Chuck Arbogast, both of Monterville, and Gene Arboabeth Stalnaker. Mr. Andrick was a conductor for gast, Nettie, W.Va.; one grandson, B & O Railroad for 42 years. He was Greg; five granddaughters, Brenda, a member of Brotherhood of Rail- Amanda, Heather, Kerri and Cassie; road Trainman and attended Inde- and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two pendent Rock Church. sons, Charles Wayne Arbogast Jr. and Timothy W. Arbogast; and one brother, Pete Arbogast. Mr. Arbogast was owner and operKenneth Wayne Arbogast Kenny Arbogast, 20, of Frost, ator Q£C & W Trucking Company of died Saturday evening, August 20, Valley Head. He attended the Valley 1988, following a three-wheeler Head Calvary Assembly of God Churchy accident. Forrest W. Arbogast Born in Staunton, Virgina, Forrest W. Arbogast, age 95, February 16, 1968, he was the son of Marlinton, died September 26, of Linda Bussard Arbogast and 1997, in Pocahontas Memorial • Wayne Arbogast. Hospital. He was a graduate of The son of William A. and Pocahontas County High School, Bertha J. Galford Arbogast, he was Class of 1987, and was employed bom at Dunmore, July 25, 1902. at Hooke Bros. Lumber Company Mr. Arbogast left Pocahontas in Monterey, Virginia. at the age of 16 and moved throughKenny had made his home with out the west, working on the railroad, as a carpenter, mechanic, Tom and Sue Herold of Frost for mason, rancher, and had a creamery, the past six years. He was the grandson of the late studied accounting at night and June and Viola Bussard, of ^tired as a bookkeeper in Arizona. He was a 32nd Degree Mason, had Marlinton, Delton Arbogast, of Monterey, Virginia, and the late his 50 year pin, and was a former Master of Glen Canyon Lodge #59, Mary Irvine Arbogast. Surviving him are his mother, F & AM, in Page, Arizona. He Linda Arbogast, of Harrisonburg, returned to Marlinton about ten Virginia; his father, Wayne years ago. Preceding him in death were his Arbogast, of Ashland, Virginia; one parents; three sisters, Hazel Gum, sister, Sarah Martin (LuLu), of Thelma Lambert, and Norma L. Harrisonburg, Virginia; and one Dilley; and two brothers, Harry and brother, Delton Shawn (Spanky), George Arbogast of Ashland, Virginia. He is survived by one brother, Services were held Tuesday, William Arbogast, of Smithfield, August 23, at 2 Church p. m. at United Methodist by Frost Kevs. Virginia; four sisters, Doris Dilley, Dave Rittenhouse, Norman o f Charleston, Mary Galford, of Alderman and Virgil Shrader, with GGreen r e e n BBank, ank SSarah a r a h HHively, ively oof f burial in the Mount Zion Cemetery. Knoxville, Tennessee, Arline Self, of Falmouth, Virginia. Service was held Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home, Marlinton, with Earl D. "Butch" Michael officiating. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Dunmore.


Nema Adkison Nema McClure Adkison, age 86, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, April 6, 1995, at her home from cancer. She was a nursing assistant and a member of Marvin Chapel United ; Methodist Church. The daughter of Lyman and Myrtle Adkisson McClure, she was born July 9, 1908, on Stephen Hole Run Road, near Mill Point. Preceding her in death were her parents; a son, Carl Paul Adkison; a daughter, Creola Adkison; three brothers, Morgan, Lonnie, and Darrell McClure; and three sisters, Hazel Packett, Glenna Buzzard, and Rita Loan. Survivors include her husband, Willie Adkison; eight children, Luana McPherson, of Manassas, Virginia, Drema Jackson, of Buckeye, Paulmer Lee Adkison, of Falls Church, Virginia, Freeman Adkison, of Buckeye, Edna Short, of Rhoadesville, Carolyn Carter and Dottie Shinaberry, of Manassas, Virginia, and Patsy Mason, of Madison, Virginia; three brothers, Norman McClure and Herbert McClure, of Marlinton, and Lloyd McClure, of Greenville, California; 27 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Sunday by Godfrey Tate, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Hospice of Greenbrier Valley. Mrs. Ruth W. Addleman Mrs. Ruth Wiant Addleman, 77, of 1529 Clark Road, Charleston, died February 17> 1987, in Memorial Divison, CAMC, after a long illness. She was a retired medical technician, a graduate of West Virginia university. Mrs. Addleman was the wife of Willard A. Addleman, formerly of Marlinton. • Services were held Friday in Charleston by the Rev. James Norton, with entombment in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens Mausoleum.

Lettie B.Adams Mrs. Lettie Birchfield Adams, 71, of Slab Fork, died Monday, March 7, 1988, at the Beckley Hospital. Born April 7, 1916, at Hotchkiss, she was the daughter of the late Thomas and Mary McKinney Birchfield. Mrs. Adams was a cook, a former employee of Denmar State Hospital, and a member of Hotchkiss Missionary Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Herbert and Homer Birchfield, and one sister. Survivors include her husband, Bufford Adams; a son, Randy Adams, of Slab Fork; a sister, Hazel Fraley, of Midway; and one grandchild. Services were held Thursday at 1 p. m. at the Hotchkiss Missionary Baptist Church by the Rev. Ed Harris. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park at Beckley. Mrs. William Akers Ethel Agnes Akers, 78, of Buckeye, died Wednesday, November 23, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a ^heart attack. She was a member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church. Born at Clover Lick June 2, 1910, she was the daughter of John Henry and Ettie Jackson Higgins. Her parents, two sisters, Grace Hill and Aileen Fertig, and three brothers, Guy, Carl and Harry, Higgins, preceded her in death/, '•^Mrviving her are her husband, William D. Akers; four sons, Donald Akers, of Buckeye, Paul Akers, of Flanders, New Jersey, Kermit Akers, of San Francisco, California, and Leslie Akers, of Benton City, Washington; two daughters, Marian Beatty, of Amherst, Ohio, and Shirley Riddle, of Deming, New Mexico; 23 grandchildren and 22 grandchildren; three brothers, Ellet Higgins, of Clover1 Lick, Jim Higgins, of Las Vegas, Nevada, apd DaaJ3i£gins, of EvartsviUe, Indiana; and Wanda Peterson, of Phoenix, Arizona. Services were held at 2:00 Sunday afternoon in the Campbelltown United Methodist Church by the Rev. Nolan Turner, with burial in Mountain Views Cemetery. • ••


Bernie Forest Alltnan Bernie Forest Allman, 75, of Hillsboro, died June 12, 1987, at Alleghany Regional Hospital at Low Moor, Virginia, after a long illness. He was a lumberman and a veteran of World War II. Survive him are his sisters, j Connie Cari and Ollie Shines, both of Portsmouth,, Virginia, and Reva Williams, of Lewisburg; brothers, & C. Allman, of Ronceverte, and Cfecil Allman, of Sandusky, Ohio. ; Graveside service was held at 2 p. m. Monday at Riverview Cemetery at Ronceverte by the Rev. Jack Wallace. Clarence Alien Clarence M. Allen, 75, of Lewisburg, died Monday, November 2, 1987, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea after a long illness. Born March 6, 1912, on Droop Mountain, he was the son of the late Gailey S. and Annie L. Hannah Allen. Mr. Allen was an Army veteran 3f World War II, and was retired from the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Aberdeen, Maryland, after 26 years of service as an electrician. He was a member of the Liberty Baptist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Jeanette Hancock Allen; a son, Larry L. Allen, of Lewisburg; a daughter, Mrs. Regina Vaughan, of Chillicothe, Ohio; a stepson, Randy Duncan, of Baltimore, Maryland; a brother, Sidney Allen, of Lewisburg; five sisters, Betty Phillips, Peggy Kilduff and Lizzie Anderson, all df Edgewood, ' Maryland, Bessie Rose, of ITewisburg, and Irene Cain, of Marlinton; and four grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday in the Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg by Pastor Larry Dean, with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg.

Leale Anderson Leale F. Anderson, 88, of RD 4, New Philadelphia, Ohio, died Sunday, June 28, 1987^ in his home. Born at Lobelia, he was a Son of the late Charles and Jane Sharp Anderson. He attended Otterbein United1 Methodist Church and was a retired home builderl His wife, the former Tossie E. Gibson, died in July, 1985. Surviving are two sons, Leale G. Anderson, of New Philadelphia, and Willie S. Anderson, of El Paso, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Leta Neil Gibson, of Covington, Virginia; 11 grandchildren, 20 greatgrandchildren and 7 great-greatgrandchildren. A son, two daughters and two grandchildren are deceased. Services were held Wednesday at 2 in Naylor Funeral Home1 in New Philadelphia with Rev. Roy D. Young officiating. Burial was in Ridgecrest Meihory Gardens at Dover, Ohio. Vera Moore Andres Mrs. Vera M. Andres, 80, of Rowland ^eights, California; died March 6, |^$9|after a long illness; . She was bdrii August 6, 1908, at Stony feqttom, the daughter of the late Elite &id Eva Moore. Four | brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Her lite husband, Paul Andres, died in 1978; '** Surviving her are her son, Jack O. Moore, with Whom'she had made her home the past year; five grandchildren, Robin and Jofrn Moore, of Perris, California^ Jack, II, of Chin,? Hills, California, Bambie Dander, of San Clepiente, t California, and Julia Moore, of Roland Height; twt> great-grandchildren, Jack, KL and John Moore, of Chiho Hills, California; one sister, Kathrya Faudree, of Covingtori, Virginia; two brother rOkey Moore, of Charlestorirand Floyd Moore, of ArcadtefFlorida. ,<>.,, ^ Sh£wa£ a©raduate^t)tiliilsboro High School and lived most of her adult life in Covington, Virginia. Prior to living with her'son she lived ^in South Daytona ^Beach, Floridi, for 17 years, v *The body was cremated &nd the remaips will be int^e^.ain*, Alleghany Memorial' T&rk ih ^Covington, Virginia. $:{&,


Charles S. Alderman Charles S. Alderman, 48, of Tridelphia, died Monday, October 31, 198£, in Morgantown from a heart attack. Born at Minnehaha Springs October 3, 1940, he was the son of Selma MacPherson, of Star Route, Marlinton, and the late Sam Alderman. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Darlene Ryder Alderman; eight children, Christopher, Benjamin, Roy, Isaac, Jody, Aaron, Angel, and Diane Alderman, all of Tridelphia; six grandchildren; ten brothers and sisters, Morris Alderman, Parkersburg, Robert Alderman, Delray, Lorraine Alderman, Jackson, Michigan, Mary Alice Turley, Colorado, Alvonia Smith, Salamaca, New York, Lottie Revis, Craigsville, Virginia, James Alderman, Delray, Bernard Alderman, Plymouth, Washington, Donald MacPherson, Wayne, Michigan, Betty Martin, Minnehaha Springs, and Douglas MacPherson, Richmond, Virginia. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 11 a. m. Friday, November 4, with burial in the Alderman Cemetery. Mrs. Mary K. Anderson Mrs* Nahnie Mary Kershner Anderson, 91, of Fairlea, died May 9, 1987, in Greenbrier Manor Convalescent Home after a lbng illness. She was a member of Mount Zion Methodist Church. Born June 5, 1895, on Droop, she was the daughter of the late Andrew and Felicia Seldomridge McCoy. . Mrs. Anderson was preceded iii death by hdr two husbands, Wallace P. Kershner and Emery E. Anderson, and tnree stepchildren, Bland and Sterling Kershner, and Veda Dower. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Agnes • Simmons, of Lewisburg; stepdaughters, Mrs. Verdie May, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Hazel Cochran, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Grace Strangeland, of Ponca City, Oklahoma; sons, Clyde Kershner, of Droop, Roy Kershner, of Fairlea, Wallace Kershner, of Tallahassee, Florida, John Kershner, of Ashland, Kentucky; 11 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Homer Stewart, with burial in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg.

C. Buell Agey C. Buell Agey, 90, of 23 Gum St., Buckhannon, died Thursday, Dec. 4, 1997, at St. Joseph Care Facility. Mr. Agey was born April 6, 1907, at Norfolk, Va., a son of Hoite and Florence Norton Agey. He was married in 1932, to Madeline Spence Agey, who preceded him in death in 1987. Surviving are one daughter, Charlotte Milbauer, Minneapolis, Minn.; two grandson, Joseph Milbauer, Dallas, Texas, and Michael Milbauer, St. Cloud, Minn.; one granddaughter, Lisa Jenkins, Clinton, N.J.; and one great-grandson, Derek Jenkins, Clinton, N.J. Mr. Agey was a member of the Franklin Lodge No. 7 AF & AM. He was an honorary member of the Buckhannon Lions Club. He was a graduate of Peabody Conservatory of Music and received a master of music from Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Received first PhD in Music Theory in the U.S. from Florida State. He was employed at West Virginia Wesleyan College from 1946 until 1974, where he was professor emeritus and chairman of the music department. He edited and arranged the State Song "West Virginia Hills. He co-authored the book "In The Pine," a collection ballads and folk songs. He attended the First United Methodist Church.

Gail Auldridge Gail Auldridge, 83, of Lewisburg, died Friday, January 1, 1987, in a Lancaster, Ohio,/ hospital. He was a member of the Lewisburg United Methodist Church and the Methodist Men. A graduate of West Virginia University, Mr. Auldridge taught vocational agriculture in southern West Virginia; he was retired as a soil conservationist with the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Summers and Greenbrier counties. He was a member of the Lewisburg Lions Club. He was born in Mill Point July 14, 1904, the son of Sandy B. and Emma Jane Smith Auldridge. His wife, Lora Hale Auldridge, in 1985, and a sister, Lucy, preceded him in death. Surviving him are three daughters, Ann Ralston, of Logan, Ohio, Carolyn J. Walsh, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Sandra L. Higgins, of Lakeland, Florida; four grandchildren, two stepgrandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Service was held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at McCraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg by Dr. Lawrence Sherwood, Jr., and Rev. Greg Blevins, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Delia V. Armstrong Delia Virginia Badgett Pennington Armstrong, 73, of 42 Baxter St., Elkins, died at 1:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5,1997, in Ruby | Memorial Hospital,, where she was admitted on Tuesday, Dec. 2. She had been in failing health for the past year, but death was unexpected. Mrs. Armstrong was born May 25,1924, at ARMSTRONG Randolph County, a daughter of the late Ora Clarence and Annie Harris Livingston Weese. She was married three times: first to Avin Badgett, who preceded her in death; second to Odis D. Pennington, who preceded her in death in March 1959; and third to Russell A. "Bus" Armstrong, who preceded her in death on Feb. 2, 1991. Surviving are seven sons, Tom Badgett, Alvin Badgett and Derris Badgett, all of Elkins, Layton "Dan" Weese Pennington, Harrison Pennington, Carman Pennington and Frankie Pennington, all of Elkins; one daughter, Penny Badgett Fa^yvley Kalenak, Aliquippa, Pa.; one stepdaughter, Judy Pennington Roy, Dallas, Texas; one sister, Edna Louise Bodkins, Elkins; 23 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Mary K. Pennington; two sons, David Badgett Jacob and Lester Denny Badgett Fawley; three half sisters, Laura Isenhower, Bessie Henry and Helen Yeager; one brother, Noah Herbert Weese; and three half brothers, Edgar Livingston, Herman Weese and one infant brother. Mrs. Armstrong was a former cook at Memorial General Hospital and had worked for various Elkins area families in housekeeping and childcare. She was also a senior citizen paper carrier for several months. She was a homemaker and a member of the Elkins Church of the Brethren.

Cynthia Kay Mills Ayers Cynthia Kay Mills Ayers, age 35, of 566 Vail Road, Pikeville, North Carolina, died Wednesday, December 10, 1997, at Wayne Memorial Hospital. A native of Alexandria County, Virginia, she was the daughter of Andrew "Buddy" and Alice Underwood Mills, of Middletown, Virginia. She taught school for 11 years and was presently serving as assistant principal with West Greene Elementaiy School in Snow Hill, North Carolina. She was a graduate of Mary Washington College with a B.A. in Music and Elementary Education, she also graduated with a Master's degree in Elementary Education and School Administration* and Supervision from East Carolina University. In 1995 she was the North Carolina Principal Fellowship recipient. Mrs. Ayers was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Mu Phi Epsilon (Music Honor Society), Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society), Alpha Phi Sigma (Scholastic Honor Society). She has membership in professional organizations in Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Education Association, North Carolina Association of Educators, and North Carolina Council of Teacher of Mathematics. Mrs. Ayers received several professional awards such as 1995 Dillard School Math Teacher of the Year, 1993 Dillard School Teacher of the Year and Math Teacher of the Year, and 1992 Dillard School Staff Development Award. Mrs. Ayers was a piano teacher and was an accompanist for Seymour Johnson Air force B.ase Children's Choir for several years. She was an active member of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Chapel. Funeral services were held Saturday, at 10 a.m. from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Chapel with Chaplain Vic Toney and Chaplain Jan Dashner. Services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from Cummings Creek Victory Chapel with Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in Beaver Creek Cemetery, Hunters ville. In addition to her parents she is survived by her husband, T/Sgt.Robert Andrew Ayers, II; daughter, Lisa Anne Ayers, of the home; sister, Tamra Jeanne Mills Ott, of Stephens City, Virginia; and her maternal grandmother, Dollie Underwood, of Marlinton. Memorials may be made to West Greene School, 303 Kingold Blvd., Snow Hill, North Carolina, 28580 or Northwest Elementary School, 1769 Pikevilte-Princeton Road, Pikeville, North Carolina, 27863.

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Lelan Cameron Arbogast Lelan Cameron Arbogast, 89, of Fulks Run, Virginia, formerly 'of . Pocahontas County, died ^onday, June 1, 1987, at Liberty House " Nursing Home in Harrisonburg, Virginia, after a six mdhth illness. Born November 9, 1897, in Pocahontas Cpunty,' he was the son of Aridus and Margarette Tracy Arbogast. He had lived in Fulks Run for 18 years. He was a member of the United Methodist Church and a retired employee 6f Neff Lumber Company in Broadway, Virginia. He is survived by his wife, Polly Stone Arbogast; three daughters, Mrs. Crystal P. Corbin, Linville, Virginia, Mrs. Ruby G. Dickinson, Matthews, North Carolina, Mrs. Mae K. Barkley, of Fulks Run, Virginia; one son, 1 Lincoln C. Arbogast, of Charlotte, North Carolina; 12 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 2 greatgreat-grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p. m. Thursday at Wallace and Wallace. Funeral Home,iri Arbovale by Rev. Gary Barkley and Rev. Larry Myers, with burial in Arbovale :Cemetery. j ;:y Friends may call from 12 to 2 v on Thursday. Leo A. Arbogast Leo A. Arbogast, 76, of Newport, Pennsylvania, formerly of Durbin, died January 26, 1988, at his home. , He was born on July 5, 1911, in Durbin, the son of the late James and Fannie Emma Phares Arbogast. i Mr. Arbogast served as a forest ranger while in West Virginia. He moved to Pennsylvania in 1951 and retired in 1976 from the engineering department of the Polyclinic Medical Center in Harrisburg, Pa. He is survived by his wife, the former Avis I. Wimer; three daughters, Mrs. Sara Shutt, of Newport, Mrs. Dorothy Doukas, of White Plains, Md., and Mrs. Arlene Dorman, of Duncannon, Pa.; one son, James N. Arbogast, of Plain Dealing, La.; nine grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Ruth Reichly, of Lewisburg, Pa.; and one brother, John P. Arbogast, of Marlinton. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 2 pm at the Garman Funeral Home, 606 N. Front Street, Liverpool, Pa., with burial in the Bucks Valley Cemetery in Newport.

Neil Arbogast Neil Arbogast, age 84, of Aydlett, North Carolina, died Monday, April 11, 1988, after a long illness. Funeral services will be held at 5 p. m. Thursday in the Sharon United Methodist Church by the Rev. Susan Moore. Burial will be at 4 p. m. Friday, in the Ruckman Cemetery near Mill Point. A native of Pocahontas County, he was the son of the late Henry Frank and Josephine Ann Tallman Arbogast. He was a self-employed painter in Norfolk, Virginia, for 35 years. He was a Sergeant in the U. S. Army and had served 15 years in the Merchant Marines. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Lee Twiddy Arbogast; a son, Mike Arbogast, of Aydlett; two sisters, Mrs. Boyd (Lucille) Dilley, Buckeye, and Miss Madge Arbogast, of Hillsboro; a brother, Quade Arbogast, of Canvas; and two giandchildren. The family requests no flowers. Memorial donations may be made to Neil Arbogast Memorial Fund, c/o Mike Arbogast, P. O. Box 77, Aydlett, NC 27916. Jesse Lynn Arbogast Jesse Lynn Arbogast, age 42, of Durham, North Carolina, died of a heart attack Tuesday, December 23, 1986, in the Duke Medical Center. He was employed at Burrough Wellcome Company as an environmental technician. Born August 10. 1944, at Bergoo, he was the son of Cleo and John Herbert Arbogast. He made his home with his mother at 920 S. Mineral Springs Road, Durham, North Carolina. Other survivors include two brothers, Herbert Dale Arbogast. of Arbovale, and Clifford G. Arbogast, of Maine; and three sisters, Patty Levy, Lee Summit!, Missouri, Betty Sebert, Alexandria, Virginia, and Penny Eskridge, Melbourne, Florida. Graveside funeral services were held on December 27 in the Oak Grove Memorial Gardens by the Rev. Bobby Dolinger.

Kenneth Wayne Arbogast Kenneth Wayne Arbogast, 20, of Frost, died Saturday evening, August 20, 1988, on the Paddys Knob road when his three-wheel all-terrain vehicle rolled down a hill and struck a tree. He was a welder and attended Frost United Methodist Church. The son of Wayne Arbogast and Linda Bussard Arbogast, he was born in Staunton, Virginia, on February 46, 1968. Surviving him are his mother, Linda Arbogast, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and his father, Wayne Arbogast, of Ashland, Virginia; his stepmother, Mable Arbogast; a sister, Sarah Martin, of Harrisonburg, Virginia; a brother, Delton Shawn Arbogast, of Ashland, Virginia; a step-sister, Pam McCarty, of Ashland, Virginia; two step-brothers, Kyle Lee McCarty, of Mill Gap, Virginia, and Carl O. McCarty, of Dunmore. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Frost United Methodist Church by the Revs. Dave Rittenhouse, Norman Alderman, and Virgil Shrader, with burial in the Mount Zion Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family suggested donations to the Frost Fire Department.

Mrs. Florence C. Arbogast Mrs. Florence C. Arbogast, 77, of Millboro, Virginia, died Saturday, September 3, 1988. She was born in Pocahontas County October 27, 1910, a daughter of John and Maggie Nelson Abean. Her husband, Fred Arbogast, died September 26,1986. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Breeden, of Staunton, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Haddix and Mrs. Nancy Clark, both of Millboro; two sons, Fred, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and John Arbogast, of Millboro; three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Rhoades, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Pat Peezik and Mrs. Leonard Blair, both of Greenville, Pennsylvania; 10 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Services were conducted at 3 p. m. Monday at Windy Cove Presbyterian Church Cemetery by


Mrs, Mary Faye Arbogast Mrs. Mary Faye Thomas Arbogast, 52, of Valley Head, died Monday, April 27, 1987, in West Virginia University Hospital at Morgantown. She had been in ill health with a heart condition and had had heart surgery. . She was a member of the Methodist Church. t Born at Slatyfork June 14, 1934, she was the^ daughter of Hunter and Ruth Simmons Thomas. Her parents, a brother, George Hunter Thomas, Jr., and a sister, Lela Underwood, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Howard S. Arbogast; a daughter, >Jancy L. Dilley, of Monterville; ^lir^sons, Geofge Lee, Thomas, kikwater, Howard • Artogast/ Jr.f Estil LeRoy Arbogast,' and Hayes A/Arbogast, all of Valley Head; two grandchildren; a brother, Estil Thomas, of Pennsylvania; and two sisters, Delia Lee Sharp, of Marlinton, and Hazel Sharp, of Green Bank. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kenny Stevenson, with burial in Gibson Cemetery on Elk. Burrell Franklin Arbogast Burrell Franklin Arbogast, 74, of Buckeye, died Tuesday, October 27, 1987, near his home of an apparent heart attack. • Born December 8, 1912, at Mill Point, he was the son of H. Frank, and Josephine Tallman Arbogast. For 13 years he worked on steamships, retiring with a captain's license. He bought a farm, added to it through the years, and was still doing some farming until his death. He had natural musical ability and could play several instruments. Survivors include his wife, Alice Ruckman Arbogast; brothers, Neil Arbogast, of Aydlett, North Carolina, and Rev. Quade Arbogast, of Canvas; sisters, Miss Madge Arbogast, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Lucile Dilley, of Buckeye; six nephews and one niece. Services were held Friday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton with Rev. Ronald Ray officiating. Burial was in Ruckman Cemetery.

WardJ.Ashford Arlene B. Arbogast Ward James Ashford, 72, of Arlene B. Arbogast, age 80, of Princeton, died Friday, September Hillsboro, died Saturday, December 9, 1988, in Pocahontas Continuous 20, 1997, at Marlinton. Care Center after a long illness. She was a member of Marvin He was a retired district Chapel United Methodist Church. conservation engineer for the U. S. Born April 12, 1917, at WatoDepartment of Agriculture and ga, she was the daughter of the late served in Fayette j and Mercer Dennis and Elizabeth Simmons Counties for 32 years. He was also Dunn. director of Mercer County flood She was the widow of Ralph control for ten-years. ) M. Arbogast. Also preceding her Mr. Ashford was a member of in death were her parents, three K*$t United Methodist Church*, brothers, John J., Dan, and Mike Prfa^eton, and a former member of Dunn; and three sisters, Jane TotMercfcjr County Farm Bureau and ten, Rose Waymire, and Ruth GrifRotary Club. He was a graduate of fin. West Virginia Unviersity and an Survivors include a son, Army veteran of World War II. Samuel M. Arbogast, of Marlinton; Surviving him are his wife, a daughter, Delores J. Waugh, of Woodsie Elliott Ashford; a son, Manassas, Virginia; two sisters, Craig Ashford, of Frost; a Anna Mae Totten, of Hillsboro, and .daughter, Mary Ashford, of Madge Raloff, of Portland, Oregon; grandchildren, two stepPrinceton; mother, Norma Marshall children, said seven greatAShford, of Green Bank; a sister, Mrs. Anna Mae Elliott, of Green grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Bank; a brother, William. F. Ashford, of Huntington; one Tuesday, December 23, at 11 a. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the granddaughter. Services were held at Seaver Rev. Roy Gwinn, with burial in Funeral Home, Princeton, with the Ruckman Cemetery. Rev. Clifford Schell officiating. Graveside services were held at 3 Naomi V. Arrington p. m. Monday at the Arbovale Naomi V. Slaven Arrington, Cemetery. age 78, of Dunbar, died Monday, October 5, 1998, at Glenda's Personal Care Home, Cross Lanes, y Rev. Meade R. Atkinson The Rev. Meade Randolph after a short illness. She was a former manager at Atkinson, 82, of McKenney, Catherine's Dress Shop and Virginia, died October 13,1987. He was a former educator and Embee's. She was a member of retired pastor of Ebenezer McKinnon Presbyterian Church, Community Church in Warfield, Tyler Mountain, where she was an Virginia. He was pastor of Oak Elder, Youth Leader, and Sunday School teacher. She also was a Grove Presbyterian Church in member of Dunbar Woman's Club, Hillsboro from 1929 to 1932. He Dunbar Senior Citizen Choir, and also was a former pastor of Pocahontas County Alumni Lafayette Presbyterian Church in Association. She also served as a Norfolk. For fifteen years he had volunteer for Kanawha Hospice served as principal and teacher in Care. McKenney and then for six years Mrs. Arrington was a native of was headmaster of Brunswick Cass, born March 17, 1920, the Academy. daughter of John and Eleanora He is survived by his wife, Davis Slaven. Grace C. Atkinson; two daughters, Surviving her are three sons, Martha A. Hartwell, of Colonial David R. Arrington, of Cross Heights, Virginia, and Sarah A. Lanes, Melvin H. Arrington, of McMillin, of Fredericksburg, Orlando, Florida, and Richard F. Virginia; and two sons, John Pryor Arrington, of Poca; a daughter, Atkinson, HI, of Fredericksburg, Eleanor A. Swan, of Dade City, Florida; two brothers, William Virginia, and Meade R. Atkinson, "Bill" Slaven, of Akron, Ohio, and Jr., of Mocksville, North Carolina. Howard Slaven, of Stow, Ohio; A graveside service was three sisters, Patricia Rexroad, of conducted October 15 at Concord Port Charlotte, Florida, Barbara Presbyterian Church in Rawlings, Crist, of Cass, and Carol Lycans, Virginia. J^ .«$ of Scarborough, Maine; twelve grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Service will be Thursday at 1 p. m. at McKinnon Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Edward J. Thompson, with burial at Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar.

DIED Julia Ann Duncan Auldridge, wid : ow of the late James Auldridge, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. L. Carter at Onoto, on Friday, February 3, 1933, after a short illness Her age was ninety-three years, two months and rive da vs. having been born November 28, l^.-.V. On Saturday afternoon Tier funeral was conducted from the Stony Creek church by Rev. T. H. Taylor, assisted by Rev. O. IS'. Miles; buriaJ in the Cochran cemetery. Mrs. Auldridge was a daughter of the Ute Henry and Martha Baxter Duncan, of Stony Creek. On October 28, 1866, she became the wife of the late J a p e s Auldridge. To this union was born one child, Mary S. wife of P. L, Carter. Thus ends a long, busy and useful life, spent- in service for others. Down to the end, Mrs. Auldridge retained her mental and bodily strength to a remarkable degree. All her life she was a christian, making a public profession of her faftn and joining the Methodist churgfe rn the year 18(U. The occasion yv is a great meet ing held in the Old Log CAv-VctVon Stony Creek by a Rev, uiY. Neal. Of the many .stalwart t o u n g people who then took their stancl qnlr 000 remains, the venerab) Samuel B. Moore of Edray.


Robert W. Atkinson Robert Wix Atkinson, 80, of Bedford, Oregon, died April 2, 998, following a long illness with mphysema. He was the son of Camuel L. ind Mabel Walkup Atkinson. The amily moved to Washington state n 1925. Mr. Atkinson served in the U. ». Navy during World War II. Folowing the war he went into the awmill logging business, first in Vashington and then in Oregon, le later worked as a lumber buyer or Japanesefirmsin the northwest. Survivors include four laughters, Patricia Boltman, Salem, Oregon, Robin Perkins, Portland, Oregon, Joyce Campbell, Sresham, Oregon, and Roberta Viscott, Cape May, New Jersey; jleven grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by lis parents, one brother, James Earl \tkinson, and one sister, Anna Walkup Peterson. His ashes were scattered in the J acific Ocean by the U. S. Coast juard.

Cameron H. Astin Cameron Hoover Astin, age 87, f Marlinton, died at home on imday, December 6,1998. Mrs. Astin was a member of the ampbelltown United Methodist hurch. Born June 10, 1911, at Slaty ork, she was the daughter of the ite George C. and Berta Alderman [oover. She was the widow of the late [enry C. Astin. Others preceding her in death •rere two sons, William Henry Astin nd Robert Lee Astin; nine sisters, iyrtle Victor, Velma Heavener, Matilda Webster, Grace Craddock, •aster Craddock, Emily Jackson, Elizabeth Pritt, Bessie Arbogast and Catherine Hoover; three half-sisters, 4ary Smith, Annie Hooke, and idith Weatherholt; one brother, 3illy Hoover; and one-half-brother, burton Hoover. Survivors include six daughters, vfayona McLaughlin, Helen fcellison, Dinah Hefner, and Suzie Lipme, all of Marlinton, Frances Buzzard, of Richmond, Virginia, and Polly Goldizen, of Beverly; sixteen grandchildren, twenty-three greatgrandchildren, and one-great-greatgrandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Sam Felton and the Rev. Jay Hicks. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Campbelltown United Methodist Church.

H. Carl Ashworth H. Carl Ashworth, age 88, of Durbin, died Sunday, July 19, 1998, at Alleghany Regional Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Ashworth was a member and Elder of the Liberty Presbyterian Church and was past president of the Senior Citizens of Pocahontas County. He was a member of the Lions Club, was with WVMR Radio for ten years, on the MTA Board of Directors, a member of the Cherry River Navy, and a retired supervisor with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Born March 16, 1910, at Huntington, he was the son of the late Bernard H. and Lesta Frances Duncan Ashworth. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mabel Clay Ashworth; a daughter, Deloris Nicely; and a brother, Charles Ashworth. Surviving him are his wife, Pearl Hevener Ashworth; a son, H. Carl Ashworth, Jr., of Huntington; two step-sons, Timothy Hevener, of Durbin, and Randall Hevener, of Parkersburg; four grandchildren, four step-grandchildren, one greatgrandson, and two step-greatgrandsons. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. by the Rev. Donald Curry at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale. Burial was in the Gum Cemetery on Back Mountain. Robert L. A u Id ridge Robert Lee Auldridge, 93, of Lewisburg, died January 28,1998, at a White Sulphur Springs family care center following a long illness. He was born on August 12, 1904, at Gap Mill, Virginia, the son of Asa Watson and Catherine Simmons Auldridge. Mr. Auldridge was a veteran of the U. S. Navy and served on an aerial survey of the Orinoco River in Venezuela. After leaving the Navy in 1931, he worked as an% electrician for the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company in Newport News, Virginia, and the Monongahela Power Company in Monterey, Virginia. He lived in Lewisburg since 1971. He was a member of the Old Stone Presbyterian Church, a 59 year Mason with the Highland Lodge No. 110 AF&AM, a member of Royal Arch Mason Chapter No. 18 in Covington, Virginia, and was the last charter member of the Monterey Lions Club. He is survived by his wife, Glema Long Auldridge.


Louise Sharp Arbuckle Louise Sharp Arbuckle, age 73, of Lewisburg, died July 9,1998, in Ruby Memorial Hospital at Morgantown, following a long illness. Born May 13, 1925, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late J. Wilbur and Alvira Virginia Cooper Sharp. Mrs. Arbuckle was a member of Clifton Presbyterian Church at Maxwelton and a life member of the Women of the Church. She served in various offices of the Women of the Church and served as church organist for many years. She attended Marlinton schools and was graduated from the Greenbrier College for Women. Preceding her in death was a brother, James Robert Sharp, of Marlinton. She is survived by her husband, T. Alex Arbuckle, and two sons, James A. and R. Davis Arbuckle, all of Lewisburg. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday, at Clifton Presbyterian Church at Maxwelton by the Rev. Elizabeth McNair Ayscue. Burial followed in Clifton Cemetery, Maxwelton. Memorial donations may be made to Clifton Cemetery Association, P. O. Box 31, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Frank Abies Frank Abies, age 89, of Horner, Lewis County, died August 25, 1998, in Sunrise Care Nursing Home. He was a retired miner and attended Jennings Run Church of God. He is survived by nine sons, Thomas Abies, William Abies, Charles Abies and Dale Abies, all of Horner, John Abies and Roger Abies, both of Weston, Eugene Abies, of Roanoke, Carl Abies, of Dry Fork, and Michael Abies, of Ireland; three daughters, Martha Stump and Charlene Allen, both of Weston, and Carol Riffle, of Buckhannon; two sisters, Susan Abies, of Gilmer, and Edna Abies, of Pocahontas; 32 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Service was held Thursday, at 10 a.m„ at Morris Funeral Home, Jane Lew, by the Rev. William Hoover. Burial was in Jacksonville Cemetery.

Nora G. Arbogast Nora G. Arbogast, age 84, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, March 24, 1999, in Nicholas County Nursing Home at Richwood. Mrs. Arbogast was a Methodist and active in her church by singing and participaing in services and activities. She was born February 28, 1915, in Petersburg, the daughter of the late William Cecil and Emma Susan Graham Calhoun. Her husband, Theodore Jennings Arbogast, is deceased. Others preceding her in death were three sisters, Gladys Heavnor* Jessie Harmon, and Annie Leach, and two brothers, Charlie and Bill Calhoun. Survivors include a daughter, Beverly A. Nottingham, of Dunmore; two sisters, Leona Shell, of Scherr, and Minnie Kimball, of Petersburg; a brother, Hugh Calhoun, of Petersburg; four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Nicholas County Nursing Home.

T. Nelson Brady Frank Allen Bennett Frank Allen Bennett, 45, of ^ Tillman ^ ^ ^ ^Nelson _ ^ ^ Brady, ^ ^ 74, ofr s. E m m a Lillian Lantz B e v - Becky's Creek, near Huttonsville, Durbin,died Tuesday, January erage, was born February 18th, died Wednesday, April 26, 1961, _ 26, 1971, at an Elkins hospital LbJ5, at Blue Grass, Virginia, in the Davis Memorial Hospital * following injuries sustained in md de^i trted this life on Sepiem- in Elkins. Death was attributed a truck wreck near Elkins. )er20, 1954, aV, the age of 5 9 _ t o stroke He had lived in Durbin since fears and seven months anu ;vo- _ ^ ^ ™ October, 1970, but prior to at Brady, Pocahontas Born lays. T November 23, 1887, he that had been a resident of On July 2, 1913, she was united was 2 ? * n a* y son of the late Clark and Alesia, Maryland, for 21 years. n marriage to Jesse Beverage, l ^ n d a T r i e T &ad"y. He was a He was a paint contractor. \ .ho survives To this union was- t j r e d g c h o o l t e a £ h e r , having Survivors include his wife, & 7 l ^ S , r , h ° s j & S : ' " * * * 42ye_arsi„. R ando l p t Mrs. Frances Bennett; four and Pocahontas Counties; he wa daughters, Linda, Donna and Ipril 17, 1920, at the age of eight a member of the Mingo Metho^ Kimberly Bennett, all at home, nonths and 26 days. The eight ist Church. ^ ^ ^ ^ j—and Mrs. Shelia Rexrode, of surviving children are, two dauSurviving are his wife. Mrl1—Durbin; three sons, Jsmes, ghters, Mrs. Glen Hefner, of MarMalcena Channell Brady; c and Frank A. Jr., both at home, inton, and Viola, at home; and and David Bennett, with the Becky's Creek; three daughters" ^ ;ix sons, Howard, of .Marlinton; by a previous marriage, Mrs.U. S. Army in Ohio; three sisECenny, of Rich wood; Paul, of Vlarlinton; Carl, of Richwood; Rean Beale, of Mingo; Mrs. Gold- ter«, Mrs. Betty Galford. of ^ ^ ^ ^Gladys ^ VanL«ake, of Baltimore, Maryland, ie Sharp, of Valley Head; Mrs. Dunmore, ^ Mr?. Theodore Rose, of Brevard, North devender, of Bartow, and Mrs. tnd Roscoe. of Marlinton. Carolina, and one stepson Carl Hazel Hise, of College Park, She is survived by eighteen Channell, of Elkins; two stepdau- Maryland; two brothers, Paul grandchildren imd also a brother, ghters, Mrs. Rose Phillips, of Dear- Bennett, of Durbin, and Ar^ee Lantz, and a sister, Mrs. born, Michigan, and Mrs. Carl thur Bennett, of Frank, and Jetty Gum, both of Monterey, Ware, of New Market, Virginia; two grandchildren. Virginia. four half brothers, Emory Ware, of Funeral services were held For many yearsshe was a mem- [Marlinton; Vernon Ware, of Cass; Saturday monrng in the Wal>er of the West Union Methodist Guy Ware; and Cameron Ware, lace and Wallace Funeral Church. both of Ohio; three half sisters, Home Chapel at Arhovale by The funeral was conducted at Mrs. Mertie Swisher, of Cass, and the Rev. David Rittenhouse, ;he West Union Methodist Mrs. Ella Buzzard, of Frost, and. with burial in the Bennett Church on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Minnie Everman, of Cumber- Cemetery at Frank. R 2:00 p. m., with Rev. R. H. land, Maryland; four grandchild- J I L I I 1 Skaggs and Rev. G. S. Barrett ren, and eight great-grandchildren Mrs. Harding Bankhead Dfficiating. Burial was in the Funeral services were conducted Mrs. Frances Hill Bankhead, Cochran Cemetery on Stony Friday afternoon in the Mingo ^^&^ Creek. Methodist Church with the R e v . ~ 77, died Monday, February 13, 4 1984, * in *—•— Pocahontas Arnold Bickel and the Rev. Acie "*" — Contin ™-«-Rev. Barry Blackbrst Bryant officiating. Interment in uous Care Center after a long illness. Rev. Harry Blackhurst, aged the Mingo Cemetery. She was a member of the SYNOPTIC OBSERVATIONS 86 years, of Cass, died on SaturUnited Daughters of the Conifay, November ' 24, 19567" He

Mrs Jesse Beverage

Rev. Joshua Buckley * ; Tuesday, April 23,1901, this! venerable and widely known; citizen of our County died at' i he home of his son, John, near Buckeye, in the 92nd year of his age. The infirmities of age so advanced, aggravated by influenza are the apparent reasons for his decease. Mr. Buckley is a lineal descendant of Joshua Buckley, the pioneer of Buckeye, coming there from the lower valley previously to the Revolution between 1770-75. For more than fifty years Rev. Joshua Buckley was a preacher in the pale of the M. E. church and a staunch promoter of the same, having been among the original members of the Pocahontas branch of that worthy denomination. He has probably officiated at as many if not more marriages than any minister that ever lived in our County. The sincerity of his piety was never questioned, his honesty above suspicion, and his sense of honor very elevated, for he would do what he deemed right at the peril of his life. John Buckley, Jr., of Buckeye, Mrs. Asa McNeill and Mrs. Ulysses McNeill, of Sut'on, Mrs. William McNeill and Mrs. Joseph Adkison, of Upper Swago, Rev. Mrs. Boggs of the M. P. Church, Mrs. Lum Silva and Mrs. Thomas, of Buckeye, are his living children "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." The writer honors his memory as an esteemed personal acquaintance and Christian brother for more than fifty years. W. T. Price (This is a reprint for Mrs. Edna McNeil Kellison of Den-

John Bear federacy and attended the had been hospitalized since a fall John Trimble Bear, 72, died Grace Episcopal Church in two weeks ago." On M o n d a y , | Tuesday, night, March 2 9 , — 2 Elkins. afternoon, the funeral was held She was the widow of Joseph from the Cass Methodist Church 4 " 1977, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, from cancer, hv Rev. Herbert Parks and R e v . . Harding Bankhead, who died in just a very short time after be- — 1962. They made their home in Ed Thomas. Interment in the ing moved here from the UniFamily'plot in the Arbovale Ceme- \ Elkins for many years. versity Hospital at Charlottestery. ' Born September 22, 1906, in ville, Virginia. Marlinton, she was the daugh- , . The deceased is survived by *r He was born at Churchville, ter of the late Frank R. and r , r n a r > 1 bis wife, Lula Burner Blackhurst ' I ^ ^ ird their eleven children: Mr: - L Virginia, September 17, 1904, _ _ Delia Edgar Hill. Two broth- J J i ers, Richard and Frank Hill, ^ Samuel Harry Baxter Mice Falls, of Traverse City,'* Y o the son of John T. and Nannie Michigan; Mis. Elizabeth M c - 5 * i Martin Bear; two brother, j - ^ ~ncj a sister, Elizabeth Hill M Samuel Harry Baxter, 32, oj jaughiin, of R o m n e y ; Allen, 01 James and Hoover, preceded SO I Wallace, preceded her in death. __ Rt. 1, Marlinton, died Friday, nil him in death. Qy rhecdore, and Warren, of Cass; RC ^ _ « „ B her- ^are ^ ^ ^three ^ _ February 24, 1984, following a Surviving T< ^ ^ TIC Mr. Bear, who worked for SUN! daughters, Delia Edgar Bank-" sudden illness. Henry, of Belle; William, of A 71 head, of Great Falls, Virginia, - He was a heavy equipment many years with the Pocabon-tand; Victor, of Meadsville, Frances Swift, of Vienna, Vir mechanic with Pocahontas Con%nnsylvania; Harold, of Willis- ^ ^ tas Telephone Company, and was! ginia, and Jean Joran, of struction Company and a memon. South Carolina; Homer, of ^1* Telephone U t i l i t i e s , an elder in the Marlinton Houston, Texas; three s i s t e r s , - ber of the Presbyterian Church. 5uyon, Texas; and Francis, of ^Born ^ ^ at^Marlinton ^ ^ ^ ^ November ^ ^ ^ ^ .ouisa, Virginia. Also, b y 4 l J O F Presbyterian Church where CM* Margaret Hill and Rebecca 6w\ Hill, of Marlinton, and Martha _ 27, 1951, he was the son of randchildren and 21 great-grand STCSI he also served as an assistant hildren. f=£— Sunday School Superintendent, Hill Clutter, of Sarasota, Flor Clyde Moore and Mary Robertand was a member of the Mason Baxter. ida; and four grandchildren. The deceased was born in E A F sons, Marlinton Lodge / In addition to his parents, of Funeral s e r v e s were held at ]ngland, and was brought to Surviving him are his wife, 1 p. m. Wednesday by Dr. Marlinton, he is survived by a ^merica b y his parents at an Mrs. E d n a May Bear, and a — Eugene TenBrink in St. John's" brother, James E. Baxter, of arly age. Fif:y-two years ago son, John T> Bear, III; a brothEpiscopal Church, with burial-Marlinton, and two sisters, e came to Cass, where he has 1 er, Albert, of Churchville, and Margaret Ann Baxter, of Los nee resided. Fur more than in Mountain View Cemetery. a sister, Mrs. Myrlin Taliaferro, xty year,s Mr. Blackhurst was a In lieu of flowers contribu- Angeles, California, and Bonof Chapel Hill, North Carolina nnister in the Methodist Church. tions may be made to the nie L. Noah, of Woodbridge, Services will be held at one Pocahontas Continuous Care Virginia. Thus .is noted the passing of a p. m., Friday, by the Rev. " Services were held at 2 p. m. Center or St. John's Episcopal seful, outstanding life, given Richard Newkirk with burial Monday afternoon in Vanrgely in the service of others. in Mountain View Cemetery. Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Wallace Dora, with burial in Mountain View CemeIt*


ft'rs. Clyde E. Byrd

Asa Bailey

l U l O l M.M1A

Mrs. Frances Hill Bankhead, 77, died Monday, February 13, 1984, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. She was a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and attended the Grace Episcopal Church in Elkins. She was the widow of Joseph Harding Bankhead, who died in 1962. They made their home in Elkins for many years. Born September 22, 1906, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Frank R. and Delia Edgar Hill. Two broths ers, Richard and Frank Hill]' and a sister, Elizabeth Hill Wallace, preceded her in death/ Surviving her are three daughters, Delia Edgar Bankhea^, of Great Falls, Virginia, Frances Swift, of Vienna, Virginia, and Jean Joran, of Houston, Texas; three sisters, Margaret Hill and Rebecca Hill, of Marlinton, and Martha Hill Clutter, of Sarasota, Florida; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday by Dr. Eugene TenBrink in St. John's Episcopal Church, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Pocahontas Continuous Care Center or St. John's Episcopal Church.

Mrs. Maude E. Hamrick Byrd, Asa E, Bailey, Sr., 89, of aged 49 years, died at her home Marlinton, died Friday, Noin Huntersville, Saturday night, vember 8, 1974, in Denmar March 5, 1955. Death was at- State Hospital after a long tributed to cancer and followed a illness. two-year illness. A retired farmer, Mr Bailey Mrs. Byrd was born at Clover was a member of the Sinking Lick, March 28, 1905, she was Creek Baptist Church and a the daughter of the late Bernard 50 year member of the IOOP B. Hamrick and Susan Meeks Lodge at Newberne in Gilmer Hamrick, of Cass. She was a County, where he formerly member of the • Cass Methodist; lived. Church and the Marlinton Chap-* His son, Asa Bailey, Jr., is ter Daughters of America. manager of the Marlinton Surviving are her husband, A & P Store. Also surviving Clyde E. Byrd, of Huntersville; are other sons, Roy of Weston, three sons: Lieutenant Command- Albert of Warrenville, Illinois, er Harold E. Byrd, of Norfolk, daughters, Mrs. Phyllis HalfVirginia; Jack A. Byrd, of Mar- hill, of Arizona, Mrs. Clella linton, and Airman Richard E. Copeland, of Chicago, Illinois, Byrd, with the United States Na- Mrs. Mary Stout, of Volga; vy, at Chincoteague, Virginia; 14 grandchildren and 34 greatthree sisters, Mrs. Mary Shiflett, grandchildren. of Glen Burnie, Maryland; Mrs. )APT. RICHARD BROWN Service and burial were in Lilly Blackhurst, of Rand; Mrs. Glenville. AY. and Mrs. Guy Brown and Genevieve Gum, of Cass; and 8. Richard Brown, hayerecciv- three brothers. Page Hamrick, of Lonnie C. Burns a message that Captain Rich- Lewisburg; Fred Hamrick, of [ Brown was killed in action Cass, and Woodrow Hamrick, of Lonnie C. Burns, 87, of Hills>r Belgium on January 1. Pre South Charleston. Also surviving boro. died Saturday, February »usly they had received a mes- are nine grandchildren 22, 1975, in Denmar State ;-e that he was missing in acThe funeral was held at the Hospital at Beard after a long n. Cass Methodist Church, on Tues- illness. Detain B'-own had received day afternoon, with Rev. Ralph Born at Little Valley, Viri promotion and was awarded a Malcomb, of the Hinton Metho- ginia, July 10, 1887, he was a ver oak leaf cluster to the air dist Church, officiating, assisted son of the late George C, and >dal in a ceremony juat a few by the Rev. Okey Cooper, Jr., of Mary Etta Trainer Burns. Hiths ago, with Brig. Gen. O. Green Bank. Burial was made He was a retired merchant. Weylancl, commanding general in the Arbovale Cemetery. Survivors include three sons, the Nineteenth Tactical Air Ralph H. Burns, of Hillsboro, William H. Bennett jinmand presenting the award Fred C. Burns, of Marlinton, CSM (ret.) William H. Benor meritorious achievement in and Claude W. Burns, of Mcnett, 55, of Newport News, mbat flights." Clung, Virginia; one daughter, Susan H. Bailey At that time he had completed Virginia, died April 12, 1978, Mrs. Virginia Ross, of WaySusan H. Bailey, 54, of at Walter Reed Army Medical > sorties in his plane ^Virginian" nesboro, Virginia; thirteen Marlinton and Pineville, died Center. P-47. He was a flight leader iu\ grandchildren and several great Saturday, January 7,1984, in a He was born in Harmon and ,e fumed "Pioneer" tighter grandchildren. Beckley hospital after a long )mber group of the 9th Aii retired from the army in 1977 Funeral services were held illness. as Post Command Sergeant orce. Tuesday afternoon in the HamBorn July 13, 1929, in GilCaptain Brown who was 22 Major at Fort Eustis, Virilton Chapel at Bolar, Virgin- bert, she was a daughter of the ginia after 33 years of military ears of age last August, was t1 e ia, with burial in the Bolar late Lloyd and Lydia Lockhart Dly son Of Mr. and Mrs. Guy service. He was a veteran of Cemetery. World War II, Korea and VietHatfield. .rown, of Washington Avenue nam. She was a graduate of Con[e is also survived by his widow, Mort Joseph Brown cord College and a retired He is survived by his wife, 'ho was before her masriage, Mort Joseph Brown, 73, of! home economics teacher, havliss Mary Switzer, of Clitton Gisela Tiebe Bennett, and his Minnehaha Springs, died at his i ing taught in Baileysville and three daughters, Patricia S. 'orge. home of an acute heart attack Pineville High Schools for 32 Bennett, Mrs. Kathleen A. Prior to going into the service, on Monday, January 25, 1965. years. She was a member of e was employed in the office of Massie and Mrs. Jane B. Born August 30, 1891, he the Pineville United Methodist he J. A. Shumaker Company.— Strohm, He is also survived by Church. five sisters, Mrs. Anna was a son of the late Myles 3ovington Virginian. Davis, Mrs. Marie Braitsch, and Eliza Jane Brown. Surviving her are her husCaptain Brown is the grandson] Mrs. Mable Roscoe, Mrs. VirSurviving are his children, band, Billy Ray Bailey, SuperIf Mr. and Mrs. EL H. flrimES ginia Seely, and Mrs. Hazel one son, Newman Brown, of intendent of Pocahontas Coun)f Dun more, and a Greathouse; three brothers, Pennsylvania; three daughters, ty Schools; two sons, John Sirs. Glen Wausrb*? Jefferson Bennett, Paul Ben* Miss Retha Brown, of CaliBailey, of Saulsville, and Glen nett and George Bennett. fornia, Miss Jessie Brown and Bailey, of Barboursville; three William Brock Mrs. Alline Rogers, both of sisters, Flossie Smith and Ruby Memorial services were held William Brock, agfed 45 years,! Baltimore, Maryland; one sisThompson, both of Gilbert, and in Fort Eustis Memorial Chaplied suddenly and unexpectedly ter, Mrs. Ivy Brown, of OnRuthtSnodgrass, of Johnstown, )f a heart attack at his home in el on Monday, April 17, at 10 tario, California, and five grand Ohio; and three grandchildren. Dunmore, on Tuesday afternoon, a. m. Private interment serv- children. ices were held at the family Services were held at 1 p. m. Dctober 7, 1952. Funeral services were held cemetery in Bartow. Wednesday in the Pineville As this paper is printed there Thursday, January 23, in the United Methodist Church by The family suggested that is no announcement as to the funWallace and Wallace Chape) the Rev. A. A. Angle, Jr., with memorial donations be made eral service, pi ndinsr arrival of a in Lewisburg by Dr. John W. entombment in Blue Ridge to the American Heart Assoson in the Navy. However, the Hollister. Burial was in the Memorial Gardens Mauso-erviee will be held at Dunmore, ciation. Meadowbridge Park in Baltileum. with intermeut at Monterey. more, Maryland. The deceased was a son of George H. and Lucy Hill Brock. Mo. married Miss Cornelia Brat-


.* mrs. na?ry Bussard ^ '/ 4. «. Duzzaro Mrs. Edith Alberta Ervine Jarrett Gayle (Jack) BuzAnother World War I Veteran Buzzard, Jr, Bussard, 84, of Minnehaha zard, 66, of M i n n e h a h a has answered the call of Taps in -Springs, diedJThursday, April the passing of Clyde Given Bus-1 Springs, - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^died ^ ^ ^ Tuesday ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^morn^ ^ M r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M sark, Sr., on September 1, 1946,, ing, August 14,L1979, in Memo- ) g V I 9 6 *, in Den mar Hospital a^ long ^ ^ ^ ^after ^^^ ^ ^illness. ^^^^ in the Veterans Hospital, Moun- rial General Hospital, Elkins. it^BoBeard He was a construction work-I e m ™ r at Huntersviile NoSTAl ber 28 J920, he was the son of Jtain'Horae^^^ fennessee^at 'which 2 9 u |PRES! Mrs. Beulah Stokes and thi j ^ \ she was a place he had been confined since er.a member of the Metho- IT J E? late Harry W. Buzzard, Sr. July 7th. Prior to that time Mr I dist Church and Moose Lodge dauebter 01 the late George - Mack and Elizabeth Ervme. He was a member of the Sec- Bussard had been a patient in the 1465( - ond Presbyterian Church, was Veterans Hospital, Oteen, North Rnm of Vmat Tnno 15 - S h e w a s a member of the Born at rrost, June ID, Mpfhnrtisi- rtinrr.ii formerly employed by tht Carolina, for eleven years. He Wayne Manufacturing Corp., was fifty-three years of age. Mr. 1913, he was the son of the . Metnodist Church. Harry F. and Edith Er- » Preceding her in death were - was a member of the Waynes* Bussard served his country in late vine Buzzard. A daughter, -*f w o , brothers, Hubert and CJifthe first World War as sergeant _ boro American Legion Post Constance Anne Douglas, also. A4°™ and one sister, n n a LErvine, ea island a veteran of World in the Service Park Unit M.T.C. preceded him in death. Ervine. and was engaged in the battle of -Warll. Surviving him are his wife,\ Survivors include her bus- Surviving him in addition to Nantillois Sector October 4th to Virginia Burns Buzzard, two-band, Harry S Bus/ard, of 12th; Argonne Meuse Offensive, _ his mother, are his wife, •ons, David Gayle Buzzard, of-Wilhamsville, Virginia; four Mrs. Marguerite Beverage and St. Juvan November 1st to Lancaster, California, and ;<>ns. {arrett G.; Bussard, of 6th, Argonne Muse offensive. - Buzzard; one daughter, Mrs. Stephen Buzzard, of K. I. Saw-' Minnehaha Springs, William _ Hugh C. (Karen) Dunn, of He never fully recovered from ill yer A. F. B., Michigan; a-g. Bussard, of Silver Spring, health contracted during his serConyers, Georgia; two broth' daughter, Joyce Mullens, of Maryland Mack R. Bussard, - ers, Frank Buzzard, of Waynes- vice in France. Neola; eight grandchildren and "AOrlando, Florida and James _ boro and Larry Buzzard, of Mr. Bussard was the son of the three great-grandchildren;- - Bustard, with the MerRichmond, Virginia; one sister, late William A. Bussard and three brothers, William, Hy- J?hant Marines; two daughters, " Mrs. Margaret B. Bostic, of Sudie Eider Bussard and was born attsville, Maryland; James and ™ r s - Beatrice Newman, of - Waynesboro; and two grand* in Bolar, Va., March 21, 1893. Mack, Orlando, Florida; and -Chula Vista, California, and children. jf In 1917 Mr. Bussard was mar- two sisters, Beatrice, San -Miss Madeline Bussard, of Funeral services were held 'ried to Miss Annie Dever. To Diego, California, and Made- Washington, D. C; one broth " at 2 p. m. Saturday in McDow this union four children were line, Washington, D. C. "er- M y f l Ervine, of Marlinton; - Funeral Home with the Rev. born. Frances lone, Katberine ' w ^ V S " Sue, Mary Jeannette and Clyde Services will be held at two ^ ^ ' J f Ralph Piland officiating. M, m. Thursday in VanReenen £ g ^ g , * «£; J J g Interment was in Riverview Given, Jr., all of whom survive, j Funeral Home by the Rev. together with his mother Mrs "Clyde Gum " Cemetery. with It" mont, Mrs. Thelma Hicks, of Ith burial with burial at W e b s t e r springs, and Mrs. Sudie Bussard, of Baltimore, Md, Riv. E. Clyde Bussinf (by and a sister, Mrs. Lola Baxter of Minnehaha Springs. Madge Kramer, and eleven . Rev. Ellis Clyde Bussard, 67, Tarpon Springs, Florida. randchiliren and seven greatof Ravenawood, was dead on For a number of years Mr. ' Hailen L. Buzzard grandchildren. arrival at a Ripley hospital "~~-"7. Bussard was engaged in.;i>usiness Harlen L. Buzzard, 54, of runerai Funeral services were M held •K,*-X"-"«2«»'-."*—~ ^u Wednesday night, July 9,1975. in Marhnton, W. Va.Vat which Silver Spring, Maryland, died3 nday afternoon in the VanU He had suffered from a heart place he was a member of the Friday, April 28, 1972. in aReenen Funeral Home Chapel condition for several years. Presbyterian Church. His family Silver Spring hospital follow- t,y t D e j j e v Sherman Markley He was a retired minister of DOW reside iD Washington, D. C, ing a short illness. with burial in the Mountain -r— the United Methodist Church, r l , s l a B l His last rites were conducted Born at Huntersviile MayView • havino wrvnH in GM»-I,T Bulla' ' '""*s» were ixmuucteu i_>ui n on. I* «»*vw .»*..«- — ~j , — Cemetery. \ ' w B o S K'n..S waitt hArlington National Cemetery 1, 1917. he was a son of R o d - ^ fu11 Mrs. Myrtle Buzzard <&f -Gd^h^l^L^ military honors. TboViiey Buzzard, or Beard, and Mrs. Myrtle Frances Buz""ZlZTJ™?;^*™*?*^ _[_ from Concord College and was closes the honorable life record of the late Esta Alderman Buz-* zard, 85, of Frost, died SaturX X a good citizen. zardi a member of the Masonic Lodge day, December 23, 1978, in He was employed a s a b u s L.J i r at Huntersviile. f6-?-*JL Memorial General Hospital in JEMIMA BUZZARD . driver in Washington, D. C. m Elkins, SUrV V rS nClUd after a long illness. 1 f~ m t i ? l I £ 3 Wj!f' H Mrs. Jemima Alice Alderman Survivors include his wife,* I1 Mrs. Reta Rexrode Bussard; U Buzzard , 96 , I died Thursday Mrs. Buzzard was a memtwo daughters, Mrs. Margaret [Jnight, June 13, 1957 in the Poca- " Mrs. Alta Martin Buzzard;^ ber of the Frost United Meth* E. Scites of Ravenswood, and hontas Memorial Hospital. Death - one son, Ronald, at home;- odist Church. . _ three sisters Mrs Vera Beahm," LJ ^Mrs. Mary R. Thompkins, of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_bjwas attributed to complications Born August 9, 1893, in = bnaker Heights, Ohio; three sis- jand she had been in the hospital "of Waynesboro, Virginia; Mrs. fl Nelson County, Virginia, s}*e Lola Workman, of Marlinton, ters, Mrs. Eva McCollam, of nsbut one week. u *j Bluefield, Mrs. Bessie Chestnut, She was one of the oldest na- • and Mrs. Polly Gardner, of was the daughter of the late r^ of Maysville, Kentucky, and ,Stives of Pocahontas County. She Clover Lick; four brothers," Howell and Josephine Fitz( ^ Mrs. ^ ^ ^ ^Kathleen ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Keliey, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^of^ ^Hunt^ ^ ^ ^ ^as ^^ i member of the Hunters- * Waldo and William Buzzard, - gerald. Her husband, Marion jersville, and three granddaugh-l ville Methodist Church. She was _ both of Huntersviile; Hubert A. Buzzard, and their daugh^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " b o r n Nov. 21, 1860, ^ in^ ^ HuntersBuzzard, of Key West, Florida" ter, Blanch, preceded her in ^ ter*l !Ejville, the daughter of Mr. and " and Arnold Buzzard, of Wes- - death. / Services were held Saturday ton. She is survived by a daughafternoon ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^M ^a r^ ^ ^n ^ ^ ~ M r s . Soloman Alderman. n^oHiwiofS A - ^ , l » t o a ^ M r s > B u z z a r d W as the widow Funeral services were held ter, Mae Mace, of Fairfield, United M e t h o d i s t ChurcLl With ^ o f J o s e p h H . Buzzard, who pr§- I Tuesday afternoon in the Wa!- Virginia, and two sona, Bland lace and Wallace ^Funeral - D a v i 8 ( of R ockport> T e x a s , jj^Kev, L>. Keith Clark in charge. Reeded her in death in 1939. TI «N burial Was in M o u n t a i n V i e w Survivors include three sons, Home Chapel at Rainelle.. and Hunter Buzzard, of Frost; Cemetery a t M a r l i n t o n . Rodney, and Edwin, Huntersviile; Burial was in the Walla, e Me- eight grandchildren and fifteen morial Cemetery at Clinton- greatgrandchildren; a brother, — Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCol nfnd ^ g^an" ^ ^ ' ^ H d Manley Fitzgerald, Fairneld, ville. lam, of Bluefield. brother-in- ^°T,I T'^ Mrs. n/°T and Odie n d Mrs d l e grandSue Virginia, and two sisters, Ollie — law and sister of Rev. E. Clyde ] 2 ^ b e aMarlinton; ' 024 Hogg, Virginia Beach, Virjchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; Bussard, and Mrs. Sewell Wood land l McComb ' 20 great-great-grandchildren. ginia, and Lillian Campbell, ward, of Maysville, Kentucky, Funeral services were conduct§tuarts Draft, Virginia. Mrs. Don MacDonald, of Hoi* ed at 2 p. m. Sunday a t the Services were held Wedne of jHuntersville Methodist Church by Jywood, Florida, and Mr. and day at the Frost United Metfa Ithe Rev. Lowell Legg. Burial was Mrs. Kenton Chestnut, Jr., odist Church by the Rev Colonial Heights, Virginia, in the Huntersviile Cemetery. Clyde Gam and the Rev. nieces and nepnews, were hera Phillip Mace, with burial at for the funeral of Rev. Bussard, Frost. on Saturday. J I -1 I )



vijruc u. uudddiu







9 Mrs. Susan Bussard ^ g tiarence ft. DUMHIIU • --^ Mrs Susan Alman Bussard, Clarence A. Bussard, aged 60 Mrs. Kate G. Broyles, 73, of aged 90, died in Middletown, years 4 months and 7 days, of Marlinton, died Saturday, July James Buzzard, 34, of Hunters- Ohio, on Monday, March 25, Frost, died on Saturday, May 28, 1»1978, in Davis Memorial ville suffered injuries which led 1963, at the home of her grand- 1955. He had suffered a parale- Hospital, at Elkins, after a to his death several hours later son, James A. Baxter, with tic stroke. long illness. when his car apparently went out whom she had made her home Born December 18, 1904, at On Monday afternoon the of control and turned over on for the past 23 years. funeral service was held from Olover Lick, she was the daughState Route 39 about three miles Mrs. Bussard was born at New Hope Church by his pastor, ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. east of Marlinton. The accident Frost December 21, 1873, the jR \ J. w. Pugh, assisted by George Ray. ev occurred Sunday evening at about daugherof Charles Wilson and |Rev. C. E. Winkler and Rev. She was a member of Mar6:30 as Buzzard was driving in Margaret Matilda Rider. She 'w. E. Hamilton. His body was linton Presbyterian Church the direction of Marlinton. He was the widow of William laid in the family plot in Moun- and the Eastern Star of Marwas alone in the car at the time Andrew Bussard, who died in tain View Cemetery. linton. and, so far as has been deter- 1898. Their four children, who The d e d w a s t h e s o n of Surviving are two sons, Luthmined, there were no witnesses also preceded her in death, M r s Madeline £hinaberrj er Plyler, of Durbin, Calvin to the wreck. Prom the tire marks were Clyde G. Bussard, Edwin B u s s ? r d ^ Plyler, of Bartow; daughters, and th late p on and along the highway it has Lester^Bussard, Lola M. Bax- A Bussard. His brother is Mrs. Helen Mycka, of Denver, been deduced that the car went ter and Wanda lone Bussard. C h a r l e s Bussard, of Deerfield, Colorado, Mrs. Mary Francesx out of control on a slight curve She is survived by a brother, Virginia; his sisters are Mrs. Beale, of Annandale, Virginia; left the pavement, swerved to the John W. Rider, of Marlinton, Lucy Moore, of Dunmore; Mrs. eight grandchildren; 12 greatright and back to the left, travel- and two sisters, Miss Lilly Rb Clara Ware of Marlinton. He grandchildren. ing along the berm. When the car der, of Marlinton, and Mrs. married Miss Ena Shrader, who She was preceded in death came back on the pavement, it Anna Curry, of West Point, survives. Their daughter is Mrs. by her husband, Oren E. Plyturned over and rolled about 300 Virginia; eight grandchildren, J. M.Collins, of Baltimore, fyfary- ler and daughter, Sue Ann Plyfeet down the middle of the high- and twelve great-grandchildren land. Surviving also are four ler, three brothers, one sister, way. Buzzard was thrown out of One brother, Harry Brad- grand children. and second husband, Walter the car, apparently, about 60 feet ford Rider, and three sisters, .Thus is noted the passing of a Broyles. from where the car finally came Grace Rider, Lucie Rider, and prominent business man and an Services were held MonKate Rider preceded her in outstanding citizen. to a stop. day in the VanReenen FuJamie Abdella, Bob McComb death. neral Home, with the Rev. Mrs. Bussard was a member j , and the Rev. Charles Yoho were J. M . Bear Richard Newkirk officiating. among the first to reach the scene of Mount Carmel Methodibt James Martin Bear, 69, died in Burial was in Mountain View of the accident. While Rev. Yoho Church. , the Pocahontas Memorial Hospi- Cemetery. stayed with the injured man, McServices will beheld at two ital Thursday afternoon, October ' Cecil Boggs Comb went for a doctor and Ab- o'clock Thursday afternoon at j12, 1961. Death was attributed Cecil Boggs died Wednebu della hurried to Marlinton for an Smith Funeral Home by the to a heart attack. March 15,1987, in the Denmai ambulance. Buzzard lived for Rev. George McCune, with Born December 7, 1891, at Funeral service wi* nearly nine hours after being burial in Mountain View Ce- Churchville, Virginia, he was a Hospital be Saturday, at 2:00. p. m. admitted to Pocahontas Memorial metery. I son of the late John T. and Nancy hospital. Martin Bear. He came to MarRichard H. Balzer 4 James Buzzard j t^ Richard Herman Balzer, A son of Rodney W. and the , Jimmy Buzzard, 24, of Wal- linton in 1914 and was associated late Esta L. Alderman Buzzard, dorf, Maryland, drowned Sun- with the telephone business here of Hillsboro, died Saturda the victim had maintained a bar- day, June 22, 1975, while swim until he retired following the sale March 11, 1967, in the Poc Telephone hontas Memorial Hospitalafte ber shop, known as "Jimmy's", in ming in the Chesapeake Bay. of the Pocahontas He was a a short illness. the First National Bank building His body was recovered Mon- Company in 1958. past president of the West Vir- He was born in Lydershagan [in Marlinton for about three day. ginia Telephone Association. Germany, December 22, 1902 years. He is survived by his wife Born at Lexington, Virginia Mr. Bear was veteran of World He came to the United State 'and three children. July 22, 1950, he was a son of Henry Hunter Buzzard and i War I, an elder of the Marlinton in 1921, and became anatura , Mrs. Albert Bussard v grew up near Dunmore at the | Presbyterian Church and was ized citizen in 1926. S c h o o l I Mr. Balzer was a member ( Mrs. Ella I. Bussard, 72, of home of his grandmother, Mrs. assistant S u n d a y Superintendent for many years. j the Oak Grove Presbyteria Huntersville, died Thursday, t Myrtle Buzzard. He was a member of the Marlin- I Church and was elected Deacc April 6, 1972, in the Kings In addition to his father and Daughters Hospital at Staun- grandmother, he is survived by ton Lodge, Ancient Free and Ac- I on April 23, 1944, and o on, Virginia, of an apparent his wife, Glory Hanes Buzzard, cepted Masons, and a Past Patron j dained and installed on Ms of Marlinton Chapter No. 97, Or- j 14, 1944; he served faithful eart attack. a son, Timmy, 6, two sisters, der of the Eastern Star. j as a Deacon, Church Treasur Born at Mingo in 1900, she Sara Jane and BIy Ann, and Mr. Bear has served as Chairas a daughter of the late Mr. his mother, Irene Sorrows Buz- man of the Pocahontas County [and Sunday School Teach long as his health permitte d Mrs. Floyd Ware. j zard, of Clinton, Maryland, and Selective Service Draft Board \ as He was a member of the Hi! several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the j boro Masonic Lodge No. 1 Services and burial were in since 1940. Methodist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. ; AF & AM and Hillsboro Cha Waldorf, Thursday. Survivors include her husMinnie McClune Bear; one sister, ! ter Order of the Eastern Sb band, Albert I. Bussard; three Mrs. Margaret Taliaferro, of He was a retired custodian Mrs. Lawrence Bussard >ons, Albert L. Bussard, of 2 & ^ , Cranford, New Jersey; and three the Federal Prison Camp Newport Richey , Florida, s.Halh^^ John T. Bear, of Mar- Mill Point. Wallace Bussard, of Wilmmg- about 34 years, died oo Monda.v linton; A. C. Bear, of Churchville, on, North Carolina, and morrintf, S e p t e m b e r 28tb, 1958, Virginia, and the Rev. Hoover Survivors include his wi FJoyd E. Bussard, of Alex- from injuries received a few hour* Bear, of Fayetteville, North Mrs. Letty O. Balzer; onedj ghter, Mrs. Jack R. (Mari< andria, Virginia; two brothers, before in an au torn bile* wreck on Carolina. Hunter, of Richmond, Virg Jameron and Guy Ware, both K i a p p s Creek at R u c k m a n Run bf Barberton, Ohio, and one sis- A n o t h e r occupant of the car. Funeral services were held Sun- ia, two grandchildren, Cynt ter, Mrs. Minnie Whittman, of H a r r y B u s s i r d , of F r o s t , was se- day afternoon in the Marlinton B. and Richard R. Hunl Ohadsworth, California. verely injured. He is btii># Presbyterian Church by the Rev. both of Richmond, Virgil Funeral services were held treated in the P o c a h o n t a s Me- W. E. Pierce, with burial in the and one brother, Bernard I Mountain View Cemetery. izer, of New York City. Sunday afternoon at the Frost >i m c r b l Hospital. Funeral services were 1 United Methodist Church by T h e deceased was the wife o Monday afternoon in the ( the Rev. Ezra Bennett, with j L a w r e n c e Bu?sard, of Mountain Grove Presbyterian Church burial in the Mountain View | Grove. She is survived by four the Rev. Harry Painter ^ Cemetery at Marlinton. children. She was a n a t i v e o burial in the Oak Grove C etery at Hillsboro. 1*46. Marlinton Barber Killed In Automobile Accident






^ - • • -




Mrs. Howard Barlow



Mrs. Anna Patterson Barlow, 96, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, April 22, 1970, m the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born July 25, 1873, in Huntersville, she was a daughter of the late Dr. S. Pruyn Patterson and Elizabeth Campbell Patterson. Mrs. Barlow spent most of her life at Huntersville. Mrs, Barlow was a member of the Huntersville Presbyterian Church, and was a charter member of Huntersville Order of the Eastern Star. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Barlow. Survivors include one daughter, Miss Helen Barlow, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Willis Cornelius with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Mrs. Margaret Moore Barlow Mrs. Margaret Moore Barlow, aged 86 yeas, died at her home near Woodrow on Friday, December 27, 1940, of the infirmities of age. On Sunday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the Cochran cemetery on Stony Creek, the service being conducted from West Union Church by her pastor, Rev. R. H. Skaggs. Mrs Barlow was a daughter of the late Samuel and Nancy Beal Moore,, of Marlin Mountain Of her father's family of four sons and seven daugh ters there now remains one, Mrs, Annis McLaughlin of Browns Creek. The deceased was the widow of the late Wesley Barlow. They are survived by their daughter, Mrs. Ollie Barlow. Mrs. Mabel Barlow

Mrs. Isabel Taylor Barlow, 56, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, died at her home after a long illness on Thursday, May 2,1963. She was a member of the Green Bank Methodist Church. Survivors include a son, Berlin Lee; her mother, Mrs. Nelia Taylor, of Green Bank; four brothers, Rodney Taylor, of Marlinton, Forrest Taylor, of Huntersville, Bmmett and Lew is Taylor both of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Wesley Methodist Chapel at Green Bank with the Rev. R. J. Harshberger in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery

Mrs. A. C. Barlow Mrs. Ava J. Barlow Mrs. Effie Moore Barlow was Mrs, Ava Barlow was born born October 21, 1873, and de- tear Onoto, Jane on June 15th, 1886, parted this life on Friday, Sep- nd passed away in her sleep at tember 4, 1959, in the Pocahon- j er home, Thursday, 18th, tas Memorial Hospital following 1961, at the age of 74 May years, 11 a long illness. months and 3 days. She was a Mrs. Barlow was the daughter daughter of the late George C. of the late Samuel B. and Mary and Rachael Duncan Moore. Ann Moore. On November 20, July 3,1918, she was united l p 95, she was united in marriage in On marriage to Ballard D. Barlow, t \. C. Barlow. who preceded her in death in £ \e is survived by her husband, £957. A. C. Barlow; and four children, She is survived by tlierr one Mrs. Harry B. Hill, of Charleston, son, M. Barlow, at home; Samuel H. Barlow, of Dunmore, two Ralph sisters, Miss Mary Loretta Guy P. Barlow and Ivan N. BarMoore, of Elkins, and Mrs. Flora low, both of Marlinton. She was Jordan, of Marlinton; also sevI! preceded in death by two children, Robert Barlow and Hazel Barlow. eral nieces and nephews. She Also surviving are a sister and was preceded in death by a sister a brother, Mrs. A. 0. Baxter and I and three brothers. Mrs. Barlow lived all her life in S. Reid Moore, both of Marlinton; seven grandchildren and the community where s}qg was born. She was a good Christian three great- grandchildren. Mrs. Barlow was a life-long woman and attended the; Stony member of the Edray Methodist Creek Presby#riai\ < Funeral services were /held in Church. the Stony Creeji Pre§fbyterian Funeral services were held Suntfternoon Church /on Sati j1 day afternoon at the Edray MeassistbjKhe >&ev. W thodist Church by the Rev. Ezra j Bennelt. ed W the Re Bennett and the Rev. Herbert] i Mountain Pennington, Jr., with burial in Burial was ma> View Cemetery. the Edray Cemetery. With us her name shall live Through long succeeding years Fred Barlow \/ Embalmed by all our hearts can: Fred Barlow, 72, of Akron, give, Ohio, died on Thursday, March O-ur praises and our tears. 1, 1968, in an Akron hospital following a heart attack. Born at Edray April 28, 1895, he was the son of the late Mrs. Austin Barlow John E. and Morella Smith Mrs. Linda Rebecca Barlow, Barlow. 28, of Marlinton, died Saturday, November 8, 1969, in iie was married to the form* the Duke University Hospital er Nelle McNeill, on April 1L in Durham, North Carolina, 1920. after a three month illness of He -had lived ; in Akron, leukemia. Ohidffor the past 45years. Born in Petersburg, March Survivors include his wife, 24, 1941, she was a daughter Mrs. Nelle McNeill Barlow; of Sampson and Gladys Goldione son, Rev. Fred M. Barlow, zen. one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Betty) Hare, and two brothSurvivors include her hus* ers, Clarence L. and Henry band, Austin Barlow; three Barlow, boch of Marlinton. sons, Burton, Randy and Kevin Barlow, all at home; her parFuneral services and burial ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson were in Akron March 4. Goldizen; one sister, Mrs. Shirley Biller. of Finksburg, MaryJohn Barlow, aged 40 yea, land; seven brothers, Donald died ona Monday, June 25, '1944* a te lon Goldizen, of Hamlin; Bob, / / . ^ lingering illness.' u A8 James, Fred, Jack, Larry and « " s Paper is printed, the time Paul Ray Sampson, all of Marof the funeral has not been anlinton. nounced; awaiting word from a brother, Henry, who is in the Funeral services were held Army. Tuesday afternoon at the Beard Heights Church of God The deceased was a son of the late John E. and Marella Smith near Marlinton by the Rev. Barlow, of Edray. His sisters Henry Bailey and the Rev. arc Mrs. Frank Young and Mrs. Larmen Woriey with burial in Ha m Burns; his brothers are che Cochran Cemetery near Clarence, Feed, Page and Henry Marlinton. Barlow.


Page Dameron Bariow. aged 66 irominent Marshall County physician cc imbed at 5 o'clock, on Thursday, February 23, 1939, at the Reynold? Memoriil Hospital at Glendale. He had been in failing health ?h\2e November and was removed to the hospital on Tuesday. Services were held from the resi dence on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o clock, conducted by the Rev. Minor Sprague, of the McMechen M. E Uhurch. Interment followed in Bel montOounty Memorial Park. Dr. Barlow was born at Edray, Po cahoLtas county, on February I, 1873, . the son of the late Henry and Nancy Casseii barlow. He attended public schools there, later entering the Hills boro Academy. He received his medical instruction at the medical col.oge in Richmond, Virginia, and the Baltimore VlHiical College from which he reHe served 0Q j yG d his degree in 1895. ! as interne at Che Paltimore Lying-in l-Ioso1ta3 ,xii:er wards he entered general practice \v Upshur county and later located at Martinsburg. In 1902 he moved to McMechen, j *here he has lived since, becoming i one of the county's most prominent' , physicians He was a member of th< staff at j 1 the Glendale hospital and served as i ! surgeon for the Baltimore tid Ohio! • railroad and the Hitch man Joal * and f >ke Company. He formerly was ! urgeon for the Giendale Gas a n d ; •Coal Company " i d the Wheeling 1 I Trac-ipri Company. He a!so was a i former examiner for the Brotherhood ! oi B & O. Trainmen and was a past president of the Baltimore & Ohio , R ail road Association. Dr. Barlow was a prominent breeder of high classed registered Ayrshire vcatt^e, being owner of the Birlow stock farm which is located near St Clairsviile, in Belmont County, Ohio. Politically he was a Democrat. He as a member of the M E Church aoa~w^slbmiiated with the Moundsvine lodge of E!ks? B P O E 282. He was a past president of the | Marshall County Medical Society and ! was affiliated with the State Society and the American Medical Association. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Grace Miller Barlow; a son, Page L Miller, of at. Clairsviile, Ohio; a daughter, Miss Annette Dameron Miller, at home; two grandchildren, Neal LeMoyne Miller and Page Damerori Miller, of St. Clairsviile: and three brothers, A C Barlow and Anderson Barlow, of Marlinton, and D b. BarIUW, uf Huntiugtofi, and J. ^o":r, Mrs Effie Peek, of Huntington—The Wheeling News Register.

S. I. Barlow

Samuel Isaac Barlow, aged 82, died Sunday, February 7, 1960, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had undergone an emergency operation on Wednesday, He was born at Huntersville April 7, 1877, the son of the late Amos and Mary Poage Barlow, and had lived all his life at Huntersville. Mr. Barlow had been a mem- j ber of the Masons for sixty-one years and also a member of the Huntersville Chapter Number 120 of the Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. j Mabel Gum Barlow; eight child* jren, Mrs. Madeline McCombof j Huntersville, Mrs. Myrtle Atkins of Baltimore, Maryland,) Mrs. Nell Shrader and Mrs. Louise j McNeel, both of Hillsboro, May- ! nard Barlow of Syracuse, New York, Mrs. Lucille Burns of Marlinton, Mrs. Juanita Gunther of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Evelyn Williams of Orange, Texas; a grandson, Robert Baxter, whom he reared; sixteen other grandchildren; and four! great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held i Tuesday afternoon in the Huntersville Presbyterian Church by i the Rev. B. W. John and the Rev. R. S. Pinch. Burial was made in Mountain View Cemetery with I Masonic rites. Dennis H. Barlow

W. A. Barlow William Anderson Barlow, aged 88 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Allen Sharp, at Onoto, on Wednesday morning, January 18, 1955. He had been in his usual good health, but suffered a fall on Tuesday. On Friday afternoon the funeral was held from Edray Methodist Church. The ministers were Rev. E. H. Flaniken, Rev. G. S. Barrett and Rev. Don Taylor. His body was laid in the family plot in Edray Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Henry and Nancy Cassell Barlow., Of his father's family there remain his brother, Dr. A. C. Barlow, of Marlinton and his sister, Mrs. Effie Peck, of Huntington. He married Miss Ella Frances Silva, who preceded him 32 years since. Their sons are Glen and Ira, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and their daughter is Mrs. Allen Sharp, of Marlinton. His two grand children are Mrs. Tek Talmont, of New Burnswick, New Jersey, and William Barlow, of Charlottesville, Virginia. Thus is noted the passing of a prominent and thoroughly good citizen. He retained his mental and bodily powers to a remarkable extent. A few weeks ago he was around and among hisi friends in town, and only last j summer he made a public address i of great interest at a large gathering in his home community. Peace to his ashes.

Dennis Harmon Barlow, 69, of Route 1, Marlinton, died W. H. Barlow Tuesday morning, April 7, 1970, in the Pocahontas MeWilliam Howard Barlow, 82, morial Hospital. well-known farmer and stockman, He was born November 18, of Huntersville, died September 1900, at Onoto, the son of II, 1957, is the C & O Hospital John Henry and Melinda at Clifton Forge, Virginia, from Alice Moore Barlow. injuries received in a truck colliA retired sawyer, he was sion on the Browns Creek road Monday. never married. Mr. Barlow was born March Survivors include two neph17, 1875, the son of Amos and ews and one niece. Mary Poage Barlow. He is surFuneral services will be held vived by his wife, the former Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Stony Creek Presby- Miss Mary Ann Patterson, a terian Church with the Rev. daughter, Miss Helen Barlow, at Willis Cornelius in charge, home, a brother, S. Isaac Barlow, and burial in the Cochran !of Huntersville, and a sister, Mrs. j Harry Patterson, of York, Penh-] Cemetery near Marlinton. • sylvania. Mr. Barlow was a member of | the Huntersville Presbyterian! Church, a member of the Hunt , ersville Masonic Lodge Number 65, and a director of the First 'National Bank in Marlinton. Graveside services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock by the Rev. E. H. Flaniken at the Mountain View Cemetery.


Mary Margaret Barlow Dr. Mary Margaret Barlow, Ed.D., 62, of Arlington, Virginia, died June 6, 1995, in George Washington Hospital after a short illness. She was born in Dunmore August 12, 1932. Margaret was employed by the General Accounting Office as the Affirmative Action Coordinator in Washington, D.C. She was also the Executive Director of the National Task Force on Disability. Her Doctorate degree was earned from George Washington University in 1985; she was the first blind person to earn a doctorate degree there. She received her Master's degree from Syracuse University in 1961 and the Bachelor's degree from Marshall University in 1954. Preceding her in death were her parents, Samuel Henry and Mary Margaret Price Barlow; a brother, Asa Calvin Barlow, and two sisters, Joanne and Nancy Ligon Barlow. She is survived by a brother, Samuel Price Barlow, of Buckeye; two nephews, S. Price Barlow, II, of Lubbock, Texas, and John Calvin Barlow, of Broadway, Virginia; and a niece, Martha Ann Barlow, of Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. A graveside service was held on Sunday, June 11, at the Edray Cemetery by Rev. Richard Newkirk. There will be a memorial service on June 24 at 4 p. m. in the Langley Hills Friends Meeting, 6410 Georgetown Pike, McLean, Virginia. For directions, please call (703) 442-8394. Memorial contributions may be made to Arlington Host Charity, Inc., P. O. Box 145, Arlington, Virginia 22210, Attention: Ed Ablard; National Kidney Foundation, 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 830, Washington, D.C. 20015; Marlinton Presbyterian Church; or Pocahonfas Memorial Hospital Building Fund.

; Hallie Beverage Barlow Mrs. Hallie Virginia Beverage Barlow, 85, of Orange County, Virginia, formerly of Charlottesville, died March 28, 1987, in an Orange County Nursing Home. She was born January 2, 19Q3| in Monterey, Virginia, the daughter of the late Coe Trimble Beverage and Sadie Irene Lightner Beverage, and grew up on Knapps Creek in Ppcahontas County. She was the wife of the late William Glenn Barlow. ; Mrs. Barlow was a school teacher and* homemaker for many years and was a member of the First, Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville. Surviving her are one daughter, Nancy Talmont Bruns, of Alexandria, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. I. Richard Lovell, Mrs. B. R. Dickson, both of Roanoke, Virginia, and Mrs. Harry Snider, of Fairmont; one granddaughter, Mrs. William Vardeman, of Centerville, Virginia; one great-granddaughter, Katherine Frances Vardman, and one sister-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Dumire Barlow, of Charlottesville, Virginia. Graveside services were held at Monticello Memory Gardens. Arden J. Buchanan Arden J. Buchanan, age 68, of Huntersville, died Wednesday, October 28, 1998, by accidental drowning at Seneca State Forest. Mr. Buchanan was a heavy equipment operator and a member of Cummings Creek Victory Chapel. The son of the late Jess Acey and Orpah S. Ryder Buchanan, he was born April 30, 1930, at Mountain Grove, Virginia. A brother, Osbourn Buchanan, and a grandchild also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Katherine Marie Friel Buchanan; two daughters, Tana Lam, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Melissa Buchanan, of Huntersville; two sons, Jesse A. Buchanan, of Elton, Virginia, and Calvin A. Buchanan, of Shenandoah, Virginia; three sisters, Helen Buzzard, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, Esta Baker, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Ilene Burchette, of Lynchburg, Virginia; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Lee Alderman. Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Mary L. Barlow Mary L. Barlow, age 63, of Buckeye, died in Alleghany Regional Hospital, Low Moor, Virginia, on Friday, December 26, 1997, after a long illness. Mary was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. She was born in Frank on September 23, 1934. Preceding her in death were her parents, Steve and Blanche Moats Barnasky, a brother, Steve, and a sister, Christiana Warner. Surviving her are her husband, Samuel Price Barlow; two sons, Price, of Buckeye, and John, of Broadway, Virginia; and a daughter, Martha Ann, of Enola, Pennsylvania; and one sister, Helen Rexrode, of Monterey, Virginia. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Randy Benson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Marlinton Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund or Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Mary F. Ball Mary F. Ball, age 77, of Gevena-on-the-Lake, Ohio, died September 6,1998, at her home. She was born June 24, 1921, in Marlinton, the daughter of Charlie W. and Gertrude F. Spencer Adkinson and had been a 52-year Geneva area resident Mrs. Ball was assistant manager of the Normandy Development, Painesville, Ohio, from 1983 to 1989. She also worked from 1980 to 1983, as assistant manager for Forest City Management. She married Hayward P. Ball on October 24, 1950, in Fairport Harbor. She was a member of the Church of the Living God, Ashtabula. She is survived by her husband; a son, Richard P., of Ashtabula, Ohio; two daughters, Katherine Hessley, of Geneva, Ohio, and Charlotte Steimle, of Middleburg Heights, Ohio; seven grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; a sister, Ann Lee Alexander, of Painesville, Ohio; and a brother, Kenneth Adkinson, of Buckeye. She was preceded in death by her parents; four brothers, Charles Lightner, William, Robert Lee and Clarence Adkinson, Jr.; and a sister, Georgia Marie Adkinson. Service was held Wednesday at the Donald E. Walker Funeral Home, in Geneva, with the Rev. James Yeary, of Chesterland Christian Center. Burial was held in Greenlawn Memory Garden, North Kingsville. Memorial contributions may be made to the family.

Mrs. Fred Bark « Davis L Barlow I J. Henry Barlow died of heart Mrs.JNelle McNeill Barlow, disease at his home near Onnto last 3avis L. Barlow, aged 83 years, Thursday, July 19, 1923. For some 78, died at the home of her of Bedford, Virginia, died on time his health has not been of the brother, Jesse McNeill, at Fricky, June 20, 1952. Some best, but the end came suddenly and Buckeye, early Tuesday. Oc* days before be bad suffered a unexpectedly. He was past 80 years tober 29, 1974. stroke of paralysis. On Sunday | of age. His wife preceded him to the B<>rn February 8, 1896, &t afternoon his body was laid in grave a number of years ago. She was Buckeye! shVwa's a daughter a daughter of the late Sroauel Moore, - .. . TiA • ™ - " u n ^ . J ? « « ^ the family plot in Edray Cemeof Marlin Mountain. To them were of the late Enoch George and tery, The service was held from born three - childrer -Mrs. Jacob A n n * Duncan McNeill. the Edray Church by Kev. E. Townsend, Ballard acru Dennis BarMrs. Barlow was a Baptist. Clyde Bussard and Kev. DOD low. The deceased was a son of the Taylor. Her husband, Fred Barlow, late Alex Barlow. Of his fathers The deceased was a son of thr large family there remain three died about six years ago. Surviving her are a son, Rev- late Henry and Nancy Cassell daughters, Mrs. W. W. Sharp and Barlow. His surviving sister is Mesdames Bfindejc, and one brother Fred Barlow, of Chicago t Mrs. EiBe Peck, of HuntiLgton, Mitchell Barlow. M Illinois, and a daughter, Mrs. his brothers, Anderson and Asa Mr. Barlow was a solid, substantia] Betty A. Hare, of Long Beach" man. He was deeply religious, and Mississippi, one sister, Mrs# C , of Marlinton. for a life time was a member of the r»i«»« n A \r« n ^k«. M *e u\,~*.« * He married Miss Lou Moore, Clara DeVaughan, of Hunts Methodist Church. His body was ville, Arkansas and one broth- who preceded him some years buried in the Cochran graveyard Friday afternoon, the services being con- er, Jesse McNeill, of Buckeye, since. His second wife was Miss Florence L»azenby, who survives Services were held at the j ducted by his pastor, Eev. C. A. her husband. ' Powers. VanReenen Funeral Home Mr. Barlow was a graduate of Chapel Wednesday night. AdConcord State Normal, and he ditional services and burial Mrs. Frances Barlow taught in the Schools of Poca were in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Frances Sharp Birlow, hontas County. la summer he aged 83 years, died at her home held normal courses in which he at Verdant Valley, on Sunday, prepared many a teacher..* He Asa Clark Barlow, aged 87, Feb. 19, 1950. bbe had been in failing health for some tine. Oo died Saturday, December 15, served two terms as Superinten1962, in the Pocahontas Me- dent of Schools for Pocahontas Tuesday afternoon the service wis morial Hospital. He had been County. Later bo served a term held from the home by Rev. R, P. Melton; burial in the Sharp in failing health the past six in the House of Delegates. More than forty years ago, months. cemetery.. Mr. Barlow moved to Huntington Dr. Barlow had been a vetThe deceased was the widow of to engage in business. Some erinarian and farmer in Pocathe late A. Neal Harlow. Their hontas County since early man years since he retired from the children are Mrs. Ruby Cochran, hood. He was born at Onoto, more active duties, and moved to of Roanoke, Va.; and Mrs. Pearl May 29, 1875, the son of the ""Viford, Virginia. Brat ton of Bolar, Va. late Henry and Nancy Cassell Mrs. Barlow was,a daughter of Barlow. His wife, Effie Moore Clarenee A. Birlow the late Jacob and Elizabeth Mc Barlow, died September 4,1959 Neel Sharp. Albert Clarence Barlow, 81, Surviving him are three sons, died Friday, September 16, Samuel H. Barlow, of Dun1977, at the Pocahontas MeJoan Barlow, aged 12 years, daugh more, Guy P. Barlow and Ivan morial Hospital after an apter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Barlow, of N. Barlow, of Marlinton; and parent heart attack. Dunmore, died November 4, 1938, a daughter, Mrs. Harry B. Mr. Barlow was a retired after a long illness. Burial on Sun- Hill, of Charleston. blacksmith and a farmer, a day afternoon in the Barlow family Funeral services were held p'ot at Edray cemetery, the service member of the Methodist Monday afternoon at the Edbeing conducted by Rev. A. B. Willi Church, and veteran of World f ray Methodist Church by the ord assisted by Rev. Mr. Skaggs. War I. Rev. C. E. Pierson and the He was born August 2,1896, Rev. Ezra Bennett, with burial a t Woodrow. in the Edray Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Page Barlow Mrs. Bertha Hamrick Barlow, Page Barlow, aged 39 years, C liarles H. Barlow, i one son, Austin Barlow, of | was killed in an automobile acciBuckhannon; two daughters, dent at Huntersville on Frida at Hun tin Mrs. Pearl Ryder, of Marlinnight, October 17, 1947. The June 5, 1934. For several rrionths !.e ton, and Mrs. Opal Green, of funeral service was held on Mon- bad been ill with tuberculosis. Tu Frost; three half brothers, Fred, day afternoon with burial iu me funeri) will be held Th'.irsday afterKenny, and John W. Burgess, m the noon at 2 o'clock, at Edray-, anil burfamily plot in Edrajr Cemetery. sal with Masonic hon<'i all of Marlinton; one half sis* The deceased was a son of the ter, Mrs. Mary J. Lambert, Mr. Harlow is the son of Mrs. John Cresaptown, Maryland; 12 late John E. and Morella Smith •Barlow, of Edray. H^ father has grandchildren and 17 greatBarlow. His surviving-sisters are been dead a number of years He grandchildren. Mrs. Frank Young- and Mrs. is survived by four brothers, Clarence, Thomas Bokoski; his brothers are F red, John and Page, and two sisters, Services were held Sunday at Clarence, Fred and Henry Barlow. Mrs. Frank Young and Mrs, Ham 2 p.m., in the VanReenen r Burns. ^lhe tace sed was a soldier inFuneral Home Chapel with the The deceased was a soldier in the the last war. He has had employ World War. At the time of his Rev. Wallace Dora in charge. ment in the lasttbree years in a death he was commander of PocahonBurial was in Cochran Cemerubber factory inVkron, Ohio. ery, ^ tas Post, American Lotion. For years he had been a salesman of auto mobiles. He was a mostiWeable man

Mrs. Leona Baker Mrs. Leona R. Baker, 83, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, February 27, 1980, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Baker, a former employee of the Pocahontas Times office, lived in the Perrine Apartments. Born February 3, 1897, at Jacox, she was the daughter of James Luther and Eliza M. Morrison. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving her are two brothers, Robert Morrison, Bel Air, Maryland, and Lotan Morrison, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; one sister, Mrs. Mary Dean, of Hillsboro; also nieces and nephews. Services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home at 11 A. M. Friday by the Rev. William Trowbridge, Burial was in the Kellison Cemetery at Jacox. Lonnie H. Baker Lonnie H. Baker, 67, of Marlinton, died Saturdav, March 13, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after along illness. Born July 1, 1903, at Fort Springs, he was a son of the late Leslie W. Baker and Sallie Thomas Baker. He was a former mill worker. Survivors include bis wife, Mrs. Oleta. Baker; one brother, Leslie W. Baker, Sr., of Punta Gorda, Florida, and one sister, Mrs. F. T. Banton, of Fort Springs. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Mary's Chapel Church near Slatyfork by the Rev. Willis Cornelius and the Rev, A'fred Gum, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.


Elbert Ray Baker

Bessie A. Biker Mrs. Bessie Brown Raker, of o802 Vaughan, Detroit, Michigan, died February 14, 1980, in Oakwood Hospital after a short iiliness. Born Mard 16,1886, near Arbovale, she was the daughter of Robert J. and Hester Hamilton Brown. A graduated! State Normal College, she taught in Pocahontas County schools. Mrs. Bakei was preceded in death by herhusband, Edward L. Baker, of Mingo, brothers, Henry and h)scoe Brown, of Arbovale, aid a sister, Lena Bright, of Derfield, Virginia. Survivors nclude one son, Robert, of Alen Park, Michigan; four daghters, Mrs. Virginia McCathy, of Detroit, Michigan, Irs. Rose Lubig, of Livonii Michigan, Mrs. Beatrice //ugent, of Shreveport, LouWana, and Miss BonaleaBake/at home; fourteen grandchil/ren and thirteen great-graidchildren. Service were held at Sajewski Fineral Chapel by Rev, Juanita erguson. Burial was Mrs. Grover Baker intheGand Lawn Cemetery ! Mrs. Dolly JVtildred Baker was in Detrtt. born August 23, 1920, at Frost and died on Friday, November 11, 1960, at Wyandotte, Michigan. She %was the daughter of Jesse Baker William and Eva .Davis PennyJesse Baker, 83, died at the backer, of Frost. Ohio, Hospital in Surviving her are her husband Northeast Madison, Ohio, Monday, Grover Baker; nine children. January 28, 1963,on after several Patricia, Jerry, Janet, Jame^,. flnonths of illness. Grover, Jr., Johnny, Mary, Mar-j He was born in Preston tin. and Phillip; three brothers/ County, November 1, 1879, Lloyd Pennybacker, of Minne-; haha Springs, Issac and Samuel' and lived for many years in Pennybacker, both of Southgate, Campoelltown. He was preceded in death Michigan; also four stepchildren. by two sons, Homer, who died in infancy, and Sergeant Eddie Daniel Baker Baker, who died at Fort BenDaniel Baker, aged 88 years,! ning, Georgia. died December 1, 1942 atCbur D'. He is survived by his wife, Alene, Idaho. On last Wednesthe former Neely Wooddell; day his body was buried in Oak Grove cemetery at Hillsboro. He one daughter, Mrs. May Call, 'is survived by four daughters of Painesville, Ohio; six sons, • and three sons; John of Crabbot Wilbert Baker, of Emporium, j torn; Charles of Renick, Henry Pennsylvania, Ray Baker, of1| of Gap Mills; Mrs LouiseBarkley ZeSienople, Pennsylvania, Elza of Crabbottom; Mrs Rosa Mullen- Baker, of Rock Creek, Ohio, ax, of, Hintersyille; Mrs Lizzie Charles Baker, of Perry, Ohio, Rigg'fejH&a, Mrs .Anna Mercer of Dale Baker, of Akron. Ohio, and James Baker, of PainesIdaho. ville, Ohio. Funera1 services were conducted Thursday afternoon at the Paine Funeral Home in Orwell, Ohio, with burial in Elbert Ray Eaker, 49, of Rochester, Pennsylvania, was killed on Tuesday, July 21, 1964, when a crane in a lumbering operation came in contact with a power line and he received the full electrical shock when he touched the machine | while either trying to help free another worker or to fight the fire. He was born and reared ir West Marlinton (Campbelltown.) Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dorothy E. Baker, of RD 1, Rochester. Pennsylvania; two sons, Edward T Baker, of RD 1, Rochester. Pennsylvania, and Howard G. Baker, of Evans City; five brothers, J. W. Baker, of Emporium, Elza N., Charles A. I Dale and James Baker, all of !1 Ohio; one sister, Mrs. May Call, of Ohio; his mother, Mrs. Neely Wooddell Baker, of Rock Creek. Ohio, and one grandson. He is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wooddell, of Mar-< linton.

the Harts Grovt Center Cemetery,


Orville W. Barnette Orville Warren Barnette, 92, of Clover Lick, died Tuesday, February 12, 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a few days illness of pneumonia. He was born at Rockcastle, Jackson County, November 17, 1881, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Barnette. He was first married to Jenney Osbourne, who died in the early 1900's. He thtn married Emma Poage Barnette who died November 12, 1967. A son, Robert, and a daughter, Pearl, also preceded him in death. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Barnette came to Pocahontas with the Henderson Lumber Company, as a young man, moved to Oklahoma in 1908, and returned to the farm at Clover Lick in 1935 after the drought during the "dust bowl" condition in the midwest. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. J. W. (Betsy) Shreve, of Elkins. two sons, Brooks Barnette, of Clover Lick, and Norman Barnette, of Waldron, Arkansas; eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; three brothers, Otho Barnette, of Fargon. Oklahoma, Arthur Barnette, of Hometown, and Lovell Barnette, of Rockcastle; two sisters, Mrs. Lenna Cook, of Euclid, Ohio, and Mrs. O'Deil Stevens, of Rockcastle. Services were held Saturday afternoon at the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. -Toward McNeill, with burial in the Poage Cemetery. William Thomas Barnett, 80, oi Cass, died Friday, March 22, 1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was the only son of the late Thomas and Dinah Barnett. He had two sisters, Mrs. Lou Sheets and Mrs. Verdie Collins, who preceded him in death several years ago. Survivors include several nephews and nieces and a host of friends. Services were held at the ! Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. John Helms, of ArboI vale. Burial was in the Wan| less^Cemetery at Cass.

Leonard John Barnett Leonard John Barnett, 25, died at Holcomb, near Rich* wood, as the result of a slate fall in coal mines on Thursday, March 14, 1^63. He was born at Sutton, on June 27, 1937, a son of George and Delphia Barnett, of Mace. He served with the United States Army from 1954 to 1957 Most of his work since then has been in the coal mines. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edna Barnett; a son, Leonard, Jr., three years, two daughters, Sheila, two years, and Jeannette, five years all at home; two brothers, Ralph Barnett, at home, and Robert Barnett, of Co wen; two sisters, Mrs. Edith Shinaberry, of Washington, D. C. and.Mrs. Thelma Shinaberry, of Clover Lick. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Elizabeth Chapel Church at Tesla, with the Rev. Okey Wayne in charge. Burial was in the Barnett family cemetery at Sutton.

Mrs. 0. W. Barnett


Mrs. Emma Newton Poage Barnett, 85, of Clover Lick, died Sunday, November 12, 1967, in the Pocahontas Me morial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Clover Lick February 6, 1882, she was a daughter of the late John Robert Poage and Elizabeth Sharp Poage. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, Orville W7arren Barnett; one daughter, Mrs. Betsy Poage Barnett Shreve, of Elkins; one sister, Mrs. Rosa Williams, of Marlinton, and four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by six sisters and a son, Robert Warren Barnett, who died in 1949. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Francis Gum and the Rev. Willis Cornelius with burial in the Poage Cemetery at Clover Lick.

Rev. G. S.&srretl M Rev. Greenville Sttarks Barrett, aged 52 years, die| on Saturday afternoon, February 26, 1955. i That morning he had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage* while mi!kiing. On Monday mjorning at 11 'o'clock the funerau service was !! held in the Methcdifet Church by Dr. Herbert Parks,(Superintendent of Lewisburg District. His* | body was laid to reat in the fam- j ily cemetery at Kerrock, Wyoming County. The deceased haa been pastor of the Eclray Methodist Church the past year. He came from the Keyrock Methodist Church. He was born at Wolf Pen, Wyoming County, August 29th, 1903; the son of the laie John and Augusta Barrett, j He married Miss Cora Privett, o| Keystone. She and their three children survive. Their daughter is Mrs. Mary Btevins, at hoxra; their sons are, Private John YBarrett, of Fort Leonard Wood,) Missouri, and Nickie Lynn Barrett, at home.


J. Kyle Barrett, Sr. J. Kyle Barrett, Sr., 74, of Baltimore, Maryland, died at home March 31, 1997, after a long illness. Born July 8, 1922, at Droop Mountain, he was the son of the late Lem and Clydie Cutlip Barrett. He is survived by his wife, Cora Ann; one son, James Kyle Barrett, Jr.; and two sisters, Lillie Rehm, of Renick, and Flora Lee, of Rockville, Virginia. Services were held at Connelly Funeral Home Chapel, Essex, Maryland, with the Rev. Jim Howell and the Rev. Gail Cutlip officiating. Interment followed in Holly Hill Cemetery, Baltimore. Nellie W. Brown Nellie W. Brown, age 87, of Hillsboro, died August 6, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Brown was born February 12, 1911, at Droop, to the late Oliver and Nannie Simmons Brown Wiley. She was a member of Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church and was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Delbert Brown; a son, Elton Brown, two sisters, Callie Hill and Eura Wiley; and a brother, Hugh Wiley. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. Services were held Saturday at 2 p.m. with graveside rites at Whiting Cemetery, Droop.

M M . Mi M M Barktoy

MM. Ada Maye Barkley, 74, of Buckeye, died Saturday, October 11,1980, at the Golden Clinic in Elfcins as a result of injuries received in a car wreck on Friday. B>rn January 20, 1906, in Pluto, Raleigh County, she was the daughter of Charlie and Lucy Bryson. Preceding her in death were her husband, James Edward Barkley, a brother, James W. Bryson, and two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Humes and Mrs. Ida Bowles. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Lennie Varner, Dur bin, Mrs. Bettie Lovelace• High Point, North Carolina, Mrs. Dorothy Tyree and Mrs. Carolyn Conley, of Buckeye; four sons, Elmer Patton, Hinton# Junior Patton, Mill Point, Oscar Ward, Cleveland, Ohio, and Donnie Barkley, High Point, North Carolina; two brothers, Andy and Quincy Bryson, both of Meadow Creek; one sister, Mrs. Allie Hughes, of Oak Hill. Services were held Tuesday, at 11 a. m. in the VanRecnen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial was in tbt Buckeye Cemetery. Mrs. Virginia Barkley Mrs. Virginia Lucille Barkley, 62, of Arbovale, died Saturday morning, September 3, 1977, in a Weston hospital. Born October 29, 1914, at Durbin, she was the daughter of the late Howard and Nannie Scruggs Burner. Mrs. Barkley attended the Brush Run Mennonite Church and was a member of the Senior Citizen Club. Surviving are her husband, Thurl Barkley; three daughters, Mrs. Linda Monk, Arbovale, Mrs. Louise Carr, and Mrs. Shirley Hevener, Durbin; a son, Roger Barkley, Hampton, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Leona Beckett, Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Verlie Mullenax, Arbovale, and Mrs. Euna Barkley, of Frank; two brothers, Forest Burner, of Durbin and Leroy Burner, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Brush Run Church with the Rev. Paul Goode and Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Claude L Barkley Claude L. Barkley, aged 71 years, died at his home near Green Bank on Tuesday afternoon, February 12, 1957, after a short illness. On Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock the funeral will be held from Liberty Church by Rev J. D. Arbuckle and Rev Ed Thomas. His body will be laid in the family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Barkley. His brothers are Ernest and Walter Barkley. Mr Barkley mairied Miss Lucy Kerr, who survives. Their children are Mrs Elizabeth Raines, of Elizabeth; Vere Barkley and Mrs Orville Sheets, both of Green Bank; Mrs Pauline Worstell, of Akron, Ohio; Mrs Odessa Kane, of Cass. Mrs. Esther Barkley Mrs. Esther Barkley, 71 formerly of Cass, died in Lima Hospital, Lima, Pennsylvania on Friday, August 2, 1P5/. Her husband, Cecil Barkley, and one son, Roy, preceded her in death. She was the daughter of the late Jerry and Katherine Simmons, of Durbin and lived all, but the last eleven years of her life in Pocahontas County. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Leah Poore, Mrs. Mabel Sandy and Mrs. Gertrude Hamrick, all of Chester Pennsylvania; six sons, Granville, of Friars Hill; Ed., of Bqpke}re, and Stanley, James, Hevvie and Dewie, all of Chester Pennsylvania; nineteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Wanless Church near Cass, with burial in the McCloud Cemetery., Cecil Barkley Cecil Barkley,, aged 68 years, died at his homo in Cass, on Satuyday, March 25, 1944. On Tues day his body was laid to rest in the Oliver cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Esther Barkley; three daughters, Mr. Leah Hamrfek and Mrs Gertrude Ratcliff, both of Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Malul Simmons, of Cass, and seven sons, Granville of Huntersville; Ed ancSfeBewey, at home; and Re , James, Stanley and Huey Barkley, all in t h e armed service.


Oleta Barkley Ruth Oleta Barkley, 71, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, October 14, 1992, when her Jeep overturned near Arbovale. Mrs. Barkley was a member of the Boyer Church of the Brethren. Born February 20, 1921, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Edgar Bowd Wooddell and Geneva Florence Sharp Wooddell. Five sisters, Ethel Wooddell, Clarissa Wooddell, Ada Vaughan, Alice Hamrick, and Faith Dilley, and two brothers, Uriah Edgar Wooddell and Melvin Wooddell, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Clifford L. Barkley; two daughters, Catherine Osiecki, of Las Vegas, Nevada, and Margie Sue Sparks, of Arbovale; two sons, Artie Barkley, of Arbovale, and Amos Martin Barkley, of Boyer; two sisters, Betty Matheny, of Green Bank, and Margie Dumire, of Marlinton; two brothers, Porter Wooddell, of Frost, and Arch Wooddell, of Marlinton; seven grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday at the Boyer Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse assisted by the Rev. John Sullivan, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs Mary Barkley Mary Moyer Barkley aged over 93 years, widow of the late Calvjn Barkley, died December 24, 1943, at the home of her son on Browns Creek. On Sunday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the Dilley cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. J. W. Pugh. Mrs Barkley was a native of Pendleton county. Forty-five years of her life was spent in Pocahontas county. She is survived by three sons and two daughters, William, of Massillon, Ohio; Claude, of Elkins; Lee of Dunmore; Maude Spencer, of Bartow and Sadie Simmons of Pennsylvania. Two sons preceded her several years ago. Also surviving are two sisters, one brother, thirty-one grandchildren, thirtyfive great-grandchildren and one great-great-grand child. Mrs Barkley had been a devout Christian woman and will be missed in her community. I cannot say and I will not say That she is dead, she's just away With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand, She has wandered into an unknown land Think of her still as the same I say, She is not dead, she is just away. J. W. P.

Mrs. Lee Barkley . Mrs. Maude Barkley, 79, of <:ass, died Saturday, November 1, 1969, in the Memorial general Hospital at Elkins after a long illness. She was a member of the Alexander Memorial Presbyter lan Church at Stony Bottom and had been a lifelcng resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include her husband, Lee Barkley; one stepson, Clifford Barkley, of Cass; one sister, Mrs. Blanche Lyttoti, of Stony Bottom, and one brother, Jess McCalpin, of Pocahontas County. Funeral services were helc Tuesday afternoon in the Alexander Memorial Church by the Rev. Thomas Henderson with burial in the church cemetery.

* < Edward Barkley


Edward Lee Barkley, 85, of Cass, died Tuesday, May 1, lb73, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long ill ness. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank; a farmer and a woodsman. Survivors include one son, Clifford Barkley, of Green Bank; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Liber* ty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas E. Henderson, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Willie Barkley

Willie Barkley, 63, of Cass . died at his home Wednesday March 20, 1968. Death was Mrs. Lee Barkley attributed to a heart attack. s. Amy Lee Wood Barkley, He was born March 5, 1905. aged QS years, wife of Lee BarkSurvivors include two sisters, ley, of Cas3, died on Tuesday, February 3, 1953. She had been Mrs. Grace Turner, of Cass, ill for many months. On Thurs- and Mrs. Ruby JuneStrymlinday afternoon hor body will be ing, of Huntsville, and two laid in the family plot in the Ar- brothers, Stanley Barkley, of bovale Cemetery; the service be- Cass, and Fred Barkley, of ing held from the Cass Presby- Bath, Maryland. terian Church by her pastor. Rev. Funeral services were held Mr. Bowman. Saturday afternoon in the Cass Methodist C hureh by the Rev. Mrs Barkley is survived by feer husband and their son, Clif- Hobart Hedrick. Burial was in the Laurel Hill Cemetery at ford; also four grandchildren. Whitmer. I The deceased was a daughter of the late James and Nancy Wood,! ERNEST BARKLEY of Lur&y, Virginia. Earnest Barkley, 79, of Durbin In 1912 she became the wife of Lee Barkley. Since then she has died Monday, February 15, 1960, at his home after a long illness, been a resident of Cass. he wag a retired carpenter. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Hufie Barkley Mrs. Laura Louke of Baltimore, Mrs. Rufie Barkley, 93. of Miss Vula Barkley of Hershey, Green Bank, died Thursday, Pa., and Mrs. Sudie Slayton of December 2, 1971, in the PoDurbin; three sons,.. Floyd and cahontas Memorial Hospital Grover of Huttonsville and Ronafter a long illness. ald of Steven®, Va.; two brothers, She was a lifelong resident Robert of Arizona and Walter of of Pocahontas County. Timberville, Va. Mrs. Barkley was a memNo funeral prraneements are ber of the Liberty Presbyterian available ^t press time. Church at Green Bank. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs Helma Sheets, of Green Bank, Mrs. Pauline Wostell, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Odessa Kane, of Cass, and one son, Vere Barkley, of Green Bank. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Liberty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Mltcttell Jesse Barrett

Mitchell Jesse Barrett, 75, 2 months and 12 days, of Droop, died suddenly of a heart attack, Sunday afternoon August 15, 1965, after a long illness. He was born June 3. 1890, at Ronceverte, the son of the late Abraham J. Barrett and Martha S. Cochran Barrett. He leaves to motfm his loss his widow, Viola Wickline Barrett; one daughter, Martha lane Zell, of Eagle Rock, Virginia, and one son, Bobby G., Mitchell, and Darrell Barrett, of Hagerstown, Maryland; two : brothers, John D. Barrett,) Clintwood. Virginia, Harper H. Barrett, Minnehaha Springs: a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, Clifton Forge, Virginia; also many nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were' one sister, Ethel M. Rexrod^ in 1954. and a brother, Emery A. Barrett, 1 month and 10 days ago. Mr. Barrett was a devout Christian man, a wonderful hus band and father, who loved his family and neighbors and will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him. He was a member of the Methodist Church. He worked and traveled ex tensively^ through 28 states, I Old Mexico and Canada, buf lived many years on Droop Mountain. He served in the United States Army and was i veteran of World War I. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Mount Zion Methodist Church on Droop by the Rev. Arthur Fait with burial in the Old j Droop Church Cemetery. Gilbert Barrett

Gilbert S. Barrett, 66, of Buckeye, died Friday, May 28, 1965, at. his home from an apparent heart attack. He was born February 15, 1899, at Spice, a son of David and Sarah E. Adkison Barrett. He was preceded in death by one infant daughter, Judith Ann, one sister, Emma Brown, and one brother, Hollie Barrett Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Cleo Barrett; one sister, Mrs. Laura McNeill, of Droop, one brother, Thomas Barrett, of Marlinton, and a half brother, Lem Barrett, of Droop. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Mt. Zion Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett, Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

Thomas B. Barrett

Thomas B. Barrett, 76, of Marlinton, died Thursday, December 28, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital alter a long illness. Born at Spice, July 5, 1892, he was a son of the late David and Sarah Barrett. He was a member of the Church of God, a retired farmer and a member of the American Legion Post No. 50. He was preceded in death by two brothers, two sisters, and two half brothers. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nellie Irene Barrett; four sons, William Barrett, of Many, Louisiana, Frank Barrett, of Edray, Leland Barrett, stationed with the Army in Korea, and Paul Barrett, of Marlinton; three daughters, Mrs. Anna Hammons and Mrs. Ruth Rider, both of Marlinton, and Mrs. Opal Cook, of Sharon; one sister, Mrs. Laura McNeill, of Beard, and 17 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Masters with burial m Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Glasco B. Barrett

Nelle Barrett

Mrs. Nelle Elizabeth McLaughlin Barrett, 70, of Star Route 1, died Wednesday, November 29,1978, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born January 7, 1908, near Huntersville, she was a daughter of the late Balpbor and Myrtle Co.e McLaughlin. She was employed at Denmar State Hospital for several years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harper Barrett, two sisters, Flora McLaughlin and Elva Grace Lockridge, a half sister, Mary Kelley, and one brother, Lonnie. Surviving are a foster sister, Mrs. Florence Terry, one niece, Dorothy Hess, of Elkins, two nephews, Lyle and Lonnie McLaughlin, Jr., of Baltimore, Maryland. Services were held Saturday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum with burial in the McLaughlin Cemetery on Browns Mountain.

Emery A. Barrett

Emery A. Barrett, 73, of. Glasco B. Barrftt, 70, of Buckeye, formerly of Ham- Droop, died on Monday, July lin, died Wednesday, Decem- 5, 1965. Born May 21,1892, at Beard ber 24,1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. he was a son of the late Abra-' He was retired from the ham Jessie and Martha Susan Frigidaire Company of Day- Cochran Barrett. He was a member of the Meton, Ohio. thodist Church and was a Born at Griffithsville ^on June 19, 1899, he was the son farmer. One sister, Mrs. Ethel Mof the late Harvey and Florida Rexrode, preceded him in deathHager Barrett. Survivors include one sister, He attended the Methodist Mrs. Elizabeth H. Garrett, of Church. Forge, Virginia; three He is survived by four Clifton brothers, John David Barrett, daughters. Mrs. Lucille Bever- of Clintwood, Harper age, of Buckeye, Mrs. Mil- H. Barrett, Virginia, of Minnehaha dred Wy song and Mrs. For^t and Mitchell Jessie Curry, Hamlin, and Mrs. Paul Springs," Barrett, of Beard. DeTarnert, Barboursville ; a Funeral services were held son, Glasco, Jr., Hamlin; two Wednesday afternoon at the sisters, Mrs. Gracia Ballard, of ^oranol, Ohio, Mrs. Eula Smith Funeral Home by the Tewart, of Wfmirgton, Ohio; Rev. James Kerr with burial and a brother, SOas, of Ham- in the Old Droop Cemetery. lin ; 10 grandchildren arid 1 great grandson. , Albert N. Baxter Services wfre heldSaturda^ Albert Neal Baxter, 88, of December £ 7 / i n Hamlin, a t ' the Koontz Funeral Chapel Marlinton, died Friday, Sepwith the Rey% Resell; AdBn& tember 21,1979, in Pocahontas officiating^ .Burial was in, the Memorial Hospital after a Miller Cemetery at Sweetland, short illnes.

Harper Barrett

Harper Barrett, 72, of Minnehaha Springs, was dead on arrival at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Thursday, August 1, 1968. He had baen in illhealth the past three years An electrician, he was employed at Denmar State Hospital before his illness. He was a member of the Minnehaha Springs Methodfst Church and a Mason. Born at Beard. October 16, 1896, he was a son of the late Abraham and Susan Cochran Barrett. His wife is the for* mer Nell McLaughlin. Surviving him are his wife, one brother, John Barrett, of Clintwood, Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. Frank Garrett, of Hagerstown, Maryland. Funeral, services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in the McLaughlin Cemetery, with Masonic graveside rites.

bo •

He was a retired auto me chanic and a member of Whites Chapel United Methodist Church and the Masons. Born November 24,1890, at Woodrow, he was a son of the late Samuel and Mary Neal Baxter. Surviving him are one son, Carl, of Columbus, Ohio; daughters, Mrs. Opal Cooper and Mrs. Bertia Mae Kirby, both of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Myrtle Sullivan, of Hyattsville, Maryland, Mrs. Betty Weller, of Chillicothe, Ohio; 11 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m.# in VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Adam 0 . Baxter Adam O. Baxter, aged 19 year died at his borne in Ma Hint on., early Tuesday morning", February 12th, 1952. He had been i failing health a number of years, but his passing was unexpected On Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock the funeral service will be held from the Marlinton Presbj lerian Church by his pastor, the fc?v. R P. Melton, assisted by the Rev Don O. Taylor, rvf the Vfarlinton Methodist Church. H s b >dy will be laid to rt*st in tne family plot in Mountain View Uemetery. The deceased was a son of the late George and Sarah Ann Baxter, rfels survived by four sis ters: Mrs. Bessie Pritehard, of Danmore; Mrs Mabel Smith, of Clay; Mrs. My-rtle Duncan, of Cass, and Mrs EJith Knox, of Cannelton. Mr. Baxter mirried Miss Lena Moore, who survives. Tneir children are: Mrs. Kathleen Minnich, of Huntington, and Mrs. Janet Woodyard, of Rockland, Ohio, Mr Baxter was a leading citizen of Pocahontas County. He was a Civil Engineer and was was outstanding in his profession. For many years he was with the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, at Cass.

Kate Moore Baxter Mrs. Kate Moore Baxter agec 75 years, widow of the late Charles [Baxter, died on June 3, 1948 [She had been an invalid for man: ! years. On Saturday her body was lai* to rest in the Cochran cemeter, on Stony Creek, the service bein conducted by Rev. R. H. Skaggs and Rev. R. H. Crawford, froi West Union Church. The pill bearers were: War | Barlow, Porter Sharp, Guy Bai 1 low, Walter Shafer, Harry Keen and Dennis Barlow. The flower bearers were, Mre Arnold Burns, Leone Moore, Bei ty Moore, Mrs. Clark |Baxtei Mrs. Ward Barlow, Mrs. Allai Sharp, Mrs. Porter Sharp, Mrs Guy Barlow, Betty Braham, Mel I lie Alderman, Edith VanReenen Mrs. Sam VanReenen, and Mrs 'Harry Keene. Mrs. Baxter is survived by he son, Clyde Baxter. B' v ~~ daughter of the late ^>... Susan Beverage Moore, brothers are John, Theodore ai E. C. Moore. ^_

Frank Baxter, aged fifty-nine years, died at his home near i Edray ^ Friday night, August 11, Y. ..J, following a lingering illness. On Monday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the family plot in the Edray cemetery. The funeral wes held from -the residence by his pastor, Rev. J. C. Wool, D. D. Pall bearers were Clark Baxter, Walter Shafer, WTard Barlow, Allen Sharp, Gay Sharp, George H. Waugh. Mr. Baxter is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Moore Baxter, also by his brother, Adam O. Baxter; by his sisters, Mrs. Birdie Sleafc Mrs. E. C Smith, Mrs Elmer Duncan, Mrs." Fred Pritehard and Mrs. Charles Knox. The deceased was a son of the late George and Margaret Cassell Baxter. Thus is noted the passing of one of the outstanding citizens of Pocahontas county. Following in the footsteps of his father, he became a civil engineer. For the past twelve years he had been connected with the State Road Department. For the past several years he had been engineer for Road District No. 8, with headquarters at Elkins. This district is composed of the counties of Randolph, Tucker, and Pocahontas. In his time Mr. Baxter had also served the public as county surveyor, road engineer and road superintendent of Pocahontas County. n>

Mrs. Nettie Baxter


Mrs, Nettie N . VanReenen Baxter, 80, of Marlinton, died Friday, February 9, 1968, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alva Moore, in Marlinton. She had been in failing health for several month?. Born October 21, 1887, she was a daughter of the late George and Jane Curry Van : Reenen. Her husband, Levi Baxter, preceded her in death. Surviving are three brothers, Roy, William H. and Theodore VanReenen, all of Marlinton, and five sisters, Mrs. Mamie Moore, Mrs. May Morrison, Mrs. Mary Sharp and Mrs. Bessie Baxter, all of Marlinton, and Mrs. Grace Smith, Farmville, Virginia. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday in the West Union Methodist Church with the Rev. Francis Gum and the Rev. Noel Davis in charge with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.


Mrs. Bessie J. Baxter

Mrs. Bessie J. VanReenen Baxter, 80, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Monday, September 14, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born January 3, 1890, near Marlinton, she was a daughter of the late George and Ora Jane Curry VanReenen. She was a member of the Methodist Church. ) ^ , She was preceded irfdeath by one son, Neal, Jr.; one sister, Nettie, and two brothers, Ernest and William. Surviving her are two children, Carl Baxter and Opal Cooper, both of Columbus, Ohio; six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Mamie Moore, Mrs. Mae Morrison, Mrs. Mary Sharp, all of Marlinton, and Mrs. GraceSmith, of Montgomery; two brothers, Roy VanReenen and Theodore VanReenen, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Henry Clark Baxt

Henry Clark Baxter, 49, of Marlinton, died Sunday, February 5, 1967, in the Pocahont a s Memorial Hospital after several weeks' illness from a heart condition. . Born at Woodrow, June 14, 1917, he was the son of Mrs. M a r g a r e t Baxter VanReenan tnd the late W. Elmer Baxter. He was a member of the E d r a y Methodist Church, and was the owner of the C and E Market in Marlinton. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ethel P. Baxter; his mother, Mrs. Margaret Van Reenan, and two stepdaughters, Mrs. Gilda Atas and Mrs. Betty E. Kmett, both of Odenton, Maryland. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the West Union Methodist Church by the Rev. James Shank, the Rev. Harry Drake and the Rev. Fred Walker with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.

George Preston Baxter George Preston Baxter, aged 84, of Edray, died in Den mar State Hospital Thursday. December 3, 1959, after a long illness. He was a farmer and a member of the Edray Methodist Church, where he had been a song leader and active in church work. Born June 18, 1875, at Edray, he was a son of the late William H. and Martha Gay Baxter. Surviving him are his wife Mrs. Icie Hansford Baxter; a sister, Mrs. Stella Shanahan of Marlinton; a daughter, Mrs. L. G. Rumford of Bushong, Kansas, and a son, George P. Baxter, Jr., of Washington, D. C. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Edray Methodist Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. James 0. Shank, with burial in the Gay Cemetery at Edray.


Mrs. J. W. Baxter Mrs. Margie Patterson Baxter, aged 80 years, of Charleston, died on Saturday morning, March 26, 1949. A few days previously, she had suffered a broken hip and other injuries in a fall. On Monday afternoon, her boJy was buried in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery. The service wa9 by Kev. Roger P. Melton, pastor of the Marlinton Presbyterian church. M r \ Btxter was the widow of the Lie J. Willis Baxter, who preceded her in death nearly twelve years since. Their son is Gordon C. Baxter, of Charleston. She was a daughter of the late iDr. S. P. and Elizabeth Campbell Patterson, of Huntersville. Her sister is Mrs. W. H. Barlow. -The deceased was a faithful | christian, a life long member of [the church of her fathers, the j Presbyterian. -

Ralph Baxter Ralph Ford Baxter, 49, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Marlinton, died Wednesday, October 29, 1969, in Baltimore after a short illness. Born June 28, 1920, he was a son of the late James Lee and Lola M. Buzzard Baxter. He was a W7orld War II veteran and worked for a number of years with Bethlehem Steel Company, ( ^ ^ Survivors include two brothers, Robert L. Baxter, of Weston, and James F. Baxter, of Middleton, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Maynard Crawford with burial in the Mountain View .Cemetery at Marlinton. MRS. MARGARET BAXTER As this paper goes to press the word comes of the death of Mrs. Margaret Cassell Baxter aged 87 years at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Knox, at Connelton, on Wednesday, October 30, 1940^ very early in the morning. On last Friday night she had suffered a stroke of paralysis. While no arrangements have been announced for the funeral, it will probably be Tursday afternoon. Mrs. Baxter was the widow of the late George Baxter. Her children are Frank Baxter, Mrs. Fred Pritchard, Mrs. Elmer Duncan, Mrs. Charles Knox, Mrs. E G Smith. Her step children are A 0. Baxter, Mrs. H. A. Slear and Mrs George Shafer

Ruth Kellison Baxter Ruth Kellison Schoolcraft Baxter, 62, died Sunday, September 4,1977, at her home on Beaver Creek. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born on Beaver Creek May 2,1915, she was the daughter of the late Claiborne and Mary Alderman Kellison. She is survived by a son, Burl Dawson Schoolcraft, of Marlinton; six grandchildren; two brothers, Merritt Kellison, of Hillsboro, and Earl Kellison, of Alexandria, Virginia] and three sisters, Peggy Grubbs and Sally P. Kellison, both of Huntersville, and Norma Mikesell, of Prescott, Arizona, Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Van Reenen Funeral Home with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery.


Mrs. Bessie K. Paxter • Mrs. Bessie K. Baxter, widow \of the late Frank Bax>*r, of.Edray. departed this life 0% Friday, 'December 26, 1947. She ^ A h e i daughter of Mary Ann and Samuel Br.vson Moore, of Edray. She was united in marriage to Frank C. Baxter on November 15, 1911. Her funeral was conducted on Sunday afternoon by Rev. R. H. Skaggs from the Edray Methuiist Church, of which she was a member from early childhood and to which she contributed of her j^ musical talent in a large measure it one time. Interment was in the Moore Cemetery by her bus band. The pallbearers were Allen Sharp, Walter Shafer, Ward Earluw, Gay Sharp, Billy Evans and Clark Baxter. Flower girls were Mesdames Walter Shafer, Bobert Gay, Elmer Baxter, Clar vnce Moore, Jack Smith, J Z. * h~son, Ward Barlow and Claik Baxter* She was a descendant of long Hues*of pioneer families. She "*s survived by three sisters, Mesdames A. C. Barlow, A. R. (jay and A, O. Baxter, and one brother, S. Reid Moore. She is he first of her father's family to •>e called. Her friends were legion. A home lover, hers was a beautiful constructive life. " M u i y daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them '"Give her of the fruit of her hands; And let her own works praise her in the gates " Fast, as the rotting Seasons bring P e hour of fate to those we love, pearl that leaves the broken string Is set m Friendship's Crown above. As narrower grows the earthly chain, the circle widens in the sky, these are our treasures that remain, But those are stars that beam on high.

Ruth Beverage Baylor Ruth Beverage Baylor, of King, North Carolina, died Wednesday, July 6, 1994, following a long illness. Mrs. Baylor served for thirty-eight years as an elementary-middle school teacher in West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland. She was living in retirement in North Carolina at the time of her death. Mrs. Baylor was born April 5, 1928, near Bartow. She was the daughter of the late Bessie and Harper Beverage. She graduated from Green Bank High School in June 1946. Mrs. Baylor is survived by her husband, William Frank Baylor, Jr., at home; two sons, Andrew E. Baylor, of Nice, France, and Frank Baylor, of Westminster, Maryland; one daughter, Beth Beverage Baylor Propst, of King, North Carolina; two brothers, Woodrow W. Beverage, of Valley Bend, and Boyd H. Beverage of Durbin; one sister, May Frances Bilyeu, of Melbourne, Florida; and one granddaughter, Rebecca Ryanna Probst. William E, Bare

William E. Bare, 52, of Essex, Maryland, formerly of Auto, in Greenbrier County, died Monday. July 12, 1976, after a long illness. He is survived by bis wife, Alois; son, Chester; daughters, Brenda, Carol Bare, Mrs. Wendy Lowes, Mrs. Janet Bowles; two grandchildren, of Essex, Maryland; mother, Jeston Bare; brother, Gilbert Bare; sisters, Mrs. Audrey Bostic, Mrs. Zenah Fogue3, of Renick; Mrs. Reba Bostic, of Seebert, Mrs. Ruth Long, White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Maire Esler, of Michigan. Services were held at one p. m. Friday at John G. Connelly & Sons Funeral Home by Rev. Miller. Burial was in Oaklawn Cemetery, Maryland, Baby Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bailey had an automobile accident in Oregon, where they live, on Saturday and their four-month old son, Brandon Emmett, was killed. Emmett was hospitalized with a concussion and his wife was suffering from shock. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, who now live in Elkins.


Gilbert Barrett

Gilbert S. Barrett, 66, of Buckeye, died Friday, May 28, 1965, at: his home from an apparent heart attack. He was born February 15, L899, at Spice, a son of David and Sarah E. Adkisori Barrett. He was preceded in death by one infant daughter, Judith Ann, one sister, Emma Brown, and one brother, Hollie Barrett Survivors include h's wife, Mrs. Cleo Barrett; one sister, Mrs. Laura McNeill, of Droop, one brother, Thomas Barrett, of Marlinton, and a half brother, Lem Barrett, of Droop. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Mt. Zion Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett, Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick. Marceline Ball Marceline "Dubbie" Dilley Ball, age 70, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, May 28, 1997, at home after a long illness. She was born at Marlinton May 25, 1927, the daughter of Vincey F. and Bessie McElwain Dilley. Surviving her are her husband, er "Pat" Ball; a daughter, Jacqueline P. Butler, of Marlinton; a son, Keith "Bo" D. Plyler, of Elkins; stepdaughter, Alicia Mays, of Rockville, Maryland; brothers, Vincey "Sonny" Dilley, Jr., of Marlinton, David E. Dilley, of Brain tree, Massachusetts; sisters, Margaret Reynolds, of Marlinton, Marian Green, of Boca Raton, Florida; two grandchildren, six step-grandchildren, and one step-great-grandchild. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Louise M. Banton Louise M. Banton, 73, of Painesville, Ohio, died April 10, 1995, at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Mrs. Banton was a former drug store employee and member of Painesville Senior Citizens Center. Born January 20, 1922, in Cass, she lived in Durbin before moving to Painesville 43 years ago. Survivors include her husband, Herbert; a daughter, Kay (Norm) Dukarm, of Fairview Park, Ohio; a brother, Julian McLaughlin, of Washington, D. C ; and two grandchildren. Her sister and two brothers are deceased. Services were held April 13 at Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home by the Rev. Gerald D. Kalb of the Painesville United Methodist Church.

Beth Barrell Beth Hawkey Barrell, age 90, passed away Saturday, June 7, 1997, at the Masonic Home, Utica, New York. Formerly of Hillsboro, she had resided in Herkimer, New York, for the past five years with her daughter. Beth is survived by one son, Renn Tolman, of Homer, Alaska, and daughter, Liz Skinner, of Herkimer; three granddaughters and I two grandsons, and one great-grandchild. ShQ^ was predeceased in 1991 by her husband, Joseph Barrell, her daughter, Sarah Webb Barrell, in I 1979, as well as her sisters and brothers: Jean Blakemore, Margie Fisher, William Hawkey, and Richard Hawkey. Born in Bergin County, New Jersey, on September 14, 1906, to William and Margaret Stevenson Hawkey, Beth moved to Boothbay Harbor, Maine, where her family operated the Smiling Cow Gift' Shop. Later she helped Rob Sagendorph start Yankee magazine and remained there for several years, publishing The Country Dance Book also during this time. After marrying Joseph BarrelWBe moved to Pomfret, Connecticut, where she taught Latin and English at Pomfret School during World War II. Later at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, Beth tutored E. S. L. students and started the Volunteer Tutoring Service as a literacy outreach in the community. Retiring to West Virginia in 1970, Beth was instrumental in establishing the Hillsboro Public Library, in promoting reading, and in bringing recycling to Pocahontas County. She was a regular contributor to The Pocahontas Times and odier publications. Friends and relatives are invited to attend a memorial service on June 28 at 1 p. m. at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home, 102 West i, Ilion, New York 13357. ' In lieu of flowers, contributions in Beth's memory may be made to the Nature Conservancy, P. O. Box 65, Keene Valley, New York 12943. Ruth Barnes Miss Ruth Barnes died at her | home at Oak Hill on Tuesday morning, August 26, 1947. She 'had been an invalid for a number jof years. On Wednesday her I body was brought to Marlinton for interment in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Cora Barnes and the late W. H. Barnes, of Clover Lick. Rer sisters are Mrs. Beryl Bumgardner and Mrs. G. Steele Callison.

David Barnes David Preston Barnes, 90, of Marlinton, died at 1:15 P M., Monday. December 22, 1958, in the Denmar State Hospital. Death was attributed to pneumonia. He had been an invalid' for six years. Mr. Barnes was a retired farmer. Born in Greenbrier County January 17, 1868, he was the son of the late Hiram and Frances Neff Barnes. Survivors include h's wife, Eloise Kee Barnes, and four daughters, Mrs. Glenn'a Hayes, of Marlinton, Mrs. Pearl Burns, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Mary iThacker, of Baltimore, Maryland, i and Mrs. Grace Hayes, of Tucson, Arizona. The funeral was conducted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Mason Hayes, near Marlinton, at 2 P. M. Wednesday with the Rev. Herbert Pennington, Jr. in charge, assisted by Rev. Ezra Bennett. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery, with the Smith Funeral , Home in charge. Thomas Barb

Thoix-ns Lester Barb, age 79, of Cass, died on Wednesday, July 15, 1959,, in the'Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. A retired farmer and woodsman, he was a member of the Cass Methodist Church. He moved to Cass from Mingo eight years ago. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Alma Hevener Barb; two daughters, Mrs. Louella Skidmore, of Valley Head, and Mrs. Mary Lazuka, of Cleveland, Ohio; seven sons, Huling Barb with the Army in France, Golden Barb with the Air Force in Washington, D. C , Clinton Barb with the Air Force in Florida, Donald Barb with the Air Force in New York, Herbert Barb, of Washington, D. C , Dennis Barb, of Mingo, and Howard Barb, of Marlinton; seven sisters, Mrs. Jane Bankhead, of Webster Springs, Mrs. Nora Detamore, of Hacker Valley, Mrs. Rowena Walkup, of Richwood, Mrs. Aca Coffield, of Reynolds Station, Kentucky, Mrs. Sylvia Kinney, of Belington, Mrs. Natal Jones, of Clarksburg, and Mrs. Maudie Dean, of Lorentz; two brothers, William Barb, of Montrose, and Jess Barb, of Buckhannon; and fopctsen grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. C, E. Potts, with burial in the Mingo Cemetery at Mingo.

Mrs. Hiram J. Barnes

Mrs. Mintie Susan Barnes, 81, of Marlinton, died Saturday, August 9, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Watoga August 12, 1887, she was a daughter of the late William Henry and Rebecca McComb Evans. She was a member of the Buckeye Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Hiram J. Barnes, died in 1950. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Edith Barrett, of Marlinton, with whom she liv< d for 20 years; Mrs. Betty Coleman, Mrs. Evelyn McKinnty, Mrs. Arbutus Pinson and Miss Florence James, all of Montgomery; one son, Harry James, of Montgomery; one sister, Mrs. Pearl Ray, of Baltimore, Maryland, and one brother, John Evans, of Alexandria, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Donald Wood with burial in the Buckeye Cemetery. James Bare

James Malcolm Bare, 36, of Fairlea, was found dead at his hunting camp nea* Neoia on Satday,*Deeemb 3, 1960, from a bullet wound in the head. Apparently he had been trying to unjam his gun when it fired accidentally. Mr. Bare was a member of the Salem Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg Volunteer Fire Departme./:, Lewisburg Junior Chamher of Commerce, and was a life-, long ? v>sident of Greenbrier Coun£y.

Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Betty J. Bare; two daughters, Brenda Bare and Barbara Bare; his parents, Mr..and Mrs. Charles Bare, of Organ Cave; two step-children, Charles H. Burns, and Carolyn-S. Burns, both at home; four brothers, Charles Bare of Hinton; Merle Bare, of Texas; Alfred Bare, of Marmec, and Willie Bare, of McArthur, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Dwight Carter, of Ronceverte; Mrs. Robert D loggej, of Covmgtan, Virginia, ai 1 Mrs. Herbert Pennington, of Marlinton. . Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Salem Presbyterian Church at C-gan Cave with the Rev. J. Wilson Rowe in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery.



MRS. E!I\ BAUS7 Mrs. Ella Bailey, of Hin^u aged 61 years, died early .Thursday morning, January 12th, 1955, in Hinton Hospital where shenad been receiving treatment for the past week, bhe had been in ill health for the last 18 months. Funeral services were conducted oh Sunday afternoon at the Madams Creek Methodist Church by her pastor, the Rev. Ralph Malcom, assisted by the Rev.. W. M. Wills and Dr. H. P. Hackney. Nephews served as pall bearers. Mrs. Bailey was born in Summers County, near Hinton, the daughter of the late Newton and Al c^ Yfoang Waddell. and had lived practically her entire life in that county. She was* a member of the Madams Creek Methodist Church. She was married to the late Frank Bailey, who preceded her in death ij 1949. The deceased is survived by a foster son, William May, of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; three brothers, Edward Waddell, of Beckley, and Alva and'James Waddell, of Jumping Branch, and twj sisters. Mrs, Mae Lightner, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Hazel Cook, of Gunnison, Utah. Mrs. Bailey was well known in I Marlinton, na ring visited her sister, Mrs. Lightner, here on numerous occasions and also spending the past summer here with her. Mrs. Effle Baughman

Mrs. Effie Nancy (Hannah) Baughman, 85, of Mingo, formerly of Marlinton. died Thurs day, November 12 1964, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elsie B. Kramer. She had been ill for several years. She was born November 17, 1879, at Slaty fork, a daughter of the late Sheldon and Martha Moore Hannah. Her husband, John Baugh*, man, preceded her in death on August 12. 1960, also one son, Clarence Baughman. Survivors include three daughter*, Mrs. Elsie B. K>amer, of Mingo, wi'h whom she re sided, Mrs. Virginia Cooper, of Elkins, and Mrs Gladys Joyner, of St. Petersburg, Florida; one son, Harry Baugh man, of Mingo; one brother, Lee Hannah, of Slaty fork; seven grandchildren, and a foster son, Jackie, of Baltimore, Maryiari3~ Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Mingo Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Acie Bryant. Burial was in the Hannah Cemetery near Marlinton.

Mrs. Katie L. Montgomery Batten Mrs. Katie L. Montgomery Batten, aged 42, died Thursday, January 18, 1962, at Covington, Virginia, after a long illness. Mrs. Batten was born at Covington, Virginia, in 1920, a daughter, of the late R. J. and Annabelle Wilhelm Montgomery, and was a member of the Covington Baptist Church and Women of the Moose. Survivors include her husband, Randy Batten; a son, Ronald Batten, at home; a daughter, Mrs. B. G. Walton, of Covington, Virginia; three brothers, Everette, Richard and James Montgomery, all of Covington, Virginia; five sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Sharp, of Emporia, Kansas; Mrs. Sadie Noble, of Covington, Virginia; Mrs. Flossie Tucker, of Richmond, Virginia; Mrs. Vera Sharp, of Frost, and Mrs. Virginia Holcomb, of Alderson. Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning in the Loving Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Ryburn T. Standi and the Rev. W. 0 Ragsdale in charge. Burial was in Monticello Memorial Park, near Charlottesville, Va. Mrs. Herbert Banton Trs. Peachie Summers Ban^Mr ton, 84, of Durbin, died Thursday, April 16, 1970, in the Memorial General Hospital at Elkins. She was born May 21, 1885, at Lewis burg. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and lived at Durbin for 55 years. Her husband, Herbert Banton, died in 1960. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Janet McLaughlin, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Violet Schmitz, of Washington. D C : Lillian Banton, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Mabel Lewis, of Beverly; three sons, Harry G. Banton, of Durbin; Herbert Banton, of Painesville, Ohio, and Jack W. Banton, of Columbus, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. Nettie Hefner, of Rupert, and one brother, Arch Taylor, of Maryland. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the United Methodist Church by the Rev. Willis Summers and the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial In the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs, ivaBarnewali Mrs. Iva McCutcheon Barnewall, age 85, died Tuesday, November 27, 1979, at Davis Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born July 1, 1894, in Nicholas County, she was a daughter of Howard and Effie Anderson Sbomo. A graduate of the DeSales Heights Academy in Parkersburg, she was a charter member of the Webster Springs Woman's Club. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Kanode, of Green Bank, Mrs. Jeanne Britton, Manhassett, New York, Mrs. Martha Waite, of Arlington, Virginia, and Mrs. Rachel McCutchan, of Annapolis, Maryland: five sons, John, of Summers*!!'!!*?, Leonard, of Charlotte, North Carolina, Clark, of Gaithersburg, Maryland, Robert, of Grandview, Washington, and Al Smith McCutcheon, of Akron, Ohio; 26 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one child, Rebecca McCutcheon, and husbands, Dr. L. C. McCutcheon and William G. Barnewall. Services were held Friday at 1 p. m. by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, Rev. David Rittenhouse, and Rev. Eddie Kyle in the Liberty Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Any Memorial donations to be made may go to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary or Arbovale Cemetery Association or charity of donor's choice.

Mrs. Guy Bambrick Mrs. Beatrice Hattie Bambteck^e, of Star Route, Marlinton, died Wednesday, October 15, 1980, at home, after a long illness, Born July 3, 1904, she was the daughter of the late Rev. W. T, and Laura A. Lantz. Mrs. Bambrick was a mem* ber of the United Methodist Church, and a retired businesswoman. Two brothers, Herbert and Herman Lantz and a sister, Blanche Flowers, preceded her in death. Survivors include her husband, Guy Bambrick; a son, Lantz Arthur, of Parkersburg, step-daughter, Mrs. Betty Lou Tompkins, of Charleston; a brother, William Lantz, bf Jacksonville, Florida; three sisters, Mrs. Hetty Bays, of Beckley, Mrs. Olive Smith, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Virginia Ellenberger, of Gardenia, California; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Saturday at 11 a. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham offidating. Burial in Beaver Greek Cemetery.

Harvey Lee Barker Harvey Lee Barker, 60, of Cass, formerly of St. Albans, died Monday, August 21, 1995, in United Hospital of Clarksburg after a long illness. He was employed in the construction business as a drywall worker. He is survived by his wife, Wanda; a daughter, Ginavee Barker, of Augusta, Georgia; sons, Harvey Lee Barker, Jr., and Victor Barker, both of Savannah, Georgia, Howard Barker and James Barker, of King George, Virginia; brother, Bob Barker, of Kingston, North Carolina; and four grandchildren. Services were held Thursday, August 24, at 11 a.m. at Casdorph & Curry Funeral Home in St. Albans, with Rev. Frankie Russell officiating. Burial was in the Lacy Cemetery in St. Albans.

John C. Batkins John C. (Ted) Batkins, 75, of 227 Hudson Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, died Sunday, February 2, 1969. He was a member of the Barton Heights Methodist Church in Richmond, Virginia; he was a conductor for the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, having retired in 1963 after 47 years of service, a member of tne Order of Railroad Conductors, a member of Francis S. Packard Lodge No. 630, A. F. and A. M. in Norlina, North Carolina, and a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies and the Acca Temple in Richmond, Virginia. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Jettie Smith Batkin?, (formerly of Dunmore), one daughter, Mrs. Ben F. Ellis, Jr., of Raleigh, North Carolina, one son, Ernest Batkins, of Richmond, Virginia, five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home Chapel in Richmond, Virginia. Burial was in the Riverview Cemetery with Masonic Rites. ( % ;

Mrs. Gertrude Blanche Barnasky

Mike J. Barnaskh^

Mike J. Barnasky, 75. of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Frank, Pocahontas County, died Monday, January 10, 1972, in Cleveland, Ohio. He was born May 2, 1896, in Russia, and lived 39 years at Frank, where he was employed by Howes Leather Company. His wife. Mrs. Blanche Barnasky, preceded him in death in 1965. Survivors include one stepson, Stephen Barnasky, of Marlinton; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Herman (Christenia) Warner, with whom he made his home in Cleveland. Ohio, Mrs. LeRoy (Helen) Rexrode, of Bluegrass, Virginia, and Mrs. Samuel (Mary) Barlow, of Buckeye. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Gertrude Blanche Barnasky, 66, of Frank, died Wednesday, January 13, 1965, in an Elkins hospital. She was a life long resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include her husband, Mike Barnasky; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Barlow, of Dunmore, Mrs. Helen Kexrode, of Blue Grass, Virginia, and Mrs. Christina Warner, at home; one son, Stephen Barnas ky, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Virgie Wolford and Mrs. Hallie Rankins, both of Durbin, and Mrs. Gladys Roush, of Clarksburg; two brothers, Arthur White, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and Ralph Moats, address unknown: and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Church of the Brethren at Dur bin by the Rev. Paul S. Good and the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Emit F. Bark \S Emil F. Bark, 11, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died May 25, 1976, in the University Hospital, Charlottesville, Virginia, of a heart attack. He was born in New York City, New York, April 24, 1905, a son of the late Eric and Mary Anderson Bark. Mr. Bark was a veteran of World War II, and was a retirtd employee of the Westinghouse Corporation, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Survivors include his wife, Ruth Vint Bark, a sister, Mrs. Albert (Helen) Rossback, of Toms River, New Jersey, and one niece. The funeral was held Thursday, May 27, in McDow Funer al Home Chapel conducted by Rev. Scott Hutton. A graveside service was held at 11 ;S0 a. m. the following morning at Arbovale Cemetery in Arbovale,

Mrs. Mabe! K Jarcrof!

Mrs Annie L. Bailey died suddenly &l her home in Fairlawn. Covington, Virginia, at 10:30 a. m Wednesday, >mber 27, 1939. She was the widow of the late fticbard Henry Elenry Bailey who died February 13, I 1934 After her \ usband's death • Mrs Bailey moved from her home at Stony Bottom to Covington to reside. Mrs Bailey was born July 12, 1871 She was a nember of the Epworth Methodist Church in Covington. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. George Chapman, Mrs Calvin Mann and Earl Bailey, of Covington; Mrs Carl Mason, Painesville. Ohio; and James Bailey, of Akron. Ohio. A sister, Mrs. D L. Beverage, of Stony Bottom, also survives. Short services were held at her home on Friday at II a. m ; by her pastor, Rev. Bergdoll, assisted by Rev. Coffey of the Granberry Memorial Church, and Rev. Cousar, .of tl Presbyterian Church. Services wercontinued at the Alexander Memorial Church, at Stcny Bottom, at 3 p ID by her pastor, assisted by Rev. Pharr. Th- remains were laid to rest in the cemjtery at Stony Bottom.

Calvin Sailor


Calvin Bailor, 89, of Durbin, died Wednesday, May 19, 1965, at home after a long illness. | He was a member of the Church of God at Durbin, and ; a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife, iMrs. Josephine Simmons Bailor; six daughters, Mrs. Florence DeHaven, Mrs. Bessie DeHaven, and Miss Ernestine Bailor, all of Durbin; Miss i Janet Bailor, of Weston, Mrs. Etta Bailor, of Summersville, and Mrs. Gladys Martin, of Mill Creek; one son, William Bailor, of Mill Creek; three brothers.. Clyde, Leff, and Ninnie, all of Clearfield, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Belle, of,! Colorado., and Phoebe of Clearfield, Pennsylvania; twentythree grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. J. H. Snedegar. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Mabel Kennison Ba ~ croft, 70, died Thursday, May 15, 1975, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital, after a short illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church and Rebekah Lodge. Born at Lobelia, March 22, 1905, she was a- daughter of the late W. W. and Rachel Hill Kinnison. Survivors include her husband, Thomas E. Barcroft, one son, Donald E. Barcroft, of Hurricane; three daughters, Mrs. Sylyia Wilkerson, of Carey, North Carolina, Mrs. Dorothy Simmons, of Droop, and Mrs. Lynda Register, of Colonial Beach, Virginia; one brother, W. W. Kinnison, Jr., of Scott Depot; two sisters Mrs. Nellie Hill, of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Grace Hooks, of Gettysburg, Pennsyl vania; nine grandchildren and Charles Bare, Sr. one great-grandchild. j Charles Somler Bare, Sr., 84. Services were held Sunday of Organ Cave, died Thursday at the Hillsboro United MethoFjrd H. Bash August 1,1974. ' dist Church with Rev, Kyle Ford H. Bash, of Route 1, Box Survivors include his wife: Sawyers in charge. Burial was 326, Bel Air, Maryland, died suddenly on April 24, 195). He was three sons; three daughters, in Emmanuel Cemetery. one of whom is Mrs. Nan the husband of the former DoroPennington, of Franklin, Pennthy Sprouse, of Dunmore. She sylvania, formerly of Marlinand their five children, Linda, ton. Sandy, Marilyn, Beverly, and Ricky, survive. Services and burial were in Bel Air, Maryland.


Esther Stella Barkley Esther Stella Barkley, 68, of Blue Grass, Virginia, died Saturday, January 28,1984, at her residence. Miss Barkley had been ill with diabetes for many years. She was born April 27, 1915, in Highland County, the daughter of the late Walter and Louise Baker Barkley. She had been a housekeeper of Mrs. Virgie Nicholas, with whom she made her home, for about 50 years. She was a member of the Central United Methodist Church at Blue Grass. Surviving her are two brothers, Roscoe Barkley, Fulks Run, Virginia, and Thurl Barkley, of Arbovale; three sisters, Medie Young, of Bartow, Elsie Wimer, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and Jennie Reedy, of Singers Glen, Virginia; and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were conducted at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Central United Methodist Church in Blue Grass by the Revs. Joseph Struck and Gary Barkley. Burial was in the Blue Grass Cemetery. Mrs. Lida Bartholomew Mrs. Lida McNeel Bartholomew, 89, of Hillsboro, died Friday, February 24, 1984, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a couple days' illness. She was born June 9, 1894, near Hillsboro, the daughter of Samuel E. and Mary Beard McNeel. Mrs. Bartholomew was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church [longest time member], and a Life Member of the Women of the Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, G. B. Bartholomew, a brother, J. Moffett McNeel, Sr., nephew, Samuel E. McNeel, and niece, Mary McNeel Hilleary. Surviving her are a nephew, J. Moffett McNeel, Jr., of Hillsboro, a niece, Nancy McNeel Edwards, of Lillian, Alabama; 12 great-nieces >and great-nephews and 13 greatgreat-nieces and great-greatnephews. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery. -^_

Harry Banton Harry G. Banton, 63, of Durbin, died Saturday, July 15,1978, in Durbin of an apparent heart attack. He was a World War II veteran and lifelong Durbin resident where he was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was employed by Howes Leather Company for 38 years, retiring in 1977. (£ Surviving are his wife, Violet; daughter, Mrs. Barbara J. Wilfong, of Woodbridge, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Janet McLaughlin, of McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, Miss Lillian Banton, of Glen Burnie, Maryland; Mrs. Mabel Lewis, of Beverly; two brothers, Herbert, of Painesville, Ohio; Jack of Columbus, Ohio; 2 grandchildren. Services were held at two p. m. Tuesday in the Durbin United Methodist Church with the Rev. William Trowbridge and the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Wilbert C. Barb r <• WilbertC. Barb, 7 3 M C a s s , died Tuesday, November 7, 1972, in a Morgantown hospital following a short illness. Born at Blue Sulphur Springs* he was a son of Mrs. Martha Couger Barb and the late Patrick Barb. He lived in Cass seven years and was a member of the United Methodist Church in Cass. Mr. Barb was a member of UMW and a retired miner. Survivors include his wife, Susie Cassell Barb, of Cass; one son, Hay ward Barb, of Elkins, two stepsons, Sheridan Moats, of Novato, California, and Harry Moats, of Cass, two sisters, Mrs. Jack Snider, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Russell Stalnaker, of Elkins, two brothers, Woodford Barb, Mill Creek and Cecil Barb, of Valley Bend, 17 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Wal lace and Wallace Chapel at Aibovale with Rev. Kenneth Montgomery in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Thomas Barcroft Thomas Eugene Barcroft, 81, died Tuesday, June 20, 1978, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in Brownsville, Tennessee, November 29, 1896, he was a son of the late John Abner and Martha Kelso Barcroft. A retired surface miner, Mr. Barcroft was a member of the United Methodist Church and Independent Order of Odd Fellows and a World War I veteran. Survivors include one son, Donald Barcroft, of Hurricane; three daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Wilkerson, of Raleigh, North Carolina, Mrs. Dorothy Simmons, Droop and Mrs. Lynda Register, of Colonial Beach, Virginia; one brother, Paul Barcroft, of Birmingham, Alabama; one sister, Mrs. Frances Davis, of Memphis, Tennessee; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel at 10 A. M., with the Rev. Jack Arbuckle officiating. Burial was in the Emmanuel Cemetery. Mrs. Dorothy Bartell Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Bartell, 64, of Cass, died Wednesday, May 26, 1976, in Davis Memorial Hospital, in Elkins. She was a lifelong resident of Cass and a member of the town council. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Lauretta Radtke, of Summersdale, Virginia, Mrs. Patricia Lay ton, of Richmond, Virginia; sisters, Mrs. Virginia Mace and Mrs. Garnette White, both of Cass; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday afternoon in Cass United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery officiating. Burial was in the Wade Cemetery at Mill Gap, Virginia. Harry Basil Harry Basil, of Elkin?, died March 12 1974, after a two year illness. He was a lifelong resident of Elkins. He was married to the former Twila Calhoun. They have two sons, Bill, 18, and Jon, 12. Mr. Basil is a brother in law of Mrs. Gorden Dtlley,of Hunt ersville and Charles Calhoun, of Marlinton.

Fenton Banks Mrs. Nancy Barnett Fenton Banks was born in PoMrs. Nancy Eartha Lindsay cahontas County in 1887, and died Barnett. 82, of Duninore, diedat his home at Mill Point, tin FriFriday, February 3, 1967, in day 28, 1951. He bad been in the Pocahontas Memorial Hos'ailing health for some time. pital after a long illness. Fe was united in marriage to at Dunmore, February Eiiu Cawford io 1911. To this 9, Born 1884, she was a daughter of is born one daughter, Mrs the late John M. and Sarah Grace (iibson,.of Cleveland, Ohio M. Lindsay. Mr. Banks is survived by his She was a member of the wife, daughter, five grandchildren New Hope Methodist Church and three greatgrandchildren; Survivors include her husalso one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Bold OB, of Cass. sj?d u host of other band, Anthony Barnett; Oift son, John Barnett, of Baltic relatives and friends. lore, Maryland, and two dauk A few days previous to his ters, Mrs. Sarah Shinaberry, passing he expressed to bis pasHuntington and Mrs. Orpha tor, Kev. J.oaSpscm, that he had Richardson, of Dunmore. made peace wito Goc!, Funeral services were held W. G.Barncwall " Sunday afternoon in the New William G. Barnewall, 88, of Hope Methodist Church by Green Bank, died in an Elkins the Rev. B. B. Mitcham and hospital Tuesday, December the Rev. R. B. Rittenhouse with burial in the Lindsay 12. 1967. £ _ , Survivors include his wife, Cemete y. Mrs. Iva McCutcheon BarneMrs. Josie Virginia Bailor Q^_ wall; a son, Dr. Gordon, of Denver, Colorado, and a grand Mrs. Josie Virginia Bailor, child. 83, of Durbin died at her He was a member of the home Monday, October 31, Episcopal Church and a veter- 1966. an of World War I. She was a member of the The funeral will be held at Church of God and bad been 2 p. m. Thursday- in the Wal- a resident of Durbin, for fifty lace and Wal!ace Chapel in Ar- years. bovale, with Rev. Thomas Survivors include one son, Henderson in charge. Burial William Bailor, of Mill Creek; will be in the Arbovale Ceme- six daughters. Miss Janet Baitery. lor, of Weston, Mrs. Florence DeHaven, Miss Ernestine Baii—, | 'i ' "HiW IIIM lor and Mrs. Mary DeHaven, Mrs Paul Barrett all of Durbin; Mrs.Etta Barb, Mr 9A A- J ^ ! r b y R y d e r B arrett, of Renick and Mrs. Gladys Martin, of Mill Creek; twenty • n/r i. *'9 1962 » a t her home two grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. HI health for many years. Funeral services will be helc Services will be held f hurs- Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p at rh- a R eri T£ H t w o °'c,°ck in. at the home with the Rev at the Beard Heights Church David Rittenhouse and th( o| God by the Rev. Parker Rev. Joe H. Snedegar in charge Meters and the Rev. Bernard Burial will be in the Arbovah » een, with burial at Hillsboro. Cemetery. Rev. W. W. Bain News is published in a Richmond paper of the death of W. W. Bain, D. D., at his home near Crewe, Va, on December 18, 1948. He suffered a heart attack. His uge was 72 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cleveland Davis Bain. For a number of years Dr. Bain was pastor of Liberty andi Baxter Presbyterian Churches in Pocahontas County.



Dr. Maggie Ballard

Dr. Margaret Byrnside Ballard, of Monroe County, retired medical doctor and historian, died Saturday, Sep* tember 25,1976, in a Charleston Hospital. Dr. Maggie was well known throughout the State for her talks on the life of the pioneers and making lye -soap at the craft fairs. She attended many travel expositions also since retiring to Union after a medical career in Maryland*

Mrs. Ruth K. Bartlett Mrs. Ruth Katherine Dunn Bartlett, 69, of Portsmouth, Virginia, died Thursday, May 5,1977. A native of Watoga, she was the widow of Beverly E. Bartlett. She was a member of First Friends Church. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Amos, Mrs. Elsie 6. Stokes and Mrs. Mary L. Mathison, all of Ports mouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Garnet G. Cummings, Crewe; three sons, Marvin B, Griffin, Norfolk, Virginia, Jack E. Griffin, Portsmouth, Virginia, and Ralph John Griffin, Staunton, Virginia; four sisters, Mrs. Madge Rolif, Washington, Mrs. Jane Totten, Buckeye, Mrs.Anna Mae Totten and Mrs. Arlene Arbogast, both of Mill Point; a brother, Mike Dunn, Buckeye; 19 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday in Sturtevant Funeral Home with burial in-Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. Nita W. Babir Nita Walker Baber, 83, died Sunday, March 20, 1983, at home near Hillsboro, after a long illness. Born July 8,1899, in Summersville, she was a daughter ot the late Hiram and Ida Hicks Walker. Her husband, Lewis Bab?r, preceded her in death. Mrs. Baber was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and a retired merchant. She operated grocery stores in Richwood and Craigsville, and was a Presbyterian. Survivors include two daughters, Jean Monroe, of Pickens, South Carolina, Georgia Legg, of Lewisburg; two sisters, Opal Taylor and Altie Carter, both of Summersville; two brothers, William Walker, of Summersville and Ernie Walker, of Ohio; and three grandchildren, Services will be held Thursday^ 1 p. m., in the Collins Funeral Home C h a p e l at Ricbwood, with the Rev. Jack Arbuckle officiating. Burial will be in the Walker Memorial Park Cemetery in Summersville.

Steve N. Barnasky Ddrbin—Steve Nick Barnasky, aged 63 years of Frank, died on Tuesday, August 14, 1951. On Friday the funeral was held from the Brethren Church by his pastor, Rev. A. E. Byrd.


Joe E. Baylor

JoeETBaylor, 34, ofDurbin, died Tuesday, August 6, 1968, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include his stepfather and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Dehaven; one brother, Terry Baylor, of Frank; one sister, Mrs. Nancy Howe, of Mill Creek, and two aunts, Mioses Janet and Ernestine Baylor, with whom he lived. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

j Louis Bauer died in the Montgom-1 I ery Hospital on Monday, January 11, 1925, of cancer of the stomach. His age was 61 years. He was buried at Mt. View Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Bauer came to Pocahontas from Pa., over twenty years ago with the Campbell Lumber Company. For the past few years he has worked at Ray wood. He is survived by one son Edgar Bauer, and two daughters.

Roy Bambnck Roy Bamrick, 89, of Huntersville, died Thursday, June 22, 1978, in Denmar State Hospital after several year's illness. Mr. Bambrick was a member of Mount Zion Methodist Church, a retired salesman and a 56-year member of the American Legion. Carter E. Ballard The son of George and Carter E. Ballard, 73, of Mantie Grimes Bambrick, he Marmet, died of a heart atwas born at Green Bank Detack at his home Monday, cember 13, 1888. He never September 8, 1969. married, n ^ Services were held WednesSurviving him" are a brother, day. Guy H. Bambrick, Star Route, Mr. Ballard had been com- Marlinton, and a sister, Hating to Pocahontas for over tie K. Bambrick, Route 2, thirty years hunting and visit- Marlinton, and two nieces, ing the Walter Graham family Betty Lou Tompkins, of Charleston, and Margaret Mcat Buckeye. Grath, of Grand Island, Nebraska, Services were held Sunday Rose Mary Light Barker Rose Mary Light Barker, age afternoon at the VanReenen 44, of Green Bank, died June 18, Funeral Home by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with burial in 1997, at home after a long illness. She was a registered nurse in the the Mount Zion Cemetery. emergency room at Columbia/Raleigh General Hospital Mrs. Marvin Beavers in Beckley, a certified emergency Mrs. Gloria Sharp Beavers, room nurse, a member of the 35, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, National Registry of Paramedics, formerly of Mill Point, died and a Pocahontas County volunteer Thursday, May 6, 1971, after paramedic. She was a Baptist. suffering a cerebral hemorrhage Born January 18, 1953, in Oak at Mill Point, NovemHill, she was the daughter of berBorn 20, 1935. she was a daughClifford Light, of Gatewood, and ter of the late Elmer Meade the late Evelyn Marie Pritt Light. Sharp and Frances Oscar Sharp Surviving her, in addition to her Survivors include her husfather, are her husband, Dwayne band S. S. G.Marvin Beavers; W. Barker; three daughters, Robin Marie Drake, of Burnsville, Amber one son, Rickie Beavers, and Nicole and Hollie DeAnne Barker, one daughter, Debbie Beavers, both at home; two sisters, Shelia both at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Stone, of Oak Hill, and Shirley one sister, Mrs Lucien Bryant, Fink, of Gatewood; and two of Louisville, Kentucky, one brothers, Clifford W. Light of brother, Leo Lane of Flagstaff, Northport, Alabama, and Alfred D. Arizona, also, her foster mother, Mrs. Grace Turner, and a Light, of Buhl, Alabama. Services were held at 2 p. m. on host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were conJune 21 at Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home in Fayetteville, by ducted at the Marvin Chapel the Rev. Hayward Lough. Burial Church, of which she was a followed in Gethsemane Memorial former member, Sunday afternoon by the Rev. William Gardens at Oak Hill. fvTarkley, with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery. /Ss-r&

F. A. Bennington

Floyd A. Bennington, 67, Flushing barber and civic leader, died Thursday, January • , 1965, at the Barnesville Hospital. He had operated Bennies Barber Shop in Flushing or 45 years. He was born at Tiock Hill, near Flushing, Ohio, February 11, 1897, and was aj member of the Flushing Christian Church. Mr. Bennington served on the village council for eight years and was chief I of the volunteer fire depart-1 ment for 13 years. He was active in Masonry) being a member of AF&AM.I Lodge 298, Order of Easter! Star, Valley of Cambridge! Consistory, Aladdin Temple Shrine and thk White Shrine of Bellaire. He was also a member of the K. of P Lodge at Holloway. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret Bennington; one daughter, Mrs. Betty Johnen of Reseda, California; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Jean Gil-1 lingham; four grandchildren; two brothers, Ernest, of Gnadenhutten and Harold of Uhrichsville; one sister, Mrs.Leona Ridgeway, of Uhrichsville. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Christian Church, Flushing, and burial in Rock Hill Cemetery, Flushing. His wife is the former Margaret Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs. Marvin Eugene Beaver

Marvin Eugene Beaver, 39, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, died ay, April 12f 1974. His wife, Gloria Sharp Beaver, died in 1971. Surviving him are one son, Rick Beaver, and one daughter, Debbie Beaver. Funeral services were held Monday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kyle Sawyers, with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery.

Dr. J. a Belzer, of Pittsburgh, a dentist well known In Pocahontas county, was seriously injured in an automobile wreck last Thursday even ing, and died in St. Joseph Hospital, Pittsburgh, death resulting from a fractured skull Interment in the Catholic Cemetery at Ronceverte on i Monday.

John Henry Berry, 55, of Buckeye, died Monday, June 11,1979, of a heart attack in the Pocahontas Memorial Hos* pital. A retired coal miner, he was born March 14,1924, at Berrytown, the son of W. Raymond and Rose Adkins Berry. Survivors include his wife, Betty Oscar Berry, a son, John Lee Berry and stepson, Henry Lake Berry; six brothers and sisters, Oakey and Jim Berry, and Mrs. Rose Staton, all of Beckley, Mrs. Virginia Hall and Mrs. Pearl Carter, Leslie, and Mrs. Mary Surbaugh, Long Branch. Services will be held at two p. m. Thursday in the Van Reenen Funeral Home, with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery. — Miss Ella G. Berry Miss Ella G. Berry, aged 88 years, died at her home at Dunmore on Monday, April 1957. On Thursday, her body will be laid to rest in the New Providence Church Cemetery, Raphine, Virginia. The deceased was born at Middlebrook, Virginia, a daughter of John R. and Denisa Fulton Berry.

George N. Bero, Sr.

George N. Bero, Sr., 64, of 74 Oxford Drive, ' East Hartford, Connecticut, died Saturday March 2, 1963, at Hartford Hospital. He was born December 17, 1898, in East Montpelier, Vermont. He was employed as an assembler for the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Eist Hirtford, for 23 years. He was a member of the Friendship Hockanum Methodist Church of East Hartford, a member of the Orient Lodge 62, AF and AM, of East Hartford, and a past patron of Good Intent Chapter 17, OES, of Glastenbury. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Georgia Gibson Bero; three sons, James Baro of New Britain, George Bero, Jr. of Charles ton, South Carolina and Carl Bero of ThompsonviUe; a brother, Edward J. Bero of Newton, Massachusetts; a sister, Mrs. Matheson, of Northfield Falls, Vermont, and seven grand children. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Rose Hill Funeral Home, Elm Street, Rocky Hill. Burial was in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Relatives called to East Hartford, Connecticut by the death of Mr. Bero were: Mrs. Barney Showalter and Carl | Gibson, of Marlinton; Mr. and ! Mrs. Ralph Beale and son, Pat, Mrs. Lawrence Mc Laughlin and Mrs. Sidney Cline, of Charleston.

Mrs. Newell Bero

Mrs. Georgia Mae Gibson Bero, of East Hartford, Connecticut, and Hollywood, Florida, died Friday, August 22, 1969, in Hollywood, Florida. Born and reared in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Rosa Belle Gibson. She was preceded in death by her husband, Newell Bero; one son, James Bero; two sisters, Roma Caton and Ruth Gibson, and one brother, Carl Gibson. Survivors include two sons, George Bero, of Newport News, Virginia, and Carl Bero, of East Hartford, Connecticut; nine grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Showalter, of Slatyfork, and Mrs L. M. McLaughlin, of Fort Pierce, Florida, and one brother, George R. Beale, of Belle. Funeral services were held Friday morning in Rose Hill Funeral Home Chapel at Rocky Hill, Connecticut. James F. Bero

James Frederick Bero, < New Britain, Pennsylvani died Saturday, October 2. 1964, in East Hartford. Born i Wilke^-Barre, Pennysylvani he lived in East Hartford 1 years, moving to New Britai Kiss Minnie H. Berry 11 years ago. Dunmore—Miss Minnie H. He was employed nine yeai Berry, aged 85 years, died at her as a payroll auditor for th, home in Dunmore on Monday, Providence Washington InsurNovember 14, 1955. On Thursance Company of Providence, day afternoon her body will be Rhode Island. An Army vet laid to rest in New Providence eran of World War II, he was Church Cemetery, near Lexinga member of the South Con- j ton, Virginia. srregational Church of New Branch W. Beal I Britain and the Daskam Lodge, j Wil iam G. Bensen j Branch W. Beal, ag-ed 66 years, AF&AM of of Glastonbury. Word was received of the death !died on Thursday night, Januury I He leaves his mother, Mrs. of William G. Benson, age 60, in % 1947, at his home in Charles- | Georgia Gibson Bero, of East Richmond, Virginia, on Friday, ton, following an extended illnoss. | Hartford; his wife, Mrs. LilMay 23, after a long illness. On Saturday afternoon his rx>dy ! Han Fosgrau Bero; three sons, He was a former resident of was laid to rest in the Gibson Kenneth Paul Berp, Robert Cass and a brother of the late Cemetery on Elk, the funeral be- Edward Bero and Richard Mrs. E. W. Ruckman, of Knapps ingr held from Mary's Chapcr. Fames Bero; a daughter, Miss The deceased was a native of Po- Susan Bero, all at home; two Creek. He was born at Vanderpool, cahontas County, a son of the late mothers, George N. Bero, Jr., Virginia, the son of the late James George Beal, of Dry Branch of )f Greensboro. North Carolina Eik. His brothers are Rev. W. rand Carl E. Bero of Enfield. and Jennie Gibson Benson. H., D., and J. M. Beal; his The funeral was Tuesday Surviving are his wife, Gretchen sister,S. Mrs. Alice Hinkle. He is at 2:30 p. m. at the Rose Hill Williams Benson, of Richmond, survived by his Mrs. L. Funeral Home, Rocky Hill, Virginia; three daughters, Wini- M. McLaughlindaughter, and his fred, Betty and Barbara, and George Ralph Beal; by his son, with the Rev. Thomas Barber one son, William G. Benson, Jr., step daughters, Mrs. G. N. two officiating. Burial at Rose Hill all of Richmond, Virginia, and a and "Mrs. J. B. Showalter Bero Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. and half sister, Alice Crummett, of his step-son, Carl Gibson. Fort Defiance, Virginia. Services and burial were held Monday in Richmond, Virginia.


19T0M0B!LE ACCIDENTS Harry Franklin Beard, aged 25 }ears, and .lames Melvin Loudermilk, ##ed 22 years, were fatally injured in an a'Utomocile wreck at Marvin Chap•eh, near Millpoi.-it, Saturday after* noon, October 28, 1933. Both young men suffered fractured skulls,, and l o t h died a few hours later at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. In passing a loaded truck, the car grazed vj hub. This caused the car to leave ibe road. I t struck a fence post and tell hack upon the unfortunate young men. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral of Mr. Loudermilk was held from the Hillsboro Methodist Church by his pastor, Eev. Mr. Reynolds. Burial in the McNeil graveyard at Buckeye. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Eena Kelley, and two sisters, Loy and Thelma. His father, William •dermilk, died some years ago. On Mondoy afternoon the funeral of Mr. Beard was conducted from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. € . Beard, at Hillsboro, by his pas tor, Rev. Maiiin Curry. Burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery. He was the only child of his parents. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Louise Barlow, daughter of Isaac rlow, of Huntersville.


Mrs. B«it ltd Jtaa Btard

Mrs. Beulah Jean Beard. 72. of Marlintoo and Beekley, died Saturday, December. 27,1975. in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after six months' illness with cancer. She was a member of the Methodist Church/ Her husband. Julian Lynn Beard, and a son. Ross Beard, preceded her in death. Born at Buckeye March 17, 1903, she was the daughter of the late Knotty and Mary Kellison Weiford. Survingher are three sons; Ralph Beard, Dallas. Pennsylvania, Ray C. Beard, Chesapeake, Virginia, and Guy Beard, Foxx, Arkansas; twenty grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren; three brothers, Stewart Weiford, and James Weiford, of Beekley, and Fred Weiford, of Buckeye, two sisters, Vesta Holly, of Marlinton, and Georgia Carpenter, of Buckeye, Services were held Tuesday afternoon in. the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Alfeed Gum, wilh burial in the Ruckman Cemetery.

B.B. Beard <2l Carl G. Beard i Brown Buren Beard, 85, of Carl G. Beard, aged 66 y e a r s , ] Bartow, died Sunday after- died a t his home at Hillsboro, on I noon, April 6, 1969. T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y . 3 , 1949. He A lifelong resident of Poca- bad been in failing health f o r ' lontas County, he was the son j several years. On S a t u r d a y af 3f Josiah 0. Beard and Eve- ternoon his body was laid to rest line Madora Yeager Beard, a in the MclNeel cemetery. T h e fundescendant of two pioneer fam eral service was held from the ilies of Greenbrier and Poca- home by Rev. Rofref P . Melton, hontas Counties. of the Marlinton Presbyterian Mr. Beard served in public C h u r c h assisted by Rev. A. J . office m Pocahontas Count* S c h r a d e r of the h i l l s b o r o Methofor many years, having been dist C h u r c h . assessor, sheriff, and a memMr. Beard is survived by his ber of the County Court for two d a u g h t e r s , Misses Martha and twenty-five years. Always J a n e t P>eard. An i n j a n t son, active, he still helped farm Charles E d ^ a r , died in 1918. His this past summer. wife, Mrs. I r e n e Callison Beard, Survivors include his wife, preceded him within a year. Mrs. Nellie Blanche Gum T h e deceased was | son of the Beard; one daughter, Mrs. late E d g a r and L a c y McNcel William (Jessie Brown) Powell, Beard. His sister is Mrs. Z S. of Bartow; one sister, Mrs. S m i t h J r . , of Marlinton. Don Harper, of Elkins, and Mr. Beard was one of the j three grandchildren. p r o m i n e n t and best citizens of Funeral services were held the G r e e n b r i e r Valley. He adTuesday afternoon in the Bar- hered to the Church of his fathtow Methodist Church by the ers, the P r e s b y t e r i a n , and for Rev. David Rittenhouse with years he had been an officer of the burial in the Arbovale Cem- old Oak G r o v e C h u r c h . etery. The hymns he requested were surig by his granddaughter, Jane Beard Powell, Dewey R. Beard accompanied by her sister, Ann Brown Powell. Pallbear- Dewey R. Beard, 60, of Green ers were his six nephews,, ville, Penns lvania, died in a Ralph Monroe Arbogast, Ar Veteran's H ispital in Pittsb ur^h, jile Chapman Arbogast, Nun Pennsylvania, August 30, 1958, (ey Beard Snedegar, Bean of a heart attack following a long Kerr, Moro Beard, and Mrs illness. Beard was an accountant Beard's nephew, Dale Gum. a Mr. member of the Presbyterian church, Masonic Lodge, and the Mrs. Brown Beard JVIOCOG Lodge. Mrs. Nellie Blanche Gum Hewas born at Green Bank on Beard, 94, of Bartow, widow of March 23,1898, the son of the la e Brown B. Beard, died-Monday, Leslie and Ruby Ralston Beard. March 27,1978, in the PocaSurviving him are his w fe, Mrs. hontas Memorial Hospital. Katheryn Fisher Beard; two sor, Born February 3, 1884, at Donald R.Beard of Decatur, Green Bank, she was the Georgia, and Dr. Authur P. Beard, daughter of Robert Noah and of Schenectady, New York; six Barbara Ann Riley Gum. grandchildren; one brother, a: d seven sht3rs Mrs. Bertie McLaug Mrs. Beard was a lifelong him of Folloasbee, Mrs. Halle resident of Pocahontas County Nottingham of Grenville, Mrs. and a member of the Bartow Mildrea B.Armstrong of CharlesUnited Methodist Church since ton, Mrs. Wawa Gilmore and 1912. Mrs. Josephine Myers, of DurShe is survived by one daughbiii; Mrs. Jeanne Irons, of Wes! ter, Jessie Beard Powell, three Palm Beach, Florida, and Mrs. grandchildren, and two greatBonnie Brooks, of Marlinton. A grandchildren. sister, Mrs. Lillian Kerr, and a Services will be held Thursbrother, Leslie Beard, Jr., preday at 2 pm in the Wallace and ceded him in death. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel Funeral services were held by the Rev. David Rittenhouse Tuesday afternoon, in Durbin at with burial in the Arbovale the home of his sister, Mrs. RoCemetery. bert Gilmore, by the Rev. Philip Newell, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

L. Q. Beard Dies From Injuries .Received In A Tractor Accident Leslie O. Beard, of G r e e n b a n k Dies In E l k i m Hospjial S a t u r d a y Morn* in or F r o ! ^ Injuries Received F r o m T r a c t o r Accident October 30th.

ird, of Greenbank, a foreman of the Pocahontas Conostruction Company, died at two-fourty o'clock, Saturday morning, in the City dns, of inon Friday, October 30th, when he was run ovoer by a j live-ton tractor while working on the hich he was ing, near Eglon, in Preston ! county. Mr. as born at "Traveler's. Repose," a hostlery famous in Civil war days, near Bartow, on April 14, 1874. He was a son a Josiah Osborne Beard and Evelyn Medora (Yeager) Beard, and on June 12, 1897, was united in marriage te Ruby Mae Ralston, daughter of John Henry and Sara Patience (Hamilton) Ralston, Bath county, Virginia. To jt> union, eleven children were born, ten whom survive. They are as follows: Dewey Ralston Beard, Bealingrton; Mrs. Lyle McLaughlin, Follaasbee*; Mrs. Layke Kerr, Hartsford, , Pa.; Mrs. Mack H. Brooks, Cass; j Mrs. Sterle Nottingham, Jamestown, Pa.; Mrs. Oran McLaughlin, Dunimore; Layke Monroe, Wawa, Josene, and Jean, at home.. Leslie nsift0Vng j r aged three years, prec e d e d his father to the grave, September 15, 19-. Mr. Beard is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Yeager Beard, three brothers, Trby R., of Arbovale, Brown B., of Bartow, and Samuel : Monroe, of Arbovale, three sisters, 1 Mrs. W. N. Snedeger, of Elkins, Mrs,. Walter Arbogast, of Millpoint, and JTKrs. Don Harper, also of Elkins, and | by six grandchildren. Approximately two thousand people were present at the funeral. t i c h took place from the late home, one o'clock, Monday afternoon. The services were conducted by the Rev. D. McD. Monroe, who was [assisted by the Rev. J. D. Marshall, i and interment followed in the Arboj vale cemetery, with the burial rites | in charge of Smith and Son, of Marlinton. Mr. Beard had been' associated with road construction work for a number of years, and was competent and efficient foreman. Besides ' the ^members of his family, and oth| er relatives, he leaves a large circle i of friends who will regret his death, i and v to GreenI bank distr

H. W Beard Joel P. Beard Joel P . Beard, of Hillsboro Henry Washington Beard, aged | died Monday, May 2, 1966, 56 years, died at his home in in the University of Virginia Hillsboro on Friday, November Hospital, Charlottesville, Vir- 9, 1951. He had been in failing ginia, after a short illness. health for seme months. On SunHe was the son of the late day afternoon, the funeral service M. Lee Beard and Emma Clark was held from Oak Grove Church Beard. He was born March by Dr. Lloyd Courtney and Rev. 115, 1892, and lived all his life Drury Jones. His boJy was laid in the Hillsboro community to rest in the family plot in Oak where he took active part in Grove Cemetery with Masonic community life. He was a honors. ruling elder in the Oak Grove Thus is noted the passing of | Presbyterian Church for many one of our most useful and prominent citizens. I years. He is survived by his wife, He was a son of the late MatMrs. Mamie Cackley Beard; thew L. and Emma Clark Beard. two daughters, Mrs. John He married Miss Lucy McLaugh(Mary Frances) Stulting, and lin just 32 years, Lc^ing a day of Mrs. Hubert (Virginia Lee) his passing. Their children are Oallison, and the following William Sherman and Robert Lee. . grandchildren, Richard Lee Also surviving him are three i Suiting and Ann Stulting grand daughters. I Plunkett, Joel, Carolyn and Of his father's family there reJane Callison; two sisters, Mrs. main his brother, Joel P. Beard j Harry (Eva) Fehrle, of Phila- of Hillsboro and three sisters, delphia, and Mrs. Arden Mrs. Mary Johnson of Covesville, (Leeta) KilUngsworth, of Mar- Va.; Mrs. Eric Clutter of Hillslinton. Also several nieces boro; Mrs. A. G. KilUngsworth and nephews. jf Marlinton. The funeral services will be Mr. Beard attended West Virheld Thursday, May 5, a t ginia University. He was a farm2:00 p. m. at the Oak Grove er of large affairs, especially as a Presbyterian Church with the stockman. He served his county Rev. Harry Painter in charge. as assessor and for some years he Burial will be in the Oak Grove was Field Representative of the Cemetery. Federal Production Credit Association of Baltimore. In religion, the deceased was a Mrs. Joel Beard Mrs. Mamie Ruth Cackley member of the Church of his 'the Presbyterian. He Beard, 94, of Hillsboro, died on fathers, v took a leading part in Church Saturday, July 9, 1983, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital work as a Ruling Elder and Sunday School Superintendent. after a long illness. Mr. Beard also took active and She was a homemaker, a member of the Hillsboro Exten- leading parts in fraternal, civic and sion Homemakers Club, a farm organizations, both local and member of the Oak Grove state wide. Presbyterian Church, and an Edward Ross Beard Honorary Life Member of the Edward Ross Beard, 45, of Women of the Church. Chesapeake, Ohio, was killed Born at Mill Point on NovemMonday, September, 8, 1975, 1 ber 2, 1888, she was the in a tractor accident. daughter of Franklin Lee and Born March 9, 1930, in Virginia Nottingham Cackley. Beckley, he was the son of Her husband, Joel Penick Beaulah Weiford Beard, of Beard, and a brother, William Beckley, and the late Lynn Harvey Cackley, preceded her Beard. in death. He was a tool and die maker Mrs. Beard is survived by repairman in Huntington. two daughters, Mrs. John Surviving hira, in addition [Mary Frances] Stulting, of to his mother, are seven Charlottesville, Virginia, and children and one grandMrs. Hubert [Virginia Lee] child; three brothers, Ralph Callison, of Hillsboro; five Beard, of Dallas, Pennsylvania, grandchildren and three greatHay Beard, of Chesapeake, grandchildren. Virginia, and Guy Beard, of Funeral services were held Flag, Arkansas. Tuesday afternoon at 3 p. m. in Funeral service were held the Callison home by the Rev. Monday in VanReenen Funeral J. D. Arbuckle, with burial in Home by the Rev. Jack ArOak Grove Cemetery. buckle, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro*


Mathew Lee Beard


Mathew Lee Beard, aged 85 years, die i Thursday, May 12, 1938, after a In the death of Josiah Osborne long illness. On Saturday afternoon Beard at his home at Greenbank, his body was buried in the family West Virginia, on January 28,* 1924, graveyard on the plantation west of Pocahontas county and this section [lillsboro. The funeral was conduct of the State lost one of its substantial ed from the home by his p.istor, Rev. and influential citizens. .He was E Knight, of the Oak Grove Presbyborn at Lewisburg, West Virginia, terian Church. April-29, 1847 and thus at his death Thus is chronicled the passing of was *76 years 8 months and 29 days of one of our most promintnt citizens age. Surviving him are his wife, nd one of the best men Pocahontas Eveline Yeager Beard, daughter of bounty ever produced. lie was a son the late John Yeager, and seven of the late William T and Mary Mcchildren, Irb. Leslie and Monroe of Neel Beard. His brother, Edgar, Arbovale, Sheriff Brown B. Beard, of died many years since. He married Bartow, Mrs, W. N. Snedegar, and Miss Emma Clark, daughter of the Mrs. Don Harper, of Elkins and late Sherman Clark, who preceded Mrs. W. A. Arbogast of Morganhim January i, 1919. Their survivtown, also ons sister, Mrs ing sons are Henry, Assessor of PocaElizabeth Burner, of Durbin and one hontas County, and Joel; their daughhalf-sister, Mrs. Virginia Chapman, ters, Mrs J. 0. Johnson, Mrs Eric 1 of Rich wood. Six children preceded Clutter and Miss Leeta. A son, j him to the grave, Blanch, Fannie M. L. Jr., died about 16 months ago: ] Cleveland, Arthur, Joe, Quade, Mrs. another son, Earl, met death by Bertie Clark and Mrs. Ruby Eyeli m drowning in the Blue Hole, near Hills- ^Kerr. There are thirty-three grand boro, on January 4, 1924, and their children and two greatgrandchildren. oldest son, Sherman, died when a Mr. Beard has been in failing student in Hampden Sydney College health for some weeks. Everything in 1911. that medical skill and careful nursIn his veins coursed the blood of ing could render was given but he such pioneer firs . families as Beard, gradually grew weaker. The funeral McNeel, Edmiston, Poige, Wallace service was conducted at the home and Warwick, and it can be truly on Wednesday, January 30, at ten sM his life fulfilled the high tradi o'clock by his pastor, Rev. L. S. tions of such fine ancestry. Shires assisted by Rev. M. D. Monroe, Mr Beard was the largest individuafter which he was lain to rest in the al land owner and the heaviest taxArbovale cemetery. The large crowd payer of this county. A lasting in attendance at his funeral regardmemorial to his broad vision and puLless of the very severe weather was lic spirit is the Hillsboro High School an evidence of the high esteem in Its establishment in no s Lall part which he was h d d by the citizens of was due to his efforts and influence the county. as member and president of the LevWhen only sixteen years of age els District Board of Education. To Mr. Beard volunteered for service in the last year of his life he took an the Confederate army and served his active and intelligent Interest in pubcountry faithfully until the close of lic affairs. Only last summer he took the war as a member of Company D , a promiment place in the state co:i Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry. At vention of farmers at Jackson Mill. the opening of the campaign of 1864 In religion, Mr Beard wis a u*em the Fourteenth" was in Greenbrier tier of the church of his fathers, th and Monroe counties. They were Presbyterian. He took an active par ordered to Staunton to join the forces in of The Kingdom, and trying to oostrttct or delay Hunter supported liberally all its causes As onhi s march to Lynchburg. General a Ruling E der he was prominent in John McCausland. now living in the affairs of his congregation and in Mason county was in command of the the courts of his church Brigade of Cavalry of which the While a man of big affairs, taking Fourteenth was a part. They did the place of leader in civil, business good service in the task assigned and religious life of t.b£ counts, i them. The regiment saw its hardest would remember my ^er»i!e kinsman service in the Valley Campaign of ii the man of the kindiy, understandthat vear under Early. After beat ing heart; who met the great of the ing Hunter at Lynchburg and pursu earth on equal footing, yet deferred ing him as far as Salem, Early set out to the feelings of a child; whom down the Valley to threaten Washwealth did ,ol make proud, nor honington. They crossed the P o t o m ^ ors spoil, nor personal sorrow and be and defeated General Lew Wallac^ | reavemenc • robitter. Monocacy. For a while this » s w « quite a severe battle. The , g * J ? ^eenth took an active part in i g^cg; =a number of ? ts men. Ttisj | * , . = " on, got in fr ^ o i ^ ^ ^ had to retire east works occ K h t ' s c c r p s from Grant, front of Richmond. The was with McCausland W ed Chambersburg_ an<-

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James E. Beard James Edward Beard, aged 45 years, died Saturday morning, December 13, 1958, from a shot gun blast in his chest. Apparently he was putting the gun in his truck when it accidentally discharged. He was preparing to go to Jerryville, in Webster County, to set up an office there for the Beckley Coal and Coke Company, by whom he was employed as a bookkeeper. Born April 8,1913, at Hillsboro, he was the son of the late George and Grace McCarty Beard. He is survived by his wife, Lillian Hook Beard. A veteran of World War II, he served in the Navy's Construction Battalion. He was a member of the American Legion, Veteran of Foreign Wars, and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church where I funeral services were held M Miday | afternoon by his pastor, the Rev. j Herbert Pennington, Jr. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery I at Hillsboro. Ryce S. Beard Ryce S. Beard died July 11, 1957, in Hopemont Sanitarium after a long illness. He was born January 11, 1901, a son of the late Forrest and Rachel Clark Beard. He is survived by his wife, Odell Ware Beard, and six children; Carl, of Perry Point, Maryland; Edward, of the U. S. Army; Arnold, Richard, Lillian and Howard, all at home. Also surviving are three sisters; Mrs. Laura Weiford, of Parkersburg, Mrs. Clara King, of East Port, Maryland, and Eda Beard, of Charleston; and three brokers; Luther, of East Port, Clarence and Forrest; of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held on July 13 at the E. U. B. Church at Junior, with interment in the Trinity Cemetery. DIED Josiah Paul Beard, a^ed 62 years, of Hillsboro, died October 0, J935, after a short illness of double pneu monia. On Friday afternoon his body was buried in Oak Grove cemetery, the funeral being conducted from the Presbyterian church by his pastor. Rev. Marlin Curry, The deceased was a son of the late Moffett and Nannie Crouch Biard Of his fathers family there remain one son. G. C Beard and three daugh ters, Mrs Mary McNeel, Mrs Pearl Nickeli and Mrs Grace Irvine He is su/vived by his wife, wlv was Miss Grace Kinnison and I sik children. Lynn Beard, Mrs L> Price, Mrs Nan Cooper, Mrs Pt r McMillion, Er.hel, Annette and Paul.

Miss Mayo C. Beard Neil H. Beard Neil H. Beard, of Sharon, Miss Mayo C. Beard, 62, of Pennsylvania, died Friday, July 8, Beard, died instantly of a heart 1994, in Clepper Convalescent attack while visiting friends in Home, in Sharon, age 63. ,'Marlinton Friday, November Mr. Beard was born October 16, 15, 1963. 1930, in Green Bank, the son of Miss Beard was a beloved Merle M. and Madeline M. Hollen teacher in Pocahontas County Beard. schools, having taught for forty years in various schools. At A 1948 graduate of Sharon High the time of her death she was School, he earned a degree in a teacher in Hillsboro Graded electrical engineeringfromwhat is School. now Youngstown State University in 1956. She was honored as a County Before retiring, he was an "Teacher of the Year" a few electrical engineer for years ago. Miss Beard was Westinghouse Electric Corp., active in the work of Beard Pittsburgh, from 1956-1983. He Chapel of the Oak Grove Presattended First Presbyterian Church, byterian Church. in Sharon. Born August 23, 1901, she He was a Korean War Air Force was the daughter of Richard veteran. M. and Bessie E. Dysard Mr. Beard was a member of Free Beard. A brother, Kyle N. and Accepted Masons Abalon Beard, of Beard, survives her., Lodge 657, Bellevue, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Oak Surviving him are his mother, Grove Presbyterian Church, of Sharon; and one brother, Patrick A. Hermitage. which she was a member, by I the Rev. J. I. Prather and the His father preceded him in death. I Rev. Owen Lee. Burial was in Memorial contributions may be ! the Oak Grove Cemetery. made to the American Cancer Society, 19 Jefferson Avenue, Sharon, PA 16146. Mrs. Leslie 0. Beard

SAMUEL MONROE BEARD Samue 1 Monroe Beard, son of Josiah Osborne Beard and Evesine Medora Yeager, was born near Green Bank, M a r c h 25, 1886, and died at his home at, Green Bank. Friday, November 24, after a long illness, aged 64 yean, 7 months, 29 days. On June 5, 1912, he married Mary Brown. To this union four children were born: Dorr Fenton Beard, at home; Elisabeth Hevener, of Sharon, Pa.; Nell Loraine Mullenax, a n d Margaret Monroe Offutt, of Arbovale; also three grandchildren, all of whom survive. He is also survived by one brother, Brown B. Beard, of j Bartow; his twin sister, Margie Beard Arbogast, of Millpoint, and sisters, Nellie Bly Snedegar and Wilma Beard Harper, both , of Elkins. j Funeral services were held at! I t h e family residence Sunday, | November 26, at 2 p. m., with the Rev. Quade Arbogast in charge, assisted by Rev. A. L. Tenney a n d Rev. H. Graham Keyes. His grand-niece, Yvonne Gilmore, s a n g "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me," a n d " T h e Lord's: Prayer." Interment followed in the Ar-i bovale cemetery. E l k i n s - - - M r s . Ruby Mae Ralston Active pall bearers were Lake * Heard, aged 69 .years, widow of Beard, Beard Kerr, Argil Arbothe late Leslie O. Beard of Green- gast, Warren B r o w n , Forrest | bank, died io an E l k i n s hospital Burner, and Vere Barkley. on W e d n e s d a y n i g h t J u n e 29, Mr. Beard was an honest ana" 1949, following- a brain hemor- sxemplary citizen. T h e highest rhage, On S a t u r d a y afternoon ;ribute that can be paid to him. the funeral way held from the is expressed in the poem by M y e r s home in D u r h i n by her Sam Walter Foss, "That he lived pastor, Rev. G r a h a m K e y s and by the side of the road and was Rev. Mr. S a w y e r . Burial in the a friend to man." Arbovale cemetery.

J. L. Beard Julian Lynn Beard, 60, of Portsmouth, Virginia, died in Norfolk, Virginia, on Sunday December 9, 1962. Born at Hillsboro January 26, 1902, he was the son of Mrs. Grace Kinnison Beard of Sylvester, and the late Colonel Paul Beard. He is survived by h;s mother; T h e deceased was the widow four sons, Ralph Beard, of of the late Leslie O. Beard, who Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania; preceded her in death a b o u t sixRay Beard, of Portsmouth, teen .years since. T h e y Were the Virginia; Ross Beard, of Wins p a r e n t s of eleven children, ten of ton Salem, North Carolina; whom s u r v i v e ; Dewey R., Ber-' and Sp 5 Guy Beard, of Fort tie M c L a u g h l i n , Lillian C. K e r r , Kno'x, Kentucky; one brother. Paul Beard, of Washington, D. J Bonnie L. Brooks, Hallie Nottingham, L a y k e , Mildred Armstrong", C.; five sisters; Mrs. Lucille W a w a G i l m o r e , J o s e p h i n e Myers, Price, of Sylvester; Mrs. Nancy Jeanne Irons. Cooper, of Strickney; Mrs Pearl Miller, of Shinnston; Mrs. Beard was a d a u g h t e r of Anneite Beard, of Huntington; the late J o h n H e n r y and Sarah and Mrs. Ethel Wallace, of Patience H a m i l t o n Ralston, of Oak Hill. McDowell, Virginia. She vas a Funeral services were held [life long m e m b e r of the P r e s o y i Wednesday in the Oak Grove ! terian C h u r c h . M'terian Church at HillsK ^ Rev. J. I. Prather, Dr Walter C Beard, a^ed 80xyears, a son of the late Dr. Samuel Beard, m the Oak Grvvi


died at the home of his brother, Satn uei Beard, in Lewisbur^, Sunday. May 28, 1939, after a long illness. Burial in the family plot in the ceoi tery at the Old Stone Church on Tues day afternoon. For fifty years Dr. Beard had practiced medicine in Al derson. retiring in 1934, He is sur rived by his brother, Samuel, and his fsfcer, Miss Emma Beard.

Chris R. Beard w i Chris R. Beard, 73. of Lewis-: burg, died Saturday, March 14, j 1964, in the C & O Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia. He retired in 1951 as a railroad agent, where he had been employed for 42 years. Mr. Beard had lived in Lewisburg for eight years and was a member of the Old Stone Presbyterian Church and was a ruling elder emeritus. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Miitie F. Beard; two daughters, Mrs. Wilma B. Sheets, of Oak Hill, and Mrs. Ruth B. Jennings, of Frank, and one grandson. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Dr. Robert Pfrangle. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Ray C Beard Ray Cameron Beard, 51, of Chesapeake, Virginia, died Wednesday, March 21, 1979, in a Portsmouth hospital. He was a native of Wert Virginia. He was shipfitter in* spector at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, where he worked 33 years. He was a Marine Corps veteran of World War II. He was a member of Court Street Baptist Church, member of Portsmouth Moose Lodge 898, and assistant scoutmaster of B oy Scout Troop 215. Surviving are his wife, Ella U. Beard; two daughters, Mrs. Gail L. Montgomery, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Miss Lynette Faye Beard, at home; a son,' Donald R. Beard, of Chesapeake; two brothers. Ralph J. Beard, Dallas, Pennsylvania, and Guy W. Beard, of Leslie, Arkansas; and a granddaughter. Funeral services were held Friday, in Snellings Funeral Home Chapel, at Portsmouth by Dr. Wilbur L. Kersey. Boy Scouts of Troop 215 were pallbearers. Burial was in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.

Hits Annie A. Beard 1 / Mrs, Annie A. Beard, 827 of Becklev, died Wednesday, January 26, 1972, in Raleigh General Hospital following a short illness. Bom in Hightown. Virginia, November 26, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Newton and Lucy Woods. She was a member of the Beckley First Baptist Church and was a housewife. Survivors include three s ons, Jojin G. Beard, Jr., and Joe W. Beard, both of Becklev, and James C. Beard, of Mullens; one daughter, Mrs Ralph (Alice) Wbitener, of Annandale, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Mary Wood Maynor, of Maynor; ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Fridav morning in the Beckley First Baptist Church by Dr. Kenneth Swank, with graveside rites in the afternoon in the Arbovale Cemetery at Arbovale.

Thaiaas L Beard Thomas L. Beard, aged 67, died at his home in the Levels on Saturday, January 20, 1945. Two Qy MM. Mlitii t, imi days before.his death he suffered Mrs. Mittie F. Beard, 86, of a stroke of paralysis. On TuesBartow, died Friday, February day afternoon the funeral was 10, 1978, in Pinecrest Hospiconducted from the home by his tal, Beckley, after a long ill* pastor, Rev. J. K. Fleming of ness. the Oak Grove Presbyterian Born September 29,1891, at Church; interment in MciNeel cen\ Hematite, Virginia, she was a etery. daughter of the late Alec and Mr. Beard is survived by his Nettie King Hardbarger. Vhiry Kincaid Beard. Mrs. Beard had lived in and their son, Carl, of the Unite! Lewisburg for fifteen years beStates Navy, somewhere in the fore her illness. She was a South Pacific. Also by his cluugrh^ member of the Old Stone ters, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mrs Church at Lewisburg, Albert Covington and Mrs. Leo Surviving are two daughters, Ruck man. Mrs. Wilma Sheets, Oak Hill, Mr. Beard was ; son of the late and Mrs. Ruth Jennings, BarEdgar and Lucy McNeel Beard. tow, and a grandson. His brother is Carl G. Beard, of Graveside rites were held Hillsboro; and his sister, Mrs. Monday at 2 p. in, in the Ar» Zed S. Smith, Jr., of Marlinton. bovae Cemetery with Rev* Mrs. Georgia Callison Beard Jack Arbi2ckte &-charge* Mrs. Georgia Callison Beard, aged 70 years, wife of G. C. Beard died at her home in Hillsboro. Wallace Warwick Beard, the She hr.d been in failing health for seventh child born to Josiah and many months. Rachel Poague Beard, was bora De Mrs. Beard was a daughter of cember 13, 1838 and departed this life after a brief illness caused by a the late Thomas Callison, of Lofall, July 8, 1926, having reached the cust Creek. Her mother's name venerable age of 87 years, six was Miles. She became the wife months and twenty-five days. Upon of G. C. Beard, who survives. I the outbreak of the Civil War Mr, Their son, Frank, preceded his ! Beard joined the Confederate forces mother in death some years ago. ' and served throughout the war i Returning from the war he took up The funeral was held from the j the life of a farmer and stock raiser, home on Wednesday afternoon, | Ifirston Greenbrier River at what is by Eev. R. D. Marshall and Rev. I Beard station and afterward at his J. K. Fleming. Interment in the cemetery at old Droop Church.

Mrs. W. W. Beard Mrs. Minnie May Beard, aged 72, of Clarksburg, died in the Broaddus Hospital at Philiopi, c i Sunday, March 29, 1959, following an extended illness. She was born January 15, 1887, in Kansas. She was the daughter of the late Thomas and Margaret Loretta Smith Archer. Surviving are her husband, William Yvarwick Beard; three daughters; Mrs. Page (Minnie Merle) of Lost Creek, Mrs. Charles (Vivian) Evans of Salem, Oregon, and Mrs. Frank (Evalyn) Bennett of Fairbanks, Alaska; two sons, W. E. Ody of Bremerton, Washingtr , and Eugene Ooj of Oraville, California; two brothers, Oliver Archer of Spokane, Washington and Gilbert Archer of Tacoma, Washington, and ten grandchildren. Mrs. Beard was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Clarksburg and tl.3 Robinson Bible Class of that church. Funeral services were held Vv cu nesday, April \ at the Davis Funeral Home in Clarksburg by Dr. Paul E. Francis. Interment j was made in tho Brdgapurt Cemetery. Mrs. T. L. Beard Mrs. Mary Kincaid Beard, age 74 years, of Mill Point, died in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte on Thursday, June 11, 1959, after a short illness. Born at Frankford February 15, 1885, she was a daughter of the late Dr. James and Alice White Kincaid. ^er^husband was the late Thoma^e£p#ard. Surviving^hS^ire a son, Carl George Beard, of Raleigh, North Carolina; three step-daughters, Mrs. Cecil J. Ferguson, of Huntington, Mrs. Lee Ruckman, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Albert Covington, of Washington, D. C ; and two sisters, Miss Edith White Kincaid and Miss Byrna Kincaid, both of Frankford. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. J. K. Fleming and the Rev. Horace T. Allen. Burial was in the McNeel Cemetery.


way c. Beard

Mrs. Grace K. Beard Ray Cameron Beard, 51, of Mrs. Grace Kinnison Beard, Chesapeake, Virginia, died 87, died Monday, November Wednesday, March 21, 1979, 28. 1966, at the home of her in a Portsmouth hospital daughter, Mrs. LUCHIP Pn'cp.of He was a native of Weat Sylvester, ^ft^r a long illness. Virginia. He was shipfitter inShe was nm-e^ed in dpath spector at Norfolk Naval Shipby her husband, Paul B^ard. yard, where he worked 33 Survivors include five dauyears. He was a Marine Corps ghters. Mrs. Nanov Cooper r*f veteran of World War II. He Twilight Mrs. Ethel WH]?oe, was a member of Court Street of Oak Hill, Mrs. Pearl Miller, Baptist Church, member of Portsmouth Moose Lodge 898, of Clarksburg, Miss Annette Beard, of Charleston. ? n d and assistant scoutmaster of Mrs. Lu<»il'e Pri^e, of Sylvester; B oy Scout Troop 215. one son, Paul Peard, of Fair-' Surviving are his wife, Ella fax. V'reinia; 11 grandchildren U, Beard; two daughters, Mrs. and 26 great-grandchildren. Gail L. Montgomery, of PortsFuneral services were h^ld mouth, Virginia, and Miss Lynette Faye Beard, at home; Wednesday afternoon in thf, a son, Donald R. Beard, of Oak Grove P r e s b y t i a " ChurChesapeake; two brothers, ch at Hillsboro by the Per. j Ralph J. Beard, Dallas, Penn- Leonard Maddy. PUHPI was sylvania, and Guy W. Beard, in the Oak Grove Cerretery a< ' of Leslie, Arkansas; and A Hillsboro. granddaughter. Miss Annette Beard Funeral services were held Miss Annette Beard 58 of Friday, in Snellinga Funeral Home Chapel, at Portsmouth by Dr. Wilbur L. Kersey. Boy 7 1972 J ^ d ^ M e m b e r Scouts of Troop 215 were pall- mni-oiVr' n - the T h ° m a s MeHospital after bearers. Burial was in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.


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Fred Beard

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J a m e s F r e d e r i c k Beard, aged I M years, died a t his home in Ron ! c e v e r t e on F r i d a y , M a r c h 5, 1943 He had been an invalid for m a n y years. On S u n d a y afternoon funeral service was conducted from t h e h o m e by his p a s t o r , Rev. R. b. M c C l u n g ; i n t e r m e n t i i t h e family plot in t h e H u n t e r s v i l l e c e m e t e r y . T h e pallbearers were Modern W o o d m e n — C h a r e s A. bharp,, J a c k Richardson, J T Mason, J . W . Mason, F o r r e s t b h a r p and Calvin W . P r i c e . M r Beard is survived by his wife, t h e f o r m e r Miss B*fcn J a c k s o n , and t h e i r son Noel. . T h e deceased was t h e son of he late J o h n J . and M i n e r v a j fcdmiston Beard. H e was reared | at Huntersville. H i s father was clerk of t h e P o c a h o n t a s C o u r t s j tor years.



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Hillsboro, she was a daughter of the late J. Paul and Grace Kinnison Beard. Wa RISJK £ a m e mber of the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church tkers, e r sM res
Mil2? k 0 ? , i , u. a n d .


™- Ann

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Armstrong Funeral Home « e v- W. Howard Gwinn Jr •Run.I was in the AtkinJ & £ *t Naoma.


W. W. Beard William Warwick Beard of Lost Creek, formerV•Ivof Hillsboro, died Monday, Mlarch 21, 1966, in a Clarksburg hospital after a long illness. Born at Beard, February 7, 1880, he was a son of the late Wallace W. and Prudence Hutton Beard. He was a retired farmer ai forestry service worker, His wife, Mrs. Minnie M Beard, preceded him in death Survivors include one dau< ethter, Mrs. Page Ferree, o! Lost Creek, and one sister, Mrs. Ada Kruser, of Oak i ale California, and one grandson Jeffrey Warwick Ferree. Funeral services were hel< Wednesday afternoon in th Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev.1 Harry D. Painter with buria in the Oak Grove Cemetery, Josia** ^ o o d s Beard was born Jun 16, 1856, at Hillsboro, West Virgioi, rnd died here after a brief illness viarch 6, 1933. aged 81 years, eigh nonths and twenty days. He spen lis childhood and youth in his nativ Hate. At the age ot 21 years ;ame to Tipton, Iowa, and starte arming. He was married Octobe 8,1889 to Anna Kisher at Wheat itid, Iowa. After living there tvi ears they moved to Kossoui ; unty. Iowa. He came to Spriri /alley in 1931; the year followin is wife c'iad. His son Leo died nfancy, but five children survive jrale of Irvington, Miss Mima, Cherokee. Glen of Spring Valley, tester of Mendota, Iowa, and Mr Mith Henderson, of Lincoln. Nt Services were held at 1 1 a m . We .itsday from in- Jorris Funeral Hon conducted by Rev A, H Mauman Songs were sung by Mr and Mrs L< en Terbust, accompanied by Mrs H vlathison. Interment was nude in IrVingion, Iowa. MH

MRS. NANNIE BEARD Q . Mrs. Nannie Crouch Beard died at ir home at Beard, Pocahontas counon Sunday, January 10, 1926. For b few days she had been ill with ve eumonia. Her age was about 79 , ars. Burial at the Oak Groye 3meteTV; the service being conductctI by L oastor, Rev. J. C. Johnsoi Mrs. . -d was the widow of ti iafce Lieut mt Henry Moffett Bean who died nearly forty years ago, $ (Their children are Mrs. Maiy MeNeeland Mrs. W. L. Ervih, of IJlUsh boro, Mrs. French Nickell, of Bonce verfce. R M., J. P. and G. C. Beard. j Two sons, Jacob W. and Harry, pre/ ceded their mother to the grave. Mrs. Beard's maiden uame was j Crouch, SL .*£ember of a prominent family of Randolph coun ty. She WSLS ' an exceptional woman and the world is the better for her having lived in it. All her life she was a devoted christian and a member of the church of ! er fathers, the Presbyterian. W•

Neal Beverage

Woodrow W. Beverage Woodrow W. "Woodie" Beverage, 78, a resident of Valley Bend, passed away Tuesday, August 22, 1995, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins. Mr. Beverage was born September 11, 1916, at Bartow, a son of the late Harper and Bessie Rexroad Beverage. He was married to Doris Snyder, who survives at Valley Bend. Also surviving are one son, James W. Beverage, Atlanta, Georgia; two daughters, Pamela L. Beverage, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Penelope "Penny" Patton, of Morgantown; two grandchildren. Also preceding him in death were six brothers and five sisters. Mr. Beverage was a graduate of Green Bank High School and was a veteran of World War II having served in the U. S. Army during the Italian, Algerian-Moroccan and Tunisian Campaigns. He was awarded the Purple Heart with one Oak Leaf Cluster and the Bronze Star. He received his B. S. degree in agriculture from West Virginia University in 1948. He worked as a soil scientist for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in Elkins for 26 years. He was appointed Survey Supervisor for the Tygart Valley Soil Conservation District for the northern half of West Virginia. In 1971, he was selected to serve as a soil scientist with the Agency of International Development on a demonstration project area in India. He had also worked on many special projects as a soil scientist during his career. After serving a training period at Weston in Lewis County, he was transferred to Elkins where he spent the next 26 years except for three or four special assignments. During his time in India, he gave training to four groups of soil scientists and others from different parts of India. He left India with a modern soil survey report for the 10,000 acre project area. Mr. Beverage was a member of the Valley Bend United Methodist Church, Tygarts Valley Lions Club, West Virginia Association of Professional Soil Scientists, the W VU Alumni Association and was a member of the Randolph Lodge N0.55AF&AM. Services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Valley Bend United Methodist Church by the Rev. Carroll McCauley, the Rev, Donald Fitzwater, and the Rev. Walter Blough. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery with Masonic rites.

Lawrence Neal Beverage, 81, died Friday, October 1, 1976, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Beverage was a retired farmer and blacksmith and was a mtmber of the West Uniou Methodist Church. He was bom at Onoto, August 81,1895, the son of Uriah W. and Virginia B. Townsend Beverage. Preceding bim in death were his wife, Annie Lange Beverage; three brothers, George Amos, Howard Wade and Charles A. Beverage, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy F. Davis. Survivors include a daughter, Thelma B. Allen, of Tampa, Florida, a stepdaughter, Mrs. Pearl Lanier, of North Carolina; a brother, William Frank Beverage; three sisters, Rosa E. Sharp, Slatyfork, Daisy Ann Gay, of Gallipolis, Ohio, and Bertie A. Beverage, of Marlinton; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery. Mrs. Neal Beverage

Mrs. Anna Lucy Lange Beverage, 79, of Mirlinton. died Saturday, April 28 1973,in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. She had had a bad heart condition for a long time. Born at Marlinton June 11, 1893, she was the daughter of the late John W. and Mary E. Lange. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Four brothers, Elliott, Hanson, Wallace and William Lange, and one sister, Lucy Armstrong, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Lawrence Neal Beverage, and one daughter, Mrs. Pearl Lanier, of Piedmont, South Carolina. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, in the VanReeten Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.

Mattie Catherine Beverage died at t h e Marlinton Hospital March 13. 1924, aged 20 one month and 28 days. She was the daughter of Jacob (deceased) and Nancy A. Beverage who is now Mrs. Nancy A. Sharp. She leaves her mother, three brothers— Adam, Cllfwson and Lee," and four sisters—Mrs. Owen Kellison, Mrs. E. G. Galford, Mrs. Arnott McNeill and Mrs Milburn Sharp. All were present at her funeral which was conducted at her mother's home on Saturday the 16tih by her pastor, Rev. N. S. Hill of the M. E. Church, and her body was then taken to the home grave yard on the head of Stony Creek near Onoto, where her deceased fa! ther was buried thirteen years ago. Mattie was preparing herself for use| fulness. She had completed the free school course and had attended high school one year, but on account of failing health and an operation for appendicitis ^ie g up going to high school this year and decided to be a trained nurse, so she was in training in the Marlinton Hospital. i$he had begun her work of training eight months ago,tand Drs. Solter and Yeager of the Hospital, and Miss Flack, superintendent, say she. was making a r^coM breaker %s a nurse The aurses and patients in the Hospital give her the greatest praise for being kind, and affectionate and always ready and willing at her post of duty. The superintendent and nurses did all they could to show respect after her death. They also sent many beautiful flowers. The people in gen eral did everything t h a t could bs J done to show thei/ respect to this i much beloved girl. Mattie was a j Sunday School scholar since childhood. She was a lover of music and I had learned both vocal and instru | mental. She made a profession of religion at the age of twelve years I She had a bright prospect but we : crust t h a t our loss is Heaven's gain. She is gone, our precious Mattie, To the realms of peace and love I She is gone just over yonder, ! To t h a t blessed home above. A Friend.

Brian Keith Beverage fant son of Mr. and Mrs. ,h Edward Beverage, of »riinton, W. Va. was stillborn jesday, October 21, 1975, in tcred Heart Hospital in Richood, W. Va. Surviving are maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sutton, of Huntersville, W. Va., and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beverage, of Marlinton, W. Va. Graveside services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the family cemetery at Edray.


Mrs Jesse Beverage Mrs. Emma Lillian Lantz Beverage, was born February 18th, 1895, at Blue Grass, Virginia, and departed this life on September 20, 1954, at the age of 59 years and seven months and two days. On July 2, 1913, she was united in marriage to Jesse Beverage, who survives. To this union was born nine children, one of whom, Walter Lee, departed this life on April 17, 1920, at the age of eight months and 26 days. The eight surviving children are, two daughters, Mrs. Glen Hefner, of Marlinton, and Viola, at home; and six sons, Howard, of Marlinton; Kenny, of Rich wood; Paul, of Marlinton; Carl, of Richwood; Lake, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Roscoe, of Marlinton. She is survived by eighteen grandchildren and also a brother, Lee Lantz, and a sister, Mrs. Betty Gum, both of Monterey, Virginia. For many years she was a member of the West Union Methodist Church. The funeral was conducted at the West Union Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p. m., with Rev. R. H. Skaggs and Rev. G. S. Barrett officiating. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery on Stony; Creek. I

Mrs. Mary Woodsie Beverage

Mrs. Mary Woodsie Beverage was born February 12, 1889, and died Friday, April 3, 1964, in the Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. She was born in Randolph County, a daughter of the late Thomas and Mary Houchin. Her family moved to Pocahontas County when she was five years old, where she spent the remaining years of her life. She was united in marriage to Walter K. Beverage, December 25, 1912. To this union five children were born. Survivors include her husband, Walter K. Beverage, who now resides with his son, at Stuarts Draft, Virginia, one daughter, Mrs. Garnet Hoover, of Detroit, Michigan; three sons, Earl Beverage, of Man, Carl Beverage, of Keyser and Ward Beverage, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, one sister, Mrs. Lee Bonner, of Webster Springs jtwo brothers, Cecil Houchin, ! of Durbin, and Elmer Houchin, of South Charleston, and five grandchildren. The oldest son died in infancy. Funeral services were conducted Monday morning in the Wanless Methodist Church of which she was a member by the Rev. Jack Miller. Her body was laid to rest in the Bethel Cemetery. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our hearts, Which never can be filled.

MRS. SUSAN BEVERAGE Los Angeles- -Funeral services were held Wednesday, November 9th, for Mrs Susan Barnett Bev- j jerage, aged 76, who died here on j Saturday following hospitalization jas result of a heart attack suffered MRS. ETHEL WIMER BEVERAGE six weeks previous. The Rev. Mrs. Ethel Wimer Beverage, aged Vance Herring presided at the [rites, which were held in the 40 years, 5 months and 21 days, , Chapel of the Chirms, Icglewood : wife of Charles A. Beverage, died {Cemetery, where interment was j at her home near Buckeye on Wednesday, February 5, 1941t On FriI made. Mrs. Beverage is survived by : her d a u g h t e r s , Mrs. Mabel Cowherd Moak, West Los Angeles; jand Mrs. Val Sherrill, H u n t i n g ' t o n , W. Va ; and two g r a n d - s o n s , E u g e n e L. C o w h e r d , W e s t Los Angeles, and David F r a n k 1 i n Sherrill of H u n t i n g t o n . T h e deceased was born at Ston.v B o t t o m , then D r i f t w o o d , where she resided until two .years ago, when she moved to H u n t " i n g t o n . She had made her home |in West Los Angeles since last ! April. Mrs. Beverage was the d a u g h ter of Mr. and M r s . Stephen H o p kins B a r n e t t . H e r husband, D&vid B e v e r a g e , passed away 12 years ago. She was a m e m b e r of the Oak G r o v e P r e s b y t e r i a n church of Hillsboro.

day her body was buried in the Beverage family cemetery on Stony Creek, the service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. S. Skaggs. Mrs. Beverage was a native of Highland county, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wimer of Monterey. Her father preceded her to the grave eighteen years ago. Her moth-' er survives; also a sister, Mrs. Cameron Rexrode, and a brother, Don Wimer. The deceased was the wife of Charles A. Beverage, who survives. Their children are Anna, Lee, Reba, Mrs. Williard Greathouse, Blanche, Luther and Melvin. For a number of years, Mrs. Beverage has been a professing Christian, a member of the Methodist Church.


Mrs. Goldie M . Beverage

Mrs. Goldie May Beverage* 68, died Monday, January 26, 1976, in Bath County Community Hospital. She was born in Herndon, November 6, 1907, a daughter of the late Brice F and Hattie Elizabeth Williams Bailey. Surviving are her husband, Charles Cable Beverage of Healing Springs, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs, Nancy G. Ryder, of Covington, and Mrs. Shirley M. Durvett, Pompano, Beach, Florida; one son, Charles C. Beverage, Jr., Boca Raton, Florida; four sisters, Mrs. Louis Czajkowaski. Mrs. Martha Lindsay, Mrs. Louis Wayland and Mrs. Ruby^tllen, all of Baltimore, Maryland; two brothers, Charles Bailey, Baltimore, and George Bailey, of Orange, Virginia, and eight grandchildren. One brother preceded her in death. Services were held Wednesday afternoon from Healing Springs, Baptist Church with the Rev. Warren Rollins officiating. Interment was in the Warm Springs Cemetery. Attending the funeral from this area were Harry Beverage, Mr. and Mrs. WalkeHBeverage, Melinda, Larry, and James, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs Eugene Beverage and Michelle.

Mrs. Effie Beverage

Mrs. Effie Loudermilk Beverage, 96, formerly of Buckeye, lied Tuesday, December 27, 1966, at the Denmar State Hospital, at Beard. She was the daughter of the late David and Margaret Loudermilk, of Frankford. Her husband, Boud Beverage, preceded her in death. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Page Davis, of Marlinton. and Mrs. Mary Loudermilk, of Lewisburg; three sons, Dan Beverage, of Marlinton, Frank Beverage, of Buckeye, and Lee Beverage, of Waynesboro, Virginia; twenty one grandchildren, forty greatgrandchildren and two great^reat grandchild!en, Funeral services were held at the Campbelltown Methodist Church by the Rev. Pierson and the Rev. Drake, with burial in the Beverage Cemetery.

Charles Aadrtw Biverif •

Harper Wallace Beverage H a r p e r Wallace Bev erage, age* years, eeven m o n t h s and twee -two days, died at his hornv. 3ar Clover Lick, on T h u r s d a y t o r n i n g , J u l y 12, 1951. F o r sevral years he had been in failing: jealth. Burial on Sunday afternoon in t h e Mountain View Cemtery. T h e funeral service wae held from the Poage Lane Church by Rev. Don C. T a y l o r , assisted by Rev. Ray\ Hanson. Pall bearers were: Charles E. F a r m e r , Elmer B r o w n , \Varren D u n n , Wal ter Jovcfc, E a r n e s t Joy-ce and 0 . D. W h H e , \ ^ The deceas&sqis survived by his wife, Mrs. E d n ^ B y r d Beverage; one sou, Earl W a l t e r Beverage, and two g r a n d c h i l d r e n , Richard Keith Beverage and J o Ann Beverage; also a n u m b e r of other relatives and frienus. Mr. Beverage w^s the son of the late J o h n A. jand Mary E . Hannah Beverage. He was a m e m b e r of the Marlinton P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h , and he served as a faithful christian to the end. T h r o u g h the long m o n t h s of suffering his faith uever wavered. His sick room was a place where t h e presence of the Good Shepherd was keenly felt; He led him by the hand t h r o u g h the valley of the shadow of deatb into the City of God, His g r t a faith will ever remain a testimon to those who are left behind.

Hirry B. Beverap

Harry B. Beverage, 72, died Tuesday, March 15, 1977, at his home near Huntersville from a heart attack. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a retired State Road and Tannery worker. C*L^ The son of EdWard C. and Margaret A. Beverage, he was born at Monterey, Virginia, January 26,1205. Surviving him are eleven brothers and sisters, Cameron and Walker Beverage, Marlinton, Robert, Oroville, California, Cable, Hot Springs, Virginia, Mabel Reed, Palms, California, Edna Madison, and Marguerite Buzzard, of Waynesboro, Virginia, Nadziene Hunter, Staunton, Virginia, Helen Fitzgerald, Green Bank, Eugene Beverage, Buckeye, and Mildred Mitchell, Pomona, California. Funeral services were held Friday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Charles Andrew Beverage, 80, of Baltimore, Maryland, died March 22, 1978, after a long illness. Born September 15, 1897, at Monterey, Virginia, he was the son of A. P. and Caroline Sim* mons Beverage. On February 21, 1919, be was married to Ethel Wimer, of Monterey, Virginia. To this union were born eleven children. He was preceded in death by bis wife, three daughters, and two sons. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Leonard (Anna) Johnson, of Salisbury, Maryland, Mrs. Ernest (Reba) Greathouse, of Middle River, Maryland; Mrs. Willard (Reta) Greathouse, of Essex, Maryland; Mrs. Earl (Blanche) Pachilis, Sr., of Essex, Maryland; the two surviving sons, Luther and Charles M. Beverage, are also of Essex, Maryland. In September 1943, he was married to Hazel Scott and from this union were born two daughters, Mrs. Graham (Jean) Corvin, of Woodbine, Maryland, and Mrs. Carl (Helen) Rippeon, of Forest Hill, Maryland. His second wife also preceded him in death. Mr. Beverage is one of ten children. He is also preceded in death by four brothers and one sister. His surviving brothers and sisters are: Mrs. Clawson Beverage and Mrs. Lee Beverage, both of Marlinton; Jesse Beverage, Campbelltown, Pinkey Beverage, Buckeye; twenty grandchildren; t w e n t y - t w o great-grandchildren. Having received Jesus Christ as his Savior in April 1975, Mr. Beverage shared with his children, a few days before his death, that he was ready to go. Funeral services were held in VanReenen Funeral Home Saturday morning by the Rev. Kendall Hatton. Burial was in the Beverage Cemetery. Baby Beverage

Nina Marie Beverage, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beverage, of Huntersville, was born on Monday, January 4, 1960 and died on Wednesday, January 6, 1960. The little body was laid to restV in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery with graveside services by the Rev. R. S. Pinch.-



Jacob M. Beverage was born Nov. 5th 1845, and died suddenly of heart trouble, at the home of his son, Kobert in Prince Edward County, Virginia, Feb. 29, 1920. Aged 74 years 3 months and 24 days. Mr. Beverage retired the night before in his accustomed health and I vigor and in the morning when he failed to rise, his wife attempting to wake him found that his spirit had taken its flight. He came to Prince Edward County a few years ago from Pocahontas County, W. Va. Although com habere as a stranger, he soon found himself and family among friends, I who realized he was a man of startling worth, a conscientious christian, having joired the M. E Church in early manhood. His body was laid to rest in the Presbyterian Cemetery, on Wednesday, March 3rd. The services were conducted by Rev. Geo. F. Bell pastor of the Douglas Church. He leaves to mourn his loss; his wife, who before marriage was Miss Ilachel McLaughlin, one son, Robert; two daughters, Mrs. Savannah Waugh and Mrs. Lena Gay, with a host of friends and relatives. ''Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow t h e m . "

Mrs. Edward C. Beverage Mrs. Margaret Alice Beverage, 90, of Huntersville, died Friday, July 13, 1973, in the Denmar State Hospital after a ten year illness. She was the widow of Edward C. Beverage. Born at Monterey, Virginia, on December 22,1882 she was the daughter of the late Robbert W. and Augusta Bird Lightner. ^ She was a member of the West minster Presbyterian Church. Mrs, Beverage is survived by twelve children, Cameron Beverage, of Marlinton, Bob Beverage, of Oakland, California, Harry Beverage, of Huntersville, Cable Beverage, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Mabel Reed, of Pomona, California, Mrs. Edna Madison, qf Way. nesboro, Virginia, Mrs.Nadine Hunter, of Staunton, Virginia, Walker Beverage, of Marlinton Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, Green Bank, Mrs. Marguerite Buzzard, of Waynesboro, Virginia, Eugene Beverage, of Buckeye, and Mrs. Mildred Mitchell, of Pomona, California. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

^ Harper Wallace Beverage Harper Beverage W. R. Beverage Harper Wallace Beverage, aged Harper Beverage, aged 76, died I Wallace R. Beverage, aged 38, 67 years, seven months and twenof Fenwick, Nicholas County, at his home at Bartow Friday, ty two days, died at his home died on Wednesday, October 3L, August 21, 1959. near Clover Lick, on Thursday 1956, a t his home after a heart Surviving are his wife, Mrs. morning, July 12, 1951. For sevattack. On Saturday afternoon, Bessie Rexrode Beverage; four eral years he had been in failing the funeral service was held with sons, Gray, of Durbin, Clark and health. Burial on Sunday afterinterment in Mountain View Me- Boyd, both of Bartow, and Wood- noon in the Mountain View Cemmorial Park, ne:*r Summersville. row, of Valley Bend; four daugh- tery. The funeral service was The deceased was a son of Mr ters, Mrs. Ethel Schwallenberg, held from the Poage Lane Church and Mrs. Harper Beverage, of Miss Mary Frances Beverage and ! by Rev. Don C. Taylor, assisted Bartow. He was a miner by oc- Miss Katherine Beverage, all of I by Rev. Kay Hanson. Pail bearcupation. Besides his pareats, Washington, D. C , and Mrs. ers wore: Charles E. Farmer, Elhe is survived by his wife, Mar- Ruth Baylor, of Alexandria, Vir- mer Brown, Warren Dunn, Walguerite, and three children, Doug- ginia; one sister, Mrs. Emma ter Joyce, Earnest Joyce and l a s , Allen and Phyllis Ruth. Al-j Wagner, of Fountain, Virginia; O. D. White, ' so by four brothers and four sis- j thirteen grandchildren, and one The deceased is survived by his ters; Gray, of Durbin,, Clark and great-grandchild. wife, Mrs. Edna Byrd Beverage; Boyd, of Bartow, and Woodrow, Mr. Beverage was a farmer and of Valley Bend; Mrs. Ethel a member of the Bartow Metho- one sou, Earl Walter Beverage, Schwallenberg and Misses Mary dist Church from where funeral and two grandchildren, Richard Frances and Bessie Kathryn, all services were held Sunday after- Keith Beverage and Jo Ann Bevcf Washington, D. C ; and Mrs. noon by the Rev. J. E. F'airburn erage; also a number of other Ruth Baylor, of Silver Springs, -2nd the Rev. R. B. Jarrett. Bur- relatives ar \ friends. Mr. Beverage was the son of Maryland. ! ial was in the Burner Cemetery., the late John A. and Mary E, Hannah Beverage. DEATHS He was a member of the MarLUTHER FORREST BEVERAGJ? linton Presbyterian Church, and Cameron B m r a p Luther Forrest Beverage was born he served as a faithful christian Edward Cameron Beverage, July 7, 1878, and died December 21, to the end. Through the long 78r of Route 1, Marlinton died 1940, after an illness of two weeks. months of suffering his faith nevSunday, October 29, 1978, in On Sunday afternoon the funeral er wavered. His sick room was a Pocahontas Memorial Hospi- service was conducted by Rev. J. W. place where the presence of the tal after a lengthy illness, Pugh, from the home of Mr. and Good Shepherd was keenly felt; A farmer, Mr. Beverage was Mrs. K. B. Wilmoth where the de- He led him by the hand through a member of the Methodist ceased had made his home since the the valley of the shadow of death Church and a member of the death of his father. The body was into the City of G^d. Efts grtatj Masonic Lodge. (?> laid to rest in the Wilmoth Ceme- faith will evTer remain a te^ti^ony >/ He was born July 21, 1900, tery beside his father and mother. to those who are left beliiod. in Virginia, the son of Edward His father, George W. Beverage Koscoe T. Beverage C. and Margaret Lightner Bev- was 'born March 17, 1839 and died Roscoe T. Beverage, 67, of July 25, 1910. His mother, Mary erage. His wife, Goldie Shrader Knapps Creek, died Saturday, Beverage, preceded him in Virginia Swadley Beverage, was May 19, 1973, in a Philippi born September 19, 1842, and died death. hospital after a long illness. March 20, i914 Surviving him are a son Born on Knapps Creek May his immediate family, one sisand two daughters, Kenneth 15, 1906, he was the son of the ter, Mrs. Loleta Ann Varner of Beverage, of Dunmore, Mrs. late Coe Beverage and Sadie €Iuntersville, survives. LeannaFriel, Marlinton, and Lightner Beverage. Mrs. Hertha Sweaney, of He was a member of the WestCharleston; 16 grandchildren William J. Beverage minster Presbyterian Church; and 11 great-grandchilWilliam J. Beverage was born the Masonic Lodge and was a dren; nine brothers and sisters, January 27, 1891, in Monterey, farmer. Walker Beverage, Marlinton, Virginia, and departed this life Eugene Beverage, Buckeye, Survivors include his wife, on January 14, 1946, aged 54 Mrs. Edith Sharp Beverage; Cable Beverage, Hot Springs, years, 11 months and 13 days Virginia, Robert Beverage, two daughters, Mary ElizaFuneral service was held in the Mildred and Mabel Reed, all beth and Alma May Beverage, funeral home in Princeton, on of California; Edna Madison, Thursday at two o'clock, P. M. both at home; four sisters, Waynesboro, Virginia, MarHe was laid to rest in the Prince- Mrs. Hallie Barlow, of Charguerite Buzzard, of WaynesMrston cemetery beside his wife, who lottesville, Virginia, boro, Virginia, and Helen Hazel Lovell, of Baltimore, preceded him in death 21 years Fitzgerald, Green Bank. Maryland, Mrs. Margie Dixon, ago. Services were held Wednesof Roanoke, Virginia, and The deceased is the son of Mrs. Mrs. Charlsie Snider, of * airday afternoon in Central A. P. Leverage and the late A. P. Union Methodist Church by mont, and a niece, Mrs. Ruth Beverage, of Marlinton. the Rev. B. B. Mitcbam and Dever Roher, of Portsmouth, Rev. Bernard Skeen, with He is survive I by his three Virginia, who was raised m burial in Mountain View Cemchildren, Billy. Roena and Doro- the Beverage home. etery. thy, his aged mother, two sisters, Funeral services were held Mrs. Clawson B ^ e r a g e and Mrs. Monday afternoon at the WestLee Beverage, of Marlinton, six minster Presbyterian Church brothers, Jessie and Charley, of by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, Marlinton, D. H., of Layland, with burial in the Mountain Tr Kenton, Martin and Pinkney, of iew Cemetery at Marlinton. Washington, D. C.


Mrs. Frsnk Beverage

Mrs. Dennis Beveraje Mrs. Nona Ethel Davis Beverage, 81, of Rupert, a former resident of Woodrow, died Tuesday, January 6, 1976, in Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home in Fairlea. She was the widow of Dennis Haiti)on Beverage, who died June 17, 1968. She was a native of Greenbrier County and a member of Big Clear Creek Baptist Church in Rupert Surviving her are four daugh ters, Mrs. Virginia Bos tic, of Rupert, with whom she made her home, Mrs, Elizabeth Wright, of Jacksonville, Flor* ida, Mrs. Irene McCcmbs, Prince, Mrs. Edith Kincaid, of Fredericksburg, Virginia; two son9, Harry Bever g», of Richmond, Virginia, and Randolph Beverage, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a sister, Mrs. Rhoda Criner, of Buffalo; seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Services were held January 9 in Wallace and Wallace Fuher* al Home in Rainelle, by the Rev. Boyd Sparks, with burial in Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville.

Mrs. Rosie Inez Loudermilk Beverage, died Sunday, Sep28,1980, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Baptist Church and wife of George Frank Beverage who survives her. The daughter of the late Matthew and Laura Loudermilk, she was born at Frankford September 23, 1902. A son and a brother, Homer, preceded her in death. In addition to her husband, she is survived by five children, David Beverage, Buckeye, Dempsey Beverage, Hillsboro, Mary Jaffe, Sunnyvale, California, Louise Beverage, Marlinton and Louze McComb, Huntersville; a brother, Alfred Loudermilk, of Frankford, and three sisters, Blanche Miller, Goldie Gabbert and Annie Gilbert, all of Lewisburg; 21 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 10 a. m. Thursday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Robert Higgins with burial in the Beverage Cemetery,

Walter K. Beverage

Walter Kyle Beverage, 85, of Cass, died Saturday, January 6, 1968, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard after a long illness He was a lifelong resident of Cass; a member of the Wanless Methodist Church, on Back Mountain, a retired farmer and a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Garnet Hoover,, of Livonia, Michigan; three sons, Earl Beverage, of Man, Ward Beverage, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, and Carl Beverage, of Clarksburg; one sister, Mrs. Mattie Houchins, of South Charleston; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. J. E. Fairburn with burial in the church cemetery.


Charles Cable Beverage, Jr.

Charles Cable Beverage, Jr., 42, died Thursday, February 12,1976, at his Boca Raton, Florida home following a bout with cancer that first took one of his legs by amputation. He was a former star athlete at Valley High School and was a golf pro and teacher. He worked for eight years with Sam Snead. He was born at Hot Springs, Virginia, July 30, 1933, a son of Charles Cable Beverage, Sr., and the late Mrs. Goldie May Bailey Beverage, who died January 26, 1976. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis Flint Beverage, a son Charles F. Beverage; two daugh ters, Brenda and Christy Beverage, all at home; his father, Charles Cable Beverage, of Ash wood; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Ryder, of Covington, Virginia, and Mrs. Shirley M. Durette, of Pompano, Florida. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon from the Healing Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. Warren Rollins officiating. Interment was in the Warm Springs Cemetery.

Wilbur Neal Beverage

Garland Beyerage

Wilbur Neal Beverage, 54, of Concord, N. C, died on Tuesday, November 9, 1976, after five weeks of critical illness following surgery. He was the son of the late Amos and Emma Beverage of Marlinton. A World War II veteran, Mr. Beverage settled in North Carolina in 1945 and was employed as a construction superintendent by the Godley Conduction Company in Charlotte. He was a member of Poston Perkins VFW Post. Surviving are two sons, Michael and Stephen, both of Kannapolis, N. C.; one sister, Gatha Cyr, of Southington, Conn.; three brothers, Clyde Beverage, of Marlinton, Clinton Beverage, of Elkins, and Norman Beverage, of Weston; and one grandchild. A halfbrother, Bernard Conley, preced him in death. Funeral services were conducted in the St. Joseph Catholic Church, of which he was a member, by the Rev. Donald Fearon. Interment was in the National Cemetery in Salisbury, N. C.

Winfred Garland Beverage, 52, of Danese, was dead on arrival at the Veterans Hospital at Beckley June 22, 1976, of an apparent heart attack. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of Post 62, American Legion, and Post 3738, Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a plumber. The Beverages are forriier residents of Webster Springs and Marlinton. Born near Marlinton, October 1, 1923, he was the son of Dan J. and Bertie A. Beverage, of Rt. 1, Marlinton. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Thelma Williams Beverage; a daughter, Mrs. Beverly Bennett, of Fairmont; two sons, Danny Beverage, of Ansted, and John Paul Beverage, of Danese. Funeral services were held Friday morning in Dodd and Hurt Funeral Home at Webster Springs by the Rev. Minr ter Lynch. Burial was oil Friday afternoon in the Beverage Cemetery near Marlinton.

Charles Clyde Beale Charles C. Beaie Funeral services for Charles Charles C. Beale, aged 73, of Clyde Beale, 56, of Dayton, Slatv Fork, died Friday, January Virginia, formerly of Valley 22, 1960. in the University HosHead, were held at 2 p. m. pital, Charlottesville, Virginia. December 12, at Friendship He had been in failing health for Baptist Church near Valley several months. CL^^ Head with Rev. Edward MarkBorn at Mingo November 20, ley, of Mill Creek, and Rev. 1886. he was a son of the late Kenneth Corley, of Eikins, in Thomas and Mary Jane Smith charge. Burial was in the Gib- Beale. He was a member of son Cemetery nearSlatyfork. Mary's Chapel Methodist Church He died Saturday, December Mr. Beale is survived by his 9, 1972, at Valley Head of an wife, Mrs. Evva Hannah Beale; appparent heart attack. two daughters, Mrs. Opal Shaw j A sister, Opal Shaw, preced- of Buckhannon, and Mies Juanita ed him in death. Beale at home; three sons, NorBorn near Slatyfork, April man Beale, of Mace, Clyde Beale, | 5. 1916 he was a son of the and John Beale, both of Valley j late Charles C. and Evva Han- Head; two sisters, Mrs. Florence i nah Beale. Sharp, of Marlinton, and Mrs. \ Mr Beale was employed as Laura Coff of Charleston; three a maintenance man for the brothers, Kenny -Beale, of MarWalker Manufacturing Com- tinsburg, Andrew Beale, of Elkpany, of Harrisonburg, Virginia. ins, and John Beale, of CharlesHe was a U. S. Army veteran ton. of World War II and a memFuneral services were held Mon ber of the VFW Post, of Elkday afternoon in the Slaty Fork ins. Methodist Church by the Rev. He is survived by his former Arnold Bickel, the Rev. Acie wife, Ernestine Wilfong Beale; Bryant, and the Rev. Ezra Bentwo sons, Rocky Lane, of Val- ijett, with burial in the Gibson ley Head and Roger Wayne, of Jemetery. / | James I. Beveragu Bridgewater, Virginia; one Mrs. Johnny (NayJames I. Beverage, aged about daughter, oka) Guthrie, Valley Head; 171 years, died at his home in Two brothers,of Norman L. of Sequim, Washington, on Mon- Mace, and Johnny E. Beale, of Fred A. Beale | day, January 18, 1943, after a Valley Head; one sister, Miss (lingering illness of many months. Juanita Fred Allen Beale, of West HyBeale, of Mace, and |Cn Thursday his body was laid to one grandchild, attsville, Maryland, aged 54, died Chad W. Beale 'rest with Masonic honors. The in a Washington hospital on Satdeeeased was a native of Pocahonurday, April 1,1961. Death was tas county, a son of the late attributed to a heart condition. Washington and Lydia Beverage He was a son of the lateSamuel of Swago. His sisters are Mrs D. and Ena Jane Hamrick Beale, D. L. Loukermilk, Mrs Willis of Mingo. Let Umisters Beverage McKeever and Mrs Winters MeHe is survived by his wife, Mrs. Neil; his brothers are Boude of; Lee BeveraRe, 79, of MarlinCharlotte E. Beale; two daughSwago; Dayton, of Sequim,! ton, died Thursday, December ters, Mrs. Carol J. Doud and Washington, and Joe Beverage, j 27, 1979, in the Pocahontas Patricia Joan Beale; six brothers, of North Carolina. Memorial Hospital after a long George A. Beale, Rean N. Beale, Mr Beverage married Miss! illness. ;and Otha B. Beale, all of Mingo; Maud Kee, who survives. He Born in Marlinton April 26, I William G. Beale, of Fairmont; was an outstanding business man,| 1900, he was the son of the I Porter M. Beale, of St. Petersinterested in lumbering and j late Jacob W. Beverage and burg, Florida; Ernest G. Beale, mining. Nancy Kellison Beverage, of Brandy wine, Maryland; one sister, Mrs. Bessie Carpenter, of Mr. Beverage was a memMt. Rainer, Maryland. He was ber of the Campbelltown Mrs. Lucy Beverage died at Mar-, preceded in death by two brothUnited Methodist Church. linton on Sunday, November 22, ers, M. Howard arid O. Freeman 1925. Some weeks ago she suffered a He is survived by his wife, Beale. stroke of paralysis, and he? strength i Alice, whom he married in had been gradually failing. Her age 1924, and two children, a son, Funeral services-were conductwas 67 years. Funeral services were J French, of Arbovale, a daughed a"t 1:00 p. m., April 4, at tbe conducted from the West Unlcr < ter, Mrs. Juanita Carr, of S. H. Hines Funeral Home in Church on Tuesday m rning by Rev. j Washington, D. C. Intermant i Nelson S. Hill. Burial in the Bever- Leivasy; a brother, Clawson George Washington Memoria* j age graveyard on the head of Dry ' Beverage; and a sister, Mrs. Park, Riggs Rd. Creek. Mrs. Beverage's maiden Pearl Burks, both of Marlinname was Tracy and she was raised ton; eight grandchildren and on Elk. Her husband was the late ten great-grandchildren. John Beverage. §he is survived by; one daughter, Mrs. L. B. Rodgers of i Services were held Saturday Alderson. Two sons, Preston an 3 I at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Remus Beverage, have been dead a j Funeral Home by the Rev. number of yeaiS. B. B. Mitcham. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery. George Frank Beverage George Frank Beverage, 80, of Buckeye, died Saturday,! February 19, 1983, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness, He was employed as a factory worker in Maryland for! many years. Born in Buckeye, May 6, 1902, be was tbe son of Boud aid Effie Loudermilk Beverige. Surviving him are two sons,! 3avid, of Buckeye, atfd Demp-i sey, of Hillsboro; daughters, Mrs. Mary Jaffie, of California, Mrs. Louise Beverage, of Marlinton, Mrs. Louze McCorab, i of Huntersville; sisters, Mrs. Mary Loudermilk, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Mitt Davis, of Marlinton; 21 grandchildren; 27 greatgrandchildren. Precding him in death was j his wile, Rose. Services were held Monday at 1 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home with Rev. Robert Higgins officiating. Burial { was in Beverage Cemetery. I


Kutn Beale, 76, of Marlinton, died Friday, October 16, 1992, at Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a member of Edray United Methodist Church and the Edray Extension Homemakers Club. Born at Brady April 19, 1916, she was the daughter of the late Howard and Merica Moore Beale. A brother, Leroy Beale, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Norman L. Beale; two sons, Harold md Lewis Beale, both of Marlinton; a brother, Clarence Beale, of Temple Hills, Maryland; fvnt grandchildren aijd nine great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sonny Painter. Burial was in the Mingo Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Building Fund. John Edward Beale John Edward Beale, 77, of Ravenswood, formerly of Charleston, died Thursday, October 9,1980, in Jackson General Hospital, after a short illness. Born July 16, 1903, he was the son of the late Thomas and Mary Jane Smith Beale, and the last of his family. He was a native of Pocahontas County. He was retired from the Appalachian Power Company, Charleston, and from the Kanawha County Parks Commission. He attended the First United Methodist Church at Ravenswood, Surviving are his wife, Monta, daughter, Mrs. Sharon Yencha; three grandchildren, Mark, Julie, and Linda, and several nieces and nephews. Services were held Sunday, October 12, at 2:30 p. m. in Straight-Tucker Funeral Home in Ravenswood, with the Rev. Ronald McCauley and Rev. Hobert Prunty officiating. Burial was in Ravenswood Cemetery.

Patrick Henry Bennett was born December 17, 1877, in Pendleton county. He was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Vint. He was a member of the Methodist church at Arbovale but for a number of years he had been a regular attendant at Sunday School and church in the'Liberty Presbyterian church. So regu| larly did he attend and serve this I church that probably many people j thought he was a member. He 'was one of a small number who for years had a perfect Sunday school attendance record. He departed this life early in the morning of Wednesday March 21, 1945, having reached the age t>5 years, three months four days. Immediate survivors include his wife and the following children: Mrs. Kyle Wooddell, -Mae and Pearl Bennett, of Burbank, California; Mrs. J. F. Petts of Dunbar; Theodore Bennett, of Barboursville; T.-S. Marvin Bennett, Ft. Lewis, Wash,; Sgt. Ray Rennett, serving overseas in the army; Ralph, Irene, Myrtle and Bobby at'home. One sister Mrs. 'Cora Lambert of Harrisonburg, Va., and two grandchildren, Allen and Haloid Petts of Dunbar.

Harry Bennett

Harry Bennett, 39, died in Pasadena, California, October 15 1959. He was a World War II veteran. Surviving him are his wife, Evelyn Frances Bennett; five sisters, Mrs. Annie Davis, of Forrest City, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Virginia Schuley, of Unionville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Mabel Roscoe, of Bromburk, New Jersey, Mrs. Marie Baitsch, of South River, New Jersey, and Mrs. Hazel Greathouse, of Durbin; and six brothers, Paul Bennett, of Bromburk, New Jersey, John Bennett, of Warren, Ohio, Charles Bennett, of Pensacola, Florida, William Bennett, of Williamsburg, Virginia, George Bennett, of Durbin, and Jeff Bennett, of Cass. Funeral services were held last Saturday at the1 Church of the Brethren at Dur * ' y the Rev. William Pugh, w \ irial in the Wilmoth CemeU ^ear Bartow, . Military graveside rites were < conducted by Allegheny Post No." ; 117 of the American Legion at I Durbin.

Lester Bennett Lester Arthur Bennett, 60, of Bartow, died Thursday, February 1, 1973, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins after a long illness. He lived in Pocahontas County most of his life and was a member of Elk Mountain Presbyterian Church. Mr. Bennett was an employee of Howes Leather Company for 31 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mervil Arbogast Bennett; four daughters, Mrs. Virginia Gragg, of Ravenna, Ohio, Mrs. Ellen White, of Frank, Mrs. Carolyn Davis and Mrs. Hazel Wincek, both of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; three sons. Al len Bennett, of Marlinton, Kenny Bennett, of Paradise, Pennsylvania, and Carl Bennett, of Harrisonburg, Virginia; three'sisters. Mrs. Mona Simmons, of Durbin, Mrs. Flornie Warren and Mrs. Sally Tingler, both of Montrose; 'our brothers, Ezra and Elmer Bennett, both of Bartow; Raymond Bennett, of Montrose, md Roscoe Bennett, of Cass; 27 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Elk Mountain Chapel Presbyterian Church by the Rev. M. Morton, with burial in the Lambert Cemetery at Thorn wood. A. J. Bennett

Andrew Jackson Bennett, age 75, of Bartow, died in the Pocaihonias Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, April 8, 1959. He was a member of the Church of the Brethren. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Ella Lambert Bennett; three daughters, Mrs. Mona Simmons of Durbin, Mrs. Flornie Warner of Cherry Grove, and Mrs. Sally Tingler of O-ady; five sons, Lester Bennett, Ezra Bennett, and Elmer Bennett, ali of Bartow, Raymond Bennett of Mouth-ofSeneca, and Roscoe Bennett of ; Cass; three sisters, Mrs. Cassie Simmons of Plymouth, Pennsyl ,vania, Mrs. Lena Simmons of Oakland, Maryland, and Mrs. Letha Lambert of Bartow; a brother, James Bennett of Mount Clair; and fifteen grandchildren. Funeral services ^ere conducted Saturday in ~ Elk Chapel Church at Cherry Grove by the Rev. Dale N. Jones, with burial in the Johnson Cemetery.


Eary Bennett Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah Bennett Eary Bennett, 62, of near Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah Ben- Marlinton, died Saturday, OcWilliam H. Bwnitl CSM (ret.) William H. Ben- nett, 80, of Frankford, died tofi:LB. 1966. in the^Pocahonnett, 55, of Newport News, Tuesday, December 28, 1971, tas Memorial Hospital. in the Denm&r State Hospital Virginia, died April 12, 1978 His mother, Mrs. Mary at Walter Reed Army Medical at Beard, following a long Hammons Bennett, preceded illness Center. Born August 24, 1891, in him in death. He was born in Harmon and retired from the army in 1977 Randolph County, she was a aa Post Command Sergeant daughter of the late Thoede Major at Fort Eustis, Vir- Muilenax andNimrod Bennett Surviving him are his father, She was a member of the ginia after 33 years of military Frankford United Methodist service. He was a veteran of World War II, Korea and Viet- Church. Survivors include two daunam. He is survived by his wife, ghters, Mrs. J. B. (Lucy) GarGuy and Robert Bennett, of Gisela Ti ebe Bennett, and his rett, of Johnson City, Tennessee, and Mrs. W. M, (Lula) three daughters, Patricia S. Bennett, Mrs. Kathleen A. Higginbotham, Jr., of FrankMassie and Mrs. Jane B. ford; one son, Ladura Bennett, Strohm. He is also survived by of Baltimore, Maryland; one vender. Maryland. Mr*. Agnes five sisters, Mrs. Anna sister, Mrs. Gilbert Dahmer, Davis, Mrs. Marie Braitsch, of Cass; two brothers, Edward, Trainer, Spring, and Mrs; Ruth Mrs. Mable Roscoe, Mrs. Vir- of Clintonville, and Glen, of -Riac-s Mingo; four brothers, ginia Seely, and Mrs. Hazel White Hawk, Maryland; 15 Greathouse; three brothers, grandchildren, and eight great l; S U n d c \ a r l e s B e n n e U 0 ! Ohio Frank Bennett, ot renn Jefferson Bennett, Paul Ben- grandchildren. Funeral services were held ? y ^ a % c 1 Pat Bennett o nett and George Bennett. Memorial services were held Thursday morning in the Jack Camden-on-Gauleyf a n d o n j in Fort Eustis Memorial Chap- K. Wallace Funeral Home sister, Mrs. Jane Curry, oi el on Monday, April 17, at 10 Chapel in Lewisburg by Dr. Camden-on-Gauley. Collins, with burial in Services were held Wednesa. m. Private interment serv- Claude day IXUoon at West Union ices were held at the family the Frankford Cemetery. Church with burial in the Cochcemetery in Bartow. Jesse Bennett ran Cemetery. The family suggested that memorial donations be made Mrs. Maggie Bennett Mrs. Maggie Bennett, aged 71 to the American Heart Asso« - •«. i. f kn nf years, of Arbovale, died Thursciation. m Jesse Bennett about 50, of J j 2 2 i m i n t h e PoElkina, was found dead Mon^ rial Hospital, c a n t a s M e m 0 Alisha Nicole Bennett lM day night, April *>•> *> Q vivine her are six daughters nr Alisha Nicole Bennett, age two u and half years, died Saturday, above Spruce Flats, he ap- Q ^ d^ ^ s Mrs Sylvia Sheets, / ^ August 8, 1992, in Pocahontas parently had fallen over the bank at a culvert into a small g £ ^ , Mo. Memorial Hospital. ol of water and had been ^ S f f c ^ n t a , California; 0O She was born December 19, about 24 hours . J j g ^ J Van Home, of Front 1989, at Greenbrier Valley dead duce truck he had accompanied Sunday he had stopped McHospital, Fairlea. onOn a trip to Florida. He and was £ *• '-v £i n i a ; M r si. ,Myrtle Elk Mountain, too sick and Mrs. Surviving her are her mother, on n f Arbova e brought to the hospital in the to continue a pro- p e a * w ' a y b r i g h t t of Staunton, Lisa M. Dumire Bennett; father, nervous emergency car, given onmedicaMark D. Bennett; a brother Mark tion and started to Elkins with Virginia; Marvin Bennett, of New Duane Bennett, Jr., at home; and Claude Maicomb in his taxi. Haven: Ralph, of Inkater, Michigrandparents Burl and Marilyn Mr. Maicomb got out to get gan; Theodore, of Barboursvilie; Dumire and Guy and Sue Bennett. gas, Bennett drove off in the Ray, of Seattle, Washington, and Funeral services were held taxi and could not be found. Bobbie, of Arbovale. Tuesday, August 11, at 2 p.m. by He had left the taxi and walk- Funeral services were held on the Rev. David Slawter, with burial ed about a mile and a half to Saturday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the in the Gibson Cemetery. the spot he was found dead. P. Bennett Rev. F. E. Terry Fairburn withg burial Terry Pat Cemetery. Bennett, 21, of in the Arbovale Rev. Ezra Bennett Garden City, Michigan, died Rev. Ezra Bennett, 84, died Wednesday, May 31, 1972. Tuesday, July 24, 1984, at Survivors include his parhis old homeplace at Walkersents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray BenFloyd A- Bennett ville, where he was staying ^E aged nett, of Garden City, Michiwith a cousin, Paul Cay ton. Gas9 _Flo.vd A. B ^ e t * . . - b i s gan; and two sisters, Mrs AlMr. Bennett had lived at 13 years, died at the ^ k l a n d , vona Jean Schraf, of West Bend, Michigan, and Miss Renick and was a former Meth- daughter, Mrs. Lena ^ mhev Renee Bennett, of Garden City odist minister of the Edray and at Ca*s, on Enday, Funeral services were held Minnehaha Charges in Poca- 5, 1941. . Sunday afternoon at the Arbohontas County. vale United Methodist Church He was preceded in death by by the Rev. Kenneth Monthis wife, Mabel, and two sons. gomery, with burial in the Services will be held at 1 p. Arbovale Cemetery. m. Thursday at Boyle Funeral Home in Weston. < & )

Mrs. Maisie S. Bennett Mrs. Maisie Simmons Bennett, 82, of 4001 Deep Creek Boulevard, the widow of Forrest B. Bennett, and a native of Mill Gap, Virginia, died Tuesday, November 23, 1976, in a hospital. She lived in Portsmouth, Virginia, for thirty five years and was a member of Asbury United Methodist Church, the World War I Widows Chapter 4, and VFW Auxiliary 993. Only survivors are four grand daughters, Mrs. Gwen Bivens, of Highland Springs, Miss Mary Joe Bennett, of Falls Church, Virginia, Mrs. Gloria Stevens, of Kingsville, Ohio, and Mrs. Judy Prado,of Portsmouth, Virginia, and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday, at two p.m., in Asbury United Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Dunkum and the Rev. James Griner. Burial was in Olive Branch Cemetery. Mrs. Bennett was a sister of the late L. 0. Simmons and aunt of Paul and Houston Simmons, of Marlinton, and Letcher Simmons, Jr., of Windsor, Conn. Houston and Mary White attended the funeral at Portsmouth, Virginia, Friday, November 19, 1976.

John 0. Bennett John Opie Bennett, 85, of Arbovale, died Wednesday, June 14, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been a resident of Pocahontas County since 1923, and was a member of the Church of the Brethren and the American Legion. He was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Warner Bennett; one daughter, Mrs. Richard Steele, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. Hassie Turner, of Cumberland, Maryland. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the feoyer Church by the Rev. David Rittpnhouse. with burial in the Boyer Cemetery at Boyer.

Wtm Pat Bennett Pat Bennett, 67, of Camdenon-Gauley, Webster County, died Monday, November 17, 1969, of an apparent heart at tack while at work. A former resident of Pocahontas County, he was an employee of the Bryant and Garland Lumber Company, at Cowen. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Florence Bennett; one daughter, Mrs. Beulah Hanshaw, of Huntington; his fathOscar Virgil Bennett er, Leamon Bennett, of Ohio; Oscar Virgil Bennett, 79, a one sister, Mrs. Jane Curry, retired Marine Corps Master of Tioga; three brothers, CharSergeant, died Monday, July ley Bennett, Rosedale; Frank 7, 1969, in a Beaufort, South Bennett, of Pennsylvania, and Carolina, Hospital. Arnett Bennett, of Ohio. Born at Ripley, May 30, 1890, he was the son of the late Jerome and Ella Allen Payton Bennett Bennett. Payton Bennett, 76, of He had served 30 years with Cherry Grove, died Wednesthe Marines in World War I day, August 15, 1973, at his and II. home. Survivors include his wife, Born July IS*, 1897, at CherMrs. Dora Elizabeth Bennett, ry Grove, he was a son of the and one brother, Roscoe Ben- late Asa and Bethany Bennett. nett, of Marlinton. Survivors include one daughGraveside services were held ter, Miss Rosa Lee Bennett, of in the U. S. National Cemetery Cherry Grove; three sisters, at Beaufort, South Carolina. Mrs. Lena Arbogast, of BarThe Bennetts lived several tow; Mrs. Sutie Arbogast and Mrs. Kate Arbogast, both of years in Marlinton. Cherry Grove, and one brother, Riley Bennett, of Cherry Grove. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Big Run Chapel at Cherry Grove, by the Rev. F. H. Morton, Jr. Burial was in the Cherry Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Emma Berry Mrs. Emma Dilley Berry, 75, of Charleston, died Tuesday, January 24, 1978, in Mountain State Nursing Home after a long illness. She was a former nurse's aide at General Division, CAMC. She was born near Marlinton November 21, 1902, the daughter of Charles H. and Margaret Matilda Sharp Dilley. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Everiette Morrison, of Charleston, sister, Mrs. Ora Morrison, Marlinton, brother, Marion Dilley of Charleston; two grand children and two great-grand children. She was preceded in death by her husband, Albert Berry; two brothers, Vency F. Dilley and Earl William Dilley, and two sisters, Mamie Pauley and Opal Clevenstine. Services were held Thursday in Wilson Funeral Home with the Rev. Archie Snedear officiating. Burial was in prlng Hill Cemetery,


Thomas Edward Beahm Thomas Edward Beahm, 77, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died March 6, 1990 at Waynesboro Community Hospital. He was born September 23, 1912 at Luray, Virginia, a son of Thomas Mann and Bessie (Shank) Beahm. He was a member of Second Presbyterian Church and was a Navy Veteran of World War II. He retired from Du Pont with 45 years of service. He was a past president of Waynesboro North Little League. He was former owner of Leading Creek Kennels, at Elkins, and owner of the Gundog Field Champion, Leading Creek Ryman, West Virginia's only AKC SPO field champion. Survivors include his widow, Vera S. Buzzard Beahm; a son, Robert Edward Beahm of Elkins; a brother, Gilbert A. Beahm, of Waynesboro; two sisters, Vinda Heck of York, Pennsylvania, and Catherine Coe of Maryland; and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were conducted Thursday at McDow Funeral Home by Dr. Ralph M. Piland, with burial at Augusta Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Waynesboro First Aid Crew.


BRIDGEWATER, Feb. 25— Oscar A. Bell, 84, well known farmer and livestock dealer, died thi«, morning at six o'clock at his home near here following a long illness. Mr. Bell was a son of the late A. D. and Elizabeth Harnsberger Bell and was born Sept. 13, 1857 at Spring Hill in Augusta county On Sept. 20, 1887, he married Miss Mary Elizabeth Turner, daughter of the late Samuel David and Sarah Catherine Huffer Turner. She preceded him in death .on June's, 1936. Mr Bell had made his home near Bridgewater for many years and previous to moving here had lited in Pocohontas County, W. mk for 12 years. Aside from his farming activities he dealt extensively In livestock. He was a lifelong member of the Mossy Creek Presbyterian Church. He is survived by seven children: A. A. Bell, of Nokesville; Miss Edith Bell, Miss Sallie Bell, Mrs. Ligon Powell, Mrs. W. E. Furr, and E. C. Bell, at home and Mrs. H. W. Baker, of Penn Laird. Three grandchildren and one great-grandchild also survive. He was the last surviving member of his family. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from his late home. Services will be conducted by his pastor, Rev. S. M. Query. Burial will be in Mossy Creek Cemetery. Pallbearers . will be: R. M. Wright, Levi Senger, Omar Simmon?, Clarence Craun, Glenn Ever£ an3 -John- "Senger.

Vera Sue Beahm Vera Sue Beahm, age 84, of 1437 Park Rd., Waynesboro, Virginia, died at her residence. She was born December 29, 1912, in Huntersville, a daughter of Rodney and Esta Buzzard. She was a member of Second Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro. Preceding her in death in addition to her parents were her husband, Thomas Edward Beahm; two sisters, Lola Workman and Margie Alice Buzzard; three brothers, Arnold, Harlen, and James Buzzard. Surviving her are a son, Robert Edward Beahm, Elkins; a sister, Polly Gardner, Clover Lick; three brothers, Waldo and Hubert Buzzard, both of Marlinton, and William Buzzard, Huntersville. Service was held Thursday, May 1, at the Chapel of McDow Funeral Home by the Rev. Dr Ralph Piland with burial at Augusta Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers memorial ^nations may be made to VPAS/Homebound Meals, 325 2298

Ellis Carrol) Beck, 61, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died Wednesday, October 20, 1982, in a Roanoke hospital after a long illness. He was a retired Navy medical specialist. He was a member of the Church of Christ, Mountain Grove Volunteer Fire Department, Mountain Grove Community Center, VFW, Fleet Reserve and American Red Cross. Surviving him are his wife, Rella; son, Michael Joseph of Mountain Grove; sisters, Arleigh Bennett and Reba Bennett, both of San Antonio, Texas. A ^r$ Private wvic^s* were held, with burial in Mountain Grove Cemetery, M M . Earl W. Belcher

Mrs.IzettaR.Beha Mrs. Izetta Richmond Beha, 59, of Oak Hill, died Thursday, November 26, 1981, after a long illness. Born July 17, 1922, at Frank, she was a daughter of Vera Greathouse McCauley, of Frank, and the late Marion McCauley. Mrs. Beha was a housewife and a member of the Bartow United Methodist Church of Bartow. Survivors include her husband, Donald E. Beha, Sr.; two daughters, Carol M. Hefner, of Huntersville and Kathy E. Calhoun, of Ansted; five stepsons, Paul Beha, James Beha, Donald E. Beha, Jr., and Quentin Beha, all of Parkersburg, and Joseph Beha, of Mount Vernon, Ohio; a stepdaughter, Lucille Beha, of Parkersburg; a brother, Jack McCauley, of Parsons; two half sisters, Polly Morris, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Hazel Fox, of Waynesboro; two grandchildren and three step grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 10 a. m., in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with the Rev. Mark Hickman, of Durbin, officiating. Graveside rites were held at the OwensMcCauley Cemetery in Charlottesville, Virginia, Monday, at 3 p. m.

Mrs. Jane M. Belcher, 52, of 5 Jonquil Lane, Herndon, Virginia, died Saturday, December 26, 1970, atj;he Fairfax Hospital. Ys/^r/^*^ A native of Hopewell, Virginia, Mrs. Belcher had lived in Herndon since 1952, She was active in the Herndon 4-H Horse Club as a leader for 7 years. She was also a member of the Zonta Club df Alexandria. Mrs. Belcher was graduated from Randolph Macon Woman's Callege and later earned her degree as Master of Science in Social Work at the Richmond Professional Institute of the College of William and Edjir Cimtron Bill Mary in 1949. Edgar Cameron (Cam) Bell, Survivors include her husformerly oil Bridgewater, band, Earl W. Belcherf formgr- 85, Virginia, died Wednesday, lj^JiL^GassTTwo daughters, Elizabeth B. Peeler and Re- February 2, 1983, at Fauquier becca L. Belcher; one son, Earl Hospital in Warrenton, VirWoodrow Belcher, Jr.; her ginia, after a short illness. father, Harry S. Massie; one Born June 5, 1897, at Clovbrother, Colonel Henry S. Mas- er Lick, he was the son of the sie; one sister, Henrietta M. late Oscar A. and Mary E. Blankenship, and three grand- Turned BleH children, He lived at Bridge water beFuneral services were held fore moving to Nokesville, Wednesday in the Green Fu neral Home Chapel. She was Virginia, to live with his niece, laid to rest at Chestnut Grove Mrs. Wallace Wood. Mr. Bell was a farmer and owned a farm Cemetery. on top of Clover Lick Moun* tain many years and a home on Hamilton Hill in Marlinton, James Benson which he sold in 1978. James Benson aged 83 years, Surviving in addition to Mrs. died at the home of his daughter, Wood are a sister, Edith ZicMrs, E. W. Ruckman, on Knapps cardo, of Thorp, Wisconsin, Creek, Monday, January 8, 1945. and another niece, Mrs. John r His body will be laid in the Baker, of Bridgewater. Duumore cemetery on Wednesday Funeral services were held afternoon. at 2 p. m. Saturday, February Mr. Benson is survived by two 5, at Mossy Creek Presbytechildren, Mrs. Edith Ruckman, rian Church by the Revs. of Knapps Creek and William Charles Mac Arthur and David Benson of Richmond, Va. Webster. Burial was in Mossy Creek Cemetery.


Mrs. Leona Grace Beckett, 77, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Durbin, died Thursday, September 8, 1983, in a Baltimore hospital. Born June 9, 1906, in Durbin, she was a daughter of the late Howard and Nannie Scruggs Burner. Survivors include two daughters, Grace Taomino, of Baltimore, and Lucille Robinson, of Vienna; three sons, Henry and Melvin Shinaberry, both of Durbin, and Edward Meeks, of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Euna Barkley, of Frank, and Verlie Mullenax, of Bartow; and two brothers, Forrest Burner, of Frank, and Leroy Burner, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Pat Bennett

Pat Bennett, 67, of Camdenon-Gauley, Webster County, died Monday, November 17, 1969, of an apparent heart at tack while at work. A former resident of Pocahontas County, he was an employee of the Bryant and Garland Lumber Company, at Co wen. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Florence Bennett; one daughter, Mrs. Beulah Hanshaw. of Huntington; his father, Leamon Bennett, iof Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Jane Curry, of Tioga; three brothers, Charley Bennett, Rosedale; Frank Bennett, of Pennsylvania, and Arnett Bennett, of Ohio. Ralph Belcher Ralph Augustus Belcher, 76, of San Jose California, died March 5, 1979. A native of West Virginia, he was born May 31,1902. He was raised in the state of Washington, but had lived in San Jose for twenty-one years. He is survived by his wife, Frances V. Belcher, daughters, Janet Niblett, Gig Harbor, Washington, Lynette J. Berf, Fairfield, California, Deon W. Williams, Tucson, Arizona; sons, James E. Belcher, U. S. Army in Korea, Ralph A. Belcher, Jr., Campbell, California; brothers, James Belcher, Los Gatos, California and Marguerite Williams of Waverly, Virginia; 16 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Baby Bertelkamp

Dorothy Kristine Bertelkamp, ten months old of 314 Apollo Drive, Hampton, Virginia, died Tuesday, July 27, 1971, in the Langley Air Force Base Hospital after a long illness. Survivors include her parents Major and Mrs. John Bertelkamp; grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNeill, all of Hampton, Virginia; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Basser, of Lancaster, New York and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Arnot McNeill, of Marlinton. The body was sent to Mashlonik-Reinbold Funeral Home in Lancaster, New York for burial.

BODY FOUND On Sunday morning the body of Rodney Bell was found by his brother, Cameron Bell a few hundred yards from his home on Clover Creek Mountain, about 20 miles from Marlinton. The top of his head had beer torn away with a charge from a shot gun. The coroner, Squire T. S. M; Neel, held inquest, and the verdictwas suicide. The dead man had been missing for more than a week, having last been seen by a neighbor on Friday the week before. The deceased was a son of Mr nd Mrs Oscar Bell, of Bridgewaror, Virginia. He was 42 years old, unmarried, and lived alone on a big gm ;ing farm in the low place on fcU mountain at the head of Clover Creek. On Monday the bodr ' Juried on Bell place,

Miss Jackie Lea Biggs Miss Jackie Lea Biggs 15, of Neola, died Sunday, June 24, 1973, in a Roanoke, Virginia, hospital of injuries received in a one-car accident Saturday night on U. S. 60 about three miles west of White Sulphur Springs. Killed in the wreck was a 16 year-old White Sulphur Springs boy, Roger Dale Knapp. Roger Ramsey, about 16, the apparent driver, is in critical condition in a R^ hospital, police said, Born October 15, 195 . Biggs was the daughL Jack Biggs, of Weston, ^ 1 Krs. Albert Bear Mrs. Agnes G. Trainer, oi Mrs. Albert (Alice )Bear, 71, \ Neola. r of Churchville, Virginia, died She attended the Methodist last Thursday night, NovemChurch. ber 5, 1970, after an automoOther survivors include three bile accident near Bishopville. brothers, John Wayne Biggs, South Carolina, serving with the Job Corps in She and her hu.» band were on Cotionwood, Idaho, and Edtheir way to Florida for the gar W. and Joe Biggs, both winter. Mr. Bear, who is a of Neola; a half brother, Melbrother of John Bear, of Marvin Trainer, of Neola; two sislinton, suffered some head inters, Jane and Judy Biggs, juries. both of Neola; two half sisters, Services and burial were Renata and Rose Trainer, both held in Churchville Monday. of Neola; the maternal grandmother, Mrs, Mat tie Bennett, of Marlinton, and the paternal Miss Lucy Berry grandmother, Mrs. Annie Harmon, of Neola. Miss Lucy Berry, a retired :eacher, died at her home in Funeral services were held (Veston on February 2, 1978. Wednesday afternoon in the She made her home with her Watts Chapel United Methojister, Miss Fannie Berry. Andist Church by the R^ ther sister is Mrs. F. C. (Mary B. Kyle, with buru to) Allen, of Marlinton. They Trainer Cemetery nea ire the daughters of the late Joseph S. and Amanda Sprite F 66 Berry. Services were held Saturday in Weston with burial at Flatwood.

Mrs. Nannie Bentzel i Mrs. Nannie Auldridge Bent! zel, 92, of Dawson, Greenbrier County, died Friday, February 22,1963, in a Milton nursing home after a long illness. Mrs. Bentzel was born at Buckeye and formerly lived in Marlinton. Surviving her are two sons, Winterk Bentzel, of Dawson, and George Bentzel, Jr., of Pineville; a sister, Mrs. Lula Withrow, of Hurricane; and a brother, G. Oliver Auldridge, j of Lewisburg.


Dorsey Frederick Biggs Henry Biggs Mrs. Rulb Margaret Biggs Dorsey Frederick Biggs, 42, Henry Houstin Biggs, 66, of Mrs. Ruth Margaret Biggs, of Jacksonville, Florida, for- Marlinton, died Saturday, June 49, of Slatyfork, died Monday, merly of Marlinton, was killed 5, 1976, at his home, after a January 14,1980, at her home, Wednesday, April 12, 1972, in long illness. after a two year illness with Jacksonville while at work for cancer. Mr. Biggs was a laborer. Bruakholder Wrecking Com- Born in Summers County, She was a member of the pany. April 4, 1910, a son of the late Methodist Church Born in Marlinton January Jasper and Sally Biggs. He Born May 11,1930, at Wood17, 1930. he was a son of James was also preceded in death by a row, she was the daughter of R. and Effie Meadows Biggs. brother and sister. Mattie Florence Jackson, of He was a Presbyterian. Survivors include two daughMarlinton, and the late Eary Surviving: daughters, Mrs. ters, Deloris and Debra Biggs, James Bennett. and one son, Ronnie Biggs; six Demetria A. Moore, of MarlinHer husband, Dorsey Biggs, brothers, William H., Emmit ton, and Mrs. Henrietta J. and a son, Frederick Anderand Jack Biggs, all of Marlin- Broyles, of Ronceverte; brothson Biggs, preceded her in ton, Richard Biggs, of Clifton ers, James and Wilson, both of death. Forge, Virginia, Carlisle Biggs, Marlinton, Albert and John In addition to her mother, of Jackson, Michigan, and both of Ansted, Paul, of Cleveshe is survived by eleven chilJunior Biggs, of Moundsville; land, Ohio, Charles, of Mount dren, Tommy L. Casseil, Slaty^hree sisters, Mrs. Harold Hope; sister, Mrs. Grace Broyfork, Hubert D. Biggs, Valley fDottie) Cutlip, and Mrs. Ray les, of Marlinton; six grand* Head, Delores Biggs, Slaty (Bettie) Crislip, both of Mar- children . fork, Debbie Lindsay, Valley linton, and Mrs. Raymond Services were held Monday Head, Pam Biggs, Jimmy (Cathleen) Vandeveder, of afternoon in the VanReenen Biggs, Gary Biggs, Ronnie Weston. Funeral Home in Marlinton, Biggs, Jerry Biggs, Terry Biggs with the Rev. Richard NewFuneral services were held and Michell Biggs, all of Slatykirk and Chuck Davis, Sunday afternoon in the Van fork; eight brothers and sisofficiating. Burial was in Reenen Funeral Home Chapel. ters: Guy A. Bennett, WheelMountain View Cemetery at Burial was in the Mountain ing, Robert L. Bennect, Slaty Marlinton. View Cemetery. fork, Glade C. Bennett, Dunmore, Stanley E. Bennett, Marlinton, Keith D. Bennett, Tridelphia, George G. Bennett, Mrs. Effie Biggs • UTrs. Clyde E. Byrd Mill Point; Agnes G. Trainer, Mrs. Effie Biggs, 87, of MarMrs. Maude E. HamriclTByrd, Neola, Edna C. Arbogast, Vallinton, died Saturday, March
Clyde E. Byrd

^ ^

Clyde Elihue ByrdTdied at the age of 67 in a Naval Hospital in Quantico, Virginia, on Saturday, April 17, 1965, after a short illness. He had been in failing health for several years. Born in Bath County, Virginia, March 28, 1898, he was | a son of the late Walter D. and Dora nnn Bowers Byrd. He lived most of his life in Cass and Huntersville, except for one year when he made his home in Quantico, Virginia. His wife, Mrs. Maude Estelle Byrd, preceded him in J death ten years ago. Born to this union were four children, Commander Harold E. Byrd, of the U. S. Navy. China Lake, California; Major Jack A. Byrd, of U. S. Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia, and ) A. D. R. 1. R'chard Evelyn Byrd, of U S. Navy of Guan tanamo Bay, Cuba; and Anna Susan Byrd, deceased. Also surviving are two brothers, one sister and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. George McCune. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Ucy Byrd

Lacy Boyd Byrd, 91, of Huntersville, died Wednesday, October 23, 1974. in the Lewis Gale Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, from a heart attack. He was born on Little Back Creek, near Mountain Grove, Virginia, on September 10, 1883, a son of the late William Fry and Emma Sue Byrd. Mr. Byrd was a retired carpenter and a member of the Huntersville United Methodist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Laura Byrd; four step children, Dallas and Jamie Abdella, both of Huntersville/ Theodore Abdella, of Marlinton, and Hallie Combs, of Huntersville; eight step-grandchildren, one great-step-grand. child, and a nephew, William iloy Byrd, of Huntersville. Services were held Saturday afternoon in the Huntersville United Methodist Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Eddie Markley, with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery.

Walter Byrd


Walter Boyd Byrd, 50, of Huntersville, formerly of Cass, died Tuesday, May 8, 1973, in a Salem, Virginia, hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the United Methodist Church and served in the Marine Corps during World War, II. Survivors include two sons, Tony and Ray Byrd; one sister, Mrs. Alice Smith, of Ronceverte, and one brother, William Roy Byrd; of Huntersville. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. GEORGE BYRD George Byrd, aged 60 years died at his home near Marlinton on Friday, October 25^ 1940, after a longillness. On Sunday afternoon his body was buried in the familj p] , in Mt. V : -w Cemetery, the service being conducted b'T th° Rev. Mr. Potter. The deceased was a native of Greenbrier county, the s^n of Valentine and Elizabeth Reed Byrd. He i?» survivpd by his wife and a number of chJ iren.

Elmer Byrd Elmer Byrd, 72, of Marlinton, died on Tuesday, October 1,1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Byrd was bom March 30, 1885, in Bath County, Virginia, the son of George W. and Sarah Roark Byrd. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Armstrong Byrd, one sister, Mrs. Constance Irvine, of Virginia, a step-daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. Lena Kennedy, and a host of nieces and nephews. Services will be held Friday but the time and place have not been definitely set as of this time.

R. H. Bird

Word has been received of the I death of R. H. (Bob; Bird, of 71 South St*vet, Painesville, Ohio,! of a hear; attack on Sunday, Oct- J ober 6, 1 57. Mr. Bird formerly lived in Marlinton. His wife was; Stella Brown.


J. H. Bird J. Howard Bird, aged 83 years, | died at Y'z home in Jessup, Mary-! land, on Tuesday, January 29, i 1957. He had been an invalid J for several years. On Thursday his body was laid in the the cemetery at Jessup. The deceased was a native of Pocahontas County, moving from Durbin to Maryland more than I fifty years ago. He was a farmer j and carpenter. Mr. Bird was the son of the' late Squire Uriah and Susan I j Hudson Bird, of Marlinton. He I is survived by his wife, Mrs. Virjgie Eskridge Bird, and their daughter, Mrs. Ina Ctrr; Alsj, by four fifisters, Mrs. George Spangler, of Macon, Georgia; Mrs. W. H. Terry, of Clifton Forge, Virgin'c ; Mrs. F. P. King, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Theodore j Vogel, of New Philadelphia, Ohio. David Russell Bird

David Russell i Bird, aged 5' years, of Monterey, VirginaF died at McGuire Veterans Hospital I in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday, August 26, 1955, after a long illness. On Monday, his body was laid in the Green Hill j Cemetery, with military honors. j The deceased was a son of D. 0. Bird and the late Mrs. Bird. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. TEetrna Dever Bird and their two children, James D, with the United States Army, .and Mrs. Brooks Rexrode; twa grandchildren, Vicki and David Rexrode; one sister, Mrs. Thomas Diamond, of Church ville, Virginia; four brothers, Arthur, and Forrest, both of Richmond, Virginia; Ernest, of Atlanta, Georgia; and

Harry, of Valley Crater, Virginia.

j J. Luther Bird I Monterey—J. Luther Bird aged 81 years, died at his home at Mill Gap, Virginia, on Friday, October 21, 1955. He was a prominent citizen of Highland County, and at one time widely known in Pocahontas County. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bird. He was a nephew of the late Squire Uriah Bird, of Marlinton. He is survived by his wife, and a son, Julian F. 'Among those from a distance attending the funeral of J. Luther Bird were: Mr. and Mrs. Grey Beverage and Mrs. Lola Stuart, of Durbin; Mr. and Mrs. Harper Beverage and Mrs. Snyder, of Bartow; Mr. and Mrs. O. F. White, of Campbelltown; and Mr. and Mrs. W r drow, of Beverly.

Mrs. Ruth Martini Biggs

Mrs. Ruth Margaret Biggs, 49, of Slatyfork, died Monday, January 14,1980, at her home, after a two year illness with cancer. She was a member of the Methodist Church Born May 11,1930, at Woodrow, she was the daughter of Mat tie Florence Jackson, of Mariinton, and the late Eary James Bennett. Her husband, Dorsey Biggs, and a son, Frederick Anderson Biggs, preceded her in death. In addition to her mother, she is survived by eleven children, Tommy L. Cassell, Slatyfork, Hubert D. Biggs, Valley Head, Delores Biggs, Slaty fork, Debbie Lindsay, Valley Head, Pam Biggs, Jimmy Biggs, Gary Biggs, Ronnie Biggs, Jerry Biggs, Terry Biggs and Michell Biggs, all of Slatyfork; eight brothers and sisters: Guy A. Bennett, Wheeling, Robert L. Bennect, Slatyfork, Glade C. Bennett, Dunmore, Stanley E. Bennett, Mariinton, Keith D. Bennett, Tridelphia, George G. Bennett, Mill Point; Agnes G. Trainer, Neola, Edna C. Arbogast, Valley Head; 7 grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Mary's Chapel on Elk by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Cochran Cemetery. Walter Earl Billingsley, Sr.

Walter Earl Billingsley, Sr., 57, of 1615 Woodbine Avenue, Charleston, died Saturday, January 13, 1968. He was dead on arrival at the Charleston General Hos pital. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He attended Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church and was a mechanic for Rish Equipment Company. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mildred Nottingham BilHngsley; one son, Walter E. Billingsley, of Parkersburg; one daughter, Mrs. Annette Meador,of Duluth, Minnesota; his mother, Mrs. Lola N. Billingsley, of Beard, and one brother, Floyd Billingsley, of South Fort Mitchell, Kentucky Services and burial were in Charleston. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Kerth Nottingham, of Mariinton, and Mrs. Elbert C. Whanger, of Durbin.

Dorsey Frederick Biggs Dorsey Frederick Biggs, 42 of Jacksonville, Florida for Wednesday, April 12, 1972, in Jacksonville while at work for gjjkholder Wrecking C o S 17B?5Sn!"fc M a r H n t o nn of January James RiJ pmA" V° K. and kffie Meadows Biggs. tPr,UrnT°r-includetw°daugh. ters, Deloris and Debra Biws and one son, Ronnie B i W s S brothers, William H. E W *

l B g S aU E? K J 2 ' ol SS 1 i w ? ^ ^ .Big*s> of Clifton

^orge, v i r g , n i a , Carlisle Biggs, of Jackson, Michigan, and Junior Bigge, of MoundaviHe

and Mrs (S2SSn^ Ray (Bfttie) Crishp, both of-Mar-





SerWces were h Sund^^iff eld bunday afternoon in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel

Henry Biggs Henry Houstin Biggs, 66, of Mariinton, died Saturday, June 5, 1976, at his home, after a long illness. Mr. Biggs was a laborer. Born in Summers County, April 4, 1910, a son of the late Jasper and Sally Biggs. He was also preceded in death by a brother and sister. He was a Presbyterian. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Demetrla A. Moore, of Mariinton, and Mrs. Henrietta J. Broyles, of Ronceverte; brothers, James and Wilson, both of Mariinton, Albert and John both of Ansted, Paul, of Cleveland, Ohio, Charles, of Mount Hope; sister, Mrs. Grace Broyles, of Mariinton; six grandchildren . Services were held Monday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home in Mariinton, with the Rev. Richard Newkirk and Chuck Davis, officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery at Mariinton.

Mrs. Effit Biffs ft'rs. Clyde E. Byrd 0 k Mrs. Effie Biggs, 87, of MarMrs. Maude E. HamriclcByrd, iinton, died Saturday, March ts^ed 49 years, died at her homej 12, 1983. in Pocahontas MeHuntersville, Saturday night, morial Hospital altera long March 5, 1955. Death was atillners. tributed to cancer and followed a Born at Barger Springs, two-year illness. January 26,1896, she was the Mrs. Byrd was born at Clover daughter of Otie and Janie Lick, March 28, 1905, she wa? Woodrum Meadows. the daughter of the late Bernard Surviving her are her husB. Hamrick and Susan Meeks band, James Riley Biggs; sons, Hamrick, of Cass. She was a Ernest (Carlisle), of Jackson, member of the Cass Methodist Michigan, William, Emmett Church and the Mariinton Chapand James, all of Mariinton, ter Daughters of America. Richard (Dick), of Selma, Surviving are her husband, Virginia, and Jack, oUfttin dsClyde E. Byrd, of Huntersville; ville; daughters, Ma^Htaththree sons: Lieutenant Commandleen) Vandevender, ommerly, er Harold E. Bvrd, of Norfolk, Vella (Betty) Chrisiip, of Glen Virginia; Jack A. Byrd, of MarBurnie, Maryland, Dotty Cutiinton, and Airman Richard E. lip, of Mariinton, and Sheila Byrd, with the United States NaArbogast, of Safcdy Lake, vy, at Chincoteague, Virginia; Pennsylvania; sister, Nellie three sisters, Mrs. Mary Shiflett, Sbrader, of Mariinton; 32 of Glen Burnie, Maryland; Mrs. grandc hildren, several greatLilly Blackhurst, of Rand; Mrs. grandchildren. Genevieve Gum, of Cass; and Services were held at 11 a. m. three brothers, Page -Hamrick, of Monday, at VanReenen FuLewisburg; Fred Hamrick, of neral Home, with the Rev. Cass, and Woodrow Hamrick, of Wallace Dorn and the Rev. South Charleston. Also surviving Jim Arbogast officiating. Burare nine grandchildren. ial in Mountain View CemeThe funeral was held at the tery. Cass Methodist Church, on Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Ralph Malcomb, of the Hinton Methodist Church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Okey Cooper, Jr., of Green Bank. Burial was made in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Clyde E. Byrd

* /

Clyde Elihue ByrdToied at the age of 67 in a Naval Hospital in Quantico, Virginia, on Saturday, April 17, 1965, after a short illness. He had been in failing health for several years. Born in Bath County, Viriginia, March 28, 1898, he was ! a son of the late Walter D. and Dora nnn Bowers Byrd. He lived most of his life in Cass and Huntersville, except for one year when he made his home in Quantico, Virginia. His wife, Mrs. Maude Estelle Byrd, preceded him in death ten years ago. Born to this union were four I children, Commander Harold I E. Byrd, of the U. S. Navy. China Lake, California; Major Jack A. Byrd, of U. S. Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia, and) A. D. R 1. Richard Evelyn Byrd, of U S. Navy of Guan tanamo Bay, Cuba; and Anna Susan Byrd, deceased. Also surviving are two brothers, one sister and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. George McCune. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Ucy Byrd

Lacy Boyd Byrd, 91, of Huntersville, died Wednesday, October 23, 1974. in the Lewis Gale Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, from a heart attack. He was born on Little Back Creek, near Mountain Grove, Virginia, on September 10, 1883, a son of the late William Fry and Emma Sue Byrd. Mr, Byrd was a retired carpenter and a member of the Huntersville United Methodist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Laura Byrd; four step children, Dallas and Jamie Abdella, both of Huntersville/ Theodore Abdella, of Marlinton, and Hallie Combs, of Huntersville; eight step-grandchildren, one great-step-grand. child, and a nephew, William Hoy Byrd, of Huntersville* Services were held Saturday afternoon in the Huntersville United Methodist Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev, Eddie Markley, with burial in the Beaver Greek Cemetery.

Walter Byrd


Walter Boyd Byrd, 50, of Huntersville, formerly of Cass, died Tuesday, May 8, 1973, in a Salem, Virginia, hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the United Methodist Church and served in the Marine Corps during World War, II. Survivors include two sons, Tony and Ray Byrd; one sister, Mrs. Alice Smith, of Ronceverte, and one brother, William Roy Byrd; of Huntersville. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. GEORGE BYRD George Byrd, aged 60 years died at his home near Marlinton on Friday, October 25^ 1940, after a long* illness. On Sunday afternoon his body was buried in the familj p.! , in Mt. V:- w Cemetery, the service being conducted b'T tb" Rev. Mr. Potter. The deceased was a native of Greenbrier county, the son of Valentine and Elizabeth Reed Byrd. He is survived by his wife and a number of ch*i iren.

timer Byrd Elmer Byrd, 72, of Marlinton, died on Tuesday, October 1,1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Byrd was born March 30, 1885, in Bath County, Virginia, the son of George W. and Sarah Roark Byrd. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Armstrong Byrd, one sister, Mrs. Constance Irvine, of Virginia, a step-daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. Lena Kennedy, and a host of nieces and nephews. Services will be held Friday but the time and place have not been definitely set as of this time.

R. H. Bird

Word has been received of the I death of R. H. (Bob) Bird, of 71 South St*vet, Painesvilie, Ohio,! of a hear; attack on Sunday, Oct- j ober 6, 1 57. Mr. Bird formerly I lived in Marlinton. His wife was Stella Brown.


J. H. Bird J. Howard Bird, aged 83 years, I died at Y'z home in Jessup, Maryland, on Tuesday, January 29, 1957. He had been an invalid for several years. On Thursday his body was laid in the the cemetery at Jessup. The deceased was a native of Pocahontas County, moving from Durbin to Maryland more than fifty years ago. He was a farmer and carpenter. Mr. Bird was the son of the late Squire Uriah and Susan' Hudson Bird, of Marlinton. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Vir gie Eskridge Bird, and their daughter, Mrs. Ina Cirr; Als-j, by four sisters, Mrs. George Spangler, of Macon, Georgia; Mrs. W. H. Terry, of Clifton Forge, Virginrt ; Mrs. F. P. King, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Theodore Vogel, of New Philadelphia, Ohio. David Russell Bird

David Russell ~ Bird, aged 5' years, of Monterey, Virgina^ died at MeGuire Veterans Hospital I in Richmond, Virginia, on FriI day, August 26, 1955, after a long illness. On Monday, his body was laid in the Green Hill Cemetery, with military honors. j The deceased was a son of D. O. Bird and the late Mrs. Bird. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Thelma Dever Bird and their two children, James D, with the United States Army, and Mrs. Brooks Rexrode; two grandchildren, Vicki and David Rexrode; one sister, Mrs. Thomas Diamond; of Church ville, Virginia; four brothers, Arthur, and Forrest, both of Richmond, Virginia; Ernest, of Atlanta, Georgia; and Hwry, of Va-'ley Center, Virginia. |

J. Luther Bird

I Monterey—J. Luther Bird aged 81 years, died at his home at Mill Gap, Virginia, on Friday, October 21, 1955. He was a prominent citizen of Highland County, and at one time widely known in Pocahontas County. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bird. He was a nephew of the late Squire Uriah Bird, of Marlinton. He is survived by his wife, and a son, Julian F. * Among those from a distance attending the funeral of J. Luther Bird were: Mr. and Mrs. Grey Beverage and Mrs. Lola Stuart, of Durbin; Mr. and Mrs. Harper Beverage and Mrs. Snyder, of Bartow; Mr. and Mrs. O. F. White, of Campbelltown; and Mr. and Mrs. W r drow, of Beverly.

Adam Blake

William Roy Byrd

William Roy Byrd, 68, of Minnehaha Springs, died Friday, October 30, 1981, in West Virginia University Hospital at Morgantown, after a long illness. He was a native of Cass and a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Qy' Surviving are a daughter, Patty Sue (address unknown) and several nieces and nephews. Graveside service will be at 11 a. m. Wednesday in Arbovale Cemetery with the Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Eugene Kerns Bird Eugene Kerns Bird, 58, of Mill Gap, Virginia, died Friday, July 8 1983, in Riverside Hospital in Newport News, Virginia. Born June 20, 1925, at Mill <*ap, he was a son of the late


Imd Je88ie C a m b e U


John Kenna Blake John Kenna Blake, 82, of Renick, died Tuesday, September 15, 1964, at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Blake and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sarah Blake; one son, Dudley Blake, of Whiteford, Maryland; two daughters, Mrs Orley Clutter, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Emma Blankenship, of Renick; one sister, Mrs. Forrest Walton, of Renick; eleven grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Alice Chapel Methodist Church near Renick by the Rev. Roy Snedegar and the Rev. Benny Stur- ] gill. Burial was in the church ] cemetery. George Washington Blake

Adam Blake, 34, was killed Saturday, October 21, 1967, when a tractor overturned on him at Huttonsville. Born April 11, 1933, at Marlinton, he was the son of Beley Lane Blake, of Woodbridge, Virginia, and the late George Blake. In addition to his mother, he is *virvived by three brothers, JPSS Blake, of Woodbridge,

Virgin^, David Blake, of Long Tsland, New York, and Pearly Blake, of Orange, Virginia, and three sisters, Mrs. Annabelle Perkins, of Manassas, Virginia, Mrs. Pollv Wiseman, of Junction City, Kansas, and Mrs. Violet Brown, of Woodbridge, Virginia. He was preceded in death by his father, an infant sister, and a sister. Mary Bowens, who died in February of this year. Funeral services were held Tueslay morning at the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Noel Davis with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery.

George W hingfon Blake, was born December 7, 1897, at Hillsboro, the son of the late Granville Mitchell and Elzinia Tharp Blake. He died November 7, 1960, aged 62 years and 11 months. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Nancy L Blake; eight children, Jess Blake, Adam Blake, Mrs. Annabelle Perkins and Mrs. Funeral Home in McDowell, Violet Brown, all of Man ; nton; Virginia, by Rev. Joseph Klotz, Mrs. Mary Boren of Baltimore, with burial in Green Hill CemeMaryland, Mrs. Polly Wiseman, tery. in Germany; David and Pearley Blake of Woodbridge, Virginia: OSCAR A. BIRD '* three brothers, Charles Blake, of The death of Oscar A. Bird, one of Rupert; Richard Blake, of Clover the prominent and well known citi- Lick; Granville Blake, of Woodzens of this county and this city at bridge, Virginia; and two sisters, an early hours last Wednesday morning was a severo shock to many M r . Lula Blankenship, of Wc )dfriends and occasioned profound re- bridge, Virginia, and Mrs. Rosie gret and sorrow on all sides. Mr. Lane, of Mill Point. One daughBird's illness was a brief one. Only ter died in infancy. a short time ago he had been seen on Punerat services were held Frithe streets and greeted friends in his day, November 11, at Marvin usual affable majv ar. But he became ill suddenly and succumbed to Chapel by the Rev. John I. Pramalignant endo carditis. Few even Mier, with burialin the Ruckman were aware that he was ill and that Cemetery. contributed to the shock. Mr. Bird was 68 years of *ge, having been born in Highland county, Va. on October' 31, 1357, the son of Aaron and Mary (,Wade) Bird. His Anderson Blake (2^ father met death at the battle of Antietam. Of his own fa lily, one Anderson Blake, aged 81 years, brother, Smith Bird, of Millboro, died November 17, 1944, at his alone survive?.—Elkins Review, home on Marlin Mountain, after a long- illness. On Saturday his Mrs. Joe Blanton body was laid to rest in the RuckMrs. Ann Graves Blanton man cemetery near Millpoint. died Sunday, September 27, 1964, at her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Graves, of Grand Rapids, former residents of Cass. | He was a member of the Green Hill United Methodist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Teresa Folks, of Hampton; a granddaughter, two nieces and two nephews. Funeral services were held at


BilijL. Blaki t ~ r " Mrs* Beley L. Blakt, 82, ol Hillsboro, died Saturday! March 5, 1983, in Denraar Hospital after a long illness. Born May 16.1900, in Hillsboro, she was the daughter of the late Granville and Nancy Lane. Mrs. Blake was a housewife. She was preceded in death by her husband, George; three sons, Jess, David'and Adam, and a daughter, Mary Boren. Survivors include a son, Pearley Blake, of Culpeper, Virginia; three daughters, Polly Wiseman, of Junction City, Kansas, Annabelle Perkins, of Hillsboro; Viola Brown, of JVlarlinton; brothers, Alex ^ane, Marlinton, John Lane, ddress unknown; Jasper Lane, i Hillsboro; 22 grandchildren, and several great-grandchil* dren. Services were held Wednes day at 11 a. m. in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Wltl Rev. David Rittenhouse offi ciating. Burial was in th< Ruckman Cemetery in Mil p oint.

Richard A. Blikt


Richard A. Blake, 27/of Marlinton, died Friday, June 11, 1976, from an accidental gunshot wound. He was driving a tractor near Hillsboro when a shotgun he was carrying on the tractor slipped and discharged. He was born on May 30, 1949, the son of Richard B. and Eula S. Blake, of Marlinton. He is survived by his parents, one brother, William J. Blake, ot-Frostrttd four half-brothers Bobby L. Blake, Woodbridge, Virginia, Edgar W. Blake, North Carolina, Claude Stimeling, Maryland, and Guy G. Stimeling, Marlinton. Services were held Sunday. June 13, in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery at Mill Point. JissBltkf

Jess P. Blake, 57, of Manassas, Virginia, died Tuesday, October 24, 1978, in Prince William County Hospital. He was a World War II ve teran. Born June 11,1921, at Hillsboro, he was the son of Beley Blake, of Manassas, and the late George Blake. He was never married. In addition to his mother, he is survived by a brother, Pearley Blake, of Manassas, Virginia; Annabel! Perkins, of Hillsboro, Polly Wiseman, of Junction City, Kansas, and Viola Brown, of Hillsboro. Services were held Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. David Rittenhouse with bnrial in the Ruckman Cemetery. Mrs. Woodtie Bluu Mrs. Woodsie Waugh Bleau, 77, of Huntington, died Monday, August 16, 1982, in a Huntington hospital. Graveside rites will be conducted at 10 a. m. Thursday at Woodmere Memorial Park by the Rev. L. H. Greenwood. She was born August 12, 1905, in Marlinton, a daughter of the late Orestus and Cornelia Beverage Waugh. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bert Bleau, in 1945. Survivors include a cousin, 6una£aby, oftucaipa, California, She leaves many friends in Marlinton and Huntington and also a very dear friend, and companion for many years, Elizabeth Lucky, of Huntington.


Sarah Bell Blake

Mrs. Sarah Bell Blake, 79, died Wednesday, October 2, 1974, inaFairlea hospital after a long illness. Born near Renick, May 20, 1895, she was a daughter of the late Harvey and Sara Jane Baldwin Roberts. She was a member of the Ellis Chapel United Methodist Church. Her husband, John Kenna Blake, died in 1964. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs, Emma Simmons, of Vj/hite Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Oley Clutter, of Droop; one son Elmer Dudley, of Whiteford, Maryland, one sister Mrs. Clara Farley, of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Services were held Friday afternoon at Ellis Chapel United Methodist Church with burial in the church cemetery

Captain Harry K. Blackhurst Killed in Plane Crash

Captain Harry K. Blackhurst, aged 31 years, of the Air Service, died on Monday, April 9, 1951, from injuries received in an air plane crash near Charleston on Sunday, April 8. Nineteen other officers of the Air Force were instantly killed, and another perhaps fatally burned. The party was from Godman Air Force Base io Kentucky. They had been called to Charleston by the funeral of a fellow officer. Within a few miles of the Charleston Air Port, the great plane crashed into a hillside. On Wednesday afternoon the funeral service for Captain Blackhurst was held rrom the Oass Presbyterian Church by his pas tor. Rev. H. Graham Keys. His body was laid to rest in the fami ly plot in Arbovale cemetery. Captain Blackhurst was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Riverside Lodge No. 124, AF & AM, at Cas-i, and he was a veteran of World War II. He was born at Cass, the son of Allen J Blackhurst and the late Bessie \, Kee Blackhurst. Surviving are his wife Mrs Robbie Lucille Blackhurst; four sisters, Mrs. Bernard Randolph Freeland, Corpus Christi, Texas;' Mrs. A. B. Fauley, Fairmont; Mrs. Jamie Sheets, Green Bank, and Mrs Robert McCutcheon, of Washington, D. C. __

Granville Blake Granville M. Blake, 63, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, December 7, 1976, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born March 10, 1913, he was the son of Richard 4«Dick" and Elvina Blake. He was a laborer. Survivors are: sons, Robert, of Atlanta, Georgia, Junior and Charles, both of Virginia, Darrell and Jimmy, both of Woodbridge, Virginia, Tommy and Joe, both of Buckeystown, Maryland; daughters, Mrs. Mary Craft, of Woudville, Virginia, Mrs. Betty Hitt, of Castleton, Virginia, Miss Marion Blake, of Woodbridge, Virginia; 24grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial was in Ruckman Cemetery. Mrs. Gertrude Blackhurst Mrs. Gertrude Florence Ralston Blackhurst,77,former resident of Cass and most recently a resident of 722 Yokum Street, Elkins, died Sunday, aigust 4, 1968, in the Davis vlemorial Hospital, after a three week illness. Born at Dunmore, March 30, 1891, she was a daughter of the late Adam William and Mary Lou Colaw Smith. She at tended free school in the County, and was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church. She was twice married, to Walter L. Ralston, September, 1944, and Allen J. Blackhurst, June 1, 1950, who survives.r\y Survivors include n£r husband, Allen Blackhurst; five daughters, Mrs. Henrietta Roop, of Wyco; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dunman, of Pearisburg, Virginia, Mrs. Sara Lee Moore, Jr., of Elkins, Mrs. Pauline R. Carr, of Princeton, and Mrs. Helen Duncan, of South Charleston; three sons, Earl Wilson Ralston, of Ronceverte; Walter Lee Ralston, of Alhambra, California, and John Neil Ralston of Boyer; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Catherine Messengill, of Raleigh, North Carolina; Mrs. Jettie Botkins and Mrs. Mabel Scott, both of Richmond, Virginia, and Mrs. Harry Miller of MarImton; one brother, William Smith; seventeen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Cass Presbyterian Church with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Tf W. E. Blackhurst ^ _ Rev. Harry Blackhurst * . | Warren E. (Tweard) BlackKeV. Harry Blackhurst^aged j hurst, 65, of Cass, died Mon86 years, of Cass, died on Satur- j day, October 5, 1970, in the day, November 24, 1958. Hej Davis Memorial Hospital in had been hospitalized since a fall | Elkins. He had returned to two v.eeks ago.* On Monday his home Sunday afcernoin at afternoon, the funeral was held Cass after several weeks in a from the Cass Methodist Church New York hospital. bv Rev. Herbert Parks and Rev. Born October 10, 1904. he Ed Thomas. Interment, in the was a son of the late Rev. family*plot in the Arbovale Ceme- Harry and Lulu Burner Blacktery. hurst. The deceased is survived by A Pocahontas County his wife, Lula Burner Blackhurst, Court Commissioner, he was a r d their eleven children: Mrs. a member of the Cass Alice Falls, of Traverse City, United Methodist Church Michigan; Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- where he was a Sunday School Laughlin, of Romney; Allen, teacher, the Riverside Lodge, Theodore, arri Warren, of Cass; Ancient Free and Accepted Henry, of Belle; William, of Masons, at Cass and the DurRand; Victor, of Meadsville, bin Lions Club. Pennsylvania; Harold, of WillisMr. Blackhurst retired after ton, South Carolina; Homer, of 32 years as a teacher in PocaBuyon, Texas; and Francis, of hontas school* to write, Louisa, Virginia. Also, by 41 and authored four books, grandchildren and 2 i great-grand Riders of the Flood, Of Men children. and a Mighty Mountain, SawThe deceased was born in| dust in Your Eyes, and England, and was brought to! Mixed Harvest, all dealing America by his parents at an ] with the lumber industry in early age. Fifty-two years ago; che early 1900's around Cass he came to Cass, where he has and " h i s " Cheat Mountain. since resided. For more' than He was a skil'ed taxidermist, sixty years Mr. Blackhurst was a and his collection of animals minister in the Methodist Church. made a most interesting muThus is noted the passing of a seum at Cass. He was called useful, i outstanding life, given upon to tell the history of the early logging as commentator largely in the service of others. on the Cass Scenic Railroad. He was preceded in death Theodore Blackhurst f\ by two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Theodore (Ted) BlackhSrfst, McLaughlin and Mrs. Alice 67, died Tuesday, March 25, Fall, and one brother, Theo1969, at his home after a short dore Blackhurst. illness. /j . Mrs. Allan J. Blackhurst Survivors include his wife; Born at Cass, February 12, Mrs. Stella Yates Blackhurst; Mrs. Bessie Kee Blackhurst, 1902, he was a son of the Rev. aged 50 years wife of AHan J. Harry Blackhurst and Lula and seven brothers, Allen Blackhurst, of Arbovale, Henry Blackhurst, of Cass, died on May Mae Burner Blackhurst. Blackhurst, of Belle, William 14, 1949, after a long invalidism, He was a life long resident of Blackhurst, of Rand, Victor On Sunday afternoon, the funerBlackhurst, of Meadvilie, al service was held from Cass j Cass and a retired meat cutter and merchant. Pennsylvania Homer BlackPresb.vterian church by Rev. H. j hurst, of Bryan Texas, Francis Survivors include his wife, G. Keys and Rev. Q R. Arbogast. ! Blackhurst, of Louisa, VirginBurial in the family plot in Ar- j Doris Robertson Blackhurst; ia, and Harold Blackhurst, of four daughters, Mrs. Arch bovale cemetery. Welliston, SDUHI Carolina. i Mrs. Blackhurst is survived by! Wooddell, Mrs. Ernest Shaw, and Mrs. Elmer Friel, all of Funeral services were held her husband, four daughters, | Wednesday afternoon in the Mrs. May Freeland, of Corpus j Marlinton, and Mrs. Delnor Cass United Methodist Church Christis, Texas; Mrs. Catherine 1 Cassel!, of Cass; a sister, Mrs. by the Rev. Kenneth MontFauldy of Fairmont; Mrs. Beat- Elizabeth McLaughlin, of Cass, rice Sheets, Fairmont and Mrs. £igfct brothers. Alien, of Green gomery, with burial in the A rbovale Cemetery. Ruth McCutchcon of Washington Bank, W E., of Cass, Henry, of Belle, William, of Rand, Victor, and son Harry K. of Charleston. Pennsylvania, The deceased was a daughter of Meadvilie, Betty M. Black Homer, of Bryan, Texas, HarI of the late George M. and Rachel Mrs. Betty McCoy Weatherold, of Wilson, South Carolina, j Moore Kee of Marlinton. Her holt Black was killed in a car and Francis, of Louisa, VirginI sisters and brothers are Mrs. ia, and seven grandchildren. accident in Roswell, New Mexi! Mary Hoover and J. E. Kee, of co on Tuesday. The funeral was held ThursMarin^^n; Mrs. Eliza Byers of She is the daughter of Mrs. day afternoon in the Cass Washington, and Lock Kee, of Genevieve McCoy, of Hillsboro. Methodist Church with Rev. Salkum, Washington. The funeral will be here but Travis E. Wells in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale no details are available as we go to press. Cemetery. Doris Blackhurst Doris Gertrude Blackhurst, 84, of Marlinton, died Monday, October 26, 1992, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, after a long illness. Mrs. Blackhurst was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women, Senior Citizens, and American Association of Retired Persons. She was born in Hot Springs, •Virginia, November 13, 1907, the daughter of Theodore and Betty Rebecca Keyser Robertson. Her husband, Theodore Lee Blackhurst, preceded her in death; also a daughter, Betty Lou, half-brothers, Fred, Sid, Bill, and Dick Keyser. Surviving her are four daughters, Trudy Wooddell, Barbara Shaw, Gwennie Friel, all of Marlinton, and Becky Judy, of Bartow; 12 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren; four halfbrothers, Alvin Robertson, of Williamsburg, Virginia, Wallace Robertson, of Yorktown, Virginia, and Walter Robertson, of Williamsburg, Virginia, and Beverly Robertson, of Copter as Cove, Texas; and a half-sister, Anna Gordan, of Richmond, Virginia. Services will be held at 2:00 p. m. Friday in the Marlinton United Methodist Church by the Rev. George Clay, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be given to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Building Fund.

Allen Blackhurst AyAllen (Farmer) Blackhurst, 82, died Wednesday, June 15, 1977, in an Elkins hospital after a short illness. Born October 1, 1894, he was a son of the late Rev. Harry and Lula Burner Blackhurst. Mr. Blackhurst had lived in Cass seventy five years, was a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank, Masonic Lodge, Order of Eastern Star at Cass, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Green Bank, and had worked for the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company forty-five years. Surviving him are four daughters, Mrs. May Freeland, of Bolair, Texas, Mrs. Katherine Pauley, of Rofckville, Maryland, Mrs. Beatrice Sheets, of Green Bank and Mrs. Ruth McCutcheon, of Grandview, Washington; six brothers, Victor, of Meadville, Maryland, William, of Charleston, Henry of Belle, Harold, of Williston, South Carolina, Dr. Homer, of Bryan, Texas, and P^rancis, of Louisa, Virginia; eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were j held at two p. m. Sunday in the Liberty Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Thomas Henderson in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.


John F. Blackburn

John F. Blackburn, 57, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Thursday, August 24, 1961, in a Baltimore hospital. Death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage. He was employed by the Eppler ComFuneral Services pany and was working when he To Be Wednesday became ill. He was born August 8, 1904, at Rumsey Smith Elakemore, 62 Droop, a son of James William died at two-forty p. m. Monday at ™H I.uey Ellen Pritt Blackburn. King's Daughters' Hospital. He hatf been ill since Saturday. Surviving are his mother; his Mr. Blakemore was born in Mt, wife, Edna Martin Blackburn; Solon, Dec. 26, ym, a son of John three sons, Clifford, Harry and Wesley and Margaret Andrews Joe; three daughters, Marcella, Blakemore. fie came to Staunton at the p*ge of 14 and had been asMrs. Kathleen Larson and Mrs. sociated, with the mercantile life Patricia Ann Jackson; two halfof t^xe city since that time. brothers, Paul and Norman Jack,Vor many years he was associated son; a sister, Mrs. Caroline Gin%ith the Bryan Department Store, ger, all of Baltimore; another sislater with Pugh-Blakemore-Stricklen , Company, and more recently ter, Mrs. Martha Brock, of Valley was with Montgomery Ward. Bend, W. Va.; four grandchilMr. Blakemore is survived by his dren, and several nieces and wife, Elizabeth Wehn Blakemore, nephews. and one brother, Walter Blakemore, Baltimore, Md. Funeral services were held Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon, August 28, from Christ Lutheran Church, of at the F. E. Runner Funeral which he was a member, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, conducChapel in Elkins, by Rev. J. H. I ted by the Rev. Melvin S. Lange, Snedegar, pastor of the First ! assisted by the Rev. Dr. Theodore Church of Cod of Durbin. In:G. Shuey and the Rev. David P. terment followed in tbe I.O.O.F. ! Glovier. Cemetery at Elki^V Rites at the grave will be in crftirge of Staunton Masonic Lodge John was well known in MarNo. 13, A. F. & A. M. • Active pallbearers will be Sidney' linton, having worked in most all R. Gline, R. &., Woodall, Gabriel ofjhe grocery stores here.

Roberts. Bleile

Robert S. Bleile, of Seaford, Delaware, died Wednesday, July 28, 1971, as the result of i head on auto crash near Seaford as he was returning from work. He was a machinist and engaged in special worV m the engineering department of General Foods Inc., in Dover. A native of Newcomb, Maryland, he served as a major in the U. S. Air Force during World War II. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty AmmonsBleile; two sons, Robert Eugene Bleile, of Salisbury, Maryland, Scott Gregory Bleile, at home; his parents and one sister. Funeral services were held Saturday in the W7atson Funeral Home Chapel, wiih burial in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. Mr. Bleile's wife, the former Betty Ammons, lived in Mailinton with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Ammons, while Mr. Ammons was with the International Shoe Company here.

Blosser, J. Harry Crafton, J. M. Bratton, and S. E. Matthews; honorary, Fred S. Baylor. A. V. Branham, Earl Shultz, Fred T. Prufer, George Harper, J. Harry Bryan, R. L. Souder, Charles N. Clarkson, Max Mix, B. F. Kagey, R. L. Stricklen, Allen Clemmer, J. M. Kunkle, J. Paul Jordan, J. E. Jordan, John Bowman, and G. E. McClure.

Clyde Hill Boggs

Clyde Hill Boggs, 62, of Jacox, died Sunday, August 22, 1971, at his home after a short illness. Born September 17, 1908, he was a son of the late William and Lina Hill Boggs. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Faye Boggs; one son, Jimmy Wayne Boggs, at home, three daughters, Misses Marie Frances and Patsy Lynn Boggs, both at home, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Hollandsworth, of Droop, and one sister, Mrs. Bessie Simmons, of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Hill Chapel at Jacox, with burial in the Sunset Cemetery.


Andrew J. B o g g s , aged Td /ears,, died after a s h o r t illness at lis home a t H i c k o r y , M a r y l a n d , on S u n d a y m o r n i n g , March 5, L950. For* the past five .years be .ad been in failing health. The :nmediate cause of his death was jneumonia. On Tuesday t h e funeral was neld from the C h u r c h of the Naz vrene, by his pastor, Rev. H. E l e c k e r t . I n t e r m e n t was made in the Bel Air, Memorial G a r d e n s , Bel A i r , M r y U n d . T h e deceased was a n a t i v e of Vest V i r g i n i a , m o v i n g from Ren .ek to Maryland t h i r t y - o n e years \&o He is survived by his wife, Irs. N e t t i e S i m m o n s Boggs and their five sons, one of whom is . iev. J a m e s B o g g s , of Bel Air, } Maryland, and t h e i r four daughters, one of whom is Rev. Delia •fcoggs, a missionary in Swaziland, S o u t h Africa. His sister is vlrs. Wilson Hill, of Lobelia. F o r sixty years Mr. B o g g s lived i faithful devoted christian life, For more than fifty years he served as a teacher in S u n d a y Schools.

Mrs. George Boggs Mrs Dorothy Helen Boggs, 54, of Lewisburg, d;ed Thurs* day, November 19, 1970, at he home of her daughter, Mrs. 511a Mae Snedegar, in Lewis >urg. Survivors include her husband, George Boggs, of Spring Creek; one son, Kenneth Eugene Boggs, of Droop; four daughters, Mrs. Mary Loudermilk ofFrankford, Mrs. Norma Lee Clancey, of Salamanca, New York, Mrs Helen Marie Coots, of Taylor, Michigan, uid Mrs. Ella Mae Snedegar, of Lewisburg; her parents, Seebert and Mary Wolfe Wilfong, of Marlinton; six brothers, Michael Wolfe, of Newport News, Virginia, Harry Wilfong, of Glendale, Arizona, Clarence Wilfong, of Kane, ^nnsylvania, Boyd Wilfong of Hamptun, Virginia, Willard Wnfong, of Port Allegany, r^nnsylvania, and Richard Vilfong, of Marlinton; four isters, Mrs. Donald Galford, nd Mrs. Clarence Cutlip, ocb of Marlinton, Mrs. Dice timel, of Buckeye, and Geneieve Wilfong. of Hampton, Virginia and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held lunday afternoon in the Jack L Wallace Funeral Hom€ Chapel in Lewisburg by the lev. Roy Snedegar, with burial n the Morningside Cemetery it Renick. Gilbert Simpson Boggs

Mrs. Sue Sheets Boggs / > Mrs. Sue Parker Honaker Sheets Boggs, 76, of 206 Summers Street, Hinton, died Wednesday, July 28, 1971, in the Hinton Hospital, having been in ill health for two years with a heart condition. Born at Hinton February 6, 1895, she was a daughter of the late William and Nora Wiseman Parker. She had lived most of her life in Hinton. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and a member of the Marlinton Chapter No. 97 0. E. S. One son, W. F. "John" Honaker, preceded her in death in 1945. Survivors include one son, O. T. "Bus" Honaker, of Savannah, Georgia; three brothers, W7illiam H.Parker,of Hinton, Earl Parker, of Alderson, and Vernon Parker, of Detroit, Michigan; three sisters, Miss Grace Parker, Mrs. Irene Hannah, and Mrs. Hazel Hauger, all of Hinton; one grandchild, three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Ronald Meadows Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Clyde Hensley, with burial in the Greenbrier Burial Park at Hinton.

Mrs. Leah Boggs

, ,

Mrs. Leah Easter Ru£kman I Boggs, 7q. di*d Sunday, November 15, 1970, in a Richmond, Virginia, hospital after suffering a stroke a few days | before. Born at Mill Point February 13, 1891, the was a daughter of James R. and Minnie Smith Ruckman. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Her husband, Dovener B, "Pete" Boggs, preceded her ir death. Surviving her are-four sons, James A. Boggs, of Richmond, Virginia, Ralph R. Boggs and Geiald D. Boggs, both of Hampton, Virginia, and Kermit E. Boggs, of Mechanicsville, Virginia; twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Rachel Gum, of Mill Point. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 11:00 a. m. in the Marlinton United Methodise Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Mountain View Cera-, etery Bassett R. Boggs Bassett R. Boggs, 79, of 1811 Council, Benton Harbor, Mich* igan, died August 28, 1976, at Berrien General Hospital, BerMrs. Sue Sheets Boggs rien Center, and had resided in that area since 1943. He Mrs. Sue Sheets Boggs, 76, was formerly employed at The of Hinton, died Wednesday Herald Press, St. Joseph. He morning, July 28, 1971, in the retired in 1958. He was a vetHinton Hospital. She had eran of World War I and a been in ill health for two years. member of D. A. V., Post 17. Her second husband was (he Mr. Boggs was formerly of late Carl Sheets, of Marlinton. Marlinton and the last memFuneral arrangements are ber of the Madison Boggs famincomplete. ily. Brothers preceding him in death were Ed, Cecil and Bill Jf Boggs. Mrs. Lillian Hill Boggs Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillian Hill Bogrgs, aged the former Willie Robertson, 18 years, died at her home whom he married February 8, near Lobelia on Thursday, Decem- 1975, in Benton Harbor; a son, ber 26, 1951, after a long illness. Frazz Boyd, Benton Harbor; On vSaturday afternoon the fun- a daughter, Mrs. Otis (Rebeceral was held from the home by ca) Ewell, Benton Harbor; a Rev. Calvin Lewis and Rev. Ray foster son, Leslie Smith, BenSnedegar. Her remains were laid ton Harbor; and a foster daughto rest in Hill Top cemetery near ter, Mrs. Ollie May Smith, of Benton Harbor. Jacox. Funeral services were held The deceased is survived by her husband, W. M. Boggs and fh< i on Monday at 2 p. m. at Fairthree children, Mrs Bessie Sim- plain Chapel of Florin Funeral mons, Gilbert and Cb
Gilbert Simpson Boggs, 63, of Hillsboro, die! Sunday, j^miartf 25,1970, in an Elkins hospital. Born March 19, 1906, at Jacox. he waq a SOn of the late William McKinley Boggs and Lillian Hill Boegg. He was a life'ong resident of Pocahontas County, and was emoloyed at Denmar State Hospital. Survivors include his wife* Mrs. Lemma Hill Biqfes; one dauber, Mrs. JuanUa Virginia Cam, of Falls Church, Virginia; eight sons, Kenneth Boggs, of Droorj Mountain, Glen Boere*. of Bayard, Edsel, Jack. R?lph. Tommv. Paul, and Wayne Boggs, all at home; one sister, Mr?. Bessie Simmons, and one brother, Clyde Boggs, both of Hilisboro. children and a great-grand-child. Funeral services were held The deceased wis a daughter of Wedn^«dav a^t^rn^on fa tV>o the late D C and Nancy MorriHill Chapel by 'he Rev. Ralph son Hid Her b o t h e r is Rev. Ros$ with burial in the Sunset .Nelson 8 H«il, of Dunbar. Cemetery at Jacox.

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James Byron Boggs James Byron Boggs, 42, of Marlinton, died Monday, April 17, 1997, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Boggs was a Director of Social Work in Los Angeles, California, until 1992, when he returned to Marlinton. Born June 5, 1954, at Marlinton, he was the son of Lorraine Boggs, of Marlinton, and the late Louis Dale Boggs. In addition to his mother, he is survived by three sisters, Dellora Watson, of San Bernardino, California, Lorraine Williams, Ontario, California, and Leda Williams, of Marlinton; four brothers, Delphi Williams, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Robert Williams, of Pomona, California, and Forrest Boggs and Darwin Boggs, both of Marlinton. Arrangements are incomplete. Evelyn Boggs Mrs. Evelyn J>. Boggs, 89, died Saturday, July 24, 1976, in a Martinsburg hospital. A member of the United Methodist Church at Droop. Mrs. Boggs was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, Survivors include her husband, Kenneth; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dickerson; one brother, Boyd Brown, and one half sister, Mrs. Opal Stacy, all of Droop. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Wallace and Wallace and Wallance Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg with Rev. Gail Cutlip in charge. Burial was in the Old Droop Cemetery* Paul James Boggs Paul James Boggs, 26> of Hillsboro, was killed Tuesday, August 22, 1972, when a farm tractor overturned. He was a lifelong resident of the Jacox community and a member of Hills Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving him are big mother, Mrs. Lemma Boggs; one sister, Mrs. Juanita Cain, of Falls Church, Virginia; seven brothers, Kenneth Boggs, of Droop, Edsel Boggs, of Clendeninville, Glenn Boggs, of New Haven, and Jack, Gene, Tommy and Wayne Boggs, all at home. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p. m. at the Hills Chapel with Rev. Leroy Crane officiating. Burial will be in the Sunset Cemetery near Jacox.

William Boggs William Boggs, aged 78 years, of Hillsboro, died on Friday, November 9, 1956, after an illness of two weeks. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral was held from Hillsboro Chapel at Jacox, with interment in Sunset Cemetery. I The ministers were Rev. Roy t Snedeger, Rev. Calvin Lewis, and Rev. Ted Alderman. Mr. Boggs is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Bessie Simmons, and two sons, Gilbert and Clyde all of Hillsboro. His sisters an Mrs. Maggie Boyce, of Maxwel ton; Mrs. Estie Ellis and Mrs Blanche Brown, of Renick; his brother is George Boggs, of Renick. Little Christine Boggs

Christine Sue Boggs, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Gilbert Boggs, of Hillsboro, died on Tuesday, May 7, 1957, at the I Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. i The cause of death was attributed ! to virus pneumonia. Besides her parents she is survived by one sister, Juanita, at home; eight brothers, Kenneth, of Bell Camp, Maryland; Edsel, Jack. Gene, Tommy, Paul, Slim and Wayne, all at home, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hill, of Lobelia. Funeral services were conducted from the home at 2 o'clock, on Thursday afternoon, with the J Rev. T. G. Alderman in charge, land tip little body was laid to the Hill Chapel Cemetery. D B. Boggs, aged f o r t > h ' . r y died suddenly at his home \i\ R? • side. Sunday afternoon, March z6, j 1939, of an attack of heart disease His death was "'holly unexpected; he had been about his business the day I before Burial on Tuesday afternoon j in Mt View Cemetery, the service ^ Mn^ conducted from the home by hi pastor, Rev. B. W. John of the Methodist church. Mr Boggs was a native of Braxton county, coir ing to Pocahontas about twenty years ajro. He wab a barbe by trade and -maintained a shop in Marlinton for many years Mr Boggs is survived by his wife who was Miss Leah Ruckman, of Milipoint. Their children are James, Ralph, Gerald, Kermit Gene. Also a number of; brothers and sisters. J

Mrs. Ralph Boggs Mrs. Verna Boggs, of Roxbury, Massachusetts, died Saturday, September 30, 1972. The body will be returned to Marlinton and tentative plans call for the funeral on Sunday at Brownsburg.

Staff Sergeant Blaine Charles Bostic Staff Sergeant Blaine Charles Bostic, 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrew Bostic, of Seehert, died in Korea on Sunday, December 15, 1968. Death was attributed to in< juries received in a jeep accident earlier that day. Staff Sergeant Bostic en lered the service February 3, 1959, and this was his second tour of duty in Korea, having served in Viet Nam and Germany also. He attended the Seebert Methodist Church, was a mem ber of the Eagles Aene No. 8 in Takoma, Washington; he was born at Auto, April 8, 1939. Other survivors include his wife, Mrs. Judith Ruth Deaolierage Bostic, formerly of Fakomu, WashingtRjL; oue son, Blaine Russell Bostic, at home; one daughter, Ronda Ann Bostic, at home; two brothers, Ronald David Bostic, of Maxwelton, and Glen Da'e Bostic, of Seebert; and :wo sisters, Mrs. Christine V. Plynn and Mrs. Kathleen 3rey Birchfield, both of See>ert. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Seebert Methodist Church by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs. Roy Boggs

Mrs. Elma McNellan Boggs, 70, died January 30, 1977, in Wilmington, Delaware, after a short illness. She was the daughter of the late Jack and Ocie McNellan. Shewas preceded in death by her husband, Roy Boggs* Services will be conducted Saturday, February 5, in the VanReenen Funeral Home at one p. m. by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial will be in the Mt. View Cemetery.

James Bowers J a m e s E d w a r d B o w e r s , aged 58 years, died May 2, 1947, after a long- illness. On S u n d a y afternoon his body was laid in the family cemetery on B r o w n s Moun HTM?.

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v\ llham H. Bowers. veteran of World I.


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Mrs. W.C. Bostw<0 Mrs. Nancy Bostic, of Durbin, died Sunday; April 10, 1977, in Pennsylvania. Her husband, W.C. Bostic, died in January 1970. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs Marguerite Webb of Columbus, Georgia, Mrs. Mabel Dominey, of Huntingtown, Maryland, Mrs. Merle Burner, Lansdale; son, Bill, Jr., of Glen Burnie, Maryland; 14 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren . Funeral services will be held in t h e U n i t e d Methodise Church in Durbin at two p. m. Thursday by the Rev. William Trowbridge, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Howard F. Bowers Howard F. Bowers, 69, of Huntersville, died May 6,1977, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born March 25, 1908, at Huntersville, be was the son of William and Emma Kelley Bowers. Mr. Bowers was a disabled veteran and a member of the VFW. He is survived by his wife, Arlene Hill Bowers; one brother, Cyrus Bowers, of Greenville, California; three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Malcomb, of Silver Spring, Maryland, Mrs. Georgia Palmer, of Parkersburg, and Miss Kate Bowers, of Elkins. Funeral services were held on Sunday, May 8, at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Larry Albright. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery.


^William Carl Bostic

William Carl Bostic, 77, of Durbin, died Sunday. January 18, 1970. in the C & O Employees Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia. He was born in Monroe County, on September 7,1892. Survivors include his wife, the former Nancy Lee Vens Dale: three daughters. Mrs. Marguerite Wrbb, cf Colum* bia, Georgia, Mrs. Merle Burner, of L*n*da'e. Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Mabel Dominey, of Upper Marlboro. Maryland; one son, W. C. Bostic, Jr., of Glen Burnie, Maryland; thirteen grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren, and one aunt, Mrs. Susan Bostic, of Caldwell Funeral services were held Wednesday, January 21, at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel with burial in tbe Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Violet Bowers

Charles Bottle

Charles A. Bostic, 66, of Seehert, died Thursday, October 13,1977, in a Clifton Forge Hospital after a long illness. Born in Monroe County, April 25,1911, he was the son of the late Joseph and Emma Bostic. He was preceded in death by a son, Charles Blaine, in December 1968. Mr. Bostic was a retired employee of the International Shoe Company at Marlinton. Survivors include his wife, Reba Bostic; two sons, Glen, of Hillsboro, and Ronald Bostic, of Covington, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. Christine Flynn, of Seebert and Mrs. Kathleen Birchfield, Seebert; one sister, Mrs. Frances Hepler, of Vago and eleven grandchildren. Services were held Sunday, at two p. m. in tbe Seeber t Methodist Church with the Rev. William Cash and the Rev. Virgil Hornbeck, pastor, officia t ing. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery, at HillsbDro.

Mrs. Violet Morrison Bowers 65, died at the Waynesboro Kate Bowers Community Hospital, at WayMrs. Kate Ryder Bowers, nesboro, Virginia, on Tuesday, 65, widow of Jim Bowers, died December 24, 1963. She was born May 17, 1898, Monday, January 2, 1967, in at Buckeye, the daughter of Wilhamsvilie, Virginia. Surviving her are one daughthe late Claburne and Bertha Auldridge Morrison. She was ter, Mrs. Audrey Lambert, preceded in death by her hus- Staunton, Virginia, five sons, band, William C. Bowers, in Virgil Bowers, Slatyfork, Jimmy [ B o w e r s , Minnehaha 1955. She was a member of Mount Springs, Dewey Bowers and Vernon Church of the Brethren Fred Bowers, Williamsville, Survivors include six daugh- and Don Bowers, U. S. Army; ters, Mrs. Hslen Eddins, of four brothers, Dove Ryder, Dahlgren. Virginia, Mrs. Nel- Minnehaha Springs, Cassell lie McClure, of Greenville, Ryder, Mill Point, Burrell RyCalifornia, Mrs. Jean Cunning- der, Ohio, and Harry Ryder, ham, of Haywood, California, Clover Lick; and one sister,! Mrs. Kathleen King, of Hope- Mrs. Annie McGhee, Elkins. well, Virginia, Mrs. Bertha The funeral will be held' Myrtle B. Bovvers Bowers Smi|h, of Detroit, Thursday at 2 p. m in the Myrtle B. Bowers, aged 79 vears, Michigan, and Mrs. Virginia Clover Lick Methodist Church died on Wednesday, August 5, Gosling, of Route 2, Waynes- by the Rev. Sherman Markley, 1959, in the Pocahontas Memorial boro, Virginia; one son, Reid with burial at Stony Bottom. Hospital. Bowers, of Red Bluff, CaliforThe daughter of the [ate James nia; onesister, Mrs. Annie Mc- | Will fibers ;T. and Elizabeth Ervine Bu® Neill, of Buckeye; two broth- I Howard Bowers \ n d Mrs Jake she was horn April 30, 1880, in ers, Taylor Morrison, of Buck ! Malcomb were calleif to WaynesRitchie County. eye, and Theodore Morrison jboro by the death of ft^ir broth* Survived by one son, Glen E. of Greenville, South Carofinaifer, Will Bowers. He pas^ Bowery and one granddaughter, two half sisters, Mrs. Ida Lance} on Friday, De-jembet* 23, 1955. Dolores Lee Bowers, of Cleve- I and Mrs. Lou Stottlemire,;, The -funeral was held from M t land, Ohio. both of Leayittsburg, Ohio,)f Zion Church on Sunday afterFuneral services were held on and 20 grandchildren. inoon. Others .attending were Saturday, August 8, at 10:30 a. Funeral services were held. Taylor Morrison and bis son, m. in the Sirrth's Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at the I Frederick. by the Rev. Herbert Pennington Mount Vernon Church of the Jr., with burial in the Mountain Brethren by the Rev. Minor View Cemeterv., M. Myers. Burial was in the church cemetery. . |


Mrs. Bertha Bowyer Mrs. Rose Etta Bowers Harvey Lee Bond Mrs. Bertha Beatrice (WorkHarvey Lee Bond. 56. of Mrs. Rose Etta Bowers, aged man) Bowyer, 46 of San Francis- 70, died at her home Sunday, Cass died Tuesday night, Deco, California, died in a San Fran-j October 11, 1959, after several cember 17.1968, in the Philippi cisco hospital Saturday night, I months illness with a heart ail- hospital after a long illness. July 26, of a heart attack. ment. He had lived at Cass for 20 Born at Seebert, August 1-7, i years, was a World War II vetBorn at Mountain Grove, Vir1911, she was the daughter of ginia, November 14, 1888, shej eran and belonged to the DisMrs. Bessie E. Workman of Val- was the daughter of the late Mil- j abled American Veterans. He ley Bend and the late Sol S. ton and Catherine Ervine. She' graduated from the Greer Workman of Hillsboro. was the widow of Warner Bowers, j Training SCIIODI for Auto MeOther survivors include her Surviving her are two daugh- j chanics. husband, Francis of San Francis- ters, Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Madge Mitchell, of j co, one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Cleveland Anita Adrias Bond; four daughOhio, and Mrs. Maudj Rose of San Francisco, and two Wanless, of Minnehaha Springs; ' ters. Mrs Jqnie Lowe, of West grandchildren; five sisters Mrs. and over, Mrs. Shirley Hise, of Dea son, Raymond Bowers, of •Zella Holbrook of Weirton, Mrs. Marlinton. troit, Michigan, and Dorothy Delphia Stalnaker of Valley Bend, and Marie Bond, bor a long illness, j nesday 9, 1959, aged 81 years, 111 His ftev. Collier S. Harvey Jr. Burial aged about sixty five years months and 21 days. olio wed in Oak Grove Cemetery. body was buried at Seebert on Mon On December 15, 1901, he was day afternoon. united in marriage to Cora Williams, who survives him. To this j Omar A. Bowyer union were born eight children; one daughter, Mildred, died in Onur A. Bowyer, 66, of Route Chirks W. Bond infancy. Those surviving are 1, Mcunf Rape, died Saturday, Charles W. Bond, 86, of four daughters, Mrs. Lula SherJanuary *.4, 1961, in the Raleigh Hunter8vilie, died Tuesday in man, of Parsons; Mrs. Esta Gum, General Hospital. Death was the Davis Memorial Hospital of Hillsboro; Mrs. Clarace Shafer attributed to complications at Elkins after a long illness. and Mrs. Bessie Williams, both from a long illness. of Charleston; three sons, Irle& Bojn June 11, 1888, at He was born in Summers CounL., of Portland, Oregon; Archie Buckhannon, be a son of Edty June 6, 1894. A retired mine H., of Chesapeake, Ohio, and Staff ward Bond and Mary Bond. foreman for the New River and Sergeant Glen D., of Lancing Air jTPocahontas Fuel Company at He was a member of the Force Base, Maine; 23 grand| Iaymoor, he was a member of United Methodist Church and children; 26 great-grandchildren, I the Maple Fork Baptist Church. was a carpenter. and two sisters, Mrs. Recta SWeSurviving are his wife, Mrs. Survivors include his wife, iger and Mrs. Leora Haught, both Pruda Bowyer; two daughters, Mrs. Frankie Bond; two daughof Wallace. Mrs. Betty Canterbury of Mount j ters, Mrs. Bessie Moon, of After a short service in the Hope and Miss Mary Ruth Bow- j Springfield, Ohio, Mrs. Clara Seebert Church the body was takyer ?.t home; three sons, H. A j Gannon, of Ironton, Ohio; two en to Center Point where another (Tom) Bowyer of Lansdale, Penn- j stepsons, Dennis Wade, of service was conducted. .Burial sylvania; James L. Bo wye of; Cass, and Elmer Wilfong, of was made ia t i e Cen er Point | Berwind; Omar (Bob) Bow> ?r of Baden, Pennsylvania; three Cemetery. Services were conIGree^ Bank; one sister, Mrs stepdaughters, Mrs. Gladys ducted by the Rev. Bernard H. Gert;> Davis Route 1, Mount N«e, of Boston, Massachusetts Skeens, of Marlinton. He M3 and twelve grandchildren Mrs. Dale Tenney, of Ashtabula, Ohio, and Mrs. Juanita Funeral services were held Mon Marion P. Boswell, of BurkeWilfong, of Buckhannon, six day afternoon in the Maple Fork ville, Virginia, was killed Sungrandchildren and twelve great Baptist Church with the Rev. day afternoon when struck by grandchildren. \A. Garten of Mabscott in charge. the propeller of his plane. He (Burial was in Blue Ridge MeFuneral services were held was a brother of John Boswell, m\ Gardens near Mouirt Hope Saturday afternoon in the of Marlinton, Funeral servHuntersvilje United Methodist ices were held Tuesday afterChurch, with burial in the noon in B urkeville. Beaver Creek Cemetery.


James R. Booth (^ James Roscoe Booth, 56, of Durbin, died Friday, June 6, 1969, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. He had lived at Durbin for nineteen years and wasa member of the Moose Lodge and American Legion. He was employed by the Game and ? ish Division of the Natural lesources Department for jjneteen years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Anna Mae Booth; one son, Thomas Booth, at home; one stepson, Larry Eiza, at home; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Jean Francis, of HopJdnsville, Kentucky, Mrs. Carol Casey, of Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. Linda Dietrik, of Pueblo, Colorado; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Hodges, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mrs. Mamie Turner, of Pedro, Ohio; and thre* brothers, Charles and Roy Booth, both of Fairlea, and Maynard Booth, of Carol Hill. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church y the Rev. Romie Edgell and Lev. David Rittenbouse with urial in the Arbovale Cemtery. -j

Hume S. Btwlia Hume S. Bowles, 78, Chattanooga, Tennessee, formerly of Boyer, died Sunday, May 9, 1982, iii a nursing home after a short stay. After twenty years with Tennessee Valley Authority, Mr. Bowles was employed with Steins Construction Co. until his retirement. He was a past Master of Cherokee Masonic Lodge 146 in Murphy, North Carolina, and also held membership in the Scottish Rite of Chattanooga and St. Andrews Methodist Church, He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Nannie Bowles; three brothers, Frazier, Wayne and Alvin; one sister, Mrs. George (Christine) Jones. Survivors include Iris wife, Mrs. Sylvia (Nee Riley) Bowles; three daughters, Mrs. L. D. (Sharon) Rodric, of Rocky Face, Georgia, Mrs. Wanda Galford, BrysonCity, North Carolina, Mrs. Charlene Greene, Lakeland, Florida; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at 3 p. m. on May 11, in Chapel of Chattanooga Funeral Home with Rev. Dale Bittinger officiating. Burial in Hamilton Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Wanda Lot Shue aoya TH Mrs. Wanda Lee Shue Boyd/ 39, died at home in CockeysVille, Maryland, July 25,1977. Surviving are her husband, James Pleming Boyd; three sons, James Harman Boyd and Charles Earl Boyd, at home and Roger Miller, of Alexandria, Virginia; one daughter, Mrs. Joyce Greer, of Timonium, Maryland, and four grandchildren; also surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shue of Hillsboro; one sister, Linda Cain, Hillsboro; three brothers, Joseph E. Shue, Elkins; W< R. Shue, Monroe ville, Alabama; and John Shue, of Laurel, Maryland; foster! brothers, Delmas Chaffin, U. S. Army, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and Stephen Lamb, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Italy. Other foster brothers are Jackie Lynn Chaffin, U . S . Army, Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Larry Gale Chaffin, Fort Wayne, Indiana; a foster sister, Mrs. Sharon Sims, Willis, Texas. Funeral services were held Thursday at Evans Funeral Chapel in Timonium, Maryland, with burial in Jessup Cemetery.

Cleo H. Bonner, 73, of Mill Archie Harland BonneJ? B k Creek, died March 4, 1995, at Archie Harland Bonnell, 51 Mrs, L. Hazel Shields Bates Davis Memorial Hospital. She had of Chesapeake, Ohio, d ed on been in declining health for the past Mrs. L. Hazel Bolen, of Friday, September 26, 1969. five years. Woodsfield, Ohio, died MonBorn August 26, 1918; in Born July 22, 1921, in day, December 8,1980, after a lucker County, he was the Randolph County, she w&s a long illness. son of Cora Williams Bonnell daughter of the late Ocie Simmons Born at Center Point she and Alice Conrad Simmons was the daughter of the late and the late Anthony Bonnell. He spent most of his life in Shreves. C. M. and Bertha V. Shields. 1 ocahontas County. His par< Her husband, Arval B. Bonner, She was preceded in death died June 7, 1978. Also preceding by her husband, John W. Bol- ents moved here in 1919. He was a Mason. her in death were an infant brother en and her two brothers, Alvy Survivors include his wife, and a grandson, Timothy Wayne G. and Brent B. Shields. Mrs. Watsetka Mannor BonPayne. She is survived by four Surviving her are four daughters, Lissy E. Seabolt, of nell; his mother, Mrs. Cora Bonnell; two daughters, Mrs. daughters, Allene Ware, Mingo Chester, Barbara Hajek, Flats, Phyllis Byrd, North Doylestown, Ohio, Berthaleen Kay (Theresa) Brooks, of Carolina, Carolyn Jones, Roanoke, Lovejoy, Houston, Texas, and Huntington, and Sarayln BonVirginia, and Faye Gum, Mill Nancy Ramona, at home; sons, nell, at home; three sisters Creek; four sisters, Thelma Finlen, George B. Bolen, Norton, Mrs. Esta Gum, of Hillsboroj Elkins, Waneta Hogan, North Ohio, and Ira L. Bolen, at Mrs. Clarace Shafer, of CleveCarolina, Willogene Huffman and home; one sister, Lessy S. Jan *he field, Ohio. She was a former in the Methodist Caurch near Rev. Frank Long and Pastor schoolteacher in Pocahontas Chesapeake, Ohio. Burial Harold Swecker. Burial was in the and Tyler Counties. was in the family plot in WalValley Head Cemetery. Interment was in Mt. Olivet nut Cemetery in Huntington. Cemetery in Parkersburg December 10.


Mrs. Lee Bogan

Mrs. Lydia Mae Kershner Bogan, 69, died Friday, September 15, 1972, in a hospital at Willoughby, Ohio, after an extended illness. Born in Greenbrier County, October 24, 1902, she was a daughter of the late Hessikiah Kershner and Susan Gardner Kershner. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, William Lee Bogan; one daughter, Mrs. Arnold Forgel, of Cleveland, Ohio; two sisters Mrs. Warren (Ruby) Wbitt, of Wickliffe, Ohio, and Mrs. Martha Keyes, of Mountain Grove, Virginia; three grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews, including Dice Rimel, of Buckeye. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Mil ler Memorial Chapel, at Shakei Heights, Ohio. Or bra L.Bowman Orbra L. Bowman, 87, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, June 12,1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a member of the Methodist Church, a farmer, and a retired employee of the C & 0 Railroad. The son of Jesse and Mary Young Bowman, he was born at Meadows of Dan, Virginia. His wife, Dovie McClure Bowman, six brothers and three sisters preceded him in death. Surviving him are a daughter, Ruth Bowman, of Hillsboro, and four sisters, Mrs. Nora Turman, Mrs. Lola McGrady, and Mrs. Virginia DeHart, all of Martinsville, Virginia, and Mrs. Delia Martin, of Collinsville, Virginia. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Anderson C. Bowman Anderson C. Bowman, of Beard i aged 66 year*, died on Saturday, [February 8, 1952, at the I W Ihontas Memorial Hospital, aUYLarlinton, after several weeks illness. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon from I Laurel Hill Chureh, near Beard, with the Rev. Drury Jones officiating, and burial was made in the Laurel Hill Cemetery. Mr. Bowman is survived by his wife; a son, O'DelU of San IMego, California: a daughter, IMrs. Wilson Tyler, of Gailipohs 'Ferry; also three brothers and and four sisters. William Sau! Bosley J * ^

William Saul Bosley, of Frank, was born September 8, 1878, and died Wednesday, December 20, 1961, in the Denmar State Hospital, aged 82 years, 3 months and 12 days. He was the son of the late Christopher C. and Adalaide Shellingburg Bosley. Mr. Bosley is survived by one son, John Bosley of Moore field. Funeral services were held Fiiday afternoon in the Dur^in Methodist Church by the Rev. Clay, 'with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Charlie Bond Charlie Bond, of Huntersville, died Tuesday night, September 10, 1974, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Huntersville United Methodist Church. I

Thomas Booth died on Fri- ' day, October 12, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital gu:*r a long illness. He was buried in Mountain View Cemetery after service conducted by the Rev. James O. Shank.

Mrs. Ellen Pritt Bruffty Mrs. George Bowling Mrs. Ellen Pritt Bruffey, aged Mrs. Isabelle Lycan Bowling, 78 years died on Monday, Apri 77, of Lewisburg, died Tues- 8, 1957, at the home of her son, day, May 7, 1985, in Pocahon- Claude, at Lobelia. On W ednestas Continuous Care Center day ai'lemoon the funeral was after a long illness. held from the Bruffeys Cre^k Mrs. Bowling was a member Church, with interment in fcrJe of Valley Trails Garden Club, Church cemetery. New York Botanical Garden The deceased is survived by Club, and American Associa- her son Claude, and a daughter, tion Women. She was consid- Mrs, ; Venturi Clutter, both of ered an authority on wild- Lobeliav Her brothers are Joe flowers. and Wheeler Pritt.



Squire T. A. Bruffrey Thomas Anderson'Bruffey, aged; 82 years, died at his home near 1 Lobelia, on Thursday, June 3. 11943. Some days before, he had' suffered a stroke of paralysis. On Saturday afternoon the fnneral was held from the Bruffey Creek church by his pastor, Rev R. M. [Marshall, assisted by Rev Mr IHipes, a former pastor, and Rev J. K. Fleming. Interment in I the church yard with Masonic | honors. Mr Bruffey is survived by his i 'wife, Mrs Lucy Hill Peck Bruf-! I fey, and their four sons, Carl, of Washington, D, C ; Cecil L., H. Ross and A. Glenn, of Baltimore. He was a son of the late Bradford B. and Mary Jane Watts Bruffey. Of his father's family, there remain his four sisters, Mrs! George Whiting, Mrs G. P. Shis-1 ler, Mrs J. B. Grimes, Mrs C. M | Sarver. Born and reared in PocahontasI County, Mr Bruffey was a life! long resident. He came from | one of the first families of the | Greenbrier Valley; a descendant I of John Bruffey, a soldier of the devolution under General Anthony Wayne. In his life, Squire Bruffey carried out the high traditions of his people. For forty years he taught school; for many years he jwas Justice of the Peace; for several terms he served as deputy sheriff a n d county surveyor. From early life, he was a professi n g , stalwart Christian, and for many years an officer in the Meth oclist Church. Remus Bruffey Remus Bruffey. aged about 70] years, died at the Ronctverte H >s pital on Vlondav evening, Febru ary 1, 1954. He had been ill for some time aid appeared to: be getting better when he suffer-! ed a heart attack. The deceased is survived by his wife Mrs Eilen Pritt Bruffey,! and their two children, Claude and Mrs Vinton Ciutter. He was a son of the late William A and Martha Kerns Bruffey. Of his! father's family there remain his brothers, Nelson and James, and his sisters, Mrs Georere Clendenen and Mrs Robert Williams. Mr Bruffey was a highly re-' spected and prominent citizen. | For a number of terms he served as Deputy Sheriff of Pocahontas County. Toe funeral wiil be held from Emmanuel Cnurch on Bruffejs Creek on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

James Walter Bruffey Mrs. Ellen Carrie Bruffey 5 Nelson A. Twtftey, 68, James Walter Bruffey was born i I Mrs. Ellen Carrie Bruffey was passed away at her home, 1SL I December 18, 1885, and departed' (keen Avenue, Aberdeen, Mary this life April 13, 1954; age 68 ! born on Locust Creek, August 7, 11879, and died on Monday. April land, on Wednesday, August years, 4 months and 5 days. | 8, 1957, age 77 years, 8 months 12, 1964. was the son of William A. I and 1 day. Born March 15, 1896, at andHeMartha Carron Brufley. She was the daughter of Sam'Hillsboro, she was a daughHe was united in marriage to ! uel and Emily Smith Pritt. She ter of the late Nathaniel and Ellen C. Hollandsworth. She Miss Minnie Jane Brown, on was the widow of the late Remus M. Bruffey, who passed away on was married to Nelson A. Bruf- July 28, 1908. He is survived by his widow February 1, 1954. fey, December 28, 1921. To this union were born twp Survivors include her hus- and one daughter, Mrs. Gladys band, Nelson A. Bruffey; six Fristoe and twin grand daughters, children, Nila Bruffey Clutter, [daughters, Mrs. J. Edward Charlotte Lea and Jeanette and Claude Bruffey, both of LoMarkline, of Aberdeen, Mary- Marie, all of Forest Hill, Mary- belia, who survive. Other survivors are six grandchildren and land, Mrs. Claudie Bievins, of land. Other survivors are two sisters, Chilhowie, Virginia, Mrs. Antwo brothers, Wheeler Pritt, of thony Carcirieri and Mrs. Mrs Pearl Williams and Mrs. j Droop Mountain, and Joe Pritt, Robert Gatto, both of Havre Ivy Clendenen, both of Hillsboro, of Lobelia. de Grace, Maryland, Mrs. Emil and a'brother, Nelbon A. Bruffey, The deceased was a member of Knopnicki, of Fort Bragg, of Aberdeen, Maryland, and a (the Lobelia Methodist Church. North Carolina, and Mrs. John host of nieces and nephews and She will be greatly missed by her Hudok, of Scranton, Pennsyl- friends. relatives and friends. vania; two sons, Nelson A. Fie was a member of Pocahon- i On April 10th funeral services Bruffey, Jr., of Mississippi City tas Lodge No. 121, AF and AM.' were conducted in the Emmanuel Mississippi, and Curtis Bruffey On April 15, funeral service • I Methodist Church on Bruffeys of Adelphi, Maryland; two was conducted by the Rev. North, j Creek, by Rev. Willis F. Sumsisters, Mrs. Mary Gladwell, of the Nazarlne Church at Hick-J j mers and Rev. Calvin Lewis. The of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Martha ory, Maryland, was in: j body was taken to tr)e church one Payne, of Charleston; four the Jarretsville Burial Cemetery, at ihour prior to the s€^v J& brothers, Charlie Hollands- Jarrettsville, Maryland. t e r m e n t was m a d e in li/v. ^iUrch worth, of Hillsboro, Dale and Mr. Bruffey had been makiug: cemetery. Pallbearers were her Ross Hollandsworth, both of nephews and flower girls were Fairmont, and Brooke Hoi- his home with his daughter, Mrs. I her nieces. Harvey Fristoe. He was a re-: jlandsworth, of Washington, D. sident of Pocahontas County unC, and 27 grandchildren. recent years. Funeral services were held Mrs. Esta Bruffey Saturday afternoon in the TarMrs. Esta Fay Bruffey, 62, ring Funeral Home in AberMrs. Leona Bruffey of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, deen, Maryland, by the Rev. Mrs. Leona Coxey Bruffey, March 3,1976, in the PocahonI Ronald Hoelz. Burial was in tas Memorial Hospital of bron71, of Hillsboro, died WednesBel Air Memorial Gardens. chial pneumonia. day, January 12, 1977, at DenSleep on, dear sister, and take mar hospital after a long ill* She was a seamstress at Den* ness. your rest. mar State Hospital and was a God has called you home and member of Wesley Chapel Born in Renick, October 12, United Methodist Church a t He knows best. 1905, she was a daughter of Hillsbuo. Lee Sizemore, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the late Daisy McMrs. Bruffey was born at Mrs. Roy Bruffey Million Sizemore, Mill Point, November 11, Mrs. Zadie F. Kinnison 1913, the daughter of John She was a member of United Bruffey, 70, of Hillsboro, died and Almeda Sturgeil Coleman. Methodist Church at Jacox. Tuesday, July 2,1968, in the Surviving her are her hus» Pocahontas Memoral Hospi*-' Survivors ; in addition to her band, Wilford Bruffey, a daughtal after a long illness. father, include three daughter, Mrs. Barbara Kesler, of Born March 21, 1898, she ters, Mra. Juanita Spinks Hillsboro; three brothers, Ellis was a daughter of the late of Franklin, Mrs. Winona CanColeman, of Priest River, Idatreli, of Canton, Georgia, and John W. and Alice Kinnison. ho, Irvine Coleman, and Paul Mrs. Nannie Cutlip, of PrinceA life long resident of PocaColeman, both of Ravenna, ton; one son, Raymond Coxey, hontas County, she was a Ohio; four sisters, Mrs. Sylvia of Grand Junction, Colorado; member of the Emmanuel Wamsley, of Tornado, Mrs. one sister, Mrs. Viola Lewis, of Methodist Church at Brulfeys Vercie Peyton, of Ravenna, Hillsboro; three brothers, Alva, Creek. Ohio, Mrs. Elvira Bailey, of of Columbus, Ohio, Foster, of Survivors include her husUpperglade, Miss Marie ColeIndianapolis, Indiana, and Denband, Roy Bruffey, and one man, of Portsmouth, Ohio; one ver Sizemore, Atlanta, Georsister, Mrs. Edwin Bruffey, of granddaughter, Kerry Clutter, gia; fourteen grandchildren and and one greatgrandchild. Hillsboro, niece, Kay Kinnisix great grandchildren. son, nephew, Harlen Kinnison. Service was on Saturday in Services were held Sunday Two brothers, Charles and Wesley Chapel United Methoat two p. m., in the Hillsboro Guy Kinnison, preceded her in dist Church in Hillsboro with United Methodist Church with death. the Rev. Sherman Markley offithe Revs. Arlo Alderman and ciating. Burial was in Oak Funeral services were held Leonard Arnold in charge. Grove Cemetery. Thursday at the Emmanuel Burial was in Bruffeys Creek Church by the Rev. Ralph W. Cemetery. ^ Ross with burial in Bruffeys Creek Cemetery.

. n/f)

Nelson A. Bruffey Nelson Anderson Bruffey, 75, husband of Leona Sizemore Bruffey, of 82 Green Avenue, Aberdeen, Maryland, died on Saturday, February 10, 1973, at Hartford Memorial Hospital. Born near Hillsboro, he was the son of the late William and Martha Kerns Bruffey. Mr. Bruffey was a retired foreman of the Civilian Gunners at Ab erdeen Proving Ground. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Nelson A. Bruffey. of Gulfport, Mississippi, and Curtis Gene Bruffey, of Laurel, Maryland, six daughters, Mrs. Marvel Markline, of Aberdeen, Maryland, Dora Bievins,ofChilhowie, Virginia, Martha Carcirieri, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Betty Konopnicki, of Springfield, Virginia, Mary Gatto, of Havre de Grace, and Ruth Hudak, of Franklin, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Ivy Clendenen, Ronceverte, and Pearl Williams, of Airville, Pennsylvania; 31 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon from the Tarring Funeral Home in Aberdeen with the Rev. John Pittam of the Assembly of God Church in Havre de Grace officiating. Interment was in Bel Air Memorial Gardens, Mrs. J. F. Bruffey Mrs. Stella Ann Bruffey died Monday, February 22, Wb&, at the home of her daughter at Forest Hill, Maryland. She was born • at Kaysville, Utah, August 26 1877, the daughter of the late William Henry Bennett and Lucy Roberta. On April 19, 1895 she was united in marriage to John Franklin Bruffey. Her husband and one daughter, Ida May Bruffey, preceded her in death. - Survivors include six sons, Paul Bruffey, of Akron, Ohio, Ivor Bruffey, Kingsville, Mary land, Neil Bruffey, of Street, Maryland, Edwin, R ^ » [ £ Wilford Bruffey, all of Hi sboro; one daughter, Mrs. Bilhe (Irene) Matthews, of Forest Hill, Maryland, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. -Funeral services were conducted by the Reverend V. A. Tenney Thursday afternoon, at the Emmanuel Methodist Church near Hillsboro with burial in the church cemetery.

William Roy Bruffey

William Roy Bruffey was born September 27, 1897, at Kilgore, Tdaho, and passed away Satuf-day, February 9* 1974, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Maflinton. He Was a merhber of Eirimanuel Methodist Church, near Lobelia, and a retired farmer. Preceding him in death were his wife, Zadie Frances Kinnison Bruffey; his parents, John Franklin and Stella Bennett Bruffey; and a sister, Ida Mae Bruffey. Surviving him are one sister, Irene Bruffey Matthews, of Bel Air, Maryland, and five brothers: Paul, of Akron, O hio; Ivor, of Kingsville, Maryland; Neil, of Street, Maryland: Edwin and Wilford, of Hillsboro. Services were Morday, February 11, at Wesley Chapel in Hillsboro, with the Reverend Coy C. Mathews officiating. Burial was in the Emmanuel Methodist Church Cemetery. Wilford B. Bruffey

Wilford B. Bruffey, 72, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, July 5, 1979, in Greenbrier Valley H ospital after a long illness. Mr. Bruffey was employed by S. B. Wallace & Company and a was member of the Hillsfcoro Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Born October 15, 1906, in Jacox, he was a son of the late John and Stella Bennett Bruffey. His wife was Esta Fay Coleman Bruffey. Survivors include one daughter, Barbara Kesler, of Hillsboro; four brothers, Edwin, of Hillsboro, Thomas Bruffey, of Akron, Ohio, Neal Bruffey, of Street, Maryland, and Ivor Bruffey, of Kingsville, Maryland; one sister, Mrs. Irene Matthews, Forest Hill, Maryland; one grandchild; one greatgrandchild. Services were held Saturday, at 2 p. ax., in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Hillsboro wich the Rev. Charles Long officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.


Carl Amman Bruffey , Carl Amman Bruffey, of Columbia, Maryland, died August 30,1980. Born on Bruffeys Creek, about 1892, he was the son of the late Thomas and Lucy Peck Bruffey. He was the husband of Prudence Snedegar Bruffey, Mr, Bruffey was one of the first men from Pocahontas County to enter World War I. Three brothers, Cecil, Ross, and Glenn, preceded him in death. Surviving besides his wife, are sons, Thomas Blair, Donald Richard, and Robert Carl Bruffey; five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Services were held Thursday, at 10 a. m. in the Liberty Grove Methodist Church, Burtonsville, Maryland. Interment was in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Mrs. T. A. Bruffey Mrs. Lucy Hill Peck Bruffey, rged 76 years, widow of the late Squire T. A. Bruffey. died at her home near Lobelia on Friday morning, December 5, 1917- She hid been in fading health for several .years. On Monday morning: her body was laid to rest in Emanuel Cemetery, the service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. Albert Schrader. of the Methodist Church. • Mrs. Bruffey is survived by her four sons, Ross, Carl, Cecil am Glenn. She was a daughter o the late D. A. and Caroline Hil Peck. For a life time she had been a professing christian, and a member of the Methodist Church. C. Cadden Brown C. Cadden Brown, age 62, of Caldwell, formerly of Renick, died June 8, 1997, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. He was a member of Worldwide Church of God and a clerk with the West Virginia Rehabilitation Center. Surviving him are his wife, Carol Brown; son, Dale Brown, of Cary, North Carolina; a daughter, Norma Brown, of Warwick, Rhode Island; a brother, Clifford Brown, of Renick; one step-grandchild and one step-great-grandchild. Services were held at 2:30 Wednesday at Jack Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, by Kenneth Sparks. Burial was in Sunset Cemetery at Jacox.

John H. Brooks


Word has come that John H. Brooks, 73, died Tuesday, September 15, 1964, in a hospital at Sacramento, California, from injuries received in a two vehicle collison on June 16. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Emma Sharp Brooks, his mother and father, j md brother. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Carlson and Mrs. Mary Ann Lyons, both of Sacramento, California three sons, Henry, Charlie and Joseph Brooks, all of New York, and one brother, William Brooks, of Rainelle. Interment was beside his j wife in Sunset Lawn in Sacra- I manto, California, on Friday. I

James Brook| Passes James Brooks, aged 77 y e a r s , died at the home of his son Mack Brooks, in M a r l i n t p n , on Tuesday m o r n i n g , J u n e 25, 1946. H e had been ill with h e a r t disease. The funeral service will, be held from the Marlinton P r e s b y t e r i a n church on W e d n e s d a y afternoon by his pastor, Rev. J . C. W o o l , D. D. Burial in the family plot in Mountain View C e m e t e r y .

Mrs. Rebecca Brooks Mrs. Rebecca Brooks, 50, died at her home near Buckeye, June 20, 1957, after a long illness. Death was attributted to a heart condition. She was a native of Virginia and belonged to the Wrightville Baptist Church in Covington, Virginia. Funeral services were held at White Sulphur Springs; on" Sunday, with burial near Paint Bank, Virginia. William Brock William Brock, aged 45 y e a r s , died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack at his home in Dunmore, on Tuesday a f t e r n o o n , October 7, 1952. A* this paper is p r i n t e d t h e r e is no a n n o u n c e m e n t as to the funeral service, p


Omer Hunter Brill Andrew Brooks fetata Omer Hunter Brill, of Cass, died Andrew (Andy) Brooks, 52, rt Dunmore, died Friday, April in the Hopemont State Sanitarian , 16, 1965, in the Pocahontas at Terra Alta, on Saturday, the ftfci of November, 1935. Funeral serMemorial Hospital after a long day vices wpr;1'" conducted at the Cass illness. Death was attributed Presbyteaian church, on Monday af to a heart attack. ternoon vith burial in the Arbovale He was buried with Ma He was born at Sugar Grove cemetery. soni !. honors, conducted by the River Virginia, August 20, 1912. side Lodge 124 of Cass, of which he He was a member of the was a member. He is survived b) Baxter Presbyterian Church his parents, Mr and Mrs W A. Brill, at Dunmore. oi Cass nd one sister, Mrs R mus Survivors include his wife, Hannah, of Oak Hill. He was born on the 6th day of Mrs. Nina Corbett Brooks; 1906, at Horton. His parents three sons, Lyndell Brooks, of 1 June, moved to Cass when he was three Phoenix, Arizona, Lyle Brooks years of age. His early schooling was of Baltimore, Maryland, and obtained at Cas*. He then attended Harold Brooks, a student at high school at Marlinton, Greenbank, West Virginia Tech, one Dayton, Virginia and graduated from brother, John Brooks, of Sugar Edray District High school in 1924 Grove, Virginia; two sisters, Fie then attended West Virginia Mrs. Ida Whitehead, of Wirt, University and in 1926 was stricKen and Mrs. Effie Smith, of John- ill. Because of illness he was compelled to leave school and he had been son City, Tennessee. a patient sufferer until the ti;ue of Funeral services were held his death. Monday afternoon in the BaxOmer had hosts of friends everyter Presbyterian Church at ! where, and was well Hked by ail who Dunmore by the Rev. Denver | came in contact with him. His per Lively. Burial was in the Dun sonality and disposition was such that' he made fiiends easily and kept them more Cemetery. Floyd Brill Funeral services for Floyd Brill, 69, were held at Elkton, Virginia on Tuesday, November 8, 1983. Mr. Brill was a funeral director at Elkton. Attending the funeral from Marlinton were his cousins, Dr. Reed Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Eskridge.

David E. Brock David Elmer Brock, 32, of Hillsboro, was killed Tuesday morning, August 17, 1971, when the brakes failed on his logging truck and it crashed into a rock cliff on Price Hill above Marlinton. He apparently tried to cut off on a side road but met an oncoming car. The truck grazed the rear of this car before overturning and sliding into the rock face of the hill. He was born May 17, 1939, a son of Elmer and Irene Walton Brock. In addition to his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Marvin Brock, of Hillsboro, and Kenneth Brock, of Ca^s; five sisters, Annabelle Scott, of Beard, Hattie Scott, of Droop, Betty Rudd, of Hillsboro, Phyl lis Anderson, of Street, Maryland, and Brenda Loudermilk, of Mill Point. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Emmanuel Church by the Rev. William Markley, with burial in the Emmanuel Cemetery.

He was a lover of the outdoors and a ieal sporlsman. He took part in any form of sport and excelled at fishing, baseball and football. He played the game clean and gave to what he un dertook, his all. He 'was a real American boy and though he is re* : moved from our midst, his example of courage, sportmanship and good character will ever remain.

George Brock George Hevener Brock, aged j 80, of Dunmore, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Sunday morning, September 27,1959 as the result of chest injuries received in an accident Saturday afternoon when his truck ran into a parked vehicle on the Browns Creek Road in Seneca State Forest. Mr. Brock was born in Hightown, Virginia, December 25, 1878, the son of the late Charles A. and Mary Elizabeth Brock. Preceding him in death were his wife, Lucy A. Brock, and a son, William Brock. Surviving him are a son, Adam Brock, of Mill Gap, Virginia; three daughters, Mrs. Murrill Weiner, of Front Royal, Virginia; Mrs. L. H. York, of Lorain, Ohio, and Mrs. Cyrus Hammer, of Waynesboro, Virginia; a sister, Mrs. William Peterson, of North Brook, Pennsylvania; and a half, sister, Mrs. Charles Bundy, of New Castle, Indiana. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the home by the Rev. Philip R. Newell, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery at Montery, Virginia.

Mrs. George Brock

Mrs. Lucy H. Brock

Mrs. Susan Ray Brock, 82, Mrs. Lucy H. Brock, 79, of I died on Saturday,. January 10, Dunmore, died Wednesday, Octo1959, at the !i3 na of her ber 22, 1958, after a long illness. daughter, Mrs. Ellen Riffle, Route She was born at Hightown, 2. near Morgantown, after a Virginia, August 30, 1879. She ' brief illness. was a daughter of the late Joseph She was born in Pocahontas and Amelia Beverage Hull. County, November 11, 1876, the Mrs. Brock was a member of daughter of the late James and the Baxter Presbyterian Church. Julia Ray. Her husband, George Surviving are her husband, Brock, preceded her in death. George H. Brock; three daughSurviving her are three sons, ters, Mrs. Merle w imer, of Front Elmer Brock and Ray Brock, Royal, Virginia; Mrs. L H. York, both of Hillsboro, and Wilson of Lorain, Ohio, and Mrs. E. Brock, of Reseda, California; C. Hammer, of Waynesboro. Virseven daughters, Mrs. Rosa ginia; a son, Adam Brock, of Mill Moore, of Baltimore, Maryland; Gap, Virginia, and two brothers, i Mrs. Blanche Butterbaugh, of James and Thomas Brock, both Mount Morris, Pennslyvania; of Hightown, Virginia. Mrs. Nina Waugh, of Fallston, Funeral services were held Fri- 1 Maryland; Mrs. Ellen Riffle, of Route 2 Morgantown; Mrs. day afternoon at the residence I Mary Dean, of HilUboro; Mrs. with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle and I Sue Renfro, of Studio City, Cali- the Rev. Philip H. Newell officiat fornia; and Mrs. Kitty Workman, ing. Burial was in the Monterey! of Reseda, California; 34 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchild- «Cemetery, at Monterey, Virginia. i ren; a brothtr, Bert Ray, of Meadsville, Pennsylvania; and a GEORGE HEVENER BROCK sister, Mrs. Hannah Friel, of Cass. George Havener Brock, 80, of j Service* were held Monday af- Dunmore, died Sunday morning, !: ternoon in the Alexander Memor- September 27, 1959, of chest inal Presbyterian Church at Stony juries he received Saturday eveBottom by the Rev. T. J. Alder- ning* when a truck he was driving man with burial in the cemetery crashed into the rear of a parked it Stony Bottom. Clayton B. Brock

Clayton B. Brock, 44, of 826 1 2 South Harlan, Indiana, entered into rest on Wednesday, September 16, 1970. He vi as the son of Mrs. Nina Doss, of 7047 1-2 Etiwanda Avenue, Reseda, California. Survivors include one son, David Brock, and one sister, Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, Indianapolis, Indiana. Funeral services were held Saturdav morning in Harry W. Moore Funeral Home Chapel A note has been received tilling of the death of Bert E . Hedrick in Stanford, Montana, on August 22, 1970, aged 90 years, four months and four days. He was a Spanish American War Veteran. Baby Brock

Baby Jason W. Brock, infant son of Kenneth and Louise Earner Brock, of Hillsboro, died in the Memorial General Hospital in Elkins March 31, 1974, four hours after birth. Graveside services were held in ttie Emmanuel Cemetery Lobelia Wednesday morning by the Rev. May nard Craw-

car on a rural road. He i s survived by three daughters, Mrs. Murrill Werner of Front Royal, Va., Mrs. L. H. York; of Lorain, Ohio, and Mrs. Cyrus j Hammer of Waynesboro, Va.; on e son, Adam Brock of Mill Gap, Va. One sister, Mrs. William Peterson of North Brook, Pa.; and one half-sister, Mrs. Charles Bundy of New Castle, Ind. Funeral service was conducted Tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m. at the home by Rev. P. R. Newell. Burial was in Mt. View Cemetery at Monterey, Va. i

Miry Irene Brock

Mary Irene Walton Brock, 66, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, July 28,1979, in Morgantown Medical Center after a long illness. Born September 12, 1912, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Onie Walton. Mrs. Brock was a member of the Westview Christian Church. She is survived by her husband, Elmer Brock; two sons, Marvin and Kenneth, both of Hillsboro; five daughters, Mrs. Annabelle Scott and Mrs. Betty Jo Rudd, both of Hillsboro, Mrs, Hattie Jane Scott, of Droop, Mrs. Phyllis Anderson, of Street, Maryland, and Mrs. Brenda Loudermilk, of Mill Point; one brother, Edgar Walton, of Droop; two sisters, Mrs. Clarice Moore, of Poca, and Mrs. Mabel Rader, of Mount Nebo; 21 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at two p. m. Friday at the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel. Bur ial was in Emmanuel Cemetery MRS. H. T. BRADSHAW Mrs. Bessie Hekns Bradshaw died Friday at 9:30 p. m. in Commumty House Hospital at Hot Springs. She wtas the widow of Herbert T. Bradshaiw of Clover Creek. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Fannie Samples of McDowell, and two brothers, Robert Q. Helms of Bolar and Jerry G. Helms of McDowell •Funeral services were held Monday at the Clover Creek Presbytrian Church. Active paKbearers were Charles Samples, Jr., Herbert Samples, James Helms, Harry, Jr., Denis Grahlsm, Mason Hamilton, Rembert Helms, Raymond Helms, Ruipert Helms, Robert M. Helms, Howard Hicklin, Rando'Ipih Bradshaw aiid Charles T. Br&dshaw, all nephews of the deceased.

Mrs. Mtntfe Catherine Brag?

Mrs. Mintie Ca*ta*rine Braeg 79, of Richwood, died Thursday, April 7, 1966, in a Charleston hospital. Survivors include two sons, Patrick and Robert Bragg, both of Rich wood; fo'ir daughters, Mrs. Daisy Dixon, of Marlinton: Mrs. Anna Mae Waselchalk, of Richwood: Mrs. June Cooper, of Wmfred, and Mrs. Faye Walker, Langsville, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sundav afternoon in the White and White Funeral Home in Richwood with burial in the Mountain View Memorial Park

James L. Brice

James L. Brice, 33, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Cass, died Monday, January 25 1971, in Baltimore, Maryland. He is survived by his father, James E. Brice, of Baltimore, and one sister, Mrs. Judith Wagner, also of Baltimore. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

William Clayton Bradley

William Clayton Bradley, aged 68, of Cass, died on Wednesday, Wcember 3, 1958, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was born April 2, 1890, in Interior, Giles County, Virginia. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Allie Mary Cassell Bradley; three children, Paul Bradley, of Cas£, Mary Bradley and Mrs. Edith Bradley*Mueller, both of Baltimore, Maryland; five grandchildren, Thomas, Arthea, Patricia, and Christina Bradley, and Frederick Mueller, Jr., two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Reynolds, of Marlinton,, and Miss Virginia Bradley, of Bozoo; and four brothers, John Bradley,^ of Street, Maryland, Burt Bradley, of Dehue, Marion Bradley, of Lindside, and I M Bradley, of Chicago, Illinois. One sister, Mrs. Rosa Long, preceded him in death. The funeral was held Saturday •afternoon, in the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. Charles Potts, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain. Mrs. Mary Bradley

Mrs. Mary AMie Cassell Bradley, 72, of Cass, died Monday, February 3, 1969, in a Baltimore hospital after a long illness. Born at Ca^, May 24, 1896, she was a daughter of the late Thomas J. and Lydia Gaiford Cassell. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Mary E.Lucas and Mrs. Edith J. Mueller, both of Baltimore, Maryland; one son, Paul C. Bradley, of Cass; three siVers, Mrs. Anna Barb, Mrs. Rella Tacy and Mrs. Myrtle Cassell, all of Cass, and one brother, Roy Cassell, of Green Bank. Funeral services will be hf Id Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Cass United Methodist Church with the Rev. Travis Wells in charge. Burial will be in the Wanless Cemetery.

Walter Sroyles

Walter Sam iel Broyles, age 62, died at his h me in Ronceverte on Tuesday, August 11, 1959, of a heart atta< Born at Sarton May 3, 1897, he was the son of the late William andLizz- Copeland Broyles. Mr. Broyles was an employee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Kate Plyler Broyles; three daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Lane, Mrs, Paul Sexton, and Mrs. John Paul Gregory, all of Medina, Ohio; four sons, Albert Broyles and Ralph Broyles, both of Medina. Ohio; Sterling Broyles, of Killbuck, Ohio; and Bill Broyles, of Marlinton; a brother, Wilbur Broyles, of Sarton; three sisters, Mrs. Emory Kirby and Mrs. Remus Weikle, both of Sarton, and Mrs. | Hubert Baker, of Ronceverte. J Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Marlinton I Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Joe Morrison and the Rev. Bacon, with burial in Adwell Cemetery at Ronceverte.

George A. Brice George A. Brice, 74, of Waynesboro, Virginia, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Sunday, January 6, 1985, in Waynesboro, Virginia. Mr. Brice was a retired agent for the C&O Railway. Born July 14, 1910, at Seebert, he was a son of the late George and Mary Perkins Brice. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of the Riverside Masonic Lodge 124 at Cass, a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, and a resident of Waynesboro for 36 years. Surviving him are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Juanita Hamilton, of Waynesboro; two sisters, Mrs. Irene Seavey, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Phyllis Rowell, of Shirley, Massachusetts; two brothers, James E. Brice, of Baltimore, and Charles Brice, of Glen Burnie, Maryland; and one grandchild. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday in the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank by the Rev. Richard Koster, with burial in the Ar bo vale Cemetery.

MRS, LILLIAN BROYLES *rs Lillian Myrtle Broylee of Marlinton died on Monday, October 25, 1954, at the age of 56, at her home. Death was attributed to a stroke, the second in two months. Funeral services will be I held on Friday afternoon at 2:00 j o'clock, in the Marlinton Metho(dist Church with the Rev. Don Taylor, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery with the Smith Funeral Home in charge. j The deceased was born at Alvon, Greenbrier county, the I daughter of the late Nathan and Mary Etta Blethen. She is sur~ vived by her second husband, Mr. I Walter Broyles; a brother, Harry Blethen of Huntington; and two' sisters, Mrs. Oliver Copenhaver 1 of Huntington and Mrs. Grover Brockman of Mt. Hope. Her first husband, Emory H. Adkison, died about nine years ago. To this marriage the following children j survive: Mrs. Julian Fawcett of Lewisburg; Mrs. Wilbur Mowery of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Theodore Martin of Killbuck, Ohio; Major Emory H. Adkison of London, England; the Rev. Preston | Adkison of Josephine, Texas* Miss Marie Adkison of White Sulphur Springs; Ira Adkison of Cleveland, Ohio; and Mrs. Sterling Broylesof Killbuck, Ohio. A number of grandchildren also survive. The deceased was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Star.

Mrs. Jack Bragg

Mrs. Mabel Robinson Bragg, 47, died Tuesday, October 14, 1975. Born at Marlinton, January 1, 1928, she was the daughter of Mrs. Nina Elizabeth Scott Robinson, of Marlinton, and the late Charles Robinson. Her father died less than a month ago, September 15. Two brothers, Porter Lee Robinson and Charles Robinson, Jr.. also preceded her in death. Surviving hSr are her husband, Jack Bragg; a son, Michael Shawn, at home, and a daughter, Mrs. Kitty Jo Nelson, all of Baltimore; her mother, Mrs. Nina Robinson, of Marlinton, a brother, Merle Robinson, of Marlinton, and a sister, Mrs. Lorraine Armes, of Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kendall Hatton, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Frank Iraki Frank Brake, 80, a native of Randolph County and a resident of Rt. 1, Belington died Saturday, April 5,1980, in the Memorial General Hospital following an extended illness. He was a retired miner and a Methodist by faith. Mr. Brake was born June 29,1899, at Huttonsville, eon of the late Edward Jackson and Florence Brake. He was married July 26, 1921, to the former Anna E. Tacy, who survives. Also surviving are one son, James E. Brake, of Belington, and one daughter, Mrs. Carlson (Dorothy) Ketterman, of Toronto, Ohio; one brother, Leonard Brake, of Huttonsville; five sisters, Mrs. Anna KiserandMrs. Amanda Malcomb, both of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Neva Landis and Mrs. Edna Rush, both of Elkins and Mrs. Bernice Hedrick, of Piqua, Ohio. There are three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren and one (oster brother, Jimmy VanPelt, of Elkins. Mr. Brake was preceded in death by one son, one daughter, one brother, and two sisters. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. from the funeral home chapel with Rev. Meade L. Gutshall, of Parsons, officiating. Interment followed in the Kelley Cemetery on Beckeys Creek.

Mrs. Gerry Briggs

Mrs. Lena Jordan Briggs, 85, of Russell, Pennsylvania, died Thursday, June 6, 1974, in the Warren General Hospital after a two week illness. She was born at Franklin September 23, 1889, a daughter of the late Dr. G. M. and Lucy Horn Jordan, and grew up at Frost. On September 17, 1912, she was married in Marlinton to Gerry Briggs. They moved in 1914 to Pennsylvania. Mr. Briggs died March 14, 1969, and a brother, Clarence Jordan, died November 15,1950. Mrs. Briggs is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mary Frances Engle, of Abingdon, Virginia; three sons. Loyal Briggs and Raymond Briggs, of Russell, Pennsylvania, and Allen Briggs, of Boyds, Maryland; twelve grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Clara Schofield, of San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Odessa Curry and Mrs. Mary Sharp, both of Frost. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in Warren and burial was in the Russell Cemetery. Mrs. Betty Bryant

Mrs, Betty Jo McMilHon Bryant, 39, of Marlinton, died Thursday night, May 24,1973, of a gunshot wound. Born July 1, 1933, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of Mrs. Ollie Cochran McMilIion and the late Mr. Walter McMillion. Gerry Briggs i^ Survivors include four dauGerry Briggs. 79, of Russell, Pennsylvania, died in Zephyr- ghters, Mrs. Becky Moore and hills, Florida,on Friday, March Miss Shirley Lester, both of 14, 1969, of a heart attack. Marlinton, Miss Mary Sue He had been in ill health since Bryant, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Miss Teresa Kay last fall. Born and raised in Russell, Bryant, of Baltimore, MaryPennsylvania, he came to Po- land; her mother, Mrs. Ollie cahontas County as an em- F. McMillion, of Marlinton; ployee of the Campbell Lum- two brothers, Orval McMilber Company. Here, in 1912, lion, Ravenna, Ohio, and Walhe married Lena Jordan, of ter F. McMillion, of Baltimore, Frost, and they returned to Maryland; seven sistes, Mrs. Pennsylvania to make their Lola Pasquale, of Monongah, Mrs. Bessie Lambert, home. Miss Lillian McMillion and Besides his wife he is sur- Mrs. Edith Martin, all of Baltivived by three sons, Loyal more, Maryland; Mrs. Grace Briggs, of Warren, Pennsyl- Long, of Hot Springs, Virginvania, Raymond Briggs, of ia, Mrs. Jean McKenney, of Russell,. Pennsylvania, and Marlinton and Mrs. Jewell Allen Briggs, of Roekville, Stoddard, of Gardena, CaliforMaryland, and one daughter, nia. Mrs. Mary Frances Engle, of Funeral services were held Princeton, New Jersey, and Sunday afternoon in the Vantwelve grandchildren. Reenen Funeral Home Chapel The body wasflownto Rus- by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with sell for services and burial. burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

/ ? 7 ( Sharon Ann Bryant

Sharon Ann Bryant, 14, of Parsons, and her grandmother, Mrs. Blanch Clark, 65. of Hico, were killed in an accident n*ar Gastonia. North Carolina, Friday morning. Sharon's mother, Mrs. Eva Mae Bryant, was seriously injured but is in satisfactory condition after twh operations, one for removal of her spleen. Her father, the Rev. Acie H. Bryant, suffered broken ribs and some minor injuries. The family was on their way to the graduation of the Bryants' son, Gary, from Columbia Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. A car was stopped alongside Interstate 85 after the engine caught fire. A localfiredepartment extinguished the blaze. A second car failed to heed the emergency warnings, braked too late and flipped over. An ambulance came to get an injured passenger. Three cars were now stopped, Bryants being the third in line. A tractortrailer at 60 miles per hour apparently did not see the flashing, lights and struck the Bryants car, mounted the roof, carried the vehicle forward. Splitting the Bryant car to one side, the tractor-trailer than ran over and into the second car and the Bryant car again. It continued and hit the first car carrying it into the median strip under its front wheels. Three others were injured. Sharon was born at Marlinton, February 16, 1957, while her father was minister of the Buckeye, Stony Creek, Huntersville and Westminster churches. Memorial services w*re held Monday night at the Parsons Presbyterian Church and joint funeralsfor her and her grandmother were held Tuesday at Kessler Memorial Presbytprian Churches at Clif ty, near An* sted, with burials in the church cemetery. Mrs. Clark was a sister of the Rev. Denver Lively, of Beverly, formerly of Marlinton.


nennein L. Bryant Kenneth Lonnie Bryant, 50, of Lewisburg, died Wednesday, June 17, 1964. He spent most of his life in Pocahontas County. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty McMillion Bryant, of Marlinton; one daughcer, Mary Susan Bryant, of Marlinton; two sons, Melvin Bryant, of Silver Spring, Maryland, and Calvin Bryant, of Dickerson, Maryland; his moth er, Mrs, Anna Quick Bryant, of Lewisburg; one sister, Mrs. Flossie Cornwell, of Renick, and one brother, Dewey Bryant, of Rupert. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home by the Dr. John W. Hollister. Burial was in the Rosewood Cemetery.

John D. Brewer, Si(^/* John D. Brewer, Sr., 59, of Durbin, died Thursday, February 23,1984, at home apparently of a heart attack. He was a veteran of World War II and a woodsman. Born June 5, 1924, at Breedon, he was a son of the late Anthony and Bertha Hammonds Brewer. Surviving him are his wife, Barbara Hannah Brewer; seven daughters, Connie Huff and Sheila Brewer, both of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Patricia Hannah and Sandra Brewer, both of Elkins, Carol Brewer, of Point Pleasant, Evelyn White, of New Haven, and Wanda Brewer, of Durbin; nine sons, Lewis and Eugene Brewer, both of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Larry, John, Jr., Paul, Duncan, Tommy and Wayne Brewer, all of Durbin, and Don Brewer, of Tazewell, Virginia; a sister, Ruby, and a brother, William Brewer, of Idaho, and 28 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Ethel Moore Brewer, and two sisters, May Reiner and Velma Moore, and a grandchild. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Boyer Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

A. J. Brewster Andrew Jackson Brewster, 63, of Bover, died at his home on Tuesday, October 31, 1961, after a long illness. He was a retired tanner. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Emma Mae Brewster; ten daughters, Mrs. Rita Houchins, of Bartow, Mrs. Margie Mullenax, Mrs. Wilma Eaton, Mrs. Hazel Puffenbarger, and Mrs. Ruth Marsoneski, all of Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs. Frances Bran-j nack, of Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs, Joan Cassell, of Cass; and I Deloris, Wanda, and Betty Brewster, all at home; seven sons, Oden Brewster, of Baltimore, Maryland; Hunter Brewster, of Beverly; John, George, Ben, and Jun-1 ior Brewster, all of Boyer; a sis-' ter, Mrs. Jane May, of Boyer; a brother, William Brewster, of Baltimore, Maryland; thirty grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon in thej Boyer Church with the Rev. Paul i Goode and the Rev. Billie Pugh in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Ar nand G Brece Armand G. Broce, 75, of Renick, died Saturday, March 7. 1970, following a fall down a flight of steps at his home, by breaking his neck. He was a member of the Mount Herman United Methodist Church and had been a resident of Renick for 28 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Noma Deaner Broce; three daughters, Mrs. Josephine Joiner, at home, Mrs. Mary E. Wynn, of Texas, and Miss Clara Broce, of Martinsville, Virginia: four sons, Albert Broce, of Dunbar, George Broce, of Buckeye, Norman Broce, of Forest Park, Georgia, and James Broce, of Rocky Mount* Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Lena Persley, of Bacova, Virginia; one brother, Luther Broce, of Healing Springe, Vir* ginia; eighteen" grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg by the Rev. Garlen O'Del! with burial in the Greenbrier Memorial Gardens.


George Broce George Broce, 65, of Buckeye, died Friday, May 12, 1989, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital from a heart attack. Mr. Broce was a long-time tractor truck driver for Burns Motor Freight, and planned to retire soon. He was to receive a driving award in Charleston on Saturday. Mr. Broce was an Army veteran of World War II and was a member of the Swago United Methodist Church. Born February 16, 1924, in Thomastown, Virginia, he was the son of Nona Deaner Broce, of Martinsville, Virginia, and the late Armand Broce. His father and one brother, Albert, preceded him in death. In addition to his mother he is survived by his wife, Mary Moss Broce; two sons, George Allen Broce, of Buckeye, and Michael S. Broce, of Marlinton; two brothers, James Broce, of Rocky Mount, Virginia, and Norman Broce, of Forest Park, Georgia; three sisters, Josephine Joiner, of Frankford, Clara Broce, of Martinsville, Virginia, and Elizabeth Capps, of St. Augustine, Florida; and five grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at the Swago United Methodist Church by the Revs. Nolan Turner and Kenny Stevenson. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Jane Owen Browning Jane Owen Browning, 78, of Rt. 6, Lewisburg, died Tuesday, September 20, 1994, in Greenbier Valley Medical Center after a long illness with lung cancer. She was a member of the Frankford United Methodist Church. She and her husband lived on Hillyrock Farm, which they had restored as an early American working farm, and their restored home was a showplace of antiques. Born in Columbus, Ohio, April 29,1916, she was the daughter of Henry and Addie Reed Owen. Surviving her are her husband, William McNeel Browning; two sons, Dr. William McNeel Browning, Jr., of Marlinton and Hillsboro, and Robert Owen Browning, of Anthony; and four grandchildren. Graveside services were held Friday at 2 p. m. in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. In lieu of flowers, the family requested that contributions be made to the Greenbrier County Library, Lewisburg.

Ruth Hannah Bruce Mrs. Ruth "Chummie" Hannah Bruce, of Athens, Georgia, died on February 19, 1995. Mrs. Bruce, a daughter of the late Ruth Daniel and John S. Hannah, was born in Cass where she attended the public grade school. The family later moved to Green Bank where Mr. Hannah operated a grocery store. She was a graduate of Green Bank High School Class of 1936, of which she was valedictorian. She was a graduate of Hollins College, Roanoke, Virginia, and lived a number of years in Martinsville, Virginia, before moving to Athens, in 1973. She was preceded in death by her sister, Mary Hannah Hooker. Surviving are her husband, John H. Bruce, of the home; one son, John M. Bruce, Duluth, Georgia; and a nephew, Jon Waterman, of Washington, D.C. Funeral services were held on February 22, at St. Gregory The Great Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia, of which she was a member, followed by burial in Athens. Granville Brady Granville Brady, retired farmer of Mingo, died at 5:00 A. M., Friday, December 9th, 1960, at the Davis Memorial Hospital, in Elkins. Mr. Brady was born ft Brady, December 20, 1873, a son of the late William H. and Emily Rider Brady. His wife, Emma Lindsey I Brady, died in 1955. Surviving are a foster son, ElIwood H. Hamrick, of Hinckley, Ohio; and three nephews, Sanriel Brady, of i Montervilje,.- Nelson and Arlo Brady, of Huttonsville; and two nieces, Mrs. Eula Merclant, of Youngstown, Ohio, and *rs. Ed Sharp, Webster Springs. Mr. Brady was a member of the Mingo Presbyterian Church and the I 0 0 F Lodge at Mingo. He was well known in both Ranfolph and Pocahontas Counties.

Mrs. Lena Brown Bright Mrs. Lena Brown Bright, 82, of Deerfield, Virginia, died Monday, July 26, 1971. Born July 20, 1889, at Arbovale, she was a daughter of Robert and Hester Hamilton Brown. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren. Her husband, Sherman Bright, preceded her in death in 1967, also a son, Homer, died in 1949. Survivors include nine daughters, Mrs. Golda Kimberly of Middletown, New York Mrs. Hester Berry, of Deer field, Virginia, Mrs. Joanna Sheets, Mrs. Virginia Griffin, and Mrs. Mary Butler, all of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Ethel Ness, of Verona, Virginia, Mrs. Pauline Meeks, of Kiagsport, Tennessee, Mrs. Annie Curd and Mrs. Lena Cook, of Fishersville, Virginia, five sons, Arthur Bright, of Poughkeepsie, New York, Paul Bright, of Baltimore, Maryland, Stanley, Bright, of Toms Brook, Virginia, Richard Bright, of Staunton, Virginia, and Lester Bright, at home, one sister, Mrs. Bessie Baker, of Detroit, Michigan, one brother, Henry Brown, of Elkins, 41 grandchildren, 16 great-grandcbi'dren, and one great-great grandchild. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 p. m. Thursday afternoon in the Deerfield Baptist Church by the Rev, John Shaffer assisted by Dr John R, Sawyer. Burial wil be in the Rocky Springs Ceme tery near Deerfield.

iter Brows Cass—Walter Brown, aged ^ I years, died at his home in Cass on Monday, August 6, 1951, after an illness of a mouth. He was a re tired worker of a lumber company. On Thursday his body will be taken to Browrsburg t Virginia for interment. The deceased is survived by his [three daughters aud son: Misses Virginia and Margaret, at home, Mrs. Evelyn Pleasant, of Brownsburg, and Walter, of Staunton.

^ ^ Mrs. Harvey K. Bright HMrs. Lena Virgie Bright, 80, of Marlinton, died Sunday, September 17, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospi tal of a heart ailment. Born near Marlinton January 30. 1892, she was the daughter of the late James A. and Ellen Wilfong Sharp. She was preceded in death by her husband; Harvey K. Bright, two brothers, Milburn E. and Elmer E. Sharp, and one sister, Miss Mary C. Sharp. Survivors include ten children, seven daughters, Mrs. Lucille B. Simmons, of Mingo, Mrs. Levva McMillton, of West Union, Mrs. Nellie Dean and Mrs. Ruth Friel, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Mary Rise, of Hampton, Virginia, Mrs Jean Whitmire, of Trenton, New

Mrs. Minnie A. Bright TH. Minnie Alice Bright, aged 81 years and ten months, widovs; of- William Asbury Bright, died at her home near Williamsburg, on the early morning of November 24, 1950. Surviving are a son, Paul M. IBrrght of Williamsburg; a brothjer, William Greatbouse, Durbin; I two sisters,, Mrs. Carrie Degler, Minnehaha Springs and Mrs. Gertie Slaven of Hopewell, Va.,! and five grand-children. { Fpueral services were held at the Williamsburg Methodist Church on Monday, Nov. 27, at 27th at 2:30 p.m., with Rev J. Q. Geiger officiating. Burial in the church cemetery, A precious on»3 from us is gone, A voice we lo red is stilled, A place is vacant in our home Mamie V. Bright Which never can be filled. Mamie Violet Bright, 74

died January 15, 1983, in an Akron, Ohio, hospital after a long illness. Born on July 11, 1908, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Howard Granville and Maude Slayton Ray. Mrs. Bright was preceded in death by her husband, Walter M. Bright, and one daughter, Helen Selmon. Survivors include two sons and two daughters. Also surviving are seven sisters, Nora Turner and Orpha Clark, of Franklin, Genevieve Shinaberry, of Fairmont, Velma Turner, of Arbovale, Virgie Wanless, of Minnehaha Springs, Olive Bernard, of Geneva, Ohio, and Arthena Griffin, of Bolair, Va. Burial was in the Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery in Akron. _


Frankie Hundley Mrs. Frankie Brindley, 67, died Friday, February 7, 1969, in a Weston hospital. The daughter of Ed and Roxie Rogers Ray, she was born at Buckeye. Survivors include one son, Jack Ray, of Wayne, Michigan; three sisters; two brothers; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday morning by the Rev. Alfred Gum m the Smith Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the McNeill Cemetery at Buckeye.



Eustace Brindle Eustace Brindle, aged 76 yean, of Buckeye, died on Thursday, November 18, 1954. He had been in failing health for some months. On Sunday afternoon his body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The service was held from the Swago Church by Rev. G. S. Barrett and Rev. E. H. Flaniken. The deceased was a life long resident of Pocahontas County. Until laid aside by age, he was a faithful employee of the State Road Department. His wife, Mrs. Kate Wamsley Brindle, preceded him a number of years since. He is survived by a step son, Thomas Wamsley, of Florida. Mr. Brindle was a professing christian, a member of the Presbyterian Church, was an active worker i-n the Swago Church until failing health prevented. For the past several years Mr. Brindle made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duncan. 'QS BobBrubakcr Bob Allen Brubiker, 35. of ktbovale, died Thursday, March 14, 1974, in a Morgantown hospital from injuries received in a car accident Wednesday. He was a lifelong resident ot Pocahontas County, was a member of the Arbovale Church of the Brethren and worked for the Howes Leather Company. Survivors include two sons, Gregory and Darin Brutaker, both of Cass; parents, Harry and Creole Rexrode Brubaker of Arbovale, and one sister, Mrs. Shirley Frances Groves, of Grafton, Ohio. Services were held Sunday afternoon at the Durbin Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Craig Muilenax. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Mildred Barnes Bro**n Mrs. Mildred Barnes Brown, aged 31 years, wife of Frank Brown, of Chicago, Illinois, died on Sunday, November 28, 1948, following an operation for ruptured appendix. Her body w:-e laid to rest on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes, of Marlinton. Her sisters are Mrs. Sienna Hale, Mrs. Pearl Burns, Mrs. Grace Hayes and Mrs. Mary Thacker.


Mrs. Bessie G. Bratton


Mrs. Bessie G. Bratton, 94, bt Monterey, died Wednesday morning, September 7,1977, in Oak Hill Nursing. Home where she had been a patient for two and one half years. She was born April 8,1883, in Hightown, a daughter of Adam Frank and Lydia (Swadley) Gum. Mrs. Bratton was a member of the Monterey Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Frank H. Bratton, died in August 1948. Surviving are one step-daugh ter, Mrs. Cornelia Pritchard, of Dunmore; one brother, P. L. Gum, Paeonian Springs, Virginia; three step grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were held atone p. m. -Friday, in Monterey Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Willard Gray and Rev. James Tongue. Burial was .in Union Cemetery near Churchville. — Mrs. Oden Brewster

Mrs. Frances M. Brewster, 52, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Arbovale, died Thursday, October 8, 1970, in a Baltimore hospital after a short illness. (\\sx>T\ ' Survivors irteitide her husband. Oden Brewster; two daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Romie and Mrs. Sharon Parks, both of Baltimore, Maryland; two sons Gerald Chapman, o* Butler, Pennsylvania and Roger Brewster, of Baltimore, Maryland; one brother, Raymond Muilenax, of Painesville, Ohio, and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Olet Muilenax, of Arbovale. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Paul Good, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Delbeit Brown Delbert Brown, aged 41 years, died at his home near Baltimore ! on Wednesday, June 11,1952, of! a heart attack. On Sunday after- j moon his body was laii in tbe; j Whiting Cemetery on Droop j Mountain; the service being held ! {from the Methodist Church by Rev. Lewis. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs Nellie Wiley Brown. ! He was the son of H H and ; Nellie Cutlip Brown, of Droop. \ He was a veteran of World War II; with a record of long service in Europe.





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Mrs. Mary Browning Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Gold McNeel Browning, 90, of Yucca Valley, Calif., formerly of Mill Point and Hillsboro, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Garlen O'Deli in charge. Burial will follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs. Browning died Friday in a Yucca Valley hospital after a short illness. She was the mother of Mrs. Lina MacFarland, f o r m e r women's editor of The Raleigh Register, now of Yucca Valley. A member of the Wesley Chapel United M e t h o d i s t Church, Hillsboro, Mrs. Browning was born July 24, 1880, at Mill Point, the daughter of the late Isaac and Nancy Miriam Beard McNeel. Additional survivors include another daughter, Mrs. Josephine Jones, also of Yucca Valley and a son, William M. Browning, Lewisburg, and two grandchildren. Her husband, William A. Browning, died in 1931. Friends may call at the funeral home between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Eidn'dge M. Brown died at his home near Arbovale Monday, April 23, 1923, aged 71 years 5 months and 19 days. He had been in failing health for some time and patiently waited until death released him from his sufferings. Funeral services were conducted by Eev. Monroe after which the body was laid to rest in the Arbovale cemetery. On January 25, 1891, he was married to AHie E Slaven, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Warwick Slaven To this union were born four children one of which died in infancy. He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife and three children Vernie A. Mrs. Mr nroe Beard, and Warren, besides a host of relatives and friends. He wa3 a member of the M E Church South

Elmer Brown

Mrs. Elmer L. Brown

Elmer L. Brown, 74, of Fairlea, died Thursday, December 18,1975, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack at his home. Mr. Brown was a native of Renicks Valley, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nickson Brown. He was first married to Stella Hill, of Marlinton, who died October 9, 1968. A sister, Mrs. Jessie White, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Roxie Brown; two daughters, by his first marriage, Mrs. Mary Jane McMillion, of Christiansburg, Virginia, and Mrs. Helen Dotson, of Lewisburg; four grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Fountie Allen, of Charleston, and a brother, Aas Brown, of Renick, and a step* son, Bobby Rutledge II, of Danville, Virginia. Services were held at Jack Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. William Price with burial in Greenbrier Memorial Garden.

Mrs. Mamie Brown

Mrs. Stella Hill Brown, 65, of Renick, died Wednesday, October 9, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a sudden onset of meningitis. Born at Lobelia November 6, 1902, she was the daughter of the late A. W. and Meta Eagle Hill. She was a member of Reniek's Valley Methodist Church, where memorial services were held Sunday morning by the Rev. J. E. Fairburn. Burial was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Friday. Her parents and one sister, Eula Reta, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Elmer L. Brown; two children, Mrs. Martin (Mary Jane) McMillion, of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mrs. Kenneth (Helen) Dotson, of Renick; four grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Earl (Ena) Beverage, of Clover Lick, Mrs. Jim (Lelia). Williams, of White Hail Maryland, Mrs. Clarence (Orda) Smith, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Walter (Ressie) Joyce of Bluefield, Virginia. ]0


Charles Franklin Brown Mrs. Mamie Hudson Brown, Charles Franklin (John) 86, of Green Bank, died WedBrown, 79, of Marlinton, fornesday, November 19, 1975, merly of White Sulphur at home after a short illness. Springs, died Sunday, July 26. She was born at Arbovale, 1970, in the C & 0 Hospital at the daughter of the Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a late Oscar L. and Nebraska short illness. Orndorff;her husband, Tilden Born at Ronceverte August H. Brown^also preceded her 3, 1890, he was the son of the in death. late Luther A. and Randalia Mrs. Brown was a life long Womlick Brown. He was a member of the resident of the Arbovale and Green Bank community St. James Unit d Methodist and the last surviving member Church at White Sulphur Springs. of her family. Mr. Brown was employed at She was a former teacher in several of the one room schools. The Greenbrier Hotel for over She was also a member of Lib- 20 years. Survivors include his wife, erty Presbyterian Church where she was active until her recent Mrs. Addie Gilmore Brown; two sons, Charles F. and illness. Homer M. Brown, both of Surviving: daughters, Mrs. White Sulphur Springs; one Mary Mildred Gum, of Lees- daughter, Viola Brown burg, Virginia, Mrs. Louise Overstreet, Mrs. of St. Albans. New Butcher, of Green Bank; sons York; one sister, Mrs. Shiloh Dr. William L, Brown, of Des Chamers, of Lewisburg; two Moines, Iowa, S. L. Brown, of grandchildren and one greatRichwood; five grandchildren; grandchild. two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Services were held Friday Wednesday afternoon in the afternoon in the Liberty Pres- St. James United Methodist byterian Church in Green Bank Church by the Rev. C. E. with Rev. Thomas Henderson Johnson. Burial was in the officiating, with burial in the Greenhill Cemetery at White Arbovale Cemetery. Sulphur Springs.


Mrs. Cora R. Brown Virs. Cora R. Brown, of Droop. ?.ge 6§ years,,8 months and 9days *%d on Tuesday,. September 9, 1952, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, after an extended illness. The deceased was P* daughter of the late George and Levins Glut ter Cutlip. Surviving are her husband, Homer H. Brown, of Droop; one brother, Henry Cutlip, of Blue Sulphur Springs; one sister, Mrs Ijottie Christian, of Renick; four daughters, Mrs. Mattie McCoy, •of Beard; Mrs. Dorothy Brown, of Renick; Mrs. Edith Wiley, of Beard; Mrs. Dora Starks, of Droop; one son, Dennie Brown, of Marlinton. One son, Delbert Brown preceded her three months ago. Also surviving are seventeen grandchildren, five great grandchildren and a host of friends She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Funeral services were held on Thursday, September lltb, at 3:00 p. m., at the Mount Zion Church by Rev. Mont Carr, as sisted by Rev, Johnson and Rev. Lewis. Burial was made in the Whiting Cemetery on Droop Mountain. Charles H. Brown

Charles Herman Brown passed away September 15, 1972, after a short illness. He was a resident of West Columbia, South Carolina, at 1339 G Avenue. He was a son of George A, Brown, Green Bank, and the late Macie Bodkin Brown. He was a member of Green Hill Baptist Church and was a salesman for Powell Furniture Company. He was also retired from the U. S. Army. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Penny Cox Brown, a daughter Mrs. J. D. (Shirley) McCall, of West Columbia, South Carolina^ his father, George A. Brown, Green Bank; four sisters, Mrs. Tellen Moran, Stuarts Draft, Virginia, Mrs. Mulvie (Hazel) Grimes, Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Helen Campbell, Raphine, Virginia, and Mrs. Don Shrader, Marlinton; three brothers, Raymond Brown, Schenksville, Pennsylvania, Fred Brown, Stuarts Draft, Virginia, Warren Brown, of Manassas, Virginia, and one granddaughter, Michelle, McCall, of Columbia, South Carolina. Burial was in the Greenlawn Memorial Park, at Columbia, South Carolina


Mrs. Walter Brown, Jr. CZSquire L. Brown, aged 83 years, Mrs. Hattie Leona Simmons for tifty years Clerk of the County Brown, 80, of Green Bank, died Court tor Pocahontas county, died at Saturday, September 16, 1967, Marlinton, on Sunday, June 17, 1934. while visiting a daughter, Mrs. Over a year ago he suffered an attack Ronald Gard, of Lebanon, Tenn of heart disease. Some months since there was reoccurence of the trouble She was born August 2,1887, and be left his office never to return. in Highland County, Virginia. Burial in the Huntersville cemetery She was a member of the on Tuesday afternooM beside the Arbovale Methodist Church grave of his wife. The funeral serand held a lifetime membership vice was conducted from the Marlinin the Women's Society of ton Presbyterian Church by Rev. S. Christian Service. B. Lapsley. The pall bearers^were members of the board of deacons: Survivors include her hus,). A. McLaughlin. E h\ McLaughlin, band, Walter Brown, Jr., five E, U, Wade. W. L. Davis, J. M. daughters, Mrs. Ronald Gard, Bear and Zed SLLIUI, Jr. The non- of Lebanon, Tennessee, Mrs. ary pall bearers were fellow county officers and members of the session; Berlin Stone, of Charleston, of the Marlinton church: H. H. Hud- j Mrs. Elsie Townsend, of Hot son, M, C. Smith, Kerti. Nottingham, Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Anna I R. W. Buzzard, Neal Nottingham, I Belle Goodwright, of Nitro, Howard McElwee, A. P. Edgar, T. S, i and Mrs. Noel Armstrong, of I McNeel, R. B. Slaven and Calvin W. Buckhannon; one son, James Price. Carl Brown, of Sissonville; Mr. Brown was born at Greenbanl*, twelve grandchildren and two August 22, 1851. He was the son oi great-grandchildren. the late William L, Brown; his Funeral services were held mother's name was Bjos^orth. During the war the family refugeed to Cum- Tuesday afternoon in the Arberland county, when: they spent bovale Methodist Church by some years Mr. Brown is survived the Rev. Travis Wells, Jr., by his step mother, one half-brother, with burial in the Arbovale niden Brown, two hair sisters, Mrs. Cemetery. T. H. Patterson and Mrs. W. A. Gladwell and a step-brother, W. W. ArMrs. Sadie H. Brown bogast. Mrs. Sadie Harriet Brown Mr. Brown married Miss Josephine 78, of Arbovale died WednesSlaven. daughter of the late Randolph day March 18, 1970, in an ElkSlaven, of Huntersville. She preceded him thirty-four years, lacking ins hospital after a long illness. three days. Born May 25, 1891, at DunAway back in the early eighties more, she was a daughter of the Mr. Brown came to the county seat at Huntersville as deputy for the late { late Isaac and Sarah Ray Keirn. John J- Beard, clerk of the courts for \ She was a member of the Pocahontas county. In 1884, he ofvj Liberty Presbyterian Church fered for the office of Clerk of the! of Green Bank and had been County Court and was elected. Tn ! a lifelong resident of Pocahonevery election since then, with but one exception, an appreciative peo- tas County. Survivors include two daughple returned him to the office. ters, Mrs. Thelma Galford, of rty-two years ago Mr. Brown -came to Marlinton when the county Green Bank, and Miss Glenna seat was moved here. Wooddell, of Arlington, VirginIn religion Mr. „ ^ « i n belonged to ia, and five sons, Stanley, of the (Uurch of his fathers, the Pres- Front Royal, Virginia, Robert byterian. For years and years he of Greenville, Maryland, Junhad been an officer of his church, and ior, of Kittman, Ohio, Guv, of for many years a Ruling Elder. No man ever lived in our county Bartow, and Nevitt, of Nitro. who was more universally beloved Fnneral services w*re held then Mr. Brown. It was his delight Saturday afternoon in the Libto serve his fellow ruin. The long erty Presbyterian Church with and useful life of this truly good man Rev. Thomas E. Henderson illustrated the value & thinking on whatsoever is lovely and, of good re- i and Rev. Paul S. Good in I charge. Burial was in the Arboport. f\ Waller J. Brown f.

Walter J. Brown, 87, of Green Rank, died Tuesday, Feb ruary 20, 1968, in a Lebanon, Tent.e see, hospital. Funeral services will be held Thursday af-ernoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Travis Wells, Jr., wi-h burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. SP M f 1*1.1)

Mollie B. Brown


Mrs. Mollie Blanche Brown, 69, d'*e j Monday, February 3, 1969, in an Elkin^ hospital. Born May 24. 1899, she was the daughter of the late Perry and Nannie Lamb McCall. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Violet Botkin, of McDowell, Virginia, Mrs. Betty Warren, of Chardon, Ohio, Mrs. Ruth Lambert, of Canton, Ohio, seven £0rjs; William, of Elkins, Tom, of Geneva, Harris, of Thorn wood, Charles, Indianapolis, and Mel vin Whitmire, Lapor, Michigan George Brown, of Marion, Ohio, and John Brown, of Thornwood; a s\ster, Mrs. Linwood Collins, of Durbin; 43 grandchildren 15 great-grandchildren. She had lived in Pocahontas County for 60 years and was a member ' of the Thornwood United Methodist Church. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. in the Thornwood United Methodist Church with Rev. Edward Markley in charge. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Murray C. Brown

Louise Coyner Brown, of Clover Lick, West Virginia, and Kensington, Maryland, died October 17, 1962. |: She was born Grace Louise ! Jackson Coyner, the daughter j of Mary Louisa Ligon and her husband, Jacob Jackson Coyner, of Clover Lick. She is survived by her hus|band, Dr. Murray C Brown, of Kensington, Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. John Mcllhen ney, of Beaufort, South Carolina, and Mrs. William W. Dugger, of Kensington, Maryland, and by Jackson Coyner land Sarah Webster Coyner, the children of her late brother, Littleberry Netherland Coyner, and bis wife, Georgette I Strider Coyner, also deceased. Services were conducted by (Father Charles Draper, of the Episcopal Diocese, at Grace Church, at Clover Lick, at 4 p. m. Sunday, October 21. vale Cemetery. Burial was in the Ligon FamiWilliam Griffee Brown, 93, ly Cemetery at Clover Lick, the first state prohibition commissioner, teacher, attorney and Dennie H. Browi ! author, died at his home in SumDennie H. Brown, 58t of jmersville, on Friday, November Droop, died Tuesday, May 3/" |8, 1957, after a long illness. A former prosecuting attorney p The body if at Wallace and or Nicholas County, Mr. Brown as the oldest member of the Wallace Funeral Home in LewNicholas county bar association. jsburg and arrangements are He was a lifelong member of the incomplete as we go to press. Bethel Methodist Church at Poe.

Homer Hudson Brown

Everette Brannen

Homer Hudson Brown, 80, of Everette Brannen, 84, died Droop, Pocahontas County, died Saturday, March- 30/1974, in [Saturday, May 6, 1961, in the the Riverside Home I Pocahontas Memorial Hospital at St, Albans, Nursing after several J following a heart attack. weeks illness. He had been A resident of Pocahontas Coun- living with his brother-in-law, ty for the past fifty years, he was J. W. Syms, in South Charlesa s n of the late Mr. and Mrs. ton since the death of his wife Myles Brown. H was a mem- seven years ago. ber of Mount O! ve Methodist He was a son of the late Mr. I Church and a retired farmer. and Mrs. Thomas Brannen, of He is survived by four daugh- Seebert. ters, Mrs. Dorothy Brown, of Survivors include one 9ister, I Bunker Hill; Mrs. Mattie Mc- Mrs. Lydia Hickman, of St. [Coy, Mrs. Edith Wiley, and Mrs. Petersburg, two brothDora Starks, all of Droop; one ers, French Florida, and George Branson, Denny Brown, of Marlinton; nen, both of White Sulphur. one brother, Morton Brown, of Services were held Monday, !Marlinton; one sister, Miss Ivy April 1. in the Snodgrass FuBrown, of Cal fornia; seventeen grandchildren, and nineteen great neral Home Chapel by the Rev. John Geary. Interment -grandchildre was the Cunningham MeFuneral services were held morialin Park in St. Albans. Monday afternoon in the Mount Olive Methodist Church at Droop Vernie A. Brown with the £ev. Calvin Lewis offiVernie A. Brown, 92, of ciating. Burial was in the Whiting Cemetery on Droop Moun- Arbovale, died Monday, November 26, 1984, in an Elkins tain. convalescent home after a long Wilford B. Bruffey, 72, of illness. Hillsboro, died Thursday, July Mr. Brown was a lifelong 5, 1979, in Greenbrier Valley resident of Arbovale, a retired H ospital after a long illness. woodsman, and a veteran of Mr. Bruffey was employed World War I. He was a member by S. B. Wallace & Company of the Arbovale United and a was member of the HillsMethodist Church. boro Wesley Chapel United Born December 29, 1891, at Methodist Church. Arbovale, he was a son of the Born October 15, 1906, in late Eldridge A. and Ollie Jacox, he was a son of the late Slaven Brown. John and Stella Bennett BrufHe is survived by one brothfey. His wife was Esta Fay er, Warren Brown, of ArboColeman Bruffey. vale, and several nieces and Survivors include one daughnephews. ter, Barbara Kesler, of HillsServices were held at 2 p. m. boro; four brothers, Edwin, of Wednesday in Wallace and Hillsboro, Thomas Bruffey, Wallace Funeral Home in Axboof Akron, Ohio, xMeal Bruffey, vale by the Rev. Edwin TutwEof Street, Maryland, and Ivor er, with burial in the Arbovale Bruffey, of Kingsville, MaryCemetery. land; one sister, Mrs. Irene Matthews, Forest Hill, Maryland; one grandchild; one greatBaby Brown grandchild. Christa Raye Brown, day , Services were held Saturday, old daughter of Spec-4 Darrell at 2 p. m., in the Wesley ChapBruce Brown and Rebecca el United Methodist Church in Chappell Brown, died Monday, Hillsboro wich the Rev. Charles August 17, 1970, in TiefenLong officiating. Burial was in bach, Germany. Oak Grove Cemetery. Also surviving are the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Mildred Brown of Freedom, Pennsylvania; the great-grandparents are Mrs. Nell Young, of Hillsboro, E. E. Walker, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Bertha Brown, of Renick. Graveside services were held Sunday afternoon, August 30, by the Rev. Cecil Dalton in the Brown family cemetery near Renick.


Walter J. Brown

Walter J. Brown, 87, of Green Bank, died Tuesday, Feb ruary 20, 1968, in a Lebanon, Tennessee, hospital. He was a member of the Arbovale Methodist Church, a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was a retired farmer. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Berlin Stone, of Cross Lanes, Mrs. Elsie Townsend, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Anna Belle Goodnight, of Nitro, Mrs. Noel Armstrong of Buckhmnon, and Mrs. Ronald Gard, of Lebanon, Tennessee; one son, James Earl Brown, of Sissonville; two brothers, Charlie Brown, of Manchester, Iowa, and George Brown, of Arbovale. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Travis Wells, Jr., with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Everette Burtor* Brown


Everette Burton Brown, 54,1 ! of Mill Point, died Sunday, Au: gust 29, 1965, in the Pocahon-1 tas Memorial Hospital after a \ J short illness. He was a member of the Mount Zio i Methodist Church on Droop. He was a merchant, I and had l'ved most of bis life [at Mill Point. Survivors include his wife, (Mrs. Ina Ileta Pritt Brown; jone son, Eugene Brown, of (Newport, Virginia; three sisIters, Mrs. Ina Shope and Mrs. j Hallie Hamrick, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. I Hallie Hanna, of Renick; two {brothers, Guy Brown, of Mill I Point, and Quincy Brown, of I Winchester, Virginia. I Funeral services were held [Wednesday afternoon in the [Mount ZionMethodist Church Jon Droop. Burial was in the Sunrise Cemetery at Jacox. Dinnii Brown Dennie Homer Brown, 58, of Droop, died Tuesday, May 6, 1977, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness, A veteran of World War II, Mr. Brown had lived on Droop ten years, was a member of the Mount Olivet United Meth odist Church at Droop and a retired woodsman. Survivors include two sons. James R., of Frankford, and Lee Waugh, of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Dickenson and Mrs. Edith Wiley, both of

Droop, four grandchildren.

, Uydc Drwa iV8. Sarah Scott Brown, aged irs, wife of Clyde Brown, died at he ! ome in Greenbrier County on Monday* December 16, 4916. Her body was laid to rest the cemetery at Ellis Chapel on Brushy Flat. She will be greatly-missed in her community. Mrs. Browu is survived by her husband and their eleven children Pfc. Gonna ., U. S. Army; Dover, Thedford, Kexford, Relford and Charles, at home; Mrs. Ha I lie Grimier, of Baltimore; Hel^n, Geraldine, Arolee and Alma, at home. The deceased was a daughter of ijomas L. Scott, who survives. She is also survived by her sisters, Mrs. Blanche Decappa, of White Hall, Montana; Mrs. JNina Robert son and Mrs. Iretta Gairord, of Marlinton; Mrs. Daisy Ryder, of Slaty Fork; and he** brother, Clawson Scott, of Charleston.

uary Kay Brown ROSCOE W. BROWN Gary Ray Brown, age three, Roscoe W. Brown, well known of Renick, son of Mr. and Mrs. resident of Pocahontas County Caden Brown, died Thursday, and deputy sheriff, died Saturday at his home in Arbovale al- February 24, 1966, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at ter a long illness. Ronceverte after a sudden illServices were conducted Monday at 2 p. m. at the Liberty ness. 1 Presbyterian Church, with Rev. j Other survivors include his (.yraham Keyes officiating. Inter- paternal grandfather, W. P. ment was made in the Arbovale [ Rose, of Hillsboro; and materCemetery, w i t h graveside rite.3 nal grandmother, Mrs. Grace conducted by the I. O. O. F. Brown, and paternal greatLodge No. 319. grandfather, Joe Ellis. Surviving are his wife, Sadie Funeral services were held Brown; three daughters by a former marriage, M r s. Merrylee, Sunday afternoon in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Pennybacker, of W y a n d o t t e , Chapel in Lewisburg by the Mich., Mrs. Bessie Williams, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Ethel HigRev. Arthur J. Fait. Burial gens, of Fairmont; a n d three was in the Sunrise Cemetery • sons by a previous marriage, at Jacox. L a y k e Brown, of Waynesboro, Va., Robert Brown, of Arbovale. MRS. ELIZABETH BROWN and Johnny Brown, in the Air Mrs. Elizabeth Huff Brown, Force in Illinois.

89, of Summersville, died at her home Saturday, December Roxie C. Brown 2, 1978. Roxie Carlisle Brown, 88, of A lifelong resident of NichoCountryside Village in Easley, Mrs. Ifetla Pritt Brown South Carolina, died September 7, las County, she was West Mrs. Iletia Pritt Brown, 56, 1992, at the Baptist Medical Center Virginia's Mother of the year in of Mill Point, died Friday, in Easley. 1949. She was the widow of Dr. May 2, 1969, in the C&O Born in Renick,; she was a Flavius H. Brown. Hospital at Clifton Forge, Vir- daughter of the late George L. and One of her five children is ginia, after a long illness. Adella Darnell Carlisle. Mrs. Robert Jacobson, of LewMrs. Brown was a retired isburg. She had been a resident and merchant near Mill Point for school teacher and taught in the Services were held Tuesday 25 years. Raleigh County school system for at the Summersville Baptist forty years. She was a member of Church by the Revs. Paul and Survivors include one son, the Eastern Star and was a Beth Russell, grandchildren of Eugene B. Brown, of Hi]!s- Methodist. boro; her father, W. C. Pritt, Mrs. Brown. Burial was in Surviving her are her son, of Droop; two sisters, Mrs. Summersville. Grace Kersbner, of Warren, Broaddus L. Rutledge, II, of Ohio, and Mrs. Marie Bivens, ClemsonK South Carolina; three Clarence Brown @y and two of Droop; three brothers, El- grandchildren great-grandchildren. Clarence Brown, 36, of Cass, bert. Hill and Burley Brown, died Sunday, January 1, 1967, Services and burial were at the all of Droop, and two grandin a Morgantown hospital. Monticello Memorial Gardens at children. Charlottesville, Virginia, on He was a member of the Funeral services were held September 10. Cass First Baptist Church. Sunday afternoon in the Mr. Brown was employed by Mount Zion Methodist Church v J. M. Kane, Jr., Coca-Cola by the Rev. Gail Cutlip with Q^ Tr'lden Brown ^ Bottling Company at Marlinburial in the Sunrise Cemetery Tilden Brown, 86, of Green ton. at Jacox. Bank, died at his home on SatSurvivors include his mothurday, February 9, 1963. Bract D. Browi er, Mrs. Virginia Brown, of Bruce Dysard Brown, 75, Born at Arbovale, April 12, j Cass; one sister, Mrs. Harry died April 14,1976, in a Balti- 1877, he was a son of the late' Walker, of Marlinton, and one more hospital after a long ill* William and Adeline Eleanor 1 brother, Staff Sergeant William Brown. ness. Brown, of Bermuda. He was a member of the He* was born December 31, Funeral services were held 1900, at Arbovale, the ion of Liberty Presbyterian Church. [Tuesday afternoon in the WalSurvivors include his wife, I lace and Wallace Chapel at Robert Lee and Claudia Mrs. Mamie H. Brown; two Arbovale by the Rev. Sanford Dysard Brown. Mr. Brown went to Balti- sons, William U Brown, of Boggs with burial in the Arbomore in 1921. fie was never Johnstown, Iowa, and Steryl vale Cemetery. ^rown, of Richwood; two daumarried. ghters, Mrs. Mary Gum, of Surviving are a sister, Mrs. E. H. (Stella) Payne, of Wood I Leesburg, Virginia, and Miss River, Illinois; and a brother, Louise Brown of Green Bank. Funeral services were held J GuyL. Brown, of Dunmore, Monday afternoon with the 1 niece and 1 nephew. Services were held at the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle in charge. Singleton Funeral Home, with Burial was in the Arbovale burial in Glen Haven Memorial Cemetery. Park.


Mrs Ida Thompson Brown

Mrs. George Brock Henry Earle Bransford Mrs. Susan Ray Brock, 82, Henry Earle Bransford, 91, of Lewisburg, died June 24 1995, at died on Saturday, January 10, at the ho na of her Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, 1959, daughter, Mrs. Ellen Riffle Route Fairlea, after a long illness. He was a native of 2, near Morgantown Williamsburg, and attended brief illness. Concord College, New River State, She was born in Poc Marshall University and Charleston County, November 11, 18'iv School of Commerce. He was a daughter of the late James a*, former schoolteacher and was Julia Ray. Her husband, George retired from the Department of Brock, preceded her in death. Agriculture. He was a life member Surviving her are three sons,' of Beta Phi National Honorary Elmer Brock and Ray Brock, Scientific Fraternity, a 50-year both of Hillsboro, and Wilson member and past master of Brock, of Reseda, California; Greenbrier Lodge No. 42 AF&AM, seven daughters, Mrs. Rosa a member of Royal Arch Masons, Moore, of Baltimore, Maryland; Knights Templar of Lewisburg and Mrs. Blanche Butterbaugh, of Beni Kedem Shrine of Charleston. Mount Morris, Pennslyvania; He was a member and president of Mrs. Nina Waugh, of Fallston, Lewisburg Lions Club and a Maryland; Mrs. Ellen Riffle, member and former trustee of of Route 2 Morgantown; Mrs. Lewisburg United Methodist Mary Dean, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Church. He was former president Sue Renfro, of Studio City, Caliof Methodist Men. fornia; and Mrs. Kitty Workman, Mr. Bransford is survived by of Reseda, California; 34 grandhis wife, Glenna Simmons children and 23 great-grandchildBransford; son, John, of Asbury; ren; a brother. Bert Ray, of daughter, Phyllis Crickenberger, of Meadsville, Pennsylvania; and a Hillsboro and White Sulphur sister, Mrs. Hannah Friel, of Cass. Springs; six grandchildren; five Services were held Monday afgreat grandchildren. ternoon in the Alexander MemorServices were held Monday at ial Presbyterian Church at Stony McCraw Funeral Home, Bottom by the Rev. T. J. Alder Lewisburg, with the Rev. Ross nan with burial in the cemeter; Evans and the Rev. Steve Engle it Stony Bottom. officiating. Burial with Masonic rites was in Rosewood Cemetery, Mrs. Amy Burieis^ Lewisburg. Donations may be Mrs. Amy Florence Burgess, made to Lewisburg United 9, of Buckeye, died ThursMethodist Church. ay, September 21, 1978, at iome. Mayo Burgess Born at Mill Point, October Mayo Brooks Burgess, 65, of !5,1898, she was the daughbeebert, Pocahontas County, died Saturday, August 18, erof the late William and 1973, in the Sacred Heart HosBelinda Jackson Ryder. pital after a short illness. Her husband, Allen, and two sisters, one brother and two He was a retired miner, a half brothers preceded her in member of the Methodist x % Eag,es Lod e an death. xi£ ™ S <* V F Wand a native of KaShe was a member of Marnawha County. vin Chapel United Methodist Church. Survivors include one brother, Lester E. Burgess, of Seebert. Surviving are three daughFuneral services were held ters, Mrs. Hazel McClung, of Monday afternoon in the VanMuskegon, Michigan, Mrs. Reenen Funeral Home Chapel Nellie Adkinson, of Buckeye, by the Rev. Maynard CrawMrs. Ellen Kelley, of Eastford, with burial in the Oak lake, Ohio; nine grandchildren; Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. five great-grandchildren. Services were held at two p. m. Sunday in Marvin ChapWilliam D. Burgess el United Methodist Church William D. Burgess, about 78, with the Rev. Virgil Hornbeck died Tuesday, June 20, 1961, in officiating. Burial was in Ruckthe Pocahontas Memorial Hospiman Cemetery. tal. Services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 in the West Union j Church, with burial in the CochJran Cemetery.

Mrs. Ida Thompson Brown, otArbovale, died on Wednesday. August 5, 1964, in a Weston hospital. She was a member of the Methodist Church at Mint Springs, Virginia. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Lyle Campbell, of Lynchburg, Virginia; a brother Homer. Thompson, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, and one grandchild. Fnneral services were held Friday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church, with burial in the Arbovile Cemetery. Mrs. Nellie Brown


Mrs. Nellie Brown, 66, of Plainfield, New Jersey, formerly of Cass, died Wednesday, April 13, 1977, in a Plainfield hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Brown was born December 10, 1910, in Covington, Virginia. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Helen Walker, of Plainfield, with whom she made ber home; a son, William, Kingstree, South Carolina: two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Jordan, Plainfield and Mrs. Evelyn Pleasant, Raphine, Virginia, and three grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m., in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel, Arbovale, with Rev. Sanford Boggs in charge. Burial was in Arbovale. Henry Hamilton Brown, 95, of Arbovale, died Sunday, March 18, 1973, in an Elkins convalescent home. £y/ He was a member of th& Nazarene Church at Frank, a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was a farmer. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Bessie Baker, of Detroit, Michigan. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Donald Beha, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Miss Maude Burner

Miss Maude Burner, 81, of Marlinton, formerly of Bartow, died early Wednesday May 20, 1964, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Funeral ar-' rangements are incomplete.


Mrs. R. W. Brown Mrs. Clara Margie Hudson! | Brown, aged 59 .years, died at herj home at her home at Arbovale on Thursday, May 8, 1947. Shehad 1 ! been in failing health for some time. On Saturday, funeral seri vices were held from the Arbovale Church by Rev. B. B. Breitenhirt, Rev. Albert Tenney and Key. Qaade Arbogast. Pallbear, -s were Warren tOrvin, Orville Sheets, Fred Moomau, Adolphus Shears, Clarence Sheets and Guy Wood del I. | Mrs. Brown was a daughter of | the late John Letcher Hudson land Margaret Virginia Gillespie| j Hudson. Forty years ago she became the wife of Roscoe W. Brown. She is surviyed by her husband and their six children, Lake, of Waynesboro, Virginia, I Robert, of the United States Navy, jii.jd Johnny, at home; Mrs. Merle Penny backer, of Arbovale, Mrs. Ethel Higgles, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Bessie Williams, of Morgantown. She was preceded by a [laughter, Bettie, and, a few j weeks since, by a son-in-law, I Robert Williams. Of her father's (family there remain her five J>rot.h e r s, H a r pe r, War a, i>d ward, : Mack and Luther; and LV. four |sisters, Mrs. Ethel Arbogast, Mrs. I Hattie Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Ruth iGalfoid and Mrs. R, O. Crowley. In early'life Mrs. Brown beIcame a professing christian, and oined the Methodist Church, was a devout, earnest an iistMil life. . Allen Burgess c -*' Allen Burgess, 84, of Buckeye, died Saturday, June 12, 1976, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, in Elkins, after a long illness. He was a member of Marvin Chapel Methodist Church. Mr, Burgess was a native of Woodrow. Surviving: wife, Amy Ryder Burgess; daughters, Mrs. Hazel McCIung, of Muskegon, Michigan, Mrs. Ellen Kelley, of East Lake, Ohio, Mrs. Nellie Adkinson, of Buckeye; brothers Mack Dolan, of Richmond, Virginia, Patrick Dolan of Dallas, Georgia, Hulet Dolan, of Buckeye; sisters, Mrs. Bridget Minger and Mrs. Peggy Alexander, both of Richmond, Virginia, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in Marvin Chapel Methodist Church, with the Rev. Sherman Markley officiating. Burial was in the Ruckman Cemetery.

Fred M. Burgess Fred M. Burgess, age 87, of Marlinton died Thursday, March 1, 1990 in Beckley after a long illness. He was born September 26, 1902 in Woodrow, a son of James and Allie Barlow Burgess. Mr. Burgess was a logger and worked 19 years for International Shoe Company. He also worked in a senior citizens program for the United States Forestry Service for 12 years. He was a member of the West Union Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Olive Hoover and Thelma Thompson. His brothers were Clarence, Dennis, Kenny and John. His sisters were Ida Mae George, Mattie Auldridge, Mary Lambert and Ruth Young. He is survived by his wife, Woodsie Mae Moore Burgess, of Marlinton; son, Ivan Burgess, of Marlinton; daughter, Velma Stuck, of Sharon, Pennsylvania; 11 grandchildren; seven great -grandchildren. Mrs. Jessie Burgess Mrs. Jessie C. Burgess, 81, of Pennsboro, Ritche County, died Friday, January 23,1976, in St. Joseph Hospital, Parkers burg, after a long illness. She was the widow of William D. Burgess. They lived at Woodrow. She was a member of the Church of God. Surviving sons, Edward Burgess, of New ^stle, Pennsylvania, Henry i ^ess of Mercer, Pennsylvania, Asa Burgess, of Lewisburg, Pat Burgess, and Paul Burgess, both of Marlinton, Lloyd Burgess, Pennsboro; daughters, Mrs. Bertha Robinson, of Denver, Colorado, Mrs, Annie Sharp, of Marlinton, Mrs. Dollie Sipe, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Alice Ramp of Fredonia, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Leva Bostic, of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Hanna Cntch* field, of Pennsboro; two sisters, Mrs. Myra Dorsey and Mrs. Ora Parsons, both of Holcomb; 45 grandchildren; 49 greatgrandchildren; and four greatgreat-grandchildren. Services were held Monday in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Gary. Jarrell officiating. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery at Marlinton.

". QtsJ

J. A. Burgess James Allen Burgess was born Apiil 25, 1874, at Beaver Dam, at the head of Williams River, and departed this life on Wednesday, November 13th, 1957, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, in Marlinton. Funeral services were held from his home on Saturday, November 16th, at 2:00 P. M., conducted by the Rev. Ezra BennettHe was the son of the late David and Mary Elizabeth Kellison Burgess, who preceded him in death several years ago. Mr. Eiirgess is survived by his wife, Allie Florence Barlow Burgess, to whom he was married on September 16th, 1837; seven children, Ruth F. Young, John W. Burgess, Kennie F. Burgess, Fred M. Burgess, Mattie E. Auldridge, Clarence A. Barlow, of Marlinton; Mary M. Lambert, of Cresaptown, Maryi; riJ- one sister and, two brothers. Mr?. Martha Kiner j and William D. Burgess, of Marlinton, ard Dayton Burgess, of Elkins, also thirty grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. J He was preceded in death by five children, Ida Mae Burgess George and Tom Dennis Burgess and three infants. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on September 16th, 1957, He wa^ ...a retired woodsman, Woodrow, and v reared in Christian home. W

Mrs. AlHflr*iiirges$

• Mrs. Allie F. Burgess, 95, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Thursday, September 19,1974, in the Sacred Heart Hospital in Richwood. Mrs. Burgess was a member of the Methodist Church and the widow of James A. Burgess; six children also preceded her in death. Born at Woodrow, she was the daughter of John W. and Margaret Moore Barlow. Surviving her are four sons, Clarence Barlow and Fred Burgess, both of Route 1, Marlinton, Kenney Burgess and Wesley Burgess, both of Marlinton; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Young, of Marlinton, and Mr3. Mary Lambert, of Cresaptown, Maryland, 30 grandchildren, 71 great grandchildren and 1# great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at White's Chapel on Sundav itemoon by the Rev. Maylard Crawford, with burial in he home cemetery.

Mrs. Molly Burgess Mrs. Molly Stonebraker Burgess, 85. of Petersburg, died on Sunday, January 15, 1961. She was the widow of the late Wess Burgess and sister of Mrs. John Guthrie, of Marlinton, who is her only survivor. Miss Ava Guthrie and John Guthrie attended the funeral services at Petersburg on Wednesday. Mrs Guthrie has been ill and was unable to go.

Mrs. Elmer Davis Burner Mrs. Mary Louise Burner, S3, widow of Elmer Davis 3i*rner, passed away on S a t u r lay, May 14, 1966, in a Jacksonville, Florida, hospital following a brief illness. She was born at Arbovale, ind had lived in Jacksonville, Florida, since 1932, having noved there from Cass. Mrs. Burner was a member if the Riverside Park Metholist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Miss Virginia Burner xnd Mrs. Lloyd C. Leemis, both of Jacksonville, Florida, \nd Mrs. Eloise Hedge, of Nep tune Beach, Florida; six sons, p aul E., E. Davis and George T Burner, all of Jacksonville, Florida; J. Clarence Burner, Macon, Georgia, Al W. Burner, if Columbia, S^uth Carolina, and Charles C. Burner, of Elkins; twenty-five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews. She was a sister of the late VTrs. Nannie G. Wilson, of Durbin.

v Rozelle E. Burner Rozelle Edgar Burner, aged 62 years, died at his home in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on June 28, 1950, of a heart attack. The deceased was a son and the eighth child of Charles Cameron and Elizabeth Augusta Beard Burner of Travelers Repose, Pocahontas County. Of his fathers family there remain his brother, Harry C. Burner of Bartow and his sister, Mrs. E. E. Oldaker, of Durbin. Mr. Burner married Jennie May Rossman of Cheyenne. She and their two children survive: Rozelle Jr., of Redwood City J Calif., and Mrs. Robert Norman NORLIE FRANK BURNER V of Cheyenne. Norlie F r a n k Burner, born About forty years ago he went June 23, 1875, at Traveler's Reto Wyoming. All that time he pose, W. Va., died at the Pocawas employed by the Union PaT cific Railroad. For many years i hontas Memorial T ospital after a (prolonged illness |>n Wednesday, he had been conductor of passen- I March 19. He w<\3 a son of the ger trains. j late Lee and Rebecca Burner. The deceased was a professing He is survived hy his wife, Christian, a member of the MethMrs. Rhoda Tracy Burner; one odist Church. He was also a Madaughter, M r s. Kerth Nottingson Interment was in the farm ham, with whom he made his home; one granddaughter, Bevly plot in Cheyenne cemetery to erly Ann Nottingham; five sisawait the Resurrection morning, ters, J^rs. Sula Kelly, of Elkins, when the dead in Christ shall rise Mrs. Bessie Simmons, of Bartow, and the glory of His Resurrection Mrs. Adam Moore, of Marlinton, share. Miss Maude Burner, of WashingL. B. O. i/ ton, D. C , and Miss Belle Bur-


Harry C. Burner n / Harry Crawford Burned 95, of Bartow, died Sunday, March 18,1962, in an Elkins nursing home. He lived in Bartow most of his life where he was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Maude Arbogast Burner; a son, Lincoln C. Burner, of Ann Arbor, Michigan; a sister, Mrs. Link Oldaker, of Durbin, and one grandchild. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Bartow Methodist Church, with the Rev. John A. Helms in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

ner, of Bartow, and one brother, Walter Burner, of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Burner w a s a life-long member of the Methodist Church. He was a retired postmaster at Frank. Funeral services were conducted from the Nottingham home at 2:30 o'clock Friday, March 21, with his pastor, Rev. Lon Taylor, officiating. Mrs. Frank Johnson played a p i a n o solo, "Goin' Home", and Mrs. B e n Morgan, accompanied by M r s. Johnson, sang "One S w e e t l y Solemn Thought." Active pallbearers were Arnout Yeager. Yeager G u m, Warrick i Hoover, Moreau Kelly, Forrest | Pritchard a n d W a r d Wimei. Members of Mr. Burner's Bible lass carried the flowers. Interm e n t was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. George A. Burner Mrs. Mary Catherine Burner, aged 84 .years, widow of the late George A Burner, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs Ruth Burner Roan, in Columbus Ohio, August 17, 1943. A few weeks before she had suffered a paraletic stroke, Her body was laid to rest in Glen Rest cemetery Mrs Burner survived her husband four years.. They are survived by their four children— James A. of Chicago: Paul H., of New York, Mrs R. W. Foster of Portland, Oregon, and Kuth ivoan, of of 816 0akwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio; twelve grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren, George A. Burner was a son of the late Allan and Elizabeth Price Burner of Pocahontas county. He married Mary Catherine Jenkins, on the farm of the Round Barn, where the City of Elkins was afterwards built. A country side still suffering from the effects of a devastating war did not appear to hold out much promise to the young couple who were strictly on their own in making their way in the world. They turned toward the west, to the young city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was not always clear sailing, but they were deeply religions peoDle for whom al1 t h i r ^ c Luster Allen Burner Q^ Lester Allen Burner, 86, of Prank, died Wednesday, August 16, 1972, at his home. He was a l n e m b e r of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, attended the Nazarene Church at Frank, and had lived in Frank for the past 60 years. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Ethel Perry, of Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Eunice Eagle, of Akron, Ohio, M ! f L F a ^ ? B u™er, at home, and Mrs. NeJl Ralston, of Wash ington, D . C ; three sons. Woodrow Burner, of Pouisbo, Washington, Dayton Burner, of Painesville, Ohio, and Marvin Burner, of Frank; 15 grandchildren, and 30 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert Fields, the Rev. Willis Summers, and the Rev. Donald Beha, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Mrs. Delia Kincaid Burner Mrs, r&jla Kincaid B u r n e r , aged 62 y e a r s , wife of L e s t e r A. B u r n e r , of F r a n k , died on Mond a y , J u l y 11, 1949, at her home. She was laid to rest in the family plot in the Arbovale cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. T h e funeral service was held from t h e Durbin Methodist Church by her pastor. Rev. E. K S a w y e r s and Rev H. Blackhurst, T h e deceased is survived by her husband and t h e i r four d a u g h t e r s and three sons: M r s . Ethel T e r r y , of W a y n e s b o r o , V i r g i n i a ; M r s . E r n i c e Eagle, of A k r o n , O h i o ; Mrs. Nellie Ralston, of C h a r l o t t e s ville, V i r g i n i a , and Miss F a y e B u r n e r , a t home; t h r e e sons, Marvin, of D u r b i n ; Woodrovv, of the United S t a t e s N a v y , and D a y t o n , B u r n e r , at home. Also by t w o b r o t h e r s , G e o r g e D. Kincaid, of D u r b i n , and W o o d i e Kincaid, of Nevada; and two s i x e r s , Mrs. M y r t l e H u g h e s , of M o r g a n t o w n , and Mrs. Cora M y e r s , of O r e g o n .

Nannie Burner Mrs, Nannie Mae Burner, 89, of Frank, died Saturday, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Elkins, after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and a member of the Bartow United Methodist Church in Bartow. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Leona Beckett, of Marlinton, Mrs. Berla Mullenax and Mrs. Virginia Barkley, of Boyer, Mrs. Euna Barkley, of Prank: two sons, Forrest, of Durbin, Leroy, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania; one sister, Mrs. Gussle Fallen, os Charleston; twenty five grandchildren, thirty three great grandchildren, and thirteen great great grandchildren. Service was held Monday in the Durbin United Methodist Church, with Rey. David Kittenhouse and Rev. Roy Williams officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

MRS. 0. W, BURNER Howard Glenn Burner

Howard Glenn Burner, 77, of Frank, died Friday, January 26, 1962, at his home. He was a member of the Bartow Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Nannie Burner; four daughters, Mrs Grover Barkley and Mrs. Virginia Barkley. both of Durbin; Mrs. Willis Mullens, of Boyer, and Mrs. Leona Beckett, of Parkersburg; two sons, Leroy Burner, of Frank, and Forrest Burner, of Durbin; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Burner of Richmond, Virginia; two brothers, Willie Burner, of Frank, and Dewey Burner, of Baltimore, Maryland; twenty five grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon in the Bartow Methodist Church with the Rev. John A. Helms in charge.

Willie Burner Willie Burner, 82, of Frank, died Wednesday, October 23, 1974, in the. Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. r y Funeral serf icea were held Saturday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Mrs. Sarah Jane Burner, wife of U. W. Burner, died at her home n^ar Durbin, August 27, V 22, aged sixtythree years and seventeen days Her maiden name was Malcolm, she being a daughter of Walter and Sarah Malcolm of Highland county, Virginia. She leaves her husband and seven children, her son Steward having preceded her to the Great Beyond . Her daughters are Lucy, Edith. Lena and Nannie (Mrs. Morrison) Her sons, living, are Howard, William and Dewey, the latter being in the United States Navv She was an estimable lady, a kind and devoted wife, loving mcther, and true christian. Being converted while young, she joined the Methodist church of which she was a consistent member until her death. The funeral sermon was preached in the Bartow church, by Rev. I. H. j VanDevenler to the largest congregation t h a t ever assembled there; • and the floral offering was most beautiful iDdeed. The burial took place at the new graveyard on the hillside near Bartow. A Friend.

Mrs. Willie Burner O Mrs. Marie Burner, 67, of Frank, died Monday, July 21, 1969, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins. Survivors include her husband, Willie Burner. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Lincoln C. Burner Lincoln Charles Burner, of 63084 Hickory Lane, Cambridge, Ohio, died at 8 p. m., Monday, April 17, 1989, at Good Samaritan Medical Center, Zanesville, Ohio. Born December 10, 1912, in Durbin, he was the son of Henry Crawford (Harry) Burner and Maude Arbogast Burner. He is a direct descendant of Abram and Mary Hull Burner and Adam and Margaret Hull Arbogast, both pioneer families of the Upper Greenbrier, known as Travellers' Repose. His paternal grandparents were Charles Cameron and Elizabeth Beard Burner. His maternal grandparents were John and Louisa Jane Tracy Arbogast. Surviving him are his wife, Faye Clark Burner; two sons, Larry A. Burner, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Lynn R. Burner, of Baltimore, Maryland; also, one stepdaughter, Brenda Hudson, of Cambridge; two stepsons, Michael Barnette, of Columbus, and Pat Barnette, of Pickerington, Ohio; and eight grandchildren. Lincoln was graduated from Green Bank High School in 1932 and from National Schools, Los Angeles, California, in 1935. From 1942 until 1969 he was employed by a number of large corporations in capacities of Electronics Tester, Senior Design Engineer, and Senior Engineering Writer. From 1969 until his retirement in 1977, he was employed by NCR as Senior Engineering Writer. He was a life member of IEEE and the NRA; a member of the Cambridge Writers' Workshop, and a very active member of Trinity Baptist Church. In 1979, he published an historical novel, "The Middle Ground," the setting of which is in Pocahontas County and environs. A second novel, "The Lumberman's Daughter," is in manuscript form and ready for publication. Services were held Thursday, April 20, at Bundy-Law Funeral Home in Cambridge with his pastor, Stephen Purgin, officiating. Burial was in Northwood Cemetery. Goorjr^ At'^e Hon c>\ aged e??htyfive years, died at the home of his daughter Mrs J. M. Roan, in Colum bus, Ohio, March 18, 1939. For the past twenty years he had been an Invalid. Interment in Glen Rest cemetery. Mr Burner was the son of the late Allan and Elizabeth Price Burner. He was born at Greenbank. About' sixty years ago he went to Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is survived by his v?'
Edgar B. Burner Edgar B. Burner, aged 79 years 'lied in a sanitarium on Septero tjtr 6, 1953, in his home city o ^aDta Monica, California l'bt fcmer&l service was on Thursday with burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Santa Monica. The deceased was a son of th* '•ate Lafayette and Caroline Gun Burner, of Travelers Repose H •8 survived by his wife, Mrs Hus or 8. Burner; two daughters. Miss Beverly Jane and Mrs Irene Hill; two sons, Edison and Stan ley. His brother is Lester Burn *>r, of Frank, and his sister U Mn Annie Musheno, of Durbin Mr Burner was a structura *teel worker. He left his fatber'b home over fifty years ago. Fo many years he was employed i Chicago For the past six years he has lived in Santa Monica,

^ Mrs. Norlie Burner

Mrs. Rhoda Tracy Burner, aged 83 years, died at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Monday, September 11, 1961. Mrs. Burner was born near Arbovale April 25, 1878, and lived all her life in Pocahontas Coturt#. Her husband, Norlie Burner, preceded her in death. She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church. She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Kerth Nottingham, in Marlinton^ Also surviving is her granddaughter, Beverly Nottingham, and four half-brolhers, Forrest, Mack, Paul and Hunter Thompson, of Akron, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Nottingham by the Rev. George McCune and the Rev. W. E. P\erce, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. forrest B u r n e r ^

Mrs. Grace Hevener Burner, 48, of Durbin, died Sunday, July 31, 1966, in an Elkins hospital. She was born December 16, 1918. Survivors include her husband, Forrest Burner; two daughters, Mrs. Carl Feathers, Jr., of Richmond, Virginia, aaid Mrs. James Sacks, of Elkins; one son, Wallace Burner, of Durbin; her mother, Mrs. Clyde Hevener, of Green Bank; two sisters, Mrs. Ray Westfall. of Clarksburg, and Mrs. French, leverage, of Arbovale, and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock in the Church of the Brethren at Durbin. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Miss Belle Burner Miss Sarah Belle Burner, aged 85 years, died at ber -home in Durbin on Sunday, February 8, 1953. On Tuesday afternoon her body was kid to rest in the B u n er family cemetery, with services by her pastor, Rev Leon Samples. The deceased was a daughter of the late Lee and Rebecca Gem Burner. S u r v i v e s include three sisters, Mrs Bessie Simmons, of Durbin, Mrs Adam Moore, of Marlinton, nnd Miss Maude Burner, of Wa/*M 'ngton, D. C.s od one broths Walter Burner, of Detroit, Mich- 1 ij^an.

Philippi— Thomas Lloyd Burner, aged 67 years, died Sunday afternoon, January 2* 1940, of a heart attack at his farn .one three miles from Philippi. On Tuesday his body was bur ied in Silent Grove cemetery. /^6i?e#X«rt Lynn Burner\S The deceased was a son of the late . ^uoby Lynn Burner, aged Brown and Sarah Daugherty Burner. J twoi son of Mr. and Mrs. Le- About forty years ago he came to Po :as County, and engaged in the roy Burner, of Bartow, died on Friday, December 7, 1962, ! store, barking and farming business I He served as depu&l sheriff. Here at his home. I he married Miss Roberta Kelley. She Also surviving are two sis- I and their two foster children, Arthur ters, Beverly and Donna Burand Mrs beta Bartlefct, survive. | ner, both at home; three bro(flftVite^* ftrbogast SuTner thers, David, Dennis and Doug. Maude Arboerast Burnlas Long, all at home; the maJ5. of Bartow, died Saturternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs W. C. Bostic, and day, December 21, 1968, in the paternal grandmother is the Denmar State Hospital at Mrs. Nannie Burner, of Frank. Beard, after a short illness. She was a member of the Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon in Church of God, s t B ^ t o w , and the Bartow Methodist Church a lifelong resident of Pocahonwith the Rev. Paul Good and tas County. the Rev. Ira Petre in charge. Survivors include one son Burial was in the Arbovale Lincoln Burner, of Baltimore, Cemetery, Maryland. Funeral services were held Mrs. Elizabeth Burner died Tues- Tuesday afternoon in ths Walday night, March 6, 1924, at her lace and Wallace Funeral home near Durbin, aged about seven- Home Chapel at Arbovale by four years. She was the widow of the Rev. Travis E. Wells with the late C. C. Burner. She had been in failing health for a long time, but burial in the Arbovale Cembore her afflictions with patience *nd etery. was a good christian woman. • She Our community was shocked to leaves to mourn their loss two sons Homey Burner of Bartow, and Ros- hear of the death of Miss Lena J. well, of Chyenne, Wyoming; and two Burner, daughter of U. W. Burner, daughters, Mrs. Lena Drexler of which occurred at the City Hospital, Chyenne, and Mrs. Oldaker. Funer- Elkins, Saturday, April '6, 1924, al at the M. E. Church, south, Sun- after about a month's sickness, aged day afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr twenty one years. Miss Lena was a Lawson. Interment iu Bartow cem- good, kind young lady, loved by her etery by the. grave of her husband. family and friends. Her body was I The family have the sympathy of our brought here on Monday and the fucommunty. | | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ B neral conducted from Bartow Church Tuesday. She leaves to mourn her father, U. W. Burner, and a host o friends, who have our sympathy.


Mrs. Ralph H. Burns Mrs Myrhl K. Burns, 51, of Hillsboro, died in the University Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia, on Sunday, December 4, Lv/0, MIowing a cerebral hemor'hage. Mrs Burns was a member of -he Wesley Chapel Methodist Church and the Hillsboro of the Order of Eastern Star. Born in Watoga February 9, 1909, she was a daughter of the late William J. a/d Patty Lou Kileen. Surviving her are her husband, Ralph H. Burns; a daughter, Mrs Eugene (Pfctty) Brown, of Liberia, Africa; a ton, Richard Burns, at home; and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Moore, of Elkins. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 2:00 p. m., in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Churfch at Hillsboro by the Rev., A.J Shrader and the Rev. Paul Riegei, conditioned upon the arrival of Mrs. Brown from Africa on Wednesday, Burial will be in Mountain V>w Cemetery.

Mrs. wa ler t . Burns *

Mrs. Mary Ellen Sheets Burns, died Friday, January 10, 1969, in Denver, Colorado. She was a diughter of John Will Sheets. Mrs. Burns was a member of the Central Christian Church, Pueblo Chapter No. 7 0. E. S.; Ruhamah Temple No. 71, Daughters of the Nile, and Pueblo Assembly No. 11; S, O. O. B. She had been a resident of Pueblo, Colorado, since 1920. Survivors include her husband, Walter E. Burns, three daughters, Mrs. Char otte Baysinger, of Pueblo, ( olorado, Mrs. Marguerite McDonald, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs Mary E. Barnhill, of Denver, Colorado; four brothers Marvin and Blake Sheets, of Pueblo, Colorado, Tone Sheets, of Charleston, and Joe Sheets; three sisters, Mrs. Lucille Culbertson.of Pueblo, Colorado; Mrs. Nancy Hughart, of Arvada, Colorado and Mrs. Rachel Graham, of Charleston, and fifteen grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Central Christian Church by the Rev. Charles Whitmer followed by the Eastern Star rites. Interment was in the Roselawn Cemetery.

Charles A. Burns Charles (Andy) Burns, 56, Manager of The Miami News Cafeteria, Miami, Florida, was killed by a car early Sunday morning, June 10, 1962, while fishing from a bridge in the Florida Keys. He died almost instantly of multiple skull fractures and internal injuries. He had been in restaurant business all his working life. Before coming to The News he managed ho-; tel restaurants in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was a native of Hot. Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were at 4 P. M. Wednesday, June 13, at Gerhardt Funeral Home. Burial was in Woodiawn Park Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the former Pearl Barnes, of Marlinton; a son, Zane Burns, of Buckroe Beach, Virginia; three daughters, Nancy at home; Mrs. Wanda.Tefft, of Miami, Florida, and Mrs. Charlotte Mierchuk, of Hampton, Virginia. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Cora Burns, of Bolar. Virginia; two brothers, Ralph Burns, of Baltimore, Maryland, and William Burns, of Bolar, Virginia; a sister, Mrs. Josephine Schooler, of Bolar, Virginia; and five grandchildren. Those attending the funeral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mierchuk, of Hampton, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Zane Burns, of Buckroe Beach, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burns, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. L. Hayes, of Marlinton.

Eimer Eldridge Barns Elmer Eldridge Burns, of Valley Center, Virginia, aged 75 years, died on Sunday, September 29, 1957. He was born on February 4, 1882, at Burnsvllle, Virginia, the son of Charles W. and Mary Ervine Burns. Surviving are his wife, Mattie A. Burns, of Denmar State Hosfirs. Henry S. Burr ^ pital, at Beard; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Buzzard, of Minnehaha Mrs. Minnie Catherine Burr,, Springs; four sons, Charley, Stanj , died August 17, 1957, in the ley, and William Burns, all of Pocahontas Memorial Hospital/ Valley Center, Virginia, and Floyd (She lived all her life in. Burr ValBurns, of Staunton, Virginia; also ley, where she was born on April two sisters, Mrs. W. T. Sanger, 21, 1871, the daughter of John' S. of R, hmond, Virginia, and Mrs. and Sarah Dean Kellison. She Pauf Glide, of Waynesboro, Vir- became the wife of Henry S. Burr, ginia; two brothers, Harry Burns, ,who preceded her in death ? by of Burnsville, Virginia, and Lan- 1 about twenty years. Alvon Burr don Burns, of Westminster, Mary- j Mrs. Burr is survived by one Alvon Burr, about 64, of land. ;brother; C. H. Kellrson; five- Elkins, died Friday, January Funeral services were held on j children, Dewey S., Ernest W„ 4, 1963, of a heart attack. He Tuesday afternoon, October 1st, [Paul H. and Summers J. Burr; had worked in the Montgomat Burnsville Methodist Church, land Mrs. Mae V. Pyles/all of ery Ward Store in Elkins for by the Rev. Hugh Shiley and the jHuntersville; a large number ofj years. Rev. Gay, with burial in the 'grandchildren and two greatMr. Burr was born in Hills grandchildren. * Burnsville Cemetery. boro. the eon of Alvon and She united with the Methodist Annie Pyles Burr. Andrew Burns Surviving him are his wife, Church at an early age. , Word was received Sunday Services were held Monday af- Beroice, a son and a daughter. ! of the death of Andrew Burns ternoon at the Beaver Creek in Miami, Florida. He was Church by the Rev. Dorr Hite, hit by an automobile and killed with burial in the Burr Cemetery as he was walking from a creek at Burr Valley. The pallbearers there. His wife is the former were Mrs. Burr's nephews and Pearl B?rnes, of Marlinton, the flower girls were her grandn:? and her sister, Mrs. Glenna dren. Hayes, left Sunday night for Miami. ^

Ernest W. Burr

Paul a. Bulks

William M. Burks

Paul G. Burks, 56, of Mill William Mose Burks, Jr.. 46, Ernest W. Burr,x82, of MarPoint, died Thursday, April died Sunday, January 31,1965, linton, Star Route, died Wed16, 1981, as a result of a logfrom injuries sustained in a nesday, January 27,1982, after ging accident at Hamer Sawtwo car accident in Ruthland, a long illness. mill at Ronceverte. He was Vermont. Born February 25, 1899, at; killed when a log rolled off his He was formerly of Mill Burr Valley, he was a son of truck and struck him. Point, and was employed by the late Henry S. and Minnie Born in Richwood, October the General Electric Company Kellison Burr. 4,1924, he was the son of Wiland was a veteran of World Mr. Burr was a retired liam Mose Burks, of Mill War II. schoolteacher and farmer. Point, and the late May RobSurvivors include his wife, He was a member of the erts Burks. Mrs. Evelyn Burks; one son, Methodist Church and a He was a born-again Chris- Robert Burks, of Hancock, World War II Army veteran. tian, a member of StampVermont; three daughters, Mrs. Two brothers, Summers and ing Creek Baptist Tabernacle, Ida Mae Knight, of Garance, Dewey Burr, preceded him in Mill Point, and a veteran of California, Mrs. Anna Perry death. World War II. and Miss Barbara Burks, both Survivors include a brother, Mr. Burks was a logging of Dundalk, Marvland; his Paul Burr, of Marlinton, and a contractor for the Hamer Saw- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. sister, Mae Pyles, of Marlinmill for 30 years and he re- Burks, Sr., of Mill Point; two ton* ceived the "Logger of the sisters, Mrs. Evalee Mullins, Services were held SaturYear" Award for 1980. I of Baileysville, and Mrs. Eveday, at 2 p. m. in the Vanlina Triplett, of Mill Point; Surviving are his wife, Ruth; Reenen Funeral Home Chapel I three brothers, Paul, Earl, and son, Johnny, of Mill Point; with the Rev. Clarence Davis, daughters, Mrs. Nadine Pow- Jack Burks, all of Mill Point, Jr. officiating. Burial was in ell, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mrs. -and three grandchildren. Burr Valley Cemetery'. Shelly Ruth Brown, Fort Knox, I Funeral services will be held K e n t u c k y , Mrs. Debby ! Thursday afternoon at two o'Marion Burr Lynn Dunbrack, and Paula clock m the Mount Kinnison Marion Patterson Burr, aged 79 Lorraine at home; brothers, Church of God near Mill Point died at his home in Marlinton Jack, of Buckeye, and Earl, of by the Rev. L. B. Muliins. Tuesday morning, April 28, 1959. Mill Point; sisters, Mrs. Eva- Burial will be in the Sharp Born near Huntersville June 20, lee MuUins, of Wolf Pen, Mrs. Cemetery. 1879,, he was the son of William Evalena Triplett, of Mill and Susan Sharp Burr. Mr. Burr Poiat; and seven grandchildren. Mrs. wiiiiam M. Burks was a.fifty year Mason. Other brothers and sisters Mrs. May R. Burks, 74, of He is survived by his wife, Bess are: Carl, Claude, Ray, Ralph Mill Point/died Tuesday, NoCriser Burr. and Johnny Sharp, Edna vember 30. 1971, in the PocaServices will be held in the Mar- Webb, Eula Moore, Anna hontas Memorial Hospital jlinton Methodist Church Thurs- Htanah, Dolly Cray McComb, after a short illnesss. iday afternoon at 2:00 by the Rev. Eva Jane Chestnut, Jenny She was a member of the [Herbert Pennington, Jr., with Cutlip, Margaret Channell, Mt. Kennison Church of God. (Masons having graveside services and Nancy Irvine. Survivors include her hus! in Mountain View Cemetery. Services were held at 2:00 band, William Mose Burks; p. m. Sunday in Stamping three sons, Earl and Paul Creek Gospel Tabernacle, Burks, both of Mill Point, and William Robert Surks Mill Point, with the Rev. DenJack Burks, of Buckeye; two William Robert Burks, 28, nis Estes and Rev. Eddie daughters, Mrs. E. H. Mulif Mill Point, was killed SunMarkley officiating: Burial lens, of Welch, and Mrs. Genday night, August 15, 1965, was in Sharp Cemetery, Mill eral Triplett, of Mill Point; when his motorcycle collided Point. nineteen grandchildren and with a pick-up truck one mile seven great-grandchildren. north of Talcott. * William M. Burks Funeral services will be held He was a woodsman and William M. Burks, age 8, Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p. served with the Air Force for son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer ,m. in the Mt. Kennison j two years. Jack Burks, of Mill Point, died Church of God, by the Rev. E. Survivors include his wife, Sunday, May 20, 1962, in a H. Mullins, with burial in the Mrs. Evelee Burks; three sisBethesda, Maryland hospital Sharp Cemetery at Mill Point ters, Mrs. Ida Mae Knight, of after a long illness. Torrence, California, Mrs. In addition to his parents hej \nna Perry and Miss Barbara is survived by two brothers, H. L. Byers, Jr. Burks, both of Dundalk, Mary David and Daniel, and a sister, Franklir—Harry L. Byers, Jr., land; and the grandparents, Kathleen, all at home, and his aged 34 years, son of H. L. Byers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mose Burks, grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Sr., of Franklin, died in a Charof Mill Point, and John Pullins, William Burks of Mill Point; lottesville Hospital on Monday, Flat Woods. and Mrs. Daisy Wamsley, of March 18, 1957. He had suffered Funeral services were held Huttonsville. a cerebri hemorrhage ten dajs Wednesday afternoon in the Services were held Wednes- before. The funeral service was Mount Kennison Church of God day afternoon in the Stamping held at Franklin on Wednesday at Mill Point by the Rev. E. H. Creek Tabernacle with the afternoon. Interment in the MuUins. Burial was in the F ' v. Elvie H. Mullins in charge Franklin Cemetery. Mr. Byers Sharp Cemetery at Mill Poi nt. Burial was in the Sharp Ceme- is survived by his parents, his wife and their two sons. tery at Mill Point. //

Joseph C. BusA | Joseph C. Busch, 71, of CharI lestown, Ohio, died Tuesday, July 19, 1960. \ Born in Pennsylvania, he had lived m Portage County, Ohio, for 17 years. He was a retired employee of the New York Central Railroad. Mr. Busch lived for 19 years at the head of Island Lick Run, which is now a p irt of Watoga State Park, until 1936. Surviving him are his wife, the former Nellie Sims of Beaver Creek; four sons, Joseph C. B'isch of Stow, Ohio, John Busch, of Ravenna, Ohio, James Busch and Eugene Busch, of Phoenix, Arizona; three daughters, Mrs. Ellen VI. Radeliffe, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Mrs. Elvie Ridgeway, of Aurora, Ohio, Mrs. Anna H. Church, of Ravenna, Ohio; thirty three grandchildren and five great grandchildren; two brothers, John Busch and Frank Busch, of Latrobe, Pennsylvania; and two sisters, Rose Hankerson, of Smithfield, Pennsylvania, and Mary Ross, in California. Services were held from the Wood Funeral Home, Ravenna, Qhio, with burial in Crown Hill Cemetery. _ Mrs. Ada Burdette

Mrs. Ada Florence Merriette Burdette, 85, of Renick, died Sunday; May 14, 1967, in St Marys Hospital, in Huntington. Born 1882, at Eagle Rock, Virginia, she was a daughter r>f the late William Adison and Hester Virginia Hites Merriette. She came to West Virginia in 1903, and spent most of her lift at Renick. She was a member jf the Renick Baptist Church. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Nellie Waugh, of Charlottesville, Virginia; foui sons, Forrest Burdette, o j Huntington, William Burdette of Renick, Harold Burdette, oi Bel Air, Maryland, and Pau Burdette, of Blackfoot, Idaho* me sister, Mrs. George (Mary Waugh, of Marlinton; two brothers. Robert Merriette, of Oak H»1L and Robert Merriette, of Bradley; eleven grandchildren and several greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Renick Baptist Church by the Rev Leroy Crane with burial in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

Mrs. I, D. N. Brcwn The funeral of Mrs L. D. N. Brown was held Suodiy afternooir from the R e n i c k Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. G. R. Maxley. Mrs. Brown died on Thursday, January 18, 1951, at her home after a long: illness. She is survived by her two daughters, Mrs. W. N. Allen of Charleston and Mrs. Ray C White of St. Albans End two sons, Elmer and A*a, both of Renick; a sister, Mrs, Abbie Arbogast of Arbovrle. The deceased was a native of Highland County and had just passed her 78th .year. A life long Christian, she was an active worker in her Church, the Methodist.

Hirry L. Byers, Sr.

Harry L. Byers, Sr.,i 84, a resident of Franklin, died Thursday, July 28, 1977, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was admitted on Sunday. He was cashier in Marlinton and Franklin banks from 192568, and retired in 1968. He was a member of the Franklin Lions Club, the WWI Veterans and the Franklin Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Virginia Lou Byers, of Franklin; and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, the former Helen Irvine, a son, Harry, and by bis parents, the late Harry W. and Helen McCarroll Byers. He was born March 17, 1833. Services were held Saturday, July 30, at 2 p. m., at the Franklin Presbterian Church with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Martin of Elkins officiating. Burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frank lin.

Gail W. Busch * * W . Busch, 63, ofHindie Fnda fe J y > January 10, 1964, suffering from a heart attack while attending his stepfather's funeral at Jackson's Mill. He retired June 30, 1955, from the State Police force with more than 32 years of Bernard Bus^h service. At the time of his reBernard Busch, 50, of 600 tirement he was in command of Company A at Shinnston. Constitution Circle, Clairton, He had lived in Hinton the died Saturday, August 28,1965, past two years. A Mason, he in his home. was a veteran of World War I. Rerrrem m%m was offered in ™ S u r v J v . o r s i n c 'ude his wife, St. Clare Roman Catholic Mrs. Zelma Busch; one son, Church Clairton by the Rev. JThomas Walsh and interment took place in the parish cemetery. Jonie Sue Burdette Mr. Busch was born March 11, 1915. in MeKeeeoort, Penn Little Jonie Sue Burdette, 3, sylvania, s«n of the late Frank aughter of William and Peggy ielley Burdette, of Hunters- jond Elizabeth Busch. A life/ille, died suddenly Tuesday, ! long area resident, he was a retired radio technician and February 24, 1970. in the Powas a member of Sr. Clara cahontas Memorial Hospital. Church, the Fraternal Order She was bnrn in Marlinton, of Police, KmVhts of ColumJune 13, 1 9 6 6 . ^ ^ bus, and Jefferson Country Survivors include her parClub. ents, three brothers. Billy, In addition to his widow, Danav, and Otey, one sister, Rose Marie Gilmore Busch, Lisa Kay; grandparents. Mr. he is survived by a daughter. and Mrs. Albert Kelley, of Mary Louise Busch at home Huntersville, and Mr and Mrs. sons, Thomas Busch, at home, Otey Burdette, of Roanoke, and James of Clairton; a broth Virginia, and a great-grander, John Mifflin; a sister, mothe*r, Mrs. Levia Cain, of Mrs. Marie Kincaid, of McHuntersville. Keesport, formerly of Douthards Creek, Minnehaha Spring? Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel at 2:00 p. m. with / burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Gai


Before the Glory Road. God knew her disappointments Mrs. Lovie Jane Gay Bush, Htr days He numbered too, daughter of the late Samuel Clark For in His prepared home for her in Heaven I and Elizabeth Smith Gay, was born September 18, 1876 and de- Only sunshine and joy she shares. parted this'ife February 19, 1959, With a smile for those most dear age 82 years, 5 months and 1 day. to her at the home of her son-in-law and She made her last request, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brown i And went home to her Father in C. Shanklin, at Huntington. Heaven Mother Bush was born at Sto-j To mingle with loved ones waiting there. ___...._.. ny Creek, where she spent her j earlier life; then came to Mariin-i Mrs. Ruth P. Burks ton where she was employed by Mrs. Ruth Peyton Burks, 60, the Telephone Company. During her life she spent forty-seven of Mill Point, died Saturday, years as a telephone operator. December 29,1984, in Roanoke She was a lady of high esteem Community Hospital after a and well liked by all who knew short illness. Mrs. Burks was president of her. Her life was active and her work was a great pleasure and the Burks Logging Company joy. She will be missed by all and a member of the Stamping who knew her. Creek Gospel Tabernacle. Her husband, Paul Burks, At an early age she joined the "Old Log Church" and in 1923 preceded her in death on April moved her membership to the 16, 1981. Marlinton Methodist Church. Born November 13, 1924, in In 1911 she was united in mar- Sunnyside, Pennsylvania, she riage to Emmett Clairmont Bush. was the daughter of the late To this union one child was born, Louis M. and Ruby Cowgill a daughter, Mrs. Clara Alice Varela. Bush Shanklin, who survives. The Surviving her are a son, only other survivor is a grandson, John, of Mill Point; four daughCharles Albert Shanklin, of Hunt- ters, Shelley Ruth Brown, of ington. Two brothers, P. Harper Beckley, Nadine Powell, of Gay and J. Albert Gay, preceded Tulsa, Oklahoma, Paula Lorher in death lome years ago. raine Burks and Debby DunThe funeral services were con- beck, both of MQl Point; a ducted by the Rev. John Henry brother, Louis M. Varela, Jr., Shadburn, of Adamson Methodist of Monongahela, Pennsylvania; Church, of Clarksburg, and Dr. two sisters, Lenore MacFarlane Robert C. Howe, of the Johnson of Monongahela, Pennsylvania, Memorial Methodist Church, Mary Ruth Kiner, of of Huntington, at the Steele Fun- and Marlinton; and eight granderal Home, on February 21, 1959 children. •at 2:00 P.M. Burial was made Services were held at 2 p. m. in Woodmere Memorial Gardens. Tuesday at the Stamping Creek Pallbearers were: Lloyd W. Bush, H. A. Russell, Prentiss Ginger, Gospel Tabernacle near Mill Ray Slaven, Paul V. Hash and Point by the Revs. Lonny Daniels and Larry Carr, with Boyd A. Hash. burial in the Sharp Cemetery at So many ask why the good suffer Mill Point. Before the end of life's road The answer is simply written If the Good Book you'll explore. Mrs. Mabel H. Burn's Life's road is rough, rugged and | Mrs. Mabel Harmon Burris, steep ! about 56, of Cass, died Thursday, Filled with pitfalls and sharp ra- i July 11, 1937. She was the dauvines, ghter of William Harmon and the Not carpet lined or flower strewn late Mrs. Harmon. She is surpaths vived by her father and four childBut along it some happiness ren: Otis, of Baltimore, Maryland, gleams. Carol, Russel and Mrs. Marie This dear soul who labored Hickson, of Cass. One son died With no time for gossip or med- in World War II. dling, Her funeral was held SundayNo habits beyond reproach, Has borne her troubles and suf- afternoon at the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. Gibson, of fering | Elkins, with burial in the Arv i1 vale Cemetery. She was a n ber of the Cass Church of G' Mrs. Lovie J. Bush

Hetty Vivian Buckland Hetty Vivian Buckland, 86, of Rittman, Ohio, formerly of Gilboa and Marlinton, died Tuesday, September 20,1994, in the Rittman Nursing Center following a short illness. She was the daughter of the late William Leondias and Flora Hicks Skaggs and was born at Charleston October 12,1907. Mrs. Buckland was a member of the Summersville Baptist Church and a former member of the React Club and the C. B. Club in Summersville. Surviving her are two sons, Herbert L. Buckland, Jr., of Hudson, North Carolina, and John W. Buckland, of Felts Mills, New York; three daughters, Patricia A. Fox, of Rittman, Ohio, Louise Whiting, of Front Royal, Virginia, and Gloria J. Newhouse, of Lakewood, Colorado; one sister, Eva Tipton, of Rittman, Ohio; nineteen grandchildrenrtwenty-six great-grandchildren, and one great-great-granddaughter. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Herbert L. Buckland, Sr„ in 1986, and one grandson. Funeral services were held Friday, September 23, at 11 a. m. in the Waters Funeral Chapel at Summersville by the Rev. Nelson Harris. Burial followed in the Westlake Cemetery at Ansted. Mrs. William Buckley Mrs. Eula MeCauley Buckley, of Princeton and Buckeye, died Saturday, February 21, 1970, in a Princeton hospital after a long illness. Born at Athens, she was a daughter of the late John A. and Mary Bogus MeCauley. She was a member of the Wesleyan Guild First Methodist Church, a retired school teacher of Princeton Junior High School, a graduate of Concord College at Athens, and a member of Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority. Survivors include her husband. William Bucklev, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Frances Bragg, of Princeton. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at three o'clock in the George W. Seaver Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Paul Carter and the Rev. Jimmy Jones, with burial in the Resthaven Memorial Cemetery at Princeton.

if C/3-0

Eva R. Butts Eva R. "Katie" Butts, of Winton, California, died on April 27, 1997. She was born at Hillsboro on August 15, 1905, the daughter of Winters and Margaret Friel Fowler. Survivors include two sons, Rev. Slater Butts, II, of Winton, and James Montague, of White City, Oregon; two daughters, Nancy Rosser, of Dayton, Ohio, and Genevieve Cerruti, of Livermore, California; and one brother, Patrick Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland. She was preceded in death by her parents; four brothers, Harry Fowler, Virgil Fowler, Hazel Fowler, and Warren Fowler; and two sisters, Margaret Fowler and Lillian VanReenen. Stephen Vfeftft l i t e r t a i f l

Stephen Vinton Buterbaugh, 25, was killed instantly February 28, 1979, in a small crane accident at Atlantic Drydock, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Buterbaugh was a native of West Virginia and had lived in Jacksonville for twenty years. He was a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpenter, of Seebert. Survivors include his parents, Lester and Leona Buterbaugh, Jacksonville, a brother, Charles Buterbaugh, Jacksonville; a stepsister, Helen Frances Barber, of Ocala; and his grandmother, Mrs. Margie Hussey, of Edgewater, Florida. Funeral services were held in the Chapel of Geddens Griffith Funeral Home by Dr. E. C. McDanjel with burial in Chapel Hills Memory Gardens, at Jacksonville. Florida.

Fdward W. Burwill Edward W. Burwell, of Rupert, ! aged 24 years, died Jun" 10. 1053, j after a long illness. On last [Wednesday his,body wns laid to •rest in the family plot in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro The servica was held at the home of bis grandmother, Mrs. C M. Pritt, at Marlinton, by the Rev Don Taylor. The deceived was a son of Mrs Nannie Pritt Burwell arid the late i John Preston Burwell. He h 'survived by bis mother, two brothers, Dennie, of, the Army, stationed in New Mexico; John Oliver, of Oxford, Alabama; a sister, Mary Frances B&rwell, of Anniston, Alabama.

Jack Lee Bullock Jack Lee Bullock, 55, of Danville, Virginia, died Friday night, September 16, 1994, at his residence. He had been in declining health for the past year. Born March 23, 1939, in Danville, he was the son of Edward James Bullock and Alice Katie Jones Bullock. He was employed by U.S. Gypsum as an electric superintendent in Chicago, Illionois, until his retirement on August 1, 1993. Bullock traveled extensively in his work which took him all over the world. His last employment was in Thailand. He was a member of the Sheldon Baptist Church and a U.S. Anny veteran. He was married to the former Delaine Fowler. In addition to his wife, survivors include; three daughters, Debra B. Neal and Brenda B. Hollie, both of Ringold, and Dotma B. Jones, of Dry Fork; one son, Jack L. Bullock, Jr., of the residence: two brothers, Lewis Ray C. K. Butler Bullock, of Baltimore, Maryland, Charles K Butler, aged 78 and Arbovale, and Larry Lee years, died on Thursday night, Bullock, of Green Bank; and eight October 11, 1952. He had been grandchildren. in failing health for many months Services were held Tuesday at The fuLtri*] service was con- the Sheldon Baptist Church by the ducted froru the Burnsville Meth- Rev. Kenneth D. Hall and the Rev. ' odist Ohu;cti in Bath County with Robert L. Vermillion. He received! interment in the Burnsville ceme- full military honors by Memorial Itery. Post #325 with burial in The deceased was a native of Schoolfield Cemetery. Bath County, but for the last 35 years had lived here. He was a son of the late John W. and Adeline Bateman Butler. He is survived by*a brother, G. W. Butier Ethel C. Buckland of Burnsville. His sister was the Mrs. Ethel C. Buckland, 83, late Mrs. J. J. McGraw. of Alderson, died Thursday, November 10, 1983, in the John Butler Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a short illness. Word comes of the death of Born January 25, 1900, in John Butler, aged about 75 years, at his borne at Ekalaka, Montana, Monroe County, she was a March 31, 1949. He nad been ill daughter of the late J. Fletcher for some time. He was a former and Mollie Parker Weikle. She resident of Pocahontas County, was the widow of James J. and a native of Bath County. Buckland. His parents were the late John Survivors include two sisters, W. and* Adeline Bateman Butler. Nora Taylor, of Waldorf, MaryHis brothers are Charles and John land, and Ona Allen, of BeckButler, He is survived by his ley. She was an aunt of Mrs. wife, Mrs. Georgia Taylor Butler, Edith LaRue, of Marlinton, and and their large family of children. Mrs. David Smith, of Dunmore. Services were held Saturday in the Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church by Rev. Hubert Groves, with burial in Greenhill Cemetery at Union. Mrs. Mary Butterbaugh (*J Mrs. Mary Ellen Alderman Butterbaugh, a^red 82 years, died at her home near Dunmore on Friday, January 19 1951, after a long illness. On Sunday the funeral service was conducted from the home by her pastor, Rev. Quade Arbogast, Burial in Arbovale cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of I the late John and Emily Bird Alderman. She was united in mar riage to Alex Butterbaugh. Their children are Mrs. Icie Sharp, at home; Mrs. Vallie Ray and Mrs. Ola YVoodd 11, at Meadsville, Pa.; and Mrs. Lillie Dean of Dunmore; George, of Frank; Gilbert of Mt Morris, Pa.;and Jacob, of Detroit. There ase 34 grand children, 32 great-grand children and three great-great grand children. George Alderman of Huntersville is her brother; her sisters are . Mrs. Bertie Kelley, Mrs. C e c i l [K'llison and Mrs. Lillie Hutton.


In Hemoriair g| Hershel Lee Bussard, born February 4th, 1939, left us in the early morning of January 29fch, 1940, at the age of eleven months, twenty-four days, after a sudden attack of pneumonia. He died at his home near Huntersville and his little body was taken to his grandmother's, Mrs- L S Mcv.'uty, at Frost. The funeral as held at the Frost Church, by the >r of this church. He was buried at he Mt. Zion cemetery. He leaves to mourn bis loss, his parents, Mr and Mrs Edgar Bussard, one grandmother, one grandfather, Four aunts and thirteen uncles. Sad and sudden was the call Of one so dearly loved by all, •> The blow was greao, the shock severe We never knew his death so near. Few weeKs have passed since that S3d day, When the one we loved was called away. Forger- him. no, we never will lV« ioved lain then, we love him still. Yes, one by one, the Lord will call us When our task on earth is done. Home is sad, Oh, God how dreary, Lonesome, lonesome, every spot, Listening for the voice of little Her shel Lee. Silent for we hear him not. We can never forget you little Hersr^' Lee, Wfrue in this world we stay When the form of death overcomes Meet us dear little Hershel Lee, on the way. Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. Written by Father and Mother, Mr and Mrs Edgar Bussard. CARD OF THANKS We want to tnank our many friends of Frost and those of Knapps Oreek, F-lmer, Basil and Rene Mc:Laughlii 'or their heartfelt sympaithv md kindness during the death of our'/lttleson, Hershell Lee. Mr and Mrs Edgar Bussard. Marion A. Bussard Marion A. Bussard, aged 75, died unexpectdely of a heart at; at his home near Frost on i Saturday, April 11, 1959. He was born March 2, 1884, at Dunmore, the son of Cronin and jMaryShrader Bussard. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Fitzgerald Bussard; one' Hunter Bussard, of Mary-' land; two stepchildren, Bland Davis, of Washington, D. C ; rs. Robert Mace, of Fairfield, Funeral services were held at the Frost Methodist Church on Monday by the*4\ev. L A. Saviile, with burial at Dunmore


ws. Lee Bussard Mrs. Quinty Dilley Bussard, of Stony Bottom, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, on Sunday, March 30 1952, after a loDg* illness. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husbaDd, Lee Bussard; four sons, Albert, of Frost; Harry L and Harvey, at home; and Master Sergeant McArtbur L. Bussard, of the Armed Services, stationed in the Canal Zone, Panama: and two daughters, Mrs. Glen Bowers of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Floyd Russell, at home. She is also survived by four grandchildren and one great grandchild, and one sister, Mrs. Blanche Oscar, of Millpoint, and three brothers, Mar-hall Dilley, of Williamsburg: Byron Dilley, of Mar'inton, and Steve Dilley, of Parsons One »on, Cam j r)n, died in infancy The deceased was born on J ;n. 25, 1876, at DHley's Kill, the daughter of the late \\ iliiam and Anne breppard Dilley. She was a member of the Alex andtr Memorial Church, of Ston.v Bottom, from which her funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon. at 2:00 p. m., conducted by the Rev. Graham Keyes. Interment followed in the Stony Bottom Cemetery, with Smith's Mortu ary in charge. Pall bearers were her nephews, Delmar Dilley, Carl and Roy Dilley, Joe and Paul Schumaker and Hunter Sbinaberry.

George Lee Bussard George Lee Bussard, of Stony Bottom,, a retired farmer, died at his home at 8:00 P. M.,„ Thursday evening, May 3, 1956, after a long illness. He was a native of Pocahontas County; born on June 14, 1875, the son of the late John Morgan and Rhoda Anne Sims Bussard. He was the last surviving member of a family of six children. He was married to Quinty Do lores Dilley, who preceded him in | death four years ago. Surviving are four sons, Albert, | of Frost; Harvey and Lando J (Andy) at home; Master Sergeant j^Lack L ? of the United States j Army in Korea, and two daught e r s , Mrs. Floyd Russell, at | home, and Mrs. ™en Bowers, of ! Cleveland, Ohio; :x grandchildj r e n a n d two great-grandchildren. j Funeral services were held at 12:00 P. M, on Sunday, at the Alexander Memorial Church, at [Stony Bottom, with the Rev. J. pD. Arbuckle officiating. Inter!ment, under the direction of the | Smith mortuary, of Marlint9n, followed in the Stony Bottom cemetery. The rolling stream of life rolls on; But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile, Of the one who once sat there.

Clarence A. Bussard Clarence A. Bussard, aged 60 years 4 months and 7 days, of Frost, died on Saturday, May 28, 1955. He had suffered a paraletic stroke. On Monday afternoon the funeral service was held from Jacob Bussard, aged 42 years, was New Hope Church by his pastor, killed in an automobile accident, Rev. J. w. Pugh, assisted by near Vanderpool, Highland county, Rev. C. E. Winkler and Rev. at noon Wednesday, December 2, W. E. Hamilton. His body was 1936 In attempting to pass an au- laid in the family plot in Mountomobile on a wet and shj/pery road, tain View Cemetery. Mr Bussard lost control of his car, and it plung d over an embankment. The deceased was the son of i He was pin vd under the car. He Mrs. Madeline Shinaberry j was deod Orrfore he could be taken Bussard and the late Perry lout. Another occupant was Roscoe A. Bussard. His 'brother is Harold, of Highland, who was painCharles Bussard, of Deerfield, fully injured. Virginia; his sisters are Mrs. On Friday morning the funeral was Lucy Moore, of Dunmore; Mrs. conducted from the Marlinton MethClara Ware of Marlinton. He odist church by Rev, B W. John; inmarried Miss Ena Shrader, who terment in the family plot in Mt j survives. Their daught er is Mrs. Vie*v cemetery. The deceased was the soi of Sher- ] J. M.Collins, of Baltimore, Maryman Bussard, of Frost, wao survives. l a n d . Surviving also are four He is also survived bv two sisters. 'grand children. . ,.. Mrs Burns, of Highland, and Mrs Thus is noted the passing of a Grimes, of Cioverlick. A sister, Mrs prominent business man and an B, F. Hayes was killed in an autooutstanding citizen. mobile accident about three years ago.

God gave us a wonderful mother One of the world's very best, j And when OJ earth her work was done, \ God called her home to rest.

(13 Yj

Mrs. Lucy Bussard Mrs. Lucy Taylor Bussard* 76, of Dunmore, died Monday, February 23,1976, of a heart attack. In 1923 she was married to Howard Bussard, who died in 1949 Mrs. Bussard was a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Born near Dunmore May 8, 1899, she was the daughter of (he late George and Amanda Kelley Taylor. She was also preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Susie Taylor Doyle. Surviving her are a son, Reuben Taylor, a daughter, Zelda Chocklett, two step-sons, Russell Bussard and Glen Bussard, and a step daughter, Ora Galford, all of Dunmore; nine grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren; two brothers, Charlie J. Taylor and Grover Taylor, and four sisters, Josie Elliott, Georgia Galford, Bertie Taylor, and Elizabeth Starcher, all of Dunmore. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.


Mrs. Clara lagdalene Bussard Mrs. Clara Magdalene Bussard was born September 29,1873, and died November 28, 1958, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Her death was attributed to a heart attack. She was the wife of the late Perry A- Bussard and to this union was born four **•?-• Charles H. Bussard, of De rrield. Virginia; Mrs. Lucy ! Moore, of Dunmore; Mrs. Clara Ware, of Marlinton, and Clarence, of Frost, the latter precedher in death three years ago. j*4 is aiso survived by eleven grand children, eighteen greatgrandchildren, one sister, Mrs Etta Grimes, of Huntersville, and a host of other relatives and friends. She has been a life long member of the Church of the Brethren. Her funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, November 30, in the New Hope Church, near Dunmore, by her pastor, the Rev. J. W. Pugh.


Mrs. June Bussard


Hershel Lee Bussard, born February 4th, 1939, left us in the early morning of January 29th, 1940, at the age of eleven months, twenty-four days, after a sudden attack of pneumonia He died at his home near Huntersville and his little body was taken to his grandmother's, Mrs. L •S McCarty. at Frost. The funeral was held at the Frost Church, by th8 pastor of this church. He was buried at the Mt. Zion cemetery. He leaves to mourn his loss, his parents, Mr and Mrs Edgar Bussard, one grandmotLer, one grandfather, four aunts and thirteen uncles. Sad and sudden was the call Of one so dearly loved by all, The blow was greac, the shock severe We never knew his death so near. Few wee^s have passed since that sad day, When the one we loved was called away. Forgpr, him. no, we never will We loved lulu then, we love him still. Yes, one by one, the Lord will call us When our task on earth is done. Home is sad, Oh, God how dreary, Lonesome, lonesome, every spot, Listening for the voice of little Her shel Lee. Silent for we hear him not. We can never forget you little Hershel Lee, While in this world we stay When the form of death overcomes Meet us dear little Hershel Lee, on the way. Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. Written by Father and Mother, Mr and Mrs Edgar Bussard. Mrs. Hirvay lissird


Mrs. Anna Landis Bussard, 63, of Stony Bottom, died Tuesday, September 5,1978, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of of the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom. Born at Marlinton, July 18, 1915, she was the daughter of Samuel P. and Stella Weiford Landis. /*> SurvivingSETS"her husband^ Harvey Bussard; a daughter, Mrs. Monda Galford; two sons, Thurman Shinaberry, of Franklin, and Gray Shinaberry, of Marlinton; ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; five brothers, Charles, Willis, Atlee, and Gray Landis, of Covington, Virginia, and Gale Landis,of Pearisburg, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Merle Gibson, of Covington, and Mrs* Madge Holloway, of El Paso* Texas. Services trill be held at 2 p. m. Thursday, in the Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom by the Rev. Thomas Henderson and Rev. Eddie Markley, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Earl.v Monday morning* December I, 1952,, Mrs. &\Mn VioW McCarty Bussard,raffed 40 years, of Frost, passed away. Death resulted from in>uries received in the wrecking of an automobile she was driving* on Hamilton Hill in Marlinton on Saturday night. The car left the icy road to turn over and land in Marlio Bun. The other occupant of the car, Mrs. Lelford McCarty, received serious injuries. Sh^ is now making good recovery. The deceased was the wife of June Bussard, who survives She is also survived by their eight children. James, a soldier overseas; Dennis Qi Arch Beosal, Mary Lonella, Tabitha Jean, Linda CHell, Delmas Eigel! and Lirry Ciark. V Mrs. Bussard was a daughter of L S. and Tabitha Bowers" McCarty, of.'Frost. Her sister is Mrs.^Edgar Bussard: her five brothers are George, Frank, Ledford, Dale and] Ode)l McCarty; her half brother is Dorsey- McCarty and her three half sisters are MesdameMyrtle, Molly and Minerva Rhea, j As trr* is printed, no j arra r the funeral have bee peri ether than that laid to rest in

Mrs. Charles Bussard Viola Grimes Bussard, 83, of Deerfield, Virginia, died Thursday,, October 6, 1988, in King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton, Virginia. Mrs. Bussard suffered two strokes about two years ago. Born July 15, 1905, at Frost, she was the daughter of the late W. H. and Mary Shrader Grimes. Her husband preceded her in death in 1972. Mrs. Bussard was a member of Deerfield Baptist Church. She and her husband farmed in that community. She was a 4-H leader for many years. Surviving her are four sons, Guy Bussard, of Deerfield, Warren Bussard, of Churchville, Virginia, Leland Bussard, of Norfolk, Virginia; one daughter, Ruby Whisman, of Sugar Grove, Virginia; three brothers, William Grimes, of Oak Hill, Mulvie Grimes, of Staunton, Virginia, and Harlan Grimes, Second Avenue, Marlinton; 13 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. in Deerfield Baptist Church by Rev. Mark Holder, with interment at Deerfield Community Cemetery.

M . A. Bussard

Marion Anderson Bussard, aged 75, died April 11, 1959, at his home at Dunmore. A son of the late Cronin and Mary Shrader Bussard, he was born March 2, 1884. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Frances Bussard; one son, Hunter Bussard, of Washington, D. C, a step son, Bland M. Davis> of Washington, D. C ; a step daughter, Mrs. Mae Davis Mace, of Fairfield, Virginia; nine grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren; one brother, Willie N. Bussard, of Frost; one sister, Mrs. Lucretia Woods, of Dunmore. A daughter, Blanche Hazel preceded him in death twenty-five years ago. Funeral services were held at the. Frost Church, with burial in the family cemetery at Dunmore. Eugene P. Bussard Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bussard,' of Mill Gap, Highland County,) Virginia, formerly of Frost, re-j ceived a telegram last Saturday ! stating that their son, Sergeant Eugene P. Bussard was killed in action over Germany on March 24, 1945. He was a radio man on a B-17 plane. His parents were notified on the 10th of April that their son was missing in action. Sergeant Bussard was 24 years of age. He enlisted from Pocahontas county in February of 1941. He is survived by his parents and three brothers: Albert Lee, just out of the service; Wallace and Floyd.

Mrs. Lawrence Bussard Mrs. Hallie Clark Bussird, aired about 34 years, died on Monday morring, September 28th, 1953. rom injuries received a few bour> efore in an autombile wreck on Cnapps Creek at Ruckman Ran Another occupant of the car, Harry Bussird, of Frost, was severely injured. He is bung treated in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. The deceased was the wife o* Lawrence Buesard, of Mountain Gi\>ve. She is survived by four children. She was a native o





- Bussard


Isaac Brown Bussard, 93, died June 8 at Gainesville, Fla., where he had resided since about 1910. Mr. Bussard was born at Hightown Sept. 28, 1877, a son of Jesse A. and Annie P. Swadley Bussard, and later lived in Monterey, where he and his brother, William, were building contractors. He had been in declining health for three years. He was preceded in death by his wife, the former Lola Gertrude Kramer, daughter of J. Hull and Kate Shrader Kramer of Travelers Repose, Pocahontas County, W. Va. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a Mason. Survivors include three sons, Charles R. Bussard and Carl K. Bussard of Gainesville, Fla., and "Thomas W. Bussard of San Francisco, Calif; four daughters, Mrs. R. E. Norris, Lakeland, Fla., Mrs. Johnny C. Boone and Mrs. W. W. Todd, both of Gainesville, Fla., and Mrs, Roy D. Kimmins of Burlington, N. C; 18 grandchildren; and 16 great grandchildren, • / * - } - 7 ^ The funeral and interment were in Gainesville. Russell Lewis Bussard Russell Lewis Bussard, 22, and Jerry Craig Puffenbarger, 20, both of Bluegrass, Virginia, and Steve Allen Helmick, 18, of Monterey, were killed Friday, OctobWf 29,1982, in an auto accMKnt near Churchville, Virginia. Bussard was born October 13, 1960, in Hot Springs, Virginia, the son of Erwin Lewis and Lorraine Simmons Bussard. He was a farmer and member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church. In addition to his parents, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Janet Hunt, of Monterey, Lois Bussard, of Blue Grass and Mrs. Betty Jean Tracey, of Arbovale; and two brothers, Donnie, of Blue Grass and Allen Bussard, of Monterey. Services were conducted at 2 p. m., Monday in Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Elfie Finn McKenzie. Burial was in Blue Grass Cemetery.

Mrs. Lawrence Bussard Mrs- Hallie Clark Bussird, 8£ed about 34 years, died on Monda,\ morring, September 28th, 1953. from injuries received a few hours before in an autombile wreck oo Koapps Creek at Ruck man Run Another occupant of the err. Harry Bussird, of Frost, was severely injured. He is btinj, treated in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. The deceased was the wife o Lawrence Bmsard, of Moon tail Grove. She is survived by four children. She was a native o Kentucky. Howard Bussard Howard Bussard aged 76 years of Dunmore, died Thursday, February 3, 1949, after a short'illness. On Saturday afternoon the funeral was held from New Hope " -urch by his pastor, Rev. Albert :mey. Burial in the familv letery. The deceased was a son of the late Arminius and F/ances Kelly Bussard. He is survived by bis wife. Mrs. Lucy,TayJof Bussard, and their four children, Russell and Glenn, Mrs. Ola Gal ford and Miss Zelda Bussard. David Bussard

Word was received of the death of David Bussard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Bussard, of Oxon Hill. Maryland, Sunday, March 7, 1971. Service and burial was in Pennsylvania on Thursday. He was the grandson of Mrs. Annie D. Busfard, of Arlington, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton.

Snow Bussard Snow S. Bussard, aged T9 years i died at his home on Alleghany' Mountain, between Dunmore and' Frost, on Monday, April 4, 19i°>. As this paper goes to press no, arrangements have been announced as to funeral services. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Ida Bussard, and two step chjljrcn.


Robert Buzzard Robert Lee Buzzard, 36, of Marlinton [Stillwell], died Sunday, March 10, 1985, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a lifetime of crippling illness. Born July 26, 1948, at Marlinton, he was a son of Dasie Buzzard, of Marlinton, and the late Edwin Buzzard. A brother also preceded him in death. Surviving him in addition to his mother are a brother, Leo Buzzard, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Dorothy Davis, of Newport News, Virginia, and Edith Parker, of Marlinton. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Tate, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.

Lawrence Anderson Buzzard Lawrence Anderson Buzzard, son of Robert Asberry and Maggie Kelly Buzzard, was born July 4, 1893, near Mountain Grove, Virginia, and passed away June 15, 1961, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, at the age of 67 years, 11 months, and 11 days. He went to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, as a young man, entered the U. S. Army from there, and served in France and Germany during World War I. After his discharge, he established a dry cleaning and tailor shop in Harrodsburg. In 1938, he wed Hallie Marie Clark of Rose Hill, Kentucky, and shortly after they moved to Mountain Grove, where he owned a farm. Later, their four children were born there. j His wife, Hallie, was killed in an automobile accident Septemjber 28; 1953. He remained on the farm, serving as father and mother both to his young children He hoped to and succeeded in keeping them together until they were able to maintain the home themselves. Surviving are the following children: Mark, Ronnie, and Monte Buzzard, all of Mountain txrove, Virginia; Mrs. Norma Smith, of Healing Springs, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Odessa Taylor, of Canton, Ohio; and five brothers, Harmon Buzzard, Edgar Buzzard j of Hot Springs, Virginia; Herron £&dn Buzzard Edgar Buzzard, about 43, of Edwin Buzzard, agerf T
James E. Buzzard James Edward Buzzard, aged 34 years, died early Monday morning, April 15, 1957, from head injuries received in an automobile accident on Sunday evening. The car Buzzard was driving failed to make a curve on State Route 39 between Marlinton and Huntersville and overturned. A barber, he was born at Huntersville on February 22, 1923, a son of R. W. Buzzard and the late Esta L. Alderman Buzzard. He was a veteran of World War II, having served with the United States Navy. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Jewell McLaughlin Buzzard; one son, Sammy Edward; and two daughters, Judy Kay and Diane Sue, all at home; five brothers, Arnold, of Weston; Waldo and William H. of Huntersville; Harlan, of Washington, D. C , and j Hubert, of Chincoteague, Vir; three sisters, Mrs. T. E. :»e<^m, of Waynesboro, Virginia; Mrs. Lola Workman, of Mill it, and Mrs. Pauline Gardner, ox Clover Lick. The funeral service was held 3n Wednesday afternoon from the Huntersville Methodist "huic'i by Rev. Charles A. Ycho, assisted by Rev. Lowell Legg. Sis body was laid in Beaver ; >eek Cemetery.


Arch Kelvin Buzzard

Arch Melvin Buzzard, aged 74, died Wednesday, January 6,j I960, at his home at Pineville, | Virginia of a heart attack. He was born March 12, 1885. A native of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and a retired farmer, he resided at Cross Keys for sixteui years before moving to Pineville, Mr. Buzzard was twice married. His first wife, who died in 1933, was the former Alice Kelly, t -f this union there u*e surviving five sons: Harry, of Oaklawn, Illinois; Glenn, of Swoope, Virginia; Arnold, of Warm Springs, Virginia; Edgar, of Minnehaha Springs; and June, of Huntersville; and two daughters, Mrs. Ethel White, of Oklahoma; and Mrs. Gladys McCarty, of Frost. His second wife, who survives, is Mrs. Ida J. Staton Buzzard. He also leaves three step-children, Otis Kelly, of Minnehaha Springs; W. R. Staton, of Winchester, Virginia; and Mrs. V;, McGaheysville, Virginia. Surviving also ars 1>7x brothers Harry, Herring, Lawrence, Harmoh, Robert, and Bill Buzzard and one sister, Mrs. Dessie Tay lor; twenty-nine grandchildrei and twelve great-grandchildren. Two children preceded him in jdeath. He was a member of Mt. Olivet 'United Church of Christ a t ?vi>-

la Memoriam Mrs Minnie Sharp Buzzard, wife of Ellis Buzzard, died at her home on I Knapps Creek, October 5, 1937, aged | 67 years. She had been ill for several months. Her funeral s e r v e s w e e conducted at > e Frost Church by i Rev P. W. Arbogast and laid to restin the home cemetery. She was the daughter of the late W. A. G Sharp and Elizabeth Arbogast Sharp She was survived by her husband and seven children, M»-s Early DYlfey, Mrs Bernard Gorrell, Mrs Robert McCol lam, Mrs K* T Chestnut, Mrs E u ^ Chestnut. Mrs Thf rp Kelley and E Clyde Buzzard; on<, sister, Mrs Chris Dillev and four b o t h e r s , Cliff, Earn est, Mitchell and Letcher Sharp. She had been W for several mjnths vet her afflictions were borne witli such patience and christiaa fortitude that when death came it was a severe shock to her family and friends She was a faithful member of the Metho ciist Church at Frost since early child liooi She was a devoted wife and a I good mother, Her only giiet was to j leave her family and her invalid Grieve not dear friends We trust ' that "they mourn not as they wl 0 hive no hope" for we believe th t our loss is her eternal gain. We ex tend our condolences to the stricken family and hope the God of peace nay pour into their bared hearts the oil of j >y and gladness. The sympathy of the communit} fotjkhe bereaved and the esteem ti which the dead was held WHS express ed by the large and weeping con course that followed her remains to the grave. G M) j

Burial services were conducted from W. H. Kyger Funeral Home R>y W. Buzzard of McGaheysville Sy Rev. S. E. Roy W. Buzzard, aged 74 years, Madren and Rev. John F. Locke. ! of Brisbane, California, died at a Interment was in Mt, Olivet rest home in Burlingame, Californi Cemetery at McGaheysville. ia, on Monday, December 1,1958. He was retired from his job as Rodney W. Buzzard superintendent with Bethlehem Rodney W. Buzzard, 91, of Steel Company of South San FranHuntersville, died Monday, cisco, and was a member of the September 4, 1972, in the DenBoilermakers Union Local 6. mar State Hospital at Beard. Born March 1, 1873, near MinBorn near Huntersville on j nehaha Springs, he was the son of^ December 17, 1880, he was the I the late J. H. and Jemima AldeK eon of the late J. H. and Jei man Buzzard. mima Alderman Buzzard. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. He was a former sheriff of Ann E. Buzzard, of Brisbane; two Pocahontas County. j sons, James L. and Douglas J. BuzHis wife, Esta Lou Alderman I zard, both of San Francisco; a Buzzard, and children, James, | daughter, Mrs. Muriel Valentine, Harlan, Margie, and an infant I of San Bruno, California, and five daughter preceded him in 'grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. death. Howard McElwee and Mrs. Surviving are seven children, Brown McComb, of Marlinton; Arnold J., Waldo N., Hubert H. and two brothers, Rodney and Key West, Florida, William H, Edwin Buzzard, of Huntersville, •Huntersville, Mrs. Vera Beatam Funeral services were held in pf Waynesboro, Va., Mrs. Lola the San Bruno Funeral Home by Workman, of Marlinton and the Rev. H. D. Harkins, with Mrs. Pauline Gardner, Stony burial at Cypress Lawn Memorial .Bottom; a sister, Mrs. Brown Park. >McComb, Marlinton. Funeral services are tentatively set for Friday.

Robert A. Buzzard

Robert Asbury Buzzard, 91, of Mountian Grove, Virginia, died at the Community House Hospi- j tal in Hot Springs, Virginia, on July 4, 1957, after a long illness. I He was born August 29,1865, the j son of the late Sampson and | Eleanor Buzzard. Mr. Buzzard first married Miss Arlene Wanless, I who died many years ago. They j had three children, Arch, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Harry, of Williamsville, Virginia, and Mrs. | Bessie Shinaberry, who preceded I her father in death. He later! married Maggie Elizabeth Kelly, I and she and a daughter, Nellie, i also preceded him in death. The I remaining children are Harron, of Warm Springs, Lawrence, Robert, j Harmon and William, all of j Mountian Grove and Mrs. O'Des-j sa Taylor, of Canton. Ohio, Also j surviving is one brother, Letcher, of Washington. D. C. Funeral services were conducted; July 6, 1957, at the Mountain Grove Methodist Church by Rev. R. D. Simmons, with burial in the Mountain Grove Cemetery. The pall bearers and flower girls were his grandchildren. Mr. Buzzard was a native of Pocahontas County and a des-1 cendant of two of the early families in the County. His greatgrandfather was Solomon Buzzard, who settled near Frost prior to 1800. His mother w7as Eleanor Morris Knapp, daughter of Caleb Knapp, of an old New England family, who settledj in Huntersville on Knapps Creek about 1812. Mr.. Buzzard was a member of the Presbyterian Church, an honest, upright citizen and a good neighbor. Frank B. Buzeard F r a n k B. Buzzard, aged 83 y r s . died a t his home in S p e a r m a n , T e x a s , on S a t u r d a y J a n u a r y 28, 1944, after a l i n g e r i n g illness. His b o d y was buried a t E n i d , ! O k l a h o m a . H e is survived by his wife, a son, G e o r g e F . , of! S p e a r m a n , T e x a s ; and a_daughter,! Mrs, G. K. N u s t a u m , of E n i d , j Oklahoma, T h e deceased was a n a t i v e of! P o c a h o n t a s c o u n t y , a b r o t h e r of j t h e late J . H . Buzzard. T h e i r f a t h e r was killed in battle a t L e w i s b n r g . S i x t y - t w o years a g o , Mr Buzzard w e n t to I o w a ; ten y e a r s later, he w e n t to Oklahoma, and t h e n a b o u t t h i r t e e n years a g o , h e w e n t to t h e P a n h a n d l e c o u n t r y of Texas. H e was a man of large affairs, and a leader in his commuoity,

FirsfcstaL, Buzzard In sad but loving remembrance of a dear mother who departed from this life March 20, 1938 at 6 p. m The oldest daughter of Noah and Alcinda Alderman, of Eluntersyille December 27. 1005, she was united in marriage to R/ dney W. Buzzard To this union eleven children (two daughters preceded her ) She leaves to mourn her husband and nine children, Arnold, BJ]lie, Jimmie, Hubert, Pauline and Vera of Huntersville: Waldo of Mt. Pisgah, Ky., Harlin of Fort Knox, Ky., and Mrs Loia Workman Hillsboro Two listers Mrs Lanty Underwood, Mrs John Lee, Hunters ville; two brothers. Mitchell Alderman. Alvon, and Everett Alderman, White Sulphur: four grandchildrtn, and a host other relatives and friends She was a kind and loving mother and worked diligently at her post of duty until the moment she departed from this life As a member oi the Methodist churcn, and later joining the Nazirene church, she lived a loyal christian life. Funeral service was conducted at the home by her pastor, Rev, Mr Potter. She was lovingly laid to rest in the Beaver Creek cemetery, near Huntersville. Girls who carried the floral tributes were Freeda and Olga Alderman and Jewell Underwood. The pall bearers were Junior Buzza d, Elton Wade, Burgess Dunbrack. Clarence McComb, Lloyd Loan and Frank Noble. Over my heart, in the days that are flown, No love like a mothers love ever has shone. No other worship abides and endures, Faithful, unselfish and patient like yours. The Family.

Mrs. J. H. Buzzard Mrs. Jemima Alice Alderman Buzzard, aged 96/ one of Pocahontas County's oldest citizens, died Thursday night, June 13, 1957, the in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, following a short illness. ,She was the widow of Joseph H. Buzzard, who preceded her in death in 1939. She is survived by three sons, Rodney and Edwin, both of Huntersville, and Roy, of San Francisco, California; two daughters, Mrs. Howard McElwee and Mrs. Brown McComb, of Marlinton; 24 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and 20 great-greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Buzzard was born November 21, 1860, in Huntersville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Alderman. She was a member of the Huntersville Methodist Church. Funeral services were held Suniay afternoon at the Huntersville Methodist Church by her pastor, •he Rev. Lowell Legg, with burial in the Huntersville Cemetery.

Mrs. Stioden Buzzard Mrs. Ida B. Buzzard, 97, of 1351 Seneca Street, Olean, New York. dif>d Friday. January 16. 1970. at the Cattaragus County Infirmary at Machias after a long illness. Born November 7, 1872, at Arbovale, she was a daughter of the !a*"e William and Berchie Sampson Ray. She was the widow of Snoden Buzzard, who died m WW 1 Virginia on April 6, 1949. Fo lowing Mr. Buzzard's death, she moved to Olean, New York, to live with her son, Cecil 0. Ray. Survivors include her son, Cecil O. Ray, one sister, Mrs. Mollv Sutton, of Cass; four grandchildren; fourteen greatgrandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Halwig Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Chauncey Fggran, Pastor of Calvary Temple, Eldred, Pennsylvania. Burial was in the Chestnut Hill Cem etery at Portville.

Mrs. Harry Biatrd

Mrs. Marguerite Beverage Buzzard, 68, of Waynesboro, died February 2, 1979, in Waynesboro Community Hospital Born July 14,1920, at Huntersville, she was the daughter of Edward C. and Margaret Lightner Beverage. She was a member of Second Presbyterian Church, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a retired employee of the General Electric Company. Her husband, Harry Ward Buzzard, Jr., died January 24, 1979. ( Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Hugh C. Dunn, of Convert, Georgia; four sisters, Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, of Green Bank, Mrs. Edna Madison, Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Mable Reed, of Pomona Beach, California, and Mrs. Mildred Mitchell, of Los Angeles, California; four brothers, Cabel, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Walker L. and Eugene Beverage, both of Marlinton, and Robert Beverage, of Washington; two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday in the chapel of McDow Funeral Home by the Rev. Ralph Pi land. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery.


Harmon W. Buzzard

! Harmon Warwick Buzzard, 51, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died October 12, 1966, F rom an apparent heart attack He was born May 1, 1905, ^ Mountain Grove, Virginia. He vas the son of the late Robert I \. and Betty Kelley Buzzard Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucy Sheets Buzzard, of Mountain Grove, Virginia; a daughter, Mrs. Catherine Herche, of Baltimore, Mary land; two grandchildren. Betty JJOU_ and Donald Herche, \lso of Baltimore; one sister >Mrs. Odessa Taylor, of Canton. Ohio; four brothers, William and Robert, Mountain Grove, Virginia; Herron, of Warm Springs, Virginia, and Harry, of Willi3msvil!e, Virginia, also a number of nieces and nephews. A brother, Arch, two sisters, Nellie and Bessie, preceded him in death. Funeral Services were held October 15, in the Mountain Grove Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Eugene S. Soud, of Hot Springs, Virginia. Burial was in the Mountain Grove Cemetery. \ R}y W. Buzzard

Roy W. Buzzard, aged 74 years, of Brisbane, California, died at a rest home in Burlingame, California, on Monday, December 1,1958. He was retired from his job as superintendent with Bethlehem Steel Company of South San Francisco, and was a member of the Boilermakers Union Local 6. , Born March 1, 1873, near Min! nehaha Springs, he was the son of I the late J. H. and Jemima Alderman Buzzard. Surviving him are his wife/Mrs. Ann E. Buzzard, of Brisbane; two sons, James L and Douglas J. Buzzard, both of San Francisco; a daughter, Mrs, Muriel Valentine, of San Bruno, California, and five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. I Howard McElwee and Mrs. .Brown McComb, of Marlinton; |and two brothers, Rodney and Edwin Buzzard, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held in the San Bruno Funeral Home by the Rev. H. D. Harkins, with burial at Cypress Lawn Memorial ^rk.

Mrs. William H. Buzzard ^ Mrs. Lillian Louise Buzzard, 49, of Huntersville, died Sunday, December 13, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after suffering a heart attack a short time before. She was born December 8, 1921, at Boyer, the daughter of Mrs. Carrie Bancroft Darnell, of Warren, Ohio, and the late Dennis Galford, of Cass. Mr?. Buzzard was a member of the Huntersville United Methodist Church and the V. F. W. Ladies Auxiliary. She worked as a clerk at Galford's Variety Store. Survivors include her husband, Wiiliam Harding Buzzard; four children, William David Buzzard, of Roanoke, Virginia, Linda Louise Friel, of Huntersville, SP-4 James Andrew Buzzard, with the U. S. Army in Germany, and Miss Mary Jane Buzzard, of Roanoke, Virginia; one grandson, Travis Allen Friel; her mother, Mrs. Carrie' E. Darnell;-six brothers and sisters, James F. Darnell, of Florida, Lonnie Lee Darnell, Gene E. Darnell, Kdna Madaline Gaydash, and juinda Sue Doss, all of Warren, Ohio, Joe R. Darnell, of Moncks Corner, South Carolina* I One son, Loren Stanley Buz^ z*rfaih has torn us a p a r t Lord Jesus, helo us meet him Li Your Great Paradise. " X.

| Mrs. Margaret Jefusha Buzzard I Shinaberry, aged 92 years, 5 months | and one day, died at the home of [ t er daughter, Mrs Anderson Grimes. on Christmas morning, 1937. Funer al service conducted on Moday from Mt. Hope church by Rev. Pugh, On September 24. 1866, she was united in marriage to Isaac Sliitiaberry. To this union were b*irn seven children: Embry, William, Ile.iry and Harmon; Mrs P. A. Buzzard ! Mrs Anderson Grimes. One son, Warwick, died three years since She I leaves 42 grani children, !08 great i grand children and five g»*eat great grandchildren. Her husband preceded her nearly 36 years ago. Her body was laid to rest beside his grave to await the resurrection. Aunt Jerusha had a remarkable memory, recalling matters of interest | through her long life. In early life I she made public profession of her faith, united with the Church of the I Brethren, aod was a faithful mem ber for 75 years. Thus is noted the passing of another aged resident of Pocihontas coun^ jty. She has gone to her reward on ' high but the ideals of her long, deted life will be rtfl cleu in d !bcendats for generations yet to come.

Harry Buzzard ( j M

Harry Forrest Buzzard, 84, of Minnehaha Sprin gs, died Wednesday, October 30, 1974. after a short illness. A son of the late Robert A. and Arlene Wanless Buzzard, he was born at Frost February 17, 1890. His wife, Edith Ervine Buzzard, preceded him in death, also three brothers , Arch, Harmon, and Herron, and a sister, Bessie Shinaberry . He was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving him are four sons, Jarrett G, Buzzard, of Minnehaha Springs, William C. Buzzard, of Hyattsville, Maryland, Mack R. Buzzard and James A. Bussard, both of Orlando, Florida; two daughters, Beatrice E. Newman, of Sari Diego, California and Madeline E. Bussard, of Washington, D. C.; twelve grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren; two brothers, Robert Buzzard, Jr,, William C. Buzzard, and one sister, Mrs. Odessa Taylor, all of Mountain Grove, Virginia. Funeral services were held .Saturday afternoon in the Minnehaha Springs United Methodist Church by the Rev. iEzra Bennett, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


Mrs. Clara Magdalene Bussard Mrs. Clara Magdalene Bussard was born September 29,1873, and died November 28, 1958, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Her death was attributed to a heart attack. She was the wife of the late Perry A. Bussard and to this union was born four ! children, Charles H. Bussard, of i De rfield, Virginia; Mrs. Lucy Moore, of Dunmore; Mrs. Clara ! Ware, of Marlinton, and Clarence, of Frost, the latter preceding her in death three years ago. She is also survived by eleven grand children, eighteen greatgrandchildren, one sister, Mrs Etta Grimes, of Huntersville, and | a host of other relatives and j friends. She has been a life long memI ber of the Church of the BrelhJren. Her fi^ ,uo held on j Sunday afternoon, November 30, I in the New Hope Church, near Ounmore, by her pastor, the Rev. J. W. Pugh. Mrs Betty E Buzzird, 67, of Mt. j Grove died at 1:30 Prijfcjty morning, ! December 22, 1939 at the home of her son Harron Buzzard at Warm Springs. Her death followed an ill riess of several months. She is survived by her husband, tiobefb Buzzard, and the following children: Lawrence. Harmon, Robert Jr., and William-, all of Mt Grove; Harron Buzzard of Warm Springs, ,iud a daughter, Mrs Odessa Win coop, cf Canton, Ohio. I The funeral was held from the Mt I Grove Presbyterian church, of which she was a member, Sunday at 11 a m. The p-.ssing of Mrs Buzznd, arfVe j tionateiy known as "Aunt, Betty," is ^a loss to be keenly felt in her coramu I nity. She was a good neighbor and ever willing to lend a helping handi 1 to minister to the sick and distressed I in her community — Bath County j Enterprise.

S. H. Buzzard Sherman Harrison Buzzard, a fifed 88 y e a r s , died a t t h e home of his d a u g h t e r , Mrs. G r i m e s , near Cloverlick on T h u r s d a y , December 2 3 , 1948 On S u n d a y afternoon, his body was buried in the family plot in Mt. View Ceme t e r y . T h e jservice was conducted by Rev. E . N. Carlson. T h e deceased was a son of the late Morgan and R h o d a S i r n s Buzzard. H e was born a t D u n m o r e and s p e n t his life in P o c a h o n t a s ! j County. He married Miss Lizzie 1 j K H o o v e r , who preceded him to | the g r a v e m a n y years since. Their I surviving c h i l d r e n a r e Mrs. j G r i m e s of Cloverlick and Mrs. ! B u m s , of Bath C o u n t y . A grand soil rs F r a n k R a y m o n i Hayes, of | VVasbington, D. C.

GEO. BUZZARD DIES George A. Buzzard, age 57, died on March 12, 1928, at a hospital ia San Angelo, Texas, the cause of. his death being brain trouble. Mr. Buz- ? jzard was raised on Beaver Creek, j this county,son of,Henry Buzzard and Elizabeth Frances Perkins, He followed the carpenter trade in this county ;for many years. He left here about •tea years ago, and has made his jhome several places during fc*3 abf sence. His body was shipped h-sre for ices were conducj Marlinton Methodist Church uesday afternoon by Rev. S. R.-Neel and Rev. K. V. Bowen, and the Mas- i onic Lodge. He was a charter m e m b e ^ of the local Masonic Lodge, a mem- ! ber of the Woodm;an and Odd Fel- j lows.He is survived by two daughters, ! Velma and Mififred of Huntington. j

Willis Cronen Buzzard Willis Cronen Buzzard was born June 6, 1856, and died November 28, 1940. His age was 84 years, 5 months and 22 days. He is survived by four children, Willie and Marion, of Frost; Mrs Lucretia Woods, of Dunmore, and Mrs Ethel Carpenter, of Healing Springs, Virginia. The deceased was a son of the late Sampson and Eleanor Knapp j Buzzard. He-was the last of his father's family to pass on. I Mr Buzzard was a life lon'g resident of Frost. He had been a inbmber of the Methonist s Church for n number of rears. _^

i. 6. Buzzard ^-^ Jarrett Gayle (Jack) Buzzard, 66, of M i n n e h a h a Springs, died Tuesday morning, August 14,1979, in Memorial General Hospital, Elkins. He was a construction worker, a member of the Methodist Church and Moose Lodge 1465. Born at Frost, June 15, 1913, he was the son of the late Harry F. and Edith Ervine Buzzard. A daughter, Constance Anne Douglas, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife* Virginia Burns Buzzard, two sons, David Gayle Buzzard, of Lancaster, California, and Stephen Buzzard, of K. I. Sawyer A. F. B., Michigan; a daughter, Joyce Mullens, of Neola; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; three brothers, William, Hyattsville, Maryland; James and Mack, Orlando, Florida; and two sisters, Beatrice, San Diego, California, and Madeline, Washington, D. C. Services will be held at two p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial at Minnehaha Springs,

Mrs Sarah Alice Buzzard Mrs. Sarah Alice Burr Buzzard aged 82 years, widow of the late Jackson J. Buzzard, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Elmer Benson, in Davenport, Iowa, on Saturday, January 4, 1944. The deceased was a native of Pocahontas county, a sister of the late Henry Burr. On November 16, 1881, she became the wife of Jackson J. Buzzard, at Huntersviile. Shortly afterwards, the young couple migrated to Iowa. Mr. Buzzard died in 1921. Glen Foster Buzzard, 65, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, December 27,1978, at his home of a heart attack. Born August 10, 1913, at Dunmore, he was the son of the late Howard John and Mary Agnes Buzzard. He was a retired Department of Highways employee and farmer. Mr. Buzzard was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Dunmore. Surviving are his wife, Gladys Marie Taylor; a son, David Lee Buzzard, Dunmore, brother, Russell Summers Buzzard; sisters, Mrs. Ora Gray Galford and Mrs. Zelda J. Cbocklett, all of Dunmore. Services were held at two p. m. on Saturday in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The rolling stream of life goes on But still the vacant chair Recalls the loved one, the voice, the smile, Of the one who once sat there.

Mrs. Alice Kelly Buzzard, wife of! A reiI Buzzard, d ied at her h o m e OJI j Back Creek August 11,1933, after an! illness of six months. The funeral I was conducted from the Mt. Grove' Presbyterian Church by Rev. George Died Roke, and her body laid to rest in tha Mt. Grove cemetery. Cornelius D. Buzzard, aged 79 Mrs. Buzzard was a daughter of the years, departed this life January 6, late Cyras Kelley. Her brothers are \$Vt Ela was horn October 10, 1854 J. M. Kelley, of Campbelltown and J In March, 1873 he was married to A. Kelley of Indianapolis, Ind. Her Emma Wan less, and to t! is union s s t e r is Mrs. Robert Buzzard, of Mt. were born four giris and three boys. Grove. Two still living, Alva Buzzird and In 1908 she became the wife o»f vlrs Anna Carpenter, both .>{' the Arch Buzzard. To Frost vicinity. The brothers and sis o.vj f.hi« unis union union were were ters of the deceased who survive, are born seven sons and three daughters, ftmbrv of Iowa; Letch of Staunton, ivirs. all of whom »ui survive: Mrs. George Geo^e Y ivc f Willie Buzzard Va.; "W. C. of Frost. R. A. of Mtn. Brooks of Ohurchville; Otis, Harry, j Willie Buzzard, 83. of Frost, Grove, Va.; Mrs. M. J. Shinaberry, of Glen, June,JEdp£, Elmer, Arnold, Gladys and Mary Ruth, all at home. I died in the Welch Hospital Huntersviile and Mildred Shinaberry ! Friday, July 10, 1964. Hereof Clover Lick. cently suffered a broken hip. Mr Buzzard was a good neighbor and a helpful citizen. Funeral serMr. Buzzard was born near Buzzard Twins vices were conducted by lie v. J. M. Frost, March 13, 1876, the son Laura Jane and William DaHypes

Alva A. Buzzard Alva A. Buzzard, aged t sixtytwo years, @f Dun more, died Friday, December 18, 1942, after a short illness. Funeral service I was held from Baxter church on Sunday afternoon by Rev. Ho bert Childs; burial in the Boyer Icemetery. Mr Buzzard is survived bv his wife, who was a Miss [Hughes. Z^r.joJ^

vid, Jr., infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Buzzard of 4323 Dalray S'reet North West, Roanoke. Virginia, died Friday, March 4, 1966, in a Roanoke hospital. Survivors include their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William j H. Buzzird, of Huntersviile, and Mrs. John B. Ward, of Roanoke, Virginia. Funeral services were held Saturday, March 5.


of the late Cronin and Mary Shrader Buzzard. He was m ir ried to Lillian M. Buzzard, who died March 25, 1964. He is survived by several nieces and nephews. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Frost Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley and the Rev. L. E, Saville with burial in the Moore Cemetery.


Mrs. Willie Buzzard

Mrs. Lillian Buzzard, 88, of Frost, died Wednesday, March 25,1964, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a short illness. Death was attributed to pneumonia. Survivors include her husband, Willie Buzzard. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Frost Church by the Rev. Rex Ball, of Minnehaha Springs and the Rev. L. E. Saville, of Frcst. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery. Mrs. Harmon Buzzard Lucy Sheets Bussard, formerly of Mountain Grove, Virgi nia, died Monday, January 9,1978, at Sykesviile, Maryland. : Funeral services will be held Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial to be at Mountain Grove. Lester Buzzard

^ ^

Lester Buzzard, youngest son of Embre Buzzard, former ly of Frost, died in Dobbs Ferry, New York, Friday, February 3,1967. Masonic services #ere held Sunday afternoon.

Coe Beverage

Coe Beverage, aged 73 years, died on Thursday, June 10, 1948 He had been in failing health for some months. On Saturday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The service was conducted from the home by Rev. Roger P. Melton. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sadie Lightner Beverage, and their five children, Mrs. Hallie Barlow, Mrs. Hazel Lovell, MTS. Charlcie Snyder, Mrs. Marjorie Dickson; and Roscoe Beverage. Another daughter, Mrs. Hildreth Dever, preceded her fa ther some years since. He is also survived by five grandchildren, and one, Mrs. Ruth Dever Rohrer, was reared by her g r a n d p a r e n t , (There are four great-grandchildren. Mr. Beverage was born in Highland County, a son of \V. A. and Virginia Alice Trimble Beverage. bis fhtijjr'>: laroiiv »\iere remain a sister, Mrs. Bessie Showa'ter, and two brothers, Luther and Byron Beverage In religion the deceased was a Presbyterian, and for many years a Ruling Elder in his church. Thus is noted the passing of an outstanding citizen.

E. F. B u r n e r

Goldie M. Bender

Enoch Franklin Burner, aged 79 years, .died at a Frederick, Maryland, Hospital. The funeral was held in Bethesda, Md., Friday, February 16, with Masonic honors; burial in Rockville, Md. The deceased was a native o'l Pocahontas County. He was a son °f the late Lafayette and Margaj ret C. Burner, o f Bartow. His sister is Mrs Anna Musbeno, of Durbin; his brothers are Edward, of Santa Monica, California; Lester of Frank; and L. M., of Fairmont. In 1912 be married Miss Florence Newcomber, of Hot Springs. Virginia. She preceded her husband 20 years since. Mr Burner was a graduate of a Staunton business college. He clerked in stores in Marlinton and Covington. Fifty years ago | he went to Washington, established a business and maintained it until he retired a few y ears ago.

F R A M E T O W N - G o l d i c M. Bender of Framctown, died at her residenceon Friday, January 31,1997, following a long illness. She was 66 years of age. She was born in Exchange, on March 25, 1930, the daughter of the late Newton and Laura Flint Hacker. She had been employed at Braxton County Memorial Hospital for 14 years and was a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: her husband, HomerL. BcnderofFramctown; sons, Robert and Rondle, both of Frametown; daughter, Rosalea Hicksonof Flatwoods; brother, Gerald Hacker of Honey Brook, Pa.; sisters, EthelHackcr and Freda Hclmick,both of Exchange; 8 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by brothers, Arthur, Burl, and Gilbert Hacker, and sister, Elva Lccson. Services were held on Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 p.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home ir Sutton. Burial was at the Mart Bogg^ Cemetery near Sutton.


Miss Nannie Beard Miss Nannie Woods Beard, aged about 73 years, died "Wednesday night, December 30, 1942. She had been ill many weeks, following a fall. On Friday afternoon her body was laid to rest in Oak Grove cemetery; the funeral was conducted from Marlinton Methodist church, by her pastor, Rev. Fred-Oxendale, assisted by Rev. Aubrey Ferguson. The pall bearers were J. A.^Sydenstric ker, J. M. Bear, Ward Hudson, O. B. Curry, W. O. Ruckman, Guy Fauiknier. The deceased was the last surviving member of the family of the late Charles W. Beard, of the Levels. She made her home with her nephew, Elba B. Callison in Marlintoij. For a life time she had been a professing christian, a member of the Methodist ehurch.

George H. Berthy, Sr. George Hcrold Bcrthy, Sr., formerly of Buckhannjpn,died on Sunday, March 5, 1995,-|»Panedin, Fla. He was 86 years of age. He was born in Cowen, on April 30,1908, the son of the late James N., Jr. and Rose Hcrold Berthy. He attended the Wharton School of ^Business, in Baltimore, Md., and spent his lifetime in business. He retired as asupcrintcndcntofmincsin Webster lind Nicholas-Counties, and as a credit manager for Montgomery Ward in Clearwater, Fla. He had been an assistant West Virginia State Tax Commissioner and a Packard dealer in Charleston. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Cowen. He was a descendant of pioneer families and was a member of Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by: his wife, Frcida Mae "Shorty" Beall Berthy; daughters, Janell Pindcr of Tarpon Springs, Fla. and Jill Dunson of Winter Haven, Fla.; sons, Jack Berthy of Largo, Fla. and G. Hcrold Bcrthy, Jr. of Morgantown; sisters, Martha J. Morton of Cowen and Barbara O'Keeffe of Cockeysvillc, Md.; 7 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brother, James S. Berthy, and sisters, Kathleen B. Huffman and Elizabeth J. Fogarty. Services were held on Monday, March 8, at the Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park in Clearwater. Memorial contributions may be made to the Frcida Mae and George Hcrold Bcrthy Scholarship Fund and W. Va. Weslcyan College in Buckhannon.

Waitman " Jay11 Bailey COWEN-Waitman "Jay" Bailey, of Cowen, died in Charleston, on Monday, March 24,1997. He was 71 years of age. . He born in Linden in Roane County, the son of the late Waitman and Lillie Starcher Bailey, Sr. He had lived in Cowen for the last 50 years, and was a retired coal miner. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He attended the Locust Grove Baptist Church in Craigsville and the UMWA. He is survived by: his wife, Jean Ball Bailey of Cowen; daughter, Kaye Bailey Dombroski of Augusta, Ga.; step-sons, David Dotson of Cleveland, Ohio, Robbie McCauley of Mentor, Ohio, and David McCauley of Huttonsville; brothers, Fred Bailey of Charleston and Luther Bailey of Mansfield, Ohio; sister, Isabelle Cunningham of Pennsylvania; 3 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and 2 great -great-grandchildren. Services were held on Friday, March 28, at 1:00 p.m., at Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Alice Mae Barnett BIRCH R I V E R - A l i c e Mae Barnett of Birch River, died on Sunday, December 29, 1996, at United Hospital Center in Clarksburg, following a short illness. She was 69 years of age. She was born in Nicholas County, on February 10,1927, the daughter of the late Filmore and Myrtle Gilbert George. She was a homemaker and a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: her husband, David Scott Barnett of Birch River; sons, Albert of Birch River, Phillip and Orville both of Hurt, Va., and Charles of Summersville; daughter, Mae Shaw of Birch River; brothers, Carl George of Birch River, Charles George of Tanner, Albert George of Fairmont, and Okey George of Scottsburg, Ind.; sister, Irene Bragg of Pennsylvania; and 17 grandchildren. Services will be held on Thursday, January 2, at 1:00 p.m., at the GreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton. Burial will be at the George Family Cemetery near Birch River. Friends may call from 10:00 a.m. until funeral time on Thursday, at the funeral home.

Elsie Klee Burky

Paul N. Byrne

PICKENS-Elsie Klee Burky of Pickens, formerly of Webster County, died at her home on Wednesday, December 4, 1996, following an extended illness. She was born on August 8,1912, in Hacker Valley, the daughter of the late Jacob and Anna Heller Klee. She was an elementary teacher in Webster County schools and a postal clerk in Pickens for 20 years. She was a member of Zion Presbyterian Church in Helvetia , the America Legion Auxiliary Post #0122 of Pickens, and was a charter member of Rebekah Lodge #55,1.O.O.F of Pickens. She is survived by: son, Freddy J. Burky of Orlando, Fla.; daughter, Mrs. David (Patricia) Phillips of Woodsfield, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Jesse (Lena) Malcomb and Mrs. Ira (Rosa) Eye both of Hacker Valley, and Mrs. Charles (Thelma) Lee of Smithville, Ohio; brothers, Emil Klee and Karl Klee, both of Webster Springs, and John William Klee of Madison, Ohio; and grandsons, Brett, Jesse, and Travis Burky. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph A. Burky, who she married on January 10,1943 and who died on May 13, 1994; by son, William Howard Burky, and sister, Mrs. Upton (Ida) Echard. Services were held on Sunday, December 8, at 3:00 p.m., at the Zion Presbyterian Church in Helvetia, with the Rev. Mary Ellen Finegan officiating. Burial was at the Pickens Cemetery. The Tomblyn Whitescarver Funeral Home in Buckhannon, was in charge of the arrangements.

FAIRMONT-Paul N. Byrne of Fairmont died on Thursday, February 23, 1995, at the Arbors of Fairmont Nursing Home in Fairmont, following a long illness. He was 82 years of age. He was born on August 11,1912, in Nicholas County, the son of the late Norman and Alice Payne Byrne. He attended Webster Springs High School and was a graduate of the Coyne Electrical School in Chicago, 111. He worked for Pardee and Curtin Lumber Company and lived in Webster County for 30 years. He retired in January, 1976, as an electrician for Consolidation Coal Company at the Arkwright Mine No. 1. He was an active member of the Christ United Methodist Church and served as an usher, a trustee, and a member of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. He was a member of the United Mine Workers of America and after his retirement, he enjoyed helping friends and neighbors with electrical work. He is survived by: his wife of 55 years, Gathel M. Green Byrne; son. and daughter-in-law Mike and Patricia Byrne of New Freedom, Pa.; daughter and son-in-law Jane and Tom Jones of Huntington; and grandchildren, Douglas Byrne, Norman Byrne, and Jennifer Jones. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by sisters, Lucille Byrne and Ruth Ancell, and one grandson, Christopher Jones, who died February 9, 1995. Services were held on Saturday, February 25, at 11:00 a.m., at the Carpenter & Ford Funeral Home, with the Rev. Alice Keener and the Rev. Donald M. Thomas,officiating. Burial was at the Bridgeport Cemetery.

Betsy Elaine Bess BUCKHANNON-Betsy Elaine George Franklin Bates Bess, three-month-old daughter of John D. Bess II and Wendy Casteel LILBURN, GA.-George FrankBess, died on Wednesday, April 9 ta Bates ofLilburn, Georgia, died in 1997,attheWVUChildren'sHospitai in Morgantown. tn -Tn f o , l o w , n g a l o n g illness. He She was born on December 30 was 30 years of age. 1996. He was born in Kingsport, TenShe is survived by: her parents, 16,1965, the son John and Wendy Bess of Buckhannon; nessee o n February and Ber iCe Gamett " "all brother, Brantley Hamrick, at home- BaST paternal grandfather, John Bess oU He is survived by: his mother Amity, Pa.; maternal grandparents, Bcrnice Bates of Lilbum.Ga.; and Lonnie and Sheila Cogar of Webster Springs; and maternal great-grand- brother,JohnMartinBates,ofLiIburn; parents, Ron and Nelle Bickel, of Graveside services were held at Replete." the Hall Family Cemetery in Diana Services were held on Saturday, e n e April 12, at 2:00 p.m., at the Poling- ^ i & ^ yR .eJe"dlFyu5n,ear tal ll : 0 0 a . m Home in St. Clair Funeral Home in Buckhan- S c , c webster Springs was in charge of the non, with the Rev. Don Austin of arrangements. .; Pennsylvania, officiating. Burial was at the Buckhannon Memorial Park.


Dewey Wayne Barrett BURNSVILLE-Dewey Wayne Barrett, of Burnsville, died at his residence on Friday, March 21,1997, following a long illness. He was 56 years of age. He was born in Burnsville, on June 3,1940, the son of the late John and Ercie Conrad Barrett. He was a former employee of Greif Brothers Corporation in Weston, and was a member of the Little Kanawha Independent Church. He is survived by: his wife, Jo Ann Stout Barrett of Burnsville; son and daughter-in-law, Jeffrey and Gerri Barrett of Gassaway; brothers, Marvin Barrett of Girard, Ohio, John Barrett of Struthers, Ohio, and Richard Barrett of Berea, Ohio; sisters, Mary Davis of North Jackson, Ohio, Mildred Jackson of Hiram, Ohio, Madge Wines and Lena Barrett, both of Buckhannon, and Rena Gregory of Napier; and grandson, Dylan Wayne Barrett. Services were held on Sunday, March 23, at 2:00 p.m., at the Little Kanawha Independent Church in Burnsville, with the Rev. William Hoover and the Rev. Ronzel Roberts, officiating. Burial was at the Stout Cemetery in Flatwoods. The GreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton, was in charge of the arrangements.

Mary Ann Bender BUCKHANNON-Mary Ann Bender of Buckhannon died at the Charleston Area Medical Center on Saturday, October 15,1994. She was 20 years of age. She was born in Buckhannon, on December 9, 1973, the daughter of Vernon and Adciia Dean Smith, of Buckhannon. She was a homemaker. She is survived by: her husband, Robert Dwayne Bender, whom she married on October 2,1992; daughter, Ccaira Rachelle Bender, at home; her parents, Robert and Adeila Smith of Buckhannon; brothers, Eric Smith and Daniel Smith, both of Buckhannon; sisters, Penny Huskie of Ivy and Judith Stalnaker of Buckhannon; maternal grandmother, Margaret Dean of Buckhannon; and paternal grandmother, Wanda Smith of Buckhannon. Services were held on Wednesday, October 19, at 2:00 p.m. at the PolingSt. Clair Funeral Home in Buckhannon, with the Rev. Junior Harris, officiating. Burial was at the Upshur County Memorial Park.

Rossie Gay Boggs SUMMERSVILLE-RossieGay Boggs of Summersville, formerly of Webster Springs, died at the Medina General Hospital in Medina, Ohio, on Friday, September 16,1994, following a brief illness. She was 79 years of age. She was bom in Webster County on December 8,1914, the daughter of Lorenza Benson and Ora Ann Pritt Hamrick, both deceased. She had lived in Summersville for the past two years, and was otherwise a lifelong resident of Webster County. She was a homemaker and a member of the First Baptist Church in Webster Springs. She is survived by: son, Leonard Boggs of Medina, Ohio; daughter, Virginia Isenhart of Medina, Ohio; brother, Jack Hamrick of Virginia; sisters, Retha Lockard of Webster Springs, Bea Reiley of Florida, Thelma Ebert of Kentucky, and JuanitaLegg of Virginia; 8 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence J. Boggs. Services were held on Tuesday, September 20, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch officiating. Burial was at the Point Mountain Cemetery, in Webster Springs.

Phyllis Hall Brown DILLE-Phyllis Hall Brown of Dille, died on Sunday, December 1, 1996, at the Braxton County Health Care Center in Sutton, following a long illness. She was 61 years of age. She was born in Nicholas Counly, on June 25, 1935, the daughter of Maccl Sparks of Dille and the late^ Flavy Hugh Sparks. vShe was a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: sons, Mitchell' of Ider, Alabama amd Thomas of Rome, Ga.; her mother, Macel M. Sparks of Dille; brothers, Ted H. Sparks of Mason, Kelly Sparks of Racine, Wisconsin, Mark Sparks of Buckhannon, Rush Sparks of Madison, and Joe Sparks of Dille; sisters, Shirley Butcher of Flatwoods, Sherry Fasanelli of Bomont, and Roberta Fannan of Deland, Fla.; and 8 grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, December 3, at 11:00 a.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Larry Gawthrop officiating. Burial was at the Walnut Grove Cemetery near Widen.

Moleta E. Flint Burton LITTLE BIRCH-Moleta E. Flint Burton of Litde Birch, died on Saturday, January 25, 1997, at the Braxton County Memorial Hospital, following a short illness. She was 74 years of age. She was born in Braxton County, on September 27,1922, the daughter of the late Orville I. and Clarice Fac^mire Flint. She was a homemaker and was formerly employed at I.M.C. Corporation in Sutton. She was a member of the Birch River Baptist Church. She is survived by: her husband, Harry E. "Jake" Burton of Little Birch; daughter, Loretta Jackson of Little Birch; brothers, Junior, Jackie, and Steve Flint, all of Little Birch, and, Lewis Flint of Sutton; sisters, Eliose Woodall of Medina, Ohio and Helen Moore of Wharton; and 4 granddaughters. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one son, Jerry Burton. Services were held on Tuesday, January 28, at2:00p.m„ at the GreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Thomas Propst officiating. Burial was at the Braxton County Cemetery, near Sutton.

Curtis E. Biggs Curtis Eugene Biggs, age 54, of Buckeye, died Friday, June 27, 1997, at home. He was a loader operator for Waco Stone and Paving and worked in the same position for fifteen years with Seneca Quarries. He was an Army veteran of the Vietnam War and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The son of Wilson Biggs, of Marlinton, and the late Ruby Wardell Biggs, he was born at Marlinton October 21,1942. A brother, Freddie Biggs, is deceased. Surviving, in addition to his father, are his wife, Phyllis Jewell Biggs; a stepson, Timothy Wiseman, of Port St. Lucie, Florida; two step-daughters, Charlotte Wyatt, of Buckhannon, and Pamela Carpenter, of Marlinton; two brothers, Tommy and Roger Biggs, both of Marlinton; three sisters, Mary Ann Beverage, of Marlinton, Linda Woolard, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Gladys Dilley, of Eldora, Iowa; nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Sam Felton. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Angel Butcher Sylvia Mae Angel Butcher of Webster Springs, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital on Saturday, May 6, 1995, following a brief illness. She was 85 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on July 8,1909, the daughter of Otha and Lillie Cummings Angel, both deceased. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a homemaker and a Protestant by faith. She is survived by: her husband, Elvin C. Butcher of Webster Springs; brother, Clyde Angel of Clarksburg; and sisters, Leo Wyatt of Bergoo and Mcrgie Jervis of Morgantown. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by four brothers and sisters and one half-brother. Services were held on Monday, May 8, at 1:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch officiating. Burial was at the Gregory Cemetery in Curtin.

Lena M. Davis Barnette SUTTON-Lena M. Davis Barnett of Sutton, died on Sunday, November 10, 1996, following a short illness. She was 80 years of age. She was born in Sutton on June 26, 1916, the daughter of the late Houston H. and Lura Gibson Davis. She was a homemaker and a member of the Long Run Baptist Church. She is survived by: son, James F. Barnett of Sutton; daughter, Lura F. Barnett of Sutton; sister, Ada N. Hughes of Akron, Ohio; 4 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, November 13, at 11:00 a.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Robey Godfrey officiating. Burial was at the Middle Run Cemetery. Mrt. Ruby Dumire Boom

Mrs. Ruby Dumire Boorn, 62, died January 27,1978, at her borne in Charlotte, Michigan, Born December 23, 1925, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Ellis and Stella McClure Dumire. She is survived by her husband, Keith Boorn, of Charlotte, Michigan; one sister, Mrs. Hazel Barlow, of Charlottesville, Virginia; a nephew, Bill Barlow. A brother, Earl Dumire, and a sister, Opal Clark, preceded her in death.

Stella A. Bragg

Irene Brown

COWEN-Stella A. Bragg of Irene Brown of Webster Springs Cowen, died in Fairlea on Thursday, was dead-on-arrival at Webster April 3, 1997, following a long illCounty Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, August 17, 1994, folness. She was 71 years of age. lowing a short illness. She was 66 She was born in Hacker Valley, years of age. on April 14,1925, the daughter of the late Charley and Minnie Garvin EuShe was born in Fenwick, on September 10,1927, the daughter of bank. She was a lifelong resident of Ivan and Carrie Belle Jackson Barker, Webster County, and was a homeboth deceased. She had lived in maker. She was a member of the First Webster County since 1929, and was Missionary Baptist Church in Cama homemaker and a member of the den-on-Gauley and the V.F.W. AuxNew Hope Church in Diana and the iliary in Craigsville. Senior Citizens. She is survived by: husband, Harry J. Bragg of Cowen; daughter, Debra ; She is survived by: son, Wilford Sergent of Prestonberg, Ky.; brother, Brown of Cowen; daughters, Beatrice Darrell Eubank of Columbus, Ohio; BrooksofPianaand Benedetti Woods sister, Eileen Hines of Columbus, of Webster Springs; brother, Gaylord Ohio; half-brother, Doyle Ware of Barker of Sykesville, Md.; sister, Columbus, Ohio; and 2 grandchildren. Luciller Armentrout of Webster Services were held on Saturday, Springs; 8 grandchildren and 1 greatApril 5, at 2:00 p.m., at the Adams grandchild. In addition to her parents, Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the she was preceded in death by her Rev. Cofer Cochran, officiating. husband, Grover Brown. Burial was at the Odd Fellows CemServices were held on Friday, etery in Cowen. Adams Funeral Home August 19, at 1:00p.m., at the Dodd & was in charge of the arrangements. Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Doyle Hooper of Diana, officiating. Burial was at HENRY A. B E N S O N , 8 6 , died Feb. 10 the Little Kanawha Memorial Gardens Alaska in 1930 to commercial feb. D ^ Cemetery in Heaters. erritorial days, Benson served as the^fars t


he Roosevelt Hotel chain in A n c h o r ^

Velma C. Bush

during the 1960s and remained a c t - i n the

Velma C. Bush of Webster Springs, died at her residence on IRENE J O S E P H I N E B E N S O N 8 6 , Wednesday, March 19,1997, follow£ S Feb 5 in Palmer. Benson«nd f ^ y . c m e o Alaska in 1 9 3 5 as M a t a n u s k a ing a long illness. She was 76 years of ^setdingonararminPalme^-on, age. She was born in Clay County, on ine in 1978. She enj^ed traveling, pmochie, April 19, 1920, and had lived in S g l i t h friends andtending to the farm. Webster County for the past 60 years. She is survived by: sons, Charles Bush of Rainelle, Donnie Bush, Jerry Guy Barnett Bush, Jim Bush, and Robert Bush, all AKRON, OHIO-Guy Barnett of of Webster Springs, and Larry Bush Akron, Ohio, formerly of Webster of Lakeland, Fla.; daughters, JoAnn and Nicholas Counties, died on Sun- Meadows of Rainelle, Dinah Rhodes day, September 15,1996, following a of Dawson, and Edna Wilson of short illness. He was 95 years of age. Webster Springs; 20 grandchildren, He was born in West Virginia on•] and 7 great-grandchildren. January 22, 1901, and was a former Services were held on Saturday, resident of Bolair. He was retired as a March 22, at 1:00 p.m., at the Dodd & coal miner with the Imperial Smoke- Reed Funeral Home in Webster less Coal Co., after 27 years of service. Springs. Burial was at the Milled He was a member of the United Mine Cemetery. Workers Union and the Senior Citizens of West Virginia. He is survived by: great-nephews, C. Vincent Harrison and Tommie L. Nicholas, both of Akron, Ohio. Services were held on Wednesday, September 18, at 11:00 a.m., at the Eckard-Baldwin Funeral Home in Akron, Ohio, with the Rev. Robert L. Webb, officiating. Burial was at the Shalersvile Cemetery in Akron, Ohio. Tabor movement throughout hrshfe.


W. H. Blankenship Junior M. Blankenship William Harvey Blankenship* Junior M. Blankenship, 61, of 90, of Beard, died Monday* HUNTSVILLE, ALA.-Mary L. • Maxwelton, died Saturday, January 4, 1971, at the home Brown, of Huntsville, Alabama, forof his daughter, Mrs. Hazel merly of Sutton, died at the Columbia ' September 26, 1992, at the I University of Virginia Medical Lewis, of Mill Point, o! an apMedical Center in Huntsville, Ala., Center after a few days' illness. parent heart attack. on Tuesday, May 27,1997, following He was a hospital orderly at Born April 22, 1880. at Rena short illness. She was 91 years of Pinecrest State Hospital, a former ick, he was the son of the late age. worker at Denmar Hospital, and an Ellis and Eliga Roberts BlankArmy veteran of the Korean She was born in Sutton, on May enship. Conflict. 24,1906. She was a retired Braxton He was a retired farmer and Born at Mill Point March 14, County school teacher and was a woodsman. 1931, he was the son of Johnson member of the Mastin Lake Road He is survived by two other McKinley Blankenship and Leah Church of Christ in Huntsville, Ala. daughters, Mrs. Offie Hamrick, Sturgell Blankenship. She is survived by: son, Arvin of Renick, and Mrs. Lola WorkA half-brother, Olen Legg of Huntsville, Ala.; brother, man, of Elliston, Virginia; six Blankenship, preceded him in Mancil Lloyd of Sutton; sister, Marie sons, Roy, Gap Mills, Lonzo, death. Frankford, Guy, FredericksHolcomb of Sutton; 3 grandchildren Surviving him are three sons, burg, Virginia; Basil, Richmond ; and 7 great-grandchildren. Eddie, of Marlinton, Mike, of Virginia; Vivian, Hillsboro,and North Carolina, and Tony, of Graveside services were held on Oral, of Beard; a sister, Mrs Renick; a daughter, Jocelyn, of Saturday, May 31, at 11:00 a.m., at the Clercie Robinson, Fort Jones, North Carolina; a sister, Edith Sutton Cemetery in Sutton, with the California; 39 grandchildren, Blankenship, of Frankford; and Rev. Gene H. Miller, officiating. The 61 great-grandchildren and one two brothers, Jack McCoy, of ^Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in great-great-grandchild. Michigan, and Dice Blankenship, | Sutton, was in charge of the arrangeof Marlinton. Funeral services will be held nts. Services were held at 11 a. m. at 1 p.m. Thursday in the Monday at VanReenen Funeral Mount Zion United Methodist Oral Blankenship Home by the Rev. Terry Church at Droop. Burial will Oral Orval Blankenship, 44, Cunningham, with burial in the be in the Mountain Gates Cemof Drooo, died at his home etery at Renick. Sharp Cemetery near Mill Point. Wednesday, May 19,1971, after a long illness. Stacy Blankenship e b o Bom January 11, 1927, at pn5 S o f S t a <* l e e BlankRemVV he was the son of the Arthur A. Blackhurst enship, 45, of Oceana, waL fate William and Matilda Work Arthur Allen MA1" Blackhurst, recovered from Lake Stephen^ man Blankenship. age 66, of Gerrardstown, formerly near Beckley, Sunday. £7^s of Charleston and Clarksburg, died t8Gen BtUn8 July 22 He was a retired farmer and September 21, 1997, in the VA Mr. Blankenship, an employ employed by the Greenbrier Medical Center at Martinsburg, ee of Eastern Coal Corporation County Board of Education. after a short illness. at Kopperston, is survived by a He is survived hv his wife, He was born in Cass, the son of daughter, Mrs. Anita Cobb, of Mrs. Onal Louise Blankenship; William itu— a n ( j Lillie Hamrick Oceana, and two sons, Neal a daughter, Mrs. Irma HighBlackhurst. Craig and Darren Scott Blank'amler, of Elkins; two sons* Surviving him are his enship, both at home; his brry and Danny, both at r r m e companion, Sally Banks, of parents, one brother and three i sisters, Mrs. Lola WorkGerrardstown; daughters, Terrie sisters. an, of Elliston, Virginia, Mrs, May, of South Charleston, Debra Tie Harorick. of Renick, and Services and burial were held Corbatt, of Bridgeport, Crissa Wednesday. IPs. Hazel l>wis, of Mill McConnell, of Florida; sons, Gaiy oint, and five brothers, Roy A. Blackhurst, of South p Oao Mills, Lonzo, of FrankCharleston, William Blackhurst, of Ralph Bennett >rd, Guy, of Fredericksburg, Greenville, South Carolina; sisters, Ralph "Booge"' Bennett, 84, of ifgirra, Ra*il. Richmond. VirMildred King, of Charleston, Zoe Route 1, Beverly, died Sunday morniia, and Vivian, Mill Point. Barlow, of Roanoke, Virginia; ing, Nov. 23, 1997, at his home folTh° funeral was held Saturbrothers, William "Bill" lowing an extended illness. »v afternoon in the Jaek K. Blackhurst, of Cass, and Robert Mr. Bennett was born Sept. 16, Vallace Funeral Home Chapel "Bob" Blackhurst, of Ravenswood; 1913, at Beverly, a son of the late ,at Lewisburg. Burial was in and nine grandchildren. Joseph and Sophronia Isner Bennett. Mountain Gate Cemetery near Services were held at 2 p. m. Surviving are one son, Bernard Renick. Thursday at Stevens-Grass Funeral Bennett, Elkins; two daughters, Home in Maiden by the Rev. Ron Naomi Barrick, Kerens, and Mrs. Routledge. Burial was in Tyler Fred (Norma) Hornick, Beverly; 12 Mountain Memory Gardens at grandchildren and 14 great-grandCross Lanes. children. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family having been preceded in death by four brothers and two sisters. Mr. Bennett attended the schools of Randolph County and was a selfemployed laborer for many years. He was a Protestant.

Mary L. Brown


Peter Joseph Baldwin, Jr. Peter Joseph Baldwin, Jr., age 68, of Frost, died Tuesday, April 11, 1995, at the Brian Nursing Center at Low Moor, Virginia, after a long illness. He was born December 26, 1926, in Bath County, Virginia, a son of Peter Baldwin, Sr., and Edith McFadden Baldwin. He was retired from the Homestead, in Hot Springs, Virginia. For the past 18 years he had made his home with Bessie Gray at Frost. He is survived by seven daughters, Arlene Meade, Edith Smith and Phyllis Lindsay, of Warm Springs, Virginia, Carolyn Hise, Diana Shifflett and Debbie Hiner, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Mary Simmons, of McDowell, Virginia; two sons, Richard Baldwin, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Danny Baldwin, of Dunmore; two brothers, Billy B. Baldwin, of Warm Springs, Virginia and Howard Baldwin, of Lexington, Virginia; and seventeen grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Bobby Baldwin, Eddie Baldwin and Marion Baldwin, and a sister, Louise Lockridge. Funeral services were held April 14, at 2 p.m. at the McLaughlin Funeral Home in Hot Springs by the Rev. Frankie Neff and the Rev. Robert Ford. Interment was at the Baldwin, Woodzell Family Cemetery Rocky Ridge in Bath County, Virginia. Vickey Barkley Vickey Lea Barkley, 29, of| Durbin, died Tuesday, November 15, 1988, in an automobile accident on Cheat Mountain. Born December 13, 1958, at Elkins, she was the daughter of Eula Burner Barkley,,of Durbin, and the late Grover Barkley. She was a lifelong resident of Frank and Durbin and was a member of the Prank Church of the Nazarene. She had worked for Pocahontas Pharmacy and was carrying the mail on Tuesday as a substitute for her mother. In addition to her mother she is survived by one brother, Ricky Barkley. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at the Durbin United Methodist Chufch by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Charles Taylor. Burial will be in Arbovale Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 9 Thursday evening in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale and the body will be taken to the church one hour ahead of services:

Nelson Hill Boyce Nelson Hill Boyce, age 60, of Renick, died September 25, 1997, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a heart attack at his farm. He was a Methodist, a forester, and an Air Force veteran. Surviving him are a son, Nelson Erick Boyce, of Blacksburg, Virginia; daughter, Apryl Kee, of Wanna, Washington; his mother, Jessie Boyce, of Lewisburg; a sister, Sybil Reynolds, of Lewisburg; and a brother, Milton Boyce, of Stephens City, Virginia. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, by die Rev. Leroy Crane. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery. Mr. Boyce was a nephew of Fayree Malcomb, of Marlinton.

Mattie Myrtle Basham Mattie Myrtle Basham, age 102, of Peterstown, died Monday, September 29, 1997, at a Pearisburg, Virginia hospital. She was born September 12, 1895, at Peterstown, and was the daughter of the late Charles Lewis and Arsevilla Shue Dillon. Mrs. Basham was a homemaker and a member of the Peterstown Missionary Baptist Church, where she was a member of the Roselle Clark Ladies Circle. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil C. Basham, and one son, Claude Wilson Basham. She is survived by a daughterin-law, Viola J. Basham, of Petersburg, with whom she made her home, one sister, Nettie Dillon, of Peterstown; five grandchildren one of whom is LyAnn Zelinsky, of Marlinton; nine great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. Funeral service was Thursday, October 2 at the BroylesShrewsbury Funeral Home Chapel in Peterstown, with Rev. Jonathan Jennings. Burial followed in the Peterstown Cemetery.

Ada Mae Batten Ada Mae Batten, age 93, of Scarbro, died December 5,1997, in Hill Top Health Care Center after a long illness. She was a member of Apostolic Church at Scarbro. Surviving her are two daughters, Myrtle Moses, of Harvey, and Freda Young, of Oak Clara B. Burner Clara B. True Burner, 102, of Hill; a son, Early T. Shrewsbury, of Scarbro; a sister, Laura Wilson, Broaddus Hospital Long Term Care, since August and a former resident of Daniels; two brothers, Frank of Route 1, Philippi (Wellington Snuffer, of Mabscott, and the Rev. Height Addition) died Sunday mornTom Snuffer, of Marlinton; twelve ing, Nov. 16,1997, in Broaddus Hosgrandchildlren and six pital Long Term Care. great-grandchildren. Mrs. Burner was'born Aug. 4, Service was at 1 p. m. Monday 1895, at Gnatty Creek, a daughter of at Blue Ridge Memorial Garden the late James and Leota Hickman Mausoleum No. 3 at Prosperity by True. the Rev. Dorothy Osborne. She was married to Archie "Bage" Burner who preceded her in death in October 1968. Opal Elizabeth Ball Surviving are one daughter, Opal Elizabeth Ball, 52, of Pauline Strader, Philippi; and one Powhatan, Va., died Saturday, granddaughter, Mrs. Robert (Sharon) August 27, 1988, in a car accident. Chamberlain, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. She ws born January 20, She was preceded in death by two 1936, in Starkville, PA, a daughter sisters and one brother. of the late Andrew M. and Icie Mrs. Burner was a homemaker and Elizabeth Akers Lowe, both of a member of Peel Tree United Pocahontas County. Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Charles L. Ball of Powhatan, one daughter, Miss Edna Mae Banton Amy K. Ball, of Powhatan, one Edna Mae Banton, 87, of son, Eugene Ball of Richmond, one Rainelle, died March 17,1988. She sister, Mrs. Juanita Mosgrove of was born December 6, 1900. Covington, Va., five brothers, She was preceded in death by John W. Lowe, Emerson Lowe, her husband, Bill Banton, parents, Bedford Lowe, all of Binghamton, Joseph L. and Lina A. Sharp, and N. Y., and James L. Lowe of three sisters. Richmond, Va., and Burford Surviving Jier are a sister, Kenneth Lowe of Titus, Ala., and a Laura Swecker, one brother, Adam number of nieces and nephews. Sharp, both of Mingo, several Funeral services were held nieces and nephews. on August 30, 1988, at the Funeral services were held at graveside in Cedar Hill Cemetery Wallace Funeral Chapel in Rainelle with the Rev. Clifford O. Clark with interment in Wallace Memorial officating. Cemetery. Mrs. Ball was the niece of \yilliam Akers* of Buckeye.


Huling Newton Barb Huling Newton Barb, 69, died suddenly in his home Saturday, September 12, 1987. He was born July 26, 1918 at Elkins. He was the son of the late Thomas and Alma Heavner Barb. Preceding him in death were three brothers, Howard, Golden and Dennis; two sisters, Luella and Wilma. Huling was a retired Army Veteran with 26 years of service in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. He also served in the CCCs. He had worked for and retired from the State of North Carolina. He was a faithful member of Eastside Baptist Church. Surviving him are one daughter, Cindy of Crossville, Tennessee, one son, David of San Diego, California, three stepsons, James, William and Ricky, all of Ronceverte, three stepdaughters, Patricia of Ronceverte, Maria of New Jersey and Dona of Oregon, one sister Mary Schuler of Cleveland, Ohio, and three brothers, Clinton of Las Vegas, Nevada, Herbert of Cleveland, Ohio and Donald of Marion, North Carolina, and two grandchildren. Services were held by Rev. Bill Long anu ^ev. Jeff Alverson in Eastside Baptist Church, with burial in the Zk>n Hill Cemetery with Military honors. Susan H. Bailey Susan H. ^Bailey, 54, of Marlinton and Pineville, died Saturday, January 7,1984, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. ^ , ^ ' Born July 13, 1929, in Gilbert, she was a daughter of the late Lloyd and Lydia Lockhart Hatfield./ She was a graduate of Concord College and a retired home economics teacher, having tarught in Baileys ville and Pineiille High Schools for 32 yeas*. She was a member of the Pine ville United Methodist Church. Surviving her are her husband, Billy Ray Bailey, Superintendent of Pocahontas County Schools; two sons, John Bailey, of Saulsville, and Glen Bailey, of Barboursville; three sisters/Flossie Smith and Ruby Thompson, both of Gilbert, and Ruth Snodgrass, of Johnstown, Ohio; and three grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday in the Pineville United Methodist Church by the Rev. A. A. Angle, Jr., with entombment in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.


Huling N. Barb Huling Newton Barb, 69, a resident of Marion, North Carolina, died Saturday September 12, 1987, at his home following a short illness. He was born July 26, 1918 in Elkins, a son of the late Thomas and Alma Heavner Barb. He is survived by his former wife, Pauline Loveless Barb, of Forest City, NC. Surviving are one son, David Barb, California; one daughter, Ciiidy Bridges, May land, TN; three brothers, Clinton Barb, Las Vegas, NV,; Herbert Barb, Cleveland, OH; Donald Barb, Marion, NC; one sister, Mary Schuller, Cleveland, Oh; four step-sons, three step-daughters and two grandchildren. g He was retired from the U.S. Army and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. _ He was a member of the East Side Baptist Church.

Robert A. Bailes Robert A. "Bob" Bailes, 75, 3f Marlinton, formerly of Nitro, iied October 3, 1987, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a long Jlness. He was a native of Nicholas County and* was retired from Uniron Carbide. He was a member of Huntersville Methodist Church. Surviving wife, Pheba Elizabeth "Jackie" Bailes; daughter, Mrs. Anna Tompkins, of Phoenix, Arizona; sisters, Mrs. Vada Dolin and Mrs. Ruby Saxton, both of Nitro; Mrs, Delphine Phelps of Teays Valley; Mrs, Elma Marshall of Charleston; brother, Eugene "Dinger" of Milton; two grandchildren. Funeral servicers were held Tuesday at Saint Paul Methodist Church, Nitro, with the Rev. Garland Groves, the Rev. Paul Alexander and the Rev. Marvin Frame officiating. Burial was in the Cunningham Memorial Park.


Jrffes F. Baxter JamesY "Ted" Baxter, 68, of Middletown, Ohio, formerly of Marlinton, died Thursday, June 18, 1987, in a Middletown hospital following a long illness with cancer. Born September 19, 1918, at Marlinton, he was the son of the late James L. and Lola Buzzard Baxter. He was a Methodist and was a veteran of World War n. Mr. Baxter was preceded in death by his wife, Stella McNeill Baxter; a brother, Ralph, and a sister, Mary Baxter Cunningham. Surviving him is a brother, Robert Baxter, of Weston. Services were held at 1 p. m. Sunday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Mrs. Lena Baxter Mrs. Lena Mary Hannah Baxter, 92, of Clover Lick, died Tuesday, June 28, 1988, in Denmar Hospital. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Baxter was born on Elk June 17, 1896, the daughter of the late Ellis and Malinda Sharp Hannah. Her husband, Floyd C. Baxter, a son, Edward, a sister, Evva Beale, and a brother, Russell Hannah, preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Ernest Lee Baxter, of Hillsboro; a brother Veo P. Hannah, of Elk Route, Marlinton; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Edray Cemetery.


Catherine Marie Beyerage MJr$i Catherine Marie Beverage, 37, died Monday, September 21, 1987/ in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was employed at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center as a nurse's aide before her illness. She was a member of the First Baptist Church at Huntersville. Born February 11, 1950, at Green Bank, she was the daughter of Tom and Iva Max Hedrick Vandevander. Pireceding her in death were her 1 father, Tom Vandevander, a sister, Virginia Vandevander, three I brothers, Lake, Harry and Gerald I Vandevander. ; Surviving her are her husband, Eugene Roscoe Beverage; two ! children, Angela Marie Wilson, of I Reston, Virginia, and Rosella Louise Beverage, at home; twelve brothers and sisters, Arnold jVandevander, of Monterey, Virginia, Stan Vandevander, of Arbovale, Arthur (Sonny) i Vandevander, of Calera, Alabama, John Eston, Willam and Ray Vandevander, of Arbovale, Helen Ward, Hagerstown, Maryland, Anna Lee Tracy, Arbovale, Mary Shinaberry and Frances Barnett, Stony Bottom, Rebecca Moses, Beverly, and Sylvia Mitchell, of Calera, Alabama. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the First Baptist Church at Huntersville by the Rev. John Sullivan, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery. Rev. W. A. Benfield r The Rev. William A, Benfield, Jr., 72, former pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Charleston, died of cancer Wednesday, December 9»1987., * \ Benfield served as moderator of the * General Assembly of; the Presbyterian Church, U. S.yin 1970. He was active in promoting the union of the northern and southern branches of the Presbyterian Church, had served on various boards of the church, was a i professor at Louisville Theological Seminary, and was an author artd editor. < Dr. Benfield was a native of Monroe County and was known by many in this area as a summer worker in 4-H camps when he was a young man and he had preached in Marlinton several times in recent years. • He is sur^ved bjr his wife, Eunice, and sons, William, Robert and John, and tw6 grandchildren. A memorial service was held Saturday in|First .Presbyterian Church in Charleston.

Jesse U. Beverage I Jesse Uriah Beverage, 94, of Campbelltown, died Friday, July 31, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. *i Mr. Beverage was a retired firmer and a member of the Campbelletown United Methodist Church. A native of Monterey, Virginia, he was born November 28, 1892, the son of Andrew Pleasant and Caroline Matilda Simmons Beverage. V ; .Preceding him in death were his wife, Emma L. Lantz Beverage; a son, Walter Beverage; five brothers, William Jackson Beverage, Dennis Harman Beverage, Charles Andrew Beverage, Kenton Harper Beverage, and Martin Luther Beverage; and a i sister, Florence May Mills. V Surviving him are six sons and two daughters, Howard Beverage,'' Marlinton, Kenney Beverage, Richwood, Paul Beverage, Beckley, Carl Beverage, Richwood, Lake( Beverage, Baltimore, Maryland,, Roscoe Beverage, Marlinton,) Geneva Hefner, Marlinton, and; Viola Showalter, Georgia; two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Beverage and Mrs. Alice JBeverage, and a brother, Pinine/B#erage, all of Marlinton; 21 grandchildren and 41 greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Sunday in the Campbelltown United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenney Stevenson, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery. WUbertE.BeII I Wilbert E. Bell, 64, of Matoaka, died Monday, January 25, 1988,|at Baltimore, Maryland, following an apparent heart attack. * . Born August 15, 1923, at Ddtt, he was the son of the late I. W. aftd Mary Broyles Bell. Mr. Bell was a World War*II veteran. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pauline Clowers Bell, in January, 1981. Surviving him are a son, Isaac Bell, of Moundsville; thr§e stepsons, James, Lewis and Isaac Bowling, all of Matoaka; >a stepdaughter, Darlene Weese, of Hiawatha; a brother, Joseph Bell, of Baltimore, Maryland; and two sisters, Lorene Reynolds, of Matoaka, and Dorothy Curtis, of Marlinton. j Services were held at the Bailey Funeral Chapel in Princeton with Rev. Paul Hall officiating. Burial was in the Bell Family Cemetery at Matoaka. /'- /I J sr\\

Boyd H. Beverage Boyd H. "Bunny" Beverage, 79, of Durbin, died Saturday, April 1,1995, at the Clarksburg Veterans Hospital aftrer a long illness. Mr. Beverage was a retired lineman and electrician for Monongahela Power Company. He was k member of Durbin United Methodist Church, American Association of Retired Persons, Veteran of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He was postmaster with the Masonic Lodge and was an Army veteran of World War II. He was born April 10, 1915, at Bartow, a son of the late Harper and Bessie Rexrode Beverage. His wife, Bernice M. Mullenax Beverage, preceded him in death. Also preceding him in death were five brothers, Gray, Randolph, Clark, Wallace and Richard Beverage; and five sisters, Mary Frances Bilyeu, Ruth Margaret Baylor, Ethel Schwelenberg, Bessie Catherine Wells and Grace Irene Beverage. Surviving him are a step-daughter, Betty Mullenax Woodford, of Warren, Ohio; a step-son, Howard Mullenax, of Liberty, North Carolina; brother, Woodrow Beverage, of Valley Bend; four step-grandchildren and eight step-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale by the Rev. Phyllis Cox. Burial was in the Burner-Beverage Cemetery near Bartow. Mrs. George Behrens, Sr. Gay Iadarola Behrens, 78, of Green Bank, died Saturday, February 20, 1988, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. She had lived at Green Bank the past 20 years and attended the Cochran Creek Baptist Church in Neola. Mrs. Behrens was born October 8, 1909, in New York City, a daughter of the late Anthony and Lucille Bosco Iadarola. Surviving her are her husband, George H. Behrens, Sr.; two sons, George H. Behrens, Jr., of Green Bank,. and Robert K. Behrens, Sonoma, California; one sister, Yolanda Fiore, Ocean Side, New Jetj^MK; three brothers, John iada)fola, Anglewood, New. Jersey, Edward Iadarola, Rutherford, New Jersey, and Albert Iadarola, Totowa; New Jersey; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev Leonard Arnold, with burial in th j irbovale Cemetery.

Louise S. Beard Mrs. Louise Scott Beard, of Marlinton, died Friday, September 13, 1991, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, following several weeks' illness. „ Born in Lewisburg, she was the dj&ghter of tr\e late .Winfield and Rqberta Dy che Scott. Preceding her in death were her husband, Orin J. Beard, and a sister, Elizabeth B. Scott. Mrs. Beard was a retired state employee from Denmar Hospital, pastmatron and 50 year member of the Marlinton Chapter #97, Order of the Eastern Star, and a member of White Shrine #12. She was past president and an honorary life member of the Women of the Church and a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, a former Sunday School teacher and junior youth leader, and was a volunteer at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital and Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. Survivors include a daughter, Mary Alyce Bowers, of Richmond, Virginia, and a granddaughter, Laura Scott Bowers, of Manhattan, New York; Margaret Ford, J. W. Dyche, Jr., Edna Tuckwiller, all of Lewisburg, and Ray Busby, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating. Burial followed in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg. I The family requests donations of Sympathy be made to the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Mary Kramer Berrier Mrs. Mary Kramer Berrier, of Dupont City, died Thursday, September 10, 1987, in Thomas Memorial Hospital in South Charleston, aftefa long illness. She wlas preceded in death by her father, Erwell Payne Kramer, her mother, Lillian Smith Kramer, her husband, Eugene Berrier, and her only brother, Joseph R. Kramer, Sr. Surviving her are two sons, David E. Berrier, of Charleston, and Joseph E. Berrier, of Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. Carol A. Dugan, of Durham, North Carolina, and Mrs. Eugenia Hawkins, of Cincinnati, Ohio; 11 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren; one niece, Midge Fisher, of Buckhannon, and one nephew, Ray Kramer, of Buckeye. Graveside services were held on v Saturday, September 12th, in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsborp, by the Rev. John Smith, Jr.

Leroy H. Beale Leroy Howard Beale, 67, of Mace, died Thursday, September 17, 1987, in the Southern Maryland Hospital Center in Clinton, Maryland, where lie had been admitted on Sunday after being stricken ill while visiting relatives. ; Mr. Beale retired from United Airlines in 1985 as supervisor of the Inspection Department. He attended Pocahontas County schools and was a veteran of World War II, having served with the U. S; Army Air Corps. Born March 27, 1920, at Mace, he was the son of the late Martin Howard and Merica Moore Beale. On June 20, 1941, he was united in marriage to the former Amy Rinehart, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Cynthia Kennedy, of Manassas, Virginia, and Mrs. Patricia Gott, of San Jose, California; one sister, Mrs. Norman (Ruth) Beale, of Edray; and one brother, Clarence Beale, of Temple Hills, Maryland. One half-brother, Bill Wood, preceded him in death.

Earl W. Belcher, Sr. Earl W. pelcher, Sr., age 70, of Herrldonj Virginia, formerly of Cask, died on Thursday, October f 22(^1987, at Reston Hospital Center after a long illness. Mr. Belcher was born April 30, 19r7,*and raised in Cass, the son of the late James A. and Ida Oalford Belcher. He served in the U. S. Navy during World War II aboard the USS Arkansas. He was a welder and civilian employee, of the U. S. Navy Department until his retirement in 1982. He was a 4-H leader for 7 years with the Herndon 4-H Horse Clubf and he belonged to the Vienna, Virginia, VFW Post Preceding him in death was his wife, Jane Massie Belcher. Mr. Belcher is survived by one son, Woody Belcher, and one daughter, Beckie Belcher, both of Herndon, Virginia; one stepdaughter, Elizabeth Betts Peeler, of Camden, North Carolina; one grandson, 3 step-granddaughters, and one step-greatgrandson. Funeral services were held at Green Funeral Home on Saturday,* October 24, with interment in Chestnut Grove Cemetery at Herndon. t

Audrey Cleek Bethuy Audrey Cleek Bethuy, 76, of Mooresville, North Carolina, died Saturday, March 11, 1995, at Carolina's Medical Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, following a long illness. Born February 1, 1919, in Hillsboro, she was the daughter of the late William C. and Annie M. Cleek. She was a retired Nursing Assistant and was of the Presbyterian faith. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Dale Loury, December 13, 1968, and second husband, Walter Potter Bethuy January 18, 1994, and a brother Ward Chapman Cleek, December 7, 1994. Survivors are one son, David Loury, of Houston, Texas; three daughters, Phyllis Boone, of Lewisburg, Judy Workman, of Troutville, Virginia, and Sandy Wagner, of Charlotte, North Carolina; one stepson, Clay Bethuy, of Sacramento, California; two stepdaughters, Jo Ellen Bethuy, of Sacramento, California, and Linda Stewart, of Santa Rosa, California; sixteen grandchildren and ten great-granchildren. Graveside services will be held Thursday, March 16, at 11 a.m. at Mountain View Cemetery *-

Bertie Beverage Mrs; Bertie Beverage, 84, of Ansted, formerly of Rt. 1, Marlintori, died April 12, 1988, in an Oak Hill hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Beverage was born near Marlinton on August 6, 1903, the daughter of Uriah and Virginia Beverage. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Her husband, Dan J. Beverage, and son, Garland Beverage, preceded her in death. Surviving are three grandchildren, Everett Beverage, of Ansted* Beverly Bennett, of Fairmont, arid Sgt. John Beverage, of Fort Knox, Kentucky; and three great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in the Beverage Cemetery.


Ralph Blake Ralph Lynn Blake, age 46, of Lewisburg, died December 13, 1997, in Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, following a sudden illness. Mr. Blake was a founder in 1976 of the accounting firm of Blake and Boone, with a branch office in Marlinton. He graduated with highest honors from West Virginia University in 1973 with a degree in accounting, and became a Certified Public Accountant in 1974. He was a a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the West Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants. He was a lifelong member and Elder of Clifton Presbyterian Church. Mr. Blake was born July 13, 1951, at Ronceverte, the son of Viola Cohernour Wiseman and the late Gilmer Blake. In addition to his mother, of Lewisburg, survivors include his wife, Brenda Stout Blake; two daughters, Rebel Lynn Blake and Raelyn Lea Blake, at home; a son, Ryan Russell Blake, at home; a sister, Linda Moore, of Chewelah, Washington; and a brother, Gary Blake, of Bluefield. Memorial services will be held at 12 noon Thursday at Clifton Presbyterian Church. Graveside service will at at 10:30 a. m. Thursday by the Rev. Elizabeth McNair Ayscue at Weavers Knob. Memorial gifts may be made to Clifton Presbyterian Church Building Fund.

Mary Frances Gertie Birchfield Beverage Bilyeu^ Gertie Alice Moore Birchfield, Mary Frances Beverage Bilyeu, 68, of Hillsboro, dted Sunday, June of Melbourne, Florida, died on \\% ( 1987, in Greenbrier Valley Thursday, March 16, 1995: She Hospital after a long illness. was born near Bartow on June 22, 1 ; She was a member of the 1920, the daughter of the late Harper and Bessie Rexrode Mount Zion United Methodist v Church. Beverage. She was a 1938 graduate of Born at Glen White July 28,! Green Bank High School and also 1918, she was the daughter of attended Smithdeal-Massie School James Garfield and Tessie Mae of Business in Richmond, Virginia. Gray Moore, p Mrs. Bilyeu retired from the v Her «v husband, < Homer, Chesapeake and Potomac Birchfield, died in 1067. A son, Telephone Company, now a part of Bell Atlantic, in 1975 after serving ,. Jeiiies Thomas Birchfield, also the company for more than thirty preceded her in death. years. 'Surviving her , are eight She was preceded in death by children, ^including five sons, her husband, Morris Bilyeu, also a Robert Boyd Birchfield, of retired telephone company Christianburgr Virginia, Wilburn employee, her parents, and nine Lottie Birchfield, with the Air brothers and sisters. She is survived by two Fctfte in ^Holland, Verlin Lee brothers, Woodrow W. Beverage, ,Bkc)if^ld, of Fen wick, Homer of Valley Bend, and Boyd H. Roscoe Birchfield, of Staunton, Virginia^ and Paul Franklin Beverage, of Durbin; many cousins, nieces and nephews. fijrchfi^ld, of Hillsboro; three She was visiting relatives in c^ghters,-Gloria Dawn Walton and King, North Carolina, at the time of Janice Elaine Hollandsworth, both her death. A memorial service was of Hillsboro, and Constance Marie held on Friday morning, March 17, at the Slate Funeral Home in King Howard, of Buckeye; five brothers, with the Rev. Michael Collins of Db£k Moore, Walter Moore, James Trinity United Methodist Church Mocw^and Hubert Moore, all of Bluefield, Virginia, and Joseph presiding. Mrs. Bilyeu was interred in Moorg? of Brandyv^ne, Maryland; Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday, two sisters,^ Easter Cook, of March 18,1995. Bartow^ ami Laura Puize, of

EuDora Bruffey Blevins EuDora Bruffey Blevins, 62, of Chilhowie, Virginia, died suddenly at her home on April 23,1988. Born at Lobelia June 26, 1925, she was a daughter of the late Nelson A. and Nina Hollandsworth Bruffey. EuDora is survived by her husband, Claude Blevins, Sr., of Chilhowie, Virginia; four sons, Claude, Jr., Atlanta, Georgia, James W., Chilhowie, Virginia, JdWl.E., Crossville, Tennessee, and*^Captain Joseph A., Kaiserslautern, Germany; one daughfer, Julia Blevins, at home; and five grandchildren. She is also survived by two brothers, Nelson Bruffey,' Jr., Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and Curtis Bruffey, Indialantic, Florida; five sisters, Marvel Markline, Aberdeen, Maryland, Betty Konopnicki, McLean, Virginia, Mary Walters, Mulberry, Florida, Martha Carcirieri and Ruth Swindell, both of Havre de Grace, Maryland. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery in Chilhowie.

Earnest Carlisle Biggs Earnest Carlisle Biggs, 66, died Saturday, January 7,1984, at his home in Jackson, Michigan, after a long illness. He was born at Marlinton November 8, 1917, the son of James R. Biggs, of Marlinton, and the late Effie M. Biggs. A sister and two brothers preceded him in death. In addition to his father, he is survived by his wife, Maxine; two sons, Leslie C. Biggs and Jimmie L. Biggs, both of Jackson, Michigan; five brothers, Richard Biggs, Selma, Virginia, William and Emmette Biggs, both of Marlinton, James Biggs, of Huttonsville, and Jack Biggs, of Mounds ville; three sisters, Betty Crislip, of Glen Burnie, Maryland, Kathleen VanDevender, of Beverly, and Dottie Cutlip, of Marlinton; and five grandchildren. Graveside services were held in Mountain View Cemetery Wednesday by the Rev. Wallace Dorn.





' greatjgf]ima^d. ?y';:&*. •^Jegyices were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in the. Grace Baptist -Church in Marlinton by, the Rev. Gary W. Tate, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery ft£jffillsboro.

Lillian B. Bissett Lillian Burnette Bissett, 80, of Route 2, St. George, died Thursday, Dec. 4, 1997, at her residence. Mrs. Bissett was born Aug. 30, 1917, at Burton, a daughter of the late Harry McVey and Lucy Erma Kuhn Antel. She was united in marriage on May 13, 1936, to Fred Bissett, who survives at St. George. Surviving are two sons, Jack Bissett, Akron, Ohio, and John Bissett, St. George; one daughter, Mary Chester, Warren, Ohio; one brother, Edgar Antel, Wheeling; three sisters, Kate Rice and Louise Kerns, both of Meyer, Ariz., and Dora Six, Wilcox, Ariz.; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one son, Harry James Bissett. Mrs. Bissett was a Protestant by faith and a member of the Eastern Star No. 565, Akron, Ohio, and the East Market United Church of Christ.

Mrs. Lillie Blackhurst Mrs. Lillie May Blackhurst, 87, of Rand, died Wednesday, February 18, 1987, at home after a long illness. Mrs. Blackhurst was a. member of the First Church of! the Nazairene, Rand. She was born in Stony Bottom. Surviving her are heri husband, William w Knapper Blackhurst; sons, William* Keith, of California, Arthur Allen, of Clarksburg, Robert Lee, Sr., of Ravenswood, Francis Eugene, of Cross Lanes; daughters, Mrs. Lucille Hall, of Barboursville, Mrs. Mildred King, of Charleston, Mrs. Zoe Barlow, of Roanoke, Virginia; brother, Woodrow W. Hamrick, of Marlinton; sister, Mrs. Mary Shifflett, of Glen Burnie, Maryland; 14 grandchildren; 1$ \ greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday in Stevens-Grass Funeral Home, Maiden, by the Rev. Bill Hundley and the iR£v> Evelyn Marine, with burial in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens^ s I Mary E. Blackhurst I Mrs. Mary Ethel Blackhurst, 84, j of 403 W. 25th Street, Belle, died Wednesday, March 2, 1988, in Memorial Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a short illness. She was born at Craigsville, Virginia, and was a former resident of Cass. Surviving are her husband, cHenry O'Dell Blackhurst; sons, Jack, of Summersville, Ray, of St. Albans; daughter, Faye Copern, of Little Hocking, Ohio; brother, Harry H. Ervine, of Seminole, Florida; 12 grandchildren and 10 great-granchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday at Stevens-Grass Funeral Home in Maiden by the Rev. Kenneth Maze. Graveside services were held at 4 p. m. Saturday in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Richard B. Blake Richard B. Blake, 82, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, May 30, 1987, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. He was aretiredfarmer. The son of Mitchell and Elsine Blake, he was born at Hillsboro May 21, 1905. His wife, Eula Blake, preceded him in death. Surviving him are two sons, William Blake, of Dunmore, and Bobby Blake, of Marlinton; stepsons, Claude Stimeling, of Marlinton, and Edgar Blake, of Lenore, North Carolina; 16 grandchildren; 19 JP**" grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Bill Ballard, with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery. l_i£_

George E, Bond George E. Bond, 70, of Buckhannon, died Friday, Dec. 5, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Mr. Bond was born May 22, 1927, at Richwood, Nicholas County, a son of the late Jacob Earl and Maude M. Frasier Bond. On May 14, 1984, he married Lorene Fay Frasier Bond. Surviving are 11 children, several grandchildren, and close friends, Kevin and Shelley Mathew, Tailmans ville Road; and Charles and Vickie Sprangler, Buckhannon. Mr. Bond was a member of American Legion Frank B. Bartlett Post No. 7 of Buckhannon. He served with the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. Funeral services were at Tomblyn Whitescarver Funeral Chapel today with the Rev. S.E. Lewis officiating. Military honors were at 1:30 p.m. at West Virginia National Cemetery at Grafton,,,


Susie Botkin Mrs. Susie Adeline Botkin, 62, of Monterey, Virginia, died Monday afternoon, March 20, 1989, as the result of a car accident on Rt. 220 South in Bath County. She was born November 26, ! 1926, 'at Vanderpool, Virginia, a daughter of the late Samuel Luther andRachelMae Simmons. Oti June 13, 1953, she married Randolph L. Botkin, who died AprU2Q,l965. '; N&. Botkin was a member of the. Church of God of Prophecy, was a Sunday School teacher, and a C.P.M.A. leader and Free Literature Representative. She had worked for Hanover Shoe Company in Franklin for 19 years. Surviving her are a daughter, Peggy O. Hiner, of Monterey; two sons, W. A. and David Botkin, both of Monterey; two sisters, Mazie Moyers, of Monterey, and Blariche Geiger, of Marlinton; a brother, Clemment Simmons, of Mustoe, Virginia; and six grandchildren. T *'A funeral service will be Conducted at 11a. m. Thursday in the Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev; Roy Shewbridge. Burial will be in Crummett-Botkin Cemetery near McDowell. Memorial contributions may be made to the Church of God of Prophecy, c/o Geneva Altizer, Star Rt. 3 Box 88, Monterey, Virginia 24465. Nellie Gay Botkin Nellie Gay Botkin, 73, of Moyers, died Wednesday, September 7,1983, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, .Virginia. She was born May 12, 1915, at Moyers, a daughter of the late Pat and Sybilla Kee Hoover. Mrs. Botkin was a member of Totten Chapel United Methodist Church. Her husband, Glen Botkin, Sr., died November 2, 1979. Surviving her are a daughter, Martha Kimble, of Moyers; three sons, Glen Botkin, Jr., of McDowell, Virginia, Jerry Botkin, of Blue Grass, Virginia, and Galen Botkin, of Moyers; 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a. m. Saturday in Obaugh Funeral Home at McDowell by the Revs. Steve McMillion and Lowell Stovall. Burial was in the Totten Chapel Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Totten United Methodist Church, c/o Paul Bennett, Rt. 2 Box 38, Moyers, WV 26813.

Walter S. Bowie Walter Scott Bowie, age 79, of Hillsboro, died April 6, 1995, ,at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center after a long illness. Mr. Bowie, formerly of Morgantown, was a retired United States Bureau of Mines technician. He was a member of Elks Lodge #411, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 548, Morgantown, and an Army veteran. Born at Morgantown December 23,1915, he was the son of the late Robert and Bertha Thalman Bowie. Surviving are two daughters, Kay Kelly, of Morgantown, and Jane Kiger, of Indiana, Pennsylvania, and three sons, Robert C. Bowie, of Melbourne, Florida, W. Scott Bowie, of Greensboro, North Carolina, and Michael Bowie, of Morgantown; six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Saturday, April 22, at St. John's Episcopal Church by Vicar Lada Hardwick. Memorial donations can be made Cleo H. Bonner Cleo H. Bonner, 73, of Mill to St. John's Episcopal Church in Creek, died March 4, 1995, at Marlinton. Davis Memorial Hospital. She had William Leon Boso been in declining health for the past William Leon Boso, 74, of five years. Willowick, Ohio, died Thursday, Born July 22, 1921, in February 4, 1988, in Lake County Randolph County, she was a Hospital, Willoughby, Ohio, from daughter of the late Ocie Simmons a heart attack. and Alice Conrad Simmons Mr. Boso had been a carpenter Shreves. for forty years and was a member Her husband, Arval B. Bonner, of Local #105 Carpenters Union. died June 7, 1978. Also preceding He was a member of the Dunmore her in death were an infant brother United Methodist Church. and a grandson, Timothy Wayne Born at Richwood May 10, Payne. 1 1913, he was the son of Alexander Surviving her are four and Dora McClung Boso. daughters, Allene Ware, Mingo A daughter, Saundra Zemk, and Flats, Phyllis Byrd, North a sister, Mona Adams, preceded Carolina, Carolyn Jones, Roanoke, him in death. Virginia, and Faye Gum, Mill Surviving him are his wife, Creek; four sisters, Thelma Finlen, Gladys McLaughlin Boso; a Elkins, Waneta Hogan, North daughter, Kestra Pritchard, of Carolina, Willogene Huffman and Willowick, Ohio; and four Audrey Swecker, Woodbridge, grandchildren. Virginia; 14 grandchildren and 13 Services were held at 2 p. m. great-grandchildren. Sunday at the Dunmore United Services were held at 1 p. m. Methodist Churcjh by the Rev. Paul Wednesday at the Valley Head Vineyard, with burial in Dunmore ^Assembly of God Church by the Cemetery. Rev. Frank Long and Pastor Harold Swecker. Burial was in the Valley Head Cemetery. Lewis Boggs Lewis Boggs died at his home at Brownsburg Tuesday evening, May 24, 1988. He was the son of the late Willie Ann and Cecil Boggs. His wife is the former Wanda Haynes. The body is at VanReenen Funeral Home. No arrangements have been made.

Susie Barb Mrs. Susie Barb, 87, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, March 22, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. The daughter of Thomas J. and Lydia Gaiford Cassell, she was born at Cass January 4, 1901. She had lived at Marlinton the past twelve years. Her husband, Wilbert C. Barb, preceded her in death in 1972. A son, Harry, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Sharon Dupuy, of Frederick, Maryland; a son, Sheridan Moats, of Novato, California; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Sunday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home in Arbovale between 6 and 9 p. m. Saturday.


William Raymond Bowers William Raymond Bowers, age 81, passed away Tuesday, March 1, 1988, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, He had been ill with a heart ailment for several years. The son of the late Warner and Rosetta Ervine Bowers, he was born at Back Creek, VA, on November 18,1906. Raymond was well known in Marlinton and around the county as he worked at Brills Esso Station for 30 years and he played music and called square dances all over the county. He is survived by his wife, Mary Kennison Bowers of Marlinton, a son, Don of Richmond, VA, daughter, Mrs. Robert (Sis) Workman of Mt. Jackson, VA, and a step-daughter, Polly Eades of Falls Church, VA. Survivors also include four grandchildren and one great-grandson. One sister, Mrs. Madge Mitchell of Cleveland, OH. A sister Maude Wanless, preceded him in death. • *T "' Services were held Friday, March 4th, at VanReenan Funeral Home by the Rev. Clarence Davis with burial in Mt View Cemeterey.

John F. Boswell, II John Forrest Boswell, II, of Gloucester, Virginia, died Wednesday, November 9,1988, in the hospital at Farmville, Virginia, after suffering several strokes. Mr. Boswell was an insurance agent and real estate broker in Marlinton and was a former resident of Alderson and Huntersville. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Gloucester and a former member of the Huntersville Presbyterian Church. A native of Burkeville, Virginia, he was a graduate of Hampden Sydney College. His wife, Grace Davis Boswell, formerly of Marlinton, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his daughter, Ann Boswell Royals, of Afton, Virginia; two grandsons, O. D. Royals, of Fishersville, Virginia, and John Forrest Royals, of Afton, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Louise Harris, of Danville, Virginia, and Mrs. Cassie Havel, of Burkeville, Virginia. Services were held at 1 p. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Lewis Harris, his nephew, and Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Mountain (iew Cemetery.

Bertha S. Brown Mrs. Bertha Stacy Brown, 91, of Renick, died September 10, 1987 at Denmar State Hospital following a long illness. Born March 13, 1896, she was the daughter of the late Adam and Minitie Baldwin Stacy. Mrs. Brown was a housewife and attended the Beulah Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lake Murman Brown on March 22, 1965; a daughter and three sons. Survivors include two daughters, Arlene Hively of Hillsboro and Irene Hill of Laporte, Indiana; three borothers, Carl and Lacy Brown, both of Renick and Oscar Stacy of Lewisburg; two sisters, Madge Bachman of Stevensville, Maryland and Bessie Morrison of Baltimore, Maryland; 16 grandchildren and two stepgrandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren, and six stepgreat-grandchildren. Services were held Monday September, 14, at the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg with the Rev. Jack K. Wallace officiating. Burial was in the Brown Family Cemetery on Leonard Road.

, Carl B. Burner f Carl B. Burner, 72, of illsboro, died Friday, October 16, 1987, at his home following an apparent heart attack. The son of the late Orville and Delta Schoonover Burner, he was born July 12, 1915, at Philippi. Mr. Burner was a retired personnel director with the Kentucky Power Company and a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. He served in the Navy in World War II and was a former West Virginia State Police officer. He was a charter member of the East Bank Lions Club, member of the American Legion, and was a Shriner in the Masonic Lodge. Surviving him are his wife, Jessie H. Burner; a daughter, Barbara Kay McDonald, of Cupertino, California; three brothers, Earl Burner, of Cumberland, Maryland, Ralph Burner, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and Glenn Burner, of Huntington; four grandchildren and tMr^ great-grandchildren,; *r Services were held at 10 a* m. at tfe Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Vertiry Butcher, with entombment on Monday afc<2tem. at the Rose Hill "Burial Park) Mausoleum in Ashland, Kentucky.

James Earl Brice James Earl Brice, 79, of | Brooklyn, Maryland, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Saturday, May 10, 1987, in Maryland. He was born June 26, 1907, a I son of the late George and Mary Brice. His wife, Grace Brice* preceded him in death. ( Surviving him are a daughter, | Judith Wagner; two sisters, Irene ! Seavey and Phyllis Rowell; one j brother, Charjes^ Brice; three grandchildren -and five greatgrandchildren. %• \ Services were held at 10 a. jm. Wednesday in. Wallace and iWallace Funeral Home at jArbovale, with j burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. W. E. Bussard W. E. "Willie" Bussard, 80, of Rt. 1, Dayton, Virginia, died March 26, 1987, at the Liberty House Nursing Home in Waynesboro, Virginia, where he had been admitted March 18. Prior to that he had been staying at a private nursing home at Fulks Run for several years. Mr. Bussard was a retired Bridgewater College employee and a farmer. Since the Great Depression he had lived in the Montezuma-Clover Hill communities and was a member of the Montezuma Church of the Brethren. He was born July 23, 1906, in Pocahontas County, the son Of Ifa E. and Grace Sharp Buzzard. He was the grandson of Cornelius and Emma Wanless Buzzard and Oscar B. and Ella Shrader Sharp. On July 6, 1946, he married Lelia Pearl Miraca, who died August 27, 1977. They had no children. A graveside service was conducted March 28 at the Clover Hill cemetery by Dr. Ronald E. Wyrick.



Woodrow W. Burner • Woodrow W. Burner, 71, of Poulsbo, Washington, died April 28,1988, He was the son of the late Lester A. Burner I d Delia Kincaid Burner, of Frank. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Louise Mayhre, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; two sisters, Eunice Bagle, of Akron, Ohio, and Faye E Burner, of Frank; two brothers, Marvin Burner, of Frank, and Dayton Burner, of Lewisburg. . Preceding him in death were his wife, Pauline, who died December 10, 1956, and three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Terry, Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Shasta Nicely, Bartow, and Mrs. Nell Ralston, of Cambridge, Virginia. He was born in Frank September 9, 1916 and was graduated from Green Bank High School in 1934. He spent 21 years in the U. S. Navy and 20 years in the Merchant Marines, most of the time in the Pacific. He requested his body be crema' md hL ..Jies scattered over the Pacific Ocean from a U. S. Navy ship. Services were conducted by the Navy. Memorial services will be held a* a later date at a church in Poulsbo.

Albert W. Bussard Albert William Bussard, 91, of Recdick, Florida, formerly of Frost, died Thursday, August 4, 1988, at home in Reddick. He was a retired farmer and woodsman, and a member of the Frost United Methodist Church. Born June 21, 1897, at Dilleys Mill, he was the son of Lee and Quinty Dilley Bussard. His wife, Ella Ware Bussard, died in 1972. Also a son, Eugene, a sister, Evelyn, and a brother, Cameron, preceded him in death. Surviving him are three sons, Albert L. Bussard, of Reddick, Florida, Wallace Bussard, of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Floyd Bussard, of Centerville, Virginia; a sister, Juanita Bowers, of Stony Bottom; three brothers, Harvey Buzzard and Landow Buzzard, both of Stony Bottom, and Mack Buzzard, of Frost; two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Virgil Shrader, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Kum liiiiinaii iii uce Mrs. Ruth "Chuminie" Hannah Bruce, of Athens, Georgia, died on February 19, 1995. Mrs. Bruce, a daughter of the late Ruth Daniel and John S. Hannah, was born in Cass where she attended the public grade school. The family later moved to Green Bank where Mr. Hannah operated a grocery store. She was a graduate of Green Bank High School Class of 1936, of which she was valedictorian. She was a graduate of Hollins College, Roanoke/Virginia, and lived a number of years in Martinsville, Virginia, before moving to Athens, in 1973. She was preceded in death by her sister, Mary Hannah Hooker. Surviving are her husband, John H. Bruce, of the home; one son, John M. Bruce, Duluth, Georgia; and a nephew, Jon Waterman, of Washington, D.C. Funeral services were held on February 22, at St. Gregory The Great Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia, of which she was a member, followed by burial in Athens. Leroy H. Beale Leroy Howard Beale, 67, of Mace, died Thursday, September 17, 1987, in the Southern Maryland Hospital Center in Clinton, Maryland, where iie had been admitted on Sunday after being stricken ill while visiting relatives. Mr. Beale retired from United Airlines in 1985 as supervisor of i the Inspection Department. He j attended Pocahontas County schools and was a veteran of World War II, having served with the U. S. Army Air Corps. Born March 27, 1920, at Mace, , he was the son of the late Martin Howard and Merica Moore Beale. On June 20, 1941, he was united in marriage to the former Amy Rinehart, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Cynthia Kennedy, of Manassas, Virginia, and Mrs. Patricia Gott, of San Jose, California; one sister, Mrs. Norman (Ruth) Beale, of Edray; and one brother, Clarence Beale, of Temple Hills, Maryland. One half-brother, Bill Wood, preceded him in death. Services were held at the F. E. Runner Funeral Home in Elkins at 11 a. m. Sunday by the Rev. Frank Long, pastor of the Mill Creek Memorial Mission Church. Burial was in the Mingo Cemetery, where presentation of the American Flag was made by members of the H. W. Daniels American Legion Post 29.

Arl Woodrow*Brock, age / /, oi Pylesville, Maryland, died Decemiber 1, 1997, at Fallston General Hospital. He was born in Hillsboro, the son of the late Gilbert Lawrence and Nancy Cyle Wamsley Brock. He retired after 27 years of service from Aberdeen Proving Ground where he worked as a mechanic. He served his country during World Warn. He is survived by his wife, Gladys; two sons, Burton W. Brock, of Delta, Pennsylvania, and Bradford H. Brock, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; three daughters, Barbara Brock Bristow, of Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Bernetta Brock Casseri, of Fallston, and Brenda Brock .Chalk, of Stewartstown, Pennsylvania; three step-sons, Francis Hinks and James Hinks, both of Pylesville, and Steven Hinks, of Street; two sisters, Arlene Espey, of Forest Hill, and Adlene Wimer, of Street; 14 grandchildren and one great-grandson. Services were held December 5 at McComas Funeral Home in Abingdon with the Rev. W. Thomas Umbel officiating. Interment was in Garrison Forest Cemetery in Owings Mills, Maryland.

Beulah S. Bogan Beulah Sharp Bogan, age 89, of i Bacova, Virginia, died Thursday, January 8, 1998, at The Springs Nursing Center, Hot Springs, Virginia. She was born February 25, 1908, at Frost, the daughter of the late Stewart Holmes Sharp and Ivy Mae Moore Sharp. She was a housewife and a member of the Mountain Grove Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Adam "Whit" Whitfield Bogan, and a daughter, Beatrice Smith. She is survived by three daughters, Louise Crocetti, of Lynchburg, Virginia, Lois Knight, of Madison Heights, Virginia, and Mary Broce, of Hot Springs, Virginia; one sister, Gilberta Groves, of Rich wood, one brother, Boyd Sharp, of Covington, Virginia; 9 grandchildren, 16 greatgrandchildren, and 5 great-greatgrandchildren. Services were Friday at McLaughlin Funeral Home with burial on Saturday at Alleghany Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington, Virginia, by Rev. Bass Mitchell. Memorial contributions may be made to Hot Springs Rescue Squad, P.O. Box N, Hot Springs, Virginia, 24445.


Robert Buzzard Robert Lee Buzzard, 36, of Marlinton [Stillwell], died Sunday, March 10, 1985, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a lifetime of crippling illness. Born July 26, 1948, at Marlinton, he was a son of Dasie Buzzard, of Marlinton, and the late Edwin Buzzard. A brother also preceded him in death. Surviving him in addition to his mother are a brother, Leo Buzzard, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Dorothy Davis, of Newport News, Virginia, and Edith Parker, of Marlinton. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Tate, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery. David J. Burks David J. Burks, age 90, of Frankford, died January 4, 1998, in Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home at Fairlea, after a long illness. He was a retired farmer and a Baptist. Survivors include two daughters, Mary Louise Goode, of Hillsboro, and Martha Dunn, of Schyler, Virginia; two sons, Hursle Burks, of Renick, and David Burks, Jr., of Frankford; fourteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at Morgan Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Lula Collins. Burial was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg. Stanley W. Barkley Stanley W. Barkley, age 81, of Durbin, died Wednesday, March 25, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following an extended illness. He was born October 5, 1916, at Thornwood, and was the son of the late Cecil and Ester Simmons Barkley. He was a WWII Army Veteran, and retired from Sun, Ship, and Dry Dock, of Chester, Pennsylvania, Interstate Hardwoods, and Howes Leather. He is survived by a cousin, Juanita Good, of Durbin, whom he lived with for several years, several cousins, nieces, and nephews. Services were Saturday at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, in Arbovale, by Reverend Phyllis Cox with burial in Hilltop Cemetery near Cass. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Hilltop Cemetery c/o George Deike, Cass, WV 24927.

Reta Rexrode Bussard Reta Rexrode Bussard, age 89, of Ravenswood, died April 6, 1998, at Jackson General Hospital, in Ripley. She was born July 21, 1908, at Marlinton, the daughter of the late Preston and Ella Sydenstricker Rexrode. Mrs. Bussard taught in a oneroom school in Pocahontas County. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Ravenswood, where she belonged to the friendship group and Circle 1. She was a lifetime member of the Eastern Star in Pocahontas County. She is survived by two daughters, Margaret Scites, Ravenswood, and Rachel Tompkins, Morgantown; three sisters, Ida Harr, Charleston, Grace Friel, Covington, Virginia, and Juanita Sims, Richmond, Virginia; four grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rev. E. Clyde Bussard. Services will be held Thursday, April 9, 1998, at 12 p.m. at VanReenen Funeral Home, by the Reverend Dr. Keith Clarke with burial at Mountain View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Rexrode Fund. Please make check to WVU Foundation but designate if for the Rexrode Fund, WVIJ Foundation, 3168 Colons Ferry Road, Morgantown, WV 26506. Ada £. Buzzard Ada E. Buzzard, age 85, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died Monday, June 22, 1998, at home. Mrs. Buzzard was a Presbyterian. She was born June 12, 1913, in uiies County, Virginia, the daughter of the Late Joseph and Macy Radford Hare. She was the widow of William Cash Buzzard. A daughter, Ruby 0. Brammer, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are two sons, Richard Ray Buzzard, of Mountain Grove, and Robert Joseph Buzzard, Marlinton; two daughters, Helen Louise Wilburn and Betty Jane Ryder, both of Mountain Grove; a sister, Virginia Brown, of Georgia; fourteen grandchildren, thirty-two great-grandchildren, and two greatgreat-grandchildrea Funeral services will be held at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel at 1 p. m. Friday by the Rev. Steven Greer. Burial will be in Mountain Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 6 to 9 at VanReenen Funeral Home. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be made to Hot Springs Rescue/Mountain Grove Fire

Florence M. Bailey Florence Manley Bailey, age 84, of Milton, North Carolina, died May 26, 1998, at home. She was the daughter of Ray Gerald Manley and Mary Ellen Leonard Manley. She was a retired public school teacher, having taught in West Virginia for 22 years, Caswell County for nine years and Alamance County for a year. She taught music and French and was also a librarian. She was the church pianist for Milton Presbyterian Church, and was a past-president of Milton Women's Club. Survivors include her husband, Wayne Bailey; a son, Emmett Gerald Bailey, of La Grande, Oregon; two daughters, Cheryl Ann Hardy, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Janice Irene Nicowski, of Dunkirk, Maryland; a brother, Bftice Manley, of Erie, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Ruth Eunice Miller, of Belle^Ver-^ non, Pennsylvania, and Leah Mae LaVan, of Allentown, Pennsylvania; three grandchildren; and a greatgrandchild. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m., Friday, May 29, at Milton Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Cedars Cemetery. The Baileys were residents of Marlinton and Mrs. Bailey taught at Marlinton High School. Mr. Bailey's address is P.O. Box 6, Milton, NC 27305. Andrew J. Bowling Andrew J. Bowling, age 76, of Summerfield, Florida, fonnerly of Pocahontas County, died June 11, 1998, at home. He was a native of Owsley County, Kentucky, and had lived in Florida since 1980. He was a WWII Army Veteran, an avid member of NRA, and a retired Master Sergeant in Special Forces. He was also a school bus driver in Pocahontas County. He is survived by his wife, Amy Bowling, of Summerfield, Florida; two daughters, Linda Wagner, of Summerfield; Saundra Cook, of Las Vegas, Nevada; three sons, Steven Bowling and Mark Bowling, of Summerfield, Jeffrey Bowling, of Ocala, Florida; three sisters, Helen Abner, of Lewisberg, Ohio, Betty Marshall, Wanda Tate, both of Dayton, Ohio; one brother, Bob Bowling, of Bradenton, Florida; nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Andrew and Lena Bowling, of Florida, and two brothers, O. E. Bowling and Ralph Bowling. Services were held on June 15, 1998, at 11 a.m. at the Hiers Belleview Funeral Home in Belleview, Florida, with burial in the Military Cemetery at Bushnell,

Gilda G. Browning Gilda G. "Sis" Browning, age 71, of Campbelltown, died Saturday, June 20, 1998, at home. She was a Presbyterian. Born July 27,1926, at Buckeye, she was the daughter of Marion C. "John" and Eula G. Rose Howard. Her parents, a sister, Eileen Hanson, a brother, James "Buck" Howard, and a half-brother, Marion Howard, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Joe M. Browning; five daughters, Linda Grubb, of Gilbert, Barbara Casteel, of Marlinton, Wanda Halterman, of Green Bank, Clara "Tink" Gum, of Buckeye, and Sherry Buttrey, of Elkton, Maryland; a son, Billy B. Howard, of Marlinton; five sisters, Juanita McNeill, of Marlinton, Jo Ann Sharp, of Mill Point, Betty Kane, of Bel Air Bluff, Florida, Luna Bryant, of Dundalk, Maryland, and Jennie Viers, of Buckeye; a brother, Judson "Bud" Howard, of Covington, Virginia; three halfsisters, Cindy Pritchard, Sandy Lloyd, and Eula Kitchen, all of New Kent, Virginia; sixteen grandchildren and fourteen greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Buckeye Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Randy Benson. Burial was in the Buckeye Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Greenbrier Valley Hospice.

Attie A. Bodkins Attie Alice Bodkins, 95, of Valley Head, died at 6:05 a.m. Monday, March 30, 1998, in Davis Memorial Hospital following an extended illness. Mrs. Bodkins was born Aug. 13, 1902, at Wymer, a daughter of the late Clay and Caroline Elza White. On Sept. 15, 1917, she married James Edward Bodkins, who preceded her in death on July 25, 1970. Surviving are four sons, Selbert Bodkins, Wilmoth Bodkins and Joe Bodkins, all of Valley Head, and Harold Bodkins, South Carolina; six daughters, Margaret Lantz, Buckhannon, Mrs. Melvin (Virginia) Arbog^st, Valley Head, Mrs. George (Hallie) Fedowich, New York, Mrs. Wallace (Carrie) Thompson, Florida, Mrs. Raymond (Mary Smith) Couch, Georgia, and Sharon Bodkins, Maryland; 34 grandchildren, 54 greatgrandchildren and eight great-greatgrandchildren. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family having been preceded in death by a son, Eugene; two daughters, Opal Channel! and Edith Bodkins; six brothers, three sisters and four grandchildren. Mrs. Bodkins was a life member of the Friendship Baptist Church near Valley Head.

Gerald H. Bond, Jr. Gerald Hannaball Bond, Jr., age 7^
Bobby Lee Broyles Bobby Lee Broyles, age 62, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, August 29, 1998, at home, after a long illness. Mr. Broyles was a maintenance technician with Burns Motor Freight and was an Army veteran. He was a member of Marlinton Presbyterian Church. The son of Grace Biggs Broyles, of Marlinton, and the late Andrew Broyles, he was born at Marlinton May 6, 1936. Preceding him in death were his father, a son, Randall Broyles, and a sister, Lilly McClure. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, E. Louise Broyles; two daughters, Mary Broyles and Rachel Broyles, and a son, John Broyles, all of Hillsboro; seven sisters, Marie Hannah, of Oceana, Polly Dilley, of Vine Grove, Kentucky, Peggy Landis, of Marlinton, Patty Puffenbarger, of Hillsboro, Nancy Broyles, Barbara Broyles and Brenda Broyles, all of Marlinton; four brothers, Russell Broyles, of Nettie, Pete Broyles, of Newport News, Virginia, Bernard Broyles and Larry Broyles, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Randy Benson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Marlinton Presbyterian Church or Greenbrier Valley Hospice.

Vere L. Barkley Vere L. Barkley, age 85, of Green Bank, died April 26,1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Barkley was born December 12, 1912, at Green Bank and was the son of the late Claude Leroy and Rufie Kerr Barkley. He was a life long resident of Green Bank and was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank and the International Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F). He was retired from Howes Leather Company. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dora E. Barkley, on November 8, 1992, step-son, Gay Wright Cargile, and two sisters, Helene Raines and Nell Alaire. He is survived by three sisters, Hilma Sheets, of Green Bank, Pauline Worstell, of Naples, Florida, and Odessa Kane, of Cass; and three step-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday at Wallace & Wallace F&? era] Home in Arbovale, by Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mark L. Burke II Mark Lynn Burke II, 22, of Kissimee, Fla., died Sunday, March 29, 1998, at Kissimee, Fla. following a brief illness. Mr. Burke was born Sept. 6,1975, at Mesa, Ariz., a son of Mark Lynn Burke of Bowden and Norma Lutz of Michigan. Surviving are two brothers, Stephen Burke, Columbus, Ohio, and Joseph Burke,- Elkins; paternal grandmother, Lorraine Burke, Bowden; and maternal grandparents, Jerry and Evelyn Lutz, Bloomington,

Albert L. Broyles Albert L. Broyles, age 75, of Creston, Ohio, formerly of Ronceverte and Marlinton, died September 2, 1998, at the Meadowview Care Center following a brief illness. Mr. Broyles was born April 19, 1923, at Sarton, and was the son of the late Walter S. and Maude Baker Broyles. He married Eleanor McPaters on May 25, 1945. He served in the US Army during WWII from 194345, was a prisoner of war in Germany, and served in the Battle of the Bulge. He attended the First Church of God in Creston. He was retired from the E.W. Ferry Fastener Company in Cleveland, Ohio. He had made his home in the Medina/Wayne County area for the past 29 years. He is survived by one sister, Norma Gregory, of Cincinnati, Ohio; two brothers, Ralph L. Uroyles, of Medina, Ohio, and Sterling C. Broyles, of Rocky Mount, Virginia. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Evelyn Lane and Geraldine Sexton, brother, Billy Joe, and infant brother, Harold. Funeral services were Saturday, at the Murray Funeral Home, in Creston, by Rev. George Register. Burial was in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.


m. Mr. Burke was a graduate of the theatre department at West Virginia University in 1997. He was employed as a cast member at Dis- ; ney World in Florida at the time of his death. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are under the direction of Tomblyn Funeral Home of Elkins. Harry Banion Harry G. Banton, 63, d Durbin, died Saturday, July 15,1978, in Durbin of an apparent heart attack. He was a World War II veteran and lifelong Durbin resident where he was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was employed by Howes Leather Company for 38 years, retiring in 1977. Surviving are his wife, Violet; daughter, Mrs. Barbara J. Wilfong, of Woodbridge, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Janet McLaughlin, of McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, Miss Lillian Banton, of Glen Burnie, Maryland; Mrs. Mabel Lewis, of Beverly; two brothers, Herbert, of Painesville, Ohio; Jack of Columbus, Ohio; 2 grandchildren. Services were held at two p. m. Tuesday in the Durbin United Methodist Church with the Rev. William Trowbridge and the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial

was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Thomas R. Burruss, II Thomas Russell Burruss, II, 63, of Hillsboro, formerly of Louisa, Virginia, died Monday, September 21, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Burruss was born September 29, 1934, in West Virginia, a son of the late Fred L. and Edith Stover Burruss. He was a soil scientist Surviving him are his wife, Janice K. Burruss; a daughter, Angela Dunlavey, of Goochland, Virginia; two step-sons, Michael Harris, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, and Darren Harris, of New York; two grandsons 4pd two stepgranddaughters; three brothers, David Allen Burruss, Sr., and Lawrence Edward Burruss, Sr., both of Bumpass, Virginia, and Daniel Grant Burruss, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev Paul Goehner, will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday, September 24, at the Woodward Funeral Home Chapel, Louisa, with burial in Hillcrest Cemetery, Louisa. Memorial contributions may be made to any rescue squad. John Ellis Beale, II John Ellis Beale, II, age 43 years, of Valley Head, died Monday, August 24, 1998, at Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, from cancer. Mr. Beale was a former Deputy Sheriff, a coal miner, and had worked as a security guard at Snowshoe Resort. He owned and operated the Valley Head Sporting Goods Shop. He was a member of the West Virginia Archery Association, the National Field Archery Association, and the Valley Head United Methodist Church. He was born May 7, 1955, at Elkins, a son of Betty L. Ware Beale, of Valley Head, and the late John Ellis Beale. On July 10, 1993, he was married to Bonnie Lou Pritt. Surviving him are his wife and his mother; a son, John Ellis Beale, III; and one sister, Rhonda Kay Channell, of Valley Head. Funeral services will be conducted at the Valley Head United Methodist Church at 1 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. Verl L. Simmons. Burial will follow at the Valley Head Cemetery.

Alice L. Beverage Alice L. Beverage, age 93, of Marlinton, died Monday, October 12, 1998, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center at Fairlea. Mrs. Beverage was a member of Mt. Kinnison Church of God and Senior Citizens of Marlinton. Born in Monterey, Virginia, January 27, 1905, she was the daughter of Andrew and Caroline Simmons Beverage. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lee Beverage; a daughter, Juanita Carr, and a son, French Beverage; two sisters, Fannie Beverage and Florence Mills; and seven brothers, Pinkney Beverage, Charles Beverage, Jess Beverage, Kent Beverage, Martin Beverage, Dennis Beverage, and Willie Beverage. Survivors include eight grandchildren, seventeen greatgrandchildren, and three great-greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Charles Triplett and Jack Burks, with burial in Cochran Cemetery. Joseph Fernand Bernier Joseph F. Bernier, age 88, died at the home of his daughter in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on August 19, 1998. He was born on November 20,. 1909, in Sanford, Maine, where he lived until 1948. He then moved to Rochester, New Hampshire, where he spent most of his life. He was a mechanic and a pipefitter and retired from the Portsmouth (N. H.) Naval Shipyard. Mr. Bernier is survived by his wife, Irene Hubert Bernier; four daughters, Pat Remmers, of Calgary, Alberta, Connie Tobin, of Tucson, Arizona, Paige Nangle, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Rachel Wessells, of Charlotte Hall, Maryland; and one son, Douglas Bernier, of Marlinton; two brodiers and two sisters; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held in Calgary on August 25.

Clarence W. Beard Clarence W. Beard, age 87, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, October 3, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Beard was a farmer and a member of Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro. Born at Marlinton April 10, 1911, he was the son of the late Forrest L. and Rachel M. Clark Beard. He was preceded in death by his wife, Laura M. Beard; two sisters, Laura Weiford and Mamie Beard; and four brothers, Rice, Luther, Warren, and Starrett Beard. Surviving him are a sister, Eda Beard, of Marlinton, a twin sister, Clara B. King, of Annapolis, Maryland, and a brother, Forrest L. Beard, Jr., with whom he shared their home in Hillsboro. Graveside services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro by the Rev. Paul Goehner. Memorial gifts may be made to Oak Grove Cemetery. David G. Bickerstaff David George Bickerstaff, 53, of Gainesville, Florida, formerly of Clearwater, died September 24, 1998. He was a native of Charleston, a graduate of Clearwater High School, and a first lieutenant in the Army. He received a degree in landscape architecture from the University of Florida and assisted in the construction of the Rich wood Public Library. He was an accounting department employee of Snowshoe Ski Resort, was owner of Earthworks Land Development Company and owner/operator of a landscaping business in Ocala and Gainesville. He is survived by a daughter, Emma Lee Bickerstaff, of Cobb, California; parents, Georges W. and Inez Bickerstaff, of Gainesville, and Richwood; sisters, Marti Gorgett, of Venice, Florida, Beverly O'Connor, of Key West, Florida. Service was held September 28, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Gainesville.


">*iOiiT. Brady, r f * """Nelson T/llhian , Brady, 73 of Becca's Creek, formerly of Mingo, died Thursday at 12:15 p.m. in an Elkins Hospital. Death was attributed to a • stroke. Born at Brady, Pocahontas! County, Nov. 23, 1887, he was a son of the late Clark and Amanda Friel Brady. *He was a retired scEooI tcacner, having tought for 42 years in the Valley Head and Mingo schools. He was a member of the Mingo Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Scena Channell Brady; three daughters, Mrs. Goldie Sharp, Valley Head, Mrs. Theodore Rose, Brevard, N. C, and Mrs. Rene Beale, Mingo; one step son, Carl Channell, Elkins; two step daughters, Mrs. Rose Phillips, Dearborn, Mich., and Mrs. Carl Ware, New Market, Va.; four half brothers, Emory Ware Marlinton, Vernon Ware, Cass, Guy and Cameron Ware, of Ohio; three half sisters, Mrs. Mertie Swisher, Cass, Mrs. Ella Buzzard, Frost, and Mrs. Minnie Everman, Cumberland, Md.; four "graTfdchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. (RNS)


Ivan Neal Barlow, age 85, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, January 27, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Barlow was retired County Executive Director of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services in Pocahontas County and a farmer, raising purebred Hampshire sheep. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, and a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a Navy Veteran of World War II, taking part in the Normandy invasion in France in the European Theater of Operations and also later serving in Okinawa in the Pacific Theater. Born at Edray February 2, 1912, he was the son of Asa Clark and Effie Moore Barlow. Preceding him in death woe his parents, a sister, Grace B. Hill, and three brothers, Samuel H. Barlow, Guy P. Barlow, and Robert M. Barlow. His wife, Mary Frances Faulknier Barlow, survives him. They had been married almost sixty years. Funeral services were held at 12 noon Saturday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Dennis Mehaffie, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Pocahontas Hospital Building Fund.

Galen Leroy Botkin Gale Leroy Botkin, 49, of Moyers, died January 28, 1998, at his home. He was born September 28, 1948, at Harrisonburg, Virginia, a son of Glen and Nellie Gay Hoover Botkin, Sr. Mr. Botkin was a member of Totten Chapel Church and the Rockingham Farm Bureau. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War and was awarded a Purple Heart; he was also a member of Sugar Grove V.F.W. Post. He drove a school bus in Pendleton County. He is survived by his wife, Arlene Botkin; two daughters, Pamela Lynn Botkin, of Harrisonburg, and Tina Gail Botkin, at home; a sister, Martha Key Kimble, of Moyers; and two brothers, Glen Botkin, Jr., of McDowell, Virginia, and Jerry Allen Botkin, of Blue Grass, Virginia. A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m. on February 1 in the Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Charles Townsend and the Rev. Timothy Strock. Burial was in the Totten Chapel Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Totten Chapel Cemetery, c/o Myrtle Rader, HC 63 Box 91, Moyers, WV 26813. M n . Luey Bustard


Mrs. Lucy Taylor Bussard. 76, of Dunmore, died Monday, February 23,1976, of a heart attack. In 1923 she was married to Howard Buseard, who died in 1949 Mrs. Bussard was a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Born near Dunmore May 8, 1899, she was the daughter of the late George and Amanda Kelley Taylor. She was also receded in death by a sister, Irs. Susie Taylor Doyle. Surviving her are a son, Reuben Taylor, a daughter, Zelda Chocklett, two step-sons, Russell Bussard and Glen Bussard, and a step daughter, Ora Galford, all of Dunmore; nine grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren; two brothers, Charlie J. Taylor and Grover Taylor, and four sisters, Josie Elliott, Georgia Galford, Bertie Taylor, and Elizabeth Starcher, all of Dunmore. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, / ; „ .


v: ~




Mrs. Emma Brooks



f Mr?. Em^fehirp-iiu^l^, {12, of Sacramento, California, died Tuesday// Junedfl, 1964, in a hospital at Rock Springs, Wyoming, from injuries received in a two-vehicje collision three and one half hours earlier. She was enroute to New York and West Virginia to visit relatives. . Sh£-was a daughter" of theN late (Joseph) and Lina Sharp(] of MiHgor^She had been a lifelong,, (Christian, a devotedjsvife, and Surflfri TOreTfferaa^htTr' band.^John H. Brooks; two1 daughters, Mrs. Lucille Carl* son and Mrs. Mary Ann Lyons all of Sacramento, California; three ,«onSj Harry, Charlie and Joseph Brooks, all of New York; twojsist^^ Swecker, of IVlTngoV anoTMrs. EclmT"" Ban^or^oLQujnwopd > two^&mtRersTAb^im anbr~Samuel Sharp, both oFMingo, and "Fourteen grandchildren. S She was preceded in death 4>y two brothers, Herman and John Sharp, and two""" sisters, Mary Ringuette and Portia DaUiels. S Interment was in the Sun Set Lawn at Sacramento, California. Two of her grandchildren, I David and Christine Carlson, were involved in the wreck, but are out of the hospital. Her husband will remain in the hospital forsome time with a fracture of the neck. Anyone wishing to send him a card this address is: John H. Brooks Sweetwater Co. Memorial Ho3 pital Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901

Guy Barnes, Jr. Guy Barnes, Jr., age 68, of Marlinton, died Friday, January 30, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He made his home with Phyllis and Elwood Pegram, of Marlinton. He was a member of First Baptist Church. Born at Marlinton October 13, 1929, he was the son of the late Guy and Connie Barnes. A brother, James Barnes, is deceased. His only survivors are cousins. Services were held at 11:30 a. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jerry Moore. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Russell D. Bussard Russell D. Bussard, age 87, of Dunmore, died Tuesday, January 20, 1998. He was born on October 10, 1910, at Dunmore, the son of the late Howard W. and Agnes Bussard. He was a Methodist and lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. He worked in logging in the woods for many years, farmed, and was retired from National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank. He was preceded in death by one brother, Glen Bussard, and one sister, Ora Galford, both of Dunmore. Surviving him are a half-sister, Zelda Chocklett, and one stepbrother, Reuben Taylor, both of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Saturday, January 24, at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Aibovale Cemoteiy. C?>rie £ . Baldwin Card jElizabeth Baldwin age 62, of Neilis, Boone County, died January 19, 1998, at home after a long illness. She was a former employee of Boone County Board of Education, Charleston Area Medical Cento: and a member of Mahone Chapel Church, Ashford. She is survived by her husband, Lorenza "Yankee" Baldwin, sons, Richard and Tony, both of Ashford, and Timmy, of Costa, daughter, Vonda Kinder, of Ashford, brothers, Julian Curtis Holstein, of Traverse City, Michigan, Larry Holstein, of Charleston, Ronald Holstein, of Marlinton, and Stanley Jarrel Holstein, of Baltimore; and four grandchildren. Services were held Thursday at Hundley Funeral Home by Richard Justice, with burial in Barker Cemetery, Ashford.

% In

Remembrance .of

[ Mrs. Lucy


who passed away February



Sadly missed and

Children Grandchildren

Russell Lewis Bussard / Russell Lewis Bussard, 22, rand Jerry Craig Puffenbarger, 20, both of Bluegrass, Virginia, and Steve Allen Helmick, 18, of Monterey, were killed Friday, October 29,1982, in an auto accident near Churchville, Virginia. Bussard was born October 13, 1960, in Hot Springs, Virginia, the son of Erwm Lewis and Lorraine Simmons Bussard. He was a farmer and member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church. In addition to his parents, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Janet Hunt, of Monterey, Lois Bussard, of Blue Grass and Mrs. Betty Jean Tracey, of Arbtvale; and two brothers, Donnie, of Blue Grass and Allen Bussard, of Monterey. Services were conducted at 2 p. m., Monday in Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Elfie Finn McKenzie. Burial was in Blue Grass Cemetery.

ilhs J. G. Buzzard Jarrett Gayle (Jack) Buzzard, 66, of M i n n e h a h a Springs, died Tuesday morning, August 14,1979, in Memorial General Hospital, Elkins. He was a construction worker, a member of the Methodist Church and Moose Lodge 1465, Born at Frost, June 15, 1913, he was the son of the late Harry F. and Edith Ervine Buzzard. A daughter, Constance Anne Douglas, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife* Virginia Burns Buzzard, two ions, David Gayle Buzzard, of Lancaster, California, and Stephen Buzzard, of K. I. Sawyer A. F. B„ Michigan; a daughter, Joyce Mullens, of Neola; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; three brothers, William, Hyattsville, Maryland; James and Mack, Orlando, Florida; and two sisters, Beatrice, San Diego, California, and Madeline, Washington, D. C, Services will be held at two p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial at Minnehaha Springs,

R*brf A. Buzzard Robert Arlington Buzzard, Jr., 74, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died suddenly March 4,1932, while n»Wmg ffiends in Marlinton. He was bom on Little Back Creek near Mountain Grove, on April 14, 1907, the son of the late Robert Asbury and Margaret Kelley Buzzard. His grandparents were Sampson and Eleanor Knapp Buzzard of Dunmore, and Cyrus and Sarah Ervin Kelley, of Little Back Creek. He was a veteran of World War II, the CCC's, and worked several years at Transue Williams Drop Forge Steel Mill in Alliance, Ohio, but spent most of his life at Mountain Grove. When Robert's grandmother, Mrs. Eleanor Buzzard, celebrated her 100th birthday in 1925, she had 82 grandchildren. Robert's death leaves nine remaining. Survivors include hil wife, Agnes Washburn Buzzard; two sons, Craig M. and Kir by A., both of Mountain Grove; four daughters, Linda Quick, Patty Cook, Peggy Souders, all of Mountain Grove, and Delcie Robert^ of Staunton, Virginia; Mrs. Carol Ward, of Eden, North Carolina; and son, Bobby Kellison, of Toledo, Ohio; brother, William, Mountain Grove; sister, Alice Odessa Taylor, of Mountain Grore, and seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mrs. Anna Sheets Buzzard; two sisters, Nellie Buzzard and Bessie Shinaberry; five brothers, Lawrence, Har man, Herron, Arch and Harry Bob will be missed by hundreds of friends and relativei in this area who enjoyed bis visits, his charm, and his knowledge of family history. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m., at the VanReenen .Funeral Home with the Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr. officiating. Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

William Raymond Bowers William Raymond Bowers, age 81, passed away Tuesday, March 1, 1988, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been ill with a heart ailment for several years. The son of the late Warner and Rosetta Ervine Bowers, he was born at Back Creek, VA, on November 18, 1906. Raymond was well known in Marlinton and around the county as he worked at Brills Esso Station for 30 years and he played music and called square dances all over the county. He is survived by his wife, Mary Kennison Bowers of Marlinton, a son, Don of Richmond, VA, daughter, Mrs. Robert (Sis) Workman of Mt. Jackson, VA, and a step-daughter, Polly Eades of Falls Church, VA. Survivors also include four grandchildren and one great-grandson. One sister, Mrs. Madge Mitchell of Cleveland, OH. A sister Maude Wanless, preceded him in death. .. m Services were held Friday, March 4th, at VanReenan Funeral Home by the Rev. Clarence Davis with burial in Mt View Cemeterey.

William R. Bowers William Raymond "Jim" Bowers, -60, of Marlinton, died July 2,1982, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was born February 14, 1922, the son of the late James Edward and Katie Ryder Bowers. He was a veteran of World War II and spent the majority of his life as a farmer on Knapps Creek at the home of Allie Kelley Dever. He was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. One brother, Donald M. Bowers, preceded him in death. Survivors include one sister, Audrey Grace Lambert, of Church ville, Virginia, and three brothers, Virgil P. Bowers, of Richwood, Fred G. Bowers, of Churchville, and Dewey L. Bowers, of Staunton, Virginia. Services were held Sunday in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Lmma &euey Bowers Mrs. Emma Re'ley Bo we age 76 years, widow of the lah» William Bowers, of Huntersville, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jake Malcomb, on Knapps Creek, Friday, March 26, 1948 iShe had been in falling health for !a number of years. On Monday afternoon her boch j was buried in the Browns Mountain cemetery; the funeral beinir conducted from the Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church, by the pastor, Rev. L. E. Saville. The pall bearers were fri< n Is of Vu I family and the flower gir's were jten of her granddaughters. I She became the wife of William Bowers, of Huntersville, who preceded her in death some years since. Their children are Mrs. J. V. Malcomb, of Huntersville; Mrs. Kate Bowers, of Mill Gap, Virginia; Mrs Georgia Palmer, of Belpre, Ohio: William C. Bowers, of Waynesboro, Virginia; Cyrus Bowers, of Green* vilie, California; Howard Bowers, of Huntersville.

And these little graves are but wayside marks, Ti at point to the far off land, . Ai.d they speak to the soi.l of a Cora G. Gibson Beale | better day, Cora G. Gibson Beale, age 89, Of a day that is near at hand. of Waldorf, Maryland, died January 15, 1999, in Washington, D. C , Though we first must walk through the darksome vale, from a head inj ury that occurred in a Yet there Christ will be our guide fall. Born on August 13. 1909, at And we will reach the shore of the far off land Marlinton, she was the oldest Through a grave on the green daughter of the late Odes Luther hillside. Gibson and Bessie Rankin Gibson. In addition to her parents, she Thelma Burner was preceded in death by her husband Thelma "Betty" Burner, age 71, of 60 years, Porter McLaughlin of Elkins, formerly of Arbovale, Beale. Cora was a homemaker and a died December 10, 1998, at her member of the Bethlehem Chapter home after a long illness. She was born May 27,1927, at No. 169 Eastern Star in St. Whitmer, and was the daughter of Petersburg, Florida. She is survived by two the late Lemuel and Laura Vance. daughters, Barbara Lee Sterling, of She was a homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Waldorf, Phyllis Jean Beiro, of Tampa, Florida; one son, Carl David Marvin "Barney" Vance; daughter, Beale, of Stanhope, New Jersey; two Phyllis Waslo, of Alexandria, Virsisters, Dorothy Abrahams, of Punta ginia; sister, Eva Simmons, of Gorda, Florida, and Betty Lee Baltimore, Maryland. Service was held Saturday at Mohney, of Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania; five grandchildren and Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, by Rev. Walter Blough. one great-granddaughter. Interment was at the George Burial followed in Arbovale Washington Cemetery in Adelphi, Cemetery. Maryland, beside the grave of her husband.


Mary Elizabeth Beverage Mary Elizabeth Beverage, age 41, of Mount Storm, died in Garrett County Memorial Hospital, Oakland, Maryland, on Monday, December 28,1998. Miss Beverage had worked as a nurse's aide at Pocahontas Care Center. She was a Presbyterian. Bom at Marlinton August 23, 1957, she was the daughter of the late Roscoe T. and Edith May Sharp Beverage. Her parents and a sister, Nina Beverage, preceded her in death. Surviving her is a sister, Alma Uphold, of Gormania. Graveside services were held in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton, on Thursday by the Rev. Randy Benson. Dorothy M. Nicklin Brown Dorothy M. Nicklin Brown, age 77, of Houston, Texas, formerly of Martinsburg, died November 14, 1998, at her home in Houston. She was the daughter of the late C. Ward Nicklin and Lillian Thompson Nicklin. She was a member of St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Houstpn. She was a 1939 graduate of Martinsburg High School. She was the former owner and manager for 10 years of Standard Employment Agency, Huntington, where she was an employment counselor. She was an aspiring writer. She published several poems and a children's short story. She and her husband lived in Marlinton from 1950-1970. They then moved to Huntington. In 1997 they moved to Houston to be near their daughter, April Stover. In Marlinton, Mr. Brown worked for the Soil Conservation Service. Mrs. Brown was an Avon representative. Mr. Brown still resides in Houston, 11900 Barryknoll Lane, #7113, Houston, Texas 77024. She is survived by her husband, Charles Harvey Brown, at home; one daughter, April Stover, Houston; one granddaughter and one great-granddaughter; two brothers, L. Prince Nicklin, of Martinsburg, and H. Ward Nicklin. Services were held November 23, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church by Reverend John V. DiBacco, Jr. Burial followed in Ro&edale Cemetery, at Martinsburg.

Thomas R. Burruss, II Thomas Russell Burruss, II, 63, of Hillsboro, formerly of Louisa, Virginia, died Monday, September 21, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Burruss was born September 29, 1934, in West Virginia, a son of the late Fred L. and Edith Stover Burruss. He was a soil scientist Surviving him are his wife, Janice K. Burruss; a daughter, Angela Dunlavey, of Goochland, Virginia; two step-sons, Michael Harris, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, and Darren Harris, of New York; two grandsons and two stepgranddaughters; three brothers, David Allen Burruss, Sr., and Lawrence Edward Burruss, Sr., both of Bumpass, Virginia, and Daniel Grant Burruss, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev Paul Goehner, will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday, September 24, at the Woodward Funeral Home Chapel, Louisa, with burial in Hillcrest Cemetery, Louisa. Memorial contributions may be made to any rescue squad.

Norman B. Blake Norman Bradbury Blake, former owner, publisher and editor of the West Virginia Daily News, died Saturday, December 12, 1998, at his home in Ronceverte. He was 84. His was the first paper in the state to use offset printing. He was also the author of the book "How to Abolish Taxes." He succeeded his father, William Blake, at the paper. Mr. Blake was a former president of the West Virginia Press Association. He was also past president of Ronceverte Rotary Clubm and Ronceverte Chamber of Commerce. He attended Duke University and graduated from West Virginia University. He was an Army veteran of World War II, a member of Lewisburg Elks club, and a 50-year member of American Legion. He was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in Ronceverte. Surviving him are h i s ^ i f e , Virginia Butler Blake; a daughter, fceveny D. owweir, oi nunungtona son, William B. Blake, at home-' ^ S ^ W l d r e n and one greatgrandchild. ^ Services were held Tuesday at the Church of the Incarnation by toe cZ' ^ ****** * * the Rev Gary Waple. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery.


Louis Fred Baisi Louis Fred Baisi, 78, a well-known cable television pioneer in the Beverly, Dailey and Mill Creek areas and a resident of 308 Grant St., Elkins, died late Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, 1998, at Darnestown, Md., at the home of his daughter JoAnn Richards. He had been in declining health since August and death was attributed to liver cancer. Mr. Baisi was born Feb. 15, 1920, at Norton, the son of the late Domenick and Olga Tramontina Baisi. On Aug. 10, 1946, he married the former Lena Yacovoni who survives. They celebrated 53 years of marriage. Also surviving are two daughters, JoAnn Richards, Darnestown, Md., Patty Akers, Charleston; two brothers, Albert F. "Al" Baisi, St. Paul, Minn., Neal D. Baisi, Charlton Heights, and three grandchildren, Jimmie, Jason and Alexandra Richards. Mr. Baisi was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served during World War II at Panama. He attended radio and television school at Baltimore, Md., and subsequently was employed by C.C. Keys of Elkins. Mr. Baisi started BMC Cable at Beverly and pioneered the cable television there and in surrounding areas. He sold the business and retired in the late 1970s. He was a member of the Elkins Lodge No. 1135, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was an avid golfer, a collector of antiques and local memorabilia and was the owner of three historic buildings in Beverly. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and St. Brendan Catholic Church. Phyllis Poage Barkley Phyllis Poage Barkley, age 62, of Renick, died December 15,1998, at University of Virginia Hospital after a long illness. She was born May 3, 1936, a daughter of the late Reynold and Ellen Cooper Poage. She was a homemaker and a member of Renick Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by two sons, Steven and Shannon Barkley, and a brother, Jerry Poage. Survivors include her husband, Elwood Barkley; two sons, Brian Barkley, of Frankford, Scott Barkley, of Renick; a daughter, Teresa Johnston, of Frankford; four stepchildren, Brenda Cohernour, of Renick, Rev. Phyllis Cox, of Smoot, Ricky Barkley, of Hillsboro, and David Barkley, of Renick; one sister, Carol Harrah, of Roanoke, Virginia; and ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held Saturday at the Renick Baptist Church by Rev. Jim Anderson. Burial followed at Rosewood Cemetery in Lewisburg.

Lester E. Burgess, 72, of White Sulphur Springs, died Sunday, February 21, 1988, at the Veterans Hospital in Salem, Virginia, from cancer. Mr. Burgess, formerly of Seebert, was a retired operator for E, I. duPont Company. He was a member of the White Sulphur Springs Baptist Church. He served in the U. S. Navy in World War II. Born at Frame March 9, 1915, he was the son of Jake and Mary Ray Burgess. Surviving him are his wife, Helen Hall Burgess, of White Sulphur Springs; a brother, Woodrow Burgess, of Procious, and a stepbrother, Brooks Burgess, of Charleston. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 1 p. m. Wednesday by the Revs. Kendall Hatton and John Sullivan, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. The family suggests memorial gifts to the Salvation Army and Church. Mrs. Mamie Bush Mrs. Mamie Bush, 82, of .Marlinton, died Friday, October 16, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illnes. Born January 2, 1905, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the" late Edward and Millie Timple Wheeler. She was a member of Wilson Chapel. Her husband, Robert Bush, preceded her in death. Surviving her are a sister, grace Wheeler, of Dayton, Ohio, and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at 1 p. m. Monday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sariford Boggs and Rev. Carl Boggs, with burial in the Brownsburg Cemetery. Grade Sesco Butcher Grade Sesco Butcher, age 40, of Boyer, formerly of Logan, died November 18, 1997, at home. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. Surviving her are her huband, Albert Butcher, and two sons, Albert Butcher, III, of Chapmanville, and Noah Butcher, of Boyer. Services were held at 1 p. m Saturday at Collins-Slater Funeral Home, Switzer, by the Rev Joaquine Ooten. Burial was in Highland Memory Gardens, Bodby.


Mrs. Donna Burwell Mrs. v Donna1 McComb Burwell, 87, of u Blacksburg, Virginia, died May 4, 1987, in Montgomery Regional Hospital at Blacksburg after a long illness. She was born in Huntersviile, the daughter of A. B. and Emma Alice McComb, and went to the Huntersviile school. She was married to George Burwell, who preceded her in death. Surviving her are ( two daughters, Mrs. Gaynell Allen, of Christiansburg, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Patrick, of Charleston; one brother, Phil McComb, of Huntersviile; two sisters, Mrs. Connie Holland, of Staunton, ! Virginia, and Mrs. Enid Qpchran, of Elkins; four grandchildren and . four great-grandchildren. ?M Services were held May 6 at f Hoy-McCoy Funeral Hotne;Chapel in Blacksburg with Bobby Fuller officiating. /^Burial was w Roselawn Memorial Gardens.

Leo S. Biola Leo Sylvib Biola, 85, died Monday, Dec. 1, 1997. r in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Biola was f born Jan. 11, 1912, in Hobo-1 ken, N.J., a son of Joseph and Rose Gambertol io | Biola. On July 22,1 1945, at Grass Valley, Calif., he BIOLA married Claire Christian, who preceded him in death on Aug. 12, 1993. Surviving are three sons, Joseph L. Biola, and wife, Heather, Elkins; John A. Biola, and wife, Joy, and David M. Biola, and wife, Debbie, McDonough, Ga.; one brother, Rudy Biola, Whiting, N.J.; and seven grandchildren, Lee, Holly and Scott Biola, Jessica, Justine and Brandon. Mr. Biola worked for Delta Airlines in Atlanta, Ga. for 25 years. He retired to live in MaryVille, Tenn. in 1974. A memorial service will be at a later day in Maryville, Tenn.


Arnold Buzzard Arnold Dean Pink Buzzard, 63, of Mustoe, Virginia, died Monday afternoon, May 25, 1987, in the Bath County Community Hospital at Hot Springs, Virginia. He was born April 8, 1924, near Mountain Grove, Virginia, a son of the late Arch Nj. and Alif* ICJCeUxiuzzard. Mr. Buzzard was a retired construction worker and a U. S. Army veteran. He had made his home with Mrsk Edna Simmons, of Mustoe, for the past 16 years. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Alice Ryder and Helen Ryder, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; f a son, Melvin Roy Buzzard, of Sacramento, California; two brdthers, Glen Buzzard, of Swoope,; Virginia, and June Buzzard, of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Gladys McCarty, of Marlinton; twelve grandchildren. Funeral service will be held at 11a. m. Thursday, May 28, in the Chapel of Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell by the Rev. C. William Cox, with burial in the Hamilton Chapel Cemetery.

William Burns William Winford Burns, of Cleveland, Ohio, died Sunday, June 26, 1988, of heart failurue. He was a retired machinist and a member of the First Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland. He was born at Mountain Grove, Virginia, April 24, 1917, the son of the late Joseph Hamilton and Minnie Hiner Burns and reared at Clover Lick. Two brothers, Arnold and Cameron, and a sister, Mary, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Ordith Barlow Burns; son, Robert, of Cleveland; grandson, James, stationed with the U. S. Army in Germany; granddaughter, Debbie; sisters, Margaret Wooddell, of Marlinton, and Kathryn Wooddell, of Slatyfork, and Maude Wright, of Orlando, Florida. ^Funeral will be Thursday, June 30, at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by. the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View^Cemetery.

Lawrence Carpenter Lawrence Eugene Carpenter, 68, of Covington, Virginia, died Friday, January 8, 1988, at his home. He was born January 29, 1919, in Highland County, the son of the late Marcellous C. and Lillian Rodgers Carpenter. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and was a retired employee at the Homestead. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and was a member of Covington Post 1033, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Surviving him are his wife, Mildred Taylor Carpenter; a son, Michael Eugene Carpenter, of Takoma Park, Maryland; four daughters, Mrs. Linda Hippert, Sr., and Carol A. Lipes, of Covington, Frances M. Nicety Staunton, Virginia, and Gail Duchworth, of Williamsburg, Virginia; 12 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter; one brother, Charles D. Carpenter, of Fishersville, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Edith Bogan aand Mrs. Lucy Cafroll, both of Warm Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday at Arritt Funeral Home Chapel by Pastor Johnathon McGraw, assisted by Pastor Stephen Myers, with burial in Alleghany Memorial Park.

Dale H. Carr Dale H. Carr, 50, of 120 Vector Ave., Elkins, died at 2:45 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21, 1997, at his home. He had been in his usual health and death was unexpected. Mr. Carr was born March 13,1947, in Elkins, a son of the late Pete L. and Macie S. White Carr. On June 21,1991, he married Deborah Susan Long Carr, who survives in Elkins. Also surviving are one daughter, Deborah Sue Witt, Powhatan Point, Ohio; three stepdaughters, Kerri, Kristen and Kelli Boone, all at home; three brothers, Granville and Gary Carr, both of Elkins, and Paul Carr, Canton, Ohio; three sisters, Betty Kelley, Barbara Harvey and Pansy Gibbons, all of Elkins; and one grandson, Cody Lee Witt. Mr. Carr was a graduate of Elkins High School with the class of 1966. He worked for Baur Lumber Company for 21 years, having served as manager at the Elkins store prior to its closing. He was employed as a salesman for Davis Electrical Service in Elkins at the time of his death. He was a former member of the Elkins Lions Club and was a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Elkins.

Edith A. Carter " Edith A. "Dee" Carter, 80, a former resident of South Kerens Avenue, Elkins, and more recently a resident of the Elkins Convalescent Hospital, died early Tuesday morning, April 14, 1987, in the Davis Memorial Hospital. She was an employee of Montgomery Ward for 18 years. Born March 2, 1907, at Creston, she was a daughter of the late Edwin C. and Berthina Ms Boggs Hedges. j She was married to Chart) Clark "Nick" Carter, of Marlintc.< who preceded her in death. Surviving are one son, Charlc* Marvin Carter, of Elkins; one daughter, Mrs. Percy (Patricia Ann) Tetef, of Canton, Ohio; five grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one daughter and two brothers. I She was a Protestant by faith. Funeral services were conducted from the John W.'Lohr Funeral Home Chapel at 2 p. m Thursday with the Rev. Timothy Bias, pastor of the Otterbein United Methodist, Church, officiating. Interment followed in Mapleword Cemetery near Elkins.

Mrs. Mildred Rardin Canterbury Mrs. Mildred Rardin Canterbury, 73, of Charleston, died Sunday, August 7, 1988, in Charleston. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Wednesday, August 10, at Central Christian Church, Huntington, by Dr. William McDowell and the Rev. Cerry Stewman. Burial was in Woodmere Memorial Park. She was born August 12, 1914, at Logan, a daughter of the late Van Harlow Mahone and Meda Beckett Mahone. She was a graduate of Marshall University and was a retired school teacher. She was a member of Central Christian Church and was a 50-year member and past matron of E.O.S. Chapter 8, Huntington. Preceding her in death were her two husbands, T. Keister Rardin and Woodrow W. Canterbury. Surviving are three children, Thomas K. Rardin, of Charleston, and Jean Ann Rogers and Edward J. Canfa,rbury, both of Huntington; six c^andchildren and several great-grandchildren. The Rardins had many friends in Pocahontas County. Mr. Rardin was affiliated with the Exxon Oil Company in this area.

Georgia A. Canfield Georgia Annalea Canfield, 89, of 615 North Ave., Elkins, died Saturday evening, Dec. 6, 1997, at her home. She had been in declining health for the past five years and death was attributed to Alzheimer's Disease. Mrs. Canfield was born Nov. 15, 1908, at Barbour County, a daughter of the late William L. and Eva Harris England. In Sept. 1928, at Montrose, she married Francis Arthur Canfield, who preceded her in death on Jan. 13, 1959. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Charles L. (Dorothy) Wilmoth, Elkins; one brother, Stewart England, Elkins; one sister, Gladys Johnson, Lodi, Ohio; six grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and two greatgreat-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son, Arthur J. Canfield; one daughter, Keith Annalea Canfield; three brothers, Floyd, Wayne and Carl England; and two half sisters, Lena Moran and Florence McCutcheon. Mrs. Canfield attended the schools of Barbour County, had worked in the dietary department at L>avis Memorial Hospital, was a member of the H.W. Daniel's Unit No. 29, American Legion Auxiliary, the Tygarts Valley Post No. 3647, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, the Aerie No. 2344, Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary and First United Methodist Church.

Joncey Howard Carroll Joncey Howard Carroll, 78, a retired farmer of Monterey, Virginia, died Wednesday, May 6, 1987, at King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton, Virginia. He was born November 20, 1908, at Mill Gap, a son of James William and Lillie Susan Wooden Carroll. v - ; -: On September 26, 1931, he married Vergie Fleisher.' Iniadditipn to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Claudia>-. Kearns, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin* uand Mrs. Wanda Wilkerson, of Obey, Maryland; one son, Howard E; Carroll, of Staunton/ Virginia;* one sister, Mrs. Alice Puffenbarger, of Bartow;^ one, brother, Harry Lee Carroll, t of Warm Springs, Virginia; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday £t Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. John Moses, with burial in Green Hill Cemetery near t Monterey; > • ' ••'•.-*'

/?//-/??? Carl Alfred Brown Carl Alfred Brown, 80, of Renick, died Tuesday, January 19, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Brown was born July 10, 1918, at Friars Hole, near Renick, a son of the late Lake and Bertha Stacy Brown. He was a retired logger and fanner and a member of the Lobelia Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Turkey Hunters Hall of Fame. Besides his parents he was preceded in death by three brothers, George, Adrian and Oscar Brown, and three sisters, Irene Hill, Arlene Hively, and Susie Hanna. Surviving him is one brother, Lacy Brown, of Renick. Services will be held Thursday at 1 p. m. at Morgan Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Gail Cutlip. Burial will be at the Brown Family Cemetery at Friars Hole.

Maud Barnes Bumgardner Maud Barnes Bumgardner, age 95, of Marlinton, died Sunday, February 14, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Bumgardner was a retired school teacher of Pocahontas County Schools, and a member of St. John's Episcopal Church. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Retired Teachers Association, Delta Kappa Gamma, and an honorary member of the Marlinton Woman's Club. She was born December 23, 1903, at Richwood, the daughter of William Henry and Cora Jane Lowe Barnes. Preceding her in death were her husband, I. Bearyl Bumgardner; her parents; three sisters, Helen Gaylor, Jenny Callison, and Mary Ruth Barnes; and two brothers, James Whit Barnes and Clownie Barnes. Her only survivors are two nieces, Clara Schaffer, of Indian Springs, Texas, Ernestine Shannon, of Princeton, and a nephew, William G. Cunningham, of Davenport, Florida. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday at St. John's Episcopal Church by the Rev. Lada Hardwick and the Rev. Daniel Macgill. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to The Bishop of West Virginia's Special Fund.

Mrs. Pearl Burks

Dr. Homer Blackhurst Dr. Homer Tennyson Blackarst, 86, of Bryan, Texas, died on December 24,1998. He was born in Cass on February 16, 1912, the tenth child of the Rev. Harry and Lula Burner Blackhurst. Dr. Blackhurst attended the Cass and Green Bank schools and was graduated from Glenville State College. He received his Master and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A&M University, after a brief interruption for service in the U. S. Naval Corps during World Warn. He was a Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University where he taught for 40 years. He was a member of the American Society of Horticulture Science, American Genetic Society, Bean Breeders Cooperative, Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, the First Baptist Church in Bryan, and Bryan Rotary Club. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Stella Hart Blackhurst, whom he married on May 14, 1943. Other survivors include two daughters, Kathleen Felps, of Boerne, Texas, and Patricia Piper, of Bear, Delaware; a son, Steve Blackhurst, of Pflugerville, Texas; one brother, Harold Blackhurst, of Williston, South Carolina; eight grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Memorial donations may be made to the American Diabetes Association or the Homer T. Blackhurst Student Achievement Award at Texas A&M University. Addition to Obituaries An addition to the obituary last week of Ollie K. Elza is a deceased brother, Emory Waybright In the obituary of Marie McCoy in last week's paper the names of those preceding her in death were omitted. She was preceded in death by three sisters, Delphia, Bessie, and Hazel; and four brothers, William, Everett, Howard, and Delbert.


Mrs. Pearl B. Sharp Burks, 74, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Sunday, September 28, 1980, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins of a heart attack, after several years illness. Mrs. Burks was a member )f Mt. Kennison Church of God. Born January 27,1906, near Marlinton, she was the daughter of Jacob and Nancy Kellison Beverage. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Milburn Sharp, and brothers and sisters, Harper, Charlotte, Adam, Delaney, Ida, Henry, Lee, Mattie, and an infant sister. Surviving are her husband, Mose Burks; thirteen children, Carl Sharp, Eula Moore, Edna Webb, Ann Hannah, Dolly McComb, Claude Sharp, all of Marlltiton, Eva Jane Chestnut, Dunmore, Jennie Cutlip, Marlinton, Margaret Channell, Herndon, Virginia, Ray Sharp, Marlinton, Ralph Sharp, Bartow, Nancy Irvine, Marlinton, Johnnie Sharp, Rockville, Maryland; five stepchildren, Paul and Earl Burks, Mill Point, Evalee Mullins, Wolf Pen, Jack Burks, Buckeye, and Evalena Triplett, Mill Point; a brother, Clawson Beverage, Marlinton; 57 grandchildren, 51 great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandchild, and one great great-great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Wallace Dornwith burial in Mountain View Cemetery. William L. Begley William L. Begley, age 88, of Oak Hill, formerly of Winchester, Virginia, died February 21, 1999, in Plateau Medical Center after a short illness. He was aretiredlumberman and lived at Cass at one time. He was a member of Masonic Lodge 124, Cass. Surviving him are four grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Services were held at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, by the Rev. James Sheppard, with graveside services at Shenandoah Memorial Park Mausoleum, Winchester, with Masonic rites.

Floyd E. Bussard Floyd Edgar Bussard, age 62, of Myrtle Trace, South Carolina, and formerly of Fairfax County, Virginia, died Friday, January 8,1999, at home after an illness. He was born at Clover Lick, the son of the late Albeit William and Ella Icie Ware Bussard. He graduated in 1954 from Marlinton High School. He was a retired Air Force veteran of the Korean War and later employed with AT&T for 16 years. Mr. Bussard was a member of Christ The Servant Lutheran Church in Conway, South Carolina. He was an accomplished ballroom dancer and an avid golfer, who enjoyed several years of retirement in the Myrtle Beach area with his wife. Survivors include his wife, Verna Bussard, of Conway; two step-sons, Stanley Armstrong, of Myrtle Beach, and Scott Walker, of Cameron Park, California; a brother, Wallace Bussard, of Wilmington, North Carolina. The funeral was held at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. A memorial service was held at Christ The Servant Lutheran Church. Memorials may be made to Mercy Hospice, P.O. Box 1409, Myrtle Beach, VA 29578.

Betty J. Butler Betty Jean Butler, 70, of 100 Tallman Ave., Elkins, died Sunday evening, Feb. 7, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital following a sudden illness. Mrs. Butler was born Aug. 20, 1928, in Elkins, a daughter of the late James B. and Georgie E. Kyle Shiflett. On Dec. 22, 1947, she married Everett Butler who survives at Elkins. Also surviving are two sons, Kenneth Butler, Beverly, and James Butler, Spring Lake, N.C.; a brother, Paul E. Shiflett, Dailey; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Butler was a graduate of Tygarts Valley High School with the class of 1947. She was a homemaker. She had been employed by Bata Shoe and later at Hardee's. She was a member of Randolph Chapter No. 74 Order of the Eastern Star, the Foster Grandparents Program and Faith Baptist Chapel

Steryl L. Brown Steryl L. Brown, age 79, of Richwood, died February 26,1999, in Memorial Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a short illness. He was a former auditor for Pittston Coal Company, Fenwick, a member of Richwood First United Methodist Church and the Richwood Lions Club, a graduate of Green Bank High School and Glenville State College, and was a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps during World War II. Born at Arbovale November 30,1919, he was the son of the late Tilden L. and Mamie Orndorff Brown. A brother, William L. Brown, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Nora Pauline Brown; sons, Scott Brown, of Fenwick, Douglas M. Brown, of Galena, Maryland; rs, Mary Mildred Gum, of ^gfesburg, Virginia, and Louise Butcher, of Green Bank and Florida; and two grandchildren. Memorial services were held Sunday at Richwood First United Methodist Church by the Rev. Jay VanReenen and the Rev. Eugene Losh. Memorial donations may be made to the Richwood Public Library, Richwood, WV 26221. Alan R. Buzzard Alan Ray Buzzard, 49, of Monterey, Virginia, died August 29, 1999, from injuries received in an ATV accident in Pendleton County. Mr. Buzzard was born in Pearisburg, Virginia, the son of Richard R. and Helen Buchanan Buzzard, of Mountain Grove, Virginia. He was a trooper with the Virginia State Police and the first teacher of the DARE drug prevention program in the state of Virginia. He previously served as a nofficer with the Buena Vista, Virginia, Police Department In addition to his parents, Mr. Buzzard is survived by his wife, Faye W. Buzzard; three children, Michele Clark, Alan Wayne Buzzard, and Gregory Kent Buzzard, all of Buena Vista; two step-daughers, Melissa Johnson, of Lynchburg, Virginia, and Brandy Johnson, of Brookneal, Virginia; one brother, Michael L. Buzzard, of Mountain Grove; and five grandchildren. Funeral service will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. at the McLaughlin Funeral Home in Hoi Springs, Virginia, with the Rev Malcolm Hill officiating. Burial will follow in the Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Omar Bowyer, Jr. Omar A. Bowyer, Jr., 72, of Green Bank, died Tuesday, August 17, 1999, at Thomas Memorial Hospital in Charleston after a short illness. He was born November 30, 1926, in Nuttallburg, the son of Omer Allen and Prudk Mae Davis Bowyer. Mr. Bowyer was a member of the Green Bank United Methodist Church and was employed at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank for 40 years. He was an Army veteran of World War II. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Betty Bowyer Brown, and a brother, Herbert Allen Bowyer. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Rose E. Tremor Bowyer, of Green Bank; sons, Rev. Ronald E. Bowyer, of Moorefield, and John Kent Bowyer, of Gastonia, North Carolina; daughters, Jetta Lou Coleman, of Greensboro, North Carolina, and Marlene Terry, of Seminole, Florida; brother, James L. Bowyer, of Mt. Nebo; sister, Mary Bowyer, of Charleston; nine grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren Services will be held at the Green Bank United Methodist Church at 11 a.m. Thursday with the Rev. Ronald E. Bowyer officiating. Entombment will be in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Beckley. Friends may call one hour prior to services on Thursday at the church. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to the Green Bank Library Building Fund, P.O. Box 1, Green Bank, WV 24944.

Dallas E. Beverage Dallas Edward Beverage, 34, of Buckeye, died May 25,1999, at home following a long illness. He was born in Marlinton on August 29, 1964, the son of David W. and Evelyn Watson Beverage. In addition to his parents., survivors include one brother, David W. Beverage, Jr., of Buckeye; five sisters, Rose A. Birchfield, of Hillsboro, Joan A. Watson, of Pontiac, Michigan, Shirley M. Johnson, of Dale City, Virginia, Sharon E. Loudermilk, of Hillsboro, and his twin sister, Dorothy E. Phillips, of Marlinton. Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. at the VanReenan Funeral Home with the Rev. I. W. Morgan officiating. Burial will be on the Beverage farm.


Jeannette L. Broyles Jeannette L. Palmer Broyles, age 72, of Medina, Ohio, died May 10, 1999, at Medina General Hospital. She had lived in Medina for 45 1/2 years, had worked as a nurse's aide at Medina General Hospital, and formerly was employed by Plasti Kote Company of Medina. She was a long-standing member of &e Medina Assembly of God Church. Born in Buckeye September 4, 1927, she was the daughter of the late Elmer and Wynema Weiford Palmer. i Mrs. Broyles was also preceded I in death by a brother, Eddie Palmer. Surviving her are her husband, i Ralph L. Broyles; a daughter, Diana Hansen, of Arenda, Norway; a son, Donald R. Broyles, of Medina; four grandchildren; two sisters, Betty Dietz, of Florida, and Marie Ervin, of Morgantown; and a brother, John William Palmer, of Hillsboro. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Friday at the Medina Assembly of God by the Rev. Ron Dress. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Medina Assembly of God Church Memorial Fund. Nilson .& Briefly y Nelson Aaron Bruffey died August 18, 1999, at Memorial Hospital in Gulfport, Mississippi. Born in Lobelia, he was a son of the late Nelson A. and Nina A. Bruffey. A World War II Army veteran, he was a retired Civil Service Rehabilitation therapist at the Veterans Administration Medical Center Mr. Bruffey was of the Baptist faith. ^ _. He rs survived tey his wrfe, ins Sg$k»s Bruffey, of Gulfoort; two daughters, Dreama Fritts, of Lynchburg, Virginia, an| Gloria Bruffey, of Roanoke, Virginia; one son, Bruce Bruffey, of Roanoke; two granddaughters; five sisters, Martha Carcirieri, Mary Walters, and Ruth Swindell, all of Havre de Grace, Maryland, Betty Konopnicki, of Melbourne, Florida; Mavel Markline, of Aberdeen, Maryland; and one brother, Curtis G. Bruffey, of Melbourne, Florida; Funeral service was held August 23 by Rev. Bob Burch in the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home Chapel in Gulfport. Interment, with military honors, was in Biloxi National Cemetery, Biloxi, Mississippi. _ I

Thomas F. Bell, Jr. Thomas F. Bell, Jr., age 75, of Marlinton, died Thursday, July 29, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Bell was retired from the U. S. Army, and was a former member of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. He was a member of Manassah Lodge #152 A.F.&AM.; Crescent Chapter 54 Order of Eastern Star, Zephyrhills, Florida; Tokyo Bodies Scottish Rite, Kena Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Fairfax, Virginia. He was born in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1924, the son of the late Thomas F. and Anna I B. Bell. Survivors include his wife, I Faye Ryder Bell, of Marlinton; five stepsons, Tommy Lester, Benton J Lester, and Danny Lester, all of I Marlinton, Curtis Lester, of I Detroit, Michigan, and James I Lester, of Manassas, Virginia; eight step-grandchildren and two stepgreat-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held in Marlinton at a future time and then in Arlington where his ashes will be placed in a crypt in Arlington National Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children. Pearl Harriet Brown Pearl Harriet Brown, age 57, of Bartow, died Wednesday, August 4, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Brown was born February 25, 1942, at Green Bank, the daughter of Thelma Jane Wooddell Galford, of Green Bank, and the late Carl Marion Galford. She attended Thornwood Community Church and was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her father, a daughter, Donna Galford, and a sister, Shirley Galford. Survivors include her husband, John D. Brown; mother, Thelma Jane Wooddell Galford, of Green Bank; one son, Billy Joe Mauck, of Paw Paw; five sisters, Barbara Hammond, of Owings, Maryland; Louise Miller, of Martinsburg, Kay Keller, of Inwood, Karla Puffenbarger, of Hillsboro, and Priscilla Nelson, of Durbin; three brothers, Wayne Galford and Ernest Galford, of Arbovale, and William Galford, of Frank; six grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, August 7, at 1 p.m. at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with the Rev. William Vandevander officiating. Burial was in the Lambert Cemetery.


Rev. Don Hoover Bennett The Rev. Don Hoover Bennett, age 70, of Frankford, died Saturday, March 27, 1999, while serving as a missionary in Brazil. Mr. Bennett graduated from Richwood High School and Piedmont Bible College in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He was a missionary and member of the Lookout Baptist Church and a 40-year missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions, of Cleveland, Ohio. He was born January 20, 1929, the son of the late Lee Manch and Alta Collins Bennett His wife, E. Kathryn Simms Bennett, preceded him in death on October 28, 1997. Survivors include three daughters, Donna K. Cooke, of Anthony, Debra J. Bennett, of Winston Salem, North Carolina, and Darla J. Niemeyer, of Yadkinville, North Carolina; two sons, Pastor David L. Bennett, of Lookout, Missionary Daniel J. Bennett, of Novo Hamburgo, R. G. S., Brazil; a sister, Jean L. Ring, of Santa Barbara, California; two brothers, Dale L. Bennett, of Marlinton and Densil Collins, of Butte, Montana; and ten grandchildren. Services were held Friday at the Lookout Baptist Church at Lookout. Burial followed in the Jeanette Cemetery, Lookout. Memorial donations may be made to the Lookout Baptist Church for the Don Bennett Memorial Fund: Irene Hubert Bernier Irene Hubert Bernier, age 88, died at the home of her daughter in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on June 24, 1999. She was born on October 31, 1910, in Sanford, Maine, where she lived with her family until moving to Rochester, New Hampshire, in 1948. Mrs. Bernier is survived by four daughters, Pat Remmers, of Calgary, Connie Tobin, of Tucson, Arizona, Paige Nangle, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Rachel Wessells, of Charlotte Hall, Maryland; one son, Douglas Bernier, of Marlinton; ten grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren; and a sister, Louise Gervais, of Augusta, Maine. She was predeceased by her husband, J. Fernand Bernier, by her parents, Amedee and Elizabeth Hubert; by four brothers, Bill, Raymond, Eddie, and Emil; and by two sisters, Ida Gagne and Georgette Lowe. Service was conducted by the Very Rev. Leonard J. Hagel, of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, on Thursday, July 8.

Robert H. Brown Robert Hudson Brown, 71, of Southgate, Michigan, died July 23, 1999, with cancer He was born near Arbovale on May 25, 1928, the son of Roscoe W. and Clara Hudson Brown. Mr. Brown was a 1946 graduate of Green Bank High School and served the following two years in the U. S. Navy. He attended West Virginia Institute of Technology and Fairmont State College. Mr. Brown moved to Michigan in 1955 and was employed at Sharpies Chemical Company. He was a member and president of UCAW Union, Local 7-591, and the South- gate Lions Club. Survivors include his wife of 39 years, Elaine Payette Brown; a son, Robert J. Brown, of Orlando, Florida; two daughters, Ann Eberts, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Colleen Pearson, of Huntsville, Alabama; a brother, Johnny Brown, of Circleville, Ohio; two sisters, Merylee Pennybacker, of Southgate, and Ethel Higgins, of Barrackville; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Layke Brown, and two sisters, Bessie Dickson and Bettie Brown. Services were conducted in the chapel of the R. J. Nixon Funeral Home by Father Peter Petroske with burial in Michigan Memorial Park, Flat Rock, Michigan. Samuel W. Bartholomew Word has been received of the death of Samuel W. Bartholomew, of Kingsport, Tennessee, formerly of Hillsboro. He was a retired executive of the Eastman Kodak Corporation in Tennessee, where he had been employed since graduation from the University of Tennessee. He died of complications arising from Alzheimer's disease. Sam was known in Pocahontas for his excellence as a football player and was a member of the great Hillsboro teams in the 1930's. He played fullback, was captain of the Tennessee team that went to the Rose Bowl in 1940, and thereafter played a few seasons of professional ball. His grandson is a member of this year's winning Tennessee football team. He was the son of the late Samuel and Marion Wilson Bartholomew. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Mary Elizabeth and Katherine (Katchy), and a brother, St. Clair (Bee). He would have been 82 this month.

iiitffd M. Brown mn% of Felton.

sister, wary cicrtcet, M nuisbota; two half-sisters, Alma Heyne, of ^0m, Pennsylvania, and Beroice Lucabaugh, of Hillsboro; three brokers, Dallas Walker, of Dunwoody, Georgia, and Frank and Patrick Walker, both of York; four half-brothers, Norman, Eugene and Curtis Walker, all of Hillsboro, and Vernon Walker, of Craigsville; eight grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. A viewing was held in New Freedom, op Wednesday. Visitation will be frooi 10 to 11 a.m. Friday, September 3, with service at 11 a m . at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Hillsboro, by the Rev. Phyllis Cox, with burial in Emmamiel Cemetery, Bruffey's Creek. Memorial contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association, South Central Region, 2(m) LiSflistown. RoSd, Hatrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. Ida Boggs Ida Boggs, age 86, of Durbin, [onnerly of Renick, died Monday May 10, 1999, at Davis MemoriS Hospital after a long illness m i o b ? ^ a s ^ ^ October 20, 1912, in Renick, the daughter of the late Robert and Rhoda Neal m Boggs. Preceding her in death were toree brothers, Lee, BUI and Henry Boggs, and two sisters, Ada Boss* 5 andVadaNeely. ^ Survivors include two sisters, Essie Ranke, of Marietta, Ohio, and Anne Marie Wolbers, of Carson City, Nevada; and three brothers, Buster Boggs, of Columbus, Ohio, Sidney Boggs, oF Los Angeles, California, and Frank Boggs, of Lewisburg. *>"***> oi Graveside services will be held S L L ^ i r ? 1 - T h u r s d a y at the rrankford Cemetery.

Esteila H. Bennett Estella H. Bennett, of Dunmore, 93, died Monday, April 5, 1999, at her home after a long illnes. Mrs. Bennett was born July 3, 1905, at Boyer to the late Henry and Ida Mae Stone Halterman. She was a homemaker and a Protestant. She was preceded in death by her husband, Flick L. Bennett, and brothers Kenton, Claude and Ernest Halterman. Mrs. Bennett is survived by her daughters, Mary Frances Geiger, of Marlinton, Betty Lou Williams, of Valparaiso, Indiana, Joanne Slaven, of Stow, Ohio, and Pattie Curry, of Stow; sons, Flick Eugene Bennett, of Malakoff, Texas, Lonnie L. Bennett, of Augusta, Georgia, Charles E. Bennett, of Stow, and Franklin Bennett, of Durbin; sister, Lottie Moore, of Florida; 16 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale with the Rev. Donald Curry officiating. Interment will be in the Dunmore Cemetery. Bessie Mae Beverage Bessie M*w Beverage, age 89, of Durbin, died March 19,1999. She was a retired bookkeeper for Howes Leather Company and was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. Born May 2, 1909, at Durbin, she was the daughter of the late Leonard Calvin and Harriet Goodsell Frazier. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gray,Beverage, in 1992, and a brother, Leonard Frazi: er. •'".•. • Survivors include a daughter, Charlotte AT Cafr, of Moorefield; a son, Leonard G. Beverage, of Keyser; a sister, Georgia Collins, of Tallahassee; Florida; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p. in. at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Roland Armstrong. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.


George P. Ball George P. Bali, age 61, of St. Albans, died April 6, 1999, at home after a short illness. He was an Army veteran and a retired truck driver from Coastal Tank Lines. Surviving him are his wife, Doris Ball; sons, Joey, Rick, Shawn and Wendell Ball, all of St. Albans; a daughter, Robin Higginbotham, of Charleston; brothers, Bill Ball, of Chesapeake, Charley Ball, of Jeffrey, Elbert Ball, of Marlinton, Frank Ball, of Greenview, Jimmy Ball, of Reedy, and Richard Ball, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina; i thirteen grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Services were held Friday at Handley Funeral Home, Danville, by Don Mash. Burial was in Caldwell: Cemetery, Madison, with military rites by VFW Post 5578, Madison.

Bertha Hamrick Barlow Bertha Hamrick Barlow, age 96, of Elkins, formerly of Campbelltown, died May 11,1999, in Elkins Regional Convalescent Center. Mrs. Barlow was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. She was born at Chapel, the daughter of the late George Austin and Heddi Payne Hamrick. The family came to Woodrow by foot when Mrs. Barlow was three years old. Also preceding her in death were her husband, Albert Clarence Barlow; four sisters, Mary Kiner, Rosie Hammons, Eva Hamrick, and Elizabeth Woods; and a brother, < Ben Hamrick. Surviving her are two daughters, Pearl Ryder, of Elkins, and Opal Green, of Frost; a son, Austin Barlow, of Elkins; a brother, Homer Hamrick, of Elkins; fourteen grandchildren, five stepgrandchildren, and twelve greatLorraine L. Boggs Lorraine L. Boggs, age 75, of Marlinton, died Sunday, May 16, 1999', at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. The daughter of the late James Robert and Hazel McChesney Hicks, she was born at Charleston May 1, 1924. Her father died in December, 1928, and her mother died in December, 1978. A son, James Boggs, is also deceased. Survivors include three daughters, Dellora Watson, of California, Leda Williams, of Marlinton, with whom she lived, and Lorraine Williams, of Ontario, California; four sons, Delphi Williams, of Lewisburg, Robert Williams,; of Pomona, California, Forrest Boggs, of Marlinton, and Darwin Boggs, of Lewisburg; seven grandchildren and tnree greatgrandchildren. Visitation will be for four hours, 10 to 2, before services at 2 p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Pastor Jerry Moore and the Rev. Greg Scott. Burial will be in Brownsburg Cemetery.


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Services were held Sunday afternoon iat Lewisburg United Methodist Church by the Rev. Jiiliah Sulgit and the Rev. Patricia Jarvm Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery, i ~ Hayward Brown Hayward Brown, age 75, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, formerly of Braxton County, died May 3,1999, in Echo Manor Nursing Home, Pickerington, Ohio, after a long illness. He was an employee of U. S. Steel Corporation and Brunswick city schools. He served in the Civilian Conservation Corps. Surviving him are two daughters, Pam Groves, of Ravenna, Ohio, and Sandy West, of Medina, Ohio; two sons, Robert, of Carlisle, Iowa, and Charlie, of Reynoldsburg; three sisters, Hazel Brown, of Gassaway, Mildred K. Meyer, of Diamond, and Emogene Wade, of Marlinton; a brother, Robert, of Diamond; half-brother, Rondale Dolan, of Weston; and nine grandchildren. Services were held Thursday at Stockert-Gibson Funeral Home at Flatwoods by the Rev. Fred Dillon. Burial was in Little Kanawha Memorial Gardens, near Heaters.

Launa Sue Barkley Miss Launa Sue Barkley, age 12, of Hillsboro, died September 22, 1999, in Roanoke Community Hospital following a sudden illness. She was born October 16, 1996, in Greenbrier County, the daughter of Rick and Ollie Barkley. She was a member of New Grace Baptist Tabernacle. She had been home schooled her entire life. In addition to her parents, she is survived by two brothers, Joshua and Caleb, both at home, and grandparents, Elwood Barkley, of Renick, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, of Fairlea, and Mrs. Roberta Carter, of Coolridge, and greatgrandmother, Mrs. Eunice Lewis, of Daniels. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m., Saturday at Frankford Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home with the Rev. Gary Tate and Rick Barkley officiating. Burial followed in McMillion Cemetery at Friars Hill.

Ben Brown Brewster Ben Brown (Sammie) Brewster, age 57, of Harrisonbqrg, Virginia, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Sunday, September 26, 1999, at Harrisonburg. He was a saw mill operator. Mr. Brewster was born June 27, 1942, at Bartow, the son of the late Andrew Jackson and Emma Mae Arbogast Brewster. Surviving him are nine sisters, Margie Bowles, of Baltimore, Maryland, Wilma Eaton, of Westminster, Maryland, Hazel Chopko, of Phoenix, Arizona, Frances Brannock, of Columbus, Ohio, Ruth Brewster, of Westminster, Maryland, Jo Ann Atkins, of Harrisonburg, Delores Kirby, of Richmond, Virginia, Wanda Beane, of Harpers Ferry, and Betty Lou West, of Harrisonburg; and three brothers, Charles Brewster, of Parkersburg, George Brewster, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, and Andy Brewster, of Dundalk, Maryland. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

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Harry Buzzard, it. Harry Ward Buzzard, Jr# 58, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died Wednesday, January 24, 1979. Born in Marlinton, December 23,1920, he was the son of Mrs. Beulah Stokes and the late Harry W. Buzzard, Sr. He was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church, was formerly employed by the Wayne Manufacturing Corp., was a member of the Waynesboro American Legion Post i s l a n d a veteran of World Warn. Surviving him in addition to his mother, are his wife, Mrs. Marguerite Beverage Buzzard; one daughter, Mrs. Hugh C. (Karen) Dunn, of Coi*yp% Georgia; two brota* ers, Frank Buzzard, of Waynes* boro and Larry Buzzard, of Richmond, Virginia; one sister* Mrs. Margaret B. Bostic, of Waynesboro; and two grand* children. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday in McDow Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph Piland officiating. Interment was in Riverview Cemetery.


Wil'-am Cash Buzzard, 71, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died at his home on Little Back Creek, June 26, 1982. Born October 22, 1910, he was the son of Robert A. and Margaret Kelly Buzzard. His grandparents were Sampson and Eleanor Knapp Buzzard,' of Dunmore, and Cyrus and Sarah Ervin Kelley of Little Back Creek, He was a member of Mountain Grove Presbyterian Church. Bill left the farm duricg World War II to work in the shipyards at Newport News and later at Radford Arsenal. By then he was a skilled pipe insulator and worked on construction jobs from time to time, but was most happy working his farm between jobs. Years of working with asbestos took its toll and he was critically ill with emphysema, the last few years. When Bill's grandmother, Mrs. Eleanor Buzzard, cele brated her 100th birthday in 1925, she had 82 grandchildren. Bill's death leaves eight remaining, his sister and seven first cousins. Other survivors inclui, * his wife, Mrs. Ada Hare Buzzard; two sons, Richard Ray, of Mountain Grove, a^d Robert Joseph, of Marlinton; three daughters, Mrs. Louise Wilburn, of Rich Creek, Mrs. Odessa Brammer, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Ryder, of Mountain Grove; a sister, Mrs. Odessa Taylor, of Mountain Grove; 14 grand* children and seven greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Nellie Buzzard and Mrs. Bessie Shinaberry; six brothers, Arch, Harry, Lawrence, Herron, Harmon, and Robert, who died March 4 this year. • Services were heid Monday at two p. m., at the VanReenen Funeral Home, by Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr. Buria. was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Harry Buzzard Mrs. Marguerite Beverage Buzzard, 58, of Waynesboro, died February 2, 1979, in Waynesboro Community Hospital. Born July 14,1920, at Huntersville, she was the daughter of Edward C. and Margaret Lightner Beverage. She was a member of Second Presbyte* rian Church, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a retired employee of the General Electric Company. Her husband, Harry Ward Buzzard, Jr., died January 24, 1979. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Hugh C. Dunn, of Confers, Georgia; four sisters, Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, of Green Bank, Mrs. Edna Madison, Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Mable Reed, of Pomona Beach, California, and Mrs. Mildred Mitchell, of Los Angeles, California; four brothers, Cabel, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Walker L. and Eugene Beverage, both of Marlinton, and Robert Beverage, of Washington; two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday in the chapel of McDow Funeral Home by the Rev. Ralph Piland. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery.

Mrs. Lssy Buzzard Mrs. Lucy E. Buzzard, 72, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died Tuesday, January 10, 1978, in Sykesville, Maryland, after a long illness. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surviving are a daughter Mrs. {Catherine Hearse, of Sykesville; brothers, Oscar Sheets, of Virginia, Clarence Sheets, Marlinton, George Sheets, of Beckley, Harmon Sheets, of Albuquerque, New Mexico; sisters, Mrs. Bossie McLaughlin, of Durbin, Nellie Sheets, Gladiola Jewell, of Princeton; two grandchidren; two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating. Burial was in Mountain Grove, Virginia. _

Mrs. Harmon Buzzard Lucy Sheets Bussard, formerly of Mountain Grove, Vir?inia, died Monday, January ,1978, at Sykesville, Maryland. Funeral services will be held Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial to be at Mountain Grove.


uenny m. uamson Denny Mount Callison, 83» of Beard, died Tuesday, January 4, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Callison had farmed all his life on the family farm at Beard. He was a member of the Wesley Methodist Church at Hillsboro. A son of the late Richard and Fannie Beard Callison, he was born at Beard September 27, 1888. He was preceded in death by one son, Leo Baxter Callison, and four brothers, G. Steel Callison. Elba Bright Callison, josiah Woods Callison, and ruel Callison. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs, Rexford Sammons Callison; one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Callison Campbell, of Sinks Grove; three sons, Harry Callison, of San Pedro, California, Hubert Callison, of Beard, and Gilmer Callison, of Tucson, Arizona; one brother, Orion G. Callison, of Mount Hope. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:00 p. m. in the Wesley United Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev, William Markley and the Rev. Cecil Dalton. Burial will be at the Old Droop Cemetery.

6 . Steele Callison Pttricia Ann Cain George Steele Callison, 71, Patricia Ann Cain, aged seven of Oak Hill, formerly of Marmonths, little daughter o f ^ H linton, died in a VA Hospital Louis and Mary Evelyn Cain, of \ in Lexington, Kentucky, Tues- Marlinton, died on Sunday, Janu-I day, February 16, 1971, after ary 13, 1957. On Tuesday after-! a long illness. noon the funeral service was1, Born October 13, 1899, he held frcm Central Union Church,! was a son of the late Richard near the Airport, by Rev. Virgil' and Fannie Beard Callison. Shrader and R e v . T. G. AlderHe was a native of Beard and man. The little body was laid a retired pharmacist. to rest in the Gibson Cemetery on For many years as- Elk. sociated with the Royal Drug Besides her parents, the little Store, he was also a former girl is survived by two brothers,' mayor of Marlinton. Ernie Lee and Stephen; her sisMr. Callison was a member ter, Linda; also her grand parents, of the Oak Hill United Meth- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cain. odist Church, a Mason, Shriner, the Moose Lodge and active in the American Legion. Richard H. & Glen W. Callison Survivors include his widow, Two brothers, Richard H. CVlMrs. Jennie Barnes Callison; lisor o. Hillisboro and Glen W. one son, the Rev. Harper Callison of Roanoke, Va., died Thomas CaHison, of Morgan- within two days of each other. town; one daughter, Mrs. Al- They were t!-.t> eldest and youngfred B. Dilley, of Hinton; seven grandchildren, and two est sons of the late George W. brothers, Orion G. Ca'listai, and Maude McNeel Callison of >f Mount Hope, and Denny M. Hillsboro. Richard H. Callison, f o r m e r Callison, of Beard. employee of the Johnson-Ctrper Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Oak Co , of Roanoke, died Tuesday, Hill United Methodist Church Sent 5, in the Pocahontas Memby the Rev. Tally Hanna and orial Hospital. Funeral service| was conducted from the home at the Rev. Fred Oxendale Hillsboro at 2 p. m. Thursday, After the services the body Sept 7th, bv the Rev D. L Jones. will be taken to the VanReenen Interment in Oak Grove cemetery. Funeral Home, Marlinton. At The deceased is survived by two 4:00 p, m. Thursday, it will sons, Donald K , of Dayton, Va , be moved to the home of Mr. and George C. Callison, of Forest and Mrs. I. B. Bumgardner, [City, N. C ; one" sister, Mrs. J. Mrs. Maud McNeel Callison, wife f George W. Cailison, cited at her Jr„ where it will remain until K. Marshall of Hillsboro, and two ome at Dayton, Virginia, Friday, 1:00 p. m. Friday. grand children. ipril 13, 1923, after a short illness of Graveside services will be neuraonia. The deceased was a na- b^ld at 2:00 p. m. in the Glen W. Callison died at the ive of Pocahontas county, being a Shenandoah Hospital in Roanoke, ountain View Cemetery. au^hter of the late Captain W. L, Va., on Wednesday, Sept. 6th. IcNeel, and much of Iter life was' His funeral was held at the Okey B Laura Frances Whiting i pent at Hillsboro. Her body was 1 rought to the ancestral burying lison, aged 79 years, died at her homu Chapel, conducted by the Rev. round, the McNeel graveyard, ; in bound Brook, "New Jersey, on John H. Blakemore Jr. and the imontf L'3i children are Mrs. J K, 'Thursday. January 11, 1940. On Sun Rev. Millard R. Floyd. Interlarsliall and Mrs. George P. Bdgar, day her body was brought to the fain ment was in the Evergreen cemef Hillsboro. ily plot at old Droop Church for in- tery at Roanoke. t rertnent; funeral service by Rev. L Mr. Callison was a veteran of 1S. Shires, pastor of the Hillsboro World War I and a former coach Quincy S. Callison I ' Methodist Church. Mrs Callison was the widow of the and Athletic Director at ShenanQnincy S. Callison, of 639 late W H.. Callison, of the Levels. doah College, at Dayton, Va. For ramus Road, Paramu?, former is survived by her three children, the last several years he had been of Someruile, New Jersey, She Qaincey, James and Ima. She was a manager of the Self service Laun ssed away suddenly oo Friday, daughter of he late Ebenezer Whiting dry at Roanoke. He is survived ptember 19. He was 70 years and was the last of her lather's fam by his wife, Mrs. Gale Ferguson age. I ily. About 30 years ago she and her Callison, hi3 son, Richard H., family moved to Bound Brook, N#* three daughters, Ruth E., Nancy Mr. Cillison was bora at Beard, rviving are his wife, Ena I Jersey. L, and Kay all of Roanoke; a sis r )line, and two chil Iren, Mri. ter, Mrs. J. K. Marshall of Hills W. Ferguson of Wishingtoa, boro and two grand-children, C , aid Mrs A. W D ^ e of Both brothers were members of ramus, and one grand daughter. the Methodist Church and the Funeral services were held at Masonic Lodge. larlotte^vllle, Virgiuia, at 2:00 n. Monduy, with interment at jnticello Meinoriil Park.


George I.. Carlisle George Leonard Carlisle, 93, Mrs. Emma McClune Car- formerly of Hillsboro, died lisle, 76, of Hillsboro, died Monday, August 12, 1968, in a Wednesday, July 19, 1967. in Pence Springs nursing home. a Ronceverte nursing home Born September 30, 1875, at after a long illness. Gap Mills, he was the son of "Miss Emma" was telethe late Isaac and Margaret phone operator at Hillsboro Frances Vaughan Carlisle. for many years. He was a member of the WesBorn at Hillsboro August 9, ley Chapel Methodist Church 1890, she was the daughter of at Hillsboro, Pocahontas MaWilliam and Elvira Byrd Mcsonic Lodge No. 121, a retired Clune. Her parents and a postmaster at Hillsboro, and brother, Lee; preceded her in National Association of Redeath. tired Civil-Employees ChapShe was a member of the Wes ter 994. ley Methodist Church at HillsHe was first married to Abboro, della Darnell, who died many Surviving her are her husband; a sister, Mrs. J. M. years ago, and later married (Minnie) Bear, of Marlinton; E u m i McClune, win precedtwo stepsons, Earl Carlisle, of ed him in death in 1967. Survivors include two sons, Harlan, Kentucky, and Monta Earl L. Carlisle, of Kenvir, Carlisle, of Tampa, Florida; and three stepdaughters, Mrs. Kentucky, and Monta S. CarRoxie Rutledge, of Dorothy; lisle, of Tampa, Florida; three Mrs. Nina Petry, of Colcord, daughters, Mrs. Roxie Rutledge, of Dorothy, Mrs. Nina and Mrs. Helen Stiefald, of Pettrey, of Colcord, and Mrs. Topeka, Kansas. Funeral services were held Helen Siffel, of Topeka, KanSaturday afternoon in the Wes- sas; one sister, Mrs. Lillian ley Methodist Church at Hills- Reese, of Baltimore, Maryboro by the Rev. B. W. John land; six grandchildren and with burial in the Old Brick fourteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Church Cemetery. Thursday afternoon at two o'clock in the Hillsboro MethEverette Carlisle odist Church by the Rev. Everette Carlisle, 73, of Hunt- Ralph Ross with burial in the ington, formerly of Lewisburg, Oak Grove Cemetery. died Sunday, September 24, 1961, in the Beckley hospital after a long illness. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. i L Caraway Frances; a brother, George CarMrs. Mabel Rehm Caraway, lisle, of Hillsboro; and a sister, aged 76, of Hillsboro, died in Mrs. William C. Reece, of Baltithe Pocahontas Memorial HosDIED more, Maryland. pital on Thursday, October Mrs. Adella Darnell Carlisle, wife 25, 1962, after a short illness. uacob Lewis Caraway of George L Carlisle, of Hillsboro, Born in Greenbrier County Jacob Lewis Caraway, agec died on Saturday morning, March 9, 1935 She had been ill for several 78, died on Sunday, August October 13, 1886, she was the months. Her age was 65 years. On 26, 1962, in the Denmar State daughter of the late August Monday morning the fuuera1 was con- Hospital, after a long illness and Elizabeth Rehm. ductedfrom the Hillsboro Methodist Death was attributed to a Survivors include two daughChurch by her p istor, Rev. J. H. he trt condition. ters, Mrs. Clyde Hively, of Light, assisted by Rev. M. B Curry; Je was a retired lumberman. Hot Springs, Virginia, and buriil in Oak Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Carlisle was the daughter of James Born in the Renick Valley, Mrs. Delbert Johnson, of Char leston; one sister, Mrs. Laura M. and Martha Ann Darnell and was June 3, 1884, he was a son of born near Ronceverte May 20, 1870. the late Joseph and Sarah CarSheppard, of Renick, and four On September 20, 1899, she became away. grandchildren. Her husband the wife of George L Carlisle. To Survivors include his wife preceded her in death two I this union were born six children. The first died infancy; the surviving Mrs. Mabel Rehm Caraway; months before. Funeral services were conchil lren are Earl L , Monte S , Mrs. two daughters, Mrs. Clyde V, L Rutledg*, Mrs.S L Pettry, all Hively, of Warm Springs, Vir- ducted on Saturday afternoon h>f Ameagle, Raleigh county; Helen ginia, and Mrs. Delbert Johnin the Wesley Chapel MethoM , at home. son, of Charleston; and a sis- dist Church, with the Rev. Mis. Carlisle had been a member ter, Mrs. Guy Beard, of Ren- Owen Lee officiating. Interof the Methodist Church since early ment was in the Oak Grove ick. womanhood. Cemetery. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday afternoon in the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Owen Lee in charge. Burial wa> in the Oak \ ^jh Grove Cemetery. Mrs. D. M. Ca.livon Mrs, Rexford Dare Callison, 87, of Beard, died eafly Sunday morning, June 12, 1977, at Denmar State Hospital of a heart attack after a long illness. The widow of the late Denry Mount Callison, she was horn at Sunlight, August 29, 1889. She was the daughter of Samuel P. and Martha Knight Sammons. Mrs. Callison was a former schoolteacher in Green Bank and'Pocahontas Counties. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and a Sunday School teacher for many years at Beard. She was a charter member of the Locust Creek Home Demonstration Club. Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by a son, Leo Baxter Callison; a brother, Forrest Sammons; and sisters, Miss Kittie Sammons and Mrs. Cleo Crawford. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Campbell, of Sinks Grove; sons, Harry Callison, San Pedro, California , Hubert Callison, Hillsboro, and Gilmer Callison, Tucson, Arizona; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held at Hillsboro Wesley United Methodist Church Wednesday, at 1 p. m., by the Rev. Sherman Markley, Rev. Jack Arbuckle and Rev. Harper Callison. Burial at Old Droop Cemetery.


Mrs. George Carlisle

Denny M. Callison Denny Mount Callison, 83. of Beard, died Tuesday, January 4, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Callison had farmed all his life on the family farm at Beard. He was a member of the Wesley Methodist Church at Hillsboro. A son of the late Richard and Fannie Beard Callison, he was born at Beard September 27, 1888. He was preceded in death by one son, Leo Baxter Callison, and four brothers, G. Steel Callison. Elba Bright Callison, Josiah Woods Callison, and JJueJ Callison. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs, Rexford Sammons Callison; one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Callison Campbell, of Sinks Grove; three sons, Harry Callison, of San Pedro, California, Hubert Callison, of Beard, and Gilmer Callison, of Tucson, Arizona; one brother, Orion G. Callison, of Mount Hope. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:00 p. m. in the Wesley United Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev, William Markley and the Rev. Cecil Dalton. Burial will be at the Old Droop Cemetery. Mrs. Maud McNeel Callison, wife George W. Callison, d?ed at her )me at Dayton, Virginia,, Friday, pril 13, 1923, after a short illness of leuittonia. The deceased was a nave of Pocahontas county, being a lutrhter of the late Captain W. L. cNeel, and much of her life was* >ent at Iliilsboro. Her body was ought to the ancestral burying 'bund, the McNeei graveyard, mong L'/i children are Mrs. J K, arsl.all and Mrs. George P. Edgar, Iliilsboro. Quiacy S. Callison I Jnincy S. Callison, of 639 ramus Road, Paramu?, former of Sorner\iile New Jersey, seel away suddenly on Friday, )tember 19. He was 70 jears age. AY. Cjillisori was bora at Beard, •viving are his wife, Ena : )lioe, and two chil Iran, Mrs. W. Ferguson of Wishingtoa, C , a r J VIrs A. W Dj^e of •amus, and one grand daughter, funeral services were held at irlottesville* Virginia, at 2:00 i. Monday, with interment at nticello Memorial Park.

G. Steele Callison George Steele Callison, 71, of Oak Hill, formerly of Marlinton, died in a VA Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, Tuesday, February 16, 1971, after a long illness. Born October 13, 1899, he was a son of the late Richard and Fannie Beard Callison. He was a native of Beard and a retired pharmacist. For many years associated with the Royal Drug Store, he was also a former mayor of Marlinton. Mr. Callison was a member of the Oak Hill United Methodist Church, a Mason, Shriner, the Moose Lodge and active in the American Legion. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Jennie Barnes Callison; one son, the Rev. Harper Thomas CaHison, of Morgantown; one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. Dilley, of Hinton; seven grandchildren, and two brothers, Orion G. Ca!lisOn, >f Mount Hope, and Denny M. Callison, of Beard. Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Oak Hill United Methodist Church by the Rev. Tally Hanna and the Rev. Fred Oxendale After the services the body will be taken to the VanReenen Funeral Home, Marlinton. At 4:00 p, m. Thursday, it will be moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Bumgardner, Jr„ where it will remain until 1:00 p. m. Friday. Graveside services will be teld at 2:00 p. m. in the ountain View Cemetery.

Patricia Ann Cain Patricia Ann Cain, aged seumonths, little daughter o f ^ H Louis and Mary Evelyn Cain, oi\ Marlinton, died on Sunday, January 13, 1957. On Tuesday after-! noon the funeral service wajj held from Central Union Church,! near the Airport, by Rev. Virgil* Shrader and R e v . T. G. Alderman. The little body was laid to rest in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. Besides her parents, the little girl is survived by two brothers, Ernie Lee and Stephen; her sister, Linda; also her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cain.

Richard H. & Glen W. Callison Two brothers, Richard PL lisor oi: Hillisboro and Glen W. Callison of Roanoke, Va., died within two days of each other. They were t'.o eldest and youngest sons of the late George W. and Maude McNeel Callison of Hillsboro. Richard H. Callison, f o r m e r employee of the Johnson-Carper Co , of Roanoke, died Tuesday, Sept 5, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Funeral service was conducted from the home at Hillsboro at 2 p. m. Thursday, Sept 7th, bv the Rev D. L Jones. Interment in Oak Grove cemetery. The deceased is survived by two sons, Donald K , of Dayton, Va , and George C. Callison, of Forest City, N. C.; one" sister, Mrs. J. K. Marshall of Hillsboro, and two grand -children. Glen W. Callison died at the I Shenandoah Hospital in Roanoke, Va., on Wednesday, Sept. 6th. His funeral was held at the Okey Laura Frances Whiting i lison, aged 79 years, died at her honu^ Chapel, conducted by the Rev. In Bound brook, New Jersey, on John H. Blakemore Jr. and the Thursday. January 11, 1940. On Sun Rev. Millard R. Floyd. Interday her body was brought to the fain ment was in the Evergreen cemei!y plot at old Droop Church for in- tery at Roanoke. terment; funeral service by Rev. L Mr. Callison was a veteran of S. Shires, pastor of the Hillsboro World War I and a former coach Methodist Church. Mrs Callison was the widow of the and Athletic Director at Shenanlate W. H. Callison, of the Levels. jdoah College, at Dayton, Va. For She is survived by he** three children, the last several years he had been Qaincey, James and Ima. She was a jtnanager of the Self service Laun daughter of . 3 late Ebenezer Whiting {dry at Roanoke. He is survived and was the last ^J her lather's fam I by his wife, Mrs. Gale Ferguson | ily. About 30 years ago she and her ]Callison, bis son, Richard H., j family moved to Bound Brook, Npw three daughters, Ruth E., Nancy I Jersey. L, and Kay all of Roanoke; a sis ter, Mrs. J. K. Marshall of Hills boro and two grandchildren, Both brothers were members of '? the Methodist Church and the ) Masonic Lodge. ( ^

0 . J. Campbell On Monday, J u l y 6, 1953, O. J . uipbell, of D u n m o r e , died audnly of a heart attack while enged in his farm work. Mr. Campbell was t h e fifth eldt child born to L u t h e r and Mole Benson Campbell, his birth was on April 6, 1889, at Monterey. Vir^ioia. T h e family m c v ed to D u n m o r e shortly thereafter. At the acre of twelve y e a r s , be joined the M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h and in its activities he was devotedly engaged until his death. He filled many responsible positions i . his own church and rendered untiring services to the C h a r g e and District affiliations of churches. He was courageous in his effort to win lives for C h r i s t , for to him this was a m a t t e r of u t m o s t concern and a p r i m a l objective in life. Mr. Campbell is survived by his wife, Louise M o o r e Campbell, and four d a u g h t e r s , K a t h e r i n e . of Dunmore; Virginia G a r b e r , of Soutb Charleston; D o r o t h y , of Washington; M a r t h a Lovelace, of Dunmore; and two g r a n d c h i l d r e n . Two brothers, Benjamin and Ri sell, and a sister, M a r g a r e t Swecker, preceded him in deatn. Four brothers and t w o sisters survive: Gay and G u y , of S o u t h Charleston; Alexander, of A k r o n , Ohio; and E r n e s t , of S t a u n t o n , Virginia; M r s . Charles H a g e y , of Sierre M a d r e , California, and Mrs. E. H. T a y l o r , of Cleveland, Ohio. The words of the poet are fitting and can easily be said by those who survive t h a t here surely was a man who had so lived that when his s u m m o n s came he was sustained and s j o t h e d by an unfaltering t r u s t and approaches his grave like one who wraps the drapery of bis couch a b o u t him and lies down to pleasant d r e a m s . GUY


Guy Campbell, 71, of 234 Fourth Ave., South Charleston, died Tfrars day, August 16, 1962, in Thomas hospital after suffering a h e a r t attack a short time earner. A na. tive of Vandeipool, Ya., his family moved to Pocahontas County wihil« he was *» infant and where he lived be€o-> going to the Char,, leston area 34 yeaus ago. Oe i* eurvived by his s&ocmyi w*|e, a son, tihr&e daughters, a brother, a sister and six gra»dhildren.

Funeral services were ©omduatedL Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in I>artingy ton Methodist Church by the Rev.. L. E. Crowson. Burial was in Cufru ningham Memorial Park. i

S. A. CAMPBELL Mrs. Ernest S. Campbell Stuart Alexander Campbell passed Mrs. E l i z a b e t h Hiner Campiway on the first morning of the New Fear, 1922, at 8 o'clock a. m. at his bell, widow of Ernest Slaven home in Belington, in his 79th year. C a m p b e l l , died S u n d a y morning He was a native of Highland County, D e c e m b e r 28, 1958, in King't Virginia, and a veteran of the Civil D a u g h t e r s ' Hospital in Staunton War. He came to Huntersville, W. Virginia, after a n illness of se Va., in 1872, and married Miss weeks. M r s . Campbell was born Emma Clark Loury in 1875. Of this a t D o e Hill, Virginia, March f union three children survive him -*~ 1904, a d a u g h t e r of t h e late Ro Mrs, Grace Fisher and Fred Camp b e r t F , a n d M a r y J a n e Bishc bell, of B^Uigton, and Philip Campbell, and his grlTTTT^aijjarvey Fisher, Hiner. M r s , Campbell was of Grafton, and one brotir^^wad,jme p r a t i c a l n u r s e . She was a men sister. His wife preceded him t o u r oer of t h e D u n m o r e Methodis grave eight years ago. C h u r c h in D u n m o r e . She had He was one of the earliest settlers r e c e n t l y m a d e m a d e her hor of Belington, his home being the with a sister, M r s . M a r t h a Cobh second house built in the town. He had been a member of the Presbyte- , of Fishersville, Virginia. rian church from boyhood. He was S u r v i v o r s include four daugh an honest, upright christian gentle ters, M r s . E v e l y n McQaain, man, beloved by all who knew him, B a l t i m o r e , M a r y l a n d , Mrs. Pai following the precepts of the First ine H i t e , of R i c h m o n d , Virginia Psalm. He was a loving husband, Mrs. E o l y n B u c h a n a n , of Jo a kind father and neighbor. He was livue, near S t a u n t o n , Virginia an passionately fond of music, We Mrs. W a n d a J a m e s , of Barbertor hope to meet him some day with the redeemed where parting is no more. O h i o ; t w o sons, Lee E. Campbell Farewell, dear brother. B. V. G. of Philadelphia, a n d William C a m p b e l l , of Richmond, Virginia t w o sisters, Mrs. M a r t h a Cobh Ben B. Campbell, aged 52 yen is of Fishersville, Virginia, and Mrs died at his home at Greenbank . is i L o n a Zirk, of Waynesboro, Vir Tuesday night, June 25, ]y:j5. of heart attack. /That day he had been ginia; and three brothers, Rober M . Hiner, of D u n m o r e , Graydon about his bUMi'ie^' '** usuil, and bis Hiner, of S t a u n t o n , Virginia, anc unexpected passing was a great shock William B . Hiner, of Fishersville j to the community and county. On i Friday his body was buried in the Virginia. Also surviving are ter ! family plot at Dunmore cemetery, grandchildren. Her husband pre the service being conducted from his ceded her in 1955. late home by his pastor, Rev. I) M A funeral service was held Vlonroe, assisted by Rev. VV. D. MarM o n d a y afternoon, in the Hamshall. An immense concourse of friends were present to pay—-their rick F u n e r a l Home in Stauntor Virginia conducted by the Re\ tribute of respect. A r t h u r W. Wingfield, pastor Mr Campbell was one of the lead ing business men of Pocahontas, lie t h e A s b u r y Methodist Church was a successful lumber operator and Following t h e funeral services the he dealt extensively in automobiles b o d y was t a k e n to Salem, VirFor a number of years he had served gini \, for cremation. on the board of directors of the Bank I n t e r m e n t was in the Dunmor of Marlinton. The deceased was the son of t-ie C e m e t e r v on Wednesday with late Luther and Mollie Benson Camp- t h e R e v . Charles P o t t s , pastor i bell. Of his father's family there t h e D u n m o r e Methodist Church remain three daughters, Mrs Mary officiating. Taylor, of Richmond; Mrs Ruth Noel, of California; Mrs K. D. Swecker, of Maryland; Russell, Jamie. Guy, Gay, Alexandra Campbell Ernesc and Zan Campbell. The de Alexandra (Zan) C a m p b e l l , ceased was the eldest of a family of of Akron, Ohio, formerly of ten children and was the hrst to be D u n m o r e , d e p a r t e d this life taken. S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 19, 1964. Mr Campbell was twice married His first wife, Mrs Bessie Moore He died s u d d e n l y of a h e a r t Campbell, died some years since; rhev a t t a c k . are survived by one son. Brown. £Ii& H e was preceded in d e a t h second wife, Mrs Oor&Cowger Moo b y t w o sisters, Mrs. M a r g a r e t mau Campbell survives her husband In religion, Mr Campbell belonged Swecker a n d M r s . R u t h H a g e y ; to the church of his fathers: the Pres- six b r o t h e r s , Ben, Russell, G i y byterian, being a aae-mU, of Liberty J a m e s , E r n e s t and G u y C a m p Church. Besides his wide business bell. con ructions, he took much interest S u r v i v o r s include his wife. in public ail'airs, and he will be wide Mrs. Alice Campbell, and oae ly missed. sister, M r s . M a r y Taylor, of L a k e w o o d , Ohio. F u n e r a l services a n d burial were in Akron, Ohio, o n T u e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 22.


PBELL Mrs Bess Moore Campbell, wife of B. B. Campbell, died Jan. 27, 1932, after a lingering illness of many months. Mrs. Campbell was the daughter of the late Hon. L B . Moore and Mrs. Kate Curry Moore of Knapps Creek. When a girl she gave her heart to God and united with the Methodist Episcopal church, South and remained faithful until her death. She had been in failing health for sometime and had been confined to her bed since Christmas. She was a patient sufferer during her long illness and everything that medical skill, kind hearts and loving hands could do was dene for her comfort; but God knew best and it was His will to take her from this world of suffering to a land of peace and rest. Her happy disposition was an inspiration to all who knew her. She never complained, was patient in her suffering, and always greeted you with a smile. So brave and happy was she, that invariably . her answer was, "Oh, I am all right," no matter when asked how she was feeling. We miss her, but we know she is now with her loved ones, where there is neither pain nor sorrow but where everything is perfecc. She was a faithful and loyal worker in t h e church, Sunday School, Missionary Society and community. In all of these she was untiring in her efforts and unselfish in her life. She was teacher of the Young People's Class and it was through her work and influence that the class grew in number and interest; she gave the best of her ability to the upbuilding of the class ^ 4 * th0Uj£L^«e h a s trono. tuer infhifinw

will go on in the years to come She was recording secretary of the Woman's Missionary Society and Supt. of Qhe Social Dept.,.and was also a member of the auxiliary of the Presbyterian church and was much interested in their work. It was due entirely to her efforts and influence that the cemetery at Dunmore had been made the beautiful plot we now have. She leaves to mourn their loss her husband, one son, Brown, three sisters, Mrs. Sam McGuffin, Staunton, Va.. Mrs. Harry Walker, Wilmington Ohio, and Miss Mary Moore, of Dunmore. Two brothers, Peyton and Fred Moore of Huntersville; her stepmother, Mrs. Sadie Moore and a half brother and sister, G^^y and Gladys Moore, all of Knapps* Creek, and many other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. The funeral was held Jan. 30, 1932, at 2:00 in the afternoon in the Methodist church at Dunmore. conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. D. Marshall, assisted by Rev. D. M. Monroe of the Presbyterian church with the concluding prayer at the grave by her brother-in-law, Rev. K. D. Swecker. The hymns used were ''It is well with my •Soul'', "Sometime We'll Understand" u Does Jesus Care." and "Sweet By and By"; was sung both at the church and around the open grave by her Sunday School class. Interment was in the Dunmore cemetery.

The pall-bearers were the young James A. Campbell men of her Sunday School class. The j James A. Campbell 94, of girls of the class carried the flowers I Route 2, Buekhannon, died which were many and beautiful. at his home on Saturday, NoThe Order of the Eastern Star had charge of the service at the cemetery vember 11, 1967, following a where they used the beautiful and brief illness. impressive burial service. This serBorn October 30, 1873, in vice was in charge of the Cass chapter No. 124, of which she was a member, j Pocahontas County, he was Our heartfelt sympathy is extended • a son of the late Sterling and to her husband, son and other rela- : Hattie Cloonan Campbell. tives. He was a member of the W. M. S. Sand Run E. U. B. Church, Committee. and a retired farmer and lumberman. Luther R. Campbell On September 14, 1899, he was married to Dicie Dawson. Luther Russel Campbell aged Two daughters preceded him 63 years, died at his home at Dunin death. more, on Wednesday afternoon, Survivors include his wife, May 25, 1949. He had been in failing health for some time, but Mrs. Dicie Campbell; seven sons, Winters, Elmer, Wilson his death came as he was about and Howard Campbell, all of bis work On Saturday afternoon Buekhannon; James Campbell, his body was laid to rest in the of Tailmansville; the Rev. Dunmore cemetery. The service Carus L. Campbell, of Clarkswas held from Baxter Church by his pastor, Rev. Graham Keys, j burg; and Sterling Campbell, of Akron, Ohio; one daughter, assisted by Rev Qnade Arbogast. Mrs. Eva Bischoff, of Akron, Pall bearers were officers of the Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Georgia church, and the flower bearers McAllister, of Covington, Virwere women of the Presbyterian ginia; 24 grandchildren; 42 and Methodist organizations. great-grandchildren and one Mr. Campbell is survived by great-great grandchild; and bis wife, Mrs. Onie Thompson several nieces and nephews. Campbell, a daughter, Mrs. C H. Cyrus, of South Charleston, Mrs. Florence Campbell and a son, Eldon, of Tennessee. Be was a son of the lata Luther Mrs. Florence Austin Campbel and Mollie Benson Campbell. Of wife of Guy Campbell, died al his father's family, there remain her home in South Charleston on his sisters, Mrs. K. D. Swecker, Monday afternoon, August 9^ |4of New Market, Md. Mrs. E H 1948. She had been ill for man.v Taylor, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. months. On Thursday afternoon, C. H. Hagey of California; his her body was laid to rest in the five brothers, Ernest and James, family plot in Dunmore cemetery. of Dunmore; Guy and Gay, of The service was held from the South Charleston; Zan of Akron, home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ohio. Moore. For many years, Mr. Camp!el Mrs. Campbell is survived by wss a civil service employee, a herhusband, Guy Campbell, and carrier on a rural mail route. He their four children, Austin, Mrs j retired a number of years since. Charles Ross, Mrs. Win. Ellis (In religion, Mr, Campbell was a and Mrs. Carl Freeman. She was member of the church of his fath- a daughter of the late Dr. C. L ers, the Presbyterian. For many md Mrs. Florence Moore Austin. years he had served faithfully and Of her father's family, there rewell as a Ruling Elder of Baxter I main her sisters, Mrs. Carl Har! Church. ness, Mrs. C. M. LeMaster and Mrs, F. A. Pritchard, her two brothers, Charles and Frank AusSteven Cnif Campbell tin; her stepmother, Mrs. C. L. Aastin, Steven Craig Campbell, 23, of Lewisburg, was killed Sunday, September 17, 1978, in a Bedford CanybtN single car accident near Hart's Bedford Campbell, 68, died of Run. a heart attack at his home at Sistersville, Monday, JanuHe was the son of Craig ary 23,1978. He was the son Campbell, of Lewisburg, and of the late Boyd and Maude the late Lena Allen Campbell, Lockridge Campbell. and great-grandson of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Lockridge, Services and burial will be of Minnehaha Springs. in Lewisburg Thursday morning.


verett Ames Campbell, 54, of a heart attack in his sleep ome in Marlmton on Friday, -ch 13,1959. [r. Campbell had been general lager of the Telephone Utiliof West Virginia, Incorporathere since their purchase of j Pocahontas Telephone Complast summer. e was a member of the Mar>n Presbyterian Church, the linton Lions Club, a Mason, a Shriner, at Scranton, Pennania. e was born at Winamac, Inla, June 21, 1905, the son of \. and Blanche Kroft CampHis^mother preceded him eatto. ^ S V I urvivtaq; Mncludes /his wife, . Viola^^aq^fc^C^ipbell, and r son, JohrTAtuampbell, at ie; his father, J. A. Camp, of Cameron; a brother. Will A. Campbell, of Genoa, nslvvania; and two sisters, j. E. M. Rhuark, of Carrol 1, Ohio, Mrs. Robert Snidely, rtarrietta, Georgia, 'he funeral was held Sunday irnoon in the Marlinton Pre*erian Church by the Rev. W. Pierce, with burial at Oarroll. Ohio, on M^/ndav. Mrs. Dwa Campbell Mrs. Dora Campbell, aged 74, ed on Wednesday, August 7, 57, in Matthews Nursing Home Saluda, Virginia, after a long ness. She was twice married, st to the late Dr. Leland Hunter oomau, of Green Bank, and en to the late Ben Campbell, Dunmore. She is survived by her-daugh. r, Mrs, Thomas Harwood, of iluda, Virginia; one step-sonrown Campbell, of Dunmore; Le sister, Mrs. Myrtie Harner, Charlottesville, Virginia: one andson, Thomas Harwood, Jr., Richmond, Virginia; one grand tughter, Mrs. N. C. Roettger, Lexington, Virginia. She was a life long resident of reen Bank and a member of ie Liberty Presbyterian Church, om where the funeral will be id Friday, August 9, at 2:00 p, ., with burial in the Arbovale emetery.

Mrs. Effle Sharp Campbell, vvidow of the late J. E. Campbell, for a number of years editor and owner of The Covington Sentinel, died at her home in Lancaster, Pa., Wednesday night, November 18, 1931. after an illness of about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell moved with their family to Roanoke some twenty years ago where Mr. Campbell invested large interests. Mr. Campbell died there in 1915 and his remains were brought back to Covington for burial. Mrs. Campbell with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Hill, then moved to Lancaster, Pa. about five or six years ago, where they have lived since that time. Besides her one daughter. Mrs. Madeline Hill, Mrs. Campbell is survived by the following brothers and sisthrs: Messrs. Albert Sharp, Marlinton and Gilbert Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs, W. Va.; Mrs. Doshia Warren, of Lancaster, Pa.: Mrs. Bertha Peterson, of Coatesville, Pa.: Mrs. Lucy Sheets, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Clara Overholt and Mrs. Lizzie Ervine of Marlinton, W. Va., also one granddaughter. Kitty Hill. The remains arrived in Covington Friday morning on Train No. 3 and were taken to the home of her nephew, Mr. Garlund Rose, in Marion Street. Funeral services were held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rose at three o'clock in the afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. H. Haley, pastor of Granbery Memorial Church, of which Mrs. Campbell was a former faithful member. Interment was made in beside her husband in Cedar I Hill Cemetery.—Covington Virginian.

Gay Campbell j Gay Campbell, aged 67 years, I of South Charleston, died on Sunday, June 21, 1959, in Thomas Memorial Hospital, of a heart attack. Born near Monterey, Virginia, he moved to Dunmore in early childhood, where he lived until coming to Marlinton when a young man. After residing here for several years he went to Covington, Virginia, where he owned and operated a jewelry store until moving to South Charleston fifteen years ago. Mr. Campbell was a member of Darlington Methodist Church. A veteran of World Was I, he was a member of the John Brawley Post, American Legion. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella Dilley Campbell; a daughter, Mrs. L. W. Fitzgerald, of Wnvnesboro, Virginia; two sons. Keith, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Flem, of Huntington; five grand children; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Flagey. of Turlock, California, and Mrs. E. H. Taylor, of Cleveland, Ohio; and two brothers, ^uy Campbell, of South Charleston, and Alexander Campbell, of Akron, Ohio. Funeral services were held ot) Tuesday morning in South Charleston and Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, by his pastor, the Rev. A. A. Mrs. Mae Long Campbell \ngle, of South Charleston. Mrs, Mae Long Campbell, Burial was made in Mountain 59, widow of Raymond L. View Cemetery, at Marlinton. Campbell, of Covington. Virginia, died Wednesday, June 6, 1973, in a Covington hospiMiss Mattie A. Campbell was born tal after a short illness. j Jmy 26, 1835, died at Dunmore, PoMrs. Campbell was born |cahontas county, W. Va., Sunday. April 12, 1925, 5:30 p. m;, at the July 3, 1913 in Pocahontas home of her nephew and niece, Mr County, a daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Russell Campbell. She wae Clemmie Tracy Long and the beautifully and tenderly cared for oy late Vernal S. Long. her Dunmore relatives and friends. Beside her mother she is She was the oldest daughter of survived by one sister, Mrs. • Benjamin Brown Campbell, who was Glema Long Auldridge, of ' b o m Nov. 18, 1808. rUef* March 13, I 1884; he was a son of Alexander Lewisburg, and one brother, Campbell, born 1765, died 1845, David S. Long, of Ronceverte, whose wife was Miss Margaret Brown, one niece, Mary Lynn Powell barn June 30, 1769, died at Poole. and one nephew, Thomas H. Indiana. June 25 ; 1822. Long, both of Huntington. Benj. B. Campbell's wife, mother of Miss Mattie, was Margaret Slaven, Funeral services were held 3orn April 23 J JL8U X ,died July 10, in the Chapel of the R. M. 1849. She was a daughter of Stuart Loving Funeral Home in Covborn 1767, died July 1, 1832, ington, Virginia, Friday. In- Slaven, whose wife was Isabella Johnson terment was in the Roseborn 1790, died 1842. wood Cemetery in Lewisburg. Stuart Slaven was a son of John ' Slaven, born about 1723, died 1798, whose wife was Elizabeth Stuart, 1726—1795—W. P. Campbell in Highland Eecorder.


Mrs. Levia Carter (* Mrs. P. L. Carter ftlrs. Levia Jane Gibson CarMrs. Mary Susan AuId rid ter, aged 88 years, departed Carter, daughter of the late Ja:r this life on Monday, April 2, and Julia DUD can Au Id ridge w 1962, in the Davis Memorial born on December 27, 1867, ne Hospital at Elkins, where she Ed ray, West Virginia, and di had been a patient since Feb- November 27, 1945, ac her hoi ruary 5. Death was attribut- at Onoto, after a long illness. I ed to generalized schlerosis. ing 77 years and 11 months She had been in failing health age. for several years but her conOn May 28, 1891, she was un dition had confined her to her ed in marriage to Page Lee Cs room since August, 1961. iter. There were no childrc She spent her entire life in j Mr. Carter preceded her to t the community where she was grave ten years ago. born. She was born February They were both devoted chur 5, 1874, in Marlinton, the only j workers in their community ai daughter of the late Rachael willing ; were always ready and Ann Hannah and the late help others in time of need. George S. Gibson, both memMrs. Carter is survived by se bers of pioneer families of Poeral cousins, great neices ar cahontas County. great nephews and a host On September 5, 1897, she friends. was united in marriage to MarOn Thursday November 2 vin C. Carter, the son of anthe funeral was held in the ne other pioneer family in PocaMrs. George Campbell church on Stony Creek by Re hontas County. Mrs. Delia Fage Campbell, James C. Wool, assisted by Re To this union were born two R. H. Skaggs. 82, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Burial in tl sons, one who died in infancy, Cochran cemetery by the side < died Sunday, November 25, and C.C. (Nick) Carter, who ;her husband. 1973 in a Nursing Home in preceded her in death in 1954. Staunton, Virginia, after a She is survived by her daugh- When I come to the end of tl long illness. long, long road, ter, Mrs. Pearl Ward, of MarMany years ago she made linton, with whom she had The shadows will flee away, her home with her aunt, the made her home; one granddau- And I'll stand in the glorioi late Mrs . C . J . Richardson, and light of God, ghter, Mrs. Percy .(Patricia) attended school in Marlinton. Teter, of East Sparta, Ohio, Where dwelleth eternal day. Services were held Tuesday and one grandson, Charles M. When I come to the end of tl afternoon in the Virginia ChapCarter, of 1016 S. Kerens long, long road, el at Mitchelltown, with burial Avenue, Elkins. And trials will all be past in the Warm Springs Cemetery The funeral was held in the I shall look in the face of m dearest Friend Marlinton Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon with Safe home in His Heaven at las Mrs. Mary Jane Carter the Rev. W. E, Pierce in Mrs. Mary Jane (Molly; Carter charge. Interment was in I C. Carter ^ 87, of Organ Cave, Greenbrier Mountain View Cemetery. County, died on Tuesday, June | Marvin 0. Carter, aged se 6,1961, after a short illness. t one years, aica at his nor Mrs. Carter was born at Mill Clark Carter IMariinton on Sunday moi Point, the daughter of the late November 8, 1942. He had Clark Carter, aged 50 years, of Robert and Martha Young Silva, an invalid for a number of ; Elkins, died at a hospital in Elkins who moved to Washington Stat£ On Tuesday afternoon his of a heart attack early Sunday in the early 1900's. Her husmorning, August 1, 1954. On was laid to rest in the f band was the late George Carter, Tuesday afternoon his body was plot in Mountain View Cemi and her sister was Ella Silva Barlaid to rest in Maplewood Ceme- The funeral was conducted low, the late Mrs. Anderson Bartery in Elkins, after a service by Marlinton Presbyterian C low. his pastor, Rev. Warner Dubose, by his pastor, Rev. J. C. She was a member of the Salem assisted by Rev. Fred Oxe of the Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian Church at Organ The deceased was a son The deceased was a sen of U r s Cave and the Women of the late Burton and Susan Auld Levia Gibson Carter, and the Carter. He WPS a grands* Church. late Marvin Carter. His sister is Dr. Page Carter. His sis Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Pearl Carter Ward, of Mar- Mrs. Annie M. Warwick, of Mrs. Edna C. Sively of Organ linton. bar, and his brother is A. E Cave; one foster son, George D. Mr. Carter is survived by his' Carter, of Spartansbnrg, S. Myers of Covington, Virginia; \ wife, Mrs. Edith Hedges Catrer; Mr Carter is survived 1 one foster daughter, Mrs. Irene their daughter, Mrs Patricia Ann wife, who was Miss Levi Martin of Ronceverte; one sister, Peter, of Canton, Ohio; their son, Gibson, daughter of the Mrs. T. M. Hill of Chehalis, Charles Marvin Carter, at home. George and Rachel Hannah Washington, and two grandchildTheir surviving ch The deceased for many years son. ren. are Miss Pearl Carter, at had bean an employee of MontFuneral services were held gomery Ward Company, as head and Charles Clark Carter, E Thursday afternoon in the Salem Mr Carter was a life long of a department in the store at Presbyterian Church with the Rev. i:™. a member of the Pre Elkins. J. W. Rowe, Jr., in charge w i t h rian Church; a man who in f he church cemetery. his religion. Ierchel henton Campbell 9yea«. old. died at the home of his parents, , Mr and Mrs Gay Campbell in Fudge street at 8:20 o'clock Saturday morn ing, February, 24, 1935 following an i illness of only two days of scarlet; fever The little boy attended school ^H Thursday and was taken ill Thuis*-y night and from that time he | .ever improved. Herchel was in the j phird grade of Jeter School and was a \ bright and intelligent little pupil. Surv' /ing are his bereaved parents,! two brothers and one sister, Keith. Flem and Thelk. Mr and Mrs Campbell came to r!ov- j ington in 1926 from West Virginia; and have made many warm friends ' here wl;o extend then their deepest j sympathy in the loss of their little sen i Funeral servicer were held from j the home in Fudf^e Street at 2:30 ick Sunday afternoon. Interit was made in Cedar Hill Ceme- . ter>. Rev J. H. Halvington yjrgiman.


Mrs. John Carter {/ Roy Carter Arthur Roy Sharp Carter, Mrs. Esta Medora Sharp Carter, 88, died Monday, No- 25, of St. Albans, died at his vember 19,1979, in the Poca- home Wednesday, October 24, 1979. He died of a bullet hontas Memorial Hospital. wound, apparently self-inflictShe was born at Frost Aued. Carter was a carpenter. gust 1,1891, the daughter of Survivors include his father, Charles Osborne Wade Sharp and Amanda Grimes Sharp. John Carter, a brother and Charleston.—Samuel L . C a r t e r She was the last of a family of sister in Texas, and his grandaged 76 .years, died a t bis h o m e in nine. Her brothers and sisters mother, Mrs. Esta Sharp CarVitro, on March 6, 1949. H e is were Chjarles Hanson, George, ter. survived by his w i f e a a d d a u g h t e r Services were held Saturday, Summers, Frank, and HanniFor many years before g o i n g to bal Hamlin Sharp, Icie Aman- in Casdorph and Curry FunerNitro, he was a d r u g g i s t in Mar- • da Dilley and Trudy Williams. al home at St. Albans by the ! iiotou. i Her husband, Dr. John Rev. J. S. Bailey with burial Carter, died many years ago. in Cunningham Memorial Park. Her only survivor is a son, Jack, of St. Albans. Henry C. Carpenter i Mrs. Cora E. Carpenter, wife of J. She was a member of the Henry Carpenter, age 81, of E. Carpenter, born May 11* 1873, died Methodist Church. 'December 31. 1922, age 49 years 7 7901 Central Road, New Almonths and 20 days. Since the first Services will be held Wed- bany, Ohio, died Friday, May of August Mrs. Carpenter had been nesday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. 14, 1965, at the home of his in failing health. She was taken to by Rev, William Trowbridge son. the hospital at McKendree about with burial in Mountain View He was born April 22, 1884, seven weeks ago, and alt t h a t could Cemetery. at Dunmore, a son of the late be was done to save her life. She is survived b^ her husband, and five Hanson and Mary Elizabeth /Q , W. H. Carpenter children, Vida, Claude, Alma, Arlie McCloud Carpenter. and Carlon, all at home, one sister. Our"oldest citizen, W. Hansop He was a life member of the Mrs. Fames Watson and two brothC a r p e n t e r , aged 102 years, of Moose Lodge No. 1465 of Durers, J. W. and T. H. Carpenter, of M a r l i n t o n , died on S a t u r d a y , Oc- bin. Dunmore. Little Lucielle preceeded t o b e r 7, 1950. A few lays beher mother to the grave four years Surviving him are three sons, fore he had suffered ? s t r o k e of James Carpenter, of New Alago. paralysis. On Monday noon the bany, Ohio, Clarence and RobFor many years Mrs. Carpenter has been a member of the M, E. Church funeral was held from the S m i t h ert Carpenter, both of Columand did her best to do God's Will. funeral home. Burial in Dun-j bus, Ohio; five daughters, Mrs. She was a devoted wife and mother more cemetery. | Kathleen Perry, of Greencastle and loved by all who knew her. T h e deceased was a son of the j Indiana, Mrs. Cleo Williams, Funeral services were conducted late H u g h and A ^ r g a r e t G r i m e s ] of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Hazel I by J. W. Rosenoerger in the Baxter C a r p e n t e r of T uore. He wasj Morgan, of Reynoldsburg. Church and the body was laid to rest in the Dunmore cemetery, January t h e last of hi .cner. family to Ohio, Mrs. Effie Belknap, of J, 1922. One life is absent from our he called. H e married Elizabeth Morristown, Tennessee, and| home. McCloud, who preceded > him Mrs. Shirley Brobst, of GroveA voice we loved is still m a n y years a g o . T h e i r s u r v i v i n g port, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. MaA place is vacant iu our home which d a u g h t e r s are Mrs. Effie Slay ton mie Lingenfelter, of Cowen,I never can be filled. and Mrs. M a m i e Linkenfluer; and two brothers, George Carpenfive sons, Ellet, H e n r y , G e o r g e , ter, of Parsons, and Jess Carpenter, of Idaho; ten grandClarence and Jesse. JAMES E. CARPENTER Their grand-children n u m b e r children, and several nieces] James E. Carpenter, 78, died 28, g r e a t - g r a n d - c h i l d r e n 36; and and nephews. Tuesday, May 11, 1954, at the Funeral services were heldj home of a daughter, Mrs. James g r e a t g r e a t grand-children 11. McCray of Dunmore, with whom Monday afternoon at Inter-, His secor wife was Matilda he * made his home. R a y , who preceded him seven ment Eastlawn by the O. R. Also surviving a r e another Woodyard Co. Moose. y e a r s ago. % daughter, Mrs. Merle Nottingham Those who attended the of Jamestown, Pa.; three sons, funeral from out of town were: Claude of Marlinton and Carlon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shrader, of and Arlie, both of Warren, Ohio; Rainelle, Arlie.and Carlon Cai two sisters, Mrs. L. S. Shrader penter, both of Warren, Ohio, of Rainelle and Mrs. EL C. Ligenfelter of Cowen; three brothers, and George Carpenter, of ParJess of Idaho, Henry of Colum- j sons. ]Naorni Carter, a^ed seventeen yearr laughter of Mrs Willie Carter, colored died at her home in Marlinton on August 21, 1937, after some weeks, illness of typhoid fever. On M<-«iday' after noon her body was buried in Mt View cemetery, the service being con duete from the Smith funeral parllorj by Rev Isham Goodwin.


bus, Ohio, and George of Boswell,; Pa. Service will be at 2:00 p. m., Thursday, in the Dunmore Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. D. Arbuckle will conduct the service and burial will be in the Dunmore Cemetery under the direction of Wallace and Wallace mortuary.


Clyde Carpenter ^'yde Carpenter, 86 of Dnn

George W. Carpenter George W. Carpenter, 87, a former resident of Hambletcn, died Friday, March 1, 1968, in the Denmar State Hospital at Beard, where he had been a patient for five weeks, He was born April 21, 1880, at Dunmore, a son of the late Hanson and Margaret McCloud Carpenter. He was a retired log train operator. His wife, Mrs. Melvina Mitchell Carpenter, preceded him in death June 23, 1961; also five brothers and two sisters pre ceded him in death. Hi brother, Jesse Carpenter, diec February 14, 1968, in Portia. Oregon, and was buried there. Survivors include one son Gerald Carpenter, of Stoystown, Pennsylvania; three daughters, Mrs. William H. Bense, of Windberg, Pennsylvania, Mrs. A. N. Bowser, of Stoystown, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. H. K. Nottingham, of Durbin; one sister, Mrs. Mamie Lingerfelter, of Cowen; 14 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday at Greenlief Funeral Home by the Rev. Meade L. Gutshall. Burial was in McNeeley Cemetery at Hendricks.

, To'bert H. Carpenter Tolberc H. Carpenter, aged 70 years, died in a-fire which-destroyed his home near Dunmore late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, November 25,1956 He had been at the home of his neighbors, the Bambrick family, and was accompanied home at 11:30 p. m. It is presumed, he used oil on a d rmant fire in the stove, with resulting explosion. Neighbors discovered the fire, but it was too late to render any assistance. Mr. Carpenter's body was found in the foundation of the ruins, in front of the stove. The funeral service was held ou Monday afternoon, at the home Qf his sister, Mrs, Oda Gay, by his pastor, Rev. Lowell Leggy assisted by Rev. Virgil Shrader and Guy Bambrick. Interment in the Carpenter family cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Lewis and Margaret Diiley Carpenter. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Oda Gay. He was a retired Seneca State Forest employee. He was a member of the Mt, Zion Methodist Church.

James Elletl Carpenter/ James Ellett Carpentefvf^ was born January 14, 1876, and departed this life May 11, 1954, at age of 78 years 3 months 27 ' days. He had been in ill health for several months. He was the son, of the late | William H. and Elizabeth Mcv Cloud Carpenter. In July 1902 he w^as united in marriage to Cora E. Carpenter, who preceded him in death 32 years since. To this union six , I children born five of whom sur- I jvive. The surviving are Mrs i Merle Nottingham, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania; Mrs James McCray, of Dunmjre; Claude, of .Marlinton; Carlon and Arlie, of; I Warren, Ohio. Two sisters, Mrs.! JL. H. Shrader, of Rainelle, Mrs. j |H. C. Lingenfelter, of Cowen. ' T .hree brothers, George, of Bos-j well, Pennsvlvania, Henry, of Columbus, Ohio, and Jess, of Idaho. f j One daughter, Lucille, preceded j j her father in death in 1919. He was a member of the Pres- ] ,'byterian Church and remained j faithful to the end. A precious one from us is gone A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled. By his children

Mrs. Mrry Galford Carpenter Mrs. Mary Hannah Galford Carpenter, aged 70 years, wife of Ellett Carpenter, died on Saturday morning, March 8, 1951, at her home at Stony Bottom aft3r a long illnes.. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was held from the borne by her pastor, Rev. Graham Keyes. Burial in the family cemetery near the home. The deceased is survived by her husband and four children by a former marriage, Mrs. Elvie Jackson and Jesse Thomas of Coalton; Mrs. Edith Meeks of Clover Lick, and Hunter Thomas of Slaty Fork. Mrs, Carpenter was a daughter | of the late Brown Galford of | Back Alleghany. The surviving j members of her father's family are Mrs. Agnes McCloud, A l i e n , (Samuel and Jacob Galford. Her first husband was Geerge Thomas, who precede! her about j twenty years since.

John William Carpenter John WilHam nter, age 82 years, died a t ' b i s home f Dnnruore- late Tueslay nigh N o v e m b e r ^ , 1952, after an ii ness of several uiuntbs On r i day afternoon bis body wa in' Danmore Cemetery, the sc vice being held from- the Meth dhi Church by his pastor, he J. L Justice. The deceased U survived by t wife, Mrs. Rettie Kelly Carpc ter and their five children; M Jessie Shinaberry and Mrs. 1 nestine Stewart, both of Morgs town; Mrs. Katnerine Kline, Cochranton, P e n n s y l v a n Charles, of Maidsvii.e; and Jc L., of Dunmore. He ah< fifteen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mr. Carpenter was a son o? late Peter W. and SallieWil Carpenter. His sister, Carpenter, survives, as brother, Tilden. .

Arlie G. Carpenter Arlie G. (Jim) Carpenter, 74, 467 Maryland Street, \N. Warren, Ohio, formerly Dunmore, died Wednesday Aug 12, 1987, in Warren Gene Hospital following a long illness He was employed by Pack, Electric Division for 21 years a was an inspector when he retiree 1973; he was a member of i Durbin Moose Lodge and Warren Ohio Block Watch. Born October 13, 1912, Dunmore, he was the son of the 1 James Ellet and Cora Carpenter. He was preceded in death by first wife, Ella Judy Carpentei brother, Claude Carpenter, ar ^ister, Sallie Lucille Carpenter. Surviving him are his w Romaine Ocker Carpenter, wh he married June 4, 1955; a s Benny Carpenter, of Leavittsbi Ohio; a daughter, Mrs. Jean Ba< of Glen Burnie, Maryland brother, Carlon Carpenter, Dunmore; two sisters, Mrs. Al McCray, of Dunmore, and N Vida Nottingham, of Jamesto Pennsylvania; and t grandchildren, Stacey i Stephanie Bader, of Glen Bur Maryland. Services were held at 11 a. Monday at the Dunmore Un Methodist Church by the Rev. I Vineyard, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. '


W. H. Carpenter Wade Hampton Carpenter, 83, of Buckeye, died Friday, February 8, 1985, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired sawmill worker and a noted fiddle player in the area for many years. He 'was a member of Trinity Baptist Church. Born February 12, 1901, in Webster Springs, he was the son of the late John Wesley and Mary Harris Carpenter. His wife, Gladys Scott Carpenter, and . five brothers, Floyd, Charlie, Albert, Daniel, and Frank Carpenter, preceded him in death. Surviving him are six children, Agnes Hobart, Archie Carpenter, Phyllis McMillion, Harley Carpenter, all of Buckeye, Mary F. Jarrells, of Gambrills, Maryland, and Harold O. Carpenter, Marlinton; twentyfive grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Tate and Rev. Raymond Rowland, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

^ W i l l i a m Carpenter

Benjamin Franklin Carpenter

William Carpenter, 82, of Dunmore, died in the Poca hontas Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, February 2, 1965. The son of Dan and Mary Carpenter, he was born in Burnsville, Virginia, March 1,

Benjamin Franklin Carpenter was born March 28, 1906. and died April 24, 1950, aged 44 years and 24 days. In 1928 he married Georgie Weiford and to this union were born six children: John, 1882. A ^ 6 Nellie, Jewell, Franklin, Williatr, Surviving him are his wife, and Stewart; all of whom survive Mrs. Annie Bussard Carpenwith the exception of Nellie, who ter, and three sons, Howard died a number of years ago. Carpenter, Salem, Virginia The deceased was the son of William Carpenter and Stewthe late Mary Harris Carpenterj ard Carpenter, both lining in and John Wesley Carpenter. Hisj New Jersey; two brothers, surviving brothers are: Albejt, Harvey Carpenter, of Hot Floyd, Dan and Hamp. Springs, Virginia, and Ernest Carpenter, of Covington, and The funeral services were conseveral nephews and nieces. ducted by the *Rev. Roger P. One brother, Daniel CarpenMelton, of the Marlinton Preshyter, is deceased. terian Church, and his body "Tas laid to rest in the Cloonan CciveFuneral services were held tery by the side of his liitle Wednesday afternoon in the daughter, Nellie. New Hope Methodist Church The pall bearers were: Claude, near Dunmore by the Rev. ! Winton, Cecil and Jack CarpenDavid B. Rittenhouse with ter, Charles Kramer and Jack burial in the Arbovale CemeRay. The flower girls were: tery. Ruth, Betty, Gladys and Wiltha Carpenter and L*oretta Kramer. Harold Carpenter p> i He is sadly missed by his farniHarold Carpenter, 14, of y and a host of relatives and Green Batik, died Monday, . August 29,1977. at West V i r - t f r l e D d s ginia Medical Center, followMrs. Annie L. Carpenter i^ ing heart surgery. Mrs. Annie L. Carpenter, 90, He was a member of the died Saturday night, June 28, Clarence E. Carpenter Green Bank United Metho1975, in the Pocahontas Medist Church, 4.H Club and Clarence E. Carpenter was born morial Hospital after a long ill\t Dunmore, on October 16, 1898, PCHS Band. ness. the son of the late XV. H. and Surviving him are his mothShe was born March 29,1885, Vlary Elizabeth McCloud Carpen- er, Ruby Gum Carpenter, of at Dunmore, the daughter of ter, and passed away on Novem- Green Bank; his father, George Cornelious and Emma Buzzard. ber 6, 1951, at Myers Hospital, Carpenter, of California; a She was married to William I. at Philippi. brother, Albert, and his Carpenter, who preceded her in In 1922 he was united in mar- grandfather, Markwood Gum, death 10 years ago; 3 brothers, of Green Bank. riage to Miss Cora Frances Dilley Ira. Richard, Alva and 3 sisters, and to this union was born five Funeral Services will be held Agnes, L.ou and Florence, also children: Mrs. Charles W. Green, Thursday afternoon at two in preceded her in death, t&nib Jr., of Washington, D. C ; Clar- the Green Bank Methodist Surviving her are a daughter, ence, Jr., of Marlinton; Robert, Church with burial in Arbovale Mrs. Hazel Gum, of Millville, of the U. S. Marine Corps, re- Cemetery, mmm Pennsylvania, and four grandcently returned from Korea; and children, 17 great grandchilSterl and Kyle, at home. dren, and 8 great-great grandHe is survived by his wife, the Mrs. Cora Carpenter children, fc^j, five children and two grandchildMrs. Cora Carpenter, about Services were 'iteld Tuesday ren. A!s6 two sisters, Mrs. L. S. 60, died Tuesday night from inShrader, of Rainelle; Mrs. H. C. juries received when she was afternoon at Wallace and WalLingrenfelter, of Cowen; four brostruck Tuesday by a car while ace Funeral Home in Arbovale with Rev. David Rittenhouse thers: Ellett. of Dunmore; George crossing Rt. 219 from the Hill in charge. Burial was in the of Bos well; Pennsylvania; Henry, Top Grocery where she worked, Arbovale Cemete'y< of Columbus, Ohio, and Jess, of to the mail box. Her injuries Idaho, did not appear to be too Funeral services were conduct- serious at the time. She was ed from the Stony Creek Church, brought to the hospital in the Friday afternoon, November 9th, Emergency Car. The car, going at two o'clock by Rev. Roger P. south, was driven by William Vlelton, and interment was made D. Welling, of Connellsviile, in the Mountain View Cemetery. Pennsylvania. No charges were placed against him at the time.

(2*>) v

Dtmpsoy Carpenter

Tildon H. Carpenter/^?

Albert Carpenter

Tildon Hamilton Carpenter, Funeral services were held Albert Carpenter, 90, of Dy* Saturday at G. W. Garrison 94, of Dunmore, died Friday, er, Webster County, died and Sons Funeral Home, Wil- June 26, 1970, of an apparent Thursday, March 11, 1976, in liamsburg, Virginia, for Demp- heart attack. Denmar State Hospital, at Den* sey W. (Jack), Carpenter, 53, He was born March 26,1876, tear. of Williamsburg, who died Sep- the son of the late Pete He was a lifelong resident of tember 9,1976, in a Williams- and Sally Griffin Carpenter. Webster County and was a reburg hospital after a long illHe was a lifelong resident of hired miner, railroader and ness. Rev. Samuel P. Hart was Pocahonras County, a member voodsman. in charge. of the United Methodist Church Surviving are three sons, He was the son of the late of Dunmore, and a retired lumWinter B. and Mack R. and Floyd and Maude Adknison berman, barber and farmer. George A., all of Dyer; a daughCarpenter, of Mill Point. Survivors include a daughter, ter, Mrs. Weltha Morgan, of He had lived in Williams- Mrs Ruby Frances Sheppard, Louisville, Kentucky; a broth* burg eighteen years, was en> of Dunmore; a son, Robert, of er, Hamp, of Buckeye; 13 grand ployed as a painter for East- Webster Springs; eight grand- children; five great-grandchilern State Hospital in Williams- children, 11 great-grandchil- dren and two great-great-*rand burg and was a member of the dren, and 20 great great* grand- children. children. United Methodist Church. Services were held Saturday The funeral was held Mon- afternoon in Adams Funeral Surviving him are his wife, Gladys Rogers Carpenter; three day afternoon at the Dunmore Home, at Cowen, with the Rev. daughters, Mrs. Barbara Stock- < Methodist Church with burial Okey Wayne officiating. Burton, of Virginia Beach, Vir- in the Dunmore Cemetery. ial was in the Hicfcmtn Cemeginia, Mrs. Jackie Brinkley, of tery, at Dyer. West Point, Virginia, and Mrs. Joyce Moon, of Williamsburg; Ronnie Everett Carpenter Lori Junim Carpenter two sisters, Mrs. George D. Ronnie Everett Carpenter, Lori Jeanine Carpenter, inThompson and Mrs. James 32, of Goshen, Virginia, fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whitt, Jr., both of Williamsof Marlinton, died Sammy Carpenter, of Winburg; two brothers, Clyde W., • formerly Saturday, July 2, 1983, in field, was born Sunday, Januof Buckeye, and Claude CM University of Virginia Medical ary 18, 1981, and died Monof Elyria, Ohio; one stepbrothday night, January 19,1981, Center, Charlottesville, after a er, Willie Adkinson, of Hillsin Huntington*Cabell Hospital. >ng illness. boro, and three grandchildren. Surviving in addition to the Born at Marlinton, he was Burial was in Williamsburg ; le son of Mrs. Helen Carpenparents, are a brother, Eric, at Memorial Park. home; maternal grandparents, er and the late Clarence CarMr. and Mrs. Henry De Long, tenter. of South Point, Ohio; paternal He was employed as plant Sterl E. Carpenter CS nanager of Burke-Parsonsgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carpenter, of Amherst, Sterl E. Carpenter, 43, of Bowlby Corporation. He atKte 1, Marlinton, died Monday tended Goshen United Metho- Ohio; paternal great-grand* mother, Susie Rogers, of Buqkmorning, November 25, 1974, dist Church and was a member eye. in a hunting accident on Clover of Goshen Fire Department, Creek when bis gun broke and American Wood Preservers InServices were held at 11 fired from a blow on a rock. stitute, and Virginia Wood 9. m. Thursday at Highland Mr. Carpenter was employed Preservers Association. Memorial Gardens Chapel in by Telephone Utilities of West Surviving, in addition to his South Point, Ohio, with Rev. Virginia and he was a member mother, are his wife, Rosalie; Fied Connery officiating. of the Methodist Church. daughter, Monica Rose, at Burial was in Highland Memorial Gardens. He was born May 11, 1981, home; brother, Larry, of Goshthe son of the late Clarence E. en, and sister, Mrs. Teresa John Carpenter and Cora Dilley Carpenter. Aleshire, of Marlinton. John Wesley Carpenter, 57, Services were held in VanSurviving him are his wife, of Buckeye, died Sunday, June Martha Rexrode Carpenterr Reenen Funeral Home in Mar23, 1985, in Pocahontas Memoand son, Eugene R. Carpenter, linton Tuesday morning by the rial Hospital. at home; three brothers, Clar- Rev. Sanford Boggs and Tuesence E. and Kyle F. Carpenter, day afternoon in Goshen United Born February 19, 1928, at both of Marlinton, Robert F. Methodist Church by the Revs. Buckeye, he was the son of Carpenter, Woodbridge, Vir- Charles V. Jackson and R. L. Frank and Georgie Carpenter. ginia; and a sister, Mrs. Auda- Lawrence. His parents and a sister, Nellie Burial was in line E. Green, of Arlington, Goshen Baptist Cemetery. Carpenter, preceded him in Virginia. death. Funeral services will be held Surviving him are three at 2:00 p. m. Thursday in the Charlie Carpenter7^=/^d/v^ brothers, Franklin, William Central Union Church by the * ~* ~ and Stewart Carpenter, all of Charlie Carpenter, of See- Buckeye, and a sister, Jewell Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial bert, died Tuesday night, June Biggs, also of Buckeye. in the Fairview Cemetery. 16, 1970, in the Beckley VetServices were held at 2 p. m. eran's Hospital. Wednesday VanReenen FunFuneral arrangements are eral Home inby Rev. Saford incomplete. Hammons, with burial i n Spruce Flats Cemetery.

/3«- .



Mrs. Charles Carpenter Mrs. Geneva Carpenter, 76, of Seebert, died Sunday, October 10, 1976 in Denmar Hospital after several years illness. Mrs. Carpenter, the widow of Charles C. Carpenter, was a member of the Methodist Church. She was born at Hillsboro May 22,1900, the daughter of Allen and Mary Margaret Payne Adkison. Surviving her are a son, Cecil Carpenter, of Hillsboro, and two daughters, Mrs. Loretta Kramer, Tallahassee, Florida; and Mrs. Leona Buterbaugh, Jacksonville, Florida; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held | Wednesday morning in the; VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Harold Thomas Elmore, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Mrs. Juanita M. Carr jfss I Mrs. Juanita Mae Carr, 45, jof Route 1, died Tuesday, i April 17, 1962, in the Hinton Hospital after a long illness. Death was attributed to cancer Born April 28, 1916, at Marlinton, she was a daughter of J°nies and Effie Meadows T iggs, of Marlinton. She lived in Summers County since 1949. t^y~^ In addition to hef^parents, she is survived by her husband, Leslie V. Carr; four sons, Leslie, Jr., and James Carr, both of Roanoke, Virginia; Price and Tommy Carr, both at home; seven brothers, Ernest C. Biggs, of Jackson, Michigan; Richard Biggs, of Sa!em, Virginia; James Biggs, of Pennsylvania; Dorsey, -Wil5 " \ Emmett and Jack Biggs. Marlinton; tLi 3 sisters, Mrs. Kathleen Vandevender of Weston, Mrs. Ray Crislip of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Eugene Cutlip, f MarJinton; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon in the MarJinton Methodist Church. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Pvt. Bernard E. C a r r 18, gave his life in defense of human liberty Friday, September 1, 1951, in Korea. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carr, of Marlinton. The funeral w a s conducted from the Clawson Church Thursday, August 9, and his body was laid to rest in the Clawson CemErnest N. Carr etery, with military honors. Ernest N. Carr, 78, died at Survivors include his parents, three sisters, Mrs. Ermon Grimes, his home in Marlinton Saturof Huntersville, Mrs. A l b e r t day, July 10, 1965. Death was Buzzard, of Richwood, a n 1 Mrs. attributed to a heart attack. Howard Allman, of Roncevertr: Born at Clawson, June 2, seven brothers, Leslie, of Hin- 1887, he was a son of the late I ton, Robert of Ronceverte, Ev- J. P. Carr and Madora Carr. I erette, of Richwood, and Law He was a member of the I rence, Leo, Leonard, and NorClawson Methodist Church, I man, at home.

Albert Cirptnfir V Albert Carpenter, 90, of Dyer, Webster County, died Thursday, March 11, 1976, in Denmar State Hospital, at Denmar. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County and was a retired miner, railroader and woodsman. Surviving are three sons, Winter B, and Mack R. and George A., all of Dyer; a daughter, Mrs. Weltha Morgan, of Louisville, Kentucky; a brother, Hamp, of Buckeye; 13 grand children: five great-grandchildren and two great-great-grand children. Services were held Saturday afternoon in Adams Funeral Home, at Cowen, with, the Rev. Okey Wayne officiating. Burial was in the Hickman Cemetery, at Dyer.

and a retired Chesapeake and Ohio Railway employee. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Minnie S. Carr; three daughters, Mrs. Howard Allman, of Ronceverte, Mrs. Ermon Grimes, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Albert Bussard, of Detroit, Michigan; seven sons, Leslie Carr, of White Sulphur Springs, Robert Carr, of Huntersville, Everett Carr, of Richwood, Leonard, Lawrence, Ernest, Jr., and L?o Carr, a!l of j Marlinton, one brother, Elliott I Carr, of Newport News, Virgin ia; two sisters, Mrs. Levana Warner, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Augusta Surbaugh, of Los Angeles, California. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the, Clawson Methodist Church I by the Rev. Bernard Skeen. I Burial was in the Clawson Cem j etery.


Cecil C. C a r r , aired 48 yeo,rs, died very unexpecte ily >f a be*i\ attack at his ho»ue on Fir»t Av enue, in M a r l i n t o n , on Tuesday morning 1 , J u l y 29, 1952, at 2:10 o'clock. He bad gone about bis work at the tannery as usual and had also betsS^rfiNhing' in the late afternoon on the da.> before. H e was the son of the late Mr and Mrs T n e o d o r e Carr, of Clawson. Mr. C a r r is survived by his wife, the former Miss Bla; cbe W a u g h ; threi'.gops, Chaile*, of Mar in ton; C K f g , at home; and C u r t i s , of the United States Arinj Air Force, stations d at Lackland Air Base, San Antonio, Texas; five d a u g h t e r s , Cleo, of Baltimore, M a r y l a n d ; Naomi, of Huntington; W i l m s , Dreama and Sarah Sue, at borne. O n e daughter, Creola, preceded her father in infancy. H a is also survived by one b r o t h e r , Dillard, of Rupert; three sisters, Mrs. Clifford Collins, of H u n t i n g t o n ; Mrs Flossie Bailey and Miss Lula May Carr, of Iowa. E. N. C a r r , of Cla-wson, is an uncle. F u n e r a l services are scheduleJ at a b o u t 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Clawson Churcb, wiih the Rev. Denver Lively and Rev. Clinton Martin officiating. (These a r r a n g e m e n t s depend upo ;. the arrival of a son, Curtis, of the A r m y , who a t this time is being t r a n s f e r r e d fiom Texas to ! Curtis C. Carr

Curtis C. Carr, 36, of Arlington, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died in Walter Reed Hospital on Tuesday, December 3, 1968, of a cerebral hemorrhage, caused by leukemia. Born NovemBer 22 1932, at Marlinton, he was the son of Mrs. Blanche Carr and the late Cecil C. Carr. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Hazel B. Carr; one daughter, Chawna Carr, one son, Curtis Bruce Carr; his mother, Mrs. Blanche Carr, of Marlinton; two brothers, Charles Carr, of Marlinton, and Craig Carr, of Newton Falls, Ohio; five sisters, Misses Wilma and Sarah Carr, both of Marlinton; Miss Cleo Carr, of Amarillo, Texas. Mrs. Dreama Dilley, of Warren, Ohio, and Mrs. Naomi Chapman, of Proctorville, Ohio. Services were held on December 6, at 1:30 p. m., in the Covington and Martin Funeral Home Chapel at Falls Church, Virginia, with interment in Arlington National Cemetery.

Charles Robert Cassell Mn. HttHiQriaHioisieimlll Charles Robert Cassell, 83, Mrs. Nettie Greatbouse Cassell, of Durbin, died Mon- of Cass, died Wednesday, June day, December 3, 1979, in the 16, 1971, in the Pocahontas Davis Memorial Hospital in Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Elkins. He was a lifelong resident Born December 31, 1902* in Pocahontas County, she of Cass, a member of the Caps was the daughter of the late United Methodist Church, a William and Maggie Hevner veteran of World War I, and Greatbouse. She was a mem- a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, ber of Wanless United Methodist Church and a lifelong res- Mrs. Grace Cassell; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Fristoe ident of the County. She was preceded in death and Mrs Marline Seldomridge, by her husband, Odey Cassell. both of Cass, and Mrs. MadeSummerfield, of Baltimore, She is survived by one daugh- line Maryland; six sons, Bud, Gerter, Nancy Hall, Charlotte, ald, Bobby and Donald Cassell, North Carolina; four sons all of Cass, Teddy Cassell. of Charles, of Cass, Howard, of Baltimore, Maryland, and DenArizona, Guy, of Nitro, Burke ley Cassell, of St. Joseph, of Beckley; four sisters, Bertu souri; one brother, Oliver MisSheets, Durbin, Annie Cromer, sell, of Ridgeley; twentyCassix Durbin, Iva Shelkey, Arling- grandchildren and two greatton, Virginia, Katie Shiley, grandchildren. Thazton, Virginia; two brothFuneral services were held ers, Herb and Ivan GreatSaturday afternoon in the house, both of Durbin; ten Wanless United Methodist grandchildren; four greatChurch on Back Mountain by grandchildren. the Rev. Coy Mathews and \ Services will be held at 2 the Rev. Jim Maharaj, with, Thursday at the Wanless Unitburial in the Wanless Cemetery ad Methodist Church by Rev. Carl Beverage and Rev. RichAndrew Amos Cassell ^/k. ard Ogden. Burial will be in The body of Andrew Amos CasWanless Cemetery. sell, aged 68 years, was found on Deer Creek on Saturday, afternoon. He had been missing for n Homer Casstll Homer Henry Cassell, 82, of about a week. Death was due to accidental drowning. On MonGreen Bank, died Sunday, Jan- day afternoon his body was laid uary 15, 1978, in Pocahontas in Arbovale Cemetery. The serMemorial Hospital, after along vice was from Arbovale Church illness. by his pastor, Rev. E. C. Winkler. Born January 20, 1895, he The deceased was a son of Mrs. was the son of James M* and Sallie Shinaberry Cassell, and the Sarah E. Bhinaberry Cassell. late James Morgan Cassell. His He was a retired lumber- brothers are Luther and Homer man and a member of the Cassell, of Green Bank; his sisters United Methodist Church. are Mrs. Lottie O'Dell, of Rainelle, Surviving are his wife, Sarah and Mrs. Hattie Rimel, of CrawLambert Cassell; sons, Boyd j ley. His wife is Mrs. Maggie CasR., of South Charleston, Dr. sell, of Baltimore, Maryland. ' Roy D.. of Locust Grove, VirMr. Cassell was a woodsman ginia, June H. of Gallipolis and a veteran of World War 1. Ferry, Curtis E., of Port Chester New York; daughters, Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Shinaberry Cassell Cleo Harper, of Green Bank, Mrs. Maxine Thomas, of x\TewMrs. Sarah Elizabeth ShinaBern, North Carolina, Mrs. berry Cassell, aged 88 years, died Katherine Sutton, of New- at the home of her daughter, port, North Carolina, Mrs. Mrs. Lottie O'Dell, in East Elizabeth Hayes, of Shelburn, Rainelle, on Friday, April 1, 1955. Indiana, Mrs. Mary Ellen Da- On Sunday afternoon her niels, Mrs, Janet Cassell, both body was laid in the Carl Cemeof St. Albans; sister, Mrs. Hat- tery in Nicholas County. tie Rimel, of Perryman, MaryThe deceased was a daughter, land; 23 grandchildren; 27 of the late Abram Shinaberry, of great-grandchildren. Clover Lick, She is survived by Services were held Wednes- her two daughters, Mrs. Lottie day in the VanReenen Funer- O'Dell, of East Rainelle and Mrs. al Home, with the Rev. Greg- Hattie Rimel, of Perrymm, ory Lewis officiating. Burial Maryland; two sons, Homer and Luther Cassell, both of Green was in Arbovale Cemetery. '^ank.

On the 19th day of June, 1921, Loulsa^Cassell, wife of John Cassell, passed quietly away to her reward., She was the mother of twelve chil-j dren—nine living and three dead. Mrs. Cassell was very k'nd to all; to know her was to love her. The children were all by her side until the last, expressing much grief for mother--the one who was the most t o ! theio on earth. The funeral wte e o a l u c t e d ^ h y ^ E e v , , F r e ^ Gray, of | Cass, m the presence of u laYge gath-1 ering in Wanless church, and the remains were tenderly laid in the Wmless cemetery to await the coming of One whose chariot is the clouds. Asleep in Jesus, blessed 'eep. From which none ever wake to weep.



On March 24, 1923 Mrs. rftdia L. Cassell died at her home after an illness of two years, age 57 years 7 months and 2'd days. Funeral services were conducted by Rfrv. Monroe of Greenbank, after which the body was laid to rest in the Wanless cemetery by her husband William Cassell who preceded her to the grave two years , ago I She was survived by four children, I Lacy Cassell of Cumberland Md. Odey Cassell, Maude Cassell and Mrs. I Lela Swink of wanless, two brothers I J. B. Sutton of Cass, W. W. Sutton ! of Hosterman one sister Mrs. Allen I Gal ford of Wanless also a host of ( friends to mourn their loss. She had been a member of the ! M. E Church South for thirty two years, living a consistent member up until her death. In 'her last hours of illness she only lalked of the Bright future of the Great Beyond and many times expressed her thanks to her many friends who did so much to comfort her during her long suffering Shewa . k i n d and loving mother devoted wife and an excellent, neighbor. A precious one from us has gone A voice we love is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled.

Infant Cassell James Michael Cassell, infant son of James Richard and Sheila Ann Ray Cassell, was stillborn on Tuesday, November 24, 1987, in the Davis Memorial Hospital. Surviving, in addition to his parents, are his paternal idparents, Michael and Connie ;*iuiicnax Douglas, erf Bartow, James E. Cassell, Kalkaska, Michigan; his maternal grandparents, James and Sally Ray Gibson, Marlinton; his paternal great-grandparents, Ed and Irene Cassell, Arbovale, Royta Wiseman, Elkins, Richard and Crystal Mullenax, Durbin; and his maternal great-grandparents, Jimmy and Marie Gibson, of Marlinton, Woodrow Ray, Cleveland, Ohio, and Violee Ray, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Pearl Cassell Mrs. Pearl [Jesse] Cassell, 77, of Cass, died Saturday, January 26, 1985, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was born September 13, 1907, at Clover Lick, a daughter of the late Frank and Hannah Weiss Friel. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. June Crews, of Grafton, and Mrs. Jacqueline Cassell, of Chicago, Illinois; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Alma Mick, of Durbin, and Mrs. Virginia Kent of Baltimore, Maryland; one son, Earl Oxier, of Durbin; two stepsons, Lewis Cassell, of Bessemer, Alabama, and Lawson Cassell, of Canterbury, Connecticut; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Foe, of Cass, and Mrs. Hallie Coleman, of Green Bank; two brothers, Jim Friel, of Virginia, and Frank Friel, of Cass; 14 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale by Elder Wayne Crews, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

Willis Cassell

Willis Cassell, 81, of Cass, lied Thursday, January 7, .971, enroute to an Elkms hos>ital. He was a son of the late facob and Clara Sutton Cas jell. A lifelong resident of ZJass, he was a member of the Wanless United Methodist Jhurch and was a farmer. Survivors include his wife* Mrs. Pearl Cassell; three daughters, Mrs. Gayie Mullen ax» Boyer, Mrs. Beatrice Young, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Mrs. Charlotte Galtord Portsmouth, Virginia; three sons, Neal Cassell, of Cass, Jerry Cassell, of Richn^nd Virginia, and Grey Cassell, of Brandywine; one sister, Mrs. Rachel Wooddell, of Green Bank; one brother, Clyde Cas sell, of Akron, Ohio; thirteen grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p. m in the Wanless United Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford and the Rev. Ezra Bennett with bural in the Wanless Cemetery.

W. B. Cassell William Bricen Cassell, 92, of Cass, died Friday, August 3, 1984, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. He was a member of Wanless Methodist Church and a lifelong resident of Cass. He was a retired lumberman. Born at Cass August 6, 1891, he was the son of Jacob and Lavena Curry Cassell. Surviving are his wife, Lula M. Cassell; sons, Russell, of Cass, Delbert, of Arbovale, Alvin, of Painesville, Ohio, Kenneth, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Kyle, of Tucson, Arizona; sister, Mamie Tallman, of Cass; 11 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark Hickman and the Rev. Coy Mathews, with burial in Wanless Cemetery.

Frank W. Cassell

Joseph L. Cassell Joseph L. Cassell, 75, of Cass, died Monday, July 26, 1976, at his home. Born May 1,1901, he was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. He was a retired C& 0 employee. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mae Collins Cassell; five daughters, Mrs. Alma Miller, Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Guy Perkins, Buckhannon, Virinia Cassell, Marlinton; Mrs. hirley Sheets, Cass, Mrs. Shelva Ann Sheets, Dun more; four sons, Joseph Neil Cassell, Killeen, Texas, John Cassell, Cass, Brown Cassel], Cass, and Chester Cassell, Wheeling; one brother, Ed Cassel], Cass; also twenty-nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services were held Thursday morning at 11 a.m., in the Wallace & Wallace Chapel in Arbovale, by the Rev. Gregory Lewis. Burial was in Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.


Frank W. Cassell, age 65, a resident of Akron, Ohio, for the past 32 years, died of a cerebral hemorrhage on Wednesday, Dee ember 9, 1959. Born at Cass, June 28,. 1894, he was the son of the late Jacob Cassell, Sr., and Clara Sutton Cassell. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Hallie Cassell; one son, Wayne Cassell, of Carrel!ton, Ohio, also two brother, Willis Cassell, of Cass, and Clyde Cassell, of Akron, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs Rachel! Wooddell, of Green Bank. Funeral services were held at the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. J. E. Fairburn, with burial in the W'anless Cemetery. Harlow Cassell Harlow Cassell, 79, of Dundalk, Maryland, died June 21, 1997, at the home of his daughter, Carolyn Estell, in Dundalk. He was a native of Cass, member of the Masonic Lodge 183 at Patapsco, Maryland, a former pipefitter, an Army veteran, and attended the Eastern Assembly of God in Dundalk. Graveside servivce will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Arbovale Cemetery.


Mary F. Cissill

Mrs. Mary Frances Cassell, 49, died Friday. May 20, 1983, in an Elkins hospital after a short illness. Born May 3,1934, at Ronceverte, she was a daughter of Bedford Chestnut and Belva Neighbors Sheets, both of Cass. Mrs. Cassell was a member of the Wanless United Methodist Church at Cass and a life* long resident of Cass. She was preceded in death, by a son, Gary Russell Cassell. Other survivors include her husband, Russell Cassell, of Cass; a daughter, Sherry Jana Coleman, of Green Bank; three sons, Terry Wayne Cassell, David Lee Cassell and Dean Michael Chestnut, all of Cass, and a brother, William Chestnut, of Rittman, Ohio. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m., in the Wanless United Methodist Church at Cass, with the Rev. Mark Hickman officiating. Burial was in Wanless Cemetery at Cass.

Mrs. Mary Cassell Mrs. Mary Myrtle Cassell, 77, of Madison, Ohio, formerly of Cass, died Friday, January 18, 1974, in a Madison hospital. Survivors include her husband, Austin Cassell; three daughters, Mrs Alice Murphy, of Madison, Ohio; Mrs. Marpie Sharp, of Nitro, and Mrs. Blanche Cutlip, of Richmond, Virginia; two sons, Earl Cassell, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Myrl Cassell, of Parkersburg: ten grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday morning in ihe Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery Burial was in the Wanless Cemetery. Mrs. Crystal Cassell Mrs. Crystal A. Cassell, 485 )f South Charleston, died at Thomas Memorial Hospital, Friday, April 10, 1970. A mem ber of Darlington United Meth}dist Church at South Charleston, she was a former employe }f Carbide. Surviving her are her husDand, Boyd, a daughter, Mrs. Qarlene JL Strain/mother, Mrs2ffie Clendenin, sister, Miss Jeanette Clendenin, all of South Charlston; brothers, Garland Clendenin and O. R. Clendenin, Cross Lanes; half brothers, J.;S. Clendenin of Cross Lanes, and - R. E Clendenin, Charleston. Services were held Monday at Snodgrass Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Elizabeth Candell. Burial was in Lilly Cemetery at Poca. Gary uassen Gary Russell Cassell, 22, of Cass, died Tuesday, August 1, 1978, in an electrical accident while painting equipment for a coal company near Keyser. He was employed by Cosner Contracting Company, Elkins. Born May 13,1956, in Marlinton, he was a son of Mary and Russell Cassell, of Cass. Other survivors include one sister, Sherry Jane Cassell, at home; three brothers, Terry, David, and Dean, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cassell, Mrs. Belva Sheets and Bedford Chestnut, all of Cass. Services were held Friday in the Wanless Church by Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Richard Odgen with burial in the Wanless Cemetery,

Wilbur Cassell

Wilbur Cassell Wilbur Cassell, 14, of Fishersville, Virginia, died Monday, May 29,1978, in an automobile accident near Minnehaha Springs. He was born January 14, 1964, at Marlinton. Survivng him are his mother, Mrs. Arlene Ralston, of Fishersville, Virginia, his father, Donald Cassell, of Slatyfork; three sisters, Joyce Ann Arbogast, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, Patsy Jane Carroll, of Staunton, Virginia, and Barbara Ellen Cassell, of Fishersville, and two brothers, Charles William Caspell, of West Virginia and David Donald Cas* sell, of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m., in the Cass United Methodist Church by the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Gregory Lewis with burial in the Wanless Cemetery.

Wilbur Cassell, 14, of Fishersville, Virginia, died Monday, May 29,1978, in an automobile accident near Minnehaha Springs. He was born January 14, 1964, at Marlinton. Survivng him are his mother, Mm. Arlene Ralston, of Fishersville, Virginia, bis father, Donald Cassell, of Slatyfork; three sisters, Joyce Ann Arbogast, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, Patsy Jane Carroll, of Staunton, Virginia, and Bar* bara Ellen Cassell, of Fishersville, and two brothers, Charles William Cassell, of West Virginia and David Donald Cassell, of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m., in the Cass United Methodist Church by the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Gregory Lewis with burial in the Wanless Cemetery. mmmm Miss Cora Cassell

Miss Cora Crawford Cassell, 80, of Cass, died Sunday October 19, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born October 23, 1888, at Cass, she was the daughter of the late Jacob and Louvina Curry Cassell. A lifelong resident of Cass, she was a member of Cass United Methodist Church. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Talimanand Mrs. Grace Cassell, both of Cass; two brothers, Austin Cassell, of Davisville, and Brice Cassell, of Cass. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery with burial in the Wanless Cemetery at Cass.

Franklin Cassell Franklin D. Cassell, 44, of Jass, died Thursday, Septem>er 1,1977, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after a short illness. He was a mechanic. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cassell, of Cass; sisters, Mrs. Judith Dean and Mrs. Connie Lambert, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Alice Long, of Green Bank; brother, Ed, Jr., of Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Services were Sunday at two p.m. in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

Russell Gilmore Chestrat Russell Gilmore Chestnut, 62 years, died on Thursday, April 1, 1948, after a lo:ig illness. On Saturday afternoon his body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The funer- , al service was held from the Frost Church by Rev. Quade Arbogast. The deceased was a son of the late Anderson Chestnut, and was reared at Mill Gap, Virginia. He married Miss Blanche Bussard. She and their six children, John Marshall, Marie, Minnie Sue. Ronnie, Carol and Nancy* survive

Elizabeth Chestnut Mrs. Elizabeth Marie Chestnut, 67, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, May 15, 1985, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was born June 11, 1918, in Mentor, Ohio. She was a member of the Catholic Church and had served in the Women's Army Corps and the Women's Air Force. Survivors include her husband, Lawson B. Chestnut, of Hillsboro; a brother, William Wise, of Fort Smith, Arkansas; one half-brother, Ralph Fram, of Miami, Florida; and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were conducted at 2 p. m. Saturday in Wade Cemetery at Mill Gap, Virginia, by Father John T. Meehan.

Remus H. Cain Remus H. Cain, 73, of Route Vlarlinton, died Friday, February 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial spital. le was retired from the West rginia Department of Highways i was a member of the United jthodist Church. 3orn March 6, 1914, at intersville, he was the son of the s Roy E. and Levia Grimes Cain. Surviving him are his wife, Irene len Cain; two sons, Kenneth in, of Marlinton, and Basil Cain, Fairfax, Virginia; a daughter, ara Belle Simmons, of Arbovale; iir brothers, Hunter Cain, of eveland, Ohio, and Arthur Cain, Isel Cain, and Joe Cain, all of arlinton; five sisters, Eula White, iith Mullens and Lucille Kelley, of Marlinton, Polly Kincaid, of :ckley, and Mary Kaliszewski, of inmore; nine grandchildren and le great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. onday in the VanReenen Funeral ame by the Rev. David ttenhnnse. with hvri?1 *n



Harry Cain Harry Robert Cain, 82, of Rt. 1, arlinton, died August 18, 1988, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital ter a long illness. He was a member of Mary's dapel Church on Elk, and was a tired woodsman. Surviving him are two sons, io Robert Cain, of Buckeye, Roy swis Cain, of Stony Bottom; two tughters, Nellie Virginia Moore id Susie Jean Friel, both of arlinton; a sister, Kate Wallace, : Manassas, Virginia; 23 andchildren, 32 grandchildren, id one great-great-grandchild. Services were held at 2 p. m. jnday at VanReenen Funeral ome by the Rev. Rick Beam and e Rev. Jack Burks, with burial in ibson Cemetery. Roy Cassell Roy Cassell, 73, of Green nk, died Friday, July 31, 1987, in cahontas Memorial Hospital after reral months' illness. He was a retired lumberman. ' The son of the late Thomas and dia Galford Cassell, he was born >ril5, 1914, at Cass. Surviving him are his ^wife, rtie Tacy Cassell; a son, Thomas yling Cassell, at home; and two ters, Lula Cassell, of Cass, and sie Barb, of Marlinton. Graveside services were held at p. m. Sunday in the Arbovale imetery by the Rev. Mancil >olittle.

% Infant Cassell Dr. Robert L. Cutlip ' J a m e s Michael Cassell, infant Robert L. Cutlip, D.V.M., 54, son of James Richard and Sheila of Craigsville, died Friday, January ^Ann Ray Cassell, was stillborn on 8, 1988, in the Summersville /Tuesday, November 24, 1987, in Memorial Hospital after a long ^the DaVis Memorial Hospital. J Surviving, in addition to his illness. He was a veterinarian, practicing ^parents, are his paternal in Nicholas for 25 years. grandparents, 'Michael and Connie He attendedCounty Craigsville | Mulienax Douglas, of Bartow; Methodist Church and United was a James E. Cassell, Kalkaska, Michigan; his maternal member of the Lions Club, grandparents, James and Sally Ray American Veterinarian Association, I Gibson, Marlinton; his paternal West Virginia Veterinarian | great-grandparents, Ed and Irene Association, and Izaak Walton Cassell, Arbovale, Royta Wiseman, League. Born June 22, 1933, at Lobelia, Elkins, Richard and Crystal Mulienax, Durbin; and his maternal he was the son of Ruth Curry great-grandparents, Jimmy and Cutlip, Pocahontas Continuous Marie Gibson, of Marlinton, Care Center of Marlinton, and the Woodrow Ray, Cleveland, Ohio, late Cameron C. Cutlip, of Hillsboro. j and Violee Ray, of Marlinton. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Beverly Jo Mrs. Betty W. Cauley Cutlip; three sons, Steven L. Mrs. Betty W. Cauley, 60, of Cutlip, Todd C. Cutlip, and Aaron Minnehaha Springs, died Saturday, S. Cutlip, all of Craigsville; a May 21, 1988, in University of brother, Dr. Randall C. Cutlip, of Virginia Hospital at Charlottesville, Ames, Iowa; and a sister, Mrs. Elma C. McNeel, of Hillsboro. Virginia, after a long illness. She was a member of the New Graveside services were Hope Lutheran Church. conducted Sunday, January 10, at Born at Buckeye April 26, the Oak Grove Cemetery, 1928, she was the daughter of the Hillsboro, with the Rev. Chuck late Arthur H. and Maud Bowers Pullins, pastor of the Craigsville Wanless. United Methodist Church, Three brothers, Jackie, William i officiating. B., and Guy H. Wanless, and a The family suggests donations be sent to Indian Rocks Community sister, Jo Ann Wanless, preceded Park Board, in care of One Valley herjn death. Bank, Craigsville, or the Nicholas Surviving are her husband, County Sheltered Workshop. Hollis Cauley; daughters, Karen J. Craigsville. Arbogast, of Minnehaha Springs, Ellen K. Cauley, of Arbovale; Ruth C. Cutlip sisters, Edna M. Hiner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Mrs. Ruth C. Cutlip, 84, of Helen W. Bussard, of Minnehaha Hillsboro, died Friday, July 15, Springs. 1988, in Pocahontas Continuous Services were held at 2 p. m. Care Center after several years' Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral illness. Hom^ by, the Rev. David Mrs. Cutlip was a former school Rittenhouse, with burial in White teacher, a member of Wesley Cemetery at Minnehaha Springs. Chapel United Methodist Church and the Rebekah Lodge, and a Romaine E. Carter charter member of the Extension Romaine E. Carter, age 88, of Homemakers Club. Chrleston, died Saturday, Born June 16, 1904, at Jacpx, December 13, 1997, in General she was the daughter of the late Division, Charleston Area Medical William W. and Lucyt Almon Dean Center. Curry. She was a member of West \ She was preceded in death by Side United Methodist Church, her husband, Cameron C. Cutlip, where she was a member of and a son, Dr. Robert L. Cutlip. Philatea Sunday School Class. Surviving her are a son, Dr. Surviving her are sons, James Randall C. Cutlip, of Ames, Iowa; E. Carter, of Charleston, Lewis G. •Mdfcughter, Elma -J^cNaal^fcf Carter, of Cross Lanes; sister, Hillsboro; two sisters, Helen Clark Loraine Staats, of Sissonville; and Ina Hill, both of Hillsboro; brother, Coy Mathews, of nine grandchildren and five Mrlinton; eight grandchildren and great-grandchildren. nine great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday in Wesley Chapel United Tuesday at Wilson Funeral Home Methodist Church by the Rev. in Charleston by the Rev. Martin Verlin Butcher and Rev. Clay Hallett and Dale Miller. Burial was Macaulay, with burial in Oak Grove in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Cemetery.

Alfred Kyle Cutlip Alfred Kyle Cutlip, of French town, New Jersey, died Saturday, June 4, 1988, in Frenchtown following a long illness;v ;., He was a farmer. • A: native of Beard, he was born Julyfl8^I915; the^bii of the late John and Maggie McCoy Cutlip. r Two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Surviving him are four daughters, Doris McGuinn and Billie Schultz, both of Richmond, Virginia, Dorothy Lumford, of Lynchburg, Virginia, Barbara J Wood, of Newport News, Virginia; , ten grandchildren, six greatgrandchildren; two sisters, Ellen Jack, of Marlinton, and Mabel Powell, of Droopf and two brothers, Clyde Cutlip, of Hillsboro, and Moffett Cutlip, of Providence, Rhode Island. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Dreama Cutlip Dreama Lee Farley Cutlip, age 53, of Marlinton, died Monday, December 8, 1997, at University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. She was stricken Friday and flown to Charlottesville from Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of Grace Baptist Church. A native of Leevale, she was born February 25, 1944, the daughter of Beatrice Farley Redden Price, of Royston, Georgia, and the late Gene Farley. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband, the Rev. Gail W. Cutlip, pastor of Grace Baptist Church; her step-father, Orville Price, of Royston, Georgia; three sons, Dock Cutlip, of Fairmont, David Cutlip, of Columbia, South Carolina, and Duane Cutlip, of Raleich. North Carolina; four brothers, Dallas Farley, of Tampa, Florida, Don Farley, of Bel Air, Maryland, Duane Farley, of Royston, Georgia, and Dale Farley, of Baltimore, Maryland; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday at Grace Baptist Church by the Rev. J. Bennett Collins, with burial at Mountain View Cemetery. Visitation will be at VanReenen Funeral Home Wednesday 5 to 9 p.

Mofflt W. Cutlip Moffit W. "Jack" Cutlip, 74, of Altna Way, Rhode Island, formerly of Beard, passed away on May 26, 1995, of a heart attack. He was the son of the late Remus and Margaret McCoy Cutlip. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of 118th Division of the Rhode Island National Guard. He is survived by his sisters Ellen Jack, of Marlinton, and Mabel Powell, of Droop. The funeral was held at Mariani Funeral Home with military honors in the Veteran's Cemetery in Exeter, Rhode Island. Lynn Cutlip Lynn Cutlip, 70, of Hillsboro, died Wednesay, August 31, 1988, at his home. Mr. Cutlip was a retired U. S. Forest Service employee. He was a Presbyterian. Surviving him are his wife, Georgene Grimes Cutlip; a stepson, Dwain Wilcox, of Parkersburg; two stepdaughters, Marcelle Ryder, of Marlinton, and Patricia Kersn, of Hillsboro; a brother, John Cutlip, of Hunker, Pennsylvania; a sister, Ruth Clendenen, also of Hunker; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral home by the Rev. Clay Macaulay, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Kevin R. Currence II Kevin Randall Currence II, 14, of Cassity, died Monday, Dec. 1, 1997, at his home. He was born July 15, 1983, in Elkins, a son of Kevin and Rebecca Fincham Currence. Surviving are three brothers, Kri s t o p h e r , Keith and Keian Currence, all at home; one sis- CURRENCE ter, Karah Currence, at home; paternal grandparents, Daulton and Kathryn Currence, Cassity; maternal grandmother, Dorothy Hammond, Adolph; maternal grandfather, Coleman Fincham, Cassity; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. He was an eighth-grade student at Tygart Valley High School where he participated in football, basketball and track and was a member of the weight lifting club. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and camping.

Orpha Sylvia Clark Orpha Sylvia Clark, 70, Franklin, a former resident Durbin, died June 26, 1988, in Davis Memorial Hospital. She was born September 1917, near Minnehaha Spring daughter of the late Howard Maude Ray. Her husband, Oliver Clark, brothers and one sister preceded in death. Surviving her are one son, I Clark; one brother, Frank I Auto; six sisters, Nora Tur Franklin, Genevieve Shinabe Fairmont, Virgie Wanl< Minnehaha Springs, Olive Bam Geneva, Ohio, Arthena Gril Staunton, Virginia, and Ve Turner, Arbovale. Mrs. Clark and her hust operated Clarks Shoe Repair 5 for several years in Raleigh, N Carolina, before moving Garrettsville, Ohio, where continued with her shoe re work. She later resided with elderly parents in Durbin until death. Funeral services were held j a. m., June 29, by the Rev. Ne Lea at the Basagic Funeral H and interment followed in the C Hill Cemetery.

Agnes Price Cleaveland Mrs. Agnes Price Cleave 89, of Richmond, Virginia, Monday, March 7, 1988, Richmond hospital from pneui and heart complications. She was a residen Westminster Canterbury Retir Center in Richmond. Mrs. Cleaveland was borr 13, 1898, in Marlinton, daughter of Andrew G. and i Clark Price. She was a graduate of Virginia University with fi work at Columbia University was active in the Amc Association of University Wc Her husband was the George J. Cleaveland, minist historian of the Episcopal C who died in 1982. Three chi Grace Louise, George J. Andrew Price Cleaveland, young. A sister, Margaret Hoke, also preceded her in d 1976. : A niece, Ann Hoke Cre< of Columbia, South Car survives. Memorial services will be 12 noon Thursday in All Episcopal Church in Rich Virginia, with burial of hei later in Mountain View Cem( Marlinton.

Robert "Bob" Cromt. emorial services were held ay, Apjil 10, 1988, at the enburg Funeral Home for rt "Bob" Cromer, 60, of enburg, Arizona, who died 7, 1988, at Thunderbird ritan Hospital in Glendale, na. the Rev. Jim Thomas ited. r. Cromer was born mber 1, 1927, in Cass, and ived in Wickenburg for the >even years, coming to the mntiy in 1980. He was yed at the "Meadows" for six rvivors include his wife, i Stamper Cromer; a son, t, of San Jose, California; aughters, Terry Tigleman, of mburg, and Judy Vojkofsky, nt, Ohio; three sisters, Anna y, of Dayton, Ohio, Gertrude nnels, of Chester, Virginia, •elores Casto, of Sewickley, sylvania; and six :hildren.

miinic "Tony- Circosta ominic "Tofty" Circosta, 73, tie Creek, Michigan, died at ome Sunday, January 11, He had been in failing for several years. / e was born at Wildell, Mitas County, and had lived :higan for many years. In he moved from Albion to Creek, where he was yed 31 years by Eaton ration, retiring in 1975. He member pf U.A.W. Local jtirees. irviving are his wife, the ; Virgie E; Wilfong; a son, W. Circosta, of Angola, a; four grandchildren and ;reat-grandchildren; also four , Stella Cod^f of Akron, Rosie Anastasfcv; Theresa ta and Virginia Circosta, a^L acy, CaUfbrma, Sand t*$r rs, .Nick Circosta,' of; Clover and Fr^Ciitosta, Jr., of Island, ,', t jrvices \yej*e held at 11 a. m. lay at the Hebble Funeral with Rev. Fr. William J.'

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Gladys May Clay Gladys May Clay, age 96, of Williamson, died December 15, 1997, in Williamson Memorial Hospital. Services will be at 11 a. m. Thursday at First United Methodist Church in Williamson, with burial at Maher. Mrs. Clay was the mother of the Rev. George D. Clay, of Hurricane, a former minister of the Marlinton United Methodist Church.

Bessie M. Chenoweth Bessie M. Chenoweth, 96, of Pt. Pleasant, Route 2, Belington, died at 1:35 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, 1997, at her home following an extended illness. Mrs. Chenoweth was born Feb. 27, 1901, at Belington, a daughter of the late Charles Lee and Minnie Belle Skidmore Kittle. On Sept. 11, 1918, she -married Opha Chenoweth, who preceded her in death on Dec. 16, 1977. Surviving are three daughters, Loretta Coontz and Ina Jean Holbert, both of Route 2, Belington, and Louise Shaffer, Perrysville, Ohio; one son, Carl Edgar "Bud" Chenoweth, Fresno, Calif.; one brother, Doyle Kittle, Route 2, Belington; three sisters, Pauline Thorne and Luella Coberly, both of Route 2, Belington, and Marguerite Poling, St. Clairsville, Ohio; eight grandsons, Keats Hunt, Greg Coontz, Robert Coontz, Edward Wayne Holbert, Kevin Holbert, Tom Chenoweth, Benny Jr. Shaffer and Dewey Shaffer; four granddaughters, Barbara Shaffer, Marilyn Mason, Marjorie Washabaugh and Sally Anshultz; 18 great-grandchildren and eight greatgreat-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Martha Mason; two brothers, Murl Kittle and Adrian Kittle; and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Chenoweth was a homemaker. She was a Christian and a member of Valley Bend Baptist Church.


Ray Newton Chestnut Ray Newton Chestnut, 83, a retired farmer of Rt. A, Warm Springs, Virginia, died Monday, May 23, 1988, at Bath County Community Hospital. He was born June 7, 1904, in Highland County, Virginia, a son of Bessie Chestnut. On January 1, 1929, he married the former Helen G. Hamilton, of Warm Springs, who survives. Also surviving are five daughters, Lois Cauley, Caroline Pritt, and Virginia Martin, all of Warm Springs, Nora Simmons and Emmie Gillespie, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; five sons, Nelson Chestnut, of Staunton, Virginia, Rodney, Berlie, David and Carl Chestnut, all of Hot Springs; a half-sister, Mary Betty Terry, of Rittman, Ohio; a half-brother, Bedford Chestnut, of Marlinton; 18 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Chloe Miller, in 1971, and Dorothy Gay Chestnut in 1938. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p. m. Friday, May 27, in the chapel of Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell by the Rev. Morris Bennett. Burial will be in the Mountain Grove Cemetery. The family will receive friends Thursday evening from 7 to 8:30 at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may oe made to the Mountain Grove Cemetery, c/o Mrs. B. C. Bonner, Warm Springs, Virginia 24484, or to the Hot Springs Rescue Squad, c/o John Hart, Hot Springs, Virginia 24445.

Madeline S. Chafin Madeline* Chafin, 73, of Athens, Georgia* died Tuesday, April 5, 1988/ ($• ; |ff Mrsv Chafin was borii* at Arbovale, the daughter of the late John H. and Ina Kerr Slavin. : \She was a University of Virginia Nursing School graduate and was a registered nurse for 38 years. She was a nurse at Veteran's Hospital, Lake City, Florida, Clark County Health Department, Northwest Georgia Regional Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital in Athens. Survivors include her husband, Wv -H. Chafin, Jr.; a daughter, Charlotte^ Cv Blume, Wjntervillei Georgia)* two sons,r John Hf Chafin, Athens, Georgia* and Allen Chafin, Jackson; Georgia; 4 brother, Paul Slavin, Brookfield, Ohio; and four grandchildren. 'Funeral service was held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Bernstein Funeral Home Chapel, with burial at Evergreen Memorial Park.

Mrs. Nina McLaughlin Chambers Mrs. Nina McLaughlin Chambers, 92, of Huntington, died Sunday, July 26, 1987, at her residence. She was born March 8, 1895, in Highland County, Virginia, the daughter of Flora Stuart and Hugh Adam McLaughlin. She was a West Virginia public health nurse for 24 years and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Huntington. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Virgil Lewis Chambers in 1949; four brothers, Adam T. McLaughlin, John M. McLaughlin, Samuel H. McLaughlin and Charles Sheffy McLaughlin; and two sisters, Lucy Dinkle McLaughlin and Mary M. Gregory. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. Ann Chambers Wade, of Huntington, and Mrs. Jo Chambers Neal, of St. Louis, Missouri; one son, Dr. Virgil L. Chambers, II, of Huntingtdn; one brother, James Noel McLaughlin, of Shenandoah, Virginia; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, Mrs. Chambers was a niece of the late Ed McLaughlin, of Marlinton. { ^ Elizabeth M. Corso Elizabeth M. Corso, age 65, of Hazel Park, Michigan, died Friday, October 24,1997, in Oakland General Hospital, Madison Heights, Michigan. She was born August 30, 1932, in Stony Bottom. Surviving her are five daughters, Mary Mann, Karen Corso and Roberta Mann, all of Hazel Park, Michigan; Wanda Corso, of Ferndale, Michigan; Julia Kelley, of Warren, Michigan; and one son, John Mace Jr., of Warren, Michigan; three brothers, Brown Meeks, of Ohio; Kenneth Meeks, of Pennsylvania; Robert Meeks, of California; two sisters, Gale Meeks, of Jollansbee, and Virginia Bayne, of Hazel Park, Michigan; 13 grandchildren, and six greatgrandchildren. Her first husband, John Mace Sr., died in 1959. Her second husband, Julian Corso, died in 1990. The funeral was held October 27, at Hopcroft Funeral Home in Hazel Park, with the Rev. Thomas Kelley officiating; burial at White Chapel Cemetery, Troy, Michigan.

Geraldine L. Conrad Geraldine Leigh Conrad, a native of Valley Head, died Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1997, in Fairfax Hospital. —MsTT^Tnracr~was~ D^rn Jan. ~ur, ^ 1943, a daughter of the late Gerald * William and Arnie Lee Channell Swecker in Valley Head. Surviving are four brothers, Eugene H. Channell, Elkins, Floyd L. Channell, Beverly, Harold R. Channell, Sterling, Va., and Robert E. Channell, Greensboro, N.C.; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews; and a close friend, Chris Angus, Herndon, Va. Ms. Conrad graduated from Wheeling High School She had formerly been employed at AAA in Falls Church, Va., and then worked 'for Lock Hood in Washington, D.C., for the past five years. Friends were received at Green Funeral Home in Herndon, Va. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today at 11 a.m. Interment followed in Chestnut Grove Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 699, Vienna, Va. 22180. Albert W. Covington Albert William Covington, 81, of 1017 Lakewood Drive, Colonial Heights, Virginia, died Tuesday, [December 29, 1987, in Colonial [Heights Convalescent Center. Mr. Covington was a native of Bowling Green, Kentucky, an Army veteran of World War II, and had retired from the General Services Administration. He was the son of the late Albeit Edward and Bessie Coleman Covington. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Beard Covington; a brother, Edward D. Covington, of Marietta, Georgia; one niece and one nephew. Funeral services were held Saturday at 10 a. m. by the Rev, Clay Macaulay at the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton with burial in the McNeel Cemetery near Hillsboro.

P.TP. Counts Plummer Parr Counts died March 25, 1987, after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Nicholas County. Interment was on March 28, 1987, at the Carl Cemetery. Among his survivors^are Par Lena Counts Johnson, of Pasadena, California, and Billie Counts Jarvis, of Charleston, both formerly of Marlinton.

James Russell Colaw James Russell Colaw, 81, of Durbin, died Saturday, May 21, 1988, at his home after a short illness. He was a lifelong resident of Durban arid a member of Durbin Church of the Brethren. He was a retire*! school bus driver. The son of James and Mary Annis Gra^g, he was born at Durbin June 24,1906. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jessie Sheets Colaw, in 1944, a son, James Lee Colaw, in 1944, arid a sister, Monna Feather. Surviving are his daughter, Mary Ellen, Colaw, of Durbin; sisters, MrS. Velma Suttdn, ol DuB)n,*Mrs. Willa Smith; 61 Norfolk, Virginia; brothers, June and'Hayward, both of Durbin Vernon, of Richmond, Virginia one grandchild. Services were held at .2 p. m Tuesday at the Durbin Church o the Brethren by the Rev. Davie Rittenhouse and;the Rev.. Dorini Curry, with burial in Bethe Cemetery near Durbin. i'

Donna Sue Colaw Donna Sue White Colaw, .26, o Blue Grass, Virginia, diec Tuesday, November 10, 1987. Born March 20, 1961, at Elkins she was a daughter of Clara Arbogast White, of Cherry Grove and the late Berlin White. On June 16, 1979, she married James B. Colaw, who survives in Blue Grass. She is survived by six sisters: Alice Losh, of Staunton, Virginia Martha Gilley, of New Market Virginia, Margaret Wimer, ol Franklin, Darlene Armentrout, oi Ranson, Leona Peck and Shirle) Peck, both of Cherry Grove; foui brothers, Paul White, of Baltimore Maryland, Leroy Roger White, ol Green Bank, Charles White and Thomas White, both of Cherr> Grove. Mrs. Colaw was a member of the Crabbottom Presybierian Churcli and the Dry Run Home Demonstration Club. She was supervisor at the Jefssico Garment Plant in Monterey, Virginia. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday at the Obatfgh Funeral Home in McDowell, Virginia, by the Rev. Jerry Ginn and; Andre Crummett, with burial iji the Blue Grass Cemefervi • *J*

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Robert MBob" Cromt. lemorial services were held lay, Apjil 10, 1988, at the cenburg Funeral Home for »rt "Bob" Cromer, 60, of :enburg, Arizona, who died I 7, 1988, at Thunderbird iritan Hospital in Glendale, 3na. the Rev. Jim Thomas ated. r. Cromer was born imber 1, 1927, in Cass, and lived in Wickenburg for the seven years, coming to the nuntiy in 1980. He was 3yed at the "Meadows" for six irvivors include his wife, a Stamper Cromer; a son, rt, of San Jose, California; laughters, Terry Tigleman, of enburg, and Judy Vojkofsky, mt, Ohio; three sisters, Anna y, of Dayton, Ohio, Gertrude annels, of Chester, Virginia, )elores Casto, of Sewickley, isylvania; and six children.

ominic 'Tony* Circosta tominic "Tofty" Circosta, 73, ttle Creek, Michigan, died at lome Sunday, January 11, He had: been in failing for several years. / [e was born at Wildell, iontas County, and had lived ichigan for many years. In he moved from Albion to i Creek, where he was >yed 31 years by Eaton nation, retiring in 1975. He i member pf U.A.W. Local etirees. urviving are his wife, the r Virgie EJ Wilfong; a son, W. Circosta, of Angola, la; four grandchildren and great-grandchildren; also four j, Stella Cook,^qf Akron, Rosie Anastasio," Theresa sta and Virginia Circosta, att^ racy, CaUfom^Vr and tWfP jrs, »Nick Circosta,' Qf Clover and Fr^'Circosta, Jr., of i Island, , ervices weje held at 11 a. m. day at the Hebble Funeral i with Rev. Fr. William J.

Gladys May Clay Gladys May Clay, age 96, of Williamson, died December 15, 1997, in Williamson Memorial Hospital. Services will be at 11 a. m. Thursday at First United Methodist Church in Williamson, with burial at Maher. Mrs. Clay was the mother of the Rev. George D. Clay, of Hurricane, a former minister of the Marlinton United Methodist Church.

Bessie M. Chenoweth Bessie M.' Chenoweth, 96, of Pt. Pleasant, Route 2, Belington, diedat 1:35 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, 1997, at her home following an extended illness. Mrs. Chenoweth was born Feb. 27, 1901, at Belington, a daughter of the late Charles Lee and Minnie Belle Skidmore Kittle. On Sept. 11, 1918, she married Opha Chenoweth, who preceded her in death on Dec. 16, 1977. Surviving are three daughters, Loretta Cpontz and Ina Jean Holbert, both of Route 2, Belington, and Louise Shaffer, Perrysville, Ohio; one son, Carl Edgar "Bud" Chenoweth, Fresno, Calif.; one brother, Doyle Kittle, Route 2, Belington; three sisters, Pauline Thorne and Luella Coberly, both of Route 2, Belington, and Marguerite Poling, St. Clairsville, Ohio; eight grandsons, Keats Hunt, Greg Coontz, Robert Coontz, Edward Wayne Holbert, Kevin Holbert, Tom Chenoweth, Benny Jr. Shaffer and Dewey Shaffer; four granddaughters, Barbara Shaffer, Marilyn Mason, Marjorie Washabaugh and Sally Anshultz; 18 great-grandchildren and eight greatgreat-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Martha Mason; two brothers, Murl Kittle and Adrian Kittle; and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Chenoweth was a homemaker. She was a Christian and a member of Valley Bend Baptist Church.


Ray Newton Chestnut Ray Newton Chestnut, 83, a retired farmer of Rt. A, Warm Springs, Virginia, died Monday, May 23, 1988, at Bath County Community Hospital. He was born June 7, 1904, in Highland County, Virginia, a son of Bessie Chestnut. On January 1, 1929, he married the former Helen G. Hamilton, of Warm Springs, who survives. Also surviving are five daughters, Lois Cauley, Caroline Pritt, and Virginia Martin, all of Warm Springs, Nora Simmons and Emmie Gillespie, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; five sons, Nelson Chestnut, of Staunton, Virginia, Rodney, Berlie, David and Carl Chestnut, all of Hot Springs; a half-sister, Mary Betty Terry, of Rittman, Ohio; a half-brother, Bedford Chestnut, of Marlinton; 18 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Chloe Miller, in 1971, and Dorothy Gay Chestnut in 1938. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p. m. Friday, May 27, in the chapel of Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell by the Rev. Morris Bennett. Burial will be in the Mountain Grove Cemetery. The family will receive friends Thursday evening from 7 to 8:30 at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may oe made to the Mountain Grove Cemetery, c/o Mrs. B. C. Bonner, Warm Springs, Virginia 24484, or to the Hot Springs Rescue Squad, c/o John Hart, Hot Springs, Virginia 24445.

Madelines. Chafin Madeline Chafin, 73, of Athens, Georgia/ died Tuesday, April 5, 1988, &\ ; li MrSv Chafin was boff at Arbovale, the daughter of the late John H. and Ina Kerr Slavin. \She was a University of Virginia Nursing School graduate and was a registered nurse for 38 years. She was a nurse at Veteran's Hospital, Lake City, Florida, Clark County Health Department, Northwest Georgia Regional Hospital and St Mary's Hospital in Athens. Survivors include her husband, WV?H< Chafin, Jr.; a daughter, Charlotte^CvBlume, Wjnterville; Georgia) two sons,, John Hf Chafin, Athens, Georgia, and Allen 'Chafin, Jackson, Georgia; 4 brother, Paul Slavin, Brookfield, Ohio; and four grandchildren. 'Funeral service was held at 2 p. h v Saturday at Bernstein Funeral Home Chapel, with burial at Evergreen Memorial Park.

Delbert Lee Coleman, Sr. Delbert Lee Coleman, Sr., 46, f Covington, Virginia, formerly of 4arlinton, died Sunday, November , 1987, in Alleghany Regional lospital in Lowmoor, Virginia, allowing a stoke. He was a mechanic and member f the Moose Lodge. The son of Albert I. Coleman, f Denmar, and the late Virginia Ifie Curtis, he was born at Bergoo une 26, 1941. A sister also preceded him in eath. Surviving him are his wife, lary F. Coleman; six children, 3seph L. Coleman, Wanita E. loleman, Delbert L. Coleman, Jr., >ebra CL. Coleman, Cathy A. !oleman, and Betty J. Coleman, all f Covington; a sister, Mary'fi. loleman Adams, of Buckhannon, nd a brother, Johnny P. Coleman, f Clifton Forge, Virginia; two ncles, Burl Curtis, and Pete !urtis, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held at 2 . m. Tuesday at VanReenen uneral Home by the Rev. Keith orkey, with burial in Wanless !emetery. Gene W. Cochran Gene W. Cochran, 73, of 5 xhran Lane, Nitro, died May 20, 188, at home after a long illness. He was a retired realtor, owner id operator of Cochran Real Estate ompany and Cochran evelopment Company. He was a steran of World War II and a Uive of Poca. He was a member ' the Serenity Club of Dunbar. Surviving7 him are his wife, etty' Ellen Pritchard Cochran, irmerly of Dunniorej stepson, )hn Booth, of Louisville, entucky; two grandchildren. Graveside services were held at I a. m. Monday at Sunset iemorial Park in South harleston, by Manning Boggs.

jtfith M. Cain Edith M. Cain, 78, of Dunmore, ied Friday, Jan. 1, 1999, in Pocaontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Cain was born Aug. 29,1920, t Marlinton, a daughter of the late )avid Cecil and Norma Dean. She married Earl J. Cain who preeded her in death. Surviving are a daughter, Shirley )ueen, Stony > Bottom; two sons, loger E. Cain, Marlinton, and David . Cain, Newport News, Va.; a sister, ris Keirn, Calabash, N.C.; a grandaughter, Doloris Roberts, whom she aised; and several grandchildren and ;reat-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by i daughter, Norma Queen. Mrs. Cain was a homemaker and a nember of Alexander Memorial 'resbyterian Church.

Mrs. Hazel Cochran Hazel Dell Cochran, 79, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, November 13, 1988, in Alleghany Regional Hospital at Lowmoor, Virginia, after a long illness. The daughter of W. P. Kershner, Sr., and Mae McMillion Kershner, she was born August 14, 1909. Her husband, Clyde Cochran, died January 6, 1987. Surviving her are a son, Wallace Cochran, and grandson, David Cochran, of Princess Anne, Maryland; two sisters, Verdie May, Lewisburg, and Grace Stangland, Ponca City, Oklahoma; a half-sister, Agnes Simmons, Lewisburg; four half-brothers, Roy Kershner, Lewisburg, Clyde Kershner, Droop, W. P. Kershner, Jr., Tallahassee, Florida, and John Kershner, Ashland, Kentucky. Services were held Wednesday at 1 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Old Droop Cemetery. Ralph Don Cook Word was received of the death of Ralph Don Cook, of Mount Hood, Oregon, in a Portland Hospital. Born December 15,1915, at Buckeye, he was a son of J. S. and Nancy Cook, of Buckeye. He had lived for several years in Oregon. He is survived by his wife, Vera; and one son, Richard, and two sisters and three brothers. Services were held in the Anderson Funeral Home, in Mount Hood, Oregon. Mrs. Dora Combs Mrs. Dora Rachel Combs, 84, of Buckeye, died Friday, January 7, 1977, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was born at Woodrow, March 28,1892, the daughter of William E. and Nancy Kelley Sharp. She was the widow of Charlie Combs. Mrs. Combs is survived by a son, Norman Sharp, of Buckeye, and a daughter, Mrs. Ruby LaRocca, in Chicago, Illinois. , Services were held Monday at the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in Cochran Cemetery,


Mrs. Mary Virginia Cook Mrs. Mary Virginia Cook, 77, of Summersville, formerly of Seebert, died Saturday, August 15, 1987, in Summersville Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of Advent Christian Church at Buckeye and attended Summersville Baptist Church. Born January 4, 1910, at Abingdon, Virginia, she was a daughter of the late James and Hattie Messer. Her husband, Vernon Cook, preceded her in death in 1965. v Surviving her are a daughter, Joann Cook Hamden, of Galax, Virginia; sons, Vernon A. Cook, Billy N. Cook, and Thomas G. Cook, all of Summersville; sisters, Ethelda Taylor, Edith McCorkle and Wynona Woodson, all of Covington, Virginia; brothers, Arlie Cook, of Richmond, Virginia, and Glen Cook, of Dayton, Ohio; 14 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Summersville Baptist Church by the Rev. Nelson Harris, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery Lillian Kelly Canfield Mrs. Lillian Kelly Canfield, 81, of Elkins, died Thursday, November 29, 1984, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mrs. Canfield was a member of the Woodford Memorial United Methodist Church, the Delphi a Rebekah Lodge No. 62, and the Randolph County Senior Center. She was born November 7, 1903, at May, in upper Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late Seibert and Ursula Burner Kelly. On November 1, 1930, in Elkins, she was married to F. Carl Canfield, who preceded her in death May 2, 1984. Surviving are a son, Firmen C. Canfield, Jr., Lower Cheat; three daughter, Mrs. Don [Carolyn] Rice and Erma Jean Canfield, both of Elkins, and Mrs. Dale [Anna Grace] Daetwyler, LaPlata, Maryland] two sisters, Mrs. Mary Collett, Elkins, and Mrs. Rachael Bohon, Baltimore, Maryland; eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Ralph and Hubert Kelly, a sister, Mildred Kelly, and a grandchild. Services were held Sunday in Woodford Memorial United Methodist Church by the Rev. Dr. Basil A. Hensley, with burial in the Canfield Cemetery on Lower Cheat.

Marlie S. Curry Marlie S. Curry, age 92, of Woodrow, died Saturday, December 20, 1997, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church Mrs. Curry was the widow of Cecil A. Curry, who died March 23, 1997. A daughter, Annabell C Johnson, four brothers and three sisters also preceded her in death Born July 4, 1905, on Williams River, she was the daughter of the late Paul W. and Mary J Sharp. Surviving her are a son, Curtis A. Curry, of Woodrow; a brother Austin Sharp, of Marlinton; and a sister, Nina Waybright, of Bluefield; six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 2 p m. Tuesday, December 23, by Earl D. Michael, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Forrest W. Cloonan Forrest Warren Cloonan, age 64, of Pleasant Hills, Westover, died Friday, April 3,1998, at Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown. He was born September 19, 1933, in Buckeye, son of the late John Merl and Stella Jackson Cloonan. He was an Air Force veteran of the Korean War. He retired as captain and chief correctional supervisor at the Morgantown Federal Bureau of Prisons in 1983, having been at Petersburg, Virginia, from 1957-1968; Tallahassee, Florida, from 19681975; and Morgantown, from 19751983. After his retirement he was a part-time sales representative for several wholesale florists in Morgantown. He was a volunteer assistant coach in Westover and AAU basketball, both boys' and girls' teams. He was a volunteer for various school construction projects in Westover. He is survived by his wife, Ann Hilleary Cloonan; a daughter, Lesley Cain, of Westover; and two grandsons. Services were held Monday at 11 a.m. at William McCulla Funeral Home in Westover, by Kevin B. Cain and Rev. Rick Sale. Burial was at Beverly Hills Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel of Tranquility in Morgantown, with military services by members of the Westover VFW Post 9916. Memorial donations can be made to the American Cancer Society.

Harley W. Carpenter Harley W. Carpenter, age 54, of Daniels, formerly of Pocahontas County, died July 16, 1998, at home, after a long illness. Born June 3,1944, at Buckeye, he was the son of the late Wade Hampton Carpenter and Gladys Scott Carpenter. He spent most of his life in Pocahontas County. He and Richard Hefner formed Black Mountain Bluegrass Boys in 1968. He was a member and fomier deacon of Grace Baptist Church in Marlinton, and he was an employee of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank Along with his parents he was preceded in death by one brother, Harold O. Carpenter. He is survived by his wife, Ada J. Maynard Cook Carpenter, of Daniels; one son, Warrick W. Carpenter, of Buckeye; two daughters, Sherri and Shirley Carpenter, also of Buckeye; stepdaughters, Lesley Prince, of Daniels, and Amy Cook, of Shady Spring; brother, Archie R. Carpenter, of Buckeye; sisters, Agnes Hobart, of Marlinton, Mary Samples, of Green Castle, Pennsylvania, and Phyllis McMillion, of Monterey, Virginia; and seven grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, July 18, 2:30 p.m., at Rose & Quesenberry Shady Spring Chapel with Revs. Gail Cutlip and Greg Mullis. Burial was in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Brad T. Cornelius Brad T. Cornelius, age 18, of St. Petersburg, Florida, died June 4, 1998, at St. Anthony's Hospital as a result of a motorcycle accident. He was born in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and came to St. Petersburg in 1992. He attended Admiral Farragut Academy and was a graduate of Center Academy, Pinellas Park. He is survived by his mother, Cheryl A. Cornelius, of St. Petersburg; his father, David Cornelius, of Okeechobee; a brother, David Brock, of St. Petersburg; maternal grandfather, Charles Thomas, of Bidwell, Ohio. Brad was the paternal grandson of the late Rev. Willis and Helen Cornfelius, of Marlinton.


Olive A. Cook Olive Ardelia Cook, age 84, of Dayton, Virginia, died Wednesday, June 23,1998, at her home. A daughter of the late Zennia Mae Harper, she was born in Pendleton County, on June 6, 1914. Mrs. Cook worked some 30 years at Wampler Foods and was an Avon presidential club representative for 31 years. She lived in Fort Seybert, until coming to the Dayton area in 1959. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren. In 1931, she married William R. Cook, who preceded her in death in October of 1982. Surviving are three sons, William Rex Cook, of Dayton, John Cook, of Chester, and Garnett Varner, of Deltona, Florida; two daughters, Donna J. Nesselrodt and Mary R. Eye, both of Dayton; one foster-daughter, Anna Lee Pennington, of Edom, Virginia; one sister, Evelyn Shifflett, of Hinton; five brothers, Paul Pennington, Richard Pennington and Harper Pennington, all of Harrisonburg, Virginia; Norman Pennington, of Dayton; and Troy Pennington, of Hinton; ten grandchildren, thirteen greatgrandchildren, and two great-greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday, June 27, at 1 p.m. at Harrisonburg Lindsey Chapel, with Wendell L. Henkel and Rev. William Strickler. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cancer Society or the American Heart Association. Ohley F. Casdorph Ohley F. Casdorph, age 100, of Charleston, died June 17, 1998, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a short illness. He was retired from Kanawha Valley Bank, a member of Kanawha Masonic Lodge #20, Scottish Rite Bodies, Beni Kedem Shrine, and a member of Primitive Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Gladys Sheets Casdorph, formerly of Hillsboro; sons, Terry Richards, of Chicago, Stuart Richards, of Renick; daughters, Sarah Jean Chilton, of Nashville, Tennessee, Edna Rothwell, of Charleston, Jane Perkins, of Frankford; 11 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Service was held Friday at Cunningham-Parker-Johnson Funeral Home, Charleston, with the Rev. Monroe Hamon. Burial in Casdorph Cemetery, Charleston. Masonic graveside rites conducted by Kanawha Masonic Lodge #20. Memorial contributions may be sent to Casdorph Cemetery Committee, c/o Edward E. Carpenter, 1904 Davis Circle, Charleston, WV 25312.

Ray O. Corbett mar Corbett, 66, who t Hill Country near Frost, ly, August 21, 1987, in Gale Hospital in Salem, )f a heart attack. He had ry for a broken hip on y-

is a retired Assistant Superintendent for the nt of Highways, was a far II veteran, and a of the Frost United Church. March 9, 1921, at he was the son of the late I Anne Mae McLaughlin s preceded in death by a :o Sheets. ing him are his wife, Mae )ett; a son, Tommy Ray of Dunmore; a brother, Corbett, of Baltimore, d; two sisters, Nina }f Dunmore, and Evelyn Smith, of Ervin, I v a n L&£»«



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oo uwsXs jooqos aip pue arry E. Carpenter y Eugene Carpenter, ace I July 13, 1998, at home K>rt illness. is survived by his wife, Carpenter, and his son,' rpenter, of Moorefield, forMarlinton; mother, Helen *r, of Marlinton, and a sresa Carpenter Potvin, of n. ather, Clarence Caipenter his brother, Ronnie Careceded him in death. r as formerly employed by Long Acre Chicken Plant teld, for 12 years, ral services will be held >July 16, at VanReenen iome Chapel at 2 p.m. . Jay Hicks. Burial will in Mountain View Visitation at the Funeral I be Wednesday, July 15 L


Margaret M. Curry Margaret M. (Wick) Curry, age 70, of Marlinton, died Monday, June 22, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.. Mrs. Curry was a retired employee of Orlando Regional Medical Center iri O r l a n ^ Florida, and a member of the United Methodist Chuurch. The daughter of the late Ted J. and Julia J. Grove McElwee, she was born November 8, 1927, at Marlinton. Her husband, Ralph White Curry, preceded her in death. Also a sister, Edna Lee Byrd, is deceased. Surviving her are five daughters,. Diane M. Jenson, of Altamonta Spring, Florida, Sue E. McDaniel, Sharon L. Curry, and LuAnne Moore, all of Orlando, Florida, and Mary E. Dilley, of Marlinton; three sons, Ralph W. Curry, Jr., of Atlanta, Georgia, Robert P. Curry, of Orlando, Florida, and Michael M. Curry, of McKenzie, Tennessee; a brother, Robert H. McElwee, of Rt. 1, Marlinton; a sister, Mary Jo Williams, of Greenfield, Tennessee; ten grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Graveside services will be held at 3 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. Randy Benson at McElwee Cemetery, Minnehaha Springs. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Grace H. Cain Grace H. (Ray) Cain, 64, of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Clover Lick, died May 18, 1998, following a long illness. Survivors include her husband, Hunter Cain; two daughers, Cathy Bround and Sandra Fritch, both of Cleveland; one brother, Woodrow Ray, of Marlinton; and two grandsons. Services were held on May 21 at 10 a.m. at Busch Family Chapel by the Rev. David Bell. Burial was in the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery in Cleveland.

Charles G. Cox Charles Goff Cox, 83, of Valley Bend, died at 1:10 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, 1998, at his home, following an extended illness. Mr. Cox was born Nov. 8, 1914, at Beverly, a son of the late Earl Goff and Ida Weese Cox. On July 23,1938,atSummersville, he was married to the former Leta Bell, who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Charles William Cox, Steeles Tavern, Va., and Robert Earl Cox, Morgantown; a daughter, Rebecca Sue Magee, Richmond, Va.; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mr. Cox was a retired Randolph County school teacher.

Raymond Cook Raymond L. Cook, of Marathon, Florida, died February 23, 1998, in a rest home there. He was born August 13,190S, at Delmar, Iowa, and was a Civil Air Patrol Pilot during World War Survivors include his wife, the former Peggy Vanosdale, one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Hunt; two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one son. Ray and Peggy wereformerresidents of Boyer where they owned and operated the Boyer Motel. At the request of the deceased, hisremainswere cremated. Services were held at Marathon on February 25. Interment will be at Sarasota, Florida, on March 16. Ada Cross Ada Doyle Cross, age 97, of Cross Lanes, died May 13, 1998, in Americare Nursing Home, Dunbar. She was a member of Mace United Methodist Church. . J ° - f l at Mace September 4, 190C, she was the daughter of the la ^ Harvey and Lucy Mace Doyle. She was the widow of Charles Cross. Surviving her are two daughters, Geneva Workman and Marie Galford, both of Cross Lanes; a son, Robert Cross, of Hampton, Virginia; a brother, Wesley s ' Doyle, of Slaty Fork; seven grandchildren and fifteen greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 11 a m Saturday, May 16, at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Asian Barkat. Burial was in Mingo Cemetery.

Pauline Caldwell Cronin Pauline Caldwell Cronin, age 82, of Dupont City, died August 7, 1998, in Memorial Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a short illness. She was a member of Dupont City Presbyterian Church and a lifelong resident of Dupont City. Surviving her are her husband, Ralph Cronin; a daughter, Stella Callison, of Hillsboro; a son, David Cronin, of Belle; two sisters, Mary Norman Sneed, of Elkview, and Naomi Campbell, of Poteau, Oklahoma; two brothers, Eugene Caldwell, of Barnsville, Ohio, and William T. Caldwell, of Alderson; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Fidler and Frame Funeral Home, Belle, by the Rev. Denny Dotson. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery, Charleston.

Paul A. Cappadony Paul A. Cappadony, 86, of 11 Dent St. and of South Davis Avenue. Elkins, for many years, died at 1:25 a.m. Sunday, July 6, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital following an extended illness. Mr. Cappadony was born June 4, 1911, at Cassity, a son of the late Frank P. and Zada Phares Cappadony. He was twice married. On June. 6, 1953, he married the former Ada Helen Wamsley, who preceded him in death on Sept. 11, 1991. On May 12, 1995, he married Florence Corley Dunn, who survives at Elkins. Also surviving are one brother, Arlan "Pete" Cappadony, Elkins, and two sisters, Helen Lafayette, Balti-. more, Md., and Gladys Cappadony, Elkins. Mr. Cappadony attended the schools of Randolph County and was a graduate of Davis & Elkins College. He was a teacher and later a principal in Randolph County schools for 30 years prior, to his retirement. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the,4 U.S. Army. He was a member of Elkins Lodge No. 108 AF & AM, Royal Arch Masons No. 35, Osiris Shrine of Wheeling, Pilgrim Commandery No. 21, Knights of Templar and the 32nd-Degree Scottish Rite of Clarksburg. He was a member of H.W. Daniels Post No. 29 American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 3647 of Elkins. Mr. Cappadony was a member of First United Methodist Church of Elkins, a former member of Midland Presbyterian Church for 45 years where he served as an elder and clerk of sessions for several years and a former member of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church for several soars.

Christopher M .


Christopher Mallory Clower, age 49, of Elkins, died March 19, 1998, at home after a long illness with a brain tumor. He was a supervisor with the West Virginia field office of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, with 23 years' service, was named 1991 Conservationist of the Year by the West Virginia Wildlife Federation, and received the Bronze Medal from the Environmental Protection Agency. He was a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War, a Purple Heart recipient, and was a member of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church in Elkins. Mr. Clower was a son of the late Rev. Elwood "Penrod" and Caroline Edgar Clower. He was the grandson of the late Attorney and Mrs. Allan Edgar, of Marlinton. Surviving him are his wife, Nancy LaFon Clower; a son, Cameron Alexander Clower; two sisters, Caroline Clower Allen, of Bedford, Virginia, and Jennifer Clower Siegenthaler, of Louisville, Kentucky; a brother, Allan Newton "Rod" Clower, of Lewisburg. Memorial service was held Sunday at Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas W. Jackson and the Rev. David Bower. Burial will be later in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Christopher Clower Memorial Fund of the Canaan Valley Institute, P. O. Box 673, Davis, WV 26260, or the Clower Memorial Scholarship Fund, Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, WV 26241.

Auby B. Cromer Ruby Grace Burns Cromer, 84, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died January 22,1998, at the University of Virginia Medical Center. She was born July 15, 1913, in Lanesville, the daughter of Charley and Sarah Cunningham Bums. She is survived by her husband, George E. Cromer; three sons, George E. Cromer, Jr., of Bogalusa, Louisiana, Jack I. Cromer, of Elkins, and Nyal G. Cromer, of Waynesboro; one daughter, Aleda Dawn Gochenour, of Crimoxa, Virginia; eleven grandchildren; eighteen great-grandchildren and two great-great-granchildren. She was the last member of her immediate family. A service was held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Chapel of Reynolds Funeral Service in Waynesboro conducted by Pastor Todd Hammond. Burial was in Augusta Memorial Paik.

Mary Chewning Mary "Evelene" Riffle Chewning, 77, of 44 Rennys Trailer Court, Buckhannon, died at 6:45 p.m. Sunday, March 1, 1998, at her home. Mrs. Chewning was born Sept. 23, 19-2Q, at Woodrow, W.Va., a daughter of the late George Gilbert and Sarah Kiner Sharp. She married Virgil Ray Chewning, who preceded her in death. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ray (Ilene) Bennett, Adrian, and Mrs. Othie (Marquette) Kimble, Wellington, Ohio; two sons, Michael Keith Sharp and John William Riffle, both of Buckhannon; and 13 grandchildren, Kathy Parks, Volga, Donna L. Hall, Angel Parks and Juania Humphrey, Buckhannon, Virginia Black, Adrian, Douglas Bennett, Adrian, Tom Bennett, French Creek, Alex Bennett and-Dustin Bennett, both of Adrian, Junior Lee Kimble, Corpus Christi, Texas, Othie Isaac Kimble, Cleveland, Ohio, Michael Wayne Kimble, Wellington, Ohio, and John Riffle II, Buckhannon. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Judith Paulette Parks; three brothers, Lee Roy, Harrison H. and Sherman Sharp; a sister, Hazel Hall; a grandchild and a sreat-grandchild. Mrs. Chewning was a homemak er and a Methodist.

Helen C. Clark Helen C. Clark, age 86, of Columbia, South Carolina, formerly of Hillsboro, died March 23, 1998, in Life Care Center, Columbia. A native of Hillsboro, she was born July 7, 1911, the daughter of William W. and Lucy E. Dean Curry. She was the widow of Isaac F. Clark, to whom she was married 56 years. Also deceased is a sister, Ruth C. Cutlip. Surviving her is a son, William H. Clark, of Columbia, and a sister, Ima C. Hill, of Hillsboro. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gail, Cutlip, with burial in Sunset Cemetery. Visitation at VanReenen Funeral Home will be on Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p. m.


Mrs. Blanche M. Carr," 67, of Marlinton, died Saturday, February 14,1976,,at her home, of a heart attack. She was a member of the Methodi3t Church. Born at Fairview May 6, 1908, she was the daughter of Henry H. and Savannah Waugb. She was the widow of Cecil Carr. And a son, Curtis, and a daughter, Creola, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are two sons, Craig Carr, of Newton, Falls, Ohio, Charles C. Carr, of Marlinton; five daughters, Miss Cleo Carr, Amarillo, Texas, Mrs. Dreama Dilley, of War* ren, Ohio, Mrs. Naomi Chapman, of Proctorville, Ohio, Miss Wilma Carr and Miss Sarah Carr, both of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Ocie Galford, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Net* tie Reed, of Marlinton; one brother, Bert Waugb, of Marlinton; 19 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Wallace Dorn officiating. Burial was in the Clawson Cemetery.

Russell Edwin Collins P* Russell Edwin Collins, 73, of < anford, Florida, died Wednss- j ay, July 28, 1971, in the Selole Memorial Hospital after i lingering illness. £ ) Born at Cass August 4.1897 I B was a son of the late C. P.i ollins and Sallie Bagby Col-i ns. . *.' } He was employed as a dairy < ian in Maryland for several ears. January 7, 1943, he went to anford, Florida,, to make his ome with his sister, Edith A. ones. Survivors include two brothrs Dr.C.B. Collins, of White ulphur Springs, and Dr. C. N Collins, of Deland, Florida; hvee sisters, Alice C. Bennett, Fairmont, Lucy M. Lowe, LS? p A p,e T Creek ' Virginia, and nducted on February 15 by Bro. ouis Kimble, assisted by Bros, ob Huskey and David Hargrave. iterment was in the St. John lemorial Gardens in LaPlace, ouisana. Mrs. J. M. Cunningham Mrs Cora Combs Cunningham, 'ed 82 .years, of Marlinton, died i Monday afternoon, March 1, 54, Some days before she had ffered a paralytic stroke; The deceased was a daughter of e late Armistead and Hannah iugh Cjmbs. She becama the fe of Dr. J. M. Cunningham, Marlinton, who preceded her out fifty .years since. Of her* iher's family there remains her other, Jacob Combs, of Hillsro. Ine funeral will be held from ir'inton Methodist Church on ednesda.y afternoon at 2 o'clock terment in McLaughlin Ceme •y beside grave of her husband.

Mri. J. L!f§n OijRir ' \ Mrs. Magnolia "Carpenter Mrs. Rosemary C. Coyner, i 71, an English teacher at Dixie Mrs. Magnolia Sutton Sheets Hollins High School from 1960 Carpenter, aged 8l years.,.died on Friday, February 21, 1947, at the* until she retired in 1974, died : Wednesday, March 10, 1976. norne of her daughter, Mrs. Wil She was a resident of 56 TopHam Graham, in Oak Hill. On. Monday afternoon her body was sail Trail, Gulf Harbors, New laid to rest in the family plot in I Port Richey, Florida, where Mountain View Cemetery, the she moved a year ago from St. i funeral'being held from the Mar- Petersburg. | Hnton Methodist Church by Rev. A native of Pittsburgh, she Frank Kiehardson, D. D., and! was a member of the National I Rev. R. H. Skaggs. She had long!1 Retired Teachers Association I be^n a member of the Methodist and attended St. John's Catho* ! | Church. j lie Church, St. Petersburg j Mrs. Carpenter's maiden name Beach. J j was Sutton. She was twice mar- > Survivors include a son, Dr. jried, first to the late John Will John Ligon Coyner, Fairmont; 'Sheets, and then to the late John, I daughter, Mrs. Margaret j V\ esley Carpenter. Surviving are • Anne Chambers, New Port, | her six daughters, Mrs. Edna L. I Richey, Florida, seven Gordon, Colorado Springs, Co!o-| grandchildren and a great rado; Mrs. J. II. Hugart, Balti-j grandchild. more, Maryland; Mrs. Graham;' Donations may be made to and Mrs. W. E. Burns. Mrs. Clar-, the Rosemary Coyner Memo* ence E. Culbertson and Miss Marrial Fund at Dixie Hollins High ion C. Sheets, all of Pueblo, Colo- School. rado; and four sons, M. M. Sheets Mrs. Coyner lived In Clover and B. B. Sheets, both of Pueblo,; ; Colorado; T. H. Sheets, Charles- Lick lor several years and ; ton; and Joe F. Sheets, Lewisburg. i taught in both Green Bank and Marlinton High Schools. She was preceded in death by her husband, J, Ligon Coyner, Albert H. Church A memorial service was held Albert H. Church, age 73, of in St. Petersburg March 18tb Baltimore, Maryland, died October and graveside service will bt 25,1998, after a long illness. Originally from Cass, he in Clover Lick Cemetery at a attended Cass Elementary and Green later date, — Bank High School. He served four Floyd Lee Cassell years in the U. S. Navy, mostly in Floyd L. Cassell, age 70, of the South Pacific. He married Elsie Cass, died in a house fire, Friday, A. Simmons, of Stony Bottom, September 18, 1998, at his home and they moved to Baltimore, where in Cass. he worked and retired with 38 years Mr. Cassell was born May 18, at Bethlehem Steel, Sparrows 1928, at Green Bank, and was the I Point, as a crane operator. He son of the late Luther William and I enjoyed hunting and fishing, He Mertie Collins Cassell. had a trailer home in Stony BotHe was a resident of Cass and a tom. Mr. Church was a member of WWII Army Veteran. Calvary Baptist Church and a memHe was preceded in death by his ber of V. F. W. Post 6694 in Dunwife, Lavenia Potter Cassell, in dalk, Maryland. the same fire; two step-daughters, He was born December 30, Lena Turner and Irene Cook; one 1924, the son of the late Sidney E. step-son, Oliver Potter. and Sindy Andes Church. He is survived by a daughter, Preceding him in death were Linda Cassell McGraw, of Ansted; two brothers, Hilton and Dewey, three sons, James Cassell, of and two sisters, Artie Tumblin and Ansted, Larry Cassell, of Mt. Beulah Rose. Lookout, and Joe Cassell, of RusHe is survived by his wife, sell ville; one step-son, Argile PotElsie A. Church; sons, Ronald, ter, of Beaver Creek; four sisters, Donald, and Roger; daughters, Janet -^HM^Mc&tmsBd, Itean Warren, GerHamilton and Sue Andrews; a aldine McDonald, and Juanita, all sister, Isabel Duvall; thirteen of Baltimore, Maryland; three grandchildren, and one greatbrothers, Nolan Cassell, of Misgrandson. sissippi, Roger Cassell, of MarFuneral service was held on linton, and Gary Cassell, of Texas; October 28, with interment at Garand six grandchildren. dens of Faith Cemetery in RoseJoint services were held Sunday, dale, Maryland. September 27, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale, with the Rev. Norman Alderman officiating. Burial was in Hosterman Cemetery.

Ransom Raymond Clark Ransom Raymond Clark, age 76, of Buckeye, died Friday, November 6, 1998, at Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, after several months' illness. He was aretiredcore grinder for American Brake Shoe Company, Elyria, Ohio. He served in the Anny in World War n. The son of the late Daniel R. and Ellen McCauley Clark, he was born at Lost Creek on April 24, 1922. Preceding him in death were two sons, Kenneth Franklin Clark and Ransom Lee Clark; two sisters, Edna Hefner and Wanda Cornell; a half-sister, Gertrude Westfall; four brothers, Herbert Clark, Clarence Clark, Clyde Clark, and RobeaClark; two half-brothers, Holden Bell and Russell Bell. Surviving him are three daughters, Delores Perry, of Purdon, Texas, Verna Belcher and Virginia Conner, both of Vinton, Virginia; two sons, Raymond D. Clark, of Salem, Virginia, and Holden Clark, of Anderson, South Carolina; a step-son, Marvin Boggs, of Roanoke, Virginia; fifteen grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren, and two great-greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday at 11 a. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Stanley Clark, nephew of the deceased. Burial with military rites followed at Mountain View Cemetery. Billy N. Cook Billy Noel Cook, age 60, of Summersville, died Monday, October 12, 1998, at his home following an extended illness. He was the son of the late Vernon H. and Mary V. Messer Cook and was born at Seebert December 24, 1937. Mr. Cook was the bookkeeper for Anglers Roost in Summersville, a former Summersville Little League coach and past Board of Directors member. Surviving him are his wife, Frances Small Cook; a son, Christopher Michael Cook, of Mt. Nebo; two brothers, Thomas G. Cook and Vernon A. Cook, both of Summersville; and a sister, Joann Hamden, of Galax, Virginia. Funeral services will be :onducted Friday at 11 a. m. in the Waters Funeral Chapel at Summersville by Rev. Nelson Harris and Rev. Bud Truman. Graveside service will follow at 2 p. m. in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Mrs. Flossie Campbell Mrs. Flossie Waugh Camp* bell, 76, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, April 20, 1982, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospi* tal after a long illness. Born near Marlinton July 27,1905, she was the daughter of the late Jacob E. and Rosa Wilfong Waugh. Preceding her in death were her husband, William D. Campbell; brother, Odie Waugh; half brother, Jess Waugh, and half sister, Trudy McKenney. She was a member of Central Union Methodist Church. Surviving are six sons, Her* old, of Park Forest, Illinois, Roy, of Williamsport, Maryland, Edward, of Youngstown, Ohio, Tommy and Lyle, both of Marlinton, Clyde, of Woodbridge, Virginia; daughters, Ruth Campbell, of Marlinton, Mrs. Milhcent Withers, of Woodbridge, Virginia; brother, Clyde Waugh, of Marlinton; half-sister, Mrs. Stella Gay, of Marlinton; sixteen grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Eddie Markley and the Rev. Sanford Boggs officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Roy Lewis Cain, Sr. Roy Lewis Cain, Sr., age 66, t>f Marlinton, died Sunday, November 1,1998, at home. Mr. Cain was a truck driver and was a Methodist He was born December 6, 1931, in the Brush Country, near Marlinton, the son of the late Harry and Maggie Mace Cain. A daughter, Patricia Cain, two sons, Stefcjheii and Roy Cain, Jr., and a brother, Harry Cain, Jr., are deceased. Surviving him are his wife, Mandy Townsend Cain; three daughters, Dolores Gargano, of Warren, Ohio, Karen Gragg and Nancy Hanna, both of Marlinton; a step-daughter, Linda Townsend, of Baltimore, Maryland; a son, Ernie Cain, of Warren, Ohio; two sisters, Susie Friel and Nellie Moore, both of Marlinton; a brother, Leo Cain, of Buckeye; ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were Jield at 1 rP-,3fn. Wednesday at VanReenen Ff&eral Home Chapel by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Gibson Cemetery.

Delphia A. Cochran Delphia A. Cochran, age 81, of Lewisburg, formerly of Renick, died November 9, 1998, at the home of her daughter, Virginia Ruth Herndon, of Lewisburg, after an extended illness. Mrs. Cochran was a Presbyterian. She was born April 15,1917, al Beard to the late Raymond and I& Bessie Underwood Cochran. * Preceding her in death were twc sisters, Daisy Blankenship and Dollie Wells; two brothers, Johr and Clarence Cochran. In addition to her daughter survivors include two sons, Paul G Cochran, of White Sulphu Springs, and Kenneth C. Cochran of Buckeye; a brother, Walter F Cochran, of Lewisburg; elevei grandchildren; seven step grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; six step-great grandchildren; and five great-greai grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday j 2 p. m. at Wallace and Wallac Funeral Home in Lewisburg by tt Rev. Jim Anderson. Burial was i Old Droop Church Cemetery.

— * ******* Charles T. Cover, Sr. Charles T. Cover, Sr., age 7< of Bartow, died Saturday, Auguj 22, 1998, at Davis Memorij Hospital in Elkins after an extender illness. He was a member of Durbii United Methodist Church and th American Legion. He served in th Army in World War II, and he wa a carpenter and employee of Howe Leather Company for 44 years. Born March 31, 1919, a Richwood, he was the son of th late Samuel F. and Louella Collin Cover. His wife, Thelma Jean Hoove Cover, died April 28, 1996. Surviving him are a daughtei Madonna Ann Collen, of Durham North Carolina; two sons, Charle T. Cover, Jr., of Lewisburg, an< Don E. Cover, of Bridgeport; sister, Jessie Linwood, of Ospre> Florida; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held at! p. m. Tuesday at Durbin Unitec Methodist Church by the Rev Roland Armstrong, with burial ii the Arbovale gtemetery.

Carlon M. Carpenter Carlon M. Carpenter, age 81, of >unmore, died Tuesday, October 7, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial hospital. Mr. Carpenter was a pipefitter i a manufacturing plant and a lemberoflTT. He was a member f Baxter Presbyterian Church and a 0-year member of the Moose odge. He was a U. S. Navy steran. Born at Dunmore August 15, ?17, he was the son of the lats lliot and Martha Cora Carpenter. Preceding him in death were iree sisters, Lucille Carpenter, ida Nottingham, and Alma IcCray, and two brothers, Claude !arpenter and Arlie Carpenter. Funeral services will be held at p. m. Friday at the Baxter resbyterian Church by the Rev. >avid Rittenhouse. Burial with lilitary honors will be in the >unmore Cemetery. Visitation will be at VanReenen uneral Home Thursday from 6 to p. m. Frank Collins Frank Collins, age 77, of Durbin, died Sunday, December 20, 1998, at his home in Durbin after a long illness. He was a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren and was retired from Howes Leather Company. He was a World War II Navy veteran and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Born November 21, 1921, at Frank, he was the son of the late Louis and Antiano Urbane Collins. Surviving him are his wife, \nna Mae Ash Collins; two laughters, Linda K. Findley and 4illie Arbogast, both of Durbin; a •on, Leonard D. Collins, of >oulsbo, Washington; a sister, Edith Villiams, of French Creek; a •rother, Leonard D. Collins, of Gainesville, Ohio; and three iandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a. m Wednesday at Wallace and Wallace uneral Chapel at Arbovale by the ev. Donnie Curry. Burial will be i Arbovale Cemetery.


Robert L. Carpenter Robert L, Carpenter, 59, of Woodbridge, Virginia, died Sunday December 13, 1987, at Hospice of Northern Virginia, Arlington, Virgina. He is survived by his wife, Norma Sue McKenney Carpenter; one sister, Audaline Green, of Arlington, Virginia; one brother, Kyle Carpenter, of Marlinton. He was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence E. and Cora Dilley Carpenter, and two brothers, Clarence, Jr., and Sterl. Carpenter retired from the U. S. Marine Corps as a Master Gunnery Sergeant in 1974 with 26 years of service. He served in Korea, Japan and Viet Nam. He had been a resident of Woodbridge since 1960 and was currently employed by the U. S. Postal Service in Merrifield, Virginia. Services were held Wednesday at the Mount Castle Funeral Home Chapel in Woodbridge with Navy Chaplain J. C. Williams officiating. Burial was in the Quantico National Cemetery with full military honors. Expressions of sympathy may be made to Hospice of Northern Virginia, 4715 N. 15th Street, Arlington, Virginia 22205.

Burnell N. Cochran Burnell Noah Cochran, 75, of Shale Road, Belington, died Sunday, May 31, 1998, at Davis Memorial Hospital, following an unexpected illness. Mr. Cochran was born May 16, 1923, at Caperton, Fayette County, a son of the late William Jess and Mae Lillie Christian Cochran. Surviving are a son, Michael Cochran, Independence; a daughter, Elvira "Vea" Cochran, Belington; two brothers, William J. Cochran, Warren, Mich., and Mickey Cochran, Buckhannon; three sisters, Anna Mae Handschumacher and Betty Martin, both of Dearborn Heights, Mich., and Nina June, Lexington, Tenn.; and four grandchildren, Michael and David Cochran, both of Charleston, and Eric and Kelli Harris, both of Belington. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Vernon Tracy and Regionaid Cochran; and a sister, Mildred Harmon. Mr. Cochran was a retired on-site inspector for the West Virginia Department of .Highways and was a former Baptist minister. At the request of the deceased, his remains were donated to medical science. Final services and interment will be at the Handschumacher Cemetery at Cowen.

Oneida M. Oliver

Collins Oneida Motsie Oliver Collins, age 96, of Marlinton, died September 9, 1998, at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center in Marlinton, after a long illness. Mrs. Collins was born April 10, 1902, at Dunmore, to the late Peter Preston and Lilly Jane Nottingham Oliver. Mrs. Collins was of the Methodist faith, and was a retired custodian with the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Vere Collins, a son, Robert Blair Oliver, and three brothers, Robert Keith Oliver, Albert Neal Oliver, and Percy Oliver. She is survived by one sister, Inez Horner, of Marlinton, one grandson, one great-granddaughter and three great-great-grandchildren. Service was held Saturday, at 2 p.m., at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, by Rev. David Fuller. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Lavenia Potter Cassell ~ Lavenia P. Cassell, age 75, of Cass, died in a house fire, Friday, September 18,1998 at her home in Cass. Mrs. Cassell was born February 13, 1923, at Buckeye and was the daughter of the late William W. and Minnie W. Aldridge Potter. She was a resident of Cass and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband Floyd Lee Cassell, in the same fire; two daughters, Lena Turner, and Irene Cook; a son, Oliver Potter, a sister, Mary Virginia Hickenbottom, and a brother, James Edgar Potter. She is survived by one son, Argile Potter of Beaver Creek; two sisters, Marie Oscar, of Marlinton, and Elva Wooddell, of Martinsville; ten grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Joint services were held Sunday, September 27, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale, with the Rev. Norman Alderman officiating. Burial was in Hosterman Cemeterv

Edith M. Cain Edith M. Cain, age 78, of Dunmore, died January 1, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Cain was born August 29, 1920, at Marlinton, the daughter of the late David Cecil and Norma Dean. She was a member of Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl J. Cain, and a daughter, Norma Queen. She is survived by one daughter, Shirley Queen, of Stony Bottom; two sons, Roger E. Cain, of Marlinton, David J. Cain, of Newport News, Virginia; one sister, Iris Keirn, of Calabash, North Carolina; a granddaughter, Doloris Roberts, of Dunmore, whom she raised; several other grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at 1 p.m., at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, by Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial following in Stony Bottom Cemetery.

Virginia N. Cain Virginia Nieman Cain, 82, of Fairmont, died Saturday, Jan. 9, 1999, in Wishing Well Manor, Fairmont. Mrs. Cain was born May 5, 1916, in Brandon ville, a daughter of the late Curtis L. and Nellie B. Musser Nieman. She married Charles Cain who preceded her in death. Surviving are three brothers and sisters-in-law, Raymond and Wilma Nieman, Bruceton Mills, Woodrow Nieman, Bruceton Mills, and Dale and Shirley Nieman, Franklin; two nieces and six nephews. Friends were received at Carl R. Spear Funeral Home. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Vicki Sheppard officiating. Interment followed in Shady Grove Cemetery at Bruceton Mills.

Barbara Camden Barbara Jean K. Camden, 64, of New Canton, Virginia, died of cancer on May 3, 1999, at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia. She was born in Morgantown on March 26,1935, the daughter of Hester Bonham, of Lewisburg, and the late Sanford Kirk. She lived at Hillsboro at one time. Mrs. Camden was a member of the Browns Mountain Chapel United Methodist Church in New Canton. In addition to her mother, survivors include her husband, Don Camden; three children, Whitney P. Hubert, of Salem, Virginia, Barbara McMillion, of Lewisburg, and Wayne Gilbert, of Galveston, Texas; one stepson, David Camden; four grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. A memorial service was held on May 6 with the Rev. Joe Shoop officiating. _ _ _ _ Mae G. Corbett Mae Gay Corbett, age 81, of Rt. 1, Dunmore, died March 23, 1999, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, following a stroke in December. Mrs. Corbett worked in the Pocahontas County Court House, Curry's Store and Baxters Store in Marlinton after she graduated from high school. She was a retired cook from Pocahontas County High School. She was a member of the Women's Home Extension Club, Order of Eastern Star, and Frost United Methodist Church. Born at Dunmore June 16, 1917, she was the daughter of the late Odie and Pearl Carpenter Gay. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray Corbett, and one sister, Ethel Rose. Surviving her are a son, Tommy Ray Corbett, of Dunmore; a brother, Dale Gay, of Broadway, Virginia; and two grandchildren Services were held Saturday morning at the Frost United Methodist Church by the Rev. Dave McCauley. Burial was in the Gay Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Mt Zion Church Fund.

Opal L. Cook Opal L. Cook, age 69, Sharon, formerly of Marlinton Summersville, died April 14, IS in St. Francis Hospital, Charlesl after a long illness. Surviving her are a daugh Patricia Brewer, of Lockwood; I sons, Donald E. Cook, of Winifre and Raymond L. Cook, of Shar two sisters, Ann Underwood, Marlinton, and Rudi Wilfong, Buckeye; four brothers, Willia Paul and Frank Barrett, all Marlinton, and Leland Barrett, New Jersey; five grandchildren a three great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday Pryor Funeral Home in East Ba by the Rev. Clayton Stevens, t Rev. Ellis Foster and the Rev. Ti Rogers. Burial was in Kanaw Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgo^

Mandy Townsend Cain Mandy Evelyn Townsend Cair age 71, of Marlinton, die< Thursday, May 6, 1999, a Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Cain attended th< Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. The daughter of Jacob and Anis< Barlow Townsend, she was bon November 22,1927, at Edray. She was married forty-eight years to Roy L. Cain, Sr., whc preceded her in death. Also deceased are a daughter, Patricia Cain, twc sons, Stephen Cain and Roy L Cain, Jr., a sister, Mami( Townsend Radiff, and two brothers Raymond and Johnny Townsend. Survivors include foui daughters, Delores Gergano, of Warren, Ohio, Nancy Hanna and Karen Gragg, of Marlinton, and Linda Townsend, of Baltimore, Maryland; a son, Ernie Cain, of Warren, Ohio; twenty-four grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk.




Roy L. Campbell Roy Lacy Campbell, age 67, of Williamsport, Maryland, died March 4, 1999, at Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Martinsburg. Born July 14, 1931, in Marlinton, he was the son of the late William Dowen and Flossie Waugh Campbell. He was employed by Cushwa Brick for 40 years, retiring in 1997. He served with the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War. He attended Rehoboth United Methodist Church in Williamsport. He was a member of Potomac Post 202 American Legion, Williamsport; and a past member of Community Rescue Service, Hagerstown, Maryland. He is survived by a son, William "Bill" Campbell, of Clearbrook, Virginia; two stepdaughters, Michelle Dropp, of Martinsburg, and Cheryl Duffy, of Hagerstown; a step-son, Chris Hosfeld, of Hagerstown; two sisters, Millicent Withers and Ruth Campbell, both of Woodbridge, Virginia; five brothers, Clyde Campbell, of Fairfax, Virginia, Tom Campbell and Lyle Campbell, both of Marlinton, Ed Campbell, of Austintown, Ohio, and Herold Campbell, of Chicago Heights, Illinois; two grandchildren; and seven stepgrandchildien. He was preceded in death by his wife, Brenda Cole Campbell, in 1991, and a daughter, Patsy Ann Campbell. Services were held March 8 at 10 a.m. in Albert L. Leaf Memorial Chapel of Osborne Funeral Home, Williamsport. The Rev. Robert Robinson and the Rev. Bob Ardinger officiated. Burial was in Cedar Lawn Memorial Park, Hagerstown. Military graveside services were provided by Morris Frock Post 42, Hagerstown.

Arlene W. Camper Arlene Withers Camper, age 84, died at Alleghany Regional Hospital, Low Moor, Virginia, on Thursday, February 11,1999. She was retired, a former nurse's aide at Denmar State Hospital. She was a member of Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Born at Marlinton June 30, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Isaac and Elsie Hayslett Withers. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three sisterfc, Ruth Withers Dunbrack, Viola Withers and Maxine Withers, and a brother, James Withers. , Survivors include her son, Charles L. Camper, of Marlinton; a sister, Evelyn Withers, and two brothers, Shannon Withers and Ivan Withers, Sr., all of Marlinton; one grandchild, and four greatgrandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 11 a. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Donald Robert Cain Donald Robert Cain, age 46, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at Franklin Square Hospital in Baltimore. He was a carpenter by trade and a member of Load 101 Carpenter* s Union. He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church of Baltimore. The son of Leo Cain, of Buckeye, and the late Alma Wenger Cain, he was born at Marlinton March 16,1952. Surviving him are four sisters, Dianna Doughty, of Aiken, South Carolina, Debra Cain, of Marlinton, Sugar Cain, of Hurricane, and Donna Buttino, of Detroit, Michigan; and two brothers, Dennis Cain and David Cain, both of Marlinton. One sister, Candy Cain, is deceased Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home Saturday at 1 p. m. by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in Gibson Cemetery on Elk.

Qterge Hunter Cothrai George Hunter Cochran, 36, died in an automobile accident on Route 60 near Smithers Thursday, March 2, 1978. He was a graduate of West Virginia Institute-of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. He was a member of Beta Kappa Chi Fraternity. After college he worked for the Department of Agriculture and then transferred to be an auditor in the Justice Department and had received his tenure pin. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Born May 21,1942, at Buckeye, he was a son of Edna Mae Webb, of Marlinton, and the late Harold Lee Cochran. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Nancy McCarty Cochran, a son, Gregory Hunter, and^ a daughter, Letitia; a brother, Harold Cochran, of Marlinton, Marlinton, and his step-father, James Webb. Services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Larry Albright, with burial m Mountain View Cemetery. Raymond Cook Raymond Cook, age 73, of Sharon, died March 3, 1999, in St. Francis Hospital, Charleston, after a long illness. Mr. Cook was retired from U. S. Steel Mining with 19 years' service and was a member of United Mine Workers. Surviving him are his wife, Opal; a daughter, Patricia Brewer, of Lockwood; two sons, Donald E. Cook, of Winifrede, and Raymond L. Cook, of Dawes; a sister, Lola Oscar, of Marlinton; two brothers, Berlin Cook, of Bluefield, and Arnold Cook, of Marlinton; five granddaughters and three greatgrandsons. Services were held Saturday afternoon at Pryor Funeral Home in East Bank by the Rev. Tim Rogers and Ellis Foster. Burial was in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens at Glasgow.

Ethelmae Corley Ethelmae Corley, 79, of Mill Creek, died Saturday morning, Aug. 28, 1999, in Swisher's Home Care at tfeveriy wnere she had been a patient for the past two weeks. Mrs. Corley was born Nov. 11, 1919, in Elkins, a daughter of the late RE. and Lydia Fox Phillips. On Dec. 15, 1934, she married Onward R. "Woodie" Corley, who preceded her in death on Sept. 13, 1987. Surviving are a son, Larry Corley and wife, Marquetta, Ravenswood; two daughters, Mrs. Galen (Jerry) Gilmore, and Mrs. Charles (Kay) Rennix, Valley Bend; two sisters, Edna Huffman, Elkins, and Marjorie Soberiaj, Hackensack, N.J.; 10 grandchildren, four foster grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and four foster greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Harry Randall Corley; five brothers, Delbert, Harry, Willard, Ora and William Phillips; a sister, Marie Barb; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Corley attended the schools of Randolph County and was a homemaker. She was a member of Mill Creek United Methodist Church where she served as Sunday school teacher and superintendent, w She was elected as Mill Creek's Grandmother of the Year in 1987, was a member of Mill Creek Women's Society, a lifetime member of the PTA and was a volunteer for the Mill Creek United Methodist Church and Tyrand Cooperative Ministries. Friends were received at Tomblyn Funeral Home Sunday. Today, she was moved to Mill Creek United Methodist Church, where funeral services were held at 2 p.m. with the Rev, Verl Simmons officiating. Interment will follow in Brick Church Cemetery near Huttonsville. Memorial contributions may be made to Mill Creek United Methodist Church, PO Box 417, Mill Creek, W.Va. 26280 or Tyrand Cooperative Ministries, PO Box 365, Mill Creek, W.Va. 26280.

Glenn Wood Callison Glenn W. Callison, age 81, of Bradenton, Florida, died May 19, 1999, at home. He was born in Bealton, Virginia, the oldest son of the late Homer L. and Mary Hilda Corder Callison. He is survived by his wife, Merle P. Callison, of Bradenton; two brothers, George Alfred Callison, of Hillsboro, and Homer L. Callison, of Monterey, Virginia; and a stepson, Melvin Naylor, of LaPlata, Maryland. Mr. Callison spent time with his aunts and uncles, the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beard, of Hillsboro, and the late Mr. and Mrs. James K. Marshall, of Hillsboro. He was a retired machinist for the Smithsonian Institute of Washington, D. C. He served in the U. S. Army during World War II and the Korean Conflict. Services were held in Bradenton. Nora McMillion Clark Nora McMillion Clark, age 93, of Renick, died April 9, 1999, at home after a long illness. She was a member of Beulah United Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher. Mrs. Clark was born June 4, 1905, a daughter of the late Kenna and Lakie Lewis McMillion, of Renick. Preceding her in death were her husband, Floyd Clark, and two daughters, Lassie Clark and Lois Bruffey, and two brothers, Bert and Herbert McMillion. Surviving her are a daughter, Lucille Clark Pedigo, of Renick and Covington, Virginia; six grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren, and two great-greatgrandchildren. Services were held Monday at Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg, by the Rev. Dan Arbogast and the Rev. Leroy Crane. Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery, Renick.


Regina Combs Regina Sue Combs, age 48, of HC 82, Marlinton, died Sunday July 25, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a computer operator and a member of the Cochrans Creek Baptist Church The daughter of the late Frank and Bertha McCoy Lynch, she was born at Parkersburg November 30, Mrs. Combs is survived by her husband, Richard S. Combs; two daughters, Tosha Combs, of Marlinton, and Tina Combs, of Neola; a son, Chantry Combs, of Marlinton; two sisters, Evelyn Simmons and Franci Corbett, both of Parkersburg; four brothers, Gene Lynch, of Indiana, Robert Lynch of Parkersburg, Melvin Lynch, of Ohio, and Richard Lynch, of Georgia; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Doug Beam, with burial in the Combs Cemetery at Rimel. Memorial gifts may be made to VanReenen Funeral Home. Arthur Anderson Cain Arthur Anderson Cain, age 75, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Cain was retired as a night watchman at Hanover Shoe Company. He was a member of Central Union United Methodist Church and an Army veteran of World War II. Born May 20, 1924, at Huntersvillle, he was the son of the late Roy and Levia Grimes Cain. Surviving him are his wife, Hallie Moore Cain; three sons, Phillip Cain, Mike Cain, and Danny Cain, all of Marlinton; four sisters, Eula White, Lucille Kelley, and Polly Kelley, all of Marlinton, and Mary Francis Kaliszewski, of Dunmore; three brothers, Hunter Cain, of Cleveland, Ohio, Edscl Cain and Joe Cain, both of Marlinton; five grandchildren. A brother, Remus Cain, and a sister, Edith Mullins, are deceased. Services were held at the Central Union United Methodist Church at 2 p. m. Saturday by the Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorials gifts may be made to Central Union United Methodist Church or Mount Zion Cemetery Association.

Parker L. Curry

>eath Claims John Curry John W. Curry of Huntington died a hospital there Monday, August 5, 19^3. A son of Amos C. and Ra- 1 lei Terry Curry, the deceased wv. \ 3rn April 10, 1868, near Frost. F.u- j eral services were held at 11 a. m. j hursday at the West Union Church, . ith Rev. R. H. Skaggs officiating. | Purial was made in the Coc.iran j smotery. . Mr. Curry is survived by his wife, nd by four sons, George Edward of leveland, Reed of Huntington, Alert and Cecil of Marlinton. A siser, Mrs. A. N. Sharp of Vest Palm (each, Fla., and a brother, P. C. forry of Marlinton, also survive. The ate Mrs. George VanReenan and the ate W. G. Curry of Huntington were ilso a brother cr d sister. Mr. Curry was an employe cf the >. and 0. Railway Company for 26

Herman Curry <£^ Herman Curry, aged 13 years, of Frost, came by untimely death by gunshot wound accidentally inflicted, Saturday, December 29, 1945, while fox hunting". It appears he was standing on a stump,; and let his shot gun fall. The! Jun discharged and the charge; took effect in his side. Oompan-I ions heard him call and came to his help, but he livea but a few minutes. On Monday a iter^oonriiis body was laid in the ltmiily plot in Mountain View cemetery, the service by his pastor, Rev. L. E Saviile Herman was the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Curry, of Frost. He was a bright and promising boy. He was in the iMghth grade of the Marlinton school. He is survived by his brothers, Ralph and Robert, and a sister. George E. Curry



I George E. Curry, 71, of 333 J North Buena Vista, Russell i I Park, Fort Myers, Florida,] died Monday, October 29,1 1962 He had been a resi-' .dent here for the past six years. j Survivors include his wife, Mrs, Catherine Curry, . Fort Myers; two brothers, Homer R. Curry, Hunt- j ington and Cecil Curry, Mar-j linton. He was a member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic' Church and the American Legion. Funeral service will be held Wednesday at 10 a. m. at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Rosary services were held Tuesday night at 8 p. m at Leo W. Engelhardt Funeral Home. Interment in Memorial Gardens Cemetery

\ /

Parker Lee Curry, 73, of Marlinton, died Saturday in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness, A lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, he was a veteran of World War I and a retired emplove of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lurlie Chamsler Curry; a daughter, Miss Anna Lee Curry of Cicero, Illinois; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Ralph Wiley, of White Plains, Maryland, Mrs. George Bennett, of Staun ton, Virginia, and Mrs. John Gainer, of North Augusta, S. C.; two sons, Arville, of Palm Beach, California, and Alfred, of Baltimore; three stepsons, Jonas Dilley, of Firiksburg, Md., Sherman and Arch Dilley, of Baltimore, a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Clarkson, of Cass; two brothers, 0. B. Curry, of Marlinton, and Harry, of Belle; one grandchild, and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church with Rev. Willis V. Cor nelius in charge. Burial was in the Stony Bottom Cemetery. Mrs. Harry 8 Curry

Mrs. Louise Burr Curry, 72, of 2024 East DuPont Avenue, Belle, died Sunday, September 28, 1969, in the Charleston General Hospital. She was a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Witcher. Survivors include her husband, Harry B. Curry; four sons, Leonard Curry, of Chelyan, Charles H. Curry, of Fairborn, Ohio, William J. Curry, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and John Curry, of Chesapeake; seven daughters, Mrs. Jean Lawrence and Miss Connie Curry, both at home, Mrs. Belva Williams, of Diamond, Mrs. Norma Chapman, of Hernshaw, Mrs. Clara Lee Akers, of Shinnston, Mrs. Cleo Canterbury, of Franklin, Ohio, and Mrs. Janet Howard, of Belle; two brothers, Robert Cassell, of Cass, and Oliver Cassell, of Ridgeley; and one sister, Mrs. Alice O'Brien, of Cumberland, Maryland. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Eidler» Frame Funeral Home Chapel, at Belie, with burial in the Montgomery Memorial Park.

Albert Curry

Albert Curry, aged 58 years, died on Thursday morning, January 13, 1955, of a heart attack, while at his work in the packing and shipping department of S. B. 1 Wallace & Co., wholesale drug| gists, in Marlinton. Some weeks j since he had suffered a heart at| tack. On Monday afternoon the j funeral service was held from the I Presbyterian Church by his pastor, Rev. E. H. Flaniken. His body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Curry is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sylvia Wentz Curry; their three sons, Albert, Jr., of Chicago; John C , of Perry, Florida; and Samuel M., with the United States Air Force, in Alaska; their three daughters, Mrs. Rhea Wallace, of Baltimore; Mrs. Rachel Cleek and Mrs. Veda Wade, both of Minnehaha Springs. Also he is survived by eleven grandchildren. The deceased was a son of the late John W. and Katherine Moore Curry. His three brothers are Edward, of Cleveland, Ohio; Reed, of Huntington; and Cecil, of Marlinton. Mr. Curry was a veteran of the First World War and served with the Tenth Regiment. For more than thirty years he has been with S. B. Wallace & Co. Here passes again a citizen faithful and true in war and peace. Mrs. Meade Curry

Mrs. Ada Hamrick Curry, 58, of Frost, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Thursday, December 17, 1959, following several months illness with cancer. Born in Randolph County, February 7, 1901, she was a daughter of'the late Albert and Elian Hamrick. Surviving her are her husband, Meade Curry; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Witt, of Cumberland, Mary land; two sons, Robert Curry, of Frost, and Ralph Curry, of Orlando, Florida; twelve grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. E. R. Cowger, of Richwood; three half-sisters, Mrs. j D. C. Lindsey, of Rainelle; Mrs. Loren Kelly, of Vannoy, Ohio, and Mrs. R. B. King, of Baltimore, Maryland; and a half-brother, Howard Hamrick, of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Frost. Methodist Church of which she was a member, by her pastor by the Rev. L E. Saviile, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery

Harry E. Curry i ,

Harry E. Curry, 68, of Durbin, died at home Saturday, October 23, 1971, of an apparent heart attack. Born August 26, 1903, on Back Mountain, he was a son of the late Frank J. and Elsie Curry. Scr-r^ He married Virgie E. Nottingham at Durbin on July 3, 1925. He attended the Church of God at Durbin. Mr. Curry retired from the Pocahontas Tanning Company at Frank in March 1969, and had lived at Durbin his entire life. Two sisters and one brother preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Virgie E. Curry; eight daughters, Mrs. Maxine Lantz, of Durbin, Mrs. Arlene Fitzgerald, of Washington, D. C, Mrs. Julia Pearl Mace, of Ridgeley, Mrs Opal Moore, of Hughesville, Maryland, Mrs. Georgie Nelson, of Daleville, Alabama, Mrs. Ellouise Matheny, of Fort Meade, Maryland, Mrs. Sandra Kaye Mullenax, and Miss Dianne L. Curry, both of Hagerstown, Maryland; two sons, Leonard E Curry, of Sharon, Pennsylvania, and Franklin Curry, of Warren, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Letha Shifflett, of Durbin; three brothers, Baxter and William Curry, both of Durbin, and Carl Curry, of Middlefield, Ohio; 21 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Durbin Church of God by Alvin A. Craigand sister, Mary Sowers, of Hagerstown, Maryland, with burial in the Gum Cemetery on Back Mountain.

Mrs. P. c. uurry

Mrs. Martha Olive Anderson Curry, 83, of Marlinton, died Monday, April 3, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Born October 28, 1883, at Lobelia, she was a daughter of the late Millard Dickson Anderson and Sally McCoy Anderson, j She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church and a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Her husband, P. C. Curry, and one brother, Harper Anderson, preceded her in death. Survivors include one broth- j er, Emory E. Anderson, of j Beard., and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Curry, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. James Kerr. Bur- 1J ial was in the Mountain View Cemetery. CirlCirrr C >

Howard L. Curry

Howard Lemuel Curry, 82, of Bartow, died Tuesday, May 25, 1976, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. s+ Mr. Curry was bornTJctober 8,1893, at Dunmore, the son of the late Morgan and Jane Rogers Curry; he was preceded in death by two sons, William Clarence Curry and Everett Martin Curry, and a daughter, Catherine Humphrey, and several sisters and brothers. He was a retired employee of Howes Leather Company. He is survived by his wife, Lottie Mae Runion Curry, of Bartow; two sons, Howard J. Curry, of Rittman, Ohio, and Robert B. Curry, Stow, Ohio; three daughters, Gladys V. Simmons, of Bartow, Helen C. Cassell, of Locust Grove, Virginia, and Bessie M. Persali, of Rittman, Ohio; and 23 grandchildren 20 great-grandchildren, also several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. in the Church of the Brethren at Durbin with Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Carl "Joe" Addison Carry, 62, of Middlefield, Ohio, died Sunday, November 16, 1980, of a heart attack. He had been a resident for 24 years of Middlefield, where he was employed by Georgia Industries as a mill operator. (^Clarence Cameron Curry > Born April 26,1918, in DurI Clarence Cameron Curry, bin, he was theEon of the late age 73 years, 8 months and 4 Frank and Margaret Curry. | days, died Monday, May 13, Four brothers and a sister pre1963, at his home at West ceded him in death, ^%r^ Point, Virginia, following a Surviving him are three I long illness. daughters, Mrs. Susan Cramer j He was the eldest son of the and Mrs. Louise Fenselon, late Sherman and Cornelia both of Middlefield, and Anita Curry, of Frost. Lynn Curry, of Columbus, He formerly lived at Frost, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Letha before going to West Point, Shifflett, of Durbin; and five Virginia, to live. He was a grandchildren. (former employe for the town. Services will be held at 2 Survivors include his wife, p. m. Friday at Bethel Church Mrs. Annie Rider Curry; one on Back Mountain by the Rev. Ralph Curry 'sister, Mrs. Luther Shrader, David Rittenhouse with burial \ of Frost, three brothers, Meade Ralph Curry, of Orlando, in Bethel Cemetery. 'Curry, of Orlando, Florida, Florida, diod Monday, OctoFriends may call at Wallace Bedford Curry, of Front Royal ber 19, 1970, after a long ill- and Wallace Funeral Home in Virginia, and Stanley Curry, ness. Arbovale Thursday from 6 to Port Richmond, Virginia, and Born at Frost he was a son 9 p. m. ___ three grandchildren. of M< ade Curry, of Orlando, A son, Charles Curry, preFlorida, and the late Ada Alfred Curry ceded him in death. Hamrick Curry. Alfred Curry, 48, of MarFuneral services were held He was a veteran of World inton, died Sunday, Novem- on Tuesday at the Vincent FuWar II. ber 1, 1970, neral Home at West Point, by Survivors include eight chilFuneral services will be held . the Rev. Welford A. Brooks, dren; his father; one sister, Mrs Marie Witt, of Maitland, Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. (pastor of The First Baptist Florida, and one brother, Rob- at the Alexander Memorial Church, with additional serPresbyterian Church at Stony vice on Wednesday in the ert Curry, of Frost. Bottom by the Rev. Thomas Smith Funeral Home, with the Services and burial were Henderson, with burial in the • Rev. L. E. Saville in charge. held in Orlando, Florida, on Stony Bottom Cemetery. Burial was in the Mountain Wednesday. View Cemetery.

Mrs. Louise Outright Mrs. Louise Outright, 55, of Valley Head, died Tuesday, March 30,-1965, in an Elkins hospital, after a long illness. Born at Elkins, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan. She attended the Presbyterian Church and was a member St*-theCass .Chapter No. 124, Order of tBe Eastern Star. Survivors include her husband, Denver Cutright; six sons. David Cutright, of Valley Head, Larry Cutright, of Marlinton, Jack Cutright, of Buckhannon, Robert Cutright, of \kron, Ohio, Danny Cutright, if Cleveland. Ohio, and Edward Cutright. of London, England: four daughters. Mrs. ^rank Heavener, of Valley Htead, Mrs. Ray Wamsley, of Vlingo, Mr*. Maynsrd Pingley of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Judy Harsh, of Cleveland, Ohio; three sisters, and fifteen grandchildren.

Clarence Campbell Criser Clarence Criser, Sr., 77, passed away Sunday, April 1,1979. Born in Warm Springs, Vir • ginia, he was the son of the late John Eubank and Myrtle Criser. He is survived by his wife* Irene R. Criser, one son, Clar ence C. Criser, Jr., Hot Springs* Virginia; one daughter, Mrs. Nancy Jane Otis, Boca Raton, Florida; four sisters, Miss Jessie M. Criser, Miss Elizabeth M, Criser, Miss Julie Criser, all of Warm Springs, Mrs. Dorothy Harris, of Hot Springs; three brothers, Herbert Criser, Hot Springs, Thomas M. and U. Criser, of Warm Springs. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at McLaughlin Funeral Home. Interment in Warm Springs Cemetery. ^

Mrs. Ruby Cowjill Mrs. Ruby Mae Ccwgill, 65, of Mill Point, died Thursday, April 1, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Reformed Free Methodist Church of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. James (Opal) Fine, and Mrs. T. H. (Lenora) MacFarland, both of Monongahela, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Paul (Ruth) Burks, of Mill Point, and Mrs Lawrence (Mary Ruth) Kiner, of Marlinton; three sons, Louis M. Varela, of Monongahela, Benjamin L. Varela, address unknown, and Robert D. Varela, of Cambridge. Ohio; two brothers, Daniel Pevton, of Mill Point, and John Peyton, of Scarbro; two sisters, Mrs. Sandy Rose, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Elmer Triplett, of Mill Point; and 21 grandchildren, including a granddaughter, Debby, who made her home with her. A daughter, Shirley Crawford, and ^two grandchildren preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Stamping Creek Church by the Rev. Ralph Ross, of Mount Nebo, with burial in the Sharp Cemetery.

James Corso James Corso was born April 30, 1900, in Italy and died Friday, August 3, 1973, in MichiMose Copley Mose Copley, 72, of Bl x> m« gan. He was formerly of Cloingrose, died Friday, February ver Lick. 7, 1969, in Charleston MemoriHe was married to Goldie al Hospital. E. McCloud on December 20, To this union were He was a member of Bloom* 1928. ingrose Church of Christ, and born three children, William A. Corso, deceased, Josephine a retired miner. Survivcrs include a daughter, Corso Shinaberry, of Ferndale, Mrs. Grace Underwood, of Hunt Michigan, and Julian Edward ?n?vilJe, and six other daugh- Corso, of Hazel Park, Michigan; three grandchildren and ers, and five sons, four step-grandchildren and Funeral services were held one great-grandchild and three Sunday afternoon in the BJoomstep great-grandchildren, and ingrose Church of Christ with one brother, Sam Corso,who is burial in Pineview Cemetery, still living in Italy. Orgas. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanMrs. Mary S. Coleson Mrs. Mary S. Coleson, 76, Reenen Funeral Home Chapel of 2046 Westoyer Avenue, S. J by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, W. of Roanoke, Virginia, died ! with burial in the McCloud Cemetery at Poage Lane. Wednesday, August 8, 1962, in a local hospital. Glen Conrad, of Mingo, was Funeral services were held Fri fc'lted when a load of log's rollday afternoon in the Oakey's ed on him at Beckwiths' Mill Funeraj Home with the Rev. at Slaty fork Wednesday. Marion Simmons in charge. Burial was in the Evergreen Conlev C>bb, aged about seve Cemetery. ivears, of Millpoint, died April & •* Burial at the Sharp Krav (Mrs. Coleson was a sister imping Creek Tuesday. Survin of the late John Sydenstricker, i jingarehls wife and a number of of Marlinton). Robe.'t A. Coleman Cass—Robert j& Coleman, aged 76 years, died at McClung Hospital in Rich wood, on Tuesday. | February 12, 195$,. after a k,.u illness On Sunday hi* body I was laid in the Wahids Ccme| fery. The service was held from the MpffiofJist Church by Rev Q)-»de A r > ^ st. The d e c k e d was a native of Pennsv Iva-nia.

L. P. CURRY'" Lucian P. Curry, of Jacox, aged!! about 90 years, died on Tuesday. February 18, 1941, of the intirmties of age He is survived by a family of grown children, one of whom Is Mrs Alex Long, of HUlsboro. Funeral on Wednesday at Jacox.


J a c k D . Cover Jack Doward Cover, 55, died Tuesday morning in a Washington, D. C, hospital after a long illness. Born April 19, 1921, in Richwood, he was a son of %the late Samuel and Ella Collins Cover. He lived in Rainelle 30 years and was a salesman for Cole Baking Company of Beckley. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Sharon Toms, Mrs. Deanna Kormanis and Mrs. Jack Wible, ail of Baltimore, Md.; two sons, Shelton and Jack Jr., both of Baltimore, Md.; three sisters, Mrs. Mildred Houchins of Rainelle, Mrs. Jessie Linwood of St. Marys, Pa., and Mrs. Jeannie Riley of Grove City, Ohio; two brothers, Charles T. Cover of Bartow and Brooks E. Cover of Albuquerque, N. M., and eight grandchildren. The body is at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Rainelle.

Fred Gonrad A J DR. W. T . CAMERON CLARE* ,* ^AYTON Fred Golden Conrad 76, Elkins—Dr. W- T. Cameron> aged Clarence P *> xt Clayton, ri 73 years, one of the oldest physicians Arbovale, died Wednesday, F died on Octol r 4, 1957, in * ruary 15, 1967, in the Da^ of Randolph county, died Friday af Pocahontas Memorial Hospital ternoon, A p r i l l 2 , 1940, at t h e home Memorial Hospital in Elkir after a short illness.* Bom March of his daughter, Mrs B L. Liggett,*, He was in failing health f Dr. Cameron was several years and was adm; 1, 1883, at Upper Tract he was at Mill Creek. stricken with paralysis Tuesday night ted to the hospital Februa the son of John and Margaret about 8 O'CIOCK, and his condition be- 12, following a fall. Hoover Clayton. came gradually worse until his death. A son of the late Emory ai Sur^vors include his wife, GerThe deceased was born In Lexing trude Rexrode Clayton; two iton, Virginia, on October 5, 1866, a Eliza J?ne Wooddell Conrs he was born April 5, 1890, brothers, George of Aberdeen,; son of Mr and Mrs Charles Cameron Arbovale, and was a Hfelo Md., and P. C. of Luke, Md., one Dr. Cameron .attended t h e Univer sister, Mrs. Delia Bible of Akron, resident of Arbovale, a memt sity of Medicine in Baltimore, MaryO. land, and later graduated from the of the Arbovale Method Funeral s e r v i c e s were held College of Physicians and Surgeons, Church and the American I the Marlinton Nazarene Church Baltimore, on March U , 1899 After gion at Durbin. He also v* at 2:00 p.m., Monday by the Rev. graduating from college, Dr. Cameron a retired tannery worker a A. U. Burnside. Interment was practiced his profession at Mingo farmer. in Mountain View Cemetery. county, for more t h a n 50 years. He Survivors include his wi Mr. Clayton was a long time retired less than a year ago. Mabel Gillispie Conrad, employee of the Town of MarHe married Mfss Mary Preston home; five daughters, M linton and, a couple of years ago, Gatewood, of Big Springs, Pocahonwas named as "Man of the Year" tas county, and to t h i s Union three Jeanne Shinaberry, of De by & loe ? organization for his children were born, a son dying in field, Virginia, Mrs. Fran f a i t h f u l performance of duty infancy. Two daughters, Gatawood, Grey Dahnert, of East Strou wife of Dr. B. L.. Liggett, at whose, burg Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ca through **• ymi*. home he died, and Margaret, wife of Sterling, Of Vienna, Mrs. B Louis J. Wuchner, cf Et'kins, sur- ty Ruth Crist, of Arbovale, 2 Heskel Coptnhaver vive. Mrs Cameron died in 1912, Miss Barbara Conrad, of N Heskel Copenhaver, 77, of and for the past five yoars he has reYork. New York; one son, Mill Point, died Wednesday, sided with hi?, daughter. Sgt. Hubert G., of Shaw . June 14, 1978, at Princeton Three sisters, Mrs John Opie, Mrs. Force Base in South Caroli Community Hospital after a James J Crews a n $ Eleanor, all of two sisters, Mrs. Flossie Baltimore, Maryland, also survive short illness. Rowe, of Deerfield and M He was a lifelong member of the Floyd (Annie) Brill, of Hai Born at Renick, September Presbyterian Church at Mingo, and 2 3 , 1 9 0 0 , he was the son of was a charter member of the Beverly sonburg, Virginia; one grar Charlie and Almira Workman lodge, A. F. and A. M., and a mem- son. PFC Fredrick L. Jaco Copenhaver. He was a woodsof Qui Nhon, Viet Nam, w ber of the I. O, O. F . lodgi*. man and a member of the made his home with his grai Funeral services were held Sunday Baptist Church. parents; 15 other grandcl afternoon in the Presbyterian Church dren and 2 great grandchildr Surviving him are his wife; at Mingo, with services in charge of Margie McMillion Copenthe Rev. G. O. Young, pastor of the Funeral services were h Huttonsville Presbyterian Church. Saturday afternoon in the . haver; two sons, Mont CopenInterment in t h e Mill Creek cemetery haver, Kellysville, Eddie Cobovale Methodist Church w penhaver, Morgantown; t w o Rev. Travis Wells in ehai brothers, Roy Copenhaver, Burial was in the Arbov New York, Theodore CopenCemetery. haver, White Sulphur Springs. Services were held at the VanReenen Funeral Home On last W e d n e s d a y afternoon. Donald Lee Currenc Chapel Saturday, at two p. m., March 18, 1942, a t w o m o t o r a r Donald Lee Currence, with Rev. Gail Cutlip officiatm y b o m b i n g plane fell on B u r n e r Durbin, died Wedn ing. Burial was in Sharp CemM o u n t a i n , on J o h n ' s C a m p R u n , September 23, 1992, near near F r a n k , P o c a h o n t a s C o u n t y . Lick. T h e pilot L i e u t e n a n t K. E . C o n He attended the Frank CI JOSEPH CCMPOLIO ley, aged, 23 y e a r s of F a i r m o n t , the Nazarene. Richwood - J o s e p h CompQjKo* a g - •was killed and t h e plane was deBorn November 27, 1 ed 66 years, died on S u n d a y , s t r o y e d by fire. T h e r e were n o Elkins, he was a sonofWi February 6, 1949, after a l o n g ill- o t h e r occupants in t h e machine. and Joann Arbogast Curre I t will never be k n o w n w h a t causness. He was a retired merchant. Durbin. ed t h e disaster. One of his sons is Joseph C o m A brother, Dicky poiio, of Durbin. A b o u t one.o'clock t h e b o m b e r Currence, preceded nim in c had been serviced a t Roanoke, In addition to his paren Virginia. I t was r e p o r t e d seen Harry Cooper, a b o u t 52, died | survived by two sisters, I over F r a n k f o r d , a n d over t h e 'in Columbus. Ohio, last F n - i Lynn Wimer and Deborah P r i s o n C a m p on C r a n b e r r y . I t day. His wife is t h e f o i m e r both of Durbin; and five h flew low over t h e Marlinton a i r Qpal Baxter, daughter of N e a l Michael Cromer, Willi p o r t : low over Cass; circled over i Baxter and Mrs. Bessie B a x t e r , Currence, Jonathan Currenc D u r b i n a r d gained h e i g h t . It Currence, and Doug Curre fell s t r a i g h t down. T h e body of of Durbin. t h e y o u n g pilot was t e r r i b l y burn Services were held at ed. H e was a son of M r . and Sunday at the Frank Churc Mrs. F r a n k u o r f h y , of F a i r m o n t . Nazarene by the Rev. Rittenhouse. Burial was Gum Cemetery.

Bomber Crashes



Mrs. Nannie Elizabeth Coikan Mrs. Nannie Elizabeth Coffman died at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Coffman, near Marlinton on Thursday morning, April 1, 1943, aged 79 years. She was born May 11, 1864, in Mineral County, West Virginia; thedaugh ter of Daniel and Elizabeth Lyons. Funeral services were conducted -on Sunday afternoon from the ; Marlinton Presbyterian Church by her pastor the Rev. James C. Wool, assisted by the Rev. Mr Nutter, with interment in Mountain View Cemetery. The pal bearers were: H. P. Spitzer, E. E Anderson, Floyd Davis, Frank McLaughlin, O. B. Curry and Waldo Waugh. The flower girls were: Mrs. Eva White, Mrs. Roy Bird, Mrs. Floyd Davis, Anna Lee Shinaberry, Ruth Lee, and Jean Cloonan. Mrs. Coffman is survived by her husband, John Wesley Coffman, of Marlinton; three sons: John Coffman, of Marlinton; F. D. Coffman, of Millpoint; Sergeant B. K. Coffman, of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; three daughters: Mrs. Carl Nottingham, of Marlinton; Mrs. J. E. Gregory, of Eikins, and Mrs. A. H. Knapp, of Williamstown. A sister, Mrs. ,Eliza Workman, of New Creek, also survives.


Mrs. Evie Seldomridge Cox Mrs. Evie Seldomridge, Cox, 64, of Frarkford, died January 2,1965 in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital in Roneeverte after a long illness. She is a member of the Church of God at Vago Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Mary Ida Seldomridge, of Vago; two sisters, Mrs. Blanch Judy and Mrs, Haiiie Whitt, both of Lewisburg; two brothers, Oliver Seldomridge, of Vago, and Everette Seldomridge, of Huntersville. Services were conducted at 2 p. m. Monday at the Jaek K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Clifford Watson. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery at Rosewood.

Mrs. Lillie Lambert Collins, 93, formerly of Durbin, died Saturday, May 12, 1984, in an Eikins nursing home. Born September 26, 1890, at Big Run, Pendleton County, she was a daughter of the late Wilbert and Bettie Lambert. Mrs. Collins was a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren, the Cass Order of Eastern Star, past Noble Grand of Rebekah Lodge, and a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary at Durbin. She was preceded in death by her husband, Adam; a daughter, Mabel Wilfong, and a son, Franklin D. Collins. Surviving her are two daughters, Goldie Baltimore, of Richmond, Virginia, and Nora Fulk, of Mt. Clemons, Michigan; two sons, Delbert Collins, Gladwin, Michigan, and Dale Collins, of Gilford, New Hampshire; a sister, Clara Pennington, of Franklin; three brothers, Oscar Collins, of Franklin, John and Marshall Raines, both of Waynesboro, Virginia; 22 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 7 great-greatgrandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 11 a. m. in the Durbin Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Hosterman Cemetery on Back Mountin.

Ronceverte's 'Aunt Mame' To Turn 99 Mrs. J. N. Cackley (Aunt Mame) of 906 Pocahontas Avenue, Roneeverte, will be 99 years old on Monday, December 21. As near as can be determined, she is the town's oldest citizen, both having been "born" in 1882. In a preliminary celebration of Ronceverte's centennial town officials will honor her on that day and are suggesting that fellow citizens remember her as they choose. Mary Anna Hanifin was the daughter of Ellen Harrington and John Hanifin. On August 3, 1911, she married J. Newton Cackley of Dunmore. They had one son, John Jr. who was born June 1, 1915 and was married to Marguerite Tatum March 1, 1945 in Marseille, France. They Jiave eight children and four grandchildren. Mrs. Cackley is the last living member of her family. She had three sisters, Nellie, Mrs. L. M. Grow and Mrs. Allen Noel and five brothers, Thomas, John, W. T., Robert and Paul. Her long business career included the firms of Jackson & Cackley, MacQueen's and Hardesty's and except for a few years has spent her entire life in Roneeverte.

Mrs. E. C. Cinninihim 1/ Mrs. Evelyn Ginger Cunningham, 70, of Newell, died Friday, October 21, 1977, in Weirton General Hospital at COLLINS, Mrs. Ruth Ervin-ServWeirton, after a short illness, ice will be at 2 p.m. WednesShe was a member of the day at Arbovale Methodist Church with Rev. J. H. SnedePresbyterian Church. gar and Rev. Paul S. Good ofBorn at Huntersville, she ficiating. Burial will be in was the daughter of the late Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. ColGeorge and Nola Moore Gin* lins, 67, of Frank, Pocahontas1 gen Two brothers, and a sis- County, died Sunday at her ter, Guy, Prentiss (Penny) and home. She had lived at Frank Mamie Emerick, preceded her for 41 years. Surviving are her husband, Floyd W. Collins; a in death. son, Paul H. Collins, of HunSurviving her are her hus- tington; four sisters, Mrs. Effie band, Ervin C. Cunningham, Wilfong and Mrs. Maggie Taytwo daughters, Mrs. Rose Nell lor, both of Bartow, Mrs. MatCole, Charles Town, Mrs. Bet* tie Arbogast of Huntington and of ^Arboty Camden, Newport Newd ^Mrs. ^ ^ Laura ^ ^ ^Gillispie ^^^^ ^^ Virginia; tWO Stepdaughters, 4 vale; three brothers, Leslie Mrs. Dorothy McNeill, Hamp- x Ervin of Meadsville, Pa., Don ton, Virginia, and Mrs. Frances of Green Bank and Sam Ervin Graham, of Buckeye. 14 grand- of Lynchburg, Va.; and twq grandchildren. The body is at children and nine great-grand- Wallace and Wallace Funeral children and a brother, Kyle Home at Cass to the residence Ginger, of Detroit, Michigan, at 6 p.m. today and to the Funeral services were held church an hour before service. Monday, October 24, at 11:00 a. m., by Rev. Willis V. Cornelius. Burial was in Huntersville Cemetery.

George William Chappell, Sr. Q; A. Wendell Collins 1/ George William Chappell, Sr., A.Wendell Collins, age 36, Hillsboro, was born April 25, of Cleveland, Ohio, and for- of 1886 departed this life Tuesmerly of Bartow, died at hi3 day, and 29, 1959, at the home in Cleveland on Sunday, home September of his son, Gene, in Lafay- j March 29, 1964. ette, Indiana. A machinist by trade, Mr. Survivors include three sons, I Collins worked in the Cleve- Gene S. and George W., Jr., of] land, Ohio, area for the past 14 Lafayette^, Indiana, and John S., years, He was a veteran of of Hillsboro, and one daughter, World War II, having served Mrs. Marie VanReenan, of Mar- j briefly in the U. S. Army Sig- linton. His wife, Bessie Kellison j nal Corps. Chappell, preceded him in death | Survivors include his wife, in 1935. Mrs. Zelda Collins; one son, body will be returned to A. Wendell Collins, Jr., his hisHishome in Hillsboro, where j mother, Mrs. Edith Collin?, of funeral services will be held Fri-| Bartow, one brother, Vere Col- day afternoon at 2:00 John Robert Camp o'clock from John Robert Camp, age 28, of lins, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Oak Grove Presbyterian Church Sterling, Virginia, died Friday, one sister, Mrs. Darlie C. by the Rev. Irvine Prather, with May 12, 1995, at Louden Hospital Oakes, of Charleston. burial in Ruckman Cemetery. in Leesburg, Virginia, of cardiac Funeral services were held arrest after a long illness. Thursday afternoon in the Lane William F. Cackley He was a Lutheran. Mortuary in Cleveland, Ohio. William F. Cackley, 68, of The son of Conrad Mitchell and Burial was in Sunset Memorial Buckeye, died in a car accident at Frances Crampton Fultz Camp, he Park at Cleveland. Campbelltown Monday, September was born in Alexandria, Virginia, Mrs. Goldie C o m 2, 1991. October 24, 1966. Bom June 26, 1923, at Mill Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Goldie Ellen Corso, 48 Laura Anne Wheeler Camp; of Clover Lick, died on Friday, Point, he was the son of the late mother, Frances Fultz Crampton, March 3, 1961, in the Pocahor William H. and Agnes McNeel of Sterling; brother, Lewis, of tas Memorial Hospital. Death' Cackley. Sterling; sister, Bambi Gayle was attributed to a heart condiHe was a farmer and a veteran Smith, of Sterling; maternal tion She had been ill a year. of the U. S. Army. grandparents, Guy and Abigayle Surviving him are a sister, She was born October 9,1912, Fultz, of Marlinton. at August, a daughter of Mrs. Emma Virginia Hartley, of Services were held at 2 p. m. Mary E. McCloud of Clover Lick, I Morgantown. Monday at VanReenen Funeral and the late William H. McCloud, | Services will be held at 11 a. m. Home by the Rev. Gail Cutlip, with Thursday at VanReenen Funeral She was a member of the Me-1 burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Home by the Rev. Richard thodist Church at Clover Lick. Memorial gifts may be made to Also surviving are her husband, Newkirk with burial in Oak Grove the American Heart Associaton. Cemetery. James Corso, of Clover Lick, a son, Julian Corso, and a daughGladys Geiger Chester ter, Josephine Corso, both at Isaac D. Cashwell Gladys Geiger Chester, 60, home. Isaac D. Cashwell, 75, of of Elkton, Maryland, died June Dunbar, formerly of Marlinton, Funeral services were held 30, 1984. died Wednesday, August 23, 1995, Monday afternoon in the Poage She was the stepdaughter of Chapel, Poage JL,ane with the Rev. at Thomas Memorial Hospital in William Ellet Higgins, of Clov- Acie Bryant of Mingo, and the South Charleston after a long er Lick, and was born at Stony Rev. B. R. Skeens, of Marlinton illness. Bottom, the daughter of the in charge. Burial was in the Mc j He was a mason, former late William Vaughn Geiger Cloud Cemetery at Poage Lane. | custodian at Dunbar Elementary md Maymie Geiger Higgins. School, iind attended Ferguson In addition to her stepfather, Baptist Church at Dunbar. Baby Denise D. Chapman she is survived by five children, His parents were the late Hattie Denise Dawn Chapman, ten and Isaac Cashwell, of Marlinton. hirteen grandchildren, one month-old daughter of Mr. Surviving him are his wife, irother, three half-brothers, and Mrs. Gerald W. Chapman Mildred; two sons, Isaac Cashwell, md three half-sisters. of Baltimore, Maryland, forIII, of Dunbar, and John Cashwell, Gladys grew up at Buckeye merly of Cass, died Thursday of St. Albans; three daughters, md attended Marlinton High January 9, 1964. AN Sharon Mash, of Philadelphia, School. She was born March 23,196C Pennsylvania, Julia Williams, of Interment was in Cherry Hill Survivors include her parCalifornia, Geraldine Todd, of Aethodist Cemetery at Elkton, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Kalamazoo, Michigan; sister, Maryland. Chapman; one brother, Mickey Magnolia Alexander, of South Chapman; her grandparents, Charleston; ten grandchildren and Mrs. Oden Brewster, of Baltinine great-grandchildren. more, Maryland, and Mr. and Funeral services were held at 11 Mrs. Olet Mullenax, of Boyer. a. m. Tuesday at Preston Funeral | Funeral service were held Home in Charleston by the Rev. I Sunday afternoon in the Boyer l%<* Braxton Broaddy. Burial was in Church by the Rev. Paul Good Grandview Memorial Park at Burial was in the Arbovale Dunbar. I Cemetery.

Miss Evalyn Coyner, Mrs. Murray Brown and John Coyner attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. C. Y. Ligon, in Prestonburg, Kentucky, on Sunday, September 2, 1962. i Mrs. Ligon (Osa Fitzpatrick j Ligon) died Friday, August 31, and is survived by an only daughter, Sally Gatewood Ligon Clark, of St. Albans, ! and two grandchildren, Yancey and Sally Clark. The Ligions owned a farm and spent much time at Clover Lick in the early 1920's. Mr. Ligon died in 1928.

W. F. Cody

W-J-Cody, aged 46 years, departed this life on DecembeV 2, 1-59, in a hospital in Florida, lhe cause of his death was pneuH W S t h e son of SL^h " MrsElizabeth%Cody, who survives

and the late Joe Cody, who with a brother, preceded him in death Funeral services were held on luesday, Decemba- 8 ^ from Smith's Funeral H , _ e , in Ma?-' Imton, by the .Rev $41em, of the Hill^boro Metfiodil C Church and burial was made in the OakGrove Cemetery.* Donald T. Croisan Donald T. Crossan, 53, died m Phoenix, Arizona, Tuesday, September 20,1977, of cancer. He has been in failing health for several years. ^He was survived by his wife, Martha^ Gibson Crossan and and two children, Russell and Sandra, and one brother. The body was cremated and his remains were buried with his father in Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Crossan is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dock Gibson. _

Hay nes Cousins Tony Randall Haynes, 19, of Ronceverte, and his cousin, Jeffrey Haynes, 20, home on leave from the Army, were killed Sunday when their car went out of control near Ronceverte and hit a tree. They were returning from a visit to Marlinton. Jeffrey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boggs, of Marlinton, and Tony is their nephew. He was employed by Howes Leather Company at Durbin. Services and burial were in Ronceverte.

LEE CACKLE i Lee Cackley, aged 76 years one ^ i the bast and more p ocuinent citizens of Pocahontas County, died at his home near Miilpoint, on Tuesday frorning, April 12, 193ft He had b • n in failing health for some tin e. The funeral will be fiop the home Tuursdiy afternoon at 1 '>'ciock, conducted by \ is pastor, Rev. J. E. Knight; burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. The surviving chidren are W. H, Cackley and Mrs Joel Beard. Mrs (Jackiey died some years since.

Ida Mae Caneron Ida Mae Cameron, 83, of Rainelle, died Monday, April 3,1979. She was the daughter of the late Delia Collins Shtaabemr and J. A. Shinaberry, of Back Mountain near Cass. Funeral services were held at Smathers Funeral Chapel at 11 A. M. with the Rev. Rich Thurston officiating. Interment was in the Calvary United Methodist Church Cemetery at Lewisburg. Mrs. A. J. Coek Mrs.Hattie Cook, 91, formerly of Seebert, died Sunday, November 19, 1978, in Emmett Memorial Hospital at Clifton Forge. Mrs. Harry C. Carroll

Kenneth K. Caplinger Kenneth K. Caplinger, 66, Rt. 3, Belington, passed away Tuesday, August 14, 1990, at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. He was born August 26, 1923, at Fork Mountain, Tennessee, a son of the late Warren and Louvada West Caplinger. He is survived by three sons, Kenneth Caplinger, II, of Pipestem, David Caplinger, of Dunmore, and Michael Caplinger, of Morgantown; three daughters, Carol O'Dell, of Summersville, Kay Widney, of Fairmont, and Sue Rubenstein, of Charleston; two brothers, Leroy Caplinger, of Akron, Ohio, Raymond Caplinger, of California; two sisters, Beechie Caplinger, of California, and Juanita Caplinger, of Parkersburg;! 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were one brother and one sister. Mr. Caplinger was a retired employee of the West VirginiaDepartment of Natural Resources, where he had worked as a conservation officer as well as superintendent of Cass Railroad and Blackwater Falls State Parks. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U. S. Army. GraVeside services were held Friday irt Cunningham Memorial Park Cemetery at St. Albans. Military rites were accorded and interment followed. In lieu of flowers the family requested donations to Pipestem State Park Foundation, Pipestem, WV 25979 to fund projects at Blackwater Falls State Park.

Mrs. Texie Yeager Cavroll pass-1 ed away Wednesday, November' 11, 1959, in Sibley Hospital, Washington, D. C , after several months illness. Born May 31, 1886, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Yeager. She is survived by her husband, one sister, Mrs. Andrew W. GateRussell Blair Sox wood, three brothers, Paul R. Russell Blair Cox, 60, of Yeager and Bruce Teager all of Columbus, Ohio, died SaturPulaski, Virginia, and Sterling B day, March 13, 1971, in the Yeager of Hyattsville, Maryland. Riverside Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Laura Beard C o n d o r ^ . Services were held Friday from He was a member of North I Mrs. Laura Beard Condor, The Lee Funeral Home, nterBroadway United Church and 60, formerly of Henick, died ment in Cedar Hill Cemetery, was employed by Ohio Malleon Tuesday, November 5,1963, Washington, D. C, able Iron Company. in Huntington after a long! Survivors include his wife, illness. J Miss Ora Campion ! Mrs. Eva Hefner Cox, and Services will be conducted j one daughter, Jenny Sue, at Thursday at 1:00 p. m. in the I Miss Ora Campion, 61, of Elkins home; one son, Dewayne B. Renlck Presbyterian Church 1j died April 8, 1959, in the Univers- j 06%, of Columbus; two step by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle ity Hospital at Charlottesville. Mrs. Joyce Hebb, with burial in the Arbovale I Sue had been ill since November. daughters, of Columbus, and Mrs. A. L. .Cemetery. j M s Campion was a well-known Sanders, of Anaheim* Californurse-of Elkins and active in the nia; six grandchildren; one State Nursing Association, having brother, Norris Cox, of ClarksMrs. Nellie May Calhoun served as president. She had preburg, and one sister, Mrs. -Mrs. Nellie May Calhoun, pared a book on fter nursing ex6, of Bartow, died Friday, periences, "Thirty Years On Foot" | Ruby Phillips, of Arizona. Funeral services were held )ctober 6, 1972, in a Wash- which will be published soon. at the Rutherford Chapel by ington. D. C, hospital after a She was a sister, of Miss Kathe the Rev. Richard Reynolds, long illness. |1lM».v6M»piODf 01 [tb.Nwifr with burial in Union Cemetery.

Jarrell umton

Jarrell "J. B." Clifton, 51. of Norton, Ohio, died Saturday, August 21, 1971, in a Barberton hospital after a long illness. Born at Camden on Gauley September 30, 1919, he was a son of the late Jessee and Dora Holcomb Clifton. Mr. Clifton, a former resident of Marlinton, was a World War II veteran and Navy retiree, and a self-employee for Midwest Emery Freight for 17 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Clifton; one son, Jarrell L. Clifton, of Elkins, two daughters, Mrs. Carolyn, Curry and Miss Jennie Clifton, both of Barberton, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Willa Davis, of Barberton, Ohio, and Mrs. Opal Bowers, of Akron, Ohio; two stepdaughters, Miss Ramona Adkirs and Mrs. Susan Adkins both of Norton, Ohio, and two half-sisters. Mrs GarnettHarri?, cf Sterling, Ohio, and Miss Barbara Clifton, of Webster Springs. Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon in the James Chestnut, Jr.

James Otia Chestnut, Jr., 52, died Thursday, December 6, 1979, in McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. Born December 2,1927, in Mustoe, Virginia, he was the son of Icie Gutshall Chestnut, of Monterey and the late James 0 . Chestnut, Sr. Mr. Chestnut was a member of the former Sieg Chapel Presbyterian Church. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and a member of Highland VFW Post 4989. Surviving besides his mother are one son, James D. Chestnut of Monterey, Virginia; one daughter, Debra C. Rexrode, of Monterey; four sisters, Miss Christine Chestnut, and Mrs. Juanita Thompson, both of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Anita Cauley, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Mrs. Ha Claytor, of Clifton Forge, Virginia; six brothers, Carl D., of Duamore, Darrell L„ of Verona, Virginia, Lowell W., of Dale City, Virginia, Bobby L., of Stephen City, Virginia, Lyle D., of Harrisonburg, Virginia and Stewart T. Chestnut, of Fork Union, Virginia. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Riley Smith. Burial was in Monterey.

Orval M. Crane Orval M. Crane, 73, of Renick, died July 7, 1994, at Alleghany Regional Hospital at Low Moor, Virginia, after a short illness. He was an elder and member of Spring Creek Presbyterian Church, Renick, a retired master mechanic for Green Construction, and a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Surviving him are his wife, Erie Anne Crane; three sons, Earl, of Lewisburg, Bob, of Renick, and John Crane, of Marlinton; three sisters, Ina Franklin, of Dover, Pennsylvania, Christina Reynolds, of Brookston, Indiana, Maysel Williams, of Frankford; four brothers, Garland, Lanford, and Harold, all of Lewisburg, and Alston, of Sam Black Church; six grandchildren; one step-granchild; two great-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Mark Skaggs, with burial in Momingside Cemetery at Renick. Alexander Cornwell

Alexander Cornwell, 58, of Clover Lick, died Wednesday, October 23, 1968, in a Richwood hospital after a short illness. He was a retired coal miner. Survivors include his wife, Delta; five sons, William F, Charles Jr., Ronnie Edward and Samuel David, all at home, and Bobby Gene, of Marlinton; and four daughters, Dora Grace and Dorothy Carol, both at home, Mrs. Mary Ellison, of Marlinton, and Miss Rose Marie Cornwell, of Virginia; seven grandchildren; and two sisters, xMrs. Mary McCord and Mrs. Minnie Boldy, both of Charleston. The funeral was at 2 p.-m. Sunday in the White and White Funeral Home Chapel in Summersville with Rev. Charles Rogers in charge. Burial was in Richwood Cemetery. DEATHS

Lt. Col, Sheliace Calhoun

Army Lieutenant Colonel Sheliace T. Calhoun, Sr., of 8800 Delfield Lane, Fairfax, Virginia, died Thursday, August 21, 1969, at Arlington Hall, where he held the position of educational advisor to the Army Schools. Born October 6, 1917, at Whitmer, he was the son of the late Virgil M. Calhoun and Nellie May Calhoun, of Bartow. Colonel Calhoun was a veteran of World War II, serving with the 103 Infantry Division in the E. T. O., and the Korean War. He held the Legion of Merit Medal, Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal, Army of Occupation Medal (Germany) American Campaign Medal, EuropeanAfrican-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, National Defense Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster) Uniced Nations Service Medal, Combat Infantryman badge, and three over seas bars. He served a total of 27 years in active duty enlisting July 31, 1940, at Covington, Virginia, and retiring July 31,1967. The last seventeen years were with the A. S. A. and he continued as Educational Advisor to the A. S. A. after retirement. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lyda Calhoun; one son, Sheliace T. Calhoun, II, at Alderson Broaddus College; two brothers, Harold K. Calhoun, of Sugar Grove, Virginia, and Ronald Calhoun, of Bartow, and one sister, Mrs. Sherron Way bright, of Arbovale. Funeral services were held August 26th at 1:00 p. m. at Fort Meyer Chapel with burial in the Arlington National Cemetery with full Military Honors.

fatal Accident

A r t h u r Cline, aged 38 years, Mrs Roma Gibson Caton, of Park of Baileysville, W y o m i n g County, land, Maryland, wife of John Caton, aged thirty two years, died in a Wash was fatally injured in an automoington hospital, after a short illness, bil^ accident near Dunmore on on July 11, 1940. On Sunday after Tr sdav m o r n i n g , November 2, noon her body was interred in the 19V) Ho died in the Pocahontas Gibson cemetery on Elk, the service Memorial Hospital a few hours eing conducted from Marys Chapel i t e r The car hit a bridge, l b e Rev R. H. Skaggs. The deceased 1 d river of the car, J o h n S u t h e r and WU.J a granddaughter of James Gibson, a daughter of the late Mr and of McDowell C o u n t y was seriousmen were here Mrs Frank Gibson. Her sister is ly injured. n The frlr >Mrs Barney Showalter and her broth- on a h u n t i e er is Carl Gibson. She is survived by her husband.

Frank Coleman, 69, of Cass, formerly of Charleston, died Wednesday, September 6, 1972, enrouie to an Elkins hospital, apparently of a heart attack. He was co-owner of Cass Dairy Bar and was a member of Moose Lodge. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. L. Bush and Mrs. V. T. Graham, both of Charleston, and Mrs. Thomas S. Coplin, of Mount Sterling, Ohio; and one brother, Henry C. Coleman, of Charleston. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in Longpisher Funeral Home Chapel a Charleston by the Rev. Howard Withrow. with burial in Hughes Cemetery at Nitro. Mrs. Ed Cassady, 69, well known ! resident of Mt. Solon, di yes- j terday afternoon at 5 o'clock at her home in Mt. Solon following an illness of several months. Mrs. Cassady was bom at Sugar Grove, W. Va. on Feb. 17, 1870 and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John A. Snyder. For the past 39 years she had made her home in Mt. Solon where she wa^ well known and held in esteem by all. I Besides her husband, she is survived by four children, Ami Author Cassady and Mrs. F. L. Michael, of Barbeiton, Ohio: Lloyd Edward Cassady, of Mt. Solon and Mrs. W. W. Landes, at home. She is also survived by-seven grandi children, f - $ c • - ty# ,! Funeral services will be held I Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock j from Emmanuel Church. Ser- j vices will be conducted by Rev. j Westfall, of the United Brethren \ Church, assisted by Rev. John I Driver, of Sangerville. The casket | will not be opened ±X the church. Pallbearers will be Charles Snow, A. J. Caricofe, G. W. Shull, J. N. Turner, John Earhart and; E>. H. Evers. Members of the Towers School j faculty will act as flowerbearers. :


Bertntii* F. urocner Berthenia Pue Crocker, 83, William Sterl Camden, 78, of of Bel AiF, Maryland, died FriSatellite Beach Florida, died day, October 22, 1976. She March 13, 1974, in Brevard m s the wife of the late Henry Trew Crocker. Hospital. She was born October 8, Born in Marlinton March 7, 1896, he was the son of the 1893 at Woodview near Bel late William and Lummie Hall Air, where she was residing at Camden. He was the last of the time of her death. Mrs. Crocker was the daughter of seven children. Mr. Camden was a mail car- the late Edward Hill Dorsey rier in Marlinton for 22 years and Cornelia Calmese Dunn before going to Washington to Pue. She was a charter member of work for the State Department. He retired in 1960. the Country Garden Club of He was a member of the Harford County, a member of Church of the Holy Apostles the Historical Society of Harand a 45 year member of Mar- ford County, the Maryland linton Lodge AF and AM No. Historical Society and the 127. Women of St. Mary's EpiscoSurvivors include his wife, pal Church, and was a past Mrs. Macie L. Camden, and a member of the Governor Wildaughter, Mrs. Ruth M. At- liam Paca Chapter, DAR. kinson, both of Satellite Beach, She is survived by a daughFlorida, and a grandson. Al- ter, Mrs. Frances Daly Smith, bert Thomas Atkinson, Virgin- of Macon, Georgia; three sons, ia Beach, Virginia. Henry Trew Crocker, Jr., of Pue Funeral services were held Darlington, Michael Crocker, of Bel Air, Maryland, Friday at Brownlie Funeral Chapel by the Rev. George 8 nd Edward Dorsey Crocker, M. Jarvis, IV, with hurial in Vienna, Virginia; a sister, Mrs. Fountainhead Memorial Park Clara Pue Graham, of Bel Air, thirteen grandchildren and two Word has been received of great-grandchildren. the death of 0. L. Pierce, Jr., CFuneral services were conof Spencer, North Carolina. ducted in St. Marys EpiscoThursday, March 14, 1974. pirChurch, Emmorton, SunHe was a brother of the Rev. day, October 24, at two p. m. W. E. Pierce, of 605 L Pea with interment in the adjoinRidge Road, Huntington, a ing cemetery^ The church recformer minister of the Marlin^ tor, the Rev. William L, Sffiith ton Presbyterian Church. officiated. Steri Camden

Frank Coleman


Mark Casto

Mark Steven Casto, 14, of Springfield, Hampshire Coun:y, died Sunday, December 12, 1971, in a Cumberland, Maryand, hospital. It wasasudien illness with very high ;emperature and the cause has lot been officially established. He is survived by his parents, Captain J. L. and Ann Miller Casto; a sister, Marcia, and a brother, John; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Casto, of Weston, Mrs. Charles Miller, of Roanoke, Va„ and great-grandfather, Garfield Grimes, Huntersville. Services and burial were in eston on Wednesday.

Robert W. Cutshall


Robert W. Cutshall, chairman of the board and co-found er of Reid & Cutshall Inc., Roanoke furniture store, collapsed Monday night, April 14, 1969, while attending church at Villamont near his home at Roanoke. He was 75. He was a prominent Roanoke businessman and had served on Roanoke City Council fcr three years in the early 1940's. Born in Charlottesville, Virginia, Cutshall later lived in West Virginia and came to Roanoke when he was 15. He attended National Business and Roanoke colleges. He had served as lieutenantgovernor of the third division of Kiwuriis International. Surviving are his wife, Margaret McGuire Cutshall; three sisters, Mrs. Myron Henderson, Mrs. Byron Pultz, Roanoke, and Mrs. R. H. Auldridge, of Mill Point.

Mrs. Rosa F. Culver

Mrs. Rosa Florence Culver, 73, died in the Pocahontas Meimorial Hospital on Wednesday, July 18, 1962, after a i long illness. j Born in Jackson County, j April 30 1889, she was a daughter of the late Ben andj Amelia Young. Her husband, Dexter Culver, I I preceded her in death. Survivors include a son, Roy JKrantz Culver, of Tioga; a • daughter, Mrs. Esther Blankenship, of Marlinton;'a brother, John Young, of rI*joga; two sisters*, Mildred arid Madge Young, both of Craigsville, ; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held | Friday afternoon in the Smith | Funeral Home with the Rev. ! I J. O. Shank, Jr., in .charge. Burial was in the jCochnm; Cemetery. ~ \

Ruth W. Cotterman Mrs. Alma May Cain, 51, of Rata Ruth White Cotterman, Detroit, Michigan, formerly of 82, of Minnehaha Springs, died Arbovale and Marlinton, died Tuesday, March 20, 1984, folSaturday, October 29, 1983, in lowing an extended illness. She was born on July 27, a Detroit hospital after a long 1901, the daughter of the late illness. B. Frank and Mary Jane White. She was a member of the Survivors include one stepWest Detroit Church of God son, Theodore Cotterman, of and was manager of an apartEnon, Ohio; three brothers, E. ment building in Detroit. Ernest White and Clarence C. Born April 21, 1932, at White, of Minnehaha Springs, Deepwater, she was a daughter and Arlie B. White, of Marlinof Patsy Petry Wenger, of ton; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Arbovale, and the lateMack Moore, of Minnehaha Springs, David Wenger. (V^/yv^^X and Mrs. Gertrude Fisher, of Surviving her are four daughColumbus, Ohio; and two ters, Mrs. Donna Buttino, of grandchildren. Detroit, Mrs. Diann Doughty, She was preceded in death of Charleston, Denise Cain, of by her husband, Athel Dale Marlinton, Mrs. Deborah Cotterman, in 1973, and two Blankenship, of Woodrow; sisters, Mrs. Lucile Penny backthree sons, Donald, of Baltier and Mrs. Hazel Hanlin. more, Maryland, David and Ruth Cotterman began her Dennis, both of Marlinton; her teaching career in Pocahontas mother, Mrs. Patsy Wenger, of County, teaching at the HanArbovale; 13 grandchildren. nah School near Slatyfork and Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at Wallace and the Moore School on Knapps Wallace Funeral Home Chapel Creek. She received her degree at Arbovale, with the Rev. in Secondary Education at Capital University and her MasMark Hill, of Detroit, officiating. Burial was in Arbovale ter's Degree from the Ohio State University. She taught at Cemetery. Prospect, Dublin, Brecksville, and Dayton, Ohio, before retiring in 1968. She belonged to Mrs. J. 0 . Corbett many educational organizations Mrs. Anna Mae McLaughlin Corbett was born near Dunmore, and was a member of the Ohio May 20, 1884, and departed this and West Virginia retired life on Monday, November 21, teacher organizations. She was a life long active , 1960. member of the Lutheran Mrs. Corbett was married to Church and served as Sunday Jamts Omer Corbett, who surviSchool teacher and organist for ves, April 19, 1905. To this union many years. She will be greatly six children were born, of whom missed by her family and five survive: Mrs. Geo Sheets, of friends. Green Bank, Mrs. Nina Brooks, Services will be held at the of Dunmore, Mrs. Evelyn ClayNew Hope Lutheran Church at smith, of Irvin, Pennsylvania, Minnehaha Springs on Friday Woodrow Corbett, of B ihimore, at 2 pm by the Rev. Charles Maryland, and Ray Corbett, of Erzkus. Burial will be in the Dunmore. The oldest, Tressie Mae. preceded her in death in Zion Ridge Cemetery in Thorn1917. ville, Ohio. She is also survived by ninej grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Lola K. Sharp, of Marlinton, 11 he only surviving member of a ' family of twelve. Mrs. William Cackley Mrs. Corbett was the oldest! Mrs. Agnes Cackley, of Mill living member of the Baxterj Point, died Wednesday morn j Presbyterian Church, having join- ing, August 23, 1972, in the J ed in early life on July 10, 1904. Greenbrier Manor Nursing Funeral services were conduct- Home at Fairlea. Jed in the Bax>er Presbyterian Funeral arrangements are I Church at 2:00 p. m. on Thursincomplete. jday, November 24, with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle in charge. She spent her entire life in sight j of her birthplace and was laid to [rest in the McLaughlin Cemetery (23 0/ | near by.

Mrs. Sylvia Chislom Mrs. Sylvia Ann Gary Chislom, 21, of White Sulphur Springs and Fayette ville, North Carolina, died Tuesday, July 5, 1983, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital. She had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage a couple of months ago. She was a member of the Arrow Lake Baptist Church in North Carolina. She was born in Marlinton March 20, 1962, the daughter of Adam A. Gary, of Fitchburg, Massachusetts) and Mrs. Shirley Killion, of White Sulphur Springs. Surviving her are her husband, Joe Chislom, Jr., with the U.S. Army in Fayetteville, North Carolina, baby daughter, her parents, step-father, Ronald Killion; grandmother, Georgia Robinson, White Sulphur Springs; brothers and sisters, Adam A. Gary, Jr., and Elaine Gary, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Ronnie Killion, of Lewisburg, Georgia Watson, Los Angeles, California, and Christine Gary, Akron, Ohio, Services were held at the VanReenen Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. by Bishop Edward F. Adams, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. James Carroll

James' Vaiden "Amos" Carroll, 55, of Mill Gap, Virginia, died Sunday morning, August 5, 1979, at the University of Virginia Hospital. He was born February 16, 1924, in, Highland County, a son of James W. and Lilly Wooden Carroll. He was a member of the Green Hill United Methodist Church, served with the 60th Infantry Regiment during World War II and was a member of Highland VFW Post 4989. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Wanda Rexrode Carroll, of Mill Gap, Virginia; a daughter, Donna E. Carroll, of Staunton, Virginia; a sister, Lula Puffenbarger, of Bartow; four brothers, Howard, of Monterey, Harry, of Warm Springs, Virginia, Elmer, of Huttonsville, and Lucius H. Carroll, of Staunton, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday, August 7 from ' baugh Funeral Home by Rev. Riley Smith. Bur in Green Hill Cemeter

Mrs. Sarah Viola Champlin

Mrs. Sarah Viola Champlin, 98, of Durbin, died Wednesday, March 10, 1971, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard. She had lived most of her life at Durbin, and was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church, Women's Society of Christian Service and Rebekah Lodge No. 29. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Betty Parg, of Durbin, and Mrs. Verna Stretch, of Comfort, and three sisters, Mrs. Attie Wimer, of Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Maude Corbet, of Fishersville. Virginia, and Mrs. Minnie Nichols, of Blue Grass, Virginia. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Willis Summers, with burial in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at Elkins. Garland Clingman

Russell 0 . Crowley

Mrs. Russell Q. Crowley

Russell O. Crowley, 79, of Green Bank, died Sunday, July 10, 1966, in the Denmar j Hospital at Beard after a long ; illness. Born November 5, 1887, at Green Bank, he was the son of the late Cain and Esta Crowley He was a member of the | Wesley Chapel Church and the Odd Fellows Lodge, and (was a retired carpenter. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucy Hudson Crowley; three sons, Clyde Crowley, of Clifftop, Ward Crowley, of Frederick, Maryland, and Jarrett Crowley, of Palm Beach, Florida; three daughters, Mrs. Estelle Ervine, of Beckley, Mrs. Delores Wright, of Grosse He, Michigan, and Mrs. Anita Hickman, of Oregon, Ohio; one brother, Qxford Crowley, of Green Bank; 15 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren. Preceding him in death I were one daughter, Mrs. Evej lyn Loudermilk, and one son, Merle Crowley. Funeral services were held (Wednesday afternoon in the (Liberty Church at Green Bank j by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. Burial was in the Ar bo vale Cemetery. —

Mrs. Lucy D.Crowley, 82, of Green Bank, died Sunday, November 21,1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born November 10, 1889, at Green Bank, she was a daughter of the late Letcher and Margaret Hudson. She was a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank and the Order of the Eastern Star at Cass. Her husband, Russell O. Crowley, preceded her in death. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Estelle Ervin, of Beckley, Mrse Delores Wright, of Groseclose, Michigan, and Mrs. Anita Hickman, of Tole do, Ohio; three sons, Clyde Crowley, of Clifftop, Ward Crowley, of Frederick, Maryland, and Jarrett Crowley, of Lake Park, Florida; and one sister, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Liberty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Garland Rosewell Clingman, 69, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, August 20,1377, in Green brier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. He was a World War II veteran and a member of Lewisburg United Methodist Church where he was president of the men's Sunday School, a member of the Masons and the AMrs. Fred Church merican Legion. He owned and operated Clingman's Meat Mrs. Fred Church passed away Market. at her home in Lorain, Ohio, on Surviving are his wife, Gwen; I Thursday morning, July 9, 1959, daughters, Mrs. Nancy Gwen I from a heart attack, aged 5o Deitz, of Staunton, Virginia, years and five months. Mrs. Sharon Lucille Shutzer, Mrs. Church was born at Parof Freehold, New Jersey, Mrs. sons. She was the daughter of j Alice Marguerite Dodway, of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Lewisburg; six grandchildren. Hansford, of Marlinton. Services were held at 11 A, Surviving her are her husband, M. Tuesday in Lewisburg Fred; a son by a previous marriUnited Methodist Church with age, Robert Summerfield, and a the Rev. Harold Elmore offi- grandson, Terry Summerfield, of ciating. Entombment was Wheeling; three sisters, Mrs. Icie in Rosewood Mausoleum Baxter, of Huntersville; Mrs. L. D. Sharp, of Slaty Fork; and Mrs. Arlene Bowers was Mrs. Lucy Cole, of Marlinton; called to Canandaigua, N.Y., three brothers, Darrel Hansford, by the death of her grand of Huntersville; Willis Hansford, nephew Kenneth Clouse, age of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and 19. Kenneth was the grandson Percy Hansford, of Cincinnati, of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neighbor. Ohio. Funeral services were conductI ed Sunday afternoon in the Methodist Church at Hundred, with burial there.



Miss Katherine Campion

Miss Katherine Campion, Pocahontas Health Nurse, died at the Medical Center in Mor*antown Monday evening, July 14, 1969. Her death was mexpected; she entered the lospital that afternoon for ;ests. She was born April 18, 1907, at Whitmer, a daughter of the late Francis Edward and Mary Conley Campion. A grad uate of St. Agnes School of Nursing in Baltimore, Maryland, she was a Captain in the Army Nurses Corps in World War II and served in the European Theatre. She was a member of the D. A. R. and American Legion Post 50. Surviving her are two brothers, Conley Michael Campion, of Elkins, and Costello Edward Campion, of Bellingham, Washington. Two sisters, Ora and Frances, both nurses, preceded her in death. Services will be held Friday at 10:00 a. m. at St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Elkins, of which she was a member, with burial in St. Brenden's Cemetery.

Russell 0 . Crowley Mrs. Sarah Viola Champlin

Mrs. Sarah Viola Champlin, 98, of Durbin, died Wednesday, March 10, 1971, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard. She bad lived most of her life at Durbin, and was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church, Women's Society of Christian Service and Rebekah Lodge No. 29. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Betty Parg, of Durbin, and Mrs. Verna Stretch, of Comfort, and three sisters, Mrs. Attie Wimer. of Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Maude Corbet, of Fishersville, Virginia, and Mrs. Minnie Nichols, of Blue Grass, Virginia. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Willis Summers, with burial in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at Elkins. Garland Clingman

Garland Rosewell Clingman, 69, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, August 20,1377, in Green brier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. He was a World War II veteran and a member of Lewisburg United Methodist Church where he was president of the men's Sunday School, a member of the Masons and the American Legion. He owned and operated Clingman's Meat Market. Surviving are his wife, Gwen; daughters, Mrs. Nancy Gwen Deitz, of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Sharon Lucille Shutzer, of Freehold, New Jersey, Mrs. Alice Marguerite Dodway, of Lewisburg; six grandchildren. Services were held at 11 A. M. Tuesday in Lewisburg United Methodist Church with the Rev. Harold Elmore officiating. Entombment was in Rosewood Mausoleum Mrs. Arlene Bowers was called to Canandaigua, N.Y., by the death of her grand nephew Kenneth Clouse,, age 19. Kenneth was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neighbor.

Mrs. Russell Q. Crowley

Mrs. Lucy D. Crowley, 82, Russell 0. Crowley, 79, of Green Bank, died Sunday, of Green Bank, died Sunday, July 10, 1966, in the Denmar November 21, 1971, in the Poj Hospital at Beard after a long cahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. ; illness. Born November 10, 1889, at Born November 5, 1887, at Green Bank, he was the son of Green Bank, she was a daughthe late Cain and Esta Crowley ter of the late Letcher and He was a member of the Margaret Hudson. She was a member of the j Wesley Chapel Church and Liberty Presbyterian Church the Odd Fellows Lodge, and at Green Bank and the Order I was a retired carpenter. of the Eastern Star at Cass. Survivors include his wife, Her husband, Russell 0. Mrs. Lucy Hudson Crowley; three sons, Clyde Crowley, of Crowley, preceded her in death. Survivors include three dauClifftop, Ward Crowley, of Frederick, Maryland, and Jar- ghters, Mrs. Estelle Ervin, of rett Crowley, of Palm Beach, Beckley, Mrs, Delores Wright, Florida; three daughters, Mrs. of Groseclose, Michigan, and Estelle Ervine, of Beckley, Mrs. Anita Hickman, of Tole Mrs. Delores Wright, of Grosse do, Ohio; three sons, Clyde He, Michigan, and Mrs. Crowley, of Clifftop, Ward Anita Hickman, of Oregon, Crowley, of Frederick, MaryOhio; one brother, Oxford land, and Jarrett Crowley, of Crowley, of Green Bank; 15 Lake Park, Florida; and one grandchildren and 15 great- sister, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville. grandchildren. Funeral services were held Preceding him in death I were one daughter, Mrs. Eve- Tuesday afternoon in the Libj lyn Loudermilk, and one son, erty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, Merle Crowley. with burialy in the Arbovale Funeral services were held Cemetery, (Wednesday afternoon in the | Liberty Church at Green Bank j by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. Miss Katherine Campion Burial was in the Arbovale Miss Katherine Campion, Cemetery. _ Pocahontas Health Nurse, died at the Medical Center in MorMrs. Fred Church *antown Monday evening, Mrs. Fred Church passed away July 14, 1969. Her death was at her home in Lorain, Ohio, on inexpected; she entered the I Thursday morning, July 9, 1959, lospital that afternoon for I from a heart attack, aged 55 ;ests. years and five months. She was born April 18, 1907, Mrs. Church was born at Par- at Whitmer, a daughter of the sons. She was the daughter of late Francis Edward and Mary the late Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Conley Campion. A graduate Hansford, of Marlinton. of St. Agnes School of Nursing Surviving her are her husband, in Baltimore, Maryland, she Fred; a son by a previous marri- was a Captain in the Army age, Robert Summerfield, and a Nurses Corps in World War grandson, Terry Summerfield, of II and served in the European Wheeling; three sisters, Mrs. Icie Theatre. She was a member Baxter, of Huntersville; Mrs. L. of the D. A. R. and American D. Sharp, of Slaty Fork; and Legion Post 50. Mrs. Lucy Cole, of Marlinton; Surviving her are two broththree brothers, Darrel Hansford, ers, Conley Michael Campion, of Huntersville; Willis Hansford, of Elkins, and Costello Edof Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and ward Campion, of Bellingham, Percy Hansford, of Cincinnati, Washington. Two sisters, Ora Ohio. and Frances, both nurses, preFuneral services were conduct- ceded her in death. ed Sunday afternoon in the MeServices will be held Friday thodist Church at Hundred, with at 10:00 a. m. at St. Brendan's burial there. Catholic Church in Elkins, of which she was a member, with burial in St. Brenden's Cemetery.

\ 231)

Hazel Cleek Criser./ Mrs. Hazel Criser, ^aged 57 years, wife of Herbert Criser, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died on Monday, September 22, 1958, in the Community House Hospital; where she had been admitted two] weeks before with a broken ankle, the result of a fall at her home. Death was attributed to a blood clot striking her heart. Mrs. Criser was born on Knapps Creek, September 21, 1901, the daughter of the late John Andrew Cleek and Grace Harper Cleek. She married Herbert Eubank Criser on November 6, 1919. She is survived by her husband, one son, Edward Eubank Criser, and three grandchildren, Teresa, Donna and David Criser, of Richmond, Virginia, and one niece, Mrs. Joy Anderson, of Marlinton. She was preceded in death by her only sister, Jewel Clark Malcomb Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon, September 24th, at the Presbyterian Church, in Warm Springs, Virginia, with burial in the Warm Springs Cemetery Virginia Baughman Cooper Mrs. Virginia Baughman Cooper, age 74, of Kingsport, Tennessee, formerly of Elkins, died Sunday, July 10, 1983, following an extended illness. She was a native of Marlinton and resided in Elkins until 1981, when she came to reside with her daughter, Rosalee Sites. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and active in former years in the P. T. A. Born October 10, 1908, she was a daughter of the late John Morgan and Effie Nancy Hannah Baughman. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarace R. Cooper, a son, Jacob Morgan Cooper, a sister, Mrs. Gladys Joyner, and a brother, Clarence Baughman. Surviving her are her daughter, Mrs. Bruce [Rosalee] Sites, of Kingsport, a sister, Mrs. Elsie Kramer, and a brother, Harry Baughman, both of Mingo. Services were held at 11 a. m. on Tuesday in Kingsport at the First Broad Street United Methodist Church and the body was taken to the John W. Lchr Funeral Home in Elkins where services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday. Burial will be in Maplewood Cemetery in Elkins.

%%. Pearl 8i Clawges Mrs. "laggie Grace i aged 61 years, of 102 W. Railroad S reet, Columbiana, Ohio, died of aceiebral hemorrhage, at noon, on Tuesday, September 3, 1957, in ? lassilon State Hospital, where she nad been a patient fourteen I days. She had been ill for two years. , Mrs. Clawges was born March i 19, 1897, in Mingo, West Virgini a , a daughter of the late Andrew J. and Selina Ware Wood, and lived in Columbiana for twentyeight years. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Besides her husband. Pearl M. [Clawges, to whom she was marI ried on December 24, 1914, she leaves two daughters, Lorraine, at home, and Mrs. George Zeig,ler, of Boardman; two sons, Howjard, of Columbiana, and Charles, of Youngstown, Ohio; a sister, 'Mrs. Bart Hobart, of Salem, Ohio; three brothers, Joseph W. Wood, of Marlinton, and Bruce and NorvalJVood, of Mingo, West Virginia. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon, at 2:00 p. m., at the Seederly-Beilhart Funeral Home, with interment near Columbiana.

George Elbert Cromer / George Elbert Cromer, aged 77 years, died on Monday, October 26, 1959, at his home in Durbin, after suffering a heart attack. Mr. Cromer was a retired railroad engineer. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Collins Cromer; two daughters, Mrs. Frances Wanless and Mrs. Emma Siple, both of Baltimore, Maryland; four sons, Elbert Cromer, of Marlinton; Alfred Cromer, Edgar Cromer and Earl Cromer, all of Baltimore, Maryland; three sisters, Miss Sue Cromer and Mrs. Blarffche Elban, both of Cheat Bridge; and Miss Mary Cromer, of Alderson; six brothers, Pearle Cromer, of Cheat Bridge; Joe Cromer, of Keyser; Charles Cromer, Rube Cromer and Harve Cromer, all of Durbin; and Bob Cromer, of Webster Springs; and eleven grandchildren Funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon in the Brethren Church with the Rev. David B. Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was made in the Gum Cemetery on Back Mountain, near Durbin.

2 3 Z)

Bonnie C. Clendenin Bonnie Carpenter Clendenin, 52, 111 Queens Drive, S. W. Warren, Ohio, died Friday, October 29, 1983, in Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, after suffering an apparent heart attack at work. She was born October 7, 1931, in Marlinton, the daughter of Virginia Cochran Carpenter, of Marlinton, and the late Claude Carpenter. She had lived in the Trumbull County area since 1955, moving from Charleston there. Mrs. Clendenin was a press operator at Packard Electric for 27 years and was a member of the Newton Falls V.F. W. Bowling Team. Surviving her are her husband, Marion O. Clendenin, whom she married January 22, 1954; her mother, of Marlinton; two daughters, Mrs. Norman [Carla] Shinaberry, of Stony Bottom, and Mrs. Russell [Marian] Burr, Warren, Ohio; two sons, Micharl D. and David C , both of Warren; five sisters, Mrs. Dottie Agner, of Warm Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Robert [Zoe] Sullivan, of Ansted, Mrs. Junior [Josephine] Sydenstricker, of Millboro, Virginia, Mrs. Robert [Ann] Hammer, of Monterey, Virginia, and Mrs. John [Alice] Mongold, of Dorcas; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Robert H. Roberts Memorial Home. Burial was in the Newton Falls Cemetery. Memorial tributes may be given to the American Cancer Society.

Mrs. Maude H. Curtis Mrs. Maude M. Curtis, 86, cf Cass, died on Friday, October 25, 1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a long illness, Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Rhoda Harris and Mrs. Virginia Fridley, of Cass; two sons Burl, of Buchannon, and Peter, of Cass; three sisters, Florence Carroll, of Clearwu Florida; Mrs. Hallie Starcher, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Flode Harris, of Worthington; three brothers, Ernest Westfall, of Buchannon; John Westfall, of Clearwater, Florida, and James Westfall, of Weston, and five grandchildren. Funeral services were cc ducted Sunday afternoon, in the Wanless Church, at Cass, with the j Rev. William Pugh officiating. Burial in the church cemetery.

Dr. Cecil B. Collins, 82, of White Sulphur Springs, died Sunday morning, August 12, 1973, in a Clifton Forge, Virginia, hospital from a heart attack. Born at Cass, August 16, 1890, he was a son of the late Charles Peter and Sarah Bag bj Collins. Dr. Collins was a member o the Emmanuel United Metho dist Church of White Sulphui Springs, a charter member and and past president of the White Sulphur Rotary Club, with i perfect attendance of over 4C years, member of Alleghany Lodge No. 136, A. P. and A. M. Grand Chapter. No. 21, Royal and Masons, Knights Templar and Beni-Kedcm Shrine. He was also a member of the West Virginia Dental Association Greenbrier Valley Dental Society, American Dental Association, irember Board of Trustees of Burlington, Methodist Children's Home and vice president of the Bank of White Sulphur Springs. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Vaneita Siegman Collins; a son, Cecil Bradford Collins, Jr., of Stuart, Florida, a daughter, Mrs. Mary Collins Way, of White Sulphur Springs, a brother, Dr. Claude Collins, of DeLand, Florida, two sisters, Mrs. Alice Bennett, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Lucy Lowe, of Cripple Creek, Virginia; six grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday, in the Emmanuel United Methodist Church with Rev. Roger L. Smith and Rev. Claude R. Collins in charge. Burial was in Hillcrest Cemetery at White Sulphur Springs. Stephen G. Cross Stephen G. Cross, 90, of Beckley, died at his home Saturday, October 10,1981. Mr. Cross was owner of a dairy business in Hinton, retired from the Civil Service Commission in 1967, and was a member of the Free United Methodist Church in Lakeland, Florida. He was a World War I veteran. Survivors include his wife, Vida Meadows Cross; a son, Stephen Cross, Jr., of Lakeand, Florida, and one' grandchild. Services and burial were veld Wednesday in Prosperity. Mr. Cross was a brother-iniw of Beecher Meadows, Mar-

Fred Copenhaver Frederick Milton Copenhaver, of Droop, died at home Tuesday morning, July 11, 1995. He was a mechanic and former owner of Droop Mountain Grocery, and was a Protestant. The son of the late Milton and Bertha Rose Copenhaver, he was born at Jacox November 21, 1939. A brother, James Copenhaver, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Hettie "Lore" Caudle Copenhaver; three children, Steve Caudle, of Cupertino, California, Tracy Mayes, of Lancaster, California, and Kevin Strahan, of Havre de Grace, Maryland; a brother, Tom Walton, of Hillsboro; three sisters, Louise Goelz, of York, Pennsylvania, Judy Barker and Clara Barb, both of Hillsboro; two grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gail Cutlip, with burial in Emmanuel Cemetery. Monta Sawyer Carlisle Monta Sawyer Carlisle, 75, of North Lauderdale and Tampa, Florida, died Thursday, January 26, 1984, in University Community Hospital after a short illness. He was born July 26,1908, in Renicks Valley, Greenbrier County, a son of the late George L. and Adella Darnell Carlisle. Mr. Carlisle was a resident of Florida for twentyfive years. Surviving are one son, Monta Richard Carlisle, of North Lauderdale, Florida; one brother, Earl L. Carlisle, of Bartow and Hillsboro; two sisters, Roxie R. Brown, Pendleton, South Carolina, and Helen Mae Stiefel, of Topeka, Kansas; three grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Ernest Lee Carlisle, and a sister, Nina Carlisle Pettry. Memorial services were held in Tampa. In lieu of flowers donations should be made to the American Cancer Society.



Andrew Price Cleveland, aged years son of Re**. George J. and Av nes Price Cleveland, of Romne} on Saturday, August, 5 19.J9 It ws necessary that the little hoy ahderti a major operation which he did oc survive. The little body was brougi back for interment in the Price fan ily plot in Mt View Cemetery; U funeral being conducted from U Presbyterian ttharcb Monday afte -noon The ministers were Rev. ( G. Olson, Rev Morgan Cllley, Re O. N Miles and Rev. James U Woo the pall bearers were J A. Syde Strieker, Richard F. Currer.ce, Jtu McSlwee and Basil G Sharp. Among.the friends from a distan to attei d the funeral of little Andre weie Mrs John J Corn well, Mrs E win Mason, Mrs Dailey Kenrtey, M Robert Baird, Mrs George Cunnin ham, Mrs Harry Cunningham, M Pearl Sperrow, Mrs William Powei Mrs Harry Gilmore, Mrs Ti B Brow of Romney; Or and Mrs J A. Newpomb, M Waiter Babb, Mrs W. H Markwoo of Keyser; Mrs R Elmo Parker, Ei O. Alle of Hinton; Mrs T. A. Sydenstricker, Mr an Mrs ClauJe McLaughlin. -Mrs kichai McLaughlin, of Lewisbu.g; Rev. and Mrs Morgan Cilley, Berkley Springs.

DEATHS Mrs Sarah Clowser, aged 75 years, died at the Pocahontas Memorial Pos pital. at Marlinton, on Monday, July 5. 1940. She was the wife of J. L. iowser, of Hughart. Funeral ser/ices were held at the Clintonville church at 2 p. m , on Wednesday, and burial was in the End of the Trail Cemetery. — West Virginia News. Mrs Si rah V. Clowser was born on April 2, 1865. and passed away July 15, 1910, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was the daughter of the late John and Rebecca McCoy and was united in marriage to John L Clowser on S ptember 2t 1887 She is survived by her husband, J L Clowser, and tin ir six children: Mrs Ora D McCoy, of Hillsboro; Mrs Eloyde M Spinks, of Huphart; Mrs Grace Gumm, of Clintonville; Gilbert L. Clowser, of Marlinton: Roy T. Clowser, of Gassaway, and Jack Clowser, of Hughart. She Is also survived by a brother, W. R. McCoy, of Rich vood, and a sister, Mrs Nancy Cyphert, of Wilson. In early youth shs united with the Methodist Church and she lived the life of a faithful christian. Funeral services were conducted from the Clintonville Lhurch on Wed nesdav by Rev. Joe Su.itli, assisted hy Rev L S. Shires, of Hillsboro, Interment in the .End of the Trail cemetery.

Mrs. BeuSah Clenda^n

Mrs. Beulah Carder Clendenen, :aged 57 years, wife of Charles C. FGlendenen, passed away at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on I February 5, 1953, She had been in failiug health for some time. On Saturday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the family plot ,in Mountain View Cemetery j The service was held from thv. I Marlinton Presbyterian Church | by Rev. Mr. Ward, of Lewisbur^ land Rev. Frank Johnson, of | Hillsboro. The deceased is survived by her husband and their three -laughters, Mrs. Patricia Clements jf Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Charjlotte Pzhyrka, of Chicago, Illinois; Sister Mary Grabriel, of Du Quesne University, Pittsburg. I Mrs. Clendenen was a daughter | ui the late Q P . and Laura Steed j Carder, of Ravenswood. Her I brothers ere R. H. Carder, of ! Vienna; Goff Carder, of Washington; P. C. Carder, of Fort Worth, Texas; her sisters are Mrs. Carl J. Pauley, of Point Pleasant; , Mrs, E J. Sofreed, of Ravensw o o d ; Kathryn, of Murreyville. Before marriage, the deceased j was a teacher. She was educated ' in the schools of Jackson Couaty and then graduated at Smithdeal ]Vi*«sie College in Richmond, Virgin./ From early life she was a I professing Christian, a membar of j the Episcopal Church. Mrs. Alberta E. Curns Mrs. Alberta Elizabeth .Corns, d 85 ,ye?rs, widow ol the late, John Curns, died on Sundav, Mayl 20, .1951, after an illness of .years duration. On Wednesday a f t e r ! noon the funeral service was held from the Presbyterian Church by her pastor, Rev. R. P. Melton, j Burial in the family plot in Mt View cemetery by the grave of her husband, who preceded her i six years ago. The deceased was a daughter of I the late William and Mary C. j Roman. She was bom at Grundy,j Va., but much of her life was! spent in Pocahontas CouDty. Her I surviving sisters are Mrs. James Shinaut of Marlinton; Mrs. R L. Price, of Arcadia, Florida; and j Mrs Paul Dean of Fianklin, Pa. j Her brothers are Elbert, Roman j of Charmco and Charles Roman I of Marlinton,

Willis Van Cornelius The Rev. Willis Van Cornelius, age 73, of Marlinton, died Monday, June 24, 1991, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital from a heart attack. He was a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church, USA, having served for 21 years as pastor of the Huntersville - Westminster Presbyterian Church, Stony Creek Presbyterian Church, and the Buckeye and Mary's Chapels of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He retired in June, 1987. Born in Long Island, North Carolina, on June 9, 1918, he graduated from North Carolina State University in agricultural education and taught vocational agriculture, served in the U. S. Air Force in World War II, and worked in landscaping before entering the ministry. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, in 1966 and then came to Pocahontas County. He was a member of the Marlinton Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pocahontas County Ministerial Association, and was president of the Marlinton Railroad Depot, Inc. He was a member of die Marlinton Presbyterian Church. His first wife, Helen Turner Cornelius, and a sister, Louise, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Nina Ruth Waugh Pritchard Cornelius; four children, Willis Van Cornelius, Jr., of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Nancy Elizabeth Patty, Orlando, Florida, David Turner Cornelius and Robert Loomis Cornelius, both of Daytona Beach, Florida; a step-daughter, Anita Jane Pritchard, of Durham, North Carolina; five brothers and sisters, Frances Caldwell, of Maiden, North Carolina, Doris Whisnat, of Anderson, South Carolina, Geneva Hastings, of Conover, North Carolina, Joanne Stone, of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Ruby Spencer, of Newton, North Carolina; and five grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday, June 28, in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Revs. Richard Newkirk and David Bush, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Marlinton Presbyterian Church Choir Fund.

(zs y )

Paula Clarkson Paula Clarkson, of Johnson City, Tennessee, formerly of Cass, was killed in an automobile accident in Johnson City, March 7, 1984. Miss Clarkson was born June 18, 1948, at Marlinton, the only child of Ernestine and Ivan Clarkson, of Cass. She graduated from Greea Bank High School in 1966, and from West Virginia University, with a BS degree in medical technology in 1970. She worked as a medical technologist ei the University hospital in Morgantown from 1970 to 1978. Paula entered the VA system in 1978 and began working as a medical technologist in Danville, Illinois. She transfer ^d from Illinois to the VAMC Mountain Home in Johnson City in August 1980. where she was appointed the 'ymtinc cr Supervisory Medical Technologist in the chemistry urinalysis section of the laboratory service. In 1983 she was awarded the Superior Performance Award. She was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church. Miss Clarkson is survived by her parents and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held on Saturday, March 10, at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale with the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Edwin Tutwiler officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs.

Ida Belle Colaw

Mrs. Ida Belle Colaw, 71, wife of Howard Martin Colaw, and a resident of Hinton, west of Harrisonburg, died Saturday, morning, Jan. 26. Mrs. Colaw was stricken with an apparent heart attack at her home. She was a daughter of the late Hilbert and Sallie Hinkle Rexrode and was born Dec. 28, 1897 near Cherry Grove, W. Va., where she spent the majority of her life prior to moving to Rockingham County 16 years ago. She was a member of the Mit. Clinton United Methodist Church. In August of 1921 she married Howard Martin Colaw, who survives her. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Layman H. Colaw, Hinton, and Garland B. Colaw of Harrisonburg; a sister, Mrs. Lillie E. Nelson, of Hinton; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held af 2 p. m. Monday, Jan. 27 from th* Lindsey Harrisonurg Funeral Hoim by the Rev. Roy Hedrick and the Rev. Ira Petre. Burial was in East Lawn Memorial Gardens.

Rev. W. Maynard Crawford Rev. W. Maynard Crawford, age 70, a resident of Mansfield Addition, Philippi, died Thursday morning, May 1,1997, in the Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, after a long illness. He was born December 29, 1926, at Duffy, a son of James Clinton Crawford, a resident of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Belington, and the late Elizabeth Almond Crawford. He was united in marriage December 27, 1948, to the former Laura Kathryn Watkins. Upon graduation from Weston High School in 1945, he entered the U.S. Army doing a tour of duty in occupied Italy. He was an alumni of West Virginia Wesleyan College and Wesley Theological Seminary. He was an ordained United Methodist minister and a member of the West Virginia Annual Conference for 50 years, retiring from the active ministry in June of 1992. He had served pastorates in Morgantown area, Monogah, Charleston, Clarksburg, Petersburg, Huntington, Marlinton (1967-1976), and the last 16 years in Madison. He served on many boards and agencies, both on Conference and District levels, including eight years on the Conference Board of Ordained Ministries. He was an avid amateur radio operator, participating regularly on the West Virginia Phone Net. Until his retirement, he was chaplain, holding the rank of Captain, for the Madison Civil Air Patrol. In each location, he was active in community and civic affairs. In addition to his wife, survivors include one daughter, Deborah Welshonce, Elkins; one son, Gary Crawford, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania; two grandsons, two granddaughters; one brother, Richard C*$wford, Philippi; two sisters, Lf0ui§€r Cummings, Stony. Point, raw York, and Phyllis Linger, Holliston, Massachusetts. % Services were held Saturday,* May 1, at Wright Funeral Home, Philippi, with the body moved Sunday to Crim Memorial United Methodist Church for service by Rev. Craig Michel. Burial was at Jerusalem Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to The American Diabetes Association or to the American Heart Association.

Norman Dale Camper Elry Wayne Curry Norman Dale Camper, aged 52 Elry Wayne Curry, 37, of years, of 127 Ann Street, Beckley, Mill Gap, Virginia, Tuespassed away in the Beckley Vet- day, August 24,1971,died in a traceran's Hospital, on Tuesday even- tor accident while he was making, November 24, 1959. Death ing hay. w?s due to cancer for which he Bora July 22, 1934, at Valley had undergone major surgery, at Center, he was a son the VA Hospital, in Oteen, North of Mrs. Virginia, Glenna Smith Carolina, in the early spring and of Mill Gap, and the lateCurry, John seemingly had made good recov- C. Curry. He was a veteran ery and returned to his Work at and a member of Beulah Presthe Central Printing Company, at Beckley, of which he and his sons byterian Church. Besides his mother, he is surare owners. His illness had revived by his wife, Mrs. Shirley occutred in the past few weeks. Gaylor Curry; a daughter, Pam.Funeral services wcre conduct- ela Curry, and two sons, Jerry ed on Friday, at 10:00 A. M., in Wayne and Dallas John Curry, the Beckley Preobyterian Church, all at home. with his pastor, the Rev. J. W. Graveside services were held Witherspoon in charge. Burial was made in the family plot in Thursday in Green Hill Ceme» Mountain View Cemetery, at- tery by the Rev. Taylor Bird Marlinton, with the Masons from and the Rev. James Tongue. Warm Springs, Virginia, and the Kev. W. E. Pierce, of the Marlin- < 1 * Mrs. Alice Mor ton Croft ton Presbyterian Church, conMrs. Alice Morton Cochra; ducting the graveside rkes. Croft, 89, died in a nursin* Mr. Camper was born in Mar- home at Hood River, Oregon. linton, on February 4, 1907, the She was born October 12' son of the late George William 1882, and was married to John and Hattie Shoemaker Camper. (Jack) Cochran when she lived A graduate of Mar!:" ion High in Marlinton and Woodrow. jSchool he began >v.\ career as a A daughter, Mrs. Sam (Wilj1 printer with the Marlinton Jour- ma) VanReenen, died in 1957. nal while still in school, was edSurviving are two daughters, itor for one year, then attended Mrs. Ruth Pierce, of Portland, | Davis and Elkins College where i he majored in Journalism. From Oregon, and Mrs.Ula Johnson, j there he went to tfee Kingsport Cascade Locks, Oregon; one son, Albert Morton, of Kansas Times, Kingr ort, Tennessee. City, Missouri. Continuing his chosen profesBurial was July 27, in Pasco, sion he was editor of the Bath Washington. County Enterprise, at Warm Springs, Virginia, for fifteen years. From there he went to Beckley Clarence H. Cfcyton where he was employed by the Clarence H. "Shorty" ClayBeckley Newspapers Corporation for nine years, most of the time toij, 74, of Marlinton, died Frias foreman of the job department. day, October 4, 1957, in the PoFive years ago he entered- busi- cahontas Memorial Hospital. Death was attributed to a cere on his own. Mr. Camper was a member of bral hemorrhage. He \^as a re i the Beckley Presbyterian Church, tired lumberman and a fojme> and the Ancient Free and Accept- employee of the Town dfMared Masons, of Warm Springs, Vir- linton. Mr. Clayton was born at Upper ginia. Tract, County, on On ' ?8, he was mar- March 1 Pendleton 1883, the son of the late ried to aester Haynes, of John an4 Margaret Hoover ClayGate City, Virginia, whos rvives. ton. He is survived by his wife •survivors include hio daugh- Mrs. Gertrude Rexrode Clayton; ter, Mrs. Jack (Pegg. Harper, one sister. Mrs. Delia Bible, of p±b/y of Greensboro, No | Akron, Ohio; and two brothers, two sons Q— George Clayton, of Aberdeen, Maryland, and P. C. Clayton, of Luke, Maryland. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon- in the Naza3^r) rene Church by the Rev. A. U. (• Burnside. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery. Pallbearers were employees of the Town of Marlinton.

Clarence H. Clayton Clarence H. " S h o r t y " Claym, 74, of Marlinton, died Friay, October 4, 1957, in the Poihontas IVlemorial Hospital. >eath was attributed to a cere i ral hemorrhage. He was a re J red lumberman and a forme; | mployee of the Town of Mar-! nton. Mr. Clayton was boi. it Upper Yact, Pendleton County, on larch 1, 1883, the son of the late ohn and Margaret Hoover Ciaym. He is survived by his wife, Irs. Gertrude Eexrode Clayton; ne sister, Mrs. Delia Bible, ef Lkron, Ohio; and two brothers, SeWge Clayton, of Aberdeen, feryland, aad P. C. Clayton, of ,uke, Maryland. Funeral services were conducted Ionday afternoon in the Nazaene Church by the Rev. A. U lurnside. Burial was in the fountain View Cemetery. Pallearers were employees of the 'own of Marlinton.



Lana Vainer Curtis

Mrs. L a n a V a r n e r C u r t i s , aged 68 .years, widow of the Jate CharJes L C u r t i s , died at her home in Blue J a y on S u n d a y , i A u g u s t 12, 1951. Burial on Tuesday iri the Blue J a y cemetery, tire j service being conducted from t h e ! Methodist C h u r c h by Rev. M a r k Wolfe. T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of the Jate Rev. J o h n P . and Dianna Vamer of Bartow. She became the wife of Charles L. C u r t i s , who j p e c e d e d her a few years ago i Those worthy people are survived j j by six d a u g h t e r s , Mrs E l m e r Da-j 'vis, of G l a d y ; Mrs. Ruth D e c k , ! Mrs. T e r r y Richmond of Daniels; Mrs. F o r r e s t F o r d , of Blue J a y Mrs. Louella Lockridge and Mrs. j George Vf\ ndovend«r, nf Onr hin;! two sons, Kyle of M a r l i n t o n ; and [ G a r y of Daniels. I John William Casbwell

John Curns, aged 59 years and 6 days died on Friday, June 8, \19*5. He had been in failing health many months. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was conducted from the Marlinton ! Methodist Church by Rev. Fred Oxendaie, assisted by Rev, Mr. Lilly. Burial in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery. The pal! bearers were P. C. Curry, E. H. Wade, D. R. Hannah, AlvaE. Moore, H. M. Gilmore and Elmer Sharp. The deceased was a native of Ashville, North Carolina. He had been a resident of Marlinton for nearly forty years. On August 26, 1903, he was united in marriage to Miss Betty Roman who survives him. G a s o l i n e Explosion L i f e of tfrs. RusseL C o l a w

John William Cash. r ^geu ,r Severe \s sustained when a 40 years, of Marlinton, died on bottL of .soline exploded as she Thursday, December 4, 1952, af-j picked it , from the floor in a neighter a long illness in the Veterans! bor's noma, esulted in the death of Mrs. Paul Crouch Hospital w Chillicothe, Ohio. Mrs. Jessie Colaw, wife of Russell Mrs. Maude Crouch, 54, of Colaw, of near Durbin, at the Elkins On Monday afternoon the fu-| Mingo, died in an Elkins hosneral was held from The Rising I City Hospital, Friday, October 8, pital on Tuesday, June 9,1964. Mt. Zion Baptist Church, with j 1943. Death was attributed to cancer Mrs. Colaw was born September Rev. I. H. Goodwyn and Rev. j She was born at Mingo, a 21, 1918, at Coalton, a daughter of Carl Boggs conducting the serdaughter of the late Edwin vices. The body was laid to rest' Willis and Grace Kelley Sheets. She and Anna Beatly Hall. H e n in Mountain View Cemetery. is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mary Ellen, aged 4, arid a son, husband, Paul Crouch, pre- ! The deceased was a veteran of James Lee, aged 2. A brother, Cawn ceded her in death in 1983. Sheets of the U. S. Army, and two Mrs. Crouch was a member World War II. He was a son of sisters, Mrs. Hallie Reynolds of Parkthe late Isaac D. Cash well and of the Mingo Presbyterian ersburer and Mrs. Maud Belknap. Hattie Brown Cash well, who surChurch and was postmistress Burial was made at Bethel cemeat Mingo having served there vives. Surviving sisters and bro- tery, October 10, following services thers are Mrs. Ardelbert Granger for the past twenty years. at the Bethel church in charge of and Mrs. William Toliver, of Ro Rev. Will Pup-h of the Brethren Survivors include two broth- anoke, Virginia; Mrs. Ernest Church, assisted by Rev. OIHe Heverjs, George Hall, of Raineile, Alexander and Isaac Cash well, of ener. and Richard Hall, of Newport Charleston; and Ernest, at home. News, Virginia; two sisters, DIED Mrs. Annie Andrews, of Elkins Mrs E*ta Jane Crowley, widdw of ana Mrs. Henry Queen, of j J. Cain Crowl y, died at the home of Morgantown. Miss Madeline ullahan her son, Russeil O Crowley. a|> Green- j Mervin A. Colaw

Mervin Alfred Colaw, 68, died Tuesday, iSept. 13 in Staunton. He was from Blue Grass. A son of the late Martin J. and Carrie Wilfong Colaw, of Blue Grass, he is survived by a brother, Howard Colaw, of Hinton; two sisters, Mrs. Pansy Shinaberry, Dunmore, W. Va., and Mrs. Eula Hidy, Painesville, 0.; and a number of nieces and nephews. Two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. A graveside service was conducted at 11 a. m. Saturday, Sept. 15 at Blue Grass Cemetery by the Hew. Philip DeMuth. Obaugh Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Madeline Callahan, daughter of IT. M. and Edith Callahan, of Bear J was born June 28, 1918, and departed this life April i), [941. On Friday her body was buried in the Droop Church Cemetery, the service being conducted from the church by her paytor, tiu. Rev* J. K. Fleming. Miss Madeline was a graduate he Hillsboro High School, plrjs of 1936. She was a professing- christian, a member of the Beard Presbyterian Church. Surviving her are her mother, two bro< '"• \ Joe and Ted. and a sitter, Arlcne.


bank, on May 4 1939 at 9:00 p m. She was the daughter of the Jate William R. and Mary Ann Orndorff. and a native of Pocahontas County, j but spent some of her early years in Virginia. A devout member of the Metho- i disc Episcopal Church, South, of; Greenbank, Mrs Crowley was a guid- ; ing light to all who knew her and her cheerful smile and helpful hind will i be greatly missed in the com muni y. Mrs Crowley was buried on May 6 j in the Wesley Chapei Cemetery by the side of her husband who pn ceded he* to his reward eighteen months ago. The fur.eral was conduc ed bhe Rev. R B Moore, and Rev. L S Shires, of Eliilsboro. a former pa-tor. The deceased is sii'vivtd by two sons, Russell O Crowley, of Green bank; and Oxfor i Crowiey, c f Ohica yo: e'xuht tji-flfidchildren 'dn^ a uumbei "uldren d friends gat.Yu red ute to their de-

Gent Crist


Gene Allen Crist. 47, died Monday, February 16,1976, at his home in Cass of a gunshot wound. He was employed as a photography technician at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, and the County schools and people benefitted from his camera skills. He was a member of the linked Methodist Church, an Air Force veteran of the Korean Conflict, and a member of the Riverside Lodge at Cass. Born at Arbovale July 21, 1928, he was the son of Mrs. Janet Woods Crist, of Arbovale, and the late Estes Crist. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Barbara Slaven Crist, a son, Allen Crist, II, and two daughters, Tamra and Lori Crist, at home; three sisters, Irene Edwards and Peggy Hanshaw, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and June Jonese, of Arbovale; two brothers, Harold Crist, of Arbovale, and Jerry Crist, of London, England. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the United Methodist Church at Arbovale by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Crawfords

Mrs. Shirley Ann Crawford, 30, took her life and those of two of her children, Dawn Elizabeth, 2, and Robert Paul, 6 months, on Thursday, March 21, 1968. The three died from carbon monoxide fumes in their car in the Cranberry Glades area. She is survived by another daughter, Debra Lynn, 9, her parents, Mrs. Ruby Cowgill, of Mill Point, and Louis Varela, of Monongahela, Pennsvlvania; four sisters. Mrs. Opal Fine and Mrs. Leona Marafarlane, both of Monongahela, Mrs. Ruth Burks, of Mill Point, Mrs. Mary R. Kiner, of Marlinton, and three brothers, Lawrence, of Topeka, Washington, Louis N., Jr, of Monongahela, and Robert, of Cambridge, Ohio. Joint services were held Sunday in the Stamping Creek Tabernacle at Mill Point with Rev. Ralph Ross and Rev. Grant Sharp in charge. Burial was in the Sharp Cemetery at Milt Poi^t.

Mrs. S. G. ttoyner

Mrs. Mary Myrtle Coy ner, 90, of Route 2, Waynesboro, Virginia, widow of Samuel Godfrey Coy ner, died Wednesday, December 10, 1969, in a Staunton nursing home. Mrs. Coyner was born at Linwood, in Pocahontas County, November 30, 1879, a daughter of the late Samuel Scott and Annie Showalter Varner. She is survived by two sons, John S. Coyner, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and James V. Coyner, of Middlebrook, Virginia; four daughters. Mrs. T. C. Lipscomb, of Wilmington, Delaware, Mrs. P. R. Knowles, of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. A. E. Hildebrand, of Lyndhurst, Virginia, and Mrs. W. H. Johnson, of Waynes* boro, Virginia; fourteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in Bethanv Lutheran Church of which she was a member,:with burial in the Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery near Crimora. Bo and John Coyner, of Clover Lick, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mr. S. G. Coyner, near Waynesboro, Virginia, Saturday.

Irene Scarbro Cottrell Irene Elizabeth Scarbro Cottrell, 73, of Elkins, died Saturday, September 17, 1994, at Davis Memorial Hospital after cardiac arrest. She was born at Ramsey June 14, 1921, the daughter of the late John E. and Clara E. Ross Scarbro. She was a member of Mount Cannel Baptist Church in Beverly, Mount Cannel Missionary Society of the church, and Elkins-Randolph County Senior Center. Surviving her are her husband, Ronzel L. Cottrell; two sons, John T. Cottrell, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Larry M. Cottrell, of Marlinton; two daughters, Rosalea Lowers, of Parkersburg, Margaret Brown, of Beverly; three brothers, James A. Scarbro, of Charleston, Ivan H. and Meredith L. Scarbro, both of Ansted; two sisters, Mable N. Skaggs, of Melbourne, Florida, Anna May Reese, of Indianapolis; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at John W. Lohr-Barb-Vance Funeral Home in Elkins by the Rev. Frank Collier. Burial was in Restlawn Memorial Gardens, Victor.


John William Croft

John William Croft, prominent Augusta Count farmer and cattleman, many years a resident Swoope, died Wednesday Ma 9, 1962, at 2:40 p. m. in t* King's Daughters' Hospital. 1 had been in failing health sine January and a patient in tf hospital for six weeks. A native of Augusta Count; he was born January 7, .187; a son of the late Samuel J. an iEmma Jane Lee Croft. M Croft had been a member ( the Hebron Presbyteria Church for many years. Surviving are his wife, Mr Max Hoover Croft; three son J. Kemper Croft. Stauntoi French M. Croft, Swoope an Charles K. Croft, at home; or daughter, Mrs. Lewis (Ethe Kellam, Richmond; one br< Ither, Howard Cioft, Doe Hi and one sister Mrs. Lottie Ga land, Staunton; also six granc children. A son, Samuel I Croft preceded him in death i] November, 1960. Funeral service was held Fr tlay afternoon May 11,1962 a the Memorial Chapel of th Fred Henry Funeral Home The service was conducte by his pastor, the Rev. Ray mond F. Kepled. Burial wai n Thorn'ose Censtery. Wrt. Sfiey Channel!

Mrs. Stacy Friel Channel 69, of Dartmoor; died in M< naorial General Hospital i Elkins on Sunday, Februai 26, 1979. She was a former resident < Cass, a daughter of Jom and Alice Ramsey Friel. Hep husband, Edward Chai nell,diedin 1977. Also thre sisters and three brothers pr ceded her in death. She was a Pentecostal faith. Surviving her are thr€ daughters, Mrs. Carol Benneti of Elkins, Mrs. Leon Huffma and Mrs. Betty Simmons, bot of Beiington; one son, Eugen Channel], of Elkins; three sis ter, Mrs. Lena Arbogast, Valley Head, Mrs. June Caa sell. Green Bank; Mrs. Susa Rowan, of Buckbannon; tw brothers, Ura an a Ora Frie both of Ohio; 12 grandchil drenand one great-grandchild Services were held in Run ner Funeral Home Chapel oi Wednesday by Rev. Kennetl Corley with burial in Moun tain State Memorial Garden at Gilman.


Bruce K. Nottingham Bruce Kerr Nottingham, 61, of Durbin, died Friday, August 3, 1973, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins after suffering a heart attack Wednesday. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and attended the Durbin United Methodist Church. Mr. Nottingham was the supervisor of electrical equipment at NARO at Green Bank. £2^> Born at Boyer July 12, 1912, he was a son of the late J. Z. and Jessie Kerr Nottingham. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Julian and Kerth Nottingham. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Wilmoth Nottingham; four daughters, Mrs. Barbara Armstrong, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Nancy Borga, of Easton, Maryland, Mrs. Jane Thompson and Mrs. Carol VanDevander, both of Staunton, Virginia; two sons, Jerry Nottingham, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and Julian Nottingham, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Willa Whanger, of Durbin, Mrs. Mildred Billingsley and Mrs. Kitty Stewart, both of Charleston; one brother, James Nottingham, of Boyer. and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Billie Helmick, ihe Rev. David Rittenhouse md the Rev. Virgil Kover, vith burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. ^^m R7I. Nottingham , ~ R, L. Nottingham, aged(_^4, son of Adam and Henrietta Nottingham, life loDg residents of Pocahontas County, died OD Thursday, March 25, 1948, of a heart attack, in Columbus, Ohio at the home of a daughter, Mrs Arta L. Chappius, with whom he had lived for several years. He is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. Vera L. Haverfield, Mrs. Ruth Hutson, Mrs. Alma N..Jones, and a son, Paul Nottingham, all of Columbus, Ohio; a sister,'Mrs Julia Lnckridge. Pendleton, Oregon; two brothers, Worth Nottingham, of Slarlinton, and Earl Nottingham, Liropasas, Texas; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was loved by all who knew him. especially the children in the neighborhood where he lived iu bis last years. i Funeral services were held in) the Methodist Chureh in Dun-1 •lore, and his body was laid to! •at is the family plot in the Duo iore Cemetery.

Mrs. Cloy Nottingham Mrs. Martha Virginia Galford Nottingham, 62, of Dunmore, died Mondav, October 22, 1973. in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after twenty-two months' illness r f c mcer. The daughter of the late John Allen and Mary Kathryn McLaughlin Galford, she was born May 31, 1911, at Dunmore. She was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church. Surviving her are her husband, Cloy A. Nottingham; two sons, Richard L. Nottingham and Charles Allen Nottingham, both of Dunmore, and one daughter, Mrs. Chares (Carolyn) Sheets, of Fairmont: four brothers, Frank Gal H-d, of Saegertown, Pennsylania, John Galford, of Townilie, Pennsylvania, June R. alford and Paul Galford, both f Dunmore; four sisters, Mrs. laude Dilley, Mrs. Mabel G. Taylor and Mrs. Geraldine Oliver, all of Dunmore, and Mrs. Nel!e Howes, of Fairmont; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. £/ Russell A. Nottingham Russell A. Nottingham, 70, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, formerly of Durbin, died Thursday, August 21,1980, in a New Jersey hospital after a long illness. Surviving are his wife, Clanadaughters, Mrs. Bettie Stuart, of Salisbury Maryland, Mrs. Glendora Stapelton, of Clinton, Maryland, Miss Virginia Lee Nottingham, of Wheaton, Maryland, Mrs. Inis Mitchell, of Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Wanda Erazo, of Falls Church, Virginia, Mrs. Joan Wilkins, of District Heights. Maryland; a son, James A., of Bath, Maine; sisters, Mrs. Clara Herold, of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Wiima LeMaster, of New Jersey, Mrs. Virgie Curry, Mrs. Beulah Moore, Mrs. Leiia Moore, and Mrs. Hazel Sampson, all of Durbin; brothers, Ellis, Forest and Lester, all of Durbin, Gerald of Dundalk, Maryland; 20 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale. Burial was in the family cemetery: near Durbin.

Cloy Nottingham Cloy Nottingham, age 86, of Dunmore, died Sunday night, March 30, 1997, at Pocahontas Personal Care Center in Marlinton, having lived there since January. He was born August 18, 1910, in Pocahontas County, the son of the late Charles E. Nottingham and Cleffie Fitzgerald Nottingham. He was a farmer, a coal miner, and the last place of employment was Inter-State Lumber in Bartow. He was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church and former member of the Farm Bureau. He was preceded in death by his wife, Martha Galford Nottingham, in 1973; one brother, Raymond Nottingham, and one sister, Mrs. Woodrow McClintic (Wilma), and an infant brother. He is survived by two sons, Richard L. Nottingham, of Dunmore, Charles Allen Nottingham, of Dunmore; one daughter, Carolyn Sheets, of Fairmont; a friend, Gladys Moore, of Marlinton, with whom he had made his home for several years; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday, 2, at VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton with the Reverend David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial will be at the Dunmore Cemetery. In lieu of flowers friends may make donations to the Dunmore United Methodist Church, or Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. Ronald Anderson Nottingham; Ronald Anderson Nottingham, of Bartow, and Garland F. Talbert, Jr., 19, of Galax, Virginia, were killed Sunday morning, March 10, 1968, near the intersection of 250 and 28 east of Bartow, when their car hit a tree. Ronald, 17, was employed in Washington, D. C. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nottingham; one sister, Mrs. Geraldine Allen, of Greenbelt, Maryland; two brothers, Warren A. Nottingham, of Bay Lane. New Jersey, and Randall K. Nottingham, at home; his maternal grandfather, Scott Stone, of Boyer, and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Sadie Nottingham, of Durbin, Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. Travis E. Wells, Jr. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

H. Ray Dahmer, of Canton, Ohio, died of a heart at'ack, October 12,1970, while squirrel hunting in Pendleton County. He was born at Cass, May 1922, a son of Gilbert L. and Nola Mae Bennett Dahmer. After graduating from Green Bank High School in 1942, he served in the U. S. Navy. At the time of his death he was employed by Timkin Roller Bearing Company. Survivors include his wife Mrs Victoria Oprinka Dahmer, of Canton, Ohio, one son, Charles Gilbert Dahmer, of Mansfield, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Ruthie Morral, Kernes; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dahmer. of Cass, one brother, Gilbert Dahmer, Jr., of Canton, Ohio; six sisters, Mrs. Martha Livesay. of Staunton. Virginia, Mrs. Pauline Sheets, of Summit Point, Mrs. Beulah Moore, of Marlinron. Mrs. Clara Good, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Mrs. Juanita Filuta, of Painesville, Ohio, and Mrs. Charlotte McCIure, of Turkey, and four grandchildren. - Masonic rites were held Wednesday at the Arnold Fu« neral Home in Canton, Ohio. Funeral services on Thursday with burial in the Sunset Hills Cemetery. Jaroy Bradley Daugherty

Jaroy Bradley Daugherty, 88, of Clover Lick, died in Denmar State Hospital February 15, 1968. Born February 16, 1880, at Clover Lick, he was the-son of Isaac and Rosie Reed Daugherty. He was never married. Surviving him are three sister?, Erfie, Judy and Daisy, and Funeral se*vicfs were held at Smith Funeral home Sunday by the Revs. Carl and Sanford BOSBS, with burial in Daugherty Cemf>trry at Clover Lick, brothers, Richard, William and James. Scott Darnell, aged 67 years, was! Killed in an automobile accident on |



Gilbert L. Dab Cass, died Thursd ber 9, 1978, in Memorial Hospita illness. Born in Pendle February 18,1900 son of the late Mil beth Pitzenbarger Mr. Dahmer wa of the Cass Unite Church and a retj man. He had sf corder to the Towi many years. Survivors inclu Mrs. Nola Mae B mer; six daughters tha Levisay, of S ginia, Mrs. Paulin Kirby, Mrs. Beuls Marlinton, Mrs. Virginia Beach, V Juanita Filuta and lotte McCIure, I gusta, Georgia; o bert, Jr, of Canto Bisters, Mrs. Ella Fairlea and Mrs. nett, of Rone brothers, Austin, i and Resa, of Max en grandchildren great-grandchildri A son, Ray Da! ed him in death 1970. Services were h< in the Cass Unite Church with the ory Lewis officii was in Arbovale ( _ MRS. F. L.

Mrs. Ollie Shar 78 years, wife of I Campbelitown, die December 23, 1955 afternoon the fuae: held from the Methodist, Church Rev. Ezra Bennet ;was laid to rest in at Mountain Grove The deceased w; of the late Marki Jane Sharp. Bes band she is survive Fred, of Valley Ber Chestnut, of Mour


Bruce K. Nottingham Bruce Kerr Nottingham, 61, of Durbin, died Friday, August 3, 1973, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins after suffering a heart attack Wednesday. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and attended the Durbin United Methodist Church. Mr. Nottingham was the supervisor of electrical equipment at NARO at Green Bank. £\s Born at Boyer July 12, 1912, he was a son of the late J. Z. and Jessie Kerr Nottingham. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Julian and Kerth Nottingham. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Wilmoth Nottingham; four daughters, Mrs. Barbara Armstrong, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Nancy Borga, of Easton, Maryland, Mrs. Jane Thompson and Mrs. Carol VanDevander, both of Staunton, Virginia; two sons, Jerry Nottingham, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and Julian Nottingham, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Willa Whanger, of Durbin, Mrs. Mildred Billingsley and Mrs. Kitty Stewart, both of Charleston; one brother, James Nottingham, of Boyer. and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Billie Helmick, the Rev. David Rittenhouse md the Rev. Virgil Kover, vith burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. ^p^ptf K. L Nottingham * li. L. Nottingham, a g c d ^ l , son of Adam and Henrietta Nottingham, life loOjr residents of Pocahontas County." died on Thursday, March 25, 1948, of a heart attack, in Columbus, Ohio at the home of a daughter, Mrs Arta L. Chappius, with whom be had Jived for several years. He is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. Vera L. Haverfield, Mrs. Ruth Hutson, Mrs. Alma N..Jones, and a son, Paul Nottingham, all of Columbus, Ohio; a sister, Mrs Julia L)ckridge, Pendleton, Oregon; two brothers, Worth Nottingham, of Marlinton, and Bar! Nottingham, Lampasas, Texas; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Ho was loved by all who knew bim. especially the children in the neighborhood where he lived iu j Lis last years. Funeral services were held in J the Methodist Church in Dun-j iore,; and his body was laid Io :> the family plot in the Dun ce Cejnetejsk.

Mrs. Cloy Nottingham

Mrs. Martha Virginia Galford Nottingham, 62, of Dunmore, died Mondav, October 22, 1973; in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after twenty-two months' illness c f c xncer. The daughter of the late John Allen and Mary Kathryn McLaughlin Galford, she was born May 31, 1911, at Dunmore. She was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church. Surviving her are her husband, Cloy A. Nottingham; two sons, Richard L. Nottingham and Charles Allen Nottingham, both of Dunmore, and one daughter, Mrs. Chares (Carolyn) Sheets, of Fairnont; four brothers, Frank Gal ird, of Saegertown, Pennsylania, John Galford, of TownHie, Pennsylvania, June R. lalford and Paul Galford, both F Dunmore; four sisters, Mrs. laude Dilley, Mrs. Mabel G. Taylor and Mrs. Geraldine Oliver, all of Dunmore, and Mrs. Nel'e Howes, of Fairmont; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. £/ Rustell A. Nottinthim Russell A. Nottingham, 70, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, formerly of Durbin, died Thursday, August 21,1980, in a New Jersey hospital after a long illness. Surviving are his wife, Clanadaughters, Mrs. Bettie Stuart,' of Salisbury Maryland, Mrs. Glendora Stapelton, of Clinton, Maryland, Miss Virginia Lee Nottingham, of Wheaton, Maryland, Mrs. Inis Mitchell, of Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Wanda Erazo, of Falls Church, Virginia, Mrs. Joan Wilkins, of District Heights. Maryland; a son, James A., of Bath, Maine; sisters, Mrs. Clara Herold, of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Wilma LeMaster, of New Jersey, Mrs. Virgie Curry, Mrs. Beulah Moore, Mrs. Lelia Moore, and Mrs. Hazel Sampson, all of Durbin; brothers, Ellis, Forest and Lester, all of Durbin, Gerald of Dundalk, Maryland; 20 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale. Burial was in the family cemetery near Durbin.

Cloy Nottingham Cloy Nottingham, age 86, of Dunmore, died Sunday night, March 30, 1997, at Pocahontas Personal Care Center in Marlinton, having lived there since January. He was born August 18, 1910, in Pocahontas County, the son of the late Charles E. Nottingham and Cleffie Fitzgerald Nottingham. He was a farmer, a coal miner, and the last place of employment was Inter-State Lumber in Bartow. He was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church and former member of the Farm Bureau. He was preceded in death by his wife, Martha Galford Nottingham, in 1973; one brother, Raymond Nottingham, and one sister, Mrs. Woodrow McClintic (Wilma), and an infant brother. He is survived by two sons, Richard L. Nottingham, of Dunmore, Charles Allen Nottingham, of Dunmore; one daughter, Carolyn Sheets, of Fairmont; a friend, Gladys Moore, of Marlinton, with whom he had made his home for several years; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday, April 2, at VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton with the Reverend David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial will be at the Dunmore Cemetery. In lieu of flowers friends may make donations to the Dunmore United Methodist Church, or Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. Ronald Anderson Nottingham^ Ronald Anderson Nottingham, of Bartow, and Garland F. Talbert, Jr., 19, of Galax, Virginia, were killed Sunday morning, March 10, 1968, near the intersection of 250 and 28 east of Bartow, when their car hit a tree. Ronald, 17, was employed in Washington, D. C. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nottingham; one sister, Mrs. Geraldine Allen, of Greenbelt, Maryland; two brothers, Warren A. Nottingham, of Bay Lane. New Jersey, and Randall K. Nottingham, at home; his maternal grandfather, Scott Stone, of Boyer, and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Sadie Nottingham, of Durbin, Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. Travis E. Wells, Jr. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Ilsboro. Two brothers sisters preceded him in i a devoted Christian ul member of the Marurch of God for a numrs. ;a he preached his own •om day to day as he mg this way the regular srvices were conducted / afternoon, July 7, in ch of God, and burial •uffey Creek Emmanuel t Church Cemetery, one of the first to begin ion of the Church of the teacher of the Adult ass and served in any Lcity where he was needjgh he had no children i he loved and worked ler children and was i "uncle Paul" to them vi!l be missed by all who , both young and old. •t the dead whose lives re r have nobly borne their

Central Union United Methodist Church. ' JJer husband, Ulysses Dean, preceded her in death. Survivors include two sens, Bobby Dean, of Marlinton: and Richard Milton Dean, of Kissimee, Florida; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Pollard, of Califon, New Jersey; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Wil fong, of MaKirton; two brothers, EUett Wilfong, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Reed Wilfong, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Dilley, of Marlinton, Mrs. Grace Carr, of Baltimore. Maryland, and Mrs. May Flippen, of Fort Seybert. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Centra! Union United Methodist Church by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Wilfong Cemetery.

Michael Kevin Dean Michael Kevin Dean died >ry's golden crown they Wednesday, January 10, 1973. Michael was born on January for every faithful heart. 2, 1963, at Mill Point, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. : Carolyn Jean Dean Alfred George Dean, Jr., who reside at Berkeley Springs. arolyn Jean Dean, 19, ore at Marshall UniHe is survived by his pariied Friday, May 20, ents, four brothers, Bradley, Dwayne, Jeffrey, and William, and one sister, Dana; t Marlinton January also his maternal grandmother, lie was a daughter of Mrs. Lilly Rose, and hi< pai Nellie Bright Dean ternal grandparents, Alfred ton. George Dean, Sr., and Ina I was a member of the Dean; on the paternal side he is survived by eight uncles I Methodist Church and five aunts; on the materlinton Chapter No. nal side he is survived by five 3. She was active in uncle and two aunts. t in high school and ition to her parents, Funeral services were conr ived by two brother?, ducted at the Huntersville I Richard Dean, at United Methodist Church by r grandmother, Mrs. the Rev. Ezra Bennett. Gravetrht. side rites were also conducted and his body was laid to services were held rest in the Beaver Creek Cemfternoon in the Maretery. ;hodist Church by the 3 s Kerr. Burial war ountain View Cem-



ward (.rtutn; jveiusun, Usboro. Two brothers sisters preceded him in 3 a devoted Christian ul member of the Marurch of God for a numirs. & he preached his own rom day to day as he mg this way the regular jrvices were conducted y afternoon, July 7, in ch of God, and burial ruffey Creek Emmanuel it Church Cemetery, one of the first to begin tion of the Church of the teacher of the Adult ass and served in any jcity where he was needugh he had no children a he loved and worked her children and was s "uncle Paul" to them will be missed by all who 1, both young and old. ot the dead whose lives tre y have nobly borne their


yvcxa a iiiriiiuer oi i r e

Central Union United Methodist Church. ' Her husband, Ulysses Dean, preceded her in death. Survivors include two sens, Bobby Dean, of Marlinton: and Richard Milton Dean, of Kissimee, Florida; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Pollard, of Califon, New Jersey; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Wil fon^, of MaKinton; two brothers, Ellett Wilfong, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Reed Wilfong, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Dilley, of Marlinton, Mrs. Grace Carr, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. May Flippen, of Fort Seybert. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Centra! Union United Methodist Church by the Rev, Alfred Gum, with burial in the Wilfong Cemetery.

Michael Kevin Dean Michael Kevin Dean died ory's golden crown they Wednesday, January 10, 1973. Michael was born on January 1 for every faithful heart. 2, 1963, at Mill Point, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. >s Carolyn Jean Dean Alfred George Dean, Jr., who reside at Berkeley Springs. Carolyn Jean Dean, 19, lore at Marshall UniHe is survived by his pardied Friday, May 20, ents, four brothers, Bradley, Dwayne, Jeffrey, and WilO I liam, and one sister, Dana; it Marlinton January also his maternal grandmother, she was a daughter of Mrs. Lilly Rose, and hi* paid Nellie Bright Dean i ternal grandparents, Alfred nton. George Dean, Sr., and Ina r n was a member of the Dean; on the paternal side he m Methodist Church is survived by eight uncles rlinton Chapter No. and five aunts; on the materS. She was active in nal side he is survived by five •V in high school and uncle and two aunts. e. Funeral services were condition to her parents, ducted at the Hunteraville vived by two brothers, United Methodist Church by d Richard Dean, at the Rev. Ezra Bennett. Graveer grandmother, Mrs. side rites were also conducted 'ight. and his body was laid to il services were held rest in the Beaver Creek Cemafternoon in the Maretery. ethodist Church by the ies Kerr. Burial war fountain View Cem*9*f)

r «-.l Woodrow Dean

R. L. Davidson Robert Lee Davidson, 75, city treasurer for the City of Buena Vista for 22 years, died Sunday, November. 17, 1963, in a Lexington hospital, after a two year illness. Following re-election two years ago, Davidson suffered a stroke and was confined to his home He served on City Council for a number of years and was active in the Buena Vista Ro'tafy Club, representing the club at several national and international meetings. He , was also a deacon in the Buena Vista Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife;; Mrs. Elsie Slough Davidson;' one daughter, Mrs. Curtis W. Floyd, of Buena Vista, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. . Birdie Eades, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Annie Nokes, of Taveras, Florida; two brothers, John; Davidson, of Provo, Utah, and i D. L. Davidson, . of Buena Vista, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Buena Vista Baptist Church. Burial was in the Green Hill Cemetery. Mr. Davidson visited his sister, Mrs. Birdie Eade?, here quite often before his illness, , and is known by some of the people here.

Leonard Henry Dean Leonard Henry Dean, 51, died Monday, May 4, 1964, at his home in North East, Maryland. (\* He formerly lived in Pocahontas County and had lived in Maryland for 14 years. Mr. Dean was a member of the Dunmore Methodist Church and a used car dealer. Survivors include his wife; Mrs. Liilie Butterba ugh Dean, one daughter, Mrs. Shirley Payne, of North East, Maryland, four sons, Berlyn, Edward, Thomas, and Robert Dean, all of North East, Maryland; his father, Edgar William Dean, of .North East I Maryland, and one stepson. |William B. Sheets, of Front I Royal, Virginia. I, Funeral services will be coni ducted Friday afternoon at I 2.00 p. m. in the Dunmore ^ hodist Church by the Rev. B f W n a s E. Dunlap. Burial 1 Akbe iti the Arbovale Ceme-

Mrs. Beulah H. Dean Paul Woodrow Dean, son of the Mrs. Beulah Hazel Dean. 57, ate Samuel and Minnie Hayes of Marlinton, died WednesDean, was born December 24, day, April 8, 1970, in the 1911, at ! ibelia. He departed T Medcal Center at Morganrom this iife in the Pocahontas town. Death was attributed Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, to injuries received in a carJuly 4, 1961, after an extended tractor trailer accident rear illness. Q / He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grafton about two weeks ago. Born at Marlinton, SeptemLucille Turner Dean; and one ber 16, 1912, she was a daughniece, Linda 1 :ier, at home; ter of Denton and Lula Galtwo brothers, Walter Dear* ~,id Herbert Deai . . nd one sister, ford Wilfong. She was a member of tre Mrs. Howard (Ruth) Kellison, all of Hillsboro. Two brothers Central Union United Methoand two sisters preceded him in dist Church. • death. Her husband, Ulysses Dean, He was a devoted Christian preceded her in death. and faithful member of the MarSurvivors include two sons, linton Church of God for a num- Bobby Dean, of Marlinton; ber of years. and Richard Milton Dean, of Although he preached his own Kissimee, Florida; one daughfuneral from day to day as he ter, Mrs. Mildred Pollard, of passed along this way the regular Califon, New Jersey; her parfuneral services were conducted ents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Wil on Friday afternoon, July 7, in fong, of Marinton; two brothhe Church of God, and burial ers, Eliett Wilfong, of Baltiin the Bruffey Creek Emmanuel more, Maryland, and Reed Wilfong, of Marlinton; three Methodist Church Cemetery. He was one of the first to begin sisters, Mrs. Pearl Dilley, of the erection of the Church of Marlinton, Mrs. Grace Carr, Baltimore, Maryland, and ^od, was the teacher of the Adult, of Mrs. May Flippen, of Fort Bible Class and served in any j other capacity where he was need- . Seybert. d. Altough he had no children Funeral services were held Friof his own he loved and worked I day morning in the Central United Methodist with other children and was Union <nown as "uncle Paul" to them Church by the Rev. Alfred ill. He will be missed by all who Gum, with burial in the Wilf»ng Cemetery. knew him, both young and old. I Mourn not the dead whose lives declare That they have nobly borne thei> Michael Kevin Dean part, Michael Kevin Dean died For victory's golden crown they Wednesday, January 10, 1973. wear, Michael was born on January Reserved for every faithful heart. 2, 1963, at Mill Point, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Carolyn Jean Dean Alfred George Dean, Jr., who reside at Berkeley Springs. Miss Carolyn Jean Dean, 19, a sophomore at Marshall UniHe is survived by his parversity, died Friday, May 20, ents, four brothers, Bradley, 1966. C> 1 Dwayne, Jeffrey, and WilBorn at Marlinton January liam, and one sister, Dana; 8,1947, she was a daughter of also his maternal grandmother, Alvon and Nellie Bright Dean Mrs. Lilly Rose, and hU paternal grandparents, Alfred of Marlinton. George Dean, Sr., and Ina Carolyn was a member of the Dean; on the paternal side he Marlinton Methodist Church is survived by eight uncles and Marlinton Chapter No. and five aunts; on the mater97 0. E. S. She was active in nal side he is survived by five 4-H work in high school and uncle and two aunts. in college. Funeral services were conIn addition to her parents, ducted at the Huntersville she is survived by two brothers, United Methodist Church by John and Richard Dean, at the Rev. Ezra Bennett. Gravehome; her grandmother, Mrs. side rites were also conducted H. K. Bright. and his body was laid to i Funeral services were held rest in the Beaver Creek CemMondav afternoon in the Maretery. linton Methodist Church by the Rev. James Kerr. Burial war gflthe Mountain View Cem-

Charmalea Gibson Dailey Gilbert Daimer H. Ray Dahmer Mrs. Charmalea Gibson Dailey, Gilbert L. Dahmer, 78, ol H. Ray Dahmer, of Canton, 66, of Renick, died Tuesday, Ohio, died of a heart attack, Cass died Thursday, Novem- August 18, 1992, at home after a w q 1978 in Pocahontai October 12,1970, while squirrel hunting in Pendleton County. Memorial Hospital after a long short illness. She was a member of Mount He was born at Cass, May ^Boni in Pendleton County. 1922, a son of Gilbert L. and February 18,1900, he was a Herman United Methodist Church Nola Mae Bennett Dahmer. son of delate Miles and Ehza- and Women of the Church. She was a member of Greenbrier After graduating from Green beth Pitzenbarger Dahmer. County School Employees beth Pitzenbarger U&DUICI. Bank High School in 1942, he . • - n rvtcn Mr. Dahmer was a member A^o^ation^and West Virei served in the U. S. Navy. At fi^ZJ^^lT* the time of his death he was of the Cass United Methodist ^ u i asl ^education S n t at teacher Renick High and employed by Tirakin Roller Church and a reared lumberman. He had served as re •-*- *t Renick High Bearing Company. corder to the Town of Cass for SCM°rls Dailey was born in Survivors include his wife many years. Pocahontas County ^nuary Mrs Victoria Oprinka DahSurvivors include his wife, 1926, the daughter of the late mer, of Canton. Ohio, one son, Mrs. Nola Mae Bennett DahCharles Gilbert Dahmer, of mer; six daughters, Mrs. Mar- Forest and Allie, G i b s o n ^ f ^ Preceding her in deatn wer Mansfield, Ohio; one daughter, tha Levisay, of Staunton, Virthree brothers, ForesEug£ n e , Mrs. Ruthie Morral, Kernes; ginia, Mrs. Pauline Sheets, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kirby, Mrs. Beulah Moore, of Frank Robert, and Harold uaviu L. Dahmer. of Cass, one brothMarlinton, Mrs. Clara Good, er, Gilbert Dahmer, Jr., of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Mrs. Canton, Ohio; six sisters, Mrs. Juanita Filuta and Mrs. CharRamsey, "» Martha Livesay. of Staunton, lotte McClure, both of AuF d GiDson, of Virginia. Mrs. Pauline Sheets, gusta, Georgia; one son, Gilof Summit Point, Mrs. Beulah bert, Jr, of Canton, Ohio; two Gibson, of Marlinton. and Thomas Bisters, Mrs. Ella McFerrin, of Moore, of Marlinton. Mrs. Fairlea and Mrs. Dairy BenClara Good, of Virginia Beach, nett, of Ronceverte; two Virginia, Mrs. Juanita Filuta, in the Mount Herman United of Painesville, Ohio, and Mrs. brothers, Austin, of Frankford, mMethodist Church at Renick. Charlotte McClure. of Turkey, and Resa, of Maxwelton; seven grandchildren and nine and four grandchildren. Buy R. uaum great-grandchildren. Masonic rites were held CA.-V N. DaUon, Sr , age 61 A son, Ray Dahmer precedWednesday at the Arnold Fu« died in the :Pocahontas M< ed him in death in October neral Home in Canton, Ohio. ">nal Hosp tal on Monday Funeral services on Thursday 1970. August 20, 1962, of a heart a with burial in the Sunset Hills Services were held Saturday, tack. Cemetery. in the Cass United Methodist A farmer, he was a memb< Church with the Rev. Gregof the Methodis/Church. Jaroy Bradley Daugherty ory Lewis officiating. Burial He was born in Dugspur, V Jaroy Bradley Daugherty, was in Arbovale Cemetery. ginia, on June 5, 1901, the s< 88, of Clover Lick, died in Denof Mack Dalton, of Sin mar State Hospital February r IRS. F. L. DAVIS- ^ J ^ r U ^ S T l a t e Hei 15, 1968. Mrs. Ollie Sharp Davis, agea W e b b D a lton. Born February 16, 1880, at 78 years, wife of J ^ g f c * Surviving . him Clover Lick, he was the-son Camubelit'iwn, diaa oh Pi - -. h s w,fe, Mrs. J « of Isaac and Rosie Reed Daugh- S r 23, 1955. On Monday ^ h e , arj erty. He was never married. afternoon the funeral service was "ale weo N . D a U o n . Jr., t Surviving him are three sister?, held from the Campbelltown dren. C^uy Okev L. uauuu, Q{ v" --l o l Effie, Judy and Daisy, and Methodist Church by her pastor Ukey _ , _ „ . wELfl Vernon,u Ohio; Sidney Funeral services were held at body ton, of Baltimore Marylai Smith Funeral home Sunday Rev Ezra Bennett. Her Y • Mrs. Mary Farmer \\m n a • v S ' l a i d t o rest in the cemetery nia bv the Revs, Carl and Sanford hago, Nebraska: Mrs. uoi m—. Mountain Grove, Boses, with burial in Daugh- at The aeceaseu w ^ Virginia. ~ ---fdeceased was a^ daughter |Elva § Hill,{ ParkersburgJ of Hillsbofo, * erty Cemetery at Clover Lick, of the late Markus and Nancy bro; hers, Richard, William and Jane Sharp. Besides her hus- Richard Dalton, of £%?* g f^f i she ^survivedI y ^ - g . Arizona; five brothers and James. „ , „Valley _ ^ ^ _ ^Bend, ^ _ band Fred of Walter l s t e r : brea, oi vcoff *Mountain „ o u n t a i n GGrove; hestnut, Edgar Dalton of G!a r o v e ; aa * Scott Darnell, aged 61 years, was QYi^ , e Ryder, of * ""*— Ewve Ryder of i Swanson Dalton. Greenv killed in an automobile accident on H-mghter, Mr 0scar Saturday night, December 23, 1933, nrlcnn"" A h b i i t ' Dalton, Sinks Gro arlinton; 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ near Traveler's Repose, when the grandson, Abbut F o r d ^ ^ ofG,ettDM automobile in which he was riding .yder. of and Benton DaUon, of Pi " ^ n t over the road at a turn and Mrs Davis was a member away; and Mrs. Irma Lenn -struct a tree He suffered a broken the Methodist Church and a o f yvumingtoi neck. The other occupants of the of Wilmington, Christian whose anchor of laitn .brothers andJ Delaware. T car, Sherman Darnell and Gay Utuer. held in time of storm. — a sister are hM in time of storm. ' ceased. were injured. Mr. Darnell is survived Funeral services will be 1 by his wife and a daughter. Thursday afternoon at twe Robert Darnell clock in the Wesley Chi Robert Darnell, 57, son of Lester and Marion Darnell, Methodist Church at Hnlst died February 10, 1978. He ". y the Rev. Owen Lee, v was the grandson of Scott and burial in the Oak Grove ft"—oil of Bartow. mpferv.


Maxine Aliff Mable Maxine Aliff, age 76, of Stafford, Virginia, died Thursday, April 17, 1997, at her home. Mrs. Alifif had lived in Stafford since 1968, when she moved from Marlinton. She was a member of Stafford Church of God and ministered to the people at Brookwood Nursing Home for ten years. Born May 14, 1920, at Cole River, she was the daughter of Burt and Alice Perry Meadows. She was the widow of Troy B. Aliff. Their son, Jack Aliff, is also deceased. Surviving her are a second son, Charles Richard Aliff, of Stafford; four daughters, Patricia Ann McLaughlin, of Marlinton, Alice Ruth Cutlip, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Rosella A. Garretson and Loretta Mann, bom of Stafford; a brother, Jack Meadows, of St. Albans; one sister, Ora Marie Moore, of Arizona; 21 grandchildren, 41 great-grandchildren, and one great-greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Stafford Church of God by the Rev. Dwight D. Aldinger, with burial in Stafford Memorial Park, Stafford. Memoral contributions may be made to Stafford Church of God Building Fund, 309 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22554.

George Price Adkison George Price Adkison, 70, of Bonifay, Florida, formerly of Marlinton and Spencer, died June 16, 1991, at Roane General Hospital in Spencer after a short illness. He was a barber and worked for Chipley Sheriffs Department. He was a Navy and Coast Guard veteran of World War II and a Mason. Mr. Adkison was a native of Pocahontas County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harper Adkison, of Buckeye. Two brothers, Dale and Isaac, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Nelda Adkison; daughters, V iolet MacBride, of Daleville, Alabama, Janet Ridgway, of Elkton, Maryland; son, George David Adkison, of Dothan, Alabama; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Vandale Funeral Home in Spencer by the Rev. Leon Strickland. Burial was in Good Hope Cemetery, near Reedy.

i^un .-iruiamnig

Hamilton, Ohio—Funeral services for Leon Morgan A.rmstrong, aged 26 .years, 644 East Avenue, who. died of third decree burm ivceived in a truck accident, Tuesday, March 4fth, on Chicago's „outh sMc were held [last Saturday at the Brown-PawFuneral Hnrno with Rev. Stanley V> eel, P wa!d Methodist Church offiemtMr. Armstrong was born June 27. 19-25 in Lobelia, West Virgin in. He attended Hillsboro High School until goiny to Hamilton with his parents in 1942. At the time of his death he was employfid by King Brothers Trucking Comj.aiTy. Ho leaves his wife Lillian, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armsirong, one brother Lake A m g, one sister Mrs Rejrina Ashcraft, end his grandmother Vlrs Rena Townserd, all of Hamilton, and a host of frie:ids.

Dottie C. Agner Dottie C. Agner died June 12, 1991, at The Springs Nursing Home where she had been a resident for two months. Mrs. Agner was the daughter of the late Claude and Virginia Carpenter, of Marlinton. She was born on June 14, 1930, in Marlinton. She attended the Pentecostal Holiness Church and was a member of the Warm Springs Presbyterian Women's Circle. Surviving her are one son, Ham Agner, of Covington, Virginia; a daughter, June Baker, of Webster Springs; two stepdaughters, Jane Carpenter a n i Linda Taylor, both of Warm Springs; and two very close friends, Charlotte Jenkins and Booboo Hansford, both of Warm Springs; two grandchildren, Chadwin Agner and Marzolla Baker; two step-grandchildren, Chris Carpenter and Becky Nuchols; four sisters, Alice Mongold, of Dorcas, Zoe Sullivan, of Ansted, Carla May, of Marlinton, and Jo Sydenstricker, of Millboro Springs, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hamilton Agner, and sisters, Bonnie C. Clendenin and Anna Lee C. Hammer. Services were held at 2:00 Friday afternoon at the McLaughlin Funeral Home in Warm Springs by the Rev. John Haymaker, assisted by the Rev. Frankie Neff. Burial was in Warm Springs Cemetery. ,7 , rTS f JL I \ )

Jackson Leon Armstrong H amilton, Ohio—Funeral ser-i /ices were conducted from the! >rown Dawson Funeral Home on; Puesday morning, at 10 o'clock, : for Jackson Leon Armstrong, age 39, 749 Park Avenue, who was struck by a freight train earl/ Saturday morning. Born in Benwood, West Virgina, on January 29, 1896, he was inited in marriage to Miss Pearl ^rownsend, of Lobelia, on January 24, 1920. He was a resident )f Pocahontas County for many years, during which time he was very active in the Lobelia Oddfellow Lodge. ft} .£ /.* He came to Hamilton in 1912 and since that time has been an employee of the B. & O. Rail•oad; his present position being yard foreman. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Pearl Armstrong; one daugh; xsst, Mrs. Regina Ashcraft; one ^on, Lake Armstroug, and three grandchildren, all of Hamilton. He was preceded in death by a son, Leon, in 1952. Charles Woodrow Adkison

Steff Sergeant Charles Woodrow Adkison died Friday, January 6, 1961, at Lackland Air Force Base Hospital, San A n t o n i o , Texas. A son of the late Fannie Williamson Adkison and Thrasher Adkison, of Huntersville. he was born a t Hillsboro on November 2, 1922. He attended school in Pocahontas County, stopping in his sophomore year at Marlinton High School to care for his father. He completed his high school work by mail and received his diploma. On December 28, 1941, he entered the Army Air Force and made it his career. When he be-

HLLED::' ACTION Mrs John Alderman has receiven notification b.y the Army that her husband, Sergeant John Alderman, aged 24 years was killed j n a c t j o n u Africa on December 16, 1942. Sergesot Alderman was the eon of Warwick Alderj j e n a ( j - i j e e n ; n t n e Army mnn n e e r ] y two years. F. LlDavis Funeral servic ;s for F. L. Daj v j s > 0 f Campbel town, who died • Tuesday, Januaiy 26, 1960 were held Friday, Jai uary 29*-4n the Smith Funeral H ame by the Rev. Ezra Bennett, purial was made a t Mou n t a i n Grdve, Virginia.

mi>. •unit ii^uMi*


Brooks D. Davis, 67, of urbin, died Sunday, Februy 6, 1983, near his borne of a art attack. Born March 5, 1915, at hitmer, he was the son of ayton and Austin Sites DavMr. DavV was a lifelong lident of Durbin and a reed employee of the Westi Maryland Railway. He was preceded in death by sister, Beuna Dowers. Survivors include his wife, eda; seven daughters, Julia hanger, Richmond, Virginia, ra. Terry (Jane) DeHaven, rs. Michael (Margaret) hite, Mrs. James (Belinda; ennett and Rebecca Davit, I of Frank, Mrs. James •ouise) Riley and Mrs. Ron! (Carolyn) Cole, both of bo vale; a brother, Robert ck Davis, of Fairmont and grandchildren. Services w?re aefJ Wedsday at II a. m. at the illace & Wallace Funeral >me in A r b o v a l e with iv. Gary Reynolds officiat[. Burial was in Arbovale 'metery.


Esther Snook Davis, oU, of 621 Valley View Street, Morgantown, died Wednes day, September 16, 1970, at her residence following an extended illness. Born at Fort Madison, Iowa, October 26, 1909, she was a daughter of the late Ernest R. and Anna Jones Snook. Mrs. Davis was a member of the First United Methodist Church. She was also a member of the Marlinton Chapter 97. Order of Eastern Star and Ladies Oriental Shrine-Isis of North America, Incorporated, Morgan town. Survivors include her husband. Dr. John B. Davis, a professor at University Dental School; one daughter. Mrs. Joan Davis Thompson, of Augsburg, Germany; one granddaughter, Christine Lee Thompson, at home; two sisters, Mrs. John H. Fowell, of Rochester, New York and Mrs. Robert H. Colwell, of Palm Bay, Florida. Funeral services and burial were held in Clarksburg on Friday. The Davis' are former residents of Marlinton.

umer uavis Omer E. Davis, 74, of Frank, died Monday, August 27,1973, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. He was a retired employe of the Howes Leather Company and had lived most of his life in Pocahontas County. Survivors include his wife, Flossie C. Davis; three daughters, Mrs. Bertha Davis, of Durbin, Mrs. Katherire Morris of Lancaster. Pennsylvania, and Mrs Virginia Hoover, of of Frank, four sons, James, of Frank, Omer, of Moorefield, Delton, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Fred, Seattle, Washington, two sisters, Mrs. Elvie Sharp and Mrs. Ilcne Sharp, both of Marlinton, five brothers, Elmer, of Glady, Vern, of Valley Head, Denver, of Mount Clair, North Carolina, and Ronald and Aubrey, both of Baltimore, Maryland, 27 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren. Services will be at 2 p. m. Thursday at Frank Church of Nazarene with Rev. Donald B. Beha and Rev. David Rittenhousein charge. I reeks D. Davit

Clarence K. Davis Clarence R. Davis, 64, of ickeye, died at the Veteranss iministration Hospital at utinsburg on Monday, December 1987, after a few months' »ess. Mr. Davis had been a barber in jrlinton for 29 years. He mded the Marlinton Presbyterian urch, was a veteran and member the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The son of Robert and Lucy inces Beverage Davis, he was •n near Marlinton November 24, 13. Three brothers preceded him in ith, Page, Lawrence and Carl vis. Surviving him are his wife, idys I. Beverage Davis; a son, v. Clarence R. Davis, Jr., of nchester, Virginia; a nddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth; a :er, Blanche Waugh, and two thers, Leo and Floyd Davis, all vtarlinton. Services will be held at 2:00 p. Thursday, at VanReenen eral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in untain View Cemetery.

W. L. Davis i,%, of William Lloyd Davis,^2, Marlinton, died Sunday, January 16, 1966, in the Huffer Nursing Home in Staunton, Virginia, after a long illness. Mr. Davis was a past Elder and Sunday School Superintendent in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and was associated with People's Store and Supply Company for many years. He was born July 22, 1883, in Franklin, the son of James Ottabine and Mary Virginia Stauffer Davis. He was preceded in dea^h by his first wife, Mrs. Annie Brill Davis, in November, 1930. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Margaret L. Davis, one laughter, Mrs. Grace Bosweli, of Marlinton; two sons, Jimes Layman Davis, of Marlinton, and Dr. Allen Reed Davis, of Montgomery; six, grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Tola Harper, of Mouth of Seneca. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Fred W. Walker, assisted by the Rev. Denver Lively with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Brooks D. Davis, 67, of Durbin, died Sunday, February 6,1983, near his home of a heart attack. . Born March 5, 1915, at Whitmer, he was the son of Dayton and Austie Sites Davis.

Au»U« Silts Davis

Mrs. Austie Site Davii. 84, of Elkins, died Sunday, Janu ary 25, 1981, in NeJla's Nursing home, Inc. , Born on January 2, 1897, near Onego, she was the daughter of the late Simeon H, and Eliza Miley Sites. She was the widow of Dayton A. Davis. She is survived by two sons, Brooks D, Davis, Durbin and Robert i. Davis, Fairmont; one brother, Fred E. Sites, Elkins; one sister, Mrs. Eata Long, Harrisonburg, Virginia; 11 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Service and burial in Elkins. On Friday forenoon, June 24, 1933, the community of Marlinton was deeply stirred by the news of the drowning of John Davis, Jr., aged 18 months, the son of Dr. and Mrs. John Davis. The little boy's body was found in the fish pond in the yard of j a neighbor, Fred McLaughlin, after ' Mrs Davis discovered he was missing ' from the yard. Death resulted from ' i broken neck received in the fall. John was a bright and beautiful child. The deepest sympathy is felt for the young parents. On Saturday afternoon a short service was held at the home, led by Rev. O. N. Miles. The little body body was then taken to Clarksburg for burial in the family plot in Elkview Masonic Cemetery. Among the friends from Marlinton sending the funeral in Clarksburg were C. C. Smith, Fred Wilson. Fred • cLaughlin, Ben Hiner, Richard t'urrence and Kerth Nottingham.


;JRS. F. L. DAYLS Mrs. Ollie 5 h a r P D a v i s > . a < H 73 years, wife of F-, L - ^ a J i s , Oi Campbell town, died 0,1 £ r * W December 23, 1955. On Monuu.> afternoon the funeral service was held from the Campbeiltown Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. Ezra Bennett. Her body, was laid to rest in I he cemetery i at Mountain Grove, Virginia. The deceased was a daughter j of the late Markus and Nancy; Jane Sharp. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Fred, of Valley Bend, and Walter Chestnut, of Mountain Grove; a daughter, Mrs. Dave Ryder, of rlinton; a grandson, Abbitt 'Ryder Mrs. Davis was a member of the Methodist Church and a Chris'inn whose anchor of faith held iii time of storm.

£ £ Jfteby Davis Baby Deyfen Alan Davis died at premature birth Thursday, October 5, 1995, at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. The parents are Ricky Wayne and Kimberly Dawn Shinaberry Davis, of Marlinton. Also surviving are a brother, Tyler Wayne Davis, at home; maternal grandparents, 4jtfay^jyid_j£arhaia Sshinaberry, of Marlinton, and greaT^gTandmother, Norma Reed, of Huntersville; paternal grandparents, Denver and Dorothy Davis, of Marion, North Carolina, and great-grandmother, Daisie B u^zai^ref^ifcrrthvon. : services were held in tr|e Cochran Cemetery at 6 p. m. i Rev. David

Mary Crystal H. Davis Mary Crystal Houchin Davis, age 78, of South Charleston, died on February 24, 1997, in General Division of CAMC after a long illness. She was a bookkeeper and a 40 year resident of South Charleston. Preceding her in death were her husband, Lowell Davis, and her parents, Elmer and Mattie Houchin, of Back Mountain and South Charleston. Survivors include two daughters, Ann Gardner, of Marietta, Georgia; Jane Davis, of North Fort Myers, Florida; sisters, Dolly Milam, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Ruby Phillips, of Berryville, Virginia; and one brother, Tom Houchin, of Summersville; two grandchildren.

Mrs. Minnie Darnel! [ ^ Mrs. Minnie Darnell, age 84, died in a Los Angeles Hospital, in Los Angeles, California, on Wednesday, September 7, 1966 i She was the widow of W. S. I (Scott) Darnell, of Bartow, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Darnell moved to California in 1938. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Carter, of Sherman Oaks, California, one son, Lester Darnell, of Camden, New Jersey, four grandchildren, four great- grandchildren and twogreat-great-grar.d children. Burial was in a Los Angeles Cemetery.

mm John Davis John Davis, 20, of Hillsboro died a t the Medical Center at Morgantown Saturday, March 5, 1966, after a year's illness. ' He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Davis. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Hill Chapel at Jacox by the Rev. Arthur J. Fait with burial at the church cemetery. Dr. S. P. Davidson

A !n Phu rch " ' T h e deceased native of North Carolina. «£r manv vears he was a resident ? i w h n n t a s County. He is survived b.v bis sister, Mrs. Manl n^ff nf FJkins.

Dr. S. P . Davidson, 53, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, July. 17, 1968, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the First Baptist Church at Gate City, Virginia, and was a veteran of World War II. He came from Gate City, Virginia, and opened a clinic at Green Bank. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Evelyn Marie Davidson; ririe"daughter," Bell" Davidson^ a t h o m e * t w 0 s o n s , Dane and Scottie Davidson, at home; two s j s t e r S j M r s . Elizabeth Bobier, and Mrs. Mary f California Dotson, of Jacksonville, Flor-



Andrew Sherman Darnell L e w i s b u r g - Andrew Sherman Darnell, aged,86.years died at tbe home of his niece, M M . John iSovember lit, is» l ?u








^^^^^^^^^^^^mmmmmm KILLING IN RUDOLPH Thomas Daniels, a constable of 5lkins was shot and killed at Valley Head, on Friday, Airu*t 23, by a woman named Pea ji. / Greene. The ciliesr had arrested IVuner Ryder for breaking Jill, and as hs was putting the handcuffs on his prisoner, the iwoman shot him d.*n with a high powered rifle. Ryder and the woman made off to tha, mountains, but she came in and gave herself up on SanI day and Ryder was arrested at Mace Monday morning by Slate Constable ; | Rite.


one brother) Robert

Davidson, of Aurora, Illinois. Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Liber-' ty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank. Burial was in Cumberland, Kentucky. ••••

VH3UC* r a i u m u s ;

Charles Patrick Day, 76, of en Burnie, Maryland, forjrly of Pocahontas County, ed Tuesday, January 8,1980, North Arundel Hospital, len Burnie, Maryland, after long illness. He was a member of Fernile United Methodist Church. Before retiring in 1966, Mr. ay worked for two years as a stodian for the Anne Arun1 school system. He also )rked as a carpenter for a imber of contractors after oving to Glen Burnie. A native of Horton, he serv i in the Army from 1919 unil 1929 and «as {.rcud of his emberihip in the honor guard r the burial of the first unlown soldier at Arlington ational Cemetery. (^__^. A member of the Civilian jnservation Corps during the spression, be worked at ranis jobs in West Virginia for hat is now the Western Marynd Railway from the late »30s until 1956. In 1952 he was elected Mayof Durbin by a write-in vote id held the post for two years. Surviving are his wife, Marrie; daughters, Mrs. Consince Kallay, Miss Donna ay, Mrs. Diane Pedrick, Mrs. isan Forst; 3ons, Ralph E. mes P., Charles P., Jr. Robt G; 15 grandchildren; three eat-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. iturday in Durbin United ethodist Church. Burial is in Arbovale Cemetery.

53 years, died at his home on Friday, July 13. 1956, of a heart attack. On Sunday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. The service was held from the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Collier S. Harvey, Jr., officiating. He was the son of William Dan iels, now of Huntington, and the late Nannie Simmons Daniels. He married Portia Frances Sharp, who preceded him in death several years since. To this union was born Mrs Margaret Garrett, of Baltimare, Maryland; also twin sons who died in infancy. Later Mr Daniels married Lottie Lillian Taylor, who survives. Their children are—Mrs. Naomi Sue Small and Mrs Doris Keeney, both of Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs I Maxine Williamson, o f Beard, and Thomas, Junior, at home. He |is also survived by nine grand children; his father, and his broth er, Robert Daniels, of Marlinton. 1 He was preceded in death by a l.ttle daughter, Lottie Jean, and a sister, Mrs Grace Moore. Mr Daniels was a veteran of World War I. He was a member and served as a deacon in the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church. Passed on, beyenl our morta 1 vision, But now the thought is robbed of gloom; Within the Fathei 's many mansions S.ill dwelling in another room. The one whose g ing left us lonely Is s a injc heights undreamed of yore, And guided on by Love's unfolding, s gjna upstairs and shut ih-j door.

Dr. S. P. Davidson • Dr. S. P. Davidson, 53, of keen Bank, died Wednesday, uly 17, 1968, in an Elkins ospital after a long illness. He was a member of the first Baptist Church at Gate }ity, Virginia, and was a vetran of World War II. He came from Gate City, /irginia, and opened a clinic t Green Bank. Survivors include his widow, vlrs. Evelyn Marie Davidson; ne daughter, Bell Davidson, t home; two sons, Dane and icottie Davidson, at home; two isters, Mrs. Elizabeth Bobier, >f California, and Mrs. Mary )otson, of Jacksonville, Floria, and one brother, Robert )avidson, of Aurora, Illinois. Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Libery Presbyterian Church at Jreen Bank. Burial was in Cumberland, Kentucky.

Richard Thomas Daugherty, 58, of Clover Lick, died Sunday, July 11, 1982, from a heart attack. He had suffered from a heart condition for three years, Mr. Daugherty, a veteran of World War II, was an employee of the Department of Natural Resources and a member of the Methodist Church. He was born at Clover Lick on May 16, 1924, the son of Isaac and Rosie Daugherty. Surviving him are his wife, Annie J. Daugherty; two daughters, Myrtle Tyson, Covington, Virginia, and Phyllis Daugherty, Marlinton; four sons, Phillip, Charleston, Joseph, Thomas R. and Robert W. Daugherty, all of Marlinton; 12 grandchildren; and a brother, William Daugherty, of Sweet Springs. Services were held Wednesday, at 2 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Sanford Boggs, with burial in the Daugherty Cemetery at Clover Lick. George Darnell ^ George Washington Darnell, 72, of Marlinton, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Monday, July 9, 1962, after an illness of three months. A carpenter, he was a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was born in Mountain Grove, Virginia, May 23, 1890 the son of the late John anc Elsie Auldridge Darnell. Survivors include his wife, Carrie Elizabeth Darnell; sis sons, John Darnell of Indianapolis, Indiana; Staff Sergeant James F. Darnell, stationed ir the Panama Canal Zone, Panama, with the Air Force; SFC Lonnie L. Darnell, with the Army at Fort Detrick, Mary jland; George Darnell, Jr., o I Warren, Ohio; Joe R. Darnell jS. N., B. D„ United States Na i vy, Cannes, France; and-Gen( ' E. Darnell of Buena Vista, Colorado; four daughters, Mrs. Alvirgia Simmons of Point Arena, California; Mrs. Gharles Bancroft of Sissonville; Mrs. Paul |E. Gaydosh of Warren, Ohio; and LindaSue Darnell, at home; two sisters, Lizzie and Winnie Cochran; twenty-four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, f

Mrs. Bernie J. Dunkele Mrs. Virginia Irvine Dunkele, 56, of Huntington, formerly of Hillsbrro, died Monday, May 22, 1967, in a Huntington hospital. Death was attributed to cancer. Born at Seebert, July 19, 1903, she was the daughter of Mrs. Grace Irvine and the late W. M. Irvine. She was a member of the Highlawn Presbyterian Church in Huntington, and was a laboratory technician. Survivors include her husband, Bernie J. Dunkele; her mother, Mrs. Grace Irvire, and one sister, Mis. Rachael Taylor, all of Huntington. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at The funeral was conducted Hillsboro by the Rev. Harry Wednesday afternoon in the Painter, with burial in the Mc- Marlinton Church the NazNeel Cemetery near Hillsboro. arene by the Rev. ofJames 0. Suank, Jr., with buria! in Mountain View Cemeterv.

Mrs. liana c. Uean Rinea uean Mrs. Lillian H. Deane Mrs. Dana-B. Dean was born' Alfred George Dean, 83, Funeral services for Mrs. June 20, 1869, at Burr's Valley, I died from a heart attack at his Lillian H. Dean?. 58, Fayetteand departed this life on Septem- home on Pyles Mountain near 7ille. North Carolina, who ber 11, 1960, at the age of 91 Huntersville early Monday, lied Monday. April 17, 1967, September 17, 1973. years, 2 months and 22 days. were held Wednesday. April 19, Mr. Dean was a retired at 2 p. m. at McPherson Pres-1 She was the daughter of the late George and Margaret Ryder,, farmer, mail carrier, and U. S. byterian Church bv the Rev. and was united in marriage to j Forest Service employee and a Charles Kirkpatrick, pastor. David Thomas Dean. To this! member of the Beaver Creek Burial was in Lafayette Meunion were born two children, j United Methodist Church and morial Park. of thel.O.O.F. Alfred and Silas, A native of West Virginia, She was preceded in death by- Born at Burr Valley Febru- Mrs. Dean has resided in ary 24, 1890, he was a son of her husband, in 1932, and her: North Carolina for the past son, Silas, who was a World War the late David T. and Dana 17 years. 1 Veteran, in 1919; also two sis- Ryder Dean. She is survived by her husOne brother, Silas Dean, ters, Mrs. Su-an Lee and Mrs. band, Atwell S. Deane; two Harriett Dunbrack, and two bro- preceded him in death. thers, Wash Ryder and Stewart He is survived by his wife, daughters, Mrs. Harry (Linda i Ryder. Mrs. Ina C. Smith Dean; and Kay) Sherbondy, of Oakdale, children: Delena Pennsylvania, and Miss ZetSurviving her are one son, Al- i fourteen Dunn, of Buckeye; Vernon tie Bernice Deane. at home; fred G. Dean, of Hunteersville; 14 two sons, Richard G., of Rose grandchildren, and 28 great-grand Dean, of Watoga State Park; boro, North Carolina, and Alta Holbrook, of New Manchildren, and a host of relatives chester; Raymond Dean, of Hugh W., of Fayetteville, and and friends. three grandchildren. Mrs. Dean was a life-long mem - Akron, Ohio; Elsie Tacy, of Ako surviving are her mothI ber of the Beaver Creek Metho- Marlinton; Hubert Dean, of er, Mrs Rachel Hefner, of dist Church, and was an out- Huntington; Leonard Dean, of West Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Ridge Crest, Louisiana; Sumstanding citizen in her commnnity. Hubert (Hattie) VanReenen, She will be sadly missed by all mers Dean, of Lucasville, Ohio; of Beard; two brothers; Hugh Winters Dean, of Leivasy; who knew her and loved her. M. Hefner, of Lewisburg, and Ezra Dean, New Cumberland; The funeral was held at thei F. Frank Hefner, of CharlesYtarlinton Presbyterian Church.' Grace Combs, of Huntington; ton. Alfred G. Dean, Jr.. of Berkeon Thursday afternoon, by the, Mrs. Deane was an active Rev. Bernard H. Skeens. Her ley Springs; Gay Field", New member of the McPherson Cumberland; Elmer Dean, of grandsons were pallbearers and Church. Largo, Florida; fifty grandher granddaughters were floweri girls. Burial was made in the children and fourteen greatgrandchildren. Beaver Creek Cemetery. usu narnson Dean Services will be held ThursLeo Harrison Dean was bom day afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in Mrs. Pearl Elizabeth Dean Tuly 28, 1941, at Hillsboro, the Huntersville United MethMrs. Pearl Elizabeth Dean, odist Church by the Rev. Ezra and passed awav on Wednesage 62 years, of North East. Bennett and the Rev. Sher- iay, December 22, 1965, at the Maryland, was born February 14. man Markley with Oddfellow University Hospital in Mor1894, and departed this life on services and burial at Beaver •jantown. He was 24 years old February 13, 1959, in the Elkton He was a member of the Creek Cemetery. Union Hospital, Elkton, MaryWest View Christian Church land. She was a daughter of the Mrs- Maggie J. Dean it Caesar Mountain. late Luther R. and Maggie Shue Mrs. Maggie Good Dean, aged His father, Herbert Dean, Cutlip, of Droop Mountain, Po74 years, of Beard, died at the preceded him in death. cahontas County. of her sister, Miss Anna Survivors include his mother, In 1910 she was united in mar- home Good, on Tuesday, March 15, Mrs. Mary Dean, of Hillsboro: riage to Edgar W. Dean, who sur- 1955. On afternoon three sisters, Mrs. Jerilene Puf vives. Also surviving are four the funeral Thursday was held from Mt. fenbarger, of Seebert; Mrs. sons and four daughters: Leonard, Zion Methodist Church on Droop Ray, Cecil and Doyle Dean, Mountain by Rev. T. G. Alder- Wanda Levridge, of Elkton, all of North East, Maryland; «*J man and Rev. Calvin Lewis. Maryland, and Miss Shirley Mrs. Neva Beamer and Mrs. Her body was laid to rest in the Oean, of Hillsboro; sever brothers, Bobby, Larry, JohnHazel Smith, of Elkton, Maryny and Burlan Dean, all at land; Mrs. Nellie Mottesheard, of Whiting Cemetery. home; Eugene and Ronni< The deceased was a daughter Staunton, Virginia, and Mrs. Lula Neel, of Charlestown, Maryland; of the late Samuel and Susan 1 Oean, both of Hatfield, Penna sister, Mrs. Fannie Cutlip, of Shue Good. Her brother is Wil- ylvania, and Albert Dean, of Green Bank 33 grandchildren and liam K. Good, of Green Bank, W t h East, Maryland. He » 14 great-grandchildren. One son, and her sister Miss Anna K. also survived by several aunts, 'Summers, preceded her in death. Good, of Beard. She became the incles and cousins. of A'bcrL M. Dean, who preFuneral services were held The deceased wss a member wife ceded her some years since. They Sunday afternoon, December of the Fate Tabernacle and lived are survived by their son Clin- 26. at the Emmanuel Methoa devoted christian unto death. ton H. Dean, of Beard. dist Church on Bruffeys Creek Funeral services were conductMrs. Dean was a professing by the Rev. Victor Tenney. ed in the Old Droop Churcrv-oh Sunday afternoon by the -Rev. consistent ehristain, a member of Burial was in the church cemT. G. Alderman. Burial was in the Methodist Church. She we s •tery. the church cemetery by Wallace going to sea her loved ones who had gone before, and she would and Wallace Funeral Directors.

uuy L . uean

GuvE. Dean, 73, of Lobelia, died Monday, May 15, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a long illness. BorntOctober 27, 1893, at Hillsboro, he was a son of the late George and Nancy Morrison Dean. He was a member of the Lobelia Methodist Church and a farmer. On December 23, 1914, he was married to Edith M. Alderman, daughter of the late George F. and Nevada S. Alderman. Survivors include his wife, Edith; a son, Lee, of Hillsboro; five daughters, Mrs. Lena McClintic, of Trout, Mrs. Opal Walton, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Gladys Cornelius, of Stillpond, Maryland, Mrs. Verlie Christian, of Renick, Mrs. Naomi Morrison, of Whitehall Maryland; three brothers, Edgar and Clyde, both of Elkton. Maryland, and Grady, of Berkley; two half brothers, Foster and Lodge, both of New Cumberland: and three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Alderman, of Huntersville, Mrs. Stella Arnold, of Nokesville and Mrs. Blanche Clutter, of Eagle Rock, Virginia; two half sisters, Martha, of Frankford, and Anna Bell, 15 grandchildren and 4 greatren and 2 steppn. He was preced )y a son, Harlan, forld War II, and a iter, Frances.service^ were held ta JBflHiodist Church fsdfy by the Burial was 'emetery at LobeLarry Daniel Dean

Larry Daniel Dean, 24, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, July 7, 1979, of asphyxiation. Mr. Dean was a mechanic. Born July 15, 195 4, he was BBon of Mrs. Mary Brock Dean, of Hillsboro and the late Herbert Dean. A brother, Leo, preceded him in death. Other survivors, in addition to his mother, include six brothers, Burlan, of Renick, Albert, of Elkton, Maryland, Eugene, Ronnie, and Bobby, all of Hillsboro, Johnnie, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Hubert Puffenbarger, Miss Shirley Dean, both of Hillsboro and Mrs. Wanda Leveridge, of E lkton, Maryland. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m., at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Leonard Arnold. Burial was in Emmanuel Cemetery.

Mrs- Maggie J. Dean Mrs. Maggie Good Dean, aged 74 years, of Beard, died at the home of her sister, Miss Anna Good, on Tuesday, March 15, 1955. On Thursday afternoon the funeral was held from Mt. Zion Methodist Church on Droop Mountain by Rev. T. G. Alderman and Rev. Calvin Lewis. Her body was laid to rest in the Whiting Cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of the late Samuel and Susan Shue Good. Her brother is William K. Good, of Green Bank, and her sister Miss Anna K. Good, of Beard. She became the wife of AlbarL M. Dean, who pr3ceded her some years since. They are survived by their son Clinton H. Dean, of Beard. Mrs. Dean was a professing consistent christain, a member of the Methodist Church. She was gDing to sea her loved ones who had gone before, and she would be looking for loved ones to follow. Frrderick W. Dean

, Frederick W. Dean, 72, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Saturday, March 14,1959, in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after a long illness. He formerly lived in Marlinton and was a mail carrier beU\.jn here and Ronceverte. He was a member of the Methlodist Church, I Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. j Audrey Dean; two brothers, Doc : Dean of Sheraton, Iowa, and Sam,uel Dean of Lobelia and one sis;ter, Mrs. Nettie Tinker of Branson, Missouri. Services were held Wednesday at the Mount Olivet Methodist Church on Droop- Mountain by the Rev Calvin Lewis tvi

I?n ins vyBitjng Ceznrtiry James Craig Dean

James Craig Dean, two months, infant son of Miss Shirley Dean, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was born on Tuesday, August 15, 1961, and departed this life on Monday, October 23,196i. Besides his mother, he is survived by one sister, Mel'.da Kay, and the maternal gra parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dean, of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the BrufFeys Creek Emmanuel Church and burial was in the church cemetery. A precious one from us has gone A smile we loved so well A place is vacant in our heart Which only Jimmy could fill.

Ulysses Grant Dean


Ulysses Grant Dean, 57, of Spotswood, New Jersey, died Saturday, July 18, 1934, following a heart attack while visiting relatives in Marlinton. Born at Huntersville, January 29, 1907, he was the son of the late David and Lucy Dean. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Beulah H. Dean; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred E Pollard, of Califon, New Jersey; two sons, Robert L. D.-an, of Marlinton, and Richard M. Dean, of South River, New! Jersey; two brothers, Harry I Dean, of Huntersville and Alvon Dean, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Mrs. Edith Cain, of Stony Bottom and Mrs. Iris Kearns, of Havre de Grace, Maryland. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Central Union Methodist Church by the Rev. Clarence Pierson. Burial was in the Wilfong Cemetery. Maymi" Byrd Dean Mrs. Maymie Byrd Dea;j. aged 50 years, wife of J. D. Dean of Huntersville, died on Friday, October 6, 1950. On Sunday afternooD the funeral .^.vice was held from Liberty Church at Green Bank, by Rev. Graham Keyes and Rev. Rev. Q. R. Arbogast. Interment in Arbovale cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of Walter D. and Dora A. Byrd of Cass. She was born at Mt. Grove. The deceased is survived by her husband, her parents, a sister, Mrs. Alice Smith and three broth ers' Ray, Clyde and Boyd Byrd, all of Huntersville. David C- Dean


David K). Dean, aged 63 years, I died at his home near Marlinton J1 of a heart attack on Wednesday, January 22, 1947. On Friday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the Wilfong family cemetery, the funeral being held from Central Union Church by his pastor, Rev. J. W. Holliday.' The deceased was a son of the late Isaac P. and Rebecca Burr Dean. He was twice married, first to Miss Lucy Alderman. They are survived by their three sons, Ulysses, Alvin and Harry. His second wife was Miss Norma Hines. They are survived by their two daughters, Mrs. Mary Cain, of Cass, and Mrs. Iris Keirn, of Havre de Grace, Mary iancl.

»iia,rv/tuu line

ilus ii. Uean DcaD, aged 65 y " a r s , of I Creek, died iit the ic oi his son, Alonzo, in Mar' on on T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r t, 1943, following a s t r o k e of paralysis. On S a t u r d a y his body was laid to rest a t M a y s Chapel on A n t h o n y s Creek, T h e deceased was a son of the iatc Isaac and Rebecca B u r r Dean. His b r o t h e r s a r e F o r r e s t , Cecil and J a m e s and his sister is Miss Blanche Dean. Mr Dean married Miss M a r t h a J. Sevcy, who pieceded him six years ago. T h e i r children a r e •V'onzo and Glen Dean and M r s Ira K i n g . Mrs. Dana B. Dean Mrs. D a n a B D e a n , at?e 9 1 years, died S u n d a y n i g h t , S e p ras Memorial H o s p i t a l i « £ T J , u n e 2 0 » 1869, a t H u n t I ft I i V ShZ W a s t h e d a L " e h t e r of Sm,>J a Ryder. w e , G e ° r g e a n d Margaret smith. Ti^raJ-Tvices I h u r s d a y afternoon


b e Jield a t 1:30 a t

;BeTve"eSkkeen'Wlthburial0R Jacob David Dean Q) ) Jacob David Dean, 73, formerly of Green Bank, died on Thursday, August 8, 1963, in Jacksonville, Florida. His wife, Mamie Byrd Dean, died about 1950. There were no children. Services were held at the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank Monday by Edward Wilson with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mis Martha J . ' D 1( r e d GO years wife of Ellis BM,„ u.ed at her home ac Rider's Gap, near M innehaha Springs, on Tnursday, Mai 12, L93S Burial on Friday afternoon at Ma,'Chapel on Anthonys Creek She is survived by her husband li; lis Dean; their daughter, Mrs I r a King, (r Trainer; and their two sons Alonz' and Glenn Dean, of Corliss, Kajelte OOUDtJ. ^ Stricken with Polio


Rev Meade Degges, his w i f e . ' Mrs Retsy Dickson Degges a n d son Francis, of Greenville, Moo- i roe C o u n t y , were stricken with ' polio last week M r . Deggelied o:i S u n d a y , and his wife and little son remain seriously illMrs. Degges is a d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. E d g a r Dickson, of Second Creek.




born July 28. 1847 anffdeparted this life August, 30. 1933, at the age of 86 years, one month and two days. Her husband, William Dean preceded her to the grave May 27, 1909, at the , age of 02 years. She leaves to mourn their loss, two daughters, Mrs. Nettie Tinker of Missouri, Mrs. Mary Morrison, of Iowa, and six sons, George, loe, Sam, Albert. Dock and Fred. Three sons, John, .lames and Summers, preceded her to the grave several years ago. Mrs Dean beta Be a Christian in early life and was a member of the Lobelia church She was a trai wife, and !a thful mother and will be remem bered as a kind and loving neighbor in the communitv where she reared her family on 11 lis ("reek. The funeral sendees were held at the Lobelia Methodist Church, Rev. Rev. W. G. Winton in charge, assisted by Rev. Mr. Bracken, pastor.

Paul Dean Paul Dean, age 49 years, died n the Pocahontas Memorial Hosn'tal on Tuesday afternoon, July :th, 1961, after a long illness. Funeral services will be held in he Methodist Church of God, on Viday afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock, burial will be made in the Brufey's Creek Methodist Church Cemetery,

Mrs. Mary Hallie Morrison Dean, 90, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, March 18, 1984, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Born at Jacox January 25, 1984, she was the daughter of Luther and Madora Nanna Morrison. She was the widow of Samuel Jean. Three sisters, three brothers, and two stepsons also preceded her in death. Surviving her are two daughters, Luna Hill Morgan and Nora Hill Kerns, both of Hillsboro; stepson, Walter Dean, and stepdaughter, Ruth Dean Kellison, of Hillsboro; brother, Robert Morrison, of Churchville, Maryland; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Emmanuel Cemetery on Bruffeys Creek.

Edgar Dean Edgar W. Dean, 80, of North East. Maryland, formerly of Michael Dean Lobelia, died Friday, July 14, Michael Dean, 10, of Berke1972. in a hospital in Maryley Springs, son of Mr. and land. Mrs Alfred Dean, Jr., died Wednesday, January 10, He was a member of the 1973, in War Memorial HosCharlestown United Methodist pital. He was hit by a car as Church, a retired timber conhe stepped off the school bus. tractor and had lived in North The body will be at the East. Maryland for the past 31 years. VanReenen Funeral Home in Survivors include his wife, Marlinton. Funeral arrangeMrs. Chloe Dean; threg daughments have not been made. ters, Mrs. Nellie Mottsherd, Df Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Clara DeVaughan Lula Neel, of Perry ville, MaryMrs. Augusta Clara Deland, and Mrs. Hazel Smith, Vaughan, of Compton, Arof Elkton, Maryland; two sons, kansas, died Monday, June Cecil and Doyle Dean, both 12, 1978. She was buried of North East, Maryland; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Alderbeside her husband, Harry man, of Huntersville, Mrs, DeVaughan, in the National Blanche Clutter, of Eagle Cemetery at Fayetteville, Rock, Virginia, and Mrs. Arkansas. Stella Arnold, of Washington, She was born at-Buckeye, D. C ; two brothers, Clyde June 14,1900, the daughter Dean, of Elkton, Maryland, of Enoch George and Anna and Rev. Grady Dean, of Duncan McNeill. A sister, Beckley; 32 grandchildren and Nellie Barlow, died a few 36 great-grandchildren. years ago. Graveside services were held Surviving her are five Tuesday morning at the Old sons and a daughter and Droop Church Cemetery at her brother, Jesse McNeill, Beard by the Rev. Grady Dean of Marlinton.


-:s. usartcs A. Devers William LeRoy Dever, 74, Mrs. Carrie OverholtDevers; died at his home in Marlinton 77, died in the King's Daugbfrom a heart attack on Thursday, December 23, 1976. He fers' Hospital in Staunton, Virwas a member of the United ginia, on Wednesday, March Methodist Church and the 9, 1966, after a long illness. She was born at Hillsboro Modern Woodmen of America June 15, 1888, the daughter of Lodge. the late Henry A. and Clara Mr. Dever was a bookkeeper Sharp Overholt. Her husband, with S. B. Wallace & Company Charles A. Devers, preceded before bis retirement two years her in death. ago. She was a member of the He was born July 1, 1902, Marlinton Methodist Church, in Mill Gap, Virginia, the and a retired nurse. son of the late Charles Survivors include two sisters, F. and Mary Annarene Wade Mrs. George E. Shiffler, of Dever. His wife, Maxine Thom- Marlinton, and Mrs. Clyde, as Dever, died March 15,1975. Post, of Elkins; two brothers,! A sister, Mrs. Annie Bussard, Dr. G. Guy Overholt, of Alta I also preceded bim in death. Vista, Virginia, and Lynn C. ! Surviving him are two sis* Overholt, of Los Angeles, Caliters, Miss Alice Dever, Mar- fornia. One brother, Gilbert linton, and Mrs. Thelma Bird, Overholt, is deceased. Monterey, Virginia, and two Funeral services were held brothers, C. Stanley Dever, Friday afternoon in the MarMonterey, Virginia, and S. linton Methodist Church by Guilford Dever, Waynesburg, the Rev. James Kerr. Pennsylvania, several nieces was in the Mountain Burial View and nephews. Cemetery. Funeral services were held December 26, at the Van£ Willard Lee Dever Reenen Funeral Home by the Willard Lee Dever, 60, died Rev. Larry Albright with Saturday, August 8, 1964, of burial in Mountain View Cema hearc attack at tha hone etery. of his sisters, Mrs. Jean Lockridge and Mrs. Bly Shisler, on Baby Sherry Lynn Dever J Knapps Creek. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — Sherr. '.yen Dever, three mon- He was born July 3, 1904, th old u^.jghter of Curl is and the son of the late Dennis and Claudia Dever, of Baltimore, Allie McLaughlin Dever, of Maryland, died Friday, October Knapps Creek. 13, 1961. He was a member of the Besides her parents, she is sur- Wesley Presbyterian Church, vived by two sisters, Denise and He was an employee of the Bonnie, and a brother, Chris; her International Shoe Company grandmothers, Mrs. Elizabeth in Marlinton Potman, of Baltimore, and Mrs. " A ] j Q s u r v i v i n a r e t b„0. Lthel Dever, of Buckeye. therSi E a r | Devei% of M a r J i n . Graveside services were held ton, and Leo Dever, of Clifton D. W. Dever C2 on Monday at Glen Haven Cem- Forge, Virginia, Dennis Willard Dever, aged 72 F u n e r a l ser^ices were held years, died at the University Hos- etery, near Glen Burnie. Those from a distance attendTuesday afternoon in the West pital in Charlottesville, on Friday October 26, 1945. On Monday ing were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy minster Presbyterian Church afternoon the funeral was held Calford, of Warren; Ohio; Mrs. on Knapps Creek. Burial was i from Westminster Church by C. D. Lantz and daughter, Mane, m the Mountain View Cem ~*— iiev. James C. Wool, D. D., and of Leavittsburg, Ohio; Mr. and etery. Rev. D. M. Monroe; burial in Mrs. Herbert L. Buckland, of Green Belt, Maryland; those from Mt. View Cemetery. Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert The deceased was a prominent Vaughan and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edwin George Davisson citizen and stockman of Pocahon- i Farmer. Westou—Edwin George Davistas County, and had spent his son, aged 53 years died at his entire life at his arfcestral home home in Weston Wednesday, May on Knapps Creek. 19, 1954, after a long illness. He Mr. Dever was the son of the is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruth late Francis and Matilda Harper Johnson Davisson, and their two Dever. He married Miss Allie children, Edwin George, of BoulMcLaughlin who preceded him der, Colorado, and Mrs. John F. some years since. Their three Riley, Jr. of Bluefield. The desons are Earl B., Leo and Wijlard ceased was engaged in lumber business in Pocahontas County their two daughters are Mrs. ome years since. Julian Lockridge and IMiss Bly Ann Dever. Mrs. Roy Dever <-£?

Mrs. Maxine Lois Thomas Dever, 66, of Marlinton, died of a heart attack Saturday night, March 15, 1975, in th a Pocahontas Memorial Hospital She had been a typesetter for The Pocahontas Times for 22 years, and before that she had been a clerk in Thorn aa and Thomas Grocery. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, and a member and past Worthy Matron of the Marlinton Chapter 127 of the Order of Eastern Star. Born at Hot Springs, Virginia, on April 24, 1908, she wa» a daughter of the late Gordon Ellsworth and Josephine Gibson Thomas. A brother, Harper Gordon Thomas, and three Bisters, Mrs. Ralph (Parlee) Pace, Mary and Mabel Thomas, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her busband, Roy Dever; three sisters, Miss Edna Harlow "Edgar" Thomas and Mrs. Hyacinth Louise Sharp, both of Marlinton, and Miss Edith Thomas, of Hot Springs, two nephews. Rev. Harper T. Callison, of Elkins, Tappan Thomas, Holly Michigan, and nieces, Jo Cam eron Dilley, of Hinton, Alice Layne Jones and Nancy Loia Stapleton, of Richmond, Va. Eastern Star services were held at 8:30 Monday evening. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Bertha L.. ueribaugn Mrs. Bertha L. Defibaugh, 55, of Marlinton, died August 16, 1992, at Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a long illness with cancer. Born March 7, 1937, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Ellis and Fiorina Payne Friel. Her parents, a son, Eugene, and two brothers, Odie and Arnold Firel, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Roscoe Defibaugh; sons, Dayton Defibaugh, Paul Defibaugh, Roland Defibaugh, and Albert Defibaugh, all of Marlinton; daughters, Alice Defibaugh and Monda Pritt, both of Marlinton; brother, Olen Friel, of Jesup, Georgia; sisters, Susie Wimer, of Hillsboro, Olive Alderman, of Huntersville, Agnes Jones, of Buffalo Gap, Virginia; three grandchildren, Trisha Carol, Dessie Mae, and Paul Berton Defibaugh, Jr. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral HMV." by the Rev. Norman Lee Alderman. Burial was in Clawson Cemetery.

William liayion uenoaugn William Clayton Defibaugh. aged 13 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Defibaugh, of Mar linton, was instantly killed on Saturday morning, July 28. 1956, when he fell beneath a heavy truck being driven by his father. The scene of the accident Was four miles east of Brandywine, on Shenandoah Mountain, Pendle ton County. The truck was loaded with wooden pins. The truck was moving so slowly, the boy opened the door and got out to check the load. Mr. Defibaugl said Billy had evidently tried toi climb back into the truck and slipped beneath the right rear wheel. Billy was born at Marlinton, on April 21. 1943; the son of Wil son and Mary Jane Waugh l>fi baugh. He was an especially fine, likeable and attractive boy. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and a member of the Youth Choir. He was a base ball player, a member of the Braves team of the Pony League. He attended Junior High School and would have been Ernest D. Defibaugh Ernest Dawyer Defibaugh, in Eighth Grade this year. Surviving are his parents; two 81, of Elk Route Marlinton, died Tuesday, November 14, biotheis, Don, of Mar inton, and 1967, in the Pocahontas Me- Lemuel, of th3 United States Air Force, now stationed in Japan; morial Hospital. Mrs. Sal'ii King deK'aft Services will beheld Friday and four sis e s, Nancy, employMrs. Sallie King deKraft, aged afternoon at 2:00 p . m. in the ed in Washington, D. C , and Wat d \ Shirley and Bonnie, all 7i years, 8 months 17 days,(1881Frost Methodist Church by at home. the Rev. Sherman Markley 1956). widow of the late J. A. The funeral services wi 1 b< with burial in the Sharp CemdeKraft Sr., died at her home in held at the Marlinton P es^yter etery. Amelia Court House, Virginia, ian Church by his pastor, th< on Sunday, September 2, 1956. Rev. E. H. Flanikin and the Rev On Monday afternoon, her Colonel Thomas II. Dennis, died\ Acie C. Bryant. Pall bearer body was laid to rest in the the home of his sister in Lynchburg^ and flower bearers will be memAmelia Presbyterian Cemetery. on January 13, 1933, aged 87 years. bers of his Sunday School Clas.% Grave side service conducted by His body was brought back to Lewisand the Pony League ball tfJam. her pastor, Rev. Roy Jenkins, of burg and buried in the old Stone Date and time for funeral are still the Amelia Methodise Church, of Church Cemetery Sunday afternoon. indefinite pending the arrival of which she was a lifetime member.. His wife preceded him in death some his brother, Lemuel, from Japan. since. Thus is noted the passMarried on November 21,1900,1 years ing of a prominent citizen of the to this union nine children were state and a good man. Born in Charborn, eight of whom survive: lotte county, he came early to Green- ^ ^ ^ | f . W. Deputy Madison M., James A. Jr., Dud- brier county. IJe enlisted in the 14th J. Deputy, aged T«; years, died ley V , of Amelia Court House, Virginia Cavalry, Confederate States Virginia; Charles E. of Charlotte, 3rmy. After the war he studied law, at the home of his daughter, Mrs North Carolina; and John W. of taught school: in 1887 he became ed- Robert Lavier, near Marlinton, of the Greenbrier Independent, on December 6, 1943, after a long Marlinton; three daughters, Mrs. itor and for nearly forty years he guided illness. On Wednesday afterE. A. Hollenbeck, of Orlando, • the affairs of this paper, until laid noon his body was laid to rest in Florida; Mrs. E. E. Lorsson, of j aside by .the weigjit of years. The the McLanghin family cemetery, : B jmbay, India; and Mrs. Harry Colonel was a man his citizens delight near Dunmore, the service being R. Smith, of Marlinton. Surviv- ed to honor with positions of public conducted from Baxter church by ing also are ten grand children, trust. He was county superintend- his pastor, Rev Hobart Childs. and a sister, Mrs. 0 . A. Flournoy, ent of of schools, and served in the Mr Deputy was a native of legislature. He was speaker in the of Richmond, Virginia. House on one session. In religion, Rockingham county, Virginia. Her husband and one son pre- he was a Presbyterian, and served his He came here many years ago. c d e d her in death. church as a member of the board of I He married Miss Lena MeLaugh: deacons. lin, who survives her husband. Their children are Ward, Frank *md_Jf\obert Deputy. Mrs Anna Self, ""Mrs Grace Young, and Mrs Helen Lavier. John William Deputy, of Rockingham county, Va., aged 76 yrs.died December (3, 1943, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robt. Levier, of Marlinton; following a long illness which resulted from paralysis. John William Deputy was a son of the late Mr and Mrs. Robert Deputy and was born near Hinton. He was united in marriage to Miss. Lena McLaughlin, who with six children survive. Two children died in infancy. The surviving members are Mrs J. W Self, of Greensboro. N. C ; ^Vlrs Paul Young, of Montgomery and Mrs Robert Levier of Marlinton; three sons, Ward Deputy, ' Dunmore; Frank Deputy and 1 Robert Deputy of Huntersville. i One half-brother, Walter Deputy. ! of Harrisonburg, Va., a half-sis. ter and nineteen grand children also survive. Mr Deputy was a faithful • member of t h e Presbyterian church since early in life. He was a fond father and kind neighbor. k On Wednesday, December 8, funeral services were conducted from the Baxter church at Dunmore, by Rev. Wool and Rev. Childs. Burial in McLaughlin \ cemetery.

wMi^ivni mrs. ward Deputy W Funeral services were held at Charles Burdette Dearing, 51, Mrs. Mattie Hively Deputy, McDowell Presbyterian Church "8, of Dunmore, died in Dendied unexpectedly of a heart atSaturday, March 30, for Elliott J" ar Hospital Friday, Septemtack Monday, March 16, 1959. He had just finished trie day's j Cheston Devericks, 67, of Van-. ber 27, 1974, after two years' derpool, Virginia, who sucwork and gone into a store. cumbed Wednesday, March illness. Born September 2, 1907, he The daughter of the late 27, 1963. The services were -was the oldest son of the late conducted by the Re^. W. R. David and Louise Hively, she jWilliam L and Mary (Mamie)] Goodman, Jr., assisted by was born March 26, 1896, at iHiner Dearing, of Marlinton. the Rev. A. E. Johnson and Uunmore. A son, John William and a Survivors include his sister, the Rev. George H. Rector. Mrs. James (Virginia) Wright, of 1 Vocal selections, "Beyond the iaughfpr, A n n a R u t h 'Richmond, Virginia, and two Sunset"and "Crossing the Bar" ieded her in death. were by Miss Glenna Ruth !brothers, Thomas Dearing. of She is survived by her husMoyers. / ^ ^ j | East Liverpool, Ohio, Robert band, Ward H. Deputy, of Dunmore; three daughters Dearing, of Painesville, Ohio. Burial was m Headwaters Hear Mrs. Moore and Mrs Funeral services were hsld | Cemetery. M^^^^^^^^^ Ruby Marie Corbett. both of BaltiWednesday morning at the I Survivors are his wife, Mrs. more, Maryland, and Mrs. Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. '• Woodsie Rachael Gum DeverW. E Pierce with burial in Moun ! icks, of Vanderpool, Virginia; Mary Gi|]is. of Falls Church, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Grotain View Cemetery. a brother, Thomas B. Dever- ver Moore, of Marlinton; and icks, of Vanderpool, Virginia; seven grandchildren. Mrs. C. E. Denison ^ two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Neii, Mrs. C. E. Denison, age 88 Funeral services were held of Headwaters, Virginia, and years, of Marlinton, died on Mrs. Margaret D. Smith, of Monday afternoon in the BaxSunday, February 10, 1963, in Washington, D. C.;and a nun? ter Presbyterian Church at ,a Beckley hospital after a long Dunmore. of which she was a ber of nieces and nephews. ! illness. member, by the Rev. Thomas Mr. Devericks, a lifelong Henderson and the Rev. David She was born at Edray, Deresident of Highland County,! Rittenhouse, with burial in cember 19, 1874, the daughter was familiarly known as "Doe" the Dunmore Cemetery. of the late Levi and Amanda A prosperous farmer, he also Frances Poage Waugh. represented appliance firms W. P. Dearfield Mrs. Denison was the last locally as well as J. R. Wat- j William Pleas Dearfield, 83, of nine children to be called. kins and Rawleigh Products! of Baltimore, Maryland, forShe was preceded in death and was known in every home! merly of Mill Point, died Wedby her two husbands, E. B. in the county. nesday, September 20, 1972, in Vaughan and C. E. Denison, the Sacred Heart Hospital at and a son, J. H Vaughan. Richwood after a short illness. Howard C. D e H a v e t ^ Mrs. Denison was a memBorn in Lincoln County, ber of the Marlinton MethoHoward C. DeHaven71>9~, of March 15, 1889, he was a son dist Church and a charter mem- Durbin, died Sunday, June 21, of the late General Dearfield ber and past matron of Mar- 1970, in an Elkins hospital./*/ and Anna Dearfield Peyton. linton Chapter Number 97, He was employed by rfie He was a member of the Trinj Order of the Eastern Star. Howes Leather Company and ity United Methodist Church, was a member of the Loyal Survivors include" two sons, |George Vaughan, of Akron, Order of the Moose of Durbin. and a retired woodsman. His wife, Mrs. Ada May jOhio, and Glen L. Vaughan, Survivors include his wife, I of Annapolis, Maryland: and Mrs. Florence Baylor DeHaven; Rose Dearfield, and two sons, one step-daughter, Mrs. Anna one daughter, Mrs. Nancy William Lloyd and Winter, Denison Fisher, of Saigon Howell, of Beverly; ore son, preceded him in death. Viet Nam; five grandchildren, Terry DeHaven, of Frank; his Survivors include three dauand eleven great-grandchildren mother, Mrs. Myrtle DeHav- ghters, Mrs. Vergie Dearfield, Funeral services were held en, of Durbin; three sisters, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Edith Hess, Wednesday afternoon in the Mrs. Virginia Bremwalt, of of Richwood. and Mrs. MargaMarlinton Methodist Church Durbin, Mrs. Eva Berkley, of ret West, of Baltimore, Marywith the Rev. George McCune Maryland, and Miss Mary land; one sister, Mrs. Florence in charge. Burial was in the Ann DeHaven, of Philadel- Radar, of Anaheim, California; three two half brothers, Henry and Mountain View Cemetery. j phia, Pennsylvania; brothers, Gilbert and William Charlie Peyton, both of PlyDeHaven, both of Durbin, mouth, North Carolina. and Russell DeHaven, of Long Funeral was held Saturday Ernest H. Deel Beach, California; thirteen afternoon at the Stamping Ernest H. Deel, 55, of Route grandchildren and one greatCreek Tabernacle at Mill Point 4, Webster Springs, died Mon grandchild. by the Rev. Ralph Ross, with day, January 15, 1962, in WebFuneral services were held burial in the Sharp Cemetery ster County Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. Fu-!: Wednesday afternoon at the near Mill Point. nera! services were held Thurs- home of his son, Terry Deday, in Fairview Methodist Haven, by the Rev. David Church near Webster Spr.'ngs , Rittenhouse, with burial in the with burial in the Church ce-' Arbovale Cemetery. metery. Mr. Deel was a bro- ' tber, of Delbert Deel of Elk Route, Marlinton.

ittle Anna Ruth Deputy, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ward Deputy, djed at hcj- home, near Dun-. on Friday, May 16, I'Ml, (i y«ars, 5 months and 2 Little Ruth first took the tin. followed by pneumonia and other complications. All that loving hands and medical aid could do was done, but all in vain tor God saw fit to take the little; oue while blooirm g in life. She leaves to mourn her loss. ^gL'fcthcr siicl i) ':<.•!•: three sisers. Marie, Ruby and Mary; one brother, John; her grandparents^ Mr and Mrs .1. W. Deputy, and a host of relatives and friends. She was laid to vv-^i in the Mcr '...uighrin Cemetery. Mrs. Robert Hearing Mrs. Robert Dearing. of Painesville, Ohio, died on Tuesday, January 4, 1966, after a long illness. D^ath was attri >uted to acute leukemia. Survivors include her husband, Robert Dearing; and one on, Ricky Dearing. Services and burial were in u ainesvtl!e, Ohio. Robert Dearing is a former resident of Marlinton, and the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dearing.

Guy E. Dean

Mrs Lena Deputy Mrs Lena .McLaughlin Deputv, •<^. 8b-, ears, wi <0w of the late •'; >V l<e,n!.v. died on Tuesday, '&> t>. 1932, At ;1 hospital in Gra' tw. after a loi.g illnejs The fo•leral vvi'l beheld on Friday afternoon at two o'clock from Dunnore Presbyterian Church; in terment in family cemetery. uuvvmu ueuz W. Howard Detiz, 70, of Rich wood, died Wednesday, May 2,1984, in Sacred Heart Hospital in Richwood after a short illness. Mr. Deitz was manager of Deitz Shoe Store in Richwood and active in community organizations. He was well known in Pocahontas in connection with Izaak Walton League and wildlife and conservation interests. Services and burial were in Richwood Saturday.


Kn, ¥ti:ium Y. uecweio Mrs*. Ada May Rose Deerfield, 74, of Mi'l Point, died Saturday. February 7,1970,in the Sacred Heart Hospical at Richwood after a long illness, Born at Mill Point, May 5, 1895, she was a daughter of the late Thomas and Margaretla Rose. She was a member of the. Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, Williem Pleasant Deerfield; three daughters, Virgie Deerficld, of Hitlsbaro, Mrs. Edith Hess, of Richwood, and Mrs. Margaret West, of Baltimore, Maryland; three brothers, Penick. Lee and William Rose, all of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Stamp ng Creek Tabernacle at Mill Point by the Rev. Ralph Ross wich burial in the Sharp Cemetery at Mill Point.

WIHIW V f p i l J

Hugh Ward Deputy, 82, of Dunmore. died in Baltimore, Maryland, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ruby Corbett, Wednesday, August 5, 1981, after a long illness. Born March 27, 1899, in Dunmore, he was the son of the late John William and Lena McLaughlin Deputy. He spent his life in Dunmore and was a logging contractor. His wife, Mattie Hively Deputy, a son John (Buck) Deputy, and a daughter, Anna Ruth Deputy preceded him in death. Survivors include three daughters, Marie Moore, Ruby Corbett, of Baltimore; Mary Gillis, Arlington, Virginia, two brothers, Frank and Robert Deputy, both of Marlinton; two sisters, Annamary Self, of Greensboro, North Carolina, and Helen Levier, of Meadow Bluff; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at 1 p. m. in the Baxter Presbyterian Church with the Revs. Thomas Henderson and David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery.

GuvE. Dean, 73, of Lobelia, died Monday, May 15, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a long illness. Funeral services will be held at Lobelia Methodist Church John W. Deputy at 2 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. Arthur Fait. Burial will John William (Buck) Deputy, 44, of Dunmore, died Sunday, be in the Lobelia Cemetery. February 3,1974. in Davis MeHospital at Elkins from Mrs. Howard Oelp Q/ morial burns received his clothMrs. Jenavieve M. Delp, 61, ing caught fire when at his home. of Richwood, died Sunday, He was a logger and a memMarch 14, 1976, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins, of ber of the Dunmore Methodist Church and was a native of heart failure. She was a member of Jeho- Dilleys Mill. Surviving: wife, Evelyn Price vah's Witnesses. Deputy; sons, John William, A native of Richwood, st Jr., Michael Ward and Robert was the daughter of the lat Richard, all of Dunmore; parCharles and Kansas Radclifft ents, Ward Deputy, of DunPenelton. more, Mrs. Mattie Hively DepSurviving her are her hus- uty, of Beard, sisters, Mrs. band, Howard Delp; five chil- Marie Moore and Mrs. Ruby dren, Patty Ann Groves, of Corbett, both of Baltimore, Freehold, New Jersey, Peggy Maryland, and Mrs Mary Nottingham, of Dunmore, Bet- Gillis, of Falls Church, Virginia. ty Jo Groves, Howard Delp, Jr., Services were held Wednesand David Delp, all of Richwood; ten grandchildren and day afternoon in the Dunmore one great-grandchild; and a United Methodist Church with sister, Wilda Riggsby, of Arbo- the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery and the Rev. David Rittenvale. house officiating. Burial was Funeral services were held in the Dunmore Cemetery. Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home with burial at Dunmore

" Calvin Carles Dilley, aged seventeen days, infant son of Mr and Mrs Arch Dilley ot Cloverlick, died April 1, 1943.

HilS. 11. IV. I/lthtilMJU

I Mrs. Elva Edward Dickenson, of Cass, aged 50 years, died on Friday, September 27th, 1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, after an expended illness. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at the Cass Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle and Rev. Ed Thomas. Burial was made in the Bethel Cemetery, near Bartow. Surviving are her husband, R. R. Dickenson; five daughters, Linda, Eloise, Paula and Ginger, all at home, and Mrs. Dorothy Strechlen, [of Baltimore, Maryland; six sons, Larry, at home; Norman, of Huntington; Eugene, of Canton, Ohio; Henry, of Baltimore, Maryland; Keith, stationed at Lincoln, Nebraska, with the Air Force, and William, also of jthe Air Force, stationed at Abilene, Texas; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Eary, of Cass; one brother, Frank Eary. of Cass; four sisters, Mrs. Helen Ray, Mrs. Laura Miller and Mrs Ethel Liggett, all of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Martha Crowley, of Clifftop; and nine grandchildren. Mrs. Dickenson was an industrious, likeable and very active person in the affairs of the community. Cass has been her home for the past thirty-two years. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Mrs. P. B. Dixon

Mrs. Mary Ethel Lockridge Herold Dixon, 76, died Tuesday, April 25, 1967, in Shore Acres Nursing Home at St. Petersburg, Florida, after several years' illness. Born at Lexington, Virginia, January 21, 1891, she was the daughter of Horace Moser and Mary Margaret Milligan Lockridge. She was first married to Everette G. Herold, who died in 1937. In 1945 she was married to Percy Benjamin Dixon in St. Petersburg, Florida. A half sister, Edith Lockridge, died many years ago. Surviving her are her husband, P. B. Dixon; two children, E. G. Herold, Jr., of Marlinton, and Mrs. Herbert (Mary Margaret) Hill, «a? Petersburg, Virginia; her stepmother, Mrs. C. S. Showolter. of Monterey, Virginia, four grandchildren, and one greati grandson. Services were held Saturday afternoon in the Marlintor Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Fred W. Walker, with'! burial in the Huntersville Cemeterv.

Roger Randolph Dickenson, 76, of Hiilsboro.died Wednesday, March 4, 1981, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born October 14, 1904, he Was the son of the late Henry Chipscomb and Ida Kelley Dickenson. Mr. Dickenson was a carpenter and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Preceding him in death were his first wife, Elva Edward Eary; son, Henry C. Dickenson, and step-daughter, Evelyn Boggs. Survivors include his wife, Dora Dickenson; five sons, Norman Dickenson, of Huntington, Eugene Dickenson,Canton, Ohio, James Dickenson, of Martin, Tennessee, William Dickenson, of Chicago, Illinois, and Larry Dickenson, of Dayton, Virginia; five daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Strehlen, of Cass, Mrs. Linda Elliott, of Charleston, Mrs. Eloise Harger, of Ozark, Arkansas, Mrs. Polly Monk, of Boyer and Mrs. Ginger Monk, of Upper Marlboro, Maryland; a stepson, Eugene Brown, of Hiflsboro; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Opal Stacy, of Droop; a sister; Mrs. Bell Cromer, of Durbin; 29 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday at 11 a, m. in VanReenen , Funeral Home with the Revs. Willis Cornelius and David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Old Droop Cem"•«ry. FLOYD DINGER

Mr. Floyd Dinger, 89. died in Denmar State Hospital Wednesday, October 25, 1961, after a long ilL ness- He >vas born in Pennsylvania in J a n u a r y 187— For many years Mr. Dinger worked in the woods of Pocahontas County as a log sealer. H e had retired and for a onruber of years had resided in a n apsvtraent in the Claude Maleouib building. Service w a s held in the Smith Funeral Home on F r i d a y with t h e Rev. W. E. Pierce officiating. Ia_ ferment w a s in Mountain V i e w Cemetery.

mrs. minnie uinKie

Mrs. Minnie Agnes Dinkle, who departed this life December 10, 1960, was born January 29, 1878, at E< vay. She was a daughter of t i late William Clark and Phoei. 3 McAllister Mann, the j eighth child of a family of sixteen | children. She became blind at ?ge two years from catar'acts, hut still leading a normal life h. :d attending private school I taught in family for several years. She was married in November, O907, to James W. Dinkle, who ! passed away in May, 1952. They no children They bought a small farm and lived within two miles of mother's home. Although blind, Mis. Dinkle was a nice housekeeper and really a good cook, also d id several kinds of hand work. Really she s'lould be called wonderful. After the passing of her husband she still kept house and lived alone for six years, before having the first stroke that put her in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospical in Marlinton, where she spent one year and eight months, and four months at Denmar State Hospital. There are three surviving sisters, Mrs. Daisie Kidd in Hoffman Nursing Home in Clifton Forge, Virginia, and Mrs. Bettie Kidd and Mrs. Christell Harter both of Covington, Virginia, Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton with the Rev. Ezra Bennett in charge. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Her nephews were pallbearers The floral tributes were lovely. Regardless of ll "j bad weather there w e r c v ^ * ^ . of friends oi this large

raised in West Virginia,

James V;. Dinkle James W. Dinkle, aged 80 years of Warwick, died on Thursday, , May 31, 1951, after a short illness. On Saturday afternoon the funeral was held from Indian Draft Church by his pastor, Rev. R. H. Crawford. Burial in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery, Mr. Dinkle was a native of Viro-ioia, but hadjhved here uiaDy years. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Minnie Mann Dinkle.

Morgan K. Detinaugn Morgan Rayburn Defibaugh, age 48, of Roanoke, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died Thursday, December 4, 1997, after a long illness. He was preceded in death by his father, Marquis "Ben" Defibaugh and a brother, Larry Defibaugh. He is survived by his wife, Donna Burton Defibaugh; two daughters, Michelle Wills and Tammy Griffity; mother and stepfather, Oleta and Bobby Scruggs; three brothers, Sidney Defibaugh, Hershel Defibaugh, Nelson Defibaugh; four sisters, Linda Overstreet, Gloria Gibson, Phyllis Defibaugh, Narvella Maxie; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held December 6, at 10 a.m. at Oakey's North Chapel with Reverend Ben Peyton officiating. Interment followed in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.

Crede T. Dunbrack age 75, of Richwood, formerly of Marlinton, died Friday, January 22,1999, after a long illness, at the home of Theresa and Timmy Jackson, of Richwood, with whom he made his home. Mr. Dunbrack was a logger and an avidfishermanand hunter; he was a Navy veteran of World War II, and a Protestant. The son of the late Forrest T. and Nellie Foe Dunbrack, he was born at Marlinton September 3, 1923. He was twice married, to Ruth Withers Dunbrack and Lula Mae Dunbrack. Survivors include Richard Wright, of Phoenix, Arizona, whom they raised, and two step-sons, Troy Sharp, of Marlinton, and Bryon Burgess, of Nevada; a sister, Evelyn Pontes, of Phoenix, Arizona; two brothers, Everett Dunbrack, of Ronceverte, and James L. Dunbrack, of Lewisburg. Graveside services with military rites were held at 11 a. m. Monday by Samuel Felton and Pocahontas County Honor Corps in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton.

DEATHS S. McK. Dllley, a life long resident of Pocahontas county, born at Hunt ersvllle, West Virginia, January 31, 1864 died at his late home in Mar inton on February 15. 1910. Mr. Dilley was a printer by trade rnd in bis newsraper business he was taken into many parts of the I.Voted States His Knowledge and under-; standing of his native Country was meticulous but general and discrimi nating. making him a very interesting character in fire side chats His native West Virginia always had in miniature all the great and exciting wonders, of any of the sisterhood of states. To him other states had toe majesty of Niagra, the rugged heights of the Rockies, the manifold wonders of the Yellowstone National Park, the snow capped mountains Of the Pacific Northwest, the orange fr-ove* arid the golden shores of OaUfornia. the wild grandeur of the Grand Canyon of Colorada, and the roses and !• iu isv deckcil i rees of Florid v nisupiri.Ul mind was still impres>e' brothers and »is ei* as foi •>*s: UUytn ., Jerry, Clark I&gKter. Wiisoo. Peter Fletcher, Davh Sum j a w s , George, Margarette, Rebece • I a (1 Jane. Mr Dilley was married to Birdi| 0 Hannah on November 11, 1911 ind to this union was born one daugh cer. Mrs. Fred Hefner. The deceased was a member of thi , Marlinton Presbyterian Church, hav mg transferred his membership fromthe same denomination in Buffalo : New York The tuneral service was conducted from the home by his pastor, Rev. J. U. Wool, assisted by Dr. H Mai com Sturm, pastor of the Marlinton viethodUt Church His body was laid to rest Saturday afternoon, Feb ruary 17, in the Mt. View Cemetery X _ ' S. McK. Dilley, aged 76 years and 15 days, died at his home in Marlln ton on Thursday, February 15, 1940, after a short illness On Satutda; afternoon his body was buried in thl e family plot in Mt. View Cemete The funeral service was conducted from the home by his pastor, Rev. J C. Wool, assisted by Dr. H. Malcolm Sturm. The pall bearers were Frank McLaughlin. Frank P. King, Floyd Viers. Clarence Moore, C. U. Beale and C. G. McGulre. Mr Dilley is survived by his wife and their daughter, Mrs. Eula Hefner. The deceased was a son of the late John and Naomi McNeill Dilley, and


mrs. manes uixun

C / Mrs. Rosa Belle Dill E. 0. Dili Ernest Orville Dill, 76, died on ^Mrs. Rosa Belle Dill, 81, of Wednesday, July 31, 1957, at his Cass, died Friday, September home in Cass after several months 27, 1963, in the Pocahontas illness. Death was attributed to Memorial Hospital after a long 1 illness. a heart condition. She was a member of the Suivivors include his wife, Rosa; daughters, Mis. Neoma Cass Methodist Church and Kane, of Uurbin; Mrs. Marie had been a resident of PocaGragg, of Detroit, Michigan; hontas County for 51 years. Mrs. Ernestine Waugh, of MarSurvivors include five dai linton; Mrs. Evelyn Lightr.e:, ghters, Mrs. Neoma Kane, of and Mrs. Audra McPherscn, Duibin, Mrs. Audria McPher both of Cass; five sons, Osjar, of son and Mrs Evelyn L:ghtner, Detroit, Michigan; Edman, of both of Cass, Mrs. Ernestine Cumberland, Maryland; E. 0. Waugh, of Marlinton. and Jr., of Ravenswood; Wallace, of Mrs. Marie Gragg, of Detroit, Cass, and Marvin, a doctor in Michigan; five sons, Wallace Dill, of Cass, Edmon Dill, of Huntington. Five sisters, Mrs. Madelyn Cumberland, Maryland, Oscar Hamrick and Mrs. Lucy McShirey Dill, of Detroit. Michigan. Dr. both of Clifton Forge, Virginia; Marvin H. Dill, of HuntingMrs. Maude Tj 1 sr, of Covington, ton, and Ernest O. Dill, of i Virginia; Mrs. Rose Kirkpatrick, Ravenswood; one brother, G. of White Sulphur Springs, and C. Fensbaugh of Cumberland, 22 grandchildren, I Mrs. Bess Lyle, of Ashland, Ken- aMaryland; tucky; two brothers, Harry, of n d 15 great-grandchildren. Piedmont, and Hobart, of Clifcon Funeral services were held Forge, Virginia; twenty grand- Sunday afternoon in the Cass children, and six great-grand- Methodist Church by the Rev. children. B.W.John. Burial was in the Funeral services were hdd at! Arbovale Cemetery. 2:00 p. m. in the Cass Mrs. Wallace Dill , Methodist Church. Burial was• M the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Laura Pleasant Dill, 52, m .,1'Cass, died Monday, March 21 , Wallace L. Dill i / '1980, in the Pocahontas Memorial Wallace L. Dill, 74, of Cass, Hospital after a long illness. Edgar F. Dickson died Saturday, May 12, 1979, Edgar Farnsworth Dickson, She had been a lifelong resiin Denmar State Hospital after >9. prominent f lei md stock a long illness, p^-^JfL' dent of Pocahontas. County and man of Second'J:::' Monroe a member of the Cass Methodist He was a member of Cass County, died Fr ; •„, January Church and the Woman's Society United Methodist Church, re- of Christian Service. 9,1962, in the Greenbrier Valtired employee of Department ey Hospital in Ronceverte. Survivors include her husband, of Natural Resources and the Born December 22, 1892, he Wallace L.Dili; her mother, Mrs. as fie son of the late Clarence West Virginia Pulp and Paper Hussell McLaughlin of Dunmore; Company, also Mower Lumber . and Eliza Renick Dickson two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Lee Company in Cass. He was a ond lived his entire life on Lyon of Clearmont, Florida, and farmer all his life. spring Valley Farm. He was Mrs, Olen Yokum of Packwood, He was first married to an elder in Salem Presbyterian Washington; a son, Robert Dili Laura McLaughlin, who preChurch, a veteran of World of Richmond, Virginia; three sisceded him in death. A sister, War I, and a prominent Demters, "Mrs. Myrtle Bittner and ocrat. He se? ved as executive Mrs. Neoma Kane, also preMrs. Mae Diveley both of Myerssecretary to Governor H. G. ceded him in death. dale, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Kump. Virginia Gore of Hinton; two Surviving him are his wife, brothers, Sterle McLaughlin of] Roma; daughters, Mrs. Bertha He is survived by his wife, Myersdale, Pennsylvania, and ; Lyon, of Clermont, Florida, Mrs. Charlotte Mason Dickson; Ellis McLaughlin of Wichita Mrs. Colleen Yokum, of Pothree sons, C. F. Dickson, II, Falls, Texas; and four grandtosi, Missouri; son, Robert, of (of Lewisburg, Edgar F. Dickchildren Providence Forge, Virginia; son, Jr., of Richmond, Virginia, sisters, Mrs. Audra McPherFuneral sei v ices will be con[ and W. M. Dickson, of Second son, of Cass, Mrs. Ernestine ducted at 2 p. m. at the Cass Me(Creek; f» daughter, Mrs. Eliza Waugh, of Marlinton, Mrs. thodist Church by the Rev C. beth D. Degges, and a brother, Evelyn Lightner, of Cass, E. Potts in charge. Burial will Richard R. Dickson, of Second Mrs. Marie Gragg, of Redford, be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Creek. Michigan; brothers, Edmond, Services were held in the Sa- of Cumberland, Maryland, llem Presbyterian Church by Oscar, of Detroit, Michigan, [the Rev. J. W. Rowe, with Marvin, of Huntington, Ernest, I burial in New Lebanon ceme- of Ravenswood; nine grandtery. _ children. Services were held Wednesday in Cass United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Greg Lewis officiating. Burial was

Mrs. Daisy Bragg Dixon, 54, of Springdale, formerly of MarKnton, died Tuesday, March 14, 1972. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Maljcom, of Springdale, after a 16 I month illness. Born April 7, 1917, at Salem she was a daughter of the late Sherman L. and Minnie K. Bragg. She was a nurse and a mem• of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Her husband, Charles, preeded her in death. Survivors include one son, Bernard Dixon, of Cincinnati, Ohio, two daughters, Mrs. Patricia Dunbrack, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Katherine Malcom, of Springdale; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Mae Waselchalk, of Richwood, \ June Cooper, of Winifred, and M-s. Faye Walker, of Salem Center, Ohio, and three grandsons. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev McClung, with burial in the Mountain ViewCemetery at Marlinton.

J E . O. DIL.L John Andrew Dilley 4 ^ . E- O. Dill, 76 died WedJ o h n A n d r e w Dilley, aged 61 nesday, July 3 1 , 1957 at his r e a r s , of Elkins, died on F r i d a y , home after a long illness. Ipril 3 , 1953 On M o n d a y his Surviving are his wife, Rosa; five daughters, Mrs. Neoma Kane ')ody was laid in t h e O d d Fellow^ of Durbin, Mrs. Marie Gragg of > m e t e r y with m i l i t a r y honors. Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Ernestine T h e deceased was a son of t h e Waugh of Marlinton; Mrs. Evelyn 'nte S u m m e r s and A m a n d a McLightner and Mrs. Audra McL-auehliu Dilley. H e was born pherson, both of Cass; five sons, near Marlinton a n d was a soldier Arthur of Detroit, Edmon of in t h e F i r s t W o r l d W a r . H e was Cumberland, Md., Dr. Marvin Dill of Huntington, E. O. ofj a r e t i r e d employee of t h e W e s t e r n Ravenswood and Wallace c,f \ I Maryland Railway. Cass; five sisters, Mrs. Madelyne' T h e deceased is survived b y h i s Hamrick and Mrs. Lucy McShirwife a n d a numbc" - )f c h i l d r e n ; ey, both of Clifton Forge, Va., Mrs. Maud Pyles of Covington, jone is DaDiel F . D i n e y , of M a i Va., Mrs. Rose Kirkpatrick of l l i n t o n . White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Bess Lyle of Ashland, Ky.; two AuJrey M. Dilley Q s brothers, Harry of Piedmont, Va., Audrey Marshall Dilley, 32, of and Hobart of Clifton Forge, Va.; 20 grandchildren and six great- Marlinton died at 5 p. m. Thursday, June 27, in a Beckley hospigrandchildren. Funeral service was held Sun- tal after an illness of two years. day in the Methodist Church a t He was an electronical engineer Cass. Burial was in the Arbovn.' aud a member of the Marlinton Cemetery. Methodist Church. ,

Mrs. Enrilte W. Dilley Mrs. Norma Lee Dilley, 51, died Sunday, August 19,1979, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She bad been in a coma for several months. She was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church. Born in Virginia February 8,1928, she was the daughter of Annie Mussehnan Lightner and the late William Arbogast. A brother preceded her in death, ^ r - r ^ Surviving her in addition to her mother, of Green Bank, are her husband, Everette W. Dilley; a son, William Everette Dilley, at home; two daughters, Leila Ann Dilley, at home, and Connie Sue Cover, Petersburg; one grandson, Matthew Thomas Cover; a brother, William Arbogast, Hampton, Virginia; four sisters, Mary Galford, Green Bank, Sarah Hively, Elkins, Arlene Self, Fredricksburg, Virginia, Doris Dilley, Charleston; a half-brother, Forrest Arbogast, Tucson, Arizona, and two half-sisters, Thelma Lambert, Buckhannon, and Hazel Gum, of Pi nsylvania. Services were held Tuesday, in the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. William Trowbridge and Rev. Edward Kyle, with burial in the Dilley Cemetery.

[Z ftr)

Born at Marlinton on May 8, 1925, he was a son of the late Early C. and Lula Dilley. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the hold- \ er of the Purple Heart with Oak \ Leaf Cluster and the Service! Medal with two bronze service' stars and the Bronze Star Medal. He was wounded twice during four years' service during World War II in the Rome Arno Campaign and the second time in the North Apennines Campaign.

Butler C. Dilley, aged 72 years, died at a rest home in Elkins, on Wednesday, May 30, 1956. He had been in failing health for three years. Funeral services were held from Mountain Grove Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon, by his pastor, Rev. Lowell Legg. Burial in the Mountain Grove Cemetery. j The deceased was a retired! woodsman and a member of the j Mountain Grove Methodist! Church. He was born in Frost October 30, 1883, the son of Wilson W. and Margaret Rush Dilley. His wife, who died a year ago, was the late Ro se Gabbert Dilley. Surviving are one half-brother and five half-sisters, Henry Dilley, of Marlinton; Mrs. Alvin Runyon, of Hubbard, Ohio; Mrs. Harry Runyon, and Mrs. Oscar Ryder, both of Neola; Mrs. Mary Eplin, of White Sulphur Springs; and Mrs. Virgie Morris, of Covington, Virginia; three sons, Myrl Dilley, of Marlinton; Paul Dilley, of Lynchburg, Virginia; and Joe Dilley, of Nevada City, California; and three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Lovejoy, of Oakland, California; Mrs. Jewel McDermitt, of Covington, Virginia; and Mrs. Leona Hannah, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Margaret Arljsgast Dilley Margaret Jane Arbogast Dilley, daughter of the late Rev. Henry Aibr o„ ast, passed away at the home of her He is survived by his wife, the filter Mrs. Marion Gum in Dun former Marie Broyles, a son, j , on Oct. 27, 1!):;;;. aged *7 \ James Marshall, and a daughter, j g horn August 22. W46 Deborah Ann; one sister, Mrs. | In I860 she was united in marriage Susan Colsen, of Royal Oak, to Martin Clarke Dilley who proceeded Michigan, and four brothers,, to the grave 23 years ago And to Ralph and Robert, both of Warthis union t i n ebi'dren. They are ren, Ohio, Gail of Marlinton, and Mr-:. Anna Little, of Konceverte: Grant of RenicK; Ke'fttiey of Chicago, James L. of Cleveland, Ohio. ill.: Mrs. Vergie Pugh of Hackers Funeral services were conductley; Mrs. Elsie Gum, Mrs Lizzie ed Saturday at the Marlinton, Gam and Criss Dilley of Dunmore: Mrs. Beafcty Briseo of Morgantowu. Methodist Church by the Rev. The funeral was conducted from Herbert Pennington with burial; Presbyterian church in Dunmore, in the Mountain View Cemetery. Graveside rites were conducted by Rev. R. I). Kamnall, assisted by [lev. D. M. Monroe on Sunday at 2 byVthe Marlinton VFW. Burial in the Dilley cemetery The pallbearers and honorary pallers were her grandsons and the r girls were her granddaughters. Mrs. Willie Dilley died at her home I n h e r early life she united with near Dilleys Mill, May 22, 1925 Her the M. E church of which she remain age was about 40 years. She is sured a member until 1903 when she vived by her husband and a number • ••hanged her membership to the iiapof children, one of whom is Mrs. Gay shurch of which she was a faitliCampbell, of Spencer. She was a I ul member at the time of her death. daughter of the late Squire and Mrs. Tin: family of the late Margaret G S Weiford, of near Edray. FunJane Dilley wish to express their eral services were conducted Sunday thanks and appreciation to people of morning byiRev. Mr. King, of the Dunmore, for their kindness and help Methodist church, and burial in the ig her illness and death. May I Dilley graveyard. God b'ess each one.

mn. ram WIIIIJ

Mrs. Juanita Dilley, 73, of Clover Lick, died January 24, 1977, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She never regained consciousness from a stroke Buffered Friday. Born at Poage Lane November 9,1903, she was the daughter of Charles and Georgia Shinaberry. She was a school teacher in Pocahontas County for many years and a member of the United M e t h o d i s t Church. Surviving her are her husband, Paul; three children, Keith Garland Dilley, Bethesda, Maryland, Charlea Kirk Dilley, West Helena, Arkansas, Janet Catherine (Dilley) Ervine, Berrie, Ontario, Canada; two brothers, Charles -*ad Glenn Shinaberry, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Opal Hoover, Bellwood, Pennsylvania, Dell Shinaberry, Stony Bottom; 11 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were Jacob, Earl, Quincy and Merle Shinaberry. Funeral services were held Wednesday, at the VanReenen Funeral Home at two p.m., by Rev. Thomas Henderson. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery. W. A. Dilley

Willie Andrew Dilley, 89, of Hun ters ville, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Monday, June 29, 1964, after a short illness. He was born at Huntersville on November 2D, 1874; he was a son of the late Amos and Mintie Dilley. He was a farmer. He married Delia May Weiford in 1901. To this union ten children were born; four are deceased. Survivors-include three sons, Warren Dilley. of Huntersville; Delmar Dilley, of Pontiac, Michigan, and Paul Dilley, of Clover Lick; three daughters, Mrs. Gay Campbell, of South Charleston; Mrs. Albert Fertig, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Bruce Galford, of Port Alleganv, Pennsylvania; one sister. Mrs. Virgie McLaughlin, of Dunmore; three brothers Ernest, Harmon and Everett Dilley, all of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton by the Rev. L. E. Saville and the Rev. Sherman Markley. Burial was in the rvu.


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Guy Dilley, of Covington, Virginia, died Tuesday, March 9,1982 at Alleghany Regional Hospital, Lowmoor. He was the son of the late Christopher and Daisy Sharp Dilley. He was retired from Westvaco, a member of the Granbery Memorial Methodist Church, Covington Lodge No. 610 Loyal Order of the Moose, and Local 675 UPIU. He is survived by his wife, Alma Jones Dilley, of Covington; one son, Randall L. Dilley, of Williamsburg, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. William (Delores) Dunn, of Emporia, Virginia, and Mrs. Robin B. Dilley, of Oak Harbor, Washington; four granddaughters and one great-granddaughter. Also surviving are one brother, Kyle Dilley, of Charleston, and four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Dilley, Dunmore, Mrs. Harlan (Creola) Harper, of Frank* 'Iin, Mrs. Clarence (Anna Lee) Wilfong, of Riverton, and Mrs. Arden (Christine) Shinaberry, of Charleston. He was preceded in death by a son, Donald G. Dilley, in 1975; a granddaughter, Martin Dilley in 1975; two brothers, Lawrence L. Dilley in 1974 and June Dilley in 1982; and a sister, Edna Galford, in 1980. Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p. m. at the Arritt Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Edward Ridout officiating, Interment was in Alleghany Memorial Park.

Mrs. Amanda Dilley Mrs. Amanda Saroh Susan Dilley, daughter of the late Hugh' and Mary Jane Sharp, was born September 7, 1871, and departed this life February 14, 195a, aged 80 years, 5 months and 7 days. In 1897 she was united in marriage to Josiah Dilley, who preceded her in death twelve years ago. Also four sons, Odis, Oscar, Luther and Clawson preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her loss, four sons: Ressie Moore, (by a former marriage) of Lorain, Ohio; Gilbert Dilley, of MarliDton; Glen, of Clover Lick, and Newman, of Cass; a foster daughter, Mrs. Madge Fertig Palmer, of Baltimore, Maryland, whom she raided from infancy; also nine tren grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Mrs. Dilley united with (be Methodist Church at the age of 12 years and lived an active christian life. She was a devoted mother and was loved by all who knew her. She will' be sadly mis&ed by all her relatives and friends. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our borne That never can be filled.

James Dilley ^ J

James Leon Dilley, died of a heart attack on Thursday, January 31,1963. He was born November 16, 1919, in Marlinton, the son of the late Early C. and Lula Bussard Dilley. A veteran of World War II, he served four years in the Army Air Force. He was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church. Surviving him are a sister, Mrs. Susan Colson, of Royal Oak, Michigan; three brothers, Gail Dilley, of Buckeye, and Ralph Dilley and Robert Dilley, both of Warren, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Smith's Funeral Home by the Rev. George McCune with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Arvel Dilley

Arvel Burdette Dilley, aged 65, of Huntersville, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Monday, June 8, 1959, as the result of a heart attack. Mr. Dilley was a member of the Presbyterian Church and was a Master Mason in the Marlinton Lodge. He was a road constructor before he retired several years ago due to a heart condition. Born in the Hill country April 10, 1894, he was a son of the late James Cronin and Emma Jane Bird Dilley. Surviving are his wife, Lettie Wiseman Dilley; two sons, Alfred Burdette, of Charleston, and Floyd Charles, of Long Beach, California; two grandsons; and a sister, Mrs. James N. Harvey, of i Charleston. Funeral services were conducte d Wednesday afternoon at the , Huntersville Presbyterian Church I by the Rev. R. S. Pinch. Burial, •• with Masonic rites, was in Moun; tain View Cemetery.

J o h n O t t Dilley aged 79 y e a r s , lied at his h o m e near M a r l i n t o n , on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1949. H e had been in ill health for several years. He was born a t H u n t e r s ville May 3, 1870, the son of t h e late William and A n n a D r e p p a r d Dilley. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Miranda J a n e McNeill Dilley and the following children: Ellet H. Dilley of Oakland, M d . ; Mrs. Claire East of D u r b i n ; M r s . Elizabeth S c h u m a k e r , Mrs. Vernie Harsh and Delmar N. Dilley of M a r l i n t o n ; Mrs. Ruby R y d e r of C l a r k s b u r g . Also, by eighteen grand-chi dren and fifteen g r e a t and children and the following b r o t h e r s and sisters: B r y o u , T y p t o n and S t e p h e n Dilley of W a r w i c k ; Marshall Dilley, of W i l l i a m s b u r g , W . Va. Mrs, Lee Bussard of S t o n y Bottom, and Mrs. William Oscar of Millpoint. H e was preceded in death by a b r o t h e r , Leve Albert Dilley of Marlinton and a sister, M r s . Bertha P o t t e r s of Oakdak*, Pa. A devoted C h r i s t i a n all his life, a kind and faithful h u s b a n d , a loving father, a friend to every one, he will be sadly missed. F u n e r a l services were conducted F r i d a y afternoon from the Union Central M e t h o d i s t Church by Rev. R o g e r P . Melton, pastor of Marlinton P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , with burial in the Wiifong ceme tery. Pall bearers were g r a n d - s o u s and nephews. Flower girls were I g r a n d d a u g h t e r s and nieces. TIPTON DILLEY Tipton Dilley, 77, died on Frilay, November 17, after years if invalidism. Furipyal services w e r e held rom th..' Fairview Church with he Rev. R. H. Skaggs in charge. ntei-ment was made in the nearDy cemetery. Mr. Dilley is survived by one daughter, Miss Bessie Dilley, two brothers, Byron and Stephen Dilley, and one sister, Mrs. Lee Bussard. His wife preceded him in death a number of years ago.


Mrs. Willie. Dilievuied at her home near Dilleys Mill, May 22, 1U25 Her a^e was about JO years. She Is survived by her husband and a number of children, one of whom is Mrs. 6aj Campbell, of Spencer. She was a daughter of the late Squire and Mrs. G S Weiford, of near Ed ray. Funeral services were conducted Sunday mornltitf by', llev. Mr. Kin?, of the Methodist church, and burial In the Dilley graveyard.

Mrs. Eva J. Waugh Dilley, 85, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Sunday, April 26, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. ^ Born October 1, 1884, at Clover Lick, she was a daughter of the late Moffett and Rebecca Friel Waugh. Her husband, Byron D. Dilley, and a son, Floyd Dilley. preceded her in death. Surviving her are nine children: three daughters, Mrs. Delia Kemper, of Mansfield, Ohio, Mrs. Ada Shumaker. ofWickline, Ohio, and Mrs. Viola Long, of Brook Park, Ohio; six sons, Willie Dillev, of d o zer Lick, Ashley Dil'ey, Carl y, Leo Dilley, and Roy Dihey. all of Mansfield, Ohio, and Arnold Dilley, at home; two brothers, Ben Waugh, of Marlinton, and Elzie Waugh, of- Columbus. Ohio; and five sisters, Mrs. Alice Sowers, of Cumberland, Maryland, Mrs. Mary Jane Defibaugh, of Mans field. Ohio, Mrs. Mintie Vance, of Washington, D. C , Mrs. Thelma Sharp, of Xenia, Ohio, and Christine Waugh, of Columbus, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Fairview Methodist Church, of which she was a member;, by the Rev. Bernard Skeen, of McDowell, Virginia. Burial was in the Fairview Cemetery. Floyd Dilley

Floyd Dilley, of Dale Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio, died suddenly Sunday evening, January 30, 1966. Mr. Dilley was an electrician by trade. His fa'her preceded him in death,! July 4. 1957. He is survived by his wife, Einora Long Dilley, and two daughters, Sherry and Nora, of Mansfield; his mother, Mrs. | Byron Dilley, of Marlinton;j three sisters; Mrs. E. C. Kem-1 per, Mansfield. Ohio; Mrs.' Paul Schumaker, Wickl'ffe, Ohio; Mrs. Dana Long, Brook park. Ohio; six brothers; Ashley, Carl, Leo and Ray, Mansfield, Ohio; Willie, of Clover Lick; Arnold, of Marlinton. Funeral services and burial i will be in Mansfield.

Mrs. Robert Dilley » Mrs. Nancy Vallandingham Dilley, 40, of BarboursyilK died at her home on Friday, January 14. 1966, following an extended illness. While residents of Lewisburg, her husband, Robert Dilley, suffered a heart attack and died suddenly in 1964. He was associated with the Nationwide Insurance. Mrs. Dilley later held a position at Greenbrier College. Her father, P. A. Vallandingham, president of the First State Bank of Bjrboursville, died last month. Survivors include one daughter Jane Ellen Dilley, and one son, Robert Jackson Dilley, both at home; one sister, Mrs. R. E. Defibaugh, and one brother, G. P. Vallandingham, both of Barboursville. Funeral services were held Sunday in the Kuhn Memorial Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Charles Kernan, Sr. Burial in the Oaklawn Cemetery. Her late husband was the son of R. C. Dilley, of Huntersville. -. Robert C. Dilley Robert C. Dilley, Jr., 39, of Lewisburg, died Thursday, May 14,1964, at his home after a short illness. He was a member of the Old Stone Presbyterian Church, deacon and teacher of the Adult Sunday School Class, member of the Elks Lodge and Mentor Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Shriner and active in the Little League He was a field claimsman for the Nationwide Insurance Company, resident of Lewisburg for three years and a former resident of South Charleston. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nancy Vallandingham Dilley; one daughter, Jane Dilley, and one son, Robert Jackson Dilley, both at home; and his father, Robert Cecil Dilley, San Antonio, Texas, formerly of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the Old Stone Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Robert Pfrangle. Burial was in the Oak Lawn, Cemetery at Barboursville.


a. YICIS.. uniey, a lire long resident of Pocahontas count}', born at Hunt ersvilie, West Virginia, January 31, 1864 died at his late home in Mar inton 'in February 15,' 1940. Mr Dilley was a printer by trade 1 rnd in bis newsraper business he was ! taken into many parts of the United, | States His Knowledge and understanding of his native Country was I roe'ieuloiK but general and discriml nating. making him a very interest•ng character in tire side chats His naMv Wfst Virginia al*avs had In miriiamre ail I"1,H great a/>d exciiiny wonder* of any of r.he sisterhood of states To him other states iiad the ruaj s y ol Niagra, the rugged height* of i lie Rockies, i he manifold wonder* of the Yellowstone National Park, the snow capped mountains of the Pacific Northwest, the orange g oves and ths golden shores of Ca'ifornia. the wild grandeur of the Grand Canyon of Colorada, and the roses and tuoss decked trees of Florida, but his impartial mind was still impressed with the fair beauties of his o^n re n wned state < The Dilley family was large, con ststing of brothers and sisters as fol ows: Clayton, Jerry, Clark. Register. ' Wilson. Peter Fletcher, Davis Suin oa^rs, George, Margarette, Rebecca a d Jane. Mr Dilley was married to BirdiO Hannah on "November 11, 1911 md to this union was born one daugh ter, Mrs. Fred Hefner. The deceased was a member of th' Marlinton Presbyterian Church, having transferred his membership from trie same denomination in Buffalo New York The tuneral service was conduc'eo (rom the home by his pastor, Rev. i J . b Wool, assisted by Dr H Mai :com Sturm, pastor of the Marlinton ( *iethodist Church His body wa* laid to rest Saturday afternoon, Feb tuary 17, in the Mt. View Cemetery

Uriah Hevener Dilley Uriah H e v e n e r Dilley aged 65 y e a r s , died a t his borne on B r o w n s M o u n t a i n , ou S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n , D r c e m b e r 26, 1948, H e suffered vv heart a t t a c k while s i t t i n g in his home. H e had been about is usual. T h e funeral service will be held from the Marlinton M e t h o d i s t Church on W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n , by his pastor, Rev. E . N. Carlson assisted by Rev. R o g e r Melton. Burial in the Dil'ey family cemetery. Mr. Dilley married Miss Icie S h a r p , who preceded her husband iti death m a n y y e a r s a g o . T h e i r d a u g h t e r s a r e Mrs. Helen Davis, J e a n and B e t t i e L e e ; t h e i r sons tire Bedford, Roscoe, Maynard Dr. K e r m i t , E u g e n e and G o r d c Six .years a g o he married M r s L - l e t t a V a r n e r , who s u r v i v e s T h e deceased was a son of t h e late Amos J . and A r a m i n t a Dilley, iDilley. H i s s u r v i v i n g sister v. Mrs. V i r g i e May M c L a u g h l i n ; ins 'jrothers are William A . , E r n e s t H a r m o n and E v e r e t t A m o s . T h u s is noted t h e passing o ° one of o u r most p r o m i n e n t am' 1 substantial citizens. H e was £ ''anner and business m a n . o f large affairs. H e was a good n e i g h b o r and a public s p i r i t e d m a n . In religion, he was a m e m b e r of t h e Methodist c h u r c h .

L u l a A u d r e y Bussard Diley, aged 54 y e a r s , died a t her home in M a r l i n t o n , o n F r i d a y , O c t o b e r 29, 1948. S h e had been an invalid for m o r e than two years. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral wan held from the Marlinton M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h by Rev, Q u a d e R. A r b o g a s t , assisted by Rev. L. E . Saville. Her bod.v was laid t o rest in t h a family plot in M o u n t a i n View Cemetery.

Pall b e a r e r s were: K l i n e L o v e 1 ice O t e y B u r d e t t e , J a m e s McG r a w , Norval P i f e r , L e e Barlow, and W a l t e r Moses. T h e ilower girls were: M r s I. B B m u g a r d n e r , J r . , Mrs. O d i e C l a r k s o n , Mrs Lee Barlow, Mrs. A n n a Thomas, Mrs. W a l t e r Moses, Mrs. Clyde Vallandingharn a n d Miss Leone Moore. Mrs. Dilley was a d a u g h t e r of the late Ellis M. and M i n n i e S h a r p Bussard. I n N o v e m b e r , 1911, she became t h e wife ki E a r l e y C. Dilley, who survives. jThei? children a r e , Mrs. Susan Colson, of D e t r o i t , M i c h i g a n ; Ralph Dilley, of W a r r e n . O h i o ; a n d Gail, J a m e s , A u d r e y and Kobert. T w o children died in infancy. Of her father's family there remain h e r b r o t h e r , E . C l y d e Bussard, of M i n n e h a h a S p r i n g s , and h e r five sisters, M r s . R. G. McCollain and Mrs. B. W . Gorrell, of W h e e l i n g : Mrs, K. T C h e s t n u t , of F r o s t ; Mrs. R. G . C h e s t n u t and. Mrs John Andrew Dilley T h a r p Kelley, of Huutursville. J o h n A n d r e w Dilley, aged 61 She is also survived b y three vears, of Elkins, died on F r i d a y , g r a n d c h i l d r e n , Mary M. Colson \ p r i l 3, 1953. Ou M o n d a y his and J o h n n y and K e n n e t h Dilley. body was laid in the Odd Fellow j F r o m early girlhood Mrs. Diliz > m e t e r y with m i l i t a r y h o n o r s . i ley had been a professing eh rig tT h e deceased was a son of the iian, a faithful m e m b e r of the Edgar Diiley / > t t e S u m m e r s and A m a n d a Mc- Methodist C h u r c h . E d g a r Dilley w a s b o r n M a r c h baughliu Dilley. H e was b o r n 3, 1881, a t Clover Lick, a n d died Arch Joseph Dilley T h u r s d a y , M a y 9 , 1 9 5 7 , a t t h e near M a r l i n t o n and was a soldier P o c a h o n t a s M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l , in t h e F i r s t W o r l d W a r . H e was A r c h J o s e p h Dilley was born age 76 years, t w o m o n t h s a n d a retired employee of t h e W e s t e r n a t M o u n t a i n G r o v e , Virginia, on Maryland Railway. six d a y s . N o v e m b e r 14, 1884, t h e son of T h e deceased is survived b y h i s H e w a s t h e son of t h e l a t e M r . the late S h u r m a n and Martha a n d M r s . W o o d s Dilley. H e w a s wife and a n u m b e r of c h i l d r e n ; S t o n e s t r e e t Dilley, and departed this life on F r i d a y , A u g u s t 28, married t o N e t t i e S h a r p - T o one is Daniel F . D i u u y , of Mar1953, in t h e P o c a h o n t a s Memorial this union were b o r n t h r e e child- linton. H o s p i t a l , after a l i n g e r i n g illness. ren. Survivors include h i s wife, o n e M r . Dilley was married twice. EARLY DILLEY fj>~ daughter, M r s . Cora Carpenter; H e married Miss Leola Grimes, Early Dilley, 68, died suddenly a son. H a r m a n Dilley; o n e b r o t h on S e p t e m b e r 19, 1917, and to i of a heart attack early Thursday er, R o d n e y Dilley, of M i c h i g a n ; this uDion were born four childmorning, July 12, 1956, in the a sister, G r a c e Dilley a t h o m e . | Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He r e n : Alfred Dilley and Mrs. H e is also survived b y six g r a n d Calvin H u b e r , of B a l t i m o r e , had been working on the church M a r y l a n d ; M r s . William Cooper, children a n d seven g r e a t g r a n d building at Buckeye and seemed of C o v i n g t o n , K e n t u c k y ; and children. O n e d a u g h t e r . M r s . in good health. However, he was L e a t h a , deceasedClaire S h i n a b e r r y , p r e c e d e d h i m stricken at home during the night in d e a t h . and was rushed to the hospital at On April 2, 1930, he married about 2:00 a. m. and died in a T h e funeral services were conMiss L u r l i e Chansler, of Gilpin, d u c t e d a t t h e M a r l i n t o n N a z a - couple of hours. K e n t u c k y , w h o with six of t h e i r Funeral arrangements were not e i g h t children s u r v i v e . T h e y a r e : rene C h u r c h on M a y , 1 1 , a t 2:0o complete at press time pending J o n a s , S h u r m a n , A r c h , J r . , Aup . m . b y R e v . Leslie R o g e r s w i t h word from his children. d r e y and E d i t h , a t home, and R e v . A. U . B u r n s i d e assisting. L e n o r a , of M a r l i n t o n . I n t e r m e n t i n M o u n t a i n View Cemetery.





Roscoe Hevener Dilley, 60, of Marlinton, died Friday, June 26,1970, while at work for the West Virginia Department of Highways on Browns Creek. Death was attributed to an apparent heart attack. Born in Huntersville, August 23,1909, he was the son of the late Hevener and Icie Sharp Dilley. ( S / v ^ l He was a World War II veteran having served in the European Theatre and participated in the Normandy Invasion. He was a member of the Bethel Methodist Church and the Marlinton Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors include his wife,. Emma H. Dilley; four brothers, Bedford, of North Bend, Ohio, Maynard and Eugene, both of Marlinton, and Gordon, of Huntersville, and two sisters, Mrs. Helen Davis, of Marlinton, and Joan Bell, of Covington, Virginia. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church with Rev. Maynard Crawford in charge. Burial was in the DilMrs Carrie Stalnaker Dilley, ageu ley Cemetery near Huntersville.

In the passing over of W. H. Dilley a good man has gone to his reward. Born November 5, 1847, died January 6, 1926, having passed his 79Sh birthday. The funeral services were conducted from the home at Dilleys Mill on Friday, by his pastor, Rev. Grajnolds of the Frost Ciouit, M. E. Church. Interment on • little knoll near his late residence. The deceased was a son of the late Andrew Dilley. November 24, 1868, he married Miss Carrie H. Stalnak of Klkwater. He is survived by his wife and their two children, Mrs. S. Mc Dilley, of Marlinton, and Ellis K. who lives on the homestead, Dilleys Mill. Also by a brother, Amos J. Dilley. I n 1870, Mr Dilley professed religiion at the Mt. Zlon campmeeting and throughout these years he '.\ -3d a faithful and spotless christian Mfe. He was ever ready to aid the needy ones. The last church service he attended was at Marlinton on November 1, 1925, when the sacrament was ^arlaken by 180 persons. He often commented on the large number who joined in the Lord's Supper. At his j age he knew more people over on the I other shore than he did here. We do ' not sorrow as those without hope.

ninety years, widow of the late William Hanson Dilley, died at Marlinton on Friday, July, 1939, after an illness of several weeks. Interment at the Dilley graveyard at Dilleys Mill on Sunday afternoon; the ser vice was conducted from the home of vir and Mrs S Mac Dilley, by Rev B. W, John and Rev James C Wool. Mrs Dilley was born August 31, 1819, at E'kwater, Randolph county. Of Her father's family, Web > Stalnaker, of Monterville, and Mrs H rlie Mc Gain, of Sissonville. survive tier. On November 24, 1868, she became ihe wife of the late W. H Dilley, * ho died January 6, 1926 To this union were bjrn two children, Birdie O . who is Mrs S Mc. Dilley, of Marlinton. and Ellis H who died August 21,1929 Her six grandchildren are | Mrs Ruth B. Martin, and Mrs Halene McCIung, of Rupert; Mrs , Wiliua Gilmo r e and Ncrman II. Dilley oi Woodrow; Madaline Dilley of Roches u r , New York, and Mrs Eula Dilley Hefner, of Marlinton. K>r severrl y ; ars Mrs Dilley made iier home with her daughter in Marlinton, She was a life long christian, a member of the Methodist church

Ruth Withrow Dilley Ruth Withrow Dilley, 62, of Marlinton, difd Tuesday, December 28, 1971 'in. the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after rv long illness. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Vaiw Reenen Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton,

Alfrri J. Dillty Alfred J. Dilley, 62, of Baltimore, formerly of Clover Lick and Charleston, died Sunday, February 21,1982, in a Maryland hospital after a long illness. He was retired from Maryland Cup Corporation and was a Methodist. Born December 2,1919, he was the son of the late Arch ,'oseph and Leola B. Grimes x^.ltey. Surviving are his wife, Mary Gresham Dilley; daughters, Gladys A. Hough, of Baltimore, Maryland, Donna Dilley, Washington, D. C ; sisters, Mrs, Beatrice Huber, Baltimore, Mts. Mary E. Cooper, Erlanger, Kentucky; half sisters, Mrs. Lenora Wiley, White Plains, Maryland, Mrs. Edith Gainor, Hardinsburg, Kentucky, Mrs, Audrey Bennett, Verona, Virginia; two half brothers, Jonas F. Dilley.Westminster, Maryland, Sherman Dilley, Baltimore; also his stepmother, Mrs. Lurlie M. Curry, Hardinsburg, Kentucky. The body was cremated. A Memorial Service is to be held later in Foundry United Methodist Church, Washington, D. C.

Yz99 )

Ur. t. K. Dilley A sense of great loss was felt throughout the county at the sudden death of Dr. Charles Kermit Dilley, aged 47 years, who died Saturday afternoon, April 15th, 1961, in his office shortly after suffering a heart attack. Dr. Dilley, physician and surgeon, had practiced medicine in Marlinton since 1947. He did resident work at Harper Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, for two years, after serving as a Lieutenant Commander- in the Navy during World War II. He was graduated from Marinton High School, West Virginia University, Northwestern Medical College, and interned at Harper Hospital, at Detroit. He was a member of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity. Active with many civic and ousiness ventures, Dr. Dilley was a member of the Pocahonta County Board of Education, past president of the Greenbrier Valley Medical Association and the Marlinton Rotary Club, and on the Board of Directors of the Marlinton Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church. Born at Huntersville, on January 5th. 1914, he was a son of the late Uriah Hevener and Icie Amanda Sharp Dilley. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Geraldine Buckley Dilley, a son, Charles K. Dilley, Jr., a student at Admiral Farragut Academy, St. Petersburg, Florida; two daughters, Martha Kay and Elizbeth Buckley, at home; eight brothers and sisters: Bedford, of North Bend, Ohio; Roscoe, May^ lard, Eugene, Betty, and Mrs" ^ayman Davis, all of Marlinton; Mrs. John Bell, of Logan; and Gordon, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, Jr., with buri?" in Mountain View Cemetery Mrs. Leolla Crimes Dilley, daugn i ter of U. S. and Ida 13 Grimes, was 'born August 14, 1898, died Septern ber 21, 1(J25, aged 27 years, 1 month ind seven days. She leaves to m their loss her husband, five children; her father and mother, two brothers and two sisters Dearest daught; ', thou hast left US, Here thy IOM are deeply feel; But 'tis God vi lm hath bereft us, He will all ou; sorrows heal. Vet again we nope to meet thee, When the tri ite of life are o'er, Then in heaven with joy to greet thee Where farewell tears are shed no ii ira,

Q^> Mrs. K. I. Uilley Mrs. Blanche Warner Uillev, aged 52 years, wife of R. C. Dilley, died at her home in Hunt ersville, on Wednesday, April 58", 1952. Mrs. Dille.y, born September 6, 1899 in Pendleton Conntv. She was the daughter of M. D. Warner and the late Malinda Helmiek Warner. Besides her husband, Mrs Dilley in survived by one son, Robert C. Dilley, J r . and one grandson, Robert J. Dilley, of Point. Pleasant; her brother and sister in law, whom she reared. J. D. Dilley, of New York City, and Mrs. Mildred Dilley Div, of Charleston; her father, M. I) W a n u r . of Salem, Virginia; five sisters; Mrs. William Van Devendcr, of Frank: Mrs. Bart White, of Salem, Virginia; Mrs. E S. buck w o n h, of Barboursville; Mrs A. L. Carson, of Richmond, Virginia; and Miss Kutb Warner, of Charlottesville, Virginia; and one brother. Moody Dick Warner, of Lakeland, Florida. She was preceded ia death by one sister, Mrs. Pearl McLaughlin, of Huntersville.

Baoy umey

Paula Darlene Dilley, infant daughter of Sp4 Darrell and Pauline Broyles Dilley, was born on Thursday, February 23, 1961, and died one day and seventeen hours after birth in the United States Armv Hospital at Fort Hood, Texas, on February 24, 1961. Surviving in addition to the parents are the grandparents, Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broyles, and the great-grandmother, Mrs Winnie Mitchell, all of Marlinton. The little body wa3 returned to Marlinton where graveside services were held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in the Fairview Cemetery by the Rev. W. E. Pierce. - -. .•* ~~ £ * C . H. DUDLEY J l , Gilbert Hugh Dilley, torn October 14, 1896, and died Thursday, March 12th, 1959, age 62 years 5 months and 12 days. He was bom at_ Clawson where he has spent most of his life. He was the son of the late Josiah and Amanda Sharp Dilley Vho preceded him in death several years ago. He is survived by one brother, Newman B. Dilley, of Clover Lick, and one half-brother, Ressie Mooie, of Huntersville. Also his children, Pauline, Raymond, Rowena, Ada, Jeanie and Ronny.

Funeral services were held in the Marlinton Methodist Church, on Saturday, April 5, 1952 with the Rev. Don C. Taj lor, officiat ing. Interment was made in the Mountain View Cemetery. Pall bearers were members ofj Funeral services were conductthe West Virginia State Police. ed Saturday at 2:00 p.m. at the Clamson Church by the Rev. T. G. Alderman. Burial was in the Bessie Dilley Bessie Bertha Dil'ey, born Clawson Cemetery by The Sr \\\ November 24, 1899, daughter of Funeral Directors. the late Tipton and Allie Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Frant: Dil'ey Uillev. died at the home of Mi. Dunmore—Relatives here have and Mrs. Byron Dilley. of Marlinton, on June 21,' 1953. On received news of the deaths of Tuesday her funeral was held at Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dilley, at the Fairview Church by the Rey. their home in Princess Anne. Md. Mrs. Izzie McCufcheon Dilley Skaggs Her body was laid to lged To years , died on February rest~iu the Fairview Cemetery. [Ore place is vacant in cur hearts I, 1951. She was a daughter of the late John B. and Rachel Bible no one can fill McCutcheon of Dor ,ore. You are gone but t o t forgotten, Francis Dilley. aged about 80 Never shall your memo \y fade years, died on Febi -y 10. 1951. ' And wc shall linger around the He wai a son of the late Clayton grave where you ase laid. Dilley, of Huntersvil e. Each was Mrs. B. D. D. a-.d fumily the last member of their respective families to be called. I Obis Dilley formerly of Millpolnt, |W. Va., died May 9 th, 1925 in the hospital at Montgomery, W. Va , of ulcerated stomach. He was in his Grant Dilley thirty-eight year. Seven months aero Grant Dilley, 81, a retired farhis wife preceded to the grave. He was superintendent of rolling stock mer, formerly of Kenick, died on on the Meadow Creek R. E. and lived Monday, January 12. 1948, at the at Ralnelle. He leaves a daughter, home of his son. Otis Dilley, at Miss Pearl Dilley, his mother and Thompson, Pennsylvania. The many brothers to mourn his loss. funeral was held Friday with serThe funeral was conducted at Marvin Chapel by Rev. J. C. Johnson and the vice at Mt. Zion Church, near interment was in the Rueiiman ceme Frost. te'j. Fhe bin' U was attended by a \a .i.number o. his former friends


Mrs. Loleta Dilley Mrs. Loleta Dilley, aged 72 /ears, widow of the late Hevener Dilley,. died at her home in Huntersville District on Monday, June 3, 1957. She had been in failing health for some time. On Wednesday afternoon her body was laid in the Dilley family cemetery. The service was held from Marlinton Methodist Church by Rev. Charles A. Yoho. Mrs. Dilley is survived by four sons: Theodore Varner, of Covington, Virginia; Miller Varner, of Portsmouth, Virginia; Carl Varner, of Mt. Solon, Virginia; and Clyde Varner, of Lewisburg; three daughters: Mrs. Stella Wooddell, Mrs. Mary Bennett and Mrs. Gladys Duncan, all of Charleston; ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren; also six stepsons and three stepdaughters The sudden death of M>- MasJ Wooddell Dilley and infant daughter] came as a shock to the. community "I" Greenbank. She was Hie only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs W. H. Wooddell She was born June vi. 1896 ami • May 28, 1934, al the H;,'e of On November 22, 1919 she was married to Otis MrKinley luiley To tins union was bom seven Otis Junior, Ella Mae, William Rich»>'i ister ('lark, Alice Gerl Edna Lee and the infant She lea to mourn her loss bei husband, her MX children, her mother and. father, and three brothers, Clyde and Fri of Greenbank, and Luther, of Char lotte, Michigan: besides a host friends. The funeral services were held the home of her parents, the ser i.ein^ inducted by her pastor, I H. W. Marshall, assisted by Rev. £>, M. Monroe, interment was made in the family plot of the Arbuvalc cemetery. ; The family vvidies to thank many friends for their kindness and •ympal hy, which was a great-help In time of sorrow. The Family.

Mrs. Newman Dilley

Mrs. Violet Wilfong Kerr Dilley, 51, of Richwood, died Monday, December 20, 1965, a few hours after she had been found by a neighbor in her home overcome by gas. Her mother was also hospitalized.. Born in Pocahontas County, December 19, 1914, she was a daughter of Rosie Miller Wilfong Tacy and the late E. J. Wilfong. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m., at Central Union Methodist Church by the Rev. Harry Drake with burial in the Wilfong Cemetery

Mrs. Birdie Ann Dilley, 74, of Marlinton, died Friday, July 26, 1963, in the Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. Born at Huntersville, April 16, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Willis and Caroline Cochran McComb. Her husband, Floyd Dilley, preceded her in death. She was a member of the Camp belltown Methodist Church. Survivors include a son, Harold Dilley, of Marlinton and i a brother, Alfred McComb, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in theCampbelltown Methodist Church by the Rev. Clarence Pierson. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery*.

Mrj. Eugene Dilley Mrs. Faith Wooddell Dilley, 57, of Marlinton, died Sunday, April 28,1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born April 2,1917, at Onoto, she was a daughter of the late Edgar and Geneva Sharp Wooddell. She was a member of the Stony Creek Presbyterian Church, a veteran of the U. S. Navy, a member of the Order of th e Eastern Star. She was a financial secretary of Federal Programs of the Pocahontas County Board of Education and had formerly held . a similar position with the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Preceding her in death were two brothers 'and two sisters, Survivors include her husband, Eugene P. Dilley; one son, Dwignt H. Diller, of Marlinton; one daughter, Mrs. Nancy D. Burks, of Mill Point; two brothers, Porter Lee Wood dell and Arch G. Wooddell, both of Marlinton; five sisters, Mrs. Ada Vaughan, Mrs. Alice Hamrick and Mrs. Margie Dumire, all of Marlinton; Mrs. Betty Matheny and Mrs. Oleta . Barkley, both of Green Bank, and two grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford and the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial was in the Mountain View. Cemetery.

Luuit-r Amos unity Ashley C. Dilley, of MansLuther Amos Dilley, aged field, was born May 2, vears died November S, 2944, 1912, Ohio, departed this life on Sepfrom injuries received in a coal tember 7,1975 of an acute heart •nine accident at Roanoke, W. Va attack and pneumonia. His body was buried in the RoanHe was the son of the late ike cemetery, the service being Byron and Eva Waugh DiHey, onducted by Rev. Mr. Sloan, of of Marlinton. One brother near Charleston. The deceased was a son of Mrs. preceded him in death. Mr. Dilley is survived by his Amanda Dilley, of Clawlon, and wife, Maud Doyle Dilley, one the late Josiah Dilley. His brothdaughter, Mrs. Marylin Whited ers are Gilbert, Glenn, and a half brother, Ressie Moore. of Frederick town, Ohio, and a son, Ashley C. Dilley, II, of Mr. Dilley married Miss Rubj Mansfield; three sisters, Mrs. Mitchell, of Roanoke. She and Delia Kemper, Mansfield, Mrs. their two sons, Norman Lee and Ada Schumaker and Mrs. Viola Darrel Joe, survive. At an early aa-e be made a pro- : Long, of Cleveland, Ohio; five brothers, Willie, of Stony Botfession of religion and joined the tom, Carl, Leo and Roy Dilley, Methodist church. He has ever of Mansfield, and Arnold, of been an enthusiastic church worker, Marlinton. Mr. Dilley was'a veteran of Maynard Dilley World War II and lived in Maynard Dilley died at his Mansfield where he was employed by National Seating home in Richmond, Virginia, and recently retired. Wednesday, December 11, Services were conducted by 1985. Pastor James Laurence and The body will be returned Pastor Howard Sniveley. He to Marlinton for services and was laid to rest in the Mansburial. ... *• field Memorial Park Cemetery.

Gienroot Dilley Glenrooc J. Dilley, 52,, of Rt. 1, Oakland, Maryland, died Wednesday, May 28, 1975, at Whippany, New Jersey. He was a native of Garrett County, Maryland, a son of the late Ellet H. and Sarah Naomi Lohr Dilley. Mr. Dilley had been a Maryland tax auditor since 1958. He was a member of St. Paul's Methodist Church, a veteran of World War II and the Korean conflict, a member of Oakland Lodge No 192. AF&AM, Amer ican Legion, Loyal Order of Moose, and Woodmen of the World. Surviving are his widow, Mildred Dilley; a step-daughter Mrs. Larry Stokes, of Damascus; a brother, Delmar C. Dilley, Oakland; a sister, Mrs. Frankie Piper, Oakland; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held May 31, from the John Durst funeral home by Rev. Lawrence Sherwood, with burial in Garrett County Memorial Gardens. Mr. Dilley was the nephew of Mrs. Claire East, of Durbin.


Gail B. Dilley Gail Bird Dilley, 66, died Thursday, December 20, 1984, at his home in Warren, Ohio. He was born March 26, 1918, in Marlinton, the son of Earley Cecil and Lula Audrey Bussard Dilley. During World War II he was awarded the American Theater Ribbon, the Asiatic Pacific Theater Ribbon, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Victory Medal while serving with the 558th Air Service Group in Okinawa. He retired from Packard Electric Division of General Motors in Warren. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Anna Belle Simmons Dilley, of Warren; his son, Kenneth Gail Dilley, of Water ford, Michigan; two brothers, Robert L. and Ralph Dilley, both of Warren; and a sister, Susan Colson, of Royal Oak, Michigan; and several nephews and nieces. Services were held at 11 a.m. Monday at the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton by the Rev. Robert E. Cruikshank, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Mifl umey Mrs. Goldie Marie Hefner Dilley, 57, of Marlinton, died Saturday afternoon, October 12, 1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. Survivors include her husband. Mirl Wilson Dilley, of Marlinton; a son, Dale Lee Dilley, of Cleveland, Ohio; one daughter, Twila Mae Dilley, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Watson and Mrs. Gsrcie Gilbert, both of White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Catherine Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs, and three grandchild- • ren. Funeral services were held j Monday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, assisted by the Rev. J. O. Shank, with burial at Mays Chapel. Joseph Butler Dilley Joseph Butler Dilley, age 79, of Neola, died Thursday, June 5, 1997, at his home following a long illness. He was born May 28, 1918, at Mountain Grove, Virginia, the son of the late Butler and Rose Gabbert Dilley. Mr. Dilley was a retail grocery store owner and butcher, a member of the May Chapel United Methodist Church, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Nevada City Elks #518, Nevada City Lodge #13 Free and Accepted Masons where he was Exalted Ruler 1975-1976, Sacramento Scottish Rite for 28 years, York Rite, Knights of Rosa Crucia, Shrine Beni Ole Temple, Sacramento, and a Navy veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Edith Popplewell Dilley; a son, Jason Dilley, of San Francisco, California; two sisters, Jewell McDermott, White Sulphur Springs, and Ruth Lovejoy, Oakland, California. Memorial services were held at 10 a. m. Wednesday at May Chapel United Methodist Church with the Rev. Paul Suttle officiating. Burial was in May Chapel Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the May Chapel United Methodist Church or The Gideons.

Kamona Lee Detibaugh Ramona Lee Defibaugh, 50, Dunmore—Relatives here have received news of the deaths of died at her home in Grafton, Ohio, *" VIr. and Mrs Francis Dilley, at on Monday, May 18, 1987, after their borne in Princess Anne. Md. several months illness with cancer. Born in Marlinton February 4, Mrs. Izzie McCutcheon Dilley aged 75 years , died on February 1937, she was the daughter of I, 1951. She was a daughter of Madge Dilley Hill, of Grafton, the late John B. and Rachel Bible Ohio, and the late Osborne Hill. McCutcheon of Dunmore. A daughter, Donita, preceded Francis Dilley, aged about 80 her in death in 1965. years, died on February 10, 1951. Surviving her are her husband, He was a son of the Lite Clayton Donald B. Defibaugh; a daughter, Dilley, of Huntersvil e. Each was Debra Lynn, of Grafton; one the last member of their respectgrandchild, Justin; two brothers, ive families to be called. Marvin Hill, of Elkins, and James Anderson, of Marlinton; and one Charles Harman Dilley sister, Sharon Dean, of Rhode Charles Herman Di ley. aged Island. 81 jears, of Crmpbelltown, died Services will be held at at the home of his daughter, Mrs 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Ora Morrison on Friday, February 26, 1951, of a heart attack. On Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Sunday afternoon, the ^ervici Newkirk, with burial in Mountain was held from Fairview Churc' View Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dil'ey

by RXJV. R. T. Crigger assisted b

Rev. E Clyde Bussard. His body was laid io Fairview Cemetery. Tbe deceased was a son of tbt late Josiah aud Mary Ann Friel Dilley. He married Matiidt. .Sharp, who preceded her husband in death seventeen years since. These worthy peopL are survived bj their six children; Vency F Dilley, of Marlinton. Marion C Dilley, Earl W. Dilley. MrEmma Berry, Mrs Opal Buston. ill of Charleston; Mrs Ora Mor rison of Marlinton. Also, by 15 s/rand children and 9 great grand children. Another daughter j Mrs Mamie Pauley preceded her father eighteen moDtbs ago. Mr Dilley wis a blacksmith by .rade. retiring from active labor about eight jt.irs ago. He was a aood citizen, upright in all hi.* dealings.

Raymond J . Dilley Raymond Jay Dilley, of Richmond, Virginia, formerly of Durbin, died July 23, 1998, of cancer. He was the son of tbe late Austin W. Dilley and Iva Wood Dilley. He was a World War II Veteran having served as recruiting Sergeant in Virginia, and also in the Medical Corps in Germany. He was preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth Robinson Dilley, and one son, Ray J. Dilley. The survivors include two brothers, Melvin A. Dilley and Max Eugene Dilley, of Elkins, and one sister, Leona Zoe Rainey, of Beverly. Graveside service was held in Dale Memorial Park by the pastor of Ramsey Memorial Methodist Church. •(/

Ollie E d n a Dilley FAYETTEVILLE - Ollie Edna Massie Dilley, 84, of Route 1, Fayetteville, died May 7, 1992, at Plateau Medical Center, Oak Hill, after a long illness. She was a homemaker and a member of Jones Avenue Church of God. Surviving: daughters, Alice Parrish of Fayetteville, Mary Baker of Chesterfield, Va., Gladys Dilley of Oak Hill; son, Marvin of Oak Hill; sister, Alma Eder of Mount Hope; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, with the Rev. Charles Heater officiating. Burial will be in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


Harold Dilley

* Harold Dilley, 69, of Marlinton, died September 30, 1982, in the Beckley Veterans Hospital after a short illness. Born on February 24, 1913, he was the son of the late Floyd and Birdie McComb Dilley. (Wdf A veteran of World War II, Mr. Dilley was an aircraft mechanic and a member of tbe Campbelltown United Methodist Church and the VFW. Survivors include one son, Tyrone Dilley, New Carrollton, Maryland, and two grandchildren. Services were held at 1:30 >. en., Sunday^nrvanKeenen 'uneral Home with the Rev. j . B. Mitcham officiating. Burial was in the Mt. View Cemetery.

Mirl Dilley Mirl Wilson Dilley, 65, of Marlinton. died Thursday, January 10,. 1974. He had been in failing health for several years. Born October 24, 1908. it Pocahontas County, he was i son of the late Butler C. anc Rose Gabbert Dilley. He was a member of the Nazarene Church and a retired tannery employee. His wife, Goldie. Hefner Dilley, and two infant daughters preceded him in death. Survivors include one son, Dale Dilley, of Garfield Heights, Ohio; one daughter, Miss Twila May Dilley. of Hillsboro: two brothers, Paul Dilley of Richmond. Virginia, and Joe Dilley,. of Nevada, City, California: three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Lovejoy, of Santa Cruz, California, Mrs. Leona Hannah, of Marlinton and Mrs. Jewell McDermott. of Neola, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Nazarene Church by the Rev. George Phillipson. with burial in Mays Chapel Cemetery at Neola.

Mrs. Bedford DiUey Bernice "Billie" Dilley, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died January 26, 1998, in Cincinnati. She was the widow of W. Bedford Dilley, who was born and raised at Dilley* s Mill and wuo was a brother of Eugene Dilley and Helen Dilley Davis, of Marlinton. Mrs. Dilley was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginsburg, and was born in a village in Vilnius, Lithuania. She migrated to America in 1920, passing through Ellis Island, New York, where her name is on a plaque. Surviving her is a daughter, Barbara Carozza, of East Brunswick, New Jersey; a sister, Norma Marcus, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Lawrence L. Dilley

Lawrence Ledford Dilley, 71, of near Covington, Virginia, died January 28, 1974, in the Emmett Memorial Hospital. Mr. Dilley was born November 15, 1902 in Dunmore, a son of the late Christopher and Daisy Sharp Dilley. He had lived in the Covington area most of his life He was a retired farmer, and a member of Fletchers Chapel United Metho dist Church. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Eggleston Dilley, of near Covington; a son, Kenneth L. Dilley, Covington, and adaugh ter, Mrs. Calvin (Shirley) Saville, near Covington, three brothers, Kyle C. Dilley, Charleston, June Dilley, Meadville, Pennsylvania, and Guy Dilley, of Covington; five sisters, Miss Mabel Dilley, Dunmore, Mrs. Harlen (Creola) Harper, River ton, Mrs. Arden (Christine) Shinaberry, Charleston, Mrs. John (Edna) Galford, Townville, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Clarence Wilfong, Marlinton, and five grandchildren. The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon in the chapel of the Arritt Funeral Home with the Rev. Ronald Quinlan officiating, ass'sted by the Rev. Webster Curry. Inter ment wss in Alleghany Memorial Park.

John R. Dilley, Jr. John R. Dilley, Jr., of Warren, Ohio, died December 11, 1988. He was the so^ of John Ralph Dilley, Sr., and Jane VanReenen Dilley, born April 18, 1941. Mr. Dilley was a graduate of the New York School of Interior Design and was an interior decorator in Warren. He belonged to several community organizations including the Warren Area Jaycees, was former director of Miss Warren Beauty Pageant, was co-producer of Miss Ohio Beauty Pageant, judge of many beauty contests. He was a member of Tod United Methodist Church, a member of the church choir, and member of the Belles, Bachelors, and Mates Sunday School Class. He had been employed at one time by Uni-Globe Travel Agency as manager in Long Beach, California. He is survived by his parents and several aunts and uncles. Funerai services were held at McFarland and Son Funeral Home Correction—In the ob-'tna-v on Wednesday, December 14, at 2 p. m. with the Rev. Earl H. last week of Lawrence L D | | £7. our of bis sisters we re Cunningham officiating. mentioned by name and one Burial was at Crown Hill Burial was not which is Mrs Clarence vParkin Vienna, Ohio. £ g ^ e ) Wilfong, of Mart Contributions may be made to Hospice of Trumbull or the Choir at Tod Avenue Methodist Church.

Maynard B. Dilley Maynard B. Dilley, of Richmond, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died Wednesday, December 11, 1985, of a heart attack at his home. Mr. Dilley was the former owner of Marlinton Motor Sales. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, a member of the Marlinton Lions Club, and a Shriner. Born at Marlinton July 13, 1911, he was the son of Hevener and Icie Amanda Sharp Dilley. Three brothers, Kermit, Roscoe and Bedford Dilley, preceded him in death. He is survived by his wift Sarah McCarty Dilley; thre. children, Dr. James Dilley Gainesville, Florida, Phillip Dilley, Summersville, and Barbara Dilley, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Davis, Marlinton, and Mrs. Joan Bell, Lewisburg; and two brothers, Gordon and Eugene Dilley, both of Marlinton. Services were held Saturday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by Rev. Robert Cruikshank and Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Ruth Martha Dilley

Mrs. Ruth Martha Dilley,, 76, of Dunmore, died Wednes-. day, January 23; 1980, in Elkins Memorial General Hoapi-. tal after a long illness. She was a member of "the' Dunmore Presbyterian Church. Born in Dunmore, August 5,1903, she was a daughter of the late W. C. and Fannie Moore McLaughin. Surviving are a son, Cameron, of Dunmore; daughter, Mrs. Mary Dilley Anderson of Marlinton; brother, Don McLaughlin, of Ravenna, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Glenna Hefner and Mrs. Lily M. Kellison, both of Marlinton; 2 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Her husband, Harman B. Dilley, preceded her in death, also, three brothers and two sisters. Services were held Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

• H DEATHS Ramona Lee Defibaugh Ramona Lee Defibaugh, 50, died at her home in Grafton, Ohio, on Monday, May 18, 1987, after several months illness with cancer Born in Marlinton February 4, 1937 she was the daughter of Madge Dilley Hill, of Grafton, Ohio, and the late Osborne Hill A daughter, Donita, preceded her in death in 1965. Surviving her are her husband, Donald B. Defibaugh; a daughter, Debra Lynn, of Grafton; one grandchild, Justin; two brothers, i Marvin Hill, of Elkins, and James I Anderson, of Marlinton; and one sister, Sharon Dean, of Rhode Island. ' Services will be held at 2 p m . Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. txf R. C. Dilley Robert Cecil Dilley, 76, of Summersville, formerly of Marlinton, died Friday, October 22, 1971, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. Born at Huntersville, October 24, 1894, he was a son of the late Jasper D. and Margaret Hoggsett Dilley. He was a retired state policeman, served a four-year term as sheriff of Pocahontas County, a veteran of World War I, member of Harlandale Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, Texas, a 32nd Degree Mason and Shriner, belonging to Beni Kedem Temple in Charleston. Mr. Dilley was also a member of Chelyan Lodge No. 198 and American Legion Post No. 112 of Charleston. He was preceded in death by Ms first wife, Blanche Warner Dilley, and a son, Robert C. Dilley, Jr. Survivors include his wife, Betty Lee Kincaid Dilley, of Summersville; a sister, Mrs. Opal McDaniel, of Grafton; a half brother, J. D. Dilley, of Huntington, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with Rev. Paul Beat, of Summersville, in charge. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Donita Kay Defibaugh Donita Kay Defibaugh, eight year-old daughter of Donald and Ramona Hill Defibaugh, died Saturday, December 11, 1965, in the University HospiI tal at Charlottesville, Virginia, iof leukem'a. She had been a 'patient there for a week. Donita attended the Marlinton Presbyterian Church where she was a member ot the Junior Choir, and she was a member of Brownie Scout Troop No. 414. She was born in Marlinton August 14,1957. Besides her parents, she is survived by a sister, Debra Maria, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Defibaugh, of Marlinton, and Mrs. A. Owen Edmonston, of St. Petersburg, Florida, and great-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dillev and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest "Defibaugh, of near Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesdav afternoon in the Marlinton Presbvterian Church by the Rev. Fred Walker.. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery Gordon Dilley William Gordon Dilley, age 74, of Route 2, Marlinton, died Saturday, December 30, 1995, at his home in the Hill Country after a long illness. Mr. Dilley was a retired lamb grader for the State of West Virginia and was a farmer. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, Senior Citizens, and a charter member of Pocahontas County Farm Bureau. He was bom in the Hill Country October 17, 1921, the son of the late Heavener and Icie Amanda Sharp Dilley. Preceding him in death were two sisters, Joan Bell and Betty Lee Williams, and four brothers, Bedford, Maynard, Roscoe, and Kermii Dilley. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Lou Calhoun Dilley; two sons, W. Q. and Mark Dilley, both of Marlinton; a daughter, Pamela Sharpes, of Marlinton; a brother, Eugene Dilley, and a sister, Helen Dilley Davis, both of Marlinton; four grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at the Marlinton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Karen Brown and the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial was in the Dilley Family Cemetery.


Guy Ditlty Guy Dilley, of Covington,' Virginia, died Tuesday, March 9, 1982 at Alleghany Regional Hospital, Lowmoor. He was the son of the late Christopher and Daisy Sharp Dilley. He was retired from Westvaco, a member of the Granbery Memorial Methodist Church, Covington Lodge No. 610 Loyal Order of the Moose, and Local 675 UPIU. He is survived by his wife, Alma Jones Dilley, of Covirjgton; one son, Randall L. Dilley, of Williamsburg, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. William (Delores) Dunn, of Emporia, Virginia, and Mrs. Robin B. Dilley, of Oak Harbor, Washington; four granddaughters and one great-granddaughter. Also surviving are one brother, Kyle Dilley, of Charleston, and four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Dilley, Duomore, Mrs. Harlan (Creola) Harper, of Franklin, Mrs. Clarence (Anna Lee) Wilfong, of Riverton, and Mrs. Arden (Christine) Shinaberry, of Charleston. He was preceded in death by a son, Donald G. Dilley, in 1975; a granddaughter, Martin Dilley in 1975; two brothers, Lawrence L. Dilley in 1974 and June Dilley in 1982; and a sister, Edna Galford, in 1980. Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p. m. at the Arritt Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Edward Ridout officiating, Interment was in Alleghany Memorial Park. WilSi L. Dilley Willie L. Dilley, 72, of Fairview, died at his home Sun* day, July 27,1980. He was a retired blacksmith. Born in Pocahontas County May 6,1908, he was the son of the late Byron and Eva Waugh Dilley. Three brotaoi Floyd, Ashley and Carl fu* ceded him in death. Surviving him are bis wife, Grace Sharp Dilley; three brothers, Leo Dilley, of Mansfield, Ohio, and Roy and Arnold, both of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Ada Scbumaker and Mrs. Viola Long, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Delia Kamper, of Mansfield, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Eddie Markley in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in Fairview Cemetery.

•vS* j



•MDJ n. U1R1J Byron D. Dilley, age 84, son of Bobby H. Dilley, 43, of 2913 the lat eWilliam and Anne Drep Eckley Boulevard, Dayton, pard Dilley, was born on Oct. 17, Ohio, died Sunday morning, 1872, and departed this life on March 18, 1979, at his resiJuly 4,1957, after several years of dence, following a long illness. illness. He is survived bv his! A native of Clawson, he waa wife, Eva Waugh Dilley, and ten ' a son of the late Clawaoo and children; Mrs Delia Kemper, Ruth Dilley. \ / [/ consecrated Christian life until her Floyd, Ashley, Carl, Leo and Rov death which occured after a brief Mr. Dilley was president of Dilley of Mansfield, Ohio; Mrs. illness on March 7th, 1930 a t the the Systems Support Softwear Ada Schumaker and Mrs. Viola orial Hospital Marlinton, W. Va. Inc. past president of DPMA, Long of Cleveland, Ohio; Willie and a veteran of the Korean On December 5th, 1906 she was Dilley of Fairview and Arnold at conflicts married to Uriah Hevener Dilley by .home. There are twenty - one the Rev. Ben Harrop who was staSurvivors include his wife, grandchildren and fifteen greattioned at Ronceverte at the time. To Jeanne M. LaRose Dilley, one grandchildren. Also surviving is this union there were born ten chil one sister, Mrs. Blanche Oscar, of son, Michael, two daughters, dren, nine of whom survive her. Her {Mill Point. Mr. Dilley was a Kathy and Karen, all at home; sixth child, Norman Dilley died in ^Christian, a devoted father and a one half brother, Ronald Dilinfancy. Those living are Winters ley, of Texas and one half sisj friend to all who knew him. " Bedfird, Roscoe Hevener, Maynard ter, Wanda Jean Dilley, MarBurleigh, Charles Kermit, Helen GerFuneral services were held on linton. trude, William Gordon, Eugene Par- | July 7 at the Fairview Church Memorial services will be ker, Joanne and Bettylee Icy. jwith interment in the Fairview held March 24, at the Central The impress of her Christian I Cemetery. Presbyterian Church. In lieu spirit and Christian example has of flowers, the family requests been highly noticeable in the lives of donations to the Bobby H. each of her children who is old E. C. Dilley Dilley Scholarship Fund, c-o enough to recognize and see the Early Cecil Dilley, aged 68 West Cairollton Senior High Christ Spirit exemplified in human years, died on Thursday, July 12~ School, West Carroll ton, Ohio. life. Five of her children have tem1956, of a heart attack. He beporarily at least left the home to came sick on Wednesday mornN«WRIIB Dilky it seemed to be her delight to pre- day. On Saturday afternoon ing in contact with them have often Newman Dilley, 62, of Martne funeral was held from the remarked that they must be young linton, died Monday, October Smith Funeral Home. His body people of past the ordinary breadth was laid in the family plot in the 24, 1977, in the Clarksburg of character and fortitude. They Veterans Hospital after several Mountain View Cemetery. The make friends whereever'they are and service was held by his pastor, years' illness. very seldom found in even questionRev. Charles Yoho, of the MeHe was a lumberman and a able places and generally found a t thodist Church. veteran of World War II. the House of God and in his service Born at Clawson May 18, Mr. Dilley was a son of the on the Sabbath day. If a mother 1915, he was the son of the late Cronin and Emma Bird Difcan leave any better legacy to her late Josiah and Amanda Sharp offspri ig . particular and the com- Jey. He was born at Frost. Dilley. His wife, Violet, preMost of his life was spent in Marmunity in general we are unable to linton. ceded him in death. appreciate whf.t it is. Surviving him are a daughHe married t^~ * m ° r Miss Her home was always open for the 1>. ter, Mrs. Nancy Blankenship, poor and unfortunate as well as of Hillsboro; three stepchilthose who are more fortunate. No dren, Jerry Kerr, of 'Stony one ever left h'er door hungry and Bottom, and Merle and Tom emed to be her dlight to preKerr, of Dunmore, 2 grand?. .e meals for her family and any children, and a foster sister, and all that came her way. We fear Madge Palmer, of Akron, Ohio. sometimes she may have shortened Funeral services were held her good life in the service of others, She was laid to rest in the family b>:f. is this not the teachings of her plot o't tne Dilley Graveyard near at two p.m. Thursday, in the Master? her home. The funeral was conducVanReenen Funeral Home by The writer has been in a position to t e ( ] a t her home by the Rev. Hentthe Rev. Sam Schoolcraft with notice her attitude in community ton assisted by Rev. J. H. Haley but burial in the Wilfong Cemetery. activities, church work and in fra- he service was directly in charge ternal circles and she certainly has of the Order of Eastern Star by an enviable record in all these activities. The obligation she took f which she was a member. The were not forgotten, but lived and Floral tribute furnished by her friMrs. Sue E. Dilley, of Mtadow exemplified in everyday life. Those ends, fraternal and church organizaof us who were fortunate enough tions were most bountiful and pro- Creek, died at her home this (Wednesday) morning ot a complication to have ben associated with her in fuse. In ?pite of the bad roads arc" f troubles after an extended illness weather, one of the largest u any of these human relationships She was a member of the Methodist ..any of whom were from a church and an excellent woman. can not escape having had Christ , attended her funeral. Mrs Dilley was a widow and leaves exemplified. seven or eight sons. She was 60 years of age.— Hinton Independent. M

A _ M J The s ^ f c c t of this sketch was -jjorn n e a r % r o s t , W. Va. April 10, 18S9 and v.-as the 7th child of Mha~ 0. W. and Mary Amanda Sn*™ She united with the Methodist Church at a tender age and lived a

Wallace Dilley . John Wallace Dilley, 93, of rear Marlinton, died Sunday, April 16, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Marlinton, November 19, 1878, he was a son of W. Franklin and Mary Sharp Dilley. He was a retired farm ex and bad lived all his life in and around Marlinton. I He was a member of the •Methodist Church. 1 Preceding him in death was his wife, Mary Evelyn Hogsett Dilley, a son, Dempsey W. Dilley, and a great-granddaugh ter, Donjta Kay Defibaugh. Survivors include two daughters. Mrs, Eula Dilley Gibson, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Madge Hill of Madeira Beach, Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Lou Waugh, of Ripley, and Mrs. Gertrude Etzler, of Baltimore, Maryland; four grandchildren and sjx great-grand»mildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton sfttb Rev. Donald Wood in .charge* Burial-was; in:'Moun-; tain View Cemetery.Polly Gay Dilley Mrs. Polly [Lucy Catherine] Gay Dilley, 75, died Tuesday, October 11, 1983, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. She was retired after working many years for the State Department in Washington and was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. She was the widow of Dempsey Dilley, who died March 26, 1957. Born near Marlinton February 1, 1908, she was the daughter of the late John Gay and Lula Poage Gay Kee. Two brothers, Lewis and John Gay, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a halfsister, Mrs. Betsy Kee Owensby, of Alexandria, Virginia, and two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Eula Dilley Gibson, Marlinton, and Mrs. Marguerite Gay, Buckeye. Services will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

arco iiosepn uuiej Arch Joseph (Jay) Dilley,, Jr., 41, was killed in an automobile accident on August 26,, 1977, in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Born at Clover Lick, April I 12, 1936, he was a son of Mrs.u Lurlie Curry, Irvington, Ken-! tucky, and the late Arch Si\ Dilley, Sr. He was preceded in death by his father, one sister, Eula, ,J and one brother, Calvin, and a half-sister, Leotha. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Rose; two daughters, Sharon and April; and a son, Arch, III, of Rock Hill. He is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. John C. (Edith) Gainor, Irvington, Kentucky; Mrs. George (Audrey) Bennett, Verona, Virginia; Mrs. Ralph (Lenora) Wiley, White Plains, Maryland; two brothers, Jonas, of Finksburg, Mary land, and Sherman, of Baltimore, Maryland. He is also survived by two half sisters, Mrs. Calvin Huber, Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. William Cooper, Erlanger, Kentucky, and one halfbrother, Alfred Dilley, Baltimore, Maryland. Interment was in Zion Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland. Dreama L. Dilley Dreama L. Dilley, 59, 2638 Aspinwall N. E., Warren, Ohio, died at her home on Sunday, September 18,1994. She was born June 9, 1935, in Marlinton, a daughter of Cecil and Blanche Waugh Carr. She had lived in Warren for 37 years. Surviving her are her husband, Robert L. Dilley, whom she married May 21, 1957; five daughters, Mrs. Becky Crum, of Midvale, Utah, Mrs. Penny Critoph, of Cedar Hill, Texas, Mrs. Judy Williams, of Warren, Mrs. Sandy Caputo, of Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. Jenny Davis, of Grand Island, Nebraska; a son, Cecil L. Dilley, of Glendale, Arizona; three sisters, Cleo Carr, of Amarillo, Texas, Naomi Chapman, of Proctorville, Ohio, and Sarah Carr, of Marlinton; and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Thursday, September 22, at McFarland & Son Funeral Home. Burial was in Crown Hill Burial Park in Vienna. The family requests memorial tributes be made to Hospice of Trumbull County, 219 North River Road, Warren 44483.

Bedford Dlh'ty Winters Bedff^Piiley, 71 of 119 Cliff Rotul, Nor;h Bend', Ohio, died Monday, ^December 24,1979, in a hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, after suffering a heart attack five days before. Mr. Dilley was a supervisor for Cincinnati Gas and Elec • trie Company for forty-four years after graduating from Bliss Electrical School in Washington, D. C. He was a mem* ber cf Bethel Methodist Church. He was born January 16, 1908, at the Dilley homestead fisar Dilleys Mill, the son of the late' Uriah Hevener andTcie Amanda Sharp Dilley, Two ' brothers, Roscoe and Kermit, and a sister, Betty Lee, preceded bim in death. Surviving him are his wife, Bernice Ginsberg Dilley; step-daughter, Barbara Carozza, and grandchildren, Sharon, Barry, and Jeffrey Koodish, of East Brunswick, New Jersey; brothers, Maynard Dilley, Eugene Dilley, and Gordon Dil'oy, of Marlinton; sisters, Mrs. Helen Davis, Marlinton, and Mrs. Joan Bell, of Lewiaburg. Services were held Friday in Argo'a Funeral Home In North Bend by Rev. Earnest Kloeker, with burial in Rest Haven Memorial Park in Cincinnati, Ohio. Masonic services we/' •"eld on Wednesday night, sf Paul Andrew Dilley

Paul Andrew Dilley, age 61, of Richmond, Virginia, died Friday, October 8, 1982. Born January 27, 1921, at Neola, he was the youngest eon of the late Butler and Rose Dilley. A resident of the Covington area until 1940, he served with the U. S. Marine Corps during World War II and retired as a plasterer, ^n Richmond, Virginia. Paul is survived by his wife, Louise S. Dilley, Richmond, Virginia; one son, Stephen A. Dilley, Richmond, Virginia; one grandson, S. Parrish Dilley Richmond, Virginia;one brother, Joseph Butler Dilley, Neola; three sisters, Ltona Hannah, Jacksonville, Florida, Jewel McDermott, Neola, Ruth Lovejoy, Oakland, California. Graveside services were held at May Chapel, Highway 92, Neola, Tuesday, October lA

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KUUI Kggleston Dilley

Ruth Eggleston Dilley, 80, of Route 3, Callaghan, Virginia, died Monday, September 12, 1988, in Alleghany Regional Hospital, Lowmoor, Virginia. She was bom June 15, 1906, in Greenbrier County, the daughter of the late Luther and Mary Ellen Turner Eggleston. She was a former employee of Westvaco, Inc., owner of Dilley's Mobile Village, Callaghan, and :nember of Fletchers Chapel United Methodist Church. For the past decade she had dressed and provided several hundred dolls for the Christmas Mother and many other area organizations. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence L. Dilley, in 1974. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Cardon (Shirley) Saville, of Rt. 3, Covington, Virginia; one son, Kenneth B. Dilley, of Covington; five grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; two brothers, W. Oakland Eggleston, Covington, and Harry Eggleston, of Brookneal, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wedneday, September 14, at 2 p. m., in the Chapel of Arrit Funeral Home in Covington by the Rev. Kenneth James, assisted by Rev. Addie Davis. Interment followed in Alleghany Memorial Park. Earl W. Dilley

Earl W Dillev, 58, of Route 7, Box 444, South Charleston, wa<* dead on arrival Saturday, February 19, 1972. at the Thomas Memorial Hospital Mr. Dilley was formerly of Hillsboro. He was an insurance agent and lived in South Charleston for 30 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillian Zimmerman Dilley; two sons. Earl W Dilley, •Tr, of Columbus Ohio, and Charles Dillpy of South Charleston; three daughters, Mrs. John Nelson, of Canton. Ohio. Mrs. Betsv Holt, of Ronceverte, and Mrs. Jo Ann VanReenen, of Marlinton; one brofher, Marion Dilley. of Tvlpr Mountain, and one sister, Mrs. Ora Morrison, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Fairview Cemetery.

van i. pmey Carl T. Dilley, 61, of 310o Middle-Bellville Road, Mansfield, Ohio, formerly ol Marlinton, died suddenly of a heart attack Friday, November 21, 1975. He was born March 21,1914, a son of the late Byron and Eva Dilley; he was preceded in death by two daughters, Rebecca and Julia, and two broth ers, Floyd and Ashley. Mr. Dilley lived in the Mansfield area for about 30 years. He was a carpenter by trade, also a World War II veteran having served with the U. S. Air Force. Surviving are his wife, Kliy Hard man Dilley. three sons, Mike, Todd and Paul Dilley, of Mansfield, three sisters, Delia Kemper, of Mansfield, Ada Shumaker, and v iola, of Cleveland, and four b; jthers, Willie, of Stony Bottom, Leo and Roy, of Mansfield, Arnold, of Marlinton, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the Finefrocks Func-al Home of Mansfield by Rev. T. L. Leatherwood of the Mansfield Baptist Temple with burial in lue Bellville Cemetei -- of Bellville. Pali Dilfiy Patal William Dilley, 68.' of Clover Lick, died in Helena, Arkansas, on Sunday, December 14,1980, after a long illcess. He was a retired employee of the West Virginia Department of Highways. The son of William and Delia Weiford Dilley, he was born January 9, 1912, near Huntersville. He was married to Juanita Shinaberry. She and his sister, Sylvia, preceded hhn in death. Surviving him are two sons, Keith G. Dilley, of Clover Lick and Charles K. Dilley, of West Helena, Arkansas; a daughter, Janet K. Ervine, of Barrie, Ontario, Canada; 11 grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren; two brothers, , Warren Dilley, Huntersville, and Delmar Dilley, Pontiac, Michigan; two sisters, Stella Campbell, Charleston, and Goldie Fertig, Sweet Springs. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday morning in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


int 8. Diiiey June G. DiHey, 66, RD 7, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, died Thursday, February 18, 1982, in Spencu .lospltal after having been in failing health for several years. Mr. Dilley was born at Dunmore September 18.1916, son of Christopher and Daisy Sharp Dilley. He married Edna Lee Jones, January 16,1937. Mr. Dilley was emyloyed in the housekeeping department of Allegheny College. He formerly worked at the former American Viscose Corp., now Avtex Fibers, Inc. He was a veteran of World War II, havng served in the Army. Survivors in addition to his wife, include a daughter, Mrs. Arthur (Wilma) Brown, of Meadville, Pennsylvania; two sons, Harold Dilley, of Meadville, and Major Jerry Dilley, of Castle Air Force Base, Merced, California; four sisters, Mabel Dilley, of Dunmore, Mrs. Clarence (Anna Lee) Wilfong, of Marlinton, Mrs. Harlan (Creola) Harper of Riverton and Mrs. Arden (Christine) Shinaberry, of Charleston; two brothers, Guy, ol Covington, Virginia, and Kyle, of Charleston; six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, a brother and a sister. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday, at Robert W. Waid funeral Home, Inc., with Rev. Ronald Hankey, pastor of Grace United Methodist Church officiating. Interment in Kingsley Genietety, Town* ville, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Nellie Dilley

Mrs. Nettie Dilley, 91, of Hinton, died Tuesday, August 15, 1972. She was the widow of Edgar Dilley. She was a native of Slatyfork and formerly lived at Clover Lick. Surviving her are one son, Harmon Dilley, of Hinton; one sister, Mrs. Cora Sharp, of California; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. no., in the Marlinton Nazarene Church by the Rev. Gecrge Phillipson, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Doris M. Dilley Doris May Dilley, 53, of Westminster, Maryland, died Friday^ March 6, 19^,7, at her home. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, on December 10, 1933, she was the daughter of the late Harry and Dorothy Myers. She was the wife of Jonas F. Dilley, Sr. Mrs. Dilley was a school bus driver. Surviving, in addition to her husband, are sons, Jonas F. Dilley, Jr., of Laurel, Maryland, William P. Dilley, of Taney town, Maryland; daughter, Nancy C. Freyman, of Sykesville, Maryland; sisters, Nancy L. Sankey, of San Francisco, California, and Elaine Davis, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held Monday March 9, 1987, at Haight Funeral Home in Sykesville, Maryland. Interment was in ML Pleasant Cemetery at Gamber, Maryland.

Edna Lee Dilley Edna Lee Dilley, aged 70, of R.D. 7, Meadville, Pennsylvania, died Saturday, May 31, 1986, in Meadville. She married June G. Dilley, >vho preceded her in death February 18, 1982. She had dired from Talon, Inc., in 1977, after 33 years. She was a member of the State Road United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women of the Church. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Wilma Brown, of Meadville; two sons, Harold Dilley, of Meadville, and M-yor Jerry Dilley, of Pittsburgh Air Force Base, New York; one sister, Mrs. Opal Arbogast, of Dunmore; and six grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son, Denzil, and one brother, Hubert Funeral services were held Tuesday in Meadville, with burial in the family plot in Townville.

Austin W. Dilley Austin W. Dilley, aged 68, of Durbin, died Wednesday March 9, 1955, at his home following a short illness. He was born at Clover Lick. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p. m., on Friday in the Church of God, of which he was a member, by Rev. Snedegar. Interment was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Iva Wood Dilley and four children: Melvin, at home; Jay, at Richmond, Virginia; Mrs. Leona Zoe Rainey, at Elkins; Eugene, located in Japan; also three grand children, one brother, and threa sisters. The deceased was a son of Summers and Manda McLaughlin Dillay, of Clover Lick. He was employed at the Pocahontas Tanning Company until a few years ago when he retired due to his health. _

Bobby H. Dlllsy Bobby H. Dilley, 43, of 2913 Eckley Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio, died fiundi y morning, March 18, 1979, at his residence, following a long illness. A native of ClasVson, he was a son of the late Clawson and Ruth Dilley. Mr. Dilley was president of the Systems Support Sof t»ear Inc. past president of "DPMA, and a veteran of the ' Korean conflict, H •••-; "' . *£" ^Survivors include his wife, Jeanne M. LaRose Dilley, one son, Michael, two daughters, Kathy and Karen, all at home; one half brother, Ronald Dilley, of Texas and one half sister, Wanda Jean Dilley, Mar* linton. Memorial services will be held March 24, at the Central Presbyterian Church.. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Bobby H. Dilley Scholarship Fund, c-o West Carrollton Senior High School, West Carrollton, Ohio. Mrs. Izzie McCutcheon Di)le.y aged 75 years , died on February 1,1951. She was a daughter of the late John B. and Kachel Bible McCutcheon of DuDinore.

Paul Andnw Dilley Paul Andrew Dilley, age 61, of Richmond, Virginia, died Friday, October 8, 1982. Born January 27, 1S21, at Neola, he was the youngest eon of thtf late Butler and Rose Dilley. A resident of the Covington area until 1940, he served with the U. S. Marine Corps during World War II and retired as a plasterer, ^n Richmond, Virginia. Paul is survived by his wile, Louise S. Oilley, Richmond, Virginia; one son, Stephen A. Dilley, Richmond, Virginia; one grandson, S. Parrish Dilley Richmond, Virginia;one brother, Joseph Butler Dilley, Neola; three sisters, Leona Hannah, Jacksonville, Florida, Jewel McDermott, - Neola, Ruth Lovejoy, Oakland, California. Graveside services were held at May Ghape^vHighway 92. Neola, Tuesday, 'October 12, at a p. m. with Rev. Coy Mathews officiating.

loyd Uldrlet Dilhy Boyd Uldrict Dilley, 69, of Buckeye, died Friday, July 24, 1981, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born February 1, 1912, at Frost, he was a son of the late Anderson and Carrie McCarty Dilley. Mr. Dilley was a retired store clerk and a member of Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mary Lucille Arbogast Dilley; four sons, Lee, Robert and John, all of Marlinton, and David, of Buckeye; seven grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. A brother and sister died in childhood. Services were held Monday, at 2 p. m. in the Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church with the Rev. Verlin Butcher officiating. Burial was !u the Ruckman Cemetery.


Harold Dilley Harold Dilley, 69, of Marlinton, died September 30, 1982, in the Bfeckley Veterans Hospital after a short illness. Born on February 24, 1913, he was the son of the late Floyd and Birdie McComb Dilley. A veteran of World War II, Mr. Dilley was an aircraft mechanic and a member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church and the VFW. Survivors include one son, Tyrone Dilley, New Carrollton, Maryland, and two grandchildren. Services were held at 1:30 p. m., Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham officiating. Burial Was in the Mt. View Cemetery. Mrs. Iva Dilley Mrs. Iva Merle Wood Dilley, aged 66, of Elkins, died Thursday February 20, 1958, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. She was born May 8, 1891, at Mingo, the daughter of Noah and Florence Kellison Wood. Her husband, Austin W. Dilley, preceded her in death March 9, 1955 Surviving her are three sons, Melyin A. Dilley and" Max E; -Dilley, of. Elkins, .and Raymond J.^Dilley; of- Richmond', Virginia; a "daughter, Mrs. I^eofla Raney; of Elkins; three grandchildren; three brothers, Arva Wood, Muv • go,-.Arnett Wood, Fort Springs and Victor Wood, Williamsport. She was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church and had lived at Durbin for many years before moving to Elkins. Burial was in the Arboyale Cemetery pp Saturday, Ronald Lit DMty Ronald Lee Dilley, 31, of Freeport, Texas, died Saturday, October 13,1979, in a car accident at Brazoria, Texas. He was a construction foreman. He married in Texas and is survived by his wife, Marsha, and four children, Delta Dawn, Ronnie, Jr., Angie and Wendy, and a sister, Wanda Dilley, of Buckeye. Born July 17,1948, at Marlinton, he was the son of Gilbert and Ruth Withrow Dilley. Service and burial were in Freeport on Sunday.

rinnney c. UUJIO

Pinkney Edwin Doyle, age 67, of Stony Bottom, was born October 27. 1898. and died in the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, on Monday, March i l , 1966. The son of John and Edna Kramer Doyle, he was born at Stonv Bottom and lived all his life in Pocahontas County. k carpenter by trade, he was an elder in the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Susie Taylor Doyle, one daughter, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Moore, West Covina, California; one son, Edwin Doyle, of Elkins; three brothers, three sisters, and six grandchildren; two brothers and one sister are | deceased. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 at the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bot torn by his Dastor, the Rev. W. D. Lively. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Jesse M. Doyle

Jesee M. Doyle, 77, of Monterville, died Saturday, November 1, 1980, at his home He was born January 23, 1903, in Pocahontas County, a con of the late Gilbert and Georgia Mace Doyle. He was married August 13, 1924, in Marlinton to the former Ada E. Tumblin, who survives. Mr. Doyle was a retired coal miner and a member of the Cowger United Methodist Church. In addition to his wife he is survived by six sons, Hubert Doyle, Delbert Doyle, and Lloyd Doyle, all of Cleveland, Ohio, Willard Doyle, Elyria. Ohio, Jess- Doyle, Jr.. Woodbridge, Virginia, and Gene Doyle, Elkins; one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Mary Ann) SimmoDS, Elkins; two brothers, Zannie Doyle and Rudolph Doyle, both of Mori .?rv'llo; one sister. Mrs. Viola Cornell, Elkins; 19 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one brother and four sisters. Services were held at Cowger United Methodist Church by the Rev. Clarence Pierson and the Rev. Larry Rodgers. Interment was in the Mingo Cemetery.

Mrs. Susie Taylor Doyle *^


\ /

J a n e s Henry Doyle, aged 89 years, Mrs. Susie Taylor Doyle, 62, a native and former resident died at his home in Huntersville, on Friday. "November 17, 1939. For a of Green Bank who bad been year had suffered with heart dismaking her home with her son, ease. heOn Sunday afternoon, the funEdwin L. Doyle, in Harrison- e r a l was conducted from the Hunt burg, Virginia, died unexpect- ersville Presbyterian Church, in the edly Monday, December 15, presence of a large congregation, by 1969, at the Rockingham Me- Rev. D. M. Monroe, assisted by Rev morial Hospital. 0 N. Miles, Rev. A. B. Williford and Rev. Mr. Simpson Interment in the Mrs Doyle was born April Huntersville cemetery with Masonic 3. 1907, at Green Bank, the honors. The pall bearers were E. 13 daughter of the late George W. Earle, Clarence McComb, Nowlin and Amanda Kelley Taylor. Sheets, Peyton Moore, Fred Moore The flowers were She spent practically her en- and Oacar Nelson tire life in the Green Bank .carried by the ladles of the church and Stony Bottom communi- auxiliary. Thus is noijpd the passing of one of ties. She was a member of the Alexander Memorial Pres- the prominent and best beloved cit byterian Church, at Stony Bot- zjns of Pocahontas County. Mr. D.yle was a son of EH and tom Mary Jane Curry Diyle. He was Her husband, Pinkney E. h i m in Highland County March 31 Doyle, preceded her in death 1851. The surviving members of his March 21, 1966. father's family are Mrs C . J Stult-.i Besides her son, Edwin, of ing, of Ch^rlouesville, Virginia, and Harrisonburg, she is survived S. J. Payne, of Charleston. He! by one daughter, Mrs. Jack • Mrs. was twice married. His first wife O. Moore, of Covina, Califor- ! va-s Miss Fannie Lonry, daughter oi ! nia, and 7 grandchildren, two Uhe late Josiah a i d Agnes KJnc id brothers, Grover and Jack TayLoury. She died August 7, 1920. On lor, both of Green Bank, five November 12. 1932, he married Mrs Florence Kincaid: she and*her son, sisters, Mrs. Josie Elliott, Mrs. Dj.y e Kincaid. survive Georgia Galford, and Mrs. Birdie Taylor, all of Green In religion, Mr. Doyle adheied to che church of his fatheis, the PresBank, Mrs. Lucy Buzzard and byterian. In the year 1881 he was Mrs. Elizabeth Starcher, of elected and ordained a deacon and in Dunmore. 1886 lie was elected and ordained a Funeral services will be held Ruling Elder of the Huntersville Pres at 10 a. m. Thursday, in the oyterian Church, in which office he served to the end of his life. Chapel of the Lindsey Funeral Home, in Harr sonburg; followIn 187a Mr Doyle became a Mason, joining Huntervilie LoJgi N >. 65. ing the services, her body will For sixty three years i e w«s a Mason, be brought to Arbovale for one of the oldes. in Ihi whole State. burial. Shortly after the W ir between the

iStatei Mr D.iyle caa e to Huntersville Harvey W. Doyle as a young man to be associated with Harvey W. Doyle, of Mace, 8 ' 1'his uncle, the late William C u m . years of age, died on Friday af- He strved as deputy county elerfc. 1 ternoon, October 16, 1959, after deputy sheriff and jailor. a long illness, at the home of his Few men have ever lived among us son and daughter-in law, Mr. and who enj >yed so wide a circle of close Mrs. Buford Doyle, with whom • friendships than James H. Doyle — he made his home. norn the aged to ttie child. I, among He was a farmer and a member the many, revere his memory for bis of the Mace Methodist Church. kind consideration childhood He was born September 7, 1873, on. at Clover Lick, the son of the late William and Elizabeth Rogger Doyle. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Lucy Mace John II. Doyle, aged ~i years, his* home near Stony bottom Doyle. Tuesday night, December ?."!, 1938, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. arter an illness of several months durAda Cross, of Mace, and five ation. His body will be bui sons, Willie B., of Charleston, i rl and Edgar, Grady, Wesley and Stony Bottom cemetery morning at 11 o'clock, ser..o« ( Buford, all of Mace. the Alexander Memorial Church led The funeral service was con- by his pastor, Rev. J T. Pharr. ducted from the Mace Methodist Mr Doyle was the son of the late Church, on Sunday afternoon, William and Lucy Doyle. He is sur with the Rev. Henry Bo'ley of vived by his wife and nine child Valley Head, officiating. Burial i PincKney, Marvin, John, Rod uev, Mrs was made in the Mingo Cemetery, i Paul, Maude, Mary. Ruth i Mr. Doyle w;>s the last of s IQrval Malcomb Pocahontas County pioneer famly of fourteen children.

U L U L r t l l V-, LT\J A 1 J m i 9. * dined n . V U J I G mrs. iviary nmma uoyie Mrs. Beulah C. Dotts. 80, Mrs. Florence E. Doyle, 86, Mrs. Mary Emma Doyle, 78, of Huntersville, died in the of lrvona, died Sunday, Nov. of Slatyfork, died Sunday, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital 17, at Altoona Hospital. August 21, 1983, at her home She was born Dec. 25, 1904, on Thursday, October 12,1967, after a long illness. in Edray, a daughter of Chalafter a year's illness. Born at Linwood April 23, Mrs. Doyle was born at Ber- mer R. and Birdie (Weiford) 1905, she was a daughter of the lin, Lewis County, on April 20, Shrader, who preceded her is late Thomas and Mattie Smith. death. 1881, the daughter of Jacob She was preceded in death She was also preceded in and Jerusha Bott Hinzman. by eight brothers and sisters: death by her husband, FerdiShe was married to Frank KinHarry, Jim, John, and Walter nand, who died Jan. 3, 1951; caid and then to James H. Smith, Hattie Smith, Minnie two sons, Ferdinand, Jr., and Doyle, both of whom preceded Richards, Lovella McCloud, William; a daughter, Betty; her in death. She was a memand Hazel Vanscoy. and four brothers, Chalmon, ber of the Newberne MethoSurviving her are her husArchel, Donovan and Gerald. dist Church and the Ladies' band, Edgar Doyle; two sons, Mrs. Dotts is survived by Aid Society. Lawrence and Kenneth, both of Surviving her are a son, seven children: Mrs. Ethel Ohio; four daughters, Margaret Frank Doyle Kincaid, of Hunt- Zupich, Coalport; Mrs. Sue Sharp, Ruby Kerns, and Gladys Miller. Miami, Fla.: Thomas, ersville; one brother, Patrick Mann, all of Stony Bottom, and E. Hinzman, of Weston, and Mentor, Ohio; Mrs. Phyllis Martha Rowans, of Slatyfork; three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Clark, Owen, Titusville, Fla.; Mrs. 22 grandchildren, and 12 greatFrances Grimes, lrvona; Jack, of East Liverpool, Ohio, Miss grandchildren. Bertha Hinzman, of Newberne, Lakewood, N.J.; and Donovan, Services were held WednesBlandburg. and Mrs. Kate Snodgrass, of day afternoon at 2 p. m. in the She is also survived by 19 Williamstown. VanReenen Funeral Home by grandchildren and 13 greatFuneral services were held the Rev. Stanley Clark, with Sunday afternoon in the Hunt- grandchildren, as well as one burial in the Mingo Cemetery. ersville Methodist Church by sister and two brothers: Mrse Ethel Collins, Gladwin, Mich.; the Rev. L. E. Saville and the Phillip Dominici Richmond, Rev. Sherman Markley, with Chester Shrader, Phillip Dominici, 80, of Clo burial in the Huntersville Cem- Mich.; and Norman. Shrader, ver Lick, died on Sunday, B'eb Richmond, Va. etery. She was a Presbyterian by ruary 3, 1963, in the Denmar State Hospital after a long faith. illness. Services were held Wednes Mr. Dominici was born day, November 20, 1985, ii William Oliver Doyle March 11, 1882, in Naples, Coalport. Interment was in Frui William Oliver Doyle, of Italy, and came to the United Charleston, was born Septem- Hill Cemetery, New Millport States in 1911. R.D. ber 27 1898. a t Mace and died His wife, Mrs. Mary DoDecember 27, 1966, at a CharLester Dotson minici, died August 14,1962, leston hospital after a long illand his only survivors are ness. He was the son of the Lester Dotson. 56, who four stepchildren, June Mclate Harvey W. and Lucy Mace lived on Beard Heights, MarCloud and Norrnan McCloud, Doyle. He married Georgia linton, died early Wednesday, both of Marlinton; Mrs. Mary Wood, of Mingo, June 3,1918. morning, September 3, 1969, I English, of Stratton, Ohio, and He is survived by his wife; in the Greenbrier Valley HosI Mrs Lena Irvine, of Pittspital at Ronceverte from intwo sons, William P. and Robburgh, Pennsylvania. ert G., both of Charleston; ternal injuries received in an accident involving three trucks Funeral services were held four grandchildren; one great Tuesday afternoon in the Smith granddaughter; four brothers, on Route 219 near Jim Cook's Funeral Home by the Rev. Edgar J., Grady R., Wesley S., below Buckeye. Buford V., all of Mace; one sisGeorge McCune, with burial No arrangements are known ter, Mrs. Ada Cross, also of as we go to press. in Mountain View Cemetery. Mace. Mrs. Phillip Dominici Funeral services were held Mrs. Phillip Dominici, 89 j on Thursday, at Nitro, by Marcallus Dorman, aged uigkty six Rev. Morrison. Burial in Ty- ^ears. of 3eard, died Saturday, April lied Tuesd-.y, August 14, 1962 ,o the Denmar State Hospital ler Mountain Cemetery. 6, 1940 Burial at Buckeye Thurs-« Born near Marlinton JanuThose attending the funeral day afternoon. He Is survived by a ' a°3, 1873, she was the daunumber of children, among whom of William 0 . Doyle, at Nitro, aro Mrs Cecil McCoy, B^jitrow^Qjjla of the late George and on Thursday, December 29, noma, and Miss Lucy Dormaii'.'-of Fannie Irvine. 1966, were Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hillsboro. He was twice married, Surviving her are her husDoyle, M r . and Mrs. Edgar his first wife being Miss Delia Hill, Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Buford his second, Miss Hefner; both pre- band, Phillip Dominici; and four children, Mrs. Mary EngDoyle, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ceded him. Mr Dorman was a son of the late lish, St.ratton, Ohio; Lena IrDoyle, Wesley Doyle, of Mace, vine, Moonrun, Pennsylvania; and Keith Wooddell, of Slaty Hiram and Peggy Overholb Dorman, who came here from Rockingham Norman McCloud and June fork. County, Virginia, many year's ago. McCloud, both of Marlinton. He was an honest, industrious citiServices will be Friday after zen and an all around good man. noon at two o'clock at the Poage Lane Chapel by the Rev ( J. W. Pugh. Burial will be in the McCloud. Cemetery.


David Crockett Don, infant ion of Mary Ann DON, was born March 27,1979, and died March 27,1979. Besides his mother, he itf survived by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Doss; great-grandparents are Mrs. Carrie Darnel], Mr. and Mrs. John Doss, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. neth Adkinson. His great-great-grandfather, David Crockett Rose, preceded him in death March 7, 1979. Graveside services were held on Thursday in the Emmanuel Cemetery on Bruffey's Cresk by Rev. Wallace Dorn of the Marlinton Nazarene Church.

Mrs. Mary Doss

William L. ueanieiu

William L. Dearfield, 51, Mrs. Mary Louisa Doss, 84, of Beard, died in the Denmar va8 killed about 12:30 a. m.,, State Hospital on Friday, Aug- VIonday, July 18, 1966, when | ust 23,1963, after a long illness. .ie was struck by a car on the She was born November 17, Stamping Creek road. 1878, in North Carolina, the Mr. Dearfield was born at. daughter of the late William Mill Point January 3, 1915, and Ada Waters Parrish. the son of William P. and Ada She was a member of the Lau Mae Rose Dearfield. He was a woodsman. rel Hill Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held Survivors include two sons, Charles Doss, of Renick and Wednesday at the Stamping Robert Doss, of Man; two dau Creek Tabernacle with burial in the Sharp Cemetery at Mill ghters, Mrs. C. N. Dorman, of Beard and Mrs. Delbert FowPoint. ler, of Baltimore, Maryland. Roy Doerr Funeral services were held in the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Roy J. Doerr, 66, of MarlinChurch Sunday afternoon by ton, died on Saturday. Februthe Rev. John Prather and ary 25, 1967, at his home, after the Rev. Owen Lee. Burial a long illness. K. Reid Dolly was in the Morning Side CemK. Reid Dolly, age 73, of Born September 20, 1900, Petersburg and Onego, died etery at Renick. at Elkins, he was the son of Saturday, March 1, 1997, in the late William F. and Ida Sacred Heart Hospital, McCauley Doerr. James Doss Cumberland, Maryland. James Doss, passed away at his He was educated in the He was a fanner, vice president home near Beard, on April i, Elkins schools. of the National Bank of Keyser, 1948. He was born ia Washing- On April 1, 1921, he was bank examiner for the state ton County, Va.. on March 7, married to Iva Moore, in OakDepartment of Banking, retiring in I87&. land, Maryland, who preceded 1986 as chief examiner with 22 him in death in 1950. On April 25. 1900. he was years of service. He was an In 1951 he was married to employee of Grant County Bank, united in marriage to Miss Man Petersburg, and served on the Parrish, who survives. To this Louise Hopkins, who preceded board of directors of Lowndes union were horn six children: him in death. Bank of Clarksburg and Southern Mrs. Lillian Dorman and Charles Survivors include one dau-l States, Petersburg. He was at Doss, of Beard, Robert Doss of ghter, Mrs. Robert Gilmore, Oceana; Mrs. Ada Jackson of and one granddaughter, Diana' deacon and elder of the Petersburg Presbyterian Church and a trustee Kenick's Valley; Mrs. Ruby low- Lee, both of Parsons. of Shenandoah Presbytery Jer, of Baltimore, Md. One sou, Funeral services were held Corporation. He was a Nevy Raiph preceded him to the gr: ve. Monday afternoon in the Smith His three surviving brothers Funeral Home Chapel by the! veteran and a member of the are W. H. Do.«s, of- Eh'lsfeoro; Rev. American Legion and Elks. Fred Walker. Burial I Joe Doss, of Max Meadows, Va.. Surviving him are his wife, and Henri Doss of Whitesviile, was in the I. O. O. F. CemFrances Godlove Dolly; a son, W". Va. Two sisters, Mrs Bell etery at Elkins. Stephen Reid Dolly, of Onego; two ns of Chilehowie, Va ; an '• daughters, Mary Margaret King, of . V L • .'•."'<-'O Marshall of Huntinj Millboro, Virginia, and Jane Elizabeth Braun, of Fairfax, ton. Miss Josie A. Dorman ' Virginia; two brothers, Hubert G. Mrs. Blanche Dorman Miss Josie .nlitha Dorman, Dolly, of San Leandro, California, Mrs. Blanche Dorman, 75, 55, of Huntington, formerly of and W. Lynn Dolly, of Charleston of Huntington, died on Wedand Green Bank; and two Pocahontas County, was dead nesday, March 25, 1964, in St. grandchildren. on arrival at a Huntington Mary's Hospital, Huntington. hospital after suffering an apServices were held at 2 p. m. parent heart attack, on ThursWednesday, March 5, at Petersburg | She was a native of Greenday, May 14, 1970. Presbyterian Church by Rev. ' brier County. Donald G. Schofield. Burial was Born June 25, 1914, at Den, Survivors include three dauin Maple Hill Cemetery, mar, she was a daughter of ghters, Misses Allitha, Mary Petersburg. the late Romie and Blanche and Pauline Dorman, all at Cochran Dorman. home; one brother, Dennis Memorial contributions may be Cochran, of Morgantown; two made to Petersburg Presbyterian Survivors include two sisters, sisters, Mrs. Lucy Fisk, of Church or Seneca Rocks Miss Mary Dorman and Miss Clarksburg and Mrs. Maude Presbyterian Church. Pauline Dorman, both of HuntJones, of Mill Point, and one ington. grandson. Funeral services were held Funeral services were held Sunday in the VanReenen FuSaturday afternoon in the neral Home Chapel in MarlinSmith Funeral Home. Burial ton with burial in the Old Droop was in the Old Droop CemeCemetery near Hillsboro. tery on Droop.

wrs. iaa uoerr

Mrs. Ida McCauley Doerr, 86, widow of William F. Doerr and mother of Roy J. Doerr, of Marlinton, died Friday, April 23, 1965, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after two years of failing health. She was a native of Belington and had lived in Elkins for over seventy years until she came to Pocahontas two years ago. Baby Dorn

rresion urtppera Preston Drepperd., a g e ! 76 years of F r o s t , died on S i t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 12th, 1953, after a iona: illness On M o n d a y a f t e r noon hi3 body was laid in t b e family plot in M o u n t a i n View Cemetery. T b e service was held i the F r o s t C h u r c h by Rev. K Clyde Bussard and Rev. Ralph Mii!eo:iib T h e deceased is survived by his wife and t h e i r daughter, Mr.3. Led ford S h r a d e r . Mrs. D.'epperd was t b e f o r m e r Miss N e t t i e Lewis.

Rachel Louise Dorn died Wednesday, October 18, 1972, Funeral service* for Mrs Clay Drep at birth. She was the daughter perd were held Monday afternoon at of the Rev. Wallace and Janice the Frost Methodist, Church, to which Galford Dorn. of Thelem, Ten- she belonged by I he pastor, assisted nessee. In addition to her-par- by the Rev Quade Arbogast. Buna; ents, she is survived by a sis- was in the Dilley cemetery Mrs Drepperd died Saturday even ter, Nancy, and her grandDecember 30. 19S9, after a Jong parents, Clark and Maudeline^ injr, illness She was born October 9 Galford, of Marlinton. 1887, the daughter of Peter and At Burial followed graveside minta Hill McCart . Survivors are i»he husband. Mr services by the Rev. George Phillipson in the Cochran Drepperd, a son Boyd Dilley, of Mill point by her former hu-band the late Cemetery.

IHrs. Mary Dryfield Mrs. Mary Hereford Dr"fteld, awed 61 years, died at the home | of her sister, Mrs. F o r e s t Under | wood, on Beaver Creek, on Sat urd'i.v, Marjh 18, 1950. S h e suffer I a h e a r t attack, Burial >. the Catholic cemetery at Grafton beside the g r a v e of her husband: the service being held from St. : Mary's Chu-rch a t Rosemont. Sbo is survived by her daughter, Mrs. R o b e r t Moore, of Ba1 ' t i m o r e , Md.. and her son. Rev .). B. Dryrield, of Moorefiekl. T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r o ' the late J a m e s K. and Addie Here ford T h o r n t o n , of Summersvill e She was a retire I -cVi > >l ti i cher.

Mrs Leona McCoy Dulaney, aged sixty three years, seven months and ten days died at ber home at Wtl t liamsburg, Greenbrier county, Thursd a y morning, December 12, 1940. after a long illness. She Is survived >y her husband, Tliorne Dulaney and iheir twelve children: Mrs Blanche Patterson, Mrs Dennis Waugh, Mrs Anderson Dillev, and four grand Lizzie Armstrong, and Cary Dulaney children, her mother, Mrs Armima Df Marlinton; Luther Dulaney, of ^ ^ ^ t C l a y Dreppard ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hill ^ ^ ^McCarty; ^ ^ ^ ^ one ^ ^ sister, ^ ^ ^ Mrs Clyde Buckeye; John Duianey, of Frame brothers. .Franldtn , , ,. r,, of Marlinton: three th town, Braxton county; Mrs Donnie C!«y pr,„ r e p „p „a_riJ L a„ g„e- dJ JWaugh, ^ Amos and anies of Bever)y Leach, of Rupert; Miss Laura Dula his home at E l b e r t o f V ears a a num ney, Lewbburg; Misses Lottie and VFrostf on' F*}

Carl W. Dumire, 65, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Monday July 8, 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital fcom a heart attack. C_^He was a retired foreman of Burns Motor Freight, Inc. Born near Marlinton February 13,1909, he was the son of the late John and Frankie Sharp Dumire. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Ruth Moss, an infant son, Ralph, and a brother, Delton Dumire. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Regina Sharp Dumire; three sonar Harry Ward Dumire, .M^skego, Wisconsin, Har old Eugene Dumire and Burl Edward Dumire, Marlinton; eight stepchildren, Hurbert Sharp, North Wales, Lewis, Dharr, and Robert Sharp, Luna Wilfong. Marlinton, Lowell Sharp, Cowen, Tom Sharp and Margaret Carpenter, Elkins; two grandsons, Stephen and Billy; 25 step-grandchildrenand 3 step-greatgrandchildren; five brothers, Lewis Dumire, Marlinton, Boyd Dumire, Kop perstop, Vance Dumire, Warren, Ohio, Marvin Dumire, Myrtle Point, Oregon, Robert Dumire, Virginia Beach. Virinia; three sisters, Fervin lannab, Marlinton, Mary Catherine Innes, Romeo, Michigan; Betty Gibson, Madison, Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in Union Methodist Church by the Revs. Alfred Gum and Sanford Boggs, with bu rial in the Gibson Cemetery. 1


Mrs. Everette Dunbrack Mrs. Agnes Mae Morgan Dunbrack, 21, of Marlinton,. died Wednesday, February 8, 1967, in the Medical Center Hospital at Morgantown, aftei' along il'ness. She had lived in Marlintor for two years, moving fron Ronceverte. She was a mem ber of the Grepnbrifr Regula) Baptist Church at Ronceverte. Survivors include her husband, Everette Dunbrack; oi e son, Jerry Everette Dunbrack at home; her mother, Mrs. Ada Ellison, of Ronceverte one sister, Mrs. Louise Erwin, of Ronceverte, and two brothers, Okey and Steve Morgan, both of Ronceverte. Funeral se'vires were held Saturday afternoon in thf Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church by the Rev. Juliar Grubbs with burial in the Morgan f!f>meterv at. Ronceverte.

RALPH EDMOND DUMIRE Ralph Edmond Dumire, born, October 20, 1939 departed this life December 14, 1940, age one year one month and twenty-four days He is survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dumire, one brother, ; Harry Ward, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moss and Mrs. Frankie Dumire, one great grandmother, Mrs Catherine Sharp, several uncles and aunts and a host of friends. The funeral service was conducted from the home Sunday afternoon by Rev. Skaggs with burial in the Varner Cemetery. The pall bearers were Delton, Mar vin, Lewis and Boyd Dumire. Flowei girls were Betty and Ruby Dumire.

Mrs. Edith Dunbrack Mrs. Edith G. Dunbrack, 78, of Marlinton, died Sunday, October 5, 1975, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a short illness. Mrs. Dunbrack was born May 28, 1897, the daughter of James Albert and Margaret White Vaughan; she was the widow of the late Burgess 0. Dunbrack. She was a retired school teacher and a clerk. Mrs. Dunbrack was a member of Campbelitown Methodist C h u r c h y Surviving: stepsons, ^Summers Dunbrack, Ralph Dunbrack, Eugene Dunbrack and Curtis Dunbrack, all of Marlinton; stepdaughters, Mrs. Bertha Galford and Mrs. Betty Field, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Helen Bingle, of Baltimore, Maryland, brother, Homer Vaughn, of Alderson; sisters, Mrs. Gladys Hubbard, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Arlene Wykle, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, Mrs. Lillian Russell, of Alderson, Mrs. Marjorie McDowell, of Ronceverte. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home, in Marlinton with the Rev. Alfred Gum officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. SttvM Lamar Dam Steven Lamar Dunn, 23, df Peteluma, California, was killed in a car accident the 4th of July. 1975. He was the son of Jay and Juanita Dunn, of Peteluma. Surviving hin are two sisters, and two brothers, and grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Dell Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Byrd. of Bakersfield, California. Steven was the great grandson of the late Mrs. Hattie Clooaan.

VIIJ mini vmoii.j


Cary Willis Dulaney, 80, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, April 8,1978, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born May 2, 1897, at Woodrow, he was the son of Thornton S. and Leona McCoy Dulaney. Mr. Dulaney was a lumberman and a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Frances Jones, of Adelphi, Maryland, and Mrs. Leona J. Hepler, Hillsboro; one brother, John A. Dulaney, South Charleston; Bisters, Mrs. Blanche D. Patterson, Stow, Ohio, Mrs. Grace Leach, Rupert, Miss Lottie V. Dulaaey, South Charleston, Mrs. Laura E. Bush, South Charleston; one grandchild. Funeral services were held Monday, at 2 p. m. by Rev. Gary Jarrell, of Marlinton. Burial in Cochran Cemetery.



Mrs. Mtrvla Ounbritk Mrs. Flossie Irene Via Dunbrack, of Marlinton, died Monday, April 20, 1981, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins, following a heart attack. Mrs. Dunbrack was a member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church and a .charter member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Women. P . ^vx Born at Frackford July 12. 1897, she was a daughter af Lloyd and Annie Loudermilk Via. A daughter, Thelma Dunbrack Perry, preceded her in death. Surviving ber are her husband, Marvin R. Dunbrack; four daughters, Mrs. David (Blanche) Gwin, Mrs. Oren fGladys) Waugb, Mrs. James (Annabelle) McNeill, both of Buckeye, and Mrs. Geraldine Nuckoles, of Kernersville, North Carolina; eleven grandchildren and eleven greatgrandchildren. Services were held Wednesday morning in Campbelltown United Methodist Church by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham assisted by Rev. Billy R. Perry, her grandson. Burial was in M ountain View Cemetery.

Marvin K. uunoracK Ralph M. Dunbrack, Br., 53, Marvin R. Dunbrack, age 89 years and 8 months, died of Marlinton, died Saturday, Monday, December 29, 19X6, May 2,1981, at his home after in Pocahontas Memorial many month's illness. Hospital, alter a long illness. He was a member of the) Born May 1st, 1897, at Beaver Creek, near Indian Draft Methodist Church Huntersville, he was the son and a mechanic. He was born of the late George A. April 5, 1923, the son of the Dunbrack, from Nova Scotia, late Burgess 0. and Delia D Canada, and Harriet Ann Dunbrack, at Watoga. Ryder Dunbrack, of Burr Surviving are his wife, EveValley. I He was a member of the lyn Jack Dunbrack; Bons, Campbelltown United Ralph M., Jr., and Theodore Methodist Church for 65 0., both of Marlinton, daughyears, Sunday School ters, Mrs. Phyllis Jackson and Superintendent and teacher of Mrs. Janice Maddy, both of Adult Bible Class for 50 Marlinton; brothers, Curtis, of years, having taught a youth Campbelltown, Eugene, of class of 2a-30 boys before Marlinton; Bisters, Mrs. Berthat. He was a life-long tha Galford, Campbelltown member of the I.O.O.F. and Mrs. Betty Lou Friel, of Mr. Dunbrack was a salesman for 58 years, Riverside; Beven grandchilr K*a , v \ . traveling the roads of dren, Pocahontas, Randolph and PrecedingtiftnTndeath were Greenbrier; he also bought and three brothers, Harry, Clarence sold ginseng during those and Summers Dunbrack, and vears. When he retired at age 84 there were none of the two Bisters, Beatrice Waugh original store owners that he and Helen Bengel. called on, nor the competitor Services were held at two salesmen. p. m. Monday at the VanReenHe was married to Flossie en Funeral Home with the Via, of Frankford, now Rev. Gary Jarrell and Rev. deceased. To this union were Sanford Boggs officiating. born Five daughters, Mrs. David (Blanche) Gwin, of Burial was in Mountain View Marlinton, Mrs. Ralph Cemetery. (Thelma) Perry, (deceased), Mrs. Oren (Gladys) Waugh, Carlit Gray Dunbrack, Jr. Mrs. James (Annabelle) Curtis Gray Dunbrack, Jr., McNeill. both of Buckeye, Mrs. Geraldine Nuckoles, of of Clifton, Colorado, formerly Kernersville, North Carolina. of Marlinton, died Friday, OcOf his ten brothers and tober 23,1981, as a result of a sisters, including a set of car accident. triplets (First set born in Bom,May22, 1950, he was Pocahontas, 1903), one brother, Forrest, of Marlinton, the son of Curtis Gray Dunsurvives. Also surviving are brack and Alice Caroline Jack 11 grandchildren, 15 great- Dunbrack, of Marlinton. He grandchildren, two great-great- was a member of the Presbygrandchildren, two step- terian Church and was employgrandchildren, *and one foster ed as a miner. V'vVVgrandchild. Besides his parentB, he is Services were held Thursday bv the Rev. Kenny- survived by his wife, Caroline Stevenson, Rev. Gary Jarrell, Rose Dunbrack; brother, Kenand Rev. Billy Perry, with neth Russell Dunbrack. Marburial in the Mountain View linton; sister, Helen D. FaraCemetery. In lieu of flowers, the one, Wilmington, Delaware. Funeral services were held family requested donations to be made to the Campbelltown Monday at two p. m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Blanche DM rack Mrs. Nannie Blanche Pritt Dunbrack, daughter of the late Uriah A. and Lnnsa F. Pritt, was born June 18, 1897, in Bath County, Virginia, and passed away at her home on Friday, February 20, 1959, at 3:20 a. m , agedd 61 years, 8 months and 2 days. She was married to Burgess Oliver Dunbrack June 6, 1951. She was baptizted and became a member of the Campbelltown Methodist Church 4pril 20, 1955, to which she was faithful until death. She is survived by her husband; four brothers, Howard Pritt. Harry Pritt, and Walter Pritt, of McClellantown, Pennsylvania; and Leonard Pritt, of Lexington,. Virginia; and one sister, Mrs. Belle Bowers, of Healing Springs, Virginia. Also a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon by her pastor, the Rev. Ezra Bennett, in the Campbelltown Methodist Church. Burial was made in the Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Lula Mae Dunbrack Mrs. Lula Mae Dunbrack, 41, of Marlinton, died Monday» August 22, 1983, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born April 5, 1942, at Woodrow, she was the daughter of Annie Burgess Sharp, of Marlinton, and the late Summers Sharp. She was a member of the Nazarene Church. Surviving her, in addition to her mother, are her husband, Crede Dunbrack; three sons, Troy, James and Byron, all of Marlinton; and a brother, Leroy Sharp, of Marlinton. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton by the Rev. Wallace Dora, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.


Dan J. Dunn. 69, of 4080 Topper Avenue, Barberton, Ohio, died Tuesday, September 30, 1975, in Little Forest Nursing Home in Akron. A native of Watoga, he had lived in Ohio fifty years. He retired in 1967 from Firestone Rubber Company after 37 years service. He was a member of Reimer Road Baptist Church. Surviving him are a stepdaughter, Margaret Auvil, of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; three grandchildren; a brother, Michael Dunn, of Buckeye, five Bisters, Mrs. James Totten, Mrs. Anna Mae Totten and Mrs. Arlene Arbogast, of Buckeye, Madge, of Spokane, Washington, and Ruth, of Norfolk, Virginia. Services were held at 1 p. m. Friday in Stamtfle Memorial Home in Akron with Rev. Harold Swafford offiicjating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Park in Akron. Alma Matheny Dunn Mrs. Alma Matheny Dunn, age 80, of Warrenton, Virginia, died March 27, at Fairfax Virginia Hospital after a short illness. Born January 26, 1917, at Naples, Virginia, she was the , daughter of the late John and Althea Gardner Matheny. She was a housewife and a member of The United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Dunn; one sister, Audrey Patterson Townsend; three brothers, Clyde, Ralph and Conell Matheny. Surviving are one son, Michael Lynn Dunn, of Warrenton, Virginia; one brother, John Matheny Jr., of Green Bank; two sisters, Polly Clark, of Reno, Nevada, and Wilma Gibson, of Marlinton. Services were held March 31, at Price Funeral Home, in Manassas, Virginia. Burial in National Memorial Cemetery, Falls Church, Virginia.

I *



Dennis Francis Dunn, aged 83, of Buckeye, died in the Pocahontas Memorial H )spital Thursday, July 2, 1959 iollow'mg a heart attack. Born in Syracuse, New York, November 8, 1875, Mr. Dunr came to Pocahontas County as a stone mason when the railroad was built. His wife, Elizabeth Simmons Dunn, preceded him in death. Surviving him are nine children James Dunn, of Marlinton, Mrs Rose Waymire, of Spokane, Washington, Dan Dunn, of Barberton. Ohio, Mrs. Ruth Griffin, of Portsmouth, Virginia, Mike Dunn, Mrs. Arlene Arbogast, and Mrs. Jane Totten, all of Buckeye, Mrs. Madge Poloff, of Coulee Dam, Washington, and Mrs. Anna Mae Totten, ofSeebert Graveside sen ^ were held Saturrday afternoon at the Smith Cemeterv at Watoga by Father Leo Lyder ol Ronceverte. Uurney Dunn Gurney Dunn, 66, died at his home in Waynesboro, Virginia, on Sunday, December 5, 1976. He was born near Crozet and was a long-time resident of Waynesboro. He was a retired duPont employee. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Maggie James Dunn, three sisters,. Mrs. J. E. Madison, Marlinton, Mrs. B. W. Thompson and Mrs. Harry C. Brooks, both of Waynesboro, and four brothers, Archie Dunn, Mount Sidney, Virginia, and Forrest, James and Randolph Dunn, all of Waynesboro, Virginia. Services and burial were in Waynesboro on Wednesday, December 8.


Four-Year- Old


Killed By Shotgun Michael Eugene D u n z, born July 26, 1954, in Indianapolis, Ind., was decapitated about 3 p. i m. Tuesday by a charge from a shot gun while he was cleaning! mud from his shoes in the yard of his home in the brush country. Neighbors said an elder brother, Billy, was removing g u n s from a car that had been used by a third brother, Robert, who had been hunting. While Billy was carrying the s e c o n d gun from the car, neighbors said, the gun discharged. Pocahontas County Prosecuter Richard F. Currence called the shooting accidental. The boy is also survived by his mother and step-father, Levi and Mae Dunz Irvine, two sisters, Jeanne and Theresa Dunz, and a half-sister, Lisabell Irvine. Funeral arrangements are incomplete awaiting word f r o m relatives in Indiana. Ssmmtri Duibraek

Summers Oliver Dunbrack, 66, of Marlinton, died Sunday night, March 5, 1978, at his home on Huntersviile Road. Born May 31,1911, at Marlinton, he was the son of the late Burgess and Delia Dunbrack. U-v-r\ Mr. Dunbrack was a Methodist, World War II veteran and a retired tannery worker. Survivors include his wife, Emma Smith Dunbrack; three brothers, Ralph, Eugene, and Curtis Dunbrack and three sisters, Bertha Galford and Betty Friel, all of Marlinton, and Helen Bingle, of Baltimore. Funeral services werr held Thursday at 1 p.m., >y the Rev. Wallace Dora, at VanReenen Funeral Home with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

John A. Dunlap

John Andrew Dunlap," 69, of Detroit, Michigan, formerly of Gap Mills, died Tuesday, April 17, 1962, in the family home at Gap Mills. A son of the late Elijah and Mariah Rosa Dunlap, he was a member of St. Cypress Episcopal Church in Detroit, Michigan, a 32nd degree Mason and a retired employe of the Nlew York Central Railway Company. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs Claire Carter and Mrs. Jacqueline Nickerson, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Martha Goudeau, of Gap Mills; two brothers, Clarence and William Dunlap, both of Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Key of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Faye Truss, of Marlinton; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon in the Brown Chapel Methodist Church at Gap Mills with the Rev. William Harrison and the Rev.. W. P. Graham in charge. Burial was in Dix Hill Cemetery near Gap Mills. Mrs. Edra Dunsmore

Mrs. Edna Moore Dunsmore, 82, of Sinks Grove, died in the' Denmar State Hospital at' Beard Saturday.. August 29, 1964, afier a long illness. Born at Elk. May 12, 1883, she was the daughter of the late Jacob and Maria Gay Moore. She was a member of the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church at Sinks Grove. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Moore, of San Antonio, Texas, and Mrs. Pearl Pierce, of California; two half-sisters, Mrs. Ruby Rhinehart, of Covington. Virginia, and Mrs. Grace Frank, of Miami, Florida. Funeral servicer w^re held Monday afternoon in the Broy \ei Funeral Home Chapel at Union by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. Burial was in the Green Hill Cemetery at Union.

CllfIHM Dunlap

Clarence C. Dunlap, 88, of 3ap Mills, died Sunday, February 5, 1978, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired railroader, chef, a member of the Masons, Patbagarars Lodge, Shriners and Elks, all of Detroit, Mich, igan and the Browns Chapel Methodist Church, Gap Mills. Surviving are; sisters, Mrs.f Faye Truss, of Gap MillsMrs. Bertha Key, of Balti more, Maryland. Services will be held Thursday, at 2 p. m. in BroylesMcGuire Funeral Home, Union, with the Rev. Elizabeth Billinger and Mr. Sam Robinson, and- the Rev. Frederick Billinger officiating. Burial will be in Dix Cemetery, at Gap Mills. Mrs. Leeota S. Durkee Leeota Snyder Durkee, age 66, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Tuesday, July 11, 1989, at Bath County Community Hospital. She was born August 30, 1922, m Alleghany County, Virginia, the daughter of Ollie Grace Ryder. She was a retired hairdresser. Preceding her in death were her first husband, Mason Snyder, her mother, Ollie Ryder, a sister, Imogene May Bogan, and a daughter, Nancee O'Neill. Surviving her are her husband, Ernest Durkee; two sons, Charles Oliver McPaters, of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Ryder, of Cass. Snyder, of Vinton, Virginia, and David, of Covington, Virginia; two daughters, Bonnie, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Oreana (Rene) White, of Minnehaha Springs; three stepsons, Spencer Durkee and Stephen Durkee, of Florida, and Bruce Durkee, of Boston, Massachusetts; one stepdaughter, Janice Watson, of Florida; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral service was held Friday, July 14, in the Chapel at McLaughlin Funeral Home at Hot Springs by the Rev. Charles Krohn, with interment in the Jones Cemetery near Hot Springs, Virginia.

KAV 1 H S K E Y Ray Duskey, TO, of CraigsviUe and former resilient of nurliin died Satnrd; Vpril 22, 1061, in Laird M e r o m i . Hospital at Montgomery after a long illness, A retired coal miner, he was a member of the Baptist Church and Webster Springs Masonic Lodge. Surviving a r e his wife. Viola; two sons, Kenneth of Cleveland, (thin and Keith of I>nrbin: five daughters, Mrs. Zelfa Hemline of j Mill Creek. Mrs. Zella Galford of s l a t y Fork. Mrs. Margaret Beverage of CraigsviUe. Mrs. Redekah B u r n e r of Painesvillc. Ohio and Mrs. Imogene Gainer of A k r m , O h i o : a half-brother. H a r l e y W»Us of C r e s t o n : 1ft grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Service w a s held Monday a t 2 p.m. in White and Coleman Fun e r a l Home a t Richwood with Rev. Lawrence 1 (orsey officiating Graveside rites were conducted by the Webster Springs Masonic Lodge in Mountain View Memorial P a r k a t Richwood. Mrs. Cstbtrlne Duttoti

Mrs. Catherine Kellison Dutton, 64, of Canton, Ohio, pass-1 ed away at her home, Sunday* December 10, 1978, following a short illness. Born near Marlinton, January 7, 1914, she was the daughter of Lottie M. and Owen W. Kellison. She is survived by her husband, William Dutton, sister, Mrs. Mildred Acord, of Canton, Ohio, brothers, Ralph, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Leonard, of Buckeye, and Guy, of Los Angeles, California, and several nieces and nephews. She attended Canton Baptist Temple Church. Services were held Wednesday in Spiker Foster Colonial Chapel with Rev. James Henniger officiating. Interment was made in sunset Hills Memorial Park.


Simeon Howard Ducksworth, aged 70, died Tuesday morn'ing. January 9. 1982, in the Crile Vetf ins Hospital at Akron, OhiHe was a veteran of World War I, a member of -the Purbin American Legion Post and a retired tannery worker at Frank. He had resided for the past eight years in Akron, Ohio Surviving him is a daughter Mrs. Johnny C Nelson, an one grandson, Johnny, Jr., o Durbin. - Services were held Friday afternoon in Sbs Durbin Methodist Church by the Rf/. George Clay. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery

James r. uuianey James F. Dulaney, 56, of Minnehaha Springs, died Tuesday, March 22,1977, of an apparent heart attack near his home. rj Born February 25, 1921, at Woodrow, he was the son of the late Thornton S. and Leona McCoy Dulaney. He was a veteran of World War II and was retired from Civil Service after twenty five years. He is survived by two brothers, Gary, of Hillsboro, John, of South Charleston; four sisters, Blanche Patterson, Stow, Ohio, Grace Leach, Rupert, Lottie Dulaney, Laura Bush, South Charleston. He was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held at the VacReenen Funeral Home Friday afternoon, March 25, with Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

A. Keith Duskey, 60, died Wednesday, December 31, 1980, in a Clarksburg hospital after, a long illness, p , Born June 22, 1920, RfUpper Glade, he was a son of Viola Cogar Duskey of Richwood and the late Ray Duskey. Mr. Duskey was a resident of Durbin for 40 years. He was a World War II veteran and a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church. He was last employed by the Virginia Electric and Power Company project on Back Creek. Other survivors include his wife, Kathryn Simmons Duskey; a stepson; five sisters, and a brother. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Mark Hickman officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Robert T. Duly Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Ward Duty, 61, of Champsville, formerly of Marlinton, died Monday. December 25. 1967, in the Cyan Valley Hospital in Logan. She was born December 25, C. Jackson Duffy nJ \ 1906, and was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian ChurC. Jackson Duffy was born, in J ch. She was a teacher at the Albemarle County, Virginia, on, Lane Grade School in Champs- April 29, 1864 and died at his] ville. borne near Dunmore on NovemSurvivors include her hus- ber 11, 1947, after an illness of band, Robert T. Duty; One about eight months. The deceasbrofher, William Ward, of ed was 83 years of age. fie is Rainelle, two sisters, Mrs. B.- survived by bis wife Mrs Fannie Lee Sandridge, of Massillon, (Davis) Duffy and five children: Ohio,and Mrs. Otto Hannah, of .Mrs. Pearl Valenson, at home; Rainelle; one nephew, Frank Mrs. Bessie Garrett, ofCharleroi, Ward, of Hampton, Virginia, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Lena Tuckand one niece, Mrs. David ley and Carl Duffy, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Mack Duffy, Shivejy, of Ohio. j Funeral services were held of Kicbwood. He is also survivWednesday morning at the I ed by eleven grandchildren, four residence.' Burial was in the f great-grandchildren and one sis-; ter, Mrs. N. B. Richards, 6f| Duty Cemetery. Greensboro, North Carolina. He was preceded in death by one son, Willis B. Duffy Willis B. Duffy died at his Claude, who died in 1939. home in Omaha, Nebraska, on Mr. Duffy bad been a resident Saturday, March 28, 1970, of Pocahontas County for about after a long illness. thirty-rive years and was well Mr. Duffy was born in Cana- known and liked in the communda and worked for the Union ity His body was laid to rest in Pacific Railroad until his re- Dunmore cemetery on November He will be greatly j tirement. I 14, t947. •<\ by all who knew him. Survivors include bis wife, j Mrs. Julia Jordan Duffy; three ' sisters. Eva Duffy, of West Hillsbourgh, New Brunswick; Mrs. Mildred Wezver, of Boston, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Marjory Henderson, of St. John, New Brunswick. Funeral services were held Tuesday, March 31st, in the Burket Chapel with burial in the Hillcrest Cemetery at Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Duffy will be remembered as the sister of the late Robert. S. .InrHnn. nf Marlinton

George L. [Jack] Duncan George L. (Jack) Duncan, of South Charleston, died Friday, November 20, 1981, in General Division CAMC, after a long illness. He was a retired technical supervisor at Union Carbide, a member and deacon of Rock Lake Presbyterian Church and a former city councilman. Surviving him are his wife, Thelma; a son, John Lee Duncan, of Culloden; John Fenwick, of South Charleston, a nephew, whom he raised; brother, William Duncan, of Miami, Florida; six grandchildren. He was the son of the late George and Mary Mayes Duncan, of Marlinton. A brother, Harper Lee, died about 1932. Services were held Sunday, at 2 p. m., in Rock Lake Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Donald Hopkins officiating. Burial was at 2 p. m. Monday in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. Mr. Duncan was a first cousin of Paul and George Duncan, of Buckeye.

Sime'dn Howard Ducksworth, aged 70, died Tuesday morning. January 9. 19S2, in the Crile Vetr xns Hospital at Akron, Ohiu He was a veteran of World War I, a member of -the Durbin American Legion Post and a retired tannery worker at Frank. He had resided for the past eight years in Akron, Ohio Surviving him is a daughter Mrs. Johnny C Nelson, an one grandson, Johnny, Jr., o Durbin. - Services were held Friday afternoon in ths Durbin Methodist Church by the Re/. George Clay. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery Mrs. Robert T. Duty

James f. uuiansy

James F. Dulaney, 56, of Minnehaha Springs, died Tuesday, March 22,1977, of an apparent heart attack near his home. rjt, Born February 25, 1921, at Woodrow, he was the Bon of the late Thornton S. and Leona McCoy Dulaney. He was a veteran of World War II and was retired from Civil Service after twenty five years. He is survived by two brothers, Gary, of Hillsboro, John, of South Charleston; four sisters, Blanche Patterson, Stow, Ohio, Grace Leach, Rupert, Lottie Dulaney, Laura Bush, South Charleston. He was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held at the VacReenen Funeral Home Friday afternoon, March 25, with Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

A. Keith Duskey, 60, died Wednesday, December 31, 1980, in a Clarksburg hospital after, a long illness. /-> Born June 22, 1920, KfUpper Glade, he was a son of Viola Cogar Duskey of Richwood and the late Ray Duskey. Mr. Duskey was a resident of Durbin for 40 years. He was a World War II veteran and a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church. He was last employed by the Virginia Electric and Power Company project on Back Creek. Other survivors include his wife, Kathryn Simmons Duskey; a stepson; five sisters, and a brother. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Mark Hickman officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Ward Duty, 61, of Champsville, formerly of Marlinton, died Monday. December 25. 1967, in the Cyan Valley Hospital in Logan. She was born December 25, C. Jackson Duffy 1906, and was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian ChurC. Jackson Duffy was born in \ ch. She was a teacher at the Aibemarle County, Virginia, on Lane Grade School in Champs- April 29, 1864 and died at his I ville. home near Dunmore on NovemSurvivors include h?r hus- ber 11, 1947, after an illness of band, Robert T. Duty; one about eight months. The deceasbro'her, William Ward, of ed was 83 years of age. He is Rainelle, two sisters, Mrs. B.- survived by Ids wife Mrs. Fannie Lee Sandridge, of Massillon, (Davis) Duffy and five children: Ohio, and Mrs. Otto Hannah, of Mrs. Pearl Valenson, at home; Rainelle; one nephew, Frank Mrs. Bessie Garrett, ofCharleroi, Ward, of Hampton, Virginia, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Lena Tuckand one niece, Mrs. David ley and Carl Duffy, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Mack Duffy, ShiveJy, of Ohio. jOt'Kichwood. He is also survivFuneral services were held Wednesday morning at the e d by eleven grandchildren, four residence. Burial was in the 'great-grandchildren and one sis' ter, Mrs. N. B. Richards, 6f Duty Cemetery.


Willis B. Duffy

Willis B. Duffy died at his home in Omaha. Nebraska, on Saturday, March 28, 1970, after a long illness. Mr. Duffy was born in Canada and worked for the Union Pacific Railroad until his retirement. Survivors include bis wife, Mrs. Julia Jordan Duffy; three sisters. Eva Duffy, of West Hillsbourgh, New Brunswick; Mrs. Mildred Wezver, of Boston, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Marjory Henderson, of St. John, New Brunswick. Funeral services were held Tuesday, March 31st, in the Burket Chapel with burial in the Hillcrest Cemetery at Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Duffy will be remembered as the sister of the late Roberts. Jordan, of Marlinton

Greensboro, North Carolina. He was preceded in death by one son, Claude, who died in 1939. Mr. Duffy had been a resident of Pocahontas County for about thirty-five years and was well known and liked in the community His body was laid to rest in Dunmore cemetery on November He will be greatly j | 14, 1947. (1 by all who kne w him. i



George L. [Jack] Duncan George L. (Jack) Duncan, of South Charleston, died Friday, November 20,1981, in General Division CAMC, after a long illness. He was a retired technical supervisor at Union Carbide, a member and deacon of Rock Lake Presbyterian Church and a former city councilman. Surviving him are his wife, Thelma; a son, John Lee Duncan, of Culloden; John Fenwick, of South Charleston, a nephew, whom he raised; brother, William Duncan, of Miami, Florida; six grandchildren. He was the son of the late George and Mary Mayes Duncan, of Marlinton. A brother, Harper Lee, died about 1932. Services were held Sunday, at 2 p. m., in Rock Lake Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Donald Hopkins officiating. Burial was at 2 p. m. Monday in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. Mr. Duncan was a first cousin of Paul and George Duncan, of Buckeye.

Mrs. Faanie Lillian Duffy / )

Mrs. Fannie Lillian Duffy, 86, 01 Dunmor died on Thursday. September 12, 1957, at her home a long illness. She had been a resident of Dunmore since 1912, and was the widow of Columbus J. Duffy, who preceded her in death in July 1947. Born at Madison County, Virginia, October 8, 1870, she was a daughter of the late Edward and Frances Snow Davis. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Bessie A. Garrett, of Donora, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Pearl M. Valenson, of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; three sons, Mack H . of Dunmore, and Leonard and Carl, both of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; ten grandchildren, nine greatgrandchildren, and two greatgreat-grandchildren. The funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock in the Dunmo/e Methodist Church by the Rev. Ed Thomas. Burial wp made u. the Dunmore Cemetery. Mrs. Elmer Duncan

Mrs. Myrtle Baxter Duncan, of Cass, died Saturday, March 25 • 1961, in the Pocahdntas Memorial Hospital following a heart attackMrs. Duncan was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church and the Cass Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, of which she was a past worthy matron and was secretary at the time of her death. She had lived at Cass for 40 years Born at Onoto, December 24, 1882, she was a daughter of the late George and Margaret Jane Cassell Baxter. Her husband, , Elmer L. Duncan, preceded her jin death. Surviving her are two sons, George Alex Duncan, of Rand, 'and Harry Earl Duncan, of South rleston; three grandchildren; land two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Smith [of Spencer and Mrs. F. C. Pritchard, of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Cass j Presbyterian Church by the Rev. '/. D Arbuckle, with burial in the I Mountain View Cemetery.

Forrest T. Dunbrack Forrest T. Dunbrack, 90, of Marlinton, died Thursday, October 24, 1991, in Greenbrier Manor at Lewisburg following a long illness. Mr. Dunbrack was a retired lumber grader and a Presbyterian. r The son of George^ and Harriet Ryder Dunbrack, he was born at 'Vatoga August 26, 1901. Preceding him in death were four brothers, Marvin, Burgess, Winters, and Irvine Dunbrack; and three sisters, Loucrisia Campbell, Clara Keyes, and Vollie Daniels. Surviving him are his wife, Nellie Foe Dunbrack; sons, Crede T. Dunbrack, of Marlinton, James L. Dunbrack, of Lewisburg, Everett L. Dunbrack of Ronceverte; daughter, Evelyn B. Pontes, of Phoenix, Arizona; a grandson whom they raised, Jerry Dunbrack, of Marlinton, and six additional grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and two great-greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Arvie Maynard, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Colbert uuncan

Mrs. Verdie Irene Terry Dun can, of Valley Center, Virginia, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 1963 at the Rittemour Nursing Home in Staunton, Virginia at the age of 83 years, 9 months and 18 days. She was born in Highland County, the daughter of the late James P. and Minnie Wade Terry. Her husband, John Colbert Duncan, preceded her in death also one daughter, Cleo, a son, James, and a step-daughter, Thelma. *?&£-?-& Mrs. Duncan was a devoted christian, a member of the Beulah Presbyterian Church and an active attendant at all services as long as her health permitted. She is survived by three dau ghters, Mrs. Henry Easter, oi Ripley, Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Valley Center, Virginia, and Mrs. John Moyers, of Hightown, Virginia; a step-son, Kyle Duncan, of Valley Cen- jr. Virginia. Funeral services were held aturday afternoon from the eulah Presbyterian Church, t Valley Center, Virginia.

3/9) ^

Austin Dunr.- ' Austin DuDr-wjtb A 57 years, Pied o*»w-ejj an( i,.ack on Monncuso; one-fa-.-1950, at hts farm church.-s-"' ^ r e e r ) hrier River near | eye As usual, be left home ; r ^ ie early morning to come to ,_r3 work at the State Road gar-! jage. expecting to feed his live' stock as he passed the barn. Late I in the afternoon his body was found at the barn The deceased is survived by his wife, who was Miss Pearl Luzier. and their three sons, Glenn, Paul and George. He was a son of the late William and Clarissa McNeil Duncan, His surviving sister is Mrs. Lena Adkison and his brother is Elmer Duncan, of Cass. For many years Mr. Duncan had been employed as a blacksmith b.v the State Road Deport* meDt. He was a good man and useful citizen. It is expected the funeral service will be held on Thursday morning, with burial in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Elmer Duncan

Mrs. Myrtle Baxter Duncan, of Cass, died Saturday, March 251961, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a heart attackMrs. Duncan was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church and the Cass Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, of which she was a past worthy matron and was secretary at the time of her death. She had lived at Cass for 40 years Born at Onoto, December 24,' 1882, she was a daughter of the late George and Margaret Jane Cassell Baxter. Her husband, Elmer L. Duncan, preceded her in death. Surviving her are two sons, George Alex Duncan, of Rand, and Harry Earl Duncan, of South Charleston; three grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Smith of Spencer and Mrs. F. C'. Pritchard, of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Cass Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Donald Wayne Dur.can Donald Wayne Duncan, tenmonth-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, of Staunton, Virginia, died Friday, March 19 1965, in a Staunton hospital. Graveside services were held Sunday afternoon in the Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. A. E. Johnson.

J. r\ Unocal John Preston Duncan was born May 6, 1878, at Edray, and died on Monday, January 12, 1959, at the age ol £0 of an apparent heart attack. He was the eldest son of James H. and "Mary Ann Wilson Duncan. He was united in rnarriage to Edna White who preceded him in death November, 1919. To this union were born three children, Harry F. Duncan, of Charleston, (Mabel) Mrs. Robert Gay, of Marlinton, and Loris Duncan, who gave his life in service of his Country March, 1945. He is-survived by a brother, Irant Duncan, of Denmar. He was a member of the Edray | Vlethodist Church. £. L. Duncan Dies He was engaged in farming and Elmer L. Duncan, 64, of Cass, was active until his death. Thus is noted the passing of an died in a Charleston hospital on Sunday morning. April 30. 1950, honest, upright citizen, a good following an illness of some neighbor, and friend, who will be months. greatly missed by all who knew Mr. Duncan was a son of the him. late William and Clarissa McNeill Duncan. He is survived Funeral services were held on bv his widow. Mrs. Myrtle (BaxThursday, January 15th, at^the ter! Duncan, and two sons. Earl Edray Church, with his pastor, and Alex. Also surviving is a • he Rev Ezra Bennett, officiating sister. Mrs. Harper Adkison. with interment in the family plot Mr. Duncan was an employe! of the Mower Lumber Company in the Cochran Cemetery. at Cass. He was a member of Life! we've been long together. the Presbyterian Church, and a Through pleasant and through Past Master of the Riverside Macloudy weather; sonic Lodge, and was very active in these and other organizations. 'Tis hard to part when friends are Funeral services were held on dear — Wednesday afternoon at the Cass r'erhaps 'twill cost a sigh a tear; Presbyterian Church with the Then steal away, give little warnRev. Graham Keys officiating. ing, choose thine own time; Interment was made in the Mt. View Gemetery. Say not Good Night—butin some brighter clime Bid me Good Morning. ._

ivirs. Mary A. Duncan, wife of DoriH Hi. jfuucan, Z6, electrician's L • son of J. P. Duncan, | the late James A. Duncan, died at Marlintc. dieted basic train-' her home near Onoto, Friday, ing at Subn. ' ^ool, Subma-' July 20th. Her age was about 73 rine Base, Nev. years, and during those years she ticnt, for duty wu.< ^ lived a life of usefulness to her fleet of undersea fighters. lommunity. She leaves to mourn E-M Duncan will be entii . , wear the twin dolphin insife.. their loss two sons, Preston and of the submarine service after fu Grant, four daughters, Mrs. J . B. ther experience aboard a subma Waugh, Mrs. Silas Barlow, Mrs. rine during which he must dem-i strate to his commanding officer Wash Hilland Mrs Emory Miller, that he is fully qualified to carry i also a host of other relatives and out the duties of his rate. The friends. Funeral services were insignia is regarded as a mark of. conducted at the West Union M. distinction throughout the Navy E. Church Sunday afternoon, by Duncan was graduated from) Kev. Hogsette, Rev. H. H. Orr Marlinton High School five years] and Rev. J . H. Billingsley. ago, competing in Softball while! Harper, Lee Duncan, aged 16 years, died Sunday afternoon, April 9, 1933, at the Bonceverte Hospital. The cause of death was pneumonia, following an operation for ruptured appendix. On Tuesday afternoon his body was buried in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery. The funeral was from the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. VV. G. Winton and Rev T. H. Taylor. The pall bearers were six high sehooi boys. An immense congregation was in attendance. Harper Lee was the third and youngest son of the lute George W. Duncan. He was a nice, likable boy and popular with ;i!I v\ho knew him. He was a member of the freshman class of Edray District High ol. lie is the second member of this class to die this year. Fur i number of years Harper Lee had made his home with his uncle, Austin Duncan, near Buckeye. He is survived by two brothers, .lack and Billy, and a sister, Marie. His mother died three years ago.


Mrs. Bertha Ellen Duncan I Mrs. Bertha Ellen Duncan, '-Z6, of Droop Mountain, died on Wednesday, May 2, 1962, at her home after a long illness. Survivors include three sons, Henry Duncan, of Jennings,. Missouri; Poney Duncan, of Renick, and Gilbert Duncan, •of Brunot, Missouri; five daughters, Mrs. Grace Lake, of Hutchison, Kansas, Mrs. Mad e Boyce. of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Mrs. Myrtle Johnsor, of DeSoto, Missouri. Mrs. Mary Eggleston, of b\ ..rd, and Miss Minnie Dur ;ir of Kenmore, New York; a sister, Mrs. Anna Hasnidle, of East St. Louis, Missouri; 34 grandchildren and 70 great grandchildren Funeral services were cor ducted Saturday morning in the Renick Baptist Church iwith the Rev. Mason in charge Burial was in the Renick Cemetery, .

John K. Duncan Rites Are Held

John Kyle Duncan, 59, of Hightown, died Monday, Nov. 21 at Kings Daughters Hospital. He was a native of Buckeye, W. Va. and was born March 16, 1906. Survivors include two daughters. Miss Sharon Duncan, Mustoe, and Mrs. Eugene Bird, Mill Gap; a son, Ronald K. Duncan, of Waynesboro; three half-sisters, Mrs. John Movers, Hightown, Mrs. WH. (Tom) Thomas, Quebec, Can., and Mrs. Rebecca Easter, Ripley, W. Va.; and three grandchildren. The funeral service was held Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 3 p. m. from Victory Chapel Advent Christian Church at Mustoe by the Rev. Wendell K. DuBois. Burial was in the Hamilton Chapel Advent Christian Church with Obaugh Fu neral Home in charge of arrangements. Active pallbearers were Mac!: Ratcliffe, Gerald Ratcliffe, Kyle Ratcliffe, Carl Ratcliffe, Billy Pritt and James F. Varner. Friends and neighbors were "orary pallbearers.

James Granf Duncan James Grant Duncan, age,, years, died in the D e n m a r ' Hospital, Friday, May 1' Funeral services were c< ed on Monday afternoon ' West Union Church and burial was made in the Cochran Cemetery. Mr. Duncan was the last member n* hia family. The only

Donald Wayne Duncan L-^ Donald Wayne Duncan, tenmonthold son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, of Staunton. Virginia, died Friday, March 19 1965, in a Staunton hospital. Graveside services were held Sunday afternoon in the Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. A. E. Johnson.


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Ptney Duncan

Poney Duncan, 70, of Renick, died Monday, September 16, 1974, in-the Greenbrier Valley Hospital, at Fairlea. He was a .member of Renick Baptist Church, a retired farmer and a sawmill employee Survivors include his wife Mrs. Maggie Duncan; three sisters, Mrs. Grace Lake, of Hutchinson, Kansas, Miss Minnie Duncan, of Jacksonville, Florida,, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, of Droop. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Renick Baptist Church by the Rev. Curtis Mason, with burial in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick. Mrs. Lucy Davis

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Mrs. Lucy F. Davis, 87, of 3uckeye, died Tuesday, Oetooer 29, 1969, at her home after a long illness. Born July 20, 1882 she was the daughter of the late Uriah and Virginia E. Beverage. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Ct. m-b and attended regularly until her sickness. £> Survivors include seven children, six sons and one daughter; Mrs. Blanche Waugh, of Marlinton; Lawrence and Clarence Davis, of Buckeye, Page, Leo and Fbvd Davis, of Marlinton, and Carl Davis, of Cass; two brothers, Frank Beverage, of Mansfield, Ohio, and Neil Beverage, of Mar| ; nton; three sisters, Mrs. Rosa Sharp, of Mace, Mrs. Daisy Gay, of Ohio, and Mrs. Bertie Beverage, of Marlinton; ten grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Funeral servicer will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald E. Wood. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery.

can c. uavis Carl C. Davis, 70, of Cass, died Sunday, July 13, 1986, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins, following a brief illness. Mr. Davis was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church, Sunday School superintendent and teacher and chairman of the administrative council; he was also a member of the Cooperative Parish Council. He had served as mayor of Cass for 17 years. He was retired from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory where he had been an electronics buyer for 21 years. He was a member of the Upper Pocahontas Community Choir, chairman of the Cass Community Center, a member of the volunteer fire company, and president of the Arbovale Cemetery Association. Born October 28, 1915, at Marlinton, he was a son of the late Robert and Lucy Beverage Davis. He is survived by his wife, Edythe Mullenax Davis; two sons, John Calvin Davis, of Rockville, Maryland, and Eugene Lowell Davis, of Bridgeton, Maryland; two grandchildren; one sister, Mi-s. Blanche Waugh, of Marlinton; four brothers, Clarence Davis, Leo Davis, Floyd Davis, and Lawrence Davis, all of Marlinton. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Edwin Tutwiler, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. A memorial fund in honor of Mr. Davis is being established at the Cass United Methodist Church and donations can be sent to Virginia Grandon, Treasurer, Cass, W. Va. 24927. Rev. Henry Dodril


Rev. Henry Dodril, 78, a Baptist minister, died Thursday, November 14, 1963, in a hospital in Pennsylvania after a long illness. He was first married to Minnie Wooddell, of Linwood, and their son, Avis Dodril. of Dallas, Texas, survives him. Also surviving is his present wife. Attending the funeral in Webster Springs on Monday were G. D. Wooddell and Stanley Wooddell, of Marlin.ton, and Carl Wooddell and Keith Wooddell, of Linwood, nephews of Rev. Dodril

Mrs. Joe Davis

Mrs. Ethel Humes Davis, 67, lied Saturdav, May 20, 1967 in the Pocahontas Memorial hospital after a long illness. Born August 28.1899 at HuTart, she was the daughter of the late Joseph E. and Georgi xnna Hugart Humes. She was married January 18, '927, to Jason Davis. Her husband and two sisters, Ad? and Mittie Humes, preceded her in death. Surviving her are three sisters, Mrs. Pearl McCoy and j Mrs. Elva Forren, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Polly Hambrick, | if Renick, and one brother, J leorge Humes, of Mill Point. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at th< ^mith Funeral Home by thf '-tev. S. M. Schoolcraft, with lurial in Mountain View Cemetery. • H Mrs. Rodney Doyle IS Mrs. Genevieve Moss Doyle, 53, of Stony Bottom, died at home Saturday, February 18, 1967, after a short illness. Born at Caldwell, November 7,1913,she was a daughter of the late William and Amanda Moss. \'^
Harry Dunbrack, 44, died 'uesday, August 14, 1962, in )ecatur, Georgia. He was takn ill very suddenly and died efore he reached the hospital. The body will be sent to Jkins but no other arrangements have been made at this time.


Mrs. Evelyn R. Dunbrack, 66, of Marlinton, died Thursday, May 17,1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after six months' illness with cancer. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Born July 2, 1917, in Bath County, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late A Hie Z. and Carrie Friedley Jack. Her husband, Ralph M. Dunbrack, Sr., and a brother, Donald Jack, preceded her in death. Surviving her are two daughters, Phyllis Jackson and Janice Maddy, both of Marlinton; two sons, Ralph M., Jr., and Theodore, both of Marlinton; brothers, LeRoy Jack, of Kansas, Gilbert and Clarence Jack, both of Marlinton, Elmer Jack, of Blue field, Norman Jack, of Kentucky; sisters, Margaret Harkrader and Dorothy Jack, both of Bluefield, Mary Jane Hiner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, Sue Ann Stadler, of Toledo, Ohio, and Alice Dunbrack, of Marlinton; and seven grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home, Marlinton, by the Rev. Gary Jarrell, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Clarence Dunbrack Clarence William Dunbrack, 38, of Marlinton, died Wednes day, April 17,1963, at his home from a heart attack. Born February 26 1925, at Marlinton, he wis a member of the Methodist Church. He was a mechanic. ft,***'v He served in World War II from July 28, 1943 to Novem ber 23, 1945 in the European Theatre and received an honorable discharge. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Gladys D. Dunbrack; a daughter, Angela, at home; his parents, Delia and Burgess Dunbrack, both of Marlinton; four brothers, Summers, Ralph Eugene and Curtis, all of Marlinton; and four sisters, Mrs. Bertha McMillan, Mrs. Betty Friel and Mrs. Beatrice Waugh all of Marlinton'; ami Mrs. Helen Adkins, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Camp >elltown Methodist Church oy the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Clarence Pierson. Burial with military rites io the Mounteia View Cemetery.



Mr. Guy N . Dalton. M, of H « l a b o r a diftd in t h e P o c a h o n t a s Memorial Hospital Monday, August 20. 1962, after a Ion*? illness. H i s death vrss 'attributed to a h e a r t attack. H e w a s a f a r m e r and a. bex of t h e Methodist CJ B o r n at D u g Spur. Va., J u n ? ' 5. 1901, he was the aoa of M a c k a n d H e n r i E t t a Dalton. Surviving a r e his wife, Ijora Da&e W e b b Dalton. Hillsboro; five bno' there, E d g a r of Glace, S w a n s e a 1 of Glenville, Oscar of S i n k s Grove, Fond o€ Glen Daniels. B e n t o n o€ C l a r k s b u r g : a sister, Mrs. I r m a L e m m o n s of Wilmington, D e l . ; -four sons, Guy N., J r . of M o u n t Vernon. O.. Sidney E . of B a l t i more, Md.. Okey of Mount Vernon, O.. R i c h a r d of Phoenfx, Ariz, t h r e e d a u g h t e r s , Mrs. M a r y F a r m e r of W i n n a b a g o . Neb., M r s . Dottie Kimble of P a r k e r s b u r g ; Mrs. E l n a Hill «f Hillsboro. • F u n e r a l service vrill be held a t v Chape] Methodist Church, I Hillsboro. August 23, at 2 p.m. T<-ith trie Rev. Ow?n Lee odflciati ins?. Burial will follow in t h e O a k

Mrs. Delia Dunbrack Mrs. Delia Iota Deshong Dunbrack, 77, of Marlinton, died Sunday, September 14, 1969, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins after a long illness. Born in Pennsylvania July 8, 1892, she was tne daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Deshong. She was a member of the Methodist Church.(_ji/YV\ . Two sons, Clarence and Harry Dunbrack, and one daughter. Mrs. Beatrice Waugh, preceded her in death. Survivors include four sons, Curtis, Eugene, Ralph and Summers Dunbrack, all of Marlinton; three daughters, Mrs, Bertha A. Gal ford, Mrs. Betty Friel, both of Marlinton, and Mrs. Helen Bingle, of Baltimore, Maryland; one sister, Mrs. Ethel Orndorff, of Sterling, Virginia; 27 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. . Funeral services were held Wednesday afcernoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald Wood and the Rev. Ezra Bennett, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

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UM1MKI Miss Ethel Rebecca Dean, departed this life Monday, at about 10 o'clock in the evening, July 20, 1925, after an illness of more than 2 years which was caused by a severe attack ntiuenza. She was a daughter of VTr. and Mrs. Isaac P. Daan of • 'ochran CreeK. She was born No.-•aber 8, 1901. making her 23 years 8 months and 12 days of age. Ethel had lived a faithful member of the Methodist Protestant Church for about 5 years having made a profession of Christ at an evangelistic meeting held at the Cochran Creek Baptist Church by RPV. R J. Anderson. She was very obedient to the requirements of the Church. She was A Arm believer in prayer, and would always pray in Church when called upon. There were prayers made with hsr during her sickness, and they.were much loved by her, and she often spoke of her regret that she was not able to go to church. About the last of the voice of Ethel was heard in prayer to the iu whom she put her trust. She has left to mourn their loss, her father, mother, 4 brothers, 2 sisters aud many other friends. The funer*! service was conducted in the May Chapel M. P. Church of Anthony Creek, by Rev. M. B. King who preached a beautiful soul inspiring sermon, after which the service was concluded at the church graveyard, where her body was laid to re?t. More can be said of E he! which will be known to be tru ;, and it i5 well, to be said that it may ins others to live as she did. Honesty was Ihe foremost feature of her life. The writer was acquainted with her from the 13th year cf her life, a:id Is deeply impressed with the high j character she possessed. Her presence is sadly missed in tb.3 home she left, i and it seems strange that one so good ' and so pure would be taken H when so young, but God knows best. The least that may be said is she is at rest, and some stfil voice ! seems to tell that she is iiviag more than ever befoie Mrs W. Lloyd Davis (is Mrs Margaret Lutman Davis, 84 of"Marlinton, died Wednesday, February, 17. 1971 in a Beckley Hospital following a long illness. She wis born in Oakland, Maryland. October 10. 1886, and later lived in Berkeley Springs. She was a member of the Marlinton Pre^bvterian Church. Her hu=band, W. Ll*yd Davis, one brother, William Close, pnd four sisters. Mrs. Rattie Widmyer, Mrs. Acnes Widmver. Mrs. F m m a Mason, and Mrs. Ann^e Welling, preceded her in death. Survivors include two step son?, James Lavman Davis, of Marlinton. and Dr. A. Reed Davis, of Montgomery, and one steD dauebter, Mrs. Grace Boswell, of Huntersville.

Delton Dumire


Delton Giles Dumire, 61, of Myrtle Point, Oregon, businessman for many years, died Tuesday, December 21, 1971, in Coqu-ille. He was born April 12, 1910, in Marlinton, and lived for 25 years in the Myrtle Point area, where he and his brother, Marvin, operated a service station. Mr, Dumire was an Army veteran of World War II, and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Elk Lodge 1935 and the United Methodist Church of Myrtle Point. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Louella Dumire; two sons, Delton, Jr., and John Dumire, both of Myrtle Point; two daughters. Mrs. James Eberle, Lake Oswego, and Mrs. Ernest Newton, of Myrtle Point; six brothers, Carl, Lewis and Robert Dumire, all of Marlinton; Boyd Dumire, of Kopperston; Vance Dumire, of Portland, Oregon, and Marvin Dumire, of Myrtle Point; three sisters^ Fervin Hannah, of Marlinton; Mary Catherine Innes, of Utica, Michigan, and Betty Gibson, Cleveland, Ohio, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Myrtle Point Chapel of Coos Mortuaries by the Rev. Gerald Nelson of a Winston Church. Vault interment was in the Norway Cemetery. ^ Mrs. mine uonovan

MrB. Velma Wiseman Dono van, of Belieair, Florida, dau ghter of Mre. Delia Wiseman, of Dunmore, and the late Matthew Thompson Wiseman, died Saturday, September 2, 1972, after a short illness. She and her husband, Lieutenant Colonel MikeC. Donovan, Ret., had returned to Florida on August 28, after visiting relatives in Greenbrier and Pocahontas counties. In addition to her huBband and mother, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Virginia D. Bethany, and two grandchildren, Renee and Todd, of Daytona Beach, Florida; three sisters, Mrs. Edith LaRue, of Marlinton; Mrs. Mildred Frazier, of Sebring, Florida, and Mrs. Kitty Smith, of Dunmore. Funeral services and burial were held Tuesday afternoon in Belieair, Florida. Mrs. Smith left on Sunday to attend the funeral.

W. H. Doss Moncie L. Doss William Hayes Doss, 92, of Moncie L. Doss, 79, of Ravenna, Ohio, formerly of Hillsboro, died Saturday, DeHillsboro, died Wednesday, cember 1, 1984, in Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrison- March 11, 1970, in a Ravenna burg, Virginia, after a long hospital. Born August 16, 1877, he illness. Mr. Doss was a retired miner was a member of the Methoand a veteran. He was born dist Church. April 16, 1905, in Abingdon, Survivors include seven sons, Virginia, the son of the late W7illiam Doss, of Charleston, William H. and Zelphia Parrish Moncie Doss, of West Haven, Connecticut, Leonard Doss, of Doss. A sister, Mary Coleman, and Maryland, John Doss, of two brothers, Leonard and Reseda, California. Fred and William Doss, preceded him in Paul Doss both of Whitesville, and Marvin Doss, of Aberdeen, death. four daughters, Surviving him are his wife, Maryland; Mrs. Bessie Workman and Grace Morrison Doss; seven Mrs. Blanche Coch an, both of children, Evelyn Nelson, North- Hillt,boro. Mrs. Mabel Mcford, Connecticut, Donald [Bus- Cloy, of Pennsboro. and Mrs. ter] Doss, Pawcatuck, Connect- Mary Coleman, of Ravenna, icut, Norman Doss, West Hav- Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. Belle en, Connecticut, William Doss, Blayne, of Max Meadows, Va. New Haven, Connecticut, DenFuneral services were held nis, Freddie and Randy Doss, all of Hillsboro; seventeen Saturday afternoon in the Methodist grandchildren and fourteen Wesley Chapel great-grandchildren; seven Church at Hillsboro by the brothers and sisters, Fred Doss, Rev. Ralph Ross and the Rev. Bessie Workman, and Blanche Cecil Dalton with burial in Cochran, all of Hillsboro, John the Oak Grove Cemetery. Doss, of Marlinton, Marvin Doss, of Maryland, Paul Doss, of Whitesville, and Mabel McCloy, of Pennsboro. Mrs. W. H. Doss | Services were held at 1 p. m. Mrs. Zelphia Lee Do?s, 82, Tuesday in Wesley Chapel of Hillsboro, died in the PocaUnited Methodist Church in hontas Memorial Hospital on Hillsboro by the Rev. Verlin Monday, January 28, 1963. Butcher and the Rev. Michael Survivors include her husEdds, with burial in Oak Grove band, W. H. Doss; seven sens, Cemetery. W. D. Doss, of Charleston: Leonard Doss, of Monkton, Maryland; Fred Doss, of AmMrs. Myrtle Lee Doss herstdale; John Doss, of MarMrs. Myrtle Lee Doss, 37, of linton; Marvin Doss, of AbingBlue Pennnant, died Sunday, don, Maryland; Paul and Mun April 21,1963, in a Charleston cie Doss, both of Blue Penhospital after a long illness. nant; four daughters, Mrs. Death was attributed to cancer Bessie Workman and Mrs. She was a daughter of Mr. Blanche Cochran, both of and Mrs. D. C. Rose, of Hills- Hillsboro; Mrs. Mary Coleman, of Ravenna, Ohio, and boro. Mrs. Mabel McCoy, of PennsSurvivors include her hus- boro; one brother, Will Parband, Paul Doss; a son, Paul •rish, of Big Stone Gap, VirJr., at home; a daughter, Caro- ginia; two sisters, Mrs. Lena lyn Sue, at home; three broth- Mabe, of Detroit, Michigan, ers, Hubert and Zeldon Rose, and Mrs. Mary Doss, of Beard; both of Hillsboro, and Harold 32 grandchildren; 27 greatRose, of Chicago, Illinois; five grandchildren and one greatsisters, Mrs. Nellie Scott and greatgrandchild. Mrs. Bertha Walton, both of Funeral services were held , Hillsboro; Mrs. Vada Doss, of i Marlinton, Mrs. Gladys Kersh- Thursday afternoon in the I ner, of Spice, and Mrs. Edna Wesley Methodist Chapel with the Rev. Owen Lee in charge Shannon, of Hillsboro. was in the Oak Grove Funeial services were I.jid Burial Cemetery at Hillsboro. Wednesuay afternoon in the •"" -~i 1 . _ ^ j Methodist Church in Hillsboro I with the Rev. Owen Lee and the Rev. Leonard Maddy in charge. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

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i/nurieti n . UUDB

Charles Rollen Doss, 77, died Tuesday, May 13, 1980, in a Lowmoor, Virginia hospital after a long illness. Born July 8,1902, he was a son of the late James C. and Mary Tarrish Doss. He was a retired Chesapeake and Ohio Railway employee and a member of the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church in Renick, Masonic Lodge 121 in Hillsboro and the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 93. Survivors include his wife, Margaret; two daughters, Mrs. Irene Lockhart, of Covington, Virginia, and Miss Francis Doss, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Dorman, of Hillsboro and Mrs. Ruby Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland, and six grandchildren Faye Underwood Desrosiers Faye Gertrude Underwood Desrosiers, 58, of 36 Wakefield Street, Keene, New Hampshire, died Friday, July 6,1984, in the Cheshire Hospital in Keene after a sudden illness. Mrs. Desrosiers was born in the family homestead in Huntersville on April 3, 1926, the daughter of Clawson W. and Ethel McComb Underwood. She had been a resident of Keene for many years and had been employed at the Markem Corporation in the shipping department for seven years. Mrs. Desrosiers is survived by her husband, Rolland W. Desrosiers, of Keene; a son, Marshall Desrosiers, of Dallas, Texas, and a daughter, Mrs. Linda M. Green, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; five grandchildren; four brothers, Cecil Underwood, Hunters ville, Romie V. Underwood, of Keene, Doy Underwood, of Elyria, Ohio, and Darrell Underwood, of Lagrange, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Freda Thompson, of Glendale, California, and Mrs. Enid Woods, of Huntersville. Two brothers, Olis Underwood, of Keene, and Paul Underwood, of Grafton, Ohio, preceded her in death. Funeral services were held in the Foley Funeral Home in Keene on Tuesday, July 10 by the Rev. D. S. Dharmapalan, pastor of the Grace United Methodist Church, with burial in Monadnock View Cemetery.

Mrs. Myrtle Lee Doss

Mrs. Myrtle Lee Doss, 37, of Blue Pennnant, died Sunday, April 21, 1963, in a Charleston hospital after a long illness. Death was attributed to cancer She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rose, of Hillsboro. Survivors include her husband, Paul Doss; a son, Paul Jr., at home; a daughter, Carolyn Sue, at home; three brothers, Hubert and Zeldon Rose, both of Hillsboro, and Harold Rose, of Chicago, Illinois; five sisters, Mrs. Nellie Scott and Mrs. Bertha Walton, both of Hillsboro; Mrs. Vada Doss, of Marlinton, Mrs. Gladys Kershner, of Spice, and Mrs. Edna Shannon, of Hillsboro. Fiinejal services were held Wednesuay afternoon in the Methodist Church in Hillsboro with the Rev. Owen Lee and the Rev. Leonard Maddy in charge. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

wimam uosi William H. Doss, 76, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, October 20,1977, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Born February 15, 1901, In Virginia, he was the son of the late William H. and Zilthia Doss. His wife, Martha G. Doss, a sister, Mrs. Mary Coleman, preceded him in death. A retired typewriter repairman, Mr. Doss was a World War I veteran Survivors include six brothers, Marvin, of Blair, Maryland, Munzie, Leonard send Fred, all of Hillsboro, John, of Marlinton, and Paul Doss, of Whitesville, and three sisters, Mrs. Blanche Cochran and Mrs. Bessie Workman, both of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Mable McCoy, of Pennsboro. Services were held Saturday, at two p. m.,vin the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Virgil Hornbeck in charge. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hilliboro,

Mrs. James. C. Dunlap

Mrs. Verna Moore Dunlap, 78, of Staunton, Virginia, died Tuesday, November 9, 1971, after an illness of one year. Born at Huntersville, January 3, 1893, she was a daughter of the late Chesley R. and Lucy Bell Barlow Moore. She was a member of the Marquis Memorial Methodist Church, and for 15 years was librarian at the Thomas Jefferson Grammar School. Her husband, James C. Dunlap, preceded her in death. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Edwin W. Miller, of Martinsburg, and Mrs. Keen M. Smith, of Staunton, Virginia; three brothers, Clarence B. Moore, of Marlinton, Clifford E. Moore, of Staunton, Vir ginia, and Howard L. Moore, Waynesboro, Virginia; four step daughters, Mrs. Houston I. Todd and Miss Lelia Dunlap, both of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Leland C, Brown, of Weyers Cave, Virginia, and Mrs. Thomas Hawpe, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and several nieces and nephews. £>£>

Mrs. William E. Donnelly

Mrs Opal Wooddell Donnelly, aged 30, departed this life on Thursday night, November 26, 1959, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wooddell, in Marlinton, after a long illness with cancer. Mrs. Donnelly's home was in Columbus, Ohio. She was born June 18, 1929, in Campbell town, the daughter of E. C. and Bessie Taylor Wooddell. She graduated from Hillsboro High School in . 1947, and was a member of the Hillsboro Methodist Church. - She is survived by her husband, William E. Donnelly, of Columbus, Ohio; her parenta. of Marlinton; two brothers, John Carl Wooddell, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Warren Gay Wooddell, of Marlinton, and one nephew. Tommy Wooddell, of Marlinton. i Funeral .services were held iSunday afternoon in the Hillsiboro Methodist Church hy the; Rev. L. E. Milem and the Rev. Herbert Pennington, Jr., with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, j The pallbearers and flower girls were former schoolmates eL Mrs. Donnelly. Memorial services were bain the same time at the homed: of her husband in New I ton, Ohio.

Leonard t . uean Leonard E. Dean, 49, was born at Huntersville, February 3, 1925, and departed this life Saturday, March 16, 1974, in the Concordia Parish Hospital, Ftrriday, Louisiana, after a short illness. Leonard was a son of Ina C. Dean, of Huntersville, and the late Alfred G. Dean, He graduated from Mariinton High School in 1946 and was a veteran of the Korean War. In 1953 he was married to Elaine Johnson, of Oakdale, Louisiana. To this union the following children were born, three sons, Steve, Mickey and Mark, and one daughter, Monica, all at home. Leonard is survived by his wife, Elaine and children, of Feniday, Louisiana. He was preceded in death by h's father, Alfred G. Dean, last September. O h e r survivors include his mother, Ina C. Dtan, of Huntersvilie, eight brothers, Vernon and Elmer, of Huntersville, Raymond, of Akron, Ohio, Summers, of Lucasville, Ohio, Winters, of Leivasy, Ezra, of New Cumberland, Alfred, Jr., of Berkeley Springs, Hubert, of Huntington, five sisters, Mrs. Delena Dimn, of Buckeye, Mrs. Alta Holbrook, of New Manchester, Mrs. Elsie Tacy, of Mariinton, Mrs. Grace Combs, of Ona, Mrs. Gay Fields, of New Cumberland, and 43 nieces and nephews, and a host of friends. Leonard was employed as a gauger by Ashland Pipe Line Company at Ferriday, Louisiana, for the past 10 years. He was a former resident of Kenova where he was employed by Ashland Oil Refinery Co. Funeral services were conducted Tue.-day, March 19, 10 a m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church of Ferriday, with the Rev. Father H. Gerald Bordelon officiating. Burial followed in Reed Cemetery at Oakdale, Louisiana.


Alonzo George Dean, III Alonzo (Lonnie) George Dean, III, of Renick, was born January 15, 1969, at Mariinton, and departed this life on April 6, 1991, in an automobile accident on Droop Mountain. He was the son of A. G. and Josephine Dean, of Mariinton. He graduated from Pocahontas County High School in 1987 and was a member of the West Virginia Champion Forest Team in 1986. He was employed by J&E Logging as a skidder operator. In addition to his parents, survivors include his wife, Teressa Roberts Dean, of Renick; two sisters, Kimberley Simmons and Andrea Peaytt, of Mariinton; one brother, Matthew Dean, of Lewisburg; three nieces and two nephews. He was the grandson of Eula Underwood, of Mariinton, and the late Origen Underwood, and Alonzo Dean, Sr., of Elkins, and the late Creola Dean Sparks. Funeral services were held at the Mariinton Church of the Nazarene on Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. by the Rev. Phillip Perry, with burial at the Beaver Creek Cemetery. The family requests that anyone wishing to make a monetary gift in Lonnie's memory may make it to the Origen Underwood Memorial Fund at Star Rt. 1 Box 225B, Mariinton, WV 24954, c/o Janet Beck. Raymond A. Dean Raymond A. Dean, 67, of Akron, Ohio, died Monday, December 17, 1984, in an Akron hospital. He was born. September 9, 1917, at Huntersville, the son of Ina C. Dean and the late Alfred G. Dean. He is survived by his wife, Delia May, one son, Anthony, and one grandchild. Also surviving are his mother, Ina C. Dean, of Huntersville; seven brothers, Vernon, of Huntersville, Hubert, of Huntington, Summers, of Seebert, Winters, of Richwood, Ezra, of New Cumberland, Alfred, of Fairmont, and Elmer, of Huntersville; five sisters, Delena Dunn, of Buckeye, Alta Holbrook, of New Cumberland, Elsie Tacy, of Mariinton, Grace Combs, of Ona, and Gay Fields, of New Cumberland. He was preceded in death by his father and one brother, Leonard. Funeral services were held in Akron at Schermesser Funeral Home with burial in Green Lawn Memorial Park.

Edwin G. Davisson

Edwin C. Davisson. I l l , 37. of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, died Saturday, April 3, 1965, of a hear*; attack. Mr. Davisson was a development engineer for the nuclear energy plant at Oak Ridge. He was a member of the St. Matthews Episcopal Church in South Charleston. The Davisson family lived in Pocahontas County about twenty years ago. I Surviving him are hi* wife. Mrs. Martha Davisson; one son, John Davisson, at home; nis mother, Mrs. Ruth Davisson, of Weston, and one sister. Mrs. John Riley, of Weston. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the BarlowBonsall Funeral Home by the Rev. Walter J. Mycoff. Burial "vas in the Sunset Memorial Park. Charles Rcbett Davis Charles Robert Davis was born March 2, 1878 at Grantsvitle. and died en Wednesday, Sepfcmbe 2-t, 19:i, aged 71 years, 6 mouths, •>*2 d a y « .

He was a son of the late Rimer Davis. On August 7,1898 he was united in marriage to Lucy Fran ce.s Beverage, who survives him. To this union were born six son?, Laurence, Page, Leo, Floyd and Clarence, of Mariinton; Ctirl, of Canton, Ohio; and one daughter. Mrs Bianche Wiley, of Mariinton In addition he leaves to mourn his loss ten grandchildren, three great, grand children; a brother, John Davis, of t,rbucon; and 8 host of friends. Omer H. Davii Omer H. Davis, Sr., 52, of Petersburg, was killed when his truck ran off the road at Bayard. He was born April 29, 1925, at Frank, a son of Flossie Clayton Davis, of Frank, and the late Omer E. Davis. Also surviving are his wife, Virginia White Davis; a son, Omer, Jr., of Florida; several stepchildren; three sisters, Bertha Davis, Virginia Townsend, and Catherine Morris, all of Frank, and three brothers, Delton, of Ohio, James, of Franklin, and Frank Davis, of Washington. Services and burial were at Davis. [

fcula Catherine Dysard Eula Catherine Dysard, age 87, of Lewisburg, died June 7, 1997, in Greenbrier Valley Mcdkal Center, Faiiiea, after a short illness. She was a 59-year member of Old Stone Presbyterian Church, where she was a member of Circle No. 3. She was a member of Town and Country Extension Homemakers Club widi more man 40 years' service; Mrs. Dysard was the daughter of the late John and Lillie Moore May, of Beard. Surviving her are her husband, William A. Dysard, Sr.; daughter, Barbara Riel, of Annandale, Virginia; sou, the Rev. William A. Dysard, Jr., of Lancaster, South Carolina; four grandchildren. Opal Moore, of Hillsboro, is her niece. . Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at McCraw Funeral Home, Lewisburg, by Dr. Dexter Taylor and Dr. Susan Sharp Campbell. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery. Mrs. Mayme LaRue Ciiiard


Mrs. Mayme Dillard. R 6, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, widow of the late A. T. Dillard, died in a Carlisle hospital on Thursday, April 6, J 931, of a heart attack. Mrs. Dillard was born at Miliboro Springs, Virginia, December 21,1339. She was a daughter of the late F. T. and Agnes Burns LaRue. I She attended Hillsboro publie 'schools and West Virginia Wesleyanat Buckbannon. She taught school in Pocahontas County nine yea^s before her marriage and moving to Pennsylvania. She had resided near Carlisle since 1936 She is survived by eight daughters, Mrs. Cornelia Sadler, of EllicottCity, Maryland; Mrs. Margaret Berron, of Arlington, Virginia; Mrs. Pearle Vantar, of [Beltsville, Maryland; Mrs. Mary Sswell, of Levitton, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Ann Lindsay, and Sandra Dillard, of Cumberland, Marxian:!; Patricia DHLrd, of Gai lisle, Pennsylvania and Brooke Dillard, a teacher in Germany. One son, Terrell Dillard, of Kennersville, North Carolina, and nine grandchildren; also a sister, Margaree LaRue, of Hillsboro; three brothers, Charley and Graham LaRue, both of Hillsboro and Egbert LaRue, of Charleston, ' Funeral services were held Saturday, April 8, at the Lutz-Huffman Funeral Home in Carlisle, with the Rev. J. H. Leyman in charge of funeral services. Burial was in Cumberland Valley Memorial Gardens.

mrs. uoioen unncan Mrs. Verdie Irene Terry Dun can, of Valley Center, Virginia, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 1963 at the Rittemour Nursing Home in Staunton, Virginia at the age of 83 years, 9 months and 18 days. She was born in Highland County, the daughter of the late James P. and Minnie Wade Terry. Her husband, John Colbert Duncan, preceded her in death also one daughter, Cleo, a son, James, and a step-daughter, Thelma. Mrs. Duncan was a devoted christian, a member of the Btulah Presbyterian Church and an active attendant at all services as long as her health permitted. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Henry Easter, of Ripley, Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Valley Center, Virginia, and Mrs. John Moyers, of Hightown, Virginia; a step-son, Kyle Duncan, of Valley Center; Virginia. Funeral services were held Leo Dever CL~ Leo Dever, of Clifton Forge, Saturday afternoon from the Virginia, was born July 27, Beulah Presbyterian Church, 1907, at Huntersville, and de- at Valley Center, Virginia. parted this life Saturday, December 28. 1968, in the C & 0 Mn. Cithirini Dulton Hospital, Clifton Forge, VirMrs. Catherine Kellison Dutginia. Death was attributed toh, 64, of Canton, Ohio, pass' to a heart attack. ed away at her home, Sunday, December 10, 1978, following He was a son of the late a short illness. Dennis W. and Allie B. McBorn near Marlinton, Jan* Laughlin Dever. uary 7, 1914, she was the Mr. Dever lived in Ci'fton daughter of Lottie M. and Forge where he owned and Owen W. Kellison. operated Dever's Barber Shop, located at 433 Ridgatfay Street She is survived by her husRecently he sold, the shop to band, William Dutton, sister, Kenneth Mundy. During the Mrs. Mildred Acord, of Canton, seven years he operated the Ohio, brothers, Ralph, of Hot shop, he made many friends, Springs, Virginia, Leonard, of who will regret his passing. Buckeye, and Guy, of Los He was a member of the ClifAngeles, California, and sevton Forge Presbyterian Church eral nieces and nephews. She and a member of the Men's attended Canton Baptist Bible Class. Temple Church. Services were held WednesSurvivors include two sisday in Spiker Foster Colonial ters, Mrs. Julian Lockridge. of Chapel with Rev. James HenMarlinton, and Mrs. James P. oiger officiating. Interment Shisler, of Huntersville; and waB made in Sunset Hills Meone brother, Earl Dever, of morial Park. Marlinton. Funeral services were he'd Tuesday afternoon in the Westminster Presbyterian Church on Knapps Creek by his pastor, the Rev. Har-is Stephen*, assisted by the Rev. C. E. Davidson, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, and the Rev. Will's Cornelius, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery Et Marlinton.

Alma Matheny Dunn Mrs. Alma Matheny Dunn, age 80, of Warrenton, Virginia, died March 27, at Fairfax Virginia Hospital after a short illness. Born January 26, 1917, at Naples, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late John and Althea Gardner Matheny. She was a housewife and a member of The United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Dunn; one sister, Audrey Patterson Townsend; three brothers, Clyde, Ralph and Conell Matheny. Surviving are one son, Michael Lynn Dunn, of Warrenton, Virginia; one brother, John Matheny Jr., of Green Bank; two sisters, Polly Clark, of Reno, Nevada, and Wilma Gibson, of Marlinton. Services were held March 31, at Price Funeral Home, in Manassas, Virginia. Burial in National Memorial Cemetery, Falls Church, Virginia.


Warren Dever Mass of Christian Burial was held at one p. m. Wednesday, October 31, 1979, at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Scappoose, Oregon, for Warren Dever who died Saturday' October 27,1979, in an industrial accident, Born on January 31, 1959, in Portland, Oregon, he had resided in Scappoose his entire life. He was a 1977 graduate of Scappoose High School and last June graduated from Portland Community College, where he majored in diesel engineering. He was a member of St. Wenceslaus and the St. Helens Jaycees. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dever; a brother, Wayne, all of Scappoose, and grandparents, Mrs. Eva Blakely, of Fullerton, California, and Mrs. Ethel Dever, of Buckeye. Mrs. Madiline B. Dillinger Madiline L. Bennett Dillinger, of Abingdon, Maryland, died Saturday, April 14, 1984, at the Fallston General Hospital after a long illness. Born at Cass on March 13, 1924, she was a daughter of the late James Ed and Rosa May Cassell Bennett. She was a homemaker and a member of the Baptist Church. In 1942 she was married to Eston [Jim] Boyd Dillinger, who preceded her in death on December 15, 1983. Surviving are two sons, James Dillinger, Sr., and Gary Dillinger, of Elkton, Maryland; two daughters, Sue Wachter, Kingsville, Maryland, and Sandy Corcoran, Abingdon, Maryland; and five grandchildren; two brothers, Thurmond Bennett, of Michigan, and Lawrence Bennett, of Woodlawn, Maryland; and one sister, Ruth Bere, Old Bridge, New Jersey. Services were conducted Monday, April 16, at the Schimunek Funeral Home in Baltimore County by the Rev. Wright. Burial was at Holly Hill Cemetery in Kingville, Maryland.

Mrs. Imogene Dennison Mrs. Imogene Robertson Dennison, 62, of Washington, D. C , died at her home Saturday, March 10, 1973. She was a daughter of the late E. H. and Daisy Robertson, of Edray. Her husband, Clyde Dennison, preceded her in death. Survivors include six sisters, Mrs. Marguerite Slaboda, Mrs. Fleeta McIntosh> and Mrs. Ruth Rider, alt''of Washington, D. C , Mrs. Nell Davis, of Pensacola. Florida. Mrs. Coty Sidwell, of Zanesville, Ohio, and Mrs. Mary Baxter, of Marlinton; three brothers, Hunter Robertson, of Denver, Colorado, Homer and Joseph Robertson, both of Washington, D. C. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wilhelm Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Washington. Earl Dumire Earl Dumire, 66, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Monday, July 25,1977, at the West Virgina Medical Center after a long illness. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a retired State Road worker. Born near Marlinton October 22,1910, he was the son of Ellis and Stella McClure Dumire. Mr. Dumire is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Boom, of Charlotte, Michigan, and Mrs. Hazel Barlow, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and a nephew, William Barlow, of Marlinton. Services were held Wednesday in the Central Union Methodist Church by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with burial in the Draft Cemetery.

Tom Dotscn Tom Dotson, 51, of Plymouth, North Carolina, was killed Sunday n;ght, Noven fr?r 23, 1969, in a car wreck about two miles above Minnehaha. He was traveling by himself and the car went over the bank and crashed into a tree. He was originally from Nicholas County, where the body was taken. He leaves a wife and three children.


Lake Drepperd Lake William Drepperd, 68 of Covington, Virginia died Tuesday, January 2, 1973, in theEmmett Memorial Hospital at Clifton Forge. Mr. Drepperd was born at Frost, on August 20, 1904, a son of the late Clay and Ida Grimes Drepperd. He was a retind (mployee of the old Industrial Rayon Corporation. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. ? V e H , F - D . r , e PP er d; three daughters, Miss Annabelle Mane Drepperd, Mrs. Norman (



and Mrs

TW% ?? f &Munsey, * Tony (Betty) a son, Robert L L Drepperd, a n d a stepdaughter, Mrs. Calvin (Thelma) Fall's, a i i of Coving" ton;asister, Mrs. Carrie Langey, Madison Heights, Virginiatwo grandchildren and two step grandchildren. Funeral services were held * riday afternoon in the chapel

?Lp r n t t J u 5 e r a l



tpeKev. Frederick Arndt officiating. Interment was in Alleghany Memorial Park. Mrs. LoraDalton Mrs. Lora Dale Dal ton. 79, of Hillsboro, died in Humana Greenbrier Valley Hospital on Tuesday, September 27, 1983, of heart failure after a long illness. She was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. The daughter of the late John Curry and Barbara Ellen Hylton Webb, she was born July 23, 1904, in Carroll County, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Guy Nealey Dalton, Sr., and brothers, Bonney Guy Webb, Carter Webb, and Otis Webb. Surviving her are seven children: Guy N. Dalton, Jr., and Okey L. Dalton, Fredericktown, Ohio, Sidney E. Dalton and Elva Hill, Hillsboro, Mary Farmer, Kingsman, Arizona, Dottie Barker, Parkersburg, and Richard Dalton, Burke, Virginia; fifteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren; six brothers and sisters, Harley Webb and Mattie Crouse, Bassett, Virginia, Whitner Webb and Levi Webb, Fairmont, Thelma Blevins, Bristol, Tennessee, and Treva Landis, Hillsboro. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. <>



William Maurice Dodson, 56, of Renick, died Monday, April 8,1974, at his iv ns after a long illness. He was a member of the Renick United Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge at. HiUsboro, Renick Ruritan Club and was fire chief of the Renick Volunteer Fire Department. He owned Dodson Garage: in Renick. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Brownie Hayes Dodson; two daughters, * his mother, Mrs. Maybyn Christie, one sister, and two brothers. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home by the Rev. Charles Riecks, the Rev. Spencer Hamrick, the Rev. Jack Arbuckle and the Rev. Leroy Crane Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick with Masonic graveside rites. Mrs. Anna r. uameron Mrs. Anna F. Morrison Dameron, 69, of HiUsboro, died at her home on Wednesday, May 20, 1970, after a -ong illness. A lifelong resident of HiUsboro, she was a member of the Lobelia United Methodist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Virginia Hodges, of Huntington, Mrs. Paige Murphy, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Louvene Perry, of Garden Grove, California; two sons, H. S. Dameron, of Lewisburg, and Dudley T. Dameron, of HiUsboro; two sisters. Mrs. Hallie Dean, of HiUsboro, and Mrs. Leona Baker, of Marlinton; two brothers, Robert Morrison, of Bel Air. Maryland, and Loten Morrison, of Boswell, Pennsylvan:a; and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Lewisburg by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Kellison Cemetery at Jacox.

m i s . niunaru u u n c i , * i .

Mrs. Zeda Kershner Dower, vife of Richard Dower, Jr., of Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, died Saturday, May 28, 1966. She was a daughter of Mrs. Emery E. Anderson, and the ate Wallace P. Kershner, of Beard. Survivors include her husband, Richard Dower, Jr.; her stepmother, Mrs. Mary Anderson, of Beard; two brothers, Sterling Kershner, of Marlinton; Bland Kershner, of Beard; four half brothers.Clyde Kersh ner, of Beard; Roy Kershner, of Fairlea, Wallace Kershner, of Tallahassee, Florida, and John Kershner, of Ashland, Kentucky; three sisters, Mrs. Verdie May, of Lewisburg; Mrs. Grace Stangland, of Poco City, Oklahoma; and Mrs. Hazel Cochran, of HiUsboro, and one half sister, Mrs. Agnes Simmons, of Terre Haute, Indiana. Funeral services were held on' Tuesday in the R. D. Copeland Funeral Home in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. Burial was in the Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, Cemetery.

N. B. Deweese N. B. Deweese, Charlottesville, Virginia, formerly of Buckeye, died Friday, Decern • ber 6, 1974. He is survived by his wife, Daisy Moss Deweese, three sons, George, Charlottesville, Bill, U. S. Army, Bob, Charlottesville, and a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Scott, of Bassett, Virginia. Services and burial were in Charlottesville. Attending the funeral were Mrs. Taylor Morrison, who is a sister of Mrs. Deweese, .and Fred Morrison. Leonard Doss Leonard Doss, 75, of Pocowaki, Maryland, died July 15, 1982. He was the son of the late William H. and Zilphia Doss. He is survived by his wife, Lena; two sons, William and . Robert Doss, both ofnjPocowaki; three sis4ersrBeSs1e Workman and Blanche Cochran, of HiUsboro, and Mabel McCoy, of Mrs. B. W. Drumrnosd Pennsboro; five brothers, Clyde Cochran received Muncie, Fred, and Paul, of word Monday of the death of HiUsboro, John, of Marlinton, his sister, Mrs. Nan Cochran and Marvin, of Whiteford, Drummond, in Philadelphia, Maryland; sue grandchUdren Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. and one great grandchild. Cochran left Tuesday morning Services were held on July 17 | for Philadelphia. with burial in the Bel Air Memorial Gardens at Bel Air, Maryland. ._


William C. Doig, of 48 Progress Street, Lincoln, Rhode Island, died Friday, October 26, 1974, at his home. He was the husband of Marguerite Williams Doig, who is the daughter of the late Darley and Mary Rogers Williams, of Marlinton, and sister of Mrs. Edward Rexrode. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he was a son of the late David and Annie Doig. Mr. Doig came to this country 46 years ago, settling in ^Providence. He had lived in Pawtucket and Lincoln for 29 y e a r s . £ ^ Mr. Doig was employed at Davol, Inc., where he mixed chemical formulas, and K & F Plating Company. He was a World War II and Korean veteran, a member o* Smithfield Avenue Congregs tional Church, Pawtucket, an Mt. Mori ah Lodge F and AIVS of Lincoln. Besides his wife he leaves i daughter, Miss Sandra Doig of Lincoln, and a brother, Gor don Doig, of New York. Services were held in Pawtucket Saturday night with graveside services in Mountain View Cemetery in Marlinton on Monday. Mrs. Euna Mai Dolin Mrs. Euna Mae Dolin, 79, of Ronceverte, died Sunday, October 3,1976, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital. She had lived in Ronceverte 58 years and was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. Survivors include two daugh-. ters, Mrs. North Morgan and Mrs. Sam Peters, both of Ronceverte; two sisters, Mrs. Hallie Clutter, of Ronceverte, and Mrs. Icy Mitchell, of Marlinton; two brothers, Norman and Otto Hannah, both of Marlinton; seven grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Services were held Tuesd ay in Ronceverte Presbyter ian Church by Dr. Ronald Buck alew and the . Rev. William Price, with burial in Rive rview Cemetery in Ronceve rte Mrt. Ceeil Ditto* Word was received of the death of Mrs. Cecil (kujra Alice Jett) Dalton on August 31, 1977, only five months after the death of her husband, who was the Presbyterian minister in Appomattox, Virginia, and a former pastor at HiUsboro.

Mary Sue Dentler Mary Sue Townsend Dentler, of Dover, Pennsylvania, was born May 13, 1927, and died August 4, 1983. Born at Lobelia, she was the daughter of 0. 0. [Jim] and Sadie Kellison Townsend. She is. survived by her husband, Calvin W. Dentler; two daughters, Phyllis Ingram and Anita Schnetzka; three grandchildren; two brothers, William Townsend, Wellsville, Pennsylvania, John Townsend, Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania; three sisters, Blanche Witmer, Dryden, New York, Kitty Ross, Dover, Pennsylvania, and Nora Clouser, Wellsville, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Hillsboro High School, Class of 1946. Burial was in Salem Union Cemetery in Dover. Howard E. Oinsmore

Howard E. Dinsmore, 22, of Lewisburg, was killed Saturday morning, May 1, 1976, two miles north of Lewisburg when his car left the road and turned over. He was a member or the Old Stone Presbyterian Church and employed by Greenbrier Physicians, Inc. He is survived by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Dinsmore, of Lewisburg, and three sisters, Debra Jean, Diane and Lynn, all at home, he is also survived by two half-brothers, Mark and Michael Wilson, of big Stone Gap, Virginia, and his grandparents, Garland L. Campbell, of St. Petersburg, Florida, and Mrs. Mattie Kershner, of Charleston. A memorial service was held Monday at the Old Stone Church in Lewisburg, with the Rev. Dr. T. W. Apperson officiating. Mrs. Roy J. Doerr

Mrs. Louise S. Doerr, about 60, died Tuesday, November 16, 1965, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. A native of New York, she is survived by her husband, Roy .1. Doerr. Services win be held Thursday morning at 11:00 at Smith's Funeral Home by Father .lamula, Burial will be in Mountain Vie# Cemetery.

Robort L. Diniels

Robert Lee Daniels, 73, died Saturday, May 7,1977, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a retired coal miner. He had been ill with emphasema for many years. Born at Spring Creek August 20,1903, he was the son of the late William and Nan* nie Simmons Daniels. He was receded in death by a son, ames William Daniels, a broth er, Tom Daniels, and a sister, Mrs. Grace Moore. ^j/V^ Surviving are his wife, Vollie Dunbrack Daniels; daughters, Mrs. Frances Vandall, of Honolulu, Hawaii, Mrs. Marie Kyle, of Minford, Ohio; son, Jack Daniels, of Marlinton; three grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren. Services were held Tuesday in VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.


cyrni and Rail Deloaeh Cyrus S. Deloaeh, 75, and his wife, Ruth Hamrick Deloach, 61, of Valley Head, were pronounced dead on arrival Wednesday, March 16, 1977, at Davis Memorial Hospital. Mr. Deloaeh was born December 30, 1901, in Georgia, Mrs. Deloaeh was born April 12,1915, in Bergco, a daughter of the late Elza and Ella Hamrick. She is survived by two brothers, Harvey Hamrick, of Marlinton, and Viran Hamrick, of Detroit, Michigan; and a halfsister, Mrs. Faye Marks, of Littleton, Colorado. Services were conducted in the Runner Funeral Home in Elkins Saturday, by the Rev. Kenneth Corley, with burial in the Elkins I. 0 . 0 . F. Cemetery. Peru Dalaer

Paren Dahmer, 86, of Maxwelton, died Saturday, May Clinnce M. Dorman, Sr. 15,1976, at home. Clarence Neal Dorman, Sr., He was a farmer. Mr. Dah80, died Sunday, May 22, mer was a member of Wesley 1983, in a Virginia hospital Chapel United Methodist after a long illness. Church. Born February 17,1903, in Surviving: wife, Mary; daugh Buckeye, he was the son of the ter, Ruth, at home, sons, Sterllate Marcel I us and Mary Hef- ing, of Maxwelton, Stanley, of ner Dorman. Roanoke, Virginia, Eugene, of Mr. Dorman was a retired Charleston; sisters, Mrs. Darie postmaster at Beard, having Bennett, of Ronceverte, Mrs. served 43 years, and was a Ella McFerrin, of Fairlea; member of the Oak Grove brothers, Gilbert, of Cass, AusPresbyterian Church tin, of Frankford, R. H. and Survivors include his wife, Howard, both of Lewisburg, Lillian Doss Dorman; a son, Services were held Monday, Clarence Neal Dorman, Jr, of in Jack K. Wallace Funeral Greensboro, North Carolina; a Home, Lewisburg, with the daughter, Doris Ann Starks, of Rev. Spencer Hamrick officiatHillaboro; three sistters, Mar- ing. Burial was in Clifton garet Doss, of Renick, Bertha Cemetery, Maxwelton. Baker, of Alderson and Ida Gurney Dunn Dulaney, of Portsmouth, VirGurney Dunn, 66, died at ginia; and six grandchildren. his home in Waynesboro, Services were held Tuesday Virginia, on Sunday, Deat 11 a. m. in the Oak Grove cember 5, 1976. Presbyterian Church with the He was born near Crozet Rev. Jack Arbuckle officiating] and was a long-time resiBurial was in Oak Grove Cemdent of Waynesboro. He etery. was a retired duPont employee. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Maggie James Dunn, three sisters, F. L. Davis Mrs. J. E. Madison, MarFuneral services for F. L. Dalinton, Mrs. B. W. Thompvis, of Campbelltown, who died son and Mrs. Harry C. Tuesday, January 26, 1960 were held Friday, January 29, in the Brooks, both of WaynesSmith Funeral Home by the Rev. boro, and four brothers, Ezra Bennett. Burial was made Archie Dunn, Mount Sidat Mountain Grove, Virginia. ney, Virginia, and Forrest, James and Randolph Dunn, all of Waynesboro, Virginia. Services and burial were in Waynesboro on Wednesday, December 8.


Paul Edward Dowdle COWEN--Mr. Paul Edward Dowdle of Cowen, died on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, at the Summersville Memorial Hospital, following a brief illness. He was 78 years of age. He was born in Acona Lufty, N.C., on July 18,1916, the son of the late James M. and Sarah Green Dowdle. He had lived in Webster County for the past 57 years and was a retired coal minerwith theCreighton Coal Company. He was a Protestant by faith and a member of the U.M.W.A. He is survived by: his wife, Mrs. Goldie B. Woods Dowdle of Cowen; son, Jesse Dowdle of Ohio; daughters, Bettie Sue Terrazas of Gardenerville, Nev. and Billie Louise Grant, of Ohio; brother, Alfred Dowdle of Georgia; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held on Friday, September 16, at 11:00 a.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Cowen. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Steven Edward Davis ROSEDALE-Stcvcn Edward Davis of Roscdale, formerly of Webster County, died on Saturday, January 14, 1995, from injuries sustained in a car accident that occurred near Moundsville. He was 46 years of age. He was born in Rich wood on April 17,1948, the son of Jessie Ellen Drennen Davis and the late Willard Davis. He had lived for the past 20 years in Braxton County and had formerly lived in Gilmer County. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree was the University of Charleston and was employed by the W. Va. Dcpt. of Corrections as a correction officer. He served in the U.S. Army in Vict Nam and was retired from the WV National Guard. He was a Protestant by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Carolyn S. Anderson Davis of Roscdale; sons.Robcrt Edward Davis and Kevin Michael Davis, both of Roscdale; his mother, Jessie Ellen Davis of Sutton; brother, Jcrril Davis of Logan; and sister, Nobilce Cogar of Alexandria, Va. Services were held on Wednesday, January 18, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodcl & Rccd Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Hcrchel Cogar of Tioga officiating. Burial was at the Sand Run Cemetery in Bolair.

ivi. VJCIIC i ^ a v i s

Eulen Ciatha Dowdle

BIRCH RIVER--M. Gene Davis of Birch River, died on Tuesday, January 10, 1995, in the CAMC, Memorial Division in Charleston, following a short illness. He was 64 years of age. He was born in Bays, in Nicholas County, on August 28, 1930, the son of Audra Stoncstrcctand the late John L. Davis. He was a retired coal miner with 46 years of underground mining service, retiring from the D & K Coal Company of Erbacon, on August 31, 1993. He was a newborn child of God and a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Mona Cut! ip Davis; sons, Larry and his wife Judy of Birch River, and Gary and his wife Ginger of Summcrsville; daughters, Sherry and her husband Rodney Rose of Little Birch, Tcrri and Carrie Beth, at home; his mother, Audra SioncslrcciDavisofRichwood; i brothers, Paul of Sutton, Vaughn and William (Bud), both of Birch River; sister, Mary Carder of Edmonds, Wash.; half-brother, Jerry Floyd of Little Birch; half-sisters, Jcannic ' Floyd Salisbury of Erbacon and Betty Floyd Sprusc ol Little Birch; grandchildren, Rebecca, Heather, Laura, and Philip; his dear friend Rad Lewis; and a host of other friends. Services were held on Saturday, January 14, at 2:00 p.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Linn Schiefcr officiating. Burial was at the Cutlip Cemetery in Bays, near Birch River.

COWEN--Mrs. Eulcn Gatha Dowdle of Cowen, died at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, on Monday, January 24, 1994, after a long illness. She was 72 years of age. She was born in Bolair, on September 7, 1921, the daughter of the late George Russell and Ruic Jane Barker Green. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a homemaker and a member of the Beaver Run Advent Christian Church in Bolair. She is survived by: son, David E. Dowdle, of Upper Glade; da ightcrs, Betty Lou Compton, Barb a Anne Compton, and Lynn Renee Peyatt, all of Cowen, and Pamela V. Williams of Hemdon; brother, Bobby Green of Gatlinburg, Tenn.; sisters, Mildrcn Stanley and Viola Cogar, both of Bolair, Juanita Christian of Cowen, andBerthaLeeMcKinneyofRainclle; 17 grandchildren, and 16 greatgrandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, James M. Dowdle, who died November 16, 1988, and son, Carl M. Dowdle, who died December 31,1979. Services will be held on Thursday, January 27, at 11:00 a.m., in Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. George Peyatt of Camdcn-onGauley, officiating. Burial will be the Beaver Run Cemetery in Bolair. Friends may call from 5-9:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Adams Funeral Home in Cowen is in charge of the arrangements.

Carnie Lee Davis SUTTON-Carnie Lee Davis of Sutton, died at Eldercare in Ripley, on Sunday, February 16, 1997, followingalongillness. Hewas78years of age. He was born in Braxton County, on November 18,1918, the son of the late John and Mary Whytsell Davis. He was a coal miner and was retired from the W. Va. Dept. of Highways. He served in the U.S. Army, and was a Christian. He is survived by: his wife, Dola Mae Jenkins Davis of Sutton; son, Roger Lee Davis of Sutton; daughter, Glenda Ann Williams of Sutton; brothers, Oliver and Estel Davis, both of Virginia; sisters, Hazel Shaw and Creda Cutlip, both of Sutton; 4 grandchildren arid 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, February 18, at 2:00 p.m. at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. William Griffin officiating. Burial was at the Barnett Cemetery near Sutton.

Mary Edna Dills Mary Edna Dills, age 96, of State College, Pennsylvania, died June 11, 1997, in a Nursing Home. She was born January 28, 1901. the daughter of the late James N. and Ella J. Wilfong. She received a bachelor of science degree in home economics from the University of West Virginia, in 1929, and taught school for nine years in West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, prior to her marriage to Leslie E. Dills, who died October 29,1954. She is survived by two daughters, Elma J. Dills and Daphne D. Hoffman, of State College, and a son, Ronald E. Dills, of Hilton, New York; seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Lloyd L. Dills, who died December 28,1995. The funeral was held at the Koch Funeral Home in State College with burial in the Centre County Memorial Park.

"lied" Dorsey,Sr.

Stacy Pearl Davis

SOUTHINGTON, OHIO-Charles Elbert "Ted" Dorsey, Sr. of Southington.Ohio, formerly of Webster and Nicholas Counties, died at the Trumbull Memorial Hospital in Warren, Ohio, on Sunday, November 17,1996, following a long illness. He was 89 years of age. He was born in Gauley Mills, on March 23, 1907, the son of the late Newman and Rosa Legg Dorsey. He had formerly lived in Richwood, Craigsville, and Webster Springs, and was a retired patient supervisor at Leilchworth Village in Thcills, N.Y. andaformerminer. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Webster Springs. He is survived by: son, Cecil DorseyofRichwood; daughter,Jane Ancell of Southington, Ohio; sisters, Margaret Cutlip and Billie Frazier of Newport News, Va.; 9 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Fern Forinash Dorsey, and son Charles. Services will be held on Friday, November 22, at 10:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with theRcv. Darrin Jones and the Rev. Cofer Cochran, officiating. Burial will be at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday, November 21, from 69:00 p.m.

BUCKHANNON-Stacy Pearl Davis of Buckhannon, died at Buckhannon Board & Care on Friday, August 2,1996. She was 88 years of age. She was born in Tallmansville, on January 13, 1908, the daughter of James AnthonyandNolaMaeGooden Hornbeck, both deceased. She was tiomemaker and,a member of the Buckhannon Union Mission Church. She is survived by: daughter, Anna (Boots) Marino of Buckhannon; son, James W. Davis of Loveland, Texas; sisters, Madeline Tenney and Marjorie Tenney, both of Buckhannon, Pandzie Goodwin of Jacksonville, Fla., and Agnes Trusslcr of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; brother, Lindberg Hornbeck of Uniontown, Ohio; 8 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Roscoe Freeland Davis, and by brothers Carl and Doyle. Services were held on Wednesday, August 7, at 2:00 p.m., at the PolingSt. Clair Funeral Home in Buckhannon, with the Rev. Dennis Estes officiating. Burial was at the Mt. Union Church Cemetery.

Joseph Allen Davis SUTTON-Joseph Allen Davis, of Sutton, died at his residence on Sunday, April 13, 1997. He was 26 years of age. He was born in Gassaway, on January 6, 1971, the son of Kenneth A. and Reta A. Schiefer Davis. He was a carpenter assistant, and was a Christian and member of the Stump Chapel Baptist Church in Tesla. He is survived by: his parents, Kenneth and Reta Davis of Sutton; and brother, Dale A. Davis, at home. Graveside services were held on Tuesday, April 15, at 11:00 a.m., at the Braxton County Cemetery near Sutton, with the Rev. Earl Elliott officiating. The Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, was in charge of the arrangements.

REGINALD HENRY DANGELI, 75, died Feb. 9 in Canada. Born in Tombstone Bay near Ketchikan, Dangeli was a Nisga'a/Tsetsaut Tahltan/Tlingit of the Wolf Clan. After World War II, Dangeli owned and operared the F/V Nettie Sand became a successful b at builder and highliner fisherman. In 1983 Dangeli wrote Tsetiaut History: The Forgotten Tribe of Southern Southeast Alaska, a book about his family history and life in the Misty Fjords area.

JOE E. DIAMOND, 76, died March 5 in Ketchikan, where he was born and raised. Diamond was a pilot for Ellis Airlines from 1947 to 1968 and was the fitst pilot to land on a certified airport in the stare of Alaska. Just I 5 minutes befote the historical landing, Diamond took off from a runway in the terrirory of Alaska. Diamond served in the Ketchikan volunteet fire department and spent more than K 5 0 0 hours restoring a G r u m m a n Goose airplane. . -"




BLAKE CLAY DREPPERD Blake Clay Drepperd died at his j home at Frost on Wednesday, December 11, 1940. He was born April 9, 1902 a son j of Clay Drepperd and the late Ida ' Grimes Drepperd. Besides is wife he is survived by his father, Clay Drepperd, one sister, Mrs. John Langley; one brother Lake Drepperd, all of Frost. Funeral services were conducted on Thursday afternoon at the Metho


Mary E. Dean Mary E. Dean, age 82, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, November 5, 1997, at Greenbrier Manor in Fairlea. Born October 13, 1915, near Hillsboro, she was the daughter of the late George and Susan Ray Brock. Mrs. Dean was the widow of Herbert Dean. Also preceding her in death were three sons, Burlin, Larry and Leo Dean; three brothers, Carl, Wilson and Elmer Brock; and six sisters, Sue Renfro, Ellen Smith, Blanch Butterbaugh, Rosie Moore, Kitty Workman, and Nina Doss. She is survived by three daughters, Jerilene Puffenbarger and Shirley Dean, both of Hillsboro, and Wanda Leverage, of Elkton, Maryland; five sons, Albert Dean, of Elkton, Maryland, Eugene, Ronnie and Bobby Dean, all of Hillsboro, and Johnnie Dean, of Marlinton; a brother, Roy Brock, of Marlinton; eighteen grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Roy Gwinn, with burial in Emmanuel Cemetery. C. Stanley Dever Charles Stanley Dever, age 97, of Monterey, Virginia, died Tuesday, November 4, 1997, at Bath County Community Hospital. He had been a resident of The Springs Nursing Center for over two years. He was born February 6, 1900, at Mill Gap, Virginia, a son of Charles Francis and Annarine Wade Dever. Mr. Dever was a farmer. He was a member of the Beulah Presbyterian Church, serving as an Elder since 1925. He was a Sunday School superintendent and teacher for a number of years. He was a charter member of the Mill Gap Run tan Club.. His wife, Evelyn Mary Crummett Dever, preceded him in death on May 2, 1985. He was a brother of the late Roy Dever, of Marlinton. Surviving him are a daughter, Mary Carolyn Hooke, of Monterey; a son, Garland S. Dever, of Monterey; two sisters, Thelma Bird, of Monterey, and Alice Dever, of Marlinton; seven grandchildren, seventeen greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgranddaughter. Funeral services were held Thursday in the Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Reed Hopkins and the Rev. Bill Moore. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery.

Clarence R. Davis Clarence R. Davis, 64, of Buckeye, died at the Veteranss Administration Hospital at Maitinsburg on Monday, December 7, 1987, after a few months' illness. Mr. Davis had been a barber in Marlinton for 29 years. He attended the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, was a veteran and member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The son of Robert and Lucy Frances Beverage Davis, he was born near Marlinton November 24, 1923. Three brothers preceded him in death, Page, Lawrence and Carl Davis. Surviving him are his wife, Gladys I. Beverage Davis; a son, Rev. Clarence R. Davis, Jr., of Winchester, Virginia; a granddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth; a sister, Blanche Waugh, and two brothers, Leo and Floyd Davis, all of Marlinton. ^Services will be held at 2:00 p. m., Thursday, at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard 1 L. Newkirk, with buri A. in Mouritain View Cemetery.

Mrs. G. L. Dahmer Mrs. Nola Bennett Dahmer, 84, of Cass, died Monday, November 14, 1988, at her home following a long illness. Bom February 14, 1904, at Job, she was the daughter of the late Nimrod and Phoebe Mullenax Bennett. Mrs. Dahmer was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church. Preceding her in death were her husband, Gilbert Dahmer; a son, Ray Dahmer; and a daughter, Pauline Sheets. Surviving her are five daughters, Martha Livesay, of Staunton, Virginia, Beulah Moore, of Marlinton, Juanita Filuta and Charlotte McClure, both of Augusta, Georgia, and Clara Good of Stony Bottom; a son, Gilbert Dahmer, Jr., of Canton, Ohio; a brother, Olen Bennett, of White Hall, Maryland; seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Vineyard, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

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ijiaays ». uavis Gladys Beverage Davis, age 72, of Buckeye, died in Maitinsburg Saturday, December 13, 1997. She was a retired store clerk and attended the Calvary Church of the Brethren in Winchester, Virginia. Born October 2, 1925, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Claw son and Fannie B. Beverage. Her husband, Clarence R. Davis, preceded her in death; also a brother, Cecil Beverage, is deceased. She is survived by a son, Clarence R. "Chuck" Davis, Jr., of Winchester, Virginia; two grandchildren; a sister, Mabel Irvine, of Marlinton, and three brothers, Glen Beverage, Marvin Beverage and Clawson Beverage, Jr., all of Marlinton. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Julian Rittenhouse, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Marlinton Presbyterian Church Building Fund or Calvary Church of the Brethren, 578 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, Virginia 22602.

Lena O. Daniels Lena Orpha Scott Daniels, 87, formerly of Mill Creek and for the past two years a patient in Elkins Regional Convalescent Center, died at i .US a.m., Sunday. Nov. 30, 1997. in Davis Memorial Hospital. She had been in declining health for several years. She was born Aug. 4. 1910, a daughter of the late Harman and Ida Currence Scott. On Oct. 22, 1931, she married Lonnie Americus Daniels Sr. who preceded her in death on Jan. 24, 1992. Surviving her are three sons, Archie and Richard Daniels, both of Blue Rock, and the Rev. Lonnie Daniels Jr., Hultonsville;fourdaughters, Olive Summerfield, Blue Rock, Cora Mae Daniels. Mill Creek, Phyllis Golden, Kingwood, and Martha Jean Seymour. Mansfield. Ohio: two brothers, Woodrow Scott, Huttonsville, and Virgil Scott, Mill Creek; two sisters, Audrey Tenney, Middlefield, Ohio, and Ruis Lanham, Mill Creek: 28 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son. two daughters, two brothers, three sisters, three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Daniels was a homemaker and a member of Blue Rock Memorial Mission Church.

Marvin R. Dunbrack Marvin R. Dunbrack,- age 89 years and 8 months, died Monday, December 29, 1986, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. Born May 1st, 1897, at Beaver Creek, near Huntersville, he was the son of the late George A. Dunbrack, from Nova Scotia, Canada, and Harriet Ann Ryder Dunbrack, of Burr Valley. He was a member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church for 65 ears, Sunday School uperintendent and teacher of Adult Bible Class for 50 years, having taught a youth class of 2a-30 boys before that. He was a life-long member of the I.O.O.F. Mr. Dunbrack was a salesman «* -for—-,- 58 years, traveling the roads of Pqcahontas, Randolph and Greenbrier; he also bought and sold ginseng during those years. When he retired at age 84 there were none of the original store Owners that he called on, nor the competitor salesmen. He was married to Flossie Via, of Frankford, now deceased. To this union were born ' five daughters, Mrs. David (Blanche) Gwin, of Marlinton, , Mrs. Ralph (Thelma) Perry, (deceased), Mrs. Oren (Gladys) Waugh, Mrs. James (Annabelle) McNeill, both of Buckeye, Mrs. Geraldine Nuckoles, of Kernersville, North Carolina. Of his ten brothers and sisters, including a set of triplets (first set born in Pocahontas, 1903), one brother, Forrest, of Marlinton, survives. Also surviving are l i grandchildren, 15 greatgrandchildren, two grgat-greatgrandchiklren, two stepgrandchildren, and one foster grandchild. Services were held Thursday by 4he Rev. Kenny Stevenson, ReVf Gary Jarrell, and Rev. Billy Perry, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Jean Ryder Arritt Davis, 69, of Covington, Virginia, died Saturday, November 1, 1997, at Columbia Alleghany Regional Hospital. Mrs. Davis was born January 12, 1928, in Highland County, Virginia, a daughter of Mrs. Mary Crummett Sharp, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, and the late Lawrence Burlingame Ryder. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Albert B. Arritt, hi 1973, and her stepfather, Carl B. Sharp, in 1976. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, where she was a Sunday School teacher and had been active in the Women of the Church and the Adult Choir fot many years. She was a member and past president of the Covingtor Woman's Club. Mrs. Davis was co-owner of Arritt Funeral Honu where she worked for many years. In addition to her mother, Mrs Davis is survived by her husband Larry R. Davis, of Covington; twc sons, David and Albert Arritt, ol Covington; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a sister, Carlene Gibson, and a brother, Hal Sharp, bom of Covington. A funeral was held November 4 in First Presbyterian Church witii die Rev. James A. Rohne officiating. Interment was in Cedar Hill Cemetery. The family suggests that memorials in Mrs. Davis' name be made to the First Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund, 185 N. Maple Ave., Covington, VA 24426. Lawrence W. Davis I Lawrence W. Davis, 87, of Marlinton, died Saturday, July 25, 1987, at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. The son of Robert Charles and Lucy Frances Beverage Davis, he was born May 24, 1900, near Marlinton. His parents and two brothers, Page and Carl Davis, preceded him in death. He was a retired painter and was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are three brothers, Leo Davis, Floyd E. Davis, Clarence R. Davis, and a sister, Blanch E. Waugh,'all of Marlinton. -Services were held at 2 p. m. •Tuesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial was in Mountain | View Cemetery.


lvirs. icoiyne uavis Mrs. Mary Eolyne Davis, of Charleston, died September 8, 1987, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea, after a long illness. She was the widow of J. Hornor Davis, II, lawyer, banker, , and member of the West Virginia I House of Delegates and also the State Senate. She was a member of St. Matthews Episcopal Church. Mrs. Davis was a sister of the late Mrs. H. A. Ardell, formerly of Marlinton. Surviving her are sons, James H. Davis, III, and William Maxwell, both of Charleston; a sister, Virginia B. Graham, of Charleston; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services and burial were in Charleston. William Wilson Daugherty William Wilson Daugherty was born at Clover Lick on May 15, 1914, to the late Isaac and Rosa Daugherty. He departed this life at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on May 25, 1987. Preceding him in death were a daughter, four sisters and two brothers. Surviving him are a daughter, Helen J. Walker, of Plainfield, New Jersey; two grandsons, Claude Brown and Fredrick Walker, botii of Plainfield, New Jersey; and one great grandson. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Sanford Boggs, assisted by otfier ministers. Burial will be in the Brownsburg Cemetery. Kathleen Hill dcKrafTt Kathleen Hill deKrafft, of Richmond, Virginia, formerly of Hillsboro, died June 17, 1987, at Stuart Circle Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, after a long illness. She was a member of the St, Barnabas Episcopal Church. Her husband, John William deKrafft, preceded her in death June 23, 1983. She is survived by one sister, Doris H. Lilly, of Leesburg, Florida. Graveside services were held at 2:30 p. m. Monday, June 22, at the Amelia Presbyterian Cemetery in Amelia, Virginia, by the Rev. Uly Gooch.

Lena Madeline Dean », Mrs. Lena Madeline Dean, 62, of 7233 Little Seven Mile, Huntington, died Monday, August 17, 1987, in St. Mary's Hospital, after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Wednesday, August 19, at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ona, by Pastor Bill Davis and the Rev. J. D. Bailey. Burial was in Ridgelawn Cemetery. She was born November 10, 1924, in Selbyville, a daughter of the late Rev. Roy H. and Leta Payne Crawford; Rev. Crawford pastored in die Edray Charge for a great number of years and Lena was also a resident of Pocahontas County. She was a member of the Oak Hill U. B. I. Church. Preceding her in death was a sister, Guyla Page. Surviving her are her husband, Hubert D. Dean; four sons, David \ Dean, minister, Tim Dean, minister, and Greg Dean and Richard Dean, all of Huntington. Tim, Greg, and Richard are members of die Godsmen Quartet. The Godsmen Quartet sang at the service with Steve Black and Dick Jordan filling in, along withvDick Lucas on piano. Also surviving are two sisters, Anna Martin* of Lindside, and Lola Hawkins, of Buckhannon; four brothers, Arthur Crawford, of Huntsville, Alabama, Edward Crawford, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dick Crawford, of Washington, D. C , and Arnett Crawford, of White Sands, New Mexico; and ten grandchildren. i

Kimberley Dean Kimberley Susan Dean, 23, of Huntersville, died Friday, November 20, 1987, in an accident near Mill Point on an icy road. A 1982 graduate of Pocahontas County High School and a 1987 graduate of Glenville College, she was teaching her first year in Brown Elementary School at Indore, Clay County. She attended the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Born at Marlinton January 26, 1964, she was the daughter of Elmer L. and Judith Shaw Dean. Surviving her are her parents; a isister, Debra Dean Murphy, of Durham, North Carolina; her fiance, Michael Antonio Valencia, Jof Green Bank; and her grandparents, Mrs. Alfred Dean, of Elkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shaw, of Elk Route, Marlinton. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank. Burial followed in Beaver Creek Cemetery.

Mrs. Pearl L. Dean Mrs. Pearl L. Dean, 90, of White Sulphur Springs, died following a long illness on Friday, August 28, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born April 3, 1897, in Russell County, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late William and Mary Perkins Roman. She was a member of the Greenbrier Valley Baptiest Church. Preceding her in death were her first husband, Andrew J. Lightner, her second husband, Paul W. Dean, and a daughter, Helen L. Dearing. Surviving her are a daughter, June E. Fogus, of White Sulphur Springs; a grandson, W. R. Dearing, of San Jose, California; four great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 2 p,'.m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marl in ton by the Rev. Gene* Eaton,* • with burial in Mountain View,Cemetery.

Glen Phillip Dean Glen Phillip Dean, 80, of Aumsville, Oregon, died in a Salem, Oregon, Hospital on July 1, 1987, after a long illness. Born October 11, 1906, at Rimel, he was the son of the late Ellis and Martha Sevy Dean. He served in the Navy and was a World War II veteran. Surviving him are his wife, Bertha Combs Dean, of Aumsville, Oregon, and four daughters, Mrs. Martha Lee Jones, of Reedsport, Oregon, Mrs. Linda Hammer and Mrs. Sue Hannon, both of Salem, Oregon, Mrs. Shelia Cunningham, of Mollola, Oregon; a brother, Alonzo G. Dean, of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Ira (Marie) King, of Elkins; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one grandchild. Funeral services were held on Friday, July 3, with burial in an Aumsville cemetery.

Lena Madeline Dean Mrs. Lena Madeline Dean, 62, of 7233 Little Seven Mile, Huntington, died Monday, August 17, 1987, in St. Mary's Hospital, after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Wednesday, August 19, at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ona, by Pastor Bill Davis and the Rev. J. D. Bailey. Burial was in Ridgelawn Cemetery. She was born November 10, 1924, in Selbyville, a daughter of the late Rev. Roy H. and Leta Payne Crawford; Rev. Crawford pastored in the Edray Charge for a great number of years and Lena was also a resident of Pocahontas County. She was a member of the Oak Hill U. B. I. Church. Preceding her in death was a sister, Guyla Page. Surviving her are her husband, Hubert D. Dean; four sons, David Dean, minister, Tim Dean, minister, and Greg Dean and Richard Dean, all of Huntington. Tim, Greg, and Richard are members of the Godsmen Quartet. The Godsmen Quartet sang at the service with Steve Black and Dick Jordan filling in, along with Dick Lucas on piano. Also surviving are two sisters, Anna Martin, of Lindside, and Lola Hawkins, of Buckhannon; four brothers, Arthur Crawford, of Huntsville, Alabama, Edward Crawford, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dick Crawford, of Washington, D. C, and Arnett Crawford, of White Sands, New Mexico; and ten grandchildren.

Mrs. Donna K. Dean Mrs. Donna Kay Kerr Dean, 44, of Elkins and Cummings Creek, died Friday, September 16, 1988, at the Dean home on Cummings Creek apparently of a heart attack. The daughter of Joseph Beard Kerr, of Green Bank, and the late Marjorie Lawton Kerr, she was born September 23, 1943, at Green Bank. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church at Elkins. In addition to her father, surviving her are her husband, Sterl H. Dean; two sons, Bruce Herold and Brian Scott Dean, of Elkins; four brothers, Dr. Kirklyn McNeer Kerf; of Westerville, Ohio, Joe Philmore Kerr, of Columbiana, Ohio, Jerry Edward Kerr, of Warren, Ohio, Joseph Beard Kerr, Jr., of Green Bank;'sisters, Jolene Lantz,v Hubbard, Ohio, Dians Lawton Sharp, of Summerville, South Carolina, Jayne Vance, Salem, Virginia, and Jean Hevener, Durbin. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Dr. Basil Hensley, with burial in the Beaver Creek : Cemetery. •,

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Burlan J. Dean Burlan J. Dean, 49, of Renick, died Monday, May 2, 1988, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital from cancer. Mr. Dean, a construction worker, was a member of the Methodist Church. He was born July 13, 1938, at Lobelia, the son of Herbert and Mary Brock Dean. Preceding him in death were his father and brothers, Leo and Larry Dean. Surviving him are his wife, Joyce Holmes Dean; a son, Sonny Lee Dean, and a daughter, Mary Ann Dean, both of Renick; his mother, Mary Brock Dean; five brothers, Albert Dean, of Elkton, Maryland, Eugene Dean and Ronnie Dean, both of Hillsboro, Johnnie Dean, of Marlinton, Bobby Dean, of Hillsboro; and three sisters, Jerilene Puffenbarger and Shirley Dean, and Wanda Leveredge, of Elkton, Maryland. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Barry Moll, assisted by Rev. Davis Slawter, with burial in Morning Side Cemetery at Renick.

Thomas Barlow Devericks Thomas Barlow Devericks, age 86, of Monterey, Virginia, died Friday morning, March 27, 1987, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was born September 14, 1900, at Stuarts Draft, Virginia, a son of the late Albert Barlow and Sally Neil Devericks. Mr. Devericks was a farmer and a member of the Headwaters Presbyterian Church. He had made his home with Mrs. Woodsie Devericks, of Monterey, for a number of years. He was the last survivor of his immediate family. He is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. A funeral service was conducted at 2 p. m. Sunday in the Obaugh Funeral Home by Dr. George Whipple. Burial was in the Headwaters Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Highland County Rescue Squad in care of James Thompson, Monterey, Virginia 24465.

Woodsie R. Devericks Woodsie Rachel Devericks, 93, of Monterey, Virginia, died Tuesday, May 31, 1988, at her home. Born August 9, 1894, at Green Bank, she was a daughter of Charles Melvin and Mary Elizabeth Taylor Gum. On January 6, 1916, she married Elliott C. Devericks, who died March 27,1963. She was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church. In 1940 she moved to Craigsville and managed the Grey Stone Inn at Fordwick. In 1951, she returned to Monterey where she has rerided on her Tarm on Jackson River. Survivors include a sister, Grace Sharp, of Mingo; a brother, Fred Gum, of Green Bank. ' A service was conducted at 2 p. m. Friday at Monterey United Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert Gue, with burial in Headwaters Cemetery. Kathleen H. deKrafft Mrs. Kathleen Hill deKrafft, of Richmond, Virginia, died June 17, 1987. A native of Hills boro, she was the daughter of the late William and Sadie Hill. She worked for many years in the Marlinton A&P Store. Her ^husband, J. William deKrafft, and a brother, Hunter Hill, preceded her in death. She is survived by one sister, Doris H. Lilly, of Florida. Graveside services were held Monday at the Amelia Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Amelia, Virginia. Richard Allen Dickenson Richard Allen Dickenson, 24, of Hillsboro, died from injuries received in an auto accident near Mill Point on Sunday, August 7, He was born March 28, 1964, in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of JoAnn Phillips Anderson and the late Henry C. Dickenson. Surviving him, in addition to his mother, are three brothers, Tom Dickenson, of Dunmore, Roger Dickenson, of Monterey, Virginia, John Dickenson, of Marlinton; and a, sister, Mrs. Bertha Meshaw, of Salisbury, North Carolina. Services were held at 1 p. m., Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Hudson Cemetery at Wesley Chapel.

Elsie Pritchard Dickson . Elsie Pritchard Dickson, of Leesburg, Alabama, died on June 4, 1987, after a long illness. Born on July 5, 1900, at Healing Springs, Virginia, she was the youngest daughter Of-Robert Martin and Eodora" "Harper Pritchard, of Knapps Creek. She was preceded in death by a brother, Norval Pritchard, of Charleston, Mrs. Emerson (Blanche) Newman, of Mafvin Chapel, Mrs. *Clyde (Mary) Waugh, of Gainesville, Florida, Walter Pritchard, of Spencer, and NealJPritchard, of Marvin Chapel. Surviving her ?are two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Meredith) Egan, of Ventura, California and Mrs. Joseph (Vera) Bradley, of Leesburg, Alabama,' where she made her home. She is also survived by cfjusins in Pocahontas County, Enid Harper, Evaleigh Herring, Ward Harper, of Knapps Creek, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Willis Cornelius, of Marlinton. Burial services were in Leesburg, Alabama. Clara Elizabeth Gum Doyle Clara Elizabeth Gum Doyle, 73, of Wheeling, died Sunday April 23, 1995, in the Ohio Valley Medical Center. Born October 31, 1921, at Cass, she was the daughter of the late Clarence McKinley and Matilda Susan Hoover Gum. She was a Presbyterian. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Randolph Doyle, two infant daughters, two brothers, two sisters, and a grandson. •--•. She is survived by a son, John Harris Doyle, of Triadelphia; four daughters, Ruth Ann Wheeler, Pauline Archbold, and Mrs. Sue Garbark, all of Wheeling, and Mrs. Becky Hood, of Martins Ferry, Ohio; eleven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Services were held on April 25, at Wheeling, with Rev. WiUiam-jQ-. Webster officiating. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery in Wheeling. Memorial contributions can be made to: Ohio County Division of American Heart Association, 206 McLain Building, Wheeling, WV 26003;. or American Diabetes Association, Box 1115, Dunbar, WV 25064.



John C.Doyle John C. Doyle, age 81, of 1024 Grand View St., Wheeling, died 'October 7, 1987, in the Continuous Care Center at Wheeling. ^i^The son of John H. and Edna KrVmer Doyle, he was born September 28, 1906, at Stony Bottom.. He was preceded in death by a isofl, Timothy A* Doyle, two sisters and four brothers! ,. Surviving him are his wife, Rosalie Cannon Doyle; four sons, John P., Dennis C, and Gregory, all of Wheeling, and Christopher, 6t Lakewood, New York; and a daughter, Marjorie A. D'Aquila, of Clearwater, Florida; one brother, Paul R. Doyle, of Wheeling; two sisters, Mary E. McGlone, of Wheeling, and Maude Dilley, of Fredricktown, Ohio; 17 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 12:05 p. m. Friday at St. Joseph Cathedral in Wheeling, with interment in Park View Memorial Gardens, Wheeling.

Rhoda M. Dolly Rhoda Mae Moyers Dolly, 82, of Cabins, died Saturday, Dec. 6, 1997, in Grant Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Dolly was born Oct. 27,1915, at Cabins, a daughter of the late Alfred V. and Laura Goldizen Moyers. She married Henson R. Dolly, who preceded her in death on June 30, 1985. Surviving are two sons, Emory D. Dolly, Cabins, and Elvin J. Dolly, Old Fields; three daughters, Emily V. Weatherholtz, Lahmansville, Elsie A. Mauzy, Cabins, and Brenda S. Dolly, Caldwell; three sisters, Effie WoHbrd and Angie Hatcher, both of Petersburg, and Orpha Staffer, Maysville; three brothers, Lonnie Moyers, of Nella's Nursing Home, Elkins, and Tommie Moyers, Maysville; 14 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Esta Mae Dolly; three great-granddaughters, Brittany and Bethany Mauzy and Jacqueline Weatherholtz; one brother, John F. Moyers; and eight sisters, infants Beulah and Zera Moyers, Sarah Wolford, Stella Ray, Ellie Staffer, Nellie Rohrbaugh, Arbutus Evans and Dorothy VanMeter. Mrs. Dolly was a member of Petersburg Church of God.

Austin Paul Duncan, 71, of Buckeye, died Saturday, December 12, 1987, at home from a heart attack. Mr. Duncan was a retired, maintenance supervisor for Denemar Hospital. He was a Navyj veteran of World War II and attended the Swago United' Methodist Church at Buckeye. Born at Buckeye November 10, 1916, he was the son of Austin H. I and Pearl Luzier Duncan. ' His parents and an infant daughter preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife,! Lyda McClung Duncan; a son,1 Jeryl Paul Duncan, of Buckeye; three grandchildren, Michelle, Jeryl, II, and John Duncan; and I two brothers, Glenn Duncan, of Farmington Hills, Michigan, and George Duncan, of Buckeye. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kenny Stevenson, with burial in the Kee Cemetery. i Mrs. Kathryn Duskey Mrs. Kathryn Duskey, of Durbin, died Tuesday, March 31, 1987, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Surviving her are her mother, Mrs. Hazel M. Simmons, of Durbin; a son, Charles Matheny, of Paducah, Kentucky; and two grandchildren. Her husband, Anson' Duskey, die'd in 1980. [Services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday at the Wallace and Wa|)ace Funeral Home Chapel in Arfovale by the Rev. David Ritienhouse and the Rev. Mark Hickman, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. 'Friends may call Thursday fron 6 to 8 p. m. at the Funeral Hohe in Arbovale.

Beulah McClung Duncan Beulah McClung Duncan, 74, of Farmington Hills, Michigan, died Monday, February 15, 1988, following a long illness. She was a resident of Marlinton and Clarksburg before moving to Michigan several years ago. Mrs. Duncan was a member of the First Baptist Church, Farmington, Michigan, under the ministry of her son, Richard. She was born July 18, 1913, at Spice, the daughter of the late Tony T. and Laura McCoy McClung. Also preceeding her in death were two brothers, Herbert and Charles McClung. Surviving her are her husband, Glenn Duncan; two daughters, Barbara Allen, of Erie, Pa., and Sue McCoy, of Woodhaven, Mi.; one son, Richard Duncan, of Novi, Mi.; a sister, Lyda Duncan, of Buckeye; ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church, Farmington, Mi., at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 18. The family request memorial I donations be sent to the First Baptist Church, Farmington, Mi., in lieu of flowers. Harold E. Dumire Harold Eugene Dumire, 56, of Marlinton, died January 11, 1998, in Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Mr. Dumire was born in Marlinton on January 30, 1941, the son of the late Carl Ward and Anna Moss Dumire. He was a heavy equipment operator. Survivors include his wife, Creola Jane Dean Dumire, and two brothers, Harry Ward Dumire, of Muskego, Wisconsin, and Burl Edward Dumire, of Marlinton. He was preceded in death by one brother, Ralph Dumire. Services will be held on Friday at 1 p.m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. John Sullivan and Sam Felton officiating. Burial will be in the Gibson Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Rt. 2, Box 52W, Buckeye, W. Va. 24924.

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Rev. Vernon Daetwyler The Rev. Vernon Eugene DaetWyler, 66, of 929 Marguerite Drive, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, died Wednesday, April 15, 1987, at the Moravian Home. He was born May 8, 1920, in Helvetia, the son of Eugene Carl and Anna Vogel Daetwyler. He was graduated from Moravian College in 1942 and from Moravian Theological Seminary in 1945. He had served at First Moravian Church of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Advent Moravian Church of WinstonSalem and Fairview Moravian Church of Winston-Salem. Surviving him are his wife, Ruth Longaberger Daetwyler; his mother, of 307 N. Broad Street, 303 Frampton Hill, Clinton, South Carolina 29325; one daughter, Dr. Deborah D. Boyd, Wilson, North Carolina; one son, Daniel A. Daetwyler, of WinstonSalem; one sister, Anna Jean Lunde, of Morganville, New Jersey; two brothers, Harold Daetwyler, Littleton County, North Carolina, and Bernard Daetwyler, of Columbia, South Carolina; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Fairview Moravian Church by Dr. D. Wayne Burkette and the Rev. Frank Crouch. Burial was in the Moravian Graveyard Rev. James H. Dew Th CV H De9f on a17, 8e 90, of

1998, in Marmet Health Care Center after a long illness. He was retired from DuPont Belle Plant, with 42 years* service! and was a member of Hemshaw Methodist Church. He was an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church and pastored various churches from 1950 until his retirement in 1988. Surviving him are four sons Darrell D. Dew, of Boyer, Donald Dew, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, James D. Dew, of Iron Station, North Carolina, and Michael R Dew, of Springfield, Virginia; four sisters, Margaret Wills, of Nellis, Anna Belle Titlow, of Pinch, Wanda Gaye Postawaite, of Charleston, and Theo Mildred Knapp, of Hernshaw; a brother, William Dew, of Kanawha City; thirteen grandchildren and twentytwo great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Hernshaw Methodist Church by the Rev. Jeff Byrd and the Rev. Rexford Workman. Burial was in Marmet Cemetery.

Boyd W. Dumire Boyd W. Dumire, age 83, of Kopperston, Wyoming County, died June 13, 1998, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. A native of Pocahontas County, he had lived in Wyoming County many years. He was a retired miner for Eastern Associated Coal Company, Kopperston No. 2 Mine, wiua 32 years' service. He was a member of UMW Local 7604 and a Navy veteran of World War II. He attended Kopperston Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are his wife, Georgia Varner Dumire, also of Pocahontas County; a daughter, Rhoda Jarrell, of Powhatan, Virginia; brothers, Marvin Dumire, of Myrtle Point, Oregon, Vance Dumire, of Warren, Ohio, Bob Dumire, of Richmond, Virginia; a sister, Eddie Gibson, of Willoughby, Ohio; two grandchildren. Services were held at noon Tuesday at Kopperston Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Tom Price. Entombment was in Palm Memorial Mausoleum, Matheny.

Devada Goldie Dean Devada Goldie Dean, age 77, of H. C. 82, Marlinton, died Monday, February 16, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Dean was of the Methodist faith. Born at Lobelia January 5, 1921, she was the daughter of the late Cameron Wade and Mattie Virginia Blake Scott. Others preceding her in death were a daughter, Shirley J. Wilson; two sons, Robert L. Dean and Ronald M. Dean; and six brothers, Ralph, Cecil, Alfred, Sidney, Steve, and Randy Scott Survivors include her husband, Vernon Channing Dean; three sons, Sterl H. Dean, of Elkins, Gilbert D. Dean, of West Union, and John C. Dean, of Cleveland, Ohio; three daughters, Mary L. Nicora, of Mason, Ohio, Delia M. Johnson, of Lookout, and Vicki L. Neal, of Fayetteville; twelve grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and two step-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Beaver Creek Cemetery Chapel at 11 a. m. Friday by the Rev. Carl Holland, with burial in Beaver Creek Cemetery. Visitation will be at the Beaver Creek Chapel Thursday from 5 to 9. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be made to Beaver Creek Cemetery.

James Grant Duncan, age 76, son of the late James H. and Mary Ann Duncan, was born March 30, 1885, and died in the Denmar [State Hospital May 19,1961. 1 His parents; a brother, Preston, and four sisters, Emma Waugh, Leva Barlow, Anna Hill, and Icie Miller preceded him in death, Mr. Duncan being the last member of his family. He is survived only by nieces and nephews. Mr. Duncan had workad out ot West Virginia at various times but had always maintained his Home address in Pocahontas Coun! ty. H e was always very fond of,' and exceptionally kind to children: though he was never married. He I professed Christianity late in life ! I and became a faithful attendant at church services at the Hospi- j tal. He will be missed by a host! of friends, both life long and new ones. Funeral services were conducted Monday, May 22, at West Union Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett, and burial at Cochran Cemetery. Flower girls were great and great-great nieces. Sarah Rosalie Donovan Sarah Rosalie Donovan, age ?« O 1 on? n < r e v e r t e ' d i e d February l%'J".8'„m Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness. She was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church Ronceverte, and Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving her are her husband, Melvm Donovan, and a brother

£ £ £ "Jake"H""^ -

Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at Trinity United Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark Flynn. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery.

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Nelson Dailey Nelson T. Dailey, age 74, of Renick died February 17, 1998, at home after a long illness. He was a member of Mount Hermon United Methodist Church at Renick, a retired Greenbrier County school-teacher with 41 years service at Renick, Frankford, and Greenbrier East. He was a member and former president of the Renick Ruritan Club. His wife, the former Charma Lee Gibson, of Elk/Slaty Fork area, preceded him in death. Survivors include a daughter, Debra Ramsey, of Renick; a son, Craig Dailey, of Renick; a bromer, Paul Dailey, of Charles Town; sisters, Frances Vickers, of Charles Town, and Virginia Pryor, of Cascade, Maryland; three granddaughters. Services were held Saturday at Mount Hermon United Methodist Church by the Rev. Dan Arbogast. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg.

George W. Duncan George W. Duncan, age 73, of Buckeye, died September 16,1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital from complications of Sarcoidosis. Born December 3, 1924, in Buckeye, he was the son of the late Austin Harlow and Agnes Pearl Luzier Duncan. He was a farmer, formerly a clerk in the A&P and FasChek stores, a Navy veteran of World War U, and a member of Swago United Methodist Church. George served 26 months in Pacific Area World War n on the USS Hunt
Kenneth N. Drain Kenneth N. Drain, a longtime resident of Perry, Ohio, died September 27, 1998, at his home. A World War II U. S. Navy veteran, uc acrveu aooaratne U.S.S. Bunkerhill and was a member of V.F.W. Perry Post. He was an active member of Faith Baptist Church, serving as head usher, and was a member of the United Auto Workers. Mr. Drain retired from Fisher Body, where he was an equipment operator. Born in Sbinnston, he lived in Ohio for the past 42 years. Survivors include his wife, Fay V. Turner Drain, formerly of Cass; daughter, Diana Matheny, of Perry; sons, Hugh "Bucky" Drain, of Madison, Ohio, Kenneth Robert Drain, of Saybrook, Ohio, and Stoney W. Drain, of Perry; and fifteen grandchildren. His parents, Hugh Grant and Nora Belle Minor Drain, and brothers, Jesse Wiley Drain and Melvin Wayne Drain, are deceased. Services were held at Behm Family Funeral Home the following Wednesday by the Rev. Michael Fraser, of Faith Baptist Church, with burial in Perry Cemetery. Frances L. Dutterer Frances Loell Dutterer, age 89, of Martinsburg, died August 24, 1998, at Heartland, of Martinsburg. Born February 18, 1919, in Bartow, she was the daughter of the late Sherman D. and Ocie Ruth McComb Seiler. She was a member of the Blairton Methodist Church. She was a secretary for the Board of Education of Washington County in Hagerstown retiring in 1980. Previous to that she was employed at Rosen's in Hagerstown. She is survived by one son, William S. Dutterer, of New York, New York; one brother, Charles Seiler, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; one sister, Ruth Beard, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania. She was preceded in death by her husband, William N. Dutterer, one sister, Beulah Michael, and one step-brother, Frank Seiler. Services were held at 1 p.m. August 26, at the Rosedale Funeral Chanel with Rev. Joseph Bradshaw. Interment was in Green Hill Cemetery in Berryville, Virginia. Memorial donations may be made to the Gateway Foundation Regional Cancer and Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 2119 Martinsburg, WV 25401.

Louella Dumire Louella Mae Pennington Dumire, age 78, of Myrtle Point, Oregon, formerly of Pocahontas County, died August 20, 1998. Born at Wymer June 23, 1920, she was the daughter of the late Edward and Flossie Varner Pennington. She was raised in SJaty Fork. She was preceded in death by her husband, Delton Dumire, two sisters andfivebrothers. Surviving her are two daughters, Barbara Eberle, of Portland, Oregon, and Mary Lou Newton, of Myrtle Point; two sons, Delton Dumire, Jr., and John Dumire, both of Myrtle Point; four sisters, Leabelle Gum and Betty Swink, both of Cass; Retha Doyle, of Slaty Fork; Hazel Hinerman, of Beverly; five brothers, Carl Pennington, of LaPuente, California, Paul Pennington, of St. Albans, Leonard Pennington, of Valley Head, James Pennington, of Durbin, and Roy Pennington, of Green Bank; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held August 25 at the Amling-Schroeder Myrtle Point Chapel wiUi interment beside her husband in the Norway Cemetery near Myrtle Point. Mist Mary Jane dilley Miss Mary Jane Dilley, 81, died in the Denmr. State Hospital, Tuesday, April 13, 1976, after a loos illness. Born at Edray, December 19, 1894, she was a daughter of the late John and Nancy Hannab Dilley. She was a member of the Beckley United Methodist Church Temple and was a retired registered nurse having worked at the Beckley hospital. She lived at Cornstalk, and was a member of the Women's Society, Sally McGinnis Bible Class and was a charter member of the Cornstalk Extension Homemakers Club. . Surviving are one niece, Mrs. Edith D. Crane, of Cornstalk, with whom she lived, and one nephew, Robert T. Crane, of Lewisburg. Services were held Friday afternoon at McCraw Funeral i Home in Lewisburg with Rev., Berlin Butcher and Rev. Leroy Crane, in charge. Burial wasi in Andrew Cemetery at Williamaburg. M1^__—J


Genevieve R. Dumire Genevieve R. Dumire, of Warren, Ohio, died November 1,1998, in Forum Health, Trumble Memorial Hospital in Warren, following a short illness. She was born in Marlinton, August 30, 1924, a daughter of the late Joseph and Truda Waugh McKenney. She had moved to the Warren area in 1950. Mrs. Dumire was a member of the Otterbein Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Vance Dumire, whom she married January 28, 1957; two daughters, Sue Temptesta, of Southington, Ohio, and Sherri Dumire-Hamilton, of Rochester, New York; and three grandchildren. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by four brodiers, Guy, Gerald (Bub), Cameron, and Arnold (Gene). Services were held at Robert H. Roberts-Clark Memorial Home, wiui burial in Crown Hill Mausoleum. Memorial tributes may be made to Healing Garden, c/o Forum Health, Trumbull Memorial Hospital, 1350 E. Market Street, War-

v t u i i.

LITTLE DILLY Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Dilly of Elkins announce the birth of a daughter, born June 4, 1997, at 9:43 a.m. in Davis Memorial Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and has been named Sommer Marie Dilly. This is theirfirstchild. The mother is the former Cynthia Irwin. Lillie Dean Lillie Gibson Rider Dean, age 96, of Rt. 1, Marlinton,* died Sunday, November 29, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Dean was a member of the United Methodist Church and of the Rebekah Lodge and Order of the Eastern Star #97. She was born at Neola November 10, 1902, the daughter of Harris W. and Annetta Sevy Rider. She was the widow of the late James Thomas Dean, Sr. A son, James T. Dean, Jr., and a brouier, Gordan A. Rider, are also deceased. Surviving her is a daughter, Anna Lee Dean, with whom she lived. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

George W. Dune George W. Duncan, a 6 c 73, of Buckeye, died September 16,1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital from complications of Sarcoidosis. Born December 3, 1924, in Buckeye, he was the son of the late Austin Harlow and Agnes Pearl Luzier Duncan. He was a fanner, formerly a clerk in the A&P and FasChek stores, a Navy veteran of World War II, and a member of Swago United Methodist Church. George served 26 months in Pacific Area World War II on the USS Hunt (DD674), USS Dobbin (A03), USS Norman Scott (DD690), receiving Asiatic-Pacific Area (5 stars), American Area (1 star), Philippines Liberation (2 stars), and Victory Medal World War n ( l star). Surviving him is his wife, Jane Kershner Duncan. They were married March 25, 1950. Also surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. His late brothers were Glenn and Paul Duncan. Funeral services were held Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jay Hicks. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Donations can be made to Swago United Methodist Church and Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.

Svmmiri utiabnek Summers Oliver Dunbrack, 66, of Marlinton, died Sunday night, March 5, 1978, at hit home on Huntersville Road. Born May 31,1911, at Marlinton, he was the son of the late Burgess and Delia Dunbrack. Mr. Dunbrack was a Methodist, World War II veteran and a retired tannery worker. Survivors include his wife, Emma Smith Dunbrack; three brothers, Ralph, Eugene, and Curtis Dunbrack and three sisters, Bertha Galford and Betty Friel, all of Marlinton, and Helen Bingle, of Baltimore. Funeral services were held Thursday at 1 p.m., by the Rev. Wallace Dora, at VanReenen Funeral Home with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Maggie Dalton

Martha E. Davis Martha Ester Davis, 88, of Crim Ave., Belington, and a former 40year resident of Ohio, died at 6:20 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 1998, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mrs. Davis was born March 27, 1910, at Boise. Lewis County, a daughter of the late George Grant and Mary Elizabeth Pickens Butcher. She was married to Homer J. Davis who preceded her in death in 1970. Surviving are two daughters, Mary A. Lewellyn, Belington, and Ruby C. Davis, Ohio; a sister, Birdie McCauley, Belington; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by six sisters; and a grandson, William Davis. Mrs. Davis was a homemaker and formerly attended the Baptist Church at Fultonham, Ohio.

Clarence Duckworth Clarence Wayne Duckworth, 39, of Route 1, Philippi, died Friday, Jan. 8, 1999, following a sudden illness. Mr. Duckworth was born Feb. 12, 1959, at Philippi, a son of the late Clarence William and Mildred Lulana McCauley Duckworth. On May 14, 1983, he married the former Rose Marie Waugaman who survives at Route 1, Philippi. , Also surviving are a son, William Hayes Duckworth, at home; a brother, Jesse Allen Duckworth, and wife, Penny, Philippi; a half brother, Billy Duckworth, Paducah, Ky.; two sisters, Sharron Bennett and husband, Grayson, Moatsville, and Lucille Hathaway and husband, Holly, Warren, Ohio. Mr. Duckworth was employed at Kines Motor Co. as an automotive and farm equipment mechanic. Friends were received at Stemple & Forman Funeral Home Sunday. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today at 2 p.m. with the Rev. David Brown officiating. Interment followed in Mt. Olive Cemetery.


Maggie Dalton, 99, of Route 1, Philippi, died at 4:50 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 9,1999, in Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, following a brief illness. Mrs. Dalton was born April 12, 1899, in Barbour County, a daughter of the late Edward Pierce and Mary Elizabeth Mayle Trimble. In 1918, she married Leroy Dalton who preceded her in death in February 1947. In 1953, she married Leonard Dalton who preceded her in death in November 1976. Surviving are a sister, Alda T Mayles, Rpsemont; nine grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren, 41 great-great-grandchildren, two great-great-great-grandchildren, seven stepgrandchildren, 11 stepgreat-grandchildren and 16 stepgreat-great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Lillian Adams; a son, Robert Dalton; two stepsons, French Dalton and Clarence Dalton; two sisters, Nancy McGee and Rosie Parsons; and six brothers, Byrd Trimble, Arlie Trimble, John Trimble, Troy Trimble, Jim Trimble and Elihue Trimble. Mrs. Dalton was a homemaker and a member of Barbour Church of Christ.

Mrs. Emma Dunbrack v^ Emma Estelie Smith Dunbrack, age 69, of Marlinton, departed this life April 10, 1987, at Stonewall Jackson Hospital. She was born near Marlinton August 13, 1917. Preceding her in deadi were "her parents, Luther L. and Frances E. Smith, her husband, Summers O. Dunbrack, sisters, Susie McKenney, Faye Fitzgerald, Lucy Jackson Warner, and three brothers, Jacob, Lee and Albert Smith. Surviving are three sisters, Lula Jackson, of Marlinton, Sallie Friel, of Elkins, and Maude Fertig, of Baltimore, Maryland, and one brother, Joe Smith, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home by Reverend Ronald Ray on Sunday, April 12. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Clarence Dickson Clarence Farnworth Dickson, age 72, of Timonium, Maryland, formerly of Lewisburg, died Sunday, May 2, 1999, in Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, following an extended illness. He was born January 10, 1927, at Organ Cave, a son of the late Edgar Farmsworth and Charlotte Mason Dickson. He was of the Presbyterian faith. A graduate of West Virginia University, he started working for the Farm Credit office in Lewisburg in 1953 and in 1969 joined the Federal Land Bank in Baltimore. In June of 1988 he retired as Senior Vice President for Credit for the federal Land Bank. He loved maps, history, and land observations. . Preceding him in death were his w 'fe, Bessie Brown Dickson, formerly ot Arbovale, in 199]- ginfant son in 1956, and one brother William M. Dickson, in 1994. Surviving him are two sons^ Joseph Brown Dickson, of Baltimore, and Richard Renick Dickson, of Timonium; daughter, Sara F. Dickson, of Alexandria, VirgWa; brother, Edgar FarnsworJi Dickson, of Richmond, Virjinia; sister, Elizabeth (Betsy) Dejges, of Lewisburg. Graveside service was held Wednesday at Salem Presbyterian Omrch Cemetery, Organ Cave, by /te Rev. Stewart MacMurray.

Charlotte L. Dilley Charlotte L. Dilley, age 61, of Huntersville, died at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Thursday, April 15, 1999. A native of Pontiac, Michigan, she was bom October 17, 1937, the daughter of the late Tom Henry and Helen Myers Tiltman. Surviving her are her husband, Delmer W. Dilley; two sons, Willard T. Dilley, of Loveland, Ohio, and Henry E. Dilley, of Huntersville; two sisters, Jean Guyette, of Grayland, Michigan, and Susan McMorran, of Walerford, Michigan; three brothers, Joe Tiltman, of Holland, Michigan, Tommy Tiltman of Michigan, and Richard Tiltman, of Pontiac, Michigan; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Jerry Moore, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Eugene P. Dilley Eugene Parker Dilley, age 74, of Route 2, Marlinton, died Friday, July 16, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been a resident at Pocahontas Center for about a month. Mr. Dilley was retired, a former manager/partner in Pocahontas Dairy and then sales manager at Marlinton Motor Sales. He attended Colorado A&M College. In World War II he served in the U. S. Army in die European Theater of Operations. He was a member, a former trustee and treasurer of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and active in the Sunday School, a member of the Marlinton Lions Club, Senior Citizens, present adjutant-financial officer of American Legion Post #50, in which he has served every office, and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was founder of the chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous in Marlinton. He was born in the Hill Country January 31, 1925, me son of the late Heavener and Icie Amanda Sharp Dilley. Preceding him in deam were his wife, Faith Wooddell Diller Dilley; two sisters, Joan Bell and Betty Lee Williams; and five brothers, Bedford, Maynard, Roscoe, Kermit afid Gordon Dilley. Surviving him are two stepchildren, Dwight Diller, of Hillsboro, and Nancy Diller Burks, of Richmond, Virginia; a sister, Helen Dilley Davis, of Marlinton; four step-grandchildren and three step-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Marlinton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Stanley Clark, Pastor Jerry Moore, and the Rev. Dwight H. Diller. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery, with military rites. Memorial contributions may be made to American Legion Post #50, Marlinton.

Richard Thomas Daugherty Richard Thomas "Tom" Daugherty, Jr., of Covington, Virginia, died Monday, July 5, 1999, at his mother's residence. He is survived by his wife, Linda D. Daugherty; his mother, Annie J. Daugherty; two brothers, Phillip L. Daugherty and Robert W. Daugherty; two sisters, Myrtle L. Tyson and Phyllis E. Pegram; a stepson, Robert L. Morris, III.


orace Doss Grace Doss, age 84, of Hillsboro, died Monday, February 8, 1999, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Doss was a member of Wesley Chapel United Mediodist Church. She was bom at Jacox November 19, 1914, the daughter of me late Winter and Bessie Simons Morrison. Preceding her in death were her husband, Moncie Doss; three sisters, Clair Smith, Helen (Maude) Miller, and Peg Bailey; and three brothers.Willard Morrison, Olbert Morrison, and Delbert Morrison. Survivors include her daughter, Eveline (Mut) Nelson, of Wallingford, Connecticut; six sons, Donald (Buster) Doss, of Stonington, Connecticut, Norman and William (Billy) Doss, of West Haven, Connecticut, Dennis and Freddie Doss, both of Hillsboro, and Randy Doss, of Fredericksburg, Virginia; two sisters, Kathleen Bailey, of Millersville, Pennsylvania, and Mary Nottingham, of Marlinton; one brother, Jack Morrison, of White Hall, Maryland; seventeen grandchildren and tbirty-uiree greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Roy Gwinn, witii burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the American Cancer Fund.

Harry F. Duncan Harry F. Duncan, age 86, of Charleston, died February 3, 1999, at home after a short illness. He was retired from the operations department of Union Carbide with 42 years' service. He was a member of First United Methodist Church, South Charleston. Mr. Duncan was a native of Pocahontas County. He was bom at Woodrow September 22, 1912, the son of John Preston and Edna White Duncan. A sister, Mabel Ruth (Mrs. Robert) Gay, and a brother, Loris, are deceased. Surviving him is his wife, Gladys Vamer Duncan. Memorial services were held Sunday afternoon at First United Methodist Church, South Charleston, by the Rev. Thomas Dunlap and the Rev. E. Wendall Eskew. Memorial gifts may be made to First United Methodist Church Memorial Fund, Glendale Avenue South Charleston, WV 25303

Georgia M. Dumire

Georgia M. Dumire, age 82, of Kopperston, died Wednesday, March 24, 1999, at her home. Born January 31, 1917, at Slaty Fork, she was the daughter of the late Harry and Birdie Gibson Vamer. A longtime resident of Wyoming County, she was a member of the Kopperston Presbyterian Church. Preceding her in death were her husband of 59 years, Boyd W. Dumire; a brother, Dock Varner; and three sisters, Betty Hannah, Marie Moore, and Oleta Baker. Mrs. Dumire is survived by a daughter, Rhoda Jarrell, of Powhatan, Virginia, and two grandchildren. Services were held Saturday at the Kopperston Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Collett Vamer. Entombment followed in Palm Memorial G'*rdens Mausoleum, Matheny.

bunaiu vaivm csgie

Edward Calvin Eagle, 89, one of the oldest attorneys in West Virginia, died at his home in H:..'on on Wednesday, J a n u ary 16, 1963, after a three year illness. Born May 24, 1873, on Hills Creek, Pocahontas County, he was a son of the late Charles E. and Elizabeth Anderson Eagle. He lived the early part of his life in Pocahontas County. Eagle was graduated from Hillsboro Academy and West Virginia University College of Law in 1896. He practiced in Marlinton prior to coming to Hinton on January 15, 1898. Eagle had lived in Hinton for sixty-five years. Eagle was a member of the Hinton Methodist Church and teacher of the Men's Bible Class as long as health permitted. In 1900 he married Mary Elizabeth Baker. She preceded him in death September, 1957. Survivors include a son, Harold B. Eagle, Hinton attorney and former Hinton Mayor and House of Delegate member; and a grandson. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Hinton Methodist Church with the Rev. I. E. Cregger and the Rev. Fred B. Wyandin charge. Burial was in Greenbrier Burial Park. Mr. Eagle was a brother of the late Mrs. A. W. Hill, of Marlinton.

John William Eagle. 86, formerly of Renick, died Sunday, May 27, 1962, at the home of a daughter, Mrs Homer Lowance in Ronceverte, after a long illness. He was a retired Greenbrier County farmer and a member of the Methodist Church at Renick. Survivors include two other daughters, Mrs. W. W. Poole, of Arlington, Virginia, and Mrs. David Schrock, of Baltimore, Maryland; four sons, Delbert Eagle, of Columbus, Ohio, Hercle Eagle, of Terre Haute, Indiana, Ira Eagle, of WhiiP Top, Virginia, and Vernon Eagle, of Droop; a brother. E. C. Eagle, of Hinton; 29 grandchildren, 32 greatgrandchildren, and 2 greatgreat-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon in the Renick Methodist Church by the Rev. Joseph P . Byrd, the Rev. E. Clyde Bussard and i he Rev. G. C. Musick in charge. Burial was in the Vlorningsid e Cemetery at Renick. Mr. Eagle was a brother of the late Mrs. A. W. Hill of Marlinton. M M . John Eeholt

Peter Frank Eades. 89, cf Durbin, died Wednesday. February 28, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born September 12, 1878, at Alderson, Greenbrier Count y , he was a son of the late George W. Eades and Luiza Anderson Eades. He was a member of the Greenbrier Presbyterian Church, a retired railroader. He had lived at Durbin since 1902 and was justice of peace at Durbin from 1947 until 1964 and was a member of the Modern Woodman Lodge at Elkins. He and his wife celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary December 4, 1967. He was preceded in death by his son, Robert Eades. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Annie Lexie Sutton Eades, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Liberty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Thomas Henderson and the Rev. Romie Edgell with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. P. F. Eades

Mrs. Annie Lexie Sutton Eades, 91, of Durbin, died Saturday, June 28, 1969, in he Ronceverte Hospital after i short illness. Born April 20, 1878, at Beverly, she was a daughter f the l a t e . Gatewood and 'aroline Cooper Sutton. She was a member of the iberty Presbyterian Church, i Green Bank. Survivors include two grandhildren. Funeral services were hpld Monday afternoon in the Liberty Presbyterian Church in Green Bank by the Rev. Thomas E. Henderson with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Ruth D. Echols, 81, of Lewisburg, died Sunday, February 16, 1975, in a Fairlea hospital after a long illness. She was a former resident of Green Bank, having first been married to John Hannah. She had lived in Lewisburg 24 Elizabeth Eagle, aged 83 years and was a member of the rs, wife of Ch .rles Eagle, former- Old Stone Presbyterian Church. ly of L-jueiia. aftei L^cuilin^ t:.„-, Survivora include her hussummer with her daughter Mrs A W. Hill at Marlinton, took her firs!; ©and, John; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth H. Bruce, of Athens, train ride a few days ago on her way to their new home recently purchas- Georgia; a sister, Mrs. Arthur Dyer, of San Antonio, Texas; ed in Greenbrier county by her son two brothers, John W. Daniel, John Eagle She was accompanied by her daughters. Mrs Hill and Mrs. of Houston, Texas, and Eugene T. M. McCartv and little Miss Ressie : Daniel, of San Antonio; and Hill. Mrs McCarty is the wife of two grandchildren. Rev. T. M McCarty, of the West Funeral services were held Virginia Conference, and a former school teacher of Pocahontas county. • Tuesday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Bev. McCarty has a charge in Preston county, near Te/ra Alta, this Lewisburg by Dr. T. W. Ap- Miss Margaret Eagle, agec state. He recently attended the person, with burial in Rose- .seventy-five years, died in Give land, Ohio. October 30, 1912, annual session of the conference at wood Cemetery. 1 where she had made her home Charleston. On his way from conferthe past twenty-five years. She ence he stopped at Hinton and spent >ne night with his brother-in-law. was a daughter of the late Mr Attorney E C. Eagle. When arrivand Mrs Charles F. Eagle of Loing at Ronceverte he joined company belia. She taught school for a with his aged father. S. A McCarty, number of years in Pocahontas and went home with him to the county. She is survived by two State of Vermont to spend about a brothers, Attorney E. C. Eagle month of vacation. of Hinton, and John Eagle of Renick, and two sisters, Mrs T. 'M. McCarty of Bridgeport. West Virginia, and Mrs A. \V. Hill of Marlinton.


George Feans Edgar, 7T, died in the Clifton Forge Hospital in .' Clifton Forge, Virginia, Tuesday The Town of Marlinton was stun- night, August 15, 1961, after a ned by the announcement on the few days' illness. morning of December 3, .1938, that Mr. Edgar was born May 26, just before dawn, the soul of Ann 1837, at Hillsboro, the son of Cap> Davis Edgar had departed, made perfect in holiness, and passed into tain Alfred N. and Lydia McNeel Edgar. His wife, Laura Callison glory. Edgar, died in 1937. She was born in Marlinton July 4, Surviving him are four children: 1914, the daughter of Allan Penick and Caroline Crouch Edgar, a de- Mrs. Nancy Pearis Kight and scendait on both her paternal and Mrs. Margaret McNeel Stinson, maternal sides, of families prominent both of Norfolk, Virginia; Mrs. in the social, historical, and political Martha Ann Townsend, of Chillilife of Pocahontas and Randolph cothe, Ohio; and Captain, USA., counties, West Virginia. She had an Retired, Thomas Callison Edgar, unusually brilliant mind, and ai of Hillsboro; nine grandchildren though since early childhood sh- had and a sister, Mrs. J. M. (Rachel) been in delicate health with I'ttle McNeel, ST., of Hillsboro. promise of reaching wornachood, yet Funeral services were held Friby her tireless energy she was determined to complete ber education if day afternoon at 2:00 in the Oak spared. She finished the prescribed Grove Presbyterian Church at course of study in the Marlinton Hillsboro by the Rev. J. K. FlemHigh School, one of the youngest stu- ! ing and the Rev. John Prather. dents ever to graduate; spent one I Pallbearers were Herman Isner, year (1931 32) at Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia; and entered Thomas Shields, William Moore, West Virginia University the fall of Marvin Wirner, Benton Smith 1932. After two years of study she and Jake^HllIgary. Burial was in finished the premedical course, and the McNeel Cemetery. the third and last year completed her j Mr. Edgar comes from a long first year in the school of medicine line of Americans, pioneers of the She was a member of Theta chapti Greenbrier Valley. His ancestors of the Chi Omega sorority at t) settled the fertile Greenbrier ValUniversity. On October 5th. • ley and his father and grandfather represented the Tenth Senatorial i. lived in and settled Ronceverte, trict of West Virginia as one of princesses in the coronation service running the flour mill there. Af of Queen Silvia VI at the Mountain ter marriage Mr. Edgar's father State Forest Festival, Elkins, West settled in the Little Levels, where Virginia. After her return home sin. his wife's ancestors were pioneers. was taken ill and spent the last eight As a young man George P. Edweeks of her short life in bed. lie; heart, always more or less involved gar received his education in Hillsbecame weaker, her strength began boro and Alderson. He then setrapidly to fail, and toward the end tled on the land of his father in aH hope of her recovery passed. Dur- the Little Levels, which he loved ing these last days her body was rack- so very dearly. Here he spent his ed with pain, and she suffered far | more than anyone knew, except those entire life farming, and buying ; who were in constant attendance and selling livestock. He was very around her bedside. She bore it all successful at this business and with gentle patience and in sweet promoted the livestock industry submission to God's will. All that in both Virginia and West Viri medical skill and tender nursing could ginia. He traveled extensively i do was done in an endeavor to prolong and had a host of friends through! her life out the State of West Virginia, j She united with the church of hej Virginia, and other surrounding ! father .and mother, Presbyterian, States. His friends were of all February lri, 1924, upon her profess- walks of life. ion of faith in Christ, a child of the After the death of his wife, he covenant. Her faith remained true and steadfast, beautiful to the end. served as both father and mother Just a few days before her departure, to his four children and has left in a conversation with her pastor j memories to his children and she expressed her impli'-' confident u grandchildren of kindness, generir, l\ie merits of her Savior, and was ousness and understanding. anxious to know, obey, and submit His trust in his fellowman was to His will, and with this blessed as-i beyond compare. He made a lot surance she passed on. On Thursday afternoon, December' of his appointments and business of Philip ElminstoD, of Greene-ik 5, 1935, in the presence of a large by memory and remembered eva he h 0me ln ? n„ \ / , ^ahontascoun congregation of relatives and friends, ery single one of them. He has ] t j on Saturday, January 13, i 9 4 0 her funeral service was conducted in been a life long member of the i j Funeral and burial were held at the Maninton Presbyterian Church Hillsboro community, living in the' S r s T u , r T Dr ed a u gf h Dt t, r, ns ms « ' ' v e - by her pastor, Rev. Samuel B. Lap- old Pearl S. Buck homestead in « ' pPaul kS w n ' °of Williamsburg ^ , and sley, assisted Ly Rev. Harvey H Orr, !M Mrs. Wallace, later years. His unusual ability of Rich wood. West Virginia, a for- made him an outstanding citizen, mer pastor who had received her into the communion of the church as a and with his passing another of the wonderful people of his generchild. ation will be sadly missed by

Robert R. Eades, 60, of Akron. Ohio, formerly of Durbin, died Saturday, February 15, 1964. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Akron, and was grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias in Ak- j ron. Mr. Eades had lived in I Pocahontas €ounty until 12 years ago. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen Eades; one daughter, Miss Lexie Lou Eades, of Columbus, Ohio, one son, Robert Eades, of El Paso, Texas; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. IF. Eades, of Durbin, and two j grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. W. D. j Lively. Burial was in the Ari bovale Cemetery. Mrs. Caroline Crouch Edgar • Mrs. Caroline Crouch EdgSr 75, died Friday, March 6, 1964, in a hospital at Cheraw, South Carolina, after a long illness. She had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Elwood Clower. in Chesterfield, South Carolina. Born in Randolph County April 26, 1889, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Newton Crouch. She was the widow of Allen P. Edgar, lawyer and prosecuting attorney of Pocahontas County, who died in 1937. A son and two daughters, Alfred, Ann Davis and Virginia, also pre-': ceded her in death. Surviving her are the daughter, Mrs Elwood Ciower, and six grandchildren, Caroline, Roddy, Christopher and Jennifer Clower, Ann Davis and Mallory Edgar, and two greatgrandchildren. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Services were held in Chesterfield Saturday afternoon and graveside services were conducted by the Rev. W. E. Pierce in Mountain View Cemetery here Sunday afternoon.


Ann i / a i u &UUH;.

1914 - 1935

- Alfred Newton Edgar, aged 50 i y e n s , died in the Chesterfield Memorial Hospital at Cheraw, South Carolina, on Thursday, July 27th, 1961, after a long ill ness. i Mr. Edgar was the son of the late Allan P. Edgar and Carrie Crouch Edgar, of Marlinton. He was a member of the Marllinton Presbyterian Church. He attended Washington and Lee University and West Virginia University. A member of the Chesterfield Bar Association he practiced law in Ruby, South Carolina. Mr. Edgar is survived by his mother, Mrs. Allen P. Edgar; a son, Mallory Freemen Edgar, of the United States Army; a daughter, Ann Davis, of Parkersburg, and a sister, Mrs. E. N. Clower, of Chesterfield, South Carolina. Funeral services were held in Millers and Rivers Funeral Home at Chesterfield. Interment services were held at Mountain View Cemetery, a£,.Marlinton. Pallbearers wefe: Alfred .McNeel, Moffett McNeel. Jr., Samuel McNeel, T T ^ J t e x r o d e , F r a n k H i l l , Johnny Hilleary'and N J T M o o r e . ^

George J. Elliott *" George James Elliott, age 67 of Cass died May 17, 1995, at ^ocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. He was a carpenter and a Methodist. -Green Bank October 7, a son of the late Josie Lee Taylor - J to his parents, he was preceded in death by two sisters, Lillian Lee Elliott and Bertha Elizabeth Hunsicker, and a brother, Robert Franklin Elliott. Surviving him are two sisters, Betty Jane Arbogast, of Cass, and Woodsie Ashford, of Princeton; and a brother, Granville Elliott, of Green Bank. Services were held at 2 p m Saturday at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev David Fuller, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. £ ^ Sam H. Elliott ^ Sam H. Elliott. 69, well known contractor? a n d life long resident * ^ - e e , n J a D k ' Pocahontas County, died Wednesday night, April 18, 1951, after an illness of six months. Funeral services were Mn*iUCf-ed a t t h e W e s , e - V Chapel M e t h o d s Church at 2:00 p. m Saturday, with the local minister' Key. Q. R. Arbogast, officiating Burial was in the Arbovale Ceme tery.

$ u f u s Hobbs Elliott, 82, of Boyer, died at his home Tuesday, July 26, 1966. Born December 20, 1883, at Green Bank, he was the son of the late C. J. Elliott and Elizabeth Propst Ell ott. He was a member of the Boyer Methodist Church and a retired carpenter and farmer. . Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Clemma Grogg Elliott; four daughters, Mrs. H, D. Thompson, of Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Clyde Finnemore, of Painesville, Connecticut, Mrs. J. H. Black, of Northfield, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Paul Stone,of Northfork, Virginia; one son, Rufus J. Elliott, of Bartow, and 24 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Boyer Methodist Church by the Rev. Romie Edgell, the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. Gerald Senger, Jr. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Sam H. Elliott Sam H. Elliott,%%, well known contractor, and life long resident of Green Bank, Pocahontas County, died Wednesday night, April 18, 1951, after an illness of six ruouths. Funeral services vere conducted at the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at 2:00 p. m.. Saturday, with the local minister. Rev. Q. R. Arbogast, officiating Burial was in the Arbovale Ceme tery. Ruth Elliott Mrs. Ruth Elliott, 69, died Friday, November 21, 1981. in Memorial General Hospital, Elkins after a long illness. Born August 22, 1912, near Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late William and Nancy Hefner Gilmore. Mrs. Elliott was a housewife and a member of the West Union Methodist Church. Her husband, Ralph, died March 28, 1980, and a brother, Lanty Gilmore, lied September 27,1981. Survivors include several nephews. Services were held Sunday at 12:30 p. m. in the VanReen* en Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton with Rev. B. B* Mitcham officiating. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery.


mrs. uwe n. crvin is I Mrs. Ollie R. Ervin, 75, of Cass, died Thursday, April 8, 1965, in an Elkins hospital of a heart condition. Born in Pocahontas County, June 7, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Philip Edmiston and Susanna Buterbaugh. She was a member of the Cass Methodist Church and the Women's Socie'y of Christian Service. Since 1948 she had operated the Cass Boarding House. Preceding her in death were her two husbands, Samuel G. Sheets, in 1927, and Lee Ervin, in 1935. . Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Dainies Myers, of Wellsville, Pennsylvania, Miss Gertrude Sheets, of Kings Dort, Tennessee, and Mrs. Jane Hamed, of Green Bank; three sons, Philip Sheets, of Green Bank, Thurman Sheets, of Denver, Colorado, and Gilbert Sheets, with the United States Navy in San Juan, Puerto Rico; two step-sons, Warren Ervin, of Berkley, and Ted Ervin, of Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mra. Effie Shears, of Cass, and Mrs. Lottie Wallace, of Dexter Ohio; 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Dunlap and the Rev. W. D. Lively. Burial was in the Arbjvale Cemetery.

Henley Benton cm Henry B. Ervin*1 resident of Cass, u . ^ at UIB nonic on Thursday a'cernoo: . r-'ntember 19,1957, of a heart attack. af n *V.1D£ a r * h i s wife > Mrs. Stella McCaplm Ervine; and a sister. Mrs. E< t a Bowers, of Clover Lick. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p. m., on Sunday afternoon, at the Cass Methodist Church, with the Rev. Ed Thomas officiating. Burial was made in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mr. Ervine was a retired sawyer for the Mower Lumber Company, at Cass. He was a member of the Moose Lodge at Richwood and the Knights of Pythias Lodge, at Tsnllen.

* . jamuei u. trviir Samuel David Ervin, 81, son of Edward Newton Ervin and Phoebe Bright Ervin, was born June 5, 1885, at Arbovale, Pocahontas County, and died Thursday, December 15, 1966, in Lynchburg, Virginia. Mr. Ervin, who was a farmer, owned and operated a farm near Arbovale until he retired. He then made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Philip Carder, ol Route 1. Forest, Virginia One son, Elbert 0. Ervin, preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leila Orndorff Ervin; three dauehters, Mrs. Dale Gum and Mrs. Mary Delia Taylor, both of Painesville, Ohio, and Mrs. Philip Carder, of Forest. Virginia; two sons, Lyon Ervin, of Morgantown. nnd Dale Ervin, of Fshersville, Virginia; four sisters, Mrs. Maggie Taylor, of LeMoore California, Mrs. Matt'e Arbotrast, of Huntington, Mrs. Effie Wilfong. of Bartow, and Mrs. Clyde Gillespie of Green Bank, and one brother, Don Ervin, of Green Bank; sixteen grandchildren and twenty-three gre», t-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Wilmer Crummett, of New Windsor, Maryland, and the Rev. Travis C. Wells. Jr., of Green Bank. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery

Warren M. Ervin \/ Warren M. Ervin, 65, of 305 Orchard Avenue, Beckley, died February 7, 1974, in a local hospital after a long illness. / ^ # ^ > A retired strip miner last employed by the La Fayette Coal Company, in Lewisburg, he was born at Arbovale, March 29, 1908, the son of the late Lee and Virgie Sutton Ervin. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Estelle Crowley Ervin; a son, Warren Ervin, Jr., of Clay, two daughters, Mrs. Winnogene Trimble, Portage, Indiana, and Mrs. Phyllis Mace, of Clay, a brother, Ted, Meadville, Penn sylvania, and four granddaughters. Services were held Saturday, in the Keyser-Bryant Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Robert M. Fuqua in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Ena Grimes Ervin Mrs. Ena Grimes Ervin, 73, died on Monday, March 24, 1980, at Denmar Hospital of pneumonia. She was a member of Emmanuel Church. A^^krd Born June 2, 1906, on Bruffey's Creek, she was a daughter of John Barnett Grimes and Serene Bruffey Grimes. Preceding her in death were her husband, Forrest Ervin, an infant daughter, a sister, Mrs. Bradford Swann, and four brothers, Clyde, Uric, Dice and Danny, an infant. Her only survivors are three nephews, Dr. Barton Grimes, Greenville, Tennessee, John Grimes, Bel Air, Maryland, Bob Grimes, Staunton, and two nieces, Mrs. Thelma Shrader, Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Swan Means, Indianapolis, Indiana. Services will be held at 10 A. M., Thursday, in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. William Trowbridge officiating. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. G. M. Ervine Dies

Miss Anna Lee Ervine, 77, d'ed j Thursday, November 24, 1960, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Miss Ervine taught in many schools in Pocahontas and out of | the county for 28 years before she retired in 1929; fallowing that she ferved as deputy assessor from 1932 through 1956 and also as deputy clerk in the Circuit Clerk's office until about a year ago. She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church the Marlinton Woman's Club and tr Woman's Christian Temperam < Union. Born in Huntersville October 30, 1883, she was the daughter of the late G. M. and Mary EErvine. Surviving her are a brother,; Myrl Ervine of Marlinton; five sisters, Mrs. Edith Bussard of i Sweet Springs, Mrs, Charles F. Clayton of Fort Worth, Texas, Mrs. Charles S. Kramer of Marlinton, Mrs. Don B. Potter of Fairmont, and Mrs. Dana Hicks of Charleston. Funeral services were held in the Marlinton Methodist Church Saturday by her pastor, the Rev. H. M. Pennington, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Hubert Ervine

Mary Elizabeth Sharp Ervine, I Hub3rt Ervine, a*e! r~3 year?, of Marlinton. died at her home one of nine children of Mrs. Alary on November 18. 1949. Mrs. ErSharp Ervine, and the late Georjje vine was bo»A June 27. 1865. On December 28. 1882, she was M. Ervine, was born on May 7, united in marriage to G. M. Er- 1896, and departed this life May vine. 7, 1949. Surviving are six daughters: On Monday afternoon, his body Anna Lee Ervine. at home; Mrs. 1 Edith Buzzard of Minnehaha ^vas buried in the fami - plot in Springs; Mrs. C. F. Clayton oi Vlt. View cemetery; tftary Fort Worth. Texas; Mrs. C. S. honors were by the V terans of Kramer of Marlinton; Mrs. D. Foreign Wars. The se vice was B. Potter of Fairmont, and Mrs. the home by hi: pa9tor, Dana M. Hicks of Germany; tw> IV' sons. Myrle Ervine of Marlinton Rev. E. N. Carlson. and Clifford F. Ervine of CatsMr. Ervine married Miss Mary kill. N. Y. Also surviving are Pritchard. Their four children her sisters. Mrs. C. S. Peterson of Coatesville. Pa.. Mrs. P. L. are Thomas, James H., Mary Lou SnaoD of Macon, Ga.. and Mrs. .and Donald, all of Akron. Sam Sheets of Hillsboro, and a The deceased was a veteran of brother. Gilbert Sharp of Minne- the first World War, and saw haha Springs, and eighteen grandnearly a year of service overseas. children. Preceding her in death were Clifford Ervine her husband. G. M. Ervine, anil a son. Hubert. Word has been received of the Mrs. Ervine was a life-long death of Clifford Ervine in Catsmember of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was active for kill, New York, on Saturday, some time in Circle No. 1 of the December 7, 1957. local church, as well as in the Services and interment were in Homebuilders S u n d a y School Catskill, New York. Class and the Church Choir. She He is the son of the late G. M. was loved and respected by all who knew her. and Mary Elizabeth Sharp Ervine Funeral services were held at Mr. Ervine was a brother, of 2 p. m. last Sunday at the Mar- j linton Methodist Church, with the j Miss Anna Lee Ervine, Mrs. Rev. Don C. Taylor officiating. ( Charles Kramer, and G. Myrl Interment was made ir. the Mt. Ervine, all of Marlinton, and View Cemetery. Mrs. Edith Buzzard, of Minne-

I haha Springs.



David Ellis Ervin, 73, ot Cass, died Sunday, February 21, 1965, in the Denmar State Hospital at Beard, where he had been a patient for two years. He was a lifelong resident of Cass. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lerona Ervin, of Baltimore, Maryland; two daugh-' ters, Mrs. Lucille Nottingham j ancL.MjLS. Marie Repass, both | of Baltimore, Maryland; twoj sons, Thurmond Ervin, sta- j tioned with the Air Force in j Amarillo, Texas, and Leland | Ervin, of Baltimore. Maryland seven sisters, Mrs. Zella Clayton and Mrs. Marie King, both of Cowen; Mrs. Florence Ervin, of Fortdale. Ohio; Mrs. Annie Ervin, of Caldwell; Mrs Grace Price, of Fairlea, Mrs. Mary Mick, of Durbin, and Mrs. Eva Carpenter, oFTetersburg, Virginia; one brother, Norman Ervin, of Cowen, fifteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Wallace and Wallace Chape) at Arbovale by the Rev. Jack Miller. Burial was in^the Arbovale Cemetery.



Mrs. Vesta Belle Ervine Mrs. Vesta Belle Ervine, 74, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, Sebtember 22, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born June 20, .1897, she was a member of the Church of Brethren. j She had been a resident of I Green Bank for 58 years. Survivors include her husband, Donald C. Ervine; four daughters, Mrs. Al : ce Miller and Mrs. Mildred Raines, both of Elkins, Mrs. Marie Crawford, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs Lucille Sheets, of Valley Bend; four sons, Jack Ervine, of Baltimore, Maryland, Alfred, Dewey and Guy Ervine, all of Green Bank; one brother, Charley Calhoun, of Lititz Pennsylvania, one sister, Mrs. Elva Hevener, of Lititz, Pennsylvania; 17 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Green Bank Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

l l l i u u i l Ittnni!,, I . Naomi lhri$ii»e trvin Wilbur Franklin E i, aged Nai ni Christine Ervin, aged 70 years, died a*, bib borne at Jamestown, Pennsylvania, at 1'JUi) 25 years, of Arbovale, di a. m., en Saturday, September'23, Tuesday, December 10, L946. On 1950. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon the fui inducted fi-om the Metho at the Bdird Funeral fiorae at Church at Arbovale by Rev. Greenville, Pennsylvania, and i ferment was made in the Paris fenny, assisted by Rev. Pugh. Interment was in Arbovale GemoLawn Cemetery, at Jamestown. 1 Mr. Ervin was born on Octo te-. ,. The deceased was' the da ber '2, 1879, at Green Bank; later moving to Pennsylvania. He was of Mr. and Mrs. William R of Arbovale. She leaves to mourn a carpeDter by trade. her loss her father and mother, 1 Surviving are his widow, Mr , one sister, Mrs. Evon Sheets, of Beulah Ervin; one daughter, Hel- Cass, and four brothers, Carl, en, at home; four sons, Charles of Herndon, Virginia, Birr and Richard, of Cheyenne, Wyo- of Alleghany, Virginia, Arnold ming; Steryl, of Hartstown, and and ( Sval, of Bartow, and a host Julian, of Conneaut Lake, Penu- of relatives and friends. Tnree -yhania Also three brothers, sisters and one brother preceded l>on ErviD, of Green Bank; Sam her some years ago. Ervin, of Arbovale, and' Leslie She was loved by all who knew Ervin, of Meadevilie, Pennsylvania; and five sisters, Mis. Laura •er. She became a member of Giilisiiie, of Arbovale; Mrs. Ruth *he Methodist Church when a Collins, of Frank; Mrs. Mattie roung girl, and was always r Arbogast, of Huntington; Mrs. •n Potter, Clarksburg, Mrs I sylvania; a son, Lawrence E. Hicks, Webster S . Ings. Ervin, of Meadvilie, PennsylMr Ervine was a trul.v good vania; five sisters, Mrs. Henry man; a professing christian and (Valera) Tharters, of Shaker life long meni^er of the MethodHeights, Ohio; Mrs. Harold j (Daisy) Sha'rtle, of Meadvilie, ist Church. Pennsylvania; Mrs. Charles i ti. ftl. ut ; (Doris) Myers, of San Jose i G M. Ervin», aged eigi.i^' California; Mrs. Clyde (Mad-' jlyn) P a t t y and Mrs. Henry seven years, died at4ais home in (Myrtle) Grady, both of E 1 Marlinton\pn Friday, November | Cerrito, California; a biother, 6, 1942. IIX ijacl/ueen in failing ral years. On Fred Ervin, of Richmond, health for uneral _ afta i Township; several nephews Methodwas and nieces. Fred OxenServices were held Friday, ist church b, Rev Aubrey November 10, at the Ward dale, assisted ?nt in the famiFuneral Home in Meadvilie F e r g u s o n / i n w cemetery, by the Rev. E. L. Russel, with ly plot )on M< The deeeaf ed was born at burial in the Blooming Valley ovember 8, 1855, Green bank, Cemetery. the son of William and Elizabeth Tane Burr Ervine. In 1882, he 1 M«ry Elizabeth Sharp, 3TG=>


HENLEY BENTON ERVINE Henley. B. Ervine, 68-year-old resident of Cass, died at his home on Thursday afternoon, September 19, 1957, of a heart attack. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella McCaplin Ervine; and a sister, Mrs. Etta Bowers, of Clover Lick. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, at the Cass Methodist Church with the Rev Ed. Thomas officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mr. Ervine was a retired sawyer for the Mower Lumber Company, at Cass. He was a member of the Moose Lodge at Richwood and the Knights of Pythiaa I Lodge, at Nallen. Mrs. Roscoe Ervin

Mrs. Mary Shields Ervin, about 64, of Fenwick, died Monday, May 6, 1974, in the Sacred Heart Hospital in Richwood. Born at Stony Bottom she was a daughter of Austin and Savilla Wilfong Shields. A brother, Carl Shields, preceded her in death. Surviving her are husband, Roscoe, four sons. Theodore, Donald, Clark and Kermit, and a daughter, Florence (Susie), and a sister, Delia Oliver, of Hamilton, Ohio. Services will be held at 11:00 a. m. Thursday morning in the Simons and Coleman Funeral Home Chapel in Richwood with burial at 2:00 p. m. Thursday in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.

JU111C5 LiCC Lil VIM Clarence n. utnw James Lea Ervin, aged 35 years, ClareDce Roekford Ervine, aged 33 years, died at bis home in died on Sunday, April 7, 1957, Greenbank, Tuesday morning, after a long illness. He lived March 15, 1949. He had been ill with his son, Blaine of for a month with a weak heart. Fenwick. On Wednesday after- ; Thursday afternoon the fun- noon his body was laid in the' eral was held at the Greenbank cemetery at Stony Bottom. The Methodist Church by Rev. Quade minister was Rev. Ed Thomas. The deceased lived at Clover j Arhogast and Rev. Graham Keys. Burial in the Arbogast cemetery. Lick for many years. He was The deceased was a son of Mr. ;an expert mechanic, and last of and Mrs Don Ervine. He is sur our gun smiths. He is survived | vived by four brothers, Guy and by five sons, Blaine and Ross, of | Alfred at home, Jack and Dewey Fenwick; Jake and Herman, of of Cass; four sisters, Alice at Cleveland, Ohio; Bernard, of home, Mrs. Ralph Bennett of Clover Lick; a daughter, Mrs. Dunmore, Mrs. Everette Sheets Virginia Lowe, of Green Bank. of Greenbank and Mrs. Mildred Of his father's family there remain his sister, Mrs. Etta Bowers, Haines of Cumberland, Md. of Clover Lick, and Bentoi ErHe was a graduate of Green1 bank High School, Class of 1940. vin, of Cass. Prior to his death he was owner Lantie F. Ervine / v , ^ and manager of the Cass Taxi Co. He was well liked by everyLantie F. Ervine, aged 72 years one aud will be sadly missed by died at his home in St. Albans on lull. Thursday, Sept. 7, 19 u, after a

Henley Benton Ervine Henry B. Ervine, 68-year-old resident of Cass, died at his home on Thursday afternoon, September 19, 1957, of a heart, attack. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella McCaplin Ervine; and a sister, Mrs. Etta Bowers, of Clover Lick. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p. m., on Sunday afternoon, at the Cass Methodist Church, with the Rev. Ed Thomas officiating. Burial was made in the Arbovale Qemetery. Mr. EiwineNyaLa retired sawyer for the Mower Lumber Company, at OJass. Me was a member of the T^oojSe Lodge at Richwood and thVfcnights of Pythias Robert L. Ervine Robert L. Ervine, 71, of Lodge, at Nallen. Kelloggsville, Ohio, formerly of Cass, died Tuesday, | Mrs. Anna Grace Ervine (ty September 23,1986. He was self-employed as an Durbin—Mrs. Anna Grace Arboinstaller of water systems and :gast Ervine. aged 68 years, wife had lived in Ohio 31 years. i of William Ervine, died on Wed Born April 19, 1915, at Cass, 'nesday April 11, 1951. On Frihe was the son of the late Noah day afternoon the fuDeral was held from the Arbovale Methodist and Lula Sprouse Ervine. Surviving him are his wife, Church by her pastor, Rev. Albert Tenny. Burial in Arbovale Louise Richards Ervine; three cemetery. her husband, sisters, Mrs. Bessie Hayes, of the deceasedBeside is survived by four Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. children, Mr. Evon Sheets of Dorothy Tacy, of Cass, and F r o t t Royal, Va.; Arnold P.. of Mrs. Hazel Caudill, of Galena, Boyer; Orval of Bartow^ and Ohio. Birchie, of Alleghany, Va. Her Funeral services will be held sister is Mrs. Alilee Nicholas of at 2 p. m. Saturday in Wallace Elk Garden; her five brothers are and Wallace Funeral Home in Charles, P. W., and William ArArbovale, with burial , in bogast. Arbovale Cemetery.

long illness. Burial on Saturday in Arbovale cemetery. The del ceased is survived b.y his wife and three sons, W. R., IIar:\\. and L-. O., a daughter, .Mrs H. O, Black hurst; three brothers, Wal ter, Lee and Benton;-and three sisters, Mrs. ivy Rider, Mrs. Dora Byrd and Mrs. Ella Bovvers. Leslie H. Ervin KMrs. Mrs. Minnie Ervin, age

94 years and eight days, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daisy Lee Shartle, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, August 7, 1974. Born near Green Bank July 30, 1880, she was the daughter of Henry and Rachel GilHspie Sheets. She was the last of her father's family tb be called. She was united in marriage to Leslie H. Ervin on November 6, 1901; he preceded her in death on February 26,1963. Four sons and two daughters also preceded her in death. Other surviving children are Fred R. Ervin, of Meadville, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Madelene El Cerrito, California, Mrs. Valeria Tharett, of Shaker Heights, Ohio, and Mrs. Doris Myres, of San Jose, California. Services and burial were in Pennsylvania.


myri ervine \ Dale Ervin, 73, of FishersGrady Myrl Ervine, 66, of ville, Virginia, died Friday, Marlinton, died of a heart at- January 5,1979, in a Waynestack Monday evening, June boro hospital. 23, 1969. He suffered the atMr. Ervin, a native of Artack on the golf course of the bovale, was a farmer and autoPocahontas County Country mobile salesman. His parents Club, where he had been man- were the late Sam and Leila ager since he retired from the Orndorff Ervin. dry cleaning business. Surviving him are his wife, The son of the late George Mrs. Ethel Pugh Ervin, and Mack and Elizabeth Sharp one daughter, Faye Diehl, of Ervine. he was born DecemWaynesboro, Virginia, three ber 8, 1902, near Huntersville. sons, Amil, of Verona, VirSurviving him are his wife, ginia, Allen Dale, Winchester, Mrs. Delphia Anita Ervine; Virginia, and Hanley, Toronto, two sons, Kenneth M. Ervine, Canada; a brother, Leon Erof Marlinton, and Lieutenant vin, of Morgantown; and two Commander Don M. Ervine, sisters, Chessa Gum, Elkina, of Virginia Beach, Virginia; and Delia Taylor, of Ohio. four grandchildren; four sisServices and burial were at ters, Mrs. Madge Kramer, of Fishersville on Monday. Marlinton, Mrs. Thelma Hicks, CHARLES LEE ERVINE of Webster Springs, Mrs. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ernestine Potter, of Fairmont, William Ervine Ervlne, aged one month and nine and Mr?. Maxine Clayton, cf William Ervine, 50, of Dandays. Fort Worth, Texas. ville, died Friday, February 10, ,: A|Httle grave, but O have a care 1984, in Logan General HosServices will be held ThursFoit world-wide hopes are buried day afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in pital at Logan. there; Born in Maiden, he was the Marlinton Methodist How much of lijjht, how much of joy the son of Mrs. Walda Camole Church, of which he was a Are buried with a darling boy. member, by the Rev. Maynard Ervine, of DuPont City, and the "A little grave, • • id bound with sod, Crawford, with burial in the late Lanty Arnold Ervine. Yet opened by il, ; love of God; Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Ervine was a teacher in For He who rose m Easter Morn Logan High School and partOur darling to i iimself hath borne, time professor in Charleston. Clifford Ervine "We will not lir ;er at his grave, Surviving, in addition to his Word has' been received of the Nor yet bis ear: en body crave; mother, are his wife, Alice; death of Clifford Ervine in CatsBut find his lUe in loving deeds daughter, Walda Susan, and For Christ, Wl •> died for human kill, New York, on Saturday, son, Leigh, all of Danville; needs." December 7, 1957. and a brother, Larry Ervine, of S. R. NEEL. Services and infeTmemtwere in j Virginia. July, 1«, 1°25. Catskill, New Ybrk. )\ Services were held in DanHe' is the son qf-fehe-flCte JS. M. ville on Monday with graveside Mrs. Leila Ervin „ and Mary Elizabeth Sharp Ervine 'services and burial in Arbovale Mrs. Leila Orndorff Ervin, Mr. Ervine was\a brother, of Cemetery on Tuesday. 83, of Fishersville, Virginia, Miss Anna Lee E>v4aer / Mrs. formerly of Green Bank, died Charles Kramer, and G. Myrl Merle Ervin Saturday, July 12, 1969 in a Ervine, all of Marlinton, and ^^^k Morgantown hospital. Mrs.. Edith Buzzard, of Minne- Merle Ervin, 49, of Baltfnore, Maryland, died SaturShe was a member of the haha Springs. lay, June 27, 1964. ^ ^ ^ Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank and had lived He was a son of Ellis and at Fishersville, Virginia, for 14 jorena Ervin, of Cass. years. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ervine Survivors include his wife, along with their son, Donnie, of Mrs. Freda Ervin; two daughSurvivors include three dauArbovale, are proud to anters, Lorena Blockinger and ghters, Mrs. Dale Gum, and nounce the birth of their second Carolyn Gariety; three sons, Mrs. Delia Taylor, both of son, Jason Edward, on NovemDonald, David and Alvin ErPainesville, Ohio, and Mrs. ber 19, 1981, weighing 5 lbs., vin, all of Baltimore, MaryWanona Carder, of Fishersville 15 ozs. in the Davis Memorial land; his parents, Mr. and Virginia; two sons, Leon ErHospital at Elkins. Mrs. Ellis Ervin, of Cass; two vin, of Morgantown, and Dale sisters. Mrs. Marif Repass and The mother is the former Ervin, of Fishersville, VirginMrs. Lucille Nottingham, both Debra Mullenax. Grandparents ia; and two sisters, Mrs. Hoxie of Baltimore, Maryland; two Pugh, of Arbovale, and Mrs. are Mr. and Mrs. Edward brothers, Leland Ervin, of T. L. Brown, Green Bank. Mullenax, of Arbovale, and Baltimore, Maryland, and TMr. and Mrs. Dewey Ervine, of Funeral services were held Sgt. Thurmond Ervin, sta Green Bank. Great-grandparTuesday afternoon in the Libtioned at Amarillo, Texas, and ents are Mrs. and Mrs. Warren erty Presbyterian Church at nine grandchildren. Brown, of Arbovale, and Mrs. Green Bank by the Rev. WilNeva Plyler, of Green Bank. bur Crummett and the Rev. Funeral services were held Thoiias E. Henderson, with July 1, in Baltimore with bur burial in the Arbovale Cemial in Glen Haven Cemetery ertey. in Baltimore, Maryland.

James Lee Ervin, aged 85 years, died on Sunday, April 7, 1957, after a long illness. He live ' with his son, Blaine, c' jFeawick. On Wednesday afternoon his body was laid in the cemetery at Stony Bottom. The minister was Rev. Ed Thomas. The deceased lived at Clover i Lick for many years. He was an expert mechanic, and last of our gun smiths. He is s irvived by five sons, Blaine and Ross, of Fenwick; Jake and Herman, of Cleveland, Ohio; Bernard, of Clover Lick; a daughter, Mrs Virginia Lowe, of Creen L. ut his father's family there r main his sister, Mrs. E t t a Bow^ of Clover Lick, and B e n t o i I : n, of Cass. |

3Y y





David Ellis Ervin, 73, ol Cass, died Sunday, February 21, 1965, in the Denmar State Hospital at Beard, where he had been a patient for two years. He was a lifelong resident of Cass. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lerona Ervin, of Baltimore, Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Nottingham and M-s. Marie Repass, bothcf Baltimore, Maryland; two sons, Thurmond Ervin, stationed with the Air Force in Amarillo. Texas, and Leland Ervin, of Baltimore. Maryland seven sisters, Mrs. Zella Clayton and Mrs. Marie King, both of Cowen; Mrs. Florence Ervin, of Fortdale, Ohio; Mrs. Annie Ervin, of Caldwell; Mrs Grace Price, of Fairlea, Mrs. Mary Mick, of Duibin, and Mrs. Eva Carpenter, of Petersburg, Virginia; one brother Norman Ervin, of Cowen, fifteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held {Wednesday afternoon at the | Wallace and Wallace Chape! at Arbovale by the Rev. Jack I Miller. Burial was in^the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs.' William Ervine & Children

Mrs. Nellie Combs Ervine, 28, her son, Daniel William Ervine, 7, and her niece, Nancy Susan Boles, eight months, were killed in an automobile accident on Hiehway 113 West, Milan. Ohio, on Saturdav, May 16, 1967. A daughter, D o p a Jean Ervine. 10. died Sunday from head injuries received in the same accident. Her brother, George Combs, who was driving, was critically injured. Mrs. Ervine, wh.o was a native of Kentucky, and the children are survived bv their husband and lather. William Ervine, formerly of Clover L'ck, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ervine, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Bertha Combs, of Kentuckv, and her sisters, Julie Goad, Margaret Combs, and Betty Sutphin, and two other brothera. Riley and Ray Combs. Little Nancy is survived by her parents, David and Lillian Boles, and a brother, Thomas Kevin. Joint services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the Clover Lick Method's^ Church by the Rev. Robert Shields, of Raid. Burial will be in Stony Bottom Cemetery.

W. t. fcrvin William E. Ervin, years, of Boyer, died on Mondav. September 15. 1952, after a long illness. OD Wednesday afternoon the funeral will be held from the Arbovale Church, and DM bod\ laid in the Arbovale Cemetery. The deceased is survived by his two sons, Arnold, of Boyer, and Orville, of Dunmore, and bis daughter, Mrs. tfvon Sheets, of Cass. Mrs. Vesta Belle ErvineC_> Mrs. Vesta Belle Ervine, 74, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, Sebtember 22, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born June 20, .1897, she was a member of the Church of Brethren. s She had been a resident of Green Bank for 58 years. Survivors include her husband, Donald C. Ervine; four daughters, Mrs. Al:ce Miller and Mrs. Mildred Raines, both of Elkins, Mrs. Marie Crawford, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs Lucille Sheets, of Valley Bend; four sons, Jack Ervine, of Baltimore, Maryland, Alfred, Dewey and Guy Ervine, all of Green Bank; one brother, Charley Calhoun, of Lititz. Pennsylvania, one sister, Mrs. Elva Hevener, of Lititz, Pennsylvania; 17grandchildren, and- five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Green Bank Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Norman W. Ervia Norman W. Ervin, 68, died Monday, January 26,1981, in a Richmond, Virginia hospital after a long illness. Born November Hi, 1912, in Earlhurst, Virginia. Mr. Ervin was a World War II veteran. Survivors include three waters, Mrs. Zella Clayton and Mrs. Marie King, both of Cowen, and Mrs. Mary Mick, of Duroin. Funeral services will be Thursday at 11 a. m. in tbe Collins Funeral Home Cbapel in Cowen. Burial will be in Woods Cemetery near Cowen.

D. C. Ervine

Donald C. Ervine, 85, of Green Bank, died Sunday, July 29, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital at Marlinton. A lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, he was a retired farmer. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Lucille Sheets, of Valley Bend, Mrs. Alice MilJer, and Mrs. Mildred Raines, both of Elkins, and Mrs. Mane Crawford, of Baltimore, Maryland; four sons/ Alfred, Dewey and Guy Ervine, all of Green Bank, and Jack Ervine, of Baltimore, Maryland; three s st 'r ers. Mrs. Laura Gillispie, £ £ e B a ! t ' m o r e - Maryland, Mrs. Lffie Wilfong, of Bartow, and Mrs. Maggie Taylor, of California; seventeen grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; three step grandchildren, and one foster grandchild. Funeral services were held 1 uesday afternoon in the Green Bank United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mr». Stella Ervine £ / Mrs. Stella Olive McCalpin Ervine. 74, of Cass, died Tuesday, May 24, 1966, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, at Elkins. She was born at Linwood, Pocahontas County, June 6. 1891, a daughter of the late] Andrew L. and Anna Virginia Geiger McCalpin. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom, and a lifelong resident >f Pocahontas County. Her husband, Henley Benton Ervine, preceded her in death in 1957. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Marvin (Anna Vera) Han aah, of Slaty fork, and one broth er, Guy McCalpin, Powder Springs, Georgia. Funeral services were he'd Friday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral T Iome Chaoel at Cass by the Rev. W. D. Lively. Burial vas in the Arbovale Cemetery


g ^ M S J

Leon S. Ervin, 60, of Motv gantown, died Thursday, January 8,1981, following an extended ill new. <2^-~ He was born October 14, 1920, at Arbovale, a son of the late Sam and Leila Orndorff Ervin. Surviving are bis wife, Ma* rie Palmer iJrvin, Morgantown; one daughter, Mrs Vivian Hartman, Morgantown; three sons, Ronald and Samuel Ervin, both of Morgantown and Brent Ervin, Charleston; two sisters, Mrs. Chessa Gum, Belington and Mrs. Lelia Taylor, Painesville, Ohio; and three grandchildren. Mr. Ervin was a former resident of Pocahontas County and a member of the Church of the Brethren. He was a plumber and pipefitter by profession. Services were held Sunday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs.

Gladys leie Ervin \s

Mrs. Gladys Icie Ervin, daughter of the late John Silas and Susan Elizabeth Friel Kennedy, was born April 16, 1916, and died December 19,1973, in Tucson. Arizona, from a heart condition. She had been in ill health for several years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Melton Ervin, of Clover Lick, 3 infant children, three grandchildren, three sisters and one brother. Survivors are Mrs. Alfred Gum, of Edray, Mrs. Dennis Griffin, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Mrs. Howard Hamrick, Tucson, Arizona, Mrs. Arden Friel, Dallas Kennedy, of Clover Lick, Jack Kennedy, Housen, Idaho. The Herman Ervin family lived for years at Clover Lick, and moved to Cleveland during World War II. MRS. HUBERT ECHOLS Mrs, F a n n i e Lee Echols d e v o t ed wife of the Jate H u b e r t EcSols, died in San J o s e , California, F e b 2b\ 1952, where she had lived with her SOD, Otey H. Reynolds for t h e past ten y e a r s . Mr. Echols preceded her a b o u t 11 y e a r s ago. The.? had lived in Marlinton more then forty years. Burial in the town of her b i r t h . Bedford, Virginia, Mond a y , March 3rd.

Mrs. Edith H. Epling

Mrs. Edith H. Epling, of Falls Church, Virginia, departed this life on September 26, 1975, at Northern Virginia Doctors Hospital after a six month illness. She is survived by her son, Vincent Epling, of Newton, New Jersey, two daughters, Mrs. George Tinney, of Falls Church, Virginia, and Mrs. Sibyl Brooks, of Phoenix, Arizona; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Bailey, of Clifton, Virginia, Mrs. Olive Browning, of Hobe Sound, Florida, and Mrs. Gail Matheny, of Tuscola, Illinois; two brothers, Thomas Hopson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Carl Hopson, of Ashland, Kentucky; and five grandchildren. Cremation was bandied by Pearsons Funeral Home in Falls Church, Virginia, with a memorial service in Darlington Methodist Church, South Charleston, conducted by Rev. Ross James on September 29, 1975. An urn containing the ashes was buried at the Ruckman Cemetery near Mill Point Vincent Epling is the son-inlaw of Mrs. Jewel Deck, of Dunbar, formerly of Seebert. Mrs. Hattie E. Evans

Mrs. Hattie E. Evans. 80, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, June 12, 1968, at her home alter a long illness. Born at Brownsburg, February 16, 1888, she was the daughter of the late Louis and *ane Truss Wheeler. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Harrison Evans, preceded her in death. Survivors include one daughter, Allean Lee, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Willie Ann Boggs and Mrs. Lucille Wheeler Smith, both of Seebert, and Miss Ruby Wheeler, of Charleston; seven gr&ndchiidren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon in the Brownsburg Methodist Church by the Rev. San ford Boggs with buria in the Brownsburg Cemetery.



Pi :.>erb Echois, aged seventy four .,a, died at his home in Marlinton on Saturday night, May J, IWO. On Thursday he was stricken with a brain hemorrhage. On Tuesday -norning the funeral service was con Jucted from the home by his pasiur, Bev J. C. Wool; interment in the family plot in the cemetery at Bedford City, Virginia, with Masonic honors. Mr Echols is survived by his wife and a step son, Odie Reynolds, of San Jose, California. He was a son of the late Ed-vard and Susan Burks Echols, of Rockbridge County, Virginia. F s was born at Balcony Falls April 9. 1866 His b, thor is William Echols of Alder^on, and his sister, Miss Laura Echols, of Lynchburg. Virginia Forty years ago Mr Echols mov d to Marlinton to take a position in the Bank of Marlinton Through all the years he was associated with the institution as assistant cashier, cash ler, director and vice president Mr Echols took a leading part in the development of Pocahontas county upon the arrival of the railroad, 'and he was ever an enthusiastic ad vocate of the possibilities of the Greenbrier Valley. In religion, Mr Echols was a member of the Baptist church. There beinr no cho ch of his denomination •• he w • a faithful attendant u_ ,-• the services and a liber-1 tributor of the Presbyterian A man of the highest iueals and character, I r F_.., is left his impres sion for good upon this community, where more than half of his IOQJJ lire was lived.

Ron Evans Ronnie Evans, 46, of 5036 Asaff Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana, died suddenly Saturday, March 9, 1985. He was stricken while returning home from viewing a ball game. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday in Shreveport with Surial there. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, of the Edray Fish Hatchery, went to Louisiana by plane Sunday. Others in the family are his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Evans, a patient in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center; his wife, Sybil; a daughter, Erin, and two sons, Matt and Ronnie; a sister, Mrs. Nancy Mosley, of Minden, Louisiana; and three half-brothers, Dempsey Trainer and Sam and Doug Barlow, all of Shreveport.

Dwigiit Eary Charles Johnson Eib, 67, of Glinia M. Edwsrdt Summersville, owner and pubMrs. Glenna Mary Buzzard Dwight Eary, aged 48, of Durlisher of the Nicholas Chron- Edwards, 68, of Newport News, bin, died on Saturday, December icle in Summersville, died Sat- Virginia, formerly of Hillsooro, 6, 1952, of injuries received when urday, May 24, 1969, in the died Tuesday, October 14, struck by a car Friday morning. Charleston Memorial Hospi- 1980, in a Newport News hos- His body was laid in Arbovalvi tal after a long illness. pital of an apparent heart at* cemetery on Tuesday afternoor. following: services in Betbel MethHe was a former owner and tack. publisher of the Marlinton odist Church by Rev. William Born December 6, 1911, at Journal. Stillwell, she was the daughter Pugb and Rev. C. E. Winkler. Born at Teel Tree in Bar- of the late Lyman and Myr- The deceased was a brother of Beacher Eary, of Cass; Mesdames bour County, May 21, 1902, tle McClure Edwards. he was the son of the late Alva Fenstermaker, of Durbin, Mrs. Edwards was a mem- Floa Price, of Bartow, and Anna Charles and Maude Johnson ber of the Marvin Chapel U- Arbogast, of Elkins. Eib. nited Methodist Church. He was a member of the was preceded in death First United Methodist Chur- byShe a brother. Henry A. fcary ch, Summersville, and was on Durbia—HeDry A. Eary, aged Survivors include a son, ;he Board of Stewards; a 90 years, died at the home of bis Lewis C. Buzzard, of Baltimember of the Summersville Lodge AF & AM No. 76, BP more, Maryland; a daughter, daughter, Mrs. Elva FenstermaOE; Summersville Lions Club; Mrs Betty Duke, of Newport ker, on Thursday, February 15. Chamber of Commerce and a News; five brothers, Dare and 1951. On Sunday afternoon his former official in the West Lloyd McClure, both of Cali- body was laid in Bethel Cemetery fornia, Herb and Norman Mc- weth services held at the church Virginia Press Association. Clure, both of Marlinton and by Rev. William Pugh. Surviv ! Mr. Eib was editor of the Morgan McClure, Chillicothe, ing are two other daughters, Mrs. Buchannon Record at the time Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. No- Float Price and Mrs. Annie Arboof his graduation from Wes- ma Adkinson, of Hillsooro, gast; and two sons, Beecher a-ad leyan College and held a jour- Mrs. Rita Loan, of Hunting- Dwight. nalism degree from West Vir- ton and Hazel McClure, of ginia University. He was se- C a l i f o r n i a ; six grandchillected by the Publishers Aux- dren and four great-grandchilHelen B. Eddins > iliary as editor of the week, a dren. Mrs. Helen Bowers Eddins, national recognition, while he 61, of Dahlgren, Virginia, was Funeral services were held was owner and publisher of the killed in an automobile accident Friday at 11 a. m. in VanReenBarbour Democrat at Philippi. en Funeral Home with the on Sunday, July 7, 1985, near Survivors include his wife, Rev. Gail Cutlip officiating. Lexington, Kentucky. Her Mrs. Katherine Jane Kincaid husband, George, was seriousBurial was in Ruckman CemEib; two sisters, Miss Irene etery. ly injured in the accident. Eib and Mrs. Blair Simon, Mrs. Eddins was born at both of Elkins. Mrs. Esty Brown Ellis, aged 7§ Huntersville on September 30, Funeral services were held pears, died at her home at J 1923, the daughter of the late Monday afternoon in the First i Saturday, ? April 4, 1959, after William C. and Violet Morrison United Methodist Church in Ia _unth s illness. Bowers. 3ummersvi]]e by the Rev. Survivors include her hus. _ • was a lifelong resident of /irgil Ware and the Rev, band; two daughters, Delorise i that vie ity, having been born at Bruce Cooper with burial in of Lynchburg, Virginia, j JOX February 17, 1884, the Walker Memorial Park in and Myra Walsh, of Portsdaughter of James and Mary summersville. mouth, Virginia; one son, Boggs Hayes.. Mrs. Ellis is survived by her David Frampton, of King husband,-Joe Ellis; a daughter, George County, Virginia; five C. R. Entank Mrs. Grace Brown, and a son, sisters, Nellie McClure, of CharJps Richard En bank aged Claude Ellis, both 61 Renick; Greenville, California, Jean So yeui.s, died at his home in six grandchildren and one great- Cunningham, of Hayward, CalHinton on Tuesday night, July three sister^., Mrs. ifornia, Kathleen King, of 13, 1043, from a heart attack. grandchild; Boyce, of Maxwelton, Hopewell, Virginia, Virginia He had been in poor health for Maggie Mrs. Blanche Brown, of Renick, Gosling, of Reva, Virginia, and some time. Mrs. Maude Spacht, of Ohio; and Bertha Jo Smith, of Taylor, Mr Eubank was horn in Staun- one brother, George Boggs, of Michigan; one brother, Reid ton. He came to Pocahontas Renick. Bowers, of Greenville, Calicounty about sixty years ago. fornia; and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at He married Miss Agnes Gum. ; She and their four sons survive: the Jaeox Church on Tuesday by She was preceded in death Kyle and Craig, of Hinton; Wil- the Rev. Toe Smith and the Rev. by a son, Dexter. liam of Columbus, Ohio; Mack Summers Poage, with buri in Mrs. Eddins and her husthe Sunset Cemetery at Jacox. of Bluefiel. band operated a stationary shop in Dahlgren. Many j oars ago Mr Ei moved to Hinton. Until bis i. Henry Funeral Home ii in tirement a few ye.irs .since he Staunton, Virginia, is in **•*— was employed on the carpenter >f arrangements if the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad.

«TI»», h i i a n a k i n u i a

Mrs. Zella Gray Ellison, 96, of Hillsdale, Summers County, died Thursday in Summers County Continuous Care Center after a long illness. She was born in Raleigh County and was a member of Beech Run Baptist Church. Surviving her are a brother, 0 . A. Gray, of St. Marys, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Mae Eber and Mrs. Erma Eber, of Ohio City, Ohio, Mrs. Delia Hendricks, of Pontiac, Michigan, and Mrs. Bertie Dowdy, of Blacksburg, Virginia. Services were held at 2 p. m,. Saturday in E. M. Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton by Elder A. L. Neely. Burial was in Greenbrier Burial Park at Hinton. Mrs. Ellison has three nieces in Pocahontas County, Mrs. Laura Putze, of Caesar's Mountain, Mrs. Gertie Birchfield, of Droop, and Mrs. Easter Cook, of Frank. CiriEizi

Carl Eiza, 80, of Thomwood. died Wednesday, February 2, 1983, at home. He attended Thornwood Community Church and was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. ' . fjf' Surviving are hid-wife, 'Ollie; son, Clinton, of Ambridge, Pennsylvania; sisters, Myrtle Simmons, of Meadow Brook' Clara Wooten, of Tennessee; brother, John, of Shinnston; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services ware held at 2 p. m. Saturday in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, with the Rev. David officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Jennifer Dawn Elza Jennifer Dawn Elza, infant daughter of Larry and Diane Elza, Durbin, died Wednesday, July 25, 1979, in University Hospital, Morgantown. Surviving are a sister, Annette, at home; grandparents, Charles Wimer, of Bartow, Mrs. Anna Booth, of Durbin. Graveside services were held in Arbovale Cemetery, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. |

3 ^2-

Mrs. Margaret Lucille Gibson Elkins, 68, of Myra, Kentucky, died March 4, 1972. She was born December 6, 1903. in the Slatyfork section of Foeahontas, the daughter the late John D. and Susie Moore Gibson. ; Her husband, Elisha Elkins, is her only survivor. Her twin sister. Edmonia, arid a brother, French, and twin infant sisters, preceded her in death. Funeral services were held in the Church of Christ in T.Iyra by the Rev. William Fork and Rev. Richard Maynard, with burial in the Johnson Memorial Park, P'kesville Kentucky. Grin! L M Edtfy

Grant Lee Eddy, 38. of Richmond, Virginia, was killed in* a tantly Friday, February 13, 1976, near Richmond when his camper exploded from a propane gas stove. He was on his way to ski in Pocahontas. Another man was killed and a third man is in serious condition in a Richmond hospital. He was born in Durbin. His father was tbe late Grant Eddy, of Cass, who died in 1957. Surviving are his wife, Nancy, and small daughter, Katharine; his mother, Evelyn Lee Slaven Culver, of Charlottesville. Services and burial were held Monday in Richmond. Jennifer Dawn Elza Jennifer Dawn Elza, infant daughter of Larry and Diane Elza, Durbin, died Wednesday, July 25, 1979, in University Hospital, Morgantown. Surviving are a sister, Annette, at home; grandparents, Charles Wimer, of Bartow, Mrs. Anna Booth, of Durbin. Graveside services were held in Arbovale Cemetery, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Aunt Easter Evans

Walter t . fclmore W Uter C. Elmore, aged 64 years, of 301 Monroe St , South Charleston, an employee of Westvaco Chlorine Products Corporation as a millwright for 30 years, died of a heart attack, on Friday morning, October 12, 1951, in a physician's office in South Charleston. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon from tbe First Methodist Oburch, by his pastor, the Rev. F. E Perr.v, and interment was made in Cunning haoj Memorial Park. Born in Monroe County, on February 6, 1887, be was the son of William and Sally Wiseman Elmore. Mr. Elmore came to Marlinton as a young man, where he was employed as a meat culter and was also employed at the water and light pknt. He married Miss Lavie Camper, who with their two daughters, Mrs. W. O. Price, of Westfield, N'ew Jersey, and Mrs. Cbarles Fisher, of South Charleston, survive him. Also surviving are his mother, four sisters and four brothers, a^c three granddaughters, Jan, Catby aud Babs Price. John W. Eades John W. Eades, aged 84 years, died en Sunday. February 5, 1950, a; his home in Bob Whi. . Booue County. On Tuesday bis body was laid in Boone Memorial : Park. The deceased was a native of Monroe County, and lived in Pocahontas County at one time. He is survived by bis wife; three sons, Billy, of Gordon, B. W., of Marlinton, and .' C , of Ronceverte; four daugnters, Mrs. Carmen Clark, of Seebert, Mrs. Franfe Barlow, of Kayford, Mrs. I. A. Mr.rks. of Wharton, Mrs. I E R. Hf.ll, of Rarurge. His brothers are J. F. Eades, of Durbin, Und W. K. Eades, of Vinton, LObic. Walter A. English


w Aunt Easter Evai's, a,,od about ->ut «(': years, died v her home in Marlintoi iur. Wednesday morning. March 12 : 1;)30, after an illness of som« mon< • She- was a highly respected co woman. Her husband, Charlej Ev;,.. died abovt ten years aga.

W. A. Eskrldge was called to nilliard, Florida, on Saturday by the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary P. Eskrldfa. The deceased was the widow of the late Dr. Charles W Eskridge. Her age was about "5 years. For many years she was a resident of Hillsboro.


Walter A. English, 52, of Stratton, Ohio, died Thursday, June 4. 1970, in Pittsburgh Presbyterian University Hospital. He was the son of the late Marvin L. and Mary Eva McCloud English. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Cecelia English, and two daughters, Mary C. Fullerton and Eileen C. Warfield.

Jesse Eye's Brother Loses Wife, Daughter In Wreck

Raymond Dick Eye

Jetse Eye

Jesse Samuel Eye, son of the Raymond Dick Eye, 55, of late Arthur and Mande Eye, A mother and her 7-year-old Newark, Delaware, formerly was born February 28, 1918, daughter were killed S u n d a y of FrankHn, died of an apparat Oak Flat and died Tuesday, night and three other memV°rs ent heart aftack, Saturday January 4, 1977, at his home of the family injured when their morning, April 28, 1973. in Marlinton from a heart atcar went over a 100-foot emHe was stricken at his home tack, age 58 years, 10 months, bankment on Barker Hill Road about four miles east of Pine and was dead on arrival at 7 days. Grove in Wetzel County, State Delaware Division Hospital, He is survived by his wife» Police reported. Wilmington, Delaware. Wanda Propst Eye; two daughMr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Eye Born at Arbovale August 3, ters, Annette and Joan Eye, of of Morgantown and their three 1917, he was a son of the late Silver Spring, Maryland; a sischildren wer involved in the acci- Daniel T. and Jennie Catherine ter, Mrs. Myrtle Rexrode, of dent, which took place near the Hinkle Eye. Orlando, Florida; four brothers, junction of W-Va. 7 and 20. Harry, of Brandywine, RayMr. Eye was a sheet metal Mrs. Eye, who was driving, was mond, of Charleston, Billy, of mechanic for Atlantic Aviathrown from the car as it crashElkins, and Rollie, of Faired down the embankment and tion at Wilmington, Delaware. apparently killed instantly. Debmont. He was preceded in In 1940 he married Stella orah Eye was the second victim. Moyers. death by a sister, Pauline, and Douglas, 8, was reported in two brothers, Curtis and StanSurvivors include his wife condition, with a ljuneley. Mrs. Stella Moyers: threp tured lung, at a nearby hospital. Jesse was a member of the His father and 6-ycdr-old sister, sons, Thomas B. Eye, of Marlinton Presbyterian Church Carolyn, were said to be in fair Washington, D. C , Dixie Ray and VFW Post 4595, having condition at the sa"me hospital. Eye, of Smyrna, Delaware, and served during World War II Eye suffered a possible skull Stephen Eye, of Newark, fracture, his surviving daughter with the 137th Infantry in Delaware; three sisters, Mrs. a broken ankle, it was reported. Dessa Tracy, of Circleville, Europe. He was recently honTrooper Gene Morris said the Ohio, Mrs. Craig Mullenax, of ored with a 30 year service pin accident occurred when Mrs. Eye by the Monongahela Power Arbovale and Miss Ethel Eye, lost control of the car after brak- of Man; two brothers. Alston Company. ing hard on the hairpin turn just G. and Lonnie C. Eye both Friends may call at Vanbefore the junction of the two of Franklin, and three grand- Reenen Funeral Home Thursstate highways children. day and services will be held ouble funeral has been arranges for Mrs. Eye and daughFuneral services were con- at 11:00 Friday morning in the Marlinton- P r e s b y t e r i a n ter, Deborah, for today (Thurs-1 ducted Tuesday afternoon in day) at Franklin, Pendleton CouChurch. On Friday night the the Brown Funeral Home ty. Raymond, a native of that family will be at Brown's-FuChapel by the Rev. George L. county, is a brother of Jesse Eye neral Home in Franklin from Olkler. Burial was in the Ce-. of Route 39, Marlinton. 7 to 9 where additional servdar Hill Cemetery at Franklin ices will be held Saturday Mn. Georgia Eye morning at 11. Burial will Daniel T. Eye Mrs. Georgia Allen Eye, 63 follow at the Cedar Hill Cemeof Brandywine, died March 20' Arbovale—Daniel T. Eye, aged tery at Brandywine. 1975, at Rockingham Memorial' 88 years, of Arbovale. died at Hospital, Harrisonburg, Va. his home on Mondav, March 25, «. G. Ey« She was born October 1, 1911, 1957. Alston Gordon (Mose) Eye, a t Bartow and was a daughter 76, of Franklin, died Saturday, Survivors include three daughof the late Solomon Harvey and ters, Mrs. Deff' Tracy, of Cir- May 3, 1980, in Grant MemoDaulie Mullenax Johnston. ideville, Ohio; Mrs. Myrtle Mul- rial Hospital. She had been an inspector i lenax, of Arbovale; and Mis^ He was born August 7, for Metro Pants Co. in Harri- 'Ethel Rae Eye, of, Man; and 1903, in Osceola, the son of : sonburg before the retired. three sons Alfton G. and Lonnie the late Daniel and Jenny C. Eye, both of Franklin; and Catherine Hinkle Eyo. Surviving are her husband, Surviving him are his wife, Harry S. Eye, whom she mar- R. Dick Eye, of Baltimore, MaryMarvel Simmons Eye; two ried April 19, 1935; a daughter, land. Mrs. James Myers, of Boyds, Graveside rites wore conducted daughters, Mrs. Mary MitchMaryland, a son, Jimmie Lee at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday in the ell and Mrs. Anna Hartman, both of Franklin; two sons, Eye, of Hsrrisonburg, four sis- Franklin Cemetery. Everett Loy Phares, Cranters, Mrs. Monna Bowling, of berry, Pennsylvania, and Allen Rivesville, Mrs. Paul Bennett Gordon Eye, of Franklin; two of Mill Creek. Mrs. W. L. Wiley sisters, Mrs. Craig (Myrtle) of Lintbicum Heights, MaryMullenax, Arbovale, and Misa land, and Mrs. Carl Mallow, of Ethel Ray Eye, Circleville, Beverly; three brothers, WilOhio; a brother, Lonnie Eye, liam Johnston, of Haverford, of Franklin; and a number of Pennsylvania, Cletus Johnston, grandchildren and great-grandof Bartow and Merle Johnston, children. of Harrisonburg, and 10 grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday in the chapel of the Basagic Funeral services were conFuneral Home by the Rev. ducted Sunday afternoon at James Stump, with burial -in the Brown Funeral Home* by Cedar Hill Cemetery at Frank' the Rev. S. Kullman. Burial lin. was in Pine Hill Cemetery in Brandywine.



Mary Jane Eye, 63, of Elkins, formerly of Durbin, died Wednesday, May 18,1983, in an Elkins convalescent hospital. <2. Born May 8, 1920, in Frank, she was a daughter of .the late Joseph S. Cummins, and Flora Anna Teck Cummins. She was married to Clyde Russell Eye. who survive*. Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters, Patricia Ann VanHorn, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Joyce Howell, of Beverly, Josephine Shiflelt, Berrinesville, New Jersey, Darla Rose Moyers, Arbovale; three brothers, Paul Cobb, Elkins, Henry Cummins, Frank, Albert Cummins, Cowen; two sisters, Ethel Morrison, Lancaster, New York, Tbelma Mallow, Circleville; 16 grandchilren; 10 greatgrandchildren. Preceding her in death were one sister, one grandchild and one great-grandchild. She had worked for several years at the Durbin Hotel and was a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren. Funeral services were held at 2 p, m., May 21, in the Durbin Church of the Brethren by Rev. David Rittenbouse. Burial was in Arbovale Cemeetery. Ethel Rae Eye Ethel Rae Eye, 69, of Circleville, Ohio, died Tuesday, November 15, 1983, at Mount Carmel Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Born at Arbovale on April 26, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Daniel Eye and Jenny Catherine Hinkle. She was a graduate of Greenville College of Greenville, Illinois, and taught school for twenty-three years. She was a member of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church of Circleville, Ohio. Four sisters and three brothers preceded her in death. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Mullenax, of Arbovale, a brother, Lonnie Eye, oi Franklin, and several nieces, and nephews. The body will be at Basagic Funeral Home in Franklin where the family will receive friends Thursday evening 7 to 9. Services will be held there on Friday at 10 a. m. Burial will be at Cedar Hills Cemetery at Franklin.

^ _ mrs. mauae Vivian eye Mrs. Maude Vivian Eye, 81, of Franklin, died Sunday, April 2, 1967, at the home of hc-r daughter, Mrs. Edward Keller, in Franklin. Mrs. Eve was born February 5, 1886, at Brandywine. She was the widow of Arthur Strite Eye and was a member of the Franklin Methodist Church. She is survived by two daughter?, Mrs Luther E. (Myrtle) Rexrode, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Edward G. (Pauline) Keller, of Franklin; six eons, Harry S. Eye, of Brandywine,! Stanley W. Eye, of Franklin, Jesse Eye, of Marlinron. Raymond V. Eye. nf Beckley, William Eye, of Elkins, and Rollie Eye, of Fairmont; seventeen grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren, and one half brother, Dewey Anderson, of Brandywine. Mrs. Eye was preceded in death by one son, one brother, and a half-sister. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Franklin Methodist Church by the Rev. G. Frank Plybon with burial in the Pine Hill Cemetery at Brandywine. Mrs. Lynn Eye

Mrs. Lynn Eye, 64, of Frank lin, died Sunday, August 5, 1973, of an apparent heart attack at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maxine Burgoyne, of Upper Tract. Mrs. Eye had suffered a heart condition for some time. She was born October 17, 1908, and was a daugh ter of the late Camden and Merle Bodkin Calhoun. Her husband, Charles Curtis Eye, died June 12, 1962. She had been a machine operator for the Franklin Garment Company. Surviving are a son, Charles B. Eye of Moorefield; a daughter. Mrs. William (Maxine) Burgoyne of Upper Tract, a half brother, William C. Hevener, of Harrisonburg, Virginia 6 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2, at the Browr Funeral Home at Frinklinbi the Rev. C. F. Hickle and th< Rev. Edgar Null. Burial in Pirn Hill Cemetery at Brandywine


Mtrvel Eyi

Marvef Eye, 77, of the Friends Run area near Franklin, died Sunday, April 3,198*. at Grant Memorial Hospital in Petersburg, where she had been a patient a month. Mrs. Eye was born June 2, 1905, at Cherry Grove and was a daughter of the late William Aaron and Mary Etta Bennett Simmons. She was a member of Brushy Run Church of God. She was married twice. Her first husband, Roland Pbares, died in 1958. Her second husband, Alston Gordon Eye, died May 3,1980, Surviving are three daughters, Mary Mitchell and Anna Hartman, both of Franklin, and Virginia Case, of Amarillo, Texas; five sons, Allen Gordon Eye, of Franklin, Everette Loy Pbares, of Cranberry, Pennsylvania, Woodrow Phares, of New Bedford, Pennsylvania, Harold Phares, of Waterford, Pennsylvania, and Wilson Pbares of Brookville, Pennsylvania; two brothers, Berlin Simmons, of Palmyra, Pennsylvania, and Morris Simmons, of Bartow; 34 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Basagic Funeral Home in Franklin by the Rev. Bruce Cosner, Burial was in Cedar Hill Cemetery at Franklin.

Nettie K. English Nettie Kemp English, 90, a former resident of Dailey and a resident of Good Samaritan Center at Belington since 1989, died Tuesday morning, Nov. 17, 1998, in Broaddus Hospital at Philippi. Mrs. English was born Oct. 2, 1908, at Dobbin, a daughter of the late John A. and Jane Durst Kemp. In June of 1926, she married Robert Franklin English who preceded her in death on April 19, 1986. Surviving are two sons, Robert Franklin "Frank" English, Dailey, and John Edward English, Warren, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Byron (Francis) Woods, Elkins; a granddaughter, Nicole Sullivan, Warren, Ohio; and two great-grandchildren, Karley and Jacob Sullivan, both of Warren,Ohio. Mrs. English was a homemaker. She was a member of Randolph Chapter No. 74 Order of the Eastern Star, the American Association of Retired Persons and the Randolph County Senior Center. She was a Methodist.

Stanley W. Eye

Stanley Wilson Eye, 59, of Franklin, died Tuesday evening, June 26, 1973. while work ing in the garden, on the Robert J. Sites farm four miles south of Franklin, from an apparent heart attack. He had suffered from a serious heart condition for several years. He was a veteran of World War II, having served as a first sergeant in the infantry and participated in the Normandy Campaign. Northern France and Rh'neland Campaigns. He had served in the Panama Canal Zone in the Army prior to World War II. In recent years he had served is a guard at the Navy staion at Sugar Grove. Mr. Eye was born at Brandyvine, March 3, 1914, son of he late Arthur S. and Madge Simmons Eye. He was marked to the former Elsie Har>er, who survives. Surviving in addition to bis wife are two sisters, Mrs. Luth er (Myrtle) Rexrode, of-. Marlinton, and Mrs. Ed (Pauline), Keller, Franklin; five brothers, Harry, of Brandywine, Jesse^ of Marlinton, Raymond, of Charleston, Billy, of Elkins and Roilie, of Barracksville; and a foster daughter. Mrs. Michael (Alice) Hale of Vienna. A funeral service was conducted Friday afternoon at 2 f clock at the Franklin Evangel ical United Methodist Church by the Rev. S. Kullman and the Rev. C. F. Hickle. Interment was in Cedar Hiil •Cemetery. James Paul East

James Paul East, 47, of Richmond, Virginia, died Thursday, Feplember 7, 1967, of pneumonia and a heart condition. Born at Marlinton, October 13, 1919, he was a son of Mrs. Claire D. East, of Durbin, and the late Clarence Everett East. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Claire East; one sister, Mrs. Helen Hedrick, of Fairport Harbor, Ohio, and one brother, Edward E. East, of Roanoke, Virginia, and one nephew, Donald W. Pethtaal, of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. James Kerr with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

Clarence Everett East, 65, of Durbin, died Friday, May 5,1961, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a Jong illness. Mr. East was a retired employee of the Durbin tannery and was a member of the Moose Lodge at Durbin. He was born at Wuite Sulphur Springs May 26, 1895, the son of B. A. and Mary Campbell East. I Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Clara DilleyEast; two sons, I Edward E. East of Roanoke, Virginia, and James P. East of Richmond, Virginia; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Hedrick of Fairport Harbor, Ohio; one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. Ora McNeill and Mrs. Clyde Idleman, both of Pinch; and three brothers, Theron East and Vernon East, both of Charleston, and Cecil East of Portsmouth, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday at the Smith . Funeral Home by **• Rav. with burial iu Cemetery. Edward East

Edward E. East, 60, of Roanoke, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died Tuesday, December 26, 1978, at his home after a short illness. Born February 27, 1918, in Marlinton, he was a son of the late Clarence Everette East and Mrs. Claire Dilley East, of Durbin, who survives. Mr. East was a retired employee of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, was a member of the Green Memorial United Methodist Church in Roanoke, Virginia, a World War II veteran and a i member of the Ameriean Legion Post. Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. Helen Hedrick, and a nephew, Donald Pethtal of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Funeral services were held Friday at two p. m., In the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. William Trowbridge officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Henry A. fcary D u r b i n — H e n r y A. E a r y , aged 90 y e a r s , died a t the borne of his d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Eiva F e n s t e r m a ber, on T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 15. 1951. On S u n d a y afternoon bis body was lai j in Betbel C e m e t e r y weth services held a t the church by Rev. Wiliiam Pusrb. Survivi n g are t w o o t h e r d a u g h t e r s , M r s . Float P r i c e and M r s . A n n i e A r b o g a s t ; and two sons, Beecher and Dwight.

i\oan M. Ervine wa som September 3, 188s, and djeti October 31, 1937. He was born at Mountain Grove, Virginia. His death was dire to i.eart failure. He bad been em ployed by the West Virginia Pulp | and Paper Company at Cass, for the j past thirty years Els is survived by j four children bv his first wife, who was Lula Sprouse. of Craigsville. Vir K'inia. Bis second wife was Ethel Moore, of Marlinton and his wife was Lillian Dyer, of Webster county. All of bis wives are-dead. His children are, Robert Ervine and Mrs Jesse Tacy, of Cass: Mrs Charles Hages, of Sparrows Point, Maryland, and Mrs Elwood Candill. of Galena, Ohio. He is also survived by three bi others and three si iters: Cooper, W-alter and Kenton Ervine, Mrslvie Ryder, Mrs Dora Bird and Mrs Ettie Bowers. X ^T His body was buried at Mountal Grove, where he was born and reare

Herman Ervin BBBk Herman Ervin. 58, of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Mill Creek, Randolph County died Thursday, June 24, 1971, of a heart attack. He was born October 16,1912, at Mill Creek. He was a member of the Methodist Church and an air tool repairman. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Gladys Ervin; four sons, William, Jerry Martin, Roger Wayne, and Kyle Curtis Ervin, all of Cleveland, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Lillian Bole?, of Germany; four brothers'; Forrest Ervin, of Hillsboro. Charles Ervin, of Renick, Samuel Ervin, of Richwood, and Blaine Lee Ervin, of Quinwood. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Clover Lick Methodist Church, with burial in the Ervin Cemetery. Dale Ervia

Dale Ervin, 73, of Fishersville, Virginia, died Friday, January 5,1979, in a Waynesboro hospital. Mr. Ervin, a native of Ar» bovale, was a farmer and auto- ^ mobile salesman. His parents were the late Sam and Leila Orndorff Ervin. Surviving him are bis wife, Mrs. Ethel Pugh Ervin, and one daughter, Faye Diebl, of Waynesboro, Virginia, three sons, Amil, of Verona, Virginia, Allen Dale, Winchester, Virginia, and Hanley, Toronto, Canada; a brother, Leon Ervin, of Morgantown; and two sisters, Cbessa Gam, Elkins, and Delia Taylor, of Ohio. Services and burial were at Fishersville on Monday.

^-• ^

Edward Darewood Ervin

Edward Darewood Ervin, 54, was accidentally killed on Tues day, November 7, 1961, in the kitchen of his home in Meadville, Pennsylvania, when a .32 caliber rifle he was handling ! accidentally went off and the bullet struck him in the head. Ervin was born at Green Bank July 6, 1907, a son of 'Leslie H. and Minnie Sheets Ervin. He and the former Mildred P. Briggs were married May 31, 1930- He was employed as a mechanic. Surviving, in addition to his widow and parents, are a daughter, Mrs. Donald (Hazel) Fredericks, of Franklin, Pennsylvania; a son, Lawrence E. Ervin, of Meadville, Pennsylvania; five sisters,. Mrs. Henry (Valera) Tharters, of Shaker Heights, Ohio; Mrs. Harold (Daisy) Shartle, of Meadville, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Charles (Doris) Myers, of San Jose, California; Mrs. Clyde (Madlyn) Patty and Mrs. Henry (Myrtle) Grady, both of E l Cerrito, California; a biother, Fred Ervin, of Richmond, Township; several nephews and nieces. Services were held Friday, November 10, at the Ward Funeral Home in Meadville by the Rev. E. L. Russel, with burial in the Blooming Valley Cemetery.

mrs. b. n. ervine Mrs. Anna Lee Smith Ervine, 56, of Burlington, Iowa, formerly of Marlinton, died Saturday, July 6, 1968, in a Burlington hospital. Born at Clover Lick, April 4, 1912, she was the daughter of the late John Francis and Mary Hoover Smith. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, B. H. Ervine> preceded her in death. Survivors include three sons, John L. Ervine, of Burlington, Iowa, Robert M. Ervine, of Marlinton, and Michael Ervine, of Fort Campbell, Kentucky: one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Wells, of Toledo, Ohio; five brothers, James B. and Jack E. Smith, both of Marlinton, Charles E. Smith, of Daniels, William S. Smith, of Bolar Springs, Virginia, and Hunter Sjnith of Bluefield; four sisters, Mrs. Alice Ervine, of Renick, Mrs. Marmetpe S. Hancock, of Richlands, Virginia, Mrs. Gail Milsop, of Matoaka, and Mrs. Osa S. McLaughlin, of Marlinton. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Clover Lick Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.

Bernard Harris Ervine

Arnold R. ErvhArnold R. Ervin, 70, of Frank, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Tuesday, November 27, 1984. He was a retired employee of Howes Leather Company and a member of the United Methodist Church. Born July 23, 1914, at Arbovale, he was a son of the late William and Gracie Arbogast Ervin. Surviving him are his wife, Sally Arbogast Ervin; a niece whom they raised, Juanita Cox, of White Sulphur Springs; a sister, Mrs. Evan Good, of Mount Crawford, Virginia; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale by Revs. David Rittenhouse and Harold Swecker, with burial in Arbovale Ceme-


Mrs. wiiiiam ervine s vniiaren

Mrs. Nellie Combs Ervine, 28, her son, Daniel William Ervine, 7, and her niece, Nancy Susan Boles, eight months, were killed in an automobile accident on Hiehway 113 West, Milan. Ohio, on Saturdav, May 6, 1967. A daughter, Donna Jean Ervine, 10, died Sunday from head injuries received in the same accident. Her brother, George Combs, who was driving, was critically injured. Mrs. Ervine, who was a native of Kentucky, and the children are survived bv their husband and lather. William Ervine, formerly of Clover Lick, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ervine, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Bertha Combs, of Kentuckv, and her sisters, Julie Goad, Margaret Combs, and Betty Sutphin, and two other brothers, Riley and Ray Combs. Little Nancy is survived by her parents, David and Lillian Roles, and a brother, Thomas Kevin. Joint services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. ; n the Clover Lick Method's1Church by the Rev. Robert Shields, of Rani. Burial will be in Stony Bottom Cemetery.


Bernard Harris Ervine, 58, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, -vJarch 15, 1967, in a Beckley hospital. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Mill Creek, December 10,1908, he was a son of the late John and Netti Ervine. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace Smith Ervine; one laughter, Mrs. Evelyn Wells, of Toledo, Ohio; three sons, John Ervine, of Burlington, Iowa, Robert Ervine, of Marlinton, and James Ervine, with the U. S. Army; five brothers, Forrest Ervine, cf Hiilsboro; Herman Ervine and Jake Ervine both of Cleveland, Ohio, Blaine Ervine and Roscoe Er.'ine, both of Richwood. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Clover Lick Methodist Church by the Rev. James Kerr with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.

Ted W. Ervh Ted W. Ervin, 69, of 681 Washington Street, Meadville, Pennsylvania, died July 8,1982. Re was born op November 20,1912, a son of the late David Lee and Virgie Sutton Ervin. He was a retired farmer in the Teepleville, Pennsylvania, area, having moved there from West Virginia in 1940. He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church and the Adult Bible Class. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Phillips Ervin; two* daughters, Mrs. Beverly Dennis, of Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania and Cheryl Palmiero, of Meadville, two aons, Dr. Joseph Lee Ervin, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and r ames K. Ervin, of Mead'ille; seven grandchildren and number of nieces and nephws. He was preceded in death by four sisters and five brothers. Services were held in the Hathaway • Tedesco Funeral Home, Meadville, on Saturday,

tee n . eggers

Oval William Ervin, 68, of Durbin, died Tuesday, February 14,1978, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after a short illness. Born August 11, 1919, he was a lifetime resident of Pocahontas County and was the son of the late William and Grace Ervin. He was a mem* ber of the Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Ruth Arbogast Ervin, two sons, Martin (Sonny) and Roger, both of White Sulphur Springs; daughters, Mrs. Juanita. (Needy; Cox, of White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Nancy Carr, of Durbin; sister, Mrs. Evon Good of Mt. Crawford, Virginia, a brother, Arnold, of Frank; five grandchildren he loved very much and many friends. Services were held at 2 p. m., Friday in Union Mission Church, Bartow, with the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. Harold Swecker officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

A. D. Evans


Lee H. Eggers, 62, of 2451 Goldenrod Street, Sarasota, Florida, died Monday in Sarasota. He was born in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and moved to Sarasota in 1929 from Newport, Kentucky. Mr. Eggers was a life member of Milnor Masonic Lodge No 287 AF & AM, at Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. Survivors include bis widow, Mrs. Goldie Jordan Eggers, one son, Lloyd E. Eggers, his father, Lee G. Eggers, all of Sarasota, Florida, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were be'd Wednesday morning in the Robarts Funeral Home Chapel *y the Rev. Francis C. Gray, Jr.- Burial was in the Palms Memorial Park. Mrs. Eggers will be remembered as the foster daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Davis Barlow. She is a half sister of Mrs. Thomas C. Edgar, of Hillsborov Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and daughter, Martha, were in Florida with Mrs. Eggers at the time of Mr, Eggers' death.

Alorfzo. D. Evans 73, of 236 Chess Street, Monongahela, Pennsylvania, d;ed Sunday. October 10,1965, in a Veterans Administration Hospital, in Oakland, Pittsburgh, after a long illness. Born June 27, 1892, at Robson, he was a son of the late William and Amanda Wood Evans. He had resided the past 30 years in Monongahela, Pennsylvania, coining to the city from Steubenville, Ohio. He was a retired conductor of Pennsylvania Railroad and was a member of the American Legion. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillian Ray Evans; one brother, John Evans, of Alex ardria, Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. Pearl M. Ray, of Baltimore, Maryland. Two brothers and one sister preceded him in death. Mr. Evans was formerly p resident of Buckeye. He was a brother in-law of Mrs Katie Broyles, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Goldie Eggers

Mrs. Goldie Jordan Eggers died September 12, 1979, in Sarasota, Florida, where she made her home for many years. She was the daughter of the late Robert S. and Ava Wanless Jordan. Her mother died when she was an infant. She was raised by the late Davis and Lucy M. Barlow. Her husband, Lee H. Eggers, preceded her in death in 1970. Mrs. Eggers taught in the Logan and the Sarasota, Florida school system for several ytars. Survivors include a daughter, Marilyn Cates, of Amarillo, Texas, and a stepson, Lloyd Eggers, of Sarasota, Florida; one half sister, Betsy Jordan Edgar, of Hillsboro; a half brother, Robert Jordan, of Baltimore, Maryland; two grandchildren, two step-grandchildren. Services were held at Roberts Funeral Home, Sarasota, Florida, with the Rev. Charles Pitzer officiating. Burial wa9 in Palms Memorial Park, Sarasota, Florida.

William Wood Evans, 81, of Scottsville, Virginia, died in a hospital in Montgomery, on Sunday, June 28, 1964, after a short illness. He was the son of the lite William H. and Rebecca McComb Evans. Survivors inclnde one sister. Mrs. Hiram Barnes, of Buckeye; one half-sister, Mrs. Jesse ttay, of Seebert; two half brothers, John H. Evans, of Alexmdria, Virginia, and Alonzo D. Evans, of Monongahela, Pennsylvania. He was preceded in death by a sister, Jerusha, and a brother, Augustus, in 1963. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Fluvanna Baptist Church, in Scottsville. Burial vill be in Scottsville Cemetery. John Houghton Evtnt John Houghton Evans, 79, of Alexandria, Virginia, died March 28, 1978, in a hospital after a long illness of cancer. Born November 21,1898, he was the son of William H. and Amanda Evans. Mr. Evans was a member of VFW Post No. 24, Alexandria, Virginia, a veteran of World War II, three years of which was spent in Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe. He is never married. He was survived by one sister, Pearl M. Ray, of Baltimore, Maryland; five nieces; six nephews. Funeral services were held Thursday, in the Cunningham Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. Wayne Yeoun of the First Baptist Church. Interment was in Mount Comfort Cemetery, Alexandria. Virginia.


jvonaia w. ttvans Ronald Whitney Evans, 46, of Shreveport, Louisiana, died Saturday, March 9, 1985, at Minden Medical Center in Minden, Louisiana, after a lengthy illness. Born in Marlinton, he was the son of BUI and Maud Evans. He attended Glenville State College and West Virginia University prior to moving to Shreveport in 1962 to work in the oil industry there. He and his brother, Sam Barlow, owned and operated Trainer Surveys, Inc., an independent oil well perforating and logging service company. He was also associated with A.T.O., Inc., as a contract administrator and was on the board of directors of Highland Square Association. Mr. Evans was an active sponsor through his company of numerous civic, cultural and sport organizations through North Louisiana and was a supporter of Caddo Pine Island Historical Association. He was a charter member of the Shreveport-Bossier Dart Association and was a past regional president of the American Dart Association. He was a Presbyterian. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Sybil M. Evans; his parents, Bill and Maud Evans, and his grandmother, Mary K. Evans, all of Marlinton; two sons, Ronald Whitney Evans, II, and Matthews M. Evans; one daughter, Mary Erin Evans, all of Shreveport; one sister, Nancy Miles Mosley, of Minden, Louisiana; three brothers, D. L. Trainer, Sam Barlow, and Doug Campbell, all of Shreveport. Services were held at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12, at I Rose-Neath's Marshall Street! Chapel in Shreveport by the Rev. Jimmy Eppinette, with burial in Forest Park Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.


I am home in heaven, dear ones; All's so happy, all's so bright! There's perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light. All the pain and grief are over, Every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, Safely home in heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the Valley of the Shade? Oh, but Jesus' love illumined Every dark and fearful glade! And He came Himself to meet me On the way so hard to tread; And with Jesus' arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread? Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still: Try to look beyond earth's shadows, Pray to trust our Father's will. There is work still waiting for you So you must not idle stand, Do your work while life remaineth You shall rest in Jesus' land. When that work is all completed He will gently call you home; Oh, the rapture of the meeting! Oh, the joy to see you come!

Within a few hours after the news of their son's, Ronald, I death, their eldest son, Dempsey, had his jet, pilot and copilot at the Greenbrier Airport wait^ ing to transport his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, to Shreveport, La. He also transported them back to West Virginia in the same manner on March 18. A first cousin of Ronald, Murl Chestnut, accompanied the Evans to Louisiana and back. Mrs. Hope Everitt

Mrs. Hope Sydenstricker Curry Everitt, of Richmond, Virginia, died Thursday, July 11,1974. Ber father was John H. Sydenstricker, of Hillsboro, and she was related to many people in Pocahontas. Her first husband was Arlie W. Curry, a native of Pocahontas, who died many years ago. Surviving her are her husband, L. H. Everitt; three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Strause and Mrs. Carolyn C Pettis, both of Richmond, Mrs. Alice C Jayne, of Orlando, Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine S. Friel, of Alderson, and Mrs. Ann S. Vaughn, of Lexington, Virginia; three brothers, W. M. Syden Strieker, of Nolensville, Tennes see, J. C. Sydenstricker, Brewster, Massachusetts, and Ray Sydenstricker, of Talcott; also ten grandchildren. Graveside services were held Saturday in Richmond..

mis. t . t . towards

Mrs. Grace Houdyschell Edwards, 59, of Chesapeake, died Sunday, May 30, 1965, in a hospital in Huntington. Mrs. Edwards was born September 2, 1905, in Marlinton She was a member of the Grace Gospel Church in Huntington. She was the wife of E. E. Edwards, a retired merchant. She had lived in Chesapeake for the past 25 years and had been a Proctorville resident several years before that. Survivors include her husband, E. E. Edwards; two step sons, J. E. Edwards, of Proctorville, and Miller Edwards, of Chesapeake; one granddaughter, Mr3. William Wortham, of Salt Lake City, Utah; four sisters, Mrs. Pearl Butcher, of Huntington, Mrs. Flossie Rabe of Elkhorn, Nebraska, Mrs. Leavy Burgess, of Marlinton. and Mrs. Lula Einertson, of San Diego. California, and one brother, D. W. Houdyschell, of Huntington. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in r-he Grace Gospel Church in Huntington by the Rev. Melvin V. Efaw. Birial was in the Highland Memorial Garden'at South Point, Rome, Ohio.

Robert Oswald Eubank

Robert Oswald Eubank, 64, of Morgantown, formerly of Marlinton and Elkins, d ed Saturday, April 6, 1974, in the West Virginia University Hospital. He was a native of Edray. a " member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, the 100F Lodge, a former employee of the West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Luella Hamrick Eubank; two daughters. Mrs. Margaret Church, of China Lake, California, and Miss Mary K Eubank, of Annandale, Virginia; one stepson, Gene H. Butcher, of Morgantown; one brother, Paul Eubank, of Roanoke, Virginia: two sisters, Mrs. Glenna Moore, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Mary Meyer, of Davis. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

B. W. Eades

Bernard Watson Eades, Sr., 75, of Marlinton. died Wednesday, July 9. 1969, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard, after several years of declining health. Born August 3, 1893, at Alderson, he was a son of the late John W. and Fannie Eades. His brother, John G. Eades, and one sister, Florence Smith, preceded him in death. He was a member cf the Marlinton Methodist Church and a retired general contractor. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Bertie Davidson Eades. he is survived by two sons, Earl W. Earles, of Rockville. Maryland, and Bernard W. Eades, Jr., of Falls Church. Virginia: and two daughters, Mrs. Clar ence Michael and Mrs. James H. Thomas, both of Marlinton, and one sister, Mrs. Carmen Clark, of Huntington. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Out of town guests attending the funeral were Mrs. Elsie Davidson and daughter, Mrs. C W. Floyd, of Buena Vista, Virginia. Jane Kincaid Eib Mrs. Kathryn Jane Kincaid Eib, 69, of SummereviUe, died Wednesday, March 14,1984, in Summersville Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was the owner and publisher of the Nicholas Chronicle in Summersvile since the death of her husband, Charles Eib, in 1969. She was a member of Memorial United Methodist Church of Summersville, Retired Teachers Association, Eastern Star, Mount Azalea Garden Club, and the Summersville Woman's Club. Mrs. Eib taught for many years in Marlinton Elementary School. She was born in Marlinton, the daughter of the late Moody and Mary Yeager Kincaid. Surviving her is a sister, Mrs. Betty Lee Dilley, of Summersville. Graveside services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in Walker Memorial Park, Summersville, by the Rev. Russell Ward and the Rev. Calvin McCutcheon.

mrs. naomi tnnit aBM Mrs. Naomi Ennis, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Saturday, May 5, 1976, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was born in Pocahontas County, June 19, 1922, the daughter of the late John and Rachel Cochran Taylor. She is survived by her husband, Everett Ennis; a daughter, Donna German; two grand children, all of Baltimore; three sisters, Lottie Daniels, Renick, Iva Kellison and Sally Gabbert, both of Hillsboro; and a brother, Ralph Taylor, of Baltimore, Maryland. Services were held Monday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gail Cutlip with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs. Hope Ever it t

Mrs. Hope Sydenstricker Curry Everitt, of Richmond, Virginia, died Thursday, July 11,1974. Her father was John H. Sydenstricker, of Hillsboro, and she was related to many people in Pocahontas. Her first husband was Arlie W. Curry, a native of Pocahontas, who died many years ago. Surviving her are her husband, L. H. Everitt; three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Strause and Mrs. Carolyn C. Pettis, both of Richmond, Mrs. Alice C. Jayne t of Orlando, Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine S. Friel, of Alderson, and Mrs. Ann S. Vaughn, of Lexington, Virginia; three brothers, W. M. Syden Strieker, of Nolensville, Tennes see, J. C. Sydenstricker, Brewster, Massachusetts, and Ray Sydenstricker, of Talcott; also ten grandchildren. Graveside services were held Saturday in Richmond. Mrs. Clair* East

Mrs. Claire East, 80, of Durbin, died in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Tuesday, March 24, 1981, after several months' illness with cancer. Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Helen Hedrick. Fairport Harbor, Ohio, Elizabeth Shoemaker, Rubye Douglas; a brother, Delmar. Her husband, Everette E., and two sons, Edward E., and James, a sister, Mrs. Verna Harsh, and a brother, Ellett, preceded her in death. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Mrs. Harriet M. Elliott, 70, of 960 East Turkeyfoot Road, Akron, Ohio, died March 8, 1976, in DeBary, Florida, while residing there for the winter. She was born in Weston and lived in Akron fifty years. Mrs. Elliott was a member of Green Valley United Methodist Church, Highland Grange Ohio Club of Deltona and Deltona Shuffleboard Club. She is survived by her husband, Paul Greely Elliott, formerly of Ar bo vale; a brother, Willis J. Ross, Lakemore, Ohio, a sister, Mrs. Zona R. Duncan, Clarksburg. Funeral services were held on Saturday at Green Valley United Methodist Church with Rev. Kenneth E. Birney and Rev. Clarence Archberger officiating. Interment at East Liberty Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Easley Mrs. Mary Lindsay Easley, 69, of 2711 Forbes Drive, Greensboro, North Carolina, died Tuesday at Duke Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. Born in Clover Lick in 1919 to William C. and Stella Daff Lindsay, she was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church and the Pythias Sisters. She was retired from central supply at Wesley Long Hospital. She was married to Charles E. Easley, who survives. Also surviving are sons, James Charles Easley, of Hightstown, New Jersey, and Stephen Elliott Easley, of Thomasville, North Carolina; and two grandchildren. Funeral was held at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Jerry McCann, with burial in Guilford Memorial Park. Memorials may be directed to St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, ?300 S. Chapman Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27407.

. Marvin English ^ a r ™ English, of Stratton, 2 lQ7n ed - Sun u day ' February 2, 1970, in the Ohio Valiev iospital Steubenville, Ohio tini wife was Mary Eva Mcloud sister of June and Nor*n McCloud, of Marlinton ^ervices and burial were in

KODert K English Sr. Robert F. English Sr, 81, owner and manager of the Homestead Cash Market in Dailey for over 40 years, was stricken ill and died at 1:40 p.m. Friday at his Dailey residence. Born June 21, 1904 at Cass, he was the son of the late Frank and Cordia Kitchen English. On July l, 1926, he was united in marriage to the former Nettie Kemp, who survives at Dailey. Surviving Mr. English in addition to his wife are two sons, Robert Franklin !Frank) English Jr. of Warren, Ohio, and John Edward English of Lenittsburg, Ohio, and two brothers, James English of Parsons and Burton English of Berkeley Springs. He was preceded in death by one sister, Sue English. Mr. English attended Upshur County schools and was a graduate of Buckhannon High School. He was a member of the Mill Creek United ^eth^IsT Church, a 50-year member anTTpast master of Randolph Lodge No. 55 AF and AM of Beverly, a past high priest of Royal Arch Masons, Chapter No. 23 of Beverly, a past commander of the Pilgrim Commandery No. 21, Knights of Templar, a past patron of the Randolph Charter 74, Order of the Eastern Star, a 32nd Degree Mason, a member of the Scottish Rite of the Valley of Wheeling, a member of the Knights of York Cross of Honour, a past prior of Priory No. 40, Knights of York, Cross of Honour of West Virginia and a former member of Osiris Temple of the Shrine of Clarksburg.


Eliza Jane Evans

SUTTON-Eliza Jane Evans of Sutton, died on Saturday, December 28, 1996, at her home, following a long illness. She was 78 years of age. She was born in Braxton County, on March 28, 1918, the daughter of the late Fred and Rebecca Jackson Nesselrotte. She was a homemaker and a Christian. She is survived by: her husband, Fred Charles Evans of Sutton; son, Darrell Evans of Birch River; daughters, Louella Belknap and Audra Keener both of Sutton and Loretta Bragg of Hickory, N.C.; brother, Amos Nesselrotte of Little Birch; sisters Myrtle Kuhn of Charleston, Betty Spradling, Freda Davis, and Ada Dee, all of Florida; 9 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and 1 greatgreat-grandchild. Services will be held on Wednesday, January 1, at 1:00 p.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Dale Cayton and the Rev. William Griffin, officiating. Burial will be at the Braxton County Cemetery.

Mrs. Vertle Eplin Cecil Paul East, of 3804 Mrs. Vertle Mae Eplin, 66, Arlington Place, Portsmouth, of Jeffrey, Boone County, died Virginia, formerly of MarlinFriday, September 2, 1977, in ton, died at Mary view Hospital St. Mary's Hospital, Hunting- in Portsmouth on June 8, 1984, ton, after a long illness. after a long illness. He was 82 She was a member of the years of age. Jeffrey United Methodist Surviving him are his wife, Church. Polly, at home, and two sons, Surviving are her husband, Buddy, of San Francisco, CaliVernon; son, Jerry, of Hunt- fornia, and Choice, of Newport ington; daughters, Mrs. Molly News, Virginia. Also surviving Pauley, of Hurricane, Mrs. are a sister, Da Idleman, of Nancy Powers, of Painesville, Pinch, and a brother, Vernon Ohio, Mrs. Janet Jarrell, of East, of Charleston. He was Marlinton; brother, L. L. Jef- preceded in death by a sister, frey, of Jeffrey; sisters, Mrs. Ora McNeil, and three brothVirgie Hoenstine, of Orlando, ers, Everett, Theron and Clyde. Florida, Mrs. Novella Hager, Funeral services and interof Madison; 11 grandchildren. ment were Monday, June 11th, Services and burial were in at Greenlawn Memorial Garden Madison. Chapel, Portsmouth, with Hev. H. L. Wilson officiating.

Mary A. Edwards Nellie Bly Dolin Eads CLARKSBURG-Mary A. Mrs. Nellie Bly Dolin Eads, age Edwards of Clarksburg, died on Tuesday, August 16,1994, at United 98, of Alvon, died Wednesday, Hospital Center, after an extended May 28,1997, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. illness. She was 67 years of age. She was a member of the She was born in Co wen, on August Whatcoat United Methodist Church 10,1927, the daughter of William L. at White Sulphur Springs and was a and Delia Green Cogar. She was a retired employee of The Greenbrier. retired packer for Brockway and AnBorn February 3, 1899, at chor Hocking Corporation and was a Alvon, she was die daughter of die member of the Evangelical Congre- late Ashby and Mantie Boggs Dolin. gational Church. Her husband, Newton Holroyd She is survived by. sons, Curtis W. Edwards of Bridgeport and Dou- Eads, died in 1968. Survivors include two glas G. Edwards of Clarksburg; her daughters, Myrtle Grey Eads and parents, William and Delia Cogar of Dottie Wingler, both of Alvon; four Akron, Ohio; brothers, Roy L. Cogar g r a n d c h i l d r e n and three of Apollo, Pa., Lawrence Cogar arid great-grandchildren; half-brother, Leonard Cogar, both of Orville, Ohio, Hillard Dolin, of White Sulphur Ray Cogar of Sterling, Ohio, and Springs; half-sisters, Maudie Ronald Cogar of Uniontown, Ohio; Wenger, of Arbovale, Helen Waidsisters, Jean Moyer of Akron, Ohio, and Cleva Scitz, both of Alvon, Mrs. Don (Ruth) Warner of Audrey Landrum and Agnes Waid, Greensville, S.C., and Mrs. Bill both of White Sulphur Springs. (Carrol) Simmon of North Liberty, Funeral services were held Ind.; 4 grandchildren, and several Saturday at Shanklin Funeral Home nieces and nephews. She was preceded by die Rev. Paul Suttle and Lowell in death by her husband, Clarence W. O'Dell. Burial was in die Alvon Edwards, who died on January 12, United Methodist Cemetery. Expressions of sympadiy may 1984. be made to me Anthony's Creek Information on the funeral ar- Rescue Squad. rangements was incomplete.


Carolyn J. Edwards MATTOON, ILL.-Carolyn J. Edwards of Mattoon, Illinois, formerly' of West Virginia, died at her residence on Friday, October20,1995. She was 57 years of age. She was born in Revaco, on January 16, 1938, the daughter of Gladys Sill Miller and the late Vernon Miller. She was a homemaker. She is survived by: her husband, Billy E. Edwards of Mattoon, 111.; sons, James Edwards of Lovington, 111. and Richard Edwards of Charleston, III.; daughters, Mrs. Larry (Julia) McKibben and Mrs. Dale (Paula) Spivey, both of Mattoon, 111.; her mother, Gladys Miller, of Bolair; brother, Harvey Miller of Bolair; sister, Mrs. Max (Ruth Ann) Weese of Bolair; and 10 grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, October 24, at 1:30 p.m., at the Schilling Funeral Home, Ltd., in Mattoon, 111., with the Rev. Donald. Horath officiating. Burial was at the Dodge Grove Cemetery in Mattoon, 111.

Marion "Rocky" Ennis BECKLEY-Marion "Rocky" Ennis of Beckley, formerly of Webster County, died in Beckley on Sunday, September 10, 1995, from complications from a long illness. He was 58 years of age. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and had lived in Webster Springs for a short time prior to moving to Beckley. He is survived by: his mother, Helen W. Ennis of Beckley; daughters, Loretta "Lori" Sandridge of WebsterSprings, and Denise Kimball, Rita Lynch Godwin, and Jill Joyner, all of Tampa, Fla.; 10 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, September 12, in Beckley. Harold C. Effland Harold C. Effland, former editor of The Daily News-Tribune of Keyser and The Preston County Journal, died Tuesday, June 24, 1997, at Potomac Valley Hospital in Keyser. His wife, who is deceased, was the former Margaret Smith, of Marlinton. They are survived by two daughters. Mr. Effland served in the U. S. Army Medical Corps during World War II, was a past president of the United Press International Editors' Association and the alumni association of the Perley Isaac Reed School of Journalism at West Virginia University.

Winona u. fcimore Winona Hobson Brady Elmore, age 99, a resident of Glenwood Park Home, Princeton, since 1982, died November 6, 1997, after a long illness. She was born August 4, 1898, in Radford, Virginia, the daughter of the late Thomas M. and Nellie Grant Killinger Brady, and grew up in Clifton Forge, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Elmore, whom she married in 1928; a sister, Vivian Brady Wagner; and a brother, Thomas M. Brady. Surviving her are her son, Harold Thomas Elmore, of Buckhannon; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Elmore was a homemaker and, with her husband, owned and operated a general store for many years in Seebert, prior to their move to Smyrna, Georgia, where they lived from 1958 until his death in 1981. As a member of the Seebert United Methodist Church for many years, she taught Sunday school and served as an officer. The service was held at 11 a. m. Saturday, November 8. at the Seebert United Mediodist Church by the Rev. Roy Gwinn, with interment at Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, WV 26201. Earl W. Eades Earl Watson Eades, 66, of Rockville, Maryland, died peacefully at his home Monday, June 1,1987. He retired from the United States Navy, following 30 years of service, in 1969; he was a veteran of World War II, Korea and Viet Nam. Born at Roanoke, Virginia, he was the son of the late Bernard W. Eades, Sr., and Bertie B. Davidson Eades, of Marlinton. • Mr. Eades was preceded in death by his sister, Marjorie E. Michael. Suryivng him are his wife of 42 years, Frances Eades; a daughter, Carrie L. Eades, living at home, and his son, Mark W. Eades, of Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, he is survived by his sister, Winona E. Thomas, of Marlinton, and Bernard W. Eades, Jr., of Falls Church, Virginia. Funeral services were held in the Chapel at Fort Myers Army Base, Virginia, on Friday, June 5, fit, 11:00 a.; m. with Navy Honor/ Guard and fullmilitary honors. Burial was at Arlington National Cemetery.

' ' Granison Eader Granison Lewis Eader, 59, of. Buckeye, died Monday, February 23, 1987, in King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton, Virginia, after several months illness. Born in Frederick County, Maryland, he was the son of the late Lewis B and Edna A. Eader. Mr. Eader retired from the U. S. Army with 28 years of active and civilian service and came to make his retirement home in Pocahontas County. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Ann Eader; a son, Granison Eader, Jr., of' Frederick, Maryland; two daughters, Mary Ann Turney, of Frederick, and Gretchen Parker, of Hayward, California; four brothers, Blaine Eader, of South Carolina, Clifford and Bernard Eader, both of Frederick, and T. Robert Eader, of Buckeye; three sisters, Shirlev, of South Carolina, Lillian or Maryland, and Susan, of Oklahoma; ana five grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr., with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery. James F. Elliott James Franklin Elliott, 49, of Surfside Beach, South Carolina, formerly of Green Bank, died Wednesday, August 3, 1988, at home, after a long illness. Born August 9, 1938, at Green Bank, he was the son of Anna Mae Ashford Elliott and the late Robert F. Elliott. Surviving him are his wife, Phyllis J. Myers Elliott; one son, James F. Elliott, II, of Surfside Beach, South Carolina;^ one daughter, Mrs. Mark A. fLori) Taylor, of Green Bank; his mother, Anna Mae Ashford Elliott, of Green Bank; and two grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his father, Robert F. Elliott, and brother, William R. Elliott. He was a member of Memorial Christian Church, Lynchburg, Virginia. Mr. Elliott was a member of Riverside Lodge, AF&AM, No. 124, Cass, Order of Eastern Star, also a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a member of Beni Kedem Shrine Temple, Charleston. His body has been donated to medical science. A Memorial Service will be held Sunday, August 14, at 2:00 p. m., in the Green Bank United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Vineyard. Any memorial contributions may be made to Mercy Hospice of Horry County, P. O. Box 8287, Conway, South Carolina 29526.

..{•'• Mrs. Glemma Elliott ' /Mrs. Clemma Edith Elliott, 97, ofej Aibovale,- died Sunday, March 1, I 1987, at home following a long Born March .21, 1889, at Bo*yer, she* Was the. daughter of the late' James! and Emily Mullenax Grogg. 1 She; had lived most of her life at Arbovale and was a member of the Arbov&lc United Methodist Church. ' She^was preceded in death by her husbadji, Rufus H. Elliott, and a son, JaSbeS A.Elliott. Surviving her are four daughters, JLola ^mpsao»j^if4^4#^ > Qt l i Q.v "Sacca Black, of Nortnfield,. Massachusetts, Gretchen Finrtemore, of ArbovalcL'and Dulcie Stone, of Norfolk, Virginia; a son, Rufus Elliott,v'Jr,V of Bartow; * 48 grandchilren and 15 greatgrandchildren.. Funeral, services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Wallace and Wallace l^tterajHorhe in Arbovale, with burial fin the Arbovale Cemetery. fc#^ Mrs. Mearleane D. Elliott Mrs. Mearleane D. Elliott, 74, of Bartow, died February 2, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Elliott was born in Hickory, Kentucky, October 24, 1913, the daughter of Neoma F. Doyle, of Bartow, and the late Jerry Doyle. Surviving her in addition to her mother are her husband, Rufus Elliott, Jr., and a foster brother, Carl Garrett, of Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Paul Good. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Cleo McMillion Ervin Cleo Sallie McMillion Ervin, 85, of Allen, Texas, formerly of Hillsboro, died April 28, 1988, in Allen. She was the widow of James i Baxter Ervin. Mrs. Ervin was a member of the Baptist Church and was a retired Registered Nurse. The daughter of Maranthus and Mary Effie Shafer McMillion, she was born at Friars Hill on January 15, 1903. Surviving her are a daughter, Peggy Loury, of Allen, Texas; two step-children, Walter Ervin and Cassie Fitzgerald, of Ohio; a sister, Drexal Wade, of California; two brothers, Ovid McMillion, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and Lester McMillion, of Clifton Forge, Virginia; and several grandchildren. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 11 a. m. Wednesday by Rev. Gary Tate, with burial in Oak Grave Cemetery.

Kyle C. Ervin Kyle Curtis Ervin, 50, of Euclid, Ohio, formerly of Clover Lick, died Monday, November 16, 1987, in General Hospital at Euclid, following a short illness. Born August 1, 1937, at Clover Lick, he was the son of the late Herman and Gladys Kennedy Ervin. • Mr. Evin was a. machinist and a member of the United Methodist Church. A daughter, Susan Marie Ervin, preceded him in death. Surviving him are a daughter, Hazel Geneva Ervin Sharp, of Euclid; two brothers, William Earl Ervin, of South Euclid, and Roger Wayne Ervin, of Cleveland, Ohio; a, sister, Lillian Ruth Ervin Boles, of Cleveland, Tennessee; and three grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday at the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton by the Rev. David Boles, with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery. Mrs. Zeurilda M. Evans Mrs. Zeurilda Margaret Evans, 85, of Beckley, died Wednesday, August 31, in a Beckley hosptial following a long illness. She lived in Marlinton many years ago when her husband had a barbershop here. She is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Mary Evans, of Marlinton. Born June 26, 1903, in Harrisonburg, Virginia, she was a daughter of the late" Jacob Wesley and Hattie Virginia Coyer Medsker. She'was" a member of the Beckley Presbyterian Church.' ' Her husband, Roy Clifford Evans, preceded her in, death in 1942. * Surviving her are a son, Robert W. Evans, of Shady Spring, and a daughter, Mrs. Keith (Betty Lee) Evans, of Beckley. Services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday at the Melton Mortuary Chapel in Beckley by the Rev. Dr. Phillip Leftwich, with burial in Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery in Beckley.

Ida McClintic Evans •'- Ida McClintic Evans, 92, died Wednesday, July 29, 1987 at r AJleghariy Regional Hospital. Sh'e was born in Bath County on July 16, 1895. ^Surviving her are three nieces arid two nephews. . . were held. Saturday,'/August 1, at McLaughlin Funeral .Home.


Eleanor H. Estikm Eleanor H. Estilow, 78, of Hurricane, formerly of Frost, died on December 14, 1997, after a short illness. Mrs. Estilow worked as a licensed practical nurse in New Jersey before she and ber husband retired to Frost. She was an Elder in the Baxter Presbyterian Church, a member of the Pocahontas Communications Cooperative Board, and a past President of the Pocahontas Continuous Care Auxiliary. After moving to Hurricane, she was active in the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant Survivors include one daughter, Patricia Saunders, of West Deptford, New Jersey; and two sons, John Estilow, of Hampton, Virginia, and W. Howard "Bill" Estilow, of Fulton, Illinois. She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother, and ber husband, Willard H. "Bill" Estilow. A memorial service will be held at the Church of the Covenant on Thursday at 11:30 am with the Rev. David Bush officiating. Friends may make donations to the Baxter Presbyterian Church, WVMR, or the Frost Volunteer Fire Department W. H. Estilow, Sr. Willard Howard Estilow, Sr., age 70, of Frost, died Tuesday, July 26, 1988, at his home. . Mr. Estilow was a carpenter. Born in Mickleton, New Jersey, February 6, 1918, he was the son of the late Charles C. and Eva Reed Estilow. ''A brother and sister preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Eleanor Horner Estilow; a daughter, Patricia C. Saunders, of Mullica Hill, New Jersey; two sons, John C. Estilow, of Seaford, Delaware, and W. Howard Estilow, Jr., of Fulton, Illinois; and four grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Larry A. Eads Larry Austin Eads, age 42, of Beckley, died Monday, June 22, 1998, at home of a short illness. He was bom in Boone County on October 30, 1955, and was an employee of CSX Railroad for 21 years. He is survived by his wife, Beverly Snodgrass Eads, of Seebert; diree children, Mikki, of Racine, Stephanie Michelle and Lance Austin, of Seebert; two sisters, Darlena Snodgrass, of Clendenin, and Melody Graybeal, of Sylvester. Service arrangements are incomplete at this time.

Herbert E. EUingwood Herbert Eugene EUingwood, 67, of Reno, Nevada, died on March 8, 1998. He was born on March 5, 1931, in Ordway, Colorado, the son of Harry and Edith EUingwood. He grew up in Watsonville, California, and attended Yale University. He was a graduate of the Stanford University Law School. Mr. EUingwood served in the U. S. Army. He began his career as a Deputy District Attorney for Alameda County, California, in 1963. He served as Legal Secretary to Gov. Ronald Reagan. During Reagan's terms as President Mr. EUingwood served first as Deputy Counsel to the President, Chairman of the U. S. Merit System Protection Board, and finally as Special to Attorney General Edwin Meese. He returned to California in 1988 and entered the private practice of law. He served as board member of many school and church boards and was a regent of CBN University. Survivors include his wife of 35 years, the former Audrey Kesler, of Cass; two sons, Bruce, of Corona, California, and Thomas, of New Canaan, Connecticut; and two grandchildren. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. on March 13 at the Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, California, with burial in the Garden of Memories at Salinas, California. Memorial donations can be made to the EUingwood Scholarship Fund at Monte Vista Christian School, 2 School Way, Watsonville, CA 95076.

Ollie K. Elza Ollie Katherine Elza, 95, of Bartow, died Saturday, Jan. 2, 1999, in Nella's Nursing Home at Crystal Springs. Mrs, Elza was befa-Sept. 30, 1903 at Winterbum, a daughter of the late Amby and Lottie Nelson Waybright. She married Carl Elza who p r e ceded her in death. Surviving are a daughter-in-law, Shirley Jean Elza, Ambridge, Pa.; two sisters, Gertrude Gum, Bartow, and Rella Arbogast, Parkersburg; four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and several .nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by a son, Clinton Elza; two sisters, Grace Starks and Edna Vandevander. Mrs. Elza was a homemaker. Friends were received at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today at 1 p.m. with the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Bert Arbogast officiating. Interment followed in Arbovale Cemetery.

Nancy McNeel Edwards , Nancv McNeel Edwards, age 75, of Lillian, Alabama, died October 9, 1998, in Butler (Pennsylvania) Veterans Administration Medical Center. She was bom February 9,1923, at Hillsboro, the daughter of J. Moffett McNeel, Sr„ and Rachel Edgar McNeel. Preceding her in death were her husband, Earl Edwards; her parents; a sister, Mary Lydia McNeel Hilleary; and a brother, Samuel E. McNeel. Survivors include a brother, J. Moffett McNeel, Jr., of Hillsboro, and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Edwards was a member of the Lillian (Alabama) United Methodist Church. She had served in the WAVES, U. S. Navy, in World Warn. Graveside services will be conducted at 11 a. m. Saturday, October 17, at Oak Grove Cemetery, with the Rev. Robert Greaves officiating. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Oak Grove Presbyterian Church o r p a k Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Ara Bella Eaton Ara Bella "Jackie" Eaton, age 87, died January 7, 1998, in Roy, Utah. She was bom July 29, 1910, in Marlinton, the daughter of William Madison and Mable C. Wheeler Boggs. She married Cornell Eaton November 25,1978, in Boston. She was a caterer, and an active member of the True Vine Baptist Church. Surviving are her son, Paul Boggs, of Clearfield, Utah; three grandchildren; four sisters and two brothers, Mary Evans, of Dowagiac, Michigan, Clara Wilson, of Adrian, Michigan, Rosie Williams, of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Josephine Boggs, Sanford Boggs, and William Boggs, Jr., all of Marlinton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cornell; two brothers, Ralph and Carl Boggs; and two sisters, Glenna Jefferson and Ethel Stewart Memorial services were held January 10 at 2 p. m. at Undquist's Clearfield Mortuary.

Eula Lee Ervin Eula Lee "Sis" Ervin, age 70, of Green Bank, died February 11, Ollie K. Elza 1999. Ollie Katherine Elza, age 95, of She was bom at Cass on March Bartow, died January 2,1999, at the 15, 1928, the daughter of James Crystal Springs Nursing Home in and Edna Cook Cassell. Elkins. She was a retired coil data She was born September 30, recorder from Bethlehem Steel and a 1903, at Winterbum, to the late member of United Steelworkers and Amby and Lottie Nelson WayHebron Baptist Church. bright. Surviving her are her husband, She was a homemaker. William A. "Jack" Ervin; daughShe is preceded in death by her ters, Landa Davis, of Green Bank, husband, Carl Elza, a son, Clinton Martha Sue Cochran, of Baltimore, Elza, two sisters, Grace Starks and Edna Vandevander, U* £»*r,f fJ* Maryland; a son, William D. Ervin, of Baltimore; sisters, Laura Dean, She is survived by one daughof North East, Maryland, Ellen ter-in-law, Shirley Jean Elza, of Garr, of Tennessee, Phyllis Starki Ambridge, Pennsylvania; two of Ashville, South Carolina; two sisters, Gertrude Gum, of Bartow, brothers, Lloyd Cassell, of Dunand Rella Arbogast, of Parkersburg; more, and Samuel Cassell, of Cass; four grandchildren; six greatthree grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. grandchildren. Services were held Monday, at 1 p.m., at Wallace & Wallace Services were held at 2 p. m. Funeral Home in Arbovale, by Sunday at Hebron Baptist Church Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. by the Rev. John Sullivan. Burial Bert Arbogast. Burial followed in was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Arbovale Cemetery. William Arthur Ervin William Arthur Ervin, age 76, of Green Bank, died August 24, 1999, in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Franklin Woods Rehab Center, after an extended illness. Friends may call at the Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale from 7 to 9 p. m., Friday. Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Green Bank Hebron Baptist Church by the Rev. John Sulllivan. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. ^_^ — ^


Blanche R. Elbon Blanche R. Elbon, age 98, of Durbin, died Sunday, July 25, 1999, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center in Fairlea. Mrs. Elbon was born September 15, 1900, at Cheat Mountain, and was the daughter of the late Harvey Franklin Cromer, Sr., and Frances Arbanna Malcomb Cromer. She was a homemaker and was a member of Durbin United Methodist Church and was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge of Durbin. Preceding her in death were her husband, William Walter Elbon and a daughter, Patsy Nottingham. Surviving her are one son, Ben R. Elbon, of Stanardsville, Virginia; five grandchildren, six greatgrandchildren and two great-greatgrandchildren. Graveside rites were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Bethel Cemetery by Rev. Roland Armstrong. Memorial donations may be made to Durbin United Methodist Church c/o Susie Murphy, Boyer Motel, Boyer, WV 24922.

Sally Arbogast Ervin Sally Arbogast Ervin, age 81, of White Sulphur Springs, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Wednesday, March 31, 1999, at White Sulphur Springs Family Care Center. Mrs. Ervin was of the Brethren faith. She was born April 14, 1917, at Cherry Grove, the daughter of the late Martin and Pearline Bennett Arbogast. Preceding her in death were her husband, Arnold Ervin, in 1984; a sister, Mae Rexrode; and a brother, Russell Arbogast. Survivors include a niece whom she raised, Juanita Cox, of White Sulphur Springs; four sisters, Radie Nelson, of Bartow, Ruth Ervin, of Durbin, Darie Arbogast, of Dunmore, and Mary Howdyshell, of Andover, Ohio; two brothers, Ray Arbogast, of Wellsburg, and Elmer Arbogast,'of Louisiana. Funeral services were held Saturday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


William Arthur Ervin William Arthur "Jack" Ervin, age 76, of Green Bank, died August 24, 1999, in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Franklin Woods Rehab Center, after an extended illness. He attended the Hebron Baptist Church at Green Bank. He was a retired truck driver, a World War II veteran, and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Ervin was born March 8, 1923, in Green Bank, the son of the late Donald and Vesta Calhoun Ervin. His wife, Eula Cassell Ervin, preceded him in death. Survivors include two daughters, Linda Davis, of Green Bank, and Martha Cochran, of Baltimore; a son, Danny Ervin, of Baltimore; three sisters, Lucille Sheets, of Glenville, Marie Crawford, of Baltimore, and Alice Miller, of Elkins; and three brothers, Guy, Dewey and Alfred Ervine, all of Green Bank; three grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Green Bank Hebron Baptist Church by the Rev. John Sullivan. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

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Vaughn Fertig, 82, Route 193 Wayne Township, Williamsfield, Ohio, died Sunday, September 12, 1976, at the Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, Ohio. Mr. Fertig was born June 10, 1894, in Dunmore, the son of the late Charles and Clara Corbett Fertig. He had lived in the Wayne Williamsfield area for the past twenty-eight years and was a retired farmer. He served in theU. S. Army during World War I. August 3, 1921 he married Josie Helen Mace, who survives. Other survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Keith (Maymie) Lambert and Mrs. Delford (Gatha) Lambert, both of Williamsfield; four sons, Jacob Fertig, of Williamsfield, Dewey Fertig, of Conneaut, Ohio, Charles, Jr. Fertig, of Vienna, Ohio, and Clark Fertig, of Farmdale, Ohio; one brother, Albert, of Frost; 31 grand children and eight great-grand children. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Shelva, a son, Kenneth, who died in childhood, and four sisters. Funeral services were held September 15 at the Pyraatuning Community Church in Andover, Ohio, with the Rev. Richard King, pastor of the Church officiating. Burial was in the Williamsfield Cemetery. Baby Fertig


Christopher Todd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Glade Fertig, Jr., of Marlinton, died at birth Thursday. Januarv 15, 1970, in the Sacred Heart Hospital at Richwood. Besides his parents the baby is survived by one sister, Karen Ann; grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beveraee and Mr. and Mrs. Glade Fertig Sr.; the great-grandparents, Page Friel, Jesse Beverage, N. R. Fertig and Mrs. Icie VanReenen. Graveside services were held Sundav morning by the Rev. Donald Wood in the Mountain View Cemetery.

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Earl Wintford Fertig, 53, of Stafford, Virginia, died Saturday, June 15, 1968, in Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg, Virginia, after a short illness. Born June 28, 1915, at Dunmore be was a son of the late George and Florence Carpenter Fertig. He was preceded to the grave by his parents some thirty years ago; one brother, Gay S. Fertig. May 4, 1944, in Hombolt Bay, Dutch New Guinea, while serving his country; one son, Wintford Fertig, who died from a motorcycle accident in Amherst, Ohio, July, 1966, and a half brother, Andrew E. Fertig, died December, 1962. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Mrs. Avis Fertig; two daughters, Mrs. Elreda Wooddell, of Amherst, Ohio, and Mrs. Charlotte Biggs, of Marlinton; one son, Elmo M. Fertig, of New Smyrna Beach, Florida; one sister, Mrs. Evelyn Higgins, of Baltimore, Maryland; one brother, Carl M. Fertig, Virginia; two halfsisters, Mrs. Birdie Ervine, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Beulah Andrews, of Hot Springs, Virginia; one half brother, William A. Fertig, of Edgewood, Maryland, and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the Cunningham Funeral Home Chapel at Woodbridge, Virginia. Burial was in the Evergreen Cemetery at Dyke, Virginia. Carl Fertig Carl Fertig, age 73, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, died Friday, April 28, 1991, and was buried at Fredericksburg on Monday from Mullers Funeral Home. A native of Pocahontas County, he was preceded in death by his parents, George and Florence Fertig; two brothers, Earl and Gaye Fertig; and a sister, Beulah Andrews. Mr. Fertig is survived by three daughters and two sons, of the Fredericksburg and Washington area; one sister, Evelyn Higgins, of Phoenix, Arizona. He is a cousin of Ethel Rose and Mae Corbett.

Mrs. Winters Fertig Mrs. Mary E. Simmons Ferlig, of Dunbar, died Tuesday \ night, October 6, 1974, in Shelvia Jean Fertig. infant daiiffij Thomas Memorial Hospital in t e r o f M r and Mrs Vaughan Fertlff, iii d October 1, 1937, iged 2 month; Charleston. ind fourteen days, af1 or an illness of The body will be at Van- whooping cough and pneumonia. Reenen Funeral Home but arrangements are incomplete.

Jacob W. Fwtii Jacob William Fertig, 52, of Williamsfield, Ohio, died Wednesday, November 17, 1976. Death. followed an illness of three months of cancer. Born at Dunmore, November 29, 1924, he was the son of the late Charles Vaughn and Josie Helen (Mace) Fertig. He was married to the former Rhoda M. Kelley in 1946. He was employed by the Wagner Farms, of Williamsfield, until ill health forced him to retire in July of 1976. He was an army veteran, serving in World War II, and held a membership in the American Legion of Jamestown and a member of Jamestown, Pennsylvania Volunteer Fire Department. Survivors include his wife, six sons, William Kenneth Fertig, of Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Leslie Lee, Eugene, Richard, David, and Paul Fertig, all of Jamestown; three daughters, Mrs. Robert (Wanda) Peach, of Westford, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Charles (Maymie) Rice, Albion, Pennsylvania, Miss Rebecca Fertig, at home. Also VA mother, Mrs. Josie Helen Fertig, of Williamsfield, Ohio; three brothers, Charles Fertig, Jr., of Vienna, Ohio, Dewey Fertig, Conneaut, Ohio, Clark Fertig, of Farmdale, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Keith (Mamie) Lambert,Mrs. Delford (Gatha) Lambert, both of Williamsfield, and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the James W. Baird Fu? neral Home, Jamestown, Pennsylvania, by the Rev. Richard King, pastor of the Pymatuning Community .Church, Andover, Ohio. Interment was in the Williamsfield Cemetery. Elmo Markel Fertig Elmo M. [Sam] Fertig, age 48, died April 16, 1984, in a hospital in Port Richey, Florida, after a long illness. He was born in Marlinton, the son of Earl W. and Arleen Higgins Fertig. Preceding him in death were his parents and a brother, Winfred. Surviving him are his wife, Barbara; sons, Jonathan and Daniel; daughters, Rhonda and Rebecca, all of Florida; sisters, Elreda Waddell, of Amherst, Ohio, and Charlotte Biggs, of Marlintbn. Services were held in Port Richey, Florida, on April 20, 1984, with burial in Grace Memorial Cemetery.

Joe F. Ftrtif JoeF. Fertig, 87, of Dunmore, died Sunday, December 17, 1978, after an extended illness. Mr. Fertig was a retired farmer and a member of the Frost Methodist Church. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion. Preceding him in death was his wife, Bertha Moore Fertig. He was born at Dilley's Mill, July 8, 1891, the son of Newton and Luey Moore Fertig. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Judy Renfrow, of Sumter, South Carolina; three sons, Nathan J. Fertig and Eldon C. Fertig, both of Dunmore, and Randall D. Fertig, of Baltimore, Maryland; eleven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; a brother, Newman Fertig, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Mrs. Verna Grimes, of Dunmore, and Mrs. Maude Carpenter, of Bend, Oregon. Services were held Wednesday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum and Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Maude Smith Fertig Maude Smith Fertig, of Dandalk, Maryland, died on January 13, 1998. Born in Marlinton on March 5, 1925, she was the daughter of the late Luther and Frances Smith. She was retired from the City of Baltimore after working over 20 years in the business offices of Baltimore City Hospitals. Mrs. Fertig is survived by her husband, Noyle; a daughter, Anita Cather; two grandsons; and a brother, Joe Smith, of Marlinton. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Lee, Jake, and Albert Smith, and six sisters, Sallie Friel, Susie McKenney, Faye Fitzgerald, Emma Dunbrack, Lucy Jackson Warner, and Lulu Jackson. Funeral services were held at the Duda-Ruck Funeral Home in Dundalk with burial in Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens in Timonium, Maryland, on January

bAI 5. rrKIlli \ y First Sgt (Jay S". Fwtig, son ul' George and Florence Fertig. was born October 1, 11>20. He entered the Service September 31, I'tVJ, at Fort Hayes, Ohio, and was later transferred to Alomagordo, New Mexico, and from there to the South West Pacific. First Sgt. Fertig came to his death on May 4. 1914, by drown ing in Hombolt Bay, Dutch JNew Guinea. His father and mother preceded him to the grave several years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss, one sister, Mrs. Guy Higgins, Marlinton, two brothers, Earl Fe,r ttg, Clover Lick; Carl Fertig of Alexandria, Va.; two half sisters, Mrs. Walter Ervine Lewisourg; and Mrs. Cecil Andrews of Fall ing Springs, Va.,two half broihers, Andrew and William of Mary land. A host of other relatives and friends. Siace early youth, he was a member of the Mount Zion Methodist Church. He was a graduate of MarlinM llitrh School, class of '3jJ. |

Dewey Fertig Sr. i > Dewey Fertig Sr., 55, of Conneaut, Ohio, formerly of Dunmore died September 16, 1987, at St. Vincent Health Center, after a short, illness. Mr. Fertig was born in Dunmorej on August 30, 1932, the son of Charles Vaughan and Helen Mace Fertig. . / He was a 17-year city resident moving to Conneaut, Oh from Rome, and was employed as a truck driver with S & J Trucking Co., and was a member of the Conneaut Free Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his father; two brothers, Jacob and Kenneth and sister, Shelva. Survivors include his mother, of Andover, wife, Janice (Tuttle); two daughters, Mrs. Marcia Pyle and Mrs. Kathi Bucci, both of Conneaut, Ohio; five sons, Dewey Jr., of Lancaster, Ohio; Robert, Jerald, Randall and Daniel, all of Conneaut, »Ohio; two brothers, Charles V. Jr., of Vienna, and Melvin C. Fertig, of Farmdale, Ohio two sisters, Maymie Lambert of Palmyra, Virginia, and Gatha Lambert of Andover, Ohio; eight grandsons. •• • Services were held Saturday '•attheMarcy Funeral Home with the Rev. Nathan Dutton of the Conneaut Free Methodist Church officiating. Burial was in the Kelloggsville Cemetery.

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Mrs. Arlene Higgins Fertig, 60 of Route 1, Marlinton, died in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, October 26,1976, after a long illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Marlinton April 30, 1916, she was the daughter of John Henry and Ettie Jackson Higgins. Survivngher are' a son, Elmo Fertig, of Orlando, Florida, two daughters, Mrs. Elreda Waddell, Amherst, Ohio, and Mrs. Charlotte Biggs, of Marlinton; five brothers, Guy Higpins, Glendale, Arizona,* Jim Higgins, Las Vegas, Nevada, Elliott Higgins, Stony Bottom, Harry Higgins, Amherst, Ohio, Dan Higgins, Indiana; three sisters, Mrs. Grace Hill, Buckeye, Mrs. Ethel Akers, Buckeye, and Mrs. Wajnda Peterson, Scottsdaie. Arizona; fifteen grandchildren. Services ™ll be held at 2 p. ni. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Alfred Gum and Rev. Sanford Boggs with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. N. R. Fertig Newman R. Fertig, 90, of Fairview, near Marlinton, died Friday, June 20, 1980 in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, alter a four month illness. Mr. Fertig was a retired schoolteacher, with 39 years service and a member of the Fairview Methodist Church. He was born at Dunmore December 26, 1889, the son of Newton and Lucy Moore Fertig. His wife, Nola Fay Sharp Fertig (September 1923), and a daughter, Velma Sharp, preceded him in death. Surviving him are four sons, Dale Fertig, Belington, Noyle Fertig, Baltimore, Maryland, Glade Fertig, Marlinton, and Stanford Fertig, Laurel, Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. Veda Hamrick, Hinckley, Ohio, and Mrs. Madge Palmer, Akron, Ohio; 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Verna Grimes, Frost, Mrs. Maude Carpenter, Bend, Oregon. Services were held Sunday in Fairview Methodist Church by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with burial in Fairview Cemetery.

«•••. vewi 4. rerguson Mrs. Icie Fertig, 55, died at Mrs. Lucy Edgar Beard Ferher home in Monterey, Virguson, 56, of Huntington, died ginia, on Monday, January 11, Saturday, October 24, 1984, in 1965, of a heart attack. jSt. Mary's Hospital after a Mrs. Fertig was born April short illness. 2, 1909, in Masontown, the Mrs. Ferguson was born daughter of Okey and Sarah September 30,1908. at Auburn Harvey. She was first married in Culpeper, Virginia, the secto Charlie Moore, who died in ond daughter of Thomas Lee 1945. Then she was married I and Nettie Callison Beard. to Charlie Fertig, who also pre-1 After the death of her mother ceded her in death. in 1915, the family came back Surviving her are two sons, to Hillsboro. She was married Wilham H. Moore, of Balti- to Cecil J. Ferguson in 1930. more, Maryland and Theodore i She was an active member Q Moore, of Marlinton, two* of First Presbyterian Church in daughters, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Huntington and of the Hunt-1 of Richmond, Virginia and ington Woman's Club. Mrs. Hallie Cain, of MarlinSurviving her are her huston; thirteen grandchildren; jband and two sons, James and several brothers and sisters (Thomas Ferguson, of Gravson. One son, Richard Oren Moore, Kentucky, and Alfred Ferguwas killed in Korea in 1953. son, of Huntington; thrpe grand Funeral arrangements are, children: two sisters, Mrs. Alincomplete. ^J >ert (Virginia) Covington, of Ie.xandria, Virginia, and Mrs ee (Maude) Ruckman, of deard, and a brother, Carl SSG William K. F«rtff SSO William K. Fertig, 29, Beard, of Charleston. , rf Fort Sill, Oklahoma, died at Funeral services were held 10 p. m. Tuesday, December Monday at the Klingle-Carpen 28,1976, as the result of an ter Funeral Home in Huntingauto accident near Highland, ton by Dr. Lynn P. Jones with Illinois. burial in Wilshire Boulevard Born at Marlinton, on May Memorial Gardens. 23,1947, he was the son of Mrs. Rhoda M. (Kelley) FerAndrew Fertig tig and the late Jacob W. Fertig, who died November 16, Andrew Fertig was born 1976. April 7,1893, at Thorny Creek, He was married to Janet Ak- the sen of the late Missouri lins on December 27, 1976. A Loury and G. A. Fertig, and graduate of Jamestown Area departed this life on Tuesday, High School, Class of 1936, he December 25, 1962, at his was serving with the U. S. home in Joppa, Maryland, fol Army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. lowing a long illness. He was a member of the Cass Surviving are his widow; his mother, Mrs. Rhoda M. Fer- Presbyterian Church. tig, of Jamestown, PennsylMr. Fertig was married to vania; his grandmother, Mrs. the former Grace McLaughlin, Charles (Josei) Fertig of Wil- who survives him; other sur .iamsfield, Ohio; five brothers, vivors include their four childLeslie Lee, Eugene, Richard, ren, Mrs. William Hayes, Mrs. David and Paul Fertig, all of Leo'in H'ggins, Mrs. Elwood Jamestown; three sisters, Mrs Townsley, and Marvin Fertig, Robert (Wanda) Peach of West all of Joppa, Maryland; one ford, Pennsylvania, Rebecca brother, William Fertig, of Fertig, of Jamestown, and Mrs. Edgewood, Maryland; one risCharles (Mamie) Rice, of Al« ter, Mrs. W. D. Ervine, of bion, and several aunts, Lewisburg; one half-sister, Mrs uncles and nieces. Guy Higgins, of Baltimore, Preceding him in death were Maryland; two half-bro'hers, his grandfather, Charles Fer- Carl Fertig and Earle Fertig; tig, and bis grandparents, Eu- and eight grandchildren. gene and Anna Kelley, of Funeral services were held Clover Lick. from the Smith Funeral Home The funeral was held Janu- on Saturday afternoon by the ary 2, 1977, at Jamestown Rev. W. E. Pierce, with burial Presbyterian Church. Burial was at the Jamestown Ceme- in the Dilley Cemetery. tery.

Mrs. Alma Hess Ferguson, of 208 W. North St. Harriivilla, passed away Monday evening, September 1,1975, at her home. She had suffered several strokes aince July 1. She was born in Ritchie Coun ty, a daughter of the late John and Frances Mahala Birch HOPS Hill. From 1950 to January 1975 she waa co-owner of the Ritchie Gazette at Harriaville and 9 years previously was co-owner of Marlinton Journal in Marlinton. For several years she was a member of the State Republican Executive Committee, a member of the James Woods Chapter of the DAR of which she waa Regent 1969-79, Thomas-Ritchie Chapter of the American Pioneers, Marlinton Chapter 97 Order of the Eastern Star, Omega Shrine, White Shrine, of Jerusalem in Clarksburg, Harrisville Woman's Club and Harrisville Garden Club. She waa a member of St. Lukes United Methodist Church in Harrisville. Survived by bar husband, Aubrey E. Ferguson, a sister, Mra. John Stem pie, of St, Petersburg, Florida, three half sisters, Mra. Denzil Campbell, of Harrisville, Miss Clara Heas, Washington, D. C , Mra. Joan Powell, of Williamstown. She was preceded in death by a sister, Mildred Ethel Hess. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1 p. m. at the home with Rev. L. B. Fairfax, and Rev. Charles Rogers officiating. Interment will follow in the South St. Cemetery in Clarksburg. Mrs Lucy Fertig Mrs Lucy Moore Fertig, aged 78 years, died at her homi Thorny Creek, on Saturday. March 18,, 1943. She had been in failing health for some time. On Monday afternoon her l> laid to rest in the cemetery at Mt. Zion. The service ^as conducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr Saville. The deceased wast he wife of the late Newton Fertig. Their children are Newman, and J. F. Fertig, Mrs Henderson Sharp, Mrs Clyde Carpenter, Mrs Alvu Shrader Mrs Hubert Grin

Mrs. Monna Feather Mrs. Monna Birdie Feather, 80, of Durbin, died Tuesday, April 30, 1985, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Born July 11, 1904, she was the daughter of the late James and Mary Gragg Colaw. Mrs. Feather was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and a retired school teacher. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren in Durbin. Her husband, C. W. Feather, preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Carl Allen Feather, of Richmond, Virginia, and a stepson, Arnold Lee Feather; two sisters, Mary Smith, of Norfolk, Virginia, and Velma Sutton, of Durbin; four brothers, Russell, Hayward, and June Colaw, all of Durbin, and Vernon Colaw, of Richmond, Virginia; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Arrangements are incomplete as we go to press.

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Charles Vaughan Fertig, 82 of Wiiliamsfield, Ohio, diet Septembers, 1976. He bat farmed most of his life. Bon June 10, 1894, on Thornj Creek, he was a son of Charlef and Clara Corbett Fertig. He is survived by his wife, Helen Mace Vaughan, six children, and one brother, Albert Fertig, of Frost. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Edna Landis, Ruth Taylor, and two who died in infancy. Funeral services were held September 15 in the Presbyterian Community Church in Andover, Ohio, by the Rev. Richard King, with burial in Wiiliamsfield Cemetery. DEATHS

! Joan France? Fe daughter of Mr and Mrs Alherr Fertig, of Frcst. was horn May 27, 13:)6. and departed this life. January 3. 1940, after an illness of many months. She leaves to mourn their loss, her father, mother, two sister-;. Ella and Jean and one brother. Lyle. and many relatives and little friends A loved one from us is gone. |A voice we loved is still, Charles W. Fertig IA place is vacant in our home Charles W. Fertig, of FrosT VVhich never can be tilled was born October 25,. 1869, in |God needed ong more an^el child Greenbrier County, and died in .Amidst his shining band, the Alderson Broaddus .Hospita' And so he went with loving smile in Phitippi on October 23, 1957 And clasped our darling's hand.

Mrs. Retha I. Feola Mrs. Retha Irene Feola, 63, of Spotswood, New Jersey died Thursday, October 11, 1973, at St. Peter's Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Born in Valley Head, she was a daughter of the late John and Minerva Snyder. Mrs. Feola was married to the late Sylvester Feola. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Sara Corpero, of Spotswood, NJW Jersey, and Mrs. Anne Mazzella, of Indio, California; two brothers, Frank Snyder, of Huttonsville, and Bulow Snyder, of Bartow; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Hall, of Lower Burrell. Pennsylvania, Mrs. Cary Kenney and Mrs. Ada Ware, both of Valley Head, and seven grandchildren. Services were held in New Jersey. ^


John W. Fenstermaker John William Fenstermaker, 41, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Durbin, was found dead in a Baltimore hotel Saturday, March 29,1969. He was a veteran of the Korean War and had lived in Vo* cahontas County most of his life. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Elva Eary Fenstermaker, of Elkins; two sisters, Miss Leola Fenstermaker, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Viola Wilfong, of Painesville, Ohio; and a brother, George, of Frank. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon in the Bethel United Methodi&t Church near Durbin with Kev. Hobert Snedegarand Rev. David Rrttenhouse in charge. Burial was in the cburch cemetery.

Mr. Fer.tig was preceded in death by his first wife, Clara Mrs. George Fenstermaker Corbett Fertig, in 1932, and three Mrs. Mary Mildred Fenster daughters, Ola and Edith Fertig maker, 38, of Bartow, died at her and Mrs. Edna Landis. home Thursday, January 29,1959. Surviving him are his wife, Icie She is survived by her husband, Fertig, of Monterey, Virginia George Fenstermaker; her mothone daughter, Mrs. Ruth Taylor er, Mrs. Betty Hulver, of Durof Huntersville two sons Vaughai bin; and one brother, Hinkle Fertig, of Williamsfiald, Ohio Hulver, of Bartow. and Albert Fertig, of Frost, four Funeral services were held Sunteen grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren, and one sis- day in the Church of God at Durter. Mrs. Lena Shrader, of Clovei bin by the Rev. Herbert J. SnedMrs. Mary Feury egar and the Rev. Dale Jones. Lick. > Burial was in the Mullenax Cem- | Mrs. Mary Catherine Feury, Funeral services were held ii tery near Bartow. 32, of White Sulphur Springs, the Mt. Zion Church on Satur3ied Tuesday, September 9, John Feldes day afternoon by the Rev. Lowel! 1969, in a Covington, Virginia, John Feldes died Friday, Legg and the Rev. T. G. Alderhospital after a short illness. November 23, 1979, of an man with interment in Bethe Born at Alleghany, Virginia, apparent heart attack at a Cemetery. January 27. 1907, she was a hunting camp at Burner Paul Finley daughter of the late Clarence Settlement near Frank. He Paul Leon Finley, 93, of C. and Helen Smith Myers. was brought to the PocaLe.wisburg, died May 13, 1991, at hontas Memorial Hospital Survivors include two sons White Sulphur Family Care Centerff by the B-F-D ambulance, and two daughters, one of after a long illness. and then taken on to Charwhom is Mrs. Kenny Hoke, of Mr. Finley, a native of Ohio, > leston for an autopsy. Marlinton, a brother, and a was a retired mortician with fortyi sister, twelve grandchildren Services and burial were years' service, and an Army! and one great-granddaughter in the Cleveland, Ohio, ' veteran. He came to Pocahontas' | area. I Funeral services were held County for many years with' Friday afternoon in the ShankWallace and Wallace Funeral! Shelvia Jean Fertig, nfant daugh lin Funeral Home Chapel in Home. terofMr and Mrs V a ..„: w Fertitr, White Sulphur Springs with Services will be at 10 a. m. iitd October 1, 1937, aged 2 months Rev. Charles Snead in charge Thursday at Wallace and Wallace ind fourteen days, afret an illness of with burial in the McCreery Funeral Chapel in Lewisburg with whooping cough and pneumonia. 1 Cemetery near White Sulphur. burial in Rosewood Cemetery.




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Mrs. Ailee Nicholas Fagan, 80, of Arbovale, died Sunday, August 16, 1970, in the Denmar State Hospital at Beard, after a long illness. rS^t-ir^ She was a lifelong resident of Arbovale, and a member of the United Methodist Church at Arbovale. d ^ Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Nola Shears, of Arbovale; Mrs. Pearl Riiz. of Paloa Verdes, California, Mrs. Bonnie Hill, of Durbin, and Mrs. Violet Chapman, of Weston; two sons, Hunter Nicholas, of Weirton, and Sterl Nicholas, of Mingo Junction, Ohio; two brothers, Leonard Arbogast, of Broadway, Virginia, and William Arbogast, of Green Bank. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Arbovale United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Hinton— Howard Benjamin Falls, aged 52 years, widely known Chesapeake and Ohio Railway uijrineer, died December "29, 1944. He bad been ill for five days, having suffered a stroke at Durbin the Sunday before his death. Mrs. Bract Fauiknier ^ Mrs. Grace Fauiknier, 89, of Doraville, Georgia, formerly of Dunbar and Marlinton, died Friday, December 15. 1978. in Georgia. She was tbe widow of the late Crede Fauiknier. Born at Marlinton, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Gslford. Services~were held Monday at the Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar, with the Rev. Cecil McMillion officiating. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park. HARRY FOSS Harry Foss, aged 56 years, died | Tuesday, December 24, 1940. He was a native of Pennsylvania and had worked in the woods for many years for the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company. At the of his death he was on the WPA. Burial in the Mt. View Cemetery on Wednesday morning, the services b«ing conducted by Rev. James C. Wool.


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Wanda G. Faltz, 59, of the lace A. A. and Mary Eggieston Westminster, Maryland, died Fauiknier, was born in Monroe counDecember 1, 1856, and died April Friday, July 17, 1992, at Carroll ty, 1935. it the home of his son Guy County General Hospital, after an 18. I'aufkni T in Marlinton, after an 111illness of two and one-half years. not.i of several months, aged seventyShe was born April 3, 1933, at eight years, four months 18 days. Marlinton, the daughter of the late He was married to Martha Ellen Russell T. and Sallie T. Gabbert. Bostic in January, 1877. He is surSurvivors include her husband, vived by his two da ighter, Mrs Richard Faltz, three sons, Brian George Eggleston, of Alderson. Bailey of Manchester, Maryland, Mrs Cleve Riley, of Arbova' . and his Ricky Faltz, Jr., and Christopher son Guy R Fauiknier of Marli;.ton, his Mrs Mary Crawford, of Helen; Faltz, of Manchester, Maryland, sister and his brother, John R Fauiknier, and two daughters, Marie Bailey of of Keenan. His wife, Martha, and Florida, and Sharon Faltz, of four sons, James, Walter, Clyde and Manchester, Maryland. Lake died a number of years ago. Mr. Fauiknier came to Pocahi Preceding her in death were her parents and a brother, Russell T. county from Monroe aboui thirty years ago. He was a member of the Gabbert, Jr. Masonic Lodge, and had been Funeral services were held on Union member of Marlinton Methodist Monday, July 20, in Manchester, (Jhurch since 1921. Maryland, with interment in the Funeral services were held at Gap New Lutheran Cemetery in Mills Sunday, April 21, by his pastor. Manchester. Rev W. G. Wintou. assisted by the Mm Farm Robert Julian Farm, 57, of Valley Ridge. Virginia, died from bead injuries received in a one-car accident Saturday riant on Route 220 iust outside of Covington. He was a supervisor at Westvaco. Among survivors are his wife, Geraldine Farrar, a son and a daughter. Services were held Wednesday. Mr. Farrar was well known and related to many in this area. His grandmother was a Dever. Priscilla Fawcett Priscilla F a w c e t t , aged a b o u t two years, little d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. J u l i a n F a w c e t t , died S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 10, 1940, after a long illness. On M o n d a y afternoon tbe little body was laid to rest in tbe family plot in Mountain View C e m e t e r y . T h e service was conducted by Rev\ R. H. S k a g g s from tbe S m i t h funeral -some. Mrs. Harry Foster

Mrs. Mae Foster, 91, died in luscon, Arizona, on Thursday, June 21, 1962, where she made her home with her daughter. Burial was in Beatrice, Nebraska. She was the widow of the •ate Guy Slaven, of Pocahontas County and later married Harry Fester, who also preceded her in death.

Rev Mr Shiflett, of Gap Mills. The Masons were in charge of the funeral service. Jesse Ray Farley

Jesse Ray Farley, 57, of Char I leston, died Wednesday, May 18, | 1960, in Mountain State Memorial Hospital. He had heart trouble for several years. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Helen Fortune Farley; a daughter, Mrs. Alan Hamrick, of Charleston; six sisters, Mrs. Hershel Dobbins, of White Oak, Mrs. Fred Crawford, of Hinton, Mrs. Ada Adkins, of Hand ley, Mrs. Joe Bennett, of Abraham, Mrs Tom McLaughlin, of Jumping Branch, and Mrs. Etta Pack, of Cincinnati, Ohiy; two brothers, D. C. Farley, of Princeton, and O. B. Farley, of Shady Spring. Funeral services were held Friday morning in Charleston, with burial in Mountain View.Cemetery. Mftkiy .01 Forty Mickey Joe Fouty, 17, of Marlinton, formerly of Pincb died Tuesday, October 20. 1981, in Pocahontas Memoria Hospital after a long illness He was a member of Mounl Pleasant Baptist Church, Elkvfew. Surviving are his stepfather and mother. Donald L. and Judy Oney, of Stth; sisters April Carmell Tanner anr Dawn Renee Tanner, both o Seth; grandparents, Mr. anc Mrs. Basil Fouty of Pinch. Services were held at 10 a. m. Friday in Hafer Funeral Home, Elkview, with the Rev. Richard W. Perrine officiating. Burial was in Rummel Cemetery.

George T. Forren

George (Dick) Tborras For ren, 76, of Seebert, died Saturday, January 7, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Death was attributed to an apparent heart attack. He was the son of the late j Mr. and Mrs. John Forren, of [Monroe County. Mr. Forren was a member of the Seebert Methodist Church, a veteran of World War I, i member of the American Legion Post No. 50, of Marlinton, and a retired construction ' worker and farmer. Survivors include his wife,! Mrs. Annie Forren; two sons. Charles Forren, of Seebert, and Major Keith Forren, stationed with the Army in Turkey; one j 'sister, Maxine Saunders, ofHollywood, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Victor Tenney in charge with burial in the Steele Cemetery at Seebert. Charles J. Forrw Charles J. Forren, 54, of Hillsboro, died Monday, March 22, 1976, in the Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roa noke, Virginia. He had been ill for five weeks. Mr. Forren was a maintenance supervisor for Monongahela National Forest Service and a veteran of World War II. He was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church of Hillsboro and a member of Pocahontas Lodge No. 121AF&AM, Hillsboro. Born at Seebert, August 1, 1921, he was the son of the late George T. and Annie Steele Forren. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Margaret Waugh Forren; two daughters, Mrs. Linda Forren Morgan, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, and Mrs. Margaret Forren McCombs.of Hillsboro; a granddaughter, Melissa Morgan; a brother, Kenneth P. Forren, of League, City, Texas; and four nephews and three nieces. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Methodiet Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Gail Cutlip and the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, with burial in the Steele Cemetery near Hillsbor o.

Kenneth Forren Kenneth Paul Forren, 57, of League City, Texas, passed away Monday, July 23, 1984, after a long illness. He was preceded in death by both parents, George and Annie Forren, and an only brother, Charles Forren, all of Hillsboro. He was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. Mr. Forren was a retired Major of the U. S. Army and was an R.O.T.C. teacher of Clear Creek School Districts. Surviving him are his second wife, Ivalie Forren, of League City; son, Ken Forren, and daughter, Joi Forren, at home in League City; also sons, John D. Forren, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Richard * T. Forren, of Bridgeport, and Charles L. Forren, of San Diego, California; daughters, Doreen Ward, of Huntington, and Sherry Forren, still at home with her mother, Mary Forren, of Bridgeport; one granddaughter, Leah Forren. Services were held at 2:00 on July 26 at Jack Deida Brotk Fatter Rowe Cathedral Chapel. Deida Brock Foster, 54, of Military graveside services Akron, Ohio, died February by Dickinson R.O.T.C. in 4,1977, in St. Thomas Hospi- Forest Park East Cemetery tal in Akron. in League City, Texas. Born February 22, 1922, in Pocahontas County, she was Luther Frank Fowl the daughter of R. W. Brock and the late Omie Wamsley Luther Frank Fowler, aged 73' Brock. She was married to years, of Cass, died on Thursday,! T. J. Foster at the home of her June 14, 1956, after a long illness, j parents in Valley Bend, June The funeral was held from the 30, 1945, by Rev. J. L. Mar- Cass Methodist Church on Saturvess. day afternoon by his pastor, Surviving her are her hus- Rev. Ed Thomas. Burial was in band; one daughter, Mrs. Jeff the Oak Grove Cemetery, at Arlinda Bishman; her father, Hillsboro. R. W. Brock, Valley Bend; The deceased was a son of the three sisters, Mrs. Ralph (Delate Burton and Nancy Wamsley lilah) Morrison, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. W. E. (DeJore3) Jesse, Fowler, of Hillsboro. His sisters Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. Ben are Mrs. Delia Arthur, of Athens, (Dora) Barnes, Medina, Ohio; Ohio and Mrs. Ella Tipton, of three brothers, Andrew Brock, Weston. N a z a r e t h , Pennsylvania; He is survived by his widow, Charles Brock, Parsons; San- Mrs. Mattie Pritt Fowler, of ford Brock, Glen Burnie, Mary- Cass; two daughters, Mrs. Netland. tie Shinaberry, of Huntersville; Services were held February and Mrs. Ruth Shinaberry, of 8, in Hennessy Funeral Home. Baltimore, Maryland; four sons, Burial was in Holy Cross Cem- iBurley, of Canton, Ohio; 1 je etery, Akron, Ohio. who is stationed with the Un .ed States, Navy, at Washington, D. C , Lynn and Joe, both of Baltimore, Maryland.

Mrs. William Walter Foreman Frances Rebecca Irvin Foreman, 101, of Beatrice, Nebraska, died in a Nebraska hospital on February 6, 1983. She had moved to Beatrice in 1902. Born at Edray, September 1, 1881, she was the daughter of George R. Irvin and Sarah Frances Jones. Among her paternal ancestors were Daniel McCollam and William Sharp, pioneer settlers in Pocahontas County. Mrs. Foreman was a member of the United Methodist Church and a charter member of the Gage County Historical Society. Survivors include a son, George Robert" Foreman, of Blue Springs, Nebraska; daughters, Mary Foreman and Mrs. Joe (Virginia) Bever, both of Beatrice; seven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter, in 1959; son, William, in 1979; and an infant daughter. Several relatives live in Pocahontas County and Ohio. Burial was in the Evergreen Home Cemetery, Beatrice, Nebraska.


isrs. rfiiiiam rosisr Mrs. Ira J. F o r t u n e d Mrs. Henrietta Thomas Foster, Mrs. Demma Florence Hogsett 84 years, of Mountain GrFortune, aged 82 years, 4 months nia, passed away in a Rest and 12 days, died at her home Home, in Waynesboro, Virginia, near Hillsboro on Tuesday, on Thursday, January 8th, L958, December 23, 1958, after a lor.g where she had been a patient for illness. fen days. Born in Bath County, Mrs. Fortune was born August (firginia, April 3, 1874, she was a 11, 1876, the daughter of the •••liter of the late Isaac R. and 'Rebecca Curry Thomas. She was. Rev. Thomas W. and Margaret the widow of the late W. S. Fos- Ann Hogsett, of Mill Point. She ter, o? Mountain Grove, Virginia, was a member of the Methodist who preceded her in death on, Church. Surviving are her husband, Ira November 8th, 1849. Mrs. Foster was a member of' J. Fortune; a step-datghter, Mis the Mountain Grove Methodist Grover Wilhelm, of Covington, Church where funeral services Virginia; three sisters. Mrs. Franwere conducted on Sunday after- ces E. Wilson and Mrs. Levia J. noon by her pastor, Rev. L. E. Anderson, of Mill Point, and Mrs Saville. Interment was made in Mary E. DiUey, of Marlinton; the Mountain Grove Cemetery, and a brothej, Elmer D. Hogsett, of Wilcox, Pennsylvania. by Arritt's Funeral Director. The funeral wis held at Smith's Surviving her are one son. W. N. Thomas, of Minnehaha Spr-1 Funeral Home on Friday aftertngs; five grandchildren-, French noon by the Rev. Collier Harvey, nas, of Front Royal, Virgin- with burial in Mountain View ia; Mrs. Ralph Mayo and Mrs. 1 Cemetery. Carlton Smith, of Fairmont; Mrs. David Lacey, of Falls Church, Virginia; one grandson, Jerry Lee Mavtin Lee Fowler Thomas, at home, and one greatgranddaughter, Kandyce Kay Marvin Lee Fowler, aged 37 Mayo. Also one foster daughter, years, a First Class Petty Officer, Mrs. Aronold Ryder, of Manas- in the United States Navy, sta-' sas, Virginia, and eight foster tioned at Navy Quarters K, in gnmdtMdre», Mrs. Ralph Mal- Arlington, Virginia, died in Ari~ck, of Falls Church, Virginia; lington hospital, Monday, April Mrs. Wanda Bettis, Jimmy, Ed- 28, 1958, from injuries suffered gar, Phillip, Dauglas, Wayne and on Sunday night at 10:30 P. M., BonJtta. all of Manassas. Virgin- when struck by an automobile ia; one step-daughter, Mrs. Jack, driven by a 15 year old youth. Cassidy, of Mountain Grove, Vir- The sailor was hurled 100 feet by ree stepsons, Lock Fos- the car on the rainswept Columof Covington, Virginia; John bia Pike. The youth told ArlingFoster, of Hot Springs, Virginia, ton police that he did not see the and Frank Foster and Mrs. Fos- | sailor before hitting him. Death ter (her niece), of Mountain • (resulted from multiple fractures, Grove, with whom she made her j head injuries, and internal injurhome, and a host of other nieces \ ies. Mr. Fowler was born at HillsSac' Ellery J. Fowler boro, the son of Mrs. Mattie Kllery J. Fowler, 71, of RenFowler and the late Luther Fowlick, died Friday, March 21, V.HSO, in Greenbrier Manor er. He was a graduate of Green Bank High School and attended .Nursing Home after a long illPotomac State College for two ness. years. He had served in the Born in Hiileboro, July 27, Navy for seventeen years. IfiOH, he was the son of the He is survived by his mother, Sate George and Zelphia l,estt>r now of Baltimore, Maryland; two Fowler, sisters, Mrs. Ruth Shinaberry, of Mr< Fowler was a carpenter, Baltimore, and Mrs. Nettie ShinSurvivors include his wife, aberry, of Huntersville, and three Dekie; two sons, Kllery Jr. of brothers, Lynn and Joe, of BaltiGrafton, Ohio, and Marlin, of more, and Burley, of Canton, Renick; a daughter, Mrs. MilOhio. dred Lewis, of Harpers Ferry: The body remained at Chamfive brothers, Homer and Berbers Funeral Home, in Arlington, nard, both nf EVqrtlffnrH f l^.->l until Friday morning, May 2nd, when it was removed to Fort Myof Rainelle, Otho, of Jessup, er Chapel. Fort Myer, Virginia, Maryland, Anthony, of Bowie, where services were held at 11:00 Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. A. M. Interment was made in Pearl Wilt, of Marlinton and the Arlington National Cemetery. Mrs. Ruth Seay, of Frankford; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Ira James Fortune(_^ Ira James Fortune, 76, died Monday, May 14, 1962, in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Grover (Delia) Wilhelm, of Covington, Virginia, with whom he lived. He was born in Long Dale, Virginia, February 6, 1886, a son of the late John Adams Fortune and Virginia Hickman Fortune. He had lived in Allegheny i County three years, after rehiring from farming in Poca1 hontas County. A member of the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church and the ( Men's Bible Class, he was a former member of the Marhnl ton Presbyterian Church. Other survivors include a brother, Val M. Fortune, of Fine Grove, three grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be conducted in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church at 3:00 Thursday with the Rev. Eugene Pierce in charge. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery. __ Mrs. Zelphia M. Fowler Mrs. Zelphia M. Fowler, 81, of Rainelle, formerly of Rerick, died Sunday, October 26,1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born May 26, 1888, she was the daughter of the late Lanty and Nancy Cordell Lester. She attended the First Baptist Church of Rainelle. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Ruth Heywood, of Bowie, Maryland, Mrs. Pearl Wilt, Mrs.' Jessie Sampson, Cass, and Miss Marie Fowler, of Riverdale, Maryland; six sons, Jay, of Rainelle, Anthony, of Bowie, Maryland, EN jry, of Renick, Bernard, of ^rankford, Otho, of Jessups, Maryland and Homer, of Perrysville; two brothers, Henry Lester, Marlinton, L. J. Lester, of Nettie; three sisters. Mrs. Bertha Sargent, of Elkton, Maryland, Mrs. Belle Scott, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Thursia Sharp; 29 grand children; 43 great-grandchildren and five great-great grand children. Funeral services were held Tuesday, at 2:00 p. m. in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg, with Rev. Henry Loving in charge. Burial was in Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

WALTER A. FOX The news of the death of Walter Alexander Fox came to the eommu nitv of Mountain Grove, B»th county Virginia, on Decemcer 23, 1925, at p. m , like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. Mr. Fox was injured February 19, 1925, while working in the woods. While felling a tree a limb broke off and Dew back striking his left arm, breaking it. This arm had caused him much trouble, ha ring it broke over and reset some three or four times. He had not been able to do a da^y's work since the accident ] and it is generally thought that his , death was due to couditlons resulting from this injury. Mr. Fox was born May 29, 1881:1 died Dec. 23, 1925, and was buried j on Christmas day at 11 o'clock a. m. His age was 44 years, six nonths and 22 days. Mr, Fox leaves to mourn his departure his aged father Wi):te;a Fox (who resides with the family), a devoted wife and five children, Emmi, Nannie, Arthur, Raymond and Vernon. Mrs. Fox's maiden name was Rider Tliis death was the occasion for much sadness in the neighborhood, as the community was preparing to have an entertainment and Xmas tree for the Sunday school in the Methodist church, Of which he and his family were members, and were to have a rehearsal meeting that evening. Mr. Fox was preparing to take some children to practice, and ran his car aut to a nearby creek to fill the radiator. He stayed longer I than usual and Mrs. Fox became un ' easy and made mention of the fact, and the father went to Investigate and found him dead in the car at the creek where he had stopped, but had not gotten out of the car. The last work Mr. Fox did at home was to get and place a tree in the parlor for the children. I t was only partly trlmmad. But alas! in a few hours his lifeless form was* placed before th3 tree and the anticipated joy of the family and neighborhood was turned into sorrow. Mr. Fox had been a member of the Methodist Church, South, for about! twenty-four years, and was always devoted to the interests of his church and assisted to the best of his ability. The Christmas program was cancelled In respect to the family and a spirit of sympathy for them was deeply manifested. The attendance at the funeral was very large and showed a very loving and neighborly spirit. The church looses a faithful and loyal member, and the community a ?ood citizen, but words ^ s m o t ex press the loss to the family. Our hearts melt in sympathy for them, although they do not mourn or sorrow as those haying no hope, that in some near future the same hand that lead a dear husband and father out of the home, will come and lead the other members of the family to a brighter better land where husband and father has gone to await their

Luther Lynn Fowler Luther Lynn Fowler, age 36, formerly of Cass, died unexpected ly on Thursday, July 28, 1966, in Baltimore, Maryland. He was born at Hillsboro January 7, 1930, the son of Mattie Fowler and the late Luther Fowler. He moved to Baltimore about 15 years ago. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland; his mother, Mrs. Mary Fowler, of Dunmore, two brothers, Burley B. Fowler, of Canton, Ohio, and Joe F. Fow ler, of Baltimore, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Shinaberry, of Baltimore, Maryland, *nd Mrs. Nettie Deputy, of Huntersville. 1 Funeral services were held at Leonard Wcodrow Foster Leonard Woodrow Foster, aged the William Cook Brooks Fu35 years, died unexpectedly at neral Mansion, St. Paul and his home in Oceana, after a few Preston S'reet, Baltimore, on hours illness, on Thursday, June Tuesday, August 2. Intermen" 24, 1954. On Sunday the funeral *as in the Maryland National service was conducted from the Cemetery at Catonsville, Md. Central Baptist Church, in HinW I L L I E E. FOX con, with the Rev. H. P. HackWillie Edward Fox, 56, of Hillsney, a former pastor; assisted by a school pal of the deceased, the boro died Saturday August 4, 1962 Rev. Arnold Belcher, of Oak Hill, in his home aifter a short illness. officiating. His body was laid to Death was attributed to a heart rest in the Greenbrier Burial j attack. A county assessor, he was a Ptrk. member of the Hillsboro MethThe deceased was a ^son of A. odist Churcb. G. and Edna M. Foster. He was Born in Fayette County Septem born and reared in Hinton, and graduated from the Hinton High ber 21, 1906 he was a son of the School. During five years af mil- late Davy and Eleanor Fox. Survivors include his wife, Military service in World War II, he served in China, Burma and dred Vaughan Fox, his foster mother Mrs.- Minerva Fox of Ansted; India. a son, Kenneth at home; two In addition to his parents, Mr. Foster is survived by his wife, daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Hardy of Mrs. Flora Foster, and their two Rupert and Mrs. Faye Kershner! sons, Leonard Steven and Law- of Beckley; a brother, Robert rence William; his brother, Law- Fox of Logan; two sisters, Mrs., rence E. Foster, of Cincinnati, Hallie Napier and Mrs. Pearl Mor' Ohio; and three sisters, Mrs. ris; three foster brothers, Stanley Ward Barlow, of Marlinton; Mrs. Dave and George Fox, all of AnLowell Higgins, of Beckley; and two foster sisters, Mrs. Eliz Mrs. Aaron Goins, of Hinton. afoetti Esta Wiseman of Charmoo

We believe Brother Fox has gone to a land where the Christmas spirit is always in order and that he has joined that Immortal throng In singing the songs of Moses and the Lamb. We also believe that our loss is his gain. While his pastor was preparing an address to be given at the Christmas tree, the phone rang and he W-SS notiflad of this sad news and was obliged to change the nature of his message, which was to have been one of* joy and praise to one more serious, yet not wanting for joy and praise, but to warn the living of the uncertainties of life, from the words of David when King Saul sought to kill him, and Jonathan was trying to console him: But truly as the Lord liveth, and as thy soul llveth, there is but a step between me and death H. W. F .

Kenneth G. Friel

Kenneth G. Friel, 32, died at his home near Marlinton on Monday, March 24. 1969, from a SPlf-iDflicted gunshot The son of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Friel, he had served twelve years in the Army 19551967. Arrangement for services are awaiting the arrival of his brother, Kermit, who is serving with the Navy in Viet Nam

and Mrs. Jesse Egan of Ar. and two grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at 2 p-m. Tuesday in the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Owen Lee in charge. Burial




I. D . noiiviovv Earl S. Freeman Mrs. Levva Gray Freeman, Isom Blansford Francisco, Earl C. Freeman. 75, a bar81, of Durbin, died Monday, ber in Clarksburg <59 of Huntersville, died Sunfor fifty August 12,1974, in a Charlottes day, May 7, 1967, in the C & years, died Thursday, April 1, V Hospital at Clifton Forge, ville, Virginia, hospital after a 1965. long illness. Virginia. A native of Barbour County, r A lifelong resident of Durbin, he was born December 27, Born in Roane County, June > 189S he was a son of the sbe was a membsr of the Dur- 1889, the son of John and Fanlate Clifton J. and Florence bin Church of the Brethren. nie Easley Freeman. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Francisco. He and his wife, Avis Hamil Survivors include his wife, Thomas Allen, of Pittsburgh, to i Freeman, celebrated their Pennsylvania, Mrs. Edward Mrs. Opil Francisco; two sonp, fiftieth wedding anniversary Olifton Francisco, of Dunbar, Meeks, of Columbus, Ohio, on January 17, 1965. sons, Edward of Charlottesind Robert Francisco, of HuntIn addition to his wife he is ersville; three daughters. Mrs. ville, Virginia, Leonard, of Chil- survived by two daughters, lico the, Ohio, sistfrs, Mrs. K. Rankle Walker, of Ronton. Mrs. Olive Ryan, of ClarksWashington, Mrs. Willidean B. Wilrnoth, Mrs. B. C. burg, and Mrs. Lenore Farris, Townsend, Mrs. Jake Kramer, Plants, of Maiden, and Mrs. of Fairmont, and one son, Rus Charlotte Harrison, Mims. Mrs. Bruce Nottingham, Mrs. =*ell Freeman, of Grand Rapids, M ax Kramer, of Durbin, Mrs. ^lorda; a stepson, Charles Kramer, Bartow, Michigan: one brother, Homer Carrier, Jr., of Hammond. William Mrs. Walker Wooddell, of G. Freeman, of Clarksburg; Indiana; a stepdauehter, Mrs. Charleston, Mrs. B. Cassidy, three sisters, Mrs. T. R. Yates Betty Dunlap, of Flossmoor, of Pittsburgh, brother, Paul !of Clarksburg, Mrs. Louise Illinois; s'x brothers, Delmar Sidwell, of Portersville, Ohio, Wilmoth, Durbin. Orion, Herbert, and Edward ind Mrs. Blanche Waugh, of fiVanci?eo, all of Charleston; Services were held Thursday Marlinton; and nine grandCecil Francisco, of Hunters- afternoon at the Durbin Church children. ville, and Arlie Francisco, of of the Brethren by Rev. David He was a member of the Melbourne. Florida; a s'ster. Rittenhouse with burial Mrs Laddie Hinds, of Hunt- in the Arbovale Cemetery. First Methodist Church, or its official board, and a mem ersville, and 17 grandchildren. ber of the Men's Sunday Schoo' Mildred Frizier Funeral services were held Mildred Wiseman Frazier, Class. Wednesday afternoon in the of Sebring Florida, died in her Methodist Church at HuntEdward L. Freeman sleep the morning of January *rSville by the Rev. Sherman 7, 1979. Edward Lee Freeman, 55, of Markley and the Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in the Born in Hinton, July 25, Charlottesville, Virginia, died Tuesday, April 18, 1978, in a Mountain View_Cemetery. 1914, she was the daughter of Charlottesville hospital. He the late M. T. and Delia W. vas born in Durbin and was S. A. Fridley Wiseman. he son of the late Edward Sidney Allen Fridley, 87, of In addition to her parents, nd Levva Wilmoth Freeman. Hot Springs, Virginia, died on she was preceded in death by Ie is survived by his wife, Wednesday, September 27, her husband, Henry, two sisMadeline Judy Freeman; one 1967, in the Community Hosters and three brothers. irother, Leonard Freeman, of pital after a long illness. Surviving are two sisters, /billicothe, Ohio; two sisters, He was born April 9, 1880, Edith LaRue, of Marlinton, drs. Opal Allen, of Pittsburgh, at Augusta Springs, Virginia. 'ennsylvania, and Mrs. Ella who was spending the winter leeks, of Columbus, Ohio. He was a member of the with her in Sebring, and Kitty Presbyterian Church and a reW. Smith, of Dunmore. He was owner and operator tired employee of the Cass f Freeman Motor Company; Funeral services were held Lumber Mill where he worked . Navy veteran of World War at the Warren Funeral Home for 18 years. I. He was a graduate of the in Sebring with burial in Jniversity of West Virginia. Survivors include his wife, Sebring on Tuesday. Ie was past president of the Mrs. Virginia Coleman FridCharlottesville Optimist Club, ley; three stepchildren, Mrs. )ast Lt. Governor of Optimist Mary King and Johnny ColeMrs. Guy Bralton frame 31ubs for this district; past man, of Marlinton, and Delbert Coleman, of Hot Springs, Mrs. Guy Bratton Frame, wife president of of the local chapVirginia; one brother, Artiamas of Dr. Ray I. Frame, of Sharpies, ter of the Virginia Independent Fridley, of Augusta Springs, died on Friday night, April 15, Automobile Dealers AssociaVirginia, and four step-grand- 1949, in a Charleston Hospital. tion and was currently on the children. On Monday afternoon her body Board of D i r e c t o r s for I. A. D. A. and a member Services were at Hot Springs was laid to rest in the family plot V. of the Elks Club. in Mt. View Cemetery. and burial was at Geek CemMr. Freeman was a member Mrs. Frame was a daugnter of etery at Star Chapje^ Mrs. W. A. Bratton, and the late of the Methodist Church in Mr.' and Mrs. Lee Smith Mr. Bratton of Marlinton. She Durbin, and attended the Bernard Smith and Mrs. Bes- is survived by her husband and Church of the Brethren'in sie McCarty were called to their two children, Fannie Gray Charlottesville, Virginia. Ridgely, Maryland, for the and William Ray; by her mother, Services were held at 2 p. m. funeral of Mrs. Leoline Big- and sister, Mrs. M.i"" Frances Friday at Hill and Wood Chaps'ns;_ Moore and her brother, Robert A. el, in Charlottesville, conductBratton, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama ed by Rev. John D. Byers and the Bav. Francis M. Cooper.

Mildred Wiseman Frazier, of Sebring Florida, died in her sleep the morning of January 7, 1979. Born in Hinton, July 25, 1914, she was the daughter of the late M. T. and Delia W. Wiseman. In addition to her parent*, she was preceded in death by her husband, Henry, two sis. ters and three brothers. Surviving are two sisters, Edith LaRue, of Marlinton, who was spending the winter with her in Sebring, and Kitty W. Smith, of Dunmore. Funeral services were held at the Warren Funeral Home in Sebring with burial in Sebring on Tuesday. Qayle A. Frazier

Mrs. Gayle A. P'razier, 81, died January 7, 1978, in the Glen Cove Hospital, Glen Cove, "Long Island, New York. She was bom at Bartow on August 22,1896, the daughter of Dr. Peter D. and Hodie Burner Arbogast. She was the widow, of Lester E. Frazier. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Frazier Trevarthen of East Williston, Long Island, New York; two brothers, Hoyt and Keith Arbogast, both of Stratford, Connecticut; one granddaughter; three great-grandsons; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on January 10 at the Weigand Funeral Parlor, Williston Park, Long Island, with burial in the Nassau Knolls Cemetery, Port Washington, Long Island.

Clara Kellison Frey, 34, of Hendersonville, Tennessee, died at Vanderbilt University Hospital on November 9, 1981. She was born at Marlinion oh July 29, 1947 and was a graduate of Hillsboro High School and Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville, Tenn. At the time of her death she was studying to become a physician's assistant. Mrs. Frey is survived by her husband, Paul W. Frey and their son, Samuel P. Frey, both of Hendersonville. Other survivors include her foster parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Merritt Kellison, Hillsboro; her father, Raymond Alderman; a brother, George Alderman; and a sister, Mrs. Judy Ramos, all of Cleveland, Ohio. Services were held on November 12 at the Hendersonville Church of the Nazarene of which she was a member. The Revs. Earl Vennum, Stephen Green, and Greg Ricky officiated. Burial was in the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hendersonville.

Keta Rhea Freiitis Reta Rhea Freiseis, 72, died Sunday, January 3, 1982, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born July 26, 1909, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Ernest and Minerva McCarty Rhea. Mrs. Freiseis was a house* wife and a Methodist. Her husband, Paul, died in 1965. Survivors include a brother, Andrew Rhea, of Falling Water, and four sisters, Minnie McLaughlin, Eleanor McLaughlin both of Dunmore, Marguerite Thomas of Fork Union, Virginia, and Gatha Curry, of Front Royal, Virginia. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Eddie Kyle officiating. .Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery.

E. G. Frye, aged 70years, died in Roanoke, Virginia, on Monday. October 10. 1942. For the past ten years he had been in failing health. The deceased was a son of the late Captain W. H. Frve. He survived by five chil dren. His sister is Mrs. J. W. Hill, and his brother, Phil Frye. both of Marlinton


Teresa Lynn Friend was born September 30, 1978, and died Tuesday, January 16, 1979, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. The baby is the only child of Terry and Rebecca Bennett Friend, of Marlinton, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bennett, of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Friend, of Maryland. The baby was taken to Mrs. 0. R. Francisco Maryland and will be returned Mrs Delia Mae Francisco, age 65, of Huntersville, died Wednes- for services and burial in day, March 25, 1959, in the Poca- Mountain View Cemetery but hontas Memorial Hospital after a arrangements are incomplete.

long illness. Born in-Roane County January 31, 1894, she was a daughter of the late James L. and Caroline Lida of Walton: She was a member of the Randolph Street Advent Church in Elkins. She is survived by her husband, C. R. Francisco; two brothers, Shirley Nida, of Walton, and Shirkey Nida of Charleston; two sisters, Mrs. Peirl Bradley of Philo, Ohio, and Mrs. Sailie Gandee of Akron, Ohio. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Huntersvilla Methodist Church by the jRev. L. E. Saville, with burial in luntain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Vieltt Fri«l

Mrs. Violet Friel, died Tuesday, April 18,1978, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. Services will be held at 2 p, m. Friday by the Rev. Gregory Lewis in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with burial at Valley Head.

J 7?



T. T. Ftewater

Thurmond T. (Peanuts) Fitzwater 79, of Slityfork, died Thursday, March 6, 1969, a' his home after a long illness. B^rn at Montrose. September 28, 1889, he was the son of the late George and Carinda Canfield Fitzwtter. He was a member of the Method'st Church and a retired rai road employee and lumberman. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Dorothy Hannah Fitzwater; two sons, Clarence T. Fitzwater, of Fairfield. Virginia and Daniel R. Fitzwatn r. of Sla^vfork; two daughters, Mr*. Audrey Friel, of Elkns, and: Mrs. A"ene Bridges, f Lex ngton. Kentucky; on* brother, Jock F'*zwater of Elk ns; one <;;ster. Mrs Anna Pi>er, of Fairmont, five grand:h''ldren. Fungal s°rv:ces were held a atrrd?y rftrrrrcn in the ^latvfork M^tlod'st Church by the Rev. Alfred Gum with ourial in the Hannah Ceme'ery


Mrs. Rella Gum Friel / » > M rs. Rella Gum Friel, age r '-K cdied at Denmar State Hos-

pital on Tuesday, February 23, 1965, after an illness of several years. She was born August 7,1885, 'near Green Bank, the daughter of John Milton Gum and Rebecca Conrad Gum. On \pril 24. 1904, she was married to McCoy Friel, who preceded her in death November j 5. 1962. They lived in Green Rank Community more than I fifjy years. She was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church, also civic and community orroupe, x i'fetime member of W. C. T. U. in all of which she took an active interest until her illness oreventedShe i3 survived by two dau2hters, Mrs. B. B. Fox, of Charleroi, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. C. F. Calain, of Elkins, me son, Lyle M. Friel, of Waynesboro. Virginia, one sis-er, Mrs. Lola Gilbert, of South Charleston, four brothers, George Gum, of Monterey Virginia, Charles Gum, of Mill Point, Matthews Gum, of Barrow, and Markwood Gum, of Green Bank, 13 grandchildren. 15 great-grandchildren and s host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Liberty Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Denver Lively. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

M a r y S y d e n s t r i c k e r Friel Mary Sydenstricker Friel died at Alderson on Wednesday, April 13, 1949 after an illness of several weeks. She was born at Alvon, Greenbrier County on Oct. 21, 1877, and soon afterward the family moved to Hilbooi( where she lived her early year:. She was the daughter of the late Mason and Margaret Wylie Sydenstricker. On June 28, 1905, she married Craig S. Frier Wflo preeeaeH her in death in 1936. They lived for many years in Flushing,

Ohio. .

Fatal Shooting On Wednesday, June 19, 1957, Robert Friel, 18 years of age, of near Marlinton. was fatally shot by a blast from a 16 gauge shotgun. His brother David, aged 14, has been charged with the shooting, and held for the grand jury. Robert was the son of Mr. and Mrs Donald R. Friel. In addition to his parents he is survived by three sisters and four brothers; Wanda, Betty, Barbara, David, Layman, Gary and Ora; and his great-grandmother, Mrs. Susan ! Kennedy, of Clover Lick. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Clover Lick Methodist Church by the Rev. T. G. Alderman with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.



She is survived by one son, Bruce, of Alderson; two granddaughters, Margaret and Sarah Friel; one brother, James Sydenstricker of Hillsboro and one sister, L e a h , (Mrs. Charles Ruckman), of Tekoa, Wash. The deceased was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Flushing Chapter, and had recently received her twenty-five year membership pin. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon from the Huntersville Methodist Church by the Pastor, Rev. L. E. Saville, and burial was made in the cemetery near by. Nephews acted as pallbearers and the nieces earned the flowers. Among those from a distance attending the funeral were Mrs. Norah Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. John Bascom of Renick; Mrs. Maggie Friel, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Friel and family, Robert and John Friel all of Covington; Va.; Mrs. Ralph- Chaplin of Clifton Forge, Va.; Miss Alice Friel of ^ewisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Doyd Bennington of Flushing, Ohio.

Mrs. Maggie Stewart Eriel Mrs.



MARY SYDENSTRICKER FRIEL M a r y S y d e n s t r i c k e r Friel died a t Alderson on Wednesday, April 13, 1949, after an illness of several weeks. She was born at Alv o n , G r e e n b r i e r County, October 2 1 , 1877 and soon afterward t h e family moved to Hillsboro where she lived her early years. S h e was the d a u g h t e r of the late Mason and M a r g a r e t Wylie Sy-

denstricker. On June 28, 1905 she married Craig L. Friel who preceded her in death in 1936. They lived in Flushing, Ohio for many years. She is survived by one son, Bruce, of Alderson, two grand daughters, Margaret and Sarah Friel, one brother, James Sydenstricker, of Hilisboro, and a sister, Leah, (Mrs. Charles Ruckman) of Mica, Washington. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Flushing Chapter, and bad recently received her twenty-five year membership pin. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon from the Huntersville Methodist Church by the pastor, Rev. L. E. Sayille, and burial was made in the cemetery nearby. Nephews acted as, pallbearers and nieces as flowerj bearers. Among those from a distance attending the the funeral were Mrs. Norah Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. John Bascom, of Renick; Mrs. Maggie Friel, Mr.1 and Mrs. , Dan Friel and family, Robert and i John Friel, all of Covington, Vir-! ginia; Mrs. Ralph Chaplin, ofj Clifton Forge, Virginia; Miss] Alice Friel, of Lewisburg; and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bennington, of Flushing, Ohio.


asred 70 years, of Covington, Virginia, passed away on Thursday morning, August 28, 1952, after a long iUoess. On Saturday afternoon the funeral service was held from Falling: Springs Presbyterian Cburcb by her pastor. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot in Huntersville Cemetery. The deceased was the widow of the late Auburn Friel, who preceded her twenty-fourypars since. These good people are survived by fheir four sons, Daniel, John
Friel Infant

Susan Nicole Friel, infant daughter of Ronnie and Jo Ann Sharp Friel, was born Wednesday morning. April 25 1973, in '.he Pocahontas Memorial Hosoital and died later the same day. In addition to the parents, survivors include a brother, Jason, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Friel, of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs. Graveside services were held on Fridav morning, April 27, fin the McLaughlin Cemetery it Huntersville, by Rev. Maylard Crawford.

Morris B. Friel


Morris B. Friel, 76, of Buckeye, died Saturday, March 21, 1964, at his home after a long illness. Born at Fairview, January 19, 1888, he was a son of the late Newton and Virginia Dun can Friel. He was a member of the Nazarene Church. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Friel; one daughter, Mrs. Flossie Friel; one daughter, Mrs Naomi Daniels, of Marlinton seven sons, Hobert A., Normar P., Herold H., Ira N., Osborne S., and .Sherman A. Friel, a!l of Marlinton, and Herbert L. Friel, with the U. S. Army; three brothers, Dee and Page Friel, both of Marlinton, and Jerry Friel, of Denmar; and three sisters, Mrs. Lottie Sutton, of Cass; Mrs. Grace McLaughlin, of Mountain -Grove, Virginia, and Mrs. Carrie Lathrop, of Richwood. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Nazarene Church by the Rev. J. 0. Shank. Burial was n the Cochran Cemetery. DM Frill

Dee Friel, 85, of Fairview Road, Marlinton, died Monday, February 6,1978, in Elkins Convalescent Home after several months illness. He was a member of the Fairview Methodist Church where he was a deacon for fifty years. He was a farmer and worked as a camp cook for West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company from 1918 to 1936. Born at Fairview, April 27, 1892, he was the son of Newton and Virginia Duncan Friel. He was preceded in death by a son, Marvin Carl, and nine brothers and sisters, Jerry, Morris, Page. Carrie, Orlena, Finnie, (Nebraska), Mayola, Lottie and Grace. Surviving are his wife, Mary Wilfong Friel; a son, Kerth Wayne Friel, of Marlinton, and three daughters, Genevieve T. Shaw, of Philippi, Madalene J. Decker, of Hoi* lidaysburg, Pennyslvania, and Sylvia Sharp, Cincinnati, Ohio, several grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services will be held at two p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. i David Rittenhouse with burial in Fairview Cemetery. _j

Carl S. Friel. 69, of Chillicothe, Ohio, formerly of Pocahontas County, was dead on arrival Monday, September 3, 1973, of an armarent heart attack at a Chillicothe hospital. Born June 9, 1904, near Durbin, he was a son of the late E. Auburn ?uid Margaret Stewart Friel. Mr. Friel spent several o< his early years in logging and sawmill operations in Pocahontas County. /^ He was a member of the American Association of Retired Persons and was an employee of the Federal Prison Service from 1941 to 1967. at which time he retired. Mr. Friel had worked in institutions in Atlanta, Georgia, Mil] Point and Chillicothe, Ohio. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Pocahontas County Historical Society, and National Association of Retired Federal Employees. One brother, Glen Friel, pre ceded h'm in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Gladys Hudson Friel; two sons, John K. Friel, of Athens, Ohio, and Edward A, Friel, of Atlanta. Georgia; Euk Jane Friel three sisters, Mrs. Helen YeaEula Jane Friel, 50, of Buckeye, ger, of Marlinton. Miss Alice died Saturday, January 14, 1989, Friel. of Richmond, Virginfa, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital, and Mrs. Louise Chapman, of Roanoke, Virginia, from a heart Clifton Forge, Virginia; three attack. brothers. Dan, Bob and John She was born December 11, Friel, all of Covington. Virgin1938, at Edray, the daughter of ia, and three grandchildren, Harry and Minnie Sharp Shearer. Jennifer Lynn, Matthew, and Mrs. Friel was a member of the Patrick Ryan Fpel. Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held Surviving her are her husband, Clarence Friel; three sons, Marvin Friday morning in the VanW. Friel,' of Clayton, North Reenen Funeral Home Chapel Carolina, Steven W. Friel, of by the Rev. Maynard CrawMarlinton, and Richard A. Friel, of ford. Burial was in the ArboBartow; three brothers, Junior vale Cem3tery. Walter Shearer, Slatyfork, Clarence LLOYD ELLIS FRIEL Harry Shearer, Marlinton, Darrell Lloyd Ellis Friel, 68, of Cass, Green, Marlfhton; six sisters, Grace E. Miller, Marlinton, Betty L. died in Davis Memorial Hospital Wamsley, Mansfield, Ohio, Rachel in Elkins on Sunday, November Potter, Buckeye, Oleta Scruggs, 24,1985. Roanoke, Virginia, Dorothy Mr. Friel was a disabled Sheets, Huntersville, and Sally Army veteran of World War II. Feury, Marlinton; and eight grandHe was born at Marlinton children. July 2, 1917, the son of Quincy Services were held at 1 p. m. and Naomi Ruth Kern Friel. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Surviving him are three Home by the Rev. Harold sisters, Martha Irvine, of MarSwecker, with burial in the linton, Lois Meeks, of Cass, Clawson Cemetery. and Sadie Kelley, of McKeesIn lieu offlowersdonations may port, Pennsylvania. be made to Pocahontas Memorial Services were held Tuesday at Hospital Auxiliary. 2 p.m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Norman Alderi man, Sr., with burial in Clawson

Page Friel, 84, of Route I, Marlinton, died Tuesday, January 28,1975, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness- He was a member of Central Union United Meth odist Church and a retired C&O employee and farmer. His wife, Mary Kimble Friel* preceded him in death. He was born May 6,1891 at Fairview. Surviving bim are one son Joseph E. Friel, of Marlinton four daughters, Leola Fertig, of Marlinton, Viola Higgins, of Las Vegas, Nevada, Olive Moore, of Amherst, Ohio, and Audra Thompson, of South Charleston; one brother, Dee Friel, of Marlinton. one sister. Mrs. Grace McLaughlin, of Warm Spring.?, Virginia; 13 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Central Union Church by the Rev. Alfred Gum and the Key. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Fairview Cemetery.



Kerlh M. Frie! £> Arthur Samuel Friel, 65, of erth M. Friel, 38, of Belle, Marlinton, died Friday, Audied Monday, May 19, 1958, in gust 2, 1968, at his home after Charleston General Hospital. He suffering an apparent heart suffered a heart attack last wesk. attack. I He was born in Pocahontas Born July 7, 1903, at Marinty, the son of M. C. and linton, he was ason of the late j Rella Gum Friel, of Green Bank. Charles and Laura Jane Ware Surviving him are his parents; Friei. He was a farmer. : his wife, Katherine Wright Friel; Survivors include his wife, a brother, Lyle, of Waynesboro, Mrs. Hulda Irvine Sharp Friel; Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Lucille four sons, Eugene Arthur Friel, Clain, of Elkins, and Mrs. Anna of South Charleston; Elmer Madge Fox, of Charleroi, Pennsy- Charles Friel, of Marlinton; lvania. One brother, Paul, died Everett Wayne Friel, of Bevin World War II. erly, and Ernest Hanson Friel, Mr. Friel was a member of the of Wood bridge, Virginia; two Liberty Presbyterian Church of daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Grace Green Bank. He was also a Mears, of Huntersville. North member of the Scottish Rite Bod- Carolina, and Mrs. Evilene ies of Charleston, Chelyan Lodge '• Hilda Beverage, of Marlinton; iNo. 158, AFand AM and Chely : one sister, Mrs. Demmie Franan Chapter No. 101, Order of ces Ford, of Vincentown, New Eastern Star. Jersey, and nine grandchildren Funeral services- were held I Short services were held Tuesday at Belle and then services Sunday afternoon in the Cenwere held Wednesday at Libwrtj tral Union Church near MarPresbyterian Church at Green linton by the Rev. B. W. John Bank by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle with burial in the Fairview and the Rev. Ed Thomas, with Cemetery. burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. r

M. C. Friel

g ,

M. C. Friel, aged Iff, died suddenly at the home of his son, Lyle M. Friel, at Waynesboro, Virginia, on Tuesday, March 6, 1962. >*jgDin an automobile « I'S gate, near ¥ He was born March 15,1880, He was riding in a car driven by a son of John Friel and Mildred Moss Friel, near Clover Lick le road on a turn. He was married to Rella struck a mail box post and turned the bank. The.young man Gum, of Green Bank, on April bfrro : a front 24, 1904, and lived in that dovv and the w aught community for more than 50 neck. De i lstantau&ouss. years. Hiss < ipa! Price, of Athens He was a member of the Lib• f the ear' erty Presbyterian Church, I. -red a broken shoulder. O.3 O. F. Lodge, also the Re•.upants.were Mjss Gnin dan. b kah Ledge of Green Bank. • and Gordo . and He js survived by his wife, ill were ac< tehed and Ir ised. Rella Gum Friel; one son, It is no5 known Who svas driving I y'e M. Friel, of Waynesboro, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. •ar off bUc road. Tiiev weTTl B. B. (Anna Mae) Fox, of id it is sin an they n C'rirleroi, Pennsylvania, and i the oilier car was wrecked. fliey «eie traveling at an-< Mrs. C. F. (Lucille) Calain, of Elkins; one brother, Grover Giem; J'riel v cm. Friel, of Long View, Washingight, sober and industrious. He ton; one sister, Mrs. Margaret was a support of er. i Fowler, of Hillsboro; thirteen '(is 1. is Auburn I'rirl. who grandchildren, and eleven great Ujoiith. He is -grandchildren. >lefcai' He was preceded in death by i'l's. Carl. Alice, He'en. Danei two sons, Paul C. Friel and lol'ii c'. i obert and Lu use b'rii Kerth M. Friel. u Funeral services were held March 9, at 2:00 P. M. at Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank, with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.



Jeremiah Eldon Friel, age 85, of Marlinton, died Saturday, April 11, 1964, ^in the Denmar State Hospital, at Beard, after a long illness. Born at Marlinton, on February 25, 1879, he was a son of the late Joseph Newton and Virginia Duncan Friel. Mr. Friel was a member of the Central Union Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nannie Roberta Vaughan Friel; five sons, Eldon U., Oscar R , Guy N., and Raymond C. Friel, all of Marlinton, and McKinley M. Friel, of Glen Burnie, Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. Opal Gallaher, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Gretchen Pelky, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; two brothers, Page and Dee Friel, both of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Lathrot, of Richwood, Mrs Lottie Sutton, of Cass, and Mrs. Gracie McLaughlin, of Mountain Grove, Virginia; 23 grandchildren, and 12 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Central Union Methodist Church by the Rev. Clarenca Pierson. Burial was in the Fairview Cemetery. Mrs. Join Friel Mrs. Lela Joan Cassell Friel, 38, died in her sleep Sunday, November 28, 1976, at her home on Sixth Street in Marlinton, after a long illness. She was born at Cass February 28, 1938, the daughter of Edward and Lela June t a s . sell, of Cass. Two brothers, Clinton Clarence Cassell and Claude Lee Cassell, preceded her in death. In addition to her parents she is survived by her husband, Arthur Friel, of Buffalo Gap, Virginia; three daughters, Patricia F. Hooke, Monterey, Virginia; Mildred D. Friel, Marilyn J. Friel, Marlinton and a son, Douglas L. Friel, Cass; two brothers, Edward C. Cassell, Jr., Philadelphia, Penn sylvania, Franklin Delano Cassell, Cass,; three sisters, Judith Arlene Dean, Marlinton, Alice Joyce Long, Green Bank, Connie Jewell Lambert, Marlinton. Services were held Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel at two p. m. with the Rev. Wallace Dorn officiating. Burial was in the Wattless Cemetery at Cass.

EdnaE.Friel Edna E. Friel, 73, of Cass, died Sunday, August 19, 1984, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. Born October 12, 1910, at Clover Lick, she was a daughter of the late George and Hannah Ray Friel. She was a lifelong resident of Cass. Surviving her are a daughter, Mildred Wolfe, of Burkmett, Texas, and a son, Curtis Friel, of Baltimore, Maryland; three sisters, Pearl Cassell and Lucy Foe, both of Cass, and Virginia Coleman, of Green Bank; two brothers, George F. Friel, of Cass, and James W. Friel, of Broadway, Virginia; and two grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. _ Mrs. Hannah Friel Mrs. Hannah Jane Friel, 91, of Cass, died Tuesday, April 20, 1976, at home. She was a lifelong resident of Cass, and a member of the Cass United Methodist Church. Born July 13,1884, at Clover Lick, she was a daughter of the late James and Julia Ray. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Pearl Cassell, Mrs. Edna Friel, and Mrs. Lucy Foe, of Cass, and Mrs. Virginia Coleman, of Green Bunk; sons, James, of Broadway, Virginia, and Frank, of Cass. Services were held Thursday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale, with the Rev. Paul Good officiating. Burial was i in the Arbovale Cemetery. John B. Friel John Bern Friel, 64, of Cass, died Sunday, February 11, 1973, at his home. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Hanna Friel, of Cass; four sisters, Miss Edna Friel, Mrs Pearl Cassell, Mrs. Hallie Wolfe and Mrs. Lucy Foe, all of Cass, and two brothers, James Friel, of Broadway, Virginia, and Frank Friel, of Cass.


Darrell Arden Friel, 56, of Clover Lick, died Wednesday, July 17, 1968, at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born September 21^ 1911, at Cassidy, he was a son of the late Jonas E. and Alice Ramsey Friel. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Violet Friel; three daughters, Mrs. Linda Cross, of Gainesville, Florida; Mrs. Brenda Alvarado, of Dallas, Texas, and Christell Friel, at home; two sons, Floyd A. Friel, of Canandaiqua, New York, and Quince Elmer Friel, at home; four brothers, Juhl E. Friel, of Barberton, Ohio; Donald R. Friel, of Twin Falls, Idaho; Ora C. Friel, of Gnadenhutten, Ohio, and Era C. Friel, of Lattisburg, Ohio; and five sisters, Mrs. Susan Rowan, of Commut, Ohio; Mrs. Luela J. Cassell, of Cass; Mrs. Anneta Blake, of Street, Maryland; Mrs. Stacy Channel, of Belington, and Mrs. Lota Virn'nia Arbogast, of Valley Head Funeral services were held sunday morning in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Valley Head Cemetery. Everett W. Friel


Mrs. Nannie Roberta Friel, 89, of Marlinton, died Thursday, January 13, 1977, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born February 27, 1887, she was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Walton Vaughan. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Jeremiah FrieT, preceded her in death. Surviving are five sons, El" don, Guy and Raymond, all of Marlinton, Qsuar, of Morgantown, Mckinley "Mack," of Glen Burnie, Maryland; three daughters, Mrs. Opal Gallagher, of Marlinton, Mrs. Gretchen Pelkey, Fayetteville, North Carolina; one brother, Clifton Vaughan, of Roanoke, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Gretchen Seldomridge, of Hunt ington; twenty-eight grandchildren; forty-five great-grand children, two great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday in Central Union Methodist Church, with the Rev. Alfred Gum officiating. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery. Warren Friel Warren Stanley Friel, 38, died at his home at Riverside Friday, June 1, 1979, of a self inflicted gunshot wound. A woodsman, he was employed by Beckwith Lumber Company, and he was a member of Clawson Methodist Church. Born at Clawson February 14,1941, he was the son of Mrs. Sal lie Jane Smith Friel, of Elkins, and the late Perry Vernon Friel. Surviving him are two sons, Stanley Dale Friel and Edgar Perry Friel, and two Bisters, Mrs. Nancy Galford and Mrs. Fleeta Roberts, both of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Clawson Cemetery.

Everett W. Friel, 36, of Beverly, died Saturday, October 14, 1972, of injuries received in a hunting accident near Marlinton. Born February 14, 1936, at Fairview he was a son of Mrs. Hulda Sharp Friel and the late Arthur Friel. He was a graduate of Marlinton High School, a member of the Masonic Lodge, an employee of the Monongahela Power Company in Elkins, a veteran and a native of Marlinton. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Hulda Friel; three brothers, Eugene Friel, of Morgantown; Elmer and Ernie Friel, both of Marl'nton, and two sisters, Mrs. Evilene Beverage, of Marlinton, and William Thomas Frhl Mrs. Eleanor Mears, of HuntWilliam Thomas Friel, aged 77 ersville, North Carolina. died at his home near MinFuneral services were held years, io on Thursday, June 17, 1048.1 Tuesday afternoon in the Cen- >n Sunday his body was; tral Union United Metho- 'aid in themorning Gibson Cemetery ci dist Church by the Rev. David | Elk, the service being held from Rittenhouse and the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial and Marys Chapel by Rev. R. H. Masonic rites in the Fairview -Skaggs. The deceased was a son >f the late Willism T. and Sarah Cemetery near Marlinton. Brown Friel. He is survived by ; iis sister, Mrs. Susie Ryder.^J

mc.'.iiie i isiiei

Mower Lumber Secretary, Die£^ Miss Maxine Fisher, 41, a resident of Cass, died at 9:15 p. m , Sunday, June 30, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Marlinton, as the result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Miss Fisher was stricken Sunday morning at her home in (Jass, and moved to the hospital where her condition remained critical. Born September 13, 1926, in Elkins, she was the daughter of Rocky and Lula (Teter) Fisher, residents of Cass. She attended the grade school of Elkins, Marlinton High School and was graduated from Green Bank High School in 1944, then furthered her education by graduating from the I. C. S. Business School. Miss Fisher was a bookkeeper for The Mower Lumber Company for 25 years i n Cass and Arbovale, a notary public and well known community worker. She was an active member of the Cass Methodist Church and taught a Sunday School class for many years. In addition to her parents, there is one sister surviving, Julia Clara, a registered nurse who was formerly on the Staff of the Davis Memorial Hospital, of Elkins, and the wife of Richard F. Vitaro, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Also surviving is one nephew, Richard Patrick "Pat" Vitaro, of Pittsburgh. Those calted here for the funeral of Miss Fisher were her aunts and uncles from Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Teter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Teter, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Teter: Mr. and Mrs. H. T Teter, of Jacksonville, Florida, Dave Teter, of Orland, California, Mr3. Church and Mrs. Avis Kepner, of Elkins, and Mrs. C. E. Fisher, of Beech wood, New Jersey.

Judge Jake Fisher Judge Jake Fisher, aged 8u years, of Braxton County died ThuisJay, September 6, 1951, after a short illness. For forty years he had served as Judge of the Circuit Court. In 1924 he was the Democratic nominee for Governor. For two terms Judge Fisher representor! this district in the State Senate.


\s iiociiy risner^L—• Rocky Oswell Fisher, 63, of Cass, died Saturday, July 3, 1971, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. He was born July 4, 1907, inElkirs. Mr. Fisher was a former employee of the Mower Lumber Company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lula Teter Fisher; one daughter, Mrs. Julie Clara Vitaro, and one grandson. Their daughter, Maxine Fisher, preceded him in death June 30, 1968. Funeral services were held by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery at Lohr Funeral Home Chapel in Elkins on July 5, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

. n. i'. usHerbert Gilmer Fisher, 85 yea^s, died at his home in Huntersville early Saturday morning, December 22, 1956, af^er a long illness. On Monday afternoon the funeral was i.eld from Huntersville Presbyterian Church by Rev. Acie Bryant and Rev. Lowell Legg. His body was laid in the family plot in Huntersville Cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Verdie Kincaid Pifher; two sons, Daniel, of Huntersville.; and Herbert C, of Eay ten, Ohio. Mr. Fisher was born at Bridge1 water, Virginia, son of the late D. A. and Mary Ellen Cole Fisher. He was tha last jof a family of three to be called. i By trade the deceased was a ' painter and carpenter. -He was a good citizen.

Mrs. Herbert C. Fisher MRS. STELLA GIBSON FISHER | ^:Mrs. Verdie Kincaid Fisher, Mrs. Stella Gibson Fisher, 73, 73, of Minnehaha Springs wife of Wade H. Fisher, died died. Saturday, June 28, 1969', November 17, 1954, at her home in the Memorial General Hosin Graceland Addition, Elkins. pital in Elkins after a long illMrs. Fisher was born March ness. 23, 1881, at Slaty Fork, a daughBorn at Minnehaha Springs, ter of the late Samuel M. and October 30. 1895, she wa3 a :VIary Hannah Gibson. lighter of the late Sherman She is survived by h-.r husband, two sons, Rocky Fisher of Cass; Id Ella Cutlip Kincaid. Lieut. Carlos Fisher, TJ. S. Navy Her husband. Herbert C. stationed at Guam;three daugh'isher. preceded her in death. ters, Mrs. Fred Kepner of Elkins; Survivors include two sons, Mrs. Howard Monahan of LawJ. D. Fisher, of Huntersvil.'e, renceville, Va.; M s . W i 11 a r d snd Herbert C. Fisher, of Church of Beverly; also two half Williamsburg, Virginia; two bj o t h e r s, Henry Gibson and A-rch^ Gibson both of Slaty Fork brothers, Parlev Kincaid, of and om half-sister, Mrs Ruth Neola. and G. M. Kincaid, of Gibson }f Xew York. There are Fort Mvprs, Florida; and one 14 g • r.dchildren. sister, Mrs. Pearl Miller, of Mrs. Fisher was married at Hillsboro. Marlinton, on March 26, 1902, Funeral services were held by Rev. William Price She had Tuesday afternoon in the I been a resident of " Randolph Huntersville United Metho- j County for the past 45 years. dist Church by the Rev. SherRev. E_ A. Winn conducted the man Markley with burial in | funeral services on Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Interment in the Huntersvi'lle Cemetery. 'he Maplewood Cemetery at ElMrs. Hazel Slavin Fickell ins, under the direction of F. E.,

Mrs. Hazel Shvin Fickell, age UTlner F u n e r a I H o m e . 45, formerilv of Marln^on, died ^^^^^^™ on Tuesday, February 21, 1961, in a Columbus, Ohiby hospital folMrs. Grace Fisuiei lowing a cerebral hemorrhage. Be H D gtor - M r s . Grace CampSurvivors include her husband, be ]j Fjscber,'68, died at her home William H. Fickell; one daughter, • Belington, on June 10, 194*. Nancy Fickell; two sons. Michael ^,be was born in Huntersville, and Patrick Pickell, 1429 Kohr " j u n e ig 1376, and had- resided PI. Columbus, Ohio. " Her moth- h e r e s i n c e 1888. She was the er. Mrs. Carl Slavin, of Marlin- daughter of S. A. and Emma Low ton, presently of Columbus; three r y Campbell, brothers, Ray Slavin, of HuntSurviving are a son, H a r r y ington; Frank Slavin, of Long gtcwart Fischer of Fairmont, and Reach, California, and Earl Sla- a brother, 8. N.Campbell, of Belvin of Seebert. ington. Funeral services were held from She was a member of the Pre* O'Shaughnessy Funeral Home, byterian Church. ^^^ Friday, February 24 at 10 a. m. Interment in St. Joseph's Cemetprv. in P.nlnmh;



Mrs. Nettie rinK Mrs. Nettie Pearl Fink, 92, died Wednesday, September 4, 1974, at her home in Desert Hot Springs, California, following a short illness. She moved from Marlinton to California, eight years ago and lived the last four years in contentment and serenity of the beauty of the desert .she loved. She was a great-great-granddaughter of John and Mary Hill, Little Levels pioneers. She was married to Bird F. Foe for 21 years; they had seven children, all born in Pocahontas. She later married George S. Fink and they lived on Ninth Street in Marlin on for 30 years. Survivors include three daughters, Gladys Knight, of Desert Hot Springs, Mamie Zanakis, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Forrest (Nellie) Dunbrack of Marlinton, two sons, Lonnie Foe, of West Virginia and Wilton Foe, of Florida, a sister, Bessie Garee, of Utah, 15 grand children, 15 great-grandchildren and two great great-grandchil dren. Graveside services were held at Desert Lawn Memorial Park by Rev. Forrest Carter, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Desert Hot Springs, with interment at Desert Lawn.

Mrs. Nola Fay Fitzgerald Mrs. Nola Fay Smith Fitzgerald, 69, died of heart failure at home in HuntersvUle on Tuesday, January 29, 1985. Mrs. Fitzgerald was a member of the Mountain View United Methodist Church. She was born June 17, 1915, the daughter of the late Luther Lawrence and Frances Sharp Smith. Preceding her in death were her parents, three brothers, Lee, Jacob and Albert Smith, and two sisters, Susie McKenney and Lucy Jackson Warner. Surviving her are a son, Raymond Fitzgerald, of Green Bank, and a daughter, Hilda Shelton, of HuntersvUle; five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren; a brother, Joe Smith, of Marlinton; four sisters, Lula Jackson and Emma Dunbrack, of Marlinton, Sally Friel, of Elkins, and Maude Fertig, of Baltimore, Maryland, and her former husband, Roy L. Fitzgerald, of Green Bank. Services wUl be held at 2 p. m. on Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Garland Groves, with burial in Fairview Cemetery.

Mrs. Leraael Fitzgerald Mrs. Gay Campbell, of Kenna Drive, South Charleston, George F. Fink has been notified that her George F. Fink, aged 69, of daughter, Mrs. Lemuel FitzMarlinton, died Thursday, gerald, of Waynesboro, VirNovember 22, 1962, in the Po- I ginia, died Friday, September eahontas Memorial Hospital, j 1, 1978, while on a tour of Death was attributed to a England with her daughter heart attack. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Born at Frankford, April 20, j Wendell Lucas, of Menwith 1893, he was a son of the late Hill Station, England. She beAlfred A and Eliza Deering came ill and died suddenly. Fink. Surviving her are ber husHe was a retired lumber band, Lemuel Fitzgerald; two worker and was a member of sons, Lemuel Fitzgerald Jr., of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Covington, Virginia, Steven vivors include his wife, Fitzgerald, Clifton Forge, and Mrs. Ne'tie Clutter Fink; and Mrs. Wendell Lucas, of Enga brother, Morgan Fink, of land, mother, Mrs. Gay Fairlea. Campbell, Kenna Drive, South Charleston; brothers: Flem Funeral services were conCampbell, Charleston, Keith ducted Sunday afternoon in Campbell, Roanoke, Virginia. the Smith Funeral Home. Burial was in the Mount VerFuneral arrangements are non Cemetery at Frankford. incomplete. Mrs. W. H. Fickle Mrs. Hazel Slavin Fickle, 44, of Kohn Place, Columbus, Ohio, died Tuesday n. rning. February 21, 1961, in a Columbus hospital, following a cerebral hemorrhage. She was the daughter of Mrs. Ada Slavin and the late Carl Slavin of Marlinton. Services and burial will be in Columbus Friday.



Mrs. Miry Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Arlene Curry Fitzgerald, 51, of Washington, D. C , formerly of Durbin, died Wednesday, February 17. 1982, in Bethesda, Maryland, after a long illness. Born on April 21, 1930, she was the daughter of Mrs. Virgie Nottingham Curry, of Durbin, and the late Harry Curry. She was a 32-year resident of Washington and was employed as a manager of Weaver Brothers Real Estate Agency. In addition to her mother sheis survived by her husband, Roy L.; stepdaughter, Mrs. Hilda Shelton, of Marlinton; stepson, Raymond L., of Bladensburg, Maryland; sisters Mrs. Maxine Lantz, of Durbin, Mrs. Opal Moore, of Hughesville, Maryland, Mrs. Georgia Nelson, of Texas, Mrs. Julia Mace, of Cumberland, Maryland, Mrs. Eloise Hinson, of South Carolina, Mrs. Sandra K. Mullenax and Diana Curry, both of Hagerstown, Maryland; brothers, Leonard Curry, of Pennsylvania, Franklin Curry. of Durbin; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild; 17 nieces and 24 nephews. Services were held at 11 a^ia. Saturday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, with the Rev. Donme Gurry officiating. Burial was in Curry Cemetery, Back Mountain Durbin. Raymond Fitzwater Raymond Henry Fitzwater, S5, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania a former resident of Pocahontas County, died Saturday May 24,1969, in Pennsylvania He was a member of the Wanless Methodist Church and a steel employee. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Quinn, of Cass; one son, Johnny Fitzwater, of Aliquippa, Pennsvlvania; one sister, Mrs. Allie Bostic, of Greenbrter County: one half brother, Carl Bostic, of Thurmond, and a foster daughter, Mrs. Sallie Cheatham, of Louisville, Kentucky. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. Coy Mathews with burial in the Hosterman Cemetery


Mrs. Edith Plynn

Wyles Flynn

Clarence E. Flynn, aged 66 Myles Flynn, aged 94, was born I Mrs. Edith Marie Flynn, 70, rears, of Arbovale. (ied on at on August 1, 1865, ! f of Arbovale, died Friday, Thursday, A.pril 19, 1155, o ox- andRiverton, passed away on Tuesday, January 28. 1966, in the Uni- tensive injuries and shock re- July 28, 1959, versity Hospital at Morgan- ceived the night before in an Virginia hospital. at a Leesburg, town after a long illness. j automobile accident. He had He was the son of the late She was a member of the Ar- ! attended a teacher's meeting at Abraham and Melvina Ketterbovale Methodist Church and Circleville. in Pendleton County. man Flynn, and was the last was a lifelong resident of Ar- On his return, about 11 o'cl member of a family to be called Wednesday night the (ruck h^ vvabovale. Her husband was the driving went over the road neir away. late Clarence Flynn. ; His early life was spent in PenRiverton and p nn?i him do vn. Survivors include two daudleton County, coming to PdeaThe wreck was discovered at 6:3'» ghters, Mrs. Evelyn Sutton, of hontas County some. fifty years •o'clock the next morning. Arbovale, and Mrs June Riley, ago. He was a farmer and also of Green Bank; and one brothMr. Flynn was brought to worked in the lumber business. er, Edgar Arbogast, of Arbo Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been making his home with vale. It was founl he had extensive his daughter, Mrs. Frona Williams Funeral services were held injuries to his chest and pelvis at Durbin. Monday afternoon in the Ar- exposure and shock. For many years Mr. Flynn had bovale Methodist Church by On Sunday afternoon the ser a strong Christian faith and had the Rev. Thomas Dunlap. vice was held from the Arbovah in recent years, often expressed a Burial was in the Arbovale VIethodist Church bv h's pastor. desire to go on to his "Home not Cemetery. Rev. LeRiv Rhhxrdon. B irii' made with hands, Eternal in the' was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Heavens." 1 Mrs. Hilda Taylor Fleet \ ^ The deceased is survived by He married Delia Whiteeotton, Mrs. Hilda Taylor Fleet, wife his wife, Mrs. Elith Arb » of John H. Fleet of Cocoa Beach, Flynn, and their two daughters and to this union were born two sons, Luther Flynn, Hernden, Florida, died Wednesday, February 17, i960, in a hospital at Co- Mrs. Evelyn Sutton and Mrs. Virginia; Clarence Edward Flynn; coa, Florida, where she had been Ruth Riley, both of Green Bank. two daughters, Mrs. J. L. (Frona) j Mr, Flynn was born at River Williams, of Durbin, and Nettie a patient for ten days. ton. a son of the 'ate Miles who preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at Delia Whiteeotton Flynn. (Clarence in 1956). His wife, Memphis, Tennessee, Sunday, died early in life, and then he Thus is noted the passing of a February 21, with interment in ^ood man, and a reader in elu married Virginia Harper. To j the Fleet burial plot. / 3 ^ - ^ L •ational endeavor in West Vir- this union were born two sons, ! Born at Dunmore, the youngest ginia. His standing! was widely Otis Flynn, Williamsport, Penndaughter of the late Jacob B. and recognized and he' is listed ii slyvania, and Gary Flynn who Gussie Taylor, Mrs. Fleet resided preceded him in death; and a "Who's Who in the East." at Cass during her girlhood years. ' The deceased was agradn'.e daughter, Mrs. Sam (Freddie) Surviving her are her husband, if Davis and Elk'ins College. Thompson, Riverton. After a a resident engineer with the R. C. with post graduate w >rk & few years his second wife died, A, at Cape Canaveral; one sister, Marshall College. He served a and he later married Mrs. Alice Louise Taylor, of Barboursville; j of the G-?3T, Bin'; Phares. To this union was bora an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. j Schools and West, Grafton Schools one daughter, Mrs. Clark (Jessie) Jess Reeves, of Orange, Texas, ?ov ten years he was Suoerin'en Wooddell, Bradford, Pennsylalso Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taylor, lent of th? S••ho >'s of P; > • iVn- vania. His wife preceded him in r of Dunmore; and a host of cousins as County. Then for n ne vears ! death in 1954, after a marriage of 46 years. and friends in this county. le was prinMoil of the R on High School. j He is survived by the following Mrs. Fleet frequently visited her cousin, Mrs. S. G. Vanosdale, In religion the d ceased was a step-children, Gary Phares, Millat Boyer. Mrs. Vanosdale and working member o. the Method-x ville, Pennsylvania; Fay Phares, Charlottesville, Virginia; Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Forrest Alkire, of st Church. I Emma Arbogast Newport PennPetersburg, flew to Memphis to sylvania; Mrs. Kate Hernden, attend the funeral. Eli Filzpalrick Charlottesville, Virginia; Mrs. Eli (Jerd) Fitzpatrick, 61, for- Mary Hinkle, Cochranton, PennPhilip T. Flenner merly of Marlinton.diedon WedPhilip T. Flenner, 66, of Frank, nesday, July 15, |959, of a short sylvania; Mrs. Martha Mullenex, Job. Also surviving are21 grand died in the Pocahontas Memorial illness at Bandy, Virginia. children and 27 great-grandchildHospital on Friday, July 7, 1961. He is survived by five brothers, ren. He was a past commander of William Fitzpatrick, of MarlinFuneral services were held on the American Legion at Durbin, I ton, Amos Fitzpatrick/"of Ottawa, Friday at 11:00 a. m. in the Durand a veteran of World War I. ! Frank Fitzpatrick, of Montana, bin Methodist Church of which Survivors include two sisters, and Edgar and James Fitzpatrick, he was a member, with additional Mrs. George Butterbaugh, of address unknown; six sisters, services at Riverton at 1:00 p. Frank, and Mrs. Howard Shiflet Mrs. Mabel Bowling, of Eccles, m. The officiating minister was of Akron, Ohio; and a brother, Mrs. Jenny Cassell, of Red Jack- the Rev. R. B. Jarrett who was John Flenner, of Akron, Ohio. et, Mrs. Myrtle McCoy, of New assisted by the Rev. A. C. Decker j Funeral services were conduct- York, Mrs. Anna Dunnford, of of Riverton. Interment was | ed Sunday afternoon in the Dur- Bandy, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Hill- made in the Hoffman Cemetery,' bin Methodist Church with the man, of Lebanon, Kentucky, and near Riverton, Rev. George Clav in charge. Bu- Mrs. Sally Hager, of Beckley. rial was in the Wilmoth Cemetery His body was laid to rest at on Alleghany Mountain. Bishop, Virginia.

Mr. & Mrs. jack N. Flesiman Jack N. Flesh man, aged 2? •ears, and his wife, Mrs. Retb: Roxana Fieshman, aged 28 ; jars, of Anjean, were ooth fatally injured in an automobile wreck at 1 '.Jednr Grove, near (Charleston on Koute 60, on Sunday, Dec. 18, iy49. Both died while being taken to a Chsile.ston Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Flesh man were >n their way to visit aud take Christmas presents to their daughter Joan, aged nine. The little a'\v\ is a polio patient at Marmet Hospital. Mr. Flrs^mar was store manager for Ltckie Coal Company at Anjean. He was born at Cloverlick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Fleshman. AfterwarJs :ie Jived at Seebert. He afleuded high school at Marlinton. Hit parents now live at Frankford. - Mrs. Fleshman was a daughter )f Mr. and Mrs. Emory G Thompson, of Charmco. They are survived by a little daughter, Sharon Jane. Ada May Flynn Ada May Flynn, wife of Dr. Luther FlyDn, died August 6, 1980, at her home in Waynesboro, Virginia. Funeral services will be held at 3:00' p. m. Friday at the Arbovale United Methodist Church.

DIED Helen Yvonne Fuhrman, five year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles E. Fuhrman, died at the family home in Cass on Sunday, January 3rd, at 3:30 o'clock, after several weeks illness. She !s survived by her parents: three brothers, Charles, Jr, Jack and Ro^eit; six sisters, Mildred, Eloise, Doris, Mary Kathryn, Anna Sue and Nina Mae, of Oass. and her grandmother, Mrs Wm. Jactcson, of Salisbury, Maryland. Funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. H K. Moore and assisted by Rev. J. T. Pharr, with interment in the Arbovale cemetery The pall bearers were Mildred Keyser, Nellie Lewis, Gladys Mix and Marie Dill. Honorary pall bearers were her little playmates, Ruthie Gil llspie, Charlotte Ann Fulks, Frances Keyser and Mary Sue Brooks. The flower bearers were Sue Porter, Betty Wooddell, Gene Keyser, Mary Ann Gillispie. Henrietta Ralston, Marguerite Scott, Elaine Bowling Ruth Nethkin, Gene Blair, Mary Emma Smith, Ruth Talliercio, Martha Dormer. Ruthie Lewis, Kathryn Sheets and Frieda Bowling. X i Mrs. A. W. Fuell Mrs. Sallie Fountain Fuell, age .76 years, widow of the late A. W. Fuell, died on Monday, May 9, , it the home of a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Boyce, at Lewisburg. Funeral services were conducted from the Renick Methodist Church, on Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. Stacy Groscup, of Lewisburg, officiating. Burial was made in Mountain View cemetery, at Marlinton. Mrs. Fuell is survived by five daughters: Mrs. Jessie Boyce, of Lewisburg; Mrs. Erma Anthony, of Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs. Fayree Malcomb, of Marlinton; Mrs. Lucy Perry and Mrs. Tehel Hendricks, of Auto; one son, Gilford Fuell, of Renick, and a sister, Mrs. Nettie Fink, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Mabel B. Fury Mr.«. Mabel Beatrice Fury, 75, of Marlinton, formerly of White Sulphur Springs, died Thursday, April 7,1966, at the home of Mrs. Grover Jackson, at Marlinton, after a long illness. Born at Mill Point, June 15, 1890, she was a daughter of the late Charles and Sarah Rose Jackson. I Survivors include one son, I Raymond Fury, of White Sulphur Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Maggie McMillion. of Buffalo. New York; Mrs. Alpha I. Ratliff, of Ronceverte. and Mrs. Mary Ann Sydenstricker, of Marlinton; two brothers. Lawrence Jackson, of Slatyfork and Frank Jackson, of Marlinton; sixteen grandchildren and I 'en great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Shank\m Funeral Home Chapel at White Sulphur Springs by the Rev. Wayne A. Snider. Burial was in the Adwell Cemetery iear Ronceverte.

Jennings E. Fulks Jennings E. (Jake) Fulks, 55, died unexpectedly Thursday, May 19, 1960, at his home in Cass. He was a native of Richwoo - ', a son of Mrs. Ocie O'Dell Bryant Fulks and the late Martin Fulks. He was a graduate of Mountain Dr. J. E. Flow State Business College at Parkersburg; and had been a resident of | News comes of the recent death Cass for the past twenty-three of Dr. J. E. Flow, aged 80 years, years. He was an employee of at Concord, North Carolina. the Mower Lumber Company; Many people in the Greenbr'er and was treasurer of Riverside Valley will remember liim, as an Masonic Lodge 124. He was preactive minister-evangelist in the viously associated with the Pure. 1920's. • • Oil Company Clarksburgdivision. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Fuhrman

Mrs. Edith Piynn

Myles Flynn

Clarence E. Flynn, aged 66 Mrs. Edith Marie Flynn, 70, vears. of Arbovale. < ied on Myles Flynn, aged 94, was born Riverton, on August 1, 1865, of Arbovale, died Friday, Thursday, April 19, U53, of ex- at and away on Tuesday, January 28. 1966, in the Uni- tensive injuries and shock re- July passed 28, 1959, versity Hospital at Morgan- ceived the night before in an Virginia hospital. at a Leesburg, town after a long illness. I automobile accident. He had He was the son of the late She was a member of the Ar- (attended a teacher's mating at Abraham and Melvina Ketterbovale Methodist Church and Circleville. in Pendleton County.,. man Flynn, was the last was a lifelong resident of Ar- On his return, about 11 o'clock, member of a and family to be called bovale. Her husband was the Wednesday night the i ruck he wa- away. driving went over the road near late Clarence Flynn. ; His early life was spent in PenSurvivors include two dau- Riverton and p nn? 1 him do vn. dleton County, coming to PdcaThe wreck was discovered at 6:3') ghters, Mrs. Evelyn Sutton, of hontas County some fifty years Arbovale, and Mrs June Riley, o'clock the next morning. ago. He was a farmer and also of Grpen Bank; and one brothMr. Flynn was brought to worked in the lumber business. er, Edgar Arbogast, of Arbo Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been making his home with vale. It was found he had e\tensiv" his daughter, Mrs. Frona Williams Funeral services were held injuries to his chest and pelvis at Durbin. Monday afternoon in the Ar- exposure and shock. For many years Mr. Flynn had bovale Methodist Church by On Sunday afternoon the ser a strong Christian faith and had the Rev. Thomas Dunlap. vice was held from the Arbovah in recent years, often expressed a Burial was in the Arbovale Methodist Church bv h's pastor,1 desire to go on to his "Home not Cemetery. Rev. LeRw RL-aard^an. B iria made with hands, Eternal in the' was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Heavens." 1 Mrs. Hilda Taylor Fled \^/ The deceas?d is survived bv He married Delia Whiteeotton, Mrs. Hilda Taylor Fleet, wife his wife, Mrs. E lith Arbogast of John H. Fleet of Cocoa Beach, Flynn, and their two daughters and to this union were born two Florida, died Wednesday, Febru- Mrs. Evelyn Sutlon. and Mrs. sons, Luther Flynn, Hernden, ary 17, 1960, in a hospital at Co- Ruth Riley, both of Green Bank. Virginia; Clarence Edward Flynn; two daughters, Mrs. J. L. (Frona) coa, Florida, where she had been Mr, Flynn was born at River Williams, of Durbin, and Nettie' a patient for ten days. ton, a son of the 'ate Miles and who preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at Delia Whiteeotton Flynn. (Clarence in 1956). His wife, Memphis, Tennessee, Sunday, Thus is noted the oassing of a died early in life, and then he February 21, with interment in .rood man, and a reader in edu married Virginia Harper. To I the Fleet burial plot. /ELo-rb few years his second wife d:^d, A. at Cape Canaveral; one sister, Marshall College. He served a> and he later married Mrs. Alice Louise Taylor, of Barboursville; j arincipal of the G"?3o. B ink Phares. To this union was born an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I Schools and Wesr. Grafton Sch one daughter, Mrs. Clark (Jessie) Jess Reeves, of Orange, Texas, For ten years he was Suoeriateri ; Wooddell, Bradford, Pennsylalso Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taylor, : lent of tb.3 S-.hoi's-ol Pocahon- vania. His wife preceded him in of Dunmore; and a host of cousins tas County. Then fbr n;ne vears j death in 1954, after a marriage of and friends in this county. he was principal oftthe R vtr 46 yearson High School-. He is survived by the following Mrs. Fleet frequently visited : her cousin, Mrs. S. G. Vanosdale, In religion th ! d eaased w:t a step-children, Gary Phares, Millat Boyer. Mrs. Vanosdale and working member o' the Method -x ville, Pennsylvania; Fay Phares, Charlottesville, Virginia; Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Forrest Alkire, of st Church. _. Emma Arbogast Newport PennPetersburg, flew to Memphis to attend the funeral. sylvania; Mrs. Kate Hernden, Eli Fitzpatrick Charlottesville, Virginia; Mrs. Eli (Jerd) Fitzpatrick, 61, for- Mary Hinkle, Cochranton, PennPhilip T. Flenner merly of Marlinton, died on WedPhilip T. Flenner, 66, of Frank, nesday, July 15, 1959, of a short sylvania; Mrs. Martha Mullenex, Job. Also surviving are21 grand died in the Pocahontas Memorial illness at Bandy, Virginia. children and 27 great-grandchildHospital on Friday, July 7, 1961. He is survived by five brothers, ren. He was a past commander of William Fifzpatrick, of MarlinFuneral services were held on the American Legion at Durbin, ton, Amos Fitzpatrick;of Ottawa, Friday at 11:00 a. m. in the Durand a veteran of World War I. .Frank Fitzpatrick, of Montana, Methodist Church of which Survivors include two sisters, and Edgar and James Fitzpatrick, bin he was member, with additional Mrs. George Butterbaugh, of address unknown; six sisters, servicesa at Riverton at 1:00 p. Frank, and Mrs. Howard Shiflet Mrs. Mabel Bowling, of Eccles, m. The officiating minister was of Akron, Ohio; and a brother, Mrs. Jenny Cassell, of Red Jack- the Rev. R. B. Jarrett who was John Flenner, of Akron, Ohio. et, Mrs. Myrtle McCoy, of New assisted by the Rev. A. C. Decker I Funeral services were conduct- York, Mrs. Anna Dunnford, of of Riverton. Intermeni was | ed Sunday afternoon in the Dur- Bandy, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Hill- made in the Huffman Cemetery.'' bin Methodist Church with the man, of Lebanon, Kentucky, and near Riverton, Rev. George Clav in charge. Bu- Mrs. Sally Hager, of Beckley. rial was in the Wilmoth Cemetery His body was laid to rest at on Alleghany Mountain. Bishop, Virginia.

^111 0 .

J .ill! U 1 a

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wife of Seymour Fowk , died at her home at Beverly, October 20 1043 She is survived by her husband and six children; Capt. Mason Fowler, of the U. S. Army; Chief Petty Officer Bernard Fowler, of the U. S. Navy: Moffett, Jacob and Virginia Fowler, and Mrs. Irene Manuel. The funeral was conducted from the home at Beverly, October 23rd, and burial at the Old Brick Church Cemetery near Huttonsville. Mrs. Fowler was born and reared at Dunraore, one of the twelve children of the la*e Jacob and Clarissa Taylor. Five brothers survive; George, of Mansfield, Ohio; Rev. John A. Taylor, of Sebring, Florida; William, Harry and FraDk Taylor of Dun more. KitiryiFrW °^ j Mrs. Kathryn Wright Friel, 61, of Belle, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Tuesday, March 28,1973, at the home | of a sister, Mrs. Delores GilHspie in Baltimore, Maryland, after a long illness. Survivors include one other sister, Mrs. Dora Barkley, of Green Bank, and one brother, Carl Wright, of Grosselle, Michigan. C ^ Services were held Friday, at two p. m., 'in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale with the Rev. Thorn* as Henderson officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Mattie E. Fowler Mrs. Mattie E. Fowler, 77, of Marlinton, died Monday, December 8,1969, at the Weston Hospital of a heart attack. Born February 7, 1892, at Hillsboro, she was a daughter of the late Preston and Chriasie Miles Pritt. She was married to Luther Fowler of Hillsboro, in 1912. Her husband, Luthe"" Fowler, and three sons, Lee. Lynn, and Joe Fowler, preceded her in death. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Nettie Deputy, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Ruth Shinaberry, of Baltimore, Maryland; one son, Burley Fowler, of Canton, Ohio; four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Cody, of Miami, Florida: Mrs. Hattie Rhodes, of White Sulphur Springs; Mrs. John Candler, of Marlinton and Mrs. Laura Blake, of Bordentown, New Jersey; one brother, William Pritt, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were held on Thursday, December 11, at 2:00 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Mrs. Margaret Friel Fowler

Mrs. Margaret Friel Fowler aged 82, of Hillsboro, died or Wednesday, September 19. 1962, in the Pocahontas Me Evi Beard Fehrte morial Hospital. Death was Eva Beard Fehrle was born attributed to a heart condition. in Hillsboro 1898, the daughter Born at Clover Lick, May of the late Matthew Lee and 27, 1880, she was a daughter Emma Clark Beard, departed of the late John Milton and this life on July 31,1977, in Matilda Moss Fowler. Clayton, Georgia. Survivors include five sons, She is survived by her husHazel B., Virgil H., Harry W. band, Harry Fehrle, Clayton, and George W. Fowler all of Georgia; three daughters, Mrs. Hillsboro; Pat Fowler, of Dorothy O'Donnell, Media, Baltimore, Maryland; three Pennsylvania, Mrs. Peggy Reydaughters, Mrs. Lillian Vannolds, Sarasota, Florida, Mrs. Reenan, of Marlinton, Mrs. Mnda Walker, Charleston, and Eva Butts, of California, and one sister, Mrs. Leeta KillingsMrs. Vada Jarvis, of Rochester,' worth, Marlinton, and four New York; a brother. Grover grandchildren. Friel, of Long View, Washington; twenty-five grandchildren Preceding her in death were and thirteen great-grandchildbrothers, Sherman, Joel, Henren-. ry, Earl and Matthew Beard, and sister, Mrs. Mary Johnson. Funeral services were conMrs. Fehrle was an active | ducted Frfday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Hillsboro membar of the Oak Grove with the Rev. Owen Lee in Presbyterian Church and Hills charge. Burial was in the Oak boro Chapter No. 93 of the Grove Cemetery. | Order of the Eastern Star.

riazei rowier

Hazel Burton Fowler, 65, of Hillsboro, died December 12, 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Marlinton. He was a heavy equipment mechanic, a member of the United Methodist Church, a veteran of World War II and a native of Hillsboro. Surviving are his wife, Mary; son, Grover Daniel, of Webster, New York, two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Louise Schnider, of Webster, Mrs Shirley Tyson, of Marion. New York, brothers, Virgil, Harry, and George, all of Hillsboro. Pat, of Baltimore, Maryland, sisters, Mrs. Lillian VanReenen, of Marlinton, Mrs. Eva Butts, of Atwater, California, Mrs. Vada Jarvis, of Albany, Georgia, and 10 grandchildren. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Hillsboro United Methodist Church with the Rev. Ralph Ross officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery in Hillsboro.

Hirry Winters Fo<"!«r

Harry Winters Fowler, 64, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, January 6,1979, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea after a lingering illness. He was a heavy equipment operator and carpenter and a member of the United Methodist Church. A native and a lifelong resident of Hillsboro, he was born December 14,1914, the son of Winters Jennings and Margaret Friel Fowler. Surviving him are his wife, Nellie Holbrook Fowler; two children, Harry Douglas Fowler, at home, and Betty Jean Fowler Fisher, of Frankford; four grandchildren; three brothers, George Warren Fowler, of Hillsboro; Patrick Dale Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland, William Virgil Fowler, of Orange, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Vada Strahan, Victor, New York, Mrs. Eva Butts. Atwater, California, Mrs. Lillian VanReenen, Marlinton. Services were held Tuesday in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro, by the Rev. Virgil Hornbeck with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.


warren fowler George Warren Fowler, 65, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, February 12, 1985, in Alleghany Regional Hospital in Low Moor, Virginia, after a short illness. Born July 28, 1919, at Hillsboro, he was the son of the late Winters Jennings and Margaret Friel Fowler. He was a retired truck driver, a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church of Hillsboro, and a veteran of World War II and the Korean Conflict. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Harry and Hazel Fowler. Surviving him are his wife, Nancy Jordan Fowler; one son, David Fowler, of Hillsboro; three daughters, Linda McClure, Diana Madison, and Carolyn Fowler, all of Hillsboro; two brothers, Patrick, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Virgil, of Hillsboro; three sisters, Lillian VanReenen, of Marlinton, Eva Butts, of Atwater, California, and Veda Jarvis, of Rochester, New York; five grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p. m. Thursday in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Oak Grove Cemeterv

Joe Frank Fowler

Ruby N. Fowler, age 75, of Essex, Maryland died Wednesday, February 7, 1990 at Meridian Multi- Medical Nursing Home in Towson, Maryland after a short illness. Born March 29, 1914 at Renick, she was the daughter of the late James and Mary Parrish Doss. Mrs. Fowler was a Methodist and a member of the Order of die Eastern Star. She was preceded in death by her husband, Delbert Fowler, in 1988; son, Jerry L. Fowler, in 1972; two brothers, Bob Doss and Charlie Doss; two sisters, Ada Jackson and Lillian Dorman. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted by the Reverend Henery at the Connelly Funeral Home in Essex, Maryland. Burial was in the Belair Memorial Cemetery at Belair, Maryland.

Mrs. Ruby J. Fowler, 51, of New Carrollton, Maryland, formerly of Renick, died Saturday, January 21, 1984, of injuries received when she was hit by a car in New Carrollton. Born July 2,1932, in Renick, she was a daughter of the late Jesse James and Nannie Williams McMillion. Surviving her are a son, Michael, at home, and a daughter, Mrs. Sandra K. Dellinger, of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland; sisters, Mrs. Dessalee Lewis, of Alexandria, Virginia, Mrs. Annalee Duluca, of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Dessie Pritt, of Droop, Mrs. Mary Weaver, of Bel Air, Maryland, Mrs. Naomi Hoke, of Marlinton, Mrs. Ina Galford, of Buckeye; brothers, Lawson and Lonnie McMillion, both of Renick, Quincj McMillion, of Buckeye, and Roger McMillion of Marlinton; two grandsons. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Jack K. Wallace and the Rev. Ron Branch, with burial in Morningside Cemetery at Renick. Mrs. Anrie Forren

Mrs. Annie Maitha Steele Forren, 64, of Seebert, died Saturday, May 4, 1968, at her home after a short illness. She was a member of the Wes ley Chapel Methodist Church, at Hillsboro and a Sunday School teacher. She was a past matron of Hillsboro Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include two sons, Charles Forren, of Seebert and Major Kenneth Forren, with the Army, stationed at High Point, North Carolina; one sister, Mrs. Elise Gambel, of Baltimore, Maryland; and two brothers, C. M. Steele, of Baltimore, Maryland, and J. W. Steele, of Worthington, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Wesley Chapel by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Steele Cemetery at Seebert.

Joe Frank Fowler, age 36, formerly of Cass, died unexpectedly on Wednesday. February 21, 1968, in Pasadena, Maryland. He was born at Hillsboro, October 6,1931, the son of Mattie Fowler and the late Luther Fowler. He moved to Maryland, about 15 years ago. Surviving him are his wife, Gertrude, two stepdaughters, one stepson, his mother, Mrs. Mattie Fowler, of Dunmore, two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Shinaberry, Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Nettie Deputy, Huntersville, one brother. Burley Fowler, of Canton, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his father, and twobrothers. Mn. Violet Friel Funeral service was held at Mrs. Violet Friel, died TuesSeverna Park Funeral Marsion day, April 18,1978, in Memoon Ri'chie Highway at 1 p.m. rial General Hospital in Elkins on Friday with burial in the after a long illness. Maryland National Cemetery Services will be held at 2 at Catonsville, Maryland. p, m. Friday by the Rev. Gregory Lewis in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with burial at Valley Head.


Mrs. C. M. M. Fultz Mrs. Nannie Curry Fultz of Homer, Michigan, widow of :he late Rev. C. M. M. Fultz, passed away on Sunday, February 8, 1970, in a nursing home in Marshall, Michigan, at the ?ge of 88 years, 6 months and 24 days. I Born near Slatyfork, July 15, 1881,she was a daughter of the late Lucian P and Jane Catherine Painter Curry. She professed faith in Christ early in life and Jived a devoted Christian life. She leaves to mourn her passing two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Jones and Mrs. Lelia Foster, both of Homer, Michigan; one sister, Mrs. Maggie Long, of Beard; two grandchildren, Mrs. Betty Cole, of Mason, Michigan, and Richa d Jones, of Grand Rapids, Michigan; two step-grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon February 11, in the Morgan Memorial United Methodist Church, near Renick, by the Rev. Ezra Bennett with burial in the church cemetery. Or. M. R. Fleming Word has been received of the death of Dr. Mary Fleming, 94, on Wednesday, April 15,1970, a retired Presbyterian mtdical missionary, who had made her home several years in a home for the elderly in St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. Fleming visited in Marlinton many times years ago, being a cousin af the late Mrs. William T. Price and Mrs. T. S. McNeel.





m i l . ••••pii rgppilM DanO.Friel Nellie Margaret Foppiano, Dan 0. Friel, 70, of Covington, Virginia, died Tuesday, 58, of Clarksburg, died SaturFebruary 15, 1983, from a day, December 24, 1977, in United Hospital Center, folmassive heart attack. Born at Ray wood, in Poca- lowing a brief illness. She was born in Durbin, Ochontas County, he was a son of tober 17,1919, a daughter of Auburn and Maggie Stewart Friel. He graduated from the late Terry H. and Alice Green Bank High School and Goodsell Cover. Her husband, Joseph A. had been living in Covington since about 1934. He was Foppiano, preceded her in death July 31,1976. retired from Wesvaco. Surviving are two daughHis wife is the former Grace Rexrode, of Minnehaha ters, Mrs. Lewis (Kay) Haines. St. Louis, Missouri, Mrs. GerSprings. In addition to his wife, of ald (Toni) Stake, Green CasCovington, he is survived by tle, Pennsylvania; two grand• three sons, Dan, of Arlington, children, Micbele, and Lewis III; five sisters. Virginia, Preston, of Lynch- J.Mrs.Haines, Woodrow (Katherine) burg, Virginia, and Alan, of Snelson, Elkins, Mrs. Everette Norfolk, Virginia; a daughter, (Florence) Stanley, HageraMrs. Linda Barnett, of Hunt- town, Maryland, Mrs. Guy H. ington; four grandchildren; a (Abigayle) Fultz, Marlinton, brother, Robert Friel, of Cov- Mrs. Ralph (Jeanne) Radar, ington; two sisters, Mrs. Ralph Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Chaplin, of Clifton Forge, Vir- William (Joanne) Kane, Durginia, and Mrs. H. A. [Helen] bin. Yeager, of Marlinton. Mrs. Foppiano was a memThree brothers, Carl, Glen, ber of the Immaculate Conand John, and a sister, Alice ception Catholic Church, a Friel, preceded him in death. private duty registered nurse, Services will be held Thurs- a member of St. Marys Alumday at Falling Springs Presby- ni Association and West Virterian Church, of which he was ginia Nurses Association. a member. Services were held at 9 a; m Tuesday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Interment was in Bridgeport Earl E. Freeman, 60, of Cemetery. Clarksburg, of Route 1, Mt. Clare, died in a local hospital, A. L. Flora on Monday, January 18, 1975, following an extended illness. A. L. "Pete" Flora, of JackHe was born in Pocahontas sonville, Florida, died at his County, November 15, 1914, home Saturday, July 15, 1972, a son of the late Oda and Cora of a heart attack. Roy Freeman. Mr. Flora was a native of Mr. Freeman attended the Pennsylvania, and had lived Cbubb Run Community in Jacksonville for nine years. Church. He was a member of the One brother and two sisters Lakewood Methodist Church, Ionic Lodge No. 101 A.F. & A. preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, M-, the Scottish Rite Bodies, Mrs. Evelyn Mitchell Free- the Morocco Temple of the man; one son, David Freeman, Shrine, Scottish Chapter No. one daughter, Mrs. Cora Lou 295 Ord er of the Eastern Star, Kreiling, of Greensboro, North and tbe Masonic High Twelve Carolina; three brothers, John and Low Twelve. A veteran Freeman, of New Castle, Penn- of World War II, he served in sylvania, Rov O. Freeman, of the U. S. Air Force. Munster, Indiana, and Robert Survivors include his wife. L. Freeman, Laurel Park; Mrs. Betty Deputy Flora; one three sisters, Mrs, Madge Tip- son, Robert Flora,his mother, lady, of Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. Mrs. Nancy Recchie, one sisEdna Cottrill, of Mt. Clare, ter, Mrs. Jack Tarby, and one and Mrs. Gladys Post, of brother, George Flora, all of Riverdale, Maryland, and four Jacksonville, Florida. grandchildren. Funeral services were held Funeral services were held in the Chapel of Hardage and Thursday, by the Rev. O. D. Sons Funeral Home Tuesday Barman. morning- by the Rev. James Broomall. Masonic Rites were held at the graveside, Oaklawn Cemetery, Jacksonville, Fla.

uiu riynn

Otis Flynn, 73, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, died April 5, 1976, in Muncy Valley Hospital from the effects of a fall from a tree. Mr. Flynn was a retired employee at Montgomery Mills. He previously worked for many years for the Pennsylvania Department of Highways. Born March 31, 1903, at Riverton, he was the son of Myles and Jennie Harper Flynn. Surviving are a son, Carmon O. Flynn, ST., and a daughter, Mrs. Geraldine Marsh, both of Williamsport, a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ida Belle Atkinson, of Philadelphia, Pa., a sister, Mrs. Freddie Thompson, of Riverton, a half-brother, Dr. Luther Flynn, Waynesboro, Virginia, two half-sisters, Mrs. Jessie Wooddell, of Bradford, Pa., and Mrs. Frona Williams, of Durbin; one stepbrother, Fay Phares, Berwick, Pennsylvania, four stepsisters, Mrs. Emma Arbogast, Newport. Pa., Mrs. Kate Herndon, Charlottesville, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Hinkle, Cochranton, Pa., Mrs. Martha Mullenax, Elkins, three grandchildren, one great-grandchild. Services were held on Thursday morning at Noll's Funerah Home, in Williamsport, with the Rev. Lyman B. Graves, pastor of Trinity Episcopal Church, officiating. Burial was in Wildwood Cemetery beside his wife, .Elsie, who preceded him several years ago. Attending from West Virginia were the Rev. Don Flynn, Frona F. Williams, and Luther Flynn, of Waynesboro, Va. Granville 0 . Frost

Granville Otis Frost, 49, died in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Martinsburg on Thursday, Jan»sry 31, 1963. He had been in ill health for the past five months. Mr. Frost had served as general manager of the Pocahontas Furniture Company for the past couple of years. A native of Massachusetts, he was a son of the late Elmer C. and Maud Taylor Frost He served three years in the Armed Forces in World War II. Surviving him are his wife and a daughter, Ann. Services were held Saturday morning in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. George McCune, with burial

in Mountain View Cemetery.

LocArmge rosier

Lockridge Foster, age 80, died Tuesday, November 22, 1977, in the Heritage Nursing Home in Barnesville, Georgia. He was born June 19, 1897, in Mountain Grove, Virginia, a son of the late William S. Foster. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nettie Foster, of Barnesville, Georgia; two daughters, Mrs. (Margie) Gayle Sharp of Frost, and Mrs. Betty H. Rorke, of Buchanan, Virginia; four sons, Ernest E. Foster, and William P. Foster, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; Robert L. Foster, of Covington, and James D. Foster, of Roanoke; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Jean Allen, Mrs. Betty Reaid and Mrs. Charles Cochran, all of Atlanta, Georgia; one brother, Frank Foster, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were beld Friday at two p. m. from McLaughlin Funeral Home with the Rev. Rollins officiating. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery in Monterey, Virginia. — Frank Freeman Frank David Freeman, 24, died in a Jackson, Tennessee, hospital November 7, 1982, of injuries received in an automobile accident Saturday. Born May 21, 1958, in White Sulphur Springs, Freeman was a son of William A. and Shirley Sprouse Freeman. Mr. Freeman was a construction worker in Texas, a member of the Emmanuel United Methodist Church in White Sulphur Springs, a 1979 graduate of Greenbrier East High School in Fairlea, and served in the U. S. Army from 1978 to 1980. Other survivors include four brothers, George Freeman, Carl Freeman, Joe Freeman, and John Freeman, all of White Sulphur Springs, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Freeman, of Fairlea. Services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m., in the Shank lin Funeral Home Chapel in White Sulphur Springs with the Rev. Martin A. Berisford officiating. Burial will be in the Hillcrest Cemetery in White Sulphur Springs.


Mrs. Virginia Mie FMWr>V Mrs. Virginia Mae Fletcher, died at her home in Elkins. A community leader for thirty-five years, Mrs. Fletcher was known throughout West Virginia for her talents in flower arranging. £•£, yn* *&* For three decades she was a leader in YMCA activities. Mrs. Fletcher held state offices in PTA and the West Virginia Hospital Auxiliary. She was an active member of the Hospital Auxiliary at Memorial General Hospital. She was a leader in the First United Methodist Church of Elkins and a member of the Woman's Club of Elkjns. A graduate of Green Bank High School she attended the Nursing School at the Medical College of Virginia. Mrs. Fletcher was born September 2,1911, at Clover Lick, a daughter of the late Noah and Bertie Wilfong Puffenbarger. Surviving are one daughter ' and four sons: Mrs. Betty Ruddle, Annapolis, Maryland; David E. Fletcher, Jr., of the Georgetown Road, Elkins; Charles Fletcher, James Fletch er, Elkins, Thomas Fletcher, at home; also surviving is one sister, Mrs. W. W. Hoover, of Frank, and one brother, Joe Putfenbarger, of Mount Lookout. There are six grandchildren also surviving. Four brothers preceded her in death. Mrs. E. L. Femton Mrs. Mary Louise Fenton, 83, of Charleston, a retired teacher who taught at schools in Pocahontas, Randolph and Kanawha counties for 33 years, died Thursday, November 22, 1973, in the St. Francis Hospital after a long illness. Her last school she taught was at Midway school on Campbells Creek. She was a member of St. John's Episcopal Church. Her husband, E. L. Fenton, preceded her in death. Surviving is a daughter, Miss Mary Frances Fenton, at home. Services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wilson Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Richard Schmidt. Graveside service was held Monday morning in the Maplewood Cemetery at Elkins.

Gilford Thomas Fuell, 66, of Renick, died Wednesday, January 31, 1973, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte, of a heart condition. He was born September 18, 1906, a son of the late Alvin W. and Sallie Clutter Fuell. Preceding him in death were tv o sisters and three brothers. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Chloe Harrison Fuell'; a foster daughter, Sharon Har•rison, at home; four sisters, Mrs. Tolliver (Ethel) Hendricks, of Maxwelton. Mrs. Vir gil (Jess'e) Boyce,-of Lewisburg, Mrs, Nick (Enna) Anthony, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Claude (Fayreej Malcomb, of Marlinton. •f Services were held Saturday afternoon at the United 7Methodist Church at Renick by Primitive Baptist Elders, ; Laudon Colley. of Vansant, Virginia, and Robert S. Owens of Grundy, Virginia. Burial was in the Morning Side Cemetery at Renick. 1 Mrs. Daniel Funkhouser


Mrs. Gladys Lambeit Funkhouser, 31, of Portsmouth, Virginia, formerly of Boyer, died Saturday, September 2, 1967, after a short illness. A resident of Portsmouth for seven years, she was a member of the Sweet Haven Baptist Church at Chesapeake, Virginia Survivors include her husband, Daniel Funkhouser; one daughter, Vicky Lynn Funkhouser; two sons, Daniel Curtis and Douglas Hickman Funkhouser, all at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orie Lambert, of Boyer; three sisters, Mrs. Clawson Sheets, of Boyer, Mrs. Darhal Roach, of Woodbridge, Virginia, and Mrs. Richard Greathouse, of OxonHill, Maryland; and her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Early Puffenbarger. Funeral services, were held Monday afternoon in the Boyer Church with burial in the Boyer Cemetery. MaryE.Friel Funeral Services were held on Wednesday, July 6. in Covington, Virginia, for Mary Elizabeth Friel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friel and niece of Mrs. H. A. Yeager.

leucine JVI. r a r r e n Mrs. Lucille M. Farren, 60, of Phoenix, Arizona, died August 22, 1991, at the home of her daughter, Debbie Thayer, of Tempe, Arizona. She was an administrative clerk for U. S. West Telephone Company. In addition to her daughter, she is survived by her husband, Donald G. Farren; son, David N. Farren, of Scottsdale, Arizona; sisters, Stella Blackhurst, of Cass, Thelma Quick and Helen Musser, both of Lewisburg; brothers, Leonard Yates, of Christiansburg, Virginia, Chester Yates, of Cass, Martin "Bo" Dahmer, of Lewisburg; four grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Barry Moll. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made to Hospice, Lewisburg. Jack Ferrell

Arnold Jack Ferrell, 93, of Marlinton. died Saturday, January 7, 1967,in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an illness of several months. Born at Nellie Ford, Virginia, July 5, 1874. he was the son of the late Thomas and Margaret Williams Ferrell. He was a retired woodsman. Surviving him is a sister, Mrs. Ella Aberdeen. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. Fred W. Walker, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Gerald Finney Gerald Finney, 58, of Natural Bridge, Virginia, died Friday, September 27, 1968, and services and burial were on Monday. Mr. Finney was a Forest Ranger at Marlinton and Bartow, leaving the County in 1958. He is survived by his wife, Gladys, and a daughter, Becky, a junior a t Radford College. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jennings, of Frank, and Louis Cross, of White Sulphur Springs, were among those calling on Mrs. Gerald Finnev Sunday after the death of Mr. Finney.


Donald R. F r W / / / & Donald R. Friel, 60, Hanen, Utah, died Wednesday in Price, Utah, of an apparent heart attack. He was born October 15, 1916, at Mabie, and was a coal miner. He married Lennie Ray, March 11,1938. He is survived by seven sons, George, Twin Falls, Idaho; David, Marlinton; Donald 0. and Darrell, Sparks, Nevada; Nicky and Ricky, Hansen, Idaho, and Gary, serving in the U. S. Army in Germany; four daughters, Mrs. Wanda Pritt, Marlinton, Mrs. Barbara Albright, Betty Mae Friel and Cathy, all of Twin Falls, Idaho; four sisters, Susie Friel, Barrington, Ohio; Leta Arbogast, Stacy Channel! and June Castel, all of West Virginia; two brothers, Ura Friel, West Salem, Ohio, and Ora Friel, Gnadenhutten Ohio, and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, in 1972. Edith M. Fox Edith M. Fox, 7 age 86, of Beckley, died May 21, 1997, in a Charleston hospital after a long illness. She was a Baptist. ^ ^ ^ Born at Lobelia, she was the daughter of the late Loving and Georgia Hinegafdner Vaughan. Preceding her in death were her husband, Bill Fox; four brothers, Yancy, Bruce, Edwin and Lloyd Vaughan; and two sisters, Hallie Malcoinb and Annie Houchin. Surviving her are a tiaiighter, Phyllis A; Hardy, of Beckley; three sisters, Lucille Fessenbecker, Elise Murray and P?esbit Coleman, all of California; *a brother, Arlie J. Vaughan,, of Marlinton; two

Mrs. Grace Faultier Mrs. Grace Faulknier, 89, of Doravilie, Georgia, formerly of Dunbar and Marlinton, died Friday, December 15, 1978. in Georgia. She was tbe widow of the late Crede Faulknier. Born at Marlinton, she was tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Galford. Services were held Monday at the Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar, with the Rev. Cecil McMillion officiating. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park.

G . C . Fauber Grover Cleveland Fauber, 92, of East Bank, died Thursday, December 27, 1984, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center in Marlinton after a long illness. He was a member of the Hampton Baptist Church, East Bank, and was a retired employee of the Cabin Creek Fuel Oil Refinery. Survivors include two sons, Truman Fauber, of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Charles Fauber, of Scottsburg,Indiana; a daughter, Mrs. Lucille Roush, of East Bank; a sistej, Mrs. Arizona Cox, of North Carolina; five grandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren. He was the grandfather of Charles Fauber, PCHS Band Director, of Marlinton. Services were held at 1 p . m. Saturday in Pryor Funeral Home, East Bank, by the Rev. Edward Kirk, with burial in Montgomery Memorial Park, London. Mrs. Quincey Friel Kearns a b o t65,f *of ^Cass, Kiel, .' about formerly of • Marlinton, d i e d early Wednes day morning June 2, L965 ?n

£i£S£ Memorial Eos^

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Raymond Charles Friel Raymond Charles Friel, age 72, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, May 28, 1997, at home. Mr. Friel was a MethodisT. He was retired from International Shoe Company and was a Navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of the V.F.W. and Moose Lodge. The son of the late Jeremiah and Nanny Roberta Vaughan Friel, he was born at August on June 11, 1924. Preceding him in death were two brothers, Guy Friel and Eldon Friel, and two sisters, Opal Gallaher and Gretchen Pclkey. Surviving him are his wife, Nina Brown Friel; three daughters, Peggy Fitzgerald, of Green Bank, Barbara Cutlip, of Marlinton, and Vickie Sharp, of Lovingston, Virginia; two brothers, Oscar Friel, of Valley Head, and McKinley Friel, of Marlinton; seven grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jay Hicks. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery.

Virginia B. Ferrell Virginia Barker Ferrell, age 75, of Huntington, died June 8, 1997, in St. Mary's Hospital, Huntington, of injuries received in an automobile accident She was a member of the Church of Christ. Surviving her are two sons, Thomas Bruce Ferrell, of Huntington, and Buddy Michael Ferrell, of Marlinton; a sister, Geneva Sparks, of Huntington; six half-sisters, Joyce Cook, of Danville, Brenda Powell, of Ohio, Shirley Searals, of Winfield, Sherry Searals, of Foster, Sandra VanAtter, of Alabama, Kathy Dodd, of West Virginia; two half-brothers, Emory Barker, of Ohio, Willie Barker, of Danville; and three grandchildren. Services were held at noon Wednesday at Kingel-Carpenter Mortuary, Huntington, by the Rev. Karen Brown. Burial was in Forrest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Huntington. —

james lruxion Freeland, Sr.

MIAMI, FLA.-James Truxton Freeland, Sr. of Miami, Florida, formerly of Webster County, died at his daughter's residence in Miami, Fla., on Sunday, November 20,1994, following a long illness. He was 77 years of age. He was born in Little Birch on March 14, 1917, the son of Ezra and Lillie Whytscll Freeland, both deceased. He had lived for two months in SouthMiami,Fla.,andhadformerly lived in Hile'lah, Fla. and Bergoo. He was a master carpenter at Ret. Lovel Homes and was a Protestant by faith. He is survived by: sons, James T. Freeland, Jr. of Piper City, 111. and William MichaelFreelandof Chicago, 111.; daughter, Judith Karen Love of So. Miami, Fla.; brothers, Aaron Freeland and Carlyn Freeland, both of Charleston; and 3 grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Lillian Nutter Freeland. Charles Frederick, of liiclyoway i Services will be held on Saturday, Pa„ died on July'2, 1050. For November 26, at 11:00 a.m., at the years ho was Division Superinten- Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in dent for Uuion Tanning Co., and Webster Springs, w»th the Rev. Rev. uiadc periodic visits t o the big Bennie Cowger officiating. Burial tannery here. will be at the Sugar Creek Cemetery in Gassaway. Friends may call the funeral home from 10:00 a.m. on Dana L. Sparks Frazer Saturday until the umerofthe service. CAMDEN-ON-GAULEY-Dana L. Sparks Frazer of Camdenon-Gauley, died in Summersville, on Martin L. Foster Saturday, May 17,1997. She was 81 years of age. CRAIGSVILLE-Martin L She was born in Tioga,on January Foster of Craigsville, died at the 14, 1916, the daughter of the late immmersville Memorial Hospital on William E. and Bemice Brown Sparks. Sunday, June 15, 1997, following a She had lived most of her life in short illness. He was 69 years of age Camden-on-Gauley, and was a He was a bus driver for the Nihomemaker and was a Methodist by cholas County Board of Education faith. and attended the Faith Chapel Church She is survived by: sons, John in Camden-on-Gauley. Frazer of Alum Creek, Roger Frazer He is survived by: his wife, Mona of Craigsville, and Delmas Frazer of laylor Foster; sons, Davidof Neenah Camden-on-Gauley; daughter, ConWise, and Danny of Grand Prairie' nie Wilson of Geneva, Ohio; brothTexas; daughter, Phyllis Foster ers, Dorn Sparks and Hilbert Sparks Campbell of New Wilmington Pa • both of Cottle; sisters, Glena Dempsisters, LillieCarpenter, Letha Cogar' sey of Tioga, Wanda Sparks of Cottle, and Ethal Hendershot, all of Youngand Delta Jones of Rock Cave; 7 stown, Ohio; 2 grandchildren, and 5 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandgreat-gnndchildren. children. In addition to her parents, Services were held on Thursday she was preceded in death by her J"nel9,atll:00a.m. t atthcSi m onshusband, Fred J. Frazer, and by one Coleman Funeral Home in Rich wood brother and three sisters. with the Rev. Keith Williams, officiServices were held on Monday, Bunal was at the Craigsville Cemetery. May 19, at 11:00 a.m., at Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Keith Williams officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.


Edith v. Fleming BROOK PARK, OHIO--Edith V. Fleming of Brook Park, Ohio, formerly of Webster County, died on Tuesday, June 27, 1995, in Ohio, following a long illness. She was 81 years of age. She was born in Bolair on February 10,1914, the daughter of the late Charles and Catherine Wood Given. She had lived in Ohio for the past two years and was a homemaker. She was a member of the First Missionary Baptist Church in Camden-on-Gauley. She is survived by: sons, Henry of Lakewood, Ohio, Robert of Seville, Ohio, and David of Mansfield, Ohio; daughters, Kathryn Tharp of Brook Park, Ohio, Betty Ann Chamberlain of LaHarbor, Calif., Martha Cutlip of West Lafayette, Ohio, Linda Bragg, of Wellington, Ohio,-and Susan Brown of Brunswick, Ohio; 1 half-brother; 6 half-sisters; 33 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-greatgrandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Thurmond Fleming. Graveside services were held on Friday, June 30, at 1:00 p.m., at the McAvoy Cemetery in Bolair, with the Rev. Keith Williams of Camdenon-Gauley, officiating. Adams Funeral Home in Cowen was in charge of the arrangements.

H. Keith Frame BIRCH RIVER--H. Keith Frame of Birch River, died on Thursday, May 29,1997, at the Braxton County Memorial Hospital, following a long illness. He was 73 years of age. He was born in Birch River, on December 11,1923, theson of the late* Scotland Georgia May Alkirc Frame. He was retired from Jay Bays, Inc. in McLean, Va., and served in Lie U.S. Navy. He was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Morris. He is survived by: his wife, Betty Waggoner Frame; sons, Mike of Blacksburg, Va., Randy of Birch River, and Doug of Manassas, Va.; daughter, Dcanna Rowlett of Manassas Park, Va.; sisters, Margarette Pierson oT Birch River, Ella May Young of Elizabcih, Mary Groves of Parma, Ohio, and Daisy Bcdingcr of Creslon, Ohio; and 5 grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Argil, Ernest, and Bailie. Services were held on Sunday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m., at the GreeneRobertson Funeral Home, in Sutton, with the Rev. Cecil Butcher officiating. Burial was at the Cox Cemetery in Birch River.

rtora L,. t uik Nora L. Fulk, 72, of Clinton Township, Michigan, died Thursday, September 24, 1992, at her home. She was born November 8, 1919, inHosterman. Mrs. Fulk taught at Huron Park Elementary School in Roseville for 22 years. She was a member of the Eastern Star of Roseville, Michigan, the Clinton Township Senior Citizens, the Guild of Trinity United Methodist Church of Roseville, and the Roseville Federation of Teachers. She was also active in arts and crafts shows around Michigan. Surviving are her husband, Curtis; son, Curtis, Jr.; daughters, Carmen, Cheryl Marvar, and Carta Albright; 14 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and brothers, Delbert and Dale Collins. Services were at 11 a. m. September 28 at the Kaul Funeral Home with the Rev. Sam Yearby officiating, with burial at the C dil&c Memorial Gardens East, Clinton Township. Margaret C. Felger Margaret C. Felger, age 79, of Salem, Ohio, died October 7,1997, at the Salem Community Hospital. Born March 12, 1918, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Edith (Hoover) Weatherholt, and came to Salem from Ravenna in 1955. She was a housewife. : She was preceeded in deathjn__ T5T9U Dy bet Husband, the late Richard Felger, whom she married in 1964; and by a daughter, Helen C. Weatherholt; one sister, Nora Bell Cutlip; and seven brothers, Frank, Ray, Stat, Edward, Slim, Zed and Rubin Weatherholt She is survived by four sons, Henry Poage, of Salem, Virginia; Ronnie Poage, of Salem, Dewey Ross, of Tucson, Arizona; and Robert Densmore, of Indianapolis, Indiana; two sisters, Mary Moore, of Marlinton, and Hazel Powell, of Beckley and Slaty Fork; six grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Services were held Friday at the Arbaugh Pearce Greenisen Funeral Home with the Rev. Herbert DeLong, of the Lisbon Assembly of God. Burial was in the Hope Cemetery.

Jim E. Fowler, Jr.

Earl Fowler

COLUMBUS, OHIO-Jim E. Fowler, Jr., died on Wednesday, June 19,1996, at the Mt. Carmcl Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. He was 31 years of age. He is survived by: his wife, Cammie; his parents, James, Sr. and Diane Fowler; brother, Jerry E. Fowler; grandparents, Martha and Harold Hughes; father-in-law, Carvil Clevenger of Webster Springs; goddaughters, Leora Dummitt and Ashley Roberts; and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Services were held on Saturday, Junc22,at2:00p.m.atiheSchoplinger Hilltop Chapel, with the Rev. Bill Simons officiating. Burial was at the Obetz Cemetery.

BIRCH RIVKR-Earl Fowler of Birch River died at his home on Thursday," August 10,1995, following along illness. He was 71 years of age. He was born in Boggs, on July 31, 1924, the son of the late William L. and Emily Rose Fowler. He was a lifelong resident of Birch River and was a retired truck driver. He was a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Gladys Boggs Fowler of Birch River; sons, Earl Lee Fowler and Doy A. Fowler, both of Boggs, and Carl B. Fowler, of Shelby, Ohio; daughters, Norma Russell of Elyria, Ohio and Sue Bryant of Sullivan, Ohio; brother, Ha/.cl Fowler of Boggs; sister, Helen Hypes of Boggs; 10 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Monday, August 14, at 2:00 p.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowcn, with the Rev. Okcy Wayne of Cowcn, officiating. Burial was at the Fowler Family Cemetery in Birch River. Adams Funeral Home was in charge 3f the arrangements.

JEAN FREDSON FRANK, 8 5 , died Feb. 8 in Fairbanks. Born in Tarirlek, Frank worked as a nurse's aide at the Hudson Stuck Memorial Hospital. With first husband John Fredson, Frank helped establish Veneties first • school, post office and the 1.8-million acre Venetie-Chandalar Indian reservation. She • also taught elementary school for the Bureau o f l n d i a n Affairs in Venetie, Ft. Yukon. Beaver, Chalkyitsik, Kotzebue and Fairbanks.

Emmet D. Felton Emmet David Felton, 66. of Davis, died Sunday, Nov. 16, 1997, in Ruby Memorial Hospital at Morgantown. Mr. Felton was born Oct. 10,1931. at Rowlesburg, a son of Buelah Bodkin, who survives at Rowlesburg, and the late John W. Felton. He married Dora A. Runion Felton who survives at Da Also surviving are two sons. John David Felton, Davis, and Glenn A. Felton, Fayetteville, N.C.: one daughter, Pamela L. Lynn, Parsons; two brothers, James Donald Felton, Colorado Springs, Colo., and John Stanley Felton, Glen Burnie. Md.; five sisters, Margaret Schollar, Rowlesburg, Eleanor Joan James, Earlyesville, Va., Sandra K. Smith, Greenwood, Ind., Mary Carol Markley, Brandon, Miss., and Janet F. McMinn. Clifton, Va.; three grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Felton was retired from the military after serving 20 years, and was a member of the VFW Elkins Post.


Ernest R. Fisher Ernest Randolph Fisher, 91. of Mt. Storm, died Monday, Nov. 10, 1997. in Heartland of Keyser. Keyser. where he had resided for the past month. Mr. Fisher was born Jan. 17, 1906. at Mt. Storm, a son of the late Charles M. and Delia E. Hanlin Fisher. Surviving are one daughter. Dorothy Jackson, Elk Garden; two sisters, JuanitaMoreland.Mt. Storm, and Odessa Kisner, Knoxville.Tenn.; one brother, Charles A. Fisher. Alexandria, Va.; three grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one brother, Dodd M. Fisher; two sisters, Mabel Arnold and Bertie Lynch; and one infant sister. Dorothy Fisher. Mr. Fisher was a mechanic for Bell Taxi Cab Company in Washington. D.C., for 30 years, and since 1972 was an active member of Ml. Storm Volunteer Fire Company. He was fire chief for the department for several years. He was a member of the Mt. Storm United Methodist Church.

Michael W. Fanning

Gladys P. Fansler

Michael William "Mike" Fanning, 72. of Dublin, Ireland, died at 4 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, 1997, at his son's home in Mingo. Death was attributed to a house fire. He made his home in Dublin, Ireland, but had spent several months each year with his son Will in Mingo. Mr. Fanning'was born Aug. 19, 1925, in Dundrum, Ireland, a son of the late William and Mabel Healy Fanning. He was formerly married to the former Mary Shields, who survives in Canton, Ohio. Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Pat (Theresa) Hanahoe, Cleveland, Ohio; two sons, William J. "Will" Fanning, Mingo, and Michael Fanning, Cleveland, Ohio; one sister, Carmel Hoskins, Dublin, Ireland; seven grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Fanning had served with the Irish Free State Army. He was a member of the Church of the Holy Cross in Dundrum, Ireland. He was a tenor singer well known in Dublin, Ireland, and in Irish-American circles in Cleveland, Ohio, where he resided from 1958 through 1972. A stonemason by trade, he supervised the construction of several Catholic cathedrals, convents and schools in the Cleveland area. While he lived in Cleveland, he often sang for official inaugurations, weddings, and parties. He sang unaccompanied and also played the squeezebox and fingeroperated equivalent of the harmonica. He performed regularly at Cleveland's Irish American Club and on area Irish radio programs. In 1968, he was a guest singer on the Mike Douglas Show. Upon retirement in 1972, he returned to Dublin.

Gladys Pearl Ferguson Fansler, 83, of 627 Capitol St., Elkins, died at 5 a.m.' on Friday, Nov. 28, 1997, in Desert Samaritan Hospital at Tcmpe, Ariz. She had been in declining health since August, although her death was unexpected. She was born Aug. 14, 1914, at Montrose, a daughter of the late Truman C. and Effie Fansler Ferguson. She married Otis Lee Fansler, who preceded her in death Oct. 29, 1984. Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. Al (Sonya Lee) Poarch, Chandler, Ariz.; one sister, Cora F. Carr Ayers, Colonial Place, Elkins; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death are two brothers, Clyde and Odbert Ferguson. Mrs. Fansler was a graduate of Elkins High School. She attended Davis & Elkins College, was a graduate of West Virginia University and Ohio University at Athens, Ohio. She taught elementary school in Randolph County for 36 years, retiring from Third Ward School in 1979. She was a member of National Retired Teachers Association, Randolph County Retired School Employees, Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority, Degree of Honor Lodge, Elkins-Randolph County Senior Center, Melody Chorus and First United Methodist Church.

Mrs. Anne S. Fuller Mrs. Anne Sydenstricker Fuller, 96, of Winter Park, Florida, died May 20, 1988, in a Winter Park Hospital after a long illnenss. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, and the Eastern Star. She was a former organist for Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. She was a niece of the late Mrs. Andrew Price, of Marlinton. Graveside service will be at 10 a. m. Thursday in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg, by the Rev. Weston Guthrie officiating.


KermitOrvilleFoe Kermit Orville Foe, 73, of Cass, died May 7, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after an extended illness. He was a retired employee of the Cass Scenic Railway and a World War II Army veteran. Born November 27, 1914, at Mill Point, he was a son of the late Walter and Pearl McClung Foe. He was preceded in death by one sister, Opal Lester. Surviving him are his wife, Lucy Friel Foe; daughters, Bonnie Gum and Margaret Cassell, both of Cass, Loretta Barton and JoAnna Barton, of Baltimore', Maryland; foster daughters, Kimberly Tenney, of Buckhannon, and Diane Bennett, at home; sons, William Kermit Foe, of Cass, -Mark Foe, at home, and Wayne Foe, of California; sisters, Alma Shinaberry, of Clarksburg, Freda Nelson, of Cass, and Beulah McCoy, of St. Petersburg, Florida; brothers, Winfred Foe, of Cass, and Laban Foe, of Baltimore, Maryland; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Wanless United Methodist Church on Back Mountain by the Rev. Gene Kerby, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery.

Charles C. Farmer Charles C. Farmer, 73, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, December 17, 1987, in Monongalia General Hospital in Morgantown. Born January 8, 1914, in New Martinsville, he was the son of the late Garah Hugh and Lenora Bell Krebs Farmer. Also preceding him in death were two sisters, Marie Farmer and Anna Farmer, and four brothers, Roy, Luther, George and Harry Farmer. Mr. Farmer came to Pocahontas as a government worker with the Department of Justice at the Mill Point Prison Camp and returned to build a home at Hillsboro when he retired. He was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. A veteran of World War II, he was a a member" of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and was a Mason. Surviving him are his wife, Virginia E. Fanner; two daughters, Virginia Anne Coe, of Arbovale, and Edith Mae Simons, of White Hall, Illinois; his stepmother, Perie Jackson Farmer, of Blanchester, Ohio; a sister, Delia Farmer Montgomery, and three brothers, Sam Farmer, of Wheeling, Harold Farmer, of Kingman, Arizona, and James Farmer, of Detroit, Michigan; four grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in the United Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Ruby Lindsay Fox Mrs. Ruby Lindsay Fox, 80, of Soutii Charleston, died March 25, 1987, in Thomas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was aretiredemployee of Kanawha Valley Bank and was a member of All Saints Episcopal Church. Born at Linwood on February 19, 1907, she was the daughter of William C. and Stella Daff Lindsay. Surviving her are two sons, William F. Fox, of South Charleston, and Thomas E. Fox, of St. Albans; sister, Arlene Easley, of Greensboro, North Carolina; brothers, Virgil Lindsay, of Beverly; Five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday in Wilson Funeral Home in Charleston by the Rev. Arthur C. Chard with burial in the End of the Trail Cemetery at Clintonville.

,lA Wkiters^Ja^Fowler JWintejs "Jay/'fFpWler, 21, of Auto, died Saturday, November 28,- 1987,' imOimtil Division, ChariestJniAt^a;^Sdi<Sral Center, of a single gunshot VyOUrid to the head after a gun discharged as he and another man were examining the ,gun. • He was an employee of The Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur .Springs and was a member of .the' 'FjTSt. BapTist Church In*'White Sulphur Springs. /Born November 12, 1966, in Pocahontas County, he was the son ,of Betty Fowler Sheets, of Auto. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his stepfather, Duane Sheets, of Auto; a half-brother, Mark Alien Fisher, of Ballard; a half-sister, Brandy Fisher, of Auto; istepsister, Teressa Pence, of (Greenville; a stepbrother, Jeffery Sheets, of Auto; maternal grandmother, Nellie Fowler, of Hillsboro. Services were held at 11 a. m. •Wednesday at the First Baptist Churdh White Sulphur Springs by the Rev. A.C. Durant. Burial was Jin the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Gladys Hudson Friel Mrs. Gladys Hudson Friel, 80, of 826 St. Margaret Road, Chillicothe, Ohio, died in the Medical Center Hospital at Chillicothe on Friday, January 2,1987. She was a member ot Walnut Street United Methodist Church and the Social Order of Beauceant. Born at Green Bank September 22, 1906, she was the daughter of the late Edward A. and Ora A. Sutton Hudson. „ _ Her husband, Carl S. Friel, died September 3, 1973. A brother, Keith Hudson, and sister, Mrs. Edwin (Violette) Sheets, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are two sons, Edward A. Friel, Littleton, Colorado, and John K. Friel, of Chillicothe, Ohio; four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren; three brothers, Lyle Hudson, of Beckley, Kyle Hudson, of Wyandotte, Michigan, and Neil Hudson, of Southgate, Michigan; and a sister, Mrs. Paul E. (Kathleen) Burner, Jacksonville, Florida. ' „ Services were held Tuesday night in Ohio and additional services will be held at 10 a. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.


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Virgil Fowler Virgil Harper Fowler, age 75 years, departed this life November 14, 1987, after a long illness with cancer. He was born July 12, 1912, at Renicks Valley, the son of the late Winters J. and Margaret E. Friel Fowler, of Hillsboro. Mr. Fowler was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, of Hillsboro. He was a veteran of World War II and $ retired mechanic with the State Department of Highways. Preceding him in death were his parents, one sister, Lillian VanReenen, and three brothers, Hazel'Barton Fowler, Harry W. •Bowler, and George W. Fowler. L£?&rviv*ng~rMm are his ; wife, V^lirta H. Sparks Fowler; two daughters, Sharon A. McClendon, bf pordonsville, Virginia, and Nina MA-ie Feltmeyer, of Chesterfield, Virginia; three sons, William V. Fowler, of Rochester, New York, Richard HFowler, of Gordonsville, Virginia, and Michael H. Fowler, of Hillsboro; nine grandchildren; " f i v e step-grandchildren, and 4 step-great-grandchildren; one brother, Patrick D. Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland; and two sisters, Eva M. Butts, of Atwater, California, and Vada E. Jarvis, of Leesburg, Georgia. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Wesley United Methodist Church by the Rev. Verlin Butcher, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Freda Estola Ferrell. age 76, of St. Albans, died January 1, 1998, in Putnam General Hospital at Hurricane, after a long illness. • Surviving her are a son, Kenneth, of Dunmore; a daughter, Sherry Hamman, of Chilicothe, Ohio; brother, Emory O. Hartwell, of Scott Depot; two sisters, Ollie Hughes, of Bainbridge, Ohio, and Essie Hill, of Nettie; four grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Graveside services were held in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, by the Rev. Jackie Miller.

Paul Loren Flippin, Sr. Paul Loren Flippin, Sr., 80, of Renick, died February 21, 1988, at home after an apparent heart attack. He was a retired lumberman and was a member of Spring Creek Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are a son, Paul Flippin, Jr., of Renick; daughter, Frances Workman, of Renick; sister, Mary Lou Freeman, of Hamilton, Ohio; brother, William C. Flippin, of Fort Seybert; and five grandchildren. Graveside services were held in Morningside Cemetery, Renick, by the Rev. Jim Anderson. :

Patricia Farley Patricia Mae Hunter Farley, age 69, of Huntington, died June 1, 1998, at St. Mary's Hospital in, Huntington. She was a graduate of Marshall University and a retired sales insurance agent with Equitable Insurance Company. She was a former school teacher and a social worker for the Department of Human Services in Mingo County. Surviving her are her husband, James Farley; two daughters, Kalherine Lou Snyder, of Marlinton, and Judith Gayle Farley, of St. Albans; a son, Greg Farley, of Lavalette; two sisters, Joan Grubb, of Ironton, Ohio, and Irma Ringdahl, of Tampa, Florida; a brother, Jack Hunter, of Dayton, Ohio; and eight grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Thursday at Morris Funeral Home Chapel, Wayne, by the Rev. Bill Boblett. Burial was in Bethel Ridge Cemetery, Oak Hill, Ohio.


Lena B. Fuller Ltna Jennings Brown Fuller, 86, of Frankford, died July 31, 1998, in Greenbrier Nursing Home after a long illness. She was born at Spice, the daughter of Kenny and Emma Barrett Brown. Survivors include one son, Robert Fuller, of Frankford; two sisters, Nina Friel, of Marlinton, and Nila Simmons, of Hillsboro; one brother, Harold Brown, of Oregon; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Elbert Fuller; a daughter, Ethel Louise Fuller; two sisters, Bessie Simmons and Nora Pritt; and two brothers, Grady Brown and Clifford Brown. Graveside services were held Monday at the Morningside Cemetery in Renick.

H. Gay Fultz H. Guy Fultz, age 85, of Marlinton, died April 12, 1998, at University of Virginia Hospital, Charlottesville, Virginia Mr. Fultz returned to Marlinton in 1970 upon his retirement after 31 years with the U. S. Government in the Treasury Department, General Services Administration, and 18 years with the C.I.A., serving in Laos, Thailand, and Okinawa He served as Mayor of the Town of Marlinton (1971-1975), member of Pocahontas County Commission, (1990-1992), and as chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee. He was a Methodist. He was born March 3,1913, in Buckhannon, the son of Lewis Guy Fultz and Nancy Bennett Fultz . Surviving him are his wife of 65 years, Abigayle Cover Fultz; son, Johann H. Fultz, of Marlinton; daughters, Julia Ann Henard, of Tappahannock, Virginia, and Frances Irene Crampton, of Sterling, Virginia; and nine grandchildren and fourteen greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Johann H. Fultz. Services will be held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 1 p. m. Thursday with Chuck Davis and Rev. Gail Cutlip. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Dewey E. Ferrell Dewey E. Ferrell, age 69, of Bigbend, Calhoun County, died December 3, 1998, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Parkersburg, after a short illness. He was a former employee of the Department of Highways, a timberman, and an Army veteran of the Korean War. Surviving him are four daughters, Loretta A. Bell, of Mount Zion, Beretta L. Arthur, of Grantsville, Darlene S. Ferrell and Kathern M. Bunner, both of Munday; eight sons, Dewey Carl, of Creston, Calvin, L., of Hillsboro, Junior E. and Larry G., both of Sanaford, North Carolina, Gary P., of Fayette, Joey H. and Albert C, both of Munday, Alvin E., of Bigbend; step-mother, Zellie Ferrell, of Bigbend; brothers, Gary D. Ferrell, of Sanford, Hoy K. Ferrell, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, Paul W. Snider, of Bigbend; twenty-eight grandchildren, ten step-grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren. Services were held Sunday at Stump Funeral Home, Grantsville, by the Rev. William D. Stutler. Burial was in Wolverton Cemetery, at Munday.

Wayne S. Fitzgerald Wayne Samuel Fitzgerald, 80, of N. Jefferson Street, Mount Vernon Ohio, died October 30, 1998, at the Knox Community Hospital in Mount Vernon. He was a former Danville resident He was bom December 9, 1916, in Dunmore, to the late Denis Richard and Emma Idel Roads Fitzgerald. He was a retired truck driver and retired from Holland Furnace in Norwalk, Ohio. He was a 50 year member of the Green Valley Southern Baptist Church in Mount Vernon and the Moose Lodge of Mount Vernon. He is survived by three daughters, Kathleen Stewart of Danville, Linda Laser, of Norwalk, and Samantha Hess, of Danville; a son, Michel Walsh, of Norwalk; 13 grandchildren and 18 greatgrandchildren; three brothers, Robert Fitzgerald, of Maine, Newman Fitzgerald, of Maryland, and Junior Fitzgerald of New Jersey. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary (Williams) Fitzgerald whom he married in 1944; she died in 1976. Also deceased is a brother, Cecil, and a sister, Lillian. Services were held Wednesday, November 4, 1998, at the Fischer Funeral Home in Danville with Rev. Fred Hill officiating. Burial was in the Workman Cemetery at Danville. Neuman Fitzgerald Neuman "Mac" Fitzgerald, age 87, of La Grande, Oregon, died Tuesday, March 2, 1999. Mr. Fitzgerald was born January 9, 1912, to Dennis and Emma Rhodes Fitzgerald in Marlinton. He moved to Oregon in May 1948, and married Helen Patterson, in Boise, Idaho. He served in the Navy for 23 years. He was a member of Cove Grange and enjoyed hunting and Fishing. He learned to weave while in die Navy and shared his knowledge of crafts with school children. He is survived by his wife, Helen, of La Grande; two brothers, Robert Fitzgerald, of Maryland, and Dennis Fitzgerald, of New Jersey; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was in Cove Cemetery with services by Rev. Norman Shrumm.


urover u. fowler

Graver Daniel "Dan" Fowler, age 58, of Webster, New York, died January 14, 1998, after a long illness. Mr. Fowler was a machinery set-up supervisor in a plastic manufacturing business. Born at Marlinton, May 21, 1939, he was the son of Mary Sibyl Triplett Fowler Burks, of Hillsboro, and the late Hazel Fowler. His father and a sister, Margaret Louise Poage, preceded him in death. Surviving him in addition to his mother, are his wife, Zeke Fowler; ttiree daughters, Veronica Roberts, of Delaware, Lisa Bennett, of Virginia, Shawne Dulaney, of Marlinton; a son, James Fowler, of Webster; a sister, Shirley Newland, of Lyons, New York; and four grandchildren. Services were held Monday morning at Wesley Chapel United { Wirnn fXi£L Warren Stanley Friel, 38, died at his home at Riverside Friday, June 1,1979, of a self inflicted gunshot wound. A woodsman, he was employed by Beckwith Lumber Company, and be was a mem* ber of Clawson Methodist Church. Born at Clawson February 14,1941, he was the son of Mrs. Sallie Jane Smith Friel, of Elkins, and the late Perry Vernon Friel, Surviving him are two sons, Stanley Dale Friel and Edgar Perry Friel, and two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Gallord and Mrs. Fleeta Roberts, both of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Clawson Cemetery.

Mary Etta Franklin Mary Etta Franklin, age 87, of Charmco, died Monday, September 21, 1998, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center after a long illness. Mrs. Franklin had lived at Charmco for the past year. She was born May 23,1910, in Pocahontas County, daughter of die late Robert and Emma Frances Miller Cochran. Surviving her are her husband, Elmer Franklin; sister, Carrie Smith, of Rainelle; and a brodier, Brown Cochran, of Rainelle. Graveside services were held Wednesday at Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville, by Bill Wallace.

Kay M. t retweii Ray Michael Fretwell, 60, of 130 Weese St., Elkins, died at 7:02 a.m. Friday, Jan. 1, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital. He had been considered critical for the past week. Mr. Fretwell was born June 30, 1938, at Elkins, a son of the late Carlton Ashley and Barbara Marie Barkley Fretwell. He was twice married. First, he married JoAnn Gibson Crouch who survives. On June 30, 1982, he married the former Janet Doreen Currence who preceded him in death on Aug. 24, 1996. Surviving are two sons, Ronald Eugene Fretwell, serving with the U.S. Navy, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Richard Ray Fretwell, Elkins; a daughter, Angela Christine Fretwell, Elkins; a brother, Richard Ashley Fretwell, Elkins; six stepsons, James Michael, Robin Russell, Danny Douglas, Rocky Allen, John Wesley and Stephen Ray Maxson, all of Elkins; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Keith (Mary) White, Elkins, and Janet Rebecca Hawkins, Manassas, Va.; a daughter, Linda Waldron, Elkins; nine grandchildren, 14 stepgrandchildren and a step-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his stepfather, Harold Trimble; and a son, Ray Michael Fretwell Jr. Mr. Fretwell was a graduate with the class of 1958 from Elkins High School. He had worked for the West Virginia Department of Highways for 27 years retiring in 1988. He was a member of the Aerie No. 2344, Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Elkins Moose Lodge No. 375, the Tygarts Valley Post No. 3647, Veterans of Foreign Wars and was a Protestant. Kimberly LaDawn Fitzgerald Kimberly LaDawn Fitzgerald, age 33, of Green Bank, died Monday, May 10, 1999, at her home. She was of the Methodist faith. Born at Marlinton July 29, 1965, she was the daughter of Raymond and Peggy Friel Fitzgerald, of Green Bank. In addition to ber parents, she is survived by a sister, Ramona S. Ryder, of Front Royal, Virginia. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen's Funeral Home Chapel by Sam Felton, with burial in the Fairview Cemetery.

Lamax Irene Fitzgerald, age 75 of Berlin, Maryland, died February 24, 1999, at Peninsula Regional Medical Center. Bom in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the.late Clyde Evans and Mary McCormick Evans. She is survived by her husband of 59 years, Robert Lee Fitzgerald; three daughters, Shirley K. Warren, of Berlin, Sandra F. Esworthy, of Union Bridge, Maryland, and Patricia F. Muller, of Elkton, Maryland; 6 grandchildren; and 2 stepgranddaughters. She was preceded in death by a son, Emmett Lee Fitzgerald, who died in 1997, and a brother, William Evans. Mrs. Fitzgerald had been coowner with her husband of B&F Bikes in Ocean City for many years. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Ocean City and a member of the Sinepuxent American Legion Post #166 Ladies Auxiliary in Ocean City. Service was held Saturday at First Presbyterian Church by Rev. John Gilmore. Burial followed in Sunset Memorial Park in Berlin. Donations may be made to the American Diabetes Association, 407 Central Ave. Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 or to the Ocean City Paramedics, P.O. Box 2338 Ocean City, Maryland 21843. Melba M. Hickson Fitzgerald Melba Marie Hickson Fitzgerald, age 41, of Stony Bottom, died Wednesday, September 8,1999. Ms. Fitzgerald was bom September 9, 1957, at Marlinton, to Marie Burris Hickson and the late Robert Hickson. In addition to her mother, she is survived by one daughter, Mandy Fitzgerald, of Dunmore; two sisters, Connie Smith, of Bridgeview, Illinois, and Katherine Hickson, of Dunmore; four brothers, Robert Franklin Hickson, of Harleysville, Pennsylvania, Michael Davis Hickson, of North Carolina, Zane Douglas Hickson, of Cass, Kim Damon Hickson, of Green Bank. A Memorial service was held at the Arbovale United Methodist Church on September 17, by the Rev. Scott Ingleton.


Helen Felton Helen Louise Felton, age 57, of Route 2, Elkins, died Friday May 21, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Felton was formerly employed by Allegheny Lumber Company, Bata Shoe Company, The Inter-Mountain, and Elkins Industries until becoming disabled and retiring in 1981. She was a former member of the Echo CB Club where she went by the handle of "Sunshine," and was a former member of Elkins Moose Lodge No. 375. She was a Methodist. Bom November 6, 1941, at Monterville, she was the daughter of the late Emil Ludwig and Louise Bene Gibson Coprio. She was nreceded in death by ber first husband, Donald Lee Messer; two brothers, James and Edwin Chandler; and one grandson Surviving her are two daughters, Michelle M. "Mickv" Dadisman and Donna Corley, boA of Elkins; two sons. Rusty J Felton, of Marlinton, and CurtM Felton, of Slaty Fork; two sisters,' Wa ngt n Made ° ' «* Mane "FI"•* Elaine t Lhckhardt,

K * Pennsylvania; three brothers, John Coprio, Point Mountain, David "Bud" Chandler Illinois, and Daniel Casto Ohio' andfivegrandchildren. ' Funeral services were held J f i ? ^ * £ E. Funner Funeral Home m Elkins by Sam Felton and Kenny Dadisman. Burial was at the Pickens Cemetery in Pickens.

mis. n. n. May A. K. uay Mrs. Flora Elizabeth Moore Alvin Reeves Gay, aged 92 years, uied at his home at Ed ray Gay, aged 76 years, wife of Squire early Wednesday morning, Octo- A. R. Gay, of Edray, died on ber 24 1953. He had been in Saturday, April 25, 1953. She had been ill many weeks. On failing health for some time. Monday afternoon, her body was The funeral service was held I laid to rest in Edray Cemetery, from the residence on Friday ' the service being held at the resiafternoon by Rev. Ezra Bennett, ; dence by her pastor, Rey. E. Rev. Clyde Bussard, of Bellepoint, and Rev. R. H. Skaggs.' Clyde Bussard. Mrs. Gay was born at Edray. a Interment in the Edray Ceme-1 daughter of the late Samuel B tery. and Ann Sharp Moore. She beThe deceased was a son of the came the wife of Squire A. R. late Robert F. and Elizabeth Wil-' Gay, who survives. Their son is son Gay. He is the last of the Robert S , of Edray. and their M ?,1 -P. t0 beT. c a l I e d - H e married I four daughters are Mrs. J. WalMiss Flora Elizabeth Moore, who ! ter Mason, of Marlinton, Mrs. preceded i Q in death. John I. Sharp, of Youngstown, Ohio, Mrs. Paul Gates, of This worthy couple is survived by the r son, Robert, of Edray • Charleston, and Mis9 Mary Ruth Gay, at home. She leaves six their' tHree daughters, Mrs. John f grandchildren and a great grandV h T ^ V ° Ypungstown, Ohio; son. Mrs. Walter Mason, of Marlinton; and Mrs. Paul Gates, of Of her fathers family there reCharleston; six grand children main her Drotber, S. Reid Moore and one great grand child. and her two sisters, Mrs A. C. Thus is noted the passing of Barlow and Mrs. A. O. Baxter, me of our oldest and more proall of Marlinton. minent citizens. He was an ac- ! All her life a professing worktive member of the Methodist ing Christian, Mrs. Gay was a | Church. In his busy life lie had member of the Methodist Church. .beena a merchant and a fanner | She well fulfilled her mission as and postmaster and justice of the wife, mother, christian and neigh| peace. bor, and her works do follow her.

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Mrs. Lucy Livesay Gay died at her home in Marlinton on Wednesday morning, November 4, 1925. Her age was 73 years, eight months and eight days. For many weeks she had been sick. Interment at the family burying ground at the old Gay place ne-r Marlinton Friday afternoon, the services being conducted from the Marlinton Presbyterian church by Bey. H. H. Orr. There was a profuse floral offering. The pall bearers were L. M. McCiin tic, S. L Brown, T. S McNeel, S. N. Hench, J A. Sydenstricker,. Allan P. Edgar, R. B. Slavic, Calvin W. Price. Mrs. Gay was the daughter of the late Allan Livesay and Mrs. Julia Bright Livesay. She was raised in Greenbrier County. On her marriage to the late Col. Levi Gay nearly fifty years ago she came to Marlinton, and this has since been her home. For many years she tenderly cared for her aged parents. Mr. Gay has been dead about twenty-two years. Their children are Mrs. A. S. Hamilton, of North Carolina; Miss Maggie Gay and Miss Susie Gay; Allan, Robert and Levi Gay. . A son, John, uied about fifteen years ago, and a daughter, Mrs T. D Moore, died three years ago. Mrs. Gay was a lifelong christian, and very active in religious work. She joined the church of her fathers, the Presbyterian, at an early age. She was a charter member of the Mar linton Presbyterian Church. Down to the time of her last illness, sLe was busy in church duties. ''Ilany daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."

MARY RUTH GAY Mary Ruth Gay, second daughter of Alvin Reeves and the late Flora Elizabeth Gay, was born at Edray, W. Va., November 11, 1903, departed this life March 17, 1954. She is survived by her father; three sisters, Mrs. J. Walter Mason, Mrs. John I. Sharp,1 Mrs. Paul Gates; and one brother, Robert S. Gay. • ! Her funeral was conducted ! from the home, Friday afternoon, by her pastor, the Rev. E. Clyde Bussard. Interment was in the family plot in the Edray Ceme- •. tery. Although in poor health' for a' number of years, her death comes as a severe shock to her family; and friends. The beautiful floral tributes and the many acts of) kindness showed the love and I esteem in which she was held. I Ho word Gabbert Howard Gabbert, aged 69 years, died at his home in Tucson, Arizona, on Sunday night, Apri 28, 1957. He had been in failing health for some months. The 3ause of his death was given as a .brain hemmorrage. He was a I aative of Pocahontas County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Gabbert. His wife preceded aim about a year since. His body will be laid by her grave in Canada.

Ulita Moore Gay, eldest daughter of Flora 7;,|
Lee Gay

Lee Gay, aged about 50 years died on Saturday, May 4, 194b", of a heart attack, at McFarland's Cedar Camp, above Priest River, in Idaho. On May 11, his body was buried in Pinecrest Cemetery,! Idaho. The deceased was a son of the late William L. and Frances Gei ger Gay, of Pocahontas County' He is survived b., six brothers, and two sisters. Among his brothers are Oda and Cecil Gay, of this County; Frank, Audy and George, of Ohio. His sisters are Mrs. Eva Carl, of Greenfield, Ohio, and Nancy, uf Gallipolis, Ohio. ^7 Mrs.Ena Gay ^M Mrs. Ena Gay, 91 years of age and a resident of Marlinton some years ago, died September 26. 1961, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins, where she had been a patient since September 5. Mrs. Gay is survived by five daughters: Mrs. Willie Clawges of Elkins; Mrs. Hollie Counts of Shinnston; Mrs. Richard Clark of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Mattie Kibble of Smithport, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Blanche DeMark of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; two sons, Lew Gay of Pittsburgh and Harry Gay of Troy, New York; also one brother, Enoch Taylor, of Bartow, and one sister, Mrs. Georgia Chalker, of Penella, Florida; and a number of nieces and grandchildren. One daughter, Mrs. Edna McIClintic, is deceased. Funeral services were conducted at the Forsaith Funeral Home in Pittsburgh on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pearl Gay

Mrs. Pearl Gay, aged 70, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Saturday, April 27, 1963, after a short illness. Death was attributed to an heart attack. She was a member of the Frost Methodist Church. Born at Huntersville, April 7, 1893, she was a daughter of the late Lewis and Margaret Carpenter. Survivors include her hus band, Oda Gay; a son, Dale H. Gay, of Broadway, Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. May Corbett of Dunmore, and Mrs. Ethel Baxter, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home with the Rev. Rex Ball in charge. Burial was in the Mount Zion Cemei tery.

niss Agnes nuin uay '..'iss Agnes Ruth Gay, daughter ol William A. and Martha f)i ffleld Gay. was bona April i, 1866, deputed this life August 20, 1937, at 10:1. ' Miss Agnes was born at Stony Crejk, at which place she spent the earlier part of her life. Later she moved to Edray, where she made her home until she camp to Marlinton to reside in 1907. At which time she was employed by the Telephone Company for about nine years For the past 19 years she was employed at the Wallace Wholesale Drug Co Miss Agnes was a woman Used by everyone both young and old. She spent an active life and her great joy and ploasure was work. What went through her hands was well done. She was a trusted employee and was greatly praised by her employer, She will be greatly missed by those who knew and were closely associated with her. She uuited with the Marlinton Methodist Church durine the pastorate of Rev. J. Herbert Bean Miss Agnes leaves to mourn her pass lag many friends and relatives; the closest one sister, Mrs Mary E Gumm, and one brother" C. F. Gay, bath of Marlinton. Those preceding her in death—one sister Jane M. and two brothers, Samuel C. and John H. —the latter died May 11, 1937, at Ridgeway, Missouri. On Sunday afternoon the last rites for Miss Agnes were held at ihe home ot her niece Mrs Loyie Gay Bush, the service being conducted by Rav. B W John, pastor of the Methodist Church Interment at the Gay cemetery on Stony Creek, The pall bearers were Brown Shanklin, Rube McNeill, Cecil Curry, Albert Curry, Uempsey Dilley, Bearyle Buragardner, Flower girls: Mesdam^s Clyde Waugh, Anna Thomas, Carrie Patterson, Tina B. Smith, Mabel Hud son; Misses Annie King, Susie Gay, Folly Gay, Jewel Poage, Alice Fortune, Ruth Gilmore. Edgar Thomas. Relatives and friends attending the funeral from out of town: Miss Ruth Gumm, Beckloy; P. n . Gay, Richmond, Virginia; J. A. Gay, Hnntington; Mr and Mrs Van Poage, Toledo, Ohio; Mr and Mrs Audley Thorn-" Hunter Springs, W Va. S We wish to use this means to tjL press our sincere thanks to all those for their assistance, and the beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of our sister and aunt, Miss Agnes Gar

Mrs Anus Gay Mrs. M a r y M a r g a r e t < Barlow G a y , aged 7S y e a r s , wife of A m o s Gay, w a s found dead in bed at her home n e a r Ed ray on Tuesday m o r n i n g , N o v e m b e r 30, 1943. On T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n , t h e funeral will be held from Ed ray C h u r c h by her pastor, Rev. R. H. S k a g g s , i n t e r m e n t in the Cochran c e m e t e r y . T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of the late J o s i a h and Nancy J a n e H a n n a h Barlow. N o v e m b e r 13, 1896, she became t h e wife of A m o s Gay. He and their son, R t e I, survive.

Henry Ri>« Gay Buckhannon, Se it, 4.— H e n r y Rives Gay, 63, ra i.vor of Bi hannon for eighteen years, died a t 5 p. m. Sunday. September j 1944, following a stroke of paralysis. He had jeen in poor I health for severa veeks. Mr. Gay was fir: .elected m a y o r of the city in 10?: With but a few years n o t in s n ice since, he was at his death si;-ving a n o t h e r term. H e former: was a lota! merchant. Mr. Gay w a s b o r . F e b r u a r y 24. 1881. in Pncahonfiv county, a son of George K. and B&try Alice Barlow Gay. He attended Wesleyan college, then a semi a r y . and g r a d uated in the elass cH? 1905, _ H e married Mahl • Bird of Marlinton, in Elkins oD September 8 1908. She died in 4927, Surviving Mr. Gay are four children. Sgt. George K., with the Army in Italy; Ensign Henry R., Naval T r a i n i n g Station, Princeton, N. T., Mrs. Evelyn J£rfe Ham by. of Parsons, and Mrs. Mary Alice Robertson, of Hattpesburg, Miss. Also, surviving are a brother, H. C Gay, of Cabin Cjeek, and two sisters, Mrs.' Clara R. Hill and Mrs. Grace Sexton both of Lee Avenue, Clarksburg. There ire two grandchild!on. Mr. Gay was a hieii; jer of the Methodist church.


Ellen Gay

Mrs": Laura Ellen Sheets Gay, 66, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, December 1,1971, in an Elkins hospital after suffering a heart attack. Born at Cass, November 1, 1905, she was a daughter of the late George H. and MaryA. Gillispie Sheets. She was a member of the Mar- -7 linton Presbyterian Church and Circle Number Two. . Mrs. Gay was a registered nurse and had been employed in Marlinton since 1932. She was a member of the American Nurses Association, District No. 7 Nurses Association and the West Virginia State Nurses Association. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Ira W., Joseph and Robert S Sheets, and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Blanche Sheets and Mrs. Rachel V. Taylor. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald Wood, with burial in the ^rbovale Cemetery at Arbovale.

ivirs. arena jane uay Mrs. Stella Jane Gay, 90, of Philippi, formerly of Marlinton, died October 1, 1988, in Nella's Convalescent Nursing Home in Elkins after a long illness. Mrs. Gay was a member of the United Methodist Church. Born March 28, 1898, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Waugh. Preceding her in death were her husband, Cecil Gay, and two sons, Sam and James Gay. Surviving her are six daughters, Edith Stafford, of Philippi, Madge Fair, of Centerville, Ohio, Opal Byrd, of Hubert, North Carolina, Grace Mynuk, of Marlinton, Jeanie Stankevich, of Levittown, Pennsylvania, Patricia Sharp, of Jacksonville, North Carolina; two sons, Albert P. Gay, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, Merl L. Gay, of Fairfax, Virginia; 18 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton by the Rev. Sanford Boggs. Burial was in the Gay Cemetery. Martini 0. Gay

Miss Margaret C. Gay, 90, died Monday, October 10, 1977, at Denmar State Hospital where sue had been a patient for two years. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and Order of the Eastern Star. She retired and returned to her home in Marlinton after working for many years in Charleston as a secretary in the Federal Court. Born November 24,1886, near Marlinton, she was the daughter of Levi and Lucy Levisay Gay. She was the last of the family, being preceded in death by John Allen, Levi T., and George Robert Gay, Lynn Hamilton, Julia Moore and Susan Gay. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at 11 a. ra. in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Richard Newkirk with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


John Andrew Gay, 93, of Valley Head, died Friday, No-vember 23, 1973, at the Davis Memorial Hospital. He was born in Pocahontas County, June 1, 1880, the son of the late Hamilton and Laura Alterman Gay. He was married to the former Mary Jane Riggleman who preceded bim in death in 1957, also one daughter, one son, four sisters and four brothers, are deceased. Surviving are two sons, Ray Qay, of Valley Head, Sherman Gay, of Irvine, Kentucky, three daughters, Mrs. Mona Hamrick, of Valley Head, Mrs. Jessie Durst, of Akron, Ohio!; Mrs. Viola Blevins, Louisville, Kentucky; 15 grandchildren,' several great-grandchildren and great great-grandchildren. The last surviving member of his immediate family, Ga%. was a retired miner and farmer. He was a Methodist by faith. Services were conducted pn Sunday afternoon from the F. E. Runner Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. George Cochran, pastor of the Valley Head United Methodist Church officiating. Interment was in the Wardes Ridge Cemetery, Va]leyJ3ead.

Mr3. Clara Marston Gay, 700 Madison Avenue, the daughter of Rev. G. W. and L i d a M. I r o n s Marston, died Sunday, March 7, 1971, in a Huntington Hospital She was born September 2,1886, at Leon, and her early life was spent at Edray, her father being :he minister there. She was the widow of James Albert Gay, ind sister-in-law of the late .Mrs. Lovie Jane Gay Bush. She was a charter member of Highlawn United Methodist Church and a member of the Women's Society for Christian Service. She was a member of the Florida Poetry Society and had published poetry in several periodicals. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Irene Hogue, of Washington, D. C , a niece, Mrs. Clara Bush Shanklin, Huntington, ind three nephews, Keith G. Weiford, Huntington, Dr. Wiliam M. Hogue, Washington, D. C , and Walter E. Hogue, JOS Angeles, California. The .funeral was held at Klingef-Carpenter Mortuary >y her pastor, Rev. Charles O. High; interment in the tlidgelawn Memorial Gardens Tuesday afternoon. Lewis Gay

Collclt 6iy

Collett Gay, 74, of Perrysburg, Ohio, died January 25, 1978. -jC^L. Born September 13,1903, in the Indian Draft Community, Edray, he was the only son of John and Allie Gay. He was a retired railroader. Survivors include his wife, Nell Siple Gay; one daughter, Mrs. Sara C. Houk; and three grandsons. Services were held Tuesday, January 31, at the WitzlerShank Heilman Funeral Home in Perrysburg, with the Rev. Richard Royalty officiating. Burial was in the Ottawa Hills Memorial Park. Masonic services were conducted by Northern Light No. 40, AF &AM on Monday evening, January

Lewis Poage Gay, 66, of Buckeye, died Monday, January 3, 1972, in the Good Samaritan Medical Center in Zanesville, Ohio, after a long illness. Born at Marlinton, December 2, 1905, he was a son of the late John and Lula Poage Gay. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gay bad been Justice of the Peace in Edray District for the past eighteen months and was a retired farmer. One brother, John Gay, preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marguerite Moore Gay; two sons, Robert Lewis Gay, of Caldwell, Ohio, and Jack Moore Gay, of Richmond. Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Polly G. Dilley, and Mrs. Betsy Owensby, both of Arlington, Virginia. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Marl nton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald Wood, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Helen J. Gay MaDei lsunuui vjuy Cecil Samuel Gay, 88, of Rt. Helen Josephine Gay, 73, of Mabel R. Duncan Gay, 78, of 1, died Wednesday, January Edray, died Tuesday, May 9, 1989, Edray, died suddenly at her home 5, 1983, after a long illness. in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Saturday, October 10, 1992. Born November 21, 1894, at following a long illness. Mrs. Gay was a homemaker, a Edray, he was a son of the late Born June 11, 1915, at Edray, faithful member of the Edray William and Frances Gay. she was the daughter of the late United Methodist Church, member Mr. Gay was a member of Alvin Reeves and Flora Elizabeth of the United Methodist Women, the Methodist Church, and Moore Gay. and active in 4-H work, having was a logger and farmer. She was a retired secretary and served as a leader for many years. Born at Woodrow July 13, '! formerly worked for Pendleton He is survived by his wife, 1914, she was the daughter of Edna, County Bank and the State of West Stella Jane . Waugh Gay; White and John Preston Duncan. sons, Albert P. Gay, NorthVirginia in Charleston. Her parents and a brother, Loris ridgeville, Ohio, Merle L. Gay, Preceding her in death were four r Fairfax, Virginia, Jimmy L. sisters, Oleta Gay, Mary Ruth Gay, H. Duncan, preceded her in death. Virginia; Surviving her are her husband, i Gay, Pohawtan, Elizabeth Sharp, and Virginia daughters, Edith Stafford, Robert S. Gay, of Edray; a Mason. Philippi, Madge Fair, Centerdaughter, Nancy G. Steele, of Surviving her are her brother, Alexandria, Virginia; two sons, ville, Ohio, Opal Byrd, Hubert, Robert S. Gay, of Marlinton. North Carolina, Grace MyWilliam A. Gay, of Edray, and Services were held Friday at the nuk, Fairless Hills, PennsylvaD. Gay, of Princeton; VanReenen Funeral Home by the { Benjamin nia, Jeannie Stankewicb, Levseven grandchildren; and a brother, Rev. Nolan Turner, with burial in r Harry F. Duncan, of South ittown, Pennsylvania, Patricia the Edray Cemetery. Sharp, Mill Creek; brother, Charleston. John R. Giy Frank Gay (address unknown), Services were held at 11 a. m. sisters, Eva Carle and Nancy John Randolph Gay, 59, of Tuesday at the Edray United Arlington, Virginia, died FriNebert, of Greenville, Ohio; Methodist Church by the Rev. day, January 15 1971, in a > 25 grandchildren; 24 greatSonny Painter, with burial in the veterans hospital there. grandchildren; one great-greatEdray Cemetery. Born at Marlinton January granddaughter. In lieu of flowers the family 26, 1911, he was a son of the Preceding him in death were requests that memorial donations be late John and Lula Poage Gay two sons, Samuel S. and Sterl, made to the Edray United Methodist Kee. He served with SeaBees Jr. and one daughter, Ruth; Church. in World War II. five brothers, Oda, Andy, Lee, Survivors include one brothDewey and George. er, Lewis Gay, of Buckeye; one sistej, Mrs, Polly Dilley, of Funeral services were held Arlington, Virginia, and a half Friday, January 7, at 3 p. m. sister, Mrs. Betsy Kee Owensin the VanReenen Funeral by, of Arlington, Virginia. Home by the Rev. Sanford Services and burial were in Boggs. Burial was in the Gay the National Cemetery at CulCemetery at Indian Draft. peper, Virginia, on Tuesday.

3 T7



George Gilbert Gay, aged 81 years, 3 months and 1 day, died at his home on Old Field Fork of Elk, on Friday August 21, 1953 For several weeks he had been in failing health. On Tuesdav afternoon the service was held from Mar\ s Cbapel, by his paster. Rev.. E Clyde B. s-ard Fis body was laid in the Varntr Ctu e tery. Mr. Gay Wisa son of the late Hamilton and Laura Aldermar. He manie.l Miss Lena Beverage, who preceded hiio 27 years sin<"e. Their daugjfer, Vena, is Mr*. Pnilip Gibson., A son, Lewis, preceded his i fatbersome .\ eirs since: also an in fant, Jack Hamilton. Of his father's family tLere remain b'sfive sifters and two brothers: Mrs. Mary Beverage, of KajsvilL Virginia; Mrs Lucy Marshall, of Cburleston: Mrs Edna Riggleman of Daily; Mrs. Alice Sbarp, of Tiiuberville, Virginia; Mrs Efiie McAtce, Lee aud Andrew, of Valley Head- Thus is noted the passing of an honist man ai.d up right citizen. George Robert Gay George Robert (Pat) Gay, 63, of Marlinton and Craigsville, son of the late Levi and Lucy Levisa • Gay, died in the Veterans Hospital at Beckley on Friday evening, November 6, 1959. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Lynn Hamilton, Buena Vista, Virginia; Miss Susie A. Gay, of Hugo, Oklahoma, and Mise Margaret Gay, of Charleston; three nephews, Lewis Gay, of Marlinton; John Gay, of Silver Spr/figs,, Maryland, and Gordon Gay, of Roswell, New Mexico; and two great-nephews Robert L. and^ Jack M. Gay,/ of Morgantown; ah4 two nieces, Mrs Polly IDilkW, of Falls Church, Virginia, 'and Frances Harn/lton, of Buena j Vista,x Services werp/held in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church ar. 2:00p. m. Monday, November 9, , by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, followed by Masonic rites at grave in Mountain View Cemetery. Gerald E. Gandee Gerald E. Gandee, 52, of Ripley, died Saturday, April 20, 1985, on Williams River, where he suffered a heart attack while digging ramps with his son. He was a construction worker for United Engineers. Surviving are his wife, Betty, three sons and two daughters, two brothers and two sisters. Services were held Tuesday in Ripley.

Oda H. Gay

Miss Susan Gay

Miss Susan Ann Gay, 74, Oda H. Gay, 79, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospi- died Tuesday morning, April tal Tuesday, November 17. 11, 1967, in Memorial General 1970, after a long illness. Be- Hospital in Elkins after about fore entering the hospital he a year's illness. made his home with his daughOne of eight children of ter, Mrs. Mae Corbett. Colonel Levi and Lucy Levisay The son of William H. and Gay, she was born near MarFrances Geiger Gay, he was linton April 28,1892. Precedborn December 1, 1890, at ing her in death were four Edray. His wife, Pearl Car- brothers and a sister, Levi, penter Gay, preceded him in John, Allen and Robert Gay, and Mrs. Julia Gay Moore. death. She was a graduate of DunsHe was a member of the Methodist Church and a mem- n o r e Business College and ber of the Modern Woodmen vorked for 29 years for S. B. Wallace and Company. From Lodge. 1947 until her retirement in Surviving him are three children, Dale Gay, of Broadway, 1963 she worked in PresbyVirginia; Mrs. Ethel Rose of terian schools in Kentucky, Marlinton, and Mrs. Mae Cor- Mississippi and Oklahoma. A member of the Marlinton bett, of Dunmore; four brothers, Cecil Gay, of Marl nton, Presbyterian Church, she was Andy Gay and Frank Gay, an active worker in the Sunboth of Columbus, Ohio, and l a y School and Women of the Dewey Gay, of Gallipolis, Church. Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Leroy Surviving her are two sisters, Carle and Mrs. Nancy Nib- Miss Margaret Gay, with beit, both of Greenfield, Ohio. whom she lived in Marlinton, Funeral services will be held and Mrs. Lynn Hamilton, of Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. Buena Vista, Virginia. m. in the Frost Methodist Funeral services will be held Church by the Rev. Sherman | Thursday afternoon at three Markley and the Rev. David o'clock in the Marlinton PresRittenhou'e, with burial m the byterian Church bv her pastor, G ay Cemetery. 1 the Rev. Fred W. Walker, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. William Ross Gay

William Ross Gay was killed in an accident at Chicago, Illinois, on Saturday, June 2ii, 1043. No details have been received con cerning the accident. He was the son of the late Sam uel Clark Gay and Hettic Crookshanks Gay, formerly • ' Stony Cre<, M>. Gay is survived by his ;: i'iotKer and one sister, Mrs. Blanche G. McKuskey, of St. Paul, Vi'.mesota; a half-sist r, Mrs. L o n e J. Bush, of Mariirton; and two half-brothers, J. A. Gay, of Huntington, and P. H. Gay, of Richmond, Virginia. Levi V. Gay Levi V. Gay, aged 75 years, !died on Sunday, July 12, 1953, ! after a short illness. On Tuesjday afternoon the funeral was held from the Edray Church by Rev. R. H. Scaggs. His bodywas laid to rest in the Edray cemetery. The deceased is survived by his son, Joe, of Wheeling. Another son, Alfred, preceded his father some years ago. Mr. Gav was a son of the late Samuel M. and Nancy Gibson Gay, of Iudian Draft. He is the last of a large family to be called.

Mrs. Madelon Humes Gates Mrs. Madelon Humes Gates, 71. of Charleston, died Tuesday, April 22 1975, in McMillan Hospital after a four month illness. She was manager of Annette's Dress Shop.. Services and burial were in Charleston Friday. The Humes family lived in Marlinton many years ago. Word was received Sunday of the death of Dewey "Dude" Gay, 65, at Gallipolis, Ohio. He had been ill and an invalid for several years. He was a brother of Cecil Gay, of Marlinton, and the late Oda Gay, of Hillaboro. f $. Funeral services were held in Gallipolis on Tuesday. <


Calvin F. Gay Calvin F. Gay, aged abont TO years, died at his home in Marlinton on Tuesday morning, September 29, 1942. Three clays before he had suffered a stroke. The deceased was a son of the late William and Martha Duffield Gay, of Stony Crtek. His sister is Mrs. M. F. Gum. He married MiSs Elizabeth Dilley, who survives her husband. The funeral services will be held in Marlinton on Thursday at 2 p.m.; interment in the family cemetery ou Stony Creek. Mr. Gay has been a photograph er for many years, the proprietor of Gay's Studio. He was widely and favorably known thro ughout the county.

Mrs Ethel byrd Garrett, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Byrd, died Jan nary 28, 1939. at their home ii Dunmore. Funeral at the h e , ) was proactied by Rev. A. B. WJliford and burial at the Dunmore ce.xetery. Ber ft ur weeks old daughter, Bjrbari J > preceu.d her mother to the grave one *e<-i- ago. ...

Cecil Samuel Gay, 88, of Rt. 1, died Wednesday, January 5, 1983, after a long illness. Born November 21, 1894, at Edray, he was a son of the late William and Frances Gay. Mr. Gay was a member of the Methodist Church, and was a logger and farmer. He is survived by his wife, Stella Jane Waugh Gay; sons, Albert P. Gay, North-, ridgeville, Ohio, Merle L. Gay, Fairfax, Virginia, Jimmy L. Gay, Pohawtan, Virginia; daughters, Edith Stafford, Philippi, Madge Fair, Centerville, Ohio, Opal Byrd, Hubert, North Carolina, Grace Mynuk, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania, Jeannie Stankewich, Levittown, Pennsylvania, Patricia Sharp, Mill Creek; brother, Frank Gay (addressunknown), sisters, Eva Carle and Nancy Nebert, of Greenville, Ohio; 25 grandchildren; 24 greatgrandchildren; one great-greatgranddaughter. Preceding him in death were two sons, Samuel S. and Sterl, Jr. and one daughter, Ruth; five brothers, Oda, Andy, Lee, Dewey and George. Funeral services were held Friday, January 7, at 3 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sanford Boggs. Burial was in the Gay Cemetery at Indian Draft. DIED

Russell Gabbert Russell Thomas Gabbert, 71, of Bover, died Saturday, April 15. 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a member of the Methodist Church at Boyer, a -retired tannery emnloyee. veteran of World War I, and was a resident of Boyer for thirty-three years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sally Taylor Gabbert; one daughter, Mrs. Wanda Foltz, of Baltimore, Maryland, one son, Russell Gabbert, Jr.. of Columbus. Ohio, one brother, William Gabbert, of Renick and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sundav afternoon in the Boyer Methodist Church by the Rj»v. David Rittenhouse and t i e Rev. Paul Hood. Burial was in the Woodland Cemetery at Auto.

Rev. Estel B. Garrelson The Rev. Estel Bryant Garretson, aged 48 years, of Marlinton, formerly of Beckley, died at the Pocahontas Memoria'' Hospital, on Tuesday evening, May 22nd, '956, of a heart condition. He had been in failing health for the past year. Funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon, from . the Josephiae Church of God, by JRev. Herndot) Hungate. of Park'ersburg, assisted by t! . Rt /. Huj ton Hall and the Rtv. Masters. | Burial was made in the Bolen ] Cemetery, at Odd, Raleigh County. Pallbearers were members of i the Men's Bible Class of the Jo ipephine Church of God and the llowerbearers were members of the Young Girl's class of the church. The deceased was born on July 27, 1908, at Mitchell's Ridge, the i son of Abe Ery and Louvinnie 'Ann Bolen Garretson, of Firtwg) V | who survive. I Other survivors include his I wife, Mrs. Clara Mae Garretson, of Marlinton, and the following children: Private First Class Elzie Garretson, serving with the United States Marine Corps in Port Chicago California; Airman First Class Donzie Garretson, March Field, California; Estel, Raymond Lloyd and James Lewis, Opal, Bernice Ann, HearMine, Nancy and Mary Magdalene, all at home., : Also seven sisters, two brothers • [and one half-brother survive.

J ^ ^ ^

!rs A Hie Cloonan Gay, aged 75 years, widow of the late John D Gay, died May II. 1930. She had been in failing health for some years, but she had only taken to her bed the Sunday before her death. On Sunday afternoon the funeral was conducted from t i e Edray church ID ti presence of a h-ge congregation by her pastor, lie Rev. H. 0. Sifaggs, of the Methodist Church; burial tti the family plot in the E-i i j j cemetery, 'T'lius is chronicled the passing of a truly good noma; Mrs Gay was a daughter of thfl Timothy and Hannah Ke« O jn Her sister is Mrs Nan McNt.i'i. of Buckeye; her brothers John and Buckhannon 3re dead. She became the wife of John D. Gay, who died three years ago; their son is Collet «ay, of Edray


Mrs- L. E. Gaylor Mr?. Florence E S y m s Gaylor, aged 69 y e a r s , wife of L. E. G a y IOA died a t her h o m e on Beaver Creek on S u n d a y n i g h t , F e b r u a r y 8, 1953. She had been an invalid for the past e i g h t or nine years. On W e d n e s d a y afternoon her body was laid to rest in Beaver I Creek C e m e t e r y , the service be-i i n g he'J by ber p a s t o r , Rev. R. T. Crisger. T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of the late Lee and Mary J . P y l e s Syms. She is survived b y her husband and t h e i r five children, X c t t i t , LMHe May and N o r m a n , at h o m e ; Cecil, of K e e n , New H a m p shire; Mrs. M a r y J . S h a u v e , , . . C a o t o o , O h i o ; also by four g r a n d children and a n u m b e r of half b r o t h e r s and sisters.

Hester Armstrong Garsleck Mrs Hester Armstrong Garsteck, aged 36 years, wife of Joseph Garsteck, of Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania, died in the Oakland Veterans Hospital, in Pitts burgh, on Friday, March 15, 1957, after an illness of about two months. Services were held Monday morning in the Transfiguration Church in Mt. Pleasant, with interment in the church cemetery. The deceased was a native of Marlintdn, a daughter of Mrs Lizzie Armstrong and the late Lloyd Armstrong. She was a registered nurse by profession. She served her country for two years during World War II as a U. S. Army Nurse. One year of service was spent in England as an evacuation nurse for the European theatre of war. Mrs Garsteck was a member of the Transfiguration Church. Surviving are her husband, Joseph Garsteck; four son3 Joseph Jr., Gregory, Mark and Bruce; one daughter, Carol Ann, all of Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; her mother, Mrs Lizzie Armstrong, of Marlinton; three brothers, John, Jack and Dale, all of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs Helen Gilliam, of Huntington, and Mrs Thelma Connors, of HartforJ, Connecticut,

Mit.EulaW. Gaujot

Mrs. Euia Warwick Gaujot. 76, died August 9, 1978, in the Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge, Virginia. She was the wife of the late Claude L. Gaujot, Jr. Mrs. Gaujot was born on August 9,1902, at Green Bank, the daughter of the late Forrest and Birdie Warwick. She made her home in Virginia for the past several years. She was one of the first pioneer families of Pocahontas County, She was married to Claude L. Gaujot, Jr., who preceded her in death. y 3 ^ - / & _ ^ She is survived by seven children, Mrs. Murrel Fowler, Springfield, Virginia, Mrs. Constance Cooper, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ann Rogers, Annandale, Virginia, Mrs. Jane Caroline Busby, Clifton Forge, Virginia, Claude E, Gaujot, Haymarket, Virginia, Phillip D. Gaujot, Charleston, and Mrs. Diana Sue Murphy, Jacksonville, North Carolina; one brother, Harvey H. Warwick, Charleston; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great grandchildren. Memorial service was held Friday, August 11, in the Fort Myers Chapel in Arlington, Virginia, with interment in Arlington National Cemetery.


Rev. Roger Gardien, aged 65 years, died at the manse in Hillsboro on Sunday morning, January 16, 1955, after a long illness. On Monday night the funeral service was held from Oak Grove Church by Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, of Green Bank. His body was taken to Birmingham, Alabama, for burial. The deceased was a veteran minister of the Presbyterian Church. For two years he has been pastor of Oak Grove Church. He came here from a pastorate in Kentucky. He was a native of Atlanta. Georgia. Mr. Gardien is survived by bis - a » Phamie; a sister, Mrs. AuS S k B^kett, of Charleston South Carolina; two nephews and a niece. •

Frank L. Garrett .Frank Livingston Garrett, 75, of Hagerstown, Maryland, died Thursday, January 12, 1984, at his home. Born in Raleigh County, he was the son of Orlando Mills and Emma J. Wood Garrett. He was a retired employee of the C&O Railroad, having worked as a brakeman. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. He was a member of the Church of God. Surviving him are his wife, Elizabeth Hannah Barrett Garrett; two daughters, Naomi Ruth Marquiss, Hagerstown, and Susan Mae DaCosta, of Grand Cayman, British West Indies; a son, Samuel Mills Garrett, of Hagerstown; three sisters, Lovella Rogers, Roanoke, Virginia, Beulah Cayton and Susie Bond, both of Salem; and five grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Rest Haven Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Alvin A. Craig and the Rev. Earl E. Marquiss, with burial on Monday at Riverview Cemetery in Waynesboro.

R. L. flalmr

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Ru?sell Thomas Gabbert, age 71 years, passed away April 15, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. The youngest son of the late John and Mary Gabbert, he was born at Auto, on Julv 28, 1895. On January 20,1926, he was united in marriage to Sallie Elizabeth Taylor. His survivors include his wife; one son, Russell, Jr., of Columbus, Ohio, a daughter, Wanda Grey Foltz, of Baltimore, Maryland, four grand-j children and one brother, W.' H. Gabbert, of Renick. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion, Post 117. For fifteen years he served as trustee, steward, treasurer and custodian of the Kerr Memorial Church of Boyer, and will long be remembered for his many kind deeds and saintly life.

Richard Lawrence Gainer, 69, a resident of Frank, for the paat 50 years, died Friday, December 1,1978, in the Davis Memorial Hospital where he had remained a patient for the past three weeks. He had been Joe Gaylor in failing health for the past Joe Gaylor, 53, of Mill Point, four years. died in the Pocahontas MeMr. Gainer was born Demorial Hospital on Thursdav, cember 16, 1908, at HarperJanuary 5, 1967, after a long town, a son of the late Odie illness. , and Katherine Gainer. He waa He was born March 10, 1914, twice married. On June 22, at Huntersville, the son of I 1929, in Arbovale, he married Henry and Dicie Buchanan! the former Lola Olive Miek, Gaylor. who preceded him in death October 3,1967. He later marSurviving him are his wife. ried the former Lillian G. LawMrs. Annie Jones Gaylor, and ion, who survives in Frank. six sisters, Norma Jane Gaylor, of Baltimore, Maryland, Surviving besides his wife Olive Dreppard, of Covington. are one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Virginia, Naomi, Miller, of M. (Juditb) Caudill, of FairMarlinton, Gladys Miller, and fax, Virginia; two sons, RodEula Little, both of Mill Point ney B. Gainer, of Newport and Mary Hamilton, of HuntBeach, California and David ersville. C. Gainer, of Los Angeles. California; two stepsons, and One brother, Price Gaylor, three step-daughters; one preceded him in death. brother, Frank Gainer, of F t Funeral services were held Myers, Florida; six grand chilSunday afternoon in the Stamp dren, 12 step-grandchildren ing Creek Tabernacle by the and two step-great-grandchilRev. Noel Davis and the Re v. dren. One sister and two brothBirchfield with burial in the ers preceded him in death. Old Droop Church Cemetery. He was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church, , Kowad Gabbert the Durbin Lions Club, Randolph Lodge 116, 1.0. 0. F. Howard Gabbert, aged 69 and was very active in the vears, died at his home in Tucson. Little League Baseball program Arizona, on Sunday night, Apri: for many years. He was an 28, 1957. He h?^ been in fail employee of the Howes Leath- ing health for some months. The er Company and retired after ^ause of his death.was given as a 44 years of service. brain hemmorrage. He was- ; Services were held at two native of Pocahontas County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilp. m. Monday with the Rev. liam Gabbert. His wife preceded Paul Good and the Rev. Davaim about a year since. His id Rittenhouse officiating. Interment followed in the body will be laid by her grave in Canada. I. O.O. F. Cemetery.

Norman K. Way lor Lisa Ann Doss-Garretsoir W>K.. u Gary Lisa Ann Doss-Garretson, 29, Norman R. Gaylor, 60, of William Clinton Gary, aged of Long Beach, North jCarolina, Navarre, Ohio, died Thursday, January 12, 1984, in a hospital 72 years, died in the Pocahontas died July 24, 1995, at the Dosher Memorial Hospital affer a long in Canton, Ohio. He had been Memorial Hospital at Marlinton, a resident of the Canton area Friday morning, May 5th, 1961. illness Death was attributed to a stroke. Ms\ Doss-Garretsoh was born for 32 years. March 72, 1966, in New Haven He was a retired employee of Born September 14, 1923, at HuntersviUe, he was the son of the Chesapeake and Ohio Kail- Connecticut, the daughtelvofTlbnnis and Gloria Nppkin^\DoKsl the late L. E. and Florence way Company. £he wra\a n^eqip^r iff tl/e Joy Born at Rocky Point, Virginia, Pyles Gaylor. Assembly of) on January 21, 1884, he was the He was a veteran of World In adqifiontfo lferlparenis, she War II, having served in the son of the late John Holly and is survive)^_by\herl daughters, Alberta Victoria Johnson Gary. Army in the European Theater, Ashla^yNicole Yiarretson, of Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Hillsboro, and Angela Durie and he was retired from Republic Steel Corporation after 31 Mattie Ella Gary; and six sons, Garretson,.of Long Beach; sisters, years of work. He was a Thurl, James and Samuel, all of LouAnn Hoke, of MaUinton, and member of the Dueber United Marlinton; Private Adam Gary, Lisa Beverage, of Hillsboro; stationed at Camp Drum, Mas- grandparents, Grace Doss, of Methodist Church in Canton. Preceding him in death were sachusetts; Clinton, of Richmond, Hillsboro, and Charles Hopkins, of tht Rev. Roy Gary, of three brothers, Ottus, Woods, Virginia; Akron, Ohio; and two daughters, West Haven, Connecticut. and Cecil Gaylor. Funeral services will be at the Mrs. Lucy May Winston, of MarSurvivors include his wife, linton, and Miss 'acqueline Ga- Wesley Chapel United Methodist Faye Morrison Gaylor; two ry, of Boston, Massachusetts. Church in Hillsboro Thursday at 1 sons, Timothy and Todd, both pmjwth^ie Rev. Roy Gwinn and Funeral services were conduct- PauTDerossfeU. Burial will be in the of Navarre, Ohio; three sisters, ed from the Mt. Zion Baptist Nettie Gaylor and Lillie Mae Jak Grove Cemetery. on Tuesday afternoon, Gaylor, both of HuntersviUe, Church, with the Rev. Carl E. Boggs in and Mrs. Mary Jane Sawver, of charge. Burial was made in the Mrs. Houston Gaylor Canton, Ohio; one step-grand- HuntersviUe Cemetery. | Mrs. Annise E. Gaylor, 80, of daughter, and several nieces HuntersviUe, died Monday, Octand nephews. T. M. f l i g h t ober 30. 1961. Funeral services were held She was born near Minnehaha J .dge Thomas M. Gathrighf, Monday at 11 a. m. in Reed Springs on December 8, 1880, the noted out door sportsman and Funeral Home in Canton by of C. W. and Catherine Rev. Richard FerreU. Burial outstanding public citizen ol , daughter Moore Underwood. Hot Springs, Virginia, died in was in Sunset HUIs Memory the Clifton Forge Hospital on Surviving her are her husband Garden. Wednesday, December 6, 1956, | ^and a son, Clarence, at home; two after a long illness. daughters, Mrs. William S. VcnMr. Gathright owned and abie of York, Pennsylvania, and Thomas O. Gainer operated Hickory Lodge, an im- Mrs. J. H.Branham of Charleston Thomas 0. Gainer, 45, o mense game preserve on Jackson Services were held Wednesday Avoca, Michigan, formerh River, near Hot Springs, it is afternoon at the Beaver Creek a favorite spot frequented visited of Pocahontas County, diec Methodist Church by the Rev. by out door sportsmen and nature Leslie Chipps, with burial in the Tuesday, June 5, 1984, in lovers over a wide area. Beaver Creek Cemetery. Port Huron, Michigan, following a short iUness. Survivors include his son, T. Born February 1, 1939, M. Jr., of calem, Virginia, a Jams A. Gainer he was a son of Charles and daughter and grand daughter, James Allen Gainer, 41, of both at home. Eula Morris Gainer. 1102 18th Street, Vienna, died He was a member of the Monday, October 26,1970, in Moose Lodge in Durbin, an Thomas Gawtnrop the Camden-Clark Memorial 4rmy veteran, and an emThomas Gawthrop, 28, PoHospital. ployee of Starks SawmiU cahontas County's 4-H Agent He was born January 23, Company in Avoca. since September 1, died at the 1929, at Clarksburg, a son of Surviving him are two sisMedical Center at Morgan town Seltna Kellison Gainer and the ters, Mary Turner, of SeneTuesday afternoon, September late Elias Stermes Gainer. ca Rocks, and Janet Starks, 20, 1936, from injuries received of Avoca; and two brothers, Survivors include bis mothMonday near Valley Head. er, Mrs. Selma Gainer; one John Gainer, of Kentucky, Coming around a sharp curve, brother, Richard E. Gainer, and William Gainer. he ran under an empty flat of Los Angeles, California; two trailer that bad swung comFuneral services were pletely over his side of the road nephews and three nieces; his held at 1:30 Saturday at maternal grandparents, Mr. Wallace and Wallace FunMr. and Mrs. Gawthrop and and Mr. C. H. Kellison, of eral Home in Arbovale by their young daughter, 15 HuntersviUe. the Rev. Harvey Vance, months old, had been living at Funeral services were conwith burial in Starks Cemethe B. W. John farm. ducted Wednesday afternoon tery near Thornwood. In addition to his wife and in the Vaughan Funeral Home daughter, he is survived by his Chapel by the Rev. R. J. Maparents, of Salem, a brother and theny, with burial in the Mt. two sisters.' Olivet Cemetery at Parkersburg.


ieitthtj fcvo years, die'i September 16 11939 'aii the home of aer son Howaro feabbert, in Columbus, Ohio. Sht had been an invalid for the past eight months f,om injuries received in a fall. On Tuesday afternoon her bodj buried at 111s 1 cemetery, near leva Mill. Mrs Gabbert was a daughter o f ' « . Ukfee James C w ! Esther Note '• hi-m Moore. He> father was a Co. ederale soldier, kill ed in the seven days fitfht arounii Richmond. Sue is burvived by one son Howard. She is the last of her father's fain" , her brolhers Wnliam and Adam C. Moo-e have been dead about sixteen years. George EdwaiJ Galford

james Miiey uatner Jamea Kelley Garner, 62, of Hillsboro, died Friday, February 29, 1980, in Elkins Memorial General Hospital. Surviving is a son, Brian Kelley Puffenbarger, of Hillsboro. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg with Rev. Leonard Arnold officiating. Burial was in Pleasant Green Church Cemetery.

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George Edward Galford, 80, of Dunmore, died Sunday, July 1, 1962, "a the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the New Hope Methodist Church and a farmer, i Born at Dunmore, August 23, 1881, he was a son of 1 he late W. W. and Ada Galford. . Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Laura PorterfieSd Galford; six sons, Bernard, Dewey, Roy and L. J. Galford, all of Dunmore, B. N . Galford, of Baltimore, Maryland, and E. L. Galford, of Burton, Washton; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Goodman, of Accoville; j two brothers, Arch and Wade ! Galford, both of Dunmore, and a sister, Mrs. Claudia Sheets of Sagerstown, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the New Hope Methodist Church. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Galford


Kev. tsiil (iatreston Rev. Estil Garretson, aged 48 vears, of Marlinton, died Tuesday night. May 22, 1956. For some time he had suffered from a heart affliction. The funeral and interment will be at Odd, in Raleigh County, Saturday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and a large family.

John A. Galford

John A. Galford, aged 83 years, prominent citizen of the Dunmore community, died on Thursday, January 18, 1951, after an extended illness. On Sunday afternoon tbe funeral service was held from Dunmore Methodist Church by bis pastor, Rev. Quade Arbogast, assisted by RJM Graham Kayes. Burial in the Bunmore Cemetery. Mr Galford married Mary Kath ryn McLaughlin on September 20 1893. She survives her husband. To this union were born ten children, nine of whom survive : Frank, of Guys Mill, Pa., John, of Toursville, Pa , Paul and June, of Dunmore, Mrs Mabel Taylor and Mrs Nellie Howes, of Fairmont, Mrs Everett Dilley, Mrs Cloy Nottingham, Mrs Geraldine Oliver, all of Dunmore He is also survived by a brother, Stewart, of Morgantown; also by 31 grandchildren. Mr. Galford was a man liked and respected by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed by loved ones and friends. He put his trust in Christ when a young man, and he kept the faith uutil the end.


Mrs. Minnie Ellen Galford, age 77, died Monday, April 6, 1959, at the home of a son. Car! Galford, at .Cass, after a long illness. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. C. I. Murrell, of Buckhannon, and Mrs. Alice O'Brien, of Cumberland, Maryland; three sons, Carl and Raymond, of Cass, and Bert, of Falls River, Massachusetts; two brothers. Robert Cassell, of Cass, and Ollie Cassell, of Ridgelyjtwo sisters, Mrs. Sally Galford, of Ridgely, and Mrs. Harry Curry of Charleston; fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in' the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. C. E. Potts, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

John Galford John Galford, aged 6 years, of Laurel Creek, died Monday imorning January 31, 1944 I On Wednesday, his body was laid to rest in tha Cochran cemetery on Stony Creek. The deceased was a son of the late Thomas Galford. His surviving brother is Brown Galford, He is also survivad by a large family of sons and daughters.

Joyce Neal Galford Joyed Neal Galford passed away at her home in Baltimore, Maryland, on Sunday, August 8, 1965. She was the only daughter of Neal and Hilda Hamrick Galford. She had spent her childhood days in the Cass community, then the family moved to Bald more, Maryland, with her, inhere she had made many friends; her sunny disposition made her a blessing in their home. She always had a smile and a kind word for everyone and she loved litt'e children. She was a member of Brooklyn Height Methodist Churn 1 :, and was a Junior in B r o o k l y n Park High School. Survivors ind-idde her parents, Mr. P-od Mrs. Neal Gal ford; twfO brothers, Fred Galford,-''n the U. S. Navy stationed- a t Norfolk, Virginia, and , bdward Galford, at home; her Grandfather, Fred Hamrick, of Petersburg, her aged grandmother, Mrs. Laura Galford, of Dunmore, and a number of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held in the Cass Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Denver Lively and the Rev. David Rittenhouse, of the Brethren Church, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Justin Galford . i Austin Galford. aged about 50 years, died on Friday, March 14, | 1941 at his home in Cass. He >een in failing health for -ime. He was a son (A tbe .u.u- u. B. Galford. and he served as a soldier in the first Work) War. He is survived by his wire and a number of children.

GALFORD, Arch—Service will be conducted at 2 p. m. Sun-j day at Wesley Chapel Metho-I dist C h u r c h at Dunmore, Pocahontas County, by Rev. Rex Ball. Burial will follow in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Galford, 78, of Dunmore, died Thursday. He was a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Surviving are two sons, June of Dunmore and Raymond of Knoxville, Tenn.; two daughters Mrs. Nola Taylor of Dunmore and Mrs. Mabel Jones of Knoxville, Tenn.; a brother, Wade of Dunmore; and ?. sister, Mrs. Clydie Sheets of Meadville, Pa. The hody is at Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton.

Kent R. Galford Kent Roy Galford, 57, of Elkins, formerly of Marlinton, died Thursday, August 17, 1967, at Dailey. Born at Green Bank February 19, 1910, he was a son of Mrs. Ruth Hudson Galford McLaughlin, of Huntersville, and the late Glen Galford. He was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church and the Masonic Lodge. He was a lumber grader. One son, Arnie Ray, preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leona Glendrith Galford; one daughter, Miss Margaret Galford, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; seven sons, Berlin S., Samuel E., Luster C , and David L. Galford, all of Elkins; Kent R. Galford, Jr., of Marlinton; Richard Galford, of Summersville, New Jersey, and Robert L. Galford, of Bunker Hill Air Force Base in Indiana; his mother, Mrsr; Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville; five brothers, James and Harper Galford, both of Green Bank; Wallace Galford, of Slatyfork; Marvin Galford, of South Charleston, and William Galford, of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; five sisters, Mrs. Helen Galford and Mrs. Roxie Morrison, both of Marhntqn; Mrs.Viola Lantz, of Green Bank; Mrs. Gayle Ga f jrd Reedy, of 'i*.!'ahassee, Florida, and Mrs. Butty Kinnison, of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, and twelve grandchildren. ...

Dennis F. Galford 'fatfp Dennis F. Galford 57, of 233 West Fourth Street, Emporium, Pennsylvania, was fatally injured shortly after noon Monday, January 26, 1976, when the truck he was driving was struck by a Penn Central train. Mr. Galford was born in Marlinton on November 19, 1918. He was a son of Henry Galford, who survives and lives in Marlinton, and the late Lucy Waugh Galford. Mr. Galford had been a Cameron County resident since April of 1953 and was a self-employed wood-cutter and contractor. He was a veteran of. service with the United States Air Force during World War II. He is survived by his wife, the former Mattie Pauline Gay, by three sons, Frank R. Galford, Lynn Galford and Steve Galford, all of Emporium; a sister, Mrs. Sue Yorns, of Owena boro, Kentucky; four brothers, Elza Galford, of California, Bruce Galford, of Port Allegany, Pennsylvania, Paul Galford, of Gardeau, and French Galford, of Truman, and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Coppersmith Funeral Home Thursday afternoon with Rev. John Alden, Pastor of the Free Methodist Church, officiating. Burial followed in Newton Cemetery with Military Honors by the Cameron County Memorial Detail.

Funeral services were Held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. James Kerr with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Colletfc Floyd Gilford aged seven teen years, two months and eight days, died at his home on Stony Creek, January 27. 1941. of heart trouble and flj. He had been in bad health for about five years. On Wednesday the funeral was conduct from West Union Church by Rev R. 1 . Skaggs. Interment in Cochran cemetery. Tire pall bearers were members of the freshman era>S of .Mirlinton High school of which he was a member—Ed Johnson, George Duncan, Jamie Nelson, Billie Lavlers Richard Leisher and Garland Galford. Flower girls were Norma June and Lucy Kellison. Gladys Beverage and Mabel Wocd*. Surviving are his father, Charlie Galford, one sister, Mrs Harland MeFadd-n, Marlinton; Ave brothers, Harland Galford, New port News; Otis, Merrltt, Loris and Roy at home. His mother. Mrs Claris McNeill Galford preceded him to the grave six years ago.

Raymond R. Galford Raymond R. Galford. 47, of Knoxville, Tennessee, died suddenly at his home of a massive heart attack on Saturday, August 22, 1970. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arch Galford, of Dunmore. Mr. Galford was an active member of the Lincoln Baptist Church; for the past twenty vears he had been machinist at Union Carbide Y 12. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and was an outstanding bowler having won many trophies. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Faye Harwell Galford; two sons, Gene and Larry Galford; two sisters, Mrs. Rex Jones, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Mrs. Charles J. Taylor, of Dunmore, and one brother, June W. Galford, of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Friday at the Gentry's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Charles Ausmus. Burial was in the Greenwood Cemetery.

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Mrs. Edna Margaret Galford, 74, of Townville, Pennsylvania, wife of John Galford, died at City Hospital August 2,1979, after an illness of several weeks. She was born in Dunmore, August 23, 1904. a daughter of Christopher and Daisy Sharp Dilley. She was a member of Lyona Community Church. ID addition to her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Doris Mook, of Townville, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Robert (Betty) Spaid, of Meadville, Pennsylvania; two sons, John P. and Gene, of Townville, Pennsylvania; four sisters, Mabel Dilley, Dunmore, Mrs. Clarence (Anna Lee) Wilfong, of Marlinton, Mrs. Arden (Christine) Shinaberry, of Charleston, Mrs. Harlen (Creola) Harper, of Riverton; three brothers, June Dilley, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, Guy Dilley, Covington, Virginia, Kyle Dilley, of Charleston; eight grand children. She was preceded in death by a brother, Laurence. Funeral services were held Monday at the Willis L. Arnold Funeral Home by the Rev. William Snyder, of Erie Baptist Temple and assisted by the Rev. Sharon Lee Mook, of Frankfurt American Central Chapel, Frankfurt, Germany. Interment was in Kingsley Cemetery, Townville, Pennsylvania. The Rev. Sharon Lee Mook is a granddaughter of Mrs. Galford. J. Henry Galford J. Henry Galford, aged 64, died of a heart attack on Wednesday, May 20, 1959, at the home of his daughter, Mrs Herbert Propst, at Brownton. Born at Green Bank, he was a son of the late William W. and Nsncy Johnson Gilford. Survivors include two sons, Harry Galford, of Painesville, Ohio, - and Robert Galford, of Carolina; two other daughters, Mrs Carl Price, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Joseph Seccuro, of Fairmont; two brothers, Marian Galford, of Green Bank, and Howard Galford, of Washington, D. O, and a sister, Mrs. Denton Wilfong, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held at the Mount Vernon Methodist Church near Philippi by the Rev. William E. Zopp with burial in the church cemetery.


Lincoln uauora Lincoln Julian Galford, 65, of Dunmore, died Tuesday, March 5, 1985, from a heart attack as he was going fishing near Bartow. He had suffered from a heart condition for two years. Mr. Galford was retired, having served twenty years in the U. S. Navy. He was a member of the New Hope Church of the Brethren. Born at Dunmore March 26, 1919, he was the son of the late George Edward and Laura Portifield Galford. A daughter, Laura Jane, two brothers, Dewey Galford and Roy Galford, and two sisters, Neva and Christina, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Bettie Lou Bennett Galford; two daughters, Kitty Jena Galford, of Dunmore, and Kay Ellen Wiley, of Dixie; two sons, Timothy David Galford, of Bartow, and Julian Edward Galford, of Dunmore; and one grandchild. Graveside services were held Friday at Wesley Chapel, Dunre , by the Rev. David RittenCarl h . Galford


Carl H. Galford, 48, of Charleston, dipd Tuesday, September 20, 1966, following a long illness. He was born at Marlintor November 17, 1917, the son of Surrmers A. and Elva Byrd Galford. Mr. Galford had worked for Nu-Way Cleaners in Charleston for a number of years. Surviving him are his father and stepmother, of Gap Mills; five brothers, John, of Glasgow, Price, Austin, and Thomas Junior, of Gap Mills, Clark, of Mariinton; four sisters, Sadie dowser and Esther -Withrow, of Baltimore, Maryland, Lura Scott, of Charleston, and Paul ine Hancock, of Glasgow; three half brothers, Ivan of Baltimore, Dorsey, of Lynchburg, Virginia, and Kenneth, of Gap Mills; and three halfsisters, Lorraine Jones, Saundra Wiseman and Christine Galford, of Gap Mills. The body will be brought to Smith Funeral Thursday. Services will beheld Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the Mariinton Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. Earl Hifscm, Jr. Burial will be in the Cochran Cemetery.

Bernard Baxter Gallord

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Price McClure Galford, 70, Bernard Baxter Galford, 77, of Mariinton, died Friday, Willow Bend, died Wednesday, April 18, 1969, in the Poca- December 27, 1978, of a heart hontas Memorial Hospital aft- attack. Born at Woodrow, August er suffering a heart attack. 23, 1908, he was the son of Born at Mariinton, April 14, S. and Elva Byrd Galford. 1892. he was a son of the late A. He was a farmer and a memAndrew and Alice W hite Gal- ber of the Church of the Nazford. arene in Gap Milis. He was He was a member of the preceded in death by his mothCass Methodist Church. er, an infant son, Keith, and Precf dirg him in death were two brothers, Garland and his first wife. Mrs Elvetie Carl Galford. Fnel Gilford, February 26, Surviving are his wife, 1943, and his secor.d wife, Thelraa; sons, Quince and Mrs. Ruth Swink Galford, James, both of Gap Mills, April 3, 1963. Elmer, of Rock Camp, Ernest, Survivors include one son, of Willow Bend, Roger, of Eldon Galford, of Monterey, Greenville, Dennis, of WayVirginia, one daughter, Mrs. side, Henry, Elvin, and Melvin, Ruby Waugh, of Mariinton, all at home; two daughters, one sister, Mrs. Roxie Sharp, Mrs. Glenna Wylie, Gap Mills, of Mariinton. five grandchil- and Miss Barbara Galford, at dren, and two step-children home; father, Albert Galford, Stewart Swink, of Cass, and of Gap Mills; stepmother, Mrs. Mrs. Faye Brackwell, of Chap- Bessie Galford, of Gap Mills; brother, Clark, of Mariinton, el Hill, North Carolina. Funeral services were held John, of Glasgow, Austin, of Monday afternoon in the Van- Gap Mills, Junior, of BaltiReenen Funeral Home Chapel more, Maryland; sisters, Mrs. by the Rev, Alfred Gum with Sadie Clowser and Mrs. Estie burial in the Vainer Cemetery Withrow, both of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Pauline Hanat Slaty fork. cock and Mrs. Laura Scott, both of Charleston; half sisters, Mrs. Laurine Jones and Mrs. Mrs. Clara L. Galford Sandra Wiseman, of Gap Mills, Mrs. C'ara L. Galford was Mrs. Christine Sites, of Morborn April 15, 1889, at Cass, gantown; half brothers, Dorthe daughter of the late Mr sey, Ivan and Kenneth, all of and Mrs. James Galford, and Gap Mil!?; eight grandchildren, d^p^rtfd this life February 1, and a host of relatives and 1963 at the Pccahontas Me- friends. morial Hospital, after several Services were held at two months of illness. p. m. Saturday in the Church She was married to Arch' of the Nazarene at Gap Mills Galford, of Dunmore, who with the Rev. Gerald Wilson, survives her. the Rev. Joe LaRue and-the To this union there were Rev. Robert Wiseman offiiciating. Burial was in Wylie'a four children, all living. Mrs. Rex (Mabel) Jones, Chapel Cemetery. and Raymond Galford, both of Knoxville, Tennessee; Mrs. Mrs. Flora Tallman Galford C. J. (Nola) Taylor, and J. W Mrs. Flora Tallman Galford, Galford, both of Dunmore; 69, of Durbin, died Friday, three living brothers, Everett\ May 4,1962, in an Elkins hosGalford, of Charleston; Levi* pital. Galford, and Preston Galford, She was a member of the both of Cass; seven grandBethel Methodist Church, and children, and six great-grandchildren; several nieces and had lived in Durbin all her life. Survivors include four nephews. sons, Harlan Galford, of DurShe has been a member of bin, George Galford, of BaltiWesley Chapel Methodist more, Maryland, Angus GaiChurch since 1921. ford, of Parkerst*urg, and Ray Funeral services wjre held Galford, of Portsmouth, Ohio; Monday afternoon, February nine grandchildren, and two 4, in the Wesley Chapel Me- great- grandchildren. thodist Church by the Rev. I Funeral services were conRobert Harshberger, with bu- ducted Sunday afternoon in rial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery j 'the Bethel Methodist Church on Black Mountain with the Rev. John A. Helms in charge. Burial in the church cemetery.

Allen Galford Allen Galford, 85, of Cass, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Thursday, September 11, 1958, after a long illness. He was the son of the late Brown and Susan Geiger Galford. Surviving him are his wife, Alice Sutton Galford, two daugh-, ters, Mrs. Pearl Kessler and Mrs. Mabel Thomas, both of Cass, eight grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends. He was a member of the Durbin I 0 0 F for 51 years. Prior to funeral services his body was at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mabel Thomas. Services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 in the Wanless Church by the Rev. Matthews, of Charleston, and the Rev. Fairburn, of Arbovale. B arial in the Wanless Cemetery. Dear one, our hearts are heavy, We miss you so, I And will as time goes on. But only God know's best.

Charles C. Galford Charles C. Galford, 82, of Marlinton, died Saturday, April 2, 1966, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. Born April 10, 1883, he was a son of the late John and Frances Van Reenan Galford. His wife. Mrs. Bessie Galford, preceded him in death. Survivors include three sons Otis E. Galford, of Marlinton, Merritt Galford, of Hall, Mary!and, and Loris D. Galford, of Lake Charles, Louisiana; and one daughter, Mrs. Edith Mc-, Fadden of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-1 vania; one sister, Mrs. Flossie [ PViel, of Buckeye, and five brothers. Summers Galford, of Gap Mills, Fred, Emmett, Andrew and Henry Galford, al) of Woodrow. Funeral services were he'd Monday afternoon in the Marlinton Nazarene Church by the Rev. Noel Davis. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery.

mrs. nenry uaiiora rs. Lucy Virginia Waugh Galford, daughter of Rudolph Carrie Fnel Waugh, was b6rn or. January 11, 1898, and died on Tuesday, October 22nd, 1957. She was united in marriage to Henry Garland Galford on June Sth, 1919. To this union were I born six children: Dennis and Elza, of Emporium, Pennsylvania; Paul, Bruce and French, of Keating Summit, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Wilma Sue Hodges, of Fallbrook, California. Surviving besides her husband and children are her mother, Mrs. Carrie Lathrope, of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Geoi^u Phelps, of Meadeville, Pennsylvani:, and M;s. Ella Luckie, of Tampa. Floi.ia; two brothers, Jessie Moore, of Canvas, and Harmon Waugh, address unknown, and len grandchildren. •

Mrs. Galf^d was a devoted christian all her life and will be greatly missed by all who knew j her. Funeral services were conducted at the West Union Methodist Lt. John L. Ga'ford Church, on Saturday, October 23, Harmon E. Galford » The funeral service for and at 10:30 A. M„ by the Rev. Ezra Harmon E. Galford, aged 6o burial of Lt. John L. Galford, 25 Bennett. Interment was made years, died at the Veterans Hos- years old, of Pocahontas County, in the Cochran Cemetery. pital in Beckley on Saturday, '"ere held on Monday, February May 11, 1957. He nad been an 4, 1957, at Arlington, Virginifi. Mrs. John A. Galford invalid for several years, and a Military rites were followed by Mrs. Mary Katherine (Kate) patient in the hospital about a burial in Fort Meyer Cemetery. McLaughlin Galford, 95, of week. On Tuesday afternoon the He was killed on January 19, Dunmore, died Friday, October funeral service was held from the 1957, in an air plane crash in 3, 1969, at her home after a Cass Baptist Church by his pas- Europe. long illness. tor, Rev. Leonard Arnold. His ] Lt. Galford, a graduate of body was laid in the McLaughlin Born at Dunmore SeptemWest Virginia University, joined Cemetery on Back Alleghany. ber 1, 1874, she fcas the daughthe Air Force in 1953 and had ter of the late Robert and Mr. Galford was a son of the been flying jets since that time. Martha Rusmisell McLaughlate William Galford. His mother The crash which took his life lin. was a Hannah. His three brothers are Howard, of Spokane,; occurred as he was on a flight She was a member of the w Washington; Marion, of Grcc: , from London. Dunmore Methodist Church. He is survived py his wife, Bank; Jesse, of Brownton. Also,) Her husband, John A. GalMarilyn, of Elkins; a daughter, ford, and a young daughter, one sister, Mrs. Lula Wilfong )f Kimberly; his mother, Mrs. Ruth Marlinton. Beatrice, preceded her in McLaughlin, of Huntersville; death. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillie Simmons six brothers, Kent, Jim and HarSurvivors include four sons, per, all of Green Bank; Wallace, Galford, and their daughter, of Frank W. Galford, Saegertown, Linwood; Marvin, of South Wilma;' also a grandson, Theo- Charleston; and William, a stu- Pennsylvania; John L. Galdore. dent at Marshall College, in ford, of Townville, PennsylHe was a veteran of the First Huntington; five sisters, Mrs. vania; Paul A. and June R. World War. Gayle Cole, of Highland, New Galford, both of Dunmore; five daughters, Mrs. Nell York; Mrs. Viola Lantz, of Green Bank; and Mrs. Helen Galford, Howes, of Fairmont; Mrs. Mr^. Betty Kennison, and Mrs. Maude Dilley, Mrs. Martha Roxie Morrison, all of Marlinton. Nottingham, Mrs Geraldine Oliver and Mrs. Mabel Taylor, all of Dunmore; and one brother, Elmer McLaughlin, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Dunmore Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgom ery v. ith burial in the Dun more Cemetery. _


crnest uauoro i Funeral services for Ernest Galford, 83, of 223 16th Place, Clinton, Iowa, who died Sunday, December 11, 1960, at his home, were held Wednesday, December 14, in Dalton Funeral Home. Rev. C. E. Thompson, of the Gospel Tabernacle, officiated and Lester Shields was the vocalist, accompanied by Mrs. Ray Ward. Burial was in Pine Grove cemetery, Clinton, Iowa. Pallbearers were Lester Shields, James Shields Everette Hopkins, Edward Hill, Joseph Warfield, and ( H u b e r t Schuey. Attending from out of the city were Mr. and Mrs Eugene Plummer of St. Joseph, Missouri. He was a native of Pocahontas County but lived in Clinton, Iowa since his marriage to Mrs. Sara Plummer about 15 years ago; slfe survives. Surviving relatives in Pocahontas County include a brother, Bernard Galford, and a sister, Mrs. Fred (Roxie) Sharp. Deceased brothers are Floyd, Austin and Charlie Galford. He and his wife had made several trips back to visit friends and relatives in his home county. Two years ago he suffered a partial stroke and had been confined to his bed the last fhraj

months with » broken hip,

rreo I. uanoru Fred T. Galford, 80, of Marlirston, died at 9:10 a. m.^ Thursday, May 14, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born May 28, 1889, at Woodrow, he was the son of the late John and Frances Galford. He was a retired forest ranger, a widely known fisherman and hunter, one of the old time bear hunters. Survivors include his wife, Ada E. Galford; six sons. Jack, ot Millersburg, Ohio, Adam. -Donald and Jimmy, ail of Marlint on, Frank, of Georgeville, Ohio, and Sidney, of Warsaw, Ohio; five daughters, Mrs Clara Gabor, Baltimore, Mary land, Mrs Myrtle Bradley, of Dunbar, Mrs. Cora McFadden, Warsaw, Ohio, Mrs. Oleti Marcum, Darby, Ohio, and Mrs. Irene Tate, Charleston; four brothers, Albert S . of G i p Mills, Emmet F., Henry G. and Andrew J . all of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Flossie M. Friel, of M a r l ^ t o n . Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Saturday, at Marlintcn Nazarene Church with Rev. Harold Eaton in charge. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton.

Marion E. Galford Marion Everly Galford, 80, of Green Bank died Thursday, Levi C. Galford Levi C. Galford, 84, of Cass, January 1, 1970. in the Davis died Saturday, July 8, 1972, Memoral Hospital at Elkins at his home after a long illness. after a long illness. - Born at Clover Lick SepHe was a lifelong resident of Cass, a member of the Cass tember 30, 1889, he was a son United Methodist Church, and of the late William and Nancy a retired blacksmith and car- Jane Johnson Galford. penter. He was a member of the Survivors include his wife, Green Bank United Methodist Mrs. Bertha Galford, four Church and a retired woodsdaughters, Mrs. Goldie Kelli- man. 3&nL/ son, of Buckeye; Mrs. Maggie Mr. Galford was preceded Maupin, of Cass; Mrs. Lucille in death by one son, Lee EdSprouse, of Frost, and Mrs. gar, and one daughter, Mrs. Emma Griffin, of Baltimore, Ruby Ware. Maryland; three sons, Walter Survivors include his wife, Galford, of Saint Regis, Mon- Mrs. Ocy Waugh Galford; two tana: Moody Galford, of Mill daughters, Mrs. Gladys Bracville, Pennsylvania, and Law- k e t s of Clinton, Maryland, rence Galford, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Madge White, of Maryland; one brother, Pres- Green Bank; three sons, Floyd ton Galford, of Cass; 18grand- Galford, at home. Earl Galchildren and 18 great-grand- ford, of Bartow, and Carl Galchildren. ford, of Green Bank; one sisFuneral services were held ter, Mrs. Lula Wilfong, of Monday afternoon at the Cass Marlinton; 23 grandchildren United Methodist Church by and 19 great-grandchildren. the Rev. David Rittenhouse, Funeral services were held with burial in the Hilltop Sundav afternoon in the CenCemetery on Back Mountain tra] Union United Methodist at Cass. Church by the R e v . Alfred Gum with burial in the WilJfong Cemetery near Marlinton.

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ireira acou uauoro Iretta Virginia Scott Galford, ghter of the late Thomas L. Ida McMillion Scott, was born UDC 22, 1911, at Droop Mountain. Sba, along with her parents, moved to Marlinton in Ht-22 Hexe she was united in marriage of John W. Galford, of Woodrow, on September 1st, li*33, a»d i to this union was born one daugh Iter, Virginia, Lou. The deceased was gloriou'sly converted in 1938, and united j with the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. In 1950 she and her family moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she secured a position with Glen L Martin Aircraft I plant, and remained with that company until the time of her illness. She was taken to the Lutheran General Htspital for treat ment, and was there until the time of her death, Thursd. v. January 28, 1954, at the agL of 42 years, . Months, and 6 days. In her 'as; hours she left a woij derful testimony that she I ready to n e e t the Lord, and urged her friends and loved ones to meet her in Ileavei.. She is survive! by her husband and daughter and or.e granddaughter, DebraLynn. her father; one brother, Clawson Scott, of Glasgow, West Virginia; and four sisters: Mrs. Blanch Doig, of Missoula, Montana; Mrs. Nini Robinson and Mrs. Daisy Ryder, j both of Marlinton; Mrs. I Haensler, of Baltimore; a r soa I of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. The funeral service was held from the Marlinton Church of the N»z».Yene on Monday afternooD, February 1, by Rev. A. U. Burnwle. Interment was made in Cochran Graveyard on Stony Creek. Mrs. Bessie Clarice Galford, • "e of Charles Galford, died at he at Woodrow on Wednesday afternoon February 6, 1935, after u snort illness The funeral service was conducted from West Union church by Rev. D R. Carder; burial in the Cochran cem etery. Mrs. Galford was 43 years, t> months and 27 days old She was » daughter of J. Luther McNeil, of Marlinton. Her mother has been dead for many years. She is survived by her husband and their seven children—Mrs Harlen McFadden, Ilarlen Otis, Collett, Merritt. Loris and Ray Galford. Also by her brothers, Arnett McNeil, of Marlinton, and How ard, of Spice; a half sister, Mabel McNeil, and two half brothers, Reed and Henry McNeil. Mrs. McNeil was a devoted wife and mother. For Liany years she had been a professing christian, and she "gave testimony of her readiness to go. C ^-

Lincoln uaiiord Mrs. Levi Galfortf Lincoln Julian Galford, 65, of Mrs. Mary Bertha Galford, Dunmore, died Tuesday, 86, of Cass, died Monday, March 5, 1985, from a heart April, 28, 1980, at Allegheny attack as he was going fishing Regional Hospital at Lowmoor, near Bartow. He had suffered Virginia, after a long illness. from a heart condition for two Her husband, Levi C. Galford, years. died in 1972. Mr. Galford was retired, Born December 22, 1892, in having served twenty years in Pocahontas, she was the danghthe U. S. Navy. He was a ter, of Henry and Pernelia member of the New Hope Grimes Gragg. Church of the Brethren. She was a lifelong resident of Born at Dunmore March 26, Pocahontas County, a member 1919, he was the son of the late of Cass United Methodist George Edward and Laura Port- Church, and Senior Citizens ifield Galford. Club of Cass. A daughter, Laura Jane, two Surviving are four daughbrothers, Dewey Galford and Roy Galford, and two sisters, ters, Mrs. Goldie Kellison, of Neva and Christina, preceded Buckeye, Mrs. Maggie Maupin, of White Sulphur Springs, him in death. Mrs. Lucille Sprouse, of Frost, Surviving him are his wife, and Mrs. Emma Griffin, of Bettie Lou Bennett Galford; Baltimore, Maryland; three two daughters, Kitty Jena Gal- sons, Walter Galford, of St. ford, of Dunmore, and Kay Regis, Montana, Lawrence Ellen Wiley, of Dixie; two sons, Galford, of Baltimore. MaryTimothy David Galford, of Barland, and Moody Galford, of tow, and Julian Edward GalMillville, Pennsylvania; severMrs. Ruth Eva Qalford ford, of Dunmore; and one al grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. grandchild. Mrs. Ruth Eva Galford, 59, of Cass, died Wednesday, April Graveside services were held Preceding her in death were 3, 1963, in the Pocahontas MeFriday at Wesley Chapel, Dun- one daughter, Eula Vass, and morial Hospital. more, by the Rev. David Ritten- one son, Calvin Galford. house. She was a lifelong resident Services were held at 2 p, m. of Cass, a member of the ' Cass Thursday, at the Cass United Mrs. E. H. Galford Methodist Church and the WoMethodist Church by the Rev. men's Society of Christian SerRittenhouse. Burial Mrs. Mamie C. Galford, agoo David a vice. -/3*
Mrs. Allen Qalford

MrsT Alice Sutton Galford, 85, died Friday, April 28, 1961, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Kesler, at Cass. She was the widow of the late Allen Galford. She was a lifelong resident of the Cass vicinity and a member of the Cass Methodist Church. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Thomas and Mrs. Minnie Kesler, both of Cass; eight grandchildren and eighteen j great-grandchildren. Services were conducted Sun-1 day afternoon in the Wanless Church by the Rev. J. E. Fairburn, assisted by the Rev. Coy Mathews, of Charleston, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery. Mother, Mother, you are gone, but your presence will ever linger near. Your cross was hard to bear at times, we know, But God in his wisdom was always there near to guide you



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HWrs. Leona Galford, 61, of Indianapolis, Indiana, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Wednesday, December 12,1973 after a four month illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church and order of Eastern Star. Born at Green Bank, December 25, 1911, she was a daughter of the late Clyde and Laura Sheets. Her husband, Kent R. Galford, and a son, Arnold, preced ed her in death. Survivors include seven sons, Berlin and Sam, both of Elkins, Kent, Jr., of Marlinton, Richard, of Middlesex, New Jersey, Clark, of Danville, Indiana, Robert, of Peru, Indiana, and David, of Kokomo, Indiana; a ; daughter, Mrs. Margaret Hurley, of Lakeland, Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Geneva Thompson, Richmond, Virginia, and Hildreth Waters, of Allen Park, Michigan; four brothers, B. W. Sheets, of Hills boro, Neal. of Wyandotte, Michigan, Wilson, of San Francisco, California, and Arnold Sheets, of Whittier, California, and 18 grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church with Rev. Miynard Crawford in charge. Burial was in the Ar bo vale Cemetery. Samuel C. Galford


Samuel C. Galford, 83, of Slaty Fork, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on July 22, 1958. of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was born at Cass April 10, 1875, the son of the late Brown and Susan' Geiger Galford. His wife, Minnie Kramer Galford, preceded him in death. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. Eula Rhea, of Valley Head, Mrs. Beulah Rhea, of Slaty Fork, Mrs, Thelma Mann of Glover Lick, two sons, Clyde Galford, of Slaty Fork, Elbert Galford, of Kainelle, and one brother Allen. Galford, of Cass, eight grandchildren , and nine greatgrandchildren. He was. a member of the Big Spring Presbyterian Church where funeral services will be held Thursday at 2:00 by the Rev. Acie Bryant, with burial in Varner Cemetery.


Mrs. Minnie B. (White) Galord, was born November 28, 904, at Woodrow, and departd this life Tuesday, December , 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was the daughter of the ate James N. and Ruth Barow White. On July 15, 1924, she was .nited in marriage to Andrew Galford. She united with the White's Chapel Methodist Church in arly childhood where she •ontinued an active and faithx\ member all her life. Survivors include her husand, Andrew Galford; one >n, Robert Galford, of Marnton; one daughter, Mrs. label Galford, of Marlinton; ,vo brothers, Albert White, f Los Ange'es, California, and he Rev. Page White, of Liverlore, California; and four randchildren; also a host of elatives and friends. Funeral services were held Yiday afternoon in White's Jhapel Methodist Church by he Rev. Harold Eaton assisted y the Rev. Ezra Bennett with urial in the Cochran Cemetery ead? Can we call it dying, hat life that is filled to the brim? ad? In the light of His presence? isliving-forever-with Him! Roy C. Galford

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DEAD IN JET PLANE CRASH Air Force Lt. John Galford, a pilot from Marlinton, was killed Saturday when his jet fighter plane crashed between London and Eton, England, according to official dispatches. The wreckage of his F-S6 jet was discovered shortly afterwards but the body of the airman is still missing. > According to the Defense Department, Lt. Galford and another pilot were ferrying planes to an undisclosed destination from Hahn, Germany, when the tragedy occurred. Galford's companion arrived on schedule. Wreckage of the Marlinton flier's jet was discovered later. The dead pilot's wife, the former Marilyn Cook of Elkins, was notified officially of her husband's death on Tuesday. In addition to his widow, Lt. Galford is survived by a daughter, Kimberly; his mother, Mrs. Elmer McLaughlin of Huntersville; and two brothers, Marvin of South Charleston, and William, a student at Marshall College. Lt. Galford was graduated from West Virginia University. He was transferred last December from Arizona to Hahn, Germany, to deliver planes to an undisclosed area for 90 days.


M Roy Clinton Galford, 51, of Dunmore, died at his home at Dunmore, Monday, August 12, 1963, apparently from a heart attack. Born at Dunmore, April 4, 1912, he wa3 a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galford. He was a member of the Dunmore Baptist Church. Survivors include one son, Dennis Galford, of Allen Park, Vlichigan; one daughter, Miss Lora June Galford, of Allen Park, Michigan; five brothers, Dewey and Bernard Galford, both of Dunmore, Edwin Galford, of Burton. Washington, Lincoln Galford, of High Count Virginia, and Berlin Cialford, of Baltimore, Maryland, ano one sister, Mrs. Mildred Goodman, of Accoville. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the New Fjpe Church at Dunmore by the Rev. Ira F. Petre. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

Mrs. Laura Galford

Mrs. Laura G. Galford, 86, of Dutimore, died Saturday, November 10, 1973 in the Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home at Lewisburg, after a long illness. She was a member of the New Hope Church and a na tive of Wakeville, Monroe County. f2-^<Survivors include five sons, Dewey, L. J. and Bernard Galford, all of Dunmore, Edwin Galford. of Burton, Washington, and Neal Galford, of Baltimore, Maryland; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Goodman, of Green Bank; two brothers, James Porterfie'd, of Greenville, and Dewey Porterfiald, of Waiteville; sixteen grandchildren and eleven greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the New Hope Church at Dunmore, by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery.


Kay Leon Galfort \ Arnold Ray Galford home of Mr. arid .vlrs. Arnold Ray Galford, aged 2.°, >t'd, Wesley Chapel, was saddenvears, was killed in an f.utooiobil ij the death of their son, Ray, j Glen Roy Galford accident near Fartow, on Frida : Thursday, May 16th at the Marli Glen Roy Galford, aged 5? night, February 26, 1951. O Memorial Hospital. ^ L years, 1 months and 2^ days, a Monday afternoon, the funeral He had undergone an operation in prominent business man in lum-. service was held from Green Bank February for appendicitis from which ber, livestock and real estate, Viethodist Church by Rey. Quade he had never fully recovered, and on passed away in the Stoke's HosK. Arboga9t and Rev. Mr Cooper. taken back to the hospital at Louisville, Kentucky, on His body wa« laid in the family pital in a critical condition. A Saturday, September 14, 1946. plot ia Arbo/ale Cemetary. ond operation was performed in He had been iu failing health for hopes of saving his life, but to no The y o u n / man is the son of •onie time but his death was a avail, as peritonitis had already cut Kent and Leone Sheets Galford hick to his family and friends. J He was a graduate of Green Bank off the lad's chance for recovery, and Mr. Galford was the sou of the ' High School, class 1949, aDd a death claimed him a few hours later. :ate W. W. Galford and Ada VirRay was born November 30th, veteran of the Korean War. He ginia Mayse Galford. He was recently returned home after four 1912, and was aged 16 years, 6 married to Ruth M. Hudson on | months and 16 days. lie had a bright \eais in the Army. March 15, 1910, and 19 survived (sunny disposition which endeared him The young man is survived by by his widow, and twelve childto all who knew him, and the fact ren, Kent, Wallace and Harper, bis parents, aid the following that he had made a profession of seven brcthe.sand a sister: Berof Greenbank; Mrs. Raymond I .'•. of CI ksburg; Samuel, of the faith in Christt, two years ago, was a Nottingham, of Dunmore; Mrs. Army; Aiafgaret, of Baltimore, source of consolation to his parents. Howard Doss, Monroe, New The funeral took place Friday, May York; Jim, of Linwood; Mrs. Maryland; Kent J r . , Richard, 18th. A large crowd of friends and Clark, Kobert and Day_id _atiiQm&. J Boyd Bird, of Cass; Betty, Marrelatives were present. It was convin, John, Roxie and Billy, at ducted by Rev. L. S. Shires and Rev. Laura Jane Galford home. One son, Roy, preceded Pope. Nine girls, Gladys and Kathhim in death in 1929. He is also Laura Jane Galford, of Dunl e e n Hudson, Nola, Mabel and Mil-I survived by 19 grandchildren and more, infant daughter of Mr. jdred Galford, Stella Sheets, Esteilo one sister, Mrs. Dick Sheets, of and Mrs. Lincoln Galford, of I Ervine, Evelyn and Dolores Crow I Guy's, Mills, Pennsylvania, and Dunmore, was born August 13, all cousins, carried the floral tributes, three brothers, Arch, Wade and 1964, in an Elkins Hospital, which were numerous and beautiful. Edward, of Dunmore. Three and died September 3, 1964, The eight pall bearers, who bore. sisters and two brothers preceded in the University Hospital at Ray to his las'- resting place in Wes- I him in death. Morgan town. | ley Chapel cemetery, were also cous- • , ' ins, and were as follows: Dewey, Roy, Survivors include her parFuneral services were conductjjune and Ted Gaiford, Cecil Sheets, ed from the Wesley Chapel Chur- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln land Keith Hudson. ch on Thursday afternoon by Rev. Galford; one brother, Timothy Q. K. Arbogast and Rev. B. B. David; two sisters, Kitty Jean, He will be missed by father, moth1 Breitenhirt, with burial in Wes ;and Kay Ellen, and her paterer, brothers and sisters, as well, as J nal grandmother, Mrs. Laura ley Chapel Cemetery. The Ma ; by a la rue number of friends and' sons of Riverside Lodge No. 124 I Galford. relatives, among whom, his aunt cunducted graveside services and Graveside services were held H. H. Hudson, has written the followmembers of the Order of Eastern Saturday afternoon at the Wes ing verses in bis memory: Star were flower girls. "We loved you, yes, no tongue can ley Chapel Cemetery by tha • tell Those from f. distance attend- Rev. Jack Miller. ing the funen

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ARNOLD GALFORD AND CHARLES PIK-H KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH The cause will probably never be known but death grasped the wheel of another automobile about midnight last Friday, February 26, 1954, and claimed two more victims. While returning to their home near Green Bank, Arnold Galford, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Galford, and Charles Lacy Pugh, 25, son of Mr. ,and Mrs. | Hoxie Pugh, met their deaths • when their car went off the road ! and crashed headlong into a t r e e , ' According to reports, Galford was dead when taken from t h e ; car but, hoping they were wrong | friends rushed him and the Pugh i t o y to the hospital in Marlinton. j Upon arrival, Galford was pronounced beyond mortal h e 1 p. i Charles Pugh succumbed to his, injuries several hours later after! valiant efforts of doctors to save him. The accident happened on Route 28, about 1/4 mile south of Brown Beard's and just about opposite Governor's Pond. The car, reportedly owned by the Galford boy's father*, was said to be a total loss. On Monday afternoon a double funeral was held from the Green Bank Methodist Church in charge of the pastor, Rev. Okey Cooper, assisted by Rev. Quade Arbogast and the Rev. Mrs. C. W. Winkler. Interment was in Arbovale cemetery under the direction of Wallace and Wallace and Smith Mortuaries. Hundreds gathered for the last rites of the two young men in what is said to be one of the largest funerals ever held in Po-. cahontas county. Besides his parents, Charley Pugh is survived by his wifr. Mrs. Faye Moore Pugh; tw t children, Donita and Charles Lac 1 Jr.; and two brothers, Thornto i.j of Charleston and Frantz, of 7£lkins. Arnold Galford's parents suivive along with seven brothjer and a sister. They are, Berlin, Clarksburg; Sam, U. S. Army, stationed in Alabama; Margaret, Baltimore, Md.; Kent Jr.; Dickie, Clark, Bobby, and David, all at home.


Mrs. Shirley Galford Mrs. Shirley Pusey Galford, 85, of Cass, died May 11, 1987, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Cass and was a member of Cass United Methodist Church and Eastern' Star. Mrs. Galford was born March 5, 1902, at Renick, the daughter of Delbert and Ada Bobbitt Pusey. She was the widow of Preston Springy Galford. A brother, Harrison Pusey, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Snedegar, of Baltimore, Maryland; son, Leonard D. Galford, of Columbus, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Margaret Neighbors, Mrs. Gertrude Thompson and Mrs. Jean Ervin, all of Baltimore, Mrs. Neoma Hinkle, of Frankford; brother, Merle Pusey, of Vago; seven grandchildren. Services will be at 11 a. m. Thursday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale with Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Ada. John BUfori Adam John Galford, 67, of Marlinton, died Monday, April 5, 1982, in Charleston Memorial Hospital after a long ill-


Born at Woodrow, July 31, 1914, he was the son of the late Fred T. Galford and Ada E. Galford. He was a member of the Nazarene Church and a retired woodsman. £ / Surviving him are five brothers, Jack Galford, Killbuck, Ohio, Donald N. Galford, Marlinton, James T. Galford, Marlinton, Frank R. Galford, Waverly, Ohio; Sidney Fowler, Warsaw, Ohio; five sisters, Clara P. Gabor, Baltimore, Maryland, Myrtle Bradley, Kenna, Cora McFadden, Warsaw, Ohio, Oleta D. Marcum, Columbus, Ohio, Irene M. Tate, Charleston. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Friday, at the VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Wallace Dorn. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery,

Mrs. Lanie Beverage Galford, 83, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Sunday, September 26, 1976, in Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Woodrow Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Galford was born at West Union June 8, 1893, the daughter of the late Jacob and Nancy Kellison Beverage. Preceding her in death were her sons, Albert L. Galford and an infant, Cecil, and daughters, Azalea Scalise and an infant, Jenny. Surviving are her husband, £jnnt?tt; twee daughters, Mr*. Goldie M. Beck and Mrs. Ruth Simmerman, both of Los Aneles, California; Mrs Jewel lOUghfidge, of Long Beach. California; four sons, Mil burn Galford, of Hawthorne, Calij fornia, Garland, Eugene and Delbert Galford, all of Marlinton; two brothers, Ciawson and Lee Beverage, both of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Ida McNeill and Mrs. Pearl Burks, both of Marlinton; 18 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene by Rev. Wallace Dorn, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.


Marvin J. Galford Marvin Jiles Galford, of Roanoke, Virginia, was horn near Cass, March 25, 1893. and pus ed away August 13, 1958. He was the son of James and Vargaret Galford. Besides his wi . CJira, he is survived by one sistt;, Mrs. Arch Galford of Green Bank; four brothers, Levi Galford of Ca?s, Lewis Galford of Portsmouth, Virginia; Preston Galford, of Bal timore, Maryland, and Everette Galford of Dunbar. Services were conducted by Dr. Glenn Stewart and Eev. D. W Persinger at Oakley's Chjpel 11 30 A. M. Friday, August lo, 1958, in Roanoke. Interment was at Pine Hill Cemetery at Ripley. At the time of Mr. Galford's retirement he was General Manager of Armour Meat Packing Company in Roanoke. He was a member of the Raleigh Court Methodist Church of which he was on the board of Stewards. Previous to this he was on the board of another Church. Mr. Galford was a man of good faith and on his death bed he remarked he was going home to God.

•lames a uaitora

James A. (Jim) Galford. 48, of Green Rank, died Mondav, January 19, 1970, at his home. Born September 30, 1921, he was 'he son of Mr?. Roth Gaiford McLaughlin, and the iate Glen Galford. • He was emo'oyed by State Road Commission and was a member of the Indenendent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge at Green Bank. Survivors include h ; s wife, Mrs. Una Gum Galford; one son, James Galford, of Morgantown; his mother, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, ofHuntersville; five sisters. Mrs. Helen Galford and Mrs. Roxie Morrison, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Gayle, Galford. of St. Aoeustine, Florida. Mrs Bet'y Kennison, of Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and Mrs. Viola Lantz, pi Green Bank; four brothers, Wallace Galford, of Slatvfork, Marvin Galford, of South Charle'ton, Harper Gilford, of Green Bank, and WUliam Galford, stationed in Viet Nam, and one granddaughter. Funeral services were he'd Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p ro. in the Liberty Presbyterian Thurch at Green Bank by the Rev. Thomas E. Henderson and the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery wi'h burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Lloyd Balforf


\ Lloyd Everette (Buck) Gal, ford, 73, of Crawford, died Wednesday, July 25 ,1979, in ' Broaddus hospital, in Philippi. . Born May 6,1906, in Crawford, he was a son of the late . Homer Webb and Mary Frances McClung Galford. He was preceded in death by his wife, Freda Pritt Galford and three sisters. Mr. Galford was a retired farmer and a powerline maintenance foreman. Surviving are three sons, Pritt Galford, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Glen Galford, Crawford, and James Galford, Morgantown; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday, July 28, at the Alkire Funeral Home with the Rev, Jay Cunningham officiating. ' Interment was in the Fair Haven Cemetery near Crawford. Mr. Galford's grandfather, James Harvey Galford, was born and raised on Galford's Creek, near Dunmore.

Rev. Albert L. Galford, 55, of Hominy Falls, formerly of Mailinton, died Tuesday, December 12, 1972, in the Beckley Veterans Hospital following a long illness. He was the pastor of the iominy Falls Methodist Dhurch. Bco/f A veteran of World War II, ae was born in Marlinton June 29, 1917. He is survived by his parents, Emmit and Lanie Galford, of Marlinton, one son, Raymond, with the Army, of Fort Riley, Kansas, one daughter, Miss Donna Galford, of Huntington, four brothers, Garland, Delbert, and Eugene, all of Marlinton, and Milburn, of Hawthorne, California, and four sisters, Mrs. Goldie Beck and Mrs. Ruth Simmerman, both of Los Angeles, California, and Airs. Azalea Seause, of Calvert City, California, and Mrs. Jewell Loughridge, of Long Beach, Ca.'ifornia. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Huntersville Methodist Church with Rev. C. R. Collins in charge. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton, WADE C. GALFORD Wade C. Galford, 89, of Dunmore, died Saturday, July 2, 1983, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an illness of two years. He was a retired farmer and logger and was a member of the Methodist Church. He was born on January 5, 1894, at Wesley Chapel, the son of William W. and Ada Virginia Mazies Galford. His wife, Georgia R. Taylor Galford, preceded him in death about five years ago. Surviving him are seven children, Ben T. Galford, Thomas G. Galford, Beatrice Matheny, all of Dunmore, Beulah S. Meiss, Altoona, Pennsylvania, Marie Lowry, Monterey, Viginia, Gertrude Carpenter, Lees Summit, Missouri, and Dolly R. Simmons, Woodbridge, Virginia; fourteen grandchildren and thirteen great- grandchildren. Funeral Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Revs. Eddie Kyle and Dennis Estes with burial in the Wesiey Chapel Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family sks that donations be made to Vesley Chapel Cemetery.

u«wty n. lamrf T Dewey H. Galford, 72, of Dunmore, died in his ileep at borne, on Tuesday, January 26. 1982. He was a retired farmer and member of the New Hope Church. Born November 17,1909, ha was the son of the late Edward and Laura Porterfield Galford. A brother, Roy, and a daughter, Alice Jo Anne Galford preceded him in death. Surviving are hia wife, Madge Moore Galford; a son, Roger Lee Galford, of North Wales, Pennsylvania; four granddaughters; one sister, Mildred Goodman, Orange City, Florida; four brothers, Ted, Lincoln, Bernard, and Neal Galford, all of Dunmore. Services will be held in the New Hope Church at 1 p. m. Thursday by Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr., with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Gayli Galford

Gayle Galford, of Wichita Falls, Texas, formerly of Marlinton, died October 13, 1979. She was born September 5 1919, at the W. W. Galford home place near Dunmore, the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Galford McLaughlin, who lives on Knapps Creek, and the late Glen Galford. She was in the WAC in World War II and was a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin.J Marlinton; two daughters, Pamela Wilson and Billie Gayle Devers, Wichita Falls, Texas; one grandchild; brothers, Harper, of Green Bank, Marvin, of Charleston, William, of Indianapolis, Indiana; sisters, Helen Galford, Marlinton; Viola Lantz, Green Bank, Bet'y Kennison. of Niceville, Florda, Roxie Morrison, of Neola; ne stepsister and three steprothers. She was preceded in death y her father and brothers, Cent. Ray, Wallace, James nd John. Memorial services were held n Wichita Falls on Monday and at Wesley Chapel, Green Bank, Wednesday morning. In lieu of flow rs donations nay be sent to a lung associa.ion.


Mrs. Ada Galford

Mrs. Ada Ellen Galford, 79, of Marlinton, died Sunday, October 8, 1972, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Bradley, of Dunbar. She was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Sydnev Fowler and Mrs. Cora McFadden, both of Warsaw, Ohio, Mrs. Myrtle Bradley of Dunbar, Mrs. Oleta Marcum, of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Irene Tate, of Charleston, and Mrs. Clara Garbor. of Baltimore, Maryland ; five sons, Frank Galford, of Columbus, Ohio. Jack Galford, of Kilbuck, Ohio, Adam, Donald and Jimmy Galford, all of Marlinton, and one sister, Mrs. Susie McCombs, of Warsaw, Ohio. T T r Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Marlinton Nazarene Church by the Rev. George Phillipson, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton. Cathy Jean Galford Cathy Jean Galford was born February 17, 1953, ac Marlinton, and died Wednesday, March 18, 1964, age 11 years and one day in St. Mary's Hospital, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania. Death was attiibuted to leukemia. She leaves to mourn her loss h3r pirents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Galford; two brothers, Craig and Paul Galford, Jr., and one sister, Mrs Terry (Joy) Loncosky, all of Keating Summit, Pennsylvania; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Galford, of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gum, of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Friday morning at the Gardnia Community Church by the Rev. John Stermi). The body was brought to Smith's Funeral Home in Marlinton, with services on Sunday by the Rev. Owen Lee. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery.



Mrs. Alice Sutton Galford, 85, J a m e s W h e e l e r Galford dieddied Friday, April 28, 1961, at on J u l y 24, 1949 following sevthe home of her daughter, Mrs. eral m o n t h s of illness. Ho was Minnie Kesler, at Cass. She was born on D e c e m b e r 1 1 . 1872 a t the widow of the late Allen GalLin wood; a son of the late Dallas and Eliza Galford. | ford. She was a lifelong resident of F u n e r a l services were conducted ! the Cass vicinity and a member on W e d o e 3 d a y J u l y 27, a t the of the Cass Methodist Church. Bethel church on Back Alleghany Surviving her are two daughM o u n t a i n , b y Rev. William P u g h ters, Mrs. Mabel Thomas and assisted by Rev. A. L . T e n n e y . Mrs. Minn,e Kesler, both of Cass; S u r v i v i n g are his wife, Mrs. eight grandchildren and eighteen Flora Tallman Galford, four sons great-grandchildren. A n g u s and Ray a t h o m e , G e o r g e Services were conducted Sunof Daniels, M d . ; Gail of Ellicot day afternoon in the Wanless C i t y , M d . ; t w o d a u g h t e r s . Mrs. Church by the Rev. J. E. FairH a r p e r Cassell of Catonsville, and burn, assisted by the Rev. Coy Mrs. W i l b u r R i d g l e y of llchester, Mathews, of Charleston, with buM d . ; also two sisters, Mrs. G o r rial in the Wanless Cemetery. don H e v e n e r of D u r b i n , and Mrs Mother, Mother, you are gone, V i r g i n i a M c L a u g h l i n , of Tecumbut your presence will ever linger seh, O k l a . , a u d a n u m b e r of g r a n d children. near. Your cross was hard to bea~ at I n t e r m e n t was m a d e a t the times, we know, Bethel cemetery. But God in his wisdom wa.c always there near to guide you William W. Galford died at his home near Greenoank on January 2. 1933, aged 78 years. He was born and spent his entire life in Pocahontas County. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Ada Mays. To this union was born ten children, four of .vhom have passed on. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Richard Sheets of Greenbank, and five sons, Arch, Glenn and Wade, of Greenbank and Ed and Harry Galford, of Dunmore. He is survived by his second wife, who was Mrs. Early Taylor. The deceased was an honorable and respected citizen, who had many friends. He never turned the poor and needy from his door. He will be greatly missed in his home and community. Early in life he made a public protession of his religion and united with the Southern Methodist church at Wesley Chapel and Hved a consistent christian life. He was a great sufferer for a year, n e often expressed his readiness and willingness to go. The funeral was conducted from Wesley Chapel by his pastor, Rev. Marshall assisted by Rev. D. M, Monroe. His body was laid to rest in the I Wesley Chapel graveyard beside his children. X

Coliett Floyd Gilford aged seven teen years, two months and eight days, died at his home on Stony Creek, January 27. 1941, of -eart trouble and ft a. He had been in bad health for about five years. On Wednesday the funeral was conduct, from West Union Church by Rev B. T. Sk.^gs. Interment in Cochran cemetery. The pall bearers were members of the freshman class of Marlinton High school of which he was a member—Ed Johnson, G Duncan, Jamie Nelson, Billis Lai Richard Leisher and Garland Galford. Flower girls were Norma June and Lucy Kellison, Gladys beverage and Mabel WoccU. Surviving are lils father, Charlie Galford, one sister. Mrs Harland McFadd-n, Marlinton; five brothers, Harland Galford, New1 oort News; Otis, MerrlBt, Loris and Eloy at home. His mother, Mrs Claris McNeill Galford precede-' to the grave six years ago.

Charles W. Galford

Charles Warrick Galford, aged 69 years, a former resident, of Cass, who was now making his l3^ctr/£^enry Galford home with his niece, Mrs. Ruby H e n r y Galford, aged 75 y e a r s , Waughs at Edray, died on Sunday, February 6, 1955, at the lied on O c t o b e r 7, 1946. a t H a r t s t o w n , P e n n s y l v a n i a . On S a t u r - Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, day his body was b r o u g h t to Hos- after P short illness. t e n u a n to be laid a m o n g his peoFuneral services were conductple. T h e deceased was a son of ed on Wednesnay afternoon, in the late Dallas and E l i z a b e t h Gal- the Cass Methodist Church, with ford. H i s b r o t h e r is J a m e s W. the Rev. Okey Cooper officiating. Galford. He m a r r i e d Miss Mar- Burial was made in the McCloud tha Ann Dilley, who preceded him Cemetery near Cass. N o v e m b e r 16, 1918. T h e i r sons j The deceased, a son of the late are W a r d , of A k r o n , O h i o , F o r J. B. Galford, is survived by three est, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and S t e w a r t , of H a r t s t o w n , P a . brothers: Bernard, of Cass; Floyd of Mingo, and Ernest, of Clinton, Iowa; and a sister, Mrs. Roxie Sharp, of Marlinton.

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Alice Joan Galford

Little Alice Joan Galford aged o months and 15 'lays departed this life on Friday morning, July II. 1041. at ten o'clock. She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dewey Galford, of Dunmore. Little Joan was stricken with dysentery and grew worse from the first. She was sick only a short time. All was done that medical skill and loving hands could do but the Lord knew best. She was a sweet child; always had a smile for ever.v 6ne and was dearly loved. She leaves to mourn their loss her father and mother, grandparents, a great-grandmother and a host of relatives and friends. Her remains were laid to rest in the Wesley Chapel cemetery, on Sunday, August 13. •




Slewait Galford AtU'-rding the funeral of Stewart Galford, of Morgantown, on Saturday, February 25,1956, from Dunmore were June Galford, MarGalford Nottingham and -liter, Carolyn, Maude GalGord Ddley, their son and daughu law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dilley;also Nelle Galford Howes | and Asubel Galford Taylor, of Fairmont, children of John A. Ford, deceased, brother of SI < wart Galford. The deceased is survived by his" wife, Mrs. Nellie Sill Galford; a son, John, and daughter, Kathryn, all of Morgantown, and a son, Fred, of Detroit, Michigan. Interment was in the Bayard Cemetery on Saturday. Mr:. Minnie Ga!'?rd ; Mrs. Minnie E' Gaitord, age !77, died Monday, April 6, 1059, at the home of a son. Carl Galford, at Cass, after a long illness. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. C. I. Murrell, of Buckhannon, and Mrs. Alice 0'Brier of ! Cumberland, Maryland; th-?e sons, Carl and Raymond, of Cas^, and Bert, of Falls River, Massachusetts; two brothers. Robert Cassell, of Cass, and Ollie Cassell, of Ridgely; two sisters, Mrs. Sally Galford, of Ridgely, and Mrs. 'Harry Curry, of Charleston; fourteen grandchildren, and seven great-grandchild$Jfi. Funeral Services-Will be Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. C. E. Potts, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

mrs. tunn H. uanuru

Herbert Samuel Galford, aged ! thirty years, was killed Friday J night, January 1, iy±3, when he | was run over by a log train near I Cass. He was a brakeman on the train, and it is thought he had fallen between the cars. On Monday afternoon, the funeral was conducted from the Big Spring church by Rev. J. C. Woo); interment in the family cemetery. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. The deceased was a son of Samuel C. Galford and the late Mrs. Minnie Kramer Galford. His mother has been dead four years. He is survived by his wife Mrs Ida Underwood Galford. His brothers are Elbert and Clyde Galford; his sisters are Mrs Thelrna Mann. Mrs Eula Rhea and Mrs Beulah J. Rhea. Maynard Edgar Ga'^id Ma.\nard Edgar Galford, born June 9, 1938. aged 9 years, 9 months and 20 days, passed away March 29, 1948. He leaves to mourn their loss, his mother, Wilnaa Galford; a grand-father, Harmon Galfurd, and grand-mother, Lillie Galford and ( 'her relatives and friends. We loved you so clearly, But iroin us you had to part But your precious memories Will live forever in our hearts. Baby Galford Baby Galford. infant son of Jimmy and Mary Zimmerman Galford, died at birth Tuesday morning. April 6, 1976. Graveside services were held Wednesday in the Cochran Cemetery by the Rev. Gail Cutlip. On Sunday evening April 13. 1924 at 6:30 o'clock, the Death Angel came to the home or Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galford and claimed their darling baby, WUma Christine Galford, aged one month and one day. Little Chr?stlme took whooping cough when about two weeks old. All was done for the little suflerer that loving hands rvmld do, but God knew best, and ot loss is Heaven's gain. She leaves co mourn her loss, father, mother, four brothers and one sister, one little sister having gone to the glory land just eight months ago. The little voice is silent, The little feet are still, When the Lord said come We knew it was1 his will, We shall meet, but Oh we miss her. There will be a vacant chair, How we lingered to caress her While we breathed an evening prayer. M.

Mrs. Mary Katherine (Kate] McLaughlin Galford, 95, ol Dunmore, died Friday, October 3, 1969, at her home after a long illness. Born at Dunmore September 1, 1874, she was the daughter of the late Robert! and Martha Rusmisell McLaughlin. She was a member of the Dunmore Methodist Church. Her husband, John A. Galford, and a young daughter, Beatrice, preceded hef in death. Survivors inclvde four sons, Frank W. Galforo, Saegerfown, Pennsylvania; John L. Galford, of Townville, Pennsylvania; Paul A. and June R. Galford, both of Dunmore; five daughters, Mrs. Nell Howes, of Fairmont; Mrs. Maude Dilley, Mrs. Martha Nottingham, Mrs Geraldine Oliver and Mrs. Mabel Taylor, all of Dunmore; and one brother, Elmer McLaughlin, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the p u n more Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery v. ith burial in the P u n more Cemetery. Georgia Rootle fialford Georgia Reesie Galford, 83, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, June 28,1978, at home of an apparent heart attack. Born February 7, 1895, at Dunmore, she was the daughter of George W. Taylor and Manda E. Kelley Taylor. She was a member of the Methodist Church. She is survived by two sons, Ben Galford and Thomas J. Galford, of Dunmore; five daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Matheny, Green Bank, Mrs. Beulah Meiss, Altoona, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Maizie Marie Lowry, Monterey, Virginia, Mrs. Gertrude Amanda Carpenter, Lees Summit, Missouri, Dolly Reesie Simmons, Woodbridge, Virginia, two brothers, Charlie J. Taylor and Grover W. Taylor, of Dunmore; two sisters, Mrs. Josie Elliott and Mrs. Elizabeth Starcher, Dunmore; 13 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday, at Wesley Chapel, by Rev. Gregory Lewis, of Green Bank, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.


Bernard r. uaiiord Bernard Porterfield Galford, age 71, of Dunmore, was killed Friday, May 16, 1997, when a rotten limb broke off a treetop and fell on him. He was cutting trees near his home. Mr. Galford was a retired rural mail carrier and a member of the New Hope Church of the Brethren. He served in the Navy in World War II. He was born at Dunmore June 5, 1925, the son of George and Laura Porterfield Galford. A son, William John Galford, is deceased. Also preceding him in death were three brothers, Dewey, Lincoln and Roy Galford. Surviving him are his wife, Madeline Grace Moyers Galford; a daughter, Cynthia Dawn Galford Ricottilli, and grandson, Eric Ricottilli; a sister, Mildred Goodman, of Orlando, Florida; and two brothers, Edwin L. and Berlin Galford, botii of Dunmore. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at the New Hope Church of the Brethren by the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Julian Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Frost Volunteer Fire Department or the New Hope Church of the Brethren.

Mrs. Clyde Galford Mrs, Innie S. Gaiford, 79, of Maidsville, Monongalia County, died Sunday, August 29, 1982, in West Virginia Medical Center. She suffered a stroke about eighteen months ago. Born September 15, 1902, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of Warwick and Zeffie Sheets Shinaberry. Her husband, Clyde Galford, died about twenty years ago, and three children, Elizabeth, Ruth M urphy and Clyde Galford, Jr., preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Charles Galford, Maidsville, two daughters, Ethel Williams, State of Washington, and Betty Reeder, Grantsville; sixteen grandchildren and several great-grandchildren; one brother, Leo Shinaberry, of Morgantown, and three sisters, Goldie Landis and AMaLge McNeill, Marlinton, ana "Creola Scott, Akron, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in Morgantown, vith burial there.

mrs. eerina Ash Gaiford Mrs. Bertha Ash Galford was born January 20,1887, in Doddridge County, a daughter of the late Jesse Ash and Mary Bonnell Ash. She died in her sleep on January 20, 1974, at her home in Harriaville, Ritchie County, and was buried at Hazelgreen. She moved with her parents to Branches (near Durbin). When a young girl she met and married Lee Galford, ot Stony Botiom, and lived on a farm near Branches for many years. After he died she went to Ritchie County and lived with Mrs. Abbie Hoover for a long- time. She-had been blind for a goo d while, before she passed away ac 87 year,'. Out of a family of nine children only one is left, Mrs. Eska Swiger, of Clarksburg, and she is very sick. She may be remembered by old old friends in Pocahontas County. Her husband Arthur Swiger, passed away in August 1973. They too lived near Branches many years ago. Many old friends will remember Aunt Bertha.

Carl J. Galford

Carl John Galford, 60, Cass,:1 died Saturday. March 14,1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born August 15, 1909, at Cass, he was a son of the late John B. and Minnie Cassell Galford. He was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church and a former lumber company employee. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grace Geiger Galford; one daughter, Mrs. Roena Blake, of Woodbridge, Virginia; one son, Daniel Galford, of Chicago, Illinois; two sisters, Mrs. Iva Nine, of Buckhannon, and Mrs. Al'ce O'Brien, of Cumberland, Maryland, and one brother, Raymond Galford, of Cass. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery with burial in the Geiger family cemetery at Stony Bottom.

Calvin J. Galford Frank W. Galford Private First Class Calvin James Frank W. Galford, of RD Galford, aged 22 years, died in 1, Saegertown, Pennsylvania, Walter Reed Hospital, Washingdied Sunday, January 16, ton, D. C., on Wednesday, August 1977, in a Meadville hospital. 6, 1947, from injuries received He was born August 4,1894 oi August 4, 1947, while on duty at Hillsboro, a son of the late in Warrentou, Virginia. The deJohn A. and Catherine Mc- ceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Galford, of Cass. Laughlin Galford. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Funeral services were held in Ida Gum Galford; four daugh- the Cass Methodist Church on ters, Mrs. Hazel Goodwill and Saturday, by the Rev. Q. R. ArMrs. Frances Weed, both of bogast, of Greeubank, assisted by Saegertown, Mrs. Katherine Rev. Harry Black hurstwof Cass. McGraw, of Valinda, Califor- Pallbearers were Private First nia, Mrs. Virginia Carpenter, Class William Wood, Private of Townville, Pennsylvania, Donald Irvin, Private (ieorge Mrs. Eula Orr, of Park For- Euler, Sergeant Fred Dawkins est, Illinois; two sons, James and Staff Sergeant Louis DarouAllen Galford and Harold che, of the 1st Detachment, 2nd Galford, Centerville, Pennsyl- Signal Service Battalion, Warrenvania; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie tou, Virginia, and Private First Howes, Fairmont, and Mrs. Class Herbert Gore, of Walter Maude Diiley, Dunmore; Reed General Hospital, Washingthree brothers, John Galford, ington, D. C. Honorary pallwere ex-servieenien, Townville, Pennsylvania, Paul bearers and June Galford, of Dun- friends of the deceased, who acted more; twenty grandchildren as flower bearers. and eighteen great-grandchilHe is survived by his parents, dren. five sisters, Mrs. H. D. Vass, Services and interment were White Sulphur; Mrs. Leonard in Meadville, Tuesday. Kellison, of Buckeye; Mrs. Oliver Sprouse, of Frost; Mrs. Dick Griffin, of Baltimore, Maryland; and Mrs. George Tallman, of Cass. Also three brothers, Walter, of Seeley Lake, Montana; Laurence, of Baltimore, Maryland and Moody, of Cass.


James 0. Gum James O Gum, aged 85 years, of DuDmore. died on Friday, December 12, 1952, after a brief illness,. On Sunday afternoon his body was laid in the Dunmore Cemetery. The funeral service was held from the Dunmore Methodist Church by bis pastor, Rev. J. L. Justice. The deceased is survived by his wifej Mrs. Elizabeth Dilley, a:.d their foiT children, Mrs. Ida Gilford, of Guys Mills, Pennsylvania, Harry, of Townville, Pennsylvania Sterle, of Weirton, and Merritt, of Greenbank; also by 12 grandchildren and 15 great grand-children. His sister is Mrs. Addie Sheets, of Greenbank. Mr. Gum was a native of Highlaud County but for many years he has been a rrsideut of Pocahontas County. His parents were the late Amos and Fannie Perry Gum, of Mill Gap. One of bis brothers was the late Clark Gum, of Marlinton. THOMAS MARION GUM Thomas M*rion Gum, aged 90 years, died at his home near Dun more on Monday, June 9, 1952. On Wednesday the funeral service was -held from the Dunmore Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. J. E. Justice. His body was laid in the Dunmore Cemetery. For nearly sixty years the deceased had been a resident of Dunmore. He was a son of the late Amos and Fanny Terry Gum, of Highland County, Virginia. His brother is James 0 . Gum. of Dunmore, and his sister, Mrs. Addie Sheets, of Greer Bank. Mr. Gum is survived by bi« wife, Mrs. Elsie Dilley Gum, a i d their five sons, Ray ami Paul, of Charleston; Russell, of Townville, Pennsylvania; Ward, of Baitmore, Maryland; and Mack, of Dunmore.

Merrill Gum Merritt Moore Gum, 74, of Green Bank, died Saturday,' September 23,1978, in Memorial General Hospital, in Elkins, after an extended illness. Born April 5, 1904, at Green Bank, he was the son of the late James 0. and Lizzie Dilley Gum. A son, Daniel Lorain Gum, and a brother, Harry W. Gum, preceded him in death. He was a retired employee of National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and a member of Dunmore United Methodist Church. ™ Surviving are his wife, Sylvia Taylor Gum, son, Kerth, of New Cumberland; brother, S, R., of Dunmore; sister, Mrs. Ida Galford, of Saegertown, Pennsylvania. Services were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday, September 26," in Dunmore United Methodist Church with the Rev. Q. R. Arbogastand the Rev. Gregory Lewis officiating. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery. Wird C. Gum Ward C. Gum, 83, died Friday, September 3, 1982, at an Elkins hospital after a long illness. Born September 13,1893, at Frost, he was the son of the late Thomas and Elsie Dilley Gum. Mr. Gum was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church and a merchant. He was preceded in death by a son, Chad Gum. Survivors include his wife, Anna Mary Ray Gum; a daughter, Gatha Galford. of Monterey, Virginia; a son, Paul R. Gum, of Dunmore; a brother, Paul Gum, of Charleston; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Dunmore United Methodist Church with the Rev. John W. Greiaer officiating. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery at Dunmore. /


Otho E. Gum Otho E. Gum, aged 71 years, died at his home near Huntersville, died on Wednesday. December 31, 1947, after an invalidism of several years. On Friday the fuperal was held from the Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church by Rev. A. L. Tenney, of Arbovale. His body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The deceased was a native of Highland County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gum. He o m e to Pocahontas County many years since. He married Miss E urna Dilley, who survives. Their children are Mrs. Lelia Dilley, of Beard; Mrs. Monaa Williams, of Monterey, Virginia; Mrs. Ruth Gragg, of Akron, Ohio Mrs. Isaac Harlow, of Huntersville; and George, at home; one brother, Albert, of Highland County, Virginia, also survives. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America for several years.

Russell 0. Gum Russell O. Gum, 71, R. D. 1, Townville, Pennsylvania, a resident there for the past 30 years, died Wednesday, August 9, 1967, at the Flickinger Convalescent Home at Meadville, Pennsylvania, after a long illness. Born April 11,1896, at Frost, he was a son 61 the late Marion and Elsie Dilley Gum. On October 4,1941, he married the former Ardella Coburn, of Townville, Pennsylvania. He had worked at a variety of occupations, including farming, painting, cattle trading and maintenance for the Masonic Building in Mead ville. Mr. Gum served with a Quartermaster Detachment in World War I. He was a member of Townville American Legion. •Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ardella Gum; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Arthur (Nancy) Howard, of Forrestville, New York; two* brothers, Ward Gum, of Dunmore, and Paul Gum, of Charieston>two stepgrandsons and one step greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held August 11, in the Willis Arnold Chapel in Townville by the

n linen c. unoen Wilbert C. Gilbert, aged 5K years, died in the Veterans Hospital in Beckley, Friday morning, November 2, 1951. Hehad been in failing health for some years. On Sunday the funeral was held in the Laurel Hill Church and his body was laid to rest in the' family plot at the Star Chapel cemetery, on Jackson'* River. He is survived by his wife, • Mrs. Nellie Gilbert, of Beard, i and their seven children: Clarence of New Haven, Connecticut; Mrs. Bedford Sharp and Mrs. Roy I ;Anderson, both of Mountain Grove, Virginia; Marvin, Thermal!, Thelma and Merel, at home. Also surviving are four brothers and two -isters: Jobn and Alex, of Elkt^n, Maryland; Rodney and J-< lies, of Kembleville, P. .insylvauia; and Mrs. Fillmore sores, of Birch River, and Mrs. Lucy Broce, of Dover, Delaware, also three grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. Vltfinit M. SflktfMl Mrs. Virginia M. Gtlkeraonj 66, died Sunday, March 20, 1983, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illnese. Born June 14, 1916, in Logan County, she was the daughter of the late Lee and Nannie Mitchell. Mrs. Gilkerson was a former nurses aide at Denmar Hospital. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Gilkerson, December 14,1970. Survivors include six daughters, Ann Harris, of Norfolk, Virginia, Joan Kountz, o! Beaver, Linda Skinner, of San Antonio, Texas, Connie Walker, of Hillsboro, Sberrell Spencer, of Lewisburg, and Lana Gilkerson with the U. S. Air Force, Omaha, Nebraska; two ions, Luther Gilkerson, of Gould, Arkansas, and Michael Gilkerson, of Milton, Florida; a brother, Earl Mitchell, of Tennessee; two sisters, Louise Gravely, of Beckley, and Bertha Cress, of Harvey; 18 grandchildren and five stepgrandchildren; a great-grandchild, and a step great-grandchild. Graveside services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m., at the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro with the Rev. Jack K. Wallace officiating.

Mrs. Mattie Kritzer Gillilan, 73, of Droop, died Saturday, July 13, 1968, in the Beard hospital after a long illness. Born at Huntersville, April 27, 1895, she was a daughter of the late Gus and Cora Bird Kritzer. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star No. 124 at Cass. Her husband, William Cline Gillilan, preceded her in death, Survivors include one son, William C. Gillilan, of Droop, and several nieces and nephews Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Mount Olivet Methodist Church by the Rev. J. E. Fairburn with burial in the Walkup Cemetery at Renick. Mrs. Mary Martha Ginger

Mrs. Mary Martha (Mamie) Ginger, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, formerly of Huntersville, died Tuesday, March 27, 1973, after a long illness. She was a daughter of the late George and Nola Moore Ginger, of Huntersville. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Mary Martha Ling;. of Chattanooga, two grandchildren, one brother, Kyle Ginger, and one sister, Evelyn Cunningham. Services and burial were held March 29 in Tennessee.

William C. Gillilan

William Cline Gillilan, 79, of Droop, died Saturday, October 15, 1966 in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. He was born at Droop, May 22, 1887, the son of the late Billy M. and Elivzann Scott Gillilan. Mr. Gillilan was a member of the Riverside Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, No. 124 a t Cass. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mattie K. Gillilan, and one son, William C. Gillilan, of Droop. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the MountOlivet Church at Droop Burial was in the Walkup Cemetery.


uuy IT. uiugai

Guy W. Gingar. of Newport News, Virginia, aged 41 years, died at the Kings Daughters Hospital, in Portsmouth. Virginia, on Tuesday. February 24, 1942. On that day he had become suddenly ill at the homo of his daugh ter. Oh Friday morning his I body was buried in the family i plot in the Huntersville cemetery. 1 The funeral was hold from the Huntersville Church by the Rev. j James C. Wool, of the Marlinton j Presbyterian Church, Guy Washington Gingar, son !of George W. and Nola Moore ! Gingar, was born at Huntcrsviiie. on January 16, 1901. In 1921, he was united in marriage to Miss Grace Foster, of Co•"ington, Virginia. To this happy union there i were born four children: Mary Nola, George,Virginia and Connie. He is survived by his wife and their four children, his mother, two sisters, Mrs. Joe, Emerick, of Iford, Florida, and Mrs. E. (J. Cunningham, of Cape Charles, Virginia: and two brothers, Kyle Gingar, of Detroit, and Prentiss Gingar, of the United States Navy. In 1934 he united with the [First Congregational Church in i Cleveland, Ohio, and he lived a '-consistent, christian fife.

Prentiss Moore Ginger

Prentiss Moore Ginger, 54, of 1051 Ninth Avenue. Huntington, died Wednesday, July y 4, 1973. Born at Huntersville, April 16, 1919, he was a son of the late George and Nola Moore Ginger. '•^,^-^J He was a graduate of Marlinton High School and served in the Navy in World War If; he was a member of the VFW, the Masonic Lodge, and American Pipefitters Local No. 521. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Edith Early Ginger; two daughters, Mrr. Robert Necessary and Miss Penny Gail Ginger, both of Atlanta, Georgia; two sons, Prentiss Ginger, Jr and Charles Ginger, both of Huntington; one sister, Mrs. Evelyn Cunningham, of Newell, and one brother, Kyle Ginger, of Detroit, Michigan. Funeral services were held Saturday in the Reger Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Gray Hampton, with burial in White Chapel Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Fred Gehauf Mrs. Mary Susan Gehauf, 75, of Mariinton, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Pi" Friday, .March 13, 1964. Death was attributed to cancer. Born at Keyser, December 31, 1888, she was a daughter of the late William and Mary Rawlings. She was a member of the Mariinton Methodist Church, and had been a resident of Mariinton since 1917. Survivors include her husband, Fred Gehauf; one son, Leslie Gehauf, ard one daugh- j ter, Mrs. Elsie Harless, both 1 of Mariinton. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Mariinton Methodist Church by the Rev. George McCune. Burial was in the Mountain | View Cemetery. |

George T. Geiger George Thomas Geiger, 82, of Mariinton, died Wednesday, April 3, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born November 15, 1885, near Clover Lick, he was a son of the late Godfrey and Hannah Courtney Geiger. He was one of eight children. He was a member of the Mar linton Presbyterian Ghurch and was a farmer. On July 4, 1914, he was united in marriage to Fanny C. Young. One daughter preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Fanny C. Young Geiger; two sons, Gail and John A. Geiger, both of Marlinton.and two sisters, Mrs. Eva Gwin, of Washington, D. C , and Mrs. Mamie Kellison, of Mariinton, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Leslie H. Gehauf Judy Cremeans, Jr., and severLeslie H. Gehauf, 61. of al nieces and nephews. Mariinton, died Wednesday, Funeral services were held July 1, 1970, in the Pocahon- Saturday aftereo&ft is the Martas Memorial Hospital after a iinton Presbyterian Church long illness. by the Rev. Fred W. Walker He was born at New Creek, with burial in the Cochran October 16, 1908, the son of Cemetery. the late Fred and Susan RawMrs. George Geiger lings Gehauf. Mrs. Fanny C. Geiger, 77, He was a member of the Mariinton United Methodist died Monday, April 15, 1968, Church, a teacher in the Mar- in the Pocahontas Memorial iinton High School and a vet- Hospital. She bad been ill a long time. eran of World War II. L She was born at Edray June Survivors include oi er, Mrs Elsie G. Harless ur- 4, 1890, the daughter of the late John A. and Wilda M o r e linton. Funeral services were held Y^'ing, and was a member of Friday afternoon in the Mariin- the Mariinton Presbyterian Church. ton United Methodist Church Her husband, George T. Geiby the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Moun- ger, preceded her in death April 3, 1968. tain View Cemetery. Surviving her are two sons, Mn. R«UL. Sibkj John Geiger and Gail Geiger, Mra. RetaLevisay Gibbs, 92, both of Mariinton, and one of Ronceverte, died Friday, granddaughter, Mrs. Judy January 23,1981, in Greenbrier Cremeans, of Huntington. Manor Nuning Home, Fairlea, Funeral services were held after a long illness. Wedr esday afternoon in the She was a member and or- Mariinton Presbyterian Churganist of the First Presbyte- ch by the Rev. Fred W. Walkrian Church at Ronceverte. er, with burial in the Cochran Surviving her are a son, Cemetery. James E. Jr., of St. Albans; four grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday in First Presbyterian Church, Ronceverte, with thi Rev. Robert Coit officiating Burial was in Frankford Cem etery. She was a cousin of Mrs Ben Morgan, of Mariinton.


Hubert Dale Geiger Hubert Dale Geiger, 49, of Mariinton. died Wednesday, October 24, 1973, at his home after a long illness. He was a son of Mrs Maude Geiger, of Beckley, and the late Gebhart Geiger. He was a member of the United Methodist Church, a World War II veteran and a retired interior decorator. Survivors include two sons, Hubert D. Geiger, of Richmond. Virginia, and Mendol 0. Geiger, of Endicott, New York, and one daughter, Mrp. Maria A. Power's, of San Diego. California; his mother, Mrs. Maude Geiger. of Beckley, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Geiger Cemetery at Stony Bottom John Mliam Geiger John William Geiger, of Dunnore, aged 11 years died on A\ ednestlay, January 21, 1912, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital On Friday his body was buried in the Dunmore Cemetery, the service being conducted from the Baxter Church by Rev. J. C. V\ ool. The deceased was a son of the late John Adam OIKI Jane Courtney Geiger. His first wife was a Miss Sheets; they are survived by one daughter. Mrs. Lyle Nottingham, of Pennsylvania. Mr Geiger is survived by his second wife, Mrs. Lucy Doyle Geiger. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church for man;> years. ^


Mrs, John Geigar Mrs. Virginia Myrhl Kershner Geiger, 57, of Rt. 1, Mariinton, died in her sleep Tuesday morning, June 1, 1976, after many years of ill health. She was a member of the Mariinton Presbyterian Church. She was born July 15,1918, at Spice. She married John A. Geiger; July 4,1945. Mrs. Geiger is survived by her husband, John Geiger; her mother, Mrs. Nannie Kershrier, of Droop, and two brothers, Lacy Kershner, of White Sulphur Springs, and Woodrow Kershner, of Droop. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Mariinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Willis Cornelius and the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.


nn v. eaitord John P. Galford, 73, of Morgantown, died Sunday, July 24, 1977, in Monongalia General Hospital. He w&a a former assessor of Monongalia County. A native of Bayard, be was born February 29,1904, son of the late Stewart and Nellie Sills Galford, formerly of Dunmore. Surviving are bis wife, Mary Yardly Galford; one daughter, Corine Ann Galford, of Washington; one brother, James F. Galford, of Prudenville, Michiin; one sister, Catherine C. ibbs, of Morgantown. Services were held in the Chapel of Prayer, Jenkins Funeral Home by the Rev. Dr. Stacy Groscup. Interment was in Lawnwood Cemetery.


Mrs. Ajutporle Gtlferd Mrs. Annabelle Ware Galford 64, 2490 Mud Creek, Oak Harbor, Ohio, died Saturday, January 31, 1981, in Toledo Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, from heart failure after an illness of two months. She was born at Mace April 19,1916, the daughter of Absulum Buke and Lou Emma Friel Ware. J v ^ Three sisters and four brothers preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Elbert Lee Galford, and one son, Ron Lynn Galford, and two grandchildren, all of Oak Harbor. Funeral services were held 12 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home Tuesday with Rev. Robert Cruikshank fr iating. Burial in Molew Cemetery.


Birdie Galford Mrs. Birdie A. Galford, 98, a resident of Worthington and formerly of Elkins, died Sunday, March 18, 1979, at the Wishing Well Nursing Home in Hutchinson. She was born August 17, 1880, in Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late John and Mary Brown Wilfong. Her husband, Jacob Galfprd, preceded her in death. She is survived by two sons, Sterling W. Galford, of Hutchinson, and Troy L. Galford of St. Petersburg, Florida, five grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. A sister and three brothers preceded her in death.

rresioii Galford Preston (Springy) Galford, 85, formerly of Durbin, and Cass, died Tuesday, June 29, 1982, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. / • ^^ Born April 5, 1897, at Cass, he was a son of the late James H. and Rebecca Logan Galford. Mr. Galford was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include his wife, Shirley Pusey Galford, of Denmar; a daughter, Evelyn Snedegar, Baltimore Maryland; a son, Leonard D. Galford, of Columbus, Ohio; and seven grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Services were held Friday at 2 pp. m. at the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with Rev, Rick Barkley officiating. Burial was n Arbovale Cemetery. Floyd W. Galford Floyd W. Galford, 64, of Green Bank, died Friday, August 13,1976, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after i long illness. He was born at Clawson, January 26, 1912, the son of Ocy Waugh Galford and the late Marion Galford. He was a retired State Department of Highways employee, a Methodist, and a World War II veteran. Surviving are his mother, Ocy Waugh Galford, of Green Bank; brothers, Earl, of Bar tow, Carl, of Green Bank; sisters, Mrs. Gladys Brackett, of Suitland, Maryland, Mrs. Madge White, of Green Bank. Services were held Monday in Arbovale United Methodist Church. Burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Bewey Meyers Ginger Dewey Meyers Ginger, of Las Vegas, Nevada, formerly of Detroit, Michigan, died Wednesday, October 21, 1981, of a heart attack at his home. Born August 18, 1926, in Highland Park, Michigan, he was the son of Kyle D. and Delana McLaughlin Ginger, of Detroit, Michigan. Survivors include his wife, Ann, of Las Vegas; a sister, Joyce Williams, and niece, Alanna Williams, of Dearborn, Michigan. Services were held on Saturday, October 24, at the Palm Chapel in Las Vegas. Interment was in Palm Memorial Park in the same city.

Arnold Ray Gilford, aged 2?, years, was killed io an futomobil \ccidpnt near Tartow, on Frida <)itfht, February 26, 1951. 0 Monday afternoon, the funeral service was held from Green Bank Vlethodist Church by Rev. Quade R, Arboeast and Rev. Mr Cooper. His body was laid in the family jlot ia Arbovale Cemetery. The y o u n i man is the son of Kent and Laone Sheets Galford. He was a araduate of Green Bank High School, class 1949, and a veteran of the Korean War. He recently returned home after four veais in the Army. The young man is survived by his parei.ts, .<»Ld the following ieveo b r o t h e s a n d a sister: Ber1 n, of Clarksburg; Samuel, of the * r m j ; Margaret, of Baltimore, aryland; Kent Jr., Richard, ark, Robert and David, at home.


WUUam Galford William John Galford, 23, of Dunmore, died Saturday, June 16, 1984, in an auto accident , north of Dunmore. Pyv* He was a member of the Church of the Brethren and a carpenter-welder. The son of Bernard and Madeline Moyers Galford, of Dunmore, he was born at Marlinton November 25, 1960. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a sister, Cindy Ricottilli, of Dunmore, and his fiance, Nancy Jordan, of Marlinton, whom he was to have married on Saturday. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the New Hope Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale* Cemetery. Lewis H. Galford

Lewis Hanson Galford, 79, lied Saturday, September 15, 1962, at his home in Cass, following a heart attack. He was a lifelong resident > of Pocahontas County and a fanner. Jg*~r-JL Survivors include two sons, Flem Galford, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Snowden Galford, of Baltimore, Maryland; a sister, Mrs. Clara Galford, of Green Bank; three brothers Levi and Preston Galford, both of Cass, and Emmett Galford, of Dunbar; six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon in the Cass Methodist Church with the Rev. Robert Harsfcberger in charge. Burial was in the Hill Top Cemetery near Cass.

Price uaiiviu William B. GatewcoJ Price McClure Galford, 70, Willow Bend, died Wednesday, ! Services for William Beale GatcDecember 27, 1978, of a heart ,vood, prominent Huntington resdent, were held Monday at the attack. home 300 Holswade drive. The Born at Woodrow, August body was laid to rest in Wood23, 1908, he was the son of mere abbey in Wood mere cemeA. S. and Elva Byrd Galford. tery. Mr Gatewood, president of He was a farmer and a mem- Langhorne & Langhorne Co., rail ber of the Church of the Nazcontractors, and head of the arene in Gap Mills. He was road Miami Gravel Co., with plants in preceded in death by his moth- Ohio, died August 5, 1943, in a er, an infant son, Keith, and Huntington hospital from effects two brothers, Garland and of injuries suffered in a fall at the Carl Galford. &*~ri£ — gravel company's plant two Surviving are his wife, months previously. Thelraa; sons, Quince and A descendant of one of the oldJames, both of Gap Mills, Elmer, of Rock Camp, Ernest, est and most distinguished Virof Willow Bend, Roger, of ginia families, he was born in Greenville, Dennis, of Way- Bath county, a son cf the late Col side, Henry, Elvin, and Melvin, A. C. L. Gatewood and Mary all at home; two daughters, Warwick Gatewood, and a grandMrs. Glenna Wylie, Gap Mills, son of the late Judge James Warand Miss Barbara Galford, at wick, also of Bath county. He re-, home; father, Albert Galford, ceived his early education in pri-j of Gap Mills; stepmother, Mrs. vate schools and later attended Bessie Galford, of Gap Mills; Greenbrier Military College, now brother,,CJark, of Marlinton, Greenbrier Military School, at John, of Glasgow, Austin, of Lewisburg, from which he was Gap Mills, Junior, of Balti- graduated. more, Maryland; sisters, Mrs. Mr Gatewood's father was an! Sadie Clowser and Mrs. Estie early graduate of VMIat LexingWithrow, both of Baltimore, ton, and helped train troops for Maryland, Mrs. Pauline Han- the Confederate army. Later he cock and Mrs. Laura Scott, distinguished himself in Gen. J. both of Charleston; half sisters, E. B. Stuart's cavalry. Mrs. Laurine Jones and Mrs. After leaving school, Mr GateSandra Wiseman, of Gap Mills, wood joined the Chesapeake and Mrs. Christine Sites, of Mor- Ohio Railway Co. as a resident gantown; half brothers, Dor- engineer, and while still a young sey, Ivar. and Kenneth, all of man was promoted to division enGap Mills; eight grandchildren, gineer. and a Lost al relatives and About 30 years ago he joined friends. the Langhorne & Langhorne Co., of which he had been president Services were beid at two for the past Id years. He super p. m. Saturday in the Church vised the building of the Russell, of the Nazarene at Gap Mills Ky., railroad yards. with the Rev. Gerald Wilson, A resident of Huntington for the Rev. Joe LaRue and the •24 years, he took a leading part Rev. Robert Wiseman offiiciatin civic and business activities. ,ng. Burial was in Wylie's He was a member of the Old Chapel Cemetery. Stone Presbyterian church in Lewisburg. Mr Gatewood married the form er Eva Mayo Gardner, of Prestonburg, Ky., in December, 1915. Robert George v - ' Charles Robert George, 53, Surviving are the widow; one >f Poe, died at Pinecre3t Hos- daughter, Mrs A. Dograuw War>ital in Beckley on Monday, nock, Jr., of Philadelphia; a son, tfay 25, after a three months Corporal William M. Gatewood, stationed at tbe.J-»r»ny Air Corps lness. Hospital at Alaraogardo, N. M.; Funeral services will be held another son by a former marriage t 2 p m. Friday at Smith- Charles W. Gatewood, of Pulaski anReenen Funeral Home by Va., now with the Canadian army le Rev. Sherman Markley at Toronto; three brothers, A.AV. ..ith burial in Ruckman Cem Gatewood, of Pulaski, Va., Masetery. sic C. Gatewood, of Baltimore, E. S. Gatewood, of Pocahontas Coun ty; a sister, Mrs John M. Dunlap, of Spring Farms, Lexington, Va. —Huntington Herald Dispatch.

Andrew Warwick Gatewood, 78, prominent citizen of Pulaski, Virginia, died at his home there on Sunday, August 2, 1959. Formerly of Linwood, he was I the son of the late Col. A. C. L. | Gatewood and- Mary Warwick Gatewood. He was educated in 1 West Virginia and was trained for the engineering profession through practical work. He had served with various companies, was a former director of public works for Pulaski, and for the past nine years had been owner and manager of Gatewood Engineering and Supply Company. Mr. Gatewood was a member of the First Methodist Church in Pulaski and many fraternal and professional societies. Surviving, him are his wife, Mrs. Brownie Elizabeth Yeager Gatewood; a foster daughter, Miss Polly Gatewood; and a sister, Mrs. John M. Dunlap, L?xington, Virginia; a foster son, the late Charles Warwick Gatewood, preceded him in death in 1950. Services were held in the First , Methodist Church in Pulaski on j Tuesday morning by the Rev. C. | L. Wagner, with Masonic graveside services at Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Maude Geiger Mrs. Maude Geiger, 77, of Beckley, died Friday, October 23, 1981, in Raleigh General Hospital after a long illness. Born April 19, 1904, she was a daughter of the late Samuel and Lillian Moore Meeks. A native of Stony Bottom, Mrs Geiger was employed as a clerk by Embees and had lived in Raleigh County for 40 years. Mrs. Geiger was a member of the Beckley United Methodist Temple, Sally McGinnis Sunday School Class, Ladies Circle No. 1, Woman's Club, of Beckley and a former member of the Beckley Quota Club. A son, Hubert D. Geiger, and a brother, Reese Meeks, preceded her in death. Survivors include five brothers, Charles and June Meeks, both of Akron, Ohio, Pearl of Covington, Virginia, and Ollie and Lyle, both of Cass; three grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren, Services were held Sunday at 1 p. m. in the Melton Mortuary Chapel with Dr. Parker Hinzman and Rev. Thomas Henderson officiating. Additional rites were held en Monday at I p. m. in the Stony Bottom Church at Stony Bottom. Burial was in Stony Bottom Cemetery.

D. (L. GLADWELL RILLED On Monday morning, January 4, 1926, the body of David A. Gladwell was found in a field beside the road near Hillsboro. There was a shot gun in his stomach, and he had evidently not been dead long. His gun was lying on the opposite side of the fence. Mr. Gladwell had left home to go to a neighbor? farm to chase foxes. It was evidei t h a t in crossing the fence, he had accidently shot himself A coronor's jury was empannelled, and their verdict was death by accidental shooting. Mr. Gladwell was a man past sixty years of age. He lived at Hillsboro, and he was widely known over the county. His business was t h a t of a ; taxi driver. He was a native of ] Rockingham county, coming to Pocahontas in early life. He married a Miss McClure, she and a large family survive him. Mr. Gladwell's body was buried at the Oak Grove graveyard near Hillsboro on Wednesday; the services were under the direction of the Modern Woodman of America, of which he was a member. MRS. W. A. GLADWELL Mrs Mary Madge Brown Gladwell, aged 61 years, wid)w of the late W. A. Gladwell, of Greenbank, died at the home of her "sister, Mrs Thorn is Patterson, at Bradentou, Florida, n Sunday morning, April. 21, 1940. The funeral service wi1! be held from Liberty Church on Thursday afterboon. Mrs G^dwell was a daughter of the lata W. L and Ellt.i Slaven Brown Mr Jiadwell died about two years sln«'e. GLADWELL, Miss Pauline V.—I 49, of Fairlea, Greenbrier! County, died Friday at a Weston hospital after a short illness. She was a lifelong resident of Fairlea and a member of the Fairlea ARP Church. Surviving are her father, C. M. Gladwell of Miami Springs, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Faye Barnett of Miami Springs, Fla., and Mrs. Marian Wood of Lewisburg; and a brother, Carlos of Lewisburg. The body is at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Lewisburg.


Charles Moit Gladwell

Charles Mott Gladwell, 82, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, March 20, 1971. in the Den. mar State Hospital at Beard, after a long illness. He was a member ot Fairlea Associated Reform Presbyte rian Church and BPOE Lodgt in Lewisburg, and was a retired salesman. Survivors include two daughters, ( Mrs. Luther E. Wood, Jr , o Lewisburg and Mrs. Jack Barnett, of Miami, Florida; one son, Carlos D. Gladwell, of Lewisburg; three sisters, Mrs. Masie Smith and Mrs. Anita Mottesheard, both of Charleston, and Mrs. Retta Miller, of Hillsboro; two brothers, Arthur L. and Lynn A. Gladwell, both of Lewisburg. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg by the Rev. Jack K. Wallace, with burial in the Memorial Gardens at Lewisburg. Mrs.

Sampson Goldizen

Mrs. Gladys Rebecca Goldizen, 60, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Thursday, October 6,1977, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after a few days illness. Born at Petersburg, December 10, 1916, she was the daughter of Charles and Lula Hesse. Mrs. Goldizen was a member of and active in the Marlinton Church of God on Beard Heights, where services were held by Rev. Gary Jarrell Sunday afternoon. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Sampson Goldizen; sons, Donald, of Beverly, Robert, James, Freddie, Jack and Paul, all of Marlinton; daughter, Mrs, Shirley Biller, of Baltimore; mother, Lula Hesse VanMeter, stepfather, Henry VanMeter; W i n c h e s t e r , Virginia; eight grandchildren; brother, Eugene VanMeter, of Georgia; sisters, Mrs. Maxine Goldizen, Mrs. Vera White, Mrs. Catherine Alt and Mrs. Nellie Dore, all of Winchester, Virginia. , She was preceded in death by her father and three children, Janet Goldizen, Linda Barlow and Larry Goldizen.


Mrs. Bessie Gladwell I

Mrs. Bessie Nottingham Gladwell, 87, of Rainelle, died Saturday. September 23, 1972, in the Pinecrest Hospital at Beckley after a long illness. Born at Mill Point October 21, 1885, she was a daughter of tne late Emm3t and Lucy Grimss Nottingham. She was a member of the Rainelle United Methodist Church and a 45 year resident of Rainelle. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Nell Meador, of Jharleston, and Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, of Orange, Texas; two sons, Wilbert Gladwell, of Nitro, and Mason Gladwell, of Rainelle; one sister, Mrs. Rita Wright, of Akron, Ohio: one brother, Paul Nottingham, of Akron, Ohio; 16 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. H. Randolph Kidd, with burial in the End of the Trail Cemetery at Clintonville. ^ Gilbert Franklin Gordon Gilbert (Gib) Franklin Gordon, 51, of Waldorf, Maryand, died Monday, March 10. 1969. in the Veterans Hospiai in Washington, D. C , after everal weeks of illness. Born June 3, 1917, at Timber Ridge. Virginia, he was the son of Mrs. Cora Gordon, and the late Bepfiett Gordon. He vzas a/World War II veteranJy' Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marie Grimes Gordon; three sons, Gilbert Gordon, Jr., of Christiansburg, Virginia, Ronald Gordon, home on leave from Viet Nam, and Clarence Gordon, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gregory and Mrs. Edith Bennett, both of Staunton, Virginia; eleven grandchildren; three brothers, Lloyd Gordon, of Fairfield, Virginia, Howard Gordon, of Lexington, Virginia, and Andrew Gordon, a patient in the Veterans Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Zimmerman, of Lexington. Virginia, and Mrs. Lena Koogler, of Rapbine, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Lutheran Church at Fairfield, Orr




Evtrett Golf

Everett Goff, 83, of Coalton, died Thursday, August 30, 1979. He was born December 1, 1896, in Pocahontas County, a son of the late James and An • na Marie Blankenship Goff. In 1920 he was married to Bertha L. Rowan, who precedhim in death January 14, 1972. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. John (Marie) Temple, Amherst, Ohio; five sons, Robert Goff, Weston, Sterling and Clyde Goff, Warren, Ohio, Kenneth Goff, Belington, Lewis Earl Goff, Ellamore, one sister, Mrs. Lillie Yeager, Route 2, Coalton; one brother, Thomas, Grafton; nine grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were one son, one Bister, three brothers and one great-grandchild. Mr. Goff was a retired coal miner and woodsman, retiring from the West Virginia Coal and Coke Company. He was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church in' Coalton, and Local 1512, UMW of A, District 5. Final rites were conducted from the F. E. Runner Funeril Home. The Rev. Father Leon Rubaj, priest of St Patrick's Catholic Church of Coalton, officiated. Interment followed in the Kingsville Cemetery in Kingsville.

mrs. verna Good Mrs. Nora La Verna McLaughlin Rock Good, died in Charlottesville, Virginia Tuesday, March 25, 1975, at the home of her daughter, Betty Jane. Death was due to a heart attack. Born on Browns Mountain November 10, 1896, she was the daughter of Amos P. and Mattie Elizabeth Gum McLaughlin. She was the last of eleven children born to them; preceding her in death were our sisters, Sallie, Maude, -Edna and Minnie, and six brothers, Balphor, Parker, Har ;y, Clyde, Clarence, and Glen. She was first married to Moffett Smith, and to this union a daughter, Mildred, was born who died at the age of 19; she then married Benjamin Franklin (Frank) Rock, to whom three children were born Mrs. Louise Crock, Springfield, Charles C. Rock, Reddington, Beach, Florida, and Betty Jane Weiford, of Charlottesville, Vir ginia, with whom she resided since the death of her last bus-' band, Walter Good. She was a member of the John Moses Gocdypn United Methodist Church at John Goodwyn, aged 50; Minnehaha Springs. years, died on Thursday, Septem-j She had 7 grandchildren and j ber 26, 1957; after a short illness, i 5 great grandchildren. at the home of Mrs. Nealie services were held at i Copeland, of Smith's Ferry, Penn- theFuneral Methodist Church at Minsylvania. nehaha Springs, by Rev. Ezra ! The deceased was a native of Bennett; burial was in the Pocahontas County, having been family cemetery on Browns born at Marlinton, on January Mountain. 7, 1907, the son of the late Rev. Isam H. and Selena B. Goodwyn. Helen Jean Goins Ay Leaving Pocahontas .County in Helen Jean, used one year, two early manhood he went to Midland, Pennsylvania where he was months] and sixteen days, _tlie employed by the Crucible Steel little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Company. George (loins, of Kopperston, died on the way to the Berkley The many messages, cards and Hospital, on Saturday afternoon, telegrams testify to the fact that July 11, l'.>4i>. Her death was he lived a conservative Christian due to injuries leceived when life consistent with early life training, in his adopted com- struck by an automobile. On Mon clay afternoon the funeral service munity. was conducted from Marys ChapHe is survived by two brothers and three sisters: Sidney L. el on Elk by Rev. R. II. Ska of Ed ray. and Rev. Willson, of Goodwyn, of Marlinton, West Kopperston. The little body was Virginia; I. H. Goodwyn, of Bluelaid to rest in the Gibson Ce field, West Virginia; Mamie Carter, of Pearisburg, Virginia; Lot- tery. Surviving tie G.Wright, of Franklin, West and two brothers, Larry Lynn' and .lames Edward; her grandVirginia, and Annie B. Myers, of father, G, W. Goins, of Mount Charleston, West Virginia. Funeral services were conduct-f Hope; her grandparents. Mr. and ed by Rev. Monroe, from Smith's]1 Mrs. W. M. Miller, of Elk, and Funeral Home in Marlinton, on a number of other relatives. Sunday afternoon. Burial was A precious one from us is gone, The voice we loved is still, made in Brownsmi'g Gemeterv A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled.

Virginia Gore Mrs. Virginia Gore, 47, died Sunday, April 5, 1964, at her home in Hinton after a lonf illness. Death was attributed to cancer. Born August 23, 1916, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Russell and Hattie Moore McLaughlin. She had lived in Hinton for 23 years and was a member of the Rive; view Chapel in Hinton Survivors include her husband, W. Jason Gore; two sons William R., of Hinton, and James, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Richmond, of Hinton; two brotha r s, Stirl McLaughlin, df M>ersdale, Pennsylvania, and Ellis M cLaugblin,. of Wichita Falls, Texas; and two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Bittner and Mrs. May Dively of Myersdale, Pennsylvania. The funeral was conducted Tuesday in the Riverview Chapel with Harry Pilkington in charge. Burial was in Reitwood Memorial Estate.

Mrs. Lucy Eliei Richardson Gover Mrs. Lucy Ellen Richardson Clover, aged 80 years, died on Wednesday morning, September 12, 1956, in the Pocahontas County Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late Rev Charles Johnson and Maria He'lmintoller Richardson. She was the last of the family of seven children. She was born on Jackson River in Bath County, Virginia. She was the widow of the late Rev. W. T. Gover. * The funeral will be held from the home on Friday afternoon, at two o'clock. Her b ^ y will be laid !to rest in Mount Hope Cemetery in Virginia at her old home. She is survived by a foster daughter, Mrs. Lucille Hellmin toller, of Bedford, Virginia, and two grand children; also by several nephews and nieces.

Mrs. aialft Btipr Mrs. Gladys Luke Geiger, 70, of Cass, died Monday, January 12, 1981. in Memorial General Hospital in El kins. She was born May 27. 1910, at Welch and was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom. Surviving her are three daughters, Anna Mae Tacy, Bowling Green, Virginia, Mary Elizabeth Crowell, Cleveland, Ohio, and Margaret Alice Geiger, at home; three sons, Ralph Vaughan Geiger, Painesville, Ohio, James Earl Geiger, Corbin, Kentucky, and David Andy Geiger, athome; thirteen grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren;and three sisters. Preceding her in death were her hUBband, Vaughan Geiger, and one son, John Thomas Geiger. Visitation will be from 1-.00 to 2:00 Thursday at Alexander Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom, with services \t 2 p. m. by the Rev. Thornis Henderson. Burial will be in he family cemetery near there. Mrs. Minnie George * , Mrs. Minnie Sue Georp, 78, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, February 23, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a stroke. Born at Seebert, February 15, 1893, she was a daughter of the late Arch and Martha George. She was preceded in death by her husband, Acie George, one son, Robert George and one daughter, Mrs. Francis Gran. Survivors include one son, Frank George; two daughters, Mrs. Irene Foster, of Surrimersville. and Mrs. Marie Cappellietty, of Baltimore, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Williams, of Millboro, Virginia, and Mrs. Lela Dressier, of Burnsville, Va. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Marvin Chapel Methodist Church near Mill Point by the Rev. William Markley and the Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in tbe Ruckman Cemetery.


Mary Miller Geiger Mary Miller Geiger, 77, of Snow Hill Road, Durham, North Carolina, died May 15, 1985, in Durham County General Hospital after two years of declining health. She was a native of Jasper, Indiana, and attended schools there. She later attended Nursing Training School in Louisville, Kentucky, and followed nursing for several years. She had lived in North Carolina for 21 years and was a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Durham. A funeral mass was celebrated at 1 p. m. May 17 in Immaculate Conception Church by Father Michael F. Butler. Entombment was in Woodlawn Memorial Park mausoleum. Surviving are her husband, Layke S. Geiger, formerly of Pocahontas County, and two sisters, Louise Fleck and Rose Stallman, both of Jasper.

BLANCHE HILL GEYER. With surprise and sincere sorrow the many friends and loved ones were greatly shocked on Saturday, April 7, when news was received of the death j of Blanche Hill Geyer. Mrs. Geyer vat sick only a short while. She was a (daughter of W. B. Hill, and was united j in marriage to Russell K. Geyer in 1924. I To this union 2 children were bom,: j namely: Russell Hill, and Thomas Hill.; ] Two weeks from the day of Mrs. Geyer's i death she was taken to Johns Hopkins hospital where she received attention j at once and was getting along fine and: expecting to come home in a few days. Mrs. Geyer was 28 years, 11 months and 10 days old. She graduated from HUlsboro \Hjph and taught four successful schools. • Mrs. Geyer leaves to mourn her loss, husband. 2 sons, mother, father, three full sisters namely. Mrs. L A. Livesay. Bernice andr^Marjorie, one brother, Roosevelt four, half sisters, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Cutlip.'Mrs. Mace and Mrs, Hill. Two half brothers, namely Summers and Remus. Mrs. Geyer was liked by all with whom she was associated. On account of bad weather The Eastern Star of which she was a member held their services in church immediately after funeral. The pallbearer's were her brother's-in-law, arid the flower girls were her school mates. After funeral services her remains were laid to rest beside her sisters in Palling Spring Cemetery.

Mrs. Luta Coppage ucm.y Mrs. Lula Edna Coppage Gentry, 69, of Huntersville, died on Tuesday, January 26, 1960, at the home of her granddaughter in Staunton, Virginia. She was born at Flint Hill, One less at home, The Charmed Circle broken— Virginia, the daughter of the late Almond Travis and Lula East- A dear face missed day by day Prom its usual peace, but cleansed, ham Coppage. saved, perfected by grace. Surviving are her husband, One more in Heaven, Wiley ' ClarJs^G.entry; two sons, One less on earth. William Armond Gentry, of Flint Hill, Virginia, and E Alvin Gen- It's pain, its sorrow, And its toil to share. try, o/ Radforid, Virginia; one One less daughter, Mrs. i Lula Edna Clemens/ of Staun/ton, Virginia, five The Pilgrims daUy Cross to bear, grandchildren, /and/three great- One more grandchildren./ / The crown of the blessed to wear. Funeral W ^ i c « i were held Janu a r y ^ , at t^X) o'clock from the I FlintvHiiKRlethodist Churchy M is. Ida May (cor e I thp Rev. L. E. Lester, and the ' Mrs. Eda May George, wife of A Rev. Herbert Pennington, Jr., . Georjre, of Watoga, died at Marlinofficiated. Burial was in Flint ton on Thursday. January 9, 1930. Hill Cemetery. Her age was thirty-orte Mars, four Michael' timothy Graveside services were conducted at Mountain View Cemetery September 9, at ] . a. m., for Michael Gimothy, who was born in Hungary in April, 1877, ana passed away Thursday, September 7, 1961, at Denmar State Hospital, aged 84 years. He had been a patient at Denmar for over a year. Rev. Ezra Bennett conducted the funeral service.

months and 29 The cause of ber death was appendicitis. On Friday her body was buried in the family burying ground on the Wesley Barlow place, near Woodrow. Mrs. George is survived by her pai, Mr. and Mrs. JiJmes Bur of Woodrow; and her husband and children, >• '• •'•" of I bree week5 -

Rachel H. Gelis Mrs. Rachel H. Gelis, 43, of Dunmore, died Saturday, May 26, 1984, at her home, apparently of a heart attack. Born May 12, 1941, at Liberty, North Carolina, she was a daughter of Ethel Hinshaw, of Liberty, North Carolina, and the late Hoyt Hinshaw. She was a housewife and of the Protestant faith. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband, Roger Gelis, Sr.; four sons, Richard and Rusty Thomas, both of Liberty, and Alex and Roger Gelis, both of Dunmore; three daughters, Teresa Thomas, of Liberty, Ruby and Kimberly Gelis, both of Dunmore; two brothers, James and Charles Hinshaw, both of Liberty; two grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Dunmore Cemetery.


W. Clyde Gillispie j / " pA W. Clyde Gillispie, 77, died ln Saturday, July 22, 1967, in the Memorial General Hospi>ltal at Elkins. He was born, rn at Arbovale, January 17,1890, 0, id a son of the late James and Florence Cooper Gillispie. He was a member of the Ar•r" bovale Methodist Church, aa retired tannery employee and id farmer. His entire lifetime was as spent in Pocahontas County. r Survivors include his wife, [e > Mrs. Laura Ervin Gillispie; two daughters, Mrs. Opal Riley, of of Morgantown, and Mrs. Louise Se y. Sheckler, of Baltimore, Marye land; three sons, Ray Gillispie, of Youngstown, Ohio, Ralphu Gillispie, of Baltimore, Mary' \ land, and Robert Gillispie, of Of Washington, D. C ; three sisSters, Mrs Mabel Conrad, of ArTbovale ; Mrs. Winnie Wooddell, IJ, of Elkins, and Mrs. Gladys re ^ Shears, of Dailey; two broth:j_ ers, Clifford and Delbert Gillispie, both of Arbovale; nine grandchildren, and two greatt" grandchildren. Funeral -services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Arfbovale Methodist Church by >y the Rev. Travis Wells, with bur ur ial in the Arbovale Cemetery.



wvp}Ja 0

Mrs. Lula Edna Coppage Gentry, 69, of Huntersviile, died on Tuesday, January 26, I960, at the home of her granddaughter in Staunton, Virginia. She was born at Flint Hill, ; Virginia, the daughter of the late | Almond Travis and Lula Eastham Coppage. Surviving are her husband, Wiley Clark Gentry; two sons, William Almond Gentry, of Flint Hill, Virginia, and E Alvin Gentry, of Radford, Virginia; one daughter, Mrs_ Lula Edna Clemens, of Staunton, Virginia, five grandchildren, and three greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held January 28, at two o'clock from the Flint Hill Methodist Church; thp Rev. L. E. Lester, and the Rev. Herbert Pennington, Jr., officiated. Burial was in Flint jyiLCemetery.

CONKELL P . GnXESPDE MONTEREY Funeral s e r v i c e s were held Wednesday, Aug. 11 for Cornell Patrick Gillespie. 92, who died Monday. Aug. 9 « Waynesboro Community Hos-! P"*1 H e bad been a guest at Christian Manor Nursing Home in Waynesboro f o r several months. A son of the late James A. and Elizabeth Gay Carpenter Gilles- i Pie, he was born at Mustoe, Nov. , 2, 1883, and spent Ms early life in Highland Coraty before moving to Cass, W. Va. area, where he spent 56 years in the lumber in dustry. He later managed a dyewood plant at Vanderpool before retiring to return to farming at Mustoe. Mr. Gillespie was a member of the Monterey United Metbodist Church, which he served as treasurer far many years, and a member of Highland Lodge 110 A F. and A. M. He had been a • Mason for 67 years. The Wednesday afternoon service was conducted by the Rev. James M. Tongue. Interment was in Monterey Cemetery with Masonic rites. He was twice married. His first ( wife. Hattie Jackson Gillespie. 1 died in 1918. and his second wife, ' Pearl Atkins Gillespie, died Dec < 19, 1963. Survivors include a son, ( W. Harlon Gillespie, of Monterey; two daughters. Mrs. Gordon (Mary Ann) Corbett of Richmond and Mrs. Richard (Ruth Elizabeth) Simpson of Bethesda, Md: a sister. Miss Ann Gillespie of ^awnton, and a brother, John R. Gillespie of Monterey; and three grandchildren. A daughter, Talma Grey, died in 1918.

mrj. i-aura uiimpia

Mrs. Laura Gillispie, 82, died Monday, December 30. 1974, in Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland. fy
Miss Flora GiHespie. 73, of Elkins, died January 7, 1967, in the Davis Memorial Hospital. She just became ill Saturday morning. Born September 21, 1893, at Arbovnle, she was the daughter of James W. and Florence Cooper Gillespie. She had been a resident of Elkins for the past 46 years and had worked for the Frank Wilson Lumber Company in Elkins 36 years. Surviving her are three broth eis, Clifford Gillpspie. Clyde Gillespie and Delbert Gillespie, all of Arbovale; three sisters Mrs, Mabel Conrad, of Arbo vale, Mrs. Winnie Wooddell of Elkins, rind Mrs. Glady: Shears, of Dailpy. Threebrotl ers precedei her in death. Funeral services were held at the Lohr Funeral Chapel in Elkins by the Rev. Dr. Melvin S. Risinger, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery Tuesday.

Delbert umispie H. Clifford Qillispie Ralph N. Gillispie Lester Gillispie, 68^H.Clifford Gillispie, 92, of Ralph Newton Gillispie, age 78, of Delbert Arbovale, died Friday, OcArbovale, died Friday, March of Baltimore, Maryland, passed 12, in Denmar State Hospital, away July 9, 1995, at Union tober 20, 1972, in the University Hospital at Morgantown Memorial Hospital in Baltimore. at Denmar. t 7 7 c? Mr. Gillispie was a tool and die after a short illness. Surviving are his wife, Rosie Born August 24, 1904, he McQuain Gillispie; five daugh- maker for National Can Company. ters, Mrs. Hazel Shears, of ArHe was born November 17, was a son of the late James W. bovale, Mrs. Ruth Lambert, of 1916, at Green Bank, son of the and Florence Louise Cooper Martinsburg, Mrs. May WilWillie Clyde and Laura Irvine Gillispie. He was a lifelong resident of son, of Virginia, Mrs. Myrtle Gillispie. Arbovale, was a member of the Rouche and Mrs. Alice Blush, A brother, Ray Gillispie, United Methodist Church, both of Washington, D. C ; preceded him in death. Pine Grove-Arbovale Men's three sons, Kenneth and DonSurviving him are his wife, ald, both of Washington, D. C , Delors Wright Gillispie; a daughter, Brotherhood, a" former emHarry K. of Chatham, Virginia; Jacqualine G. Alessi, and a son, ployee of theU. S. Department a sister, March Shears, of Bev- Donald Newton Gillispie, both of of Agriculture and was employerly; 80 grandchildren; and 32 Baltimore; two sisters, Opal Riley, ed by the State Department of great • grand c h i ldren. of Morgantown, and Louise Agriculture. Survivors include his wife, Services were held Sunday Sheckler, of Sagertown, afternoon in the Wallace and Pennsylvania; a brother, Robert Mrs. Mae Snider Gillispie; Wallace Funeral Home in Ar- Gillispie, of Washington, D. C ; three daughters, Mrs. Nancy bovale with the Rev. David Barker, of Bedford, Virginia, and two grandchildren. Rittenhouse in charge. Burial Funeral services will be held Mrs Nadine Harrison, of Cinwas in the Arbovale Cemetery. Thursday, July 13, at 10 a. m. at cinnati, Ohio, and Mrs. Susan Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Peck, of Bartow; five sons, in Arbovale by the Rev. Peter Julian Gillispie, with the Army Queen Arbogast Gillispie Maier, pastor of the Liberty in Germany, John Gillispie, Presbyterian Church. Burial will of San Diego, California, Sterle Mrs. Queen Arbogast Gillispie, Gillispie, of Andover, Ohio, aged 66 years died at Brevard, be in the Arbovale Cemetery. North Carolina, on Saturday, Memorial contributions may be Wayne Gillispie, of Elkins and May 19, 1956. Her body was made to Liberty Presbyterian Steven Gillispie, at horns; one laid in Brevard Cemetery. She Church, Green Bank, or Arbovale sister, Mrs. Gladys Shears, of is survived by her sor., Jul'in United Methodist Church, Dailey; one brother, Clifford Gillispie. of Arbovale, and ten Bird, of Williamsburg,, ', llt ,.,ua. Arbovale. grandchildren. The deceased was a daughter Funeral services were held of the late Charles Arbogast, of Monday afternoon in the ArCreen Bank. Condi Richard Gillespie bovale United Methodist Comla Richard Gillespie, 58, Church. Burial was in the Baby GillispieL" of Huntersville, died Friday, Arbovale Cemetery. Mark Monroe Gillispie, inSeptember 7, 1979, at Pocafant son of Mr. and Mrs. John hontas Memorial Hospital. B. Gillispie, of Arbovale, was He was never married. A Jerry W. Gillispie born Saturday, September 21, veteran of World War II, he Jerry W. Gillispie, 25, of 1963, and died Sunday, Sepwas a member of V. F. W. He Arbovale, died Monday, July tember 22, 1963, in the hospihad been employed at Watoga 15, 1963, in the Pocahontas tal in Dover, New Jersey. State Park for the past fifteen Memorial Hospital after a long Surviving besides the paryears. illness. He lost both legs in* its are the grandparents,- Mr. Born August 8, 1921, at an accident at the age of 16, nd Mrs. Delbert Gillispie. of Hyer, he was the son of Mrs. and had been since frequently irbovale, and Mr. and Mrs. Edna Underwood, of Huntershopitalized. jturgill, of Dover, New Jersey. ville, and the late Pat GillesSurvivors include his parGraveside services were held pie. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert it the Arbovale Cemetery on Besides his mother, he is Gillispie, with whom he lived; Wednesday. survived by a brother, Wade three sisters, Mrs. Nancy BarkGillespie, of Enon, Ohio; two er, of Bedford, Virginia, Misses half brothers, Spurgeon and Nancy and Susan Gillispie, Wallace Underwood, of Cum* both at home; five brothers, mings Greek; twohalf sisters, Julian Gillispie in the Army in Bettie Brown, of Martinsville, France; John Gillispie, of GlenVirginia, and Mrs. Peachie ville; Sterle Gillispie, in the Wilson, of MillPoint. Air Force, in Oregon; Wayne and Steven Gillispie, both at Services were held Sunday home. afternoon September 9, 1979, at Cummings Creek Victory Funeral services were held Chapel by the Rev. Norman Wednesday afternoon in the Alderman, of Wooten, KenArbovale Methodist Church tucky, with burial in Beaver Burial was in the Arbovale Creek Cemetery. Cemetery. Conda will be greatly miss;d in his community by a host )f friends and loved ones.


mrs. Jonn v. bioson Mrs Susie Moore Gibson, aged 74 years, widow of the late John D. Gibson, died at her home in Marlinton, on Wednesday, April 21, 194.'}. She had been in failing health for some time; the immediate cause of death was a heart attack. On Friday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery. The service was conducted from the Presbyterian Clutch by her pastor, Rev. James C. Wool. A part of the service was the reading of passages of Scripture she had marked and dated through the years in tier Bible. The flower bearers were Bee Glad well, Alice, Waugh, Pearl Car ter, Margaret McLaughlin, Lois Jean Wagner, Maude Bumgard-j ner, Gingar Grimes, Rosa Lee Menger, Isabelle Pritchard, Bly Dever, Irene McLaughlin, Clara Ware, Annabelle McElwee, Alice Dover, Anna Thomas, Edgar Thomas, Fannie Overholt. Active pall bearers, ,1. Z. Johnson, Eric Clutter, Mack Brooks, Raymond Shrader, Arnout "eager, Paul Overholt, Dice Gn..ies, Anion Killingsworth. Honorary pall bearers. J. A. Svdenstricker. Senator Fred C. Allen. R. B. Slaven, E. H. Patterson, Harlow Waugh, B. B. Williams, Clyde Wagner, Calvin W. Price. Mrs Gibson was the daughter of the late Wjl]jflin~D. and Hannah_Boverage Moore. Of her father's family there remain her two sisters, Mrs Samuel D. Gibson, of Elk, and Mrs Emrnett Lightner, of Mt. Grove. She became the wife of the late John D. Gibson, who preceded her twenty-seven years ago. To. this union were born five children, two of them dying in infancy. Surviving their parents are Edmouia, Lucille and French Gibson. Thus is noted the passing of a truly good woman, whose children arise and call her blessed. • A. Gibson, daughter of Mr. A. H. Gibson died aj her Harter, Tuesday, October :U, at 6:30 a. in. She had been ;;bout seven days. Her death caused by membranous croup. liptheria. She leaves her fa-~ other, ihreehrct-hers anc^ i i$ers to mourrflirieir !oss. Her! this home can never be fllletg was six years, feurial ?" a

Mrs. b. A. Gtbson Mrs. Phvllis J. Gibson, aged ti.enty-five years, of 227 Wi'd wood Avenue, Salamanca, New York, died Saturday, November 9, 1957, in the Salamanca Dis;rict Hospital after an illness of :wo weeks. Mrs. Gibson was born in Salamanaca, New York, and hid always lived here. She was a 1950 graduate of Salamanca High School, and also a graduate of West brook Business Academy of Olean. She was employed by the New York Telephone Company aa a secretary. She was a n u m ber of the St. Mary's Episcopal Church and Mizpah Chapter 162, Order of Eastern Star. Besides her husband, Andrew Gibson, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Gould, a brother, John Gould, and a n; Ronald Gould. Funeral services were held from the St. Mary's Episcopal Church, on Tuesday afternoon, with the Rev. Rohald S. Moriesey and • he Rev. Kenneth h, Seitz, officiating. Burial was made in Wildwood Cemetery. Pall bearers were, Caes'.er W / mer, Robert Dietrich, Clarenc Nash, Floyd Mohr, James Locke and Velmer Meier, of Ceylon, Minnesota. Relatives affd friends attending from a distance were, Mrs. Emma Seitz, Elkdale; Mrs. Mary Gaynor, Clyde; William Teitz, Mrs. Harold Reese, Buffalo; Mrs. Verna (Philip) Gibson, of Marlinton, West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood,' Eden, and Mr. Mrs. Edward Gerwitz Ken more. —Salamapca Inquirer. Died, October 7, 1925, George Sam uel Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doc Gibson, of E.iray, aged three years and ten months, of cholora infantum. He was a bright and loving little boy, and a jewel is gone from the home that will never be forgotten. The angels came and took him, The angels God did send, They bore his soul to Heaven, They whispered as they went. • And when beyond that river. We meet to part no more We'll meet and greet our darling On that celes'. Ul shore. We wish to think the people who were so kind to us during the sickness, death and burial of our little darling boy, George Samuel Dock Gibson and Wife.



juei man uiuouu

Sherman Gibson died inMh inMne m Forge Hospital on March 2», L945. b e had been in failing health for some time. Five years before .his death, he had suffered the amputation of a leg. He was a son of Samuel and Fanny Hicks Gibson. He had spent his seventy-eight years of life on the old Gibson homestead, near Frost. He was a very prosperous farmer and stockmaD. His home is known far and wide for its hospitality. His home life was an inspiration to many who have been in his home. He was always ready to sympathize, council and advise; and enjoyed jokes and fun and playing pranks. He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife. Mrs. Kate Deyer Gibson tiiree sons, Raymond of Columbus, Ohio; Richard, at home at home and Samuel, of Marliton. Three daughters, Mrs. Samuel Gilmer, of Lewisburg;Glenna and Edna Lee, at home. Mr, Gibson will not only be missed by his family, but by his cot; juunity, and a host of rela-l .ves and friends over the coun-1 ty and state.

Samuel Sherman Gibson Samuel Sherman Gibson, age 54, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, December 12,, 1#61, after 1 a long illness. >*^ Mr. Gibson was a deacon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He was co-owner of the Marlinton Motor Sales and was a member of the Huntersville Masonic Lodge AF& AM. The son of the late Sherman and Katherine (Katie) Dever Gibson, he was born near Frost February 15. 1907. He married Miss Wilma Matheny in 1946 and she and their two children, Sherman and Steve, survive him. Also surviving are two brothers, Raymond Gibson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Richard Gibson, of Frost, and three sisters, Miss Glenna Gibson and Mrs. Veva Gilmer, both of Marlinton, and Mrs. Edna Gay, of Cortland, Ohio. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 P. M. by his pastor, the Rev. W. E. Pierce, in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. The body will remain at th Smith Funeral Home.

Athby Gibson, 77, a resident of Mill Creek for 46years, died Thursday, February 3, 1983, in the Memorial General Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past week. He had been in failing health for the past three years. He was born November 11, 1905, in Slatyfork, a son of the late Joe and Amanda Higgins Gibson. On August25, 1937, in Healing Springs, Virginia, he was married to the former Bernice Irene Hammonds, who sur•s m Mill Cseek. Surviving in addition to his wife are four daughters, Mrs. Devoe (Joann) O»«to, Pickens, Mrs. John (Charlotte) Jackson, Mill Creek, Mrs. Larry (Judy Arlene) Shreve, Cassidy; and Miss Karen Sue Gibson, at home; four sons, Lonnie, Harold, Joebob and Jackie Gibson, all of Mill Creek; one sister, Mrs. Edna Helmick, Baltimore, Maryland; one brother, Odie Gibson, Mill Creek; 27 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were one daughter, Cheryl Ruby; two sisters, three brothers, two grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Mr. Gibson was a Woodsman for the Mower Lumber Company in Cass but became disabled and retired in 1961. He was a United Methodist by faith. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in F. E. Runner Funeral Home, Elkins, by the Rev. Frank Long, pastor of the Memorial Mission Church. Interment was in Mill Creek Cemetery. Summers Gibson Summers Gibson, aired 65 years died at the borne of Forrest Gibson on Elk Monday, August 13, 1951. He had been in failing health for many month*. Funeral arrangements have not been.,definitely arranged as this paper is printed, but probably on Wednesday afternoon. The deceased is survived by his two sons, Scotland and Bernard. Another son gave his life when trie York Town went down in the Second World War. The deceased wa- a smi of the late James and Martha Hannah. Gibson. His sisters are Mrs. Harry Varner and Mrs. William Miller; his brothers are Duck, Forrest and Harlan.

Anna Florence Gibson died at tbe Pocahontas Memorial Hospital August 4, 1976, age 82 years, 9 months, 15 days She was born on Elk October 15,1893, the daughter of Robert and Ella Sharp Gibson. She leaves four brothers and sisters; Odes L. Gibson, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania. Willie S. Gibson, Elk Route, Marlinton, Mrs. Ona Thomas, Hinton, and Mrs. Allie C. Gibson Elk Route, Marlinton, with whom she made her home the past six years. She lived in Elkins about forty years. The services were held at Mary's Chapel Church August 6 by Rev. Alfred Gum and Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial was in Gibson Cemetery.



Robert Gibson, aged 87 years, died at bis home on Elk esrly Monday morning, January 14, 1952 While he bad In en in failing health for some time, his passing was not expected. On Wednesday afternoon bis body will 1- 'aid to rest in tbe Gibson Oemetci <. *ith the service from M a n s Chape! by Rev. R P. Melton and Rev. R. il. Crawford. The deceased was a son of the late Wibiam and Polly Gi.y Gib son. He was tbe last of the family to be called. £^J> He married Miss El'a Sharp, , who preceded her husband sere • al years since. They are survived ' by their son. Odes and Wilde, of Elk; their daughters, Mrs Allie [ Gibson, of Elk; Mrs Ona Thorn is, I of Ilinton, and Mrs Florence Shearer, of Elkins. Tt.ere are twenty-four grand children and nearly that many great-grai.d children. Thus is noted the passing of one of our best men and a best beloved citizen Honest and upright, kind and hospitable, he was a leader in church and community (*/ Richard A. Gibson / / " work. He was blessed with long Richard Alton (Dick) Gib- life, to see his children's children son, Sr., 70, Marlinton, died and "to pass away as one fal i g Thursday, December 27, 1973, asleep. Tbe world is better for in West Virginia University his having lived in it. Peace to Hospital in Morgantown. his ashes.

Born July 19,1903, at Frost, he was a son of the late S. Sherman and Katherine (Kate) Dever Gibson. He was president of the First National Bank in Marlinton, a retired farmer an elder of Huntersville, Westminster Presbyterian Church and member of the Masons and the Eastern Star. He was preceded in death by one sister, Edna Lee Gibson Gay, and one brother, Sam Gibson. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alice Sheets Gibson, two daughters, Mrs. David Barker, of McLean, Virginia, and Mrs, Wayne Moose, of WinstonSalem. North Carolina; one son. Richard A. Gibson, Jr., of Sycamore. Pennsylvania; one brother, Raymond L. Gibson, of Cincinnati, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Veva G. Gilmer and Miss Glenna V. Gibson, both of Marlinton; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild, Services were held Monday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. E. Pierce and the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with bunal in the Mountain View Cemetery. \

James Lewis Gibson James Lewis Gibson, 67, of Slatyfork, died Friday, December 3, 1971, at his home after a long illness. Born at Edray, February 7, 1904, he was son of the late Levi and Lottie Gibson. He was a retired merchant and farmer. Mr. Gibson Was a member of the Eagle Lodg-e. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alma Moore Gibson; four sons, Clarencd, Gene and John Gibson, all of Cleveland, Ohio, and Walter L. Gibson, of Fayetteville, Ncrth Carolina; one daughter,^frs. vvanda Sue Kelley, of Huntersville, and one brother, Lee M. Gibson, of Marlinton. Funeral services * day afternoon at Mary's Chapel United Methodist Church near Slatyfork by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.


Stella C. Gibson Stella C. Meeks Gibson, 88, of Elk Route, Marlinton, died July 8, 1986, at Alleghany Regional Hospital in Low Moor, Virginia, after a short illness. Mrs. Gibson was born October 7, 1897, at Seldom Seen, now known as Stony Bottom. She was the daughter of Howard and Alice Showalter Meeks, and was the wife of Willie S. Gibson. One son preceded her in death. Surviving in addition to her husband are twelve children: Goldie Sampson, of Upland, California, Gertrude LaBoe, of St Charles, Michigan, Genevieve Dinkens, of Columbia, South Carolina, Mamie Napier, of Columbia, South Carolina, Sterl Gibson, of Goose Creek, South Carolina, Glenna Jewel Drewry, of Taylor, Michigan, Kemp Gibson, of Charlemont, Massachusetts, Dottie Gay, of Vermillion, Ohio, Collett Gibson, of Ocean Ridge, Florida, Louise Begley, of Marlinton, Granville Gibson, of Clovis, California, and Carolyn Palko, of Marlinton. She is also survived by 29 grandchildren and'- 36 great-grandchildren. There is a total of 103 members of her family that will miss her dearly. Her grandson, Bud Gibson, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, gave the eulogy at services at the VanReenen Funeral Home on Thursday, July 10, 1986, with music by Phyllis McMillion and Gibby Sage. Interment was in the Gibson Cemetery.

Mrs. Jellie S. Gibson


Dock Gibson, 84, of MarlinMrs. Jettie Showalter Gibson, aged 65, of Marlinton ton died Tuesday, November died in the C and O Hospital 4,1975, in Denmar State Hosat Clifton Forge, Virginia, on pital at Beard after a longiS: /-) , Sunday, January 21, 1962, af- ness. ter a long illness. Qs He was a retired woodsman A member of the Rebekah and miner. Mr. Gibson was a Lodge No. 68. she was born at member of the Methodist Linwood, May 24, 1896, a He was born Mav 19 ISQI daughter of the late Howard and Rachel Showalter. Survivors include her hus- iS? ?*w°*-«» •>•>of Si band, Dock Gibson; six sons, Dock Gibson, of Portland, His wife. Jettie Showalter Oregon, Jess and Basil Gibson, Gibson, preceded him in death! both of Cleveland, Ohio, ParkSurviving him are sons, Dock er Gibson, of Marlinton, Mike Julian, Jesse Boyd Basil ft Gibson., of Hot Springs, Vir- andTeddyG.allJcie^and* ginia, and Private Ted G. Gib- Ohio, Mike W. of Hot Springs; son, stationed with the Army Virginia, Parker, of Marlintonat Fort Lewis, Washington; daughters Mrs. Gilda Gray and five daughters, Mrs. Gilda WilfongandMn. Betty ClaJ Wilfong and Mrs. Betty Tall- S? l i n S?' £ o t h o f Cleveland, man, bo^h of Cleveland, Ohio, Ohio, Mrs. Tenelda Shields, of Mrs. Genelda Shields, of In- C°l°rado Sp™ Colorado dianapolis, Indiana, Mrs. Mar- Mrs. Martha Crossan, of Phoen tha Crossan, of San Francisco, California, and Mrs. Lulu Ir- of Marlinton; one sister. Mrs vine, of Marlinton; a brother, Bertie Varner, of KopperstonBarney Showalter, of Slaty 31 grandchildren and 5 greafc Fork, and a sister, Mrs Hattie grandchildren. McClung, of Linwood. Services were held Saturday Funeral services were con- afternoon m the Marys Chapel ducted Wednesday afternoon Church, on Elk, with the R?v in the Mary Chapel Church Ezra Bennett officiating. Burat Elk, with the Rev. Ezra jaj^was in the Gibson CemeBennett in charge. Burial was in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. A/Riehard A. Gibson, Jr. ^

Richard Alton Gibson, Jr., 45, of New Freeport, Pennsylvania, died Tuesday, November 18, 1975, at the West Virginia Medical Center in Morgantown, after a short illness. Mr. Gibson was a graduate of West Virginia University James P. Gibson James Philip Gibson, 60, of and a veteran. Marlinton, died on Friday, July Born at Frost August 23, 28, 1961, in the Pocahontas Me- 1930, he was the son of Mrs. morial Hospital. Dolly Kennison Elligson, of A retired farmer^* he was born Severna Park, Maryland, and at Edray, December 24, 1900, a the late Richard A. Gibson. Besides his mother he is surson of the late MollieKramer and vived by his wife, Myra HildJacob Gibson. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. reth Gibson, two sons, Richard Verna Gay Gibson; a son, George III, and Andrew; a sister, Mrs, Gibson, of Salamanca, North Kay Moose, of Winston-Salem, Carolina; two daughters, Mrs. North Carolina; a half sister, William Sterl Gibson, of Goose Cathy Gibson Barker, Falls Creek, South Carolina, and Mrs. Church, Virginia, and stepmoth Ernest Friel, of Alexandria, Vir-j er, Mrs. Alice Sheets Gibson, ginia; a brother, Max Gibson, of Marlinton; two aunts, Miss of Marlinton, a half brother. Glenna Gibson and Mrs. Veva Winston Gibson, of Poca; one sis- Gilmer, and an uncle, Rayter, Mrs. Merle Meeks, of Cleve- mond Gibson, ail of Marlinton. land, Ohio, and four grandsons. Services will be held at 1:00 The funeral was held at the Friday afternoon in the VanSmith Funeral Home Monday Reenen Funeral Home by the afternoon with the Rev. W, E. Rev. Richard Newkirk, and Pierce in charge. Burial in the Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial Gibson Cemetery on Elk Route will be in Mountain Viev Cemetery. —

Mrs. Parker Gibson

Mrs. Lois White Gibson, 42, >f near Marlinton, died Saturlay, May 24, 1969, at her lome, from complications resulting from recent heart surgery. She was born October 2, 1926, at Landacre, and was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. (L' Survivors include her husband, Parker Gibson; four sons, Stephen, Danny, Gary and Hugh Gibson, all at home; her father, Herman White, of Shrewsbury; two sisters, Mrs. Phyllis Nance, of Huntington, and Mrs. Jan Hunter, of Charleston: one brother, Bill White, of Pratt. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Mary's Chapel by the Rev. Willis Cornelius and the Rev. Donald Wood with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.


Forrest Gibson Forrest Gibson, aged 65 years, of EIK, died on Sunday, July 19, 1953, of a heart attack. Ou Thursday afternoon his body will be laid to rest in the Gibson cemetery, with the funeral service heM from Marys Chapel, The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs Allie Gibson, and their five children. Captain Fred W., of the Air Corps, stationed in Texas Stanley and Thomas, at home; David, of the Reserve Officers Corps, stationed in G
Mrs. L. Kate Dever Gibson died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in. Marlinton on Thursday, August 20, 1959, after a long illness. Mrs. Gibson was born in Highland County Virginia on September 4, 1877. She was the daughj ter of the late Samuel G. and Anna Mary Dever. Her husband, Sherman Gibson, preceded her in death in 1945. Mrs. Gibson was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, located on Knapps Creek. Surviving her are three daughters, Mrs. Veva Gilmore, of Lewisburg; Miss Glenna Gibson, at home, and Mrs. Edna Lee Gay, of Cortland, Ohio; and three sons, Raymond Gibson, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Richard Gibson, at home; and Samuel Gibson, of Marlinton; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Florence Lightner, at Dunmore. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at the home near Frost by the Rev. Ray1 mond Sidney Pinch, with buna in the Mountaja*View Cemetery

easier uinson




Lee Gibson, 66, died Friday. March 30, 1973, at the Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. / > ^ Born February 18, 1907, at. Edray he was a son the late Levi and Lottie Gibson. He was preceded in death by one brother, Lou Gibson. Survivors include four nephews, Walter Gibson, of Fayetteville, North Caro'ina; John, ^ene and Clarence Gibson, all of Cleveland, Ohio, and one niece, Wanda Kelley, of Frost. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the VanMrs. Dairie Gibson Reenen Funeral Home Chapel Mrs. Dairie Alice Gibson, 62, by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, of Monterville, died August 7, with burial in the Gibson 1983, in Davis Memorial Hos- Cemetery pp Elk. pital in Elkins. She had been in failing health for the past two Dock •. Gibsoi years. Dock Julian Gibson, 60, a She was born April 26, 1921, former resident of Marlinton, at Cherry Grove, a daughter of died Saturday, March 20,1976, the late Lee and Lettice Alice in East Lake Hospital, in WilBennett. She was reared in the loughby, Ohio, after a long illhome of her grandparents, Mr. ness. and Mrs. Dice R. Bennett, and Mr. Gibson was born in Pouncle, Jesse H. Bennett, of cahontas County, June 3,1915, Circleville. a ion of the late Mr. and Mrs. She was twice married, first Dock Gibson. He was precedto August Lemasters, who pre- ed in death by three brothers. ceded her in death in March, Survivors include his wife, 1962. Her second hsuband, Mrs. Betty Dumire Gibson, Warwick H. Gibson, whom she two daughters, Mrs. Connie married October 16, 1965, sur- Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio, and vives at Monterville. Miss Vickie Gibson, Miami, Also surviving are two sons, Florida; sisters, Mrs. Gilda Leslie Kindle Lemasters, of Wilfongand Mrs. Betty TallBeverly, and Ronnie Lee Leman, Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. masters, of Huttonsville; one Genelda Shields, of Colorado, sister, Mrs. Lucy Hedrick, of Mrs. Martha Crossan, of AriElkins; three brothers, Ezra zona, and Mrs. Lula Irvine, Bennett, Mingo, Arlie Bennett, of Marlinton; brothers, Jesse. Basil and Ted, Cleveland, Newport News, Virginia, and Ohio, Mike, of Hot Springs, Arthur Bennett, Ohio; and two Virginia, and Parker, of Margranddaughters. linton; and two grandchildren. She was a member of the Funeral services were held Methodist Church. Tuesday, March 23, 1976, aftThe funeral was conducted at ernoon in the Davis Funeral 2 p. m. on August 10 at the Home at Cleveland, Ohio, with Circleville Presbyterian Church the Rev. Donald Woodby. Burby the Rev. Robert Lowther, of ial was in the West Reserve Beverly, and interment was in Cemetery. j ^ ^ the Bennett family cemetery near Circleville.

Easter Gibson, of MarlYnton, died Friday, April 14, 1972, near Mace of an apparent heart attack while gathering ramps. Survivors include two brothers, Odie and Asby Gibson, both of Mill Creek, and one sister, Edna Gibson, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Mary's Chapel United Methodist Church near Slatyfork by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.


Baby John Richard Gibson Baby John Richard Gibson, ,aged two months, d> er 7, 1960, the only son of Howard S. and Linda Toney Gibson. Funeral ' services were held Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Czra Bennett at the Slaty Fork Methodist Churcl . Burial in he Gibson Cemetery. _,*-•

William Warrick Gibson Willi Warrick f5 ibson was born oi June 28. 186i, and died December 23. 1952, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sbowalter, at Slaty Fork, with whom he had ma^e his home for a number of years. Funeral services were held on Friday, December 2fith, at Mary's Chapel Church, on Elk, with the Rev. E. Clyde Bussard, of Ed ray, officiating and burial was made in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. Tbr pall bearers were: C. Morris, Carl and James Bero, Sidney Cline, John and Charles Showalter. Mr. Gibson, the son of Dr. David and Martha Stalnaker Gibson, of Elkwater, Kandolph County, was first married to Annie Cn'op, of Randolph County, who died many years ago. They had two children, now deceased. He later married Sallie Ratliff, of Elk, who died Febrdary 11, 1926. He is survived by one grandson, Warrick Gibson, and several nieces and Dephews. Mr. Gibson bad been ill for about eight weeks. He will be sadly missed by all his frier ds and relatives who knew him as "Uncle Bill."

Sherman Gibson Harlan Gibson Sherman Gibson, aged 18 years Harlan Gibson, 85, of Marlindied on Wednesday, March 28, ton, died Saturday, June 28. 1945. For the past five years he 1975, in the Memorial General had been in failing health. On Hospital, at Elkins. i Friday afternoon, his body was He was a retired logger, farmlaid to rest in the family plot in er and miner; He was a memMt. View cemetery. The funeral ber of Marys Chapel Methowas conducted from the home dist Church, Slatyfork. near Frost, by Rev. James O Survivors include bis wife, Wool. Pearl Gibson, of Marlinton; Thus is noted the passing of a three sons, Jimmie Gibson, of prominent citizen of Pocahontas Marlinton, Ralph Gibson, of County—a leading farmer and Staunton, Virginia, Glen, of business man. He had spent his Hot Springs. Virginia, one entire life on the farm on which daughter, Mrs. Mildred Sage, he was born. of Valley Head; one brother, Mr. Gibson was a son of the Dock Gibson, in Denmar State late Samuel Gibson, a former Hospital, at Beard; and one sheriff of Pocahcdns County. sister, Mrs. Birdie Varner, of Forty-six years ago he married Kopperston; 20 grandchildren, Miss L. Katherine Dever, slaugh- and 37 great-grandchildren. ter of Samuel G. Dever, or HighServices were held Monday, land County. She and their six in Marys Chapel C h u r c h children survive: Raymond of with the Rev. Willis Cornelius Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Samuel officiating. Burial was in GibGilmer, of Lewisburg; Richard, son Cemetery at Slatyfork. Samuel, GJenna and Edna Lee. OT his'father's family there reThe funeral of French I • mains a brother, Samuel, of Indi- aged 53 years, who died from a' ana heart attack Monday, December 1943, was held from the Marlinton Presbyterian chinch on Uriah Max Gibson last WedDesd rnoon bj pastor, Rev, James C. Wool. InUriah Max Gibson, 52, died terment in the family plot, Mt. in the Veterans Hospital, ir Vie* Cemetery. The honorary Beckley, on Thursday, M a j pallwarers, Trviii Dun brack, B. 23, 1963, after a long illness, L. Gum, Adam Baxter, Calvin W from a heart attack, QS Price. James Brooks, t . A. HudHe was born at Elk NovemV . F. McLaughlin, K. B. ber 16, 1910, a son of the late olaven, Harlow WarJgh. Active Jacob and Mollie Gibson. era, J. 'A a, Mack Survivors include a sister, Brooks, Eric S. Clutter, Paul OvMrs. Merle Meeks, of Cleveerholt. Frank McLaughlin, Arden land, Ohio; and a half-brother, Killings worth, C. L. Smead. The Winston Gibson, of Poca. flow-ei bearers, Mrs Carl Glad well Funeral services were held Misa Bly Dever, Miss Alice Dever Saturday afternoon, in Mary's Miss Mabel Lang, Mrs Paul £>vChapel Presbyterian Church erholt, Mrs Sterl McElwee, .Mrs on Elk, by the Rev. Robert Barton Grimes, Mi* Anna H. Ray. Burial was in the Gibson Thomas; Mrs Ilcrbprt Vaughan, Cemetery. Mrs CarJ Friel, Miss Margaret McLaughlin.

James Gibson James Gibson, aged 87 years, died at his home on Elk, Friday. November G, 19.12. He suffered a stroke of paralysis two weeks before. Sunday bis body was laid to rest in the liihson cemetery. The funeral was conducted from Marys Chapel by Rev. J. C. Wool and Rev R. H. Skaggs, in the presence of a large congrega,; ~n. Thus is noted the passing of one of our oldest and best known citizens. He was a son of the late William and Polly Gay Gibson. He married Martha Hannah who preceded him four years ago. They are survived by five sons, Dock, Forrest, Harlan, Winters and Summers; by two daughters, Sar .rd Gibson, aged 11 years, was Mrs Harry Varner and Mrs Wil- |I killed v* the accidental disci, ;rge of liam Miller. Two sons, Levi I his shot gun while squirrei hunting and Frank, a n d a daughter, near his home on Dry Branch of Elk, Lulu, preceded their parents. Monday, Sept 16, 1935. He was last seen about 11 o'clock and his body Of his father's family th was found about 4 o'clock that aftermain a brother, Ro Kc " noon. The sigu indicated Sanford and a sister, Mrs J t had struck the hammer of his gun lin, of Brimfield, Ii in climbing over a big rock. The charge took effect in his chest. Sanford was the second son of Mr and Mrs Dock Gib; I and a fine boy of great promise. L»n Wednesday afternoon, his body was buried in the Gibson grave y.ird, the f'ji erni being onducted from Mary Gibson Chapel by his pastor Rev. O lS Miies.



inrs. nancj ueiuci uiuuvic

Mrs Nancy Margaret He'ner Gilmore was born August 19, 1876 and passed away at her heme on Stony Creek on Saturday May 7, 1919 after a long illnefs, aged ii years, .8 mouths and IS days. She was the daughter of the late L. A. and Naomi Gal ford Hefner of Swago. 0r» M p t . 19, 1906, she was united iu marriage to Wm. H. Gilmore, who with their two children survive, Lanty P. Gilmore and Mrs. Ralph Elliot. Also three grandsons, Robert, Billy and Danny Gilmore, all of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Robert Pull'enbarger, a brother s d g a r M. Hefner and a host of other relatives and friends. The funeral was held at the West Uuion Church on Monday afternoon by her former pastor, Rev. R. H. Skaggs, assisted by Rev. R. H. Crawford. Burial in the Cochran cemetery. Mrs. Gilmore united with the Methodist Church at "the age. of 16 and remained loyal to her Christian faith both in her church and home. She rejoiced in her love and loyalty to her SiviOr and many times during ber illness, expressed ber readiness to meet Him, who said "Come unto me, all ye, who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest," She was a devoted wife and mother, a good neighbor, and a kind and loving friend to all who knew her. She was truly a virtuous woman, whose pries is far abovf rubies. Strength and honor were ber clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come. She looketb well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children riscr-jpL,an$r call her blessed; her husband also, end he praised her. I cannot say and I will not say that she is dead. She is just away^ Think of her still as the' same I She is not dead, sheas just away.

.Mrs. Jennie Jordan Gilmore of Mill Gap, Highland County, died on Sugday morning: at thd horas of her sonTSTack Gilmore. aged 86 years. She was the widow of the late Captain JSamoeJ Gflioore, who died last sum •mer. Dr. 10 G. Ilero'J of Marlinton is of her grandsons The deceased was a native of Pocahontas*) raised in .the Levels, her maiden name being '.Jordan. ..


Mirjotii Gilmore Lydii Gilmoro Ronald Norman, 17, Marjorie Suzanne, 13, and Lydia Car* ol Ann Gilmore, 3, children of Galen Lee and Jerry Corley Gilmore, of Mill Creek, burned to death in a fire at their home early Wednesday morning, May 5,1976. Ronald, born January 5; 1959, at Tucson, Arizona, was a member of the junior class at Tygarts Valley High School. Marjorie, born February 26, 1963, at Tye, Texas, was a member of the sixth grade class at Mill Creek Grade School. Lydia, born September 12, 1972, in Elkins. In addition to their parents, they are survived by two broth era, Richard and Tommy Gilmore, and one sister, Katherine Gilmore, all of Mill Creek; paternal grandpareaia, H i . and Mrs. G. W. Gilmore, Mill Creek; and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Woody Corley, also of Mil! Creek. Joint funeral services were held Friday at the Tomblyn Funeral Home in Elkins by the Rev. Samuel Butcher, pastor of the Mill Creek United Methodist Church, and the Rev. William H. Gilmore Frank Long, pastor of the Mill William H. Gilmore, 93, of Creek Memorial Mission Marlinton, Route I, died Church. Interment at MounFriday, December 22, 1972, at tain State Memorial Gardens. Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. Lanty Gilmore _ Born May 9, 1879, at MarLanty Paxton Gilmore, 74, linton, Route 1. he was a son died at his home at West Unof the late George P. Gilmore ion, Sunday, September 27, and Loretta Duncan Gilmore. 1981, of a heart attack. He was a member of the Mr. Gilmore was a retired West Union United Methodist Deputy Assessor, and a former Church and a retired farmer. Navy Yard carpenter. He was He was preceded in death by a member of the West Union his wife, Nancy Hefner GilMethodist Church and 182 Odd more, Mav 7, 1949, and a Fellows, Encampment III. brother, U. S. Gilmore, in Born near Marlinton, Au1957. gust 26, 1907, he was the son Survivors include one son, of the late William H. and Lanty P. Gilmore, and one Nancy Hefner Gilmore. daughter. Mrs. Ralph (Ruth) Surviving him are his wife, Elliott, both of Marlinton, Verlee Lewis Gilmore, three Route 1; three grandsons and sons, Robert L. Gilmore, Bend, seven great-grandchildren. Oregon; William H. Gilmore, Services were beld Sunday and Daniel R. Gilmore, both afternoon in the West Union of Marlinton; eight grandchilMethodist Church by his pasdren; a Bister, Ruth G. Elliott, tor, the Rev. Alfred Gum. forMarlinton. mer pastor, the Rev. Ezra BenServices were held at 11 a. m. nett and the Rev. Clarence Wednesday in VanReenen FuLewis, of Bristol. Tennessee. neral Home by Rev. B. B. Burial was in the Cochran Mitcham, with burial in CochCemetery. ran Cemetery. George Webb Gilmore, 74', a. esident of Mill Creek, died JVednesday, March 17, 1982, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins. Born October 29, 1907 Woodrow, he was the son of the late Silvester and Josephine Friel Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore was a fanin the Woodrow area for many years before moving to Mil! Creek. He was a heavy equipment operator at the time of his retirement and was employed by the Myles Lumber Ccmpany. He was a United Methodist by faith. Surviving him, in addition to bis wife, are two sons, Galen Gilmore, of Mill Creek and Junior Gilmore, of Warren, Ohio; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. On August 12, 1930, he was married to the former Wilma Dilley, who survives at Mill Creek. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon by Rev. Tom Malcom in the United Methodist Church at Mill Creek. Burial was in the Brick Church Cemetery at Hiitr.nnavillff. _r

U. S. Gilmore Uriah Sylvester Gilmorej aged 76 years, of Marlinton, died on Friday night, May 17, 1957. He; suffered a heart attack, and died | a, half hour after being taken to i the Pocahontas Memorial Hos-; pital. ; On Tuesday a f t e r n c n the funeral was held from West Union Methodist Church by Rev.. E. E. Jett, of Mill Creek, and Rev. Ezra Bennett, of the Edray charge. His body was laid in the Cochran Cemetery, on Stony Creek. He was a member cf the Marlinton Independent Order of Odd , Fellows, Number 182, and thej Pocahontas Encampment Number 111. Born March 26, 1881, he was a' son of the late George P. and Loretta Duncan Gilmore, of near Marlinton. He was preceded in ! death by his wife, Josephine Friel Gilmore, who died a year ago. Survivors include one brother, ^William H., of Marlinton; one son, George Wilburn, of Mill Creek; three grandsons, Ellis .W. and Keith Gilmore, both of Akron, Ohio; and Sergeant Galen Gilmore, of Tuscon, Arizona. Mr. Gilmore was a retired lumber scaler and grader. He sold insurance for the past several ! years. He was an upright man j a prominent citizen. MRS. JOSEPHINE GILMORE Mrs, Nebraska Josephine Friel Gilmore, age.i 75 years, died at 5:30 a. m ; Monday, December °6. 1955, in a Weston hospital. Death was attributed to a heart] condition. She had be^a in ill i health for sixteen years.^-Mrs. Gilmore was a member of the White's Ch'apel Methodist Church at Woodrow. Born at Fairview on December 19, 1880, she was the daughter of Newton and Virginia Stulting Friel, of Hillsboro. Survivors include her husband, U. Si Giimo.e; UK.. fcj'—<-- »nd Dee, all of MarP'.'.Jn; three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Lathrop, of Marlinton; Mrs. Lottie Sutton 'of Cass; and Mrs. Grace McLaughlin, of Mountain' Grove, Virginia; one son, G. ,'vV., of Mill Creek; grandi children and one gr^at-grand 'child. . Funeral services were cor.ductm the West Union Church a t ' 2-jD<J p. m., Wednesday with the Rev. fizra Bennett, pastor, and the.Rev. R. H. Skaggs, former g. Burial in ! Cemetery.

George Preston Gilmore died at the Mrs. Nola Gingar, aged 7'2 home of his son, William H. Gilmore on Stony Creek, on Thursday, July 8, years, died on Friday, October 17, 1926. His age was 68 years. For 1947. She had been in failing many months he bad bee.'i in failing health for some years. OD Sunhealth, having some affeculon of the day afternoon the funeral was held heart. Friday his body was buried from the Marlmton Presbyterian in the Cochran graveyard, the ser Church by Rev. Bogcr p . Melton; vices being conducted by Rev. Nelson burial was in the Huntersville S Hill. @W&> George P. Gilmore was born in Cemetery. The deceased was the widow of Randolph county at Valley Head. His parents were James P. and the late George W. Gingar, of: Amanda Ware Gilmore. Of seven Huntersville. Their children are children two are now alive, J. W. Mrs. Joe Emerick, of HuntingGilmore, of Marlinton, and Mrs. ton; Mrs. E. C. Cunningham, of Minerva Bennett, of Huttonsville. Oyster Point, Virginia; Kyle Mr. Gilmore came to Pocahontas county in early manhood, His wife Gingar, of Detroit, Michigan: and was Miss Loretta .Duncan, of Stony Prentiss Gingar, of Huntington. Creek. She has been dead about 24 She was a daughter of the late years. Their children are Wm. H. Charles L. and Mary Martha Mcand U. S. Gilmore. Laughlin Moore. Her sisters are The deceased.was an upright; citi- Mrs Lucy Clark, Mrs. Osca>- O'zen and the world is better for his Connell, Miss Madge Moore.and having lived in it. For forty-five Mrs. Blanche Timbers. Her years he was a professing Christian and member of the Methodist Church brothers are Elihu, of Iiuaterstfille, and Vernon, of California.

Jeromy L. Gilmore Jeromy Lee Gilmore, 19, a resident of Mill Creek, died at 1;45 p.m. Sunday. May 11, 1997, at Davis Memorial Hospital following an extended illness. Mr. Gilmore was born July 11, 1977, at Grantsville, a son of Tommy Lee and Sherry Lynn Coen Gilmore, who sur- GILMORE vive at Mill Creek. Also surviving are one brother, Ronald Michael Gilmore, Mill Creek; one sister, Sabrina Renae Gilmore, Mill Creek; his paternal grandparents, Galen and Jerry Mae Gilmore, Mill Creek; his maternal grandparents, Coy and Drema Coen, Glenville; his maternal great-grandmother, Thelma Pearl Britt, Oak Hill; his paternal great-grandmothers, Ethel Mae Corley and Wilma Gilmore, both of Mill Creek; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. He was preceded in death by his maternal great-grandfather, Dennie Britt, and his paternal great-grandfathers, Wood Corley and Webb Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore was a 1995 graduate of Tygarts Valley High School where he participated in football, track and the weightlifting program. He attended Glenville State College and Davis & Elkins College where he received the Academic Achievement Award in the Upward Bound Program. He had been employed by B and S Contracting of Harrisonburg, Va., and was a member of Mill Creek United Methodist Church.

Mrs. Lola Gilbert Mrs. Lola Conrad Gilbert, 79, of 500 F St., South Charles ton, died Wednesday, May 17, 1967, a t her home. A member of the First Baptist Church, a resident of South Charleston, for 33 years,, she was born Ju!y 4, 1887. 4 £ * - r e Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Ellen Morgan, of South Charleston; a son, Fletcher L. of St Petersburg, Florida; brothers, Charles E. Gum, of Buckeye, Matthew Gum, of Bartow, Markwood Gum, of Arbovale. Funeral services were held Saturday in South Charleston First Baptist Church by the Rev. Warren Moyer. Buria 1 in the Cunnitgham Memorial Park Mrs. Garcia Hefner Gilbert Mrs. Garcia Hefner Gilbert, 59. died in the Denmar Hospital at Beard Thursday, September 25, 1969. The daughter of the late Ross and Mary Rider Hefner, she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs, and Mrs. Annie Watson, of White Sulphur Springs, and a foster son David. Services were held Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Maynard Crawford in the Van Reenen Funeral Home with burial at May's Chapel on Anthonys Creek. 'Billy Mike" Gillilan died at his home on Droop Mountain on January 12,1926, aged 77 years. He'Is sur I vived by his wife and a number of | children.

Z j

miss uienna * . UIUBUU, • «,, Woodrow Gibson departed this life of Marlinton, died 1:20 p.m., Jannary 19, 1929, at the home of his rbunnoud Wallace Gibson was March 20,1984, in the Roanoke granbfather James Gibson on Elk. born on September 21, 1917, and Memorial Rehabilitation Cenj The cause of his death was an abcess dieH on July 1, 1951, aged 33 of the head and blood poison followyears, 9 months and 9 days. He ter after a long illness. She was |( ing an attack of influenza. Woodrow | was son of Winston Gibson and the daughter of the late Sherwas born November 11, 1913 aged 15 Ada Gibson Woosly, On July 12 man and L. Kate Gibson, of years, 2 month and 5 da 1939. he married Mrs. Orpba Har Frost. Funeral services were conducted by She was a member of the ris Weaver. To this union was Rev. Miles at Mary's Chapel church. Marlinton Presbyterian The pall bearers were Lee Barlow, born a s , Ray Jranklin. Church, a former member of I French Gibson, Dock Earner, Price The deceased is survived by his the Eastern Star at Huntersville Gibson, Altha McGuire, and Lou widow, their son, a step son, Gibson. The flower girls Here Lucille and a teacher for 38 years in the Wallace Warren Weaver, his par Gibson and Goldie Gaye Hannah ents, a sister, Mrs. Clyde Bever- schools of Pocahontas County. Woodrow was the son of Mr. and Surviving her are a sister, age, of Dunbar; a brother, NorMrs. Winters Gibson; besides his Mrs. Veva Gilmer and a brothparents he leaves two sisters. Grace mau Gitsou o f Miami; bis and Geneva, a brother, Dale, his grand-mother, Mrs. Susie Eider, er, Raymond L. Gibson, both of Marlinton. Preceding her in grandparents and a host of friends. and a host of friends. Interment was made h. the Gibson The funeral service was held death were brothers Richard A. cemetery. Gibson and Samuel S. Gibson from Mary's Chapel on Elk, by Sleep on dear one (0 Hev. R. H. Skaggs. Burial in he and a sistetr, Mrs. Edna G. Gay, And take thy rest, Services will be held at the Hannah cemetery. VanReenen Funeral Home at 2 God called thee home, The pall bearers were members' p.m., Friday, March 23, with He thought it best. of tbe Independent Order of Odd the Rev. Richard Newkirk offiVinson Henry Gibson Fellows. ciating. Burial will be in the William Henry Gibson, son Mountain View Cemetery. of the late Jacob A. and Lillie d QdiiLulitt Gibson Friends may call after 2 p.m. Varner Gibson, died on MonOdes Luther Gibson, 87, died Thursday at the funeral home, day, November 7,1977, in the Sunday, April 3, 1977, at in lieu of flowers contributwin County Community HosFairle8s Hills, Pennsylvania. tions to the cancer fund would pital at Galax, Virginia, after Born September 18, 1889, on be appreciated. a short illness. He was born Elk, he was the son of the late January 17, 1893, on Elk. Mr. James Lewis Gibson William Robert Gibson and Gibson had recently gone to James Lewis Gibson, 67, of Mary Ella Sharp Gibson. PreGalax to live with his son, Nor Slatyfork, died Friday, Decemceding him in death were his man. £?> ber 3, 1971, at his home after wife, Bessie Rankins Gibson, He is survived by one son, a long illness. and a sister, Florence Gibson. Norman Gibson, Galax, VirBorn at Edray, February 7, Surviving him are three chilginia; one daughter, Mrs. 1904, he was son of the late dren, Mrs. Cora Beale, of St. Clyde Beverage, of Nobleton, Levi and Lottie GibsonPetersburg, Florida, Mrs. DorFlorida, five grandchildren: He was a retired merchant othy Abrahams, Mrs. Betty Lee Roy Gibson, of Marlinton, md farmer. Moheny, both of Fairless Hills, Carole Casdorph, Charleston, Pennsylvania; a brother, WilMr. Gibson was a member Judy Lovejoy, of Nitro, Shir0 liam Gibson, Marlinton; sisters, jf the Eagle Lodge. (L^ ley McClanahan, Galax, VirMrs. Allie Gibson, Marlinton, ginia, and Lee Gibson of Fort Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ona Thomas, Hinton; Hood, Texas; eight grandchilMrs. Alma Moore Gibson; five grandchildren and seven dren. A son, Thurmond, and a four sons, Clarence, Gene and great-grandchildren. daughter, Ozalia, preceded-him John Gibson, all of Cleveland, in death. Ohio, and Walter L. Gibson, Funeral services will be held of Fayetteville, North CaroFuneral services will be held at the VanReenen Funeral lina; one daughter, Mrs. Wanon Thursday at one P. M., at Home Thursday at 2 P. M., da Sue Kelley, of Huntersville, VanReenen Funeral Home with Rev. Willis Cornelius ofand one brother, Lee M. Gibby the Rev. Larry Albright ficiating. Interment in the son r of Marlinton. with interment at the Gibson Gibson Cemetery. Cemetery. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at Mary's Chapel United Methodist Church near Bernard R. Gibsoi •I^ck Hillie Gibson, aged 21 years, Slatyfork by the Rev\ Alfred LI tnoMht and 24 dajs, died at bl* Bernard R. (Duck) Gibson, Gum, with burial in the Gibnoma la Marlinton on Wefinesda'-. 52, died of a heart attack ,at son Cemetery. vi^irst "Hi. L9JKK lie had been In his hom« in Chicago, Illinois, f'iiilrm health tor some Mum, bit lea'chcati -i suddenly and unexpected on May 15, 1977. iy. On Thursday afternoon Ins body He was the son of the late was, b tried in I he Gibson cemetery Summers and Sallie Yates on. "Elk, the funeral bein^ conducted! front Marys Chapel by Rev. O N Gibson. Surviving are his wife, Mary, The deceased wa* a son of Harlan: and a brother, Scottman, of and the late (o*ie Jordan Gibson. He: Phoenix, Arizona. Another is survived By his wire. Mrs Marga brother, Rupert, dfed on the rPt Bright Gibson and tlvir sir. fl v» Aircraft Carrier Yorktown and Billy Joe; also by his faulier, a sister: Mr. Gibson was a survivor of Mrs Mildred S*tre. of Shay J&rK, auu. the same ship. three half brotliers. _\ Services were held in Chicago. Thurmond W. Gibson


Archil Gibson Archie Gibson, 67, of Elk Rt. Marlinton, died Monday, June 19,1978, in Charleston General Hospital after an extended illness. He was a farmer and coal miner and a member of the Slatyfork Methodist Church. The son of Samuel M. and E mma Showalter Gibson, he was born on March 4,1911, on Elk. One sister and one brother preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Cora, a stepson, Howard S. Gibson, of Rich wood, five grandchildren; a brother, Henry E. Gibson, of Rainelle, and a sister, Ruth. Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday in the Slatyfork Methodist Church by the Rev. 8.B. Mitcham, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.

H. M. Gilmore Henry Mifflin iGilmore, aged 68 years, died on Saturday evening, April 16,19551 He had been ill for six weeks \6r more. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from the home by his pastor, Rev. s Don\ Taylor. His body was laid in trie family plot i in Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Gilmore is survived by his wife, Mrs. Verna Wil\iams Gilmore. He was a son ot, the late William and Annie Lighrner Gilmore. His sister is Mrs. Amanda Moss, of Elk. ^ ^ . For thirty years this good citizen was associated with the Smitr Funeral Home. He was a veteran of the First World War.

Parker Gibson James Parker Gibson, 63, of Marlinton, died Sunday, May 14, 1989, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired coal miner and member of Mary's Chapel Church He served in the Marines in World War II and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The son of Dock and Jettie Showalter Gibson, he was bom at Lin wood November 22, 1925. His wife, Lois Ann White Gibson, and his parents preceded him in death. Surviving him are four sons, Stephen D. Gibson, of Smithfield, Virginia, Daniel H. Gibson, of Organ Cave, Gary D. Gibson, of Marlinton, and Hugh K. Gibson, of Fairlea; four grandchildren; nine brothers and sisters, Jesse Gibson, of Madison, Ohio, Basil Gibson, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mike Gibson, of Hot Springs, Virginia, Ted Gibson, of Phoenix, Arizona, Lulafaye Irvine, Marlinton, Gilda Wilfong and Betty Tallman, both of Cleveland, Ohio, Genelda Shields, Colorado springs, Colorado, and Martha Crossman, Phoenix Arizona. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.

Richard A. Gibson, Jr. Richard Alton Gibson, Jr.* 45, of New Freeport, Pennayl-' vania, died Tuesday, November 18,1975, at the West Virginia Medical Center in Morgantown, after a short illness. Mr. Gibson was a graduate of West Virginia University and a veteran. Born at Frost August 23, 1930, he was the son of Mrs. Dolly Kennison Elligson, of Severna Park, Maryland, and the late Richard A. Gibson. Besides bis mother he is survived by his wife, Myra Hildreth Gibson, two sons, Richard III, and Andrew; a sister, Mrs. Kay Moose, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina; a half Bister, Cathy Gibson Barker, Falls Church, Virginia, and stepmoth er, Mrs. Alice Sheets Gibson, of Marlinton; two aunts, Miss Glenna Gibson and Mrs. Veva Gilmer, and an uncle, Raymond Gibson, all of Marlinton. Services will be held at 1:00 Friday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, and Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery.


Mis.tfiff Giimore &/ Mrs. Verna Williams Gilmore, 66, of Marlinton, died at her home on Wednesday, December 25, 1968, after a short illness. She was born April 10,1902, at Sue, in Greenbrier County, the daughter of the late Henry Paskal Williams and Mrs. Martha Hoover McKeever Williams. Sh? was also, a direct descendant of the Hueh McKeever family, who settled in the Stamping Creek area, about 1766. Mrs. Gilmore was a member of the United Methodist Church, a retired practical nurse of the .Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, a member of the Pocahontas Home Demonstration Club, and past President of the Women's christian Tempersnce Union. She was preceded in death by her husband. Miff Gilmore, one brother, G. K. Williams, and one sister, Glenna G. Williams. s:r Survivors include three listers. Mrs. Eunice Campbell, oftStauuion,. Virginia, Mrs. DortslPifer, of Dublin, Virginia, and Airs. Ruth Lock_hart, of White Sulphur Springs Funeral services were held Saturday aftirrcor in tre Marl nton Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with burial in the Mountain View Cerretfry. It may justifiably be said of Mrs. Gilmore. that she lived her life well and largely for the serv' hers. Robert K. Gilmore Robert Keith Gilmore, 39,* of Warren. Ohio and a native of Marlinton, died Sunday, June 24, at Hemlock. Born June 28, 1934, at Marlinton, he was the son of Wilburn and Wilma Dilley Gilmore, of Mill Creek. Surviving are his wife, Virginia Arbogast Gilmore; one son, David Glen, and two daughters, Donna DiAnn and Deborah Kay, both at home, two brothers, Ellis, of Warren, Ohio, and Galen, of Mill Creek. Mr. Gilmore was a member of the East Farmington Free Will Baptist Church in Bristolville, Ohio. Funeral services were held on Wednesday from Mount Olive United Methodist Church at Hemlock, with Rev. Frank Long and Rev. Owen Lee officiating. Interment followed at Mount Olive Cemetery.

Dr. Meonmoj «•«•«• Mrs. W. W. Goddin Walter G. Good Dr. McChnney Goodall. 62. Mrs. Texie Olga Stalnaker Walter Glen Good, 80, of of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Caes, died Wednesday, July 25, Goddin, 56, of Marlinton died died Friday, January 12.1979, 1973, in an Ohio hospital after Wednesday, Apri 9, 1969, at at the Medical College of Vira short illness. a Beard hospital, where she ginia, in Richmond, following was employed. Death was atHe had lived in Cass for the a short illness Mr Goodall tributed to a heart attack. past 30 years and was a member had been hurt at Thanksgivof the Cass United Methodist Born in Elkins December ing by a falling tree on his Church and Cass Riverside •tt 1912 she was the daughfarm on Allegheny Mountain Lodge No. 124, Ancient Free ter of Kenton A. Stalnaker of just over the line in Highland and Accepted Masons. Worthington, and the late County but it is understood Nora A. Stalnaker. He was a retired engineer for his death was not caused by the Chesapeake and Ohio RailShe was a member of the the injuries. road. Marlinton Presbyterian ChurHe was well known in upper ch, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Survivors include his wife, Pocahontas County. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post Verna McLaughlin Rock Good; He was a native of Staunton. and Daughters of America. two daughters, Mrs. Hubert In 1965 he became the first Payne, of Shinnston, and Mrs. One step-son W . F . Goddin, director of research at Shriner'a Paul McLaughlin, of Chillicot he preceded her in death. Burn Institute in Texas and Ohio, one son, Cortez, of VirOther survivors include her was credited with research leadginia Beach, Virginia, one sising to the discovery of L-Oopa, h u s S d , W. W. Goddin; one ter, Mrs. Emma Armentrout, daughter.Mrs.D.D. (Harriet) used in treating Parkinson's of Parsons, 17 grandchildren Silva, of Alpine, Texas; one Disease. and 22 great-grandchildren. son J W. Weese, of Mount Survivors include his widow, Services were held Sunday Mrs. Wayne Stokes Goodall; Lake, New Jersey and one step-son, K..W. Goddin, of afternoon at Arbovale United a daughter, Mrs Bettine Car- Madison, Ohio; one brtther, Methodist Church with Rev. roll, of Savannah, Georgia, and Charles E. Stalnaker. ctShinn Billie Helmick in charge. Burial four sons, Ellison, MeChesney, was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Jr., Pendleton and William, all ston; two sisters, Mrs. W. A . Graveside rites were conduct at home; two grandchildren Barrickman, of Elkins and ed by Cass Riverside Lodge Mrs. J. W. Herndon of Seyand two sisters. numbers. Services and burial were in mour, Indiana, and three grandchildren. Staunton. Marvin Allan Gilbert Funeral services, were held lharles tiwood boms Marvin Allan Gilbert, son of Saturday morning in the Mar _ wood Coins, aged 39 inton Presbyterian Church the late W. G. Gilbert and m El Ch-r!es Nellie Cochran Suttle, of years, died ^ ^at^ ^7:45 ^ ^ p. ^ ^m. on Sat- w the Rev. Donald Wood Charmco died, January 10, burial was in the Memorial urday, January 7, 1956, at his 1982, after a long illness. home near Marbnton. He had hardens at Gilman. He was born September 10, been ill for one week with pneu1931, at Beard. He entered SP-4 Lsrry GoHlzee < ^ monia. Death was attributed to SP-4 Larry Jeff Goldizen^ 20, the armed forces in 1951, and a heart attack. served in combat in Korea. He was a member of the MarIn addition to his mother, linton Veterans of Foreign Wars States flriu3 »•» _ • he by two Bisters, 1 9 bfi m a n Post and a veteran of World War Sunday, June 13, J ; _ G £ r . survived Bedford (Ocie) Sharp, of automobile accident m w * II. Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Born at Mabscott, on February m Mrs. Edgar (Thelma) Brinklejr, He 'was a member of the 5, 1916, he was the son of the of Millboro, Virginia; two late Charles 0. and Ruth Hicks Church of God on Beard brothers, Clarence of Guilford, Heights, Marlinton. and Merel, of New Haven, Contioins, of Fayetteville. Born May 19,1956. at Mar- necticut; eight nieces; thirteen Survivors include his wife, Lol i nephews. Gertrude Symes Goins; one half linton, he was the son of.Samp brother, Lowell Goins, of Beckley; ,on and Gladys Hesse Goldizen. He was preceded in death by Two sisters preceded him in one sister and one brother. two half sisters, Erathul and Myrtle Goins, both of FayetteJoe /IgftfcH Funeral services were cone; two brothers, Ollie and He is survived by his parents, ducted January 14. by Rev. ooins, both of Fayetteville; five sisters, Mrs. Madeline Gaumore. « nUter Mrs. Shirley Biller, Steven Tnoiuaa. iu the Chapei of Garten; Mrs. Clara Perry, of ix brothers, Donald Goldmen of Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Ramelle. Burial FaveSvUle; Mrs. Belva Moore B was in the Starr Chapel Cemand Mrs. Fay Johnson, of Los etery in Warm Springs, VirAngeles, California; and Mrs. ginia. Cora Lee Hull, of Des Moines, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held m Iowa. — the Marlinton Church of God Wednesday by the Rev. Gary John Keith Goodman John Keith Goodman, P. F.C Jarrell, with burial in the Cochof the Army, died in Germany ran Cemetery. from injuries received May 19 when he stepped in front" of a moving bus. The body is being returned to his home at Accoville, Logan County. He was | the grandson of Mrs. Ed Gal[ford of Duniiiore.

On Sunday evening December 1 •^fj Vivian Lea Gowan ^ Deaf 1935, at i o'clock, the Death Angel Vivian Lea Gowan, 14 months silently entered the home of Mr and Mrs. J. b old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ivirs John Goodman, of Accoville, Lo Mrs. Jennie M William R. Gowan, of 312 Ya'erie gan County and claimed their darling aged 83, died a; baby, Janet Dorean, aged one year. Drive, Waverly, Ohio, died at: daughter, Mrs. C.z.~_._ 11:30 p.m., Monday, May 20,; two months and six days. Little Jan 1957, in the Chillicothe Hospital,; et became stricken with bronchial in Marlinton on Tuesday, c . h pneumonia and diptheria about three tember 29, 1959, following a long after a brief illness. weeks before her death and steadily illness. She was born March 24, 1956 grew worse. All was done that rned Mrs. Golding, whose home was at Marlinton, West Virginia. ical skill and loving hands could do, in Richmond, Virginia, before but the Lord knew best. Little Jan Surviving besides the parents et was a sweet loving child and the she came to live with her daughare a sister, Loretta Jean Gowan, fiower of their home. She leaves to ter, was the widow of Dr. J. B. at heme; the maternal grand- mourn her loss her father and mother Golding. She was born March father, Henry A. Sheets, of Wy- and her grand larents in Logan and 4, 1876, in Guilford County, andotte, Michigan; and the pa- Pocahontas counties. Her remains North Carolina. ternal grandmother, Mrs. Willa were laid to ri91 near Accoville in She is survived by six sons and ' Gowan, of Charleston, West Vir- Logan county December 3. Mrs. Good ma .will be remembered three daughters, J. D. Golding, ginia. Marshall, Texas; Fred B. Services were held on Thursday as Miss Mildreo Gal ford of Dunrrjore of Golding and R. D. Golding, of afternoon at the Green Bank Farmington, New Mexico; L. ft Of J£lara E. Good Methodist Church by Rev. Q. R. M. Golding and L. H. Golding, ^Cfara E.\ Good, age 64, of lArbogastand Rev. Ed. Thomas. ! of Laredo, Texas; and James B. Her body was laid to rest in the Stony Bottom, died Tuesday, Golding, of Varina, Virginia; October 3, 1995, in Pocahontas Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. C. P. Richardson, of MarMemorial Hospital, following a linton- Mrs. Dudley L. John, of long illness. Miss Maud Good Miami, Florida; and Mrs. Al W. Mrs. Good was a member of Bobo, of Lubbock, Texas. Miss Maud Good. 89, who the Alexander Memorial lived in Marlinton for many Services will be held Friday Presbyterian Church at Stony vea^s. died Tuesdav. February morning at 11:00 a. m. at the Bottom. 6. 1968. in an E. U. B. Home Frank A. Bliley Funeral Home -She was born July 21, 1931, at for the Aged, at Quincy. Pennby the Rev. Dr. Hickerson, with Cass, a daughter of the late Gilbert sylvania. burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery. and Nola Bennett Dahmer. Born at Broadway. Virginia, Seven brotheis and a sister also February 15, 1879. she was a preceded her in death. Vivian Lea Gowan daughter of th<> late Noah and Surviving her are her husband, • -Vivian Lea Gowan, Susan Hollar Good. Cortez W. Good; a daughter, months, little daughter " f V / Barbara Jean Wike, of Virginia ShP was a sister of the late and Mrs. William R. Gowanf'of Beach, Virginia; four sisters, Mrs. R. C. May, of Marlinton. Waver!v, umo, died on "" Mondav, Martha Levisay, of Staunton, *y 20, zu, 1957, 19f- in a Chillicothe May Surviving her are two brothVirginia, Beulah Moore, of •Ohio tab io Hospital. Hospit On Thursday. ers and three sisters. Marlinton, Juanita Filuta, of the "funeral uas he'd from Funeral services were held Augusta, Georgia; and a brother, een Bank Methodist Church, Friday in the EUB Church at Gilbert Dahmer, Jr., of Canton, with internment in the Artw Broadway, Virginia. Cemetery. • Ohio. Services were heldFriday at 2 •., The' Gowans are former resip. m. at the WaJJaee""and "vVaUace dents of Pocahontas County Grant Hazel Good Funeral Home Chapel at Arbov The maternal grandfather is, Grant Hazel Good, 60, husby Dr. Peter Maier. Burial Henrv Sheets, of Wvnn/WK band of Opal A. Good, died Wyandotte, followed in the Arbovale Cemetery^- Michigan, at his home, Rockdale Avenue, Churchville, Maryland, fhrsnee Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moses on Tuesday, May 2, 1967, attended the funeral of bis following a lingering illness. cousin, D. K. (Dizz) Goff, 75, 'Durbiv !iarc-!ce Goodsell, ajred Mr. Good was a member of died at his home near in Parsons Tuesday, May 23. 65 years the Bel Air Nazarene Church, Durbir1, oi; Sunday October J4, Mr. Goff died May 20, 1978, and a retired farmer. in Tucker County Hospital fol- 1951, from a heart attack. The He is survived by one son, lowing an extended illness. He fuDeral was conducted on Tuesday Ray G. Good, of Churchville, was a former employee of Ar- by his pastor, Rev. E. K. SawyeMaryland; one daughter, Mrs. mor Leather Company, former wrtb interment in the family cemEvelyn Bowers, of Landover, clerk of the County Court, for- etery. Maryland; one brother, Elvin The deceased issurvivrd by oi'^ mer member the Board of EdV. Good, of Forest Hill, Maryucation, and was general re- sun, John Goodsell of Okolinta, land; three sisters, Mrs. Lola ceiver for the Circuit Court, Miss.; one brother, Glenn Good-j Holmes, of Fawn Grove, PennVite President of the West sell of Day ton, Olio; two sisters, I sylvania, Mrs. Virginia ScotVirginia Soil and Water Con- Mrs. G. Latt, of Hendersonville, { ten, of Churchville, Maryland, servation Association at the N. C ; and Mrs. Virginia Cheflem J and Mrs. Duffie Crouse, of time of his death. His wife, Ka- of gel by. White Hall, Maryland, and torate Carper Goff and a four grandchildren. daughter, six sisters, and three grandchildren survive him. Funeral services were -held Friday afternoon in the Church Ruby Moses, Maudeline of the Nazarene by the Rev. Galford and Mabel Sharp also Neil High tower, with burial in f Mended the Goff funeral. the Bel Air Memorial Gardens J


miss nnme t. uooo Mrs. Cora Kershner Good Miss Annie E. Good, 87, Mrs. Cora Kershner Good. 88, af Droop, died Saturday, Jan« of Droop Mountain, died on.Weduary 23, 1971, in the Pocahon- nesday morning. October 29, 1958, tas Memorial Hospital after a at her home, afcer a long illness. long illness. Survivors include two brothers, She was a lifelong resident j Lonnie Kershner, of Denmar, and of Droop, and was a member ' Henry Kershner, of Droop Mounof the Mount Zion United tain; also four grandchildren, and Methodist Church at Droop. three great-grandchildren. Survivors include nieces and Funeral services were held Satnephews. urday afternoon, in the Mount Funeral services were held Zion Methodist Church, by the Tuesday afternoon in the Rev. Calvin Lewis. Mount Zion United Methodist 1 Burial was nude in the Whiting Church. Burial was in the i Cemetery. Whiting Cemetery. ^ ^ • f l j Waller L. Goff Walter L. Goff, 42, of Tup Baby Gary R. Goode pers Creek, was fatally woundGary R. Goode, six-monthed about 1:00 a. m. Friday at old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph a hunting camp on the Watoga Goode, of Droop Mountain, Park Road. He died enroute died Saturday, November 3, to the hospital. Surviving are 1962, in the Pocahontas Me-1 his wife,, a son, three daughmorial Hospital, after a short ters, his father, and three sisillness. I ters. Funeral services were conHis father-in-law, Ernest ducted Monday afternoon in Jake Heislop. 65, of Charlesthe Wallace and Wallace Chaton, was he'd in connection pel in Lewisburg with the Rev. with the slaying but released Ezra Bennett in charge. BuTuesday after a preliminary rial was in the Whiting Cemehearing. tery, m t. V. Goff J. V. Goff of Grafton, died June 18, 1967, in the medical center in Weston after a long illness. He was born at Marlinton. on February 4, 1895, a son of the late James and Anna Blank ensh'p Goff. His first wife was Hazel Lantz Goff. Surviving are his wife, Mae Hoover Goff, and eight children, four brothers, and two sisters. He was preceded in death by one son and one brother. Durhin—Mrs Gtoigianoa Baker Goodseli, aged 79 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs T. H. Cover, in Frank, November 3, 194-2. On Friday her body yeas laid to rest in the Bartow cemetery. She was the widow of the late John W. Goodseli. They are survived by six of their twelve children-—Clarence a n d Glenn; , Mrs Alice Cover, Mrs Harriet IFraxitr, Vis Pearl Latt, Mrs Virfgiuia Cbisholm:


MRS. JENNIE B. GOLDING Mrs. Jennie B. Golding, 83 formerly of Richmond, Va., died, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Craig Richardson, Tuesday night, .September 29, 1959. She had been in ill health for a number of years. Funeral service will be conducted at Frank A. Bliley funeral home, Richmond, Va., on Friday,; at 11:0> a.m. Mrs. Golding had many friends in Marlinton. i

Herbert S. Galford Herbert Samuel Galford, aged thirty years, was killed Friday night, January 1, 1943, when he was run over by a log train near Cass. He was a brakeman on the train, and it is thought he had fallen between the cars. On Monday afternoon, the funeral wait conducted from the Big Spring church by Rev. J. C. Wool; interment in the family cemetery, He was a member of the Presl yterian church. The deceased was a son of Samuel C. GaH'ord and the late Mrs. Minnie iframer Galford. His mother has been dead four years. He is sitrvived by his wife Mrs Ida Underwood Galford. His brothers are Elbeyt and Clyde Galford; his sisters are Mrs Thelma Mann. Mrs Eula Rhea and Mrs Beulah J. Rhea.

Wjlliam K. N. Good. 83, of Dunmore, died on Sunday, July 29, 1962. He was the pon of Samuel and Susan Shue Good. The deceased is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Clarence Holmes, of Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Louis Scotten, Churchville, Maryland, and Mrs. George Crouse, White Hall. Mar viand; two sons,. Hazel Good, of Rocks, MaryIt id, and Elvin Good, Forest Hill, Maryland;and one sister, Miss Annie Good, of Droop; twenty-one grandchildren, and thirty-five greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at the Kurts Funeral Home, Jarrettsville, Maryland, on Wednesday, August 1, at 1:30 p. m. with the Rev. John E. North officiating. Interment was in Bel Air Memorial Gardens. Luke Guthrie Edgar Luke Guthrie, 53. ol Covington, Virginia, died Wednesday, April 2, 1975, at his home from a small caliber revolver shot. His wife, Jessica, died a while later in a Roanoke hospital from a similar shot. The shootings are stil* under investigation. Mr. Guthrie was born November 10. 1921, in Cass, the son of John R. and Cosa Stonebreaker Guthrie. He was a steamfitter in construction work. Surviving him are a foster son, John Wayne Carr, in Germany; one brother, A. Roy Guthrie, of Roanoke, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Virginia Wiseman, of Covington, Miss Ava Guthrie, of Marlinton, Mrs. Mary Hilling, of Morgantown; and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral service was hel< Saturday afternoon in the chap el of the Arrit Funeral Home bj the Rev. Van Wheeler. Inter ment was in Alleghany Memorial Park. Preston Gullett Preston Gullett, 95, a past resident of Madison, died Saturday, November 24, 1962, at the Denmar State Hospital. Graveside services were held ' at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the State Cemetery at Denmar Hospital by the Rev. C. E. Boggs.

mrs. J. t. Grubbs Q) Koy Lee Grubbs Q / Mrs. Maude Delena C r Roy Lee Grub ft*, age 51, of 'as born in Rockbridge C-iu&ly. j Marlinton, d:ed on Wednesday, Virginia, August 19, 18.'.; tucJuly 16, 1958, of carbon mondaugbter of the late Mrs B oxide poisoning. Reynolds Hickman and Andrea: He was a veteran of World Hickman, and passed awa.r r.e tn^ 1 War II, ha' : ng served in Burma Pocahontas Memorial HOSM?-'] on and China. Monday eveL-ing, Noveo !<er 5 He was the son of J. E. Grubbs 1951, at 6:30 p. m. Althju-h ii< and the late Mrs. Maudelina failing health for several y..j«-o Ler Hickman Grubbs. death was a complete shoc ; •-•• h«" family and friends as her CODCf! Surviving him are his father, J. E. Grubbs; a sister, Mrs. Reid tion had been considered McNeill, of Marlinton; two broious only a few hours prev thers, Hunter Grubbs, in the death. United States Navy, and Robert The deceased was united >- rrzrGrubbs, of Marietta, Ohio. riage to James Edward C il>b;. Servicer will be held on Friday of Richmond, Virginia, wny u arafternoon at 2:00 o'clock at vives. To this union wer-i worn four children, one of whom, Jam- Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. es Menefee, an infant, preceded Herbert Pen- gton, with burial her. in Mountair view Cemetery. Surviving besides her husband, Charles Robert Grubbs n, are one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude McNeill, of Marlinton; three sons. Charles R. (Bob) Grubbs, 1 ^, Boy Lee, of Marlinton; Charles | of Marlinton, died of a heart Raymond (Bob), now of Ma.-iettaJ attack Sunday, March 1,1970. Ohio; and Omar Hunter, of the; Born March 30, 1909, he was U. S. Navy. Also three sisters: | the son of James and Maude Mrs. R. M. Stewart, of MarlinHickman Grubbs. His parents ton; Mrs. C. R Savory, of Richand one brother, Roy, precedmond, Virginia, and Mrs Mack ed him in death. Rowsey, of Norfolk, Virginia; He was a member of the and three brothers, Mack HickMrs. W. R. Guthrie Methodist Church, and a rejnsc, of Huntington; George Mrs. Hollis Mildred Moore tired iron worker. Hickman, of Roanoke, Virginia, Guthrie, 61, of Huntersville, Surviving him are one sister, >d C. W. Hickman, of Roseland, died Tuesday, June 22, 1971, in Mrs, Gertrude McNeill, of v-.ginia. the Pocahontas Memorial HosLexington, Kentucky, and one pital, after three days illness. brother, Hunter Grubbs, of Trenton, New Jersey. Born January 4, 1910, at the Moore farm on Knapps Funeral services were held at J. E. GRUBBS Creek, she was a daughter of the VanReenen Funeral Home James Edward Grubbs, 79. died the late Isaac Price and M y r t a Chapel Wednesday morning by at his home Friday, December 4, Herold Moore. / Q / the Rev. Maynard Crawford 1959, at 4 a.m. of a heart attack. She was a membCToTthe Westwith burial in the Mountain He had been in ill health for th: View Cemetery at Marlinton. minster Presbyterian Church. past few years. A graduate of Marlinton High Mr Grubbs was a retired postSchool, she attended Capital al worker. City Commercial College a"ffd Mrs. Mary Ann Cassell Green Born in Richmond. Va., April worked in Charleston for West Mrs. Mary Ann Cassell Green, 14, 1880, he was the son of Jame Virginia Brick, Family Service s 27, of Frankfort, Ohio, formerly F and Lou Woodie Grubbs. His and 23 years for G. M. A. C. of Cass, died March 5, 1962 in She had lived at her home on wife, M r s . M a u d e Hickman a Piriiippi hospital. Knapps Creek the past five Grubbs, preceded him in death. Survivors include her husyearp. Survivors include a brother, band, Terry Lee Green; her Clarence, and a sister, Miss Lula She was preceded in death parents, Odey and Nettie Great Grubbs, both of Richmond, Va.; by her husband, W. R. (Ted) house Cassell; a sister, Mrs. Guthrie, on September 6.1958. two sons, Charles Raymond 'Bob* Warren Hall, of Raleigh, North and two brothers, Andrew and of Marietta, Ohio, and Chief Pet-1 Carolina; four brothers, HowPrice. ty Officer Omer Hunter, stationard Cassell, of Arizona; Guy ed with the Nav./ at San Diego, Surviving her are two sisters, Cassell, of Raleigh, North CaroGenevieve Moore, of HuntersCalif., and a daughter, Mrs. Gerlina; Berk Cassell, of Welch, viU?, and Mrs. Doris Norbury, trude McNeill of Marlinton, with and Charles Cassell serving of Burbank, California. whom he made his home, ten with the Armed Forces. Funeral services will be held grandcKiktren and four greatThe funeral was conducted Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. grandchldren. on her 27th birthday, with the in the Marlinton Presbyterian Funeral services were conductRev. John H. Helms of ArboChurch by the Rev. Willis ed Monday afternoon in the Smith vale in charge. Burial was in Cornelius assisted by the Rev. Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. ; the Wanless Cemetery. Frank Johnston, with burial in W. E. Pierce. Burial was in the Moore Cemetery. Mountain View '>»etery.

w. K. butane n . William R. (Ted) GuthriX 54,1 of Charleston, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Saturday, September 6, 1958, en route to a Charleston hospital after suffering a heart attack. He was a clerk and carpenter and a member of Cass Presbyterian Church. Born at Hambleton, =" June 22, 1904, he was a son of Mrs. Cora Guthrie, of Marlinton, and the late John R Guthrie. Other survivors include his wife, Mrs, Hollis Moore Guthrie; three brothers, A. Roy Guthrie, of Roanoke, Virginia, John V. Guthrie, of Marlinton, and Luke E. Guthrie, of Dover, Delaware; and four sisters, Mrs. Beulah Cruikshanks, of Elkton, Maryland, Mrs. Virginia Wiseman, of Covington, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Hilling, of Morgantown, and Miss Ava Guthrie, of Marlinton. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


James R. Gragg James R. Gragg was born April 17, 1868, and died January 4, 1955. His body was laid to rest by the side of his wife who preceded him July 21, 1911. The family plot overlooks the Sprouse home, where he made his home with his eldest daughter, Mrs. Ressie Sprouse. He was a long time member of the Methodist Church. He was loved by all who knew him. Mr Gragg leaves five children: Mrs Ressie D. Sprouse, Ellet C. Gragg, both of Dunmore; Virgil [E. G'agg, Sharon, Pennsylvania; 'Mrs Bammie Johnson, Aurora, Illinois; Owen C. Gragg, Phoenix, I Arizona. His grandchildren are 23, and great grandchildren 45. What shall we do with the year ahead? 1 questioned my anxious heart, As we sto^d on the threshold of the day, j Packed and ready to start. And my heart made answer, How can we go With the road so steep and lon^? Surely, I said, \v- can start touny With a light hean, and a song. With only a step at a time to take And ojr mind and our vision clear. If we live by the moment, 1 said to my heart, There will be nothing to fear. 1 there will be strength for the hill ahead And for valleys that lie below, And God will be there, I said to my heart. And it answered, Let us GO. Rev. Cecil H. Marlow Mrs. Annie Gragg

Milly Rachel Kelley Gragg, born April '26, 1893, at Frost, West Virginia, departed this life at her boree in Greensboro, N. C , December 24, 1942, aged 48 years; seven months 28 days. Mrs Grajo-g was the daughter of Scott anJ Mii.tie Kelley who preceded her in deuth. She was united in marriage to Ellet C. Gragg of Frost, on September 3o, 1914. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, of Greens boro; one son, Roscoe, of Baltimore; two brothers, J. E. Kelley of near Dunmore, and Wilhur, of Alvon, one sister Mrs W. N, Thomas of Minnehaha Springs, W. Va. and a host of relatives and friends. The fureral was held it, the Frost Church at 2 p m. December 27, with Rev Mr. Saville officiating. Burial was in the Sprouse cemerer.y near Frost. The pall bearers were Henderson Sharp, Luster Shrtider, George McCar-| ty, Meade Curry, Clare nop Curry Stanley^Tluj'-ry, ILnbilLJ-irlines. Flo-,W- : girls, Louise and Zelma Moore, Creole and Marie Curry, Ma.viselle and Betty Sharp, Hildreth Towsend, Eleanor Chestnut, Ethel Braham, Mae Gay, Betty Joan, Shirley Belle and Martha Sprouse, Creola Grimes. Mrs. Gragg professed her faith in Christ and united with the Methodist church at Frost a number of years ago, and after moving to North Carolina she had he* membership transferred to the Bessimer Methodist Church | of Greensboro, of which she>was a faithful member and a devoted worker. Mrs Gragg was a loving companion and devoted mother. She will be iy missed by her relatives ai ,any friends. JT- '

Charles ft Bride Greafboiise Funen^ services for Charles McBride Greathonse, who died Friday morning, January 14, nt the home of Dr. and Mrs E.' R. Moorman, were held at their home Sunday at ca:30 p. m. with interment in t i e Moorman lot. Services were conduced by Rev. L. G. Tinnell, of Newsoms, tVirginia former pastor of Kilmarnook M. E. Church, and Rev. J. M. Dameron, present pastor. Mr, Greathouse was born in Philippi, W. Va., on August 15, 1866, but spent most of his life in Highland county, Virginia, ID 1891 he married Miss Fannie E, Ryder of Virginia, who died in 1928. He was a consistent and loyal member of t h e Bartow Methodist Church and active member of his lodge, the I. 0 . 0. F. JBe was the oldest of seven children, all of whom survive him except one sister, who died fsome years igo. For the past ten years Mr. Greathouse has made his home with his son in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Moorman, besides his brothers and sisters he is survived by three daughters and one son, Mrs E. R. Moorman, ef Kilmarnock, Mrs. V« b McCauley, Miss Mary Great house, and Guy Greathouse, a') of Durtin, and by ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren Since moving to this town Mr. Greathouse had spent a very quiet life but made many friends and was a great favorite with children hy whom he will be g r e a t l y missed. —Rappahonock Record.

Mrs. Annie Vashti Gragg, 72, died Wednesday, October Wiilia-a C. Greathouse 12, 1966, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte, Durbin,—William C Greath<ww, after a long illness. 78 year old retired Pocahcnttrt" County farmer died lure S:ifu She was a member of the DIED day, April 7, 1951, at the boo Poage Lane United Brethren a daughter, Mrs, Annie Cromer Mrs. Celia M. Gragg died De Church, at Clover Lick. a#ed tiftyA'so surviving are four < lt:. M. Monroe, after whieli ber I grandchildren and one greatI in the familj cemetery Services were .it 2 p. m. Mongrandson. In the grave jard-swi >pmg. day in Bethel Methodist Chu

John B. Gragg

Mrs. Helen Qirod

David Gragg, 80, a native of

Funeral services were conMrs. Helen Girod, of Owens, Durbin, and a resident of the ducted Thursday afternoon at a widely known musician of I. 0. 0. F. Home for the past the Shaver and Company Futhis area, died unexpectedly in three years, died Thursday, neral Home for John B. Gragg, her home Wednesday, October May 25, 1978, in the Davis 65, 209 38th Street, Vienna, 29, 1975. Memorial Hospital, where he who died Monday, October 1, had been a patient since March Mrs. Girod owned and oper1962, in the Camden-Clark 24, when he suffered a broken ated the Shinnston Music Store, Memorial Hospital following a hip and was confined to the a member, pianist and treasurbrief illness. hospital. er of the Owings United MethoThe Rev. Baber Morris was I dist Church, and a member of Mr. Gragg was born on June in charge. Burial was in the United Methodist Women 30,1897, at Durbin. He wat Mount Olivet Cemetery. of that church, was organist, at the son of the late Zeb and ElStand's Restaurant on Route Born March 23, 1897, at la Tallman Gragg. 73, was a member of Shinnston Cass, he was a son oi" uhe late He was a former deputy Rebekah Lodge 47, was secreLee and Stella Gragg. sheriff of Pocahontas County. tary of the quota Club of ShinHe was a member of Briscoe and had worked as a clerk in s nston, was a member of the Run Baptist Church, a retired general store in Durbin before Harrison County Federation of employee of the Wood County retiring. He was a member ol Musicians, and was a retired Board of Education, served in Winterburn Lodge No. 319 at employee of America District World War I and belonged to Green Bank. Office No 31, in Fairmont. the American Legion. Surviving are two daughters Mrs. Virginia M. Stone, o Surviving are her husbund, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dundalk, Maryland, Mrs Jack Girod; one son, four daugh Luddie Gragg; two children, Barbara A. Dillard, of Frank; ters, 11 grandchildren; four Mrs. Kathryn Perry, Parkerstwo sons, Howard D. Gragg, sisters, Mrs. Thelma Linger, of burg, and Charles King, Vienna Cumberland, Maryland, BudFairmont, Mrs. Eleanor Jacktwo brothers, D. M. and Page dy R. Gragg, of Durbin, one son, of Little Rock, Arkansas, Gragg, Parkersburg; three stepson, Franklin VandevenMrs. Ursuline Hamilton, of sisters, Mrs. Clemy Rice, Sisder, of Atlanta; one brother L,OS Angeles, California, and tersville; Mrs. Gertie Rose, and one half brother, Clarence Mrs. Jean Yost, of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, and Gragg, of Florida; and Eugene Maryland, and three brothers, Mrs. Mertie Blackwell, ParkMcCloud, of Ellerslie, MaryFred Sherbs, of Marlinton, Edersburg. Eight grandchildren land; one sister and three halfward Sherbs, of Dedham, Masand sixteen: great-grandchildsisters, Mrs. Mary Reid, of .-achusetts, and Nyal Sherbs, ren. West Springfield, Virginia, of Fairmont. j Mi*. Gragg was preceded in Mrs. Monta Lewis, Stafford, Services were held Saturday [death by two brothers Willis Virginia, Mrs. Elizabeth Corat 1. p. m. with the Rev. Aus bin, of Bridgewater, Virginia, tin Burrough and the Rev. [mi Dennis Gragg. and Mrs. Margie Tallman, of Ottis Linger officiating. BurNorton; fourteen grandchildren ial was in the Shinnston Maand ten great-grandchildren, sonic Cemetery. Mrs. Charles L. Gragg Parker David Gragg


Parker David Gragg, 68, of Marshfield, Missouri, died on Wednesday, November 8 1972, in a Marshfield hospital. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born May 17,1904, at Cass, he was a son of the late Anderson and Rachel Gragg, Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mamie U'right Gragg; one son, Jack Gragg; one dau ghter, Mrs. Norma Ross, one granddaughter and one greatgrandson, all of Marshfield, Missouri; one brother. Charlie Gragg, of North Madison, Ohio; one sister. Mrs. Mattie VanReenen, of Mariinton, and a ho3t of friends. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Fraker Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Howard Cow en and the Rev. Ravmond Boyd. Burial was in Timber Ridge Cemetery.

Mrs. Margie Elizabeth Gragg, 65, of Durbin, died Sunday. October 15, 1967, after a long illness. She had lived at Durbin for 36 years and was a member of the Church of the Brethren at Durbin. Survivors include her husband, Charles L. Gragg; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Frances Wright, of Morgantown, and Mrs. Dolly Ellen Varner, of Staunton, Virginia; four sons, Charles J. Gragg, of Fort Wavne, Indiana, Paul Donald Gragg, of Frank, Robert Allen Gragg, of Souderton, Pennsylvania and Lonnie Lee Gragg, of Hatfield, Pennsylvania; one brother, Harry Malcomb, of Marlinton, and 27 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Church of the Brethren at Durbin. by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Gum Cemetery.

also survive. One step-daughter, Betty Bennett, preceded him in death.

final rites were conducted from the Lonr Funeral Home Chapel Elkins, Sunday, at 4 p. m., by the Rev. Dav- „ id B. Rittenhouse, pastor of the Pocahontas Circuit of the Brethren Churches. Interment followed in I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery. Cheryl Jane Gragg

Cheryl Jane Gragg, aged six weeks, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Gragg, of Baltimore, Maryland, died on Saturday, January 12, 1957. The little body was laid to rest in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro on Tuesday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Ed Thomas from the Gragg home at Clover Lick. Surviving, in addition to her parents are one brother, Lawrence, and one sister, Mary, at home; her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Gragg, of Clover Lick; her maternal grandfather, Frank Long, also of Clover Lick.

Charles L. Gragg

Charles Levi Gragg, 74, of Ravenna, Ohio, formerly of Durbin, d;ed Frida y, January 4, 1974, at his home. He was a retired employe of Howes Leather Compan; in Frank and was a member o tha Brethren Church at Dur bin and IOOF Lodge. Survivors include four sons Paul Gragg, of Ravenna. Ohio Charles Gragg, of Fort Wayne Indiana, Lonnie and Rober Gragg, both at home; cw< daughters, Mrs. Mary Wright, of Morgantown, and Mrs. Dolly Varner, of Staunton Virginia: thirty grandchildren, ten great grandchildren atic two great-great grandchildren. Services were held Monday afternoon in the Brethren Church at Durbin by the R*v. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Gum Cemetery. (1/

James Brown Qngg

ElletC. Q r i i i A i / - ^ Ellet Cammeron Gragg, 89, of Maflinton, died Thursday, September 23, 1982, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born September 13,1893, at Dunmore, he was a son of th« late James* and Martha Gragg. Mr. Gragg was a retired welder and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Edna; four sons, Roscoe Gragg, of Churchville, Virginia, James and Owen Gragg, both of Marlinton, and Charles Gragg, of Weston; three daughters, Maybell of Cynthiana, Kentucky, Peggy, of Marlinton, and Bonnie, of Houston, Texas; a brother, Owen Gragg, of Sedona, Arizona; 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by sisters, Ressie, and Bammie; brother, Virgil, a daughter, Rachel Edna; and his first wife, Rachel.

Mrs. Edna Gordon


Mrs. Edna Gordon, age 83, passed away on August 19, 1966, in a Longmont, Colorado nursing home after an illness of two months. She is survived by nine children, Harlan Gordon, Westminster, Colorado, Cora Gordon, Denver, Colorado, Ruby McCorkleand Colonel Gordon, Lafayette, Colorado, Ruth Moore and Mabel Gordon, Dorothy Nale and Louise Harwood, Cal., Lawrence Gordon, Montana; four brothers and four sisters, Marvin Sheets, Blake Sheets, Lucille Culbertson and Mary Burns, of Pueblo, Colorado, Joe Sheets, Lewii=burg, Tone Sheets and Rachel Graham, Charleston, and Nancy Hughart, Denver, Colorado, twelve grandchildren, > eight great-grandchildren, and numerous nephews and nieces. She was laid to rest in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

James Brown Gragg, 71, of DurMrs. Leah Gragg c - » , bin, died at his home, Monday, July 9, 1973, of an apparent heart Mrs. Leah Estelle Gragg, 46, Services were held Sunday, of Cass, died April 27 in the attack. He was a lifelong resident of at 2 p. m. at the VanReenen Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Durbin, was a member of the Funeral Home with the Rev. Durbin United M e t h o d i s t She was a member of the Willis Cornelius officiating. United Methodist Church. Church, Masonic Lodge, Ancient Burial was in Dunmore CemeFree and Accepted Masons of She is survived by one daughCass, Independent Order of Odd tery. ter, Miss Judith Ann Nelson, Fellows, Moose Lodge, Modern Woodmen and was a retired ' Virgil E. Gragg l of Durbin, two sons, Charles Johnny Nelson, of Durbin, and coal miner. Virgil E. Gragg, was born! Lonnie E. Gragg, of Cass, and Survivors include his wife, January 31, 1895, and passed I her stepfather and mother, Mr. Mabel S.; one daughter, Mrs. away October 19, 1961. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, of Judy Ann Burner of Shinnston; He is survived by three dau-1 Cass. one son, George of Shinnston; ghters, five grandchildren, Services were held Wednesone sister, Mrs. Ma'ry Reid of three great-grandchildren, his day at Wallace and Wallace Stafford, Va.; three half sisters, second wife, two brothers, two Mrs. Margaret Pallman of sisters, and a host of relatives Funeral Home, Arbovale, w th Norton, Va., Mrs. Elizabeth and the Rev. Thomas E. Henderfriends. Corbin of Bridgewater, Va., and son officiating. Burial in ArHe was laid to rest by the bovale Cemetery. Mrs. Monra Lewis of Stafford, Va.; three brothers, David of side of his first wife, Glenna Durbin, Charles of Paynesville, DMey Gragg, in a beautiful Kimberly Dawn Gragg Ohio, and Clarence of Rome, cemetery near Sharon, PennServices were held WednesN. Y.\ two half brothers, Steve sylvania. i day afternoon by the Rev. McCloud of Ellerslie, Md., and Sleep on dear brother Sherman Markley, assisted by Sam McCloud, address unSadly missed by his sister, the Rev. David Rittenhouse, known, and two grandchilren. Kessie Sprouse. in the Frost Methodist Church Services will be at 2 p.m. for Kimberly Dawn Gragg, 2 Thursday at Durbin United years old, of Aurora, Illinois, Methodist Church with Rev. who died Saturday, March 16, William Helmick in charge. 1968, after choking on a peaBurial will be in Arbovai' Durbin—Price Gragg, one of the nut. She was the granddaughrVmotprv ter <Jf Mr. and Mrs. E. C. best citizens in all Greenband Dis trict, died at his home in Du. oin on Gragg, of Frost. Burial was June 19, 1938, after a lingering ill in the Sprouse Cemetery. ness, aged 41 years. He was a son of Mr and Mrs Floyd Gragg. Besides his parents he is survived by his wife, Baby Gragg his brother, Glenn, and his sister. Jackie E. Gragg, four months Mrs Virginia Collins. old son of Bonnie Gragg, died A to! those from a distanc atSunday, April 7, 1974. tending the funeral of Mr Gragg Hon. C. B. Johnson, Mrs. Wm. B. Services were held by the Sine and Mrs B. B. Jarvis, of Clarks Rev. David Rittenhouse in burg; Mr and Mrs W. F. Dunkin, of the VanReenen Funeral Home Bridgeport and Mr aud Mrs Wilson Wednesday, with burial in the Kelley, of Philippi. Gragg Cemetery near Frost.


James R. Gragg, aged 87 years, of Dunmore, died on Tuesday, January 4. 1955. Three weeks since he suffered a broken hip in a fall. On Friday afternoon, his body will be laid in the family Cemetery. The funeral will be h?ld from the Frost Church by R3V. L. E. Saville. The deceased was a son of the late David and Mary Simms Gragg. He married Miss Martha Bell, who preceded him over 43 years since. Their surviving jjldren are Mrs. Bessie Sprouse Elliott, of Dunmore; Virgil, jnaron, Pennsylvania; Mrs. tmmie Johnson, of Aurora, Illinois; and Owen, of Phoenix, Arizona. Thus is noted the passing of an honest man, upright citizen and good neighbor.

cany waawen f,j^-Tresa Leah Gladwell, eight and one-half-month-old daughter of Tildon W. and Shirley Garner Gladwell, of Cass, died Sunday, November 8, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Survivors include her parents, two brothers, David and Jackie Gladwell, both at home; the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Gladwell, of Trout, and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. E^ter Garner, of Marble Hill, Missouri. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the United Methodist Church at Cass, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mra. Charles M . Grose

Mrs. Mary Myrtle Carev Price Gragg, a well known and re ' Grose, of 609 Milton Street, spected citizen of the Gr enbank dis Richmond, Virginia, died trict, died June 19, 1038. Monday, December 11, 1972, He was the son of Mr and Mrs P. B. Gragg, of Durbin, and a brothin a local hospital. r! of Dr. George Gragg, who preceded She was born at Dunmore m in death eight years ago. and spent her young life in He married Miss Vera Grimes in Huntersville. 19.22 and for ten years they managed the Country Olub on Cheat Mountain She had lived in Richmond Mr Gragg taught several terms of j for 60 years. school in Pocahontas county, and for Her husband, Charles M. the past four years he has been Grose, preceded her in death. member of tne Supervising Staff of U. S. F. S. in Ohio. Survivors include three sisn e made friends easily and was ters, Mrs. C. M. Jordan, of \ery popular both in his home county Covington, Virginia, Mrs. L. and in Ohio. His esteem was shown S. Shoemaker, of Charleston, by the numbers who attended the and Mrs. Lucille Campbell, of funeral and by the many gifts of Richmond, Virginia. fruit he received during his illness. He was affiliated with the Maspnic Funeral services were held Order, Odd Fellows, the Eastern Star Wednesday afternoon in the and was a member of the Methodist Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Church, of Durbin. He leaves to mourn their loss, his Home Chapel. Interment was wife, one sister, one brother and his in Forest Lawn Cemetery, parents. Rev. Johnson and Rev. Naylor conducted the funeral se:"?'ce at the Methodist Church in Durbin, and interment was made in the cemeJames Lee Gragg

James Lee Gregg, agerj 28, of D^ibin, died at his home on Sunday, November 11, 1962, after a short illness. He was a lifelong resident of Durbin, and a member of the Durbin Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Betty Jean Gragg; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gragg, of Durbin; a sister, Mrs. Judy Burner, of Durbin; and a brother, George Gragg, of Durbin. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the Durbin Methodist Church with the Rev. George Clay in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Aunt Susan Graves, aged about 80 years, died on Saturday morning. August 8, 1925, at the home of J. H. Knapper, in Marlinton She had appeared to be in her usual health on arising but as she went about the household duties, she was stricken with appoplexy and died in a few minutes. On Sunday afternoon, her body was '.aid to rest in the cemetery at Brownsburg. The services were conducted by Rev. Isam H. Goodwyn and Rev. Crawford. A large congregation paid tribute of respect by their presence. Aunt Susan is survived by one brother, Samuel Stuart. Among her children are E. B. Jordan, of Huntersville and Virgie Dilwortb, of Marlinton. Her husband Benjamin G'jves, died a number of ye»rs ago. They rest side by side. Aunt Susan w»a born a slave in the family of Coionti uanty Lockridge, of Knapps Creek, the father of the late Colonel James T Lockridge, She was closely associ .ted with the family all her life. She had seen and served five general ions of this family. At her grave wire the granddaughter great-granddaughter, and greatgreat grand dnu r ht3r of -ner old master. H . -s was the humble and contrite, i heart; following as best she knew how her Lord and Master with an abiding and childlike faith. She went through along life that had more, than the usual share of privation and tribulation, but down to her last days she shared the joy of the home brightened by the coming of a new life, »nd the sorrow of the house of mou ning. V

Charles M. Grose Charles M. Grose, aged 76 years, died at his hone in Richmond, Virignia. on Friday, March 8, 1957. On Monday his body w«' s laid to rest in the Forest Lawn Cemetery, following services at the Bliley Funeral Home. Mr. Grose is survived by his wife, MrSi Myrtle. Carey Grose. He was a son of the late Squire W. H. and Mrs. Bettie Loury Grose. He was born and reared at Huntersville. Until his retirement six „ ^ars ago, Mr. Grose had been associated with the Virginia State Highway Department, Division of Tests, for 21 years.

Raymond S. Griffin • » * -

Raymond S. Griffin, 45, died Thursday, September 12, 1963, at Monterey, Virginia. He was born June 11, 1918, at Goshen, Virginia, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Griffin of Buckhannon. He had been a lifelong resident of Dunmore. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Charlotte Turner Griffin; a daughter, Anna, at home; three sons, Harold and Franklin Griffin, both at home; and Charles Griffin, of Williamsfield, Ohio; his parents,. Forrest and Mae Griffin, of Buckhannon; two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Rexrode, of Durbin, and Mrs Shelby Glagg of Buckhannon; three brothers, Richard Griffin, of Baltimore, Mary land, Everett Griffin, of Mor'gantown, and Clyde Griffin, of . Waynesboro, Virginia. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Dunmore Methodist Church by the Rev. Rex Ball. Buna, was in the DunmoieCemeterj




w alter Lawrence tiriffin Walter Lawrence Griffin, 61 of Mustoe, Virginia, died Tues day, February 8, 1983, in Alleghany Regional Hospital, at Lowmoor, Virginia. Born October 7, 1915, at Mustoe, he was a son of the late John Robert and Altie Slayton Griffin. Mr. Griffin was a member of Mt. View Church of Christ and a retired mechanic. On October 11, 1940, he married Arthena Elizabeth Ray, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Shirley Puffenbarger, New Hope, Virginia; a son, Walter L. [Rick] Griffin, Mustoe, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Grace M. Griffin, Monterey, Virginia, Mrs. Gertie Johnson, Monterey, Mrs. Janet Grogg, of Tallahassee, Florida; a brother, Richard Lee Griffin, of Staunton, Va.; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held at 2 p. m. Friday, in the chapel of Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell, by Rev. Riley Smith. Burial will be in Griffin family cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Highland County Rescue Squad, c/o James Thompson, Monterey, WV., or American Heart Association, c/o Ann Hammer, Monterey, Virginia.

Forrest Henry Gri.tin Forrest Henry Griffin, 59, husband of Ruth Dunn Griffin, of Portsmouth, Virginia, died Moniay, October 3 1 , 1960, in Norfolk General Hospital. His death resulted from a fall from a ladde while working. He was a native of Marlinton, but had lived in Portsmouth for sixteen years. He was a retired Norfolk Naval Base Painter. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Marvin B. Griffin, of Norfolk, Virginia; Jack E. Griffin and Ralph John Griffin; four daughters, Mrs. R. J. Amos, Mrs. F- E. Cummins, Mrs. E. T. Stokes, Jr., and Mrs. R. E. Mathison; all of Portsmouth, Virginia: eleven grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Clara Keene, of Ren ick, and Ada of Huntington. Funeral services were held Thursday in the Sturtevant Funeral Home by his pastor, C_. T.


Mrs. James Gregory Lula Herold Grant Mrs. Rose Anna Coffman Luia B. Herold Grant was born February 18, 1897, and Gregory, 72, a resident of died February 25, 1984, in Bay Elkins since 1931, died SunFront Hospital, St. Petersburg, day, April 8, 1973, in the DavFlorida, of a sudden heart is Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient since attack. She was the third daughter of Saturday. She had been in failing health for the past the late Katie Ruckman and three years. Wise Herold, of Knapps Creek. Born April 29, 1900, in WilShe was a graduate of Edray son, she was a daughter of the District High School and the Cincinnati General Hospital late John W. and Nancy ElizaSchool of Nursing. She also beth Lyons Coffman. On September 9, 1919, she had a B. S. degree in Nursing Service from the University of was married to James E. GregPittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She ory. served many years in hospitals She was a member of the in the Cincinnati area as assist- First United Methodist Church ant director and director of of Elkins, and a member of the Randolph Chapter No. 74, nursing services. She was twice married. Her Order of the Eastern Star. first husband was William 0 ' One eon, Paul, preceded her Brian, of Middletown, Ohio, n death in 1946. Also dewho was associated with the ceased are two brothers and Middletown Journal for forty one sister. years. Her second husband Survivors include her huswas Fred Grant, of Chicago, band, James E . Gregory; one who was an inventor. son, Ernest Gregory, of WoodOne sister and three broth- bridge, Virginia; two daughers, Marjorie Ann, Amos, ters, Mrs. Jack (Leona) Calain Henry and Edgar, preceded her and Mrs. Leonard (Betty 1 Freeman, both of Chillicothe, in death. Surviving her are two sisters, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Carl NotElizabeth [Mrs. George] Den- tingham, of Marlinton; one ney, of North Wales, Pennsyl- brother, Bruner K. Coffman, of Washington, D. C , and vania, and Reta L. Herold, of four grandchildren. Lewisburg, and two halfsisters, Marie Taylor, of HomeFuneral services were held stead, Florida, and Polly Anna Tuesday afternoon in the John W. Lohr Funeral Home Chapel Varner, of Lewisburg. by Dr. Harry C. Mikel and A Memorial Service was held Dr. H. W. Ware, pastors of at Westminster Presbyterian the First United Methodist Church, St. Petersburg, Florida, on the 5th of March. She Church of Elkins. Interment had lived in St. Petersburg for was in the Maplewood Ceme tery. 25 years. Her body was cremated and Frank Price Gray the ashes placed in the reservFrank Price Gray died suddened private cemetery on the former Wise Herold farm, "The ly on Tuesday, December 30, Oaks," on Knapps Creek, 1958, at his home in Dayton, Ohio. He was an engineer at where she was born. Wright Patterson Air Force Base Mr. Gray was a graduate of Pailippi High School. He was a FRED C. GRAHAM Fred c. Graham, 86, of Orient member of Westminster PresbyHill, Greenbrier county, d i e d terian Church in Dayton. Monday, On. ber 10, 1955, from Surviving are his wife, Mary; gunshot wounds. He was a retired his parents, the Reverend and coal miner. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. vlrs. Fred W. Gray, and a sister, Pauline Richman Graham; two Henrietta, of Riverdale, Mary daughters, Mrs. Grace Sharp and land; also a brother, James M., Mrs. Letha Hawkins, both of Mar- of Chillicothe, Ohio. linton; four sons, L e m o n of Funeral services were held JanGreensboro, N. C., Perry of Bal- uary 2 at the Whitmer Bros. timore, Md., Sgt. John of Ft. Funeral Home in Dayton, and Campbell, Ky., and Charles, at home; a brother, Henry Graham burial was in Dayton Memorial of Rienmond, Calif.; a n d 13 Park. The Grays lived in Pocahontas grandchildren. XQR a. "^cii xa&JVJ ^eaxs. ^Vsile. the. V&. Wat •^sss&." S&. ^Cssa, ^rrfcexs^ ^Ssfe.

Memorial Cemetery

been completed.

! several P r e s b y t m a n churches in i the County.

Waiter Lawrence Griffin Walter Lawrence Griffin, 6'< of Mustoe, Virginia, died Tues day, February 8, 1983, in Alleghany Regional Hospital, at Lowmoor, Virginia. Born October 7, 1915, at Mustoe, he was a son of the late John Robert and Altie Slayton Griffin. Mr. Griffin was a member of Mt. View Church of Christ and a retired mechanic. On October 11, 1940, he married Arthena Elizabeth Ray, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Shirley Puffenbarger, New Hope, Virginia; a son, Walter L. [Rick] Griffin, Mustoe, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Grace M. Griffin, Monterey, Virginia, Mrs. Gertie Johnson, Monterey, Mrs. Janet Grogg, of Tallahassee, Florida; a brother, Richard Lee Griffin, of Staunton, Va.; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held at 2 p. m. Friday, in the chapel of Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell, by Rev. Riley Smith. Burial will be in Griffin family cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Highland County Rescue Squad, c/o James Thompson, Monterey, WV„ or American Heart Association, c/o Ann Hammer, Monterey, Virginia. Forrest Henry Griftn Forrest Henry Griffin, 59, husband of Ruth Dunn Griffin, of Portsmouth, Virginia, died Moniay, October 31, I960, in Norfolk General Hospital. His death resulted from a fall from a ladde -vhiie working. He was a native of Marlinton, but had lived in Portsmouth for sixteen years. He was a retired Norfolk Naval Base Painter. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Marvin B. Griffin, of Norfolk, Virginia; Jack E. Griffin and Ralph John Griffin; four daughters, Mrs. R. J. Amos, Mrs. F- E. Cummins, Mrs. E. T. Stokes, Jr., and Mrs. R. E. Mathi•jon, all of Portsmouth, Virginia: eleven grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Clara Keene, of Ren Ick, and Ada of Huntington. Funeral services were held Thursday in the Sturtevant Funeral Home by his pastor, C. T. Mangrum, Sr., of the First Friends Church. Burial was in Greenlawn Memorial Cemetery

Mrs. James Gregory 1 Lula Herold Grant Mrs. Rose Anna Coffman I Lula B. Herold Grant was born February 18, 1897, and orregory, 72, a resident of I died February 25, 1984, in Bay Elkins since 1931, died Sun- I Front Hospital, St. Petersburg, day, April 8, 1973, in the Dav- I Florida, of a sudden heart is Memorial Hospital where I she had been a patient since I attack. She was the third daughter of Saturday. She had been in I the late Katie Ruckman and failing health for the past 9 I Wise Herold, of Knapps Creek. three years. Born April 29, 1900, in WilI She was a graduate of Edray District High School and the son, she was a daughter of the 1 Cincinnati General Hospital late John W. and Nancy Eliza- I j School of Nursing. She also beth Lyons Coffman. On September 9, 1919. she 1 had a B. S. degree in Nursing Service from the University of was married to James E. Gree- 1 s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She ory. 1 served many years in hospitals She was a member of the I in the Cincinnati area as assist- First United Methodist Church I ant director and director of of Elkins, and a member of 1 the Randolph Chapter No. 74, J nursing services. j She was twice married. Her Order of the Eastern Star. first husband was William O'One son, Paul, preceded her ] Brien, of Middletown, Ohio, n death in 1946. Also de- ] who was associated with the ceased are two brothers and I Middletown Journal for forty one sister. years. Her second husband Survivors include her hus- 1 was Fred Grant, of Chicago, band, James E . Gregory; one ' who was an inventor. son, Ernest Gregory, of Wood- | One sister and three broth- bridge. Virginia; two daughers, Marjorie Ann, Amos, ters, Mrs. Jack (Leona) Calain Henry and Edgar, preceded her and Mrs. Leonard (Betty) Freeman, both of Chillicothe, I in death. Surviving her are two sisters, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Carl NotElizabeth [Mrs. George] Den- tingham, of Marlinton; one ney, of North Wales, Pennsyl- brother, Bruner K. Coffman, of Washington, D. C., and vania, and Reta L. Herold, of four grandchildren. Lewisburg, and two halfsisters, Marie Taylor, of HomeFuneral services were held stead, Florida, and Polly Anna Tuesday afternoon in the John W. Lohr Funeral Home Chapel Varner, of Lewisburg. by Dr. Harry C. Mikel and A Memorial Service was held Dr. H. W. Ware, pastors of at Westminster Presbyterian the First United Methodist Church, St. Petersburg, Florida, on the 5th of March. She Church of Elkins. Interment was in the Maple wood Ceme had lived in St. Petersburg for tery. 25 years. Her body was cremated and Frank Price Gray the ashes placed in the reservFrank Price Gray died suddened private cemetery on the former Wise Herold farm, "The ly on Tuesday, December 30, Oaks," on Knapps Creek, 1958, at his home in Dayton, Ohio. He was an engineer at where she was born. Wright Patterson Air Force Base Mr. Gray was a graduate of Poilippi High School. He was a FRED C. GRAHAM Fred C. Graham, 86, of Orient member of Westminster PresbyHill, Greenbrier county, d i e d terian Church in Dayton. Monday, October 10, 1955, from I Surviving are his wife, Mary; gunshot wounds. He was a retired his parents, the Reverend and coal miner. Mrs. Fred W. Gray, and a sister, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Henrietta, of Riverdale, Mary Pau'ine Richman Graham; two daughters, Mrs. Grace Sharp and land; also a brother, James M., Mrs. Letha Hawkins, both of Mar- i of Chillicothe, Ohio. linton ; four sons, L e m o n of Funeral services were held JanGreensboro, N. C., Perry of Bal- uary 2 at the Whitmer Bros. timore, Md., Sgt. John of F t Funeral Home in Dayton, and Campbell, Ky., and Charles, at burial was in Dayton Memorial home; a brother, Henry Graham of Ricnmond, Calif.; a n d 13 Park. The Grays lived in Pocahontas granuch'ldren. At the time "of this writing the for a good many years while the luneral arrangements had not Rev. Fred Gray was minister of several Presbyterian churches in been completed. the County.

FRANK PRICE GRjtfY Word come of t h e . d£ath Prank Gray, eldest sc and Mrs. Fred . W. Gray many years were residenj cahontas county. Dr. pastor of the Cass more than ten years three children were born iV Prank Price Gray died suddenly December 30, 1958, at his home in Dayton, O. Mr. \Gray 'was an engineer at Wright\Patterson Air Force Base. He \was graduate of Philippi High Scqooly Mr. Gray was a member of- ~~ minster Presbyterian Church \ i n Dayton. Surviving are his wife, Ma his parents, Reverend and Mrfe Fred W. Gray, of Riverdale,Md\ a brother, James M. of Cpillii cothe, O., and a sister, Henrletta,\ of Riverdale, Md. Funeral services were held January 2, 1959, at the Wftitmer "Brothers Funeral Home i / Dayton," O., and burial ; was/in Dayton Memorial Park. /

Mr. and Mrs. R W. Griffith Retus (Reed) Waldo Griffith, 36, died Fnday, June 26, 1964, and his wife, Mrs. Margaret Florence Gillispie Griffith, 80,| both of White Sulphur Springs dif d Sunday morning, June 28, 1964. Joint services were held Sunday afternoon at four o'clock A native of Pennsylvania,! Mr. Griffith was a foreman in1 Pocahontas and Greenbrier, Counties during the years of I the removal of the virgin timber. He later was a securit y I officer at The Greenbrier.

William E. Gribble William Edgar Gribble, 68, . Durbin, died Sa'urday morning, June 26; 1965, at his home. A veteran of World War I, he was a member of the Baptist Church at Berea and a retired employee of the Pocahontas Tanning Company^ 1 Surviving are his wife, Pauline; his stepmother, Mrs. Elsie Gribble, Martin's Ferry, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. R. H Burchbacher, Meadow Park, Mrs. Joseph Bodnar, Martins Ffrry and Miss lsobel Gribble, address unknown. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Chap el at Arbovale, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

William Thomas uraham William Thomas Graham, a former minister of the Seebert Charge, died February 26, 1963, at the C & 0 Hospital in Clifton Forge, Virginia. He was a member of the Washington Annual Conference and had been, retired since 1958 He was born February 15, 1886, at Martinsburg, Maryland, the eldest of twelve children of Major Graham and Florence Peters Graham. He leaves to mourn his wife, Mary Etta Louise Graham, five daughters, two sons, one stepson, three brothers and one sister. Several members of the Seebert Charge attended his funeral at the Union Methodist Church. Mrs. Herman Greathouse

Mrs. Vallie Mae Greathouse, >6, of Durbin, died Thursday, February 22,1973, at her home. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren at Durbin and was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include her husband, Herm?n Greathouse; one daughter, Mrs. Eva Rankin, of Madison, Ohio; one son, Buddy Greathouse, at home; one sister, Mrs. Mamie Grag-g. of Marshfield, Missouri; eight grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Bethel United Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, the Rev. Virgil Kover and the Rev. Willis Summers, with burial in the Gum Cemetery on Back Mountain. Mrs. Olive Grose Mrs. Mary Olive Grose, 89, died Tuesday, June 6, 1961, in the Community House Hospital at Hot Springs, Virginia, after a long illness. She was born at Buckeye, the daughter of the late Reuben L. and Phoebe McNeil Overholt. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. H. C. White, of York, Pennsylvania, two sons, M.S. Grose, of Florence, South Carolina, and Carl Grose of Hot Springs, Virginia; one sister. Mrs. Nannie Everly, Los Angeles, California. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Eden Methodist Church with the Rev. Cleon Meadows in charge, with burial in the Warm Springs Cemetery

Wm. H. Grose William H. Grose was born at Covington, Va. July 29th, 1850. In 1876 he came to Huntersville where he *pent the remainder of his life with the exception of Ave years spent at Helvetia, W. Va. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Betty Loury, daughter of the late Josiah Loury and to this union there was born three sons and one daughter. One son and the daughter, Fay, having died some years ago, he is sur vived by his wife and two sons, Charles and Joe. He united with the M. E. Church South, at Huntersville in 1878 during the pastorship of Rev. R. M. Wheeler, and at once assumed a leadership in church work that ended only with his death. He was for many years a member of Huntersville Lodge Wo. t>5 A. v & A. M. being one of the ?' Masons in Pocahontas Countv ta'ring an active interest work and advancement By trade he was Grose saddle a1*" familiar i? the older his tirr Mrs. Fred W. Gray Mrs. Mary S. Gray, 83, of Chillicothe, Ohio died Friday, December 23, 1977, at home after a brief illness. She was born April 19, 1894, in Ronceverte, the daughter of Kirley and Henrietta Price McVey. On April 19, 1918, she married the Rev. Fred W. Gray, who died in March, 1960. Mr. Gray was a Presbyterian minister in Pocahontas County in the 1930's. Mrs. Gray was a member of the Chillicothe First Presbyterian Church and the Philippi r Chapter 41, O.E.S. Surviving her are a son, James, 766 St. Margaret's Road, Chillicothe; a granddaughter; a sister, Louise McVey and a brother, Charles McVey, both of Alderson, a daughter, Henrietta, a son and a brother preceded her in death. Services were held in Lewisburg on December 28 by the Rev. Robert L. Yoder with burial in Rosewood Cemetery.

Dr. Henry b . Grsyblll Lewisburjr— Or. H e n r y Blair C'.aj Lill, a y c i 7o years, died at his home fiom a h e a r t attack on Wednesday, April 4, I95l. For the last '20 years he h.'ul bevn a m< mber of the faculty of G i e t n biier College Prior to that for 25 M a r s he was an educator in Ubinr. i


Verna Wiitoug bregory

Forrest C. Griffin, 94, of

Mrs. Verna Wilfong Gregory, Dunmore, died Saturday, Febaged 47 years, wife of Olet Greg- ruary 26, 1983, in an Elkins ory, of Boyer, died on Saturday, nursing home after a long illJanuary 26, 1952, On Sunday af- am ternoon the funeral service w?>s " Born October 19, 1888, in held from the Boyer Church with Green Bank, he was the son of interment in the Kerr cemetery. the late Riley and Cornelia Surviving are her husband and Doyle Griffin. Mr. Griffin was a resident of their eigbt children, John, Neal, Clay, Eliory, Douglas, Joe, Hazel Pocahontas County most of his life. He was a Methodist by and Bertha. The deceased was a daughter of faith, a life member of Moose the late Laban and Esta Wood- No. 1465 of Durbin, and a retired woodsman. dell Wilfong. He was preceded in death by Mrs. Ruth McLean of Marlinhis wife, Annie Mae, a daughton, is a sister.

ter, Glydas, and a son, Raymond (Jack) Griffiin, I. N. Graves Survivors include two daughWord was received of the ters, Mabel Rexrode, Durbin, death of Ike Graves on Tues- Shelby Neville, Baltimore, day, February 12, 1974 in a Maryland; three sons, Clyde of Hospital in Tucson, Arizona; Dunmore, Everette, of Granhe had been ill with pneu- ville, Dick, of Baltimore, Maryland; 19 grandchildren: monia. 29 great-grandchildren, one One daughter, Ann, preced- great-great-grandchild and one ed him in death. nephew. He is survived by his wife, Services were held Tuesday, Grace Graves, at 1 p. m. at the Dunmore Methodist Church with the Revs. John Greiser and David Flora M a e Groggs Rittenhouse officiating. Burial Mrs. Flora Mae Sheets Gro«g, was in the Dunmore Ceme51, of Greenbank, daughU tery. Addie Gum Sheets and the; avid L . sneets, died Friday; July 21. 1950, at her home. Sjrviving besides her mother are her husband, Forrest Grogg, four daughters. Mrs. Martha Foster of Montcoal; Dorotha, Betty and Ruth Ann at home; six sons. Guy of Arbovale, Merle, Ray. Donald. Forrest, Jr.. and Marvin David at home. Four children preceded Mrs, Grogs: in death: Carrie Marie. Jimmie Lee, Emil and Charles. Also surviving are three grandchildren; five ere, Roger and Warren Sheets of Greenbank. Edwin and Henry Sheets of Wyandotte, Mich., and Lamis Sheets of Belle; three sisters, Mrs. Bernice Gragg of Greenbank, Mrs. Elizabeth Kessler of Arbovale and Mrs.

Four Children Perish in Fire Four of five children of Mr. and Mrs. Lun Greene of near the airport, perished in tbejfire which destroyed their home last Friday night, December 10, 1948. They were: Dannie Henry Greene, aged 14 years, 13 days. Robert (Bobby) Frank Greene, jaged 10 years, 11 months, 22 days. Lula Bell Greene, aged 8 years, 8 months, 23 days. Roy Arnold Greene, aged 6 years. 3 months 6 days. Mr. and Mrs. Greene and their oldest daughter had gone away : from home for some hours. In some way the house got on fire, and the four children perished miserably. As the fire became far advanced neighbors were at^ tracted by the exploding of shot {gun shells, but it was then too ! late"to render any assistance. On Monday afternoon the remains of the little children were laid to rest in the family plot in jMt. View Cemetery. The service was by Rev. Roger P. Melton. The pall bearers were the teachers of the children and the flower bearers were their school mates.


Burke A. Grogg

Burke A. Gregg, 63, of 707 1-2 West 14th Street, Huntington, died at his home Wed nesdav, December 9, 1970. Born July 30, 1907, in Pocahontas County, he was the son of the late Rev. W. A. Grogg and Clemmie Greathouse Grogg. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Blanche Perry, of Huntington. Graveside services were conducted Friday morning in the Highland Cemetery.

y Lester B. Greathouse Lester B. Greathouse, 61. of £elienople, Pennsylvania, formerly of Arbovale, was killed Monday, June 18, 1973, in an industrial accident. A former resident of Arbovale, he had lived in Pennsylvania for 14 years. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Irma Greathouse; three, daughters; one son, and two sisters, Mrs. Violet Mullenax, of Arbovale and Mrs. Devenia Muller, of Baltimore, Maryand. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. n. in the Kerr Church by the 3,ev. David Rittenhouse, with Durial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs Forest Griffin ^ - ^

Mrs. Annie Mae Griffin, 73. of Dunmore, died Thursday, December 27, 1973, at her home after a long illness. She was a member of the United Methodist Church at Dun more. Survivors include her hus> band, Forest Griffin; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Rexrode. of Durbin, and Mrs. Shelby Bragg, of Baltimore, Maryland; three sons, Clyde S. Griffin, of Dunmore, Dick K. Griffin, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Everett Griffin, of Grandville: two sisters, Mrs. Ida Carpenter, of Dunmore, and Mrs. Dai3y Kramer, of Escondido, California; seven, teen grandchildren and several gr^icgraodchildren. J^mes L. Graham Services were held Saturday James L. Graham, 89, died al ai l f t e r n o o n aat c wthe e uDunmore unmore his home at Buckeye Tuesday, J n i t e d M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h b y September 6, 19oU. j:.« Kenneth Monigomhe Rev He is survived by his wife, !ry Burial was in the DunMrs. Mary E'i/ibeth Coulter 1 0 r e Cemetery. Graham; two sons, Walter Graham, of Buckeye, and James Graham, of Detroit, Michigan; three grandchildren, and five s reat-grandehildren. Fureral services will be held Frk'j.y afternoon at the home of his son, Walter, at. Buckeye, with burial in Mountain View Cema-




Guy S. Grogs 46, of Guy Sheets Grogg, 46 Arbovale, died Tuesday afternoon IVby 2, 1967, of an apoar ent heart attack at the Green Bank S f ate Road Commission garage where he was foreman. He was a member and treasurer of the Arbovale Methodist Church, veteran of World War II and a lifelong resident of Arbovale. Born December 11, 1920, at Green Bank, he was the son of Forrest and Flora Mae Sheets Grogg. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ernestine Vandevender Grogg, two dauorhters, Mrs. Doris Jeanne Vannoy. of Montgomery: Dianne Grogg, at home; two sons, Stephen and Mark, both at home; four sisters, Mrs. Martha Foster md Mr*. Dorotha Shrader, both of Baltimore, Maryland: Mrs. Betty Ware, of Geneva, Ohio; Mrs. Ruth Ann Mullenax. Green Bank; five brothers Forrest, Jr., and Marvin, both of Baltimore, Maryland; Ray, of Purcellville, Virginia: Donald and Merle, both of Akron, Ohio; one grandson; and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p . m . Thursday in the Arbovale Methodist Church i with Rev. Travis Wells and Rev. David Rittenhouse ir charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

t. £. BrOff

Forrest Ernest Grogg, 70, died Monday, February 4,1963, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Martha Foster, of Baltimore, Maryland. He was a veteran of World War I, a member of the Green Bank Methodist Church and the American Legion Post at Elkins. Mr. Grogg had spent all of his life in Green Bank with the exception of the last year when he was in Baltimore. Survivors include three other daughters, Mrs. Dortha Shrader and Mrs. Ruth Ann Mullenax, also of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Betty Ware, of Geneva, Ohio; and six sons, Guy Grogg of Arbovale, Ray Grrgg of Purcellville, Virginia. Morgan David Grogg and Forrest Grogg, Jr., both of Baltimore, Maryland, and Merl Grogg and Donald Grogg, both of Akron, Ohio. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday afternoon in the Green Bank Methodist Church with the Rev. J. Robert Harshberger and the Rev. Ira S. Petre in charge. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Cass. W. Ya.—On January 31,1932. the death angel coaie to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Grimes and claimed the darling babe, Marion Simpson Grimes, aged Sevan months and twenty-six days. He is mutinied by his parents and two sisters. Keep him, Jesus, in thy keeping, Till we reach that shining shore, Then, O Master, let us see him, Have and love him as before. Family. U. S. Grimes Ulysess S. Grimes, aged 82 I years was born June 14, 1872 and died July 3, 1954, after a I long illness. His body was la id j to rest in the family Cemetery at Poage Lane. The deceased was | Q S 0 " ° f the lato Zaiy R and barah Buzzard d i m e s . He leaves to mourn his loss a son and two daughters; thirty one grand children and 41 great grand children, Of his father's family there remain his two brothers, Hayes and Garfield Grimes, both of .Lunmore. His children are Mrs. L. L Gragg, of Frankford; Mrs. Bedford Shmaberry and Dennis Grimes, of Clover Lick. Two children, Hubert and Leoh, -.receded him in death some years 1 efore.

This good citizen and upright Hazel Pearl Grogg man was a faithful Chnstian. Hazel Pearl Grogg, 62, who He was a member of the Church resided alone near Harman, was found dead at her home Tues- of the Brethren. day evening,?August 3, 1965. Mrs. Ulysses S. Grimes She had been visited by Mrs. Ida B. Grimes, 91, died neighbors earlier in the evening Monday, June 27,1966, at the Death was attributed to natI Charles Grey Grogg home of ber daughter in Frankural causes. Charles Grey Gregg, was born ford. She was born January 28, at Greenbauk, October 4, 1927. The body will be taken to and died February 4, 1945, aged 1903, at Huntersville, a daughthe home of Mrs. Bedford ter of the late John Melvin 17 years and 4 months. Ho was Shinaberry. Services will be the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest and Katherine Grogg Grogg. held at 2:00 p. m., Friday, at Survivors include one brothC. Grogg. the Poage Lane Church. j er, William Grogg, of Akron, On Tuesday morning, February 1 Ohio. 6th, his funeral was conducten at Graveside rites were held Frithe Arbovale Methodist Church by his pastor. Rev. Quade Arbo day morning in the Arbovale Walter H. Grimes gast,hassisted by Rev. DeHaven, Cemetery by the Rev. Samuel Walter H. Grimes, aged 61 0 . Parsons, pastor of the Wood of Arbovale Methodist Church. \ years, died at his home near HunInterment in the family plot at ford Memorial Church. tersville, on Saturday, May 13, Arbovale cemetery. 1944, after a long illness. On Flower girls were members of j J. M. Grogg Monday afternoon his body 7M •the Sophomore class of Greenbank laid to rest in the cemetery on Cass—John Melvin Grogg, agHigh School of which he was a i Browns Creek, near Huntersville. member. The pall bearers were ed 79 years, died at his home on The deceased was a son of the Friday, January 17, 1947. On members of his 4 H Club. Monday afternoon the funeral late Hugh and Ina May Grimes. He is survived by bis parents, service was held from the Arbo- His wife was a Miss Hoj,; e t. He six brothers and four sisters: one vale Church by his pastor, Rev. is survived by his wife and their brother serving with the 7th Arfour children, one of whom is Quade R. Arbogast, with inter- Mrs. Harry King. my in France. One] sister and ment in the Arbovale Cemetery. two brothers preceded him ID The deceased is survived by two death. children. William, of Akron, Ohio, and Hazel, at home.


Anderson A. Grimes

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 12, 1959, at Mt. Zion Methodist Church in the Hills, for Anderson Asbury Grimes, born May 20, 1874 .and departed this life Sun day, May 10, 1959. 'jged 84 years, 11 months and 10 days. He was a son of the late Hugh and Nancy Mae Grimes. He is survived by his wife, Etta Shinaberry Grimes, of Huntersville, and nine children: Mrs. Roy Cain, Mrs. Rose Birchfield and Mrs. Clyde Shrader, of Huntersville; Mrs. Ernest Pyles, of Reebert; Mrs. Lee Young, of Wellsville, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Dallas Kennedy, of Clover Lick; Mrs. Charles Hefner, of Roanoke, Virginia; Raymond and Forrest, at home; 38 grandchildren; 55 great-grandchildren; 1 great-great! grandchild, and a host of relatives and friends. A son, Remus, died in infancy. Mr. Grimes joined the Methodist Church thirty-one years ago land has lived up to his faith. Granddaughters served as Howler girls and grandsons as pall bearers.

Hayes B. Grimes • Hayes H. Grimes, • aged 80 years, of Dunmore. died on Sunday, March 10, 1957, after a long illness. On Wednesday afternoon his body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The service was from the Dunmore Methodist Church by Rev. Ed. Thomas assisted by Rev. Charles Yoho and Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. The deceased was a farmer and prominent citizen. He was a member of the Methodist Church. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ada Turner Grimes, and their five children; Mrs. John C. Turner, of Seamore, Iowa'; Mrs. Guy Brown and Mrs. Robert Hiner, both of Dunmore; Mrs Glenn Waugh, of Marlinton; and David H. Grimes, of Hot Springs, Virginia. Mr. Grimes was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Zane Grimes, of Dunmore. His brother is Garfield Grimes, of Dunmore.


Daphene S. Grimes (>A Daphene Shue Grimes, age 74,

Garfield Grimes, 93, of Hunt ersviile, died in the Pocahontas of Rt. 2, Marlinton, died Thursday, Memorial Hospital on Tuesday July 27, 1995, at her home after a April 22, 1975, after a long illlong illness. ness. She was a member of Frost Born February 8, 1881, he United Methodist Church and the was the son of Zane B. and Mount Zion Homemakers Sarah Bussard Grimes. He Extension Club. was a retired farmer and a The daughter of the late Emery member of Huntersville MethE. and Pearl Williams Shue, she odist Church. was born on Droop Mountain He was preceded in death by March 15, 1921. his wife, Ellen Edna Moore Preceding her in death were her Grimes, and three children. sister, Edna Ray, and Surviving him are eight grandchildren, Ricky Blair Grimes daughters, Mrs. Alma T. Arand Terry Lynn Grimes. She is survived by her bogast, Hill-boro; Mrs. Lillian husband, Raymond A. Grimes; two Dahmer, Frankford; Mrs. Gensons, Blair and Emery Grimes, evieve Miller, Clifton Forge, Virginia, Mrs Viola Brown. both of Marlinton; a daughter, Chesapeake, Virginia: Mrs, Naomi Plecker, of Millboro, Virginia; a brother, Darleigh Dair Juanita W i n o n s, Willard. Ohio; Mrs. Helen Vannoy, Shue, of Gallipolis, Ohio; six Huntersville, Mrs. Betty Ralssisters, Anna Atkins, of ton, Fayetteville, North CaroChesterfield, Virginia, Irene Shorter, Wenona McNeal • and lina, Mrs. Gaynell Sharp, Charlottesville, Virginia; three sons, Berlene Long, all of Augusta, Odell, Huntersville; Hunter, Georgia, Vivian Gibson, of Green Bank; Herbert, TimberDenver, Colorado, Ella Jo Galford, ville, Virginia; forty five grand of Marlinton; ten grandchildren and children, fifty seven greatten great-grandchildren. grandchildren and two great Services were held at 2 p. m. great grand children. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. GarliB-GrovesrFuneral services were held jwith burial in thewlount Zjjwr Friday, April 25, at 2 p. m. < | Cemetery. ^^_^' in the Huntersville Methodist Church with the Rev. Ezra Bennett of Frankford and Rev. Mrs. Serene Bruffey Grimes David Rittenhouse, of Dunmore, officiating Mrs. Serene Bruffey Grimes, Burial in Mt. View Cemetery. aged 77 years, widow of the lateRev. J. B. Grimes, died at her home near Lobelia, on WednesHtrbwt Qrlmei day, October 18, 1944, after a. Herbert Nelson Grimes, 74, short illness. On Friday afterof Akron, Ohio, died Thurs noon her body was buried in the day December 20, 1979, ir Emanuel church cemetery, the Akron. funeral being conducted from the Church by Rev. R. D. Marshal] Born in Pocahontas County and Rev. Fred Oxendale. he was a son of the late Johr and Lura Moore Grimes. H« The deceased was a daughter of was retired after 38 years ol the late Bradford B. and Mary service with the Goodrich Tir< Jane Watts Bruffey. Of her & Rubber Company. He at father's family there remain three tended the Mount Zion Unit sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Whiting, ed Methodist Church at Hunt Mrs. Mary Watts Shisler, and ersviile. Mrs. Ida Hill Sarver. He is survived by bis wife, On December 21, 1887, she was Alicia Buffington Grimes, and a united in marriage to the late Kev. John Barnett Grimes. He; brother, Dale Grimes, of Marpreceded her to the grave nine J linton. years ago. To this union were 1 A brother, Quade, two sis* born six children: Dennie, who ters, Monna and Maybell, and dierl in infancy: Ulrie Wilson, of a young son, Robert, preceded Rainelle, Frank Dice, of Marlinhim in death. ton; Clyde Virgil, of Elkton, Va.; Services were held on MonMary Bradford Swann, of Indian day at 11 a. m. at the Vaughjapolis, Ind.; Ena Ervine, of^Hillsan Funeral Home with the Rev. • boro. She is also survived by D. Edward Bayer officiating. *! five grand-children and'a great- Burial was in the Pond Creek grand child. Baptist Church Cemetery in


the Parkersburg area.

W. H. Grimes William H. GrimeSj born August 15. 1878, died May 4, 1943, at the Memorial Hospital after a three months illness. Mr Grimes was suddenly taken ill in Washington, D. C , where he had been serving as United States Police for several months. He was in a hospital there for one month. He' is survived by his wife, Mary E. Grimes, of Marlinton, and f r sons; Leland, of Chariest;; . Y iliiam and Harlon of Wilm ; igton, Delewa, ; Mulvie of Arbovale; one daughter, Mrs Charles Bussard, of Deerfield, Virginia, and several grand children. Mr Grimes was a devoted father and loved by all his friends. He was a life long member of the! Methodist Church at Mt. Zion. Funeral services were held in Mt. Zion Church by Rev Fred Oxendale, assisted Rev. Wilbur; Crummett and Rev. Saville. His body was laid tp rest in Mt Zion cemetery. Pall bearers were Web Gilmer, Kent Martin, HidaSprouse, Raymond Grimes, Forrest Grimes, Ervin Grimes. Flower girls were Mrs Ruth Marti-, Mrs Web Gilmer, Mrs Wilbur McCiung, Mary Ervine, Mrs Emory Ware, and Mrs Dolly Cain. Those attending from a dis- : tance were Mr and Mrs Vesper, Reese and daughters from Hinton, and Mr and Mrs Neil Sharp and daughter from Covington, Virginia. Mr Grimes will be missed by a host of relatives and friends.

Mrs. Snsan Waugh Gri.iu. Mrs UnaSu'wn Waugh Grimes, was born April 1. 1901, and ih> pnrtml this life on October f2, 1948. HIT funeral wra- uutnlttctrti at the M t Zion Church Scttttiaj by Rev. L. K. Savilif. Hid her body was ]:iid to rest in Grimes ivinetor.v.

Surviving are her husband,]'Si Grimes, five children Mix Richard Sharp, of D.^ton, Vi : Georgia, Edjrar, Grace and Paid Grimes at home. She i« »Lo sur vived by four grand children. Her p-rents arc Mr. and Mrs Henry Waugh, of CUwison. She it survived by four sisters, Mrs. Nettie Reed and Mrs. Blanche Oarr, of Marlinton; Mrs. Harry! Shrader of Dunmore; Mrs. Oaicj Ualford of Greenbank; three liters, Bert, Roy, and Mathas j >Vaugh of Clawson; My lie pre- ! ceded her in death some years 1 'go.


C?VD ii.

Mrs. David (Dolly • Grimes, 57, a* Dunmo parted this life, Monday, cember 30, 1974, at home, following a long illness. ^7-^ She was born September 17, 1917, at Reader, the daughter of the late George and Delphia Haught Burgess. She was a member of the Dunmore Presbyterian Church One sister and five brothers preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband, David H. Grimes; three sons, Kay L. Grimes, David Lynn Grimes, and Terry Lee Crimes, all of Dunmore; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Ada Grimes Jackson, of Dunrrr^pe^ and Mrs, Myrna Grimes Hooker, of Hot Springs, V»*^ ginia; and twelve grandchildren. Also surviving are seven sisters, Mrs. Betty LeMasters, of Follansbee, Mrs. Beulah Stackpole, of Morgantown, Mrs. Geraldine Elder, of Wellsville, Ohio, Mrs. Freda Waters, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Mattie Stoneking, of Sistersville, Mrs. Phyllis Flynn, of Pine Grove, and Mrs. Hazel Haught, of Reader; two brothers, GalBurgess, of Albany, Kentucky, and Robert Burgess, of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Dunmore Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Terry Lynn Grimes • / / / Terry Lynn Grimes, three year old daughter of Blair and Mary Wilfong Grimes, of Huntersville. died Monday, May 12, 1969, at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. She was badly burned three weeks ago when her clothes caught fire as she put some paper in the stove. She was born May 8, 1966, in Marlinton. In addition tc her parents she is survived by a brother, Ricky, and two sisters, Connie and Debra; her grandparents, Mrs. Amon Wilfong and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grimes. Services will be held at the Mount Zion Church in the ^iils Thursday afternoon at ::00 p. m. by the Rev. David tittenhouse with burial in the hurch cemetery.

. . . • » . • > . I I . ullfllCS

-Mary Shrnder Grimes, age 79, of Deerfield. Virginia, died in the Waynesboro Community Hospital, at Waynesboro, Virginia, Tuesday, January 14, 1964, after a short illness. Mrs. Grimes, a native of Pocahontas Cointy, wi s born at Hillsboro March 29, 188-1. She was the daughter of the late John H. and Ocie Stultinj IShrader, of Huntersville. Her husband, William H. Grimes preceded her in death Mav 4 1943. "" She was a member of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church and was a member of the East em Star at Cass, i Survivors include four sons, Leland H. and William H. I Grimes, Jr.. of Charleston; Mul vie Grimes, of Waynesboro, I Virginia, and Harlan R. Grimes, lof Marlinton; one daughter, Mrs. Viola Bussard, of Deer-1 field, Virginia; two brothers, Chalmer Shrader, of Cass, and Clyde Shrader, of Baltimore. Maryland; thirteen grandchildren, ten great grand-children and one great great grand child. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at the Arbovale Methodist Church by ;. the Rev. B. W. John. Burial I was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Carl 0 . Grimes

Staff Sergeant Carl Owen Grimes, 31. died Friday, October 14, 1966, as the result of an explosion of an anti-freeze tank at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri. i He was a member of the United States Air Force with twelve years' service. The son of Mrs. Verna Fertig Grimes and the late Hubert A. Grimes, he was born July 26, 1935 near Frost. Besides his mother, he is survived by his wife, Yaeko F. | Grimes; one brother, Gary | Grimes, of Covington, Virginia; four sisters. Mrs Ruby Sprouse,of Eau Gnllie, Florida, Mrs. Creola McCarty, of Arlington, Virginia, Mrs. Marie Gordon, Waldorf, Maryland.! and Mrs. Naomi Ryder, of Neola; fourteen nieces and nephews, and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Frost Methodist Church by the Rev. Rex Ball, assisted by the Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in the family cemetery at Poage


I \*

mrs. noa Virginia unmes

Lowell Grimes Lowell G r i m e s , aged 54 years, of Akron, Ohio, died of a heart attack on Monday, October 1951 He was h u n t i n g in Mar'in Mountain. He had apparently sat down ion a log to rest. O t h e r h u n t e r s 'found bis bodv a-nd notified Sheriff Frank P.gMcLa-uguiin. There being no evidence of a n y t h i n g than H ''P'irt attack, the body was brougui i ; town. The deceased cas a son of the late James B. aud Frances J o h n son (irimes His father preceded him only a few weeks before. H e married Miss Anna Hefner, who survives. His sisters are Mrs. Granville VVilfong, Mary H o g s e t t and f a y e Totten. His b r o t h e r s are Denni» and Elmer, both of Akron, Ohio On Wednesday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Methodist Church by Huv K. P, Melton; burial in Mt. View cemetery. The decease 1 was a soldier in the first world war. F o r more than t h i r t y y-urs he had been employed by the Goodyear R u b b e r Co.

V 1 111/ William C. Grimes, formerly of the Hills, Pocahontas Co., died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bell Cavert, about eight miles from Chariton, Iowa, June 18, 1921, aged 83 years, 1 month and HI days. He settled on a farm in Pleasants Township In 1873, bought it and still j^owned It at the time of his 1eath. During this year he was com irted and joined the Methodiit church »ad at once set about with others, t o build a church just north of his home. This church was built and a cemetery was laid oft just back of the church, in which many persons of his generation sleep today. He was buried in this cemetery by the side of his wife, Eleanor Weiford Grimes, who had preceded him to the grave sume years ago. He served in the Federal Army during the war of the 60s and was n o t only a true patriot o£ his country, but was faithful and loyal to his c-nurch and to his God. flHut'h M. Grimes died at his home near Frost on July 24, 1925, aged 79 years and three months, ^ e had been in failing health for some time and finally took typhoid fever. He was born and raised in Pocahontas j county. He is survived by his wife and four children—Dave of Buekhannon:, Millie Anderson, of Frost; Mrs. Wil'iam Gragg,. of Thomas Creek, and Walter of Browns Creek. Also one brother and a host of relatives and friends. He had lived a christian life for many years and was ready to go to a better home. After the funeral service his body was ta, ken to the family graveyard and laiJ •oof


Mrs. Ada Virginia Turner Grimes, : 81, died at her home at Dur> ,ore on Sunday, February 10, 1963. Born December 12, 1881, she was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church. Survivors include a son, David Grimes, at Dunmore; Tour daughters, Mrs. Robert Hiner and Mrs. Guy Brown, bo;h of Dunmore; Mrs. John C. Turner, of Knoxville, low "id Mrs. Glenn Waugh, oi .uarlinton, two sisters, Mrs. Nannie Westfall, of Camden-onauley and Mrs. Grace Purill, of Savannah, Georgia; seven brothers, Frank and Pearl Turner, both of Clarksburg; Dale Turner, of Marlinton, Sandy and Raymond Tur ner, both of Little Rock, Arkansas; Lewis Turner, of Rupert, and Harper Turner, of Warm Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Baxter Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery. Dennis A. Grimes

Dennis Asbury Grimes, 73, of Clover Lick, died Thursday, February 12, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born at Dunmore, April 5, 1896, he was a son of the late Uly sses G. and Ida B. Grimes, He was a member of the Brethren Church and a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mary E. Grmes; two sons, Evatjs G., of Clover Lick, and Den nis, (Bud) Jr., of Marlintcn, three daughters, Mrs. Carl Shields, of Clover Lick, Mrs. Lynn McCarty, of Alvon, and Mrs. Ralph Arbogast, Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Drucilla Shinaberry, of Clover Lick; 22 grandch ildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were h e ^ Sunday afternoon in the Woo Poage Chapel at Clover Lick with Rev. Sherman Markley and Rev. David Rittenhouse in charge. Burial was in the Grimes Cemetery.


Mrs. Etta R. Grimes

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Mrs. Etta Ruth Grimes, 88, of Huntersville, died Thursday, March 26, 1970, in the Poca hontas Memorial Hospital. Born May 17, 1881, near Clover Lick, she was the daughter of Isaac and Gerucia Bussard Shinaberry, and wife of the late Anderson Grimes. She was a member of the Mt. Zion Church in the Hills, and a life long resident of Pocahontas County, ( ^ w u / . Survivors include two sons, Forrest and Raymond, of Huntersville, seven daughters, Mrs. Leva Cain, Mrs. Delia Shrader, of Huntersville, Mrs. Stella Pyles, Seebert, Mrs. Zula Young of Wellsville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Veva Birchfield, of Marlinton, Mrs. Thelma Kennedy, of Clover Lick, Mfs. Hefner, of Alvon, thirty six grandchildren, ninety three great-grandchildren, twenty four great-great-grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Frost Methodist Church with Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Sherman Markley in charge. Burial was in the Grimes Cemetery in the Hills. John Robert Grimes John Robert "Bob" Grimes, 58, of Philippi, died Wednesday, December 20, 1995, at his \residence. 1 Mr. Grimes was a 1959 'graduate of West Virginia University School of Pharmacy. He was employed for five years at Fairmont General Hospital. In May 1966 he became a pharmacist and part owner of Davis Drug Sto/e, Inc., in Philippi..He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Morgantown. He was born October 4, 1937, at Coal Center, Pennsylvania, a son of Joseph Huston Grimes, who survives *in~Elkins, and the late Hilda M. Guthrie Grimes. Mr. Grimes was united in marriage September 6, 1958, to the former Evelyn E. Davis, who survives. Also surviving are one son, Joseph H. "Joe" Grimes, of Marlinton; one sister, Nancy Carol Chorpenning, of Millersport, Ohio; one brother, Ronald Lee Grimes, of Adrian, Michigan; and one granddaughter. Funeral services were held at the Wright Funeral Home Chapel Saturday at 11 a. m. by Pastor Henry K. Brown and the Rev. James Fogg. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery,

Mrs. Amy Piyat Grtmii Mrs. Amy Payne Grimes, 81, of Rainelle, died Saturday, May 23, 1981, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a member of Rain* elle United Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. She was the daughter of the late John D. and Nora Eennison Payne of Seebert. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Thelma Shrader, of Vir'nia Beach, Virginia; sisters, rs. Polly Sams, of Fort Spring, Mrs. Vera Arbogast, of Buckeye; brothers, Lloyd Payne, of Hillsboro, Lee Payne, of Ashland, Kentucky, and Gilbert Payne, of Covington, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Rainelle, with Rev. Richard Thursday officiating. Burial was at End of the Trail Cemetery, Clio* tonville.


c» David H. Grimes •<*n£l)avid Hanson Grimes, 65, of Dunmore, died Tuesday, February 7, 1984, of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was born at Dunmore on October 25,1918, the son of the late Henry Hayes and Ada Turner Grimes. He was a retired logging contractor and a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church. Mr. Grimes is survived by his wife, Lillian; three sons, David Lynn Grimes, Terry Lee Grimes, and Kay L. Grimes, all of Dunmore; two daughters, Mary Jackson, Dunmore, and My ma Hooker, of Hot Springs, Virginia; three sisters, Emma Brown and Grey Hiner, both of Dunmore, and Ruth Turner, of Knoxville, Iowa; 19 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in Dunmore Cemetery. Two sisters, Carrie Grimes and Pocahontas Waugh, preceded him in death.


MRS. JOHN W GR MES Mrs. Lura He.Tri<' Moore Grimes, 79, died .dry 22, 1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial i Hospital. She was bom December 16, 1877, and was a daughter of the late David N. and Matilda Moore. She was a member of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. She was united in marriage to John Wesley Grimes on April 13, 1898. To this union was born five children, four of whom survive; one daughter, Mrs. Mona Gale Smith, of Richmond, Va; arid three sons, Herbert Nelson, of Akron, Ohio; and Stanley Quay and John Dale at home. Funeral services were conduct*ed at 11 a. m. Friday in the Mt. Zion Methodist Church by the R ;. Virgil S rader and the Rev. Lt veil Legs. Burial was in the church cem.; tery. Quay Grimes

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Quay Grimes, 56, of n e ^ F r o s t , died on Tuesday, May 10, 1960. He was born at Huntersville March 20. 1904, the son of the late John Wesley and Lura Moore Grimes. Surviving him are two brothers Dale Grimes, of near Frost, and Herbert Grimes, of Akron, Ohio, and a sister, Mrs. Page Smith, of Gum Springs, Virginia. Graveside services were held Saturday afternoon by the Rev. L. E. Saville at the Mount Zion Cemetery. David Scott Grimes David Scott Grimes, 14, of Dunmore, died Sunday, January 13, 1980, at the Medical Center in Morgantown of a sudden illness with sugar diabetes. He was a member of Ashwood Methodist Church in Healing Springs, Virginia, and a Freshman at Pocahontas County High School. The son of Kay and Shelby Thomas Grimes, he was born April 8,1965, in Hot Springs, Virginia. Surviving him are his father; grandfather, David H. Grimes, of Duo more, two sisters, Rebecca Grimes and Sandra Perdue, both of Dunmore* Services were held Wednesday in the Baxter Presbyterian Church, of Dunmore by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle and Rev. Thomas Henderson. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Ulric W. Grimes, 85, of Rainelle, died Tuesday, July 20, 1976, at Hillsboro. Born at Lobelia, March 11, 1891, he was the son of the late Bamet Grimes and Serene Bruffey Grimes. Mr, Grimes taught school in Pocahontas and Greenbrier Counties and was a retired ostmaster at East Rainelle. e was a fifty year Mason and member of the United Methodist Church at Rainelle, having served on the official board for many years. Surviving are his wife, Amy Payne Grimes; one daughter, Mrs. Paul (Thelma) Shrader, of Virginia Beach, Virginia; and one sister, Ena Grimes Ervin, of Hillsboro. Funeral services , were conducted by Rev. Richard Thurston at Wallace & Wallace Chapel at Rainelle on July 22,1976, with interment at End of the Trail Cemetery at Clintonville.


°MrsLuvera Johnson, wife of James Grimes, died at her home on Stamping Creek, on Friday, June 24, 1938, after a long illness On Sunday afternoon her be 'y was .tid to rest in the McNeel ( oetery, the service being conductec y Rey. L S. Shires, assisted by Rev. J. E. Knight. Mrs Grimes is survived by her busI band and their eight children, Low> ell, Dewey, Dennis, John and Elmer 'Grimes and Mrs Faye Totten, all of Ohio; Mrs Granville Wilfong, of near Marlinton, and Mrs Charles Hogsett, of Millpoint. Mrs Grimes was a most excellent woman. For fifty years she had been a member of the Methodist Church, active in religious work. Arthur M. Quia <jr_ ,: Arthur M. Gum, 48. of Parkersburg, formerly of Cass, died Wednesday November 28, 1973, at his home. &&

" I runeral rites for Gay Allen Gutshall, held on Saturday mornin; at eleven o'clock from the Montere. Methodist church, were attended by one of the largest crowds known to have assembled in this church; the auditorium and church school rooms Ijth being filled, with many being unable to secure seats. Tlie crowds extended into the vestibules of the church, with a number on the outside, and in it were sorrowing friends from this and adjoining counties and states. The services were in charge of the Rev. D. G. Trent, pastor of the church, assisted by the Rev. C. B' Gibbs, retired minister of the Brethren church, and the Rev James W. Gardner, minister of the Advent church, of Olifton Forge. Mr. Gardner, a life-long friend and a former pastor of the Gutshall family, spoke feelingly of his associations and friendship that had continued unbroken through many years with both the family and the deceased. Mr. Trent and Mr. Gibbs each reading portions of Holy Scripture. The choir of the church sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer," "Sometime We'll Understand," and In the Sweet Bye and Bye. Miss Margaret Warwick at the piano. The floral offering was beautiful and 2.

Ac i /e bearers were Andrew Gutshall. Wooiirow Gutshall, Wallace Gutshall, Iph Gutshall, Lee McLaughlin, Cliff acLaughlin, and Carl Armstrong. Honorary bearers included J. Ed Arbogast, E. W. Cox, R. S. Newman. Kenneth Beverage, J. S. Gibson, R. Turner Jones, Edwin B. Jones, Jr., C. R. Sipe, W. H. Lunsford, Dr Chas B Pox, Dr. A. V Mitchell, Robert Auldridge, Gle a Hammer, H L. Mackey, J. W. Ncwinan, J. H. Shumate, Herbert Carpenter, S. S. Sullenberger, H. B. Wood, I. L. Beverage, C C Hess, C G. Ralston, H. C. Lunsford, W, C. McLaughln, F C. Corbett, H. S Johnston, Boyd Stephenson, R. W. Hevener, O. H Stephenson and W. L. Trimble. Interment was in the Monterey cemetery. Mr. Gutshall is survived by his widow, who before marriage was Miss Nellie Spencer, of Bartow, W. Va.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Gutsha'l, of Monterey; three brothers and thre^ sisters, Roscoe M. Gutshall, Carl Gutshall, Element Gutshall, Mrs. Moffett Hull, Mrs. Henry . larshall, and Miss Marie Gutshall .ul of this community. A large family connection in this county, and many, many friends. He 1 1" "*• mercantile \ busiess near Mill Gap during the past year, before this he had been associated with his father C. R ^utshall in business at Monterey. J held in high esteem, and regarded « one of the outstanding young business men of the county.

*une uuisnau g^, June R. Gutshall was born ft Cass on September 22, 1920 e art ed t h i s l i f e o n A lo ^ after x Pril *$ 1Q 1975, a long illness.

MRS. J^ALLIS GUTSHALL Mrs. pallia Blizaboth Gutshall, 69, died at her home in Morgantcvn, June was the son of the late December 26, I966. Howard and Hallie McLaughlin She was a member of gutshall and made his home in Dunmore Presbyterian V spent 4 in fu° Urf\n i t e d£ SSt a t e s years »,? Army »s ChuBch, a former resial Military Policeman and was dent of Pocahontas Coun" A, us . tra i'a for 38 months. ty and had lived in MorVVn>le in Australia, he contract- gantown 24 years. ed a tropical fungus that turnShe was a member of ed into skin cancer. He died ' " t h L e Veterans Hospital in the Daughters of the

nttsbLr 6 h, Pennsylvania. American Revolution, He is survived by his sister, American Legion Auxil%f% Cesa His brother, Gerald Gutshall preceded him in iary and the Pythian death. June spent a great part Sisters. ofy his life in Pocahontas CounBurviving are a daughhis ?i. grandparents, Mr ter, Mrs. Slsie Cosa of and Mrs. Letch McLaughlin. La sage; a son, Jim of Funeral services were helc Morgantown; five sisApril 15 in the Baxter Presbyte an " Church at Dunmore, ters, Mrs. Gladys Bosd with burial in the Dunmcre of Cleveland, 0. Mrs. Cemetery. Lata Adams, Miss Nelia McLaughlin and Mrs. Pat Hall, all of Dunmore, and Miss Mollie McLaughlin of Richmond, Va.; a brother Lyle of Folansbe9j. two grand children and two great grandchildren. Funeral service was conducted at Dunmere Presbyterian Church with Rev. Edward Hendei son and Rev. Travis Wells in charge, on Thursday. Burial in Dunmore Cemetery.

Willis Gum Willis Austin Gum, aged 77, of Green Bank, died on Tuesday, December 4,1962, after a short illness. Born May 7, 1885, at Green Bank, he was a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at Green Bank. Survivors include his wife, i Alice Gum; four sons, Austin J. Gum, of South Charleston, Ernest J. Gum, of Covingon, Virginia, Basil M. and Maxie Gum, both of Green Bank; four daughters, Mrs. Bonnie Wilson, of Monterey, Virginia, Mrs Ruby Dowdy, of Craigsjville, Virginia, Mrs. Serahpine Gum, of Green Bank and Mrs. Anna Laura Eiwin Gum Pauline Gum, of Staunton, Mrs. Anna Laura Erwin Gum, Virginia; a brother, Fred Gum, of Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. aged 70 years, of Green Bank, Woodsie Devenick, of Vander- died on Friday, August 26, 1955, a short illness. Her body ; pool, Virginia, and Mrs. Grace after was laid to rest in the family plot j Sharp, of Mingo, and fifteen n the Arbovale Cemetery on Sun'grandchildren. day afternoon. The service was Funeral services will be held from the Green Bank Meheld Thursday afternoon in thodist Church by her pastor, the Wesley Chapel Methodist Rev. E. H. Thomas. Church near Green Bank at The deceased is the widow of 2 p. m. by the Rev. Robert the late Bryon Gum. She is Harshberger, with burial in survived by their four daughters, the church cemetery. Mrs. Dan Taylor and Mrs. James Galforu, of Green Bank; Mrs. Craig Tallman, of Stony Bottom, and Mrs. W. J. Hise, of Hightown, Virginia; a son, Orville Gum, of Brandywine. ^ son, Frank Gum, preceded his mother, some months since.


SI01I M M B i n

George Thomas Gum George Thomas Gum was bora on January 24, 1912, at Mur^oe, Virginia, and passed away at his | nome. at 607 Wilson St., Akron, Ohio, on Friday, May 2, 1952, ollowing several weeks of serious illness. The deceased was a son of Mrs. Emma Gum and the late Otbo E. Gum. He is survived by his wife, Lucille, and three sons, George Thomas, Jr.; Elliott Balton, James Roger; bis mother, Mrs. Emma Gum, four sisters, Mrs. Lela May of Beard; Mrs. Mamie Williams,! Monterey, Virginia; Mrs. Ruth^ Grogg, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. j Mabel Barlow, of Huhtersville; one niece and one nephew. He was a Navy Veteran of World War II, having served for •20 months in the South Pacific' , Theatre. He was an employee of the State Road Commission of West Virginia for a number of years, both before aDd after he was in the service, and was employed by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company at the time of nis death. He was a member of the Huntersville Masonic Lodge No 65 A F & A M, and V. F. W. Powt at Marlinton. On Monday afternoon, May 5th, the funeral was held io the Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church, by Rev. L. E. Saville, and Rev. Don G. Taylor. Burial in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery with Masonic honors. George was a good friend and neighbor to everyone, and he will I be sadly missed by his friends, land loved ones. Mrs. Dortha Gum

Mrs. Dortha Gray Gum, 76, died Friday, July 23, 1976, in Denmar State Hospital, at Beard, of natural causes. A lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, Mrs. Gum was a member of the Green Bank United Methodist Church and a life member of the United Methodist Women. Survivors include her husband, Markwood; two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Sheets and Mrs. Ruby Carpenter, both of Green Bank; one son, Donald of Morgantown; 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at Green Bank United Methodist Church with Rev. Greg Lewis in charge. Burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Sadie Mae Gum, 78, a reeident of Hiking for the past one and one-half years and formerly of Durbin, died Sunday, January 16,1983, in the Memorial General Hospital. She was born July 24, 1904, in Pennsylvania, a daughter of the late John M. Kane and Angeline Lanin Kane McCarty. On December 18, 1919, in Cass, she was married to James Crawford Gum, who preceded her in death in 1965. Mrs. Gum and her husband had owned and operated the Gum's Restaurant and Tourist Home in Durbin for many years. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. James (Margaret) Fancher, San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Ashby (Martha) Craft, El kins and Mrs. Jack (Virginia) McCauley, Parsons; two half sisters, Mrs. John Knight, Charleston and Mrs. Wiley Kirtz, Ashland, Kentucky; nine grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Four brothers and one grandson preceded her in death. Mrs. Gum was a charter member and Past Worthy Matron of the Cass Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a member of the Davis Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and College Aid. She was a member of the Durbin United Methodist Church and since living in Elkins had attended the First United Methodist Church. Funeral services were held Wednesday in the Durbin United Methodist Church at 2 p.m., with the Rev. Mark Hickman pastor of the church, officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery, Arbovale. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Gam Mrs. M a r y Eliz.ibeth T a y l o r G u m , aged 86 years, widow of the late C. M. G u m , died a t her home at G r e e n b a n k , W e d n e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 16, 1949. On F r i d a y the funeral was held a t W e ley Obapel by her pastor, Rev. Q. B. A r b o g a a t . H e r body was laid to rest in t h e church cemetery. S;:e is survived by two d a u g h ters, Mrs. Grace S h a r p and Mrs Woodsie Devericks, aud two sons, Willis and Fred G u m . T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of the late L u t i e and Elizabeth Tacy Taylor. H e r husband preceded her in death a b o u t seventeen y e a r s a g o .

nu»*«ii v .



Russell O.Gum, 71, R. D. 1, Townville, Pennsylvania, a resident there for the past 30 years, died Wednesday, August 9, 1967, at the Flickinger Convalescent Home at Meadville, Pennsylvania, after a long illness. Born April 11,1896, at Frost, he was a son of the late Marion and Elsie Dilley Gum. On October 4, 1941, he married the former Ardella Coburn, of Townville, Pennsylvania. He had worked at a variety of occupations, including farming, painting, cattle trading and maintenance for the Masonic Building in Meadville. Mr. Gum served with a Quartermaster Detachment in World War I. He was a member of Townville American Legion. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ardella Gum; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Arthur (Nancy) Howard, of Forrestville, New York; two brothers. Ward Gum, of Dunmore, and Paul Gum. of Charleston; two stepgrandsons and one step greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held August 11, in the Willis Arnold Chapel in Townville by the Rev. William Rand, with burial in the Greenlawn Cemetery at Townville, Pennsylvania.

FRANK RICHARD GUM Frank Richard Gum, a g e d 54 years, died at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on April 2 1 , 1955. Serious Heart Attack waa | the cause of his death. On Saturday afternoon Funeral Service was held from the Presbyterian Church a t Dunmor e by Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. His body wa s laid to rest in the family Plot in the Arbovale Cemetery. The deceased was the son of the late Bryan Gum and Mrs Laura Gum of Green Bank. He was employed for a number of years by the Mower Lumber Co., on the farm r-ear Cass. In additioi to his mother, he is survived by his,wife, Elizabeth Mullenax Gum; two daughters, Patricia Jean and Barbara Ellen; four sisters, Mrs. Nan Taylor of Gree- Bank; Mrs. Craig fallman of Svony Bottom; Mrs. Jim Galford of Green Lank; and Mrs. Margaret Rice of near Hightown, Var; one b r o t hf e r, Orville of Brandywine. /

mrs. meivtna uum i^s Mrs. Melvina Sampson Paul W. Gum, aged 48 years, Gum, 83, of Mountain Grove, died August 22ucl in a Fairmont Virginia, died Thursday, Nohospital in Marion county. • He vember 2, 1972, in the Emsuffered a heart attack. His body i met t Memorial Hospital at was brought to the home of his Clifton Forge, Virginia. brother, Dale Gum at Bartow. Mrs. Gum was born at Roy McKinley Gum, assistant Monday, August ->4th. The serHuntersville, March 17, 1889. superintendent of the ehlorine de- vices were conducted by Rev. She was a daughter of the late p a r t m e n t at Westvaco's South Dchaven and Rev. Quade ArboHenry and Elizabeth Ryder Charleston plant, died last night gast at the Abovale church. His Sampson. at his home. body was iaid to rest in the cem,The 62-year-old official had She was a member of the been employed with Westvaco for etery at Arbova'e. Mountain Grove United Meth29 years. He lived at 712 JefferHe was the son of the late Wil- odist Church and had been a son St., South Charleston. resident of Mountain Grove Born in Naples, Va., he served liam C. Gum and Ruby Sutton for 33 years. in World War I and held mem- Gum. He was born in Pocahontas county. He left this county bership in Darlington Methodist Her husband. Elmer R. Church at South Charleston. some twenty years ago. He was Gum, preceded her in death Surviving are his wife, Mrs. •mi ted in marriage to Julia How- in 1957. One son, Lloyd Gum, Helen Gum; three daughters, Mrsel] in 1917. To this union eight and one daughter, Mrs. Delia Elaine Vardin of St. Albans. Mrs. children were born—Ivan, Ed- Burks, preceded her in death. Corrine R i c h a r d s o n of South Charleston, and Mrs. Donna Nealej ward, William, Cecil, Betty and Survivors include two dauof Charleston; his mother, Mrs. Johnny, all of Fairview: Paul, Jr. : ghters, Mrs. Lona Graham, of Elsie Gum of Dunmore; a sister, of the U. S. Army; Mrs Pauline Mrs. Olie Houchin of Durbin; four Mountain Grove, and Mrs, Riffle, of Waco, Texas. His brobrothers, Russell Gum of TownRella Beck, of Pensacola, Florthers are Bruce'and Dale Gum of ville, Pa., Ward and Mack Gum ida; three sons, Rev. Alfred of Dunmore, and Paul Gum of Bartow; Ralph, of Washington, G. Gum, of Marlinton, Roy South Charleston. D. C. Those who attended the Gum, of Covington, Virginia, Service will be conducted at 7 funeral from a distance were Mr. p. m. today in Snodgrass mortuand Leonard Gum, of Mounand Mrs Masou, his employer, and [ary at South Charleston by Rev. tain Grove; 13 grandchildren, Freda Bowling, of Fairview. i R. L. O'Dell. Additional serv24 great-grandchildren and From us a dear one has gone, ice will be at 2 p. m. tomorrow one great-great grandchild. in Dunmore Methodist Church by A voice we loved is stilled, [Rev. Elwood Thomas. Burial will There is a vacant place in our The graveside services were be in Dunmore Cemetery, Pocaheld in the Wesley Chapel hontas County. The body is at hearts, Cemetery at Green Bank by Snodgrass mortuary. That never can be filled. the Rev. Ezra Bennett, and CC me was laid to rest beside ier beloved husband. Orville H. Gum "Buddy" Gum Oi.iiie Herman Gum, 55, of Brandywine, died on Satur"Buddy'; Gum, of Minnehaha day, December 11, 1965, ir ROY McKINLEY GUM Springs, was born May 27, 1941, the Rockingham Hospital, HarRoy McKinley Gum, assistant and departed this life on Friday, n'sonburg, Virginia, from heart August 6, 1954, after a short superintendent of the chlorine iisease. illness. He leaves to mourn their department at Westvaco's South loss his mother, Mrs. Lucille Charleston plant, died Thursday, Born February 4, 1910, at Gum; two brothers, Tommy and December 1, 1955, at his home, Green Bank, he was a son of Jimmy; his grandmother, Mrs. 712 Jefferson St., South CharlesBryan 0. and Laura Erwin Emma Gum; and a host of rela- ton. The 62-year-old official Jiad Gum. tives and friends. His father, been employed with Westvaco for He was employed as a ma George Gum, preceded him two 29 years. ehinery operator by the Statf A native of Naples, Va., he had | years ago last May. Road Commission, and served served in World War I and was a! Funeral services were conduct- member of Darlington Methodist | is Superintendent of the Suned at The Smith" Funeral Home, Church in South Charleston. day School at Riverside Meon Sunday afternoon by his pashodist Church and as treasServices were conducted in the tor, Rev. Ralph Malcomb, and Snodgrass Mortuary at South' irer of South Fork Volunteer ! he was laid to rest beside his i Charleston by the Rev. R. L. I ^ire Company. Survivors include his wife, (father in the family plot in Mt. O'Dell. Additional services were held on Sunday in the Dunmore Mrs. Elsie Simmons; a foster j View Cemetery. "Buddy" made a profession of Methodist Church by the Rev. ;on, Neal Douglas Simmons, the Christian faith and united Elwood Thomas. Burial was in \i home: four sisters, Mrs with the Methodist Church in the Dunmore cemetery. Oan (Edith) Taylor, of Green Surviving- are his wife, Mrs. January 1954. He was an active ^ank; Mrs. Craig (Anna Mae) member of the Youth Fellowship, Helen Gum; three daughters, Mrs. oilman and Mrs. Jim (Una) I always willing to do whatever he Elaine Vardin of St. Albans, Mrs. ^alford, both of Stonv Bottom Corrine Richardson of S o u t h
R.M.Gum,62, Dies at Home

Paul W. Gum

JaiLw 0. Gum James O Guru, aged 85 years, of Dunmore. died on Friday, December 12, 1952, after a brief illness. Ou Sunday afternoon his body was laid in the Dunmore Cemetery. The funeral service was held from the Dunmore Vlethr list. Church by his pastor, Rev. ,). L. Justice. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Dilley, ard their foi>r children, Mrs. Ida Gilford, of Guys Vlills, Pennsylvania, Harry, of Townville, Pennsylvania Sterle, of VVcirton, and Merritt, of Greenback; also by 12 grandchildren and 15 great grand-children. His sister is Mrs. Addie Sheets, of Greenbank. Mr. Gum was a native of Highland County •"•• ' " many years he has been a of Pocahontas County. His parents were the late Amos and Fannie Perry Gum, of Mill Gap. One of his brothers was the late Clark Gum, of Marlinton.

Limci n. uuiai' Elmer Roland Gumm, 76, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died in the C & 0 Hospital, Clifton Forge, Virginia, on Friday, August 2, ? 957. He was a retired farmer and a son of the late Clark and Georgia Gumm. He was born March 18, lfc81, in Pocahontas County. Surviving are his wife,, Mrs. Vina Gumm; three daughters, Mrs. Lona Graham and Mrs. j Delia Burks, both of Covington, j Virginia; and Mrs. Rella Beck, of Jacksonville, North Carolina;; three sons, Alfred and Leonard' Gumm, both, of Mountain Grove,! Virginia; and Roy M. Gumm, of' Covington, Virginia; two sisters; Mrs. Hattie Gragg, of Covington, Virginia; and Mrs. Molhe .Sutton, of Cass: thirteen grand-! children; twelve great-grandchild-' ren; one step great-grandchild, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were held from the Wesley Chapel Methodist Churca at Wesley Chapel, High THOMAS MARION GUM [land County, with Rev. ." ndrew Thomas Marion Gum, aged 80 | Lynch officiating. Burial war years, died at his home near DUD | in the Church Cemetery. more on Monday, June 9, 1952. Oil VV« a#esdny the funeral service i^y George F. Gum i was held from the Dunmore George Franklin Gum, 74, of i Methodist Church by bin pastor, Monterey, Virginia, died on Rev. J. E. Justice. His body Thursday, December 16, 1965 Was laid io the Dunmore Cem'ein King's Daughters' Hospital, in Staunton, Virginia. For nearly sixty years the deHe was born January 17. ceased had been a resident of 1891, in Arbovale, son of the Dili'more. He was a son of the ! ate Milton and Alice Conrar late Amos and Fanny Terry Gum, Gum. (gg+4 of Highland County, Virginia. His brother is James O Gum. of Surviving are his widow, I Dunmore, and his sister, Mrs. Mrs. Gertie Collins Gum; one 1 Addie Sheets, of Greet Bank. son,. Gerald Gum, of Valley. Mr. Gum is survived by hi* Head; one sister, Mrs. Lofa Gilbert, of South Charleston; wife, Mrs, Elsie Diiley Gum, ard three brothers, Markwood their five sons, Ray and Paul, of Charleston; Russell, of Townville, Gum, of Green Bank; Matthew Gum, of Bartow, and Pennsylvania: Ward, of Bait Charles Gum, of Mill Point; more, Maryland; and Mack, of Dunmore. I five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held on SunGeorge Gum (*, day, December 19, a t the ArGeorge Gum, 74, of Monbovale Methodist Church, conterey, Virginia, died Thursday, ducted by the Rev. Kenneth December 16, 1965, in King's Amstutz and the Rev. Thomas Daughters' Hospital at StaunDunlap. Burial was in the ton, Virginia. adjoining cemetery. Survivors include his wife, M r . Gum had made his home Mrs. Gertie Gum; and one son, in Monterey, Virginia, for the I Gerald Gum, of Valley Head. Bast six years. Services and burial were held Cass—Mrs Olive Kathleen Gum Sunday afternoon at Arbovale. Sheets, aged twenty-five years, I wife of John Sheets, died on j K u r d ay May 2*. 1943, after a [ short illness, bhe is survived bj • her husband and their little daughter Katherine. Mrs Sheets was a daughter of Mr and Mrs Bryan Gum.

Mrs. George Gum J/ Mrs. Gertrude Collins Gum, 79, formerly of Monterey, Virl gmia, died Saturday, May 29 1971, in an Elkins nursing She was born May 20, 1892 in Highland County, a daueh^ °A $$e, l a t e W i I l i a m and Elzeda Phillips Collins. She was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church. • _^ Her husband", George F. Gum preceded her in death in 1965.' Survivors include one son, Gerald W. Gum. of Valley Head; five grandchildren eight great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews, Funeral services were beld Monday afternoon in the Arbovale Unit*d Methodist Church V i " u R ^ v - R'chard Gibson and the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with barial in the Arbovale Cemetery. The Gums formerly lived in Bartow and Marlinton. Paul W. Gum Paul W. Gum, aged 48 years, died August 22nd in a Fairmont hospital in Marion county. He suffered a heart attack. His body was brought to the home of his brother, Dale Gum at Bartow, Monday, August 24th. The services were conducted by Rev. Dehaven and Rev. Quade Arbogast at the Abovale church. His body was iaid to rest in the cemetery at Arbovale. He was the son of the late Wil ham C. Gum and Ruby Sutton Gum. He was born in Pocahontas county. lie left this county some twenty years ago. He was united m marriage to Julia Howell in 1917. To this union eight children were born—Ivan, Edward, William, Cecil, Betty and Johnny, all of Fairview: Paul, Jr. of the U. S. Army; Mrs Pauline Riffle, of Waco, Texas. His brothers are Bruce and Dale Gum of Bartow: Ralph, of Washington, D. C. Those who al ,...ded the funeral from a d i s t n e e were Mr. and Mrs Mason, In.. / „ J , and Freda Bowling, of Fairview From us a dear one has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, There is a vacant place in our hearts, That never can be filled.


Mrs. Harper Gum V ' Mrs. Genivee Hamrick Gum, 81, of Cass, died Tuesday, July 6, 1976, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. She had been in ill health for several years.. A native of Pocahontas, she was born June 22, 1895, the daughter of the late Bernard and Susan Meeks Hamrick, of Cass. She was the widow of Harper Gum. She had lived most of her life in Cass and was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church. | 2 ^ ^ Mrs. Gurafs survived by one daughter, Lila Chestnut, Hillsboro, one son, Charles Gum, of Cass, two sisters, Mrs. Mary Shiffiett, Glen Burnie, Maryland, Mrs. Lilly Blackburn, of Rand; one brother, Woodrow Hamrick, Marlinton; 3 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren. ! Friends may call Thursday evening at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale where services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p. m r by the Rev. Greg Lewis. Burial will be in Arbovale Cemetery. Private Billy Gam

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Valley Head - G e o r g e Gum : has receive notice from the A r m y that t i e body of his SOD, P r i v a t e Billy G u m , aged 18 years, will a r r i v e this week. T h e service has been set for Arbovale Cemetery on S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n , M*j •2. The youn^r so'dier was killed in action in Korea on J u l y 10, 1953. He was in the I n f a n t r y , and had seen nearly a y e a r of service. H e was a g r a n d s o n of Mr. and M r s . G e o r g e G u m of Bartow. Billy a t t e n d e d Marlinton J u n ior H i g h School and made his home with his grand m o t h e r , M r s . Delia D u n b r a c k , of MarliDton, prior to e n t e r i n g the service. Wo id - P. Gum, aged '• at iiig home In fjbarli Some tnonl lis sine* i o still >l paralysis. Bai tal al (11 ii. Hi; is by his . ine son, Cecil. Be was a native !, a son ' n n . His brothei is \V II



Harry Preston Gum, 74, of Cass, died Thursday, January 11,1973, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Cass, and was a retired farmer. Survivors include bis wife, Mrs. Leabelle Pennington Gum; two daughters, Mrs. Juanita Castle, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Alyne Miller, of Bel Air, Maryland; four sons, Guy Miller, of Baltimore, Maryland, Arthur Gum, of Parkersburg, Harry, Jr., and Ricky Gum, both of Cass, and one stepson, Norman Winas, of Wood bridge, Virginia. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Good. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Bertoo Berne unm ^ ^Berton ^ ^ ^ ^ Bernell ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Gum, _ . aged 49 years, 5 months and 25 days, was born at Green Bank, on April 15, 1905, and departed this life on Monday, October 11, 1954, in Millville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Gum was a native of Pocahontas and lived here most of his life. For the past four years he had lived in Millville. Funeral services were held in the Cass Methodist Church wich the Rev. William Pugh officiating. Interment was made in the Arbovale Cemetery. Tha deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hazel Arbogast Gum, of Millville; three daughters: Mrs Moody Galford, of Cass; Mrs. Harold Cosner, of Jersey own, Pennsylvania, and Miss Joanne Gum, at home; and three sons: Bobby, of the U. S. Army, and Stanley and Burel, at home: his mother, Mrs. Lola Gilbert; a h*. sisterT Mid. Feire'.l Morgar. a half-brother, Fletcher Giioe, all of Charleston.

THOMAS MARION GUM Funeral services for ThomasMarion Gum, age 90, who died at his home in Dunmore Monday, June 9, were conducted Wednesday in the Methodist Church by the Rev. J. E. Justice. Interment was in the Dunmore Cemetery. Mr. Gum, a retired salesman, had lived in Dunmore for the past 57 years. He is survived by his wife, Elsie; five sons, Roy and Paul, of Charleston; Russell, of Townsville, Pa., Ward, of Baltimore, Md., and Mack, of Dun-

John E. Gum, one of the pioneers of Pocahontas passed away from this earthly life to the great beyond Wed nesday April 10th, 1924, at the home of his son in law, Cgcar L. Orndoff, near Asbovale at the age of 94 years Uncle John as he was iuiversally called by his wide circle of friends will be greatly missed and especially by the younger generation iuasmuch as he was familiar with the growth and development of Pocahontas county, being born in the year that the county of Pocahontas was formed and having a wonderful memory could relate all the important events connected with the development of the county. Funeral services were! conducted at the Arbovale Church by Rev's Shires. Monroe, and Harris in the presence of an unusally large congregation. He leaves one son, Warwick Gum, of Webster Springs, who is an engineer on the B. & O. It R. and two daughters Mrs. O. L Orndoff of. Arbovale, and Mrs. Dollie Ralston of Green Hill, Va,, to mourn his loss, his body was laid to rest in the Arbovale cemetery Thursday evening. ||^|

Mrs. Emma G. Gum Mrs. Emma G. Gum. 8G, of Lewisburg, formerly of Marlinton, died in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte on Thursday, April 2, 1964, after a long illness. Born at Huntersville, June 2, 1877, she was a daughter of ine late Mr. and Mrs. George Dilley. She was a member of the i Marlinton Methodist Church | ' and spent most of her life in Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties. Survivors include three dau ghters, Mrs. Mabel Barlow, of Huntersville, Mrs. Mamie Williams, of Monterey, Virginia, land Mrs. Remus May, of Lewisburg; two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton by the Rev. George McCune. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.



On S a t u r d a y afternoon, atl G r e e n b a n k , the funeral service for P r i v a t e J a m e s O. G u m . was held from the Methodist Church by Key. Quade R. A r b o g a s t . The youDg man died in Germany, March 3 1 , 1948. H e is survived by his p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. B r y a n G u m , of| S t o n y B o t t o m ; by his two b r o t h ers, F r a n k and Orville G u m ; by his four sisters, M r s . E d i t h T a y lor, Mrs. A n n a Mae Tallman, Mrs. U n a Galford, and Mrs. Martha Hise. •

Mrs. Elsie Gum Mrs. Elsie Gum, aged 84 years, of Dunmore, died on Sunday, March 4, 1956, after a long illness. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from the Dunmore Methodist Church, of which she had long been a member. The minister was hsr pastor, Rev Ed Thomas. The deceased was the widow of the late Marion Gum. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dilley. Surviving are four sons, Rus{sell/of Towr.svitle, Pennsylvania; ! Mark and Ward, of Dunmore; tl nd Paul, of South Charleston; one daughter, Mrs. Odie Houchins, of Durbin; one brother, Chris Dilley, of Dunmare; one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Gum, of Dun• 15 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

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sterling Lee Gum

Berton Bernell Gum, aged 49 years, 5 months and 25 days, was Bartow,.died Thursday, July | born at Green Bank, on April 15, f<, U<2 at his home, of an [1905, and departed this life on apparent heart attack. i Monday, O a f o b e A l l , 1954, in fin?0^ May 2, 1925, he was a Millville, Pennsylvania. S / M r . a n d Mrs. Bruce b u m , of.Bartow. Mr. Giim/was a nltive of Pocahontas artdllived he/e mcpi of his He was a member of the Trilife. For t f t ^ a s p f o u r / y e a r s lie nity United Methodist Church had lived in at Bartow, a lifelong resident of Thornwood and was emFuneral services were held in the Cass Methodist Church with H wes Leather Com a ° the Rev. William Pugh officiating. Interment was made in the Survivors include his wife, Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Delores Gum; one son, y a v i d Gum, at home, seven Tha deceased is survived by his aU hte s wife, Mrs. Hazel Arbogast Gum, & - « , M i s s S a n d r a Gum, of Millville; three daughters: Mrs of Martinsburg, Donna, Pam. jMoody Galford, of Cass; Mrs. Beckie, Jackie, Patricia, and i Harold Cosner, of Jersey own, l a m m y Gum, all at home, Pennsylvania, and Miss Joanne his grandmother, Mrs. LotGum, at home; and three sons: tie Waybright, of Tnornwood. Bobby, of the U. S. Army, and Funeral was held Saturday Stanley and Burel, at home; his afternoon in the Wallace and mother, Mrs. Lola Gilbert; a halfVvallace Funeral Home Chapel a sister, Mrs. Feire!l Morgan, and f, Arbovale by the Rev. DaDaniel L. Gum a half-brother, Fletcher Gil' • *u . ? n h o u s e > with burial Daniel Lorain Gum, aged 25, all of Charleston -.. in the Arbovale Cemetery. of Green Bank, died on Friday, Thomas Mack Gum A u g u s t s , 1951 from injuries re George Gum Thomas Mack Gum. aged ceived in an automobile accident 61, of Dunmore, died in the near Clifftop, in Fayette County. George Gum, aged 40 years Pocahontas Memorial Hospital He lived but an hour. On Sundied io AkroD, Ohio, on May 1. on Tuesday, October 9, 1962. day afternoon the funeral wai I'.)'r2, after an illness of about He was a resident of Pocaconducted ftotu the Methodist two months. On Monday, his Churcb in Green Ban!? By Rev. hontas County most of his life. body was laid in the family plot Quade Arbogastand Rev. Graham I Survivors include three bro-' in the Mt. View Cemetery. The Keyes. thers, Ward Gum, of Dun- service was held by Rev. Don more; Russell Gum, of TowneThe deceased was a son of Mr. Taylor. and Mrs. Merritt Gmn. He Is ] ville, Pennsylvania, and Paul The deceased was a son of Mrs Gum, of South Charleston. also survived by bis brother. Emma Dilley Gum, and the lat> Kerth aDd his grand parents, Mr. ' Funeral services were conOthoGum,of Minnehaha Spring-. ducted Friday afternoon in the and Mrs. James O. Uum, of DuoHe is survived by his wife, noro. Dunmore Methodist Church Mrs Lucille Adkins Gum, their with the Rev. J. Robert HarshThe young man was employed three sons, four sisters, Mrs berger in charge. Burial was as a truck driver by a Coal ComRemus May of Beard, Mrs S. L. n the Dunmore Cemetery. pany. Barlow of Huntersville. Mrs. W. 0. Gragg of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs J. E. Williams of Monterey, Harry Gum Virginia. Harry Preston Gum, 74, of Harper i. Gum Cass, died Thursday, January Harper J. Gum, 71, of Cass, 11,1973, in an Elkins hospital died Saturday, August 3 1 , mm Bryan 0. fun after a long illness. 1968, in the Pocahontas CounBryan (). Gum, aarcd 74 yei r s. ty Memorial Hospital after a He was a lifelong resident of of Green Rank, died at his ho »e. long illness. Cass, and was a retired farmer. on Sunday, April 23, 1950. Survivors include his wife, A lifelong resident of Cass, Funeral ser ices were conduct Mrs. Leabelle Pennington he was a merchant. ed on Tur-d:i.\ afterfwjon from Gum; two daughters, Mrs. Survivors include his wife, t i e Green Ruil; Methodist Church Juanita Castle, of Baltimore, IvLs. Geneva Hamrick Gum; by his pastor. Rev. Quade H. Ar Maryland, and Mrs. Alyne one daughter, Mrs. Jean Chestbogast. nith interment in the Miller, of Bel Air, Maryland; nut, of Hillsboro; one son, Arbovale Cemetery. four sons, Guy Miller, of BaltiCharles Gum, of Cass, and a Mr. Gum is survived by his more, Maryland, Arthur Gam, twin brother, Harry Gum, of wife, Mrs Lam a Lrvio Gum: Cass. Of Parkersburg, Harry, Jr., two sons. Fri.Dk, of 0a«8, and and Ricky Gum, both of Cass, Funeral services were held Orville, of Brandywine. Virginia; and one stepson, Norman WiTuesday afternoon in the Walfour daughters. Mrs. Edith Taynas, of Woodbridge, Virginia. lace and Wallace Funera' j lor, of Green Bank; Mrs. Anna Funeral services were held Home Chapel at Arbovale by May Tallman. of Stony Bottom: Sunday afternoon at the Cass the Rev. Paul Good with burMrs. Una Galford, of Slaty Fork, ial in the Arbovale Cemetery. United Methodist Church by and Mrs. Margaret Hise, of Cass. the Rev. Paul Good. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

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Ward C. Gun ., Ward C. Gum, 83, died Fri« day, September 3, 1982, at an Elkins hospital after a long illness. Born September 13,1893, at Frost, he was the son of the late Thomaa and Elsie DiUey

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Merritt Moore Gum, 74, of James O Gum, aged 85 years, I Green Bank, died Saturday,' Dunmore. died on Friday, Dec-| September 23,1978, in Memoiber 12, 1952, after a brief illrial General Hospital, in Elk;sb. On Sunday afternoon his ins, after an extended illness. I ody was laid in the Dun mere "'eiietery. The funeral service Born April 5, 1904. at vas held from /the Dunmore Green Bank, he was the son Methodist Church[by pis pastor, of the late James 0. and Lizzie Gum - bo £ ^ Rev. J. L. Justice DiUey Gam. Mr, Gum was a member of The deceased is sViK\>Jved bj A son, Daniel Lorain Gum, the Dunmore United Methowife, Mrs. Elizabetf _ _ and a brother, Harry W. Gum, dist Church and a merchant. their fpt*r children, fvfrsTTda Gilpreceded him in death. He was preceded in death by a ford, of Guys Mills, Pennsylvania, He was a retired employee of son, Chad Gum. " j r r y , of Townville, Pennsylvania National Radio Astronomy Ob- Sterlfe, of Weirton, and Merritt, Survivors include his wife, servatory, and a member of Anna Mary Ray Gum; a of Greenbank; also by 1*2 grandDunmore United Methodist daughter, Gatha Galford. of e uldren and 15 great grand-chilMonterey, Virginia; a son, Paul Church. I'en. His sister is Mrs. Addie R. Gum, of Dunmore; a brothSurviving are his wife, Sylvia S lects, of Greenbank. er, Paul Gum, of Charleston"; Taylor Gum, son, Kerth, of Mr. Gum was a native of Highsix grandchildren and two New Cumberland; brother, S. id County but for many years great-grandchildren. R., of Dunmore; sister, Mrs. has been a resident of PocahonServices were held Monday Ida Galford, of Saegertown, County. His parents were at 2 p. m. in the Dunmore Pennsylvania. 'ate Amos and Fannie Perr„ United Methodist Church with Services were held at 3 p. m. •>f Mill Gap. One of his the Rev. John W. Greiser offiTuesday, Sepf*uiber 26, in was the late Clark Gum, ciating. Burial was in DunDunmore United Methodist iton. more Cemetery at Dunmore. Church with the Rev. Q. R. Arbogast and the Rev. GregBasil M. Gum ory Lewis officiating. Burial Basil M. Gum, 58, of was in Dunmore Cemetery. Marlinton, died suddenly Friday, August 15, 1986, of a heart attack in a local store. Mr. James Gumm He was member of the James Isaac Gumm, St., 37, Methodist Church and a &ASS, April 7 (RNS) — Fuof Williamsport, Maryland, welder at the National Radio neral services for Capt. Harold died Tuesday, May 15, 1979, Gum, 34-year-old Army officer, Astronomy Observatory at from injuries he sustained will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wed-, Green Bank. He was a veteran when he was struck by a car. nesday in the Green Bank Methoof the U.S. Navy. dist Church with the Rev. Ed He was born July 25,1941, A native of Green Bank, he Thomas in charge. i i near Monterey, son of Mrs. Gum died Friday in a Baltimore was born September 14, 1927, Lottie Chloe White Gum, of i hospital. Death was attributed to the son of the late Willis A. Williamsport and the late Fred a heart attack. and Alice Puffenbarger Gum. A. Gumm. He was a member of the ArlingSurvivors include his wife, ton Forest Methodist Church and He was a brick mason and a Louise Virginia Gregory Tygart Valley Lions Club. member of Green Hill United Born June 12, 1923. in Cass, he Gum; six children, Joyce Ann Methodist Church in Mill Gap, I was a son of Markwood and DoroGum and Betty Jo Gum, both thy Gum of Green Bank. and the Eagles Club in Hagersof Lewisburg, Marilynn Gum, In 1942, he was elected the first1 town. (resident of the Future Farmers Ellen Gum, Billy Joe Gum, Surviving are his widow, if America from West Virginia. I and Makala Gum, all of Mrs. Nancy Jane Johnston Survivors in addition to his par-: Marlinton; three brothers, mis are his wife, Betty of Reedsjurnm; two daughters, Miss Austin J. Gum, Scott Depot, •ille; a ' 10-year-old daughter, irenda Lou and Miss Julie Barbara, at home: one brother, Ernest H. Gum, Covington, \nn Gumm, both of WilliamsDonald of Green Bank, and two Virginia, and Maxie A. Gum, port; one son, James I. Gumm, sisters, Mrs. Virginia Sheets and of Green Bank; three sisters, Jr., of Williamsport; three sisRuby Gum both of Green Bank. Ruby Dowdy, of CraigsviUe, The body will be taken to the ters, Mrs. Phyllis M.Williams, church one hour prior to services Virginia, Sara Gum, of of Gaithersburg, Maryland, from the Smith Funeral Home J I Dunmore, and Polly Lucas, of Mrs. Emily M. Chestnut, of Marlinton. CraigsviUe, Virginia; one Burial will be in Arbovale Ceme-1 Dunmore, and Mrs. Carolyn grandchild. tery. | G. Pitsenbarger, of Moyers, Services were held at and one brother, Darrel W. Gumm, of Monterey. Wesley Chapel United Mrs. Dvye Gum Services were held at 2 p. m. Mrs. Gertrude Yeager Gum, Saturday at Obaugh Funeral aged about 75 years, wife of Dwy Home, by the Rev. Riley er Gum, died at her home at Lees Smith. Burial was in Green burg, Virginia, on February 15, Hill Cemetery. 1944; She was the last of the fatn ily of the late Peter D. Yeager, of Traveler's Repose. She is survived bv her husband and their I three children.

Wednesday Rites Set For Officer


\/ Harper i. Gum ass, Harper J. Gum, 71, of Cas died Saturday, August 31, 1968, in the Pocahontas County Memorial Hospital after a long illness. A lifelong resident of Cass, he was a merchant. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Geneva Hamrick Gum; one daughter, Mrs. Jean Chestnut, of Hillsboro; one son, Charles Gum, of Cass, and a twin brother, Harry Gum, of Cass. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Paul Good with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs Clark Gum


funeral of Mrs Anna Jane un, of Hintan, widow of the late Clark Gum, of Marlinton was held from Marlinton Methodist Church last Friday afternoon, h.v her pastor, Rev Harry Wheeler, assisted by Or. H. Malcolm Sturm. Interment was in the family in Mt View Cemetery. The pall hearers were Clarence, Roger, Harry Lynn. Delbert, Daniel and "Nolan Sheets. The rar.v pa?! hearers were Hon. Irvin S. daddy. Hon. June McKlwee, Arden Killingsworth, B. 1'.. Williams, Parley Williams,

Stirling Robert Gumm, 72, . of Dunmore, died Monday, November 9, 1981, after a, month's illness. Mr. Gumm was a retired millwright at Weirton Steel' Com-, pany at WeirtoD. He attended the Church of the Brethren at Dunmore. Bom at Dunmore, May 3,. 1909, he was the son of the late James 0. and Lizzie Dilley Gumm; two brothers, Harry and Merritt Gumm, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Ruby Alice Gumm; a son, Derald Robert Gumm, and two daughters, Joyce Eleanor Swartzmiller and Trudy Lynn McClelland, of Weirton; 8 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild; a sister, Ida 0. Galford, of Saegertown, Pennsylvania. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the New Hope Church of the Brethren by the Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr., with burial in Dunmore Cemetery.

/S jGladie M. Gum MW." Gladie M. Gum, 41, of Cass died in the Davis Memorial Hospital Saturday, May 28, 1977, after a long illness. Surgery October 8, 1976 at West Virginia University Hospital in Morgantown revealed a malignant brain tumor. Clyde Waugb, C. F. Gay, J. M. Born December 10, 1935, at Hear. Paid Overhoit and Calvin W. Price, j Cass, she was the daughter of the late Jessie Fowler SampMrs (rum died on Tuesday son and Flosten Sampson, of night from injuries received a Cass. few hours previously in an auto-. Surviving her are her hus!e accident near Ak band, Charles, and son, Ohio, where she was going to Kemper; three sisters, Dorothy visit her daughter. Ervine, Green Bank, Mary Mrs Cum was the daughter of Belle Meadows, Norwalk, Calithe late Henry Sheets, of Greenfornia, Linday Key, of Poe; one hank. brother, Thurman Sampson, of Baltimore, Maryland. Daniel L. Gum , Services were held on May Daniel Lorain Gum, aged 25, 30, at the Cass United Methoof Green Bank, died on Friday, dist Church with Rev. David Rittenhouse conducting the August 3, 1951 from injuries re ceived ir. an automobile accident service and Mrs. Julie Bauersnian furnishing the music. Innear Clifftop. in Fayette County. He lived but an hour. On Sun- terment in the Arbovale Cemeday afternoon the funeral way tery. We mourn her passing conducted fiom the Met*" dist but find comfort in Psalm 116, Church in Green Bank b '.ev. verse 15—Precious in the sight Quade Arbogast and rlev, .nam of the Lord is the death of His Keyes. saints. Tbe deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gum. He is also survived bv hits brother. Kerth and ids gr*«.jd parents, Mr. \ ard Mrs. James 0 . G'-uii, of LunU ore.

I The young man was employed as a truck driver by a Coal Companj\ .


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Mrs. Gladie Marie Gum, 41 28C19?7 t d Saturday, May *» 1977, m Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, a f t e r . J * i f e , o n re r a S « e nwa,8 a ,me 8 »'dent of XiTtJ S, * nter of Cass United Methodist Church. n f a i r i v £ D g w e h e r husband, 2 ^ 1 * H - ' 8 0 ? . Charles Kemper at home; asters, Mrs. Dorothy Ervine, of Green Bank Mrs. Mary Belle Meadows of Norwalk California, MrcLiny of hr„J? U $L SummersvilleTh teg"' >i"nan Sampson of Baltimore, Maryland. re he,d r i ! f r ? 0 ? ? tMe Sunday thodi8t Chu in





Albert W. Gum, 91, of Thornisville, Georgia, formerly of tank, died Wednesday, March 29,1978, in a Thomasvilie hospital after a long illness. Born March 14, 1887, at Frank, he was a retired farmer and blacksmith and bad lived in Thomasville three years. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Minnie McCIung Gum; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Sponaugle, of Glen Burnie, Maryland, and Mrs. Annie Margaret Pillow, of Thomasville, Georgia; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, at two p. m., in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial in Gum family cemetery at Frank. Lions K. Gun

Mrs. Leona K. Gum, 69, of Gap Mills, died Saturday, July 31,1982, in Alleghany Regional Hospital after a long illness. Born December 19, 1912, at Clawson, she was a daughter of the late Silas and Susie Friel Kennedy. Mrs. Gum was a homemaker and a member of the United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, the Rev. Alfred Gum; a brother, Jack Kennedy, of Hansen, Idaho; and a sister, Viola Hamrick, of Tucson, Arizona. Services were held Monday, at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery at Mountain Grove, Virginia.

Bruce Gam Sterling Bruce Gum, 83, of _ Bartow, was dead on arrival at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Tuesday. May 13, 1980. - I Born at Green Bank, October 28,1897, he was a son of the late William C. and Ruby S. Gum. A lifelong resident of Bartow, Mr. Gum was a member of the Green Bank Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge 319 and a retired tannery employee and farmer. Surviving him are his wife, Gertrude Waybright Gum; seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren and one brother, Dale Gum, of Belington. One son, Sterling (Jack) Gum, preceded him in death. Services will be held Thursday by Rev. David Rittenhouse in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with burial in Arbo* vale Cemetery.

Mrs.Croves Kitei J tj 1J / t l * t ? H&lu. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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Staunton Ch.

Rev. Dempsey George The Rev. Dempsey A. George, 67,. of Ohio, died Saturday, October 3, 1992, at Altercare Nursing Home in Bucyrus. He was born October 24, 1924, in Mill Point, a son of the late Amos and Ida Mae Burgess George. Mr. George was a public accountant at D&D Tax Service and was a retired minister of the Church of the Nazarene. He was a graduate of the Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, and received his Bachelor of Science degree from West Kentucky State University, Bowling Green, Kentucky. He was a Navy veteran, having served during World War II. On October 6, 1966, he was married to the former Dorothy G. Scholler, who survives. Also surviving are four sons, Dennis George, of Cleves, Ohio, David, Phillip S. and Dan George, all of Crestline, Ohio; five daughters, Mrs. Martha Taylor, Racine, Wisconsin, Mrs. Vickie Fiorenza, of Greenwood, Indiana, Mrs. Denise Howard, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mrs. Teresa Hurrle, West Lafayette, Indiana, and Mrs. Wendy Hyatt, Mt. Vernon, Ohio; 11 grandchildren; a brother, Harmon George, of Adrian, and a sister, Melvina Hirzel, of Marlinton

MT. SOLON, Jan. 7—Funeral services for Mrs. Zelma Rusmisel Grove were conducted Thursday afternoon from the Staunton Brethren Church. Her pastor, Rev. J. C. Garber offlated, assisted by Rev. I. J. Garber, pastor of the Sangerville Church of the Brethren. Interment was in Thornrose cemetery. Mrs. Grove was a native of Mt. Solon and after her marriage to Lurty L. Grove in 1928, she moved to Staunton, where she has a host of friends. She was an active member of the Staunton Brethren Church. Mrs. Grove was a daughter of the late David and Regina Miller Rusmisel of Mt. Solon. She is survived by her husband and two children, Jacqueline and Eugene Grove. Also surviving are .the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Josie McLaughlin of Dunmore, W. Va., Mrs. Willa Landes, Mrs. Maggie Leedy and Paul and Claude Rusmisel, all of Lima, O.; Ethel and Artie Rusmisel and Mrs. Edith Bryant, of Harrisonurg; Mrs. Lula Crickenberger, of Swope ard Beulah ancl Arvetta Rusmisel of Mt. Solon. ; j pallbearers were Hay Cline, Charles Clire, Earl Driver, G. R. Kinzie, David Fldry, Joy-. Glovierr, rasof-r Garber and\ Lloyd Kisei. The flowerbearei* v/ere mem- a n d Adrian ie was preceded in bers of Mrs. Grove s^ Sunday d e a t h b y ^ school class: Helen Garber, Mary F u n e r a l services w e r e held at the S T ' L ^oi a L°spe S r y Ma ; S - c h u r c h by Dr. Jack Archer i d w T ^ n a H a l i S J Wright. Elva Rev. David Greenich. Burial was Huffman Mrs! J. C. Garber, Ev- i n Greenlawn Cemefcry with full services elyn Click and Mrs. Edwards_military : « — . . *~.,i~**

Rev. Alfred Gum Rev. Alfred Garfield Gum, of Gap Mills, died Saturday, December 10,1983, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital. He had been in ill health. Rev. Gum was a minister of the United Methodist Church, West Virginia Conference, for eighteen years. He was a former pastor on the Edray Charge. Born at Huntersville October 3, 1908, he was the son of Elmer R. and Melvina Sampson Gum. His Myrtle Bnssan wife, Leona, and two sons, Mrs. M y r t l e Bussar.l Gorrell, Virgil and William, preced_\ aged 52 years, widow of .Bern: id ed him in death. C. H. Gwin W. Gorrell, died at the home o Surviving jum, areJwo, C h a r l e g H a r r i s o n Q ^ was sister, Mrs. Eva Mae Mc sons, Rev. Clyde Gum, of' b o r n fa S u n r i s e > V i r g i l a> o n J u n e her Coliara, in Wheeling on T h u r s d a ; Minnehaha Springs, ana 5 j im> &nd d j e d a( . W h i t e gu] _ October 4. 1951, of a h e a r t a t t a c k Jimmy Gum, of boshen, p h u r S p r i n g S ) Montana, on July F u n e r a l services were'conducte Virginia; two daughters, 5 1 9 6 1 He had had heart trouble J QUI toe Marlinton Methods Ruth Roberts and Ethel f o r seV eral years. "Uoureh on afternoon b.y Hiner, both of Covington, M r Q w i n w „ g m a r r i e d t o t h e R e v . ' Q R. A r b o g a s t and Rev Virginia; 14 grandchildren f o r m e r G r a c e P r i c e o f p o c a h o n t a s ,l)on I n t e r m e n t in Mt and 9 great-grandcMdren. C o u n t y T h e Gwins had been View Taylor. Cemetery. B Services were held at l p. res jdents of Montana for over 40 The deceased is survived by her m. Monday m the Moun- v e a r S three d a u g h t e r s , Mrs. Ursula E tainGrove United Metho- S u r v i v i n h i m a r e his wife and Long, of Cass; Mrs. Eva .lean dist Church by Dr. Wendell t h e i r f h r e e sons> C a r t i s Qff]n Nestor, of iielle; and Mrs. Rose E. Eskew, of Lewisburg, H e r s m a n Gwin and Harbart Gvin hdlen O daker, of M o r g a n t o w n with burial at Mountain a n d t h r e e gran dchildren, all of also, by four grand children. n « . , ^ ^ [ ^ B P White SulihurSprings, Montana. Grove. Mrs. Gorrell was a d a u g h t e r of Funeral services were held at the late Eilis and Minnie S h a r p / y y <3 Twichel Chapel on July 7, by the ins-ard, of Knapps Creek. H e r r^ ^ Rev. Vernon Meyers, with burial brother is E Clyde, and her four I in Mayn Cemetery at White Sul- sisters are Mrs. Blanche Chestnut I phur Springs. i if Johuson C i t y , Term ; Mrs ie O b e s u i u t and M r s K a t h leen Kelly, both of F r o s t , and " ^ . R G. McCollarn of Wheel


uuy breathoase Fred L. Gwin uy Greathouse, aged 52 years, Fred L. Gwin, passed away of Frank, died OD Saturday, AuFriday evening March 23, 1945 gust 12, 1945 in the Ronceverte in Pocahontas Memorial Hospit.*Hospital. Funeral services were where he had been a patient held from the home on Tuesday. the past ten days. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. SalHe was born July 22, 1888, lie Greathouse, and the following near Marliuton, the son of the children: Beatrice, Betty, Patrick late David A. and Alice Rowan Lenda, John and Trudy. Gwin, both of Bath County, Virginia. He had resided on his Drennin Ridge farm for the past f>^ Baby Gragg forty years. Baby Jeffrey C. Gragg was He was a member of the Methborn February 16, 1973, in Elodist Church and a was a memkins, and died Wednesday, ber of the Board of Stewards of April 4, 1973, at home in Marthe CatnpbelltowD Church at the! linton. time of his death. He was a Surviving are a twin brother, Mason and had served as county j Joey W., the parents, James school attendance officer. and Virginia Shearer Gragg, He married Eva Susan Geiger, and grandparents, Mr. and and is survived by four of their Mrs. Ellett Gragg and Mr. six children, Mrs. C. E. McClinand Mrs. Junior Shearer. tic, of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Services will be held ThursLawrence Hall of Rainelle; Harry day with burial in the Gragg E. Gwin of Wilmington, CaliCemetery near Frost. fornia, and David, of Marlinton;One grandson, Harry Hall of Rainelle; and a sister, Mrs. HarB. W. Gorrell, aged about 45 years low Waugh of Marlinton. Two died at his borne in Marlinton early daughters, Garnett and Agnes. Wt nesday morning, May .7, i As tuts paper is printed no arrangepassed away in infancy. ments for the funeral l.a>e been anFuneral services were held MoD nounced, cv. day afternoon at the CampbellMr. Gorrell came here Trim St. | town Methodist Church, with Marys manv years ago, to wo k for i the pastor, Rev. R. H. Skagsrs tie Wan. L tmber Company * >out i officiating-, assisted by the Rev. twenty years ago he suffered a broken Fred Oxendale of the Marliuton bacK in a log train wreck. Though he Church. Interment was made 'never was able'to walk afterwards, in the family plot in Betray Cemhe was active in business up to withetery, the graveside service being in a few months of his death and conducted by the Masonic Order, provided well for his family Mr Gwin's mother, who beMr Gonell married Miss Myrtle came the wife of Alexander S. Bussard She and their three daugh Robertson, after the death of her „ers, Mrs Bus Long, lmogene and first husbar ' paused away July Bose Ellen. 17, 1944 ;•* ner home adjoining " u ,- .on. _._.. Baby Gra>g •/„... James E. Cragg Jr.. son of . Warper 0 . Greathouse James and Virginia Shearer Harper 0 . Greathouse aged Gragg, was born December 2 1 . 47, of Durbm, died on Sunday 1971, and died Thursday, FebOctober 7, 1962, a t bis home ruary 10, 1972, at Campbellafter a short illness. town. He was a lifelong resident o Services were held SaturDurbin. day afternoon in the Edray Survivors include his wife, Methodist Church by the Rev. Mrs. Hazel Greathouse, a Alfred Gum. with burial in daughter, Mrs. Marie Eliza the Gragg Cemetery at Frost. beth Nottingham, of Washington, D. C , two sons. Richard E. and Harry H. Greathouse, both of Durbin; two sisters, Mrs. J. E. Gregory Mrs. Viola Mullenax, of Boyer. Mrs. Anna Coffman Gregand Mrs. Deuinia Muller, of ory, of Elkins, died Sunday, Baltimore, Maryland; a brothApril 8, 1973. er, Lester Greathouse, of ZeShe was a sister of Mrslienople, Pennsylvania; and Alfa Nottingham and Bruner two grandchildren. Coffman, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were conAlso surviving are two daughducted Wednesday afternoon ters and one son. in the Cnurch of the Brethren Services and burial were in at Durbin with the Rev. Ira Elkins Tuesday. Petre in charge. Burial 8 Avbovale Cemetery.

Lockie Lester Gragg

Lockie Lester Gragg, 73, of Frankford, Greenbrier County, died Thursday, September 5, 1963, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the United Brethren Church at Green Bank. Mr. Gragg was a resident of Frankford for 13 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Annie Gragg; two daughters, Mrs. Vida Wagner, of: White Sulphur Springs and Mrs. Ceffie Howard, of Lewisburg; two sons, Wardell Gragg at home, and June Gragg, of Lewisburg; two brothers, Simpson Gragg, of Clover Lick and Marvin Gragg, of Covington, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Verna Mentzer, of Orlando, Florida. Funeral services were held Sunday by the Rev. E. Clyde Bussard. Burial was in the Frankford Cemetery. v

Neil E. Gragg Neil E. Gragg, 40, of 1774 Bathgate Drive, North Madison, Ohio, died Saturdav, November 16, 1968, at Huron Road Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. A resident of North Madison for twelve years f he was a foreman at Lubrizol Corporat on, at Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Gragg was born May 1, 1928, a t Green Bank; he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gragg. A member of Chapel United Methodist Church of North Madison where he was a trustee, Mr. Gragg was also "a member of the Lake County Industrial Management Club. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nellie Gragg; six sons, Charles. David, Daniel, Timothy, Thomas and Donald Joseph Gragg, all at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gragg, of Painesville; one brother, Dale Gragg, of Painesville, and one sister, Mrs. Ellen Rudd, of North Madison. , Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Chap el United Methodist Church by the Rev. David Lyons with burial in Madison Memorial Cemetery.


Howard W. Gilkcrson

C. W. Gatewood Funeral services for Charles Warwick Gatewood, 41, of Pulaski, who died January 13, 1950, in McGuire General Hospital, Richmond, were held from the first Methodist Church, of Pulaski, this week. They were conducted by the Rev. H B. Abshire, assisted by the Rev. M. A. Stevenson, of Galax, and participated in by the Pulaski post, American Legion. Interment followed in Moon tain View cemetery, Marlinton, West Virginia, beside the graves of his mother and twin brother, where grave side services were held by the Pocahontas post, American LegioD. Mr. Gatewood, son of William Beale and Goldie Yeager Gate wood, was born November 14, 1908, at Marlinton. After the death of his mother in 1912, he made his home with bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gatewood, at Gretna and Pulaski. He attended Pulaski schools and was graduated from high >."hnol with the class of 1927- He attended Hampden Sydney and Marshall colleges from 1928 to to 1933, and was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. In July, 1943 he volunteered for service in the Canadian army, rie remuAnfid in the Canadian service until November. 1944, when he was accepted in the American forces. He bad formerly applied but bad been refused admittance because of a previous major operation. On being mustered out of the service at Fort Knox at the end of hostilities, he returned to Pulaski to go into business. Recently he went to Richmond and accepted a position under civil service with McGuire General hospital, where be was stricken with pulmonary embolism, which resulted in his death. He was an outstanding athlete both in high school and college, participating in baseball, football and boxing. A number of relatives and friends accompanied the remains to Marlinton, where they were joined by a host of others from eastern and southern West Virginia. He is survived by bis widow, Louise Sands Gatewood; a halfbrother, William Gardner Gatewood, of Huntington; a half-sister, Mrs. A. Degraw Warnock, Jr., of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gatewood.

Howard W. Giikerson, 56, of Beard, died Monday, December, 14, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born a t Terry, April 13, 1914, he was a son of the late Isaac and Bessie Carper Giikerson. He was a retired coal miner. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Virginia Mitchell Giikerson; six daughters, Mrs. Ann Harris, of Kingston, Rhode Island, Mrs. Joan Kountz, of Beaver, Mrs. Linda Skinner, of San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Connie Walker, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Sherrell Spencer, of Lewisburg, and Miss Lana Giikerson, stationed with the Air Force at Omaha, Nebraska; two sons. Luther Giikerson, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Michael Giikerson, of Milton, Florida; nine sisters, Mrs. Mildred Harris, of Roswell, New Mexico, Mrs. Maggie Cline, of Oak Hill, Mrs. Nell Anderson, of Beaver, Mrs. Doris Baldinell, of New Mexico, Mrs, Mary Muker, of Coolidge, Arizona, Mrs. Freda Meadows, of Landover Hills, Maryland, Mrs. Lyla Gilbert of Howell, Michigan, Mrs. Leah Anderson, of Seabrook, Maryland, and Mrs. Louise Amato, of Beck ley; three brothers, Bernard Giikerson, of Beard, Leonard Giikerson, of Beard, and Glenn Giikerson, of Renick, a n i eleven grandchildren.

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Funeral services will b e h e l d Thursday afternoon at'2:00 p. m. in the Weslev Chapel United Methodist Church a t Hillsboro by the Rev. Cecil V. Dalton and the Rev. William Markley, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillaboro. — Cart Orwin Guthrie, aged twenty.nine years, son of Mr and Mrs John i Guthrie of Marlinton, died August 14 U940, after a long Illness. On Saturday afternoon the funeral was con ducted from the Marlinton PresbyterU:: church by Rev J. T. ,Pharr, of Cass; interment in the family plot in Mt View cemetery. He is survived by his parents, four sisters and four brothers. MirtU Griiait

Mattie Grimes, 95, wife of jtha late Henry Grimes, died in - Chariton, Iowa, April 23, 1983. One of her daughters, Cleo Rafferty, visited some of the Grimes'last March 1982. 14

Ned Granger Gfess Ned Granger Glass died unexpectedly at his home in Montgomery, Alabama, Marr-i. 28, 1973, at the age of 38. He is survived bv his wife, the former Caroline Rowan Waugh, and his father, Herbert Glass, of Augusta, Georgia. Mr. Glass was born in Ni'es, Michigan, on February 7.1935. Following public schools h
A fishing trip by a troop of, Explorer Scouts, of Clarksburg, ended in disaster Thursday, August 6, for 17 year old Michael Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Garrett of 6th Street, Clarksburg. He drowned after falling from a cabin cruiser which; was docked for repairs at West Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, on the Monongahela River. Several of his companions ju mped into the river to rescue him, but could not reach him in • time to save him. The boys were on a twoJ week cruise on the Monongahela and Ohio Rivers, when the accident occurred on the fourth day out. The Scoutmaster was hospitalized in Clarksburg suffering from shock. Funeral services were Saturday afternoon, at the Bxptist Temple with burial in the Highlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were order of De Molay members, of which he was presi dent. Michael would have been a senior in Washington Irving I High School this year. He'was the only child of his parants, Burton and Mary Frances Garrett. Mr. Garrett is a cousin of Mrs. D. W. Williams, who had visited them only two weeks ago, Mrs. Susie Rogers and others in Pocahontas County. Mrs. Tred Gehauf


Mrs. Mary Susan Gehauf, 75, of Marlinton, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Friday, March 13, 1964. Death was attributed to can.cer. Born at Keyser, December '31, 1888, she was a daughter of the late William and Mary Rawlings. She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church, j and had been a resident of Marlinton since 1917. j Survivors include her husband, Fred Gehauf; one son, Leslie Gehauf, ard one daughter, Mrs. Elsie Harless, both I of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by ! the Rev. George McCune. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Richard Lawrence Gainer, 69, a resident of Frank, for the paat 50 years, died Friday, De* cember 1,1978, in the Davis Memorial Hospital where he had remained a patient for the past three weeks. He had been in failing health for the past four years. Mr. Gainer was born De* cember 16, 1908, at Harper* town, a son of the late Odie and Katberine Gainer. He was twice married. On June 22, 1929. in Arbovale, he married the former Lola Olive Mick, who preceded him in death October 3,1967. He later mar* ried the former Lillian G. Law* son, who survives in Frank. Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Ralph M. (Judith) Caudill, of Fairfax, Virginia; two sons, Rodney B. Gainer, of Newport Beach, California and David C. Gainer, of Los Angeles California; two stepsons, and three step-daughters; one brother, Frank Gainer, of Ft. Myers, Florida; sue grand children, 12 step-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchil* dren. One sister and two brothers preceded him in death. He was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church, the Durbin Lions Club, Ran* doiph Lodge 116, 1.0. 0. F. and was very active in the Little League Baseball program for many years. He was an employee of the Howes Leather Company and retired after 44 years of service. Services were held at two p. m. Monday with the Rev. Paul Good and the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Interment followed in the 1.0.0. F. Cemetery. James Allen Gum James Allen Gum, 34, of Green Bank, died Sunday, June 25, 1995, at home of polymyositis after thirteen years' illness. He had worked on construction at the Pumped Storage Project at Mountain Grove and was an Army veteran. The son of Maxie A. and Eva Gail Johnston Gum, he was bom at Bartow November 9,1960. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a brother, Max Gum, and a sister, Anna Dickenson, both of Green Bank. Graveside services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. David Fuller. Memorial gifts may be made to Green Bank - Bartow - Cass Fire Departments.

Mary A. Ciiiuspie Mary A. Gillispie, age 67, of Elkins, died Wednesday, June 18, 1997, at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. She was a dispatcher for the B-F-D Fire Department. She attended Durbin Church of the Brethren and was a member of the rj jrbin Rebekah Lodge. Ms. Gillispie was born May 8, 1930, at Durbin, the daughter of the late Jesse L. and Vie P. Boyd Taylor A daughter, Ruth Marie Gillispie, preceded her in death. Survivors include two sons, William Ray Gillispie, of Valley Head, and Sean Edward Milliner, of Indianapolis, Indiana; a brother, Jesse L. Taylor, Jr., of White Sulphur Springs; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to me American Diabetes Association.

Jerry S. Gray

Jerry S. Gray, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and a former resident of Cass, passed away on Wednesday, August 16, 1972, in the Charleston Memorial Hospital, at Charleston. He was a son of the late Jerry M. and Maye S. Gray. Mr. Gray was a Research Chemist for the Goodyear Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio, also an active member in the Northminster Presbyterian Church in Cuyahoga, Falls, Ohio. Jerry was a veteran of World War II. He was active in Boy Scouts, and was a Scoutmaster for ten years in Northampton Township; a member of the Order of the Arrow, a Scouting honorary society; and won the Moecomdris District highest award, The Eisnman Award. Survivors include two sisters, Mary Gray, of Milton, and Mrs. Ruth Pugh, of Charleston, two brothers, Arthur G. Gray, of Scott Depot, and Frank H. Gray, of New Lexington, Ohio. Burial was in the End-ofThe Trail Cemetery, near Lewisburg, on Saturday, August 19.



narry i. uwmn Arthur G. Gray, of 5.32 LinHenrietta Price Gray, 54, of arry T. Gwinn, 82, of 904 Riverdale, coln Street, St. Albans, died Maryland, died SunArmstrong, Kansas City, Kan- day, January 20, 1974, in Riv- Wednesday, February 6. 1974, sas, died September 19, 1962, of a short illness in the Thomas at Bethany hospital, where he erdale. Memorial Hospital in South Surviving: mother, Mrs. had been a patient 10 days. Charleston. Fred W. Gray, of Riverdale; He was born in Frost, and moHe was a son of the late brother. James M. Gray, of ved to Kansas City, Kansas, in 1917. • Mr. Gwinn retired in Chillicothe, Ohio. Her father, Jerry M. Gray and Maye 1949 after 30 years as a loco- the late Rev. Fred Gray, was Shaffer Grav and a former motive engineer for the Santa a Presbyterian minister in Po- resident of Cass. He was a construction workFe railroad. He was a member cahontas County in the 1920's er, a member of the Internaof the Metropolitan Avenue and 30's Services will be 2 p. m. tional Union the Operating Methodist church, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Thursday at Wallace-Wallace Engineers local 132. He had a thirty second degree Mason ^uneral Home, Lewisburg, just recently retired. Survivors include his wife, of the Ben Hur Masonic Lodge, rith the Rev. Alvis Daniel offic the Scottish Rite, the York ating. Burial will be in Rose- Mrs. Helen Long Gray, one brother, Frank H. Gray, of Rite bodies, a lifetime member wood Cemetery. Lewisburg. Windson, Virginia; two sisof the Kansas City, Kansas conters, Mary Gray, of Milton, sistory, the Abdallah Shrine, Hersman Price Gwin and Mrs. Ruth Gray Pugh, of a past advisor of the Fern conHersman Price Gwin, White Charleston. clave of the order of True Kindred and a past watchman of Sulphur Springs, Montana, naFuneral services were conthe Shepherds of the White tive, died in the Veteran's Hos- ducted Friday afternoon at the Shrine No. 4. pital in Seattle Monday morn- Cunningham Funeral Home He leaves his wife, Mrs, La- ing, August 21, 1972, after a Chapel in Charleston by the leta A. Gwinn of the home; two lengthy illness. Rev. McCormac Place of daughters, Mrs Helen Wagne., Gwin was born here June interment after cremation was Topeka, and Mrs. Ruth E. Da- 9, 1921, to Charles H. and in the Spring Hill Cemetery vis, Birmingham, Alabama; a Grace Price Gwin. He at- at Charleston. stepdaughter, Mrs. Agues Hind- tended local schools and KoDert Lee Gray man, Bakersfield, California, a graduated from the Thompson Robert Lee Gray, Sr., 63, son, C. B. Gwinn, Kansas City; Falls High School before attwo grandjifeildren, four great tending the Montana State years, 11 months and 1 day, of Augusta, Georgia, formerly grand children and two great- I University in Missoula. of Frost, died Monday, Nogreat grandchildren. Coming back to this com- vember 23 1970, of an apparMr. Gwinn was first married munity, he was employed -by to Mrs. Effie Curry, of Frost, the Post Office for approxi- ent heart attack. Born December 22, 1906, at the daughter of the late Anson mately 12 years. He was one and Mary Curry. She preced- of the men instrumental in or- Orlando, Florida, he was a son, ed him in death several years ganizing the television booster of the late John and Mattie Newcome Gray. ago. tower for this area. He was a World War II In 1962, he and his wife, the Funeral service was in the Gibson chapel. Burial was in former Armette Eierman whom veteran and a merchant. Among his survivors are Memorial Park Cemetery, he married in Helena on Robert Lee Gray, Jr,, of DunKansas.Citv • July 3, 1956, moved to Seattle with their two daughters. more, Mrs. Jojce VandevanThere Mr. Gwinn was employ- der, of Bacova, Virginia, TomJ. W. Gum ed by Boeing Aircraft until his my Gray, of Frost, two grandchildren, Lena and Tricia VanJohn William Gum, aged Si illness forced his retirement. years, died in the Pocahontas The funeral services were con devander and a half sifter, Memorial Hospital, October 15, ducted in Seattle at the Wig- Mrs. Bertha Pyles, of Helena, 1943, after a short illness. He gan and sob Funeral Home. Georgia. Funeral services were held a native of Pocahontas coun- Burial with military rites was Wednesday afternoon in the a son of- the late McBride in Seattle. Elliot Funeral Home Chapel "nm, of C'loverlick. and 8] Survivors include his wife, at his entire life in the county, Augusta, Georgia. Burial Armette, and daughters, Lori lived at Hillsboro for me Kay and Julie Ann, Seattle, was at Hrll Crest Highway I, forty-five years. Washington, his mother, Grace South Augusta, Georgia. He was united in marriage in Gwin, of White Sulphur ! D,".i to Virginia Myrtle Isbell, Springs, Montana, two brotho preceded him in death in ers, Curtis, of White Sulphur Harry B. Garrett A son, Quinn Marshall, Springs, and Herbert, of ConHarry B. Garrett, of Alderin 1916. rad, nieces and nephews. son, formerly of Droop, died He is survived by one sister, Mr. Gwin was a grandson of Wednesday, June 23, 1965, in Mrs Richard Eubank, of Hinton, Beckley Hospital. a daughter, Mrs H. A. Sharp of Samuel Davks and Carolina •theSurvivors include one son, Marliuton, and a son, L. P. Gum McClure Price, of Pocahontas four sisters, three brothers, and md Bath Counties. of Dunbar. two grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct-. Funeral services and burial ed in the Methodist Church at wese in Alderson Saturday. [Hillsboro, Sunday October 17th, i the Rev. Fred Oxendaie. jr. Interment was made Mu thi Oak Grove cemetery.


iws. senna oeii urogg *s Mr?. Bertha Bell Grogg. 73, of 418 West 24th St, died October 7, 1965, in a Huntington hospital. Funeral services were held October 9,1965, at the Central Methodist Church, of which she was a member, by Rev. Paul D. Houston. Dr. C. H. Kelley and Dr. W. A. Woods Burial was at Ridgelawn Cemetery. She was the widow of Rev. W. A. Grogg, who was a member of the West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Church and died in 1915. He was Conference Evangelist for about 10 years and serv-' ed pastorates in Point Pleasant, Parkersburg, Durbin, Ron ceverte and Grumpier. She was born September 9, 1892, at Marlinton, a daughter of the late Samuel C. and Mary A. McClure Baxter. She was a schoolteacher until 1920 She taught the Ladies Bibie Class at Central Methodist and was a member of the Women's Society of Christian Service. Survivors include a stepdaughter, Mrs. Blanche Perry, of Huntington, a stepson, Burke Grogg, of Colutrbus, Ohio, and a brother, Neal Baxter, of Marlinton. Surviving nieces and nephews are: Clark and Clyde Baxter, Miss Edith VanReenen, of Marlinton. Mrs. Golda and Vera McCallister, of Norfolk, Virginia. Cecil K. Gum Cecil Kenneth Gum, 38, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, August 26, 1971, in a Washington, D. C , hospital after a long illness. He was a veteran and a mem ber of the Hillsboro Methodist Church. Survivors include a son, Cecil, Jr.. and a daughter, Sabrina, both of Dayton, Ohio; five brothers, Roy, of Hillsboro, Henry, of Westboro, Massachusetts, Anthony, of Buckrannon, Max, of Lorain, Ohio, and Dale, of Middleport, Ohio, and five sisters, Mrs. Virginia Galford, of Emporium, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Josephine Starr, Canton, Ohio, Mrs. Arrita Ross, of Bethany, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Nola Wolfinger, of Doylestown,Penn sylvania, and Mrs. Lucille Han nah, of Lorain, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Hillsboro United Methodist Church with Rev. William Markley and Rev. Ralph Ross in charge. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

iviiii v I M I U I VJUIII nirry n. uum Mary Ruth Gum was born in Harry W. Gum, 82, TownHillsboro on March 12, 1894, and ville, Pennsylvania, died July • passed away in the Sleepy Hollow 29, 1974. Born at Dunmore, Manor Nursing Home on August April 14, 1892, he was the son 10, 1987. of James 0. and Lizzie Dilley She was the daughter of the late Gum. He married Louella Millard Fillmore and Mary Gay Fisher, Bluegrass, Virginia, and Gum. One sister, Eva Kennison, was a member of Townville also preceded her in death. Methodist Church. Miss Gum attended schools in Surviving him are his wife, Marlinton and Staunton Business one son, Wmfred Gum, ArlingSchool Academy. She worked at ton Heights, Illinois, sister, the Beckley Hardware Store in Mrs. Frank (Ida) Galford, SaeBeckley for 45 years. gertown, Pennsylvania, two Surviving her are nieces and brothers. Merritt Gum, Green nephews and a grandniece, Polly Bank, Sterl, of Weirton; four Eades, with whom she made her grandchildren, three greathome for a nrmber of years. grandchildren. Ruth was a member of the Funeral services were held United Methodist Church in August 1, at Arnold's Funeral. Marlinton and later St. Lukes Home at Townville by Rev.. United Methodist Church in Falls James E. Murray. Church. Services were held from the Uella E. Gum Q/ VanReenen Funeral Home at 1 p. Mrs. Luella E. Gum, of m. Thursday, August 13, with burial in the family plot at Mountaiif Townville, Pennsylvania, died in Titusville Hospital, MonView Cemetery. day, August 22, 1977, after a short illness. Mrs. Minnie Burr Gum She was born at Crab BotMrs. Minnie Burr Gum, 99, tom, Virginia, May 31, 1891, of Frank, died Friday, Decemdaughter of George and Netber 14, 1984, in Greenbrier tie Calhoun Fisher. She was Manor Convalescent Home, afthe w i d o w of the l a t e ter a long illness. Harry W. Gum, formerly of She was a native of WilliamsDunmore, a member of Townburg, born March 16, 1885, the ville United Methodist Church, daughter of the late John and a charter member of the SunEliza Burr McClung. shine Club, and the Senior Mrs. Gum had lived at Frank Citizens group of Townville. for 54 years and was the widow Survivors include a son; of Albert Gum, who died in Winifred Gum, of Arlington Heights, Illinois; four grand1978. children and six great-grandShe was a member of the children. Andrew Chapel Methodist She was preceded in death Church. by her parents, a sister and Surviving her are two daughthree brothers. ters, Nellie Sponaugle, of Glen Burnie, Maryland, and Anna M . Funeral services were held Thursday, August 25, in the Pellow, of Sumter, South CaroArnold Funeral Home, Townlina; six grandchildren and sue ville. The Rev. James Tubbs, great-grandchildren. of Townville, United MethoServices were held Tuesday dist Church officiated. Interat 1 p. m. in the Wallace and ment in Kingsley Cemetery* Wallace Funeral Chapel at Townville. Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the William Lee Gum Gum Family Cemetery at William Lee Gum, 62, of New Frank. York City, formerly Monterey, Virginia, died Saturday, DeMrs. Maude Taylor Gum • cember 17, 1983, in a hospital there. Mrs Maude Taylor Gam, aged He was born November 14, 69 years, wife of Early Gum, of 1921, at Monterey, the son of Staunton, Virginia, died in a Staunton hospital on Monday, the late Arnet Peter and Lillian January 19, 1942. Interment in Trimble Gum. He was a cousin the Thorn rose Cemetery, the fun- of Helen Patterson McMann, of eral being conducted from the Marlinton. Funeral services were held Methodist, Church. Mrs. Gum was a daughter of the late An- the following Tuesday at drew and Martha Moore Taylor, Obaugh Funeral Home with of Pocahontas County. burial in Monterey Cemetery.


ifitm mciUHier Bin Clark McKinnley Gum, 86, died Thursday, December 9, 1982, of a heart attack. Born at Huntersville, he was the son of the late Henry and Sarah Gum of Hillsboro. He was a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church, Hillsboro. He was a farmer, merchant, and a veteran of World War I. He is survived by his wife, Esta; seven children, Roy Gum, Lorain, Ohio, Henry Gum, Waverly, Tennessee, Tony Gum, Buckhannon, Max Gum, Hillsboro, Dale Gum, Waverly, Tennessee, Josephine Starr, Canton, Ohio, Lucille Hanna, Lorain, Obio; 30 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren. Preceding him in death, besides his parents, were a son, Cecil, daughters, Virginia Gum Galford, Nola Hummel and Arretta Ross. Services were held Sunday, at 2 p. m. in VacReenen Funeral Home, by Rev. James ! Black, of White Sulphur Mrs. Gertrude Goins Mrs Lola Gertrude Goins Springs. Burial was in Oak aughter of R. L. and Fannie Grove Cemetery. McComb Symes, was born , March 24, 1901, and departed Albert J. Goldizen this life Monday, February 1 Albert Jefferson "Jeff" 1965, m the Pocahontas 'Me- Goldizen, 88, died Monday, morial Hospital. January 9, 1984, at his home at She was preceded in death by Petersburg. Born May 29, 1895, in Grant three husbands and three broth i erS4 o £ l e 5 - S £ m e s ' D e w e y Symes | County, he was a son of the late and bhadie Symes, and a sit-ter ! George Goldizen and Sarah I Maisey, and a half-sister, Mrs Watts Goldizen. He was Florence Gaylor. preceded in death by his wife, Mary Bennett Goldizen, on She was first married tc Alfred Brine McLaughlin; two September 6, 1978. children, Mrs. Dolly Oscar and He was a retired Forest Dewey McLaughlin, of MarlinService worker and a farmer. ton, were born 10 this marriage. Surviving him are three sons, Her other marriages were to Kelly Goldizen, Petersburg, Everette Elsworth Williams Sampson Goldizen, Marlinton, and Charles Eiwood Goins and Albert Goldizen, PittsBesides her two children she is burgh, Pennsylvania; two also survived by two sisters, daughters, Mrs. Heilda Emory, Mrs. Daisy Schoolcraft, of FayPittsburgh, and Mrs. Lucy erteville, and Mrs. Carlena Wentling, Cumberland, MaryWeese, of White Sulphur land; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Springs; and a brother, Frank Riggleman, Petersburg; two Symes, of Summersville. brothers, Edward Goldizen, Funeral arrangements are inMaysville, and Gabriel Golcomplete. Burial will be in the dizen, Moorefield; 24 grandBeaver Creek Cemetery. children, and a number of great-grandchildren and greatgreat-grandchildren. John Georg3 Gillispie Services were held Thursday John George Gillispie, 75, at 2 p. m. in the Schaeffei Hillsboro, died Tuesday, DeFuneral Home Chapel ir cember 14, 1965, Beckley VetPetersburg by the Revs. Josepl eran's Administration HospiEversole and Paul Donaldson tal, a World War I veteran. No with burial in Maple Hill Ceme known survivors. He lived tery. with Mason D. Stanley, of Hills boro.

Mrs. Zoe Crummett Gum, 85, of Hinton, died Saturday, June 2, 1984, in a Summers County hospital. Born September 21, 1898, in Pocahontas County, she was a daughter of the late G. F. and Ocie Trimble Crummett, of Marlinton. She was preceded in death by her husband, S. Orion Gum, in August, 1975. Mrs. Gum worked for many "ears in the Marlinton Post Uffice, before moving to Hinton about 45 years ago. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and active in the affairs of the church and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of World War 1 Veterans. Services were held Monday at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton by Dr. Richard Crickard, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery at 4 ar lint on. Gebhart Geiger

Gebhart "G. B." Geiger, 68, of Marlinton. died Friday, January 19, 1973, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a .short illness. He was an upholsterer and a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving: wife, Maude Geiger, and son, Hubert D. of Beck ley; two brothers, Rev. J. Q. Geiger. of Wellsburg, andL. S. Geiger, of Durham, North Carolina, four sisters, Mrs. O. B. Curry, of Marlinton, Mrs. D. W. Weiford, of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Emory Withrow, of Piedmont and Mrs. Carl Gal ford, of Cass. Services were held Sunday afternoon at the Stony Bottom Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Maynard Crawford officiating. Burial was in the Stony Bottom Cemetery. Mrs. Ruth Gum Grogg

Mrs. Ruth Grogg died Monday, June 24, 1963, in Akron, Ohio. Her body will be brought to Smith Funeral Home Thurs day and services are tentatively set there for Friday. Mrs. Grogg is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Gum and the late Oath Gum. Her sisters are Mrs. Mabel Barlow, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Lelia May, of Lewisburg.


Warick Oliver Gum, Jr., 52, died Friday, May 8, 1980, in a Salem, Virginia hospital after a long illness. Born at Cornstalk, December 17,1927. he was the son of the late Warwick and Mary Phillips Gum. Mr. Gum was a retired mechanic and a World War II Navy veteran. Survivors include his wife, Arleta (Tish) Gum; three sons, John D., of Anchorage, Alabama, James F., Covington, Virginia, and Daniel R,, of Clintonville. and five brothers, Billy N.Ray, both of Cornstalk, Orland, of Minnehaha Springs, Avery, of Covington* Virginia and Forest Thomas, of Asbury. Services were held Sunday in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg, wjth the Rev. Leroy Crane officiating. Burial was in the Wallace Memorial Cemetery it Clintonville.

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John Booker Garrett, 62, of Hagerstown, Maryland, died May 3, 1977 in the Waynesboro, Virginia Community Hospital. Born at Watoga November 3,1914, he was the son of the late 0. M. and Emma Jane Garrett. He retired October 1, 1976 as an Ager operator at Crompton Shenandoah Company after 36 years' service. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; one stepson, Bobby Mahoney, of California: one brother, Frank, of Hagerstown, Maryland; four sisters, Beulah Cay ton and Susie Bond, both of Salem; Jariie Hailey Stuarts Draft, Virginia, Lueila Rogers, Baltimore, Maryland; a number of nhees and nephews. He was preceded in death by four sisterB and six brothers. Services were held at 2 Thursday at the Etter Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by E. E. Marqu iss, pastor of the Church of God at Hagerstown, Maryland with interment in the Rive? View Cemetery. Active pallbearers were nephews. Sterling W.Galford Sterling Ward Galford, 81, of Worthington, died Sunday, January 22, 1984, in the Fairmont General Hospital. He was born January 18, 1903, at Cass, a son of the late Jacob N. and Birdie A. Wilfong Galford. Surviving are his wife, Minnie M. Plaughter, whom he married January 2, 1925; a daughter, Mrs. Leona Jean Church, and a son, Eugene B. Galford, both of Jackson, Michigan; a brother, Troy Galford, of St. Petersburg, Florida; five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at the Dorsey Funeral Home in Shinnston by the Rev. John Mobly. Interment was in the Grandview Memorial Gardens at Fairmont. Cecil Lei Gaylor

Word was received recently oi the death of Cecil Lee Gaylor, of Keene, New Hampshire, on December 15,1981. He wag the son of the late Elihu (Ellie) and Florence Gaylor, and the brother of Lillie Mae and Nettie Gaylor, of Pyles Mountain. An obituary will appear in a later issue of this paper.

Cecil Qaylor, Sr. Cecil Gaylor, Sr., 64, of Keene, New Hampshire, died December 15, 1981, at Cheshire Hospital after a period of failing health. Born at Huntersville, October 14, 1917, he was the son of Elihu and Florence Symea Gaylor. Mr. Gaylor had lived in Keene since 1940. He had worked 25 years at the former Golden Keene Co. and most recently had worked at the Kingsbury Machine Tool Corp. for 10 years. He was a veteran of World War II and served in the Pacific with the U. S. Army, Co. B. 1685th Engineer Combat Battalion. Surviving him are his wife, Eunice J. (White) Gaylor, whom he married March 17, 1945; one daughter, Sandra J. Loll, of Keene; one son, Cecil L. Gaylor, Jr., of Keene; three sisters, Nettie Gaylor and Lillie Mae Gaylor, both of Huntersville, and Mary Jane Shawver, of Canton, Ohio; one brother, Norman Gaylor, of Navarre, Ohio; four grandsons, Funeral services were held at 9:30 a. m. on Friday at the Foley Funeral Home in Keene, with Rev. D.S. Dharmapalan, pastor of the Grace Methodist Church, of Keene, officiating. Burial was in Monadnock View Cemetery, West Keene, where military rites were held. Contributions in his memory may be made to Cecil L. Gaylor Memorial Fund, c-o of The Keene Savings Bank, 122 West Street, Keene, New Hampshire. Mrs. Grace Price Gwin

Mrs. Grace Price Gwin, of White Sulphur Springs, Montana, died in a local hospital January 18, 1974, after a short illness. Her age was about 81. She is survived bv two sons, Herbert Gwin, of Tampa, Florida, and Curtis Gwin, of White Sulphur Springs. Montana, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Harry Gfwin, one son, Hersman Gwin, four brothers and four sisters; she was the last of her family to be called home. She was the daughter of the late Samuel Price and Caroline McClure Price, early residents of Marlinton.

Mrs. Lilly Jane Gladweil

Mrs. Lilly Jane Gladweil, 71, of Titusville, Florida, and formerly of Greenbrier County, died on Monday, March-21, 1960, at a Titusville hospital after a long illness. Surviving are her husband, C. M. Gladweil; three daughters, Miss Pauline Gladweil of Titusville, Florida; Mrs. Fay Barnett of Miami Springs, Florida, and Mrs. Marian Wood of Hebron, Ohio; a son, Charles Gladweil of Lewisburg;two sisters, Mrs. Edith Wright of Green Bank, and Mrs. Nannie Gamber of Green Fork, Indiana; f^e brothers, Henry C. Miller of Lig Chimney; Code Miller of Marlinton; G. Cleveland Miller of Hillsboro; V. C. Miller of Lowmoor, Virginia, and Harry Miller of Dunmore; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday at the Fairlea Presbyterian Church by the Rev. A. K. Whitesides with burial in the Greenbrier Memorial Garden Cemetery. 1Wrs. Thomas Grossman

Mrs. Thomas (Violet Belle) Grossman, 52, of Cochran ton, died at her home after she fell down a flight of steps early Wednesday, May 29, 1974. She was born in Bartow, on May 6, 1922, daughter of Joseph C. and Cora Belle Wooddell Halterman. She was a nurse at Polk State Hospital. Survivors include her husband; four sons, Warren Phillips, of Conneaut Lake, Wayne Phillips, of Cambridge Springs, Edgar Phillips, of Winter Haven, Florida, and S. Sgt. Charles Phillips, of Ft. Geiger Marine Air Base, Jacksonville. North Carolina, three step-children, Bill Grossman, of Pensacola, Florida, Debbie Grossman and Lorna Grossman, both of Sharon; four sisters, Mrs. Clarence (Lena) Hise, of High town, Virginia, Mrs. Albert (Mary Jane) Deeter, of Cochranton, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Winfred (Fairy) Sheets, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Clarence (Charlsie) Seeley, of Cochranton, one brother, Joseph R. Halterman, of Cochranton, 15 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Jesse Halterman.


Goldie May Griffin, widow of Dennis Griffin, of Akron, Ohio, formerly of Clover Lick, tied Sunday, April 14, 1974. She had been in failing health since having a stroke at Clover Lick. Her daughter, Mrs. Dan (Virginia) Boger, had been taking care of her at her home although in poor health herself. She is also survived by six son, Wilford, Clyde, Delbert, Leonard, Arnold aud Lloyd; one sons died just after birth and is buried at Clawson. Three sisters preceded her. Mrs. Oliver Ware, Mrs Herman Ervine, Miss Delia Kennedy, Mrs. Alfred Gum, Mrs. Arden ,Friel, Dallas Kennedy, of Poca hontas County, and Mrs. Howard Hamrick and J. C. Kennedy, of Tucson, Arizona, survive to mourn their loss.

Duld Qriff David Gragg, 80, a native ot Durbin, and a resident of the t. 0. 0. F. Home for the past three years, died Thursday, May 25, 1978, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, where he had been a patient since March 24, when he suffered a broken lijnrad was con^lxisd to the hospital. Mr. Gragg was born on June 80,1897, at Durbin, He was the son of the late Zeb and El* la Tallman Gragg. He was a former deputy sheriff of Pocahontas County, and had worked as a clerk in a general store in Durbin before retiring. He was a member of Winterburn Lodge No. 319 at Green Bank. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Virginia M. Stone, of Dundalk, Maryland, Mrs. Barbara A. Dillard, of Frank; two sons, Howard D. Gragg, Cumberland, Maryland, Bud* dy R. Gragg, of Durbin, one stepson, Franklin Vandeven* der, of Atlanta; one brother and one half brother, Clarence Gragg, of Florida; and Eugene McCloud, of Ellerslie, Mary* land; one sister and three halfsisters, Mrs. Mary Reid, of West Springfield, Virginia, Mrs. Monta Lewis, Stafford, Virginia, Mrs. Elizabeth Corbin, of Bridgewater, Virginia, and Mrs. Margie Tallman, of Norton; fourteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, also survive. One step-daughter, Betty Bennett, preceded him in death. Final rites were conducted from the Lohr Funeral Home Chapel Elkins, Sunday, at 4 p. m., by the Rev. David B. Rittenhouse, pastor of the Pocahontas Circuit of the Brethren Churches. Interment followed in 1.0. 0. F. Cemetery.

Mrs. Rosle Miller Grimiry^ Mra. Rosie Miller Gr:ffin> age 75 years, 11 months, and 2 wepks, died Mondav, October 13, 1969. in a hospital in Hillsboro, Illinois, after a three month illness. The daughter of the late Robert B. and Virginia Cobb Miller, she was born near Marlinton October 26, 1893. Mrs. Griffin had spent most of her life in Pocahontas County. She was preceded in death bv two husbands, Espv-Tames Wilfong and Charhe G. Tacy; three sons, Charles, Glen and Hunter Wiltons, and one daughter, Violet Kerr. Survivors include her husband, Clarence Griffin, of Hillsborn, Illinois: three daughters, Mrs. Edith Moore, of Covington. Virginia. Goldie Wilfong, of Chicago. Illinois, and Mrs. Doris Kell^v. of Htintersville; one son. Delbert Wilfong. of Clover Lick; two brothers, Brown Miller, of Hunrersville, and Ran ?otn Miller, of Indiana; 33 grandchildren and 37 greatgrandchildren. Services and burial were in Hillsboro, Illinois. Thursdav.

Mrs. Griffin and her husband belonged to the Baptist Church and attended Rex Humbard's Church. On account of illness Dallas, Leona and Violet were unable to go to the funeral. Dennis Griffin was raised at Campbelltown and Goldie at Clawson, the daughter of John Silas and Susan Elizabeth Ken John R. Griffin nedy. John R. Griffin, 76, of 402 Rev. 0. L. Gochenour t?i Central Avenue, Spencer, died The Rev. Obed Lee GocheMonday, July 23, 1984, in ! nour, 77, of 5919 Kensington Roane County Hospital after a Avenue. Richmond, Virginia, brief illness. He suffered a a retired Methodist minister, stroke Sunday morning. died Tuesday, July 7, 1964. He was born March 3, 1908, Educated at Roanoke Col in Williamstown, the son of lege and Emory and Henry i Pearl J. and Georgianna Ryder College, he had held pastorates Griffin. at 'Methodist churches in NewMr. Griffin was a retired soms, Burgess and Gloucester employee of Monongahela Point, and was pa3;or at DurPower Company and was for a bin 1932 to 1935. time photographer for the Survivors include his wife, Spencer Times. Mrs. Lottie L. Gochenour; two He was a member of the St. daughters, Mrs. William C. John's United Methodist Grinnan, of Richmond, VirginChurch in Spencer, Moriah ia, and Mrs.R. S. Bigham, Jr., Lodge #38, A.F.&A.M., Spenof Charlotte, North Carolina; cer, Jackson Chapter #42 R.A. i five sons, Curtis D. Gochenour, Mrs. CoMtMee Qissy M. of Ravens wood, Charleston I of St. Petersburg, Florida, W. | Byron Gochenour, of Salem, Mrs. Constance Herold Gis- Scottish Rites Bodies .Nemesis I Virginia, Ned L. Gochenour, | sy, ,33, died at her home in i Shrine Temple in Parkersburg, of Rochelle Park, New Jersey, Bridgeport on Tuesday, June and Wetzel Chapter 27 O.E.S. I Dennis M. Gochenour, of India 25, 1974. His wife, Phyllis Hunt Grifand Glenn V. Gochenour, of Born January 21, 1941, she fin, preceded him in death in iTustin, California; two sisters, was the daughter of Mr. and 1971. (Mrs. Stella Ea*tep, of Stras- Mrs. Surviving him are a daughE. G. (June) Herold, Jr. 'burg, Virginia, and Mrs. Ethel ter, Mrs. Robert [Sharon] Funeral services will be held 'Clark, of Zephyr Hill, Florida, Cruikshank, of Marlinton, 3 i and one brother, Braden Goche Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. grandchildren and 3 greatat All Saints Church. Burial nour, of Hialeah, Florida. will be in the Bridgeport Cem- grandchildren. Services will be held ThursFuneral services were held etery. Thursday morning at West day morning at 11 a. m. at iampton Methodist Church. Vandall Funeral Home in Burial in East Hill Cemetery Spencer by the Rev. Robert Salem. —Richmond TimesFuqua, with Masonic graveside ispatchuservices in Spencer Cemetery.

G. Everette Gutshali

George Everette Gutshali, 67, a retired farmer of Route 1, Swoope, Virginia, died Sunday, March 26, 1972 in the King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton, Virg n'a. Born in Highland County, August 25, 1904 he was a son of the late Walter P. and Ardenia Carpenter Gutshali. For 37 years he was emp'oyed by H. B. Sproul and two years by R R. Smith. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Sutton Gutshali; two daughters, Mrs. Carl Cason. of Swoope, Virginia and Mrs. Charlie Poole, of Raphine, Virginia; one son, Everette L. Gutshali, of S.aunton, Va.; four brothers, Wallace and Warren Gutshali, both of Vanderpool, Virginia, Ralph Gutshali, of McDowell, Virginia, and Lawrence Gutshali, Poughkeepsie, NewYork, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the chapel of the Bear Funeral Home at Churchville, Virginia, by the Rev. J. Edward Gayhart. Burial was in Oak Lawn Memory Gardens. V I I I I I Oilfir

Velma Huffman Geiger, 66, of Wellsburg died March 5, 1983, in the Ohio Valley Medical Center following a long illness. She was born on July 20, 1916, in Bentree, a daughter of the late George and Grace Morris Huffman. Survivors include her husband, the Rev. John Quinn Geiger; three daughters, Mrs. IreDe Marks, of Wellsburg, Mrs. Ellen Gilkerson, of Painesville, Ohio, and Mrs. Barbara Johnson, of Grand Rapids, Michigan; three sons, John Quinn, Jr., of Grantsville, Joseph N. of Huntington, and Roger, of Martins Ferry, Ohio; six sisters, four brothers; 14 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Services were held on March 8, at 2 p. m. in the Wellsburg United Methodist Church with Dr. David Dubois, Rev. Allen Parrish and Rev. James Norton officiating. Burial was in Kadesh Cemetery at Beech Bottom. Rev. Geiger was born and raised near Stony Bottom and recently completed 40 years as a Methodist pastor.

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Mrs. Mary F. Godwin

Colonel Leonard J. Goodsell, of 2176 Greenview Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan, died July 11, 1977, after an illness of one week. He suffered a stroke. Born November 3,1917, at Frank, he was the son of Leonard and Myra Lawton Goodsell, w He married Mary Elizabeth Pender, of Battle Creek, Michigan, August 7,1945, who survives, also surviving are three sons, Leonard James Jr., Robert John, and Richard Edward, all of Ann Arbor, Michigan; one daughter, Mrs. Philip L. (Susan) Bicket, and two grandsons, Paul and David Bicket, all of Jackson, Michigan, and numerous relatives in Virginia and West Virginia. Col. Goodsell served twentyfive years in the Army Corps of Engineers. A much decorated veteran of World War II, he was recipient of the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. He was a 1940 graduate of West Virginia University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Col. Goodsell was a registered professional engineer. For the past twelve years he has been Executive Director of Great Lakes Commission headquartered in Ann Arbor. Funeral services were held on Thursday, at one p. m. at Westminster P r e s b y t e r i a n Church in Ann Arbor, with Rev. Terry N. Smith officiating. Interment was in the Arlington National Cemetery on Friday, in Arlington, Virginia.

Mrs. Mary Frances Godwin, of Marlinton, died Monday, February 5, 1973, in the Suburban Hospital at Bethesda. Maryland, after a long illness. She had been in Marlinton about twenty years in the Pohontas Loan Company Oft;e. She was a member of the Marlinton Home Demonstra tion Club, The Marlinton Business and Professional Women's Club of which she is a past president; Chairman of The Heart Fund for a number of years, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Survivors include one son, James J. Godwin, of Elkins; two daughters, Mrs. Frances Ray Hoffman, of Newburg, Maryland, and Mrs. Mary Brown Hefner, of Clinton, Maryland; eight grandchildren; two sisters Misses Anna Louise and Polly O'Kernick, both of Elkins, and four brothers, Frank. Joe, Rudy and Fred O'Kernick. Runners Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. The Rosary was recited Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. at the Funeral Home. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St. Brendan's Roman Catholic Church in Elkins on Thursday morning at 10:00 a. m. Burial was in the St. Patrbk Catholic Cemetery at Kingsville.

Stanley Groves Stanley Groves, 85, of Nettie, died Sunday, December 23, 1984, at the home of bis son, the Rev. Garland Groves, at Minnehaha Springs, after a long illness. He was a retired coal miner with more than 50 years of service. He was a Methodist and a Mason. In addition to his son, he is survived by a daughter, Edna Lou Groves, of Quinwood, and two sons, Gale, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Edward Groves, of Front Royal, Virginia; lO grandchildren and 9 greatgrandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Rainelle by the Rev. Rex Ball, with burial in Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville.

Artie Ray Gabbed

Artie Ray Gabbert, 48, of Baltimore. Man land, formerly of Durbin. died Wednesday, January 3, 1973, iu a Maryland hospital after « long illness. He had lived in Baltimore, Maryland, for the past 20 years, was a member of the United Methodist Church at Baltimore, Loyal Order of Moose and a veteran of World War II. He was employed by Bethlehem Steel in Baltimore, Maryland. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Irene Bowman Gabbert; four sons, Thomas, Steven, Dallas and Dennis Gabbert, two daughters, Brenda and Debra Gabbert; one stepson, David Bowman, all of Baltimore, Maryland; one sister, Mrs. Virginia Olin, of Accokeek, Maryland, and one grandchild. Funeral services were held at noon Saturday at the Thornwood Church by the Rev. Edward Markley. Burial was in the Mount View Cemetery at Whitmer.


William Wheeler Gladwell, 83, of Titusville, Florida, passed away Friday, June 21, 1968, in a Titusville hospital. He had been a patient in the hospital since suffering injuries in an automobile accident in February. He was born October 31, 1884, in Greenbrier County. He came to Huntington in 1912 and had been a partner in the former McNeely and Gladwell Cabinet Shop. After his retirement as a cabinet maker in 1953, he later moved to Florida. He was preceded in death by his parents, George P. and Maggie J. Gladwell, also his youngest brother, Burly S. Gladwell, in 1928, his first wife, Mrs. Bessie Gibson Thomas Gladwell, in 1961, and also one son. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruth Gladwell; one son, Richard Gladwell, of Deerfield, Michigan; one stepson, Maynard M. Thomas, Sr., of Huntington; five sisters, Mrs. Eula Hemp, Mrs. Glenna Grimes, and Mrs. Myrtle Sheets, all of Staunton, Virginia; Mrs. Elton Campbell, of Washington, D. C.;, and Mrs. Nina Smith, of Brownsville, Pennsylvania; three brothers, Harry Gladwell, of Daytona Beach, Florida; Clarence Gladwell, of Staunton, Virginia; and Dameron Gladwell, of Beard; six grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Chapman Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. T. R. Sisks, Jr., with burial in the Highland Memorial Gardens, in Huntington. Mrs. Ralk GoBtdiy Mrs. Ruth Eola Kersbner Golladay, of Staunton, Virginia, died January 4,1982. She was born February 5 , 1910. Funeral services were held on Thursday at the Henry Funeral Home in Staunton by Rev. C. Edward Pruitt and Rev. A. T. Underwood. Burial was in Augusta Memorial Park Cemetery. Johnny Cutlip and Virgil Gladwell attended the services.

Mrs. Helen Gaylor Ebb Green \J/ Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Ebb Canie Green, 77, of Elk Route, Marlinton, died of a Gaylor, 90, of Marlinton, died heart Attack Thursday, October Saturday, May 24, 1986, in Memorial Hospital, 18, 1984, in Charleston Area Davis Elkins, after a long illness. Medical Center. Mrs. Gaylor, a member of He was a bulldozer operator. the Methodist Church, was a Born in Sylvia, North Carolina, March 5, 1907, he was the native of McDowell County. son of the late Estes and She was born April 10, 1896, the daughter of W. H. and Elenora Ashe Green. Preceding him in death were Cora Jane Lowe Barnes. She was preceded in death two brothers, VonDeer and Jack Green, and a sister, Essie by her two husbands, Grover Cunningham and Earl Gaylor, Ashe. a sister, Mrs. Jennie Surviving him are his wife, and Callison. Clorie Genevie McComb Green; Surviving her are two three daughters, Lou Ellen laughters, Dorothy Adkison, Phillips, Opal Marie Buzzard, of Port Lavaca, and and Juanita Kathryn Warwick, Clara Schaffer, of Texas, all of Marlinton; a brother, Texas, and a son,Livingston, W. G. Grady Green, of Frost; two Cunningham, of Eleanor; sisters, Ina Turpin, Whittier, ;ister, Maud Bumgardner, ofa North Carolina, and Ruby Cagle, of Cullowhee, North ufarlinton, with whom she had olina; fourteen grandchil- nade her home for several ears; 4 grandchildren and 9 dren and seven great-grand;reat-grandchildren. children. Services were held at 2 p. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in VanReenen Funeral ii. Monday in VanReenen Home by the Rev. Gary Jar re 11, funeral Home by the Rev. Cruikshank, with with burial in Cochran Ceme- Robert burial in Mountain View tery. Cemetery. Arthena R. Griffin Arthena Elizabeth (Ray) Griffin, -ranees Gravely age 74, of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Frances Gravely, 70, formerly of Mustoe, Virginia, died of Marlinton, died December on June 11, 1997, at Augusta 1, 1982, after a long illness. Medical Center. Born on December 22, 1911, She was bom on April 7, 1923, at Glassport, Pennsylvania, at Frost, a daughter of Howard ehe'was the daughter of the Granville and Maude Estella Slayton Ray. late Frances S.. and Elizabeth Schorsch PiotrowBki. She was On October 11, 1940, she was a member of the St. John married to Walter L. Griffin, who died on February 8, 1983. Neumann Catholic Church Surviving are a daughter, and a housewife; Shirley M. Puffenbarger, of Survivors include her husStaunton; a son, Walter Lee band. Raymond; two sons, Griffin, of Mustoe; four sisters, Frank and Freddy, of MarlinNora Turner, of Spartansburg, ton; two daughters, Marie Soum Carolina, Olive Barnard, of Bowling, of Marlinton. and Geneva, Ohio, Virgie Wanless, of Joan Peck, of MacArthur; a Minnehaha Springs, and Velma granddaughter she raised, DebTurner, of Arbovale; six bie Jackson, of Brandywine; grandchildren and eight two brothers, Martin Piotrowgreat-grandchildlren. ski, of Lochgelly, and John A service was conducted at 10 a. Piocrowski of North Royalton, m. at Obaugh Funeral Home by the Ohio; a 3ister, Ann Oster, of Rev. Richard Gibson and Pastor Lancaster, Pennsylvania; fourDonald Rose, with burial at the teen other grandchildren and Griffin Family Cemetery at Mustoe. two great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by four brothers and one sister. [ Mrs- Paul Golden Services will- be held ThursMrs Minnie GoldeD, widow of Paul Golden, died at her home in day at 2 p. m. at St. John MarliDton, on Tuesday morning*, Neumann Catholic Church with Father Roy Lombard officiatApril 6, 1948. She had been in failing health for some time. For ing. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery. more than fifty years this good woman had lived in Mariiuion. Mrs Paul Overholt is her daughter.

Harry u. liara, a popular auu wen known traveling oil agent, died suddenly of acute indigestion January 18, 1924, at his home in Huntington. W, Va. Interment in Goose Creek Cemetery, Lincoln, Louden County, Virginia. Wife and two small children survive him. His wife was Miss Pauline Shoemaker, daughter of the late Elwood Shoemaker, of Marlinton. ^^^

Finnii Qruorj Fannie Gregory, 81, of Lexington, Kentucky, died in the Central Baptiit Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky, February 23,1983, after a long illness. Born June 26, 1901, at Boyer, she was the daughter of tht late Mary Wooddell and Laban H. Wilfong. She was preceded in death by husband, James Gregory, and a son, Hubert Gregory. Survivors include daughter!, Dorothy Johnson, of Lexington, Kentucky, Mary Polly, of Cincinnati, Ohio; sons, Charles Gregory, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, James and Jessie Gregory, both of Warren, Ohio, Donald Gregory, of Georgetown, Kentucky, William Gregory, of Lexington, Kentucky; sisters, Ruth McKean, of Marlinton; Marguerite Mullenax, of Orwell, Ohio; brother, Asa Wilfong, of Arbovale. Burial was in Neon, Kentucky. Mrs. Isabella Munro Goode WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W, Va. — Mrs. Isabella Munro Goode, 91, formerly of White Sulphur Springs, died Monday morning in the home of her son, Richard M. Goode of Williamsburg, Va. with whom she lived, after a long illness. Mr. Goode was her only survivor. A native of Thurso, Scotland, she lived in the Williamsburg area 18 years and was a member of the Yorktown B a p i s t Church. A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m. today in the BuckLuneral Home Chapel in 1 Williamsburg with the Rev. C. G. Barkley oificiating. Graveside rites will be conducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Hillcrest Cemetery in White Sulphur Springs with the Rev. Clyde Jones officiating. The body will arrive at Shanklin Funeral Home in White Sulphur Springs Wednesday mornmr where it will remain until for the service.

Forest H. Grimes, 69, of Frank Dice Grimes, 79, of Marlinton, died Saturday, Greenville, Tennessee, formerJune 1,1974, at his houie in ly or Marlinton, died Saturday, the Hills. April 28, 1973, in Laughlin He was a member of 'the Hospital, after a three weeks' United Methodist Church and illness. a retired woodsman. Mr. Born December 17, 1893, on Grimes was a native of HuntBrufTeys Creek, he was the son ersville, born August 12, 1904, of the late Rev. J. B. and Sea son of the late Anderson and rene BrurTey Grimes. A longEtta Grimes. time merchant in Marlinton, Survivors include two sons, he was a member of the MarPaul Grimes, of Cleveland, linton United Methodist Ohio; and Edgar Grimes, of Church and the Masonic Lodge Canton, Ohio; three daughters, of Hillsboro. Mrs. Roland Helmick, of MonThe Grimes' had lived in Sr. terey, Virginia, Mrs. Trudy Petersburg, Florida, after their Harlow, of Tampa, Florida, retirement and then moved to and Mrs. James Allen Sheets, Greenville two years ago. of Green Bank; one brother, One sister Bradford, and a Raymond Grimes, of Marlin- brother, Clyde, preceded him ton; seven sisters, Mrs. Leva in death. Cain, Mrs. Delia Shrader, and Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Veva Ware, all of MarMrs. Olive Kinnison Grimes, linton, Mrs. Stella Pyles, of and one son, Dr. Frank Barton Seebert, Mrs. Zula Young, of Grimes, an optometrist of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Thelma Greenville, Tenneesee. one sisKennedy, of Clover Lick, and ter, Mrs. Ena Ervine, of HillsMrs. Anita Sue Heavener, of boro, and one brother, Ulric Alvon; 20 grandchildren and Grimes, of East Rainelle. eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Frost Tuesday afternoon in the VanUnited Methodist Church by Reenon Funeral Home Chape! in Marlinton by the Rev. Maythe Rev. David Rittenhouse. nard Crawford and the Rev. Burial was in the Grimes Dalton, with burial in Cemetery* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cecil the Oak Grove Cemetery in Hillsboro. Guy Franklin Grimes \S" Guy Franklin Grimes, 63, of White Sulphur Springs, died Ulric W. Grimes '&«*' Saturday, August 7, 1971, at Ulric W. Grimes, 85, of RainGreenbrier Valley Hospital in elle, died Tuesday, July 20, Ronceverte following a short 1976, at Hillsboro. illness. Born at Lobelia, March 11, Born in Highland County, 1891, he was the son of the Virginia, July 7, 19C8, he was late Bamet Grimes and Serenea son of the late Harry and Bruffey Grimes. Nora Detamore Grimes Kelley Mr. Grimes taught school in He attended the Church of Pocahontas and Greenbrier God and was a heavy equipCounties and was a retired ment operator. postmaster at East Rainelle. Survivors include: wife, Lena He was a fifty year Mason and Cooke Grimes, at home; one member of the United Methson, Franklin Duane Grimes, odist Church at Rainelle, havone daughter, Susan Fern ing served on the official board Grimes, both at home; two for many years. half-brothers, Norman W. KelSurviving are his wife, Amy ley, of Fairlea, and Basil KelPayne Grimes; one daughter, ley, of Ashtabula, Ohio; one Mrs. Paul (Thelma) Shrader, half sister, Mrs. Mabel Fern of Virginia Beach, Virginia; Hanna, of White Sulphur and one sister, Ena Grimes Springs. Ervin, of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Funeral services , were conTuesday, at the Shanklin Fuducted by Rev. Richard Thursneral home with the Rev. ton at Wallace & Wallace ChapJ. Larry Hall officiating. Inel at Rainelle on July 22,1976, terment followed at the Watewith interment at End of the coat Cemetery on the Alvon Trail Cemetery at Clintonville. Road near White Sulphur Springs.

•rwiv it. Hiuavil mis. Lime Gibson Dale A. Gibson, 61, of UpMrs. Lillie Ann Gibson, 97, hue Woods ( per Marlboro, Maryland, died died at Denmar Hospital fired fanner, died on Monday, September 23, 1957, at hisliome June 25, 1982, after a long Thursday, May 30,1974, after several years illness. on. Pyles Mountain, after a long illness. Born April 23,1921, he was She was a member of the illness. 1 Mr. Gaylor was born on Bea- the son of Mabel R. McNeill Methodist Church. Born at Charlottesville, Virginia, Sepver Creek on March 1, 1879, the and tbe late Winters Gibson. tember 4, 1886, her parents He was a veteran of World son of Joseph E. and Ange^ine were Blueford and Annie F. War II, serving in the Navy. McComb Gaylor. Long Gentry. He married Miss Florence Sy- After retiring he served many Her husband, Ambrose Hill mes, who preceded him in death years as a merchant seaman. He received the Vietnam servGibson, and seven children February 8, 1953. To this union were born seven ice bar from the U. S. Depart- preceded her in death. Surviving her are three children, five of whom survive: ment of Commerce. Besides his mother, he is sur- daughters, Mrs. Flossie W. NeLtie Gaylor and . Lillie Mae Gaylor at home, Cecil, Gaylor, vived by a son, Dale, Jr., of Waugh, of Marlinton, Mrs. Keene, New Hampshire; Mary j New York City; two sisters, Shelly Knight, of Texas City, Jane Shawver, and Norman Gay- j Grace Simmonfl, of Durbin, Texas, and Mrs. Minnie Worklor, of Canton, Ohio; also surviv-) and Gin Moore, of Upper Marl- man, of Stony Bottom; nineing him is one brother, Houston j boro, Maryland; two aunts, teen grandchildren, thirtyGaylor, of Huntersvilie, and five Mary Jane Blaker, of District eight grandchildren, and twelve granddaughters, and one grand i Heights, Maryland, Mrs. Bird- great-great-grandchildren. ie Varner, of near Charleston. son. Funeral services were held Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the VanServices were held at the Beaver Creek Church on Wednesday in the Coleman Funeral Home Reenen Funeral Home Chapel afternoon by the Rev. Dorr Fitp, Chapel, by Rev. Edward by the Rev. David Rittenwith burial at Beaver re k Dorsey. house. Burial was in Oak Cemetery. t Burial was in the Maryland Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Veterans Cemetery, Chelten• reene, aged ham, Maryland. Wise Gillispie little son of Mr. and flag was presented to Greeubank— Wise Gillispie, B. Greene, died at his home hisThe great nephew, Michael S. aged seventh-seven years, died 3ar,'y Tuesday morning, !j October 4 He had been ues- Roop, of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- at his home near Green bank on viMi lockedjbowels since vania. Sunday, September 28, 1941. For irday On Wednesday the little many months he had been in poor taksato Roneeverte to bej health, the effects of a fall from ^ilot. '• his horse. Mr Gillispie was the January 9, 1917 Omar D. Grose last member of the large family He was a bright and attractive child of the late James Alexander and and a general fav vi'te. Like so man who are called in childhood, he seem „ Omar D. Grose of Webster Lucinda Cooper Gillispie. He married. Interment in the [ to know bevond his years. Hi s P n n g s . died at Webster County never family plot in Arbovale cemetery words were ''good bye, you'r ber20,1995, Memorial Hospital on Friday, Octo- Tuesday afternoon. following a brief illness. ing with He was 64 years df^age. He was bom in Lockwood, o:i Houston E. Gaylor August 1,1931, the son of Willie and Arnold Ray Galfotd Houston E. Gaylor, 85, of Kathleen Hanshaw Grose, both deHuntersvilie, died Monday, ceased. He was a laborer and a ProtArnold Ray Gilford, aged 2?, April 25,1966, in the Pocahonvears, was killed in an nutomobil f estant by faidi. as Memorial Hospital. iccident near Tartow, on Frida He is survived by: his wife, Beulah • sight, February 26, 195 i 0 The son of Joseph E. and Pearl MillerGroseofWebsterSprings; Monday afternoon, the funeral Angeline McComb Gaylor, he was born at Huntersvilie Sep- step-sons, Ralph Tharp of Lewisville, service was held from Green Bmk Colo., Jack L. Tharp of Bolair, and vlethodist Church by Rev. Quade tember 16, 1880. Roger L. Pugh of Morgantown; R Arbogast and Rev. Mr Cooper. He was a member of the Beabodv was laid in the family ver Creek Methodist Church. brothers, James Grose, Russell Grose, His dot ~ia Arbovale Oametary. andWilmot Grose, all of Richwood; His wife, Anna Underwood The youn^ man is the son of Gaylor, preceded him in death. sisters, Alma Grose of Richwood, Kent and Leone Sheets Galford Betty Morrison of Summersville, Jane Survivors include one son He was a graJuate of Green Bank Clarence Gaylor, of Hunter? - Harrison of Charleston, and Roberta High School, class 1949, and a Paytes of Fredricksburg, Va.; 6 ville; two daughters, Mrs. veteran of the Korean War. He Myrtle Branham, of Charles- grandchildren, and 8 great-grand- recently returned home after four children. In addition to his parents, he ton, and Mrs. Dessie Venable, was preceded in death by 3 sisters and veais in tbe Army. of York, Pennsylvania. The young man is survived by Funeral services were held 3 brothers. his parents, and the following Wednesday afternoon in the Services were held on Monday, seven brothe s and agister: BerBeaver Creek Methodist Chur- October 23, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd 1 n, of Clirksburjr: Samuel, of tbe ch by the Rev. Sherman Mark- & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Army; Margaret, of Baltimore,! ley with burial in the Beavet Springs, with the Rev. Eddie Bender Maryland; Kent Jr., Richard,] Creek Cemetery. of WebsterSprings, officiating. Burial Clark, Robert and Day id, at home, j was at the Fairview Cemetery in Webster Springs.

James JL. UICCH COLUMBUS, GA.-James L. Green, 1SG (Retired), of Columbus, Georgia, died at his residence on Thursday, May 8,1997. He was 79 years of age. He was bom in Areola, on March 31,1918, the son of the late Christopher and Pearl Morris Green. He had lived in Columbus, Ga. since 1967 and was retired from the U.S. Army after 26 years of service. Prior to entering the service, he drove a taxi in Cowen. He went to college with his daughter and graduated with a degree in criminal justice. Following that, he was an insurance agent, from which job he retired. He was a Protestant by faith and was a member of the V .F.W. andNCOA. He is survived by: his wife, Michelle J. Green of Columbus, Ga.; daughters, Lorena Hoover of Belton, Texas, Judy Cocheof Clarksburg, and Kathleen Green-Madeo of Paris, France; sons, Jimmy Green of Clarksburg and Charles Green of Columbus, Ga.; sisters, Opal Baumgamer of Richwood, Agatha "Kate" Claypool of Webster Springs, and Jewel Taylor of Craigsville; brothers, George Green of Dayton, Ohio and Denzel Green of Clarksburg; 7 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services with military honors were held on Monday, May 12, at 2:00 p.m., at the Main Post Cemetery at Fort Benning, Ga. The Striffler-Hamby Mortuary in Columbus, Ga., was in charge of the arrangements.

if 71

GALION, OHIO-Garnett J. Gregory of Galion, Ohio, died on Saturday, March 11, 1995, at the Marion General Hospital. Shewas75 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on January 13,1920, the daughter of Rosa A. Deaver Butcher Claypool and the late Emitt C. Butcher. She was a member of the North Robinson United Methodist Church. She is survived by: her husband, Charles B. Gregory, whom she married on April 18, 1939; son and daughter-in-law, Stan and Harriett Gregory of Galion, Ohio; hermother, Rosa Claypool of LaGrange, Ohio; brothers, Willard Butcher of LaGrange, Ohio and Eugene Butcher of Painesville, Ohio; half-brothers, Ralph Claypool of Killbuck, Ohio, Jimmy Claypool of LaGrange, Ohio, and Gerald Claypool of Connecticut; half-sisters, Norein Hutchinson of Atlanta and Eilleen Cayer of Connecticut; grandchildren, Lynne Gregory, at home, and Mrs. Angela McElhatten of Nashville, Tenn.; and great-grandson, Brien McElhatten of Nashville, Tenn. In addition to her father, she was preceded in death by two brothers. Services were held on Thursday, March 16, at 11:00 a.m., at the Mark A. Schneider Funeral Home in Galion, Ohio, with Pastor Rose Wilson officiating. Burial was at the Iberia Cemetery.

Lorena Gay Golden R I C H W O O D - L o r e n a Gay Golden, of the Nicholas Health Care Center in Richwood, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital, on Monday, January 27,1997, following a long illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on April 12,1905, the daughter of the late Noah and Dora Kelley Anderson. She was a homemaker. She is survived by: daughters, Glenda Fisher of Webster Springs, Beulah Pugh of Gauley Bridge, and Dorothy Pugh of Minerva, Ohio; brothers, Denzil Anderson and Vaughan Anderson, both of Ohio; sister, Myrtle Anderson of Ohio; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, January 29, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. George Cochran, officiating. Burial was at the Vance Cemetery in Hacker Valley.

LAKELAND, FLA.-Rci'lic O. Gregory of Lakeland, Florida, formerly of Webster County, died in Lakeland, Fla., on Friday January 20, 1995, following a long illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Bcrgoo, on January 9,1904,thedaughtcrof Adam J. and Mclvina Miller Hamrick, both deceased. She had lived all of her life in Webster County except for the last 12 years, in which she resided in Florida. She was a school teacher in WcbslcrCounty.and was a Methodist by faith. She is survived by: son, Secbcrt Gregory of West Milford, N.J.; daughter, Lcta M. Greenwood of Lakeland, Fla.; grandsons, Glenn Owen Gregory of Red Bank, N.J. and Terry Greenwood of Lakewood, Fla.; and granddaughter, Anita Jean Gregory of Ulica,N.Y. Inaddiiion oher parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Benjamin Herbert Gregory and by son, Dana Morris Gregory. Services were held on Wednesday,: January 25, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home, with the Rev. Darren Jones officiating. Burial was at the Point Mountain Cemetery in Webster Springs.

Rosalie Green Goodall CAMPBELLS CREEK-Rosa lie Green Goodall of Campbells Creek, died at her residence on Wednesday. June 5, 1996, following a short illness. She was 73 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on October 15,1922, the daughter of the late Paris and Lona Cummings Green. She had lived for about'25 years in Campbell's Creek, and was a homemaker. She wasa member of the Maple Hill Baptist Church in Charleston. She is survived by: ioster sister, Thelma Mayo of Richwood; uncle, Otha Cummings of Cowen: and several cousins. In addition to her parents, she was preceded m death by her husband, Herman Goodall. Services were held on Friday, J une 7, at the Maple Hill Baptist Church in Charleston, with the Rev. Clarence Hutton officiating. Burial was at the Wilson Cemetery in Charleston. The Fidler Frame Funeral Home in Belle '.was in charge of the arrangements, This obituary notice, courtesy Adams Funeral Home in Cowen.

James L. Green COLUMBUS, GA.--James L.Green, 1SG (Retired), of Columbus, Georgia, died at his residence on Thursday, May 8, 1997. He was 79 years of age. He was bom in Areola, on March 31,1918, the son of the late Christopher and Pearl Morris Green. He had lived in Columbus, Ga. since 1967 and was retired from the U.S. Army after 26 years of service. Prior to entering the service, he drove a taxi in Cowen. He went to college with his daughter and graduated with a degree in criminal justice. Following that, he was an insurance agent, from which job he retired. He was a Protestant by faith and was a member of the V.F.W. and NCOA. He is survived by: his wife, Michelle J. Green of Columbus, Ga.; daughters, Lorena Hoover of Belton, Texas, Judy Coche of Clarksburg, and Kathleen Green-Madeo of Paris, France; sons, Jimmy Green of Clarksburg and Charles Green of Columbus, Ga.; sisters, Opal Baumgarner of Richwood, Agatha "Kate" Claypool of Webster Springs, and Jewel Taylor of Craigsville; brothers, George Green of Dayton, Ohio and Denzel Green of Clarksburg; 7 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services with military honors were held on Monday, May 12, at 2:00 p.m., at the Main Post Cemetery at Fort Benning, Ga. The Striffler-Hamby Mortuary in Columbus, Ga., was in charge of the arrangements.


Garnett J. Gregory

Rettie O. Gregory

GALION, OHIO-Garnett J. Gregory of Galion, Ohio, died on Saturday, March 11, 1995, at the Marion General Hospital. She was 75 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on January 13, 1920, the daughter of Rosa A. Deaver Butcher Claypool and the late Emitt C. Butcher. She was a member of the North Robinson United Methodist Church. She is survived by: her husband, Charles B. Gregory, whom she married on April 18, 1939; son and daughter-in-law, Stan and Harriett Gregory of Galion, Ohio; her mother, Rosa Claypool of LaGrange, Ohio; brothers, Willard Butcher of LaGrange, Ohio and Eugene Butcher of Painesville, Ohio; half-brothers, Ralph Claypool of Killbuck, Ohio, Jimmy Claypool of LaGrange, Ohio, and Gerald Claypool of Connecticut; half-sisters, Norein Hutchinson of Atlanta and Eilleen Cayer of Connecticut; grandchildren, Lynne Gregory, at home, and Mrs. Angela McElhatten of Nashville, Tenn.; and great-grandson, Brien McElhatten of Nashville, Tenn. In addition to her father, she was preceded in death by two brothers. Services were held on Thursday, March 16, at 11:00 a.m., at the Mark A. Schneider Funeral HomeinGahon, Ohio, with Pastor Rose Wilson officiating. Burial was at the Iberia Cemetery.

LAKELAND, KLA.-ReUie O. Gregory of Lakeland, Florida, formerly of Webster County, died in Lakeland, Fla., on Friday, January 20, 1995, following a long illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Bergoo, on January 9,1904,thcdaughtcrof Adam J; and Mclvina Miller H-imrick, both deceased. She had lived all of her life in Webster County except for the last 12 years, in which she resided in Florida. She was a school teacher in WcbstcrCounty.and was a Methodist by faith. She is survived by: son, Secbcrt Gregory of West Milford, N.J.; daughter, Lcta M. Greenwood of Lakeland, Fla.; grandsons, Glenn Owen Gregory of Red Bank, N.J. and Terry Greenwood of Lakcwood, Fla.; and granddaughter, Anila Jean Gregory ofUtica.N.Y. Inaddition loner parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Benjamin Herbert Gregory and by son, Dana Morris Gregory. Services were held on Wednesday,: January 25, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd

Lorena Gay Golden R I C H W O O D - L o r e n a Gay Golden, of the Nicholas Health Care Center in Richwood, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital, on Monday, January 27,1997, following a long illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on April 12,1905, the daughter of the late Noah and Dora Kelley Anderson. She was a homemaker. She is survived by: daughters, Glenda Fisher of Webster Springs, Beulah Pugh of Gauley Bridge, and Dorothy Pugh of Minerva, Ohio; brothers, Denzil Anderson and Vaughan Anderson, both of Ohio; sister, Myrtle Anderson of Ohio; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, January 29, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. George Cochran, officiating. Burial was at the Vance Cemetery in Hacker Valley.

& Reed Funeral Home, with the Rev. Darren Jones officiating. Burial was at the Point Mountain Cemetery in Webster Springs.

Rosalie Green Goodall CAMPBELL'S CREEK--Rosa lie Green Goodall of Campbell's Creek, died at her residence on Wednesday, June 5, 1996, following a short illness. She was 73 years ol age. She was born in Webster County, on October 15,1922, the daughter of the late Paris and Lona Cummings Green. She had lived for about'25 years in Campbell's Creek, and was a homemaker. She was a member ol the Maple Hill Baptist Church in Charleston. She is survived by: foster sister. Thelma Mayo of Richwood; uncle. Otha Cummings of Cowen: and several cousins. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Goodall. Services were held on Friday, J unc 7, at the Maple Hill Baptist Church in Charleston, with the Rev. Clarence Hutton officiating. Burial was at the Wilson Cemetery in Charleston. The Fidler Frame Funeral Home in Belle was in charge of the arrangements. This obituary notice, courtesy Adams Funeral Home in Cowcn.

Brantie Gross SUTTON-Brantie Gross of Sutton, died at the Braxton County Memorial Hospital, on Saturday, January 25, 1997, following a short illness. He was 90 years of age. He was born in Webster County, on May 18, 1906, the son of the late William Lincoln and Geida Jackson Gross. He was a retired coal miner and attended the Bug Ridge Community Church near Sutton. He was a member of the UMWA. He is survived by: sons, Paul of Dalton, Ohio, Elliet and David both of Sutton, Robert of Crestview, Fla., and Bill of Cowen; daughters, Ruth Smallwood of Crystal River, Fla., Jean McCourt of Sutton, and Janice Stout of Exchange; 29 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-greatgrandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Gertrude Dilley Gross, by daughter, Ruby Ware, who had lived in Tennessee, by brothers Orpha, Kenny, Okey, and Ellsworth, and by sisters, Bertie Hamrick and Emma Lamb. Services were held on Monday, January 27, at 11:00 a.m. at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, with the Rev. Thomas Propst officiating. Burial was at the Barkers Ridge Cemetery near Sutton,

Gay Herbert Green SYKESVILLE, MD.-Gay Herbert Green, of Sykesville, Maryland, formerly of Curtin, died on Sunday, December 15, 1996, at the Carroll County General Hospital, in Westminster, Md. He was 82 years of age. He was born in Wayneville, on October 9, 1914, the son of the late Stewart and Mary Hamrick Green. He had been a coal miner for 25 years and was retired from the Genstar Quarry. HewasamemberofWinfield Bible Chapel. He is survived by: his wife, Aulda Beulah Green, to whom he had been married for 60 years; son, Keith Herbert Green of Westminster, Md.; daughters, Shirley Cool of Sykesville, Md. and Brenda Sue Stephens of Westminster, Md.; 7 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, December 18, at 1:00 p.m., at the Winfield Bible Chapel in Sykesville, Md., with Pastor John Lee officiating. Burial was at the Crestlawn Memorial Gardens in Marriottsville, Md. The Haight Funeral Home & Chapel in Sykesville, Md. was in charge of arrangements.

Lreorge A. Groves BUCKHANNON-George A. Groves of Buckhannon, died at his residence on Thursday, February 20, 1997. He was 72 years of age. He was born in Roanoke, on April 3,1924, the son of the late Wilson A. and May Hershman Groves. He was" retired as a meat cutter with A & P with 36 years' experience, and served with the U.S. Army during World War II. He was a member of the Franklin Lodge #7 AF & AM, and V.F.W. Post #3663. He is survived by: son and daughter-in-law, Kenneth G. and Phyllis Groves of Ireland (WV); brother, Dale F. Groves of Nacogdoches, Texas; and grandsons, Kenneth L. Groves of Belle and Bart Andrew Groves of Norfolk, Va. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Carolene S. Walton Groves, and sister, Edith Donaldson. Mr. Groves' wishes were to be cremated, with no funeral services held. The Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home in Buckhannon, was in charge of arrangements.

Orval H. Giles COWEN-Orval H. Giles of Cowen died in Charleston on Monday, May 19,1997, following a long i llness. He was 82 years of age. He was born in Areola, on May 15,1915, the son of the late William A. and Melissa Jane Holcomb. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a retired security guard from Adkins Oil Company. He was a Protestant by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Dorothy Hanna Giles of Cowen; sons, James Allen of Webster Springs, Orval Wayne of Fairdale, Richard Eugene, Jerry Lee, and Randall David, all of Cowen; brothers, Newman Giles and Leroy Giles, both of Ohio; sisters, Delsa Greene, Audrey Tyler, and Katherine Green, all of Cowen; 5 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brother, Earnest Giles, and sisters, Eva Brady, Lilly Barnett, Gustava McClung, and Sarah Johnson. Services will be held on Thursday, May 22, at 1:00 p.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne officiating. Burial will be at the Handschumacher Cemetery in Upper Glade. Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday, from 5-8:00 p.m. Adams Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Bertha Baughman Gillespie

BERTHA GILLESPIK Bertha Baughman Gillespie of Webster Springs, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, June 11,1997, following a long illness. She was 93 years of age. She was born in Bolair, on August 30,1903,thedaughterof the late C.C. and Harriett Cummins Baughman. She lived her life in Webster County, and wasa formerrestaurantand school cook, and was a retired LPN at Webster County Memorial Hospital. She had also worked at Denmar State Hospital. She was a 78-year member of the First Baptist Church in Webster Springs, and was a member of the Webster Springs Woman's Club and the WV Retired School Employees Association. She is survived by: sons, Jimmy of Webster Springs, Bernard and Paul Felix of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Dr. DavidM.GillespieofFrostburg,Md.; daughters, Mrs. Dean (Helen) Hufford of Pulaski, Va., Lucille McCoy of Elyria, Ohio, Mrs. Robert (Sammie) Allman of Buckhannon, and Mrs. Melvin (Caroline) Cochran of WcbsterSprings; 12grandchildren,7grcatgrandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren, and 11 step-great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence W. Gillespie, by son, Eugene, daughter Louise, and by one grandchild. Services were held on Sunday, June 15, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodcj & Reed FuneVal Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Reggie Stewart, officiating. Burial was at the Miller Cemetery in Webster Springs.

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Betty Jo Gross SUTTON-Betty Jo Gross of Sutton, died at the Braxton County Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, January 22, 1997, following a long illness. She was 50 years of age. She was bom on December 2, 1946, in Braxton County. She was a homemaker and was formerly employed by Kroger Company. She was a member of the Birch River Baptist Church. She is survived by: her husband, JohnieL. Gross of Sutton; daughters, Joyce Ann Floyd and Anita Jo Gross, both of Sutton; brothers, Harry Allen, Jr. and of Copen and Jerry Allen of Bumsville; sisters, Wanda Buckhannon of Lake Milton, Ohio, Fonda Conley of Sutton, Patty Allen of Flatwoods, Linda Helmick of Weston, Nancy Ratliff of Virginia, Edna Shaffer of Bruceton Mills, Diane Heater of Kentucky, Janet Allen of Corley, and Brenda Allen of Gem; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, January 25, at 11:00 a.m., at the Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in j Sutton, with the Rev. Phillip Drane, officiating. Burial was at the Little Kanawha Memorial Gardens, in Heaters.

Flossie J. Gadd COWEN-Flossie J. Gadd of Cowcn, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital,on Tuesday.June 27, 1995, following a long illness. She was 87 years of age. She was born in Braxton County, on June 29,1907, the daughter of the late Robert and Rose DeMoss Sparks. She lived most of her life in Cowen, and was a homemaker, and attended the Halo United Methodist Church near Cowen. She is survived by: sons, Delbert of Durand, Mich., Ralph of Cherry Falls, Lloyd, Harold, and Dennis, all of Cowen; daughters, Edith Peyalt and Evelyn Rose, both of Cowen; brother, George Sparks of Cowen; 25 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-great-grandch i ldren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, George Price Gadd. Services were held on Saturday, July 1, at 2:00 p.m., at Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowcn, with the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial wasattheGaddCemeterynearCowen. Adams Funeral Home was in charge, of the arrangements.

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Jessie Lee Green GRASSY CREEK ROAD-Jessie Lee Green, of Grassy Creek Road, Webster Springs, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital on Sunday, July 14,1996, following a long illness. She was 65 years of age. She was born in Fayette County, on March 7, 1931, the daughter of Charles Edward and Lillian Clemmons Frazicr, both deceased. She lived most of her life in Webster County, and was a homemaker. She was a Pentecostal by faith. She is survived by: her husband, SampsonGrecn; sons,Charles Green of Hacker Valley, Clarence Green, Franklin Green,andTex Green,allof Webster Springs; daughters, Patricia Payne and Evalyn Brady, both of Webster Springs; brothers, Larry Frazier of Lorain, Ohio and Charley Frazicr of Wellington, Ohio; sisters, Violet Kehl and Janet Kcnncy both of Zanesville, Ohio, and Rebecca Uhlcr of Portland, Oregon; half-brothers, El wood Frazier of Olive Hill, Ky.and Ralph and Jack Frazicr, both of Elkhart, Ind.; half-sister, Lillian Hall ofMontibcllo.Calif.: 5grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

Ella V. Groves Ella V. Groves of Webster Springs, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, May 14, 1997, following a long illness. She was 71 years of age. She lived most of her life in Webster County, and was a homemaker and a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: daughters, Carol Sue Ruley of Sebring, Fla. and Kathy Cogar of Webster Springs; sons, Preston, Samuel, and R;tndall Groves, all of Webster Springs^ sisters, Lenore Jett and Wanda Groves,. both of Hacker Valley, Areta Cool of Weston, and Barbara Jean Batcher of Florida; brothers, Larry Bankhead of Webster Springs, Junior Bankhead, Stanley Bankhead, Kenneth Bankhead, Doyle Bankhead, and Gary Bankhead, all of Florida, and James Bankhead of Alabama; 8 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, ' May 17, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Marvin Riffle, : officiating., Burial was at the Cutlip Cemetery, Holly Rivet-Road, Webster Springs.

Opal Lee Gregory of Webster Springs died at her home on Thursday, November 17, 1994. She was 84 years of age. She was born in West Virginia on June 1, 1910, the daughter of W. R. and Mary E. Walton Cogar, both deceased. She lived most of her life in the county, and was formerly an attendant at Leitchworih Village, N.Y. She was a Protestant by faith and was a member of the Cherry Falls Chapel. She is survived by: daughters, Peggy Dorsey of Richwood and Patsy Hamric of Albuquerque, N.M.; 4 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchilo>en. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Guy Walter Gregory, and by 9 brothers and sisters. Services were held on Sunday, November 20, at 1:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Gerald Hamrick and the Rev. Frank Long, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens in Calvin.

Murlin Hampton Creep of Webster Springs died at Webster County Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, April 30, 1997, following a shcwl illness. He was 67 years of age. He was born in Webster Springs, on July 23,1929. He was retired from Pardee & Curtin Lumber Co. He is survived by: son, Edward Duane Green of Webster Springs" daughters, Debbie Bright of Webster Springs, Pamela Dora Johns of Erbacon, Teresa Lynn Green of Webster Springs, Sylvia Simmons of Hacker Valley, and Polly Quinn of Hacker Valley; his father, William H. "Chub" Green of Elkins; brothers, Sampson Green of Webster Springs and Ancil Greenof Baltimore, Md.; sister, Gatha Clutter of Webster Springs; 7 grandchildren and 2 step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lillie Payne Greene, by his wife, Allidene Clutter Green, and by sister, Liza Jane. Services were held on Saturday, May 3, at 2:00 p.m. at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Marvin Cline, officiating. Burial was at the Joe McCourt Cemetery.


Lorena uay

Sarah M. Got!

Anderson Golden


RICHWOOD-Lorena Gay Anderson Golden, a resident at the Nicholas Health Care Center in Richwood, died at the Summersville Memorial Hospital on Monday, January 27, 1997, following a long illness. She was 91 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on April 12,1905, the daughter of the late Noah and Dora Kelley Anderson. She was a homemaker. She is survived by: daughters, Glenda Fisher of Webster Springs, Beulah Pugh of Gauley Bridge, and Dorothy Pugh of Minerva, Ohio; brothers, Denzil Anderson and Vaughan Anderson of Ohio; sister, Myrtle Anderson of Ohio; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, January 29, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. George Cochran, officiating. Burial was at the Vance Cemetery in Hacker Valley.

COWEN-Sarah M. Goff Holbrook of Cowcn, died at Summersville Memorial Hospital on Saturday, February 25, 1995, following a long illness. She was 89 years of age. She was bom in Webster County on February 6, 1906, the daughter of the late David William and Mary Viola Fowler Golf. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a homemakcranda Prolcstanlby faith. She is survived by: her husband, Harry A. Holbrook of Cowcn; sons, Guy D. Holbrook of Birch River and Bernard "Bud" Holbrook of Valley Head; daughter, Inez Dillcy of Madison Heights, Va.; 15 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, and 14 grcat-grcai-grandchildrcn. Services were held on Wednesday, March 1, at 1:00 p.m., at Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowcn, with the Rev. Okcy Wayne of Cowcn, officiating. Burial was at the Bragg Run Cemetery in Boggs. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Andrew James Galford Andrew James Galford, age 95, of Marlinton, died at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center on Friday, October 10,1997. Mr. Galford was a retired fanner and a Protestant. He was born at Woodrow July 29, 1902, the son of John and Frances VanReenen Galford. He was preceded in death by his two wives, Minnie White Galford and Florence Kerr Bennett Galford; five brothers, Charlie, Summers, Fred, Emmit, and Henry Galford; two sisters, Mattie Jordan and rlossie Friel; and one great-grandchild. Surviving him are a daughter, Mable Galford, and a son, Robert Galford, both of Marlinton; four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in Cochran Cemetery.


Henry M. Gibson Henry Mason Gibson, 32, of Mill Creek, died at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1997 in United Hospital Center at Clarksburg, where he was admitted on Monday. He had been in failing health for the past nine months and death was attributed to cancer. Mr. Gibson was born Jan. 3, 1965, at Elkins, a son of Don D. and Eula Hevener Gibson, who survive atMill Creek. Also surviving are his fiance, Iris R. "Stormy" Gibbs, Mill Creek; one daughter, Heather Ann Gibson, New Market, Va.; two stepsons, Brian and Shawn Gibbs, Mill Creek; one sister, Mrs. Danny (Norma Jean) Mathes, New Market, Va.; one half brother, David Hevener, Ohio; maternal grandmother, Ada Hevener, Monterville; and one niece and one nephew. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Odie and Clove Hannah Gibson; maternal grandfather, Talbert Hevener; and one half brother, Eugene Leon Hevener. Mr. Gibson was an avid hunter. He was a Methodist.

Gordon Sterling Gillis Gordon Sterling Gillis, age 68, of Marlinton, was declared dead Thursday, July 3, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after being taken there by emergency services from Helvetia. He was a retired auditor for the Internal Revenue Service, a Methodist, a member of the Moose Lodge, Disabled American Veterans, and American Legion. He served in the Army in the Korean War. A native of Portland, Maine, he was bom December 25, 1928, the son of Edward and Jean Wigmore Gillis. Preceding him in death were his first wife, Mary Deputy; a brother, Lloyd Gillis, and a sister Alberta Miller; a step-daughter, Lois Parsons; and two step-sons, Harold and Duane Reed. He is survived by his wife. Norma Reed Gillis; a step-son, Delbert Reed, of Marlinton; a brother, Kenneth Gillis, of Portland, Maine; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Julian Rittenhouse, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Lewis Bryant Garretson Lewis Bryant "Brian" Garretson, 19, HHC1/325 Infantry, 82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died October 20, 1985, while in jservice for his country. At the nine of his death, Brain was on maneuvers in Istanbul, Turkey. Born June 3, 1966, in Point Pleasant, he was the only son of James L. and Delia Sue" 'White Garretson, of Rio Grande, Ohio. He is also survived by his sister, Angela Sue Garretson, at home. He was the grandson of Mrs. uby White, Porter, Ohio, and le late Volley White, and Mrs. Clara Garretson, Hillsboro, and the late Rev. EstH B. Garretson. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, October 30, at Northup Baptist Church by the Rev. James Chapman. His final resting place is the Ohio Valley Memorial Garden. An honor guard from Fort Knox, Kentucky, conducted military services.


Mrs. Mary M. Gladwell Mrs. Mary McNulty Gladwell, 84, of Lewisburg, died Sunday, June 5, 1988, in Greenbrier Manor Convalescent Home after a long illness. Mrs. Gladwell was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, a charter member of Greenbrier Historical Society, and a member of the Lewisburg Woman's Club. She was born January 15, 1904, in Monterey, Virginia, the daughter of the late Patrick and Lula Clark McNulty. Her husband, Lynn A. Gladwell, preceded her in death. Surviving her are two daughters, Betty Jo Long, of Lewisburg, and Catherine M. Kirk, of Rockledge, Florida; a son, Gene B. Gladwell, of Melbourne, Florida; two sisters, Margaret Remines, of Potomac, Maryland, and Josephine Vaughan, of Denton, Maryland; brother, Patrick H. McNulty, II, of Bluefield; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 11 a> m. Wednesday at Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Weston Guthrie officiating. Miss Grace Gray Miss Grace "Gretchen" Gray, 71, of Lewisburg, died May 7, 1988, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center in Marlinton. Surviving her are two sisters, Fannie Falls, of Lewisburg, and Phyllis Tinger, of Ronceverte. Graveside services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Falls Cemetery, near Lewisburg, by the Rev. Roy Gwinn.

Jacob A. Gower Jacob A. Gower. 71, of Buckhannon, died Friday, Nov. 21, 1997, at the home of Teresa Huffman. Mr. Gower was born Oct. 5, 1926, at Hodgesville. a son of the late Ivron Gower" and the late Emma Warner Gower Harris Mick. He married Louise Church Gower, who preceded him in death. Surviving are one sister, Vivian Hope Mathe. El Cajon, Calif.; four brothers. William Gower, Pittsburgh, Pa.. James Gower, Mesa, Ariz., Donald Gower, El Cajon. Calif., and French Gower. Colliers; one stepdaughter. Jean Calvert, Macon, Ga.; one stepson, Calvin Church, Macon, Ga.;fourstepgrandchildrenandeight stepgreat-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one stepson, Steve Church. Mr. Gower was a truck driver and a Methodist.

John G. Guire John Gabriel Guire, 86, of Mabie, died at 5:40 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 16, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital. He had been in declining health. Mr. Guire was born May 12, 1911, at Mabie, a son of the late Joseph and Rosalie Gyke Guire. He married the former Dessie Marie Thorpe who preceded him in death during January of 1942. Surviving are one daughter, Jean M. Dennis. Stow, Ohio; one brother, Peter Guire, Norton; three granddaughters, Sarah Jean Fry, Dallas, Texas, Grace Ann Russell, Evansville, Ind., and Jennifer M. Dennis, New York, N.Y.; and three greatgrandsons. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Joan L. Fry, five brothers, Joseph. Stanley, Frank, Gus and Alex; and two si :len Hinkle and Mary Ann Kupfer. Mr. Guire was a graduate of Coalton High School and attended Davis & Elkins College. He was a coal miner working at the mines of Cassity, and had worked for the state of West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Commission. He was a member of Elks Lodge No. 1135 BPOE, the United Mine Workers of America, and was a member of the St. Patricks Catholic Church at Coalton.

Sofia A. Gahaton Sofia Arabelo Gahaton, 73, of Buckhannon, died Monday, Nov. 17, 1997, at Las Vegas, Nev. Mrs. Gahaton was born June 24, 1924, at Bago City, Philippines, a daughter of the late Victoriano and Filomena Midel Arabelo. On Nov. 28, 1950, she married Paterno Gahaton, who survives. Also surviving are four daughters, Lucila Jones, Las Vegas, Nev., Medalla Gahaton, Dubai United Arab, Emirates, Helena Morgan, Buckhannon, and Sofia Carter Hampton, Va.; and one son, Renilo Gahaton, Manila. Philippines. She was preceded in death by two sons, Elisiq Gahaton and Paterno Gahaton Jr. Mrs. Gahaton was a homemaker and attended the Church of Christ of Buckhannon.


Lawrence B. Gillespie Lawrence B. Gillespie, 84, of Marlinton, died Thursday, September 11, 1997, in Meadowbrook Acres Nursing Center after a long illness. He was former owner of Gillespie Welding Service, Charleston, a former employee of the Kanawha County Board of Education and a member of Church of Christ, Sissonville. •r M £ G i l l e s Pie is survived his wife, Genevieve P. Gillespie; son, Ivan I., of Cross Lanes; daughter Nancy Board, of Charleston; ster> sons, Lawrence and Samuel Jones both of Nitro, Curtis Jones, of Gloucester, Virginia; stepdaughters, Patricia Fierbaugh, of Charleston, Carolyn Thayer, of Gloucester; sister, Edna Mae Lynch, of Orlando, Florida; half-brother, James Dean Gillespie, of Cherryville, North Carolina; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with Stephan K. Poyet officiating. Burial was in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens, Cross Lanes.

Ida G. Galford Mrs. Ida G. Galford, 86, of Saegertown, Pennsylvania, died Friday, April 15, 1988, at Rolling Fields Nursing Home in Conneautville, Pennsylvania. She was born in Dunmore on January 23, 1902, a daughter of James O. and Elizabeth N. Dilley Gum. She married Frank W. Galford on November 20,1920; he preceded her in death in 1977. Mrs. Galford had worked at Talon. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church and was a Sunday school teacher. Survivors include two sons, James A. Galford, Centerville, Pennsylvania, and Harold W. Galford, Saegertown; five daughters, Mrs. Hazel Goodwill, Sebring, Florida, Mrs. Frances Weed, Saegertown, Mrs. Kathryn McGraw, Valinda, California, Mrs. Virginia Carpenter, Townville, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Eula Orr, Lakeland, Pennsylvania; 20 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Harry Gum, Merritt Gum and Stirl Gum; an infant daughter; a granddaughter and a great-grandson. Services were held Monday at 1 p. m. by the Rev. Dr. Ralph G. Colas, with interment in Kingsley Cemetery at Townville.

Edna "Kitt" F. Gibson, 22, of Route 5, LaGrange, Indiana, died Wednesday, March 2, 1988, in Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, from leukemia. She was born January 4, 1966, in Goshen, the daughter of Bobby and Frances Williams Gibson. Her father survives in Cromwell and her mother, Frances Robbins, survives in LaGrange. She was a graduate of, West Nobel High School'and attended Glen^Oaks Community College, Centerville, Michigan.' Surviving with her parents are a sister, Vicki Gibson, of Albion, Indiana; a brother, Sterling Gibson, of Ligonier; a half-sister, Sheny Gibson, of Lexington, Kentucky; two stepsisters, Peggie and Jeanne Allen, both of Syracuse, Indiana; four half-brothers, Richard and Michael Stewart, of Medina, Ohio, and Robert and Ross Gibson, both of Lexington; paternal grandfather, Russell Gibson, of Pippas Passes, Kentucky; maternal grandparents, Orval and Vivian Williams, of Durbin, and paternal greatgrandfather, Orval Williams, Sr., ofBeckley. ' , ./ Services were at 2 p. m. Sunday in Orr Funeral Home, Liongier, with burial in Sparta Cemetery, Kimmell. Odie Gibson Odie Grant Gibson, 87, of Rt. 2, Mill Creek, where he had made his home with his son and daughter-in-law, Don and Rula Gibson, for the past several years, died Sunday, November 6, 1988, in Davis Memorial Hospital. He had been in declining health the past five years. Mr. Gibson was a Methodist by faith. He was a retired coal miner and had worked as custodian at the First National Bank in Marlinton and Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Born May 28, 1901, at Slatyfork, he was a son of the late Joe and Amanda Higgins Gibson. He was married to the former Chloe Ellen Hannah, who preceded him in death on April 25, 1975. Surviving him are six sons, Arnold Gibson, Allen Gibson, Earl Gibson and Denny Gibson, all of Baltimore, Maryland, Kenneth Gibson, of Montrose, and Don Gibson, of Mill Creek; one sister, Edna Helmick, of Baltimore, Maryland; ten grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were one daughter, two sisters, three brothers, and one grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday in the F. E. Runner Funeral Home in Elkins by the Rev. Frank Long. Burial will follow at the Gibson Cemetery near Slatyfork.

William Stert liibson William Sterl Gibson, 63, of 116 Belknap Road, Goose Creek, South Carolina, died Monday, December 28,1987, at his home. The son of Willie S. Gibson, of Marlinton, and the late Stella Catherine Meeks Gibson, he was .born at Marlinton November 24, T924. Also preceding him in death was a brother, Crawford. Mr. Gibson was a former member of the Goose Creek City Council, a former member of the Goose Creek Exchange Club, and former youth coach with the Goose Creek Parks and Playgrounds. He was a retired employee of the Coastal Center in Ladson. A veteran of World War II, he served with the U. S. Navy for 24 years. He was a Baptist. Surviving in addition to his father are his wife, Naomi Gibson; a daughter, Mrs. Sandy Gibson Ackerman, of Summerville, South Carolina; four sons, Floyd E. Gibson, Moncks Corner, South Carolina, Robert Lloyd Gibson, William Boyd Gibson, and Randy Gibson, all of Goose Creek; eight sisters, Mrs. Goldie Sampson, Upland, California, Mrs. Gertrude LaBoe, St. Charles, Michigan, Mrs. Genevieve Dinkins and Mrs. Penny Drewery, both of Taylor, Michigan, Mrs. Mamie Napier, Columbia, South Carolina, Mrs. Dottie Gay, Lorain, Ohio, Mrs. Louise Begley, of Riverview, Michigan, and Mrs. Carolyn Palko, of Marlinton; three brothers, Kemp Gibson, of Charlemont, Massachusetts, Collett Gibson, of Ocean Ridge, Florida, and Granville Gibson, Fresno, California; thirteen grandchilden. Services were held at 1 p. m., Saturday, January 2, at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. John Hamilton, of Goose Creek, South Carolina, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. Ray L. Gwinn Ray L. Gwinn, of Wyanet, Illinois, died June 13, 1988, in a hospital at Princeton, Illinois, after a long illness. Born November 18, 1914, at Lay land, he was the son of the late Daniel and Lula Gwinn. He was a disabled veteran, having served in World War II in Germany. Surviving him are his wife, Pearl Schnied Gwinn, of Wyanet, Illinois, and a sister, Juahita Hunter, of Arbovale. Burial was in Greenbrier Burial Park at Hintqn.

Raymond L. (Jibson Raymond Layton Gibson, 88, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, December 30, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after suffering a stroke. A native of Frost, he was bom September 12, 1899, the son of Sherman and L. Kate Dever Gibson. Mr. Gibson graduated from West Virginia University as a civil engineer and worked for the Corps of Engineers on flood control from October, 1929, to December, 1965. He was principal engineer :" selection of projects for planning and construction for the Ohio River Basin. Most of his career he resided in Cincinnati, Ohio. For his work he received a letter of commendation in 1959 from the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D. C , commending him for outstanding service. He was united in marriage to, Marion Wood on March 17,1934;' In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughter, Barbara Gibson Emery, of Cleveland, Ohio; his son, Raymond Layton Gibson, Jr., of Cincinnati, Ohio; his sister, Mrs. Veva Gilmer, of Marlinton; and seven grandchildren. Preceding him in death were two brothers, Samuel and Richard Gibson, and two sisters, Glenna Gibson and Edna Lee Gay. He was a member for many years of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was elder, trustee, and Svnday School teacher. At the time of his death he was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gibson was a member of the Marlinton Lions Club, receiving the Lion of the Year Award in 1980-81; Masonic Lodge #65 since 1926; and the Alpha Alpha Chapter " of Alpha Gamma Rho. Funeral services were held Saturday, January 2nd, at 2 p. m. at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Richard Newkirk and the Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.


Henry E. Gibson Henry E. Gibson, 84, of Rainelle, died August 4, 1987, in Nicholas County Health Care Center at Richwood nfttir a long illness. Mr. Gibson was a retired railroad engineer and a member of the United Methodist Church. Born at Slatyfork September 11, 1902, he was the son of Samuel M. and Emma Showalter Gibson. " Surviving him are his wife, Kathryn Gibson; a son, Lowell Gibson, of Slatyfork; a stepson, Britton Elkins, of Rainelle; five grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. |j? Services will be held Thursday at, ht p. m. in the Slatyfork United ^Methodist Church by the Rev. 3Cenny Stevenson, with burial in the Gibsort Cemetery. • • •&

Mary Pritchard Greer Mary Mildred Pritchard Greer, Ph.D., died on March 7, 1995, at Charlcne Manor extended care facility, Greenfield, Massachusetts, after a lengthy illness. Born in Green Bank in 1911, she was the daughter of the late S. Reece Pritchard and Margaret (Moore) Pritchard, and the wife of the late George D. Greer. She graduated from Marion Junior College in 1929 and taught in the Cass public schools. After her husband's death in 1947, she attended West Chester Pennsylvania State College, receiving her bachelor's degree in 1949. She taught in Montclair, New Jersey, then Great Neck, New York, until 1966, when she entered Syracuse University. She received her Ph.D. in American Studies in 1972. Her library is being donated to The College of West Virginia in Beckley. A sister, Frances Moore Pritchard, preceded her in death. Dr. Greer leaves a sister, Imogene Pritchard Webb, of Los Angeles, California; two brothers, Samuel R. Pritchard, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Chadwick H. Pritchard, of Williamsburg, Virginia; a daughter, Mary Greer Hadcock, of Bedford, Massachusetts; a granddaughter, Sylvia M. Hadcock, of Concord, Massachusetts; her sisters-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


Charles J. Gragg Charles J. Gragg, 63, a former resident of Pocahontas County, died Monday morning, May 2, 1988, in Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Born in Nottingham December 7, 1924, he was the son of the late Charles L. and Margie Malcomb Gragg. He had lived in Fort Wayne for 32 years. He was a carpenter for 22 years and a truck driver for 20 years. He was an Army Air Force World War II veteran. His wife, Katherine Waybright Gragg, died in 1986. Surviving him are a son, Larry A. Gragg; three daughters, Patricia H. Omspacher, Rebecca L. Wegner, and Diana L. Gragg, at home; three brothers, Robert A. Gragg, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, Paul D. "Bill" Gragg, of Bartow, and Lonnie L. Gragg, of Phoenix, Arizona; two sisters, Mary F. Wright, of Morgantown, and Dollie E. Varner, of Staunton, Virginia; and ten grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday, May 4, at D. O. McComb and Sons Foster Park Funeral Home wim burial in Lindenwood Cemetery. The family suggests memorial to Allen County American Cancer Society. Mrs. Shirley Galford Mrs. Shirley Pusey Galford, 85, of Cass, died May 11, 1987, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Cass and was a member of Cass United Methodist Church and Eastern Star. Mrs. Galford was born March 5, 1902, at Renick, the daughter of Delbert and Ada Bobbitt Pusey. She was the widow of Preston Springy Galford. A brother, Harrison Pusey, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Snedegar, of Baltimore, Maryland; son, Leonard D. Galford, of Columbus, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Margaret Neighbors, Mrs. Gertrude Thompson and Mrs. Jean Ervin, all of Baltimore, Mrs. Neoma Hinkle, of Frankford; brother, Merle Pusey, of Vago; seven grandchildren. Services will be at 11 a. m. Thursday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale with Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. jeanne n . uragg and Glenn Blair Gragg Joint services were held Tuesday for Mrs. Jeanne Hevener Gragg, 77, and her son, Glenn Blair Gragg, 51, both of Durbin. Blair Gragg died Saturday, February 27, 1988, of a heart attack. Later the same day his mother, Mrs. Jeanne Gragg, who was at the home of her daughter in Buckhannon, died after learning of her son's death. Mrs. Gragg taught for many years in Pocahontas County schools. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren and attended the Durbin United Methodist Church. She was a member of Eastern Star #124. She was born June 9, 1910, at Durbin, the daughter of the late Adam O. and Lucy Sutton Hevener. Preceding her in death were her husband, Glenn D. Gragg, in 1974, the son, Glenn Blair Gragg, and a brother, Henry Hevener. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. John (Betty Jeanne) Puffenbarger, of Buckhannon; a son, Ben Gragg, of Moorefield; a sister, Mrs. Edna Colaw, of Durbin; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Glenn Blair Gragg was a captain in the security division of Huttonsville Correctional Center. He was a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren and the Masonic Lodge #124. c He was born January 25, 1937, at Durbin, a son of die late Glenn D» and Jeanne Hevener Gragg. •"* Surviving him are his wife, ^Patricia.;,Nottingham Gragg; 'children,'Colleen Sue and Bryan Lee? at home, and Marcy Cowan,of Madison, Ohio;'a sister, Mrs. Betty Jeanne Puffenbarger, of Buckhannon; brother, Ben Gragg, of Moorefield; two grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Gene Kerby and the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. ' William Lee Gum William Lee Gum, 62, of New York City, formerly Monterey, Virginia, died Saturday, December 17, 1983, in a hospital there. ,, He was born November 14, 1921, at Monterey, the son of the late Arnet Peter and Lillian Trimble Gum. He was a cousin of Helen Patterson McMann, of Marlinton. •*-•' Funeral services were held the following Tuesday at Obaugh Funeral Home with burial in Monterey Cemetery.

Simpson F. Gragg, Jr. Simpson Gragg, Jr., 63, of 9948 Inkster Road, Redford, Michigan, died Saturday, August 13, 1988, in Mt. Carmel Hospital in Detroit after an illness of two years. He was born at Clover Lick June 29, 1925, a son of the late Simpson and Odessa Ryder Gragg. Mr. Gragg served in the Navy in World War II. He was employed by U. S. Gypsum in River Rouge, Michigan, for 39 years. On January 15, 1956, he was married to the former Marie Dill, of Cass. Surviving him are his wife, Marie; one daughter, Stephanie, of Walled Lake, Michigan; sons, Barry, of Redford, Michigan, David, of Canton, Michigan; a niece, Nancy Lightner Taylor, of Fort Defiance, Virginia; a sister, Louise Gragg, of Elkins; brother, Victor, of Westminster, Maryland. A service was conducted on August 16 by the Rev. Lowell H. Witkovsky at Henry J. Will Funeral Home in Redford, Michigan, with interment in Glen Eden Memorial Park in Livonia, Michigan. Clarence Balford Gragg v Clarence Balford Gragg, 83, of West Palm Beach, Florida, died Wednesday, June 3, 1987, in the Miami Veterans' Administration Hospital. . Mr. Gragg was a retired Air Force major. Born near Durbin, he Was the son of Zebulon and Ella G^gg,.' He is survived by hityWwe, j Mrs. Pearl Cross Gragg; a son, Gene Gragg, of Chicago; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara Keogh, of. Norw,alk, Connecticut; , two^ halfsisters, Mfjs.. * Monta,. Xewis, of QikrJeston, South Carofna, and Mrp. • .'Miizabeth Corbin, $ of Brjdgety^ter, Virginia; and five grahdcWidren. ' '" Mr.'' Gragg was buried with full military honors on Tuesday, June 9, at Arlington National" Cemetery.


Mrs. Mary Gay Mrs. Mary Alice Gay, age 87, of Rt. 1, Marlinton, died Monday, April 31, 1989, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. She was a member of West Union United Methodist Church. Born at Cass November 26, /1901, she was the daughter of Francis M. and Susie A. Tacy Hamrick. Her husband, Reed S. Gay, a granddaughter, Bonnie Riffle, and three brothers preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Samuel S. Gay, of Marlinton; two daughters, Leeta Baker and Polly Holsinger, of Emporium, Pennsylvania; 12 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mattie Bennett, of Slatyfork, Maggie Green and Maude Underwood, both of Marlinton, and Mabel Jackson, of Ohio; and three brothers, Charlie Jackson, ,J,ames Jackson, and Elwoorl Hamrick, all of Marlinton. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by Pastor Sam Bylor, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Herbert H. Greathouse Herbert H. Greathouse, 78, of Durbin, died Friday, .October 30, 1987, at his home after a long illness* *» ,'i. c< Born March 27, 1909, at Durbin, he was the son of the late William and Maggie Heveiier Greathouse. I Mr. Greathouse was a retired voodsman and a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren. ^Surviving''him are his wife, JuclUe-Kennison Greathouse;three daughters, Phyllis Houchins and Carol Arter, both of Lititz, Pennsylvania, and Linda Moyers," of Monterey, Virginia; two sons, Robert Greathouse, of Charleston, South Carolina, and Larry G r e a t h o u s e , ; ; of * y L i t i t z , Pennsylvania', three.' sisters, Ina Shelkey, of Arlington, Virginia, Annie Cromer, of Durbin, and Katie Shiley, of Glasgow, Virginia; eight- grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in the Bethel United Methodist Church at Durbin by the; Rev. Gene Kerby ind Rev. Jerry Ginn, with burial in the church cemetery^

James Hunter Gum James H. Gum, 69, of Aberdeen, Maryland, died February 21, 1987, at Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace, Maryland, after a long illness. He was born at Green Bank on February 22, 1917, one of five children to Ira William Gum and| Lottie Cassell Gum. Mr. Gum retired in 1972 as a machinist at Aberdeen Proving Ground. A World War II, U. S. Army veteran, he was a member of Aberdeen VFW Post #10028 and the Aberdeen Moose. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn Long Gum; three sons, James A. Gum, of Aberdeen, Maryland, Ira W. Gutfi, of Florida, Kevin Gum, of Baltimore, Maryland; three daughters, Beverly Gilley, of Elkton, Maryland, Charity Anders, of Check, Virginia, and Yolanda Zellman, of Havre de Grace; two sisters, Thelma Shinaberry, of Huntersville, and Dorothy Davis, of Milton; twelve grandchildlren and five great-grandchildren. Memorial services were held at Tarrings Funeral Home on Tuesday night, February 24, by the VFW and the Moose. Funeral services were held on Wednesday by Rev. J. Neale Wirtanen, with burial in Bel Air Memorial Gardens.

Orland G. "Andy" Gum Orland G. "Andy" Gum, 77, of Minnehaha Springs, died Thursday, July 9, 1987, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea, as a result 6f injuries received in an automobile accident at Frankford. • Born November 11, 1909, at Columbia Sulphur, Greenbrier County, he was the son of the late Warrick and Alice Lottie Dean Gum. He lived at Rimel with his uncle, Forrest Dean, and was a farmer. He worked for years as a maintenance employee at the boys camp at Minnehaha Springs. He was a member of the Huntersville Masonic Lodge #65 and the Huntersville Eastern Star. Survivors include two brothers, Ray Gum, of Cornstalk, and Avery Gum, of Covington, Virginia; and a half-brother, Bill Gum, also of Covington. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mays Chapel Cemetery, near Neola, with masonic graveside rites.

Mrs. Harry Gladwell Mrs. Chloe Allis McCoy Gladwell, 83, of Daytona Beach, Florida, died in her sleep October 12, 1987, at home. She was a faithful member of Central Christian Church. Born at Spice January 14, 1904, she was the daughter of Noah Davis and Arminta Jane Cutlip. On August 13, 1921?, she married Harry M. Gladwell. Harry was killed in a car accident August 21, 1981, after 60 years of marriage. Chloe was preceded in death by her five sisters, Fannie Gladwell, Prudie Anderson, Laura McClung, (Nannie Kershner, and Margaret ;Kershner. Survived by numerous nieces and nephews, Aunt Chloe had a big influence on all their lives. Her niece, Jane Duncan, of Buckeye, made her home with the Gladwells for several years. , Married at 17 years of age> she ived most of her life in iuntington, moving to Daytona Beach, in 1965. Funeral and burial were at Daytona Beach on Wednesday, October 14th.


Markwood G. Gum Markwood G. Gum, 88, of Green Bank, died Saturday, February 20, 1988, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Gum was a lifelong resident of Green Bank and a member of Green Bank United Methodist Church. He was retired from Mower Lumber Company at Cass and was a farmer. He was born June 9, 1899, in Green Bank, a son of the late John and Alice Conrad Gum. . His wife, Dorotha Gum, preceded him in death. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Sheets and Mrs. Ruby Salyers, both of Green Bank; a son, Donald Gum, of Ronceverte; a brother, Matthew Gum, of Bartow; nine grandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren; and three greatgreat- grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Paul Vineyard, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Shirley J> Galford Shirley J. Galford, 42, of 621 Hayes Avenue, Hagerstown, Maryland, died Thursday, January 21, 1987, at the WashingtonCounty Hospital of a heart attack,, after a long illness. Born in Cass, she was tfie daughter of Thelma Galford, of Green Bank, and the late Carl M. Galford. In addition to her mother, she is survived by one daughter, Victoria Lynn Sager, of Frank; two spps, Benjamin Sag'er and Robert Sager, of Hagerstown, Maryland; *$ix sisters, Pearl Brown, ;of Thornwood, Barbara Hammond, of Seabrook, Maryland, Louise Miller and ,,'K'ay Keller, both !of Martihsburg, Karla Puffenbarger, of Hillsboro, and Priscilla Galfqrd, in Bartow; three brothers, Wayne Galford, of Arbovale, William Galford, Bartow, and Ernest Galford of Greeen Bank. She had two granddaughters. A memorial service was* held at Minnich Funeral Home in Hagerstown on Saturday. -Jeffrey Vernon Greenway Jeffrey Vernon Greenway, 28, died Wednesday, May 6, 1987, of injuries sustained in a automobile accident in Floyd County, Virginia. Mr. Greenway had been employed at Snowshoe for several years and was director of food and beverage at the Snowshoe Mountain Resort, in charge of all restaurants and lounges that the resort owned and operated. \ He was born April 13, 1959, at Roanoke, Virginia, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Garland H. Greenway, who survive at Salem, Virginia. Also surviving are two brothers, Michael Garland Greenway, Sr., and Timothy Kean Greenway, both of Roanoke, Virginia; two sisters, Constance Lee Greenway, Salem, Virginia, and Susan Ann Greenway, Knoxville, Tennessee. , ;

Mrs. Dolly Harbert Grimes Mrs. Dolly Harbert Grimes, 78, of Charleston, died Feburary 10, 1988, at her home after a long illness. She was a former employeye of Lewis & Hubbard Wholesale and a retired clerk of the city of Charleston. She attended Emmanuel Baptist Church at Hurricane and was a member of the Easter Star. Her husband, Leland Grimes, preceded her in death. Surviving her is a sister, Mrs. Mary Harbert Burdette, of Cross Lanes. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday at Wilson Funeral Home, Charleston, by the Rev. Arthur Hunt. Entombment was in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens Mausoleum. Mrs. Grimes was the sister-in-law of Harlan Grimes, of Marlinton. Harry E. Gwin Harry E. Gwin, a resident of Bullhead City, Arizona, died May 13, 1988, in Las Vegas at the Nevada University Medical Center. He was born April 15, 1917, in Marlinton. Mr. Gwin was a truck driver and was a member of the Elk Lodge 2408 in Bullhead; he served in the Navy aboard the USS Medusa during World War II. Surviving him are his wife, Virginia Gwin, of Bullhead; a brother, David Gwin, of Marlinton; a niece, Twila Gwin, of Charleston, and a nephew, Harry Hall, of Maryland. Preceding him in death were his father and mother, Fred L. Gwin and Eva Gwin, and four sisters. Funeral services were held at4he Hope United Methodist Church at 11 a. m. Wednesday, May 18, with Pastor Stewart Elson officiating. INterment was in Desert Lawn Memorial Park;


Edwin Lee (Ted) lialfora Edwin Lee (Ted) Galford, age 83, of Dunmore, died Thursday, October 30, 1997, in Lewis Gale Hospital, Salem, Virginia. He was a retired lineman with Puget Power Company in the State of Washington. Born at Dunmore August 6, 1914, he was the son of the late George and Laura Porterfield Galford. His wife, now deceased, was Bunny Phillipsen Galford. Also deceased are four brothers, Dewey, Roy, Lincoln, and Bernard Galford. Surviving him are a daughter, Sharon Crosta, of Port Orchard, Washington; two sons, Robert Galford, of Oregon, and Tom Galford, of Seattle, Washington; a sister, Mildred Goodman, of Mansfield, Ohio; a brother, Neil Galford, of Dunmore; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. His body was cremated and a family service will be held. Zella Galford Zella Galford, 79, of Slaty Fork, died March 11, 1995 at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was born in Webster County January 15, 1916, the daughter of the late Ray and Viola Cogar Duskey. She was a homemaker and a Presbyterian. She is survived by her daughter, Karen McKenney, of Slaty Fork; brother, Kenneth Duskey, of Lordstown, Ohio; sisters, Margaret Beverage, of Weston, Imogene Gainar, of Mogadore, Ohio, and Redakah Burner, of Lewisburg; six grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde. Services were held at VanReenan Funeral Home Monday, by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Interment was in Mountain View Cemetery.


r.miiia \j. urunn Emma Galford Griffin, 59, died at her home in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 31, 1987. She was born in Cass on January 18, 1928, the daughter of the late Levi and Bertha Galford. [ Survivors include two sons, Calvin Griffin, of California, and Bryon Griffin, of Baltimore; two sisters, Maggie Maupin, of White Sulphur Springs, and Lucille Sprouse, of Dunmore; and three brothers, Walter Galford, of Montana, Moody Galford, of Pennsylvania, and Lawrt-M! \ Galford, of Baltimore.. She wasr preceded in death I two sistersvegula Bass and Gold Kellison, and one brother, Calv Galford. Services and burial were Baltimore on AprjjJ 6. §*?

Robert D. Gum Robert D. Gum, 85, of Painesville, Ohio, and formerly of West Virginia, died Thursday, Dec. 18,1997,atLake East Hospital in Painesville. I Mr. Gum was born Nov. 13, 1912, at Bartow, W.Va., a son of the late William and Ruby Sutton Gum. He was married to Chessa Ervin Gum, who survives. Also surviving are. two sons, Robert Gum, Tenino, Wash., and Donald Gum, Phoenix, Ariz.; two daughters, Mrs. Bob (Becky) MacKnight and Mrs. Don (Marilyn) Lambert, both of Painesville, Ohio; 15 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by three brothers, Ralph, Paul and Bruce Gum; and two sisters, Mona and Blanche. Mr. Gum was a truck driver for Coe Manufacturing in Painesville for 15 years, retiring in 1972.

Alma M. Gibson Alma M. Gibson, age 85, of Slaty Fork, died at home Thursday, November 27, 1997. Mrs. Gibson was a retired merchant and a member of the Slaty Fork United Methodist Church. She was a member and former president, secretary and treasurer of the Farm Women's club. Born October 7, 1912, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Adam and Grace Burner Moore. Her husband, Lou Gibson, died in 1971. Also preceding her in death were a son, John Gibson, and a brother, Glen Moore. Survivors include three sons, Clarence Gibson, of Medina, Ohio, Gene Gibson, of Slaty Fork, and Walter Gibson, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; a daughter, Wanda Gibson Kelley, of Frost; a sister, Anna Grace Ware, of Green Bank; and ten grandchildren. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Saturday, by the Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. 1

Clyde (Jim) Griffin Clyde (Jim) Griffin, 67, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, August 19, 1987, at home following a sudden illness. He was a member of the Moose Lodf""-and a 21-year Navy veteran. € n March 31, 1920, at Gosh n, Virginia, he was the son of the late Forrest and Mae Lower Griffin. He was preceded in death by a sister Gladys, and a brother, Kayr
James J. Godwin James J. Godwin, 55, of Elkins, died on December 29, 1997, in the Southern Maryland Hospital in Clinton, Maryland, from cancer. He was born in Elkins on July 16, 1942, the son of the late Raymond and Mary O'Kernick Godwin. Mr. Godwin was a 1960 graduate of Marlinton High School and received a degree in communications from Davis and Elkins College in 1987. He worked for The Trentonian, Wall Street Journal, and Elkins Inter-Mountain and published numerous articles on West Virginia wildlife for the Division of Forestry. He also worked for the American Cancer Society and in personnel management for construction companies in Thailand and Zaire. He was a veteran, serving in die U. S. Army during the Vietnam Conflict. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, St. Brendan Catholic Church, American Legion, The 40 & 8, and Disabled American Veterans. Survivors include one daughter, Maria Francesca Godwin, of Elkins, and one sister, Mary B. Hefner, of Clinton, Maryland. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a son, James Joseph Godwin, and a sister, Frances Rae Hoffman. The liturgy of Christian Burial was celebrated on Saturday at St. Brendan Church with the Rev. William Anderson officiating. Burial was in die St. Brendan Catholic Cemetery.

Lotta M. Getz Lotta Mae McVicker Getz, 94, of Opekiska Road, Smithtown community, Fairmont, died Monday, March 30, 1998, at her residence. Mrs. Getz was born July 20,1903, in Philippi, a daughter of the late Colonel Elsworth and Mary Marteney McVicker. She married Herman Louis Getz, who preceded her in death on Oct. 3, 1965. Surviving are a son, Robert Joseph Getz, Fayetteville, N.C.; two daughters, Nancy Ann Swisher, Fairmont, and Connie Mae Caudy, Elkins; 10 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family having been preceded in death by a daughter, Juanita Petrusha; a son, Louise M. Getz; three brothers and four sisters. Mrs. Getz was a homemaker. She was a member of the Pleasant Creek United Methodist Church.

Lon Henry Green Lon Henry Green, age 96, died Tuesday, April 7, 1998, at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. Mr. Green was a retired construction worker. The son of Christopher C. and Minnie Ash Green, he was born April 22, 1901, at Sylvia, North Carolina. Preceding him in death were three sons, Danny Green, Bobby Green, Roy Green; a daughter, Lula Bell Green; and four sisters, Ann, Hazel, Daisy, and Birdy. Survivors include four sons, Troy Green, Harold Green, Clarence Green, and Clinton Green, all of North Carolina; two daughters, Eva Nell Bryson, of North Carolina, and Lucille Kershner, who recently moved from Marlinton to Leivasy; two brothers, Reem Green, of Orlando, Florida, and Dayton Green, of Washington, D. C ; seven grandchildren, 15 greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home on Saturday by the Rev. I. W. Morgan, wirii burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Ella J. Galford Ella Josephine Galford, age 64, of Route 1, Marlinton, died Monday, May 11, 1998, at her home after a long illness. Mrs. Galford was a life-long resident of Pocahontas County, born March 22, 1934, on Droop Mountain. She was a social worker with the Department of Welfare for 23 years. She wrote a magazine column, was a tour guide for me Pearl Buck Birthplace, and was an active member of the White's Chapel United Methodist Church. Preceding her in deam were her parents, Emory and Pearl Shue, and two sisters, Daphene Grimes and Edna Ray. Mrs. Galford is survived by her husband, Robert Galford; two sons, Randall Galford, of Richwood, and Lowell Galford, of Marlinton; three grandchildren; five sisters, Anna Adkins, of Richmond, Virginia, Irene Shorter, Berlene Long, and Winona McNeal, all of Augusta, Georgia, and Vivian Gibson, of Denver, Colorado; and one brother, Dair Shue, of Ohio. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jay Hicks. Burial will be in the Cochran Cemetery, Edray.


Raymond A. Grimes Raymond A. Grimes, age 80, of Route 2, Marlinton, died May 27, 1998, at his home. Mr. Grimes was a farmer and a member of Frost United Mediodist Church. He served in the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's. Born April 28, 1918, at Frost, he was the son of Anderson and Etta Shinaberry Grimes. Preceding him in deadi were his wife, Daphene Shue Grimes, his parents, four sisters, Levia Cain, Zula Young, Delia Shrader, Thelma Kennedy, and two brothers, Forest and Remus Grimes. Survivors include a daughter, Naomi Plecker, of Millboro, Virginia; two sons, Blair Grimes and Emery Grimes, both of Marlinton; three sisters, Stella Pyles, of Seebert, Veva Ware, of Elkins, and Autasue Hefner, of White Sulphur Springs; twelve grandchildren and twelve greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home by die Revs. Jay Hicks and Jerry Moore. Burial was in Mount Zion Cemetery. Nadine Geiger Nadine Geiger, age 78, of Arbovale, died June 3, 1998, at her home in Arbovale after a long illness. Mrs. Geiger was born March -11. 1920, at Nallen, and was die daughter of the late George and Martha Moses Evans. She was a member of Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom and was a homemaker. She was preceded in deam by her husband, Luther Geiger, and two sisters, Charlett Legg and Loraine Helton. She is survived by one daughter, Donna K. Mullenax, of Arbovale; and diree grandchildren. Funeral services were held June 6, at Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church, Stony Bottom, by Reverend Peter Maier with burial in Geiger Family Cemetery, Stony Bottom. Mrs. Geiger was born March 11, 1920, at Nallen, a daughter of the late George and Martha Moses Evans. She was married to Luther Geiger, who preceded her in death. Surviving are a daughter, Donna K. Mullenax and husband Forrest, Arbovale; and three grandchildren,' Kenneth. Jerdina and Stephanie Mullenax. She was also preceded in death by two sisters, Charlett Legg and Loraine Helton. Mrs. Geiger was a member of Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stoney Bottom and was a homemaker.

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Maudeline Moses Galford, age 37, of Marlinton, died Sunday, February 1, 1998, in St. Francis Hospital in Charleston. She was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. The daughter of the late Joseph L. Moses, St., and Columbia Hansford Moses, she was born February 13,1910, at Parsons. A sister, Dessie M. Nottingham, and four brothers, William J. Moses, Walter W. Moses, Dorsey C. Moses, aru Percy E. Moses, preceded her in death. Survivors include her husband, Clark C. Galford; two daughters, Janice G. Dorn, of Marlinton, and Brenda G. Sheridan, of Princeton; two sons, Elwood C. Galford, of Marlinton, and Joseph E. Galford, of Ashland, Kentucky; a brother, Joseph L. Moses, of Marlinton; nine grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. Wallace Dorn and the Rev. William Sheridan. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. Ruth D. Ghigo Ruth Dunnington Ghigo, of Huntersville, North Carolina, died February 22, 1998. She was born in Niagara Falls, Canada, in 1916, to American parents, moving with her parents to Charlottesville, Virginia, when she was seven years old. Mrs. Ghigo attended Randolph-Macon College, Lynchburg, Virginia, and completed her BS degree at Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, in 1937. She married Dr. Francis Ghigo in 1938 at Hampton Sydney, Virginia. They moved to Davidson, North Carolina, in 1959. She was a member of the Davidson Presbyterian Church. She worked in various secretarial and clerical jobs, as homemaker, and did volunteer work. She lived in Montpellier, France in 1964-65 and 1967-68, when she and her husband were advisors for Junior Abroad programs of Davidson College. Survivors include two brothers, William Dunnington, of Malletts Bay, Vermont, and Gordon Dunnington, of Nassawadox, Virginia, and one son, Frank Ghigo, of Green Bank. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, a brother, Alden, and a sister, Elizabeth.




Wayne R. Guzikowski, age 49, of HC 82, Marlinton, died Tuesday, August 4, 1998, at Snowshoe, in a vehicle accident A native of Trenton, New Jersey, he was born May 11, 1949, the son of Adela Kaliszweska Guzikowski and the late Joseph Guzikowski. He had worked for Snowshoe Ski Resort for 24 years. He was an active member of Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Beverly Martin Guzikowski; a daughter, Stephanie Guzikowski; a son, Brian Guzikowski; three brothers, Frederick, of Trenton, New Jersey, Christopher and Joseph Guzikowski, and a sister, Shirley, all of Woodside, Pennsylvania. Funeral services will be held this Saturday, August 15, at 2 p. m. in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with a memorial talk given by Paul Christianson. Memorial gifts may be made to Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. I Sidney Lanier GoodwyrJ, .age 62, of Marlinton, died Sat'urday, March 27. 1976, at th« | West Virginia University Medical Center from cancer. I Mr. Goodwyn was a teacher I in Marlinton school, with 86 years service as a teacher at I Cass, Greenbrier Hill and Marlinton. In the summer time he 'had worked at the Buckskin I Council Dilley's Mill Scout Reservation. He was a member of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church and president of the Marlinton Lions Club. Born at Marlinton, January 18, 1914, he was the son of the late Isom II. and Selena F. Goodwyn. Three brothers, Mose. Chauncy and Harry jGoodwyn, preceded him in 'death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Lillian Marie Burns Goodwyn; two daughters, Joanne M. Goodwyn, of Marlinton, and Marie G. Cooper, of Augusta, Georgia, and three sisters, Mrs. Anna Bell Myers, Charleston, Mrs. Mamie G. Carter, Pearisburg, and Mrs. Lottie G. Wright, Franklin. Funeral servicea were held! Tuesday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. R. L. Petty, of Danville, Virginia, assisted by the Rev. C. E. Johnson, of Ronceverte, and Rev. Sanford Boggs, of Marlinton. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mammon man killed by *-»-* own vehicle Wayne R. Guzikowski, 49, of Marlinton, was killed in a freak accident on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Guzikowski, an employee of Snowshoe Mountain Resort, was cutting firewood near the site of the resort's new dam when the accident occurred about 5 p.m. According to Sheriff Jerry Dale, Mr. Guzikowski's truck in some way began to move after it was partially loaded with wood. He tried to stop the Chevrolet truck but it is believed he tripped and fell. The truck rolled a short distance up an embankment and then came back, running over Mr. Guzikowski before he could move out of the way, Sheriff Dale stated. It is believed he died instantly. According Joe Stephens of Snowshoe, Mr. Guzikowski was a 24 year employee of the resort.

James Raymond Gravely James Raymond Gravely, age 83, of MacArthur, formerly of Marlinton, died Saturday, January 31, 1998, at Raleigh General Hospital. He was a retired miner, a Methodist, and a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose. Mr. Gravely was born at Stotesbury April 17, 1914, the son of James Lee and Lettie Fleshman Wickline Gravely. Preceding him in death were his wife, Frances Piotrowski Gravely, and two brothers, LeRoy Wickline and Robert C. Gravely. Surviving him are two sons, Frank L. Gravely and Freddy Gravely, both of Marlinton; two daughters, Marie Bowling and Joan Peck, both of MacArthur, and a granddaughter he raised, Debra Jackson, of Franklin; four sisters, Almira Terry, of Linside, Betty Capadona, of Madison, Wisconsin, Lucille Workel, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Jessie Miller, of Ballard; three brothers, Calvin Wickline, of Brodhead, Wisconsin, Fred Gravely, of Beckley, and Howard Gravely, of Elkton, Maryland; sixteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at VanReenen Fuenral Home by me Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


Ciene K. Geiger Gene Ellett Geiger, 55, of Monticello, Florida, died September 8,1998, in Tallahassee, Florida, Memorial Hospital. He was the son of Raymond and Rose Pater Geiger. He had been pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, of Monticello, since January 1998. Previously, Rev. Geiger was an investigator for the Leon County Sheriffs Office and a Family Church Planter. He was a veteran of the U. S. Army. Rev. Geiger had BS and MS degrees from Florida State University, a Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Seminary, Lynchburg, Virginia, and a Doctor of Theology degree from Anderson Baptist Seminary, Camilla, Georgia. Survivors include his wife, Virginia Geiger; two sons, Gene Ellet Geiger II, of Denver, Colorado, and William Vaughn Geiger, of Tallahassee; a daughter, p atricia Rose Geiger, of Tallahassee; and a brother, Raymond K. Geiger, of Tallahassee. Funeral service was held on September 9 at the Calvary Baptist Church. Memorial donations can be made to the American Cancer Society, 241 John Knox Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303, or Big Bend Hospice, 1723 Mahan Center Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308. Rev. Geiger was a grandson and step-grandson of Mamie and Ellet Higgins. Evans G. Grimes Evans G. Grimes, age 81, of Poage Lane, died Saturday, February 20,1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Grimes made his home with his nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ArbogasL He was a farmer and was an Army veteran of World War II. Born at Poage Lane on March 27, 1917, he was the son of Dennis and Mary Buzzard Grimes. Preceding him in death were his wife, Minnie Marie Grimes; his parents; and a sister, Hallie McCarty. Surviving him are two sisters, Catherine Shields, of Clover Lick; and Eleanor Arbogast, of Marlinton; and a brother, Dennis (Bud) Grimes, of Marlinton. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home on Tuesday by his nephew, the Rev. Robert Shields. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.


Neil L. Green, age 56, of Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, formerly of Marlinton, died August 19,1998, at his residence. Born September 26, 1941, in York, Pennsylvania, he was the son of Lester W. Green, formerly of York, Pennsylvania, and the late Edna Jones Corwin. He was a machinist by trade and currently was a field supervisor for American Hydro Corporation, York. He was a 1959 graduate of William Penn Senior High School, a member of golf club makers association, and a member of United States Golf Association. He is survived by his wife, Vicki Killinger Green, of Wrightsville; his father; two daughters, Kim Brunet, of Steelton, Pennsylvania, and Denise Mortoff, of York, Pennsylvania; one son, Duane Green, of Middleton, Pennsylvania; and three grandchildren. Service was held Saturday, at Etzweiler Funeral Home, York, by Rev. Timothy A. Groves. Burial was i n Mount Rose Cemetery, York. Contributions may be made to White Rose Hospice, 2870 Eastern Boulevard, York, Pennsylvania, 17402. Mac Snyder Gillispie Mae Snyder Gillispie, age 83, of Arbovale, died Friday, February 9, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial lospital following a sudden illness. She was born May 22, 1915, in Pocahontas County to die late Roy and Fannie Hollen Snyder. Preceding her in death were her husband, Delbert Gillispie, in 1972; two sons, James and Jerry; a sister, Molly Sheets; two brothers, Lowell Snyder and Keith Snyder; a granddaughter and three infant grandsons. Mrs. Gillispie is survived by three daughters, Nancy Barker, of Bedford, Virginia, Nadfne Harrison, of Piano, Texas, and Susan Peck, of Bartow; five sons, Julian Gillispie, of Fairfield, Pennsylvania, John Gillispie, of Arbovale, Sterle Gillispie, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania, Wayne Gillispie, of Elkins, and Steven Gillispie, of Wylie, Texas; sisters, Jessie Smith, of Beckley, Annalee Bailey, of Seminole, Florida, Helen Felton, of Stephens City, Virginia, Eleanor Locke, of Herndon, Virginia, Doris Radcliff, of Sterling, Virginia, and Deloris Pepoon, of Vanceburg, Kentucky; two brothers, Neil Snyder, of Green Bank, and Robert Snyder, of Seminole, Florida; sixteen grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Arbovale United Methodist Church. Burial followed in the Arbovale Cemetery.


"Pauline Hughes Gribble Pauline Hughes Gribble, age 93, of Durbin, died Tuesday, November 3, 1998, at her home in Durbin. Mrs. Gribble was a retired school teacher and a bomemaker. A native of Monterey, Virginia, she was born February 7, 1905, me daughter of die late Reese and Clarice Rexrode Hughes. Her husband, William Gribble, died in 1965. Others preceding her in death were two sisters, Sarah Copen and Corine Hughes, and four brothers, George, Forest, Willie, and Howard Hughes. Surviving her is a sister, Margaret Morgan, of California. Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mary Anne Hannah Griffith Mrs. Mary Anne Hannah Griffith, age 78, of Graham, North Carolina, died March, 2, 1999, at her residence, after a week's critical illness. She was born at Cass, to the late Dr. Uriah Heavner Hannah and Laura Bock Hannah. She was married to William M. Griffith, who died on January 30, 1973. She graduated from Green Bank High School in' Green Bank; received a B.A. Degree from Agness Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia, and received her Medical Technician Degree in Hematology at Duke Medical Center, Durham, Norm Carolina. She formerly worked for Kemodle Clinic and was a retired nurse for Dr. Charles Saunders. She was also a member of the First United Metbodist Church of Graham. Survivors include two daughters, Anne Griffith, at home, and Laura Andrews, of Haw River; two sons, William M. "Bill" Griffith, Jr., and Frank H. Griffith, both of Burlington; one step-daughter, Mrs. Peggy Taylor, of Roanoke, Virginia; one step-son, William P. Griffith, of Raleigh; three sisters, Alice Brown, of Haversford, Pennsylvania, Margaret Gluck, of Morgantown, and Betty Hall, of Gloucester, Virginia; four grandchildren; five step-grandchildren; and nine step-great-grandchildren. Service was held Thursday, at First United Methodist Church, Graham, by Rev. Paul Phillips and Rev. R.C. Mooney, Jr. with burial to be held at a later date in the Hannah Family Cemetery in Arbovale. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Alamance-Caswell, P.O. Box 2122, Burlington, NC 27216, or to Meals on Wheels Alamance County, 508 W. Davis St., Burlington, NC 27215.




Mrs. Elsie Gum, aged 84, of DBnmore died Sunday, March 4, 1956, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She ig survived by four sons, Russell of Townsville, Pa., Paul of South Charleston, Mark and Ward, both of Dunmore; a daughter, Mrs. Odie Houchin of Durbin; a brother, Cris Dilly of Dunmore; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Gum of Dunmore; 15 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Services were conducted at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Dunmore Methodist Church by Rev. Ed Thomas. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery.

Mrs. Lizzie N. Gum

Merritt Moore Gum, 74, of Mrs. Lizzie Naomi Gum, Green Bank, died Saturday,' was born Januarv 23, 1874, and September 23, 1978, in Memodied May 27, 1967. rial General Hospital, in ElkShe was the last survivor of ins, after an extended illness. of the family of the late W. Born April 5, 1904, at Clark and Margaret Arbogast Green Bank, he was the son Dilley, of Dunmore. She had of the late James 0 . and Lizzie spent the past three years, exDilley Gum. clusively with her daughter Mrs. Oda Galford, of RaefferA son, Daniel Lorain Gum, town, Penrsylvania. Her husand a brother, Harry W. Gum, band, James O. Gum. preceded preceded him in death. He was a retired employee of her in death fifteen years ago. Survivors include one dauNational Radio Astronomy Observatory, and a member of ghter, Mrs. Frank (Oda) GalDunmore United Methodist ford. of Saegertown, Pennsylvania; three sons, Mprritt Gum Church. * * Surviving are his wife, Sylvia of Green Bank. Stirl Gum, of Taylor Gum, son, Kerth, of Weirton, and Harry Gum, of Townville, Pennsylvania, 12 New Cumberland; brother, S. grandchildren. 28 great-grandR., of Dunmore; sister, Mrs. Ida Galford, of Saegertown, children and 3 great-great grandchildren. Pennsylvania. Funeral services were held Services were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday, September 26, in Wednesdav afternoon in the Dunmore United Methodist Dunmore Methodist Church by Church with the Rev. Q. R. the RPV. Quade Arbnorast and Arbogast and the Rev. Greg- the Rev. Travis Wells with ory Lewis officiating. Burial burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. was in Dunmore Cemetery.


inrs. nitiis HUSIIII uum

Mrs Leah Alice Puffenbarger Gum, 73, of Green Bank, died Monday. January 20, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born May 21, 1895, at Valley Center, Virginia, she was a daughter of the late Abraham and Susanna Simmons Puffenbarger. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Willis Austin Gum. preceded her in death. Survivors include four sons, Austin Gum, of Charleston; Ernest Gum, of Covington, Virginia; Basil and Maxie Gum, both of Green Bank: four daughters, Mrs. Bonnie Wilson, of Monterey, Virginia; Miss Pauline Gum, and Mrs. Ruby Dowdy both of Craigsville, Virginia, and Miss Seraphine Gum, of Warren. Ohio; five brothers, Floyd Puffenbarger, of Staunton, Virginia; Elmer and Glenn Puffenbarger. both of Bridgewater, Virginia; Fred and Maxie Puffenbarger, both of Mountain Grove. Virginia; three sisters, Elsie Puffenbarger, of Staunton, Virginia; Roxie Puffenbarger, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Lola Puffenbarger, of Clifton Forge. Virginia, and eighteen grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church with the Rev. Sherman Marklev officiating and burial in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Mary F. Gum Mrs. Mary Gay Gum, aped 93 .years, widow of the late M. F. Gum, died at her home in Marlinton, on Friday, February 27, 1948, of the infirmities of age. On Sunday afternoon the funeral was held from tbc home by her pastor. Key. E. N. Carlson, of the Methodist Church. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Gum was a daughter of the late William and Martha Duflield Gay, of Stony Creek. She was the last of the family to be called. She became the wife of M. F. Gum, who preceded her many years since. Their children are Mrs.fcEva Kennison, of Marlmton, aod Miss Ruth Gum, of Beckley. The deceased was a life longmember of the Methodist Church.

Vdpidiu iuiuiu uuui

Roy Mckinley Gum Roy MeKinley Gum, assistant superintendent of the cb'orine department at Westvaco's South Charleston plant died on Thursday night, December 1, 1955, at his home. The 92 year old official had been employed with Westvaco for 29 years. He lived at 712 Jefferson Street, South Charleston. Born in Naples, Virginia, he served in World War I and held membership in Darlington Methodist Church at South Charleston. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen Gum; three daughters, Mrs. Elaine Vardin, of St. Albans; Mrs. Corrine Richardson, of South Charleston, and Mrs Donna Neale, of Charleston; hir mother, Mrs Elsie Gum, of Dunmore; a sister, Mrs. Olie Houchin, of Durbin; four brothers, Russell Gum, of Townville, Pennsylvania; Ward and Mack Gum, of Dunmore; and Paul Gum, of South Charleston. Service was conducted at 7 p. m. on Saturday, in Snodgrass mortuary at South Charleston by Rev. R. L. O'Dell. Additional service on Sunday at 2 p. m. in Dunmore Methodist Church by ;Rev. Elwood Thomas. Burial in Dunmore Cemetery, Pocahontas County.

Funeral services for Captain Harold Gum, 34 year old Army officer, was conducted on Wednesday afternoon in the Green Rank Methodist Church, wit1, ihe Rev. Ed Thomas officiating. Burial was made in the Arbovaje Cemetery. Captain Gum, born June 12th, 1923, at Cass, the son of Markwood and Dorothy Gum, of Green Bank, died • •v. Friday, April 4th, 1958, in a Baltimore Hospital. Death Was attributed to a heart attack. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Betty, of Reedsville; a ten year old daughter Barbara, at home; one brother, Donald, and two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Gum and Mrs. Virginia Sheets, all of Cass. The deceased, wlio wasstationtioned at Fort Meade, Maryland, assigned to ths National Security Agency, was a member of the Arlington Forest Methodist Church and Tygart Valley Lions Club. In 1942, he was e'ected the first 'president oi the Future Fanners of America -om West Virginia.

Bobbie B. Gum

Bobbie B. Gum, 36, of Millville, Pennsylvania, died April 26, 1968, at his home, of an acute myocardial infarction. He was born November 26, 1931, at Cass, son of Mrs. Hazel Arbogast Gum, of Millville, and the late Burnel Gum. He spent his early life in West Virginia, and had resided in Millville, for the past twenty three years. He was employed at the Hackenburg Chevrolet Garage, Milton, as a mechanic. He was a veteran of the Korean War. Surviving are his wife, the -"nrmer Dorothy Price; six chiljren, Debbie, Tammy, Randy, Robbie, Rickie and Rodney, all at home; his mother, and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Annie Carpenter, Dunmore; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Galford, Millville, and Joanne Gum, McConnellsburg; two brothers, Stanley, of Danville, and Burel, of Millville; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the Poust Funeral Home, Millville, with the Rev. Roger Q. Burtner, officiating. Burial was in Elan Memorial Park.


i. 0. Gum

James Crawford Gum, 73, of Durbin, died Sunday, January 3, 1965, at his home. He was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church and past master of Riverside Ma- sonic Lodge No. 24, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Cass, a member of the Cass Eastern Star, and Loyal Order of Moose No. 1465 at Durbin. Mr. Gum retired as postmaster at Durbin in December 1963. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sadie Kane Gum; three daughters, Mrs. J. R. Fancher, of San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Ashley Craft, of Nome, Alaska fand Mrs. Jack McCauley, of Parsons; four sisters, Mrs. Opal Meely and Mrs. James Newton, both of Hinton, Mrs. Anna Appleman, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Edith Moore, of Marlinton, and two brothers, Wilbur and Orion Gum, both of Hinton Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Durbin Methodist Church by the Rev. Jack Miller. Burial vasin the Arbovale Cemetery.


Delors uiinspic Delors Gillispie, age 79, of Rosedale, Maryland, died Wednesday, June 2, 1999, at the Hospice of Baltimore. She was born in Cass on June 25, 1919, the daughter of the late Floyd and Edith Miller Wright. Mrs. Gillispie was a member of the Kenwood Presbyterian Church. She retired from Mars Estates Elementary School in Baltimore County Maryland, where she was a librarian. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph N. Gillispie, two brothers, Carl Wright and Graver Wright, two sisters, Kathern Friel and Dora Barkley. Surviving her are a son, Donald N. Gillispie, and a daughter, Jacqualine Alessi, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and two grandchildren. Services were held in Kenwood Presbyterian Church in Overlea, Maryland, with the Rev. Dr. John Kazanjian, on Saturday. Memorial and burial will be held at the Arbovale Cemetery at a later date. Snowden Galford Snowden Galford, age 85, of Baltimore, Maryland, died at Caton Manor Nursing Home in Baltimore on July 23, 1999. He was born at Cass on May 26, 1914, the son of the late Lewis and Ellen Galford. Also preceding him in death were his only brother, Flem Galford, in Portsmouth, Virginia, in 1985. Surviving him are his wife, Arietta Phillips Galford; four sons, James, Jerl, Wallace, and Rodney Galford, all of Baltimore; eight grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. The funeral was conducted from Hubbards Funeral Home on July 25 by David Gibson, of Brantly Baptist Church. Burial was in Good Shepherd Cemetery, Ellicott City, Maryland. Clara Garretson Clara Mae Mitchem Garreston, 84, of Hillsboro, died June 15, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Visitation will be at the VanReenen Funeral on Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and at the Hannah-Lilly Cemetery at Odd from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Graveside service will be at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Frank Meadows officiating.

Glen AUen Gibson Glen Allen Gibson, age 60, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Friday, April 2, 1999, in Bath County Community Hospital, Hot Springs. Mr. Gibson was retired from the Homestead Hotel after 30 years as a chef. He was a member of the Church of Christ, Covington, Virginia. Born July 6, 1938, at Marlinton, he was the son of Pearl Shaffier Gibson, of Hot Springs, and the late Harlan Gibson. He was preceded in death by a son, Harlan E. "Hootie" Gibson, on May 3, 1986. Surviving him in addition to his mother are his wife, Beverly Gibson, of Hot Springs; two sons, Timmy Allen Gibson and Mark Terry Gibson, of Covington; a sister, Mildred Sage, of Cleveland, Ohio; two brothers, Ralph Gibson, of Hot Springs, and Jimmy Gibson, of Marlinton; and one grandson. Graveside services were held Monday at Union Chapel Cemetery by the Rev. John Crosslin. Memorial gifts may be made to Covington Church of Christ, 1643 South Carpenter Drive, Covington, VA 24426. _

Dr. Earl C. Gay

Dr. Earl C. Gay, 84, of Deerfield Beach, Fla.. formerly of Cortland, Ohio, died Friday, May 15. Dr. Gay was born June 14, 1913, in Marlinton, a son of the late Pat and Icie Gay. He was twice married. First, he married Edna Gibson Gay who preceded him in death in 1965. Second, he was married for 32 years to Barbara Fitch White who survives. Also surviving are two children, Wendy White, Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs. Frank (Laura) White, Aspen, Colo., and McDonald, Ohio; a sister, Katie Horn, Baltimore, Md.; and two grandchildren, Sarah Elizabeth and Joshua Clayton White, Aspen, Colo., and McDonald, Ohio. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Elsie Phares in 1998. Dr. Gay's early education was in Marlinton. He attended Davis & Elkins College, Northwestern University and Des Moines Osteopathic School of Medicine graduating in 1952. After graduation from Northwestern, he served in the U.S. Air Force during World War 11. Upon his honorable discharge from the military, he served his internship at Green Cross Hospital in Warren, Ohio. Upon completion of his internship, he set up a private medical practice in Cortland. Ohio, in 1952. He was Wilma Leigh Galford Wilma Leigh Galford, age 82, of one of the founders of Warren GenMill Point, died Thursday, April 8, eral Hospital. He was also one of the 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial developers of many areas in Cortland, among them Shephards Hill. Hospital. She was born at Cass June 20, After his retirement, he relocated to 1916, the daughter of Harman and South Florida where he was an active Lillie Simmons Galford. A son, Maynard Galford, is Frank B. Garred deceased Frank B. Garred, age 70, of Surviving her is a son, Ted Charleston, died Saturday, August Galford, of Marlinton. 7, 1999, in Greenbrier Valley Graveside services were held Medical Center after suffering a Saturday by Rev. Roy Gwinn in heart attack at the wheel of his car. Mountain View Cemetery. He was a member and eldeV of Ruffner Memorial Presbyterian Church, member of Charleston Greenbrier Lions Club, and the Parcatol Investment Club. He was Mary Anne Hannah Griffith an Army veteran of the Korean Graveside services will be held War. for Mary Anne Hannah Griffith at 2 Surviving him are his wife, p.m., Saturday, July 10, in the Dorothy East Garred, daughter of Hannah Lot at the Arbovale Nell McElwee East, formerly of Cemetery. Marlinton; two daughters, Kim Mrs. Griffith was the daughter Halstead, of Hampton, Virginia, of Dr. Uriah H. Hannah and Laura and Cathy Cummings, of S. Hannah. She died March 2, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a son, 1999, at her home in Graham, Frank Garred, Jr., of Alpharetta, North Carolina. Georgia; a brother, Wyatt Garred, of Procious; and four grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Funeral Home, Charleston, by the Rev. Amy Parker and die Rev. A. D. Ellison, with burial in Spring Hill Cemetery, Charleston.


Arlie Moore Hamrick, 60, of Web9ter Springs, died Sunday, January 25, 1976, in Green brier Valley Hospital, Lewisburg, following an extended illness. Mr. Hamrick was the son of the late Willis M. and Mary Etta Gregory Hamrick, born June 7, 1915, at Rt. 4, Webster Springs. He was a life long resident of Webster County, and a farmer. Methodist by faith,, he attended the Point Mountain Methodist Church. Mr. Hamrick was never married. Surviving relatives include: one brother, Carl Hamick, of Charles Town; three sisters, Mrs. Mazie Conrad, of Rt. 4, Webster Springs, Mrs. Myrtle Conrad and Mrs. Mavis Conrad, both of Monterville; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services Ware conducted on Wednesday morning in Dodd & Hurt Funeral Chapel in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Calvin McCutcheon, of Webster Springs, officiating. Burial was in the Point Mountain Cemetery.

Mrs. Wocdrew Hanriek Mrs. Alice Hamrick, 67, died Thursday, March 22, 1979, in Clifton Forge Hospital after • short illness. Born May 8, 1911, in Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Edgar and Geneva Sharp Wooddell. Two brothers, Melvin and Uriah Wooddell, and three sisters, Ethel and Clarissa Wooddell and Faith Dilley, preceded her in death. Mrs. Hamrick was a practical nurse and a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church SurviTors include her husband, Woodrow W. Hamrick; two brothers, Porter, of Frost, and Arch Wooddell, of Marlinton, and four sisters, Mrs. Ada Vaughan and Mrs. Marjorie Dumire, both of Marlinton, and Mrs. Oleta Barkley, and Mrs. Betty Matheny, both of Green Bank. Services were held Saturday in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Warren H. Hamrick

Mrs. Mary Miller Hamrick

Funeral services were held Wednesday April 1, 1945, for Mrs. Mary Miller Hamrick, who died Monday, April 9th, at her home in Linwood, Pocahontas County. The services were conducted from the Linwood church by the Rev. Gay Feather, of Valley Head, assisted by the Rev, J. L. Marquess of Beverly. The deceased was born November 16, 1878, the daughter of the late Marion and Rebekah C " Miller. Surviving are her husband, Klihu H. Hamrick, ind the following children: Ross O. Hamrick of Linwood, Mrs. Dorthea Reynolds, of Valley Head, and Mrs. Agatha Barlow, of Elkins. One daughter and two sons are deceased. Also surviving are 16 grand-children and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Florence Morrison of Summersvilie, W. Va., Mrs. Laura Hamrick, and Mrs. Emma Carroll, of North Kingsville, Ohio; Mrs. Martha Cunningham and Mrs. Carrie Townsend of Webster Springs, and George Miller of Charleston. Mrs. Hamrick joined the Methodist church in childhood and remained a loyal member until her j death. She was a patient, kind ' a nd loving mother and she possessed a never tiring spirit of kindness and assistance toward her neighbors for which she will long be remembered. The active pallbearers were James Galford, Blaine Poling, Boyd Vandevander, Carl Wooddell and Stanley Wooddell. The honorary pall-bearers were Mary Frances Hamrick, Emma Reynolds, Sue Aan Hamrick? Mary Margaret Barlow, Betty Hamrick, Mrs. Carl Wooddell, Doftie Hamrick and Mrs. Stanley Wooddell. Interment was in the Clover , Cemetery.

J. E. Hamrick James, Edwin Hamrick, aged 55 years, was found dead in his car ne, - Hamlin Chapel, on Stony Creek, on Friday, September 17, 1954. He had been in failing health for many months. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Presbyterian Church" by Rev. Don Tay-1 lor. His body was laid in the' family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The deceased is survived by :his wife, Mrs. Verna Ware Hamrick and their son, Eugene. He is also survived by his parents, I Jerry and Margaret Hamrick, of Randolph County. His brothers are Virgil and Donna, and his sisters are Mrs. Caroline Marstiller anq Mrs. Louella Eubank. At the time of his death, he was Recorder of his town. He was a former Mayor, and a former Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pocahontas County. 'He was a member of the board of Deacons of the Presbyterian Church. He was in the insurance business.

Mrs. Lucv Rebecca Varner Hamrick, 66. died Thursday, April 6, 1967, at her home in Monterey, Virginia. She was born in Monterey, Virginia; May 27, 1900, the daughter of Samuel and Louise Varner. Mrs. Hamiick is survived* by her husband, Warren H. Hamrick, and six children: Mrs. Gray Sutton, of Marlinton, Mrs. Ruby Hinkle, of Blue Grass, Virginia, Mrs. Odell Simmons, of Franklin, Mrs. Rella Simmons, of Wash-' ington. D. C . Joe Hamrick, tf Fairfax, Virginia, and Warren Hamrick, Jr., at home; one lister, Mrs. Charles Peck, of Bartow; and fourteen grandchildren. One daughter, Mrs., i Ruth Weatherholt, is deceased Services were held at Monterey Methodist Church Saturday afternoon by the Rev. : Armstaly. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery.

White Sulphur— On F r i d a y morning, October 1, 1948, Arnold Albert Hamrick, aged four years, was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in bis | own home. The little boy was' the son of Mr. and Mrs. H, Taf.t Hamrick, and a grandson of Mrs. Portia Hamrick, of Marlinton.

StricKler Hoover, agedaboutli years, died of a heart attack atth( facme of P. W. Underwood,f or Braver C eek, on Monday a ter noon, * rcb 1, "954. Ha was retired wuudsman. No ar menti for the fuoe-al have beei announced. _——•

Strickler Hoover

Mrs. Robirt (Nellie) HID

Mr. and Mrs. Devon Johnson and daughter, Sharon Armstrong were called to Florence. South Carolina by the death of his sister, Mrs. Robert (Nellie) Hill. She died September 7,1979, after a long illness. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Margaret JohnsoD; husband, Robert Hill; daughters, Debbie and Becky; a son, Robin; sister, Mrs. Aline Wells, and brothers, Leslie and T. D. Johnson and Devon Johnson. Services were held by Waters Funeral Home and burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery in lorence, South Carolina.

Mrs. K. J. Hamri;k

Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hamrick died in the Shady Side Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 13, 1959, after a long illness. Mrs. Hamrick was a native of Lexington, Kentucky, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred D. Foster. Surviving her are her husband Dr. Kenneth J. Hamrick, Super intendent of Denmar State Hospital, and a son, Second Lieutenant Kenneth J. Hamrick, Craig Air Force Training Base, Alabama Graveside services were held Thursday morning at ten o'clock in Mountain View Ctmetery by the Rev. W. E. Pierce. ^ B E'r;<;st M. Hamrick injuries received several years a<>o, while playing football for Greenban*-: Hitrh School, resulted in the deutK of ii8 year old Wrnest Martin Hamrick, of Valley Head, in the Davis Memorial Hospital I at Elkins, on Thursday, November j T. 1M6, He had been very ill for the past six years. The deceased was born at Stony i Bottom, March 3, 1908. a son of I Daniel Stopher and Rosa Ann RiggSemao Hamrick. Surviving his widow, the former Virginia Lambert of Greenbank, now a Randolph County school teacher, of Valley Head, a son, Danny, 9, and a daughter, Sylvia Lee, aged 7; his father, of Thomis, two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Graves, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Grace Melton, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, three brothers, Clyde, of Clifton Forjre, Virginia, Rich, ai-.!, of Farmington, Michigan, alph, of Detroit, His mother, .preceded him in death two months ago. Funeral services were conduetfrom the Valley Head Methodist Church on Sunday, November 10. by the Rev. Charles Pugh and Hoy. R. K. Robinson. Interment was made in the family cemetery, 'Hose Hill" at Thomas.

William Homer Hamrick William Homer Hamrick, 74, )f Point Mountain, was found lead Sunday near Clifton Ford Mr. Hamrick had fallen over i cliff. A Webster Springs doctor said death was caused by 1 heart attack. Mr. Hamrick was a brother ! of Mrs. Dorothy Heavener, of 1



Albert R. Hamrick Mrs. Page Hamrick Albert R. Hamrick, agei Mrs. "ornelia Florence Hamyears, retired black smith and rick, 65J, of Lewisburg, died of a merchant of Clover Lick, died on heart attack on Friday, January Monday, April '12, 1954, in an 1, 196U. Athens, Ohio, hospital, after Mrs. Hamrick is survived by suffering a brain hemorrhage. I her husband, Charles Page HamHis wife, Mrs. Maggie Hamrick, rick; four sons, Clair 1 age Hamdied January 15. rick of Charleston, Virle H. Ham Graveside service was held on rick of Jacksonville, Florida, Thursday afternoon at Mountain Franklin G Hamrick of PensaView Cemetery, by Rev. Quade cola, Florida, and Bernard B. R. Arbogast, of Richlands. Hamrick of Lewisburg; four dau Mr. Hamrick is survived by a ghters, Mrs. Geraldine C. Sbankson, Howard of Cleveland, Ohio; lin of Fairlea, Mrs. Catherine F. five daughters, Mrs D. C. Lind- Spurlock of Lewisburg, Mrs. Virsey of Rainelle; Mrs. R. B. King | ginia Ann Dent of White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. James S. Benof Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Loren Kelly of Delroy, Ooio; j nett of Fairlea; three sisters, M rs Mrs. Meade Curry of Frost, and j"W. L. Hinkleof Pittsburgh, P Mrs. Lstba Cowger of Ricbwood; sylvania, Mrs. Bertie Dunnagan. three brothers, Walter of Web- of Warm Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Susie M. Hiner of Mountain ster Springs. Stopher of Detroit, Michigan and Elahueof RicbwcoJ; Grove. Virginia; three broth Thomas Chestnut of Cass, Wila sister, Mrs. Nettie Riggman of Webster Springs,; 30 grandchild- bur Chestnut and Glen Chestnut, ren and 15 great- grandchildren. both of Belle; fourteen grandchildren

former Local Football Star Kill Self Near His Home At Lin wood Elmer Hamrick Committs Suicide At Home of Father Last Monday —No Motive Given. Elmer "Bones" Hamrick, aged 22 years, a former football star on the Edray District high school eleven, committed suicide by placing the muzzle of a 12 gauge Winchester pump shot gun in his mouth and dischaiglng it. • after noon, young J. rick left his home to go after th 3 mail, nearly a quarter of a mile from his home, upon his return, around 1:30 o'clock, he procured a gun from the living room of his home and walked approximately thirty feet from the house and placed the gun in his mouth and discharged it. His father, Elihu Hamrick, who was watering his horses at the barn, heard the muffled discharge of the gun and started toward the house where Irt found the body of young Hamrick lying on the ground dead. on Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. funeral services were conducted by i.he Rev. O. N. Miles with interment in the Cloverlick cemetery. Voung Hamrick leaves to mourn. s loss his parents, Elihu and Mary iamrick, two sisters, Mrs. Dcrothy. Reynolds and Mrs. Albert Barlow, j and one brother, Ross Hamrick.

Services were conducted Sunday afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church of Hillsboro, of which she was a member by the Rev. Robert A. Pfrangle and the Rev. J. Irvine Prather. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery. B. B. Hamrick

Bernard B. Hamrick, aged 81 years, died at his home in I on Tuesday, November "23, 1943. On Thursdaj ody was laid to rest in the cemeitery at Stony Bottom the funeral loinsr conduc 1 e l from Cass Metrjoclist Church by Rev. H. BlackSurst and Rev de Arbogast. The deceased was a native* of 3ter county, bjit has been a resident of Pocahontas county almost all his long life. Surviving are iris wife Mrs. Bessie Hamrick: three sons, Page of Hillboro, Fred of Cass, and Woodrow of the a m y , and four daughters Mrs. G. Gum, C Mrs Lillie Blackhur*t, Rand: Mrs Mary Shiffllet, Cass; Mrs Ma Bj id, Cass: two stepsons, Earl Copin and Eugenff Copin, and two step-daughter-' Mrs Myrtle Smith, Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs Beulah Smith. Greensboro, Maryland.

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John Gray Hamrick Jobi_ ^ray Hamrick, aged 59 years, ot Beard, died on Saturday, April 2, 1955, of a self inflicted gun shot wound. The i'uneral was held in Lewisburg on Tuesday afternoon from Wallace and Wallace Mortuary Chapel, with interment in Rosewood Cemetery. The officiating minister was Rev. J. W. Wright. Mr. Hamrick is survived by his wife Mrs. Bettie Stapleton Hamrick; his mother, Mrs; Portia Hamrick: five sisters. Mrs. Lewis Christie, of Renick; Mrs. Sophie Knight, of Gunnison, Colorado; Mrs.S. J. Maynard, of Logan; Mrs. Barnes Ga ; !. of Teays; and Mrs. Helen England, of Alderson; five b o n e r s , Dr. K. J. Hamrick, of OakviUe Pennsylvania; M , K. Harnrick, of Baltimore, Maryl a n d ; E . p . Hamrick, of Borger, T/exa*-" . T. Hamrick, of White Sulph; "prings and Seth H a m rick, ot • 3 annison, Colorado. William Randolph Hamrick William Randolph Hamrick, of Monterville, aged Tl y e a r s , 9 months and two days, died at his home after a long illness, March 18. He was the son of the late L e v i a and Garinda Wamsley Hamrick. He was born June 16, 1871, at Monterville. He is survived by his wife, who was before marriage, Miss Etta Hall; two sons, 'iobert of Valley Head; Dewey of Monterville; one daughter, Mrs. Zettia Rose, of Bukimcre, Md«, . .vc sisters, Emma West fall, of Parkersbunj-: and Minnie Conrad of Blue Springs; one brother Elliott M. Hamrick, of Monterville; eight grand-children and fonr great jzrand-children; a host of r e l a t i v e s and friends. Interment in the Swecker cem|etery. Major Kenneth J. Hamrl^kp'V^ Graveside services were held Wednesday morning in Mountain View Cemetery for Major Kenneth Hunrick, 33, United States Air Force, who was killed in Viet Nam on T h u r s d a y , August 14, 1969. Born at Marlinton, July 14, 1936 he was a son o^ Dr. K. J. Hamrick, of Renick, and the late Mrs. Hamrick. Preceding him in death were his mother and an infant sister. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Louise Hamrick; two sons, Kenneth, I I I , and Kevin, of Selma, Alabama; his father, Dr. K. J. Hamrick. of Renick, and his grandmother, Mrs Portia Hamrick, Scott Depot.

Mrs. Aiice Hamrick Mrs. Alice McMillion H a m rick 81, of Lewisburg, formerly of Friars Hill, died Monday, November 13, 1961 in the home of her daughter, M r s . Theima Paulin of Lewisburg, with whom she lived two years. She was a member of the McMillion Methodist Church at Friars Hil 1. Other survivors include two sons, Dorsey A. of Livonia, Michigan, and Wendell Hamirick of Toledo, Ohio; a brother, S. J Hamrick of Roanoke, Virginia; and three grand-children. The funeral was conductted at 2 p. m. Wednesday in the McMillion Methodist Church at Friars Hill with the Rev. Calvin Lewis ?.nd the, Rev. Hertzel Mills in charge Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hamrick taught school many years ago in Pocahontas County, at Frost and Onoto.

Mrs. Billee S. Hamrick Mrs. Billee S. Hamrick, Beard, succumbed to a heart attack at her home, January 10, 1967. She was born March 11, 1894, the daughter of E. F . and Addie Stapleton, Greenville, Texas. She was first married to J. F. Folletr, Salamanca, New York. After his death, she later married John Gray Hamrick, Beard. She was preceded in death by Mr. Hamrick, her parents, five brothers and one sister. Surviving her are one sister, Mrs. Neoma Kouth, League City, Texas, and numerous nieces and nephews of Greenville, Texas. She was a member of Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro; Rebekah Lodge, No. 38, Lobelia; Order of East e m Star, Chapter No. 93, Hills boro; and Order of White Shrine, Richwood. Her funeral was held in the

Mrs. Fred D. Hamriek Q_^s Mrs. Flora Mae Hamrick, 52, of Cass, died Saturday, Septen ber 6, 1958, at the Broaddus Hospital at Philippi after a long illness. | She is survived by her husband, Fred D. Hamrick; a son, Tva iAiYi n D. Hamrick, with the United Srate Air Force stationed in England; five daughters, Joyce and Connie Hamrick, at home, I Mrs. Ernestine Clarkson, of Cass,! Mrs. Hilda Galford and Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, both of Baltimore, Maryland; seven grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Weiford, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Mabel Richmond, of Quinwood. Two sons, Charles and Homer, died in childhood. Mrs. Hamrick was a member of the Cass Preibyterian Church, where funeral services were held Monday afternoon by her pastor, the Rev. Philip Newell. Burial was made in the Arbovale C e m e t e n .

George Austin Hamrick was born January 13, I860, departed this life October 25, 1943. He bad lived a christian life since early manhood and always expres sed himself as being ready to go when the Master called him. He was married three times; his first wife was Miss Cilba A. Campbell, who preceded him in death 46 years ago. To this union eight children were born: two daughters survive, Mrs C. E. Woods, Marcus, Webster county; and Mis W. E. "Woods, Route 1 Marlinton. His second wife Miss Hettie F. Kyer, who preceded him in death 11 years ago: three children were born, two daughters living, Mrs Ward Kiner and Mrs Clarcnde Barlow, both of Kt 1, Marlinton. The third wife was Miss Mary Perrin, who survives, with their four children, Home/, Ben, and Mrs John Judy cf Baltimore, and Mrs Burl Hammonds, Route 1, Marlinton.—H

Joseph H imed. aged about 63 years died at his home at Greeubank, Nov ember 19, 1935' I I e h a d b e e n '" ,' about a year. Burial at Greeibink on Wednesday afternoon, the service to be conduced by his pastor, Bey. O. M. Monroe. Mr. Hamed was a native of Leban3yria. He has been in Am •," years, most of the time a resi- at or Pocahor.trs county. He was i;i upright man and a Rood citizen He is survived by a fa •'!<• ''n his hottie country, and a Urou. . darned, of Greenbank.

Franklin Hamrick Franklin D. Hamrick, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Cass, died Tuesday August 11, 1992, of an apparent heart attack. At the time of his death, he was at work at Bethlehem Steel in Baltimore where he had been employed over thirty years. He was the son of the late Fred and Mae Hamrick, of Cass. Attending his funeral in Baltimore from this area were his nephew Fred Galford, of Frost, and his sister, Ernestine Clarkson, of Cass.

Moffet Kroger Hamrick Moffet Kruger Hamrick, 78, of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, formerly of Renick, died January 13,1980, in a Lawrenceburg hospital after a long illness. He was a former schoolteacher. Surviving are his wife, Hallie; son, Nathan J., Lawrenceburg; foster son, Mark Friedman, of Lawrenceburg; brothers, Dr. Kenneth Hamrick, of Renick, Taft, of White Sulphur Springs; Mrs. Sophia Knight and Mrs. Ruth Gaai, both of Hotchkiss, Colorado, Mrs. Anna Maynard, of Scott Depot, Mrs. Helen England, of Alderson; 5 grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Thursday, in Renick PresbyRen ck. terian Church with the Rev. Spencer Hamrick officiating. Mrs. J. E. Hamrick Burial was in Rosewood CemMrs. Verna Ware Hamrick, etery. | 74, of Marlinton, died Sunday, April 18, 1976, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins aftEugene Hamrick er suffering a stroke. Eugene Ray Hamrick, 53, of Mrs. Hamrick was a mem- 108 Poplar Street, Elkins, died ber of Marlinton Presbyterian unexpectedly Saturday, July Church. <^ 16,1977, of cardiac arrest.<2^ He was a member of the Born on Dry Branch March 12, 1902, she was the daughter Presbyterian Church, a veteran of the late Buk and Lou Friel of World War II, and at the Fred D. Hamrick <2--/ Ware. She was the widow of time of his death was petroFred D. Hamrick, 75, of J. Edwin Hamrick. Three leum supervisor for Southern Petersburg, formerly of Cass, brothers, Tony, Woodrow, and States Elkins Cooperative. He died Saturday, January 13, Jess, and a sister, Erma Ware, was a graduate of Marshall 1973, in the Grant Memorial preceded her in death, also a University and former owner nephew, Roy, who made his of Hamrick Oil Company. Hospital. home with her. Born at Spruce, he was the He was a retired restaurant Surviving her are a son, Eu- son of Edwin and Verna Ware operator. gene R. Hamrick, of Elkins, a who preceded him in Survivors include five dau- granddaughter, and a sister, Hamrick, death. /S^t^L, ghters, Mrs. Ernestine Clark- Annabelle Galford, of Oak HarSurviving him are his wife, son, of Cass, Mrs. Hilda Gal- bor, Ohio. Naomi Rider Hamrick; a ford, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, Funeral services were held daughter, Thea Jane Hart, of and Mrs. Connie Way bright, all of Baltimore, Maryland, and at the VanReenen Funeral Louisville, Kentucky, and on* Mrs. Joyce Harmon, of Peters- Home Tuesday afternoon by grandchild. burg; one son, Franklin Ham- Rev. Richard Newkirk, with were held Tuesday in Mountain View Ceme- in Services rick, of Baltimore, Maryland; burial VanReenen Funeral Home tery. three sisters, Mrs. Genevieve Chapel by the Rev. Larry AlGum. of Beard, Mrs. Mary bright with burial in MounWoodsle Kelley Harrington Shifflett, of Baltimore, Marytain View Cemetery. Woodsie Kelley Harrington, 78, Virginia L. Hamrick Mrs. Virginia L. Hamrick, 72, of Valley Head, died on Friday, May 27, 1983, at her home. Born on March 6, 1911, at Green Bank, she was the daughter of the late Willie and Maggie Lou Lambert. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Vogt, of Akron, Ohio; one son, Dan A. Hamrick of Coffeyville, Kansas; two sisters, Mrs. Eloise Hartzel and Mrs. Hazel Gladden, both of Manassas, Virginia; two brothers, Woodrow Lambert, of Marlinton, and Delbert Lambert, of Anniston, Alabama; Ave grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest; one infant daughter; and two brothers, Raymond and June. Mrs. Hamrick was a school teacher and a member of the Valley Head United Methodist Church. Funeral services were held at the Valley Head United Methodist Church at 11 am on Wednesday with the Rev. Stanley Clark officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

land, and Mrs. Lilly Blackhurst, of Charleston, and one brother, Woodrow (Bill) Hamrick, of Marlinton, and eleven grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Robert Field, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Polly Humes Hambrick Polly Humes Hambrick, 65» died Monday, December 18, 1967, in the Ronceverte Hospital after an extended illness. She was the daughter of the late Joseph and Georgeanna Humes, of Williamsburg. She is survived by her husband, Harvey Hambrick, of Renick, a daughter, Iva Shinaberry, of Marlinton, a son Billy, of Renick, two sisters, Pearl McCoy and Elva Forren, of Marlinton, a brother, George Humes, of Marlinton, seven grandchildren and five great ferandehifdren. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Roy Snedegar on Thursday with burial in the Morning Side Cemetery at

passed away August 14, 1993 in the Mansfield General Hospital, Mansfield, Ohio. Born September 13, 1915, she was the daughter of the late Amos and Minnie McCarty Kelley, of Frost. She was preceded in death by her husband Charles Harrington, four sisters and three brothers. Surviving her are four children, Wesley, Bonnie, Jean and Lila, one sister, Enid Kelley, of Kent, Ohio. Services were held August 17, 1993, at 10:30 aon. at the Finefrack Funeral Home with Rev. Cloyd Kress. Burial was in the Mansfield Memorial Park.

Graf Ion—John L. Hechmer, aged 85 years, the oldest member of the Taylor county bar, died Ji'ly 14, 1940 after a short illness in a Clarksburg hospital, Older residents of Pocahon tas county will recall Mr 'leckmer as the partner of the late Col. John T i McGraw. They were both active In Che business affairs of the county, in development days prior to and after the building of the railroad.


Miss Ann Harper Hamrick viran jj. namnck Viran L. Hamrick, of DeMiss Ann Harper Hamrick. 15, died Saturday, January 9, troit, Michigan, was born 1965, at her home after a long July 17, 1902, at Bergoo, the illness. A resident of Lewis- son of Elza and Ella Hamburg for five years, she was a rick. He passed away Saturim.Jg^vA. member of-Lewisburg Metho- day, August 4, Mr. Hamrick retired from dist Church. Tri-Hi-Y and Methodist Youth Fellowship Chrysler Corp. in Detroit, of the church. She attended Michigan, in 1967 after twenty Lewisburg Junior High School. • years of employment. Surviving are her parents, I Surviving are two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Virle Hamrick; Mrs. Doris K. Guillem. of Fort two sisters, Susan and V. Adair, Lauderdale, Florida, Mrs. Deboth at home; and her mater- lores Wigal, of Houston. Texnal grandmother, Mrs. Susan [ as; a son, Robert A. HamI rick, of Detroit, Michigan; a Pvles, of Seebert. Services was conducted at 2:30 brother, Harvey Hamrick, of p. m. Monday in Lewisburg Marlinton; half sister, Mrs. Methodist Church by the Rev. Faye Marks, Littleton, ColoJohnHollister. Burial was in rado. He is also survived by I five grandchildren and two '.osewood Cemetery. great grandchildren. Ernest L. Halterman Funeral services were Au Kenneth A. Hamed gust 10, 1979, at 1:00 P. M Ernest Lee Halterman, 5s, Kenneth Abbas Hamed, 67, of from the Chapel of Don Gra of Cass, died Friday, Novem- Montross, Virginia, formerly of ham Funera] Home, Detroit ber 13, 1970, in a MartinsBank and Adelphi, Michigan, with Rev. John K. burg hospital following a long Green Maryland, died Wednesday, July Sefcik officiating. Cremation illness. 12, 1989, at Mary Washington He was a lifelong resident of Hospital, Fredericksburg, Virginia, followed. Pocahontas County, was after a long battle with cancer. a member of the Cass United Mrs. Woodnw Himisk Mr. Hamed had retired as a Methodist Church at Cass, routesman with the Washington Mrs. Alice Hamrick, 67, died and was employed as a shop Post in 1983. He was a World War Thursday, March 22, 1979, in maintenance man with the II veteran. Clifton Forge Hospital after a West Virginia Pulp and Paper Son of the late Faris and Mattie •hort illness. Company at Uurbin, and B. Hamed, of Green Bank, Mr. Born May 8, 1911, in MarMower Lumber Company. Hamed is survived by his wife, linton, she was the daughter of Survivors include four dau- Mary Blanche Rowe Hamed; one the late Edgar and Geneva ghters, Mrs. Arline Cassell, of son, Kenneth Allen Hamed, of Sharp Wooddell. Two brothVirginia, Mrs. John Hise. of Stafford, Virginia; two daughters, ers, Melvin and Uriah WoodHightpwn, Virginia, Mrs. Ed- Joyce Ann Hunt, of Silver Spring, dell, and three sisters, Ethel na Pennington, of Cass* and Maryland, and Linda Darlene and Clarissa Wooddell and Colleen, of Virginia; four sons, Worrell, of Fredericksburg, Faith Dilley, .preceded her in Kenton H. Halterman, of Penn Virginia; two brothers, Julian M. death. saufen,- Nj|» Jersey, Billy Hamed, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Hamrick was a practiHalterman, of- Eflcton, Mary- Rockford N. Hamed, of nurse and a member of the land, Ernest. L. Halterman, Jr., Alexandria, Virginia; two sisters, cal Marlinton Presbyterian Church at houMC and. Wjjliird -Hal ter- Bernice Taylor, of Arbovale, and Survivors include her husmait, of: Hightown, "Virginia- Blanche Sheets, of Freehold, New band, Woodrow W. Hamrick; two 8is.tfers,.Mrs. Lottie Moore, Jersey; and seven grandchildren. two brothers, Porter, of Frost, oi Durbin, and Mrs. Flick" BenFuneral services were held at 11 nett, of Dunmore; two "broth- a. m. Saturday, July 15, at Welch's and Arch Wooddell, of Marers, Claude and Kenton W. Funeral Home in Montross, linton. and four sisters, Mrs. Halterman, both of Cass, and Virginia, with the Rev. Jim Stone Ada Vaughan and Mrs. Mar* jorie Dumire, both of Marlinseven grandchildren. officiating. Burial was in ton, and Mrs. Oleta Barkley, Funeral services were held Historyland Memorial Park in King and Mrs. Betty Matbeny, both Tuesday afternoon in the Cass George, Virginia. of Green Bank. United Methodist Church at Services were held Saturday Sam Hanna Cass by the Rev. David Ritin the VanReenen Funeral ter.hcuse, with burial in the Sam Hanna, 77, of Renick, Home with the Rev. Richard. Wanless Cemetery at Cass. died Wednesday, October 20, Newkirk officiating. Burial 1971, in a Virginia hospital was in Mountain View Cemafter a short illness. etery. Homer Hamrick, 'aged four years, Mr. Hanna -yas well known little son of Mr and Mrs Fred Ham rick, of Cass, died August 23, UUO, throughout the Greenbrier Valfrom injuries received in a truck ley. wreck on Wednesday night. Funera Survivors include his wife, service Sunday afrernoon at Cass, b' Mrs. Ethel Hanna. Key. J. T. Pharr. Funeral services were held As this paper ss printed the wor Sunday afternoon in the Spring comes of the death of the mother of Creek Presbyterian Church at Mrs Dewey Stemple, at Baya/d. on Renick by the Rev. Tom FlanWednesday morning after long illness agan, with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg.

Charles H. Hamrick Charles Hubert Hamrick, of Milwaukie, Oregon, died August 12, 1979. Born in Pocahontas County, he was the son of the late Francis and Luelia Daft Hamrick. He lived for many years in Baltimore, Marylandj^A, He is survived by two children, Kenneth and Sandy, of Maryland; a half sister. Mrs. Mary Gay, of Baltimore; three brothers, Elwood, Hinckley, Ohio; Porter, Sitka, Alaska; and Olen. Funeral services were heldi August 16, at the Fletcher Funeral Home, Westminster, Maryland, with burial at Westminster.


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Mrs. Liiiie Alderman Gillispie Hatton

Mrs. Lillian Alderman Gillispie Hatton, 91, d;ei on Friday, November 1, 1963, in a | nursing home in Nebraska City, j Nebraska, after a long illness. Bjrn on February 18, 1872 on a farm six miles west of Green Bank, she was a daughter of the laie John Adam and Emley B.rd Alderman. She was a member of the Methodist Church at Green Bank. On December 16, 1890, she was united in marriage to Penick W. Gillispie, at Nebraska City, Nebraska. To this union four sons were born, Roy, Guy, ' Arlie and Wall ace Gillispie. In 1920, Mrs. Gillispie was united in marriage to Charles Hatton, who preceded her in death three years after their marriage. She was preceded in death by her son, Roy Gil-; fcpie; five sisters and two: brothers. Survivors include three sons, Arlie Gillispie, of Cutbank. Montana; Guy Gillispie, of Kearney, Nebraska, and Wallace Gillispie, of Omaha, Nebraska; two sisters, Celia Kellison, of Richmond, and Mrs. Pete Kelley, of Green Bank; one brother, George F Alderman, of Huntersville; 11 grand children, 33 great grandchildren; 8 grandchildren; many other relatives, and many friends.

Johnny Rosser Hall, 48, of Indianapolis, Indiana, formerly of Hillsboro, died Friday, July 28, 1967, in an Indianapolis hospital after a long illness. Born at Hillsboro April 10, 1919, he was a son of Mrs. Mary Hall and the late Robert Hall, of Hillsboro. He was a disabled veteran and was a veteran of World War II, Korean Conflict and was a member of the Reserves. A brother, Leo, preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Jean Cloonan Hal); two sons, Johnny Rosser Hall, Jr., stationed with the U. S. Army at Fort Lewis, Washington, and Jimmy Hall, at home; his mother, Mrs. Mary Hall, of Hillsboro; four brothers, James Hall, of Sheffield, Pennsylvania, Neal, Roy and Robert Hall, all of Hillsboro, and three sisters, Mrs. Eva Payne and Mrs. Ruth Hollandsworth, both of Hillsboro. and Mrs. Dorothy Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held in Indianapolis. Additional rites were held Wednesday afternoon in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. B. W. John. Burial will be Friday afternoon at 1:15 in the Arlington National Cemetery.

Fnne-al services were held | Monday at tie Casey Funeral Albert E. Harotrff (^ Home in Auburn, Nebraska, A l b e r t EMery Harouff, aared 57 by the Rev. Homer Clements. Burial was in the Sheridan ••ears of Cass, died in the Greenbrier Hospital at R o n c e v e r t e on Cemetery. I

I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I •

Mrs.AantVera Hannah Mrs. Anna Vera Hannah, 81, of Elk Route, died Sunday, October 31,-1982, in Cincinnati, Ohio, after a long illness. Born May 17, 1901, she waa the daughter of the late Andrew Lewis and Anna Virginia Geiger McCalpin. Surviving her are her sons, Darl, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Don, of Marlinton; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Her husband, Marvin Hannab, preceded her in death in 1966. Services were held at 10:30 a. no. Thursday by Rev. Willis .Cornelius in VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial was in Hannah Cemetery.

.Mrs K x . la Phillips H.imhton, ne daughter ofCuartes C and his •vie Margaret J. Ervine Phillips, mssed to her heavenly reward March j 25, 1939, in the Staats Hospital in I J-hj-rleston. Sh« had been a sufferer ! oiu arthritis for sometime and in -larch developed pneumonia which jok her from us. Mrs Hamilton was born and reared i upper Picahontas e unity, north of iretmbai k on the Alleghany Mono ains. Her brothers: Alva B Philips, WJQ. A . Pidllips. Worth Pullips, a id asisier Mary E Phillips, *ere all older than she On August 2(i 1885, Roxanna Phii ips became the wile of I '• -ick Ham ion whose parents, Jaa.uL- Hamilton od Sarah Bruffey Ham!loon lived on O er Creek four nils* above Greet) tank. To this union were born M)< ollowing surviving children: Stanley .', and Paul C , of West Branch, liehigaii; Richard M. of Charleston: •IrsG. E Wooddeil, Linwood; ton iay Hardin and Mrs G, O. Jones oi Inarieston. and Mrs II E Keeney ol luntington. There aie also seveniitn grandeiildren and se ven great .randehildren, Patiicii Hamilton died August 1, 1)22. it was this writer's opportu ay to \isit Mr and Mrs Hamiltot. ometime before his decease. Having ..en a neighbor to uhem in years •ast, so was caled upon to conduct Ir Hamilton's luneral. Mrs Hamilton united with the Meth dist church in early life and lived a incere christian to the end. Tei ,ears ago sue aftiiiated with the Fifti Avenue Cl u:c i of God in the City ol luntln«ttn w iere she was making her home v\ 11 daughter Mr •\eeney. H-i pastor, tuc Rev J. E. S ntth, who conducted her f unera. s okeof her humble, meek spirit, ant. 0 her face portraying the spiiitoi t ie Savior She was laid to rest In S .nset Memorial Park Cemetery, C.i reston. Thus has passed fiom the large cirjie of friends a soni so exemplary • patience and devotion, througi suH ri, g and trial, that those she left behind are not impoverished, bu. r ther enriched by the memory of ; 1 'P. which inspires to higher living a d fuler lonsecration to christiai

S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 22, 195!, »fter a s h o r t il!ne-i T h e deceased is survived .by his wido •'', M P. Pearl M y e r s Haiouff, and two fdials. children, Mrs. J a m e s B. Miles, of uarria Kuth Hackett Massilon, Ohio, and Don Harouff Carrie Ruth Hackett, of San of Cass. Francisco, California, died The deceased was a son of the Monday, July 10, 1978, of 'ate Charles ami Allie Herbert cancer. Harouff. Of his father's fanjll.s Born March 4, 1913, she there remain a sister, airs. Grovet was the daughter of Ada and VVooddell of Beckley and hiEsco Alderman. b r o t b e r , Odie Harouff of Rainelie Besides her parents, she was He was a Veteran of World preceded in death by four war I I , with longr and honorable brothers, Merrick, Henry, servicp. He was e m p ' o j e d by tht Thomas and Harry. \lower Lumber Company. A sister, Mary Kennedy, of On Tuesday afternoon t h e funProvidence, Rhode Island, sureral was held from the borne ii vives her, also nieces and nephCass by Rev. H. Blackhurst and ews. Kev. G r a h a m Keys. B i r i a l u. The body was cremated and the family plot in A r b o v a l e cemthe ashes are to be returned to etery with masonic rites.

West Virginia for burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery at a ater date.

Mrs. Mary A. Hanna, 63, died at her home Monday, April 17,1978, of an apparent heart attack. Born at Renick, April 20, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Jacob Charles and Ardena Rachel Sutphin Allman. She was a member of the Frankford Presbyterian Church and a former member of the Spring Creek Extension Home* makers Club. Survivors include her husband, Andrew (Jake) Hanna, of Spring Creek; a daughter, Mrs. Ramona McClintic, of Williamsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Connie Carr and Mrs. Polly Shires, both of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Reva Williams, of Lewisburg; three brothers, Howard, of Ronceverte, Cecil, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Vernie Allman, of Hillsboro, and five grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home at Lewisburg with the Rev. Dean Veltman officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery


b l l i c a i fa. tioiifci m a n

Ernest Lee Halterman, 54, of Cass, died Friday, November 13, 1970, in a Martinsburg hospital following a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of | HUNTERSVILLE, Feb. 12 (RNSJ Pocahontas County, was I—Mrs. Lydia Hebb Hansford,, 78, a member of the Cass United | of Huntersville died at the home Methodist Church at Cass, of a son, Darrell, at 3:30 a.m. toand was employed as a shop day after a two-monti. .illness. She was a member of the Marmaintenance m&n with the linton Methodist Church. West Virginia Pulp and Paper Born at Saint George, Sept. 1, Company at Durbin, and 1881, she was a daughter of the late Joseph: and Martha Godwin Mower Lumber Company. Hebb Survivors include four dauSort was preceded in death ghters, Mrs. Arline Cassell, of tsband, Monterville Hansfo Virginia, Mrs. John Hise. of SurHvors include three bro^H^ Hightpwn, Virginia, Mrs. Ed- George\and Lee Hebb, and James I. Golf, all of Parsons: four daughna Pennington, of Cass, and ters, Clovia Church of Lorain^ Colleen, of Virginia; four sons, Ohio, Mrs. Mrs' Ipie Baxter qjid^Mrs. Kenton H. Halterman, of Penn Lucy Cole, both fo Marli»ton7tend s'd'ikitu Nix -J
Lydia Hansford Succumbs At 78

Mrs. Lydia Hansford

Mrs. Lydia Minerva Hebb Hansford, daughter of Joseph and M artha Godwin Hebb, was born at St. George September 1, 1881, and departed this life at the home of her son, Darrell Hansford, on Knapps Creek, Thursday, February 12th, 1959, aged 77 years, 5 months and 11 days. On June 5th, 1901, she was united in marriage to Monterville Hansford, who preceded her in death on July 18, 1946. To this union were born ten children, three of whom, Donie Hansford, Mrs. Helen Newman and Pearl Eloise Hansford, preceded her in death. Surviving are her four daughters, Mrs. Clovia Church, of Lorain, Ohio, Mrs. Icie Baxter and Mrs. Lucy Cole, both of Mariinton, and Mrs Mabel Sharp, of Slaty Fork; three sons. Clarence Darn 11, of Huntersville, Willis Scott, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Percy Oliver, of Cincinnati, Ohio; fifteen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren; three brothers, George and Lee Hebb and James I. GofT, all of Parsons; several nieces and nephews, and many friends to share their loss and her gain. She was a long time member of the Mariinton Methodist Church, where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock by the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, Jr., the Rev. Ezra Bennett and Glenn McClung. Funeral arrangements by Smith Funeral Home of Mariinton. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. William F. Harman

William Franklin Harman, 91. of Cass. dip
uiiucii. uuuici u « j » n u

Mrs. Jewelle J. Hale

Ililberfc Hunter nayslett, aged 26' years, died at his home in Mariinton, on Saturday, May 7, 1938, after a Ions? illness. On Mond:," afternoon the funeral service wa^ conducted from the Nazirene Church by Rev J W Harris, assisted by Rev. A D Potter, Rev. Harry Peyton and Rev Marvin Brown. Burial in the family plot in Mt. VifijauCemetery. The active pall bearers were Mayor G. S. Callison. Brown Shanklin, Roy Bird. Carl Nottingham, Leslie Peyton and -n Wiley. Honorary pall bearers were Ravraond Wiley, J L. Kennedy. J. B. Malcomb, H. M. Warren, Willis Hansford and Chester Shifflett, Iliibc •' was t i n youngest son of Mr j arid Mrs J W Hayslett, Sr., and was horn and reared io Mariinton. He is 'survived by His parents; his wife, who' 'was Miss Aliie E-igland, of Hazard Kentucky, and their little son. H i belt, Jr; and three sisters, Mrs Isaac Withers, of Mariinton; Mrs Charles Moore, of Williamsoort, Pennsylvan ia; Mrs Floyd Meadows, of near Hin ton; and two brothers, Lathey Hays lett. of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania; jand John Hayslett, Jr , of Mariinton ; Hilbert was a graduate of the Mar linton High School, class of 1932 He had completed his four years training at Kingwood College in preparation for the work of the ministry. He waa young man of unusual mental »bil ity; deeply religious nature, and ap -ared to b e iteri uP°n a careei great usefulness *,i the gospel ruin,ry wtien srrickei; with that dread .ualady, tuberculosis.

Mrs. Jewelle J. Hale, Orchard Crossing,, Tyrone Penn., died Sunday, SeDtember 16, 1962, at the Philip'sburg State Hospital after a lengthy illness. • She was born June 15, 1911, at Minnehaha Springs, the daughter of Sherman Clark and Barbara Cutlip Kincaid. She was a greduate of Hillsboro High School and Davis and Elkins College, then taught school at Fort Ashby. She was married July 9, 1949 at La Vale, Maryland, j to Charles Hale.Surviving are her husband, Charles Hale; the following step-children: Mrs. Adaline Smith, Everett; Hershell, Tyrone; Charles M. Clearfield; Mrs. Calvia Harris, Tvrone; Mrs. Nathan Burns, Tyrone: Mrs. Warren Ramsey, Huntington; also the following sisters and brothers, Mrs. Pearl Miller, Hillsboro; Mrs. Verdie Fisher, Huntersville; G M. Kmcaid, Fort Myers, Florida; and Parley Kincaid, Neola. She was of the Methodist faith. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the Johnson Funeral Home with the Rev. Leroy Harrison « m L n . i. •, u l n c h a r Ke. Burial was in the ms. Blanche Ruckman Hamilton VBiair Memorial Park.

Mis. Blanche Florence Hamilton, widow of t h e late G e o r g e P. Hamilton, passed away on Sun day, J u n e 17, 1951, a t the h o l i c of her d a u g h t e r in Dallas, Texas She had been ao iuvalid for the past four of her seventy y e a i s . T h e deceased was the d a u g h t e r of the late Wellington and Mar.v Landis R u c k m a n . of H u n t e r s v i l l e . On April 12, 1908, she was married to G e o r g e P. Hamilton, mov m g to Devol, O k l a h o m a in 1907, where she resided until t h e past four years. H e r husband preceded her in death un March 20, 1936. S h e leaves to m o u r n their loss, one d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Grace B u r t o n , of Dalits, Texas; a sister. Mrs. T r u d i e Hill, of. Miami, F l o r ida; and one b r o t h e r , E v e r e t t e W. R u c k m a n , of Huntersville. Both p a r e n t s and one sister, Mrs Edith H i n e r , of Huntersville, pre ceded ber in death. She also leaves four g r a n d children, a n u m b e r of nieces and nephews, and m a n y friends. On J u n e 19th funeral services were held from t h e Union Valley Baptist C h u r c h , a t W a l t e r s . Oklahoma, of which she was a member. I n t e r m e n t in the W a l t e r s

•&. Okey G. Hammont Okey G. Hammons, 51, of Mariinton, died Sunday. April 13, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born March 21, 1918, he was the son of Lee and Dinnie Copenhaver Hammons. He lived all his life in Pocahontas County and was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Anna Barrett Hammon6; three daughters, Mrs. Daisy Madison, of Del City, Oklahoma ; Misses Linda and Carolyn Hammons, at home, and two sons, David and Tommy Hammons, at home. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Harold Easton with burial in the Kee Cemetery.


mi*, uuuu ncuKiiiin iiuiiei

Mrs. Betty Alice Mullenax Hulver, 81, of Beverly, Route 1, Georgetown Community, for the past nine years, and a former resident of Bartow, died Saturday, September 9, 1972. in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins, where she was admitted the same day. She had been in failing health for the past two years, however her passing was sudden and unexpected. Born February 28, 1891, near Circleville, Pendleton County, she was a daughter of the late Elijah and Elizabeth Hinkle Mullenax. She was a member of the Circleville Presbyterian Church. Her husband, David Frederick Hulver, preceded her in death April 25, 1928. Three daughters, three sisters, and one brother preceded her in death. Survivors include one son, Harold H. Hulver, of Route 1, Beverly, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Circleville United Methodist Church bv the Rev. F. H. Morton, pastor of the Circleville charge of Presbyterian LEONARE^ASON

Wrs. Blanche Ruckman Hamilton Mis. Blanche Florence Hamilton, widow of t h e late G e o r g e P Hamilton, passed away on Sun clay, J u n e 17, 1951, a t the home of her d a u g h t e r in Dallas, Texas She had been an invalid for the past four of her s e v e n t y y e a . s . The deceased was the d a u g h t e r of the late Wellington and M a n Landis R u c k m a n , of H u n t e r s ^ i l l e . On April 12, 1905, she was married to Georgre P. H a m i l t o n , mov i n g to Devol, O k l a h o m a in 1907,, j where she resided u n t i l the past) I four years. H e r husband pre- | scried her in death un March 20. 1936. She leaves to m o u r n their i loss, one d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Grace B u r t o n , of Dalits, T e x a s ; a sister. I vlrs. T r u d i e Hill, of M i a m i , F l o r jida; and one b r o t h e r . E v e r e t t e W. R u c k m a n , of Huntersvi'.le. Both p a r e n t s and one sister, Mrs Edith H i n e r , of H u n t e r s v i ' l e , pre ceded her in death. She also leaves four g r a n d children, a n u m b e r of nieces and nephews, and m a n y friends.


Leonard SfWn Hayes. 64. died Monday afternoon, March 20, 1961, enroute to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was injured in an automobile accident at Frank when his ear hit a parked truck, j It is believed a h e a r t attack caused him to lose control of his car. Mr. Hayes was retired, having i worked for many years as a cor! rational officer at the penitentiary at Moundsville. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the #Moose Lodge at Moundsville. Born at Vago December 27, 1896. he was a son of the late John A. and Minnie McDowell Hayes. Surviving him are his wife. (ilenna Barnes Hayes, and two brothers, John Hayes of Vago and Richard Hayes of Lewisburg. \^ Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 at the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev* H. M. Pennington and the Rev. Ezra Bennett, with burial in j Mountain View Cemetery. , _

On J u n e 19th funeral services were held from the Union Valley. Baptist C h u r c h , at W a l t e r s . Oklahoma, of which she was a member. I n t e r m e n t in the W a l t e r s Cemetery.

ueorge «. nawxins George W. Hawkins, 74, of Mace, formerly of Charmco, died in a Webster Springs hospital at 8:55 a. m. Tuesday. May 8, 1962. Death was attributed to a stroke. , He was a retired coal miner and farmer. Born at Parkersburg, he was a son of the late Granville and Rachael Jenkins Hawkins. Survivors include his wife, Lena Hawkins; three sisters, Mrs. Lou Rockenstein and Mrs. Ellen Wilcox, bo'h of Parkersburg and Mrs. Frances Spangler of Columbus, Ohio; f've sons, Walter of Charleston, Floyd of Carlsbad, N. M.f Lucian of Marlinion, Fred at home, and Frank of Columbus, Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Opal Fogus of Mace and Mrs Mary Knight of Bergoo; 10 grand children; and three great grand children. The funeral was conducted Thursday afternoon in the Nickell Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. P. E.j Orndorff in charge. Burial was, in the Hayes Cemetery at | Bingham. Lewis H. Harouff

Mrs. Cornelia Bussard Hayes was acoidently killed March 21, 1934, by being struck by an automobile, while walking on Seneca Trail. On Saturday afternoon her body was buried in in the family plot in Mt. View Cem etery The service was conduetedfrom the Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. G W Winton, assisted by Rev S B Lapsley The pall bearers were J. A. Sydenstricker, Guy R. Fauiknier, F. P. McLaughlin, Henry Hiner, S. .1. Rex rode and Calvin W. Price Mrs. Hayes was born January 15, 1860, in Pocahontas county, the daughter of Sherman and Elizabeth Catherine Bussard. On March 31. 1920, she became the wife of Benja min Franklin Hayes, who preceded her to the grave December 21, 1932 She leaves to mourn her loss, one son Frank Raymond Hayes; her father S II Bussard, one brother, Jake Bussard, two sisters, Mrs Burns of Virginia and Mrs Grimes of Cloverlick Mrs Hayes was a good woman; a •member of the- Methodist Church 'The whole community deplores hsr untimely death

Lewis H. Harouff, 83, of Lobelia, died Sunday, April 22, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was a cook and a member of the Lobelia Methodist Church and Odd Fellows Lodge Born at Burnsville, February 10, 1879, he was a son of the late Chris and Gaberella Harouff. Survivors include his son, Newman Harouff, and two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Kennison and Mrs. Desiree Roberts, all of South Charleston; two brothers, John Harouff, of Greensboro, North Carolina; and Peter Harouff, of West j Palm Beach, Florida, and one sister, Mrs. Beulah Folks, of Burnsville; four gYandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday afternoon in the Lobelia Methodist Church jwith the Rev. H. Mills, of The D eath Angel visited the horn-" Frankford in charge. Burial at Mr and Mrs R A Hall, on Tw was in the Emmanuel CemeM u oeptember 17, and rem* * tery. midst their little daughter Agnes irene. aged 10 months and The fuuenU was conducted in the heme by the pastor and the 'ifctlf laid to rest in the Moore ce jetery c i •

John W. Hawkins ( j y John Walter Hawkins, 49, of Princeton, died Monday, December 24, 1973, following apparent heart failure. Born in Kettering, England> he was the son of Mrs. Fred Starsmore, of England, and rhe late William J., Hawkins. He was treasurer of the Dean Company in Princeton, and was a mpmber of the First United Methodist Church in Princeton. He served in the British Navy aboard the H. M. S. Sheffield during World War II. Survivors other than his mother include his widow, Mrs. Linda Cassell Hawkins; four -ons, William J. of Lakeland, Florida, David, with the U. S. Navy in Puerto Rico, John, Jr. and James, at home, two daughters, Nancy Ma'hwich, and Elizabeth, both at home; two brothers, Peter and Maurice Hawkins, of Kettering, England. Funeral services were held on Thursday morning at the George W. Seaver Chapel in Princeton, with Rev. Craig Michael, Associate pastor of First United Methodist Church, officiating. Additional services were held at 2:30 p. m. at Dunmore United Methodist Church with Dr. Cecil McMillion, of Princeton, and Rev. Kenneth Montgomery officiating. Interment was in the Dunmore Community Cemetery. Neal W. Hill


Neal W. Hall, 68, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, November 26, 1981, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness with cancer. He was a retired State Road employee and a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Born at Hillsboro March 27, 1913, he was the son of the late Robert Lee Hall and Mary E. Jordan Hall. Surviving him are his wife, Hazel Morgan Hall; five children, Randolph Hall, Mary McCoy, Wayne Hall and Charleen Buzzard, all of Hillsboro, and Steve Hall, of Mt. Solon, Virginia; seven grandchildren; three sisters, Eva Payne and Ruth Hollandsworth, both of Hillsboro, and Dorothy Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland. Services were held Saturday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Verlin Butcher with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Dorothy Hall Mrs. Dorothy Louise Hall 68, died Monday, December 10, 1984, at her home at Dunmore. She had been ill since June with a brain tumor. Mrs. Hall was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church. Born at Dunmore August 1, 1916, she was the daughter of the late John Letcher and Minnie Susan McLaughlin. A brother, Marvin C. McLaughlin, and three sisters, Hallie Gutshall, Mollie McLaughlin, and Leta Adams, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Patrick Hall; a daughter, Patricia Hall Bowman, of Kents Store, Virginia; a brother, Lyle P. McLaughlin, of Follansbee, and two sisters, Nelia McLaughlin, of Dunmore, and Gladys Boso, of Willowick, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. Edwin Tutwiler, with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. Miry t. Hinkini

Mrs. Mary Jane Hankins, 73, of Lewisburg, formerly of Huntington, died Thursday, December 16, 1982, in Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home after a long illness. Born September 10, 1909, in Richmond, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late James and Josephine Gasser Krouse. Mrs. Hankins was a member of the St. James Episcopal Church in Ltwisburg. Survivors include her husband, Mark Hankins; four sons, Mark Hankins, Jr., of Midlotbin, Virginia, James Warwick Hankins, of Dalton, Georgia, John Henry Hankins and William Douglas Hankins, both of Huntington; three daughters, Catherine Lindsey Wilson, of Gloucester, Virginia, Elizabeth Jaiman McVay, of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Jane Ligon Smick, of Jonesboro, Georgia, and 20 grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, at 2 p. m., at tbe St. James Episcopal Church in Lewisburg with the Rev. Wallace Reynolds officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery in Lewisburg.

Mrs. Bertha Haislop Mrs. Bertha Haislop, 55, of Cass, died Friday, September 3, 1971, at her home following a long illness. Born September 14, 1915, she was a daughter of the late William and Ada Phillips. She was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church and had lived at Cass for 20 years and was a former operator of the Cass Hotel. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Joann Dickenson, of Cass; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Virginia Muire, of Baltimore, Maryland; one stepson, Charles Haislop, of Baltimore, Maryland; three sisters, Mrs. Ellen Hoover and Mrs. Nancy Workman, both of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Betty Miller, of Ronceverte; three brothers, Grady Phillips, of Covington, Virginia, James Phillips, of Elkins, and Lanty Phillips, of Pennsylvania, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Sam Hanna ^Hpj Sam Hanna, 77, of Renick, died Wednesday, October 20, 1971, in a Virginia hospital after a short illness. Mr. Hanna 'vas well known throughout the Greenbrier Valley. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ethel Hanna. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church at Renick by the Rev. Tom Flanagan, with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg. Mrs. Holmes Harris

Mrs. Eva .Camden Harris, of Richmond, Virginia, forrherIv of Marlinton, died Thursday, March 16. 1967. Death was attributed to a stroke. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Camden, of Marlinton. Survivors include her husband, Holmes Harris; one sister, Mrs. Carl Slavin, of Marlinton, and one brother, Sterl Camden, and a foster daughter Funeral services and burial were held Saturday afternoon at Richmond, Virginia.


Steven Paul Hardee, thre?-' year old son of Paul and Exa ' 'Kellison Hardee, of Woodbridge, Virginia, died Sunday, May 30, 1965, in Sacred Heart Hospital, Richwood, from an accidental gunshot wound re- j ceived a short time earlier on the Kellison farm on Stamping Creek. In addition to his parents, the little boy is survived by an older brother, Barry Lee, and two sisters, Donna Lynn and Brenda Ann, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kellison, and great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clabe Kellison, of Huntersville. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Randy Earl. Services and burial were in Fairview Cemetery at Fairview Lutheran Church in Virginia. M l Haddock- .


Mrs. Mary A. Hanna, 63, died at her home Monday, April 17,1978, of an apparent heart attack. Born at Renick, April 20, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Jacob Charles and Ardena Rachel Sutphin AUman. She was a member of the Frankford Presbyterian Church and a former member of the Spring Creek Extension Home* makers Club. Survivors include her husband, Andrew (Jake) Hanna, of Spring Creek; a daughter, Mrs. Ramona McCHntic, of Williamsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Connie Carr and Mrs. Polly S hires, both of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Reva Williams, of Lewisburg; three brothers, Howard, of Ronceverte, Cecil, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Vernie AUman, of Hillsboro, and five grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home at Lewisburg with the Rev. Dean Veltman officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery

mary Minna

Mrs. Mary A. Hanna, 63, died at her home Monday, April 17,1978, of an apparent heart attack. Born at Renick, April 20, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Jacob Charles and Ardena Rachel Sutphin AUman. She was a member of theFrankford Presbyterian Church and a former member of the Spring Creek Extension Homemakers Club. Survivors include her husband, Andrew (Jake) Hanna, of Spring Creek; a daughter, Mrs. Ramona McCHntic, of Williamsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Connie Carr and Airs. Polly S hires, both of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Reva Williams, of Lewisburg; three brothers, Howard, of Ronceverte, Cecil, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Vernie AUman, of Hillsboro, and five grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home at Lewisburg with the Rev. Dean Veltman officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery

Paul Haddock was called to Bridgeport, Harrison County, on Monday, by the death of- his brother, Ruhl Haddock. 0* Saturday, October 9, 1943, Mi» Had dock died of a heart attack while hunting in Jackson County. He, Mr. Arlin Hirlm W. R. Haptonstall was 43 years old: a veteran of Arlen Harless, 82, of Seebert, Walter Raymond Hapton* World War I, with long .overseas died Sunday, April 22, 1979, service. He was on the lighting stall, 53, was dead on arrival in the Greenbrier Valley Hosat a Virginia hospital Thursday, front in France at the of 17: at pital in Lewisburg. the end of the war he ranked as of an apparent heart attack. Born September 20, 1S96, corporal. Interment on Tuesday Born May 2, 1921, at Hinin Cabell County, be was the ton, he was the son of Forrest at Bridgeport. Mr Haddock is -•urvived by his wife and their J. Haptonstall, of Rainelle, and BOD of the late James and Pars• "hildren, Edward, aged 11, Mrs. Eva Slavin, of Charleston. lee Adkins Harless. Survivors include his wife, anu Nancy, aged 3 years. He was a veteran or World Margaret Lawrence Harless; War II and a truck driver for one daughter, Mra. Mildred the Starcher Transfer Co. William Chelise Hammons MB i Other survivors include hia Adkins, Arlington, Virginia; William Chelise Hammons, 79, stepmother, Mrs. Forrest Hap- three sons, lngrem Harlen, of Webster Springs, died at his tonstall, three daughters, Mrs. East Lynn, Arvel Harless, home Monday, January 9, 1961, Patty Currence, of Craig, Mrs. Chesapeake, Ohio, Glen Harafter a sudden illness. Karen Doolin, of California, less, Huntington; four sisters, Mrs. Rosa Keesee, BranchSurviving him are four sons, and Mrs. Darlene Hedges, of land, Mrs. Bertha Dillon, Cleveland, Ohio, one sister, Evvrtt Hammons and Elie HamCalifornia, Mrs. Clara Gue, |mons, both of Webster Springs; Mrs. Helen Kessler, of Decota, Barboursville; nine grand chilCecil Hammons of Delta, Penn- and 15 grandchildren. dren; ten great-grandchildren. sylvania, and Denzil Hammons Funeral services were held Services were held at one of Parkersburg; three daughters, at Wallace and Wallace Funeri. m. Wednesday at Green Mrs. Pearl Gordon of Webster al Home Chapel in Rainelle /alley Baptist Church on Springs; Mrs. Delores Stanley of Sunday with Rev. LeRoy V Delta, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Crane in charge. Burial was Madison Creek, by the Rev. Flossie Ware of Bolair; a brother, in the End of the Trail Ceme- Frank Canterbury. Burial WM in Green VaUey Cemetery. Lee Hammons of Marlinton; two tery at Clintonville. sisters, Mrs. Mary Smith of Richwood and Mrs. Cora Reed of Mrs. Ruth Campbell Hagey .Castport, New York; thirty three Mrs. Ethel Harouff i;randchi'dren and twenty-one Word has been received of Mrs. Ethel Harouff, 80 of ;reat-grandchildren. he death of Mrs. Ruth Camp- Beckley, died Tuesday, April Funeral services were held Fri- bell Hagey, of Turlock, Cali- 10, 1962, in a Beckley hospital day afternoon in the Dodd and fornia, on Tuesday, March 13, after a long illness. She was a lurt Funeral Home Chapel at 1962. She was the daughter <*jster of John Matheny, of iVebster Springs with the Rev. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lu- Green Bank. lames G. Crouch officiating. ther E. Campbell, of Dunmore. Burial was in Woods Cemetery near Webster Springs.

Albert E. Harouff Albert E'lery Ilarouff, aged 57 ears of Cass, died in the Green)tier Hospital at Rmceverte on Saturday, September 22, 195!. ifrer a short iitnes The deceased is survived by his wido -, M P. Pearl Myers Haiouff, and two children, Mrs James R. Miles, of VlassiloD, Ohio, and Don HarojfT r>f Uasf ~~"-^ Tne deceased was a son of th> late Charles and Aj)ie BerbeM Harouff\ Of hisfirflber's famll., • here reifraiura&tsTer, mrs. Grovir Wooddell of Bi'CKley and hi> brother, OJie Huron(F of Runellt He was a Veteran of WorH tfar II, with long arid honorable service. He was ernp'oyed by the iflower Lumber Company. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from the home in Cass b.v Rev. H Black burst and Kev. Graham Keys. Birial it the family plot in Arbovale cemetery with masonic rites.

Mrs. Farris Hamed Mrs. Mattie Brown Hamed, 75, of Green Bank, died at her home Sunday, November 14, 1965. ; She was a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green B a n k . / * , Surviving are ner husband, Farris Hamtd; two daughters, Mrs. Bernice Taylor, of Boyer,. and Mts. Blanche Sheets, of San Juan, Puerto Rico; three sons, Julian Hamed, of GreenI Bank; Rockford Hamed, of I Alexandria, Virginia, and Ken-1 j neth Hamed, of Adelphi, Mary-1 land; three sisters, Mrs. Maggie Lou Lambert, of Marlin|ton, Mrs. Ethel Hevener, of j Green Bank, and Mrs. Mary Sponaugle, of Johnstown, Ohio; i 15 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Liberty Church at Green Bank by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. Lanes Elf or* Him mom Lance Elford Hammons, 54, of Hillsboro, died Monday, April 2i, 1979, in a Clifton Forge, Virginia, Hospital after a long illness. Services will be at 11 a. m. Thursday in Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home at Lewisburg, with the Rev. Leroy Crane officiating. Burial will be in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens.

mrs. Hetha Hammonds I/Irs. Retha Alice Hammonds, 61, of Upperglade, Webster County, died Thursday, May 23, 1974, in Summersville Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Church of God. Survivors include three sons, Herbert, of Upperglade, Carl, of Marlinton, and Walter, of Mill Point; three daughters, Mrs. Lula Johnson, of Route 1, Summersville, Mrs. Geraldine McCoy, of Hamilton, Ohio, and Mrs. Bessie Yaneris| of Webster Springs; one brother, Aretus Steele, of Akron, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Miller, of Garland, Texas, and Mrs. Mildred Handschumacher. of Talmadge, Ohio; 22 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Upperglade Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Inez Springston. Burial was in Handschumacher Cemetery.

mrs. crnesi Lee nauerman

Mrs. Louanzia Fav Halterman, 50, of Cass, died Sunday, vTay 21. 1967. in the Poca'iontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Cass Methodist Church and 'iad lived in Cass for 30 years. Survivors include her husband, Ernest Lee Halterman: hree dauchters, Mrs. Teddie Cassell, of Baltimore, Mary'and, Mrs. Paul Pennington j ind Mrs. Walter Hise, both of ^as<5; five sons, Kenton Haltertian, of Atlanta, Georgia. Billy, Ernest Lee, Jr., Wil.lard ind Teddie Halterman, a'i at 'tome; her mother, Mrs. Id? Mae Stout, of Butler, Tennes ;ee. and nine grandchi'dren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in the ""ass Methodist Church by the 'lev. Romie Edeel, with burial n the Wanless Cemetery.

Arthur B. Haddock Arthur B. Haddock, of Washngton, Pennsylvania, died Tuesday, November 29, 1960, in the I Washington Hospital following s [short illness. He was borr December 13. 1903, at Unionto vn, a son of the late William S. and Pearl Dough fs Haddock. He was president ^ the Haddock Printing Company and was active in many civic and business clubs. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Dolores Lerbfried Haddock, and one brother, Paul W. Haddock of Marlinton. A brother and sister preceded him in death. Services were held Saturday.

Mrs. Polly Humes Hambrick Polly Humes Hambrick, 65> died Monday, December 18, 1967, in the Ronceverte Hospital after an extended illness. She was the daughter of the late Joseph and Georgeanna Humes, of Williamsburg. She is survived by her husband, Harvey Hambrick, of Renick, a daughter, Iva Shinaberry, of Marlinton, a son Billy, of Renick, two sisters, Pearl McCoy and Elva Forren, ->t Marlinton, a brother, George rlumes, of Marlinton, seven grandchildren and five great s randchildren. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Roy Snedegar on Thursday with burial in the Morning Side Cemetery at Renick.

Tommy W. Harsh ' Tommy Wayne Harsh, age 20 years, was found dead in his room early Sunday morning. May 21ot, at Hot Springs, Virginia, where he was employed as a steward at the Homestead Hotel. He was born a< Mountain Grove, Virginia, on January 24th, 1941. Survivors include his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Schumaker, of Marlinton. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock, at the Marlinton Church Of The Nazarene, with the pastor, the Rev. J. Q. Shank, in charge. Burial was made in the Mc J 3 i n View Cemetery.

H. P. Harding H. P. Harding, formerly of Durbin, died on Sunday, March 20, 1955, at the home of Lis daughter, Mr..,. A. G. Kindall, of Fredericksburg, VirfpmsC\y » Also surviving are his wife, Mrs Effie Collins Harding. Funeral services were conducted in Fredericksburg on Tuesday afternoon, and the body was then brought to Durbin where additional rites were conducted on Wednesday afternoon, in the Durbin Church of God. Burial was made in the Hosterman Cemetery near Durbin. Mr. Harding was a resident of Durbin for about fifty years.


Mr. Arias Harltw

Arlen Harless, 82, of Seebert, died Sunday, April 22, 1979, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital in Lewisburg. Born September 20, 189S, in Cabell County, he was the son of the law James and Part* lee Adkina H. riess. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Lawrence Harless; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Adidas, ArriEgtoc. Viigjnia; three sons, lngrem Harlesa, East Lynn, Arvel Harless, Chesapeake, Ohio, Glen Harlesa, Huntington; four sisters, Mrs. Rosa Keesee, Branch* land, Mrs. Bertha Dillon, California, Mrs. Clara Gue, Barboursville; nine grand children; ten great-grandchildren. Services were held at one p. m. Wednesday at Green Valley Baptist Church on Madison Creek, by the Rev. Frank Canterbury. Burial wss in Green VabVy Cemetery. Golds A. Harris

Golda Ann Harris, 89. died Wednesday, April 20, 1983, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. ^y Born February 13,1894, at Harter, she was a daughter of the late Edgar Isaac and Mary Margarette Gay Sharp. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Cyrus Harris, June 5, 1960; a brother, Samuel Sharp, and a sister, Cora Beverage. Survivors include a son, Emerson Paul Harris, of Tucson, Arizona; a daughter, Mrs. Angus (Cora Lee) Ross, of Huntngton; a sister, Icie Hannah, of Loudonville, Ohio; one grandson, James Angus Ross; four great-grandchildren, and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham officiating. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery. Don Harper

Don Harper, of Elkins. died Monday, February 4, 1974. His wife is the former Wilma Beard. Funeral services were held in Lohr Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon with burial in Elkins.

vaiep misiop ( r ^ •— Caleb Haislop, 69, of Cass, died Thursday, June 4, 1970, in an Elkins hospital after a short illness. He was born in Virginia January 7, 1907. He was a number of the Cass Presbyterian Church, a retired sawmill worker and bad lived in Casa most of his life. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bertha Phillips Haislop; one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Meur, of Baltimore, Maryland; one son, Charles Haislop, of Dundalk, Maryland; one step daughter, Mrs Jo Ann Dickerson.of Baltimore, Maryland, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. Paul S. Good, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

«IBJII niRKint

James DeWitt Hankins, a retired teacher at three private schools in the Richmond area, died Saturday, November 26, 1978, in a Richmond, Virginia hospital. He was bom at Clover Lack, the son of Mark O. and Mabel Ligon Hankins. His parents and a brother, John Warwick preceded him in death. He lived at the family home, Adventure Hill, on Winterpock Road in Chesterfield County. He was a graduate of Virginia Military Institute and taught at St. Christopher's School in Richmond from 1923 to 1940, then was with C. F. Sauer Company and Southern Associates, Inc. he taught at the Collegiate Schools and Stony Point School. He was a captain in the Army Reserve, a member of Stephen's Episcopal Church and the Poetry Society of Virginia. He was the author of a history of St. Christopher's and a member of the school's board of governors.

Lacy S. Hammons Lacy Steven Hammons, 57, of Marlinton, died Friday, September 2, 1983. Born October 9, 1925, in Survivors include three sisMarlinton, he was a son of the ters, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Brown, late Lee and Betsy Hammons. Mrs. Louise H. Leaf and Miss He was preceded in death by Dorothy N. Hankins, all of three brothers, Oakey, James Adventure Hill, and a brother, Mark L. Hankins, of Lewisand Wilbur Hammons. burg'. Survivors include three brothers, Dewey, Harold and A memorial service was held Theodore Hammons, all of in St. Stephen's Episcopal Marlinton, and three sisters,•% Church and burial was in HollyGoldie Burgess, of Buckeye, wood Cemetery in Richmond. Mazie Burgess and Helen Friel, both of Marlinton. Services were held Monday; morning at 10 a, m. in the. U s A. HamiRist VanReenen Funeral Home by Lee Andrew Hammons, 97, Rev. Willis Cornelius, with died Tuesday, December 23, burial in the Kee Cemetery. 1980, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Born May 29,1883, in Webster Springs, he was a son of the Charles Handley late Stephen and Mandy HamCharles O. Handley. 79, of mons. Lewisburg died Friday, June Mr. Hammons was a woods* 10, 1977, in Emmett Memorial man. Hospital, Clifton Forge, VirSurvivors include five sons, ginia, after a long illness. Theodore, Cecil, Lacy, Dewey Born November 2, 1897, at and Harold Hammons, all of Lewisburg, he was the son of Marlinton; three daughters, the late Charles W. and Mary Mrs. Goldie Burgess, of BuckMcNeel Handley. eye and Mrs. Helen Friel and Handley had lived in LewisMrs. Mazie Burgess, both of burg the past ten years, mov Marlinton; 17 grandchildren ing from Charleston. and five great-grandchildren. He was retired from the DeFuneral services were held partment of Natural Resources, Saturday at 11a. m. in Vanhaving worked for 48 years. Reenen Funeral Home with the The Wildlife Area on Williams Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr. offiRiver was named for him. ciating. Burial was in Kee Cemetery.

Ross R. Haddix

Ross R. Haddix. 62, a retired C. and A. Gas Company employee and resident of Elkins for the past 15 years, died Wednesday June 10, 1964. in the Davis Memorial Hospital. His wife is the former Gladys Wood, who survives him in ad dition to three sons and four daughters, three sisters and three brothers and one half "broiher. Funeral services were held in Elkins Saturday with buriai in the Mill Creek Cemetiry. Mr. Haddix was a brotherj in-law of the late Mrs. Ernest J VanReenen, of Campbelltown.

J. C. Harris

J>»aies C. Harris, aged 75 years, aied' at his home near Marlinton on .•5undajv~June 5, I960, of a h e a r t attack. M r . Harris Was born at Bucknam,ion VJtuuwry 7, 1885, the son ot t h e lkte David G. and Mary ttorjiinsonNHarris. ]/• S i i r v i v i n g V h j ^ i a r e . ] i i s wife, Mrs*, Goldie SharpTTiTrris; a daug n t e r , Mrs. Angus Ross and a gran dson, Jimmy Ross, of Hunt"Jgtc->n; a son, Paul Harris, of -Lucs,on, Arizona; and a foster son, Howard Harsh. Sei- v j C e S W JU o e held Friday a i ^ 0 » a t 2:00 p. m . a t Smith's £ u n e r a i Home by the Rev. Ezra tsenriett, with burial in Mountain Dr. Harry Handley -Xievy Cemetery. ' Dr. Harry Handley, 66, of Mrs Ernest Harriger Lewisburg, a retired medical t> doctor died Sunday, March 8, Mrs. Mabel Meeks Harriger, 1964, of a heart attack. Most aged 49 years, wife of Ernest of his work had'been in p u b i c Harriger, of Cass, was killed in health service. Dr. Handley, ;SD automobile acciden t on Saturwho was very much interested day night, November 14, 1953 in historical matters, spoke At the same time Mr. Harrijjer last Thursday to the Pocahonwsa seriously injured. The ao:i tas Historical Society. dent took place near Clover Lick on the road to Stony Bottom. For He was a native of Greeni sjme cause or other the macbioe brier, the son of Charles Wil! went oyer the road, liam and Mary Austin McNeel Handley. He is survived by (On Wednesday afternoon, her his wife and two sons and five body was laid to rest in tne Stony sisters and two brothers. Bottom Cemetery, the service be ing conducted from,, Alexander Memorial Church by her pastor, Benjamin H. Hooks Benjamin Harrison Hooks aged Rev. J. D Arbuckle. ."> years, son of Mrs. M e l v i n Mrs. Harry Hargett Sharp of Huntersville, died on Services will be held Friday Saturday, December 30, 1944, at a local Hospital in Staunton, Va., afternoon at the home of Mrs. W of a heart attack. Beside his G. Barnewall in Green B-mk for mother, he is survived by one her mother, Mrs. Harry Hargett, brother, Charlie of Staunton! He Iwho died in St. Petersburg, Floriis also survived by two half sis- da, on Tuesday, December 6. I960. ters, Mrs Robert Harlow, and Burial will be in the Arbovale Mrs. Nancy Lee Hook of Staun- Cemetery. ton, Va.; a half brother, Henry Surviving her are Mrs. BarneRoscoe Hook of Bloomer, W. Va. wall, several .sisters, and nine His funeral was conducted at grandchildren. Stauntoo, January 2nd. and burial in the local cemetery. Mrs. Bartie H&nlin

JOBS Steven Handy

Mrs. Bertie Craig Hanlin, 79, of Route 2, Elkins, died. Tuesday, January 13, 1959, in an Elkins hosp rs. Hanlin formerly lived in Pocahontas County. Her husband operated a store at Onoto. Survivors include her husband Charles Hanlin; a son, Loyal F. Hanlin, of Elkins; a brother, Arig, of Ti •'• al orna; and a sister, Mrs. Ressie Price, of Bluefield. ie was a member of the First it Church in Elkins.

John Steven Handy, 27. was found shot to death October 14, 1980, near Gallop. New Mexico. He was an FHA superintendent in Gallop. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a son, John Steven; bis parents, John and Valerie Handy, and a sister, Jayla. He was a grandson of Mrs. Anna Hoilandsworth of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Monday in Bel Air, Maryland.

Vlrfll Hireir £ > Virgil Edward Harper, 68, of Green Bank, died Saturday, July 8,1978, in Davis Memorial Hoipital after a long illneat. He WM a veteran of World War II, a retired sawmill worker, and a member of Harper's Chapel United Brethren Church. Mr. Harper waa born at Cave, March 6,1910, the son of Nicholas Edward and Myrtle Marshall Harper. He is survived by his wife, Cleo Cassell Harper, a daughter, Mrs. Warrenton (Letba) Heltzel, of Milan, Ohio; 2 grandchildren, a brother, Arnold Harper, of Franklin, and Mrs. Wythfield Mauzy, of High top, Virginia. Services were held Monday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenbouse with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. les H. Hammons James Hilton Hammons, 47, of East Moriches, Long Island, New York, died unexpectedly August IS, 1979, of a heart attack. He was born at Buckeye December 18, 1931, the son of Lee and Binnie Copenhaver Hammons. He is survived by two children, a son, Jimmy, and a daughter, Brenda, of Florida; five brothers, Wilbur, Theodore, Lacy, Dewey and Harold, all of Marlinton; three sisters, Goldie Burgess, of Buckeye, Mazie Burgess and Helen Friel of Marlinton. He was preceded in death by his mother and a brother, Okey. Funeral services were held August 21, in East Moriches, with burial on August 23 in the military cemetery in Calverton, Long Island, New York.

Kirry J. Hannah ^ ^ Harry Jay Hannah, of Lufay. Virginia, died Tuesday, October 11,1977. Arrangements are incomplete as we go to press. Obaugh Funeral Home at McDowell, Virginia, is in charge.


beorge Yenaoie Hatman^'"* Dr, Uriah Heven**^-**annah, beloved physician of £$&. aged sixty-two years, d i e d " ~~ Briday, 'October 8, 1913, after a short illness. On Monday afternoon the funeral was conducted from the home by his pastor, Rev. Hugh Jefferson^ assisted by Rev. Hobart Childs. Interment in the family plot in Arbovale cemetery. The pall bearers were Edward Mower, James Moyer , Joseph Urbanic, Merle Irvine, Mack Brooks, R. F. Fox, --''an Blackhurst, Charles Sheets Dr. Hannah was a son of the lato Captain Samuel B. and Elizabeth Hevener Hannah. Of his father's family there remain his brothers George V. and John S. of Greenbank; Rev. Samuel B. and Paul, of Arizona; his sisters, Mrs. Patty Shafer, and Mrs. Annie Bock. His brothers, Mathews and J. M., and his sister, Mrs Mary Luke preceded their brothe, I Dr. Hannah married Miss 1 Laura Bock, who survives her' husband. Their children are Mrs! William Brown, Mrs. James. Ellis Hall, Laura, Margaret and Mary Anne. In 1906 Dr. Hannah graduated from the University College of Medicine in Richmond. He began the practice of his profession in his home county of Pocahontas. He was a true and beloved : physician, wearing himself out 1 in service to suffering humanity —literally wearing himself to death. t ID addition to taking care of his large and widespread practice, Dr. Hannah took time for public service as well. He was a member of the County Court, and f erm after term he served on the Board of Education. Through his foresight and influence, the schools were put on a high plane of efficiency. In religion, Dr. Hannah be• longed to the church of his fath'ers, the Presbyterian. He was an humble follower of his Master: exemplifying His teachings in spending his life for others.

Lee Hannah Lee Hannah, 79, of Mingo, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Tuesday, June 28, 1966. Services will be held at 10:00 Friday morning at the Slatyfork Methodist Church by the Rev. Harry Drake, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery

George Venable Hannah, aged 72 years, died at his home near Green Bank on Saturday, January S3', 1954, following a beart attack. On afternoon the funeral was he'd from Liberty Presbyterian Ohureh by b's pat tor, Riv. J D Arbuckle His body was laid in the funi y plot in Arbovale Cemeitry. The deceased was a FOD of the late Captain Sicnuel B and Mrs. Elizabeth Hetener Hannah. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Yillie Gui'ey Hannah; their .laughter, Mrs Donald Wood, of E l u n - ; their three sons, George, of Elkio*, Jot!, of Charleston. and William, of SAQ Diego. California His sisters are Mrs E. P. Shaffer, of Villanova, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Annie Bock, of Richmond, Virginia. His brother is Rev. S. B Har nab, cf Tuscan, Arizona. Thus is noted the passing of an outstanding citizen. He came ffom a line of outstanding fami >a of the Greenbrier Valley and he lived up to their high traditions In religion Mr Hannah belonged to the church of his father.-, the Presbyterian. A life long member of Old Liberty Church, and for many j ears he served as a Ruling Elder. Eugene V. Hannah Eugene Virgil Hannah, 54, of Slatyfork, died Saturday, May 2, 1970, at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Georgetown, February 9, 1916, he was a son of the late Lee A. and Virginia V. Hannah. He was a member of the Slatyfork Methodist Church, Cass Riverside Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rites Shrine and was a 32nd Degree Mason and a Past Patron of Marlinton Chapter No. 97, Order of the Eastern Star. Mr. Hannah was a trucking contractor. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen V. Hannah; one son, Eugene H. Hannah, of Summersville; three brothers, Leon F. Hannah, of Marlinton ; Arley W. and Harley C. Hannah, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and two grandchil dren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Slaty fork Methodist Church by t h e Rev. A'fred Gum with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

Eugene V. Hannah Eugene Virgil Hannah, 54, of Slatyfork, died Saturday, May 2, 1970, at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Georgetown, February 9, 1916, he was a son of the late Lee A. and Virginia V. Hannah. He was a member of the Slatyfork Methodist Church, Cass Riverside Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rites Shrine and was a 32nd Degree Mason and a Past Patron of Marlinton Chapter No. 97, Order of the Eastern Star. r*n/v^>« Mr. Hannah was a trucking contractor. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen V. Hannah; one son, Eugene H. Hannah, of Summersville; three brothers, Leon F. Hannah, of Marlinton; Arley W. and Harley C. Hannah, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and two grandchil dren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Slaty fork Methodist Church by the Rev. Alfred Gum with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Our darling baby, S '1' Jewell, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II M. HaDnah, was born at Cloverlick. August 28. 1925. and died September 18; Wla. of chnlora infantum Her age was 21 da 12 hours. She leaves to mourn her loss her father and mother zu i many friends and relatives All was done for her that loving hands could do, but God knew best—she was too bright a jewel to be left on earth. She was laid to rest in the home burying ground. Services were conducted by Rev. M.S. Hill. Whiia we .cannot take our darling little baby girl in . our arms, we knowfch&.tshe lias a happy home and most tender caie. A precious ooe from us is gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in cur home Which never can be tilled.

n. We wish to thanlc the srood people of Marlinton, E:k and Gioverlick lor their kindness nud help to us during the s'ckiii-v" aud death of our darling little baby girl. We especially thank you for the many beautiful flowers May God's richest blessing be with you all. Ir. and Mrs. H. M. Hannah.



Norman R. Hannah , Mrs. E l l i s ^ a n n a h Normar? Ralph Hannah, 51, ' Mrs Malinda Sharp Hannah, of Slatyfork. died Sunday, De% years, died on May 22, cember 21, 1960. 1950. \ " Born at Slatyfork, May 22. The deceased was a daughter of 1918, be was the soil of the the late Silas and Sarah S h a n Vt late Davis Samuel and Jemima Slaty Fork. O• f-~. h Xfather's n f l r ' s famL°f Johnson Hannah Uy, there remain her brother, L. Survivors a r e one brother, •L> Sharp. Paul A. Hannah, of Mill O f ek, She was united in marriage to and three sisters, Mrs. Chloe Ellis Hannah, who preceded her O.ibson, of Mill Creek, Mrs. to the grave about 35 years Cora VanMeter and Mis.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in Slatyfork Me'hodist Church by Rev. Ezra Bennett and Rev. Alfred Gum. with burial in the Han-

I A few years ago, she suffered a fall, from which she novpr f„ii„ Ver fu,lj recovered. On Thnr«rl0TT „** o'clock tih T f t f *, fter ?.?°° »* »

Slatyfork. Xffi* g£i

toe bibson cemetery.

RAY V. HANAH j Ray Virden Hannah, a farmer of Elk R o u t e , Marlinton, died Tuesday, August 26, 1958, at I Newton D. Baker Veteran's Hospital, where he had been a pa| tient about a month. Mr. Hannah a Korean War veteran has been ill a long time. Tke deceased was born July 20, 1932, a son of Veo Price and IO. Mamie Tyler Hannah, who survive. Other survivors are his wife, the former Barbara Sue Hite, a son, Edwin Kent, and two sisters, Mrs. Ola Lee Hively of Bridgewater, Va., and Mrs. Evelene Zell Dulin of Falls Church Va. Funeral services will be held at Mary's Chape! over Elk, Friday at '2 p.m. Burial will be in Gibson Cemetery.'

Edwin Kent Hannah < ^

^ ^

REV, S. H. HANNAH, JR. Rev. Samuel Baldwin Hannah, Jr., son of the late Samuel Baldwin Hannah and Lizzie Hevener , Hannah of Arbovale, died Feb'ruary 13, 1959, at his home in Florence, Ariz., in his 74th year. He retired as pastor of the Florence Presbyterian Church in 1952, after serving there since 1927. He also served as Chaplain of the Arizona State Prison for a number of years. His first pastorates were at the Collierstown and Cooks Creek Churches in Virginia. He is survived by his wife, 'Carrie Moore Hannah; two daughters, Mrs. Jack McNary of Mesa. Ariz., and Mrs. J. G. Meisenheimer of Topeka, Kan.; four grandchildren and one great grandchild; and two sisters, Mrs. Fred S. Bock of Roxbury, Va., and Mrs. Emory P. Shaffer of Villanova, Pa.

Edwin Kent Hannah, passed away September 10. 1951 at the Veterans Hospital in Clarksburg. iafter a long, lingering illness Born April 19, 1926. he was 25 years, 4 months and 22 days old He was a Veteran of Mrorld war II and a member of the Metho dist Church. The funeral services were conducted from Mary's Chapel on Elk by Rev. Roger P. Melton, assisted by Rev. K. H. Crawford, Rev. L. E. Saville and Rev Glen Nay of Valley Head. He walaid to rest in the Gibson cemetery on Elk. September 13, He is survived by his w i ^ , Mis Ina Mae Ware ^Hannah; h^s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Veo P. Hannah of Slaty Fork: one brother, Ray, and a sifter, Evclene, at home; H si*ter, Mrs. Ola 1 lively, of Bridgewater, Va , and one nephew, Steve Edwin Hively.

James C. Hannah

James Clark Hannah, 57, of Marlinton, died Friday, November 19, 1965, following a heart attack. Q^ Born near Marlinton February 12, 1908, he was a son of the late Jacob C. and Lula Hannah. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ferven Dumire Hannah; two sons, John Kenneth Hannah, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Eddie Hannah, of Marlinton; three daughters, Sharon -^j Barbara, both of East Maryc l e v e ! a n d j 0 h i o , and ann, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Sunday afternion in M a r y ' s Chapel on Elk, by the Rev. Robert Ray. Burial was in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk.

Mvy F. Html Mary F. Hannah, 90, of Fairmont, died March 26. 1978, at the . S t Barbara'! Nursing Home in Fairmont Born in Pocahontas County on June 7, 1887, ahe was the daughter of the late William H. and and Sarah White Hannah. She entered the teaching profession at the age of 17, Miss Hannah completed her normal school training in 1912, received a B. A. degree at W V Wealeyan College in 1921, and an M. A. Degree in education from West Virginia University in 1938. She did post graduate work at Peabody College and Chicago-University. Miss Hannah was a mem* ber of the First United Methodist Church and a charter member of the United Methodist Women, International Business and Professional Women's Club, American Association of University Women, Fairmont Women's Christian Temperance Union, Women's Auxiliary to the Union Mission, and West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Patrick F. (Bess) Marrs, of Fairmont, with whom she made her home, and 20 nieces and nephews. Four sisters, Levie Hannah, Sadie Wooddell, Lucy Judy, and Maxie McLaughlin, and one brother, H. Marvin Hannah, are deceased. Before her death, Miss Hannah requested that her body be donated to medical science. It has been taken to West Virginia Medical Center. She also requested that there be no memorial service.


Keith Dale Hannah Keith Dale F«nnah, Ujfed two.'. years anu six months, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hannah of Monterey, Va., died on Saturday, October 21, 1950. In some way the little boy had gotten hold of strychnine tablets. He died on the way to a hospital in Staantoti The tablets had been used in the home for medicine. The little boy is survived by bis parents, a sister and two brothers. Mr. Hannah is a native of Pocahontas County. He was reared on Elk, a son of H Hannah. The funeral services were held on Tuesday, with burial in the McLaughlin cemetery.

Rev. Sameul Baldwin Hannah

Rev. Samuel ^aldwin Hannah, son of the late Samuel Baldwin Hannah and Lizzie Hevener Hannah, of Arbovale, died on Friday, February 13, 1959, at his home in Florence, Arizona, in his 74th year. He retired as pastor of The Florence Presbyterian Church in 1952, after serving there since 1927. He also served as Chaplain of the Arizona State Prison for a number of years. His first pastorates were at the Collierstown and Cooks Creek Churches in Virginia. He is survived by his wife, Carrie Moore Hannah; two daughters, Mrs. Jack McNary, of Mesa, Arizona, and Mrs. J. G. Meisenheimer, of Topeka, Kansas; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild; and two sisters; ! Mrs. Fred S. Bock, of Roxbury, Virginia, and Mrs. Emory P. Shaffer, of Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Mrs, George Hannah, Sr. MrsY-WUlie L. Hannah, 85, i former resident of Arbovale, .nd a resident of Elkins since 1958, died November 21, 1975, n the Davis Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Hannah suffered a stroke November 14. Born September 24, 1890, in Louisville, Mississippi, she was the daughter of the late William and Sarah Gully. She attended Mississippi State College for Women and on November 19, 1913, was married to George V. Hannah, Sr., who preceded her in death, She was a member of the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church and the Pocahontas Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Donald G. Wood, of Beverly, three sons, George V. Hannah, Jr., and William H. Hannah, both of Elkins, and Joel Hannah, of Morgantown, 7 grandchildren and 1 greatgrandchild. One son, Sammuel B. Hannah, was killed while serving with the U. S. Air Force during World War II. Mrs. Hannah was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Services were held Sunday in E lkins. Burial with additional graveside services was held in &rhoyale Cemetery.

Forrest Lee Hannah


Forrest Lee Hannah, 79, a resident of Valley Head, died Monday June 15, 1964, in the Broaddus Hospital in Pailippi. He had been ill since Friday. Hannah was a well known retired farmer and stockman. He was born November 24, 1884, at Slatyfork, a son of the late Andrew W. and Hannah Madora White Hannah. Surviving are his wife, the former Rose P. Marple, of Val ley Head; two sons, Guy E. of Ripley and Henry M. of Valley Head; four daughters, Clara B. wife of Jonas Crickard of Valley Head; Elva, wife ' of Wesley G. Arbogast of j Brecksville, Ohio; Gay M., wife of Glen P. Conrad of Vat- I ley Head; and Pattie Y., wife of Luther Waybright, of Akron, Ohio; two sons and one daughter are deceased. /Stt-4*> Also surviving are one brother, Bryson A. Hannah, of Valley Head, and one sister, Mrs. Carrie F. Crickard, of Valley Head. One brother and one sister are deceased. Tengrandchildren and 14 great grandchildren survive. Hannah was a member of the Valley Head Methodist. Church and the Modern Wood men of America, Funeral services were conducted on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. at the Valley Head Methodist Church with Rev. C. A. Lewis officiating. Interment in Valley Head Cem etery.

Hansford Hall Hansford Hall of Guardian Drive, Diana, died at the Braxton Health Care Center in Flatwoods, on Saturday, March 15,1997. He was 77 years of age. He was born in Removal, on July 10, 1919. He was a postmaster and store keeper and served in the Merchant Marines. He was a member of the V.F.W. He is survived by: daughter, Ana Rockhold of Diana; brother, Hayward Hall of Diana; sisters, Judy Campbell of Auroa, Pa. and Amy Howell of Pennsylvania; and grand' sons, Timothy Rockhold and Rocky Rockhold, both of Diana. Services were held on Monday, March 17,at2:00p.m.,at the Dodd& Reed Funeral Home in Webster .Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch officiating. Burial was at the Cogar Cemetery in Guardian.

R. P. Hannah

Funeral services for R. P. Hannah, age 52 years, of Oak Hill, W'e conducted on Wednesday a . m o o n , in the Oak Hill Baptist Church by the Rev. Randolph F. Johnson, pastor, and the Rev. R. P. Robertson. Burial was made in the High Lawn Memorial Park. Mr. Hannah died on Sunday afternoon, May 5, 1957, at the University Hospital, in Charlottesville, Virginia. He had been ill for three months. Mr. Hannah, the owner of the Oak Hill Jewelry Store, was born at Clover Lick, Pocahontas County, November 2, 1904, a son of the late William Robert Eugene and Mary Virginia Elizabeth Kel lison. He went from Cass to Oak Hill about 1924. SLrvivors include his wife. Mr? Beulah Brill Hannah; one bro h er. E. B. Hannah, of Clintonville Ohio, and four sisters, Mrs. Mae Wooddell, of Oak Hill; Mrs. L. B. Robinson, of Cowen; Mrs. Porter J. Sharp, of Murlinton. and Mrs. J. B. Studtr, of Montgomery. Mr. Han rah was a member of th-i Oak Hill Baptist Church, Oak Hill Lodge No. 120, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Sewel Chapter No. 24, Royal Arch Masons; Beni Kedem Shrine, in Charleston; Oak HIM 0 ler of Easte.n Star, No. 107; Fayette ville Shrine Club; past president of the Oak Hill Lions Club; American Legion Post No 59; John W. Morris Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Mercer Angler Club and a veteran of World War IIElbert Hannah H Elbert Hannah, 73, of Louionville, died Friday, March 12, 1965, at Colonial Nursing Home. He was a retired em- i ployee of Sunshine Biscuit Co.! Mr. Hannah was born Mayl 26, 1891, in Marlinton, and lived in Loudonville the past 22 years. Surviving are his wife, Icie, of Loudonville; two daughters i Mrs. Mary Black of Mt. Vern| on and Mrs. Dorothy Shafer, of Nashville; a foster son, Arnold McClure, of Loudonville; seven grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Sharp,; Mrs. Mae Wooddell and Mrs. Sue Robinson, all of West Vir ginia. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at Banks Funeral Home in Loudonville with Rev. A D. Laman officiating. Burial was in Loudonville, Ohio.

Mrs. Sarah Hannah M«s Sarah Susan White HaDnah, aaod 9 • ^ars, widow of the late William tl. Hancab, died at her home on Elk, on Thursday, November 19, 11)53, after a short ill ness. On Sunday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the fam ily cemetery. The service was held from the home by her pastor, Rev. O E Lueek, of the Franklin Lutheran Church, assisted by Rev. S Kullman, of Doe Hill,




The deceased was born at Crab Bottom, Virginia, on December lb", 1857. She was the daughter of the late Henry and SabinaRtx rode White. Of her father's fam ily there remains ber brother, M. J. White, of Minnehaha Springs She became the wife of William( H. Hannah, of Elk, who preceded her "22 years since. The surviv j ing children of this worthy couple j are Mrs Sadie Wooddell, of Mar-{ lintoD; Mrs. Mazie McLaughlin,; of Dunmore, Mrs. Lucy Judy, of, Middletown, Virginia, Mrs. Levia Hannah, of Mustoc, Virginia; Mrs. Bessie Marrs and Miss M-iry Hannah, of Fairmont; Marvin Hannah, of Elk. Besides, Mrs Hannah is survived by r'escendto the fourth geoeraliov S. D. Hannah Samuel David Hannah, aged eighty-nine years, died at his home on Elk Monday morning, .June 28, 1941, He had been laid aside for some time by the infirm ities of age. On Tuesday afternoon his body was laid in the Gibson cemetery, the service being conducted from the Slaty Fork Church h.v his pastor, Rev. R. H. Skaggs. Mr Hannah was a son of the late John Burnsides Hannah and his wife Margaret McClure Hannah. Ho was the last of a large family. He is survived by his .vile, who was Miss Amanda Moore. Their sons are Page, lease P . , Frank and D. R. Hanmh; their daughters, Mrs GoJdie 3ay Kerr and Mrs Ruby May Hatbart. No commonwealth ever had a better, more substantial citizen: honest and upright in all his ways. For a life time he had been a professing christian; a;. loyal member of the Methodist Church. ^



Marvin Hannah

Marvin Hannah, 70, of Marinton, died Thursday, August 15, 1966, in the Pocahontas Vlemorial Hospital. Born a t his home farm on Elk July 2, 1896, he was the son of the late William H. and Sarah S. White Hannah. He attended the Presbyterian Church and was a farmer. One daughter, Sarah Jewel, and two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Wooddell and Mrs. Mazie Lee McLaughlin, preceded him in death. /Se-trtZ, Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Anna Vera Hannah; two sons, Darl and Don Hannah, of Cincinnati, Ohio; six grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Le vie Hannah, of Mustoe, Virginia, Mrs. Lucy Judy, of Middletown, Miss Mary F. Hannah and Mrs. Bess Marrs, of Fairmont. Services were held Sunday affernoon at the home by the Rev. Fred Walker and the Rev. Wdlis Cornelius, with interment in the family cemetery


Born October 8, 1948, in Marlinton, she was a daughter of Mrs. Fervin Dutmre Hannah and the late James C. Hannah. She was member of the Presbyterian Church and was a clerical worker. Other survivors include two brothers, John K- Hannah, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Eddie C. Hannah, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Miss Barbara S. Hannah and Miss Sharon R. Hannah, both of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Marys Chapel Church near Slatyfork by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.

Paul B. Hannah Paul Barringer Hannah wa^ bom April 18, 1895, at Arbovale. the. son of the late Captain ant Mrs. S. B. Hannah. He died a' •1 Hospital in Tucson, Aiizona 01 Wednesday, December 12, 1951 after a long illness. Interment it the Valley Memorial r/ark at Cool idge. Arizona. The deceased is survived by hi widow, Mrs. Ann Gleasou Han nah and their three children, Pau J., Mrs. Robert L. Briscoe and Mrs. Carl K. Brown and fivi grand-cbildren. Also by bis twe brothers, George V., of Arbovale. and Rev. S B. of Florence, Ariz two sisters, Mrs. E. P. Shafer ot Villa Nova, Pa.; and Mrs. Fred S. Bock, of Roxbury, Va. Mr. Hannah took a prominent part in the business, social and church life of his home town of Coolidge, Arizona.

Miss Liura B. Hamuli Ivliss Laura B. Hannah, of Cleveland, Ohio, died Tuesday, October 11, 1977. She was the daughter, of the late Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Han* nah, of Cass. Graveside services; will be held at 1 p. m. Saturday in Arbovale Cemetery.


Miss Mary Ann Hannah, 22, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, formerly of Marlinton, died Monday, December 28,1970, in a Cleveland hospital from

Malinda Sharp Hannah Malinda Catherine Sharp Hannah, daughter of Silas and Sarah Sharp, was born February (i 18f)7, and passed away May 2;;. 1959, at the age of 83 years, I months, ll days. She was bap tized July 23, 1870, and united with the Methodist Church at the age of 17. On December 22, 1887, she married Ellis Hannah who preceded her nearly 35 years ago. To this union were born 2 sons and 2 daughters: Eva, Mrs. C. C. Beale; Lena, Mrs. Floyd Baxter; Veo, who resides at the home place, and Russel, who died in 1925. She is also survived by one brother, L. D. Sharp, 13 grandchildren, 10 great grand-children, and a host of friends and other relatives. One grand son died in infancy. A sister, Mrs. Robert Gibson, died July 3, 1017. Baby Boy Hannah

South Amticrst, Ohio—The infant son, one of twins, of Mr. and Mrs. Jo; .1 Hannah, of 5500 Tele graph Roaa, South Amherst, died enrlv this.:., aing November 23 1960, in the Amherst Hospital, a :few hours after birth. Survivors 'resides his parenss !are his twi» Stephen John; a sister, Karen, . r home; and grandp a r e n t s , Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert VanRjenen, of Marlinton, West Virgina, and Mr. and Mrs. William Akers, of South Amherst. Graveside services were held in ,'ree Cemetery, with the Rev, Nea. J erz officiating.--The Chronicle "idegram, Elyria, Ohio

Miss Laura Bock ofEucHd Ohio, illness

Hannah, fanSSHf

after a 8hort

*u A i i a t i T e o f s Pf uce » she wag the daughter of the late Ih and Mrs. U. H. Hannah, the was retired assistant director of pubhc school libraries in Eu did with 24 years service an elder at the Boulevard Pre" bytenan Church in Euclid, a f ° ™ V c h u ° 2 , t e a c h e r ^ Green" Bank High School and a grTduate of West Virginia and Syracuse Universiti es. Surviving a r e four sisters Mrs Joseph C. Gluck. SS. gantown, Mrs. William £. Brown Des Moines, I 0 w a Mrs. J. Ellis Hall, Gloucester r S f f ' r a n . d M«- S a m ' Onffith, Graham, North Car™ A memorial service was held Wednesday in the Boulevard Presbyterian Church, of Euclid. Graveside services were held a ffi Saturda 7 y ' t o Arbo0 l& vale Cemetery, Green Bank.

Mrs. Levle Sibiiti Hannah Mrs. Levie Sabina Hannah, 96, of Mustoe, Virginia, died Wednesday morning, August 10,1977, at her home. She was born July 7, 1881; in Pocahontas County, a daughter of William Hamilton and Sarah Susan White Hannah. Mrs. Hannah was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women. Her husband, Hugh Amos Hannah, died June 3, 1957. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ethel High, of Mustoe, Mrs. R. G. Corbett, Jr., of Mustoe, and Mrs. Edward H. Lahti, of Herndon, Virginia; three sons, Hubert and Warren, both of Mustoe, Fred, of Staunton; two sisters, Miss Mary F. Hannah and Mrs. P. F. Marr, both of Fairmont; 13 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, and ten great-great grandchildren. i Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a. m., Saturday in the Monterey United Methodist Church by the Rev. James Tongue. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery.

Ira Thomas Hannah Ira Thomas Hannah, 95, lifelong resident of Pocahontas County died Thursday, August 2, 1979. Born August 5, 1893, he was the son of the late James Joseph Hannah and Margaret Jane Auldridge. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Rebecca Ann Collins, two sons, Clinston Earl, Ira Thomas Jr., one brother, Josea Earl, two sisters, Myrelte Luzanna and Katie Ida Bell Hannah. -£2*> Surviving children are James Kirk, of Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania, Ralph Mason, Matheny, Ora Ethel Hinchey, Staunton, Virginia, Ida Edith Hannah and Lucille Oulaney, of Mar linton, Millicent Jane Branstetter, Torrance, California. Surviving children by former wife. Hazel Virginia Weatherholt, are Charles Statt, of Oceana, Herold Sabin, of Oakdale, Pennsylvania, Rebecca Sue Hollandsworth, Marlinton, Jewell Lee Simmons, of Windsor, Connecticut. S u r v i v i n g sister, Eula May Hannah, of Marlinton; thirty-three grandchildren; 52 great-grandchildren, seven great-great grandchildren and several nephews and nieces. He was a descendant of William Auldridge and David Hannah, Sr., early pioneers of Pocahontas County. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. William Trowbridge, Burial was in Kee Cemetery. Norman Hannah Norman Hannah, 74, of Marlinton, died Thursday, July 27, 1978, of a heart attack. Born July 4,1904, at Beard, he was the son of Burleigh and Lula Jane Perry Hannah. He was a retired International Shoe Company employee and a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are his wife, Leona Dilley Hannah; son, Robert Lee Hannah, Wheeling; Betty Hannah Sherwood, Jacksonville, Florida; brothers, Otto Hannah, Marlinton; sisters. Icy Mitchell, Marlinton, Hallie Clutter, Ronceverte; 3 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel at 2 p. m. Saturday, with Rev. Chuck Davis officiating. Burial in Kee Cemetery.

Roy William Hannah Roy William Hannah, 84, of Monterville and East Dailey, was dead on arrival at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins on Friday, November 23, 1979. He had made his home with his son and daughter-in-law in East Dailey for the past two years. He was born December 3, 1894, in Pocahontas County, a son of the late John Luther Hannah and Minnie Ato Hamrick Hannah Conrad. On March 21, 1916, he was married to the former Lena Hester Riggleman, who preceded him in death August 27, 1977. He is survived by four sons, John L. and Ray A. Hannah, both of Elkins, Frank W. Hannah, of Valley Head, and Glen G. Hannah, of East Dailey; two half-sisters, Mrs. Clarence (Ina) Funkhouser, of Bayse, Virginia, and Mrs. Roland (Gatewood) Salisbury, of Monterville; two half-brothers, Fred E. Conrad, of Hilltop Nursing home near Oak Hill, and Howard L. Conrad, of Monterville; 11 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. One sister, two halfsisters, one half-brother, one grandchild, and three great-grandchildren preceded him in death. Mr. Hannah, a retired night watchman at Hickory Lick Coal Mines and a farmer, was a Methodist by faith. Funeral services were conducted from the F. E. Runner Funeral Home Chapel in Elkins Monday at 11 a. m. with the Rev. Robert Lowther officiating. Interment followed in the Swecker Cemetery near Monterville.


WHO n i l l M R

Arlie Page Hannah, 62, of Slatyfork, died Friday, June 1, 19 79, in Denmar State Hospital at Beard, where he had been a patient for sixteen years. He was a former manager of the Delray Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio. . A/ Mr. Hannah was "born at Slatyfork October 8, 1916, the son of Page Wallace and Lucy Diehl Hannah. His wife, Martha Rhea Hannah, and his parents preceded him in death. Surviving are two sons, Orval G., of Seneca Falls, New York, and Rodger A., Slatyfork, a sister, Mrs. Evva Shelton, of Slatyfork; four grandchildren; and three nieces, Regena Rhea, Marlinton, Allie Cook, Summersville, and Aileen Vass, Alexandria, Virginia. Services were held at two p.m. Tuesday in VanReeneri Funeral Home, with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham officiating. Burial was in Gibson Cemetery.

Frank Hannah Frank Bedford Hannah, 86 of Elk Route, Marlinton, died Saturday, January 7, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Slatyfork United Methodist Church, where he served as superintendent and treasurer for many years. Mr. Ham was born November21 , the son of the late Samu id and Amanda Mo«re H e lived all his life on the .y homeplace. Two brothers, Page and Jesse, and a sister, Ruby Maye Harbert, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mazie Sage Hannah; a son, Samuel Bedford Hannah, of Slatyfork, and a daughter, Eleanor Hannah Thayer, of Abingdon, Virginia; six grandchildren; a brother, Dock Robert Hannah, of Marlinton, and a sister, Goldie Gaye Kerr, of Sarboursville; several nieces and nephews, and many friends. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in the Slatyfork United Methodist Church by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.

Miss %rlle Lnaniu Hinaili Miss Myrtle Lvanni Hannah, was born on July 15, 1879, the daughter of the late Margaret G. md Jame^ J. Hannah, of Marlinton, and departed this life on Thursday, December 12th, 1957, ieath being due to a heart at.ack. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon, at the nome of her brother. Ira Hannah. oy the Rev". James D. Singletary Miss Hannah is survived by one sis;er, Mrs. Eula Hannah, of Slaty Fork, one brother. Ira T. Hannah, of Marlinton; nVe nephews and eight nieces. One sister, Katie, ond one brother, Joe. pred her in death many years

Page Hannah Page Hannah, aged 56 years, died on Sunday, December o, L94S. after a long illness. Un Tuesday his body was laid to rest in the Gibson cemetery on talk, the service being conducted - l y his pastor, Kev 11. H . b k a g g s i i i s t e d by Rev. Fred Oxendale The deceased was a son of the late Samuel D. Hannah His mother is Mrs Amanda Moore Hannah; his brothers, Jesse, K a ' n d D . R . Hannah; his sisters, Mrs R. E. Harbert and M r s O . W. Kerr. Mr Hannah was twice married, first to Miss Lucy Diehl, who died in 1925. Two children surv i v e , Arlie Page Hannah and I Mrs Eva Shelton. His second *as Miss Julia Fitzgerald, ,ied in 1936. __ __~ Levie Hannah Mrs. Levie Sabina Hannah, 96, of Mustoe, Virginia, died Wednesday morning, August 10,1977, at her home. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a. m. Saturday in the Monterey United Methodist Church. The family will receive friends at Obaugh Funeral Home at McDowell. Charles Hardbarger News has come of the death of Charles Hardbarger, aged about 65 years at his home iu North Wilkesboro, North Calolina, June 191949. His many friends in the Greenbrier Valley will regret his passing. For many years he was section foreman on the Chesapeake and Ohio at Jlovcr 3 Durbin and Caldwell.

Mn.beerge nail M'-s. Isabel Palmer .-flail, aged 82 year , of Toledo, Ohio, died on Thursday, August 6th, 195S, ir Toledo Hospital, after a shon illness. Funeral service were conducted on Monday and interment was made :n Woodland Cemetery, in Toledo. Mrs. Hall was born in Monroe County, a daughter of the late Nancy and Samuel Palmer. She came to Marlinton, when she was a young woman, where she was T arried to George Hall, of Virgi. .a. They made their home in Marlinton, until they moved to Toledo about thirty-fi»'e years ago. Mr. [Hall preceded her in death several years ago. Mrs. Hall is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Stone and Mrs. Florence Merritt. and .three sous, Edward, Howard and !Sam Hall, ail of Toledo; twenty! two grandchildren and si* greatgrandchildren. Other survivors include the following nieces and nephews: Mrs. Maude Welder, Mrs. Alrueda Liptrap, Mrs. Pearl Jackson, John W. Candler and Elmer Primer, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Daisy Hansford, of Huntersville. Mrs. Joseph Hall Mrs. Josephine Addie Hall, aged 90, died Sunday, May 20, 1962, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cameron Nicholas, of Cass, with whom she had lived for ten years. She was a member of the Liberty Church of God at Teaberry. Surviving her are another daughter, Mrs. Ina Green of Beaver; two brothers, A. L. Green, of Lewisburg and T. B. Green, of Fairlea; seven grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; and five great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Teaberry by the Rev. Roy Snedegar and the Rev. Fred Maynard.


Mrs. Mary Jordan Hall, 86, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, March 30, 1972, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born at Hillsboro, April 12, 1885, she was the daughter of the late James J. and Fannie Shaffer Jordan. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Robert Lee Hall, preceded her in death. Survivors include four sons, James W. Hall, of Sheffield, Pennsylvania; Neil, Robert, and Roy Hall, all of Hillsboro, three daughters, Mrs. Eva H. Payne and Mrs. Ruth H. Hollandsworth, both of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Dorothy Fowler, of Baltimore, Maryland; and three brothers, John, Harry and Winters, all of Hillsboro. Funeral services were hpld Sunday afternoon in the Hillsboro United Methodist Church by the Revs. William Markley, Cecil Dalton and Ralph Ross, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Henry Lee Harper


Henry Lee Harper, aged 48 years, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at his home at Lost Creek on Sunday morning, August 30, 1959. Born at Hillsboro April 24, 1911, he was a son of Mrs. Mary Auldndge Harper and the late Harry W. Harper of Hillsboro. Mr. Harper was superintendent of the Watters Smith Memorial State Park at Lost Creek at the time of his death. He had previously been superintendent of Droop Mountain, Carnifax and Holly River State Parks. He was a graduate from Hills-1 boro High School and was a mem ber of the Hillsboro Methodist' Church. He was a veteran of World War II. Surviving him are his wife. Vrrginia Miller Harper; two sons, Henry Lee, Jr., and Alfred; and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, all at home; his mother, Mrs. Mary Harper, of Hillsboro; a sister, Mrs. Sam Burdette, of Bell wood; two brothers, Wardell Harper, of Huntington, and Julian Harper, of Mason, Ohio. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Hillsboro by the Rev. W. E. Pierce assisted by the Rev. L. E. Milam, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Don Harper Ja mes I. Harper Mrs. Wilma Montelle Beard James Cosby Harper, age 90 years, of Knapps Creek, near Harper, 92, of Elkins, died Huntersville, died at his honne, Monday, March 31, 1986, in at 3:00 P. M , Thursday, Octo- the Davis Memorial Hospital. ber 6, 1960. Death was attribut- She had been in declining ed to a heart attack. He had health for the past three years. been in failing health for the past Born September 14, 1893, at year. Green Bank, she was a A retired farmer and business daughter of the late Josiah man, he was a director of the Osborne and Eveline Medora Bank of Marlinton. He was a Yeager Beard, members of member of the Mount Carmel early pioneer families of ; Methodist Church, near his home, Pocahontas County. I where he had served for many Mrs. Harper was the last years as Superintendent of the surviving member of her Sunday School and a Trustee of immediate family of five the Church. brothers and seven sisters, Mr. Harper was born on Knapps Blanch Beatrice, Irby Rymer, Creek, on November 7, 1860, a Leslie Osborne, Bertha and son of the late Preston Moore Bertie, Arthur Joe, Ruby Harper and Frances Lucretia Evelyn Kerr, Brown Buren, Gum Harper. On June 13, 1894, Samuel Monroe, Margie he married Miss Myrtle Florine Arbogast, Mary, and Nellie Hannah, who preceded him in Snedegar; she is survived by death in December, 1956. several nieces and nephews. Survivors include a son, Ward On June 21, 1916, she was E. Harper, of Huntersville; two married to Don Harper, who daughters, Miss Enid Harper, at preceded her in death February home, and Mrs. Hugh (Evaleigh) 4,1974. Herring, of Jacksonville, Florida; She and her husband built "and a niece, whom he reared, the Elkins Motor Lodge in Mrs. Earl Engle, of White Plains, 1949, and owned the Harper New York; four grandchildren, Oil Company and other wholeand three great-grandchildren. sale businesses. The funeral services were held She was an honor graduate at 2:00 o'clock on Sunday after- of Davis and Elkins College, a noon, in the Marlinton Methodist member of the Randolph Church with the Reverend Her- Chapter No. 74, Order of bert M. Pennington, Jr., pastor, Eastern Star, Daughters of the in charge. Burial was made in American Revolution, United the family plot in Mountain View Daughters of the Confederacy, Cemetery, in Marlinton. National Society U. S. Friends and relatives attending Daughter of 1812; National the funeral from a distance, in Society of the Daughters of addition to Mrs. Herring and American Colonists, and Mrs. Engle, include Mrs. A. C. National Society of the Magna Camden and son, James Ervine, Charta Dames. of Akron, Ohio; Miss Ruth BarMrs. Harper was a charter nett, of Cinciunati; Mr. and Mrs. member of the National FedJ. B. Jarman and two children, of eration of Business and ProfesCrozet. Virginia; Misses Jessie: and Elizabeth Criser, of Warm j sional Women's Clubs; a Springs, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs.' member of the American SoWalter Pritchard, of Spencer, and ciety of University Women; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lewis, of and a member of the Randolph County and Pocahontas County Charleston. Historical Societies. She was awarded the A. 0. Harper Certificate of Merit in GenAmon Oferton Harper, aged ealogy as a Fellow of the 52 .years, o+" Chi ° s Town, died Institute of American Genealin 'Newton D. BaSer Veterans ogy. Mrs. Harper was H member Center, on Sunday. April 4, 19±8. He had been ill for several weeks. of the United Methodist Church He is survived by his wife. in Elkins. Services were held WednesMr. mrpur was a veteran mem ber of the State Police, retired day, April 2, at the John W. by reason of ill health for seven Lohr Funeral Home Chapel by years. At one time he served in the Rev. Dr. Basil A. Hensley, Pocahontas County, where he has with burial in the Maplewood many friends. '__ Cemetery.

mrs. sfnw r. narper Mrs. Myrtle F. Harper, of ipps Creek, died at her home Thursday evening, December 8, 1956, after a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband, J. C. Harper, two daughters, Mrs. Evaleigh Herring, of Jacksonville, Florida, Miss Enid Harper, at home, one son, Ward E. Harper, of Huntersville, a niece, Mrs. Earl L. Engle, of White Plains. New York, four grand children, and two great grand children. Mrs. Harper was born June 16, 1873, at Frost, West Virginia, the daughter of the late Joseph Bryson Hannah and Elizabeth Moore Hannah. She joined the Methodist Church at thirteen years ofage and was a faithful and consistent christian until the time of her death.

Frank R. Harper, 53, son of Mrs. Mary Auldridge Harper and the late Harry W. Harper, was born at Mill Point, Pocahontas County, September 6,. 1995, and died at his. home in Marlinton, March 26, 1959, after a long illness. On March 22, 1927, he was married to Miss Grace Johnson of Marlinton. She and the following children survive: Mrs. Barbara Smith of Romney, Mrs. Sue Richardson of Marlinton, Dan, Diane and Wayne Harper, at home, and two grandchildren, Vickie and Terry Richardson. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mary Harper, of Hillsboro, a sister, Mrs. Edith Burdette, of Bell wood, and three brothers,' Wardell Harper of Huntington, Henry L. Harper of Lost Creek ,and Julian Harper of Mason, ! Ohio. Funeral services were conducted in the Marlinton Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. Herbert Pennington. Jr., and Rev. R. H. Skaggs, on Easter Sunday, March 29rh, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

She was united in marriage or. oime 13, 1894 to James C. Harper, son, of Preston M. and Fanny L. Harper, of Knapps Creek. She was a loving and devoted Wife and mother. Funeral service was held at I the Marlinton Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon by her pastor, the Rev. Lowell, Legg assisted bj the Rev. Acie Byrant. Burial in the family plot in Mountain Witfom Wease Harper View Cemetery. William Wease Harper, aged Mrs. Harper's ancestors w^re 80, died at his home in Marpioneer settlers in Pocahontas linton on Sunday, December County. Her paternal great 2, 1962. Death was attributed grand father was Joseph Hannah, to a heart attack. Born at Rock Cave in Upof Elk. Her maternal grand father was Isaac Moore, of the shur County, August 7, 1882, he was the son of the late WilEd ray Community. liam and Mary Harper. S. W. Harper L X His wife preceded him in death in March of this year. Samuel W. Harper, 85, a retired farmer of Beverly, died He was a member of the Friday, June 23, 1967, at his Marlinton Methodist Church home after a long illness. and Sunday School SuoerinBorn November 188!, a t ter.d nt. He was a lumber Dry Fork, he was a son of the manufacturer and wholesaler. late Phillip and Alice White Survivors include one son, Harper. William Harper, of Marlinton; One son, two brothers and four daughters, Mrs. John Chifive sisters preceded him in dester and Mrs. Mildred Fowdeath. ler, both of Buckhannon, Mrs. Carl Walters, of Weston and Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Jessie Darr, of Millville, Mrs. Carrie H. Sharp Harper; New Jersey; a sister, R. C one son. Jack E. Harper, of Mick, Melbourne, FloridaElkins; two daughters, Mrs. eight grandchildren and three Ellen Wamsley, of Elkins. and great-grandchildren. Mrs. Fnid Crickard, of Buffton, Indiana; two sisters, Mrs. Funeral services were conNora Farley, of Princeton, and ducted Wednesday morning Mrs. Gertrude Sullivan, of in the Marlinton Methodist! Louisville, Kentucky, and 11 Church with the Rev. George ! grandchildren and 13 greatMcCune in charge. Burial grandchildren. was in the Rock Cave Cemetery, Funeral services were held from the funeral home chapel bv the Rev. Glenn R. Phillips with burial in the Chenoweth Cemetery on Chenoweth Creek near Elkins.

MRS. PRESTON HARPER Mrs. Fannie Lucretia Harper, widow of the late preston M. Haroer, died at her home on Knapps Creek, on Tuesday November 3, j 1925. Her age was 80 years, one month and nine days, having been born September 25, 1845. For some time silt had been In falling health. Her body was buried in Mt. Carmel cemetery, on Knapps Creek, on Thursday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. H. W. Fowler and Rev, S. R. Keel. There were many beautiful floral offerings, carried by her grandchildren. Fannie Lucretia Harper was the' daughter of Henry and Fannie Gum, and she was born at Meadow Dale, Virginia. When she was about tenl years of age her parents moved to Frost. In 1865 she was married to Preston Moore Harper, who preceded her to the Beyond about twelve years ago. Their children are Mrs. Eudora Pritchard, Mrs. J. A. Cleek and J. C. Harper. Mrs. Harper is |,also survived by one brother. Caot. J. H Gum, of Portsmouth, Virginia. Soon after her marriage Mrs. Harper made a public profession of her conversion and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. She lived a conslstens Christian life, and was act!"p **>• her reigious duties Mrs.

W. W. Harper

Mrs. Georgia Ruth Harper, 76, died in a Philippi hospital Thursday, March 22, 1962, after a long illness. A member of the Marlinton Methodist Church, she was born in Upshur County, January 9. 1886, a daughter of the late William and Louella Guinn Kincaid. | Survivors include her husband, W. W. Harper; a son, William Harper, of Marlinton; four daughters, Mrs. J. C. Chidester and Mrs. Mildred Fowler, both of Buckhannon: Mrs. Carl Walters, of Weston; and Mrs. J. C. Darr, of Millville, New Jersey; and a^half sister, Mrs. Isa Kincaid Brown of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Funeral services were held j Saturday morr : ng in the Mar. iinton M e t h o d i c Church with the Rev. George W. McCune in charge; additional services Saturday afternoon in the Rock Cave Methodist Church. Burial was in the Rock Cave Cemetery. I

mis. reati t\. naroun g/ Mrs. Pearl Anna HaroufT, age 63, wife of the late Albert Harouff of Cass, died June 29 at the home of a cousin, Mr. and* Mrs. Wayne Jackson, at Euckeye of a heart attack. Mrs. Harouff was the daughter of the late Michael and 1 Lucy Myers of Buckeye. She was a past matron of Cass Chapter No. 124, Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are two sons, Raymond McNickle of Baldwin, New York, by a former marriage and Donald L. IxaroufT of Riply; one daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Myles of Canton, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Elmer Heaster of Texarkana, Texas; one aunt, Mrs. Sadie Armstrong Stratton of Binghampton, New York; one uncle, C. L. Armstrong of Buckeye; six grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held at her home on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Edd Thomas and Rev. Arbuckle, with burial, under the direction of Wallace and Wallace, in Arbovale Cemetery. Graveside services were conducted by the Eastern tar. Mrs. Nancy A. Himntr

Mrs. Nancy Alberta Hamner, 94, of Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania, died at Smith Institute, Saegerstown, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, January 27, 1976, after a long illness. She was a former resident of Pocal ontas County. She was born in brazton County, on February 20. 1881, to Joseph M. and Arretta Pullen Jones. She was the widow of Nimrod Hamner *md a member of Trinity United Methodist Church of Conneaut Lake. Survivors include one son, Archie Hamner, of Boise, Idaho, two daughters, Mrs. Eula :\eefover, of San Diego, California, and Mrs. Katheryn Longweil, of Conneaut Lake, eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were two sons and three daughters, and six brothers and three sisters. Private services were held on Friday afternoon at Rhodes Funeral Home, Conneaut Lake with Rev. Scott Shaffer, pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was at Fowler Cemetery, Fowler, Ohio. _


Mrs. Mabel Haddix i

Mrs. Mabel Haddix, 46, of Pickens, died Thursday, September 19, 1963, at her home. She was born November 30, 1916, in Randolph County, a daughter of Upton W. and Annie Kinnison Mace, who live at Pickens, Survivors include her husband, Ruf.sell Haddix; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Upton W. Mace; th r ee sons, Russell Glenn Haddix, of Cambridge, Ohio; John Michael and Donald Ray Haddix, at home; one daughter, Nancy Diane Haddix, at home; two brothers, Arnett C. Mace, of Weston, and Morgan Mace, of Canton, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Rupp, of Canton, Ohio, and Mrs. Violet Blosser, of Clesateke. Mrs. Haddix was a lifelong resident of this community. She professed faith in Christ I p.s a very young girl and lived J a Christian life; she was a wonderful mother and neighbor. She was a niece of Otto Kinnison, of Hillsboro. Darrel C. Hansford £ ^

Darrel C. Hansford, 59, of Marlinton, died Friday, December 31, 1971, in Preston Memorial Hospital aftera long illness. Born in Parsons, March 30, 1912, he was a son of the late Monterville and Lydia Hebb Hansford. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a ret:red employee of the International Shoe Company. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Daisy P. Candler Hansford, of Marlinton; two sons, Donald C. and Denny L. Hans ford, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy M. McLaughlin, of Huntersville, Mrs. Delores J. Ball, of Hamlin, and Mrs. Donna S. Buckingham, of Kingwood; two brothers, Willis S. Hansford, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Percy Hansford, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Sharp, of Slatyfork, and Mrs. Lucy Wood, of Moundsville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlin ton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, the Rev. Ezra Bennett, and the Rev. Herold Eaton, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

Mrs. Henry J. Hardy Mrs. Margie Ellen Pyles Hardy, 74, of Staunton, Virginia, died Monday, December 10, 1984, at her residence. She was born August 19, 1910, in Seebert, a daughter of the late Elburn G. and Bessie Wade Pyles. Mrs. Hardy was a member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church and active in various organizations, including United Methodist Women, Helping Hands Circle, Pots and Pans Group, and the Golden Deeds Bible Class. She was a member and Past Worthy Matron of Beverly Chapter No. 78, Order of Eastern Star, charter member of A.A.R.P. Chapter 1650, and member of Beverly Manor Extension Homemakers Club and of Staunton Senior Center. Prior to her retirement, she was associated with the Staunton Public School System. Surviving her are her husband, Henry J. Hardy; one daughter, Mrs. Nancy Sue Dudley, and one son, Henry John Hardy, II, both of Staunton; three sisters, Mrs. Dot Bennett, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Ruth Loudermilk, of Roanoke, and Mrs. Lucille Moore, of Durbin; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held Thursday in the Hamrick Funeral Home by the Rev. Albert J. Schrader. with burial in Thormrose Cemetery in Staunton. Ruit J. Himaons O Mias Ruie J. Hammons, died Sunday, November 16, 1980, at the West Virginia Medical Center after a long illness. Born March 3,1896, on Williams River, ahe was a daughter of the late Paris and Lottie Roberta Hammons, She was preceded in death by two sisters, Bessie Shelton and Bee Hammons. Survivors include two brothera, Burl and Sherman Hammons, both of Marlinton, and four sisters, Mrs. Emma Roberts, Mrs. Maggie Parker and Mrs. Dasie Buzzard, all of Marlinton, and Mrs. Nancy McCoy, of Garretsville, Ohio. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 11 a. m. ic the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton with the Rev; .Gary Jarrell officiating. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton.

Paul Hamilton, 72, of Gallipolis, Ohio, passed away on I Thursday, June 11,1970. He was the son of the late Patrick and Anna Phillips I Hamilton. j Survivors include two sisj ters, Mrs. Sallie Harden, of ! St. Petersburg, Florida, and Mrs. Nellie Keeney, of Vinton, Ohio; one brother, Stanley Hamilton, Michigan; niece and nephews, Mrs. Anna Belle McElwee and Dewey and

Odie Wilton Harouff

Robert Haines

Robert Kyle Haines, 79, a Odie Wilton Harouff, 72, retired coal mine foreman and died Saturday, November 30, resident of Huttonsville for the 1963, following a heart attack, past 28 years, died Wednesday, at his home in Rainelle. June 2,1976, at Elkins ConvaHe was born at Marlinton lescent Hospital following an a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. extended illness. Charles Harouff. Mr. Haines was born July Mr. Harouff was a member 16,1896, near Marlinton, a son of the Rainelle Methodist of the late James and Martha Church, a retired C & 0 En- Susan Thomas Haines. gineer, Midland Trail Masonic On November 22, 1916, he 1 Lodge No. 166 A. F. & A. M., married the former Eva Ruth Knights of Pythias Lodge at Stanley Wooddell, of MarlinHolesapple, who survives at Rainelle, the Eastern Star at Huttonsville. ton, William Carl and Keith Quinwood, and the BrotherWooddell, of Slatyfork. He was a retired employee of hood of Locomotive Engineers Funeral services were held the Hickory Lick Mine and No. 931. at Gallipolis, Ohio. Burial later of the Bethlehem Steel Survivors include his wife, Company Mine at Monterville. was at St. Albans. j Mrs. Lizzie Lunsford Harouff; In addition to his wife, he is (two sons, Lawrence Harouff, Mn. Sutie Hanna survived by three sons and of Parkersburg, and Monte Mrs. Susie Madeline Hanna, two daughters, and two sisters, 44, died Sunday, September 28, Harouff, of Seattle, Washing- Mrs. Ethel Teter, Valley BenG, ton; one sister, Mrs. Bess 1975, at her home at Renick, i Wooddell, of Beckley, and and Mrs. Bessie Workman, of of natural causes. Hillsboro; 14 grandchildren, three grandchildren. and 19 great-grandchildren. ; Bora November 27, 1930, Funeral services were held •he was a daughter of Bertha Final rites were under the Stacy Brown and the late Tuesday morning by the Rev. direction of the John W. Lohr {Richard Wright, Burial was Funeral Home. Lake M. Brown. | in Mount Carmel Cemetery at She attended the Beulah jSteeles Tavern, Virginia. Church. Mrs. David W. (Anni Belle) Hamlin Survivors include her husMrs. David W. Hamlin, of band, Bernard; one daughter, John W. Hayslett Escondido, California, died Jocley Sue, at home, five sons, Job* W. Hayslett, 79, of 8,1977, at her home. Jeffery Lyn, of Buckeye, Joseph Marlinton, died Sunday, March August She was the daughter of the Wayne, of Hillsboro, John Paul, 24, 1985, in Pocahontas Memolate Edgar and Lillian McElJames Carl, and Justin Dale, rial Hospital after a long illness wee McLaughlin, of Maxwelton all at home; two sisters, Mrs. Mi. Hayslett was a retired She had just returned home Arlene Hively, Ydrk, Pennsylemployee of the Department of from a visit east. vania, and Mrs. Irene Hill, La Highways, a former employee She was born October 9,1 Porte, Indiana: two brothers, of International Shoe Company, Carl Brown, of Renick, and 1911, at Hillsboro. i^trL y and former meter policeman for Lacy Brown, of Seebert, and She is survived by her husthe Town of Marlinton. He was two grandchildren, an ardent supporter of Poca- band, one son, James, and one Funeral services were held hontas County athletics for daughter, Tandra; two sisters, Mrs. A. M. Groseclose, of RoaWednesday afternoon in the many years. noke, Virginia, and Mrs. J. C, Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home He was a member of the Nipp, of Ashland, Kentucky, Chapel at Lewisburg with Rev. Marlinton Church of the Naza- one brother, Hugh Price McJack K. Wallace in charge. rene. Laughlin, of Pittsburgh, PennBurial was in the Brown A native of Millboro, Virgin- sylvania. Family Cemetery near Renick. ia, he was born March 25,1905, Two brothers preceded her the son of the late John W. and in death, Bernard Few and EdMrs. Robert Hall Martha Jack Hayslett. Ten gar Hopkiai McLaughlin. brothers and sisters preceded Mrs. Winters. Dunbrack and him in death.' her daughter, Mrs. Orris Jackson, were called to Anaheim, Surviving him are his wiKs>, Carl Harness California, b;y the death on Daisy N. Hayslett; a son, John Carl Harness, of S n Diego, Wednesday, January 3, 1962, William Hayslett, of Marlinton; California, died on Monday, of their mother and grandmothtwo stepsons, Robert C. Mace, (March, 5, 1962, after along er, Mrs. Minnie Hall, 73, forNewport News, Virginia, and | illness. merly of Marlinton. Mrs. Kenneth G.. Mace, of Falls Surviving are his wife Mrs. hlall had been in the hospital Church, Virginia; and a sister, Lillian Lee Austin Harness, for five days and had suffered Hettie Meadows, of Beckley. daugliL r of the late Dr. and a stroke. Services were held Wednes- Mrs. C. L. Austin of Green Surviving her are her husday at 1 p. m. in VanReenen Bank and one son, Carl Harband, Robert Hall; and four Funeral Home by the Rev. ness, Jr., of San Diego, Calichildren, Alfred Reynolds, Wallace Dorn, with burial in fornia. Roscoe Reynolds, Gary Mc Mountain View Cemetery. K.ean, and Mrs. Virginia Dunbrack.

5 7
toward Ruhl Haddock £ ,

Edward Ruhl Haddock, 36, of Tucson, Arizona, formerly of MarhVon and Clarksburg, died Friday, December 20, 1968, after a three-week illness He was a member of the Methodist Church and was born in Clarksburg, February 16,1932, a soriof the late Ruhl D. and Cora Bender Haddock. Survivors include his wife, Helena Ford Haddock, of Wallace; three sons. Jeffrey, of Clarksburg, and Edward, Jr., and Paul, both of Wallace; a daughter, Deborah, of Clarksburg, and a sister, Mrs. Kerth W. Friel, of Marlinton. The funeral was held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Van Reenen Funeral Home in Marlinton with Rev. Maynard Crawford in charge. Burial was in the Fairview Cemetery near Marlinton.

Mrs. Robert Harler

Mrs. Daisy May Harler, 76, Burke C. Hayes of Hillsboro, died Tuesday BurkeC. Hayes, 78, of Buck- August 7,1979, in the Greenl eye, died at his home Fridav brier Valley Hospital after a June 18, 1965, after a long ill- long illness. ness. She was a member of the He was born at Boggs Run, Grace Baptist Church in St. May 17, 1887, a son of th« Albans. late Abraham and Margarel A native of Ohio, she was Clutter Hayes. born August 23, 1902, the Survivors include.his wife, daughter of Samuel and Mary Mrs. Levia Hayes; one daugh- Lutz Anderson. ter, Virginia Hayes, at home; Surviving her are her husone son, John Hayes, of Morband, Robert J. Harler; two gantown; three sisters, Mrs eons, Edsel Bell, Parkersburg, S. D. Kirk, of Hillsboro, Mrs. and Nelson Bell, Charleston; a Belle Simmons, of Dunbar and Mrs. Gertie Buckhannon, brother, Edward Anderson, of Morgantown; and two grand and a sister, Mrs. Zelma Hertz, Palm Springs, California. children. Services will be held at 10 Funeral services were held a.m. Thursday in the VanSunday afternoon in the MarReenen Funeral Home by the vin Chapel Church by the Rev, Quade Arbogast and the Rev. Rev. Gail Cutlip, with burial V. A. Tenney. Burial was in in Cunningham Cemetery. the Oak Grove Cemetery at Allene Hammons Hillsboro. Allene Hammons, age 73, of Woodrow, Rt. 1, Marlinton, died Saturday, November 11, 1995, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a long illness. The daughter of the late Nathan and Mary Campbell Parker, she was born December 1, 1921, at i> Hartford, Tennessee. She was the widow of Sherman Hammons. A son, Clyde Hammons, and two brothers, Arthur and Laurence Parker, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Roy Hammons, Sr., of Marlinton; a sister, Fleuridellis Bennett, of Danville, Ohio; and a half-brother, Cash Rollins, of Newport, Tennessee; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held at 7 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Dwight Diller.



Albert Lawrence Hall, 68, of Rt. 1, Box 700, Weems, Virginia, near Kilmarnock, died Saturday, December 1, 1984. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Virginia Gwinn Hall, formerly of Marlinton; a son, Harry, of Washington, D. C ; two brothers, Hay ward, of Auburn, and Denzil, of Jacksonville, Florida; his mother, Jessie Au-Dulcie Hall, of Auburn; two granddaughters and three grandsons. Masonic services were held on Sunday, December 2, and funeral services were conducted on Monday, December 3, at Elmore-Haney Funeral Home at Kilmarnock, with burial following at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Washington, D. C , with accompanying Eastern Star services. —

liraay c a n Hammonds Grady Earl Hammonds, age 72, of Franklin, Georgia, passed away Saturday, April 29, 1995, at West Georgia Medical Center in LaGrange, Georgia after several months of declining health. Mr. Hammonds was a native of Florala City, Alabama and lived in Franklin the last seven months. He was a electrician by trade and a Navy veteran of WWII. They were residents of Marlinton for 12 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dorothy White Hammonds of Franklin; a daughter, Mrs. Marlys Walker, of Franklin; two sons, Richard Terry Walker, of Lilbum, Georgia, and Michael Wayne Walker, of Memphis, Tennessee; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Ina Mae Williams, of Crestview, Florida. Services were held on May 1, in the Chapel of Tom Stutts and Son Funeral'Home in Franklin. Burial was in tije family plot Mrs. Burke Hayes

Mrs. Levie J. Hayes, 82. of Juckeye, died Friday, May 23, .969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after several weeks' illness. She was born on Elk in 1887, tbe daughter of the late John and Virginia Gibson Waugh. Mrs. Hayes wes the widow of Burke Hayes, who died several years ago. Survivors include one daughter, Miss Virginia Hayes, of Buckeye; one son, John Hayes, of Morgantown; one brother, Joseph Waugh, of Beckley, and two grandsons. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the .Marvin ChaDel by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Paul B. Hullz Paul B. Hultz, aged 58 years, died at his home in Portsmouth, Virginia, on Friday, September 9th, 1960. Formerly of Hillsboro, he had lived at Portsmouth for the past eighteen years. Survivors include his wife, Ann; a step-son, Charles; two sisters, Mrs. Hubert Lewis, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Kenneth Satterfield, of Fairmont; two brothers, Lyle, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Robert, of Richmond, Virginia. The funeral was conducted at 2:00 P. M. Sunday in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, at Hillsboro, with the Rev. John I. Prather in charge. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Miss Enid E. Harper Enid E. Harper, age 93, of Rt. 2, Marlinton (Knapps Creek), died Sunday, January 15, 1989, in University of Virginia Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia. Miss Harper taught for over forty years in Pocahontas County elementary schools and was a f the Retired Teachers Association. She was a member of the Mount Carmel United Methodist Church. Born at Frost April 28, 1895, she was the daughter of James C. and Myrtle F. Hannah Harper. Surviving her are a brother, Ward E. Harper, and a sister, Evaleigh Harper Herring, both of Rt. 2, Marlinton. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. John B. Jarman and the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Glen Allen Hefner

MRS. EULA DILLEY HEFNER Mrs Naomi Galford Hefner, aged Eula Diiley Hefner, aged 34 88 years, died at her home on Swago on Wednesday, August 9, 1939. The years, died on Sunday, June 20, 1948, in a hospital at Raleigh, cause of her death was the weakness and infirmities of age. On Thursday North Carolina. Up uutil her last afternoon funeral service was held sickness she was employed at the from the Swago church by her pastor Sternberger Hospital at GreeusRev H. S. Skagers, of the Methodist (I'oro, North Carolina. church. Burial on the family plot in On Friday afternoon her body the Ruckraan cemetery near Millpoint Mrs Hefner was a daughter of the was laid to rest in the family plot late Thomas Galford; her mother's in Mountain View Cemetery. name was.. Curry 0,' her father's The funeral service was conducted family there remain two sons, John from the Marlinton Methodist and Brown; a daughter. Mrs Amanda Church by Rev. Earle N. Carlson. Mays, of Buffalo, New York About The deceased was a daughter of seventy years ago, she becaue the wife of the late L. A. Hefner, who Mr. and Mrs. S. McDilley. died about fourteen years since. They In 1937 she was united in mar aresuivived by their four sons, Wil riage to Fred Hefner. She is Ham, George, John and Edgar: two daughters, Mrs Robert Puffenbarger, survived by her husband and her and Mrs W. H Gilmore Threesons, mother, Mrs. Birdie O. Diiley, of Homer, Kred and Andrew, died in Greensboro. recent years.


G. H. HEFNER George H. Heftier, aged 71 years, died on Saturday, July.29, 1944. He had beeu in failinghealth for some time. Had been bed fast but a few days. On Monday afternoon his b*ly his body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery. The service was conducted from the Methodist Church by his pastor. Rev. Fred Oxendale. The deceased was a son of th late Alex and Naomi Galford Hefner. Hiss sisters are Mrs. Wm. H. Gilmore and Mrs. R. L. Puffeubargen; his brothers, John, William and Ed. 'Mr. Hefner was twice married. His first wife was Miss Neely Overholt, who died forty years ago. In 1907, he married Miss Bertha Overholt. in Farmington, Washington. He is survived by ins wife and their five children: Glenn, Henry, Fred. Mary and Robert. A son, Andy, was killed in action at the Normandy invasion June 11. Mr. Hefner made a public profession of religion and united with the church at Hillsboro, many ytars ago.

Glen Allen Hefner, 65, of Marlinton, died on Monday, April 27, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after suffering a heart attack. Born August 5, 1904, a t Farmington, Washington, he was a son of George and Bertha L. Hefner. For many years he lived a t Edray, and retired from the International Shoe Company at Marlinton last year, after many years of faithful service. He was preceded in death by his father, George Hefner, and one brother, Andy Hefner, who was killed in Normandy, in 1944. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Geneva Mae Beverage Hefner; two sons, Allen Ray Hefner, of Clinton, Maryland, and Gary Lee Hefner, of Marlinton; his mother, Mrs. Bertha L. Hefner; three brothers, Fred and Henry Hefner, both of Marlinton, and Robert Hefner, of Amery, Wisconsin; one sister, Mrs. Mary Yauger, of Middleburg, Virginia; and Otis J. Hefner five grandchildren, Allen Ray, Jr., Mary Susan, Jeffrey Glen, O'is J. Hefner, aged 50 years, and Gregory Mark Hefner, all of Mill Gap, Va., died in the of Clinton, Maryland, and University Hospital at Charlottes Gary Lee Hefner, II, of Mar- .'die, on September 20, 1951. aflinton. ter a long illness. The deceased Funeral services will be held vas a son of the late Ross Hefner. Thursday afternoon, at two :4is sisters are Mrs. Miri Diiley, o'clock, in the Edray Metho- .if Marlinton; Mrs. Arlie White dist Church by the Rev. Al- uid Mrs. Snarp, both of Minao fred Gum. Burial will be in mba Springs. Cochran Cemetery.


Private First Class Andy E. Hefner, son of Mr. and' Mrr. George Hefner, was born August 21, 1918 and died June 9, 1944. He is survived by his mother, one sister, Mrs. W. S. Yauger. of Kiagwood, and four brothers: Glen, Henry and Fred of Marlinton and Robert of International Falls, Minn. His father preceded bim in death one month and fifteen days. L Andy enlisted in the Infantry of the United States Army in March 1942. Later he was transferred to the 82nd Air-borne Di-j vision, 325 Glider Infantry as a machine gunner. On the first day of the Normandy invasion his outfit was dropped about fifteen mileb behind the German lines. Three days later, June 9th. about 9 o'clock in the morning, he was killed. At the time of his death, his buddy, Don Taylor, of Terra Alta, whose life Andy had once saved, was with him. The family is glad that Andy could save his buddy's life, so that he could return to bis home and live in peace and happiness with his wife and little I daughter. Mrs. Susie Kerr Hefner, wife of Harvey Hefner, died at the Bonceyerte Hospital December 2, 1924. A week before she had gone to the hotpi tal for an . operation. Her age waa 31 years. BuriaS at the Dunmore cemetery, the 'services iJSiiig conducted by Rev. L, S. Shires and Eev. D. M. Monroe. C\j Mrs. Hefner was a daughter Wf Renick Kerr. Her mother died about twenty years ago. She Is su-r vived by her husband and their four children; her father, two half listen; and a half brother. Five years ago Mrs. Hefner made a public profession of her faith in ] Ottrist a\> a meettng "he\a \n ttie "4. TL church. She was a loving mother, a devoted wife and a good neighbor.

Lanty Mitchell Hefner

Lanty Mitchell Hefner, 73, of Hillsboro (Seebert Lane), died November 7,1976, at home. He was a retired employee of the Department of Highways, a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Church. Born March 31, 1903, at Buckeye, he was the son of the late Everett and Neila Gordon Hefner. A daughter, Wanda Lee Hefner, a brother, Charlie Hefner, and a sister, Gertrude, preceded him in death. Surviving are his wife, Jewel McComb Hefner; a son» George, of Rockville, Maryland; a brother, Frank Hefner, of Akron, Ohio; five sisters, Mrs. Anna Grimes and Mrs. Betty Tenny, both of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Eva Cox, Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Virginia Workinger, Clinton, Ohio, and Mrs. Lucy Hill, of Hillsboro; three grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Funeral servicjs were held Tuesday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Markley and Rev. Jack Arbuckle, with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery at Mill Point. John A. Hefner John A. Hefner was born at the ancestral home on Swago, Sept. 13, 1880, and departed this life Friday January 5, 1945, aged 64 years, 4 months and 24 days. He was the son of L. A., and Naomi Galford Hefner, and leaves to mourn their loss, two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Gilmore and Mrs. Ella Pufl'enbarger, of Marlinton, and one brother, Edgar Hefner of Frost. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, and seven brothers. He had spent his spent his entire life at the old home until the last few years. He was a friend to every one and many relatives and friends regret his passing. Services were held at West Union church, Sunday, January 7th, by Rev. Fred Oxendale, assisted by Rev. R. H. Skaggs. Mrs. Mildred Belle Boggs Hefner Mrs. Mildred Belle Boggs Hefner, aged 41 years, of Neola, widew of the late Carl Upton Hefner, died on Saturday night, March 16, 1957, after a long illness. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from May Chapel by Rev. T. G. Alderman, long her six surviving children ire Mrs. Marie Rider, of Minnehaha Springs.

mrs. itaenei L. tietner John A. Hefner Mrs. Rachel L. Hefner, 80, John A. He ier was born at of Beard, died Sunday, April the ancestral home on Swago, 18,1971, in the Greenbrier Val- Sept, 13, 1880, and departed this ley Hospital a t Ronceverte life Friday January 5, 1945, aged after a long illness. ii4 years, 4 months and 24 days. Born April 12, 1891. a t BuckHe was the son of L. A., and eye, she was a daughter of the Naomi Galford Hefner, and leaves late Marcellus and Nancy Hill to mourn their loss, two sisters, Dorman. Mrs. Nancy Gilmore and Mrs. Ella-Puffenbarger, of Marlinton, She was a member of the Oak and one brother, Edgar Hefner Grove Presbyterian Church, of of Frost. He was preceded in Hillsboro. Her husband, Samuel Hef- death by hi9 father and mother, ner, and one son. Hugh, pre- and seven brothers. He had spent his spent his enceded her in death. Survivors include one son, , tire life at the old home until the Frank Hefner, of Charleston; ;: last few years. He was a friend to every one and many relatives one daughter, Mrs. Hattie VanI and friends regret his passing. Reenen, of Beard; one brother, Services were held at West UnClarence Dorman, of Beard; I ion church, Sunday, January 1th, three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Doss, of Renick, Mrs. Bertha \ by Rev. Fred Oxendale, assisted by Rev. R, H. Skaggs. Baker, of Alderson, and Mrs. Ida Dulaney, of Portsmouth, Virginia. FRED J. HEFNER Funeral services Tuesday Fred J, Hefner, aged 45 jears, died afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hills- i at his home on Swago. October 22 after a short illness. For a boro, bv the Rev. Cecil Dal- i i1937, umber of years, his health has not ton, with burial in the Old been the best. Burial on Sunday afDroop Cemetery at Beard. ternoon from the Swago Church: burial in the Buckley cemetery; the service was conducted by hta pustor, Rev II. H. Hefner D. J. Combs, assisted by Rev. S. B. Harry Hunter Hefner of Bai Lapsley. tow, aged 58 years, died January Mr Hefner was a son of the late 14, 1951 after a long illness. Alex Hefner; his mother. Mrs Naom< _He was preceded in death by Galford Hefner, survives. Further his wife, Susie Kerr Hefner, in facts of his family are given in the 1924. To this union four chil- attached memorial by his pastor Mr Hefner was one nf the promidren survive: Hazel Fitzgerald nent citizens of Pocahontas county, and Helen Law of Waynesboro. active in church, community, public Va.; Opal Ervin of Bartow and and politicil affaiis. For the past Hunter of Dunmore. Also four few months he held a responsible pograndchildren and two balf- sition under the National and State broihers, A. M. Lowe and A. L. Departments of Agriculture. He was a scientific farmer and for a number Lowe of Covington, Va. of years was awarded recognition as Services were held in the Dun- the grower of the best potatoes in more MethodistCburcb with Rev. the Stato, Q. R. Arhogast officiating, assist-, =1 I ed by Rev. Graham Keyes, with' burial in the Dunmore cemetery,-; Edward Hefner < 3 ^ Edward Hefner, 73, died Wednesday, May 2, 1962, on Wm. A. Hefner Droop at the home of Everette McCoy, with whom he had William A. Hefner, aged 69 lived for several years. years, died Saturday evening, Mr. Hefner was born at September 8, 1944, after a long Buckeye, March 17. 1889, the illness. On Monday afternoon, son of Elliott and Naomi Gal-1 his body was laid to rest in the ford Hefner, and he was the Cochran Cemetery on Stony Creek last of eleven children. He the services being conducted from was a veteran of World War I. West Union church by Rev. James C. Wool and Rev. R. S. His only survivors are numSkaggs. erous nephewi and nieces. The deceased was a son of the Funeral services were held at late L. A. and Naomi Galford Marvin Chapel by the Rev. Hefner. He is survived by his Owen Lee on Friday afternoon, brothers, Edgar and John, and with burial in Ruckman Cemehis sisters, Mrs. Nancy Gilmore tery. and Mrs. Ella Puffenbarger.


airs iviaggie AUUC A J O > C U ^ l house, daughter of Harvey and Nan ey Cassell Hevener, was born near Hosterman, West Virginia, April 2, 1874, and died December 13, 1937, | age 63 years. 8 months and 11 days. Her mother passed on. while she was but a young girl thirteen years of age. Her father died 23 years ago. Having given her life to the Savior many years ago, she continued f.o love her church and serve it; her selected church being the Church of the Brethern. On March 24, 1897 she was married to William C. Greathouse, of Highland county, Virginia. This couple spent their entire life in Poea hontas county: To this union five sjns and five daughters were born. Freddie died in infancy. Those surviving are Mrs. A. B Sheets and Mrs W O. Rose, of Durbin; Mrs O. N. Cassell, of Cass; Mrs H F. Cromer, of Cheat Bridge; Herman and Herbert, of Durbin: Clyde, ot Greenbank; Kath erine and Ivan remain at home She also leaves two sisters and two brothers; Mrs C. M. Ratlin", of Morrow, Ohio; Mrs Laura Shifflett, of Marlinr.o": Vanburen Hevener, of Tell City, Indiana and Adam Hevener, of Durt>ij. One brother. Samuel, died four years ago. Fifteen grandchildren and many relatives and friends feel their great loss. Many friends, pastors and church workers found a welcome in her home. Mother was an active worker in the Primary Department of the church as long as she was abla. She t,ooa great interest in the work of the Hevener Aid Society of which she was a member. She always took us 'to church while we were Liny, b ;ev ing that children should be quiet in church as well as elsewhere. Always setting good examples for us to follow wherever she was. Mother was devoted to her hirae, her family, her flowers and hand work by which her activeness was expressed. Not until the last two weeks of her life did she give up to inactivity. Although Mother vvii not Strong for several months, no one realized she was so near the end. until she told us she couldn't live much longer but was ready to die, and as she call ed each member of the family to her bedside, she said, 'Prepare to meet your God, so when you come to an hour like this you too will be ready to come, so our family circle will be unbroken in Heaven.' On n a n o m ber 10 she suffered a paralytic stroke, and never again spoke. No words can tell how we miss Mother; she was so kind and considerate; so helpful to all. We cannot realize that she is dead--but just away. All was done that loving i,hands could do, but God's will be done, Her runeral service was conducted I by her pastor, Rev. I. J. Garber, assisted by Rev. G. D. Naylor. The | service was beautifully centered around a favorite Scripture; John ; ! The Durbin choir sang two requesied numbers "Gone Before" and "We are 3oing Down the Valley." A lan'j group of sad relatives and friends testified to the lo/e and esteem with which she was held. Interment was made in the Bethel Cemetery. By a daughter, A, K, G.



Uriah Hevener, ag»-'« 32 years, died at the Marlinton Hospital on Sunday afternoon, February 22, 1920, of gangrenous lungs following a severe attack of influenza and pneumonia. For more than a wee* he had been very ill at his home near Boyer, and surgical operation becoming necessary he was brought to Marlinton Sunday morning. Mr. Hevener was one <. i the prominent and influential citizens of the county, and few men will be more greatly missed. He was a progressive fanner on a big scale, owning the second largest farm in the county. Mr Hevener is survived by his wife, a daughter of IT. C. Skaggs, of Lewisburg, and their three little children; his mother, and his halfbrother, John R. Hevener; and three half sisters, Mrs. June Summerson, and Mrs. H. H. Slaven, of Virginia, and Mis. Lou IVst of Upshur, county. His body was buried with Masonic rites on his farm, beside the grave of his fattier on Tuesday, services being conducted by his pastor, Rev. Monroe, of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Hevener was the son of the late Uriah Hevener, his mother before marriage being Miss Nancy McLaughlin. At the death of his father, though young in years, lie took over the management of a large estate, and wish remarkable judgment and foresight was making a great success. ! Like his father, Mr. Hevener was a i friend to every one in distress or in : need of assistance, and the deserving man was never turned away empty handed. He was public spirited to a remarl: Able degrae, and any movement toward the betterment of church, roads, schools and whatever else was a benefit to the community had his unstinted support.

C l y d e H e v e n e r , of Green B a n k , was b o r n on F e b r u a r y 19, 1893 a n d died s u d d e n l y of a h e a r t a t t a c k while o u t on his farm a t work on W e d n e s d a y , M a y 22, 1957. On D e c e m b e r I S . 1917, h e was u n i t e d in m a r r i a g e t o Ethel T r a i n e r , w h o survives and their" t h r e e . d a u g h t e r s a r e : Mrs. Grace B u r n e r , of D u r b i n ; Goldie Hevener a n d E v e l y n Beverage of G r e e n B a n k ; six g r a n d children; a n d t h e following b r o t h e r s a n d sisters, I v a n . H e r b e r t and Herm a n G r e a t h o u s e , of D u r b i n ; Mrs. A. E . Sheets, a n d M r s . H a r v e y C r o m e r , of D u r b i n ; M r s . Ina Rose, of W a s h i n g t o n , D C ; Mrs.' Odey Cassell. ot C a s s : and Mrs. K a t i e Shily, of M o n t e r e y , Virginia. , On F r i d a y a e - ; OT, he services were c o n d u c t e d f n m his h o m e b y R e v . T h o m a s . Burial in t h e A r b o v a l e H e m e t e - y Pall' b e a r s were men of 'heSti"<° Road Commission with w h o m he had worked for m a n y y e a r s . T h u s is n o t e d t h e passing of a n h o n e s t an ! up rig c ' , ; z
Mrs. Naney Wilson Hevener, 40, ot Arbovale, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Thursday, November 10, 1960. She was a member of the Lib • erty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank and the Order of the Eastern Star at Cass. Survivors include her husband, Howard Hevener; a daughter, Patsy Hevener, and a son. Billy Hevener, both at home; hei mother Mrs. J. Hall Wilson, of rars. J. K. neveuer Mrs. A n n a P r i t c h a r d H e v e n e r , ! Durbin; a brother, James Wilson, aged 74 .years, died at ber h o m e ) of Durbin; three sisters, Miss Margaret Wilson, of Durbin; near S t o n y B o t t o m , on F r i d a y Miss Mary Wilson and Mrs March -26, 1943. She had been Eleanor Shuman, both of Charlesin failing health for s o m e t i m e . ton. On S u n d a y afternoon, her body was laid to rest in the Arbovale Funeral services weie held c e m e t e r y , the service b e i n g con- Saturday afternoon in the Libducted by her pastor, Rev. H. M. erty Presbyterian Church at Jefferson, of Cass, and Rev. H o - Green Bank, by the Rev. Jack b a r t Childs. Arbuckle. Burial was in the ArM r s H e v e n e r was a d a u g h t e r bovale Cemetery. os t h e late Colonel 8. C. and Mrs, M a r y McAllister P r i t c h a r d . Of her father's family t h e r e remain h e r t h r e e b r o t h e r s , W m . J . , S. Reese and F r e d e r i c k P r i t c h a r d . S ' e became the wife of J o h n R. Hevener, who survives. Their children are Misses M a r y and V i r g i n i a H e v e n e r , J o h n U . , and Paul H e v e n e r . Mrs. H e v e n e r was a life long member of the P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h , and active in t h e affairs of the K i n g d o m .

Jacob Hevener, aged sixty years, i died at his home in Staunton, Virginia, on Friday, December 30. 1938, j after a short illness, Burial in Thorn i ose cemetery on Monday. Mr Hevener was a native of Highland county. He married Miss Ocie McNiil, daughter of the late Rev J. W. McNeil. She and their two grown sons


Cl-MIss Virginia Hevener Miss Anna Virginia Hevener, 69, of Clover Lick, died Saturday, January 12, 1974, in Denmar Hospital, She had suffered from crippling arthritis for many years. She was born March 22, 1904, at Arbovale, the daughter of the late John R. and Anna Pritchard Hevener. Miss Hevener was a member of Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom. One sister, Mary Hevener, and two brothers, Paul and John Uriah Hevener, preceded her in death. Her only survivors are one niece, Virginia Lee Hevener, of Huntington, and one nephew, John W. Hevener, of North Monkato, Minnesota, and one sister-in-law, Mrs. John U. Hevener, of Huntington. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by her pastor, the Rev. Thomas Henderson, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Gayie R. Hughes fof ^ Mrs. Gayle R. Hughes, aged 52, of Bartow, died Wednesday, December 19, 1962, in an Elkins hospital. Survivors include her husband, Willie R. Hughes; t e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Taylor, of Bartow; a •-'••. ugh ter, Mrs. Colleen 'Wnmoth, of Woodbridge, Virginia; four sifters, Mrs. Valley Godsey, of, Front Royal, Virginia; Mrs.' Thelma Henry and Mrs. Geraldine Abrams, of Wilmington, Delaware: and Mrs. Fern Simmons, (f H adwaier, Virginia; two brothers, Carl Taylor, of Newton Falls, Ohio; and James E. Taylor, of Couteville, Washington, and one grandson. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Church of God in Durbin, with the Rev. H. J. Snedegar in charge. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

mn. arivir v. ntviiff i^ Mn. Georgia E. Hevener, 89", of Butler Arbors, Pennsylvania/died in Butler County Memorial Hospital, on Friday, January 27,1978, after a lingering illness. Born May 23,1888, in Paw Paw, she was the daughter of the late Samuel G. and Ella Nora Piatt Vanosdale. They were former residents of Dur-



I Her husband, Gro'ver C. Hevener, died June 11, 1944. She was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church in Pittsburgh, and a member of Allegheny Order of Eastern Star 106 and Pythian Temple 5 and Rebekah Lodge, of Northside, Pittsburgh. Surviving are a daughter, iMrs. M. Marguerite Reed with whom she made her home at Butler Arbors; a sister, Mrs. Nellie Sollars; a brother, Charles Vanosdale, both of Jamestown, Pennsylvania; a grandson and three greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held on Sunday from the Young Funeral Home. Burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Penn Hills, Pittsburgh.

Jcbn U. Hevener John U. Hevener, 64, died at his home at Dunmore on Saturday, September 6, 1958. He was retired postmaster at Dunmore. Born June 17, 1894, at Green Bank, he was the son of John R. and Anna V. Pritchard Hevener. He was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore and had been a Ruling Elder for. thirty-four years. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mabel HyhVrt Hevener; a daughter, Virginia Lee Hevener, of Huntington; a son, John, at home; a sister, Virginia Hevener, and a brother, Paul Hevener, both of Stony Bottom. Services were held Monday afternoon at the Baxter Church by the Rev. J. D. ArbuckJe, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. 8iry Heavens?

HAROLD M. HEVENER Funeral services for Harold McNeil Hevener who died Sunday morning (May 28, 1961) at 10:15 in Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk, were held Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock in the east chapel of the Hamrick Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Walter S. Thomas. Burial was in Thornrose Cemetery.

Eleven year old Gary Junior Heavener, of Monterville, died Monday, September 2, 1968> in the Memorial General Hospital, in Elkins. He had been ill for most of his life. Gary was born December 28, 1958, at Marlinton, a son of Ralph and Ernestine Moore Heavener. He is survived by his parents; two sisters, Terri and Kathleen, two brothers, Ralph and Jeff, all of Cass.

BienJa JMII Heavner Brenda Jean Heavner, eight years old, of Cass, died Wednesday, March 16, 1966, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. She was born February 15, 1958, the daughter of Mrs. Ernestine Moore Heavner. Other survivors include two sisters, Kathleen and Terry Lynn Heavner both at home; three brothers, Ralph, Jess and Garry Heavner all at home; and the grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs. Lester Heavner and Jess Moore, all of Cass. Funeral services wera held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Thomas Dunlap with burial in the Hosterman Cemetery. Adam 0. Hevener Adam 0 . Hevener, 88, of Durbin, died Sunday, December 8, 1968, in an Elkins hospital. Born November 19, 1888, he was the son of the late Harvey and Nancy Cassell Hevener. He was a member of the Hevener Church of the Brethren and a retired stockman and faimer. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Glen Gragg and Mrs. Hayward Colaw, both of Durbin; one son, Henry Hevener, Of Durbin; shx grandchildren and two great-grai dehildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Heverner Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Bittenlouse with burial in the Gum Cemetery. - /William Paul Hevener \ / V&flliam Paul Hevener, 73, died at his home at Clover Lick on Thursday, December 8, 1966. A farmer and stockman, he was born December 29, 1892, at Dunmore, the son of the late John R. and Anna Virginia Pritchard Hevener. Surviving him are his sister, Miss Virginia Hevener, of Clover Lick. He was an elder in the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom, where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Thomas Henderson. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. B&*^L_-1

Huling C. Heavener Huling C. Heavener, 87, of Elk Route, Marlinton, died Saturday, November 26, 1983, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born May 22, 1896, in Bergoo, he was a son of the late Adam and Diana Doddiill Heavener. OBA^>C^' Mr. Heavener, a veteran, was a retired coal miner and, store merchant in Webster County. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by a son, Raymond Heavener, four brothers, and five sisters. Surviving him are his wife, Velma Hoover Heavener; a sister, Lettie Johnson, of Monterville; five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday in the Edray United Methodist Church by the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Lester Heavener

Mrs. Dotla Havener

Mrs. Dosia Hevener, 89, formerly of Birdseye, Indiana, died Monday, July 18, 1977, in Emily Flinn Home at Marion, Indiana. She had been a resident of the Home for twelve years. Born May 6,1888, at Cass Mrs. Hevener was the daugh ter of Robert and Mattie Cas tell Sutton. She was the wid ow of Van Hevener who died

to »68.


Surviving are three sons, Byron of Birdseye, Indiana, Raymond, of LaFontaine, Indiana, and Ralph, of Marion, Indiana; two daughters, Mrs. Olive Smith, Griffith, Indiana, and Mrs. Bernell O'Donnell, of Simi Valley, California; a broth er, Page Sutton, of Baltimore, Mary and. Thirteen grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the Birdseye Christian Church with the Rev. Lauer£lshoff officiating. Interment was in the Birdseye Cemetery.

Lester Heavener, 76, of Mrs. Bertie Philips Hevener Charlotte, North Carolina, died Saturday. February 23, Mrs. Bertie Phillips Hevener, I 1980, after a long illness. aged 74 years, widow of the late j He was a retired coal miner H. C. Hevener, of Hightown, and a native of Webster Coun- Virginia, died February 7, 1957. j ty. He was the son of Adam On Sunday her body was laid in A. and Dinah Doddrill Heaven- the Hightown Church Cemetery. er. j The deceased was a daughter of I surviving him are a broth- the fate Alvie and M a r y Wilfong er, Huling Heavener, of Elk ! Phi'lins, of Bartow. Route, Marlinton; a sister, Lett ' iughters are Mrs, Price tie Johnson, Valley Bend; sev- Williams of Mil] Gap, and Mrs. en children, Ralph Heavener, Jcuii Newlen-, of siaunton; her of Mooreville, North Carolina, sons are Pi •» 0 f Hightown; Rosalie Slaven, Cass, Ray Denr *r. of ningtdn, D . C ; Heavener, Charlotte, North and I . . of Sharon, Pennsylvania Carolina, Roland Heavener, Her hall sisters, Mrs. Ward Hud- • Pennsylvania, Ruby Richard; son, of A arlinton, and Mrs. Oral Audrey Summerfield, Be- Shears, cf Arbor J e ; her ha f lington; Betty Defibaugb, brother is Howard Phillips, cf Dunmore; 20 grandchildren Greenup, Illinois. and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 10 Mary P. Hevener a. m. Thursday with the Rev. David Kittenhouse officiating, Miss'Mary P. Hevener, agred n VanKeenen Funeral Home 52 years of near C'ever Lick, died with burial in Meadowland on Friday, February 2, 1931, from Cemetery in Webster County, the effects of bums received in starting a lire with oil. Burial OD Sunday afternoon in Mrs. Winston Herold j the family plot in Arbovale cemGraveside services were held etery. The funeral service was in Mountain View Cemetery held from Stony Bottom Church Monday for Mrs. Anna Rachel by her pastor, Ray. G r a h a m | (Ratie) Hero'.d, 78, formerly Keyes. of Minnehaha Springs, who Miss Hevener was a daughter died Friday, December 8, 1961, of the late John R :md Annie in Huntington following a •Pritchard Hevener. She is surI iheart attack. ^She was the vived by her brothers, Paul and I 'widow of Winston Herold, who John U. Hevener and ber sister, | died eleven years ago. Virginia.

Henry 0. Hevener Henry G. Hevener, 63, of Durbin, died at his home from a heart attack on Monday, December 10,1979. Mr Hevener was a former Sheriff of Pocahontas County. Born in Durbin, October 20, 1916, he was a son of the late Adam O. Hevener and Lucy M. Sutton. A member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren, Mr. Hevener was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Survivors include his wife, Pearl Spencer Hevener; two eons, Timothy G., of Durbin, and Randal] H., of Point Pleasant; two sisters, Mrs. Glenn (Jean) Gragg and Mrs. Hayward (Edna) Colaw, both of Durbin, and one granddaughter. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Church of the Brethren at Durbin by Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev, Virgil Kover, with burial in the Gum Ce metery on Back Mountain. HAROLD M. HEVENER Harold McNeil Hevener died Sunday morning (May 28, 1961) at 10:15 in Norfolk General Hospital. Mr. Hevener was born in Highland County on Dee. 21. 1900 la son of Mrs. Ocie McNeil Hevener and the late Jacob Hevener. Mr. Hevener had resided in Norfolk for a number of years where he held a position as office manager for the Sewell Motor Express Lines. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock in the east chapel of the Hamrick Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Walter S. Thomas. Burial will be in Thornrose Cemetery.

Woodrow Herold Woodrow Herold, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Saturday, November 17, 1984, after several months illness with lung cancer. Mr. Herold was married to the former Clara Nottingham, of Durbin, who survives. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at 1 p. m. at Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell, with burial in Monterey, Virginia. More details next week.

Jesse Hedrick

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Mrs. Millie Gilmore Herold, Mrs. Rosalie Hedrick, age Jesse R. Hedrick, 75, of 77, formerly of Elkins. passed aged- 94 years, died Friday, Thornwood, died Saturday, Noaway at 9:50 p. m. Tuesday, October 26. 1962, in the Ritvember 5, in a Clarksburg hosDecember 5, 1967, in the Po- tenour Nursing Home in Staunpital. cahontas Memorial Hospital, ton, Virpinia. She was the He was a veteran of World at Marlinton, She had been widow of H. F. Herold and the War I, a member of the Thorn ill for the past year and seriously daughter of Samuel A. and Jenwood Methodist Church and a ill for the last three months. nie Jordan Gilmore, of Mill woodsman. She was a former resident Uap, Virginia. She was the Survivors include his wife, ast member of her family. if Elkins and had Jived with Mrs. Mary Wilfong Hedrickher daughter, Mrs. Jessie BarSurviving her are a son, two daughters, Mrs. Louise low, at Marlinton, for the past ]lyde Herold, of Bridgewater, Neil, of Staunton, Virginia; an^' r 13 years. She was married to irginia; four daughters, Mrs. Mrs. Madaline Lambert, of Albert Hedrick, who died in Kathleen Lunsford and Mrs. Huttonsville; two sons, Rich1952. Hallie Koontz, both of Staunard, of Thornwood, and ShelMrs. Hedrick was born April ton, Virginia, Mrs. Mabel Sullace, of Baltimore, Maryland: 30, 1890, in Tucker County, len barger, of Monterey, Virtwo stepsons, Ben and John Rexrode, both of Thornwood:; a daughter of the late Frank ginia, and Mrs. Nell Talbott, a half brother, William Mullen ' A. and Mahala Cooper Spes- Tiffin, Ohio. Two sons, Evertte sert. She is survived by four G. Herold and Samuel Herold, ax, of Davis; 31 grandchildren sons, Robert N. Hedrick, of preceded her in death. and 9 great-grandchildren. Elkins; Joseph A. Hedrick, Funeral services were held The, funeral was held at 2 p. of Woodsfield, Ohio; Frank A. Sunday afternoon by the Rev. m. Tuesday in the Thornwood Methodist Church with Rev. Hedrick, of Frankfort, Ger- A. E. Johnson and the Rev. Romie Edgell in charge. Burial many; and Carl E. Hedrick, Norman Compton in the Beuwas in the Wilmoth Cemetery of Seattle, Washington; and tah Church of which she wa£ a six daughters, Mrs. Jessie Bar- lifelong member. Burial was at Bartow. low, of Marlinton, Mrs. Ruby :'n the Green Hill Cemetery. mrs. uiara nedricK » Loughry, Mrs. Masel Ware, of Barberton. Ohio, Mrs. Vivian Mrs. Clara Hedrick,(_£#' of Anna Jane Hedrick \/ Bartow, died Friday, D mem- Saffle of Ridgeley, Mrs. Doris Mrs. Anna Jane Hedrick, 68, ber 4, 1970, in an El kins hospi- Armstrong, San Jose. California, and Mrs. Betty Ruth died Tuesday, May 13, 1975, tal after a long illness. Riffle, Jacksonville, Arkansas. in a Beckley hospital after a She was a member of (he She leaves one brother, H. A. long illness. Church of the Brethren at Durbin and had lived in Poca- Spessert, of Vienna; one sister, Born in Pocahontas County, hontas and Randolph counties Mrs. Anna D. Bonner, of Elk- March 19, 1907, she was the ins; twenty eight grandchildren for 26 years. daughter of the late L. B. and Survivors include three dau- and nine great grandchildren. Safanna Beverage Rogers. She ghters, Mrs. Catherine Sim- Two brothers are deceased. had lived most of her life in mons and Mrs. Bonnie MaFinal rites were conducted Summers County was a member theny, both of Bartow, and Friday, December 8, at 2 p. m. of Mt. Pisgah United MethoMrs. ThelmaRenz, of Alliance, at the Runner Funeral Chapel dist Church, Women's Society Ohio; two sons, Richard Hed- at Elkins. Jack Mays, pastor of Christian Service and was a rick, of Alliance, Ohio, and of the First Church of Christ retired teacher, having retired Brooks Hedrick, of Pamesville, in Elkins, of which Mrs. Hedin 1968, a member of National Ohio; thirteen grandchildren rick was a member, conductRetired Teachers Association and four greatgrandchildren. ed the services. Interment was and member of Hilldale Flower Club. Funeral services were held in Elkins IOOF Cemetery. Sunday afternoon in the BarSurvivors include one daughtow United Methodist Church ter, Mrs. Thelma Mann, of Hill by the Rev. William Bradshaw dale, four brothers, Clyde of Roy P. Herold and the Rev. Willis Summrs, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Clin. with burial in the Arbovale j Roy P Herold, of Wheeling, ton, of Williamsburg, Virginia, Cemetery. died on Tuesday, August 6, 1957. John, of Roanoke, Virginia, after a short illness of pneumonia and James, of Columbus, Ohio, complicated by a heart cond.tion. and a sister. Mrs. Lenna Dunof Roanoke, also four He was born at Minnehaha bar, grandchildren. Springs, the son of Lanty and She was preceded in death Laura Lockridge Herold. by her husband, William A. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hedrick in 1968. Agatha Herold, and one brother, Services were held in Mt. Moser Herold, of Alexandria, Pisgah Church on Friday by Virginia. Services will be held in the her pastor, Rev. Hubert Groves Marlinton Presbyterian Church with burial in church cemetery. Mrs. Hedrick was a niece of Friday morning at'10:00 o'clock with burial in Mountain View the late William H. Rogers, of Buckeye. Cemetery. *— Those attending the funeral The body will be at the Smith Funeral Home Th rsday evening. from Marlinton were Mrs. Eva McCarty, Mrs. Susie Rogers and Donald Rogers.



Bedford Ross Herold Bedford Ross Herold, son of Washington Lee and Sarah Ann Harper Herold, was born March 5 1876, in Pocahontas County, and passed away June 5, 1961 at the Gallaway Memorial Hospital in Anthony, Kansas, at the age of 85 years and 3 months. As a young man he went to Kansas to join his brother, Russell, in Kiowa, who had a mercantile store where he worked. On February 6, 1905, he was united in marriage with Maude May Jewell in Anthony and to this union two sons were born. He operated the J. J. Costa Hardware Store in Byron for a number of years and, later on, he and his brother bought the store which he continued operating in connection with his farming. His greatest interest was in his cattle and farming. An infant son, Albert Russell, preceded him in death. Surviving arc his wife, Maude; j his son, Wallace, of Wichita; one I sister, Mrs. Nina Dean of Wichita; one brother, P. 0. Herold, of Anthony; four nephews and eight nieces, other relatives and many friends. Funeral services were held at the Byron Christian Church on | Thursday, June 8, with the Rev. !I Paul Whitfield, of the Anthony Christian Church, officiating. I Graveside rites were conducted ' by the Rev, W. A. Keller of Cherokee at the Byron-Amorita Cemietery, Robert Carson Herold Robert Carson Herold, 53 0 T J X 1963, after suffe,ng several heart attacks Mr Herold was employed by the State Road Commissionas „ m n e oDerator. He was a Church and Moose Lodge. Born at Minnehaha Springs o X e U e r 18, I j ^ ™ a son of Mrs. Grace Gum ner , old and the late Andrew Lockj ridge Herold. his wife Surviving him are lM o Z elle; his mother, of Wheel sisters, Mrs. Evelyn i i n g two f Hollywood. FlorIA L. "Tommy' and i Aiken South Carohna, | WooLw Herold, of Baltimore, '.Maryland. ,, * Funeral services were held Un C n S U n Saturday morning with burial in the Moan Itaia View Cemetery there.

Dr. Amos Lee Herold Dr. Amos Lee Herold died Sunday, November 27, 1966, in an Austin, Texas, hospital at the age of 81. A native of Highland County, Virginia, eldest son of Wise Herold and Kate Ruckmsn Herold, he spent much of his boyhood in Pocahontas County He received his academic degrees at Washington and Lee University, Lexington. Virginia, and his doctor's fPh D) degree at Columbia University, New York. His life was devoted and dedicated to the field of education. He was a writer of numerous articles and several books, among them "I Chose Teaching." His last teaching experience was at the University of Texas as a professor of English. Other teaching experience? were at Washington and Lee, Columbia, Bucknell. and the University of Tulsa. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Virginia Lee Smith Herold; three sisters, Mrs. George H. Denny, of Westfield, New Jersey, Mrs. Fred Grant, of St. Petersburg, Florida, and Miss Reta Herold, of Plant City, Florida; and one brother, Edgar Herold, of Staunton, Vipginia; two half sisters, Mrs. Clyde Varner, of Lewisburg, and: Mrs. George Taylor, of Le sureCity, Florida. He was buried in Marshal!, Missouri. Mrs. Mittie S. Kouehin Mrs. Mattie B e v e r a g e Houchin, 89, formerly of Cass, died January 25,1977, in South Charleston at the home of a daughter. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of South Charleston Mrs. Houchin is the widow of Elmer Houchin. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bevergea, of Back Mountain. Surviving her are a son, Thomas L. Houchin, Cross Lanes; daughters, Mrs. Crystal Davis and Mrs. Dolly Milam, both of South Charleston, Mrs. Ruby Phillips, of Winfield. Funeral services were held on January 28 in Snodgrass Funeral Home by Rev. Claude Collins, with burial in Glendale Cemetery, South Charleston.

moser 8. Herold Mosef Bedford Herold, 83, of Minnehaha Springs, died Thursday, July 4, 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born at Minnehaha Springs, then Driscol, on February 2, 1891, he was the son of Lanty William and Laura Lockridge Herold. He was the last of a family of six boys. Preceding him in death were Winston Herold, Locke Herold, Roy Herold, Glenn Herold and Vaughan Herold, an infant His wife, Beatrice Cliftor Herold, died in 1973. Mr. Herold was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a member of Bhriner-Knights Templar. He was a retired goverment employee, having worked for many years in Washington. He was the first postmaster at Minnehaha. Springs. x *^*^ He is survived-by a daughter, Ann Carlton Herold, of Falls Church, Virginia; two sons, Bedford Herold, of Minnehaha Springs, and William C. Herold, of Springfield, Virginia; and nine grandchildren. Services were held Saturday morning at the VanReenan Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Newton Herold Mrs.' Ella Herold, 96 years old widow of Newton Herold, son of Andrew Herold of Knapp's Creek and grandson of Christopher Herold, who was the ancestor of the Pocahontas and Highldand Herolds, died at Bates City, Missouri, on Tuesday, January 19, I960, with burial at the same place on January 21.1 , Newton Herold, brother of the deceased Millard and Letcher Herold of upber Knapp's Creek, 'had gone to Missouri as a young man, secured] work there on a farm, and lattr married Miss Ella, the farm owner's adopted daughter, where they spent the long remainder of their lives in operating a grain and stock farm near Kansas City. They reared two children, Raymond and Naomi. Raymond attended the University of Missouri, specializing in agriculture; a baehe lor, he remained on the farm with his parents. Naomi, who much rese nbied her Aunts Ida and M v : a Moore, married William S. Loiter of Independence, Missouri, 3 very successful farmer, Their only child, Harriet Anne, it

marri^i .


*• **** *v. jticui a n

Lauren Rose "Rosie" Hedrick, 10, of Cherry Grove, died Friday, June 30, 1995, at Cherry Grove from injuries sustained in a tree fall accident. She attended the Circleville Presbyterian Church and was a fourth grade student at Circleville Elementary School where she sang in the school chorus and enjoyed art. She was born August 11, 1984, at Elkins, a daughter of Roy J. Hedrick, of Cherry Grove, and Ruby Ryder Warner, of Bartow. She is also survived by her step-mother, Cathy Vandevander Hedrick; one sister, Sallie Hedrick, Cherry Grove; two brothers, Preston Hedrick, Bartow, and Clyde Hedrick, Cherry Grove; three half-brothers, Joshua, Jeremiah and Joseph Hedrick, all of Cherry Grove; grandparents, Jimmy and Faith Hedrick, Cherry Grove, and Alton and Barbara Ryder, Bartow; step-grandparents, Charley and Mary Jane Vandevander, Cherry Grove; and great-grandmothers, Ruth Mullenax, Cherry Grove, and Zetta Bennett, Brandywine. Services were held at the Circleville Presbyterian Church at 2 p. m. Tuesday by the Rev. Paul O'Gorek and the Rev. Alec Barton, witn burial in the Tingler-Hedrick Cemetery at Cherry Grove. Memorial contributions may be made to the Rosie Hedrick family, c/o Roy and Kathy Hedrick, HC 77, Box 120, Cherry Grove, WV 26804.

Mrs. Hannah Heckfer Mrs. Hannah Jennie Heckler, 60, of Elk Route, Marlinton. died Thursday, August 1, 1974, of a heart attack at home. She was a member of Big Spring Presbyterian Church and was a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Surviving: husband, Maurice Heckler: sons, Maurice, of Woodbury, New Jersey, Norman of Elk Route, Marlinton Ronald, of West Point, Pennsylvania; daughters, Mrs. Doris Farina, of Pleasantville, .New Jersey, Mrs. Jean Hannah, of Slatyfork; brother, ThomasPat terson, address not listed; and 13 grandchildren. Services were held Saturday atternoon in Big Spring Presbyterian Church at Slatyfork with the Rev. Alfred Gum and "Chuck" Davis officiating,. Burial was in the Gibson Cemetery at Slatyfork.

.nrs Maggie Alice Hevener ureathouse. daughter of Harvey and Nan ey Cassell Hevener, was born near Hosterman, West Virginia, April 2. 1874, and died December 13, 193", age 63 years, 8 months and 11 dnys. Her mother passed on, while she, was but a young girl thirteen years o? afie. Her father died 23 years ago. Having given her life to tbe'Savior many years ago, she continued to love her church and serve it; her se'ected church being the Church of the Brethern. I On March 24, 1S97 she was married to William C. Greathousa, of Highland county, Virginia. This csuple spent their entire life in Pocahontas county: To this union five sons and five daughters were born, j fc'reddie died in infancy. Those surviving are Mrs. A. E Sheets and Mrs W O . Rose, of Durbin; Mrs O.N. Cassell, of Cass; Mrs H F. Cromer, of Cheat Bridge; Herman and Herbert, of Durbin; Clyde, of Greenbauk; Kath erine and Ivan remain at home She •i!so leaves two sisters and two brothers; Mrs C. M. Ratliff, of Morrow, Ohio; Mrs Laura Shifflett, of Marlin ton: Vanburen Hevener, of Tell City, Indiana and Adam Hevener, of DurOia. Oae brother, Samuei, died four years ago. Fifteen grandchildren wd many relatives and friends feel their great loss. Many friends, pastors and church; workers found a welcome in her! home. Mother was an active worker. in the Primary1 Department of the ! c'uurch as long as she was able. She | took great interest in the work of the Hevener Aid Society of which she j

Rudolf A. Henkel Rudolf A. Henkel, 81, of Miami, Florida, formerly of Baltimore, Maryland, passed away August 28, 1995. Mr. Henkel was bom May 15, 1914, in Weisbaden, Germany, and proudly became a United States citizen at the age of 23. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U. S. Army medical corps in the Pacific. He is survived by his beloved wife, Mildred Bennett Henkel, formerly of Greenbrier County; one daughter, Laura Dean Bennett Mirson, of Miami; and one granddaughter. Brought here first by his wife, Mr. Henkel was a frequent visitor to Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties, which he grew to love and think of as his home. A graveside service will be held Friday, September I, at Wallace Memorial Cemetery, in Clintonville. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Canine Companions for Independence, P. O. Box 547511, Orlando, FL 32854 or to the American Heart Association.

Edgar Herald, 81, died on Sunday, May 11, 1975, in the Veterans Hospital at Martinsburg. Born on Knapps Creek, the third and youngest son of Wise and Katie Ruckman Herold, he was educated in the one room school (excellent teachers) near his home on Knapps Creek. He never married. He was a farmer for many years, working his latter years in the Byrd apple orchards near Winchester, Virginia. He often said, laugh ing, "Johnny Appleseed was good to me.'' He was a veteran of World War I, stationed at Camp Lee where he was a mechanic. Surviving him are three sisters, Reta L. Herold, Lewisburg Lula B. Grant, St. Petersburg, and Elizabeth Denny, of West field, New Jersey, and two bait sisters, Marie Virginia Taylor and Pollyanna Varner, of Home stead, Florida. Graveside services by the Rev. Richard Newkirk and interment were held Tuesday in Mountain View Cemetery.

letaL. Herold Reta L. Herold, 85, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, December, 15, 1984, at her home after a short illness. Born November 10, 1899, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late Katie Ruckman and Wise Herold. She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers and two sisters. Miss Herold is survived by a sister, Elizabeth Denny, of North Wales, Pennsylvania, and two half-sisters, Mrs. Marie Taylor, of Leisure City, Florida, and Mrs. Pollyanna Varner, of Lewisburg. She was a retired teacher, with thirty years' service in public schools in primary and kindergarten classes, including Marlinton Graded School. She was a member of Old Stone Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg Woman's Club, National Teachers' Association, and the American Association of University Women. She donated her body to the Human Gift Register of West Virginia for the Advancement of Mankind and Health Science. No memorial services will be

Katherine Herndon Q^. Mrs. Katherine E. Herndon, 90, of Charlottesville, died Saturday, January 26, 1985, after a long illness. She had lived in Charlottesville for the past 30 years, going from Durbin. ^|UcJfe> Born August 4 | 1894, at Riverton, she was a daughter of the late Solomon and Alice Harper Phares. She is survived by two daughters, Nellie Slavin Payne and Evelyn Slavin Calver, both of Charlottesville; one son, Theodore Slavin, of Bartow; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Arfaogast, of Newport, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Martha Mullenax, of Crawfordville, Florida; a stepsister, M£8^_Fjojaa_Williams, of Durbin; a brother, Faye Phares of Berwick, Pennsylvania; four grandchildren, nine greatgrandchildren, and three greatgreat- grandchildren . She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles E. Herndon, in 1969, and a son, Oscar E. Slavin, Jr., in 1937. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Queer Esther Lodge #14, and a member of the Hinton Avenue Methodist Church. Services were held at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale at 11 a. m. Tuesday by the Rev. Edwin Tutwiler, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Elsie Underwood Henderson Elsie Pauline Underwood Henderson, daughter of Mrs. Duffle Moore and the late Kennie Underwood, passed away Tuesday. October 8, 1974, after a long illness in Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, at the age of 52. She leaves to mourn one daughter, E. Paulette Sharp, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, one son, Carl Henderson, of Lockport, New York, mother, M r s . Duffie Moore, of Huntersville, eight brothers, Carl Underwood, of Huntersville, Renick Underwood, of Titusville, Florida, Glen Underwood, of Harmony, Pennsylvania, Kennie Underwood,- of Clyde, North Carolina, Quentin Underwood, of Huntington, Joy Underwood.of Madison, Eugene U n derwood, of Summersville, James Melton, of Phoenix, Arizona, four sisters; Mrs. Vema Carstens and Beulab Underwood, both of Baltimore, Mrs. Reeva Poland, of Phoenix, Arizona, and Mrs. Wanda Johnson, of Oxon Hill, Maryland, six grandchildren, plus a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, August 11, by the Rev. Norman Alderman in the Cummings Creek Church. Burial was in the Beaver Creek Cemetery.

Mrs. Midge A. Henderun Mrs. Madge Arbogast Henderson, 85, of Richmond, Virginia, died March 26, 1981. Mrs. F. W. Hedrick g / Born in Pocahontas CounMrs. Virginia Dare Moornau ty, she was a retired teacher in Hedrick, wife of F. W. Hedrick. tbe Richmond public schools. died at ber home near Staunton, She was beau of the Business "Virginia, o n , Thursday night,] Department at John Marshall July 10. J952. Oo Sunday after- High School where she taught noon the service was held from for 27 years after joining the Liberty Church at Green Bank faculty there in 1927. ov ber pastor. Rev. Graham She attended Marshall UniKeys. Her body was laid to rest m the family plot in Arbovale versity and received her degree from the Richmond DiCemetery. vision of the College of WilThe deceased was a daughter liam and Mary. if Mrs. Di>ra Moornau Campbell. A member of the Reveille of Green Bank, and the late Dr United Methodist Church and LeUnd Hunter Moornau. She a former member of the Barton *as a graduate of Hood College Heights United Methodist with a Bachelor of Arts degree Church, she was active in Besides her mother, 6he is sur- Sunday School work. vived by her husband and their Survivors include two daughdaughter, Miss Mary Dare Hedrick, a student at Ohio State ters, Mrs. Virginia McCann, of i University; and a sister, Mrs. Midlothian, Virginia, and Mrs. Thomas Harwood, of Saluda, Helen Gooden, of Bon Air, Virginia; and one sister, Mrs. Virginia. Jack Irvine, of Brandon, Florida. A memorial service was held on March 27.


Marvin w. HefmicK Marvin William Helmick, 68, of Route 2, Elkins, died Thursday, April 20.1972. in the Davis Memorial Hospital. He had undergone major surgery on Tuesday. He was a former resident of Frank, where he was an employee of the Pocahontas Tannery. After retirement he was superintendent of the West Vir ginia State IOOF Home at Elkins from 1967 to 1971. He attended the Elkins Church of the Nazarene. Mr. Helmick was born September 27, 1903, in Highland County, Virginia, a son of the late William Lee and Susan Puffenbarger Helmick. He was twice married. His first wife, the former Rosa Marshall, preceded him in death. On February 13, 1943, he was married to the former Leta McLaughlin, who survives in Highland Park. Surviving besides his wife are two daughters, Mrs. Frances Murphy, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Jean Bocook, of Broadwav, Virginia; three sons, William Marvin Helmick. Jr., serving with the U. S. Army at Fort Brage, North Carolina. Harry Helmick of Cbillicothe, Ohio, and Robert Helmick, of Souderton, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Hull, of Parkersburg. and Mrs. Lona Wirner, of Chester, Pennsylvania; one brother. Ezra Helmick, of Wind ham, Ohio; and 12 grandchildren. Mr. Helmick was a member of the Durbin IOOF Lodge. Fun eral services were conducted from the Durbin United Methodist Church Saturday, with the Rev. Robert Salser and Rev. Willis S. Summers officiatins. Interment followed in the Monterey Cemetery, with the IOOF conducting ritualistic services.

Mrs Hblen Dysard Henshaw, aped i.hirty-six years, died at the botie ler mother, Mrs Margaret Vano. dale, in Morgantown. January 4 U!39, after an Illness of eight months! Burial on Friday afternoon in Mt Calvary cemetery; the service being -inducted by her pastor, Dr W. E Brooks, of the Presbyterian church Mrs Henshaw was a daughter of V, ,ate Lawrence Dysard of Pocahontas sounty. She is survived by her moi.h «, Mrs Margaret Vanosdale. a sister, VlisC D. Howell,; a half sister, Mrs R J. Agnor of Njwberrv, Pennsylvania, and a half brother, P. L Dysard, of Lewnburg.

o. n. nciivn George Andrew Hebb josepn Artnur nearicK Samuel Nixon Hench, age 87, Joseph Arthur "BUI" HedGeorge Andrew Hebb, 89, of rick, 64, of Harman, died died of a heart attack Wednes- •parsonsr died Thursday, NoWednesday, June 5, 1985, in day, November 22, 1961, in vember 28, 1974, in the Elkins Memorial General Hospital af- \the Huffer Nursing Home in Convalescent Hospital follow'Staunton, Virginia, where h« ter a lingering illness. been a patient for ovei ing an illness of several months. Mr. Hedrick retired in 1982 had Born May 3, 1885, at St. years. Two months ag< from the Randolph County two he suffered a cerebral hemor George, he was a son of the school system, after many rhage and broken hip. late Joseph and Mary Godwin years as a teacher and principal Born June 5, 1874, at Pleas Hebb. in Webster County, State of He attended the Baptist antville, Pennsylvania, he wa Ohio, and in Randolph County. Church, and was a retired the son of the late A. L. anc Born August 1, 1920, at Red woodsman. Alice Bixler Hench. He atCreek in Tucker County, he was tended He was married to the formDickinson College, a son of the late Albert and Carlisle, Pennsylvania. After er Maude Phillips who precedRosilee Spessart Hedrick. the death of his first wife, ed him in death in 1927. Also He attended graded school at Mary Fickes Hench, of Altoona, preceding him in death were a Cass. Pennsylvania, he married Mary ^brother, one half brother and Surviving him are his wife, McClintic, of Marlinton, thirty three sisters, one of whom was Joy Lou Harman Hedrick; son, years ago in June. the late Mrs. Liddie M. HansKeith Hedrick, of Marietta, ford, of Marlinton. Hench had been an elOhio; a daughter, Mrs. Gloria derMr. He was the last surviving in the Presbyterian Church Mowery, of Harman; three for 64 years, having been first jaaember of his immediate famgrandchildren; three brothers, ordained at the Falls Creek, il y. Robert Hedrick and Frank Hed- Pennsylvania, Presbyterian 1 Survivors include several rick, both of Elkins, and Carl Church in 1907. He came to ; nieces and nephews. Hedrick, Seattle, Washington; Marlinton in 1917. In 1957 he vA very impressive service! six sisters, Mrs. Jessie Barlow, was honored as Elder Emeritus wasjconducted Saturday afterof Marlinton, Mrs. Ruby in the Marlinton Presbyterian noon in the Greenlief Funeral Loughry and Mrs. Masil Ware, Church. He sang in church Home Chapel by the Rev. both of Ohio, Mrs. Vivian choirs for 65 years and taught Meade L. Gutshall. Interment Golder, of Maryland, Mrs. a Sunday School class for a ;in the Parsons City Cemetery. Doris Armstrong, of California, great number of years. and Mrs. Betty Riffle, of Ohio. Before retiring in 1940, Mr. Mr. Hedrick was a member Hench served as superintendMrs. Su
W. J. Hebb William J. Hebb, age 76 years, died suddenly at his home in Arlington Virginia, on Tuesday, 'March 22, 1955. The funeral service was held from the Hillsboro Methodist Churoh on Friday with the Rev. Frank Johnson, officiating. His body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, at Marlinton. The deceased was born in Preston County; the son of the late John and Isadora Lipscomb Hebb. He married Ninnie Gay, who preceded him twenty-seven years since. Their children are: Glen Hebb, of Youngstown, Ohicf Mrs. Helen Pyles; of Hillsboro; Glenn Hebb, of St. Albans; Miss Emma Lee Hebb, of Arlington, Virginia," and Mrs. Fern Brewster, of Dearborn, Michigan. He is"also survived by eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. . Of his father's family there remains Arthur, of Princeton; I^aac of Wilmington, Delaware; Vernon, of Cumberland, Maryland arid Mrs. Delia Bell, of Terra Alta. Two sisters preceded him. For the past ten years Mr.' Hebb and his daughter, Emma Lee, lived in Arlington, Virginia. He was a member of the Hillsboro Metfeodist Church. Georgia R. Helmick Georgia Ruth Helmick, 67, of Monterey, Virginia, died November 5,1992, at her residence. She was born on March 10, 1925, at Frost, a daughter of Forrest and Uni Susan Wall Grimes. On March 10, 1965, she was married to Roland Helmick, who survives. In addition to her husband she is survived by three daughters, Doris Jean Grimes of Staunton, Virginia, Ruth Adkins, of Cherry Grove, and Patty Christine Ray of Grottoes, Virginia; three sons, Earl Grimes of Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, Samuel Harlen Ray and Dannie Charles Ray, both of Hot Springs, Virginia, two sisters, Trudy Harlow, of Grottoes, Virginia, and Grace Sheets, of Green Bank; two brothers, Edgar, of Akron, Ohio, and Paul Grimes of Cleveland, Ohio; eleven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held on November 8, 1992, at Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Jerry Ginn, with burial at Asbury Cemetery near Monterey.

Jtfferton D. Hockenberry Jefferson D. (Jeff) Hockenberry, 83, a former resident of Valley Bend and resident of El kins where he had made his home witb his son, Myron, for the past several years, died Friday, March 11,1977, at the residence. He was a half brother of Harry Hocken berry, of Marlinton. Mr. Hockenberry was born January 17,1894, at Sully, a son of the late Charles S. and Didema Champ Hockenberry. On June 28,1913, at EveDwood he was married, to the former Clara Bell Smith, who preceded him in death April 30,1967. Surviving are two sons,"Myron J. Hockenberry, Elkins, and Leonard F. Hockenberry, of Little Rock, Arkansas; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtis White, of Elkins, and Mrs. Lillte Cain, of Parkersburg; three half brothers, Harry Hockenberry, of Marlinton; Richard Hockenberry, of Washington, D. C. and Scott Hockenberry, of Buffalo, New York. One sister, one half sister, and four brothers preceded him in death. Mr. Hockenberrj was a member of the Valley Bend United Methodist Church, the Huttonsville I. 0. 0". F. Lodge, and the Senior Center.

C. B. HUNTER Carter Braxton Hunter, aged 8(5 .years, died at his home at Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Virginia, on Saturday night, January 11, 1947. Some days before he had suffered a paralytic stroke. On Tuesday the funeral was held from Greenwood Presbyterian church, of which he had long beeD a Ruling Elder. His body was laid to rest in the fam'ly plot in the Old Stone Church Cemetery in Lewisburg. Thus is briefly noted the passing of one of the outstanding men of the Greenbrier Valley. The d cceased was a son of the late Dr. Henry and Caroline Renick Hunter. His brother was the late Frank R. Hunter of Marlinton. His sister is Mrs. B. L. Traynham, of Sweet Springs. His wife preceded him some years since.


t. v. HendricK Edgar P. Hendrick, 80. formerly of Hillsboro, died Monday, June 27, 1966, in a Wash ington, D. C , nursing home. He was a merchant and service station operator and 15 years ago he moved from Hillsboro to Riddle, Oregon. He was a member of the Methodist Church on Droop Mountain. His wife, Mrs. Florence Smith Hendrick, preceded him in I death. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs John H. Swanson, of Landover Hills, Maryland; Mrs. Elizabeth Boyer, of Franklin, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Cullen Lunsford, of Bridgeport; five sons, Lloyd and E. P., Jr., both of Grovetown, Georgia; Carl, of Fairmont; Warren, of Leavittsburg Ohio, and Glenn, of Baltimore, Maryland; two sis'ers, Mrs. Dora E. Perry, of Myrtle Creek Oregon, and Mrs. Nora E Harvey, of Challmar. Maryland; two brothers, T. H., of Pine View, and W. M., of Riddle, Oregon; thirty-two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Victor A. Tenney. Burial was in the Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville. Mrs.

Mary E. Hedrick ^ ,

Mrs. Mary E. Hedrick, 70, of Bartow, died Tuesday, August 8, 1967, in an Elkins hospital after a short illness. Born April 20,1897, at Boyer, she was a daughter of the late OHie and Cinda Hoover Wilfong. She was a member of the Thornwood Methodist Church. Survivors include two daugters, Mrs. Madelyn Lambert, of Huttonsville, and Mrs. Louise Neil, of Staunton, Virginia; four sons, Ben Rexrode, John Rexrode, and Richard Hedrick, all of Bartow, and Shellae Hedrick, of Baltimore, Maryland; ne sister, Mrs. Jeda Welch, of Elkins, two brothers, Monroe Kincaid, of Boyer, and Kenton Kincaid, of Kentucky; 35 grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Thornwood Methodist Church bv

S Virginia Liouise n t i u rel="nofollow">uu ..yd Walter Hawkenseu were | narried at the Congregational jhnrch in Laconia, New Hamp-j ihire, on Saturday, July 7, 1951, with Rev. E. Roy Burchell. offi ciating minister. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Otto M. Helff, of Yonk ers, New York. Her materna' grandfather is Emory Shinaben.s of Dunmore, ber mother being the former Stella Shinaherry. She is employed as an English teacher in a Spauling High School, New York. Sne received her bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of New Hampshire, and her Master of Arts degree in speech at Tea< itfrs College, Columbia University. In recent years, Mrs. Hawkensen h .been a three time winner in beauty contests-as Miss Mt. Vernon, Miss Great Lukes and Miss WiDMiss Nora Herold nipeesaukee. Miss Nora Herold, aged seventy The groom is a son of Mr. and eight years, died in the Kansas Mrs. Hans Hawkenson, of Berlin, Masonic Home at Wichita cu New Hampshire. He is a graduApril 15, 19*45, following a parate of the University of New Clyde fleveni alytic stroke. Her body was I Hampshire, with the degree of laid to rest at Keowa, Kansas. Clyde Hevener, of Gi bachelor of science in forestry. He is a veteran of the Second The deceased was a daughter was born on February , World War. He has position of of the late Washington Herold and dif d suddenly of a he^ of Knapps Creek. Forty years tack while out on his farm c . purchasing agent for Brown Com ago she moved to Anthony, Kan- work on Wednesday, May 22 pawy, of Rochester, New York, where the Hawkensens will go to sas. She is survived by her two sisters, Mrs. W. F. Dean, On December 18,. 1917, he was housekeeping at 5 Academy St. Mrs. J. T. Miller, both of Wich- united in marriage to Ethel ita; two brothers, B. R. Herold, Trainer, who survives and their Robert Lee Hickman of Byrou, Oklahoma, and P. O. three daughters ace: Mrs. Grace Robert Lee Hickman, 51, of Hi rold, of Anthony, Kansas, Cass, was dead on arrival WedBurner, of Durbin; Goldie Hevenesday, November 10,1976, at ner and Evelyn Beverage, of Pocahontas Memorial HospiThorton W. Henning ^ * Green Bank; six grand children; tal. and the following brothers and Parsons —Thorton W. Henning, sisters, Ivan. Herbert, and HerHe was a mechanic and a aged 72 years, of Davis died in a man Greathouse, of Durbin; Mrs. lifelong resident of Pocahontas Veterans hospital in Tennessee, A. E. Sheets, and Mrs, Harvey County. on Monday, September 3, 195S. Cromer, of Durbin; Mrs. Ina Survivin la:is body was brought to Dav * Rose, of Washington, D. C ; Mrs. ne Burrii lighters," burial. He was a veteran c f Odey Cassell. of Cass: and Mrs. Melbe aid '>"ckWorld War 1. He was a woods, Katie Shily, of Monterey, Virginia. man, both of Cass, Mrs. Conman widely known. He is survi- 1 On Friday afternoon, the sernie Smith, of Chicago; sons, ved by two sisters, Mrs. Marjorie vices were conducted from his Robert and Michael, both of Tillson, of Davis and Mrs. Emma home by Rev. Thomas. Burial Landisville, Pennsylvania; Criggler, of New Jersey. in the Arbovale Cemetery". Pall Zane and Kim, both of Cass; bears were men of the Sta e Road , seven grandchildren. Commission with whom he had| Services were held Saturday, Correll Glen Heckerl worked for m a n / years. in Wallace and Wallace FunerCorrell Glen Heckert, 80, al Home, at Arbovale, with the Thus is noted the pa? lied Mondpy, September 8, an honest and up right ei Rev. Coy Mathews officiating. L962, in the Pocahontas Me- j Burial was in Arbovale Cemenorial Hospital. | tery. R. S. Hickman Born at Renick November 8 ; -.881, he was the son of the Robert S. Hickman, aged 82 late Matthew and Abigaile Os- • years, of Cass, died on Friday, William F. Herz borne Heckert. He was a reApril 16, 1954, after a long illness. William F. Herz, of Baltitired railroad conductor. I On Sunday afternoon his body more, Maryland, died October Funeral services will be held was laid in Mountain View Ceme 14, 1981, in the Pocahontas a t Smith Funeral Home, pro-j tery beside the grave of his wife. Memorial Hospital after a short bably Thursday morning. BuThe service was held from illness. rial will be at Weston. Marlinton Presbyterian Church He was taken to Baltimore I by Rev. Thomas L Hansbarger, for services and burial. (assisted by Rev. R. P. Melton and Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. There were Masonic honors at the grave. A*.\*IIVH,

Mrs. Maureen Perkins Herold. 47, of Eleanor, died Tuesday, November 11, 1969, in the Charleston Memorial Hospital. Formerly of Pocahontas* Mrs. Perkins is survived by her husband, Elmer W. Herold; one son, Thomas, with the U. S. Navy at Pearl Harbor; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins, of Hillsboro; two sisters, Mrs. John Buly, of Wilton, Connecticut, and Mrs. Robert Smith, of Vincennes, Indiana. After services at Eleanor, the body will be brought to the VanR^enen Funeral Home in Marlinton Friday by 7 p. m., with graveside services and burial in Mountain View Cemetery at 11 a. m. Saturday.



James Allen Hedrick, Sr., age 26, of Cabins, died Sunday, May 13, at Grant Memorial Hospital, in Petersburg. He was born January 2, 1958, at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, a son of Forrest and Amogene Goldizen Hedrick, of Cabins. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Thompson [Angel] Hedrick; one son, James Allen Hedrick, Jr.; five sisters, Rita Fay Hedrick, of Marlinton, Judith Ann Hedrick, Karen Lynn, and Lisa Dawn, all of Cabins, Mrs. Donna Lee Eskew, of Petersburg; paternal grandmother, Ruby Phillips, of Petersburg. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Faith Assembly Church in Petersburg by Rev. Rodney Mason, with burial in South Branch Memorial Gardens in Petersburg.

William E. Hickman William E. Hickman, 74, a long time resident of Pocahontas County, died July 19, 1976, at his home in Walbridge, Ohio, after a long illness, suN fering from leukemia and diabetes. Born June 7, 1902, he worked and lived many years in the Williams River country, railroading in the lumber woods, then was employed by the Howes Tanning Company at Frank from 1935 to 1954. He lived at Bartow and Durbin several years. He is survived by his wife* Eva Cody Hickman; three sons, Wayne, E. and Estelle E„ of Oregon, Ohio, and Dewey, of Walbridge; two daughters, Mrs. Harold (Evaline S ) Collins, Cleveland, Tennessee, Mrs. Ronald (Phyllis E.) Schultz, of Curtice, Ohio, fifteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. Also, surviving him are three brothers, Roscoe Hickman, Spencer Hickman, Frank Hickman, and two sisters, Mrs. Melissa Wilson and Mrs. Dora Farmer Crisp. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, July 21,1976, at Northwood Church of God with Rev. Richard Midkiff, officiating. Burial at Restlawo Memorial Park.

Julia m. Mitkman Mi=. Julia McCoy Hickman : ag.'d 31 years, wife <-.;' Robert S. i Hickman of Cass, died in a Charleston Hospital on Saturday, Dec. 128, 1950. Two weeks before she suffered a hip fracture in a fall. Mr. and Mrs. Hickman had stopped to visit in Charleston, when on their way to Florida. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from the Mariinton Presbyterian Church with burial in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery. The minister was Rev T. L i t t l e t o n Harnsbarger, of Statesboro, Ga. The pall bearers were Allen Blackhurst, Samuel Harouff, VV. G. Moss, Jack Kane, Fred McLaughlin and Leonard Meadows. The deceased is survived by her husband, two brothers, A. B. McCoy, of Chicago and J. W. Mc Coy of Hea ys, Va. Also, by two sisters, Mrs. Charles V. Short of of DesMoinee. la., and Mrs. Caroline Morrisy of Baltimore. Mrs. Hickman was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church, the Ladies Auxiliary, Eastern Star and the White Shrine.

R. S. Hickman Robert S. Hickman, aged 82 years, of C»s«, died on Friday, April lb', 1954, after a long illness, i On Sunday afternoon his body | was laid in Mountain View Ceme J tery beside the grave of his wife, j The service was held from I Mariinton Presbvteriao Church by Rev. Thomas L Hunsbarger, i assisted by Rev. R. P^Melton j and Rev. J. D Vrbuckle. There! were Masonic'vjuor^ at the grave. Mr. Hickman was one of the leading business men of his day | in Pocahontas County. For! about forty five years he was t h e ' general manager of the Pocatn tas Supply Company at Cass. For a uumber of years he served | on the board of •_nualmtion and review for P anontas County Later be servt i a term as a member of the Pocahontas County Court. The decease j was a son of the late Roger and Rebecca A. Hickman, of Bath County. He marri M Miss Julia McCoy, of Baltimore, Maryhii ' • Ho preceded /him nearly foiv. \ ears since. [They aresunived bj <x number of iDieccs and nephews.

Mrs. Dana Hicks

Mrs. Thelma Elizabeth Ervine Hicks, 65, of Webster Springs, died Tuesday, March 14, 1972, a t her home after a long illness. Born May 26, 1906, near Huntersville, she was a daughter of the late Mack G Ervine and Elizabeth Sharp Ervine. A nurse by profession, she was the wife of Dana M, Hicks. She had resided in Webster Springs for 40 years and was a member of the Webster Springs First United Methodist Church Webster Springs Woman's Club; she had been a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee for the Twelfth Senatorial District fcr sixteen years. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Clifford, Hubert and Myrl Erviae, and four sisters, Miss Anna Lee Ervine, Mrs. Edith Buzzard, Mrs. Maxine Clayton and Mrs. Ernestine Potter. • In addition to her husband she is survived by one son, Dan Hicks, of Atlanta, Georgia four grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Madge Kramer, of Mariinton. Funeral services were held in the Dodd and Hurt Chapel by the Rev. Calvin McCutcheon, with burial in the Mountain v ;pw Cemetery at Mariinton.

Eskell F. High E kell Frank (Jack) High vgg j born on August 24, 1905 at ":•, He was the son of Minor IT;,; jand the late Clara Aycrs Hiuh a; :' passed away on Sunday, December 23, 11)51, atred 46' years, 4 months. Surviving, besides his father, is a brother, t,arl B. bf Renick. His deatn occurred when he. poured gasoline in a warm stove, thinking it was kerosene. The gasoline e.T.doded and he waburned fc death. On November 2. 1042, be was inducted into the U. S. Army Air Force and served until September 11, 1045. At the /' lie of bis death be was employed by the Ronceverte Lumber Co. The services were conducted on Wednesday December 26, from Wallace & Wallace Chapel wiib Rev. Vlustoe otiiciatinjj. Fort Hill Rebekabs' No, sJQ, riaMnjs cto...^ of the services at Chapel and serving as flower girls Pall beareie were fellow workers of Roncc verte Lumber Company. Burial in Rosewood cemetery at Lewis burg with the I. O O F. Lodge of Ronceverte and American Le gion in charge of graveside rites Lips cannot tell how we miss you, Our hearts cannot tell what to sa^ God alone knows how -we njiss J ou In our hearts that are lonely today. Your face is ever before us, Your voice we'll never forget Y/ will linger forevtr In memory, we see. it yet.

John Henry Higpins was born July «], 1880, and died April 11," 1949, at the home of Wilbur Shinaberry, at Cnmpbelltown. He was the son of the late Sain- & nel and Rachel Sheets Riggins. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, Blanch Higgins; one sister, Mrs. Laura Clark, Bowie, Md.; and by a former marriage, six sons and four daughters, who are Ellet, Car! and Ouy, of Mariinton; Harry, of Lorain, Ohio: James, of Amherst, Ohio; Daniel, of Evansviile, Indiana: Grace Hill; Wanda Morgan; Ethel Akers; and Arleen Fertig, all of Mariinton. Four children preceded him in death many years ago. He is also survived by twenty-two grandchildren aod two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Edra.v Church by his pastor, Rev. R. H. Crawford, and burial was in Poage Lane cemetery.



Clay Andrew HiM, 76, of Hightown, Virginia, died Wednesday, July 2, 1975, at his home. >-—He was born Atigoat 10,1898 in Hightown, a son of the late Samuel and Ellen Shelter Hise. He was a retired farmer, and attended Pisgah Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vioia Edith Hise; seven daughters, Mrs. Edith Jolley, of Bartow, Mrs. Jane High, of Monte rey, Mrs. Hazel Sniff let, of Arbovale, Mrs. Goldie Teti, of Landover, Maryland, Mrs. Mary Hise, of Hightown, Mrs. Irene Pingley, of Warren, Ohio, and Mrs. Emogene Colaw, of College Park, Maryland; three aons, Sterling Hise, Hightown, Edward Hise, Bartow, and Celen Hise, College Park; one sister, Mrs. Ratie Moyers, of Dur bin, 31 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday morning at Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell by Rev. James Tongue, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery

mrs. i eresa Higgins

Mrs. Teresa Ethei Higgins, 69. of Cass, died Saturday, March 13, 1971, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was a member of the Cass Methodist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Gooden, of Warren, Ohio, and Mrs. Loretta Woosley, of Chesapeake, Virginia; one son, June Higgins, of Covington Virginia; three sisters. Mrs. Lula Sharp, of Cass, Mrs. Ella Sharp, of Mingo, and Mrs. Charlie Sharp, of Parsons; one brother, William Lee Galford; seventeen grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Cass United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Hilltop Cemetery near Cass

E. R. Hinkle Ernest Ray Hinkle, 66. died at . his home at Richlands, near Lewisburg on Sunday, September 7. 1957, after an extended illness. \ He was a member of the Lewis-' burg Methodist Church. Bom, in Greenbrier County, July 23, 1 1891, he was the son of the late John A. and Mary Nicholas Hinkle. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ada G. Hinkle; one daughter,; Mary Esta, and one son, William, Joseph, both at home; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Herold, of Huntersville, and Mrs. D. D. Persinger, of Ridley Park, Pennsylvani and two brothers, Lacy Hinkk Lewisburg, and A. Watkins kle, of Huntersville. Funeral services were cond Tuesday afternoon at the Le' 'jurg Methodist Church, by Rev. Stacy L. Groscup. Bu was in Rosewood Cemetery Lewisburg.

Mrs. Lucy Hinkle Mrs. Ettie E. Higgirts Mrs. Lucy B. Hinkle, 75 of Mrs Ettie.E. Jackson Higgins, 86, of Mariinton, died Renick. died in a Ronceverte hosSunday, June 13, 1971, in the pital Thursday, January 26,1961, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Norman Hiner She was a member of the ChurNorman Joseph Hiner, 64, after a short illness. died Sunday, July 2,1978, of A lifelong resident of Poca- ch of Christ at Unus. an apparent heart attack. Survivors include her husband, I hontas County, she was born Born June 2, 1914, near at Hillsboro, a daughter of Millard Hinkle; a daughter. Mrs.1 Huntersville, he was the son of the late Warwick and Louise Edna Miller of West Jefferson, North Carolina; three sons, Ber the late Joseph and Edith McCarthy Jackson. Ruckman Hiner. Survivors include four dau- nard Hinkle of Renick; Clifton Mr. Hiner was a retired em* ghters, Mrs. Ethel Akers. Mrs. Hinkle at home, and Robert HinIoyee of the Department of Grace Hill, and Mrs. Arlene kle of Wilmington, Delaware; a ighways and a member of ths Fertig, all of Mariinton, and brother, Russell Stinson of MarMethodist Church. Mrs. Wanda Peterson, of iinton; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Phoenix, Arizona; five sons, Walkup of Baltimore* Maryland; Survivors include his wife, Ellet Higgins, Lick, Mrs. Ida Nicely of Springdale.Orpha V. and one son, Robert Guy Higgins,ofofClover and Mrs. Ethel Smith of Rainelle; Baltimore, Allen Hiner, Falls Church, Maryland, Harry Higgins, of seven grandchildren, and three Virginia; six daughters, Juanita Amherst,' Ohio, James Higgins, j great-grandchildren. Willett, Falls Church, Virginia, of Las Vegas, Nevada, and Funeral services were held SunMrs. Delores Ann Grim, Ma- Daniel Higgins, of Evansville, 'day afternoon in the Renick Bap nassas, Virginia, Carroll Sue Indiana, 25 grandchildren and tist Church by the Rev. G. C. Pryor, Manassas, Virginia, Music and the Rev. Curtis Mason Norma Jo Simmons, Button, 44 great-grandchildren. in charge. Burial in Mount Ver-1 Funeral services were held Doris Jean Plamp, Stafford, Virginia, Miss Irene Hiner, Wednesday afternoon in the Ed non Cemetery near Frankford. Falls Church, Virginia; eight ray United Methodist Church by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with grandchildren. Grant Higgins burial in the Poage Lane CemServices were held Wednes- etery near Clover Lick. Grant Higgins, agcJ 76 years, day, at the VanReenen Funerdied at the borne of Dave Ryder al Home Chapel at 2 p. m., by Caanpbeiltowo on Monday the Rev. Chuck Davis, of rnii;

5 ^

Mrs. anriii HillMry Mrs. Georgia Campbell Hilleary, 92, died Wednesday, June 4,1980, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Born at Lewiiburg, March 24, 1888, sbe was the daughter of the late Gus and Barbara Dean Sydenstricker. Her husband, George, died in 1952. Mrs. Hilleary bad lived in Ronceverte for 60 years, was a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church at Ronceverte and Women of the Church. Survivors include a daughter, ,Mrs. Sarah Donovan, of Ronceverte with whom sbe made her home; sons, Paul (Jake) of Hillsboro, Earl, of Columbia, South Carolina; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte, with the Rev. Lowell E. Keeney officiating. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte. Jesse D. Higby Jesse D. Higby, Jr., 61, of Cameron, died Monday June 3, 1985, in Reynolds Memorial Hospital at Glen Dale. Higby was a retired state police sergeant with 29 years' service. He was stationed at Marlinton several years ago. Mr. Higby was an investigator for the Marshall County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. He was a member of First Christian Church of Cameron and the American Legion, being an Army veteran of World WarH. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Lee Rine Higby; sons, Sidney, of Denver, Colorado, and Ted, of Baltimore, Maryland; a daughter, Mrs. Minerva Evans, of Proctor; and seven grandchildren. Services were held Friday in Moundsville with burial in New Martinsville.

Basil Hicks

Basil Hicks, of Minnehaha Springs, died at the Broaddus Hospital in Philippi on Monday, August 4, 1989. Funeral services and burial will be in South Carolina.

David Higgenbotham David Higgenbotham, 49, of Buntersville, died Fridav, May 19. 1972, at his home of an apparent hea'-t attack. Born at Harts Run, June 1, 1922, he was a son of the late Wash and Bete Higgenbotham He was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his_ wife, Mrs. Virginia Potter Higgenbotham, and omvrrie^. Mrs. Martha Plumley, of Abraham. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Cummings Creek United Methodist Church by the Rev. Samuel Schoolcraft, with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery. I

Oakey Hinkle

mrs. wane Ann ninwe Mrs. Willie Ann Hinkle, 91, of Droop, died Wednesday, February 10, 1982, in Denmar hospital aiter a long illness. Born December 14, 1890, on Droop Mountain, she was a daughter of the late Abram and Lydia Hanna Cutlip. Mrs. Hinkle was a homemaker and a member Of Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church at Droop. Her husband, Gerald Hinkle, died March 31, 1963. Survivors include four sons. Leonard Hinkle, Lilburn Hinkle and Denver Hinkle, all of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Robert Hinkle of Conyers, Georgia; three daughters, Velma Shue, of Hillsboro, Edith Bowen, of Marlinton, and Arlene Long, of Plainfield, New Jersey; twenty-one grandchildren and several great and great- great grandchildren. Services were held Saturday in Mount Olivet United Methodist Church with the Rev. Ken Richards officiating. Burial was in Sunset Cemetery at Droop.

Newman Oakey Hinkle, 66 'of Beard Heights, Marlinton. died Wednesday, May 13, 1964, ^fter a long illness. A veteran, he was born in Little Levels District on August 27, 1897,the son of the late lake and Molly Perkins Hinkle He is survived by a sister, in Summersville. The Rev. James 0. Shank Gerald Clifton Hinkle conducted the funeral services Gerald (Girley) Clifton HinSaturday in the Smith Funeral Home. Burial was in the kle, 81, of Droop Mountain, Sharp Cemetery on Stamping j died Sunday, March 31, 1963, after a long illness. Creek. Survivors include his wife; Mrs. Gertrude C. Hipes Mrs. Willie Hinkle; four sons, Mrs. Gertrude C. Hipes, of New Lilburn P., E. Denver, and Leo Hope, passed away Sunday after- nard W. Hinkle, all of Frednoon at 5:15 at the Lewis Gale ericksburg, Virginia, Robert I. Hospital in Roanoke. She was Hinkle, of East Rainelle; three the wife of Rev. R. 0. Hipes, w ho daughters, Mrs. Velma Shue, survives her. Also surviving are of Droop Mountain, Mrs. Edith two daughters and one son, Mrs. D. Bowden, of Marlinton, and W. B. Dunlevey. Mrs. Leonora V. Mrs. Arlene E. Long, of New Larue and G. M. Hipes; seven Jersey, and a brother, Millard grandchildren and six great-grand- Hinkle, of Renick. children. Funeral services were he'd Funeral services were held Wed- Wednesday morning at the nesday afternoon at the New Hill Chapel at Jacox with the Rev. Calvin Lewis and the Hope Methodist Church. Ezra Bennett in charge. Rev. Hipes is a former pastor Rev. Burial was in the Sunset Cein the Levels. metery at Jacox. Mrs. Dana Hieks Mrs. Thelma Ervine Hicks of Webster Springs, died Tues Mrs. Margaret Hill, "wife of Peter day, March 14, 1972, in the Hill, died at her home at Jacox last Webster County Hospital. She Friday morning;, March 16, 1923. She had been in ill health for sev- was neas 80 years of age. Some motths ago she suffered a stroke of eral months. paralysis. Burial at the Whiting Mrs. Hicks was the sister graveyard on Droop Mountain. Mrs. of Mrs. C. S. Kramer, of Mar- Hill's maiden name was Whiting. linton. She is survived by her aged husband Funeral services will be Fri- and a number of sons and daughters. A son, Dr. E. B. Hill of Marlinton, day morning at 10:00 a. m. in jI has beon dead "a number of years. Webster Springs with graveside service in the afternoon in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

W. Hill PSimon Simon W. Hill, M. D. 85, of

Regent, North Dakota, died May 30, 1970, at St. Alexius Hospital of Bismarck, after an illness of two weeks. He was born November 1, 1884, at Jacox, the son of Peter and Margaret Whiting Hill. He grew up near Hillsboro and graduated from the University of Maryland Medical School in 1909. He practiced for two years in the coal fields at Switchback. On February 28, 1911, he moved to Regent, practiced medicine and also operated the Regent Drug Store He married At,nesM.Muleahty, at Janesville, Minnesota, on June 12, 1918. On June 20, 1957, Regent honored him wiih "Dr. Hll Day." In June of 1959 at the North Dakota Medical Association he was honored for 50 years of medical practice; he also attended his 50 year class reunion for University of Maryland, Balti more, Maryland. In September of 1906 he deeded the drug store building to the Hettinger County Historical Society. Mr. Hill is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alexandria (Catherine) Zylla,ofSt. Cloud, Minnesota; one son, Alton W. (Doc) Hill, of Bismarck; four grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Anna Curry, of Renick. He was preceded in death hy his parents, and wife who died March 28, 1970.

Mrs. Sam C. Hill Mrs. Elinor Albright Hill, 69, of Hillsboro, died Friday, September 9,1977, enroute to the Greenbrier Valley Hospital, after a long illness. Mrs. Hill was a native of Morgantown, the daughter of Charles A. and Nell P. Brown Albright. She was a graduate of West Virginia University, where she was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Gamma fraternities. She taught for 30 years in Kanawha County, was a past president of the Charleston Chapter of the American Association of University Women, and was active in many civic activities before she and her husband retired to Hillsboro. She was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church. Surviving are her husband, Samuel C Hill, of Hillsboro, a son, Samuel C. Hill, Jr., of Orlando, Florida; four grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Marcus A. Finlen, also of Orlando. Services were held Monday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

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Samuel C. Hill, 72, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, June 20, 1978, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, after a iong illness with cancer. Mr. Hill came to Pocahon* tas to live after retiring from Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone where he had been an engineer for 40 years. He was an Elder in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church and a member of Telephone Pioneers of America, Marlinton Rotary Club, and a Director Emeritus of the Pocahontas County Historical Society. He was a graduate of West Virginia University (1928) and active in Boy Scout work for many years. He was instrumental in locating Buckskin Council Scout Reservation here. Born in Kanawha County July 29,1905, he was the son of William Claude and Elizabeth Johnson Hill. His wife, Elinor Hill, died September 9, 1977. He is survived by one son, Samuel C. Hill, Jr., of Orlando • Florida, and four grandchildren. Services will be held Friday morning at 10 a.m., by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Boy Scouts of America or the Cancer Fund.

George P. Hill

Scotford O'Dell Hill Scotford O'Dell Hill, age 48, of Belva, died February 27, 1997, when a tree fell on a vehicle he was in. He was a disabled miner, an Army veteran, and a member of the Eagles at Montgomery. Surviving him are his wife, Kathy O'Dell Hill; sons, George Hill, of Dixie, Spencer Hill, of Hillsboro, Terry Parsons, of Pennsylvania, Wiliam R. Bishop, Jr., of Lakeland, Florida; daughter, Kimberly Spotswood, of Winterhaven, Florida; brothers, George, Jim, Dee and Robert, all of Belva, Frank, of Glen Ferris, John, of Cincinnati, Ohio; sisters, Virginia Lee Cornwell, of Kansas City, Missouri, Ruth Baughman, of Lima, Ohio, Rebecca Kaiser, of Cincinnati; six grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Pennington Funeral Home, Gauley Bridge, by the Rev. Albert Mullins. Burial with military rites by VFW Post 8366, Gauley Bridge, was in Hill Cemetery, Belva.

Ceorge Preston Hill, 88, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, April 29, 1967, in the Hampshire Memorial Hospital in Romney. Born June 10, 1878, at Jacox, he was the son of the late Peter and Margaiet Whiting8 Hill. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sophia Sa'Jie Morrison Hill, and one son, Lawson Merrvill Hill. He was a retired farmer and a lifelong resident of Hillsboro. Survivors incl ude one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Whiteman, of Romney, two sons, Clinton Hill of Hillsboro, and Dr. Charles Wickline Hill, of Ithaca, New York; one sister, Mrs. Anna Curry, of Renick, and one brother, Dr. Simon W. Hill, of Regent, North Dakota. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Harry Painter and the Rev. Victor Tenney, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Jobn A. Hill John A. Hill, aged 86 years. died at his home near Hills! on Saturday, January '.». 1 He had been in failing health tor some time. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was conducted from the Hillsboro Metnodist church by his pastor. Rev. R. D. Marshall Mr. Hill was a son of the late Aaron and Mariam Jordan Hill. Of his father's family there remain two sons, Granville of Missouri, and,f Christopher of Ohio; one daug er, Mrs Peter MeCarty of Huntersville. • Mr Hill married Miss Molhe Campbell, who survives. Thensons are Herbert, Winters, Clifford, Sterling and Sherman. Their daughters, Mrs. H. H. Jones, Mrs Elmer Hogsott, Mrs Thomas Alderman and Vivian. Thus is noted the passing of a truly good citizen and upright man. He was a greet grandson of Richard Hill, the pioneer, a Revolutionary Soldier.

Simon W. Hill, M. D. 85, of Regent, North Dakota, died May 30, 1970. at St. Alexius Ho;-piial of Bismarck, after an illness of two weeks. He was born November 1, 1884, at Jacox, the son of Peter and Margaret Whiting Hill. He grew up near Hillsboro and gradasted from the University o! Maryland Medical School in 1909. He practiced for two y< rs in the coal fields at S.v.tchback. On February 28, 1911, he moved to Regent, practiced medicine and also operated the Regent Drug Store He married Agnes M. Muleahev, at Janesville, Minnesota, on June 12, 1918. On June 20, 1957, Repent honored him with "Dr. Hll Day." In June of 1959 at the North Dakota Medical Association he was honored for 50 years of medical practice; he also attended his 50 year class reunion for University of Maryland, Balti more, Maryland. In September of 1966 he deeded the drug store building to the Hettinger County Historical Society. Mr. Hill is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alexandria (Catherine) Zylla, of St. Cloud, Minnesota; one son, Alton W. (Doc) Hill, of Bismarck; four grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Anna Curry, of Renick. He was preceded in death hy his parents, and wife who died March 28, 1970.

son or (ieorjre t j u»n*>wu . a c i n i n M i ,-? and Sophia S. Hi!!. W 3 S h orn near ; Jacox, March 28, 19$) a l K i d l e d a l Tuseop, Arizina, May 6\ lw.'J!i, When r1,,? w>MS nine years of aire his family locatec' at Hillsboro, fie graduated from t u e Hillsboro s i g h Soh ,o! in the class or ig28. JHB received hi> high school diploma on F kU}> and on | the following Monday lie mirfclculat' ed in the Fairmont business College where lie completei A business coi in seventy-two days. After spending some cime in Texas and several months with tiis uncle, Dr. Simon Hill, in North Dakota, he entered the West Virginia Unlversir ty in 1931. He received his bachelor's degiee in 1935; hi3 master's in 1937 Since then he has been at wurk on his doctor's decree. lie, spent part of the year, 1937, in i i Thompson Institute, New York. For the past three years he was a member of the West Virginia University faculty. He taught in the department of plant pathology of the Coi lege of Agriculture. While he stud ied i,i that institution he was one of its most popular students. He served as " T h e Mountaineer," he was a member of the Mountain Club and Alpha Zeta, at the University. During the pastorate of Rev. W. (J. I Early he was converted and united witli the Hillsboro Methodist Church September 17, 1922. He was faithful in church attendance and active in Epworth League work His loyalty and love of peop'e won him a host of friends. In his passing he leaves to mourn HTSTOSS his father and mother; two brothers, Clinton, of Hillsboro, and Jharlie, of Morgantown; one sister, i Ruth; and a host of devoted friends Mrs. Nannie Oliver Hill The funeral service was conducted at Mrs. Nannie Oliver Hill, 68, the Hillsboro Methodist Church by of Green Bank, died Sunday, his pastor, Rev. L. S. Shires, assisted December 23, 1962, at her by Rev. J. E Knight, of the Presbyterian church, after which his home. body was laid to rest in the Oak She was a member of the Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. TLt Wesley Chapel Methodist pall bearers were hia associates and Church of Green Bank, and friends from W. V U. His death the daughter of the late Char- loses the record of a courageous, amitious end remarkably promising les and Mary Mann. .outig U e, Our hearts go out in Survivors include her hus- sympathy to his bereft loved ones.

muri v. mil Murl Vernon Hill, 51, of Baltimore .Maryland, formerly of Lobelia, died Friday, March 17, 1972, following a long illness. Born May 19, 1921, at Lobelia, he was a son of Mrs. Ruby Hill Sheets, of Hillsboro, and the late Ellawood Hill. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and was employed at the Glenn Martin Aviation Plant at Baltimore, Maryland. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rae Hill, one son,-Michael Hill and one daughter, Judy Karen Hill, all of Baltimore; five brothers, Joel Hill, of Gettysburg. : Pennsylvania', Lorraine, Melv n and Paul Hill, all of Baltimore, and Ward Hill, of LaPorte, Indiana; five sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Terlizzi, of Melbourne, Australia, Mrs. Madeline Smith, of Littlestown, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ruth Wright, of Bendersville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Betty Silva, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Mrs. Mary Ionescu, of Washington, K D. C. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Hill Chapel with burial in the Runset Cemetery near Hillsboro.

Miss Ivor Hill Miss Ivor Jean Hill died on .Tuesday, December 6, I960, in [the Sacred Heart Hospital in ; Riehwood. She had not been in good, health for the past two years. A daughter of the late H. A. and Lillie Hill of Wavnesville. band, Clifton Hill; three daushe w&s born August 21, 1902, ghters, Mrs. Clyde Matheny, and had lived in Riehwood the of Manassas, Virginia, Mrs. past 40 years. She was an al-'tn- Delbert Ryder, of Ashtabula, , na of West Virginia University Ohio, and Miss Ella Nora Hill, and had held several secretarial at home; five sons, Thurman postitions in Riehwood. She was and Paul Hill, both of Green active in civic, church and frater- Bank; Neal Hill, of Baltimore, nal organiza ions and was a mem- Maryland, Charles Hill, of ber of the Riehwood Presbyterian Culpeper, Virginia, and Leroy Church. Hill, stationed with the Navy Survivors include an uncle and in Norfolk, Virginia; two broaunt, Mr and Mrs. Bryan G. thers, Frank Mann, of StaunHill, and several cousins, one of ton, Virginia and Carl Mann, whom was Otto Kennison of ! of Port Townsend, Washington, Hillsboro. thirteen grandchildren and one Services were held in the Rich- great-grandchild. wood Presbyterian Church by the Funeral services were h^ld Rev.. William Ingram on Thurs- Wednesday afternoon in tne day, December 8 with burial in Wesley Methodist Church Mountain View Memorial Park.. [with the Rev. Ira F. Petre in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery.

CLARENCE FENTON HILL Clarence Fenton Hill, aged 52 years, died at his home in Covington on Sunday night, December 15, 1940 of a heart attack. While he had not been so well since hurt in an automobile accident two years ago, his death came as a surprise. A few hours before he attended a Christmas church service. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral service was conducted from the Grandbery Methodist Church; burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. Hill was a son of the late Burke and Lucy Beard Hill of Hillsboro. His mother died two years ago His sister is Mrs. Harry Wanless, of Cass, and ihs brother is Lloy' T " ! of Brownsville, D a.

Clifton L. Hill Clifton Lawrence Hill, 87. died at his home Tuesday, September 24, 1974, in Reisterstown Maryland, where he lived with bis son, Neal, and friend, Paul Kelly. tie was the husband of the late Olive Nannie Mann Hill, who preceded him in death in December 1962. Survivors include three daugh ters, Mrs. Clyde Matheny and Miss Ella Nora Hill, of Green Bank and Mrs. Delbert Ryder, of Ashtabula, Ohio, five sons, Thurmond and Paul, both of Green Bank, Neal of Riesterstown, Charles, of Culpeper, Virginia, and Leroy, of Cer ar Grove, 16 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren, and special friend Paul Kelly, of Reisters town. He is formerly of Pocahontas County, was a World War 1 veteran and was a retired em ployee of the West Virginia De partment of Highways. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wesey Chapel United Methodist Church with Rev. Kenneth Montgomery officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Clinton Harper Hill Clinton Harper Hill, 67, of Hillsboro, died Monday, April 28, 1969, in the University Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia. Born at Jacox, October 6, 1901, he was a son of the late George P. and Sophia Morrison Hill. A retired bulldozer operator and a farmer, be was a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at Hillsboro Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Bernice Hefner Hill; four sons, Marion E. and Roy P. Hill, both of Hillsboro, W. Harper Hill, of Stoilaeoon, Washington, and Sherman L. Hill, of Smithville; two daughters, Mrs. N. Rowena Pitzer, of Belington, and Mrs. Thelma B. Baker, Morningside, Maryland; one brother, Charlie W. Hill, of Ithaca, New York; one sister, Mrs. Ruth N. Whiteman, of Romney, and 13 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Wesley Chapel Church on Thursday, May 1, at 2 p.m., by the Rev. Ralph Ross, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. J. W.Jiill ,1 Mrs. Lula Frye Hill, wife of J. W. Hill, died at her home in Marlinton ou Wednesday after noon, June 9, 1943, of a heart attack. Some days before she had suffered an attack. On Friday afternoon the funeral was conducted from the home by her pastor,Rev. O. G. Olson; interment in Mt. View. The pall bearers were Senator Fred Allen, Paul R. Overholt, Clarence B. Moore, F. P. King-, Guy R. Faulknier. Bo Coyner. The honorary pall bearers were Mayor Carl Sheets, P. T. Wrard, Dr Hamrick, J. A. Svdenstricker, W. L. Davis, E. H. Wade, E. L. "Fenton, Marvin Wimcr, S. N. j Bench, James Bear, Walter Mason, W. H. Arbog-ast, Dice Grimes and Calvin W. Price. Mrs Hill is survived by her husband, Town Recorder J. W. j Hill. The day of her funeral! was the fortieth anniversary of her wedding. She is also surviv-, ed by her sister, Mrs Irvie HudIeon, of Lynchburg, Va., and herl brother, Phillip Frye of Marliir! ton. She was a daughter of the late Wr. H. Frye, of Lynchburg. Thus is noted the passing of a most useful life spent in the service of others.

Mrs. Plummie Ora Hill Mrs. Plummie Ora Hill. 82, of Caldwell, died Tuesday, February 11, 1975, in the Emmett Memorial Hospital in Clifton Forge, after a short illness. Born at Droop, January 26, 1893, she was a daughter of the late George and Rebecca McCarty. She was a member of tbe Mount Zion United Methodist Church on Droop. Her husband, Thomas L. Hill, preceded her in death in 1972. Survivors include three daughters.-Mrs. Yvonne Brown, of Fontana, California, Mrs. Faye Boggs and Mrs. Limmie Boggs, both of Hillsboro; two sons, Benton and Venton Hill, both of White Sulphur Springs one brother, Alfred McCarty, of Fairmont; 23 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services will be Thursday at 2:00 p. m. in the Woodlawn Presbyterian Church at Auto with Rev. George Bailey, with burial in the church cemetery

E. E. Hill Ellawood E. Hill was born January 17,1885, and died Friday, March 22,1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. In 1912 he was united in marriage to Ruby Alderman, of Droop. He was a member of the Lobelia Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruby Hill; six sons, Joel Hill, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Ward Hill, of La Porte, Indiana, Paul, Melvin, Murl and Lorraine Hill, all of Baltimore, Maryland; five daughters, Mrs. Madeline Smith, of Littlestown, Pennsylvania, Mrs Ruth N. Wright, of Aspers, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Dorothy Terlizzee, of Sydney, Australia, Mrs. Betty Silva, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Mrs. Mary Ionescu, of Washington, D. C ; two brothers, Fred Hill, of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and Thomas Hill, of Lobelia; twenty-five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. His only sister, Mrs. Page Clutter, followed him in death on March 25,1968. One brother, Forrest J. Hill, passed away in 1934. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Lo' belia Methodist Church bj the Rev. Howard McNeill and the Rev. Roy Snedegar with burial in the Sunrise Cemetery at Jacox. , He has also left behind a host of good friends and neighbors. Mrs. Zadie Hill Mrs. Zadie Hill, 71, died on Tuesday, October 24, 1961, after a long illness. Mrs. Hill was born at Cave, January 2,1890, a daughter of the late Peter J. and Mary Alice Simmons Moyers. She was married to the late Andr^v F. Hill, founder of Hill's S.ore "n Franklin which is now being operated by their son. She is survived by one son Frank Hill, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Friday morning from the Franklin Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, pastor of the Franklin Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Andrew Ballas, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in charge. Burial was in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

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Homer Preston Hill, of Lewsherry, Pennsylvania, was born March 15. 1901, and passed iway at 10:00 a. m. Sunday, January 12, 1969, at Seidel Memorial Hospital, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, at the ape 3? 67 years, 9 months and 28 "lays. He was the son of the late Samuel G. and Maud Cutlip Hill. He was born and grew up at Droop. Mr. Hill was a member c* the 25-vear club of Dentists Supply Co., of York, Pennsylvania, where he worked 37 years prior to his retirement. He was also a member of Lewis berry Fire Co. Surviving are his widow, Ar nie Young Hip, ind four dauet tPrs, Mrs. Howard (Bettie) Baughman, Lewisberrv; Mrs. Gilbert (Ada) Eaton. Winsdor, Mrs. (Fannie) DeGroft, Littlestown; Mrs. Howard (Lettie) Grove, Red Lion; and one son. Samuel Hill, Lewisbprry; 18 grandchildren, five brothers, Elmer and Carl, of York; Clvde and Neil,of Dover and Lynn, of Ridgefield, New Jersey; two sisfers, Mrs. Rus°ell (T ola) Beam and Mrs. Robert (Buryl) Kellison, of Dover. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m .Wednesdav at Urich Funeral Home, Lewisberry, with the Rev. Donald G. Fishel, pastor of Dover United Church of Christ, officiating and burial in Emmanuel Cemetery, near Lewi sberry.

Mr. Peter Hill, one of the pioneer citizens of Jacox, Pocahontas Co., W. Va., reached the end of his long earthly life at 9:30 a. m. Sunday, February 10th, 1924. at the home of his son, George Hill, at Hillsboro, |W\ Va., from feebleness and infirmities incident to old age. Mr. Hill 1,/sd been in a feeble condition for some time, but recently suffered a stroke\of paralysis and never recovered frota same but gradually became weaker until the feeble cord of life could no longer hold him here and it snapped, and he departed from this earthly life to enter into life eternal. Mr. Hill was born February 12th. 1837, at the home now occupied by George Hill, of Lobelia, W. Va , and a few years later his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hill exchanged this home property with George Hill, and moved to the old Hill homestead which has in recent years been sold and divided and what was once such a fine property is now the property of several different persons Jesse Anderson having built a modern home near where the subject of this sketch with several brothers and one sister were reared and trained for lives of usefulness and where for years the many pioneer traveling Methodist ministers of the gospel were entertained. On April I I , 1867, Mr. Hill was united in marriage to Miss Margaret J., daughter of Ebenezer and Sallie McMillion Whiting, and they spent almost 56 years of wedded life together, Mrs. Hill dying March 16, 1023. To this union five boys and three daughters we're born, Two sons preceded their parents to the grave, Dr, Ernest B\ of Marlinton, and Sherman, of California, the following are the children left to mo'.irn their fathers d a t h : J. Wilson, of Jacox; George P.. of ffillsboro, *** Simon, of Eegent, N . Dakota; Lena Hanna, of Spring Creek; Tary Morrison, of Renick; »nd

Miss Nannie Myrtle Hill

Miss Nannie Myrtle Hill, 84, died Monday, December 18, 1967, in the Denrnar Hospital. She taught school and was a nurse in years gone by. Born August 22,1883, at Lobelia, she was the daughter of the late John Wesley and Elizabeth Bruffey Hill. Four sisters and three brothers, Bertie Harouff, Ida Crookshank, Lee Anna Hill and Lucy Hill, A. W. Hill, Luther Hill and Grover Hill, preceded her in death. She was the las> of her family and is survived only by numerous nieces and riepiuws. Services will be held Thursday morning in the Lobelia Methodist Church by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Emmanuel Church Cemetery.


After his marriage Mr for a few

months u-n t h t

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owned b * Newton Clutter, Lobelia, and from thence removed ' his home where thu remaining yea. of his were spent. Since the death of his wife and a very short time before 1 er death he made his home with his son, J. Wilson out near the middle of last August he went to visit his daughters spending some time with each and from them he went to his son. George at Hillsboro and was only there a few days until he was stricken by the hand of disease, although he recovered his strength to a certain degree he never regained strength to be able to return to his old home. Mr. Hill during his active years was an energetic, useful business man and built up home and farm and accumulated quite a wealthy property being stockholder in some of his county banks, also having shares in the Telephone Co , and interested in the business of his county. He was postmaster at Jacox. from the time the postofflce was established until late in the year of 1912, when the marriage of his daughter, Anna and his 'ailing eyesight com pelled him to resign from t h a t oosition. .

fessed his faith iu Christ at a camp meeting held near Mill point, and united with the Methodist church and for nearly 70 years remained a member. We trust t h a t he has changed his membership to the church triumphant of God. Besides his children and grand children he leaves two aged brothers, D. C, Hill, of Jacox, who is in his 83rd year and William, of New London, Iowa; and a wide circle of relatives scattered to the far points of the TJ. S. On Tuesday Feb. 12, which would been his 87th. birthday his remains were brought to his home church and j funeral services were conducted by j Rev. Pope, and from thence to the i graveyard and laid to rest by his \

J. Forrest Hill J . F o r r e s t Hill, aged 75 y e a r s , died a t his home in O r l a n d o , F l o r i d a , OD F r i d a y S e p t e m o o r 2, 1919. On Tuesday his body was buried in the family plot in a Charleston cemetery. T h e deceased is survived by his wife, M r s . E v a Moore Hill, and t h e i r son, J . F o r r e s t Hill. J r . , of the A r m y , stationed a t F t . Knox, Kentucky He was a son of the late R. W. and Sarah M. Hill, of Hillsboro. Hin sister is Mrs. G l e n n a Pence of Charleston; his b r o t h e r s are Dr. David H. Hill of Madison, and A n t h o n y B. Hill of Pasco, W a s h i n g t o n . Ano t h e r b r o t h e r was the late F r a n k R. Hill. On Friday night, October 23, 1925, the death angel slipped quietly into the home of Mr. and Mts. J. Wilson Hill and stole away their youngest child, aged nine years, eight months and 23 days. On Tuesday evening he became ill with scarlet fever and everything possible was done to save his life, but to no avail. After fjjneral services wc e conducted at the home by Rev. iS. S. Hill, his little body was laid to r w t in the Kellison graveyard to await the . esurrection. Left to mourn his loss ar•••: father and mother, three brothers, resides a host of relatives and friends. Sleep on, dear Marshall, take thy rest, God, in His mercy knowwh bes R. C. ' WILLIAM PRESTON HILL William Preston Hill, 70, well known resident of Hillsboro, died at his home Wednesday afternoon, December 13. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon from the Methodist Church at Hillsboro with Rev. Painter officiating. Mr. Hill is survived by his wife, Sadie Sheets Hill; one son, Hunter Hill; two daughters, Miss Kathleen Hill a n d Mrs. James Lilly, all at home; one brother, H. W. Hill, of Alhambra, Calif., and one sister, Mrs. Eliabeth Huns, of Charleston.

Miss Emma Frances Hill

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J. Wilson Hill, aged 71 years, of Jacox, Pocahontas County, died on Saturday night, November 4, 1944. He had been ill for a' number of weeks. On Wednesday afternoon, the funeral was conducted from the home by Rev. A. L. Tenney and Rev. S. L. Coutrell. Interment in the Kellison cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Peter and Margaret Whiting Hill. His brothers are George P. Hill of Hillsboro, and Dr. Simon W. Hill of Regent, Montana His sisters are Mrs. Lloyd Curry ! and Mrs. Charley Morrison. He is survived by his wife who, Lee Hill before her marriage was Miss Lee Hill, aged 80 years, died at Lizzie Boggs, and their three sens the home of his sister, Mrs. Eliz- Herbert, Hugh and Johnnie. #One abeth Hume, in Charleston, on son, Marshall died several years Friday, May 3, 1946. His body Miss Emma Frances Hill, 93, died on Sunday, July 26, 1964, at ihe Morganiown General Hospital. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, of Renick. Miss Hill was a member of Wesley Chapel, at Hillsboro. Survivors include several nephews and nieces. She was laid to rest in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Mor gantown.

VI l/V

Mrs Lucy Beard Hill, aged 14 years died in Covington on Friday night, November 18, 1938. On Sun day afternoon the funeral was held in Covington, by her pastor, Rev H. S. Coffey, of the Granberry Methodist Church: interment in the Oal< Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs Hill was a daughter of the late Charles W. and Elizabeth Perkins Beard. She was born at Hillsboro May 31, 1864. In 1887 she beca.oe the wife of the late Burke C. Hill, vho diet" in 1900. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs Harry Wanless. of Cass, and two sons. C. F. Bill, o! Covington, and Lloyd Hill, of Brownsville, Pennsylvania- also by her sis ter, Miss Nannie Beard, of Marlin ton. For the last twenty-live years Mrs Hill has made her home with her son >n Covington. Of her the Covington /irgitiian says: ''She was of a de ightful personalitv and was ona of Covington's most widely beloved wo nen."

was laid to rest in the McNeel Mrs. Iberia Hill Brenda Joyce Hill cemetery at Hillsboro on Sunday I Mrs. Iberia Hill, 81, of Richafternoon. Graveside rites were held last The deceased was a native or Wednesday, at one o'clock at the wood, died at her hoffid on Pocahontas County, a son of the Hill cemetery for little Brecda Tuesday, January 19, 1965, late Abraham and Alice Smith j Joyce Hill, daughter of Mr. and ( after a long illness. Hill. His brothers are Will, of Mrs. Ward Hill of Dunmore, bn*a i She was a member of the :Calvary Methodist Church, Hillsboro; Sam, of Pittsburgh, and died November 22, 1949. Yew Pine Chapter 65 Order of Pennsylvania, and Henry, of LinSurviving are the parents aDd the Eastern Star and the White ccin, Nebraska. The deceased one brother, Barry. I has been a resident of Charleston Shrine. < Rev. Painter of Hillsboro, consince 19)8. j Survivors include her husducted the service. '• 'band, G. B. Hill; one daughter, xMrs. Pauline Simon, of EmMrs. Jenny E. Hill DIED imaus, Pennsylvania; three sisLewisburg—Mrs. Jenny E!iza William C. Hill was born July 6, 1 ters, M rs. Leona Clark, of Renboth Hill, wife of L. C. Hill, died 1868. and died October 22, 19:S4, aged Jick, M r s . Lessie Cutlip, of Ruat her home in Frankford earl,\ 66 years, three mpi'lis and seventeen ipert and Mrs. Flossie Mace, of , a ys. He had men suffering from Thursday morning, February 20, Weston, and one brother, y ,abetes for several years, but the j 'Remus Hill, of Richwood. 1947. at the age of 81. Funeral services were conducted on Fri- immediate cause of Ins death was Funeral services were heldji day at 2 P. M. at the home. The heart thouble. Friday afternoon in the Simons He was a son of the late George Rev. Mr. Belcher and Rev. Mr. j Funeral Home by the Rev. R. Marshall officiated. Burial was \i'%, and Nancy Jordan Hill. lie j L. Moore, Jr. Burial was in grf^ to young manhood at the old made in the Kosevvood Cemetery ^3 near Hillsboro, West Virginia. •Mountain View Cemetery at in Lewisburg. whe age of twenty-one years ':e Richwood. o Kansas whe e he resided r In addition to her husband, •ar. In 1901 he went to Wa^a .Airs. Hill is survived by two i where lie engaged in wheat Mrs. Georgia Simmons Hill 4ons, Charles Edward Hill, of .ng for a few years. Later he Duedalk, Maryland, and Mark Mrs. Georgia Simmons Hill, ,.JS employed as local manager for ML Hill, of Last Rainelle. aced 48 years, wife of Herbert C the Northern Grain company. He is survived by his wife who was Hill, of Lobelia, died at the UniMiss Alice Owens of Spokane, Wash- versity Hospital in Charlottes DIED ington; one brother, two sisters and ville, Virginia on Sunday, June Mrs, Mrs. Martha Barlow Hill, widow or & number of neices and nephews. 14, 1953. Sbe had been ill for Howard Hill, died at her home on" Funeral services were conducted at several weeks. Her body will be Bed Lick Mountain, near Onoto. on the Masonic Temple under the au- laid in the Kellison Cemetery at Monday morning:, December 22, 1930. spices of the loca'l lodge of which he Jacox on Wednesday .afternoon. Slie had been sick less than a week. had long been a member, assisted by Her age was about 75 years. On Tties the Rev. Harry McDowell, of Colfaj The service will be from Hill Chapel by her pastor, Rev. CalviD flay afternoon her body was buried in Washington. interment in -JfotT the Cochran graveyard beside the tain View Cemetery, Fa.frningt.on Lewis. grave of her husband, who died on .Washington, ~rThe deceased is survived by her October 16, 1930. The funeral was husband and their daughter, conducted from the Edrav church by Pauline. She was a daughter of her pastor, Rev. T. H. Taylor. the late Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Mrs. Hill was a daughter of the Simmons. Of this family there late 1Josiah Barlow and his wife Sarah remain a sister, Mrs. W. C- Mc .1 in* - Hannah Barlow. She is surMillion, of Beard; four brothers, vived by one sister, Mrs. Amos Gay Leonard, of McComas; Clinton and one brother, Silas Barlow, For a life time she was a member of the i and Quiliie, of Bel Air, Maryland; Methodist Church. and Nelson, of Lobelia.


Fniwftk R. Rid Frederick R. Hill, 82, of 4830 Charles Road, Mechanlcsburg, Pennsylvania, died Saturday, November 27, 1970; at I his borne. He was a retired carpenter and farmer, an Army veteran of World War I and a member of the Camp Hill Unifcd Methodist Church, the Hagerstown. Maryland, American Legion Post and the 1 . 0 . 0 . F Lodge in West Virginia. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Nellie M. Hill- a daughter, Mrs. Fredda F. Brown, of Mechanicsburg; two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday, at 10:30 a. m., at the Funeral Home on East Main St.. in Mechanicsburg, with the Rev. Orville V. Warner, his pastor, officiating. Burial was in Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens in Gettysburg.

Simuil C. Hill Samuel C. Hill, 72, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, June 20, 1978, in Greenb. er Valley Hospital, after a k,jg illness With cancer. Mr. Hill came to Pocahontas to live after retiring from Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone where he had bean an engineer for 40 years. He was an Elder in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church and a member of Telephone Pioneers of America, Marlinton Rotary Club, and a Director Emeritus of the Pocahontas County Historical Society. He was a graduate of West Virginia University (1928) and active in Boy Scout work for many years. He was instrumental in locating Buckskin Council Scout Reservation here. Born in Kanawha Count} July 29,1905, he was the sor of William Claude and Eliza beth Johnson Hill. His wife, Elinor Hill, died September 9 1977. He is survived by one son, Samuel C. Hill, Jr., of Orlando, Florida, and four grandchildren. Services will be held Friday morning at 10 a.m., by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Boy Scouts of America or the Cancer Fund.

LIT. vnaries nui Dr. Charles Hill, 76, of Lewisburg, died April 29, 1983, at home after a short illness. He was born in Pocahontas County and a member of the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. He was a professor of agriculture and education and received many national honors. He was a retired professor from Cornell University where he had received his PhD. He was also a professor at W. Va. University where he received his undergraduate and masters degrees. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Harriet McDonald, of Craig, Colorado; a stepson, Dr. Robert J. Nottingham, of Craig; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Whiteman, of Romney; six grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. His wife, Dakota Kirk Hill, preceded him in death Graveside services were held at 2 pm Monday at the Oak Grove Cemetery with the Rev. William Slates officiating. The family requests that. donations be made to the W. Va. Univsersity Foundation.


Mrs. Sadie Hill Mrs. Sadie C. Hill. 86, widow of William P. Hill, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, November 2, 1975, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. (Kathleen) deKrafft, of Richmond, Virginia, after a long illness. She is also survived by a son, Hunter W. Hill, of Buckeye, a second daughter, Mrs. Doris Lilly, of Frankford, 2 grandchildren, Gary and Nicholas Lilly, and a brother, Arthur M. Sheets, of Fairmont. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Maynard Crawford. Burial will be in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Mrs. Clara G a y H i l l Mrs. Clara Gay Hill, former resident of Pocahontas County. died early .Wednesday morning at her home in Clarksburg. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Friday, at the DavisWeaver Funeral Home of Clarksburg. The body will be brought here for burial. Grave side services will be held at 3 p. m. Friday, at the VTt. View Cemetery.

E. E. Hill


Mr. H. Ambrose Hill, aged 81, of Richwood, died Tuesday, November 24, 1953, in the McClung Hospital, Richwood, from a heart conditio.,. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Ivor Hill; and one brother, Mr. Bryan Hill, both of j Richwood. I The funeral serivce was conI ducted by his pastor, Rev. Charles I! Rightmyer, Jr., of the First Presbyterian Church, on Saturday November 28, at 2:00 p. m. The burial was in Mountain View Memorial Park Cemetery, Richwood. Graveside services were conducted by Lodge No. 122, A. F. and A. M., Richwood Chapter Nf. 37, Royal Arch Masons.

HILL, Mrs. Blanche Inis — 73, of Richwood, Tuesday at Sacred Heart Hospital, Richwood. Lifelong resident of Nicholas County. Surviving: husband, Emmet; daughters, M r s . Mary Roach, Mrs. Lucille Burge and Mrs. Geraldine Mosca, all of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Marie Gatton of Severna Park, Md.; stepson, Mason Hill of Richwood; stepdaughters, Mrs. Claudia Strickland of Olmstead Falls, Ohio, Mrs. Vada Duckworth of Dunbar; sisters, Mrs. Eulon Rose of Sutton, Mrs. Link Kitts of Gassaway; brother Ola Green of Sutton. Service 2 p.m. Thursday, White-White Funeral Home, Richwood, the Rev. Charles Rogers. Richwood Cemetery. Callers after 3 p.m. today.

Ellwood E. Hill, 83, of Lobelia, died Friday, March 22, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Lobelia Methodist Church by the Rev. Howard McNeill and William Anderson Hill, 47, of the Rev. Roy Snedegar with burial in'the Sunrise Cemetery Richwood, died Wednesday August 30, 1967, i n i h e U n i v e r at Jacox. sity Hospital, at Charlottesville, Virginia, after a long illness. His wife is the former Katherine Atkinson, formerly ot Marlinton.


HILL, the Rev. Nelson Simpson — Service will be 11 a.m. Saturday in Humphreys Mem o r i a 1 United Methodist Church in Dunbar with the Rev. Cecil McMillion officiating. Burial ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ will be in Mr. Hill Grandview Memorial Park. Dunbar. Mr. Hill, 94, of 2217 West Virginia Ave., Dunbar, died Wednesday at home. Friends may call at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar. The body will be taken to the church an hour before the service.

Dr. David H. Hill

Dennis nm

Dennis James Hill, 57, of Dr. Davjd H. Hil!, aged 63 Frankford, died Wednesday, years, of White Sulphur Spring', December 18, 1974. after sufdied on Tuesday, February 17, fering a heart attack while at 1953. On Thursday his body work near Rupert as a heavy was laid in Hill Crest Cemetery, equipment operator. the service being held from the Born at Lobelia, on October White Sulphur Methodist Church 25, 1917, he was the son of by his pastor, Rev. Allen Young. Mrs. Plummie Hill, ofMaxwelThe deceased is survived by his ton, and the late L. T. Hill. wife, Mrs. Mary Hud^leston Hill, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. land their two children, Mrs. Minnie Shaffer Hill; four sons, William Mathews, of New Orleans, Louisiana; and Richard Harold Eugene Hill, of Maxwelton, Richard Allen Hill, of Hill, of Bluefield. Hillsboro David Francis and He was a son of the late R. W. Curtis James Hill, both at Hill, of Hillsboro. He was a home; three slaughters, Mrs. Plumia Mae Hause, of Newbrother of the late Attorney port News, Virginia, Mrs. Frank R. Hill, of Marlinton. Of his father's family there remain, Phyllis Jean McKeever, of Winchester, Virginia, and Mrs. his sister, Mrs. Walter D. Ponce, Elsie Louise Layman, of Mar[of Charleston, and his brother, Levi C. Hill, 87, Imton; his mother, Mrs. Plum'Anthony, of Pasco, Washington.. mie Hill, of Maxwelton, and Dies at Frankford eleven grandchildren; three FRANKFORD, Feb. 6—(Special) Harry Hill sisters, Mrs. Lemma Boggs, of —Levi C. Hill, 87, who resided at this Greenbrier County community RICHWOOD - Harry Mason Hill, 67, of Lobelia, Mrs. Faye Boggs, of for 35 years, died at home WednesRichwood died Tuesday in Sacred Heart Jacox, and Mrs. Yvonne day evening after a long illness. Hospital, Richwood, after a long illness. Brown, of California; two A retired farmer, he had lived in A lifelong resident of Richwood, he was a brothers, Benton and Vinton the county for 65 years. former employee of Cherry River Boom and Hill, both of White Sulphur Surviving are one son, Mark Hill, Lumber Co., a former owner of the CharlesSr., of Lewisburg; a brother, Wash Springs. ton-Richwood Express and a member of the Hill of Dunmore: two half-brothers, First United Methodist Church of RichFuneral services were held Harry and Emmet Hill of Richwood: wood. two sisters, Mrs. Rena Townsend of Friday afternoon at HihSurviving: sons, Maj. Thomas Hill of SanOhio and Mrs. Jennie Tharp of Chapel by the Rev. Ezra Benta Ana, Calif., Richard of Jackson, Mich.; Blakers Mill: a half-sister, Mrs. nett, with burial in the church adopted sons, Thomas of Seattle, Wash., Minnie Wyatt of Williamsburg; Kenneth with the Army in Germany; sisters, r.emeterv. __ four grandchildren and five great-

grandchildren. Service will be 2 p. m. Friday in Frankford Methodist Church. Burial will follow in Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg, Wallace and Wallace mortuary of Lewisburg in charge.

Fftfttfck R. HH1 Frederick R. Hill, 82, of 4830 Charles Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, died Saturday, November 27, 1976, at his home. He was a retired carpenter and farmer, an Army veteran of World War I and a member of the Camp Hill United Methodist Church, the Hagerstown, Maryland, American Legion Post and the I. O.O. F Lodge in West Virginia. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nellie M. Hill; a daughter, Mrs. Fredda F. Brown, of Mechaniceburg; two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday, at 10:30 a. m., at the Funeral Home on East Main St., in Mechanicsburg, with the Rev. Orville V. Warner, bis pastor, of* ficiating. Burial was in Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens in Gettysburg. m

Mrs. Claudine Strickland of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Vada V. Duckworth of Dunbar; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday in SimonsColeman Funeral Home, Richwood, with the Rev. John Tinney officiating. Burial will be in Richwood Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the memorial fund of the First United Methodist Church of Richwood.

Mn. Ella Hill Mrs. Ella Myrtle Hill, 82. of Richwood, died Monday. March 8,1976, in Sacred Heart Hospital, in Richwood. She was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church in Richwood and waa a lifelong resident of Richwood. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Gott, of Bluefield; a son, Harry Hill, of Hunts ville, Alabama; five grand children, three great-grandchildren. Serviced were held Wednesday afternoon in Simons-Coleman Funeral Home, Richwood, with the Rev. Charles Daniels officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Memorial Park, in Richwood.


Thomas I. Kill Thomas L. Hill, 79, of Maxwelton, died Tuesday, April 11, 1972 in a Ronceverte hospital following a long illness. He was born April 27, 1X92, at Lobelia, a son of the late Joel and Lettie Morrison Hill. He was a member of the Mount Zion United Methodist Church on Droop and a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Plummie Hill; three sons, Benion and Venton Hill, of Maxwelton, and Dennis Hill, of Hillsboro; three daughters, Mrs. Yvonne Brown, of Fontana, Califronia, Mrs. Faye Boggs and Mrs Lemmie Boggs both of Hillsboro; one brother, Fred Hill, of Hagerstown, Maryland, twenty-three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Woodlawn Presbyterian Church at Auto by the Rev. George Bailey and Rev. Roy Snedegar, with burial in the church cemetery. _______

George Bryan Hill George Bryan Hill, of Richwood, died Friday, January 19,19fiS, in Emmons, Pennsylvania, at the home of his daughter. He was born September 4, 1878, near HiJlsboro. He settled in Richwood in 1904. Survivers include one daughter, Mrs. Pauline Simon. His wife, Iberia Hill, died several years ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Simons-Coleman Chapel by the Rev. Charles Rogers with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Richwood.

D. M. Haie David Matbew Hale, agred S years, died on Sunday s-ftornoor February 5, 1950, at the Olevi land Clinic Hospital, Olevelanc Ohio. He bad been ill ror man months. The funeral services were hel from the Presbyterian Church i. Marlinton, with the Rev-. R. p Melton officiating, with Vitermen in the family plot iu Mountaii View Cemetery. The deceased was a .ative o Bedford County, Pennsylvania but had made his home -ear Mar linton for the last few yrars. H is survived by his wife, who wa Miss Glenna Barnes. Those here from a distanc were: Mrs. Nell Stee< n. o Toronto, Ohio; Mrs. Ev and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Bruce Bamblin
Permelia A. Himelrick Perrnelia A. Himelrick, 76, of Route 3, Salt Like community, Mannington, died Saturday, Nov. 15, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Himelrick was born June 8, 192 Lin Wadestown, W.Va.. adauehter of the late Ellit E. and Delia"F. Lemley Kennedy. She married William Rex Himelrick. who preceded'her in death in 1981. Surviving are two daughters and sons-in-law, Teresa and Kenneth Hibbs, Salt Lick near Mannington, and Lois and Ronnie Bauer. Saginaw, Mich.; two sons and daughters-inlaw, Richard and Cindy Himelrick, Green Bank, and Gerald Robert and Vicki Himelrick, Hundred; one brother. Walter Kennedy, Weirton; two sisters, Viva Stottlemire, Hundred, and Inez Hamilton, Paden City; one half sister, Pearl Belch Debolt, Mannington; 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one half brother, Lester Kennedv; two half sisters, Lillie Kennedy and Ruth Wade. Mrs. Himelrick was a homemaker and a Protestant. Melvin E. Hamrick Melvin E. Hamrick, age 69, of Valley Head, died November 18, 1998, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, following a brief illness. He was bom October 31,1929, in Elkins, a son of the late Wesley and Ester Wamsley Hamrick. On April 14, 1951, he was married to the former Joan Iseli, who preceded him in death on November 9,1995. He is survived by four sons, Bradley Hamrick, Buckhannon, Phillip Hamrick, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jeffrey Hamrick, Salt Rock, and Timothy Hamrick, of Cincinnati, Ohio; three brothers, Leonard Hamrick, Valpraiso^ Indiana, Donald Hamrick, Fairmont, and Clifford Hamrick, Valley Bend; one sister, Mary Frances Hight, Fairmont; and fourteen grandchildren. Mr. Hamrick was a graduate of Tygart Valley High School and worked for many years as a coalminer and was working for the Pittston Coal Company at the time of his retirement. He was a member of District 31, United Mine Workers of America. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday, November 21, from the Tomblyn Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. William Sullivan. Interment followed in the Brick Church Cemetery near Huttonsville.


Ruth A. Hollandsworth Ruth A. Hollandsworth, age 81, died November 26, 1998, at home in Lewisburg. She was born February 11, 1917, in Renick, the daughter of the late T.B. and Rosa Webb Adkins. She was of the Methodist faith and was a retired nurse's aide for Denmar State Hospital. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dale J. Hollandsworth in 1971; a sister, Maude Surbaugh; four brothers, Raymond Adkins, Leonard Adkins, John Adkins, and an infant, and a granddaughter. She is survived by two daughters, Norma Morgan and Nancy Copeland, of Lewisburg; a son, Jack Hollandsworth, of Ewing, Virginia; two sisters, Doris Tyree and Lucille McLaughlin, both of Carey, Ohio; a brother, Harold Adkins, of Mount Lookout; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, Droop. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg.

Lois Belle Hanshew Lois Belle Hanshew, age 85, of White Sulphur Springs, passed away Monday, December 7, 1998, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. She was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Lewisburg and was a housekeeper for The Greenbrier Hotel Mrs. Hanshew was born August 23, 1913, at Grandview and was the daughter oi tne iaie nuoert I arson and Nola Beatrice Redden Fitzgerald. Preceding her in death were her husband, Ray Hanshew, Sr., in 1990, two infant sons and an infant daughter, a sister, Jane Cruse, and four brothers, Lloyd Ray Fitzgerald and Sidney Fitzgerald, Elmo Fitzgerald and Ishmael Fitzgerald. Surviving her are two daughters, Nola Gilkeson, of White Sulphur Springs, and Carole Johnson, of Seville, Ohio; two sons, Ray Hanshew, Jr., of Minnehaha Springs, and Dwight Hanshew, of Hot Springs, Virginia; two sisters, Mona Pritchett, of Rupert, and Juanita Callison, of Springdale; twelve grandchildren and twentyeight great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by Pastor Robert L. "Doc" Michael, with burial in the Hanshew Cemetery at Springdale.

Rebecca Hill Rebecca "Bunny" Watts Hill, 76, died in her sleep at her home in Marlinton Monday, February 4, 1985. Born October 25, 1908, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of the late Frank Raymond and Delia Edgar Hill. Twc brothers, Richard and Frank, and two sisters, Elizabeth Wallace and Frances Bankhead, preceded her in death. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. A graduate of the Medical College of Virginia School of Nursing, she was a former Public Health Nurse and a nurse at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital for many years. Surviving her are two sisters, Margaret Hill, of Marlinton, and Martha Clutter, of Sarasota, Florida, and three nieces, Delia Edgar Bankhead, of Great Falls, Virginia, Frances Bankhead Swift, of Arlington, and Jean Bankhead Joran, of Texas. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. A special Memorial Fund for Bunny has been established with the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for those who wish to give a donation. Mrs. Trudie Hill Mrs. Trudie Ruckman Hill, of Miami, Florida, died in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, July 11, 1960. She suffered a stroke while visiting in Atlanta on her way to visit in Pocahontas County. Mrs. Hill i [was born on Knapps Creek, the daughter of the late Wellington and Mollie Landis Ruckman. Her husband, Willis Hill, preceded her in death ten or fifteen years ago. Surviving her are two sons, Phil Hill who is stationed with the U. S. Army at Tampa, Florida; Jack Hill, and a daughter, Mrs. Juanita White, all of Miami, Florida, and a brother, Everette Ruckman of Knapps Creeks. Funeral services and burial will be in Miami on Thursday. HILL,



Of Dundalk,


died there Tuesday of a heart attack. He was a son of Levi Hill and the late Mrs. Hill of Frankiord, Greenbrier County. Also surviving are his wife, Bessie, of Dundalk; a daughter, Dor»thy of Baltimore: two sons, Charles,Jr., and Richard of Baltimore; and a brother, Mark M. Hill, Sr., of Lewisburg. Mr. Hill was a cashier in a Dundalk bank. Funeral service will be|1 conducted at 2 p. m. today in Dundaik.

Mrs. Sarah Margaret Watts Hill Mary Campbell Hill was born near the n.outh of Spring Creek, Greenbrier County, West VirMary Elizabeth Campbell Hill, ginia, May 23, 1849, and passed to aged 73 years, widow of the late her eternal reward, on December 19, John A. E Hill, of Hillsboro, 1932: at the home of her son E\ R l Hill, in Marlinton, aged eighty-three died on Friday, Dec. 22, 1950 at the home of her daughter, Mrs years, six months and twenty-six days. During her early childhood her father Miriam Jones at Smithburj?, moved to Iliehlands. Her mother where she had made her home the died when she was twelve years old. last three years. She had been On December 18. 1872, she was ill for two months. Go Saturday married to Richard Washington Hill, funeral services were held at »f Pocahontas county. She lived lust Smithburg and on Sunday afterbwenij minutes past her sixtieth noon from the Methodist Church wedding anniversary. To this union ; | at Hillsboro. Burial in Oak Grove there were born six -hildren. She is \ 3 irvived by her hu- .nd and five of ii cemetery. their children: F. R. Hill, Marlinton:' I The deceased was a daughter of I. E\ Hill, Cleremont, Florida: Mrs.] the late Sterling and HattieOloon W. D. Pence and Anthony B. Hill of an Campbell. Fifty-four years Pasco. Washington; Dr. 'David H. Hill, of Charleston; one son, airy, ago she was married to John A. died in infancy: also twelve grand- E. Hill, who precedfd her some children, and great-grandchild: one years since. brother. A. B. Watts, of Smoot: one Surviving are the following isister, Mrs. Lucy Tuckwiller of Lew- children: Mrs. Miriam Jones of isLurg: one. half-sister, Mrs. Lena Smithburg; Mrs. Eula Hogsett, Watts, and four half-brothers, E. ... H \V. and J. M. Watts, of Lew. - Wilcox, Pa ; G. Winters of Smith burg, and J. Frank Watts, of Savan- burg; J. Clifford, of Lobelia; A Sterling, Durbin; Herbert G. of nah, Greenbrier county. When about tweWe years old Mrs. Marlinton; Mrs. Maye Alderman, , Hill united", with the M. E. Church, Cumberland, Md; Sherman G.. [South, but later, because of living in Parkersbnrg; Mrs. Vivian Melton Charleston, she held bar membership of Charleston. in the First Methodist Church of Her surviving sisters and broth that city. ers are Andrew Campbell, Ida The funeral was conducted from Outright both of Bnckhannon and the Marlinton Methodist Church by Willjam Campbell, Marlinton; the pastor, Rev. W. G. vVinton. as- Mrs. Georgia McAllister of Cov oifcied by Rer, O. N. MM«s. of the ington, Va. Presbyteriaa Church. Interment w;» The pall bearers were Preston in Mountain View Cemetery. The pall-bearers were George P. McLaughlin, Guy Kennison, EdEdgar. J. Lantv McNeel, T. L. Beard win Bruffey, Thomas Barcroft, N. W. Clark, M. P. Burr and W. A. Granville Moore and J. K. Bock, ! Board. . The flower bearers were Mrs Guy Kennison, Miss Martha Beard, Mrs I. J: Hill B. Shrader, Mrs Edwin Bruffey, Miss Jacob \~ Hill, aged 84 years, Lucille McNeel, Mrs Moffett McNeel, died April 13, 1944. For a num- Mrs Tom Barcroft, Mrs Maggie Long, ber of years he had been in failing Miss Ruth Hill, Mrs Granville Moore, health. On Saturday afternoon Mrs Clyde Waugh, Miss Price Mchis body was laid to rest in Mt. Laughlin, Mrs J. K. Rock, Mrs Ruth View Cemetery, the funeral being Miller, Mrs Eva McCarty, Mrs Plumconducted from ?he home by his mer Cutlip, Mrs Penick Rose, Mrs G. pastor, Rev. O. G. Olsen, of the W. Clendenen, Mrs Sylvia Wilkinson, Episcopal Church. . M. s Nell Lewis, Mrs Emma Carlisle, The deceased was a native of I Mrs Grace Rose, Mrs Lucy Hill. Nelson county, Virginia, the son of William and Mabel Ligon Hill. In early life, he came to the home Wm. P. Hill of his uncle, the late Dr. John Ligon, at Cloverlick. For more , William Preston Hill, aged 70 than forty years he had been a j years died on Wednesday. Deeemresident of Marlinton, working 1 J ber 13, 1950, at his home in Hillsat his trade as a carpenter, and ; boro. Ou Friday afternoon the then as a book keeper, for many funeral was held from the Methyears in the First National Bank. odist Church by his pastor, Rev. At the time of his death, Mr. Hill T. E. Painter. The deceased is survived by his was Recorder of the Town of Marlinton, an office he had been wife, Mrs. Sadie Sheets Hull and elected to a number of terms. He son, Hunter, and two daughters, bad also served as Justice of the Kathleen Hill and Mrs. James Lilly. He is also survived by a Peace. brother, H. W. Hill of Alhambra, Mr. Hill married Miss Lula ! Calif., and a sister, IVirs. ElizaFrye, of Lynchburg. She has beth Hupies of Charleston. been dead less than a year.

Mrs. George P. Hill

Mrs. Sophia Sallie Hil!, 75, died at her home at Hillsboro early Sunday morning, May 4, 1958, of a heart attack. She had been in failing health'for some time. Born at Jacox, August 15,1882, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Mary Caroline Wanless Morrison. She married George Preston Hill September 28; 1900. Surviving her are her husband, • nd three children, Mrs. Ruth N. Whiteman, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, Clinton H. Hill, of Hillsj borro, and Dr. Charles W. Hill, of I Ithaca, New York eight grai d child-en, and six great-grand I.Idren; and two brothers, Foley Morrison, of Elkins, and Snowden Morrison, of Lunexa, Kansas. (She was preceded in death by a son, Lawson M. Hill. She was a lifelong active member of the Methodist Church, having joined the Mount Lebanon Methodist Church of Jacox community in her youth. Since moving to Hillsboro in April, 1918, she has been a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. She was active in the work-«f the Woman's Society of Christian Service, was a ! Sunday School teacher, and was ' 'onored in 1956 with a Life Membership by the W\ S. C. S. Funeral services were held at e Wesley Chapel Church at Hillsboro Tuesday by the Rev. Willis F. Summers, with burial v •» Oak Grove Cemetery. ' Gmville P. Hill News comes of the death of Granville P. Hiil, aged 85 years, a1, his home in Houston, Missouri, uuJ> uary 24, 1952. He was the ! last- to i e called of the ten children of the ate Aaron and Miriam Jordan Hill of Lobelia. Eifty-tbree years ago, he married Martha u.ydia Tyler, daughter of the late Jobu aod Elizabeth Tyler of Edray. bhe preceded her husband on September 22, 1951. She was the last of her family of six. They were the parents of -nine children, six of whom survive George W., Tbeodore, .John A., land MrsjAnna Wall, allj of Hosuton, Missouri, Carl, La-! mar. Nebraska; Muses, Imperial, Nebraska. Forty-four years ago, Mr. and Mrs] Hiil moved to Missouri Thera tbey took active interest and leadership in community and church affairs. Their remains now rest in the jcemettry at Houston, Missouri.

Frank R.Hill Former Marlinton Mayor, Frank Raymond Hill, 65, died Sunday, April 18, 1982, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born November 14, 1916, in Marlinton, he was a son of the late Frank Raymond and Delia Edgar Hill. Mr. Hill was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and a member of the Church's Administrative Board, the Marlinton Lions Cluh and Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 50. A veteran of World War II, he was a captain in the U. S. Army. He attended Augusta Military Academy, West Point, Davis & Elkins College and West Virginia University. He eras a civil engineer, a licensed land surveyor and a former employee of the Department of Highways. He served as a member of the Town Council and was Mayor one term. A sister, Elizabeth Hill Wallace, and a brother, Richard Edgar Hill, preceded him in death. Qj^y^. He is survived by four sisters, Miss Margaret Hill and Miss Rebecca Hill, both of Marlinton, Frances Bankhead, of Elkins, and Martha Clutter, of Sarasota, Florida; three nieces. Services were held Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Robert Cruikshank officiating. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery. Hunter Hill I Hunter W. HiU, 70, of Buckeye, died Saturday, October 27, 1984, at Weston from a heart attack. He was a retired State Road employee and a long-time member of Pocahontas Lodge #121, AF&AM. Born April 11, 1914, he was the son of the late William and Sadie HiU. Surviving him are two sisters, Mrs. James [Doris] Lilly, of Leesburg, Florida, and Mrs. William [Kathleen] deKrafft, of Richmond, Virginia. Services were held at 1 p.m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Urace Hill Mrs. Grace Elizabeth Higgins Shinaberry Hill, 69, of Buckeye, died December 23, 1981, in Alleghany Regional Hospital after a long illness. Born near Marlinton on August 1, 1912, she was^the daughter of„ the_ Jgtg/ John\ Henry and Ettie Ethel Jackson/' Higgins. _____ -/ ~~~Sfie was a member of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church. O - / Preceding her in death were a son, James Taylor Shinaberry; a brother, Samuel Carl Higgins; two sisters, Bessie Christmas Higgins and Arleen Katherine Fertig; a granddaughter, Janet Marie Biggs; and a great-granddaughter, Lisa Raye Warren. Surviving her are her husband, Hunter Warren Hill, of Buckeye; a son, Wilbur Shina-^ berry, Jr., of Marlinton; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Marie Buzzard, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Elma Louise Biggs, of Selma, Va.; five brothers, William Ellet Higgins, of Clover Lick, Guy Henry Higgins, of Glendale, Ariz., Harry Woodrow Higgins, of Amherst, Ohio, James Issac Higgins, of Las Vegas, Nev., and Daniel Franklin Higgins, of Booneville, hid.; two sisters, Mrs. Wanda Lee Peterson, of Glendale, Ariz., and Mrs. Ethel Agnes Akers, of Buckeye; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services were held on December 26 in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Revs. B. B. Mitcham and Chuck Davis officiatir Burial was in the Mt. View

D. A. Hill

Deward A. Hill, 64, of Droop, died Saturday evening, May 9, 1970, after suffering an apparent heart attack while fishing at Beard. He had been a lifelong resident of Droop, and was employed as a maintenance man at Denmar State Hospital. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Callie Hill; two sons, Gar nett and Barry Hill, both of Droop, and one brother, Ovid Hill, of Covington, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Mount Olivet United Methodist Church by the Rev. Ralph Ross, with burial in the Sunset Cemetery at Jacox.


James 0. Hill

Osborne Hill, 59, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Marlinton, died Saturday, April 3, 1965. He was employed at the Key Highway Shipyard in Baltimore, Maryland. Born at Marlinton, October 23, 1905, he was a son of the late Richard W. and Anna Dun can Hill. Survivors include, two daughters, Mrs. Ramona Defibaugh and Mrs. Sharon Defibaugh, both of Mar'in'on; two sons. Marvin and Jim Hill, both of Suitiana, Maryland; three sisters, Mrs. Neva Plyler and Mrs. Arlene Bowers, both of Cass, and Mrs. Mary Nabors, nf Rochester, New York; three brothers, Leroy Hill, of Moorefield, Tempest Hill, of Hunters ville, and Dale Hill, of Green Bank; also five granddaughters and two grandsons. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Isaac-HHl. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. W. Eugene Pierce. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery.

Leroy Hill

Leroy Hill, 58, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, January 17, 1968, at Denmar Hospital after a long illness. Born a t Marlinton, July 23, 1909, he was a son cf the late Richard and Anna Duncan Hill He was a member of the Methodist Church and the Durbin Moose Lodge. Preceding him in death were his parents and two brothers, Isaac and James Osborn Hill. Survivors include two brothers, Tempest Hill, of Huntersville, and Dale Hill, of Green Bank, and three sisters, Mrs. Neva Plyler, of Cass, Mrs. Mary Neighbors, of Rochester, New York, and Mrs. Arlene Bowers, of Huntersville. Funeral sfrvices were held Saturday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel >by the Rev. David Rittenhouse ^and the Rev. Sherman Markley. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery. Durbin Moose Lodge had the graveside services.

rars. K. w. niu^/ , \y muidiu nasuiDgion niit i s Richard Washington Hill, aged Mrs. Anna Duncan Hill, wife 37 years, of Cass, died on Sun- of R. \Y. Hill, of Dunmoje, delay, January 11, 1959, in the Po- parted this life on Sunday morn aahontas Memorial Hospital af- ing, January 19, 1917. Mr*. Hill ter being ill for twelve years WHS born on Stony Creek, on Born at Lobelia on August 10, November 2t; 1882, the daughter 1871, he was the son of the lite of the late James H. and Mary foel 0 . and Eliza Morrison Hill Ann Wilson Duncan. She was Je was united in marriage w : th united in marriage to R. W. Hill \nna Duncan on January 7, 1903. on January 7, 1903. To this unlis wife and one son, Isaac, pre- ion were born eight children, the following surviving 1 Mrs. Neva ceded him in death. Surviving him are three daught- Plyler, of Cass; Mrs. Mary Neighers, Mrs. Neva Plyler and Mrs. bor, of Rochester, New York; Vrlene Ellis, both of Cass; Mrs. Mrs. Arlene Ellis, at home; OsMary L. Neighbors, of Rochester, born, of Marlinton; Leroy, of "•Jew York; four sons, Osborn, of Daniels, Maryland; Dale, of Baltimore, Maryland; Leroy, of Green bank; Tempest, at heme. vlarlinton; Tempest, of Hunters- One son, Isaac, preceded his 'ille; and Dale, of Duntcore; one mother to the grave June 28, iister, Mrs. Ruena Townsend, of 1927. Mrs. Hill is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Silas Barlow, ^amden-on-Gauley, arid a half lister, Mrs. Minnie Wyatt, of and two brothers, J. Preston and Williamsburg; two half-brothers, Grant Duncan. Two sisters, Mrs larry and Emmett Hill, both of Emma J. Waugb and Mrs. Icie lichwood; fourteen grandchild- Miller preceded her to the grave •en, one foster grandchild, thir- ten years ago. teen great-grandchildren and two Mrs. Hill was a professing chris t'oster great-grandchildren. dan and belonged to the MethoFuneral services He was a member of the Meth- dist Church. were conducted on January 21, )dist Church. £_ Funeral services" were held on by the Rev. R. H. Skaggs from Her Tuesday afternoon at the West the West Union Church. Jmon Church with the Reverend body was laid to rest in the CochCharles Potter in charge. Burial ran cemetery.^' vas made in the Cochran CemeQuietly sleeping, tery. Life's long day past, No shadow creeping Sweet rest at last. X. TOWNSEND, Mrs. Runea Rachel Hill — Service will be at 2 p. m. Tuesday in Simons Funeral MRS. WILSON HILL Home in Richwood with Rev. Mrs. Lizzie BoersT* Hill, aged Don Jackson conducting. Burial 71 years, widow of the late Wilson will be in the Odd Fellows CemeHill, of Lobelia, died at the Potery in Richwood. Mrs. Townsend, 96, of Willsville. Pa., cahontas Memorial hospital, on formerly of Richwood, Nicholas Monday night, March 3, 1952, County, died Saturday in a fter a w*eks illness. On ThursYork, Pa. hospital after a short av afternoon the funeral service illness. Surviving are two daughwill be held at Hill Chapel Church ters, Mrs. Bessie Ramsey of bv her pastor Kev. J. C Lawis. Camden - on - Gauley and Mrs. Pearl Armstrong of Hamilton, The deceased was a daughter of Ohio; two sons, Orion James the late Abitha and Caroliue Cut Jr. of Wellsville and Owen of ,lip"Boggs. S h e i i _,urviby Mason, Ohio; a half - sister, • her three sons, Herbert, rluj'n, Mrs. Minnie Wyatt of Williamsand Joh nnie. burg; two half - brothers, Emmett and Harry, both of Richwood; 15 grandchildren; 33 great - grandchildren; and four Mrs. David Hill ] / . great - great grandchildren. Mrs. Mary Isabel Hill, of Charleston and White Sulphur I Springs., died Sunday, May-20, 1962, in Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. FunerMrs. Egbert Hill al services and burial were at Hiilsboro—Word has come of White Sulphur Springs on the recent deeth of Mrs. Egbert Wednesday. Mrs. Hill was Hill, aged 90 years at her home the aunt of Rebecca and Frank in Farmington, Washington Hill, of Marlinton. She was a daughter, of the late John G. Beard. Mr. and Mrs Hill moved West more than sixi years since.



mi xsaau m i l , HI, wtlO waioiie of a family of ID children, and! hoped to live longer than his broth , ers, did so, but his life came to at. ! end Monday evening at 6:30 Tbr j old music master lay on his br-d and pas-ed away in sleep, without a struggle or suffering His body had just worn out from old age. He harf be«n bedfast since Saturday For 10 years lie had made bis borne with his only son and family, iioj Hill. Mr Hill was born in Jacox, Virginia, now West Virginia, on February 1. 1846 He was the son of Sarah burr and Abraham Hill Aaron Burr vice president of the United States, ut der Thomas J fJer-on, was a great Uncle of Mr Hili. As a young mar about to rejch the age of 20 lie cam', to Iowa, stopping at Mt. Pleasan where bis eldest, brother was a M. K minister. He worked around am then taught school at Mt. Union The schoul yeir was divided into thrift tdrn.s: be I;I ; "::M. UI second there, That was before that community was served by a railroad On December 2!, 1875 he was married to Elvira Houseman. Roy Hill is the only one surviving of five chi dren His wife died February 3, 1915 In 1898 he bought a farm north west of fiew London and lived there until 1927 when be suffered a stroke and came to New Loudon to live witb his son and family. Mr Hill was a life long member of ihe M. E. Church and the oldest mem jer at N;;rth Beulah He enjoyed oDUsic and taught it in schools and ;e 1 choirs. After moving to town he said he huped to live longer than hibrothers and Sisters. They all lived beyond the 80-year mark, but M outlived, them all. He nevei used tobacco in any fcrm or liquor. "New London, Iowa, Times. Heibert Charles Hiil H e r b e r t C h a r l e s Hill, 6 8 , of Hillsboro, died T u e s d a y , Oct o b e r 3, 1972, in the M i n e r v a C o n v a l e s c e n t C e n t e r in M i n e r v a , Ohio. B o r n A u g u s t 15, 1904, a t J a c o x he was a son of the l a t e Joseph and Lizzie Boggs Hill. H e was a m e m b e r of t h e M o u n t Zion U n i t e d Methodist C h u r c h , a r e t i r e d farmer, a n d a m e m b e r of t h e Pocahontas County F a r m Bureau. H i s wife, G e o r g i a S i m m o n s H i l l , preceded h i m in d e a t h in 1953. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Pauline Marcin k o w e y , of M i n e r v a , O h i o ; t w o b r o t h e r s , Hugh a n d J o h n n y Hill, b o t h of Hillsboro, a n d three grandchildren. F u n e r a l services will be held S a t u r d a y afternoon in t h e Hill Chapel by D r . Cecil M c M i l lion a n d t h e R e v : W i l l i a m M a r k l e y , with b u r i a l in t h e Keilis^n C e m e t e r y .

wenn fcdgar ffiil / 7 7V

| Oldest Nicholas I Man Dies at 100!

S e r v a n t Glen E d g a r Hill of Co. A. 4th M a c h i n e G u n BattalHOD of-1st "World war was born as the son of William M o r g a n Hill a n d Elizabeth G r a g g Hill. A u g u s t 26, 1895, n e a r G r e e n b a n k Pocahontas county. Departed this life S e p t e m b e r l O a t b i a h o m e a t Cottageville, W e s t V i r g i n i a . A g e -Pi years and fourteen days. H e loaves to m o u r n his loss. Ids wife Gula Hill, one son Glen J u n ior end one d a u g h t e r , B e t t y Ann ••Till: one sister. M r s W . P. Sturd i e r , all of Cottageville. W a r takes its toll not only on t h e battlefield b u t in t h e health of the soldier in after years. Glen's father and m o t h e r died when he when he was but five y e a r s old. H i s one and only b r o t h e r , E l m e r Hill, died in W a l ter Reed H o s p i t a l , W a s h i n g t o n , fifteen years ago. M r Hill enlisted in t h e United Mr. Hill States A r m y M a r c h 22, 1915, and SUMMERSVILLE, Nov. 9—(Spewas honorably discharged J a n u a cial)—Nicholas County's oldest citr y 30 1919. H e was with P e r izen, Joseph Hutchinson Hill, loo. s h i n g ' s E x p e d i t i o n in Mexico. died in his sleep at his home here early Friday. H e sailed with t h e first E x p e d i Familarly known as "Uncle Joe," t i o n a r y F o r c e „o F r a n c e in active Mr. Hill was born at Hookersville, service in the first W o r l d 'War. seven miles north of here, on Feb. H e took p a r t in the battles on the 16, 1851. V«5»l"un Troi'A; Chearenji Their.v A retired farmer and stockman, and Soisson. H e was wounded he clearly remembered the Civil ir_ the b a t t l e of Ballieu W o o d s War, having heard the roar of canand was b r o u g h t back to the non at the battle of Carnifax Ferry, A former county court member, U n i t e d S t a t e s and confined in he is survived by a son, Ira E. Hill, W a l t e r Ried H o s p i t a l for m a n y Nicholas County circuit clerk; five months. H e also s p e n t fifteen grandchildren, five great-grandchiland four great-great-grandm o n t h s in t h e G o v e r n m e n t H o s - dren children. pital at C h i c a g o ; also several Service will be 2 p. m. Saturday m o n t h s a t H i n e s and the V e t e r - at Summersville Baptist Church, ens Hospital in H u n t i n g t o n . B u t Rev. Bruce Cooper officiating. all the skill of m o d e r n physicians Burial will be in Hill Cemetery at Muddle*y, White Mortuary of Sumcould n o t b r i n g back t h e robust mersville in chargehealth Glen had before t h e war. Pallbearers will be G. D. Herold, H e realized his condition b u t like Lundy Champe, John Bell, Ayward Rock D i l l o n , Leonard a brave soldier went forward Westfall, Groves and Lloyd Sebert. with his physical handicap toilThe body will be taken to the i n g for those he dearly loved. church an hour before the service. H i s only son was in Nevada and the funeral was not in .,' unH. AMBROSE HILL til S u n d a y afternoon. Jntv.ment Mr. H. Ambrose Hill, aged 81, in Blaine Memorial C e m e t e r y .*t of Richwood, died Tuesday, NoCottageville, the American L e - vember 24, 1953, in the McClunsr g i o n in charge. 11 Hospital, Richwood, from a heart condition. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Ivor Hill; and one brother, Mr. Bryan Hill, both of Richwood. The funeral serivce was conducted by his pastor, Rev. Charles Rightmyer, Jr., of the First Presbyterian Church, on Saturday November 28, at 2:00 p. m . The burial was in Mountain View Memorial Park Cemetery, Richwood.


Graveside services were conducted by Lodge No. 122, A. F. and A. M., Richwood Chapter No.' 37, Royal Arch Masons.

Mrs. Bertie Gum Hiner, of Arlington. Virginia, died Tuesday, January 25, 1972. She had been in and out of the hospital since she had an operaMon December 12. She was 93 on December 30. Born near Green Bank December 30, 1878, she was a daughter of the late Robert N. and Barbara Ann Riley Gum. She was married to Tate Harry Hiner, of Monterey, on September 16, 1908. Mrs. Hiner, formerly of Marlinton, lived with her daughter, Jewel, in Arlington; a son, John Hiner, of Roanoke Virginia, two grandsons, and a sister, Mrs. Brown (Blanche) Beard, of Bartow, also survive her. Preceding her in death were her husband, two daughters, Virginia Hope and Mary, three sisters, Mrs. Washington (Anna) Oliver, Mrs. Harry (Elizabeth) Burner, and Mrs. Snowden (Mattie) Cooper, three brothers, William, John, and Joseph Gum. Services are to be held in Arlington, Virginia. Graveside services Friday afternoon a t 2:00 p . m . , in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro

Mrs. Hattie A. Hiner

Mrs. Hattie A. Hiner, age 80, of Mustoe, Virginia, died Sunday, June 17,1973, at the King's Daughters' Hospital a t Staunton, Virginia. Born March 23, 1893, in Bath County, Virginia, she was the daughter of Charles wd Kathryn Donovan Acord. Mrs. Hiner was a member of the Monterey Presbyterian Church. Her husband, J i m e s E. Hiner, preceded her in ^ 3eath November 26,1965. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. G. M. Perry, Arbovale, ind Mrs Hazel Hiner, of Mus:oe, Virginia; four sons, Arnold R., Aubrey W. James O. and Arnet P., all of Waynesboroa sister, Mrs. Charles F. Mc Mullen, of Hot Springs, Virginia; ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at Monterey Presbyterian Church by Rev. G. Willard Gray and Rev. A. E. Johnson. Burial in Monterey Cemetery


i cuciujna raiui uiiici

Penelopia Edith Hiner was born February 22, 1882, died at fivethirty o'clock on Monday, J a n u ary 21, 1946; after an illness of three years. During thi? time she was a complete invalid, due to a paralytic stroke. The deceased was the daughter of Mary L,audis and Wellington G. Ruckman, both deceased, of Huntersvilie. On October 26, 1906, she was married to Joe S. Hiner, of Highland County, Virginia. Besides her husband, she eaves to mourn her loss: two daughters, Blanche H. Workman of Huntersvilie, and Reta Dawson of CovingtoDi Virginia; one son, Norman, of Huntersvilie; six grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Hamilton, of Devol, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Trudia Hill, of Miami, Florida; a brother, Everett Ruckman, of Huntersvilie. One son, Glenn, preceded her in death on October 10, 1931. On Wednesday afternoon, the funeral was conducted from the Methodist Church at Huntersvilie by Rev. L. L. Saville. The body was laid to rest in the Huntersvilie cemetery. The flower girls were Mesuames Max Workman, Nowlin Sheets, Randall Sharp, Erman Grimes and June McLaughlin. Pallbearers were Lee, Guy and Earl Ruckmar, Erman Grimes, Roy EcLaughlin and Lawrence Kennison. Mrs. Hiner united with the Mt. C a m e l Methodist church in her early life. To this religion she lived faithfully to the end. She suffered much during her illness, but bore it patiently, never complaining of her affliction. She was always a faithful, devoted wife and mother, to those whom she knew, a friend. X

Fatal Accident Glenn Hiner.^aged 22 years, died on j I Saturday night, October 10. 1931, a! , the Ronceyerte hospital from th effects of a blow on the head by ; ! falling limb. He was sawing down v \ tree on the Marlin Lumber job on i Brown's Creek. A dead limb Ml and i struck him on the back of the head. i He never knew svhat hit him. Frank lryine of Marlinton, was on the other end of the saw. Mr. Hiner was taken to the Rqnceverte hospital but he died that night, never regaining consciousness. His] skull was crushed. On Monday his body was buried U the Huntersvilie cemetery, the service being conducted bv Rev. ,f. Tf Haley and Rev. A. W. Hentor.. The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. loe Hiner of Brosvn's Creek' Besides his parents he is survived by his sisteis, Blanche and Reta, and his brot ler, Norman. He was a fipromising young man, and rtimely death is greatly deplor

1A1U HAKRI HirifcK \ / Tate Harry Hiner, 3on of Gideon J. and Frances Lowman Hiner, was born in Monterey, Va., September 9, 1875. He died in Elkins, West Virginia, June 22, 1945. Mr. Hiner was educated in the schools of Highland County and iu his youth came to Pocahontas County where he engaged in the lumber business for a number of years. On September 16, 1908 he and Miss Bertie Gum, of Greenbank, were united in marriage. To this union, four children were born: Virginia H., who died in infancy; Mary G., who died May 8. 1945; Jewel, who holds a position of trust and responsibility in Ashford General Hospital, in White Sulphur Springs, and John T., a Lieutenant of Engineers, serving in the United States Army in I Europe. Mr. Hiner and his family came to Marlinton in 1919 where he built, and for many years operated Hiner's Mill. He was taken sick on Sunday, June 10th, and on Tuesday the 12th, he was taken to a Hospital in Elkins, for treatment. On Sunday afternoon, June 24, the funeral services were conducted from bis home by Rev. Jame9 C. Wool, of the Presbyterian Church. His body was laid to rest in the family plot in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Pallbearers assisting at the service were: Lloyd Sullenbarger, L. Homer Stephenson, Ed Hiner, J. Ed. Arbogast, John Gillispie, William Hiner, R. N. Jones, C. G. Gutshall, Burton Smith and Kerth Nottingham.

Mr. Hiner is survived by his wife, one daughter and one son, and a brother, Mr. Jesse Hiner, of Monterey, Va.

Mrs. Edith Ruckman Hiner Mrs. Edith Ruckman Hiner, 64, wife of J. S. Hiner, died at her home on Browns Creek, Monday (afternoon, January 21, 1946, after a long illness. Burial was in the Huntersvilie cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Besides her husband, Mrs. Hiiner is survived by their three j {children. The deceased was a daughter of ! the late Wellington and Mary Landis Ruckman. Her brother is Everett Ruckmnn.

Joseph a. timer

Mrs. Annie Vaughan timer

Mrs. Annie Vaughan Hiner, Joesph S. Hiner, of 923—11th Street, Marlinton, was horn on TL of Durbin, died Saturday, April 10th, 1881, and departed February 15, 1964, in the Pothis life on Friday, May 2utu, cahontas Memorial, Hospital 1960, at the age of 79 years, after after a long illness. several years illness. A resident-of Durbn? * i n c e Born in Highland County, Vir- 1906, she was a member of the ginia, he was the son of Virdillia Durbin Methodist Church and Jane and James P. Hiner. He the Women's Society of Chriswas married to Miss Edith Ruck- tian Service. She was M-;e mg~t, j if Huntersville, who pre- owner of the Hiner Hardware ee: TO" '; um in death. 0 le son, Company at Durbin. Q^s Wililiam Glenn, also preceded . Survivors include six daughhim. ters, Mrs. C. C. Hertig, of Survivors include: two daugh- Alexandria, Virginia, Mrs. W. ters, Mrs. Blanche Workman, of L. Maule, of State College, Marlinton, and Mrs. Reta Daw- Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ralph Bas son, of Covington, Virginia; one sett, of Dunbar, Mrs. Byson son, Norman Hiner, of Marlinton; Ketley, of Hagerstown, Maryone sister, Mrs. Sue Kramer, of land, Mrs. Robert B. Martin, Durbin; four brothers, Pat and ! of Morgantowrj, and Mrs. R. Ellott Hiner, of Mustoe, Virginia, L. Scarbro, of Arnold, Maryand Willie Hiner, of Mountain land; four sons, Steven H. Grove, Virginia, ten grandchild Hiner, of Youngstown, Ohio, children, one great-granddaugh- John M. Hiner, of Philadelphia ter and a great-grandson; also a Pennsylvania,. Ben M. Hiner, number of nieces and nephews. of Callao, Virginia, and RichFuneral services were conduct- ard B. Hiner, of Durbin; twened on Sunday afternoon in the ty grandchildren, and one Huntersville Methodist Church, great-grandchild. of which he was a member, with Funeral services were held the Rev. L. E. Saville, in charge. Monday afternoon in the DurInterment was made in the Hunt- bin Methodist Church by the ersville Cemetery. Rev. Jack Miller. Burial was Flower girls and pall bearers in the Arbovale Cemetery. were his nieces and nephews.

Mrs. Lena Maalpin Hia Mrs. Lena McCa'pm Hiner died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Addison Gutshall. of Hot Springs, Virginia, on Friday, April 27, 1957. at 2:00 a. m. She wasborned at Ciover Creek, a daughter of the late Jamet and Mary Judy McCalpin. She was the wife of Asbury W. Hiner, who preceded her in death May 15, 1953. She is survived by six daughters and one son, also, one sister, Mrs. Emma Sheets Lytton, of Mountain Grove, Virginia. - Mrs. Hiner was a member of the Methodist Church, from which her funeral was held on April 29, at 2;00 p. m. by her pastor, Rev, Lowell Legg, assisted Rev. r l. L. S'liley, of M II Gap. Virginia, and Rev. F. D. Gum, of Alvon. With burial in the nearby cemetery by the side of her- husband. A preciou.. one from us has gone. A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home, 'J'hat never car. be filled :

Robert Hiner Robert McClure Hiner, 88, died Thursday, February 7, 1985, at his h o m e at Dunmore after a long illness. He w a s a m e m b e r of the Dunmore United Methodist Church and a retired auto mechanic. Born February 13, 1896, at Doe Hill, Virginia, he w a s the son of the late Robert K. and Mary Jane Bishop Hiner, of Staunton. * H e w a s married on October 3, 1925, to Lolla Gray Grimes, who survives. Sisters and brothers preceding him in death were S a m , Bill, Gray don, Hiram Hiner, Lona Zirk, Martha Cobb, and Elizabeth Campbell. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Roberta Jane Seagrove, of Richmond, Virginia, and Ida Pritchard, of Marlinton; three grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 1 r . m.

When the sad news passed from lip to lip, it was heart with expression of sorrow on every hand for was nn more pop';', young woman than Miss Janet Hit >r. daughter of fidward Hiner, A\.O resides in Highlane County, Virginia. She was born February 12, 1917, died at Beckiey S, 'itarium, May 15. 1934, aged 17 years, three months and three days. After the death of her mother, who died in Marlinton October 27, 191jj, sne made her home with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Clay Dre^ppard. We cannot say she is lost to us, for death is only a short sleep and the voice of the Lifegiver will call from he grave His own to live with Him irever. She made a brave struggle for life, vhieh she loved in ass. ciatton with parents, relatives and friends, and nature. She worshiped her grandparents and aunt. She was a senior in Marlinton high school and would aave graduated this ."ear. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, He v. J. H. Hypfes at ''r s t , after which her body was laid to rest in Mt. Zion Cemeter) by the 3ide of her mother. The profusion of floral offerings attested the esteem in which little Janet was held

Graydon L. Hiner Graydon Leroy Hiner, 73, died Monday, July 5, 1976, in University of Virginia Hospital. He was born at Doe Hill, Virginia, September 25, 1902, a Bon of Robert and Mary Bishop Hiner. He was employed by Basic Witz Furniture Industries for 45 years and retired in 1968, and was a member of Olivet Presbyterian Church and of the Modern Woodmen of America. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lena Barry Hiner- two sons, Graydon L., Jr., of-Houston, Texas, and William E. Hiner, of Waynesboro; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Craum, of Arlington, Virginia, and Mrs. Hazel Lessley, of Staunton, a brother, R. M. Hiner, of Dunmore; eight grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Services were held Wednesday from the chapel of Hamrick Funeral Home by the Rev. Rev. L. E. Jordan. Burial was in the ThornroBe Cemetery. Mrs. Lloyd W. Hiner

Mrs. Susie Marie Hiner, 71, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died Tuesday, September 3, 1974, in Bath County Community Hospital in Hot Springs. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. in the Mountain Grove Methodist Church.

I'twey t. Hiner Bridgewater, Vii^inia—Funeral Dewey Elliott Hiner, aged 55 services for Loy Ray Hively, aged Walter A. Hively, 82, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, Au- 67 years, a native of Huntersviile, years, of Cass, died on Friday af?ust 28, 1968, in the Davis West Virginia, and a resident and ternoon, April 15, 1955, from inreceived in a fall from a Memorial Hospital at Elkins. farmer of Bridgewater communi- juries lumber dock at the Cass lumber ty since 1948, who died on ThursHe was a member of the Dunmill on Wednesday. On Sunday more Presbyterian Church and day evening, November 17, 1955, ifternoon his body was laid in the at the University Hospital, Chara retired school teacher and Whiting Cemetery on Droop farmer in Pocahontas County. lottesville, was held on Sunday Mountain. afternoon, November 20th, at the Survivors include his wife, The deceased was born in HighMrs. Sarah Hively; six sons, Bridgewater Presbyterian Church land County, a son of Mrs. Matof which he was a member. SerCarl Hively, of Beverly; Floyd tie Woods Townsend and the late vices were conducted by his pasHively, of Silver Spring, MaryElliott Hiner. He married Miss tor, the Rev. W. H. Ramkey, asland; Lyle Hively, of Morg&nEula Kershner, who survives. town; Styrl Hively, of Dun- sisted by the Rev. Joseph Heat- Their children are Dewey, Jr., of wole. Burial was in the Mossy more; Lee Hively, of Elkins, Durbin; Edsel, of Baltimore; and and Julian Hively, of Weirton; Creek Presbyterian Church Cem- Paul, at home. etery. three daughters, Mrs. Mary Mr. Hively had been in failing Adams, of Morgan town; Mrs. Mrs. Loy Hively Margaret Sedwich, of Norfolk, health since March 1954 and was Mrs. Louella Rexrode Hively, Virginia, and Mrs, Uldine Mat- admitted to the Charlottesville thew, of Lexington, South Hospital on Wednesday morning. I 80, of Bridgewater, Virginia, died Sunday morning, May 10, Carolina; one brother, John He underwent an operation on ] 1970, at the home of her son, Hively, of Dunmore, and two Thursday morning and never re- I Henry David Hively, in Bridgesisters, Mrs. Ressie Moore, of ganied consciousness. water. She had been in failMarlinton and Mrs. Mattie A son of the late Henry David j ing health several years and Deputy, of Dunmore. Hively and Mrs. Louisa Levina; had been bedridden two years. Funeral services were held Rexrode Hively, he was born on > She was born December 1, Saturday afternoon in the Dun- April 15, 1888, near Dunmore, 1889. at Deer Run, Pendleton more Presbyterian Church by West Virginia, where he spent County, and was the daughter the Rev. Thomas Henderson the early years of his life. He of the late Henry L. and Sarah with burial in the Dunmore moved to Huntersviile, West VirNewham Rexrode. She was a ginia, in 1912 where he resi ded Cemetery. member of the Mpnnonite until 1948 when he moved to Church and attended BridgeBridgewater. water Presbyterian Church. Mn. Wtltw Hively **=• Mr. Hively was twi ce married. In 1926 she married Loy Ray Mrs. Sarah M. Hively, 81, of first wife, who wa s Mrs. Alice Hively who died in 1955 Dunmore, died Friday, Febru- Ij His Nebraska Kelley before their They lived on Knapps Creek. ary 17,1978, in Der.mar State marriage on September 11, 1912, Surviving, in addition to her Hospital after a long illness. preceded him in death in 1923. son, are four stepchildren, Mn;. Mrs. Hively was a member On July 2, 1924 he married Miss Grace Shaffer, of Chester, Loy of Baxter Presbyterian Church. Louella Rexrode, who survives Ray Hively, Jr., of Chester, A native of Virginia, she was him. Pennsylvania, Mrs. Mabel E. born June 1,1896. Besides his wife, he is survived Byrd, Fairmont, Mrs. Jack Her husband, Walter A, (Nell) Milne, of Montgomery, by three daughters, Mrs. Robert Hively, and three sons, Clyde, Alabama; a sister, Mrs. Jesse (Grace) Shaffer, of Chester, West Glenn and Keitb, preceded her (Delia) Shrader, of HuntersVirginia; Mrs. Jock (Nell) Milne, in death. y 2 W - ^ viile; five brothers, Kenna A. " of Grandview, Missouri; and Mrs Rexrode, of Terre Haute, InSurviving her are nine chilJack (Mabel) Byrd, of Fairmont, diana, Clyde Kexrode, Harridren: CarlW. Hively, Mount West Virginia; three sons, Loy sonburg, Virginia, Glenn RexStorm, Floyd H. Hively, Silver Ray Hively, Jr., of Chase, Maryrode, of Deer Run, Loy RexSprings, Maryland, Styrl W., land; Charles Cook Hively, of rode, of Waynesboro, Virginia. Dunmore, Lee F., Elkins, St. Petersburg, Florida: and HenJulian C, Weirton, Lysle Y., ry David Hively, of Bridgewater; Funeral services were held Morgantown; Mrs. Margaret the latter son being by his second last Tuesday at Bridgewater V. Sedgwick, Norfolk, Virmarriage. Presbyterian Church by Key. "ma, Mrs. Mary L. Adams, Jack Heintzleman and the He also leaves twelve grand[organtown, Mrs. Uldene Rev. Cbestler Heapwole. Bura step-daughter, Mrs. Matthews, Lexington, South children; ial was in Mossy Creek PresAllie (Kelley) Dever, of HuntersCarolina; 21 grandchildren, 13 viile, West Virginia; two sisters, byterian Church Cemetery. great-grandchildren; two brothMrs. Mattie Deputy, of Laurel. ers, Amos Simmons, Dayton, Virginia, Alvie Simmons, Penn- West Virginia; and Mrs. Grover Glen Hively sylvania; a sister, Louella Sim- Moore, of Huntersviile; and two Glen Hively, 47, of Washington, brothers, John A. Hively and mons, McDowell, Virginia. D. C. d;ed in his sleep ina WashWalter A. Hively, both of DunServices were held Sunday ington hospital M >nday, Decemafternoon in the Dunmore more, West Virginia. ber 5, I960. Presbyterian Church by the He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. j Revs. Jack Arbuckle and Walter Hively of Dunmore. His Thomas Henderson with burwife, Mary, also survives him. ial in the Hively Cemetery. Services and burial will be in Elkton, Virginia, on Thursday. Walter A. Hively



t_ Glenn David Hively James W. Hively, 58. of John Austin Hively, 80, of Glenn David Hively. 47, died Nokesville, ViVnia.dfcd WedDunmore, died Monday, Sepin a hospital in Washington D. tember 28, 1970. at his home nesday J a n u a r y 13. 1971. in C , on Monday, December 5, 1960 from injuries received in a the Prnice William Hospital M lve] , of a heart attack. tractor accident. y> s ^ of Clinton M J-A% d an ,e Ma He was a veteran of the Air Born at Dunmore, May 12, \ L , -» ; y H'vely, of 1 Corps in World War II. 1890, he was a son of the late Nokesville, Virginia, was born David Henry Hively and LouSurvivors include his wife, Mrs. June 26 1912. at Aden, Virisa L. Rexrode Hively. Mary Lough Hively; his parents, ginia and remained a resident" of Aden until his death. He Mr. and^Mrs. W. A. Hivelv: six He was a farmer and a rulwas a long time and faithful brothers.' Floyd Hively. of v 7 ashing elder in the Baxter Presington, D. C., Lysle Hively, of byterian Church at Dunmore. n X p i h e former Aden Umted Brethren Church and Morgantown; Carl Hively, of His first wife, Mrs. Eva RexBeverly; StyrI Hively and Lee rode Hively, one daughter, M L ^ ? ^ Ashbury United Methodist Church. Hively both of Elkins, and Julian Ula M i e Hively, and two Hively. at heme; three sisters, sons, Burley H. and Hunter A. t r t ? / e ^ w a * s , J u n i t e d i n marriage Mrs. Russell Adams, of Morgan- Hively, preceded him in death. an 12, m i ' Decemb" town; Mrs. Harvey Sedgwick, of Survivors include his wife, Norfolk, Virgi nia, and Mrs Julian Mrs. Margaret Burk Hively; M « U r ™ T d e l u d e his wife, Mathews, of Lexington, South twu sons, Paul T. Hively, of Hive| 2 i £ Gfi redad , / -(Jerr yM. ' o nthree Carolina, r e Medaryville, Indiana, and Don He was preceded in death by R. Hively, of Dunmore; five K»m W- ' V e ' a n d B r U C e Wil two brothers, Keith Hively and daughters, Mrs. Juanita Jean ham Hively, all of Nokesville* Clyde Hively. Davis, of Columbus, Ohio, TTf£ m k I a ; i l W 0 d a u 8 h t e r s , Linda Funeral services were held on Mrs. Anne L. Dotson, of Day2 e r f c k n i °J Keameysville. Wednesday afternoon in the Elk- ton, Ohio, Mrs. Alice M. Unand Carol Ruth Hivelv of ton Methodist Church, with the derwood, of Fairfax, Virginia, N o t a v j l l e Virginia; one 2 a n d Rev. Carl J. Yow and the Rev. Mrs. Sylvia E. Johnson, of son three sisters, Delia H. Floyd M. Lucas in charge. In- Springfield, Virginia, and Mrs. hofhfrn?kM^dLu,aH-Vance terment was in Elk Run Ceme- Trudy M. Underwood, of both of Nokesville, Virginia tery. Huntersville; two sisters, Mrs. Wagoner Ressie Moore, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Mattie V. Deputy, Ukiah, California; two brothof Dunmore; eighteen granders, Ernest E. Hively, of Hychildren and two great-grandKeith Hively attsv.lle, Maryland, and John children. Keith Hively, aged 23 years, C. Hively, of San Diego, Caliof Dunmore was instantly killed, Funeral services will be held fornia; one uncle, Grover T Wednesday evening, May 16, Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. May > 0 fWoodbridg e ,V,rgTnia; and a number of nieces nech 1956 in an automohile accident. m. in the Baxter Presbyterian USinS a n d a DOst of His car and a ton and a half Church at Dunmore with the truck collided on a curve on the Rev. Thomas E. Henderson in Funeral services were held Browns Creek road a half mile charge. Burial will be in the south of Dunmore. He sustained Mountain View Cemetery at Saturday afternoon in the Ashbury United Methodist a crushed chest, a fractured skull Marlinton. Church by the Rev. Lerov and other injuries. Jones, with burial in Stonewall On Saturday afternoon the Memory Gardens, Manassas, funeral service was held from the Virginia. Bertha Hiv Baxter Presbyterian Church, of whi .h he was a member. The iss Bertha Virginia Hively o Staff Sergeant Burley Henry minister was his pastor, Rev. J. ,1518 El Sereno Avenue, Pasadena. Hively. aged 29 years and 28 days, D. Arbuckle. His bjdy was laid Calif., passed awaj .tunc 9, 1950, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hively, in the family cemetery. at the age of 7_ years. A native of Dunmore, West Virginia, die I The deceased was a son of Mr. of West Virgiu'a, she came to of wounds received in Belgium and Mrs. Walter A. Hively. He California about 35 years ago. on January 26, 19+5. Staff Serwas a graduate of Marlinton She was a member of White Mem- jeant Hively entered the sen High School, class of 1955. He jorial Church in Redlands. Sur- on May 22, 1912, and lias served. I viving are ber two brothers, Clin- overseas since May 1944. managed the family farm. Keith is survived by seven j ton and Luther Hively; a sister, He is survived by his parents, brothers and three sisters:.Glenn 1 Mrs. Dora B. Sbrader and the five sisters and three brothers, D. and Carl W. Hively, both of following nieces and nephews: Mrs. William Bryant, of ColumWashington, D. C ; Floyd H. Mesdames Ruthie Lentz, Sarah bus, Ohio; Ann and Alice. Morgan, Lester Hively of Silver Springs, Mary- Wagner. Pauline Washington, D. C.; Hunter, S.vN land ; Styrl W. Hively, of Green Tenant, Della Sumafrank, Lula via. Paul, Trudie, and Don, all nt Bank; Lysle Hively, of Mor- , /ance Madge Williams; Blake home. A sister, Eula Mae, au : t died gantown; Leo T. Hively, of Shrader, Don Dever, E r n e s t , in infancy. Clarksburg; Mrs. Russell Adams, James, John, Clyde and Leo HiveB.'fore entering the service, B, be of Morgantown; Mrs. Harvey H. I.V. was'employed in Washington, J». Segwick, of Norfolk, Virginia; Services at Edward & Cum0. Staff Sergeant Hively was a Mrs. Julian T. Mathews, oi mings Mortuary, conducted by Alexandria Virginia; Julian C. Rev. George F. Walker. Entomb- member of the Young Peophs. Hively, of J . S. Coast Guard. ment in Mountain View Manso- Class at the Baxter Presbytc; Church, at Dunmore, hm.

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Luther Kively Luther Hively. aged 69 years, died at his home near Frost on Friday night, August 3, I9bl't from the effects of a brain hemorrhage. On Sunday afternoon bis body was laid in Mt Zion Cemetery, the service being held from the church by bis pastor, Rev. L. E. Saville. Tbc deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dolcie Diiley Hively, and their three children, Mrs. L E. Tennant, Clyde aud Leo Hively. The deceased was a son of the late James F. and Rebecca Wetzel Hively. Of his father's family there remain his sister, Mrs. I. B. Shrader, of Hillsboro, and his brother, Clinton Hively, of near Washington.

Albert Hiikmin Charles Albert Sidney Hickman, 76, of Beard, died Sun> day. May 29,1977, in a farm accident. He died when the tractor he was driving overturned and pinned him underneath. The accident occurred about eight Sunday evening on Richard McNeei's farm, near Denmar.

Hunter A. hively

Hunter Austin Hively, 39, died Thursday, February 28, 1963, enroute to the University Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, after receiving head injuries when an end-loader fell on him at his farm at Dunmore. He was born at Dunmore August 14, 1923, the son of John and Eva Rexrode Hively, and was married to the former Dotty Lou Mullens. He was a member and officer of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore. Surviving him are his wife and son, Bart Andrew; his parents; two brothers, Pai 1 Hively, of Medaryville, Indiana, and Don R. Hively, of Dunmore; and five sisters, Mrs. Juanita G. Bryant, of Columbus, Ohio, Miss Ann L. Hively, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. Alice H. Underwood, of Fairfax, Virginia, Mrs. Sylvia Johnson, of Springfield, Virginia, and Mrs. Truda Underwood, of Bristol, Virginia. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Susan Louise, who was dead at birth in December, 1961; a brother, Burley H. Hively, who was killed in action in World War II in 1945; and a sister, Eula Mae Hively, who died in 1919. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon in the BaxI ter Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle with burial in the Hively Cemetery.

Walter A. Hively

Walter A. Hively, 82, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, August 28, 1968, in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins. He was a member of the Dunmore Presbyterian Church ar. a retired school teacher ana farmer in Pocahontas County. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sarah Hively; six sons. Carl Hively, of Beverly; Floyd Hively, of Silver Spring:, Maryland; Lysle Hively, of Morgantown; Styrl Hively, of Dunmore; Lee Hively, of Elkins; and Julian Hively, of Weirton': three daughters, Mrs. Mary Ad ams, of Morgantown; Mrs.Margaret Sedgwick, of Norfolk, Vrf ginia; and Mrs. llldine Mathews, of Lexington, South Carolina; one brother, John Hively, of Dunmore, and two sisters, Mrs. Ressie Moore, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Mattie Deputy, of Dunmore. There are 21 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Three sons preceded him in death, ^ u ^ Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Dunmore Presbyterian Church by Rev. Thomas Henderson with burial in the Hively Cemetery ^t Dunmore.

Born September 18,1900, in Virginia, he was the son of the late John William and Rose Sorrell Hickman. A son, two sisters and a brother preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mary Frances Oscar Hickman; sons, Richard, at home, Samuel and Herman, James, Charles, Thomas, of Silver Spring, Maryland, John, Fairfax, Virginia, Albert, Cecil, of Rockville, Maryland, WilH. D. Hiveley, an aged and res peelson, Clemmons, North Caroed citizen of Thorny Creek,i:ear Frost lina, Leroy, Kenneth, and Eddied at his noma Monday rri^ht, Febgar, at home; daughters, Lenruary 26, lie had been .in failing nie, Shenandoah Junction, health for t.he past year or jore. Burial on Wednesday near his late Rosie, Nadine, Silver Spring, residence. The deceased wis a natMaryland, Dorothy, Mamie, ive ri Pendleton County. He is saxRockville, Maryland, Lucy, Rainelle, Betty, Dun more, Vir- v. -A by a tmmbar of grown children. , ginia, Roanoke, Virginia, Bertie, Cottage City, Maryland; Rebecca, Frances, Martha, Mary, and stepdaughter, A* manda, at home; 24 grandStaff Sergeant Burley H. Hively children and 3 great-grandchilThe body of Staff Sergeant dren; three brothers, Gordon, Millard, and Ether; two sis- Barley H. Hively arrived at ters, Lillian and Lennie, all in Marlintou on Saturday, DecemVirginia. ber 13, 1947. The funeral will be Services were held Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Itrl Andrew Hively Bart Andrew Hively, 21, of Dunmore, died Friday, May 28, 1981, in Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, of injuries he sustained when he was struck by a train at Emporium, Pennsylvania. \ Born November 27,1959, in Marlinton, he was the son of Dottie Lou Mullens McLaughlin, of Dunmore, and the late Hunter Hively. Ha was a woodsman and sawmill worker. Surviving are his mother Mrs. Dotty Lou McLaughlin,; of Dunmore; sister, Mrs. Jane Hunter Buzzard, of Dunmore, and a halt sister, Bobby Jo McLaughlin. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday, in Dunmore Presbyterian Church with the held at the Baxter Church, Dun- Rev. David Ritterihouse and more, on Thursday, December 18, the Rev. Thomas Henderson at'two o'clock, P. M. Interment officiating. Burial was in the will be in Mountain View Ceme- Hively Cemetery. tery, with military honors. The young man was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hively. He was killed in Belgium.


Mrs. Laddie G.Hinds Mrs. Laddie G. Hinds, 73, of Hunter 8 ville, died Saturday, November 24, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She formerly operated the Huntersville Motel and she was a member of the Grace Baptist Church in Marlinton. Born April 17,1911, in Roane County, she was the daughter of the late Clifton and Florence Leffel Francisco. Her husband, Roy W. Hinds, died in 1978; a son and seven brothers also preceded her in death. Survivors include two brothers, Orian Francisco, of Charleston, and Arlie Francisco, of Melbourne, Florida. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Grace Baptist Church in Marlinton by the Rev. Gary Tate, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Emory C. Hiulde Emory Clark Hinkle, aged 51 .years, of 506 Durant Road, South Coviugton, Virginia, died Friday morning, April 4, 1947, in the University Hospital, Charlottesville, Virginia. A native of Greenbrier County, Mr. Hinkle was the son ot the late John Andrew and Mary Ann Nicholas Hinkle. He was a carpenter by trade, and had made his home in Covington for the past 22 years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Carrie Baker Hinkle, one daughter, Ruth Carol, and one son, Emory, Jr., both at home, three brothers, Eay and Lacy Hinkle, of Lewisburg, and A. W. Hinkle, j of Huntersville, and two sisters, Mrs, Margaret Herold, of Huntersville, and Mrs. D. D. Persinger, of Crumm Lynn, Pennsylvania. Mr. Hinkle was a member of the Edgemont Methodist Church, I land a member of Lo.\al Order of the Moose 316, Whiete Sulphur 'Springs. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at i o'clock from the South Covington Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. E. Lester Hylton, former pastor, and the Rev. Z. V. Mason, pastor. Interment was made in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Lmma iveney noage Emma Kelley Hodge, age 67, of Marlinton, died Saturday, March 29, 1997, in Alleghany Regional Hospital, Low Moor, Virginia, after a long illness. Mrs. Hodge was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene and a retired leather buffer with Hanover Shoe. She was born at Seebert June 4, 1929, the daughter of the late Howard James and Sarah Byrd Kelley. Also preceding her in death were her husband, Cecil Howard Hodge; four brothers, Clayborne Kelley, James Kelley, Lawrence Kelley, and Junior Paul Kelley; and a sister, Shirley Jones. Survivors include two sons, Roger Thomas Watson, of Marlinton, and Lewis Taft Wilson, of Belleville; two daughters, Sandra Anderson, of Marlinton, and Saundra Wikelund, of Cleveland, Tennessee; step-sons, Kenneth Watson, of Youngstown, Ohio, Lonnie Watson, of Parkersburg, and William Watson, of Huntington; a step-daughter, Virginia Metz, of Parkersburg; four brothers, Albert Kelley, DCalifomia, Charles Kelley, of Lancaster, Ohio, George Kelley, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Robert Lee Kelley, of Marlinton; a sister, Helen Snyder, of Fairmont; thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. Wallace L. Dorn, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Church of God World Missions, Saundra Wickline #0700075, P. O. Box 80716, Cleveland, Tennessee 37320. Offie Olive Hamrick Offie Olive Hamrick, 83, of Renick, died April 28, 1991, in Greenbrier Valey Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of Mount Carmel United Methodist Church at Renick. Surviving her are a daughter, Ellen Workman, of Auto; son, Avery, of Lewisburg; sisters, Hazel Lewis, of Mill Point, Lola Workman, of Hillsboro; 14 grandchildren, 20 greatgrandchildren, and three greatgreat-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 ; Wednesday at Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Leroy Crane and the Rev. Barry Moll, with burial in Momingside Cemetery at Renick.


W. C Householder, aged a^out 72 . died on Wednesday tnorrrtDg. August' 14, 1940. at the home- ol niece, Mrs John Bessling, Jr., in Mar linton. He had been in failing health for some years. Mr Householder was a native of Pennsylvania. He came to Pscaiion tas County more than thirty years ago, to take a leading place in business affairs. Funeral service and burial at Marlinton B'riday afternoon at two. Rev. J. R. Humes died at the home of John Vanlsss, *iear Mt. Zion.on March 31. 1920, after a long illness, aged about "7 years. He was buried April 1st in Mt. Zion graveyard. He leaves his wife who before marriage was Mios Mattie Moore. He will be greatly missed in the home;, the church and neighborheod. He! used to be »ur~6d»—ijrrsehool—te; at Mt. Zion School. Blessed are dead which die in the Lord: yea saith" the spirit; they may rest f,....i their labors and their works do follow them. L. S. Margaret H. Hicks Margaret H. Hicks, 60, of Craigsville, died July 5, 1994, in Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, after a short illness. She was a representative of Modern Woodmen of America and was active for many years in helping organizations in Pocahontas County raise money to be matched by the Modem Woodmen. She was a past recipient of West Virginia Fraternalist of the Year Award, a member of Summersville Eastern Star and Little Union Baptist Church at Calvin. Surviving her are her husband, R. E. "Gene" Hicks; a son, Robert B. Flanagan, of Calvin; a daughter, Lisa Ann Moore, of Clarksburg; a ssiter, Elizabeth Brigandi, of Bethpage, New York; and four grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday at First Baptist Church in Craigsville by the Rev. David Sommerville. Burial was in West Virginia Memorial Gardens, Calvin. Mrs. Icie Miller Hiobert died at Marlinton, Tuesday June 2s. H>2L, after a long illness. She was the widow of the late George Hibbert, and she is survived by three little boys.




Joseph Hoover, aged 62 years, died of a heart attack at his home at Edray on Thursday morning, January 13, 1955. He was about his usual work when stricken. On Sunday his body was laid in the Doe Hill, Virginia cemetery, with his people. Service was from the Doe Hill Methodist Church by Rev. 0 . L. Lemasters. The deceased was a son of the late Noah and Caroline Gay Hoover, of Thorn, Pendleton County. Jacob Hoover, of Elk, is the surviving brother. His four sisters are Mrs. Lee Harris, of Buckhannon; Mrs. Bertha Moyers, of Moyers, Virginia; Mrs. Max Croft and Miss Florence Hoover, of Swope, Virginia. Mr. Hoover is also survived by his wife, Mrs. Estelle Smith Hoover, and their little daughter, Josephine. Mr. Hoover was a veteran of the First World War. He saw much service on the battlefields in Europe. He suffered from the effects of a gas attack all the rest of his life. He was a good neighbor and a friend to all.


Mrs. Lillie Edith Hoover, was born near Crabbottom, Va., August 3, 1894 and departed this life, May 18, 1944; aged 49 years, '.) months and 16 days. On July 26, 1916, she was united in marriage to Jacob Hoover. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Cathlecn. O n e son, Leo, preceded her in death twenty-three years ago. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Howard Harper, of Crabbottom, Va ; three brothers, E a r l , ofi Waynesboro, Va.; Luther of Crab 1 bottom, Va.; and Raymond, of New Castle, Penn. Funeral services were conducted from the Marlinton Methodist Church by Rev.-Fred Oxendale; assisted by Re.v,. R. H. Skaggs; on Sunday afaernoon, and her body was laid to rest in the family plot in the Mouqtain_V_iew Cemetery. The pall bearers were S. J Rexrode, Lloyd Davis, Frank Mclaughlin, Hoy Shearey, Dewey Stemple and Dock Gibson. The flower girls were Mrs Cathleen Vaughan. Lucille Gibson, Edmonia Gibson,, Irene Harper, Ruth Dumire, D u c y T' 'ison, Betty Clay and Lulu Gibson; ami Mrs. Nannie McQuain Hoover^S* Eva Lee Shinnaberry. The high esteem in which she Mrs. Nacnie Marfha Mcwas held,, was attested by the Quain Hoover. 81, of Staunton, died at King's Daughters' Hos- many friends from Pendleton and Highland counties, who attended pital Thursday, April 9. the burial services. The widow of James Grover \ Hoover, she was born at Doe Mrs. Levi Gay and her two bioonHill September 5. 1888. She irs, French and Joe Hoover, were had lived at Churchville for •sdkd to Doe Hill, Virginia, lash 40 years but for the past five veek by the death of their brother, years had resided with her ^orval Hoover. He died in a Staungranddaughter, Mrs. Claudine ion hospital on November 17, of jlood poisoning following an operaL. Price, in Staunton. She was ;ion for appnndicitis. The deceased a member of St. Peter's Luth- was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah • eran Church in Churchville. Hooyer, of Doe Hill. His age was Besides * her granddaughter, 34 7ears. He was a soldier In the she is survived by a daughter, Worlds's War, and a prominent Mrs. Mildred H. Southard, young citizen of Highland county. Staunton. Virginia; five ssters! Mrs. Margaret Simmons, of Elkins; Mrs. Kate Propst, Sugar Grove, Mrs. Melle Seaton, Washington, D C , Jane Eye, Franklin, and Mrs. Lee Kesler, Clover Lick; a brother, Charles McQuain, Dunmore, three other granddaughters; ten great grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. The service was held Sunday, April 12, from St. Peter's Lutheran Church by the Rev. Donald R. Safrit. Interment was in Green Hill Cemetery, Church


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rai uuuvei Pat Hoover, aged 6-2 years, I lied at. his home near Doe Hill, Virgiuia, Tuesday morning, August 13, 1946, following a paralytic stroke suffered in July, 1943, i from which he never regained bis 1 health. T\ §J


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The deceased was a son of the | late Noah and Caroline Gay Hoover, of Pencl'eton County. He is survived by his widow, Sybiila Kee Hoover, and two daughters, Mrs, Glen Bolkin and Glenna Hoover, and two grandchildren. He is also survived by four sisters, Mrs. Lee Harris, Buckhapnou; Mrs. Max Croft, Florence Hoover, Swoope, Virginia, and i Mrs. Bettie Moyers, Doe Hill, Virginia; two brothers, Jacob Hoover and Joseph Hoover, of Marlinton. His father, mother, and three brothers, Norval, F r e n ch and William, preceded him in death several years back. He had been a member of tie Totten Chapel Methodist Church for many years. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. L. 0 . Rose, assisted by Rev. S. Kullman, at Totteu Chapel | Church Thursday morning. His| body was laid to rest in the family plot in the cemetery near the Hoover home. William Hoover i William Hoover, aged 38 years, was found dead in a barn on his iplaee near Lin wood on Sunday evening, January 18. 1942. He had committed suicide by hanging, in a fit of mental aberration, ij On Tuesday his body was taken t o his old home near Doc Hill, I Virginia. The deceased was a son of the late Noah and Caroline Gay Hoover. Among his surviving brothers are Jacob, Joseph and Patrick Hoover. .

Mrs. Guy Harris

Lee H. Harris, of Buckbannon, died on Sunday, January 29,1961, at her home from a heart attack. Mrs. Harris was born January 3, 1883, at Doe Hill, Virginia, the daughter of the late Noah and Caroline Gay Hoover. She is survived by her husband, Guy Harris; one son, Joe M. Gay of Wheeling; one brother, Jacob Hoover, of Marlinton; and three sisters, Mrs. Max Croft and Miss Florence Hoover, both of Swope, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Moyers of Doe Hill, Virginia. Funeral services and burial were in Buckhannon Tuesday afternoon.

i. Earle Hoove. French Hoover was one of- t h e J. Earle Hoover, 75, of large stock men and prominent business men of Pocahontas county. His btaunton, Virginia, died Wednesday, February 13, 1963 On hist Friday evening, Oecemherj parents are Noah and Caroline Gay He was stricken with an apHoover, of near Doe Hill. His grand !. 1928; between Bye and six o'c parent heart attack while dean tost Ills life h\ father was Captain Joe Gay of Elk- ing snow from the steps of his Mountain. His uncle is P a t Gay of .ninifin KnappsGreek justabove Kramer's Camp, about half way be- Marlinton and his aunt Mrs. K. It. home and died immediately. Sharp of Marlinton. Besides his tween .Marlinton and Huntersville. A native of Augusta County, its, Mr. Hoover is survived The Dight was dark, and rainy and ?f was born December 20, foggy. The ereelc was at flood stage four sisters, Mrs. Levi Gay of Ed ray: ls»7, a son of the late Henry Mrs. Lester Myers of Pendleton coun and getting deeper from twenty-four and Phoebe Jane Ruebush hours of rain on a big snow in the ly: Mrs. .1. W. Croft of Swoope, Va.. mountains. Mr. Hoover left Mar- ( and Miss Florence at home. His Hoover. He was a member of J Union about half past five o'clock in brothers are Pat, Jake, Joe and the First Presbyterian Church ta nton a n d t h e M e n s a closed automobile to drive to Hun- William Hoover. £ there. ' Mr. Hoover was 39 years, 9 months ?/-K? tiibie Class terevflle. and 27 days old. He was a man who A little, before six o'clock Isaac made friends easily and kept them. Mr. Hoover was a real estate Barlow was coming to Marlinton and broker and insurance agent saw a car out in the middle of the He was a brother of the late J it. H. ifMver stream. His attention was attract ed A. Hoover, of Marlinton. by the lights. Me could see no one Rodney H. Hoover, 73, of Surviving are his wife, Mrs. in the oar, and lie hurried to town Hampton, Virginia, died Thursblsie Moore Hoover; a son and for assistance. day, June 29, 1978, in Hampseven daughters; two nephews In a short time a number of men i ton General Hospital. were on the scene. The car had ° ? e ° f whom is Callis Hoover A native of Mill Point, he washed down several hundred yards | ot Marlinton; fourteen grandami towai'd the opposite side of the ! was the son of the late Charlie children and one great-grandstream. C. R. Cooper swam the and Mary McClure Hoover. son. swift flowing waters to the car to see He was a resident of Hampif the driver was still in it. The Funeral services were held ton for 25 years. He was a automobile was identified as Mr. Saturday morning in the MeMarine veteran of World War Hoover's by the license number. He morial Chapel of the Fred II and retired in 1966 from the bad been washed out through the Henry Funeral Home by the i sheet metal department of top, which was broken when the car Rev. R. L. St. Clair. Burial : Newport News Shipbuilding was turned over. and Drydock Company after was in Tbornrose Cemetery. Search was made through the night 14 years service. He was a for Jlr. Hoover, but his body was member of Marvin Chapel not found until noon the next day. The water had receded and his body United Methodist Church at was seen at the lower end of a small Mill Point, and the American Mrs, J. A. Hoover island, over a quarter of a mile beLegion Post 131. low the place where his automobile Mrs. Mary K e e H o o v e r , aged Survivors include his widow, went over the bonis into the stream. 68 years, widow of t h e l i t e J a m e s Mrs. Marjorie Cook Hoover, His body was taken toZ. S. Smith's A H o o v e r , died early Tuesday undertaking parlors. The physicians and a sister, Mrs. Freda H. m o r n i n g , April 6, 1954, after a decision was that Mr. Hoover had Marshall, of Hampton; five l i n g e r i n g iiloess. O a T h u r s d a y come to his death by drowning. nieces and one nephew,' one m o r n i n g a t 11:00 o'clock t h e funThere were signs that he had received brother, Russell H. Hoover, hea vy blows on the chest and on the preceded him in death. eral will be held from t h e Marturned over. At linton P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h by the place where the automobile went Funeral services were held her p a s t o r , Rev. R. P . M e l t o n . into the creek the water ran deep at five p. m. at the Peninsula H e r body will be laid to rest ir._ and swift right at the edge of the Funeral Home by the Rev. T h o r n rose C e m e t e r y , a t S t a u n road. There were wheel tracks to Mike Houff of Chestnut Meton, V i r g i n i a , beside t h e g r a v e of show that the car had been at the morial United Methodist her h u s b a n d . M r . H o o v e r preedge of the bank for some distance Church. before turning over. A reasonable ceded bis wife m o r e than t h i r t y supposition is that the heavy rain A second service was conyears. These w o r t h y people a r e and fog prevented him from seeing ducted at 2 p. m. Saturday in survived by o n e son, (Jallis Hoothe road. Salem Lutheran Church, ver, a t home. Two years ago near this place two Mount Sidney, Virginia, by T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r other men, John Mann and Aaron Rev. Alfred Fogleman. of the late S q u i r e G e o r g e M. a u d Thomas were drowned when their Rachel M o o r e Kee H e r brothBurial was in the church car went over the road into Knapps e r a r e Clarence K e e , of Miles cemetery. Creek on a foggy, stormy night. C i t y , M o n t a n a , and J . E;»rl K e e , On Sunday Mr. Hoover's body was of Marlinton. H e r half sister i s taken to his old home at Thorn, in Pendleton county for burial. The Mrs EHza Bvers, of W a s h i n g t o n , funeral service was conducted on D C , and h e r balf-brother is tay from the Hoover home, by Lock K e e , of Prosper, W a s b i n g Etev. Mr. Stephens of the Southern cn. Methodist Church. An immense T h i s elect lady' was ever a c t i v e congregation from several counties as a d a u g h t e r , was present to pay their tribute of D t h e call of d u t y respect to the memory of their friend. wife and m o i h e r . as a kind neighBurial in the Hoover family gravebor a n d a faithful a n d w o r k i n g ys id. The pall bearers were George christian. P. Edgar, Dr. II. C. Solter. Fred C. Allen. 11. Kelmenson, Marion Burr. Dr. E. G. Herold, W. c . Householder and frank H. Hill.



mri. marjone rtoover Mrs. Marjorie Cook Hoover, 67, of Hampton, Virginia, died Sunday, March 30, 1980, in Hampton General Hospital. Born in Mount Sidney, Virginia, May 28, 1912, she had been a Hampton, Virginia, resident for the past 25 years and was a member of Salem Lutheran Church in Mount Sidney, Survivors include her stepmother, Mrs. Maggie Cook of Waynesboro, Virginia, and a half-brother, Wallace Cook, of Staunton, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rodney Hoover, on June 22, 1978 A funeral service was held at 7 p. ra. in Peninsula Funeral Home by the Rev. James W. Reynolds, Jr., of Chestnut Memorial United Methodist Church, A second service was conducted at two p. m. Wednesday in Salem Lutheran Church, Mt. Sidney, Virginia, with burial in the church cemetery.

Elmer I . HOOVM

Elmer B. Hoover, 65, of Bartow, died Wednesday, October 20,1982, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Born July 10,1917, in Bluegrass, Virginia, he was the son of the late William and Grace Rexrode Hoover. Mr. Hoover had lived at Bartow for 42 yeari and he was a member of the Friendship Baptist Church at Valley Head. He was a sawmill work* er. Survivors include his wife, Violet Oxley Hoover; three daughters, Wanda Waybright and Twila Galford, both of Frank, and Barbara Sack, of Green Bank; three half sisters, Geraldine Fowler, Dicel, and Linda Sigly, all of Canton, Ohio; four brothers, Keith, Ralph, George and Ray Hoover, all of Canton, Ohio; five grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Services wer* held Satul" day at 2 p. m., in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale with the Rev. Eddie Marshall A. Hoover Marshall Allen Hoover, 28, Markley officiating. Burial wal of Stony Bottom, died Friday, in tbe Wilmoth Cemetery near November 23, 1984, in Poca- Bartow. hontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Warrick W. Hoover \^J* Mr. Hoover was a welder and Warrick W. Hoover, 93, of a member of the Church of the Frank, died Thursday, June 21, Brethren. 1984, at Pocahontas ContinuBorn August 31, 1956, at ous Care Center in Marlinton. Marlinton, he was the son of Born February 25, 1891, at Dervie P. Hoover, of Stony Dunmore, he was a son of the Bottom, and the late Olive L. late Samuel W. and Nannie Burgess Hoover. Kerr Hoover. Mr. Hoover was a resident of In addition to his father, he is survived by a son, Timothy; Frank for 64 years, a member three brothers.Dewey T. Hoov- of the Durbin United Methodist er, of Green Bank, Stephen J. Church, a member of the Hoover and Theodore K. Hoov- Independent Order of Odd er, of Stony Bottom, and a Fellows and the Lions Club of sister, Pamela F. Loudermilk, Durbin. He had worked for the Howes Leather Company for 40 of Buckeye. Services were held at 2 p. m. years and at a sawmill for 14 Monday at VanReenen Funeral years. He was preceded in death by Home by the Rev. David Ritten"house, with burial in Mountain three sisters, Mattie Gum, Mamie Mullenax and Laura View Cemetery. Richards, and a brother, Homer Hoover. He is survived by his wife, Strickler Hoover Lillian P. Hoover; one daughStrickler Hoover, aged about 1( ter, Mrs. Violet Arthur, of years, died of a heart attack atthi Columbia, South Carolina; one home of P. W. Underwood, or grandchild and two greatSeaver Creek, on Monday after grandchildren. noon, March 1, 1954. H J was a • Services were held Sunday at retired woodsman. No arrange 2:30 p. m. by the Rev. Mark merit* for tbe fune-al have beei Hickman, with burial in the anDOunceJ. Arbovale Cemetery.


Russell H. Hoover \y

Russell Hunter Hoover, 57, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died in the Waynesboro Community Hospital on Thursday, March 30, 1967, after along illness. Born at Mill Point on June 21, 1909, he was the son of Charlie and Mary McClure Hoover. Mr. Hoover had worked frr duPont for over twenty years. Surviving him are his wifp, Mrs. Martha Lou Sharp Hoover; four daughters, Miss Mary Hoover and Miss Annabelle Hoover, both at home; Mrs. Guy Rowzie, of Wavnesboro. Virginia, and Miss Frances Hoover, of Charlottpsville, Virginia; and one son, Charles Hoover, at home; one brother, Rodney Hoover, of Hampton, Virginia; one sister. Mrs. Freda Marshall, of Hampton, Virginia; two grandchildren and one niece. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Memorial Chapel of McDow-Tyree Funeral Home by the Rev. James W. Walkup and the Rev. Vernon Berry, with bur'a' in the Auensta Memorial Park at Waynesboro. Mrs. W. Summers Hoover

Mrs. Elvia Akers Hoover, 74, of Scottsville, Virginia, died suddenly at her home on Friday, February 3, 1967. Born at Wesley Chapel near Dunmore February 25, 1892, she was the daughter of William and Melvia Curry Akers. She was a great Christian! woman, a member of the Charlottesville Church of God. Surviving her are four sons, A. L. Hoover, Herman Hoover and B M. Hoover, all of Scottsville. Harry Hoover, of Crozet, Virginia; five daughters, Mrs. Earl Beach and Mrs. Raymond Spradlin, both of Scottsville, Mrs. Paul Bragg, of Palmyra, Virginia, Mrs. Adam Sandridge, of Crozet, and Mrs. Elmer Martin, of Batesville, Virginia; four brothers, William Akers, of Marlinton, Emerson Akers, of Clarksburg, Cam Akers, of Ohio and Joe Ak-r.^. of Richmond, Virginia, 25 grandchildren and 30 greatgrandchildren. She was a former employee of Morton's Frozen Foods of Crozet. Funeral services were held Monday at Hill and Erving Chapel at Charlottesville, with burial at Green Hill Cemetery, Churchville, Virginia.



James Pearly Hoover, 89, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Monday, November 22, 1982, in Alleghany Regional Hospital. He was the husband of Elva Friel Hoover. Born October 21, 1893, in Dunmore, he was a son of the late George James Hoover and Lucy Curry Hoover and had been a resident of the Hot Springs area for all of his adult life. He bad been an employee of the Industrial Rayon Plant prior to his retirement in 1952. He was a veteran of the (J. S. Army and served in World War I. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Lawrence Hoover, Covington, Myrl Hoover, Hot Springs; a daughter, Mrs. Allen (Ann) Loan; one sister, Mrs. Hattie Phillips, Lynchburg; 13 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. A daughter, Mrs. Frances Michele, preceded hiv in death. Leasel Htmt Lemuel Hoover, 76, of Langhome, Pennsylvania, died Tues day, July 27, 1976. He was a former resident of Marlinton. Mr. Hoover was born at Dunmore on September 19, 1899, the son of George and Lucy Curry Hoover. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ellen Phillips Hoover, one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Martinez, of Langhorne, Pennsylvania, and three grandchildren, Norman, Randy and Beverly Kinsmen; a brother, Pearlie Hoover, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and two sisters, Hattie Phillips and Helen Kishelman, of Lynchburg, Virginia, and several nephews and nieces; two brothers, Jess and Summers Hoover, and a sister, Mabel Phillips, preceded him in death. Services were held Saturday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius with burial in Mt. View Cemetery.


:y noover Frank, dip;! day, N o v e m b e r 24, 195% after a ' l o n g illness Oh T h u r s d a y afternoon the funeral was held from the F r a n k Nagarene C h u r c h by bis pastor. Rev. Leon Samples. His body was iaid in the WiliDotb C e t n e i e r y , near B i r t o . v . T h e dsee used was born a t C r y - ' der, Virginia, a son of the late Monroe and Sarah S m i t h Hoover. H e is survived by his,.wife, M r s E»tie M a y e Mullenax H o o v e r , and t h e i r seven children, Mrs. G e r a!dine F o w l e r , of C a n t o n , O h i o ; Dica and L i n d a , at h o m e ; E l m e r , of B a r t o w ; K e r t h , of Painesvilie, O do; Ralph and G e o r t'gej of Frank.

Mr. Hoover was n foreman at the Pocahontas Tannery. Mrs. Dervie Hoover

Mrs. Olive Burge3s Hoover, 35, died Tuesday morning, August 2, 1966, in the Clifton j Forge Hospital after a very brief illness. Born i t Woodrow, she was a daughter of Fred and Woodsie Burgess. She was a member of the Brethren Church. Besides her parents, she is survived by her husband, Dervie Hoover; five children, Dewey, Steve, Marshall, Teddy, and Pamela Hoover; one brother, Ivan Burgess, of Marlinton, and two sisters, Velma Burgess, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Thelma Thompson, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Poage Lane Church.

Mrs. (j. C. Hoover Mrs. Minnie Elizabeth Alderman Hoover, aged 73 years, widow of the late G. C. Hoover, died at her home in Riverside, October 19, 1945. On Sunday afternoon the funeral was held from the Slaty Fork Church by Rev. E. K. Tallman, pastor of the Penecosta! Church in Rainelle. Burial in the Sharp cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of the late Octavus Alderman. She became the wife of George C. Hoover, who preceded her in death seven years. Their surviving children are Myrtle Victor, of Holland, Michigan; Grace Craddock, Matilda Tallman, and Cameron Aston, of Rainelle; Emily Jackson and Elizabeth Pritt. of Marlinton;- Easter Craddock, of Dunmore; Velma Hefner, of Bergoo. EdUh Weatherholt of Kiyerside. is a. step daughter. To know the deceased was to be her friend; her fine christian cl. racter won people to her.

is Bobbie Lee Moouer Bobbie Lee Hoover was kill ed in a car wreck near Katton.3 ville, June 29, 1975. He waa 20 years old. the son of Teas and Minnie Hoover,, of Valley Head. He is survived by hf3 parents, two sisters, Jo Ann and Vicky, and two brothers, Joe and Randy. Services were held in tbe Runner's Funeral Home at Elkins, July 1, at 11 a. m. conduc ted by Rev. Edward Markley and Rev. Kenneth Corley, with burial in tbe Hoover Cemetery at Bartow.

ARTHUR HOOVER U Earth's Loss la Heaven's Gain Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Violet Hoover, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs W. W. Hoover of Frank, Pocahontas county, to BUKI John William Hoover T Arthur, son of Mr and Mrs J A John William Hoovtr, 59, died Arthur, of Webster Springs. The ring ceremony wa? performed unexpectedly on Saturday, Novin the Beverly Street Methodist ember 5, 1960, at his home in, church in Staunton, Virginia, on Staunton, Virginia. Thursday afternoon, July 11, at 4:30 He was a native of Highland o'clock, and was performed by the Rev E R, Thayer, pastor, In the pres County and was born on February 23, 1901. ence of a few friends. The bride was dressed in a gray He is survived by his wife; one e afternoon frock with navy blue son, Dervie P. Hoover of Clover accessories. Her corsage was of yel Lick; several brothers and sisters low rosebuds. and five grandchildren. Mrs Arthur is a graduate of GreenFuneral services were conduct'jank high school and attended Davis and Elkins college, here and Glen ed Monday morning at 11:00 a. villa State Teachers' college. For, m., by the Rev. R. L. St. Clair. tbe past three years she has been a j Burial was in Thornrose Cemereadier in the Pocahontas county tery atStavnton, Virginia. ••chools, The groom is a graduate of Elkins high school and attended Davis and Elkins college, He is now employed oy the Shenandoah L'fe Insurance company, They will reside In Elkins.—Inter-Mountain.

Mrs. Judson L. Howard

, n d av, December 20. 1038, after a :• pneumonia. On Wed .'.-day Lis body will be buried in Hie rp graveyard at Slaty Fork. Mr H .over was a native of i-Vulie•„on County, a son of Thomas and Sal He hoover F..r many years he Dad n a of Pocahontas Coun;irston Eik and later at. River He was a Root industrious cit

Mrs. Jennie Barker Howard, 88, died at the home of her son, James W. Howard, at Buckeye, Friday, March 19,1965, after a two-week illness. Born a t East Springfield, Pennsylvania, September 25, 1876, she was a daughter of the late Chauncey Barker and Eleanor Barker. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Judson L. Howard, and a d a u g h t e r Miss Florence Howard, preceded her in death. Survivors include three sons, Robert W. Howard, of Port Charlotte, Florida, Marion C. Howard, of Spotsylvania, Virginia, and James W. Howard, of Buckeye; three daughters, Mrs. Eleanor H. McNeill and Mrs. Beatrice H. Gladwell, both of Buckeye, and Mrs. Ann H. Stanley, of Amherstdale; 28 grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren, and seven great great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. E. Pierce and the Rev. Robert Ray. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery.

'ZMr Hoover is survived by his wife and a number of tfrown children. are his surviving chttorea are | t , »rs«ro«Ji son. Mrs George PrUt and Mr* Henry Astin. Leonard W. Hoovir Leonard W. Hoover, 71, of Boyer, died Thursday, November 22, 1979, at home after an apparent heart attack. > He. was ordained a minister in the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana, and later served in the Detroit, Michigan, area for twenty-five years. He retired and moved to Boyer in 1974. Surviving are his wife, Garnet Beverage Hoover; sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Arbogast, of Wellsburg, Mrs. Genevieve Washburn, of Craigsville, Mrs. Marian Eye, of Chardon, Ohio; brothers, Paul, Stanley, and Richard, all of Boyer. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in Kerr Memorial Church, Boyer, with the Rev. Wilbur Kirby, the Rev. Homer Whitehall" and the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery, Arbovale. Baby M. C. Howard, Jr. . M. C. Howard, Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Howard, of Elkton, Maryland, was born July 19, 1956, and died on April t, 1957, ac the rTnion Hospital, in Elkton. The Rev. R. J. Sturgill conducted graveside services on Tuesday, April 2, 1957, with >unal in the Cemetery by deBase •uneral Home.>TcMvs has been received the recent death of John ITowrd. sgfd 50,1(81?, at Foundford, He wp.s a brother of t i e He Judder, Ijoward, of, htm he used to visit. He was ewspsper writer and the author t Eeveial books.




J. L. Howard


Judson Luke Howard, aged 80 years, died on Friday, March 5, 1948. He had been in failing health for some time. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was held from the home by his pastor. Rev. Roger P. Melton. His body was laid to rest in sthe family plot in Mountain View Cemttery. Mr. Howard is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jennie Barker Howard, and their seven children, Robert W.. John M. and James Howard: Mrs. Eleanor McNeill, Mrs. 1. T. Stanley, Mrs. Carl Gladwell aud Miss F.orence Howard. The deceased was a native of Girard, Pennsylvania, son of George W. and Sara Harris Howard. Of his father's family there remain a sister, Mrs. Meade Dickey, of Nevada City, California; two brothers, John H , of Arcadia, Michigan, and Charles W., of Ashtabula, Ohio. More than forty years ago the deceased moved from Pennsylvania to Buckeye. For a number of years he was engaged in the lumber business.

Mrs. Margaret Price Hoke, 78, died September 25,1976, in a nursing home at Lake Wales, Florida. She had been in ill health the past eight years. Born at Marlinton Novenv ber 28, 1899, she was the daughter of the late Andrew and Grace Clark Price. Her husband, Dr. Rex Hoke, preceded her in death. Mrs. Hoke was a graduate of West Virginia University with a Masters Degree from Columbia University and taught school in Marlinton, Ronceverte and Romney, and at Morehead State College, Kentucky, and West Virginia University. , Surviving her are two children, Andrew Price Hoke, of Sebring, Florida, and Mrs. Ann Randolph Credisford, of Morgantown; two grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. George (Agnes) Cleaveland, of Richmond, Virginia. Services will be held at 2 P. M., Friday, in the VanReenen Funeral Home by RevRichard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Eula Gladys Howard Mrs. Eula Gladys Rose Howard, age 39 years, of Hunters-| ville, died at her home, on Friday, May 2. 1947, after an illness| of several months. She is survived by her husband, Marion C. (John) Howard, and tbei Aiine children, seven daughters; Mrs. J . B. Hanson, Mrs. B. B. Gum,*'Juauita, Jennie. Betty and Lima, at home, and Mrs. Herbert. 4 . Sharp, of Louisville, Kentucky; and two sons Harry and Buddie, a t home. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Pearl Rose, of Buckeye; two brothers, Norman B. Rose, of Buckeye, and Leslie Rose, of Hillsboro, five grandchildren also a lumber of other relatives and 'riends to lament her departure. On F m d a y , May 4th, funeral service: were conducted by the Rev. Roe-er P. Melton, at the Swago Church and burial was made in Mountaia View Cemetery nt Marliiito'n. Acting pall bearers were Paul Duncan, Walter Graham, James .Miller, Austin Duncan, Herold Thomas, Lanty Landis, Joseph Iliner, and William Buckley. The Swago Farm Womm's Club were the flower bearers.

of the West Virginia All-Stars. She was born in Rockland, Pa., July 28, 1903, the daughter of the late Judson and Mrs. Jennie Howard, of Buckeye. Surviving a r e : M r s . Jennie Howard, mother; three sisters, Mrs. Ann Stanley, of Amherstdale; Mrs. Eleanor McNeill and Mrs. Bee Gladwell, of Buckeye;| three brothers, Robert W., of. Sharpies; Marion C , and James W., of Buckeye. Also surviving are a number of nieces a n d nephews. T h e services were conducted I from the Marlinton Presbyterian I Church by the pastor, Rev. Ro-! ger P. Melton, assisted by Joseph C. Gluck, director of student affairs at W e s t Virginia University and a f o r m e r 4-H Club m e m b e r . Interment was made in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. Active pallbearers were: Ben Morgan, I. Porterfield, Herman, Bowers, James Copeman, James Preaskorn, Werner W e g m a n, Walter Jett, and Bob Hammer. Honorary pallbearers were: J. O. Knapp, director of Extension in West Virginia; C. H. Hartley, C. P. Dorsey, Bill Roberts, Mel Kolbe and Waldo Bell, The women Extension workers from the state office and county offices were in charge of the flowers. Four-H girls a n d boys fno.n! W e s t Virginia University 4-H Club s a n g " D r e a m i n g", "I Would Be True", and " H a v e Thine Own Way Lord." "Follow the Gleam" was sung at the graveside ceremony.

James (Buck) H. Howard, 47, died Saturday, January 10, 1976, in a Richwood hospital after a three months illness with cancer. He was an electrician with the Sewell Coal Company and was a member of the New Prospect Baptist Church at Richwood where he served as a deacon and Sunday school teacher. Born at Marlinton, May 23, 1928, be was the son of M. C. (John) Howard and the late Eula Rose Howard. He was an Army veteran. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Kellison Howard; two sons, Charles D. and Randy G., and one daughter, Candice L. Howard, all of Richwood; father, M. C. (John) Howard, of Spotsylvania, Virginia; one brother, Judson L. Howard, of Covington, Virginia; seven sisters, Mrs. J. 6. Hanson and Mrs. Joseph Browning, both of Fredericksburg, Virginia; Mrs. Herbert Sharp, of Stow, Ohio; Mrs. Robert McNeill, Marlinton, Mrs. Robert Viers, of Buckeye, Mrs. Harold Horah, of Elkton, and Mrs. Kenneth Bryant, of Baltimore, and three half sisters, Mrs. Wallace Kitch en, of Richmond, Virginia, and Miss Cynthia Howard and Miss Sandra Howard, both of Spot•ylvania, Virginia. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the New Prospect Baptist Church, at Richwood with the Rev. Ray Baker officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. S. P. H O b L A ^ D S W O R T H Siuiorj Peter Hollandsworth, a lifelong resident of Droop Mountain, passed peacefully away at his home, Friday evening, April 12. He had been in failing health for over one year. He is survived by his wif?, Mrs Georgia Hollands-vorth; five son:. Harry, Denoie, Dover, Paul and Dale; and four daughters, Mrs Dennie Snedrfgar, Mrs Earnest Rapp, MrsClarence Kershner and Mrs Lake Cutlip, aev eral grandchildren and a host of reia ' i"tis and friends. The funeral service was held at the Mjj Jlivet Church, Droop Mountain, • iday afternoou.—Greenbrier Independent.


D r O l i v e r Arnold H o w a r d , aged 85 years, died a t his home in Marlinton on W e d n e s d a y , April 2, 1952. H e had been ill only a week or so. On S u n d a y afternoon, the j funeral was held from the P r e s b y terian C h u r c h by his pastor, Rev. Roger P. Melton. His body was laid in Mt. View C e m e t e r y , with Masonic honors. T h u s is noted the passing of a busy and useful life, spent for others as a c o m m u n i t y physician ind c o u n t r y docter. T h e deceased was a son of the late William and D o r o t h y Howard. 1 Be was born in St. J o h n s , New Brunswich, Canada. Of this family, t h e r e remains a brother, Oaptain E d m u n d H o w a r d , of Wonfrteai, 'Canada. He fitted himself for the practice of medicine by g r a d u a t ' i n g from the U n i v e r s i t y of Mary-' land. He did i n t e r n e work in Boston and a t J o h n Hopkins, Hospital in Baltimore. He was company physician for the Camp-, >ell L u m b e r C o m p a n y , and prac tised in M a r l i n t o n for 45 years. Dr H o w a r d was a propessintr Christian, a member of the Presbyterian C h u r c h in Marlinton. F o r half a c e n t u r y and more i e was a Mason, holding his m e m b e r s h i p in Carlton Union Lodge, in W e s t St. J o h n s . A m o n g those from a distance attending the funeral were, "!aptain E d m u n d Howard of I M o n t r e a l , Canada, Mr. and Mrs, H o w a r d Clark and sons H u n t e r md Robert, Newport News. V i r g i n i a , Mr and Mrs. A r d e n J. Gurry of Charleston, and Arnold Weiford of San A n t o n i o , Texas.

The community was sadly shocked by the sudden death of Glenn ilollandsworth. Those who attended ^he funeral from Hillsboro High chool were: Misses Margaret Mc?ulty, Mary Anderson, Dot Hollandsworth, Nellie Hultz, Mabel Kennljon Opal and Anna Hull, and Genevieve Vaughan, P. F. Cutlipp, A. B. Wickline and Dover Hollandsworth The Bruffeys Creek, Hills Creek, Mt. Lebanon, Mt. Zion and Lobelia schools were closed in sympathy for ! the bereaved family.

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Mrs.fcllenI. Lump noiianaswonn Denny R. Halandsworih Denny R. Hollandsworth, Mrs Ellen ('. Cutlip Holtendsworth, aged 7(5 years, wife of Na- 63, of Hillsboro, died in the Unithaniel Hollandsworth. oc Spice, versity Hospital at Charlottesdied at her home at Spice, on Fri- ville, Virginia, on Saturday, April day. May 9, 1941. She was a 25, 1959, after a long illness. daughter of the late Abraham and Mr. Hollandsworth was a numMartha Cutlip and was born on ber of the Wesley Chapel .MeMarch 18. 1865. Surviving are thodist Church, Lobelia Lodge her husband, three daughters and 386, I 0 0 F, and American Lefive sons. The children are Miss gion Pest 147 at Hillsboro. Mary Hollandsworth, of Spk:e;, Mrs Doyle Payne, of Charleston:! •Surviving him are his wife, Mrs Nelson Bruft'ey. of Lobelia; Mrs Anna Hollandsworth; five Brooks Hollandsworth. of Spice; sons, Ralph Hollandsworth, and Charles Hollandsworth. of Hills- Robert Hollandsworth, of Baltiboro; Ross Hollandsworth, of more, Maryland, Donald H ollands Farinington, Dale and Forrest worth, with the U. S. Army in Hollandsworth, of Barracksville. Germany, Daniel Hollandsworth Two brothers surviving are Sherd and Jerry Hollandsworth at home; 'Cutlip, of Marlinton, and Willis four daughters, Mrs Juanita Mor1 Cutlip, of Renicks Valley; also 30 ris, of Balfcim >re, Maryland, Mrs [grandchildren. A son, Glenn, Valorie Handy, of Bsl A T , Maryabout -• fi years ago. land, Mrs Dorothy La Rue, of Newbu:g, New York, and Miss Rhe was a memoer of tU« MVS- j Louise Hollaa-dsworth. at horn?; f '••'ist (.'burr; for four brothers, Harry Hollands 'iivcl a fait" worth, of Doe Hill, Virginia, Paul Christian ii.-. Hollandsworth and Dale Hollands been a., invalid for three years, worth of Droop, and Stover Holshe never lost her life-long facul- laiK'swcj-.h, of Wellsburg, Pennty of making friends who loved sylvania; two sisters, Mrs 1 I her. Funeral services were held Snedegar, of Droop, and Mrs at Emmanuel Church, conducted Clara Rapp, of Renick; and seven by Rev. L, S. Shires, assisted by grandchildren. the Rev. Mr. Justice, with burial f u n e r a l services were held Funeral services were held I in Emmanuel cemetery.—West Tuesday in the Wesley Chapel Wednesday afternoon a t the Virginia. Methodist Church by his pastor, Forrest Hollandsworth VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. L. E. Milem, with burial the Rev. Richard Newkirk, Forrest Hollandsworth, aged o . with burial in the Emmanuel years, died at his home at BarCemetery near Hillsboro. racksville on April 3. 1955, after i long illness. His body was laid Sharon Anne Horvath n Beverly Hills Memorial GarNathaniel Hollandsworth dens near Morgantown. The fu- Sharon Anne Horvath, six months old, died Friday afterNathaniel Hollandsworth, aired leral was held from the Method- noon, February 24, 1961, in a st Church, of which he was a J73 .years, died late Sunday DeChicago hospital of a congenital cember « , 1946. at the home nf member. disease. T r e derea led is survived by his M"s daughter, Mrs. Mary GladShe was the daughter of Mr. well at Beard. He had been it, wife, Hazel, and their children, failing health for a number of Jack and Betty. Also, his three and Mrs. Joseph N. Horvath, years. On Friday morning the Asters, Mrs Nina Bruffey, Mrs 3014 South East Avenue, B-rfuneral was rondacted from the Martha Payne and Mrs Mary wyn, Illinois. Mrs. Horvath is M e t h o d s Church at Emanuel iladwell; by four brothers, Ross, the former Shirley Ann Lambert, I of Cass. by Key. Mr. Fleming He wa- ' ' h a r W Brooks and Dale. laid to rest in Emanuel cemetery Funeral services were held l h e deceased is survived hTuesday. February 28, at St. Mrs. Frances Hollandsworth his bye sous and three daughter* Mary's Church in Painesville, Mrs. Frances Morgan Hollands- 3hio. u"' ™ Nin , a B r u f f e *< Maryland,' Pallbearers were Nicholas HorMrs. Martha Payne, Chariest on : worth aged 13, wife of C. M. HolPh?l if-n pladwell, Board; landsworth, of Hillsboro, died on v a ' h , Francis Horvath, Michael Charley Hollandsworth, Lobelia • Wtdnesdav, April 12, 1950, after Maltbie and Robert Shine. Kpss Hollandsworth, Farmingtoi a long iilness. On Sunday afterSurviving besides her parents noon the funeral service was conWashington; Forrest and Dak are her maternal grandparents, ducted from Emanuel Church on Barracksville; thirty-two gr&ml Bruffeys Creek,, by her rmstor, Mr. and Mrs. Shurlin Lambert, cliidren and three great-grand Rev. E. A. Painter. Burial in of Painesville, Ohio; her paternal children. His wife and a S„T grandmother, Mrs. Mary H. Horpreceded him in death. He wa^ the church cemetery. vath, also of Painesville; her j the son of the late Barton and The deceased was a daughter of great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martha Hollandsworth. Of his Squire W. C. Morgan of Lobelia. father's family there remains ona She is survived bg her husband, Brison Lambert, of Green Bank, sister Beckie McCarty, and tw„ three daughters, and four sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, of Cass. brother, Saul and Arthur. Mrs. Tony Pan Fullona, Mrs. Burial was in Riverside St. Hubert Rose and Virginia; MelMary's Cemetery in Painesville, vin, William, Barton and Joseph. Ohio. Melvin Dale (Jack) Hollandsworth, ST., 49, of Marlinton, died Monday, June 23, 1975, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a year's illness with cancer. He was born September 16, 1925, a t Hillsboro, the son of Charles Marvin and Frances Jamina Hollandsworth. Retired from the United States Air Force, he had served in World War II, the Korean Conflict, and in Vietnam. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are his wife, Rebecca Sue Hannah Hollandsworth; two sons, Melvin Dale Hollandsworth, Jr., of Salem, Virginia, and Charles Michael Hollandsworth, of Marlinton, two daughters, Marzella A. Hollandsworth and Kellea Sue Hollandsworth, at home: three grandchildren; father, Charles, of Hillsboro, three brothers and three sisters, William, Joseph, and Mary Pantuliano, of Wilmington, Delaware, Samuel of Lexington, Virginia, Madaiine Rose, of Hillsboro, and Virginia Click, of Victoria, Texas.


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Charles Marvin Hollandsiforth, 77, of Hill8boro, died Wednesday, September 8, 1976, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, from a heart attack. He was born in Greenbrier County August 22, 1899, the son of Nathaniel and Ellen Cutlip Hollandsworth. His wife, Frances J. Morgan Hollandsworth' and one son, Melvin D. "Jack" Hollandsworth, preceded him in death. He was a retired employee of West Virginia Department of Highways, and a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are sons, William and Joseph, both of Wilmington, Delaware, Sam, of Lexington, Virginia; daughters, Mrs. Mary Kathleen Pantu liona, of Wilmington, Delaware, Mrs. Virginia Cleek, of Victoria, Texas, Mrs. Madeline Rose, of Hillsboro; brothers, Ross and Dale, of Fairmont, Brooks, of Moses Lake, Washington; sisters, Mrs. Mary Gladwell, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Martha Payne, of Charleston; 20 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren. Services were held Saturday in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Richard Mewkirk officiating. Burial was in Emmanuel Cem ;tery on Bruffeys Creek.

Frank S. Hughes Fiarik S. Hughes Ewas born J a n u a r y 26. 1878 and d e p a r t e d rhis life F r i d a y , December 2 1 , 1951, a^ed 72 .vcars, 11 m o n t h s and 21 days, ^ ^ ^ ^ He was (lie s o i of the late .James W and Elizabeth E r v i n Hughes. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ He was married to Bessie E. Dilley, who departed this ife thirteen .sears ago. ^^^^^^^M He leaves to m o u r n his loss two nieces, Miss P a u l i n e Arbojrast, of Boyer, and Mrs. J a m e s A. T y r e e , of M a r l i n t o n ; two nephews, Charles Arbojjast, of Boyer, and Richard H. Shears, of AkroD, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Aiva A Bussard, of Weston; and a host of relatives aod friends. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Mary Houchln was born February 9. 1857, and died October 2, 1925, aged 69 years, eight months and To days, The leaves to mourn their loss five children, Mrs. Clara Bonner, of Slaty Fork; Mrs. Woodsie Beverage, and Cecil. H. isi and Elmer Houchin, and one brother, J. B. McNeil, and one sister, Mrs, Clarissa Duncan, and a host of other relatives and friends. She lived a pure Christian life devoted to God. She was loved by every one, and will be greatly missed in her home and community. She was always ready to lend a helping hand to those in n^ed or in trouble. During her illness she bore her sufferings patiently and was never heard to complain. So we leave it all to God who doeth all things for the best, when we cannot see and understand.

Haiyy HettiMttwwlii Harry H. Holiandswotih, 78, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, Safe in the arms of Jesus, September 30, 1978, in a Safe on bis gentle breast Roanoke, Virginia, hospital. There by his love o'ershadowed, He was injured in a fall near Sweetly her soul shall rest. Hillsboro on Thursday. Born August 21, 1900. at Droop, he was a son of the Bernice Adkison Hodges late Simon and Georgia HolBernice Adkison Hodges, of landsworth. Troup, Texas, died Monday, May 22, 1995. A retired carpenter, Mr. Hollandsworth was a member She was born at Nottingham, of the Hillsboro Masonic Lodge. February 2, 1916, and grew up in Marlinton. She was a nurse. Survivors include his wife, Surviving Mrs. Hodges are two Thelma, and one brother, sons, Arthur Mowrey and Bill Dover, of York, Pennsylvania. Mowrey, both of Troup; brother, Services were held at 2 p. m. Rev. Preston Adkison, of Tuesday in the Jack K. WalRockport, Texas; four sisters, lace Funeral Home Chapel in Nancy Cochran, of Roanoke, Lewisburg with Rev. Jack K. Wallace officiating. Burial was Virginia, Hallie Martin, of in Rosewood Cemetery in LewKillbuck, Ohio, Marie Ginn, of isburg. Troy, Ohio, and Catherine Fawcett, of Lewisburg; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. J body of Ward Houcliin, a PoThe funeral was conducted May : taa sole! " - who ~as killed in -ice, was buried last 24 by the Rev. Gary Bagley, with lay in ihe family plot on Back burial in the Bradford Cemetery. tiany. He was a son of Mr. and Thomas Houohin, of Hoster-


George Holly Foun^J Dead of Gunshot Wound A Pocahontas County huntei was mysteriously shot to death Saturday morning while attempting to drag a deer out of the woods. George Holly, 32 of Buckey-j. was found dead in the woods wth a buLet wound in his neck. Holly and an uncle, Mason Sullivan, had reportedly killed the j deer aero;- the Virginia line, and had returned to West Virginia when the shooting occurred. Sheriff W. C Curry said that Sullivan report ..'a Holly had i illed a young I ck and was draging it to their car. Sullivan had preceded Holly to the car and when the latter! did not appear, he returned to the woods in search of him. When unable to locate his nephew, Sullivan notified the sheriff's office. A searching party was organized and the body was found nearly 14 hours after the fatal shoot-1 ing. Sheriff Curry stated that apparently the shot came from the Virginia side of the border. However, Sullivan told the sheriff that he had heard no shot since the one that killed the deer. H o l l y , a machinist for the Maust Coal and Coke Co. atj Marlinton, was a World War III veteran. He is survived by his wife, Lina Holly; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Holly of Buckeye; and two brothers, James, of Columbus, 0-, and Melton of Dunbar. Funeral services were con due •:ed Tuesday in the Ansted Bap ist Church w i t h Rev. Georgr Pauley and Rev. Guy Vaughr officiating. Burial -was in th Highlawn Memorial Park at Oak Hill. Erma S. Horner

Mrs. Erma Simmons Horner, of Baltimore. Maryland, formerly of Arbnvale. died Suniav, March 27, 1966. Survivors include her husband. Harrv Horner; five children by a former marriage; one sister, Mrs. Marvel Eye. of i ^ranVlin; two brothers, Mau-J rice Simmons, of Bartow; and e en step-children and 29 grandchildren. Voneral services were held Friday afternoon ;n the Arhovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Dunlap, assisted by the Rev. Alden Nbrris, of Baltimore Tabernacle Baptist Church. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

nuscue L. nuuuiuis Roscoe L. Houchins, aged 64 years, died on Sunday, August • 26, 1956, as he was being admitted .o the Hinton Hospital. Houchins h.A been fishing Sunday morning, and suffered a heart attack as he was preparing to clean the fish. An ambulance was summoned and he had the fatal attack upon reaching the hospital. Born in Pocahontes County, March 18, 1892, he was the son of the late George and Mary Jane Wilmoth Houchins. He had spent most of his life in Pocahontas County, but had resided in Hinton for the past 15 years. He had been employed by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway for the past 38 years and at the I ume of his death was a conduc-1 .or. He was a member of the j Brotherhood o: Railway Trainmen; of the Order of Railway Conductors, and the Hinton Moose Lodge. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. | Dovie Houchins, of Hinton, two sons and three daughters by a former marriage; Earl and Charles Houchins, Mrs. Marvel Chaiey, Mrs. Helene Harris, and VLrs. Dorothy Moss, all of Canton, Ohio. Two step daughters, Mrs. Paul Johnson, o* Greenville, and Mrs. Artie Goffert, of 3alti•nore, Maryland; also by fourteen grand children. The Ronald Meadows Funers Home in Hinton was in charge ot tuneral arrangement. Russell Glen Holley i^*~ Russel! Glen Holley, 61, of Buckeye,«died Thursday, January 11, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a cerebral hemmorhage. He was born December 10, 1900, in Greenbrier Countv, the son of the late Charles and Mary Blanche Holley. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vesta Weiford Holley; one son, Russeil Glen Holley, Jr., Longview, Washington; one daughter, Mrs Mary Ruth Pifer, of Marlinton; one brother, Winfers Holley, of Buckeye; one half-brother, Howard Meadows of Bluefieldf and two half sisters, Mrs. Becky Hull, Alvon, nnd Mrs. Rovie May, White ouiphur Springs. Ser?ices were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. W. E. Pierce. Burial was i the luckman Cemetery.

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w i i i i vviiitaiii i i u m u a j Patrick Howdyshell Funeral services for the Rev. Patrick Howdyshell, aged 85 John William Holliday, 86, of fears, died on Wednesday morn Harper Rd., Beckiey, were con- ng, February 1, 1956, at the ducted at 9:30 a. m. Saturday in the first Methodist Church -lorre of his brother-in-law and .with the Rev. Glen Stewart jister, Mr. and Mrs. Mejyin Sharp, officiating. Burial followed near Frost. He had been sick in the Dolly Cemetery at Riv- for ten days. For the past severerton, Pendleton County. al years he had been in failing health. He died at 8:30 p. m WedOn Friday afternoon his body nesday, January 30, 1963 at was laid in Mt. Zion Cemetery, his home following M long ill- following the service from Mt. ness. Zion Church by his past'" , *?.ev. Born at Brevard, North Car- Lowell Legg. He h~ ' oeen n olina, November 28, 1875, he member of Mt. Zion Methodise was the son of the late William Church for many years. and Guyann Holliday. The deceased was a s; a of the He had been a resident of' late John and Bridget Doyle Raleigh County for 12 years. Hoxdyshell. He was born Et A retired minister, he belong- Vande p >ol, H i g l l a i d C ^ h t y , ed to the Iowa conference of V rg'.nia. The family moved to the Methodist Church and had Pocahontas > ->unty wh n Mr. served churches in Marlinton, Howdyshell w « a c hild. Of his Illinois, and for a number of Other's family there re mains his years was minister to an Indian ;ister, Mrs. Estaline Sh; rp. reservation in Iowa. Mr. Howdyshell married Miss He was active in the First Effie Grimes. She preceded u-:j Methodist Church, where he in death about 20 years a go. was a member of the Men's Their daughter is Mrs. Violet | Bible Class. Kennedy, of Clover Lick. They His wife, Carrie E t t a Dollv! are also survived by six g- a nd H J! lid ay, preceded him in de&th children. I in May, 1958. Survivng is one daughter, Thilbert Houdyschell Miss Virginia H o l i d a y of Thilbert Houdyschell. aged I Jacksonville, Florida. 33 years, was instantly killed by Pallbearers were Clarence a falling tree in the Gauley iumCarte, Jack Hilton, Elmer ber woods, on Tuesday, FebruHutchinson, Van Hunter, Gar- ary 24, 1942. On Friday afterland Cole, Wayne Kessell, and noon his body was buried in the Henry Snodgrasa. Mt. Zion cemetery, jiear Frost; the funeral service twingconducted from the Mt. Zion Church by Mrs. Otie V. Houchin Mrs. Otie Viola Houchin, 59, Rev. R. II. Skaggs, of the Ed ray of Durbm, died on Monday, Methodist Church, February 5, 1962, in the PocaMr. Houndyschell is survived hontas Memorial Hospital. by his wife, who was Miss Bertha A lifelong r< sident of Durbin Burgess, and thei ' four small area, she was a member of the children: Ethel Esther, Grace, Dennis and Clark. He is also Bethel Methodist Church. survived by three Mrs. Survivors include her husband, Cecil Houchin; four dau- Grace Edwards, Mr . Pearl Pere• '• I'M'iei-" two ghters, Mrs. Virginia Hevener of Lititz, Pennsylvania, Mrs. half-sisters: Misses Flossie and MargaretStone of Frank, Mrs, Lula May Carr, and one brother, Helen Ryder at home, and Dives Houdyschell. Mrs. A udrey Pugh at Durbin; four sons, Clay Houchin of W. T. HoUandsworth St. Albans, Pennsylvania. Ray, Paul and Wardell Houchin, all Hillsboro—W. T. Hollaudsof Lititz, Pennsylvania; four! ' worth, aged 73 years, died on brothers, Ward and Max Gum Monday. December 23, 1946, at both Dunmore, Paul Gum of home on Droop Mountain. On St. Albans, and Russell Gum Friday his body was laid to rest of Townesville, Pennsylvania, I in the Emanuel Church cemetery and thirteen grandchildren. |at Lobelia. He is suivived by : his three daughters, Mrs. M i a Funeral services were held ! Bruffey, Mrs. Martha Payne and Wednesday afternoon in t h e Mrs. Mary Glad well: by his five Bethel Methodist Church on sons, Ross, Forrest, Dale, Brool 8 Back Mountain near Durbin, and Charles. with the Rev. John A. Helms in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery.

u a Sunday February 4, 1923, the community of Spice Run was shocked to le»rn of the death of one of its members, Emtnett Holesapple. He had only been sick one week and no one was expecting that his end was so near, and though a!i was done that could be done to sa\ e the young man's life, Providence deemed it be t t o permit the death messenger to take him from our midst. Mr. Holeaapple was an excellent young man. He served his country in the late world war and belonged to M. G. Company 350 Infantry, 89th Dlv , and saw service over seas. Two years ago he married Sfiss Pear' Briggs, who with their ten monthsold son, is left to mourn his loss He was a kind loving husband and his memory will be revered. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, a faithful attendant at the services; also a member oftheBiblt Olase in which he took great interest. His funeral w: a conducted by his pastor, Rev. H. Blackhurst, at the home of C. A. Briggs, after which his body was taken to Salem Ceme tery where his mother, who preceded him to the grave twenty years ago, is j buried. The community and church 1 extend to ids sorrowing relatives and friends tiieir heartfelt sympathy and prayers and commend them to Him who said, "Let not your heart btroubled, ye believe in God believe also in me." 11. B. Russell Glen Holley Russell Glen Holley, 61, of Buckeye, died Thursday, January 11, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a cerebral hemmorhage. He was born December 10, 1900, in Greenbrier County, the son of the late Charles and Mary Blanche Holley. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vesta "Weiford Holley; one son, Russell Glen Holley, Jr., Longview, Washington; one daughter, Mrs Mary Ruth Pifer, of Marlinton; one brother, Winters Holley, of Buckeye; one half-brother, Howard Meadows of Bluefield.' and two half-sisters, Mrs. Becky Hull, Alvon, and Mrs. Rovie May, White Sulphur Springs. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. W. E. Pierce. Burial was in the .luckman Cemetery. Honorable Rush Holt Honorable Rush Holt, aged 49 years, former United States Senator, late nominee for Governor of West Virginia, and present member of the Legislature from Lewis County, died on Tuesday, February 8, 1955, at a hospital in Washington, after a long illness cer.

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Roy C. Houchin, 75, of Durbin, died Thursday, Decembers, 1960, in an Elkins nursing home where he had been a patient si?-rr: Tuesday. Mr. Houchin, a life; jng resident of PocahOntas County, until recently, was born March 23, 1885, in Durbin, a son of the late Jeffer on and Moilie (Burner) Houchin, both of pioneer families. J Mr. Houchin had resided with a' daughter, Mrs. Bernard A. Lantz of 68.3 Lincoln Avenue, Eikins. for the past six weeks and was seriously ill during that time His wife, Mrs. Carrie Snyder Houchin died in 1935. Survivors include three sons, Ray J. Houchin of Elkins; M-Sgt. Guy W. Houchin, in the U . S . Army at Camp Carson Colorado; and Sgt. Clarence Houchin at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; three 1 daughters Mrs. Bernard A. (Nell)' Lantz of Elkins; Mrs. John F. Yo?t of Farmington, and Mrs. j William H. Flemming of Monongah. One daughter, Christine Stinehower is deceased. Also surviving are two brothers, Clyde Carder Houchin, and John Houchin, both of B a r t o * ; one sister, Mrs. Jessie Sleek of Charleston, and a cousin, Mrs. Mrs. C. B. Wilcox of Pleasant Avenue, Elkins. There are eight grandchildren and two ' reat-grandchildren. p uneral services were held Saturday in the Bethel Methodist Church. near Durbin by the Rev! J. E. Fairburn. Interment in the Bethel Cemetery, near Durbin.

William W. Hogan William Wesley Hogan, 8'0.. a resident of near Beverly in the East Dailey community, died Tuesday, February 10, 1976, at his home. He had been in failing health for several years and seriously ill for the past year. He was a lifelong resident of Randolph County and had lived a t Monterville before moving to East Dailey 13 years ago. He was a retired farmer and coal miner and was a member of the United Methodist Church at Monterville, and a veteran of World War I. Mr. Hogan was born September 11,1885 at Monterville, a son of the late George Washington and Tabitha Hamrick Hogan. He was married April 16,1919, at Elkins to the former Belva Mae Channell who survives. In addition to his wife he is survived by six daughters, M r s . Leah Kincaid, of Chicago, Illinois, Mrs Ireta Sloan, Beverly, Mrs. Elsa Hite. Jacksonville, Arkansas, Mrs. Lucy Prosser, Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Marie Harris, Valley Head, and M r s . Elaine Valentine, Elkins; five sons, George E . Hogan, Meridian, Mississippi, William S. Hogan, Morgantown, Alvin P. Hogan, Dunmore, John W. Hogan, Hurricane, and II. Edsel Hogan, Valley Bend; three sisters, Mrs. Lettie Riggleman, Beverly, Mrs. Lina Hamrick, Morgantown, and Mrs. Erma Wamsley, Monterville; two brothers, E. B. Hogan, and Parker L. Hogan, Monterville, 32 grandchildren and 6 greatgrandchildren.

Patrick Howdyshell Patrick Howdyshell, aged 85 vears, died on Wednesday morn log, February 1, 1956, at the b o r e of his brother-in-law and • Ver Mr. and Mrs. Mejvin Sharp, ear 'Frost. He had been sick He was preceded in death by for ten davs. For the past severthree sisters and one grandal years he had been in failing child. health. Services were held Friday On Friday afternoon his body afternoon at Tomblyn Funeral was laid in M t . Zion Cemetery, Home in Elkins with burial in following the service from Mt. the Heavener Cemetery a t Zion Church by his pastor, Rev. Monterville. Lowell Legg. He had been a member of Mt. Zion Methodist Eva B. Cochran Holley Church for many years. E v a B . Cochran Holley, of Mill The deceased was a son of the Point, died Friday, January 29, late John and Bridget Doyle 1960, in the Pocahontas Memorial v Howdyshell. He was born at Hospital after a year' J illness. Vandepx>l, Highland County, \ * She was born September 12, V rg'.nia. The family moved to 1912, in the Pocahontas County w h n Mr. our sisters, Survivin Howdyshell a c hild. Of his Mrs. Viol Mrs. Delia father's family there re mains his Adkison, Poage, all sister, Mrs. Estaline Shf-rp. ! i of Johnsoi ennsylvania, • Mr. Howdyshell married Miss Mrs. Annie Effie Grimes. She preceded him were held SunFuneral ser in death about 20 years ago. Their daughter is Mrs. Violet day in the New Church on Stamp . Kennedy, of Clover Lick. Thev ing Creek by the Rev. Roy Sne- \ are also survived by six grand degar, with burial in Sharp Cemetery. children.

t. u. noiesappie Ehner G. Holesapple, aged died Wednesday, September 13, 1944, at his home near Renick. He had been in failing health for some years. On Sunday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the Renick cem etery, the service being conducted from the Baptist Church by Rev. Eddie Williams. Mr. Holesapple has recently retired as a supervison of track for, the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, after a service of 43 years with the Company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Margaret Holesapple; three daugh ters, Mrs. Maynard Knapp and Mrs Walter Shafer, both of Renick, and Mrs. ,1. R. Barradaile of St. Albans; four sons; Sgt. James and Pvt. 1st 01. Billy Holesapple, both of Ft. Bragg, N. C.; Cpl. Jack Holesapple, who is serving with the army in France, and Eugene Holesapple of St. Albans; and a grandson he raised, James Slaven, serving with the Merc h a n t ?Jarine in the Pacific. Mrs. Anne V. Houchins

Mrs. Anne V. Houchins. 53, of • Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, November 17, 1965, in Baltimore after a long illness. Born at Lobelia, August 23, 1912. she was a member of the Hillsboro Methodist Church. Survivors include five sisters, Mrs. Hallie Malcom, of Williamson; Mrs. Mildred Fox, of Beckley; Mrs. Lucille Shepherd, of Long Beach, California; Mrs. Betsy Murray, of San Bernardino, California, and Mrs. Nesbit Coleman, of Red Lands, California; three brothers, Bruce Vaughan, of Buchanan, Virginia; Edward Vaughan, of San Diego, Cali'ornia, and Arlie Vaughan, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Hillsboro Methodist Church by the Rev. Victor Tenney. Burial was in the Emmanuel Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Irs. Neil H»rner Mrs. Dessie Gladys Horner, 34, of Dunmore, died Monday, September 14, 1959, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Services will be held Thursday at 2:00 in Wesley Chapel by the Rev. C. E. Potts, with burial in| Arbovale Cemetery.


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Dale Junior Hollandsworth, 58, of Lewisburg, di»d Sunday, May 23. 1971, in a Ronceverte hospital after a short illness. He had lived in Lewisburg for four years and was a former resident of Droop Mountain ; a member of Mount Olivet Methodist Church of Droop and a carpenter. He is survived bv his wife. Ruth: two daughters, Mrs. Earl Walton, of Fairlea, and Mrs. Billy Joe Copeland. of Lewisburg. a son Jack, of Renick. two sisters, Mrs. Flossie Snedegar, of Droop, and Mrs. Clara Raft, of Washington, D. C two brothers, Harrv, of Lewisburg, and Dover, of York, Pennsylvania, and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesd >y afternoon in the Mount Olivet Methodist Church with Rev. Robert Shields in charge. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg.

Owen Milton Hook, 87, of Mill Point, died Sunday, October 31, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital at Marlinton after a long illness. Born at McDowell, Virginia, July 11, 1884, he was a son of the late Thomas L. and Micinda Catherine Hook. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbvterian Church, and a retired farmer. He was preceded in death by his wife, Bertie J a n e Hook, and one daughter, Elizabeth Hook Kaminisky. Survivors include one son, Francis Wade Hook, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; one daughter, Mrs. Lillian B. Cole, of Green Bank, and one sister, Mrs. Josephine Stewart, of Williamsville, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Paa! ?i\n HoBanijmrft Paul Peter Hollandsworth, 56, of Droop, died on Friday, July 20, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was a lifelong resident of Droop, and a carpenter by trade. Survivors include hi" wife, Mrs. Ollie Cutlip Hollandsworth; two sons, Curtis and Dock Hollandsworth, bothhome; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Rapp, of Renick, and Mrs. j Florence Snedegar, of Droop; (three brothers, Harry Hollands worth, of Doe Hill, Virginia; Dover Hollandsworth, of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, and Dale Hollandsworth, of Droop. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Mount Olive Methodist Church at Droop with the Rev. Ezra Bennett in charge. Burial was in the Whiting Cemetery at Droop

Mrs. 0 . M. Hook

Mrs. Bertie Jane Hook, 82, of Mill Point, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Monday, September 7, 1964, following a cerebral hemorrhage Mrs. Hook was born at Stony | Bottom on June 3, 1882, the daughter of the late George Dallas and Hannah Galford McLaughlin. She was the last of her family, three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Adams, Mrs. Eva Moore, and Mrs. Grace Smith, having preceded her in death. She was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church. Surviving her are her husband, Owen M. Hook; one son, Francis Hook, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and two daughters, Mrs. Lillian Bsard, of Marlinton and Mrs. Elizabeth Kaminitsky, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. Harry Painter with buial in the Oik Grove Cemetery • at Hillsboro.

Eliis E. Hsuchin Ellis Eugene Houehin aged S-1* years died at Marlinton on Moi day, Dec. --iS, 1950, from a pisU • wound, inflicted with suicidal in tent. On Tuesday his body was taken to his home at Parfel Harrison County for burial in the Masonic cemetery at Shinnston. The deceased was a son of Doremus and Edith Wilt Houehin.

Mrs. Theodore Holden Mrs. Theodore Holden, of Morgansville, Doddridge County, mother of Mrs. Walter E. Jett, died Saturday, July 13, 1963, from a heart condition following surgery several weeks ago. Services were held Tuesday at Morgansville.

Martin A. Howes

Martin A. Howea, 71, of 810 Hamilton Circle, Charleston, died Saturday, April 19,1975, in Charleston area Medical Center. He was a native of Upshur County, was a member of the Moose Lodge and was a retired Assistant Cbief of the Division of State Parks of Natural Resources. Surviving, a wife, Mrs. Margaret Kramer Howes, formerly of Durbin, a son, Dr. Thomas M. Howes, of Morgantown: brothers, Dewey, of Glenville George, of Harrisville, Otto, of Williamsburg, Virginia; six grandchildren. Services were held Monday in Robert Tomblyn and Son Funeral Homt Buckhannon, with the Rev. Stacy Groscup officiating. Burial was in the Waterloo Cemetery, Upshur County. Dr. Thomii M.


Dr. Thomas M. Howes, 43, of Morgantown, died Friday, October 27, 1978, at Monongalia General Hospital, Morgantown, after a long illness with cancer. Born in Mailinton August 13,1935, he was the son of Margaret Kramer Howes and the late Martin A. Howes, who died in 1975. He was a graduate of West Virginia University and the Medical College of Virginia. He did his medical internship at Charleston Memorial Hospital and later entered private practice in Morgantown, Surviving in addition to his mother, Margaret Kramer Howes, of Charleston, are his wife, Mrs. Karen Constantino Howes; sons, Thomas Howes, Jr. and Tony B. Howes, both at home; daughters, Mrs. Stephanie Stalnaker of Morgantown, Susan Howes, Aim M. Howes and Andrea Howes, all at home.

Mr. Divis Howdyschell

Dives Howdyschell, 64, of 1708 Madison Avenue, Huntington, died Wednesday, December 26, 1979. Born March 3,1915, in Marlint on, he was the son of the late Erwin and Lydia Sharp Howdyschell Carr. He was a truck driver and a member of Teamster No. 505. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel Janet Howdy, schell; one daughter, Mrs. Larry Constance Chambers, of Huntington; three sons, Charles and Daniel, both of Huntington, and Michael Howdyschell, Mansfield, Ohio; four sisters, Mrs. Lena Burgess, Marlinton, Mrs. Joe Pearl Butcher, of Huntington, Mrs. Lula Mae Einertson, of Hawthorne, California, Mrs. Flossie A. Rabe, of Tampa, F!o>i la; eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Friday at Riger Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Roland Gardner. Burial was in Ridgelawn Memorial Park.

Dessie G, Horner Succumbs At 34 DUNMORE (RNS) - Mrs. Dessie Gladys Horner, 34, died in a Marlinton hospital Monday night after a long illness. She was a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church here and the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the church. Survivors include her husband, Neil; a son. Neil Jr. and two daughters, Patricia and Martha Jean, all at home; and her •mother, Mrs. Marvell Eye of Frank. ford. The funeral wil. be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday in the West wood Chapel by the Rev. C. E. Potts. Burial will be in the Arbovale Cemetery. The body will be taken from Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Cass to her home at 6 p.m. today and to the church one hour before the funeral.

Services were held Monday, at 1 p. m. in the funeral home chapel with Dr. Marvin Frame Mrs. Neil Homer and Dr. Stacy Grosscup offiMrs. Dessie Gladys Horner, 34, ciating. Burial was in Beverly of Dunmore, died Monday, SepHills Memorial Gardens Cem- tember 14, 1959, in the Pocahonetery. tas Memorial Hospital. I Services will be held Thursday at 2:00 in Wesley Chapel by the Rev. C. E. Potts, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.


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Eva B. Cochran Holley, of Mil Point, died Friday, January 29 I960, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a year's illness. She was born September 12 1912, in the Levels. Surviving her are four sisters, Mrs. Viola Roberts, Mrs. Delia Adkison, Mrs. Carnie Poage, all of Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Annie Landis. Funeral services were held Sunday in the New Church on Stamp ng Creek by the Rev, Roy Sue iegar, with burial in Sharp Cemt Eery. George R. Holley, 32, Oi buckeye, was found dead of a gunshot wound Saturday, November 22, 1958, in the woods near Rimel. He had gone hunting earlier in the day and failed to join his companions. A searching party found him about 11:30 p. m. Born at Ansted, on February 1, 1926, he was the son of James and Hazel Mann Holley.- He had lived in Pocahontas County about six years. He is survived by his wife, Lina Holley, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Holley. Funeral services and burial were at Ansted. Mrs. Dovie Hoschins Mrs. Freida Dovie Houchins, 59, of Hinton died Friday June 24, 1966. in a Hinton, hospital after a five week illness. She was born in Randolph County, November 20, 1906, a daughter of the late Walter and Ella Mullenax Teter. She was a member of the Mennonite Church and the Degree of Honor. Survivors include two daughters, and five brothers, one of i whom is Carl, of Durbin, a sis1 ter, Mrs. Shirley Rexrode, of Bartow, and 10 grandchildren. The funeral was held Sunday. George R. Ho'ley

George R. Holley, 32, of Buckeye, was found dead of a gunshot wound Saturday, November 22, 1958, in the woods near Rimel. He had gone hunting earlier in the day and failed to join his companions. A searching party •found him about 11:30 p. m. I Born at Ansted, on February 1, 1926, he was the son of James and Hazel Mann Holley. He hadf lived in Pocahontas County abou six years. He is survived by his wiff Lina Holley, and his par-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Holley. Funeral services and burial were at Ansted.

• viiwwi • • •




Forrest W. (Jack) Holliday. 86, of Elk Route, Marlinton, died Friday, April 17, 1981, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. / He was a, native of Boyer, born October 16, 1894, the son of Andy and Lenny Mullenax Holliday. H|e Wsa World War I veteran, a number of Veterans of Foreign Wars, and a former Green Bank District foreman for the Department of Highways. Hit wife, Stella Slayton Holliday, and two sons, Edr and Arnold, preceded him death. Survivors include a daughter, Dolly Saluga, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a son, Joe Holliday of New York; six grandchildren; and a half-brother, Lawrence Calhoun, of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.


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Winters Will am Holley, 69, died Friday, September 8, 1967, in the Pccahcntas Memorial Hospital. Born January 10, 1898, he was a son of the late Charles and Mary Blanche Coulter Holley. A logger, he was a native of Greenbrier Comty. His only survivor is a halfbrother, Howard Meadows, of Bluefield. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Francis Gum with burial in the Marvin Chapel Cemetery

Dennis James Hoke

Dennis James Hoke, son of Donald and June McMillion Hoke, was born December 3, 1962, and died Friday, January 13, 1967. He was drowned when he fell through the ice on a pond at the tan nery. The young boy is survived by his parents, three brothers, Donald Ray, Jr., Darrell Lynn and Dale Edward Hoke, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie McMillion, of Renick, and Mrs. Myrtle Hoke, of Droop. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon by the Rev. Fred Walker and the Rev. Carl Boggs in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, with burial in Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

Brooks Nathaniel Hollandsworth Brooks Nathaniel Hollandiworth, of Wenatchee, Washington, died Saturday, June 22,1978, at the age of 72. Riley Edward Hott , 6 * ? ^ Born at Lobelia, April 17, Curtis J. Hollandsworth Riley Edward Hottwas born Curtis Joe Hollandsworth, 1906, he was the son of the July 25, 1907, in Romney, aid 42, of Droop, died Wednesday, late Nathaniel and Ellen Cat- died June 18, 1972, in the V. A July 14, 1982, in Pocahontas lip Hollandsworth. Hospital Baltimore. Maryland. Memorial Hospital of a heart He was preceded in death by He is survived by his wife: attack. four brothers, Rosa, Glen, For- Cornelia R. McLaughlin Hott, Born May 14, 1940, at est and Charley Hollands- a daughter, Diane Clarkson. Droop, he was the son of Olive worth and two sisters, Nina and three grandchildren, five brothers, Homer, Wesley, Carl Cutlip Hollandsworth and the Bruifey and Martha Pavne. late Paul Hollandsworth. Survivors include bis widow, and Gilbert Carter, of ColumMr. Hollandsworth was a Ruth, of Hillsboro; three sons, bia, South Carolina; Edward former employee of Denmar Jimmy, of Moses Lake, Wash* Carter, of Dundalk, Maryland, ington, Brooks, Jr., of Renton, his mother. Martha Timbrook, Hospital. Washington; Brise, Soap Lake, and sister, Virginia, of CumberOther survivors include his land, Maryland, and one stepwife, Ruth, and a brother, Washington, daughters, Patsy son, Leon Gordon. Henderson, of Colchester, Dock Hollandsworth, of Mt, Connecticut, Lynda Shisler, of Mr. Hott worked for Mash's Clemens, Michigan. Huntersville. He is also surHams in Baltimore. He was a Services were held at 2 p. m. vived by a brother, Dale, of member of the Moose and he at the Hill Chapel in Jacox Barrackville; a sister, Mary left many friends. with the Rev. Gail Cutlip offi- Gladwell, of Hillsboro. ciating. Burial was in Sunset Services were held in Wen- < Cemetery. atchee, Washington. Burial was in th Emmanuel Mrs. J. W. Holliday Mrs. Miry Miidi Hortii Cemetery at Lobelia. Mrs. Carrie Holliday, aged 89, Maude Hort died at her home in Beckley on w», of Hillsboro, died Sunday Sliiton Holland sworlh Monday, May 18, 1959, after an February 1, 1981, in Pocabo£ illness of ten years. Clifton Byrd Hollandsworth, tas Memorial Hospital of car49, of Renick, died Tuesday, diac arrest. Born at Riverton, October 9, February 5, 1963, of a heart 1869, she was ughter of the attack while working on a con- late Wesley i>3rl' ^°vT0n w a s a ""red cinda Dooley. Registered Nurse and a memstruction project near Dilley's Surviving ber of Grace Independent Baphusband, the v Mill. Rev. J. W.^ tist Church. day, and adauSurvivors include his mother, ghter, Miss Virginia She was the widow of Jack ^ ^Holljetay, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^at^ Mrs. Maude Hollandsworth; home. Horton and daughter of the two sisters, Mrs. Ovid McMilThe Hollidays formerly lived at Me Ray S. and Neda R. Mclion, of Renick, and Mrs. Pat- Marlinton while Mr. Holliday Coy McMilJion. rick Goheen, of Summersviile; was minister of the Marlinton Her only survivor is a brothfive brothers, Denver Hollands- Methodist Circuit. er, Shelby Clyde McMillion, of worth, of Beard; Carl Hollands Funeral services were conductHillsboro. worth, of Renick, Paul Hol- ed Wednesday mornin g at the Services were held Wedneslandsworth, of Alvon, Gus Hol- Calfee Funeral Home by the Rev. day afternoon in Grace Indelandsworth, of Dunbar, and, J. B. Dryfield. p n ent Ba u l „ Ptwt Church by Travis Hollandsworth, of Eliza Burial was made in the Dooley the Rev. Kenneth Cloud, with bethtown, Kentucky. Cemetery of Riverton, in Pendleburial in Oak Grove Cemetery ton County.



Mrs. Mary Houchin died at her home on Back Alleghany near Hos' Nefy Hoke, 62, of Droop, terman, on Saturday, October 24. Fra"' i.enick Hunter, aged 70 died Tuesday, December 27, 1925 Some months ago she suffered years, uied at the home of his broth1966, in the Marlinton hospi- a stroke of paralysis, and she has er, Carter B. Hunter, at Sweet Chaly tal. Death was attributed to been in failing health ever since beate Springs. Tuesday morring, NoHer age was 69 ye^rs. She was s vember 7, 1933. He had bren in poor a h e a t attack. daughter of the late Washington health for sometime, but only a week Survivors include his wife, McNeil, of near Marlinton. Of her before his passing he was about his Myrtle: three daughters. Mrs, business as usual. The cause of his father's family there remain J. B Mabel Judy and Mrs. Beverly j McNeil and Mrs. Clarissa Duncan death was heart disease with kidney WiJson both of Ashtabula, Ohio' Her husband was Tl'juaas Houchin complications. and David and Nefy, Jr., both He died a few morr Us ago. Among On Wednesday afternoon at 3 their children are Mrs Clara Bonner, o'clock his body was buried in the of Renick. of Slatyfork; Mrs. Woodsie beverage; Flunter family plot at the Old Stone Funeral services were held Cecil. Harper and Elmer. A son Church at Lewisburg The funeral at 2 p. m., Saturday, at the WarJ, was billed in France. was conducted f"...,ii cue Hunter home Jack K. Wallace Funeral Chap' at Sweet Chal} beate by Rev. Mr. Shiflett, of the 1'resbyterian Church. el, in Lewisburg with the Rev. Mrs. Lucy Hoover Mr. Hunter was the second son of R. P. Quesenberry in charge. Dr. Henry Hunter and Caroline RenBurial was in the Morningside> Mrs. Lucy Hoover, 83, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ick Hunter, lie was born and reared Cemetery at Renick Mabel Pnillips, near Marlinton, at the Hunter homestead on GreenTuesday, January 5, 1960. Fun- brier River at North Caldwell. His Due Hoke M eral arrangements are incomplete father was killed by the breaking of Dale E. Hoke, of Marlinton, a ferry rope shortly after the war bewas killed, in a jeep accident tween the states. Of his father's Mrs. F. R. Hunter family there remains one son, Carter Thursday September 21,1978, Mrs. Anna V. Hunter, 87, of B. Hunter, and two daughters, Mrs on Knapps Creek. Sweet Chalybeate Springs, VirHattieEakle and Mrs. B. L. Tranhara He was born in Ohio, April Twenty-nine years ago, Mr. Hunter ginia, formerly of Marlinton, 20,1965, the son of Donald R married Miss Anna V. Price of Mardied in the Greenbrier Manor and Naomi J. McMillion Hoke linton; she and their two daughters, Nursing Home at Lewisburg Mrs. Ramsay McMains and Frances Surviving him in addition tc on Tuesday, May 5, 1970. R Hunter survive. his parents are two brothers The daughter of the Rev. In religion Mr. Hunter adhered to Darrell Hoke, Jr., of Ashta .William T. and Anna Ranthe faith of his fathers, and was a bula, Ohio, and Delores Hoke dolph Price, the was born in member of the Marlinton Presbyter-, of Marlinton. ian Church. Mount Clinton, Virginia, DeServices were held Sunday Nearly thirty-live years ago. Mr. cember 7, 1882, moving with afternoon in the VanReenen the family to Marlinton in Hunter came to Marlinton as the Funeral Home by Olaudie 1885. She was the last of her cashier of the then newly organized Bank of Marlinton. Prom that time Stull with burial in Morning- father's family, being preceded on he took a prominent part in thu bus side Cemetery at Renick. in death by a sister, Dr. Susan iness affairs of the county and its deA. Price, and five brothers, velopment. Willie Price, who died in childA. L~Helley By inheritance and ine'inat' by training and practice, Mr. Hunter A. L. "Duck" Holley, 82; hood, Dr. James W. Price, -was a gentleman. He made friend.' of Ansted, passed away Apri' Andrew Price, Dr. Norman and kept them; no man in the coun7,1979, in Montgomery Gen* Price, and Calvin W. Price. ty will be mused more nor his deeral Hospital after an extend* She was educated at Lewisparture mere sincerely mourned. burg Seminary and as an artist ed illness.


Nefy Hoke

Surviving are his wife, Bamie; brothers, James, Wilbert, and Robert Warren, all of Ansted; sisters, Marietta Demp* Bey, of Garten and Viola Minor of Ansted. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, April 10, at Ansted Baptist Church with Rev. Boyd Sparks, assisted by Rev. Kendall Hatton of Marlinton. Interment was' at Westlaks Ce metery, at Ansted. John B. Houchin

John B. Houchin, 77, of Durbin, died at his home Thursday, June 17,1976. He was a laborer and a veteran of World War II. Survivors include distant nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale with Rev. David Rittenhouse in charge. Burial was in the Bennett Cemetery in Arbovale.

at the Philadelphia School of Vrt. She was married in 1904 to r rank R. Hunter, who died in i.934. Mrs. Hunter was a member )f the Marlinton Presbyterian Dhurch. Surviving her are two daugh:ers, Mrs. Adam (Helen) Vlarshall, of Sweet Chalybeate, .'irginia, and Mrs. Henry Frances) Castilow, of New vlartmsville, six^grandsons, md two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held it 11:00 a. m. Thursday in the Jld Stone Presbyterian Church \t Lewisburg, by the Rev. R. A. Pfrangle, with burial beside her husband in the Church Cemetery. s

Stella W. Hunter

Mrs. Stella Wanless Hunter, 31 of Fairlea, died, Wednesday, September 12, 1973, at her home after a short illness. Born November 18, 1911, she was the daughter of the late George and Mattie Wanless, of Beaver Creek. Mrs. Hunter had lived in the Fairlea area for the past 35 years. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Nancy Greene, Beltsville, Maryland; four sons, Gene Rutherford, of Fairlea, William, of tJeltsville, Maryland, Earl P., stationed with the Air Force in Turkey, Rob ert L., stationed at Patrick AFB in Florida, and three grandchildren. Services were held Monday, at Wallace and Wallace Funeril Home in Lewisburg with iev. W. E. Weaver in charge, lurial was in Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg.

W. fl. Hull William Henry Hull died at bis home in Marlinton on Wednesday. night, March ~i, 1930, aged 80 years. The cause of his death was hear, disease. That day he had been about as usual, and walked down town. Returning to his house from on the hill near his residence, lie become ill an' 1 asked a neighbor to call a physioi In a few hours he was dead. Friday afternoon his body was iaid in Mt. View cemetery beside the 1 grave of his wife,-who preceded him less than a year since. The funeral service was conducted from his late residence by his pastor. Rev\ -I. II. Haley, of the Marlinton Methodist church. Thus is. noted the passing of one of the best citizens of Pocahontas county. Mr. Hull was born on Anthonys Creek in Greenbrier county In early life he came to Pocahontas county. At the outbreak of the war between the States, he volunteered in the defense of ins State and become a dier in the Greenbank Company, Slst Virginia Infantry, C. S. A. This was one of the best regiments in whole service, engaging in many of the major battles of that conflict. After the return of peace .Mr. Hull settled at Greenbank and engaged in the mercantile business. He was a man whom his fellow citizens delighted to honor with public office. In war or peace he was always faithful. For many years he served as Justice of the Peace and on the • I board. The last office was that of Commissioner of count}' court A few years ago he disposed of bis store and moved to Marlinton. Mr. Hull married Miss Rachel Curry, daughte- of the late Harvey Carry. She died last year, lie is survivedJjy b.stwo daughters. Mrs. VV. .1. Yeag.:r, of Ray wood, an I W. II. Arfcogast, of .Marlinton, Mr. Hull was a deeply religious man and for many years be has been a member of the Southern Methodist ' 'iiurch.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ JohnHull^^^^ John Hull, aged 77 years, dled unexpectedly on Elk. Monday, March : ,, 1930, of heart trouble. He was at work with othvi g out lipid rock. He become suddenly HI : was dead b-mre anyone d reach him. His body was it-ought, to Marlinton and prepared burial by Undertaker^ a. Hn On Tuesday morning ids bodj taken to Covington for burial a! Union Chapel in the Falling Spring Valley. Mr. Hull was a native of Hath county, but for perhaps fifty J fmuch ox his lime was spent in I hoiitas county, where he was w known. He lie has a Hull who lives in Covin. Mr. Hub 'ip L .;t;r by


Mrs. Helen Hall Russell E. Hull Mrs. Helen Virginia Hull, 53, Russell Edward Hull, 66, of of Havre de Grace, Maryland, Monterey, Virginia, died Saturday, died Saturday, April 12, 1975, October 1, 1988, at the University in the Harford Memorial Hos- of Virginia Medical Center in pital. Charlottesville, Virginia. He was born December 26, Born on July 3, 1921, in Frank, she was the daughter of 1921, at Vanderpool, a son of Joseph PuffeoJaaaM|AfMt. James Ira and Fannie Lee Dixon Lookout, and the late Rache. Hull. He attended Victory Chapel Arbogast Puffenbarger. Surviving are her father; her Advent Christian Church. He husband^ Paul R. Hull, of served in the Army in World War II Havre de Grace; two daugh- and was a member of Highland ters, Mrs Marie Clouse of Ar- VFW Post 4989. Before his cadia, Ohio, and Mrs. Linda retirement, he was employed at Sue Mitchell, of Baltimore, Monterey Court House. Surviving him are his widow, Maryland; three sons, Fred Mrs. Thelma Mae Hull, of Puffenbarger, of Harve de Grace, Richard Hull, of Aber- Monterey; a daughter, Carol Ann deen, Maryland, and Robert Kay, of Warm Springs, Virginia; Hull, of Havre de Grace; tw» six sons, Gary, Donald, Allen and sisters, Mrs. Katherine Daugh- Larry Hull, all of Monterey, tery, of College Park, Mary- Delmas Doyle, of Arbovale, and land, and Mrs. Elva Grogg of Russell Lee Hull, of Hightown, Monterey. Virginia; a brother, Virginia; two sisters, Janet Amos Puffenbarger, of Phoenix, Armstrong and Lottie Gutshall, Arizona; sraf^Bther, Mrs both of Monterey; four brothers, Ruby PuffenM of Mt. James and Matlin, both of Lookout; and seqPKrandchild- Monterey, Glen of Mustoe, Virginia, and Clarence Hull, of Funeral service wasweld at Belington; and 16 grandchildren. Services were held at 3 p. m. 2 pm on Wednesday, Apnl 16, Monday at Obaugh Funeral Home in the Monterey Presoyteriaji Church and conducted by the by die Revs. Jerry Ginn and Robert Rev. Willard Gray. Burial Gue, with burial in Monterey was in the Monterey Cemetery. Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Highland County Rescue Squad or fV. M . Hall Highland County Volunteer Fire Dr. George F. Hull, aged 79 Department, Monterey, Virginia years, was found dead in bed at 24465. his home in Durbin on Tuesday Geerge A. Hull |/ morning, December 4, 1956. Death was attributed to heart George Alpha Hull. 85, of failure. He had been in failing Lobelia, died Wednesday, health for many months. March 12, 1969, in the PocaAs this paper is printed no ar- hontas Memorial Hospital aftrangements have been announced er a short illness. as to funeral service; other than Born at Droop Mountain interment will be made in the July 29. 1883, he was the son family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. of the late Harrison Wise and Dr. Hull is survived by his' Ann Eliza McCoy Hull. wife Mrs. Mona Catheryrie HeltHe was a member of the zel Hull; his daughter, Mrs. Vir- Emmanuel Methodist Church, ginia Poscover, of Largo, Florida; a member of the Independent his son. Dr. G. H. Hull, of New Order of Odd Fellows, a MaYork City; a grandson, Benja- son, and a retired farmer. men Poscover, in Germany; and wife, Mrs Florence Cluta grand daughter, Mary Catheryr.e terHis Hull, preceded him in death Poscover, in Florida. Survivors include three Dr. Hull was a son of the late daughters, Mrs. Ivan McKeeJoseph and Amanda Beverage ver. of Lakelard. Florida. .Full, of Hightown, Virginia. Mrs. Benton Smith, of Mill Among his public honors was Point, and Mrs. Dotson Bumelection to the House of Dele- garner, of Baltimore, Marygates from Pocahontas County land, and one son, Alfred N. for several terms. Hull, of Greenville, Pa. For more than fifty-years, Dr. Funeral services were held Hull was a practicing physician Saturday afternoon in the Erain Pocahontas County. No night nanuel Methodist Church on was too dark nor weather too iruffey's Creek by the Rev. stormy for him to fail to respond talph Ross with burial in the to the call of those in distress. hurch cemetery with Masonic Peace to his ashes. ;raveside rites.

Mrs. Florence M. Hull V Mrs. Florence M. Hull, 88, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, December 10, 1967, in Denmar hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Emmanuel Methodist Church, the Lobelia Rebekah Lodge and the Hillsboro Eastern Star Chapter. Born at Lobelia, January 27, 1879, she was a daughter of the late Shannon and Levina Anderson Clutter. Survivors include her husband, G. A. Hull; three daughters, Mrs. Opal McKeever, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Anna Smith, of Mill Point, and Mrs. Nob'e Furrg?rner, of Baltimore, Maryland; a son Alfred, of Greenville, Pennsylvania; two brothers, Rice, of Eagle Rock, Virginia, and Eric Clutter, of Montgomery; and two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Cain, of Palmdale, California; and Mrs. Josephine Rogers, of Hagerstown, Maryland. The funeral was held a* 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Emmanuel Methodist Church on BrufTey's Creek with Rev. Ralph Ross in charge, with burial in the Emmanuel Church Cemetery.

A. P. Hull A. P. Hull, brother of Dr. G F. Hull, died Thursday eve*.ing, January 13, 1955, at his home near Hig u tawn, Virginia. Mr. Hull suffered a stroke on Tuesday and never rallied. He is survived by his widow, Annie Eye Hull; four sons, Ros coe, Ray, Kerirrk and Richard and one daughter, Elizabeth Wimer, all of St umton, Virginia. Funeral services were a t hit home on Saturday a t 1:00 p. rr> Burial was in Staunton, Virginia Bertha Marie Hu'i, of Durbin, agec 6 years and 6 monti:.,-, daughter ol Mrs Hubert Hull am the !;.'.e Mi Hull died Sunday, A gust it the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, after an illness of sever?. months. Surviving are her mother, tliret sisters, Mrs Ada Bather, Bel Ali Maryland: Eula and Fay Hull, of Dut bin, and f!ve brothers, Ralph oj Wilmington, Delaware; Paul, Jac-b, and HuberS, Jr., of Durban and Ho iner, of fTisbersvllle, Virginia. Funeral services were I.3V4 Tuesday at 2 o'clock, at thb Naz&rcfta Oburch, Frank, with the Rev Smiiz dialing, assisted by Dr. Siiy
Mrs, Mona CitheriM Hall / - " Mrs. Mona Catherine Hull, 83, a resident of Durbin, died Tuesday, December 19, 1978, in the Memorial General Hospital. She had returned recently from Florida and was staying at Job when she became ill Monday evening and was admitted to the hospital. Her death was unexpected. Mrs. Hull was born December 11,1895, at Job, a daughter of the late John and Cora Johnson Heltzel. She is survived by one son, Dr. George H. Hull, of Roanoke, Virginia; one daughter, Mrs. Max (Virginia) Poscover, of Largo, Florida; one brother, Harry Heltzel, of Newport News. Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Donnie Snyder, of Job, and Mrs. Nina Armstrong, of Oran, Utah, five grandchildren, and six great-grandehildren. She was preceded in death by five brothers and two sisters. She was the widow of Dr. George Hull, a well known doctor of Durbin who preceded her in death. She was a member of Durbin United Methodist Church, WCTU, and the Rebekah Lodge of Durbin. Funeral services were held in Durbin on Saturday at the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Richard Ogden with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Ada Hudson

Mrs. Ada R. Hudson, 94. a former resident of Arbovale and Marlinton, died Sunday, March 8, 1981, in Greenbrier Manor after a long illness.^. Born May 15, 1886, in Pocahontas County, she was a daughter of the late Alvey and Ida Phillips. <2-~ Mrs. Hudson, a 40 year resident of Marlinton, was a Methodist. Her husband, Ward Hudson, died in 1970; also one daughter, Sylvia, preceded her in death in 1914. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale, with the Rev. Robert Cruikshank officiating, assisted by Rev. Thomas Henderson. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Hudson Succumbing to an illness cf ;wo .years, Mrs. Anna Mae Porterfjeld Hudson, wife of William M -.Neil Hudson, departed this life at Peoples Hospital, Akron, Ohio, on Wednesday 14, 1951, at the age of 59 years and 9 months, Mrs. Hudson was born near Waiteville, West Virginia, daughter of the late E Clayton Porterfield. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss two children, Paul M. Hudson, of Guam; and Mrs. Sylvia Carpenter, of Cleveland, Ohio; also two grandchildren, Barba-a and Ronald Carpenter. Four sisters, and five brot u c s survive: Mrs. Laura Galford, Dunuiure; Mrs. Zula Cale, Mrs. Bett Carlisle, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Cora Hall, Narrows, Virginia; Everette Porterfield, of Sinks Grove; James, Greenville; Elaine, Sweet Spring3; Dewey and Burke of Waiteville. The deceased was a resident of Durbin for 19 years and has \^ sided in Akron, for the pasteight years. Funeral services were conducted at the Prentice Funeral Home, Friday. February 16, at 2 p. m , by the Rev James Moore, of the Akron Baptist Temple. Active pall bearers were Lynn and Bickey Carpenter, of Cleveland, Ohio Bernard Galford, of Dunmore, and Robert McLaughlin, Huntersville. Her earthly remains were laid to rest in Mouut Peace Cemetery, Akron. We have lost our darling Mother She has bid us all adieu; She has gone to live in Heaven And her form is lost to view. Oh, the dear one, how we loved her! Oh, how hard to give her up But an Angel came down for b< r Aud removed her from our Flock. S. L. C.


Mrs. Harper H. Huison D bin—Mrs. Docia Maria Ash ford Hudson, aged 65 years, wife of Harper H. Hudson, died on Sunday afternoon, September!;,; 1942. Sometime since she suf-' fered a stroke of paralysis. On Tuesday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the ramify ptoT in the Arbovale Cemetery; the funeral service way conducted b.v her pastor, Rev. D. L. Snyder. Mrs. Hudson was a daughter I of the late Claiborne 1). and Anna ID. Sutton Ashford. Her surviv[ing brother is Frank Ashford, of Greenbank. She is survived by her husband, Harper H. Hudson.

§ Mrs.

mrs. Alice G. Hodson Alice G. Hodson, 85, died November 6, 1971, in the Autumn Rendezvous Nursing Home in Geneva, Ohio, after a long illness. Born October 7, 1886 in Boyer, the daughter of C. K. and Annie Tracy Lantz, she had lived in Dunmore, before going to Ohio on October 16, 1970. She was a member of Church of the Brethren, at Arbovale. Mrs. Hodson is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Emmette (Ella) Hines, Geneva, Ohio, two sons, Charles Puffenbarger, Dunmore, and Robert Puffenbarger, Coolridge, two sisters Mrs. Madge Hesson, Baltimore, Marj land, and Mrs. Ralph (Erma) Petit, Boyer, four brothers, George Lantz, Buckhannon, Arthur, Elkins, Ward, Boyer, and Fred, of Zelienople, Pennsyl vania, eight grandchildren, and 26 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Samuel McNeill and Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in the Lantz Cemetery at Boyer.

narper n . Hudson, ageu ,_ years, of Durbin, died of^a heart attack on Thursday, October 7,] 1948. On Sunday afternoon, his Ibody was buried in the family iplot in Arbovale cemetery. The -funeral service being conducted 'from the Methodist chureh in Durbin, by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Sawyers. The deceased was a son of the late J. L, and Margaret Gillispie i Hudson. He first married Miss! Docfaia Asbford, who died some years since. His second wife was Miss Mary Greathouse, who survives. Of his father's family there remain his four brothers, Ward, Edward, Luther and Mack Hud-.j son; his four sisters, Mrs. Ethel I Arbogast, Mrs, Hattie Kirkpatirick, Mrs, Lucy Crowley and Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin. Mr. Hudson was one of our leading citizens and a good man. His fellow citizens delighted to h»nor him with public office. He •served as Justice of the Peace, and Commissioner of the County Court. At the time of-his passing, he was postmaster of Durbin.

Coming Horn?

Mrs. Ora Sutton Hudson Mrs. Ora Sutton Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hudson have received word that the body aged 78, died Sunday, Septemif their son, Edward Keith Hud- ber 23, 1962, in the Pocahonson, will arrive on Thursday, De- tas Memorial Hospital after a cember 16. He gave his life in long illness. battle as a soldier in Europe. She was born at Green Bank, The funeral will be held on May 29, 1884. Mrs. Hudson Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, from was a lifelong resident of Green the Greenbank Methodist Church. Bank, a member of the WesHis body will be laid to rest in ley Chapel Methodist Church, the Arbovale cemetery, with full | and a member of the Womens military honors. I Society of Christian Service. Her husband, Edward A. Rev\ Q. R. Arbogast will olfi date and the V. F. W. o ' .Var- Hudson, a son, Edward Keith, linton ard Cass will be in cbaige and a grandson, Arnold Hudson, preceded her in death. of the Military rites. Survivors include three sons, T. Sgt. Edward Keith Hudson Lyle Hudson, of Beckley, Kyle was killed March 15, 1945, near Urwhiller, France, while serving Hudson, of Wyandotte, Michiwith the 1th Army, Co. F. of the gan, and Neil Hudson, of Mar linton; three daughters, Mrs. lu3rd Division, 410th Infantry. T. Sgt. Hudson entered the Edwin A. Sheets, of Wyan-'! dotte, Michigan, Mrs. Carl S. services ia December 1942, and Friel, of Chillicothe, Ohio, and | received his training at Camp Mrs. Paul E. Burner, of JackClaiborne, La., and CampHowze, 'sonville, Florida; nineteen Texas. He was sent over seas in grandchildren, and twenty-tw) October, 1944. great-grandchildren. Surviving besides his parents, Funeral services were conare three sisters, Mrs. E. A. ducted Wednesday afternoon Sheets, Wyandotte, Michigan; at the Green Bank Methodist Mrs. Carl S. Friel, Mill Point; Church with the P°-^ Robert and a twin sister, Mrs Paul E. Harshberger in cha.0>"* Burial Burner, of Jacksonville, Fla.; was in the Arbovale Cemetery. three brothers, Kyle, of Wyandotte, Mieh.; Lyle of Beckley, and Neil of Marlinton.


Neil Hudson Luther Neil Hudson, 78, of Southgate, Michigan, formerly of Marlinton, died Sunday, November 12, 1995, in Lapeer Hospital, Lapeer, Michigan, after a long illness. He was retired from Pennwalt Chemical Company in Wyandotte, Michigan, and from the former International Shoe Company of Marlinton. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and an Army vettyan of World Warn. A native of Green Bank, he was born January 27, 1917, the son of the late Edward and Ora Sutton Hudson. Two sisters and a brother preceded him in death. On January 5, 1943, he was married to Elizabeth Rider, \ ho survives. They lived in Marlinton until moving to Michigan 25 years ago. In addition to his wife he is survived by a daughter, Joan E. Tucker, of Attica, Michigan; a son, John L. Hudson, of Charleston; two brothers, Kyle Hudson, of Wyandotte, Michigan, and Lyle Hudson, of Beckley; a sister, Kathleen Burner, of Jacksonville, Florida; and four grandchildlren. Service will be at 11 a. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

T-Sgt. E. K: Hudson Rites to Be Sunday Service will be at 2:30 p. in. Sunday at the Methodist church at Greenbank for T-Sgt. Edward Keith Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hudson of Greenbank, who was killed March 15, 1945, near Urwhiller, France, w h i l e s e r v i n g with the 7th Army. Co. F. of the 103rd Div. 410th Infantry. R e v. Q. R. Arbogast w i h f officiate and t h e V F W of Marlinton and Cass will be in charge of military rites in T-Sst. Hudson t h e c e m e t e r y a t Arbovale. The body is at the Smith mortuary at Marlinton and will be taken to the residence Saturdayafternoon. Sgt. Hudson entered the service in Dec. 1942 and received his i training at Camp Claibourne, La., and Camp Howze. Texas. He was isent overseas in October 1944. Surviving besides his parents are three sisters. Mrs. E. A. Sheets,, Wyandotte. Mich.., Mrs. Carl S. ' Friel, Mill Point, and a twin sister, j Mrs. Paul E. Burner. Jacksonville. Fla.: three brothers. Kyle of Wyanlotte, Mich., Lyle of Beckley and Teil of Marlinton.

Edward Arbuckle Hodson Edward Arbuckle Hudson, aged 74 years, died at his home near Green Bank on Thursday, January 1, 1953. For a number of months he had been in failing health. Ou Saturday afternoon his body was laid in the family plot in Arbovale Cemetery. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church in Green Bank by bis pastor, Rev. J. L. Justice, and former pastor, Rev. Quade Arbojj&st, of Ricbiaods This prominent citizen and good man was a son of the late Squire J. L. and Mrs. Margaret Gillespie Hudson. Of his father's family there remain his three brothers. Ward, Luther and VV, M.; his! three sisters. Mrs Elmer McLaughlin, of Huntersville, Mrs. Russel! Crowley, of Green Bank, and Mrs. J.' A, Kirkpatrick, of ( Charleston. «* Fe married Miss Ora Sutton, wb ) survives. Their daughters are Mrs. E A. Sheets, of Wyandotte. Michigan; Mrs Carl Friel, of Green H-nk; Mrs Paul E. Burner, of Jacksonville, Florida; their three sons, Lyle, of Beckley; Kyle, of Wyandotte, M'migan; aud Neil, of Marlinton. One son, Ebward Keith, was killed in France March 15, 1945. Thus is noted the passing of a truly good man and upright citizen. He was prominent in counry, community and church affairs. He was a member of the Masonic bodge, A. F. aud A. M. No. 124, at Cass, and Cass Chapter, Order of Eastern Star No. 124. Mr. Hudson also was a member of the Selective Service Board of Poca hontas County. As a Sunday School teacher he was especially gifted. His private walk and conversation was evidc-nca of thLchristian faith be publicly con fessed.

Arnold Hudson Arnold Hudson, about 21, of; [Wyandotte, Michigan, was killed J instantly in an automobile acicident on November 15, 1959. The young man was a aor; ){ Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hudson and.| a grandson of Mrs. Ora Hudson ' and the late Ed Hudson, formerly of Green Bank. Besides his par ents and grandmother, be is survived by three brothers and a sister, James, Kyle, Jr., and Karen. Services and burial were in Wyandotte.

Ward D. Hudson

Ward D. Hudson, 92, of Marlinton, died Saturday, October 3, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born at Green Bank, October 18, 1878, he was a son of the late John L. and Margaret Hudson. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and the Masonic Lodge and was a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ada Hudson, a n d t w o sisters, Mrs. Lucy >. rowley, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford. Masonic graveside rites were conducted in the Arbovale Ceme tery. W. Mack Hudson

William Mack Hudson, a son of the late J. L. and Margaret Hudson, was born at Green Bank, on September 16. 1891, and departed this life on Monday, November 21, 1966. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Anna Hudson; four brothers and three sisters. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Silvia Carpenter, of Cleveland, Ohio, and one son. Paul Hudson, of Lakewood, Ohio;one b'other, Ward Hudson, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville, Mrs. Lucy Crowlev, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Hattie Kirpatrick. of Roanoke, Virginia, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday-at the Weslev Chanel Church with burial in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

Jesse A. Hudson

Jesse A. Hudson, 83, of R D 1. Meadville, Pennsylvania, died Monday, November 4, 1963, at a Spencer Hospital following a long illness. He was born at Green Bank, February 26, 1880, a son of, the lute Warwick and Nannie Galford hudson. He was married to the former Bessie Sheets on December 22, 1908. He was affiliated with the Stone Methodist Church. He was engaged in farming and lumbering. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bessie Sheets Hudson; two daughters, Mrs. Alex (Jewel) Nugent, of Richmond, Virginia, and Mrs. Winfred (Wilma) Smith, of R D 1, Meadville; one son, Burke W. Hudson, of R D 1, Meadville, and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Waid Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Klein, assoociate pastor of Stone Methodist Church. Burial was in the Kiser Hill Cemetery, East Mead Township.

William Hodson , William Hodson, aged 79 years, formerly of Cass, died at his home at Charmco, on Monday, June 8, 19o9, after a long ilness Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice hodson, and a sister, Mrs. Cornelia Cisler, of Jacksonville, Florida. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, June 11th, at 2:00 i . M., at the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. Quade R. Arbogast and the Rev. J. W. Pugh. Burial will be made in,the Lantz Cemetery at Boyer.


Luther G. Hudson

Luther Gilmer Hudson, 79, of Green Bank, died on Monday, January 10, 1966, in the Beckley Veterans Hospital, after a long illness. He was born at Green Bank a son of the late J. L, and Martha Gillispie Hudson. Mr. Hudson was a member of the Green Bank Methodist Church; Masonic A F & A M No. 124 at Cass, V F W and the Shrine at Wheeling. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Hattie Kirkpatrick, of Roanoke, Virginia; Mrs. Lucy Crowley, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Huntersville; two brothers, Ward Hudson, of Marlinton, and Hud «•"" Mack matrv uudson, of Dena r , m a n d a number of nieces a n ( j nephews ^ were F u n e r a , sservices erviceg Saturday afternoon in the Green Bank Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Dunlap. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.




Mrs. William J. Humphrey Mrs. Catherine Alice Curry Humphrey, 46, of Lake Charles, Louisiana, wife of William J. Humphrey, died June 30, 1970. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Curry, of Bartow. She is survived by two sons, Private Russell Humphrey, Ft, Ord, California, Thurman Humphrey, Lake Charles, Louisiana, three daughters, Mrs. Harris Cole, of Ft. Worth, Texas, Mrs. Billy Farris, Miss Judy Humphrey and Miss Nancy Humphrey, of Lake Charles; three brothers, Clarence Curry, Baltimore, Maryland, Howard Curry, Jr , RiiLman, Ohio, and T-Sgt. Robert Curry, of Wichita, Kansas; three sisters, Mrs. Gladys Simmons. Bartow, Mrs. Helen Cassell, Lanham, Maryland, and Mrs. Bessie Persall, of Akron. Ohio. She was preceded in death by a brother, Everett M. Curry, who was killed in World War II. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Hexsons Funeral Home in Lake Charles. Interment was at the Prien Memorial Park, Lake Charles.

H. Neville Hunsicker H. Neville Hunsicker, age 86, of Staunton, Virginia, died November 22, 1995, at the Augusta Medical Center in Fishersville, Virginia, after a heart attack. He was a retired official of the U. S. Department of Education and lived in the Washington area from 1952 "to 1979. He was vocation education program director for the North Atlantic region and retired as the department's vocational education director. He served as national advisor to the Future Farmers of America. Mr. Hunsicker, who was born in Millwood, Virginia, was a graduate of VPI with a master's degree from Ohio State University. He was West Virginia State F.F.A. advisor during the late 30's and 40's before going to Washington and visited Pocahontas County schools often. While living in the Washington area, he had been a member of the Cherrydale and Clarendon United Methodist churches. His first wife, Bertha Elizabeth "Betty" Hunsicker, died in 1976. His second wife, Matha, died in 1989. Survivors include two sons from his first marriage, the Rev. Philip Hunsicker, of Madison, Virginia, and David E. Hunsicker, of California; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Lyle W. Hultz Granville Elliott, of Green Lyle Winston Hultz, 67, of Bank, Betty Jane Arbogast, of Frankford, and a former resiCass, and Woodsie Ashford, of dent of Hillsboro, died SaturPrinceton, were brother and sisters day, September 17. 1966, enof his first wife. route to the Pocahontas MeGraveside services were held morial Hospital. November 22, 1995, at Arbovale Cemetery by Rev. Donald Long, of He was a member of the Staunton. Baptist Church and was a retired construction worker. Mrs. Clarice T. Hughes fm Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Clarice T. Hughes, 85 Mrs. Ina Lewis Hultz; two of Durbin, died Wednesday' daughters, Mrs. EugeneSmiih, August 6, 1969, in an Elkins jof Irwin, Pennsylvania, and | hospital. I Mrs. Charlie Weinreich, of! She was a member of the i Baltimore, Maryland; two sons Bartow Methodist Church, i Lyle W. Hultz, Jr., of BaltiMrs. Hughes had lived in more, Maryland, and Kenneth Highland County, Virginia, jiHultz, with the Air Force in and Pocahontas County. California; two sisters,, Mrs. . Kenneth Satterfield, of FairSurvivors include three dauI mont, and Mrs. Hubert Lewis, ghters, Mrs. Earl Coten, of j of HilLboro, and one brother Geneva, Ohio, Mrs. John MorRobert L. Hultz, of Richmond, gan, of San Diego, California, Virginia, and seven grandchiland Mrs. Pauline H. Gribble, dr

Luther Hudson Luther Hudson, 78, died on Monday, January 10, 1966, in the Beckley Veterans Hospital | Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Green Bank Methodist Church The body will be at Smith Funeral Home until Friday, then at the home of Mrs. Rnssell Crowley, at Green Bank. Mrs. Mary Hudson Mrs. Mary Hudson, of Frank, died Tuesday, November 1, 1983, in Tucker County Nursing Home in Parsons. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Hazel Morman, of Richmond, Virginia. Tentative plans are for funeral services on Friday. Burial will be in Greathouse Cemetery at Fran'«. s-"> Mrs. Virginia Arbogast Irvine Mrs. Virginia Arbogast Irvine, 74, formerly of Green Bank, died Tuesday, November 1, 1983, in Brandon, Florida. Services will be in Florida. Burial will be in Arbovale Cemetery later. Mis. Jty Hutchison M M . Hazel Pifer Hutchison, of Huntington, died Saturday, August 23, 1975, at her home after a long illness. She was a daughter of the late Arthur C. Pifer and Mamie J. Pifer, of Marlinton. Her husband, Dr. Jay Hutchison, two brothers, Norval and Eugene, preceded her in death. She was a graduate of Bowling Green Business University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, and a member of Johnson Memorial Methodist Church. Mrs. Hutchison was treasurer of the Huntington Azalea Garden Club, a member of the Wornens Club of Huntington, Guyan Golf and Country Club and the Womens Auxiliary of the Cabell County Medical Society. Surviving daughter, Mrs. Jane Foster, of Marietta, Georgia; son, James J. Hutchinon, of Atlanta, Georgia; sisters Mrs. Vada Smith, of Grantsville, Mrs. Betty Eastwood of South Charleston, Mrs. Mary Frances Forbes, of Norfolk, Virginia; brothers, Paul Pifer of Weston, and Keith Pifer, of New Mexico; four grandchildren. Services were held Monday at Woodmere Abbey of Remem brance in Huntington.

Henrietta Ruth Hutson Henrietta Ruth Nottingham Dearth Hutson was born at Dunmore, December 11, 1896, and died at Columbus, Ohio, December 30, 1977. Her parents were Robert Lee and Bertie Nottingham, and her grandparents were Adam and Henrietta Nottingham and Stephen and Laura Lockridge. She was a direct descendant of Major Andrew Lockridge, early Virginia Scout and Revolutionary soldier. Mrs. Hutson, 81, died in Riverside Hospital in Columbus. Services were held January 4 in Rutherford Funeral Home by Rev. Gene H. Mast with burial in Union Cemetery. She was retired from August J. Lorenz Investments. Preceding her in death were a brother, Robert Paul Nottingham. She is survived by a son, William N. Dearth, of Columbus, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; sisters, Arta N. Chappius, of Columbus, Vera Haverfield, of Glendale, California, Alma N. Jones, of Miami, Florida. lai L. Hkiti

Mrs. loa Hultz, 81, of Baltirnoie, Maryland, formerly of Hillsboro, died Monday, October 13,1980, in a Baltimore hospital after a long illness. Born February 15, 1899, in Hillsboro, she was the daughter of the late George Andrew and Rachel Payne Lewis. Mrs. Hultz was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro. Survivors include a son, Kenneth Hultz, of San Bernardino, Californa; two daughters, Mrs. Mary (Renee) Deming, of North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Maxine Weinreich, of Baltimore; a brother, Hubert Lewis, and two sisters, Mrs. Ota Hefner and Mrs. Mattie Carlisle, all of Hillsboro; eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Her husband, Lyle W. Hultz, a son, Lyle W. Hultz, II, and a brother, James R. Lewis, preceded her in dea'in. Funeral services were held Friday at 11 a. m. in the Oak I Grove Presbyterian Church with the Revs. Jack Arbuckle and Thomas Henderson officiating. Burial was in Oak I Grove Cemetery,

Mrs. Nola Gum Hummel Mrs. Nola Gum Hummel, of Doylesto'wn, Pennsylvania, died May 17, 1982, in a Philadelphia Pennsylvania Hospital, following an operation. Born in Hillsboro, she .was the daughter of Clark and Esta Gum. She was preceded in death by her husband, two sisters, Virginia Galford and Arritta Ross, and one brother, Cecil Gum. She is survived by her parents; two daughters, Mrs. Cheryl Schroer, of Lacys Drive, Alabama and Lorain Hummel, Doylestown; one son, Arthur Hummel, of Doylestown; one grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Starr, of Canton, Ohio, and Mrs. Lucille Hannah, Lorain, Ohio; five brothers, Roy Gum, Lorain, Ohio, Henry Gum, Marlborough, Massachusetts, Anthony Gum, Buckhannon, Max Gum, Hillsboro, Dale Gum Waverly, Tennessee. The body was cremated. Lyle W. Hultz, Jr.

LyleW. Hultz, Jr., 48, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Monday, June 10, 1974, in Johns Hopkins, after a short illness. Born August 27, 1925, at Seebert, he was the son of Mrs^ Ina Lewis Hultz, of Baltimore, Maryland, and the late Lyle W. Hultz, Sr. Other survivors include a son, Lyle W. Hultz, III, Baltimore, Maryland;'two SIBters, Mrs. Renee Deming, of North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Maxine Weinreich, Baltimore, Maryland; one brother, Kenneth, of San Bernardino, California, and two grandchildren, Kate and Stacey He was a faithful employee of Anchor Motor Freight for 18 years. Services were conducted at the Evans Funeral Home in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday, burial in Bel Air Memorial Garden, in Baltimore. Attending from West Virginia were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carlisle, of Bartow, Hubert! Lewis, Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs : K. D Satterfield, Fairmont }

Willie R.Hughes Willie R. Hughes, 68, of Durbin, died Tuesday, April 23, 1985, in West Virginia University Medical Center at Morgantown after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was a retired employee of Howes Leather Company. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Colleen Wilmoth, of Hamilton, Virginia; three sisters, Sarah Copen, Geneva, Ohio, Margaret Morgan, of San Diego, California, and Pauline Gribble, of Durbin; two brothers, Forrest, of Painesville, Ohio, Howard, of Baltimore, Maryland; two grandsons. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. H. Neville Hunsicker L "' H. Neville Hunsicker, age 86, of Staunton, Virginia, died November 22,1995, at the Augusta Medical Center in Fishersville, Virginia, after a heart attack. He was a retired official of the U. S. Department of Education and lived in the Washington area from 1952 to 1979. He was vocation education program director for the North Atlantic region and retired as the department's vocational education director. He served as national advisor to the Future Fanners of America. Mr. Hunsicker, who was born in Millwood, Virginia, was a graduate of VPI with a master's degree from Ohio State University. He was West Virginia State Fi\A. advisor during the late 30's and 40's before going to Washington and visited Pocahontas County schools often. While living in the Washington area, he had been a member of the Cherrydale and Clarendon United Methodist churches. His first wife, Bertha Elizabeth "Betty" Hunsicker, died in 1976. His second wife, Matha, died in 1989. Survivors include two sons from his first marriage, the Rev. Philip Hunsicker, of Madison, Virginia, and David E. Hunsicker, of California; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Granville Elliott, of Green Bank, Betty Jane Arbogast, of Cass, and Woodsie Ashford, of Princeton, were brother and sisteis of his first wife. Graveside services were held November 22, 1995, at Arbovale Cemetery by Rev. Donald Long, of Staunton.

Mrs. Maybell Hurst Mrs. Maybell Elizabeth Kelley Hurst, 40, of Mineral Wells, died at her residence on Sunday, October 16, 1983. Born at Huntersville May 28, 1943, she was the daughter of Mary Kragle KeUey and the late Ward KeUey. She attended Big Tygart United Methodist Church and was an active member of Mineral Wells Homemakers Club. In addition to her mother, who lives on Knapps Creek, she is survived by her husband, E. S. Hurst, of Mineral Wells, one son, Jason, and one daughter, Libbie, at home; one stepson, Daniel Hurst, of Clarksburg, and one stepdaughter, Jane Allio, of Dunbar; two sisters, Sylvia Smith, of Marlinton, and Marie Klinger, of Walkersville, Maryland; three brothers, Harry and Earl KeUey, Huntersville, and Robert Kelley, of Sutton. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 10 a. m. in Leavitt Funeral Home in Parkersburg with graveside services at 4 p. m. Wednesday at the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton, with the Rev. Shelby Wilson officiating.

Mrs. Betty Hunsiekefc—-* ARLINGTON, Va. - Mrs. Betty Hunsicker. 62, of Arlington, Va., formerly of Green Bank, Pocahontas County, W. Va., died Monday at home after a long illness. She taught in Pocahontas County, W. Va., and Virginia elementary schools. She had studied at West Virginia Wesleyan College, Davis and Elkins, New River State College, and West Virginia Tech. Surviving: husband, H. Neville Hunsicker; sons, the Rev. Philip N. Hunsicker of Lexington, Va., Maj. David E. Hunsicker of Honolulu, Hawaii; mother, Mrs. Josie Elliott of Green Bank, W. Va.; brothers, Granville H. Elliott of Charleston, W. Va., Robert F. Elliott, and George J. Elliott, both of Green Bank, W. Va.; sisters, Mrs. Woodsie Ashford of Princeton, W. Va., Mrs. Betty Arbogast of Cass, W. Va. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery, Arbovale, W. Va.

Terry Jean Hugheg^

Terry Jean Hughes, twentymonth-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Saturday, January 22, 1966, in a Baltimore hospital after a short illness. Survivors include her par[ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I Hughes; two sisters, Andrea land Donna Hughes, at home.; ', the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oden Brewster, of Baltimore, Maryland, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes, of East Point, Kentucky, and the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Olet Mullenax, of Durbin. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale, by the Rev. Paul j Good. Burial was i n t h e A r - , bovale Cemetery.


Huffer Funeral On Saturday Funeral services for W. E. Huffer, Sr., 67, of Mt. Solon, who died Wednesday morning at the King's Daughters Hospital, Staunton, will be held Saturday afternoon at Emmanuel Church conducted by Rev. C. R. Slider, assisted by M. G. Sanger. Mr. Huffer had been in failing health for the past year and a half, becoming critical only a week ago. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Irene Pearl Chapman of Linville; three children, Miss Lillian Huffer of King's Daughters Hospital; Melvin Edward Huffer, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Weldon Davis Huffer, of Harrisonburg; a sister, Mrs. Lula Cook of Mt. Solon; and two srandchildren. Joan Elizabeth and Louise Anne Huffer. Pallbearers will be Clifford Mil-> „ler, Troy Michar.l, Melvin tough* Harold Hosaflock, John Aubre?r ^rehart. Charlie Hannah, and O'in Hosaflock. I

Mrs. N. K. Huffman


Mrs. Mazie Eva Huffman, 80. of Frankford, died Wednesday, April 22, 1964, at her • home after a long illness. I Survivors include her husband, N. K. Huffman; one son, Fred Huffman, of Frankford; one sister, Mrs. Lucy Beard, of Palm Beach, Florida; and four brothers, F. P., W. J. and R K. McLaughlin, all of Lewisburg, and P. B. McLaughlin, of Frankford. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel in , Lewisburg by the Rev. Dean iBover. Burial was in the i Frankford Cemetery.

Mrs. Neville Hunsicker1' Mrs. Bertha Elliott Hunsicker, 62, of Arlington, Virginia, died Monday, April 4, 1976, at home of a heart attack. She was the daughter of Mrs. Josie Elliott and the late Samuel Elliott, of Green Bank. She was born at Green Bank October 7, 1913. An infant daughter and a sister, Lillian, preceded ber in death. Mrs. Hunsicker was a member of Cherry Dale United Methodist Church. Mrs. Hunsicker was an agent with Town and Country Realty for eight years where she made He million dollar club two successive years. She was a former teacher in Pocahontas County and Virginia eiementajy schools. Surviving her in addition to her mother are her husband H. Neville Hunsicker; two sons, Rev. Philip N. Hunsicker, Lexington, Virginia, and Major David E. Hunsicker, Hickman AFB Honolulu, Hawaii; five grandchildren; three brothers, Granville H. Elliott, Charleston, Robert F. Elliott, and George J. Elliott, both of Green Bank, Mrs. Woodsie Ashford, Princeton, and Mrs. Betty Arbogast, of Cass. Services were held at Arlington Funeral Home, Arlington, Virginia, on Wednesday night by the Rev. Everette Eunerian and Rev. J. L. Robertson. Graveside services were held Thursday in Arbovale Cemetery by Rev. Kenneth Montgomery. _^^ Vida Hutchison

Miss Vida Larene Hutchison, 72, Forest Hill, died at her home Saturday, March 13, 1965, after a short illness. Death was attributed to a cere bral hemorrhage. She was a registered nurse for 40 years at the Hinton Hos pital and a member of the Com munity Christian Church. Survivors include two sisters Mrs. Cora Burg, of Weston, and Mrs. Emma H. Leggett' of Hinton. The funeral was conducted at the Community Christian Church at 11 a. m. Tuesday with the Rev. John Atkinson in charge. Burial was in the Forest Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. Nephews served as pallbearers.


»• m i

William warden Harper


Mrs. Hulda Flerenda Huffman, 63, of 221 Grant Street, Ravenna, Ohio, died Saturday, July 13, 1974, following a stroke. She was born August 31, 1910. in Mill Point, a daughter of the late John Coleman and Almanda Sturgel Coleman. She married Leonard Huffman forty four years ago, going to Ravenna in 1947. She was a retired housekeeper for Robinson Memorial Hospital. Surviving are her husband, Leonard Huffman; two daughters, Mrs. Lyle (Delores) Worley, of Kent, Ohio, Mrs. Me"!e (Jean) Stidd, of Ravenna; five sisters, Mrs. Versie Peyton, of Ravenna, Mrs. Elviria Bailey, Upper Glade, Mrs. Fay Bruffey, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Sylvia Wamsley, of St. Albans, and Mrs. Marie Coleman, of West Portsmouth, Ohio; three brothers, Paul Coleman and Irvine Coleman, both of Rootstown, Ellis Coleman, Priest River, Idaho, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Ben, Leonard and Okey Coleman, preceded her in death Funeral services were held Saturday, August 3, at Short Funeral Home in Ravenna. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery in Ravenna.

William Wardell Harper, 72, of Proctorville, Ohio, died Saturday, October 5, 1974, in a Huntington Hospital after a short illness. He was the son of the Mate Harry W. and Mary F. Auldridge Harper, of Hillsboro. Surviving are his wife, Nel I Thompson Harper; one daughter, Mrs. L. G. Arbaugh, of Cullowhee, North Carolina, two sons, William W. and Craig, both of Huntington; one sister, Mrs. Sam Burdette, of Hillsboro; one brother, Julian, of Phoenix, Arizona; and three grandchildren. Preceding him in death were two brothers, Frank R. and Henry Lee Harper. The funeral was held Monday afternoon in the Rome United Methodist Church at Proctorville. Burial was in the White Chapel memorial Gardens near Barboursville. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Smith, Mrs. Grace Harper, of Romney, Mrs. Sue Richardsop, Marlra ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burdette, of Hillsboro, attended the funeral of W. W. Harper in Proctorville, Monday.

Sandra Lee Hughes Sandra Lee Hughes was born October 2, 1939, and was accident 1.7 killed July 14, 1945. She was one of the three children of Mr. |and Mrs Willie Hughes of Barlow. Her parents and one sister, Colleen and a brother Darrell Reese, survive. Funeral services ! were held at Bartow Methodist Church July 16. gab>«fc Lyle W. Hullz, Jr. Lyle Winston Hultz, Jr., 48. of Baltimore, Maryland, died Monday, June 10, 1974, in John* Hopkins, after a short illness. He was bom August 27 1925, at Seebert, the son c Mrs. Ina Lewis Hultz of Balti more, Maryland, and the latt Lyle W. Hultz, Sr. Services and burial were in Baltimore Wednesday.

mis. n. «. namnux

Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hamrir-k died in the Shady Side Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 13, 1959, after a long illness. Mrs. Hamrick was a native of Lexington, Kentucky, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred D. Foster. Surviving her are her husband. Dr. Kenneth J. Hamrick, Superintendent of Denmar State Hospital, and a son, Second Lieutenant Kenneth J. Hamrick, Craig Air Force Training Base, Alabama Graveside services were held Tbarsday morning at ten o'clock in Mountain View Cemetery bv the Rev. W. E. Pierce.

ffiiss Myrtle taanoa rlianah Miss Myrtle Lianna Hannah, was birn on July 15, 1879, the daughter of the late Margaret G. and James J. Hannah, of Marlinton, and departed this life on Thursday, December 12th, 1957, death being due to a heart attack. Funeral services were conducti Sunday afternoon, at the home of her brother. Ira Hannah, by ihe Rev. James D. Singletary. Miss Hannah is survived by one sis'er, Mrs. Eula Hannah, of Slaty Fork, one brother. Ira T. Ho.m^rj,, of Marlinton; five nephews and eight nieces. One sister, Katie, ond one brother Toe, preceded her in death, many years ago. A. 0 . Harper Amon Overton Harper, aged 52 years, of Charles Town, died in Newton D, Baker Veterans Center, on Sunday, April 4, 1948. He had been ill for several weeks. He is survived by his wife. Mr. Harper was a veteran mem btr of the State Police, retired by reason of ill health for seven years. At one time be served in ..lontas County, where he has many friends.

D/H. Humphreys


Dayton Hamer Humphreys, 90, of Ballard, died Monday, November 26,1973, in a Princeton hospital after a nine month illness. Born at Ballard, July 15, 1883, he was a son of the late Dayton and Ellen Ballard Hum phreys. He formerly lived at Marlinton where he was employed by the Union Tanning Company for 50 years. Humphreys was a member of the Dry Pond Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Myrtle Courley Humphreys; three sons, Roy and Milton, both of Ballard, and Charles, of Bracksburg, Virginia; a sister, Mrs. Millie Lawhorn.of Ballard; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in the Broyles Funeral Home Chapel at Peterstown with Rev. Harvey Adkins in charge. Burial was in the Humphreys Family Cemetery near Ballard. Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Hume Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Hume, 81, of 1319 Virginia Street East Charleston, died Mondav, December 7, 1964, after a long illness. Formerly of Pocahontas County, she had lived in Charleston for 47 years. She was a member of St. Mark's Methodist Church, where she had been awarded life membership in the Women's Society of Christian Service. Survivors include two daughters, four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


•lames newieit Mrs. Troy Helmick James Harden Hewlett, 68, rs. Sadie L. Helmick, 42, Raymond Heavener, 43, of of Mentor, Ohio, died Sunday, of 264 Kentucky St., died May Holland, Michigan, was killed) August 27, 1967, at her home. 23, 1971, in Cabell Huntington Friday, January 22, 1965, Cause of death was ruled sui- Hospital. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, May 25, when his pickup truck plunged cide. at the Trinity Church of God into the Thornapple River Mrs. Helmick was born in from a bridge on the 1-96 ex- Rich wood in 1925; she was a of which he was a charter mem pressway southeast of Grand i member of the Willoughby ber, by the Rev. James BurchRapids. The truck skidded1 Church of the Nazarene and ett and Rev. Eugene Moses, on ice from the bridge into the was employed by Wheat's of Morgantown. Burial was in White Chapel Memorial water and landed on another Restaurant in Mentor. Gardens. truck that had skidded a few Survivors include her husBorn June 2, 1902, at Yatesminutes before. He was pinband, Troy Helmick; four ville, Kentucky, he was a son ned in the wreckage of his truck daughters, Mrs. Joellen Miller, of the late Rev. David Allen Heavener was a maintenance of Painesville, Ohio; Mildred and Ganie Bell Jordan Hewlett, man with a road construction R., Sarah Jean and Marilyn worked forty years as an e'ecfirm. Sue, all at home; three sons, trician with the Goodman Man Surviving him are his wife,! Private Thomas 0. Helmick, ufacturing Company, in HuntMrs. Ila Heavener; five sons, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, Wil- ington, was transferred to MorDale Heavener, a student at liam M. and David E. Hel- gantown; he retired in 1967. Michigan State University, mick, at home; her mother, He was chairman of the OutDennis Heavener, who is atMrs. Sarah I. Willis, of Wrikel; reach Committee, member of tending Allied Technical Intwo sisters, Mrs. Mildred Hick- the Church Choir, and a memstitute in Chicago. Illinois. man, of Geneva, Ohio, and ber of the Church Council. H<* Craig, Keith, and Glenn HeaMrs. Zelda Riffle, of Mich- had helped organize the Morvener, all at home, and his igan; five brothers, Harry V. gantown Church of God. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huling Willis, Arnold W.. and Joseph Survivors include the widow, C. Heavener, of Marlinton. D., ali of of Painesville, Ohio; Mrs. Sylvia May Hewlett, forHenry H., of Willowick, Ohio; merly of Marlinton, three Services were held Monday and Robert H., of Mentor, daughters, Mrs Evelyn Egbert, at the First Methodist Church Ohio. with the Rev. Harold Derks Mrs. Marjorie Jones, of Dayofficiating. Burial was in the Funeral services were held ton, Ohio, Mrs. Barbara BarkPilgrim Home Cemetery there. Wednesday afternoon in Wil- er, in Australia; two brothers, loughby Church of the Naza- Samuel Hewlett, of Charlesrene by the Rev. Andrew Cone ton, and Garland Hewlett, of E. Sale neniey and the Rev, Daniel Hoffman Akron, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Eugene Dale Henley, 29, of Virginia Hussey, of Dayton, Muncie, Indiana, formerly of Ohio, and Mrs. Mabel MulWhitby, was fatally injured in lins, of Portsmouth, Ohio; ten G. H. HEFNER an automobile accident in Ingrandchildren and two greatdiana earlv Thursday, SeptemGeorge H. Hefner, aped 11 grandchildren ber 30, 1965. years, died on Saturday, July 29, He was precded in death by He was born September 29, 1944. He had been in failing health for some time. HaJ been several brothers and a sister; 1936, the son of Fred B. and a son, Donald, died in infancy bed fast but a few days. Elizabeth Puckett Henley. and a daughter, Nellie Mae, On Monday afternoon his b ) !,v was drowned in 1941. Mr. Henley attended the Stoco High School, where he his body was laid to rest in th_e Rev. and Mrs. Paul Curry,. family plot in Mt. View cemetery. was active in athletics, and attended West Virginia Insti- The service was conducted from Dale and Leslie, of Fredericksthe Methodist Church by his pas- burg, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. tute of Technology at MontSummers Poage, Mr. and tor, Rev. Fred Ovendale. gomery. He was a partner in the Ashley Company, Inc., The deceased was a son of the Mrs. Arnold Cook and son, Indianapolis, Indiana. He late Alex and Naomi Gal ford Kef-j Mike, attended the funeral. ner. His sisters are Mrs. Win. • had served in the Air Force as H. Gilmore and Mrs. R. L. Pufa member of the Strategic Air Dr. Harry Handley feobargen; his brothers, John, \ Dr. Harry Handley, 66, of j Command. William a*d Ed. Survivors include his wife, Lewisburg, a retired medical Mr. Hefner was twice married. doctor died Sunday, March 8,1 'the former Martha White Mc; Meet, of Hillsboro; one daugh- His first wife was Miss N'eely; 1964, of a heart attack. Most \ ter Renee, at home; his par- Overholt, who died forty years 3f his work had been in pub-ic enui, Mr. and Mrs Fred B. at>o. In 1907, he married Miss health service. Dr. Handley, i ! Henley; one sister, Mrs. Joseph Bertha Overholt, in Farminjrton. who was very much interested (Sue) Jones, of Prosperity; two Washington. He is survived by in historical matters, spoke | brothers, Frederick R. Henley, his wife and their five children: last Thursday to the Pocahon)f Roanoke, Virginia, and Wil- Glenn, Henry, Fred, Mary and ;as Historical Society. liam A. Henley, of Daly City, Robert. A son, Andy, was | 5 He was a rative of Greenin action at the Normandy iota brier, the son of Charles WilCalifornia. Funeral services were held sioi June 11. liam and Mary Austin McNeel Mr. Hefner made a pub&; pro- Handley. He is survived by Sunday afternoon in the Keyser Bryant Funeral Home Chap fession of religion and united his wife and two sons and five with the church at Hillsboro. sisters and two brothers. el by the Rev. B. L. Moss. Burial was in the Sunset Me- many years ago. morial Park. _ Raymond Heavener

mrs. mary f. rwper Henry V. Herold *" Mrs. Mary F. Harper, 93, of Henry VanMeter Herold, 76, died Saturday, November 7, Hillsboro, died Tuesday, De1964, in a Charlottesville hos- cember 9, 1969, at the Denpital. mar Hospital of a heart attack. Born July 21, 1876, at HuntBorn February 25, 1888, at ersville, she was the daughter Mill Gap, Virginia, he was a son of the late Wise and Kate of the late William H. and Effie Lee Auldridge. Ruckman Herold. She was a member of the Mr. Herold was a member and eider of the Olivet Pres- Wesley Methodist Church at Hillsboro and the Order of the byterian Church; a retired j da'ry farmer, and a past chair- Eastern Star Chapter No. 93. Mrs. Harper was preceded in man of the Albemirle County Dairy Committee; a veteran of death by her husband, Harry World War I and served 13 W. Harper, and two sons, Frank R. and Henry Lee Haryears on the School Board. Survivors include his wife, per. She is survived by one dauMrs. Reba Smith Herold; one daughter, Mrs. R. C. Warthan ghter, Mrs. Sam Burdette, of of Miami, Florida; one son, Hillsboro, and two sons, W. Henry VanMeter Herold, Jr., W. Harper, of Huntington, and ;of Ivy; two brothers, Edgar Julian Harper, of Arizona. She Herold of Winchester. Virginia) is also survived by fifteen land Dr. Amos L. Herold, on grandchildren and eighteen j Austin, Texas; three sisters, I great-grandchildren. Mrs. George H. Denny, of Funeral services will be held IWeitfield. New Jersey; Mrs. Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. 1 William O'Brien and Miss Reta by the Rev. Rafph Ross and Herold, both of St. Petersburg, the Rev. Cecil Dalton in the Ida; two half-sisters, Mrs. W'esley Methodist Church at re Taylor of Leisure City, Hillsboro. Burial will be in '~rida and Mrs. Clyde Var- the Oak Grove Cemetery. of Lewi-burg, and eight idchildren. Lula Rennix Harper uneral services were held Lula Rennix Harper, 98, a oday afternoon in the Oliformer resident of Boyer, died Presbyterian Church with Sunday morning, September 4, ~1 in the church cemetery. 1994, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. She was bom April 11,1896, at Leona DiUey Hannah Kerens, a daughter of the late Leona Dilley Hannah, age 87, of Thomas Jackson and Columbia Jacksonville, Florida, formerly of Phillips Rennix. Marlinton, died Friday, May 23, On September 9, 1921, at 1997, at home. Durbin, she was married to Roy Mrs. Hannah was a member of Weldon Harper, who preceded her the Marlinton Presbyterian Church in death on March 15,1957. and Marlinton Chapter, Order of the Surviving are several neices and Eastern Star #97. nephews. Also preceding her in The daughter of the late Butler death was a son, Forrest Harper; and Rose Gabbert Dilley, she was three brothers, Tolbert Chenoweth born at Seebert April 22, 1910. Rennix, Melvin Roy Rennix, and She was preceded in death by Truman Evans Rennix; and one her husband, Norman Hannah, sister, Tacy Rennix Mouse. July, 1978; a son, Robert Lee Mrs. Harper was a Protestant by Hannah, March 11, 1987; and two faith. brothers, Mirl W. Dilley and Paul Services were held in the A. Dilley. Tomblyn Funeral Home Chapel, in Survivors include a daughter, Elkins, on Wednesday, September Betty Hannah Sherwood, of 7, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Jeff Jacksonville; brother, Joe Butler Johnson officiating. Interment Dilley, of Neola; sisters, Jewell followed in the Maplewood Dilley McDermott, of White Cemetery. Sulphur Springs, and Ruth Dilley Lovejoy, of Oakland, California; three grandchildren; six great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 3 p. m. Monday at Kee Cemetery by the Rev. David Nash and by the Eastern Star.


nuDert Harry Hannah Hubert Harry Hannah, 76, of Mustoe, died Wednesday, September 28, 1983, from injuries sustained in a tractor accident. He was born December 23, 1906, on Elk, the son of Hugh A. and Levia [Hannah] Hannah. Mr. Hannah was a member of the United Methodist Church and was in the lumber manufacturing business in Highland County for 50 years. He constructed the Hannah Airport in Monterey and operated the Hannah Flying School from 1948-52. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Grace V. Hannah; two daughters, Mrs. Sharon Fisher, of Mustoe, and Mrs. Rosalee Hannah, of Luray; one son, Kyle Hannah, of Anchorage, Alaska; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel High, of Churchville, Mrs. Lucille Lahti, of He radon, and Mrs. Hazel Corbett, of Mustoe; one brother, Warren Hannah, of Mustoe; six grandchildren, seven step-grandchildren, and seven step-greatgrandchildren. Services were conducted at 2 p. m. Sunday in Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. N. A. Compton, with burial in McLaughlin Cemetery. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Highland Rescue Squad or Highland County Fire Department, Monterey. Steven Hardee Steven Paul Hardee, thre3year old son of Paul and Exa Kellison Hardee, of Woodbridge, Virginia, died Sunday, May 30, 1965, in Sacred Heart Hospital, Richwood, from an accidental gunshot wound re-j ceived a short time earlier on 'the Kellison farm on Stamp-! ing Creek. In addition to his parents, the little boy is survived by an older brother, Barry Lee, and two sisters, Doona and Brenda Ann, his grand1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kellison, and great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clabej Kellison, of Huntersville. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Randy Earl. Services and burial were in Fairview Cemetery at Fairview Lutheran Church in Virginia.

Darrel C. Hansford Darrel C. Hansford, 59, of Marlinton, died Friday, December 31, 1971, in Preston Memorial Hospital aftera long illness. Born in Parsons, March 30, 1912, he was a son of the late Monterville and Lydia Hebb Hansford. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a ret:red employee of the International Shoe Company. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Daisy P. Candler Hansford, of Marlinton; two sons, Donald C. and Denny L. Hansford, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy M. McLaughlin, of Huntersville, Mrs. Delores J. Ball, tf Hamlin, and Mrs Donna S. Buckingham, o Kingwood; two brothers, Willis S. Hansford, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Percy Hansford, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Sharp, of Slatyfork, and Mrs. Lucy Wood, of Moundsville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlin ton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, the Rev. Ezra Bennett, and the Rev. Herold Eaton, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Hugh M. Hefner [/" Hugh Miller Hefner, 59, died Tuesaay, March 24, 1971, in a Roncevprte hospital. He was a farmer and custodian for Greenbrier East High School. A veteran of World War II, he belonged to the American Legion Post 69 of Lewisburg. He was a member of IheSharon United Methodist Dhurch of Locust Creek. Survivors include his wife, Magdalene; two daughters, Sister Rose Ann, of Wheeling; and Miss Mary Hefner, of Wash ington, D. C ; one son, Richard, of Louisville, Kentucky one foster son, John Dameron with the Army at Ft. Gordor Georgia; his mother, Mrs. Rach ael Hefner, of Beard; one broth er, Frank, of Charleston, and one sister, Mrs. Hattie VanReenan, of Beard. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Jack K. Wallace "Funeral Home Chapel at Lewisburg with Rev. Dean Boyer, in charge. Burial was in the Greenbrier Memorial Gardens at Lewisburg.


Ann Flora Parg Harris, of Mrs. Icie M, Harris, 79, ot Lorain, Ohio, died Thursday, Durbin, died Tuesday, May 4, June 6, 1974, in St. Joseph 1976, in in the Davis Memorial Hospital there after a 10 day Hospital in Elkins where she bad been admitted Sunday. In illness. failing health for the past sevBorn May 17, 1895, in Marlinton, she had lived in Lorain eral years, her condition had for 57 years. She was a mem- been critical since entering the ber of the Broadway Assembly hospital. A former sales clerk for the Survivors include her son, Durbin Company Attorney Floyd D. Harris, as- and later Mercantile employed at Will sistant Lorain County Prose- bide Drug Store, shethewas cutor; a daughter, Mrs. Ar • member of St. Brendans Cath-a thur (Kathleen) Horr, of Au- olic Church of Elkins. burn, New York; four grandMrs. HarriB was born near children and three greatJohnsonburg, Pennsylvania, a grandchildren; and a brother, daughter of the late William Quince Friel, of Marlinton. and Mary Bartsch Parg, native Her husband, Charles, died of Austria. in August 1966. She was married to Bert HarFuneral services were held ris who survives in Russell, at the Reichlin-Cooley Funer Kentucky; also two sisters, " ^orae. Marie and Minnie Parg and a iq^f Tommy W. Harsh £ / \ rot f er . William, Parg, all of 'Tommy Wayne Harsh, age" 2 0 D " r b m * . , . „ .. years, was found dead in his room Services were held Friday early Sunday morning, May 21st, corning in St.n Brendan s CathE, in8 by at Hot Springs, Virginia, where>hc C h £ r c l M , t %? he was employed as a steward a tb™ ?',.«., M.ark ^ u s ' w , t h w , a l Rt the Homestead Hotel. Maplewood Cemetery. He wa. born at Mountain Arthur W. Harris Gro'e Virginia, on January 24th, Arthur W. Harris, 92, oj 1941 407 Belle Clair Avenue, Tt mple S> rvivors include his foster Terrace, Florida, died Wednesparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. day, Ftbruary 21, 1962, in a Schumaker, of Marlinton. Tampa hospital. Funeral services were conductBorn in England, he had reed on Tuesday afternoon, at 2:00 sided in Marlinton and Tampa, o'clock, at the Marlinton Church Florida, with his daughter, Of The Nazarene, with the p.\s- Mrs. J. E. Buckley, for seven tor, the Rev. J. 0. Shank, n years. Most of his life was cbarg Burial was made in the lived in Deltaco, Michigan. Mountain View Cemetery. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian C lurch. Surviving him are six sons, Margaret J. Hamilton, daughter of Bert W. Harris, Russell, KenSamuel P. and Elizabeth Woods was born May 9, 1859 and departed this tucky, George A. Harris, Trenlife December 6, 1933. She was conary, Michigan. Francis S. Harverted at an early age and united ris, Tomah, Wisconsin, Norwith the Beulah Baptist Church at man J. Harris, Gladstone, the age of twenty eight years. She Michigan, Lawrence L. Harwas united in marriage to Henry ris, Tampa, Florida, Bernard Casebolt and went to Lobelia, PocaN. Harris, Wilmington, Delhontas county to live. At that time aware; two daughters; Mrs. there was no Baptist Church there Martha H. Buckley, Tampa, aed she and her husband donated the lot and built a church. After the Florida, and Mrs. Maude M church was completed she moved her Willis, Gladstone, Michigan; memoership to that place. four sisters, Mrs. W. S. O'After the death of Mr. Casebolt Brien, Shawano, Wisconsin, Mrs-. Hanna Bioxham, and she svas united in marriage to A. A. Mrs. Kate Moore, both of ilton who survives. She is also Nuneaton, England, and Mrs. survived oy four brothers. A. S. Emma Roberts, Glyn Fyrn, Woods, of Rosedale, Arkansas, Rush North Wales; 18 grandchildand William of Craigsville and John [officii wood. One sister, Mrs. Reren and seventy great-grandbecca Cox, Two sisters Mn, Anna children, and many nieces and Hrock, Mrs. Betty Mason and David nephews. Words preceded her to the great beyond. Services were held in Tampa, Florida. Interment v Services were held from the Frst uo later in the spring at G ^ Bapiist Church in Richwood. Dr. and Mrs. Tanner had charge of the stone, Michigan. services and the sermon was preached by the Rev. J. E. Brown.

T. P. Hirwood, Sr. Mrs. Cora Belle Halterman J. E. Hamrick £, T. P. Harwood, Sr., 87, died Mrs. Cora Belle Halterman, lagam Fdwin Hamrick, aged; in a hospital in Richmond Vir73, R. D. 1, of Cochranton, 5 years, was found dead in his ginia, Tuesday, September 12, Pennsylvania, died Monday, ar near Hamlin Chapel, on Stony 1978, where he made his home December 27, 1971, at City >eek, on Friday, September 17, with bis son, Thomas P. Har- Hospital, Meadville, Pennwood, Jr., Chairman of the sylvania, after a short illness. 954. He had been in failing lealth for many months. On Virginia State Corporation Born at Arbovale, on No- >unday afternoon the funeral 1 Commission. vember 6, 1898, she was a •ervice was held from the PresbyMr. Harwood was principal daughter of the late Charles erian Church by Rev. Don Tayat Green Bank High School in and Virginia Spencer Wood- or. His body was laid in the the 1920's, going from this dell. amily plot in Mountain View county to Saluda, Virginia, She was preceded in death Cemetery. where he had been born, and by her husband, Joseph C. The deceased is survived by then to Crewe, also as princi- Halterman, and one son, Jesse. his wife, Mrs. Verna Ware Hampal. He was school superinSurvivors include five dau- rick and their son, Eugene. He tendent in Essex and Middleghters, Mrs. Lena Hise, of is also survived by his parents, Bex Counties in Virginia from 1949 until 1958, when be re- Highcown, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Jerry and Margaret Hamrick, of tired. He was a graduate of Deeier, Mrs. Violet Gro?sman, Randolph County. His brothers Elon College with a Master's and Charlsie Seeley, of Coch- are Virgil and Donna, and his ranton, Pennsylvania, and sisters are Mrs. Caroline Marsdegree in Latin. Mrs. Fairy Sheets, of Green Daring World War I, he Bank; one son, Joseph R. Halt- tiller anq Mrs. Louella Eubank. At the time of his death, he was served with the U. S. Marines erman, of Cochranton, Pennand later was a Naval aviator, sylvania; five brothers, Clark Recorder of his town. He was a He was a member of the Cen- Wooddell, of Bradford, Penn- former Mayor, and a former Clerk tenary Methodist Church in sylvania, Lee and Walker of the Circuit Court of PocahonSaluda, American Legion, and Wooddell, both of Charleston, tas County. He was a member the Golden Eagles, an organi- Jesse. Wooddell. of Elkins, and of the board of Deacons of the Harper Wooddell, of Bridge- Presbyterian Church. He was zation of Naval aviators. port; 22 grandchildren and 28 n the insurance business. In addition to his son, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. great-grandchildren. D. H. Hamrick Mary Hunter Moomau HarFuneral services were held David Henry Hamrick, aged wood, 2736 Kenbury Road, at the J. Fleming Home Chap86 years, died at his home in Richmond; a brother and three el in Cochranton. Burial was Beard on Monday, June 2, 1947. listers. in Peters Cemetery, Venango The funeral will be held in the County. Services were held Thursday Beard Presbyterian church by his at Creitwood Presbyterian pastor, Rev. J. K. Fleming on George W. Helton Church in Richmond with Wednesday afternoon; Burial George W. Helton, 54, of 500 in burial in Saluda. Rosewood cemetery at LewisKee Street, Princeton, died burs'. For fifty years, ho was a Lelah Bnuicae Hannah Lelah Blanche Hannah, 79, Tuesday, October 19, 1971, in teacher in the schools of Ranof Elkins, formerly of Slatyfork, . a Princeton hospital. Death dolph, Pocahontas and Greenbrier died Thursday, January 12, was attributed to a heart at- i counties. Mr. Hamrick is sur1984, in the Davis Memorial tack. vived by his wife, Mrs. Portia Born December 2, 1916, in Beatcy Hamrick; their sons, John Hospital in Elkins following an Russell County, Virginia, he Hamrick, Lewisburg; Dr. K. J. extended illness. Mrs. Hannah was a member was a son of the late James C. Hamrick, Marlinton; E. Parker Hamrick, Barges, Texas; Kruger, of the First United Methodist and Rebecca Parks Helton. Baltimore; 'J ait, White Sulphur He was a member of the Burke Church of Elkins and the Memorial Baptist Church and Springs; Beth, Rangely, Colorado; Randolph Chapter 74, O.E.S. daughters, Mrs. Mabyn Dodson, She was born June 5, 1904, had been a resident of Prince- jRenic;;; Mrs. Sophia Knight, Ran at Webster Springs, a daughter ton for forty years. gely, Colorado; Mrs. Ann MayHe was employed in the meat nard, Logan: Mrs. of the late Walter S. and Lena Helen Engdepartment of the City ProDodrill Hamrick. She was land, Ft. Springs; Mrs. Ruth married to Jesse P. Hannah, visions Company. Gaal, St. Albans. - Survivors include his wife who preceded her in death September 16, 1970. The Mrs. Virginia Barrett Helton; John W. Hankins Hannahs had the Slatyfork post seven sons, Ronnie Helton, of Charleston, Roger Helton of office for many years. John W. Hankins, aged 36 She is survived by two sis- Marlinton, Danny, Johnnie. v^ars, died at his home in Richters, Lettie Hamrick, of Elkins, Jerry, Randy, and Ricky Helmond, Virginia, on Friday, Janand Mrs. Eula Gregory, of ton, all at home; three granduary 10, 1947, after a short illchildren; one brother, James Webster Springs. ness On Saturday his body was She was preceded in death H. Helton, of Bluefield, two [laid to rest in the CloverlickCemletery, the service being held from by an infant son, three broth- sisters, Mrs. Grc.ce Profitt, of [the church by his pastor, Rev ers, Allen, Elihu, and Avis Bluefield, and Mrs. Cleo Hoi Hamrick, and a sister, Lenora mandollar. of Tip Top, Virginia ;0. Q. Olson. Funeral services were held Hill. The deceased was a son of the Services were held Sunday at Thursday afternoon in the 'ate Major Mark O. and Mabel T Memorial Baptist 2 p. m. at the Tomblyn Funeral Burke ,igon Hankius, of Richmond, brathew are DeWitt and Home in Elkins by the Rev. Church by the Rev. George ,.!:,rk Hankins; his sisters are Basil A. Hensley, with inter- Kelly, with burial in the RoseBetty, Dorothy and Louise. ment in the Maplewood Mauso- lawn Cemetery. leum. ^H^HiV

oicna n. nanna

Mrs. Janie Kailiy Mn. Janie Ray Hailey, 59, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, died Saturday, August 20, 1977, in Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, after a short illness. She was born at Watoga on February 8, 1918, a daughter of the late Orlando Mills and Emma Jane Wood Garrett. She was a member of the Areo Drive Church of God. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry Ralph Hailey, who died January 8, 1961. She is survived by six sons, David Ralph Hailey, John William Hailey, Cecil Ray Hailey, Leo Mills Hailey and Ira Preston Hailey, all of Staurts Draft, and Harry Steve Hailey, of Waynesboro, Virginia; Mrs. Fannie M. Harrison two daughters, Mrs. Tony J. Baby Hamilton Mrs. Fannie M. Harrison, (Emma) Zimmerman, of William Joe Ham lton infant 83, of Renick, died Thursday, Waynesboro and Ms. Laura son of Allen and Patricia Sharp September 21, 1972, in th< Jane Hailey, of Verona, VirHamilton, of Huntersviile, died Greenbrier Valley Hospital at ginia; three sisters, Mrs. Beuon the way to the Po'ahontas Ronceverte after a long illness. lah Cayton and Mrs. Susie Memorial Hospital on'Friday, Born December 11,1888, in Bond, both of Salem. Virginia, October 1, 1965. McDowell County, she was a and Mrs. Louella Rogers, of daughter of the late Wilkerson Baltimore, Maryland; one He was born August 28,1965. brother, Frank Garrett, of Surviving the baby are his •. and Annie Hardy Beavers. She was a member of the Sa- Hagerstown, Maryland; six parents, a brother, Jeffery lem Primitive Baptist Church grandchildren, and a number Allan, his grandrnrsnts, Mr. of nieces and nephews. in Virginia. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton and She was preceded in death Mr. and Mrs. Gray McComb, Survivors include four dauof Huntersvil e, and greatghters, one of whom is Miss by seven brothers and four sisters. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pansy Harrison, of Renick; Miibum Sharp, of Marl.nton. Funeral services were held four sons; fourteen grandchilGraveside services were held dren and one great-grandchild. Tuesday in the Etter Funeral in the Biaver Creak Cemetery Funeral services were held Home, conducted by the Rev. Sunday by the Rev. Sherman Saturday afternoon at the Bryant Nelson and the Rev. Markley. Earl Marquiss, with interMount Herman United Methment in Riverview Cemetery, odist Church at Renick by GARFIELD HAYES Elder Landon Collie and EldGarfield Hayes, of Seebert, Mrs. Mary V. Hankins er Stewart Owens, with burial aged 73, died suddenly of a heart Mrs. Mary Virginia Hankins, in the Morningside Cemeterj attack on Monday morning, Feb-I 72, of Sophia, North Carolina, Iruary 1, 1954. He was the ion! at Renick. formerly of Gap Mills, died 'of the late Abram and Martha Friday, October 14, 1983, in a . Clutter Hayes. Thomasville, North Carolina, ' The funeral was held an WedMrs. Jacsb Harper hospital after a long illness. nesday afternoon from the HillsMrs. Emma McNeill Harper, boro Methodist Church with Rev. She attended the Church of Frank A. Johnson i.. charge. In- aged 99 years, died on Tuesday, the Nazarene. terment was in the Oak Grove .December 11, 1956, at the home Surviving her are sons, of a daughter, Mrs. Lena Milts George, Cemetery. Paul, and R. T., all of Surviving are a brother, Burke; in Huntington. On Friday, her Hopewell, Virginia, Bill of four sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Bue- body was laid to rest in the Sophia; daughters, Mrs. Carohannon of Morgantown; Mi's. Harper family cemetery at Flatlyn Jones, of Colonial Heights, woods, Braxton County. Beile Simmons of Charleston; Virginia, Mrs. Lottie Thornton Mrs. Nannie Wooten of Seebert; The deceased was the widow and Mrs. S. D. Kirk of Hillsboro. cf the late Jacob Harper. She of Sophia, Mrs. Edith A11 man and Mrs. Margaret Talbott. was a daughter of the late Peter both of Hopewell; brothers, Ross Hamrick and CatherineRuekman McNeill. Ross Hamrick, of Medina; She was born" in Bland County, Dennis Wilfong, of Mill Point, Ohio, son of EHhu Hamrick, Virginia. Her sister, was the Ben, address unknown, and of Slaty Fork, died Monday, late Mrs. John S. Moore, of Mar- sister, Mrs. Nell Copeland, of June 25, 1962, and bis body linton, and her brother, the late Mill Point; 16 grandchildren will arrive in* Marlinton Thurs- j Rev. Price McNeill, of Huaters- and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Carmel day. ville. Presbyterian Church at Gap . The funeral will be held Fri Mills by the Rev. Sonny Wiseday at 2:00 p. m., but the place man, with burial in Carmel and other arrangements have Cemetery, Gap Mills. not been completed Garfield Hayes, Of Seebert, aged 73 years, died of a b««*rt attack on'MoDday morning, February], 1954. He had appeared to be in fais usual srood health, until struck down as he went about bis business. The funeral will be held from the Hillsboro Methodist Church by bis pastor, Rev. Frank Johnson, Wednesday afternoon, and bia body laid in the Oak Grov. I Cemetery. The deceased was a son of tbt i late Abram and Martha Clutter , Hayes, His blower is Burke, 'and his four sirters are Mrs Gertrude BuchannoD, of Morgantown; Mrs Bjlle Simmons, of Charles:on; Mrs Nannie VVooten, of Seebert; and Mrs S. D. Kirk, of Hillsboro. Mr Hayes never married. He was a farmer and lumberman

Mrs. Stella Hill Hanna. 64, of Renick, died Monday night, December 12,1966, at her home after a two year illness. She was the daughter of the late Doc and Maggie Brown. Survivors include her husband. Mack; a daughter, Mrr. Darell Duty, of Baltimore, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Hallie Hambrickand Mrs. Nina Ina Shope, both of Biltimore, and two brothers, Quincy, of Baltimore and Guy Brown, of Mill Point. The funeral was held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Jack K. Wa'lace Funeral HomeatLewisburg with Rev, J. K Fairburn in charge. Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick.


1 JL» .

rnn. KODeri narier Mrs. Daisy May Harler, 76, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, August 7,1979, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Grace Baptist Church in St. Albans. A native of Ohio, she was born August 23, 1902, the daughter of Samuel and Mary Lutz Anderson. Surviving her are her husband, Robert J. Harler; two sons, Edsel Bell, Parkersburg, and Nelson Bell, Charleston; a brother, Edward Anderson, and a sister, Mrs. Zelma Hertz, Palm Springs, California. Services will be held at 10 a. m. Thursday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by th< Rev. Gail Cutlip, with buria in Cunningham Cemetery. Jobs Dijtoi HereM

John Dayton Herold, 62, native of Knapps Creek, Huntersville, died Saturday, February 4,1978, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital of a ieart attack. He was a member of West* minster Presbyterian Church. Born September 8, 1915, at Huntersville, he was a son of 'he late John Letcher and Margaret Hinkle Herold. He served in World War II and was stationed at Stark General Hospital, Charleston, South Carolina. He later served in the Merchant Marines, Ijjev York. Surviving are: n sister, Miss Pauline Ceroid, at home; a brother, Elmer W. Herold, of Eieanor, and a nephew, Thomas Keith Herold, of Richwood. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at two p. m., in the VanReenen Funeral Home, in Marlinton, by the Rev. Willis V. Cornelius, with burial in Mountain View. Cemetery.


Julian B. Hanson, 62, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, died Sunday, January 1, 1984, in Medical College of Virginia Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, after a four months' illness. Born May 13,1921, he was a native of Lewisburg. Mr. Hanson was employed by Holiday Construction Company and was a U. S. Army veteran . of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Eileen Howard Hanson, one son, William J. Hanson, one daughter, Delores F. McCarty, all of Fredericksburg, Virginia; two brothers, Clarence, of Spotsylvania, Virginia, Donald, of White Sulphur Springs; two sisters, Catherine Meadows, of Spotsylvania, Virginia, and Hazel Zimmerman, of Lewisburg; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday, January 4, 1984, at Wilson Smith Funeral Chapel with Rev. Dave Russell officiating. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Gardens in Fredericksburg. Mr. Hanson was a brotherin-law of Mrs. Robert McNeill, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Robert Viers, of Buckeye.

D. M. Hale

Dorothy B. H a m r i c k COWEN — Dorothy B. Hamrick, 76, of Cowen died April 12, 1997, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a long illness. She was a Protestant, a homemaker, a member o£- Cowen Garden Club, and a 50-year resident of Webster County. Surviving: sons, William "Fred" of Craigsville, Jim of Oakland, Md.; daughters, Ramona Westfall of Cowen, Carma Massie of Ackworth, Ga., Flora Gillardo of Indianapolis; 13 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Adams Funeral Home, Cowen, with the Rev Okey Wayne officiating. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Erbacon. Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.


David Mathew-Hale,'aged 54 years, died on Sunday afternoon, Febraary 5, 1950, at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Cleveland, Ohio. He had been ill for many m jntbs. The funeral services were held | from the—Pre&byterian Church in j Marlinton, wi< J tbe ilev. K- r . J Melton officiating, with Iuterment] in the family plot in Mountaiu : View Cemetery. »_ The deceased was a native of r Vdford County, Pennsylvania, out had made his home near Marlinton for the last few years. He is survived by his wife, who was

Mrs. Marvin Hannah h a s received word of the death of her brother, Guy McCalpin, of Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, August 5, 1968. He bad been in failing health for a number of years. Burial was in Covington, Kentucky.

Miss Glenna Barnes.

OrviBe Harrises. Orville Harrison, 71, of Mailory, died Thursday, January 21, 1982, in Man Appalachian Regional Hospital after a short illness.

He was a self employed businessman and a member of Accoville United Methodist Church. Among the survivors was a Sanruil Av'.s Hamrick stepdaughter, Mrs. Dana MilWebster Springs—On Sunday, ler, of, Marlinton. .inue 1, 19-tT, Samuel Avis HaniServices were held at 1 p. m. rick, used 29 years, SOD of Mr. Sunday in Accoville United nid Mrs W. S Hamrick, died ot Methodist Church with Pat He was a brother Heatherman officiating. Burial ;l heart attack. >f Mrs. Jessie H a n n a h / of Slaty was in Highland Memory Fork Gardens, Godby.

Benjamin Franklin Hileman Benjamin Franklin Hileman, 76, of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Pocahontas County, was born June 20, 1896, and passed away on Monday, August. 28, 1972. * Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Mrs. Ollie Jane Hileman, five daughters, Mrs. Lillie Short, of Steelep, Mrs. Margie Thomas, of Delbarton, Mrs. Beatrice Grimes, of Marlinton, Mrs. Virginia Roberts, of Cleveland. Ohio, and Mrs. Rosetta Chapman, of North Ridgeville, Ohio; four sons, Greenway Hileman, of Man, Arthur Hileman, of Columbus, Ohio, Robert Hileman. of East Orland, Maine, and Fred Hileman, of Cleveland, Ohio, and one paternal son, Thomas Gulley, of Cleveland, Ohio; thirty three grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday, August 31, with burial in the West Park Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. We were very sorry that tbe name of Rev. David Rittenhouse was omitted from, the obituary of the late Earl W, VanReenan. S. W. Hedrick

Samuel Whitmore Hedrick, 57, of Union, died Tuesday, March 16, 1971, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte, after a short illness. Born May 17, 1913, at Dorr, he was a son of the late Walter W. and Loma Whitmore Hedrick. Survivors include his wife; one daughter, two grandchildren, four step-sons, one sister, and one brother. He was formerly employed by MacQueen's Store in Marlinton.



w. L. neroid , Winston Lacy Herold, aged 651 years, died iit his home in Minne- j haha Springs early Friday morn-1 iiiiT, September 29, 1950. He had i been in faili g health for many months. On Sunday afternoon 'the funeral was held from the ! Marlinton Presb; teiian Church j by Rev. R P. meltou and Rev. 1 L. E. Saville. Interment in the family plot in Mt. Vi.-w cemetery. i The deceased is survived by his widow, Anna R. Herold and ! three children. Mrs. Eleanor liob-j erts of Huntington; Mrs. Virgin-! ia. Sneddeu, ot huilin^Ton. Iowa;1 arid Grady F. Harold, of Mercedes, Texas. The deceased was a son of the late Lanty W anrl Laura Lock[ti4ge Herold. Of Ids father's family there remain his three brothers, MuSer t$. of Washington; William Glenn, of Charleston: and R»y Piuckne.y, ofWheeling. By occupation, Mr. Herold was u builder and contractor. In reMifion, he belonged to the Ohuicn (if his fathers, the Presbyterian He served u3 Ruling Elder, as did (his father before him, of Westhuinstor Church. Miry M. HHilary

Mrs. Mary Lydia McNeel Hilleary, 64, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, April 21, 1983, in Denmar hospital after a long illness. Born November 19, 1918, at Hillsboro, she was the daughter of the late Jacob Moffett and Rachel Edgar McNeel. Mrs. Hilleary wai a beautician. A member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, she was active in the work of the Women of the Church. She was a life member of the 0 . E. S. and a former of the Pocahontas County Democrat Party Executive Committee. She was preceded in death by her first husband, G. L. Hilleary and a brother, Samuel McNeel. Survivors include her second husband, Paul E. Hilleary; two sons, John L. Hilleary, of Hillsboro; and Robert Hilleary, of Summersville; a daughter, Ann Cloonan, of Morgan town; a brother, Moffett, McNeel, Jr., of Hillsboro; a sister Nancy Edwards, of Lillian, Alabama; seven grandchildren. Service were held Saturday, at 2 p. m. at the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle officiating. Burial wai in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Ifirs. Betty ne;a ^y Mrs. Betty Held, of Grafton, died at the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins, on Wednesday, December 12, 1956. She had been in ill health for a month and seriously ill for five day. Born in Edray; she w as a daughter of the Tate Isaac and Georgia Moore Sharp. She is survived by her husband, William Held; two brothers, John I. Sharp, of Youngstown, Ohio; Allen Sharp, of Marlinton; four sisters, Mrs. Eva Kincaid, of Grafton; Mrs. Lucy Kelley, o( y; Mrs. R u t h Phrjroj^fc Dailey; Mrs. Georgia Moore^jl Marlinton; several nieces and nephews. She was a registered nurse and had served as night supervisor oi the Grafton City Hospital for many years. She was formerly public health nurse in. Taylor County. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Grafton. Services were held at the Bartlett Funeral Home at 2:00 p, m Saturday, December 15, 1953, with the Rev. Ernest L. Robertson, officiating. Burial in Woodsdale Memorial Park Cemetery. Those attending Mrs. Held'? funeral from Marlinton were. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore, Richard Moore, Mrs. Lucy Kelley, Mrs. Walter Mason, Mrs. Walte Shafer, Mrs. Ward Barlow, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gay. Mrs. Wise Herold

Mrs. Ada Sharp Herold aged 68 years, died at her home in Marlinton on SaturJay night, March 12, 19-19. She bad been an invalid for several years with heart trouble. On Monday afternoon the fune.rt'l was held from the Presbyterian Church by her pastor, Rev. Roger P. Melton.' Burial in the family plot in Mt. View cemetery. Mrs. Herold was a daughter of the late Lee and Elizabeth McNeill Sharp. She was marritd to Wise Herold, who preceded her some years in death. Their chil-i dren are Mrs. Marie Herold Taylor ar 1 Polly anna. Her sisters are Mrs. Melviu Sharp and Mrs. Rella Chestnut; her brother is Creamer Sharp. A sister, Mrs. v dgar Wooddell died in recent n.oiiths. Mrs. Herold was a life long member and faithful worker in thtPresbyterian church. It is given to few people to so thoroughly enjoy a life wholly iiiven in service to ofrbers, as was f h;- experience of this most useful and truly good woman.

uiuuyBL,. neuricK

Mrs, Gladys Lynette Hedrick, 78, of Kerens, died Thursday, April 12, 1984, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. She had been in failing health for several years. She was born at Frost, the daughter of the late Rev. Oscar B. and Ella Shrader Sharp. On July 1, 1926, she was married to Frank Hedrick, who survives. Also surviving are sons, Hubert, at home, Bert, of Parsons, and Dale, of Hendricks; daughters, Mrs. Gertrude- Carr, of Barberton, Ohio, Mrs. Otta Ashby, of Sulphur, Louisiana, Mrs. Johanna Nelson, of Elkins, Mrs. Annis Dell Combs, of Manassas, Virginia; 28 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and 9 step-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Johnny Lee Hedrick; three brothers, Aldine Sharp, Clarence Sharp, and Leslie Sharp; two sisters, Mrs. Grace Shipley, Mrs. Dare Ray, and two grandchildren. Mrs. Hedrick attended school in Pocahontas County. She was a member of the Riverview Chapel at Porterwood and a retired cook for the Tucker County schools. Services were held Sunday, April 15, at the Riverview Chapel by Rev. Bill Harris, with burial in Mountain State Memorial Gardens at Gilman.

Robert Hiner Robert McClure Hiner, 88, died Thursday, February 7, 1985, at his home at Dunmore after a long illness. He was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church and a retired auto mechanic. Born February 13, 1896, at Doe Hill, Virginia, he was the son of the late Robert K. and Mary Jane Bishop Hiner, of Staunton. * He was married on October 3, 1925, to Lolla Gray Grimes, who survives. Sisters and brothers preceding him in death were Sam, Bill, Gray don, Hiram Hiner, Lona Zirk, Martha Cobb, and Elizabeth Campbell. In addition to bis wife, he is survived by two daughters, Roberta Jane Seagrove, of Richmond, Virginia, and Ida Pritchard, of Marlinton; three grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m.

WUtS. IMJUf. M .

Hugh M. Hefner \ /

Hugh Miller Hefner, 59, died Tuesaay, March 24, 1971, in a Ronceverte hospital. He was a farmer and custodian for Greenbrier East High School. A veteran of World War II, he belonged to the American Legion Post 69 of Lewisburg. He was a member oi the Sharon United Methodist Church of Locust Creek. Survivors include his wife, Magdalene; two daughters, Sister Rose Ann, of Wheeling; and Miss Mary Hefner, of Wash ington, D. C ; one son, Richard, of Louisville, Kentucky; one foster son, John Dameron, with the Army at Ft. Gordon Georgia; his mother, Mrs. Rach ael Hefner, of Beard; one broth er, Frank, of Charleston, and one sister, Mrs. Hattie VanReenan, of Beard. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the. Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Lewisburg with Rev. Dean Boyer, in charge. Burial was in the Greenbrier Memorial Gardens at Lewisburg. Mrs. Maude M. Hinkle

Mrs. Maude Myles Hinkle, 98, of Renick, died Sunday, May 5,1974, at her home after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Renick and was a member of the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church at Renick. Survivors include one daughter, Mis& Ruth Hinkle, of Renick; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Kinnison, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. R. L. (Stella) Wolfenbarger, of Oak Ridge, Tennesee; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle. Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

i j j



UNION. W. Va. — Mrs. Ocie McNiel Hevener, 81, of Union died Tuesday morning

Julian Craig Miner Julian Craig Hiner, 72, of Belle, died Saturday, February 2, 1985, in Charleston Area Medical Center after a long illness. He was born in Marlinton, the son of the late Cecil and Grace Cleek Hiner. A sister, Katherine DeLay, preceded him in death. He was a retired instrument mechanic for DuPont and a member of Belle Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Nellie; daughters, Helen Isner, :f Elkins, and Dorothy Hiner. of Belle; two grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at Belle Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Tyson Hope, with burial in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg. 8uy Henry Hl(|ln

Gay Henry Higgins, 75, of Glendale, Arizona, formerly of Marlinton, died Friday, December 10, 1982, after a long illness. Born July 25,1907, in Marlinton, he was a son of John Henry and Etta 'Jackson Higgins. Q_, — Mr. Higgins was retired after 20 years at the Maryland Drydocks in Baltimore. He was a member of the Trinity Methodist Church in Phoenix. He was preceded in death by a brother, Carl and two sisters, Grace Hill and Ariene Fertig. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn; two sons, Lewis Higgins, of Fairfax, Virginia, Kenneth Higgins, Glendale, Arizona; four brothers, Ellett Higgins, Marlinton, Harry Higgins, Amherst, Ohio, Jim Higgins, of Las Vegas, Nevada, and Dan Higgins, of Booneville, Indiana; two sisters, Ethel Akers, of Marlinton and Wanda Peterson, of Phoenix, Arizona, and two grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at two p. m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

m. «. (.
Forrest Hollandsworth Forrest Hollandsworth, aged 51 years, died at his home at Barracksville on April 3, 1955, after i long illness. His body was laid in Beverly Hills Memorial Gardens near Morgantown. The fuleral was held from the Methodst Church, of which he was a member. The decea led is sinvivedby his wife, Hazel, and their children,. Jack and Betty. Also, his three Asters, Mrs Nina Bruffey, Mrs Martha Payne and Mrs Maryj Jladwell; by four brothers, Ross, Charles, Brooks and Dale.


tmma Kelley Hodge Emma Kelley Hodge, age 67, of Marlinton, died Saturday, March 29, 1997, in Alleghany Regional Hospital,- Low Moor, Virginia, after a long illness. Mrs. Hodge was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene and a retired leather buffer with Hanover Shoe. She was born at Seebert June 4, 1929, the daughter of the late Howard James and Sarah Byrd Kelley. Also preceding her in death were her husband, Cecil Howard Hodge; four brothers, Clayborne Kelley, James Kelley, Lawrence Kelley, and Junior Paul Kelley; and a sister, Shirley Jones. Survivors include two sons, Roger Thomas Watson, of Marlinton, and Lewis Taft Wilson, of Belleville; two daughters, Sandra Anderson, of Marlinton, and Saundra Wikelund, of Cleveland, Tennessee; step-sons, Kenneth Watson, of Youngstown, Ohio, Lonnie Watson, of Parkersburg, and William Watson, of Huntington; a step-daughter, Virginia Metz, of Parkersburg; four brothers, Albert Kelley, DCalifornia, Charles Kelley, of Lancaster, Ohio, George Kelley, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Robert Lee Kelley, of Marlinton; a sister, Helen Snyder, of Fairmont; thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. Wallace L. Dorn, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Church of God World Mrs. Mjpde G. Hollandsworth Missions, Saundra Wickline Mrs. Maude G. Hollands #0700075, P. O. Box 80716, worth, 79, of Renick, died Cleveland, Tennessee 37320. Sunday, March 21, 1965, in the Greenbrier Valley HospiJesse James Hoke tal at Ronceverte, after a long Jesse James Hoke, 95, of illness. White Sulphur Springs, died Wednesday in Potomac House Survivors include two dauNursing Home, at Ronceverte. ghters, Mrs. Ovid McMillion, He was a retired lumberof Renick, and Mrs. Patrick j Goheen, of Summersville; five man. sons, Denver Hollandsworth Surviving him are sons, |of Hillsboro, Paul Hollands- Roscoe and Arnold, of White worth, of Alvon, Gus Hollands Sulphur Springs, Leo, of Cowworth, of Dunbar, Carl Hol- en, Kenneth, of Marlinton; landsworth, of Renick, and Sergeant Travis Hollandsworth daughters, Mrs. Julie Foley stationed with the Army in and Mrs. Sadie Feury, both of White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Germany; one brother, John \. Gabbert, of Lewisburg; Nellie Boggs, of Second Creek, three sisters, Mrs. Maggie Rog Mrs. Betty Hubbard, of Glace; 3 rs, of Beard, Miss Emily Gab brother, Verlie Hoke, of Caldaert and Mrs. Cathleen Hern- well, sister, Mrs. Reldie White, don, both of Frank ford; 17 of Rainelle; foster sons, Julian grandchildren, and 13 great- Hoke, of Roanoke, Virginia; foster daughter, Mrs. Stella grandchildren. Huffman, of Fairlea; 36 grandchildren; 45 great-grandchildren. Howard 0. Hollen


Howard 0.. Hollen, 79, of Warren, Pennsylvania, died Friday; March 29, 1968, in Warren General Hospital after a brief illness. He was 79. Born in Boyer, October 8, 1888, he was a son of John W. and Ida Grogg Hollen. He was married lo Chloe L. Harper who died November 23, 1962. Mr. Hollen was employed at the G. G. Green Manufacturing Co., in Warren, until he retired 13 years ago. He had been a member of the former South Shenango United Presby terian Church. He leaves four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Brirkley, with whom he lived in Warren, Mrs Madeline Beard, Sharon, Pa. Mrs. Argil Scott, Meadville Pa., and Mrs. Irene Randall Erie, Pa.; a son, Harper, Con neaut Lake, Pa.; seven sisters Mrs. Blanche Phillips, Mrs Hazel Thompson, and Mrs Vonnie Spencer, a'l of Harts town, Pa., Mrs. Wilma Lam bert, Greenville, Pa., Mrs Mary Nelson, Edinboro, Pa. Mrs. Lillie Phillips, Cambridge Springs, Pa., and Mrs. Fannie Snyder, Green Bank;a brother, Raymond, Phoenix, Arizona; 16 grandchildren and 18 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the James W. Baird Funeral Home Jamestown, with burial in South Shenango Cemetery.

Owen Milton Hook, 87, of Mill Point, died Sunday. October 31, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital at Marlinton after a long illness. Born at McDowell, Virginia, July 11, 1884, he was a son of the late Thomas L. and Micinda Catherine Hook. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, and a retired farmer. He was preceded in death by his wife, Bertie Jane Hook, and one daughter, Elizabeth Hook Kaminisky. Survivors include one son, Francis Wade Hook, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; one daughter, Mrs. Lillian B. Cole, of Green Bank, and one sister, Mrs. Josephine Stewart, of Williamsville, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Dorothy Kershner Hodge Dorothy L. Kershner Hodge, 79, of Hillsboro, died September 29, 1992, at Humana Hospital Greenbrier Valley, at Fairlea, after a short illness. She was a member of Mount Zion United Methodist Church on Droop. Born August 13, 1913, in Warm Springs, Virginia, she was the daughter of John and Ella Proffit McFadden. Preceding her in death were her parents; her first husband, George W. Kershner; sons, Calvin and Ronald Kershner; brothers, William and June; and a sister, Edith Baldwin. Surviving her are her husband, Julian Hodge; two children, Hobert Kershner, of Droop, and Henry Kershner, of San Angelo, Texas; a brother, Charles McFadden, of Columbia, South Carolina; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held Friday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Roy Gwinn, with burial in Sunset Cemetery at Jacox.

mrs. KODen w . nowara

Mrs. Marjorie Warwick Howard, 71, of Danville, formerly of Port Charlotte, Florida, and Sharpies, died Saturday, May 29, 1971, in the Boone Memorial Hospital at Madison, after a long illness. Born at West Union, February 28, 1900, she was a daughter of the late Otis and Annie Carter Warwick. She was a member of St. James Episcopal Church in Port Charlotte, Florida, a member of the Eastern Star in Madison, Daughters of the Confederacy, and a charter member of the Woman's Club Survivors include her husband, Robert Howard; one son, Robert W. Howard, of Nitro; three daughters, Mrs. Carter Miller, Jr., of Powell Creek; Mrs. Jane Paeltz, of Fairborn, Ohio, and Mrs. Ruth Trent, of Charleston, and one sister, Mrs. Jewell Mullins, of Dunbar. ^V^Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Hunter and Hunter Funeral Home Chapel at Madison, by the Rev. E. E. Parker, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Roy Maifc Horton -J\ Roy Mack Horton, 71, owner cf Horton'a Market in Marlinton, died Thursday, March 17,1983, of heart failure in Alleghany Regional Hospital in Lowmoor, Virginia. He was born at Hillsviile, Virginia, December 3,1911, the son of W. R. and Lilly Guynn Hot ton. Survivors include two sons and two daughters, Glen Horton, Smoot, Richard Horton, Eustis, Florida; Brenda Harmon, Woodlawn, Virginia, Christine Gibson, Cleburne, Texas; eight grandchildren; a brother, Rush Horton, Cowen, and three listers Pearl Bunn, Lizzie Melton, and Carrie Bolt, all of Hillsviile, Virginia. Services were held Saturday, at 11 a. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Robert Higgins, with additional services in Hillsviile on Sunday afternoon. Burial was in Skyview Cemetery at Fancy Gap, Virginia.


Dennis James Hoke Dennis James Hoke, son of Donald and June McMillion Hoke, was born December 3, 1962, and died Friday, January 13, 1967. He was drowned when he fell through the ice on a pond at the tan nery. The young boy is survived by his parents, three brothers, Donald Ray, Jr., Darrell Lynn and Dale Edward Hoke, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie McMillion, of Renick, and Mrs. Myrtle Hoke, of Droop. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon by the Rev. Fred Walker and the Rev. Carl Boggs in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, with burial in Morningside Cemetery at Renick. I Junes Howard

James E. Howard, 40, of Catharpin, Virginia, died instantly from a car accident near Frederick, Maryland, August 9, 1978. He is survived by a daughter, Donna, and a son, Daniel, both at home. His mother, Mrs. Sylvia Howard Paragould, of Arkansas, and four sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Crost, of Florida, and Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder, Mrs. Johnnie Bruce, and Mrs. Shirley Lane, all of Arkansas, also survive. He was the husband of Faye (McMillion) Howard, and the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMillion, of Renick. Burial was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens at 4 p. m. Wednesday. Olive C. Hollandsworth Olive Cutlip Hollandsworth, 85, of Droop Mountain, died Friday, September 23, 1994, at home after a long illness. She was a former employee of Denmar Hospital and was a member of Mount Olivet United Methodist Church. Born at Spice, she was the daughter of Dock and Lillie Kershner Cutlip Surviving her are a son, Dock Kelly Hollandsworth, of Mount Clemens, Michigan; a sister, Neva Starks, of North East, Maryland; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark Skaggs. Burial was in the Whiting Cemetery.

mr. uivts nowoyiineii Dives Howdyschell, 64, of 1708 Madison Avenue, Huntington, died Wednesday, December 26, 1979. Born March 3,1915, in Marlinton, he was the son of the late Erwin and Lydia Sharp Howdyscbell Carr. He was a truck driver and a member of Teamster No. 505. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel Janet HowdyBcheil; one daughter, Mrs. Larry Constance Chambers, of Huntington; three sons, Charles and Daniel, both of Huntington, and Michael Howdyscbell, Mansfield, Ohio; four sisters, Mrs. Lena Burgess, Marlinton, Mrs. Joe Pearl Butcher, of Huntington, Mrs. Lula Mae Einertson, of Hawthorne, California, Mrs. Flossie A. Rabe, of Tampa, Fl?r ;j \:eig''t grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Friday at Riger Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Roland Gardner. Burial was in Ridgelawn Memorial Park. Vida Hutchison Miss Vida Larene Hutchison, 72, Forest Hill, difd at her home Saturday, March 13, ! 1965, after a short illness. Dea'h was attributed to a cere bral hemorrhage. She was a registered nurse . for 40 years at the Hinton Hos pitaland a member of the Com munity Christian Church. Survivors include two sisters Mrs. Cora Burg, of Weston, and Mrs. Emma H. Leggett' of Hinton. The funeral was conducted at the Community Christian Church at 11 a. m. Tuesday • with the R?v. John Atkinson in charge. Burial was in the Forest Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. Nephews served as pallbearers.


Thelma fc. Hughes Thelma Ellen Hughes, 75, of Frankford, died Tuesday, August 1, 1995, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center after a long illness. Surviving her are a daughter, Odessa Hively, of Droop; two sons, William D. Hughes, of Frankford, Howard A. Hughes, of Brighton, Michigan; two brothers, Charles Dale, of Fairlea, and William Dale, of Lewisburg; three sisters, Ruth Clemons, of Covington, Virginia, Ruby Clemons, of Anthony, Evidene Bostic, of White Sulphur Springs; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at Enon Baptist Church, of which she was a member, by die Rev. Jim Anderson. Burial will be in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens. Grace Kennison Hook Grace K. Hook, of 644 Barlow Road, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, died February 26, 1984, at home after a long illness. Born October 24, 1909, at Marlinton, she was the daughter of Winona and Rachel Hill Kennison. She was a member of Mount Joy Lutheran Church. Surviving her are two children, Carolyn Jane Hruby, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Paul Edward Hook, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Nellie Hill, of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and one brother, Buster Kennison, of Scott Depot. She was preceded in death by her husband, Francis Wade Hook, on April 1,1981, and one sister, Mabel Barcroft. Services were held February 29 in Monahan Funeral Home with the Rev. Alan O. Traher officiating. Burial was in Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens in Gettysburg. C*r«liM GitJin Hewarl Caroline Catlin Howard died June 19,1975, in Sanford, Florida. She was the widow of Charles Howard arid the daughter of the late Roberta Hunter QaJJin Traynham and stepdaughter of the late Dr. B. L. Traynham, of Sweet Spring. Born in Greensboro, North Carolina, March 17, 1885, she is survived by her brother, John E. Catlin, Sr., of Yankeetown, Florida.

Denver M. (Jake) Hojiiadsworth Denver M. (Jake) Hollandsworth, 70, of Hillsboro, died Monday, March 22, 1982, in Newton D. Baker Veterans Hospital in Martinsburg, after a long illness. He was a retired construction equipment operator, an Army veteran of World War II, and a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Born at Rohrer, April 9, 1911, he was the son of the late John Joseph and Maude Gabbert Hollandswortb. Three brothers, Clifton, Paul and John, and two sisters, Eva and Emily, preceded him tn death. Surviving him are his wife, Freda F. Hollandsworth; two sons, Joe, Martinsburg, and Gary, of Berkeley Springs; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Vanna Goheen, of Madison, and three brothers, Gus, Dunbar, Carl, Philippi, and Travis, of Renick. Services will be i;z\d at two p. m. Thursday in the Wesley Chapel . United Methodist Church in Hillsboro by the Rev. Verlin Butcher and Rev, 'anford Boggs, with burial in x ak Grove Cemetery.

Howard Russell Hiner

Howard Russell Hiner, 66, of Monterey, Virginia, died Monday, June 15, 1970, in a Staunton, Virginia, hospital after a long illness. Born at Monterey, Virginia, January 14, 1904, he was a son of Joseph A. and Lucy E. Rexrode Hiner. He was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church, and a retired employee of the Virginia Department of Highways. Survivors include his wife, the former Madge White, of Monterey, Virginia; one son, Robert Hiner, of Edmburg; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond Taylor, of Dunmore; one sister, Mrs. Rhoda Evick, of Monterey, Virginia; two brothers, Will Hiner, of Monterey, Virginia, and Bernie Hiner, of Staunton, Virginia, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Monterey, United Methodist Church by the Rev. Bobby E. Green, with burial in the Monterey Cemetery.

Mrs. Virginia Hodges

Lanty Rosco Hefner LaDty Rosco Hefner, was born October 6. 1874 at Neola and died December 14, 1947 at the age of lii vears, 2 months and 8 days, at the'bome of his daughter, Mrs. Catherine Sharp, of Minnehaha Springs. He is survived by hve daughters: Mrs. Ann*e Watson, of Neola; Mrs. Goldie Dilley. of Marlinton; Mrs. Catherine Sharp and Mrs Lorena White, of Minnehaha Springs, and Mrs. Garcie <;i!hert. of White Sulphur npiugs and one son, Otis J. Hefner, of Mill Gap, Virginia. A sou and daughter preceded him in death. Twenty-three grandchildren survive. Funeral services were conducted at Mays Chapel on Anthony's Creek, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 the P. M. Burial was made Church cemetery.

j. c. iiaiuiitn James Edwin Hamrick, aged 55 > ears, was found dead in his car near Hamlin Chapel, on Stony Creek, on Friday, September 17, 1954. He had been in failing health for many months. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Don Tayjlor. His body was laid in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. The deceaseiLi&_S£rv\ved by his wife, Mrs. Verna Ware llawrick and their son, Eugene. He is also survived by his parents, Jerry and Margaret Hamrick, ot ; Randolph County. His brothers are Virgil and Donna, and his sisters are Mrs. Caroline Marstiller anq Mrs. Louella Eubank, j At the time of his death, he was Recorder of his town. He was a former Mayor, and a former Clerk of the Circuit Court of PocahonOtis John Hefner tas County. He was a member Otis John Hefner, eleven of the board of Deacons of the J month old son of John and VirPresbyterian Church. He was vgima Winstead Hefner, died on in the insurance business. Idonday, October 25, 1965, at; I! his home in Garfield Heights, Mrs. Susie Hevener O&VA-T)" Ohio. He was born October son. 84, of Lititz, Pennsyl' 29,1964, in the Pocahontas Mevania, died Wednesday, Nomorial Hospital at Marlinton. . vember 22, 1972, at the UnitI Besides his mother and fath-1 ed Zion Home in Lititz, after er, he is survived by one sister,' a lengthy illness. Linda Marie, age two and one-1 Born at Durbin, she was a I half; his paternal grandmother, i daughter of the late Samuel I Mrs. Anna Margaret Hefner, j and Nancy Curry Hevener. | of Monterey, Virginia; and his A resident of the Lititz area '• maternal grandparents, Mr. since 1944, she was a member land Mrs. Elliott Francis Winof the Lititz Church of the I stead, of Baltimore, Maryland. Brethren. He was preceded in death by She was the widow of Silas his grandfather, Otis John HefDavidson who died in July. ner. She was the last of her imFuneral services and burial mediate family. were in Baltimore, Maryland. Survivors include four sons, Herman, Roy, Hevener and Otis J. Hefner Earl Davidson, all of Lititz; one daughter, Miss Mary O is J. Hefuer. aged 50 years, Davidson, of Lititz; thirteen of Mill G^p, Va., died in the grandchildren, and fifteen University Hospital at Charlottes great-grandchildren. /die. on September 20, 1951. afFuneral services were held r a long illness. Tne deceased Saturday afternoon in the Litvas a son of the late Ross Hefner, itz Church of the Brethren by iis sisters are Mrs. Mirl O-ljey, the Rev. W. Clemens Rosen. Vtarlioton; Mrs. Arlie White btrger. Interment in Longead ' rs. Sharp, both of Miune necker's Cemetery. I miia Springs.

Mrs. Virginia Ellen Soiitl Hodges, 28, of CJeveland, Ohio formerly of Kineaid, died Friday, August 30, 1974, in a Cleveland hospital, after a long illness. Born at Kineaid, April 18, 1946, she was a daughter of Roy and Helen McCormick Smith Kineaid. She was preceded in death by a daugdter, Cynthia EJIerl, May 17, 1968. She was a devoted Christian and attended the- Baptist .Church at Cleveland, Ohio. Her husband, Marion Hodges, 3734 West 15th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44109, is a grandson of the late Otto Kennison and of Mrs. Viola Lewis, of Hillsboro. His twin sister is Mrs. Marvel McNeill, of Buckeye and another sister is Mrs. Ruby Burns, of Hillsboro. She is survived by her husband Marion D. Hodges, a son, Joseph Dale Hodges, and a daughter, Kitty Lee, both of Cleveland, six brothers, Charles Edward Smith, John Leslie Smith, and Ray Alvin Smith, all of Kineaid, Darrell Allen Smith, of Cleveland, and Billy Lee Smith, Chicago, Indiana, and George Robert Smith, Elyria, Oeio, six sisters, Mrs. Beulah Schnake, Pontiac, Mich igan, Mrs. Betty Lively, Strongsville, Ohio, Mrs. Mary Myers, Cleveland, Mrs. Goldie Stapus, Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Helen Sizemore, Kineaid, and Mrs. Reba Sayers, Gauley Bridge. The funeral was Monday at 2 p. m. at the Open Bible Tabernacle at Kineaid with the Rev. R. K. Bond in Charge. Among those in Oak Hill or Kineaid for the funeral of Mrs. Virginia Hodges were Mr. aad Mrs. Merrell Hodges, Mr. and Mrs Keith Hodges and Keith, Jr., of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Ronald Stanfer of Riesterstown, Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burns, Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Blix McNeill, Buckeye, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hodges, Milton, Mrs. Calvin Lewis, Mrs. Gertrude McCoy, Mrs. LaVerne McCoy, Don McCoy, of Droop, Mr. and Mrs. Bugh - 's. .. ames P. Hoover died at her on Upper Camden Avenue on Hill, Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. htiDo K ..nesday morning December 28, Noel Hodges, of Huntington. bm. She had been in failing health for some time, but the Immediate cause of her death was an attack of acute indigestion. She is survived by her husband.


Icie Harris CANTON,OHIO--IcieHarris of Canton, Ohio, formerly of Guardian, died at Aultman Hospital in Canton, Ohio, on Sunday, February 5, 1995, following a short illness. She was 75 years of age. She was born in Guardian, the daughter of Franklin and Mary Skidmore Ware, both deceased. She was a homemaker and had lived in Canton, Ohio since 1982, coining from Cleveland, Ohio. She is survived by: daughter, Carol Cutright of Rock Cave; sons, Jimmie Cool of Canton, Ohio and Paul Cool of Guardian; sisters, Myrtle McCoy of Summersvillc, Betty Rockhold, and Laura Mcintosh, both of Guardian; brothers, Home Ware of Guardian and Edward Ware of Dc.\tor City, Ohio; 17 grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by husbands Paul E. Cool and Norman Harris, daughter, Judy Cool, son, Robert Cool, and by two sisters and two brothers. Services were will be held on Thursday, February 9, at 11:()() a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch, officiating. Burial will be a! the Big Run Cemetery in Diana. Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday, February 8, from 69:00 p.m.

Claude Hay ward Mullins YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO-Claude Hayward Mullins of Youngstown, Ohio, formerly of Webster County, died peacefully in his sleep, on Sunday, April 2, 1995, at his residence. He was 75 years of age. He was born on August 3,1919, in Webster Springs, the son of the late Sally B. Mullins and Pat Cogar. He had lived in Youngstown, Ohio, since the 1950s, and had formerly worked at the post office in Webster Springs and was retired from U.S. Steel in Youngstown, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He is survived by: his wife, Berti R. Carpenter Mullins, of Youngstown, Ohio; daughterandson-in-law,Linda Sue and Richard Bowin of Youngstown, Ohio; step-daughter, Carol Hosey of Youngstown, Ohio; stepson, Harold Kirkendoll of Youngstown, Ohio; half-brothers, Ray Mullins of West Virginia and Bernard Cogar of Webster Springs; half-sisters, Ella Oliver and Nellie Combs, both of Hacker Valley, and June Tenney of Webster Springs; 2 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, and many cousins and other relatives. Services were held on Wednesday, April 5, at 1:30 p.m. at Lanes Funeral Home in Austintown, Ohio. Burial was in Youngstown, Ohio.

Hayward W. Hall DIANA-Hayward W. Hall of Sue Ann Hall Diana died at the Braxton County CLARKSBURG--Sue Ann Hall Health Care on Saturday, June 28, of Clarksburg, formerly of Webster 1997, following a long illness. He County died at her sister's residence wa^88 years of age. on Sunday, April 6,1997, following a He was'born in Guardian on March long illness. She was 57 years of 18, 1909, the son o f the late Henry age. She was bom in Webster Springs, and Dora Clifton Hall. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County, onAugust2,1939. Shewasamachine and was a retired miner. He was a operator at Borg-Warner. She is survived by: her husband, member of the Holly River Baptist Kenneth Hall of Clarksburg; daughChurch in Diana and the UMWA. He is survived by: his wife, Edith ters, Malinda Barnett of Clarksburg Hall of Diana; sons, Mark Hall and and Camilla Channell of Webster the Rev. Jerry Hall, both of Diana; Springs; son, Tim Hall of Ashboro, daughter, DorisNocidaofSistersville; N.C.; brother, Ken Gregory of Mesisters, Julia Campbell of Charleston dina, Ohio; sister, Josephine Lechner and Amy Howell of Cambridge ofPhoenix, Ariz.; and 8 grandchildren. Services will be held on Friday, Springs, Pa.; 8 grandchildren, and 10 April 11, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & great-grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, Reed Funeral Home in Webster July 1, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Springs, with the Rev. Phillip Reed Funeral Home in Webster Channell, the Rev. Sam Gray, and the Springs, with the Rev. Jerry Hall and Rev. Harold Schrader, officiating. the Rev. Bud Cochran, officiating. Burial will be at the Holly River Baptist Burial was at W. Va. Memorial Gar- Church Cemetery in Diana. Friends may call at the funeral from 6-9:00 dens, in Calvin. p.m., on Thursday, April 10.

Paul R. Hull Paul Richard Hull, 66, Havre de Grace, Marylai formerly of Highland Coun Virginia, died Wednesday, J 3, 1985, at his home. Mr. Hull was born May 1919, at McDowell, Virgin the son of the late Hubert a Bertha Helmick Hull. His wife, Helen Virgin Hull, died April 12, 1975. Surviving him are a daugl ter, Helen Marie Dutton, o Arcadia, Ohio; two sons, Ricb ard E. and Robert B. Hull, both of Aberdeen, Maryland; a step/a Albert S. Hamilton " Albert Sidney Hamilton, 7!), died at his home in Buena Vista, Va., Juue 13, 1950, after an illness of 6 months. He was married to L.vnn Gay, April 26, 1906'at the bride's home in Marlinton, In Rev. J. I). Pope. He is survived l>v his wife and their three daughters, Marie, Fn n e< and Kathc.r ine and one grandson. Lynn M Hamilton. A son, Albert Sidney Hamilton. Jr., preceded him in dratli about 5 years ago. He i^ also survived by his three broth ITS and four sisteis: ,J. O. Ham ilton, of- Huntington, VV. Va ; R. E and Isaac Hamilton, Lun and Jennie Hamilton, of Lexington; Mrs | Waller Hurt, Baton Rouge, La., Mrs C. R. Ambler, Verona, Va. Funeral sen ice was held from the home on Thursday afternoon; burial in Green Hill Cemetery, Buena Vista. Mr. Hamilton wa« a graduate of the SDunsmore Business College, commercial course chss of 1901. Later, he came to Marliir ton to work {for W. J. Killingsworth as a carpenter. This tradehe followed the rest of his life.


Archie H. Hickman CAMDEN-Archie H. Hickman of Camden-on-Gauley, died at the Summersville Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, May 24,1995, following a long illness. He was 83 years of age. He was born in Cowen, on April 25,1912, the son of the late Archie S. and Selina Woods Hickman. He lived his life in Webster County, and was a retired coal miner. He was a 23-year member of the Cowen Lions Club, and was a member of the Bethel United Methodist Church in Camdenon-Gauley, and the UMWA. He is survived by: his wife, Delma Justus Hickman of Camden-on-Gauley; sons, Archie "Johnny" Hickman of Fayetteville, N.C. and George E. Hickman of Summersville; daughters, Sue Callahan of Winfield and Jane McManaman of Nitro; brothers, Fred C. Hickman of Avon Lake, Ohio and James Hickman of Sheffield, Ohio; sister, Ruth Remmel of Oxford, Md.; 4 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren, and 10 step-great-grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, May 27, at 1:00 p.m., at the Bethel United Methodist Church with the Rev. Clarice Daniel and the Rev. Okey Wayne, both of Cowen, officiating. Burial was in the W. Va. Memorial Gardens in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home in Cowen was in charge of the arrangements.

Russell E. Hihes DIANA-Russell E.< Hines, ol Diana, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital on Saturday, April 5, 1997, following a long illness. He was 93 years of age. He was born in Braxton County, on August 24,1903. Hewasaretired coal miner with Hickory Lick Mine and was a trustee at the Holly River Baptist Church in Diana. He was a member of the UMWA. He is survived by: son, Thomas Hines of Indianapolis, Ind.; daughters, Vona Ripley of Cross Lanes, Vera Williams of Indianapolis, Ind., and Rosemary Wills of Pulaski, Va.; 14 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pearl, daughter Ann, and sons Charles and Robert. f5 Services were held on Tuesday, April 8, at 2:00 p.m., at the Holly River Baptist Church in Diana" with the Rev. Jerry Hall, officiating. Burial was at the Holly River Baptist Church Cemetery. Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, was in charge of the arrangements.

DenzilP. "Jake" Hines SARASOTA, FLA.-Denzel P. "Jake" Hines, of Sarasota, Florida, formerly of Webster County, died at his home on Monday, October 24, 1994. He was 89 years of age. He was born in Webster Springs, the son of the late C. L. and Sarah Hines. He attended West Virginia University, where he was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, and also attended the University of Alabama. He was elected Sheriff of Webster County in 1940 and served in that office until he entered the Army in December ofl 942. After World War II, Jake and his brother-in-law Manning "Pete" Wright, Jr., owned and operated the Webster Springs Hotel for a period of time and Jake later operated the lodge at Blackwater Falls £late Park before becoming the director of food distribution for the State of West Virginia. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Webster Springs, the V.F.W., and the Emeritus Club of W. Va. Wesleyan College. He is survived by: his wife, Georgia B. Hines; daughter, Brigette of Huntington; step-daughters, Mary Ann Maynard and Cassa F. Preece, both of Wayne County; step-sons, Russell and Earl D. Booton, both of Wayne County; sister-in-law, Mayme Morion of Webster Springs; 14 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, 5 nieces and 5 nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Ruth Morion Hines, and by sisters, Pearlie Fortune, Garnet Wright, and Opal Flanagan. Services were held on Wednesday, October 26, at 2:00 p.m., at the Toale Brothers Funeral Home in Sarasoia, Fla. Memorial may be made to the American Heart Association, Suncoast Chapter 5927 Beneva Road, Sarasota, Fla. 34244, or the [ Alzheimer's Association, 350 Braden ' Avenue-, Sarasota, Fla. 34243. The family plans a brief memorial service and burial of the cremains at the Morion Family Cemetery on Morion Hill, Webster Springs, at a suitable time later this year or early 1995.

Strickler Hoover Strickler Hoover, aged about 7(' .years, died of a henrtattack atthi home of P. W, Underwood, or Beaver Creek, on Monday after noon, Marc'i 1, J951. He was a retired woodsman. No arrange menti for the funeal have beei announced.

Pearl P. Holcomb WINDHAM, OHIO-Pearl P. Holcomb of Windham, Ohio, formerly of Webster County, died on Sunday, October 22, 1995, at the Robinson Memorial Hospital, following a lengthy illness. She was 76 year of age. She was born in Areola, on December 14,1918, ihe daughter of the late Jonas and Delia Coon Tyler. She had resided in Windham, Ohio since 1954, and was retired as a finisher for Walker China in Bedford, Ohio. She was a member of the Windham Baptist Church. She is survived by: her husband, Donald, with whom she would have celebrated her 60lh wedding anni-> versary on November 1; sons, Donald of Florida, Robert of Freedom, Ohio, Paul of Streetsboro, Ohio, and James of Garrettsville, Ohio; daughters, Mrs. James (Ruth) Owens of Windham, Ohio and Mrs. Ernest (Carol) Bradley of Garrettsville, Ohio; brothers, John of West Virginia, Clifford of Ohio,, Thurmond of West Virginia, and Freddie of Ohio; sisters.LindaStickle, Carol Cascarelli.MaryN.McElwain, Sharon, and Karen, all of West Virginia; 25 grandchildren, and 26 greatgrandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by son, Michael, daughter, Kalhcrine, by five brodiers, and one sister. Services were held on Wednesday, October 25, at 1:00 p.m., at the Windham Baptist Church. Burial was at the Windham Cemetery. The WoodKortright Funeral Home in Ravenna, Ohio, was in charge of the arrangements.

Sudie Anna Hackney Sudie Anna Hackney, age 68, of Gay, died June 27, 1997, in Jackson General Hospital at Ripley. She was a Protestant. Surviving her are five sons, Larry Frazier, of Marietta, Ohio, Charles Frazier, of Ripley, Ronnie Frazier, of Parkersburg, Darrell Frazier and William Frazier, both of Cottageville; three daughters, Debra Jane Conner, of Durbin, Linda Sue Frazier and Shirley Ann Scarberry, both of Gay; three sisters, Ida Goins and Lelvia Summer, both of Plainfield, Indiana, and Elizabeth LeFary, of Martinsville, Indiana; 22 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Casto Funeral Home in


-^"c5 £{

Virgil B. Hamrick


« / 2> '

Corley <J. Hamrick

Mr. Corley C. Hamrick of Webster GAINESVILLE, FLA.--Mr. Springs, died at Webster County Virgil B. Hamrick of Gainesville, Memorial Hospital in Webster Springs Florida, formerly of Webster County, on Monday, January 24,1994, after a died in Alexander City, Alabama, on long illness. He was 83 years of age. Monday, January 24, 1994, after a He was born at Holly River, on brief il Iness. He was 84 years of age. October 10, 1910, the son of John He was born in Webster County Andrew Jackson and Sara Loucinda on October 19, 1909, the son of the Baldwin Hamrick, both deceased. He late Pat and Mertie Hamrick. He had was a lifelong resident of Webster lived in Florida for the past 20 years, County and was retired as a coal miner and was a supervisor for the laying of and steel mill worker. He was a TV cable, both in Webster County member of the Union Valley Union and in Florida. He was a member of Mission Church in Webster Springs the Wayside Baptist Church in Gainesville, Ha. He was active in and the UMWA. •"' He is survived by: his wife, Mrs. volunteer work, and was involved in ArzonaFlorence McCartney Hamrick; the meals-on-wheels program and sons, Larry Hamrick of Medina, Ohio, volunteer work with veterans. Paris Hamrick, Jerry Hamrick, Roger He is survived by: daughters, Hamrick, Harry Hamrick,and Jimmie Wandahlea Vance of Waco, Texas Hamrick, all of Webster Springs; and Nadinc Wilson of Satellite Beach, daughters, Ina Cogar, Wilma Owens, Florida; son, Robert Hamrick of AlVelda Barbe, Anita Aleshire, Loma exander City, Ala.; brother, Rev. McCourt, and Brenda Carpenter, all Freeman Hamrick of Roanoke, Va.; 8 of Webster Springs, Drema Gray of grandchildren and 7 great-grandchilMedina, Ohio, and Belva Langdon of dren. In addition to his parents, he Howard, Ohio; brothers, Ordy Hamwas preceded in death by his wife, rick of Hacker Valley, O'Del 1 Hamrick Virginia "Virgie" Yaneris Hamrick, and Okey Hamrick, both of Webster who died in 1977, by son Larry Joe Springs; sisters, Bertie Cowger and Hamrick, who died in 1993, and by Nettie Cutlip, both of Webster Springs, three brothers. Effie Cowger of Hacker Valley, and Graveside services will be held on' Altie Cutlip, of Youngstown, Ohio; Thursday, January 27, at 10:00 a.m., 50 grandchildren and 20 greatat the Forest Meadows Central Megrandchildren. morial Gardens in Gainesville, Fla., Services will be held on Thurswith the Rev. Freeman Hamrick, ofday, January 27, at 1:00 p.m., at the ficiating. The Forest Meadows FuDodd & Reed Funeral Home in neral Home in Gainesville, Fla., is in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Curt charge of arrangements. Davis, officiating. Burial will be at the Cutlip-Lick Run Cemetery in Elmer J. Hamrick Hacker Valley. Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday from TALLMADGE, OHIO-Elmer J. 6-9:00 p.m. Hamrick of Tallmadge, Ohio, died on Thursday, January 16, 1997, at the Hospice Care Center followinga short Harold Lee Haddix illness. He was 89 years of age. He was born at Route 1, Webster NEWPORT, KY.-Harold Lee Springs, on June 3, 1907, the son of Haddlx, of Newport, Kentucky died h.sres.denceonThursday.jIn^ the late Walter F. and Nana R. Hamrick. He was retired from the Sumco Manufacturing Company and was a member of the Devol Sunday school class of Arlington Memorial Baptist Church. He is survived by: his wife, Aline ' H j ? i S S ^ i V e d I * : "is Wife, Peggy Hamrick; brothers, Emory and Em- Haddix of Newport, Ky.; 5 ste D mett Hamrick of Route 1, Webster cmldren; his mother and sep-fatneV AnnaRae and Archie Daniels X f Springs, and the Rev. Dana Hamrick of Tallahassee, Fla.; and several nieces R ^ H ^ r ' ^ ^ ^ ^ d d i x o and nephews and great-nieces and ^ u d , c ( r d a , c . Fla-; and sister, Anna great-nephews. Lea Hadd.x of Mill Creek. H c was Services were held on Monday, January 20, at the Adams-Mason Lee Haddix, and brothers Doyal J rh Memorial Chapel. Burial was at the L c s h e , B , l l y ; a n d J i m m y H X Services were held on Sunri-.v Hillside Memorial Park. January 26, in Newport, K y . y '

Pauline Howell LODI, OHIO-Pauline Howell.of Lodi, Ohio, formerly of Webster County, died at the Akron General Medical Center, on Friday, May 23,. 1997, following a long illness. She was 73 years of age. She was born in Diana, on June 10,1923, the daughter of the late Alex and Mary Coe Cogar. She lived in Webster Springs prior to moving to Lodi, Ohio 38 years ago. She was a homemaker and had also worked at the Hob Nob Restaurant and the former Ainsworth Lodge in Lodi, Ohio during the 1960s. She is survived by: daughters, Mrs. Larry (Patsy) Shroyer of Temperance, Mich., Peggy Cogar of Medina, Ohio, Mrs. Bruce (Linda) Biliczky of Chippewa Lake, Ohio, Mrs. David (Donna) Wilson of Bowling Green, Ky., and Kathryn Howell of Lodi, Ohio; sons, Darrel of Litchfield, Ohio, John and Tom of Lodi, Ohio; sisters, Louise Cogar of Pennsylvania, Lela Cogar of West Virginia, and Kathleen Darius of Virginia; brothers, Freeman, Doy, and Lonnie, all of West Virginia, and Artsil of Michigan; 16 granddaughter, and 1 great-granddaughter. Services will be held on Thursday, May 29, at 1:00 p.m., at the Parker & Son Funeral Home in Lodi, Ohio, with the Rev. Gary Lauzon of Cleveland, Ohio, officiating. Burial will be at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Lodi, Ohio.

William Hicks COWEN-William "Bill" Hicks, oi'Cowcn, formerly of Wharton, died at his home on Wednesday, October 19,1994, following a long illness. He was 58 years of age. Hc was a retired coal miner with 25 years of service with the Eastern Coal Company, and served in the U.S. Army. Hc was a membcrof the UMW. He is survived by: his wife, Emmajcan Hicks; sons, Gary of Grimslcy, Tcnn. and Billy of Fort Knox, Ky.; daughters, Anita Jane Hicksof South Carolina, Robin Sparks of Grimslcy, Tenn., Carol Branham of Wharton, Teresa White of Proctor, and Kaihy Jo Hicks, of Cowen; sister, Anne Goblc of Wichita, Kansas; and 8 grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, October 22, at 2:00 p.m., at the Handlcy Funeral Home in Danville, with the Rev. Clyde Lee officiating. Burial was at the Madison Memory Gardens.

EdgelC. "Ed" Hoover WASHINGTON, PA.--Edgel C. "Ed" Hoover, Sr., of Washington, Pennsylvania, formerly of Webster County, died on Wednesday, August 23,1995, at a Washington, Pa. hospital, following a brief illness. He was 84 years of age. HewasbominCurtin.on August 11,1911, the son of the iate S. P. and Ella Marsh Hoover. He graduated from Webster Springs High School and W. Va. Business College. He worked for the Fairmont Supply Company as a warehouse manager until his retirement in 1976. He served' in the U.S. Navy during World War II in the Pacific Theatre as a Chief Petty Officer. He was a member of the Avery United Methodist Church in Washington, Pa., the V.F.W. Post #927 in Washington, Pa., and the Edwin Scott Linton Post #175 American Legion. He is survived by: his wife, Marjorie Harold Hoover, whom he married in Webster Springs on May 26,1935; grandson, Eddie C. Hoover III; and niece, Marjorie Ware. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one son, Edgel C. Hoover, Jr., by granddaughter Michelene Eileen Hoover, and brother, Marvin W. Hoover. Services.T^fre held on Friday, August 25, at 10:00 a.m., at the Piatt and Barnhill Funeral Home in Washington, Pa., with the Rev. Richard Markle and Rev. James H. Morton, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens.

Thomas H. Hines LAWRENCE, IND.-Thomas H. Hines.of Lawrence, Indiana, formerly of Webster County, died at the Community Hospital North in Indianapolis, Ind., on Friday, June 20,1997. He was 62 years of age. He was born in Webster Springs, on March 28,1935, the son of the laic Russell and Pearl Brooks Hincs. He worked in maintenance for the Lawrence Township schools, retiring in the early 1990s after 17 years, and served in the U.S. Army from 195356. He is survived by: sons, Thomas R. and Rickey E. Hincs; sisters, Vera Williams of Indianapolis, Ind., Vona Ripley of Charles Town, and Rosemary Wills of, Va.; and I granddaughter. Services were held on Monday, June 23, at 10:00 a.m., at the Flanncr & Buchanan Lawrence Mortuary. Burial was at the Washington Park East Cemetery.

William Pershing Howell BUTTE, MONTANA-William Pershing Howell of Butte, Montana, formerly of Cowen, died at the Fort Harrison Veterans Hospital in Helena, Montana, on Thursday, December 19, 1996, following a long illness. He was 78 years of age. He was bom in Randolph County, on March 13,1918, the son of the late William Bell and Cora Maud Cutlip Howell. He had lived for the past 32 years in Butte, Montana and was a logger and a coal and copper miner. He served in theU.S. Army AirCorps for eight years and was a Protestant by faith. He was a member of the MontanaEagles Lodge and the V.F.W. He was an alumni of the CCC in West Virginia. He is survived by: his wife, Clements Durant Howell, of Butte, Montana; sons, Billy and Pctey both of Cowen, and John and Corky both of Winchester, Va.; daughters, Sherry L. Lemieux of Hollywood, Fla. and Pershetta M. Graybcl of Front Royal, Va.; brothers, Charley P. Howell of Aliquippa,Pa., Robert L. Fletcher of Greenville, MS., Cecil H. Fletcher of Camden-on-Gauley, and Thomas Arden Fletcher of Cowen; sisters, Vivian Stewart of Toledo, Ohio, Martha E. Mastin of Walls, MS., Pauline R. Feeny of Webster Springs, Virginia M. Rose of Camden-onGauley, Alma Plummer and Agnes F. Holcomb, both of Cowen; 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, December 24, at 11:00 a.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okcy Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the Mills Mountain Cemetery near Cowen. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. HELEN R. HALL, 8 4 , died Feb. 25 in Juneau. Hal! moved in 1949 to Alaska where she worked for U n i o n Bank, now First N a t i o n a l Bank of A n c h o r a g e . She also , worked as an executive secretary at Weslyan Hospital in Seward, and for Alaska Title Insurance in Sitka. In 1968, Hall and family ] moved to Juneau where she worked as execu- | tive secretary for the Alaska Correctional Institute and later at Juneau-Douglas High School, retiring in 1977.

LAURA KLANEY H O T C H , 8 2 , died March 21 in KJukwan. Born and raised in Klukwan, she bore the Tlingit name of Ca.Kaagwaantaan, from the Eagles Nest House. Hotch was Klukwan postmaster and worked at Haines Packing Co. She also trav-. eled with the Chilkat Dancers, was a skilled Chilkat weaver and was known for her intricate beadwork.

Robert Hardway GRAFTON--Mr. Robert Gene Hardway of Grafton, died on Wednesday, December 22, 1993, at his home. He was 63 years of age. She was born in Worth, on September 17, 1930, the son of the late Ezra Dorr and Ruth Knight Hardway. He lived his young life in Curtin and was retired from the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn Michigan, where he was employed as a manufacturing engineer for over ten years. He was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U.S. Marine Corps with the 5th Rangers Infantry Company. He was decorated with two Purple Hearts, the Occupation Medal (Germany), the Occupation Medal (Japan), the United Nations Service Medal, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Korean Service Medal with four Bronze Stars, the Bronze Star Medal, the Parach ute Badge, and a Good Conduct Medal. He was a member of the V.F.W. Memorial City PostNo. 3081 of Grafton and the Elks Lodge No. 308 in Grafton. He is survived by: daughter, Tamara A. Williams, at home; sister, Mabel Martin of Roseland, Florida; granddaughter, Stephanie Faith Williams, at home; and several cousins. Services were held on Tuesday, December 28, at 11:00 a.m., the Donald G. Ford Funeral Home in Grafton. Burial was at the W. Va. National Cemetery in Pruntytown. Military graveside services will be conducted by V.F.W. Memorial City Post No. 3081, American Legion Post No. 12, DAV Chapter No. 24, and their auxiliaries.

Delia M. Hartmann PARKERSBURG -Delia M. Hartmann of Parkview Health Care Center in Parkcrsburg, died on January 18,1995. She was 84 years of age. She was born in Kanawha Head, the daughter o f the late Oley and Viola Davidson. She was employed at the WOod County Board of Education as a cook for many years. She was a member of the Fairvicw United Methodist Church in Parkcrsburg. Sheissurvivcdby: her husband of 67 years, John E. Hartmann; daughters, Betty Klccof Madison,Ohio and Jane Lint of Hacker Valley; brother, Guy Davidson of Kanawha Head; 4 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, January 21, at the Lambcrt-Tatman Funeral Home in Parkcrsburg, with the Rev. Judith Lively officiating. Burial was at the Rock Cave Cemetery in Rfick Cave.

jmeisun varner narris

Elzia Ancel Hall

Mr. Nelson Varner Harris of Elzia Ancel Hall of Elk River Hacker Valley, died at St. Joseph's Road, Webster Springs, died at Hospital in Buckhannon, on Webster County Memorial Hospital Wednesday, January 5, 1994, after a on Friday, April 11,1997. He was 67 long illness. He was 89 years of age. years of age. He was born in Hacker Valley, on He was born in Diana, on April 24, January 29, 1904, the son of Albert 1929. He was a lifelong resident of and Lorena King Harris, both deWebster County and wasacoal miner, ceased. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a farmer. retired after 42 years of service with He was a member of the Panther Lick Island Creek Coal Company. He United Methodist Church in Hacker served in the U.S. Army and was recording secretary of Local 1466, Valley. Craigsville. He was a member of the He is survived by: daughters, Mrs. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Denzil (Rose Ann) Cowger of Hacker Saints in Cowen. Valley and Mrs. Charles J. (Hilda) He is survived by: his wife, Karen Burroughs of Parkersburg; sisters, Dorothy Sapp of Walkersville and Hall of Webster Springs; daughters, Virgie James of Sutton; granddaugh- Lisa Mae Ash of Webster Springs and ters, Cindy Miller, Janet Rogers, Joyce Sienkiewirz of Buckhannon; Brenda Burroughs, and Carol son, Chris Hall of Webster Springs; Burroughs; and great-granddaughter, sister, Maxine Clutter of Webster Andi Miller. In addition to his parents, Springs; brothers, Porter Hall, Emon he was preceded in death by his wife, Hall, Hansford Hall, Hinton Hall, Olga Balli Harris, sisters, Zona Pugh Roger Hall, all of Webster Springs, and Lucy Craig, and brother, Elmer and Melvin Hall of Cowen; and 4 grandchildren. In addition to his Harris. parents, he was preceded in death by Services were held on Saturday, son, Gary, and sister, Genevieve. January 8, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Services were held on Tuesday, Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Ben Myers April 15, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & officiating. Burial was at the Harris Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with Elder Roger Cowger, Cemetery in Hacker Valley. officiating. Burial was at the Hall Family Cemetery, in Webster Springs.

Marjorie B. Hall Nellie V. Hinkle

WARREN, OHIO--Marjoric B. Hall, of Warren, Ohio, died at St. COWEN-Nellie V. Hinkle died Joseph Fastland Medical Center, on atCowenonMonday,March24,1997, Saturday, May 31, 1997, following a following a long illness. She was 80 lengthy illness. She was 82 years of years of age. age. She was born in Areola, on July 9, She was born in Webster Springs, 1916, the daughter of the late Luther on January 6, 1915, the daughter of and Emily Paugh Morris. She was a the late Jim and Sydna Cogar Gillis. lifelong resident of Webster County, She worked in Housekeeping at the and was a Baptist by faith. Trumbull Memorial Hospital for 15 She is survived by: sons, Gary L. years, retiring in 1984, and was a Hinkle of Boggs and Fredrick D. member of the Webster Springs Hinkle of Summersville; daughters, Primitive Baptist Church. Anna A. Williams of Cottle, Carol L. She is survived by: sons, Elmcrof Flenner and Wilma Sue Spinks both of Craigsville, and Unia J. Cobb of Brighton, Mich., Dclmer of Lorain, Cowen; 14 grandchildren, 23 greatOhio, Dclmas of Columbus, Kansas. grandchildren, and 5 great-greatDelbert of Warren, Ohio, Joseph of grandchildren. In addition to her Warren, Ohio, Jesse of Haines City, parents, she was preceded in death by Fla., and Roy of Cortland, Ohio; her husband, Edwin C. Hinkle, and daughter, Mrs. Rella Tano of Akron, son, Gerald Hinkle. A Ohio; sister, Mrs. Daicc Schradcr of Morgantown; 19 grandchildren and Services will be held on Thurs15great-grandchildren. Inadditionto day, March 27, at 1:00 p.m., at her parents, she was preceded in death Adams Funeral Home in Cowen, with by sisters, Norma Tucker and Mildred the Rev. Keith Williams, officiating. Burial will be at the W. Va. Memorial Schradcr and grandson, Chip Hall. Services were held on Tuesday, Gardens in Calvin. Friends may call June 3, at 1:00 p.m., at the Shal'cr- at the funeral home this evening, Winans Funeral Home in Cortland, March 26, from 6-8:00 p.m. Adams Ohio. Burial was at the Dugan Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Cemetery in Fowler, Ohio.

James Jarvis Harper, Sr. CLEVELAND-James Jarvis Harper, Sr., of Cleveland, died at the CAMC-Memorial Division in Charleston, on Wednesday, September 6,1995, following a short illness. He was 67 years of age. He was born in Ed White, in Raleigh County, on February 27,1928, the son of the late Alfred Lewis and Clara Combs Harper. He was retired from the Caterpiller Tractor company in Mentor, Ohio and was a former coal miner. He had worked in Mason County, and Chardon and Cleveland, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was a member of the Hacker Valley Baptist Church, the N.R.A., the I.O.O.F., and Moose Lodge. He is survived by: his wife, Ruby Jewel Dotson Harper of Cleveland; son, James Harper, Jr. of Bloomingrose; daughters, Lynn Williams of Cleveland and Cindy Carr of Bloomingrose; brother, Russell Eugene Harper of Georgia; sisters, Beulah Thornton, Christine Hart, and Margaret Jane Rhoades, all of Liberty, and Easter Sampson of Bluefield; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, September 9, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Conrad Tenney of French Creek, officiating. Burial wasattheLife Cemetery, Buffalo Run, Cleveland.

Leanna Dell Hosey WHEELING-Leanna Dell Hosey of Wheeling, died at Allegheny Hospital in Pittsburgh, P a o* Thursday, March 23,1995, following a long illness. She was 68 years of age. She was born in Upshur County on May 14, 1926, the daughter of the late Dewey and Hettie Hinkle Tenney She had hved in the Wheeling area smce 1967, and was a Protestant by She is survived by: her husband, HoseyofWheehng; daughter-in-law Dawn Hosey of Wheeling; brother, Herndon Tenney of Diana; and grandson Tyler Hosey of Wheeling In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother and one sister. Services were held on Sunday, March26,at2:00p.m.,attheDodd& Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch officiating. Burial was at the Miller Cemetery, Webster Springs

DIANA-Iva Mae Hall of Diana, died at United Hospital Center in Clarksburg on Monday, November 18, 19%, following a long illness. She was 78 years of age. She was born in Hacker Valley on May 19,1918, the daughter of the late Charles and Minnie Garvin Eubank. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County and was a homemaker. She was a member of the Holly River Baptist Church in Diana. She is survived by: son, Dale Hall of Diana; daughters, Elladene Hall of Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Peggy Howell of Medina, Ohio, and Carolyn Hall of Lewisburg; brothers, Darrell Eubank and Doyle Ware, both of Columbus,Ohio; sisters, Illene Hines of Columbus, Ohio and Stella Bragg ofCowen; step-brother, Glen Duffy of Geneva, Ohio; 19 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, 4 stepgrandchildren, and 1 step-greatgrandchild. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William Paul Hall, Sr. Services will be held on Thursday, November 21, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Cofer Cochran of Webster Springs, officiating. Burial will be at the Cool Springs Cemetery in Diana. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening (Wednesday, November 20), from 69:00 p.m.

Arley Wilford Harris Mr. Arley Wilford Harris of Webster Springs died at the CAMC Memorial Division on Thursday, January 20,1994, after a long illness. He was 77 years of age. He was born in Erbacon.on March 10,1916, the son of Loyd Wilson and Louisa Jane Barnett Harris, both deceased. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a retired coal miner and a member of the UMWA. He was a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Mrs. Lela Isabel Lynch Harris of Webster Springs; son, Richard Arley Harris of Triadelphia; daughter, Mrs. Thelma Kirkpatrick of Blacksburg, Va.; brothers, Emery Harris and Earl Harris, both of Washington, Pa.; and 4 grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Lanty, Branty, Guy, and Clay. Services were held on Saturday, January 22, at 1:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Rodney Sandy officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin.

Lillian Hamrick

Ethel M. Hinkle

Ethel M. Hinkle died in Beckley Lillian Hamrick of Webster Springs, died at Webster County on Monday, February 17, 1997. She Memorial Hospital, on Monday, May was 89 years of age. She was born in Braxton County, 12, 1997, following a short illness. on July 28, 1907, the daughter of the She was 80 years of age. She was born in West Virginia, on late JacobandMarthaHolmes Collins. March 14, 1917, the daughter of the She was a lifelong resident of Webster late Stewart and Alma Conrad County, and was a homemaker. She Riggleman. She was a homemaker ^.attended the Little Glade Baptist Church. and a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: daughters, She is survived by: sons, Ledford Betty Miller of Mantua, Ohio, Ellamae Hamrick of Diana and Jeffery Hamrick of Bergoo; daughters, Alma Dukes of New Castle, Pa., Jan Burgess Hamrick of Akron, Ohio, Lou Walters of Streetsboro, Ohio, Linda Mills of of Warren, Ohio, Irene Wilson, Northfield,Ohio,Joy BeanandMona Annabell Hull, and Nora Faye Wall, Clay, both of Cowen, and Kalhy all of Akron, Ohio, Lucille Parrish Cobb of Buckhannon; sons, Vernon and Hazel Carder, of Clarksburg; Hinkle of Buckhannon and Jimmy sisters, Leo Gilmers of Warren, Ohio, Hinkle of Weston; sisters, Marjorie Mona Ray of Fairdale, and LeNora Barnette and Rhudell Williams, both Channel of Parkersburg; 12 grand- ofCowen; 29grandchildren,38greatchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. grandchildren, and 1 great-greatIn addition to her parents, she was grandchild. In addition to her parents, preceded in death by her husband, she was preceded in death by her Arden Hamrick, by son, Milton, and husband, Elvern Hinkle. Services will be held on Thursday, by granddaughter, Starla. Services will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 11:00 a.m., at the May 15, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, w ith Reed Funeral Home in Webster the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, ofSprings, with the Rev. BennieCowger, ficiating. Burial will be at the Woods officiating. Burial will be at the Cemetery near Cowen. Friends may Meadowland Cemetery in Bergoo. call at the funeral home on Wednes, from 5-8:00 p.m. Friends may call at the funeral home from6-9:00p.m.,on Wednesday,May 14 .'

Elberta Harmon

Welthea Payne Hoover Long-time Webster County educator Welthea Payne Hoover of Webster Springs, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital on Saturday, November 9, 1996, following a long illness. She was 89 years of age. She was born in Cowen, on February 10, 1907, the daughter of the late Draper Camden and Ella Payne Hoover. She was a 1924 graduate of Webster Springs High School and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Fairmont State College. She attended WVU and earned her Master's degree from Akron University. She was an educator for 47 1/2 years, and was supervisor of writing, a school principal, and general supervisor for the Webster County Board of Education She was a life member of the NEA, NRTA, WVARSE, the WVA, and National Garden Club. She took an active part in the Democratic Party, and was a charter member and the first president of Alpha Delta Kappa sorority, Omicron Chapter. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Webster Springs.

SKRVIA-Elbcua "Bcrta" Harmon of Scrvia, died at the C.A.M.C., General Division in Charleston, on Friday, January 3, 1997, following a long illness. Shcwas81 yearsol age. He was born in Clay County on ^ June 1,1915, the daughter of thc-latc *-\ Anise and Fanny Jane Boggs. She was a homemaker and a farmer and was a Baptist by faith. She is survived by: sister, Ada Tripplctt of Clay; 11 grandchildren, whom she raised. Wanda Ull, Belly McCourt, Mike Carr, Greg Carr, and Matthew Carr, all of Sullon, Barbara Conway of Hurricane, Debbie Roberts of Gassaway, Rose Jarvis of Cloc, Ivy Dcnnison of Dunbar, Jenny Myers of Napier, Robert Carr of Salem; and 11 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband. Hollic Harmon, who died in 1965, and by daughter, Glcnna Jane Carr, who died in 1984. Services were held on Monday, January 6, at 1:00 p.m., at the GrcencRobcrtson Funeral Home in Sullon, with the Rev. Bob Dick officiating. Burial was at the John Young Cemetery in Scrvia.

Lessie M. Hamrick

Frances Hamrick Hines

Lessie M. Hamrick of Webster Springs, died at UHC in Clarksburg on Friday, July 12,1996, following a long illness. She was 84 years of age. She was born in Bergoo, on October 25, 1911, the daughter of William Jackson and Nettie Jane Heavener Hamrick, both deceased. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a homemaker and a member of the Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church. She is survived by: her husband, Emmett Hamrick; sons, John Hamrick, James Paul Hamrick, and Jerry Hamrick, all of Webster Springs, and Jackson Hamrick of Davis; daughter, Jane Malone of Bridgeport; brothers, Clayton Hamrick of Bridgeport and Nelson Hamrick of Bella Vista, Ariz.; sisters, Addie Vint of Nitro, Ruby T. Miller of Webster Springs, and Vada Boslcy of Hcndcrsonvillc, N.C.; 8 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by brothers, Price and Scybert. Services were held on Tuesday,' July 16, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & : Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Bcnn ie Covvger -andtheRcv. Darren Jones, officiating. I Burial was at the Meadow4anJlCemetery in Bergoo.

WHEATON, I L L . - F r a n c e s Hamrick Hines, of Wheaton, Illinois, formerly of Charleston and Webster County, died in Wheaton, III, on Wednesday, September 11, 1996. She was bom in Webster Springs the daughter of the late Baker and Bertie McLean Hamrick. She attended school in Webster Springs and attended Glenville State College. She was a former school teacher in Webster and Harrison Counties and was retired from FMC Corp. in South Charleston. While residing in Charleston, she was a 50-year memberof the Bream Presbyterian Church, here she was involved in many lurch activities and served asachurch ! der. She is survived by: son and iughter-in-law, William Barry and .athy Hines; brother, Connell B. Hamrick of San Jose, Calif.; sisters, Mae H. Mace of Webster Springs and Jean H. Niland, of Aiken, S.C; 4 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the First Presbyterian Church chapel in Glen Ellyn, III. Burial was at the Wheaton Cemetery.

Icie Harris

William Glenn Handschumacher ARAB, ALA.-William Glenn Handschumacher of Arab, Alabama, died on Monday, June 26, 1995, in Sparta, Kentucky, following a sudden illness. He was 61 years of age. He was bom in Bolair and attended Webster Springs High School. He was retired from the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived, by: his wife, Jeanette Handschumacher of Arab, Alabama; son, William J.,' of Arab, Ala.; daughters, Mary Parker of Guntersville,Ala.,CarrieHillofArab, Ala., and Jackie Smith of Hulacov Ala.; his father, Williajn C. Handschumacher of Ara6, Ala.; sisters^ Donna Beiterton of Arab; Ala. and Barbara Nay lor of R,eedsyijle;: and 3 grandchildren. He was preceded if death by his* mother, pllen Handschumacher, and one brother, David Handschumacher. Services were held on Thursday, June 29, at the First Baptist Church in Arab, Alabama. Burial was at the Gilliam SpringsCemetcry. TheGobcr Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Garnett Williams Hoover

LITTLE BIRCH-Garnett Williams Hoover, of Little Birch, died on CANTON, OHIO-Icie Harris of Thursday, May 1,1997,attheCAMC, Canton, Ohio, formerly of Webster General Division in Charleston, folCounty, died at the Aultman Hospital in Canton, Ohio, on Sunday, February lowing a short illness. She was 80 5,1995, following a short illness. She years of age. She was born in Webster County, was 75 years of age. on May 22,1916, the daughter of the She was born in Guardian, on October 2,1919, the daughter of Ola late Norman and Mary Fowler Wiland Maude Tiffner Ware, both de- liams. She was a homemaker, and a ceased. She had lived in Canton, member of the Little Birch Southern Ohio since 1982, coming from Baptist Church and the V.F.W. She is survived by: daughters, Cleveland, Ohio and Guardian. She Patty Butcher of Parkersburg and was a homemaker. She is survived by: daughter, Kitty Johnson of Amherst, Ohio; Carol Cutright of Rock Cave; sons, sons, Richard of Elyria, Ohio, Forest Jimmie Cool of Canton, Ohio and "Mike" of Summersville, Minter of Paul Cool of Guardian; sisters, Myrtle Lumberton, N.C., and Joe Paul of McCoy of Summersville, Betty Little Birch; sisters, Bell Baughman Rockhold, and Laura Mcintosh, both of Nettie, Mamie Conard of Burnsof Guardian; brothers, Homer Ware ville; 20 grandchildren and 6 greatof Guardian and Edward Ware of grandchildren. In addition to her Dexter City, Ohio; 17 grandchildren, parents, she was preceded in death by and 29 great-grandchildren. In addi- her husband, Okey Hoover, who died . tion to her parents, she was preceded on December 20, 1988, and by one •' in death by husbands Paul Cool and son, James Danny Hoover, who died in December, 1974. : Norman Harris. Services were held on Sunday, Services were held on Thursday, February 9, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd May 4, at 2:00 p.m., at the Greene& Reed Funeral Home in Webster Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch with the Rev. Richard Demastus, ofofficiating. Burial was at the Big Run ficiating. Burial was at the Sunset Cemetery in Diana. Memorial Park in Erbacon.

Emery C. Harris WASHINGTON, PA.--EmeryC. Harris of Washington, Pennsylvania, formerly of West Virginia, died at the Presbyterian Medical Center on Saturday, April 19, 1997, following a brief illness. He was 87 years of age. He was born in Braxton County, on August 9,1909, the son of the late Lloyd W. and Louisa J. Barnett Harris. He had been a home builder and a state electrical inspector, and had worked at Kress Box for ten years. He retired after 22 years from Koppers Chemical Co. He was a member of the Friendship Community Church. He is survived by: his wife, Ethel Salisbury Harris, whom he married on August 25,1935; sons, Charles R. Harris of Avclla, Pa., Bob R. Harris, and Kenneth Harris, both of Washington, Pa.; daughters, Sharon Reynolds of Mt. Pleasant, Pa. and Loretta Couts of Washington, Pa.; brother, Earl R. Harris of Washington, Pa.; 8 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Branty S., Lanty, Guy, Clay, and Arley Harris. Details on the services were not available.

Lionel Raymond Hall

William n. liamncK

CO WEN-William E. Hamrick ol Mr. Lionel Raymond Hall of Cowen, died on Wednesday, August Webster Springs, died on Friday, 9,1995, at Webster County'Memorial January 21, 1994, from gunshot Hospital, following an apparent heart wounds. He was 48 years of age. attack. He was 68 years of age. He was born in Webster County He was born in Areola, on August on March 27,1945, the son of Gilbert 18,1926, and was a lifelong resident and Hazel Sharp Hall, both deceased. of Cowen. He was a retired coal He lived most of his life in Webster miner and was a Health & Safely County, with brief residences in inspector for the various mines at Florida, Nevada, and California. He which he worked. He served in the was a construction supervisor with U.S. Army during World War II. He Pctcl & Associates, in Powder Springs, was a member of the UMWA, the Ga. He served in the U.S. Army Masonic Lodge #107 in Camdcn-onduring the Vict Nam War and was a Gauley, the Scottish Rites, 132nd deProtestant by faith. gree, in Charleston, and V.F.W. Post He is survived by: sons, Robert 3738 in Webster Springs. He had Hall of Reno, Nevada and Joshua Hall formerly served as a member of the of Lake Butler, Fla.; daughters, Jillcan Gray, Rachel Tucker, and Jocelyn Board of Directorsat WcbsterCounty Hall, all of Reno, Nevada, and Kasmil Memorial Hospital. He is survived by: his wife, DorHall of Lake Butler, Fla.; brothers, Sidney Hall, Roger Hall, and Carlton othy Dilley Hamrick of Cowen; sons, Hall, all of Lake Butler, Fla.; sisters, William Fred Hamrick of Craigsville Matilda McRae of Worthington and Jim Hamrick of Oakland, Md.; Springs, Fla., Mildred Woods and daughters, Ramona Wcstfall of CoNola Beth Kimble, both of Lake wen, Carma Massieof Ackworth, Ga., Butler, Fla.; and 3 grandchildren. In and Flora Gillardo of Indianapolis, addition to his parents, he was pre- Ind.; brothers, John Tyler and Thurman Tyler, both of Clarksburg, Fred ceded in death by one son, Gilbert. Services were held on Wednesday, Tyler of Huron, Ohio, and Jonas C. January 26, at 11 ;00 a.m., at the Dodd Tyler, of Cincinnati, Ohio; sisters, & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Jean Cascarcl 1 i and Linda S tickle, both Springs, with the Rev. George Coch- of Clarksburg, Karen Shields of Haywood, Sharon Kerns of Webster ran of Guardian, officiating. Springs,PaulineHolcombofWindom, Ohio, and Mary McElwain of Patrick S. Haymond Marlinton; 14 grandchildren and 10 Patrick Stephen Haymond, 16, of great-grandchildren. He was preceded Buckhannon. died Friday. Nov. 21, in death by his parents and by one 1997. in St. Joseph's Hospital. daughter, Doris. He was horn Jan. 28, 1981, at MasServices were held on Sunday, sillon, Ohio, a son of Derry Haymond August 13, at 2:00 p.m., at Adams of Elkins, and Deborah Tsocheff Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Haymond of Buckhannon. Also surviving are two sisters, Rev. Okcy Wayne of Cowen, officiSamantha and Tabatha Haymond, ating. Burial, with Masonic rites, was both of Buckhannon; one brother, at the Sunset Memorial Park in ErMatthew Haymond, Buckhannon; bacon. Adams Funeral Home was in maternal grandfather, Stephen charge of the arrangements. Tsocheff. Massillon, Ohiot paternal grandparents, Harold and Mary Haymond, Elkins; maternal grandmother, Marlene Baldwin, Massillon, Ohio; maternal great-grandmother, May Brown, Massillon, Ohio; paternal great-grandparents. Frona and Arnett Haymond, Buckhannon; aunt and uncle, Ann and David Tsocheff, Massillon, Ohio; aunt and uncle, Kellie and David Strawder, Buckhannon; and uncle, Chris Haymond, Massillon, Ohio. He was a student at BuckhannonUpshur High School. Friends were received at PolingSt. Clair Funeral Home. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today with the Rev. Don Butcher officiating.


James M. Hess James Morns Hess. 79. of Huntington, died Friday, Nov. 14. 1997, in University Hospital. Morgantown. Mr. Hess was born Dec. 31, 1917. in Dubois. Pa. a son of the late Frank and Ha/el Hess. He married R. Jeanne who preceded him in death. Surviving are three children. Penny Chewning, HopkinsviUe, Ky., James M. Hess. Ami in. Ohio, and Jill Newman, Louisville: Ky.; two sisters. Jean Mark, Harrisburg, Pa., and Peggy Walker. White Lake, Mich.; two brothers, Richard Hess. Annandale. Va.. and Francis W. Hess, Penfield, N.Y.; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by one brother. Jack Hess; and one sister. Betty Howard. Mr. Hess was a.resident of Huntington since 1957. He attended Penn State University. He was a manufactures representative for Puritan Sportswear Co. for which he worked until his retirement in 1983. He was a former Rotarian and pies ident of Saint Joseph's Grade School Board. Mr. Hess was an active member of St. Joseph's Parish in Huntington. Friends were received at KlingelCarpcnter Mortuary. A Mass of Christian Burial was today at 11 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Msgr. Lawrence Luciana officiating. Memorials may be made to St. Joseph Catholic Church.

Gerald W. Hyre Gerald Weaver Hyre, 83, of Route 1, French Creek, died Wednesday Nov. 12, 1997. at his home. Mr. Hyre was born June 7, 1914. at French Creek, ason of Truman and Delia Neeli Hyre. He was twice married, lirst to Laura Waveline Smallridge, who preceded him in death, and lateT to Lillian W. Strother Robinson Hyre, who survives at Route 1, French Creek. Also surviving are three sons. Donald Hyre, Buckhannon, Cecil Hyre. Homestead, Fla., and Dana Hyre. Hyattsville. Md.. one daughter, Lora Mae Slaughter, Silver Springs, Md.; four stepsons. Clarence W. Robinson, Arapho, Okla., Glendon T. Robinson, Charles Robinson, and Joe Robinson, all of Belpre, Ohio; one stepdaughter, Linda Cutlip, Clarksburg; one sister. Hazel Crawford, Route 1. French Creek; seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, 14 stepgrandchildren and 14 step-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Mona Louise Daugherty in 1987; and one sister Ruth Helmick. Mr. Hyre had worked at Basil Heavner Rock Quarry for several years. He worked on a strip mine and was a farmer. He was a Methodist.


Faye Lee Hayes Faye Lee Hayes, age 62, of Wellston, died Sunday, October 5, 1997, at Holzer Medical Center in Gallipolis, Ohio. Born February 25, 1935, at Spice, in Pocahontas County, she was the daughter of the late William Ernest and Arta Wells Hayes. She was a very dedicated educator. Faye was a member of the Ohio Education Association, the National Education Association, and the Vinton County Local Teachers Association. A graduate of Marshall University, she received both a Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees. She is survived by her sister, Clara McCloud, of Eaton, Ohio. Burial and graveside services will be Friday at 2:30 pjn. at the MomingSide Cemetery in Renick, with Rev. Leroy Crane. Jason R. Winters Funeral Chapel is in charge of services. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.

Delmar L. Hammonds Delmar L. Hammonds, 66, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Friday morning, May 8, 1987, in the Fort Howard VA Hospital in Baltimore. He had been in declining health for the past year. Mr. Hammonds had retired from his own trucking business. He served with the U. S. Army in Europe during World War II. Born on August 28, 1920, near Mill Creek, he was a son of the late Currence Hammonds, who preceded him in death on April 9, 1984, and Minnie Louk Hammonds, who died April 23 of this year. Mr. Hammonds is survived by his wife, Opal Moats Hammonds, formerly of Dailey; one son, Jim, one daughter, Delma Jean Chavis, and three grandsons, all of Baltimore; two sisters, Nina Ward, of Houston, Texas, and Sylvia Jean Hammonds, of Canton, Ohio; five brothers, Arthur A. Hammonds, of Baltimore, Maryland, Verl H. Hammonds, Herold N. Hammonds,, and Howard (Jack) Hammonds, all of Canton, Ohio, and William F. (Bill) Hammonds, of Carrollton, Ohio. One brother, Monroe Hammonds, is deceased. Funeral services were held Monday at 10:30 a. m. in the Cvach Rosedale Funeral Home in Baltimore with burial in the Wamsley Cemetery near Mill Creek at 10:30 on Tuesday.

William L. Hess

Rex A. Hyre

William L. Hess, 75, of JBuckhanRex A. Hyre, 78, of Craigsville. non, died Sunday, Nov. 23, 1997, in •W.Va., and formerly of Buckhannon. Davis Memorial Hospital. died Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1997, in VetMr. Hess was born Oct. 12, 1922, erans Administration Medical Center at Beckley, after a long illness. at Hampton, W.Va., a son of the late Fred and Ruby Westfall Hess. Mr. Hyre was a son of the late Asa On Aug. 30,1947, he married Dora J. and Lucy Lemons Hyre. Josephine Heater Hess, who precedHe married Florence Pierson ed him in death on Oct. 31, 1987. Shaver Hyre who survives. Surviving are two daughters, Also surviving are one son, Ron Sanda Westfall, Kedron, W.Va., and Hyre Sr., Craigsville; two stepsons. Loretta Bailey, Ohio; one son, John Shaver, Cortland, Ohio, and Michael Hess, Buckhannon; two Charles Shaver, Cowen: one stepbrothers, Howard Hess, Walcott, daughter. Helen Vance, Craigsville; Conn., and Danny Hess, Buckhan- one special granddaughter. Janie non; five grandchildren and six great- Vance, Cowen; 10 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, one brothgrandchildren. " He was also preceded in death by er-in-law, Basil Heaover, Buckhatv' two brothers, Denvil and Robert TWH, t'.vo sisters-in-law. Agnes Hyre pnd Lucille Hyre. both of BuckhanHess. Mr. Hess was a custodian for 28 fionj and several nieces and nephew years and served in the U.S. Army Mr. Hyre was asell-emplovedbarduring World War 11. ber for 35 years. He was a member of Gauiey Mills Baptist Church, Camden-on-Gauley a World War II veteran, a member of Lilburn P. Hinkle Lilburn Preston Hinkle, 71, of he VFW. DAV and the Masonic Fredericksburg, Virginia, died Lodge. February 12, 1988, at Mary Friends were received at SimonsWashington Hospital, after a short Coleman Funeral Home in Richillness. wood. Funeral services were in the Mr. Hinkle was a native of funeral home chapel with the Rev Greenbrier County. He moved to Jf^Jty?" and the R"- Paul Fredericksburg in 1941, where he A ™ E c l a t i n g . Interment followed was a member of the Highway in West Virginia Memorial Gardens in Calvin, W.Va. Assembly of God. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Genevieve G. Hinkle; a son, Eugene Preston Hinkle, of Fredericksburg; three brothers, Leonard W. Hinkle and Ernest Mrs. Edith R. Hess Denver Hinkle, both of Mrs. Edith R. Hess, 67, of Fredericksburg, and Robert I. Richwood, died August 15, 1988, Hinkle, of Conyers, Georgia; three in Richwood Area Medical Center sisters, Mrs. Velma B. Shue, of after a short illness. Hillsboro, Mrs. Edith Bowen, of She was a retired employee of Marlinton, and Mrs. Arlene Long, Sacred Heart Hospital, Richwood, of Plainfield, New Jersey; and two with 25 years's service as the grandchildren. laundry manager. A funeral service was held Surviving her are her husband, Monday, February 15, at 3 p. m. at Burl; sons, Bernard S. and Ernest Mullens Funeral Home by Rev/ Dearfield, both of Richwood, and Robert Renell. Interment was in' Paul Dearfield, of Bluefield, Virginia; daughter, Madelene Laurel Hill Memorial Park. Moses, of Ronceverte; stepdaughters, Rinda Hess, of Richwood, Loyce Cranford, of Austin Hanna Sycamore, Georgia; sisters, Virgie Dearfield, of Richwood, Margaret Austin "Gene" Hanna, of Poca, West, of Baltimore, Maryland; one died Saturday, March 18, 1995, in grandchild; two step-grandchildren; Memorial Division, Charleston and one step-great-grandchild. Area Medical Center, after a long illness. Services were held at 11 a .m. He was the uncle of Wilmurth, Thursday at Simons-Coleman N. Hannah, of Route 1, Marlinton.". Funeral Home in Richwood by the Rev. Bernard Sims. Burial was in Services were held at 11 a.m. the Sharp Cemetery at Mill Point. Tuesday at Gatens Funeral Home in Poca by the Revs. Bud Hatfield and Joe Hutchinson. Entombment was in Legacy Memorial Gardens at Cross Lanes.




Arley W.Hannah Arley W. Hannah, 68, of Essex, Maryland, died September 10, t'987, at St. Joseph Hospital, of hq&t failure. w H e was born in Slatyfork April 1919, the son of the late Lee and Virginia Hannah. Mr. Hannah was retired from General Motors of Baltimore. A He was a long time member of Essex United Methodist Church, was a Mason 32nd Degree, 30 year member of Jephthah Lodge #222 of Essex, member of the Scottish Rites, and a Shriner. He was Worthy Patron of Glesmer Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, past president of Middle River Square Club, member of Joppatown Square Club, Rosedale Square Club, and Dundalk Square Club. He was a Camper Life Member of tl)ie Good Sam Club.. He was a member of the Rainbow Squares arid an instructor of the Single Steppers Square Dance Club. Surviving him are his'wife, Eva May Wetzel Hannah; a son, Roger Hannah, of Mt. Airy, Maryland; two grandchildren; two brothers, a twin, Harley Hannah, of Joppatown, Maryland, and Leon Hannah, of Marlinton; three stepchildren, nine step-grandchildren, and two step-great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death was his first wife, Gerry Rosencranz Hannah, and a brother, Eugene Hannah. Services were held in the Connely Funeral Home in Essex on September 14 at 11 a. m., with burial in Garden of Faith Cemetery.

Dr. James L. Hamner Dr. James L. Hamner, a general practitioner in Amelia County, Virginia, for nearly 60 years, died August 4, 1987, in a nursing home in Richmond, Virginia. He started practice in 1920 and called on patients in three counties. He was chairman of the State board of Health for over ten years and also served as president of the Medical Society of Virginia. A native of Amelia County, Dr. Hamner attended Lynchburg College and was a 1916 graduate of the Medical College of Virginia. In 1952 he was named General Practitioner of the Year by the Medical Society of Virginia. He served as a medical officer during World War 1. - • ' " ' 'u Dr. Hamner was marred to the former Rebecca' Sydnor, of Marlinton, who preceded,him in death. Surviving him are a son, James L. Hamner, Jr., of Richmond, and a sister, Mrs. E. S. Allen, of Washington. ,-

Anna Lee Hammer Mrs. Anna Lee Hammer, 51, of Monterey, Virginia died August 30, 1988, at King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton. She was born September 12, 1936, at Marlinton, a daughter of the late Claude and Virginia^ Cochran Carpenter. On December 22, 1956 she married Robert G. Hammer who survives. Mrs. Hammer was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church, an active member of the Highland Rescue Squad for many years, a member of the Highland Homemakers Extension Club, past president of the Highland Cancer Society, and was employed by the High's Restaurant in Monterey for 10 years. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Beth Armstrong of Monterey, VA, Mrs. Glenda Altizer, of Staunton, VA, and Ms. Tammy Hammer of Monterey, VA; six sisters, Mrs. Dottie Agner of Warm Springs, VA, Mrs. Zoe Sullivan of Ansted, Mrs. Jo Sydenstricker of Millboro, VA, Mrs. Alice Mongold of Dorcas, Mrs. June Baker of Webster Springs, and Mrs. Carla Shinaberry of Stony Bottom, and two grandchildren. A sister, Bonnie Clendenen, preceded her in death. Funeral services were heid on Friday, September 2, 1988, at 2 p.m. in the Obaugh Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Gue, Rev. Jerry Ginn and Rev. Norman Compton. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Harwood Mary Hunter Moomau Harwood, age 88, of Richmond, Virginia, died March 12, 1995. Mrs. Harwood was born in Green Bank, the daughter of Dr. L. Hunter and Dora Cowger Moomau. She was the widow of Thomas P. Harwood who was Principal at Green Bank High School from 1923 until 1930. Before moving to Richmond, she lived in Crewe and Saluda, Virginia. , Mrs. Harwood was a member of the James Allen Chapter DAR and the Ginter Park Woman's Club. Survivors include her son, Thomas P. Harwood, Jr., of Richmond; three grandchildren and Five-great-grandchildren. Services were held on March 15 at the Crestwood Presbyterian Church with a graveside service at the family cemetery in Saluda. Memorial gifts may be made to the Crestwood Presbyterian Church, 6627 Jahnke Road, Richmond, VA 23225

a — M B M

John Hammons, 85, of Partlow, Virginia, died March 23, 1987, at his home. He was bom May 11,1901, in Pocahontas County, the son of Dock and Ella Millam Hammons. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Midway Baptist Church at Stafford, Virginia. Preceding him in death was his wife, Erie L. Hammons, in 1973. Surviving him are Clyde J. Hammons, of Fredericksburg, Virginia; four daughters, Mrs. Thelma Moser, of Partlow, Virginia, Mrs. Dorothy Bos well, of Chester, Virginia, Mrs. Norman Ball, of Spotsylvania, Virginia, Mrs. Ella Wilson, of Deltona, Florida; four brothers, Ancil Hammons, Jessie Hammonsss, and Mason Hammons, all of Whitehall, Maryland, and Clate Hammons, of Lewisburg; two sisters, Mrs. Iantha Stacy, Lynchburg, Virginia, and Mrs. Dollie Stanley, of Hillsboro; 19 grandchildren and 27 greatgrandchildren, j Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Mullins Funeral Home " Chapel in Fredericksburg, Virginia, by Rev. Stephen Renalds, with interment in Sunset Memorial Gardens in Fredericksburg. v In lieu of flowers, donations tma»\be made to the Spotsylvania jRescve Squad, P. O. Box 101, 'Spotsy.Vania, Virginia 22553.

Mrs. Anna Lee Harmon Mrs. Anna Lee Trainer Harmon, 79, of Neola, died Friday, September 9, 1988, in Shenandoah Manor Nursing Home after a long illness. Mrs. Harmon was born in Huntersville. She was a member of May Chapel United Methodist Church, Neola. Surviving are a son, Roy E. Trainer, of Neola; brothers, Ray Trainer, of Minnehaha Springs, and Robert Trainer, of Neola; sisters, Mrs. Ruth Hefner, of Neola, Mrs. Rosie Hatten, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Vera McDaniel, of Lewes, Delaware; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday in May Chapel Cemetery at Neola, by the Rev. Gene Eaton.

Patrick Hall Mrs. Virginia Gwin Hall Mrs. Mamie Tyler Hannah, 87, Hanson Patrick Hall, 73, of of Elk, died Tuesday, September Virginia Mae Gwin Hall, 67, of Dunmore, died Sunday, January Weems, Virginia, formerly of 17, 1991, in a Morgantown 31, 1988, in, Pocahontas Memorial hospital following a car accident Marlinton and Rainelle, died Hospital. He suffered a stroke near Huttonsville. Monday, April 11, at her home, a several;years ago. murder victim. She was found Born February 14, 1904, at Mr. Hall was aretiredemployee Edray, she was the daughter of the Tuesday, dead of stab wounds. of the National Radio Astronomy late George P. Tyler and Linnie L. The case is still under investigation, Observatory at Green Bank. He Moore. with several suspects but no motive was a member of the Dunmore established. She was preceded in death by United Methodist Church. Mrs. Hall had lived at Rainelle two sons, Edwin Kent Hannah and The son of Henry Duncan and Ray Virden Hannah, and one Washington, until her Charlotte Carpenter Hall, he was brother, Mirl Tyler. retirement from working for The born at Diana June 2,1914. Washington Star, when she and her Survivors include her husband, His wife, Dorothy McLaughlin Veo Price Hannah; two daughters, husband, Lawrence Hall retired to Hall, preceded him in death in Ola Lee Hively, of Bridgewater, the Weems area. She was active in December, 1984, the Eastern Star. Virginia, and Evelene Hannah Surviving him) We a. daughter, Dulin, of Elk; four grandchildren, Born near Marlinton April 7, Jfttricia Hafl Bowman^of.Kgflts, Steve Edwin Hively, of Salem, 1920, she was the daughter of the ^Storer'^irgihl'aT^wo^bfOthers, Virginia, Miriam Hively Cobb, of late Fred and Eva Geiger Gwin. Woodrow Hall and Alf Mall, of Columbia, South Carolina, Raye She was preceded in death by Webster County; and three sisters, Hannah Guy, of Union, and her husband, her parents, and three Bittie Hall Cogar and Bird Hall Christopher David Hively, of sisters, Mary Ruth McClintic, Gillis, both of Webster County, Lynchburg, Virginia; and eight Agnes and Garnet Gwin. and Mabel Hall Coakley, of great-grandchildren. Surviving her are a son, Harry Colorado. Eugene Hall, of Wheaton, Services were held at 1 p. m. Maryland; two brothers, David •;? Services were held at 11 a . m . Friday at Mary's Chapel on Elk by Gwin, of Marlinton, and Harry Wednesday in the Dunmore United the Rev. Billy C. Shiley, with Gwin, of Bull Head City, Arizona; Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul burial in the Gibson Cemetery. and three grandchildren. Vineyard, with burial in Dunmore Cemetery. Funeral services were held Charles A. Hammerstein, Sr. Friday at 2 p. m. in the Charles A. Hammerstein,Sr., Elmore-Haynie Funeral Home at 41, of Glen Rock, Pennsylvania, Sherman R. Mammons Kilmarnock, Virginia. Burial was died September 5, 1987, in an Sherman Richmond Hammons, on Monday in Fort Lincoln airplane crash in Grant County. 84, "of Williams River, Rt. 1, Cemetery at Wheaton, Maryland, Mr. Hammerstein was born at Marlinton, died Saturday, where her husband was buried. Williamsport, Pennsylvania, the September 3, 1988, in Alleghany son of Martha Hammerstein, Regional Hospital, Low Moor, Williamsport. ' l Virginia, after a long illness. Robert Lee, .Hannah He was an employee of Mr. Hammons was a farmer and Grumman Aircraft Systems, Memorial services were held logger. Glenarms, Maryland, for the past for Robert Lee Hannah at the Kee He was born on Williams River 18 years as a material dispatcher in September 9, 1903, the son of Cemetery on March 15, 1987, at 2 shipping and receiving. Paris and Lottie Roberts Hammons. p. m. Surviving him are his wife, Preceding him in death were a ;Mr. Hannah, 51, a former Gloria Ann Taylor Hammerstein; son, Clyde; a brother, John; and resident of Marlinton, resided in three children, Charles A. five sisters, Nancy, Bessie, Wheeling, where he had retired Hammerstein, Jr., Christine and Maggie, Amanda, and Ruie. from the educational system after Susan Hammerstein, and a Surviving him are his wife, stepdaughter; Jacqueline Hodgesf> twenty years of teaching music. Allene Parker Hammons; a son, of Monkton, Pennsylvania. ,t' Roy L. Hammons, of Marlinton; a ' Before attending West Virginia Services and burial were held in brother, Burl Hammons, of University, Mr. Hannah served in Pennsylva»ia. . . ,.' ". • s Huntersville; two sisters, Daisy the military during the Korean War Buzzard, of Huntersville, and as a member of the Air Force Band. Emma Roberts, of Marlinton; two Mr. Hannah is survived by his Tammi Sue Hannah grandchildren and one Tammi Sue Hannah, 16, died wife, Patricia Hudson Hannah; one great-grandchild. Saturday, November 26, 1988, at son, Robert Lawrence; his mother, Services were held at 2 p. m. her home on Elk Route, Marlinton, Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Leona Dilley Hannah; and one from heart failure. Home by the Rev. Gary Jarrell, sister, Betty Hannah Sherwood. Born at Marlinton November with burial in the Cochran Graveside services were 27, 1971, she was the daughter of Cemetery. conducted by Rev. Richard Eddie and Ernestine Ray Hannah. Newkirk, pastor of the Marlinton She was a member of Marys Chapel. Presbyterian Church of which Surviving her are her parents Robert was a member for many and grandparents, Woodrow Ray, years. :: of Cleveland, Ohio, and Violee , He was preceded in death by Ray, of Elk Route, Marlinton. his father, Norman Hannah, in Preceding her in death were 1978, her paternal grandparents, Jimmy j&;#Memorial contributions may and Fervin Dumire Hannah. Services were held at 2:00 p. umade to the American Heart m. Tuesday at Marys Chapel by the sociation. j, Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk.



Dock R. Hannah Dock Robert Hannah, 86, died Thursday, July 7, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after, a long illness. Mr. Hannah was retired cashier and member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Marlinton. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and the Masonic Lodge. The son of the late Samuel B. and Amanda Moore Hannah, he was born July 11, 1901, near Slatyfork. Preceding him in death were a sister, Ruby Maye Harbert, and three brothers, Page, Jesse, and Frank Hannah. He is survived by his wife, Thelma Newman Hannah, and a sister, Goldie Gaye Kerr, of Barboursville; five nieces and three nephews. it 'Services were 2 p. m. Sunday afternoon in-the •Marlinton 'United • MethotffsT*&88&iH%*mg* Rev. Nolan Turner, withburial in Mountain View Cemetery. 1

Mrs. Constance L. Herold Mrs. Constance Lugar Herold. 77, of Marlinton, died Saturday, June 6,' 1987, at United Hospital Center in Clarksburg. She had suffered a heart attack on Tuesday. Mrs. Herold was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church where she taught the Anna L. Price Bible Class and was a formei' officer of and active in the Women of the Church. She was retired from the staff of Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, and was a founding member of Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. ',' , She was born April 19, 1910, in Huntington, the daughter of Camden Augustus and Ethel Murdock Lugar. -' A daughter, Constance Ethel Cissy, preceded her in death. I Surviving her are her husband, 1 G. Herold, Jr.; a son, Charles Vernon Reddick, of Richmond, Virginia;' seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Graveside services were held at 3:00 Monday afternoon in the Green Hill Cemetery at Mill Gap, Virginia, by the Rev. Chuck Davis arid the Rev. Richard Newkirk.

Helen Andrlck Harris Helen Andrick Harris, 75, of Parkersburg, died Tuesday, March 14, 1995, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Parkersburg, after a short illness. Mrs. Harris was a former teacher in Wood and Wirt counties, a member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 4-H All-Stars, American Association of University Women, Rebekah Lodge, Retired Teachers of Wood County, and a past member of Parkersburg Women's Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, Shannon, in 1977. Surviving her are two daughters, Marion Weiser, of Parkersburg, and Barbara Halsey, of Marietta, Ohio; a sister, Evah A. Harper, of Marlinton; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday at Vaughan Funeral Home in Parkersburg by the Rev. Eugene Adkins. Burial was in the Elizabeth K. P. Cemetery. Elva M. Hevener ..Elva May Hevener, 88, of the United Zion Home at Lititz, Pennsylvania, died at the home on May 28, 1987. She was the wife of the late Rev. John W. Hevener, Sr., who died in July, 1963. Born in Horton, she was the daughter of th'e late Ulysses S. and Edna May Calhoun. She was a member of the Lititz Church of the Brethren and a lifelong worker for many Brethren programs. Both she and her husband ran the former Brethren Children's Home in Neffsville, Pennsylvania, from 1944 to 1957. At age 65 she became a Brethren volunteer worker and completed assignments in Leesburg, Virginia, and Elgin, Illinois. On March 3, 1976, she received the Lititz Sertoma Club Service Award for her meritorious service to mankind. Survivng are three sons, Charles W. and John W., Jr., both of Litiz, and Paul H., of Mountainberg, Arkansas; three daughters, Nancy Mae Towes, Ruth Hamilton, and Martha Houchin, all of Lititz; a brodier, Lawrence H. Calhoun, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania; 21 grandchildren and 36 great-grandchildren. Funeral services, were held May 31 at 2 p< m. at the Lititz Church of the Brethren by the Rev. Ralph Z. Mover and the Rev. Jimmy R. Ross, with burial at Longenecker's Brethren Cemetery, Lititz.


Annalyn Heavener

Annalyn Heavener, age 65, died at her home at Cherry Grove Saturday, December 6, 1997. Mrs. Heavener worked at the C&H Cash Store at Cherry Grove. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The daughter of Sylvia Mae Thompson Johnston, of Cherry Grove, and the late Cletus Johnston, she was born at "Big Mountain," Cherry Grove, on April 26, 1932. Preceding her in death in addition to her husband and father was a sister, Mattie Bennett Surviving her are her husband of 37 years, Farrell Heavener; a daughter, Judy Thompson, of Riverton; three sons, Charlie Heavener and Ray Heavener, both of Cherry Grove, and Ferlin Heavener, of Circleville; a half-sister, Mary Rexrode, of New Mexico; and a half-brother, Buford Johnston, of Frank; and one grandson. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday in the chapel of Basagic Funeral Home in Franklin by Dr. Paul O'Gorek, with burial in the Heavener Family Cemetery at Cherry Grove.

Annalyn Heavener Annalyn Heavener, 65, of 26 Cherry Lane, Cherry Grove, died Saturday. Dec. 6, 1997, .at her residence. Mrs. Heavener was born April 26, 1932, at Big Mountain, Cherry Grove, a daughter of Sylvia Mae Thompson Johnson of Cherry Grove, and the late Cletus Johnston. She was married for 37 years to Farrell Heavener, who survives. Also surviving are one daughter, Judy Thompson, Riverton; three sons, Charlie Heavener, Cherry Grove, Ferlin Heavener, Circleville, and Ray Heavener, Cherry Grove; one half sister, Mary Rexrode, New Mexico; one half brother, Buford Johnston, Frank; and one grandson, Jared Ray Heavener, Cherry Grove. She was also preceded in death by one sister, Mattie Bennett. Mrs. Heavener was a homemaker and a clerk at C & H Cash Store at Cherry Grove. Mrs. John Hevener Mrs. Mabel Hevener, 94, of Huntington, died Thursday, August 25, 1988. Surviving are a daughter, Virginia Lee Hevener, of Huntington, and a son, John Hevener, of Lima, Ohio. Services were held Saturday in Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Huntington. Graveside services were held Sunday afternoon by the Rev. David Bush in Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Cleo M. Helmick Mrs. Cleo Madeline Helmick, 72, of Bergoo, died Saturday, March 26, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Helmick was a member of the-United Methodist Church and Had'lived 44 years in Webster County, v. She was born November 27, 1915, at Quincy, Kentucky, a daughter of the late Beldon and Cora Lee Jones Blevins. Preceding her in death were her first husband, R. Payne, and second husband, Dock Helmick. Surviving are two daughters, Pat Horton and Shirley Delaney, both of Webster Springs; five sons, Lowell Payne, of Lumberport, Mickey Payne and Sonny Helmick, both of Bergoo; Walt Helmick, of Marlinton, and Bob Helmick, of Curtin; one sister, Inez Jarrells, of Charleston; 22 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.. m. Tuesday at the Bethel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Nelson Harris. Burial was in the West Virginia Memorial Gardens at Calvin. Gerl Urey Hevener Gerl Urey Hevener, of Evans, died March 18, 1995, in his home following a brief illness. Born April 19, 1927, at Blue Springs, he was the son of Ada Folks Hevener, of Monterville, and die late Tolbert Hevener. He was retired from Kaiser Aluminum, a veteran of the Korean Conflict, and a Methodist. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte Ann Sharp Hevener; one son, Phillip Hevener, of Inez, Kentucky; two daughters, Chris Reed, of Orlando, Florida, and Sherry Perdue, of Cross Lanes; brother, Frank of Claysville, Pennsylvania; sisters, Mary Lindsay, Cleveland, Ohio, Pearl Hevener and Lou Sage, of Monterville, Verlie Conrad, of White Sulphur Springs, Eula Gibson, of Mill Creek, May Sweckeri of Valley Head, and Shirley Hite, of Elyria, Ohio; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Services were held Tuesday, March 21, at Casto Funeral Home, Evans, with Rev. Merle Conrad and Ron Sage officiating. Burial was in Jackson County Memory Gardens, in Cottageville.


Sarah Y. Hendley Sarah Y. Hendley, age 71, of Roanoke, Virginia, died Friday, March 31, 1995. She was a retired nurse. Surviving her are her husband, William M. Hendley, formerly of Cass; her mother; one sister; one son; one daughter; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at Oakey's South Chapel in Roanoke. Burial was in Evergreen Burial Park. Madge C. Hesson Mrs. Madge C. Hesson, 90, of Elkridge, Maryland, formerly of Boyer, died Tuesday, December 8, 1987, at a hospital in Baltimore, following a long illness. Born June 5, 1897, at Boyer, she was the daughter of the late Charles K. and Anna Tracy Lantz. Surviving her are two daughters, Virginia Townsend Rexrode and Jo Ann Towwnsend Lambert Rwedar, both of Elkridge, Maryland; a son, Jesse James' Townsend, of Baltimore, Maryland; a sister, Erma Pettit, of Marlinton; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her two husbands, Hesson and Frank Townsend, two sisters and six brothers. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Friday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. George K 1 lissom George F. Hissom, 68, of Charleston, died June 9, 1987, in General Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a short illness. He attended Mountain Mission and was a reared captain for die Charleston Fire Department He was a member of the International Association of Firefighters and was an Army veteran of World War n. Surviving him are his wife, Ella D. "Sissy" Hissom; a son, G. Gary Hissom, of Marlinton; and one grandson. Services were held Friday in Wilson Funeral Home in Charleston by the Rev. James E. "Budd" Legg. Entombment was in Tyler Mountain Memorial Gardens mausoleum.

Dewey F. Hickman Dewey F. Hickman, 59, of Walbridge, Ohio, died Tuesday, April 21, 1987, at his home. He was a former resident of Pocahontas County. Mr. Hickman, who was a graduate of Green Bank High School, was an engineer for the C&O Railroad and a member of die Main street United Brediren Church in Walbridge. i He was born October 30, 1927, at Smoke Mont, North Carolina, a son of me late William E. Hickman and Eva I. Cody Hickman, who survives in Walbridge, Ohio. On August 21, 1948, he was married to Donna Vance. In addition to his wife and motlier, he is survived by two sons, Gary E. Hickman, of Richmond, Virginia, and Kennedi R. Hickman, of Bowling Green, Ohio; one broUier, Estell E. Hickman, Oregon, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Evaline Collins, Cleveland, Ohio,, and Phyllis Schultz, Curtice, Ohio; and four grandchildren. >;• -• •> He was preceded in deadi by one brouier, . Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday in die Main Street United Brethren Church in Walbridge, by the Rev. Kennedi R. Graham, witfi burial in the Rest Lawn Memorial Cemetery. Eula K. Hiner Mrs. Eula K. Hiner, 90, formerly of Droop, died Sunday, May 1, 1988, in a Baltimore hospital following a long illness. Born October 13, 1897, at Droop, she was the daughter of the late Thomas and Maude Simmons Kershner. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dewey E. Hiner, in 1953, and by two children. Survivors include three sons, Edsel L. and Paul H. Hiner, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and Dewey Hiner, Jr., of Painesville, Ohio; a brother, Delbert Kershner, of California; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at the Wallace and Wallace Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. David Bush, witii burial in the Whiting Cemetery on Droop.

Leila Maude Hiner Leila Maude Hiner, 81, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died in Monongalia General Hospital in Morgantown on Saturday, March 7,1987. ' She was the widow of William Clyde Hiner, who died July 16, 1965. Bom April 15, 1905, in Dunmore, she was the daughter of the late John Sheets and Emma McCalpin Sheets. ./ j Surviving her are five children: three daughters, Maude Hiner, of Warm Springs, Virginia, Wilma H. Faulknier, of Marlinton, Madge May, of Warm Springs, Virginia; two sons, Hunter H. Hiner, of Marlinton, and William C. Hiner, of Norfolk, Virginia; ten grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Mountain Grove United Methodist Church by the Rev. Garland Groves, assisted by the Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial in Mountain Grove Cemetery. ' Ralph Francis High Ralph Francis High, age 50, of Arbovale, died unexpectedly of a heart attack Saturday night, March 7, 1987. . . He was born October 23, 1936, at Marlinton, a son of Ethel H. High, of Churchville, Virginia, and the late Edward E. High. Mr. High was employed at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank for the past 21 years and was a member of the Monterey United Methodist Church. He had served in the United States Air Force and was a member of American Legion Post No. 117 of Durbin, a member of the Highland Masonic Lodge #110 A.F;&A.M. of Monterey, and the Franklin Moose Lodge #769. On June 12, 1971, he married Donna Faye Bias, who survives. In addition to his wife and mother, he is survived by his stepdaughter, Mrs. Douglas (Jeanene) Fedak, of Arbovale; two stepsons, Dana Turley, of Marlinton, and Ricky Turley, Of Charleston; and two stepgrandsons. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell, Virginia, by the Rev. John Moses. Burial was in the Monterey Cemetery.

Mary Hickman Mary Frances Oscar Evans Hickman, age 85, died Sunday, November 30, 1997, in Shenandoah Nursing Home at Ranson. She was born at Watoga December 13, 1911, the daughter of Frank and Docia Oscar. She was twice married, to Charles Albert Sidney Hickman and to Edgar Davis Evans, both deceased. A son, John Lanty Hickman, a step-son, Thomas Lee Oscar, three brothers, Austin, John and William Oscar, and two sisters, Mamie Swecker and Lillie Oscar, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are nine children, Amanda Jane Pennington, of Hillsboro, Lucy Persinger, of Rainelle, Lennie Sowers, Silver Spring, Maryland, Betty Beck, of Warm Springs, Virginia, Bertie Chandler, of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, Nadine Hanna, of Renick, Samuel Hickman, of Lincoln, Virginia, James Hickman, of Rainelle, and Charlie Hickman, of West Palm Beach, Florida, and eight step-children; a sister, Ada Oscar, of Mill Creek; two brothers, Roy Oscar, of Marlinton, and George Oscar, of Cybril, Oklahoma; thirty grandchildren, twenty-nine great-grandchildren; sixteen step-grandchildren, and eleven step-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Alderman, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Alonzo R. Hinchman Alonzo Ray Hinchman, 71, a resident of Elkins, died at 4:12 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, 1997, at his residence. He had been in his usual health and death was unexpected. He was born July 26, 1926, in Elkins, a son of the late Wil ford Jacob and Flora G. Haddix Hinchman. He never married. .suivivirojare onesTstsrTTrene Ratcliff, Pasadena, Md.; three brothers. Wil ford "Wimpy" Hinchman and Clarence Leroy Hinchman, both of Elkins, and Frank F. Hinchman, Beverly. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Anna and Maudie Hinchman, and one brother, Calvin Hinchman. Mr. Hinchman was a former employee of Odie Thompson Trucking and Mongold Lumber Co. He was a veteran and served during World War II in German and Asia with Troop C 7th Calvary in the liberation of the Philippines. He was a Protestant.

Edith M. Hively Mrs. Edith M. Hively, 62, of Route 2, Marlinton (Knapps Creek), died Sunday, February 28, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Hively was a Presbyterian and a member of the Order of Eastern Star. She was a retired nurse's aide. Born near Marlinton February 22, 1926, she was the daughter of the late Fred D. and Roxie Galford Sharp. Preceding her in death were her husband, Roscoe Beverage, a brother and a sister, and an infant daughter. Surviving her are two daughters, Mary E. Beverage, of Marlinton, and Alma Uphold, Gormania; five brothers, Walter Sharp, Shelbyville, Tennessee, Calvin Sharp, Weems, Virginia, Frank Sharp, Green Bank, Fred Sharp, Pleasants, Texas, Eddie Sharp, Hambleton; and two sisters, Ada Wilson, Weems, Virginia, and Grace Hanna, Hillsboro. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Calvin Lee Hiner Calvin Lee Hiner, 52, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died at the Alleghany Regional Hospital on Wednesday, April 8, 1987. Born September 14, 1934, in Mountain Grove, he was a son of the late Lloyd W. Hiner and the late Susie Chestnut Hiner. He is survived by his wife, Edna Hiner, and four daughters, Debra K. King, of Mountain Grove, Carolyn Hoffman, of Pasadena, Texas, Elizabeth Marie Bennett, of Mountain Grove, and Cynthia Ann Hiner, of Marlinton; one son, Calvin Edward Hiner, of Mountain Grove; two sisters, Mrs. Marie H. Pursley, of Bacoya, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty K. Dunbar, of Crawley; one brother, Julian W. Hiner, of Mountain Grove; nine grandchildren; one niece, three nephews. Funeral services were held Saturday, April 11, at 2 p. m. at the Mountain Grove United Methodist Church by Rev. Garland Groves, assisted by Rev. Clyde Gum - Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Merrill W. Hodges Merrill Warren Hodges, 70, of Hillsboro, died Friday, September 16, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a native of Hurricane Creek (West Virginia) and a member of the Addy Baptist Church of Hurricane Creek. He was a retired employee with 40 years service with Clark Controllers Company in Cleveland, Ohio.where he was an active member of MESA, serving on the exeuctive board on the local and national level. He was previously a member of the CCCs at Camp Price at Droop Mountain. Surviving him are his wife of 51 years, Lebeatrice Kinnison Hodges; three daughters, Mrs. Carolyn Stonfer, of Westminster, Maryland, Mrs. Ruby Burns, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Marvel McNeill, of Buckeye; three sons, Keith Hodges, of West Hickory, Pennsylvania, Glen Hodges, of Milton, and Marion Hodges, of Brilliant, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Lucille Glenn, of Orlando, Florida, Mrs. Louise Ward and Mrs. Louella Edwards, both of Huntington; two brothers, Noel and Ernest Hodges, both of Huntington; 14 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his parents, Frank and Bertha Hodges; one sister, Opal Francis; three brothers; Dillard, Alvin, and Dennis; and one grandchild, Cynthia. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Revs. Clay Macaulay and Verlin Butcher. Burial was in Emmanuel Cemetery on Bruffeys Creek. Nelle Howes Mrs. Nelle Howes, 84, died Monday, August 24, 1987, at her home in Fairmont., She was formerly a cashier with Monongahela Power Company in Fairmont. Born at Dunmore July 7, 1903, she was the daughter of the late John Galford, Sr., and Katherine McLaughlin Galford. Surviving her are her husband, p. D. Howes; one son, William D. Howes, of Merritt Island, Florida; three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Maude Dilley, of Dunmore; two brothers, John Galford, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and June 'Galford, of Dunmore. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday in the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Vineyard and Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in Dunmore Cemetery.

AVIV HI i . u u g a u Harper H. Hollen \ Alvin Parker Hogan, 58, a Harper H. Hollen, 74, of resident of Arbovale and an Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania, died employee of the National Radio Saturday, November.14, 1987, in Astronomy Observatory at Green Meadville Medical Center, following an illness of seven Bank for serveral years, died months. Wednesday, September 9, 1987, at West Virginia University Medical Born July 27, 1913, in Center in Morgantown following Green Bank, he was a son of an 18-month illness. Howard and Cloe Harper Hollen. '•;.: He was born July 23, 1929, His wife, the former Sara Rhoades at Monterville, a son of the late Anthony, survives at home. William Wesley Hogan and Belva He was a steamfitter working Channel Hogan, who survives at out of Local 47, of Northwestern East Dai ley. Pennsylvania, retiring in 1976, and • ' He was married to the former a life member of Conneaut Lake Waneta Shreve, who survives at Park Volunteer Fire Department. Arbovale. A son, Edward Hollen, of Surviving also are one son, Cochranton; two daughters, Sue Michael E., Hogan, Chester, Boozel, of Linesvile, and Doris Maryland, two daughters, Mrs. Edmunson, of New Orleans; a William (Charlene) Taylor, West stepdaughter, Kimberly Anthony, Union, Ohio, Mrs. Michael (Lois) of Conneaut Lake; three sisters, Dennis, Bruceton Mills; four Mrs. William (Madelyn) Beard, of brothers, George E. Hogan, Sharon; Mrs. Clifford (Argil) Scott, Meridian, Mississippi; William S. of Atlantic, and Mrs. Frank (Irene) Hogan, Morgantown, H. Edsel Randall, of North East; five Hogan, Sutton, and John W. grandchildren and six Hogan, Hurricane; five sisters, great-grandchildren survive. Leah Kincaid, Minooka, Illinois; A sister, Dorothy Brinkley, Lucy Prosser, Lawrenceville, died previously. Georgia; Elsie Hite, Jacksonville, Services were held on Arizona; Marie Smith, Valley Head, Tuesday, November 16, 1987, at Elaine Valentine, Elkins; and five the James W. Baird Funeral Home, .jgr^nde*»Udj-eiji,j.^^.^ ••* (* . Jamestown, with the Rev. Frank L « He waskpreceded in death by Duncan of Adamsville United one^iystef, Ireta Sloan. Presbyterian Church officiated. /; He was a veteran of the U.S. Burial was in South Army and served during the Korean Sehnango Cemetery. Conflict. Funeral services were held1 Dr. Carl L. Holland Saturday by the Rev. Julian Dr. Carl Lee Holland, 55, of Rittenhouse with burial in the Buckeye, died Saturday, November Heavner Cemetery near 14, 1987, at home, after several Monterville. *" months' illness. Born July 29, 1931, at Red Jo Ann Hockstra Jacket, Mingo County, he was the Jo Ann Hockstra, 62, of son of the late Estill and Esther Cincinnati, Ohio, died January 28, Stepp Holland. 1995, following an illness of four Dr. Holland was Superintendent months with brain cancer. of Pocahontas County Schools, a She was born at Duo on May member of the Marlinton United 10, 1932, the daughter of the late Methodist Church, the Marlinton Tony and Thressa Franco Leo. Lions Club, the West Virginia Mrs. Hockstra was President of School Board Association, the Elks their family business, Hockstra's Club, and Academic Boosters. He Produce. She was an active was a veteran. member of the Parkview Christian Surviving him are his wife, Reformed Church. Patricia Ann Ward Holland; two Survivors include her husband, sons, Sam Holland, of WinterJames Hockstra; three sons, Tony haven, Florida, and Phil Holland, Hockstra, David Hockstra and of Athens; four brothers, Paul James Hockstra; three daughters, Holland, of San Leandro, Diane Gieser, Kalhy Steele and California, and Bill, Ben and John Jody Ringalda; two sisters, Louise Earnest Holland, all of Columbus, Barnisky, of Marlinton, and Ohio; a sister, Sue Henderson, of Pauline Janney, of Cincinnati; three Huntington; and one grandchild. brothers, Joe Leo, of Rupert, Bill He was preceded in death by his Leo, of Wilmington, Delaware, and parents, a brother, and a son, Carl Augustine Leo, of Atlanta, Edward. * Georgia. Services were held at 10 a. m. A memorial service was held at Monday in the VanReenen Funeral her church on February 4. Mrs. Home by the Rev. RobertI Hockstra donated her body to the Cruikshank. Burial was Monday! University of Cincinnati College of afternoon in the Roselawn Medicine for medical research. Memorial Gardens at Princeton. ;

Frances M. Hudson Frances M. Hudson, 74, died Monday, December 21, 1987, of a heart attack at Arlington Hospital, Arlington, Virginia. She was the widow of the late Clarence M. Hudson and daughter of the late Samuel and Margaret Pritchard. She is survived by her daughter, Margaret A. Dougherty; .granddaughter, Christine A. Dougherty, both of McLean, Virginia; two sisters, Mildred Greer, of Lincoln, Massachusetts, and Imogene Webb, of Monrovia, California; and two brothers, Samuel Pritchard, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Chadwick Pritchard, of Williamsburg, Virginia. Mrs. Hudson was born in Dunmore. In the early 1940's she served as the U. S. Postmaster in Bacova, Virginia. She was a graduate of Green Bank High School and the Dunsmore Business College in Staunton, Virginia. She was an active member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, Virginia. She also served as a volunteer with Circle Terrace Hospital, the Potomac Hills Citizens Association and the sewing group of St. John's Catholic. ^Church in McLean, Vriginia. V A memorial service was held at Westmister Presbyterian Church in Alexandria on Saturday, December 26. Interment was in Maple Grove * metery, Brbokville, Indiana. Doyle D. Hoover Doyle D. Hoover, 76, of Harrisville, passed away February 18, 1987, in Camden-, Clark Hospital in Parkersburg, Born in Ritchie County October 24, 1910, he was a son of Randolph and Abigail Sinnett Hoover. He was retired from the West Virginia Department of Highways; he was a general store proprietor for ten years and also an oil field worker. Surviving him are his wife, Waneta Snodgrass Hoover;, two daughters, Brenda Sweet," of-*> Harrisville, Doyletta Ulderick, of Durbin; a stepson, Ellis Moyers, of Ravenna, Ohio; four grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren; four brothers, Kenneth Hoover, of Petroleum, John, Burdette, and Travis Hoover, all of Harrisville; and one sister, Dorothy Belle, of Pennsboro. Services were held at 1 p. m. Saturday at the Raiguel Funeral Home in Harrisville by Rev. Roy Modesitt, with burial in King Knob Cemetery.

Dr. Charles nui Dr. Charles Hill, 76, of Lewisburg, died April 29, 1983, at home after a short illness. He was bom in Pocahontas County and a member of the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. He was a professor of agriculture and education and received many national honors. He was a retired professor from Cornell University where he had received his PhD. He was also a professor at W. Va. University where he received his undergraduate and masters degrees. t Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Harriet McDonald, of Craig, Colorado; a stepson, Dr. Robert J. Nottingham, of Craig; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Whiteman, of Romney; six grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. His wife, Dakota Kirk Hill, preceded him in death Graveside services were I held at Z"pm Mcmdaf at the^ Oak Grove Cemetery with the Rev. William Slates Milton D. Humphreys, Sr. officiating. Milton D. Humphreys, Sr., The family requests that, 72, of Ballard and Fort Myers, donations be made to the Florida, died Monday, April 20, W. Va. Univsersity Foun1987, at a Fort Myers hospital dation. following a short illness. Mrs. Nana R. Hinkle Born October 21, 1914, at Mrs. Nana R. Hinkle, 76, of Ballard, he was the son of the late Marlinton, died Friday, September Dayton Hamer and Myrtle Mae 9, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Gourley Humphreys. He grew up Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the in Marlinton and graduated from Marlinton Church of Christ. Marlinton High School. Surviving her are her husband, Mr. Humphreys was a retired Teddy R. Hinkle; daughter, aeronautical engineer for the U. S. Barbara Blankenship, of Marlinton; Government, was an Air Force a sister, Eva Eye, of Franklin; two veteran, and was a member of the grandchildren. Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Services were held at 11 a. m. He was preceded in deatli by a Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral brodier, Roy Humphreys, in 1975. Home by the Rev. George Surviving him are a son, Browning. Burial was in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Franklin. Milton (Doc) Humphreys, Jr., of Ballard; a brother, Charles Humphreys, of Blacksburg, Norval Huff Virginia; three granddaughters and Norval Lee Huff, 69, died in Roanoke, Virginia, Friday, July 1, two great-grandchildren. 1988. Services were held at the He was a painter. Broyles Funeral Home Chapel in Born at Marlinton March 5, Peterstown by the Rev. Harvey 1919, he was the son of William L. Adkins, with burial in the Orchard and Ratie L. Snyder Huff. Cemetery at Ballard. His only survivors are several cousins. Services will be held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 11 a. m. Thursday by the Rev. Richard Newkirk.

Roy Lee Humes Roy Lee Humes, 42, of 7805 Emerson Avenue, Parkersburg, died Wednesday, March 29, 1989, in Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital, of a short illness. He was born in Marlinton, son of Iva Humes Shinaberry, of Marlinton, and the late Wilbur Shinaberry, Sr., He was a car salesman in Parkersburg. Surviving are his wife, Madeline Jones Humes; one daughter, Stacy Humes, at home; one son, Robbie Humes; two brothers, Henry Shinaberry, of Maryland, and Keith Shinaberry, of Marlinton; three sisters, Betty Shorter, of Marlinton, Mae Glazier, of Connecticut, and Sharon Lambert, of Virginia; two half-sisters, Sis Biggs, of Selma, Virginia, and Dot Buzzard, of Marlinton. He was preceded" in death by one brother, Robert Shinaberry, and two half-brothers, James Shinaberry and Wilbur Shinaberry, Jr. Services were at 11 a. m. on March 31 at Leavitt Funeral in Parkersburg with burial in Sunset Memory Gardens.

Mildred 1. Hicks Mildred Irene Hicks, 84, a former resident of East Dailey and a resident of Warren, Ohio, for the past 2 years, died Tuesday, June 2, 1998, at Trumbull Memorial Hospital in Warren. Mrs. Hicks was born June 10, 1913, at Diana, a daughter of the late George Connally and Frances Bennett Connally Liston. She was married to Casper Albert Hicks, who preceded her in death in 1981. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Anthony (Alice) Stankus. Warren, Ohio, with whom she made her home; six grandchildren, nine greatgrandchildren and a great-greatgrandchild. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Betty Leumbruno; a brother, Howard Connally; and a sister, Virginia Ralich. Mrs. Hicks was a homemaker and a member of the Valley Bend Presbyterian Church. She was also a member of Huttonsville Rebekah Lodge No. 103 and a member of Dailey-Valley Bend Extension Homemakers.

Robert E. Hefner Robert E. "Spike" Hefner, 69, of Gamaliel, Ark., died Sunday, March 29, 1998 at his home following a short illness. Mr. Hefner was born Oct. 7, 1928, in Pickens, a son of the late Joseph E. and Mae Wasmer Hefner. In 1965, he married Marvonelle Roe Hefner, who survives in Gamaliel. Also surviving are a brother, Clarence "Bud" Hefner, Buckhannon; and one sister, Helen Cutright, Buckhannon. He was preceded in death by a sister, Josephine Smith. Mr. Hefner graduated from Pickens High School and retired from the U.S. Marine Corps after 25 years of service. Roller Funeral Home in Mountain Home, Ark. is in charge of the arrangements.


Richard P. Hedrick Richard P. Hedrick, age 82, of Alliance, Ohio, formerly of Pocahontas County, died July 29, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Buckeye, of an apparent heart attack. Mr. Hedrick was born July 14, 1916, at Whitmer, and was the son of the late Charles and Clara Warner Hedrick. He was a member of Alliance Baptist Temple in Alliance, Ohio, and was a stationary engineer. He is survived by his wife, Kathryn Gail Mullennon Hedrick, of Alliance, Ohio; three daughters, Judy Martin, of Alliance, Ohio, Karen Anders, of Independence, Virginia, and Kathy King, of Salem, Virginia; two sons, Rick Hedrick, of Salem, Virginia, and Randy Hedrick, of Ravenna, Ohio; one sister, Bonnie Matheny, of Bartow; and 1 brother, Brooks Hedrick, of Fairport Harbor, Ohio; ten grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Delores Faye. Funeral services were held Sunday, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale with Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Orpha Violet Hiner Mrs. Orpha V. Hiner, age 76, of Manassas, Virginia, died August 5,1998, at her residence. Born at Rimel, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Leona Combs Endicott. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Norman; a daughter, Norma Jo Simmons; and a brother, William Cochran. Mrs. Hiner was a homemaker. Survivors include five daughters, Jaunita Clifford, Clayton, North Carolina, Deloris Grim, Manassas, Virginia, Carroll Pryor, Haymarket, Virginia, Doris Plamp, Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania, Irene Hiner, Manassas, Virginia; one son, Robert Hiner, of Manassas, Virginia; one sister, Delberta McKibbon, of Cleveland, Ohio; brother, Willis Endicott, Harrisonburg, Virginia; 9 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, August 8, 1998, in the Baker Chapel of the Blausius-Baker Funeral Home, in Manassas, Virginia, with the Rev. Laird Thomas officiating. Burial was private.

Mr. Divis Hewdyuhell Dives Howdyschell, 64, of 1708 Madison Averue, Huntington, died Wednesday, December 26, 1979. Born March 3,1915, in Marlinton, he was the son of the late Erwin and Lydia Sharp Howdyschell Carr. He was a truck driver and a member of Teamster No. 505. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel Janet Howdyschell; one daughter, Mrs. Larry Constance Chambers, of Huntington; three sons, Charles and Daniel, both of Huntington, and Michael Howdyschell, Mansfield, Ohio; four sisters, Mrs. Lena Burgess, Marlinton, Mrs. Joe Pearl Butcher, of Huntington, Mrs. Lula Mae Einertson, of Hawthorne, California, Mrs. Flossie A. Rabe, of Tampa, Florida; eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Friday at Riger Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Roland Gardner. Burial was in Ridgelawn Memorial Park. David G. Hicks David Glenn Hicks, age 54, of Rt. 1, Marlinton, died Tuesday, August 4, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hicks worked as a butcher and he was a Mason. He was born in Richwood September 27, 1943, the son of the late Walter M. Hicks, Jr., and Alta Marie Scott Hicks. Survivors include two daughters, Pamela Marie Hicks Doss, of Dallas, Texas, and Angela JoAnn Hicks, of Marlinton; and two adopted sons, Jonathan Ray Hicks and Jason Lee Hicks, both of Marlinton. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel Friday at 1 p. m. by the Rev. Jerry Moore. Burial was in the Richwood Cemetery with Masonic rites.

Paul T. Hively Paul T. Hively, age 71, of Vledaryville, Indiana, died October 5, 1998, at Remington, Indiana. He was born October 20,1926, in Dunmore, the son of the late John A. and Eva Rexrode Hively. He had resided in Medaryville area the past 40 years. He was married to Louella Hilda Croft, who preceded him in death, March 3,1998. The owner of Hively Welding Company, Inc., he was a U.S. Army Veteran, a member of St. John United Church of Christ and a past president of the Medaryville Lions Club. He is survived by three sons, Michael Hively, of Remington, Indiana, Rex Hively, of Medaryville, Indiana, and Douglas Hively, of Morton Grove, Illinois; five sisters, Juanita Davis, of Denver, Colorado, Alice Underwood, of Warrenton, Virginia, Ann Dodson, of Anderson, South Carolina, Sylvia Johnson, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Truda Underwood, of Huntersville; one brother, Don Hively, of Dunmore; 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death, along with his wife and parents, by two brothers, Burley and Hunter, and an infant sister, Eula Mae. A Lions Memorial service was held Wednesday, at the QuerryUlbright Funeral Home, Medaryville. Funeral services were held Thursday, at St. John United Church of Christ by Rev. Sharon Maddox. Burial with military graveside service was held at St. John Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Jasper County Hospice or Medaryville Lions Cancer Fund. Harold Edward Hammons Harold Edward Hammons, age 54, of Thomastown Road, Marlinton, died Saturday, October 31, 1998, at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. He was disabled, a former sawmill lumber stacker, and a member of the Church of God. He was born October 27,1944, at Huntersville, the son of the late Lee and Binnie Copenhaver Hammons. Survivors include his wife, Linda Schoolcraft Hammons; three sons, David Price, Arlington, Texas, Trampas Hammons and Brian Hammons, both of Marlinton; three sisters, Goldie Burgess and Helen Friel, both of Buckeye, and Marie Burgess, of Marlinton; two brothers, Theodore Hammons and Dewey Hammons, both of Marlinton; and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Wallace Dom, with burial in Kee Cemetery.

Bernard Holbrook Bernard Holbrook, 73, of Valley Head, died at 12:32 a.m. Monday, Jan. 26,-1998, in Davis Memorial Hospital, following a sudden illness. Mr. Holbrook was born March 30, 1924, in Webster County, a s«n of Harry Austin Holbrook. who survives at Cowen, and the late Sarah Goff Holbrook. He was twice married, first to Elsie Holbrook, who survives at Cowen, and later to Dixie Fleming, who preceded him in death. Also surviving are one son, Kenneth Holbrook, Huttonsville; one brother, Guy Holbrook, Georgia; one sister, Inez Dilley, Cowen; and one grandson, Brian Holbrook, Huttonsville. He was also preceded in death by one infant son, and one brother, Hershel Holbrook. Mr. Holbrook attended the schools of Webster County. He worked as a coal miner and later as a correction officer at Huttonsville Correctional Center prior to his retirement. He was a Protestant. BERNARD HOLBROOK — ' Friends may call at Tomblyn Funeral Home of Elkins Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be in the funeral home chapel Thursday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Verl Sjmmons officiating. Interment will follow in Brick Church Cemetery near Huttonsville. The family requests that memorial donations be made to American* Heart Association, West Virginia Affiliate, PO Box 11062, Charleston, W.Va. 25339.

Virginia S. Hively Virginia S. Hively, age 55, of Ivydale, died Tuesday, February 10, 1998, in General Division, CAMC, after a long illness. She was a housekeeper for Holiday Inn. She is survived by her husband, Harley; daughter, Cynthia W. Laxton, of Ivydale; sons, Marven Chris and Michael Hively, both of Ivydale, John A. Hively, of Ohio; sisters, Brenda Holcomb, of Sandridge, Genevieve Beckett and Momzell "Tootie" Justice, bodi of Ohio, Mary Lou Smith, of Hillsboro, Joetta Westfall, of Ripley, Alice Green, of Spencer; brothers, James "Jimmy" Green, of Ripley, Cecil Green, of Reedy, Larry and Kenneth Green, both of Ohio; and three grandchildren. Services were held Friday at Carl Wilson Funeral Home, Clay, by the Reverend Jerry Hanshaw with burial in Koch Cemetery.


Virginia K. Hamrick GILBOA-Virginia K. Hamrick of Gilboa, died at CAMC-Memorial Division on Saturday, April 26,1997, following a long illness. She was 61 years of age. She was born in Braxton County, on March 28,1936. She had formerly lived in Madison and Webster Springs, and was a homemaker. She was a Protestant by faith. She is survived by: her husband, Ira Edward Hamrick of Gilboa; daughters, Pam Hamrick of Gilboa, Kim Raleigh of Mt. Lookout, Cathy Sammons of Drcnncn, and Robin Sammons of Summcrsvillc; sons. Jessie Dilley of Webster Springs, Ricky Hamrick of Canvas, Roger Hamrick and Thomas Hamrick, both of Gilboa; brothers, Buck Dilley of Bolair, Cofcr Dilley of Craigsville, Johnny Dilley of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and Roy Dilley of Webster Springs; sisters, Erma Farley of Webster Springs, Gaye Wallers of Clarksburg, and Betty Adkins of Craigsville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ira Edward Hamrick. Services were held on Monday, April 28, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Cofcr Cochran officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin. Daisy B. Hansford Daisy Blanch Hansford, age 88, died Sunday, March 1, 1998, at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. She was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. Born at Marlinton July 1, 1909, she was the daughter of the late Norman Jordan and Mary Palmer Candler. Her husband, Darrel C. Hansford, preceded her in death; Also deceased are two sisters, Maude Welder and Almeda Liptrap, and a brother, Bill Candler. Surviving her are two sons, Donald C. Hansford and Denny L. Hansford, both of Hot Springs, Virginia; three daughters, Dorothy M. McLaughlin, of Marlinton, Delores J. Ball, of Hamlin, and Donna S. Buckingham, of Fairmont; sixteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Randy Benson and the Rev. Wallace Dorn, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Marlinton Presbyterian Church Kitchen Fund.

Norel Wilmurth Hanna

Norel Wilmuth "Rip" Hanna, age 75, of Spencer, formerly of Charleston and Huntersville. rtie.d September 16, 1998, in Summersville Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hanna was retired after being a store room clerk for Monsanto Chemical Company of Nitro. He attended the Huntersville United Methodist Church and Epling Chapel Baptist Church. He was a member of Masonic Lodge #65, Huntersville, Order of Eastern Star Chapter #97, Marlinton, and Scottish Rites of Charleston. IT». served in the Army in World W, II. A native of Adrian, he was bo January 13, 1923, the son of th late Clarence and Beulah Dooley Hanna Survivors include his wife, Juanita Casto Hanna; two sons, Larry Hanna, of Old Town, Florida, and Roger Hanna, of Spencer, one brother, Clarence Hanna, Jr., of Orion, Michigan; and three sisters, Marie Saulton, of Charleston, Louise Skidmore, of Poca, and Emmajean Kilgore, of Sanford, Florida; two granddaughters and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. John "Jay" Hicks. Burial with Masonic rites was at Mountain View Cemetery. Helen Jean Horton Helen Jean Horton, age 60, of Tenth Street, Marlinton, formerly of Elton, Summers County, died Saturday, August 29, 1998, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a long illness. Born January 23, 1938, at Elton, she was the daughter of the late Jesse Surbaugh and Marie Martin Surbaugh Vandall. Mrs. Horton had been a resident of Marlinton for fifteen years. She was of the Baptist faith. She was preceded in death by a brother, Jesse Frederick Surbaugh. Survivors include her husband, Glen Horton, Sr., of Marlinton; two sons, Glen Horton, Jr., of Marlinton and Elton, and Robert Horton, of Manassas, Virginia; her step-father, Eugene Vandall, of Meadow Bridge; three sisters, Janet Cyrus, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, Kathryn Hamrick, of Meadow Bridge, and Brenda Harrah, of Elton; three half-sisters, Patricia Miller, of Elton, Debbie Davis and Angie Simms, both of Meadow Bridge; a brother, Roger Surbaugh, of Elton; two half-brothers, Curtis and Michael Vandall, both of Elton; and three grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Wallace and Wallace Chapel, Rainelle, by the Rev. Bill Lilly. Burial was in Halladon Cemetery, Green Sulphur.

Stephen H. Hiner, Jr. Stephen H. "Boo" Hiner, Jr., age 82, of Elkins, died Monday, February 2, 1998, in Davis Memorial Hospital, following an extended illness. Mr. Hiner was born September 19, 1915, at Durbin, a son of Stephen H. and Annie Morris Hiner. On June 3, 1950, he married the former Olive Caplinger, who preceded him in death on June 21, 1990. He was also preceded in death by a brother, John Hiner, and two sisters, Helen Bassett and Virginia Maule. Surviving him are two brothers, Richard Hiner, of Durbin, and Dr. Ben Hiner, of Kinsale, Virginia; four sisters, Dolly Hertig, Amissville, Virginia, Mary Rives Kegley, of Hagerstown, Maryland, Monna Martin, of Morgantown, and Lois Scarbro, Centerville, Maryland. Mr. Hiner served with the U. S. Army, 99th Division, in Europe during World War II. He also served in the Korean Conflict. He was employed as an inspector for Commercial Interteck in Youngstown, Ohio, at the time of his retirement He was a member of American Legion Post No. 117 of Durbin and was a Protestant. Graveside rites were held at Maplewood Cemetery February 4 by the Rev. Dr. Basil A. Hensley. Full military rites were accorded at the gravesite by members of American Legion Post No. 117, H. W. Daniels Post No. 29 American Legion, and Tygart Valley Post No. 3647 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of choice. The community of Boyer was greatly shocked on May 16, 1938. when Bessie Estell Di!!ey Hughes, wife o f Prank Strickltr Hughes, of Boyer, de parted after a Jong illness, gfcri Hughes was born January 2H, 1879 and died at the age of 59 years, 3 months and 10 days, at her home near Boyer. She leaves to mourn her her husband; one sister, Mrs O E. Gum, of Minnehaha Springs; and one brother, P. S. Dilley, of Richwood, and a host of friends Mrs Hughes has been a member of the Methodist Church for many years. She was always interested in tbi work of the church. Mrs Hughes was a good wife and wil! be greaily missed by those_who knew her. But our loss is Heaven's gain. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. J, W. Pugh. assisted b / Bev. A B Williford, Greenbank I'resbUeiian pastor, at the B>yer Church in the presence of a large congregation. Her body was laid to rest in the Nottingham cemetery to await the judge menr. J. W. P.

Saford H. Hammons Saford H. Hammons, age 56, of Beverly, died Thursday, February 5, 1998, at home, from cancer. Mr. Hammons was an employee of Midland Public Service District and was an Army veteran. He served as pastor of Friendship Baptist Church at Valley Head. A native of Greenbrier County, he was bom July 13,1941, the son of Howard and Tilsie Stanley Hammons. On February 9, 1963, he was united in marriage to Mildred Sue Sparks Hammons, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Stephanie Hammons Mitchell, of Marlinton; two foster sons, David Plaugber, of Elkins, and Tommy Swink, of Sevierville, Tennessee; a foster daughter, Diane Killen; three sisters, Wanda Hunt, of Johnstown, Ohio, Elenore Coe, of Summersville, and Glenna McNeill, of Morganton, North Carolina; two brothers, Ennan Hammons, of Fenwick, and Jerry Hammons, of Richwood; three grandchildren and four foster grandchildren. Services were held Saturday at 3 p. m. at Trinity Baptist Church by Pastors Ronnie Nestor, Keith Miller, and Jim Hendricks. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be given to the Cancer Society, to Hospice, or to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.

Justin M. Hypes, 74, died Wednesday, February 4, 1976, enroute to a Summersville hospital of an apparent heart attack. Born at Poe, June 2,1901, he was a son of the late Joseph and Wilma Walker Hypes. He was a retired Methodist Minister and formerly served churches in Pocahontas. Survivors include his wife, Ezelle Tyree Hypes; four sons, John and William, Jr., both of Summersville, James, of Hamha, and Robert A. of Colorado; three daughters, Mrs. Justine Stanley, of Mount Lookout, Mrs. Martha Amick, of Leivasy, and Mrs. Mary Joe Pulton, of Byesville, Ohio: foiff brothers and five sisters; and 11 grandchildren. ' The funeral was held Sunday afternoon in the Summersville United Methodist Church with Rev. Paul Beale in charge, with burial in Mount \Vernon Ceme tery at Glad*Creek.

Dorothy B. Hamrick Dorothy B. Hamrick of Webster County, died in Charleston on Saturday, April 12,1997. She was 76 years of age. She was born in Marlinton, on February 17,1921, thedaughter of the late Sterling and Grace Greene Dilley. She had lived in Webster County for almost 50 years, and was a homemaker and a Protestant by faith. She was a member of the Cowen Garden Club. She is survived by: sons, William Fred Hamrick of Craigsville and Jim Hamrick of Oakland, Md.; daughters, Ramona Westfall of Cowen, Carma Massie of Ackworth, Ga., and Flora Gillardo of Indianapolis, Ind.; 13 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William Everett Hamrick, by daughter Doris Tyler, and by one brother and one sister. Services were held on Tuesday, April 15, at 2:00 p.m., at the Ad"ns Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne, officiating. Burial was at the Sunset Memorial Park in Erbacon. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Lillian Bessling Harvey Lillian Preston Bessling Harvey was born December 1, 1907, in Baltimore, Maryland, and died September 10, 1998, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center, Marlinton, after a long illness. Mrs. Harvey was the daughter of the late John G. and Louvernia Lightner Bessling, of Marlinton. She was the widow of D. C. (Curly) Harvey, a barber in Marlinton and Hillsboro. Also preceding her in death were a brother, John H. Bessling, and a sister, Katherine Bessling Moore (Mrs. Ralph). She was a member of the .Msrlinton United Methodist Church and Order of Eastern Star Chapter #97. She was a former member and Sunday school teacher at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro, where she lived for many years. Her only survivors are cousins. An Eastern Star service was held Saturday evening. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Dennis Mehaffie. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Harlan H. Harper Harlan H. Harper, 85, of Riverton, died Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1996, at Cortland Acres Nursing Home in Thomas. Mr. Harper was born June 8, 1911, at Onego, a son of the late Arthur and Clara Ann Mallow Harper. On Oct. 8, 1942, he married Creola Dailey Harper who survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Peggy Thompson, Winchester, Va., and Patsy Weese, Franklin; three sons, Thomas H. Harper, Riverton, Conley Harper, Lubbock. Texas, and Stanley Harper, Riverton; three sisters, Elva Harper, Red Creek, Jacqueline McDonald, Paw Paw, and Joy Markley, Maysville; two brothers, Elwood Harper, Vienna, Va.. and Chester Harper, Belington; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers, three sisters and one granddaughter. Mr. Harper was a timber foreman, a machine operator for Germany Valley Limestone at Riverton and a timber estimator for Allegheny Wood .Products, retiring in 1973. He was a member of Riverton United Methodist Church at River-



The Ititer-Mountain, F'kins. W.Va Callie W. Hill Callie W. Hill, 83, of Hillsboro, died March 1, 1998, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a long illness. She was born on August 26, 1914, at Droop, the daughter of Oliver and Nannie Simmons Wiley. Mrs. Hill was a Methodist and a home health aide at Denmar State Hospital. Survivors include two sons, Barry Hill, of Hillsboro, and Gene Hill, of Henderson villc, Tennessee; one sister, Nellie Brown, of Hillsboro; and one grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Deward, one sister, and one brother. Graveside rites were held on Tuesday at the Sunset Cemetery at Jacox with the Rev. Dan Arbogast officiating.


Bessie M. Higgins Bessie May Higgins, 86, of Mill Creek, died at 10:30 p.m. Sunday. March 1, 1998, in Davis Memorial Hospital, following an extended illness'. Mrs. Higgins was born Feb. 20, 1912, at Silica. W.Va., a daughter of the late Ilias Morgan and Rebecca MeCord Brown. She married Waite Higgins, who survives at Mill Creek. Also surviving are a brother. Clarence Brown, Weston; and five sisters, Osie Skeens, Edith Moats and Opal Schrader, all of Medina, Ohio, Malinda Hall, Diana, W.Va., and Lucy Williams. Cowen. She was preceded in death by three brothers and a sister. Mrs. Higgins was a homemaker and was a Protestant Jimmie R. Hevener Jimmie R. Hevener, age 58, of San Jose, California, formerly of Green Bank, died August 28,1998, at Santa Teresa Hospital, San Jose, after a short illness. He was born at Green Bank on February 22, 1940. He served two years in the U S . Army and recently retired from KMart with 26 years of service. He was a Presbyterian by faith. Surviving is his wife, a daughter, Kimberly Lemus, two grandsons, and his mother, Goldie Hevener, of Elkins. Funeral services were held Tuesday, at the Chapel of Flowers Funeral Home. Burial with military honors followed at the Alto Mesa Memorial Park Cemetery, Palo Alto, California. He is a nephew of Evelyn Beverage, of Green Bank.

Charles Virgil Hedrick Charles Virgil Hedrick, age 76, of McLean, Virginia, died Thursday, February 26,1998, from a massive stroke. He was a brother of Everett Hedrick, of Marlinton. Other survivors are his wife, Jane, two sons, and four grandchildren; another brother, Rowell Hedrick of Riverdale, Maryland; three sisters, Opal Wilfong, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Cleo Harmon, of Bridgewater, Virginia, and Mary Howdyshell, of Lanham, Maryland. Services were held Saturday at Lutheran Redeemer Church in McLean, with graveside services in Pine Hill Cemetery in Brandywine on Monday.

Beatrice E. Huber Beatrice E. Dilley Huber, of Baltimore, Maryland, died unexpectedly on April 11,1987, of an apparent heart attack. Born at Clover Lick on October 29, 1922, she was the daughter of the late Leola B. Grimes and the late Arch J. Dilley, Sr. She was preceded in death by a sister, Leotha Wooddell, and two brothers, Alfred Dilley and Arch J. Dilley, Jr. Surviving her are her husband, Calvin A. Huber, of Baltimore, Maryland; sisters, Mary E. Cooper, of Chicago, Illinois, Lenora Wiley, of King George, Virginia, Audrey Bennett, of Staunton, Virginia, Edith Gainor, of Lewisport, Kentucky; stepmother, Lurlie M. Curry, of Lewisport, Kentucky; an aunt, Drucilla Shinaberry, of Clover Lick; and two brothers, Sherman Dilley, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Jonas F. Dilley, Sr., of Westminster, Maryland. Funeral services were held at Cvach Funeral Home in Rosedale, Maryland, on April 15 at 10 a. m. Interment was in Bel Air Memorial Gardens, Bel Air, Maryland. Whitman Hull Luther Whitman Hull, age 80, of Harrisville, died December 31, 1998, at Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital. He was born February 19, 1918, in Durbin, a son of the late C. Forrest and Laura Hudson Hull. He graduated from Green Bank High School and from WVU witb a degree in education. He was a teacher, coach and principal in West Virginia, Virginia and Georgia for 19 years and former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Pocahontas County, serving from 1970 to 1980. He served in die U.S. Army and was a veteran of World War U. Survivors include his wife of 55 years, Edna Smith Hull; one sister, Hazel Bennett, of Parsons. He was preceded in death by two brotbers, Hudson and Donald; and two sisters, Hope Mallow and Louise Gochenour. Graveside service was held at Ellenboro Masonic Cemetery.


Paul W. Hickey The Rev. Paul William Hickey, age 70, of Valley Head, died Sunday, November 8, 1998, at home after a long illness. He was the retired pastor of St. John Bosco Parish, a member of the Presbytal Council of the church, attended West Virginia University and St. Charles and St Mary's Seminaries in Baltimore, and was involved with the prison ministry at Alderson Correctional Facility, Kennedy Youth Center, West Viriginia Penitentiary and Huttonsville Correctional Center. Surviving him are his wife, Janet Pallinski Crumm Hickey; step-sons, Richard Crumm, of McMechan, Martin Crumm, of Moundsville, Hank Crumm, of Valley Head, Jack Crumm, of Elkins; step-daughters, Kathleen Finley, of Moundsville, Jennifer Crumm, of New Milton; brother, John Dennis Hickey, of Indiana, Pennsylvania; sister, Mary Joanna Crimi, of Rochester, New York; eleven grandchildren. Liturgy of Christian burial was held at St. Brendan Catiolic Church, Elkins, with Father William Anderson officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to die American Cancer Society, 2428 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25311. Dorsalene Price Henderson Dorsalene Price Henderson, 64, of Frost, died suddenly Tuesday. November 17, J£98, in Jackson County. ^~"~ She was bom to Gladys and the late Clyde Price in Woodville on February 27,1934. Mrs. Henderson taught school for many years in Pocahontas County. She was also a counselor and a doctor of holistic medicine. She was a Unitarian and a member of the P. M. Home Extension Club. She also volunteered at die Frost Volunteer Fire Department. In addition to her motber, she is survived by her daughter, Brigetta Harold, of Luray, Virginia, and her son, Ronald Henderson, of Waverly, Virginia; two brotiiers, John Price, of Ripley, and Donald Price, of Alabama; one sister, Phyllis Noble, of Proctorville, Ohio; and tiiree grandchildren. She was also preceded in deatii by her husband, Troy Henderson. Memorial services were held Tuesday at die Frost Volunteer Fire Department. In lieu of flowers, die family requests donations in her memory be sent to Berea College, Director of Alumni services, CPO 2343, Berea KY 40404, or to tie Frost Volunteer Fire Department, Rt. 2 Box 99A, Marlinton WV

Robert Edward Hinkle Robert Edward Hinkle, age 80, of Quinwood, a resident of Pocahontas Continuous Care Center, died Monday, October 26, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a Baptist and a certified cook, formerly working at Denmar. He was a member of tlie Moose Lodge and was retired from the Air Force, serving in World War II and for 22 years, 1940-1962. A native of Kentucky, he was tie son of the late Jake and Vicie Perkins Hinkle. Mr. Hinkle was a brother of the late Mable Seabolt, and half-brother of Roy Calloway and Walter Calloway. Surviving him are a daughter, Linda, and two sons, Christopher and Robert. Graveside services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday at Emmanuel Cemetery by the Rev. David Fuller. Visitation will be at VanReenen Funeral Home from Thursday morning 10:30 to 11:30. Ward F. Hill Ward F. Hill, age 79, of LaPorte, Indiana, died Sunday, December 13, 1998, in the Antiiony Memorial Health Center in Michigan City, Indiana, following an extended illness. Born at Lobelia March 11,1919, he was the son of die late Ellawood and Ruby Hill. He was of tie Protestant faiti and was a retired production operator of U. S. Steel. He was an Army veteran of World War U. Mr. Hill was preceded in death by his wife, Irene Brown Hill, in 1989, and two brotbers, Merrill and Paul Hill. Surviving him are one son, Barry Hill, of LaPorte; three brothers, Melvin Hill, of Baltimore, Maryland, Joe Hill, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Larraine Hill, of Hillsboro; five sisters, Betty Silva, of Washington, D. C , Dorothy Terlizzi, of Melbourne, Australia, Madeline Smith, of Littletown, Pennsylvania, Ruth Wright, of Aspers, Pennsylvania, and Mary Sanescue, of Chevy Chase, Maryland; three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Jim Anderson. Burial will be in Sunset Cemetery at Jacox. Visitation will be from 2-4 and 6-9 p. m. Thursday at McCraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg.

June K. Hannah June K. Hannah, age SO, of Warm Springs, Virginia, died January 11, 1999, at Bath County Community Hospital, Hot Springs, Virginia. She was bom July 13, 1948, at Potts Creek, Alleghany County, Virginia, the daughter of Annie Mae Simmons Redman and the late John Redman. She was a homemaker and employed with the Homestead Hotel, Steward Department. She was a member of Chimney Run Church of the Brethren. She is survived by her husband, John K. Hannah; her mother, Annie Mae Simmons Redman, of Covington, Virginia; three sons, Tony and Richard Hannah, of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Wayne Hannah, of Clifton Forge, Virginia; three sisters, Shirley Lindsay and Wanda Peery, both of Hot Springs, and Trudy Lee, of Covington; and four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Dennis and Lynwood Redman. Service was held Wednesday at McLaughlin Funeral Home, Hot Springs, by Rev. Nancy Hubbard. Burial followed in Lone Star Cemetery, Potts Creek, Virginia. Evelyn P. Higgins Evelyn Pearl Higgins, age 85, of Glendale, Arizona, formerly of Marlinton, died February 25, 1999, in Glendale. Mrs. Higgins was a native of Pocahontas, born at Dunmore August 20, 1913, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Fertig. She was a former nutritionist and a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Preceding her in death were her husband, Guy H. Higgins, on December 10, 1982, and three brothers, Gaye Fertig, Carl Fertig, and Earl Fertig. Mrs. Higgins has one son, Lewis G. Higgins, of Palm Coast, Florida, two grandsons and two great-grandchildren. Visitation will be Wednesday night at VanReenen Funeral Home. Graveside services will be held at 8:30 Thursday morning in Mountain View Cemetery by the Rev. Dennis Mehaffie.

i-icau l i m i n e


Leah Lucille Harouff, age 75, of South Charleston, died January 24, 1999, in General Division, CAMC, after a long illness. She was a homemaker and a member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church, South Charleston. Bom in Charleston, she was the daughter of Albert and Cora Walter Painter. Surviving her are her husband, Neuman E. Harouff. The Harouffs have a home at Lobelia. Services were held Wednesday at Snodgrass Funeral Home, South ' Charleston, by the Rev. Paul Baldwin. Graveside service will be at 1 p. m. Thursday in Bruffey Cemetery, near Hillsboro. James H. Herald James H. Herald, age 80, of Frank, died Friday, January 29, 1999, at home in Frank. Mr. Herald was retired, a former worker at Judy Fencecrafl, and a Methodist He was bom at Mill Creek August 30, 1918, the son of the late Steven Luther and Lucy Gordon Herald. Five brothers are deceased, Gilbert, Junior, Willis, Frank, and George Herald. He is survived by a brother, Charles, of Frank. Service will be on Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Mill Creek Memorial Mission Church with die Rev. Ralph Summerfield. Burial will be in die Mill Creek Cemetery. Jean S. Hannah Jean S. Hannah, age 71, of Oceana, died Saturday, September 18, 1999, at Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital, Beckley, following a short illness. Bom November 6, 1927, at Frost, she was the daughter of die late Albert L. and Goldie Dilley Fertig. She was a homemaker and attended die Oceana First Church of God. Preceding her in death was a sister, Joan Fertig. Survivors include one daughter, Marsha Hannah Thompson, of Pineville; one granddaughter; one sister, Elta M. Powell, of Covington, Virginia; one brodier, Lyle D. Fertig, also of Covington. Services were held Wednesday at Evans Memorial Chapel, Oceana, by die Rev. William Wagner, Jr. Burial was in Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny.

Orden "Pipe" Hamrick, age 91, of Webster Springs, died January 28, 1999, in Webster Springs after a long illness. He was a woodsman, a miner, and a Protestant. Surviving him are eight daughters, Glenda Beckwith, of Slaty Fork, Shirley Bennett, Judy Rose and Marcie Wilson, all of Webster Springs, Charlsie Kennison, of Dayton, Ohio, Reta Rockenfelder, of Newton Falls, Ohio, Donella Tustin and Patsy Wilson, bodi of Alma; two sons, Leonal, of Ravenna, Ohio, and Velmer, of Webster Springs; brotiier, Nolan Hamrick, of Tennerton; a sister, Jessie Osburn, of Webster Springs; 37 grandchildren, 68 greatgrandchildren; and eight great-greatgrandchildrea Services were held Sunday at Dodd Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs by the Rev. Arlin Carpenter. Burial was in die Isaac Hamrick Cemetery, Webster Springs. Marmett Phillips Hancock Marmett Phillips Hancock was bom at Clover Lick on November 27, 1919, the daughter of John Francis and Mary E. Smith. She died February 3, 1999, at Blacksburg, Virginia. She was a homemaker and for many years a very active member, teacher, and Elder of die Presbyterian Church. Her husband, two brotiiers and three sisters preceded her in death. Mrs. Hancock is survived by three sons, William W. Hancock, Jr., of El Paso, Texas, Hunter Phillips Hancock, of Blacksburg, Virginia, and Charles B. Hancock, of Houston, Texas; four brotiiers, Jack Smith, of Marlinton, Charles Smith, of Beckley, Bill Smith, of Bolar, Virginia, and Hunter Smith, of Bluefield; one sister, Osa Smith McLaughlin, of Marlinton; and four grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church of Harrisonburg, Virginia, with Dr. John F. Sloop officiating. Interment was in East Lawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.

Pritchard Chadwick Hollingsworth 'Ted" Pritchard, 82, died June 20,1999. He was a native of Dunmore and had lived in Williamsburg, Virginia, for 56 years. He was the son of Samuel Reece and Margaret Florence Moore Pritchard. He graduated from Green Bank High School in 1935. Mr. Pritchard was a retired superintendent of Naval ordnance from the Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia. He served in the U. S. Navy from 1937-1941 and was in the CCCs in West Virginia and Idaho. He also was House Manager and Program Sales Manager for 'The Common Glory," an outdoor drama, for seven years. He was affiliated with Williamsburg Community Chapel and was an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church, advisor to Pioneer Youth, Sunday School teacher for Junior Boys and worked in the scouting program. He served on the James City County School Board. He was preceded in death by a son, Kenneth Wayne Pritchard, and three sisters, Imogene Webb, Mildred Greer and Frances Hudson. Mr. Pritchard is survived by his wife of 54 years, Inez Onley Pritchard; three children, Anne Pritchard Acuff, John Leslie Pritchard and Claude Chadwick Pritchard; a brother, Samuel Reece Pritchard, of Roanoke, Virginia; nine grandchildren. A memorial service conducted by Rev. Bill Warrick was held Saturday at the Williamsburg Com munity Chapel. Burial was in Wil liamsburg Memorial Park. The family requests memoria contributions be sent to the Wil liamsburg Community Chape Missions Program or James Citj County Emergency Medical Serv ice. Dolly Payne Hiner Hertig Dolly Payne Hiner Hertig, age 91, of Amissville, Virginia, died Wednesday, August 25, 1999, al Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, Virginia. Mrs. Heritg was preceded in death by her husband, C. C. (Bill) Hertig. Surviving her are two sons, David Hertig, of Derwood, Maryland, and Damon Hertig, of Amissville, with whom she made; her home; two grandchildren; three sisters, Mary Rives Kegley, of Hagerstown, Maryland, Monna M. Martin, of Westover, and Lois Scarbro, of Centreville, Maryland; Ben M.

Margaret Turner Hill Margaret Marie Turner Hill, ace 70, of Huntersville, died Sunday May 9, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was retired from Hanover Shoe and was a member of the Church of God. Mrs. Hill was born at Renick Ocober 30, 1928, the daughter of the late Fred and Mary Woolwine Bobbitt. Preceding her in death were her first husband, Ira Turner, Sr; a son Fredrick Turner; a sister, Sue Walton; and a brother, Bob Bobbitt Surviving her are her husband, Tempest V. Hill; four daughters, Linda Faye McFadden, of Ashtabula, Ohio, Mary Jane Phillips and Mary Ann Hamilton both of Marlinton, and Lucille L ' Whiting, of Richburg, South Carolina; two sons, Ira (Buck) Turner, Jr., of Marlinton, and Ralph Edmond Turner, of Hillsboro; three step-childre Gloria Hill, Kenneth Hill, and Charlie Hill, all of Marlinton- a sister, Stella Mays, of Ashtabula Ohio; two brothers, Fred Bobbitt and Roy Lee Bobbitt, of Ashtabula, Ohio; seventeen grandchildren twenty-one great-grandchildren-' three step-grandchildren and one step-great-grandchild. Services were held Wednesday at 1 p. m. at Living Word Church of God by the Rev. I. W. Morgan Burial was in Emmanuel Cemetery

Lysle Y. Hively Lysle Y. "Mac" Hively, age 75, of Morgantown, died Tuesday, March 23, 1999, at home. He was born April 7, 1923, in Dunmore, son of the late Walter and Sarah Simmons Hively. Mr. Hively was a U. S. Navy veteran of World War II, a member of Sabra United Methodist Church, and a retired machinist from Morgantown Machine and Hydraulic. Surviving him are his wife, Helen Jane Taylor Hively; a daughter, Debbie Reed, of Morgantown; a son, Bob Hively, of Morgantown; three brothers, Styrl Hively, of Elkins, Lee Hively, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Julian Hively, of Weirton; a sister, Margaret Sedgewick, of Norfolk, Virginia; and four grandchildren. He also was preceded in death by five brothers, Clyde Hively, Glenn Hively, Carl Hively, Floyd Hively, and Keith Hively; and two sisters, Mary Adams and Uldine Matthews. Services were held Friday at the William McCulla Funeral Home in Morgantown by the Rev. Larry Crawford. Burial was at Beverly Hills Cemetery.

iviacei iv. Harris Macel Keener Harris, 94, of Berryville, Virginia, formerly of Green Bank, died September 6, 1999, at her home. She was born on July 1, 1905, in Richwood, the daughter of Hampton and Nettie Coulter Keener. Mrs. Harris retired after over 35 years as a teacher and administrator in the school systems in Braxton and Pocahontas Counties. She was a member of the Green Bank United Methodist Church, the Eastern Star, and retired teacher associations in Virginia and West Virginia. Survivors include two daughters, Nancy H. Palmer, of Midland, Michigan, and Jenny H. Smith, of Clearbrook, Virginia; three sons, George Harris, of Montgomery, Alabama, Virgil B. Harris, Jr., of Oakton, Virginia, and John F. Harris, of Bluemont, Virginia; two sisters, Virginia K. Morris, of Grantham, New Hampshire, and Janice K. Durbin, of Laurel, Maryland; 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She married Virgil B. Harris, Sr., on October 1, 1927, in Camden-on-Gauley. He preceded her in death on September 10, 1985. A grandson, Virgil M. Harris, also preceded her in deadi. A memorial service was held on Wednesday at the Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church in Berryville with the Rev. Harold Thornton officiating. Funeral services will be held on Friday at the Green Bank United Methodist Church at 11 a.m. with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. The family will receive friends Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale. » Memorial contributions may be made to the Blue Ridge Hospice, 333 W. Cork Street, Winchester, VA 22601, or to the Virgil and Macel Harris Scholarship Fund, c/o Pocahontas County High School, Dunmore, WV 24934. Mattie M. Hale Mattie Marie Beverage Hale, 75, of Pleasant Ridge, died on May 10, 1999. She is survived by daughters, Bonnie Beverage and Connie Sue Lang, son, Wayne L. Hale, stepson, Ralph E. Hale, sister, Edith Welch, of Marlinton, seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Leonard E. Hale. Services were held May 13. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.

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Trudy Susan Harlow, of Por Republic, Virginia, age 71, passet away Sunday, June 27, 1999, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Mrs. Harlow was born December 22, 1927, at Frost, the daughter of the late Forest and Una Waugh Grimes. She was of the Baptist faith and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Walter Wimer, and her second husband, Ceddie Harlow; one daughter, Carolyn Sue Sharp; a sister, Georgie Helmick; and a brother, Paul Grimes. Mrs. Harlow is survived by her daughters, Dorothy Ringgold, of Grottoes, Virginia, Betty Jo Wilfong, of Dayton, Virginia, Sharon Harlow and Rebecca Fox, both of Plant City, Florida; sons, Gerald Sharp, of Greenville, Virginia, Ceddie Harlow, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, and Larry Harlow, of Grottoes; sister, Grace Sheets of Green Bank; brother Edgar Grimes, of Canton, Ohio; thirteen grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Chapel at Arbovale, with the Rev. Julian Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Charles Lee Hoover Charles Lee Hoover, age 28, of Cherry Grove, died Sunday morning, April 4, 1991, on Route 28 south of Circleville due to an automobile accident He was a 1988 graduate of Circleville High School, a member of the Circleville Presbyterian Church, and had worked nine years for Walker Manufacturing in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Born June 24, 1970, at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, he was a son of Robert E. and Ellen Gay Vandevander Hoover, of Cherry Grove. Surviving in addition to his parents are a sister, Tammy Jean McCutcheon, of Copperas Cove, Texas; maternal grandmother, Floda Vandevander, of Cherry Grove; paternal grandmother, Virginia Townsend, of Frank; step-paternal grandfather, Buddy Townsend, of Frank. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Circleville Presbyterian Church by Rev. Judy Weger and Dr. Paul O'Gorek. Burial will be in the North Fork Memorial Cemetery at Riverton.

Ora Ethel Hannah Hinchey, 87, formerly of Lexington, Virginia, died March 25, 1999, at the Oak Hill Health Care Center in Staunton, Virginia. She was born on October 1, 1911, in Buckhannon, the daughter of Ira T. and Rebecca Ann Collins Hannah. Mrs. Hinchey was retired from the James Lee Industry after 30 years service. Survivors include her stepmother, Hazel Hannah Powell, of Oceana; one daughter, Cozetta C. Smith, of Verona, Virginia; four brothers, J. Kirt Hannah, of Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, H. Sabin Hannah, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Ralph M. Hannah, of Matheny,. and C. Statt Hannah, of Oceana; five sisters, R. Sue Hollands worth, of Slaty Fork, J. Edith Hannah and Lucille Dulaney, both of Buckeye, Milliecent J. Branstetter, of Torrance, California, and Jewell Lee Simmons, Clayton, of North Carolina; 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Clinton E. Hannah and Thomas Hannah, Jr. A graveside service will be held on Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Kee Cemetery with the Rev. Jay Hicks officiating.

Charles Hausser Charles Arthur "Chuck" Hausser, age 66, of High Ridge, Missouri, died Wednesday, August 4, 1999. He was a telecommunication consultant and an Army veteran of the Korean War. A native of Chicago, Illinois, he was born August 24, 1932, the son of the late Theodore and Amy Rhode Hausser. Surviving him are his wife, Wanda Newman Hausser; two daughters, Hazel Louise Huey, of Perkins, Missouri, and Patricia Diane Hausser, of Stanley, North Carolina; two sons, Charles David Hausser, of Flower Mound, Texas, and James Clarence Hausser, of Ottawa, Illinois; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held at noon Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel, Marlinton, by the Rev. Jay Hicks. Burial with military rites followed in Mountain View Cemetery.


Wilda U. Hise Wilda O. Hise, 91, of Mill Creek for the past 88 years, died at 4:49 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient since Thursday. She had been in her usual health and death was unexpected. Mrs. Hise was born May 29, 1908, at Cass, a daughter of the late Grover C. and Leota May Calain Hamner. On June 27, 1926, she married James W. Hise, who preceded her in death on Sept. 21, 1988. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Bernard (Delorce) Motkowski, Mrs. John A. (Eloise) Taylor, both of Salisbury, Md., and Mrs. Richard (Rella Sue) Voelker. Warsaw, Va.; six sons, Kenneth Hise, Mill Creek, Bill Hise and wife, Frances, Dade City, Fla., John Hise and wife, Pauline, Spring Hill, Fla., Jerry Hise and wife, Louella, Elkins, Jim Hise, Springfield, Mo., and Joe Hise and wife, Mary, Walkersville, Md.; a sister, Bonnie Carr, Brockway, Pa.; a sister-in-law, Clara Isabelle Hamner, Parsons; 18 grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by two infant daughters, two infant sons, a sister, Edith Swartz;,and a brother, James Hamner. Mrs. Hise was a graduate of Tygarts Valley High School with the class of 1927. She was a member of Mill Creek United Methodist Church where she served as past president of the United Methodist Women. She was a member of the Huttonsville Rebekah Lodge No. 103 where she had also served as past president. She was a homemaker and a Methodist. William E. Holy William E. Holy, age 89, of Rockwall, Texas, died Monday, March 1, 1999. He was bom June 11, 1909, in Sutton, a son of Karl A. and Blanche Sterrett Holy. Mr. Holy was a civil engineer for the U.S. Public Health Service. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Rockwall and a lifetime member of the Rockwall Rotary Club. In October, 1937, he married Tucker Rexrode, of Marlinton, who preceded him in death on January 22, 1996. Surviving are one daughter, Ruth Ann Leaf, of Rockwall; one brother, John Holy, of Jane Lew; four grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren.

Phyllis Spade Hollandsworth Phyllis Ann Spade Hollandsworth, of Ewing, Virginia, died May 31, 1999, in the Lee County Community Hospital, Pennington Gap, Virginia, after a long illness. She was bom July 14, 1943, at Leonard, the daughter of Ray and Hazel Christian Spade, of Middlesboro, Kentucky. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Robin Hollandsworth West. Other survivors include her husband, Jack Hollandsworth, of Ewing; a daughter, Sheila Mitchell; sons, Jack Hollandsworth, Jr. and "Boo" Hollandsworth; sisters, Ruth Myles, of Lewisburg, and Mary Frances Lewis, of Middlesboro; brothers Charley, Tommy, and Bruce, of Middksboro, and Ray Spade, Jr., of Ewing; two grandchildren. Funeral services and burial were held at the Hollandsworth Cemetery in Caylor, Virginia. Angela Lovelace Hughes Angela Dawn Lovelace Hughes, age 25, of Bluefield, formerly of Marlinton, died in an automobile accident Saturday, May 29,1999, at Green Valley, Bluefield. Mrs. Hughes was born at Marlinton June 25, 1973, the daughter of Scott E. "Whitey Lovelace, Jr., and Berta Lee Kellison Lovelace. Surviving her are her parents, now living in Bluefield; her husband, Clyde Hughes, Jr.; two children, Michelle Lee McLaughlin and Micheal Allen McLaughlin, both of Buckeye; three stepchildren, Katie Hughes, Brandon Hughes, and Justin Hughes, all of Rich Greek, Virginia. Graveside services were held Monday at 1 p. m. at the Kee Cemetery, Buckeye, by the Rev. Jay Hicks. Memorial gifts may be made tor the new fence for the Kee Cemetery, c/o Sue Hollandsworth, HC 69, Slaty Fork, WV 26291.

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Percy O. Hansford Percy O. Hansford, age 77, of Ross, Ohio, died at his residence early Sunday morning, June 27, 1999. He was born on Ocober 6, 1921, in Parsons, the son of the late Monticello and Lydia Hebb Hansford. Mr. Hansford grew up in Marlinton and was educated in the Marlinton schools. On July 4, 1946, in Marlinton he married Pauline Underwood, daughter of the late Origen and Eula Underwood He was a World War n Veteran and received the Purple Heart. He was employed at Fisher Body in Norwood, Ohio, for 25 years, retiring in 1978, and was a member of local Union #674 UAW, Montgomery Lodge #94 F&AM and Cincinnati Scottish Rite. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by six sisters, Clovie Hansford, Icie Baxter, Mable Sharp, Lucy Woods, Helen Newman, Dovie Hansford, and one brother, Darrell Hansford. Surviving him are his wife of 52 years, Pauline Hansford, of Ross; two sons, Wayne L Hansford, of Morgan Township, Ohio, and Larry S. Hansford, of Franklin, Georgia; one daughter, Vickie E. Minnich, of Ross; one brother, Willis S. Hansford, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee; eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 10 a. m. at the Charles C. Young Funeral Home, with burial in the Venice Cemetery, Ross. Memorials may be made to the Shriner's Hospital, 3229 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229. Thomas H. Harris Thomas H. Harris, age 56, of Huntington, died Saturday, May 29, 1999, at his residence. Mr. Harris was a supervisor with AC&F, a United States Marine Corps veteran, and a member of Trinity Christian Fellowship. He was bom October 28, 1942, in Pocahontas County, the son of the late Frances Harold and Ruby Madge Lambert Harris. He was also preceded in death by his stepmotfier, Maxine Lambert Harris. Surviving him are one son, Scott Harris, of Chesapeake, Ohio; one daughter, Cathy Harris, of Huntington; one brother, Darryl Harris, of Chesapeake; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held June 1 at Schneider-Slack Funeral Home in Chesapeake by Pastor Greg Fuller. Burial was in Rome Cemetery.

Rev. Johnnie Harold Meadows The Rev. Johnnie Harold Meadows, age 53, of Beverly, died Monday, June 7, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital emergency room, from an apparent heart attack. Bom August 15, 1945, at Star Bridge, he was the son of the late Harold Wendall Meadows and Retha Mae Light Haden Meadows. On September 22, 1964, at McDowell, Virginia, he married the former Patsy Ann Scott, who survives him in Beverly. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Regina Greathouse, of Durbin, Mrs. Dena Shreve, of Beverly, and one son, Johnnie Harold Meadows, Jr., of Dailey; two brothers, Raymond Meadows, of Junior, and Marvin Haden, of Beverly; two sisters, Dorothy Vaughn, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Elizabeth Howell, of Mill Creek; and seven grandchildren. Preceding him in death were an infant son, Steven, and twc brothers, Tommy Meadows and William Haden. Rev. Meadows had pastored at Corley Run Church in Valley Head and Bartow Union Mission Church. At the time of his death, be was Assistant Pastor of Calvary Gospel Church in Durbin. He was employed by Mallow Logging of Bartow but was a coal miner by trade. Funeral service was held Friday, June 11, at Calvary Gospel Church in Durbin by the Reverends Harold Swecker, Lawrence Bennett, and Robert Thompson. Burial was at the Brick Church Cemetery in Huttonsville.

William Hart William Lawrence (Bill) Hart, age 88, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, died Tuesday, September 14, 1999, at Crawford County Care Center, Saegertown, Pennsylvania. He was bom in East Fairfield Township, Pennsylvania, on October 1, 1910, a son of Edmund and Bertha Mae Flaugh Hart. He married Ollie Mae Sheets April 14, 1939. Mrs. Hart is a native of Pocahontas County. Mr. Hart retired in 1975 from Channellock Tool Company as a forge operator after 38 years. He also raised beef cattle and farmed. In his early years, he worked at Mead-Penn Iron Works, S. C. Betts Moving and Storage, and the Meadville Co-op. A member of the East Mead Township Fire Department and United Steel Workers of America Local 1905, he had been a member of the former Kiser Hill Grange. He was a member of Grace United Methodist Church and a former member of State Road ;United Methodist Church. Survivors, in addition to his wife, include two daughters, Gloria M. McKinney, of Lexington, North Carolina, and Jean Pickens, of Unionville, Connecticut; four grandchildren and two greatgrandsons; and a sister, Edna Paulding, of Guys Mills, Pennsylvania. He was preceded in death by a son, Niel L. Hart; three brothers, Fred, Donald E.'and Carl Hart; and five sisters, Ruth Perry, Dorothy Boulton, Margaret (Dolly) Moyer, Julia Rew, and Hazel Powell. The funeral was held on September 17 at the RoofnerCollins Funeral Home by the Rev. John M. Scott, of Grace United Methodist Church. Burial was in Roselawn Memorial Gardens. The family suggests memorials be made to Grace United Methodist Church, 828 N. Main Street, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335, or to the charity of the donor's choice.


Mrs. Florence Shinaberry Irrine Walker Dale Irvine Services were held on ThursMrs. Elsie Florence ShinabeT.v Verlin Adam Irvine, 55, of Stony Bottom, died Tuesday, Ir?ine, aired 05 j ears, widow • f day, March 30 at 2:00 P. M., in Presbyterian December 24, 1974, in an the 1 Ate Frank Itvinp, died of a Calvary United Elkins hospital after a short beart attack oo Sundav r ight, Church Chapel in Salineville, February 7, 195-t, at her noma Ohio, for Walker Dale Irvine, 43. illness. who died on Monday, March 27, id Marinton. Born near Marlinton Februi961, in Mercy Hospital in CanThe deceased wai a daughter ary 23. 1919, he was a son of ton, Ohio, after a long illness. the late Levi A. and Lula Bell of the late Andrew J. aad MilMr. Irvine was born in Pocadred Russard Sbiuabt n y. Her Miller Irvine. hontas County on March 18,1918, brj'.hers are: Clarence A., *nd Two brothers, Merl and son of the late Frank and FlorRalph, preceded him in death. li.-dford, of Clover Lick;and Wi'- aence Shinaberry Irvine. b ir Shiuaberry, of Amherst, OMo He is survived by two sons, an i her sister is Mri. G'&ee Reed, He was an employee of Salem Dolan Irvine, of Minnehaha of Meadow Bluff. China Company. He was a memSprings, and Riger Irvine, of Mrs. Irvine, wss the widow of ber of the church where services Springfield: four brothers, Ray, Angus and Clarence Irvine, the late Frank Irvine, who pre- were held and was superintendall of Marlinton, and Donald ceded her many years sicce ent of the Church Sunday School. Irvine, of Baltimore, Mary- Their children are Walker D.iie, He ^as a member of Salineville land; five sisters, Mrs. Veda jf Salineville. Ohio; Andrew Gale, Ruritan Club and was instituJohnson, of Stony Bottom, of Harkers Island, North Carolina tional representative on the ComMrs. Leona Dilley, of Marlin- Mr'. Loinie Allermin.of Kn>pp i missicner's staff of Columbiana ton. Mrs. Dorothy Dempsey, Jreek, New Yoik; Mm Winters j County Boy Scouts. He was a of Millie*:, t; Paul, member of AF & AM Lodge. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hefner, ftfe •-,•••, and Fred, of Mar He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gladys Friel, of Mar. linton, and Mrs. Margaret !: -ion Mrs. Ethel Irvine; one daughter, live fune-al service will be be' I Darlene, at home; two sisters, Beverage, of Dunroore; and a half sister, Lisa Irvine, of fnm the Presbyterian Church o i Mrs. Evelyn Alderman, of Indianapolis, Indiana. Wednesday af ernoon at 2 o'clo •'< Knapp Creek, New York, and her nator, Rev. Roger P. M :l Mrs. Elsie Hefner, of Mill Point; Services were held Thurs- by ton Her body will be laul lo six brothers, Paul Irvine, of Marday afternoon in the Poage Gale Irvine, of Harkers Lane Church by the Rev. rest btsiJe the grave of her hus- linton; Island, North Carolina; Glen Irband iu the Sharp family cen e Riger Irvine and the Rev. vine, of Mill Point; Norman and tery in Vtrdaut Valley near Bernard Skeens, with burial Curtis Irvine, of Huntington, and Fairview. in the Wilfong Cemetery. Fred Irvine, of Fort Wainwright, j Fairbanks, Alaska. Levi Irvine George Irvine / ^ The Rev. James McCollam and Levi Aldean Irvine, 77, died George Samuel Wallace Irvine, Sunday, the Rev. E. E. Bacon officiated July 8, iy62, of a heart aged 85, of St. Petersburg. Florida, attack. He had been ill 2 years. at the services. Burial was in' died Wednesday, February 25, Born May 3, 1885, near Woodland Cemetery in Salineville 1959, in a St. Petersburg hospital. he was a son of the A native of near Marlinton, Mr. I Marlinton, William H. and Emily P. Irvine moved to St. Petersburg late Andrew Gale Irvine \/ thirteen years ago from Pittsburg Irvine. He was a member of Andrew Gale Irvine, 50, of the United Brethren Church Pennsylvania. He was a retired Harker's Island, North CaroPennsylvania Railroad corrfjuctot and Odd Fellows Lodge. lina, died Thursday, June 27, Surviving him are his wife. and was a member of the Firsi 1968, in a hospital in More head Baptist Church and the Brother May Adeline Irvine, and twelve City, North Carolina, aft* children, Ralph, Angus,. Ray, hood of Railroad Trainmen. many years' illness. Surviving are his wife, Martha and Clarence Irvine, MarlinThe son of the late Frank a son, James W. Irvine, of Pitts- ton; Verlin Irvine, Clover Lick; and Florence Shinaberry IrDonald Lee Irvine, Baltimore, burgh; four grandchildren and Maryland; Lisa Belle Irvine, vine, he was born near Marlinfour great-grandchildren; a broth- Mrs. ton, March 18, 1918. He was Leona Dilley, Mrs. Veda er, Levi Irvine, of Marlinton ;anc Johnson, and Mrs. Gladys Friel, a twin brother of Walker Dale two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Sharf Marlinton; Mrs. Margaret BevIrvine, who died in 1961. In of Marlinton. and Mrs. Elizabeth erage, Dunmore; and Mrs addition he was preceded in I Thomas of Elkins.' f^pfrjp. death by an infant son, Gale, Dorothy Dempsey, PhiladelJr. Funeral services and tiuria phia, Pennsylvania. were in Pittsburgh. He was an Army veteran of Services will be held at the World War II with overseas Central Union Methodist Elza Irvine service in the Philippines. Church at 2:00 p. m. ThursElza Irvine died Monday, He is survived by his wife, day by the Rev. James 0. November 12, 1962, at the AnElvaGuthrie Irvine; two daugh Shank, Jr., with burial in £he drew Rowan Home at Sweet ters, Mrs. Delores Baker, of Wilfong Cemetery. Springs, after a long illness. Largo, Florida, and Donna, at home; three sons, Kenneth, He is survived by a brother,' A. E Irvine of near Swbarfc Robert and Kyle, at home; G. G, Irvine, of Canton, Ohio, a Rinceverbe hospital on Sunday one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. and several nieces and nephews ! in February 25, 1»23, of pneumonia i Evelyn Alderman, of Knapp -Services will be held Thurs-) after a short illness. His age Creek, New York, and Mrs. day afternoon at the Smith about 58 years. He is survived by nis Elsie Long, of Mill Point; five Funeral Home with burial in! wife who is a' daughter of the late brothers, Paul, of Marlinton, A-llan R. Kennison. Burial on TuesMountain View Cemetery. Glen, of Mill Point; Norman day at the Oak Grove cemetery. (Chub) and . C » ^ ; Verlin Irvine

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William F. Irvin William Franklin Irvin, aged 80 years, of Dunmore, died on Sa' urday, September 29, 1956, of a stroke. He had been in failing health for some time. On Monday afternoon the funeral was held from Wesley Chapel by his pastor, Rev Ed Thomas. Burial , in the Hudson Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late George and Fannie Jones Irvin, of Etiray. His wife, Sallie Wilfong Irvin, preceded him to the grave more than a year since. He is survived by two foster children, Mrs Laura Taylor and Mar- j vin Taylor, bot'i of Dunmore.; Also, by two sisters, Mrs Frances I Rebecca Foreman, £ Beatrice, Nebraska, and Mrs Mi&ry Domi- ' nici, of Clover Lick. Mr Irvin became a professing Christian in early manhood, and was an active member of the Methodist Church ever since. IKirs. Sallie Wi'fong hvV Mrs. Sallie Irvine, agad ?S years, wife of William Irvine, of Dunmore, died on Monday, July 18, 1955. - She had been ill for many months. . The deceased is survived by her husband, and their adopted son, Marvin Taylor. She was a daughter of the late Ervine and Nancy Sharp Wilfong, of near Marlinton. Her sisters are Mrs. Rosa Waugh, of Chester, and Mrs. Lula Beohm, of East Liverpool, Ohio; her brothers rre Asa, Denton and Seebert Wilfong. The funeral will be held on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at Wesley Chapel by her pestor Rev. Ed Thomas. Her body will be laid to rest in the Hudson Cemetery, near her late home. Mrs. Nera K Irvine • Mrs. Nera Kenniso.. Irvine aged 82 years, of Seebei\, wi low of the late A. E. Irvine, dk in Lewisburg, on Friday, A p r ' 6, 1951, at the home of Mr. and ..Irs.. Er rest McClung. Oo Tuesday afternoon, the funeral service was held 'row the Oal< (->ove Church in Hillsboro by hei pis'„i", R J V . Drur.v Jones. Hurial in the family plot in Oak Grove cemetery. The rJeci - Jed was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kenrisen, She is survived by three brothers, Rev. J S Kenuison of 1, wnaville. N. G ; R VV. K t n m Bon of Raleigh, N. G . and Pium-ier Kennisou of LaMassa, Calif.

Rigtr Irvin* Riger Irvine, 33, of Baltimore, died Sunday, July 1, 1979, in University of Maryland Cancer Research Center in Baltimore, after a long illness, Roger was an insurance salesman. Born February 14, 1946, at Marlinton, he was the son of Elsie Shinaberry Irvine and the late Virlin A, Irvine. Surviving him are his wife, Carolyn Wallace Irvine; three children, Shelley, Christy, and Eric; his mother; one brother, Dolan, of Minnehaha Springs. Services will be Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Springfield, W. Va. Methodist Church. Burial will be in the Springfield Cemetery. Charles Irvine, of Fairvlew neigh borhood, died on Friday, July ifl, 1940, after a long idntss, aged about, 72 )ears. On Sunday afternoon his body was buried in the Sharp graveyard. Some years since Mr Irvine was struck by lightning, and he was never well again. He was s» iuu ui ihe late George Irvine. Ee never mar i d. **

Catherine E. Irwin Catherine E. Irwin, formerly of CockeysviUe, Maryland, died of heart failure on Saturday, February 11, 1984, ir the Courtland Nursing Home in Dover, Delaware, where she had been living since July. She was 75. She was the daughter of the late R. Duncan and Eva M. Moore, of Hillsboro. Mrs. Irwin retired in 1969 after 25 years as a welder for the Bendix Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland. She isjsurvived by a brother, William D. MooTe, of Hillsboro, and a sister, Virginia M. Foresman, of Wyoming, Del. Also one niece and two nephews. Her husband, Arthur, died in 1969. Graveside services were held Tuesday at 1 pm at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens in Timonium, Maryland. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions to the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Hillsboro.

Samuel H. Ickes Samuel H. Ickes, 69, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, a native of Bedford County, died Wednesday, April 18, 1962, in Chambersburg Hospital after a three weeks illness. He was born July 29, 1892, in Wolfsburg. a son of the late Harry and Ida Householder Ickes. He was an employee of the Letterkenny Ordinance Depot near Chambersburg from August, 1942, until he retired in June, 1960. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Pearl I. Gibson Ickes; a son, Robert S. Ickes, Allentown; three daughters, Mrs. Sarah Papas, Floral Park, New York; Mrs. Ruth Pheil, Irwin; and Mrs Doris Clever, Greencastle, and nine grandchildren; three brothers, Frank B. Ickes, Bedford, R. D.; Charles B. Ickes, Bedford, R. D.; and Edwin C. Ickes, Bedford; two sisters, Mrs. Hazel Bessling, Marlinton, and Mrs, Anna Channell, Absecon, New Jersey A veteran of World War I, he was a life member of American Legion Post 113, Bedford, a member of the Disabled veterans, Charles McCleary Unit No. 78, Benjamin Franklin Bar racks, and a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning in the Trinity Lutheran Church, Chambersburg, the Rev. Dr. Clarence U. Neal and the Rev. Cleon Prowell officiating. Further services were held in the Trinity Lutheran Church, in Bedford, Saturday afternoon the Rev. Richard L. Tome officiating. Interment was in I Bedford County fl >qwHal P a r k ! Rev. J. W. Idicmcn News has come of the death of J. W. Idleman, aged 79 years, at his home in ,Shinnston, on \ uesday, April lss, 1950. He was nastor of the n Mptiodist Chuscb for a numbei DIED Thomas Michael Ingram, aged 2 months, little son of Mr and Mrs 3 ingram", uied last Thursday, September 15, 1931 Intorment in the Nelson family plot in Mt. View Cemetery.


Glenn Irvine Clarence Glenn Irvine, 52, of Mill Point, died Wednesday, January 17, 1973, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born near Marlinton, September 4,1920, he was a son of the late Frank and Florence Shinaberry Irvine. Two brothers, Andrew Gale and Walker Dale, preceded him in death. Survivors include four brothers, Paul and Kyle C , both of Marlinton, Norman, of Huntington, and Fred C , with the Army in Germany, and two sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Alderman, of Knapp Creek, New York, and Mrs. Elsie Long, of Mill Point. Services were held Saturday afternoon at the Marvin Chapel Methodist Church at Mill Point with Rev. Gail Cutlip and Rev. Albert Skinner in charge Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Leo Mary Isenhart Leo Mary Isenhart of Webster Springs, died at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, on Friday, April 25,1997. She was 80 years of age. She was bom in Webster Springs, on March 16,1917. She lived her life in Webster County, and was retired as a sales clerk at Carpenter's 5 & 10 in Webster Springs. She is survived by. brother, Fred Slarcher of Webster Springs; and sisters, Lennic Ray of Summersville, GlcnnaPyles of Webster Springs, and Hazel Payne of Gordonsville, Va. Services were held on Sunday, April 27, at 2:00 p.m., al the Dodd & Rccd Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Mintcr Lynch, officiating. Burial was al the Miller Cemetery, in Webster Springs.


Denver Hanson Irvine . ,• Denver Hanson Irvine* 63, died July 3, 1973. at St. Petersburg, Florida, where he had resided the past few years. He was born at Alderny, near Edray, November 21, 1909, the son of the late Henry H. and Laura S. Sharp Irvine. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Merritt (Stella) Kellison, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Harry (Mayme) Landis, of Beard Heights, Marlinton, one stepdaughter, and a foster son, George Alderman, two stepgrandchildren, two foster grand children, several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a sister, Clara Weeber. He lived in Pocahontas throughout his young life. He was a veteran of World War II. Interment was at St. Petersburg, Florida. You are gone but ne'er forgotten Now your suffering here is o'er. And we surely hope you wander Tojt peaceful happy Shore. James A. Irvine James Adam Irvine, Jr., age 54, of Rankin, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, died January 12,; 1995, at Shady side Hospital in Pittsburgh from a heart attack. He was born September 29, 1940, Robinson Twp. Alleghany Co., Pennsylvania. He was a son of the late James Adam Sr., and Lena McCloud Irvine who were both bom and rared near Marlinton. James was a grandson of the late Walker and Elizabeth Leggitt Irvine and William H. and Mary Irvine McCloud and had visited in the area with his parents and family. He worked for Industrial Engine Supply as a sales manager and computer programmer. In his younger years he had a private pilots license and played the guitar in addition to with his love oL computers, which he had been using in recent years to record family history. He was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors include four daughters, Lois Hose, Lori Irvine, Lisa Belgie and Lynn Barwell; seven grandchildren; four sisters, Hazel Dolence, Mary LaGambo, Betty Wiley, and Carol Horst; and a number of neices and nephews. Burial was in Union Cemetery, | Robinson, Twp, Pennsylvania,; near his parents. VanReerien Funeral Home at 11 a. m. Thursday, March 23, by the Rev. Jay Hicks, with burial in the Fairview Cemetery.

Mrs. Grace B. Irvine Mrs. Grace Beard Irvine, 82, of Huntington, formerly of Hillsboro, died Friday, July 25, 1969, after a long illness. Death was attributed to cancer Born March 10, 1887, at Beard, she a daughter of the late Jacob Henrv Moflett and Nannie Crouch Beard. She was a member of the Hillsboro Chapter Number 93 Order of the Eastern Star. Her husband, William M. Irvine, preceded her in death in 1951. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Rachel Irvine Taylor, of Huntington, and a granddaughter Mrs. John R. Rogers, of Hampton, New Hampshire. Funeral services were held in Huntington Saturday by the Rev. Sharon Smith and graveside services were held Sunday afternoon at the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro by the Rev. Donald Wood, castor of the Marlinton Pres^ Dyterian Church. Mrs. 11a East Idleman Mrs. Ila East Idleman, 84, of Elkview, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Monday, August 29, 1988, in her sleep. She was a retired Kanawha County schoolteacher with 37 years' service. She was a member of Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, Charleston Woman's Club, Tillikum Garden Club, National Education Association, National Retired Teachers Association and WVEA. Surviving her are sons, Gene W. Idleman, of Elkview, Don M. Idleman, of Pinch; a brother, Vernon East, of Charleston; four grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren. Services will at 11 a. m. Thursday at Myers Funeral Home in Elkview by the Rev. Hugh Ashby. Burial will be in Elk Hill Memorial Park at Big Chimney.

Angus Price Irvine Angus Price Irvine, age 83, of Marlinton, died September 9,1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. Born August 4, 1915, in Marlinton, he was the son of the late Levi and Eula Miller Irvine. He was a coal miner and a member of the Charity Baptist Church. He was also a member of Marlinton Lodge #127 AF&AM, Marlinton Chapter #97 Order of Eastern Star, American Legion Post #50 Marlinton, American Association for Retired Persons National. He was an Army veteran of World Warn. Mr. Irvine was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers, Merl, Ralph, Verlin, and Clarence Irvine; and one sister, Margaret (Maggie) Beverage. He is survived by his wife, Mabel Virginia Beverage Kramer Irvine; two brothers, Ray Irvine, of Marlinton, and Donald Irvine, of Joppa, Maryland; four sisters, Leona Dilley and Gladys Friel, of Marlinton, Veda Johnson, of Stony Bottom, Dorothy Dempsey, of Huntington, and a step-sister, Lisa Fishbum, of Indianapolis, Indiana; one son, Fane Robert Irvine, Sr., of Marlinton; four daughters, Linda Sue Kesterson, of Charleston, Ardell Audrey Lovelace, of Marlinton, Sandra Lou Dilley, of Buckeye, and Connie Jean Rose, of Cusseta, Georgia; five stepchildren, Thelma Jean Hansford, of Hot Springs, Virginia, William Lee Kramer, Jr., of Roanoke, Virginia, Eugene Ray Kramer, of Marlinton, Gary Lynn Kramer, of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Terry Wayne Kramer, of Arlington, Virginia; ten grandchildren, seven stepgrandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. OES ceremony was held Friday night. Funeral services were held Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Jarrell and Pastor Jerry Moore. Burial was at Mountain View Cemetery with Masonic rites.


Samuel Andrew Jackson Samuel Andrew Jackson, son of the late John M. and Rebecca Brown Jackson, was born in Po cahontas County, October 4th, 1867, and departed this life on Monday, October 28th, 1957, age 90 years and 24 days. He spent all of his life in Pocahontas County prior to the last four years, which were spent in Washington, D. C , with his daughter, Mrs. I Mabel McNeill. He had been in failing health for the past six i months, but death was due to a heart attack. Mr. Jackson not only professed to be a Christian, but was a profound and true one. He read his Bible through many times and , applied it's precepts to his way of) life and it can truly be said, he is j not dead but sleepeth.

Mrs. Lucy Ellen Prill Jackson HenryE. Jackson Henry Edward Jackson, 79, Mrs Lucy Ellen Pritt Jackdied March 10, 1981, in Hope- son, 89. died at the home of mont Hospital after a long her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Brock, at Vallev Bend, on Friillness. Born on February 4, 1902, in day. February 18, 1966. Mrs. Seebert, he was the son of the Jacksnn was a former resident late William Isaac and Eliza- of Elkins. During the past several years she had resided beth Jackson. He was a lumberman and in Baltimore, with her sons, worked for many years as a but for the p^st three months bank custodian and at Brill's she had been living with her 2sso Servicenter. He was a daughter. Born September 7, 1876, at member of the Methodist Hillsboro, she was a daughter Church. Survivors include his wife, of the late Fielding M. and Mattie Belle Jackson, of Sweet E'izabeth Smith Pritt. Her Springs; two' daughters, Mrs. husband, John M. Jackson, Geraldine E. Vaughter, of Chi- preceded her in death. She was a member of the Dacago, 111., and Mrs. Mary C. Memorial Presbyterian Essex, of Warm Springs, Va.; vis three sons, George E. Jackson Church in Elkins. Survivors include two sons, and Robert L. Jackson, both of Cleveland, Ohio, and William I. Paul and Norman Jackson, Jackson, of Washington, D. C ; both of Baltimore, Maryland; 11 grandchildren and 16 great- two daughters. Mrs. Martha Brock and Mrs. Caroline Gin-i grandchildren. He was preceded in death by ger, both of Valley Bend; three two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Stew- stepsons, Roy Jackson, of Char art and Eva Jackson; two leston; Dpnnis Jackson, of Mar brothers, Rube Jackson and Minton, and Fred Jackson, of Huntington; 12 grandchildren, Floyd Jackson; and one step•md 15 great-grandchildren. son, Eugene M. Hill. Funeral services were held Services were held on Saturday in the VanReenen Funeral Sunday afternoon in the DaPresbyterian Home with Rev. SanfordBoggs, vis Memorial Dr. James Moore, and Rev. Church by the Rev. George M. Reginald Williams officiating. Ogilvie. Burial was in the Elkins I. O. 0 . F. Cemetery. Burial was in the Brownsburg Cemetery.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mabel McNeill and Mrs. Mary J. Blaker, both of Washington, D. C ; three grand-, children, Grace Simmons, of Dur- 1 bin; Geneva Jane Moore, of Washington, D. C ; and Dale Gibson, of Staten Island, New York; three JTeat-grandchildren, Donald Ray, Simmons, of Durbin; Nancy Ann Roop, of Washington, D. C ; Dale funior Gibson, of Staten Island, Mew York; two great-great-grand children, Michael Shane, and Kel- j ley Jane Roop, of Washington, J D. C , one sister, Mrs. Susie E. j Cain, of Stony Bottom, and aj host of other relatives and friend" ' Peace be unto this good man. Mrs. Lola Mae Jackson Lola Mae Jackson, of Cass, died at home on Wednesday, Grover C. Jackson February 20, 1985, after a long Grover Cleveland Jackson, illness with cancer. 78, of Route 1, Marlinton, died She was a lifelong resident of Monday, November 8, 1965, Cass, born December 22, 1911, in the Beckley Veterans' Hos- the daughter of the late Mertie pital after a long illness. Curry and Walter Clarkson. A retired woodsman and a Mrs. Jackson was a member veteran of World War I, he of the Cass United Methodist was born at Mill Point, t h e . Church. son of the late Charles and She is survived by her husSarah Rose Jackson. band, Ben Jackson; one daughHe is survived by his wife, ter, Helen Houck, of Houston, Emily" Jnett Hoover Jackson; Texas; one sister, Glenna Raitwo brothers, Lawrence Jack- mondo, of San Antonio, Texas; son, of Valley Head, and Frank three brothers, Ivan Clarkson, Jackson, of R o u t e 1, Mar- of Cass, Roy Clarkson, of linton, and one sister, Mabel Morgantown, Russell Clarkson, Fury, also of Route 1, Mar- of Arbovale; and four grandlinton; five grandchildren, and children. a host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death A foster son, Hugh Y. Jackson, by her parents, two brothers, preceded him in death. Kyle and Odie, and one sister, Funeral services will be held Vallie Wilks. Thursday afternoon at 2:00 Funeral services were held at p. m. in theCampbelltown Methe Wallace and Wallace Funithodist Church by the Rev. Harry Drake, with burial in eral Home in Arbovale at 2 p. m. Saturday by the Rev. EdSharp Cemetery at Slatyfork. ward Tutwiler, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Mrs. Jacob L Jackson

Mrs. Iva Anna Moore Jackson, aged 67, died at her home near Marlinton on Tuesday, June 23, 1959, after an illness of several months. Born near Huntersville December 27, 1891, she was the daughter of William T. and Sally dane McLaughlin Moore. She was a member of the Browns Creek Methodist Church and a member of Ruth Rebekah Lodge of Marlinton. She is survived by her husband, Jacob L. Jackson, and two sisters, Mrs. Amy Sharp and Mrs. Meda Seldomridge, both of Huntersville. She is also survived by ten stepchildren by a former marriage: Mrs. Delia McComb, of Huntersville, Mrs. Anna Bussard, of Cloverlick, Mrs. Madge Holloway, of Tucson, Arizona, Mrs. Myrle Gibson, Earl, Atlee, Willis, Gail, Gray and Charles Landis, all of. Covington, Virginia, Their father, S. P. Landis, preceded her in death August 20, 1949. Funeral services were held in Huntersville Methodist Church by the Rev. Bernard Skeen, the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Lloyd Miller, on Thursday, with burial in McLaughlin Cemetery.

Oley W. Jackson Oley W. Jackson, 82, of Marlinton, died Saturday, April 27, 1974, in the Hunting*ton Veterans Hospital after a long illness. Born January 25, 1892, at Dilleys Mill on Browns Creek, he was a son of Frank and' Margaret Jackson. He was a member of the Central Union United Methodist Church; a World War I veteran, a member of the Rotary Club and the American Legion, a life time member of the Greenbrier Valley Soil Conservation District, active in the Farm Bureau and Pocahontas Producer Lives Co* operative Stock. Preceding him in death were his wife, one son, Raymond, two brothers, and two sisters. Survivors include one son, Gray Jackson, of Richmond,^ Virginia; two daughters, Mrs. Hazel McPeak, of Marlinton, and Mrs; Rebecca McLaughlin, of Barboursville; two sisters, Mrs. Marion Sharp, and Edna Jack&on, and six grand* children. Services were held Tuesday morning in the Central Union Methodist Church, near Marlinton. Burial was in the Wirfong Cemetery Mrs. Nora Jackson


Mrs. Nora McCoy Jackson, 81, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, April 24, 1975, in Denmar State Hospital, Beard. She was a retired teacher and was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Hillsboro, Order of Eastern Star, and Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Jackson was a native of Beard. Surviving are her husband, A. H. Jackson; daughters Mrs. Denver Hollandsworth, of Hills boro, Mrs. Argile Arbgast, of Buckeye, Mrs. Gene Stanley, of Msrtinsburg, Mrs. Albert Wilfong, of Dunmore, sons, Gordon K. Buchanan, of Fresno California, Nixon S. Jackson, of Mount Hope, brother, Albert D. McCoy, of Hillsboro; 10 grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren. Services were held Sunday, afternoon in Hillsboro United Methodist Church with the Rev. James Bailey officiating Burial with rites by the Eastern Star was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Jacob Leonard Jackson Jacob Leonard Jackson was born at Mill Point, on November [U, 1883. the son of the late Char1 lie and Sarah Rose Jackson, and I died on Friday, February 5,1960, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, age 76 years, 2 months and 25 days. He is survived by one stepdaughter, Mrs. Eva McCarty, of Marlinton; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Fury, of White Sulphur Springs; and four brothers, Grover Jackson and Frank Jackson, of Marlinton ; Ernest Jackson, of Huntersville, and Lawrence Jackson, of Elkins. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon at the Campbelltown Methodist Church with the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Bernard R. Skeen officiating. Burial was made in the Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Jackson was an active member of the Campbelltown Methodist Church. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge of Marlinton, the Junior Order of American -Mechanics and the Kebekah Lodge. — •— Mrs. Jacob L. Jackson Mrs. Iva Anna Moore Jackson, aged 67, died at her home near Marlinton on Tuesday, June 23, 1959, after an illness of several months. V Born near Huntersville DecemMrs. Belle Jackson ber 27, 1891, she was the daughMrs. Mattie Belle Jackson, ter of William T. and Sally Jane 88, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, McLaughlin Moore. She was a AprU 16, 1985, in a Cleveland, member of the Browns Creek Ohio, nursing home after a long Methodist Church and a member illness. of Ruth Rebekah Lodge of MarBorn in Pocahontas County linton. January 19, 1897, she was the She is survived by her husband, daughter of the late Jesse M. Jacob L. Jackson, and two sisters, and Mattie B. Hill. Mrs. Amy Sharp and Mrs. Meda She was a faithful member of Seldomridge, both of Huntersthe Stewart Methodist Chapel. ville. She is also survived by ten She was a retired employee of stepchildren by a former marriage: Denmar Hospital. Mrs. Delia McComb, of HuntersPreceding her in death were ville. Mrs. Anna Bussard, of Cloher husband, Henry Jackson, a verliek, Mrs. Madge Holloway, daughter, Mary Essex, and a of Tucson, Arizona, Mrs. Myrle Gibson, Earl, Atlee, Willis, Gail, son, Mitchell. Surviving her are a daughter, Gray and Charles Landis, all of Mrs. Geraldine Vaughter, of Covington, Virginia, Their fathS. P. Landis, preceded her in Chicago, Illinois, and three er, sons, George and Robert, both death August 20, 1949. Funeral services were held in of Cleveland, Ohio, and Jimmy, of Washington, D. C , and huntersville Methodist Church grandchildren and great-grand- •by the Rev. Bernard Skeen, the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. children. Lloyd Millar, on Thursday, with Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday in VanReenen Funer- burial in McLaughlin Cemetery. al Home by the Rev. Sanford Boggs, with burial in Brownsburg Cemetery.

Mrs Way
Mrs. Jacob Jackson

Mrs. Iva Anna Moore Jackson, age 67, died at her home near I Marlinton on Tuesday, June 23, 1959, after an illness of several months. Born at Huntersville December 27,1891, she was the daughter of William T. and Sally Jane McLaughlin Moore. She was a member of the Browns Creek Methodist Church and the Ruth Rebekah Lodge of Marlinton. She is survived by her husband, Jacob Jackson, and two sisters, Mrs. Amy Sharp and Mrs. Media Seldomridge, both of Huntersville. Service will be held in the Hunt ersville Methodist Church on Thursday at 2:00 p. m., by the Rev. Bernard R. Skeen, the Rev. L. E. Saville, and the Rev. Ezra Bennett, with burial in the McI Laughlin Cemetery. Mrs. Lola Mae Jackson Lola Mae Jackson, of Cass, died at home on Wednesday, February 20, 1985, after a long illness with cancer. She was a lifelong resident of Cass, born December 22, 1911, the daughter of the late Mertie Curry and Walter Clarkson. Mrs. Jackson was a member of the Cass United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Ben Jackson; one daughter, Helen Houck, of Houston, Texas; one sister, Glenna Raimondo, of San Antonio, Texas; three brothers, Ivan Clarkson, of Cass, Roy Clarkson, of Morgantown, Russell Clarkson, of Arbovale; and four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers, Kyle and Odie, and one sister, Vallie Wilks. Funeral services were held at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale at 2 p. m. Saturday by the Rev. Edward Tutwiler, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Osborne Jackson Mrs. John Brown was called to Miami, Florida, this week by the death of her brother-in-law, Osborne Jackson, about 64, who died Saturday, August 12, 1961, in Miami. A native of Allegheny County, Virginia, Mr. Jackson was married to the former Cora 'Gilmore, daughter of John Gilmore, of Marlinton. Funeral services will be Saturday in Miami, ilso going with Mrs. Brown is Mrs. Russell Fairfax, of Roanoke, Virginia.


Charles Earnest Jackson 1 GEORGE H. JACKSON Charles Earnest Jackson, die' I George Henry Jackson was born on Thursday, October 12, 1961 j December 4, 1874 and departed this in the Pocahontas Memorial Hos bile October 284 1940, aged 65 years; pital, after a short illness. 10 months, and 5 days He was the son of Charles and Born February 14, 1878, a Mill Point, he was the son of th( Sarah F. Jackson. He was united in marriage to Miss late Charlie and Sarah Rose Jack son. On February 16, 1906, h( Delilah Harfqrd_Kellisoii who prowas united in marriage to Susie ceeded him to the grave 31 years Ann Tacy. To this union were ago. An infant daughter also proborn seven children: Albert Jack- ceeded him to the grave. son, deceased; Mrs. Mattie BenHe is survived by one son, Wayne nett, of Slaty Fork; Charlie Jack- B. Jackson, of Buckeye, three daughson, of Marlinton; Mrs. Maggie ters, Mrs. Bias Moss of Buckeye; Mrs i Green, of Valley Head; Mrs. John McCoy of Williamsburg ajnd Maude Underwood, of Hunters- Mrs. Lewis Turner of Rupert. Also ville, James Jackson, of Mill Point by 6 brothers and three sisters nameand Mrs. Mabel McOrmand, of ly, Jake, William, Enest, Grover, Kent, Ohio. Frank and Lawrence. Mrs. Mary Other survivors include nine- Hedrick, Mrs. Emma Galfortr* and teen grandchildren; thirty-six Mrs.Mable Feury. On Tuesday afternoon his body great-grandchildren;two brothers Grover and Frank Jackson, of was buried in the Buckley GraveMarlinton; one sister, Mrs. Mabel yard, the funeral being conducted Fury, of White Sulphur Springs, by Rev. J. C. Wool and Rev. R. H. and one step-daughter, Mrs. Mary Skaggs Gay, of Marlinton. Services were held in the Swago Sarrue! S- Jackson Methodist Church Saturday afSaiuuel S. Jackson, aged 47 ternoon. Burial was in the Clooyears, of Cass, died Wednesday nan Cemetery. noun, October 8, 1952, at the Po cahoutas Memorial Hospital. He MISS JOSEPHINE JACKSON had bren in ill health for some Miss Josephine Sirles Jack SON. aged forty-two, died on i-ime. If is expected the funeral Friday morning, June 26, 1953, I will be held on Friday afternoon from a heart attack, at Clifton with burial in the Arbovale CemForge Hospital. On Monday her etery. The deceased was a son of the funeral was held at CliftoD Forge and her body was laid to rest in late Edward Jackson, of Cass. the Catholic Cemetery. He is survived by his wife and their sou, J c e , bis brother, Ben, The deceased was a daughter of the late Ed and Buena Viola Kel- of Cass; and bis sisters, Mrs. W. le.v Jackson, of Cuss. Her sister N. VVeber, of Mill Creek, and is Mrs Wil iam Weber, of Mill Mrs R. L. Sirles, of Clifton Creek, and her brother is Ben M. Forge, Virginia. .Jackson, of Cass. Another broth ! rr, Sam, preceded .her in death Edward Hull Jackson, 72 years of last fall. age, one of the most popular citizens ot Cass, was buried in the Arbovale tVliss Jackson, a graduate nurse, cemetery last Wednesday Mr Jack completed her training a t the son died early in Monday morning Clifton Forge Hospital in 1930 For the past 18 years she had , from heart troub.e lollowing a very been operating nurse at that bos J severe heart attack in his home His death came as a shock to his pita). I f-imily and to his multitude of friends in Cass. Funeral service wa9 conJasper E. Jackson ."i ducted from the Presbyterian Church at Cass last Wednesday May 3. 1939, Jasper E. Jackson, 85, of at 3 o'clock P. M , by the Rev. Mr. Clover Lick, died in the PocaJ. T. Pharr, of Cass. hontas Memorial Hospital A very large crowd of relatives, Monday, February 27, 1967. friends, and neighbors attended the The son of Warrick and services at the church and at the Louise McCarty Jackson, he grave in the lovely Arbovale Cemewas born in Octoher, 1885, tery. Floral offerings were many and beautiful Mr. Ed Jackson is surnear Marlinton. vived by 4 children, 4 grand children, Surviving him is one sister, scores of relatives, kindred aud loved Mrs. E t t a Higgins, of Campones. belltown. Ed Jackson will be missed In the home and in the town of Cass by his Services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p . m . , 1 numerous and countless friends. He in the Smith Funeral Home! was a genial, friendly, kind, warmhearted, big hearted man and a rea' Chapel by the Rev. H W. neighbor, and a cordial, clever, tine Drake with burial in Poage friend to us at Cass and to all wh< Lane Cemetery. knew him well.

Ronceverte, W. Va.—A telegram* received this A.'M. stating t h a t Geo. Jackson had died a*j his home Rut 1 land Olilo at 9:15. He was a brave Confederate soldier, Captn Wm. L McNeel'sCo. F. 19 Va Cavalry. His home was with Jacob Woodell near Gretnhank, befc re the war after close of war, he went to Ohio and married there. He clerked for Rathburii: Bros, in their department store at Rutland for some years later engaged in grocry business for himself. HiB wife died two years ago, an only daughter married Dr. Bean of Gatlapolis Ohio has been dead several years, a grandson Leo Bean is a Dr living in St Louis Mo. a granddaughter, married a Presbyterian minister of Galipolis by name of Evans, n e is survived by an adopted son also, who is married and lives In Rutland.

Emily Jnetl Jackson Mrs. Emily Jnett Jackson, Rhoda Carter Jackson, 78, of Marlinton died Wed73, a 52-year resident of nesday, June 29, 1977, in PoFrank who moved to Elkins cahontas Memorial Hospital about a year ago, died after a long illness. Monday, November 19, Born at Slatyfork, March 16, 1979, in the West Virginia 1899, she was the daughter of University Medical Center, George Hoover and Bertha. Alwhere she had been a derman Hoover, of Marlinton. patient since November 11. She was a member of the She had suffered several Campbelltown United Methoheart attacks and had been dist Church and the WSCS. in failing health the past six Surviving are sisters, Cammonths. eron Astin, Marlinton; sisters, Mrs. Jackson was born Mrs. Velma Heavener, ElizaApril 23, 1906, in Mcbeth Pritt, of Marlinton, MyrDowell, Virginia, a daughtle Victor, of Holland, Michiter of the late William and gan, Matilda Webster, Rainelle, Fannie Smith Carter. On five grandchildren and six great July 3, 1925, in McDowell, grandchildren. v Mrs. Frances EIiza slh Carver Jackson she married Edward JackPreceding her in death were: son, who survives. Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Carver , her husband, Grover C. JackSurviving besides her .faekson, aged 83 years, of Coal- son; a son, Hugh Jackson, of husband are six daughters ton, widow of the late James W. Marlinton; four Bisters and and six sons, Mrs.T* ?nes Jackson, died in an Elkins hospi- one brother. Toles and Mrs. Juanita tal on Tuesday February \2, Services were held Friday at Womack, both of Plain- 19 bhe had been an invalid two p. m., in the VanReenen field, New Jersey, Mrs. for the past five years and a Funeral Home with burial in patient in the. hospital about a jladys Walker, New Lonthe Sharp Cemetery. lon, Connecticut, Mrs. week. On Thursday morning her body was laid in the Gibson 3enevieve McDonald, ElkMrs. Elvli 6. Juki** ins, Mrs. Nancy Marsh and Cemetery en Elk. Mrs. Ehrfe G. Thomas JackMiss Linda Jackson, both of Mrs. Jackson was a native of son, 80, of Coalton, died FriColumbus, Ohio, Walter Rockbridge County, Virginia, day, February 9, 1979, in the Jackson, New London, Con- the daughter of the late Valen- Davis Memorial Hospital. necticut, George Jackson, tine and Elizabeth Thomas CarBorn December 18,1898, ut of Frank, Robert Jackson, ver. For many years Mr. and Stony Bottom, she was the Mrs. Jackson were residents of of Philadelphia, Pennsyldaughter of the late George and vania, Joseph Jackson, of Po;aho. t s County. Mr. Jack- Mary Galford Thomas. Her son preceded his wife 19 years Plainfield, New Jersey, husband, Coalton lumberman Charles Jackson, of Norris- ago.- They are survived by four William B. Jackson, preceded children, W. B. Jackson, ofCoaltown, Pennsylvania, and her in death in April of 1968. Dewey Jackson, of Fort ton; Charles Jackson, of Paines She is survived by three Leavenworth, Kansas; one ville, Ohio; Mrs. Lucy Hyson, daughters, Mrs. Herbert (Virsister, Mrs. Emily Tucker,! of Kelleys Mountlin; and Mrs. ginia) Haney, of Litchfield, of Staunton, Virginia) 25J Martha ' Triplett, of Elkins. Ohio, Mrs. Georgia Pomp and grandchildren, seven great-' T h e r e are 25 grandchildren; 67 Mrs. Cuyler (Marie) Teter, grandchildren, and six! great-grandchildren; , .... and 20 great- both of Coalton; a son, Dewey gWt^great-grandchildren. L great-grandchildren Lee Jackson; one sister, Mrs. Two sons, one daughter, Edith Meeks, of Stony BotSarr.ue! S. Jackson tom; one brother, Jess Thornfour brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Saiuuol S. J a c k s o n , aged 47 as, of Harding; 20 grandchilMrs. Jackson was an yc«rs o" Cass, died Wednesday dren. One son and one brothactive member of the n o o n , ' O c t o b e r 8, 195a, at the Po er preceded her in d e a t h . Fundamental Bible Church eahontas Memorial Hospital. He g a e w a 8 a member of the had been iD ill health for some United Methodist Church. of Elkins. Services were conducted time. I t is expected the funeral • JOHN JACKSON, DEAD from the Lohr Funeral will be held on F r i d a y aftemoot. John Jackson died on Friday, DeHome Chapel Thursday by with burial io t h e Arbovale Cemcember 11, 1925, at the home of his the Rev. Joseph Mason, etery. The deceased was a son of the daughter, Mrs. Susie Cain, In the with interment in MapleBrush. He was in the 90th year ol Lite Kdward J a c k s o n , of Cass. wood Cemetery. his age. Another old Confederate Rhoda Carter Jackson

He is survived by bis wife aDd their son, J o e , his b r o t h e r , Ben, of Cass; and his sisters, Mrs. W. X. W e b e r , of Mill Creek, and Mrs R- L-- Sirles, of Clifton Forge, Virginia.


soldier to pass over the river and rest in the shade of the tree. For four years he served in the armies of Lee and Jackson, going out in the "College Company" from Lexington, Virginia; this company being largely made up of students of old Washington College. Among his children are John Jackson, of Marlinton; J. W. J ackson, of Norton; Samuel Jackson, of Cass, and Mrs Susie Cain. Burial a t the Gibson gravevard on Elk.

Edward Jackson Fred Lee Jackson George Marshall Jackson, Jr. Edward Jackson, 76, formerFred Lee Jackson, 64, of 2604 ly of Frank and a resident of George Marshall Jackson, Jr., age 34, of Dumfries, Virginia, died Vlarcum Terrace, Huntington, Elkins, died Thursday, May 19, iied Monday morning Febru- 1983, at the home of his September 10, 1994, at his home. xry 27, 1967, in a Huntington daughter, He was a logger. Mrs. Agnes Toles, in The son of Janet Snyder Queen, hospital after a short illness. Plainfield, New Jersey, where Funeral services were con- he had been residing since of Dunmore, and Jackson George Marshall, of White Plains, ducted Wednesday at the March of 1980. He had been in Maryland, he was born May 8, Reper Funeral Home Chapel failing health for the past six 1960, in Prince Georges County, by Dr. Paul S. Warren. Bur- weeks. Maryland. ial was in Baylous Cemetery He was born August 7, 1906, A daughter, Jacelyn Nicole near Salt Rock. at Rich wood, a son of the late Taylor, preceded him in death. A retired chemical plant Howard and Sewilla Smith Surviving him in addition to his worker, he formerly was emparents are his wife, Christina ployed at FMC and Union Car JflCKSOU • On July 3, 1925, in McTaylor Marshall; nine sisters, Sue bide Corp plants in South Dowell, Virginia, he was marPeck, Durbin, Becky Queen, Cass, Charleston. Phyllis Marshall, Hampton, He was born June 22, 1892, ried to the former Rhoda CartVirginia, Kathy Birely, Washington at Marlinton, a son of the late er, who preceded him in death Slate, Charlene McCann, John Maurice and Deborah J. November 19, 1979. Williamsburg, Virginia, Cathy Cowger Surviving are six sons, He was a Barb, Bartow, Jennifer Ryder, veteran ofJackson. Walter Jackson, New London, War I, and Marlinton, Yette Baker, Dumfries, a memberWorld Connecticut, George Jackson, of Huntington Virginia, Kayla Marshall, Elkins, Robert Jackson, PhilaDumfries; and five brothers, Jerry Post 1064, Veterans of Foreign delphia, Pennsylvania, Joseph Wars. Marshall, Massachusetts, George Survivors include the widow, Jackson, Plainfield, New Marshall, Hampton, Virginia, j Jersey, Charles Jackson, NorSammy Birely, Florida, Bobby | Mrs. Mabel Morrison Jackson; ristown, Pennsylvania, and four brothers, Dennis L. JackMarshall, Texas, and Jonathan son, of Huntersville, Roy A. Dewey Jackson, Columbus, Marshall, Dumfries, Virginia. Ohio; six daughters, Mrs. Jackson, of Charleston, and Services will be held at Paul and Norman John [Agnes] Toles, Plainfield, Jackson, of VanReenen Funeral Home at 1 p. Baltimore, Maryland, New Jersey, Mrs. Henry and two m. Friday by \he Rev. David stepsisters. Mrs. Martha Brock [Juanita] Womack, Plainfield, Rittenhouse and the Rev. David New Jersey, Mrs. Willie and Mrs. Roy Ginger, of ValGrimes. Burial will be in the Gum [Gladys] Walker, New London, Cemetery on Back Mountain with ley Bend. Connecticut, Mrs. Walter Rev. Rittenhouse and the Rev. [Genevieve] McDonald, Elkins, Jackson Mrs. Donald Curry. Mrs. Alice Kramer Jackson, and Mrs. James [Nancy] Marsh Friends may call from 6 to 9 age 74, died Tuesday, August 15, and Miss Linda Jackson, both Thursday evening at VanReenen j 1961, in the Pocahv. itas Memorial of Columbus, Ohio; three Funeral Home. brothers, William and Ray Hospital. C.-— I1 Born at Ronceverte, she was Jackson, both of Elkins, and Paul Jackson the daughter o: the late Mr. and Sidney Jackson, of Durbin; Mrs. Robe-t Kramer. She made three sisters, Mrs. Savannah Paul Jackson, 61, of South Hanover Street, Baltimore, her home in Marlinton with her Fagans, Elkins, and Mrs. Maryland, died Sunday, June brother-in-law and sister, the late Margaret Cash well and Mrs. 6, 1976, in Baltimore of a iMr. and Mrs. John Sydenstricker, Gladys Tibbs, both of Marlinmassive heart attack. He had | for many years after the death ton; 29 grandchildren; 12 greatbeen a patient at Fort Howard ] of her husband, Samuel _Jackson. grandchildren. Hospital. I Surviving her are two step- Two sons, one daughter, one Mr. Jackson was an Air daughters, Mrs. Robert Mann brother and four sisters preForce veteran of World War II and Mrs. Nelson Cock, of Rich- ceded him in death. mond, Virginia, and several nieces Mr. Jackson was a retired with overseas service. He was born October 14, and nephews, including Judg^e employee of the Howes Leather Company at Frank. He was 1914, the son of the late John Nickell Kramer of Lewisburg. and Lucy Pritt Jackson, forServices will be held Thursday a Baptist by faith. mer residents of Marlinton. afternoon at 2:00 at the Marlin- Funeral services were held He is survived by two sisters, ton Presbyterian Church by her Sunday, May 15. Mrs. Martha Brock, of Valley pastor, the Rev. W. E. Pierce, Bend, and Mrs. Caroline Gin- with burial in the Mountain View ger, of Beverly, one brother, Cemetery. Norman Jackson, of Baltimore, Pallbearers will be officers of and two half brothers, Dennis the church. Jackson, of Marlinton, and Roy Jackson, of Charleston, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted from F. E. Runner Funeral Home Thursday by Rev. Larry Rogers. Interment with full military rites by V. F. W. Post No 3647 was made in the I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery at Elkins.

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William T. Jackson I William Tyler "Bill" Jackson, 80, of Elkins, died Friday, June 29, 1984, in Memorial General Hospital. He had b e e n , in failing health for the past year. Born September 18, 1903, in McDowell, Virginia, he was a son of the late Howard and Sewilla Jackson. He was married to the former Elizabeth Victoria Archer, who preceded him in death on November 4, 1973. He is survived by one son, Michael Wayne Jackson, 19, who made his home with his father; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Eveline McDowell, of Elkins; three sisters, Mrs. Savannah Fagan, Elkins, Mrs. Margaret Cashwell and Mrs. Gladys Tibbs, both of Marlinton; two brothers, Ray Jackson and Sidney Jackson, both of Elkins; five step-grandchildren, Ronnie, Richard, Byron, and Aaron Wilmore and Mrs. Denise Miller, and four step-great-grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by four sisters, Geneva Jackson, Anna Jackson, Mabel Rodgers, and Minnie Nicholas; two brothers, George Jackson and Edward Jackson; and one step-great-grandchild, Brandon Wilmore. Mr. Jackson was employed as a machinist for the Howes Leather Company in Frank, where he retired after many years of service. He was an active member of the A.M.E. Virginia Chapel, where he served as a steward for many years. He was a member of the Mt. Zion Lodge 14, A.F. & A.M., the Allegheny Chapter #9, Royal Arch Masons, of Fairmont, the Gibraltar Commandery #8, Knights Templar of Fairmont, and the Thotmes 113 Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine. Services were held the following Wednesday in Runner Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in Maple wood Cemetery.

Oris U. Jackson Oris U. Jackson, age 74, of Marlinton and Charlottesville, Virginia, died on Saturday, January 31, 1998, of an apparent heart attack while rabbit hunting at Swago. He was born January 17,1924, at Clawson, and was die son of the late Walter and Lula Jackson. Oris was a retired barber, having managed die Newcomb Hall Barber Shop at the University of Virginia for twenty-four years. A Navy veteran of World War U, he served on die cruiser Birmingham and saw extensive service in die South Pacific. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis, and a daughter, Pamela Burke, of Crozet, Virginia; five brodiers, Alfred Jackson, of Bristol, Tennessee, Howard and Guy Jackson, both of Kinsman, Ohio, Ward Jackson, of Warren, Ohio, Elmer Jackson, of Elkins; three sisters, Evelyn Sparks, of Marlinton, Betty Knimpe, Of Kinsman, Ohio, and Eleanor Hamrick, of Mill Creek. He was die son-in-law of die late Winters and Virginia Dunbrack. He was a member of die Marlinton Presbyterian Church, where services were held on Tuesday, February 3, by Reverend Randy Benson, widi burial at Mountain View Cemetery.


Baby Jackson

/-> Mrs. Ethyl Virginia Jennings

Lyle Jennings Arnold Norvet Jackson, Jr., Mrs. Ethyl Virginia Jennings, Lyle Jennings, age 77, of was born November 19, 1966, age 67, of Frank, died on Fridav, Bartow, died May 27, 1995, at and departed this life on Tues- March 13, 1959, at her home Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after day, February 14, 1967, in the after a long illness. a long illness. Community House at Hot Surviving are her husband, S. He was an Army veteran of Springs, Virginia. World War II and a self-employed H. Sr.; three sons, Keith B. JenSurvivors include his mother, j ning, of Painesvilie, Ohio; H. carpenter. Mrs. Carolyn Jackson, father,! L. Jennings, and Samuel H. JenBorn February 13, 1918, at rtrnold Jackson; one sister, nings, both of Frank; three dauFrank, he was the son of the late Cindy Jack?on; his grandmot ti- ghters, Mrs. Gwendolyn Ervine, ers, Mrs. Mary Essex, and of Summersville; Mrs. Louise Samuel H. and Ethel Virginia Mrs Pattie Braxton; one Osbourn, and Mrs. Ethyl Spen-* Schoonover Jennings. Surving him are a brother, grandfather and one great- ,cer, of Dayton, Ohio; a sister, grardfather, and two great- iMrs. Homip I. Wonders, of Balti- Samuel Jennings, of Lewisburg, and three sisters, Gwendolyn J grandmothers. more, Maryland; four grandchild- Ervine, of Summersville, Louise ren, and two great-grandchildren/ Osbourn, of St. Marys, and Ethel Carter Jackson Funeral services were held Spencer, of Dayton, Ohio. Services were held at 2 p. m. ; B:i"tow—Carter DeNeal Jackson, Monday afternoon, in the Dur£ge 1 six weeks, little son of Ed- bin Methodist Church, with the Tuesday at Wallace and Wallace Ward and RhoJa Jack.son, of Rev. R. B. Jarrett, and the Rev. Funeral Home at Arbovale by the Frank, died on Tuesday, Decem- Philip Newell officiating. Burial Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial ber 24, I94i). His brother, Ed- was made in the Arbovale Ceme- was in the Arbovale Cemetery. ward, a basketball player, died tery. D^eraber 11, at Elkins, while enLwrenti M. Jeffries LS James Robert Jeffries I in a game. Lawrence Melvin Jeffries, O i ige — Funeral ser58, of Eastport, Long Island, •re conducted on Sunday, New York, died from a heart Jat, lary 13th, for James* Robert Mrs. Mattie Tibbs Jefferson attack on Friday, October 22, Jeffries, aged 62 years, whn died . 1976, at Williamsburg, while Mrs. Mattie Tibbs Jefferson, on Friday, .January l l t b , 1952, at .laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis i MI vacation to West Virginia. bis home, at Gauley Bridge, after Tibbs, of Seebert, West Virginia, He was born on April 26, a lingering illness. was born October 16, 1920, and 1918, in Greenbrier County Funeral rites were conducted in departed this January 28, 1951, and reared in Hillsboro. He at ber home in Lewisburg. was the son of the late Ulys- tbe Gauley Bridge Baptist Church by the Rev. Lewis B. Boyle, of Funeral services were held on ! ses S. and Lena Jeffries. He Falls View, with burial following Wednesday afternoon, at the attended the Eastport Gospel iu Montgomery Memorial Park. Pleasant Green Church, at See- Cburcb. He was preceded in Surviving are his wife, Mrs. r-erf; with Rev. William Spriggs death by two brothers, Charles Marguerite Jeffries; a niece, KatbJeffries and Millard Jeffries. uiiewrting. erine Loretta Jeffries, of Gauley Survivors include two brothIn June 1941, she was married Bridge; a nephew, Neil Bias, of ers, Homer Jeffries, Eastport, to Henry Clay Jefferson, of LewBoomer: four brothers, Millard F , of Marlinton; N. F., of Caldisburg. To this children were New York, and Clarence well; Johnnie, of Fa.yetteville, b>rn three children: Dm cilia, Jeffries, Mill Point, and two and B. H , of Dickerson, and a Sandra, Jo Anna and Larry sisters, Mary Copenhaver, sister, Mrs. Rose Trainer, of NeWayne. Mrs. Jefferson was an Eastport, New York, and Floractive^nemTieToT f5e~ John Wes- ence Copenhaver, East Morich- ola. ley Church, and was also promi- es, New York. Jeffries was a veteran of World Services were held on Monnent in the social activities iu War I . a charter member of the day, October 25, 1976, at the the community. Falls View Presbyterian -Church, a member of the Gauley Brid^ The deceased is survived by VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sherman Markley. Lodge, A. F. and A. M. No. 64, her husband and three children, Burial was in the Ruckman a 32nd degree S o t t i s h Rite member parents and the following Cemetery. ber, and was a Beni Kedem Sbrisisters and brothers: Mrs. Julia ner. He was also a member of Trim, of New York City; Mrs. the Brotherhood of Railway Car Catherine Glass, of Atlanta, Gcor Men. gia; Howard M. Tibbs; of Detroit, Michigan; Paul R. Tibbs. of Cleveland, Ohio, and a host of Lcroy Jeffries other relatives and friends, inLeroy Jeffries, abc.:t 59, was cluding the nut-of-town relatives: found dead in his apartment ir Mrs. Anna Belle Lee, and James Hillsboro Monday, August 21, M. Madison, of Cleveland, Ohio; 1961, having died of an apparent Mrs. Glenna Hayes," of Los Anheart attack about twelve hours geles. California; Miss Eleanor M. earlier. He was a former teacher Stewart, of New York City, and and coach at Hillsboro High SchMiss Rosa Carr, of Wilmington. ool and had been teaching at Delaware. Point Pleasant for the past 5 or 6 years. The body was taken to his home at Belington for services and burial.


Ida Maybelle Robinson Johnson (\yvv\fliva A. Johnson Jesus said unto her, I am Alva A. Johnson, 71, of Ashi Frank E. Johnson, 69, died Sun- the resurrection and the life; land, Kentucky, formerly of d a y , June 21, 1959, in the Poca- He that believeth in me, though Marlinton, died Tuesday. Ochontas Memorial Hospital. He he were dead, yet shall he live; tober 19, 1971, after suffering had suffered a heart attack late and whosoever believeth in a heart attack. Saturday afternoon. me shall never die. Born in Pocahontas County, Mr. Johnson was born in RidgeAnd when thou passe th November 3. 1899, he was a way, Pennsylvania, January 9, through the waters, I will bj I son of the late Benjamin F. 1890, the son of the late John P. with thee, and through the Mollie Williams Johnson. and Matilda Johnson. He came rivers, they will not overflow and He was a member of the to Marlinton in 1940, as a book- thee. Methodist Church, the Masonkeeper with the International ,' Ida Maybelle Robinson Johnic Lodge and the Modern Shoe Company, but he had re- son, who passed away Friday Woodmen of America, and tired from this several years ago, morning February 1, 1953 at and had since been in insurance the Marlinton Memorial hos- was a retired federal correctional employee. business. pital, at the age of 73 years 9 Survivors include his wife, Active in American Legion work months and 29 days, was born Mrs. Ethel Waugh Johnson; he was Past Commander of Post at Sunrise, Bith County, Virfour sons, Page Ward Johnson, 50 and also of District 9, and had ginia, May 3, 18S9. of Tallahassee, Florida. Edserved a term as state Vice Comwas the daughter of the ward and George Johnson, mander. Mr. Johnson, always lateSbe Charlie and Martha Poole both of Indio, California, and interested in young people, had Robinson. Alva A. Johnson, Jr., of Walbeen' secretary and treasurer of In her early life she joined dorf, Maryland; three daughthe Marlinton Little League since its formation. He was a member the Baptist church at Browns ters, Mrs. Mary Margaret of the Town Council, the County Mountain, near Huhtersville, Long, of Virginia Beach, VirSelective Service Board, and was i which was moved to Marlinton ginia, Mrs. Elizabeth Kearney, Chaplain for the Marlinton Volun I 'about 1902, receiving the name of White Sulphur Springs, .and teer Fire Department. He was a i of Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Mrs. Jean Mason, of Flatwoods member of the Board of Stewards Church, of which she con Kentucky; two brothers. Reed of the Marlinton Methodist Chur- tinued to be a member, being Johnson, of Mill Gap, Virginia, ch, the men of the Church, and a true child of God; she served and Louis Johnson, of Staunhad served as Superintendent of her church and the commun- ton, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. the Sunday School for twelve ity to the best of her ability. Viola Church, of Detroit, Michyears. He was also a 32nd degree She was united in marriage igan, and 14 grandchildren. Scottish Rite Mason. to Richard Barnes in the year Funeral services were held of 1905; to this union were Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. jLavina Johnson; a brother, Wil- born 3 children, Guy Barnes, in the Marlinton United Methjliam P. Johnson, of Ridgeway, Susie Morris Boggs, who pre- odist Church by the Rev- Mayj Pennsylvania; and a sister, Mrs. ceded her in death, and nard Crawford. Burial wii.h Masonic Rites was in the Josephine Swanson of Warren, Gustava Barnes Mountain View Cemetery at She later united in mar mar- Marlinton. Pennsylvania . ' ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ B ~"~ " " a was «oa uiuieu Johnson De Funeral services were conduct-1 ^ w ^ ^ f ' ' ed Tuesday afternoon in the I c e m D e r b< 1 J o ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ French Edgar Johnson , Surviving her are her husMarlinton Methodist Church by French Edgar Johnson, 50 the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, band, Michael Johnson, one Jr., and the Rev. R. H. Skaggs, daughter, Gustava Barnes of died on Tuesday, September 24, with music by the combined child Marlinton, five grand children, 1957, in the i'ooahontas Meren's and youth choir. Burial Richard Morris of Sybene, morial Hospital, after an illness was made in Mountain View Ohio; Mrs. Ida Jackson of of about a week. He was the Cemetery. Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Vivian owner of French's Diner in MarBoggs of San Bernadino, Cali- linton. fornia; James and Gay Barnes He was born March 10, 1907, of Marlinton, 14 great grand at Fairview, the son of Benjamin Jimss M. Johnston children, and a host of relatives F. and Mollie M. Johnson. James Malcom Johnston, 86, f n~ends. of Union, died February 4, He is. survived by his mother, 1983, at the Greenbrier Valley Ulysses J o h n s o n Dies his wife, the former Miss Amy Hospital at Fairlea. Pyles, four children, William J., Ulysses Johnson, son of James and of Roanoke, Virginia; Robert L., He was a retired owner and editor of the Monroe Watch- Sally Johnson, was born in 1872 and a student at West Virginia Unidied October 28, 1943, aged 72 versity; Charles E., with the U. man and a graduate of the years. Most of his life was spent in S. Army stationed in Germany, U. S. Naval Academy. He this community. He is survived by served in the N3vy during on"e brother, Giles Johnson of Mar- and Mary Catherine, at home; World War I and II. linton. Three sisters and a brother] two grand children; one sister, i Mrs. Viola Church, of Detroit,' Services were held Monday preceeded him to the grave. Michigan; and three brothers, at the All Saints Episcopal Alva and Louis, of Marlinton, Church in Union with the Rev. Pans G. Johnson and Reed, of Mill Gap, Virginia. J. W. Ware officiating. Burial Parit, G. Johnson, aged 82 Funeral services will be held was in the Green Hill Ceme- years, of South Charleston, died Thursday afternoon at 2:00 in the tery, Union. on Friday night, August 31, 1956, Marlinton Presbyterian Church. after a long illness. He was a former resident of Marlinton, moving to Charleston 46 years ago.

Frank E. Johnson

• 11



Jesse Johnston Jesse Johnston, 64, of Bartow, died Saturday, December 18. 1971, at his home after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County July 2, 1907, he was a son of the late Saul and Daulie Johnston. He was a member of Elk Mountain Chapel and was a retired farmer and logger. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Monna Raines Johnston; three brothers, Cletis and Merle Johnston, both of H a m . sonburg, Virginia, and William Johnston, of Haverford, Pennsylvania; and five sisters, Mrs. Monna Bowling, of Rivesville. Mrs. Judy Bennett, of Mill Creek, Mrs. Georgia Eye, of Brandywine. Mrs. Mildred Wiley, of Baltimore. Maryland and Mrs. Virginia Mallow, of Elkins. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Circle ville United Methodist Church by the Rev. Fred Morton, with burial in the Elk Mountain Cemetery. Leonard W. Johnson Leonard W. Johnson, 69, of Salisbury, Maryland, died Friday, December 9, 1988, in Peninsula General Hospital Medical Center in Salisbury of cardio-pulmonary arrest. Born in Rockawalkin, he was a son of the late W. E. and Fannie Wilson Johnson. He operated a grocery store for over 26 years before retiring in 1964. He was also employed with J. I. Wells and Koppers, retiring in 1980, and he also worked at Chris Craft for more than 14 years. He was an honorary member of the Rockawalkin Ruritan Club with 22 years perfect attendance, and a member of the Wicomico County Farm Bureau. Surviving are his wife, Anna Lee Beverage Johnson; two children, William "Bill" Johnson, Sr., and Lura Cornelius, Salisbury; a brother, Richard "Dick" Johnson, Salisbury; and two grandsons. Funeral service was held at 2 p. m. Monday, December 12, in the Bounds Funeral Home by the Rev. Thomas Patrick, assisted by the Rev. James Greathouse. Interment was in Parsons Cemetery. Anna Lee Beverage Johnson is the daughter of the late Charles A. and Ethel Wimer Beverage and granddaughter of A. P. and Caroline Beverage.


DtmpMjf J. Jsaassa Dempsey J. Johnson, 76, of Marlinton, died near bia home early Tuesday, January 13, 1981, of a heart attack. Mr. Johnson was a retired Charleston Gazette carrier to the northern part of Pocahontas, and a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and Durbin Moose Lodge. He was born on Jericho Farm, near Marlinton, November 16, 1904, the son of William B. and Hannah Malcomb John* son. His parents, three brothers, Kemp, Snowden and Roy Johnson, and three sisters, Josie Faulknier, Annie Barnhart, and Bessie Johnson, preceded him in death. Surviving him are bia wife, Beulah Palmer Johnson, and a Bister, Mrs. Gertrude Spitzer, of Marlinton. Services will beheld at 11 a. m. Thursday by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, at VanReenen Funeral Home with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, it is requested that donations be made to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Fund Reed Calvin Johnson Reed Calvin Johnson, 72, of 2207 Bare Street, Staunton, Virginia, formerly of Highland County, died Sunday morning, September 19, 1976, in King's Daughters' Hospital. He was born April 27, J.904, in Pocahontas County, a son of the late Benjamin F. and Molly Williams Johnson. He was a member of the Green Hill Methodist Church for thirty five years. Mr. Johnson operated the Mill Gap Supply Store in Highland County before retiring in 1972 and moving to Staunton. On February 27, 1923, he married the former Flora Perry, who survives. Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Ruth J. Bird, Route 5, Staunton; one son, Kyle C. Johnson, also of Staunton; one sister, Mrs. Viola Church, of Detroit, Michigan; one brother, Louis Johnson, of Marlinton; one grand daughter and one great-grandson. Funeral services were held at 11 A. M. Wednesday at the Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell by the Rev. J. Tongue and the Rev. Wrightson Tongue, Jr. Burial followed in Oak Lawn Memory Gardens in Staunton.

Mrs. J. C. Johnson Mrs. Mary Edgar Beard Johnson. 79, died at her home in Arlington, Virginia, on Thursday, November 11, 1965.1 Ker husband was the late Rev. J. C. Johnson, who was the pastor of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in H !ls borofor a number of years They moved from Hillsboro to Covesville, Virginia, in 1928, where he served as pa-tor of the Cove Presbyterian Church until his retirement. Mrs. Johnson was born at Hillsboro November 16, 1886, the daughter of the late M. Lee and Emma Clark Beard. She is survived by two daugh ters, Miss Mary Emma Johnson and Mrs. Lloyd Longford, of Arlington, Virginia: a son. Jacob L. Johnson, of Winchester, Virginia; four grandchildren; two s:srers, Mrs, H^rry Fehrle, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Arden Killingsworrh, of Marlinfon; a brother, Joel F. BeaTd, of Hills boro. Another son, Frederick, died several years ago. Funeral services were held at the Hill and Irving Mortu- ; ary at Charlottesville, Virginia, with burial at the Monti:ello Memo-ial Cemetery there, yc\ Saturday morning. William H. Johnson William H. Johnson, 76, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, December 30,1978, after a short illness. Mr. Johnson waa a native of Danville, Kentucky. At the time of his death he was field representative for Congressman Harley Staggers. He was a former principal of Lewisburg High School, taught at GMS, was director of Admissions at Greenbrier College for Women and director of Public Relations for the Farm Credit Bank of Baltimore. He was master of ceremonies for the State Fair for many years, active in all historic and civic work, and an elder in Old Stone Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Margaret Nelson Johnson; two daughters, Mrs. Ann Johnson Dunkin and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson Scott, both of Lewisburg, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Blankenship, of Danville, Kentucky. Services were held Monday in Old Stone Presbyterian Church by Dr. T. W. Apperson with burial in Roaewood Cemetery.

Mrs. Flora Mnson Dr. and Mrs. J . Fred Johnson FRANK K ,O ' HNSTON (J Joint funeral services were Mrs. Flora Burner Johnson, Frank K. Johnston, aged 53 held Monday afternoon in the years, died Saturday piormpg, Jones Chapel Church of the of Marlinton, aged 77 years, passAugust 18, 1945, of a heart at- Brethren in Martinsville, Vir- ed away on Suuday, March 20, She had been in failing tack, at his home in Hillsboro. ginia, for Dr. J. Fred Johnson, 1049. On TuesHe had just returned from a fish- a former Pocahontas County health for some time. day her body was laid to rest in ing trip and appeared in unusual resident, and his wife, Mrs. the family plot in Mountain View good health. Carolyn Hundley Johnson, Cemetery. The service was bel I On Wednesday afternoon the who were killed Thursday, from the Marlinton Methodist funeral will be neid from the home May 27. 1971, in a plane acci- Church by her pastor, Rev. E. N with interment in the family plot d e n t in Virginia. Carlson, assistacl by Rev. Roger in the cemetery at Pearisburg, P. Melton, of the Presbyterian Dr. Johnson, 37, of Roanoke, Giles County, Virginia. Virginia, formerly of Marlin- Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ton, was killed when his single The deceased was a daughter Lillian Pharr Johnston, and three engine plane crashed into the of the late Lee and Rebecca Gum children, John Joe and WilfoH, top of a tree about fourteen both of the United States NP\V> miles west of New Castle, Vir- Burner. She was twice married— | first to Charles Harvey Maupin, I and Suzanne, at home. ginia. He was a graduate of and then to Gram Johnson, both For twenty years Mr. Johnston West Virginia University and preceded her in death. had been principal of Hillsboro of the College of Veterinary She is suwived by three daughHigh School, and so occupied a Medicine of Oklahoma State prominent place in the affairs of University, and was owner of ters and four sons: Mrs. Blanche the County. the Avenham Animal Hospi- Faulkaier; Mrs. Nell Young and tal in Roanoke, Virginia. He Mrs. Grace Harper: Paul E., Lee He was a native of Giles Coun0., Harold F. and Moody G. She ty, Va., a son of the late Howard was a member of the Colonial is also survived by fourteen grand Avenue Presbyterian Church and Sallie Kirk Johnston. He children and seven great-grandJ^u-nts received his bachelor's degree at> in Roanoke. children. Of her father's family Emory and Henry College. Later Surviv ng him are his two there remain her sisters: Mrs. he took his Master's degree at | sons, Jeffrey F. and J. Randall Grace Moore, Miss Belie Burner. West Virginia Unrersity. Hej Johnson, both of Roanoke, Vir- Miss Maude Burner, Mrs. Bessie was a veteran of the FITF;. Wtiid I ginia; two daughters, Cathy L. Simmons and Mrs. Sula Kelle.y; War. I and Rebecca K. Johnson, both her brothers are Nor He and WalThus is marked the passing of j »f Roar.oke, Virginia; his par- ter Burner. a good man, who served well his I ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Johnson was a member of! generation as instructor of youth. Zachariah Johnson, of Marlinthe Marlinton Methodist Chu ton; one brother, Dr Z. Mar- a life long christian, and a I shall Johnson, of Baltimore, and gentle woman who lived , Ohio, and two sisters, Miss life of service for others. Wl Jesse Johnston Harriet Johnson, of Fort e'/er her friends or neighbors were Jesse Johnston, 64, of BarI auderdale, Florida, and Mrs. ill or in need of friendly assistance tow, died Saturday, December Margaret F . Reynolds, of he was there to administer. 18. 1971, at his home after a Homestead, Florida. long illness. , Mrs Johnson, 27, was a forBorn in Pocahontas County Paul L. Johnson mer registered nurse in RoaJuly 2, 1907, he was a son of noke. She was a member Paul Lynn Johnson, 70, of the late Saul and Daulie Johnof the Jones Chapel Brethren Akron, Ohio, died Tuesday, ston. Church. January 7,1975, in Akron City Hospital, after a long illness. He was a member of Elk Also surviving is her mothMountain Chapel and was a He was retired from Good er, Mrs. Hubert Hundley, of retired farmer and logger. year, and was a member of Martinsville, Virginia. Cuyahoga Falls-Church of God. Survivors include his wife, The Rev. Tom Fralin, the Mrs. Monna Raines Johnston; Bora at Points, on June 4, Rev. Fleet Powell and the three brothers, Cletis and Rev. L. A. Bowman officiated 1904, he was a son of tbe late M-erle Johnston, both of Harri* at the services with burial in Israel Taylor and Leota Flemsonburg, Virginia, and William the Franklin Memorial Park in ing Johnson. Johnston, of Haverford, Penn- Rocky Mount, Virginia. Two brothers and two sisters sylvania; and five sisters, Mrs. preceded h m in death. Monna Bowling, of Rivesville. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Judy Bennett, of Mill Maude Snyder Johnson, one Creek. Mrs. Georgia Eye, of daughter, Mrs. Betty Bloklock. Brandywjne. Mrs. Mildred of M t Dora. Florida, one grand Wiley, of Baltimore, Maryland daughter, Mrs. Cathy Rudd, of and Mrs. Virginia Mallow, of Columbus, Ohio, two sisters, Elkins. Mrs. Harriet Browning, of Funeral services were held Springfield, and Mrs. Lake Monday afternoon in the Circle Watson, of Levels, and one ville United Methodist Church brother, James Zachariah John by the Rev. Fred Morton, son, of Marlinton. with burial in the Elk MounFuneral services were held tain Cemetery. Friday, January 10, in the Echard-Bald win Funeral Home in Akron by the Rev. Elbert Roeder, J r . with burial in Rose Hill Burial Park.

£> / S

Mrs. Mike Johnson Mrs. Vera Estell Roland Johnson, 79, of Marlinton, died July 10, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born May 5, 1889, at Wilmington, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late George and Harriet Roland. She was a member of the Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church. Her husband, Mike Johnson, preceded her in death. Survivors include two brothers, Wesley Roland, of New York, and Sidney Roland, of Bluefield; three sisters, Elsie Roland, of Marlinton, CalHe Murray, of Prince, and Katie Hughes, of Dayton, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Carl Boggs with burial in the Brownsburg Cemetery. Rev. J. C. Johnson Rev. Jacob C. Johnson, aged 76 years, died at his home at Covesville, Virginia, on Sunday. March 30, 1911, after an illness of some months. On Monday afternoon, his body was buried in the Charlottesville Cemetery. Mr. Johnson was a native of Ayden. North Carolina. He had been a minister of the Presbyterian Church for forty years. For the last fourteen years, he had been pastor of the Cove Church. Before coining- to Albemarle Coun fey he had been pastor of the Oak Grove Church at Hillsboro for nearly twenty-five years. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife, who was Miss Mary Edgar Beard, of Hillsboro. Their children are Fred A., Mary E., and Anna, of Covesville, and Jacob L. Johnson, of Covington. SBSlB^^HB^BflB^I^HMBjB^IBHBJB^BJ

Harper Johnson Harper Johnson, 83, of Huntersville, died Saturday, July 22, 1967, at Campbelltown. Born in Pocahontas in February, 1884, he was a son of the late John R. and Rebecca McNeill Johnson. Surviving him are two children, Roy and Lois, in Olympia, Washington, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. James Kerr with urial in the Beaver Creek emetery.

Gtorp W. Johnston, Sr. George W. Johnston, Sr., 8ge 74, formerly of Canton, Ohio, and a resident of Clearwater, Florida, for the past 12 years, died Saturday, August 16, 1980, in Mease Hospital in Dunedin, Florida, after a sixweek illness. He was born in Circleviile. He was retired from the Timken Company after 42 y ears of service. He was a former member of Moreland Christian Church in Canton, Ohio, and more recently a member of the First Christian Church in Largo, Florida. He is survived by his wife, Catherine; one son, George W. Johnston, Jr., of Canton; four grandchildren; one stepson, James Radcliffe, of Vadie; four sisters, Mrs. Monford (Audrie) Dodd, of Carroll ton. Mrs. Wilbur (Loraine) Speis, of Canton, Mrs. Warren (Grace) Brown and Mrs. Orlan (Leta) Shears, both of Arbovale; three brothers, Harlan and Keith, both of Carrollton, Mason, of Scio, Ohio. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Kreighbaum Funeral Home with Richard McBribe officiating. Burial was in Forest Hill Cemetery. Wlflim H. Johnson William H. Johnson, 76, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, December 30,1978, after a short illness. Mr. Johnson waa a native of Danville, Kentucky. At the time of his death he was field representative for Congress* man Harley Staggers. He was a former principal of Lewisburg High School, taught at GMS, was director of Admissions at Greenbrier College for Women and director of Public Relations for the Farm Credit Bank of Baltimore. He was master of ceremonies for the State Fair for many years, active in all historic and civic work, and an elder in Old Stone Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Margaret Nelson Johnson; two daughters, Mrs. Ana Johnson Dunkin and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson Scott, both of Lewisburg, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Blankenship, of Danville, Kentucky. Services were held Monday in Old Stone Presbyterian Church by Dr. T. W. Apperson with burial in Rosewood Cemetery.

Mrs. J. C. Johnson

Mrs. Mary Edgar Beard Johnson. 79. died at hpr home in Arlingion. Virginia, on Thursday, November 11, 1965. Ker husband was the late Rev. J. C. Johnson, who wathe pastor of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in H-!ls boro for a nun. ber of years They moved from Hillsboro to Covesville. Virginia, in 1928, where he served as pa-tor of the Cove Presbyterian Church until his retirement. Mrs. Johnson was born at Hillsboro November 16. 1886, the daughter of the Ia*:e M. Lee and Emma Clark Beard. 'She is survived by two daugh ters, Miss Mary Emma Johnson and Mrs. Lloyd Longford, of Arlington, Virginia; a ?on. Jacob L. Johnson, of Winchester, Virginia; four grano dren; two s'siers, Mr*. Hirry Fehrle, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Arden Killingsworth, of Marlinto i brother, Joel P. Bea'd, of Hills boro. Another son, Frederick, died several years ago. Funeral services were held at the Hill and Irving Mortuary at Charlottesville, Virginia with burial at the Monticello Memo'ial Cemetery there, on Saturday morning. Reboots Johnsoi Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, 78, died Friday, June 23, 1978, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Bora March 6, 1900, near Marlinton, she waa the daughter of Edden and Elizabeth Shaffer Hammons. Mrs. Johnson was a housewife and a member of the Stamping Creek Tabernacle. Survivors include four sons, Elza Johnson, of Ravenna, Ohio, Edward, of Santa Ana, California, Kenneth, of Washington Courthouse, Ohio, Clarence Murray, Buckeye; one jrothar, Snith Hamno ns, of Hillsboro; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Wilfong, of Ravenna, Ohio, and Mrs. Emma Triplett, of Pasadena, Maryland; 21 grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at 10 a. m., in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Sam Schoolcraft officiating. Burial in Sharp Cemetery.


Ronald E. Johnson \f Ronald Esco Johnson, age 18, of 4156 Powell Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, formerly of Marlinton, drowned in the Sciota River near Columbus. His bodv was recovered Saturday, June 13, 1970. He was a student of Whitehall Yearling High School, nearing graduation. Surviving him are his parents, Esco and Ellen Taylor Johnson; one brother, Richard C. Johnson; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor; of Dunmore and Jacob Sharp, of Marlinton, and several aunts and uncles. Funeral services were held Monday evening in the Evans Funeral Home Chapel in Columbus and at the Marlinton Church of theNazarene bv the Rev. Harold Eaton at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday. Burial was in the Mountain View Cem< tery. Mrs. Monni Johulon Monna Marie Johnston, 66, of Bartow, died August 21, 1978, at Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. Born March 11, 1912, at Onego, she was the daughter of the late John G. and Minnie Catherine Sites Raines. She was the widow of Jesse Johnston. Surviving are three daughters, Jean Hinkle, of Logan, Carolyn Johnston, Bartow and Eva Gail Gum, of Green Bank; a son, Odell R. Johnston, of Bartow; a brother, Michael Raines, of Warren, Ohio, andV nine grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at two p.m. Wednesday at Circleville Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Paul O'Gorek. Burial was in North Fork Me* norUl Cemetery at Riverton.

Rev. E. D. Johnson

Lillim Johnson Mrs. Lillian Mae Johnson, 83, of Boyer, died Saturday, October 7,1978, at home after a short illness. Born May 20,1895, in Green Bank, she was a daughter of the late French and Birdie Pugh Sutton. A lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, Mrs. Johnson attended the Boyer Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Phillips, Meadesville, Maryland, and Mrs. Orpha Monk, of Boyer; one son, Oscar M. GuBtafson, of Keyser; two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Sheets, of Arbovale and Mrs. Myrtle Gutshall, of Swoope, Virginia; 14 grandchildren and thirteen greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Boyer Church with the Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Paul Good officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Mils Mary Emma Johnson Miss Mary Emma Johnson died on August 29, 1978, at her home in Faber, Virginia of a heart attack. She was born at Hillsbero, the daughter of the late Rev. Coart Johnson and Mary Edgar Beard Johnson. She was a retired Federal employee after 31 years in the Surgeon General's office in the Department of the U. S. Army. She is survived by a brothtr, Jacob L. Johnson, of Winchester, Virginia, and sisters, Mrs. Floyd Langford, of Arlington, Virginia; three nephews and one niece. She was a member and deacon in the Cove Presbyterian Church, where funeral services were held Friday by the Rev. Riley West, assisted by the Rev. J. C. B. McLaughlin. Burial was in Monticello Memorial Garden af Charlottes"ille.

Rev. -E. D. Johnson, aged years, died on Friday, May ', 1954, on Stamping Creek, where he bad lived the past seven years His body was taken to Pulaski, 'rginia, for service and burial la w?s preceded in death v " ' f.'ife and one son. ; He is ed by his four daugb ters—1\ 'Mdred Himpings, of Wilminp 'aware; Mrs Liz zie V- p rks Garden, Vir ginia, ' jmrney Shu felt, of Waller!:: , Ohio; Mrs Rutb Southern, Roanoke, Virgini".

Waiter H. Jolloy

^ ^

Walter Herbert Jolley, 69, of Bartow, died Thursday, July 4, 1974, at his home after a long illness. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edith Hise Jolley; four daughters, Miss Shirley Jolley and Mrs. Elva Doyle, both of Mrs. Annie £!la Johnson Verona, Virginia, Mrs. Ruth Renick—Mrs. Annie Ella Loud Winner, of Landham, Maryermilk Jcbn9nn, 48 years, died at land, and Mis3 Debbie Jolley, home of her sister, Mrs. Redford at home; two sons, Carl and L.yall, of Auto, on Wednesday, Eddie Jolley, both at home, July 25, 1951. The funeral ser- two sisters, Mrs. Vera Sarver, vice was held on Friday from the of Cumberland, Maryland, and Auto church by her pastor, Rev. Mrs. Russell Crow, of DunH. H. Orr, with burial in Wood- dalk, Maryland. lawn cemetery. Funeral services were held The deceased was a former res Thursday afternoon in the Durident of Marlinton, a daughter of bin United Methodist Church Mrs. Annie Londermilk, now of ">y the Rev. Billy Helmick. Auto, and the late George Lou'urial was in the Arbovale dermilk. metery.

Richard P. Jones Richard S. Jones (!_/ Richard C. Jones, 82, of Richard P. Jones, 59, SuperMrs. Stella Roberta Kerr Marlinton, died in Elkins on intendent of the Marlinton Jone-!, 58, of Danmore, died Wednesday, May 26, 1965 Tannery of the International Wednesday, September 7,1966, after several months' illness. Shoe Company, died of a heart in the Pocahontas Memorial attack at his home Sunday Mr. Jones was born in DodHospital. night, August 20, 1967. dridge County. March 15, lfc83, Born at Dunmore she was a the son of William P. and Mr. Jones had been with the daughter of the late Renick Laura Firth Jones. International Shoe Company and Anna Elizabe' h Lowe Kerr, Survivors are his wife, Sylvia; for forty years. He was a and a lifelong resident of Pothree sons, Obcar, Gap Mills; member of the Marlinton Prescahontas County. She was a member of the Richard Jr., Hyattsville, Mary- byterian Church and a Mason He was born September 11, Dunmore Methodist Church, land; Steve, Marlinton; five daughters, Lillie Burgess and 1907, at Eddyville, Kentucky. Woman's Society of Christian A son, Richard, preceded Service and the Home Demon- Edna Sharp, Marlinton; Opal Woods, Lorton, Virginia, Doris him in death. stration Club at Dunmore. Hepler, Covington, Virginia; Survivorsinclude his wife, Her husband, William Jones, Freda Woodie, Lorton, Virginia; and one btothtr, Ted Kerr, a brother, John Jones, Elkins; Mrs. Naomi L. Jones; two sons, Timothy R. Jones, of preceded her in death. 22 grandchildren and one great Frank, and Charles Jones, of Survivors include three sis- grandchild; and one daughter, Marlinton; three brothers, ters, Mrs. Mae Gr.ffin, of Buck- Ruth Jones is deceased; hannon, Mrs. Daisy Schrader, j Services were held Saturday Jack Jones, of Flora, Illinois; of San Pedro, California, and I from Smith Funeral Home by Salem Jones, of El Paso, Texas, i Mrs. Ida Carpenter, of Dun- the Rev. Henry Bailey with and Griffin, of Dickson, Texas; more, and several niecen and i burial in Mountain View Cem- three sisters, Mrs. Katherine Collins, of Topeka, Kansas; nephews. ietery. Mrs. Cora Chamberlain, of Funeral services were held Mrs. Mary Jones Atlanta, Georgia, and Mrs. Saturday afternoon in the DunMrs. Mary Brice Jones, 56, Ruth John, of Ashland, Kenmore Methodist Church by the tucky. Rev. B. B. Mitcnam with burial of Goose Creek, South Carolina, formerly of Cass, died Funeral services will be held. in the Dunmore Cemetery. Friday. July 20, 1979, in a Thursday in Alton, ^Illinois, South Carolina hospital after a Mrs. Edith A. Jones with burial in . Montgomery Mrs. Edith A. Jones, 79, of long illness. Cemetery there. Sanford, Florida, died WednesMrs. Maude Jones Surviving are her husband, day, December 13,1972. Robert; daughter, Mrs. RoMrs. Maude Jones, 83, of Born in Pocahontas County, berta J. Bowling, of Goose Mill Point, died Wednesday, she was a daughter of the Creek; sons, David Brice, of December 22,1971, in the Polate Cha?!os PeU-t Collias and Hamtramck, Michigan, Dan- cahontas Memorial Hospital ny Jones, of Summersville, after a long illness. Sallie Bagby Collins. South Carolina; sisters, Mrs. Born in Greenbrier County She was a retired nurse, and Irene Seavor, of Baltimore, May 15, 1888, she was a daua member of the Grace United Maryland, Mrs. Phyllis D. ghter of the late George and Methodist Church, and had lived in Sanford, Florida for a Rowell, of Fort Devine, Mas- Nancy Cochran. sachusetts; brothers, Earl number of years. She was a member of the of Baltimore, Mary- Mount Kennison Church of Survivors include one son, Brice, land, George A. Brice, of God. Cecil Jones, of Sanford, Flor- Waynesboro, Virginia, Coarles ida; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Brice, of Jessup, Her husband, Charles Jongs, Maryland; Myrtle Arnold, of Nutter Fort, eleven grandchildren; preceded her in death. two two sisters, Mrs. Alice Ben- great-grandchildren. Survivors include two sons, nett, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Graveside services were held Albert Jones, of Mill Point, Lucy Lowe, of Cripple Creek, Tuesday with Rev. Eddie and Guy Jones, of Buckeye; Virginia, two brothers, Dr. Kyle officiating. Burial wa9 in one daughter, Mrs. Ann GayCecil B. Collins, of White Sul- Arbovale Cemetery. lor, of Mill Point, and one sisphur Springs, and Dr. Claude ter, Mrs. Lucy Sisk, of ClarksC. Collins, of De Land, Florida, burg. and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held William M. Jones Friday afternoon in the Van William M. Jones, aged 65 Reenen Funeral Home Chapel Bab; Ivie Darlene Jones years, of Green Bank, died on by the Rev, Alva Mullins and I vie Darlene Jones, infant dau- I Mor.da.y, August 20, 19J1. He ghter of Richard and Frances Du- j had been in i'ai'iug health for the Rev. Sanford Boggs, with laney Jones, of Baltimore, Mary- jsome months. Burial on Wednes- burial in the Old Droop Cemand, died Monday, October 31, day in the Dunmore cemetery, etery on Locust Creek. 1960. with service by hi3 pastor, Kev. H. H. Jones, aged about (i0 The grandparents are Mr. and Quade R. Arbogast in the Dun- years died at his home in DodMrs. Cary Dulaney and Mr. and more Methodist Church. dridge County on Friday, August vlrs. Oscar Jones, all of Woodrow The deceased is survived by bis 20, 1948. The funeral service was Services were held Wednesday wife, Mrs. Stella Kerr Jones and held on Monday afternoon. ifternoon at the Jwiies home by their foster daughter, Mrs. Hub Many years ago, Mr. Jone; he Rev. Ezra Bennett with bu- Banton of Durbin. taught in the Hillsboro High ial in the Cochran Cemetery. Mr. Jones was a retired em- School. He is survived bv his ployee of the Chesapeake & Ohio wife, Mrs. Miriam Hill Jones Railway. ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and their son. Mrs. Stella Jones



. ik

George A. Jones

Friends will regret to learn of the death of George A. Jones, at the Seminole Memorial Hospital in Sanford, Florida, on Tuesday, September 4, 1962, following a long illness of cancer. Mr. Jones, aged 75, had lived in Sanford, Florida, for thirtyseven years. He married Edith Collins, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Collins, on Knapps Creek in 1921. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edith Collins Jones; one son, Cecil R. Jones, both of Sanford, Florida; one daughter, Mrs. J. L". Arnold, of Clarksburg;five grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Thursday -by the Rev. John Hires, officiating pasor of Grace Methodist Church. Burial was in the Oak Lawn Memorial Park. ^

Burton Jones



Mrs. Betty Jean Jones Mrs. Betty Jean Jones, 65, of Marlinton, died Friday, August 30, 1991, in Pocahontas Memorial. Hospital. She was a member of Beard Heights Church of God. Born April 24, 1916, in Arkansas, she was the daughter of Jim and Dora Mae Staton. Surviving her are her husband, Guy Jones; a son, James Jones, and a daughter, Sarah Pyles, both of Maxwelton; sisters, Pat Schooling, of Winfield, Kansas, Nadine Glaze, of Wichita, Kansas, Leatha Dixon, of Gate, Oklahoma, Jo Turnbo, of Stillwater, Oklahoma, Sue Heggy, of Ponca City, Oklahoma; brother, Bill Staton, of San Diego, California; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Beard Heights Church of God by the Rev. Oscar Spinks and the Rev. Lawrence Morgan. Burial was in the Old Droop Church Cemetery.

Mrs. Mattie A. Jordan

MM. Mattie A. Jordan, 70. died Sunday, April 5, 1964, inthe Pocahontas Memorial Hos pital after a long illness. She was born at Woodrow July 8, 1893, a daughter, of the late John and Christine VanReenen Galford. She was a member of the Nazarene Church at Woodrow. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs Ruby Zarotney, of Connecticut; three sons, Jesse, Harry, and Ellis Jordan, all of Vlarlinton; one sister, Mrs. ? Iossie Friel, of Buckeye; six brothers, Summers Galford, of Gap Mills; Fred, Charlie, Emmett, Andy, and Henry Galford, all of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Naz arene Church at Marlinton, bv the Rev. J. 0. Shank. Burial was in the Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton.

Layton Jordan Ernest IV.

Calvary Jordan Calvary Jordan, age 82, of Lima, Ohio, died Friday, December 1, 1967. Survivors include four sons, Lokey, Orville, Harold and Gay lord Jordan; three daughters, Mrs. Zenith Twining, Mrs. Ir.ez Kollars and Mrs. Loala Sponaugh; 22 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren. Burial was in Blufton, Ohio, Cemetery. Mr. Jordan was a resident of Bartow and Durbia for years.

Joseph O. Jordan, 77, of Mrs. Minnie H. Jordan Yorktown, Indiana, died TuesMrs. Minnie H. Jordan, 81, day, May 9, 1972, after becom- )f Marlinton, died Tbursdav, ing ill at his home. A lifelong September 3, 1964, in the Poresident of Delaware County, he had lived in Yorktown since cahontas Memorial Hospital after a loeg illness with heart 1919. disease and complications. Services were conducted on She was bora April 10 ; 1883, May 12, at the Yorktown Unit- i t Huntersville, the daughter ed Methodist Church of which :>f the late Randolph and Lucy he was a member. Burial fol- Moore Harris. lowed in Elm Ridge Cemetery, At an early age she was unitwhere he was superintendent ed in marriage to John Andrew for 38 years before retiring. Jordan and to this union elevHe operated a grocery store en children were born. Five of and gas station at one time and ihem preceded her in deai h, as Hiner Bea Jordan for more than 38 years served did a brother and a sister. as the community's Santa Miner Bea Jordan, of Mace, She was a member of the was born February 26, 1913, and Claus. He was a charter mem- Rising Mt. Zion Church, where -lied May 1-2, 1952, aged 39 years ber, past president and current she served faithfully while in On Thursday afternoon his body secretary of the Yorktown good health. was laid in the family plot in Mt Lions Club, treasurer of the Survivors include her husView Cemetery. The service Yorktown Boy's Club, a 50was held from Smith's Funeral year member of the IOOF, band, John A. Jordan; two sons,! Home by Rev. R. H. Crawford treasurer of Pythias Lodge and John A. Jordan, Jr., of Marlina former president of the Town ton, and Roy J. Jordan, of The deceased is survived by Board. Cass; four daughters, Mrs. his wife, Mrs. Virarinia Tracy Walter Johnson, Katonih. Now Surviving are his widow, York, Mrs. Thurl Gary, FitchJordan and one child. Osie; two daughters, Mrs. ClifMrs. He was a son of the late Hugh ford (Maybelle) Spangler and burg, Massachusetts, A. and Ratie Pruitt Jordan. He Mrs. Herbert (Dora) Holaday, Ryan Lovings and Mrs. John was a conductor on the Western both of Muncie; a brother, B. Boggs, both of Ma-Iinon; 23 grandch ldren and 21 greatMaryland Rail.vay. Rudie M. Jordan, Muncie; grandchildren. five grandchildren and 8 greatStajte police and county offiFuneral services were held grandchildren. He was a first cers are conducting an investigacousin of Mrs. D. A. Curry Sunday afternoon in the R sing tion , into the fatal shooting on Monday night, May 12, of Hingr and Mrs. E. G. Sharp, of Frost. Mt. Zion Bipr.isi; G'nwch by B. Jordan, 49, at the home of his ihe Rev. R. L. Petty, assisted mother-in-law, Mrs. Grace Tracy, by the Rev. Carl Boggs. BurClarence M. Jordan at her hom« in Mace, Poeahonial was in the Jordan Cemetery Clarence Moomau Jordan, of near Huntersville. tas County. Local officers reported i h a t Marlinton and Covington, VirJ o r d a n , a Western Maryland ginia, died suddenly and unexLokey V. Jordan, 62, of Railroad conductor, was shot JB pectedly of a heart attack Sunday Lima, Ohio, formerly of Durthe heart with ; a 22 rifle by, Mrs. morning, November 15, 1959, in bin, died on Thursday, NoTracy, following a family quar- Marlinton. vember 19, 1970. rel. Mrs. Tracy; was said to have Born at Franklin, he was a son He was bom March 8, 1908. fhot Jordan in self-defense. The of the late Dr. G. M. and Lucy quarrel is said to have started Survivors include his wife, over Jordan's wife, after Jordan Horn Jordan. Mrs. Mary Twining Jordan; Mr. Jordan was a member of three brothers, Harold Jordan, threatened b o t h his wife and Mrs. Tracy with a gun. the Marlinton Presbyterian Chur- of Mason. Michigan, the R e v . Funeral services for .Jordan ch and the Marlinton Masonic, Gay lord Jordan, of Lawrence, were held last Thursday, with in- Lodge. Kansas, and Orville Jordan, of terment made in the Mountain He is survived by his wife, Ma-; Lima, Ohio, and three sisters. View Cemetery in Marlinton. He mie Carey Jordan; one daughter, Mrs. Zenith Twining, Mrs. is survived by his wife and a son. Mrs. Garland (Guiniviere) Cling- Inez Miller and Mrs. Loala No charge has b e e n l o d w l man, of Lewisburg; three grand- Sponaugh, all of Lima, Ohio. children, Mrs. Emerson (Nancy) Mrs. Winters Jordan Funeral services were held Deitz, of Baltimore, Maryland, a t the Grand Avenue Church Mrs. George Virginia JorSharon and Alice Clingman, of dan, 73, of Hillsbaro, died Lewisburg; one great-grandson, of the Nazarene by his pastor the Rev. M. G. Martini, with Tuesday, March 12, 1974, in Emerson Lee Deitz; and four sisthe Pocahontas Memorial Hos- ters, Mrs. H. H. Schofield, of, burial in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Lima, Ohio. pital. Kansas City, Kansas, Mrs. D. A. j Funeral services will be held Curry and Mrs. E. G. Sharp, both at 2 p. m. Friday in the Hills- of Frost, and Mrs. Gerry Briggs, | Aunt Jennie Jordan boro Methodist Church. of Russell, Pennsylvania. At Aunt Jennie Jon? an, aged aServices were held Tuesday! l t .in years, widow of the late Jesse Jordan, aged sixty-seven years afternoon in the Marlinton I'res-1 ! ° " of Indian*, Pennsylvania, died at the bylerian Church by his pastor,'I Anion Jordan, died at her horn Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on the Rev. W. E. Pierce, and the nea«* Huntersville on TnesdaSundaj night, August 22, 1937. A Rev. W. Cecil Shepherd, of Lewis- Vprii 8, 1947, after a short Mines; few hours before he had been Strieker burg, with Masonic rites and bu- On Saturday her body was laid i wit a heart attack. He was with a rial at Rosewood Cemetery at the family cemetery. sho^ concession In the midway. On Tuesday his body was sent to Indiana i L e w i s b u r g -is'

Co 6 O

Robert E. Jenkins Robert E. "Bob" Jenkins, age Mrs. Lucy Pleasant Judy, 69, of Bacova, Virginia, died Ada Jordan, 69, of Hunt81. of rural Middletown, Vir- Sunday, March 9, 1997, at his ington, died December 26, ginia, died Friday, May 26, residence. 1979, of natural causes. She 1967, at the home of her son, was the daughter of George He was bom August 5, 1927, in James W. Judy. and Josephine Griffin. Bacova, to William T. Jenkins, Sr., She w^s born on Elk, May and Alvonia Griffin Jenkins. Surviving her are one sister 30.1885, a daughter of the late He was a retired custodian from Clara Keene, of Renick, and a William S. and Sarah Susan Bath County High School and the host of nieces and nephews. White Hannah. Bath County Court House, a U.S. Funeral services and burial Mrs. Judy was a member of Army W.W. II veteran, and a were in Huntington. the Reliance EUB Church, the member of Mountain Grove United W3WS of the church and the Methodist Church. William Leo Judy y AARP Senior Citizens Club. He is survived by his wife A 38-year old Windham, She was preceded in death Annie Waugh Jenkins, of Bacova; Ohio, man. William Leo Judy, by her husband, James Frank- three foster sons, Rocky 61 Center Street, was killed in lin Judy. Washburn, of Clifton Forge, a grinding two car Braceville Virginia, Bobby Burns, of Bacova, Survivors include seven dau- and Lee Waugh, of Arlington, Township traffic accident Saturday, December 19, 1970, ghter, Mr?. E. L. Cutlip, of Virginia; sisters, Maxie G. Ryder which injured five other per- Hillsboro, Mrs. Mildred Kee- and Opal J. Hiner, both of nan, of Middletown, Virginia. Mountain Grove, Virginia; brother, sons. Mrs. Norma Sue Roach and Judy was driving east with Mrs. Otto T. Kuehstf r, both of William T. "Bill" Jenkins, of Hot his family when a west bound Cheyenne, Wyoming', Mrs. Ira Springs, Virginia; and several pickup operated by Clarence Campbell, of Clear Brook Vir- nieces and nephews. Mr. Jenkins was preceded in H. Brandon, 42, Youngstown, ginia, Mrs. F. T. Clark, of apparently drifted left of cen- Poyerfown, Pennsylvania and death by five brothers; Kenneth, ter on a curve and collided Mr?. John Scott, of Walker- Raymond, George, Isaac, and nearly head on with the Judy town, North Carolina: three Charles Jenkins, two sisters; vehicle. sons, Ralph W. Judy, of Salis- Claudia Euse and Lillie Arthur. Services were held Wednesday, Three of Judy's children and bury, Maryland, Robert K. his wife, Frances, were injured Judy, of Stephens City. Vir- March 12, at Mountain Grove as was Brandon, who is in ginia, and JamPs W. Judy, of United Methodist Church with the Sitisfactory condition at St. Middletown, Virginia; three Rev. James Hobbs officiating. Full Elizabeth's Hospital, Youngs- sisters, Mrs. Levia Hannah, of Military Honors were provided by town, where he was; transfer- Mustoe, Virginia, Mrs. P. F. the Bath County VFW Post #4204 Honor Guard with burial in the red after undergoing emergen- Marrs and M'ss Mary F. Han- Mountain Grove Cemetery. nah, both of Fairmont; twenty cy treatment for head injuries Memorial contributions can be nine grandchildren and ten at St. Joseph's Hospital, Warmade to Bath County Senior ?reat grandchildren. ren, Ohio. He had resided in the Wind- Funeral services were held Center, Bacova, Virginia. ham area three years, coming Monday afternoon in the Refrom Painesvilie. He was em- liance EUB Church by the Harriet Elliott Jenkins ployed as an assembler at the Rev. H. Eugene Baker, with Harriet Elliott Jenkins, age Lordstown Fistier Body Plant. burial in, the Shenandoah Me?ixty years, passed away at He was formerly employed as a morial Park her home in Akron, Ohio, Thurs carrier by the Painesvilie Post thy May 24, 1962. Office Department. Roy T. Judy The daughter of the late He was a member of ArboRoy J. Judy, 65, of Riverton, Kenney F. and Maggie J. Elvale United Brethren Church died Tuesday, June 11,1985, in and United Auto Workers the Rockingham Memorial liott, she was born on Buffalo Mountain and went to Akron Local 1112. Hospital in Harrisonburg, VirFuneral services were held at ginia, following a long illness. forty one years ago. She leaves o mourn her loss her husband, 1:30 p. m. Thursday DecemHe was a retired employee William Jenkins; three sons, ber 24, at the Borowski Memorial Funeral Home, Newton of the Forestry Division of the Franklin Klabbatz, of BattleMichigan; Amil KlabbFalls, Ohio. Burial was in W. Va. Department of'Natural !Creek, atz, of Akron, and Robert Resources. Riverside Cemetery, PainesServices will be held on Klabbatz of Canoga Park, vilie, Ohio. Thursday at 2 pm in the chapel California; a etepson, Eugene Mr. Judy is survived by his of the Basagic Funeral Home in !enkins, and one daughter, wife, Frances Imes Judy, CenFranklin with the Revs. James Jane Miller; three brothers, ter Street, Windham, Otio, Leonard, Paul G, John S. Elchildren, Coletta, William M., Phares and Paul O'Gorek pre- liot, ail of Akron, Ohio; one siding. Burial will be in the Franklin, Edmond and Adda sister, Thelma Phares, of BerLynn, all at home, his mother. Judy Family Cemetery at Cir- wick, Pennsylvania; ten grand cle ville. Mrs. Ella Judy Hines, brother, children and two great grand James Leon, and sister, Mrs. children; also a host of neighNancy Aponte, stepfather, Embors and friends. mett O. Hines, and his grandBurial was in Green Lawn mother, Mrs. Gertrude HodCemetery in Akron, Ohio. son, all of Geneva, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his father, James W. Judy, in 1964. _-— Ada Jordan

Mrs. Lucy Judy


S. H. Jennings


Mrs. Margaret C. Jacobs

Donald Jack Donald Woodrow Jack, 54, of Marlinton, died Friday, June 23, 1978, in Pocahontas Memortal Hospital after several month's illness. He was an employee of the Town of Marlinton, and a veteran of World War II and the Korean Conflict. Born at Augusta Springs, Virginia, April 31, 1924, he was the son of the late Allie Z. and Carrie Fridley Jack. He never married. Surviving him are five brothers, Leroy M. Jack, Leavenworth, Kansas; Elmer E. Jack, Bluefield, Clarence W. Jack, Marlinton, Norman E. Jack, Fort Knox, Kentucky, Gilbert Jack, Marlinton. sisters, Evelyn R. Dunbrack, Marlinton, Alice C. Dunbrack, Marlinton, Dorothy Jack, Bluefield, Margaret Harkrader, Bluefield, Sue Ann Watson, Dayton, Ohio, Mary Jane Hiner, Mountain Grove, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday, June 26, 1978, at 2 p. m.. in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel, by Rev. Chuck Davis and Rev. Sanford Boggs. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Samuel Henry Jennings, 76, of Mrs. Margaret Stella CalliFrank, died in an Elkins hospi- | son Jacobs, 84 of Beard, died tal Tuesday, March 21,1961. \ at her home, Wednesday, DeHe had lived at Frank for 47 | ! member 28, 1966, after a short years and was a member of the I illness. Junior Order of United Mine Born at Anthony, SeptemWorkers Council No. 17, and the ber 16, 1882, she was the dauIndependent Order of Odd Fel- ghter of the late Elisha Callilows, Dixie Lodge, No. 313. son and Mary Elizabeth CalliJennings was a retired tannery son. engineer. She was a member of the Survivors include three daugh- Hillsboro Methodist Church. ters, Mrs. Gwendolyn Ervine. of Her husband, John E. JaSummersviHe; Mrs. Louise Os- cobs, preceded her in death. bourn, of Saint Marys, and Mrs Survivors include onedaughEthyl Spencer, of Dayton, Ohio; three sons, Keith B. Jennings, of ter, Mrs. Carmalitia Davis, Painesville, Ohio; H. Lyle and of Worthington, Kentucky, Samuel H. Jennings, both of two sons, Pete Jacobs, of Frank; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Beard and Edward Jacobs, of Davis, of Baltimore, Maryland, Hamilton, Ohio, and one sisand Mrs. Minnie Lilly, of Buena ter, Mrs. Ella Brammell, of Vista, Virginia; four grandchild- Beckley. Funeral services were held ren, and two great-grandchildren Saturday afternoon in the The funeral was conducted Fri- Beard Chapel the Rev. day afternoon in the Methodist Harry Painter. bvBurial was in Church in Durbin with the Rev. the Droop Mountain Cemetery J. Stout in charge. Burial w. s in the Arbovale Cemetery. Pete H. Jacobs Mrs. W. R.Jameson Pete Hugh Jacobs, 66, of Mrs. Christine Jameson, 54, Beard, died Friday, Decemof Huntington, died Saturday, ber 12, 1969, in an Elkins hosJanuary 26, 1963, at her home pital. after a long illness. Born a t Beard November 3, She was born August 8,1908, 1903, he was a son of the late in Greenbrier County and was J. E. and Margaret S. Jacobs. a member of the Sixth Street He was a member of the Church of Christ in Hunting- Presbyterian Church, a farmer John William Jack ton. The Jamesons formerly and the American Legion. John William Jack, ay;ed 60 had lived and owned a store in Survivors include one broth- years, of Cass, died iD the PocaMarlinton. er, Edward Jacobs, of HamilMemorial Hospital-io MarSurviving her are her hus ton, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. hontas linton, Tuesday night, Janu band, William R. Jameson; a Carmelita M. Davis, of Worth- ary 26,on1954. He was a lumber son, William G. Jameson, of ington, Kentucky. guager for the Mo^er Lumber Beckley; three sisters, Mrs. Funeral services were held and had been a resident Madeline Robinson and Mrs. Monday morning in the Van- Company Mae Beard, both of Ronce- Reenen Funeral Horn? Chapel of Cass for thirty-two years? Funeral services were conducted verte, and Mrs. Doris Beard, in Marlinton by the Rev. Donof Lewisburg; two brothers, ald E. Wood with burial in from the Cass Methodist Church, Charles Bostic, ofRonceverte the Old Droop Cemetery on of which he was an active inemon Friday morning, and burand Stewart Bostic, of Clifton Locust Creek. ial was made in the family plot Forge, Virginia; her stepmother in the Christian Church Cemetery Mrs Mae Bostic, of Ronceat Millboro, Virginia. verte, and two grandchildren. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Services were held Monday Bessie Madison Jack; a step 8( , in the Cavendish-Johnson FuJohn A. Keller, of Weirton; a neral Home Chapel in Huntbrother. Landy Jack r of Clifton ington with the Rev, Robert Forge, Virginia; tt ee sisters, Richards in charge. Burial Mrs. Lillie Underwood, Selraa, was in the White Chapel Virginia; Mrs. "iancne liiley, Cemetery there, Millboro, Virginia, and Mrs. Mary Nelson, of Clifton I'orge, Virginia, The deceased was a son of tbe late Beauregard and Annie Curtis Jack, of Millboro, Virginia.

£ 2 5y

Mrs. Walter Jett ula F . Jackson Geraldine Holden Jett, Lula Flossie Jackson, age 92, daughter of the late Theodore died Tuesday, June 17,1997, at her and Lena Lough Holden, died home in Mill Creek. She was a at the age of 62 on Tuesday former resident of Marlinton. evening, January 11, 1983, in She was a member of Faim Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Baptist Church, and was retired after Mrs. Jett was a member of being a nurse's aide at Pocahontas the Marlinton Presbyterian Memorial Hospital. Church where she was a past The daughter of the late Luther president of the Women of the and Frances Sharp Smim, she was Church and active in her Circle. born at Marlinton March 16, 1905. She was also an active member Preceding her in deaui were her for many years of the Marlinton husband, Walter Franklin Jackson; Woman's Club, the Pearl Buck three brothers, Lee, Jacob and Albeit Smith; and five sisters, Birthplace Foundation, and the Susie McKenney, Sally Friel, Fay Pocahontas Historical Society. Fitzgerald, Emma Dunbrack, and She was born at West Union, Lucy Warner. in Doddridge County, on June She is survived by nine child23, 1920. f^/w\ ren, Oris Jackson, of Marlinton, Surviving Her are her husAlfred Jackson, of Bristol, Tennesband, Walter E. Jett, of Marsee, Howard and Guy Jackson, both linton; one sister, Martha Jo of Kinsman, Ohio, Ward Jackson, Hoover, of Kettering, Ohio; of Warren, Ohio, Elmer Jackson, of one daughter, Suzanne Jett Elkins, Evelyn Sparks, of MarlinSullivan, of Martinsburg; two ton, Betty Krumpe, of Kinsman, sons, Douglas Holden Jett, of Ohio, and Eleanor Hamrick, of Mill Fred Jacobs Billings, Montana, and John Creek; a brother, Joe Smith, of Fred Jacobs, 49, of Parkersburg, Walter Jett, of Morgantown; Marlinton; a sister, Maude Fertig, died April 24, 1997 at Camden one uncle, Preston D. Holden, of Dundalk, Maryland; twenty-eight Clark Memorial Hospital. He was born in Greensboro, grandchildren, forty-nine great- of West Union; and five grandgrandchildren, and three great- children. She was preceded in North Carolina, the son of Edward death by one brother, Preston L. Jacobs, of Ohio, and die late great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Lough Holden, and a sister, Carol Conrad Sterling. Saturday at the Marlinton Church of Mrs. Laura Jean Scull. He was a US Army veteran, hav- the Nazarene by the Rev. Wallace Friends may call at the ing served in uie Vietnam War. He Dora and the Rev. William Hop'anReenen Funeral Home was a member of uie Roofers Lo- kins. Burial will be at Fair view 'hursday from 2-5 and 7-9. cal 242 and was an avid outdoors- Cemetery. Services will be held Friday man. He was a graduate of Green Visitation will be from 4 to 9 it 1 p. m. at the Marlinton Bank High School wim the class ot Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Presbyterian Church by the 1965. _ .. Home. Rev. Richard L. Newkirk. He is survived by his wire, Burial will be in Mountain View Becky Mace Jacobs; one son Chris Cemetery. Monroe, of Vienna; one daughter, In lieu of flowers, contribuTraci Monroe, of Vienna; one Mist Rebecca Lynn Jeffries grandson; his stepfather, Dick Miss Rebecca Lynn Jeffries, tions may be made to the Sterling, of Vienna; and a half14, of Green Bank, formerly Pocahontas Memorial Hospital brother Conrad Sterling, of Parkersof Clifton Forge, Virginia, died or the American Cancer burg. , . . . . at the home of her maternal Society. He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Mrs. Curtis maternal grandparents, Fred and Meador, of Lewisburg, SunLelin C. Jeffrey Mable Conrad, with whom he made day, August 27, 1972, after a Lelin C. Jeffrey, 50, of Beard, his home. long illness. died Saturday, October 7, 1967. Funeral services were held at tne Born a t Beckley, August 16, He was a cook at Den mar Leavitt Funeral Home, in Parkers1958, she was a daughter of burg with Reverend William BatRoss and Janet Meador Jef- State Hospital. ten officiating. Burial was in the K Born at Ottawa, June 7, fries, of Green Bank. of P Cemetery at Elizabeth. 1917, he was a son of George She was a member of the Betty Ruth Crist, of Arbovale, is Central United Methodist 0. and Mirtie Miller Jeffrey. an aunt of Mr. Jacobs. Church at Clifton Forge, Va, He was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include one brother Surviving him are his wife, Ross Edwin Jeffries, Jr.; one, \* sister, Miss Jane Ann Jeffries, Bessie Evans Jeffrey, who is a both at home, and paternal nurse at Denmar, his stepgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. mother, a son, three daughters, E. M. Jeffries, of Clintonville. as'epson, stepdaughter, three Funeral services were held brothers, a half brother, two Tuesday afternoon in the Mc- sisters, and one grandson. Services were held Tuesday Graw Funeral Home Chapel at Lewisburg by the Rev. Robert afternoon at Smith Funeral L. Bridgers, of Clifton Forge, Home by the Rev. Fred WalVirginia, with burial in the ker, Sr., with burial in Oak Greenbrier Memorial Gardens Grove Cemetery. at Lewisburg.

George E. Justice, Sr. George E. Justice S/. died May 20, 1962, in the Memorial Hospital at Cumberland, Mary land. He was the son of the late Lonnie and RosellaCarr Justice. He is survived by his wife, Louise Rock Justiceand his son George E. Justice Jr; one granddaughter; 3 brothers, Quentine Justice of Kingwood, Everett Justice of Panama and Lonnie Justice, Major in the U. S. Army stationed in Germany; two sisters, Nellie Fridleyof Washington, D. C. and Edith Bryant also of Washington ,D. C. and a host of nieces and nephews. He was buried Wednesday May 23. Services were by the Rev. Ben F. Hartley. Burial was at the Fort Ashby cemetery. L_^_

Mrs. Clyde E. Jeffries

Mrs. Jessie Lenetta Spence Jeffries, 57, of Clarksburg, formerly of Marlinton, died Friday, March 21, 1969, in a Clarksburg hospital. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, Clyde E. Jeffries; her father, Thomas Spence, of Sum mersville; four sons, Echals F. Jeffries, of Clarksburg, Cyrus T. Jeffries, of Shinnston, Russell F. Jeffries, with the Navy, and Everett Randolph Jeffries, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Wallace Lanphear, of Alexandria Virginia, and Mrs. Thomas Poley, of Clarksburg; five brothers, Roy and Sebert Spence, both of Rich wood; Everett Spence, of Milltown, New Jersey. Russell Spence, of Parkersburg, and Willard Spence, of Warren, L)hio; and three sisters, Mrs. Alva Janies, of Anjean, Mrs. Herman Brown and Mrs. John Perrin, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Harmer Funeral Home Chapel in Shinnston. Burial was in the Shinnston Masonic Cem»terv. s ;_i—.

Fred Jeffries

Fred Russell Jeffries, 55, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, December 2, 1978, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. ( V He was an aide at Denmar State Hospital, a member of the Methodist Church, and a veteran of World War II. Born at Lewisburg March 4, 1923, he was the son of Millard F. and Virginia Trainer Jeffries. His parents, five brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Reta Jeffries; two children, Russell Junior Jeffries, of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and Patricia Anne Jeffries, at home; one grandchild, Crystal Jeanine Jeffries; two sisters, Velma Sue Jeffries, of Beckley, and Mary Edna McCIung, of Rainelle. Services were held Wednesday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Virgil Hornbeck with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

JOHN WILLIAM JACK John William Jack, 60, of Cass, I died Tuesday night, January 26, 1954. A resident of Cass for 32 years, Mr. Jack had been employed as a lumber grader by the Mower Lumber Co. Services were held Friday morning from the Cass Methodist Church of which he was a member. Burial was at the Christian Church Cemetery at Millboro, Va. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Madison Jack; a step-son, John A. Keller, Weirton; three sisters, Mrs. Lillie Underwood, Selma, Va.; Mrs. Blanche Riley, Millboro, Va., and Mrs. Mary Nelson, Clifton Forge, Va.; a brother Landy Jack, Clifton Forge, Va. Dan M. Jack

Dan Michael Jack, 16. of Belle Camp, Maryland, formerly of Marlinton, died Sunday, June 1, 1969, in Baltimore, Maryland, following an automobile accident. Born at Marlinton August 11, 1952. he was a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford. -Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hills.yborq. ' Ressie E. Joyce Ressie E. Joyce, of Bluefield, Virginia, died on August 13, 1987, after a short illness. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. W.Hill, of Marlinton. She is survived by her husband, Walter Joyce; four children, Ronald H. Joyce, Charles Edward Joyce, Orda Jane Joyce, and Clarence William Joyce; three sisters, Mrs. Ena Beverage, of Clover Lick, Mrs. Leila Williams, of White Hall, Maryland, and Mrs. Orda H. Smith, of Marlinton; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on Sunday, August 16, at the Christ First United Methodist Church at 2 p. m. by Rev. Jim Hyndrich. Burial was in Grandview Memory, Gardens. Ll Word was received of the death of Snowden Johnson, 83, of Shawnee, Ohio, on Monday, July 22, 1968, in a Nelsondale, Ohio, hospital. He was a brother of Dempsey Johnson, Mrs. Guy Faulknier and Mrs. H. P.Spitzer. all of Marlinton.


Mrs. Carrie Jack

Mrs. Carrie Bell Jack, 79, of Marlinton. died Wednesday, May 2, 1973, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in Augusta Springs, Virginia, November 28, 1893, she was a daughter of the late : Mack and Adeline Fridley. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Allie C. Jack, two brothers and one sister, preceded her in death. Survivors include six sons, Lee Roy M. Jack, of Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. Elmer E. Jack, of Bluefield, Norman E. Jack, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, Gilbert A., Donald W. and Clarence Jack, all of Marlinton; six daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Dunbrack and Mrs. Alice C. Dunbrack. both of Marlinton. Mrs. Mary Jane Hiner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, Mrs. Sue Ann Watson, of To'edo, Ohio, Miss Dorothy E. Jack and Mrs. Margaret G.. Harkrader, both of Bluefield; one brother, Mody Fridley, two sisters. Mrs. Florence Goff and Mrs. Freda Downey all of Augusta Springs, Virginia; 23 grandchildren and 21 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford. Burial was in Augusta Springs, Virginia Cemetery. Winston L. Justus

Winston Lee Justus, 19, died Wednesday, July 17, 1974, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital of an apparent self-inflicted* gunshot wound. Born October 6, 1954, at Richwood, he was a son of Orville Justus and Mrs. Lucille Elkins, both of Birch River. Other survivors include a sister, Lena Justus, of Richwood, three brothers, Charles, Bill and Rickie, of Richwood, maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sydenstricker, with whom he lived, at Seebert. Funeral services were held Saturday morning at Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Rainelle with Rev. Pearly Orndorff in charge. Burial was at the Chapman cemetery at Canvas. Jamas Jackson, aged 18 mttJtbs, little son of Mr and Mrs O H. i of Slaty Fork, died Friday morning, September 16, 1038. Burial on Saturday afterr.-jn at the Varner cemetery: the service being conducted by

Mrs. Edith Mae Jolley Mrs. Edith Mae Jolley, 60, ){ Bartow, died Friday, December 6, 1985, at her home after a short illness. She had lived in Bartow 12 years. (z^~ Mrs. Jolley was born December 15, 1924, at Hightown, Virginia, a daughter of Viola Washburn Hise, of Monterey, Virginia, ind the late Clay Hise. Surviving her are daughers, Mrs. Shirley Robertson, )f Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. t*uth Winner, of Frostburg, Maryland, Mrs. Elva Doyle, of Arbovale, Mrs. Deborah Wilfong, of Bartow; sons, Carl and Edward, of Bartow; her mother, Mrs. Viola Hise, of Monterey, Virginia; sisters, Mrs. Irene Pingley, of Warren, Ohio, Mrs. Hazel Shifflett, of Green Bank, Mrs. Emma Jean Colaw. of College Park, Maryland, Mrs. G oldie Teti, Mrs. Jane Waybrigbt, and Mrs. Mary Louise Hise, all of Monterey, Virginia; brothers, Richard Hise, of Hightown, Virginia, Cellon Hise, of College Park, Maryland, and Edward Hise, of Bartow; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in the Durbin United Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark Hickman, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Fred Jacobs Fred Jacobs, 49, of Parkersburg, died April 24, 1997 at Camden Clark Memorial Hospital. He was born in Greensboro, Norm Carolina, the son of Edward L. Jacobs, of Ohio, and me late Carol Conrad Sterling. He was a US Army veteran, having served in me Vietnam War. He was a member of me Roofers Local 242 and was an avid outdoorsman. He was a graduate of Green Bank High School with the class of 1965. He is survived by his wife, Becky Mace Jacobs; one son Chris Monroe, of Vienna; one daughter, Traci Monroe, of Vienna; one grandson; his stepfather, Dick Sterling, of Vienna; and a halfbrother Conrad Sterling, of Parkersburg. He was preceded in deam by his maternal grandparents, Fred and Mable Conrad, with whom he made his home. Funeral services were held at the Leavitt Funeral Home, in Parkersburg, with Reverend William Batten officiating. Burial was in the K of P Cemetery at Elizabeth. Betty Rum Crist, of Arbovale, is an aunt of Mr. Jacobs.

Mrs. J. C. Johnson

Mrs. Mary Edgar Beard Johnson. 79, died at her home in Arlington, Virginia, on Thursday, November 11, 1965. Ker husband was the late Rev. J. C. Johnson, who was ! the pastor of the Oak Grove Presbyteran Church in HUs boro for a number of years They moved from Hillsboro to jCovesville, Virginia, in 1928, where he served as pa«tor of the Cove Presbyterian Church until his retirement. Mrs. Johnson was born at I Hillsboro November 16, 1886, the daughter of the late M. Lee and Emma Clark Beard. She is survived by two daugh ters, Miss Mary Emma Johnson and Mrs. Lloyd Longford, of Arlington, Virginia; a son. Jacob L. Johnson, of Winchester, Virginia; four grandchildren; two s:srers, Mr?. Harry Fehrle, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Arden Killingsworrh, of Marlinton; a brother, Joel P. Bea^d. of Hill? boro. Another son, Frederick, died several years ago. Funeral services were held at the Hill and Irving MortQary at Charlottesville, VirginMrs. Bammle Gragg Johnson ia, with burial at the MontiMrs. Bammie Gragg John- cello Memo-ial Cemetery there, son died Sunday, April 2, o_n^Saturday morning. 1967, in Aurora, Illinois, of a heart condition. Mrs. Myrtle Johnson She was born and reared in Mrs. Myrtle L. Johnson, 76, Pocahontas County, the dauof Marlinton. died Saturday, ghter of James and Bell Grimes February 10, 1973, in the PoGragg. cahontas Memorial Hospital Her husband, John Johnson, after a short illness. and a brother, Virgil Gragg, and Born in Pocahontas County a sister, Mrs. Ressie Sprouse, in 1898, she was a daughter of preceded her in death. the late Squire F. and Maggie Surviving her are four chilHevener. Q&uJU dren, Hazel, Evelyn, George She was a member of the and Clarence, and two brothMrs. Amanda Jacobs United Methodist Church ers, Ellett Gragg, of Frost, and was a retired licensed Mrs. Amauda Sue Jacobs May, and Owen Gragg, of California practical nurse. iged 93 years, 6 months and 7 Services and burial were in lays, widow of the late Joseph H. Her husband, Odie Johnson, May, died at her home on An- Aurora on Tuesday. preceded her in death. tony's ^ Creek, September 14, Kirry Jordan Survivors include two sons, L918. She was the last member Harry N. Jordan, 93, of HillsWarren 0. Johnson, of Ports)f the family of the late Mr. and boro, died Sunday, January mouth, Virginia, and Herbert Mrs. Elisha Jacobs. This family 30,1977, in Greenbrier Valley R. Johnson, of El Paso, Texas, lived at the Mann place, near Hospital, Fairlea, after a short and one daughter, Mrs. Edna Warwick, many years ago. illness. L. Wsathorbolt. of Marlinton. The deceased was the widow of Born September 23, 1883, Funeral services were held Joseph H. May, who preceded her at Hillsboro, he was the son of Monday afternoon in the Vanabout 15 years ago. Their surJames W. and Fannie Shover Reenen Funeral Home Chapel viving children are Mrs. Bussard, Jordan. He was never married. by the Rev. Maynard Crawof the State of Washington, and ford, with burial in the MounHe was a farmer and a mem* Frank May, of Anthony. tain View Cemetery. ber of the Methodist Church. Surviving him is a brother, John Jordan, of Hillsboro. Services were held at two p. m. Wednesday in VanReen* en Funeral Home, with the Rev. Sherman Markley officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

After a prolonged illness M. Lacy Johnston of Baltimore, died at the home of his brother, M. A. Johnston January 8th. He was the son of the late Arbuokle and Elizabeth (Crist) Johnson. Some years ago M r Johnston taught in the public schools of Pocahontas ana Greenbrier counties, but he had resided in Baltimore for the past sixteen years. He was a member of the I. O. O. V. lodge in Baltimore. He is survived by his wife and six children, who are Mrs. Gerard M. Tucholka of Baltimore. K. i C. Johnston of Richlands: Mis. Fred-1 erick O. Hodous of Hartford, Conn, I Mrs. Frank G. Yeager, John A John- j ston and J C Johnston all of Balti-1 more. He is also survived by two I sisters and one brother, Mrs Robert - P White, of Lewisburg and Mrs. Jerome Fernheimer of Baltimore and j Mathew A. Johnston of near Lewisj burg. Funeral services were held at I Clifton Presbyterian church on Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. P. Proffit. Burial was in the Old Stone church cemetery.—Greenbrier Independent. W . F. Johnson

Woodrow Franklin Johnson, 40, of Seebert, died Thursday, September 12, 1974, in the Pocahontas County Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born April 7,1934, in Sophia, he was a son of Wayman and ECe Morton Johnson. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Laura Moore Johnson, one son, Woodrow Johnson, Jr., at home; his parents, four stepsons, and two stepdaughters. Funeral services were held Suqday afternoon in the Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel by the Rev. Gail Cutlip, with burial in the Blue Ridge Memorial Garden at Prosperity._ Pail Jeffries


Millard Paul Jeffries, 63, died at his borne overlooking Marlinton early Tuesday morning, January 25, 1977, of a heart attack. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Maxwelton September 10, 1913, he was the son of Millard and Virginia Sue Trainer Jeffries. Four brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Blankenship Jeffries ; a daughter, M rs. Shirley Robertson, of Marlinton, four grandchildren; a brother, Fred Jeffries, of Hillsboro; two sisters, Velma Jeffries, of Beckley, and Edna McClung, of Rainelle. Services will be _held at two — — p. tn. Thursday

Mrs. Agnes M. Jordan Mrs. Agnes M. Jordan, 41, of Street Maryland. Hied Friday, January 31, 1968, in the Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. She had been in ill health for a long time. Her husband, Harry W. Jordan, preceded her in death August 5, 1961. She was a daughter of ,Mre, Nancv Brockand the late Gilbert Brock. She is survived by ber mother, Mrs. Nancy Brock, of Street, Maryland, a daughter, Kathleen Ann, at home, two sister?, Mrs. Arlene Esty. Forest Hill, Maryland; and Mrs. Adelene Wimer, of Street, two brothers, Arthur and Arl Brook, both of Forest Hill, a rnlf-brother, Delbert Ramsey, of Rock, Md. Funeral sprvices were held Monday afternoon in the Emmanuel Methodist Church with Mrs. Lula Collins in charge and burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro, James Winters Jordan

James Winters Jordan, 85, of Hillsboro, died on Saturday, March 8, 1975, in Denmar State Hospital at Beard. A World War I veteran, he was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. He was born August 16, 1889, at Hillsboro. the son of James William and Fannie Shover Jordan. His wife, Georgie Jordan, and a son, Harry, preceded him in death. Surviving him are a son, James Jordan, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and four daughters, Frances Trader, of Oak Harbor, Ohio, Lucy Vandergrift, of Fairmont, Mildred Walton and Nancy Fowler, both of Hillsboro, twelve grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Hillsboro Methodist Church by the Rev. Owen Lee; of Buckhannon, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Jesse Jordan, aged sixty-seven years f Indiana, Pennsylvania, .died at the 'ocahontas Memorial Hospital on iunday night, August 22, 1937. A ew hours before he had been stricken vith a heart attack. He was with a how concession in the midway. On in the Van- Tuesday his body WcT- dent to Indiana

Reenen Funeral Home by the fa, for buri?' .,.'_; Rev. Alfred Gum with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Georgie Virginia Jordan Mrs. Georgie Virginia Jordan, 73, of Hillsboro, died Tues day, March 12, 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Lobelia, September 2. 1900, she was the daughter of William and Frances Hill Morgan. Surviving her are her husband, Winters Jordan; children. Frances Troder, Oak Harbor, Ohio; James Winters Jordan, Gulfport, Florida, Lucy Vander grift, Fairmont; Fannie Mildred Walton, Hillsboro; Nancy Fowler, Hillsboro; ^grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, and a sister, Laura Taylor, of Dunmore; a son, Harry Jordan; two sisters and a broth er preceded her in death. Services were held in the Hillsboro Methodist Church at 2 p. m. Friday by the Rev. Coy Mathews with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Mamie Jordan Mrs. Mamie Alice Carey Jordan, 94, of Covington, formerly of Pocahontas, died Friday, January 20, 1984, in Greenbrier Manor at Fairlea after a long illness. She was born at Dunmore June 6, 1889, the daughter of Jacob and Nancy Layman Carey, and the family lived at Huntersvilie for many years. She was married to Clarence M. Jordan, who died about 1960. They lived in Marlinton and in Covington since 1942. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Gweneviere Clingman, of Lewisburg; two sisters, Mrs. Lucille Campbell, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Kathleen Shoemaker, of Charleston; three granddaughters, seven greatgrandchildren, and one greatgreat-granddaughter . Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. William Slates and the Rev. Tom Apperson, with burial in Rosewood Cemetery.


John Andrew Jordan, Jr.

John Andrew Jordan, Jr. 64, of Marlinton, died at his home Saturday, November 10,1979, of a heart attack. He was an automobile mechanic and a veteran of World War II, serving in both the Pacific and European Theatres. Born at Huntersville June 13,1915, he was the son of the late John Andrew and Minnie Harris Jordan. Four sisters and two brothers preceded him in death. Surviving him are four sisters, Mrs. Sue Johnson, Katonah, New Jersey, Mrs. Lucy Mae Fitch, Massachusetts, Mrs. Mary Lou Loving, Marlinton, and Mrs. Mildred Jane Boggs, of Plainfield, New Jersey. Services were held Friday, at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sanford Boggs, with burial near Huntersville. Mrs. Myrtle Jordan

Services for Mrs. Myrtle Susan Jordan, 83, Hillsboro, ( was conducted at 2 p. m. Monday, in the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Victor A. Tenney in charge. Mrs. Jordan died at 7 a. m. Saturday, May 15, 1965, at her home after a long illness. Born at Hillsboro, December 4,1882, she was a daughter of the late James and Fanny Stover Jordan. Surviving are three brothers, John, Winters and Harry Jordan, all of Hillsboro; and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hall, Hillsboro, and Mrs. Lucy Holcomb, Bedford, Pennsylvania. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs. Honen « . «s>

Mrs. Virginia Weiford Jones. 51, of Sebring. Ohio, died Tuesday. June 6, 1972, after a short illness. She was born at Marlinton a dauchter of the late Ernest J. and Pearl Clark Weiford. Survivors include her husband, Robert Jones; and one brother, Arnold Weiford, of Marlinton, and one sister. Mrs. Arden (Dotty Lou) Curry, of Charleston. Funeral services and burial were held Friday in Sebring. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weiford and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Curry attended the service.

i. FriaiiiMoCombJoM) Marvin Lee Jones. 76, of Mrs. Frances McComb Hillsboro, died Saturday, Jones, 68, died September 10 March 27, 1971, in the Sacred 1977, at her home at 7001 Heart Hospital, at Richwood,' Flagstaff Lane, Richmond, Virifter a short illness. ginia, after a long illness. He was born November 14, Born June 10, 1909, at 1894, near Drainsville, Virgin- Huntersville, she was the a. He was a member of the daughter of the late Henry United Methodist Church at and Ida McComb. She was a Herndon, Virginia, he was an member of the Overbrook Presemployee of the Fairfax Coun- byterian Church, Dumbarton ty Board of Education before Road, Richmond, Virginia- | his retirement. She is survived by her husMr Jones was preceded in band, Edward B. Jones; one death by his former wife, Mrs. daughter, Grace Kay Hall, Ruth Keys Jones and one son, Richmond; one son, Macon H. Jones, Pekin, Illinois; one sisClifton Lee Jones. Survivors include his wife, ter, Mrs. Beulah Ward, KeyMrs. Nellie Simmons Jones; ser; one brother, Clarence Mcone son. William R. Jones, of Comb, Huntersville, and two Hyattsville, Maryland; four grandsons, Raymond and Stevstepsons, Elmer H. Simmons, en Hall. jQZr4^ Funeral services were held at of Milan, Michigan, William L. and Marion G. Simmons, Woody's Funeral Home and both of Hillsboro, and Calvin burial was in Forest Lawn C. Simmons, of Winchester, Cemetery September 13. Virginia; two stepdaughters, Those attending the funeral Mrs. Mary Ann Beverage, of from Pocahontas were: Mr. Hillsboro, and Mrs. Dora Lee and Mrs. Earl Slavin and Mrs. Brown, of Herndon, Virginia; Jane Jones, Seebert. Mrs. one brother, Elmer Jones, of Nola Rose, Marlinton, and Falls Church, Virginia; five Clarence McComb, Huntersgrandchildren and two great- ville. grandchildren. Ida M. Jones Funeral services were held Ida Mae Jones, 65, of Old Tuesday afternoon in the Green Funeral Home Chapel Town, Florida, formerly of by the Rev. William N. Ra- Marlinton, died Tuesday, May 9, ney, at Herndon, Virginia, 1995, in Gainesville, Florida, after with burial in the Chestnut a long illness. Born at Acup April 26, 1930, Grove Cemetery at Herndon. she was the daughter of the late Leat and Mary Schaffer Jackson. Her husband, William, a son, Mrs. Edith A. Jones 1 / Bruce, and a daughter, Darlene, Mrs. Edith A. Jones, 79, of preceded her in death. Sanford, Florida, died WednesSurviving her are three sons, day, December 13,1972. Kelvin, Melvin and Hank, all of Born in Pocahontas County, Old Town; two brothers, Denver she was a daughter of the Jackson, of Parkersburg, and Jesse late Charles Peter Collins and Jackson, of Quick; one sister, Eleanor Jones, of Dutch Ridge; two Sailie Bagby Coiiins. She was a retired nurse, and step-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. a member of the Grace United Methodist Church, and had Saturday at VanReenen Funeral lived in Sanford, Florida tor a Home by the Rev. Virgil Shrader, with burial in Mountain View number of years. Survivors include one son, Cemetery. Cecil Jones, of Sanford, Florida; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Myrtle Arnold, of Nutter Fort, two sisters, Mrs. Alice Bennett, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Lucy Lowe, of Cripple Creek, Virginia, two brothers, Dr. Cecil B. Collins, of White Sulphur Springs, and Dr. Claude C. Collins, of De Land, Florida, and four grandchildren. Marvin Lee Jones


Mrs. Ktnnie Judy Mrs. Elizabeth Florence Judy, 88, of Franklin, died Friday, March 29, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital A daughter of the late George D. and Valaria Sinnett Hammer, she was born May 31, 1879, near Cave. She was a member of Faith Lutheran Church. Her husband Kennie H. Judy, preceded her in death on February 2. 1 9 « . She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Arndt White, of Minnehaha Springs, Mrs. Mary J. Knicely, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and Mrs, Paul Rexrode, of Franklin, and one son, Paul H. Judy, of Franklin and Harrisonburg Virginia; 11 grandchildren and 12 great* grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Dice Hammer, and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane White, Mrs. Martha Simmons
John. M. Judy

. John M. Judy, 83, of Franklin, died on Friday, December 6, 1D63, in the Rockingham Memorial Hospital, at Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he had bet.n a patient since No- j vember 9. ' Mr. Judy was born at Cir-: cleville, November 10, 1880, a son of the late Harness and Ruhamy Phares Judy. He was married to Gertie Warner, who preceded him in death on November 7, 1963. , Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Elmer (Sylvia) Nelson, of Huntersvi.le; three sons, Roy and Phillip Judy, of Ci-cleville, and Oscar Jrdy, at home; a aster, Mrs. Ronnie (Annie) Thompson, of Cherry Grove, a half sister, Mrs Chloe Matheny, of Brandywine; 12 grandchildren, and 22 greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by two children, two sisters, and three brothers. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Circleville Methodist Church by the Rev. Edgar L. Mange3, of Franklin, and the Rev. Larry Miles, of Circleville. Burial was in the Calhoun Cemetery near Circleville. Fred Lee Jackson

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Robert Keith Judy


Aiuneral service for Robert Keith Judy. Sr., 52, of Route I, Stephens City, Virginia, who was dead on arrival at Winchester Memorial Hospital, Wednesday afternoon, July 24,1974, was held Saturday afternoon from the Ridings Chapel United Methodist Church, by the Rev. Charles E. Larew. Interment was in Shenandoah Memorial Park, Winchester, Virginia. Mr. Judy was born Febru ary 20,1922, at Edray; he wa a son of the late James Franl lin and Lucy P. Hannah Jud; A mechanic at FMC, he wa a veteran of service with th U. S. Navy during World Wa II. He was a member of ttu Middletown Hunt Club an the Reliance United Metbodis Church. He was preceded in deatt by two sisters. Surviviors include his wife Mrs. Lois Marie Grubbs Judy five sons Robert K. Judy, Jr. ,and Earl F. Judy, both ol Stephen Ci*;y, Gary A. Judy, stationed at Orlando, Florida, with the U. S. Navy, Ray E. Judy and Edward L. Judy, both at home; one daughter, Miss Faye Judy, at home; five sisters, Mrs. Gtraldine Clark, of Arlington, Virginia. Mrs. Thelma J. Campbell, of Clearbrook, Virginia, Mrs. Norma Sue Roach and Mrs Mary J. Kuehster, both of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Mrs. Sarah Jane Scott, of Walkertown, North Carolina; two brothers, Ralph W. Judy, of Salisbury Maryland, and James W. Judy, of Middletown; and one gi-andhild.

Fred Lee Jackson, 64, of 2604 Marcum Terrace, Huntington, : lied Monday morning February 27, 1967, in a Huntington hospital after a short illness. Funeral services were conlucted Wednesday at the Reger Funeral Home Chapel bv Dr. Paul S. Warren. Burial was in Baylous Cemetery near Salt Rock. A retired chemical plant James William Judy vorker, he formerly was emi Services will be held Satury.oyed Pt FMC and Union Car iirie Corp plants m South d a y at 2:00 in Arbovale Methodist Church for James WilCharleston. He was born June 22, 1892, liam Judy, 58, of Geneva, Ohio, who died Tue^d iy, June it Marlinton, a son of the late 30, 1964. John Maurice and Deborah J. Survivors include his wife, 3owger Jackson. He was a Mrs. Ella Puffenbarger Judy; veteran of World War I, and i member of Huntington one daughter, Nancy Frabotta, | Post 1064, Veterans of Foreign of Geneva. Ohio; two sons, James Leon Judy, of Geneva, i Wars. Survivors include the widow, Ohio, and William Judy, of!1 Painesville, Ohio; six sisters, Mrs. Mabel Morrison Jackson; [Lilly and Nellie, both of Harfour brothers, Dennis L. Jack- risburg, Nina,' son, of Huntersville, Roy A. of Akron,Pennsylvania; Martha, of, Jackson, of Charleston, and Kent, Ohio;Ohio; Ruth, of Balti-! Paul and Norman Jackson, of more, Maryland, and Mabel, of Baltimore, Maryland, and two Durbin, and 12 grandchildren. stepsif-ters, Mrs. Martha Brock and Mrs. Roy Ginger, of Valley Bend.

Doy Martin Jones

Howard Jordan, Sr.

Shawn E. Jones

HINTON--The man who first brought TV sets to Webster Springs has died at his Hinton residence. Doy Martin Jones of Hinton, formerly of Webster County, died on Friday, March 28, 1997, following a long illness. He was 86 years of age. He was born in Braxton County, on October 18, 1910, the son of the late Charles D. and Nora Arnold Jones. HeretiredinCharleston in 1975, where he and his wife were owners of the Fashion 220 cosmetics and beauty salons. He had formerly worked at the Visco in Nitro as a tool and die maker and in 1936 served as a constable in Nitro. During World War II he owned and operated his own coal company, selling to Pardee & Curtin Coal Company and distributing coal throughout Webster County. He and CharlieDoddof Webster Springs were partnefs in the Dodd & Jones Funeral Home in the 1940s, in Webster Springs, where he also owned the Webster Gas and Electric Co., selling the first televisions and propane cook stoves in the area. He moved to Ohio in 1949, and worked for General Industries, Inc. and later owned J.D. Jones, Inc., a furniture and appliance store in South Amherst, Ohio. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Hinton and was a 32nd Degree Master Mason and a noble of the Mystik Shrine, Beni Kedem Temple, in Charleston. He is survived by: his wife of 65 years, Lucille Britton Jones, of Hinton; daughter, Aloma Lorrie Romanello of Forest Hill; 12 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by sons, Jackie, James, and Edwin Jones, daughter, Dolores Wavalene Dzik, brothers, Romi, Roy, and Clyde Jones, and sisters, Virgie Keaton and Grace Wiley. Services were held on Monday, March 31,atll:30a.m.,at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Inc., with Pastor Dan Ferguson officiating. B urial was at the Restwood Memorial Gardens, where graveside rites were conducted by the Masonic lodge.

GAINESVILLE, VA.--Howard Jordan, Sr. of Gainesville, Virginia, died at the Prince William Hospital in Manassas, Va., on May 13,1997. He was 67 years of age. He was bom in Lower Lick Run, on May 24,1929, the son of the late Roy and Lizzie Carpenter Jordan. He was a retired heavy equipment operator, formerly employed by S.W. Rodgers, Inc., in Gainesville, Va. He was a member of the National Guard for four years, and served on active duty in Korea. His interests included driving to the mountains, horses, raising azalea and rose bushes, and being a fan of the Washington Redskins. He is survived by: his wife, Mildred A. Jordan; sons, Howard L. Jordan, Jr. of St. Petersburg,Fla.,Gary L. Jordan of Centreville, Va., Doug Jordan of Warrenton, Va., and Scott Jordan of Gainesville, Va.; daughters, Betty Rastegari of Fairfax, Va. and Dorothy Pittman of Goldvien, Va.; brothers Dana Jordan of Frederick, Md. and Woodrow Jordan of Unionville, Va.; sister, Genevieve Greene of Damascus, Md.; grandchildren,Sheila, Bobby,Billy,Farhad, Amire, Sarah, Josh, and Sylvia; and great-grandchildren, Alex, Christopher, Brandy, and Elizabeth. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one sister, Glenna, and five brothers, William, Carl, Burns, Harry, and Calvin. Services were held on May 16, at the Lee Funeral Home in Manassas, Va., with the Rev. Burton Robinson, officiating. Burial was at the Stonewall Memory Gardens.

SILER CITY, N.C.--Shawn E. Jones, of Siler City, North Carolina, formerly of Cowen, died on Monday, January 20,1997,athe Wake Medical Center in Raleigh, N.C., from injuries sustained in a construction accident. He was 24 years of age. He was born in Summersville, on September 15,1972, the son of James and Deborah Davis Jones, of Siler City.N.C. He had lived in Siler City, N.C for the past three years. He was a graduate of Webster County High School.and was a construction worker. He was a member of the Moose Lodge in Siler City, N.C, and was a Protestant by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Stephanie Miller Jones of Siler City, N.C; parents, James and Deborah Jones of Siler City, N.C; brothers, Jeremy Jones and Steven Jones, both of Siler City, N.C; sister, Michelle Hayhurst of Siler City, N.C; paternal grandparents.Jimmyand ForestJones of Charleston; and maternal grandparents, Buck and Georgie Davis of Upper Glade. Services were held on Friday, January 24, at 1:00 p.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Keith Williams of Camden-onGauley, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Jeffery Lynn Jackson BROOKS VILLE, FL A.-Jeffery Lynn Jackson of Brooksville, Florida, formerly of Webster County, died in Brooksville, Fla., on May 5, 1996. He was 51 years of age. He was born in Buckhannon, on June 18,1944, and had formerly lived in Cherry Falls. He served in the military in Viet Nam and was a member of V.F.W. Post 8713. He is survived by: sons, Jeffery L. Jackson, Jr. and Jeffery White; daughter, Jennifer Jackson; his mother, Beulah Reilly; sisters, Janet Peel and Kathy Haimbaugh; brothers, Richard Jackson and David Jackson; and long-time friend, Mary Somick. Burial was at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Fla.

Amber Nicole Johnson COWEN-Amber Nicole Johnson, infant daughter of James A. and JoAnna Stevens Johnson of Cowen, was stillborn at Summersville Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, March 23,1995. She is survived by: her parents, James and JoAnna Johnsonof Cowen, brother, Jeremiah Johnson, at home; paternal grandparents, James E. Johnson of Cowen and Patricia Dixon of Cowen; maternal grandmother, Betty Stover of Cowen. Graveside services were held on Monday, March 27, at 1:00 p.m., at the Hickman Cemetery near Cowen, with theRev.Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

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Anna L. Jeffries Anna L. Jeffries of Webster Springs, died at the Richwood Area Medical Center on Wednesday, February 22, 1995, following a long illness. She was 87 years of age. She was born in Webster County, on March 10,1907, the son of Charles M. and Blanchie E. Hicks Curtis, both deceased. She was a lifelong resident of Wcbsicr County, and was a homemaker. She was non-denominational by faith. She is survived by: son, Bazil Tiffncr of Martinsburg, Ohio; daughter, Lena Helen Cogar of South Gate, MI.; sister, Edna F. Cogar of Webster Springs; half-brothers, Donzal Curtis of Wcbsicr Springs andParkcrCuriisofWalkcrsville; 18 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and 1 grcat-grcal-grandchild. In addition lo her parents, she was preceded in death by husbands, George T. Tiffncr and William Jeffries, and by ihrcc sons. Services were held on Friday, February 24, ai 2:00 p.m., at ihc Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Wcbsicr Springs, wilh ihc Rev. Minlcr Lynch officiating. Burial was at ihc Big Run Cemetery in Diana. Kirry Jordan Harry N. Jordan, 93, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, January 30,1977, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a short illness. Born September 23, 1883, at Hillsboro, he was the son of James W. and Fannie Shover Jordan. He was never married. He was a farmer and a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving him is a brother, John Jordan, of Hillsboro. Services were held at two p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Sherman Markley officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. ' •

Melvin Clarkson Jarrett Melvin Clarkson Jarrett, age 66, of 15 Ponderosa Drive, Hampton, Virginia, died Sunday, September 14,1997, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Marlinton. He was born July 18, 1931, in West Virginia, the son of Roy Lee and Marie Stover Jarrett. He served in the Armed Forces and was an Electrical Supervisor for shipbuilding. He is survived by his wife, Norma Lee Thompson, of Hampton, Virginia. Services and burial were in Hampton.

Shirley Ann Johnson

Bethel A. Jordan

BIRCH RIVER-Shirley Ann Johnson, of Birch River, died at her residence on Tuesday, May 6,1997, following an extended illness. She was 61 years of age. She was born in Widen on March 21, 1936. She was retired after 22 years of service with the U.S. Postal Service. She was a member and pianist of me New Hope Baptist Church in Morris. She is survived by: her husband of 41 years, Bobby C. Johnson of Birch River; son and daughter-in-law, Michael A. and Becky Johnson of Birch River; her mother, Dessie Cook of Birch River; brothers, Jimmy Cook of Big Otter and Joe Cook of Brooklyn, Ohio; sister, Mary A. Triplett of Summersville; and grandchildren, Megan N. Johnson of Birch River and William E. "Eugene" Johnson of Fort Bragg, N.C. She was preceded in death by her father, Wilbur W. "Wib" Cook. Graveside services were held on Friday, May 9, at 1:00 p.m., at the Walker Cemetery on Keener's Ridge, with the Rev. Cecil L. Butcher, officiating. The Greene-Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton, was in charge of the arrangements.

REPLETE-Bethcl A. Jordan of Route 3, Replete, died at Wcbsicr Continuous Care Center in Co wen, on Tuesday, June 24, 1997. He was 96 years of age. He was born in Replete on August 12, 1900, the son of die late George and Alice Barbe Jordan. He was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a logger, fanner, and horseback rural mail carrier. He was a Memodist by faith. He is survived by: his wife of 74 years, Melba Jordan of Replete; daughters, Dolly Bergerof Rock Cave and Hope Fisher of Hacker Valley; sons, Benny Jordan, Calvin Jordan, and Mike Jordan, all of Hacker Valley, Patty Jordan of Buckhannon, and Geuard Jordan of Webster Springs; sister.Nora Anderson of Beaver Falls, Pa.; 29 grandchildren, 46 greatgrandchildren, and 18 great-greatgrandchildren. In addition lo his parents, he was preceded in death by daughter, Genevieve, brodiers, Wade, Frank, and Malakai, and sisters Maude Anderson and Nella Arbogast. Services were held on Friday, June 27, at 10:00 a.m., at ihe Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Curt Davis, officiating. Burial was at the Chestnut Grove Cemetery, in Replete.

Edward Lee Jarrell Edward Lee Jarrell, age 77, of Hillsboro, formerly of Comfort, died June 24, 1997, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired miner and a member of Peytona Southern Baptist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Judy Jarrell; daughter, Carol Cameron, of Vermillion, Ohio; brouier, Paul Jarrell, of Madison; sister, Esther Mae Zontini, of Comfort; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held at noon Friday at Valley Funeral Home in Whitesville by the Rev. David Cook and the Rev. Pat Garland. Burial was in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Mrs. Lesti Johnson Mrs Lessa Osborne Johnson, 78, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died Saturday, January 30, 1982i after several months' illness. She is survived by her husband, Lee Johnson, and one daughter, Mrs. Betty Joe McKay,- Cincinnati, Ohio; four grandchildren; one brother, Joe Osborne, of Nicro. Funeral services and burial in Cincinnati February 2.

Laura Rebecca Jarvis . TIOGA-Laura Rebecca Jarvis, infant daughter of Russell and Julie Bragg Jarvis of Tioga, was stillborn in Summersville, on Monday, June 9, 1997. In addition to her parents, she is survived by: brother, Zachary Davis, at home; sister, Ashley Jarvis, at home; grandparents, Fred and Collene Jarvis of Sutton, Iolene Bragg of Camden-on-Gauley, Vanita Hinkle of Camden-on-Gauley, and Poppy Kenneth Rexroad of Craigsville. Graveside services were held at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Cowen, on Wednesday, June 11, at 11:00 a.m., with the Rev. Robey Godffrey of Frametown, officiating. Adams Funeral Home in Cowen was in charge of the arrangements.


Larry W. Johnson Larry WayneJohnson, 35, of Route 2, Buckhannon, died Monday, Nov. 10, 1997, at Morgantown. Mr. Johnson was born Oct. 3,1962. at Buckhannon, a son of Howard L. Sr. and Christine Johnson, of Route 2 Buckhannon, and the late Lenora Modesitt Johnson. Also surviving are two brothers, Howard Johnson Jr. and Keith Johnson, both of Buckhannon; two sisters, Helen Baisden, Houston, Texas, and Bonnie Hoover, Morgantown; one half sister, Mary Inman, Houston, Texas; one stepbrother. Terry Mullin, Milton; three uncles, William Johnson, Delaware, Russell Johnson, Rosemont, and Robert Johnson, New Jersey; and six aunts, VirginiaTharp, New Jersey, Margaret McGee, Ypsilanti, Mich., Georgia Melvin, Delaware, Velma Cogaf, Ohio, Judy Hull, Walkersville, and Jesse Blomburgh, Florida. Mr. Johnson was a construction worker and attended Buckhannon Church of Christ.

John A. Judy John Adam Judy, 88, of Horse Shoe Run, died Wednesday, Nov. 12,1997, in Garrett County Memorial Hospital at Oakland. Md. Mr. Judy was born A*ug. 20, 1909, in Eglon, a son of the late Daniel Grant Judy and Rachael Wimer. In 1980, he married Ruby M. Judy, who preceded him in death. Surviving are one son, J. Millard Judy, Horse Shoe Run; and one daughter, Janet M. Judy, Horse Shoe Run. He was also preceded in death by one brother and five sisters. He was Ihe last surviving member of his immediate family. Mr. Judy was employed as a sawer in the lumber industry and was a farmer. He was a member of the St. Johns Lutheran Church at Red House, Md.

Neva Morgan Jones Neva Morgan Jones, 81, of Fairmont, died Monday, April 25, 1988, in a nursing home in Fairmont after a long illness. Mrs. Jones is survived by her husband, Wilbur Jones; a sister, Naomi Morgan, of Fairmont; and a brother, Ben Morgan, of Marlinton. Services will be held Thursday at 11 a. m. in Ford Funeral Home in Fairmont, with burial in Mt. Zion Cemetery near Fairmont

Jack L. Jordan Jack L. Jordan, 74, of Ceredo, died November 6, 1997, in Heartland of Riverview. He was born September 21, 1923, in Kenova, a son of the late Milton A. and Anna Keyser Jordan. He was retired from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers where he worked and as an engineer in Information systems. He was a U. S. Army Air Corps First Lieutenant during World War II. He was a member of American Legion Post 93 and a member and elder of the Kenova Presbyterian Church, the Ashland Oil Community Advisory Panel, a past member of the Ceredo-Kenova Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the Foundation for. the Tri-State Community, a 1924 graduate of Ceredo-Kenova High School and a graduate of Marshall College with a BES. He was Director of Ceredo Historic Landmark Commission Z. D. Ramsdell House. He, was preceded in death by two brothers, Bernard Jordan and Walter "Bas" Jordan. He is survived by his wife, Marian Roberts Jordan, who is the daughter of the late LeRoy and Marjorie Moore Roberts, formerly of Marlinton; one son, Mark LeRoy Jordan, of Stearns, Kentucky; two brothers, Cortland A. Jordan, and Milton "Jabo" Jordan, both of Kenova; and several nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kenova Presbyterian Church at 1116 Chestnut Street, Kenova WV 25530.

Reveley Ward Johnson Reveley Ward Johnson, age 49, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, March 4, 1995, in Brian Center at Lowmoor, Virginia, after a long illness. Mr. Johnson was a truck driver and a Protestant in faith. He was an Army veteran. A native of Elkins, he was born December 10, 1945, the son of Velva M. Hill Tharp, of Hillsboro, and the late Ernest W. Johnson. Survivng him in addition to his mother, are his step-father, Warren 5. Tharp, and seven children, Brenda L. Johnson and Daniel M. Johnson, of Pennsylvania, Brenda D., Shelley, Chandlee, Tammy and Brandy Johnson, all of Claymont, Delaware; and three grandchildren. Services were held at 3 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by me Rev. Gail CuUip, with burial in Templeville, Maryland.


Charles F. Jordan Charles Francis Jordan, Sr., 81, of Dailey, died Sunday, June 14, 1987, in Davis Memorial Hospital. He had been in declining health since March. Mr. Jordan was a registered engineer for the Department of Highways until he retired in 1970. He was a Methodist A native of Shaw, he was a son of the late John Thomas and Martha Daniel Jordan. On May 31, 1930, at St. Louis, Missouri, he was married to Louise Travis Hensley, who preceded him in death January 3, 1984. Surviving him are four sons, William T. Jordan, Topeka, Kansas; Charles F. Jordan, Jr., Elkins; and Philip B. and Robert D. Jordan, both of Dale City, Virginia; three daughters, Mrs. Nancy Applebee, New City, New York, Mrs. Patricia Wegemer, San Diego, California, and Mrs. Charlotte Yee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; one brother, Philip Jordan, Keyser; one sister, Ruth Slough, Buena Vista, Virginia; 23 grandchildren and 8 greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in deathby three brothers. Alva Henry Jackson Alva Henry Jackson, 96, of Hillsboro, died Monday, June 22, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired farmer and carpenter and was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church of Hillsboro. Born at Belfast Mills, Virginia, on October 15, 1890, he was the son of George "and Mary Boothe Jackson. Surviving him are a, son, Nixon Jackson, of Hillsboro, dauthers, Mrs. Freda Hollandworth, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Lucille Arbogast of Mill Point Mrs. Joyce Stanley, of Martinsburg, Mrs. Helen Wilfong, of Dunmore; sistqr, Mrs. Olive Ross, of Rainelle; half-brother, Otis ,May, of.,; White Sulphur Springs-; i 10 grandchildren' and 11 irreatgrandchildren. 1 Services, will be held acj2 p. m, Thursday at the Wesley CnapeJ United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. by the Rev. Verlin Butcher and the Rev: David Rittenhouse, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Cathern Jones Laura Cathern Jones, 62, of •Dailey.-died Monday, February 8, 1988, at the home of her stepson, Roger Jones, of Valley Bend, where she had made her home for several months. She was a member of the Mingo United Methodist Church. Born June 13, 1925, at Slatyfork, she was a daughter of the late Edward and Flossie Varner Pennington. On May 31, 1946, she was united in marriage to Paul Morgan Jones, who preceded her in death on May 24, 1986. A brother and three great-grandchildren also preceded her in death. Surviving her are three stepdaughters, Irene Hannah of Slatyfork; Frances Joan Bender, Huttonsville, and Judy Lane Hamrick, Monterville; three stepsons, Lloyd Paul Jones, Cleveland, Ohio, James Morgan Jones, Mingo, and Roger Lee Jones, Valley Bend; five sisters, Hazel Hinerman, Dailey, Louella Dumire, Myrtle Point, Oregon, Retha Doyle, Slatyfork, Betty Swink and Leabelle Gum, both of Cass; five brothers, Leonard Pennington, Mingo, James Pennington, Bartow, Paul Pennington, St. Albans, Carl Pennington, Seabrook, Maryland, and Roy Pennington, Green Bank; 14 gandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesay at the Friendship Baptist Church at Valley Head by the Rev.. Frank Long, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery on Elk. W : Luther Dewey Johnson 1 ^'* Luther Dewey Johnson, 81, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, June 3, 1987, in Davis Memorial Hopsital in Elkiris following a short illness. •iBOnr'AMary 7, 1906, on Caesar's,Mountain near Hillsboro, U he was $ e son of the late George RobertsoA and Alice Louise Perkins-Johnson, , ',* ; He'was a farmer and a membei of the Stamping Creek Tabernacle. Surviving him are his wife, Doshie!- Loving Johnson, and a sister, Mildred Stevens, of Renovo, Pennsylvania,^ , V Services, were held Sunday at 2 p. m,!*at u^y^nReenen Funeral Kdm^ by^tr^Re^v.' David SiajvteriT with^^unal irt the" Ruckman Cerrteterjt J

Rev. Frank A. Johnson The Rev. Frank A. Johnson, 79, of Harrisville, died Saturday, March 21, 1987, at Camden-Clark Hospital in Parkersburg. He had been a United Methodist minister for 55 years. Born June 11, 1907, in Preston County, he was a son of the late Amaziah and Louisa Long Johnson. Surviving him are his wife, Elizabeth Doty Johnson; one son, the Rev. Mark Johnson, Middleton, Ohio; one sister, Lona Loy, Columbus, Ohio; and four grandchildren. He is a former minister of the Durbin United Methodist Church and retired from the Harrison Street United Methodist Church in Harrisville/ ' Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at the Harrison Street United Methodist Church by the Rev. John Losh, with interment in the Ebenezer Church Cemetery in Moundsville. f»

Ira E. Jefferies, Jr. Ira E. "Jeff Jefferies, Jr., 55, of Fairlea, died July 11, 1987, at Roanoke Memorial Hospital. He was flown there from Marlinton by helicopter Saturday after coming from Green Bank by ambulance. Mr. Jefferies was employed by National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank and was a member of the Observatory Fire Department, the Rifle Club, and the Greenbrier Valley Region Antique Car Association. He was a member of the Associated Reform Presbyterian Church at Fairlea. Born December 31, 1931, at Fairlea, he was the son of the late Ira and Lillian Harrah Jefferies. Surviving him are his wife, Alice P. Jefferies, and daughters, Laura Jefferies, at home, and Lillian Daniel, of Roanoke. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewiisburg with burial in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, at Lewisburg. _^


William Joseph Johnson William Joseph "BJ" Johnson, age 65, died Monday, January 5, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Johnson was retired and was co-owner with his wife of DariLand in Marlinton. He served in the Army during the Korean and Viet Nam Conflicts and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Born at Wheeling June 26, 1932, he was the son of French Edgar and Amy Pyles Johnson. His parents and a brother, Charles Johnson, are deceased. Surviving him are his wife, Louise E. Moore Johnson; two sons, Wayne Douglas Johnson, of Powhatan, Virginia, and David William Johnson, of Marlinton; three daughters, Cathy J. Hannah, of Buckeye, Vickie Lynn Johnson, of Marlinton, and Debra Louise Johnson, of Ashford; a brother, Robert E. "Smoky" Johnson, of Beckley; a sister, Mary Catherine Kent, of Brookeville, Maryland; six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Randy Benson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Alma V. Sheets Jordan Alma Victoria Sheets Jordan, age 78, of Green Bank, died January 23, 1998. She was born December 22, 1919, in Green Bank and was the daughter of the late Graver and Nina Taylor Sheets. She was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and was active in Senior Citizens. She was preceded in death hy her husband, Loran Senate Jordan, and two brothers, Jacob and Winfred Sheets, both of Green Bank. She is survived by one daughter, Victoria Elizabeth Jordan Gum "Betty," of Arbovale, two sons, William Loran Jordan, of North Highlands, California, and Jesse Arnold Jordan, of Telford, Pennsylvania; six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. A Memorial will be held Saturday, January 31 at 1 p.m. at New Hope Church by Reverend David Rittenhouse and Reverend David Fuller. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.

Amanda C. Johns Amanda C. Johns, of Edinburg, Texas, died Tuesday, July 6, 1999, at her home. She was born Amanda Lee Clark on September 26, 1912, in Pikeville, Tennessee. She attended Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee, and graduated from the University of Illinois. She was an elementary school teacher, teaching the last 18 years in the Panama Canal Zone until her retirement. Amanda is survived by her daughter, Beth Little, of Hillsboro; two sons, George Little, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Lewis Little, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; a sister, Eve Wright, of Chattanooga, Tennessee; a brother, Jack Clark, of Morgan, Georgia;fivegrandchildren. Services were held Sunday, July 11, at Calvary Bible Church in Chattanooga.


Mrs. Anna Kelley u^' Mrs. Anna Phoebe Clark Kelley, 71, died Thursday, October 23, 1975, at her home at Clover Lick. She had been in ill health for seven years. She was a member of the Clover Lick Methodist Church. Mrs. Kelley was born May 5, 1904, a daughter of the late Jacob and Evie McKissic Clark, of Parkersburg. Her husband, Eugene Kelley, a son, Bernell Kelley, and three brothers, Charles, John and Carl Clark, preceded her in death. Surviving her are eleven children, Loren Kelley, Spencer, Ohio, James and Walter Kelley, of Stony Bottom; Robert, of East Lake, Ohio, Eddie (Newt), Teddle, and Arlie Kelley, all of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Rhoda Fertig, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Ruth Saunders and Mrs. Martha Smith, Cleveland; and Mrs. Annette Elza, West Farmington, Ohio; 34 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren; three Bisters, Mrs. Marie Oledman, Weston, Mrs. Evelyn Kelley, Dunmore, Mrs. Ruth Stewart, California; two brothers, Jake Clark, and Gilbert Clark, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Services were held Sunday afternoon in Wesley Chapel Methodist Church by the Rev, Norman Alderman with burial in We9ley Chapel Methodist Cemetery.

Pete Kelley Peter David Kelley, 88, of Cass, died Tuesday, June 28, 1966, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born March 11, 1878. in Highland County, he was a son of Amos and Alice Griffin Kelley. He was a f a r m e r . / ^ / Mr. Kelley was preceded in death by his wife, Bertie Kelley; and one sister, Rella, and three brothers, Howard, Dean and a twin brother. Survivors include a foster son, Jesse L. Kellison, of Mechanicsville, Virginia;and three sisters, Mrs. Retta Carpenter, of Clover Lick, Mrs. Belle Jordan, of Oak Hill, and Mrs. Dellaretta Morris, of Akron. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Dunmore Methodist Church by the Rev. Norville White. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery. Among those attending the funeral of Pete Kelley at Dunmore last Friday were his niece, Mrs. Howard Green, his foster son, Jesse Kellison, and his wife, Mary, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Farris, and sons, of Covington, Virginia, Lloyd Jordan, of Oak Hill. Mrs. Hmos Kline, of Cochranton, Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shinaberry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpenter, of Morgantown, Lestie Rose and daughter, Kay, of Rich wood.

Buy Lee Kelley Guy Lee Kelley, 68, of Frost, died Thursday, May 27, 1967, in Elkins Convalescent Hospital at Elkins. Mr. Kelley was a member of the Frost Methodist Church. Born at Frost, May 22,1908, he was the son of Amos and Minnie McCarty Kelley. His parents and two brothers, Willard and Tharp, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Townsend, preceded him in death. Surviving him are five sisters, Mrs. Lynette Mace, of Fairfield, Virginia, Mrs. Mayme Quesenberry, of Kent, Ohio, Mrs. Woodsie Harrington, of Mansfield, Ohio, Mrs. Enid Kelley Robeyjand Mrs. Minnie Stahl, of Kent, Ohio. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Frost United Methodist Church by the Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Reward James Kelley (J Howard James Kelley, 55, of Fairmont, died Tuesday, January 4, 1977, after a long illness. He was a veteran and employee of General Motors. Born at Lobelia March 28, 1921, he was the son of the late Howard T. and Sara Jane Byrd Kelley. Surviving him are a son, John Kelley, of Hillsboro; four brothers, Richard L. Kelley, Casper, Wyoming, Albert F. Kelley, Triangle, Virginia, Robert L. Kelley, Charles R. Kelley, both of Lancaster, Ohio, five sisters, Helen M. Hinerman, Fairmont, Emma J. Hodge, and Dorothy G. Loudermilk, Marlinton, Mary C. Salisbury. Monterville, Shirley G. Jones, Lancaster, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. Bandergift, of Fairmont, with burial in Dunmore Cemetery.

fJJtete Preshn Kelley Crete P. Kelley, aged 71 years, died at his home on Knapps Creek on Thursday*, December 6, 1958. He had been in failing health from a heart condition for s.veral years. On Saturday afternoon, the funeral service was held from Westminster Church by his pastor, Rev. Acie Bryant. His body was laid to rest in the family cemetery. He was born February 24,1885, the son of the late Preston Clete and Lucy Rogers Kelley, and is the last of a large family of eleven children to be called. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bessie Curry Kelley, to whom he had been married 50 years; four sons, Ernest, Ward, Glen, and Albert, all of Huntersville; two daughters, Mrs. Stella McLaughlin, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Jettie Withers, of Marlinton. Also surviving is a nephew, Guy Sharp, of Huntersville; who had made his home with the Kelleys, 17 grand children, and two great grand children. He was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, near. Huntersville. Thus is noted the passing of an ou»standing citizen, friend and neighbor. We watched him suffer day by day It caused us bitter g,i ?f To see him slowly fad i away And could not give relief. His weary hours and days of Dain His troubled nights are passed, And in our aching hearts we kno v He has found sweet rest a last. 'Tis sweet to k; ow we will meet again • Where parting is no more, And our dear husband and Dad we loved so well, Has only gone before. God knows how mnch we miss him i He counts the tears we shed, And whispers, "Hush he only sleeps, Your dear one is not dead." Some day, some time, our eyes shall see, I The face we \o\ ed so we'', |Some day, some time, lis hand we'll clasp, And never say /arewell.




Eugene Kelley £-> Eugene Kelley, 86, of Clover Lick, died Sunday, September 12, 1971, in a Weston hospital after a long illness. Born at Wesley Chapel February 27, 1885, he was a son of the late Jonas and Alice A. Kelley. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and was a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Anna M. Kelley, of Clover Lick; eight sons, Burnell Kelley, of San Antonio, Texas, Loren and Robert Kelley, both of East Lake, Ohio, Newt and Arlie Kelley, both of Cleveland, Ohio, Ted Kelley, of Mentor, Ohio, and Jamea and Walter Kelley, both of Clover 'Lick; four daughters Mrs. R u t h Saunders, and Mrs. Lou Smith, both of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Annette Elya, of Southerton, Ohio, and Mrs. Rhoda Fertig, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania; two brothers, Daniel Kelley, of Parsons, and Lawrence Kelley, of Dunmore; 32 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Tharp Giy Kelley \ / Tharp Gay Kelley, was born at Frost June 6, 1909, and de parted this life July 1, 1966, age 57 years. Death was attributed to a heart attack at his home on Knapps Creek. He was the son of the late Amos and Minnie McCarty Kelley. A carpenter and farmer by trade, he was connected with the Pocahontas Construction Company for a number of years, but at the time of his death he was eagaged in full j time farming. He was preceded in death by one brother, Willard Kelley, and one sister, Mrs. Nellie Townsend. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Kathleen Bussard Kelley; one son, Kenneth Kelley, of Huntersville; one daughter, Mrs. Sharon Stephens, of Washington, D. C ; tbree grandchildren; one brother, Guy Kelley, of Frost; five sis* ters, Mrs. Lynette Mace, of Fairfield, Virginia; Mrs. Mayme Quesenberry, Mrs. Minnie '.Stahl, and Enid Kelley, of Funeral services were held Ohio; Mrs. Woodsie Harrington, of Mansfield, Ohio; and a Tuesday afternoon at the Wesnumber of nieces and nephews ley Chapel Methodist Church Funeral services were held near Dunmore by the Rev. 2:00 p. m. Sunday at the Frost Norman Alderman, with burMethodist Church by the Rev. ial in the church cemetery. Rex Ball, ass ; sted by the Rev. C C. Kelley Sherman Markley and the Rev. Carylon Claybarn KeTTeyTBl, L. E. Saville, with burial in of Wheeling, was killed in a the Mountain View Cemetery. car acsidiat on 1-70 naar Moundsville, on Sunday, April 20, 1969. Fester Lee Kelly His wife, Mrs. Barbara KelFoster Lee Kelly died Saturday, October 15,1966. in the ley, 27, died Tuesday, April Ford Memorial Hospital in 22, 1969, from injuries received in the same accident. She Detroit, Michigan. will be buried at Moundsville. Born at Durbin, October 22. Survivors include five broth1897, he was a eon of the late ers, Richard L. and Albert F. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kelly. He was a member of the Kelley, both of Marlinton, ^ain1- John Lutheran Church. Howard J. Kelley, of Los An-Mrr^eHy recently retired from geles, California, Robert L. Kelley. of Hillsboro, and Charthe Michigan Limestone and les Kelley, of Lancaster, Ohio, Chemical Company in Rogers and five sisters, Mrs. Helen City, Michigan. Hammen, of North NorrisSurvivors include his wife, town, Pennsylvania, Mrs. EmMrs. Linnie Lamb Kelly; one ma Watson, of Marlinton, daughter and two sons, four Mrs. Shirley Jones, of Lancassisters, Mrs. Grace Simmons, ter, Ohio, Mis. Mary Salisof Elkins, Mrs. Myra Snyder, bury, of Moundsville, and Mrs. Hyattsville, Maryland, Mrs. Dorothy LoudermiJk, of BuckBernette Burns, of Logan, and eye, and two stepsons, George Mrs. Ruth Burns, of Hunting- and "Harold Cochran, both of ton; three brothers, Bradv K Marlinton. Kelly, B. E. Kellv. both of ElkFuneral services will be held ins, and Wilson Kelly, of PhilThursday afternoon at 2:00 p. ippi, and six grandchildren. m. in the Marlinton Nazarene One brother, Robert Sulli Church by the Rev. Harold van Kelly, is deceased. Easton with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery.


Mrs. Minnie F. Kelly 1880 - 1946

The Frost Community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Minnie Kelly on Monday, June ;>, 1946, at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Marliiiton. Minnie Florence lilelly was the daughter of the late Lanty S. and Martha Dilley McCarty, born at Huntersville on August 15, 1880. On January 27, 1904, she was uBited in marriage to Amos Kelly; they established their home in Frost and had lived there until the time of their death. Her husband preceded her in death sixteen years ago. There were nine children born to this union: Mrs. Lynette Mace, Fairfield, Virginia: Mrs. May me Quesenberry, Kent, Ohio; Mrs. Woodsie Harrii gton, Portsmouth, Virginia; Miss Minnie Kelly, of Roanoke, Virginia; Mrs. Nellie Townsend, Tharp, Uruy, Willard and Enid, of Frost, and twelve grandchildren. She also leaves one brother, D. W. McCarty, of Frost, and three sisters, Mrs. Hugh Rhea and Mrs. ; Adam Rhea, of Marlinton, and ! Mrs. Earnest Rhea, of Dunmore. In early life she became a member of the Frost Methodist Chureh. Hers was a bright, useful life-, looking well to the care of her family and her household until the time of her death. She ; was universally respected and her passing is widely mourned. Wilbur James Kelley i Wilbur James Kelley, 73, of i Alvon, Greenbrier County, died Wednesday, February 8, 1961, at his home after a sudden illness. j He was born at Frost, February 6, 1888, a son of the late Scott and Minnie McKay Kelley. He was a member of Alvon Methodist Church and a retired employee of the Greenbrier Hotel at White Sulphur Springs. He was a member of Local Union 682. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nora Detamore Kelley; two sons, Norman W. Kelley, of Fairle-.; and Basil E. Kelley, of Ashtabula, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs Paul Hanna, of White Sulphur Springs; one step-son, Guy Grimes, of Alvon; and one sister, Mrs. Will Thomas of Minnehaha Springs; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Alvon Methodist Church with the Rev. Rex Anderson, the Rev. Francis : D. Gum, and the Rev. M. 0 . Nes! ter in charge. Burial was in the Greenbrier Memorial Gardens in Lewisburg.

Merle Lee Kelley Merle Lee Kelley, aged 27 years, died S a t u r d a y , J u l y 7, 1945, at Cass. On Tuesday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the family plot a t Wesley C h a p el cemetery, t h e funeral b e i n g conducted from t h e Metho-list church by Rev. B i e i t h e n h i r t . T h e j pall bearers were Austin G u m , Raymond Taylor, Ben Galford, Jim Kelley, Basil G u m a n d Walter Kelley. Flower bearers were E u l a T a y lor. Leda Kelley, Ellen Taylor, Sorphine G u m , Zula T a y l o r , R h o da Mae Kelley, Grace T a y l o r , Polly G u m and Moni Kelley. H e is survived by his m o t h e r , Mrs. Katie Kelley and t w o sisters, Mrs. J u n e Galford a n d M r s . Karl Homan, of Scottsdale, A r i zona, and a host of relatives and friends.

MRS. HOWARD T. KELLEY Sarah Jane Byrd Kelley, born October 3, 1920, in Augusta County, Va., died Friday, Februaiy 15, 1957. She was the daughter of Albert T. and Mary Jane Byrd who preceded her in death. She was the widow of Howard T. Kelley, whom she married in 1917. To this union were born twelve children, eleven of whom survive: Clayborn C. of Marlinton; James of Detroit, Mich; Lawrence of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Helen Hinerman of Fairmont; Mrs. Emma Jane Watson of Marlinton; Mrs. Mary Kathern Salisbury of Monterville; Mrs. Dorothy Gray Loudermilk of Buckeye; Mrs. Shirley Gray Jones of Lancaster, Ohio; Albert of the TJ. S. Army in Europe; Robert Lee and Charles Rodger at home. The deceased is also survived by three brothers and four sisters; two half brothers; one half sister; 19 grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. Two grandchildren preceded Her in death. She was a member of the Seebert Methodist Church. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the Church of the Nazarene in Marlinton with the Rev. A. U. Burnside officiating. Burial was in the | Dunmore cemetery.

Mrs. Otis Kelly Mrs. Naomi Bernice M o o r e ( Kelly, 5 4 , of M i n n e h a h a S p r i n g s , died Saturday, March 2, 1985, in Pocahontas M e m o rial Hospital after an e x t e n d e d illness. Born June 19, 1929, at Marlinton, s h e w a s the daughter of the late William H a n s o n and G l a d y s Grace White Moore. Her husband, Otis Kelly, preceded her in d e a t h . Surviving her are four children, William E u g e n e Kelly, of Hillsboro, Eileen Kelly Irvine, of Marlinton, Sarah Kelly Irvine and Alice Kelly Irvine, both of Minnehaha Springs, and five grandchildren. She w a s a m e m b e r of t h e N e w H o p e Lutheran Church at Minnehaha Springs, where services were held at 11:30 a. m. Monday by Pastor Charles Erzkus, of Franklin, with burial in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

KILLS HIMSELF Charles Kelley, of near Greenbank, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a shot gun Monday, February 16, 1025. Monday morning he took his gun and went up on a hill near Wesley Cnapel; he sat down upon a log and placed the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and discharged it His head was almost blown off. Monday afternoon his body was Mrs. Ursula Burner Kelley found. Prosecuting Attorney Allan Mrs. Ursula B u r n e r Kelley, P. Edgar was notified He held an inquest on Tuesday, and a verdict a g e ! 82 years, widow of t h e late I was. returned in accordance with the Seebert Kelley, died a t ber home in El kins on T h u r s d a y , J u l y 10, above facts On S u n d a y t h e funeral The deceased was about 45 years • 1952 old. tie Is a SOD of Clete Kelley was held froai the R u n n e r FunerBro'vns Mountain and he is survived al H o m e , and her b o i y laid to by his wife and three children. rest in t h e B u r n e r Family CemeFor a year Kelley has been brood- tery a t F r a n k . ing over the accidental blinding of T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of his little.swi A chicken had. strayed into the house, and to wake it go out the late L e e and Rebecca Gum he had thrown a table fork at it Burner. Of her father's family The fo''; missed the chicken and t h e r e remain four sisters, Mrs struck the child in the eye and«put A d a m Moore, of Marlinton; Mrs. i the eye out. About ten days ago lie Bessie S i m m o n s and Miss Belle intimated to his brother t h a t he was B u r n e r , of F r a n k ; and Miss contemplating suicide. Maude B u r n e r , of W a s h i n g t o n ; a b r o t h e r , W a l t e r , of Toledo, Ohio. She became t h e wife of Seebert Tresa Lynn Kelley Kelley, w h o preceded her sevenTresa L y n n Kelley, t w o ^ teen y e a r s since. T h e i r five chilmonth-old d a u g h t e r of M r . a m dren s u r v i v : Ralph, of Daily; Mrs. Teddie Kelley, of C a s s H e r b e r t and Mrs. Rachel Boban, died on M o n d a y , F e b r u a r y 12 of B a l t i m o r e ; Mrs. Lillian Can1962. field and Mrs. Mary Collett, of Other survivors include hei Elkins. S h e is also survived by grandparents. M r . a n d M r s . her nineteen g r a n d c h i l d r e n . iwicbard Wolfe of Cass, a n d Mr. and M r s . E u g e n e Kelley MissRoxanna Kelley died March of Clover hick. 6th at ber home on Browns Mt her j Funeral services were con- age was 51 years 4 manths 27 days. ducted W e d n e s d a y afternoon She was a daughter of Wm A. and i:i the Laben Wolfe h o m e in Rachel Kelley, she was of a quiet dis position and liked by all who knew Cass with t h e R e v . J . R o b e r t her. She leaves to mourn their loss Harshberger in c h a r g e . B u - two brothers and two sisters rial was in t h e Wesley Chapel Sleep on dear sister, Cemetery near Green B a n k . Take thy rest, God cal.ed thee home, He thought it best.


0 th E.Kelly Qtis Eugene Kelly, 75, died Sundty, June 14, 1981, after a long illness. Born March 18, 1906, in Rime!, he was a son of the late Arch and Alice Kelly Buzzard. Mr. Kelly was a retired carpenter and a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Naomi Moore Kelly; a son, Eugene Kelly, of Hillsboro; three daughters, Mrs. Alice Irvine, Mrs. Eileen Irvine, and Mrs. Sarah Irvine, Marlinton; three brothers, June Buz* zard, Marlinton, Arnold Buszard, Monterey, Virginia, and Glen Buzzard, of Swoope, Virginia; two Bisters, Mrs. Gladys McCarty, Marlinton, and Mrs. Ethel White, of Oklahoma; five grandchildren. Three brothers, Edgar, Elmer, Harry Buzzard, and a sister, Ruth Lightner, preceded him in death, Funeral services were held Tuesday . at 2 p. m. in Van Reenen Funeral Home, with Rev. Charles Erkzus officiating. Burial was in Mountain Grove Cemetery.



si Mrs. Cletus Kelley Mrs. Bessie Elizabeth Curry Kelley, 74, of Huntersville, widow of the late Clete Kelley, died Wednesday morning, August 14, 1963, after a long illness. Born at Dry Branch, Randolph County, on August 6, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Morgan and Jane Rogers Curry. She was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by one daughter. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Jettie Jane Withers, of Marlinton; and Mrs. Stella McLaughlin, of Huntersville; four sons, Ernest L., Ward R., Glen H. and Albert M. Kelley, all of Huntersville; and one brother, Howard Curry, of Bartow. ! Funeral services were held. Friday afternoon at 2:00, at' Westminster C h u r c h on Knapps Creek by the Rev. Robert Ray. Burial was in the family cemetery.

Albert M. Kelley Albert M. Kelley, 76, of Marlinton, died November 8, 1993, in* Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was bom at Huntersville on October 18, 1917, the son of the late Clete and Bessie Curry Kelley. He was a retired employee of the Board of Education and a member of Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife, Lucille Cain Kelley; two daughters, Nancy Gilmore and Peggy Burdette, of Marlinton; one brother, Glen Kelley, of Marlinton; two sisters, Stella McLaughlin and Jane Withers, both of Marlinton; eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Ward Kelley and Emest Kelley; and one sister, an infant. Services will be held at 1p.m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home on Thursday, November 11, by the Rev. Richard Newkirk witli burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

B. E. Kelley

Basil Easlman Kelley, 57, of White Sulphur Springs died Monday July 3,1978, at home following a short illness. He was born December 25, 1920, in Pocahontas County, a son of the late James Wilbur and Nora Detamore Kelley. He was an employee of the Department of Natural Resources in Greenbrier State Forest at Harts Run and a member of the United Steel Workers Union. He was preceded in death in 1977 by his wife, Wanda Kirk Kelley. He is survived by one brother, Norman W. Kelley, of Fairlea; one sister, Mrs. Mabel F. Hanna, of White Sulphur Springs and one step-daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Whitehair, of Geneva, Ohio. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday, in the Chapel of Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs with the Rev. E. N. Clower tr»#« i. unity ^y officiating. Interment followed Ernest Lee Kelley, 69, of in Hillcrest Cemetery, White Huntersville, died early Tues- Sulphur Springs. Mrs. Katie Lillian Kelley day, September 30, 1975, in Mrs. Katie Lillian Kelley, the Pocahontas Memorial HosMrs. 1st Kelley 77, of Dunmore. died Thurspital after a long illness. Mrs. Ina Moore Kelley, 76, day, May 23, 1968, in the PoHe was a farmer, living on of Dunmore, died Friday, Occahontas Memorial Hospital. Knapps Creek and was a mem- tober 17, 1980, in Alleghany She was a lifelong resident ber of the Church of the Breth- Regional Hospital at Lowof Pocahontas County and a ren. moor, Virginia, member of the Wesley Chapel Born near Hunteravilie on She was the widow of John Methodist Church. July 2, 1906, he was the son of E. Kelley. Survivors include two daughthe late Clete and Bessie E. She was born May 22,1904, ters, Mrs. June W. Galford, of Curry Kelley. He also was at Dunmore, the daughter of Dunmore, and Mrs. Carl Ropreceded in death by an infant the late Joseph and Mary man, of San Diego, California; ion, Edael Lee, and an infant Susan Buzzard Moore. three brothers, Lawrence and She was a member of New Dan Kelley, both of Dunmore, Surviving him are his wife, Hope United Methodist Church and Eugene Kelley, of Clover Doris Wilfong Kelley, five chilSurviving are her sons, VerLick; two grandchildren and dren, Bessie Faye (Penny) Kel- lin, of Dunmore, Paul Kelley, two greatgrandchildren. ley, at home, Roy Kelley, of Warner Robins, Georgia, and Funeral services were held Marlinton, Eddie Kelley of Kermit Kelley, Ellerslie, GeorSunday afternoon in the WesCleveland, Ohio, Dewey Kelley- gia; a daughter, Mrs. Trudie ley Chapel by the Rev. Sherof Knoxville, Tennessee, Shir- Kowalchuk, of Reisterstown, man E. Markley with burial ley Smith, Baltimore, Mary- Maryland; 14 grandchildren; in the church cemetery. land, and a stepdaughter, six great-grandchildren. Nancy Blankenship, of HillsGraveside services were held boro, and four grandchildren; Cletus Kelly at 3 p. m. Sunday in Dunmore three brothers, Ward Kelley, Cemetery, Dunmore, with the (Jletus Kelly, aged 82 years, Glen Keiiey and Albert Kelley, Rev. David Rittenhouse offidied at his home on Browns ?.!,'. of Huntersville, two sisters, ciating. Mountain on Friday, October 5, Mrs. Stella McLaughlin, of Hv.ateraville, and Mrs. Jane J 951. HefElisI been in failing: Mrs Scott Kelly died at her home health for vjorruy" time, Burial on Withers, of Marlinton. at Frost on Friday May 2, 1924. She Monday afternoon in the family Funeral services will be at been in failing health for some cemetery. The deceased was a the VanReenen Funeral Home had time. Her age was about 10 years. son of the late William Kelly. at 1 p. m. Thursday by the Her maiden name was McCay and her Rev. David Rittenhouse, with home was on Locust Creek. She is burial in Mountain View Ceme- survived by a number of children. Burial at the Sharp graveyard near tery, Frost on Monday morning.


Mrs. P. D. Kelley ^ Mrs. Alberta Austin Kelley. 87, died in the Pocahontas Ma, morial Hospital on Tuesday April 21, 1964. A / Born August 4,1876, she was the daughter of the late John and Emily Alderman, of Green Bank. She is survived by her husband, P. D. Kelley, of Cass, one foster son, Jesse L. Kelli-; son, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, one brother, George F. Al-1 derman, of Huntersville, or e sister, Mrs. Cecelia Kellison, of Richmond, Virginia, and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held in the Dunmore Methodist Church on Saturday, by the Rtv. Rex Ball, of Minnehaha Springs and the Rev. Thomas Dunlap, of Green Bank. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery. Mrs. Harvey Kelley 77 4 ' ^of Mrs. ^Hitchins, ^Lucy _ ^Sharp ^ ^Kell_e / died Kentucky, Saturday morning, February 6, 1965, in the Ashland Hospital. She had been ill all winter from a heart condition. Mrs. Kelley, the widow of the Rev. Harvey Kelley, was born March 16,' 1890, at Edray, the daughter of the late Isaac and Miami Moore Sharp. Surviving her are three sisters, Mrs. Eva Kincaid, of Grafton, Mrs. Ruth Phares, of Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. Georgia Moore, of Marlinton; a brother,- Allen Sharp, and a half-brother, John I. Sharp, both of Marlinton; and a stepson, Damer Kelley, of Louisa, Kentucky. Funeral services were held at Willard Church on Monday, with burial at Grayson, Kentucky. . / .

Mrs. Anna Kelley Mrs. Anna Clark Kelley, 74, died in Norfolk, Virginia, on Monday, July 9, 1962, while visiting her son. Mrs. Kelley was born at Hillsboro on April 21,1888, the daughter of Preston S. and Josephine Livisay Clark, and was the last of her family. She was the widow of Clarence Joseph Kelley. Five children survive her: Mrs. Frances Abmyer, of St. Louis, Missouri; Edward Kelley, of Houston Texas; Clarence Kelley, of Woodbridge, Virginia; Warren Kelley, of Charleston, and Earl Kelley of Norfolk, Virginia; also nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. 1. Prather. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Glen H. Kelley Glen H. Kelley, age 86, of Huntersville, died March 4, 1997, at home, after a long illness. Mr. Kelley was a retired carpenter of the United Brotherhood of America. An Army veteran of World War II, he was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He was born September 10, 1910, the son of Cletus and Bessie Curry Kelley. Surviving him are his wife, Polly Cain Kelley; a son, Ken Job, of Beckley; one grandson and four step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Earnest Kelley, Albert Kelley, and Ward Kelley; two sisters, Stella McLaughlin and Jane Witiiers. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home by die Rev. David Rittenhouse on Friday. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery.

KELLEY JOHN ERJ was born John Ernes r.d departed January 4, It / , September this life on P,. 14, 1956. F u n e i w services were conducted in the Frost Methodist Church on Monday, September 17, at 2:00 p. in., by the Rev. T. G. Alderman and the Rev. Lowell Legg. The deceased is survived by his wife, Ina Moore Kelley; three sons, Verlin and Paul at home; Kermit of Columbus, Ga.; one daughter, Mrs. Trudie Grocki of Baltimore, Md.; cne brother, William Kelley of Alvon, and one sister, Mrs. W. N. Thomas of TT untersville.

^ ^ ^ J


Hubert C. Kelley, a^ed t) irtyseven years, supervisor of Camp Bowers and former supervisor of Camp Price, died suddenly while at; work in the woods on Kumbra bow State Forest ; He dropped dead from i heart attack. Burial at Maplewooc. cemetery at Elkins on Tuesday afternoon. Mr Kelley is survivd by his wife the former Adelaid Woodford of Be lington, and their : /vo daughters, Patricia and Jerry. The deceased was a native of Congaree, South Carolina. For the past fifteen years he had -aen a resident of West Virginia Ha taught in the High Schools at Hills-horo, Belington and E'kins.


TBTS. Evelyn Kelley Mrs. Evelyn Bernice Kelley, 74, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, April 15,1981, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Kelley was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. She was born in Parkburg January 25, 1907, the daughter of Jacob and Eva McKitrick Clark. A daughter, Martha Elaine Kelley, is deceased. Surviving her are her husband, Lawrence Kelley; ten children, Elsie Mae Sheets, Meadville, Pennsylvania, Dorothy V.'Gaul, Dayton, Ohio, Leta Wilfong, Manassas, Virginia, Frances A. Taylor, Norine B. Simmons and Kathy E. Wolfe, Dunmore, Mona L. Rankin, Geneva, Ohio, Edsel C. Kelley, Vienna, Virginia, Lucille A. Radcliffe, Warm Springs, Virginia, Georgia G. Townsend, Pearisburg, Virginia; a brother, Gilbert Clark, Cincinnati, Ohio; a sister, Ruth Stewart, Yuba City, California; 37 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m., by the Rev. Eddie Kyle in Wesley Chapel Church with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

Edward C. Kelley Edward Clark Kelley, 59, of Houston, Texas, died suddenly Saturday, November 24, 1973, of a heart attack. Born at Richmond, Virginia, September 5,1914, he was the son of the late Mrs. Anna Kelley, of Hillsboro. He was employed at Rockwell Manufacturing Co. for 33; years. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mattie Mae, two years ago. Survivors include twd sons, James E. Kelley, U. S. Army, Fort Sam Houston, and WayneS. Kelley, Houston, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Frances Abmeyer, St. Louis, Missouri, and three brothers, Earl R. Kelley, Norfolk, Virginia, Warren M. Kel. leytOceanside, California, and Clarence J. Kelley, Alexandria, Virginia, and three granddaugh ters. Foneral services were held Tuesday morning by Rev. Olan. Walters at the Heights Funeral Home, Houston, Texas. Interment in Rosewood Memorial Cemetery. Arlie Kelly Arlie Luster Kelly, 40, of San Antonio, Texas, was killed Saturday, July 23, 1983, by assailants who beat and robbed him. He was a laborer and a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Clover Lick June 1943, he was a son of the late Eugene and Anna Kelly. A brother, Bernelle Kelly, preceded him in death. Surviving him are five children, Arlie, Dwayne, Rhonda, Drenda, and another daughter, all of San Antonio, Texas; six brothers, Loren Kelly, Spencer, Ohio, Robert Kelly, Eastlake, Ohio, Newt Kelly, Braterall, Ohio, Ted Kelly, San Antonio, Walter and James Kelly, Clover Lick; four sisters, Ruth Saunders and Lou Smith, Cleveland, Ohio, Annette Elza, Houston, Texas, and Rhoda Fertig, Jamestown, Pennsylvania. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Alderman, Sr., with burial at Wesley Chapel.


Irene Kisner Irene "Reeny" Kisner, age 74, of Durbin, died Sunday, May 23, 1999, at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mrs. Kisner and her husband were owners and operators of the Pocahontas Motel. She was a member of Durbin United Methodist Church, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Durbin American Legion Auxiliary. Preceding her in death were two sisters, Charlotte Ann Jones and Harriet D. Lynn Jones, and a brother, Harold Jones. Survivors include her husband, Lloyd "Dabney" Kisner; two sisters, Katie Calain and Carol Erickson, both of Elkins; and three brothers, Thomas Jones, of Seattle, Washington, Robert Jones, of Tallahassee, Florida, and William Jones, of Ocala, Florida. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. David Fuller. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Juanita H. Kiggens Juanita Hudson Kiggens, age 84, of Harrison, Arkansas, died March 23,1999, in North Arkansas Medical Center. She was a native of Charleston. Surviving her are three sisters, Cleo Janey, of Green Bank, Mary Wilma Leibert, of Alum Creek, and Helen Simmons, of Parkersburg. Graveside services were held in Maplewood Cemetery, Harrison. Jerry Lee Kerr, Jr. ,J e r r v Lee Kerr, Jr., age 32, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Thursday January 28, 1999. *' He was a former sheet metal worker, and a graduate of Pocahontas County High School. Born August 11, 1966, in Maryland, he was the son of Jerry Lee Kerr, Sr., of Hillsboro, and Barbara Bowman Danielczyk, of Baltimore, Maryland. A sister, Loretta Ann Kerr, preceded him in death. «^ S a v i n g n ™ are his parents; Dad Edward Danielczyk; a daughter, Brittani Kay Kerr of Marhnton; three sons, Derrick Lee Kerr, of Marlinton, Jerry Lee Kerr III, of Virginia, and Anthony Kerr' of Baltimore, Maryland; a sister' Brenda Lea Rentch, of Baltimore- a half-sister, Jeannie Kerr Pugh, of Durbin; and a half-brother, Wayne Kerr, of Frank. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 11 a.m. Tuesday by the Rev. Jerry Moore. Burial was in the Wilfong Cemetery near Marlinton. n

Bernard L. Kane, Jr. Bernard L. " Ben" Kane, Jr., age 72, of Belleair Bluffs, Florida, died Tuesday, Janaury 5, 1999, at Largo Medical Center, Largo, Honda. He was bom October 12,1926. Mr. Kane was retired from Chrysler Corporation, Newark, Delaware. He was a member of American Legion Cecil Post 15, Elkton, Maryland, and UAW Local No. 1185, Newark. He served in the U. S. Air Force during both the Korean and Vietnam War eras and retired after 22 years with the rank of Master Sergeant He is survived by his wife, Betty Howard Kane; daughter, Sandy Johnson, of Boston, Massachusetts, and a step-daughter, Sarah Dillenger, of Hickory, North Carolina; his mother, Erlene Ely, of Randallstown, Maryland; three sisters, Erlene Nesbitt, of Rising Sun, Maryland, Ruth Skiles, of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, and Dorothy Warner, of North East, Maryland; a brother, Paul Kane, of Newark, Delaware; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held January 11 at Hicks Home for Funerals in Elkton, Maryland, by the Rev. Gary Moore. Burial was in Gilpin Manor Memorial Park, at Elkton, with military honors by American Legion Mason-Dixon Post 194 of Rising Sun. Memorial donations may be made to Buckeye Chapel Cemetery Fund, Buckeye, WV 24924. James Donald Kershner James Donald Kershner, 66, of Titusville, Florida, died April 21 1999, at home after a heart attack. Born January 28, 1933, at Spice, he was the son of the late Hubert and Margaret McCoy Kershner. Mr. Kershner was a Methodist and a veteran of the Korean Conflict with four years in the United States Air Force. He served three years in Germany. Heretiredfrom Cape Kennedy where he had worked since his military service. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Phillips Kershner, whom he married December 22, 1960; three daughters Amy Sue Kershner and Beth Ann Burger, of Greensboro, North Carolina, and Margaret Alice Rola, of Titusville; son, J. D. Kershner, of Titusville; sisters, Janice McCoy, of Droop Mountain, and Jane Duncan, of Buckeye; brother, Vandon Kershner, of Long Beach California; half-sisters, Saundra Gilmore and Kay Beverage, of Beard Heights; two grandchildren. Funeral services and burial were held Monday at Bevard Park, Cocoa, Florida.

| 0 . W. Kellison ^ DEATHS ^ ^ ^ ^ l, A verill Porter Kellison, aged sixty Owen Wickline Kellison wa^ Mrs Lina Thompson Kellison eight years, died at his home on born August 28, 1876, and d'ed aged 78 years, ten months and Swago on Thursday, September 12, March 14. I'.i41, age 64 years. 71 three days died at her home at 1940. He had been an invalid for months and 14 days. lie was the! Millpoint, November , 27, 1942. several years. The immediate cause son of the late Clark and Gather-• Funeral services were conducted of his death was a stroke of paralysis. ine Duffield Kellison. of Swago.; at Marvin Chapel Church Satur- On Sunday afternoon his body was He was married to Lottie Beverlaid in the family plot in the Buckday November 28th by her pastor ley cemetery. The funeral was con age, of Stony Creek, in February Rev. M. D. Marshall. The body ducted from the home by Rev J. (J. 1911, and to this union were born was laid to rest in the. Ruckman i Wool, assisted by Dr Maicom .Sturm five children. He leaves to mourn graveyard beside her lute husband and Rev R. H. Skaggs. their loss his wife anj.1 the followClinton Kellison, who preceded Mr Kellison was a son of the late ing children: Leonard Kellison, oi her in death nine years ago. Clark and Catherine Duffljld Kellison Ronceverte; Mrs. Glen Poage, of He was born October 30, 1872, at Lewisburg: Mrs. J, W. Howard, She came fiom Virginia wit! her parents, George and Eliza the ancestral home, where he lived of Kopperstown: Ralph Kellison, practically all his life and where he of Fort Lauelerdale, Florida, and beth Thompson whed she was Of his father's family there -«kiid mid-11', • tfcj IT^-g. died. remain his brothers, Owen W. and Guy Kellison. at home, and two her life. She' was united in mar- George W., and his two sisters, Mrs grandchildren. He is also surriage to Clin ten Kellison; to this L/ucy Edmiston of Shelton, Washing vived by one brother, George W. union nine children were born, ton, and Mrs Nelia Simmons, of Ea- Kellison, of Marlinton, and two sisters: Mrs Nelia Simmons, of! eight of whom are living; one ton, .New York. April 19. 1896, Mr Killison was Eaton, New York, and Mrs Lucy daughter, *Jrs Odie Gay, passed away some years ago. Those liv- united in marriage to Miss Clair Edminston, of Shelton, Washingi n g are D. B. Kellison, Mrs Daisy Garrett, of Raymondsville, Harrison ton. He was preceded in death by M. Ramsey, Mrs Margaret Wil- county, who survives her husband. one brother and three sisters. Be He is survived by two sons, Clarence side's these mentioned, he is surfong, all at Millpoint, Ben Kelli- and Forrest and two daughters Mrs son, Beard; Mrs Susie Wilfong, ' Fred J, Hefner and Mrs W. H. Rog- vived by a host of friends and relWatoga; Mrs L. B. Lunsden, ers. Also twenty-one grandchildren ! atives. Clifton Forger Mrs Willi J. Lew The eldest son, John Ray Kellison,' He was a consistent member of is, Detroit, Michigan; Leonard of Richmond, Virginia, preceded his the Swago Methodist Church and Kellison, Glen Allen, Virginia, father to the grave three months ago. led a faithful Christian life. Thus In religion, Mr Kellison was a mem is noted the passing of a promii Also 29 grandchildren and 29 greatgrandchildren. One sister, ber of the Baptist church, and a pro nent man in all activities of life. Blanch Thompson of Montana; fessing, consistent christian for more He was well known and loved by than fifty years. For many years lie three brothers, Harry Thompson, had been the superintendent of the all who knew him. Hunterville; Grover Thompson, community Sunday school and a Funeral services were held at Millpoint; Frank Thompson of leader of music with a county wide the Swago Methodist Church on Vermont; one brother-in-law, Mr reputation. Sunday afternoon. March 16, a t ' Luther Kellison. She will be lor years he was member of the 2:30 by his pastor. Rev. R. H. greatly m'ssed by her many rela- Board of Education for Edray Dis- Skaggs. of Edray, assisted by the tives and friends, for she was trict. He was ever mindful of the re Rev. J. C. Wool and Dr. H. M. good and kind to all who knew sponsibilities of the public office, and Sturm, of the Marlinton churches. her. She joined the Methodist ihe cause of education progressed The music was rendered by the church some years ago. A place much in his long tenure of office Thus is noted the passing of a men's quartet of the Marlinton is vacant in our home that can hodist Church, after which he prominejt eit'zsn and a good man. was laid to rest in the Cloonan cemetery. Forrest Garrett Kellison Gilbert Kellison The pall bearers were: Harry Forrest Garrett Kellison. 64, Gilbert Claiborne Kellison, ag< Cochran, Wayne Jackson, Clarof Buckeye, died Tuesday, Oc34 years died on Tuesday, De ence Tyree, Warnie Moore, John tober 26, 1971, in a Rich wood cember 22, 1959, in the Sacre< Hause and Yerlin Loudermilk. hospital after a short illness. The flower girls wore: Clara JackHeart Hospital in Richwood. Born at Onoto, April 3 1907, Born at Huntersville August 2C son, Dorothy Tyree, Evelyn Cochhe was a son of the late Porter 1925, he was a son of Claiborn ran. Gladys Rogers and Norma and Clara Garrett Kellison. j H. and Mary Alderman Kellison June Kellison. The high esteem in which this His wife, Mary Powers KelSurviving him are his wife lison, preceded him in death. Georgia Barkley Kellison. am good man was held was shown by Survivors include three sons, two children, Tommy and Sharon the enormous crowd of people who Forrest G. Kellison, Jr.. of Auhis parents; five sisters, Mrs. Sel gathered to show their last rerora, Colorado, Porter D. Kelma Gainer of Parkersburg, Clan spects, and by the many beautiful lison, of Gulfport. Mississippi, Kellison of Los Angeles, Californi; floral tributes. A precious one from us is gone and Gene A. Kellison, of WindMrs. Ruth Baxter of Huntersviile A voice we: loved is still sor. Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Orva Grubbs of Cheyenne A place is vacant in'our home Wyoming; Mrs. Norma Miksel Carolyn Howard, of Richwood, Which never can be rilled. of Whipple, Arizona; and three and two sisters, Mrs. Nellie brothers, Loris Kellison of Hunt Williams, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Clabe Kellison ersville, Earl Kellison of Mili Mrs. Susie Rogers, of Buckeye. Mrs. Mary Kellison, 91, of Point, and Merritt Kellison ol Funeral services were held HunterFville, died about midHillsboro. Saturday afternoon in the night Tuesday, August 22, Jwago United Methodist Funeral services were held Sat1972, in an Elkins hospital, Church at Buckeye, by the urday afternoon in the Beaver where she was taken earlier in lev. C. R. Payne and the Creek Methodist Church by the the day. •&ev, Alfred Gum, with burial Rev. B. H. Skeens, wilh burial ir. No arrangements have been .n the Mountain View Cemethe Beaver Creek Cemetery. made as we go to press. tery at Marlinton. 1

Mrs Lina Kellison &/


Leonard C. Kellison Mrs. Forrest Kellison Q> Leonard C Kellison was Mrs. Mary Ruth Powers Kellison, 57, of Bucke3^e, died un- born April 7, 1903, at Mill expectedly Tuesday, June 4, Point. He passed away March ; 1968, in the Pocahontas Me- 126, 1963 at the home of Mr. j morial Hospital after a short and Mrs. Frank Mahaffey,. illness. Kalama, Washington. In 1927 he was married to Born August 28, 1910, at Clenchfield, Virginia, she was Miss Bess Hamilton, of Clifthe daughter of the late Dan ton Forge, Virginia. To this, union were born two children, and Rosie Powers. She was a member of the Mrs. Greta K. Alexander, of Methodist Church, and was Stafford, Virginia, and Leonard employed by the Denmar State C. Kellison, Jr., of Glen Allen, Virginia. Hospital at Beard. He is survived by his wife, Survivors include her huschildren, and nine band, Forrest Kellison; three two sons, Forrest Kellison, Jr., of grandchildren; three sisters, Aurora, Colorado, Porter Dan Mrs. Daisy Ramsey, of MarKellison, of Gulfport, Missis- linton; Mrs. William Lewis, of sippi, and Gene Alden Kell son, Grants Pass, Oregon, and Mrs. ot Windsor, Ohio; one daughter, Lyle Lumsden, of Fort Thomas, Mrs. Carolyn Howard, of Rich- Kentucky; an uncle, Harry wood; one brother, Brownlow Thompson, of D inmore, an • Powers, of Grundy, Virginia; aunt, Blanche Bellman, of Carson City, Nevada. three sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Miles, of Fenton, Michigan, He was preceded in death Mrs. Francis Edwards, of Ar- 'by his parents, three sisters, ien, North Carolina, and Clara and two brothers. if Chicago, Illinois. In 1952 he came west to Carson City, Nevada. Later Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in th"e Swago he went to live with Mr. and Methodist Church by the Rev. Mrs. Frank Mahaffey, of KalCarl Payne and the Rev. Franama, Washington, where he cis Gum with burial in the spent the last four years of his Mountain View Cemetery at life. I Marlinton. He was well liked by all who knew him. He had many relatives and friends. Mrs. Flora Kellison Mrs. Flora Minerva Kellison, I 81, of Forest Hill, Maryland, C. H. Kellison formerly of Droop, died WedClaiborne Hayes Kellison, nesday, January 24, 1973, at 94, of Huntersvilie, died Mon( the home of a daughter, Mrs. Gertie Long, of Forest Hill, day, July 23, 1973, in the J Maryland, after a long illness. Denmar Hospital at Beard, [ Born February 4, 1891, she after a long illness. Born MaFch 14, 1879, he I was a daughter of the late I Thomas and Christine Tolley was a son of t he late John and Sarah Dean Kellison. I McLaughlin. He was a former farmer and I Her husband, James, died in woodsman. I 1966. His wife, Mary Alderman I She was a member of the JaKellison, preceded him in death I cox United Methodist Church. Survivors include two sons, I Survivors include three oth- Earl Kellison, of Alexandria, I er daughters, Mrs. Esther Opal Virginia, and Merritt Kellison, I Blizzard, of Lafayette, Indiana, of Hillsboro; five daughters, I Mrs. Mary Ruth Hoffsomer. of Mrs. Selma Gainer, of Vienna, I Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Clara Kellison, Mrs. Orva I Olive (Jenny) Stifler, of Falls- Grubbs. and Ruth Kellison, I ton, Maryland; three sons, Her- all of Huntersvilie, and Mrs. I bert Kellison, of Fallston, Mary Norma Mikesell, of Dolas I land, Robert Kellison, of Do- Springs, Arizona. I ver, Pennsylvania, and Carl Funeral services were held I Kellison, of West Lafayette, • Indiana; 15 grandchildren and Friday afternoon in the Beaver Creek United Methodist I 16 great-grandchildren. by the Rev. Sherman M Services were held Saturday Church Markley, with burial in the I afternoon at the Hill Chapel Beaver Creek Cemetery. • with Rev. Calvin Lewis in • charge. Burial was in the Kel• hson Cemetery near Jacox.


John Ray Kellison, aged 43 years veteran of the World War and well known in business and fraternal interests, died in Richmond, Saturday morning, June 8 t 1940, at a local hospital, after a brief illness. The burial service was held Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church. The officiating minister was he Rev. Theodore F. Adams pastor of the church. Interment followed in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Kellison, who resided at 1510 Laburnum Avenue, had been for the past eighteen years associated with the Powers and Anderson Dental Supply Company. He was active in Richmond's athletic circles and was one of the leading local bowlers. He was a past commander of Post No 38, American Legion; also held membership [a the "Forty and Eight and in the Fitzgerald Lodge, No. 299, A. F. & A M, and the Monarch Club lie was a member of the First Baptist Church of this city. I He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clara Cato Kellison; three sons, .John Kellison, Bruce Kellison and Lewis Kellison; one daughter, Mary i Louise Kellison, all of Richmond; i also his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. P. Kellison; two brothers, Clarence and Forest Kellison, and two sisters Mrs Fred Hefner and Mrs William Rog ers, all of Marlinton, W. Va. Richmond Times Dispatch



Mrs. Porter Kellison Mrs. Clair Garrett Kellison, aged 84 years, widow of the late Averill Porter Kellison, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Williams, on Saturday night, November 13, 1954. She suffered a heart attack. On Tuesday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the Cloonan Cemetery on Bucks Run. The funeral service was held from the | Marlinton Methodist Church by I the Rev. Don . Taylor and the Rev. G. S. Barrett. The deceased was a daughter of the late James and Druscilla Maghan Garrett, of Wilsonburg, Harrison County. Fifty-eight. years ago she became the wife of Porter Kellison, who preceded her some years since. Their surviving children are. Clarence and Forrest Kellison, Mrs. D. W. Williams and Mrs. W. H. Rogers. Their eldest son, Ray, of Richmond, Virginia, died in 1940. Her grandchildren nunber 21 and her great grandchildren 20. Thus is noted the passing of a truly good woman after a long and useful life. "Her children a ise and call her blessed."

Mrs. Clabe Kellison

Mrs. Mary Alderman Kellison, 91, of Huntersville, died Tuesday, August 22, 1972, at the Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. A native of Pocahontas County she was born April 24,1881, the daughter of the late William C. and Phoebe Jane Alierman. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Two sons, Gilbert and Loris Kellison, preceded her in death Survivors include her husband, Claiborne Kellison, two sons, Earl Kellison, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Merritt Kellison, of Hillsboro; five daughters, Mrs. Seima Gainer, of Vienna; Miss Clara Kellison, Mrs. Ruth Baxter, and Mrs Orva Grubbs, all of Huntersville, and Mrs. Norma Mikesell, of Prescott, Arizona; one sister, Mrs. Rushia Meadows, of Points; a lost of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Beaver Creek United Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery.

Mrs. Edna Kelliion

Mrs. Edna McNeil Kellison, 85, of Buckeye, died Saturday, August 15, 1970, in the Denmar State Hospital at Beard after a long illness. Born August 30, 1884, at Buckeye, she was a daughter of the late William C. and Susan Buckley McNeil. She was a member of the Swago Methodist Church and a retired school teacher. She was preceded in death by her husband, Morton H. Kellison; one brother, Rube S. McNeil; three sisters, Mrs. Neva Kee, Mrs. Grace McNeill and Mrs. Lucy Oveiholt. She was the last of her family. Survivors include one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ann Kellison, of Bassett, Virginia, and one stepgranddaughter. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Ezra Bennett, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

#ts. Ruth Kellison Mrs. Kuth Alice Kellison, 52, wife of James Ralph Kellison, cf Hot Springs, Virginia, died Sunday, February 23,1975, following an automobile accident on the family farm in Falling Spring Valley. Mrs. Kellison was born May 28, 1922, in Alleghany County, a daughter of the late Cecil and Pheobe Mayhew Robinson. She had been a resident of the Falling Spring Valley communi ty her entire lifetime and was a member of Sinking Springs Presbyterian Church and the Sara Rice Pryor chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Other than her husband she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Linda K. Adams, Clifton Forge, Virginia, Mrs. Sue K. McRoberts, Hot Springs, and Miss Jamie Faye Kellison, at home; one sister, Mrs. Willie Sue Landrum, Hot Springs, and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the chapel of the R. M. Loving Funeral Home with the Rev. Mrs. Lottie Beverage Kellison Mrs. Lottie Beverage Kelli-' David Willis, Rev Charles son, 72, died in Cook Nursing; Ruff and Rev. C. Stevens Cath Interment home in Covington, Virginia, cart officiating. Monday, April 22, 1963, after j was in Mt. Pleasant Church a lingering illness. Her hus- Cemetery. band, Owen, preceded her in death in 1941. She was born in Marlinton Nancy A Kellison August 29, 1890, a daughter Mrs. Nancy Anna Kellison, of the late Jacob and Nancy aged 75, of R^nick, died Kellison Beverage. She had in a Caldwell nursing home made her home in Covington, Sunday night May 13, 1962, Virginia, with her daughter, after a long illness. Mrs Catherine Poage, for the! She was a member of the Lopast sixteen years. She was a belia Methodist Church. member of the Granberry Me Survivors ino-.iude four daughthodist Church of Covington. , ters, Mrs. Pearl Morrison of Survivors include two dau Boswell, Pennsylvania, Miss ghters, Mrs. Mildred Howard, Myrtle Kellison of Renick, of Canton, Ohio, and Mrs. Mrs. Bertha Tyree of BuckCatherine Poage,* of Coving- eye, and Mrs. Erma McClung j ton, Virginia; three sons, Leo- of Columbus, Ohio; three sons, j nard Kellison, of Buckeye, Guy Howard of Hillsboro, James of i Kellison, of Hampton, Virginia' Columbus, Ohio, ani El- j and Ralph Kellison. of Route ba of High Point, Norm (Ja- j 2, Hot Springs, Virginia; three -•olina; two sisters, Mrs. Eliza-1 sisters, Mrs. Emmett Galford, beth Kellison of Renick and Mrs. Arnot McNeill and Mrs. Mrs. Minnie Gwinn of RichMilburn Sharp, all of Marlin- wood; a brother, Joe Hagy of ton; two brothers, Clawson and Richwood; 33 grandchildren; Lee Beverage, also of Marlinton and six great grandchildren. The funeral will be conducted Funeral services were con iucted in the Swago Methodist it 2:30 p. m. Wednesday in he Hills Chapel atJaeoxwith Dhurch at Buckeye Wednesday he Rev. Calvin Lewis in charge it 2:30 p. m., by the Rev. Clarence Pierson assisted by Burial will be in the Kellison the Rev. Ezra Bennett. Bu- Jemetery at Jacox. rial was in the Cloonan Cemetery at Buckeye. j Clarence Kellison

Clarence Kellison, 71, of Marlinton, died Saturday, August 15, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illnes*. Born March 9, 1899, at Buckeye, he was a son of the late Porter and Clair Garrett Kellison. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. LilSie Sharp Keliison;two sons, Jack Kellison, of Marlinton, and Robert Kellison, of Raleigh, North Carolina; three daughters, Mrs. Mclvin Moors, of Marlinton; Mrs. Carl Van Reenen, of Beckley, and Mrs. Thomas Kordes, of Mount Vernon, Ohio; one brother, Forrest Kellison, of Buckeye; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Williams, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Susie Rogers, of Buckeye, and sixteen grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald E. Wood, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Benjamin Fran'Jiii Keliisoa Benjamin Franklin Kellison was born June 28,1895 and died on November 2.3. P"*. after & long illness, aged 60 yeartj 5 m£3±& and one day. On Thursday afternoon funeral services were conducted from the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, near Beard, by the Reverend Roy S. Perkins, of Renick, and Reverend Master, of White Sulphur Springs. Interment was made at the Old Brick Church Cemetery, at Hillsboro, with military honors by American Legion Post, Hillsboro, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Chapter, at Marlinton He was laid by the side of his daughter, Betty Jean, who preceded him in death several years. Mr, Kellison is survived by his wife, Mrs. Iva Taylor Kellison; their three sons, Harry, of Columbus, Ohio, and Elbert and James, at home. He is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Dennis B. Kellison, of Mill Point; Leonard C. Kellison, of Gl endive, Mon* ia: Mrs. Willie J. Lewis, of Upland, California; Mrs. Lola Lum^den, of Fort Thomas, Kentucky; and Mrs. Susie Wilfong, who made her home with the deceased. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Wilfong and Mrs. Frankie Dilley. This good cit:"-••-. was a soldier in Wor i War i, a veteran of the Battles of the Marne Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wiods. He was a deacon in the I iurel Hill Presbyterian Church. He was a son of the late Clinton and Lina Thompson* Kellison. Loris Sherman Kellison Loris Sherman Kellison, age 67, died in his sleep at his home on Beaver Creek Tuesday morning, March 10, 1970. Born December 1, 1902, at Huntersville, he was a son of Claiborno H. and Mary Alderman Kellison. A woodsman, he was a member of the Methodist Church. Besides h''s parents he is survived by two brothers, Earl Kellison, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Merritt Kellison, of Hil'sboro; five sisters, Mrs. Zelma Gainpr, of Vienna, Mrs. Clara Kellison, Mrs. Ruth Baxter and Mrs. Orva Grubbs, all of Huntersville. and Mrs. Norm* Mikesell, of Prescott, Arizona. Funeral services will beheld in the Beaver Creek Methodist Church. Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p m.. by the Rev. Sherman Markley, with buna' in the Beaver Creek Cemetery.

Mrs. Forrest Kellison Mrs. Mary Ruth Powers Kellison, 57, of Buckeye, died unexpectedly Tuesday, June 4, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born August 28, 1910, at Clenchfield, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late Dan and Rosie Powers. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and was employed by the Denmar State Hospital at Beard. Survivors include her husband, Forrest Kellison; three sons, Forrest Kellison, Jr., of Aurora, Colorado, Porter Dan Kellison, of Gulfport, Mississippi, and Gene Alden Kell son, ot Windsor, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Howard, of Richwood; one brother, Brownlow Powers, of Grundy, Virginia; three sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Miles, of Fenton, Michigan, Mrs. Francis Edwards, of Arden, North Carolina, and Clara of Chicago, Illinois. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Swago Methodist Church by the Rev. Carl Payne and the Rev. Francis Gum with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. James 0. Kellison James Omar Kellison, 79, of Droop Mountain, died Thursday, May 5, 1966, at his home of an apparent heart attack. He was the son of the late Sherman and Martha Kellison Mr. Kellison was a member of the Jacox Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Flora Kellison; four daughters, Mrs. Manus Long, of Forest Hill, Maryland; Miss Opal Kellison, of Lafayette, Indiana; Mrs. James Stifler, of Fallston, Maryland, and Mrs Emerson Hofsommer, of Essex, Maryland; three sons, Herbert Kellison, of Fallston, Maryland Robert Kellison, of Dover, Pennsylvania, and Carl Kellison, of Lafayette, Indiana; one brother, Harry Kellison, of Wellsville, Pennsylvania; one sister, Mrs. Sadie Townsend, of Wellsville, Pennsylvania; fifteen grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Hill Chapel Methodist Church at Jacox by the Rev. Hertzel Mills and the Rev. Arthur J. Fait. Burial was in the Kellison Cemetery.

Luther Kellison •

Luther Kellison, aged 83 years, died at his home near Hillsboro on Monday morning, August 30, 1943. On Wednesday aftern his body was interred in the Ruckman cemetery, near Millpoint, the service being conducted from the Oak Grove Church by his pastor, Rev. J. K. Fleming • The deceased was a son of the late John J. and Susan Thomas Kellison. His first wife was Margaret Cloonan, and they were the parents of six children. Surviving their parents arc Mrs. Mary Weiford, John S. Kellison, Fred Kellison, and Grace. The second Mrs Kellison survives her husband. George Kellison George Kellison, 80, died Mon day February SjO, 1961. in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Born at Buckeye, July 12,1880, he was the son of Clark and Catherine Duffield Kellison. Surviving him is one sister, Mrs Lucy Edmiston. of Shelton, Washington. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Swago Methodist Church by the Rev Ezra Bennett, with burial in the Cloonan Cemetery. John Clifton Kellison John Clifton Kellison, 82, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Saturday, February 18,1984, in Camelot Hall Nursing Home in Arlington, Virginia. He was born August 16, 1901, in Mountain Grove, Virginia, the son of John F. and Brassie H. Bird Kellison. He was a retired private landscaper. His wife, Gay Launa Kellison, preceded him in death. Surviving him are one son, Paul Clifton Kellison, of Hot Springs, Virginia; one daughter, Thelma Kellison, of Staunton, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Guibao, of Washington, D. C, and Miss Grace Kellison, of Winchester, Virginia; one brother, Roy Kellison, of Ravenna, Ohio; and two grandsons. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at McLaughlin Funeral Home by the Rev. Leonard Arnold, with burial in Mountain Grove Cemetery. Mr. Kellison was an uncle of Neal Kellison, of Marlinton.


Harry G. Kellison

Harry G. Kellison, 52, of Columbus, Ohio, p.sspd away April 20, 1975 after a long illness. He was born April 30, 1922. at BucKeye, the son of Mrs. Iva Kellison of Beard and the late Ben Kellison. He professed faith in Christ at an early age. Other survivors include his wife, Pat, and two brothers, Elbert and James, both of Hillsboro. He was a graduate of Hillsboro High School, attended Concord College, and was a veteran of World War II. He was employed as an engineer for the Penn Central Railroad. Funeral services were held at Miller's Funeral Home n Grove City, Ohio, on April 24. Burial was at Aldelphia. Sadie 0 . Kellison Sadie 0 . Kellison, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died on Wednesday morning, March 14, 1984, after a long illness. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 pm Thursday at the McLaughlin Funeral Home in Hot Springs, Virginia. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 11 am. Word was received recently of the death of Mrs. Lucy Kellison Edminston, of Shelton, Washington, on August 28, 1967. She leaves several children to mourn her passing. Mrs. Edminston was the daughter of the late Clark and Catherine Duffield Kellison. She, with her family, moved to the State of Washington in 1908. Ray Ke. ?''»; ag.-j forty-fcti years' died at 1hi* borne In llK&incaa,. Virginia, after '& short illness of appo plexy, Saturday morning Ju"e 8. 1940. His body was interred a '"or est Lawn Cemetery Sunday afternoon* The decaased was the eldest, child of Mr and Mrs Porter Ke'lison, of Swa, go. His sisters are M s Ni He Hefner and Mrs W. H. Rogers; his brothers are Clarence and Forrest TCeillson. He was a soldier in the Wo*ld War Mr Kellison married Miss Clara Cato, of Richmond. She aad -thijir-four children survive. DIED Stopher Kellison died at a hospital in Ronceverte on Tuesday, December 27. 1921. In August he was terribly injured by a log at the tunnel above Marlinton while working in the woods. His age was about 40 years. He is survived by his wife and a larfce family.

Sadie Ovilla Kellison Sadie Ovilla Kellison, 64, of Warm Springs, Virginia, died Wednesday, March 14,1984, at King's Daughters' Hospital in Staunton, Virginia. She was born March 8,1920, in Mountain Grove, a daughter of the late Arthur and Cready Jones Beard. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jesse F. Kellison, on December 21, 1957. She is survived by a son, Jimmy Kellison, Hot Springs, who is employed by Marlinton Motor Sales; four daughters, Mrs. Patricia McLaughlin, of Warm Springs, Mrs. Joan McGlaughlin and Mrs. Carol Harris, of Churchville, Virginia, and Mrs. Betty Cash, of Lynchburg, Virginia; two half-sisters, Mrs. Madeleine Matthews, of Hot Springs, and Mrs. Alice Dyke, of Harrisonburg, Virginia; a brother, Bud Beard, of Philadelphia; nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 11 a. m. Friday in Mountain Grove Cemetery by the Rev. .Leonard Arnold. Mrs. W. R. Kellison Mrs. Lillie McLaughlin Kellison, 79, died Tuesday, May 15, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. She was the widow of W. R. "Bill" Kellison and the mother of Neal Kellison. Services will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

John S. Kellison

John Snowmen Kellison, 84, of Hillsboro, died Friday, M a y 7, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Kellison was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church and a 1915 graduate of West Virginia Wesleyan College. He started his long coachin g career at Wheeling High School and then moved into the collegiate ranks a t West Virginia Wesleyan, Marietta (Ohio) College, Washington & Jefferson University, William & Mary College, Richmond University, Virginia Tech, and Washington & Lee University. Kellison finished his coaching career with two National Football League teams, the Philadelphia Eagles and the old Chicago Cardinals. After coaching, Kellison was elder emeritus of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, and did some farming in his native Pocahontas County. He was a veteran of World War I and a Mason. Surviving are his widow, Clarice Kennison Kellison, of Hillsboro, and daughter, Mrs. Robert B. White, of Honolulu, Hawaii. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Oik Grove Presbyterian Church a t Hillsboro, the Rev. Cecil Dalton officiating, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Ruth Kellison Mrs. Ruth McNeill Dean Kellison, 70, of Hillsboro, died Friday, September 7, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a Methodist. Mrs. Kellison is survived by her husband, Howard H. Kellison, and a brother, Walter Dean, of Hillsboro. . Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Jim Anderson, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.


Mrs. Iva Kellison Mrs. Iva Taylor Kellison, 81, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, October 17, 1985, in Denmar Hospital after a year's illness. She was a member of Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Ben F. Kellison, preceded her in death. Born February 15, 1904, in Renick, she was the daughter of the late John and Rachael Cochran Taylor. Surviving her are two sons, Elbert and James Kellison, both of Hillsboro; two sisters, Sally Gabbert, of Hillsboro, and Lottie Daniels, of Renick; seven grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Services were held at 1 p. m. Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Slawter, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Fred B. Kellison

Fred B. Kellison, age 74 years, 7 months and 2 days, died February 24, 1965, in Kalama, Washington. Mr. Kellison was born (July 22, 1890) and reared on the) Greenbrier River between Buck! eye and Watoga. Services were held February 27 in the Kalama Methodist Church by the Rev. Donald Larson, with burial in the Kalama I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery. Baby Kellison

Graveside services were held Monday afternoon by the Rev. Cecil Dalton, in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro, for infant Susan Carol, daughter of James and Sarah Kellison, of Beard, who died at birth Sunday, May 4, 1969.

Lilly Sharp Kellison Mrs. Lilly Sharp Kellison, age 93, died Saturday, March 4, 1995, at her home in Marlinton after a long illness. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, Edray Extension Homemakers Club, former member of the Daughters of American Revolution, and member of Pocahontas County Historical Society. After two years in college she taught a while in Pocahontas County schools before her marriage. Preceding her in death were her husband, Clarence Kellison; a brother, Gay Sharp; and two sisters, Beatrice Ratliff and Bettie Clay Sharp. She was die last of her immediate family. Surviving her are two sons, Jack B. Kellison, of Bartow, and Robert C. Kellison, of Raleigh, North Carolina; Uiree daughters, Norma Jean VanReenan, of Beckley, Lucy C. Moore, of Marlinton, and Rose E. Kordes, of Cape Coral, Florida; 15 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church on Monday at 2 p. m. by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Marlinton Presbyterian Church or Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Building Fund.

Mrs. Daisy M. Kidd f Mrs. Daisy M. Kidd, 80. of Covington, Virginia, died Saturday, March 9, 1963, in the Hoffman Nursing Home, Clifton Forge, Virginia. Mrs. Kidd was born January 22, 1883, in Edray, the daughter of the late Clark and Phoebe McAllister Mann. She had spent most of her life in the Covington community and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Byron H. Kidd preceded her in death November 19, 1958. She is survived by two sons, Lou Homer Kidd, Covington and Byron M. Kidd, Cliftondale Park, Clifton Forge, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. S. S. Harter and Mrs. Betty Kidd, both of Covington, Virginia; and three grandchildren, Eddie Patricia, and Marilyn Kidd all of Route 1. Funeral services were held in the Loving Funeral Home Chapel on Tuesday, March 12, by the Rev. Guy Saunders.! Interment was in the Cedar i Hill Cemetery. I Among those attending the j funeral of Mrs. Daisy Kidd were Mrs. Daisy Criser, of Charleston*. Mrs. Reid Moore, Mrs. Woodrow Mann and daughter, df Marlinton. Cyrus Lee Kidd

Cyrus Lee Kidd, 66, died Thursday, November 8, 1973, at Marlinton. He was born at Jumping Branch, June 10,1907, the son of the late Letcher M. and Olive Bennett Kidd. Surviving him are seven children: Mary Lee Roden, El Monte, California, Anna Lou Kirchner, Holley, New York, Harold, Manuel and Benny, of Tucson, Arizona, Don, of North Ridge, California, and Terry, Burgensville, New Jersey; fiN teen grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren; also the following sisters, and brothers; Mrs. Clarice Doss, of Man, Mrs. Margie Landis, of Marlinton, Mrs. Kathleen Toney, of Oceana, Mrs. Mary Cutlip, Hillsboro, Leffort Kidd, of Plainfield, New Jersey, Eugene Kidd, of Alderson. Funeral services were held on Sunday November 11, at the home of Clyde Cutlip by Rev. Pbillipson and Rev. School craft with burial in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick.

Edwin Vandervort King, 73, of Charleston, died Thursday, July 21, 1960, in the Kanawha Valley Hospital after a brief illness. Born at Linwood, he was the son of the late E. D. and Maggie Vandervort King. He had been a resident of Charleston since 1903 and before his retirement in 1955 was manager of the West Virginia Inspection Bureau. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Pauline McConihay King, two sons Edwin V. King, Jr., and Paul M. King, of Charleston; a daughter, Mrs. A. V. Weghe, of Parkersburg; six grandchildren; a Kisterr Mrs. T. -Q. Anderson, of Marlinton. and a brother, W. B. King of Winterpock, Virginia. Services were held Saturday morning in Barlow-Bonsall Funera! Home by Rev. Joseph Richards with burial in Sunset Memorial Park. Hirry Kisf\C--/E$.

Harry Hunter King, 70, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, August 10, 1977, in Denmar State Hospital after several years' illness. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Born at Alvon, November 11, 1906, he was the son of the late Henry G. and Betty Scott King. Is ^-"" Surviving him are his wife. Delphia Grimes King, a brother. Ira King, of Elkins, and a. sister, Margie King, of Marlinton. Services were held Friday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard L. Newkirk with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.



W. B. King William Blakely King, Sr., 90, died Saturday, April 29, 1967, in Stuart Circle Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. Mr. King, formerly of Marlinton, made his home with his nieces, Mrs. Elizabeth Hankins Brown and Mrs. Louise Hankins Leaf, a t Winterpock, Virginia, for the past thirteen years. He was born in Fairmont December 14, 1876, the son of Edwin Dorsey and Mary Margaret Vandervort King. His wife. Mrs. Georgia Ligon King, two sisters, Miss Annie King and Mrs. Emma Anderson, and two brothers, Frank and Ted King, preceded him in death. His son, W. B. King, Jr., and a grandson survive him. Funeral services were held in St. John's Episcopal Church in Marlinton Monday morning hy the Rev. Frederick Dennis, with burial in the Ligon family cemetery a t Clover Lick.

Mrs. Mildred McNeill Kee, widow of the late Aaron Kee, died at hei home near Marlinton on Wednesday afternoon, April 19,- 1922, aged 7 years, having been born March 1, 1846. The cause of her death was paralysis. On the morning of her death she had been busy with her' accustomed duties, and as the morn-1 ing meal was being prepared, she be-1 came unconscious and never rallied. B'irial on Thursday afternoon in the Buckley burying ground, beside the grave of her husband the late Aaron Kee, conducted by Rev, C. A. Powers, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Kee was a daughter of the j late Jonathan McMeill and Angelina 1 Adkison, his wife. Of her father's family there remain her sister Mrs. I John Buckley, and her brothers. Asa, Wiiliam, Daniel, Enoch and Ulysses McNeill. Mrs. Kee's husband was the late Aaron Kee, who preceded his wife to the grave thirteen years ago. Their children are Dr. O H. Kee, of Marlinton; Mrs. James I. Beverage, of Sequiem, Washington; Mrs. D. P. Barnes, Mrs. W. A. McLaughlin, Miss Viola Kee and Cresup Kee, all of Marlinton. The annals of Mrs. Kee are those of the kind christian mother and busy Mrs, Lucy Jane King homekeeper. She was a member of Mrs. Lucy Jane King, 78, the Methodist Church. ''Her children rise up and call her of Cass, died Saturday, June blessed." 6. 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Earl Kee She was a member of the Earl Kee, 77, died ThursCass United Methodist Church day, September 4, 1969, at his Survivors include one son, apartment in the Bank of Eugene King, of Cass. Marlinton Building. Funeral services were held Born at Marlinton FebruTuesday afternoon in the Cas3 ary 18, 1892, he was the son United Methodist Church by of George and Rachel Moore the Rev. Kenneth MontgomKee. ery and the Rev. Tnomas E. He was the last of his family, Henderson, with burial in the a brother, 'and three sisters Sheets Family Cemetery at Clarence Kee, Mrs. Mary HooGreen Bank. ver, Mrs. Bess Blackhurst, and Mrs. Letz Roake; and a haifbrother Lock Kee, and a half j Frank P. King sister, Mrs. Eliza Byers, having preceded him in death. Frank P. King, aged 63 years, ^ wone „dau_ died at his home in Marlinton on Surviving M him MI are ghter, Mrs; Betsy"^Owensby, ' 5 * t u rday evening, November 4, of Arlington, Virginia, and 1»*5. after a lingering illness. On three step-children, Lewis Gay, l ««»day morning the funeral ser- j of Buckeye, Mrs. Polly Dilley vice was held from the home by j and John Gay, of Arlington, h » s l ^ t o r , Rev O. G. Olsen, of j Virginia. /2L_ • ^ P , S C 0 P a l Church. Burial was in the family plot in Mt. View j Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Van- Cemetery. Reenen Funeral Home by the The pall bearers were Mayor Rev. Don Wood with burial JS11"1 s j? ee . t8 » ljewey Stemple, I Harry Cochran, Senator Fred Alin the Kee Cemetery. jlen, Walter Shafer, and Fred Mc-j i Laughlin. The deceased was a son of the 1 (late E. D. and Mary Margaret Vandervort King. His brothers 'are W. B.'and E. D. King; his sisters are Miss Annie E. King and Mrs. T. C. Anderson. T Mr. King- m « » ' " ^ "*l -Mvtr


Delphla G. King Delphia G. King, 76, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, November 13, 1985, in Humana Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Falrlea, after a long Illness. Born February 16, 1909, she was the daughter of the late Walter and Ada Hogsett Grimes. She was a retired clek and a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Survivors include one brother, Ellis Grimes, of HuntersviOe; three sisters, Mrs. Leah McLaughlin, of Cass, Mrs. Euva Day, of Belington, and Mrs. Georgene CutUp, of Hillsboro; and nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry King. - Services were held by Rev. Richard Newkirk at 2 p. m. on Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Br. Carl H. King

Dr. Carl H. King, formerly of Salisbury, North Carolina, and one of the deans of Christian Education in National Methodism, died June 27,1967, in S'atesville, North Carolina. Dr. King's wife is the former Mary E^kridge; he is a'so survived by two sons, Carl and William. He was 69. Funeral services were held at the Broad Street Methodist Church in Statesville, with Bishop Earl G. Hunt, Jr., offici ating. Dr. King was buried in the Hickory Grove Cemetery in Charlotte. Both Carl and Mary King were well known in the NorthCarolina Conference for their fine leadership in religious education. Mrs. King will make her home for the summer at Lake Junaluska, P . O . Box 245, North Carolina 28545. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Eskridge attended the funeral serv ice and visited with Charles Eskridge in Charlotte, over the weekend. WIRiin U Kraft J. William de Krafft, of Richmond, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died Monday, May 23,1983, in a Richmond hoipital after a long illneii. His wife is the former Kathleen Hill, of Hillsboro. Graveside services were held in Amelia, Virginia, on Tutiday.

can n . moo Mrs. Olive Mariah Kidd


Mrs. Olive Mariah Kidd, 76, formerly of Beard, died SunIday, February 21, 1965, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Willard Toney, at Oceana, after a long illness. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bennett, of Jumping Branch, she was a member of the Jumping Branch Baptist Church. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Willard Toney, oi" Oceana, Mrs. Robert Doss, of Man, Mrs. Roy Landis, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Clyde Cutlip, of Warm Springs, Virginia; three sons, Cyrus Kidd, rfi North Hollywood, California, Leffort Kidd, of Beard, r.,nd Eugene Kidd, of Maxwel-' 'ion; two brothers; four sisters; twenty nine grandchildren, and twenty eight great-grand children. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Jack K. Wallace Chapel in Lewisburg by the Rev. Norman H. Harless. Burial was in the Morningside Cemetery, Renick

Earl W. Kidd, 71, ot Ma> welton, died Saturday, Octobe. 4, 1980, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital of a heart attack. Born November 1,1908, in Pocahontas County, he was the son of the late Franklin P. and Julia K. Kidd. Mr. Kidd was a member of the United Methodist Church and attended Old Stone Presbyterian Church in Lewisburg, a member of the Lewisburg Rotary Club, Lewisburg Lodge Number 1758, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, past president of Greenbrier County Youth Camp, Board of Trustees, member of the Board of Directors, Bank of White Sulphur Springs, founder and past president of Kidd Truck and Implement Company in Fairlea, and was a farmer and stockman.

Mrs. Mary Ella Kessler Mrs. Mary Ella Kessler, aged 80 years, died at 4:00 a. m., on Monday morring, December 4, 1950, at her home near Cass. She bad been iil for two weeks and in declining health for the past several months. C^" Born in Pocahontas County in 1870, she spent her entire lifej here. She was a life long mem-i ber of the Methodist Church. Her husband, Henry L. Kessler, preceded her in death May 10, 1931. Funeral services were held from the home on Wednesday after- J noon by the Rev. Q. R. Arbogast and the Rev. A. L. Tenney and burial was made in the WaniessCemetery. Surviving are four sons: Price Kessler, Pearl Kessler, Warren Kessler, all of Cass, and Dice Kessler, of Arbovale; two daughters. Mrs. Mary K. Brown, of Cass and Mrs. F. J. Haptonstall, of East Rainelle; one brother, Thomas Cassell, of Cass, and several grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. We are sad within our memory Lonely are our hearts today For the one we loved so dearly Has forever been called away. We think of her in silence, No eye may see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep.

Survivors include his wife, Virginia R. Kidd at home; four daughters, Mrs. Robert (Linda) Rodgers, of Ronceverte, Ms. Charlotte Kidd, of Roanoke, Virginia, Mrs. William E. (Sara) Irons, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Mark B. (Susan) Goode, of Huddleston, VirLetcher M. Kidd ginia; one sister, Mrs. Motie Letcher M. Kidd was born Poague, of Dallas, Texas; four June 18, 1881, and died on Tues- grandchildren. day, May 8, 1956. He had been Memorial services were held in failing health for a number of Monday, at 11 a. m., at the Old years. Stone Presbyterian Church in He and Olive Bennett were Lewisburg with Dr. Thomas united in marriage in Oct' her 17, j Apperson and the,Rev. Dean 1906. To this union were bom Veltman'ofnciating. Burial was three sons and four daughters. in Rosewood Cemetery, LewGyrus Kidd, of Niagara Falls, sburg, Mew York; Leffort and Eugene Kidd, of Beard; Mrs. Robert MRS. SARAH E. KIDD Doss, of Applachia, Virginia; Mrs. Roy Landis, of Buckeye; Mrs. L. O. Simmons was called Mrs. Willard Toney, of Oceana; to Churchviile, Virginia or. Thursind Mrs. Clyde Cutlip, of Warm day by the death of her mother. Springs, Virginia. Mrs. Sarah E. Kidd, aged 84 years He is survived by his wife, and widow of the late Stuart B. Kidd. seven children, twenty five grand The funeral was held from the children, nine great grand child- Cburehville Methodist Church on ren. Two brothers and four Saturday afternoon. asters: Frank Kidd, of Lewisburg; Charlie Kidd, of Becklty; Mrs. Rosie Short, of Prosperity; Mrs. Bertha Kidd, of Crow; Mrs. Sffie Patton, of Blaner; and Mrs. Gertrude Danials, of Washington, D. C. He was a member of the Sharon Methodist Church of which he was Superintendent of the Church school for a number of /ears. He was known as a man who loved his Lord, and above ail else he lived an hones*- upright christain life and remained true to the end. We feel t h a t our loss is heaven's gar ,


HarofcT roTT Leonard Kesler was born on March S, 1922, and died on Sep tember 11, 1940. His age was 18 yeais, (i months and 2 days Harold leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, Mr and Mrs Pearl Kesler; two sisters, Alleene and Audrey; three brothers, Ralph, Paul and Gene. He also leaves to mourn his sudden ind tragic death his grandfather, Allen Galford, two grandmothers and \ a large circle of relatives and friends Harold was a bright, popular and ndustrious young man; a graduate of the Greenbank High School In the class of 1939. He had been employed j in lumbering In the state of Massachusetts for the past several months Funeral services were conducted en last Sunday afternoon at 2:80 p. m., from Wanless Methodist Church on Back Mountain by Rev. J. T. Pharr, of Cass, assisted by Rev. Mr. Wriston, of Arbovale, and Rev. Quade R. Arbogast, of Greenbank, Floral offerings were very beautiful and numerous. A very large crowd attended the funeral services of this papular young man Sunday,


Mrs. Minnie Kesler

Mrs. Minnie Susan Kesler, S, of Cass, died Sunday, July , 1968, in an Elkins hospital fter a long illness. Funeral services will be held 'hursday afternoon at 2:00 p . 1. in the Wanless Methodist •hurch by the Rev. David tittenbouse with burial in the Vanless Cemetery. Pearl A. Kesler

Pearl Arthur Kesler, 73, of Cas>s, died Thursday, August 24, 1972, at his home after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Casa, a member of the Wanless United Methodist Church, and was a retired school bus driver and farmer. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Alieene Marsh, of Baltimore, Maryland,and Mrs. Audrey Ellingwood, of Sacramento, California; two sons, Gene and Paul Kesler, both of Cass; one stepson, Ralph Kesler, of Akron, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Haptonstall, of Rainelle; thirteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Wanless United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kyle Sawyer, with burial in the Wanless Cemetery

mos Samuel Kesler IOS Samuel (Dice) Kesler, 59 years old, of Arbuvale, died Sundi.v night, October 25, 1953 He had been ill for several months. On Tuesday afternoon bis- body was laid in the Arbovale Cemetery. The ecrvice was from the Arbovale Methodist Church by bis pastor, Rev. C. E Winkler. The deceased W8S a son of the late Henry Kesler, of Back Alle peroi s store business at Arbovale. George Kessler

^ ( ^

George Warren Kessler, 57, of Cass, died on Tuesday, June 13,, 1961, in Baltimore, Maryland, after a short illness. He was a mechanic. Survivors include a sister, MrsMinnie Hapenspall, of Rainelle; two brothers, Price Kessler and Pearl Kessler, both of Cass. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Wanless Me thodist Church with the Rev. Lizzie Kesier, widow of the late John A. Helms in charge. Burial George W. Kesler died Tuesday April was in the Wanless Cemetery. 15th, 1924 at tha home of her daugheer Mrs. Mus McLaughlin, near Dunmore, she had invalid for a William K. Kesler number of years, her body was laid to rest in the family cemetery WedWilliam K. Kesler, 23, of nesday evening the 16th. funeral Green Bank, died Tuesday, services wpre conducted by Rev. L September 25, 1984, in a truck S. Shires. accident near Iron Gate, Virgin! Born October 16, 1960, at Earl E. King Marlinton, he was the son of I Earl E. King, 62. of Ronce- Gene and Alice Meeks Kesler, verte, died Tuesday, July 30, of Green Bank. 1957, in the Greenbrier Valley He was a lifeHospi al from a head injury re- long resident of Green Bank ceived in a fall from a bridge at and was employed by the Blue Sulphur Springs the week Interstate Lumber Company. before. He is survived by his In addition to his parents, he wife, Esta, one daughter, and is survived by a brother, Fredthree sons; two brothers, Norman erick Kesler, of Green Bank, King, of Partola, California, and his maternal grandmother, md Eugene King, of Cass; and Mrs. Edith Meeks, of Stony lis step-mother, Mrs. Lucy King, Bottom. rf Cass. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the W a n l e s s United Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Mack Hickman, with burial in Wanless Cemetery.


Mrs. Minnie Kesler

Mrs. Minnie Susan Kesler, 68, of Cass, died Sunday, July 7, 1968, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. /"» Born December 21, 1899, at Cass, she was the oldest daughter of the late Allen and Alice Sutton Galford. She was a member of the Wanless Methodist Church on Back Mountain and a member of the Farm Women's Club for many years. Mrs. Kesler was preceded in death by one son, Harold Kesler, in September, 1940. Survivors include her husband, Pearl Kesler; two daughters, Mrs. Alleene Marsh, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Audrey Ellingwood, of Sacramento, California; three sons, Ralph Kesler, of Akron, Ohio. Gene and Paul Kesler, both of Cass; one sister, Mrs. Mabel Thomas, of Cass; thirteen, grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in the Wanlesa Cemetery. r

Mrs. Priee Kesler^

Mrs Minnie Ellen Kesler, 69, of Cass, died at her home on Tuesday, April 21, 1964. She was a member of the Wanless Methodist Church and had lived at Cass for ten years. Survivors include her husband, Price Kesler; one daughter, Mrs. Viola Sharp, of Harrisonburg. Virginia; one son, Glen Conrad Kesler, of Valley Head, one sister, Mrs. Mary Ware, of Akron, Ohio, one brother, Walter Snyder, of Mingo, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incoir~ , Q f " -"s we go to press. Price Kesler

Price Kesler, 74, of Cass, | died Thursday, June 17, 1965, | in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short; illness. He was a lifelong resident of i Cass, and a retired farmer. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Minnie Haptonstall, and one brother, Pearl Kesler, both of Cass. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Wanless Methodist Church. Burial i was in the Wanless Cemetery •on Back Mountain.

Quillie R. Kincaid Mrs. Sherman C. Kincaid VICKIE MARIE KINCAID Quillie R. "Bill" Kincaid, 608 Vickie M a r i e Kincaid, three, Mrs. Barbara Ella Cutlip KinRidge Street, McKeesport, caid, aged 73 years, 1 month and month old daughter et David and .Pennsylvania, aged 59, died at 26 days, died at her home on Mary Kincaid of Marlinton, died 2:15 a. m. Saturday morning, Douthards Creek, on Saturday, Sunday morning, October 2!), 1961 December 26, 1959, in the Poca- September 26, 1942. She had in her homeQL^Y<^ hontas Memorial Hospital of a been in failing health for several O t h e r survivors include two heart attack after a two-weeks months. On Tuesday afternoon illness. He was a construction the funeral service was conducted brothers, Jackie and Tjnrry, and worker before he retired seven i from the Methodist Church at a sister, Julia Darene Kincaid, years ago due to a heart condi- Huntersville by her pastor, Rev. all at home. The funeral was conducted in tion. L. E. Savalle. She was laid to the Mmint Zion Methodist Chnrch rest in the Curry cemetery, at Mr. Kincaid was a charter at Huntersville at 2 :30 p.m. Tuos_ member of the Moose Lodge of i Huntersville. day with the Rev. itex Ball in Summersvilie and a member of j The deceased was a daughter of the 1. O . O . F. of Radford, Vir- the late John F. and Mary Jane charge. Bnrial was in Mount Zion ginia. Cutlip, of Greenbrier County, Cemetery. Born on Douthards Creek who preceded her to the prave Hudson Lynn Kincaid March 11, 1900, he was a son of several years ago. She was born Hudson Lynn Kincaid, 67, was the late Sherman Clark and Ella at Falling Springs, Greenbrier found dead at his home near MinCutlip Kincaid. County, on July 28, 1869. nehaha Springs Wednesday, April Surviving him are his wife, She is survived by her husband, 20, 1960, where he lived alone. Mrs. Marie Busch Kincaid of Mc- Sherman Clark Kincaid and the Keesport, Pennsylvania: three following children: Mrs. Pearl He had died several days before sisters, Mrs. Pearl Miller, of Hills- Miller, Hillsborc; Mrs. Verdi- from a heart attack. Born in Greenbrier County boro, Mrs. Verdie Fisher, of Fisher, Huntersville; Moody KiuHuntersville, and Mrs. Jewell? caul, of McKeesport, Pennsylva- May 2, 1892, he was a son of the Hale, of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, nia; Quillie Kincaid, Baraboo, late Sherman C. and Barbara and three brothers, Lynn Kin- Wisconsin; Parley Kincaid, Xeola: Cutlip Kincaid. I e was a vetcaid, of Minnehaha Springs, G. Lynn Kincaid and Miss Jewelle eran of World War I and a Mason M. Kincaid, of North Fort " l yers Surviving him are two brothers, Kincaid, at home. One daughter, Florida, and Parley Kincaid, ol Mabel Beulah, preceded her to Parley Kincaid of Neola and G.| Neola. the grave fourteen y»ars ago. She M. Kincaid of Fort Myers, Flor-| ishlso survived I by one sister, ida; three sisters, Mrs. H. G. Services were held Monday night at 8:00 p. m. in the Smith Mrs. Dora Cutlip, of Craigsville, Fisher, Huntersville; Mrs. C. M. Wjest Virginia; three brothers, Hale, Tyrone, Pennsylvania and Funeral Home by the Rev. L. E Albert Cutlip, of Spice: Robert C. Mrs. G. C. Miller, of Hillsboro. Saville. The body was take Cutlip, of Belmont, Virginia; W. Tuesday to the Hunter Edmund Funeral services were held Sunson Striffler Funeral Home in C. Cutlip, of Maryland and six day afternoon in the Huntersville Methodist Church by the Rev. McKeesport, where further ser- grandchildren. L. E. Saville, with burial in the vice will be held Thursday afterHuntersville Cemetery. noon, with burial at McKeesDort George David Kiscai Mr. and Mrs. John. Garth Van George David Kincaid, age 87 Reenen, of Hot Springs, ^Virginia, Frank Doyle Kincaid announce the birth of their first 'years, of Durbin, died on MonFrank Doyle Kincaid, 66, of day, December 9, 1957, in the Huntersville, died Sunday, child, a daughter, who has been named Becky Ann, and was born jtlolden Memorial Hospital, at April 28, 1985, of heart failure on Monday, May 29, 1961, m the iElkins. in Alleghany Regional Hospital Community House Hospital, at Survivors include five sons: Vic- in Lowmoor, Virginia. Hot Springs. Gilbert Van Reen- ;to. of Akron, Ohio; Harry, of He had retired about four en, of Marlinton, is the paternal jTronesla, Pennsylvania; George, years ago with a heart condition grandfather, and Mr. and Mrs ;of Leonardstown, Maryland; Rex after 21 years service as a rural Lacy Ford, of Hot Springs, are Kent, Ohio; and Clifford, c mail carrier. He was a veteran thejmaternaLgra.ndparente. , ..oodtown, New Jersey; twodau of World War II. ghters, Mrs. Mona Arbogast, o Born August 2, 1918, at Miss Edith Kincaid Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Huntersville, he was the son of Miss Edith White Kincaid, of Mrs. Ollie Schwavburg, of BaltiFrankford, died Monday, April more, Maryland; one brother, Frank Raymond Kincaid and 18, 1960, at her home after a Woody, of Reno, Nevada: two Florence Doyle Kincaid. His long illness. She was a member sisters, Mrs. Cora Myers, of La parents and a stepson, Hal of Frankford Presbyterian Church • Jrande, Oregon, and Mrs. Myrtle 1 Wanless, preceded him in and a retired school teacher. Hughes, of Morgantown; fifteen death. Surviving him arp his wile, Surviving her are a sister, Miss grandchildren and eight great Ella Pearl Kincaid, and a Byrna Kincaid, of Frankford, and grandchildren. a nephew, Carl G. Beard, of He was a member of the Elks stepson, Richard Wanless, of Raleigh, North Carolina. She bodge No. 33, at Sistersville, and Marlinton, and one grandwas a sister of the late Mrs. Tom the Darbin Methodist Church. child. Beard, of Mill Point. Services were held at 2 p. m. The funeral services were conFuneral services were held Wed ducted on Wednesday afternoon Wednesday in VanReenen Fun'nesday afternoon in the Frank- in th< Durbin Methodist Church eral Home by the Rev. Gary ford Presbyterian Church with with the Rev. W. E. Kelly in Jarrell and Rev. Willis CornelDr. James W. Wright and the charge. Burial waa made in the ius, with burial in Huntereville Rev. Horace T. Allen officiating. ArbovaTe Cemeter" Cemetery. Burial was in the Frankford Cemetery.

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Wilson Kintiid Wilson Kincaid, 64, of Scarbro, died Sunday, March 8, 1981, in a Beckley Hospital, after a long illness. Born June 21, 1916, in Mt. Hope, he was the son of the late Samuel E. and Katy McGary Kincaid. Mr. Kincaid was a member of the Maple Fork Baptist Church, a disabled employee of Amigo Smokeless Coal Co., and a member of the United Mine Workers of America ana the Fayette County REACT. Survivors include his wife, Hallie Rakes Kincaid; two daughters, Mrs. Linda Ann Wallace, of Tampa, Florida, and Miss Janet Marie Kincaid, ofScarbro; «x brothers, Sam Kincaid, Jr., of Los Angeles, California, Delmas Kincaid, oi Marlinton, Robert E. and ThomaB Kincaid, both ot Mount Hope, Gamalia Kincaid, of Beckley, and Phillip, of Charmco; two sisters, Mrs. Mrs. Allene Shumate Kineaid Mrs. Allene Shumate Kineaid, 49, of Durbin, died Wednesday, November 16, 1966, at Seaford, Delaware. She had spent most of her life at Durbin and the past seven years at Seaford. She was a member of the Saint John Methodist Church at Seaford and the Women's Society of Christian Service. Survivors include her husband, Gilford Kincaid, and 3 •sons, Thomas, Richard and Harry Kincaid, all of Seaford. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Durbin Methodist Church by f he Rev. Romie Edgell with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Moody Kincaid Moody Kincaid, of 1261 Hibiscus Drive, North Fort Myers, Florida, died Monday, August 6, 1973. Born at Minnehaha Springs, he was a son of the late Sherman C. and Barbara Ella Cutlip Kincaid. He moved from Pocahontas County to Herminie, Pennsylvania, in 1948. He was a retired superintendent for Baltimore Life Insurance Company. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bessie Kincaid; one sister, Mrs. Pearl Miller, of Hillsboro, one brother, Parley Kincaid, of Neola, and several nieces and nephews. Services were held Thursday morning in the North Fort Myers Memorial Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the Fort Myers Cemetery. Miss Byrna Clark Kincaid Miss Byrna Clark Kincaid, of Frankford, died in a Ronceverte hospital on Wednesday, February 14, 1962. A daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. James R. Kincaid, she was a member of the Frank ford Presbyterian Church, Women of the Church, Farm Woman's Club, and was a lifelong resident of Frankford. Her only survivor is a nephew, Carl G. Beard, of Raleigh, North Carolina. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon in the Frankford Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Horace P. Allen and Dr. James W. Wright in charge. Burial was in the Frankford Cemetery. Miss Kincaid was a si;t j .r of the late Mrs. Tom Beard, of Mill Point.


S. C. Kincaid


Sherman Clark Kincaid, aged 84 vears, 11 months and 18 days, died at his home on Donthards Creek on Saturday January 1, 194-1, after a short illness. The deceased was a son of the late Samuel Clark arid Barbsra Ann Wagoner Kincaid of Virginia On October 10, 1892 he was united in marriage to Barbara Ella Cutlip, who preceded him to the grave one .year ago. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Pearl Miller, Hillsboro; Mrs. Verdie Fisher, Huntersville; Moody Kincaid, Mc Keesports, Penn.; Arlcy Kineaid, Neola; Lynn, Quilla and Jewell Kincaid, at home; one daughter, Mabel Beulab; preceded him to the grave fifteen years ^go. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs Mary B. May, of Healing Springs, Virginia, and six grandchildren. Ou Tuesday, January 4. funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church at Huntersville, by Rev. L. E. Saville. Ik was laid to rest in the Curry cemetery at Huntersville. He was a life long christian, a fond father and kind neighbor: an honest, uptight citizen.

Charles V. Kincaid Charles V. Kincaid, 75 years, of 1603 Brown Street, Akron, Ohio, passed away April 4, 1975. He retired from the B. F . Goodrich Company after 44 years of service. He formerly worked as a foreman of Miller Rubber Company. Born in Durbin, he was the son of George and Mattie Kincaid. He was a resident of Akron, Ohio, since 1920. * Survived by wife, C l e o G . : brothers, Harry, of Tionesta, Pennsylvania; Leonard, of Hollywood, Maryland; Rex, of Marlinton; Clifford, of Wilmington, North Carolina; sisMrs. Haivey Kincaid ters, Mrs. Monah Arbogast, of piFn | Mrs. Nora Sullivan Kincaid, Newport, Pennsylvania, and Samuel Lewis Kini-.J ageu 81 yrs., 74, of Charleston, died Novem-" M r s . Ollie Schwarberg of Milber 1Z, 1957, in the Kanawha. died at his home at Rochelle, Texas, lersburg, Maryland. January 11. 1934. He was a native Val'cy Hospital after a long iII— A 50 year member of Henry rv.'ss. Services were held in the of Pocahontas County, leaving here Perkins Lodge No. 611 F & in 1874. His parents were the late Sacred Heart Catholic Church by AM Valley of Akron Scottish Samuel C. and Barbara Wagner Kin; Father Aurelius Nickel, with caid of Minnehaha Springs. His wife burial in Sunset Memorial Park Rite, Tadmore Temple Shrine. died several years since. They are at South Charleston. A member of Firestone Park survived by their two daughters in Baptist Church for 33 years. She is survived by her husband; Texas. Brothers of the deceased are Masonic services were held Sherrran C. Kincaid, of Minnehaha; one daughter, Mrs. Claude B. Andrew.1. Kinaaid, of Wallace, W. Smith; one sister, Miss Annie Sunday evening. Funeral servVa., and his sister is Mrs. Mary Belle Sullivan; all of Charleston; one ices were held Monday at 1:00 May, of Falling Spring, Virginia. brother, David Sullivan, of Lo- a t Fire Park Baptist Church, with Rev. V. Wesley Jenkins His walk and conversation showed belia, and two grandchildren. to the world that lie traveled the officiating. Interment GreenMrs. Kincaid was the daughter paths of peace. How blessed the lawn Memorial Park. of the late David and Mary -righteous when he sinks, a weary soui iort$l: *low mi'dly beams his closing Sullivan and the family lived in Marlinton for many years. look to bid the long farewell.

GEORGE D. KINCAIDT^/ George D. Kincaid, age 87, f'ied in an Ellfins Hospital Sunday, December 8, 1957. His wife, Mattie B. Kincaid, preceedc: him in death in 1943. He is survived by five sons and two daughters, Victor, of Akron, O., Harry of Tionesta, Pa., George L. of Leonardstown, Md., Rex of Kent, O., Clifford of Wadestown, N- J., Mrs. Mona Arhogast of Harrisburg, Pa., and Mrs. Ollie Schjy^Libjerg of Baltimore, Md.; 15 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren; one brother. Woodie, of Reno, Nev.; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Myers of La Grange, Ore., and Mrs. Myrtle Hughes of Morgantown. Funeral services was held in the Durbin Methodist Church on Wednesday, December 11, 1957, at 2 p.m. with the Rev. C. L. Kelley officiating. Burial followed in the A ' ' ^vale Cemetery in the family plol Wallace and Wa, lace had charge of funeral arrangements.

Mrs. Ruth Wiimouth Kramer V Mrs. Ruth Wiimouth Kramer, 79, died in a Harrisonburg, Virginia, hospital Friday morning, May 9, 1975. She was a lifelong resident of Bartow and was a member of the Church of the Brethren. Survivors include her husband, William Clyde; one son, James William, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, six aisters, Mrs. Edith Townsend, Mrs. May Kramer, Mrs. Mary Nottingham, and Mrs. Martha Kramer, all of Durbin, Mrs. Flo Wooddell, of Charleston and Mrs. Lillian Cassrdy, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; one broth er, Paul, of Durbin, and four grandchildren. Services were held Sunday afternoon at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with Rev. Virgil Kover in charge. Burial was in the Wiimouth Cemetery.

Robert Lee Kramer, infant son of Robert and Joan Long Kramer, of Cass, died October 28, 1963, a few hours after birth. Graveside services were held Tuesday in Wanless Cemetery at Cass by the Rev. George McCune. Clyde Kramer son of Kr. aua iwrs. Robert Kramer died November 21, 1925, at the Child's Hospital at Hunington after a long Illness. He was a bright little boy and will be greatlj missed by all who knew him. His age was 8 years, 8 months and 4 days Another little lamb Is gone s. To dwell with him who gave Another darling little boy, Is sheltered in the grave W o r d has come a s we g o to press of the death of Ewell P . K r a m e r , late of Millpoint at Alexandria, V i r g i n i a . H i s children are J o e K r a m e r , of Milloomt, and Mrs. E u g e n e B e r r i e r , ot Mor gantown. N o funeral arrange! rnents are available a t this time.

Vicki Marie Kincaid, aged three Mrs. j . W. Kramer URIAH H. KRAMER months and twenty-five -days, Mrs. Catherine Rose U r i a h H . K r a m e r , of M a r l i n t o n daughter of David and Mary Kramer, Laura and two aged a b o u t 66 y e a r s , died on Cain Kincaid, died Sunday, Octo- months, of88Millyears Point, died on S u n d a y , A u g u s t 6 1944. H e had ber 29, 1961, at home. She was Thursday, June 26, 1969. ; in been in failing health born July 4, 1961. some the Pocahontas Memorial Hcs- t i m e . O n T u e s d a y a f t e rfor n o o n his Other survivors include two pita! after a long illness. body was laid t o rest in t h e S p l i t brothers, Jackie and Larry KinBorn April 26, 1881. at Mill Rock C e m e t e r y on Eik. T h e funcaid and a sisters, Julia Darlene Point, she was the daughter eral was held from the S m i t h funKincaid, all at home. of the late Thomas and Mar- eral parlors in M a r l i n t o n , b y his Services were held Tuesday af- garet Rose. She spent her enternoon at Mt. Zion Church by

Dr. Charles S. Kramer

Charles Samuel Kramer, 72, ..ed in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, August 22,1962, after a long illness. Born at Blue Grass, Virginia, November 27, ] 889, he was a ;on, of the late Norman and Lou Ella Kramer. He was a retired dentist. Dr. Kramer was a member( )f the Marlinton Methodist Jhurch, Blue Lodge No. 127, \ncient Free and Accepted Masons of Marlinton, Royal ^.rch Chapter at Beverly, jreenbrier Commandery No. L5 at Lewisburg, and Beni Xedem Shrine at Charleston. Survivors include his wife, Vlrs. Mary Madge Ervine •Cramer; a daughter, Mrs. 3etty Jo Vydra, of Oakhurst, ^Jew Jersey; three grandchilIren; a sister, Mrs. Reba Neal, i Lilesville, North Carolina; hree brothers, Myrl C. Kraner, of Frank; J. D. Kramer, )f New Hope, Virginia, and Dewey Kramer, of Mill Gap, Virginia. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church with the Rev. George McCune in charge. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Howirtf Knmtr

Howard Kramer 65. died at bis home on Elk Monday, December 6,1976, of a heart attack. He retired several years ago as a railroad and sawmill worker after suffering several heart attacks. /S^m&.Qs He was a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Clover Lick April 9, 1911, he was a son of the late John W. and Laura Rose Kramer. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Bertha Kramer, five sons, Richard Kramer, Tylersport, Pennsylvania, Granville Kramer and Allen Kramer, North Wales, Pennsylvania, Ralph Kramer, Monterville, Larry Kramer, Slatyfork, three daugh ters, Phyllis Kramer, Irene Kramer and Rosetta Kramer, all of Lansdale, Pennsylvania; a brother, John Kramer, Rupert, and a sister, Clara Belle Miller, Dunmore, and four grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in Mary's Chapel on Elk by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery.

Mrs. Edith Kramer^ Mrs. Edith Winter Kramer, 96, of Lyndhurst, Virginia, died Joseph Ray Kramer January 9, 1981, in the Joseph Ray Kramer, Sr., aged Waynesboro, Va., Community 45 years, of Mill Point, died in Hospital. the Pocahontas Memorial HosShe was the widow of Merle oital on Friday morning, January C. Kramer, who preceded her 17th, 1958, after a three monthsillness. Death was attributed U. in death 17 years ago. A resident of Lyndhurst for ;ancer. the past 17 years, she was a He was born October 13, 1912 former resident of West Virginat Mill Point, and was the son ol ia. She was the daughter of the :he late Ewell and Lillie Kramer. late Amby B. and Susan Palmer He was employed at the Fed Wimer and was born at Bluearal Prison Camp for the pasi grass, Va. Mrs. Kramer was a eleven years. He was, an active member of the Presbyterian member of the Marvin Chape) Church. Methodist Church and the HillsSurvivors include one son, boro Masonic Lodge. He was Paul W., of Apalachin, N. Y.; past Commander of the Hillsbcrc 4 daughters, Mrs. Grace ArboAmerican Legion Post. 1 gast, of Arbovale, Mrs. Martha He is survived by his wife, Mrs Sampson, of Lyndhurst, Mrs. Marie Arbogast Kramer; a son Marion Simmons, of Durbin, Joseph Ray Kramer, Jr: a daugh and Mrs. Kathleen Nelson, of 'er, Mary Margie, at home; anci Warren, Ohio; and a number of i sister, Mrs. Mary K. Berrier grandchildren and great-grandjf Belle. children. Mrs. Kramer was the The funeral services were held last of her immediate family. on Sunday afternoon at the' MarServices were held on Mongin Chapel Methodist Church day in the Etter Funeral Home with his pastors, Rev. Willis F Chapel at Waynesboro with Summers and Rev. Collier Harvey burial in the Arbovale Cemeofficiating. Burial was made in tery. the Oak Grove Cemetery, at Hillsboro.

Lee W. Kramer Lee W. Kramer, 53 years, 11 months, 25 days, of Marlinton, Route 1, died in the Poiaaontas Memorial Hospital, Wednesday, June 28, 1967, after a short illness. Born at Linwood, July 3, 1913, he was the son of Laura Catherine Rose Kramer, of Mill Point, and the late John Will Kramer. He was a member of the Edray Methodist Church and an employee of the International Shoe Company. Jfro0\< He was united in . marriage on March 26, 1943, to Mabel Virginia Beverage, who survives. To this union were born five children, Mrs. Donald C. Hansford (Thelma Jean) Hot Springs, Virginia, William Lee, Jr., Eugene Ray, Gary Lynn, and Terry Wayne,, all at home; also surviving are two brothers, Howard Kramer, Slatyfork, John Kramer, Rupert; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Bell Miller, Huntersville, Mary Grace Kramer, Mill Point, and a host of nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were his father John Will Krampr, 2 sisters, Margaret Ann and an infant. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Edray Methodist Church with the Rev. Ezra Bennett, assisted by the Rev. Francis Gum and Rev. Harry Drake. Burial was in the Mt. View Cemetery. Mrs. Susan Hiner Kramer

Mrs. Susan Hiner Kramer, 84, I of Durbin, died Sunday, April 30,1961, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital at Marlinton aft" a long illness. Mrs. Kramer was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church and the Women's Society Christain Service. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. .Georgie White, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Margaret Howes, of Charleston, and Miss Minn;.e Kramer at home; one son, J. R. Kramer, of Akron, Ohio; four brothers, Elliott Hiner, of Mustoe, Virginia; William Hiner and Lloyd Hiner, both of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Pat Hiner, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and one grandson, and two I great-grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Durbin Methodist | Church with the Rev. E. J. Stout officiating. Burial was in the Bolar Cemetery at Bolar Springs, Virginia.

Mrs. John W. Kramer

Mrs. Laura Catherine Rose Kramer, 88, of Marlinton, Med Thursday, June 26, 1969, b the Pocahontas Memorial iospital after a long illness. Born April 26, 1881, at Mill *oint, she was a daughter of he late Thomas and Margaet Rose. /U^~A She was a i n e m b e r of the "Iethodist Church. Her husband, John Will 'Cramer preceded her in death. Survivors include two pons, Howard Kramer, of Slatyfork, and John Kramer, of Rupert; Wo daughters, Mrs. Clara Belle Miller, of Huntersville. and Mary Grace Kramer, of Mill Point; four brothers, Lee, W'lh'am and Penick Rose, all of Hillsboro, and Ernest Rose, of Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Ada Deerfield, of Mill Point; 23 Grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held rdav afternoon in Mary's Chapel Church on Elk bv t h e Rev. Ezra Bennett. Burial was at Lin wood. William Clyde Kramer William Clyde Kramer, 91, of Durbin, died Monday, July 9, 1979, in Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, Virginia, after a long illness. He was retired from the U. S. Forest Service. Surviving: a son, James, of Harrisonburg; four grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Wilmoth Cemetery at Durbin. J. Hull Kramer, aged about eighty years, died at his home at Bartow or Monday, June 3, 1940, after a long illness. On Thursday his body was buried In the family cemetery in Crabbottom, Virginia. Mr Kramer was a native cf Highland county, but for many years he had been a prominent citi/.en of Pocahontas. He was a road builder by profession, and he worked at It eveu down to the last ; A years of his life. Mr Kramer is survived by a large family of grown children. His wife died some years since. He was a friendly man and had many friends. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian church.

Mrs. C. L. H. Kinniso Mrs. Com Lee Hiil Kinniof Lobelia, was born October 13, 1866, daughter of the late Isaac and Sarah Hill, died October 12, i aged 76 years 11 months •28 days. She wa° mated in marriage to Doctor/: Morgan Kinnison on February 19, 1 " i . ile preceded her in death on May 1940. Two children were born to this union." Mrs, Anna D. Mace of Pick. ! Otto McClintic Kinnisu.i at home. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. W. C. Morg.n, of Lobelia: three brothers, Ki hard Hill of Romney: Ambrose and Bryon Hill of Rich wood; and seven dchildron, Arnett Mace, of Toraer; Gladys Mace, Canton, Ohio; Mrs. Mabel Haddox, Pickcms; Pfc. Morgan Mace, U. S. Army; Violet Mace, Pickens; Mrs. Lebeatrice Hodges, Cleveland, Ohio; Gertrude Kinnison, of Lobelia, and twelve great grand children, a host of relatives and friends. She accepted Christ as her Savior in girlhood anrr united with the Methodist ch ms-a consistent Christian. Sue will be '.Trea1. home and ehureni She was a oevotea wire and loving mother. The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev, \\. D. Marshall, at Emanuel Church, and her body laid to rest i:: the back II ,wr girls were, mei > jdge No. 38. Pall bearers we're Guy Kinnison, Larence Kinnison, Marion Kinnison, Dale Kinnison, Hoy Bruli'ey, Tomie Bircroft. God has not promised skies ways blue, Flowers ,strewn pathways all oui lives through, Gad has not promised sun with out rain Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God has promised strength for the day, Rest for the labors, light for the way, Grace for the trials help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love. —V. R.

L/ Otto M. Kennison \ Otto M. Kennison, 72, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, December 1, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Lobelia, he was the son of the late Morgan and Cora Kennison. He was a member of the Westview Christian Church and the Lobelia Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 386, and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. ViolaSizemore Kennison; two daughters, Mrs. Merrill Hodges, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Hubert McCoy, of Beard; one sister, Mrs. Upton Mace, of Pickens; nine grandchildren and thirteen greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afterno >n in the Emmanuel Methodist Church on BrufTey's Creek by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the church cemetery. Summers Neil Kinnison

Summers Neil Kinnison, 59, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, January 20, 1971, at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Hillsboro, May 10, 1911, he was a son of the late Eddie and Nettie Kinnison. He was a member of the Methodist Church and the Masonic Lodge. He was a mechanic. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Nancy Louise Kinnison.' four sons, Wayne Kinnison, of South Charleston, Clem KinniEon, of Parkersburg, Dwight Kinnison, of New Cumberland and Edwin Kinnison, at home; two daughters, Judith and Sandra Kinnison, both at home, and four brothers, Carl, Marion, and Wirt Kinnison, all of Charleston, and Dale Kinnison, of Victory, Texas. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Emmanuel Methodist Church on BrufTey's Creek near Hillsboro by the Rev. William Markley, »-.o ....nchel Hill Kinnison, aged with burial in the church cemShout "0 years, widow of the late W, etery. W. Kinnison, died at her home near Lobelia on January 29, 1939, after a short illness. Funeral service on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Kinnison is survived by her large family of children: also by her ;ter, Mrs Pet

Doctor Margan Kennison Doctor Morgan Kennison was born at Hillsboro, on October 8, 1862, and died on May 30, 1940, at his home on Bruffey's Creek, at the age of 77 years, 7 months and 21 days. He was the son of John B., and Deida G. Morrison Kennison. On February 19, 1891 he was united in marriage to Cora L Hill. To this union two children were born. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Mrs Cora D. Kennison, and children: Mrs Annie D. Mace, of Pickens, West Virginia, and Otto Kennison, of Bruffey's Creek; and seven grandchildren, namely: Mrs Leabeatrice Hodges and Gertrude Kennison, of Bruffey's Creek; Arnett 0. Mace, of Horner, West Virginia; Gladys Mace, of Canton, Ohio; Mabel Mace, Doctor Morgan Mace and Vio let Mace, of Pickens, West Virginia; and four great grandchildren. Mr Kennison united with the Sou thern Methodist Church at Emman uel on Bruffey's Creek In October 1890 under the ministry of Rev. Chris Sydenstricker. He was Sunday School Superintendent at Emmanuel for about twenty years and had been the song leader there until within a few weeks oi ins ii«au,. II» faithful to his church. • On the announcement of his death the whole community was overcast with a shadow of sorrow for every resident was a relative or a close per sonal friend. Not only was lie devoted to his family but tie was also a true friend to every one and a rgaj neighbor to those who were in need. By his influence and support lie was ever ready to assist in the promotion of movements that were for the welre of his community. The funeral service was conducted t Emmanuei on Sunday, June 2, by his pastor. Rev. L. S. Shires, after which iiis body was laid 'o rest in the Emmanuel cemetery.

C. W. Kinnison Colbert Winters Kinnison,i, aged 87, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home near Hillsboro on Monday, September 28, 1959. Mr. Kinnison, a well known farmer and a lifelong resident of the Levels, was born August 27, 1872, at Hillsboro, the son of the late Thomas F. and Julia Nana Kinnison. An Elder of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, he was Clerk of the Session for many years. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Myles Kinnison; three children, Mrs. Dice (Olive K.) Grimes, of St. Petersburg, Florida; Mrs. John. (Clarice K.) Kellison, of Hillsboro, and Miss Virginia M. Kinnison, of Morganitown; and a sister, Mrs. Grace K. Beard, of Sylvester. Funeral services will be held !Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. jat the home by the Rev. J. K. ^lpmw. with burifl in 0.ik Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Nettie Florence Kinnison Mrs. Nettie Florence Kinnison, 80. of Hillsboro, died Sunday, November 29, 1964, at the home of her son, Wirt Kinnison, in Charleston, after a short illness. She was a memer of the Methodist Church at Hillsboro and the Order of the Eastern Star at Hillsboro and the Rabekah Lodge at Lobelia. Survivors include five sons, Carl, Marion and Wirt Kinnison, all of Charleston; Dale Kinnison, of Victoria, Texas, and Neil Kinnison, of Hillsboro; two sisters, Mrs. Stella H. Guy Kinnison Harlen Guy Kinnison, 60, of Brock, of Baltimore, MaryFlorence Arizona, formerly of land, and Mrs. Elizabeth Buck Hillsboro, died Sunday, May 7, ley, of Dayton, Ohio, and 13 i 1961, at Pinal County Hospital in grandchildren. Florence, Arizona, after a short Funeral services were held, illness. Wednesday . morning in the! He had lived in Arizona fof EjriiB2iuielMethi)dist Church ' eight years and was a member of on BruffejPsCreek, by the Rev. the Hillsboro Methodist Church. V. A. Tenny. Burial was in Survivors include his wife, Mrs. ihe church cemetery. Mattie Perkins Kinnison; a daughter, Miss Kay Frances Kinnison of South Charleston; a son, Harlen Wesley Kinnison, with the United States Army in Fulda, Germany; and two sisters, Mrs. Florence Bruffey and Mrs. Zadie Bruft'ey, both of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Hillsboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Paul Riegel in charge. Burial i was in the McNeel Cemetery at




Mary Eskridge King Mrs. Carl Howie (Mary) King died June 28, 1973, in a Methodist nursing home in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her funeral service was held at the First United Methodist Church in Charlotte on Saturday, June 30. Bishop Earl G. Hunt, Jr., presiding bishop of the Western North Carolina United Methodist Conference, and the Rev. Jacob Golden, First Methodist pastdr, officiated at the service for Mrs. King. She is survived by two sons, Carl H. King, Jr., of Asheville, and Dr. William E. King, of Durham; four brothers, Charles W. Eskridge, of Charlotte, Joe R. Eskridge, of Fayetteville, West Virginia, Willard A. Eskridge, of Marlinton, and Dr. Walter A. Eskridge, of Parksley, Virginia; and a sister, Mrs. C. E. Shepard, of Covington, Virginia.

William Henry Kershner

William Henry Kershner, 95, of Beard, died Thursday, March 18, 1971, at his home iter a long illness. Born July 10, 1875, he was J son of the late Royal and Nancy Johnson Kershner. He attended the Mount Zion Methodist Church on Droop, and was a retired farmer. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. W. H. McDaniels, West Milford, Mrs. Sadie Walkup, of Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. C. A. McDowell, of Frankford, Mrs. Jma Pritt, and Miss Hilda Kershner, both of Beard; four sons, Snowden and George Kershner, both of Beard, Stoner Kershner, of Renick, and Wendell Kershner, of Dayton, Ohio; 23 grand children and 35 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Mount Zion United Methodist Church on Droop by the Rev. William Markley, with burial in the Sunset Cemetery at Jacox.

Calvin Kershner

Calvin Kershner, 26, of Droop Mountain, was killed on Wednesday, March 8, 1967, in a one-car accident near his home. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kershner, of Droop Mountain. He was employed as a mechanic for Greenbrier Motors at Fairlea. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruth Kershner, of Red Bud, Illinois; two sons, Danny and David Ker«hner, both at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kershner, of Droop Mountain, and three brothers, Hobert Kershner, of Washington, D. C , Henry Kershner, stationed with the Navy in Monterey, California, and Ronald Kershner, at home. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Mount Zion Methodist Church by the Rev. Howard McNeil with burial in the Sunset Cemetery at Jacox.

Mrs. Lucy Caroline Kershner

Mrs. Lucy Caroline Kershner, 88, of Beard, died Wednesday, December 18, 1968, in the Marlinton hospital after a long illness. p he was a member of the Mt. Olivet Methodist Church of Droop Mountain. Born March 13, 1880, she was the daughter of the late Moses and Sarah Grant Scott. Survivors include her husband, William Henry; four sons, Snowden and George, both of BearJ, Stoner, of Renick, and Wendell of Dayton, Ohio; five daughters, Mrs. Delia McDanie!, of West Milford, Mrs. Sadie Walkup, of Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. June McDowell, of Frankford and Miss Hilda Kershner and Mrs. Ima Pritt, both of Beard; 23 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren, also a number of nieces and npphews. The funeral was held at 2 P. m. on Saturdav in the Mount Zion Methodist Church at Droop Mountain, by Rev. Ralph Ross assisted by Rev. Deril W. Kershner (^ail Cutlip. Burial was in the Deril W. Kershner. 43, son of ^Sunset Cemetery at Jacox. Mrs. Maude Kershner A. L. Kershner and the late MarMrs. Maude Kershner, age 89, tha Etta Kershner, was born at Lacy Kershner died Sunday, February 28, 1960, Droop Mountain, Pocahontas Lacy Paris Kershner, 61, of in the Andrew S. Rowan Home County, December 23, 1915, and at Sweet Springs, after a long died at his home in Pennsauken, White Sulphur Springs, died New Jersey. Friday, April 10, Monday, July 22, 1985, in illness. Greenbrier Valley Hospital folMrs. Kershner is survived by a 1959, after a short illness. daughter, Mrs. Dewey Hiner, of He was married to Irene Bait, lowing a massive heart attack. He was a member of Mount Cass; a son, Delbert Kershner, of White Sulphur Springs. She of National City, California; sev- and three brothers and four sisters Zion United Methodist Church en grandchildren and six great- survive: Hubert, of Marlinton, on Droop. grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Dempsey, of Pennsauken, and Mr. Kershner had operated Nannie Wiley, of Droop. R. P., of Warren, Ohio; Hallie the barbershop concession at She was a member of Mount Pyles, of Marlinton, Leta Keene, The Greenbrier for 37 years. ' Zion Methodist Church of Droop, of Renick, Nila Padgett, of Wash- He was a veteran of World War • where funeral services were held ington, D. C , and Ena Tasker, II. Born at Spice February 4, ; Wednesday by the Rev. Calvin of Hobe Sound, Florida, and 1924, he was the son of the late i Lewis, with burial in Whiting Green Farms, Connecticut. i Cemetery. ^ ^ ^ ii Funeral services were conduct- Anthony [Tony] David and ed Wednesday, April 15, at 2:00 Nannie McCoy Kershner. P. M., at Smith's Funeral Home Mrs. Mary Hollandsworth Kershner He was preceded in death by by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, pastor a son, Booth, and his halfMrs. Mary Hollandsworth sister, Myrhl Kershner Geiger. Kershner, aged 51 years, of Surviving him are his wife, Droop Mountain, widow of the John A. Kennner Lucille Adkinson Kershner; a late Clarence Kershner, died on John A. Kershner, 62, of Ba- daughter, Sharon Lynn KershWednesday, May 23, 1956, in Clifton Forge Hospital, after an cova V> . died October J2, 1951, ner, of Charleston; a brother, illness of several months. On at Hoi r t injrs Hospital. Ho was Woodrow Kershner, of Droop, Saturday afternoon the funeral the son of (lie late H. M, and a half-brother, Paul Kershner, service was held from Mt. Zion\ Gardnei K^rshDer. of Staunton, and a half-sister, Church by Rev. Calvin Lewis Surviving, are bis wife, Verna Ruth Balser, also of Staunton, and Rev. Teddy Alderman. Her Wade Kershner, three sons, sev Virginia; and one grandbody was laid in the Whiting en daughters and four sisters: daughter. Cemetery. Mrs. H. L kunel and Mis J alius Services were held at 11 a. The deceased was a daughter Keyes. of Mt Gr»TP. V;\ Mrs. m. Wednesday in Shanklin of the late Peter and Georgia V a ie i Whitt o R j e t; Mrs Funeral Home in White SulCutlip Hollandsworth. She is lite bogan of Citvtlauu, Uuio. phur Springs by the Rev. Sam Burial at Warm Springs, Va. survived by two daughters, Mrs. Tate, with burial in Allegheny Phyllis Ann Marrell, Mrs. Je.vell Memorial Park in Low Moor, Hinkle, and one son, Guy T. Virginia. Kershner, all of Renick.


Lomy Bland Kershnar Randall Bruce Kershner Lomy Bland Kershner, 76, Nannie 0. Kershner Randall Bruce Kershner, 28, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, of Fairmont, drowned ThursMrs. Nannie D. Kershner. October 30, 1979, at home day, May 16, 1985, in the 82, of Droop, died Monday, after a long illness. Monongahela River at Fair- March 21, 1983, in Denmar Born July 21, 1903, at Spice, mont. Hospital of a heart attack. he was the son of the late She was the widew of AnKershner was a technician Wallace P. and Mae McMilthony D. Kershner, who died for the State Air Pollution lion Kershner. in 1950. A daughter, Mrs. Control Commission. He was a retired employee of Surviving him are a daugh- Myrhl Geiger, and a ' step the Department of Highways ter, Felicia Kay Kershner, of daughter, Eola Golliday, preand was a Methodist. He was ceded, her in death. a member of the Odd Fellows Fairmont; parents, Lacy and Born November 10, 1900, at Lodge No. 386 of Lobelia for Lucille Adkinson Kershner, of White Sulphur Springs; sister, Spice, she was the daughter of 28 years. Noah D. and Arminta Jane Snrviving are his wife. Hazel Sharon Lynn Humphrey, of Cutlip McCoy. Charleston. Virginia Kershner, daughter, Surviving are two sons, Services were held Monday Mrs. Helen M. Evans, WoodWoodrow Kershner, Droop, bridge, Virginia; three grand- at Shanklin Funeral Home in and Lacy Kershner, White children; stepmother, Mrs. White Sulphur Springs by the Sulphur Springs; stepson, Paul Mary K. Anderson, of Fairlea. Rev. E. N. Clower, with burial Kershner, Staunton, Virginia, in Alleghany Memorial Park at five brothers, Sterling and and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ruth Clyde, both of Hillsboro, Low Moor, Virginia. Bauserman, of Staunton; a sisRoy of Lewisburg, Wallace, ter, Mrs. Chloe Gladwell, of Miss Hilda Kershner Jr., of Tallahassee, Florida, Daytona Beach, Florida; six Miss Hilda Floy Kershner, John, of Ashland, Kentucky; grandchildren; one great-grandfour sisters, Mrs. Verdie 66, of Hillsboro, died Friday, child. May and Mrs. Agnes Simmons, June 29, 1979, after a long Services will be held at 1 both of Lewisburg, Mrs. Grace She was a beautician. p. m. Thursday, in the Mount Stanglinland, of Oklahoma, Zion United Methodist Church, Mrs. Hazel Cochran, Hillsboro; Surviving her are three of which she was a member, Services were held Friday in brothers, Snowden and George by Rev. Verlin Butcher. Burial Mount Zion Methodist Church Kershner, both of Droop, and will be ;n Oak Grove Cemeon Droop Mountain with the Wendell Kershner, of Dayton, tery. ^^ x/a Rev. Charles Long and the Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Sadie Rev. Calvin Lewis officiating. Walkup, Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Burial was in the Whiting June McDowell, Frankford, Mrs. Margaret Kershner Cemetery on Droop Mountain. Mrs. Ina Pritt, of Droop. Mrs. Margaret Agnes McServices were held at 2 Coy Kershner, 64, of Droop p. m. Sunday in Jack K. WalRonald KertJinir Mountain, died Tuesday, June George Ronald Kershner, 32, lace Funeral Home, at Lewis16, 1970, in the Pocahontas died Tuesday, November 29, burg. Burial was in Rosewood Memorial Hospital after a long 1977, at home after a long Cemetery. illness. illness. Born at Spice, June 25,1905, Mrs. Charles W. Kershner she was a daughter of the late Born October 1,1945, be was Mrs. Nora Dale Kershner. Noah Davis and Arminta Jane a son of George and Dorothy 71, of Warm Springs, Virginia. McCoy. Louise Kershner, of Hillsboro. formerly of Hillsboro, died on Other survivors include two She was a member of the Monday, November 1, 1965 Mount Zion Methodist Church. brothers, Hobert, of Frederin a Virginia hospital after a ick, Maryland, and Henry, of Survivors include two sons, short illness. Fort Meade, Maryland. H. Vandon Kershner, of HaBorn at Alvon, November waiian Gardens, California, and Services were held Friday I 5, 1894, she was a daughter of James D. Kershner, of Titusin the Hill Chapel United the late Humphrey Keyes and ville, Florida; two daughters, Methodist Church at Jacox, I lusan Gardner Keyes. by the Rev. Howard McNeill. Mrs. Jane L. Duncan, of RuckBurial was in the Sunset CemeHer husband, Charles W. Ker eye, and Miss Janice G. Mctery at Jacox. Ccy, of Beard, and two sisters, shner, preceded her in death. Mrs. Nannie Kershner, of Survivors include one son, Beard, and Mrs. Chloe GladConrad Kershner, of Warm well, of Dajtona, Florida, and . Mrs. Margaret Kershner Springs, Virginia; one brother eight grandchildren. Clarence Keyes, of White SulMrs. Margaret Kershner, of She was preceded in death Droop, died Tuesday, June 16, ohur Springs: three sister,', 1970, in the Pocahontas MeVTrs. Bessie Boegs and Miss. by three sisters, Mrs. Prudie morial Hospital after a long Anderson, Mrs. Laura McCara Keyes, both of Rainelle, Illness. Funeral arrangements Clung, and Mrs. Fannie Gladind Mrs. Lillian Alderman, of incomplete. well. White Sulphur Springs. Funeral services were held Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Mount Wednesday afternoon in the Zion Methodist Church on Oak Grove Presbyterian Chur Droop by the Rev. Howard ^h. at Hillsboro by the Rev. McNeill, with burial in the larry Painter. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillshe Oak Grove Cemetery. boro.


Losk Kea Lock Kee,.born in Marlins Bottom, now Marlinton, July 6, 1871, the first born son of George M. Kee and Mary Jane Falser Kee, passed away on Saturday, February 10, 1962, at Chehalis, Washington. Lock Kee is survived by his widow, Mary; one son, Roland Kee of Curtis, Washington; two daughters, Edna White man, and M^lba Windoffer, both of Seattle, Washington; one half brother, Earl Kee of Marlinton; three grandchildren, and one great-grandson.

Haivey Keen Harvey Jess Keen, 83, of Frankford, died Tuesday. March 19, 1974, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte after a long illness, He was a member of the Carol Hill United Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife; three daughters, 10 grandehil-. dren, 26 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Carroll Hill United Methodist Church by the Rev. Charles J. Riecks, with burial in the Carroll Hill United Church Cemetery near Lewisburg.

Clarence Kee News conies of the deaui Clarence Kee, aged 72 years, at his home in Miles City, Montana, Mrs. Harvey Keene on December 22, 1955. He ws Mrs Leta Kershner Keene.a, son of the late Squire George ^2, of Renick, was found dean" r. Kee, of Marlinton. R<< Mondav, March 21,1966, near retheris.j >f Marlinton t her home, in the Greenbrier River. Death was attributed to an apparent accidental irowning. Owner of Store She was a daughter of the •ate Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Slaysrs Wife, Self Kershner. Survivors include her husRONCEVERTE - W — The band, Harvey Keene; five sons, G r e e n b r i e r county sheriff's ferry and Ray Keene, both at office reported a Ronceverte store nome;Edward.Kee"ne, of Baltiowner shot his wife then turned the weapon—a .357 Magnum rifle more, Maryland; William —on himself in the couple's living Keene, of White Sulphur quarters in the rear of their store. >nrings, and Lvunce Keene, of Authorities found the bodies of Woodbridere, Marvland: three Clarence H. Keene, 55, and his Asters, Mrs. Hallie Pyles, of wife, Vula, 50, Monday morning. Hillsborn; Mrs. Emma Taster. Neighbors said they heard' what if New York City. New York. sounded like rifle shots late Sun\nd Mrs. Le^na Raddish. of day night c o m i n g from the Arlington, Vireinia; three couple's small market. Vothers, Hubert Kershner. of Surviving the couple are three laughters, Carol of Alexandria, Marlinton; D0mnsev KershVa., and Gladys and Cora Ann ner, of New York Oitv, New v Keene, both at home, and two ork. and R. P. Kershner, of sons, William of Newark, Del., Davton, Ohio, and four grandand James of Ronceverte. children. Also surviving Mrs. Keene are Funeral services will be held her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WilThursday at 2:00 D. m., in the liam F. Perry of Auto; three sisters, Mrs. Opal Carter of Coving-Seriag .. Creek Presbyterian ton, Va., Mrs. Sarah Workman of Church by the Rev. FCyris Marlinton and Mrs. Laura Palmer Moon. Burial will be in the of Baltimore, Md., and four Morningside Cemetery at Renbrothers, Ralph and Fitzhugh ick. Perry, both of Marlinton, B i 1 ly


Perry of Renick, and Patrick Perry of Baltimore. Mr. Keene's other survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Keene of Ronceverte; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Long of Ronceverte, Mrs. Gladys Jackson and Mrs. Ruth Harris, both of Newark, 3el., and Mrs. Cora Sherwood of Madison, and a brother, Cecil of Newark, Del. The bodies are at Wallace and Wallace Funeral home here.

Clover Lick-Lee Kesle- has received word of the death of his brother in-law, Roy T. H i p p i e , of W a u k e g a n , Illinois. T h e d a t e of death was May 1, ly54. Mrs. Hippie was the former Miss E m m a Kesler.


Mrs. Alpha Friel Keirn Mrs. Alpha Friel Keirn, wife of the -late Benjamin S. Keirn, of 134 Weber Street, Havre de Grace Maryland, died suddenly in Harford* Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace. She was born ir. Marlinton, on May 20, 1893, a daughter of the late Jasper and Martha Friel. She was a resident'of Dunmore until a few years ago. Surviving are two sons; Roy Keirn, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Elmer Keirn of Wilmington, Delaware; five grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Icic Harris, of Lorain, Ohio; Mrs. Ethel Taylor, of Charleston, and Mrs. Hannah Jenkins, of Eikins; two brothers, Eilts Friel and Quincy Friel, both of near Marlinton. Funeral services were held on Sunday, November 13, from the Pennington and Son Funeral Home, Harve hi Grace, in charge of the Rev. v , mer. Intermeat was in Pnncipio Cemeter . Joseph Henry Keister Cl^ Joseph Henry Keister, 82. of Marlinton, died WednesdayJ September 20, 1972, in the' Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illiness. He was a veteran of World War I. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rhuamie Keister, of Beard. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Rubamie Keister Mrs. Ruhamie Kline Keister, 77, died Saturday, June 5,1976, in the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home, Sweet Springs, after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late Joseph and Sarah Oscar Kline, and born in Marlinton on April 7, 1889. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She is survived by a brother, Amos Kline, of Cochranton, Pennsylvania, a sister Florence Suttoa, of Marlinton. a daughter, Grace Hefner, of Dunmore, and several grandchildren. Her husband, Henry Keister, preceded her in death. Services were held on Tuesday, June 8, in the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore with the Rev. Thomas Henderson officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Susan Kennedy • Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, David Andrew Kellermann, aged 78Susan onTuesd! mr, September 13, years Lick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth passed away at oftheClover % • at; °* her J* a U h b c^i 5, Pocahontas Kellermann, of Green Bank, B B. Sheets, at Durbin. She! died Tuesday afternoon, Janu- Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday ^ s b o m i n Greenbrier couuty; her father was the late WU Urn J u d y ary 18, 1977, in the Greenbrier morning, July 23rd, 1957, after Burial was at Neal Chapel after eer Valley Hospital from head in- a long illness and complications vices conducted by Rev. J. P. r.ot juries received that morning in from a broken hip received in a Btt, Wednesday afternoon.- West a car accident. His mother was fall. Virginia Sews. „ driving and lost control of her Funeral services will be held on Mrs. Keister was a sister of Mrs. station wagon on an icy curve Friday afternoon, at 2:00 p. m., Hnrj Warren, of ^uckeye. _____ near Ycung's Store'on Rt. 92. at the Clawson Church, with the The vehicle went into Anth- Rev. T. G. Alderman officiating. Benjamin S. Keirn onys Creek. Mrs. Kellermann Interment will be made in the Benjamin S. Keirn departed Clawson Cemetery. was treated and released. this life on Wednesday, May 14, The body will remain at the David is survived by his par1958, at the Veterans Hospital Smith Funeral Home until time ents and a sister, Sarah, 2. in Perry Point, Maryland, after \ to be taken to the church. Arrangements are incomplete a short illness. Death was attriMrs. Kennedy was born in Poas we go to press. buted to a heart attack. cahontas County, on December The deceased was born at Dun11, 1878, the daughter of the late Mrs. M.A. Killer more on May 20, 1895, and spent Jasper Enoch and Martha Jane the ear\y part of his life in or Mn. Ernestine Keller, 70, of Friel. near this town. He moved to Milton, Delaware, formerly of On October 31, 1900, he was Maryland in 1942 where he re- Durbin, died Friday, June 6, married to John Silas rvennedy, 1980, in a Milton, Delaware, who preceded mained until his death. her in death on hospital. He leaves to mourn his death October 22nd, 1933. To this unSurviving are three eons, his wife, Alpha Friel Keirn, of reeca born tea children, eight 136 Weber Street, Havre de Moreau A., Jr., of Milton, Ed- of -wiior" survive They are: Grace, Maryland; two sons, Roy gar, of Franklin, Lewis D., of Mrs. Viola Hamrick and Mrs. Oaawatomy, Kansas; a broth- Gladys Ervine, ol Cleveland, E. Keirn, of Aberdeen, Maryland, and Elmer B. Keirn, of Wilming- er, J. E. Hall, of Clifton Forge, Ohio; Mrs. Goldie Griffin, of AkVirginia. ton, Delaware; two sisters, Mrs. jron, Ohio; Mrs. Leona Ridley, of Ruth Friel, of near Marlinton, Services were held at 2 p. m. 1 Ellicott City, Maryland.; MrsViand Mrs. Sadie Brown, of ArboTuesday, in Wallace & Wallace I olet Friel, Miss Delia Kennedy, vale; along with numerous friends Funeral Home, at Arbovale. Jasper Kennedy and Dallas Kenr ;both in Maryland < d i n P o c a Burial was in Arbovale Ceme- nedy, all of Clover Lftk; thirty| hontas County. tery. seven grandchildren, twenty-nine great-grandchildren, and five great Dallas Kennedy great-graudchilr11 en. Denver Dalit* Kennedy wwnr uiiut K M R M y i>y<" Dallas Emile Kennedy, 73, Denver Dallas Kennedy, At? Also surviving are two brothers, of White Sulphur Springs, died of Nederland, Texas, was killed Ellis Friel and Quincey Friel, of at home Tuesday, October 20, Saturday May 8, 1976, in an Ciawsni?/, five sisters, Mrs. Icie 1981, after a twelve year automobile accident at Plaque- Harris of Lorain, Ohio; Mrs. k'.illness. mine, Louisiana. His wife pha Keirn, of Havre de Grace, Born May 8, 1908, at Marwas hospitalized with minor Maryland; Mrs. Ethel Taylor, if linton, he was the son of John injuries. Charleston; Mrs. Hannah Jenand Susan Friel Kennedy. He He was a heavy equipment kins, of Elkins; and Mrs. Erne was a farmer and a member of operator for a construction Christian, of Marlinton. * the Methodist Church. Company and was married The deceased was a devout Surviving him are his wife, three weeks ago to Jenny Christian, a member of the Meth Thelma Ruth Grimes Kennedy; Ladelle. odist Church, an ardent reader two daughters, Maxine Feury, Born May 6, 1932, near of her Bible, a truly good woman, White Sulphur Springs, and Clover Lick, he was the son of Deima Eriks, Highland, IndiDallas and Thelma Grimes ana; one brother, Jasper KenKennedy. nedy, Idaho; sisters, Leona u Surviving him in addition to Gum, Gap Mills, Viola Hambis wife and his parents are four rick, Arizona; two grandchilstepchildren and two sisters dren and one great-grandchild. Delma E. Eriks, Highland, InPreceding him in death are a diana, and Maxine Feury, of son, Denver Dallas Kennedy, White Sulphur Springs. and five sisters, Delia KenServices were held Tuesday nedy, Lena Ray, Goldie Griffin, by the Rev. Alfred Gum in the Gladys Ervin and Violet Friel. VanReenen Funeral home with Services were held Saturburial in the Dunmore Ceme tery. day at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Alfred Gum. Burial was in Dun more Cemetery. Mrs Lucy Mae Kel* ... 62 years

David Andrew Kellermann


jofln Handoiiiu •%snney

John C. Kenealy

John C. Kenealy, 54, of Gladwyne, Pennsylvania, died suddenly Tuesday, January 29, 1963. He collapsed as he left work. Mr. Kenealy was born in Condersport, Pennsylvania but the family moved to Cass and he attended school at Cass and Green Bank. He studied at the Dzvey Institute of Tree Surgeons in Kent, Ohio, and had worked for Lower Merion Township for 29 years, being supervisor of the Park and Shade Tree Bureau since 1959. He was a past president of the International Shade Tree Conference and other associated organizations and was a lormer Gladwyne fire chief. He was a member of St. John Baptist Vianney Roman Catholic Church. Surviving him are his wife, the former Helen Beliano; a son, John Junior; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Kenealy of Cass; a brother, J. W. Kenealy of Middlesex, New Jersey; and two sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Riley of Memphis, Tennesee; Mrs. Frances Williams of New York. Requiem Mass was celebrated Saturday, February 2, St. John Baptist Vianney Church

with interment in Cemetery.


Mrs. Ed Keller Mrs. Pauline Vivian Keller, 60, of Franklin, died Saturday, October 9,1976, at the West Virginia Medical Center in Morgantown. She was born June 9, 1916, at Oak Flat, a daughter of the late Arthur Strite and Maude Vivian Simmons Eye. She was married twice. Her first husband, Dr. Ona F. Mitchell, died June 28, 1950. Her second husband, Edward G. Keller, survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Kay Mitchell, of Arlington, Virginia, and Mrs. Judy Urquahart, of Morgantown; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Rexrode, of Orlando, Florida, and five brothers, Harry S. Eye, Brandywine, Jesse Eye. Marlinton, Raymond V. Eye, Charleston, Billy Eye, Elkins, and Rollie Eye, Fairmont, Two brothers, Curtis and Stanley Eye, both of Franklin, preceded her in death. The funeral was conducted Monday at Faith Lutheran Church in Franklin by the Rev. Joseph H. Bartczak and the Rev. J. Samuel Moore.

John Randolph (Bull Dog) Kenney, 66, died Friday, August 2,1974, in Pontiac, Michigan, after a short illness. Born November 30, 1907, at Marlinton, he was a son of the late John L. and Carrie Mundy Kenney. He was a graduate of Edray District High School at Marlinton, and attended Davis and Elkins College at Elkins. He was a veteran of World War II, having served with the U. S. Navy as a hospital corpsman. At the time of his death he was employed as a physiotherapist at the Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital in Pontiac, Miihigan. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Edna Kenney; three sons, Major Patrick Kenney with the U. S. Air Force in Colorado Springs, Colorado, John and Larry Kenney, both at home; three daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Ryder, of Dayton, Ohio, Robin and Vicki Kenney, both at home; four grandchildren; two brothers, Grey Kenney, of Charleston, and Beverly Kenney, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Egerton (Mary) Shaw, of Gulfport, Florida, Mrs. Paul (Virginia) Sexton, of Belle, and Mrs. Nelson (Emily) Bing, of Columbus, Ohio. Services were held in Pontiac on August 5, with burial in Perry Memorial Park in — Pontiac. M. A. Keller


J. R. Kellogg

James Robert Kellogg, 68, Justice of the Peace, Edray District of Pocahontas County, died suddenly of a heart attack at his office, Sunday, November 30, 1969. Born at Parkersburg, December 4, 1901, he was the son of James Albert Kellogg and Elizabeth Arnold Kellogg. He had resided in Marlinton for the past fifteen years. Previously, he had owned and operated the Circle Engineering Company of Columbus, Ohio, and the Altamont Orchard and Poplar Ridge Orchard Farms of Chilliccthe, Ohio. He belonged to the West Virginia Judiciary Association and was a member of the Columbus Kiwanis Club. He leaves his wife, Evelyn June Lehman C. Kellogg, four daughters, Roberta Elizabeth Kellogg Shafer, of Point Pleasant, Maria Dianne. Laurel •June and Heather Hope, at home, and one step daughter, Carol Anita Chambers Kellogg Kitts, of Columbus, Ohio, also one granddaughter, Robin Evelyn Shafer, two r ieces, three grand nieces and four grand nephews. Funeral services were held Tuesday, December 2nd, at the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, Pastor of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Graveside service^ were held Wednesday, December 3. with interment in the Oak Grove Cemetery, at Marietta, Ohio.

Moreau Austin Keller, 69, of Milton, Delaware, formerly of Durbin, died Saturday, September 30, 1967, at his home. Mrs. Beulah R. Kern Born April 1, 1898, at BarMrs. Beulah R. Kern, aged 58 tow, he was a resident of Pocahontas County until three years, of Ronceverte, died in the years ago. A World War I Greenbrier Valley Hospital, of a veteran, he was a member of heart attack, on Thursday, May the American Legion and a re- 18th, 1961. Survivors include her husbancL tired Pocahontas Tannery emDon; a son, Jack, of Charleston; ployee at Frank. Survivors include his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Lillie Ryder, of Mrs. Ernestine Hall Keller; Ronceverte, Mrs. Gertie Clayton, three sons, M. A. Keller^ Jr., of Marlinton, and two grandchilof Milton, Delaware: Edward dren; also two nieces, Mrs. Dan Granville Keller, of Frank- Liptrap and Mrs. Enoch Pyles, of lin, and Lieutenant Command- Marlinton, and two nephews, er Lewis Donald Keller, sta- < Harry L. Malcomb, of Marlinton, tioned with the Navy in Bos- Don Terry, Minnehaha Springs. ton, Massachusetts, and five Funeral services wepe conductgrandchildren. ed on Sa^rday afternoon, from ist the Trinity Metfic" Church, in Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Ronceverte, of which she »^as a Bartow Methodist Church by member, with her pastor, the R^v. the Rev. Romie Edgell with Joseph Byrd, officiating. BunM burial in the Arbovale Cem- was made in River.view Cemetery. etery. '


^^^^m, nuoert Kerns Hubert Kerns, 56, of Marlinton, died Sunday, August 21, 1966, at his home. He was a member of the Richwood Church of God and was a woodsman. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lena Kerns; one daughter, Mrs. Wanda Lee Alderman, of Mill Point, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning in the Mount Kennison Church of God at Mill Point by the Rev. E. H. Mullens, with burial m the Sharp Cemetery at Mill Point. Mrs. Minnie Kesler Mr«. Minnie Susan Kesler, 68, of Cass, died Sunday, July 7, i§68, in tut Davis Manorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. Born December 21, 1899, at Cass, she was the oldest daughter of the late Allen and Alice Sutton Galford. She was a member of the Wanless Methodist Church on Back Mountain and a member of the Farm Women's Club for many years. Mrs. Kesler was preceded in death by one son, Harold Kesler, in September, 1940. Survivors include her husband, Pearl Kesler; two daughters, Mrs. Alleene Marsh, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Audrey Ellingwood, of Sacramento, California; three sons, Ralph Kesler, of Akron, Ohio, Gene and Paul Kesler, both of Cass; one sister, Mrs. Mabel Thomas, of Cass; thirteen grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. David Rittenbou?e with burial in the Wanless Cemetery. Teddie Thornton Kerr Teddie Thornton Kerr was born March 7, 1909, the son of the late Renick and Annie Lowe Kerr, and died on July 15, 1955; aged 46 years, 4 months and 8 days. He died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, after a short illness. Funeral services were conducted in the Dunmore Methodist Church, en Sunday afternoon, with the Rev. Edward H. Thomas ofliciatincr. Burial was made the Wilfong Cemetery, near arhnton.

Fred Kiyttr

Fred Thomas Keyser, 85, of Hvattsville, Maryland, died Monday, January 7, 1980, at his home. He was born in Hot Springs, Virginia. October 1, 1894, the son of Samuel N, and Betty R. Keyser. Mr. Keyser was a Mason and member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are one son, Gerald L. Keyser, Indian Lake Estates, Florida; OEC daughter, Mrs. Anna Marie Hoagiand, of Boynton Beach, Florida; one sister, Mrs. Theodore Blackhurst, of Cass; one brother, J. W. Keyser, of Pearisburg; five grandchildren and eight great -grandchild r en, Masonic rites were conduct' ed on Thursday evening at McLaughlin Funeral Home. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Friday in the funeral Home by the Rev. John Haymaker. Burial was in Union Chapel Cemetery. Lorelta Ann Kerr Loretta Ann Kerr, 10 year old daughter of Jerry Kerr, of Stony Bottom, and Barbara Kerr, of Kearney, Nebraska; died Monday, October 8,1979, at her borne in Kearney, Nebraska, after a short illness, She is survived by her father, Jerry Kerr, of Stony Bottom; her mother, Barbara Kerr, of Kearney, Nebraska; one sister, Brenda, of Nebraska; one brother, Jerry, Jr., of Nebraska, one half-sister, JeanniePugb, of Durbin, and one half brother, Wayne, of Bartow. Funeral services were held Friday, October 12, with burial in Nebraska. A memorial service will be held Sunday, Oct. 21, at 1 pm at the Advent Christian Church in Buckeye with Rev. Sam Schoolcraft officiating.

• Bis. J. H. Kerr ! Mrs. Mar.y Jearaette Kerr, aged 83 years, died at h'T home in Hartstown Pennsylvania, Saturday, November 19th, 1960. j Mrs. Kerr was b)in in Pocahontas County, June 16. 1877, i the daughter of the late John and Fannie Rowe Gragg. On September 12, 19u0, she married Joseph H. Korr, who died May 5, 1950 They lived in Green Bank until 1950. Surviving are three sons; G« L^yke Kerr, of New Jersey; Jo-, seph H. Kerr, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and Robert Kerr, of j Hartstown, Pennsylvania; two [daughters, Betty Kerr, of Hartsi town, and Mrs. Beryl Berg of Sharon, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mrs. Sally S'aven, of West Virginia, and Mrs. Beulah Ervine, of •Jamestown, Pennsylvania; one brother, Calvin Grogg, of Parkersburg. eleven grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren and one great-greatgrandchild A son, Bruce, preceded her in death in 1927. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday by the Rev Edward Clark, pastor of the Jamestown Methodist Church, where she was a member. Interment j was made in the family plot m j I Park Lane Cemetery, at JamesI (town, Pennsylvania.

Reniek Kerr, aped 81 years, died at I n s h o r e near Dunmore on Monday, November 14, 1938. Burial in the Ounmore cemetery, the funeral bein^ conducted from the home bj Rev Mr Moo^e and Rev J. W Pugh. Mr Kerr is survived by three daughters UM: one son.

£ £ 2,

BertM. Kerr

Bert M. Kerr, 63, of Greenville, Pennsylvania R. D. 5 died at 8: 30 p. m. Wednesday May 23, 1962 in Greenville Hospital after a lingering heart ailment. A son of George Porter and Mattie E. Arbogast Kerr, he i was born in Arbovale, February 12, 1899. He married Ruth L. Warwick April 10, x924, who survives. Mr. Kerr was a truck driver for many vears. He was presently employed by William Barris, West Middlesex. Besides his wife and mother jf Arbovale, now a patient in Greenville hospital, surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Robert P. (Roberta) Ashe, Warren, Ohio, and Carolyn, at home, a brother, George P. Melbourne, Florida, two sisters, Mrs. James (Ina) Nelson, Youngstown, Ohio and Mrs. Fannie Kane, also of Melbourne. • Funeral services 2 p. m. Saturday, May 26, 1962, conducted by Rev. A. N. Maxwell, Shenango Baptist Church. Burial in Park Lawn Cemetery, Jamestown, Pennsylvania.


Mrs. Lillian B. Kerr

Mrs. Lillian Beard Kerr, 55, of Hartstown, Pa., and formerly of Green Bank, died June 30 in a Greenville, Pa., hospital. She had been ill for several years. Mrs. Kerr was born on Feb. 3, 1902, at Green Bank, the daughter of the late Leslie Osborne and Ruby Ralston Beard. She graduated from Green Bank High School and formerly taught in Pocahontas County Schools. She lived at Green Bank before moving to Pennsylvania several years ago. She was one of eleven children; one brother, Leslie Osborne Jr., died at three years of age. She is survived by her husband, George Layke Kerr; two brothers, Dewey R. Beard and Layke M. Beard, both of Durbin; seven sisters, Mrs. Birtie McLaughlin of Follansbee, Mrs, Bonnie Brooks of Marlinton, Mrs. Hallie Nottingham of Greenville, Pa., Mrs. Mildred Armstrong of Charleston, Mrs Wawa Gilmore and Mrs. Josephine Myers, both of Durbin and Mrs. Jeanne Irons "of Boy ton Beach, Fla.; four sons, George Layke Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa., Thomas of Ironton, Ohio, Zaneof Greenville, Pa., and Keith of Hartstown, Pa.; one daughter, Mrs. Sara Lou Delhanty of Sharon, Pa.; and eight grandchb den. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at the Hartstown, Pa., Methodist Church. ! Kirklyn McNeer Kerr, IT, was born on September 5,1962 and died on Thursday, December 6, 1962, age three months and one day, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kirklyn M. Kerr, of Morgantown. He is survived by his parents, the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Beard Kerr, of Green Bank; ma.ernal grandfather, George Parker, of Buckhannon, also se eral aunts and uncles, a great-great aunt, Mrs. Wilma Harper, of Elkins and a great-great uncle, Brown Beard of Bartow. His funeral was held at Hastings Funeral .Home in Morgantown on Sunday morning, and graveside services were conducted on Sunday afternoon at the Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. Helms. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kerr and Jerry Kerr, of Warren, Ohio, and Mrs. Beard Kerr, of Green Bank.

Teiidie (hornton Kerr 1 % Thornton Kerr « asb \ v^c -i 7, 1909, the son of the late Kenick and Annie Lowe Kerr, and died on July 15, 1955; aged 46 years, 4 months and 8 days. He died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, at Marlinton, after a short illness. Funeral services were conducted in the Dunmore Methodist Church, on Sunday afternoon, with the Rev. Edward H. Thom! as officiating. Burial was made in the Wilfong Cemetery, near Marlinton. " The deceased is survived by his! wife, Violet Wilfong Kerr, and th^ir three sons, Merle Gene,, of Cass; Teddie Thomas, of Washington, D. C , and Jerry Lee, at home; three granddaughters, Toni Kerr, Jeanic Lee and Ginger Kerr. He is sadly missed by all. "I cannot say, and I will not say That he is dead—he is just away! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand, He has wandered into an unknown land And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since he lingers there. So think of him faring on, as dear In the love of There, As the love of Here, Think of him still as the same,.! say: He is not dead—he is \, . away' Mrs. Mattie E. Kerr Mrs. Mattie Eulalia Kerr, 88, died at her home Saturday, June 23, 1962, in Arbovale. She was the widow of George Porter Kerr. She was a member of the Methodist Church and a lifelong resident of Arbovale. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Ina Nelson, Youngstbwn, Ohio, and Mrs. Fannie Kane, Melbourne, Florida; a son, George Kerr, Melbourne, Florida; a sister, Mrs. Laura Livesay, Cleveland, Ohio; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church with the Rev. John A. Helms in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery.


Mrs. Stephen Kaminitsky Mrs. Elizabeth Hook Kaminitsky, 47, of Towson, Mary land, died Wednesday, April 3, 1968, in St. Joseph's Hospital, in Baltimore. She was nun-e at Parkville Senior High School at the time other death. After graduating from King's Daughters' Hospital School of Nursing in Martinsburg, she served curing World War II as a First Lieutenant in the Army Nurses Corps with the 101st Evacuation in England, France and Germany. From 1947 to 1955 she was a staff nurse at the Veteran's Hospital. Fort Howard. In 1951 she received a bachelor of science in public health from the University of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Kaminitsky was born at Mill Point, the daughter of Owen M. Hook and the late Mrs. Hook. In addition to her father she is survived by her husband, Stephen Kaminitsky; a daughter, Stephanie; a brother, Francis Hook, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and a sister, Mrs. Lillian Cole, of Marlinton. Requiem mass was offered Sunday at Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church, of which she was a communicant.

J. Henry Knapper

J. Henry Knapper, age 88 years, was born in Lexington, Virginia. He departed this life Thursday, August 4, 1960, in an Elkins hospital. He had been a resident of Pocahontas County for about 65 years. | Survivors include two sons, ; Emmett Knapper, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania; and Simp-, son Knapper, of Cincinnati, Ohio; | one daughter, Alice Walker, of jCharleston; two brothers, HenIderson Cunningham, of Gallipolis. jOhio, and A. B. Cunningham, of Washington, D. C. Funeral services were conducted from the Smith Funeral Home Sunday afternoon with the Rev. Carl E. Boggs officiating. Burial ' was in Mountain View Cemetery, i Those from a distance attending the Knapper services wer?: A.. B. Cunningham and Mrs. Vlary Frances Rosin,, of Washington, D. C ; Major and Mrs. rlenry Norman, of Baltimore, Maryland, Henderson Cunningham, of Gallipolis, Ohio, and Mrs. ^Jaomi Frisby and Emmett Knap>er. of Chambersburg, Pennsyl-

i. M. Kane, Jr. J. M. (Jack) Kane, Jr., 56, of Cass, died December 8, 1980, in the Rockingham Memorial Hospital at Harrisonburg, Virginia, after a long illness. He was born July 12, 1924, at Cass, the son of the late M. J. and Naomi Dill Kane. Mr. Kane was a veteran of the U. S. Navy and a local merchant for 34 years. He was president of the Bank of Marlinton, the Coca Cola Bottling Company, of Marlinton, and a promoter of Cass Scenic Railroad since its beginning. Mr. Kane was a member of the Moose, Odd Fellows and Shenandoah Council of Commercial Travelers. He is survived by his wife, Odessa Barkley Kane; one daughter, Karen Sue Arbogast, of Dubois, Pennsylvania; one son, J. M. (Mike) Kane, III, of Arbovale; one brother, William E. Kane, of Durbin;and three grandchildren. Friends may call at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale after 6 p. m. on Thursday. Services will be held Friday at 1 p. m. with the Revs. David Rittenbouse and Thomas E. Henderson officiating, in the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to the National Arthritis Foundation or the National Kidney Foundation.

Mf*. RWH M M

S. D. Kirk

Mrs. Neoma Virginia Kane, Solomon Davis (Dee) Kirk, 69. of Durbin, died Sunday, age 86, of Hillsboro, died in the July 8, 1973, in the University Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Medical Center, at Morgan- on Thursday, March 19, 1950, town, rfjs after a stroke. She was a lifelong resident He was born December 11, of Pocahontas County and was 1872, in Boyd County, Kentucky, a member of the Durbin Unit- the son of the late Joseph Lakin ed Methodist Church and the and America Lusk Kirk. He American Legion Auxiliary. was married January 5, 1893, to Mrs. Kane was part owner of Fannie Stephens, who preceded Kane Stores in Pocahontas him in death. Their children are County and was secretary of Dakota (Mrs. C. W.) Hill, Ithaca, the Coca-Cola Bottling Com- New York, Ballard Kirk, of pany in Marlinton. Droop, Bascom Kirk, of Vinton, Survivors include two son?f, Iowa, and Marie (Mrs. Henry) J. M. "Jack" Kane. Jr., of Walton, of Livingston, Montana. Cass, and William E. "Red" He was again married to Berdie Kane, of Durbin; four sisters, Hayes, of Hillsboro, who survives. Mrs. Audra McPherson and Thev have one son, Sanford Kirk, Mrs. Evelyn Lightner, both of of Mill Point. Cass, Mrs Ernestine Waug'i, Also surviving are'three sisters, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Marie Mrs. Lizzie Hayslette, of Catletts Gragg, of Detroit, Michigan; five brothers, Wallace Dill, of burg, Kentucky, Mrs. Ella RichCass. Edmond Dill, of Cum- ards, of Renick, and Mrs. Carla' berland, Maryland, Oscar Dill, Hayslette, of Cincinnati, Ohio; of Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Mar- and two brothers, George Kirk, vin Dill, of Huntington, and of Catlettsburg, Kentucky and ErneBt Dill, Jr., of Ravens- William Kirk, of Ashland, Kenwood; five grandchildren and tucky. Mr. Kirk was a member of Westwo great-grandchildren. ley Chapel Methodist Church Funeral services were held and Pocahontas A F and A "u i Wednesday afternoon in the No. 121, and had served as a| Durbin United Methodist member of Pocahontas County' Church by the Rev. William Board of Education He came Helmick. with burial in the to West Virginia in 1903 with a Arbovale Cemetery. t lumber operation near Renick, and had lived at Hillsboro since 1908. He had engaged in busiMrs. Eula Kane Mrs. Eula Kane, 68, of 4710 ness in Williamson, Logan and MacCorkle Avenue S. W., Charleston. Funeral services were held SunSouth Charleston, died Friday, March 10, 1 9 6 7 . ^ . , ^ , s' day afternoon in Wesley Chapel She was a member of St. 'Methodist Church by the Rev. Ranis Methodist Church and L. E. Milemand the Rev. Collier was owner of Rock Shop, Harvey. Burial was made in Oak ^ ^ ^ W. F. KIM Grove Cemetery. Spring Hill. W.F. "Bill" Kane, 77, of Survivors include her husH. 6 Kump Wood bridge, died Wednesday, band, William F. Kane; five, May 12,1976, in Woodbridge, daughters, Herman Guy Kump, 84, a Mrs. Katbieen Virginia. great Governor of West Virginia Ocheltree, of Walnut Creek,' during the critic**! deprps.^ion He was formerly of Rainelle, California, Mrs. Frances Gast, and was a retired engineer for j of Enegue, Nigeria, Mrs. Sadie period of the early thirf'es, C&O Railway. died at his home in Elkins on McClung, of Oakhnd, MaryWednesday, February 14,1962, Surviving: daughters, Mrs. land. Mrs. Madeline Surface, from cancer. Jane Epperly, of Woodbridge. of Meadow Bridge, and Mrs. Mrs. Sadie McClung, of Key- Mabel Jane Epperly, of Woodser, Mrs. Frances Gast, ofPaci bridge, Virginia; one s;ster. CLARENCE KNOTTS fie Grove, California, Mrs Kath Mrs. Maude Winters, of Page, Clarence Knotts, aged 66 years, leen Ocheltree, of Danville, and one brother, Dennis Talldied at his home on Beaver Creek California, Mrs. Cricket Sur- man, of Frost. early Tuesday morning, January 21, face, of Meadow Bridge, sisters, 1941, of a heart attack. His death Funeral services were held Mrs. Nola Knight, of St. Alwrj wholly unexpected as he had apMonday in the Central Methobans, Mrs Beulah Kirk, of Asht-"-red to be in usual health. land, Kentucky, Mrs. Sadie dist Church at Rainelle. BurHis body was buried Wednesday Gum, Durbin, brother, Frank ial was in the Patton Cemetery the Beaver Creek cemeatJMeadow Bridge. Kane, Meadville, Pennsylvania. tery. Graveside services were held The deceased was a native of Saturday in Patton Memorial Grafton, coming to Pocahontas coun Cemetery, Meadow. Bridge, ty many years ago to work in the with the Rev. Honler Elkins \ lumber woods.b He is survived by and the Rev. James Yates offihis wife, also a brother and a sister. ciating.


J. A. Kirkpau^k Mrs. James Kirkpatrick Squire James A. Kirkpatrick Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, 87 of Roanoke, Virginia, former- died Tuesday morning. June 12, ly of Cass, died Sunday, Feb- 1945, at his home in Cass, agedabout seventy-eight years. As ruary 15, 1970, at Roanoke. Born in 1883, she was a dau- this paper is printed no arrangeghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ments have been announced for the funeral of this good man and John Luther Hudson. prominent citizen.- He is surviShe was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church and ved by his wife, Mrs. Hatti« was a charter member and a Hudson Kirkpatrick, and their past mitron of the Cass Chap- three children. ter Order of the Eastern Star. P B <W\ Erma J. Knight ^ Her husband, James Kirk^^TErrna Jean Noonan Knight, 69, patrick, and a daughter, Jane, of Clover Lick, died Monday, preceded her in death. October 23, 1995, at home after a Survivors include one daulong illness. ghter, Mrs, Zoe Willhide, of She was a retired inspector for Roanoke, Virginia; two sons, Bowden Corporation in Ohio and a Roy Kirkpatrick, of Belle, and member of Grace Episcopal Church Albert Kirkpatrick, of Charlesat Clover Lick. ton; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Born May 27, 1926, at Clover Crowley, of Green Bank, and Lick, she was the daughter of Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of JI^eveTarrd^and Lottie McComb Huntersville, and one brother, Noonan. ^ Ward Hudson, of Marlinton; ^"Tier husband, Hoyet Knight, and seven grandchildren. and a daughter, Judy Ludwig, Funeral services were held preceded her in death. Tuesday afternoon in the LibSurviving her are two erty Presbyterian Church a t daughters^Faye^Grubb., of Clover Green Bank by the Rev, Lick, and^Kay Brassow, of Thomas Henderson with burEastlake, Ohio; three sons, Donald ial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Knight, of Leroy, Ohio, Hoyet and William Knight, both of Eastlake; rrench 11. kirkpatrick ^ \ ; four sisters, Stella Tallman, of French H. Kirkpatrick, aged Clover Lick, Joybell Knight«rcjjU 56, died of a Leart attack, on Mentor, Ohio, Maxine Morton,, of Thursday afternoon, March 23, Salem, North Carolina, Margaret 1950, at his home in Charleston. Sharp, of Buckeye; two brothers, j He had been in failing health for Burton Noonan, of Mentor on the i several years. A former Marlin- ~ake, Ohio, and Earl Noonan, of ton resident he bad lived in Char- Willoughby Hills, Ohio; 24 1 grandchildlren and 13 leston the last six months. great-grandchildren. The deceased was a son of the Services will be held at 1 p. m. late William and Laura Gwiun Thursday at Wallace and Wallace Kirkpatrick. He was a veteran of the first Funeral Home in Arbovale, by the World War. Surviving are his Rev. Norman Alderman, with in the Stony Bottorn wife, Mrs. Anna Richards Kirk- burial p.xfcpick Iron, James F. and Max, Mrs. Earl Sharp, Mrs. Alfred Guru and Mrs. Neva Knight (Ls Maxine. Mrs. Neva Knight, 86, of Elk Route, Marlinton, died Friday, March 23, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. J. W. Kirkpatrick died at his She was a member of the home on Drennen Ridge near Mar Cass United Methodist Church. linton last Thursday night, February 28, 1924. For some days hehad been Born at Cass April 22, 1897, sick with pneumonia. His ate was she was the daughter of Charlie about 63 years. On Saturday his body and Armenta Sheets Galford. was taken to Elkins for burial. Mr Kirkpatrick was a native of Her husband, Joseph Knight, Highland County, but for the past and two brothers preceded her ten years or so he has been a resident of Marlinton. About a year ago his in death. wife lost her life in a fire which deSurviving her are several stroyed their home. One son, French nieces and nephews. I Kirkpatrick, survives his parents. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. B. B. < b ^ Mitcham, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


W. J. Killingsworth W. J. Killingsworth, aged 82 years, died on Wednesday, June 21, 1944. He had been in failing health for several years. On Friday afternoon, his body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery. The f u n e r a l service was conducted from the home by his pastor, Rev. Fre H Oxendale. The pall bearers were R. S. McNeill, J. E. Buckley. Paul Overholt, Z. S.Smith, Jr. Clarence Moore, and Walter Ma son. The deceased was a native of Bath County, being born at Warm Spring. About 60 years ago, he came to Pocahontas County to work as a carpenter and builder. He was one of the first citizens of the town of Marlinton. He 1 was an upright man, honest in all his dealings. Mr. Killingsworth married Missi Luemma McKeever, of Swago. ] ,Sbe preceded him in death a few! years ago. To this union was! born one son, A. G. Killings- 1 worth, of Marlinton. Joseph Allen Kline


Joseph Allen Kline, aged 95 years, died in a nursing home at Parsons, on Friday, March 13, 1953. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral was held from the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. A. L. Winkler. His body was laid tc rest irv the Arbovale Cemetery. i The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Virgie Kline: two daughters, Mrs. Lula Keister and Mrs. Florence Sutton, of Arbo vale, and a son, Amos Cochran, of Cochrantoo, Pennsylvania. * KLINE Charles H. Kline, son in-law of Wm. B. Blake, Sr„ died on Tuesday, March x8th, at St. Petersburg, Florida, He had been in the employ of Armour & Company and served this company in Tennessee and North Carolina and was about a year ago promoted to manager for the Baltimore house of this company. Last January he went to Florida for his health and died as above stated. Funeral services will be held in Ron(ceverte at the home of Wm. B. Blake, Sr., this afternoon at 3:30, conduct ed by Rev. Peter Ainslie, of the j Christian Temple of BaltimoreGreenbrier Independent Hillsboro—D. M. i^iuaiso • aged l about 75 years, died a^ Ms home nea, j Lobelia, or. May 31, . *0, On Sun-1 day the funeral was conducted from Emmanuel .Lurch by his pastor, Rev L, S. Shims, in the presence of a: large : ngregation. This prominent i citizen was a son of the late John B- i Kinrv'on. He is survived by his i ••*ife and *> number of children.

Wendell Wild* KiH«r

Wendell Waldo Kinder, 73, of South Charleston, died Thursday, March 8, 1979, in Thomas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired employee of Union Carbide and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church at South Charleston. Surviving him are his wife, Lou Symes Kinder, formerly of Seebertisons, Jack, of Charleston, Ray, of Jacksonville, Florida; daughter, Mrs. Sally Humphreys, of Houston, Texas; brothers, Clyde, of Lehigh Acres, Florida, Paul, of Jacksonville, Florida, Frank, of Teays Valley, Carl, of St. Albans; sisters, Mrs. Pauline McNeely, of St. Albans, Mrs. Maxine Triplett, of Branchland. Services were held Saturday, in First Presbyterian Church, in South Charleston, with the Rev. Edwin Grisby and the Rev. James Rice officiating. Burial was in Graceland Memorial Park.

Lloyd Klintr

Lloyd E. Kisner, 82, of Frank, died Monday, October 1, 1979, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. He was born April 9,1897, the son of Elmer and Ella Mullenax Kisner. Mr. Kisner, was a retired employee of the Howes Leather Company with over 50 years service and a farmer. His wife, Edna Graham Kisner, died January 29, 1971. Surviving are five children, Marguerite "Peg" Widney, of Elkins, L. E. '•Dabney" Kisner, jr., Durbin, Geraldine Lawton, Bryantown, Maryland, William E. Kisner, Bartow and Pauline Mams, Elk* ins; 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren; one brother, Luke, Frank; one sister, Pearl Gese, Delaware; three half sisters; one half brother. Services will be at the Durbin United Methodist Church on Thursday at 2 p. m. with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Friends caD visit at the church on Thursday from 11:30 A.M. _

h £>&

Mrs. Mary Kiner [ Mrs. Mary Hamrick Kiner,! 82, of Marlinton, died Monday, December 5, 1983, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after an extended illness. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Born April 17, 1901, in Braxton County, she was a daughter of George Austin and Hetta Kerr Hamrick. Her husband, Ward Kmer, died November 10, 1962. Four half-sisters, Rosie Hammons, Eva Judy, Lenora Woods, and Elizabeth Woods also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Goldie Kiner, of Marlinton; a sister, Bertha Barlow, of Marlinton; and half-brothers, Ben Hamrick, of French Creek, and Homer Hamrick, of Elkins. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in the Cochran Funeral arrangements for Mrs. Cemetery. Flora Kiser, 61, of Coal City are

Miss Goldie E. Kiner Miss Goldie Ellen Kiner, 59, of Marlinton, died Friday, February 17, 1984, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Woodrow July 5, 1924, she was the daughter of Ward and Mary Hamrick Kiner Surviving her are an aunt, Bertha Barlow, of Marlinton, and two uncles, Homer Hamrick, of Elkins, and Ben Hamrick, of Buckhannon. Services were held at the VanReenen Funeral Home on Sunday at 2 p. m. by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.

Rites Incomplete For Mrs, Kiser

incomplete. Mrs. Kiser died at 6 a. m. terday in a local hospital after an extended iline Survivors include her husband. Jessier Kiser; four sons. Oatlier of Co^ ity, ..Charles of Beckley, WillarU of- Boonton, N, J., and Ray of Port Huron, Mich.: and three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Jone Mabscott, Mrs. Dorothv Leeber of \ut!ey. K. J., and Mrs" Ethel Hollar of Hintor., Va. She was a daughter of the late Charles and Annie Nicely Kiser. The body is at the Webb a n d Xeal Funeral Home pending com' pletion of arrangements.

Ward Arnold Kiner Ct^

W7ard Arnold Kiner, aged 62, died of a heart attack at his \\ova.e in Marlinton. on Saturday, November 10, 1962. Born February 20, 1900, he . was the son of the late Ed and Martha Burgess Kiner. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Kiner; a daughter, Goldie Kiner, of Marlinton; one brother, Henry Kiner, of Marlinton; and four sisters, Mrs. Bessie Galford, of Gap Mills; Mrs. Mae Zimmerman and Mrs. Grace Kisner Mrs. Ida Dulaney, both of. Marlinton, and Mrs. Hallie Mrs. Grace Bolton Kisner, Farley, of Michigan. 81, of Durbin, died July 17, 1979, in the Davis Memorial Funeral services were held Hospital after a long illness. Monday afternoon in the West Union Church by the Rev. She was born at Riverton on Clarence Pierson, with burial May 23, 1898, the daughter of in Cochran Cemetery. the late George Bolton and Melissa Bolton Lantz. Surviving are her husband, William (Luke) Kisner; three Edward Kiner sisters, Evelyn Potter, of Bartow, Lease! Armentrout of E d Kiner, aged Manasaas Virginia, and Mag. Woodrow, died in the Pocahontas gie Murrell of Blue Ridge, Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, Texas; one brother Sam Lantz, m0 rning, October 30, 1957. The SLiP } n ; anp u t h r e e , f S t e r deceased was born in Greenbrier c h i l d r e n , ^ B o l t o n , of Wes- c unty, May 4, 1872, the son of sler, Utah, Don Wood, of the late Jonathan and Matilda Winter Haven, Florida, Hope Shaffer Kiner. He was a farmer. Bryant, of Kerrville, Texas. Services were held on July ftg^SS? a f ^ f ™ " 19, at the Wallace & Wal-L fe r , {\,f, i ,?^D U ' lace Funeral Home at Arbovale i£a l mK t hAe rC o^c L j l * T " with the Rev. Richard Ogden Cemetery, officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale- Cemetery.

C. L. Kinney rly of C. L. Kinney, formerly Cass, died in a Winchester, Virginia,- hospital March 9, 1979/His remains will be buried in the Arbovale Cemetery January 29,1980, at 2 P. M. He is survived by his wife, Lil, daughter, Karen (Mrs. John F. Harris) and son, William. £^__It was his request that his body be donated to medical science and the remains be cremated. Graveside services will be conducted by Rev. Eddie Kyle, pastor of Green Bank Methodist Church. Mr. Kenney graduated from Syracuse School of Forestry in New York. He spent 20 years with the United Stater Forestry, Service in New York, Pennsylvania and Kentucky. His last active service was several years as chief forester for the Mower Lumber Company. Friends may call on Karen and John at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil 8. Harris in Green Bank after the interment. Miss Harriet Kimmel Miss Harriet I. Kimmel, 87, of Charlottesville, formerly of Charleston, died Friday; March 9, 1984, in a Charlottesville hospital. She was a retired school teacher and taught a year or so many years ago at Edray District High School, teaching home economics. She later taught in Kanawha County. She was a native of Grafton. Graveside services were held Sunday in Bleumont Cemetery at Grafton.

Lemuel H. Kennison Lemuel H. Kennison, aged 77 years of Hillsboro, died at a nursing home in Ronceverte on Tuesday August 9, 1949. On Thursday afternoon his body was buried in the McNeel cemetery. The service was held from the Hillsboro Melbodist Church by his pastor, Rev. A. .1. Schrader. He is survi.i.'. by his <ster, Mrs. F. A. Chapman, r.nd bis brother, L. R. Kennison. Lonnie W. King

Lonnie Warren King, 63, of Ronceverte, died Monday, December 2, 1968, in a Ronceverte hospital. He had been a resident of Ronceverte for three years and was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Gertrude King; one daughter, Mrs. Shirley Scott, of Hillsboro; one son, Eugene Warren Scott, of Franklin, and one sister, Mrs. Celesta Osborne, of Cleveland, Ohio.

Qnet Kimball ;race Kimball, 71, of 365 Grac* Gibbs Road, Akron, Ohio, died January 16, 1978, at Little Forest Medical Center after a one year illness. She was born at Stony Bottom, and had lived in Akron the past 38 years. She is survived by a son, Frank Ray, North Hollywood, California; daughters, Mrs. Lucille Barlow, Meshoppen, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ellen Saleker, of Avon, Ohio, Mrs. Marjorie Fransman, Hudson, Ohio, Mrs. Ann Rose, of Akron; twelve grandchildren; fifteen greatgrandchildren; a brother, Lloyd McLaughlin, of Aurora, Colorado. ' Services were held Wednesday at 3 p. m. from Hopkins Funeral Home, Canton Road, Akron. Rev. Harold Hayes officiated. Burial was in Lakewood Cemetery, Akron, Ohio.

Mrs. C. A. Knight

Mrs. Mary Marshall Knight, 81, died October 20, 1959, at her home at Williamsburg. Surviving her are her husband, Clarence A. Knight; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Neely, of Lsivisburg, and Miss Cornelia Marshall, of iCharleston; and two brothers, 1 James K. Marshall, of Hillsboro, I and Edward M. Marshall, of Sunlight. Services wer~ held last Thursday in the Andrew Chapel Me- i thodjst Church by her pastor, the , Rev. Mamie KepVnger, with i burial in the Church Cemetery.

Mrs. Beatrice Mary Kinsley Mrs. Beatrice Mary Kinsley, 76, of Marlinton, died in Greenirier Valley Hospital Friday, Vlarch 1, 1985. She had suffered a stroke the previous Sunday. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. A native of Ohio, she was born February 17, 1909. Her husband, Edward S. Kinsley, preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Nancy Kinsley, of Marlinton, and a son, Edward William Kinsley, and two grandchildren, Brandy and Eric. Services were, held Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Wafer Kirby. agid about eiphty years, died at his uome at Kirby. Hampshire county, after a long illDtti with cancer, Jul 29, 1939 He is survived by his two daughters and a half sister, Mrs Bell Corbtn. At the age of ten years Mr Kirby came to live at the home of William Aui. dridjre, near Buckeye, and stayed there eleven years. He was a sor of Arch and L^ctnda Weiford Kirby Frank Kodar Frank Kodar, aged 52 year", a native of Austria, fell-ue^r while r I work in the Gauley wi -ds, on January 22. 1942. His body was taken to Rich wood for brrial. He had no known relatives. He hai worked for the. Cherry River Luia ber Company for thirty years.


Mrs. Woodsie Poage Knight Mrs. Woodsie Poage Knight, aged 69 years, died at her home in Lewisburg on Wednesday night, August 22, 1956, after a long illness. On Friday after-' noon her body was laid to rest in Rosewood Cemetery. The service was held from the home by her pastor, Rev. Stacy Grosscup,' of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Knight is survived by her husband, Harry Knight, and their two children, Mrs. Julia Garnett, of Bramwell, and Moffet Knight, of Morgantown. The deceased was a daughter of the late John R. and Elizabeth Sharp, of Poage Lane. Her five sisters are Mrs. Anna Williams^ of Valley Center, Virginia; Mrs. E. H. Williams, of Marlinton; Mrs. 0. W. Barnett and Mrs. Florence Mann, of Clover Lick; and Mrs. Lucy Lightner, of Warren, Ohio.

Delsie Long Kasholo Mrs. Delsie Ellen Long KashSo 65, of Leivasy, Nicholas County d ed Saturday, December 22 1984, following an a

t h e e w a s a native of Nicholas County, a former employee of iacred" Heart Hospital mRich^ wood and a member of the S e d Brethren Church in Richwood. , Surviving her are her hus hand James; daughters, bhirJeTKasholo of Las Vegas NLada,Mrs.RethaHxnU,nof Leivasy; brothers Ermon Long, of Cottle, Ray Long, of Warren, Ohio, Clarence Long, of Ashland, Ohio; sister, Mrs. Hazel Zimmerman, of Baineue, and six grandchildren Services were heft Friday m Collins Funeral Home in Rich^ Wood by the Rev Charley Cross and the Rev. Shirley Fox. Eurial was in West ^Virginia Memorial Gardens at Calvin. „ Mrs. Kasholo was a cousin of ' Mazie Kellison and Oda Scott, of HiUsboro, and Johnie Long, of Mill Point. Jerome R. Kaliszewski Jerome Robert Kaliszewski, 54, of Cleveland, Ohio, died Friday, July 22, 1983, at his home after a long illness. He was a retired railroad employee and was married to the former Mary Frances Cain. Survivors include his wife, Mary Frances; daughters, Jeanie Kaliszewski, of Cleveland, Karen Kaliszewski, of California, Judy Nemits, of Garfield Heights, Ohio, Julia Grimes, of Marlinton; sons, Jackie Cain, of Altoona, Pennsylvania, Larry Kincaid, Cleveland, Ohio; sisters, Irene Starensky, Broadview Heights, Ohio, Helen Reed and Mary Reed, both of Independence, Ohio; four grandchildren, (^r Services were held Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial in Mount Zion Cemetery in the Hill Country.


Frank Kayes

Clara Boldii Kayts

Frank B. Kayes, 88, of Valley Bend, died Thursday, March 9, 1972, in Nella's Nursing Home following an extend ed illness. He was a retired carpenter and a resident of Val ley Bend for the past 36 years, and was a member of Don Bosco Catholic Church at Buttons ville. Mr. Kayes was born September 21, 1883, at Weston Mills, New York, a son of the late Dennie and Elizabeth Gills Kayes. He was united in marriage on November 30, 1911, to the former Clara Dunbrack, who survives at Valley Bend. Also surviving are two sons, Edward and Robert, of Valley Bend; three daughters, Mrs. Mary McClain, St. Albans, Mrs. Naomi Wamsley, Valley Bend, and Mrs. Josephine Vans coy, Dailey, one brother, Emmett Kayes, of Buffalo, New York; thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. One son, one daughter, three brothers and two sisters are deceased. Funeral Mass was celebrated March 13. at St. Brendan's Catholic Church. Interment n the St. Brendan's OathoN"

Mrs. Clara Goldie Kayea, 81, a resident of Valley Bend for the past forty one years, died Friday, April 15,1977, at the Davis Memorial Hospital. She had been in her usual health until stricken ill at her home Thursday. Mrs. Kayes was born July 26,1895, in Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late George and Harriet Ryder Dunbrack. On November 31, 1911, she married Frank B. Kayes, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Kayes was a member of the Don Bosco Catholic Center at Huttonsville. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Naomi) Wamsley, of Valley Bend and Mrs. Glen (Josephine) Vanscoy, of Dailey; one son, Robert Dennis Kayes, at home; one sister, Mrs. Robert (Vollie) Daniels, of Marlinton; two brothers, Forrest Dunbrack and Marvin Dunbrack, both of Marlinton; 13 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Two sons, one sister and three brothers preceded her in death. The Rosary was recited on Monday evening in the Tomblyn Funeral Home and the Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Tuesday at St. Brendan's Catholic Church with the Rev. Father Paul Hickey officiating. Burial was in the St. Brendan's Catholic Cemetery.

Mamie F.Kullman Mamie F. Kullman, 82, of Franklin, died March 6, 1982, at the Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, Va., after a several weeks illness. She was born on December 5, 1899, at Minnehaha Springs, a daughter of the Late Henry Lee and Man Jane Hammer White. On September 29, 1939, she was married to the Rev. S. Kullman, who survives. Also surviving are three nephews, Max White, o Minnehaha Springs, Re White, of Roanoke, Va and Lee White, of Chai lotte, N. C. Mrs. Kullman was retired school teacher an taught 15 years in Pocahoi tas County schools. Services were held Wee nesdav at the Faith Luthe: an Church in Franklin wit the Rev. Charles Erzkuf Rev. Andrew Bales, D; Cecil Bradfield, and othei officiating. Burial was the St. Paul Lutherf Church "Cemetery ; Moyers. Mrs. Kullman was .member of New Hop Lutheran Church at Minnt haha Springs.

Edward Harold Kayes Edward Harold Kayes, 45, of Valley Bend, died enroute to the Memorial General Hospital Monday. January 21, 1974, from injuries received in an automobile accident the day before near Huttonsville. A veteran of World War II and the Korean War, he was born at Marlinton on May 20, 1928, the son, of Mrs. Clara Dunbrack Kayes, of Valley Bend, and the late Frank B. Kayes. He had never married. In addition to bis mother, he is survived by one brother, Robert D. Kayes, of Valley Bend; two sisters Mrs. Robert (Naomi) Wamsley, of Valley Bend, and Mrs Glenn (Josephine) Vanscoy, of Dailey; and several nieces and nephews. He was also preceded in death by one brother and two sisters.

Nathaniel Kennison Nathaniel Kennison died suddenly of a heart atteck at his home in Palatine, Illinois, December 3,1970. Born at Hills boro, December 29, 1909, he was the son of the late Augus t Eugene and Jessie Kennison. At an early age he acquired the niek-name, Ned, and this name remained with him through life. Mr Kennison was first employed at the Naval Weapons Plant, Washington, D. C He moved to Chicago, in 1930, where he was employed by the Western Electric Company, until he established his own radio and television business. During World War II, he instructed service men in the field of electronics. Mr. Kennison married Miss Ellinor Kappas, of Oelwine, Iowa; they moved to Palatine, in 1946, where he established Ned's Radio and Television Shop, a business he maintained iuitil death. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. James Errant, Jr., at the Ahlgrin &Sons Funeral Home, at 2:00 p.m., in Falatine, on December 7th, followed by private interment. He was preceded in death by a brother, William Wayne, and a sister, Mrs. Virginia Dare Hanna. Mr. Kennison held an abiding affection for Pocahontas County, and all of those who shared the adventure of bis boyhood. Those who knew him best will remember his gentle tenderness for all life, and his quick dry wit. Mrs. Kinnison preceded her husband in death by seven months. As a young girl, she was a teacher and nurse. In Palatine she had been employI ed as manager of a local chain store for a number of years prior to her last illness. They are survived by two I daughters, Mrs. George MarI cotte, McHenry, Illinois, and I Mrs. Raymond Lorden, PalaI tine, three granddaughters, one grandson, and a sister, Mrs. Frank Elligson, Severna Park, Maryland.



Timothy J. Kenealy ! Timothy J. Kenealy, died in his sleep on Sunday, April 7, 1963, at the home of Colonel and Mrs. Frederick F. Riley, 4035 Goodlett Cove, Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. Kenealy had been in excellent health and had celebrated his ninety-first birth day on April 2. He was born in Wellsville, New York, and had lived in Cass for forty years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Kathryn W. Kenealy, a son, J. W. Kenealy ot Middlesex, New Jersey; two daughters, Mrs. George A. Williams of Chappaqua, New York and Mrs. F. F. Riley of Memphis, Tennessee; seventeen grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held in Memphis and he was laid to rest in the Memorial Park Ceme tery there. He had been known affectionately for many years as "Daddy Tim", and had not retired until the age of 88. Mrs. Mildred Keenan

Mrs. Mildred Judy Keenan, 57, of Middletown, died March 24,1968, in the VA Center in Martinsburg. Mrs. Keenan was born August 30, 1910, at, Bungers, a daughter of the late James F. and Lucy P. Hannah Judy. She was the wife of John L. Keenan, and was a registered nurse and an Army nurse. A veteran of World War II, she served with the U. S. Army in Australia during the War. She had been ill since August 1967. She is survived by one son, Pvt. Jay Lawrence Keenan, stationed with the U. S. Army at Fort Benning, Georgia; six sisters, Mrs. Arlene Cutlip, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Norma Roach, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Mrs. Geraldine Clarke, of Boyertown, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Thelma Campbell, of Clearbrook, Mrs. Mary Kuehster; of Cheyenne, and Mrs. Sara Jane Scott, of Walker town, North Carolina; three brothers, Ralph W. Judy, of Salisbury, Maryland, R. Keith Judy, of Stephen? City, and James W. Judy, oi Middletown; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the Reliance Evangelical United Brethren Church by the Rev. H. Eugene Baker, with burial in Shenandoah Memorial Park, Winchester^ Virginia.

Edward H. Keene Edward Harvey Keene, 36, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Renick, died Saturday, September 4, 1971, in a Baltimore, Maryland, hospital following a brief illness. He was employed by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation and was a veteran of the Korean Conflict. Survivors include his father* Harvey W. Keene, of Renick; his step-mother, Mrs. Winnie Keene; four brothers, Len Keene, of Hillsboro, William Keene, of White Sulphur Springs, Ray Keene, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Jerry Keene, at home. Funeral services were held in the Jack K. Wallace Chapel in Lewisburg Tuesday afternoon with burial in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick. Lee Kesler Robert Lee Kesler, 89, of Clover Lick, died Friday, July 2, 1982. in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. \ He was a retired school bus driver, a member of the Methodist Church, and a veteran of World War II. Born at Dunmore October 4, 1892, he was the son of George Whitfield and Elizabet Vint Kesler. His wife, Elizabeth McQuain Kesler, and a daughter, Nellie Isaacs, preceded him in death. Surviving him are four sons, EarlM. Kesler, State College, Pennsylvania, Ray M. Kealer, Morgantown, Ligon L. Kesler, Orient, Ohio, Alfred C. Kesler, State College, and a daughter, Elizabeth Kershner, of Tallahassee, Florida; eleven grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren; and a sister, Emma Hippie, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Services were held Monday, at 1 p. m. in VanReenen Fuleral Home by Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr., with burial in .fountain View CemeteYy. Dallas Kennedy Dallas Kennedy, formerly of Clover Lick, died in Greenbrier Valley Hospital Tuesday, October 20,1981. He has been a resident of White Sulphur Springs. Services will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 2 pm at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Alfred Gum officiating. Burial will be in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Sister Jeanie Keaton Lois "Sister Jeanie" Keaton, 51, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, March 18, 1984, in Raleigh General Hospital in Beckley. She had suffered a stroke on Friday. She was born January 23, 1933, in Hotchkiss. Mrs. Keaton was employed at Denmar Hospital and was minister of several churches in Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties. Surviving her are her husband, Jerry L. Keaton; two sons, Rondal, of Bealton, Virginia, and George Keaton, of Hillsboro; two daughters, Treva Reed, of McArthur, and Donna Martin, of Lufkin, Texas; her mother, Hazel Fraley, of Midway; two sisters, Anne L. Fraley, of Midway, and Ardis Lillie, of Huntsville, Alabama; 9 grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Charlie Johnson, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Glenville.—E. Houston Kennison, 74. a former restaurant operator, died January 1; in a Clarksburg hospital where be had been a patient since I) - 28. He was born. Octo ier 2, 1867, in Pocahontas conn!., a son of Hezikiah and Elizaberh Silva Kin nison. He came to v ilmer county with his parents vnen he was twelve years old and had resided in this section s i n e . He first lived in Sand Fork community, but came here to op*n a restaurant^in later years. Mr Kennison married Louisa Powell, who died November 28, 1941. He is survived by two adopted daughters, Mrs Fairy Adams, of H u n t i n g b u , and Mrs. Nellie Coberly, of Glenville, and by two brothers, C. 0. and I. J. Kennison, both of Saud Fork. Burial in the Povell cemetery on Dry Run.—Clarksburg Exponent.


Mn. Eiiztbitfc Ktskr S Mrs. Elizabeth (Bettv) McQuain Kesler, 83, of'Stony Bottom, died December 18, 1978, in the Pocahontas Memortal Hospital. She wa3 born December 7, 1895, the daughter of the late Marshall and Ida Masters McQuain. She married Robert Kesler on December 11, 1919. Surviving are her husband; four eons, Earl M., of State College, Pennsylvania, Ray M. of Morgantown, Ligon L., of Orient, Ohio, and Alfred C, of State College, Pennsylvania; two daughters, Elizabeth Kesler Kershner, of Tallahassee, Florida, and Nellie Kesler Isaacs, of Charleston; two sisters, Kate Propst and Jane Eye, both of Franklin, a brother, Charles McQuain, of Dunmore; eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held Thursday at two p. m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev, Gregory Lewis officiating. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Floyd Amos Kline, Sr. Floyd Amos Kline, Sr., 75, Atlantic Avenue, Cochranton, Pennsylvania, died at Franklin Hospital on Saturday, September 17, 1983. He was born at Edray on March 22, 1908, a son of Joseph Alien and Sarah Frances Oscar Kline. He married Nellie Kathryn Carpenter and they moved from Marlinton to Pennsylvania 34 years ago. He was a member of Cochranton United Methodist Church, Cochranton Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary, and Cochranton Golden Age Club. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Waldo [Betty] Woge, of Carlton, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Wilson [Joyce] Phares, of Brookville, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Charles [Barbara] Cherry, of Utica; four sons, Allan Kline, of Stoneboro, Floyd Amos Kline, Jr., of Cochranton, Kenneth Kline, of Carlton, and Larry Kline, of Dallas; 27 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. A brother and two sisters preceded him in death. Services were held on September 20 at Ronald Dickson Funeral Home in Cochranton by the Rev. Ronald Hankey and Rev. Earl Watterson, with interment in Cochranton Cemeter.

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lBlU K e y s e r l John William [Bill] Keyser, 81, of Pearisburg, Virginia, died Thursday, February 19, 1981, in a Pearisburg Hospital, following a long illness. Mr. Keyser was a retired employee of the Celanese Fiber Corporation and was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Mr - Keyser resided in Cass before moving to Pearisburg; while living in Cass, he was employed by the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company as a pipefitter. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, having received his fifty year pin in November, 1980. He was preceded in death by his mother, Betty Keyser Robertson, three brothers, Sidney, Fred and Dick, and his wife, Lotus Butcher Keyser. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Doris Blackhurst, of Cass, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, February 21, at 2 p. m. in the Givens Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Rockwell Ward and the Rev. E. C. Redmond officiating, with burial in Birchlawn Cemetery in Pearisburg, Virginia

Margaret L. Kerr Margaret L. Kerr, age 66, of Marlinton, died Sunday, May 18, 1997, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was born at Rondie March 28, 1931, the daughter of Herbert Burton and Virginia D. Wooddell Lightfoot. Mrs. Kerr was preceded in death by three sisters, Grace Goodman, Marie Daras, Virginia Joye, and a brother, Billy Lightfoot. Surviving her are her husband, Teddy T. Kerr; three daughters, Toni Magreevy, of Ashtabula, Ohio, Patty Keatley and Willa Keatley, both of Marlinton; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be held at VanReenen Funeral Home at 1 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. David Nash. Burial will be in Wilfong Cemetery.

Harry Kincaid Harry [Skip] E. Kincaid, 81, of Tionesta, Pennsylvania, died Thursday, June 28, 1984, at his home. Born October 20, 1902, in Durbin, he was a son of the late George D. and Mattie Burner Kincaid. He married the former Anna D. Atkin, who survives. Mr. Kincaid was a retired construction supervisor. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three sons, Harry E. Kincaid, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Richard R. Kincaid, of Riverside, California, and Thomas J. Kincaid, of Bangkok, Thailand; two daughters, Mrs. Beverly Franklin, of Eastern, and Mrs. Judith J. Jardin, of Titusville; three brothers, Leonard Kincaid, of Hollywood, Maryland, Rex B. Kincaid, of Marlinton, and Clifford M. Kincaid, of Wilmington, North Carolina; two sisters, Mrs. Mona Arbogast, of Newport, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Ollie B. Schwarberg, of Stephenson, Virginia; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the James K. Haslet Funeral Home by the Rev. John Swartzfager, pastor of-the Shamburg Christian Church, with burial in Starr Cemetery, Forest County. Richard Allen Kincaid Richard Allen Kincaid, 19, of Hillsboro, died Friday, September 9, 1994, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center at Fairlea of a sudden illness, possibly rupture of an aneurysm in the brain. He was a senior at Pocahontas County High School. Born at Fairlea June 23, 1975, he was the son of Samuel W. and Vickey Reed Kincaid, of Hillsboro, formerly of the Alderson area. Surviving him are his parents; two brothers, Samuel W. Kincaid, Jr., and Christopher Kincaid, both at home; maternal grandparents, Richard and Goldie Reed, of Alderson; paternal grandmother, i Kincaid, of Hillsboro; paternal great-grandmother, Murrel Jeffries, of Alderson. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Lee Alderman, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Harry C. Kincaid

Luther Thomas Kirk Harry G. Kincaid, age 64, Luther Thomas Kirk died passed away Saturday, Sepjat the age of 50 years, 9 months tember 7, 1968, at his home in Ubly, Michigan. and 4 days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leona SchoolBorn at Marlinton, January craft , at Buckeye, Wednes20, 1904, he was the son of day, March 20,1963. Death the late Charles D. and Susan jwas caused from a heart attack Boswell Kincaid. Born June 16, 1912, near Survivors include three chilCharleston, he was a son of dren and one sister, Miss Hesthe late Kime and Ethel Kirk. ter Kincaid, of Hot Springs, He was a painter by trade. Virginia, a bookkeeper at McA son, Jerry Allen Kirk, preLaughlin Funeral Home for ceded him in death August 4, many years. 1944. Funeral services were held Monday morning in Ubly, Survivors include his wife, Michigan with burial in the Mrs. Rachel Sharp Kirk; three Ubly Cemetery. daughters, Mrs. Virginia Mae Schoolcraft, Mrs. Leona Ann Schoolcraft, and Mrs. Hilda Sanford D. Kirk Sanford Drexel Kirk, 57, of Jane Schoolcraft; four grandRichwood, died Sunday, No- children, Timothy, Kathy, Jer-' vember 1. 1970, in a Richwood ry, and Terry Schoolcraft; hospital from injuries received three brothers, Carl Kirk, and October 29 in a car accident Edward Kirk, both of Charleston, and Curtis Kirk, of Pome•ear Richwood. roy, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Born at Hillsboro he was a Ruby Alford, of South Charson of Solomon Davis Kirk leston, Mrs. Madolyn Fernette j and Mattie Blanche Haye3 of New Hampshire, and Mrs. Kirk. Jean Young, of Racine, Ohio. He wa* a member of the WesFuneral services were held ley Chapel Methodist Church Friday in the Cunningham Fuat Hillsboro, Elks Lodge at neral Home with the Rev. Charleston, Pocahontas Lodge Homer Baxter in charge. Bu-1 No. 121, Ancient Free and Ac- j rial was in the Spring Hill cepted Masons at Hillsboro, Cemetery. Scottish Rite at Charleston, Beni Kedem Temple at CharMrs. S. 0. Kirk leston, Nicholas Shrine Club at Richwood, Admiral of the Mrs. S. D. (Birdie) Kirk, 88, Line of the Cherry River Navy. of Hillsboro, died Tuesday, July 20, 1965, in the Denmar Mr. Kirk was owner of MarlHospital at Baard, after a long wood Motel and Restaurant illness. in Richwood and formerly wa associattd with Charleston Born at Jacox, February 9, Maytag, Inc. 1877, she was the daughter of the late Abraham and Marga-. Survivors include his wife, ret Clutter Hayes. Mrs. Louise Moles Kirk; one She was a member of the Wes daughter, Mrs. Barbara Jean ley Chapel Methodist Church Gilbert, of Rranoke, Virginia; and Hillsboro Chapter No. 93, two half brothers, A. B. Kirk, Order of the Eastern Star, of Pasadena, California and Ballard Kirk, of Montana, and Her husband, S: D. Kirk, two half sisters, Mrs. Dakota preceded her in death. Hill, of Bradenton, Florida, Survivors include one son, and Mrs. Marie Walton, of Sanford Kirk, of Rchwood; Big Timber, Montana. two sisters, Mrs. Belle SimFuneral services were held mons, of Dunbar and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon in the Gertrude Buchannon, of FairHillsboro Methodist Church mont; two step-daughters. by Rev Ralph Ross, Rev. Cecil Mrs. Dakota Hill, of Ithaca, Dalton and the Rev. Sherman New York, and Mrs. Marie M ^rkley, with Masonic grave- Walton, of Big Timber, Monside rites in the Oak Grove ;ana; and two stepsons, A. B. ^emetery at Hillsboro. Kirk, of Pasadena, California and Ballard Kirk, of Caldwell. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Wes ley Chapel Methodist Church by the Rev. V. A. Tenney. Burial was in I he Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.


Earl A. Kreiter Earl A. Kreiter, age 87, of Rt. 1, Edray, died July 17, 1995, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Kreiter was a retired electrical engineer with U. S. Steel, and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. He was born March 8, 1908, in Pittsburgh, the only son of John and E. Kreiter. His wife, Dorothea T. Kreiter, preceded him in death. His niece is Mrs. Dorothea Pinney, of Rt. 1, Marlinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Grimes attended the funeral of his nephew, Warren Bussard, at ChurchviUe, Virginia, Monday. He was the son of the late Charles and Viola Bussard, of Deerfield, Virginia. Dale Kramer

Dale Kramer, 63, Fairborn, Ohio, and formerly of the Elkins area, died Wednesday, August 25,1982, at the U. S. Air Force Medical Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, where he had been a patient for two weeks. He was born in Hightown, Virginia, July 20, 1919, a son of Mrs*. Lila May Kramer of Texas and the late Jake Kramer. Also surviving are his wife, Mollie; two sons, John Western, of Troy, Ohio, Dale Kramer, Jr., Oak Ridge, Tennessee; two brothers, Harry Kramer, West Virginia, Sterl Kramer, of California; two sisters, Nina Smith, of West Virginia, Mary Lee Mosely of Texas, and three granddaughters. He was preceded in death by one brother, Fred Kramer. Mr. Kramer was retired from the U, S. Air Force having served 30 years. .


Mrs. J. H. Kirby James Clifford Kirby C Mrs. Mary Ella Kirby, 83, of James Clifford Kirby, 52, of Marlinton, was born January ! Marlinton, an employee of the •28, 1884, and died Sunday, State Road Commission, died of October 1, 1967, in the Poca- a heart attack aS he went to work hontas Memorial Hospital. : at th3 Ec'ray qutrry st 7:30 She was the daughter of the Monday morning, April 1, 1957. late Alvin Reese Thomas and A mail carrier for 22 months, Margaret Buckley Thomas and was the widow of James working between Ronceverte and Marlinton, he had been employed Henry Kirby. by the State Road Commission She was preceded in death by since September. four brothers, Nottley, Guy, Born in Alderson, February 25, Harry and Rex Thomas, two half-brothers, Lete and Charles 1905, he was the son- of the late Young, and one half-sister, James and Isabella Ellis Kirby. Survivors include his wife, Ella Mrs. Ruth McNeill. Pritt Kirby; three : mothers, WilSurvivors include one sister, liam M. Millboro, Virginia, Mrs. Alta Rose, of Marlinton. Grover L.of Kirby, of CharlottesFuneral services were held ville, Virginia, and Pan1 A. of Wednesday afternoon at the Fort Springs; and two sisters, Lower Buckeye Church by the Mrs. Elva Grimes, of Crozet, Rev. James Kerr and the Rev. Virginia, and Mrs. Nellie M. Willis Cornelius, with burial Sinks, of Ronceverte. in the church cemetery. The funeral will 'be conducted at 2:00 p. m. Thursday in Fair'•• Martha W. Kramer Methodist Church with the Martha Wiimoth Kramer, view Teddy Alderman in charge. 68, of Durbin, died Fri- !i Rev. Burial will follow in Fairview day, October 8, 1982, at home. Cemetc-". I Born June 5. 1914, she was the daughter of the late Lee and Sabina Spencer Wiimoth. / f ' 7 / C o L John David Kramer i / Mrs. Kramer was a lifelong resident of D rbin, a member Col. John David Kramer, 75, a faculty member at Augusta Miliof Durbin Church of the Brethtary Academy, died Wednesday, ren, and a retired postmistress Sept. 8 at Kings Daughters Hospiof Durbin. tal. Survivors include a son, He was born in Highland CounMax Lee Kramer, of Durbin; ty on Jan. 16, 1896, a son of the late San and Margaret Fisher Kraa stepson, Raymond Kramer, mer, and was' educated at Bridgeof Lakewood. California; three water College, later studying at sisters,' May"Kramer, of Dailey, Madison College and the UniverLillian Cassidy, Pittsburgh, sity of Virginia. He served as prinPennsylvania, and Mary Notcipal of several Augusta County tingham, of Staunton, VirSchools prior to joining AMA. A ginia; a brother, Paul Wiimember of the Augusta Stone moth, of Durbin. Presbyterian Church, he served as, a Deacon, Trustee and as treasurServices were held Tuesday, er of t h ; Development Fund. at 2 p. m. at Wallace & WalCol. Kramer saw active duty durlace Funeral Home Chapel at ing World War I and was a memArbovale. Burial was in the ber of Highland Lodge 110, A, F. Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. C.S. Kramer, and Mrs. Julian Surber, of Marlinton,' and Mrs. J. K. Arbogast, of Arbovale, attended the funeral of John Dock Kramer, 77, of Neyy Hope, Virginia, at Fort Defiance Church, on Friday, Siptember 17. He was a brother of the late Dr. Charles S., Kent, Merle and Dewey Kramer, and 2 sisters, the last of the family. He had taught at Augusta Military Academy for many years.

& A. M. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Bclston Kramer, and a number of nieces and nephews. . Funeral services will be held at 11 a. rid! Friday, Sept: 10 from the Augusta Stone Presbyterian Church at Fort Defiance by the pastor, the Rev. James R. Kennedy. Burial will be in Augusta Stone Cemetery. Highland Lodge 110, A. F. & A. M.( will conduct Masonic services at the graveside. The body is at Hamrick Funeral Home in Staunton and will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service. The family will receive friends at the residence.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ula H. Ke3 ^ ^ Mrs. Lula H. Kee was born March 28,1881, at Clover Lick, and died Saturday, October F>, 1963, in a Beck!ey hospital. Mrs. Kee was the daughter of Quincy W. and Catherine Sharp Poage. She was first married to John Gay, who died December 20, 1910, and their children are Lewis Gay, of Buckeye, John Gay, of Marlinton, and Polly Dilley, of Arlington, Virginia. She later married J. E. Kee, now of Sweet Springs, and they had one daughter, Mrs. Betsy BlaIcffc, of Arlington, Virginia. In addition to her children she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Henry McClure, of Miriinton; two grandsons, Robert L. Gay, of Columbus, Ohio, and Jack M. Gay, of Camden, Alabama, and two great-grandsons, Kevin and Randall Gay. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and a charter member of the Swago Home Demonstration Club. Funeral services were held, Monday afternoon in the Marlinton Preshyterian Church by n " v . W. E. Pierce. Burial W-B in Mountain View Cemetery.

Gerald Spencer Kyer BELMONT, CALIF.-Gerald Spencer Kyer of Belmont, California, formerly of Webster County, died on Wednesday, March 22, 1995, at the Belmont Convalescent Hospital in Belmont, Calif. He was 77 years of age. He was born in Alvon, in Greenbrier County, on July 23, 1917, the son of the late Dotsy F. and Minerva Spencer Kyer. He formerly lived in Camden-on-Gauley, and was a retired skilled craftsman, carpenter, and machinist. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a Methodist by faith. As a young adult he was an active member of the Methodist Youth Fellowship of Blacks Chapel Church near Camden-onGauley. He is survived by: brother, Charles Morton Kyer of Jacksonville, Oregon; sisters, Lois Lively of Houston, Texas and Virginia Dale Hutsell of Louisville, Ky.; several nieces and nephews; and a host of friends. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Hilda, who died on December 16,1991. In compliance with the request of the deceased, the body was cremated. Last rites and burial of the remains were observed.

Hacker Valley Man Dies By JUDITH STUTLER Staff Writer A 35-year-old Hacker Valley man died Monday after his truck plunged off a bridge and into a creek in Webster County. Deputy N.L. Knight of the Webster County Sheriff's Department said James Springer was driving a Ford F-150 truck at about 9 a.m. on Cleveland Wildcat Road, which the deputy said was "extremely icy." She said the truck had traveled down a steep section of the road onto a one-lane bridge. The vehicle went off the bridge, flipping onto its top in the creek. Knight said Springer was pinned inside the vehicle. His brother Timothy, a passenger in the truck, was able to get out, however, he was unable to rescue James Springer. Assisting at the scene were paramedics of the Webster County Ambulance Service and personnel from HealthNet from Morgantown. James Springer was later taken to Webster County Memorial Hospital, Knight said. The deputy said Timothy Springer was treated and released at the hospital. The investigating officers included Knight and Deputy D.L. Morris.

Harley S. Knight CLARKSBURG-Harley S. KnightofRoute4, Clarksburg, dicdat his home on Saturday, October 22, 1994, following a brief illness. He was 90 years of age. He was born in Fcnwick, on April 13, 1904, the son of the late Francis and Martha Jane Hosey Knight. He was a miner, retired from the Clinchfield Coal Corporation. He was a member of the United Mine Workers of America Local # 1501 in Shinnston, and was a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: sons.Mayncss "Doc" Knight of Bluffton, S.C., Sampson Knight of Webster Springs, Harley Darel Knight of Route..4, Clarksburg, Dolan Knight of Niles, Ohio, Jerry Knight, Wallace Knight, and Emie Knight, of Clarksburg, and Earl Knight, of Bluffton, S.C.; daughters, Mrs. Ernest (Sharon) Smith of Clarksburg, Mrs. Lorcn (Glcnna) Flanigan, Route 4, Clarksburg, Mrs. Van (Bertha) Miller of Medina, Ohio, Mrs. Roxic (Linda) Walter of Jacksonville, Fla.,and Mrs.Tim(Isa)Furcy of Niles, Ohio; sisters, Sylvia Cochran, of Sutton; 32 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. In addition toh is parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Ida Pauline Stout Knight, whom he married on April 30, 1930, and who died on March 2, 1992; by four brothers, five sisters, and five grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday, October 25, at 2:00 p.m. at the Reynoldsvillc Baptist Church, with

Daniel Withrow Kennison Daniel Withrow Kennison, age 45, of Navarre, Florida, died Tuesday, September 23, 1997, at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola, Florida. Daniel was born in Marlinton on April 22, 1952, the son of Stanley "Skip" and Betty Galford Kennison. A carpenter by trade, he was a member of the Whitewater Muzzleloaders, wildlife photographer, and an ardent hunter and fisherman, with spirited tales of his ventures. He is survived by his wife, Katherine; a son, Koby; his parents, of Niceville, Florida; a brother, Kenny Kennison, of Ponce de Leon, Florida; and a sister, Martha Hudson, of Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Funeral services were held at 7 p. m. Friday at the Little Chapel Funeral Home, Fort Walton Beach, by Carl Young.


Wallace P. Kershner Wallace P. Kershner, 75, of Tallahassee, Florida, died Thurs* day, September 4, 1997. A native of Dioop Mountain, he had lived in Tallahassee 40 years. He was retired from the Federal Department of Corrections. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. He was a Methodist He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Elizabeth Kesler Kershner, of Tallahassee; a daughter, Ann Harper, of Havana; three brothers, Roy Kershner, of Lewisburg, Clyde Kershner, of Hillsboro, and John Kershner, of Ashland, Kentucky; and a sister, Agnes Kershner Simmons, of Lewisburg. Services were held at Culley's MeadowWood Memorial Park. Memorial contributions may be made to Big Bend Hospice, the American Cancer Society or Calvary United Methodist Church.

Jerry Kellison Jerry Stephen "Jake" Kellison, 37, of Takoma Park, Maryland, formerly of Renick and Droop, died Saturday, December 19, 1987, in Washington Advent Hospital, Takoma Park, of an apparent heart attack, ,V He was a blueprinter. Born in Pocahontas County April 1, 1950, he was the son of Myrtle Kellison and Melva McMillion, of Frankford. Surviving him in addition to his parents are his wife, Nadine' Hickman Kellison; a son, Jerry Steven Kellison, Jr.; two daughters, Frances Marie Kellison and Nadine Sue Kellison, all of Takoma Park, Maryland; three sisters, Elizabeth Blake, Hillsboro, Mary Kellison, Frankford, Wanda Craft, Oxford, Pennsylvania; and three brothers, James Kellison, Lewisburg, Thomas Kellison, Renick, and Melvin Kellison, of Buchanan, Virginia. Services will be held at 2 p. m., Wednesday, in the VanReenen Funeral home by the Rev. Norman Alderman, with burial in Kellison Cemetery. ,; T \. Johnie H. Keen Johnie Hayes Keen, 76, died Sunday, July 10, 1988, during an operation in Charleston Area Medical Center, Memorial Division. He had been transported by helicopter to Charleston for surgery for an aneurysm after becoming ill during Sunday School at the Edray Church. He was a retired electrician and a member of the Edray United Methodist Church. He was a U. S. Army Veteran of World War II, a member of the Marlinton Lions Club, American Legion, Masonic Lodge, and had a recorded music program on WVMR. Born January 29, 1912, at Pilgrims Knob, Virginia, he was the son of Annie Lee Clifton Keen, of Pilgrims Knob, and the late Jesse C. Keen. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Cora Barlow Keen, two daughters, and a brother. Surviving him, in addition to his mother, are his wife, Ruth Skaggs Keen; two sisters, Callie Collins, of Pilgrims Knob, Nell Wright, of Chillicothe, Ohio; and a brother, Randolph Keen, of Waverly, Ohio. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Kenny Stevenson, wiUi burial in Cochran Cemetery. The family suggests donations to the Pocahontas Memorial Hosptal Auxiliary, Masonic Lodge, or WVMR Radio.

Elliot Page Keen rElliott Page Keen, 66, of 1415 Oliver Street, Indianapolia, Indiana, formerly of Whitewood, Buchanan County, Virginia, died October 29, 1987, at his home. Born in Buchanan County, he was the son of Mrs. Annie Lee Clifton Keen, of Pilgrims Knob, Virginia, and the late Jesse C. Keen. He was a jeweler, a veteran of World War II, and a 32nd Degree Mason. Survivors, in addition to his mother, include three sons, Michael Scott Keen and Patrick Allen Keen, of Starke, Florida, Elliott Page Keen, Jr. (Kippy), of Dawson, Georgia; two sisters, Mrs. Nell Wright, of Chillicothe, Ohio, Mrs. Callie Collins, of Pilgrims Knob, Virginia; two brothers, Johnie Keen, of Marlinton, and Charles R. Keen, of Waverly, Ohio; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted November 3 at 1 p. m. at the Buchanan County Funeral Home in Keen Mountain, Virginia, with the Rev. Steve Andrews officiating. Burial followed in the Ward Cemetery at Pilgrims Knob, Virginia^.

Mrs. Thressa Kessler Mrs. Thressa Catherine Nutter Kessler, 72, of Cowen, died November 8, 1987, at Webster County Memorial Hospital. She had lived in Webster County 47 years and was a member of Dyer United Methodist Church and Dyer United Methodist Church Women. Surviving her are five sons, Charles and Bennie Kessler, of Webster Springs, Clifford Kessler, of Marlinton, Tom Kessler, of Bolair, and John Kessler, of Cowen; two daughters, Agnes Lohr, of Jane Lew, and Carolyn Kessler, of Webster Springs; brothers, Alfonzo Nutter, of Crichton, Arnold Nutter, of Quinwood, James Nutter, of Aurora, Ohio; sisters, Bessie O'Dell, of Crichton, Jessie Tyree, of Rich wood, Flossie Dorsey, of Summersville, and Lossie Huffman, of Lewisburg; 10 grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 ' a. m. Wednesday at Dodd-Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs by the Rev. Okey Wayne and the Rev. David Shaffer, with burial in Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville. '. ,,.


Lynn M. KenLynn M. Kerr, 82, of Green Bank, died Saturday, March 12, 1988, in Charleston following an extended illness. She was born in Green Bank, the daughter of James McNeer and Ruby Evelyn Beard Kerr. She was a graduate of Davis and Elkins College and did post graduate work at West Virginia University. Miss Kerr retired as a teacher in Pocahontas County after 45 years of service and was honored as a Co-Teacher of the Year while a teacher, at Cass. She was active in the Mary-Rebekah Lodge 109. She was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church where she had served as an Elder. Surviving her are one brother, J. Beard Kerr, of Green Bank, and three sisters, Thorne K. Davis, of Denmar, Evelyn K. Taylor, of Dunmore, and McNeer K. Dolly, of Charleston. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Liberty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David Bush, with buria^jn Arbovale Cemetery.

Dewey C Kelley Dewey Clarence Kelley, age 52, of West Knoxville, Tennessee, passed away suddenly Saturday morning, February 14, 1987, when his car collided with a tractortrailer on Interstate 40 near the business loop entrance. He was of the Methodist faith and a food broker with Affiliated Brokers. Dewey was also retired from the U. S. Air Force as First Lieutenant after twenty years of service and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Survivors include a son, Jonathan W. Kelley, and a daughter, Connie Lynn Kelley, both of Knoxville; his mother and stepfather, Eula and Arlie White, of Marlinton; brothers, Roy Kelley, of Marlinton, and Eddie Kelley, of Cleveland, Ohio; a sister, Shirley K. Smith, of Baltimore, Maryland; a halfsister. Penny Kelley, of Marlinton, and a niece, Pamela Smith, of Baltimore. Preceding him in death was his father, Ernest L. Kelley. and a half-brother, Edsel Kelley. Funeral services were held at 8 p. m. on Monday, February 16, at Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel. Burial was at 11 a. m. Tuesday with interment services at the U. S. Military National Cemetery in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Sterling Kershner Sterling Gray Kershner, 85, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, April 12, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a retired woodsman and a former State Road employee. A native of Droop, he was born October 19, 1901, the son of Wallace and Mary Mae McMillion Kershner. Preceding him in death were a brother, Bland Kershner, and a sister, Zeda Kershner. He is survived by a son, S. Gray Kershner, of Lakewood, Colorado; a daughter, Kimberly Kay Kershner, of Buckeye; his stepmother, Mary Anderson, of Lewisburg; four sisters, Verdie May, of Lewisburg, Hazel Cochran, of Hillsboro, Grade Stangland, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Agnes Simmons, Lewisburg; four brothers, Clyde Kershner, Hillsboro, Roy Kershner, Lewisburg, Wallace Kershner, Tallahassee, Florida, and Johnny Kershner, Ashland, Kentucky; and two grandchildren.

Mrs. Kathleen Rhea Knox Mrs. Kathleen Rhea Knox, 62, of 4500 Kanawha Avenue, S.E., Charleston, died August 21, 1987, in Memorial Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, folio ving major heart surgery. She was a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kanawha City. In 1944 Mrs. Knox weU to Charleston from Marlinton, where she grew up and attended school, upon gaining employment at the State Capitol and worked several years in the West Virginia Education Department. Surviving her are her husband, William R. Knox, Sr.; daughters, Mrs. Lynda K. Morris and Mrs. Cynthia L. Taylor, both of Charleston; a son, John H. Knox, also of Charleston; stepson, William R. Knox, Jr., of Charleston; a sister, Mrs. Oleta Rhea Skaggs, of Marlinton; and six grandchildren. She was preceded in deatha by her parents, Hugh W. and Mollie McCarty Rhea, sister, Mrs. Ruth Rhea Erwin, and brother, Glen W. Rhea. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday in the Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home by the Rev. Esber N. Tweel. Entombment was in Cunningham Memorial Park in St. Albans.

Rev. SeigfVied Kullman The Rev. Seigfried "Siki" Kullman,81, of Franklin, died Tuesday, ^flxember 3, 1987, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, Virginia, following a heart attack. Mr. Kullman had been minister of St. John Lutheran Church at Moyers and served the New Hope Lutheran Church at Minnehaha Springs for 40 years before retiring in 1977. He was born August 15, 1906, in Austria and was a son of the late Jacob and Gertrude Strobel Kullman. The family moved to Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1913. Mr. Kullman was a member of Faim Lutheran Church at Franklin and had been the American Red Cross representative in Pendleton County for many years. He was a member of Pendleton County Committee on Aging, a charter member of the Franklin Lions Club and treasurer and a director of the Pendleton County Easter Seal Society. His wife, the former Mamie Florence White of Minnehaha Springs, died March 6, 1982. Surviving are two brothers, Rudy Kullman, of Vancouver, British Columbia, and William Kullman, of Regina, Saskatchewan. Services' were held at 11 a. m. Saturday at Faith Lutheran Church by the Rev. Charles Erzkus, with burial in St. Paul Lutheran Church cemetery at Moyers. _____

Mrs. Marjorie Kerr U> Mrs. Marjorie Evelyn Kerr, 76, of Green Bank, died Tuesday, July 26, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank. Born December 27, 1911, at Durbin, she was the daughter of Henry and Delia Mae Lunger Lawton. Surviving are her husband, Joe Beard Kerr; daughters, Jolene Lantz, of Hubbard, Ohio, Donna Dean, of Elkins, Dians Sharp, of Summersville, South Carolina, Jayne Vance, of Salem, Virginia, Jean Hevener, of Durbin; sons, Dr. Kirklyn Kerr, of Westerville, Ohio, Phil Kerr, of Columbiana, Ohio, Jerry Kerr, of Warren, Ohio, Joe Beard Kerr, Jr., of Green Bank; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Liberty Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David Bush, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. •

Darl W. Kittle Darl Willard Kittle, 76. of Route 2, Belington, the Sugar Creek community, died at 2 a.m. Thursday. Dec. 4, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins, following an extended illness. Mr. Kittle was born May 14,1921, at Junior, a son of the late Eligah and Bessie Davis Kittle. On Sept. 9,1942, he married Eilcne Delauder Kittle, who preceded him in death on May 24, 1994. Surviving are three sons, Dari Jr. Kittle and Richard Kittle, both of Belington, and Kenneth Kittle, Pinch, W.Va.; two daughters, Teresa Kittle. Wilma Jean Ashby, both of Belington; two brothers, Wilbert "Artie" Kittle and Keith Kittle, both of Belington; two sisters. Opal Poling, Belington, and Cleo Rucker, Massilon. Ohio; two half brothers, James and Dee Westfall, both of Ohio; 12 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by one daughter; two brothers and one sister. Mr. Kittle attended the schools of Barbour County, served in the U.S. Army during World War II, was a retired coal miner and was a member of the Sugar Creek United Methodist Church. Guy M. Kellison Guy M. Kellison, of Los Angeles, California, died at Freeman Hospital after a long illness of cancer. THe was born February 26, 1930, and died May 18, 1987. He was born near Marlinton, the son of Lottie M. and Owen W. Kellison. Surviving him are one sister, Mildred Acord, of Canton, Ohio; two brothers, Ralph Kellison, ,pf Hot Springs, Virginia, and Leonard Kellison, of Buckeye; four daughters, Margie, Ann, Cathy, and Jane, all of Los Angeles. The body was cremated and remains were buried at sea.

6 7^

Effie A. Kerns Effie A. Kerns, 86, a resident of Canton, Ohio, died Friday morning. Nov. 28, 1997, in Altercare of Navarre following an extended illness. She was born in Sully. She is survived by three brothers, Leonard Kerns, Canton, Ohio, Troy Kerns of Elkins and Kenneth Kerns of Delaware. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by one brother and three sisters. She was a former employee of the R&J Furniture Co. and the Canton Repository, and was a member of the Savior United Methodist Church. Friends were received from 6-8 p.m. Monday at the Spiker Foster Shriver Funeral Home in Canton, Ohio, where funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Dec. 2, according to a spokesman of the F.E. Runner Funeral Home. Lawrence Kennison Lawrence McBride Kennison, 84, of Vinton, Virginia, formerly of Marlinton, died March 3, 1988, at his home. Mr. Kennison was retired from the United States Government after thirty-nine years with the U. S. Forest Service as a photogrammetric engineer and mapmaker. He was the son of the late Lawrence DeKalb and Eva Pleasant Gum Kennison. Surviving him are nis wife, Marguerite Daffer Kennison; one daughter, Linda Kennison Bell, Atlanta, Georgia; two grandsons, George Deaton Bell, II, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Hunter Houston Bell, Atlanta, Georgia; one brother, Stanley W. (Skip) Kennison, Niceville, Florida, three sisters, Jane Linebaugh, Delaware, Ohio, Mary Bowers, Marlinton, and Lucille Greathouse, Monterey, Virginia. Services were held at Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Churc'i in Vinton, Virginia, at 11 a. m. Saturday, Maxh 5, by the R e . Robert Casey, and at Marlint<>n Presbyterian Church at 4 p. m., March 5, by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Burial followed in Mountain View Cemetery with both Mr. Casey and Mr. Newkirk officiating. _


Patricia Kitchens Patricia Washburn Kitchens, 54, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, died Friday, August 19, 1988, at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia. She was born November 5, 1933, in Highland County, a daughter of the late Garrison and Pauline Lowe Washburn. Mrs. Kitchens was preceded in death by a sister Helen Buchanan Baker, of Staunton, Virginia, and a nephew, Ottis E. Buchanan, Jr., of Mountain Grove, Virginia^ Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. Jill Walker, of Clintonville, and Mrs. Judy Dean, of Hot Springs, Virginia; four grandchildren; a sister, Agnes Buzzard, of Mountain Grove, Virginia. Mrs. Kitchen's body was donated to the Anatomical Division of the Virginia State Department of Health at her request. Beard KenJoseph Beard Kerr, Sr., age 87, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, December 10,1997, at Appalachian Regional Hospital in Beckley. Mr. Kerr was a retired fanner and former employee of Monongahela Power Company. He was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank. Born Novmber 2, 1910, at Arbovale, he was the son of the late James McNeer and Ruby Evelyn Beard Kerr. Preceding him in death were his wife, Marjorie Lawton Kerr, on July 26, 1988; a daughter, Donna Kaye Dean; two grandchildren; three sisters , Thome Davis, Lynn Kerr, and Evelyn Taylor. Survivors include four daughters, Jolene Dare Lantz, of Hubbard, Ohio, Dians K. Sharp, of Summerville, Soutii Carolina, M. Louise Curry Kohlmann Louise Curry Kohlmann, of McLean, Virginia, died November 3, 1998. She was born in Cass, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.B. CurryShe is survived by her husband, Clifford Kohlmann; daughters, Robin Lee, of Fairfax, Virginia, Karen CMds, of Lodi, California, and Cynthia Rupert, of Golt, California; brothers, Wilbur Curry, Arden Curry and Earl Curry; sisters, Helen Hammond, Evelyn Moran and Cariiiyn Robinson; and six grandchildren. Memorial service was held at Fairfax United Methodist Church on Saturday, November 7.

Earl R. Kelley Earl Robert Kelley, 65, of Norfolk, Virginia, died October 7, 1987, in a hospital there. Mr. Kelley was a carman retired froffit'jNorfolk and Portsmouth Beltline Railroad, with 36 years service. He was a member of Camellia Baptist Church and was an Army veteran of World War II. Surviving him are his wife, Susie Abbott Kelley; a son, Michael E. Kelley, of Norfolk; a sister, Frances K. Abmeyer, of St. Louis, Missouri; and' a brother, Warren Kelley, of Oceanside, California. Funeral" services were held at 2:30 p. m. Friday in Camellia Baptist Church by the Rev. Fred Brazewell, with burial in Rosewood Memorial Park. [ Parley S. Kincaid Parley S. Kincaid, age 93, of Neola, died Tuesday, January 27, 1998, at his residence following an extended illness. He was born October 4, 1904, at Minnehaha Springs, a son of die late Sherman C. and Barbara Ella Cudip Kincaid. He was a farmer, retired mail carrier and was of die Baptist Faitii. He is survived by his wife, Reba Trainer Kincaid, at home; four sons, Sherman Clark Kincaid and Curtis Lynn Kincaid, bodi of Neola, Albert Jehu Kincaid, of Lewisburg, and James C. Kincaid, of Minnehaha Springs; one daughter, Frankie Snow, of Virginia Beach, Virginia; 11 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to die May Chapel United Mediodist Church. Anna M. Kinnison Anna Marie Kinnison, age 78, of Victoria, Texas, died March 7, 1999. She was born March 30, 1920, in Hillsboro, to die late Lake E. and Virginia S. Clutter Anderson. She was a homemaker and a member of Seventh Day Adventist Church, of Victoria. She is survived by her husband, A. D. Kinnison; tiiree daughters, Carol Johnson, of Granbury, Betty Dieckmeier, of Kempner, and Barbara Combs, of Cleburn, Texas; one son, Gerald Kinnison, of Victoria; one sister, Mrs. Lakie McMillion, of Hillsboro; and five grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Dale Kinnison, and a sister, Deja Sayre. Visitation and services were held at Colonial Funeral Home, wiUi burial at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Victoria

Herbert Kellison Herbert Kellison, 86, of Perryville, Maryland, died on December 21, 1997, at his home. Born at Kicnwooo, ne was tne son of James Omer and Flora McGothlin Kellison. Mr. Kellison worked at cutting timber and in sawmills. Survivors include his wife of 62 years, Mazie L. Kellsion; one son, Herbert D. Kellison, of Virginia; two daughters, Christina B. McMillion, of Maryland, and Evelyn Mae Wilison, of Maryland; one sister, Olive V. Stiffer, of Maryland; 12 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Robert and Carl Kellison; and three sisters, Gertie Long, Opal Gaul, and Mary Hofsommer. Services were held on December 24 at the McComis Funeral Hone in Abingdon, Maryland, with the Rev. Harold Pyle officiating. Burial was in Harford Memorial Gardens. Hobert O. Kline Hobert Olin Kline, age 89, of Franklin, died December 29, 1997, at Bartow. He was born April 18,1908, at Circleville, the son of the late Franklin Ottobine Kline and Carrie Ellen Nelson Kline. He was preceded in death by his wife, Emma Evangeline Hedrick, who died December 23, 1976, one son, Shannon Kline, and one brother, Sedgie Kline. He is survived by four daughters, Linda Arbogast, of Durbin, Rita Sculthorpe, of Disputanta, Virginia; Cindy Barkley, of Frank, Barbara Kline, of New York; three sons, Calvin Michael Kline, of Franklin, Jeffery Lynn Kline, of Green Bank, Eugene Kline, of McGregor, Texas; one sister, Mildred Alt, of Cabins; two brothers, Oscar Kline, of Circleville; Joseph Kline, of Hinton, Virginia; 12 grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. Services were held January 2, 1998, at Basagic Funeral Home Chapel, Franklin, by Elders David Hartman and Richard Warner with burial at North Fork Memorial Cemetery, Riverton.

Clyde H. Kershner Clyde H. Kershner, age 83, of Droop, died Sunday, March IS, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Kershner was retired from the West Virginia Department of Highways. He was a member of the Mount Zion United Methodist Church. Born at Spice January 10, 1915, he was the son of the late Wallace P. and Mary McCoy Kershner. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Helen Powell Kershner; a daughter, Dixie Kershner Sharp, of Buckhannon; three sons, Larry Kershner and Wayne Kershner, bom of Droop Mountain, and Roger Kershner, of Alderson; a daughter, Dixie Kershner Sharp, of Buckhannon; two brothers, Roy Kershner, of Lewisburg, and John Kershner, of Ashland, Kentucky; a sister, Agnes K. Simmons, of Lewisburg; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Roy Gwinn. Burial was in the Whiting Cemetery on Droop Mountain. Memorial gifts may be made to tbe Whiting Cemetery, c/o Fay Pritt, P. O. Box 22, Hillsboro, WV 24946.

Eugene Warren King Eugene Warren King, age 60, of Hillsboro, died June 16, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. King was retired as a grader operator for the Department of Highways. He was a Protestant. An Army veteran of the Viet Nam era, he is a life member of the DAV, American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Born at Renick May 19, 1938, he was the son of me late Lonny W. and Gertrude North King. Surviving him are his wife, Ruth Elaine Starks King; a daughter, Miriam Elaine Ketchem, of Marlinton; a sister, Shirley Scott, of Beckley; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Revs. Paul Goehner and Craig Johnson. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital or Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Department. Oma Kirk Oma Kirk, age 62, of St. Albans, died April 5, 1998, in Thomas Memorial Hospital. South Charleston, after a long illness. He was a millwright with the Volkswagen Stamping Plant, South Charleston, a 32nd Degree Mason and member of Masonic Lodge 159, Dunbar. He was a member of Marantha Fellowship, St. Albans. Surviving him are two daughters, Sondra Holstein, of Dunbar, and Pamela Hodges, of St. Albans; a son, Paul Stonestreet, of Hurricane; two sisters, Ethel Wyatt, of Red House, Virginia, Thelma Russell, of Lexington, Virginia; and a brother, Donnie Kirk, of Marlinton. Services were held Tuesday at Snodgrass Funeral Home, South Charleston, by the Rev. James Wright. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park, SouUb Charleston, with Masonic graveside rites conducted by Masonic Lodge 139, Hurricane.

6-77 •Funeral services'were held at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Gulfport. Burial Was in Biloxi National Cemetery with full military honors.

Ward Xillsy



Ward Robert Kelley, 69, of i Huntersville, died Friday, NoMrs. Sarah Byrd Kelley vember 17, 1978, in Emmett Mrs. Sarah Jane Byrd Kelley Memorial Hospital after a long , was born October 3, 1S02, in Au-. illness. . gusta County, Virginia, and passBorn December 23, 1908, in ed away, on Friday, February 15, Hunteraville, he was a son of 1957, in the rocahontas Memorial the late Cletus and Bessie ', alter a short illness at Gurry Kelley. gf 55 years, 4 months L vys. She was the daughMr. Kelley was a carpenter ter of Albert T. and Mary Jane and farmer and a member of Byrd, who preceded her in death. the Westminster Presbyterian She was married to Howard T. Church. I Kelley in the year 1917, who is Survivors include his wife, deceased. To this union were born Mary Cragle Kelley; three S twelve chi'dren, eleven of whom sons, Robert, of Sutton, Eat 1 j survive. They are: Clayborn C. of Silver Spring. Maryland, Kelley, of Marlinton; James Keland Harry Kelley, of Marlinley, of Detroit, Michigan; Lawton; three daughters, Mrs. rence Kelley, of Cleveland, Ohio; Sylvia Smith, of MarlinMrs. Helen Hinnerman, of Fairton, Mrs. Maybell Hurst, of mont; Mrs. Emma Jane Watson, Mineral Wells and Mrs. Marie of Marlinton; Mrs. Mary KathVan Dyke, of Gaithersburg, rvn Salisbury, of Monterville; Maryland; two brothers, Glen Mrs. Dorothy Gray Loudermilk, and Albert; two sisters, Mrs. of Buckeye; Mrs. Shirley Jones, Stella McLaughlin and Mrs. of Lancaster, Ohio; Albert Kelley, Jettie Jane Withers, all of Marof the United States Army, now linton, and 13 grandchildren. serving in Europe; and Robert A granddaughter, Saundra j Lee Kelley and Charles Rodger Lee Kelley, and one brother, Kelley, at home. Ernest L. Kelley, preceded him She is also survived by three in death. I brothers and four sisters, two S e r v i c e s were held at two p. m. Sunday in the i half-brothers and one half-sister; VanReenen Funeral Home j also, nineteen grandchildren and two ;te>grandchi'dren. Two with the Rev. Willis Cornelius grandchildren \receded her in and Rev. Richard Newkirk death. officiating. Burial was in the Mrs. Kelley was a member of Mountain View Cemetery. >.he Seebcrt Methodist Church. Funeral services were held on B. E. Kelliy ! Monday afternoon at the MarBasil Easlman Kelley, 57, of linton Church of the Nazarene, White Sulphur Springs died with the Rev. A. U. Burnside Monday July 3,1978, at home officiating, assisted by the Rev. following a short illness. Ezra Bennett. Burial was made He was born December 25, in the Dunmore Cemetery. 1920, in Pocahontas County, Thus is noted the passing of a a son of the late James Wilbur devoted mother, a kind neighbor and Nora Detamore Kelley. and friend, a^ruly good woman He was an employee of the Department of Natural Resources in Greenbrier State Earl R. Kelley Forest at Harts Run and a Earl Robert Kelley, 65, of member of the United Steel Norfolk, Virginia, died October 7, Workers Union. 1987, in a hospital there. He was preceded in death in Mr. Kelley was a carman retired 1977 by his wife, Wanda Kirk from Norfolk and Portsmouth Kelley. Beltline Railroad, with 36 years He is survived by one brothservice. He was a member of er, Norman W. Kelley, of FairCamellia Baptist Church and was lea; one sister, Mrs. Mabel F. an Army veteran of World War II. Hanna, of White Sulphur Surviving him are his wife, Springs and one step-daughter, Susie Abbott Kelley; a son, Michael Mrs. Phyllis Whitehair, of E. Kelley, of Norfolk; a sister, Geneva, Ohio. Frances K. Abmeyer, of St. Louis, Missouri; and a brother, Warren Funeral services were held Kelley, of Oceanside, California. at2 p.m. Saturday, in the Chapel of Shanklin Funeral Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. Friday in Camellia Home, White Sulphur Springs Baptist Church by the Rev. Fred with the Rev. E. N. Clower Brazewell, with burial in officiating. Interment followed Rosev ood Memorial Park. in Hillcrest Cemetery, White Sulphur Springs.

Mrs. Minnie F. Kelly jQj 1880 - 1946 Q1T The Frost Community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Minnie Kelly on Monday, June 3, l',t4(), at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Marlinton. Minnie Florence Kelly was the . !;\ughter of the late Lanty S. and Martha Dilley McCarty, born at Hunteraville on August 15, 1880. I On January 27, 1901, she was limited in marriage to Am is Kelly; they established their nome i: Frost and had lived there until the time of their dentil. Her husband preceded her in death sixteen years ago. There were nine children born to this union: Mrs. L.\ uette Mace, Fairfield, Virginia; Mrs. Mayme Quesenberry. Kent, Ohio; Mrs. Woodsie Harrington, Portsmouth, Virginia; Miss Min:iie Kelly, of Roanoke, Virginia: Mrs. Nellie Townsend, Thirp, Juy, Willard and Enid, of Frost, and twelve grandchildren. She, .ilso leaves one brotbir, D. W. McCarty, of Frost, and three sisters, Mrs. Hugh Rhea and Mrs Adam Rhea, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Earnest Rhea, of Dunmore. In early life she became a mem ber of the Frost Methodist Church. Hers was a bright, useful life, looking well to the care of her family aud her household un; til the time of her death. She j was universally respected and her passing is widely mourned. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday, June 5, 1946, at the Frost Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. L. E. Saville, a-visted by Rev. Aubrey Ferguson, and her body was laid to rest in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. * , ,


James R. Kelley James Ray Kelley, 43, of Midway Road, Belington, died Tuesday, April 26, 1988, at West Virginia University Medical Center following a hunting accident. He was born May 30, 1944, in Elkins, a son of the late Alan and Bessie Mae Ryder Kelley. On July 19, 1967, he married Edna F. Thompson, who survives. Also surviving are his foster mother, Mrs. Goldie Proudfoot, Belington; four brothers, Alden "Corky" Kelley, Minnehaha Springs, Ray A. Kelley, Thornton, Garnett Kelley, Four Oaks, North Carolina, and Robert C. Kelley, Belington; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane Neal, Clifton Forge, Virginia, and Mrs. Arlene Ralston, Fishersville, Virginia. He was preceded in death by his foster father, Clinton Proudfoot, and one sister, Fay Kelley. Mr. Kelley was a construction worker and attended the Corley United Methodist Church. He was a member of the National and West Virginia Trappers Association, the Ty-Hannon Sportsman Club, the Rt. 92 Rifle Club and Lodge 2, Woodmen of the World, in Fairmont. Services were held in Philippi on April 29 at 2 p. m. by Dr. W. Christian Sizemore, with interment in Barbour Memorial Cemetery.

Howard James Kelley Howard James Kelley,. 65, of Fairmont, died Tuesday, January 4, 1977, after a long illness. He was a veteran and employee of General Motors. Born at Lobelia March 28, 1921, he was the son of the late Howard T. and Sara Jane Byrd Kelley. Surviving him are a son, John Kelley, of Hillsboro; four brothers, Richard L. Kelley, Casper, Wyoming, Albert F . Kelley, Triangle, Virginia, Robert L. Kelley, Charles R. Kelley, both of Lancaster, Ohio, five sisters, Helen M. Hinerman, Fairmont, Emma J. • Hodge, and Dorothy G. Loudermilk, Marlinton, Mary C. Salisbury, Monterville, Shirley G. Jones, Lancaster, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. Bandergift, of Fairmont, with burial in Dunmore Cemetery.

Lawrence Kelley Lawrence Kelley, 92, of Dunmore, died Friday, May 1, 1987, in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Salem, Virginia. He was a retired farmer and was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. He was an Army veteran of World War I. Born July 18, 1894, at Dunmore, he was the son of the late Jonas and Alice Akers Bell Kelley. He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn Kelley, an infant daughter, Martha Kelley, a sister, Katie Kelley, and two brothers, Eugene and Daniel Kelley. Surviving him are a son, Edsel Coolidge Kelley, of Rich Creek, Virginia; daughters, Elsie Mae Sheets, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, Dorothy Virginia Gaul, of Dayton, Ohio, Leta Viola Wilfong, of Manassas, Virginia, Frances Arlene Taylor, Norine Bernice Simmons and Kathy Evelyn Wolfe, all of Dunmore, Mona Louetta Rankin, of Geneva, Ohio, Lucille Alice Ratcliffe, of Warm Springs, Virginia, and Georgia Grace Townsend, of Pearisburg, Virginia; 38 grandchildren; 25 greatgrandchildren; one great-greatgrandchild. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Edwin Tutwiler, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Otis Kelly Mrs. Naomi Bernice Moore Kelly, 54, of M i n n e h a h a Springs, died Saturday, March 2, 1035, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. • Born June 19, 1929, at marlinton, she was the daughter of the late William Hanson and Gladys Grace W h i t e Moore. Her husband, Otis Kelly, preceded her in death. Surviving her are four children, William Eugene Kelly, of Hillsboro, Eileen Kelly Irvine, of Marlinton, Sarah Kelly Ir-' vine and Alice Kelly Irvine, both of Minnehaha Springs, and five grandchildren. She was a member of the New Hope Lutheran Church at Minnehaha Springs, where services were held at 11:30 a. m. Monday by Pastor Charles Erzkus, of Franklin, with burial in Mountain Grove Cemetery.

Dewey C. Kelley Dewey Clarence Kelley, age! 52, of West Knoxville, Tennessee, passed away suddenly Saturday morning, February 14, 1987, when his car collided with a tractortrailer on Interstate 40 near the business loop entrance. He was of the Methodist faith and a food broker with Affiliated Brokers. Dewey was also retired from the U. S. Air Force as First Lieutenant after twenty years of service and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Survivors include a son, Jonathan W. Kelley, and a daughter, Connie Lynn Kelley, both of Knoxville; his mother and stepfather, Eula and Arlie White, of Marlinton; brothers, Roy Kelley, of Marlinton, ana Eddie Kelley, of Cleveland, Ohio; a sister, Shirley K. Smith, of Baltimore, Maryland; a halfsister, Penny Kelley, of Marlinton, ana a niece, Pamela Smith, of Baltimore. Preceding him in death was his father, Ernest L. Kelley, and a half-brother, Edsel Kelley. Funeral services were held at 8 p. m. on Monday, February 16, at Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel. Burial was at 11 a. m. Tuesday with interment services at the U. S. Military National Cemetery in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Albert M. Kelley Albert M. Kelley, 76, of Marlinton, died November 8,1993, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was bom at Huntersville on October 18, 1917, the son* of the late Clete and Bessie Curry Kelley. He was a retired employee of the Board of Education and a member of Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife, Lucille Cain Kelley; two daughters, Nancy Gilmore and Peggy Burdette, of Marlinton; one brother, Glen Kelley, of Marlinton; two sisters, Stella McLaughlin and Jane Withers, both of Marlinton; eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Ward Kelley and Ernest Kelley, and one sister, an infant. Services will be held at 1p.m. at the VanReenen Funeral Home on Thursday, November 11, by the Rev. Richard Newkirk with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


LolaM. Lambert Mrs. Lola M. Lambert, 73, of Durbin, died Tuesday, April 16, 1985, at home of a heart attack. Born October 4, 1911, in Wise County, Virginia, she was a daughter of James and Rosa Dale Addington. Mrs. Lambert was an active member of the Church of the Brethren. Preceding her in death were her first husband, Norman C. Sharp, and her second husband, Rennie Lambert; a son, Arden Sharp; and two daughters, Dorothy Sharp and Marie Rogers. Survivors include four sons, Ralph Sharp, of Marlinton, Stanford Sharp, of Buckhannon, Kenneth Sharp, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Curtis Sharp, of Jacksonville, North Carolina; three daughters, Thelma White, of Minnehaha Springs, Erma Wilfong, of Hampton, Virginia, and Betty Mullens, of Marlinton; a stepson, Reon Lambert, of Durbin; a stepdaughter, Ruth Bolyard, of Elkins; two brothers, James Addington, of Midwest City, Oklahoma, and Eugene Addington, of Dallas, Texas; two sisters, Hazel Seabolt and Iva Umberger, both of Akron, Ohio; 27 grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren, and four step-greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in the Fairview Cemetery. Mrs. Loll Lambert £/ Mrs. Lola Lambert, of Elkins, formerly of Green Bank, died Monday, June 6, 1977, in the Memorial General Hospital, Elkins after a long illness, She was a native of Durbin, and a member of of the West? over United Methodist Church and the Daughters of America. Surviving: a daughter, Mrs, Thelma Ziegler, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; one grandchild. Services will be held at the Runners Funeral Home in Elkins at one p. m. Thursday with Rev. J. E. Fairburh officiating with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Raymond M. Lambert Raymond M. Lambert died at his home, 12314 Thompson Road, Bowie, Maryland, November, 24, 1968, after several months illness. He was born April 3, 1920, the son of Willie L. and Maggie Lou Trainer Lamberi, at Green Bank. He attended school there and was a member of the varsity basketball and football teams. He graduated in 1939. Survivors a^e his wife, the former Sara Virginia Burgess, of Lewisburg, two daughters, Mrs. Barbara Lee Eagle, of Manassas, Virginia, and Nancy, a high school junior, at home, one granddaughter, Carrie E a g l e , h i s m o t h e r , Mrs Maggie Lambert, Marlinton, three sisters, Mrs. Virginia Hamrick, Valley Head, Mrs. Hazel Gladden, Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Eloise Hartz'l, Annandale, Virginia, and two brothers, Woodrow Lambert, Marlinton, and Delbert Lambert, Anniston, Alabama. Mr. Lambert's only son, Raymond Burgess, was killed in an auiomobile accident in 1961. A brother, Willie K. Lambert Jr., preceded him in death in 1962, and his father in 1937. Mr. Lambert was ah active member of the Perkins Memorial United Methodist Church, of Glendale Maryland. He was a member of the official board, a steward, a counselor of junior high school youth and served on various commissions >f this organization. The fuleral was held at bis church by he minister, Rev. Stanley B. Sice. The deceased was a Mason, a member of Coelengton Lodge No. 230. Masonic Rites were conoucted at the Gash's Funeral Home the. night before his funeral. Members of the Lodge were pallbearers. The remains were l&i.l to rest in the Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland, near Washington, D. C, FloriBM Lambert Mrs. Florence Lambert, 62, died September 28, 1930, following two strokes. Sbe was the widow of Walt Lambert. Residing in Michigan at the time of her death Mrs. Lambert was from Wes; Virginia and operated the Rocl Inn at Bartow for a number of years.

Shurlin F. Lambert Shurlin F. Lambert, 47, ol L40 Fairport Nursery Road, Painesville, Ohio, died Friday, January 5, 1962, at his home after a lingering illness. Mr. Lambert was born in Circle ville, but moved to Green Bank with his family at an early age. He had lived here since 1952 and until retiring iue to ill heath worked as a grinder for The Tapco Division of Thompson Ramo Wooliridge in Cleveland, Ohio. On August 27, 1940, in Winchester, Virginia, he was married to the former Elva Mann, also of Green Bank. His hobbies were hunting and fishing. Surviving are his widow; daughters, Mrs. Shirley Horvath, of Downers Grove, Illinois; Misses Catherine, Nellie Jean and Vikki Lynn Lambert, at home; son, Frederick Allen Lambert, stationed with the 301st O. M. S. Lockbourne Air Force Base near Columbus, Ohio; foster daughter, Mrs. Virginia Cassell, of Painesvills, Ohio; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Briton Lambert, of Green Baak; sister, Mrs. Charles Shine, of Jamestown. Pennsylvania; brothers, Delford and Keith Lambert, both of Williamsfieid, Ohio; Thurman Lanbert, of Atlantic, Pennsylvaiia; and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Jay Lambert, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania. Three .sisters and two brothers preceded him in death, also a granddaughter, Sharon Anne, died in February, 1961. Reverend Foster G. Sizemore, pastor of the Church of Christ, arr! a native of Hillsbaro, offi^.acpd at the 2 P. M. services on Monday, January 8, at the Johnson Funeral Home ac Painesville. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery in Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Lambert had worked for Mrs. W. C. Gardner, at Clover Lick, and the Mower Lumber Company, at Cass for a number of years before mov_[ng_tp^Ohio. '^William Arthur Lambert

William Arthur Lambert, 86, of Durbin, died Tuesday. February 9, 1965, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. Services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday in Durbin M?thodi?t Church by the Rev. Jack Miner and the Rev. David Rittenhouse. with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Noah Brison Lambert Noah Brison Lambert, 85, of Elmer Jay Lambert, aged 38 Green Bank, died Tuesday, years, of R. F. D. 1, Espyville, | February 10 1970. in GreenPennsylvania, died on Friday,' ville, Pennsylvania. November 6, 1959, in the Pres- j A resident of Pocahontas byterian Hospital, at Pittsburgh,; from burns received October 26th! County for most of his life, he in a fire at the Jamestown Ma- was a member of the United chine and Manufacturing Com- Methodist Church at Green Bank and a retired farmer. pany. He was born September 18, Mr. Lambert was working inside a huge empty paint tank! 1884, in Circleville, Pendleton when a spark from a hammer and County, the son of Jay and chisel he was using to remove a Fransina I. Teter Lambert. Preceding him in death were ' bolt ignited paint fumes. Flames engulfed practically his whole his wife, Mr?. Zoe Lambert, on body before workmen were able December 5, 1968, and six children. to extinguish the blaze. Survivors include a daughter, He was rushed to Greenville Hospital and later taken" to the Mrs. Charles Shine, of JamesPittsburgh hospital in an effort town, Pennsylvania; three sons, William and Delford, tosa"e his life. Mr. Lambert is survived at both of Williamsfield, Ohio; home by bis 'wife, the former and Thurman, of Atlantic, Pa., Stefena Cigis, whom he married three sisters, Mrs. Dora Vance, February 12, 1945, and their two of Whitmire. Mrs. Mary Vance, daughters, Betty Ann and Mary of Ohio, and Mrs. Martha Hedrick, of Glady, and two Lou. brothers, Oav, of Arbovale, Also surviving are his parents, and Ray, of Buckhannor. Brison and Zoe Lambert; of Funeral services were held Green Bank, West Virginia; four Friday afternoon in the Walbrothers, Shurlin Lambert o f Painesville, Ohio; Keith Lambert, lace and Wallace Chapel in Arof Williamsfield, Ohio; Delford. bovale with Rev. Kenneth Lambert, of Jamestown, Pennsyl-' Montgomery in charge. Burial vania, and Thurman Lambert, of i was in the family cemetery at Atlantic, Pennsylvania; and a j Green Bank. i, Mrs. Charles (Jenna) Shine, [ i also of Jamestown. Mr. Lambert was born April Mrs. Matfie Lambert 1.9, 1921, in Circleville, West VirMrs. Maggie Lou Lambert ginia, and was a member of the 87, of Marlinton, died Saturday, Methodist Church. January 31, 1976. in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short i H n e s s . / g ^ J ^ Willie L. Lambert, Jr. Willie Leston Lambert, Jr., She was a member of the 38, of Arlington, Virginia, forMethodist Church. 0 / merly of Green Bank, died Born at Green Bank, DeWednesday, July 4, 1962, in a cember 11, 1888, she was a hospital in Washington, D. C. daughter, of the late Morgan He was a member of the Brown and Ella Gumm Trainer. Green Bank Methodist Church Two sons, Raymond Lambert and a disabled veteran of World and Willie L. Lambert, Jr., and War II. Qirfk, (\her husband, Willie L. Lambert preceded her in death. Survivors include nis wife, Mrs. Stella Maddox Limbert; Survivors include two sons, a son, Leston^ Lyje Limbert, Woodrow Lambert, of Marlinat home; his mother, Mrs. i ton, Delbert F. Lambert, of Maggie Lambert of Green Anniston, Alabama; daughters, Bank; three sisters, Mrs. VirMrs. Virginia Hamrick, of Valginia Hamrick of Valley Head; ley Head, Mrs. Hazel Gladden, Mrs. Hazel Gladden of Washof Washington, D. C. Mrs. ington, D. C , and Mrs. Elsie Eloise Hartzel, of Falls Church, Hartzel of Riverdale. MaryVirginia; a sister, Mrs. Ethel land; three brothers, Woodrow Hevener, of Green Bank; eight grandchildren; and six greatLambert, of Green Bank; Delgrandchildren. beru Lambert, of Anniston, Alabama, and Raymond LamServices were held Monday bert, of Riverdale, Maryland. afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home in Marlinton, Funeral services were conwith the Rev. Maynard Crawducted Saturday afternoon with ford officiating. Burial was in the Rev. J. Robert Harshberthe Arbovale Cemetery. ger in charge. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Elmer Jay Lambert

-Raymond Burgess Lambert, 17 (R. B.), son of Raymond ar Sara Burgess Lar-'bert, of 6708 E. Riverdale, Maryland, was injured fatally Sunday, September 3, 1961, at Forestville, Maryland, near Washington, D. C , when the car he was driving apparently went out of control. Young Lambert was thrown from the car, as was also another youth riding in the front seat. The latter received a broken shoulder. Harry Gum, 17, riding in the rear seat escaped uninjured. "R. B" was born in Washington, D. C , August ?.o, 1944. Besides his father, formerly of Green Bank, and his mother, of Lewisburg, he is survived by two sisters. Barbara Lee Lambert, 18, and Nancy Lambert, 9, both at home; by his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Maggie Lambert of Green Bank, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Lelia Burgess of Washington; D. C , and a host of other relatives and friends. V£)dv-£^ The young man was a consistent and faithful member of the Anacostia Methodist Church 14t|j and U.Sts, S. E.Washington. He was a former Boy Scout, and a member of the on-coming Senior Class of Bladensburg High School He worked the entire summer setting trees for the Park Commission. Funeral services were held at his Church on Wednesday. He was buried in Fort Lincoln Cem§*

t&t, Maryland, near his home. Mrs. Noah B. Lambert

Mrs. Zoe Lambert, 77, of Green Bank, died Wednesday, December 4,1968, at her home after a long illness. She had lived in Green Bank for 50 years and was a member of the United Brethren Church. Survivors include her busband, Noah B. Lambert; one daughter, Mrs. Charles Shine, of Jamestown, Pennsylvania; three sons, William K. Lambert and Delford B. Lambert, both of Williamsfield, Ohio, and Thurmond F. Lambert, of Painesville, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Lena Mick; one brother, Ed Lambert, of Zelienople, Pennsylvania; twenty grandchildren and seven great-grand children. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the United Methodist Church at Green Bank by the Rev. Travis E. Wells with burial in the family cemetery.


Clay Lambert

^ '

Clay H. Lambert, 78, of Arbovale, died Monday, September 16, 1974, in Elkins Convalescent Home. He was a member of th e United Methodist Church, Arbovale, and was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County. Mr. Lambert was a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Jessie L. Lambert; three daughters, Mrs. Nola B. Raines, of Cherry Grove, Mrs. Neoma G. Cross and Mrs. Sadie S. Bullock, both of Baltimore, Maryland; one foster daughter. Mrs, Karen C. Barker, of Baltimore, Maryland; four SODS, Junior Lambert, of Martinsburg, Clen and Herald Lambert both of Arbovale, and Cretes Lambert, of Salem, New Hampshire; one foster son, Jack B., of Palisades, New Jersey; 28 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren. Services were held Thursday afternoon in the Arbovale United Methodist Church, by the Rev, Kenneth Montgomery and the Rev. Bernice Winkler, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Carol L. Lambert Carol Lee Lambert, 44, of

Mrs. Betfv Jo Lambert

Mrs. Betty Jo Lambert, aged 19 years, died Wednesday, January 4, 1961, at her homeat Boyer. Mrs. Lambert was born November 16, 1941, at Shinnston, the daughter of Dennis Lee and Kathleen Comer Minor, and had lived at Boyer about three years. She was married to Everett Lambert and attended Kerr Chapel, Brethren Church, at Boyer. Surviving her are her husband, Everett Lambert; a daughter, Connie Jean; her mother, Mrs. Kali leen Simmons and her step father, the Rev. Harry Simn ons, of Boyer; one brother, Denni i Lee j Minor of Shinnston; a sister, Bevjerly Ashcroft, of National City, California; two half-sistars, Avis j? mmons and Patricia Simmons, 'at home; six step-sisters and one step-brother. I Services were held Saturday at North Shinnston Baptist Church by the Rev. J. W. Pugh and
ELMER JAY LAMBERT Elmer Jay Lambert, 38, of Rf>. 1, Espy'ille, Pennsylvania, died November 6, J 9 5 9 J in Presb y t e r i a n Hospital, Pittsburgh from burns received October 26 in a fire at Jamestown Machine a n i Manufacturing Company. ^ambert was working inside a huge empty paint tank 'when a spark from a hammer and chisel he was using to remove a bolt ignited paint fumes. Flames engulfed practially his whole body before workmen were abls to, extinguish the blaze. -, He was rushed to Greenville Hosp'tal and later taken to the Pittsburgh hospital in an effort to save his life. Lambert is survived at ho by his wife, the former Strfen i Cigis whom he married Februar-' 12, 1945; and two daught: . Betty Ann and Mary Lou. Also surviving are his parents, Brison and Zoc L a m b e i * of Green Bank, four brothers, Si urlin of Painesville, Ohio, Keith of Wil'iamsfield, Ohio, Delford of R.D. 2, Jamestown, ai.-l Thurman of Atlantic. Pa., and a sister, Mrs, Charles (Jennal Shine, "f R.D. 2, Jame?town. He was born April 9, 1921, in Cireleville and was a member of v the Methodist <""

Mrs. Mary K.Lambert

Mrs. Mary Kiser Lambert was born November 21, 1894, and passed away Tuesdav, March 31, 1970, at her home at Cass. She was born at Mount Clinton, Virginia. Survivors include one son, Kenny Lambert, of Bartow two daughters. Mrs. Marie Bradley, and Mrs, Ina Neighbors, both of Cass; one brother, Jesse Kiser, of Coal City; three sisters, Mrs. Stella Day, of Singers Glenn, Virginia, Mrs. Myrtie Lindon and Mrs. Grace Burgess, oc Mount Crawford, Virginia; fourteen grandchildren and twenty-nine greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wanless Methodist Church by the Rev. Coy Mathews and the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burisl was in the Wanless Cemetery.

Frank, died Wednesday, July 9,1986, after a short illness. Born May 17, 1942, St Durbin, she was a daughter of Bernard M. Collins, of Boyer, and the late Mildred Lee Varner. She was an EMT volunteer for the B.F.D. Rescue Squad and was a member of the Frank Nazarene Church. Surviving her are her husband, William; three daughters, Mrs. Jane Smith, of Bartow, Mrs. Pamela Green, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Julia Lambert, at home; two sons, William W. Lambert, of Cherry Grove, Jody Lynn, of Alexandria, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Nohe, of Victor, New York; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. Gerald Reynolds and the Rev. Charles Taylor, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Eli Lambert E h L a m b e r t , aged 59 years, died at bis home in Cass on S u n d a y December 7, 1955J. On W e d n e s day afternoon tbe funeral service was held from G r e e n b a n k M e t h o dist C h u r c h by Rev. E. A. Lambert. His body was laid in the family cemetery n e a r G r e e n b a n k . T h e deceased is survived by his wife and t h e i r t h r e e children, M e s d a m e s l n a Neighbor and Marie Bradley, of Cass, and KenDy L a m b e r t , of B a l t i m o r e .

Roy D. Lambert

Roy D. Lambert, 70, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, died Friday, April 30, 1976, in the Bridgewater Nursing home. He was born June 8, 1905, at Cireleville, the son of Follen and Sally Bennett Lambert. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Pentecostal Church in Harrisonburg. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Sylvia Hedrick Lambert; five daughters, Mrs. Ethel Conners, Greenville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Janet Brown, Harrisonburg, Mrs. Joann Woods, Elkins, Mrs. Frances Turner and Mrs. Charlotte Deeter, both of Cochranton, Pennsylvania; three sons, Harry E. Hedrick, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Keith Follen Lambert, Maryland, and Donald Curtis Lambert, Cochranton, Pennsylvania; 25 grandchildren; six great- grandch ildren; three brothers, Orrie Lambert, Bartow, Dewey Lambert, Cochranton, Pennsylvania, and Russell Lambert, Ravenna, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Georgia Simnons, Maryland, Mrs. Jessie Varner, Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Rhoda Arbogast, Cleveland, Ohio. Services were held in Boyer Church Sunday afternoon by William H. Strickler with burial in Arbovale Cemetery.

Henry 0. Limbert &•• Henry 0 . Lambert, 79; a resident of Elkins, died Wednes day, June 12, 1974, at Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. Born March 9,1895, at Middiefork, he was the son of the late David Fofroina Fox Lambert. He was married October 24, 1920, to Lola Slaven, of Elkins, who survives. Also surving are one stepdaughter, Mrs Ray (Thelma) Ziegler, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; one sister, Mrs. Mae Martney, Millersport, Ohio, two brothers, David S. Lambert, Craigsville; Ray Lambert, Baltimore, Maryland;. and one step-grandson. Preceding him in death were six-sisters and five brothers. Mr. Lambert was a retired mine mechanic, having worked for Christopher Coal Company; a veteran of World War I, serv ing in France. He vt asa Methodist by faith, a member of linked Mine Workers of America No 43, at Osage, and a member of VFW in Elkins. Services were held Saturday at the F. E. Runner Funeral Heme by Dr. H. W. Ware with interment at Arbovale Ceme»



Dewey J. Lambert Dewey J. Lambert, 67, of Cochranton, Pennsylvania, died Tuesday, May 1, 1984, at City Hospital, Meadville, Pennsylvania. cl_,Born March 18, 1917, at Cherry Grove, he was the son of the late Fallen and Sallie Mullenax Lambert. Surviving him are his wife, Mildred Hinkle Lambert; four daughters, Mrs. Betty Starr, Mrs. Debra Heister, Brenda Lambert, all of Cochranton, and Mrs. Patty Burns, of Newark, Ohio; four sons, Edward, of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, Roger, of Cooperton, Pennsylvania, James of Cochranton, and Larry, of Meadville, Pennsylvania; three sisters, Mrs. Georgia Simmons, of Bemis, Mrs. Jessie Varner, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mrs. Ernest Arbogast, of Cleveland, Ohio; two brothers, Orie Lambert., of Boyer, and Russell, of Wadsworth, Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 Thursday.

Rennit L. Lambert ink S. Ltmbirl Rennie Larkin Lambert, 80, Jack S. Lambert, 54, died died Wednesday, November 5, Sunday, March 7, 1982, in 1980, of an apparent heart at- Alleghany Regional Hospital, tack, (r^. Lowmoor, Virginia, Hospital' Born May 13,1900, in Pen- after a iong illness. dleton County, be was the son Born February 15, 1928, at of the late William Arthur and Frank, he was a son of Mary Nelia Vacdevender Lambert. White Lambert, of Covington, Mr. Lambert, a resident of Virginia, and the late Uxter Durbin for 71 years, was a Lambert. member of the Durbin Church Mr, Lambert was \ World of the Brethren, worked for War II veteran, and attended Hones Leather Company forthe Church of the Brethren. 45 years and was a self-em He was a lifelong resident of ployed carper.ter for 15 yearsPocahontas County and was Survivors include bis wife, employed by Howes Leather Lola Sharp Lambert; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Vance, of Elk- Co. A sister, Elsie Lambert, preins; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Thelma White, of Minnehaha ceded him in death in November 1981. Springs, Mrs. Erma Jane Wilfong, of Hampton, Virginia, Other survivors include bis and Mrs. Anna Betty Mullens, wife, Anna Belle Lambert; a of Huntersville; a son, Reon I daughter, Sandra Jean Stultz, Lambert, of Durbin; four step- t Baltimore, Maryland; astepv sons, Ralph W. Sharp, of Mar- s daughter, Dianna Ka Cash of Churchville, Virginia; a steplinton, Stanford Sharp, of Buckhannon, Kenneth Sharp, son, George S. Waybright. of of North East, Maryland, and Staunton, Virginia; four sisCurtis, of Okinawa; two sis- ters, Sylvia Simmons and ters, Mrs. Tressie Thompson Shirley Nelson, both of Covington, Virginia, Jean Sawyer, and Miss Evelyn Lambert, both of Durbin; four brothers, of Goose Creek, South CaroPreston Lambert, of Akron, lina, and Connie Taylor, of Green Bank; four brothers, Ohio, E. Vernon Lambert, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, O- Harold Lambert, of Covingdeth H. Lambert, of Durbin, ton, Virginia, Ray and Donand Virgil Lambert, of Me- ald Lambert, both of Paineachanicsville, Virginia; 31 grand- ville, Ohio, and Lonnie Lamchildren and 26 great-grand- bert, of Arbovale, and three grandchildren. children. Services were held WednesFuneral services were held day at 2 p. m., at Wallace & Saturday at 2 p. m. in Durbin Wallace Funeral Home Chapel Church of the Brethren with in Arbovale with the Revs. the Revs. David Rittenhouse Eddie Kyle and Gary Reyand Paul S. Good officiating. nolds officiating. Burial was Burial was in Arbovale Cemen Arbovale Cemetery. tery.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lambert Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lambert, age 55 years, died at her home, at Bartow, Sunday, April 28, l l J59, 'after a long illness. She is survived by her husband, Warren- Lambert; two children, Delphia and Nellard Arbogast, both at ,ome; three sisters, Mrs. Tina Lambert, Mrs. Julia Lambert and Mrs. Muriel Bennett,! and a brother, Jasper Arbogast,: ;;;'of B a r t e r . Funeral services were '-eld on Wednesday in the Cherry Grove Methodist Church by the Rev. Dale Jones, with burial in the Johnson Cemetery,


James Buchanan Lambert James Buchanan Lambert, of Green bank, aged ;>„ years, died at a Ronceverte hospital on Friday, April 23, 1948. On Monday afternoon the fuDeral service was held from the Grcenbank Methodist Church by Rev. Q. R. \rbogast. His body vas laiu ... ' Arbovale Cemetery. Mr. Lambert is survived by hit, two daughters, Mrs. Homer Oussell, of Green bank, and Mrs. Boyd Criggler, of Franklin. Elkins—Dr. .lames Warwick Lim bert, aired 8*5 ypsrs, (Hud on Tuesday, S •!>re«»b r 5. HKSO »» >:*'!;•:>• Peal. after a i r , : iliru-i-R. Burial i t Arbnj vale on Wednesday afternoon. F! 'as ;i son of S K Lambert, H urvtved bv bis wife. Mrs Henle ' >n Lin Vrt:-» son, I tiert; di-i) two dHUjfbf-f'rs. Mrs Ierh'k. "f WwMon, ami Sirs 1! ' Sai t«r, <>f bun iw.


Chester L. Lambert I Chester Lewis Lambert, of Bartow, aged 61 years, died in the Pocahon~4 Memorial Hospital, in Marlinton. on 'Friday, November 15, 1957. Funeral services were conducted at 1:00 P. M , Sunday, at the Elk Mountain Chapel, near Cherry Grove, Pendleton County, by the Rev. Dale Jones. Burial was made in the Johnson Cemetery, near^Bartow, Pocahontas County. Mr. Lambert is. survived by his wife, Mrs. Leafie Bennett Lambert; and their five daughters: Mrs. Sylvia Thompson, of Bartow; Katherine, Brenda, Barbara and Helen Lambert, all at, home; one step-daughter, Mrs. Virginia Lantz, of Washington, D. C ; three sons: Glenn, of Cranberry, New Jersey; Harold and Harlan Lambert, both at home; two siste.-s, Mrs. Sfia Bennett, of Bartow, and Mrs. Julia Lambert, of Franklin; and two brothers, Festie, of Bartow and Atha Lambert, of Chen;, u ove. William Arthur Lambert


William Arthur Lambert, 86, died Tuesday morning, February 9. 1965, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness, r/ He had lived in Pocahontas County 55 years, was a member of the Durbin Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Survivors include three daughters Mrs. TressieThomp son, of Durbin, Mrs. Edna Meadows, of Newark, Ohio, and Miss Evelyn Lambert at home; five sons, Rennie and Odeth, both of Durbin, Preston, of Akron, Ohio, Vernon of Covington, Virginia, and Virgil, of Richmond, Virginiatwo sisters, Mrs. Pearly Simpson,, of Franklin, and Mrs. Tenna Vandevender, of Riverfon;_ two brothers, Viek, of Franklin and Ray, of-Riverton; 13 grandchildren • 22' great, grandchildren and five greatgreat grandchildren. The funeral was conducted Thursday in the Durbin Metho dist Church with the Rev Jack Miller and the Rev. David Rittenhouse in charge. Burial was in the Arbavale Cemetery.


Edna Lambert Edna Lambert,.89, of Route 1, Fombell, Pennsylvania, died November 25,1976. Born at Circleville, May 5, 1887, he was the son of Perry and Rebecca Lambert. He was married to the former Ella Mullenaxon November 5,1910. Mr. Lambert was a retired blacksmith and farmer. He w as a member of the Methodist Church, of Circleville and lived in Pocahontas County near Boyer for several years. He attended the Kerr Chapel Church near Bdyer until he moved to Pennsylvania and was the song leader. Surviving him are his wife, Ella Lambert, at home, two daughters, Mrs. James (Velma) Mullenax, Mrs. Ora (Reahnell) White, both of Zelienople, Pennsylvania; five sons, Earl and Eugene Lambert, of Cleveland, Ohio, Ward, of Baltimore, Maryland, Everett, of Fombell. and Evan, of New Castle, Pennsylvania; one sister, Lena Micks, of Silver Spring, Maryland; twenty-two grandchildren, fortyfour great grandchildren and one great-great grandson. Services were on Monday, November 29, at two p. m. by the Rev. Robert Greathouse, pastor of the Zelienople Church of the Nazarene. Burial was in the Pinewood Memorial Park.

Early A. Lambert Early Adam Lambert, 71, of Dunmore, died Saturday, August 20, 1983, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. Born at Cherry Grove March 10, 1912, he was a son of the late Glendi and Nellie Vandevander Lambert. He was a woodsman. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Coella Jean Queen, and a son, William R. Lambert, both of Dunmore; a sister, Grethel Vandevander of Elkins; five brothers, Ashford Lambert of Chillicothe, Ohio, Richford Lambert, Pennsylvania, Ervie Lambert and Glandy Lambert, both of Grottoes, Virginia, and Oakland Lambert, of Cherry Grove; and seven grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Mancil Doolittle, with burial in the Lambert Cemetery on Elk Mountain, Rt. 28.

Jetsli M. Lambert Mrs: Jessie M. Lambert, 79, Of Arbovale, died Monday, June 27,1977. in the Memorial General Hospital at Elkins Mrs. Lambert was born on February 15,1898, the daughter of the late Alonzo and Dortha Lawrence Lambert. She was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and a member of the United Brethren Church. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Nola B. Raines, of Cherry Grove, and Mrs. Naomi G. Cross, Mrs. Sadie Bullock, and Mrs. Karen Barker, all of Baltimore, Maryland; five sons, Junior H., of Martinsburg, Clen and Harold, both of Arbovale, Cretes, of Salem, New Hampshire, and Jack, of Palisades Park, New Jersey; and two sisters, Mrs. Vadie Kisamore, of Petersburg, and Mrs. Tina Calvert, of New Jersey. Services were held Wednesday in the Arbovale United Methodist Church with the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Gregory Lewis officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Litter L»ie Lambert Lester Lyte Lambert, 24, of Fairfax, Virginia, died Saturday, April 28,1979. He was the son of Mrs. Estelle Philippi, of Fairfax, Virginia, and the late Willie Lambert. He is survived by his mother, stepfather, Richard Philippi, and several stepbrothers and •tepsisters. £» .^y Services were held Mdhday in the Green Bank Methodist Church by the Rev. Gregory Lewis, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. William Lambert Mrs. Nealie Ann Lambert age I U .Tears, wife of William Lam. >ert, died at her home in Duro-'n mbaturdiy, December 31, 1949 Oa Monday the funeral servicel »as held from (he Durbin JVieth'dist church by her pastor, Rev. li> K. baw.yer. Burial in Arbovale cemetery. p^ J Mrs. Lambert is survived by •ier husband and their eight chilren. Ronnie L., Odeth, Preston, Vernon and Virgil; Mrs. Tressie inompson, Evelyn and Fdna Lambert.

Mrs. Beufah Mae Landis . Emory Harlan Landis Mrs. Beulah Mae Landis, 67, • Emory Harlan Landis, age died in the Pocahontas Memorial 91 years, died Saturday, Januhospital on Wednesday, April 12, ary 26, 1963, in the PocP' 1961, after a long iilness. tas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the CenBorn at French Creek on t r a l Union Methodist Church. June 13, 1871, he was a son of I Born at Millboro, Virginia, the late John H. and Mary; August 23, 1893, she was a daugh- Ann Douglas Landis. ter of the late Andrew and FiOn March 25, 1897, he was annia Fultz Loan. Shewasmar- married to Nevada Alice Milried to John M. Landis on Dec- ler, who preceded him in death ember 4, 1912. September 28, 1933. Survivors include her husband, Survivors include six sons, John Landis; a son, Damon Lan- Roy Landis, of Buckeye; Arlie dis, and a daughter, Mrs. Jean Landis, of Mitchell, Virginia; i VanReenan, both of Marlinton; Ray J. Landis, of Hi^sboro; I1 two sisters, Mrs. Laura Blackwell, Lanty, Harry, and Paul Lanof Buffalo, New York, and Mrs. dis all of Marlinton; two dauMandie Ketterer, of Los Angeles, ghters, Mrs. Ruth Waddell, of California; and four granddaugh- Jumping Branch, and Mrs. ters. Lora McCoy, of Beard; 24 Funeral services were held Sun- ' grandchildren; 31 great-grandday afternoon in the Central children; and four great-great Union Methodist Church with the grandchildren. Rev. Bernard Skeens in charge. One son, Fred Landis, preBurial was in the Indian Draft ceded him in death. Cemetery. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in Marvin John M. Landis Chapel with the Rev. Owen John M. Landis, 77, died in Lee in charge. Burial was in a Marlinton hospital on Thurs- ^uckman_Cemetery. day, September 13, 1962, after a long illness. Mrs. Robert i. Landis He was a retired farmer. Mrs. Mary Frances WeatherHe attended the • Central holt Landis, 57, of Seebert, Union Methodist Church. died at her hom? Friday, JanBorn at French Creek, Sep- uary 12, 19j68, after a \
Charles Landis Charles Kenneth Landis, age 75, of Covington, Virginia, died Saturday, March 15, 1997, at Alleghany Regional Hospital. He was bom February 7, 1922, in Marlinton, a son of the late Samuel P. and Stella Weiford Landis. Mr. Landis was a veteran of World War II, having served with the U. S. Army for six years. He retired in 1981 from Westvaco Corporation, where he worked on the No. 8 paper machine for 35 years. He was a member of the Curtis A. Smith Post 1033, Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a member of the McAllister Memorial Presbyterian Church and of the Tom Gooch Sunday School Class. Survivors include his wife of 51 years, Mattie B. Landis; one daughter, Carol Bowyer, of Greenwood, South Carolina; two grandchildren and three great-grandsons; one brother, Grey Landis, of Covington; and two sisters, Myrle Gibson, of Covington, and Madge Holloway, of El Paso, Texas. He was preceded in death by two sisters and five brothers. Funeral services were conducted March 17 in the chapel of Arritt Funeral Home by the Rev. Dr. Earl A. Bland. Interment followed in Alleghany Memorial Park with graveside rites conducted by the Curtis A. Smith Post 1033, VFW.


Atlee Landis Atlee Lionel Landis, age 81, of 705 North Alleghany Avenue, Covington, Virginia, died Friday, April 27, 1990, in Alleghany Regional Hospital. Mr. Landis was born November 15, 1908, in Marlinton, the son of the late Samuel P. and Stella Weiford Landis. He retired in 1974 from Westvaco Corporation with 45 years service. He was a member of McAllister Memorial Presbyterian Church where he served as an Elder and Deacon. He was a member of Covington Lodge 23, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Surviving him are his wife, Hattie Beamer Landis, of Covington; two daughters, Mrs. Rosalie Henderson, of Covington, Mrs. Jewel Beavers, of San Francisco, California; two grandsons; four great-grandchildren; three brothers, Gail A. Landis, Grey S. Landis, and Charles K. Landis, all of Covington; two sisters, Mrs. Myrle Gibson, of Covington, and Mrs. Madge Holloway, of El Paso, Texas. Funeral services were held Sunday, April 29, at 3 p. m. from the McAllister Memorial Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Harold E. Moffitt, Jr., Interment followed in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Willis M. Landis Willis M. Landis, 73, of Covington, Virginia, died Wednesday, November 19, 1986, in University Hospital, Charlottesville, Virginia, of cancer. He was born on December 7, 1912, near Marlinton, a son of Pete and Stella Landis. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Covington. Mr. Landis worked for more than 40 years at the Pulp and Paper Mill in Covington. Surviving are his wife, Gladys Entsminger Landis; a son, Michael Landis, of Covington; four brothers, Atlee, Grey, Gail and Charles Landis, of Covington; two sisters, Myrle Gibson, of Covington, ' and Madge Hollaway, of El Paso, Texas. He was preceded in death by his mother and father, two brothers, Earl and Denver, and two sisters, Delia McComb and Anna Buzzard. Services were held at 2 p. m. on November 21 in Arritt Funeral Home Chapel, by Rev. Billy Price. Interment was in Alleghany Memorial Park at Low Moor, Virginia.


Earl A. Landis Earl Ammond Landis, Sr., 68, of Covington, Virginia, died Wednesday, November 1, 1972, in the Alleghany Memorial Hospital. Mr. Landis was born in Pocahontas County on May 2,1904, a son of the late Samuel P and Stella Weiford Landis. He was a retired papermaker with Westvaco and a member of the Grace Brethren Church. Surviving are his widow, MrsSylvia Rider Landis; two sons, Earl A. Landis, Jr., San Pablo, California, and Fredrick G. Landis, Mansfield, Ohio, two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Norma) Zehrung, San Pablo, California, and Mrs. Judy Hepler, Covington, Virginia, three sisters, Mrs. Ira (Myrle) Gibson, Covington, Mrs. Harvey (Anna) Buzzard, Marlinton, and Mrs. Jerry (Madge) Holloway, El Paso, Texas, five brothers Atlee L. Landis, Willis M. Landis, Grey S. Landis,. and Charles K. Landis, all of Covington, and Gail A. Landis, Pearisburg, and five grandchildren. Funeral services , were held Saturday morning in the chapel of the Arritt Funeral Home with Rev. Mason Cooper officiMrs. Mildred Lindstrom Interment was in Mrs. Mildred L. Lindstrom ating. Alleghany Memorial Park. of Oradell, New Jersey, former ly of Durbin. died Thursday, December 9, 1971, in a New Ray J. Landis Jersey hospital. Ray J. Landis, 78, of HillsSurvivors include her hus-' boro, died Sunday, December band, Eric; a daughter, Susan,; 16, 1984, in Pocahontas Memoat home: her mother, Mrs. rial Hospital after several Lu'a Watts, of Ellerslie, Mary- months' illness. land, a son, Marshall, of ChiMr. Landis was a farmer and cago, Illinois, a sister, Mrs. a retired State Road employee. Ruth Hartman, of Ellerslie, a Born at Edray September 1, brother, Charles, of Arlington, 1906, he was the son of the late Virginia, and five grandchildren E. H. and Neva Miller Landis. Services were held Monday, brothers preceded him at Arbovale with burial in the in Four death, Roy, Paul, Fred, and Arbovale Cemetery. Arlie Landis. •Surviving him are his wife, Robert J. Landis Treva Webb Landis; three Robert Jasper Landis, 90, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, June daughters, Pat McNeill, Buck11, 1970, in Denmar Hospital eye, Louise Broyles, Marlinton, Janet Meredith, RAF Chickat Beard after a long illness sands, England; three sons, He was born in Indiana, Ray L. Landis, Marlinton, Sam May 22, 18&0, and was a re- Landis, Petersburg, and June ared lumberman. Landis, of Sunnyvale, CalifornHe was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Frances Landis. ia; fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; two Survivors include two dau- brothers, Lanty and Harry Langhters, Mrs. Virginia Black- dis, of Marlinton, and two stock, of Elsinore, California, and Mrs. Alfred (Deborah) sisters, Ruth Waddell, of MarCallison, of Washington, D. C. linton, and Lora McCoy, of Hillsboro. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Wes- Services ^ ^ ^ ^were ^ ^ ^held ^ ^ ^at^ 2^ ^p.m. ^^ ley Chapel Methodist Church Wednesday in VanReenen' Fuat Hillsboro by the Rev. Ralph neral Home by the Rev. J. D. Ross, with burial in the Oak Arbuckle, with burial in the Grove Cemetery. Ruckman Cemetery.

Arlie Poigt Landit Arlie Poage Landis, 78, of Mitchells, Virginia, died Sunday, January 27, 1980, in the Gordonsville, Virginia, Hospital. He was born on March 17, 1901, in Pocahontas County, the son of the late Embry Newtoa and Neva Miller Landis. Mr. Landis was a retired farmer. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Barbara Gilmore, of Culpeper, Virginia; two sons, Earl T. Landis, of Orange, Virginia, and Alfred L. Landis, of Capon Bridge; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Waddell, of Buckeye, and Mrs. Lora McCoy, of Beard; three brothers, Lanty Landis and Harry Landis both of Marlinton, and Ray Landis, of Hillsboro; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held Wednesday at the Clore Funeral Home by the Rev. Floyd Binns with burial in the Hillcrest Memorial Gardens in Culpeper County.

Mrs. Robert J. Landis Mrs. Mary Frances Weatherholt Landis, 57, of Seebert, died at her home Friday, January 12, 1968, after a long illness. Born May 1, 1910, at Luray, Virginia, she was a daughter of Mrs. Florence Icie Sutton, of Huntersville. and the late Henry Weatherholt. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, Robert Jasper Landis; two daughters, Mrs. Deborah Callison, of Washington, D. C , and Mrs. Virginia Baker, of Apple Valley, California; her mother, Mrs. Florence Icie Sutton, of Huntersville; one brother, Leland Weatherholt, of Cleveland, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Clyde Tallman, of Oregon, Ohio; Mrs. Robert O'Brien, of Fairlea, and Miss Clara Weatherholt, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wesiey Chapel Methodist Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Ralph R,oss with burial in the Oak xrove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Baby Landis Ronald Lee Landis, day-old son of Ray and Peggy Broyles Landis, died Thursday, October 14, 1965, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. The baby was born Wednesday, October 13, 1965. Surviving oesides the parents are a brother, James Andrew, a sister, Rayetta Lynne, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broyles, of Marlinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landis, of Hillsboro. Graveside services were held Saturday in the Mountain View Cemetery by the Rev. Harry Painter.

Mary Treva Landis Mary Treva Landis, age 85, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, October 4, 1998, at the home of her daughter, Patricia McNeill, at Buckeye. Mrs. Landis was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro and the Hillsboro Home Demonstration Club. The daughter of the late John Curry Webb and Barbara Ellender Hylton Webb, she was born at Meadows of Dan, Virginia. November 22,1912. Her husband, Ray J. Landis, is deceased. Others preceding her in death were three sisters, Lora Dalton, Thelma Blevins, and Mattie Crouse, and five brothers, Levi Webb, Otis Webb, Bonny Webb, Carter Webb, and Harley Webb. Survivors include three daughters, Patricia McNeill, of Buckeye, Louise Broyles, of Hillsboro, and Janet Kay Meredith, of Woodbridge, Virginia; three sons, Ray L. Landis, of Marlinton, Samuel Landis, of Petersburg, and June Raymond Landis, of Sunnyvale, California; a brother, Whitner Webb, of Fairmont; sixteen grandchildren, fifteen greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Paul Goehner, wiui burial in the Ruckman Cemetery near Mill Point. Memorial gifts may be made to Oak Grove Presbyterian Church.


Mini. E. Uail Mrs. Mamie Ervlne Landis 64, of Marlinton, died Saturday, May 27,1978, in Emmett Memorial Hospital in Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a long illnets. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born November 21, 1913, ahe was the daughter of If enfy and Laura Sharp Ervine. Mrs. Landis is survived by a ion, Donald Irvine, of Cleveland, .Ohio, a great niece, Judy Alderman Ramotn, whom •be raised, and Judy's son, James; a sister, Mrs. Stella Kellison, of Hillsboro; six, grandchildren, and oat great* grandchild. Services were held Tuesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. John D. Arbuckle, with burial in Beaver Creek; Cemetery.

. vy') • Grace Landis i^ Janes E. Lint '}' Lillie Grace Landis, age 78, James E. Lane, 89, of Hillswho lived on Beard Heights, boro, died December 24, 1980, Marlinton, died Monday, in Staunton, Virginia, after a September 4, 1995, in Greenbrier long illness. Valley Hospital after a long illness. He was a woodsman and a She was a retired cook in member of Stamping Creek Pocahontas County Schools. Born at Cass April 30, 1917, Church of God. Surviving are four sons, she was the daughter of George Dallas and Mary Frances Syms Ralph and William, both of Virginia, Floyd, of Florida, Tacy^" <. James, of Marlinton; daughShe was preceded in death by ters, Mrs. Nancy Oscar, of two husbands, Woods Gaylor and Hillsboro, Mrs. Mary Murray, Lanty Landis; a daughter, Ruth Emma Ryder; and two brothers, of Buckeye; brothers, John, of Virginia, Alex, of Marlinton, Ollie Joseph Tacy and James Berl Jasper, of Hillsboro; sister, Tacy. Mrs. Beulah Blake, of HillsSurviving her are three brothers, boro; 35 grandchildren; 15 George Kenny Tacy and John ?reat- grandchildren. Tacy, both of Cass, and Oliver H. Tacy, of Bowling Green, Virginia; Services were held at 2 p. m. and two sisters, Bertie Cassell, of Sunday in VanReenen Funeral Green Bank, and Abbie Kerr, of Home, with the Rev. Sam Dunmore. Schoolcraft officiating. Burial Services will be held at 2 p. m. was in Ruckman .Cemetery, Thursday at VanReenen Funeral near Marlinton. Home by the Rev. Gary Jarrell, with burial in/ Beaver Creek Miss Creola Lane Paul Landis Cemetery. ^^_^S Mies Creola Lane. 14, of Paul Jack Landis, 66, of Memorials may~5emade to Woodbridge, Virginia, died xVlarlinton, died Thursday, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Wednesday, October 25, 1972, July 22, 1976, in Pocahontas in a Richmond, Virginia, hosMemorial Hospital after suffer* Building Fund. ^ i l from burns received in a ing a heart attack a short time Lanty Wilford Landis fire at her home. before at his home. Lanty Wilford Landis. son of Lantv Born June 15,1958, at MarBorn March 23, 1910 On Mabel iu n na M a b e l Landis, Sramriinn F « I i , u 7 ' William ' V " , t t u J Landis ^ a n a l s aand Landis, stamping Creek, he was' the was bom April 23, 19?« and died on linton, she was a daughter of son "of "Emery' Harlan and April 5, 1939 He

Mrs. Rosie Lane


^ft-pesaltd, shuts our worldly eyes. And opens them in a fairer and, A brighter w e l d beyond ihe skies. There is no iJeath; why should W2 pint? The sun that sets shall rise once ff ore Vnd we shall live a life sublime. ttespiendent, on that wondrous shore

Mrs. Rosie Bell Lane, 62, died at Seebert on Monday, i December 21, 1964, following a long illness. She was born at Mill Point I • j Baby Lane i / on December 26, 1901, the Kenneth Edward Lane/aged 11 rlaimhro, „f n/rvu Ti a n dJ E1 A. I Kenneth bdward L,ane,"agea IJL g CheI1 " | months andHospital 6 days, at the Z ine Th a rn R.JJ'i Tharp Blake. in died CharlottesUniversity funeral services will be held j ville, Virginia, on Friday, SeptemThursday at ^:00 p. m. in Mi r ber 22, 1961. He was the son of vin Chapel with burial in the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lane of Ruckman Cemetery. Woodb -idge, Virginia, formerly of Marlintcn. Graveside services were in the Ruckman 1Cemetery Sunday morning &L 1:00 o'clock


Mrs. Nancy Lane Mrs. N&DCJI A n n L a n e , aged 78 y e a r s , widow of t h e late Dan iel David L a n e , of Cordova, died a t the h o m e of a son, J a m e s Lane at W o o d b r i d g e , V i r g i n i a , on W e d n e s d a y . O c t o b e r 8, 1951. The funeral services were conducted 6 S a t u r d a y from the Olive Valli.V B a p t i s t Church at Cordova with burial following in the L a n e cemetc ?. Sur- i v i n g are four sons: J a m [John and J a s p e r , if W o o d b r i d g e i V i r g i n i a , and A!<.«:, f > arlinfoc; one d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Deely Blake, of M a r l i n t o n ; one sister, Mrs. i Piney L a n e , of Oordova, and one b r o t h e r . J i m Butler, of Kichwood.

John Henry Laie John Henry Lane, 45, of Woodbridge, Virginia, died Monday, July 18, 1977, after a long illness. He was born January 12, 1932, the son of James Edward Lane and the late Rose B. Blake. Also preceding him in death were Creola Belle and Andy Wallace Lane. Surviving him in addition to his father, are his wife, Dora Belle Lane; son, Billy Ricky Lane; daughters, Cynthia Jane, Henrietta and Addaline Lane, all of Woodbridge; brothers, Ralph Lane, Culpeper, Virginia, Jesse James Lane, Marlinton, Eddie Lane, Winchester, Virginia, William Lane, Front Royal, Virginia, Floyd Lane, Fairfax, Virginia; sisters, Nancy Oscar and Mary Murray, Hillsboro: one grandchild. Services were held Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery.

Edward N. Lane Edward N. Lane, 56, of Winchester, Virginia, died Friday, November 23,1979, in Winchester Memorial Hospital. He was a plumber. Born in Pocahontas April 14,1923, he was the son of James Edward Lane, of Staunton, Virginia, and the late Rosie Blake Lane. A brother, John Henry Lane, also preceded him in death. Surviving him are his father, his wife, Beulah Mae Lane, a son, Edward "Rocky" Lane, of Baltimore, Md., and a daughter, Brenda G. Files, Winchester; two grandchildren; six brothers and sisters, Jesse James Lane, Marlinton, Floyd, Florida, William, Front Royal, Virginia, Ralph, Culpeper, Virginia, Nancy Oscar and Mary Eldia, Marlinton; a halfbrother, Jimmy Lane, and two half-sisters, Margaret Mrs. Edward A. Lani Joyce Lynn Lane, 24, of 75 Sowers and Margie ReyClarks Point Road, Baltimore, nolds, both of Winchester. Services were held MonMaryland, passed away Friday, October 15, 1976, in the day in VanReenen Funeral Franklin Square Hospital of Home by the Rev. Sam hepatitis after an illness of Schoolcraft, with burial in Ruckman Cemetery. only one month. She was born September 2, 1952, the daughter of LawJasper McFern Lane rence W. and Margaret Inez Jasper McFern Lane, age 82, Thomas, Essex, Maryland. of Hillsboro, died Thursday, Her mother preceded her in March 13, 1997, in Greenbrier death July 4, 1976. She was Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, married to Edward Allan after a long illness. He was a retired timber cutter (Rocky) Lane August 8, 1975. Besides her husband, she is and a Methodist. Born on Spring Creek July 22, survived by her father, and one 1914, he was the son of the late brother, Larry Thomas. Services were held Tuesday, Dave and Nance Ann Butler Lane. Mr. Lane was preceded in October 19, at the Connelly Funeral Home of Essex, with death by five brothers, Alec, interment in the Oak Lawn Henry, Parrish, Jim and John and tiiree sisters, Beallie Cemetery on Eastern Avenue. Lane, Blake, Ollie and Sylvia Lane. His only survivors are several Berlie Lee Lane, 20, of See nieces. bert, died Tuesday, January Services were held at 1:30 p. 5, 1965, in the Charleston Me- m. Sunday at Marvin Chapel moiral Hospital, at Charleston, United Methodist Church by the after a short il lness. Rev. Roy Gwinn. Burial was in He was born September 1, die Ruckman Cemtery. 1944, at Seebert. Survivors include his mother Mrs. GJenna Pearl Lane; three sisters, Syvil Pauline Lane, Dottie Lou Lane and Dorothy Ann Lane; three brothers, Ralph Eugene Lane, James (p^ David Lane and Melvin Carl Lane, all at home, and one grandmother, Mrs. Docia Cook Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Seebert with burial in the Brick Cemetery at HiHsboro. ^~==

i aneral services for Mrs Margaret Shrader Lantz. who died on Manli 4, j 1938 at the iiuroe of her cfauii ter, Mrs Robert G';ru of Fr nklin B was held on Sunday ruorr.fng at ! o'clock from the T\•-. •ny Bottom Methodist Church, and wascondi. by her pastor, the Rev Lortng Howe!! assiste ' ru Rev Fred R. White. Her ape wa^ ei$%t.» years, eight months and eighteen d^js. She is surviveJ by three daughters, ' Mrs R bert Gum, of Monterey, Va„ I Mrs Jesse Beverage, of Marlinton | and Mrs Minnie Simmons of Crabbot torn, Virginia; two sons, Lee and Farly Lan'z of Crabbottom, twentytwo grandchildren, eighteen great grana children ->nd thr^e great-great grand children. The large floral offering paid silent tribute to the memory of tll>gooi woman, and of the esteem in wh < h she was he d b> ner many friend; Flower bearers were five grandchll dren, Etna, £; a and E v a Gum. Mrs Leo Skidm -re, Mrs Laura Wa.,oright, and Misses Annie Eye, Agne L'ropts and Jean Hevener. Activt pall bearers were Maryen and Wan Gum, Howard Beverage. Vernon an< Harold Lantz and Edward Simmons all grano^jns. *N Attending the funeral from a dis »nce were Mrs Jessie Beverage anaughters,"Viola and Mrs Glen He er and son H iward, of Marlintoii: lull Kramer, Mr and Mrs Will Kra uer, Mr and Mrs Mux Kramer a rfartow; Jake Kramer, of Eiki V nd Mrs Gqy Woods and Mrs Si >f Durimore: Mr and Mrs Oase SI non>- nr and Mrs O u e Shrajei .enney Shrader. Gl«-te Surlier, M' a n d M r s L i o Skidmore of Franl Mr and Mrs Willie WajbngU am family, of (Jhurchvil'e, Virginia burial wa-> inl the hoaje graveyard near wi.ere many yeais of iter lift *ere lived.—Staunton News. Samuel P. Lantz

Ss " -tel P. Lantz, age 79, of Frank died Tuesday, April 2, 1959, it. *he Pocahontas Memorial Hospits He was a member of the Durbin Church of God. Surviving are his wife, Melissr.. a son, Samuel W. Lantz, of Durbin. and eight daughters, Mrs. Stewart Murrell of Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Arthur Armentrout, and Mrs. A. B. Stackpoleof Haywood, Mrs. Silas Slavin, and Mrs. Arlie 'Rexrode both of Durbin, Mrs. Jesse Hoover of Valley Head, Mrs. Roscoe Potter and Mrs. LuKe K>ner both of Frank; one brother, Isaac Lantz of Davis; and several grandchildren ; nd 0 r~at-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2:00 p. m. Thursday in the Durbin Church of God with the Rev. J. E. Snedegar and Rev. R. B. Jarreft officiating. Burial wii! in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Henry W. Lanlz Mrs. Henry W. Lantz, 75, died Wednesday, November 29, 1967, at her home in Green Bank. Born at Circleville, April 29, 1892, she was a daughter of Jay and Frances Teter Lambert. On December 25, 1913, she was married to Henry W. Lantz, who survives. She was a member of the Green Bank Methodist Church. In addition to her husband, she is survived by six sons and one daughter, Raymond Lantz, of Elkins; Berlin Lantz, of Cumberland, Maryland; Fred Lantz, of Princeton; Jasper Lantz, of Worthington; Earl Lantz, of Green Bank; Charles Lantz, of Youngstown, Ohio; and Mrs. Joseph Matheny, of Brooklyn, New York; three brothers and three sisters, Clay Lambert, of Arbovale; Brison Lambert, of Green Bank; Ray Lambert, of Buckhannon; Mrs. Dora Vance, of Whitmer; Mrs. Mary Vance, of Belington; Mrs. Martha Kedrick, of Glady; and 13 grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren.

Mrs. lula Harper Lantz Mrs Tula Harper Lantz, aged 73 years, widow of the late Claude R. Lantz, died at the home of bar stepdaughter, Mrs. C. H. V :' fong at Frank, on Janua y 16, 1952. Burial in Thorn wo- i cemetery. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs. Joe Kexrode of Nutters Fort and Mrs. Fred Wooddell of Elkins and bar stepdaughter. Mrs. C. H. Wilfong. Also by her foster son, Dale Grogg, of Ft. Bragg, N. C The deceased was a daughter of the late Amby and Anna Mullenax Harper of Blue Grass, Va.

^m Ward Lantz Ward Lantz, 39, died in Baltimore, Maryland, on Monday, April 25, 1966, after a long illnes3. He was a son of Mrs. Icie Cleek and the late John Lantz. Survivors, in addition to his mother, include _ his wife, Mrs. Bonnie Renhix Lantz, four children, Danny, Bobby, Johnny, "and Dana Lantz, all 3t home; two sisters, Mrs. Virginia Hill and Mrs. Margit McCarty, of Huntersville; am me brother, Tom Lantz, of ^ " w a l services were held in *-"?;•> I ,•„ Maple Harrisonburg, Virginia. Funeral services will beheld Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p. m., in the Smith Funeral Homo Victor A. Lanlz Chapel by the Rev. Moore, of /iotor Alfred Lantz, 79, ol Baltimore, Maryland. Burisl /ill be in Mountain View CemFranHin, died "Oct. 20,1967,frorr a heart attack wfijle sitting in etery.

his car a t Bnanidywine. Mr. Lantz .had retired from farming about a year ago after selling his farm located on Reeds Creek. iMr. Lantz was b o m at Upper Tract May 18, 1888, a son of Joseph H. and Anna Kimble Lantz. He was married «n October 16, 1913, to Ella E. Wimer, who survives. Surviving in addition to his wife are four sons, Ivan J. of Broadway, Va., Kermit L. and Do Ian R. of Harrisonburg', Va., and Arlen V. Lantz of Franklin; a brother, Mervin V. Lantz of Harman; a half-brother, Dane Lantz of Lettuceburg, Ohio; two half-sisters, Mrs. Ethel Dever of Buckeye, and Mrs. Veva Puffenbarger of Hiilsboro; six grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren. A funeral service was conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Brown. Funeral Home in Franklin by the Rev. Edgar Null and the Rev. ^Leslie Gillum, and interment was in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Fourth Victim Of Crash Dies ELKINS, Feb. 13—(Special)— The fourth victim of a weekend Randolph County head-on collision died ir. a hospual here today. Mervyn J. lantz died today. He suffered1 a fractured skull andj thigh in the crash yesterday. Also killed in the crash on U. S. 33 near Harman were Mrs. Philena Lou Carmen: her fouryear-old son. Albert G. Carmen • III: and Harold G. Bennett, 26, of Harman. •I Albert. Mrs. Carmen's 29=year. old husband, remained in critical condition at a hospital here. The accident occurred when Bennett, who was driving Lantz's car. tried to pass on a blind curve and collided with the Carmen vehicle, state police said.


Francis L. Laftui I Francis L. LaRue, 53, o* I Cbambersburg, Pa.,died Sua- I day, July 6, 1975, in Washington County Hospital, at Ha- I gerstown, Maryland, aftera I illness of seven months. He was born February 10, 1922, in Durbin, a son of Mrs. j Cecelia Lawton LaRue Stevens, and the late John C. LaRue. He was a member of BPOE No 600, a social member of LandisMcCleaf Marine Corps League. He was an Army'vetereran of World War II. Mr. LaRue was comptroller for the U. S. Army, MIDA, at Letterkenny Army Depot for four and a half years. Before coming here he was employed by the U. S. Government in Washington, D. C. and was in government service for 32 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Flora Kennedy LaRue; two daughters, Susan Margaret, Athens, Ga.; Prudence Lawton LaRue, at home, a son, Gary Graham LaRue, also at home; a half-sister, Mrs. Janice Gumm Morgantown. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Robert G. Sellers Funeral Home, conduct* ed by the Rev. Elwood L. Bair. Burial was in Norland Cemeterv I^^BkV S*-1|g Mrs. F. T.LaKue Agues Burns LaRue, daughter of A b r a h a m and Marg»ref«Stephenson B u r n s , was born in B u r n s ville, Va., F e b . 16, 1860. She de parted this life at her home in Hiilsboro. on T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y IS J 944, aged 83 years—she being the last of her family. On December -21, 1881, she was united in m a r r i a g e to Frances T. L a R u e . T o this union were born nine children: R o o t . S. and Chas. B., of B a l t i m o r e , M d . ; E g b e r t N. of Charlestou; J o h n C , or t h e U. S, A r m y ; Mrs. M a y m e DUl&fd Carlisle, P a . ; G r a h a m H. and Mar g a r e t , a t home. T w o sons, H a r r y and AYillle, died q u i t e y o u n g . H e r husband preceded her in death ten years ago. On S u n d a y afternoon, her body was laid to rest, in the family p&ri in Oak G r o v e c e m e t e r y , the services being conducted from her home by h e r pastor, Rev. R. D Marshall, assisted by Rev. J . K. Fleming. Mrs. L a R u e was a m e m b e r of t h e M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h — a m o s t de voted wife and m o t h e r .

Mrs. David Lang • £ Mrs. Grace Vanscoy Lang, aged seventy-six years, widow of the late David Lang, died at her home in Marlinton' on Monday morning April 16, 1945. She had been in failing health for isome time. On Wednesday afternoon the funeral will be held from the Marlinton Methodist Church by her pastor, Rev. Fred Oxendale; interment in the family plot in the Kerns cemetery in Randolph county. The deceased was a daughter of the late Jacob and Elizabeth Vanscoy, of Kerns. She is survived by her daughters, Fleeta and Mabel Lang, her son, Sgt. Maurice Lang, of the Air Service United States Army; also three grandchildren, Carolyn Lang Thomas, of Marlinton; David Lung, with the C S. Navy, and Mrs. Evelyn Donahue, of Montana, and ' } great grand-chil dren. Mr. .Liang preceded her nine years since. Maurice Lang Maurice Lang, 56, of Grand Prairie, Texas, died Saturday, May 25, 1963. Born in Elkins, February 4, 1907, he was a son of the late David and Grace Vanscoy Lang He was retired after serving 30 years in the United States Air Force. Surviving him are his wife, Mary, and six children, Paul, Carol, Beth, Maleah, Robert, and Jackson, all at home; two sisters, Misses Fleeta and Mabel Lang, both of Marlinton. Services were held in the Hughes Funeral Home in Grand Prairie Tuesday, May 28, by the Rev. Rowe, with military services at the grave. Mis UaIHe Wilt Lester Mrs ! T al!ie Bernice W i l t Lester, aged :'.o years, wife of William Lester, died on Sunday, g e p f e m n e r B . 1951, front injuries received in an i utomobite wreck near Marlinton .-'I Friday n i g h i before O i Tuesday afternoon the funeral service was held from the S m i t h fufierai parlors by her pastor. Rev. E s t e l G a r r e t s o n , Burial in the family plot in M t . View cemetery. T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of Howard K. and Pearl Fowler Wilt. Her husband, William Lester, was seriously injured in the -.ame wreck which resulted in her death. Mrs. Lester is survived by four small children.

Ina J. Waniess Lester Mrs Ina J. Waniess Lester was born September 28,1888, and died March 19, 1957; at the age of 68 years, 6 months and 21 days, She is survived by two brothers: George V, anless, of Huntersville, and Arthur Waniess, of Minnehaha; three sons, Earl and Norman Waniess and Otis Lester all of Minnehaha Springs. Also, by 12 grand children 2great grand children. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dave Lester, who died October 13, 1930, and her two sisters, Mrs Mary Dilley and Mrs Allie Ryder. Mrs Lester was a member of Minne haha Springs Methodist Church where uhe funeral service was held Thursday afternoon. Her body was laid to rest in Beaver Creek Cemetery. She was a kind, loving sistei and mother, who will be missed by all who knew her. Among lb- se called home by.death of Mrs Lester were Mr and Mrs Otis Lester, of Manasses, Virginia; Mrs Guy Rimel, Mrs William Anderson and Mrs Hollis Cauley, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs Stella Rutherford and daughter, of Lewisburg.

[flarKnton R?jI(?eRi Dies From injurie» In Auto Accident M r s. .Hattie Bernice Lester, 26, of Marlinton, d i e d Sunday morning in the Marlinton hospital as the result of injuries sustained in an auto accident on Price Hill at 11:30 o'clock Friday night. Mrs. Lester's husband, William B. Lester, 33, sufered painful but not serious injuries in the accident. Less seriously injured but badly shaken up was Herman J. Anderson, of Clarksburg. The accident occurred when , the Lester car, a 1936 Chevrolet sedan, traveling north, collided with the Anderson car, a 1948 P a c k a r d convertible, traveling south. B o t h cars were badly damaged. The accident was investigated by Cpl. Mike Murphy, of t h e Marlinton State Police detachment. Funeral services for Mrs. Lester were held at the Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Ace^l Garrison in c h a r g e . Interment was made in the Mt. View Cem etery. In addition to her husband. Mrs. Lester is survived by four small children, B a r b a r a Sue, Frances Ann, Kitty l#e e, a n d Thomas Keith; and her parents, Mr. and M r s . -Keith Wilt, of Swope, Va.

James Lester

James Henry Lester, 32, died Saturday, January 12, 1963. He was born in Trout Valley Greenbrier County on February, 4, 1930, the son of Henry and Eliza Vandevender Lester. He is survived by two daughters, Rebecca Ann and Shirley Marie Lester, both of Marlinton; four sisters, Mrs. Birdie Mayse, of Marlinton, Mrs. Molly Belle Blake, Mrs. Opal Cochran, and Mrs. Eva Sparks all of Woodbridge, Virginia; two brothers, William B. Les ter, and Calvin L. Lester, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Beard Heights Church of God by the Rev. Parker Masters, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Otis S. Lester

Otis S. Lester, 57, of Minnehaha Springs, died of a heart attack Tuesday, December 26, 1972. Born on Beaver Creek, 1915, he was a son of the late William Dave and Ina J. Lester. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Faye Lester; five sons' Danny Lester, at home, Curtis Lester, of Zephyrhills Florida, Tommy, Benton and James Lester, all of Manassas, Virginia, and six grandchildren, and one broiher, Earl Waniess, Sr„ of Minnehaha, Springs. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the Beaver Creek Cemetery. Roseot Lee

Roscoe Lee, 69, of Cass, passed away Wednesday, March 30, 1977, in Franklin Square Hospital, in Baltimore, Maryland. Surviving him are one daughter, Retha Jones, of Baltimore, Maryland; one stepdaughter, Virginia Zink, of Colorado Springs, Colorado. His wife, Goldie Lee, preceded him in death. He was a resident of Cass for fifty-six years, and was a member of the Baptist Church for a number of years. Funeral services were held in the Waniess Church on April 2, at two p. m., with the Rev. Coy Mathevs officiating. Burial was in the Waniess Cemetery.

Mrs. Susan Ryder Lee

Mrs. Goldie Mae Lee Mrs. Goldie Mae Lee, 59, of Cass, died Wednesday, March 10, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She had lived at Cass for 35 years and was a member of the Cass Baptist Church. Survivors include her busband, Roscoe; two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Zink, of Massachusetts and Mrs Retha Jones of Baltimore, Maryland, and a brother, Clarkson Baker, ol Cass.

Mrs. Josie Hannah Lewis, 93, of Huntington, died Sunday, March 9, 1975, in a Huntington hospitol. She was born November 12, 1881, in Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late Rev. George P. and Leah Grimes Hannah. She was a former school teacher in Summers County and a retired employee of the Huntington Dry Goods Co. She was a member of Seventh Avenue United Methodist Church and WCTU., United Methodist WomeD, church choir and a former Sunday School teacher. She was a charter life member of West Virginia PTA and past Noble Grand, of the Charity Rebecca Lodge No 39. She was preceded in death by her husband, W. E. Lewis, Sr.; one daughter, Helen, and a son, Thomas H. Lewis. Survivors include a son, W. E. Lewis, Jr., of Huntington, four daughters, Mrs. Anna J. Spurlock, of Huntington, Mrs. Margaret Parker, of Portsmouth, Virginia, Mrs. Josie Sheffield, of Beckley, and Mrs. Paulynette Marks, of Laurel, Maryland; one sister, Mrs. Edna Foster, of Hinton, 10 grand children, 10 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. She is the aunt of Mrs. Louise Barlow.

Mrs. Susan Ryder Lee, aged 89, died at her home at Minnehaha Springs on March 16, 1959, of a heart attack. Born at Burr Valley on September 11. 1867,she was a daughter of the late George and Margaret Ryder. She was the widow of Ervin Lee, who died in 1937. Surviving her is her sister, Mrs. Dana D. Dean, of Minnehaha Springs. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church by thj Mrs. Blanch R. Lewis Rev. L. E. Saville. Burial wa; Mrs. Blanch Rudd Lewis, 48, made in the Huntersville Ceme formerly of Valley Bend, died on Friday, July 21, 1961, at Pine tery. Bluff, Arkansas. Death was at Mrs. John Le« tributed to cancer. Mrs. Goldie Alderman Lee, Born at Marlinton, January 5, age 83 years, died Wednes- 1913, she was a daughter of Pearlday, February 5, 1975, at her Asbury Rudd, of Valley Bend, home on Beaver Creek. She and the late William Grever Rudd lived alone and apparently had Other survivors include rer a heart attack. husband, Fred M. Lewis, of Pine Born October 5, 1891, she Bluff, Arkansas; two daughters, was the last of the Noah and Mrs. Donald Scanion and Mrs. Alcinda Pyles Alderman family Irvin L. Koelling, both of KanShe was a member of the sas City, Missouri; a brother, Darious Rudd, of Valley Bend; United Methodist Church. six sisters, Mrs. Kenneth Hogue, j Her husband, John Lee, two sisters and four brothers pre- of Dailey; Mrs. Clyde Clayton, of Valiey Bend; Mrs. Ralph Leib, ceded her in death. of Tolono, Illinois; Mrs. Donald Survivors include three step Saunders, of Fairfax, Virginia; daughters, Mrs. Beulah Stokes, Mrs. John Thome, of Loraine, of Durbin, Mrs. Margaret Sni- Ohio, and Mrs. Clayton Jones, of der, of Fort Lauderdale, Flor- Londonberry, Ohio, and one Funeral services were conduct ida, and Mrs. Ruth Lee, of grandchild. ed at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Oakland, Maryland, and a Kincaid-Mann Mortuary with host of friends. the Rev. Howard Ellifritz officiating. Burial was in Wood Roy Dittin Lewis Services were held Monday mere Memorial Park. toy Destin Lewis, born June Ro afternoon in the VanReenen 20, 1906, departed this life Funeral Home Chapel by the ^^^^g^M Lewis Sites lVJay 24, 1979. He was the son Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial Funeral services for Raymond Howof George and Martha Hamin Mountain View Cemetery. ard Lewis were held from the Greer brick Lewis. Hill Methodist church on Saturday His wife, Mary Pritt Lewis, afternoon at two-thirty o'clock JOHN IRVINE LEE preceded him in death. ducted toy the Rev. D. G. Trent. QM hi) Irvine Lee, aged 70 years Surviving him are two sons, Rev. C. B. Gibbs, and the Rev James died at his home at Minnehaha Spgs Johnny and Charles, of Droop; W. Gardner, services were largely aton Wednesday morning, Novembe; two grandchildren; nine step^ tended by the "riends and neighbors 13, 1940. He had been in failing grand-children; three stepof this well known and well-thought-of health the past 18 months. great-grandchildren. He is the colored man, wh 3 was approximately On Friday afternoon at 2:0C last of the family. ! thirty-four years of age. He had spent o'clock the funeral will be conduct! the years of his life in this same neigh ed from Wiley Manor; burial in the . Funeral services were held at two p. m.,May 27, in the borhood; his parents died when he was Huntersville Cemetery, Mt. Olivet United Methodist quite young, and he had since lived who before her marriage was Mis? Church on Droop, burial in with different families in the communi Susan M. Ryder. Kellison Cemetery at Jacox. ity. For the past several years he had Mr. Lee was a native of Pen" vania. He had been a resident c crhontas county for more tha r ;-ears. He is survived by >

Mrs. Mid|t Little Mrs. Madge Little, of Dunmore, died Tuesday, February 27,1979, in Denmar State Hospital. Funeral arrangements are incomplete as we go to press.

Charlotte Lewis Charlotte Lewis, 8 year old daughter of Charles and Sallie Lewis, of Droop, died Friday, May 16,1975, in the Memorial Division of the Chareston Area Medical Center following open heart surgery.


been in the home of Mi-s. Harmon Woods, and the late Mr. Woods. He was possibly the only colored man liv; ng in the Blue Grass district of Highand county and only two of his o w n race were able to atte d the funeral service. His casket and grave wer; c vered | with beautiful flowers, and h e ws laid I to rest in the Wade cemetery, 1 his parents are buried.

Mrs. Hazel Virginia Lewis

Mrs. Hazel Virginia Lewis, 41, of Renick, died on Friday, July 20, 1962, in the Mountain State Hospital in Charleston after a long illness. She was a member of the Mcjviillion Methodist Church at Friars Hill. Survivors include her husband, Albert Lewis; her father, Arthur Shafer, of Hillsboro; a sister, Mrs. Madahne Hill, of Hillsboro; and a brother, Everette Shafer, of Beckley. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the McMillion Methodist Church at Friars Hill with the Rev. Calvin Lewis and the Rev. John A. Atkinson in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery. Baby Lewis

David L. Lewis, one-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert T Lewis, of Hillsboro, died i Wednesday, August 25, 1965, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. ' Surviving are his parents, Mr and Mrs. Delbert Lewis; one brother, Lee Randall Lewis at home; the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Esta Rhodes, of Hillsboro, and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Lily Lewis, of Mill Point. Graves:de services were held Friday morning at the Old at Brick Church Cemetery Hillsboro. Junes Robert Lewis

James Robert Lewis. 58. of Little Birch, Braxton County, died February 2,1981. in the Clarksburg Veterans Hospital ifter a long illness. He was a World Warll veteran. Born July 15, 1922, at Forest Hill, Greenbrier County, he was the son of Rev. J. Calvin Lewis, of Hillsboro, and the late Elizabeth Bryant Lewis. In addition to his father, he is survived by bis wife, Jean; four daughters, Joan, of Texas, Susan, of Florida, Teresa, of Beckley. and Tin-*, at home; one son, Rex, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Arlene Knicely. Friars Hill, and Mrs. Margaret Wyatt, Rockvillej Maryland; and one brother, Jack Lewis, of Oak Hill; four grandchildren. Besides his mother, he was preceded in death by one broth»r, John. Services were held at l l a. m. Wednesday in Jack Wal:e Funeral Home with Rev. Roy Crane officiating. Burial was in End of the Trail Cemetery at Clinton-



Delbert Lewis Delbert Lewis, 59, of Campbelltown, died Tuesday, August 5, near Mill Point. No funeral arrangements have been made as we go to press. His death was ruled a suicide by hanging. Mrs.

E v a Little D i e s

Mrs Annie Dllley Little, aged "5 vears, died of a heart ailment on March 3. at the home of her son. Charles Austin Little, at Dunmore Wesi Vi:jjlnia. Mrs Little was the 'i-niRhtt-r of the late Martin Clark and Margaret Jane Dilley. She was borr November 22. 1864. She was united >n marriage October 15. 1885 to Frank Little bhe leaves to ujoum ner loss, one son, Charles Austin Little, his wife four granddaughters "ur sisters and two brothers. Also a host of other relatives and friends virs Little was affiliated wfth th» Baptist church since her youth, Ser victs were conducted at the home oi her son Tuesday, March 5 Burial WHS in the family cemetery at Dun more.

Mrs. Eva Little died Sunday, May 22, 1949 at 1:10 p. m. at the home of her daughter, Lelia Little. She is survived by throe daughters, Mrs. H. E. Hiner of 'Tis hard to break the tender chord, Riverdale, Md., Mrs. C. S. Pifer, •v hen love has bound the heart; Cannonsburg, Pa., and J_,elia 'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words of Durbin; two grandchildren, "Must we forever part?" Mrs. Sue Ilmer Lunsford of Dearest loved ones, we have laid thee Riverdale, Md., and Mrs. Allen In thy peaceful grave's embiace. But thy memory will be cherished Black of Pittsburgh, Pa. Funeral services were held Till we see thi loving face. Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock We miss thee from our home, dea in the Methodist Church by Rev. ones, E. N. Carlson of Mariinton, as- We miss the from thy place; sisted by Rev. E. K. Sawyers of A shadow o'er our life is cist, Durbin and Rev. H. *^Jraham We miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hands Keys of Greenbank. Pallbearers were F. A. Prit- Thy fond and loving ca/e; chard, W. C. Feather, T. H. Our home is dark without tiiee Cover, C. A. Sheets, F. W. Moo- A'e miss the every where. mau of Greenbank and James One by one earth's ties are broken Bear of Mariinton. Flowerbearers As we see our love dtcay, were Mrs. E. K. Sawyers, Mrs. wid the hopes so fondly ch.rished Lula Shifflett, Mrs. Lola Mul- Brighten but to pass away. lenax, Mrs. Annie Hiner, and One by one. our hopes grow brighter As we near the shining shore, Mrs. A. E. Burner. For we know across the river Burial was made in a private Wait the loved ones gone before. cemetery at Greenbank. Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding O'er the spoils that death has woo, «Ve would at this solemn parting Calmly say, "Thy will be done " Tors^y Little ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ > , T h o ' cast down, we're not forsaken,

Dorsey Little, aged 74 year, T h o , bffllctedi n o t a l o n e . died on Thursday morning, ^pn Thou didst give and Thou hast taken, ?5, 1957, of a heart attack. A Blessed,Lord—Thy will be done. week before he had suffered a"~ heart attack, and was taken to Jess H. Littleton die hospital. On Saturday afterJess H, Littleton, age 66 years, noon, the funeral service war held from the Mariinton Presby- formerly of Ottawa, West Virgintdrian Church by his pastor, ia, died at his home in AlexanRev. Ernest H. Flaniken. His dria, Ohio, on Saturday, July 16, body was laid in the McNeil 1955. He leaves to mourn his loss, his family plot in Mountain View wife, Mrs. Sarah Sharp Littleton; Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the four sons, Claude, of Columbus, late Frank and Nancy McMeii Ohio; Ralph, of Clothier, Wesi Little. His half brother is Aus Virginia; Wade, of Mifflin, Penntin Little, of Dunmore. His sylvania; Randall, of Fayettemother died when he was only ville, West Virginia, and a stepEarl Sharp, of Ashland, Kentwo years old. He was reared son, and three daughters, Mrs. by his uncle, the late Joseph B tucky; Rosa Caldwell, of Carpenter, McNeil, of Mariinton. Ohio; Mrs. Margie Fargo, of CoMr. Little prepared himself in lumbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Nadine aarly manhood as a school teacher Hager, of Alexandria, Ohio. Later he went into the lumber Mr. Littleton always enjoyed :ndustry for his life work. He .vas a consistent, enthusiastic his visits to Mariinton where he Christian, and a working mem- made many friends. ber of the Presbyterian Church.


Claud Littleton Claud D. Littleton, of Colum bus, Ohio, died on Monday, January 1, 1962. He suffered a heart attack and was dead on arrival at St. Anthony's Hospital. Mr. Littleton was a mamber of the weoacacio Lodge, F and A M Scottish Rite Alladin Temple Shrine. Surviving him are his Widow, Mrs. Garnet Littleton; one son, Rudy Littleton, of the United States Navy, Washington, D. C ; one daughter, Mrs. Gay Garver, of Columbus, Ohio; his mother. Mrs. "!arah Littleton, of Ashland, Kentucky; four brothers, Ralph Littleton, of New Mexico; Randall Little ton, of Phoenix, Arizona; Waac Littleton, of Mifflin, Pennsylvania, and Earl Sharp, of Ashland, Kentucky; three sisters, Mrs. Nadine Hager, of New-] ark, Ohio; Mrs. Rosa Caldwell, of New marsh field, Ohio; Mrs. Margie Fargc. of Columbus, Ohio. His father, Jess Littleton and a brother, Carl Littleton, preceded him in death a few years ago. Services were conducted from Hunter and Hunter Funeral Home at Madison by (he Rev. Ernest Bias. Interment was in Madison Memorial Park.

Hal K. Lockridge Hal K. Lockridge. 62, of Roanoke, Virginia, died Friday, August 7, 1964, in the Roanoke Memorial Hospital, after a three year illness of a heart condition and complications. Born November 6, 1901, he was a son of the late James Bedford Lockridge, M. D. and Margaret Warwick Lockridge. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eula Moore Lockridge; one sister, Mrs. Harlan Neel, of Ltwisburg; two brothers, Julian F. Loikridge, of Marlinton, and Horace C. Lockridge, of Kcoxville Tennessee. Services were held Monday morning in th*3 Oakey's Chape], conduc ed by thj Rev. Jamess A. Allison, Jr. Intirment wan in Fairview Cemetery, in Roanoke, Virginia.


Julian F. Lockridge Julian Field Lockridge, 76, of Marlinton, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital early Thursday morning, September 4, 1975, from a heart attack. Mr. Lockridge was a farmer and salesman, having retired after forty years of service in local automotive businessss. He was an elder in the Westminster-Huntcrsville Presbyterian Church and a member of the Masonic Lodge. Born at Minnehaha Springs, October 8, 1898, he was the ton of Dr. James Bedford and Maggie Warwick Lockridge. Preceding him in death were a sister, Mrs. Maude Campbell, three brothers, Dr. Raymond Lockridge, Newton Lockridge, Hal Lockridge, and twins who died in infancy. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Jean Dever Lockidge, a daughter, Mrs. Julia Ann Pitsenberger two grandchildren, Ashley Ann and James Julian Pitsenberger, a sister, Mrs. Georgia Neal, of Lewieburg, and a brother, Horace Lockridge, of Knoxville, Tennessee. Servicer were held Sunday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle and the Rev. Willis Cornelius. Burial with Masonic rites was in Mountain View Cemetery.

-V'NtwIoa P- Lock Idge Newton Philio Lockridge, a-^e 61 years, of Minnehaha Scr'ncs, died on Tuesday, night, December 3, 1957, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, of B heart condition. Born May 24. 1813, he was the son of the late Dr. J. B. and Margaret E. Warwick Lockridge. He was a veteran of the World War I. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dji[ly McLa ghLn Lockridge; Mrs. Karl an Neel three brothers, J apps Creek; Horace e, Tennessee, and Hal, orn, Michigan. Funeral s will be held on Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church, with the Rev J. D: Singletary officiating. The body will betaken to the church one" hour before the services Burial will be made in (he family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, at Marlinton.

Jean Lockridge Mrs. Jean Dever Lockridge, age 85, of Marlinton, was born November 14, 1909, at the family residence on Knapps Creek. She departed this life Monday morning, February 20, 1995, from congestive heart failure at the Elkins home of her daughter and son-in-law, Julia and Harold Elbon, where she spent the winter months. She was the daughter of the late Allie Bible McLaughlin and Dennis W. Dever. On July 5, 1940, she was married to Julian Field Lockridge, who preceded her in death on September 4, 1975. She is survived by her daughter, Julia Elbon, one grandson, James Julian Pitsenberger, one granddaughter, Ashley Ann Pitsenberger, nephews, James Willard Shisler and Dbarl Dever, and nieces, Ruth Rohrer and Earlene Dever. Mrs. Lockridge attended Charleston Business College and returned home to care for her father, who was in declining health. This Dever residence was to be her homeplace until she and Julian moved to Marlinton in 1965. She opened the family house to Camp Minnehaha families, tourists and hunters. Mrs. Lockridge was an Elder in the Westminster Presbyterian Church and later moved her membership to Marlinton. She was Past Worthy Grand Matron of Huntersville Eastern Star, a 58 year member of the Home Demonstration Club, charter member of the Hospital Auxiliary, and member of the Pocahontas County Historical Society. Mrs. Lockridge was the last surviving member of her immediate family, having been preceded in death by her sister, Bly Shisler, and brothers Earl, Willard, and Leo Dever. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Interment will be in the Mountain View Cemetery with graveside services by the Rev. Dr. Charles Landrum, of Elkins. Memorial gifts may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Building Fund.

Mrs Maggie E. Lock ridge, aged; eightyr years, widow of the late Ur J. B. ockridge, passed a^-ay at her home at Minnehaha Springs on Tuesday night, May 21, 19.0. She had been in failing health for some time, having suffered a stroke of paralysis On Thursday afternoon at three o 'lock, the funeral will be conducted from the Marlinton Presbyterian church by her pastor Rev A. B Willlford; interment in the family plot in Mt View cemetery. Mrs Lockridge was a daughter of the late John W. and Caroiine Oraig Warwick. Her sister, Miss Emma, is the surviving member of her-fath er's fami'y. She became the wife of Dr J. B. Lockridge, who preceded her a number of years ago, Their children are Mrs Boyd Campbell and Mrs Harlan Neel; Newton, Julian, Horace and Hal. Another son, Ur Raymond Lockridge, died some years since. Mrs Lockridge was a truly good woman, active to the last few years of her long life in the duties of the home, community and church. Abraham Isaac Lockridge Durbiu—Abraham Isaac Lockridge, aged 65 years, died at his home near DurbiD, on Wednesday night, July 9, 1952 On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was held from the United Brethren Church, by his pastor. Kev. R E Byrd. His body was laid in the Qoodsell Cemetery near Bartow. «• " /^~—•— Surviving are his wife, Mrs Lula Belle Curtis Lockridge, four daughters, Mrs Florence Poling and Mrs Helen Collett, both of E;kii.s, Mrs Lillian McOloud of Durbin, and Mrs (Jbr.\>tal Barror of Kerens; two son's. Homer, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Re«.ce, of Painesville, Ohio.

Abraham Isaac Lockridge (V^ Durbin—Abraham Isaac Lockrid sre, aged 65 years, died at his home near Durbin, on Wednesday night, July 9, 1952. On Sunday afternoon the funeral service was b c J from the United Brethren Church, by his pastor. Rev. R E Byrd. His body was laid in the Qoodsell Cemetery near Bartow. Surviving are his vife, Mrs Lula Beile Curtis Lockridge, four daughters, Mrs Florence Poling and Mrs Helen Collett, both of Eikius, Mrs Lillian McCloud of Durbin, and Mrs Cbr.ysta! Barror of Kerens; two sons, Homer, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Kei.ce, of PaiDesyille, Ohio.


Jacob H. Lightner Mrs, Jacob 6. Lightner Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Curry Jacob H. Lightner, a retired Lightner, widow of the 'ate Ja- farmer and stock buyer died on cob Brown Lightner, dieo at her June 10, 1957, at Tampa, Florida, home in Monterey, Virginia, on where he had been living for a Monday, July 28,1958. She was short time. He was born in the daughter of the late Andrew Highland County, Virginia, on and Elizabeth Wade Curry, and September 29, 1880, the son of was born on June 2,1868, in Bath ! Robert W. and Augusta Bird County, Virginia. She was united Lightner. in marriage to Jacob Brown He is survived by his wife, Lightner, on September 22, 1891, who preceded her in death on Florence Dever Lightner; three sons and three daughters, MereDecember 3, 1935. dith, at home; Mrs. Nadyne HarMrs. Lightner is survived by per, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. her two daughters, Mrs. Jesse Virginia Workman, of Baltimore, (Eunice) Hiner, Monterey, Vir- Maryland; Rembert, of Syracuse, ginia, aad Mrs. B. L. Kiracofe, New York; Wallace, of BaltiHarrisonburg, Virginia. Also sur more, and Julian, at home; a viving are three granddaughters ;i--^-0 o , ~ unt q^rmtr'? 5brother, Harry Lightner, of ValMrs. E. S. Solomon. Hot Springs, . c four Virginia, Mrs Curtis Terry, M r g D o n ., Roanoke, Virgmm and Mrs. Ro C o e Beverage and Mrs. Margaret* bertSwecker> H ^ " s o n b u r g Vir B e v e r * b ( ) t h Q[ H u n t e r s v i l l gima. rhree great-grandchildren a n d M r g _ M & c k ^ ^ Q{ ^ . ^ also survive. barg. ten grandchiidren and a Mrs. Lightner joined the 1 res- h o g t o f n i e c e g a n d n e p h e byterian Church in her early, vouth and was a devoted worker After a short service conducted in all church activities. She was by Rev. Ed Thomas, at Duna member of the Highland County'more Methodist Church, funeral Chapter of the United were_held at Green Hill of the Confederacy. fw°.dl8£ £hu£*' gxl\GM' V!r m,a b th I , • „ u Q ^ Tniv S > y e Rev. Hugh Shi| Funeral services were^held July h with b jft j j n -^ adj ; ; 30, at the Monterey Presbyter i a n ! c p m e t Church by her pastor, Rev. A r^. - ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Johnson, assisted by Rev. H. L. Shiley, of the Monterey Metho. Mrs. fidam Lightner dist Church and Rev. Hinkle S J Mrs Lucy Poage Lightner, 80, Shumate, of the Methodist died in Granite City, Illinois, I Church, of Dumfries. . aturday, August 9, 1958. Interment was made in t h e Born at Por\ge Lane May 23, Monterey Cemetery with Obaugh 1878. ! Funeral H o m e ' i n charge of arShe was the daughter, of John rangements. R. and Elizabeth Sharp Poage. I Mrs. Lightner was a niece of the late William Curry of Hunt- She married Adam Lightner, of Valley C enter. Virginia, in "1905 rersvflie. do -jnd he preceded her in death in 1923. Also preceding her in death CL D. Lightner are two sons, Tate and John. George D. Lightner, aged 62 Surviving are a son, Ralph, of years, died February I, 1943. avenswood, eight grandchildren For many months he bad been in ill health; recently he suffered a and two great-grandchildren; two paralytic Btroke. On Wednesday sisters, Mrs. O. W. Barnette, of afternoon his body was laid to Clover Lick, and Mrs. E. H. Wilrest in the family plot in the liams, of Marlinton. She was a member of the Me-1 Buckley cemetery on Bucks Run; the funeral being conducted from thodist Church fcince early girlthe Marlinton Nazarene Church hood and was always loyal to ber by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Nutter. church. Funeral services were . >ld The deceased was a son of the late Henry and Rachel McNeil! Tuesday at Warren, Ohio, in Lightner. His surviving sisters White's Funeral Home with bun 1 are Mrs J. G. Bearing, Sr., Mrs in the family plot at Warren. Will'am Cochran and Mrs Park Attending the funeral of Mrs. McNeill; his brothers, Everett Adim Ligniner last Tuesday in and Anthony W. Lightner. Warren, Ohio, were Mrs. O. W. Mrs. Lightner was Miss May C: t;tte, Mrs. E. H. Williams* Wadciell. She and two eons, nd Moffett Williams. Eddie and Jimmie, survive.

Mrs. Florin* Lightner Mrs. Anna Florence Lightner, 88, of Dunmore, died Wednesday, December 12, 1979, in Eikins Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore, where she retained her membership until her death. She attended Dunsmore Business College in Staunton, Virginia, and graduated in 1910, before becoming engaged to Jacob Henry Lightner. of Little Back Creek, Virginia. She was married in 1910. Born March 11, 1891, in Mill Gap, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late Samuel G. Dever and Virginia Shirley Dever, of Mill Gap, Virginia. She has been a longtime resident of Pocahontas County.

Mrs. W. A. Lightner Mrs. lea M. Lightner, aged 68 years, widow of the late W. A. j Liightner of Green Bank, died at [the University Hospital OD Tuesday, .ianua'ry 15. 1952. She bad been iD failing health for many mouths. Ou Thursday afternoon the funeral service was held from Liberty Church by her former pastor, Rev. B. B. Breitenbirt, assisted by Rev. Quade Arbogast. Burial in the family plot in Arbovale cemetery. Tbe deceased is survived by ber] son, Charles and her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Cole. Her husband preceded her some years ago. Sbe was a native of Rockingham County. Her maiden uame was Wealthy. Thus is noted the passing of a good woman, who did well ber part as wife and mother, good neighbor and humble working Cbristian.

Everefl A. Lightner Everett A. Lightner, 89. of Richwood, died Saturday, November 28, 1959, in the Sacred Heart Hospital there. Mr. Lightner was a native of Pocahontas, County, the son of the late Henry and Rachael McNeill Lightner. He was the last of his father's family. Surviving him are his wife, Fanny Keener Lightner; a daughter, Mrs. Gerti •.: Je Kyer of SumOne of the grandchildren, mersville; two sons, Harry Light Harry Harper, is now a Mis- ner of Fisherville, Virginia, and sionary in Colombia, South Fred Lightnpr of Richmond, VirAmerica* ginia and eleven grandchildren. Mrs. Lightner was preceded I Services were held Monday in death by her husband in afternoon in the Simon Mortuary i 1957. One half sister also pre- Chapel, wich burial in the Odd • ceded ber in death. | Fellows Cemetery at Richwood. In her younger days and Wrs. Ia!ji Lightner a/ also in later years she played Mrs. Julia Ellen Lightner, the organ. It was a great 82, of Cas«, died Thursday, blessing to hear her play all J&nuary 15. 1970, in the Pothe old spiritual hymns. cahontas Memorial Hospital 8he was a devoted mother after a long illness. and a most wonderful and helpShe was a member of the ful friend and neighbor. Her place will be forever vacant Buckeye Presbyterian Church. here on earth but in the hearts The only survivors are sevof all who knew her best, her eral nieces and nephews. Spirit will ever be present. She Graveside rites were held was loved and respected by all Sunday afternoon by tbe Rev. who knew her. Thomas E. Henderson in the Funeral services were held Arbovale Cemetery. Sunday at 2 P. M. in the Baxter Presbyterian Church by Mrs. Brown Lightner Rev. Thomas E, Henderson. Word has come of the death of Burial was in Green Hill Mrs. Brown Lightner, who died Cemetery. at her home in Monterey, Virginia, on Monday, July 28, 1958. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon, July 30th, at the Monterey Presbyterian Church. She is survived by two daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Jess Hiner, of Monterey. Surviving her are sons, Julian, of Dunmore, Rembert, of Utica, New York, and Wallace, -Baltimore, Maryland; daughters, Mrs. Helen Naydne Harper, Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Virginia D. Workman, Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Charlotte Meredith Williams, of Dunmore; sixteen grandchildren; and four great-grand children.


A. W. Lightner Anthony Washington " T o n e " L i g h t n e r , of Buckeye, was born on J a n u a r y 2'.», 187'.) and died on T u e s d a y , J u l y 6, 1918, aged 69 y e a r s , 5 m o n t h s and 7 days. He • was a son of the late H e n r y and 1 Rachel McNeill Liightner. - H e is survived by his wife, Mrs. J u l i a L i g h t n e r , and an adopted son, J a m e s V. L i g h t n e r ; three sisters, Mrs. M a t u r i a Cochran and Mrs. L u v e r n a Bessling, of M a r l i n t o n , and Mrs. Nell Mc| Xeill, of M o r g a n t o w n ; one b r o t h er, E v e r e t t e L i g h t n e r , of Richwood. T w o sisters, Gertrude L i g h t n e r and Mrs. Serena Gilm o r e , and t h r e e b r o t h e r s , A n d r e w , G e o r g e and H u n t e r L i g h t n e r , preceded him in death. F u n e r a l services were held on T h u r s d a y from t h e L o w e r C h u r c h at B u c k e y e by Rev. E. IS'. Carlson, p a s t o r of the Marlinton M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h , and burial was in the Cloonan C e m e t e r y . M r . L i g h t n e r was a good friend and n e i g h b o r and will h e greatly missed in the c o m m u n i t y . HARRY W. LIGHTNER Harry W. Lightner-, age 9, died at his home near Mouir an Grove on January 21, 1959. He was born n e a r Mill Gap, the youngest son of R o b e r t W. Lightner and Augusta Bird Lightner, and spent most of his life in the Back Creek area near the Highland-Bath C o u n t y line in Virginia. In January, 1922 he married Miss Bessie Cleek of Starr Chapel. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Merle Bogan, Staunton and Mrs. Arvie G. Wimer, Staunton; f o u r sons, H a r r y j» Lightner, Jr., and Vernon C. Lightner, both of Staunton, Ernest H. Lightner at home and Robert B. Lightner of Austin, Tex.; four sisters, Mrs. Coe Beverage and Mrs. Edward Beverage both of Huntersville, Mrs. Mack Wade of Lewisburg, Mrs. Don Ryder of Hillsboro; and 13 grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. A. E. Johnson, assisted by Rev. Hugh Shiley. Burial was in the Jacob Cleek Cemetery with Obaugh Funeral Home in charge. i

Maude Lee Lightner Maude Lee Lightner was born March 27,1914, at Mountain Grove, Virginia, and died Thursday, April 25, 1963, in a Clarksburg hospital after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late Emmett and Ettie Moore Lightner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, Bath County. Survivors include five sisters, Mrs. Josephine McCarty, of Marlinton, Mrs. Hazel Tolley, of Goshen, Virginia, Mrs. Betty Woolwine, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Brownie Varner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia, and Mrs. Clay Ragouse, of Racine, Wisconsin, and one brother, Gwin Lightiner, of Mountain Grove, Virginia. Funeral services were conducted in the Mason E. Tucker Funeral Home in Bridgeport. Burial was in the Bridge x>rt Cemetery. May Lightner Dorothy May Lightner, age 92, of Beard Heights, Marlinton, died August 2, 1994, in Beckley Hospital after a long illness. She had been in a nursing home for nany years. She and her husband had operated a restaurant and boarding house. She attended the Church of God. The daughter of Meredith N. ?>nd Rose Alice Young Waddell, she was bom in Summers County December 19,1901. Preceding her in death were her husband, George Lightner, a daughter, Mildred Lightner, a son, James Virgil Lightner, and nine brothers and sisters. She is survived by a son, Eddie H. Lightner, of Lewisburg, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home on Saturday, August 6, by Sam Felton, with burial in the Kee *ieterv.

J o e Wheeler L i n d s e y , acred 51 y e i r s , of M i n g o , was iust^ntl.y killed on S a t u r d a y n i g h t , S e p t e m ber 15, 19.31, near Cass. A few h o u r s later Roscoe T a y lor, a^ed 20 y e a r s of D u n m o r e , died of injuries received in t h e name wreck. L j l e Birchfield of F r o s t , aged 19 y e a r s is in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital with serious injuries H e is the son o f Rose Birchfiell, a n d . was homu from the A r m y on a s h o r t furlough. Denver K e n n e d y aged about 20 years is in the hospital with less serious injuries. T h e car in whiuh the four men were r i d i n g struck a truck loaded w:!n logs. • Roseee Taylor was a sen of Mr. and Mrs. F o r r e s t T a y l o r . On Tuesday afternoon his body was burie i io the cemetery at Wesley O-bapi-1; the service was conducted by his pastor, Kev. Q : ; i e A r b o gast. T h e i u o t r a l of Mr. Lindsey was held from the Methodist Church in Valley Head on Tuesday afternoon. H e is survived by t w o ' s o n s and two d a u g h t e r s .

Alec Long died at his home in Hillsboro, July 8, 1040, after a twe weeks illness, aged 79 years. He was born at Union, Monroe County, en March 26, 1861, the sou of William and Martha Long. Fie was converted in his youth and joined the Presby cerian Church at Union. Later he came to Pocabontas fouiity where he made Ids home. In 1929 lie moved to Hillsbqro, where he bought prop erty and located permanently and had his name placed on the records of Oak Grove Presbyterian Church—thus Mr Loog had the experience of being a member of two of the historic Presbyterian churches west of the Allegha nies; he was a loyal and faithful mem ber. Mr. Long was twice married. His first wife was a Miss McComb, of Huntersville district; to this union ten sons were born: Augustus, Frank, Grady, John, Clark, Emmanuel, Price Dock, Mack and Neal. Grady Ci d when about nine years of age. His second wife was Miss Maggie Curry, of Jaoox, by whom he had one son, Charles W. She survives her hus band. The ten surviving sons were Durbin—Leo Lindsey, aged all here at his death. Six of these about twenty-six y e a r s , of D u r - troud citizens were soldiers in the bin was found dead in his ear on World War Alleghany Mountain on the Mr. Long was a successful farmer Staunton and P a r k e r s b u r g T u r n - and good business man; he was high pike, Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 24, 1942 ly esteemed in his church and the It is supposed he suffered a h e a r t community and he will be greatly attack. The deceased was a son missed by his many friends. Funeral services were conducted by of Mr and M r s W. C. L i n d s e y of Durbin. H e was m a r r i e d and Rev. Samuel Moore, assistel by Rev. leaves a child. The deceased was L. S Shires. Interment in the Old employed in a "def snse plant at Brick Church Cemetery. Radford, V i r g i n i a , had s p e n t t h e week end a t home, and was on ! hi.s return to work when s t r i c k e n j

P. F. Long Percy Franklin "Bus" Long, 59, of Marlinton, died early Thursday, April 5. 1973, io Emmett Memorial Hospital in Clifton Forge, Virginia, after suffering a heart attack at his home Wednesday evening, •'Bus" was the Marlinton Railway Agent and had worked for the C & O Railway since he was 18, for many years at Cass and Marlinton. He also was ticket agent for the Cass Scenic Railroad on weekends during the summer. He was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church, Moo?e Lodge and Marlinton Chamber of Commerce. He served several terms as mayor of Cass and was a member of the Pocahontas Planning Commission. /t^~ The son of the lateBenjamin Franklin and Mary Susan Cameron Long, he was born April 30, 1913, at Bartow. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Ursula Gorrell Lone; three sons, Captain Jerry Dwayne Long, of Aurora, Colorado, Norris Franklin Long, student at West Virginia University, and Thomas Edward Long, of Weirton; one grandson, Jerod Franklin; three brothers, John Jay and Ralnh Long, both of Hot Springs, Virginia, and Edward Long of Buckeye; two sisters. Mrs. Margaret Coberly, of Marlinton. and Mrs. Virginia Berreth, of California. A brother, Ernest Long, is deceased. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbvt-erian Church by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Curtis tilery Long —-* Curtis Ellery '. ^ong, 59, of Covington, Virginia died Sunday, January 31, 19 10, in the Clifton Forge Hospital. He was a retired fireman for [the Chesapeake and Ohio Railwab Funeral service' were held Tuesday in the Moun Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Covington,Virginia with bjiri al. in Adwell Cemetery. 1 MT. Long is a brother of FrankLong of Marlinto


B. F. Long Jb Price Alexander Long Mrs. Nannie 8. Long Benjamin Franklin Long, 77, Price Alexander Long, 67, vetMrs. Nannie B. Long, of Jaof Marlinton.died Friday, Noeran of World War I, former resicox, widow of the late John Long, vember 12, 1965, in the D^ndent of Hiilsboro and resident of mar Ho-pital, at Beard, after was born January 20, 1874, and Daily for the past 24 years, died departed this life, on January 13, a long illness. 1955, age 80 years, 11 months Sunday afternoon, January 25, 1959, at 2:40 o'clock in an Elkin* Born at Caldwell, March 27, and 24 days. hospital, where he had been 1888, he was a son of the late Atchius M. and Nancy Ben- The deceased was the daughter patient for the past two weeks. of the late William Andrew and nett Long. Mr. Long had been in failing Nancy Farmer Shawver. She is He was a member of the •survived by one brother and one health for the past four years and Marlinton Presbyterian Church lister. Her husband preceded his condition had been considered and the Modern Woodmen her six years ago. There are critical since entering the hospital ; Lodge. Mr. Long was born May 10, ght living children. They are: His wife, Mrs. Mary Cam- Vlrs. Maude Boyce, of North 1891, in Hiilsboro, Pocahontas eron Long, preceded him in East, Maryland; Mrs. Oda S?ott, County, a son of the late Alexdeath, February 3, 1964. Mrs. Pearl Kennison, Mrs. Nora ander and Sarah McComb Long. Survivors include twodau-j Morrison and Mrs. Mazie Keilis- June 8, 1921, he married the forghters, Mrs. Margaret Cober-I m, of Lobelia; Manus Long, of mer Miss Gertrude Hefner, of ly, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Forest Hill, Maryland; Earl Long, Hiilsboro, who survives. Virginia Barnett, of Albuquer- )f Renick; and Johnnie, of Beard. In addition to his wife, he is que, New Mexico; five sons, She also is survived by 28 grand- survived by his step-mother, Mrs. Percy Long, of Cass; Ernest children and nine great-grand- Maggie Long, of Marlinton; one Long, of Alderson, Ralph Long, ihildren. son, Edward A. Long, of Dailey; of Hot Springs, Virginia; John Funeral services were conduct- and three daughters, Miss Jean and Edward Long, both of ed on Sunday afternoon at the Lee Long and Miss Sarah P. Long Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Hill Chapel Church by the pas- of Dailey, and Mrs. Betty Ann Mary Dodrill, of White Sul-j tor, Rev. Calvin Lewis, assisted Eskew, of Elkins, Route 1. Also phur Springs; Mrs. Viola Mor-I by Rev. Leslie Rodgers. Buria surviving are seven brothers, jan and Mrs. Iva Bennett,! .vas made in the Kellison Ceme- Augustus L. Long, of Akron, both of Ronceverte; three tery. Ohio; John W. Lon?, of Deepbrothers, Clarence Long, of water; Lovingston Clark Long, The flower girls were all hei of Hiilsboro; Gilbert Neal Long, Covington, Virginia; Walter Long, of Ronceverte, and Mur- ^ranaciaughters: Dorothy Stifler, of Montgomery; Frank Long, of ritt Long, of Caldwell, and fif- Vada Ellar, Lorena Pritt, Evelyn Clover Lick; Dock Long, of Wyomd Christine Kellison, Shirl' y ming, and Emanuel Long, of teen grandchildren. ind Linda Sue Long. Charleston. One half-brother, Funeral services were held Charles W. Long, of White SulPall bearers were: Dale KellisSunday afternoon in the Marphur Springs. There is one grand linton Presbyterian Church by ->n, William Long, James Long, child, Cheryl Ann Eskew. the Rev. Robert Ray. Burial Roy Scott, Frank Stifler anu Her was in the Mountain View bert Ellar. Mr. Long was an employe of Mrs. Long was a faithful chris- the Mower Lumber Company for Cemetery. tian and will be greatly missed a great number of years. Richard R. Long oy loved ones and friends. He was a member of the Valley Richard R. Long, 64, of OgThose from a distance attend den, Utah, was killed Satur- ing the funeral were: Mr. and , Bend Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held Tuesday, January 27, 1962, when Mrs. Manas Long and son, James, day in the John W. a backing Union Pacific locoMr. and Mrs. Herbert Ellar, and Lohr afternoon Chapel, with the Rev. \V. motive struck him as he was VTr. and Mrs. Frank Stifler, of working on. a sander locomo- Forest Hill, Maryland; Dale Kel- I Graham Wood, Jr., officiating, tive on an adjacent track. He lison, of the Air Force, stationed J with burial in the Elkins I. O. 0. was a Union Pacific employee, in Indiana; and William Long, o" i F. Cemetery, a member of the Baptist Chur- the U. S. Navy. William 6. Long ch and a veteran of World William Gates Long, 74, died Stanley David, infant son of Mr War I. it his home in Gauley Bridge and Mrs Stanley Lovelace was born Mr. Long was born at Hills- on April 27, 1940, and died July 8, Wednesday. January 28, 1959, afboro, a son of Alex and Sarah 1S40, age two months and 11 days ter a long illness. McComb Long. He is survived by his parents, one A native of Greenbrier County, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. brother, Jinnoiie; one sister, Joann he had lived at Gauley Bridge relatives. Georgia M. Long; a daughter, and numerous tor forty years. He was a retired Funera 1 services were conducted Mrs. Thelma Pensnick, and employee of the Chesapeake and a son, Meridith D. Long, both from the tiome of his grandparents Ohio Railway Company, having Mr and Mrs Jim Shinaut, on Tuesday of Cleveland, Ohio; seven afternoon by Bev J. C. Wool, Inter worked for them since 1900. brothers, J. W. Long, of Deep- ment in Mt View Cemetery. Mr. Long was a brother of water, G L. Long, of Ohio, C. ? rank Long, of Marlinton. L. Long of Hiilsboro, J. E. Long, St. Albans. Frank Long, Clarence Lovelace ALEX LONG M of Clover Lick, G. N. Long: of Clarence Lovelace died at P o r t Hiilsboro—Alex Lorp aged ab'out Montgomery, Charles Long, of White Sulphur; six grand- J e r v i s , New Y o r k , oa December (80 years, a prominent citizen of the children, and his stepmother, •28, 1951, aeed 56 y e - r s . He haa Levels District, died July 8, 1940. Mrs. Maggie Long, of Marlin- lived in M-irlinton, being in the On Tuesday afternoon his funeral garage business here. H i s son is was conducted from the Oak Grove ton. L'.o.vd Lovelace, of Marlioton. Church by his pastor, Dr Samuel Services were held in LarkMoore. His body was interred in the en Chapel in Ogden by the Of' Grove Cemetery. Rev. H. Preston Childress. C '•'?•

Alec Lon$ died at HIS noma m Hillsboro, July 8, 1940, after a two weeks illness, aijed T9 years. He was born at Union, Monroe Count;, tn March 20, 1861, the son of William and Martha Long. He was converted in his youth and joined the Presby terian Church at Uriion. Later he came to Pocabontas Hounty where he made his home. In 1929 he move<" to Hillsboro, where he bought prop erty and located permanently and had his name placed on the records of Oak Grove Presbyterian Church—thus Mr Long had the experience of being a member of two of the historic Presbyterian "hurches west of the Allegha nies; he was a loyal and faithful mem ber. Mr. Long was twice married. His first wife was a Miss McCotnb, of Huntersville district; to this union ten sons were born: Augustus, Frank, Grady, John, Clark, Emmanuel, Price Dock, Mack and Neal. Grady til d when about nine years of age. His second wife was Miss Maggie Curry, of Jacox, by whom he had one son, Charles W. Sue survives her hus band. The ten surviving sons wdie all here a t - h i s j e a t h . Six of these good citizens were soldiers in the World War Mr. Long was a sjceessful farmer and good business man; he was high ly esteemed in his church and the community and he will be greatly missed by his many friends, Funeral services were conducted b., Rev. Samuel Moore, assiste I by Rev L. S Shires. Interment in the OHd Brick Church Cemetery

Leonard J. Long Leonard J. Long, 70, of Cass, died Monday, April 29,1985, at his home after a long illness. Mr. Long was a member of the Green Bank Church of God. He was a retired engineer with the Cass Railroad and a former engineer in Baltimore. Born November 7, 1914, in the Clarksburg area, he was the son of James Blaine and Mary Carr Long. Surviving him are his wife, Letha M. Long; daughters, Jo Ann Kramer, Pennsylvania, Helen Mullenax, of Bartow, Ellen Taylor, of Cass, Loretta Bridges and Louise Adams, both of RobbinsviUe, North Carolina, Evelyn Brown, of Arbovale; sons, Curtis, of Green Bank, Robert, Junior and David, all of Cass; sisters, Donna Cassell, of Dunmore, Monna Sutton, of Huntersville, Evelyn Gum, of Baltimore, Leona Ray, of Cleveland, Ohio; 19 grandchildren. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial will be in Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

Ernest 0. Long Ernest 0. Lone, 52, of Alde*-son, died Saturday. May 13, 1967. in the C & O Hospital i t Clifton Forge, Virginia, \fter a long illness. Born at Bartow, September 29, 1914. he was the s:n of h he late Benjamin Franklin and i Mary Susan Cameron Long. He was a member of the Alderson Presbvfemn Church a veteran of World War II, and was employed by the ChesaDeake and Ohio Railway Company. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Hazel Michael Lone; one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Susie) Baker, of Alderson; two sifters, Mrs. Virginia Berreth, of Mount View, California, and Mrs. Margaret Coberly, of Marlinton; four brothers, lav and Percv Lonp, both off Marlinton; Eddie Loner, o Buckeye, and Ralph Long, of H i t Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Aldprson Presbyterian Church bv the Rev. Elwin Roberts with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

John William Long John William Long 74, of Deep water, die 1 Friday, September 14, 1962, in the Laird Memorial Hoyp tai in Montgrijmery after along illness. \ He was a native of Pocahontas County. He was a retired barber and was a trustee and deacon of the Deepwater Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs trances Long; four daughters, Mrs. C. E. Blake, of ! deepwater, Mrs. Bee Kennedy of Montgomery, Mrs Floyd Smith, of Montgomery Heights -and Mrs. D. H. Brown, of • Pratt; five brothers, G. N Long, of Montgomery, J. E Long, of St. Albans, Clark Long, of New Jersey, FrankLong, of Clover Lick, and Gus Long; a haif brother, Charles Long, of White Sulphur Springs; bis stepmother. Mrs Maggie Long, of Marlinton; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon u the Deepwater Baptist Church with the Rev. Carl D Spade in charge. Burial was in the BlaKe Cemetery.


George Albert Long George Albert Long, aged 56, died Friday, December 7, •1')j2, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins after a long llness. A Bartow resident for three 'ears, he formerly was of South Charleston. He was a member of the United Brethren phurch, Masonic Lodge No. 168 and the Beni Kedem Sh:iie, all in South Charleston, and was a 32nd degree Mason. i He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mildred Henry Long; a jdaughter, Mrs. Floyd Weloker, Jr., of Friedens, Pennsylvania; I . a sister, Mrs. Ruth Otto, of } Somerset, Pennsylvania; a I brother, Earl Long and three grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday afternoon in the Bartow Methodist Church ^ i t h the Rev John A. Helms in charge. Graveside serviceswere conducted by members | of Riverside Lodge No. 24 | Ancient Free and Accepted j Masons, of Cass. Burial was in i the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mr j. Clemic Trscy Lone Mrs. Clemie Tracy Lone- 87 died ,n the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte . on ihursday, June 27, 1974. ar G r e e n B »»?°*u en !,dau *nk, she »l* ™ ,, S> hter of Preston and Madora Bright Tracy

Ve?SalTi t h e w i f e o f t h e l a t e

S L n P™ l ? * ' a resident of Ronceverte for fifty odd years,

United Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Glema L. Auldridge, of Lewisburg, one son, David S 8 J , °i Ronceverte, two grandchildren and one greatgrandchild three sisters, Mrs. Sa he Slayton, of Elkins, Mrs p'iin P r °* g ' o f Scranton; Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Ger-



* °f



Preceding her in death was a son H A . (Tubby) Long and a daughter, Mae L. Campbell Services were held Thursday afternoon in the Trinity, United Methodist Church in Ronceverte Burial was in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewis-


, ...vug

^ * Mrs. Mary Susan Len|^ Mrs. Mary Susan Long, 73, died at her home Monday, February 3, 1964. Death was attributed to a heart condition Mri. Long was born at Rileyville, Virginia, on June 5,1891, ihe daughter of the late Hubert and Carrie Cameron. Survivors include her husband, Benjamin Franklin Long; two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Berreth, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Mrs. Margaret Coberly, of Marlinton; five sons, Percy F. Loog, of Cass, Srnest 0. Long, of Alderson, Ralph L. Long, of Hot Springs, Virginia, John O. and Edward C. Long, both of Marlinton; thirteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church | with the Rev. W. E. Pierce in charge. The body will remain at the Smith Funeral Home until 1:00 p. m. on Thursday. Sidney Clark Long Sidnev Clark Long, 26, died Burial will be in the Mountain Wednesday, March 21, 1962, View Cemetery. in Gordon, Pennsylvania. James B. Long He spent most of his life in Ursula E. Long James Blaine Long, of Cass, Ursula E. Gorrell Long, age 78, Hillsboro and was a woodsman. died Saturday, October 31, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, April Survivors include his father, 1970, at his home. 16, 1996, at Alleghany Regional Clark Long; four sisters, Mrs. He was aresidentof Cass for Hospital, Low Moor, Virginia, Mary Chalmers, of Woodbury, 53 years, a member of the New Jersey; Mrs. Lucy Merryafter a long illness. Church of God and a track Mrs. Long was an accomplished Iman, of Westminster, Califor- foreman for a lumber company. pianist. She was a member of the nia; Miss Deloris Long, of Survivors include his wife, Marlinton United Methodist . Washington, D. C , and Mrs. Church. Ethel Britton, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Mary Carr Long; four The daughter of Bernard and and four brothers, Ernest Long daughters, Mrs. Mona Sutton, Myrtle Buzzard Gorrell, she was of Schenectady, New York; of Marlinton, Mrs. Donna Casborn March 20, 1918, in Samuel Long, of New Jersey; sell, of Dunmore, Mrs. Evelyn Slanesville, Ohio. Robert Long, of Gordon, Penn- Dunn, of Aberdeen, MaryHer husband, P. F. "Bus- sylvania, and Ralph Long, at land, and Mrs. Leona Cook, of 'Cleveland, Oh»o; two sons, home. Long, preceded her in death. Surviving her are three sons, Funeral services were held Arlie Long, of Cass, and LeonJerry Long, of Lewisburg, and Sunday afternoon in the Wes- ard Long, of Robinsville, North Carolina; thirty five grandNorris and Tom Long, both of ley Methodist Church at Marlinton; four grandchildren; and Hillsboro, with the Rev. Owen children and two great-grandtwo sisters, Eva Jean Nestor, of Lee in charge. Burial was in children. Funeral services were held Ladson, South Carolina, and Rose Oak Grove Cemetery. Ellen Oldaker, of Morgantown. Tuesday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Services will be held at 3 p. m Mrs. John W. Lowe Home Chapel at Arbovale by Friday by the Rev. Karen Brown, Mrs. John W. Lowe, age 30 .the Rev. Martin Sampns, with at VanReenen Funeral Home, with died at her fhome at Bing- burial in the Wanless Cemetery burial in^fountain View Cemetery. years hamton, New York, on Wednes- on Back Mountain. day. December 15, 1043. The body was laid to rest in the Green Hill Cemetery at Binghamton on Saturday, December 18. * The deceased was a native cf Pennsylvania and was the wife of John W. Lowe, formerly of Marlinton, who went to Pennsylvania about twelve years ago. .Mrs. Lowe was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pratt, of Nicholas, Pennsylvania. The funeral was attended by a ho^t of fricuds and relatives including Mr.Trand ; Mrs. Mack Lowe. f Bacova, ;, - nia. Roy E. Long, 54, of Men;, Ohio, died Wednesday, >vember 11, 1981, of a heart tack at St. Vincent Charity ospital in Cleveland. He was ricken while at work. Born May 9,1927, in Pocahonas County, he had lived in Cleveland before moving to identor 14 years.ago. He was a nember of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American' Veterans. He served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. He was a warehouseman at the Ohio Desk Co., where he was employed for thirteen years. Surviving are his wife, Betty Jean; daughters, Karen, Judith Ann and Rhonda, all at home; sister, Betty Gragg,,of Baltimore; brothers, Dana, of Brook Park and Neal, of Lake Villa, Illinois; and one granddaughter. Services were held Saturday at the Brunner Funeral Home in Mentor, with burial in Western Reserve Memorial Gardens in Chesterfapd.

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Arlie Benton Lout Arlie Benson Long, 60, of Cass, died Monday, August I, 1977, in a Huntington hospital .afteralong illness. , A lifelong resident of Cass, he wai a World War II veteran and a recipient of the Purple Heart. Bora February 22, 1917, he was the son of Mary Carr Long of Cass, and the late James B. Long. Other survivors are sisters; Mrs. Leona Ray, Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Mona Sutton, of Huntersville, Mrs. Donna Cassell, of Dunmore, Mrs. Evelyn Gum, of Aberdeen, Maryland, and a brother, Leonard Long, of Cass. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home by the Rev. Curtis Williams. Buria] in Wanless Cemetery on Back Mountain.

Edward Long Qj Edward 0 . Long 47, died Wednesday, March 21,1979, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a short illness. Born December 22. 1931, in Marlinton, he was a son of the late Frank and Mary Cameron Long. Survivors include his wife, Dolly; four sons, Frank, of Fort Riley, Kansas, Robert, of Monterey, Virginia, and Dale and Gary, both of Buckeye; two daughters, Margaret and Alessia, both at home; one brother, Jay Long, of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Coberly, Marlinton, and Mrs. Virginia Berreth, of San Jose, California; one grandchild. Services .were held at twfi p. m. Friday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating.

. George W. Loudermilk

Bis. I. D. Loudermilk

Mrs. Marv T. Loudermilk, 0i George Washington Louderjmilk wus born December 28, 187'S jCarrel Hill, Greenbrier County, and died at his home in Marlin- 'was born en Apiu 2 ;h, 1887, ton, on Saturday morning', June 'and departed this life on July 8th, •21, 1912, aged 68 years and 6 1959, age 72 years, 2 months and months. He had been in failing 18 days, in the Greenbrier Valley iealih for time, and had re- Hospital, at Ronceverte, after a ' cently suffered a stroke of paraly- brief illness. sis. i She was the widow of Levin D. On Monday afternoon the fun- Loudermilk, who died in 1935. eral services were conducted from Funeral services were conductthe Auto Presbyterian Church in ed Saturday afternoon ai Neal Greenbrier County, by his pastor, Chapel at Vago, by the Rev. T. Rev. James C. Wool; interment G. Alderman and the Rev. Earl in the Auto cemetery. The pall- Lewis, snd burial was made in bearers were: Harry Cochran rinrireat-t^rraper Cemetery. Sterl McElwee, Frank King, W J Survi/ing are five daughters: JH. Darnell. Dewey Stemple and Mrs. Lucy Bryant, Mrs. Alice Miff Gilmore. Gohcen. Mrs. Martha E. LouderMr. Loudermilk was united in milk and Mrs. Dora Collins, all marriage to Miss Anna A. Harris of Carroll Hill, and Mrs. Virginia on December 8/ 1891. To this Boggs, of Auto; one son, James union were born ten children, Loudermilk, of Akron, Ohio, and four of whom preceded him to a brother, James H. Loudermilk, the grave. . of Frankford; eleven grandchildHe is survived by his wife and iren, five great-grandchildren and the following children: Henry a foster granddaughter. Loudermilk, of Ronceverte; Mrs. Mrs. Loudermilk had been a Redford "Lyall, of Auto; Mrs. Paul member of the Protestant Church Mrs. Lillian Lovelace E. Johnson, of Dunbar: Mrs. HuMrs. Lillian O. Lovelace, age bert W. Morgan, of Organ Cave: since she was twelve years old. 85, died Saturday, December 30, Darius Loudermilk, of Waynes- She was a-kind mother and friend 1995, at her home in Marlinton. boro, Virginia, and Mrs. R. Earl and loved by all whe knew her. Mrs. Lovelace was retired after Boone, of Had ford. Virginia: also being a cook at Denmar State twenty grandchildren and four Thomas Harry Loudermilk, lid Hospital. She was a member of the great-grandchildren. son of Guy and Gladys Taylor Loudi milk, died at Lis home in Dunmore, Marlinton Church of the Nazarene One full brother preceded him on last Friday evening at the age of and a member of the American to the grave and the following •i years, 3 months and 12 days. Association of Retired Persons. h:\lf-brothers survive: Cary S. Tommie, as his friends affection She was bom February 5,1910, Gabbert. of Auto; Howard Gabafcely called him, was an unusually at Spice Run, the daughter of the bert, of White Sulphur Springs; bright and loving little fellojv. He late John and Myrtle B. Clark. John (iabbert, of Maxwelton: was loved dearly by all with whom he Her husband, Scott E. Lovelace, William H. Gabbert, of Auto, Ssfoe in contact. He attended Sun Sr., a daughter, Retha "Jane and Russell Gabbert, of Boyer. I day School regularly and seemed to far beyond his years. Lovelace, and a grandson, Phillip He became a christian in Janu- JI understand He has left behind boh bis parents M. Lovelace, preceded her in death. ary l'Ji'7 and united with the jand a smaller brother, John Edward: Surviving her are daughters, Methodist Protestant Church la- lysines a host of loving relatives and Betty Loyde, of Newport, North ter moving his membership to U^.nds, Carolina, Mary K. Workman, of Marlinton Presbyterian Church Hillsboro, Barbara Kosloski, of He lived a consistent christian ,1 cannot, and I will not say • ;,c! was a devoted husband That he is dead! He is just away. Mount Jackson, Virginia, Gloria With a cherry smile and a Willoughby, of Kempher, Texas; and a loving faiber. wave of the hand, sons, Kenneth Lovelace, of During his last illness he made He has wandered into an unknown Hillsboro, Whitey Lovelace, of the following remark: 'Thirty•., land, Huntersville, Thomas Lovelace, of five years ago I met Jesus at the And left us dreaming how very fair, High Point, North Carolina, David Cross and all these years He has It must be, smce he lingers there. Lovelace, of Arlington, Virginia, been always by my side. My only I think of him faring on, as dear Tom Lovelace, of Huntersville, and anxiety is that all my children In the love of There as the love of Here Joe Lovelace, of Arlington, prepare to meet me Over There.*' Virginia; two brothers, Harry He, was a man of great influence Think of him still as the same, I say Clark, of Mascoutah, Illinois, and and was greatly loved and re- He is not dead—he is Just Away! Howard Clark, of Newport News, spected by all who knew him. —Whitcomb Riley. Virginia; a sister, Lucille Johns, of Washington, Pennsylvania; twenty grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the Marlinton of the Nazarene by the Rey. Stan Johnson and the Rev. Garlin Groves, with burial in Mountai; View Cemetery. B Memorial gifts may be the Marlinton Rescue Squad


Joseph William Lojdermilk: was born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia November 3, 1859. In recent years be moved to Pocahontas County first Jiving on Ison Waugh's farm. Later be moved to the mountains at the head of Svvago Creek. He was taken suddenly ill Monday night, February 19th with pneumonia.After days of intense suffering he passed to his reward Sunday morning, February 25th. Thefuneral *as preached in the Swago Church by Rev II II Orr of Marlinton and the body laid to rest in the McNeill burying ground below Buckeye A wife, three children, a father 95 years of age, one brother and one sister are left, to mourn his departure Mr. Loudermilk was known for his sterling character He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for thirty

Jo Ann Loudermilk j x Jo Ann Loudermilk, age -even, daughter of Cuy W. and Melvina M. Loudermilk, of Severn, Maryland, died very suddenly on Saturday, December 10, 1966. Funeral services were held the following Tuesday a t McCully Funeral Home, Brooklyn, with interment in Gardens of Faith Cemetery. Jo Ann was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Loudermilk, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dupenault, and the great-granddaughter of Mrs. Harry Taylor, of Dunmore, and the late Mr. Taylor. Kent Loury

Fain Loury

j Kent Loury, 70, of MinneFain Loury, 635 Edward St., haha Springs, died Monday, I Louisville, Ohio, died Wednesday July 15, 1974, of a heart atnight, November 7, 1951, in Mer- tack a t his home. cy Hospital, Canton, O., as the He was a retired employee of result of a heart seizure. He was Virginia Hot Springs, Inc.. 49 years of age. and was a member of the Mr. Loury. who bad resided in Minnehaha United Methodist Church. Louisville, tbe last 1§ years, com mg here from Cincinnati, bad Born on Browns Creek Debeen employed as a millwright at cember 28,1903, he was a son tbe United Engineering & Foun- of the late Jacob J. and E v a dry Co. He was a number of Ruth McLaughlin Loury. Paradise Reformed Church. Two brothers, Fain and Dale Survivors include his widow, Loury, preceded him in death. Mrs. Margaret A.. Loury, a daugh Surviving him are two chilter, Beverly Ann, of the home, dren. Douglas J. Loury, of two sons, Robert of tbe home and Rockingham, North Carolina, Keith Loury. who is in the Air and Mrs. George (Beulah) Corps and stationed at Langley Dorr, of High Po'.nt, N o r t h Field, Va.; his parents, Mr. and Carolina; eight grandchildren; Mrs J. J. Loury of Minnehaha two brothers, Hyle Loury, of Springs, W. Va.; four brothers, Minnehaha Springs, and Gene Hyle of Washington, D. C ; Gene Loury, of Fairmont, a n i a of Fairmont, W. Va.; Kent, of sister, Christine Loury CripHigh Point, N. Carolina; Dale liver, of Minnehaha Springs. Loury of Peru, Ind ;and a sister, Services will be held ThursMrs. William Cripliver, of Melday afternoon at 3:00 p. m. in bourne, Fla. the Minnehaha Springs UnitFuueral services were held at ed Methodist Church by the 3 p m Saturday, November 10, Rev. Sherman Markley, with at Paralise Reformed Cl.urcb, by burial in the Huntersvilie Rev Carl Bormouth officiating Cemetery. Burial in Union Cemetery at Lou isville, Ohio. Mary L. Lewis Mary L. Lewis, age 86, of Lewisburg, died April 22, 1997, in Worth L. Loury Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home, | Worth .. L^ury aged 50 years Fairlea, after a long illness. iof Charleston, died on MonJay, She was a lifelong resident of 'November Jo, 1918. He had been Friars Hill and a Baptist in failing health for more than a Surviving her are a daughter, year. On Tuesday afternoon, his Phyllis Johnson, of Lewisburg, body buried in the family with whom she made her home; a plot in the Huntersvilie cemetery. son, Clyde Lewis, of Rt. 1, The deceased was a son of the Marlinton; a sister, Ruth Lewis, of late J, O. Loury, of Huntersvilie. Hurricane; one grandson and one .HJ.9 brothers are Chase P . , and great-granddaughter. frey E. Loury. He is survived Wallace and Wallace Funeral by his vvife,.and four daughters. Home is in charge of arrangements.


Mrs. Georgie A. Loudermilk Mrs. Georgie Allen Louderm Ik, 55, formerly of Buckeye, died on Wednesday, January 21, 1959, ifter a long illness. ^•Survivors inckide-her husband. Charles Franklin, c f V a g o ; a s i s cer, Mrs. Lydia Rcmmans, of Clintonville; two brothers, John Allen, of Clintonville, and Charles Allen, of Hillsboro. The funeral was conducted Sunday^afiernon in the Enon Baptist Church at Vsgo with the Rev. Mason in chaige. Buria! was in the church_ccmetery. Mrs. Thelma Duncan Loury M n . Thelma Duncan Loury, aged 12 years, died at her home in Warm Springs, Va., on Wednesday, March 21, 1951, of a heart attack. On Friday morning at 11 o'clock, the : ^ »ral service was held from T Mi Warm Springs Presbyterian Church Interment was made in Highland County. Mrs. Loury was born in Marlinton, West Va , the daughter .of the late Mrs. Locnie Walton Duncan and J. Colbert Duncan. Surviving are ber husband, Edward Loury, one son, Edward Duncan Loury, one daughter by a former mar-iage, Miss Billie Jean Eutsmingtr of Covington, Va , one brother, Kyle Duncan, of Staunton, also herstep mother. Mrs W r d i e Duncan, of Valley Center; three half sisters, Mrs. Grace Thomas, Front Royal; Mrs. Kathleen Mo.yers, of Hightown, Mrs Rebecca Easter of Rip'ey, W. Va. A half brother, James Duncan, preceded her in death 8 w years. Mrs. Eva Loury

Mrs. n,va Ruth McLaughlin Loury, of Minnehaha Springs, was born July 13, 1881 and departed this life Wednesday, December 28,1960, at Denmar, aged 79 years, 9 months and 15 days. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McLatighlin. Survivors are her husband, Jacob J. Loury; four sons,. Kent, of Minnehaha Springs, Dale, of White Sulphur Springs, Kyle, of Washington, D. C., and Gene, of Fairmont; one daughter, Christine, of Melbourne Beach, Florida; eleven grandchildren, fourteen great-grandchildren, five sisters and two brothers. One son preceded her in death. Funeral services were held at Minnehaha Springs Saturday afternoon by the Rev. Rex Ball and the Rev. L. E. Saville. with burial in Huntersvilie Cemetery.

Cbtse Lrary

Chase Parson Loury, 81, of 135 17th Avenue, North, St. Petersburg, Florida, d:ed Monday, May 28, 1979. He was born in Huntersville, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Loury. He was a Justice of the Peace in Charleston for 18 years before going to Florida. He w?s a member of the First United Presbyterian Church in St. Petersburg and a 50-year member of Charleston Masonic Lodge No. 153, AF & AM, Scottish Rite, Valley of Charleston, Turion Chapter 13, RAM, Kanawha Commanding, No. 4 K. T., Beni Kedem Temple Shrine, and Oriental Band Emeritus. In Florida he was president of the West Virgins State Society and the President's Union. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel 0. Loury, three grandsons and one great , grand-daughter. Services were held May 31 in the Anderson-McQueen Funeral Home by Dr. John Craven. Graveside-services with Masonic rites were held in Memorial Park Mausoleum.

Jacob i. Loury, Jacob J. Loury, 87, formerly of Minnehaha Springs, died on Friday, January 4, 1963, in the Andrew S. Rowan Home at Sweet Springs. He was a member of the Huntersville Methodist Church and a retired lumberman. Born at Huntersville, he I was the son of the late Jarae? and Mattie VanBuren Loury. Survivors include four sons Kent Loury, of Hot Springs j Virginia, Dale Loury, of Minne haha Springs, Hyle Loury, of Washington, D. C , and Gent Loury, of Fairmont; and one daughter, Mrs. Christine Cripliver, Melbourne Beach, Florida Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Huntersville Methodist Church with the Rev. Rex Ball in charge Burial was in the Huntersville Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Lambert Word has been received of the death of Mary Burgess Lambert on Saturday in Jaspertown, Maryland. She is survived by her husband, Arno Lambert, and two brothers, Fred and John Wesley Burgess, both of Marlinton.

Mrs. Louella Barb Ltiry

Mrs. Luella Leary, of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Randolph and Pocahontas Counties, died Thursday, February 5, 1976, in St. Johns Hospital after a short illness. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Barb, of Cass. Survivors include her husband, Howard, and son, Glen, both of Cleveland, Ohio; one^ sister, Mrs. Mary Lazuka, of Twinsburg, Ohio, and six broth-t ers, Herbert, of Cleveland.^ Ohio, Howard, of Marlinton, Huling, Dennis and Donald, ofi Marion, North Carolina, and( Clinton, of Las Vegaa, Nevada.ii Two brothers, Golden and Den-S ver, and a sister, Wilma, precedt ed her in death. Services were conducted February 9 at 11 a. m. in Barry's Funeral Home by the Reverend Weinland. Burial was in West Park Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.



instant dea^h came to two men and three others v *re sent' to the Kings Daughters' hosr tal as a re;, alt. of a collision between two trucks near Mint Spring, Augusta county, Dec. 19, about Ave p. m. Those killed in the nearly-headon collision were Gay Allen Gutshall, Mill Gap merchant, about twenty-four years of age, and Raymond Lewis, Negro, of the same community in Highland coun ty. Seriously Injured Most seriously injured was Carl Ler: mann, Jr., of East Orange, N. J., who suffered a- fractured pelvis and internal lacerations. Also injured were Williah Taylor, eighteen of Belleville, N. J., who received a broken leg and jaw and possibly broken elbow. Both are students of Cumberland university at Lebanon, Tenn., and were believed to have been hitchhiking their way home for t h e Christmas holidays. Te third man injured was Harry Long, thirty-two, of 145 South Eight street, Columbia, Pa., driver of one of the trucks 'nvolved in the crash. He received a lace cut and knee injury. It was his first time out, he said, with the new truck. The machine Long was driving was a truck-trailer van loaded with potatoes G'lfjhall vas thought to have been the operator of the other vehicle, a pick-up truck, in which Lewis and the three injured victims were passengers. StsaUy Lovelace Trooper Numa Helsabeck, who inStanley Lovelace, 70, died vestigated, said that the Gutshall maTuesday, April 25. 1978, in chine was traveling north on TJ. S. Tampa, Florida, after a long Route 11 and the van was going south illness. He was a retired ship- when they collided nearly headon. Both yard worker. /V machines were demolished and potaBorn in New York, Novem- toes were scattered all over the vicinity. ber 11,1907, he was the son of The Gutshall truck ended up beside the Floyd and Nellie Sidling Love- highway, headed in t h e opposite direction from which it had been tr . lace. Surviving are his wife, Lelia; ing.The truck was knocked loose fron a son, Jimmy. Lovelace, Santa the trailer, left t h e road, and burnec. Clara, California; Joanne Bev- up. The trailer was left across the erage, of Baltimore, Maryland, road. five brothers, Samuel Love- The accident happened, the trooper lace, Ronceverte, Scott Love» said, about five oclock on a straight lace, Marlinton, Sidney Love- stretch of road about a mile south of lace, Ronceverte, Cline Mint Spring. It happened on a two"Dump" Lovelace, Alexan- lane highway. dria, Virginia, Charles Love- Another student was reported to hav e lace, Roanoke, Virginia; two been in the Gutshall truck at the time sisters, Mrs. Ida Wamsley, of the collision but a search for him Buckhannon, and Mrs. Ellis was unsuccessful. Burdette, Roanoke, Virginia, The bodies wer taken to the home and a half brother, Harry of Hamrick & Co.e of Staunton, where Dodd, of New Jersey; six they were viewed by Coroner, C. P. grandchildren; four great Obenschain, who returned a veiv: of grandchildren. death as a result of injuries received Services were held in Van- in an automobile accident. Reenen Funeral Home Chapel Most seriously injured man has since Sunday afternoon by the Rev. died in th e hospital, the oiher ar^ Wallace Dorn, with burial in thought will recover.

Mountain View Cemetery.

Charles Lovelace Charles Lovelace, 62, of Roanoke, Virginia, died suddenly of a heart attack Monday, September 26, 1983. He was a native of Pocahontas County, the son of Floyd and Nellie Lovelace. Mr. Lovelace was a retired truck driver and had made a name for himself as "Chuck Love" in country singing. Surviving him are his wife, Madeline Malcomb Lovelace; two daughters, Patty Hecker and Corenia Lovelace, and two sons, Stephen and Charles, Jr., all of Roanoke; three brothers, Sam and Sid Lovelace, of Ronceverte, and Kline Lovelace, of Falls Church, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Burdette, of Roanoke, and Mrs. Ida Wamsley, of Buckhannon. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday in Oakey Funeral Home in Roanoke, with burial in Roanoke.

Mrs. Juaniti Loveliee \ / Mrs. Juanita Pearl Lovelace, €7, of Ronceverte, died Monday in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a resident of Ronceverte for 23 years and was a member of the First Church of God in Ronceverte. Surviving, husband, Samuel; sons, William and Samuel, Jr. of Dunmore; Robert, of Fairlea, Leon, of Ronceverte; sisters Mrs. Charles PufTenbarger, of Dunmore, Mrs. Robert Puffenbarger, of Cool Ridge; brothers, Artines Arbogast, Ted Arbogast, Corbett Arbogast, Pershing Arbogast and Golden Arbogast, of Dunmore. Services will be 11 a. m. Thursday, in the First Church of God in Ronceverte with the Rev. B. G. Bowersox and the Rev. Hillary Finch officiating. Burial will be in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Mrs. Juanita Ryder Landes "uneral services were conduct-) co on December 17th for Mrs. i iuanita Ryder Landes, aged 57j years, in the Mountain Grove, Virginia, Methodist Church, with the Rev. L. E. Saville and the! Rev. Francis Gum, officiating ! interment was made in Mountain ! Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Landes died at her home in Mountain Grove, on Sunday, December 14, 1958. She was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Mrs. Landes is survived by her Church and a postmistress. husband, W. H. Landes; 'hree Two infant sisters preceded daughters, Zona, of Covington, her in death. Virginia; Joanne, at home, and She is survived by her hus- Carolyn, a student nurse at Delaware Hospital, at Wilmington, band; a daughter, Donna Jean PMaware, and two sons, William Vanfoenen, Marlinton; and three sisters, Dorothy Love- and Gerald, at home. Also surviving are her mother, Mrs. G. W. lace, Falls Church, Virginia, Ryder, formerly of Marlinton, Katherine Campbell and Mary now of Warm Springs; five sisGarber, both of Dunmore. ters, Mrs. L. M. Vance of White Services were held Saturday, Sulphur Springs; Mrs. John Smith, at 2 r m., at the Dunsnore of French burg, Kentucky; Mrs. United * Methodist Church. Ray Jenkins, of Warm Springs, Burial was in Dunmore CemVirginia; Mrs. Frank Simpson, of etery. Cumberland, Maryland: and Mrs. Lester B. Cundiff, of Wilmington, Delaware, and three brothers, rs. Edith Neel Light Rexford Ryder, of Mountain Mrs. Edith Nec4 Light, aged Grove; Chris Ryder, of Marlin82 years, widow of the late Rev. ton, and Oliver A. Ryder, of Ab J - H . Light, D. D., died at the erdeen, Maryland. borne of her daughter, Miss Nancy, at Yv'averly, Pa., on April 8, 1948. Her body-was laid to re,' in the Berryville, Virginia cs.metery. The deceased was a forme resident of Marlinton, when hei husband was pastor of the Metb< clist chuich. Mr*. WNIiin Loviliee Mrs. Martha Jean Campbell Lovelace, 51, of Dunmore, died June 24, 1982, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, after a short illness. Bom in Dunmore, July 13, 1930, she was the daughter of Mrs. Louise Moore Campbell and the late Oscar James Campbell.

70 i

Mrs. Marie 0. Leist of Ronceverte died Wednesday, September 15, 1976 in the University Hospital of Charlottesville, Va., after a long illness. She was a 46 year resident of Ronceverte, a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church and the first woman elder of the church. She was the retired owner of the Marie Leist Shop in Ronceverte, organized the first Business and Professional Woman's Club in the area, was an active member of the Ronceverte Chamber of Commerce and served as Executive Board Chairman in 1960-62, served as Grey Lady at Ashford General Hospital in White Sulphur Springs from 1942-1945 during World War II when the U.S., Government took over The Greenbrier Hotel for use as a hospital and internment center, was a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, served as Sta*e President of the Pearl Buck Birthplace Foundation from 1966-1974, she was director of the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi from 1954-1966, sponsor of Xi Beta Gamma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi 1966-1974, a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and a . member of the Greenbrier ' County Historical Association, was listed in Who's Who of American Women and was a member of the International Platform Association. She received a National Citation as First Lady 1972-74 presented by the National General Federation of women's Club and received the distinction of "First Lady of the Year" on Father's Day 1975. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Dottie Barnett of Ronceverte; two sons, Stanley of Ronceverte and the Rev. William A. of Smithfield, N.C.; six sisters, Mrs. Stella Finch of Ronceverte, Mrs. Lila Orndorff, Mrs. Genevieve Sharp and Mrs. Eloise Friel, all of Waynesboro, Va.; Mrs. Jewel Burkholder of Philadelphia and Mrs. OUie Heavener of Lancaster, Pa.; and two brothers, Moody Orndorff of Durbin and Ray Orndorff of Ronceverte. Also surviving are six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday in Ronceverte in the Presbyterian Church with Dr. Ronald Buckalew in charge. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery in Ronceverte. Mrs. Leist was born at Durbin, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Orndorff.

Rev. H. H. Leach ^ 1 [ Rev. H. H. Leach, formerly of Staunton, Virginia, but sir^e July 1, 1957, a guest at Sunn, side Home, Massanetta Springs, Virginia, was discovered in hi-room at Sunnyside Home on Friday morning, September 6, 1957, r breakfast, having succumbv '0 an attack that ended his life. Harold Houston Leach was born May 11, 1875, a t Sinks Grove, West Virginia. He married Miss Nancy Boone Moomau, of Green Bank, West Virginia, who preceded him in death in May 1957. He is "survived by 'one sister, Mrs. Eva Lauffer, of Warren, Pennsylvania, and by a son, Hunter Moomau Leach, of Leesburg, Virginia; also one granddaughter, Mary Hunter Leach, of Leesburg, Virginia. Rev. Leach was educated a t Alleghany Collegiate Institute, Greenbrier Military Academy, Washington and Lee University Union Theological Seminary, of Richmond, Virginia, and Louisville Theological Seminary of Kentucky. He was ordained to the ministry by Montgomery 'Presbytery in Virginia on May 25, 1913, and had served pastorates in Virginia, Tennessee Kentucky, North Carolina, ?nu West Virginia. He was a member of Winchester Presbytery of the Synod of Virginia. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at four o'cjock at the Liberty Presbyterian Church, Green Bank, West Virginia, conducted by the Rev. W. C. Jamison, with interment in the Arbovale Cemetery. Rev. Jamison was a former pastor of the Liberty Church at

George W. Lytton

\ /

Robert L Levier Robert Leland Levier, 66, years' urgeW. Lytton died at the died on Thursday, August 24, Dome of hisd-Aisbter, Mrs. Z M. 1961, at his home at Meadow Hanks at Covington, Vil-giDia, Bluff. Death was attributed to a on February 2'/, 1950, after an k>ng illness followed by a heart illness of 16 months. The funerattack. al was conducted in the Loving He was born at Scotchville, Funeral Home at Covington, Vir- ! ginia, on March 1, by Rev. Carl Pennsylvania, March 5, 1895, a W. Smith, minister of the First son of the late Addis and Mary Christian Church; and the ser- Johnston Levier. He was a member of Sam Black vice at the grave at Arbovale, was in charge of the Rev. Harry Methodist Church, a retired farBlackhurst, of Cass, who has been mer and coal mint*. a friend of the family for many Survivors include his wife, Mrs. years and who had conducted the Helen Deputy Levier; four sons funerals of both the wife and a William A. Levier. of Portsmouth, dangliU" -J Mr. Lytton. Michigan, James E. Levier, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Kermit Levier, The deceased was born in Jack- of Haven, Kansas, and Robert son County, West Virginia, on E. Levier, at home; three daughOctober 30, 1862, and moved ters, Mrs. Mary A. Kellison, of with his family to Poca.iontas Wood bridge, Virginia, Nancy and County in 1905. He was united Katherine Levier both at home; in marriage to Mary Catherine and a sister, Mrs. R. L. Hedrick, Shafer in 1882. To this union of Valley Bend, and nine grandwere born eight children, six of children. whom survive. These are Funeral services were conductClara Bernarding, of Santa Monica, California; Mrs. Virginia E. ed Sunday afternoon in the Sam Hanks, of Covington. Virginia; Black Methodist Church with W. E , of Cleveland Ohio; G. N., the Rev. L. E. Milam and the A. H., and O. J., of Akron, Ohio. Rev. W. E. Wade officiating. There are also thirty grandchild- Burial was in Wallace Memorial ren and several great-erandchild- Cemetery at Clintonville. I ren. I .Mrs. Lytton preceded him in ] death in 1927 and he was later Mrs. Juanifa Ryder Landes I married to Mrs. Lmma McAlpin Funeral services were conduct! Sheets, who also survives. ed on December 17th for Mrs. Mr. Lytton was one of the early Juanita Ryder Landes, aged 57 bench carpenters and many of the years, in the Mountain Grove, buildings, both in his former Virginia, Methodist Church, with home and in this county stand rhe Rev. L. E. Saville and the as monuments to his skill. He was a member of the Prcb.yterian Rev. Francis Gum, officiating Church, at Cass and when able Interment was made in Mountain Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Landes .loved to attend its seivices. died at her home in Mountain: Grove, on Sunday, December 14, Green Rank, 1958. Mrs. Landes is survived by her Harry Lang husband, W. H. Landes; three Rev. Samuel B. Lapsley ?*!%& Harry Lang, aged 16 years, daughters, Zona, of Covington, Rev. Samuel B. Lapsley, aged died on Monday morning, Sep- Virginia; Joanne, at home, and 70 years, died of a heart attack tember 7, 1912, at the Pocahon- Carolyn, a student nurse at Delam a n Abingdon, Virginia hospital, tas Memorial Hospital, after a ware Hospital, at Wilmington, on Thursday, May 31, 1956. On short illness. On Wednesday his Delaware, and two sons, William Saturday afternoon his body was body, was laid to rest in the fam- and Gerald, at home. Also surlaid in the family plot in the cem- ily cemetery at Kerns. The fun- viving are her mother, Mrs. G. W. Ryder, formerly of Marlinton, etery at Williamsville, Bath Com - eral service was conducted from now of Warm Springs; five sisty, Virginia. He was pastor of th< the Marlinton Methodist Church large Cedar Springs Church in by his pastor, Rev. Fred Oxea- iters, Mrs. L. M. Vance, of White Sulphur Springs; Mrs. John Smith, Knoxville, Tennesee. Dr. Laps- 1 dale. of Frenohburg, Kentucky; Mrs. ley will be well remembered by The deceased was a son of Mrs. Ray Jenkins, of Warm Springs, Pocahontas people as a former Grace Lang and the late David Virginia; Mrs. Frank Simpson, of j pastor of the Marlinton Presby- Lang. He is survived by his Cumberland, Maryland: and Mrs. I terian Church. He left h e , , mother, two sisters, Misses Fleeta Lester B. Cundiff, of Wilmington, twenty-three years ago. He is and Mabel Lang, of Marlinton; Delaware, and three brothers, | survived by his wife and their one brother, Maurice, of the Unit Rexford Ryder, of Mountain • :three children—a son anu two) ed States army, stationed in TexGrove; Chris Ryder, of Marlin(daughters. as, aud two children, Evelyn and ;ton, and Oliver A. Ryder, of AbDavid. erdeen, Maryland.



Mrs A. M.Lowe V . , D _ . M August Leslie Lemasters ,4ary Jans Burweil Linge uigust Leslie Lemasters, 42 Mrs Icie Elizabeth Akers Lowe, M „s M Ja, Borwen LangPj Harrisonburg Virginia, was led instantly March 12.1962. aged 58 years wife of Aourew (|f , r |inton, daughter of the late nen the ractor he was driv- M.Lowe d u d at her home m W j 1 H a m A. and Sarah Elizabeth ig tur^ :o over backward. The Rich Patch, near Covington, Va., Woods Burweil, was born Janu.ccident occurred on the farm OD March 31, 1953. On Friday a r y 1 2 , 1891, and departed this jf Everette Kiser, in the M t . the funeral was held from W*s- l i f e f o r h e r e t e r n a l a n d c e i e s t i a l Clinton area, where Mr. Le- ley Chapel, near Green Bank. h o m e o n October 23, 1957, in the masters had worked and made Her body was laid to rest in the P o c a n o n t a s Memorial Hospital, his home for the past 6 years. Chapel cemetery. w h e r e s h e h a d b e e n a p a t i e n t for The deceased was a daughter of four week- following a stroke, He was born August 26,1919 at Frank, West Virginia, the the late William and Melvitj* to In 1906 she was marrj,.j son of Samue ; and Virgie Gurry becameAkers, the wife A. M. Lowe. of ofDunmore. She Gion . Darnell. To this and untwo daughters e o rwere g e wborn (Dickinson) Lemasters of DurTheir six sons are John William, one son: Mrs. Alvirgia D. Simbin, and was married to Darie Hollie and Bradford, Binghamp- mons, of Marlinton; Mrs. Ethel Alice Bennett of Circleville, ton, New York; Kenneth, Talla- D. Bancroft, of Eleanor, and Job i on December 24, 1948. Two hassee, Alabama; Emerson, of W. Darnell, of Indianapolis, Ind sons were born of this union-, Covington; James, of the Army, ana. Jn 1952 she marritd WalLeslie Kendle and Ronnie Lee. stationed in Germany; their four Lange, of Marlinton. Mr. Lemasters was a dev .ted •laughters, Mrs Edith Phillips, She is also survived by on? Christian and a member of the •Mrs Mxdge Musgrave, Mamie brother, George K. Burweil, of and Opal, all of Covington. Lutheran Church of HarrisonBlacksburg, Virginia, and one sisburg Virginia, a veteran of Mrs Lowe is also survived by ter, Mrs. Annie M. Shope, of AlWorld War II and a member her five brothers, William, of Mar toona, Pennsylvania; six grandof the American Legion Post linton; Cameron, of Willsviile, children; two great-grandchildren;' 117atDurbin. Ohio; "Emerson, of Mt Claire; five nieces and three nephews. Arrangements were made by Clinton, of Ovid, Ne-~ York; Joe Funeral services were conductthe Brown Funeral Home at of Nicholson, Pennsylvania. Her ed on Friday, at 2:00 P. M.,in the Franklin and services were two sisters are Mrs Carrie Mills, Marlinton Presbyterian Church, held at the Methodist Church of Biogbampton, New York, and with tbo Rev. Ezra Bennett and at Circleville, March 15, 1962 Vlrs Myrtle Duany, of Scranton, the Rev. E. H, Flattfken officiatPennsylvania. Her half-br^lner by the Rev. Dickson Taylor of r,4ne. Internment was made in •iarrisonburg, Va. and the Rev. .., James Hefner, of Carbondale, ! M b o u n t a i n V iew Cemetery. Saville of Frost. The body was Pennsylvania. : laid to rest in the Bennett fam* , ,„ ~~~ Mrs. E m m a L o g a n ily cemetery on Upper Timber | Charles W. Luke, aged fifty one Ridge above Circleville. ,ye!irs vice-president of the West [Virginia Pulp and Paper, Company, Mrs. Emma Logan of CharlesBesides his parents, wife and died on July 23, 1»39, after a short ton died at her home on Monday, children, he is survived by four illness at his surruier home in FalJan. 30. 1950. mouth. Massachusetts. sisters and one brother: Mrs. Logan, who was the mothMr Luke was a resident of Cass for Mrs. Ida Lemasters, of Lum- a number of years. His first wife er of Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, berpprt, Mrs. Elmer Teamsters «ro Miss Mary Hannah of Greenbank was well known in Marlinton Mannington, Mrs. Mary Jack she died some years since, leaving a where she was often a visitor at of Bluegrass, Virginia, Mrs, son, Richard. Mr Luke is survived the home of her daughter. Also Maxint Blankensh pof Durbin, by his second wife and their two chilsurviving is a son, C. F. Logan, Roy D. Lemasters cf New Mar dren. Burial in Xew York on Tuesj of Charleston. day afternoon. The body was brought to Market, New Jersey. Three sisters ^ ^ ^ ^ - y ^ g - * j linton Wednesday for interment preceded him in d?ath, EIlSMJolin Hannah a S Hiok I at Mountain View Cemtery. U beth.Marthaandlvudy. is D. nun. Joseph A. Lancaster Joseph A. Lancaster, aged 53 Mrs. Eveiyn Levisay Lipps Pe'er Howard Lowe 5 years, of Du nmore,'died on ThursMrs. Evelyn Levisay Lipps, Peter Howard Lowe, the son day. April 13, 1950, after a s; aaed TS years, widow of the late ;of William and Rebecca Lowe, illness. Burial on Sunday at rR. H. Lipps, died suddenly at the- was born at T^.chlands, Va., Sep noon iu the family plot in Arbohome of her daughter, Mrs. Hartember 2(5. i884, and died June vale cemetery. He is survived by per Smith, in Marlinton, on Satur18, 1951, iu the University Hos- J?.W.ughier, Mrs. John Yeatts, day night, March 8, 1952. On pital a! Charlottesvslle. and two sons, Marvin vxul HamilMonday aft< rnnon the funeral serSurviving are his wife, the for- ton, both of the Army. vice was held from the Methodist mer Lucy Shinaberry; two sons, Church by her pastor. Rev. Don Ralph .and Whit, of Green Bank; Taylor, Her body wasliiJ to rest five grand-chiidreD; t. o brothers, John Lsyfon in the family plot in Rosewood Blair and George and one sister. John Lavton, 68, of Dunj Cemetery at Lewjshurg. Pearl, of Princeton. more, died Sundav. January The deceased is-urvived b.v I One son, Fred, preceded his 11. 1970. from self.infliered son, H- L. Lipps, of Lewisburg, father several y^ira ago. bullet, wounds which occurred and her daughter, Mrs. Harper The funeral sjrviee was conat his trailer home Sunday. Smith, of Marlinton; by three ducted at the norue on June 15, Funeral services were held irrundchildrou, and a niece, Mrs. by Rev Q R. Arbogast and Rev. Wednesday fifterrcxn a t t h e ' EUen Johnston. H. G. Keys, with burial in the Kerr Church near Dimmrrp Mrs. Lipps was a daughter of Shinaberry family cemetery at by the Rev. David PJtten horse \ the. late Samuel and Elizabeth Mc- Poage Lane. with burial in th.3 Grogg CemjClure Levisay; of Greenbrier etery near Dunmore. j County.



'Clifton I. Lyle

Rev. J. W. Leggett Frank S. LaBar Clifton Isaac Lyle, 57,. f, O„f e Rev. J. W. Leggett, 83, Frank S. LaBar, 76, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerof Vinton, Virginia, died Aprij Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, ly of Cass, died Monday, S, 1966. A native of England, March 10,1969, in a Baltimore died Monday, August 24,1970, he was a former Methodist in the Moses Taylor Hospital hospital after a long illness. minister in Huntersville Disin Sainton, Pennsylvania. Born July 24, 1911, he was trict. Rev. and Mrs. Leggett Mr. LaBar was born in East the son of the late Edward I. Stroudsburg, were married in England, 1915, son of the late and Ola Virginia Cross Lyle. Upon arriving in America, they WiiJiam K. and Eva Pipter were sent to the Huntersville He was a member of the LaBar. Circuit in 1916. They lived at Methodist Church in BaltiHe was chairman of the the home of Mrs. Eudora A. more, and the Ancient Free Pritchard, on Knapps Creek and Accepted Masons. He board of LaBars' Rhododenuntil the Minnehaha Springs was employed by the Balti- dron Nursery, having started parsonage was completed. They more and Ohio Railway Com- in the nursery business in 1914, working with his father. He were on the circuit for fourj pany several years ago. was well known in Pocahonyears and did wonderful work4) Survivors include his wife, tas County and had purchased in the churches. From here he Mrs. Florence Tacy Lyle; one rhododendron plants in the vent to Lurav, Virginia, and =on. Tom Lyle, of Biltimore, County for many years. "rom there to Vinton, Virginia, Maryland; six sisters, Mrs. veteran of World War I, where he passed away. Vlary Gum, of Covington, heAhad held offices and received Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Viola Guillians and Mrs. honors in numerous business, Edith, of Vinton, Virginia; one Goldie Morgan, both of Balti- civic and fraternal organizadaughter, Millicent Kennedy, more, Maryland, Mrs. Jerry tions. of Richmond, Virginia; one Knauff, of Chicago, Illinois, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. wm. Thomas Leggett, of South Mrs. Geneva Dohner and Mrs. Irene Hill, both of Worth, Hilda Possinger LaBar, and a Hill, Virginia. Illinois, five. brothers, Frank son, William K. L&B ir, II, who Mrs. Leggett has two sisters Lyle, of Herkner, New York, is carrying on the nursery living in England. Clarence and Lewis Lyle, both business. Services and burial were in of -Chicago, Illinois, Edison Lyle, of Georgia and Harry Stroudsburg. John Marvin Ledford, Jr., 17 Lyle, of California. Dr. Charles Lee Leonard year old son of John M. and Funeral services were held Dr. Charles Lee Leonard, 68, a Sherlin McNeill Ledford, of Thursday rrornirg in the Wallong-time doctor in Elkins and North Augusta, South Carolina lace and Wallace Funeral known to many in Pocahontas was killed in an automobile acHome Chapel in Arbovale by County, died Sunday, January 8, cident in South Carolina, Satthe Rev. Travis E. Wells with 1989. He fell asleep in his chair urday night, April 28, 1979. A burial in the Arbovale Cemand died in his sleep. boy riding with Ledford was etery. Dr. Leonard served as medical also killed. -le w. URue, aged thirty four director of Davis Memorial, Johnny was the grandson of away Saturday niKUt, Hospital. He founded the Anna McNeill, of Buckeye. I -lan ,. i t»39, at the Greenbrier Randolph-Elkins Health .Valley hospital, Ronceverte, after Department in 1950 and served as laby John J. Lint O" I suffering a stroke of paralysis. He John J. Lane, six week-old had been in bad health several the agency's director for a total of Injontlis. Funeral. rvice was held 35 years. He was a graduate of son of Mr. and Mrs. David a the Ronceverte Methodist church Temple University School of Lane, of Mill Point, died Sunon Tuesday afternoon, by his pastor, Medicine and a Navy doctor in day, March 7,1976, in the PoHev W. W. Wadsworth; interment in; World War U, returning to practice cahontaa Memorial Hospital, ^iver-ide iv uetery. in Randolph County. He delivered after a short illness. Mr LaR •* was born and reared at over 1,800 babies during his first Also surviving are two brothsboro, b had resided ID Ronce 120 years as a physician and vprte the past eeveral He had specialized in internal medicine ers, James Lee Lane and David established himself in a responsible Lane, both at home and a sister. busings petition. Surviving are his during the final two decades of his Donna Jean Lane, at home. widow, who was Miss Edith Wis* career. He was a native of Beverly. He was born January 15, man, and their small daughter. LOL 1976, in Elkins. • on; his parents, Robert, LaRue, y — * LMdermlk Mrs. J. M. M. -Sear; his brotn ", Funeral wa was held Tuesday „ „I I . T d . „a f t ejpunerai H rnoon in . ford LaRue, o* B* h oo u ity. \ ™ T £ L £ T ^ T w ^ VanReene'n 70, of Frankford died Thurs- F u n e r a J H o m e the w i t h fche R e y day, September 11, 1975, a t D a y i d Rjttenhouse in charge. Mrs. Catherine S. Lusher CJ e h om ria »-,, of aof . SFrankford. f ^ ' ^ r B , B uCemetery. ' w a a "» the Ruckman L Miller, Mrs. Catherine Payatt Lusher, & Blanche 77, of Mill Point, died June 22, Also surviving: sisters, Mre.~ 1960. She was born in Nicholas Goldie Gabbert, of Williama- ^Gloria Lee, aged seven months, ' County April 6, 1883, and rrade burg, Mrs. Rosie Beverage, of daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 1 her home with her brother, New- Buckeye, Mrs. Annie Gilbert, little W. F. LaRue, died at her borne j man Payatt, at Mill Point. ©f West Grove, Pennsylvania; Morganton; North Carolina,' Funeral services were held Fii- Alfred, of Frankford. iary 31, 1943. The little, body. day at the Marvin Chapel Church laid to-rest in "organton on Services were held Saturday by the Rev. Paul Reigel, wi h in Enon Baptist Church in Monday. Besides her parents, burial in the Ruckman Cemetery. Vagd' with the Rev. Curtis Ma- the little girl is survived by her son officiating. Burial was in sister, Frances Ann, and her grand mother. Mrs J . / «,' the church cemetery.



Robert L. Lipps Robert Louis Lipps, 72, of Lewisburg, died on Thursday, September 29, 1966, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He was born at Lewisburg April 27, 1894, the son of the late Robert H. and Evelyn Livesay Lipps. Mr. Lipps was a member of the Lewisburg Methodist Church, Survivors include his wife; one son, and one daughter, a sister, Mrs Harper (Madeline) Smith, of Keyser, and one grandchild. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Memorial Chapel in the McGraw Funeral Home by Dr. John W. Hollister with burial in the •Qosewood Cemetery.

MRS BATFIE LOUGHRIDGE Mansfield, Ohio—Mrs. Hatlie Taylor Lougnridge, 64,.widow of F>bert. Loughridge, died at the Rosemont Rest Home Saturday, January 14, 1953, following a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County. West Virginia, on January 8, 1892 Mrs. Loughridge came to ^Mansfield 43 years ago. Shemade her home with her father, Ge< rge Taylor, at; 434 Springmill Street. Surviving bes'des her father ; re two brothers, Forest and Ern'est Taylor, both of Florida. Funeral serv'ces were held at the Ge ; ger-Herlihy Funeral Home at 1 30 p. m Monday, with Rev, A. F- -Lindbeck, pastor of the Mayflower Congregational Church, in charge. Burial was in Mansfield Cemetery. \

Ralph G.Lowe Ralph Grady Lowe, 70, died during his sleep at his home at Clover Lick Sunday, June 19, 1983, apparently of a heart attack. Born October 27, 1912, at Poage Lane, he was a son of Peter Howard and Lucy Shinaberry Lowe. He was preceded in death by" his wife, Virginia Ervine Lowe, in 1964, an infant son, and a brother, Fred Lowe. Mr. Lowe was a retired carpenter and was a member of the Riverside Masonic Lodge at Cass. Surviving him are a son,, Ralph Grady Lowe, II, of Culloden; four daughters, Betty Lowe Grogg and Nancy Lowe Clements, both of Sterling, Virginia, Rebecca Ruth Tracy, of Gaysville, Ohio, and Sharon Wallace Lange, Mrs. Andrew Loan Jean Shih, of Gaithersburg, George Wallace (Mcse) Lange, Maryland; a brother, Howard Mrs. Fiania Fultz Loan, widow 81, died Friday, September 17, of the late Andrew Loan, died on 1965, in the Pocahontas Me- Whitt Lowe, of Huntersville; 'Sunday, September 15, 1946, at morial Hospital after suffering three grandchildren and two gre at - grandchildren. the home of her daughter, Mrs. a stroke. Liura Blackwell, in Buffalo, New Funeral services were held Born in Marlinton Novem. York, Her body was laid to rest Tuesday at 2 p. m. In the ber 16, 1883, he was a son of the late John H. and Mary VanReenen Funeral Home by in the Ed ray Cemetery, probably Sharp Lange. His wife, Mary Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Shreve Lange, preceded him with Masonic rites was in the Loan had reached an advanced Shinaberry Cemetery at Clover in death. age, well up in the eighties. Fo r Lick. many years she resided on Elk. Working as a woodsman, Mr. L an preceded her more than most of his life was spent in Ruth Lacy twenty years since. Their childPocahontas County. Ruth Frances Lacy, age 69, of ren are Mrs. John Landis, Mrs. j He is survived by one sister, S e ebert, died Tuesday, April 8, Laura Blackwell, Mrs. Albin Ket-! terer, George and Oscar Loan, i Mrs. Anna M. Beverage, and 1 9 9 7 j i n R o a n o k e Memorial several nieces and nephews. Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia. Funeral services were held She was a member of Pleasant M a Eta Lifted Sunday afternoon in the Smith Green and Seebert United Mrs. Elva Vada Barrett Funeral Home Chapel by the Methodist Church and had worked Liggett, 82, of Huttonsville, Rev. Harry Drake. Burial was as a housekeeper and cook. died Tuesday, November 2, in the Cochran Cemetery on Born May 28, 1927, at Seebert, 1978, in Memorial General Stony Creek. she was the daughter of Summers Hospital in Elkins. and Emma Wheeler Lacy. Nelson Loan, aged about 27 years, She is survived by a son, Lewis She was a member of Tygart Valiey Presbyterian dieu at his home in Covington, Vir- Edward Lacy, of Columbus, Ohio; Church, charter member of ginia, December 6, 1937, after a s' >rt a daughter, Barbara Jean Baldwin, of Layton, Utah; a sister, Mary the Ladies' Auxiliary of the illness of diptheria. Burial at I on Thursday afternoon. Main Margaret Lacy, of Marlinton; five church, and member of the ington friends will remember this young and nine Homemakers Club. man, as he worked for E. G. Sharp g r a n d c h i l d r e n great-grandchildren. She was the mother of Miss at Frost, for a number of years. Funeral services were held at 2 Mary Belle Liggett, a teacher Mrs E. G. Sharp ar.d sons, Basi' in the Marlinton School. ar.d Blair, were called to Covingtoi. p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Services will be at 2 p. m., last,Thursday by the deattt of Nelson Funeral Home by the Rev. Verlin Butcher. Burial was in Pleasant Thursday in Huttonsville Loan, Green Cemetery at Seebert. Presbyterian Church by the Mrs. Albert Lane Rev. Ronald Lovelace, with J. Harvey Lowe Mrs. Nellie S. Lane, 84, of burial in Brick Church CemeBuckeye, died in Pocahontas Friends will regret to learn of tery, HuttonmUe. Memorial Hospital Monday, July the death of J. Harvey Lowe, in 17, 1989. a G a l a x > Virginia, hospital, folClar& James Lilly She was born at Watoga January lowing a lingering illness. Clark James Lilly, 74, of Hin19, 1905, the daughter of Adolph Lowe was 69 years of age. ton, died in the Pocahontas Meand Maggie Smith He is survived by his widow, morial Hospital Wednesday, June Surviving her are her husband, M rs. Lucy Collins Lowe, daugh21, 1961. He had been ill for Albert L. Lane, and one son, Leo, ter of the'late C. P. Collins, of eight months with cancer. Mr. of Arizona. Knapps Creek; also four daughLilly: was the father of Mrs Clyde ters four sons, and one step-son (Margie) Anderson, of Marlinton Delmar Malcomb, of Virginia.


Mrs. Rosie Ball Lane

Mrs. Rosie Bell Lane, a daughter of the late Mitchell and 31zine Tharo Blake, was born December 26, 1901, and died December 21, 1964, at Seebert. following a long illne3s. ,- She was united in marriage to James Lane. To this union were born' six sons and twr daughters: RalDh Lane, of Virginia, Eddie Lane, of Hillsboro, William, Henry, JameF, and Floyd Lane, all of Woodhridge, Virginia. Mrs. Nancy Oscar, of Mill Point and Mrs. ; Mary Murray, of Hillsboro, and forty-three grandchildren She is survived by her children, three brothers, Richard, Granville and Charley Blake, and one sister, Mrs. Lula Blankenship. She was preceded in death by her parents, and one brother, George Blake. Funeral services were held Thursdayafernoon in the Mar vin Chapel by the Rev.,S. M Schoolcraft, with burial ih the Ruckmajj_Cemetery.

Henry Lee Lawson Henry Lee Lawson, 39, of Franl, died Saturday, August 20, 1983, at his home. Born September 15, 1943, at Frank, he was a son of Lillian Hedrick Lawson, of Fairmont, and the late Everett Lawson. He was a life-long resident of Frank and a self-employed timberman. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Yvonne Raines Lawson; two daughters, Camillia Lane, of Durbin, and Robbie Jo Lawson, at home; two step-daughters, Stella Price, of Elkton, Virginia, and Terresa Curry, of Durbin, a son, Henry Lawson, Jr., at home; a step-son, Sterling Smith, of Bartow; three sisters, Kathleen Mick, of Frank, and Jourleen Bennett and Athlee Bennett, both of Durbin; a brother, Ronnie Lawson, of Fairmont; a half-brother, Gene Lawson; and five grandchildren. Graveside services were held Tuesday morning in the Gum Cemetery on Back Mountain by the Rev. David Rittenhouse.

Sverette H. LIWMI Everette Henry Lawson, 81 died Sunday morning, October 23, 1977, in Pocahontas Me morial Hospital after a long illness. Born May 10,1896, in Btax ton County, he was the son o' the late Cornele and Ids Knight Lawson. A resident of Pocahontas County for 50 years, Mr. Lawcon attended the Frank Naza* rene Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Kathleen Mick, of Frank, Mrs. Geraldine Bennett, Mrs. Athlee Bennett, both of Durbin; three sons, Henry and Ronnie, both of Frank, and Chester Eugene, of California; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Deal, of Jacksonville, Florida and Dora Winnings, of Orlando, Florida, and eleven grandchildren. Services were held at two m. Tuesday in the Frank azarene Church with the Revs. Roy L. Williams and David Rittenhouse in charge. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. ; *

Qlemly N. Lytten Glendy N. Lytton, 74, of A t uertrude Mae Lackey Gertrude Mae Luckey, 78, ron, Ohio, died Friday, March native of Harman and resident 1,1968, in Middle Manor Nura of Frank, died Saturday, Janing Home, after a long illness. uary 28,1978, in the Davis MeBorn in Jackson County, he morial Hospital where she had was a son of the late George been a patient since January and Mary Shaffer Lytton. 21. She had been in failing He was a member of Akron health for the past several Baptist Church; was a resident years and her condition had of Akron for 45 years; and an been considered critical since employee of Good Year Tire entering the hospital. She was and Rubber Company for a member of the Frank Church 29 years, retiring in 1951. of the Nazarene. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Luckey was born near Mrs. Mary Lytton, four daughters, Mrs. Genevieve Young Harman January 26, 1900, a and Mrs. Marjorie Lassack, daughter of the late Frank and Wolford Mick. Durboth of Akron; and Mrs. Vir- Martha 1926 in Durbin she was ginia Kelly and Mrs. Anne ing to William L. Luckey, Smith, both of Miami, Florida, married who survives in Frank. Also and four grandchildren. surviving is one brother, French Funeral services were held Mick, Weston. Monday afternoon in the EcTwo brothers, John Mick kard and Baldwin Funeral and Elmer Mick, and a sister, Ghapel with burial in the Glen- Olive Gainer, preceded her in dale Cemetery at Akron. death. l

Services were held Tuesday r

SUMMERS LACY ° ^ . Funeral Home with Summers Lacy, respectable' c o l - £ U r , a l , , n the ElkinS I. O. 0. F. I. O. jored citizen, aged'about 60 years, e m e t e r y . died at his home in Seebert July 30, j 1940 following a long illness. He, is survived by his wife and a 1 number of children. *



Mrs. Henrietta Lyons Mrs. Henrietta Moore Lyons, 88, of 185 Fountain Place, Huntington, formerly of Logan County, died Saturday, July 7, 1984, at her home following an extended illness. She was born at Dunmore, May 21, 1896, a daughter of the late Ernest N. Moore, Sr., and Mary Warwick Moore. Surviving is a half brother, Ernest N. Moore, Jr., of Dunmore, and several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Lyons was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. J. W. Lyons, a former physician and surgeon of Holden; five sisters, Carrie Hannah, Grace Crabtree, Margaret Pritchard, Elizabeth Deacon, and May belle Browning; one half-sister, Eloise Smith; and one brother, Frank Moore. Chapel services were conducted on Tuesday at Woodmere Abbey by Rev. Lynn T. Jones. Burial was in Woodmere Memorial Park at Huntington.

Willie Kenneth Lambert Willie Kenneth Lambert was Mrs Laura Pritt Lan?. 65, killed in a car accident near Shirley Virginia Lane, 34, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, Anniston, Alabama, April 10, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 22. 1973, in the Poca- 1973, died Saturday, September 27, on his return from the hontas Memorial Hospital of Masters 1969, after a short illness. Golf Tournament held a heart attack suffered on the in Augusta, Georgia. He had Born at Mill Point Septemstreet in Marlinton. accompanied Robert Street, of ber 10, 1935. she was the Born at Lobelia October 26, WHMA radio station. The daughter of Mrs. Laura Lane. 1906, she was a daughter of latter went to cover the tourna She was a former resident the late Abe Pritt and Betty meat. of Mill Point and Marlinton. Morrison Pritt. Survivors include her mothKenny was the 24 year old She was a member of the son of Delbert Lambert, (former, Mrs. Laura Lane, of Mill Advent Christian Church. erly of Green Bank,) and MarPoint; two brothers, Oliver I. Survivors include her hus- tha Bridges Lambert, who surPritt, of Mill Point, and John band, Howard Lane, of Clays- ' vives also his wife, Sharon, and E. Lane, of Buckeye; two sisburg, Pennsylvania; two sons, eight month-old daughter, ters, Mrs. Betty Tincher, of John Lane and Oliver Lane Lara, and a sister, Sharon O' Buckeye, and Mrs. Margaret (Buck) Pritt, both of Buck- ' Connell. Barrett, of Marlinton; two eye, two daughters, Mrs. Betty nephews and three nieces. Having graduated from Saks Tincher, of Buckeye, and Mr?. She was a me mber of Marian Paul Barrett, of Marlinton; , High School, he had played Helpers. two brothers, Cecil Pritt, of J basketball, and was quarter Funeral services were held Hillsboro and Winters Pritt, I back on the football team. In Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. of Buckeye, and one sister, f 1965 he was named an all Calm., in the Advent Church at Nelle Barrett, of Marlinton. r noun County quarterback. h Jack Stewart, who came to Buckeye with burial in the Oak Funeral services were held Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Sunday afternoon at the Ad- 1 the coaching staff at SaKs after vent Christian Church by the \ Lambert graduated, said, "It's Rev. Sam Schoolcraft. Burial 2 a real blow to all our coaching was in the Oak Grove Ceme- f staff, and athletes because be i was a close friend to all of us. tery at Hillsboro. Robert S. LaRue He was real interested in young Robert Scott LaRue, 78, of people, and helped coach Little Miss Margaret LaRue 2111 36th Street, Parkersburg, died League ball." Monday, September 19, 1994, at Miss Margaret Rebecca La was also a graduate home. Rue, 81, of Hillsboro, died of Lambert Jacksonville State University He was born in Clover Lick, the Monday, May 1, 1967, in the Kenny was very active in son of the late Robert and Helen Denmar Hospital after a the Indian Oaks Christian Blain LaRue. He worked for lengthy illness. Church, where he was a deacon, Horton Cadillac-Olds for the past Miss Margaret retired 12 36 years and was also a 6-year years ago after teaching 55 teacher of a Youth Class, and worked with youth in athletics. employee of Chittum Buick. |years in the Hillsboro, BuckThe funeral was held in the Mr. LaRue was a member of eye, Cass, North Fork, ArboMoose Lodge 1118 and a member ' vale, Durbin and Clarksburg 3ray Brown Funeral Home of ^>f St. Andrews United Methodist schools. She was a member \nniston by his minister, Rev. Church. lerry Harris. His body was of the Wesley Chapel M<Surviving him are one son, dist Church at Hillsboro and interred in the Memorial Garof Queen Esther den Cemetery near his home. Robert S. LaRue in of Alderson; a member l r Chapter, Order Kenny is the grandson of one daugher, Jean Simmons of oS tJ ar"r a"T*;,J' ^ 0lof lthe Eastern t Mrs. Maggie Lambert, of Rt. 1, Chesapeake,, Virginia; one brother j Clarksburg . " u.jma ,i iUHC Dromer, Marlinton, where he has visitJohn R LaRue T nRii» 6~e -.John R. of Hillsboro, five Born at Millboro Springs, ;d several times. grandchildren and four great- Virginia, November 26, 1885 grandchildren. she was the daughter of FranHe was preceded in death by his cis T. and Agnes A. Burns LaRobert Scott LaRue, aged 65 wife, Lois E. LaRue, one brother Rue. years of Hillsboro, died on Wedand one sister. Of the family of nine, three nesday, July 6, 1919. He had Services were held Wednesday, survive: Graham H. LaRue, been ill for several months. On September 21, at Ogdin-Kimes with whom she made her home, Friday afternoon his body was Funeral Home by the Rev. Charles Charles also of j buried in the family plot in Oak Roth and the Rev. Paul Russell. Hillsboro,B.andLiRue, Egbert N. La Grove cemetery. The service was Burial was at Mount Olivet Rue, of South Charleston. PreCemetery in Parkersburg. ceding her in death were Rob- held from ih> home by his pastor, In lieu of flowers, donations ert. Harrv. William and John Rev. A. J. Schrader. may be sent to St. Andrews United LaRue and Mrs. Mamie DilMr. LaRue was born at MillMethodist Church in Parkersburg. lard. boro Springs, Va., a sou of the by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and lote Francis and Agnes Burn* LaRev. David Grimes. Burial was in Funeral services were held Rue. lie is survived by his widthe Gum Cemetery on Back Wednesdav afternoon in the ow Helen Blaine LaRue; four sous Methodist Mountain with Rev. Rittenhouse Wesley Chapel and one daughter, Weiford, RobChurch by the Rev. and Rev. Donald Curry officiating. Tenney and the Rev. Victor Harry ert, Frederick and John and Mrs. Mildred Smith. His brothers are Painter, with burial in Oak Charles, Graham and Egbert; his Grove Cemetery. sisters are Mrs. A. T. Dillard and Miss Margaret LaRue. Shirley Virginia Lane


Mrs. Laura Lane

mrs. Helen B. LaRue

F. B. LaRue

Frederick Blaine LaRue, 58, died Friday, August 19, 1977, at Apollo Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, of a pulmonary blood clot. He was a former employee of LibbyOwens Ford in Charleston. Born August 25, 1918, at Hillsboro, he was the son of Robert and Helen Blaine LaRue. Surviving him are his wife, Catherine, daughters, MrsSharon Carlton, of Sarasota, Florida, Mrs. Shirley Brewer, Pinch, Mrs. Cathi Cox, of Charleston, Susan LaRue, at home; two brothers, John LaRue, Hillsboro, and Robert S. LaRue, of Parkersburg; four grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday in the Hillsboro Methodist Church by Rev. Virgil Hornbeek, with Rev. Harold Elmore assisting. Burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Helen B. LaRue, age 63, at the home of her son, Fredjerick B. LaRue, of Charleston on Thursday, April 6, 1961, after a long illness, Born in Megs • County, Ohio, August 9. 1897, [she was a daughter of the late Matthew and Amanda Blaine. Her husband, Robert S. LaRue, preceded her in death July 6,1948 Survivors include three sons, Robert S. LaRue, Jr., of Parkersburg; Frederick LaRue, of Charleston; and Jahn LaRue, of Ronceverte; and a daughter, Mrs. Mildred Smith, of Hillsboro. She was a member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church, The Womens Society of Christian Service and the Hillsboro Chapter No. 93 Order of the Eastern Star. Funeral services were conducted in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at 2 p. m. April 8, with the Rev. R. E. Riegel and ihe Rev. L. E. Milam in charge. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. (died

Griham LaRue

Graham Hughart LaRue, 81, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, August 8, 1973, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Ronceverte. Born at Millboro Springs, Virginia, June 26, 1892, he was a son of the late Francis T. and Agnes Burns LaRue. He was a retired school teacher, served as a sheriff's deputy of Pocahontas County, bookkeeper for S. B. Wallace and Company and was a veteran of World War I. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Mamie Dillard and Margaret LaRue, ard five brothers, Charles, John, Robe t, Willie and an infant. Survivors include one brother, Egbert LaRue, of Charleston Fa ieral services were held Fnoay afternoon at the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Walter Winters Lacy

Word was received Tuesday, July 6, 1971, of the death of Walter Winters Lacy, 46, of Homestead Long Island, New York, formerly of Seebert. Born April 24, 1925, he was a son of the late Summers and Emma Lacy. As we go to press funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Mary L. Lantz Mary Lou Snyder Lantz, age 103, a former resident of 511 Yokum St., Elkins, and more recently a resident of the Elkins Regional Convalescent Center, died Friday, May 2, 1997, at the convalescent center after a long illness. She was born October 6, 1893, at McDowell, Virginia, a daughter of the late James and Aliza Jane White Snyder. On December, 22, 1915, at Arbovale, she was married to Charles Arthur "Casey" Lantz, who preceded her in death on May 19, 1972. Surviving her are two sons, Ray R. Lantz, ah3 Guy Lantz, both of Elkins; two granddaughters; two great-grandsons; and one great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by one son, Don; one daughter, Helen; two brothers and two sisters. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She attended the schools of McDowell, Virginia, and was a homemaker. She was a member of the Woodford Memorial United Methodist Church of Elkins. Funeral services were held at John W. Lohr-Barb- Vance Funeral Home Chapel Sunday, at 2 p.m., with the Rev. Edward Craft. Private graveside services were held at Maplewood Cemetery with interment following.


Mrs. John Langley Mrs. Carrie Drepperd Langley, wife of John H. Langley, of Old Winesap Road, Madison Heights, Virginia, died Monday, August 5, 1974, in Lynchburg General Hospital after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County December 24, 1899, she was the daughter of the late Franklin Clay and Ida Grimes Drepperd. She was a member of the Elon Baptist Church in Madison Heights. Her son, Daniel N. Langley, preceded her in death June 14, 1968. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. O. B. Ayers, Jr., of Madison Heights, Mrs. O. D. Rowland, of Columbia, South Carolina, and Mrs. Carol Geiger, of Los Angeles, California, and eleven grandchildren. Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon in Spring Hill Cemetery in Lynchburg, Virginia. Mrs. Cecil Lantz

Mrs. Mary M. Lantz, 61, of Rt. 1, Leavittsburg, Ohio, died Sunday, May 13,1973, in Warren tioawnunity Hospital, where she* was a patient three weeks. She was born November 13, 1911, in Buckeye, the daughter of Clayborn and Katherine Brisco Morrison. A resident cf this area 31 years, she was employed by Packard Electric Division for 20 years. Survivors include her husband, Cecil Lanfz, whom she married May 25, 1928; two daughters, Mrs. Elsie Albert and Mrs. Helen Davis, both of Ravenna, Ohio, a son, Kenneth Darnell, Sr., Leavittsburg, a sister, Mrs. Harry Stottlemtre, of Leavittsburg, a half-sister, Mrs. Anna McNeill, of Buckeye, a half-brother, Theodore Morrison, of PickeDs, South Carolina, 12 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 11 a. m., at the James Funeral Home, Kewton Falls. Burial was in Pine Knoll CemeMn. John H. Langley Newi was received Monday morning of the death of Mrs. Carrie Drepperd Langley, 74, in Lynchburg, Virginia, on August 5,1974.

Marvin Lmtz

Mrs. Ethel Lawrence

Mrs. Ethel Kisamore Lawrence, 74, and a former resident of Cass, and a resident of Elkins since 1945. died Thursday, February 13, 1975, in Nella's Nursing Home, following an extended illness. She was born April 5, 1900, near Onego, and was a daughter of the late Joe C. and Anna Kisarrore. On October 28, 1917, she married William P. Lawrence who preceded her in death April 15, 1967. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Dorwin (Ruth) Talbott, of Elkins; three brothers, Fred Kisamore, of Cabins, Mason Kisamore, of Mouth of Se~eca, and Robert Kisamore, of Mill Creek; three sisters Mrs. Delphia Ketterman, of Cumber tend, Maryland, Mrs. Nola Harper, of Onego, and Mrs. Polly Auvil, of Daytona, Virginia; five grandchildren and eight grpat-grandchildren. One son, Fred Lawrence, and one sister, Mrs. Bessie Auvil, preceded her in death. She was a member of the Woodburn Memorial United Methodist Church. Virgil Roy Lambert Virgil Roy Lambert, 40, of Bartow, died from wounds Saturday, July 15, 1972, when a .30calijber rifle accidentally went off in a car. He was a lifelong resident of Bartow, and was employed by the State Road Commission. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Schyima Lambert; sons, Steve Lambert, of Norfolk, Virginia, Kyle, Virgil and Harlan Lambert, all at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Lambert, of Bartow; seven s;s'ers,- Mrs. Mildred Johnston, Miss Debbie Lambert and Miss Sallie Lambert, all at Bartow, Mrs. Dorothy Warner, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Bonnie Stone, of Hominy Falls, Mrs. Barbara Ryder, of Elkins, Miss Marylin Lambert, of Fairmont; two brothers, Lowell Lambert, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Allan Lambert, of Bartow, and two grandchildren.. /uneral services were held Monday afternoon in the Thornwood Church by the Rev. Edward Markley, with burial in the Lambert Cemetery on Elk Mountain.


Fleeta Lang, 85, died Thursday, August 2, 1984, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Miss Lang and her sister, Mabel, were retired co-owners of Langs Dress Shoppe in Marlinton. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Born at Kerens October 31, 1898, she was the daughter of the late David B. and Grace Vanscoy Lang. The family moved to Pocahontas County in 1908. Her parents, two brothers, Harry [1942] and Maurice [1963], and a sister, Ottis Land Thomas [1941], preceded her in death. Surviving her are a sister, Mabel Lang, of Marlinton, and a niece whom they raised, Carolyn Thomas Welton, of Midland, Texas, and other nieces and nephews. Services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank. Rev. Harper T. Callison, of Clarksburg, assisted at graveside services in Israel Cemetery at Kerens. Memorial donations may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Kevin Ltngenbaba

Kevin Langenbahn, of Littleton, Colorado, died unexpectedly Wednesday, December 21,1977. He was the son of Ed and Joyce (Weatherholt) Langenbahn. He is survived by his sister, Kimberly, and brother, Terri, both at home, also his grandmother and grandfather, Ed and Dorothy Langenbahn, of Johnston, Colorado, his grandmother, Betty Weatherholt, of Keating Summit, Pennsylvania. His grandfather was the late L. V. Weatherholt, of Hillsboro. Kevin was a senior at Arapahoe High School and was very aetive at South Suburban Christian Church, teaching his own Sunday School class and giving so much to the youth as well as the adults. There has been a Memorial Fund set up at the church in Kevin's name. The money will be used in some way to continue the work of God. The church address is South Suburban Christian Church, 7275 S. Broadway, Littleton, Colorado, for anyone wishing to give. Burial was in the Fort Logan Cemetery, December 23,1977.

Marvin V. Lantz, 82, a farm er and merchant-in Harnian for the past 55 years, died November 27, 1968.;' i i e was born at Upper Tract, Pendleton County, .the son of the late Joseph and Anna Kimble Lantz. He is survived by his wife, Vernie Carr Lantz; one daughter, Itis. wife of W. W. (Bill) Nelson,of Harman; one half brother, Dane Lantz. Leavittsburg, Ohio; two half si«ters-, Mrs. William Puffenbarger, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Ethel Dever, Mill Point; and three grandchildren. One son and one brother are deceased. Mrs. Victor A. Lantz

Mrs. Ella E. Lantz, 75, of Franklin, died on Saturday, October 20, 1973, in a hospital at Harrisonburg, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Victor A. Lantz, six years ago. Survivors include four sons, Dolan, Ivan and Kermit Lantz, all of Virginia, and Arlen Lantz. of Franklin. She was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Ethel Dever. of Buckeye, and Mrs. Veva Puffenbarger, of Lake Melton Ohio. Funeral services were held in the Brown Funeral Home Chapel in Franklin. Burial was in the Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Ethel Dever and Mrs. J. L. Ward, of Buckeye, attended the funeral. Daniel Nicholas Langley

Daniel Nicholas Langley, son "rf John H. and Carrie Drepperd wangle y, of Old Winesap ^oad, in Madison Heights, Virginia, died unexpectedly on Friday, June 14, 1968, of a heart attack. He was rushed from work to the doctor's office and died within a few minutes. He was born June 11, 1935, at Frost. He was a member of the Elon Baptist Church in Madison..Heights, and was a veteran of the Navy," having served two enlistments. In addition to his parents, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. O. B. Ayres, Jr., of Old Winesap Road, Madison Heights, Virginia, Mrs. Ollie D. Rowland, Jr., of Columbia, South Carolina, and Mrs. Larry Neil Geiger, of Lynchburg, Virginia. Burial was in the Spring Hill Cemetery in Lynchburg, Va.

Mrs. Harold C. Lambert

Mrs. Anna Odessa Little Lambert, of Charleston, died Monday, February 17,1969, in the Charleston Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. Mrs. Lambert, a native of Dunmore, was a former school teacher. She was the daughter of Mrs. C. A. Little, of Dunmore. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband, Harold C. Lambert; one daughter, Mrs. Edwin Neale Blackwood, Jr., of Charleston; and three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Moore, of Dunmore, Mrs. Virginia Rhea, of Middletown, Maryland, and Mrs. Frankie Auldridge, of Burkittsville, Maryland. Services were held Wednesday at St. John's Episcopal Church in Charleston with graveside services at Sunset Me morial Cemetery at Beck ley. Pearl Josephine Lambert

Pearl Jo^o'iine Terry Lambert was killed by a tractor trailer enroute to her home on ADril 27, 1966, in Baltimore, Maryland. Born May 20, 1925, in Boyer, she was the daughter of the iate Dice and Mary Terry. She is survived by her husband, Virgil Lambert, and son. Jack: two brothers, Sterl. of Vfassillon.Ohio, Donald, Minnehaha Springs; and two sisters, Mrs. Nola Liptrap, and Mrs. Margaret Pyles, of Campbelltown. Funeral services were held in Elkins by Rev. John K. Mann. Burial was in the Finchman Chapel Cemetery at A.doIph.

Ruth Lacy Ruth Frances Lacy, age 69, of Seebert, died Tuesday, April 8, 1997, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia. She was a member of Pleasant Green and Seebert United Methodist Church and had worked as a housekeeper and cook. Born May 28, 1927, at Seebert, she was the daughter of Summers and Emma Wheeler Lacy. She is survived by a son, Lewis Edward Lacy, of Columbus, Ohio; a daughter, Barbara Jean Baldwin, of Layton, Utah; a sister, Mary Margaret Lacy, of Marlinton; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Verlin Butcher. Burial was in Pleasant Green Cemetery at Seebert. Mrs. C. R. Lacy

| Mrs. C. R. Lacy, the former I Miss Sallie Wilson and widow i of Rev. C. R. Lacy, died Sunday, January 24, 1965, at Hinton, Virginia. She was the sister of the late Mrs. Lanty McNeel, and taught school in Marlinton many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeel and Mrs. R. F. Currence attended the funeral on Wednesday morning. Emit Latt

Emil Latt, of Hendersonville, North Carolina, died Friday, iuly 18, 1975. His wife is the ormer Gayle Goodsell. The Latt family had a lumber company at Boyer for many years, Mrs. Guy Fultz is a niece and she and Mr. Fultz went to North Carolina on Saturday. Graham LaRue

Mrs. Stewart Law

Helen Hefner Law, was born May 10, 1913, at Dunmore, and died Saturday, April 25, 1964, in Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. Law was a member of the Boulevard Christian Church of Essex, Maryland. She was the wife ofSte wart Law, and devoted motheY of Stanley Fitzgeral, step-mother of Susan Shaffer, and Stewart Law, Jr., both of Baltimore, Maryland, and Maxine Sullivan, of Charleston, South Caro lina, sister of Hunter Hefner, of Dunmore, and Opal Ervin, of Painesville, Ohio. Funeral services and burial were in Baltimore Cemetery.

Graham LaRue, of Hillsboro died Tuesday night, August 7, 1973, in the Ronceverte hospital. Services will b e a t 2:00 Fi:« day in the Hillsboro Methodist Church. Misses Mabel and Fleeta Lang were called to Grand Prairie, Texas, by the death of their" brother, Maurice, 56, on Saturday. They went by plane from Roanoke, Virginia.


Mrs. Mary Frances Lewis Mary Frances Lewis, o Droop, died December 21 1974, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a lonj illness. Born Oetobar 13. 1900, she was a daughter of the late John and Lizzie Morrison Pritt. She is survived by her husband. Roy Lewis and two sons, Johnnie and Charles, all of Droop; a daughter, Sara Gallaher, of Thompson Falls, Montana; four sisters, Ro3ie Smith and Gladys Jones, of Baltimore, Maryland, Fannie Hawkins, Rhoadesville, Virginia, Edith Perryman, Brandy Station, Virginia; five brothers, Andy Pritt, Hillsboro, Lee and Matthew Pritt, Culpeper, Virginia; Ramus Pritt, Rhoadesville, Virginia, and Frank Pritt, Fredericksburg, Virginia; 12 grandchildren, 7 great-grand children. One son, Okey, and three infant daughters and a brother, Woodrow (August 1974), preceded her. Funeral services were held December 23, at Mt. Olivet Methodist Church on Droop with burial in the Kellison Cemetery at Jacox. Words of comfort were spoken by Rev. Calvin Lewis. Those attending from a dis tance were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pritt, son, Carl, daughter, Mrs. Charlene Ford and daughter, Teresa, all of Culnener. Antonio Leo

Antonio Leo, 73, of R'ipert, died Saturday, February 15, 1969, at his home, of cincer. He was the son of the late Agostino and Antonia Leo, of Contangaro, Italy. Mr. Leo was a resident of Rupert for the ra^t 10 ya^s and a m^mte* of < h« 1 ,oyal Or der of Moose N . 1647 Survivors include his wife, Thres^a, three daughters. Mrs. Louise Barnifky, Marlinton, Mrs. Paulme Janney and Mrs. Jo Ann Holkstra, both of Cincinnati, Ohio, three sons, William, Wilmington, Delaware, Augustine. Carrolltown, Ga., and Joseph, at horn ; and four sitters, Pnyllis, Jo Ann, Mary and Rose, all of Italy, one brother, Vincent, of Argentina, and 15 grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel with the rRev. Earnest Martin in charp . Buna1 was n the Wallace and vVal.lace Memorial Cemetery, at Clintpnville.

Ktimit J. Liviir Kermit J. Levier, 50, of Laa Vegas, Nevada, died September 7, 1982, in Cedar City, Utah, of a heart attack. Mr. Levier was born May 6, 1932, in Dunmore, the son of Helen Levier, of Meadow Bluff, and the late Robert Levier. He was a building inspector for the County, a member of Masonic Lodge No. 32 F. and AM, the International Conference of Building Officials and a volunteer with the American Cancer Society. He was also an Army veteran. He is survived by his wife, Dixie, and son, Dennis, both of Las Vegas; two daughters, Tonja Kern, of Victorville, California, and Kari LaPierre, of Las Vegas; three sisters. Mary Ann Kellison, of Michigan, Nancy Heaster and Rathryn Levier, both of Meadow Bluff; three brothers, William, James and Robert, all of Michigan; four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., September 9 in Palm Valley View Chapel. Burial was in Palm Valley View Cemetery. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society or Father Flanagan's Boys Town, of Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Hubert Lewis Mrs. Nelle Hultz Lewis, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, October 21, 1972, in the Charleston Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church and the Eastern Star. Survivors include her husband, Hubert Lewis; one daughter, Mrs. Betty Miller, of Charleston; one brother, Robert L. Hultz, of Richmond, Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Jane Satterfield, of Fairmont. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Cecil Dalton, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery.


Henry L. Lewis Henry Leslie Lewis, 29, was found dead Sunday morning, April 16,1972, about 6:30 a.m., on U. S. 219 below Hillsboro. Apparently he had been hit by a car some hours before. Born November 5, 1942, he was a son of George and Ethel Crane Lewis, of Williamsburg. He was a graduate of Renick High School and worked in the woods. Survivors iuclude his wife, Mrs. Joann Lewis, and a son, Brian, of Dover, Pennsylvania, his parents; five brothers, Sidney, of Dallastown, Pennsylvania, Orvil, of York, Pennsylvania, Harry, of Seven Valley, Pennsylvania, Bradford, of Renick, and Robert, of Williamsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Lulu Lewis, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Mary Walton, of Hillsboro, md Mrs. Wanda Blankenship, )f Union; three half brothers, lames Lewis, of Perryman, Maryland, Lacey, of Williams)urg, and Hobart, of Alderson; a half sister, Mrs. Bethelena McCoy, of Renick, and his ma.ernal grandmother. Mrs. Dela Crane, of York, Pa. Services were held Tuesday at Jack Wallaces Home Funeral by Rev. Leroy Crane, with burial in Ellis Chapel Cemetery near Kenick. Floyd Lee

Floyd Lee, 83 years, died at his home at Red House, Maryland, June 29, 1959. Born December 30, 1875. he was a son of W. P. and Sarah Moreland Lee. On December 25, 1904. he married Miss Dora Mosser, who preceded him in death March 1, 1952. To this union were born six children: Earl and Alvin, of Oakland, Maryland, Edgar of Schenectady, New York; Victor, of Red House, Maryland; Virgie, at home; another daughter died in infancy. Also surviving are three brothers, John of Huntersville, George of Richwood, and Ernest, of Luthersburg, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mrs. Earl (Laura) Childs of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. A. M. (Lucretia) Ebner of Akron, Ohio; and five grandchildren. He, was a member of the StJohn's Lutheran Church at Red House, where funeral services werejield Thursday, July 2, by the Rev, Luther Y. Seibert, Jr. Burial in the Church Cemetery.


James Richard Lewis, 70, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, May 11, 1977, of congestive heart failure, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital where he had been a patient four daya. Mr. Lewis was a retired farmer and road foreman, a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church and the Masonic Lodge at Hillsboro. He had served for many years as a member of the Pocahontas County Democratic Executive Committee. Born at Hillsboro, September 22, 1906, he was the son of the late George A. and Rachel Payne Lewis. A brother, Lanty Lewis, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Zell Poage Lewis, a daughter, Mrs. Chauncey (Patricia Ann) Browning, of Charleston; a brother, Hubert Lewis, of Hillsboro, and three sisters, Mrs. Mattie Carlisle, of Bartow, Mrs. Ina Hultz. of Baltimore, Maryland; and Mrs. Ota Hefner, of Hillsboro. Services were held Saturday* morning in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Hillsboro by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle and Rev. Harold Thomas Elmore, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mary Telitha Johnston Levier Mary Telitha Johnston Lovicr was born April :'>. 1870, and: departed this life October 20, at her home at Va. She was the daughter of Anderson and Elizabeth Jane Johnston, of Miola, Pa. She was united in marriage to Addis Levier, of Clarion County, Pa. To this i six children were born, three of whom preceded their | mother in death, William, John and Edna. The surviving children are Mrs Clyde Reed, of Mea dow Bluff, Mrs .Robert Hedriek, of Valley Bend, and Robert Levier, of Marlinton. Also, b.v 23 grandchildren, four of whom are in the Armed Service: Roy Hedriek, in North Africa, Clyde, Arlo and Paul Levier. The funeral was held from the Sam Black church by Rev Flowers and Rev Perkins. Her body was laid to rest in the End of the! Trail Cemetery. In early life Mrs Levier joined the First Church of God in Elkins; later she transferred hermein bersbip to the Marlinton PWM>.\ terian. _ She was a faithful christian, kind neighbor and loving' mother.

MM. Helen im Ltvier Mrs. Helen Jane Levier, 75, of Meadow Bluff. Greenbmr County, died Monday, February 14, 1983, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. Born December 7, 1907, at Clover Lick, she was the daughter of the late John and Lena McLaughlin Deputy. She was preceded in death by her husband, Roi^rt Levier, in 1961 and two sons, Kenneth G. and Kermit J. She was a member of Sam Black United Methodist Church, and was a cook for nine years at Sinoot Junior High School. Surviving are sons, Robert E., of Whitmore Lake, Michigan, William A. and James E. both of South Lyon, Michigan; daughters, Nancy L. Heaster, of Meadow Bluff, Mary Ann Kellison, of Whitmore Lake, Kathryn J. Levier, at home,) brother, Robert G. Deputy, of Huntersville; sister, Ann Mary Self, of Greensboro, North Carolina; 16 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2:30 . m. Wednesday in Sam lack United Methodist Church with the Rev. Roy Gwinn officiating. Burial was in Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville, Mrs. Goldie Mae Lee Mrs. Goldie Mae Lee, 59, of Cass, died Wednesday, March 10, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She had lived at Cass for 35 years and was a member of the Cass Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Roscoe; two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Zink, of Massachusetts and Mrs Retha Jones, of Baltimore, Maryland, and a brother, Clarkson Baker, of Cass. Shirley Virginia Lane Shirley Virginia Lane, 33, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died Monday, September 29, 1969. The daughter of Mrs. Laura Lane, of Mill Point, she is survived by several brothers and sisters. Services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p' m. in the Advent Church at Buckeye with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

John S. Lee John Samuel Lee, aged 83, of near Huntersville, died Mon day, April 29, 1963, at the Medical Center at Morgantown after an illness of seven weeks with a heart condition and pneumonia with complications. Mr. Lee was born near Oakland, Maryland, on July 14 1879, the son of Perry E. and Sarah Moreland Lee. He was a member and active in the work of the Cummings Creek Methodist Church. He was first married in 1901 to Margaret Ward and to this union were born four children, three of whom survive him. On December 10, 1910, he was inarried to Goldie Alderman. Surviving him are his wife; hree daughters, Mrs. Beulah stokes of Durbin, Mrs. Ruth jee of Oakland, Maryland, tnd Mrs. Margaret Snyder of ^ort Lauderdale. Florida; eight grandchildren, six great-grandjhildren and eight great-great grandchildren. Preceding him, iB death were his first wife,: and infant son, Carl, and a brother, Floyd Lee FuneraL- services were held at 3:00 p. ro., Wednesday afternoon at the Marlinton Me thodist Church by the Rev. Rex Ball, with burifl in the Mountain View Cemetery. Graveside services by the Oddfellows. C. A. Little C^ Charles Austin Little, 80, of Dunmore, died Saturday, May 18, 1968, in a Weston hospital He was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore. Mr. Little was a former manager of Gateway H A*\ at Ronceverte and during the war he worked in Maryland, and has been retired for thirteen years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Madge Luzier Little; and four daughters, Mrs. Harold Lambert, of Charleston; Mrs. H. A. Rhea, of Middletown, Maryland; Mrs. David Auldridge, of Burkettsville, Maryland and Mrs. Ernest Moore, of Dunmore. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore by the Rev.Thomas Henderson with burial in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Annie A. Lightner Mrs. Annie A. Lightner, 86, of Green Bank, died in Charleston on May 9, 1989, following a stroke on March 22, 1989. Born in Spotsylvania, Virginia, on September 7, 19G2, she was the daughter of William and Docie Jett Musselman. She was a Methodist and life member of the Missionary Society. Mrs. Lightner had made her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Doris and Kyle Dilley, since January 1, 1988. She is survived by her husband, Charles Lightner, of Green Bank; son, William Arbogast of Hampton, Virginia; four daughters, Arline Self, Falmouth, Virginia, Doris Dilley, Charleston, Mary Galford, Green Bank, and Sarah Hively, Knoxville, Tennessee; 13 grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren; also a stepson, Forrest Arbgoast, Marlinton; two stepdaughters, Hazel Gum, Millville, Pennsylvania, and Thelma Lambert, Buckhannon; and several step-grandchildren and step-great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were a son, George Arbogast, and a daughter, Norma Lee Dilley. Services were held May 13 at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Paul Vineyard and Rev. David Bush, with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Mid(« Uttll Mrs. Madge Luzier Little, 88 of Dunmore, died Feb.-«ary 27-, 1979, in the Deamar State Hospital. Born October 5, 1890, at St. George, she was the daughter of the late James and Jane Pase Luzier. Mrs. Little was the widow of the late C. A. Little. She was a member ol Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. A. J. (Virginia) Rhea, Falling Waters, Mrs. E. N. (Margaret) Moore, of Dunmore, and Mrs. D. T. Auldridge (Frankie), of Knoxville, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Harman Head, of Mt. Storm, and Mrs. Sam Long, of Imperial, Pennsylvania; eleven grandchildren and twentythree great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son and one daughter. Services were held March 2, at the Baxter Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Thomas Henderson officiating. Burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. __

Mrs. Emma Lytton

Mrs. Emma Sheets Lyttjti iied Sunday, February 7, 1960, it Mountain Grove, Virginia, at i he home of her son-in-law and laughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hrner, with whom she made her home. Also surviving her are two
Mrs. Elizabeth Williams -ohr, 56, of Staunton, Virginia, was killed instantly when struck by a truck Monday, January 20, 1964. She was walking to meet a ride" to • work, wearing a dark raincoat and was unseen in a driving rainstorm before full daylight. Mrs. Lohr was born at Valley Center, Virginia, on September 28, 1905, a daughter of the late Ellis and Anna Poage Williams. She was a member of the Third Presbyterian Church. Surviving her are one son, Arlie L. Armentrout, and one grandson, Geary Armentrout, Staunton, Virginia; four brothers, Ward Wil iam1?, of Warren, Ohio; Neal Wdiia ns, of Millboro Springs, Virginia; Price Williams, Mill Gao, Virginia, and June Williams, Valley Center, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. L. C. Frazier, Warren, Ohio, and MissWoodsie Williams, of Charleston. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Memorial Chapel of th? Fred Henry Funeral Home by the Rev. David R Freeman. Burial was in Augusta Memorial {Park near Fisherville.


W. C. Lindsay

! W. C. Lindsay, 80, of Route [ 1, Beverly, formerly of Durbin, j died Thursday, December 10. 1964, at his home after a long illness. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom. He operated a general store and service station a: Durbin. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Stella Daff Lindsay; one son, Virgil Lindsay, a t home; two daughters, Mrs. Ruby Fcx of Charleston, and M r s . Char<es Easley, of Greensboro, Nforth Carolina; two half-sisters, Mrs. Anna Heskell, of Mingo, and Miss Mary Mace, of Elkwater; six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held 'n the John W. Lohr Funeral Home in Elkins by the Rev. George M. Ogilvie. Buria 1 was in the End of the Trai Cemetery in Clintonville. Clarence Lewis Clarence Lewis, of Friars Hill, died September 22, 1994, at his home. Mr. Lewis was born at Friars Hill April 26, 1910, the son of Bolivar and Annie Groves Lewis. He was a retired school bus driver and a life-long farmer. Surviving him arc his wife, Mary Lee Lewis; one son, Clyde Lewis, of Edray; one daughter, Phyllis Johnson, of Lewisburg; a grandson, Russell Williams, of Frankford; and one great-granddaughter. Services were held on Sunday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, in Lewisburg, with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery.


James R. Liggett James R. "Bob" Liggett, 63, of Huttonsville, died Friday, November 25, 1983, in United Hospital Center in Clarksburg after a short illness. He was owner and operator of Liggett Feed and Farm Supply of Mill Creek. He was a member of Tygart Valley Presbyterian Church, Mill Creek, and a veteran of World War II. He was a member of Beverly Lodge No. 55, AF&AM, Beverly Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Scottish Rite Bodies of Clarksburg and Wheeling, the Osiris Temple of Wheeling, and the Tygart Valley Shrine Club. He was a member of the American Legion, the VFW, the West Virginia Farm Supply Association, Randolph County Chamber of Commerce, and a life member of the Royal Order of Moose in Elkins. Surviving him are his wife, Nellie Bell Liggett; a son, Jedson, of Huttonsville; a brother, Barrett, of Huttonsville; sisters, Mrs. Katheryn McAtee and Miss Mary Belle Liggett, both of Huttonsville, Mrs. Pattie Laderach, of Beverly, Mrs. Emily Lou Wadahara, of Hilo, Hawaii. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at John W. Lohr Funeral Home in Elkins by the Rev. John Franklin, with burial in the Brick Church Cemetery at Huttonsville. A. C. Lewis

Asa Clarence Lewis, 68, of Renick, died Saturday, July 31, 1965, in the Ronceverte Hospital. He was a member of the Mount Olive Baptist Church a t Renick. His wife, Lilly Ethel, died in 1945. Hubert Lewis, of Cass, is one of his nine children. Services were held Sunday at Ellis Chapel Methodist Church of Brushy Flats by the Rev. Roy Snedegar.

Charles M. Lightner Lewisburg.—Charles M. Lightner, asjed 56 years, died at the Cliftoo Forge Hospital on October 24, 1949. He had been ill for jSe^eriil years. The deceased was i a son of the late Peter H. and Caroline Siple Lightner, fonnerj ly of Greeubank. He is survived 'by his'wife and their ten children a brother, Marvin Lightner, and a y'-tcr, Miss Lottie Lightner.

Mra. Lucy Lowe David Blair Lowe Mrs. Lucy Lowe, 84, died H. A. Long David Blair Lowe, 83, of Monday, December 23, 1974. Caldwell, died Saturday, AuHull Atchies (Tubby) Long, at the home of her son in Hunt gust 28, 1965, at his home. 60, died in a Chattanooga, ersville. Tennessee, hospital on Wednes He was a member of the Bapday, November 17, 1971, after Born at Clover Lick, Decemtist Church, a retired mail cara short illness. ber 25,1890, she was the dau- rier and farmer. ghter of Ab and Mildred BuzSurvivors include his wife, He was a member of The zard Shinaberry. Mrs. Exie Lowe; two sons, Village United Presbyterian Earl Lowe, of Charleston and Church, Detroit, Michigan, She was a member of the William Lowe, of Renick; four and a veteran of World War Church of the Brethren. daughters, Mrs. Ada Masters II, serving in the U. S. Army. Her husband, Peter Howard and Mrs. Edith Johnson, both He was a division sales Lowe, and a son, Fred, preced- of Caldwell, Mrs. Grace Mcmanager of Brown and Wil ed her in death. Million, of Renick, and Mrs. liamson Tobacco Corp., LouisSurviving her are two sons, :NinaMcMilIion, of White Sulville, Kentucky, with thirtyRalph Lowe, of Stony Bottom, phur Springs, and one brother, one years service, Over the and Whitt Lowe, of Hunters- George Lowe, of Longview years he served in West Virville, six grandchildren and Washington. He was an uncii ginia, Pennsylvania, Micbithree great-grandchildren. of Mrs. I. B. Bumgardner, Jr., jan, Kentucky, and Tennessee of Marlinton. Funeral services were held laving spent sixteen years in on her birthday, Christmas be City of Detroit. Funeral services were held Day, in the VanReenen Funer- Monday afternoon in the MaSurvivors are his wife, Mrs. al Home Chapel by the Rev. norial Chapel of McGraw Fu'hyllis Buterbaugh Long, of David Rittenhouse, with burneral Home iii Lewisburg by Jhattanooga, Tennessee; his ial at Clover Lick near where the Rev. Roy Queensberry. nother, Mrs. Clemie Long, of she was born. j Burial was in Rosewood Cemionceverte; one brother, DaLetery at Lewisburg. vid Long, of Ronceverte; two Mrs. Ethel P. Lowance sisters, Mrs. Glema Long AuldMrs.- Ethel P. Lowance, 57, ridge, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Reeee Loekiidt* of Ronceverte, died in the Mae Long Campbell, of CovReece "Bud" Lockridge, 62, Greenbrier Valley Hospital on ington, Virginia; one niece, of Painesville, Ohio, died June Wednesday, April d2, 1964, Mary Lynn Powell, and one after a long illness. 12, 1982, in the VA hospital nephew, Thomas Hull, both of in Cleveland, Ohio, after a Born at Lobelia February 6, Huntington. short illness. 1906, she was the daughter of Interment was in Rosewood He was born on January 24, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cemetery at Lewisburg. 1920, in Durbin, the son of the Eagle. Mr. Long was a son-in-law late Hamilton and Louella She had been a resident of of Mrs. Rachel Buterbaugh Ronceverte Curtis Lockridge. for 17 years, was a formerly of Frank. member of the Trinity MethoA eelf-employed carpenter, dist Church, a member of the heffas a World War II veterMrs. Alec Long Rebekah Lodge No. 17 and a an and a member of the Loyal Mrs. Maggie J. Curry Long, member of the American Le- Order of Moose. 87, of Marlinton, died Friday, ' gion Auxiliary of Ronceverte. Survivors include his wife, August 6, 1971, in the Den- '<• Survivors include her hus- Kathryn; three daughters, Pamar State Hospital at Beard band, Homer Lowance; two tricia Hall, of Mentor, Ohio, after a long illness. daughters, Mrs. Mary Jane Phyllis Riffle, of Madison, Born at Slatyfork February Cornwell, of Hampton, Virgin- Ohio, and Marsha, at home; 2, 1884, she was a daughter - ia, and Mrs. Emojean Kyle, of one son, Donald, of Painesof the late Lucian and Virgin- Ronceverte; two sisters, Mrs. ville; three sisters, Lillian ia Painter Curry. . Thelma Poole, of Arlington, Vir Mullenax, Helen Collett and She was a member of the Oak '' ginia, and Mrs. Mary Schrock, Crystal Bender, all of Elkins; Grove Presbyterian Church at of Baltimore, Maryland; four ten grandchildren. brothers, Vernon Eagle, of Hillsboro. He was a son-in-law of Mrs. Droop, Delbert Eagle, of West- j Ruth Simmons, of Bartow, Her husband, Alec Long, ersville, Ohio, Herschel Eagle, preceded her in death. Services were held on June of Prairie Creek, Indiana, and Survivors include one son, Ira Eagle, of Whites Top, Vir- 15 at the Johnson Funeral Home in" Painesville with Dr. Charles Long, of White Sul- ginia, and six grandchildren. John P. Mills officiating. phur Springs; four stepsons, Funeral services were held Burial was in the Western Frank Long, of Clover Lick, Clark Long, of Hillsboro, Neal Saturday afternoon in the Trin- Reserve Memorial Gardens in Long, of Montgomery and ity Methodist Church'in Ron- Chesterfield. Clyde Long, of Akron, Ohio; ceverte by the Rev. Joseph five grandchildren and four Byrd. Burial was in the GreenO N MISSING PLANE brier Memorial Gardens in great-grandchildren. PFC. Lloyd E. Lowr.v of MusFuneral services were held Lewisburg. toe, Va.. was aboard the C 54 of k Sunday afternoon in the Oak tbe Alaskan Air Command which Grove Presbyterian Church by has been missing since January the Rev. Cecil Dalton and the 26 in the Yukon. He is the only Rev. C. L. Atkinson, with son in a family of eight children, burial in the Oak Grove Cemof MR and Mrs. Millard Lowrv etery at Hillsboro. of Mustoe. He is 21 years old.' -Highland Recorder. %flU$*


Stanley M. Loudermilk Stanley Mason Loudermilk, 69, of Buckeye, died Monday, April 8, 1991, after surgery at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. Mr. Loudermilk was a former State Bee Inspector. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Buckeye and faithfully attended the Church of God on Beard Heights. He was a Mason and 32nd Degree Beni Kedem Shriner. The son of Verlin and Zetta Pennell Loudermilk, he was born November 6, 1921, at Marlinton. One brother, Milford Loudermilk, is deceased. Surviving him are his wife, Dorothy Kelley Loudermilk; a son, Lowell, of Buckeye; and one grandchild. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Lawrence Morgan, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery with Masonic rites. Loretta May Bridges Long Mrs. Loretta May Bridges Long, 40, of Robinsville, North Carolina, died in a car wreck August 4, 1991. Born April 15, 1951, at Cass, she was the daughter of Leatha May Long, of Cass, and the late Leonard James Long. She is survived by her mother, Leatha May Long, of Cass; two daughters, Carol Sue Cook, of Robinsville, North Carolina, and Loretta Marie Grindstaff, also of Robinsville; five sisters, Joann Kramer, Northwells, Pennsylvania, Louise Adams, Robinsville, Evelyn Brown, Arbovale, Helen Mullenax, Bartow, Ellen Taylor, Dry Fork; and four brothers, Curtis Long, of Green Bank, Robert Long, of Dunmore, Junior Long and David Long, both of Cass. Baby Long

Mrs. Phillip A. Lott

Mrs. Lucy Jane Lott, 70. of Huntersville, died Monday, January 12, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was born in Ritchie County. December 3, 1899. Survivors include her husband, Phillip A- L"tt, one son, Chester Lort, of Parkersburg, two daughters, Mrs. Lucy Emerick,, of Louisville. Kentucky, and Mrs. Rertie McLaughlin, of Huntersville, two sisters, Mrs, Cl&ra Brookover, of Parkersburg, and Mrs. Etta Starcher. of Crooksville, Ohio, nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chanel by the Rev. Herold Eaton with burial in Parkersburg Thursday. tidoo Muu Lvtk Eldon Mason Lusk, of Stockin, California. 51, passed way suddenly Friday, Februtry 25, 1983, at home of a nassive beet attack. He was retired from the Army Air Force and was employed as a probational parole officer in Stockton. Surviving are bis wife, Jane; three daughters, Nancy Jane, Rose Ann and Patricia; two sons, Donald and Tommy, all of Stockton, California. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. Nannie Lusk, of Herndon, Virginia; four brothers, Charles Andy Lusk, Baltimore, Maryland, Troy C. Lusk, of Dunmore, Eldred Lusk, of Marysvilie, California, and Vancie K. Lusk, of Dunmore; three sis* ters, Pauline Sizemore, of Covington, Virginia, Mrs. Alice Lambert, of Princeton, and Mrs. Bernice McKinney, of Herndon, Virginia. Funeral services were held March 1, at 11 a. m. in Stockton.

James Clark Long, infant son of Bobby Joe and Glenda Phillips Long, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Thursday, April 9, 1964, where he was born on Saturday, March 28, 1964. Graveside service were held Curtis Ellery Long by the Rev. J. I. Prather in Curtis Ellery 59, of Cov( ak Grove Cemetery near Hills ington, Virginia,Long. died Sunday, boro on Saturday. January 31," 1960, in the Clifton Forge Hospital. He was a retired fireman for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Funeral services were held Tuesday in the Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Covington, Virginia with burial in Adwell Cemetery. Mr. Long is a brother of Frank Long of Marlinton.


Frank Emerson Long Frank Emerson Long, 75, of Clover Lick, died Monday, March 20, 1978, in the Memorial General Hospital in Elkins, after a long illness. He was a retired employee of the C&O Railroad. Born March 30,1902, at Hills boro, he was the son of Alex and Sarah McComb Long. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Grace Scott Long, and eight brothers, Gus, John, Price, Neal, Mack, Grady, Emmanuel, and Dock Long. Surviving him are three sons, Roy Long and Dana Long, of Cleveland, Ohio, Neal Long, of Lake Village, Illinois, and a daughter, Betty Gragg, of Baltimore, Maryland; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, and two brothers, Clark Long, of New Jersey, and Charles Long, of White Sulphur Springs. Services will be held at 1 p. m., Thursday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Larry Albright, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. Dam W. Long

Dana W. Long, 51, of Brook Park, Ohio, died November 3,1982, at his home. Born March 30, 1931, he was formerly of Clover Lick. He is survived by his wife. Viola Nee Dilley; daughters, Rosalie Long and Linda Garrison; brothers, Neil and Roy Long; sister, Betty Gragggrandchildren, Frank, Paula and Shawn Garrison. He worked for the Interstate Bakery of the Millbrook D i vision. He was associated with the Assembly of God, of Mentor, Ohio, and the Enterprise Baptist Church of Cleveland. Oho. Services were held at the Corena Funeral Home in Cleveland, by the Rev. James Yeary and Rev. John Hagar. He was laid to rest in the Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery, North Olmsted, Ohio. J. Harvey Lowe Friends will regret to learn of the death of J. Harvey Lowe, in a Galax, Virginia, hospital, following a lingering illness. Mr Lowe was 69 years of age. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucy Collins Lowe, daughter of the late C. P. Collins, of Knapps Creek; also four daughters, four sons, and one step-son, Delmar Malcomb, of Virginia.

Ethel Gregory

jasper J. Uury O'Brien Laurnoff Jasper J. Luury agea i ; '*rn died at bis home in Cass, oa FriE R I E , PA.--Ethel Gregory day October 8, 1950. Fuueral O'Brien Laurnoff of Erie, Pennsylvaservice was conducted from the nia, formerly of Webster Springs, Cass Methodist Church on Monday afternoon by Revs. Q. R. died at her residence on Friday, SepArbogast and H. Blackburst. In- tember 6,1996. She was 74 years of terment in Dilley cemetery. age. The deceased is survived by a She was bom in Webster Springs, step daughter, Mrs. Birdie Er- on September 22, 1921, the daughter vine, of Lswisburg and two step- of the late Alex and Clara Miller sons, Andrew E. Fertig of Joppa, Gregory. She had lived in Erie.Pa. for Iviu.;and William A. Fertig, of the past 45 years, and had worked at Edgewood, Md. the former Boston Store as a beautician for 30 years. She enjoyed garRichard Allen Lovelace dening and reading and was a member of the Wayne Park Baptist Temple Richard Allen Lovelace, 18, died Wednesday, November 10, and Delaware Baptist Church. 1965, in the Veterans' HospiShe is survived by: sons, John P. tal at Beckley of leukemia after O'Brien of Palm Harbor,Fla. and Gary a six months' illness. He beS Laurnoff of Erie, Pa.; sisters, Edith came ill while in the army. StalnakerofMedia,Ohio,ElvaBarker Born January 30, 1947, at and Eltha Bell, both of Webster Marlinton, he was a son of Springs; brothers, Owen Gregory, Lloyd Lovelace, of Middletown, New York, and the late Nellie Orville Gregory, and Otis Gregory, Grey Tidd Lovelace. He was all of Webster Springs; grandson. a member of the Roman Catho Greg O'Brien of Palm Harbor, Fla.; lie Church. and one great-grandson. In addition Surviv ing in addition to his to her parents, she was preceded in father are a sister, Charlotte death her first husband, John Hammon Lovelace; a half sister, Mrs. O'Brien, and by her second husband, Dreama Sutton, of Brandon, Stephen Laurnoff. Florida; and two half brothers, Services were held on Tuesday, Lonnie Ratliff, of Arbovale, Sept l0,atl:O0p.m.,aitheDusckas and Everett Ratliff, of Marlinton* Funeral Home in Eric, Pa., with the Rev. Mark Sistek of the Wayne Park Services were held Monday at Smith's Funeral Home by Baptist Temple, officiating. Burial Father Joseph Jamula, pastor was at the Calvary Cemetery. of St. Catherine Church in Ronceverte, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mary Victoria Ruth V. Larie

"Vicki" Litwins

[ AKRON, OHIO-Ruth V. Lane of Akron, Ohio, died on Wednesday, June 18,1997,followingabriefillness. She was 73 years of age. She was born in Webster County, and lived in the Akron, Ohio area most of her life. She was a loving mother and grandmother. She is survived by: sons and daughters-in-laws, John M. and Janice, Michael G. and Wanda; daughters, Donna D.; 12 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, George C , who died in 1983, and brother, Joe Hines. Services were held on Saturday, June 21, at 12:00 p.m., at the Hopkins Law ver Funeral Home in Akron, Ohio. Burial was at the Hillside Memorial Park, in Akron, Ohio.

Mary Victoria "Vicki" Litwins of Curtin Road, Webster Springs, died at her residence on Thursday, April 24, 1997, following a short illness. She was 52 years of age. She was born in Hopkinsville, Ky., on April 5, 1945, the daughter of the late Greenup and Ruth Gorrell Dawson. She lived 14 years in Webster County, where she worked for Seneca Mental Health for approximately 12 years. She then moved to Winchester, Va., and worked for Grafton School for the Mentally & Physically Handicapped until her death. She is survived by: daughter, Stephanie Litwins; brother, Ed Dawson of Lexington, N.C.; and granddaughter, Lindsay Abbott. A memorial service will be held at 45 Curtin Road on Saturday, May 3, at 2:00p.m. Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, is in charge of the arrangements.


Nadine Wilson Lewis Nadine Wilson Lewis of Webster Springs, died at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins on Sunday, November 6,1994, following a long illness. She was 83 years of age. She was born in Webster Springs on January 12,1911, the daughter of Charles Louis and Amanda Sarah Fleming Wilson, both deceased. She lived most of her life in Webster County, and was a homemaker and a member of the First Baptist Church in Webster Springs. She is survived byf her husband, Theadore Lewis of Webster Springs; son, Charles N. Lewis of Beverly; daughter, Marjorie L. "Peggy" House of Grand Rapids, Mich.; sisters, Lillian Cogar of Montgomery and Mary Belle Duckworth of Summersvillc; 7 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two sisters and two brothers. Services were held on Wednesday, November9,at2:30p.m.,attheDodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Rodney Sandy ofWebsterSprings,officiating. Burial was at the Miller Cemetery on Back Fork Road, Webster Springs.

Pamela M. Shurtleff Lamont COLLEGEVILLE, PA.-Pamela M. Shurtleff Lamont of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, died a' er residence on Sunday, March 30,1 -Vv, following a long illness. She wa&34 years of age. She was bom in Decatur, ill., on February 15, 1963, the daughter of CharlesR. and Janet J. Harris Shurtleff. She was a homemaker and was very active in her community, She was a member of the Valley View Community Church. She is survived by: her husband, John Lamont IV; daughters, Ashley N. and Lauren M. Lamont, at home; her parents, Charles and Janet Shurtleff of Franklin Park, Pa.; and sister, Karen L. Shurtleff of Columbus, Ohio. Services will be held on Thursday, April 3, at 11:00 a.m., at the Upper Glade Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Okey Wayne, and the Rev. Eddy Arnold, officiating. Burial will be in the Handschumacher Cemetery, in Upper Glade. Adams Funeral Home in Cowen, is in charge of the arrangements.

Genevieve V. Loving COWEN-Genevieve V. Loving of Co wen, died on Wednesday, June 28,1995,athersonls residence, following a long illness. She was 77 years of age. She was born in Widen on March 22, 1918, the daughter of the late George and Georgia Krantz Sparks. She was a former store clerk and homemaker and was a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church in Cowen, and was a former member of the Cowen Woman's Club and the WebsterCounty Senior Citizens. She enjoyed sewing. She is survived by: sons, Roger Loving of Cowen and Terry Loving of Clifton Forge, Va.; 2 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Theodore A. Loving. Services were held on Sunday, June2, at 1:00p.m., at Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Clarice Daniel of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery inCowen. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Waiter W. Lowther HACKER VALLEY-Walter W. Lowther of Hacker Valley, died at his residence on Saturday, May 6, 1995, following a short illness. He was 82 years of age. He was born in Lewis County, on August 28,1912, the son of John and Mary Burns Lowther,.both deceased. He had lived in Webster County for the past 58 years, and was a retired supervisor with the Dcpt. of Highways. He served in the U.S. Navy and was a Protestant by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Orla Hinkle Lowther of Hacker Valley; sons, Zanc Lowther of Webster Springs and Max Lowther of Hacker Valley; daughters, Janice Casio of San Antonio, Texas and Sharon Gum of Hacker Valley; 7 grandchildren and9grcat-grandchildrcn. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers Ira, Glydon, and Jack and sisters, Ina, Pearl, and Judy. Services were held on Wednesday, May 10, at 11:00a.m., at the Mt.Zion United Methodist Church with the Rev. Conrad Tenney officiating. Burial was at the Alexander AndersonCcmctery, Ml.Zion Road, Hacker Valley. Dodd&Rccd Funeral Home in Webster Springs was in charge of arrangements.

Sharon M. Lambert VALLEY HEAD-Sharon Marie Lambert of Valley Head, formerly of Keyrock, died on Thursday, February 13,1997, from injuries received in a house fire. She was 40 years of age. She was born in Webster County on September 28,1956, the daughter of the late Clarence Foster and Irene Oliver Cable. She is survived by: sons, Kristopher Griggs of Pineville and Shannon Lambert of Valley Head; brothers, Eddie Cable of Keyrock, Carl and Clarence Cable, both of Mt. Nebo, and David Cable of Gilbert; sisters, Delberta Sowders of Cleveland, Ohio, Judy Lewis of Springfield, Ohio, and Louise Hamrick of Mingo. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three sisters and one brother. Services were held on Tuesday, February 18, at 11:00 a.m., at the Calfree Funeral Service Chapel, with the Rev. Ronald Adkins, officiating. Burial was at the Privett Cemetery in Keyrock. Glenna D. Lusk Glenna D. Taylor Lusk, age 73, died at her home near Green Bank Saturday, July 5, 1997. She was born at Green Bank June 12, 1924, the daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth J. Tacy Taylor. Surviving her are her husband, Troy C. Lusk; three daughters, Deanna K. Lusk, of Quakertown, Pennsylvania, Judith F. Lusk, of Beckley, and Janie E. Lusk, of Marlinton; a son, Timmy E. Lusk, of Green Bank; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at 2 p. m. Tuesday by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

BORGE LARSEN, 7 6 , died March 16 in Anchorage. Larsen came ro Alaska aboard a steamer in 1950, settling in the small Aleut fishing village of False Pass. I-arsen worked as a winter cannery watchman, was the town's first mayor, its notary public, postmaster, health aide and played Santa Claus for the village children. Larsen used his own money for nine years to electrify the school, and in 1995 a new recreation center was named after him.

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Charles Mar eel Lloyd SUTTON-CharlesMancel Lloyd; of Sutton, died at his residence, on Monday, June 23,1997, following an extended illness. Hewas,82yearsof age. He was born in Braxton County, on September 16,1914, the son of the late Charles Barry and Mamie Shuttleworth Lloyd. He was retired from Dupont in Belle after 30 years of service. He was a member kand Deacon of the Long Run Baptist Church. He is survived by: his wife, Kathleen A. Lloyd of Sutton, daughters, Frances Kay Bowman of Sutton, Frankie June Bowman of Cowen, Daisy Ellen Lloyd of Spotsylvania, Va.; sons, Charles O. of Frametown and David W. of Herold; sister, Ella Marie Holcomb of Sutton; 16 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brother, John Hilton Lloyd, sisters, Mary Brown, Mabel Johnson, and Helen Gran, and by two grandchildren. Services were held on Wednesday, June 25, at 10:00 a.m., at the Long Run Baptist Church, with the Rev. Raymond ButcherandtheRev. Robey Godfrey, officiating. Burial was at the Sutton Cemetery. The GreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton, was in charge of the arrangements.

William H. Linger William Hillis Linger, 72, of Buckhannon, died Friday, Nov. 14. 1997, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Linger was born April 8, 1925, at Frenchton, W.Va., a son of the late Jason Ferrell and Elba Queen Linger. On Dec. 15, 1956, he married Virginia Wheeler Linger who survives. Also surviving are one daughter, Rosemary Huffman, Fredericksburg, Va.; two brothers, James Donald Linger, Frenchton, and Lawrence Linger, Bradenton, Fla.; one grandson, John Scott Huffman." Colleyville, Texas; one great grandson. Andrew Joseph Huffman, Colleyville, Texas; two nieces, four nephews and one great-niece. He was preceded in death by one brother, Marvin Linger. Mr. Linger was a school teacher for 28 years. He served with U.S. Army during World War II. He was a member of Rock Cave Mason Lodge No. 81 and attended Chapel Hill United Methodist Church. Friends were received at PolingSt. Clair Funeral Home. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today with the Rev. Dr. Ellis Conley officiating. Interment followed in Rock Cave Cemetery. Rock Cave Masonic Lodge No. 81 conducted graveside rites.

Stuart Carlyle Lockridge Stuart Carlyle Lockridge, age 80, of White Sulphur Springs, formerly of Bolar, Virginia, died Monday, September 22, 1997, in Bath County Community Hospital, Hot Springs, Virginia. He was a retired waiter from The Greenbrier after 28 years of service, and an Army veteran of World War II. Born April 30, 1917, at Mitchelltown, Virginia, he was the son of David Marvin and Nellie Bell Mackey Lockridge. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Bowyer Lockridge; a daughter, Christian Stuart Lockridge, of White Sulphur Springs; a step-son, Roy Lee Ryan, and a step-daughter, Susan Austin, both of White Sulphur Springs; a sister, Luella McFadden, of Bolar, Virginia, and Inez Wallace, of Warm Springs, Virginia; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife of 18 years, Louise May Baldwin Lockridge; two brothers, Wallace and Marvin Lockridge; and a sister, Thelma Delno. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at McLaughlin Funeral Home by the Rev. Dennis Walker, with burial in Rocky Spring Church Cemetery, Deerfield, Virginia. Memorial contributions may be made to Hot Springs Rescue Squad, P. O. Box N, Hot Springs, Virginia 24445.

Woodrow Wilson Lambert Woodrow Wilson Lambert, age 81, formerly of Green Bank and Marhnton, died June 7, 1997, at Birmingham Green Nursing Home in Manassas, Virginia. He was born February 10, 1916, at Green Bank, son of the late Willie and Maggie Lou Trainer Lambert. Mr. Lambert was a farmer in Green Bank and Marlinton before moving to Manassas in 1985. He studied with the Jehovah Witnesses for more than 20 years. He is survived by one sister, Eloise Hartzell, with whom he lived in Manassas until moving into the Nursing Home in 1995. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Virginia Hamrick and Hazel Gladden, and three brothers, Raymond, Delbert and Willie (June). There will be a graveside service at noon on October 5, at Arbovale Cemetery. / Ruth Kendall Lord Ruth Kendall Lord, 84, of Valley Bend, died Friday, February 5, 1988, in the Jeanette Hospital in Jeanette, Pennsylvania. Services were held Tuesday in Elkins by the Rev. Cyril Johnston, with burial in the Maplewood Cemetery. Mrs. Lord was a former resident of Marlinton, the wife of the late Paul Lord, a former coach and teacher at Marlinton High School. *«,V> ;..-••

Poet Laughlin Dies NORFOLK, Conn. (AP) — James Laughlin, a poet and pioneering publisher who i ntroduced American readers to some of the best-known writers of this century, died Wednesday of complications following a stroke. He was 83. In 1936, he founded New Directions to issue its first anthology, "New Directions in Prose & Poetry," which included works by Henry Miller, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams. For more than 50 years, Laughlin's anthologies showcased writers he considered originals, among them Vladimir Nabokov, William Saroyan, Dylan Thomas, Thomas Merton, James Agee and John Hawkes. Laughlin's company became New Directions Publishing Corp., one of the world's most influential book publishers. Laughlin wrote several books of poetry, including "In Another Country," "Stolen & Contaminated Poems" and "The Bird of Endless Time."

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Mary Hammons Logsdon Mary Hammons Logsdon, age 91, who lived on Williams River, died Saturday, October 25,1997, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Logsdon was born on Cranberry River August 16, 1906, the daughter of the late Paris and Bell Lewis Hammons. A brother, Grover C. Hammons, is deceased. Surviving her are her husband, William A. Logsdon; a son, William H. Frye, of Howard, Ohio; a daughter, Alma F. Bye, of Mt. Vemon, Ohio; and a step-son, Gary Logsdon, of Santa Barbara, California. Graveside services were held at Cochran Cemetery Tuesday morning at 10 a. m., by Oak Wayne.


Rev. John W. Mencer The Rev. John William Menu ofRiverton, died Monday. Nov. 17. 1997, of a sudden illness in Winchester Medical Center at Wiriehesler, Va. The Rev. Mencer was born June 26. 1952. at Jersey Shore. Pa , of the Rev. and Mrs. C.H. M< who survive at Olathe. Kansas. He was married on Dec to Elizabeth Ann Coleman Mei who survives at Riverton. Also surviving are two Charles Mencer and daughter- i i i Pamela Lynn Mencer. Moundand Gregory Thomas. Mencer. Moundsville; two brothers, C. David Mencer. Cincinnati, Ohio, and Thomas 11. Mencer. Oiathe. Kansas; one granddaughter, Katelyu Nici Mencer. Moundsville; and several nieces and The Rev. Mencer w as a 1970 gradif John Marshall High School at Mound He stalled his professional career ing for Peoples Savings Bank in Martins Ferry, Ohio. He thenjworked for the Universal Guaranty Life Insurance Corp. of Columbus. Ohio.and U.S. Life Credit Corporation of Wheeling He was the branch man ager for Security Finance Corporation of Bossier City, He was then employed by Manufacturers Hanover Consumer Serin Alexandria, La., as branch manager. He was later promoted in his finan cial profession by his appointment to While Enterprises as president and manager of local operations in Alexandria. La. He accepted an appointment to Marjer Furniture Company as credit manager in Alexandria. La. Alter IT in the financial professional field, the Rev. Mencer worked for Praise Ministries in Glen Dale and d the ministry of the West Virginia United M The Rev. Mencer was at the time of his death serving as minister to the Riverton Charge of the United Methodist Church of Riverton since I 996. He was a me i Demolay Wheeling Chapter. V, •ing. the Elks Club of Martins ' Ohio, and the Ohio and a member o( the Kiwanis Club of Martins Ferry, Ohio.

Dannie L. Lacy Dannie L. Lacy, age 58, of St. Albans, died November 8,1997, in General Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a long illness. He was a self-employed carpenter and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. He was a Navy veteran and a lifelong resident of St. Albans. Surviving him are his wife, Shirley M. Lacy; a son, Dannie D. Lacy, of St. Albans; four daughters, Dianna Stalnaker, of Ripley, Linda Shultz, Carol Johnson and Shirley Smith, all of St. Albans; mother, Eliza M. Casdorph, of St. Albans; brothers, Norman, Alfred and Delmar, all of St.. Albans; sisters, Valerie Little, Becky Bowen and Connie Sykes, all of St. Albans, Wanda Barker, Pocahontas County, Verna McCallister, of Nitro, Patricia Elswick, of White Sulphur Springs, Mary Lynn Stinspon, of Ohio; step-sisters, Phyllis Connery and Betty Connery, both of St. Albans; and six grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar by the Rev. Bruce Keeling. Burial was in the Lacy Family Cemetery, St. Albans. Donald V. Lilly Donald Vance Lilly, age 74, of Beckley, died Monday, February 16, 1998, after a long illness. He was a graduate of Hinton High School, a Marine Corps veteran of World War II, landed with the 5th Marine Division on Iwo Jima, was a Purple Heart recipient, attended West Virginia Institute of Technology, was a former fireman for C&O Railway and a retired first sergeant from the West Virginia State Police, where he was company commander of the Summersvilie, Williamson and Whitesville detachments and district sergeant of Whitesville and Pineville detachments. He was also retired chief adult probation officer from the 10th Judicial Circuit with 10 years' service, a Presbyterian and a member of Masonic Lodge, BeckHe is survived by two daughters, Bonnie Lou Tilley, of S tanaford, Donna P. Chipps, of Bridgeport; three sisters, Orpha Hazelwood, of Hinton, Marjorie Anderson, of Marlinton, Carol Ann Smith, of Nitro; four brothers, Phillip A. Lilly, of Hinton, Lyell Zane Lilly and Clark J. Lilly, both of Florida, and Lowell K. Lilly, of Washington; and three grandchildren. Services were held Thursday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Prosperity, by Chaplain 1st Sergeant Don Bennett and Sergeant Ronnie Blevins with Masonic rites burial in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.

George D. Lantz George D. "Dill" Lantz, age 80, of Ellamore, died Monday, November 3,« 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins. He was a coal miner and a Methodist Mr. Lantz was born November 2, 1917, at Hall, a son of the late Clark L. and Alma G. Williams Lantz. In 1940, he married Nellie M. Davis Lantz, who survives. Also surviving are six daughters, Regina M. Tenney and Remona G. Zickefoose, both of Buckhannon, Carolyn D. Helmick, Hendricks, Ilene J. Malcomb, Volga, Marlene J. Young and Arthelia Norman, both of Ellamore; five sons, Ronald L. Lantz, Ludlow, Kentucky, Charles L. Lantz and Robert Lantz, both of Ellamore, Bradford Lantz, Eastlake, Ohio, and Eugene Lantz, Ellamore; five sisters, Myrtle Hedrick, Coalton, Annadell Ratliff, Ellamore, Betty Sturms, Buckhannon, Linda Ricottilli, Marlinton, and Clarabelle Poling, Lakeland, Florida; one brother, Mike Lantz, Lakeland, Florida; 23 grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Margie Kelley, four brothers, Clifford, Arthur, Herb and Donald Lantz; and one sister, Wilda Taylor. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Talbott United Methodist Church by the Rev. Owen Lee, the Rev. Donald Butcher, and the Rev. Terry Gower. Burial was in Talbott Cemetery.

George N. Lewis George Nelson Lewis, 72, of Charleston, South Carolina, died on May 14, 1998. He was born in Cass, the son of George E. and Florence Arbogast Lewis. Mr. Lewis was a Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean War and a retired supervisor with F. A. Bailey and Sons. He was a Mason and a member of the Scottish Rite. Survivors include his wife, Florence Barrineau Lewis; three sons, George A. Lewis, Richard N. Lewis, and Barry L. Lewis, all of James Island, South Carolina; a daughter, Robin L. Newbern, of Charleston; a brother, Howard R. Lewis, of Hanahan, South Carolina; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A memorial service was held on May 17.


Violet Luzier Violet Luzier, 86, of Parsons, died Thursday, Nov. 13,1997, at her residence. Mrs. Luzier was born July 7, 1911, at Clover Run, a daughter of the late Elias and Lona Hovatter Phillips. She was united in marriage on Aug. 3, 1929, to Durl Luzier who preceded her in death on Aug. 12, 1981. Surviving are several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by four brothers, Clyde Phillips, Adge Phillips, Clay Phillips and Roy Phillips, and one sister, Madge Arbogast. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Mrs. Luzier was affiliated with the First United Methodist Church.

Millet A. Likens Milla Arrena Likens, 95, of Mt. Storm, died Friday, Nov. 14. 1997, at Grant Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Likens was born April 20. 1902. atBismarck, adaughterof the late Millard and Stella Moreland Cosner. She was married to Frank E. Likens, who preceded her in death on Oct. 18, 1969. Surviving are two daughters, Audrey V Hanlin and Ruth E. Cosner, both of Mt. Storm; one sister, Rachel Rippey, Mt. Storm; seven grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by one son, Virgil F. Likens; one daughter, Beatrice L. Cosner; one sister, Beulah Kitzmiller; two » brothers, Marvin Cosner and an infant brother, Lorenza Cosner. Mrs. Likens was a member of the Locust Grove Church of the Brethren at Bismarck. She had taught Sunday School for several Larry Moore Larry "Joey" Moore, age 50, of St. Albans, died October 10, 1997, at home after a short illness. He was a member of Boiler Maker Local 667, Winfield, and was an Army veteran. Surviving him are a daughter, Leslie Jo Bartley, of St. Albans; two sons, Larry Joe Moore, Jr., of South Charleson, and Brandon Seth Moore, of Pocahontas County; five sisters, Gamett Jeffries, of Cross Lanes, Earlene Waggoner, of Garrettsville, Ohio, Anna Chandler, of Charleston, Macel Rider, of Clinton, Ohio, Sandra Amick, of Summersvilie, and Cindy Elswick, of North Carolina; a brother, Harrison Buddy Rapp, of Amma; and six grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Snodgrass Funeral Home, South Charleston, by the Rev. Starr.

Ruth Dilley Lovejoy Ruth Dilley Schuter Lovejoy, age 82, of Oakland, California, died Friday, August 15, 1997, in Fairmont Hospital, San Leandro, California. She was a cosmetologist. Born in Pocahontas County, May 5, 1915, she was die daughter of the late Butler Charles and Rose Rella Gabbert Dilley. Preceding her in death were a sister, Leona Dilley Hannah, and three brothers, Joseph Butler Dilley, Paul Andrew Dilley, and Merle Wilson Dilley. Surviving her are a son, Alan Lovejoy, of Oakland, and a sister, Jewell McDermott, of White Sulphur Springs. Funeral services were held at May Chapel United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 23, at 1 p. m., by the Rev. Paul Suttle. Burial was in May Chapel Cemetery.

Lacy Lewis Lacy M. Lewis, 67, of Renick, died Saturday, July 2, 1988, at home following a long illness. Born December 27, 1920, at Esty, he was the son of the late George and Lula Baldwin Lewis. Mr. Lewis was a lumberman, a veteran of World War II and a I member of the Band of Hope I Baptist Church. Surviving him are his wife, Gloria; a daughter Deleath Funk, of Richmond, Virginia; five sons, Ronald, of Hampton, Virginia, David H., of Fort Polk, Louisiana, Otis V., of Williamsburg, Aaron D., of Asbury, and Hilton D., of Neola; a sister, Ethelene McCoy, of Renick; six brothers, Hobert Lewis, of Alderson, Sidney Lewis, of Dallastown, Pennsylvania, Orville Lewis, of York, Pennsylvania, Harry Lewis, of Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, Bradford Lewis, of Renick, and Robert Lewis, of Williamsburg; three half-sisters, Lula Bell McCormick, of Roanoke, Virginia, Wanda Blankenship, tit Williamsburg, and Mary Walton, of Hillsboro; his stepmother, Ethel Lewis, of Williamsburg; 14 grandchildren and three step-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in the Ellis Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Leroy Crane, with burial in the church cemetery.


Thomas Lantz Thomas Clinton Lantz, 63, of Route 2, Timberville, Virginia, died Sunday at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Martinsburg, where he had been a patient since April 1. He was a welder and mechanic at Valley Protein at Linville, Virginia. Born November 4, 1924, at Huntersville, he was a son of the late John Harmon and Icie Malcomb Lantz. Mr. Lantz was a member of the Broadway First United Methodist Church. He had served in the Army during World War II and was a member of New Market American Legion Post 166. On April 27, 1950, he married the former Jane Dilley, who survives. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, Wayne Thomas Lantz, of Criders, Virginia; a daughter, Carol Lantz Miller, of Linville; a sister, Marjorie McCarty, of Rt. 2, Marlinton; and three grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Grandle Funeral Home in Broadway by the Rev. William Atwell. Burial was in Eastlawn Memorial Gardens near Harrisonburg. Among those in Broadway, Virginia, on Tuesday for the funeral of Thomas Lantz were Everett Dilley, Mr. and Mrs. William Dilley, Tempest Hill and daughter, Gloria, Margaret Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill, June Galford, Juanita Mace, Creola McCarty, Kyle McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Shad McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Chester McLaughlin, Fayree Malcomb, Mae Corbett, Ethel Rose. Milton S. Lanneum Milton S. Lanneum, 78, of Buckeye, died at home Saturday, November 14, 1987, after a short illness. He was a Baptist and a veteran of World War II. Born at Wellsburg July 23, 19(39, he was the son of John and Hattie Owens Lanneum. Preceding him in deatii were twoj sisters, Eathel Moore and Martha: Fish. *j I Surviving him are his wife, Nina Ruth Sparks Lanneum; children,' Delores Perry, Waco, Texas; son, Randy Clark, oi Lagrange, Ohio; five grand-j children* and five great-grand-j children. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by Saford Hammons, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Gen Akinzo Lambert Clen Alonzo Lambert, 62, of Marlinton, formerly of Arbovale, died Wednesday, December 23, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Lambert was a former Pocahontas County superintendent for the West Virginia Department of Highways. He was a member of the Arbovale United Methodist Church, and was a member of Masonic Riverside Lodge No. 124, Eastern Star, Beverly Chapter #23, and Loyal Order of the Moose. He was a veteran of World War II. Born at Green Bank August 25, 1925, he was the son of Clay H. and Jessie Lawrence Lambert. Surviving him are his wife, Betty Lambert; daughters, Diana L. Barkley, of Arbovale, and Rosemary L. Hipes, of Durbin; brothers, Junior Lambert, of Martinsburg, Cretes Lambert, of Salem, New Hampshire, and Herald Lambert, of Arbovale; sisters, Sadie Lambert Bullock, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Nola Raines, of Cherry Grove; five grandchildren. Memorial services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday, December 26, at the Arbovale United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Vineyard, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

OrieLambert Orie A. Lambert, 78, of Bartow, died Monday, July 18, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Lambert was a member of the Kerr Memorial Church of Boyer. He was a farmer, a retired miner and Department of Highways employee. Born January 22, 1910, at Circleville, he was the son of the late Follen and Deanie Mullenax Lambert. A daughter, Gladys Funkhouser, died in 1967. Surviving him are his wife, Rhoda Puffenbarger Lambert; three daughters, Hilda Brock, Dunmore, Shirley Roach, Arbovale, and Doris Greathouse, Temple Hills, Maryland; two sisters, Rhoda Arbogast, Cleveland, Ohio, and Jessie Varner, Portsmouth, Virginia; fifteen grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale by Rev. Paul Good and Rev. John Swartz, with burial in Boyer Cemetery.

Edith Wiseman LaRue Edith Wiseman LaRue, 83, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, July 22, 1987, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center in Marlinton after a J ^ l n e s s with cancCr?^^— — ~ , VKbsVLaRue was a-member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a retired telephone operator, having worked for over ^twenty years for the Pocahontas Telephone Company. The daughter of Matthew Thompson and Ruth Lilly Wiseman, she was born at Bellepoint December 13, 1903. She moved to Marlinton about ' 1940, after the death of her husband, Kyle LaRue. A daughter, Lois Ann Newsom, also preceded her in death. Surviving her are a sister, Kathryn W. Smith, of Dunmore; three grandchildren, Kathy Bumgardner, Great Lakes, Illinois, Lynn Moegling and James Martin Newsom, both of Petersburg, Virginia; and four greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David A. Bush, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Ida C. LaRue Mrs. Ida Clendenen LaRue, 75, of Ronceverte, died Wednesday, July 27, 1988, at her home following a long illness. Mrs. LaRue was a nurse, retired from Greenbrier Valley Hospital. She was a member of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church at Hillsboro. Born January 26. 1913, at Seebert, she was the daughter of the late George and Ivy Bruffey Clendenen. A daughter, Ellen Ann LaRue, preceded her in death. Surviving her are a daughter, Janice Gum, of Ronceverte; a sister, Esther Wilmoth, of Los Almos, New Mexico; a brother, George Clenedenen, of Hunker, Pennsylvania; and three grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Wallace and Wallace Chapel in Ronceverte. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.


Jbhnie Junior Long Johnie Junior Long, 69, of Mill Pointy died September 2, 1987, in Humana Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Fairlea after a long illness. He was a retired woodsman and attended the Mount Kinnison Church of God at Mill Point i jHe was born August 30, 1918, atlJacox, the son of the late Jqhn Letcher and Nannie Bell Shawver Long. Also preceding him in death were a sister, Bertie, and brothers, Carl and Earl. "Surviving him are his wife, Elsie Irvine Long; a son, Charles Long, of Bluefield, Virginia; three daughters, Shirley Holt, of Reading, Pennsylvania, Linda Bolton, of Plainfield, New Jersey, and Tana Scott, of Richwood; brother, Manus Long, of Fallston, Maryland; sisters, Maude Boyce, of. Havre de Grace, Maryland, Nora Morrison, of Churchville, Maryland, Oda Scott, of Marlinton, Mazie Kellison and Pearl Kennison, both of Hillsboro; Stepsons, Richard Hefner and William Hefner, both of Mill Point, James Hefner, of Clemson, South Carolina; stepdaughters, Susan Kershner, of Hillsboro, Ntncy Gibby, of Bryson City, North Carolina; 17 grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday, September 5, at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Jack Burks and the Rev. Charles Triplett, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, Hillsboro. Mrs. Reta McClure Loan Mrs. Reta K; McClure Loan, 75, of 18 Valencia Street, Huntington, died Friday, January 15, 1988, in St. Mary's Hospital. She was bom May 3, 1912, at Mill Point, a daughter of the late Lyman and Myrtle Adkison McClure. Mrs. Loan attended 26th Street Baptist Church. She was a member of Huntington Chapter No. 8,' Order of Eastern Star, Whitel Shrine, VFW Post 1064 Auxiliary; and American Legion Post 16 Auxiliary. Surviving her are heir husband, Lloyd W. Loan, Sr.; a daughter, Joann Davis, and a son, Lloyd "Jack" Loan, Jr., both1 of Huntington; two sisters, N%ma Adkison, of Hillsboro, and Hazel Tackett, of Fresno, California;.three brothers, Lloyd McClure, of Sacramento, California, and Herbert McClure and Normah McClure, both of Marlinton; and six grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 Monday at Chapman's Mortuary by the Rev,, Basil R. Hudson, with burial in White Chapel Memorial Gardens at Barboursville. .'

Mary Ellen Logsdon Mary Lou Ellen Hammons Logsdon, age 91, of Williams River Road, Rt. 1, Marlinton, died on October 25,1997, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was born August 16, 1906, on Cranberry River to Paris and Belle Lewis Hammons. She spent half her life in West Virginia, the other half in Ohio. She was affiliated with the Church of Christ Surviving her are her husband of 50 years, William A. Logsdon; son, William H. Frye, of Howard, Ohio; daughter, Ataoa F. Dye, of Mount Vernon, Ohio; step-son, Gary Logsdon, of Santa Barbara, California; ten grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Millard Hammons, of Howard, Ohio, and Cleve Hammons, of Belington; a half-brother, Elza Hammons, of Cowen; two half-sisters, Gerty Hammons and Glenna Drennen, of Parkersburg; six half-brothers, Ted Ball, Lincoln Ball, Jesse Ball, George (Dewey) Ball, of Clarksburg, Allen Ball, of Blissfield, Ohio, Asbury (Dee) Ball, of Greer, Ohio; a half-sister, Sadie Fronsman, of Spring Mountain, Ohio; her step-parents, Cora Bennett Hammons, of Parkersburg, and Asbury Ball, of Clarksburg; two sons, Donald P. Frye, of Vienna, Edward Dale Faye, of Panama City, Florida; a grandson, Kenneth B. Dye, of Homer, Ohio; and her first husband, Clarence Frye, of Akron, Ohio. Graveside services were held by the Rev. Oake Wayne at 10 a. m. Tuesday in the Cochran Cemetery. Manus Long Manus Long, 84, of Forest Hill, Maryland, died March 3, 1995, at Harford Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. He was the son of John L. Long and Nannie Bell Shalver Long. He was a retired fanner and carpenter. Predeceased by his wife, Gertie Kellison Long, he is survived by his son, James M. Long, of Forest Hill, Maryland, and two daughters, Dorothy W. Stifler, of Jarrettsville, Maryland, and Vada M. Eller, of Bel Air, Maryland; two sisters, Mazie Kellison of Perryville, Maryland, and Pearl Kennison, of Marlinton; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services were held March 6, at Evans Funeral Chapel, in Forest Hill, with . the Rev. Susan ' Thomas-Azud officiating. Interment was in the Bel Air Memorial Gardens, Bel Air.

Delbert Wesley Loudermilk Delbert W. Loudermilk, Sr.( of Ehzabethton, Tennessee, died Monday, March 21, 1988, in the Johnson City Medical Center following an illness of two weeks. A native of Vago, and formerly of Cass, he was the son of J. Wesley and Emma Jane Hannah Loudermilk. Mr. Loudermilk was a member and had served as a deacon of First Christian Church. He was a retired employee of Americar Bern berg Corporation and a member of Elizabethton Senior Citizen's Center. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Cora Church Loudermilk, June 26, 1987. Survivors include one son, Delbert W. Loudermilk, Jr., of Ehzabethton, one sister, Mrs. Iva Chngman of White Sulphur Springs, and two grandchildren. Services were held on March 22, at the Tetrick Funeral Home with Revs. Don Marshall and Tyler Barlage officiating. Burial in the Happy Valley Memorial Park. Dan Liptrap Daniel Joe Liptrap, 77, of Marlinton, died on Tuesday, September 29, 1987, at his home after a long illness. He was born at Buckeye on June 20, 1910, the son of the late William and Maude V. Liptrap. He was married to Estella Wooddell Liptrap, who survives. Preceding him in death were a brother, Lee, and two sisters, Eva and;May, and his first wife, Nola Terry Liptrap. Surviving him in addition to his wife are two daughters: Jane Taylor and Sarah Fairweather, both of Harrisonburg, Virginia; two stepchildren, Patsy McNabb, of. ' Marlinton, and Andrew Wooddell, of Rising Sun, Maryland; three grandchildren; four step-grandichildren and eight step-great-grandchildren. Services were held at 11:00 a. m. on Friday,. October 2, at jVanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. ,Roy Wenger, vw.ith burial at Mountain View'Cemetery.

Mary Ethel Lewis Mary Ethel Lewis, age 86 of gjenbrier Valley Medical CenUr'at CreSekWRa^einberofTbin«ng ?«SnvUle a P t l S t C h U r c h at Survivors include three daughters, Mary W a l , ™ " ^ Hillsboro, Wanda Blankenship, of * Williamsburg, and Bethleen McCoy, of Renick; five sons, Robert Lewis, at home, Bradford Lewis, of Hillsboro, Harrison Lewis, of Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, Orville Lewis, of York, Pennsylvania, Sydney Lewis, of Dallastown, Pennsylvania; three sisters, Ruby Lewis, Margie Linebox, and Ora Osborner, all of Pennsylvania; four brothers, Sam Crane, Stanford Crane, Walter Crane and Wilford Crane, all of Pennsylvania; 40 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Monday at Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg, by the Rev. Leroy Crane and the Rev. Marshall Cochran. Burial was in Ellis Chapel Cemetery, near Renick. John Jay Long John Jay Long, 60, of Marlinton, died March 2, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired leather roller for International Shoe Company and was a member of Marlinton Church of God. Born August 14, 1927, at Marlinton, he was die son of the late Benjamin F. and Mary Susan Cameron Long. Four brothers, Percy F. "Bus" Long, Ralph Long, Ernest Long, and Edward Long, preceded him in death. Surviving are his wife, Marilee Hamilton Long; son, John David Long, of Marlinton; sisters, Margaret Coberly, of Marlinton, and Virginia Barrett, of San Jose, California. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Marlinton Church of God by the Rev. Gary Jarrell, with burial in Beaver Creek Cemetery near Huntersville.

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Virgil Lindsay Virgil Lindsay, 75, a resident of Beverly, died Wednesday morning, April 6, 1988, at the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. He had been in declining health for the past year. '; ' . He was born December 27, 1912, at Watoga, a son of the late William C. and Stella Daff Lindsay. ' Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Charles Easley, of Greensboro, North Carolina; one niece; and five •nephews. . He was preceded in death by 'two brothers, Earl and Leo, and one sister, Ruby. His funeral was conducted on Friday, April 8th; at John W. Lohr Funeral Home by Rev. Glen R. Phillips. Interment was at End of Trail Cemetery at Clintonville. Samuel Lovelace, Sr. Samuel C. Lovelace, Sr, 92, of Ronceverte, died March 10, 1998, at the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. He was born on January 28, 1906, in Elk County, Pennsylvania, the son of Floyd and Nellie Sidlinger Lovelace. Mr. Lovelace was in the CCC at Camp Seneca and a retired sawyer. He also worked as a security guard at Jiffy Foam and Greenbrier Woman's College and worked for Greenbrier Laundry. He attended the Trinity United Methodist Church and was chaplain of the Odd Fellows lodges in Ronceverte, Winterburn, and Durbin. Survivors include four sons, William F. Lovelace, of Dunmore, Samuel C. Lovelace, Jr., of Dunmore, Robert G. Lovelace, of Lewisburg, and Leon P. Lovelace, of Ronceverte; two sisters, Alice Burdette, of Roanoke, Virginia, and Ida Wamsley, of New York; one brother, Kline F. Lovelace, of Dunmore, seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Juanita Arbogast Lovelace; two infant daughters, Linda Lee Lovelace and Dollie Belle Lovelace; four brothers, Sidney, Stanley, Charlie, and Scott Lovelace; a half-brother, Harry Dodd; and a half-sister, Enda Zicafoose. Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte with the Revs. Mark Flynn and David Fuller officiating. Graveside rites will be at the Dunmore Cemetery at 2:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Dunmore United Methodist Church.

Charles R. Lower Charles R. "Sonny" Lower, 60, of Route 1, Montrose, where he made his home with his daughter and sonin-law, Margaret and Edward Slaubaugh, died at 9:15 a.m. Monday, March 30,1998, at his home. He had been in declining health since Feb. 1. Mr. Lower was born April 25, 1937, at Montrose, a son of the late Fred Ernest and Margaret Ellen Smith Lower. He was previously married to Rosa Lee Moore Streets, who survives in Tucker County. Also surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Mark (Kathy) Langworthy, Elkins, Mrs. Edward (Margaret) Slaubaugh, Montrose, Mrs. James (Linda) Streets, Grovestown, Ga., and Mrs. Clayton (Vida) Isenhart, Montrose; a brother, Fred Lower Jr., BlackmanFlats, Parsons; two sisters, Irene Cissel and Dorothy Waiters, both of New Jersey; four grandsons, a stepgrandson, a stepgranddaughter and two step-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a infant son, William Jack Lower; a brother, Gale Lower; and two sisters, Alice Lower and Elizabeth Lower

Elizabeth Linebaugh Elizabeth "Jane" Linebaugh, 86, of Delaware, Ohio, died May 15,1998, following a long illness. She was born on January 9, 1912, in Marlinton, the daughter of Lawrence Dekalb and Eva Gumm Kennison. Survivors include two sons, Ed Linebaugh, of Florida, and Dave Linebaugh, of Texas; three daughters, Wanda Macio, of Columbus, Ohio, Jane Buhrts, of «~oiumDus, and Peg Hoffman, of Delaware; two brothers, Skip Kennison, of Florida, and Jim Tyree, of Hillsboro; ten grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry B. Linebaugh, in 1971; a daughter, Delores Ann Linebaugh, in 1942; and a son Timouay Mark Linebaugh, in 1990. Graveside services were held on May 18 at 3 p.m. Contributions can be made to the American Heart Association, 100 Georgetown Drive, Delaware, Ohio 43015, or the Sarah Moore Home, 47 East William Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

Mabel Linger Mabel "Peg" Linger, age 76, of Rock Cave, died Saturday, March 21, 1998, at home. She was born March 23, 1921, at Arlington, the daughter of the late John R. Lane and Elizabeth Simms Lane. Mrs. Linger was a homemaker and a member of the Arlington Baptist Church. She is survived by one daughter, Elizabeth Gasko, of Marlintor two sons, John Linger, of Good Hope, and Arthur Linger, of Parkersburg; two sisters, Boots Friend, Buckhannon, and Dortha Lee Carroll, of Glenford, Ohio, a brother, Gayle Lane, of Rock Cave; nine grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Shafer Linger, a sister, two brothers, and one granddaughter, Shelley Helmick. Service was held Tuesday, at Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home, Inc., by Reverends Mike Wamsley and S. E. Lewis, with burial in Buckhannon Memorial Park.

Mary L. Lovick Mary L. Lovick, age 53, of Angier, North Carolina, died March 31, 1998, in Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. She was a member of Grace Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Jimmy Lovick, of Angier; one daughter, Barbara Tyler, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; one son, Buddy Lovick, of Mobile, Alabama; three brothers, Robert Wicker, Donald Wicker and Tony Wicker, all of Southport, North Carolina; two sisters, Edith Underwood, of Erwin, Norm Carolina, and Dorothy Spain, of Fayetteville, North Carolina; mother, Eunice Green, of Angjer; and four grandchildren. Service was held Friday at 2 p.m. at Wade Baptist Church by the Reverend Gary Walton and the Reverend Elex Tyler with burial in Old Bluff Presbyterian Church. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Hospice of Cumberland County, 711 Executive Place, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305.

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Harry B. Lassiter, Sr. Harry Boyd Lassiter, Sr., of Valdosta, Georgia, died June 3, 1998. He was born in McKee, Kentucky, son of David J. and Rema K. Lassiter. Mr. Lassiter lived in Slaty Fork from 1929 to 1940 and was a 1935 graduate of Marlinton High School. Survivors include two sons, John Lassiter, of Landrum, South Carolina, and Stephen Lassiter, of Monore, Georgia; four daughters, Becky Kersey, of Marietta, Georgia, Nancy Walker, of Tallahassee, Florida, Elizabeth Sirman, of Tallahassee, and Mary Leedy, of Valdosta; one sister, Marjorie Werrett, of Maglia, California; and seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two bromers, Francis Lassiter and James Lassiter, one son, Harry Lassiter, Jr., and one grandchild, Mary Beth Walker. Memorial services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Valdosta.

Hazel M. Long Hazel Maxine Michael Long, age 7.1, of Alderson, formerly of Marlinton, died Friday, September 25, 1998, from injuries received in an one-car accident near Alderson. She was a retired general assembler, having retiredfromABB Process Analytics at Lewisburg, wtih 26 years' service. She was a graduate of Marlinton High School, was a member of Alderson Presbyterian Church, Alderson Woman's Club, and Senior Friends at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea. The daughter of the late Emest Omar Michael and Nellie Meadows Michael Shrader, she was born in Marlinton May 20, 1927. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Long; her parents; three brothers, Ralph, Clarence, and Billy Michael. Surviving her are a daughter, Yvonne Susan Browning, of Alderson; a brother, James Michael, of Marlinton; a sister, Ruby Moses, of Ronceverte, formerly of Marlinton; and one granddaughter. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Lobban Funeral Home at Alderson, by Pastor Robert Michael and Earl Michael. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton.

Patricia L. Legg Patricia L. Legg, 66, of Charleston, passed away April 29, 1998, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a long illness. A daughter of die late Newman and Edidi Legg, she spent her formative years in Lewisburg before moving to Charleston many years ago. She was a member of Bible Center Church and Golden Ages Club. She was employed by Retail Credit Bureau for approximately twenty years. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brodier, Ralph. She is survived by two sisters, Laura Doig, of Charleston, and Arreta Sheets , of Marlinton. Memorial services were held at Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Funeral Home in Charleston, with the Reverend Peter Faulkner officiatjfl* Buna! was beside her mower " and father in Lewisburg. Edward A. Lane Edward A. Lane, age 47, of Bensen, North Carolina, died May 24, 1998, at Johnson Memorial Hospital, Smithfield, North Carolina, after injuries received in an auto accident Mr. Lane was bom August 1, 1950, in Marlinton, the son of Edward N. and Opal Cochran Lane. He was a carpenter. He was engaged to marry Jeanie Williamson. Survivors include his fiancee, his mower, Opal Small, of Stephenson, Virginia; his stepfather, Ronald Small, of Stephenson; and a sister, Brenda Lane Edens, of Jacksonburg. A graveside service was held on May 28 in Rosedale Memorial Gardens, Winchester, Virginia, widi die Rev. Dr. Ken Smidi. Memorials may be made to Rosedale Baptist Church, 2581 Northwestern Pike, Winchester, Virginia 22603.


Obie A. Lewis Obie A. Lewis, age 76, of Renick, died June 27, 1998, at home. He is survived by six daughters, Jeannette Lewis, of New Hampshire, Lillie Becker, Jacqueline Lewis, Mollie Klaineginst and Diane Lewis, all of Maryland, and Coretta Vincent, of North Carolina; two sons, Charles and Obie Lewis, Jr., of Maryland; five sisters, Lucy Knaub, of Florida, Grace Knaub, Thelma Crabb and Shirley King, of York, Pennsylvania, and Wilma Stidom, of Williamsburg; two brothers, Hubert C. Lewis, of Green Bank, and Calvin C. Lewis, of Renick; 19 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Morgan Funeral Home in Lewisburg, by Rev. Leroy Crane. Burial at Ellis Chapel Cemetery near Renick.

Lakie Hill Livesay Lakie Pearl Hill Livesay, age 97, of White Sulphur Springs, died Friday, August 21, 1998, at the home of a granddaughter, Lysanne Taylor, of Gap Mills. She was bom April 20, 1901, at Lobelia, a daughter of the late William Bryson and Margaret Taylor Hill. She was a direct descendant of Pioneer Richard Hill. Mrs. Livesay was a graduate of Hillsboro High School and of Farmville Normal School. She was a member of die Emmanuel United Mediodist Church in White Sulphur Springs, a life member of the Women's Society for Christian Service and had received a 50-year Outstanding Service pin from die United Mediodist Women. She was a Past Matron of die Order of Eastern Star and worked for many years as an elecdon poll worker. Preceding her in deadi were her husband, Loche A. Livesay, in 1955, and several brodiers and sisters. Survivors include two sons, James A. Livesay, of Richmond, Virginia, and Dale H. Livesay, of Williamsburg, Virginia; a daughter, Betty Lightner, of Lewisburg; a brother, William R. Hill, of Staunton, Virginia; a sister, Mis. Marjorie Thibodeaux, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia; eleven grandchildren, fifteen greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held Monday at Shanklin Funeral Home Chapel in White Sulphur Springs by die Rev. Ray Conrad. Interment was in Hillcrest Cemetery, White Sulphur Springs.

Glenna P. Lane Glenna P. Lane, age 71, of Seebert, died Wednesday, August 26, 1998, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lane was a Mediodist. Bom at Seebert June 11, 1927, she was die daughter of die late Luke and Docia Pyles Cook. Surviving her are three daughters, Dorowy P. Lane, of Seebert, Dottie Curry, of Durbin, and Pauline Hickman, of Lincom, Virginia; diree sons, Ralph Eugene Lane, of Covington, Virginia, Melvin C. Lane, of Renick, and David James Lane, of Marlinton; one sister, Lola Oscar, of Marlinton; diree brodiers, Arnold Cook, of Marlinton, Raymond Cook, of Cabin Creek, and Burl in Cook, of Princeton; seven grandchildren and seven greatgrandcnildren. She was preceded in deadi by a son, Burley Lane, diree brodiers, Jesse Cook, Earl Cook, and Thurman Cook. Funeral services were held Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Roy Gwinn. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Memorial donatioris may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Howard Rupert Lewis Howard Rupert Lewis, age 78, of North Charleston, South Carolina, died November 2, 1998, at a Charleston hospital. • Mr. Lewis was a Presbyterian and a millwright worker for Westvaco. He was a member of Masonic Lodge #375, Carolina AFM, and a Pearl Harbor survivor. He was bom at Cass September 23, 1920, die son of George E. and Florence Arbogast Lewis. Surviving him are his wife, Betty Bussell Lewis; a daughter, Sharon L. Luther, of York, South Carolina; diree sons, Howard R. Lewis, of Travelers Rest, Souui Carolina, Mark H. Lewis, of Summerville, Souw Carolina, and Gary M. Lewis, of North Charleston; two sisters, Nellie Megginson and Rudi Winn, bodi of Hanahan, South Carolina; six grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Funeral services were held Thursday at graveside in Carolina Memorial Gardens.

Michael L. Lowry Michael Lee Lowry, age 35, of Monterey, Virginia, died September 30,1998, after a logging accident. Born May 2, 1963, he was the son of Marie Galford Lowry and the late William Ashby Lowry. He was a member of the Green Hill Church, Mill Gap. He was preceded in death by his father. Including his mother he is survived by one sister, Connie Gable, of Louisville, Colorado; one brother, Alan Lowry, of Mill Gap; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held October 3, at Obaugh Funeral Home. Burial was in Green Hill Cemetery. He was the nephew of Beatrice Matheny and Ben Galford, of Dunmore, and the late Tom Galford.

Leona H. Lane Leona Hester Lane, 82, of Buckhannon, died at 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 1,1999. in Almost Home Rest Home. Mrs. Lane was born Feb. 1, 1916, at Nettie, a daughter of the late William Edward and Victoria Atwood Harlow. On Aug. 31„ 1931, she married Everett J. Lane, who preceded her in death on Aug. 24, 1991. \ ivingare a daughter^Louise J. Could, Richmond, Va.; three sons, Leon Lane Sr., Sanford. Fla., Joseph J. Lane and Stanley Jarn*«Lane, both oiBuckhannon; 12gra^Schildren,21 great-grandchildren :ant a greatgreat-grandcruld. She was preceded in death by a son, William Robert Lane; and a brother, Boyd Harlow. Mrs. Lane was a homemaker. She attended the Adrian United Methodist Church. Friends were received at Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home. Funeral services were in the funeral home chapel today at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Jerry Heater and the Rev. Robert Heavner officiating. Interment followed in Mt. Olive Cemetery at Hinkleville.

Gladys E. Louderniilk Gladys E. Loudermilk, age 87, of Randellstown, Maryland, formerly "of Dunmore, died octooer 22, 1998, at home. Gladys was bom August 17, 1911, to the late Harry M. and Lola L. Scruggs Taylor. She is survived by her husband, Guy W. Loudermilk, three children, John Edward Loudermilk, Guy Wilson Loudermilk, of Florida, and Mary Jo Clem, of Tennessee; a sister Kathleen Wilfong formerly of Bartow; and 11 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by broUiers, Fred, Sam and George M. Taylor, sister, Mildred M. McLaughlin, and son, Tommy. Services were held at Loring Byers Funeral Home with burial in the Lake View Memorial Park, in Maryland. Oakland Lambert Oakland Lambert, age 73, of Frank, died Friday, December 4, 1998, at home after a brief illness. Mr. Lambert was a member of Durbin Calvary Gospel Church and was a lumberman. He was born June 27, 1925, at Cherry Grove, the son of me late Glendi and Nellie Thompson Lambert. Preceding him in death were a son, Dewayne J. Lambert, and three grandchildren. Survivors include his wife, Virginia Delsie Vandevander Lambert; five daughters, Lucille Mallow, Sandie Greathouse, and Pamela Ober, all of Bartow, Patricia Dehaven, of Frank, and Wanda Greathouse, of Durbin; five sons, William O. Lambert, of Boyer, Dale A. Lambert, of Bartow, Roger L. Lambert, of Dailey, Ronnie T. Lambert, of Durbin, and Danny D. Lambert, of Frank; a sister, Grethel Vandevander, of Elkins; two brothers, Richard Lambert, of Pennsylvania, and Ashford Lambert, of Akron, Ohio; twenty-four grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternon at Durbin Calvary Gospel Church by me Rev. Harold Swecker, wim burial in Lambert -Cemetery on Elk Mountain.


Raymond L. Lambert Raymond L. Lambert, 67, of Ocala, Florida, died October 24, 1998, at his home. He was born on February 17, 1f '39, at Frank and was the son of Uxter and Mary Elizabeth White Lambert. Mr. Lambert was a U. S. Army veteran and a retired wire weaver with me C. E. Tyler Company, of Mentor, Ohio. Survivors include a daughter, Debra Long, of Ocala; a son, Bill Lambert, of Concord, Ohio; three sisters, Shirley Nelson, Jeannie Lynch, and Dreama Lambert; three brothers, Harold Lambert, Donald Lambert, and Lonnie Lambert; and four grandchildren. He was precded in death by four sisters, Silva Simmons, Madge Harris, Elsie Lambert, and Connie Taylor; and a brother, Jack Lambert. Graveside rites will be held on Saturday, November 14, at 1 p.m. at me Arbovale Cemetery. Owen H. Lewis Owen H. Lewis, age 87, of Hillsboro, died November 26, 1998, at his home following a long illness. Born February 12, 1911, in Indian Head, Kentucky, he was the son of me late Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Lewis. Mr. Lewis was a retired coal miner. He also was an assembly worker for General Motors and served in World War II in me U.S. Navy. He was a member of the UMWA, UAW, VFW Post #4595 and was me last surviving member of his immediate family. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Cozy Dove Lewis, and two sons, Arnold and Bobby Lewis. He is survived by his wife, Pauline Bowden Lewis, of Hills* boro; two sons, Shelby Lewis, of New Mexico, and Orville Lewis, of New York; a daughter, Shelda Walker, of New York; nine stepchildren; 13 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday at Williams-Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Sophia, by Rev. Okey Cox. Burial was in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley.

Blanche McCalpin Lytton Blanche McCalpin Lytton, age 90, of Stony Bottom, died Sunday, December 6, 1998, at AUeghany Regional Hospital at Low Moor, Virginia, after a short illness. Mrs. Lytton was a member and Elder of the Alexander Memorial Presbyte ian Church. She was bora February 26, 1908, at Stony Bottom, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McCalpin. Preceding her in death were her husband, Amos Lytton, in 1981; four sisters, Myrtle McLaughlin, Maude Barkley, Bessie Tallman, and Mary McLaughlin; and a brother, Jesse McCalpin. Surviving her are a stepdaughter, Dorothy Wiggers, of Corey, Pennsylvania, a niece who helped care for her, Gladys Tallman, and two nephews. Services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom by the Rev. Kevin McLaughlin and the Rev. David Bush. Burial will be in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.

Marilyn L. Lambert Marilyn L. Lambert, 63, of Painesville, Ohio, died February 6, 1999, at the Cleveland Clinic. She was born on December 28, 1935, in Bartow, daughter of Chessa Gum, of Leroy, Ohio, and the late Dale Gum. Mrs. Lambert was a school bus driver for the Painesville Township School System and was formerly employed in the Twisting Department of I.R.C. Fibers Corporation in Painesville. In addition to her mother, survivors include a son, Lannes Lambert, of Painesville; a daughter, Beth Woodall, of Wilmington, Delaware; two brothers, Robert Gum, of Tenino, Washington, and Donald Gum, of Phoenix, Arizona; a sister, Becky McKnight, of Leroy; and three grandchildren. Services were held on February 10 at the Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home in Painesville with burial in the Riverside Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Leukemia Society of America, Northern Ohio Chapter, 20525 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116.


Denzil O. Lee Denzil Odell Lee, 71, of 224 Pocahontas St., Buckhaftnon, died at 11:45 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 9, 1999, in United Hospital Center. Mr. Lee was born Dec. 11, 1927, at Gaines, a son of the late Ellis Brannon and Helen Lowther Lee. In 1950, he married Hilda Smith ' Lee who survives. Also surviving are a daughter, Shela Simmons, Buckhannon; a son, Denzil Brannon Lee, Buckhannon; two sisters, Dortha Lee, French Creek, and Helen Moore, Monroe, N.C.; two brothers, John and Arden Lee, both of Gaines; five grandsons, D.J. Simmons, Justin Simmons, Khori Simmons, Bruce Lee and David Kincaid, all of Buckhannon; two granddaughters, Talia Simmons and Dawn Kincaid, both of Buckhannon; and a great-grandson, Christopher James Day, Buckhannon. He was preceded in death by a brother, Arthur Duane Lee. Mr. Lee was a coal miner. He was a life member of Buckhannon Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3663 and French Creek Chapter 36 Disabled American Veterans and a member of Frank B. Bartlett Post 7 American Legion.

Harold Lewis Harold Lewis, 64, of Droop, died May 14, 1999, at his home following a short illness. Born July 19, 1934, at Renick, he was the son of the late Wade and Sara Blankenship Lewis. Mr. Lewis was a retired factory worker with Leggett & Piatt Company of North Carolina. Survivors include his wife, Velma Rudd Lewis; daughter, Debra Lynn Pritt, of Linwood, North Carolina; sons Daniel Lewis, of Linwood, and Donnie Lewis, of Renick; step-sons Charles Smith, of Marlinton, Jimmy Smith, of Buckeye, and Carl Smith, of Huntersville; step-daughters, Louise Queen, of Linwood, and Peggy Hill , of Droop; 8 grandchildren; 4 greatchildren; sisters, Hilda Fitzwater, of Grassy Meadows, Hazel Shafer, of Lindside, and Mazie Miller, of York, Pennsylvania; brother, Shelvy Lewis, of Lewisburg; and half-sisters, Mary Lester and Clara Simmons, both of Renick. Services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Morgan Funeral Home in Lewisburg, with Rev. Carl Holland officiating. Burial followed in the Sharp Cemetery on Stamping Creek.

Kline F. Lovelace, Sr. Kline F. "Dump" Lovelace, Sr., age 82, of Dunmore, died Monday, April 26, 1999, after collapsing while turkey hunting near his home. Mr. Lovelace was a retired civil engineer, having worked many years for the City of Washington, D. C. He was a member of the Dunmore United Methodist Church, also a member of the Masonic Lodge in Marlinton, Scottish RiteAlexandria, Virginia, and National Association of the Civilian Conservation Corps. The son of the late Floyd D. and Dolly Sidelinger Lovelace, he was born at Clover Lick August 24, 1916. Preceding him in death were his parents, six brothers, Stanley Lovelace, Sidney Lovelace, Scott Lovelace, Samuel Lovelace, Charlie Lovelace, and Harry Dodd, and a sister, Edna Zickafoose. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Campbell Lovelace; three daughters, Marlene Hargis, of Boise, Idaho, Maxine Belt, of Denver, Colorado, and Pam Hamilton, of Bridgewater, Virginia; two sons, Kline F. Lovelace, Jr., of Elkton, Virginia, and Michael D. Lovelace, of Dayton, Virginia; two sisters, Ida Wamsley, of New York, and Alice Burdette, of Roanoke, Virginia; thirteen grandchildren and ten great-graiKlchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. at the Dunmore United Methodist Church by the Rev. David Fuller. Burial with Masonic rites will be in the Dunmore Cemetery. Visitation will be at VanReenen Funeral Home Thursday from 6 to 9 p. m. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be made to the Dunmore United Methodist Church.

Ronsom Likens Ronsom Likens, age 64, of Columbus, Ohio, formerly of Dingess, died March 6, 1999, in Ohio State University Hospital. He was an employee of the Ohio Department of Highways. Surviving him are two sisters, Betty Parker, of London, Tennessee, and Eloise Wilson, of Dingess; and three brouiers, Charlie and Jesse Likens, both of Dingess, and Robert Likens, of Hillsboro. Services were held at Mount Hope Freewill Baptist Church, Dingess, by the Rev. Johnny .'Taylor. Burial was in Meade Cemetery at Dingess.

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Viola Galfora u u u Creola Lindsay Viola Galford Lantz, age 75, of Creola W. Lindsay, age 57, of Green Bank, died March 31, 1999, Nampa, Idaho, formerly of in Wheeling. Lewisburg/Rainelle area, died Friday, She was a former Worthy January 15, 1999, at a Nampa Matron of the Order of the Eastern hospital. Star, Cass Chapter #124, and a She was born April 2, 1941, in member of the Women of the Mill Creek, to Enoch and Wilma Church at Liberty Presbtyerian Salisbury Currence. Church. She married James Lindsay on May 30, 1986; he died in 1986 and Mrs. Lantz was born January she went to Nampa to live. 31, 1924, at Green Bank, the Mrs. Lindsay was a member of daughter of the late Glenn Galford the Baptist church. and Ruth Hudson Galford Surviving her are two daughters, McLaughlin. Emmojene Keyser, of Nampa, and She was preceded in death by Mona Lisa Lindsay, of Ronceverte; her husband, Earl J. Lantz, in four sons, Johnny Lindsay and 1992, and six brothers, Kent, Robert Lindsay, both of Columbus, Wallace, Ray, Jim, John, and Bill Ohio, Troy Lindsay, of Belle, and Galford, and two sisters, Gayle Jimmy Lindsay, of Elkins; six Doss and Helen Nottingham grandchildren; three sisters, Betty, Galford. Peggy, and Debbie; and three Surviving her are two sons, brothers, Billy, Buddy, and Michael. Ray A. Byrd, of Wheeling, and Preceding her in death were her Tony Byrd, of Accokeek, husband, parents, and three brothers. Maryland; a daughter, Dr. Sarita L. Funeral services were held Bennett, of Clarksburg; two Tuesday, January 19, at Bible brothers, Marvin Galford, of Baptist Church, Nampa, by Pastor Jerry Ackers. Burial followed at Charleston, and Harper Galford, of Kohlerlawn Cemetery, Nampa. Green Bank; two sisters, Betty Kennison, of Niceville, Florida, and Roxie Morrison, of Marlinton; eight grandchildren and two Roy Livesay great-grandchildren. LeRoy "Roy" Alexander Livesay, age 82, of Funeral services were held at Franklin,Virginia, died March 19, Liberty Presbyterian Church in 1999, in •Southampton Memorial Green Bank on Friday by the Rev. Hospital. Julian R. Rittenhouse. Interment Born March 17, 1917, in was at the Arbovale Cemetery. Marlinton, he was a son of the late Memorial contributions may be Clarence K. and Lena Mae made to the Pine Grove-Arbovale Hardbarger Livesay. Men's Brotherhood. A retired machine tender with Leafie B. Lambert Leafie B. Lambert, age 91, of Union Camp Corporation, he was a Belington, died Monday, August battalion sergeant major in the 30, 1999, at Davis Memorial National Guard, an honorary life Hospital in Elkins after a long member of the Sedley Ruritan Club, being named three times as illness. Ruritan of the Year. He had Mrs. Lambert was a received his 15th year AA chip. He Presbyterian. was a member of Grace Memorial She was born July 17, 1908, United Methodist Church in Sedley, the daughter of the late Peter and where he was a former superintendent of the Sunday Annice Bennett. Preceding her in death were her School and a former trustee. Survivors include his wife of 63 husband, Chester Lambert, in 1957, years, Mildred McGuffin Livesay; and two sons, Gail and Harlan. Survivors include six daughters, four daughters, Sheila L. Jackson, Virginia Lantz, of Temple Hill, of Greenville, South Carolina, Maryland, Sylvia Mullenax, of Tobey L. Edwards, of Sedley, Bartow, Catherine Fenstermaker, of Virginia, Mary L. Hunter, of Mill Creek, Rhonda Vandevander, Savannah, Georgia, and Rebecca L. of Arbovale, Barbara Riggleman, of Simmons, of Richmond, Virginia; Fairborn, Ohio, and Helen Taylor, a son, Michael Livesay, of Virginia of Mill Creek; two sons, Glen Beach, Virginia; two sisters, Nettie Lambert, of Beverly, and Harold Fox, of Crofton, Maryland, and Lambert, of Bartow; a grandson, Ernestine Hodges, of Covington, John, whom she raised; thirty-one Virginia; eleven grandchildren, grandchildren, numerous great- seven great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were grandchildren, and one great-greattwo sisters, Ethel McCrory and grandchild. Funeral services will be held at Evelyn Stuart, and a brother, Harry 2 p. m. Thursday at Wallace and Livesay. Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. William Vandevander, with burial in the Lambert Cemetery.

OBITUARY Mrs Annie Dllley Little, aged 15 years," died of a heart ailment on March 3. at the home of her son. Charles^Vustln Little, at Dunmore West Virginia, Mrs Little was the daughter of the late Martin Clark and Margaret Jane Dllley. She was born November 22, 1864. She wis united in marriage October 15, • 1885 to Frank Little She leaves to mourn tier loss, one SOD, Charles Austin Little, his wife four granddaughters •our sisters and I wo brothers. Also a host of^bther relatives and- friends yirs ,Lltil.e ,was- affiliated- with th» Baptist church since her youth. Ser vlcts W6re cO"ou<'ted at the home ot her son.-Tuesday, March 5 Burlai 'WHS In the -family cemetery .at Dun more./.. - . , . v 'Tls hard to break the tender chora, »vhen love has bound the'heart;. 'Tls hard, so bard, to speak the words "Must we forever part?" Dearest loved ones, we have laid thee In thy peaceful grave's embiace. But thy memory will be cherished Till ,we see tro; loving face,- "We miss thee .from our home, dea, ones, - •• •• We miss the from thy place; .. "A shadow. o!er our life Is cast, We miss.the sunshine of thy face: We miss thy kind and willing haDds Thy fond aDd,loving care; Our home Is dark without thee . .A'e miss the every where, „ One by one earth's ties are broken As We see;d*ca,y, , . uid-the hopes so fondly chrlshed Brighten out to pass away.. , One byonerour hopes, grow brighter As we near.the shining shore,- i . For we know«8cross the river - • Walt the loved onesjjone before. Jesus, while.our hearts are bleeding O'er ithe spoils that death has won, >Ve solemn.parting : • Calmly.say,, " done " , Tho* cast down, we're not forsaken, Tho'Bffllcted, not alone; Thou didst give and Thou hast taken, Blessed Lord—Thy. will-be done, gj * A l b e r t L. Lane

Albert L. Lane, age 86, ol Buckeye, died Saturday, July 17, 1999, at Brier Nursing Home, Lewisburg. A native of Upshur County, Mr. Lane was a retired carpenter. Survivors include a son, Leo Lane, and a brother, Clayton Lane, of Belleview, Florida. A sister, Vada Weatherly, and two brothers, Russell and Ed Lane, preceded him in death. The body was cremated. Burial will be in Smith Cemetery on Stephen Hole Run Road.


Grey Landis Grey Landis, age 78, of Covington, Virginia, died Sunday, May 2,1999, at Shenandoah Manor Nursing Home in Clifton Forge, Virginia. He was bora May 20, 1920, in Marlinton, a son of the late Samuel P. and Stella Weiford Landis. Mr. Landis was a routeman for the Rainbow Bread Company in the Alleghany Highlands for 18 years. He retired as an agent with Southwestern Life Insurance Company. He was a member of Faith Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Elsie Elmore Landis, in 1982, and his second wife, Delores Odell Landis, in 1987, and also by six brothers and two sisters. Surviving him are three daughters, Wanda Jamison and Frances Turner, both of Covington, and Joyce Carter, of Roanoke, Virginia; four granddaughters; five great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Gibson, of Covington, and Mrs. Madge Holloway, of El Paso, Texas. Funeral services were held Wednesday in the Arnitt Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Billy Price, assisted by the Rev. John Bumham. Interment was at Cedar Hill Cemetery.


Ait. Flossie Hill Mace Y rs. Flossie Hill Mace, 84, Weston, passed away Monjay, October 18,1976, in the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, Weston, following a lingering illness. She w,as born in Pocahontas County, July 27, 1892, a daughter of the late William Bryson and Alice Snedegar Hill. On February 7, 1912, she was married to Roy H. Mace, who survives. She is also survived by five daughters, Mrs. Clifton (Eula) Brown, Buckhannon; Mrs. Wilbur (Madalene) Summerfield, Walton: Mrs. Franz (Virginia) Taylor, Keyser; Mrs Dewey (Lakie) McPherson, Chester; and Mrs. Kenneth (Marjorie) Sayre, Glenville; one son, Andrew Harold Mace, Weston; one halfbrother, William Hill, Covington,. Virginia; two half-sisters, Mrs. Marjorie Thibodeaus, Greenville, Virginia; and Mrs. Lakie Pearl Livesay, White Sulphur Springs, twelve grandchildren and fifteen greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son, Harry B. Mace; three sisters, Mrs. Leona Clark, Mrs. Lessie Cutlip, Miss Iberia Hill; one brother, Summers R. Hill; four half sisters, Miss Mary Hill, Mrs. Bernice Brown, Mrs. Blanche Gyer, Mrs. Cleo Hackett; and one half-brother, Remus Hill. She was also preceded by two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday, October 21, Tat the Floyd Funeral, W eston, with the Rev. William Gum and the Rev. Hersheil Cottrell officiating. Burial was in the Weston Masonic Cemetery. Mrs. Mace was a member of the Horner United Methodist Cnurch and a member of the Horner Home Demonstration

Harry B. Mao* [/ Harry B. Mace, 62, of Gaston, died March 2, 1976, as tbe result of injuries received in a highway accident. < He was born at Hackers Vaisy, June 20, 1913, a son of toy H. and Flossie Hill Mace, rbo survive at route three, vVeiton. He married the former Eleanor Lease, who survives. In addition to bis parents and widow, he is survived by one daughter, Sue Ellen Lease Mace, at home; one son, Joseph L. Mace, Morgantown; one brother, Andrew Harold Mace, Weston; five sisters, Mrs. Clifton (Eula) Brown, Buckhannon, Mrs. Franz (Virginia) Taylor, Keyser, Mrs. Wilbur (Mad aline) Summerfield, Ripley, Mrs. Kenneth (Marjorie) Sayre, Glenville and Mrs. Dewey (Lakie) McPherson, Newel). One daughter, Dawn Kathleen Mace, preceded him in death. Mr. Mace was a veteran of World War II, having served in the European Theatre of Operation at Normandy, North era France, Rhineland and Central Europe. He was a Methodist. Funeral services were held Thursday March 4, from Floyd Funeral Home by the Rev. Herscbal Cottrell. Burial was in the Weston Masonic Cemetery with the American Legion Post No. 4. Weston, having graveside services. Harry is the grandson of the late William Brisen and Alice Snedgar Hill.

VERNIE LCU MALCOMB Mrs. Lothe Lou (Vernii Talcomb, 73, widow of the late Jt*>ae B. Malcomb, die! at her home in Marlinton on Saturday, September 21, 1957. Funeral services were held from the residence at 10:00 a. .. Monday by the Rev. A. U. .'' . • side. Interment was Lee Malcomb in Mountain View Cemetery. Lee MalcomW, aged 66 years, Bom May 11,• 1884, the dea Dative of Pccabontas County, ceased was tlie daughter of Wildied on Januari28, 1952, at Win- liam and Maudie Rexrode. She ston Salem, N. C. Ou Thursday is survived by two children; a morning his remains will be son, Harry Malcomb and a daughburied in the family plot in Mt. ter, Mrs. Margie Gragg of Durbin; f o u r sisters, Mrs. Mary View cemetery. Terry and Mrs. Gertrude ClayThe deceased was a son of the ton of Marlinton and Mrs. Lillie late John and Fannie Carter Mai Ryder and Mrs. Beulah Kerns of comb. His half sister is Mrs. Ronceverte; and two brothers, Grant Smith. \ Joe R e x r o d e of Bartow and . Charles Rexrode of Marlinton.




Virgil Mace

Virgil Mace, 50, of Martinsburg-, formerly of Pocahontas County, was killed Friday, October 22, 1971, after stepping into the path of an auto on Interstate 95 near Randallstown, Maryland. Born in Pocahontas County in 1921, he was a son of the late Truman and Hattie Mace. He was a World War II veteran. (}**-* Survivors include one son, Robert Mace, Dreama Mace] and a foster daughter, Mary', all of Baltimore, Maryland; four brothers, Albert and Leo Mace, both of Marlinton, Delbert Mace, of Pennsylvania, and James Mace, of Baltimore, Maryland, and three sisters, Mrs. Hazel Myers, of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Rella Shearer, of Frost, and Mrs. Bertha Kramer, of Slatyfork. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Mary's Chapel near Marlinton by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Gibson Cemetery. Mrs Olevia Malcmb

Mrs. Olevia Malcomb, aged 91, of Huntersville, died on Tuesday, January 15, 1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a short illness. She was the widow of Thomas C. Malcomb. Olevia Ella Moore was born at Edray, October 2, 1871, a daughter of the late Jacob S. and Ann Maria Gay Moore. On September 25, 1889, she was united in marriage to Thomas C. Malcomb, who prece !ed her in death December 18,1936. She was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Survivors include one daugh ter, Mrs. Icie Pearl Cleek, of Huntersville; three sons, Jacob Malcomb, of Huntersville, Leland Malcomb, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Claude Malcomb, of Marlinton; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Duns'more, of Sweet Springs, Mrs. Maggie Moore, of San Antonio, Texas; two half sisters, Mrs Grace Frank, of Miami, Florida, and Mrs. Ruby Rinehart, of Covington, Virginia; sixteen grandchildren, twenty- one great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. P'uneral services were held Friday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with the Rev. W. E. Pierce and the Rev. Robert Ray in charge. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Adam Marshall

Mrs. Adam Marshall Mrs. Myrtle V. SalcomL^ Adam Marshall, 78, died at Mrs. Helen Virginia Hunter home in Sweet Chalybeate Myrtle V. Malcom was born Marshall was born July 2, in 1904, the daughter of the late 1906, in Marlinton, and died Springs, Virginia, on Sunday. March 3. 1974. He had had a John and Edna Doyle. She be early Thursday, January 25, lung came the wife of Orval J. Mai 1973, in Waterman Memorial ago. operation a few months com, who died earlier thi-s year. Hospital, Eustis Florida, aftHe was a native of Mingo, Mrs. Malcom, the devoted mottv er a four weeks' illness. born February 13, 1896, the er of Orval Jr., Jimmy A , and She was a daughter of the son of Piatt and Mary Ellen Shirley V. Malcom and the dear ly beloved grandmother of Char- late Frank R. and Anna V. Beaty Marshall. les and Ricky Malcom, left this Price Hunter and was a memHe was a graduate of G. M. life to answer the cai! of htr Mas- ber of the Marlinton Presby- S.. attended V. P. L, and grad terian Church. A graduate of uated in 1922 in civil engineer(ter, on Sunday, September 25th, Randolph College, she ing from West Virginia Uni1*60. She will also be sadly miss- j taught inMacon Marlinton High versity. He retired in 1963 ed by her brothers, John and Paul 1 School and St. Catherine's Doyle, of Wheeling; Pinkney and service with the U. S. in Richmond, Virginia. after Rodney Doyle, of Stonfy Bottom; ji School Corps of Engineers in Alaska. She was a life member of Sig!and her three sisters/Mrs. Mary ma Kappa. He was preceded in death by McGlone, of Wheeling; Mrs. Ruth his first wife, the former Surviving her are her husLeadbetter, of Meadeville, PennKathryn Wilt, of Elkins his sylvania, and-Mrs/ Maude Dilley, band, Adam Marshall; three second wife. Helen Hunter sons, John Mason Lawson, of Lawson, of Marlinton, and a of Mansfield, Ohio Funeral services were conduct- Roanoke, Virginia, Richard brother, Sam Marshall. ed this after/noon (Wednesday) Bilton Lawson, of Tempe, AriSurviving him are three dauin the Marfinton /Presbyterian zona, and Frank Hunter Law- ghters, Mrs. William (Connie) son, of Sunnyvale, California; Church at 2:00 pirn., by heDonaldson, of Tom's R.ver, pastor, the Rev. W. E. Pierce. a sister, Mrs. Henry (Frances) New Jersey. Mrs. George Castilow, of New Martinsville, Interment was rnaae in the fami(Louise) Lawrence, of Las ly plot in the Cemetery at Stony and four grandchildren. Vegas, «Nevada, and Mrs. Bottom. / Funeral services were held Ralph (Nancy) Nelson, of Friday afternoon in the Reh- Anchorage, Alaska; three stepBaum Harden Funeral Home sons, John Frank and Bill Chapel in Mount Dora, Flor- Lawson; eight grandchildren Jake V. Malcomb ida, by the Rev. Kenneth and two great-grandchildren; Jake Vernon Malcomb, 90, Book. Burial was in the Pine three brothers, Dr. Hubert of Silver Spring, Maryland, Forest Cemetery. Marshall, of Morgintown, Dr. died October 13, 1982, at Jennings Marshall, of Louisborne following a short illness. ville, Kentucky, and Frank He was born at Edray on M. C. Marshall Marshall, of Mingo. June 18, 1892, the son of Montague C. Marshall, ^... the late Thomas C. and Olivia Services will be held Thurs35, of Hampton, Virginia, died Moore Malcomb. day afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Riverside Hospital at in Forest Memorial PresbyMr. Malcomb was a retired Newport News Wednesday. terian Church' at Sweet Chafarmer and a member of the Member 8, 1985. He had lybeate. Burial will be at Westminster P r e s b y t e r i a n been in ill health for about two Mount Dora, Florida. Church -£) e /V'^_years. Survivors include bis wife of He was a clerk for the Chesa 61 years, Elizabeth Bowers Samuel Marshall peake Ohio Railway Co. Malcomb, of Silver Spring; two havingand Colonel Samuel Marshall, " been with them for 43 fors, Jesse V. of Baton Rouge, 70, was killed Saturday, June years, and a member of the Louisiana, and William T. of 8, 1968, at his summer home of Railway Train Great Falls, Montana; four j Brotherhood at Mingo when his tractor men. daughters, Nellie M. Fleet, of overturned. Augusta, Georgia, Mary N. ! Born at Baker, Louisiana, Born at Mingo, he was the Healy, of Silver Spring, Peggy March 25, 1900, he was a son son of the late Piatt and Mary O. McCarty, of Beltsville, of the late Gainer and Emilie Ellen Beatty Marshall. His Maryland, and Linda L. Reed, AJden Marshall. wife is the former Sarah ParChallis, Idaho; a brother, LeSurviving him are his wife. sons and they have one daughland, of Knoxville, Tennessee; ter, Mrs. Margie Smith, of fifteen grandchildren and five Freda Hoover Marshall; a daughter. Mrs. Catherine HenFlorida. In addition he is great-grandchildren. ning, of Phoenix, Arizona; a survived by four brothers, He was preceded in death by son, Montaeue C. Marshall, Jr., Frank Marshall, of Mingo, Dr. a Bister, Icie P. Cleek, a broth- a step daughter, Mrs. Juanifa Hubert Marshall, of Morganer, Claude G. Malcomb, a Grey, both of Hampton; and town, Dr. Jennings Marshall, daughter, Icie P. Malcomb, a brother, Warwick Marshall, of Louisville, Kentucky, and and a son, Delmar Malcomb. af Newport News, Virginia. Adam Marshall, of Venice, Services werejheld Saturday Florida. Services were held in Hampat 2 p.m., at VanReenen FuColonel Marshall was long neral Home with the Rev. ton Thursday and on Saturday connected with Kentucky MiliRichard Newkirk officiating. in Smith Funeral Home by the tary Institute and taught in Burial was in the Mountain Rev. Victor Tenney, with burtheir winter school in Florida. ial in Ruckman Cemetery. View Cemetery. Funeral services were held Tuesday in the Mingo Presbyterian Church, with burial in the Mingo Cemetery.

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G. C. Marshall £ , George C. Marshall, son of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Marshal! and husband of Barbara Marshall. (lie i on June 1*2, L94I at Durbin. He was horn near Ilillsville. Va.. •Iin c I-!, 1878, and spent his bo.yhoo 'lays in that community and later moved to West Virginia ' »ther than his widow, he is survived by his daughter Thurza Marshall of Cumberland, Md,, and his son Taylor Marshall of Washington, I). C . and three sjrand children, Marline. Gayle ami Taylor, dr. Other survivors are his brothers. Columbus andr Pete of Hillsville, Va. and W. ^ . Marshall of Durbin, where he resided at the time of his death. Three nephews, Hayes Marshall of Bellaire, Ohio, Carodine of Washington, D. C., and Clyde of Durbin; four neices, Norma Ellen Ashford of GrecnbanU; Viola Wimer, Franklin: Elva Davids of Washington, D. C , Ethel Mar shall of Cumberland, Maryland, unenil per^iees were held at ;M) p m, Sunday dune 15, at the oinc of his brother W. \V. Marihall at Durbin. the Rey Dr Snyler officiating; burial in Arbovale cemetery. Pallbearers were his nearest friend M

Hayes J. Marshall

Haye3 Jefferson Marshall, 73, of Palm Harbor, Florida, died Thursday, June 7, 1973, in a Virginia hospital. He was a former resident and mayor of Durbin. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Teck, of Guam and Mr3. Vera Williams, of Edwardsville, Illinois; one son, Charles H. Marshall, of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Norma Arbogast, of Arbovale, and Mrs. Ethel Miller, of Cumberland; two brothers, Clarence Marshall, of Shadyside, Ohio, and William Marshall, of Florida. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Durbin Brethren Church in Durbin, by th.3 Rev. David Rittenhause, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Curtis Lockridge Matheny Mrs. Louella Bell Curtis Lockridge Matheny, 70, a former resident of Pocahontas County, departed this life in her sleep at the home of her son-indaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collett, of Kerens, on Sunday, Aprd 16, 1967. Born August 25, 1896, at Montrose, she was a daughter of the late Charles Louis and Nannie Beverage Curtis. Mrs. Matheny was a member of the Brethren Church of Durbin. On November 2, 1915, she was married to Abraham Lockridge, at Cumberland, Maryland, who died July 9, 1952. She later married Robert Matheny, who preceded her in death. Survivors include one son, Reece Lockridge, of Painesville Ohio; four daughters, Mrs Florence Poling, of Conyers, Georgia; Mrs. Helen Collett, Mrs. Lillian Mullenax and Mrs. Crystal Bender, all of Elkins; one brother, Kyle Curtis, of Marlinton; one half brother, Gray Curtis, of Beckley; four half sisters, Mrs. Elmer Davis, of Glady, Mrs. Forrest Ford, Mrs. Ruth Purdue and Mrs. Evelyn Richmond, all of Beckley; eighteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren Funeral services were held Wednesday morning in the Lohr Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. S. L Greene, of Elkins Circuit of th? Methodist Church. Graveside rites were held Wednesday afternoon in the Bartow Cemetery at Bartow.

Mrs. i. K. Marshall Mrs. Nancy Callison Marshall, age 79 years died at her home in Hillsboro Monday, August 10,. 1959. She had suffered a heart condition for many years. Born at Beard January 4, 1880, she was the daughter of the late George W. and Maude McNeel Julian D. Marshall ^ ^ Callison, and is the last of her Julian D. Marshall, 71 years! father's family. of Richmond, Virginia, where She is survived by her husband, he had resided for the past 40 J. K. Marshall, and a nephew, years, died Saturday, April 13 19.74, in his apartment unex- Alfred Callison, who lived with pectedly of an apparent heart them from early childhood. Funeral services were held Wed attack. afternoon at the home in Born near Green Bank Janu- nesday Hillsboro by her pastor, the Rev. ary 18, 1903, he was the eldest L. E. Milem, with burial in the son of the late Harry D. and McNeel Cemetery. Laura D. Marshall. He livejl in Pocahontas County the Mrs. Mildred MathenjKearly part of his life. Mrs. Mildred Lawton MaHe was an active memtheny, 68, of Alexandria, VirRobert E. Mctheny ber of the Methodist Church. ginia, formerly of Durbin, died He was retired from the elecDurbin.—Robert E. Matheny, Monday, October 31, 1977, in tric appliance business. aged 59 years, died May 23,1955, an Alexandria hospital. at Veterans Hospital in ClarksHe was preceded in death Born September 28, 1909 burg. His body will be laid in by his wife, Lottie Glass, in she was a daughter of the late National Cemetery at Grafton Oetober, 1972, and one brothJohn Henry and Delia Lunger Surviving are his ,vife, Mrs Louer, Norval. Lawton. She was married to ella Matheny, and their son, RobSurvivors include two sons. Glen Matheny. I ert E. Matheny, Jr. Julian E. of Richmond, She is survived by two sons, Virginia, and Terry, of WinJack, of Landing, New Jersey' chester, Virginia; one step and Joseph, of Alexandria, Virdaughter; three sisters, Mrs. ginia; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Beryl Cunningham, of Elkins, Matheny, of Falls Church Mrs. Irma Yeager, of CincinVirginia, and Mre. Margie nati, Ohio, and Mrs. Olive Kerr, of Arbovale; and a brothMarie Beatty, of Ligonier, er, Bruce Lawton, of BryanPennsylvania; two grandsons; town, Maryland. two granddaughters; two nephServices will be held at one ews, and two nieces. p. m., Friday in the Arbovale The Rev. Maynard CrawCemetery with Father Roy ford officiated at the graveside Lombard officiating. services held Wednesday afterFriends may call Thursday noon in the Mouatain View night at Wallace and Wallace Cemetery. Funeral Home in Arbovale.


Mrs. Paltie Grace Fatheny

Mrs. Pattie Grace Matheny,\ 69, of Bartow, died at 11:15 a. m., Monday, May 27, 1957, in Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins, after a long illness. She was Iborn March 18, 1888 at Blue • Grass, Virginia, a daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Mauzy Marshall. She is survived by her husband, Ira E. Matheny, and one son, Charles E., both of Bartow; two daughters, Mrs. William Johnston, of Haverford, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Edwin Kincaid, of Du bin; one brother, Joseph Marshall, of Blue ^rass, Virginia; two sisters, -Mrs. Myrtle Harper, of Green Bank, and Mrs. Anna Allen, of Kokomo, Indiana; and nine gr en. She was preceded in death by one son, Marshall, in 1939. Funeral service was held at the Central Methodist Church, Blue Grass, Virginia, on Wednesday, May 29, by Rev. C. P. Price, and her body laid to rest in the Warner Cemetery at Blue Grass.

John Matheny Q/ John Mitchel Matheny, 92, of Green Bank, died Saturday, February 8, 1975, in Denmar State Hospital at Beard, after a long illness. Born at Meadowdale, Virginia, January 13,1883, he was a son of the late John Mitchel and Altha Gardner Matheny. He was a member of Wesley Chapel Church in Green Bank and a retired farmer. His wife, Altha Matheny, preceded hira in death in 1952. Survivors include four sons, John M.,Jr., Ralph, and Clyde B. Matheny, all of Green Bank, and Conell Matheny, of Beckley; four daughters, Mrs. Audrey Townsend, of Monterey, Virginia. Mrs. Wilma Gibson, of Marlinton, Mrs. Alma Dunn, of Warrenton, Virginia, and Mrs. Polly Clark, of River Vale, New Jersey, two brothers, Harry Matheny, of Durbin, and June Matheny, of Beckley, and twenty grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Van Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

13 £

ConeN Matkany Conell Edward (Moe) Ma< theny 59, of Prosperity, died Thursday, August 7, 1975, of a heart attack in the yard of his home. He was born October 27, 1915, at Monterey, Virginia, a son of the late John M. and Alpha Gardner Matheny, of Green Bank. He was married to the former Daisy (Peggy) Moore on October 25, 1945. fi^LMr. Matheny was a member of the First Baptist Church of Prosperity, Beckley Mooae Lodge No 1606, and a veteran of World War II, having servee in the European Theatre of Operations. He is survived by his wife and daughters, Mrs. Steve (Connie) Ritter, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Mrs. Darrell (Gloria) Allen, of Prosperity; a grandson; four sisters, Mrs. Audrey Townsend, of Mill Gap, Virginia, Mrs. Wilma Gibson, of Marlinton, Mrs. Polly Clark, of Rivervale, New Jersey, and Mrs. Alma Dunn, of Warrenton, Virginia, three brothers John Matheny, Jr., Clyde Matheny, and Ralph Matheny, ail of Green Bank. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the first Baptist Church of Prosperity by the Rev. Jack Godfrey, with entombment in the Blue Ridge Memorial Garden Mausoleum.

Dorsey R. May

Dorsey R. May, 79, of Lewisburg, died Thursday, December 18,1975, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. Formerly of Beard, he had lived in Lewisburg one year He was a member of the Lew isburg United Methodist Church, American Legion Post No 69, and a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Helen Snedegar May; two daugh ters Mrs. Marie Shirey and Mrs. Dottie Johnston, both of Beckley; one son, Calvin May, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; two sisters, Miss Ethel May, of Elk ins, and Mrs. Nina Weaver, of San Diego, California; two brothers, Remus and Forest, both of Lewisburg; 11 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg with the Rev. Harold T. Elmore in charge. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg. Mrs. Calvin S. May Mrs. Martha E. May, daughter of the late John R. and Mary Ann Moore May passed quietly to eternal sleep on Tuesday morning, October 22, 1957. She wr a born February 16, 1873. In 1890 shet was married to Calvin Smith May who preceded her in death May 23, 1935. To this union were born seven children, six of whom survive. They are, Forrest M. May, of Lewisburg; Dorsey R. May, of Beard; Miss Ethel May, of Beard; Mrs. Glenn Sheets, of Elkins; Remus C, May, of Beard, and Mrs Robert Weaver,, of San Diego, California. A son, Dennis, died in 1933. Of her father's family two brothers, Alva E. Moore and Adam C. Moore, of Marlinton, and a sister, Mrs. Lillie May, of Beard, i survive. Funeral services will be conducted a< 2:00 P. M., Thursday, atWn'; y Methodist Chapel, at Hfllsboro, with the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, Jr., in charge. I iierment will be made in the Droop Cemetery., ^tj'pnrd.

•gM Harry R. May ^pja^ Harry Reid May, aged 59 years died of a heart attack in a Beckley Hospital on Saturday, July •28, 1951. On Monday afternoon the funeral service was conducted from the First Baptist Church of Beckley by Rev. Shirley Donnelly, D. D.. Burial in Sunset Memorial Park. ' The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ellen Gpooh and tbpir daughter, Mrs. Gene Hall. Mr. May was born on Anthonys Creek, a son of Mrs. Lillie Moore May, now of Beard, and the late John V. May. His brothers are Hubert J., of Beard and Austin V. of Lewisburg; his sisters are Mrs. Denny McCoy of Hilisboro and Mrs. William Dysaftl of Lewisburg. Died, Mrs. Nora May, wife of The deceased was a prominent business man and a leading citi- Oscar May, of near Dunmore on June zen of the city of Beckley. He 2,1925. aged 28 years, two months and 18 days. She is survived by her owned the prosperous May Office husband and their three childre*. service. He was active in rcb, rather, mother, four brothers and community, civic club and nater- three sisters. Burial at Mt. View nal society activities. He bad Cemetery, the services being conductserved as city councilman and for ed by Bev. S. R. Neel, pastor of the a time wa»ae>*a£ mayo» of Beck- Marlinton Methodist Church.


-'. " *£



Hubert J. May Hubert May, of Beard, age 53 years, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, early Monday morning, October 21, 1957. His death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. May was born June 11th, 1901, at Trainer, in Greenbrier County, the son of the late John V. May and Mrs. Lillie Moore May, who survives. " He was a farmer and a member of Beard Chapel Presbyterian Church. Besides his mother he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Pauline Sharp May; two sons, A-2c Kenneth J. May, stationed in J a p a n , and David, at home; three daughters, Nancy, of Charleston, ""and Saundra and Mary.Ann, at home. The body is at the Smith Funeral Home. The funeral arrangements are incomplete, pending the arrival of his son, Kenneth, from Japan. (y

Phares May

Phares May, 85, of Durbin, died at his home on Thursday,! December 26, 1963. Survivors include his wife, j Jane Kathryne May, three daughters, Mrs. Wilda Stinchcomb and Miss Alice May, both of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Clara Lambert, of Covington, Virginia; six sons, James W. May and Alien E. May, both of Baltimore, Mary, land; Charlie May, of Coving-1 ton, Virginia; Roy K. May, of I iDurbin; Bobby L. May and Franklin D. May, both of Miami, Florida. Funeral services were hUd Sunday afternoon in the Arbovale Methodist Church by the Rev. P. W. John and the Rev. P.S. Good. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Terry Wayne May

Terry Wayne May, 18-month old son of John Clinton, III, and Patricia Ryder May, died Friday, August 18, 1978, from injuries received in a car accident near Covington, Virginia. Services were held at two p. m. Tuesday in the Hunters* ville Methodist Church with Rev. Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Beaver Creek Cemetery. He was born February 16, 1977. Surviving him are his parents, John Clinton, III, and Patricia Ryder May, of Buckeye, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Baysel Ryder, Hunters* ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton May, II, Covington, Virginia. '~9

MARTHA E. MAY Martha E. May, daughter of the late John R. and Mary A. Moore passed quietly to etc ial sleep at 9:40 a. m. on Oct-bir 82, 1957. She was born P ary 16, 1873. In 1890 she was married to Calvin Smith May who preceded her in death May 23, 1935. To this union were born seven children: Forest M. May of Lewisburg, Dorsey R. May of Beard, Mrs. Glenn Sheets of Elkins, Remus C. May of Beard, Ethel May of Beard, Mrs. Robert Weaver of San Diego, Calif. A son, Dennis, preceded hei- in death in 1933. Of her, family two brothers, Adam Moore and Alva E. Moore of Marlinton and a sister, Lillie May, •f Beard survive. Funeral services will be held bv her pastor. Rev. Willis SumCS in Wesley Methodist Chapel, Hillsboro at 2 p.m., Thursday, October 24. Interment will be in Droop Cemetery at Beard, under the direction of Smith Funeral Home of Marlinton. Mrs. Remus May

Mrs. Lela E. May, of Lewis-1 burg, 64, died Friday, April 23, 1965, in the Ronceverte Hospital after a long illness. Born January 28, 1901, in Virginia, she was a daughter of the late Olho and Emma McLaughlin Gum. | She was a member of the[ Lewisburg Methodist Church, j and the Huntersville Chapter Number 120 Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include her husband, Remus C. May; two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Pierson, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Mamie Williams, of Monterey, Virginia Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Memorial Chapel of McGraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg by Dr. John W. Hollister. Burial was in the Rosewood Cemetery Naomi V. May Naomi V. May, 84, of Douth ards Creek, died May 18,1977, in Denmar State Hospital after a long illness. Born near Neola, August 17, 1892, she was the daughter of the late John and Belle Kincaid May. Surviving are three brothers; Gensis, Dennis and Arland May, of Hot Springs, Virginia. Miss May had made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Alderman from her early teens until their death. Services were held Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in the Alderman Cemetery.

John V. May John V May, of Beard, died at the Pocahontas Mimorial Hospital on Tuesday, June 11, 1946. The deceased was born at Trainer; Greenbrier County, December lu, I860, the son of Elijah and Prudence Moore May. On November 6, 181)0, he was united in -i)iarrin

G. W. Maun G. Walter. Mano, aaed 87 years, lied at (he home of his daughttr Mrs Reed Moore, at Ed ray, o< Friday morning, September 25 He had been an invalid fomany years. Ou Sunday a f u r QOOU his body was laid in Edra,\ cemetery. The service was heli from the E'r»y Church by bit pastor, Rev. Roger P. Melton. The deceased was a son of the lute Clark aud Ph«;ebe McAllister Vlann. He married MiHr-n Courtney; Frank Mano and Mick Mann. J. 0. Mann During his long li'e, Mr. Mai.i As i J. O. Mann, aged 72 years, was a busy m«n of affairs died at his home at Poage Lane, peace officer he served acceptably on Wednesday, August 25, 1945, and well in the offices of constabit Mrs. Amanda Virginia Mays of a heart attack. On Sunday and deputy sheriff. afternoon his body was laid to Mrs. Amanda Virginia Ma.vs, Mrs. J. 0. Mann aged 84 years, widow of the late rest in' the Poage family cemers. Florence Betty Poage William W. Mays, of Niagra tery, the service being held from ,n died Sunday, August 17, the Church by Rev. Fred OxenFalls, New York, died at the home W58, at her home at (Mover Lick of her son-in-law, William Coffey, dale. He is survived by his wife, She was born at Poage Lane Mrs. Florence Poage Mann, and at 240 Bird Avenue, Buffalo, New November 12, 1875, the daughter York on Friday evening", April their adopted son, Frank Mann. if John R. and Elizabeth Sharp 1 Mr. Mann was a son "of the late Poage. She was united in marri9, 1943, after a short illness of pneumonia. She was born on Clark ana Phoebe McAllister age on October 12, 1896, to James ; Of his father's famiiy 0. Mann, who preceded her in I May 4, 18o9 in Lewis County, Mann. there survive four brothers: death August 23, 1943. A_;so West Virginia. l Funeral services were conduct- G. W., Frank, Mack and Sam; preceding her i i death were f.:ve ed in Buffalo, on Monday after- eight sisters: Mrs. Q. W. Poage, sisters, Nora Poage, Ettie Poage, E. F. McLaughlin, Mrs. Mrs. Anna Williams, Mrs. Lucy ternooD, by her pastor, the Rev. Mrs. J. W. Annis, with interment in ( Arch Kidd, Mrs. Byron Kidd, Lightner, and Mrs. W< >dsie James Dinkle, Mrs. N. W. Knight. the beautiful Riverside Cemetery [Mrs. at Niagra Falls, New York, by 'Courtney, Mrs. H. A. Robb and Surviving her are a son, Frank Mrs. Stuart Harter. the side of he» husband. Mann, a grandson, Frank Mann, The deceased was a leading cit-, Jr., of Clover Lick; two sisters, Mrs. Mays is survived by two sons and five daughters: Cameron izen of Pocahontas County and Mrs. E. H. Williams, of Marlinton, Mays, AVilliam Mays, Jr., Mrs. prominent in the affairs of bis and Mrs. O. W. Barnette, of Ruth Coffey, Mrs. Helen Moore, community. Clover Lick. and Mrs. Pearl Rutz, of Niagra CALVIN MANN Mrs Mann was a member of • Falls, Mrs. Ethel Pritt, of 24 > "-•e Poage Lane Presbyterian Mrs. Mary Mann, of Main St. Bird Avenue, Buffalo; and Mrs. w'hurch, where funeral services was notified today that her husMyrtle Moore, of Marlinton, were held Tuesdej by the Rev.West Virginia. One daughter, band, Calvin Vaden Mann, Water W. E. Fierce. Burial was in I Tender, 1st Class, of the Seabees. Mrs. William Coffey preceded her Quircy Poage Cemetery. in death some two years ago. had died of wounds somewhere in the Pacific. The message stated Also surviving are 17 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. further details would follow. Mrs. Elizabeth Mano Five grandsons and one grandMrs. Mann and her brother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mann, aged : daughter are doing their part in James Bailey, who just returned years, died at the home of her I the various branches of the from the European theatre and foster daughter, Mrs. Ceola Chur 1 tary service. sister, Mrs. Ruby Mason, were at ch, in Hillsboro, on Saturday, the home of their sister, Mrs. February 7 1953. On Monday Elizabeth Chapman, in Martins- afternoon her body was laid in ville, when the message was re- Pleasant Green Cemetery, the serceived, but expect to return to vice being held from the Church Covington tonight. by her pastor, Rev. W. T. —Covington Virginian. Spriggs. Mrs. Mann will be remembered The deceased was the widow of here as the daughter of the late the late Thomas Mann. Their Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bailey, of Stony Bottom. I

Mri.CitiirintJiniMay Mrs. Catherine Jane May, 75, of Durbin, died Monday, January 7,1980, at home after a long illness. She was the widow of Phares May. H She was a member of Church of the Brethren. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Clara Lambert, of Covington, Mrs. Dallas L. Chartier of Okeechobee, Florida, Mrs. Wilda Mazziotti of Atlanta, Georgia; sons, James, W., Jr. and Allen E„ both of Baltimore, Maryland, Roy, at home; Bobby L., of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, Franklin D., of Miami, Florida; 12 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, with Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Paul Good officiating. Burial was in ArboVale Cemetery.


Ard ew foys Andrew Mays, age 81 yeras, died at the Andrew Rowan Home at Sweet Springs, on Saturday, January l ; i, 1961, after a long illness. Mr. Mays was born on J u r e 3, 1830, at Marlinton, the sir. or the late Richard and Miriam Waugh Miy<. He was alifj h n g resident of Pocahontas County, and a retired farmer. He was a tn^mbar of the Baptist Church. His only survivors are nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Mary Duncan, of Marlinton, and a brother, Alva Mays. Graveside rites were conducted at the Mountain View Cemetery, at Marlinton on Monday afternoon, at 2:00 P. M., with the Rev. Norman H. Harle'ss, of Lewisburg, officiating.

Mack Mann k Mann, aged 81- years, 7 months and 18 days, died on Wednesday, April 17, 1957, after an illness of about three years. On Friday afternoon the funeral was held from the Edray Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. Szra Bennett, assisted by Rev. E. H. Flaniken. His body was laid to rest in the Edray Ceme"tery. The deceased was a son of the late Clark and Phoebe McAllister Maim. On October 15, 1902, he married Florence Price, who survives. He is also survived by their three sons, Edward, Mack, Jr. and Woodrow, all of Marlinion. A son, Robert, lately pre-' ceded his father. Of his father's family there remain his five sisters: Mrs. Minnie Dinkle, of" Marlinton; Mrs. Arch Kidd, of Norfolk, Virginia; Mrs. Byron Kidd and Mrs. Christine Harter, of Covington, Virginia; Mrs. Lillie Courtney, of St. Albans. Robert IKaan

DIED Mrs. Phoebe A. M mi died at her home near Warwick, on Sunday morning, October 25 1925. Her age was 71 years, nine months and 23 days. The cause of her death was paralysis, and she w is sick but a few days. The funeral s-ervice was con i ducted from the E 'r.iy church on\ Tuesday afternoon by Rev. 3. B . ' Neel, of the Marl nion Methodist Church, assisted bj Hav. Nelson Hill, „ Eev. H. n . Orr anH Dr. J. E. Flow. Burial in the fanny section of the Edray cemetery. Thus is noted the passiDg of one of the best women of Pocahontas County, a veritable mother In Israel. Mrs. Mann's maiden name was McAllister. She was born and raised in Alleghany County, Virginia. She was married to the late W. Clark Mann, who was killed in an accident with a wagon about t Aenty-six years ago. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mann moved to their farm, near Edray. They uere the parents af seventeen children William and Hammond Mann and Mrs. Susie Criser are dead. The surviving children are Mrs E F . McLaughlin, of Mar- j linton; Mrs. Q W. Po_>ge, of Poage Lane; Mrs. Arch Ki Id, Mrs. Byron Kidd, and Mrs. St-wj,rt Harter of Covington; Mrs. Minnie Hlnkle, of Edray; Mrs. H. A. Robb, Clarksburg; Mrs. N. W. Courtney, oi Seth; G. W. M°-nj?, J O Mann, Frank Mann. Mack Mann, of Pocahontas county, and Samuel Mann of Kansas. For a lifetime Mrs. Mann had been a professing christian, a member of tne Southern Methodist Church. She did well her part in every sphere of life, and her children rlso up and call her blessed.

Robert Mann, 50 year old conlucror for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, died at the C. and 0. Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia, at 8 p. m. Monday, November 14, 1955, of a heart condition. He had suffered his third heart attack. He had been ill for the past two months. He belonged to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and Mrs Mary R. Mina, atred 63 years, made his home in Richmond, wife of Charies Mann of Greenbank, Virginia. died at the Harrisonburg hospital on Born at Marlinton, February Monday June 17, 1935. Burial at 27, 1905, he was the son of MUCK

and Florence Price Mann, of Marlinton, who survive. Also surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elva Jackson Mann, of Richmond three brothers, Edward Price Mann, Mack Mann, Jr., and William Woodrow Mann, all of Marlinton; and a daughter, Frances Lee Mann, of Richmond. Services will be held from the Smith Funeral Home at 1 p. .m Thursday, by Rev E. H. Flaniken or of Marlinton Presbyterian 1 hurch. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery. June Mann

Word has been received of the death of June Mann, on Mondav, December 30, 1968, in Royal Oak, Michigan. Funeral services and burial will be Saturday, in Michigan.


Wesley Chapel Tuesday afternoon The i'?eeased was a daughter oi the h ^ u vick Hudson. She Is survived by her husband ana three children. Mrs Clifton Hill, Jarl an Frank Mann.

Samuel Meeks

i /

Samuel A. Meeks, aged 82 years on A u g u s t 13, died on May 25, 1953. H e was t h e son of P a t r i c k and Ellen Mar.v Meeks. Mr. M e e k s was a life long resident of Pocahontas C o u n t y . S u r v i v i n g a r e bis wife LillieE., six sons and a d a u g h t e r , Reese, J u n e and Charles, of Akron, Ohio; Ollie and L y l e . of Cass; Pearle, of C o v i n g t o n , Virginia; Mrs._ G. B. Geierer, of Beck ley; also eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren Twin sons p r e ceded him in death. T h i s good, o u t s t a n d i n g citizeD will be sadly inis-ed by all t h e community.

Calvin Keith Me Calvin Keith was accidentally eii Wednesday, March while he was working i ville, Ohio, as forer line crew for City Lig pany, of Painesville. been in Painesville A former resident hontas County, he wa ber of Temple Lodge Ancient Free and A Masons, Painesville i No. 46, Royal Arch | the Fellow Craft Clu State Highway Patrol A and the 336 of the A Legion. He is survived b> jy h Mrs, Betty Tracy Mee daughter, Mary Louisea three sisters, Mrs. Stoi ler, of Clifton Forge, \ Mrs. John Mace, and M de Mace, both of Clovei five brothers, James C. of Moundsville, Bro< Meeks, of North M Ohio, O. Kenneth and Meeks, both of Marlintc Robert L. Meeks, with Force in Turkey. Funeral services wei Sunday afternoon in tfc lace and Wallace Ch? Arbovale by the Rev. Lively. Burial was in 1 bovale Cemetery. Charles Boyd Meek Cass—Charles Boyd Me 79 years, died on Saturda ary 11, 1947, at the home nephew, ' Woodrow Meel Monday afternoon the was conducted in the Al Memorial Church by Rev R. Arbogast, with iuterr the cliupch cemetery. H vived by one brother, Ed' Stony Bottom. w. w. me Walter William Mi Stony Bottom, died Decemb3r30, 1953 in P Sanitorium at Beckley. 1 He is survived by a brot ward Meeks, of Stony Bot four sisters, Mrs. Lillie A of Burkettsville, Marylai Lou Meeks, of Clifton Virginia, Mrs. Rosa Tall Stony Bottom, and Mrs McLaughlin, of Cass. Services were held Fr the Alexander Memorial terian Church at Stony by the Rev. J. D. Arbuek burial in the cemeter" the

Calvin Keith Meeks Calvin Keith Meeks, 33, Mack Mann, aged 81 „ was accidentally electrocuted Mrs. Phoebe A. Minn died at her months and 18 days, died on Wed Wednesday, March 11, 1964, home near Warwick, on Sunday nesday, April 17, 1957/ after an morning, October 25 1925. Her age while he was working in Painesilness of about three years. ville, Ohio, as foreman of the was 11 years, nine months and 23 On Friday afternoon the funeral days. The cause of her death was line crew for City Light Comwas held from the Edray Metho- paralysis, and she was sick but a few pany, of Painesville. He had dist Church by his pastor, Rev. days. The funeral service was con i been in Painesville since 1955. 3zra Bennett, assisted by Rev. ducted from the E riy church on A former resident of PocaE. H. Flaniken. His body was Tuesday afternoon by Rev. 3. R. hontas County, he was a memNeel, of the Marl ntoa Methodist laid to rest in the Edray Ceme- Church, assisted b;. lliv. Nelson Hill, „ ber of Temple Lodge No. 28, tery. Rev. H. n . Orr anri T)r. J. E. Flow. Ancient Free and Accepted The deceased was a son of the Burial In the family section of the Masons, Painesville Chapter late Clark and Phoebe McAllister Edray cemetery. No. 46, Royal Arch Masons, Thus is noted the passing of one of Mann. On October 15, 1902, he the Fellow Craft Club, Ohio I married Florence Price, who sur-, the best women of Pocahontas Coun- State Highway Patrol Auxiliary a veritable mother In Israel. 'vives. He is also survived by ty, and the 336 of the American Mann's maiden name was Mctheir three sons, Edward, Mack, Mrs. Legion. Allister. She was born and raised Jr. and Woodrow, all of Marlin- in Alleghany County, Virginia. She He is survived by his wife, ton. A son, Robert, lately pre-- was married to the late W. Clark Mrs, Betty Tracy Meeks; one ceded his father. Mann, who was killed in an accident daughter, Mary Louise at! ome; Of his father's family there re- with a wagon about i .venty-six years three sisters, Mrs. Stokes riyago. Soon after their marriage Mr. main his five sisters: Mrs. Minler, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, Mrs. Mann moved to their farm, nie Dinkle, of - Marlinton; Mrs. and Mrs. John Mace, and Mrs. Clynear Edray. They uere the parents Arch Kidd, of Norfolk, Virginia; af seventeen children William and de Mace, both of Clover Lick; Mrs. Byron Kidd and Mrs. Chris- Hammond Mann and Mrs. Susie Cri- five brothers, James C. Meeks, tine Harter, of Covington, Vir- ser are dead. The surviving children of Moundsville, Brown F. ginia; Mrs. Lillie Courtney, of are Mrs E F. McL:ni?hlin, of Mar-1 Meeks, of North Madison, linton; Mrs. Q W. Po^ge, of Poage St. Albans. Ohio, O. Kenneth and Daniel Lane; Mrs. Arch Ki id, Mrs. Byron Meeks, both of Marlinton, and Kidd, and Mrs. gtowart Harter of Robert L. Meeks, with the Air Robert Warn Covington; Mrs. Minnie Hinkle, of Force in Turkey. Robert Mann, 50 year old con- Edray; Mrs. H. A. Robb, Clarksburg; Mrs. N. W. Courtney, ci Seth; G. W. Funeral services were held ductor for the Chesapeake and >J°no, J O Manu, Frank Mann, Ohio Railroad, died at the C. and Mack Mann, of Pocahontas county, Sunday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel in 0. Hospital at Clifton Forge, and Samuel Mann of Kansas. Arbovale by the Rev. W. D. i Virginia, at 8 p. m. Monday, For a lifetime Mrs. Mann had been Lively. Burial was in the Ar-1 .November 14, 1955, of a heart a professing a member of bovaleXemetery. condition. He had suffered his tne Southernchristian, Methodist Church. third heart attack. He had been She did well her part in every sphere Charles Boyd Meek ill for the past two months. of life, and her children rlso up and call her blessed. Cass—Charles Boyd Meek, aged tie belonged to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and i Mrs Mary R. 5 aim, asjed 63 years, 79 years, died on Saturday, Janumade his home m Richmond, j wife of Charles Mann of Greenbank, ary 11, 1947, at the home of his nephew,'Woodrow Meek. On Virginia. died at the Harrisonburg hospital on afternoon the funeral Born at Marlinton, February Monday June 17, 1935. Burial at Monday was conducted in the Alexander 27, 1905, he was the son of MacK Wesley Chapel Tuesday afternoon Memorial Church by Rev. Quade and Florence Price Mann, of The deceased was a daughter ai the R. Arbogast, with interment in 1; VVa wick Hudson. She 's surMarlinton, who survive. He is survived by her husband ano three chil- the church cemetery. Also surviving are his wife, Mrs. dren. Mrs Clifton Hill, Jarl an. vived by one brother, Edward, of Elva Jackson Mann, of Richmond Frank Mann. Stooy Bottom. three brothers, Edward Price Mann, Mack Mann, Jr., and WilSamuel Meeks \ S W. W. Meeiu liam Woodrow Mann, all of MarSamuel A. Meeks, aged 82 y e a r s Walter William Meeks, 72. of linton; and a daughter, Frances on A u g u s t 18, died on May 25, Stony Bottom, died Tuesday, Lee Mann, of Richmond. 1953. H e was the son of P a t r i c k Dacemb3r30, 1958 in Pinecrest Services will be held from the and Ellen Mary Meeks. Mr. at Beckley. Smith Funeral Home at 1 p. .m M e e k s was a life long r e s i d e n t of Sanitorium He is survived by a brother, EdThursday, by Rev E. H. Flaniken Pocahontas C o u n t y . ward Meeks, of Stony Bottom and or of Marlinton Presbyterian four sisters, Mrs. Lillie Auldridge, S u r v i v i n g are hie wi fe LillieE., Church. Burial in Mountain View six sons and a d a u g h t e r , Reese, of Burketrsville, Maryland, Miss Cemetery. . . J u n e and Charles, of Akron, O h i o ; Lou Meeks, of Clifton Forge, O i l i e a n d L y l e , of Cass; Pearle, Virginia, Mrs. Rosa Taliman, of of C o v i n g t o n , V i r g i n i a ; Mrs. G. Stony Bottom, and Mrs. Etta June Mann Word has been received of B. G e i g e r , of Beck ley; also J g h t McLaughlin, of Cass. the death of June Mann, on g r a n d c h i l d r e n and four g r ^ a t Services were held Friday in Twin sons pre- the Alexander Memorial PresbyMonday, December 30, 1968, g r a n d c h i l d r e n in Royal Oak, Michigan. Fun- ceded him in d e a t h . terian Church at Stony Bottom eral services and burial will be T h i s good, o u t s t a n d i n g citizen by the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle with Saturday, in Michigan. will be sadly mis.-ed by all the burial in the cemeterv there.



Obituary Cameron Meeks, aged 41 ygars. ten months and 21 days, died at the home of his sister. Mrs Davis T. Auldridge, near Dunmore, or» Mirch a. 1940. at 1:30 p m. after a-long illnesOn March " at 2 p m. he was buried in the Stony Bottom cemetery Funeral service was conducted by Rev A, B Williford Mr Meeks is surviv ed by bis wife, Mrs Merle Glpson Meeks and a niece who lived with: them; four brothers, K. W., E. S ,1j W W. and C S Meeks all of Stony Botlam. and five sisters, Mrs D T , Auldridge, Dunmore: Miss Lou MeeKs Covington. Va,; Mrs P C Currv. Dur I bin; Mrs Rjsie Talmin of Clover-j iick and Mrs Grover McLaughlin of Cass. Tne deceased was son of the late Mr and Mrs James Meeks and was born at Stony Bottom. He was a member of Alexander Memorial church. lie was the type of man that was well loved by all who knew him and will be missed by hf3 rela tives and many friends, Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding O'er the spoils that death has won, We would at this solemn parting Calmly say, "Thy will be done" Tho' cast down we are not forsaken, Tho' afflicted, not alone; Thou didst give and Thou hast taken B'.essed Lord, Thy will be done.

Private First Class Larry O'Neil Meeks

Private First Class Larry O'Neil Meeks was bom January 24. 1927 and departed this life on Febru ary 9, 1951 in the- Fourth Field Hospital in Korea as the result of a gunshot wound of the head. The shot penetrated the left frontal bone, the brain, and the left occipital bone. The circumstanstanjes of his death are still unreported. In July 1943, at the age of 16 years he entered the United States Navy for three years and served two of these in overseas duty. In September 1948 he joined the Army and had served two years overseas. He had spent most of these two years in a hospital in Japan, suffering1 with rheumatic fever and heart trouble, until just a few months prior to his death. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Meeks, of 'Stony Bottom, and six brothers: James, of Cleveland, Ohio; Keith of Portland Mills, Pennsylvania; Brown, Kenneth, Robert and Danny, all at home, and three We wish to erpress our sincere sisters: Mrs. Stokes Hyler, of thanks and appreciation to our Clifton , Furjje, Virginia; Mrs. frienas of Hunmore, who helped us John Mace, of Stony Bottom and in many ways, and especially Rev Gale Meeks, at home. Williford and those who furnished ! Larry will be greatly missed cars. Mrs Cameron Meeks, Mrs D. T. Auldridge & family I by loved ones and all who knew him. 9 Mrs. Mary B. M e e k s , . Hoxie Meeks j / ' Mrs. Mary B. Meeks, a*ged 59 years, of Clover Lick, died in Hoxie Meeks, aged 70 years, of Shreveport, Louisiana, Saturday, Stony Bottom, died on Monday August, 19, 1961, while visiting morning, May 24, 1954, a: her son, Robert Meeks, who is short illness. stationed therewith the AirForce. The deceased was a son of the Mrs. Meeks was a life-long res- late Howard and Allie Showalter ident of Clover Lick. Meeks. His brothers are Yancey Survivors include three daugh- iand Kemp Meeks: and his sister ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mace and j Mrs. Willie Gibson, of Elk. Mrs. Gale Mace, both of Clover Mr. Meeks is survived by his Lick, and Mrs. Virginia Hyer, of widow, Mrs. Maude McAlpin Clifton Forge, Virginia; six sons Meeks. James, of Moundsville; Keith, o1 Wednesday afternoon his Painesville, Ohio; Brown, of Mad- ! was laid to rest in the Stony ison, Ohio; Kenneth, of Marlin- | b o . i o m Cemetery. t^n; Robert, of the Air Force, Shreveport, Louisiana, and Dan- ', The service was held from ny Meeks, of Clover Lick; a sis- Alexander Memorial Church by ter, Mrs. Gladys West, of Kes- bis pastor, Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. In religion Mr. Meeks was a wick, Virginia; and two half-brothers, Don and David Fink, both Presbyterian; a Deacon in the Alexander Memorial Church. of Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. The body arrived at the Wal- He was an outstanding citizen. lace Funeral Home in Lewisburg Ken Meeks Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be con- Durbin.—Ken Meeks, agred 71 ducted on Thursday, August 24, years, of Durbin, died on Tuesday at 2:30 p . m . , in Alexander Me- March 8, 1949. On Friday his morial Presbyterian Church, at body was laid to rest in the Stony Stony Bottom. The body will be Bottom cemetery, the service taken to the church one hour be- being held from the Presbyterian church by his pastor, Rev. Grafore the service. ham Keys. He is survived by his Burial will be made in the Sto- son, Edward, and his daughter. ny Botton Cemetery. Lucille.

Kemp Andrew Meeks (• Kemp Andrew Meeks, aged 70 years, of Stony Bottom, died suddenly on Thursday afternoon, NT member 8, 1956, from a heart attack. He was assisting in digging the grave for a friend, Sterl McLaughlin, who had d'ed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral service was held from Stony Bottom Presbyterir r Church with interment in the Meeks family cemetery. The deceased is survived by wife, Mrs. Edith Thomas Meeks; •wo daughters, Mrs. Betty Jean Cutlip and Alice Meeks. His | brother is Yancy Meeks and his ; sister is Mrs. Stella Gibson. Mr. Meeks was a son of the late Howard and Allie Showalter Meeks. He was a good, substantial citizen. J. C. MEEKS • John Calvin Meeks, aged 56, died at his borne at Clover Lick on Wednesday, S. t.tember 8 ,i)4, after a long illness. Satu lav afternoon his body was laid in Stony Bottom Cemetery. The service was held from Alexander Memorial Church by his pastor, Rev J. D Arbuckle. The decjased was a son of the ate Jrimes Meeks. His brothers ire Edward and Walter Meeks, ' )f Stjny Bottom; his sis er-i, Mrs Lillie Auldridge, of Dunmore; vliss Lou Meeks, Ciifton Forge, Virginia; Mrs Rosa Tallman, of Jiover Lick; and Mrs Etta McLaughlin, of Cass. T i e dece sel is survivad bv his ?ife, Mrs M y D Ihuntv Meeks; cueir three d*u hte's, Mrs J>hn •lace, Stony B) t o n ; Mrs ClyaY VLVCJ. of Oiss; M n iitoke* HyUr, >f Virginia; their MX sons, James Keith, Bro wn. Kent.eih, "Robert. iDd Dannie. Yniy Miiki Yancy Oden Meeks, 78, of Stony Bottom, died Sunday, June 3,1979, in the Veterans Hospital at Beckley after an extended illness. A retired woodsman and a World War II veteran, Mr. Meeks was born July 15,1900, the son of the late Howard H. and Allie 6 . Meeks. He was never married. His sister, Mrs. Stella Gibson, of Marlinton, is his only Burvivor. Services were held Wednesday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by James Malcom with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery.


ks • dward S. Meeks is, m, Edward S. Meeks, M,
Clover Lick, died on Sunday, February 10, 1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a son of the late James and Isabelle Doyle Meeks. Survivors include four sisters, Mrs. Etta McLaughlin, of Cass, Mrs. Rose Tallmsn, of Clover Lick, Mrs. Libby Aldridge, of St. Albans, and Miss Lou Meeks, of Clifton Forge, Virginia. Funeral services were con iucted Wednesday afternoon n the Stony Bottom Presby;erian Church. Burial was in the Stony Bottom Cemetery. Mrs. Merle Meeks

Mrs. Merle Meeks, 60, died at her home in Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday, October 22, 1963, apparently from a heart attack. Funeral arrangements are incomplete but her body will be brought to Smith Funeral Home


Mrs. Norma Meeks Mrs. Norma V. Meeks, 60, of Akron, Ohio, passed away November 8, 1984, at Akron Manor Care after a lingering illness. She was born in Cass May 18, 1924, the daughter of the late John Kenton and Eleanor Davis Slaven. She was a sales clerk for M. O'Neil Company for 26 years and was a member of Rolling Acres Alliance Church, and the ifrandniotker's Club of M. O'Neil Company, of which she was past president. She is survived by her husband, Charles B. Meeks; daughter and son-in-law, Sandy and Jerry Dearth, of Akron; son, Michael Meeks, of Akron; three grandchildren; three brothers, Earl Slaven, of California, Bill Slaven, of Manchester, Ohio, and Howard Slaven, of Stow, Ohio; and five sisters, Mrs. Naomi Arrington, of Charleston, Mrs. Helen Davis, of Akron, Pat Rexrode, of Florida, Barbara Crist, of Cass, and Carol Lycans, in Massachusetts. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at Rolling Acres Alliance Church in Akron by Pastors John Temply and Dennis Westlake, with entombment in Greenlawn Memorial Park.

'Ternrn J. Menefee, agred 62 ears, of near Marlinton, died on Friday, August 4, 1944, after a short illness. On Sunday afterDOOD the funeral service was held from the home by Rev. J. 0. Wool and Rev. Fred Oxendale; interment in family plot in Mt. View Cemetery. R. A. Merritt R. A. Merritt, 81, of Pea Mr. Menefee was a native of Page C o u n t y , Virginia. For Ridge Road, Oak Hill, died many years he had been a resi- Tuesday in a B?ckley hospital, dent of Pocahontas County. He January 30, 1968. married Miss Eva Margraret SbinBorn at Eagle Rock, Virginaberry. She and their seven chil- ia, March 4,1886, a son of the dren survive: Hunter, Gertrude. late William Addison and VirPaul, Snarling, Evelyn, Prico ar. i ginia Hester Hypes Merritt, he Jim^ _ _ ^ _ was a retired coal miner, memThomas S. Meadows f ber of Glen Jean Assembly of Thomas S. Meadows, former-! God Church and member of • ly of Greenbrier and Pocabon- j UMWA. ! tas Counties, died Saturday,' Survivors include his wife, ' September 3, 1968, in a Win- Mrs. Dixie A. Merritt, at home; a sister, Mrs. Mary Waugh, chester hospital. He was born May 18. 1889. of Marlinton; six daughters, a Survivors include his wife, son, 26 grandchildren and 26 Mrs. Rusha Alderman Mead- great-grandchildren. ows; five children, three sons Services was held in the and two daughters. Thomas Funeral Home Chapel Funeral services were held at Oak Hill at 2 p. m. Friday, in the McKee Fureral Home with burial in Highlawn Meat Augusta. Burial was in morial Park. I the Rio Cemetery, at Augusta. William Albert Means 43, of Bartow, died Sunday at his home of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the sheriff's office.


Hoxie Meeks Hoxie Meeks, aged 70 years, of Stony Bottom, died on Monday morning, May 24, 1954, after a short illness. The deceased was a s jn of the late Howard and Allie Showalter Meeks. His brothers are Yancey and Kemp Meeks: and his wister Mrs. Willie Gibson, of Elk. Mr. Meeks is survived by hi) ; widcftv, Mrs. Maude McAlpin | Meeks* On Wednesday afternoon his i body was laid to rest in the Stony: i Bottom Cemetery. ! The service was held from Alexander Memorial Church by 1 his pastor, Rev. J. D. Arbuckle. I In religion Mr. Meeks was a Presbyterian; a Deacon in the Alexander Memorial Church. He was an outstanding citizen. Mrs. Beeehtr Meadow

Mrs. Garcie McCormick Meadows, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, April 5, 1977, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital where she had been ill several weeks. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church A native of Union, Mrs. Meadows was born June 3, 1905, the daughter of Lloyd and Cora Bell Brown McCormick. Surviving her are her husband, Beecher W. Meadows; a son, R. L. (Bill Bob) Meadows; a grandson, Stephen Meadows; two sisters, Mrs. Robbie Smith, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Mary Evans, of Sweet Springs, ^v^Services will be held at two p. m. Friday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Ernest E. Meadows

Ernest E Meadows, 68, of Tal'cott, died Friday, June 23,1961, in the Beckley Veterans Hospital fcfter an illness of two years. Born at Barger Springs, Julv 4, 1892, he was a son of the late I Ott and Janie Woodrum Meadows [and was a lifelong resident of Talcott. He was a brother of Mrs, Nellie Michael and Mrs. Effie 1 Biggs of Marlinton. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon in the Oak Grove Methodist Church at Ballengee by the Rev. Gary Ziegler, with burial in the Barger Springs Cemetery.

fcdith S. Meadows Edith Slayton Meadows, '0, of Marlinton, died Friday, >ecember 7, 1985, in "ocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was born April 18, 1915, the daughter of Henry and Lidia Moran Slayton. Her parents, brothers, Jesse and Ronald Slayton, and a sister, Virgia, preceded her in death. Surviving her are four children, Michael Meadows, of Waynesville, North Carolina, Margaret Barb, of Marlinton, George Beard, of Dixie, and Jerry Slayton, of Austin, Texas; a sister, Margie Simmons, of Huntersville; a brother, Roland Slayton, Zelienople, Pennsylvania; 7 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 p. m. in Cummings Creek Victory Chapel by Rev. Norman Aldelrman, Sr., with burial in the Beaver Creek Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Melton

. Mrs. John W. Melton died in Decatur, Georgia, on Thursday, November 1, 1962, and her husband, John W. Melton, died in Bristol, Tennessee, on luesday, December 4, 1962. I hey were the parents of the Rev Roger P. Melton, now of Charleston, and visited in Marlinton while Mr. Melton was pastor of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church.

Robert Mikesell Robert Alwyn Mikesell, age 75, of Meadview, Arizona, died Friday, August 24, 1990 at Valley Hospital in Las Vegas Nevada after an extended illness. He was born June 4, 1915.He was a United States Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean Conflict Survivors include his wife, Norma Kellison Mikesell, of Meadview; daughter, Diane Allred, of Olalla, Washington, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. Mikesell was cremated. Plans are being made to hold a memorial service at Beaver Creek Cemetery this fall.

Omer Ralph Michael

Omer Ralph Michael, 58, a Randolph County educator and a resident of 248 Boundary Avenue, Elkins, died Sunday, December 13, 1981, in Memorial General Hospital, Elkins. He had Buffered a heart attack November 27, and was admitted to the hospital where he had remained a patient until December 10. He was again admitted to the hospital on December 11, and succumbed to a second heart attack Bunday morning. He was born January 14 1923. in Marlinton, a son of the late Omer Michael and Nellie Meadows Michael Shrader, who survives in Marlinton. Following bis graduation from Marlinton High School, he graduated from Berea College in Berea Kentucky, where he received an associate bachelor degree in English. He later received a master's degree in library science from West Virginia University. He taught school in Pocahontas County in Marlinton and Hillsboro and later at Pickens. At the time of his death, he was the librarian at Tygarts Valley High School. On July 25, 1956, he was married to the former Carmen "Carmie" Terrano, a wellknown beautician in Elkins. Surviving in addition to his wife and mother are one son, John V. Michael, at home; one daughter, Mrs. Allan (Mary Frances) Gibson, Elkins; three brothers, Clarence and James Michael, of Marlinton, and William Michael, Hot Springs, Virginia; and two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Moses, Marlinton, and Mrs. Hazel Long, Alderson. Mr, Michael was a United Methodist by faith. He held memberships in the Randolph County, West Virginia and National Education Associations, was a member and past president of the Seneca Trail Artist Guild and was the first recipient of the guild's James A. Hartman Award. Final rites were conducted Tuesday at 11 a. m. at the John W. Lohr Funeral Home by.Dr. Basil A. Hensley, pastor of the First United Methodist Church and assisted by the Rev. Fr. William Anderson, priest of St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Elkins. Interment was in St. Brendan's Catholic Cemetery.

Otho Michael Dies Suddenly Expirei at Bridgewater—Funeral Saturday Afternoon. BRIDGEWATER, Dec. 20Otho V. Michael, 60 well-known carpenter, died of a heart attack while attending to his chickens yesterday rnornin;; about eight o'clock. He appeared in his usual health when he are breakfast ant, went to the I ch'ckenhouse. When he did no; return, his body was found. He was a native of the Mt. Solon community and had a wiJ i acquaintance Tn—uua acinuu u>. Rockingham and adjacent ar wts Miss Blanche Andes, of Waynes boro; a brother, John A. Micfel, Bridgewater; and five sistrs, Mrs. Willie Rexrode, Bal'iI tore; Mrs. Charles Taylor, Arington; Mrs. S. E. Michael and I Hss Delphia Michael, Mt. Soion J nd Miss Sylvia Michael, Harrti P .'-burg. He was a member of Church of the Brethren. Funeral services will be lielc* from Emmanuel Church, oca' Mt. Solon, Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. C. G. Hesse and the Rev. M. G. Senger, officiating. The body will remain at tlr Rosenberger funeral home until the hour of the funeral. Mrs. Gaynall Michael Mrs. Gaynell Moore Michael, of Waynesboro, Virginia, died Wednesday, March 8, 1978, in Waynesboro Community Hospital, of a cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. Michael was born in Marlinton on May 15, 1908, a daughter of the late Albert S. and Myrtle Mayse Moore. She is survived by her husband, Oliver Paul Michael; a son, Oliver Paul Michael. Jr., of California, and one granddaughter; she is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Robert (Virginia; Stuart, of Everett, Washington, Mrs. Derwood (Jean) Blankenship, of Beckley, and a brother, Albert S. Moore, Jr., of Morgantown. Funeral services were held Saturday at 10 a. m. in the Chapel of Etter Funeral Home by Rev. Gordon V. Nelson and Rev. George Waters. Burial was in Emmanuel Brethren Church Cemetery in Mt. Solon, Virginia.

Omer Ernest Michael Omer Eroest Michael was born on August 21, 1887,' near Hinton, and died at his home in Marlinton, on Wednesday, March 19, 1952, aged til years, 6 months and 27 days. He had been a resident of Marlinton for the past forty years. The funeral was held from the Marlioton Methodist Church, (of which he Was a member), on Friday afternoon, March 21, 1952, with bis pastor, the Rev. Don C Taylor, officiating Burial was made in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Michael had been in failing health for several monthb pre ceding his death. He leaves to mourn their loss, together with a host of relatives and friends, bis wife. Mrs. Nellie Michael, and six children: Mrs. Ruby Moses, Clarence, James, Ralph, and Mrs. Hazel Long, all of Marlin ton, and Billie, of Hot Springs, Vicginia, Also a twin brother, Oat E Mi chael, of Marie; and four sisters: Mrs. Ollie S'aanklia and Mrs. Lottie Martin, of Marie; Mrs. Buri McKenuey, of Beckley, and Mrs^ Minnie Buckland, of Bellepoint. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Michael, of Marie, and two brothers, Henry, of Marie; and A. H s n e , of Alderson. The pall bearers were: Walter Moses, Bill Moses, Raymond Wiley, Beecher Meadows, Roberf McElwaeand Eugene Amnions. Flower bearers were members of the Home Builders Bible Class of Marlintoo MeihoAJ^Church.

Oat E. Michae. Billy Jack Michael Oat E. Michael, aged 72 years, Billy Jack Michael, age 71, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died of Marie, died on Wednesday, Sunday, March 30, 1997, in December 2. 1959. in a Hinton Alleghany Regional Hospital, Low I Hospital. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage at his home on NoMoor, Virginia. Mr. Michael was a retired clerk vember 22nd and was taken to for the C&O Railroad, with 40 ! the hosi< a! where he re:- lined a years service, a member of the patient until his death. Ashwood United Methodist ' Bon August 21, 1887, at Wolf Church, the church's Men's Club, Creek .e was a son of the late and Valley Springs Masonic Lodge. Charle. W. and Elizabeth McHe served with the U. S. Army in Dowell Michael. the Korean War. A life long resident of Marie, A native of Marlinton, he was he was a member of the New born May 22, 1925, the son of the Hope Methodist. Church and was late Omer Earl Michael and Nellie engaged in well drilling and farming. Meadows Michael. Preceding him in death were two Survivors include his w'rte, Mrs". brothers, Ralph and Clarence Ethel Michael; a son, Elmer, of Marie; a daughter, Mrs. Champ Michael. Surviving him are his wife, Carden, of Peterstown; three fosDelsie Neal Michael; a daughter and ter sons, Howard and Kejley Mison, Deborah Bogan and Donald L. chael of Logan, and Roger Lee Michael, both of Hot Springs; two Hudson, at home; threa shters sisters, Ruby Moses, of Mrr. Lottie Martin, of Oceana, Ronceverte, and Hazel Long, of Mis. Burl McKinney, of Beckley, Alderson; a brother, James and Mrs. Minnie Adkins, of BelleMicnael, of Marlinton; and four point, and two grandchildren. granddaughters. A son, Junior Michael, was killServices were held at 11 a. m. ed in Korea in 1951. Wednesday at the Ashwood United Fun 'ral services were conductMethodist Church, Hot Springs, by ed on Friday, at the Forest Hill the Revs. Bass Mitchell and Steve Baptist Church, with the Rev. Shaver, with burial in Alleghany Robert Shields, pastor of Trinity Memorial Park. Methodist Church at Talcott, in Memorial gifts may be made to ch^-ge. Burial was made in the the Ashwood United Methodist church cemetery. Church Building Fund or the Hot Springs Rescue Squad.

Mary F. Michael Mary Frances Michael, 37, of Elkins, died Friday, July 8, 1994, in the Davis Memorial Hospital, following several months' illness (Js Mrs. Thelma Michael £» { with cancer. Mrs. Thehaa Randolph Michael j She was a member of St. 55, died at the home of Willie j Brendan Catholic Church and the Hughes at Bartow, on Saturday, I Daughters of the American Legion. April 15, 1961, after a short ill- j She attended Davis and Elkins ness. College and before her illness she She was a member cf the Wo- i was a student at the Clarksburg Beauty Academy. man's Society of Christian Service [ at Bartow, and the Tiselwah She was born May 4, 1957, in Chapter Order of the Eastern Elkins, a daughter of Carmen Star, at Charleston. Terrano Michael and the late Omer Ralph Michael. Survivors include her husband, Survivors include her mother, a James Harvey Michael, af Charbrother, John V. Michael, of leston; her mothe-, Mrs. Edith Elkins; her paternal grandmother, Collins, of Bartow; iwosons, Jack Nellie Shrader, of Marlinton, and Michael and Wayne B. Michael, her maternal grandmother, Daisy both of Charleston; a sister, Mrs. Terrano, of Elkins. In Marlinton, Darlie Oakes, of Charleston; two Ruby Moses is her aunt and James brothers, Robert Vere Collins and Michael is her uncle. Albert Wendell Collins, both of Cleveland, Ohio; and two grandSunday evening at 7 p. m. a children prayer service was recited by Sister Funeral services were held Mary Ella. The Liturgy of Christian Tuesday afternoon in the Bartow Burial was celebrated at St. Methodist Church with the Rev. Brendan Catholic Church in Elkins Joe E. Fairburn in charge. Bu- at 10 a. m. Monday, the Rev. rial was in the Arbovale Ceme- Father Paul W. Hickey presider. Interment followed at the St. tery. __ Brendan Catholic Church.

Mrs. Effie Michael

Mrs. Effie Angeline Biggs Michael 75, of Ronceverte, died Friday, April 1, 1966, at her home after a long illness. She had lived in Ronceverte for forty years. Survivors include three daughters; one son; one sister, Mrs. Grace Broyles. of Marlinton; eight brothers, James, Lamar, Wilson and Henry Biggs, all of Marlinton: 24 grandchildren and 23 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Ronceverte, by the Rev. Roy Snedegar. Burial was in the Forest Hill Cemetery near Hinton. Allen Harve Michael, aged 63 years, died at his home in Alder son on Thursday, November 1, 1951, as a result of injuries received when apiece of .hi in her fell upon aim while constructing' a bouse. He is survived by bis wife, Mrs. Effie Biggs Michael, and their four children. One of his brothers is Omer Michael, of1 Marlioton. The deceased is a former resident of Marlioton


i. H. Michael


James Harvev Michael, 62, of Bartow, died Wednesday, November 2, 1966, of an apparent heart attack, while driving his car a t Dunmore. He was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County; a member of the Junior Order of the ; United American Mechanics, a p d was a building contractor. His wife, Mrs. Thelma MichIfcel, preceded him in death in 1961. Survivors include two sons, James L. and Wayne B. Michael, both of Charleston; his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Michael, of Headwaters, Virginia;one sister, Mrs Sarah Gilkerson, of Staunton, Virginia: one brother, George Michael, of Bartow, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arboval-e by the Rev. Romie Edgell. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

John W. Killer John William Miller, 71, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, September 10, 1958, after a long illness. Born near Marlinton June 6, 1887, he was the son of the late George and Lavana Miller. He is survived by his wife, Mary Gibson Miller; four daughters, Mrs. John Harricks and Mrs. Harold Meeks, both of Charleston; Mrs. George Goins and Mrs. Summers Webster, both of Kopperston; one son, Burel William Miller, with the Air Force in Puerto F ' ^ o ; two brothers, Harper Miller, of Houston, Missouri, and Basil Miller, of Raymondsville, Missouri; two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Fornash, of West Chester, Iowa, and Mrs. Bertha Smallwood, of Raymondsville, Missouri. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon' in Mary's Chapel by the Rev. Stollie Parsons and the Rev. Ezra Bennett with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Vernon Miller

Vernon Miller, 70. of MillMrs J. W. Milligsk boro Springs, Virginia, died Mrs Florence Lockridge "Milligan. suddenly of a heart attack aepd elfchfcy-four years, wife 7 W. Saturday. October 28, 1967, Milligan, died at her home on Lower' while fishing near Millboro. Camden A venae in Marlinton, on TH day evening, May 1, 1940 The BiaM V. Mills cause of her death was infirmities due Mrs. Beulah Rachel Vanto age. 'Jhe had been bedrast only Reenen Mills, 57, of the Hazeltwo weeks The funeral servie-i will wood community died Monday, be conducted from the home on October 12, 1981, in the Davis Thursday afternoon, by 1 sr pastor. Bev O. G. Olson, rector of the Episco Memorial Hospital. pal church; interment in the family She was born June 29, 1924, plot in Mt. View Cemetery. in Marlinton, a daughter of Mrs Milligan was the first child of the late Bernard and Mattie the late Colonel James T. and Lillie Gregg VanReenen. Yloser Lockridge of Knapps Creek, On February 12, 1948, she born April 9, 1856. She is the last of a family of four to be calle'd She married Denver Mills, who is survived by her husband, J. W. survives in the Hazelwood Milligan, to whom she was married community. sixty-two years ago. Their daughter Also surviving are two daughis Mrs Calvin W. Price. Another ters, Mrs. Robert (Donna) daughter,' Mist, Lillie Milligan, pre Barth, Charleston and Jody ceded her mother a number of years since; a fine son died in chilhcod Mills, College Station, Texas; She saw and rejoiced in her children two sons Stanford Mills, to the third generation Elkins and Nile Mills, HazelAll her life a professing christian, wood; two sisters, Mrs. Nina Mrs Milligan was a loyal member of Sargent, Biloxi, Mississippi, the Episcopal Church P r life was and Mrs. Juanita Groseclose, a beautiful one given in service to Fredericktown, Ohio; one her f oily brother, Dale VanReenen, Marlinton; two grandchildren. Samuel Lee Milam Mrs. Mills attended the United Methodist Samuel L e e , Milam, aged 64 Beverly Church. years, of Clovirlick, died on MOD day, September 22. 1952. He Services were held Thursday was a retired coal miner from Oak at 2 p. m in the Jerusalem Hill. H e j s survived by his wife, Church by Rev. Dr. Basil A. Mrs Ada Milam, their son, Perry, Hensley, pastor of the First their daughter, .Mrs. Don Brain United Methodist Church of and sis grandchildren. Elkins, and Rev. Carroll McNo plans for tbe funeral ha e Cauley, Beverly Circuit of the been annouaced as this paper is United Methodist Church.2d. Interment was in Jerusalem Cemetery, Mill Creek.

Rev. 0. N. Miles Rev. Oswald N. Miles, aged 70 years, died at his home in Marlhi
An earnest, able, consecrated man, Mr. Miles worked steadily and sturdily for tr i kingdom of his Lord and Ma- n,r Jesus Christ and bis wot''.s do • "low him. Servant of God, well done; enter thou into the haven of rest j which remaineth for the children of God. Eisner C. Mick Cass —Elmer Clyde Mick aged 54 .rears, died at his home in Cass, on Monday, November 12, after a long illnes. Oa Thursday afternoon tbe funeral service was held tit the Hevener Church on Bank Alleghany, with ioteiment JD the Church cemetery. The deceased is survived by his .Mrs. Mary Ervine Mick and their twelve children, Clyde, Charles, Robert, Oail and Kenny Mick; Mesdamcs Mildred Knott, Lucille Neal, Edith Curry, Juanita Sheets; Misses Betty, Karen and Maxine.


Mrs. Mary Miller

C l -


Mrs. Mary Miller, 69, of Marlinton, died Monday, August 23, 1965, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. L S. Webster, of Kopperston, after a long illness. Born near Marlinton May 13, 1896, she was a daughter of the late James and Martha Hannah Gibson. Survivors include one son, Burrell Miller, of Glasgow Air Force Base in Montana; four daughters, Mrs. George Coins and Mrs. L. S. Webster, both of Kopperston, Mrs. Harold Meeks and Mrs. Johnny Hedrick,both of Charleston; one sister, Mrs. Harry Varner, of Marlinton; two brothers, Dock and Harlan Gibson, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Mary's Chapel on Elk with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. • Charles W. Miller


Charles W. Miller, 59, of Dunmore, died Tuesday. February 27, 1968, at Frost, when a tree fell on him. Born at Edray, August 28, 1908, he was a son of Henrv C. Miller, of Huntington, and the late Lucy Smith Miller. He was a member of the Marlinton Nazarene Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Genevie Virginia Grimes Miller; three sons, Orville C. Miller, of Little Rock, Arkansas, Arthur W. and Clark B. Miller, both of St. Marys, four daughters, Mrs. Mary F. Simmons and Miss Virginia Dare Steele, both of Clifton Forge, Virginia; Mrs. Edna Lee Swink, of Salem, Virginia, and Mrs. Anna Lee Casto, of Fayetteville; his father, Henry Miller, of Huntington; two half br 3th ers, Ross Miller, of St. Albans Ralph Miller, of Charleston and seven half sisters, Mrs Bernice Bailey, of St. Alb ms Mrs. Ruby McCarty, of 1 Denver, Colorado, Mrs. Kathryn Young, of Hagerstown, M dryland, Mrs. Doris Groves and Miss Dorothy Miller, both of Charleston, Mrs. Frances Williams, of Dunbar, and Mrs. Margaret Bailey, of Grantsviile Funeral services were held Friday afiernoon in the NewHope Church at Dunmoie by the Rev. David Rittenhonse, with burial in the Dum ore Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Jane Miller

Mrs. Mary Jane Miller, 84, of Cass, died Wednesday, August 5, 1970, in a Weston hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Mingo Presbyterian Church and was a re?iden^ of Pocahontas County for forty years. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Ada Doyle, of Monterville and Mrs. Gay Shields, of JarrettsviUe, Maryland, and two sons, Robert Tumblin, of Cass, and Calvin Miller, of Painesville, Ohio. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Mingo Presbyterian Church, with burial in the Mingo Cemetery. Mrs H. C. Miller

Winona Adkison Miller was born September 3. 1891, and died in the Thomas Memoiial Hospital, South Charleston, February 10, 1961, age 69 years. She was the daughter of the late William McNeil Adkison and Margaret Rogers Adkison, and a member of a family of seven. Three surviving her are Miss Elsie Adkison and Clifford Adkison of Marlinton, and George Adkison of Troy, New York. Three deceased brothers are: Coe, Fred and Okey. In 1914 she was married to Henry C. Miller who with the following children survive her: Mrs Bernice Bailey of St Albans, Glenn W Miller of Charleston, RossG. Mtferof St. Albans, Mrs. Gene Groves of Big Chimney, Margaret Miller of Charleston, Dorothy Miller of Huntington Mrs. Ruby McCarty of Hagerstown, Maryland, Mrs. Kathleen Young of Hagerstown, Maryland, and Mrs. Frances Williams of St. Petersburg, Florida. Another daughter, Helen Mae Miller, preceded her in death. She had one stepson, Charles Miller of Dunmore, fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday, February 13, by the Re\. Herbert Pennington, with burial in the Mountain View Cemeter She had a spirit of human kindness that brightened her life and the lives of those who knew and understood her. Her chief interest in life was in the welfare of others, always ready to share or j help in some way. She was a| good mother and will be sadly" missed by her children other relatives and friends.


Miss Miller Miss Mae Miller, age twenty nine years, died in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia,- May 31, 1947. Funeral service was held by Rev. Earle N. Carlson of Marlioton, at the Lower Buckeye church on Wednesday June 4th at 2:30 p. m. Interment in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Miss Miller is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miller, her sisters, Mrs. Wilford Bailey, Charleston; Mrs. Wilroer McCarty, and Mrs. H. B. Young, Jr., Hagerstown, Md.; Mrs Mot'-j t'ett Williams, Marlinton; Margaret, Doris and Dorothy at home; brothers, Ross, of Hinton; Glenn, Marlinton; Ralph, of the U. S. .Nav.y; and one half brother Charles Miller of Dunmore; and a host of friends who mourn her untimely passing. Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mr and. Mrs ireorge Adkison, Troy, New York , Mr and Mrs Fred Adkison, Dayton, Ohio; Mr and Mrs V. C. Miller,' Clifton Forge, Va., Mrs. H. B. Young, Jr., and Mr and Airs Wilmer McCarty of Hagerstown, Md , Mr and Mrs Ross Miller of Hinton; Mr and Mrs Wilford Bailey of Charleston.

George Miller, aged 82 J ^ r s , died •** his l'ouue in Ramonctsviile, inissonugust i s , 1939. For the past years he hud been an Invalid. O i Sunday his body was buried In I the Allan cemetery at Rvununsviiie. ' t h e funeral leiog conducted from ifhe Methodst Church by his pastor | Ki-v O 0 S'apieton. Mr Miller WHS born ad Hi'Isbctfo; ft'est Viry Inia, a son of John ami Mantis Miller Of his father's faml ly there remain t*o brothers, Koberc. or West Virginia; and Rice of lnui ana; UKBH sfsers, Mrs Ann Bennett Mrs Saliie Scruggs and Mrs Vinie Bond, all of Indiana. Fifty four years ayo Mr Miller marMiss Lavinia Beverage, who irvtves. To i his uni n w.-re Uorn seven oliil dien. One died in Infrney and six survive their father: Euiorj and VVil Haft) of Pocahontas U.i inty. West Virgini/i; Mrs i'ted Forrush, of luwa: Mrs J ho Wilson, and Harper arm Basil MiOer, of Ramond»ville The gi andchlldren number twenty-live and the gieat grandchildren eleven. On November 1, 1907, Mr Miller and his family moved to Texas County, Missouri, from Poaah iotas Coun iy. West Virginia, and has been a resident of RimondsvlUe ever since. i!e was a man of jovial disposition. made frien is easily and kep.. tlieiu. Kor in ire than tifty years he Yr been a p.ofes-ing ehristia i, a me ber of the yei.lmd'.«t Uburcft. A,, through hts long and painful illness | he manifested a spirit of patience.

Emory G. Miller Emory G. Miller, aged 71 years, son of the late George and Lovina Beverage Miller, died at .he home of his daughter, Mrs. Denny Brown, on Jerico Road, m Tuesday, August 28, 1956. He had been in failing health for aiany years and passed away in 'lis sleep. He was preceded in death by! His wife, Mrs. Icie Duncan Miller,' and one son Glenn. He is survived by seven children, Mrs. Warren Moore, Mrs. Denny Brown, Mrs. Sherman Friel, Miss Logetta Miller, John W. and George H., all of Marlinton; and Winters, of Warren, Ohio; also, two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Smallwood, of Missouri, and Mrs. Blanche Forinash, of Iowa; and chree brothers, William C. of Elk, Basil and Harper, of Missouri; and also, twenty five grand children and several great grand children. I William P. ftuiler William P. Miller, aged 29 I'jears, of Marlinton., died in the Alto Veterans Hospital in Washington. D. 0., OD Tuesday, December 23, 1947, after an illness cf son)'.* months. On Friday afternoon the fuiieral svas held from tfee Marlinton Presbyterian Churjch by his pastor. Key. Roger P. Melton. His bo<'y was laid to I rest in the faxeMg plot in Mountain View Cemetery with full I military honors. The deceased, was the son of Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Miller, of Bujkeye. He married Miss Lena M'rore, «»3io -survives. During ItliQ: late war he served long and bo-norafely in the Navy. Upon r is return he and Mrs. Miller jr.iit, * house and established a Dome in Marlinton. I The deceased is al-o survived ois parents, a brother, James, lot Buckeye, his sister, Mary Elizih. of Washington: his half.brothers, B. F., John E. and Tillfenau Miller, Grady Walton and [OkejfE Walton; and his half-sisters, i. Miss Iieari Wolton aud Mrs. LesWnlls. Homer R. Miller

Homer Richard Miller, 55, of Droop Mountain, died Saturday, April 13, 1968, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nettie Phillips, of Culpeper, Virginia. Survivors include two sons, Larry and David Miller, both of Marlinton, and one brother, Summers Miller, of Fairlea. Gravesides rites were held Monday afternoon at the Old Brick Church Cemetery at Hillsboro by the Rev. Jack K


James Layfayette Miller Funeral services were held for James L. Miller, 85, of 129 Bloomsburg Avenue, Catons- i ville, Maryland, on July 12,! 1962. He was born July 30, 1876, at Frost, and lived at Cass, where he was employed by the 'West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company for 30 years. He then moved to Baltimore, J Maryland, where he was emj ployed by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, until his retire! ment at the end of World War II, He died at his homa after an illness of six months. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie M. Miller; and ten children, Mrs. Anna Nelson, of Piedmont; Mrs. Ruth Pusey and Mrs. Ruby Papale, both of Catons ville, Maryland; Mrs. Janette Wren, of Hialeah, Florida; Mrs. Naomi Tatman, of Goldsboro, North Carolina; Mrs Doris Hill, of Ellicott City, Maryland; James F. Miller, of San Bruno, California; Norman A. Miller of Duncanville, Texas; Charles W. Miller, of Catons-ille, Maryland, and Sheilace N. Miller, of Baltimore, Maryland. He also leaves twenty grandchildren and two great-grand-, children. Burial was in the Good Shepherd Cemetery in Howard , County, Baltimore, M^-via^ GLEN MILLER Glen Miller, 36, of Charleston and formerly of Marlinton, died in Charleston General Hospital about 7 a m . Saturday, November 18, 1961, of injuries reoeived al_ most 24 bours previously when he wns beaten with a club by Harry ; I). Simmons, 51, also of Charleston. Surviving a r e two daughters, Marsha and Kathryn, both of j •Charleston : two brothers. Ross of i St. Albans and Ralph of Charles- I ton: seven sisters, Mrs. Berniee | Bailey of St. Albas, Mrs. Frances ; Williams of St. Petersburg, Fla-, ' Mrs. Jean Groves of Big Chimney, Mrs. Ruby McCarty and. MrsKathleen Xoiing, both of Hagers. town, Md., Miss Margaret Miller of Charleston and Miss Dorothy Miller of Huntington ; a half brother, Charles W. Miller of Dunmore; and his father, H. C- Miller, of Big Chimney. Services were held Monday at the Smith Funeral Home with burial following in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Charles Miller Mrs. Genevieve Miller, 67, of Dunmore, died Tuesday, March 23,1976, at the Emmett Memorial Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a short illness. She made ber home with her daughters. Mrs. Miller was born in Pocahontas County November 12 1908, a daughter of the lat< Garfield S. and Ella M. Grimes She was preceded in death bj her husband, Charles W. Miller Surviving: sons, Orville E, Miller, of Little Rock, Arkansas, Arthur W. Miller, Belmont, Clark B. Miller, of St. Marys; daughters, Mrs. C. L. Simmons and Mrs. Cletus W. Nicely, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, Mrs. John L. Casto, of Romney, and Mrs. Joe Swink, Salem; 20 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren; seven sisters, Lillian Dahmes, of Frankford, Alma Arbogast, Denmar State Hospital, Beard, Viola Brown, Norfolk, Virginia, Juanita Winings, Buckhannon, Helen Vannoy, Huntersville, Betty Ralston, North Carolina, Gaynell Sharp, Charlottesville, Virginia: and three brothers, Cdell Grimes, Huntersville, Hunter Grimes, Green Bank, Hubert Grimes, Harrisonburg Virginia. Services were held Friday morning in the New Hope Church, at Dunmore, with the Re/. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery. Thomas Nelson Mi.'ler T h o m a s Nelson Mi Her, aired 48 y e a r s , of D u n m o r e , ifie i at hip home on S a t u r d a y , October 2& 1951, after a long HIIKS-I He**a>" a f a n n e r . S u r v i v i n g are his wife, Mrs. Goldie K>der Miiler; six d a u g h t e r s , Mrs. Eula Malpass, of F l o r i d a ; " M r s / Ibeita F c r t i g , A r m y , and H o w a r d , J i m m y ' and Carl Miller, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Nannie (Jamber, of Greens F o r k , M a r y l a n d ; Mrs. Lilly Gladwell, of Fairlea, and Mrs E d i t h W r i g h t , -of GreSi Bank; five b r o t h e r s , H e n r y Mi' ler, of M a r l i n t o n ; Clevelai d Miller, of Hillsboro; Harry Miller, a( D u n m o r e ; Cody Miller, of ( "o > t L i c k . ' a o d Verlin Miller, of U :on F o r g e , V i r g i n i a ; and eight jr&ndchildren. Service will b e a t 2 p. m. Tues Jay a t Good H o p e Church at D u n m o r e , with Rev. Q K. Arbo gast officiating. Burial will be n Brick C h u r c h cemetery,

Walter Robert Mitchell Walter Robert Mitchell, 71, Osa Lee Mitchell ajred 66 .year; of Rainelle, died Friday, September 9, 1966, in a Hinton iied at his borne in Roanoke, W Va., on Thursday, Feb. 2. 1950, hospital after a short illness. after a short illness He was a He was a member of the Inretired coal miner, a son of the dependent Methodist Church, late Alonza and Samantha Riffle Rainelle Knights of Pythias Mitchell. He is survived by bis Lodge, and a retired saw filer wife and their dausrhetr, Mrs for the Meadow River LumAlbert Smith of Marlinton. oer Company. For thirty-five years the deSurvivors include his wife, ceased had been a member of the Mrs. Icy Hannah Mitchell, Methodist Church. and one sister, Mrs. Harry M. Patton, of Hinton. Richard H. Mills Funeral services were held Richard H. Mills, 74, died Irunday afternoon in the NicTuesday October 21,1980, in a rell Funeral Home Chapel by Morgantown hospital after a lie Rev. Ronald M. McCaulong illness. iiy. Burial was in the Walnce Memorial Cemetery at Born February 23, 1906, in £lintonville. McDowell County, he was the son of the late William Fount He is a brother-in-law of and Mary Jane Smith Mills. NTorman Hannah, of Marlinton Mr. Mills, a resident af Falls 1. B. MiddletoH CLView for 45 years, was a reBethel B. Middleton, 42, tired machinist and supervisor died Thursday, March 17, of maintenance at Union Car1977, at bis home on Route bide Metals Division, Alloy, 1, Marlinton, from a heart atand a member of St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Boomer. tack. Surviving him are his wife, He was an employee of DenGenevieve Hurley Mills; two mar Hospital. daughters, Mrs. Mary Mills Born at Charleston, NovemMcCutcheon, of Beckley, Mrs. ber 23,1934, he was the ion of Ann Mills Mitchell, Marlinton; William H. Middleton, of a sister, Mrs. Esther Boone, of Charleston, and the late MilMrs. Jessie Mitchell Hialeah, Florida; 12 grandchildred Wilkerson Middleton. Mrs. Jessie Hill Mitchell, 85, dren and one great-grandchild. died Sunday, September 24, In addition to his father, he Mass of Christian burial was 1978, at her home on Greenis survived by his wife, KathFriday at 10 a m. in the St. brier Hill in Marlinton, of a leen Pittman Middleton, six Anthony's Catholic Church heart attack. children, Darrell, Marty, Budwith Father Albin Martis offidy, Timothy, Diana and PamMrs. Mitchell was a member ciating. Burial was in Restlawn ela, at home; a brother, Ray of the Marlinton Methodist Memory Gardens in Ansted. Estel Middleton, of CharlesChurch. She retired about 20 ton ; and two sisters, Mrs. Lois years ago after teaching school Eth
Mrs. Frances A. Mitchell Mrs Frances Arquette Wright Mitchell, 71, died on Wednesday, March 1, 1967, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard where she had been a patient f or nearly three years. . B'irn May 4, 1895, at Hot Springs, Virginia, the daughter of the late A. T. Wright ,and Ella Cleek Wright Lantz. •she was a member of the Ede? Methodist Church in Batl County, Virginia. Her husband, Charles Hunter Mifchell, and one son preI ceded her in death. Survivors include one son, Charles K. Mitchell, of Baltimore, Maryland; a half brothher, Cecil Lantz, of Levitts burg, Ohio; and a half sister, Mrs. Elsie Puffenbarger, of .t-sburg, Ohio; three grand clvldren and seven great-grand children. Other survivors include several nieces, nephews md a host of friends. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. Owen M. Lee and the Rev. Victor A. Tenney- with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery.


Osa Lee Mitchell

Mrs. ley Gildie Mitchell

Mrs. Icy Goldie Mitchell, 81, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, January 22,1980, at the home of a brother, Otto Hannah, of Marlinton, after a long illness. Born at Beard, July 12, 1898, she was a daughter of the late Burley Hanson and Lula Jane Perry Hannah. She was a member of Rainelle United Methodist Church. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Hallie Clutter, of Ronceverte. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday, in Rainelle United Methodist Church with the Rev. Richard Thurston officiating. Burial was in Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville. George W. Mitcham George W. Mitcham, 74, of Beckley, died April 25, in a Beckley Hospital. He was a retired schoolteacher, a Methodist, and an Army veteran of World Warn. Survivors include a son, George W., Jr., of Wilmington, Del.; a brother, the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, of Marlinton; and two sisters, Mrs. Pansey Heater, of Crab Orchard, and Mrs. Lausie Wood, of MacArthur. Services and burial were at Beckley.

Cody Miller

( V Mrs. Cody R. Miller £ ' Mrs. Ida Mamie Nottingham Miller, 51, of Marlinton, died Sunday, January 19, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County, May 15, 1917. she was the daughter of Mrs. Lula CUne Keister, and the late Jes3e Nottingham. She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church. Her husband, Cody R. Miller, preceded her in death in July 1967. Survivors include two sons, Robert H. and Ravmond Miller, both of Marlinton; one daughter, Mr?. Shirley Welder, of Marlinton; one sister, Mrs. Grace Hefner, of Dun more; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in theVanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Ralph Ross with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Cody Robert "Miller, 68, of Marlinton, died Saturday, July 29, 1967. in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Hillsboro, April 28, 1899, he was a son of the late John and Estiline Sprouse Miller. He was a retired farmer. Nine brothers and one sister preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mamie Miller; one daughter, Mrs. Shirley M. Welder, of Marlinton, two sons, Robert H. and Theodore R. Miller, both of Marlinton, one sister, Mrs.. Nannie Gamber, of Greens Fork, Indiana, three brother?, Henry Miller, of Hunt ington, Harry Miller, of Marlinton, and Verlin C. Miller, of Millboro Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Fred Walker with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. John W. Miller j j ^ Mrs. Harry C. Miller John William Miller, 71, died I in the Pocahontas Memorial HosMrs. Mattie Smith Miller, pital on Wednesday, September 76, of Marlinton, died Wednes10, 1958, after a long illness. day, February 18. 1970, in a Born near Marlinton June 6, Richmond, Virginia, hospital. 11887, .he was the son of the late Survivors include her husj George and Lavana Miller. band, Harry C. Miller, of MarHe is survived by his wife, linton; two sons, Harry J. and I Mary Gibson Miller; four daugh- C. Jack Miller, both of Richters, Mrs. John Harricks and mond, Virginia, cvvostep-daugh Mrs. Harold Meeks, both of ters, Mrs. Maraaret Hogan, of Charleston; Mrs. George Goins I.vnwood, California, and Mrs. and Mrs. Summers Webster, both Arline Sites, of Mourh of Seneof Kopperston; one son, Burel ca, three sisters, Mrs. Jettie William Miller, with the Air Force Batkins and Mrs. Marv Kathin Puerto Rico; two brothers, erine Massengill. of Raleieh, Harper Miller, of Houston, Mis- North. Carolina, and Mrs Masouri, and Basil Miller, of Ray- bel Scott, of Richmond. Virgin mondsville, Missouri; two sisters, ia, a brother, William L.Smith, Mrs. Blanche Fornash, of West of Weston, six grandchildren Chester, Iowa, and Mrs. Bertha and two great grandchildren. Smallwood, of Raymondsville, Funeral services were held Missouri. Saturday afternoon in the BaxThe funeral was held Saturday ter Presbyterian Church at afternoon in Mary's Chapel by Dun more, with Rev. Thomas the Rev. Stollie Parsons and the Henderson in charge, with burRev, Ezra Bennett v/ith burial in ial in the church cemetery. Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. Robert H. Miller Mrs. Cloay E. Miller, 37, of Elk Route Marlinton, died Saturday, October 11,1975, at the Broaddus Hospital in Philip pi, on the way back from the Medical Center in Morgantown. She had been ill the past two years. Born at Marlinton, September 12,1938, she was the daughter of Pat I. Workman, of Marlinton, and the late Annie Loving Workman. In addition to her father, she is survived by her husband, Robert H. Miller; two daughters, Mrs. Debbie Sharp, of Marlinton, and Kim Miller, at Miss Ruby Miller, of Buckeye, home; and a brother, Nick daughter of Henry Miller, was terri bly injured in an automobile wreck Loving, in Geneva, Ohio. in the lot on Price Hill, Saturday Mrs. Miller was a member of night. She suffered a fractured skull the First Baptist Chapel at She is expected to recover. The car Huntersville, where services left the road, broke through the were held Tuesday afternoon guard rail and plunged down the by the Rev. Kendall Hatton, s'eep hillside. The driver of the car, with burial in the Cochran Earl Liggen, of Richmond, escaped with slight injury. Cemetery.



Harry L. Miller died January 1, 1926, at the home of his sister. Miss Moss Miller, near Buckeye. He was born April 17, 1861, near Hillsboro, W. Va , the son of Colonel Robert G. Miller, who at t h a t time commanded the 127th Virginia Regiment of Militia in the Confederate service, There were eleven children in Colonel Miller's family, few of whom survive. Burial Saturday in the Old Oak Grove cemetery at Hillsboro, where other members of the family are buried. Mr. Miller had been an I invalid for years. The immediate cause cf 'eath acute nephritis.

Tobias Otrcnton Moss Mrs. AmandafiilmoreMoss Charles Marvin Most Tobias Otrenton Moas, aged Charles Marvin Moss, 58, of Mrs. Amanda Gilmore Moss, Minnehaha Springs, di»d Mon- 77, of Marlinton, died Tues 68 years, 11 months and 22 day, November 16, 1970, m day, July 24, 1962, in ihe An- days, died at his home at RichMonday, March 25,1963, the West Virginia Medical drew S. Rowan Home at Sweet wood after suffering a heart attack. Springs, after a long illness. Center at Morgantown. Mr. Moss was born April 2, A member of the Marlinton He had lived in Pocahontas 1895, at Huntersville, the son Coui ty since 1918 was a mem- Presbyterian Church, she was of the late John F. and Minerva ber of the Cass Prfsbytenan born at Vago, July 10, 1885, a McComb Moss. He spent Church, was employed by the daughter of the late J. W. and most of his early life in Buck Coco Cola Bottling Company Annis Gilmore. feve as a farmer and woodsman. in Marlinton and a former Survivors include a son,For The past 15 years he spent in flooring raderg for Mower Lum rest Moss, of St. Albans, and Richwood where he retired two b-:r Company. a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Du- years ago after working 18 S rvivors include his wife, mire, of Elk Route; five grand- years for the Cherry River Mrs. Katherne Slaven Moss; children and three great-grand- Company. three sons, Marvin Lee Moss, children. Surviving him are his wife, of Madison, Ohio, Freddy Funeral services were held Lora Jackson Moss, of RichMoss, of Washington, D. C , Friday at 2 p. m. at the Smith s wood; two daughters, Mrs. and Danny Moss, of New Lon- Funeral Home with the Rev. Dale Turner and Mrs. George don, Wisconsin; one sister, Mrs. George McCune in charge, Broce, both of Buckeye; one Harrison Gardn r, of Colum- with burial in the Gibson Ceme son, Robert Moss, of Richbus, Ohio; one brother, Frank tery on Elk Route, Marlinton. wood ; two sisters, Mrs. Taylor C. Moss, of Lumis, California, Morrison; and Mrs. N. B. Deand six grandchildren. Weese, of Strawsville, Virginia; William S.'sn Moss Funeral services will be held one brother, John Moss, of Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p William'Glen Moss, 75, of Cass Buckeye; and eight grandchilm in the Liberty Presbyterian ];;;i on Fridav, December 5 J ( j r e n One s Margaret, Church by the Rev Thomas !958. at the.borne of a daughter, o n e half-sister, Mrs Jim WorkE " Henderson, with burial in Mrs. Gertrude Gardner,in Lewis- man, and an infant daughter preceded him in death. trie Arbovale Cemetery. bur?. Mr. Moss, an elder of the Cass Funeral services were held in ; Walter W. Moses Presbyterian Church, was also a the Swago Methodist Church member of the Riverside Milbnic at Buckeye Thursday afternoon Walter W. Moses, 55, died on Lodge and the Green Bank I. 0. with the Rev. Ezra Bennett, of Saturday, March 4, 1961, in the Q. F. Renick, and the Rev. Clarence Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Surviving him are his wiffi> Pierson, of Edray, in charge. Death was attributed to a heart Mrs. Amarcla Flack Moss; an Burial was in the Cloonan Cecondition. He had been ill th other daughter, Mrs. Genevive metery at Buckeye! past five years. Doyle, of Scony Bottom; two J Born at Parsons, July 28, 1905, sons, Marvin Moss, of Cass and he was a son of J. L. Moses, Sr., Frank Clifford Moss, of Rockland, - and the late Mrs. Columbia C. California; a brother, J. B. Moss i. L. Moses ( 2 / , Hansford Moses. He was re- of Caldwell; and nine grandchildJoseph Leonard Moses, of i tired and was a member of the ren. Marlinton. di-Moses, John Houston MOM, 75, of terian Church and Odd Felloes I Percy Moses, Dorsev^lvlosee, and Buckeye, died Tuesday, April Lodge. 'Joseph L. Moses, A/^alJ/of Mar11, 1978, at Denmar State Surviving him are two daulinton; two sisterfC"Mrs. Maudeghters, Mrs. Maudeline GalHospital. line Galford, of VMarlinton, and Mr. Moss was a retired ford, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Mrs. Dessie Nottingham, of Wil-i woodsman. He was born Feb- Dessie Nottingham, of Riverliamsport, Pennsylvania; and ruary 22,1903, at Huntersville, side, Pennsylvania; and four four grandchildren. the son of John F. and Minerva sons, J. W. Moses, Joseph L. Funeral services were heir McComb Moss. He never mar- Moses, Jr., Percy Moses, and i Monday afternoon in the " ' • ried. Two brothers, Homer Dorsey Moses, all of Marlin [linton Methodist Church Another son, Walter, and Tobias, and three sisters, ton. died several years ago. Frances, Mary, and Margaret Funeral services will be held preceded him in death. ' Surviving him are two sis* in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon, at ters, Mrs. Anna Mary Morri2:00 p. m., by the Rev Fred son, Buckeye, and Mrs. Daisy Dewese, of ShawsviHe, Virginia W. Walker. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery, Services will be held Friday afternoon at two p. m., in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk with burial in the Cloonan Cemetery.


Bill Moyers Mrs. Amanda Flack Moss

Mrs. Amanda Flack Moss, aged "0, of Cass, died in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital at Roneeverte on Monday, November 6, 1959, after several weeks illness. She was a member of the Cass Presbyterian Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Gardner, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Genevieve Doyle, of Stony Bottom; two sons. Marvin Moss, of Cass, and Clifford Mof. of Rockland California; a sister, Mrs. Josie. Scott, of Oakland, Maryland; two brothers, Leslie Flack, of Huntsville, Alabama, and Claude Flack, of Detroit, Michigan, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Cass Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Philip Newell, with burial in Sa,lem Cemetery at Organ Cave. Charles Wilbur Moyers

Charles Wilbur Moyers, 83, of Hightown, Virginia, died at the home of a son, John Moyers, with whom he lived, on Saturday, February 29, 1964, after a long illness. (J*^* I He was a member of the J Pisgah Presbyterian Church I and a farmer. He spent most I of his life in Highland County. | Survivors include his wife, I, Mrs. Maude Simmons Moyers, I of Hightown; one daughter, I Mrs. Sterling Hise, of HighI town; three other sons, Harry I Moyers, of H'ghtown, VirginI ia, Robert Moyers, ofStaunI ton, Virginia, and Jesse Moyers I of Atlantic City, New Jersey; I one sister, Mrs. Nellie SimI mons, of Bartow; fifteen grand-, I children, and seventeen greatI grandchildren. I I I I I I

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. A. E. Johnson. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Sue Moyers

Mrs. Emma Sue Maynard Moyers, 34, of Durbin, died Wednesday, August 1, 1979, of a gunshot wound. She was a native of Kentucky. Surviving her are her husband, Leroy Gene Moyers; a son, Ronnie; and a daughter, Edie; her parents, seven sisters and four brothers. Services were held Sunday, in the Hatfield Funeral Home in Goody, Kentucky.

Alfred Brian (Bill) Moyers, 50, a prominent Pendleton County farmer of Moyers, waa killed Thursday, March 25, 1976, when his pickup truck left a narrow roadway and rolled down over the embankment. Mr. Moyers was a livestock farmer and active in civic and community affairs. He was a1 director and former president of the Pendleton County Farm Bureau. He was a member of. St. Paul Lutheran Church near Moyers. He was born July 28, 1925, at Moyers and was a son of the late Lester D. and Elizabeth Hoover Moyers. He was never married. Surviving him are two sisters, Mrs. C. Byron (Igerna) Judy, of Moyers, and Mrs. Paul (Erma) Coldiron, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday, March 28, at the Obaugh Funeral Home at McDowell by the Rev. Andrew Ballas. Burial was in St. Paul Cemetery near Moyers. Attending the funeral of Bill Moyers were Miss Cathleen Hoover, Mrs. Lilly S. Kellison, Mrs. Lucy Moore, Mrs. Carl VanReenan, Jack Kellison and Miss Betty Clay Sharp. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover Moyers

Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover Moyers, 79, of Moyers, Virginia, died early Monday, April 28, 1975, at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. She was born September 14, 1895, in Pendleton County and was: a daughter of the late Noah and Caroline Gay Hoover- -'po-<- • She was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Her husband, Lester D. Moyers, died on January 12, 1971. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. C. Byron Judy, of Moyers, and Mrs. Paul B. Coldiron of Richmond; a son. Bill Moyers, of Moyers; two sisters, Mrs. John W. Croft and Mrs. Florence Hoover, both of Swoope, and seven grandchildren. The funeral was conducted Wednesday morning at the Obaugh Funeral Home Chapel in McDowell by the Rev, & Kullman. Burial was in the St. Paul Lutheran Church cem etery near Moyers.

Bradley E. Moyer Bradley [Brad] E. Moyer, 22, of Bartow, died Monday, June 10, 1985, in a car accident on Rt. 28 near the top of Allegheny Mountain. Formerly of Hightown, he had lived in Bartow for six years. He attended the Durbin Church of the Brethren. He was a self-employed timber operator. Born August 9, 1962, at Hot Springs, Virginia, he was the son of Roscoe and Alice White Moyer, of Bartow. Surviving in addition to his parents are his wife, Penny Walter Moyer, of Charles Town; two eons, David Bradley and Philip Andrew, both of Charles Town; a sister, Peggy Lynn Stull, of Bartow; three brothers, Ralph, Elbert, and Keith, all of Bartow; paternal grandparents, John and Cathleen Moyer, of Hightown, Virginia. Services will be held at 10 a. m. Thursday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Revs. Harold Swecker and David Rittenhouse with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Maude Moyers

Mrs. Maude Rejena Moyers, 77, of Arbovale, died Thurs day, August 27,1964, at Hightown, Virginia. I She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, at Hightown, Virginia. r * i / V V V Her husband, Ferles Welker i Moyers, preceded her in death. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Sterling His*, and Mrs. Blanche Ganoe, both of Hightown, Virginia; four son:;,: John Moyers, of Hightown, Virginia, Harry Moyers, of Vanderpool, Virginia, Jesse Moyers, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Robert Moyers, of Staunton, Virginia, and one( sister, Miss Nadine Grogg, of Philippi. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Waljlaceand Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale bv the Rev. A. E. Johnson. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Fay Mayan Fay Andrew Moyera^57, of Durbin, died Thursday, March 18,1976, at home after a long He lived in Durbin- most of his life, and was a veteran of World War II and a member of the American Legion. He was an employe of Howes Leatb er Company. Surviving: mother Mrs. Ratm Ifoyers, of Durbin; sisters, Mrs. Josephine Shrader. and Mm. Robert Cram, Painesville Ohio, Mrs. Harry Simmons, of Bartow, Mrs. Arnold Reds, of Mill Creek, Mrs. Robert Baker, of DuBoia, Pennsylvania brothers, Gene and Raymond, of Durbin, Bill, of Belle, and Sam, of Painesville. Services were held Sunday in Durbin Church of the Brethren with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Garriet W. Myers Garriet William Myers, 74, of Webster Springs, died Saturday, June 24, 1972, in an Elkins nursing home after a long illness. He was a member of the Halo Baptist Church near Cowen, a retired miner and a member of the United Mine Workers of America. Survivors include three sons, one of whom is Billie Myers, ofMarlinton; five daughters six sisters; 27 grandchild ren^ two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tj\esday morning in the HowCbape]' 1 }^ Funeral Home James Crouch, with"h?,--''"i G. a,

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Miss Luey Moomai/-—" Miss Lucy Catherine Mooma u, 82, of Green Bank, died Sunday, July 16, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. Born at Green Bink, March 3,1885 she was the daughter of the late James and Nannie Jane Arbogast Moomau. She was a member of the Liberty Presbyterian Church. Survivors include one sister, Miss Lillian Moomau, of Green bank. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon m the Liberty Presbyterian Church at Green Bank by the Rev. Thomas Henderson, with bural in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Eirl Stanford Moon Earl Stanford Moore, 57, Of Ernest Newton Mrore died Monday, September 28, In the death of .fa nest New tun 1981, in the Pocahontas MeMoore on February 10, 1942. at morial Hospital. the home of his daughter, Mrs Born March 21, 1924, at Harry Nixon. Meadow View. Edray, he was the son of the Virginia, the community and late George Preston Moore and Methodist church at Dunmore Maggie Florence Tacy Moore. lost one of its influential and He is survived by his wife, most consecrated members, and Mary, twin daughters, Linda this section of West Virginia has (Mrs. Herbert Friel), Lana lost one of its loyal citizens. Ernest N. Moore was born at (Mrs. Robert Barlow), son, the old Moore homestead at Dun- Thomas D., all of Marlinton. more, on January 5, 1856, and Also seven grandchildren, lived his entire life near :the old Douglas, Chris, Bryan, and home. He was the son' of the Andy Friel; Jeff and "Tarnlate Isaac and Alcinda k rbogast mie'' Barlow; Eric Moore. A Moore. Of his father's family nephew, Ronald Lee Poage, of there were rive sons • • A two Salem, Ohio, made his noma daughters. Harry M. Moore is with Earl and Mary for several years, and was always thought the only surviving member. The funeral service was con- of aa a son. ducted from the Dunmore MethAbo surviving are" three odist church by his pastor, Rev. brothers, Asa, o! Amherst, Quacie A. Arbogast, assisted by Ohio, Edgar, o! Marlinton, Liev. Fred Oxendalo of Marlin- Granvil, of Huntington, and ton. His body was laid to rest four sisters, Mrs. Woodsie Burin t; family plot in the Gl.a"' gess, Mrs. Mary Jackson, Mrs. Hill Cemetery. All the members Lena Weatherholt, of Marlinof his family were present except ton, and Mrs. Grace Perette, Mrs. S. B Hannah, of Florence, of Cleveland, Ohio. Preceding Arizona, and Miss Eloise Moore him in death were two brothof Charleston. ers, Warren and Arnold. SevThe many beautiful floral offer- eral nieces and nephews also ings were eloquent of the love survive. and esteem of his family and Earl was a veteran of World friends. War II, with three years servAt the early age of eleven years ice in the U.S. Navy, 27 Mr Moore was converted and months of which time was sea joined the Methodist church at duty. Greenbank under the ministry of For the past twenty years Rev. C. A. Joyce. And thus he was actively identified with be was a highly respected and church work during his long life, popular businessman and livewith the exception of the last two stock farmer in the area. He or three years when lie was pre- was always generous in his vented by illness to attend church support of worthwhile activiservices. Most particularly was ties of the schools and comthis true of Sunday School work, munity. Since October 1976, having served well and faithfully be and his wife have owned as Sunday School superintendent and operated the Frontier for fiifty-two years. He was de- Restaurant on Route 219, voted to his church, and was al- north of Marlinton. ways ready to contribute of his Funeral services will be held means to support the various in- Thursday at two P. M. at terests of the same. As b
Tbeoi'orj Is'oore R. DUNCAN MOORE Beulah D. Moore R. Duncan Moore, born Janu-j Theodore Moore, aged 72 years, Beulah Dahmer Moore, 67, died a r y 22, 1878, in Appomatox died at his home in Marlinton on Wednesday, November 8, 1995, in County, Va., died at his home in Monday, April 22, 1957, after an Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Hillsboro on Thursday, June 21. illness of many months. following a long illness. He had been in failing: health On Wednesday afternoon the for a number of years. However, Bom May 2, 1928, at Cass, she funeral service was held from the his death came as a shock to hi« was the daughter of the late Gilbert and Nola Bennett Dahmer. Marlinton Methodist Church by family and friends. The funeral was held on Sunhis pastor, Rev. Charles A. Yoho, Mrs. Moore was executive vice assisted by Dr. Fred B. VVyand, day afternoon f r o m the Oak president and chief executive officer a former pastor. His body was Grove Presbyterian Church, with of The First National Bank in laid to rest jn the*family plot-in his pastor, Rev. D. L. Jones, in Marlinton, with 43 years of service. charge. The body was laid to Mountain View Cemetery. . She had been a director of the bank rest in the family plot in Oak For many years this most use- Grove Cemetery, with Masonic- since February, 1988, and a director of the holding company, ful citizen served with the State honors. Horizon Bancorp, Inc., since Conservation Commission as a The deceased is survived by fish culturist, and conservation his wife, Mrs. Eva McLaughlin March of 1993. She was the first officer. For the past fourteen, Moore, and their four children:J woman appointed to the executive years he has been an employee of j Mrs. Ruth Branham, of Whites- committee of the West Virginia the Board of Education, at the | ville; Mrs. Catherine Irwin, of Bankers Association. Baltimore, Md., M r s. Virginia Marlinton High School. She was a member of Financial Foresman, of Wilmington, Del.. Mr. Moore is survived by his and William D. Moore, of Hills- Women International for 25 years; a member of the Marlinton United wife, Mrs. Edith Gum Moore and boro. Methodist Church, where she was their children, Mrs. Arnold Burns Mr. Moore was the son of the, and Mrs. Norval Pifer, of Mar- late W. R. a n d Ella Duncan former church treasurer and a linton; Curtis Moore, ofDurbin; Moore. His sisters are Mrs. Ma- member of United Methodist and Mrs. Marion U. Dorsey, of bel Poague and Mrs. W. C. Tins Church Women; a member of the Royal Oaks, Michigan. A son, ley, of Tampa, Fla., Mrs. I. B. Order of Eastern Star, Marlinton Theodore, Jr., preceded his father Bumgardner, of Marlinton, and Chapter No. 97; and she had been a member for more than 40 years of i Mrs. O. M. Powell, of St. Mary; a few years since. W. Va. Also surviving are three the Business and Professional The deceased was a son of the grandchildren and two g r e a t - Women's Club and was the late Aaron and Susan Beverage grandchildren. ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ Business Woman of the Year for Moore, of Marlinton. He was the For nearly 50 years Mr. Moore 1990-91. last of his father's family to be had been a resident of Pocahon She was preceded in death by a called. A brother, Edward C. tas County and for 33 years had Moore, died five weeks ago. b e e n a merchant at Hillsboro, brother, Ray Dahmer, and two sisters, Pauline Sheets and Clara Pocahontas County could boast w h e r e his son, William D. Good. Moore, will continue the mercanof no better or more useful citiSurviving her are her husband. zen. No man ever enjoyed the tile business his father started. Samuel Moore; a brother, Gilbert Mr. Moore was always intercompanionship of a truer friend. Of pioneer stock, he carried on ested in his conynunity and took Dahmer, Jr., of Canton, Ohio; and the traditions of a sturdy an- an active leadership in comma three sisters, Martha Livesay, of nity and civic affairs, serving as Staunton, Virginia, Juanita Filuta cestry^ mayor of Hillsboro, as an elder and Charlotte McClure, both of in his church and as an active Augusta, Georgia. member of the Masonic Lodge. Eastern Star services were held mn. Marfan! Moan Relatives attending the funeral Friday at 7 p. m. Mrs. Margaret Killeen from a distance were Mr. and Funeral services were held at 2 Moore, 78, died Wednesday, Mrs. W. C. Tinsley, Tampa, Fla.: Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Powell, S t p. m. Saturday at the Marlinton " July 30,1980, in Andrew RowMarys, W. Va.; R e v R. L. I United Methodist Church with an Memorial Home, at Sweet M o o r e , Fairmont; Mrs. Callis Revs. Karen Brown and Jay Hicks Springs, after a long illness. Bocock, Robert Moore, A n n i e officiating. Burial was in the Edray She was a member of the Laurie Moore, Mrs. Ruth Wheel- Cemetery. Presbyterian Church. er and Mary Ann Wheeler, of Donations of sympathy may be Appomatox, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. made to the Pocahontas Memorial Born July 7. 1902, at WaGranville Moore and daughter, Hospital, American Cancer Society, toga, she was the daughter of Shirley, of Ronceverte; and Mi. or the Marlinton United Methodist William and Lou Pyles Killeen, and Mrs. Harry May, of Beck- Church. Her husband, Franklin ley. Moore, preceded her in death and a sister, Myrl K. Burns. Baby Phillip Marshell Moore Cs Surviving her are three sons, Mrs. Edna W. Moore Phillip Marshell Moore, inStanley Moore, of Miami Mrs. Edna W. Moore, 76, of fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beach, Florida, William, of Marietta, Georgia, died SunMorris Moore, of Lititz, PennEureka, California, and Dan, day, November 7, 1976, in an sylvania, died Sunday, June 6, of Madison, New Jersey. Atlanta hospital after a long 19'65, at St. Joseph Hospital, Services were held Saturday illness. in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. at 11 a. m. in VanReenen FuShe was a sister of Mrs. He is survived by his materneral Home with Rev. Richard Verna Viers, Marlinton, and nal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Newkirk and Rev. Willis Cor- Archie Walker, of Hillsboro. Paul S. Nolt, Woodbridge nelius officiating. Her son, Graveside services and burial I Drive, Lititz, Pennsylvania, Stanley, had a eulogy at the I paternal grandmother, Mrs.. graveside. Burial was in Moun- in Princeton. Benjamin J. Moore, of Frank, tain View Cemetery. and pateprJalgrgatgMndfather Austin JSfet^^h^rriVTf Durbin.


LLOYD M. MOORE Lloyd M. Moore, who would have been 72 February 13, died Tesduay afternoon at 4:45 o'clock on February 4, 1941 at his home, 2710 Memorial avenue, after a long period o£ declining health. He was born in Edray, W. Va., February 13, 1869, son of Rev James. E. Moore and Mrs Lou Emma Harper Moore. He was in business in Lynchburg for 25 years with the Moore-Lipscomb Lumber Company, the partnership being dissolved after the World War. He was then associated with Adams Brothers and Payne Lumber Co. for many years. He was a member of Fort .Hill Methodist Church, having served as chairman of the Board of Stewards and superintendent of the Sunday School. He was also a Mason and an Odd Fellow. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ressie Bird Moore, and the following children: Jesse Lee Moore of Richmond; Mrs Beul;.h Moore Roger and Mrs. W Hoifjn Lankford of Lynchburg, and Mrs. • N. Rawley Bryant of Roanoke. Seven grandchildren also survive. The funeral service was conducted 1 at Fort Hill Metodist Church Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Lynchburg News Mrs. Ella White of Edray is a sister and Lee Moore, of Millpoint is a brother.

Mrs. #aude E. Moore Mrs. Maude Elsie Moore. 75, of HuntersviUe, died at 6:00 a. m., on Sunday, May 26, 1957, in a Charleston hospital. Born on July 10,1881, in Highland County, Virginia. She was a daughter of the late Hugh A. iibson Jordan. She was a member of the HuntersviUe Presbyterian Church and a charter member of the HuntersviUe Chapter Number 120, Order of Eastern StarSurvivors include one daughter, Mrs. Reta Lee Fenwick, of Charleston; four sons, Colonel William P. of Washington, D. C ; Jack C. of Kopperston; Master Sergeant Lynn M. of HuntersviUe; and Hugh B. of Beckley; two sisters, Mrs. Bertie Dolly, of Onego; and Mrs. Nettie McEIwee, of Minnehaha Springs; and six grandchildren. The funeral was conducted from the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. E. H. Flaniken and the Rev. Charles A. Yoho. Burial in the Mountain View Cemetery with the HuntersviUe Order of Eastern Star Chapter in graveside rites. fc'rs. S. H. Moon

rs. Frances McLaughlin Moore, aged 81 years, widow of the late Solon H. Moore, died on Friday morning, December 21, 1956, at the Andrew S. Rowan Home at Sweet Chalyberate Springs. She had been in failing health for two years. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral was held from the Smith Funeral Home by her pastor, Rev. E. H. Fnniken. Interment in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Moore was a daughter of the late George H. and Rub amah Wiley McLaughlin. Of this family there remain her brother, Fred, of Marlinton, and her sister, Edith,(Mrs. Homer Stephenson) of Monterey, Virginia, and Marlinton. In.- 1908 Mr. Moore married For more than thirtv years the Miss Myrtle Mayes, who survives. Their son is Albert, ,h of An. deceased was happily married to napolis. Marylandf^heir daugh- the late Solon H. Moore, of Waynesboro, Virginia. He preter, Mi Erf-M+eHhel, of Waynesboro, Virginia; Mrs. Rob- ceded her in death sixteen years ert W. Stuart, of Everett, Wash- since. She made her home .. M ington; Mrs. Grady K. Moore, her brother, Fred McLaughlin, of of Marlinton; and Mip.. Jean, of Marlinton. rlinton. By ©CGjijpition Mr. Thus is noted the passing of a Moore was a tanner. For nearly most useful life, spent cheerfully naif a century he was a foreman in the service of others. She was .nd expert finisher of fine leather an outstanding church worker; •a the employ of the United and a charter member of the -tates Leather Company. Woman's Organization of the Marlinton Church. Thus is noted the passing' of a jfood citizen and an upright man.

Joei'; Sidney Moore, aped 68 s, died at the Pocahontas Viembrial Hospital in Marinton on Wednesday morning, July IB, 1952, after a prolonged illness On Friday afternoon the funeral was be'd from the Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. Don j Taylor and Rev. E. Clyde Bus(sard. His body was laid in the ; family plot in f o u n t a i n View Cemetery. The deceased was born in Lexington, Virginia, a son of the late Robert Newton and Emma Ayers Moore. He came to Marlinton nearly fifty years ago. Of this family there remain his brother, David, of Richwood, two sisters and a half brother.

Mabel Hansen Moore Mabel Hansen Moore, age 82, of Steelville, Missouri, died Saturday, March 29, 1997, at Gibbs Care Center, Steelville, after a long illness. She was born September 4, 1914, at Lewisburg, and was the daughter of the late George Lovie and Mary Hopper Napier. She was a long-time resident of Wyandotte, Michigan, and was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jessie Howard Moore in 1972; brother, Earl Napier in 1961; brother, Norman Napier in 1981; a sister, Geraldine Napier in 1992 and a grandson, Richard Herron in 1986. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Janice Darleene) Herron, of Cedar Hill, Missouri, and Mrs. Tevfik (Deanna Kay) Erkut, of Istanbul, Turkey; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Hill, of Matthews, North Carolina, and Mrs. James (Carrie) Perri, of Hopewell, New Jersey; a brother, Nick Napier, of Parkersburg; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and one great-great- grandson. Visitation will be Thursday, April 3, from 10 a.m. until noon at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale. Graveside services will follow at 1 p.m. at Stony Bottom Cemetery, Stony Bottom, with Reverend Peter Maier. Dewey Edward Moore Dewey Edward [Sam] Moore, 66, of Stony Bottom, died en route to Davis Memorial Hospital Wednesday, June 5, 1985, of congestive heart failure, after a long illness. He was a retired security officer. Born July 25, 1918, at Stony Bottom, he was the son of the late Ellis and Eva Moore. Surviving him are four brothers, Okey B. Moore, of Charleston, Floyde Moore, of Arcadia, Florida, Lloyde Moore of Wytheville, Virginia, and Delbert Moore, of Hurricane; two sisters, Vera Andres, South Daytona, Florida, and Kathryn Faudree, of Covington, Virginia; two stepchildren, Jean Brader, of Glen Burnie, Maryland, and Benny Carpenter, of Warren, Ohio; and two stepgrandchildren . Services were held Saturday at 1 p. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by James A. Malcom, with burial in Stony Bottom Cemetery.


E. f. Moore Moore Mrs. Lena Keruiison Moore A ndrew \\ > Moore, born Edward C. Moore, aged 68 Mrs Lena Kennison Moore wf ppeCn fet the Moore home- 1 j ars, died on Saturday morning, born Oct. 22, 1869 and died Jan. 2;^ stead, March 5, 1907 departed this ch 16, 1957. Two weeks be- IS I), aged 65 years. On December ( 1 life December 13, 1933, lie was the fore he suffered a heart attack. «85 she united with the Hillsboi of Price' and Myrta Heroid Moore. Methodist Church. On Monday afternoon his body Jlmeral services were conducted at SI.-•• svas married to George E Moore home by his pastor. Rev. I>. N. was laid in the family plot in iiis union were born six children: Monroe on December loth. Of his Mountain View Cemetery, with May (deceased). Mrs. Georgia immediate family there remains his Masonic honors. The service C oper of Hillsboro. Willie (deceasmother, one Brother, Trice Pershing; was conducted from the Marlinand three sisters. Genevieve, Holiis ton Presbyterian Church by his ed) James Boyd, of Covington: Va , Olcey Kermit, and Mrs Frances and Doris. His father passed away pastor, Rev. E. H. Flaniken. Elaine Arbauch, of Hillsboro. til fifteen years ago. The active pall hearer.-, were WilThe deceased was a son of the Besides her husband and these four I Dever. Roscoe Beverage, Richard late Aaroa^and Susan Beverage living children, she leaves to mourn (jibson, Blake Shrader, Arnet Moore. Moore. Of his father's family j their loss, one sister, Mrs J. D. Payne Clyde Bussard, Clarence Newman; there rema"ns his brother, Theo- land one brother, O. L. Kinnison: and and Grady Moore and a number of [three grandchildren. Clyde, Llba and dore Mcora. friends were honary pali bearers. j Myrtle Florence Cooper. Mr. Moore married Miss Ola The (lower girls were Veva Gibson. Mrs. Moore, throughout ler life, Margaret Rydjjr, Ruth Dever. Jean j Shaffer, of Elkins. She and their was a faithful wife, a devoted mothet T. Bly Dever. Eleanor Uerold, three children survive. The sons and a loyal Christian. Pauline Harold and Eleanor Mc- I are Edward, of the faculty of The Funeral Service was conducted •hlin. J West Virginia Institute of TechAndrew was hurt by falling when nology, at Montgomery; Thomas at the Hilisboro Methodist church by gathering apples October I2th. A M., a technician at Rockingham her Pastor, Rev. J H. Light, assisted by Rev. Marlin Curry. She was lovb on which he was standing brofcer causing him to fall about fifteen feet. Memorial Hospital, at Harrison- ingly laid to rest in the Brick church Tie received injuries which HnaPy re- burg, Virginia; Mrs. Thomas Cemetery, near Hillsboro. ""lie Flower girls who carried the _udtad in death. He was immediate- King, of Bridgeport; also six beautiiul flora! tributes were Misses ly taken to the hospital at Harrison- :rand children. Marilynn Miller, Emma Rogers, El burg, Virginia, after the accident For forty years, Mr. Moore len Lee Cooper, Alice Sheets, France happened but no permanent relief had served the public faithfully Arbaugh. Maude Fulwider, Jane . .could be given. and well, as mail carrier in Mar- Beard, Isabelle LaRue, Lucy Aul Andrew was an excellent young linton. Prior to 1917, , for a clridge, Pauline Shrader, Pauline man. Though quite young when his Smith, Edith Mitchell and Ruth id with the advice of his number of years he worked with Hall he National Geological Survey. J showing the He was an extensive land owner, and live stock producer. H - Carty, George Cbappell, Dannie Ruck ability of his ancestors. When about thirteen years of age Thus is marked the passing of j man, Romey Rogers, George (Jlende L. he was converted and joined the Pres- a faithful and aecommodatirg en, and Dick McCarty.' rch and we have reasons public servant, a good cWzen, slieve that he made all ho ffort to discharge his duty. Daring friend and neighbor. Andrew Moore ^mm his s of suffering 1 e Andrew Moore, aged 72 y e a r s , , T. D. Moore pa1.ient. showing a spirit, of cheerfuldied a t his h o m e on J e r i c o Road and as the end came near T h e o d o r e D a r i u s Moore was near M a r l i n t o n , on F r i d a y m o r n tied to meet the call of nis Master. born on S e p t e m b e r 23, 1878 and i n g . O c t o b e r 16, 1942. F o r some A i lace is vacant in the home, died a t the P o c a h o n t a s Memorial m o n t h s he had been in failing A loved one has journed on. Hospital on W e d n e s d a y , J u l y SJ0, health. O n S a t u r d a y afternoon Slay we nieel the son and brotlr,»r, 1949. He had been in failing his b o d y was laid to rest in the in i hat brighter home above. health for the past six m o n t h s . family plat in M o u n t a i n Viww On F r i d a y afternoon his body cemetery beside the grave of his was Jaid to rest in t h e family plot sister M r s J a n e Moore McCollam. Arnet. i; Moore | in M o u n t a i n View C e m e t e r y . T h e T h e service b e i n g conducted by Arnett D. Moore, 68, of I funeral service wa9 held from the his p a s t o r , Rev. J . C. Wool, asHuntersviHe, died Saturday, Marlinton P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h sisted by Bev. F r e d Oxendale. Mav 22, 1971, at his home of by his pastor, t h e Rev. R o g e r P. T h e pall bearers Alva E. M o o r e , a h^art attack. Melton. "/""V T. D. M o o r e , J . O. M o r r i s o n , F r a n k K i n g , Dr. X. R. P r i c e He was the son of the late T h e pall b e a r e r s were: E r n e s t Peari and Betty Sharp Moore. Weiford, Melvin A n d e r s o n , S. H. and Calvin W. Price. T h e honMr. Moore was a native and S h a r p , Sampson Goldizen, H. A. o r a r y pall bearers were his fellow directors and officers of the F i r s t a life long resident of Poca- Yeager, and Sam Gibson. The National Bank. hontas County. flower girls were: Mesdames Paul M r M o o r e was a son of the He was a member of the Glad well, Mack B r o o k s , Melvin Mount Carmel United Metho- Anderson, W a r d Barlow, G. D. late Aaron and Susan B e v e r a g e dist Church, and was a farmer. Wooddell. Stanley Wood del I, I r a Moore. His b r o t h e r s are J o h n , Survivors include bis wife, Hannah, Ray R o x r o d e , W a r r e n T h e o d o r e and Ed C. M o o r e ; his Mrs. Ruth Halladay Moore, Moore, E d i t h L a R u e , J a n e S h a r p , sister, M r s K a t e M o o r e B a x t e r and a foster brother, Arden M a r g a r e t M o o r e , Misses Helen j H e never m a r r i e d . T h u s I n o t e the j e s s i n g of 8 S m i t n , M a r g a r e t M c L a u g h l i n and Shinaberry, of Charleston. life long friend. L / i c from a Ethel Birlow. Funeral services were he'e line of old and disth._. ,Vshed famMr. Moore is s u r v i v e d by his Monday afternoon in the Van ilies of the Grecribrier Valley, wife, Mrs. Mary fcthel M^'.re Reenen Funeral Home Chapel and by an honorable life of honin Marl in ton by the Rev. Ezra and their son, T h e o d o r e Darius esty and i n d u s t r y he carried out Moore, , l r , of the Signal C o r p s , Bennett, with burial in the n g h t r a d i t i o n s of his people. United States A r m y . H i s first Shfi-p Cemetery at Frost. wife, Mrs. J u l i a Gay Moore, preceded him m a n y years since.


Ressie Warden Moore I French Moore, son of the late ^ Grover W. Moore Ressie Warden Moore, 73, Grover W. Moore. 83, of Charles L. and Biary Martha McLaughlin Moore, was born Au;ust 7, of Huntersville, died Thursday, Staunton, Virginia, formerly of 1898. and died May 29, 1938, aged 40 March 12, 1964, in the PocaHuntersville, died Monday, years. He was a member of the first hontas Memorial Hospital afDecember 25, 1967. Death class to graduate in the new uailin was attributed to a heart at- ton High School building, an<J the ter a short illness. drst member of his class, 1918. to Born at Marlinton, February tack. pass away. He was out stancin; as 10, 1891, he was a son of the Born at Huntersville July 2, an athlete. From high scl.ool he late George and Amanda Moore 1884, he was a son of the late went to Washington and L?e Univer He was a member of the BeavNewton B. Moore and Allie B. i y. October 2, 1918, he was enlist er Creek Methodist Church ed in the United States Army as a Moore. and was a retired railroad •soldier for the World War; and was He was a member of the honorably discharged December 12, employee. Mount Carmel Church and 1918, at the end of the war. Survivors include his wife, was a farmer. On April 12. 1930, he married Miss Mrs. Duffie Pyles Underwood Survivors include his wife, Mary Frances Bratton, who survives. Moore; twosons, Alonzo Moore Mrs. Rtssie Moore; one son, Cheir children are James McLaugh of Columbus, Ohio, and Minlin, Guy Bratton anr". William AnChesley Moore, of Warren, ter Moore, of Salamanca, New Ohio, and three daughters, drew. Last winter Mr Moore suffered an Mrs. Anna Gladwell, of Staun- attack.of pneumonia, followed with York; two daughters, Mrs. ton, Virginia, Mrs. Peggy Ma- complications. He sought treatment Faye Ware, of Lorain, Ohio, theny, of Beckley, and Mrs. In veteran hospital at Huntington, and Mrs. Gay Ware, of AlexAlice Edwards, of Detroit, and Mount Alto Hospital in Wash- andria, Virginia; two half brothers, Jesse Moore and Newington, but to no avail. Michigan. man Dilley, both of Richwood, On June 1, his body was laid to Funeral services were held rest in the Bratton family plot in Mt and two half sisters. Thursday morning in the View Cemetery. The service was Funeral services were held Smith Funeral Home Chapel conducted from the Bratton home In Sunday afternoon in the Huntby the Rev. Sherman Markley Marlinton, by Rev. S. B. Lapsley, late ersville Methodist Church bv and the Rev. Thomas Hender-1 pastor of the Marlinton Presbyterian • he Rev. Rex Ball. Burial son with burial in the Moun-'Church, in the presence of a large was in the Beaver Creek Cemtain View Cemetery at Mar- congregation of relatives and friends. etery. linton. _i Thomas Austin Moore, Sr. MISS CARRIE HOORE Thomas Austin Moore, Sr., Mrs. Mary Moore Miss Caroline Frances Moore, u Mrs. Mary Moore, 68, of Valley 24, of Hughesville, Maryland, asred 82 years, died on Friday, Head, died Saturday, January 2, died from drowning after a October 31 1952. She has been boat capsized in rough seas in an invalid and the immediate 1060, in an Elkins hospital. the Chesapeake Bay Saturday, She was born at Mace, a dau- January 12, 1974. He and cause of her death was a paralytic ghter of the late Thomas and three other men were sea duck stroke. The funeral was he' ' Mary Jane Smith Beale. She bunting. Two were saved a r d day afternoon at the Mt. Zion Her body W&a a member of the Mingo Pres- Moore and Jeffrey Langely, Church in the Hills was laid iu the churf.h cemetery. byterian Church. 27, of Bryantown, Maryland, The service was held by her pasSurvivors include her husband, drowned. tor, Rev. R. T. Crigger. Roy W. Moore of Fort LauderHe was a son of the late Mr. The deceased was a daught r of dale, Florida; two sons, Roy W. Mrs. William Moore, the late William Jefferson and Moore, Jr., of Houston, Texas, and Her Loretta Grimes Moore, and James P. Moore of Jackson, formerly of Cass. Surviving him are his wife, surviving brother is Georsre E. Mississippi; a daughter, Mrs. Virgil Hamrick of Elkins; four bro- Linda M. Moore, two chil- Moore; her sisters are Mrs. Mat thers, Kenny C. Beale of Martins dren, Stepanie C. Moore and tie Humes, Mrs. Russell Mcburg, John Beale of Charleston, Thomas A. Moore, Jr.; a sis- Laughlin and Mrs. Fannie AmorCharley Beale of Linwood, and ter, Louise E. Montgomery, et McLaughlin. Andrew Beale of Elkins; two sis- and his maternal grandmother, Thus is noted the passing of a ters, Mrs. Jake Coff of Charles- Mrs. Harry E. Curry. most useful life, spent in service ton, and Mrs. Florence Sharp of Services were held at the for others. For more than ten Marlinton, and five grandchildren Huntt Funeral Home, Wal- years, she has been laid aside as dorf, Maryland, on January an invalid and she bore her suffer19. with interment at St Marys ing patiently. Her good cheer Dr. Winfred Iftoore Cemetery, Bryantown. was a lesson to us all. Dr. Winfred Moore, aged 60 years, died of a heart attack at his Ralph L. Moore mm Baby Patricia Moore M home in Palm Beach, Florida, on Mrs. Rosie Moore received Sunday night, January 31, 1954. Graveside services were held word Monday, December 12, He had beeo in usual health. On Friday, May 13, 1949, at the I960, of the death of her son, Tuesday his body was laid in a Dunmore cemetery for Patricia S. F . C. Ralph Lee Moore. cemetery in Palm Beach. Moore, infant daughter of Mr. Death was attributed to a heart The deceased was a native of and Mrs. E. N. Moore, born May attack. Pocahontas County. He was a 11, 1949, at the Pocahontas MemRalph had been with the son of the late Zane and Ida lorial Hospital. Rev. Q R. Ar- Army 19 and 1-2 years. He Herold Moore, of Marlioton and hogast officiated. Surviving with was stationed at Fort Stewart, Koapps Creek. His sister i9 Mrs. her parents, are two sisters, Lelia Georgia. Lewis Gay, of Marlinton. Dr. and Mareia, and her grand-parHe was the brother of Keith Moore U also survived by bis ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Little, and Linda Carol Moore. all of Dunmore. wife, Mrs. Helen Merriam Moore. Funeral arrangements are ! 'nrnmntele. «_


William Peyton Hill Moore William Peyton Hill .Moore was born October 1, 188$, and died May •".. 1941; aged g{) years. < months and 2 day's. lie was a son of Isaac Brows and Kate Curry Moore. He was united in Mamie Elsie .Jordan. on June 25, 1908, and to tins union were born four sons and a daughter. He is survived by his wife and their five children: Captain William Moqre, Camp For-! rest, Tennessee; Sergeant Lynn I Moore, Fort Thomas, Kentucky:! Hugh B. Moore, of Marlinton: .lack Moore and Miss Reta Moore of Charleston. Heisalso surviv--, ed by three grand-children, three sisters, a brother, a half-sister and a half-brother. Mr. Moore was a member of i the Presbyterian cliuach. having professed faith in Christ, in his childhood and actively served his church during his lifetime. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star and the J. (). A. M. He had held the position of rural carrier for the postoffice department since l u l l and was a faithful public servant, a loyal friend and a devoted husband and father, arry M. Moore

Harry M. Moore, aged 89, died at his home at Dunmore on Wednesday, March 4, 1959, after ? short illness. A retired farmer, Mr. Moore had lived all his life at Dunmore. He was a member of the Dunmore Methodist Church. Born April 8, 1869. he was a son of the late Isaac and Alcinda Arbogast Moore. On September 30, 1891 he and Miss Cora Jones, of Doe Hill, Virginia, were married in the Methodist Church at Doe Hill, and they had commemorated their 58th wedding anniversary prior ; to her death March 30, 1950. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. Louise Campbell and Mrs. W. F. McElwee, both of Dunmore, and Mrs. Helen Gum, of South Charleston, nine grand ; children and ten great-grandI children. 1 He was preceded in death by a son, Warren Moore, who died in 1924, and by the following sisters and brothers Mrs. Mary E t t a Moffett and Mrs. Florence Austin, Crawford Moore, Rice Moore, Ernest Moore, and Forrest Moore. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Dunmore Methodist Church with Rev. Charles Potts, assisisted by Rev. Philip Newell, officiating. Burial was made in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Mrs. Clyde W. Moore C_ Mrs. Grace Lou Waugh Moore, 74, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital early Sundav morning, December 12, 1965. Her death resulted from diabetes and comolications. Born November 23, 1891, at Edray, she was a daughter of Tohti and Amanda Waugh. Mrs. Moore was a m e n h i r of the Marlinton Methodist Church, Home Demonstration Club and Women's Christian Temperance Union. She was preceded in death bv her husband, Clyde W. Moore, and two sons, John Wallace Moore and an infant: me brother. Dew Waugh, and vlso two sisters, Mrs. Stella McCov and Mrs. Ethel Cochi n . She is survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon by the ^lev. J^mes Kerr, in the Marlinton Methodist Church, with Suriql in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mary Madge Moore Mary Madge Moore was born October 5, 1896, a t Huntersville, and died Friday, April 25. 1975, in the hospital at Tacoma Park, Maryland. She was one of 14 children born to the late Charles and Mary Martha Moore- Her brothers and sisters have preceded her in death. Madge was a retired employee of the Veterans Administration, having served for over 30 years in Huntington, Columbus, Ohio, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She made ber home in Philadelphia for a number of years. She is survived by 20 nieces and nephews who remember her with loving affection. She was a kind, loving and compassionate Christian woman, endearing herself to all who knew her. She was a member of the Huntersville Methodist Church. Services were held Tues day at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk. Interment was in Mountain View Cemetery.

Emmons Moore John K. Moore Emmons Moore, 65, of Dun.John Kenna Moore was born at more, died of a heart attack Ed ray, W. Va., October 26, 1860, at his home on Sunday, and died July 16, 1946, at RichJune 6, 1965. i mond, Virginia. He was the son Mr. Moore was born at Dun-1 Allen Taylor Moore and Cathermore July 25, 1899, the son of' ine Gay Moore, being the last the late Joseph and Mary Su- J and oldest member of a family of ;san Moore. He was a mem-J five children, v-o-fd. On October 20, 1883 he was i ber of New Hope Methodist married to Miss Safiy Preston Church. , Surviving him" are his wife, i Hoge at Staunton, Virginia. Two Mrs. Phyllis Moore, two chil- children were born to this union, both of whom preceded their d r e n , Mrs. Louise Dilley and father in death. « !Mrs. Zelma Waugh, both of Mr. Moore is survived by sevHuntersville, and three s^ep children, Kathy, Tommy and eral nieces and nephews and for Patricia: three sisters, Mrs. a number of years he had nude Ella Grimes, of Huntersville, his-hoine a great deal of the time with his nephew A. C. Young at and Mrs. Bertha Fertig and ! Marlinton. He was a PresbyteMrs. Ina Kelley, of Dunmore. jrian, a cultured gentleman and a Services were held Wednes- noble character. day afternoon at the New His funeral was held in RichHope Methodist Church by mond, July 19, and interment the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, with iu Rock Creek Park Cemetery, burial in the family cemetery. | Washington, D. C , beside his ! wife who died in 1917. Y SOLON H. MOORE Solon H Moore, aged about 65 years, died suddenly at his home at Monterey on Tuesday morning, April 23. 1940, of a heart attack. No arrangements have been announced for the funeral. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Fannie McLaughlin, of Marlinton.


Mrs. Harry Moore

Price Moore ice Pershing Moore, 49, died Tuesday afternoon, September 17, 1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, a few hours after he slipped from a truck and a log fell on him near his home on Knapps Creek. • Born January 1, 1919, on Knnpps Creek, he was the son of the late Price and Myrtle Herold Moore. One brother, Andrew, died in 1933 following a fall from an apple tree. He was a"Deacon In t ^ W e s t _ minster Presbyterian Churc' . Surviving him are three sisters, Genevieve Moore, Mrs. Hollis M. Guthrie, both of Huntersville, and Mrs. Doris M. Norbury, of Bur bank, California. Funeral arrangements are incomplete as we go to press. Burial will be in the Moore Family Cemetery near his home

Josietta Adair Moore was born January 31, 1942, and departed this life November 6, 1964. in the Wadsworth, Ohio, hospital. ^ She is survived by her nnfband, Harry Moore, twin daughters, Carrie and Sharrie Moore, an infant son, Harry Joe Moore; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sage; five brothers, Ray Lewis Sage, Jr., Terry A. Sage, Kale E. Sage, Gib Sage, and Tom Sage, and two sisters, Mrs. A. L. Vaughn and Charma Kay Sage. A sister, Sheila Sue Sage, preceded her in death. She was loyal to the Church, a devoted wife, loving mother, a precious daughter, and is greatly missed by her relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held in Mary's Chapel Church on Elk on Monday, November 9th, by the pastor, the Rev. W.' E. Pierce, assisted by the Rev. Mrs. French Moore Ezra Bennett. The body was Mrs. rs. BMary Frances Bratton laid to rest in the Gibson and Moore, 69, died Tuesday mornVarner Cemetery. ing, May 23, 1967, at Denmar Hospital, after a long illness. Mrs. Nancy Annis Moore McThe daughter of William A. Laughlin, aged 81 years, eight 1 and Fanny Berry Cologne months, five days, died at the Bratton, she was born at Marhome of her daughter, ..Mrs. Bessie McCarty, on Monday morn- shall, Virginia, January 22 ing, August 5, 1946. " She was 1898. She was the widow of united in marriage "to Wallace H. French Moore. Preceding her in death were McLaughlin on March 13, 189.0. To this union was born ten chil- her parents, two sisters, Mrs. dren, Bessie, Cam, Anna Mary, Guy Frame and Mrs. Sue Dorworth, a brother, Robert Guy, Grace, Delana, Esta, Turk, June and Ray; thirty-one grand- Bratton, aid her husband. children, twenty-four great-grand Surviving her are three sons, children. Her husband and one Tames and Guy Moore, of Forson preceded her in death. tuna, California, and French Funeral service was conducted ! Moore, of Waynesboro, Virby Rev. H. D. Sloan, assisted by j ginia, and two grandchildren. Revs. Saville and Holliday at the Funeral services will be held Methodist church, Huntersville, I Friday afternoon at 1:00 n. m. and her body was laid to rest in i t the Smith Funeral Home the McLaughlin cemetery. Chapel by the Rev. Fred W. Pall bearers were her grandWalker, with burial in Mounsons, Everett, Junior. Bruee, tain View Cemetery.

Jimmie McLaughlin, Lynn Me i i(Jartyand Kent Loury. I Flo«er girls were Gladys, Geraldi&^t- Janie, Nancy, Bonnie, Chastine, Marie, Beulab, Gertruc, Sue and Betty McLaughlin.

Howard L. Moore—Mr*. Kaon Smith Word comes of the death of Howard L, Moore, 79, of Waynesboro, Virginia, and his sister, MrB. Keen Smith, 77, of Sudbury, Massachusetts, October 20,1980, of heart attacks. They were the brother and sister of Clarence Moore, of Marlinton,

Albert S. Moore Albert Sidney Moore, aged 68 \ ears, died at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Marinton on Wednesday morning, July lti, 1952. after a prolonged illness On Friday afternoon the funeral was held from the Methodist Church by bis pastor. Rev. Don Taylor and Rev. E. C'.yde Bussard. His body was laid in the family plot iD Mountain View Cemetery.

1& I

Died, Geneva Ellen, aged 3 years and 6 days, the youngest child of Mrs.. Eva Moore, of Stcney BoV aftei a very brief illness, Thursday, .Tanuary 12, 1925 The funeral service was conducted from the Stony Bottom church Friday afternoon by Eev. O N. Miles. As I looked at the little body tonight in its little casket it seemed to me I could see a loving smile on its lips as I have seen so many times before when it was in health. And 1 | came home wondering if the Son of ! Man would come to night. How many of us in Stony Bottom could say f roo ready Lord. My dear friends and my dear children and childrens' children think this serious matter over and get ready for death. Let us not think but lets act. BE READY Therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think nut the Son of Man cometh. It may be when the midnight Is heavy on tiie land The black waves lying dumbly, , Along the dreary sand, ! When moonless night draws closer |! Above the sleeping sea, When all are slumbering soundly And no one things of me. Be ready every moment Be robed and sanctified For quickly 1 will claim you My own beloved bride, In sweet and pleasant union We there shall ever be And dwell in bliss together Through all eternity. —H. H. Meeks Jess W. Moore

Jess William Moore, 68, of Cass, died at his home Wed nesday, September 9, 1970t from an apparent heart attack. He had lived in Cass for 38 years, was a member of the United Methodist Church and a retired lumberman andj^w-^ mill w o r k e r . ^ ^ ^ ^ v Survivors include tw<J ghters, Mrs. Ernestine'VOJ s< *>ri ; ner, of Cass, and Mrs.i heri ine Weddle of Warren, lroi four sons, William and Moore, both of Hughes Maryland, Edward Moor Miami, Florida, and Dcjlen Moore, of Warren, Ohio;tun sisters, Mrs. Cleo Ray, of tr ley Head, Mrs. Ruby Puane1 barger, of Mount Looffe Mrs. Esta Simmons, of \ y noke, Virginia, and Mrs. Na, Dye, of Baltimore, Maryla^s two brothers, Glen and Fri ] Moore, both of Durbin; teen grandchildren, and o\r. great-grandchild. '•*• Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Caas United Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery. Burial was in the Hosterman Cemetery at Hosterman.

Mrs. Eva M. Moore Mrs. Eva meeks Moore, of Stony Bottom, aged 63 years, died at ao Elkins Hospital, on Sunday, September 23, 1951. She had been in failing health for several years O J Wednesday afternoon the funeral service was conducted from the Alexander Memorial Church by her pastor, Rev. Graham Keys, with burial in the Moore family cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of the late Howard and Allie Sbowalter Meeks. She was married o Ellis Moore, who preceded her id death a number of years. Their arriving children are Jesse, Okey Vnnieviere, Catherine, Floyd, jovd, Edward and Delbert. S. 8. Moure Samuel B. Moore, aged SI years, died at his home, at Edray. on Monday, February 11, 1035. Kor a number of years he has been in failing healLh. On Tuesday afternoon, the funeral service was conducted from Iray church by Ills pastor, Rev. 1 arder. Burial in the Edray y, beside the grave of his wife •eded him a few months ago • vioore was the last surviving •jf the late Isaac Moore, who died of fever the flrst year of the War between the St tes. Ilia mother's name was Catherine G'.lli'uul. He led Mary An.), daugb'er of the Jacob W. Sharp, »ii< 1 some roorfths since. Their ci.'.idren are A. C Barlow, Mrs. A. R Gay. A. (). Baxter, Mrs. Frank BHJ oer and S Reid Moore. The deceased was oi,e of the promiient mc- ' Pocahontas county lie v. as an e I ensive farmer aid at one tirtie eogag n the mercantile tnisi ved his county as assessor. He took a prominent part in the work of his church, the Bfetho dist, and he was a noted singer and choir leader. Mrs. Grace McComb Moore Mrs. Grace McComb Moore, wife of Fred B. Moore, of Huntersville, died at her home late Tuesday, April 2, 1957, of a heart attack. She is survived by her husband, and their daughter, Mrs. Dottie Moore Davidson; also, a grand daughter. The deceased was a daughter of the Henry and Ida Cochran McComb. Her sisters are Mrs. E. B. Jones, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, and Mrs. Beulah Ward, of Keyser; her brothers are Harvey McComb, of Neola, and Clarence McComb, of Hunter sville. The funeral service will be held from the Marlinton Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Interment in Mountain View Cemetery.

< / ^ Mrs. Ressie Moore ^^ Mrs. May Sharp Moore Mrs. Anna Belle Mitchell Moore, Mrs May Sharp Moore, aged about daughter of Cyrus E. and Nancy 52 year.-,, beloved wife of George Henry Moore, died at her home on Stony .Mitchell, was born at Burnsville, Creek, ..-ear Onoto, on Sunday, Dec* j Braxton County, West Virginia, ember 8. it> . >, She had been ill for] on November 7, 1883 and departsome months. Burial at the Cochran j ed this life-on Tuesday, Septemgraveyard on Tuesday afternoon. The ber l23, 1947, age 63 years, 10 f'J.Weral was conducted from the Ed- months and 16 days. ray church by Rev O. N. Miles asShe was united in marriage to sisted by Rev S. B Lapsley and Rev Ressie W. Moore on November D. R. Carder. Mrs Moore was a daughter of the 29, 1917. To this uuion were late Isaac and Miama Moore Sharp. born five children: three boys and She is survived by her husband G. H two girls. One son. Dale Edgar, Moore; her step mother, Mrs Maggie preceded her 25 years ago. She Sharp: her brother, Allan Sharp; her is survived b\ her husband, two sisters; Mrs Eva Kincaid, Mrs Lucy sons, Alonzo Glen, and Minter Kelley, Miss Bettie Sharp, Mrs Ruth 'Clawson; two daughters, Mary : Phares, Mrs Georgia Moore; and her Gay and Margaret Fay; four ! half brother, John 1. Sharp. Mrs Moore was a member of the grandchildren; one brother, Rev. Presbyterian Church. She was a good 1>. M. Mitchell, of St. Mary's; and woman, who will he greatly missed one sister, Susan Catherine Simby her family and her friends. mons, of Weston, and a host of other relatives and friends. John W. Koore She united" with the Methodist John William Mocre, aged 80 Protestant, Church when she was years, died on Sunday, Novem- 13 years of age and remained a ber 21, 1954, at his home on f:\ithful member of the Methodist Jerico Road, following a long ill- '. Jhurcb until death. ness. On Tuesday afternoon his Funeral services were conductbody was laid in the family ed at the Fairview Church on p b t in Mountain View Cemetery. Thursday by her pastor, Rev. J. The service was held from t h e W. Holliday, assisted by Rev. home by his pastor, Rav. E. H. Fed Alderman. Flaniken. The deceased was a son of the Cheslev C. Moore * / late Aaron and Susan Beverage Chesley Grover Moore, 4 q , Moore. His surviving brothers Warren, Ohio, formerly of are Theodore and E . C . M o o r e , HuntPrsville, was found dead in both of Marlinton. his Warren apartment Wednesday. March 3,1971. Mr. Moore married Miss Grace Daniels, who preceded him more Born Juno 21. 1921, he was Lhan twenty years since. Their the son of Mrs. Ressie Hivelv children are Ralph, of the Army; Moore, and the late Grover JWiss Mary, of Washington, D. C , Moore. and Miss Betty, at home. He «was a member of the Again is noted the passing of Mount. Curmel Methodist an upright, honest man, and good Church at Huntersville and citizen. the Veterans of Foreiern W a r s . He had been emr»loved bv the Coooer Weld-^teel Mill in Mrs. Eva S. Moore Warren, Ohio for 20 years. Mrs. Eva S. Moore, aged 74 Survivors include one son. years, of Hillsboro, died on Thursfhesley Grover Moore. Jr.. of day, September 10, 1959, in the Kanawha Valley Hospital, after Elkton. Virginia; his mother, Mrs. Ressie Moore, of Marlina long illness. ton: three sisters. Mrs. Gonell She was the widow of the late Mathenv, of Mount Hope, R. D. Moore, and was a lifelong Mrs. Alice Tryee. of Detroit, Pocahontas County resident. Michigan, and Mrs. George Surviving her are three daugh- Gladwell, of 3taunron. Va. ters, Mrs. Ruth Branham, of Funeral services were held Whitesville, Mrs. Catherine Irwin, of Baltimore, Maryland, Tuesday morninpr in the Marlin ton United Methodist Church and Mrs. Virginia Foresman, of Camden, Delaware; one son, Wil- by the Rev. Maynard Crawliam Moore, of Hillsboro; one ford, with burial in the Mounsister, Mrs O. M. Hook, of Mill tain View C e m ^ e r y . Point; three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. W. E. Pierce and the Rev. L. E. Milem with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery.


Mrs Leiia Burr Moore, aged sixtythree years, wife of B. N. Moore of Dunmore, died of a heart attack on Thursday, E'ebruary 1, 1940. The funeral service was held from the Dunmore church on Saturday morning, by her pastor. Rev Quade Arbogast, assisted bj Rev A. B. WilltforJ. Burial in Riverview Cemetery, ROT ceverte. on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Moore was a daughter of the late J. Austin and Miriam Hannah Burr, of Ronceverte. Her brothers are Leland, of Ravenswood; Leslie of Birmingham, Alabama; Harry, of Detroit, Michigan, Joe of Charleston; Rev Quinn Burr of Roanoke, Va. Her sisters are Mrs Samuel Myers of j Corvallis, WasKngtoi., ani Mrs H. j F. Jamison, of Centerville, Alabama! I Mrs Moore is survived by her husb a n d , E. N. Moore, and their two children, Eloise and Ernest N. Moore Jr. Mrs Moore was a good woman who looked well to the affairs of her household and took a leading part in community life and church work She was a life long member of'the Methodist Church. , .' Mrs. John S. Moore The funeral of Mrs. M a r y E. Moore, aged 89 years, widow of the late Prof. J o h n S. M o o r e , was held f r o m the Marlinton Methodist Church, by h e r pastor. Rev. Fred Oxendale, on last T h u r s day afternoon, in the presence of a large congregation of s o r r o w ing relatives and friends. The active pall bearers were, Zack Johnson, W a l t e r Mason, Clarence Moore, Dice Grimes, D. R. H a n nah, and E d w a r d Rexrode. The honorary pall bearers were W. L. Davis, F. H. Viers, K y l e Curtis, C l y d e - ' Vallandingham,' Raymond Bowers, Emerson S h a r p and Clarence Carpenter. Another valuable citizen of Pocahontas county passed out of the world when Mr. Adam C Moore went into the great beyonoTTasT^Sat'urdav morning April April 21, 1923 at his home on Browns Creek. He had been in falling health for some time and his dea^h was not un expected. His age was 71 years 2 months and 13 days Mr. Moore was a life-long member of the M. E Church South, the church has lost a loyal member, the home a kind and lovinir father and the county a most valuable citizen. Those left to mourn their lo^s are one Son Moody, two daughters, Mrs Mollie McLaughlin and Miss Allle, one sister Mrs. Gabbert. Ilia wife having preceded him to the grave 11 years ago. Funeral services were conducted at Bethel church by.his pastor Rev. Palmer Kubanic, in the preserce of a host of friends.



MRS. MYRTLE MOORE Mrs. M y r t l e Harold M o o r e , aged 73 .years, widow of t h e late P r i c e Moore, died a t her home on K n a p p s Creek on S u n d a y , O c t o ber lb\ 1949. S h e had been in failing health for m a n y m o n t h s . Ou Tuesday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the family ceme t e r y . The service was held from the h o m e by ber p a s t o r , R^v. R o g e r P . Melton. T h e deceased is survived b y one son, P r i c e P . , and by t h r e e d a u g h t e r s , Genevieve, a t h o m e ; Mrs. Hollis G u t h r i e , of Charlest o n ; Mrs. Carl L. W h i t e , of F o r t i W o r t h , Texas. She was a d a u g h t e r of the late A n d r e w and Maria S e y b e r t Heroic], and the last of a family of eleven. Robert B. Moore


Robert B. Moore, 70,' of Marlinton, died Wednesday, November 26,1969, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. Born August 1, 1899, at Woodrow, he was the son of the late William Nelson and Elsie Blanche Moore. He was a member of the Methodist Church, a farmer, a sawmill worker, and a veteran of World War I. Survivors include three brothers, Ted R. Moore, of Covington, Virginia, the Rev. P N. Moore, of Selma, Virginia, and Jesse Moore, of Buckeye. . Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the M^rlinton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Oren Richard Moore

On W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n , the body of Pfc. Oren Richard Moore of the Marines, was laid to rest with military honors by the Veterans of Foreign Wars in the Mountain View C e m e t e r y . T h e funeral was held from t h e Frost Chcrch by Rev. L. E. Saville, T h e y o u n g M a r i n e was kil'ed in K o r e a on S e p t e m b e r , 6, 1952. He was s e r v i n g with t h e F i r s t M a r i n e Division and had been in service almost a y e a r . Pfc. Moore is the son of Mrs. Icie F e r t i ? and t h e late C. K. Moore, of D u n m o r e . Besides his m o t h e r , be is survived by his t w o sisters, Mrs. A r t h u r Cain, of Marlinton and Mrs. J i m m i e T a y lor, of B a l t i m o r e : his two b r o t h ers, T h e o d o r e Q , of M o n t e r e y and William H , of Baltimore.

Granville M. Moore


Granville M. Moore, 73, of Ronceverte, died Monday, March 6, 1967, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital. He was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, a retired merchant, a member of the American Legion, Modern Woodmen of America, 10 OF, Moose, Lions, former in surance man. ^^^ Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Delia Jane Moore; two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Clow ser, of Charleston, and Miss Virginia Moore, of Princeton one brother, John W, Moore of Baltimore, Maryland; one half-sister. Mrs. Lillian Dotson, of Cass, and one halfbrother, Preston Moore, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Ronceverte Presbyterian Chur ch with burial in the Rose wood Cemetery at Lewisburg MISS CARRIE MOORE

Miss Caroline Frances Moo aged 82 y e a r s , died on Frid* O c t o b e r 31 1952. She IK an invalid and the irui cause of her death was a paralytic stroke. T h e funeral was held S day afternoon a t t h e Mt. Zi u C h u r c h in the Hills Her bod; was laid iu t h e church cemetery. T h e service was held by her pastor, Rev. R. T. Crigijer. T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r of t h e late William Jefferson anc L o r e t t a G r i m e s Moore. He s u r v i v i n g b r o t h e r is George M o o r e ; her sisters are Mrs. Mat tie 4 u m e s , M M . Russell Mc La-ugblin and M r s . F a n n i e Am,' et M c L a u g h l i n . T h u s is noted the passing of most useful life, spent in service for others. F o r more than ter y e a r s , she'has been laid aside an invalid and she bore her suffer i n g patiently. H e r good cheer was a lesson to us all. Harper Moore, aged, six'.wine years, of S^ony Creek, d>ed after a short illness at the home of his brofcb er, Henry Moore, Monday noon, November 13, U£39.y 11 e. had been sick since Friday, / i n t e r m e n t in theCochran cemetery on Wednesday af ternoon. Mr Moore was a son of the late George C. and Rachel Dun can Moore His brothers are G, H. and T D Moore; his sisters ar Mrs Robert Jordan, Mis Ballard Barlow, and Miss Mary L Moore. Ar other sister, Mrs John W. C who preceded her brother many y Mr Moore is survived by his wife, who was Miss Rosa Prltt, and their two children

Vern Moore

Vern Moore, 83, of Fortuna, California, died in the Redwood Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, July 26, 1966. Born March 9, 1883, near Huntersville, he was the son of the late Charles L. and Mary I Moore. He had been a resident of Fortuna, California, for more than sixty years. His wife, Mrs. Allie Moore, preceded him in death September 15, 1965. Survivors include one son, Guy Moore, of Fortuna, California; one sister, Miss Madge Moore, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and one foster daughter, Mrs. Ruth Miranda, of Madesto, California. ! Burial was in the Sunset i Park, Eureka, California. coward J. Moore

Edward J, Moore, Jr., 54, of Elkms, and a native of Cass, died January 11, 1969, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Moore was born January 4, 1915, at Cass, a son of the late Edward James Moore, Sr., and Lucy Bell Keyser Moore. He graduated from Green Bank High School, and later attended college in Detroit, Michigan. July 17, 1938. he was married to the former Sara Lee Ralston, in Monterey, Virginia, who survives, in ElKins. In addition to his wife, Moore is survived by one son, Edward J. Moore, III, serving with the U. S, Army in West Germany; and three sisters, Mrs. Myron Ashby, of McLean, Virginia, Mrs. James McGfe, of Newport, Rhode Island, and Mrs. George Lindsjy, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services were held in the John W. Lohr Funeral Home in Elkins.

Grover W. Moore

Grover W. Moore. 83, of Staunton, Virginia, formerly of Huntersville, died Monday, December 25, 1967. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born at Huntersville July 2, 1834, he was a son of the late Newton B. Moore and Allie B. Moore. He was a member of the Mount Carmel Church and was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ressie Moore; one son, Chesley Moore, of Warren, Ohio, and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Glad well, of Staunton, Virginia, Mrs. Peggy Matheny, of Beckley, and Mrs. Ahce Edwards, of Detroit, Michigan. funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Markley and the Rev. Thomas Henderson with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery at Marlinton. Granville M. Moore

Granville M. Moore, 73, of Ronceverte, died Monday, March 6, 19t>7, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital. He was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, a retired merchant, a member of the American Legion, Modern Woodmen of America, 10 OF, Moose. Lions, former insurance man. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Delia Jane Moore; two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Clowser, of Charleston, and Miss Virginia Moore, of Princeton; one brother, John W, Moore, of Baltimore, Maryland; one half-sister. Mrs. Lillian Dotson, of Cass, and one halfbrother, Preston Moore, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery at Lewisburg.


Mrs. Frank Moore Mrs. Annie Cleek Moore, aged 84 years, widow of the late Frank Moore, died on Tuesday, December 13, 1955, in a hospital in Fresno, California. Ten earlier she had suffered a strode at the home of her daughter, . Grace Kraus, in Fresno. Her body was taken to Spokane, Washington to be laid beside her husband. The deceased was a daughter of the late John and Hamie Cleek, of Hillsboro. She is survived by a brother, Massie Cleek, of Oklahoma. She became the wife of Frank Moore, of Hillsboro. They moved to the State of Washington more than fifty ye... s sgo. They are survived by three children, Grady and Clarence Moore, and Mrs. Grace Kraus. Mrs. Lucy Moore Mrs. Lucy Bussard Moore, 83, of Dunmore, died Friday, February 20, 1976, at her home after a short illness. Born August 3,1892, she was a daughter of the late Perry and Clara Magdalene Bussard, of Dunmore, Her husband, Harry S. Moore, preceded her in death in 1957. She was a member of the Brethren Church. Mrs. Moore w as a native of Dunmore. Surviving; son, Delbert Moore, of Dunmore; daughters, Mrs. Leah Loudermilk, of Maxwelton, and Mrs. Dewey Galford, of Dunmore; a sister, Mrs. Clara Ware, of Marlinton; six grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. Services were held Monday afternoon in New Hope Brethren Church with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. _ G. H. Moore George Henry Moore, aged 65 years, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on Stony Creek on Tuesday afternoon, Septem ber 30, 1941. Mr ' Moore was a prominent farmer of Ed ray District. He was a son of the late George C. and Rachel Duncan Moore. Hi* sisters are Mrs Robert Jordan. Mrs Ballard Barlow and Miss Rettie Moore; his brother is T. D. Moore. He marric 1 Miss Ma.\ Sharp, who passed away sor^' years since. The fuueral will be held frora the Ed ray Church on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock; interment in the family plot at the Cochran Cemetery.

Pearl Dice Moore Mrs. Pearl Moors Pearl Dice Moore, 78, of HuntMrs. Elizabeth R. Moore, ersville died at his home at 2:00 aged 84 years 9 months and 21 a. m. Thursday, July 3, 1958. days, died on Monday, FebruHe was a farmer and a member ary 12, 1962, at her home on of the Mt. Carmel Methodist Chur Knapps Creek. ch on Knapps Creek. Born near Mrs. Moore was born April Dunmore May 23, 1880, he was] 16, 1877, at Frost, the daugha son of the late Joseph **Vand ter of Abraham and Martha Mary Susan Btizzar dMoore. Sharp. Her husband, Pearl Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Bet- Moore, preceded her in death. ty Sharp Moore, one son, Arnett, Surviving her are a son, Arof Huntersville, and one foster son nett Moore, of Huntersville, Arden Shinnaberry, of Charleston; and a foster son, Arden Shina also three sisters, Mrs. Garfield berry, of Charleston; a brother, Grimes, Mrs. Joe Fertig, and Mrs Holmes Sharp, of Mountain John Kelly, and a brother, Li. Grove, Virginia, and a sister, -mons Moore, all yjf near Dunmore. Mrs. Mary Defibaugh, of He was preceded in death by one Slaty Fork. sister, Mrs. Grace Sharp, and one Funeral services were held brother, Harry Moore. Wednesday afternoon in the The funeral was conducted at Smith Funeral Home with the two p. m. Saturday at the home Rev. Ezra Bennett in charge. by the Rev. Teddy Alderman. Burial was in the Sharp CemeBarial wasiu the Sharp Cemete r tery at Frost. Hanson Moore && near Frost. Adam C. Moore CL^T Mrs. M a r y P l y l e r Moore William Hanson Moore, aged Adam Clark Moore, 90, died J2 years, of Minnehaha Springs, Monday, March 29. 1965, in Mrs. Mary Linda Plyler Moore uied on Monday, April 9, 196b, the Pocahontas Memorial Hos>{ Cass who was born Feb. 3, alter a prolonged illness. On pital. He had been in ill 1908, departed this life Decem,\ ednesday afternoon his body health for the past four years. ber 23, 1949, aged 41 years, 10 .vob laid in tne Wnite Cemetery, nonths and 20 days. alter the services at the New Mr. Moore, a farmer, was a In December, 1925, she was dope Lutheran Church, by his member of the Methodist Old married to Jesse Moore, who surw > r , Rev. S. C. H. Shoiz. Log Church. vives, along with their six chil""e deceased is survived by his Born February 21,1 1875, dren, William, Eugene, Ernestine, , Mrs. Gladys White Moore, near Marlinton, he was the Maxine, Jackson and Douglas, all i their daughter, Mrs. Naomi son of John Registar and Mary of Cass. One infant died Dec. „eliey; also by tour grand child- Ann Baxter Moore. He was 19, 1949. ren. married to Grace Burner Also surviving are four sisters, Mr. Moore was the son of the Moore, who died in 1956, Mrs. Clarence Nottingham, Mrs. Fred Nottingham, Mrs. Walter late William T. and oallie J. McSurviving him are a son, Phillips and Mrs. Pauline Robertlaughlin Moore, of HuntersviUe. Glen C. Moore, of Marlinton; son, all of Pennsylvania. Anothjf nis father's family there re- two daughters, Mrs. Clarence er sister, Mrs. Nick Heriger, premains his three sisters, Mrs. Ware, of Cass, and Mrs. James ceded her in death some years fcveiett Seldomridge, Mrs Ran- L. Gibson, of Slatyfork; and a ago. dall Snarp and Mrs. JacoD Jacic- brother, Alva Moore, of Marson. . linton. Mr. Moore was a carpenter Services will be held ThursElmer Moore, aged fifty-four years, aid farmer by occupation. He day afternoon at 2:00 p. m. at died at his home at* Minnehaha i wac a upright man and a good Smith's Funeral Home by the Spring's on Tuesday, 0anuar> 2'!.•en. ; _-_ Rev. George McCune and the 1937. He had been in failing health Rev. Clarence Pierson, with a number Of years. On Thursday burial in Mountain View Cem- afternoon the funeral services will-be Mrs. Eva M. Moore conducted from the Methodist church etery. , Mrs. Eva meeks Moore, 0 f at Minnehaha springs by Rev Mr Stony Bottom, aged 63 years Gregjf assisted by Rev S b Lapsiey. died at an Elkins Hospital, on Mr Moore was a son of the late Ai utiis paper goes to press, the Sunday, September 23, 1951. She Cliarles L. Moore, of Browns Creek word conies of the death of Enoch H . had been in failing health for tie is survived by his wife, who w;u Moore, at the home of his daughter, several years Mrs. J. F. Hill, in Charleston, on Grace Jones, of Highland county, Theodore • s. Moore, local era plo.vee of the MonoogahTa Power Company, received word Wednesday evening, October 15, 1952 ibat his brother, P.F.C. Orcn Richard Moore, USMC, was killed in Korea, on September 6, 1952. He was serving with the 1st Marine Division and had been, with them for almost a year. P.F.C. Moore is a son of Mrs. Icie Fertiff aid the late C. K. Moore, of Dunmore, West Virginia. Besides his mother he is •
On Wednesday afternoon the funeral service was c o n d u c e d from the Alexander Meruori •oburen by her pastor, R e y Grabam K-.i Ltys, with btiria in the Moore family cemetery. The deceased w„s a d a u g h t e r of the iate Howard and Allie Sbo-

-o bills Moore, who preceded her in death a number of years. Their JJrvrving children are Jesse O icy Vnnieviere, (Jathe ~ Floyd, iflT'l . M P J .,,,,J . . it

WedfSesday morning, January 30, and their three children, Hal, Charles 1924. He was past 70 years of age. and Jane. Mr Moore was one of t i e promlFor many months he has been In failing health. His body will be nent citizens of Pocahontas county, brought to Hillsboro and buried on and a good man. lie had served his Friday afternoon from the Oak Grove county as assessor and deputy sherilf. Presbyterian Chuuch, of which for He was a member of the toethodtst many years he was a Ruling Elder. church. The remaining members of his Mr. Moore was a native of Pocahontas County, a son of the late Rev. father's family are Mrs NoU Girgar. James E. Moore, and for many years Mrs Lucy Clark, MrsT Oscar 0'rominont citizen. A few years jnell, Mrs Blanche T imtyf>, Misses ago he moved to the State of Florida. | Keulah and Madjre M<>or, ; Elinu .Vernon, Frank and Fiei.nfe Moore. A brother, Fr.d Moorj, died about a rear ago.


Mrs. Miria Virwr Moore Mrs. Marie Varner Moore, of Matheny, died January 17, 1978, in Richmond, Virginia, after a long illness. She was the daughter of Mrs. Bertie Varner and the late Harry Varner, and was born on Elk. She was the widow of Jack Moore. Survivors include three" daughters, Mrs. Mary Jo Blankeaship, Charleston, Mrs. Delores Gibson, San Jose, California, and Carolyn Sue, Watts, of Richmond, one son, Harry Peyton Moore, of Cleve* land, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Oleta Baker, of Marlinton, Mrs. Georgie Dumire and Mrs. Betty Hannah, both of Matheny; 11 grandchildren and one grandchild. Services will be held Thursday evening at the Callssee Funeral Home in PineviHe. The body will be brought to Marlinton on Friday and additional services will be held at Mary's Chapel on Saturday. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery. Tessie M. Moore Mrs. Tessie May Moore, 79, of Frank, died Monday in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. Born June 5, 1901, in Beckley, she was daughter of the late Taz and Laura Edmond Gray. Mrs. Moore, who had made her home with a daughter, Mrs. Easter Cook, of Frank, for three years, was a member of the Bossivain Baptist Church in Bossivain, Virginia. Survivors include two other daughters, Mrs. Gertie Hollandsworth, of Droop and Mrs. Laura Putze, of Marlinton; five sons, Dock, James and Hubert Moore, all of Abb's Valley, Virginia, Walter Moore, of Pocahontas, Virginia and Joseph Moore, of Brandy wine, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Delia Hendricks, of Michigan and Mrs. Bertie Dowdy, of Blacksburg, Virginia, a brother, Sherman Gray, of Crab Orchard, and several grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Wednesday in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Arbovale with the Rev. Richard Haney officiating. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Mrs. Grady Moor* Mrs. Noble P. Moore, '61, of Marlinton, died Thursday, November 7, 1974, at the West Virginia Medical Center in Morgantown after a six years' illness. Born near Marlinton April 14,1913, she was a daughter of the late Albert S. Moore, Sr., and Myrtle Mays Moore. Mrs. Moore was a bookkeeper at C. J. Richardson's Hardware for 28 years and was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. She was a member of the Eastern Star and Royal Neighbors. She is survived by her husband, Grady Moore; three sisters, Mrs. Paul (Gaynell) Michael, Waynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Robert (Virginia) Stuart. Everett, Washington, and Mrs. Derwood (Jean) Blankenship, of Beckley; one brother, Albert S. Moore, Jr., of Morgantown. Services were held Sunday afternoon in the Marlinton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford, with'burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Lisra AIN Moore Laura Alice Moore, 88, of Aberdeen, Maryland, died May 14, 1979, at Harford Memorial Hospital, She was the wife of the late Rev. Lanty J. Moore, and the daughter of the late Rev. Grafton Weiford and Rebecca Dilley Weiford. Born in Pocahontas County, she was a member of Cranberry United Methodist Church, Perryman, and the Aberdeen Golden Age Club. She is survived by three daughters. Mrs. Nathan Crites, Mrs. Howard U. Warner, Aberdeen, Maryland, and Mrs. Zill Witt, Havre de Grace, Maryland; stepsons, Theodore Moore, Landenburg, Pennsylvania, Lanty W. Moore. Redland, California, and Nivelle Moore, Edmonds, Washington; stepdaughters, Mrs. Stanley Canoles, Yucaipa, California, Mrs. Carol O'Neil, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Lew Bahr, Chicago, Illinois; 15 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday at 1 p. m., in the Tarring Funeral Home, Aberdeen. Interment in St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery near Aberdeen.

Mrs. John T. Moore Mrs. Mary Frances Waugh Moore, 56, of Madeira Beach, Florida, died Thursday, September 27, 1973, at Mease Hospital, Dunedin, Florida after a long illness. fet-rfL. ' Born February 28, 1917, at Marlinton, She was the daughter of Clyde C. Waugh and the late Mary McCarty Waugh. Survivors include her husband, John T. Moore; • one daughter, Frances Jo Mimmo, of Clearwater, Florida; three sons, Gene Moore, of San Juan Puerto Rico; Dr. John Moored of Kinston, North CarolinaSamuel Moore, of Madeira Florida; ten grandchildren; her father, Clyde C. Waugh, of Clearwater, Florida, and Billy Stull, of Alameda, California. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 11:00 a. m. at Moss Fort Harrison Chapel at Clearwater, Florida, by the Rev, Delmas Copeland, Minister of Union Street, United Methodist Church, Dunedin, Florida. Final resting place Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park, Clearwater, Florida.

Dclbert D. Moore Delbert D. Moore, 70, of 319 High School Avenue, Hurricane, died January 25, 1989, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a long illness. Mr. Moore was retired from the Marine Corps and was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. He was retired from Republic Steel, Cleveland, Ohio. Surviving him are his wife, Elizabeth Goodall Moore; daughter, Cheryl Moore, of Hurricane, Susan Massey, of Culloden; sons, John "Eddie" Moore, of Hinckley, Ohio, Ralph "Parker" Moore, of Cleveland, Ohio, Ellis G. Moore, of Sullivan, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Paul Andres, of Rolling Heights, California, Mrs. Kathryn Faudree, of Covington, Virginia; brothers, Okey B. Moore, of Charleston, Floyd E. Moore, of Arcadia, Florida; 11 grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Allen Funeral Home in Hurricane by the Rev. Kenny Knotts, with burial in White Chapel Memorial Gardens at Barboursville.


These a r e b u t few of t h e bioREV. GEORGE P. MOORE J graphical facts of her life and Eev. George P. Moore died at his Mrs. H. M. Moore, who died I which in no way p o r t r a y the full home at Edray about seven o'clock on March 31, 1950 was born J u n e illuminative radiance of her pres- Saturday morning, April 22, 1922. 21, 1868, the d a u g h t e r of D r . and ence to those who knew her. H e r Flis age was eighty-three years and Mrs. H. H. J o n e s of Doe Hill, irreatest life a c h i e v e m e n t was not three months, having been born Janio the realm of professional or Mary 9, 1839. His death was due to Va. vocational success but iu the m o r e the infirmities of extreme age followH e r sisters, all y o u n g e r than vital area of h u m a n ing an attack of influenza. The furelations. she, were Elva Wilson, deceased), Here, truly w a s ' a n a r t i s t ' s life— -wszzX was conducted from the EJray who lived at Minnehaha S p r i n g s ; an a r t i s t t h a t could p a i n t the most Church on Monday afternoon, and Elizabeth Hansel who makes her t o u c h i n g morals of l o v i n g k i n d - the burial was in the Edray cemetery. home with a d a u g h t e r in Wash- ness from which radiated only The services were conducted by Ilev. C. A. Powers, assisted by Eev. B*. B. i n g t o n , D. C ; Grace Moore, of beams of s p a r k i n g sunshine in Wyand and Rev. II. II. Orr. One of Minnehaha, and Martha, who died whieh never a blotch of bleakness the largest congregations ever seen in infancy. H e r b r o t h e r s , now was ever p o r t r a y e d . T h i s a r t i s on a like occasion in the Edray comdeceased, were Dr. A. 0 . J o n e s , tic issuance from her life steml .aiity assembled to pay honor to of Covington, Va.;'Samuel of Doe med from her acceptance of " T h e ! his memory. Hill; and Hal, of S p a r t a n s b u r g , W o r d as a lamp u n t o her feet, George P. Moore was the son of S. C. lljbert Moore and his wife Eliza and a l i g h t u n t o her p a t h . " Eruffey. He had two brothers, In the town of her b i r t h , she Those with whom she was closeDavis and Clark Moore. His parents early profe-sed an expression of and brothers moved to Iowa about belief in Christ, whose death we ly associated have had a w o n d r o u s war times. His nearest surviving soon are to commemorate. L a t e r o p p o r t u n i t y to live close to a life relatives are spine nephews and she prepared herself for the teach- which had been influenced gennieces in the West. ing profession where upon she erously with a glow of the pres Mr. Moore was twice married, n i s came to D u n m o r e , for her first ence of the divine. T h e lives that first wife was Miss Elizabeth M. she has aided in m o l d i n g have position. • Poage. who died in 1803. His second been set on a firm foundation for wife was Mrs. Ruth J? Moore, nee On September 30, 1891 she wss titled by a flawless s t r e n g t h . Gay, She died about four years since. united in m a r r i a g e to H. M. Those her relatives, and those - Thus we jn.'te the passing of probaMoore in the Methodist Church her friends, c o n t i n u e i n t o the fu Dly the best known citizen of Pocaof Doe Hill. They were the par t u r e by the acceptance of the hontas county. His life was well rounded out. Preacher, rarmer, mercuts of three d a u g h t e r s and one w o r d s expressed by t h e g r e a t chant, b;inker and public officer— son. Warren died iu 1924 and English p o e t : he did with his rnik'bt what Ills baud the d a u g h t e r s yet survive; Mrs. found to do. With length of days, " O u r cause of s o r r o w must n o t 0 . J. Campbell of D u n m o r e ; Mrs riches and honor was he blessed. be measured by her w o r t h , for W. F . McElwee, of D u n m o r e : f Mr. Moore was the oldest postmasand Mrs. R. M. G u m of South then it hath no e n d . " i ter in poii ,f of service iu the United Charleston. There are also nine | States. Appointed postroastur at ^rand-children and t h r e e greatEdray by President Pierce at the age Alonzo Glenn Moore grand children. of seventeen years, lie served e.ntinuAlonzo Glenn Moore, of 1375 ously, with the exception of a year Her fidelity to the h i g h e r spir Shanahan Road, Delaware, _or two during President Cleveland's itual values of life is exemplified Ohio, died Sunday afternoon, !, administration, to the day of in the fact that she was a memhis death. He was elected to the May 20, 1984, as a result of an ber of Women Society of ChrisCounty Court and Board of Education automobile accident. tian Service for forty-five years, at various times; and served as jury He was a retired baker of the ht'ing the president of this o r g a n commissioner and county coroner for Kroger Stores. He was a World ization for the same period. Duryears and years War II Army veteran and a At the organization of the Pocaing this time she was only absent member of the Delaware Post hontas Bank, Mr. Moore was elitsen on two occasions. of Veterans of Foreign Wars. president, which position he held under the reorganization of the in Mr. Moore was a member Judy l y u Sheets Moore stitution as the First National B Judy Lynn Sheets Moore, 22, and trustee of Lewis Center until the beginning of the pri of Marlinton, died Saturday, United Methodist Church. ;.t.:r. The ollicers of tills bank were July 31,1976, in a car accident Surviving him are his wife, the pall bearers at his funeral. one-fourth mile north of MarMattie Farner; two daughters, Thetirniuf Barlow & Moore linton on U. S. 219. Linda Cannava, Cincinnati, eral merchants, began business in the j ear 1867. Mr. Moore's partner was Ohio, and Beth Schuette, of She was born May 20, 1954, the late Henry Barlow. For fiftyJohnstown, Ohio; a son, Charthe daughter of Clarence C. live years this firm has continued in les, of Columbus, Ohio; two and Wanda Jackson Sheets. business under his active super vis A brother, Charles, preceded sisters, Fay and Gay Ware, But all other activities asidn this her in death. both of Fort Lauderdale, Florimany sid was most widely da; and three grandchildren. known as a minister of the gospel. In addition to her parents, ! Services were held at 10 a. Kariy in life he professed his faith ill Judy is survived hv her husQhilst, jointd feUe !fet-l iscom. May 26, in Delaware, Ohio, band, Richard Moore, two pal Church, and later wi^ ordained a by the Rev. Harry Zeek and the i children, Richard Lee Moore preacher. Few ministers have marRev. James Spears. Burial was I and Charles Edward Sheets, ried and buried more Pocahontas at the Glenn Rest Cemetery in all of Marlinton; a brother, people than he. Mr. Moore was an Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Dale Sheets, of Fredericksburg, enthusiastic christian, ever letting Mr. Moore was formerly Virginia, and grandmother, his light shine: liberal in the support of every good cause, lie left his Mrs. Pearl Jackson, Marlinton. from Marlinton. impression uoon those witli whom he Services were held at Van«a me iu contact.

Mrs. H. M. Moore

Reenen Funeral Home Monday afternoon by Larry Cowell with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


Thomas Austin Moore, Sr. ^

Thomas Austin Moore, Sr., 24, of Hughesville, Maryland, died from drowning after a boat capsized in rough seas in the Chesapeake Bay Saturday, January 12, 1974. He and three other men were sea duck hunting. Two were ?aved and Moore and Jeffrey Lsngely, 27, of Bryantown, Maryland, drowned. / ^ - f / S . He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, formerly of Cass. Surviving him are his wife, Linda M. Moore, two children, Stepanie C. Moore and Thomas A. Moore, Jr.; a sister, Louise E. Montgomery, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Harry E. Curry. Services were held at the Huntt Funeral Home, Waldorf, Maryland, on January 19, with interment at St Marys Cemetery, Bryantown. Mrs. Alva MMTI

Mrs. Mamie B. Moore, 82, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, May 27,1980, at Denmar Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church. The daughter of George and Ora Curry VanReenen, she was born July 14, 1897, near, Marlinton. In 1920, she was married to Alva E. Moore, who survives. In addition to her husband, she is survived by two brothers, Roy and Theodore VanReenen, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Sharp and May Morrison, both of Marlinton and Mrs. Grace Smith, of Montgomery. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. William Trowbridge, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Col. Joseph M. Moore, 90, former part owner and president of Greenbrier Military School, died Monday, April 14, 1975, at his home in Lewisburg He was a native of .Mingo and an ordained Presbyterian minister.

Charles Morgan

Charles (Elmer) Morgan, 76, oi near Durbin died Monday, FebSamuel Aaron Morgan, 58, of Hillsboro, died in the Pocaruary 6, 1961, in an Elkins hospihontas Memo ial Hospital on tal after a short illness. Tuesday, April 14, 1964, after Born at Saint Marys, he had lived in Pocahontas County for a long illness. He was born at Lobelia, April j fifty-three years. 23, 1905, and was a son of the He was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. late William and Frances Hill Millessa Peters Morgan; ihree Morgan, an employee of the daughters, Mrs. Lewis Ratliff, of State Road Commission, and Bethel, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Isaac. a member of the Odd Fellows Morgan and Mrs. Ivan Great- Lodge at Lobelia. house, both of Durbin; three sons, I Survivors include his wife, , Harry Morgan and James Mor- Mrs. Lora Margaret Morgan: gan, both of Elkins; and Lonnie one daughter, Janet Morgan1 Morgan, at home; a brother, at home; six sons, Albert anc ! Harry Morgan, of Saint Marys. Randall Morgan, both at home, : Alvadore Morgan, of Seebert, The funeral was conducted Austin Morgan, of Woodbridge Thursday afternoon in the Bethel (Virginia, Arlie Morgan, of Methodist Church on Back Moun- Jacksonville, Florida, and Rotain near Durbin with the Rev. J E. Fairburn in charge with bu- ger Morgan, of Fort Hood, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Lora ! rial in the church cemetery. Taylor, of Dunmore, and Mrs. Georgia Jordan, of Hillsboro, William C. Morgan ^ and one granddaughter. William C. Morgan was born I Funeral services were held March 15, 1876, at Ronceverte, Saturday afternoon in the Emand departed this life December manuel Methodist Church at 22, 1957. He was 81 years, 9 Lobelia by the Rev. Owen Lee. months and 7 days of age. Burial was in the Emmanuel He was son of Rev. Samuel C. Cemetery with graveside serand Edith Ramsey Morgan. vices by the Odd Fellows. Mr. Morgan was preceded in death by one brother and three Mr*. Miriam Hill Morgan, of sisters. Lobelia, aged 78 years, wife of Mr. Morgan was married in Squire W. C. Morgan, died OD 1897 to Miss Frances Hill. To Wednesday, March 26, 1952. afthis union were bom one son and ter a brief illness. On Sunlay four daughters. afternoon the funeral was held Surviving are Samuel Morgan, from Emanuel Church by her Mrs. Laura Taylor, Mrs. Georgia^ pastor, Rev. Frank JobnsoD, and Jordan. Deceased Mrs. Miriam her body was laid to rest in the Sparks and Mrs. Fannie Hollands- church cemetery. worth. Mrs. Morgan was a daughter Mr. Morgan was married again of the late Isaac Hill. She is surto Mi-s Miriam Hill in 1916; she vived by her husband and three preceded him in death in 1952. brothers, Ambrose and Bryan There are 27 grandchildren and Hill, of Richwood, and Richard Hill, of Wheeling; and a number 20 great grandchildren. Mr. Morgan was a member of of step children. the Methodist Church at Lobelia Among those from a distance {and a member of the Indepen- attending the funeral were: Mr. dent Order of Oddfellows Lodge and Mrs. Upton Mace, Mrs. Ed[ No. 386 of Lobelia for over thirty gar Morgan and son, of Nicholas County; Mrs. Maggie Con ley i vears. Leist and son, of Ronceverte; Mrs George Geiger and Fr^nk Young, of Ed ray; Mr. and Mrs. P. (J. Cirry, Mr. and M a Emory E Anderson, of Marlinton; and .Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Sharp, of SlatyFork,


Mrs. May Morrison May VanReenen Morrison, 93, of Marlinton, died March 24, 1987, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was born near Onoto on February 28, 1894, the daughter of George and Ora Curry VanReenen and had lived all her life in Pocahontas County. She was married to Neff Simpson Morrison, on June 6, 1923. He preceded h<:r in death on August 10, 1949. She was also , preceded in death by three brothers, Ernest, William and Roy VanReenen, and three sisters, Nettie Baxter, Bessie Baxter and Mamie Moore. Surviving relatives are two daughters, Janet Morrison, Columbus, Ohio, and Irene Phillips, Topeka, Kansas, and one granddaughter, Jan Phillips, of Lewiston, Maine; two sisters, Grace Smith, of Montgomery, and Mary Sharp, of Marlinton, and one brother, Theodore VanReenen, alsc of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Friday, March 27, at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home with -, Rev. Kenny Stevenson officiating, with burial at the Cochran Cemetery.

[ Edgar R. Morgan died at his home at Hookersville. in Nicholas County, Dec. 11. 1932. He was born near Roi i-everte April 18, 1882, aged 50 years, 7 months and 2-1 days. He was the son of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel O. Morgan, ne was married to Mrs. .1. Wheeler Bobbitt, July 1, 1916. To this union six children were born, one of which preceded him in death in infancy. A sister, Lena, preceded; him in death several years ago; his mother. Virs. Edith Morgan Ervine, i land a sister, Mrs. L. D. Sharp, died about two months since. He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife, five children and one brother, Will Morgan, and one sister, Ninriia Morgan, and a host of friends and relatives. I^rvft^ About thirteen years ago he united with Emanuel M. E. church at Bruffeys Creek and lived a devoted christian life. Funeral services was conduct d from the Beulah church at Hookersville, by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Brown and interment was made in McQueen cemetery'.

Neff S. Morrison f^, Neil Simpson Morrison, aged 62 years, died at his home in Campbelltown, on Tuesda- , Au gust 16, 1949, after a long illness. On Thursday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the family plot in Wanless cemetery on Back Alleghany. The funeral service was held from the home by his pastor, Rev. R. H. ' r a w f o r d . Surviving are his wife, Mrs. May VanReeffen Morrison, their two daughters. Mrs. Robert Phillips, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Janet at home. f\. Mrs. Iberia Morrison The deceased was a son of the Mrs. Iberia Anna Morrison, late Charles C. Morrison, of Lo78, of Hillsboro, died Wednes- belia. His mother was CaroHne day, September 18, 1963, in Wanless. Of his father's farnily the Pocahontas Memorial Hos- there^ remain his two brothers, Snoden of Kansas and Foley of pital, after a short illness. She was a member of the Wes Elkins, and his sister, Mrs. ley Chapel Methodist Church. | George Hill, of Hillsboro. Thus is noted the passing of an Her husband, William W. outstanding citizen. As a young Morrison, preceded her in death man he fitted himself to be a in 1955. teacher and be successfully taught Survivors include one daugh- in the schools of Pocahontas coun ter, Mrs. Earl Shue, of Hills- |ty. In the first World War he boro-, two sons, Carl Morrison, saw hard and active service. He of Marlinton, and Arnold Mor- returned from the army afflicted rison, of Cockeysville, Mary- with rheumatism, and for years land; a brother, Shelby Lewis, he had been an invalid. His pubof Renick; three sisters, Mrs. lic servic *-as that of Justice of Lakie McMillion, of Renick, Mrs. Nancy Rose, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Gustavia Kellison, J Hillsboro.—Marvin Bright Morrison, of Lewisberry, Pennsylvania; j aged 18 years, died Januarp 27, 1935. He was active and intelligent and be24 grandchildren, and 11 greatloved by all who knew him, especialgrandchildren. ly by young people. For some time Funeral services were held he had made his home with his grand Saturday afternoon in the Wesparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Hollands ley Chapel Methodist Church worth. He arose from a sick h d by the Rev. Roy Snedegar and with measles to hels his grandfather the Rev. Owen Lee. Burial into the house when he had suffered was in the Old Brick Church a stroke of paralysis This exposure Is thought to have aided in the deCemetery at Hillsboro. velopment of complication".


Claiborne Griffie Morrison, aged 77 years, parsed away at the King Daughters Hospital in Staunjton Virginia on Wednesday,- Ma 4, J953. "He had suffered a I' attack a few hours before his death. On Saturday afternoon thr funeral was held from the Lower Church at Buckeye by bis paster, tiev. Martin, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia.. His body wt»s laid in the family plot in the McNeill Cemetery. The pall bearer9 were his grandsons and the flower hearers were bis granddaughters Aoout forty of his thirty-three, grandchildren and fourteen greatgrandchildren were present. The deceased w?s a son of tbe late William and Mary McKeever Morrison. He was ')orn on HillsCreek, near Lobelia, on September 18, 1875. Of bis father'sfamily there remains his brother, Bruno. Mr. Morri-on married Bertha \uldridge, who preceded him it death forty five years sgo. To this union were born five children, j all of whom survive: Mrs. Rush j McNeill, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Will Bowers, of Waynesboro, Virginia; Theodore R , of Pickens, South Carolina; Frank, of Lobelia; and Taylor, of Buckeye. Mr. Morrison's second wife was Kathleen Briscoe. She preceded dm nearly five rears since. Tbc urviving children of this union ne: Mrs Dane Lantz. of Leavitts>urg, Oh''o; and Mrs. Harry Stottlemire, of Windham, Ohio. lie is also survived by thirtythree grandchildren aad fourteen ,TC a t-grand children. Mr. Morrison was a man well liked by j o u n g a n d old, and highly respected for his good qualities as an upright, industrious citizen.

Matin Dale Morrison Suddenly on Friday, November 8, 1974, Martin Dale Morrison, 19 year old son of Arnold B. Morrison and the late Dalhia Mae Simmons Morrison, was killed in a car wreck. He was survived by his father and step mother, four brothers, and six sisters. Fuheral services were conducted in William Cook- Brooks Funeral Home Chapel in Tov son, Maryland, Tuesday afternoon. Interment in Wesley Chapel Cemetery near Monkton, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shue, of Hillsfcoro, and Mrs. Daisey Simmons and Frederick Simmons, of Elkins, attended the funeral.

J. O. Morrison Succumbs

Frank Morrison


Frank Morrison, age 60 years


1 month and five days, son of; the late Claborn and Bertha J Auldridge .Morrison, died Sunday, January 27,1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. I He united'with the Methodist Church 37 years ago, 30 years of which he was Superintendent of Lobelia Sunday School. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Carrie Brown Morrison; two daughters, Mrs. RetaRose, of Rock Hall, Maryland, and Mrs. Joan Cuskey, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and three grandchildren; two brothers, Taylor Morrison, of Buckeye, and J. R. Morrison, of Picker.s, South Carolina; four sisters, Mrs. Anna McNeill, of Buckeye, Mrs. Violet Bowers, of vVsynesboro, Virginia, Mrs. Lou Stottlemire and Mrs. Ida Lantz, both of Warren, Ohio. A son, Bruce Morrison, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist Church at Lobelia with the Rev. E. V. Bennett in charge. Burial was in Sunset Cemetery at Jacox. He was a kind father, a loving companion, and a good friend to all who knew him. He will be greatly missed in home, his church and the community.

MRS. ELIZA DOHA MORRISON Joshua Otis Morrison, born FebruMrs. Eliza Madora Morrison, of Joppa, Maryland, died on Sun- ary 4, 1871, died October 27, 194% day, July 13, 1958, in her 84th aged 72 years, 8 months, 23 days. The deceased was the son of Wilyear. She was the widow of the jliam and Mary McKeever \ Morrison. late J. L. Morrison, of Lobelia. [ He is survived by two brothers, i Mrs. Morrison was born on borne and Bruno, of Buckeye. Two

February 1, 1874, at Friars Hill, Greenbrier County, the daughtei of the late Kyle and Rachel Snedegar Hanna. She is survived by eight children: Mrs. Sam Dean and Mrs. Anna Dameron, of Hillsboro; Mrs. Leona Baker, of Marlinton; Mrs. James Young, of Joppa, Maryland; Archie, Leonard and Bob Morrison, all of Aberdeen, Maryland; and Loton Morrison, of Johnstown, Pennsylvania; one brother, . Romey | Hanna, of Richwood, thirty grand children and thirty-five great grandchildren. A brother, Henry Hannah, of Greenbrier County, preceded her in death about six months ago. Graveside services were held Thurday morning, July 17th, by the Rev. L. E. Milem, and her body was laid to rest by the side of her husband in the family plat in the Kellison Cemetery, at Jacox. Mrs. T. R. Morrison

Mrs. Sarah Jane Millard Morrison, 55, wife of T. R. Morrison, Sr., of Manning, South Carolina, died at a local hospital on Monday, September 13, 1965, after two months illness. |, She a daughter of Mrs. Ma-' | hala Kidd Doane, of Pickens I Sieven Mark Morrison and the Jate Richard Millard. ' Steven Mack Morrison, inShe was a native of Sullivan fant son of Mr. and Mrs. SamCounty, Tennessee, and lived uel K.Morrison, of Alexandria, in Pickens twenty-three years Virginia, was born on Thursbefore moving to Manning six day, December 28, 1961, in an ago. She formerly Alexandria, Virginia, hospital j months worked at Singer Company and died on Friday, December Jand Pickens County Schools. 29, 1961. She was a member of Grace Surviving are the parents; Methodist Church. one brother, John Harvey, of Survivors include her husAlexandria, Virginia; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and iband, T. R. Morrison, Sri; her mother, Mrs. Mahala Doa*Mrs. Keith Morrison, of Antwo daughters, Mrs. Cli r napolis, Maryland; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill, of Hillsboro; the paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Sheets, of Glen &ilas Morrison, ag-d 80 vears, died Burnie, Maryland; and the j his home near Lobelia, on March paternal great-grandparents, at 12, 1939. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Morri- James Morrison. He is survived by son, of Smoot. his son, Winters, and his two daugh Mrs W. K. Good and Mrs George The little body was taken to ters, sparks. His wife, who was a Miss Smith's Funeral Home in Mar- Cruikshanks, has been dead for a linton, then to Oak Grove Ce- number of years. metery at Hillsboro where graveside services were hsld Sunday, December 31, at 3 p. m. by the Rev. John I. Prather pastor of the Oak Grove PresDyterian Church.


other brothers, Lloyd and George, I died many years ago. Two sisters I were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the Morrison home near Lobelia. There were two half-sisters, Mrs. Annie Allen and Mrs. Nancy Gabbert, and one half-brother, Matthew Morrison, all deceased. Mr. Morrison came from the old home near Lobelia in his boyhood, and had resided about Buckeye and Marlinton since. He worked in the lumber woods for many years, and at one time was a successful farmer at Buckeye. For several years he had lived in retirement at Marlinton. He was industrious, and straightforward in his dealings, and was noted for his scrupulous honesty. Funeral services were conducted in the Lower Church at Buckeye, on Friday, October 29, at 2 p. m., by Rev. James C. Wool, pastor of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Interment was made in the Mountain View Cemetery in Marlinton.

Girrie B. Morritoa Mrs. Carrie Hester Brown Morrison died Monday, March 8,. 1982, at her home in Lobelia. Born May 16, 1898, near Renick, she was the daughter of Andrew and Mary Hinkle Brown. Mrs. Morrison was a retired school teacher, having taught for thirty-five years in Greenbrier and Pocahontas counties. She first came to Buckeye to teach in 1918. She was preceded in death by a son, Bruce, her husband, Frank, two sisters, Mrs. Prudence Culp, and Mrs. Pearl Fuller and a brother, Edgar. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joan Cuskey, of Abingdon, Virginia, and Mrs. Reta Rose, of Hillsboro. She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Powell, of Droop, Mrs. Ltna Eiler, of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Clara McFarland of St. Petersburg, Florida, and nine grandchildren. Services will be held at the Mt. Zion Methodist Church on Droop at 2:00 p. in. Thursday, by Rev. Verlin Uutcher, and Rev. Cecil McMillion, Burial will be in Sunset Cemetery
Mary Rebecca Morrison was bom February 15, 1865, died March 2', 1935, aged seventy years, one month and eight days: daughter of Aaron and Miriam Hill; married October 29, 1889, to Harvey Morrison, to which union one son, Gilbert, was born. She is survived by her husband and son, three sisters, Mrs Mlnta McCarty, Mrs Mattie McCalpin, and Mrs Rachel Kennison: three brothtrs, John A. Hill, Christopher Hi!l and Granville Hill. She had been a member of the Methodist church since early childhood. Funeral service was conducted at the Hillsboro Methodist church by Rev J. li. Light, assisted by Rev Mr Cottrell and Rev Marlin Curry. Interment was in the lirick Church cemetery, Hillsboro. F MRS. Efjr ). MORRISON Mrs. Eliza b„ra Morrison, aged 87 years, formerly of near Hillsboro, died on Sunday, July 13th, 1958, after a long illness at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Stella Young, of Joppa, Maryland, with whom she had made her home for the past several years. Survivors include three other daughters, Mrs. Hallie Dean and Mrs. Anna Dameron, both of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Leona Baker, of Marlinton; four sons, Latan, of Johnstown, Pennsylvania; and Arch, Leonard, and Bob, all of Aberdeen, Maryland; and one brother, Ronnie Hanna, of Richwood, Graveside rites were conducted on Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock at. the Kellison Ceme'tery at Jacox, near Hillsboro, with the Rev. L. E. Milam in charge.

Foley E. Morrison

Foley E. Morrison, 75, of Valley Head, died in an Elkins hospital on Friday, February 24, 1967. , Born June 27, 1891. at Lo belia, he was a son of the late Charles and Caroline Wanlesf Morrison. He taught in the Pocahontas County schools for a number of years. In October 1911, he married the former Bepsip Lee Pritt, of Valley Head, who survives. Other survivors include four daughters; three sons, and 18 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the John W. Lohr Funeral Home Chapel in Elkins with burial in the I. JO. 0. F. Cemetery in Elkins.

On Rachel Morruoi Ora Rachel Morrison, 72, of Aberdeen, Maryland, died Thursday, February 3. 1983, at Harford Memorial Hospital. Born in Greenbrier.County, she was the daughter of the late James and Rosie Lyons Brown. Prior to her retirement she was a sewing machine operator for Bata Shoe Company for 22 years. Her husband was the late Archie F. Morrison. She was a member of the Calvary United Methodist Church in Churchville, Maryland. Surviving her are two sons, Harold L. Morrison, Jacksonville, Florida, and Jerall W. Morrison, of Aberdeen, Maryland; two daughters, Hester L. Markline, Churchville, Maryland and Leona J. Rime!, Newa rk, Delaware; two sisters, Euvy Roberts, of Droop, Estie Brown, of Hillsboro; 15 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, February 5, at 2 p. m., in Howard K. McComas. Ill Funeral Home P. A., Abingdon, Maryland. Burial was in Cokesbury United Methodist Cemetery in Abingdon.

Dorsey C. Moses

Dorsey C. Moses, 57, of Marlinton, died Saturday, June 14, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a two weeks' illness. Death was attributed to a heart attack. (j> I Born at Parsons June 5, 1912. he was a son of the late Joceph L. and Columbia Hansford Moses. He was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church and the Marlinton Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Moses was manager of the Marlinton C-J Store. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rubv Michael Moses; one son, Michael C. Moses, of Lewisburg; three brothers, J. William, Percy, and Jodie Moses, all of Marlinton, and two sisters, Mrs. Clark (Maude line) Galford, of Marlinton, and Mrs. James (Dessie) Nottingham, of Riverside, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. Maynard Crawford and the Rev. Harold Eaton sath burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Freda Hoover Marshall Freda Hoover "Sis" Marshall, Mrs. Mary Sue Motet age 86, of Hampton, Virginia, died Thursday, January 21, 1999. Mrs. Mary Sue King Moses, Mrs. Marshall was a retired 62, died July 19, 1975, of a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway clerk heart attack in Galion, Ohio. and was a member of Marvin Chapel Born at Neola, December 14, United Methodist Church. 1912, she was the daughter of She" was born at Mill Point the late Henry and Betty Scott September 12, 1912, the daughter of King. She was preceded in the late Charlie and Mary McClure death by her husband, Walter Hoover tV. Moses and a brother, Henry" She bad lived in Hampton since C^^rw- > 1928. Her husband, Montague G. King. Mrs. Moses was a member of Chase Marshall died in 1963. Also the Presbyterian Church and deceased are two brothers, Russell the Rebekah Lodge. ^^^^^^^^^^^m and Rodney Hoover. She had been employed by Surviving her is a daughter, Lawson Milk Company for over Juanita F. Arey, of Hampton. fifteen years. ii^k^1^' *7 TVV1W I . , _ Funeral services were held at 2 Surviving her are two sons, p.m, Tuesday at Marvin Chapel T".»— United Methodist Church by the Wajter W. Mosea, Jr., of IronRev. Roy Gwinn. Burial was in the ton, Ohio, and Ronald Dane Ruckman Cemetery. Moses, of Galion, Ohio: two brothers, Harry King, of Marlinton, Ira King, of Elkins, and a sister, Margie King, of Marlinton, and five grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. Maynard Crawford with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


William H. Mullins William H. Mullins, 88, of Linda Jane Mullens, 17, daugh'er of Clyde and Eva Nicholas County, was dead on Jane Davis Mullens, of Empori- arrival at Sumrhersville Memorial um, Pennsylvania, was killed Hospital following an accident on on Thursday, March 12, 1970, Monday, August 13, 1990. The in an automobi'e-truck collision Sheriffs Department said he was on her way home from school. driving east when his car struck the She was born in Marlinton rear of a vehicle stopped at a May 4, 1952. The family mov- construction site. The collision ed t o Pennsylvania sixteen touched off a chain reaction involving two other cars and a years ago. She was an honor student at parked truck. No other injuries Cameron County High Schco! were reported. Surviving are his wife, Edith and a member of Mu Alpha Cox Mullins; sons, Lester and Beta and National Honor SoGene, of Orlando, Florida, ciety She was a member of Weymouth, of Craigsville, the Studfnt Council for two Jennings Arlie, of Oak Hill, Bill years and was on the Sno Ball Arden, of Charleston; daughter, and Prom Committees. She won the 1969 Keystone Girls Elizabeth Cook, of Marlinton; Stale Award and was a candi- brother, Gale, of Steubenville, date for the Year Book Queen. Ohio; sisters, Ila Hughes and This, her s-enior year, Linda Jalema Richmond, both of W'.s a majorette, Homeroom Craigsville; 15 grandchildren and Sub^criotion Editor for the 19 great-grandchildren. Year Book and was on the cosServices were held Friday, tume for the Senior August 17, at 11 a. m. at Play. She had won 4-H Fair Simons-Coleman Funeral Home in nbbons for hobbies of painting Richwood by the Rev. Paul and sewing. In January Linda Skaggs. Burial was in West was named as the Lookout Virginia Memorial Gardens at Club Girl of the Month. She Calvin. had planned to enroll in Slippery Rock State College in September. She was a member of Grady E. Mullens the United Methodist Church Grady E. Mullens, 48, o of Emporium. Minnehaha Springs, died Tues day, March 29, 1983, in PocaSurviving besides her parents hontas Memorial Hospital. He are a sister, Karen, and a brothhad suffered from heart trouble er, Scott; grandparents, Mr. for several years. and Mrs. Howard Mullens and Mr. Mullens was a heavy Mr. and Mrs. Page Davis, all equipment operator and stockof near Marlinton. man and was a member of the Services were held Sunday Minnehaha Springs United afternoon in Coppersmith FuMethodist Church.^ -rv\„ neral home in Emporium by He was born Julys, 1934/at the Rev. Aurance S. Shanks, with -burial in Newton CemeMarlinton, the son of Ruby tery. Pa'lbearers were memShinaberry Mullens, of Rt. 2, bers of the Stnior Class. Marlinton, and the late Okey Mullens. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Ruby J. Mullins died at her Anna Betty Sharp Mullens; two e or. Cummings Creek, January daughters, Connie [Mrs. :i. 1 '25, after several months of IODK Thomas D.] Moore, Elk Rt., ring1. Mrs. Mullins was one of Marlinton, and Cindy Mullens, '•he seven daughters of Mr. and Mrs" Minnehaha Springs; two sons, Charles McCounb. Her father and mother preee led her to the grave. Ronnie E. Mullens, WinchesShe leaves t > mourn her loss six ter, Virginia, and Chuck Mulaisterw, her husband and five children lens, Marlinton; one grandMullins was twice married, her child; two brothers, Robert iirst maniagL' to John Flamilton To Mullens, Neola, and Paul liis union was born one child, Uoy Mullens, Marlinton. Later she n arried Mr Mullins, to Services will be held Friday, j h i s union four children were U»rn Mrs Mullins was 34 ye rs 4 months April 1, at 2 p. m., in the Mid 5 days old She was a goon lov- Minnehaha Springs United ing mother, a faithful v, ife Sue ex Methodist Church by Revs. pressed herself ready to no and 'old Clyde Gum, Rex Ball, and many of her trienJs not to v Try Robert Higgins. Burial will be after her for she was going to a b. liter in Mountain View Cemetery, laud. Marlinton. Linda Mullens


Audrey S. Millins

Audrey S. Mullens, 64, died Wednesday, February 6,1980, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in Huntersville, January 27,1916, he was the son of the late Esau and Ruby M c Comb Mullens. Mr. Mullens was an employee of the Department of Highways. t*~r^ Survivors include his wife, Edith; two sons, Maynard, of Frost, and Herschel, of Cleveland, Ohio; five brothers, Gordon Mullens, Staunton, Virginia, Huey Mullens, of Charlottesville, Virginia, Douglas Mullens, and Kent Ryder, both of Fairfax, Virginia, and Roy Hamilton, of Huntersville; four sisters, Mrs. Dolly Ryder, of Alexandria, Virginia, Mrs. Cora Bradley and Mrs. Evelyn Wiseman, both of Fairfax, Virginia, and Mrs. Elgie Climmer, of Virginia, and two grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home with Revs. David Rittenhouse and Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery.

rUwtri WMu Howard Mullens, 73, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, December 27,1977, in Memorial General Hospital, Elkins, after a long illness. Born on Cranberry Ridge near Cowen October 6, 1904, he was the son of Jake and Nancy Ellen Keen Mullens. He was a retired school bus driver. Surviving are his wife, Louisa; sons, Kenneth and Wally, both of Ontario, Canada, Johnnie, of Prince George, Virginia, Clyde, of Emporium, Pennsylvania, daughters, Mrs. Dottie McLaughlin, of Arbovale, Mrs. Erma Kroeker, of Goleta, California; brother, Charles, of Cowen; sisters, Mrs. Velmer Corby, of Cowen, Mrs. Clara Hammon, of Garland, Texas; 12 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Services were held at two p.m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham official ing. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery.


OkeyH. Mullens

Okey H. Mullens, 57, of Huntersville, died Tuesday, September 26, 1967, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. / 3 ^ ^ He was a woodsman and a member of the Methodist Church. Born at Dwight, Virgiria, July 2, 1910, he was a son of the late Leonard E. and Sara Mullens. <^(^y^J Survivors include his "wife, Ruby Elizabeth; four sorts, Grady, Paul and Christopher, all of Huntersville, and Robert, of Minnehaha Springs, and four sisters, Mrs. Grace Buchanon, of Danese, Mrs. Hattie Shinaberry and Mrs. Virginia Shifflet, both of Staunton, Virginia, and Mrs. Josephine Weese, White Sulphur Springs. Three brothers and one sister preceded him in death. The funeral will be held at the Smith Funeral Home at 2 p. m., Thursday, by Rev. Sherman E. Marklay and Rev. Ezra Bennett with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Baby Mullens

John Mullens John Jacob Mullens, 59, of 2510 River Road, Prince George, Virginia, died Friday, October 9, 1992, in Chippenham Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. Born at Woodrow, he was the son of the late Howard and Louisa Gullogly Mullens. He had lived in Prince George 33 years and was a retired counselor from the Federal Correctional Institution in Petersburg. Surviving him are his wife, Thelma Totten Mullens, of Prince George; a son, Gary Mullens, of Lewisburg; a daughter, Brenda M. Holden, of Chester, Virginia; five grandsons, Wesley, Matthew and Russell Mullens, Steven and Daniel Holden; a sister, Dotty McLaughlin, of Green Bank; and two brodiers, Kenneth Mullens, of Marlinton and Kipawa, Quebec, Canada, and Wally Mullens, of Thome, Ontario, Canada. Services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the funeral chapel of J. T. Morriss and Son Funeral Home by the Rev. Tom Taylor, pastor of First Church of the Nazarene. Graveside services were held at 1 p. m. Monday in the Ruckman Cemetery near Mill Point

Randy Lee Mullens, fivemonth-old son of Robert E. and Shirley J. Mullens of Hillsboro, died Friday, March 21, 1969. in the C & 0 Hospital, Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a short illness. He was born October 14, 1968, in Marlinton. ^a^yy\ One brother, Jerry Wayne, preceded him in death. Other survivorsinclude three brothers, Johnny, Jimmy and Jodie Mullens, all at home, and the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buzzard, of Minnehaha Springs and Mrs. Ruby Mullens, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Sherman Markley with bunal in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Clyde Mullens Clyde Mullens, 47, of Driftwood, near Emporium, Pennsylvania, was killed Thursday, May 28,1981, when struck by a train as he and his nephew, Bart Hively. were crossing a trestle. Born January 1, 1934, he was the son of Mrs. Howard Mullens, of Rt. 1, Williams River, Marlinton, and the late Mr. Mullens. He was a graduate of Marlinton High School 30 yean ago. He married Eva Jane Davis October 13,1951. She and two children survive—Karen Maces, Richmond, Virginia, and Scott, at home. Another daughter, Linda, died in a car wreck March 1970. Besides his mother, beia survived by two sisters, Erma Arthur Lee Mullenax Kroeker, of California, and Elkins—Arthur Lee Mullenax. Dotty Hively, of Dunmore; aged 51 years, died on Saturday, three brothsft Kenneth and January 17, 1941. of pneumonia, Ronnie, of Canada, and John, His body of Hopewell, Virginia. ;;at an Elkins Hospital. was buried on Monday in the Services and burial were in Bo.ver Cemetery. He was a Pennsylvania. W orld War Veteran. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Mary Mullenax.


Mrs. Belva Mullenax

Mrs. Belva Mae Wimer Mul lenax, 80, of Bartow, died on Monday, July 25,1966, in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. She was born in 1886 in Pendleton County and was the daughter of the late Mr. md Mrs. Jerry and Ellen Rexrode Wimer. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Ollie Waybright, of Boyer, Mrs. Elva Mullenax, of Bartow, and Mrs. Ne.lie Waybright, of Monterey, Virginia; one son, Lester Mullenax, of Bartow; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Waybright, of Franklin, Mrs. Goldie Fleisher, of Staunton, Virginia, and Mrs. Eva Wimer, of Hershey, Pennsylvania; four brothers, Glen Wimer, of Churchville, Virginia, Richard Wimer, of Loan Fountain, Virginia, Carl Wimer, of Blue Grass. Virginia, and Edward Wimer, of Bolar, Virginia; 23 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild Funeral services were held Thursday morning at the Church of God in Durbin by the Rev. J. H. Snedegar. Burial was in the family cemetery on Allegheny Mountain. Gerald Mullenax n Gerald Allen Mulleria% 47, of Ashtabula, Ohio, formerly of Pocahontas County, was kill ed Thursday, March 20, 1975, in a train accident in Ashtabula. Surviving are daughters Mrs. Jacob Jetson, of Oceanside, California, Mrs. Gene Detrick, of Kingsville, Ohio, son, Allen of Kingsville, Ohio; two grandchildren; mother, Mrs. Daisy Mick Mullenax, of Durbin; sisters, Mrs. Lester Nelson, of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Harian Tallman, of Durbin, brothers, Craig and Edward, both of Arbovale, Stanley, of Pocatello, Idaho, Basil, of Miami, Florida;half-brothers, Tiffin Mullenax, of Larwill, Indiana, Olet Mullenax, of Arbovale. Services were held Sunday in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery.

Tiffin R. Mullenax, 89, of Larwill, Indiana, formerly of Arbovale, died January 5, 1984, at the Veteran's Medical Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He had been a patient there since December 4. Born September 4, 1894, in Pendleton County, he was a son of Solomon K. and Lottie Bennett Mullenax. On December 26, 1922, he married Letha V. Armentrout. They lived on a farm near Arbovale until 1950 when they moved to Richland Township. Mr. Mullenax worked for the U. S. Forest Service for 18 years. After that they moved to Indiana where he farmed and worked at Gripo Company until he retired. He served in the Infantry in World War I. Survivors include three sons, William K. Mullenax, Fort Wayne, Indiana, George F. Mullenax, Peyton, Colorado, Tiffin R. Mullenax, Jr., Livermore, California; two daughters, Mrs. Jesse [Carol] Waybright, South Whitley, Indiana, Mrs. Roger [Fannie] Davenport, Adams, Wisconsin; five brothers, Olet Mullenax, Boyer, Craig and Edward, of Arbovale, Basil, Florida, and Stanley, Idaho; one sister, Inez Tallman, Durbin; 19 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. Letha and a son, Thoreld, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held in Smith Funeral Home, South Whitley, with Rev. Vernon Stinebaugh, of the South Whitley Church of the Brethren, officiating. Burial was in the Lakeview Cemetery at Larwill.

Katie V. Mollanax

Katie Verna Mullenax, 80, of Whitmer, died Saturday, December 13, 1975, at West Virginia University Hospital in Morgantown, following an extended illness. She had li ved with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Teter, of Whitmer for 37 years. She was born November 11, 1895, in Pendleton County, a daughter of the late Adam and Jane Clayton Thompson. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Mary Long, of Whitmer, Mrs. Nellie Long, of Bartow, five foster children. Roy Teter, Whitmer, Carl Teter, Harman, Conrad and Clyde Teter, Epsyville,Pennsylvania, and Shirley Rexrode, of Bartow, and several nieces and nephews. Four brothers and five sisters preceded her in death. She was a member of the Mennonite Church of Whitmer. Final rites were under the directions of the Tomblyn Funeral Home.

MRS. LINNIE ELLA MULLENAX Mrs. Linnie Ella Mullenax, aged 64 years, died at her home at Boyer December 22, 1940, af-er a long- illness. On Monday aftemutv hor body was laid to rest in the Boyei Cemetery, the service being conducted from -the Boyer Church by Rev. J,W. Pugh and Rev. D. I. Snyder The deceased was a daughter of the late Daniel and Mrs Eliza Bright Stone. She is survived by her aged mother; two sons, Forest Holiday of Cass and L. H. Calhoun of Huntington, Pa. Her brothers are Harry Stone, of Hightown, Va., and Scott Stone, of Boyer; her sisters are Mrs. Daniei Ryder, Mrs. Maggie Slayton and Mrs. Maggie Slayton and Mrs. Austin Nottingham. Mrs. ullenax was a good Christian woman who will be greatly «»-'o««d«_

Ona J. Mullenax


Oni James Mullenax, 69, of Thornwood, died Wednesday, February 19, 1964, in a Martinsburg hospital after a short illness. He was a member of the Thornwood Methodist Church and had lived most of his life in Po-aho.itas Coaaty. He was a farmer. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Rogers of j Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. I Betty Tarada, of San Salvador; four sons, Virgil and Jamie Mullenax, both of Baltimore, Maryland; Jack Mullenax, of Bartow; and Ona J. Mullenax, Thornwood; one sister, Mrs. Sidney Dodson, of Columbus, Ohio; one brother, Olet Mullenax, of Boyer, and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Boyer Church by the Rev. Paul S. Good. Burial was in the Arbovaie Cemetery.

Jesse t . Mullenax <

Jesse L. Mullenax, 67, a retired tanner for Howes Leather Company, of Frank, died at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, December 4, 1969, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mul'enax had been a patient in the hospital since October 22, when he suffered a heart aitack at his home. He was a member of the United Methodist Church of Durbin, the American Legion in Durbin, Durbin I00F Lodge and Tygart Lodge 76, Knights of Pythias. Mullenax was a veteran of army service during World War II. He was born April 13, 1902, in Bartow, a son of the late Madison and Vergie (Tracy) Mullenax. He was i lifelong bachelor. ^^^^^^« Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Marie Ferguson, of Elkins, with whom he had resided since September 1968, and Mrs. Loy Curry, of Seattle, Washington. Two brothers, Jake and Robert Mullenax, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at the John W. Lohr Funeral Home in E!kin*, Su.,day by the Rev. Willis F. Summers, pastor of the Durbin United Meth odist Church. Burial was in the IOOF Cemeterj, with presentation of the American flag.

Brooks Mullenax Qj Brooks B. Mullenax, 50, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, formerly of Bartcw, died Monday, Dfcfmber 16 1968, in a Fayetteville hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack He was a member of the United Methodist Ch'irch and the Masonic Lodge in Fayetteville. A graduate of Fairmont Business College, he recently retired after serving 22 years with the Army. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Loraine Beard Mullenax; one daughter, Carolyn Jean, home, and one lister, Mrs. Mabel Raines, of Warren, Ohio Funeral services will be held Thursday aft^riom at 2:00 p. m.. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale wiih the Rev. Travis E. Wells, Jr , in charge pnd burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

77 i

CW n Mullenax Cleltan Mullenax, aged 77 years, a* Bartow, died in the Pocah .ucas iiorial Hospital Monday, January 30, 1961, after an illness of several years. He was a retired hotei operator and for years he served as a guide for bear hunters. Mr. Mullenax was born in Pendleton County June 15, 1883, a son cf the late Elijah and Elizabeth Hinkle Mullenax. He had spent almost his entire life in Pocaliontas. * j Surviving are a son. Brooks, of Fort Bragg, North Caro'ina; a step-daughter, Mrs. M. bel Raines of Warren Ohio; two : f,ers, Mrs Betty Hulver, of Bartow, and Mrs. Lura Warner, of Cherry Grove; and two grandchildren. His wife, Annabelle Calhoun Mullenax, and two sisters, Mrs. Saul Johnson and Mrs. Martha Lambert, preceded him in death. Funeral services wiil be held Thursday afternoon at 2 at the Bartow Methodic °hurch by the Rev. J. E. Fain, •••' -'k ' in the Arbovale C^


Jiik Milieux

Jack Franklin Mullenax, 63, of Bartow, died Sunday, November 18,1979, at Memorial General Hospital in Elkins after a long illness. Mr. Mullenax was a former store owner and logging operator. He was a member of Moose Lodge No. 1465 at Durbin and a member of the Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. Born February 3, 1926, at Boyer, he was the son of the late Ona and Sylvia Wilfong Mullenax. Surviving him are his wife, Sarah Smoker Mullenax, one daughter, Mrs. Linda Jean Vance, of Boyer; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Rogers, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Betty Paradis, Winston Salem, North Carolina; three brothers, Virgil Mullenax, of Baltimore, Jamie, of Red Bank, New Jersey, and Ona, of Lansdale, New Jersey; and three grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday at 1 p. m. in Wallace and Wallace Chapel at Arbovale by the Rev. Paul S. Good, Mrs. Rosia Mae Mullenax with burial in Arbovale CemeMrs. Rosia Mae Mullenax was tery. born on February i, 1818, departed this life on Thursday, August Daisy M. Mullenax 26, 1943, in the Ronceverte HosMrs. Daisy Mullenax, pital. Her age was 56 years. She 90, of Durbin,Mick died Wednesleaves to mourn their loss, her day, August 1, 1979, in an I husband, Walter C. Mullenax, Elkins hospital after a long illand !•> children living; one pre- ness. ceded her to the grave quite a Born July 14, 1889, in Penwhile ago which made 13 in all. Children living are Mrs. Clarence dleton County, she was the Mullenax, of Rainelle; Mrs. Madie daughter of lb? late Solomon Slayton, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. and KatherineMjarobert Mick. She was married to the late Elizabeth Gum, of Cass; Mrs. Maude McClure, of Watoga; Mrs. Saul Kay Mullenax. Emojine Lambert, of PennsylvanSurvivors include one daughia; Glenn R.jMullenax, of Arbo- ter, Inez Tallman, of Durbin; : Mrs. Margie Mullenax, of four sons, Craig and Edward, Boyer; Eddie Mullenax, of the both of Arbovale, Basil, of Miami, Florida, and Stanley, of Idaho; two stepsons, Gerald, of Indiana and Olet, of Lee Kalcomb Arbovale, and one sister, Lee Malcomb, aged 66 years, Virgie Arbogast, of Hightown, a native of Pocahontas County, Virginia. died on January.28, 1952, ft, WinServices were held at two Sten Salem, N. C. On Thursday morning his remains will be p. m. Saturday in the Pine buried in the family plot in Mt. Grove Church of the Brethren, the Rev. David Rittenhouse View cemetery. officiating. Burial in Arbovale The deceased was a son of the ' ^smetery. __^__ late John and Fannie Carter Mai comb. His half sister is Mrs. I Grant Smith.


Daisy M. Mullenax (V

Mrs. Daisy Mick Mullenax, 90, of Durbin, died Wednesday, August 1, 1979, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. Born July 14, 1889, in Pendleton County, she was the daughter of the late Solomon and KatheriDftJ>ambert Mick. She was married to the late Saul Kay Mullenax. Survivors include one daughter. Inez Tallman, of Durbin; four sons, Craig and Edward, both of Arbovale, Basil, of Miami, Florida, and Stanley, of Idaho; two stepsons, Gerald, of Indiana and Olet, of Arbovale, aDd one sister, Virgie Arbogast, of Hightown, Virginia. Services were held at two p. m. Saturday in the Pine Grove Church of the Brethren, the Rev. David Rittenhouse officiating. Burial in Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Fred Mullenax Mrs. Virginia Mullenax, 48, of Marlinton, died Friday, September 17, 1976, in West Virginia University Hospital, Morgantown, after a long illness. Born at Marlinton October 11,1927, she was the daughter of Lake and Mamie Shelton Sharp Reed. Mrs. Mullenax, a secretary for the Pocahontas County Sheriff's Department, was a member of the Presbyterian Church, ^y^j^ In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Fred; sons, Wayne, of North Carolina, Allen, at home; stepdaughter, Lueteshea Coles, of Monaca, Pennsylvania, stepBon, William Mullenax, of Monaca, Pennsylvania; sister, Mrs. Gertrude Kramer, of Rupert, five grandchildren; one great grandchild. Services were held at two p. m. Sunday in Mary's Chapel, Marlinton, with the Rev. Willis Cornelius officiating. Burial was in Gibson Cemetery

Ar.'ie J. Murphy CLs " Early Murphy Arlie J. Murphy, 61, of ArEarly Murphy, 66, of Boyer, bovale, died Friday, July 4. died Monday, February" 8, 1989, in the Memorial General 1971, at his home. Hospital at Elkins after a long He was a lifelong resident illness. of Pocahontas County and He was a member of the was a retired carpenter. Durbin Church of the BrethSurvivors include two dauren, a member of the Amer- ghters, Mrs. Leatha Mullenax, ican Legion, Pine Grove and of Bartow, and Mrs. Macel Arbovale Brotherhood, and Love, of Baltimore, Maryland; Boyer. Q ^ J T was an employee of the Howes two sons. Carl and Olin 'MurMr. Mullenax had lived in Leather Company at Frank. phy, both of Baltimore, MaryBaltimore for 19 years. Survivors include his wife, land; one brother, Sturlie Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Icey Virginia Rexrode Murphy, of Madison. Ohio; Linda Sloop Mullenax; two Murphy; two brothers. Earlie five sisters, Mrs. Tressie Barsisters, Georgia Mullenax and Murphy, of Durbin. and S"tur- ner, of Covington, Virginia, Vonda VaDnoy, both of Col- lie Murphy, of Madison. Ohio; Mrs. Sylvia Stewart and Mrs. legeville, Pennsylvania, and a and five sisters, Mrs. Tressie Sallie Peter, both of Espyville, brother, Keith Mullenax, of Varner, of Covington, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Iva Hill, Arbovale. Mrs. Sally Teter and Mrs. of Cary, North Carolina, and Sylvia Stewart both of Espy- Mrs. Ariene Hipes, of Durbin. Services were held Tuesday ville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Arat 11 a. m. at Wallace and Funeral services will be held iene Hipes, of Durbin. and Thursday at 11 a. in. in the Wallace Funeral Home with Mrs. Iva Hill, of Cary, North Mennonite Church at Brush the Rev. Clarence Davis offiCarolina. ciating. Burial was in Arbovale Run by the Rev. Paul S. Good, Cemetery. Funeral services were held with burial in the Arbovale Sunday afternoon in the Chur- Cemetery. ch of the Brethren at Durbin M. J. Murphy CL-^ Michael A. Murphy Murl James Murphy, 57, of by the Rev. David Rittenhousp with burial in the ArboMichael Andrew Murphy, Boyer, died Thursday, Sep- vale Cemetery. >5, of Route 1, Red House, Puttember 19, 1968, in an Elkins jam County, died Wednesday, hospital. Mrs. Audra Murphy April 9, in the General Division He was a member of the Mrs. Audra Blye Curry of the Charleston Area Medical Durbin Church of the Breth- Murphy, 65, of Washington, D. Center. He was a state policeren, a member of the Moose C, died Wednesday, February man for 24 years prior to reLodge, an employee of Howes 8, 1984. tirement, and was stationed in Leather Company and had She was a nurse, taking her Marlinton for several years. lived at Boyer for 38 years. training at Davis Memorial He then served as an insuance Survivors include his wife, Hospital in Elkins, and a vet- adjuster. Mrs. Gustava Tray Murphy; Surviving are his wife, Mrs. eran of World War II, serving six daughters, Anna L. Rex- in the European Theater of Anna C. Joyce Murphy; one rode, of Hightown, Virginia, operations. Following the war daughter, Mrs. Joyce Kelley, of Mrs. Betty Shifflett, and Kanawha City; three sons, Mrs. Vic let Hirtman ' and she worked for many years as a John Michael, of Red House, Red Cross nurse. Mrs. Deloris Hirtrider, all of Mrs. Murphy was born July James Patric, of St. Albans, and Staunton, Virginia; Mrs. ShirPhillip Andrew, of Nitro; one ley Rexrode, of Richmond, 1, 1918, near Cass, the daugh- brother, Edward P., of St. Alter of Mrs. May Geiger Curry Virginia and Mrs. Evelyn Robans; two sisters, Mrs. Rita hrer, of McGaheysville, Vir- and the late 0. B. Curry. A Cunningham, of Gray, La., and ginia; two sons, Franklin Mur- flister, Madeline Hayes, and Mrs. Barbara Jackson, of Red phy, of Durbin, and Murl Mur- two brothers, Dale and Virgif House; and eight grandchildren phy, Jr., of Harrisonburg, Vir- James Curry, preceded hep'in Mass was held at 11 am on ginia; five sisters, Mrs Tressie death. \ / Friday, April 11, in St. PatVarner and Mrs. Iva Hill, both She was twice married, to rick's Church in Bancroft with of Covington, Virginia; Mr.«. Claron Coles and to Dr. John the Rev. Leroy Beyer officiatSally Teter and Mrs. Sylvia Murphy, both deceased. ing. Burial was in Haven of Stewart, both of Espyville, In addition to her mother, of Rest Memorial Gardens. Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Ariene Marlinton, she is survived by Hites, of Durbin; three broth- three brothers, Wilbur Curry, John P. Murphy, 64 years old, a ers, Early Murphy, of Dur- of Marlinton, Arden Curry, of bin, Arlie Murphy, of Arbo- Charleston, and Earl Curry, of former resident of Ronceverte. died vale and Sterlie Murphy, of Leesburg, Virginia; four sis- at [St. Cloud, Florida, on Sunday, March 5. 1939, and burial was a* Sc. Madison, Ohio, and eighteen ters, Evelyn Moran, West- Clcud on Tuesday. H t was born at grandchildren. chester, Ohio, Helen Ham- Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe Ooun Funeral services were held mond, of Fairmont, Louise cy, and is survived by his widow b i t children Several months ago be Sunday afternoon in the Boyer Coleman, of McLean, Virginia, no suffered a crushed hip in a nrotor ve/lethodist Church by the Rev. and Carolyn Robinson, of Rich- hicle accident. SurviDg brothers and >aul Good and the Rev. David mond, Virginia; and several listers are Michi. :1 Murphy, of Salt Littenhouse with burial in the nieces and nephews. Sulphur Springs: Mrs Ellen Massey trbovale Cemetery. Services and burial were in ind Mrs Mar- Taui'sson, of HuntingKel ey, Mrs W. W. on; Mrs S? Washington on Saturday. c , phy, all of Ron

Willif R. Mullenix Willis R. Mullenax, 46, of Baltimore, Maryland, formerly of Pocahontas County died Saturday, May 15, 1982, in a Baltimore hospital after a long illness. Born December 18, 1935. at Durbin, he was a son of Willis and Verla Burner Mullenax, of

Waugh iDd


:everte. Mr mployee of »rp, and was

pi.y was a former U, &. O. Railway i,e:an of the Span-

Charles Douglas Mackey Charles Douglas Mackey, 11, of Frankford, died Saturday, May 18, 1985, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital following an accident. He and another youth were riding bicycles on a side road when he turned onto the highway and was struck by a pickup truck. Born April 20, 1974, at Ronceverte, he was the son of Harry and Sandra Hanna Mackey. He was a fifth grade student at the Lewisburg Intermediate School. In addition to his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Stephen and Brian, both at home, and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Stella P. Hanna, of Frankford. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Clifton Presbyterian Church by Dr. Gene D. Miller, Jr., with burial in the Riverview Cemetery at Ronceverte. Harry Mackey is an employee of the First National Bank in Marlinton. Leonard F. Meadows, Sr. Leonard F. Meadows, Sr., 80, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, formerly of Hinton and Pocahontas County, died Monday, August 13, 1990. Mr. Meadows was a retired salesman for Swift Company. Born November 17, 1909, in Summers County, he was the son of the late Omer and Fannie Meadows. Surviving him are his wife, Glenna Helmintoller Meadows, of Stuarts Draft; two sons, Leonard and Donald, both of Williamsburg, Virginia; four sisters and three brothers; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held Wednesday in Arbovale Cemetery by Herman Luhm. Mirrare! Lutille Myirt Margaret Lucille Myers, 56, of Belsano, Pennsyl vania; formerly of Hillsboro, died Thursday, January 6,1983. Surviving, her are husband, Burnell J.; two daughters, Litida Alexander, Pennellville, New York, Sharon Kline, of Bristol, Pennysylvania; three brothers, Lanty Rose, Leroy Rose, Hillsboro, Thomas Rose, Pennsylvania; three sisters, Alice Brably, Jean Rose, Jerri Weiser, all of Pennsylvania; one granddaughter. Memorial contributions may be nude to the American Liver Foundation, 998 Pomton Ave., Cedar Grove, N.J. 07009.

Joe W. Morgan Joe W. Morgan, 58, of Nantahala Community, Topton, North Carolina, died Saturday, April 19, 1997, in an Andrews Hospital. He was a native of Macon County, where he had lived most of his life. He was the son of Lottie Garey Morgan, of Andrews, and the late Walter C. Morgan. He had served for six years in the National Guard. He had worked for General Motors in Willow Run, Michigan, for 12 years; and had worked 23 years widi Magnavox and Bakers Furniture and was presently a paramedic, with Macon County EMS. He was a member of Bethel Hill Baptist Church. Joe was preceded in death by two brothers, Edward and Cecil Morgan. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Phyllis Baker Morgan; a daughter, Sheryl Gregory, of Nantahala; one son, Kenneth Morgan, of Buckeye; four sisters, Mildred Grant, of Nantahala, Joyce Owenby, Janice Dockery and Madge Morgan, all of Andrews, North Carolina; and three grandchildren. Services were held on April 22, at BeUiel Hill Baptist Church with die Revs. Roy Lindsey and Buford Owenby officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests memorials be made to American Cancer Society, c/o Margaret Stratton, P.O. Box 1130, Andrews, NC 28901. Dorothy Montgomery Mrs. Dorothy "Dottie" Ross Montgomery, age 84, of Clifton Forge, Virginia, died Wednesday, June 21, 1995, at the home of her son, Harold Montgomery, of Mill Point. She was a homemaker and a member of the Immanuel Baptist Church. She was born in Bath County on April 21,1911, the daughter of the late Robert L. and Shelia Weade Ross. Mrs. Montgomery was the widow of Leslie Raymond Montgomery, who preceded her in death in 1983. Surviving her are a daughter, Bess Riggles, of Boones Mill, Virginia; two sons, Harold Montgomery, Mill Point, and Bobby Montgomery, of Roanoke, Virginia; 12 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 11 a. m. at the Nicely Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Andy Nash. Interment was in the Central Advent Christian Cemetery.

William Clarence Mongole William Clarence Mongole, 82, of Cass, passed away Mon. day, March 15, 1971, at his home from the result of a fall. Born June 27, 1888, at Bass, he was the son of the late Solomon and Dorothy Ann Elizabeth See Mongole. He was a retired guard of a rayon plant, where he worked for 26 years. Preceding bim in death were two sons, Clarence and Donald, and one daughter. Regina. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Laura McClung Mongole; one son, William A. Mongole; five daughters, Dorothy Hensel, who resided with them, Kathleen Ayres and Frankie Hamilton, both of White Sulphur Springs, Mabel Peacock, of Arling.'on, Virginia, and Jane Hawks, of Lancaster, Ohio; sixteen grand children; nine great-grand chil dren, and numerous nieces and nephews Funeral arrangements were through Loving Funeral Home m Covington, Virginia, with interment at Covington.

Mrs. Laura Mongole

Mrs. Laura Virginia McClung Mongole, 76, died Monday, March 22, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after an extended illness. Born September 29, 1894, ai Renick, she was a daughter o the late Joseph A. McClunj and Mintie Margaret Clutte Mongole. She was the widow for om week of the late Willian Clarence Mongole; two sons Clarence and Donald, and one daughter. Regina, preceded her in death. Survivors include one son, William Mongole, of Falls Church, Virginia; five daughters, Dorothy Hensel, who resided with her at Cass, Kathleen Ayres and Frankie Hamilton, tf White Sulphur, Jane Hawks, of Lancaster, Ohio, and Mabel Peacock, of Arlington, Virginia, sixteen grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were through Loving Funeral Home at Covington, Virginia, with interment in the Cedar Hill Cemetery at Covington.

J. L. Murrell Richard Madison Ray Mundell Ray Mundell, 45, formerly Richard Madison, 59, died on J. L. Murrell, aged 60 years, of Mill Creek, died Saturday, ; month and 21 days, died OD Friday, November 22, 1957, in Mnv 20, 1967, at his residence Wednesday, January 23, 1952, at the Memorial General Hospital, in Elkins. at 332 Huron Drive, Washingtbe Pocahontas Memorial Hospit ton. D. C , as the result of a al after an illness of several weeks He was born at Millboro, Virheart attack. He had been in The deceased was born. Decem- ginia, April 18, 1898. He was his usual health, his death was ber 3, 1891, at Vance, ' Virginia; a son of Preston and Alice Curtis unexpected. tbe son of the Is to Robert Lee and Madison. He was born January 24, Frances SwAi'Son Murrell, of 1 He is survived by his wife, 1922, at Mill Creek, a son of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Liliie Madison, and two children, the late George H. and Iris Ping Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Pete Lee Madison and Annalee ley Mundell. Following grad- Artie Helen Murrell; four bro Sharp, all of Marlinton, and five uation from Tygarts Valley fbers, William, of Gary; Julius, grandchildren; one brother, David High School, he attended Da- of Martinsville, Virginia; Alex, Madison, of Huntington, and two vis and Elkins College. After of Dry Fork, Virginia; Frank, of sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Workgoing to the Washington, Area Whitmill, Virginia, aud one sis- man, of Buckeye, and Mrs. Virto reside in 1951, he formed a ter, Mrs. Sallie Walton, of Dry | gie Cruikshank, of Belmgton. realty company and was presi- Fork, Virginia. His half brothers and sis!/ s are: dent of the Mundell Realty Lewis Madison and ' irmsn Mr. Murrell spent bis childCorporation, of Washington, Madison both of Marlinto' and hood and was educated in the D. C, at the time of his death. scbools of Virginia. At an early Mrs. Alice Mayse, of Vienra and He was preceded in death by age be came to West Virginia, Mrs. Quintella Astin. one brother, Howard Mundell and settled in Logan County. I' was a member of the Bapand one sister, Mrs. Pearl was' there he married his first tistHeChurch of Huntington and a Lockhart. wife, Miss Laura V. Brooks, who member of U M W of A Local Survivors include his wife, preceded him in death sixteen Union 4050 District 31. Mrs. Stella Jackson Mundell, years ago. Funeral services were neld at three daughters, Mrs. Drena On leaving Logan County in the Runner's Funeral Home in Thompson, ot College Park, 1922, he came to Watoga, where Elkins on Tuesday, afternoon, Maryland, Diana and Debra be has since made bis home, and November 26, at 2:30 p. m. Mundell, at home; one sister. where be married tbe present Burial was made in the Coffmaii Mrs. Oran Yokum, of Mill Mrs. Murrell on December a9tb, Cemetery near Hardin. Creek and, one brother, Cuy W. 1946. Mundell, of Crystal Springs, i During his lifetime he was very Elkins. Mrs. Jess B. Malcomb \ active in all the religious and civMrs. Vernie Malcomb, 72 years i Services were conducted ic activities of his community. Tuesday morning from the He served as Postmaster at Wa- o" age, died on Saturday, . ^p-1 Congress Heights Presbyterian toga from September 1, 1929 un- tember 21, 1957, at her home ,. Marlinton, after a long illness. Church in Washington, D. C , til bis death. She was born at Arbovale, on where he was an active memwill bis loss be felt May 11, 1885, the daughter of ber and elder of the church. byNotedly bis immediate family, but by the late William and Ama Following the services in Wash tbe neighbors and friends of his She was the' ington, D. C , the body was community, and tbe acquaint- Gr>gg Rexrode. moved to the John W. Lohr ances with whom he cmne in con- wife of Jess B. Malcomb, who preceded her in death by fourFuneral Home in Elkins. On tact day by day. teen years. Wednesdav the bodv was My lips cannot tell bow we miss moved to Mill Creek PresbyShe is survived by two chilterian Church where the final him, dren, Mrs. Margie Gragg, of Durrites were conducted at 2:00 p. .My heart ra- not tell what to say, bin, and Harry Malcomb, of Marm., by the Rev. A. E. John- God only knows how we miss bim linton; nine grandchildren and son, pastor of the Mill Creek In a home that is lonesome today. sixteen great-chiidren; also four Church. He was laid to rest dawns, no night re- sisters, Mrs. Mary Terry, of Marin the Brick Church Cemetery No morning linton; Mrs. Liliie Ryder, of Ronturns, at Huttonsville. ceverte; Mrs. Gertrude Clayton, I But tbat we think of I ! Those left behind i\re ver.y dear, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Beulah Ettil Music Kerns, of Ronceverte; and two But noue replaces him. X Eftel James Music, 61, of brothers, Joe Rexrode, of BaiBuckeye, died Sunday, Septemtow, and Charles.,JKof Marlinton, ber 28,1975, in the Greenbrier who made his home with her. Valley Hospital after a short Funeral services were held from Mrs. Olevia Malcomb illness. the home on Monday by her pasMrs. Olevivi Malcomb, 91, Mr. Music was a retired coal widow of Thomas C. Malcomb, tor, the Rev. A. D. Burnside, of miner and an employee of the died Tuesday. January 15, the Marlinton Church of The Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. 1963, in the Pocahontas Me- Nazarene. Burial was made in Mountain View Cemetery, at Surviving are his wife, Mil- morial Hospital. Marlinton. dred McNeill Music; a brother, The bi-dy is at the Smith Cecil Music, of Drexel Hill, Funeral Home. Pennsylvania; and a sister, Funeral arrangements are inMildred Purgear, of Holden. Services were held Tuesday complete. afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Alfred Gum officiating. Burial w u in Mountain View Cemetery.


Herbert Henry Mahaffey

John C. Maupin John C. Maupin died at his home at Campbeiltown at 1 p. ru. Oct. 14, 1950, aged 81 years, two days. He was born at Green Bank, Oct. 12, 1869. the son of Thomas K. and Margaret Arbogast Maupin. When very y o u n g he came to Marlinton and in 1897 he married Fannie McClintic of Greenbrier County.


Capfc. 3. W. Mathews Herbert Henry Mahaffey, Capt. J. W. M.athe-.v. one of Green65, of Dunmore, died Wednesbrier county's oldest and best known day, March 31, 1971, in the citizens and business men on AnC & 0 Hospital at Clifton thonys creek, died on Tuesday after; Forge, Virginia. CL> noon, January 7, 1930, at his home A retired coal miner, he was a,t Alvon. He had been sick for-some a native of Cowen and a memtime and had lain in an unconscious condition since Friday last, lie was ber of the Dunmore United in) years old on November 9 last. Methodist Church. Capt. Mathews served in the war beSurvivors include his wife, tween the states and was one of the He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Lenna I. Mahaffey; three Arthur urviving Confederate veterans. Smith and a grand son, sons, Junior H. Mahaffey and K e n j a r J , and a number of neph- His wife, who is seveial years youngAlpha Mahaffey. both of Baltiand nieces. He united with er than he. and a son, Charles K.. of Alvon, survive him. He was a memmore, Maryland, and Allen ews Methodist Church in early he M. B. Church, South. Mahaffey, of Covington, Vir- the and kept the Faith un- Captain Mathews had always exp ginia; two daughters, Mrs. manhood til death. His funpral was con- ed a desire to be buried in a Confed: Juanita Snarp, and Mrs. Vera ducted from the Campbeiltown • uniform, of which he was very Vandevender, both of Coving- Church on Tuesday, by his for- proud, and his last wishes were Carton, Virginia; two brothers, ried out when he was laid bo rest on pastor, Rev. R. H. Skaggs. Waldo Mahaffey, of Pennsyl- j mer Wjedneseay afternoon. Rev. N. W. Burial in' Green Bank cemeter.v vania, and Bill Mahaffey, of .beside the grave of bis wife who Russell conducted the funeral service. Maryland, and one sister, Mrs. (preceded him 15 years ago. In accordance with the last wishes Virginia Snyder, of Charlesof Capt. Mathews his body was drawn Thus is noted the passing of one ton. ' t o the grave in a tWo-borse wagon.j of the first residents of Marlin- Captain Jacob Warwick Mathews was Funeral services were held ton. born in Pocahontas Sounty on No Saturday afternoon in the vember 9, 1839, and m of SamEva May Gibsr. luace Dunmore United Methodist -£% uel G. and Naomi Hudson Mathews. Church by the Rev. Kenneth] Fva May Gjbsnn Mara aged 44 U the age of 21 lie enlisted as a priMontgomery, with burial in vate in Co. I, 25th Virginia Infantry . died T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 9, the Arbovale Cemetery. of the Confederate anny and saw i.;iT. at one p. in., in the Memorservice in many of the historic ball les ial General Hospital, Elkins. of the Civil war. He was one of the Martin Theodore Madison, age 73 Mace was born near Marso-called "Immortal 800," h;i years, died on Wednesday. January when a prisoner of wai at Charleston, 1, 1941, at the home of his daughter, linton, May '28, 190:7, a daughter S. ('.. been placed with a number of •• id Mollie Mrs J W Jack, at Cass. His death of the late Jacob , other Confederate prisoners to the came from a heart attack after an Kramer Gibson. She is survived ."iuTnber of about (iOq bel ween t lie illness of 6 months. Funeral services u.y two sons, Arlie William and 3es and attacking Conwere conducted at the home by Re*-'. Norval Gene Mace, and two daufederates and being exposed to the Quade R. Arbogast Interment was ghters, Josephine and Mrs. bJdytire of the attacking Confederate made at Millboro, Virginia. the Hess, all of Raltimcre, Maryarmy. Fortunately the danger of Surviving are his six children: land; four brothers, Philip J., the prisoners was discovered in time R. L. Madison and Miss Carrie Madi Mux and Winston Gibson, of to aver! any casualties, There were son, of Youngstovwi, Ohio; Mrs Maud Marlinton. and Price Gibson, of three other Greenbrier county prisonHetty, of Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs ers of war among tie >ners. Earl Strlckler, of Staunton, Virginia; Covington, Virginia; two sisters, They were Col. Ford, .1. Wash McMrs. Merle Moeks, of Elkins, and Mrs John Jack, of Cass, and Mrs' II and Dr. Lewis. Capt. MathMrs. Pollie h'eed, of Marlinton. Dock Cromer, of Durbin. ews was the last ol ' t h e group from Brief funeral services were con Greenbrier. ducted Sunday morning at 10:06 The deceased was one of the best Richard M. Martin o'clock from the Runner Funeral known nun of the county: he was in Richard M. Martin, 81, died at Chapel by D. Edwin Fletcher. the mercantile business at Alvon his home in Roanoke Rapids, Further services were h r ' ' at one until about ten years ago, when old North Carolina, on Tuesday, o'clock from the Mary':- Chapel age forced him to retire from active September 12, 1961, due to the Church with interment iu the business, although he continued to manage his I m until infirmities of old age. Gibson Cemetery. time of hjs recent illness three weeks Pallbearers were Vco Hannah, Mr. Martin and his wife, Mrs. ago. Mollie Martin, had been married Raymond Townsend, Kent Hanlie enjoyed ealth du for fifty years. nah, Clyde Beverage, James Han- his life time, never faffing to attend recnion and He is survived by his wife and nah'and Parker Gibson. Flower every Confederate ioJoU—i their only son, James T. Mirtin, girls were Anna'oeile Beverage, :,u!•''.>.l to him at ripe old age, Claiming him and one grandson, James T. Mir- Myrtle Malcomb, Eleanor Jean a grand old man. from the ever-thinGibson, Evelene Hannah, Vivian tin, II, of Marlinton. ning ranks of the
terment was in Cedarwood Cemetery at Roanoke Rapids.


Clarence H. Masters

Clarence H. Masters, 62, of Oviedo, Florida, formerly of Marlinton died Friday, May 30, 1969, in a Winter Park. Florida, hospital after a long illness. Born at Woodman, December 26, 1906, he was a son of the late Charles T. and Mary J. Masters. He moved to Florida 20 years ago where he operated a roofing firm. He was the minister of the United Baptist Church in White Sulphur before moving to Florida. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rita Meadows Masters; one son, Clarence Thomas Masters, of Oviedo, Florida; two daughters, Mrs. Delores Dawson, of Tampa, Florida, and Mrs. Brenda McClung, of Sc. Cloud, Florida; one brother, Lee R. Masters, of White Sulphur; three sisters, Mrs. Hallie Wade and Mrs. Nannie Webb, both of White Sulphur, and Mrs. Ruby Flowers, of Eau Gallie, Florida, and five zrandchildren. Fune r al services were conducted June 3 in Orlando, Fla. He was the brother-in-law >f Beecher and Aubrey Mellows, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Harold S. Mathews

Mrs. Mildred Clark Mathews, 52, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, formerly of Charleston, died Thursday, March 3, 1966, in Myrtle Beach Hospital. She was a daughter of the late Samuel Lake Clark, Sr., and Virginia Gillispie Clark and a member of the St. Johns Episcopal Church, in Charleston. She formerly lived in Cass and was a graduate of Green Bank High School. Survivors include her husband, Harold S. Mathews; one lister, Mrs Mary Frances Roach, of Charleston, and one brother, Samuel Clark, Jr., of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Services were held in the Trinity Episcopal Church, at Myrtle Beach. Burial was in Southeastern Memorial Gardens, at Myrtle Beach. She was a first cousin of James and Margaret Wilson, of Durbin.

Mrs. Carolyn Jean Hooke Mauzy, 21, of Verona, Virgj ia, died Thursday, May 1971, in the University Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia She was a daughter of Adolph and Mary Carolyn DevMrs. Moilie Sykes Martin er Hooke, of Mill Gap, Virginia Mrs. Moilie Sykes Martin, Survivors include her husaged 69, died in the Roanoke band, Larry Mauzy; one son, Rapids Hospital, of Roanoke Todd Mauzy, her parents, i Rapids, North Carolina, on two sisters, and one brother, I Saturday, November 24, 1962. her grandparents, Mr. and She had made her home with Mrs. Stanley Dever. her son in Marlinton since Funeral services were held September 1961. Sunday afternoon in the BeuSurviving her are one son, lah Presbyterian Church at James T. Martin and one grand Mill Gap, Virginia, of which son, Jimmy Martin. she was a member, with burial Services were held Monday, in the Monterey Cemetery. November 26, in the PenteShe was a great niece of costal Holiness Church by the Roy and Alice Sever, of MarRev. H. D. Marshburn. Buinton. rial was in Cedar Wood Cemet iery. James Leroy Mayes

Youth's BodyWound Near Monterey, Va. Norman Madison, Jr., 19, so:, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Madison, of near Marlinton, was the victim of d e a t h between 12 o'clock midnight a n d 6 a. m. Sunday morning, September 9. His body was found on Jack's Mountain, near Monterey, Va. Norman, Jr., was on his way to visit relatives in Virginia. His body is at the Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton. Funeral arrangements at the present time are incomplete.

James Leroy Mayes, fiveyear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. j Clifford Mayes, of Cass, died Wednesday, December 30,1964 in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital during surgery. Other survivors include one sister, Renalda Jo, at home; and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Abner, of Phoenix, Arizona. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Cass Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Uunlap. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Norman Madison Jr. Norman Madison Jr., aged J9 years, was found with serious bead injuries on LJ. S. Route 250, on Jack Mountain, a few ruiles from McDowell, Highland C anty, early Sunday morning. jptimber 9. He was takeri ." a Hospital in Staunton, ani lied in a few hours without regaining consciousness. On Tuesday afternoon the service v«a9 held from the Smith Funeral Home by Rev. Mont Carr. Burial in Mt. View cemetery. The deceased is survived by his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Madison and six biothers and IsVers. Helen, Eugene, Mary, ).-a, Rose Ellen and La *rence. Louis Preston Madison.

Louis Preston Madison was born February 27, 1872, at Millboro, Virginia, and died on Friday, June 14, 1963 in the State Hospital at Denmar. He was a retired employee af i ter serving 35 years with the Monongahela Power Company Survivors include three sons, David Madison, of Huntington Norman and Lewis Madison, both of Marlinton; three daughters, Mrs. Virginia Mayse, Vienna, and Mrs. Elizabeth Workman and Mrs. Quintella Eneidhart, of Toledo, Ohio. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home with the Rev. W. E. Pierce in charge. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. . Edgar Maleom Edgar Lee Maleom, 83, of Marlinton, died Friday, July 6, 1973, at his home. Born in 1891 he was a son of the late James and Susan Shinaberry Maleom. He was a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wa? the last of his family to ba called away. vt&*-*-*£Mr. Maleom was preceded in death by his wife, Edith Shinaberry Maleom, and one son, Edsei. Surviving him is one son. Hunter Malcolm, of Covington, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Robert Perry, with burial in the Shinaberry Cemetery.


Pasquale Mazzei PasquaJe Mazzei, 83, of Green Bank, died Monday, May 14, 1984, at home of an apparent hear attack. Born March 4,1901, in Italy, he was a son of the late Peter and Diamond Mazzei. He had lived in Green Bank for the past three years. Mr. Mazzei was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Winchester, Massachusetts. He was a retired employee of the Middlesex County School System in Massachusetts. Surviving him are his daughter, Mrs. Louise Ervine, of Green Bank; three stepdaughters, Ann DiNozzi, of Lexington, Massachusetts, Theiesa DiPansilo, of Wovern, Massachusetts, Yolanda Bearden, of Winchester, Massachusetts; a stepson, James Migliaccio, of Concord, Massachusetts. One stepson, Albert Migliaccio, is deceased. Requiem Mass will be celebrated Monday at 10 a. m. at the Immaculate Conception Church in Winchester, Massachusetts, with burial in Wildwood Cemetery there. Goldie Wilfong Marshall Word has been received of the death of Goldie Emma Wilfong Marshall. She was born April 11, 1911, in Webster, Indiana, the daughter of Espy and Rosie Miller Wilfong, and died July 18, 1992, in Carle Hospital, Urbana, Illinois. She was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Mahomet, Illinois, near the graves of her son, Norval Wilfong, and mother and stepfather, Rose and Clarence Griffen. Mrs. Marshall was a former resident of Pocahontas County. Harry Mathe«r<^l^ Harry E. Matheny, 82, of Durbin, died Wednesday, December 24, 1975, in Nella'i Nursing Home in Elkins. He was a retired C&O Rail* way employee and was a member of the Moose Lodge. Survivors include two sons, Harry J. Matheny, Jr., of Falls Church, Virginia, and Sgt. Mike Matheny, with the U. S. Air Force in Michigan; a brother, June Matheny, of Beck ley; and eleven grandchildren. Graveside services were held Saturday afternoon in Arbovale Cemetery by the Rev. Edward McDonald.

Minnie J. Malone Mrs. Minnie Jane Malone, 99, formerly of Prank, died Thursday, March 29, 1984, at the home of her daughter, Kathleen Wilson, with whom she lived, after a long illness. Born August 17, 1884, in Highland County, Virginia, she was a daughter of the late John C. and Eleanore Johnson. Mrs. Malone was a six-year resident of Staunton and was a member of the Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Perry; two sons, Ralph J. and Charles W. Malone. Other survivors include four daughters, Gladys Boyce, of St. Louis, Missouri, Margaret Johnson, of Port Charlotte, Florida, Gertrude Clark, of Little Washington, Pennsylvania, and Ruth Dawson, of Monterey, Virginia; three sons, Guy S. Malone, of Charleston,, Frank C. Malone, of Morgantown and Terry L. Malone, of New York City, New York; a sister, Mamie Cooper, of Dayton, Ohio; 15 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday, at 2 p. m. in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home chapel in Arbovale. Burial was in Hiner Cemetery at Durbin. *C CharlM W Malone Charles W. Malone, 63, of Frank, died Thursday, October 4,1979, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars and a veteran of World War II. He had worked for Howes Leather Co. at Frank, and was retired from the U. S. Forest Service. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Minnie Malone, of Frank; Bisters, Mrs. Gertrude Clark, of Washington, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ruth Dawson, of Monterey, Virginia, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of Port Charlotte, Florida, Mrs. Gladys Boyce, of St. Louis, Missouri, Mrs. Kathryn Wilson, of Staunton, Virginia; brothers, Stewart, of Charleston. Frank, of Morgantown, Perry, of Jamaica, New York. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Arbovale. with the Rev. Roy Williams officiating. Burial was in Durbin Ce metery.

Rev. Edward Markley The Rev. Edward P. Markley, 56 years of age, of Mill Creek, died of cancer on Monday, January 30, 1989, at Davis Memorial Hospital. Born September 24, 1932, he was a son of the late William J. and Agatha Delaney Markley. On October 16, 1951, he was united in marriage to the former Beatrice Currence, who survives at Mill Creek. In addition to his wife he is survived by two daughters, Bonnie Serrett, of Mill Creek, and Susie Teter. of Daybrook; three sons, Edward J. Markley, of Mill Creek, Ricky P. Markley, of Huttonsville, and Michael L. Markley, of Richmond, Virginia; and three grandchildren. The Rev. Markley was ordained as a minister in 1962 and was pastor of Tygarts Valley Community Church south of Huttonsville. He had served churches in Pocahontas County. With his wife he was owner of the M & M Construction Company at Mill Creek. He served four years in the U. S. Air Force. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 Thursday at the Tygarts Valley Community Church at Valley Head. Kyi* MatflMi Kyle Richard Madison, 71, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Sunday, June 29, 1980, in the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. Mr Madison was born February 28, 1909, in Runtersville, a son of the late Edd and Lucy McConib Madison. He was a member of the Hot Springs Presbyterian Church, the Valley Springs Masonic Lodge No. 266 and a Shriner, and was a retired engineer at the powerhouse for Virginia Hot Springs, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Madison, one son, Leon Kyle Madison, of Chester, Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Clarence White, of Minnehaha Springs, one brother, Ned Madison, of Highland County, and four grandchildren. Funeral Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the chapel of the McLaughlin Funeral Home with the Rev. Terry Sutherland officiating. Interment was in Warm Springs Cemetery.


• I Andrew Mays, age 81 yeras, died at the Sndri w Rowan Home at ^vvee^t Springs on Saturday, Januarv 14ch, 1961, after along illness/ Mr.JMays was born on June 3, lc- ' / a t Marlinton, the sin of thf> i&te/^Richard and Miriam .iugli FvfayX He was a life 1 >n» resident of Rocahontas County, and a reared/ farmer. He was a jmember oT~xhe Baptist Church. His only\ survivors are nieces, 'nephews and cousins. He was "preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Mary Duncan, of Marlinton, and a brother, Alva Mays. Graveside rites were conducted at the Mountain View Cemetery, at Marlinton on Monday afternoon, at 2:00 P. M., with the Rev. Norman H. Harless, of Lewisburg, officiating. Mrs. Eilen Mayse Mrs. Ellen Esta Mayse aged years, of Hillsboro, died Suni morning, November 14, 1948 Some days before she had suffered a paral.vetic stroke. On Tuesday*, afternoon, her body was laid to rest in Oak Grove Cemetery. The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. K. Fleming, from Oak Grove Presbyterian 'Church, of which she had long been a member. The deceased was a native of Bath Qpuaty, a daughter of the fete Ai.derson and Rebecca Mayse She bad Ion?' been a resident of Hiikboro. James Leroy Mayes C_ James Leroy Mayes, fiveyear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mayes, of Cass, died Wednesday, December 30,1964 in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital during surgery. Other survivors include one sister, Renalda Jo, at home; and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Abner, of i Phoenix, Arizona. Funeral services were held] Saturday afternoon in the Cass I Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas Uunlap. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery. { -.

Mrs. Lillie Madison Mrs. Lillie Mae Pritt Madison, 81, died Monday, October 11,1976, at her home on Fourth Avenue in Marlinton after a long illness. She was a member of the Marlinton Church of God. Born in Pocahontas October 10, 1895, she was the daughter of Calford J. and Dora Cook Pritt. Her husband, Richard A. Madison, died November 22, 1957. i&yyyj Mrs. Madison is survived by a son, Pete Madison, and a daughter, Mrs. Annalee Sharp; a brother, George Pritt; two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Moore, and Mrs. Ella Kirby, all of Marlinton; six grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Jarrell, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Clara Maoeyko rs. Clara Lucille Maceyko, & of Alexandria, Virginia, formerly of Pocahontas Cpunty, died Thursday, January 8, 1976, in Alexandria. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Grover McLaughlin, of Cass. Survivors include a son, Curtis Weese, of Princeton; a sister, Mrs. Louise Banton, of Paine6ville, Ohio; brother, Julian McLaughlin, of Alexandria, and four grandchildren. Graveside services will be 1:30 p. m. Friday in Arbovale Cemetery with the Rev Thomas E. Henderson officiating.

Mrs. Sliiys Curry Morrill

Mrs. Gladys Curry Morrell, 18 Portland Rd., Summit, New Jersey, who was born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, on October 29, 1904, died on February 3,1975, at the Overlook Hospital in Summit, N. J. She was the daughter of the late Walter Garfield Curry and Lucy Anderson Curry, both natives of Pocahontas County. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Charles E. Morrell, for many years a research chemist for Exxon Corporation, and currently a consultant in industrial chemistry, one daugh ter, Gail Morrell Ihle, wife of Major Byron Ihle, USAF, stationed at Northern Texas University, a grandson, Robert Morrell Ihle, a brother, Rembert L. Curry, retired army engineer of Jackson, Mississippi, and a niece, Zorah Curry, of Richmond, Virginia. The nearest town of Mrs. Morrell's birthplace was Hillsboro, and she was a distant relative of Pearl S. Buck, and a descendant of Richard and Nancy Hill, early settlers of that community. She graduated as a charter member of the National Honor Society at Huntington High School, graduated with a BSde gree from Marshall University, and took graduate courses at West Virginia University, Iowa State Uni.versitv. Rutgers Uni-

Mrs. Guy Massey

. Mrs. Juanice Curry Massey, 60, of Huntington, died June 23,1977, in a Charleston hospital several weeks after being burned by hairspray ignited by a cigarette. She was the daughter of Neva Halstead Curry and the late Reed Curry, formerly of Pocahontas. Surviving her are her mother and a sister, Mary Jane, both of Huntington, and a son, Toby Massey, of Washington; >irs. Mary Frances Waugh Manicks Services and burial were in Mrs. Mary Fr? v-es Waugh Huntington. ""^ nicks, aged 40 y&sjs, of DayDurbin—William W. Marshall,, tdn, Ohio, died on Saturday, March 16, 1957. On Tuesday aged 73 years, died at his home afternoon the funeral was htld in Durbin, on Friday, May 28, in Dayton, and her body was 1943. Interment in the Arbovale laid to rest there. She was a cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mr I daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marshall was a former justice of j Edgar Waugh, of Seebert. She is the i'.ace and former mayor of survived by her husband and Durlin. He is survived by his wife and their seven children. their son.

Albert Arch Moats . Albert Arch Moats, 80, a resident of East Dailey for the past 19 years, died Tuesday, April 16, 1985, at his residence. He was born February 3, 1905, at Monterey Virginia, a son of the late Pinkney Clay and Mollie B. Snyder Moats. On May 24, 1927, he was married to the former Rella Mae Phillips, who survives. Surviving in addition to his wife are two daughters, Mrs. Helen Moats Cromer and Mrs. Delmar [Opal] Moats Hammonds, both of Baltimore, Maryland; one brother, Raymond Moats, Durbin; five grandchildren, and nine greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by three sister, Margie Surato and two infant sisters. Mr. Moats was retired from Howes Leather Company with 27 years of service. He, along with his wife, Rella, owned and operated the Central Cafe Restaurant in Durbin for ten years. He was a Methodist by faith.


Hev. Fred Mouser Fred Noel Mouser, 66, retired [minister and teacher of Minnehaha Springs, died Tuesday, May 12, 1961, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the Minnehaha Springs Methodist Church, which he formerly served as pastor.

Walter W. M»ses Paul Anderson Morris Paul Anderson Morris, 60, Walter W. Moses, 55, died on of 2825 3rd Avenue, Hunting- Saturday, March 4, 1961, in the ton, died Saturday, August I, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. 1970, in St. Mary's Hospital Death was attributed to a heart of a heart attack. fl^ condition. He had been ill the Born July 8, 1910, at Lewis- past five years. burg, he was a son of the late Born at Parsons, July 28, 1905, Lewis H. and Susan Anderson he was a son of J. L. Moses, Sr., Morris. and the late Mrs. Columbia C. nHe e was nmanager ^ of„ the Mor, Hansford Moses. He was reSurviving are his wife, Naoma ris U-Haul Rentals at 2402 tired and was a member of the McCoy Mouser; four sons, Fred ,TX7 3rd Avenue; a veteran of World Marlinton Odd Fellows, the JunMouser, Jr., of Minnehaha Springs' War "- TT ' of the High- ior Order of Mechanics and the II; a member Lowell T. Mouser, West Virginia lawn United Methodut Church Daughters of America. University medical student; Pri- and Herman LodgeAF & AM, Also surviving are his wifr, vate David Keith Mouser, with at Clarksburg. Mrs. Sue King Moses; two the U. S. Army at Fort Knox, Survivors include his wife, sons, Walter W. (Dink) Moses, Kentucky, and Joseph W. Mou- Mrs. Ruby Waddell Morris; Jr., of Ironton, Ohio; and Ron?!d ser, of Washington, D. C.;and a oone daughter ne daughter, Mrs Mrs. Paula D. Moses, of Barberton,- Ohio; sister, Mrs Ada Cleavenger, of H owat, of Huntington; one four brothers, J. W. (Bill) Moses, Volga; and four grandchildren. s o n > R o b e r t L . Morris, of Saa Percy Moses, Dorsey Moses, and Services will be Thursday at Diego. Cal.fornia; three sisters Joseph L. Mo£;.-, Jr., all of Mar< 2 p. m. in Mt. Vernon Methodist Mrs. **— Glenna ~" "Smith, ••• Mrs. -- Mary linton; two sisters, Mrs. MaudeChurch in Philippi by the Rev. Hughes and Mrs. Margaret line Galford, of Marlinton, and Ralph C. Brown, with burial in Wise, all of Huntington; two Mrs. Dessie Nottingham, of WilMt. Vernon Memorial Cemetery brothers, Dexter Morris, of liamsport, Pennsylvania; and at Philippi. Lewisburg and A. C. Morris, four grandchildren. of Rockville, Maryland. Funeral services were held Mrs. Lucinda Moals Monday afternoon in the MarFuneral services were held Mrs Lucinda Moats, 93, died morning in the Chap- linton Methodist Church with Saturday, April 4, 1964 at her Tuesday man Funeral Home Chapel the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, home. by the Rev. High, minister of Jr., and the Rev. Jamss Shanks, She had lived in Pocahon- Highlawn Methodist Church, in change. Burial was in the tas County for 60 years and with graveside services in the Mountain View Cemetery. was a member of the Church Arbovale Cemetery at 5:00 p. of the Brethren in Durbin. m. Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Moses Survivors include four daugh Mrs. Columbia Catherine Hansters, Mrs Hallie Rankin and ford Moses, 76, died in the PocaRussell Monk Mrs Virgie Wollard, both of Russell Monk, 60, of Har- hontas Memorial Hospital on! Durbin, Mrs. Blanch BarnFriday, May 23, 1958. She had ' askyof Frank and Mrs. Gladys mony, Pennsylvania, died Sat- been ill for more than a year and u Roush of Weston; two sons, urday, Koush ™ay, July 25, 1970, \very had spent the last five months in Ralph and Arthur, addresses suddenly of a heart attack the hospital. brother, A. C unknown; a brother. C. horn January ian„n™ 29, He was born Mrs. Moses was born at ParWhite of Monterey, Virginia, 1910, in Pocahontas County, sons, August 21, 1881, the daugh23 grandchildren; and 50 great and lived here until 1939, when ter of the late John and Savina grandchildren. he moved to Harmony, Penn- Bright Hansford. She had been The funeial was conduct- sylvania, to make his home. a member of the Parsons MetTioded at 11 a. m Tuesday, at the Survivors include his wife, ist Church since 1912. She was Church of the Brethren, in Mrs. Cecil Monk; one the last member of nine children f Durbin with the Rev.. Harvey sitter,Bertha Mrs. Jess Wilfong, of to be called away. ' Hanson in charge. The bo y Harmony, Pennsylvania; three Survivors include her husband, was taken to the Asbury Ceme- brothers, Hunter and Herman tery at Monterey, Virginia, Monk, both of Harmony, Penn- Joseph L. Moses; five sons, John where graveside services were sylvania, and Burnell Monk, W. Moses, Percy E. Moses, DorC. Moses, and Joseph L. held. of Boyer, and several nieces sey Moses, all of Marlinton; Walter and nephews. W. Moses, of Barberton, Ohio; Pinkney Clay Moafs Funeral services were held two daughters, Mrs. Maudeline Dubin —Pinkney Clay Moats, a^red Tuesday in the Glen and Kif- Galford, of Marlinton, and Mrs. 7ri \eurs, died on Tuesday Octo doo Funeral Home Chapel by Dessie Nottingham, of Howard, 'oer 23, 1951. after a long iHness. the Rev. Gerald. H. Murphy, Pennsylvania. Eleven grandOn Thursday afternoon the car- pastor of Harmony and Zelie- children and one great-grand v'ce was conducted by his pastor nople United Methodist Church child. riev. A. F. Samples, with burial with burial in Pinewood MeFuneral services were held Sunin the cemetery at Asbu v Church morial Park, at Zelienople, day afternoon in the Marlinton near Monterey, Pennsylvania. Methodist Church with the Rev. The deceased is survive! b\ his Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Monk, Herbert M. Pennington, Jr., paswife, Mrs. Moli.v Snyder Moats Ronald Monk, Wendell Monk tor, in charge, assisted by the and their three children'. Albert ard Joan Barkl< y, all of Rev. W. E. Pierce, pastor of the A and Lane K, of i)urbin and Boyer, attended the funeral of Marlinton Presbyterian Church Mrs Margie Surato, of Ihatts- Russell Monk, in Harmony, and the Rev. Dewey Potter, of ville, MJJ Pennsylvania, on July 28. Charleston pastor of the Nazarene Church. Burial was made in the Mountain View Cemetery.


Wade A. Morris Mrs. Edward Monk Wade Adkinson Morris, 79, Mrs. Edward Monk, of Brok of Cass, died Wednesday, July *n Arrow died Sunday, June 1, 6, 1966,. in the Denmar State 1975, in a Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hospital at Beard. hospital. She was 35. . He was a member of the Cass Mrs. Monk, the former JoMethodist Church and Winter- anne Griffitts, was born May 19, burn Lodge 319 Independent 1940 at Randall, Kansas, a Order of Odd Fellows and a daughter of Merle and Fern retired lumber mill worker. Elliot^ Griffitts. She was a Survivors include his wife, member of the Lynn Lane Mrs. Bessie Maxwell Morris; Baptist Church at Broken Ara foster daughter, Mrs. Leola row. She was graduated from Genobles, of Spartanburg, Fort Hays Kansas State College South Carolina; two stepdaugh and taught home economics in ters, Mrs. Myrtle Smith, of Jamestown for several years. Stuart, Florida, and Mrs. BeuSurvivors include ber huslah Smith, of Greensboro, band, a daughter, Jolynn, and Maryland; two stepsons, Earl a son, Steven Edward, all at Copen, of Geneva, Ohio, and home, her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Copen, of Northport, Merle Griffitts. of Randall; two New York, and one sister, Mrs. sisters, Mrs June Kasper, ToJenny Bailey, of Cliffside, peka, and Mrs. Mona Wengler, North Carolina. of Wichita. Funeral services were held Funeral services were WedThey are survived by a son. Friday afternoon in the Cass nesday afternoon in the RanWilliam Leach; a daughter, Mrs. Methodist Church. Burial was dall Christian Church by the Rev. L. E. Cunningham with I ary Ethel Shaffer, and six grand | in the Wanless Cemetery. burial in tne Randall Cemetery. '"hildren. MEMORY Mrs. Monk is the daughterMrs. Mcilesia Rebecca Morgan On December 26, the Death Angel in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Mrs. Mellesia Rebecca Morgan, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monk, of Bartow. 72, of Durbin, died . Thursday, Elmer Morgan of Hosterman, and Mrs. Raymond Moitt May 11, 1961, in an E*kins hospi- I took away their youngest child, Lula, Mrs. Mabel Mary Moats, tal. aged 3 months. She was a b right Survivors include three daugh- and sweet little child and has joined 69, of Durbin, died Monday, ters, Mrs. Lewi* Ratliff of Bethel, the Angels above, leaving a vacant August 21,1978, in Memorial Pennsylvania; Mrs Isaac Moore cradle in a home of sad hearts. Bur- General Hospital in Eikins. and Mrs. Iva Gre:ithouse, both of ial in the Bethel grave yard on TuesShe was a member of the Durbin; three sons, Harry Mor- day, December 27th. Methodist Church. £ s She leaves to mourn their loss, gan and James Morgan, both of Surviving are her husband, Eikins, and Lonnie Morgan, at father, mother, two sisters and two Raymond, of Durbin; daughhome; sixteen grandchildren, and brothers, to whom we extend pur ters, Mrs. Virginia Wooddell, deepest sympathy. eleven great-grandchildren. •'Surfer the little children to of Greenbelt, Maryland, Mrs. Nancy Kolarik, of Sparks, NeFuneral services were held Sun- come unto me." vada; son, Thomas Moats, of day afternoon in the Bethel MeDallas, Texas; sisters, Mra, ;ist Church on Back MounFLORA C MOOMAU J/^ tain with the Rev. J. E. Fairburnr Mary Detamore, of San Diego, Miss Flora C. Moomau, died California; Mrs. Beulah Miin charge. Burial was in th' at an advanced age at her home chael, Bartow, Mrs. Francis church cemetery. in Greenbank on Thursday, Au- Dutterer, Hagerstown, Marygust 16, 1945. She had been ill land, Mrs. Ruth Beard, Pennmany weeks. On Sunday after- sylvania; brothers, John Sciler, Fred Moomau Fred Moomau, age 1 68 years,, noon her body was buried in the of Eikins, Frank, of Greensof Green Bank, died on Friday, family plot in Arbovale Cemetery boro, North Carolina, Charles, June 17, 1955, after a i mg illness. the funeral being held from old of Germany; 15 grandchildren. On Sunday afternoon the funeral Liberty church by her pastor, Services were held at 2 p. m. service was held from Liberty Rev. B. B. Breitenhirt. on Thursday in Wallace and The deceased was a daughter Wallace Church by his pa?: jr, Rev. J. D. Funeral Home in Arof the late Dr. James P. and NanArbuckle. bovale, with the Rev. Paul This prominent citizen was a nie Arbogast Moomau. She is Good officiating. Burial was in survived by her brother, Fred W. son of the late Dr. J. P. and Arbovale Cemetery. Nannie Arbogast Moomau. His and four sisters, Mrs. C. L. Austen, Mrs. H. H. Leach, Lillian E. F. Edwin Mower surviving sisters are Mrs. H. H. and Lucy C. Moomau. Leach, of Staunton, Virginia, and F. Edwin Mower, aged 57 Misses Lillian and Lucy at home. years, of Charlestcn, died at his home in Charles Town, on He married Miss Lucille Oliver Tuesday morning, December 11, Mrs. Laura Mongold, of who survives her husband. 1956. He was found dead in the Cass, died Monday, March The deceased was a termer. bath room of his residence. He was active in the work of the 22, 1971, in the Pocahontas The deceased was the president Presbyterian Church. He per- Memorial Hospital. of the Mower Lumber Company, Services and burial were in formed well his part as a citizf n. one of the nation's largest proAmong the positions cf public Virginia. bers of hardwood lumber. Their trust he held was that of assessor plants are at Cass, Nallen for Green Bank District. Dailey. Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Muellner Mrs. Albert S. Moore received a long distance telephone eall from Los Angeles, California, from William Leach telling of the death, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregor ,'viuellner who were killed at 5:30 P. M., on Christmas Day. They" were walking near their apartI ,os Angeles when they \vese struck by an automobile. Mr. Muellner lived only 35 minutes and Mrs. Muellnerabout two hours half after the acci-i dent. The Muellners were residents of Marlinton for several years, while he was employed as a steward in the Federal Prison Camp. near Mill Point. They resided most of this time in an apartment at the home of Mrs. Moore, on Second Avenue. While here they made many friends who clecpjy •

Edward Morales

Harry Clayton Moats

Harry Clayton Moats, 54, died Thursday, September 24, 1981, at his home in Marlinton. Born at Cass, January 15, 1927, he was the son of the late Sheridan C. Moats, Sr. and Mrs. Susan Barb, of Mar| linton. He was a veteran of World War II, serving eight and one-half years in the U. S. Navy. He was employed by the Snowshoe Ski Resort. Surviving are his wife, Ann Ware Moats, sons, Ricky, and Thomas, at home; daughter, Sharon Depoy; mother, Susan A. Barb; brother, Sheridan C. Moats, Jr., Novato, California, Also surviving are his stepdaughter, Louise Tacy, and stepson, Robert Mayee, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held September 27 by Rev. Robert ;Higgins at the VanReenen Funeral Home. Interment in I Mountain View Cemetery. a^a^a^Hn^B^B^B^a^B^B^MnaB^aVa^B^B^B^B^H

DonQ. Morris Don Quincy Morris, 56, of Dunmore, died April 15, 1982, at his home after a long illness. He was born on December 12, 1925, in Kanawha County, the son of the late William and Letha Renick Morris. Mr. Morris was a veteran of World War II and had been employed for twelve years at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Surviving are his wife, Lillian Smith Morris; four daughters, Mrs. Patricia Batie, of Huntington, Mrs. Doreen McElwee, of Beckley, Mrs. Deborah Broce, of Dunmore, and Rebecca Morris, at home; two sons, Andrew, of Reynoldsburg Ohio, and Ronald, of Richmond Va.; and five grandchildren. Services were held at the New Hope Church with the Rev. Clarence Davis, Jr., officiating. Burial was in the McElwee Cemetery, Minnehaha Springs. Mrs. Raymond Moats

' Mrs. Mabel Sciler Moats, of Durbin, died in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins on . Monday, August 21, 1978. Services will be held at two p. m. Thursday in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Arbovale by Rev. Paul Good with burial in Arbovale Cemetery. |

Edward A. Morales, 63, of La Cresenta, California, formerly of Pocahontas County, died Friday, August 29. 1975, at home. Survivors are his wife, Ethel Mae Bennett Morales, son, Gerald, of La Cresenta; brothers, Barney, of Los Angeles, California, Larry, of San Francisco, and four grandchildren. Services were held Monday afternoon in Wallace-Wallace, Funeral Home, at Arbovale, with the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Edward McDonald officiating. Burial was in Arbovale Cemetery. Mr. Morales loved Pocahontas County very much and the people and his desire was to be buried here in these lovely hills and valleys. J.E.Morton ^ James Edward Morton, formerly of Durbin, died Tuenday, October 25, 1977, in Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania. He is survived by his wife, Bessie, and son, Elza, of Aaronsburg; a sister, Mrs. Bessie Kincaid, of Beckley; and three brothers, Earl, of San Antonio, Texas, Carl of Kentucky, and Albert, of New York; 4 grandchildren, 8 greatgrandchildren. Services will be held In the Frank Church of the Nazarene Friday at 2 p. m. by the Rev. Roy Williams with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Friends may call at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home after 6 p, m. Thursday. f ^ / M i s s Lillian E. Moomau {

Miss Lillian E. Moomau, 90, of Green Bank, died Friday, December 27, 1968. in an Elkins hospital. Death was attributed to heart failure. Born October 6, 1878, she was the daughter of the late Dr. J. P. and Nannie Moomau She was a member of the Liberty Pre°byten"an Church and a retired schooJ teacher. Graveside rites were held Sundav afternoon in the A' ,w ' va'e Cemetery by *h~ Thomas Hende-*--


Mrs. Raymond Moats

Mrs. Mabel Mary MoatB, 69, of Durbin, died Monday, August 21,1978, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband, Raymond, of Durbin; daughters Mrs. Virginia Wooddell, of Greenbelt, Maryland, Mrs. Nancy Kolarik, of Sparks, Nevada; son, Thomas Moats, of Dallas, Texas; sisters, Mrs. Mary Detamore, of San Diego, California; Mrs. Beulah Michael, Bartow, Mrs. Francis Dutterer, Hagerstown, Maryland, Mrs. Ruth Beard, Pennsylvania; brothers, John Sciler, of Elkins, Frank, of Greensboro, North Carolina, Charles, of Germany; 15 grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. on Thursday in Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, with the Rev. Paul Good officiating. Burial wan in Arbovale Cemetery. Mrs. Sue Moyers

Mrs. Emma Sue Maynard Moyers, 34, of Durbin, died Wednesday, August 1, L979, of a gunshot wound. She was a native of Kentucky. Surviving her are her husband, Leroy Gene Moyers; a son, Ronnie; and a daughter, Edie; her parents, seven sisters and four brothers. Services were held Sunday, in the Hatfield Funeral Home in Goody, Kentucky. Mrs. Zula Morgan Mrs. Zula Morgan, of Sa5 Virginia, died Thursday, L x cember 29, 1983. On Octobei 27 she was 73 years of age. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Robertson and Mrs. Stella LaPrada; two brothers, Olen E. Fitzgerald, of Green Bank, and Roy Trip Fitzgerald, of Marlinton; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held December 30 at Oakeys Funer1 Home with burial in Salem, irginia.

Mrs. Lillian May

Mrs. Lillian M. May, 87, of Beard, died Saturday, December 7, 1933, at her home after a long illness. She was barn in Marlinton Sjptember 15, 1876, a daughter of the late John R. and Mary Ann Baxter Moore. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. May was preceded in death by her husband, John V. May, three sons, Harry R. May, Hubert J. May, and Clarence A. May, and a sister, Martha B. May. Survivors include two sons, Austin V. May, of Lewisburg; and James Lilly, of Hillsboro; and two daughters, Mrs. D. C. McCoy, of Beard, and Mrs. William Dysard, of Lewisburg; two brothers, Alva E. and Adam C. Moore, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church by the Rev. John Irvine Prather and the Rev. Owen Lee. Burial was in the Old Droop Church Cemetery. Austin U. May

Austin V. May, 76, of Lewisburg, died Thursday, December 10, 1970. in the C & O Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a long illness. Mr. May was a retired cabinet maker and had lived in Lewisburg for 47 years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Verdie Kershner, an d two sisters, Mrs. William Dysard, of Lewisburg and Mrs. D. C. McCoy, of Beard. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Lewisburg by the Rev. 0. W. Lynch and Dr. R. A. Pfrangle, with burial in the Rosewood Cemetery, at Lewisburg. He was a nephew of Alva Moore, of Marlinton. Mrs. Luther M I C I

Mrs. Marie Mace died in Omaha, Nebraska, on Wednesday, September 22, 1976. She had a heart condition with diabetes and other complications. Mrs. Annie Bowers, of Richwood, and Lewis Mace, ol Ridgeley, attended the funeral of their sister-in-law. Mr. Mace has several sisters and other relatives in Pocahontas.

Luthsr Mace ^M Luther Mace, 69, a retired lumberman and a resident of Baltimore, Maryland for the past six years, formerly of Marlinton, died Thursday, March 12, 1964 in the Fort Howard Veterans' Adminstration Hospital at Baltimare, Maryland. He was born April 6, 1894, at Dry Branch near Marlinton. He was a son of the late William A. and Sarah Mace. Mr Mace had been in failing health for several years. He was employed for a number of years at Cass and was a veteran of World War I., Survivors include two sons. jArlie and Norval Mace, both jof Baltimore, Maryland; two (daughters, Mrs. Edith Hess, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Joseph ine Riffle, of Garden City, Michigan; two brothers, Truman Mace, of Slatyfork and Henry Mace, of Coalton; three sisters, Mary Mace and Mrs. Anna Haskell, both of Mingo, and Mrs. Maggie Cain, of Marlinton; 13 grandchildren, and three great-grand children. Funeral services were held Sunday at the Lohr Funeral Chapel in Elkins, He was laid to rest ia the Little Arlington JZa Cemetery, near Elkins. Melvin E. Miyse Melvin E. Mayse, 65, of Vienna, died in a Parkersburg hospital on Friday, May 21, 1976, of a heart attack. He was a retired Monongahela Power Company employee and a member o* Jehovah'a Witnesses. He was born in Mill boro Springs, Virginia.-June 3, 1910, the son of Ma!-alia Frances Mayse and the lata Eli Mayse. Surviving bim are his wife, Alice Mayse, and a son, Melvin J. Mayse, and two grandchildren, all of Vienua; two brothers, James Mayse, Triangle, Virginia, Louis Madison, of Droop; three sisters, Viola Tremble, Monterey, Virginia, Lucille Beverage, Marlinton, and Virginia Lovell, Nettie. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home Monday by Paul Weaver, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Charles Mace Charles Henry Mace, 87, of N.Hlon, died Sunday, May 25, 1969, after a long illness. He was horn February 16, 1882, in Pocahontas County, a son of the late William and Annie Ailstock Mace. He was a retired-woodsman. He was preceded in death by two wives, the formeriBirdie Jackson and Georgie Ann Cross, and two sons, three daughters arid five-brothers. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Lucy. Sturdivant and Mrs. Ola Jaggie, both of Norton, Mrs. Alea Jack, of Coaiton, and Zella Hoyle, of Geneva, Ohio; four sons, Paul, of Norton, Davis, of Geneva, Ohio, Ralph, of Junior, and Guy, of Wellsburg; and 46 grandchildren and 101 great-grandchildren. Stanley c. Mayes

Stanley C. Mayes, 52, foraerly of Cass, died suddenly m Baltimore, Maryland, on 1 hursday, April 30, 1970. S ur yivors include his wife Mrs Vl mia ' / 8 Mayes, of BaltiiS 0 r e ' Maryland; his mother, Mrs Katherine Abner, of Glendale Arizona; three sons, Charles Mayes, with the U S. Mannes at Camp Lejeu'ne Nw*h~c are ji-na, Altcir-3-nd Dennis Mayes, of Texas; five -brothers, Allen Mayes, of San Jose, California, Eugene Maves of Glendale, Arizona, Robert Mayes, of ^O bio, Raymond Mayes, of Ballimore, Maryland, and Clifford G. Mayes, of Cass. ' ' Fureral services were held . bturday. in the Walter Dabrowski Funeral Home Chapel with burial in the Oaklawn Cemetery in Baltimore. Mrs. Carl W. Mann

Mrs. Edna L. Daly, 70, of trngon, Oregon, died Monday, May 7, 1973. *' e was born ,J& January 7 1907. in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Survivors include her husband, Carl W. Mann.

J. CLIKF MATHENY, DEAD Word was received on Wednesday that J. Clifl Matheny had died at his home at Monterey, Va., early WedSandy ManD, ayed ahout 38 nesday morning, April 2ii. Two weeks ago he accidentally shot himyears, died at Alexandria, Vir- self with a high powered rifle. ginia, where he worked in a munition factory. He was a son °f Mrs John P. Sharp, and the late Hammond Mann.

Annie Mann Mrs. Annie Eliza Mann, P6. of Route 3. Covington^Virginia. died January 19, 1971, in a Clifton Forge, Virginia hospital following a long illness. Born in Greenbrier County Januarv 14. 1885, a dauahter of the late Augusta and Same Hume'' Shafer, she was a mena ber of the Sugar Valley Baptist Church. She taught school for many years in Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties. The widow of the l*te Thorn as Frank Mann, she is survived by one son, George P. Mann of Route 3, Covingio-1, where she had been making her home; ore daughter, Mrs. Ruby Mann, of Route 3, Covington: one brother, Walter Shafer of Esty; one sister. Mrs. Edith Garraway. of Warren, Ohio; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the chapel of the Shanklin Funeral Home at White Sulphur Springs with Rev. J. Calvin Adams in charge. Burial was in Falling Springs Cemetery at Falling Springs, Va. S. L. Mann f>> A Samuel Lester Mann, aged 5? years died at his dome in South Charleston, on Saturday, June 26, 1948. OQ Tuesday afternoon his body was laid in the Gibson cemetery, on Elk, the service being held from Mary's Chapel by Rev. Roger P. Melton. The deceased was a son of the late Clark and Phoebe Mann, of Edray. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Oletha Mann and'their three sons, Cla.-k, Page, and Aaron. He is survived by three brothers: G. W., Mack, and T. F. Mann, and seven sisters: Mes dames Lilly Courtney, B. H Kidd, Betty Kidd, J. W, Dinkle, Mattie Poage, H. A. Kobb, and Stuart Harter. Mrs. Cora Smith Mauzy

Mrs. Cora Smith Mauzy, 86, a lifelong resident and retired school teacher of Williamsburg, died Saturday, December 6, 1969, in Denmar State Hospital in Beard. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. S. R. (Blanche) Neel, of Cumberland, Maryland. She was a sister of the late Harper Smith.

Mrs. Nettie Malcolm Mrs. Nettie Blanche Tracy Malcom, 81, of White Sulphur Springs, died March 27* 1 9 7 4, i n E m m e t t Memorial Hospital, Clifton Forge, Virginia, after an extended illness She was a native of Boyer, and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in White Sulphur Springs and Rebekah Lodge. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Pearl Shifflett, of Covington, Virginia; Mrs. Gladys McClung, Charleston, Mrs. Mary Loudermilk, of Belpre, Ohio, Mrs. Genevieve Sparks, of White Sulphur Springs; four sisters, Mrs. Sallie Slayton, Elkins, Mrs. Clemie Long, of Sweet Springs, Mrs. Lillie Gregg, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Gertrude Dye, Melbourne, Florida; six grandchildren; twelve greatgrandchildren; 3 great-great grand children. Services were held at the First Presbyterian Church in White Sulphur Springs with the Rev. E. N. Glower officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg.

William Malcomb William Malcomb, 66, of Madison, Ohio, died Tuesday, October 16, 1984, in Memorial General Hospital in Elkins. He was stricken Ul Sunday white he and his wife were visiting his sister-in-law, Hazel Tracy, in Elkins. He was a retired employee of the I.R.C. Fibers Company, of Madison. Born May 24, 1918, in Arbo vale, he was a son of the late William and Mary Pugh Malcomb. He was married to the former Nellie B. Spencer in Baltimore, Maryland, on November 11, 1944. In addition to his wife, of Madison, he is survived by one spn, Fred Malcomb, of Fitchburg, Massachusetts; three daughters, Mrs. Gaytha Langlois, of Wakefield, Rhode Island, Karen Miller, Gulf Breeze^ Florida, and Sherrie Smithley, Kansas City, Missouri; four grandsons and twin granddaughters. He was preceded in death by two sisters. He was an Army Air Force veteran of World War II and was a member of the Church of the Nazarene of Painesville, Ohio. Services were held at 3 p.m. Friday in the Arbo vale United Methodist Church by the Rev. Jerry E. Bush and the Rev. Edwin A. Tutwiler, with burial in the Arbo vale Cemetery. Memorials may be made* to the William Malcomb Memorial Fund, White Pine Holiness Camp, Arbovale. ,

Mrs. Carmella (Mella) Martello Mrs. Carmella Martello, 56 died Wednesday, July 1, 1970' of a heart attack. She Jived in Carolina. She was born in Po cahontas County December 4, 1914, a daughter of Frank Circosta, of Tracy, California, and the late Catherine Circosta. Survivors include her husband, Joseph Martello; three sons, Frank and George, both of Truckee, California, Louie, of Fairmont; a daughter, Gloria Yuchek, Carolina; threa brothers, Dominick Circosta Battle Creek, Michigan, Nick Circosta, Clover Lick, Frank Circosta, Jr., (Dack), of New port, Rhode Island; four sisters .iack J. Mann Mrs. Rosa Anastasio, Tracy, ok J. Mann, of Roval California, Virginia and Theresa Circosta, Tracy, California lk. Michigan, ^as born June Mrs. Stella Cook, Akron, Ohio, J 2. 1908 at Marlintnn and died and six grandchildren She was December 30, 1968, at his a member of the St. Mary's home, ,,,- • Church in Carolina. Surviving him are his wife, Burial was at Grandview Rnbv, erven children, Mrs. Memorial Garden, Fairmont, William Zieder, William, Ray, July 4. Mrs. Martello lived in Roger. John, Samuel and HousPoage Lane for a number of ton; fwo brothers, Edward and Woodrow Mann, both of Marvears. linton. and nine grandchildren. Servir-ps were held at KensevGarrett Funeral Home, Fridav, January 3. at o"e n. m., with burial in the White Chanel Memfiriar^PTnpterv in Trov, M;ch ieran. Pal' hearers ^ere his sons, . WfWam. Roger, John* • Samuel and Houston.

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Raymond E. Mayse Russell Preston Madison Raymond E. Mayes, formerRussell Preston Madison, 81, Earl G. Mace, 64, of Dun- ly of Cass, died in Baltimore, of Thomastown Road, Mailiniore, died Wednesday, March Maryland, on Monday, May ton, died Friday, March 15, , 1977, in Lewis Gale Hospi- 25, 1970, after a short illness. 1985. in Pocahontas Memorial tal at Salem, Virginia. Survivors include his wife, Hospital from a heart attack. Born June 7 1912, at Hut- Mrs. Emma Mayes, of BaltiMr. Madison was a member tonsville, he was the ton of Maryland; his toother, of the Baptist Church. Howard M. and Maude Sim- more, Katherine Abner, of mons Mace. He was a main- Mrs. Born at Seebert September Glendale, two sons, tenance employee and a mem- Raymond Arizona; 6, 1903, he was the son of the Mayes, Jr., and ber of the Baptist Church. late Calvin Madison and Lizzie Floyd Mayes, and one daughSimmons. Survivors are his wife, Jua- ter, Mrs. Pauline Taylor, all Two brothers preceded him nita McClure Mace; two broth- of Baltimore, Maryland; four ers, Howard W. Mace, of brothers, Eugene Mayes, of in death. Friendly; Delbert Mace, of Glendale, Arizona: Robert Surviving him are his wife, Cleveland, Ohio; five sitters, Mayes, of Ohio; Ollen Mayes, Bertha Luanna Tipton MadiMrs. Grace Zirkle, Cleveland, of San Jose, California, and son; five children, Preston D. Ohio; Mrs. Josephine Everson, Clifford Mayes, of Cass. Madison, Frankford, James O. Middlefield, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Madison, Hatfield, PennsylFuneral services were held Cummings, Mrs. Lela Barker Wednesday in the Walter vania, Brenda J. Madison, and Mrs. Twila Settle, all of Dabrowski Funeral Home Elkins, Peggy M. Waugh, MarWindham, Ohio; one aunt, Chapel by the Rev. Joseph linton, and Edmond E. MadiMamie Swecker, Huttonsville; Thomas with burial in the son, Hatfield, Pennsylvania; one uncle, Norman Mace, of Oaklawn Cemetery in Baltiand six grandchildren. Valley Head. Services were held Monday more, Maryland. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. in VanReenen Friday in VanReenen Funeral. Funeral Home by the Rev. Gary Mrs, Oliii Griet May Home by Rev. Kenneth MontTate, with burial in Mountain Mrs. OUie Grace May, 74, gomery, of Clay, with burial in View Cemetery. of Hot Springs, Virginia, died the Huttonsville Cemetery. Monday, March 5, 1979, at Bath County Community HosMrs. Olit Mallow Lynette K. Mace pital, Hot Springs. Mrs. Sara Riggleman MalMrs. Lynette Kelly Mace, of She was born at Beard, low, 89, of Upper Tract, died Fairfield, Ohio, died May 4, 1991, November 24,1904, the daughFriday, February 9, 1979, in at her home. ter of the late Rufus A and Rockingham Memorial HosShe was born on August 28, Lenia Alderman Ryder. pital, Harrisonburg, Virginia. 1911, in Pocahontas County, the Survivors are her husband, daughter of the late Amos and Genis E. May and a daughter, Born at Petersburg, DecemMinnie McCarty Kelly. ber 3,1889, she was the daughLeeota Snyder, of Hot Springs. ter of John and Virginia Smith Mrs. Mace was a retired nurse She was preceded in death and a member of the Fairfield Riggieman. by a daughter, Imogene. United Methodist Church. She taught e l e m e n t a r y Services were held WednesSurvivors include her husband, school in Pendleton and Grant Herbert L. Mace; two sisters, Enid day at McLaughlin Funeral Counties and in 1919 she Kelly, of Kent, Ohio, and Woodsie Home with burial in Jones married Qlin R. Mallow, who Harrington, of Mansfield, Ohio; Cemetery at Hot Springs. died in 1975. This union was two grandchildren, and one blessed with five children; great-grandson. Elaine and Anna Marie died Clarence May She was preceded in death by in infancy; three brothers and Clarence May, 70, of Sun one son, Herbert Keith Mace. also a sister preceded her in Services were held May 7 at the City Center, Florida, died Satdeath. Harrison Funeral Home Chapel urday, December 22, 1984, in She was a faithful member of with die Revs. Phillip D. Mace and the hospital at Sun City Center. of the Mount Hope Lutheran Mr. May was born February Albert J. Schrader officiating. Church where she sang in the Burial was in the Fairfield 22, 1914, in Marlinton, the son choir and taught Sunday of R. C. and Myrtle Good May. Cemetery. School. She was a member of He retired in 1969 as a Pendleton County Historical Mrs. Mary Messer civilian engineer with the U.S. Society. Surviving her are three sons, Mrs. Mary M. Messer aged Department of the Navy. He was married to the former Morris and Stanley, of Upper about 80 years, widow of the late Tract, and Dr. John M. MalGranville Messer, of B u c k l e y Rose House, who survives. Mountain, died November 14, Other survivors include a son, low, of Marlinton; three foster 1944, at the home of her son. Jerry May, of Silver Spring, daughters; sisters. Hazel Craft Henry, in Hagrerstown, Maryland Maryland, and a daughter, and Goldie Bensensaver; brothInterment in Rose Hill cemetery, Penny Adams, of Rockville, ers, Charlie, Andy, and Fred Maryland; five grandchildren; Riggleman, of Petersburg; 16 Hagerstown. About 60 years ago Mr. and and one sister, Mrs. John grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Messer came to Pocahontas [Edna] Bear, of Marlinton. county from Kentucky. They His parents and a sister, Funeral services were held bought the WebblaYid on Buckley Edith May, preceded him in Monday in Mount Hope LuthMountain. Over forty years ago death. eran Church by the Rev, Mr. Messer was killed in attemptMemorial services and burial Charles Erzkus with burial in ing to arrest a man named Milam, will be held in Marlinton at a the Church Cemetery. who was also killed. later date. _ Earl 6. M M I


Junior H. Mahifly

* Ted Matheny Charles E. "Ted" Matheny, 76, of Bartow, died August 28, 1991, at the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Born at Bartow, he was the son of the late Ira E. and Patty Grace Matheny. Mr. Matheny served Pocahontas County as a deputy sheriff for eight years and Sheriff for two years. Survivors include his wife, Bonnie; seven children, Roger Davis, Bartow, Charles Matheny, Paducah, Kentucky, Larry Matheny, Claudeville, Virginia, Jerry Matheny, Durbin, Cheryl Nelson, Arbovale, Robin Madron, Richmond, Virginia, and Heather Key, Memphis, Tennessee; and 14 grandchildren. Funeral service arrangements are incomplete at press time. Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home is in charge.

Thomas W. Maddy


Thomas Wdson Maddy, 74, of Daniels, died in the C & 0 j Hospital at Clifton Forge, Vir- j ginia, on Monday, August 31, j 1964. Born June 9, 1890, he was a son of the late Thadeus and | Harriet Wiseman Maddy. I He was a member of the Baptist Church, a retired Chesa peake and Ohio Radway fire man with 40 years' service and a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen He was the father of Eugene Maddy, of Marlinton. Other survivors include his wife; three sons, five daughters, one sister, 42 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in the Quesenberry Funeral Home with the Rev. S. D. Smith and the Rev. J. W. Berry in charge Mrs. Opal Malfory Mrs. Opal Julia Mallory, 70, Burial will be in Tilden Cem » of 4816 1-2 Ohio Street, South etery. Charleston, died Friday, AuIra Matheny gust 10,1973, in the Thomas Ira E. Matheny, 92, of BarMemorial Hospital after a F. D. Malcomb /y tow, died Monday evening, long illness. Forest D. Malcomb, aged 64 September 5, 1977, in Davis She was a member of St. Pauls years, died at his home in Marl- United Methodist Church. Memorial Hospital in Elkins. inton- on Sunday, jsoveruber 3, He was born in Highland Survivors include her hus1946, after a long, lingering illCounty, Virginia. band, William M. Mallory. ness. On Tuesday afternoon his Mr. Matheny had been in body was laid in the family plot Sr., six sons, Leo and William the store business at Bartow, in Mountain View Cemetery. Mallory, Jr., both of South for 47 years and postmaster for The service was" held from the j Charleston, Randy Mallory, 30 years. He was a member of Marlinton Methodist Church by j of St. Albans, James Arnold the Bartow United Methodist his pastor, Rev Harvey C. Por-j Mallory, of New Orleans, Church. ter. Pallbearers were members; Louisiana, Robert and Ronald of the J. H. Patterson Bible Class, j Mallory, both of Huntington ; He married Patty Grace two daughters, Mrs. Kay Wall Marshall, of Bluegrass, VirMr. Malcomb is survived by hisi and Mrs. Ufa McCutcheon, ginia, and she and a son, Marwife, Mrs. Zenia Hanna Malcomb, i both of South Charleston, and shall Morgan, preceded him in and their son, Paul. Also he is 1 one sister, Mrs. Ola Brown, death. survived by his brother, Lee, and of Barboursville. his half sister, Mrs. J. W. G. Surviving him are two daughServices were held Monday Smith. ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, in the Snodgrass of Haverford, Pennsylvania, The deceased was a son of the afternoon Funeral Home Chapel by the and Mrs. Braunda L. Kincaide, late John W. and Fannie Carter Rev. John Shadburn, the Rev. of Columbus, Ohio, a son, Malcomb. Richard Adkinson and the C. E. "Ted" Matheny, of BarMr. Malcomb was a prominent Rev. Morton Estep. Burial tow; 12 grandchildren; 11 greatbusiness man of Marlinton, for was in Childress Cemetery. grandchildren. years conducting a mercantile esThe Mallorys bad a camp at Services were held at one tablishment. He was a professing Seebert. , m. Thursday at Bartow christian, a loDg time aod active nion Mission Church, by Rev. member of the Methodist Church. Paul Goodeand Rev. Harold He served on the official board, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mellon Swecker with burial in Blueand took a leading part in the Mrs. "John W. Melton died grass, Virginia, cemetery. i service of song. in Decatur, Georgia, on Thursday, November 1, 1962, and Earl F. Midkiff her husband, John W. Melton, Arthur Lee Mullenax Earl F. Midkiff, 63, of Dundied in Bristol, Tennessee, on Tuesday, December 4, 1962. more, formerly of St. Albans, Elkins—Arthur Lee Mullenax. They were the parents of the died Saturday, December 14, aged 51 pears, died on Saturday. Rev. Roger P. Melton, now of 1968, in the Pocahontas MeJanuary 17, 1941, of pneumonia, Charleston, and visited in morial Hospital. He was a reat an Elkins Hospital. His body Marlinton while Mr. Melton tired employee of South was buried on Monday in the was pastor of the Marlinton Charleston Union Carbide Boyer Cemetery. He was a Plant. Pre:-byterian Church. World War Veteran. He is surFuneral services and burial vived by his wife, Mrs Mary Mullenax. were held in Kanawha County. Junior H. Mahaffy, 58, died Wednesday, September 22, 1982, in Baltimore, Maryland, following heart surgery. He was employed by the Highway Department of Maryland, and was a Mason. Born September 3, 1924, near Dunraore, he was the son of Lenna Mahaffey and the late Herbert Mahaffey. Surviving bim, in addition to his mother, of Dunraore, are his wife, Joan; daughters, Nancy D., Donna J., Denise L., sons, Mark E. and Peter H., all of Baltimore, Maryland; brothers, Alfie D. Mahaffey, Baltimore, Allen D. Mahaffey, of Chicago; sisters, Juanita Sharp and Vera Vandevender, both of Covington, Virginia. Services were held at Lassahn Funeral Home, Belair Road, Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday, September 25, at 10 a. m. Burial was in Holly Hill Memorial Garden.


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Mrs. Isaac Mallow Mrs. Judith Marie Mallow, 69, of Circleville, died Monday. August 25, 1969, in the Rockingham Memorial Hospital, at Harrisonburg, Virginia. She was born July 16, 1901, at the Huniing Ground, and was the daughter of the late Charles Phillip and Mary Warner Judy. Survivors include her husband, Isaac Mallow; five sons, Mason Mallow, of Baltimore, Maryland, Wade Mallow, of Circleville, Benjamin Mallow, of Hinton, Wayne Mallow, of Dayton, Virginia, and Charles Mallow, of Boyer; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Vandevander, of Keyser, and Mrs. Genevieve Wimer, of Circleville; twelve grandchildren and one great-grandcnild; and two half brothers. Funeral services were held Wednesday in the Circleville United Methodist Church by the Rev. Blair Burr with burial in the North Fork Memorial Cemetery at Riverton. Jackson G. Marshall, Jr. Jackson (Jack) G. Marshall, Jr., of Dumfries, Virginia, formerly of Dunmore, died September 10, 1994, at home. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Jacelyn Nicole Taylor. He is survived by his parents, Charles and Janet Queen, of Dunmore, and Jackson George Marshall, Sr., of Maryland; children, Jonathan and Kayla Marshall, of Dumfries; sisters, Sue Peck, of Durbin, Becky Queen, of Cass, Pam Marshall, of Hampton, Virginia, Charlene McCann, of Williamsburg, Virginia, Cathy Barb, of Bartow, and Cathy Birely, ofWashington State; brothers, Sam Birely, of Florida, Jerry Marshall, of Massachusetts, and George Marshall, Hampton, Virginia. Also surviving is a girlfriend, Evette Baker. Services were held at 1 p.m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home Mrs. Albert Mlllsr MM. Florence "Billie" Bumgardner Miller, 58, died at her home in Charleston on Tuesday, July 6,1982. She is survived by her husband. Albert Miller; a daughter, Sandra Hinds Hutchison, and a grandchild, Oak Hill; and a brother, Kenneth Bumgardner, Tampa, Florida. Services and burial will be in Marlinton but .no arrangements have been made.

Carol Maxson Carol June Maxson, 56, of New Port Richey, Florida, died Friday, June 8, 1984, in Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, following a short illness. She was born August 20, 1927, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes of Galesburg, Michigan. Surviving are her husband, Richard Maxson, and six children: Madelon Campbell, of Marlinton, Connie Maiecek, of Austin, Texas, Charles, Douglas and Richard Maxson, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and David Maxson, of New Port Richey, Florida, and seven grandchildren. A memorial service was held in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on Sunday, June 10.

Mrs. Marie Marshall

Mrs. Marie Chestnut Mar shall, 49, daughter of the late Russell G. and Blanche Bus sard Chestnut, died Saturday November 11, 1972, in Alex andria, Virginia. Survivors include her husband, Don Marshall; two sisters, Mrs. Sue Shoaf, of Boulder, Colorado, and Mrs. Nancy Edens, of Tallahassee, Florida; four brothers, Marshall and Ronald Chestnut, both of Johnson City, Tennessee, Carol Chestnut, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Russell Chestnut, of Annandale, Virginia. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, November 14, in Alexandria, Virginia, with graveside services and burial in Kingsport, Tennessee, Thursday morning.

Patsy F'alpass Patsy A. Malpass, aged 7 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Malpass, of Washington, I). C , died in a hospital early Saturday morniDg, November 7, 1953, as the result of burns received the Dight before when her clothing caught fire. Funeral service was held Tuts day afternoon from New Hope Church at Dunmore by Re/. J. W. Pugb, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hil'sboro. The little girl is survived by her parents, her sister, Nancy, and her brother, Henry, Jr. Her grandmother is Mrs. Goltiie Miller, of Dunmore, anH her great grandmother, Mrs. Malinda Ryder, of Marlinton. Mrs. Riisba Ida Msadows

Mrs Rusha Ida Meadows, of Rio, was born January 17, 1893, on Beaver Creek, in Pocahontas County, and died November 7, 1974. Mrs. Meadows was the daughter of the late William and Phoebe J. Alderman. Her husband, Thomas Meadows, two sons, Dover and Paul, preceded her in death. Surviving her are two daughters, Opal Matheny, of Winchester, Virginia, and Jewel Ryder, of Aspen, Pennsylvania three sons, Steve Meadows, of Pennsylvania, Robert Meadows, of Augusta, and Jimmy Meadows, of Rio. Funeral services were held at McKee Funeral Home in Augusta, with burial in Rio Cemetery.

Mrs. Lilly Madison

Mrs. JJlly Madison, 71, of Marlinton. died Saturday, April 5, 1969, in a Weston hospital after a long illness. She was born at Rockbridge, Virginia, and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors include one son, Norman Madison, of Marlinton; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Maye, and Mrs. Quintilla Neahart, both of Parkersburg. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Donald Wood with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Helen Thomas Meo Mrs. Helen Nerine Thomas Meo, of Fairmont, died Friday, March 2, 1984, in West Virginia University Medical Center. She was born at Frost, a daughter of the late William N. and Lou Verna Kelly Thomas, of Minnehaha Springs. Surviving her are her husband, Ralph B. Meo, one daughter, Kandyce Kay Meo, of Athens, two brothers, William French Thomas, of Front Royal, Virginia, and Jerry L. Thomas, of Beltsville, Maryland, one sister, Joyce T. Lacey, of Caracas, Venezuela. One sister, Nellie Blye Smith, is deceased. Services were held at the R C. Jones Funeral Home, witl burial in Woodlawn Cemeter; in Fairmont.


Ciirltt Elmer Mows \^_ Charles Elmer Moore, 59, of Buckeye, son of the late James Elmer and Grace Jones Moore, died Saturday, February 12, 1977, of a heart attack. A lifelong resident of Pocahontas County, he bad served in his county's educational system for thirty-six years as an elementary teacher and principal, Federal coordinator, and superintendent of schools. He bad recently retired because of two previous heart attacks. Mr. Moore was a veteran of World War II, a Mason and a member of the United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Fay Thompson Moore; a daughter, Grace Jane Wigal, of Mt. Nebo; three sons, Charles (Buck), of Hampton, Virginia, Donald, a student at West Virginia University and David, a student at West Virinia School of Technology; a irother, Hal Moore, of Minnehaha Springs; and a sister, Jane Ruckman, Barboursville, Services were held Tuesday, February 15, at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Sherman Markley officiated. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemer tery. _


George Ellsworth Moore George Ellsworth Moore, ged 96, died on Sunday, Sep tember 23, 1962, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elaine Arbaugh, in Lewisburg. He had Jived in Greenbrier County for twenty five years. He was a member of the Wesley Methodist Church at Hillsboro, and for the last twenty vears attended the Shuck Memorial Baptist Church at Lewisburg. Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Georgia Cooper ot tSellepoint; two sons, James Boyd Moore, of Hollywood, Florida, and Okey Cru.meit Moore, of Lewisburg; eight grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the Wesley Methodist Chur. ch at Hillsboro with the Rev, Norman H. Harless in charge.

Bans was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.


Jack C. Moore Henry (Hal) Moore ]/ Jack C. Moore, 61, of KopHenry Halstead Moore, 67, of Minnehaha Springs, died perston, died Tnuradiy, AuFriday, October 16, 1981, of a gust 13, 1970, at his home after a long illness. * heart attack. Born May 14,1903, af HuntBorn September 18,1914, he was the son of the late J. Elmer ersville, ha was a son of the late Pay ton and Maude Moore. and Grace Jones Moore. He was a member of the Mr. Moore was a farmer and a retired employee of the De- Presbyterian Church and a repartment of Highways. He tired coal miner. was a member of the MinneSurvivors include his wife, haha Springs United Metho- Mrs. Marie Varner Moore; one dist Church, member of the >on, Harry Payton Moore, of Masonic Lodge and Eastern Cleveland, Ohio; three daughStar at Huntersville. ters, Mrs. Mary Jo BlankenMr. Moore was preceded in ship, of Oceana; Mrs. Delores death by a brother, Charles E. Lea Gibson, of Sin Jose, California, and Mrs. Carolyn Sue Moore. of Richmond, Virginia; Survivors include a sisterr Watts, brothers, Hugh Moore, of Jane Ruckman, of Barbours- two Beckley, and William Moore, ville; niece, Grace Jane Wigal, of Washington, D. C. of Buckeye; nephews, Charles Funeral services were held (Buck) Moore, of Grand JuncSunday afternoon in Mary's tion, Colorado, Dr. Donald H. Chapel by the Rev. Willis V. Moore, Charleston, David Moore, Boulder, Colorado, Cornelius. Burial was in the James E. Ruckman, HuntingMountain View Cemetery at ton; great-nephew, Joshua E. Marlinton. Ruckman, Huntington. Services were held Monday, Mrs. Gladys Moore at 2 p. m. in the VanReenen Mrs. Gladys Grace Moore, Funeral Home by Rev. Travis Wells. Burial was in the Min85, of Minnehaha Springs, died nehaha Springs Cemetery. Monday, August 13, 1984, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center after a long illness. Fred B. Moore v She was a former school Fred B. Moore, 76 of Huntteacher and a member of New ersville, died Wednesday, SepHope Lutheran Church in Mintember 23, 1970, in the Pocanehaha Springs. hontas Memorial Hospital after Born October 19, 1898, at a long illness, /iitr-n Minnehaha Springs, she was Born at Huntersville, April the daughter of B. Frank and 13, 1894. he was a son of the Mary Jane Crummett White. late I. B. Moore and Kate She was the widow of WilCurry Moore. liam Hanson Moore. Also He was a retired man carpreceding her in death were rier, a member of the Huntthree sisters, Ruth Cotter man, tersville Presbyterian Church Hazel Hanlin, and Lucille and the Huntersville Masonic Pennybaker, and a son-in-law, Lodge AF and AM No. 65. Otis Eugene Kelly. His wife, Mrs. Grace McSurviving her are a daughter, Comb Moore, and a daughter, Naomi Bernice Kelly, of MinDorothy, preceded bim in death nehaha Springs; three brothSurvivors include two sisters, ers, Edwin Ernest White and Mrs. Mattie Walker and Miss Clarence Cameron White, of Mary Moore, both of WilmingSprings, and Arlie ton, Ohio; one half-brother, Minnehaha Benjamin White, Rt. 2, MarlinGrady Moore, of Marlinton; ton; a sister, Gertrude Fisher, one half-sister, Mrs. Kathleen of Columbus, Ohio; four grandNewman, of Waynesboro, Virginia; two granddaughters, children and five great-grandchildren. and one great-grandson. Funeral services were held at Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Mar- 2 p. m. Wednesday in New linton Presbyterian Church Hope Lutheran Church by the by the Rev. Willi3 Cornelius Rev. Charles Erzkus, with and the Rev. Dona'd Wood, burial in White Cemetery, Minwith burial in the Mountain nehaha Springs. View Cemetery at Marlinton.

xj David C. Moore v Mrs. Grace Moore David Cleveland Moore, 78, of Richwood. died Tuesday, Mrs. Grace J. Moore, 91, of June 2, 1970, in the SummersMinnehaha Springs, died in ville Convalescent Hospital. Denmar State Hospital Sunday, August 18, 1974, after a He was a World War I vetlong illness. She was the wideran and .a retired miner, a ow of J, Elmer Moore, who member of UMW and was a died in 1937. resident of Richwood for 42 years. Born at Doe Hill, Virginia, He wis a former resident of December 17, 1882, she was a Marlinton and employee of daughter of the late Dr. and the Union Tanning Company. Mrs. H. H. Jones. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Moore was a member Mrs. Grace Moore; two sons, of the Minnehaha Springs Ralph Moore, of Richwood, United Methodist Church, and Eugene Moore, of St. AlWomen's Society of Christian bans; a half-sister, Mrs. Mary Service, Minnehaha Springs Leech, of Wilmington, DelaHome Demonstration Club and ware; and five grandchildren. a charter member of the Huntersville Chapter No. 120, OrFuneral services were held der of the Eastern Star. Thursday in the Simons-Coleman Funeral Home Chapel by She is survived by two sons. the Rev. R. G. Schwanebeck. Bel Moore, of Minnehaha Burial was in the Mountain Springs, and Charles E. Moore, View Cemetery at Marlinton. of Buckeye, one daughter, Mrs. Jane Ruckman, of Barboursville; five grandchildren, Mrs. ^ Pearl Dice Moore $ Grace Jane Wigal, Charles, Pearl Dice Moore, 78, of HuntDonald and David Moore and ersville died at his home at 2:00 James Ruckman. [a.m. Thursday, July 3, 1958. Funeral services were held He was a farmer and a member Tuesday afternoon in the Min- of the Mt. Carmel Methodist Churnehaha Springs United Meth- ch on Knapps Creek. Born near odist Church by the Rev. Ezra Dunmore May 23, 1880, he was Bennett, with burial in the a son of the late Joseph F. and Minnehaha Cemetery. Mary Susan Buzzar dMoore. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. BetMrs. Edwird Moore ty Sharp Moore, one son, Arnett, Elizabeth Jean Moore, 62, of Huntersville, and one foster son of Montgomery, died WednesArden Shinnaberry, of Charleston; day August 4,1982, at Montalso three sisters, Mrs. Garfield gomery General Hospital folGrimes, Mrs. Joe Fertig, and Mrs. lowing a short illness. •John Kelly, and a brother, EmBorn March IQ. 1920, in mons Moore, all of near Dunmore. Oak Hill, she was a daughter ; He was preceded in death by one of the late Rev. Fred and Bersister, Mrs. Grace Sharp, and one brother, Harry Moore. tha Oxendale. She was a graduate of MarThe funeral was conducted at shall University and West two p. m. Saturday at the home Virginia Institute of Technolby the Rev. Teddy Alderman. ogy and was a retired schoolBurial was iu.the Sharp Cemetery teacher and social worker. She near Frost. was a member of the Montgomery Methodist Church and MRS. ELIZABETH MOORE a resident of Montgomery for Elizabeth R. Moore, 84, of 35 years, Huntersville died in her home She is survived by her husMonday, February 12, 1962, afband, Edward A. Moore, of ter a long illness. Montgomery; one son, E. Fred Moore, of Lavalette; one Born at Frost, April 16, 1877* daughter, Barbara J. Moore, she was the wife of the late P e a l l of Fort Worth, Texas; and one Moore and the daughter of the sister, Edythe M. Miller, of late Abraham and Martha Sharp. Huntington; and two grandSurvivors include a son, Arnet, children. Moore of Huntersville; a brother, A memorial service was Holmes Sharp of Mountain Grove held Friday at 2 p. m. at the Va.; and a sister, Mrs. Mary B. C. Hooper Funeral Home Defibaugh of Slaty Fork. with the Rev. Billy Reed Funeral service was held WedWickline officiating. Burial nesday in the S m i t h F t o e r a l was at 3:30 p, m. in Highlawn Home with Rev. Ezra Bennett Memorial Park in Oak Hill. officiating. Burial was in Sharp Donations can be made to Cemetery at Frost. the American Cancer Society.

Amy Ruth Moore

Amy Ruth Moore, 84, died on Wednesday, January 22, 1964, at her home in Independence, Missouri. She was born at Buckeye,' and bad lived in Missouri for 42 years. She received her degree from Central Missouri State College at Warrensburg i and began her teaching in Lafayette County. She taught a year in the high school at Odessa before coming to Independence. She was principal of the Bryant Elementary School for 26 years before her retirement in 1949. At the time of her retirement, May 1949, Miss Moore was honored for her 50 years of teaching at a reception at the First Presbyterian Church where she was a member. Survivors include one sister, Miss Mary Olive Moore, of Independence, Missouri; four half-brothers, Jesse and Bob Moore, of Marlinton, Teel and Price Moore, of Virginia, and several nieces and nephews. Burial was in Odessa, Misouri. N. J. Moon

Norbert James (Jack) Moore, 75, of Route 1, Buckeye, died Thursday, February 12, 1976, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He had been in ill health the past year. Is Mr. Moore was a retired employee of the Department of Highways. l ^ v v \ x ' He was a member of St. Catherine's Catholic Church at Ronceverte. He was born near Kane, Pennsylvania, May 26, 1900, the son of John and Laura Weaver Moore. Surviving him are his wife, Alice McClintic Moore. A daughter, Lockhart Moore Wyman, and two brothers, Marion and Harold Moore, preceded him in death. Services were held at the VanReenen Funeral Home Sat« urduy Morning by Father Edward McDonald with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Maude Moore Mrs. Jessie M a u d e J o n e s Moore aged 86, widow of the late Theod o r e M o o r e , of Arkansas City, Kansas, died J u n e 2, 194b'. She is survived by her three children, Mrs. K a t i e W a h l e n m a t e r , Mrs. Allen Griffin and G. C. Moore. Mr. M o o r e passed away twelve years since.

Clarence B. Moore Clarence B. Moore, 99, of Inglewood Road, Asheville, North Carolina, died Monday, June 24, 1991, in an Asheville nursing center. He lived in Marlinton until 1986. Mr. Moore was a retired cashier from First National Bank in Marlinton. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, Masons, and American Region. He was an Army veteran $f World War I. He was a native of Huntersville, born December 14, 1891, the son of C. Rice and Lucy Belle Barlow Moore. His wife, Georgia Sharp Moore, preceded him in death. Surviving him are a son, Richard C. Moore, of Asheville, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Graveside service will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. George Clay in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton, with Masonic rites. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Marlinton United Methodist Church Building Fund. Mrs. E. C. Moore Mrs. Ola Moore, 86, died Wednesday, December 13, 1978, in the Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Born April 1,1892, in Randolph County, she was the daughter of the late Benjamin and Eiosia Dowell Shafer. She Her husband, Ed C. Moore, preceded her in death, She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church Survivors include two sons, Edward, of Montgomery and Thomas of L?wisburg; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas King, of Bridgeport; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Friday at two p. m. in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Richard Newkirk officiating. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Miss Beuhih Moore, aijed about Jo years, died February 2~, 1939, at the Clifton Fprge Hospital. She had been ill many months with cancer. Burial at Buntersvilla on Wednes day afternoon, ilie service being conducted frorr; the Huntersville Metho-


Minttr Moore Minter Moore, 53, of near Salamanca, New York, died of a heart attack Wednesday, November, 19,1975. Mr. Moore was the son of Ressie and Anna Mitchell Moore and was born April 8, 1922, at Clawson, above Marlinton. He was a much decorated veteran of World War II. He served in the Pacific and helped carry out the body of Ernie Pyle, noted war correspondent. Surviving are his wife .Helen, and several children; a brother, Alonzo Moore, of Columbus, Ohio, two sisters, Mrs. Fay Ware, of Alexandria, Virginia, and Mrs. Gay Ware, of ManasBas, Virginia, and his stepmother, Mrs. Duffie Moore, of Huntersville. Funeral services and burial on Saturday, November 22, In New York. Judy Lyna Shots Moorel/ Judy Lynn Sheets Moore, 22, of Marlinton, died Saturday, July 31,1976, in a car accideDt one-fourth mile north of Marlinton on U, S. 219. She was born May 20, 1954, the daughter of Clarence C. and Wanda Jackson Sheets. A brother, Charles, preceded her in death, - f c ^ ^ In addition to her parents, Judy is survived by her husband, Richard iloore, two children, Richard Lee Moore and Charles Edward Sheets, all of Marlinton; a brother, Dale Sheets, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Jackson, Marlinton. Services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home Monday afternoon by Larry Cowell with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Chtrlei Moore Mrs. Nealia Hayslett Moore, 76, of Cogan Station, Pennsylvania, near Williamsport, departed this life, Friday, November 19,1976. She was the daughter of the late John W. and Martha Jack Hayslett, of Marlinton; She is survived by her husband and six children; also surviving sisters are Mrs. Elsie Withers, of Marlinton, and Mrs. Floyd (Hettie) Meadows, of Hinton, and a brother, John Hayslett, also of Marlinton. Her Funeral Service on Monday was attended by John Hayslett and Mr. and Mrs. Meadows, who went to Cogan Station Saturday.

Jesse Frank Moore Jesse Frank Moore, 74, of Rt. 1, Marlinton, died Monday, December 26, 1983, near Marlinton from a sudden illness while driving his truck. He was a retired miner from Donegan Coal and Coke Company at Fenwick. Surviving him are sons, Elza C , of Canvas, Vurl B., of Caldwell, Ohio; daughters, Mrs. Reba Jewel Sands, of Canvas, Mrs. Carrie Irene Lunde, of Bradenton, Florida, Mrs. Jonna Mae Ward, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Mrs. Anna Jenaette Ludwig, of Byesville, Ohio, Mrs. Sharon Kay Womack, of Caldwell, Ohio; sister, Mrs. Ellen Lukie, of Tampa, Florida; 40 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren. Services were held Thursday at Waters Funeral Home in Summersville by the Rev. Edwin Hughes, with burial in Ward Road Cemetery, Canvas. \ / Thomas Austin Moore, Sr. Thomas Austin Moore Sr., 24. of* Hughesville. Maryland, died from drowning after a boat capsized in rough seas in the Chesapeake Bay January 12, 1974. He and three other mm were sea duck hunting. Two were savpd and Moore and Jeffrey Langely, 27. of Bryantown, Maryland, drowned. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, formerly of Cas£ Surviving him in addition to his parents are his wife, Linda M. Moore, two children. Stephanie C. Moore and» Thomas A. Moore. Jr.; a sister. Louise E. Montgomery, and a brother, For aid W. Moore, bolh of Hughesville, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Harry E. Curry. Services we*e held at the Huntt Funeral Home Waldorf, Maryland, on January 19, with interment at St. Marys Cemetery, Bryantown. Elbert Moore Elbert L. Moore, 58, of St. Albans, died Monday in St. Albans of a heart attack. The body will be brought to , Smith Funeral Home Wednesday evening for burial Thursday at 11:00 a. m. in Mountain View Cemetery. His wife is the former Mabel Woods.

Miss Vti:da Florence Moore Miss Wilda Florence ioore, 75 years, of IndependL.^w Missouri, died in a hospital in Inj dependence on Sunday, May 13, 11956. On Tuesday her body was laid to rest in Odessa, Missouri Cem-itery. The deceased was a native of Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late Nelson Moore. Her sisters are Mrs. J. V. McKenney, and Miss May Moore, of Marlinton. Mrs Lelia Burr Moore, aged sixty three years, wife of E. N.Moore of Dunmore, died of a heart attack on Thursday, February 1, 1940. The funeral service was held from the Dunmore church on Saturday morning, by her pastor. Rev Quade Arbogast, assisted bj Rev A. B. WilliforJ. Burial in Riverview Cemetery, Ron ceverte. on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Moore was a daughter of the late J. Austin and Miriam Hannah Burr, of Ronceverte. Her brothers are Leland, of Ravenswood: Leslie of Birmingham, Alabama; Harry, of Detroit, Michigan, Joa of Charleston; Rev Quinn Burr, of Roanoke, Va. Her sisters are Mrs Samuel Myers of Corvallls, Washington, and Mrs H. Theodore Moore rge. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moore, of MarlintoD, at whose home be passed away. He married Miss Edith May Patton, of Hinton. She and their two children, Margaret May and Kathleen, survive. He is also survived by his sisters. Mrs Arnold Burns, Leone and Peggy, and by his brother, Curtis. The interment was in the family plot in Mountain View Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the service from the Methodist Church by the Rev. Mr Amos, of Clifton Forge, and Rev E. N. Carlson, of Marlintou. Keith Morrison

Keith Morrison, of Annapolis, Maryland, died Monday, December 21, 1964. He had been ill with a heart condition for some time. His wife is the former Elizabeth Sheets, of Hillsboro. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The body was brought to the Smith Funeral Home in Marlinton Tuesday.

Winters D. Morrison Winters D. Morrison, 92, formerly of Droop, died Friday, July 9, 1976, in Quarryvllle, Pennsylvania, where he bad ade his home with his daughr, Mrs. Thelma Bailey, for about eight years. He was a member of the Lobelia Methodist Church and was a retired farmer and woodsman. Born at Lobelia, October 17, 1883, he was the son of Silas and Minerva Cruikshank Morrison. Preceding him in death were two sons, Olbert and Delbert Morrison. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Simmons Morrison; daughters, Mrs. Mary Nottingham, of Marlinton, Mrs. Grace Doss, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Clara Smith, and Mrs. Thelma Bailey both of Quarry ville, Mrs. Kathleen Bailey, of Millersville, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Maude Mario, of Watsontown, Pennsylvania; sons, Andrew and Willard Morrison, both of Whitehall, Maryland; Bisters, Mrs. Delia Sparks, Mrs. Duffie Mrs. Anna Morrison Simmons, both of Maryland; Mrs. Anna Mary Morrison, 25 grandchildren, 26 great80, of Buckeye, died Tuesday, grandchildren, and one greatDecember 3, 1985, at her great-grandchild. home. Services were held Tuenday ! Mrs. Morrison was a Pres- in the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church at Hillsboro by byterian. the Rev. Sherman Markley, Born at Huntersville with burial in Oak Grove CemSeptember 27, 1905, she was etery. • • the daughter of John Moss, Sr., and Minerva McComb Foley E. Morrison Moss. Foley E. Morrison, 75, of Preceding her in death were Valley Head, died in an Elkher husband, Taylor M. Mor- ins hospital on Friday, Febrison, and two infant chil- ruary 24, 1967. Born June 27, 1891, at Lo dren, Mary and Taylor, Jr.; Ibelia, he was a son of the late her parents; brothers, John Charles and Caroline Wanless Moss, Jr., Tobias Moss and I Morrison. Homer Moss; sisters, Mary, He taught in the PocahonMargaret, and Fanny. t a s County schools for a numSurviving her are sons, ber of years. In October 1911, Fred and Jack, both of he married the former Bessif Buckeye, Keith, of Roanoke, Lee Pritt, of Valley Head, who Virginia; daughters, Mrs. survives. Other survivors include four Faye Gaylor, of Navarre, daughters; three sons, and IF Ohio, and Mrs. Mescal Broyles, of Newport News, grandchildren. Funeral services were held Virginia; a sister, Daisy morning in the John Deweese, of ShawsVHle, Tuesday W. Lohr Funeral Home Chapel Georgia; eight grandchildren in Elkins with burial in the I. and two great-grandchildren. 0. O. F. Cemetery in Elkins. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev Richard Newkirk, with burial n Mountain View Cemetery. Ted I. Moon, Sr. Ted R. Moore, Sr., of Lew-| isburg, died Sunday, December 12, 1982, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. Born at Buckeye, August 1, 1906, he was the son of the late Nelson and Elsie Blanco Moore. He was a member of Pentecostal Holiness Church, of Caldwell. Surviving him are his wife, Edith; son, T. R., Jr., of Scott Depot; daughters, Helen Brinkley, of Verona, Virginia, Faye M. Powell, of Richmond, Virginia; brother, Rev. P. N. Moore, of Selma, Virginia; six grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in Jack Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Russell Spence officiating. Burial was in Alleghany Memorial Cemetery, Covington, Virginia.





Mrs. T. R. Morrison

Mrs. Sarah Jane Millard Morrison, 55, wife of T. R. Morrison, Sr., of Manning, South Carolina, died at a local hospital on Monday, Seotember 13, 1965, after two months illness. She a daughter of Mrs. Mahala Kidd Doane, of Pickens and the late Richard Millard. She was a native of Sullivan County, Tennessee, and lived in Pickens twenty-three years before moving to Manning six months ago. She formerly worked at Singer Company and Pickens County Schools. She was a member of Grace Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, T. R. Morrison, Sr.; her mother, Mrs. Mahala Doane; two daughters, Mrs. Cliff Dur. ham, ot JLas vegas, wevaaa; jand Mrs. Jack B. Lesley, of Germany; one son, T. R. Morrison, Jr., of Manning, South Carolina; one sister, Mrs. Ray Grant, of Pickens, South Carolina, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Grace Methodist Church by the Rev. Joe Gile3. Burial was in the Hillcrest Memorial


0 . S. Morrison

Oulbert Samuel Morrison, 47, of Whitesville, was killed Tuesday, September 17, 1968, when he was caught in some mining machinery at the Keesler Coal Company, Blue Pennant Mine. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Winters Morrison, of Hillsboro. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Carrie Morrison; two sons, Melvin Morrison, of Mid dletown, Delaware, and Samuel Morrison, at home, one daughter, Dana Lou Morrison, at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winters Morrison, of Hillsboro; six sisters, Mrs. Maude Maria, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs. Peggy Bailey, and Mrs. Kathleen Bailey, all of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Grace Doss, of West Haven, Connecticut, and Mrs. Mary Nottingham, of Marlinton, and two brothers, Jack Morrison, and William Morrison, both of Maryland. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at two o'clock in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

B ^ B

Robert F. Morrison Robert Franklin Morrison, 44, of Williamsburg, Virginia, died Saturday, October 1, 1988, from a massive heart attack. He was a construction worker. Born at Whitesville, Boone County, on February 20, 1944, he was the son of Marion R. and Mildred Stover Morrison. His father and a sister, Velma Lois Morrison Pyles, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his mother, Mildred S. Morrison, of Seebert; a sister, Ruby Radtke, of Seebert; and a brother, Marion Morrison, Jr., of Waynesboro, Virginia. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Ron Branch, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.


Forrest R. Moss

Forrest Ralph Moss, 62, of St. Albans, died Wednesday, July .24, 1968, in the Southern Hills Hospital after a long illness. Born May, 1906, at Webster Springs, he was the son of the late Bruce and Amanda Gilmore Moss. He was a member of the St. Albans First Baptist Church and a retired machinist for General Engineering Company in Charleston. Preceding him in death were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moss, and sister, Mrs. Ruth Dumire. Survivors include his widow. Mrs. Louise Jones Moss; one son, Bruce Moss, of St. Albans; one daughter, Mrs. Judy Isaacs, of Elkins, and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Bartlett Funeral Home Chapel in St. Albans with burial in the Cunningham Memorial Park. Mrs. Verna Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dumire and Burl Dumire, of Marlinton, attended the funeral.

A. Keith Morrison

A. Keith Morrison, born September 19, 1909, at Crawley, son of H. H. and Rose Morrison, of Smoot, passed away December 21, 1964, at Annapolis, Maryland. He was a member of the First Methodist Church in Becl> ley, the Beni Kedem Shrine ir Charleston and the Square and Circle Masonic Club of Cape St. Claire, Maryland. Mr. Morrison for many years served as teacher and principal in the Greenbrier and Raleigh county schools. At the time of his death he was a teacher at Marley Junior High School, Glen Burnie, Maryland Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Sheets, to whom he was married on December 24, 1933, two children, Samuel Keith Morrison and Mrs. Carolyn Morrison McLaughlin, both of Columbus, Ohio, two sisters, Mrs. Stacy Hobbs, of Smoot and Mrs. Viola Hanson, of District Heights, Maryland, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the Hillsboro Methodist Church on December 24, by the Reverend V. A. Tenney assisted by the Reverend Rex Ball. Interment was at The lilni ot tne Trail Cemetery near Smoot.

Bruce Moss Bruce Moss, aged 72 yean, died j of a heart attack, while at work! on his farm on Elk, Thursday afternoon, March 30, 19aii. Sun-' day afternoon his body was laid in the Varner Cemetery. The [service was held from Marys Chapel by his pastor, Rev Koger P. Melton. The dpceased was a native of Wood County., a SOD of the late Rev C. L. and Elizabeth Barnes Moss. More than forty .years as?o he moved to Pocahontas from Webster County. He was an honest, upright man, friend and ibor. Mi- Moss married Miss Ma Gilmore, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs J. W. Gilmore, of M-irlioton. She survives her hus! Their children are ForMoss, or St. Albans, aDd Mrs Ruth Dumire, at home.

Kirs, rearie G. Mosser Mrs. Evelyn Shrader Mosser, R. N., died Sunday, August 8 1971, in the Memorial General Hospital at Elkins,' where she was a nurse. Born in Huntersville May 18, 1904, she was the daughter of the late George and Le- , anna Shrader. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gordon, and . three sons. Survivors include three sons, and one daughter, two brothers, Dr. Sterl Shrader, of Midland, Michigan, and Raymond Shrader, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 11, in the F. E. Runner Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in the I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery in Elkins. Bill Moyers Alfred Brian (Bill) Moyers, 50, a prominent Pendleton County farmer of Moyers, was killed Thursday, Mareh 25, 1976, when his pickup truck left a narrow roadway and rolled down over the embankment. Mr. Moyers was a livestock farmer and active in civic and community affairs. He WBB a director and former president' of the Pendleton County Farm Bureau. He was a member of i St. Paul Lutheran Church near Moyers. < He was born July 28, 1925, at Moyers and was a son of the late Lester D. and Elizabeth Hoover Moyers. He was never married. Surviving him are two sisters, Mrs. C. Byron (Igerna) Judy, of Moyers, and Mrs. Paul (Erma) Coldiron, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday. March 28, at the Obaugh Funeral Home at McDowell by the Rev. Andrew Ballas. Burial was in St. Paul Cemetery near Moyers. Attending the funeral of Bill Moyers were Miss Cathleen Hoover, Mrs. Lilly S. Kellison, Mrs. Lucy Moore, Mrs. Carl VanReenan, Jack Kellison and Mias Betty Clay Sharp.


Rella May Moats Rella May Moats, age 92, of East Dailey Community and for the past six months a resident of Elkins Regional Convalescent Center, died Tuesday, May 27th, 1997, in Davis Memorial Hospital. Born December 8, 1904, at Boyer, she was a daughter of the late Charles and Emma Rader Phillips. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. On May 24, 1927, she was united in marriage to Arch Moats, who preceded her in death. Surviving are two daughters, Helen Cromer, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Opal Hammonds, of East Dailey Community; five grandchildren, eleven greatgrandchildren; two step-greatgrandchildren. Preceding her in death in addition to her husband and parents were one sister, Irma Ryder, and two brothers, Porter and Clarence Phillips. She was a graduate of Green Bank High School, Class of 1926, and a Methodist. Funeral services will be conducted at the Runner Chapel in Elkins at 11 a. m. Thursday by the Rev. Donald Fitzwater. Burial will follow at the Boyer Cemetery. Mrs. Percy Moses Mrs. Glenna Sharp Moses, 75, of Marlinton, died Thursday, December 5, 1985, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center from a heart attack. Mrs. Moses was a retired school teacher, with 35 years service in Pocahontas County schools, a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, Business and Professional Women's Club, and a 50 year member of the Eastern Star. She was born at Stony Bottom October 7, 1910, the daughter of Giles and Cathern Cochran Sharp. Her parents, three brothers | and a sister preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband, Percy E. Moses. Services were held Saturday morning at 10 a. m. in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Robert Cruikshank, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Mrs. B. F. Montgomery Mrs. Etta Ruth Montgomery, 79, a life-long resident of Deep Valley in Tyler County, died Tuesday, February 14, 1961, ac Sistersville, following a four-weeks illness. She was born in Tyler County October 7, 1881, the daughter of the late Peter and Evaline Davis iGattrell. Her husband, B. F. I Montgomery preceded her in b&ath March 27, 1955. Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. Kermit Stevens, Portland. Oregon; five sons, Clyde R. jearcy, Arkansas; Carl F. of jMatewan; Leslie E. ofJVIarlinton; ?: irl N. of Renick; and Glen E. of Weirton; one sister, Mrs. Lenora Smith, of Parkersburg; two brothers, Wilbert Gattrell of Berlin Center, Ohio, and Ira Gat|trell, of Weirton; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday at Arnold's Creek Church with burial at West. Union. Mrs. J. A. Morefield Word was received Sunday March 14, 1965, by Mrs. Lee McMann of the death of her cousin. Mrs. J. A. (Johnnie) JMorefield, Charlottesville, Virginia. -"Death was attributed to a | sudden heart attack. She is survived by her husband and a niece, Mrs. AI Morgan, of Lewisburg. She was a daughter of John and Irene Scales Burgess, and a_ native of Pocahontas County Glen Montgomery Glen Montgomery, 67, of Weirton, died August 23, 1981, after a six weeks' illness with cancer. A graduate of West Virginia University he had worked for the Soil Conservation Service and State Health Department. He was a 1933 graduate of Williamsburg High School. A World War II veteran, he served throughout North Africa. Born in Tyler County August 30, 1913, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Montgomery. There were Bix in the family. Surviving him are his wife, Louise Painter Montgomery; a sister, Mildred Stevens, of Parkersburg, and a brother, L. E. Montgomery, of Buckeye. Services were held in Weirton on August 26, with buria] in Morgan town.

Charles Morgan Word has been received of the death of Charles "Chuck" Morgan, 42, employee relations director for the city of St. Petersburg, Florida. He died at Bayfront Medical Center Aprfl 4, 1984, after a long illness. Mr. Morgan was the son of the late Richard Morgan, of Parkersburg, and the late Elnita Morgan, of Marlinton and HiUsboro. He grew up in the home of his aunt and uncle, Emma and Dan Skaggs. Survivors include his wife, Carole W., and a daughter, Donna Jean Morgan, both of St. Petersburg. He was laid to rest in Memorial Park Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Baby Molm

Word was received of the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Molm, of San Diego, California, born on Friday. June 11, 1971, and died on July 24, 1971. Survivors include his parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Molm, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. June W. Galford, of Dunmore, and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Molm, of Vellville, North Dakota. Service and burial were held in San Diego. Attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L.Taylor and daughter, Cheryl, of Dunmore.

Joe W. Morgan Joe W. Morgan, 58, of Nantahala Community, Topton, North Carolina, died Saturday, April 19, 1997, in an Andrews Hospital. He was a native of Macon County, where he had lived most of his life. He was the son of Lottie Garey Morgan, of Andrews, and the late Walter C. Morgan. He had served for six years in the National Guard. He had worked for General Motors in Willow Run, Michigan, for 12 years; and had worked 23 years with Magnavox and Bakers Furniture and was presently a paramedic, with Macon County EMS. He was a member of Bethel Hill Baptist Church. Joe was preceded in death by two brothers, Edward and Cecil Morgan. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Phyllis Baker Morgan; a daughter, Sheryl Gregory, of Nantahala; one son, Kenneth Morgan, of Buckeye; four sisters, Mildred Grant, of Nantahala, Joyce Owenby, Janice Dockery and Madge Morgan, all of Andrews, North Carolina; and three grandchildren. Services were held on April 22, at Bethel Hill Baptist Church with the Revs. Roy Lindsey and Buford Owenby officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests memorials be made to American Cancer Society, c/o Margaret Stratton, P.O. Box 1130, Andrews, NC 28901. Mrs. Elneta Morgan

Mrs. Elneta Rogers Morgan, 66, of Marlinton, died Friday, March 26,1976, in the PocaMrs. Eda Kramer Morris hontas Memorial Hospital aftWashington.—On March 2, 1949 er a long illness with cancer. Mrs. Eda Kramer Morris died,' She was a retired bookkeeper after a long illness. She was a md a member of the Oak daughter of the late INorman KraIrove Presbyterian Church mer, of Highland Countv. Her in HiUsboro. brothers are Dr. Charles Kramer, Born June 1, 1909, at HillsOf Marlinton, and Kenton Kramooro, she was the daughter of er of Mingo. the late Romsy L. and Mattie Miller Rogers. Her husband, Richard Morgan, and a sister. Samuel Morgan Mrs. Opal Remage, preceded Samuel Morgan, 58, of HiUs- her in death. boro, died in the Pocahontas She. is survived by a son, Memorial Hospital Tuesday, Charles R. Morgan, of St. April 14, 1964. Funeral arrangements are Petersburg, Florida, and one incomplete as we go to press. granddaughter, Dawna Morgan; a brother, Henry Rogers, af Welch, and a sister, Emma R. Skaggs, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at HiUsboro.


Katharine J. Mortimer John H. Mortimer Katharine J. Mortimer, 50, and John H. Mortimer, 54, both of Marlinton, died Thursday, May 8, at home. i^7 She was born September 3, 1946, in Camden, New Jersey, the daughter of George Hoffman, of Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, and Edith Hoffman, of Pinehill, New Jersey. He was born September 25, 1942, in Camden, the son of Julie Willis, of Pinehill, and the late John Mortimer. Survivors in addition to their parents are, sons John, Pat and Tim, all of Morgantown; daughter Dawn, of Morgantown; three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday at McCulla Funeral Home in Westover with the Rev. T. Patrick Kerr. Harry E. Morgan

Harry E. Morgan, 67, of Elkins, operator of Harry's News Stand on Davis Avenue, died Friday, November 7, 1975, in Memorial General Hospital where he bad been a patient since suffering a stroke Sunday. Mr. Morgan was born August 15, 1908, near Durbin, a son of the late Elmer Charles and Melissa Peters Morgan. For a number of years he was employed as a driller for the S. E. Sammons Construction Company. On January 15, 1955, Mr. Morgan was blind ed as a result of an explosion while drilling in Gilbert. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Elkins. On July 4, 1933, at Durbin, he waa married to Zetta Mae White, who survives in Elkins. Following the accident which blinded him, Mr. Morgan attended the vocational department of the West Virginia School for the Blind in Romney. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, and one daughter, Harold R. Morgan, Thomas R Morgan and Mrs. Helen R Vance, all of Elkins; two brothers and three sisters, James E. Morgan, Elkins, Lonnie A. Morgan, of near Durbin, Mrs. Mary Moore, Durbin, Mrs. Madeline Ratliff, Bethel Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Ella Greathouse, Durbin, and three grandchildren.

Jesse L Mullen ax * Jesse L. Mullenax, 67, a re-*tired tanner for Howes Leather Company, of Frank, died at 7:30 p m . , Thursday, December 4, 1969, in Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mullenax had been a patient in the hospital since October 22, when he suffered a heart attack at his home. He was a member of the United Methodist Church of Durhin, the American Legion in Durbin, Durbin I00F Lodge and Tygart Lodge 76, Knights of Pythias. Mullenax was a veteran of army service durinc World War II. He was born April 13, 1902, in Bartow, a son of ihe late Madison and Vergie (Tracy) Mullenax. He was a lifeiong bachelor. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Marie Ferguson, of Elkins, with whom he had resided since September 1968, and Mrs. Loy Curry, of Seattle, Washington. Two brothers, Jake and Robert Mullenax, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at the J o h n W .e Lohr Funeral Home in E!kin , Su -day by the Rev. Willis F. Summers, pastor of the Durbin United Meth odist Church. Burial was in the IOOF Cemeterj, with presentation of the American flag.

Mrs. Elva Mullenax Mrs. Elva Katheriue Mullenax, 67. of Bartow, died Sunday, November 9, 1975, at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mrs. Mullenax was a member of the Church of God at Durbin. She was born January 15, 1908, in Highland County, a daughter of Aaron C. and Beli-i Wimer Mullenax. Surviving are ber husband, Oliver L. Mullenax, of Bartow, two daughters, Mrs. Earlie T. Marion, of Bartow, and Mrs. Robert F. Lilly, of Staunton; a foster daughter, whom she reared, Mrs. Joseph Collins, of Norfolk; three sons, Ralph L., Eugene E. and William A. Mullenax, allot Staunton, Virginia; a brother, LeBter C. Mullenax, of Bartow; two sisters, Mrs. Kennie^ Way bright, of Boyer, ana Iws. Nellie Wa> bright, of Monterey, and nine grandchildren. The funeral was conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Church of God in Durbin by the Rev. J. H. Snedegar. Burial was in the family cemetery on Allegheny Mountain.

Mrs. J. C. Mullins Mrs. Nancy Ellen Mullins, aged 75 years, wife of J. C. Mullins. of Cowen, prominent farmer ai d stockman of Webster and Pocajhontas counties, died on Monday I evening, August 1^, l!M6, in a I Parkersburg hospital, of a heart '•ailment following a month's il— 1 ness. Mrs. Mullins, daughter of the late Dave and Jane Belcher Keen, pioneer residents . of Webster coiuitv. was married March JJ6, 1888, to Mr. Mullios. They celebrated their 58th wedding anniv.'iary last March. Funeral advices were held Thursday at 2:09 [). in., in the Cranberry Ridge church and burial in the family cemetery nearby. Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters: Mr?. John W. Leslie. Mrs. Clara Hammon and Mrs. Velma Crosby, all of Cowen, and Mrs. Ida Mae Shepherd, of Parkersburg; three
Arch Mullens Arch Mullens, 66, of Calvin,Nicholas County, was born March 16, 1911, and departed this life August 16, 1977, in the Sacred Heart Hospital, in Richwood, of a massive heart attack. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Reva Frisch, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Mary Spurr, of Fargo, North Dakota; two sons, Sherman, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Arch V., of Florida; also five sisters, Mrs. John Singleton, of Clarksburg, Mrs. Ann Lambert, of Henrietta, New York, MrB. Maxine Denius, of Springfield, Illinois, Mrs. Edna Martin and Mrs. Mary Hinkle, both of Craigsville; four brothers, Warren of Stump town, D. Gilbert, of Cottle, James, of Hicksville, Ohio, and Bennie, of Calvin, and twelve grandchildren. He was a member of the Little Union Baptist Church and a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge for thirty five years. He was a veteran of World War I. Funeral services were held at two p. m.. Friday, August 19, 1977, by Rev. Romie Mullens and Rev. Elihu Ramsey at White & White Funeral Home in Richwood. Burial was at Mullens Cemetery at Calvin.

Robert G. Mullenax B H Robert G. Mullenax, 61, of 230 1-2 Milford Street. Clarksburg, a former employee of Horner Gaylord Company, and a retirpd maintenance man at the Harrison County Court House, died at the University Hospital at Morgantown on Wedne°day, January 29, 1969, after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County, February 7, 1907, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mullenax. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. One brother preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Monce Davis Mullenax; two daughters, Mrs. Howard (Sonya) Smith, of Lemoore, California, and Miss Kathleen G. Mullenax, at home; three brothers, James Burlin Mullenax, of Grand Rapids Michigan, Jesse L. Mullenax, of Elkins and Lester T. Mullenax, of Seattle, Washington; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Curry, of Seattle, Washington, and Mrs. Marie K. Ferguson, of Elkins, and three grandchildren. mrs. wniiani muner Mrs. Jeanette Alice (Nette) Muller, 70, of Far Rockaway, New York, died sudden y on Friday, September 21, VJI6, on her birthday. Born September 21, 1903, she was a daughter of the late Jake Townsend. Survivors include her husband, William J. Muller. She was laid to rest in the Pinelawn National Cemetery Farmingdale, Long Island. Lawrence Gregory Myers

• Lawrence Gregory Myers 4, of Nitro, died Wednesday. March 10, 1971, m the I . Millan Hospital at Charleston. Survivors include his parents, Lieutenant and Mrs. Paul Myers; one sister, Sonya Ella, at home; grandparents, Garrett Myers, of Elkins. and Mr and Mrs. Sherman Workman, of Beckley. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the White Funeral Home Chapel at Summersville by the Rev. Paul H. Smith, with bu ial in Groves Cemetery at Summersville.


Phillip S. Massie COVVEN-Phillip S. Massic of Cowen, died at Raleigh General Hospital in Bccklcy, on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, following a long illness. He was 86 years of age. He was bom in Cowen, on October 12,1908, the son of the late David I. and Alice E. Farren Massic. He worked for the B & O Railroad and was a carpenter. He was a member of the Little 'Glade Baptist Church in Cowen and served in the U.S. Army. He is survived by: his wife, Marie Prater Massic of Cowen; son, Phillip F. Massie of Bcckley; brothers, Kenneth MassieofCowcn andlshmal Massic of Harrisburg, Pa.; sisters, Ruth Bennett of Craigsvillc, Elieen Green, and Margurctc Way ne, both of Nilro; grandchildren, Robert D. Massic and Tina Marie Massic; and great-grandchildren, Jennifer Nicole Dcboard, Trevor Michael Dcboard, andRobcrt Colt Massie. Services were held on Friday, January 20, at 2:00 p.m., at the Ad•ams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okcy Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the Handschumachcr Cemetery in Upper Glade. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Maxine Miller Maxine Miller, of Webster Springs, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital,onTuesday, April 22, 1997. She was 69 years of age. She was born in Widen, on February 27, 1928. Shewasahomemaker and a mother and foster mother, and was a former Cub Scout leader. She was a member of the Sand Run Baptist Church in Bolair. She is survived by: sons, John Miller of Montgomery, Paul Millcrof Cowen, David Miller, Mike Miller, Steve Miller, and Timmy Miller, all of Bolair; daughters, Jeannic Miller of Bolair, Pam Taylor of Cowen, Robin Barnett of Paducah, Ky., and Melissa Harless of Cowen; brothers, Paul Butcher of Baltimore, Md., Phillip Butcher of Little Rock, Ark., and Dwayne Butcher of Baltimore, Md.; sistefs, Shirley Isabell of Norman, Ga., Joyce Sill of Upper Glade, and Carol Hensley of Tennessee; 21 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held on Saturday, April26,at 10:00a.m.,at lhcDodd& Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with theRev. Keith Williams, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens.

Mary Katherine Mackowiak CARTHAGE, MISSOURI-Mary Katherine Mackowiak, of Carthage, Missouri, formerly of Summersville, died at her residence on Tuesday, January 21, 1997, following a short illness. She was 63 years of age. She was born in Richwood, on June 2,1933, the daughter of the late Charles and Lucy Williams Coffman. She was a homemaker and was formerly employed by Frames Family Restaurant in Summersville. She is survived by: son, Joseph Mackowiak of Marmet; daughters, Ann Walton and Melissa Mackowiak, both of Aurora, Illinois, and Melanie Persinger of Ft. Belvoir, Va.; stepmother, Betty Coffman of Gassaway; sisters, Barbara Coffman of Gassaway, Helen Sigley and Evelena Dotson, both of Carthage, Missouri; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held tin Thursday, January 23,at2:00p.m., intheGreene-. Robertson Funeral Home in Sutton.' Burial was at the Barkers Ridge Cemetery near Sutton.

G. Sterling Marple COWEN--G. Sterling Marple of Cowen, died at Stonewall Jackson Hospital in Weston, on Friday, June 13,1997, following a long illness. He was 93 years of age. He was born iiiiBraxton County, on April 4, 1904, the son of the late Benson and Ida Morton Marple. He was retired from the W. Va. Dept. of Highways, and was owner of Marple Construction Co. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and was former chairman of the Webster County Republican Executive Committee, and a member of the American Legion. He was a Methodist by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Ruby Wise Marple of Cowen; sister.Novina Marpleof Sun City, Ariz.; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Freda Lipkey, and brothers, Joe Marple and David B. Marple. Services were held on Tuesday, Junel7,atl:00p.m.,atAdamsFuneral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Clarice Daniel and the Rev. Phillip Hickman officiating. Burial was at W. Va. Memorial Gardens. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Tina Garnett Myers ST. GEORGE-Tina Garnett Myers of St. George, died at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown on May 17,1996. She was 61 yearsof age. She was born in Nicut, on June 19, 1934, the daughter of Grudcr and Ella Gay Bailey Rogers. She had formerly lived in Webster County, Calhoun County, Tucker County, and Baltimore, Md. She was a homemaker and a Protestant by faith. She loved raising a garden, canning, shopping, travelling, camping, quilting, eating, listening to country, bluegrass, and gospel music, cleaning house, collecting everything, and attending the annual Rogers and Myers reunions. She is survived by: son, Lt. Col. Charles Vernon Myers of Avondale, Ariz.; daughter-in-law, Carmen Onaindia Myers of Woodbridge, Va.; her mother, Ella Rogers of St. George; • brothers and sisters-in-laws, Lester Forest and Bernice Josephine Brady Rogers of Baltimore, Md. and Capt. Ford and Donie Estalinc Moffatt Rogers of Arnoldsburg; sisters and brothers-in-law, Artie Jewel and Leonard A. Cogar of Bolair and Doris Emogene and Allen Dale Myers of St. George; brother-in-law, Stanley Gerald "Staley" McCumbcrs of Aberdeen, Md.; several brothers- and sisters-in-law on her husband's side; several nieces, nephews, and cousins; and grandchildren, Amanda Lynn Myers and Carmen Paula Myers, both of Woodbridge, Va. In addition to her father, she was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Edward Myers, who died on May 9, 1994; by sister, Orva Gay McCumbers; by nephew Chester Lee Rogers; and by niece Amelia Carmen "Amy" Snyder. Services were held on Monday, May 20, at 1:00 p.m., at the GreenliefCombs Funeral Home in Parsons, with Pastor Patrick Cassidy of St. George and Pastor Neil Parsons of Hamilton, officiating. Burial was at the Piper Mountain Cemetery in St. George.


Freddy Ray Musick


MONTIEVILLE-Freddy Ray Marvin Musick of Montieville, formerly of McDowell County, died on Sunday, February 23, 1997, at the WestPenn Burn Center in Pittsburgh, Pa., from injuries received in a house fire on February 13, in Valley Head. He was 28 years of age. He was born in Welch, on June 30, 1968, the son of Fred Musickof Welch and Linda Lambert Musick Pack of Asco. He was raised in McDowell County, attended Mount View High School, and worked as a custodian at Snowshoe SkiResort for the past seven years. He is survived by: his parents; step-father,DallasPackof Asco; stepmother, Sarah Musick of Welch; sisters, Mrs. Wayne (Freda Lynn) Bishop and Tabetha Jean Musick, both of Asco, and Mrs. Greg (Tammy) Potter of Twin Branch; step-brother, Tony Watts; and step-sister, Leslie Watts, both of Welch. He was preceded in death by one niece and nephew, Sashia Shane Musick and Joshua Ryan Musick, by his paternal grandparents, Floyd and Edith Musick, by maternal grandparents, James Franklin and Lula Mae Lambert, and his friend, Sharon Lambert. Services were held on Thursday, February 27, at 11:00 a.m., at the Fanning Funeral Home in Welch, with the Rev. Dwayne Houk officiating. Burial was at the New Community Cemetery in Asco.

Oral Hubert Messenger Oral Hubert Messenger of Braxton County, died at his residence on Friday, March 14, 1997. He was 71 years of age. He was bom in West Virginia on May 1, 1925. He is survived by: daughters, Phyllis Simmons and Arlena Messenger, both of Webster Springs; brothers, Pearly Messenger of Mt. Airy, N.C., Max Messenger of Tennessee, and Bumell Messenger, of Cleveland, Ohio; sisters, Velma Dillion of Erbacon, Ora Gates of Summersville, and Freda Radcliffof Bradenton.Fla.; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held on Sunday, March 16, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Okey Wayne, officiating. Burial was at theHickory Hats Cemetery in Erbacon.


Mose Mick

Vocie Irene Morrison

NETTIE-Mose Mick of Nettie, died at the Brian Care Center/Allegheny, on Monday, April 7, 1997. He was 86 years of age. He was bom in North Dakota, on March 23,1911 and had lived in Nettie for 42 years. He was a retired coal miner with Island Creek Coal Co., and was a member of the UMWA. He is survived by: his wife, Irene Williams Mick of Nettie; stepdaughters, Bessie Engle of Lake Arrowhead, Ga., Anna Rose Grimm of Lorain, Ohio, and Mary Nunley of Summersville; step-sons, Carroll Williams of Hendersonville, Tenn. and Raymond Williams of Martinsburg; sister, Pearl Green of Richwood; brother Steve Mick of Lorain, Ohio; 5 grandchildren, 12 greatgrandchildren, 2 great-great-grandchildren, 15 step-grandchildren, and 13 step-great-great-grandchildren. Services will be held on Thursday, April 10, at 11:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Harley Bender and Sister Rosetta King, officiating. Burial will be at the Harrison Cochran Cemetery at Grassy Creek Road. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6-9:00 p.m. this evening (Wednesday, April 9).

BERG OO-Vocie Irene Morrison ' of Bergoo, died at the CAMC-Memorial Division in Charleston, on Thursday, March 30,1995, following a long illness. She was 86 years of age. She was bom in Canaan, on October 17,1908, the daughter of Amos and Edna McKissic Fitzgerald, boih deceased. She had lived in Webster County for the past 59 years, and was a homemaker and a member of the Leatherwood United Methodist Church in Bergoo. She is survived by: son, Arnold Morrison of Louisville, Ky.; daughters, Thelma Hamrick of Bergoo, Bonnie Morrison of Charleston, and Betty Blanchfield of Yorktown, Va.; brother, Paulmer Fitzgerald of Lima, Ohio; sister, Katherine Vogel of Buckhannon; and 3 grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Jay Lewis Morrison. Services were held on Saturday,' April 1, at 11:00 a.m., at the Canaan Memorial Community Church, with the Rev. Darren Jones, officiating. Burial; was at the Canaan Memorial Cemetery, in Canaan. Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, was in charge of arrangements.

Helen L. Dean Marks GASSAWAY-Helen L. Dean Marks of Gassaway, died on Sunday, June 29,1997, at the C AMC, General Division, following an extended illness. She was 71 years of age. She was bom in Braxton County, on May 16,1926, the daughter of the late William M. and Greeta Gay Brady Dean. She was a homemaker and a Methodist by faith. She is survived by: her husband, Doy Harold Marks; son.LarryOtisof Nashport, Ohio; daughters, Teresa Workman of Exchange, Susan Williams of Gassaway, and Tammy Potter of Sissonville; brother, William Lewis Dean of Jane Lew; sisters, Lillian Hoard and Carolea Frame, both of French Creek, and Laura Mae S taley of Strange Creek; and 14 grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by sons, Jerry Allen and Tommy H. Marks. Services will be held on Saturday, July 5, at 1:00 p.m., at the Fairview United Methodist Church near Gassaway, with the Rev. William Griffin, officiating. Burial will be at the Fairview Cemetery. The GreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton, is in charge of the arrangements.

Margaret E. Miller COWEN-Margaret E. Miller of Cowen, died in Rich wood, on Friday, May 16, 1997, following a long illness. She was 95 years of age. She was born in Oakland, Maryland, on January 31,1902, the dauglw ter of the late Michael and Gertrude McCrobie Rice. She had lived in Cowen for 70 years, and was a homemaker and a member of die Upper Glade Presbyterian Church. She is survived by: son, Jack D. Miller of Cowen; daughters, Mary M. Hosey and Patricia Crowe, both of Cowen; 13 grandchildren, 22 great-, grandchildren, and 8 great-greatgrandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Ollis Ray "Cricket" Miller, son Ottis Ray, Jr., daughter Jean Armstrong, and by one brother and one sister. Services were held on Monday, May 19, at 2:00 p.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne,officiating. Burial was at W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.


Clyde B. Matheny Clyde B. Matheny, 77, of Dunmore, died Friday, February 12, 1988, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. '•• Mr. Matheny was a retired sawyer and attended the Mount Hebron Baptist Church at Green Bank. Born January 16, 1911, in Virginia, he was the son of the late John and Alphea Gardner Matheny. He was preceded in death by a sister, Audrey Townsend, and a brother, Connell Matheny. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Susan Hill Matheny; two daughters, Phyllis Baber, of Colonial Beach, Virginia, and Sharon Ervin, of Green Bank; three ,spns,. Gary Matheny,„oCAWesley 'Chapel, 'Larry' Matheny, of Dunmore, and Douglas Matheny, of Perry, Ohio; three sisters, Wilma Gibson, of Marlinton, Alma, Dunn, of Virginia, and Polly Clark, of Reno, Nevada; two brothers, Ralph afid John Matheny, Jr., both of Wesley Chapel; 14 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. ;•-• Graveside services were held at li'*a, m. Monday in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery by the Rev. John Sullivan. \ &

Douglas J. May Douglas James May, 25, of Lenexa, Kansas, died November 9, 1987, at St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. He was born in Morgantown and lived in the Kansas City area most of his life. He recently lived in Washington, D. C , for two years. Doug had been a Graphic Designer for Erol's in Washington. He was a 1980 graduate of Shawnee Mission Northwest High School, where he was a member of the National Honor Society. He received a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, in 198S and was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity. He was a member of die Boy Scouts of America. Survivors include his parents, Kenneth and Jane May, of the 1 home; two brothers, Nicholas, Chilhowie, Virginia, and Brian, of the home; a nephew; his paternal grandmother, Pauline S. May, Tucson, Arizona, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pyles, of Hillsboro. Services were held Friday, November 13, at the Lenexa United Methodist Church; burial was in Resurrection Cemetery.

Ivan J. Matheny Ivan June Matheny, 80, of 212 Reservoir Road, Beckley, died Friday, December 4,1987, at home after a short illness. • Born July 16, 1907, at Bartow, he was the son of the late Mike and Lura Matheny. y ;.. Mr. Matheny 'had lived in Beckley since 1931. Hcretired in 1979 from being the owner and operator of Matheny Brothers Radiator Shop at Beckley. He was' an active coach in the;Warren ^Williams Baseball League fof many ' years?e6achfog. thaJaague^.hamps in 1966, and was a member of the Good Samaritan Bible Class of the First United Methodist Church at Beckley. J m *H . H e was preceded in death by a grandson, Jeffrey Lewis;' three sisters, Mary Matheny; Grace Cooke and Ethel Harouff; and four brothers, John Matheny, Harry Matheny, Robert" Matheny j^nd Glenn Matheny. ' Surviving him are his wife, Jean Holland Matheny; two daughters, Ann Lee Page Matheny Vest, of Huntington, and Mary Grayce Lewis Watson, of! Colorado Springs, Colora^ol two sons, Carl Bradley Lewis,*, of Orlando, Florida/and Douglas O. Lewis, of Cambridge, Ohio; and ten grandchildren. * % . - # '« Services were held at 1 p. m. ! Monday in the Melton Mortuary chapel at Beckleywith the Rev. -Raymond Rowe officiating.' "Burial i was in the Sunset Memorial Park at Beckley;.' Hunter Lee Malcom, Sr. Hunter Lee Malcom, Sr., 70, died January 12, 1988, at his home on Rt. 1, Covington, Virgina. Born March 2 1 , 1917, at Huntersville, he was the son of the late Edgar Lee and Edith Shinaberry Malcom. He was the retired owner and operator of Malcom's Taxi in Covington. Surviving him are four sons, Avis L. Malcom, Glenmoor, Pennsylvania, Vallin H. Malcom, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, Hunter L. "Butch" Malcom, Jr., Covington, and Kenneth L. Malcom, Denton, North Carolina; one daughter, Mrs. Linda Twifprd, of North Carolina; 20 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday, January 15, at 11 a. m. in Chapel of Arritt's Funeral Home in Covington. A private burial service" was held later in a family cemetery on the Back Mountain. Road near Marlinton. >>,.,'•'


Hildreth T. Meadows Hildreth Townsend Meadows, age 72, of Marlinton, died Friday, October 11, 1997, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after suffering a heart attack. She worked at the Pentagon and as financial secretary at Ashford General Hospital, White Sulphur Springs, before going to work at Pocahontas County Court House. She was a Deputy County Clerk and then was elected County Clerk from 1956-68 and 1974-1986 when she retired. She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. The daughter of the late Clyde and Nellie Kelly Townsend, she was born at Frost November 8, 1924. Surviving her are her husband of 48 years, Rudolph L. (Bill Bob) Meadows; a son, Stephen W. Meadows, of Charleston; a brother, Barthel C. Townsend, of Romney, and a sister, Loretta Malcomb, of Marlinton. The funeral was held at 12 noon Monday in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Randall Benson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Marlinton Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund or Women of the Church Kitchen Committee. Ralph Matheny Ralph Matheny, age 83, of Green Bank, died Sunday, April 9, 1995, at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, after an extended illness. He was a sawmill operator and a Baptist by faith. Born at Naples, Virginia, January 27, 1912, he was the son of the late John M. and Althea Gardner Matheny. Preceding him in death were his parents; a sister, Audrey Townsend; two brothers, Clyde Matheny and Connell Matheny; a granddaughter, Belinda Tucker. Surviving him are his wife, Beatrice V. Galford Matheny; two sons, Tom Matheny, of Laurel, Maryland, and Robert Matheny, of Laurence Harbor, New Jersey; four daughters, Sandra Holloway, of Newfoundland, Canada, Joyce Gillispie, of Fairfield, Pennsylvania, Nancy Rexrode and Faye McCarty, both of Green Bank; a brother, John Matheny, Jr., of Green Bank; three sisters, Alma Dunn, of Warrenton, Virginia, Wilma "Mike" Gibson, of Marlinton, and Polly Clark, of Reno, Nevada; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday by the Rev. John Sullivan in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

Bess Hannah Maris Bess Hannah Marrs, a long time Fairmont resident, died in Saratoga, California, on December 22, 1987. Mrs. Marrs was born August 30, 1893, in Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late William H. and Sarah White Hannah. Her husband, Patrick F. Marrs, is deceased. She is survived by a son, Patrick. F. Marrs, Jr., of Saratoga, California; three grandchildren, Bruce, Janet, and Kim Marrs; five sisters, Levia Hannah, Mary Hannah, Sadie Wooddell, Lucy Judy, and Mazie McLaughlin, and one brother, H. Marvin Hannah, are deceased. Mrs. Marrs entered the teaching profession in Pocahontas County and completed her normal school training in Marshall College. She taught for a number of years hi' Bluefield schools. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Fairmont, and was a charter member of the United Methodist Women. She was also a member of the Fairmont WCTU. For the past nine years she has resided primarily in Saratoga, California, near her son. Before her death Mrs. Marrs donated her body to medical science at Stanford University Hospital Medical School in Stanford, California. She requested that there be no service. A private memorial service was held at her son's home.

-Elder Allen L. Mann Elder, Allen L. Mann, 67, of Ronceyerte,?' died December 26, 1986, in Humana Hospital Greenbrier Valley after a short illness. \ . He was born January 16, 1919, was a World War II veteran, and was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte. He was pastor of Mountain Vie w Primitive Baptist Church, Ronceverte, and was a retired lumber grader for Hamer Lumber.i'.Company. Survftfrig him are his wife, Margie iVitaan Mann; son, Dr. Joe Alf«nj|»Mann, Greensboro, North 1 (Bjrtrolina; daughter, Betty ,? fllurke, Hillsboro; sisters, Virginia Morgan and Viola Canterbury, both of Ronceverte, Lucille Holliday, Glasgow; brother, Clyde Mann, Renick; lour grandchildren, Beth Kelley Carr, Ocden, Utah, Cindi and Jamie Burke, Hillsboro, and Mary Leigh Mann, Greensbvoro, North Carolina. Services were h r " " £~~~. at the G r e e n b r i e r ^ with .

Clyde D. Mace Clyde D. Mace, 70, of Follansbee, died Saturday, April 9, 1988, in a Weirton medical center after a long illness. Born March 14, 1918, at Marlinton, he was the son of the late Lygon. and Bessie Jackson Mace. Mr. Mace was retired from the International Laborers Union. Surviving him are his wife, Gale Meeks Mace; three daughters, Clarice Mann and Pam Mace, both of Madison Heights, Michigan, and Sharon Morgan, of Durbin; a stepson, Danny Meeks, of Arbovale; seven sisters, Annie Bowers and Daisy Hayslett, both of Marlinton, Goldie and Betty Armstrong, both of Buckeye, Evelyn Turner, of Stony Bottom, Mary Grace Hanna, of Alderson, and Susie Wade, of Frankford; four brothers, Dale, Julian and George Mace, all of Durbin, and Lewis Mace, of Ridgeley; and seven grandchildren. Services were held Monday at 1 p. m. in the Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom by the Rev. Gene Kerby, with burial in the Mace family cemetery at Stony Bottom. Mrs. Audrey Menefee V Mrs. Audrey Lee Moore Menefee, 61, died Friday, May 22, 1987, at her home on Route 1, Marlinton, after several months illness with cancer. She was a member of the Marlinton Church of Christ and a member of the Big Flats Extension Homemakers Club. Born March 9, 1926, at Grafton, Virginia, she was thedaughter of Sidney C. Moore, Sr., and Mabel.Lindsey Moore. Mrs^Menefee was preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Melvin Moore. Surviving her are her husband,''. Starling Bradley Menefee; three daughters, Donna Raye Hunt, of Poquoson, Virginia, Constance Lee Garofalo, of Mattydale, New York, and Wanda Kay Widters, of Marlinton; nine grandchildren; and her stepmother, Elizabeth Lindsey Moore Champ; three brothers, Sidney C. Moore, Jr., Rolland Moore and Paul Moore; and a sister, Mildred Moore Simcox. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday in the VanReenen Funeral Home^by the Rev. L. C. Zopp, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


Robert D. Mace Robert Dale Mace, 75, of Fairfield, Virginia, died Thursday, February 11, 1988, at his residence. He was born August 20, 1912, in Pocahontas County, the son of Jacob A. and Minnie Kelley Mace. Mr. Mace was a retired timber buyer for Owens Illinois. Surviving him are his wife, Ina Mae Mace, of Fairfield; one daughter, Blanch Mace Tomlin, of Fairfield; two sons, Phillip Dale and Jerry Randall Mace, both of Fairfield; three sisters, Helen Fertig, of Andover, Ohio, and Goldie Huling and Lillian Zill, both of Baltimore, Maryland; four brothers, Herbert Mace, of Fairfield, Howard Mace, of Baltimore, Maryland, Jake Mace, of Missouri, and Neal Mace, of Rockingham County, Virginia; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Agnes Marshall Mrs. Agnes Marshall, age 72, of Waldorf, Maryland, died Thursday, November 5, 1987, after a long illness. Preceding her in death were a daughter, Volinda Marshall, and her husband, Jackson, in May, 1987. Surviving her are eight children: | Nellie Shadrick, of Florida, Mary Miller, Jackson George, James, Agnes Romona Merryman, Joseph, Robert, and John, all of Maryland; 39 grandchildren, 41 greatgrandchildren, and three greatgreat-grandchildren. In West Virginia are two grandchildren, Rebecca Queen, of Cass, and Jackson G. Marshall, Jr., of Durbin; in Hampton, Virginia, are Phyllis (Pam) Queenj George E. Marshall, and Jerry E.Marshall. Funeral services were held or Monday, November 9, at Hunt Funeral Home, with burial at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, Maryland. ! ! V Mrs. Bonnie Dell Mace , ^jrs. Bohnnie Dell Mace, 48, of Durbin, died Wednesday, July 8, 1987J >! in ^Memorial Division of C^afeston-r-Area 'jviedicaT Center after atthort illness. She was a member of Bethel Unjted Methodist Church, Durbin. The daughter of Isaac and Mary Morgan Moore, she was bom October 18, 1938, at Durbin. .''• Surviving her are her husband, Julian Mace; sons, Paul A. and David L. Mace, both at home; a sister, Mrs. Lilly Belle Grimes, of Green Bank.

Vernie J. Morrison Vemie Jane Morrison, 72, died Monday, May 23, 1988, at her home at Renick following a long illness. Born September 8, 1915, at Renick's Valley, she was the daughter of the late William and Mattie Underwood Cochran. She was a member of the Renick Church of God. Her husband, Ottie Ray Morrison, and a daughter, Audrey Stanley, preceded her in death. Surviving her are six daughters, Stella Rineholt, Mary Windon and Louise Morrison, all of Renick; Sadie Windon, of Caldwell, Nellie Farley, of White Sulphur Springs, and Nancy Liptrap, of Marlinton; six sons, Archie Morrison, of Iron Gate, Virginia, Harold Morrison, of Hinesville, Georgia, Calvin Morrison, of Caldwell, and Raymond, James and Robert Morrison, all of Renick; a sister, Annie McMillion, of Renick; a half-brother, Delmar Underwood; 49 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the Renick Church of God at Renick by the Rev. Louis McCormick, with burial in the Morningside Cemetery at Renick. Mary L Meeks -v Mrs. Mary Lois Meeks, 76, formerly of Waldorf, Maryland, died Friday, February 19, 1988, at an Elkins care center following a long illness. Born April 4, 1911, ini Pennsylvania, she was the daughter of the late Edgar M. and Louvary Calhoun Smith. Mrs. Meeks was a member ol the United Christian Methodist Church at Landover Hills, Maryland. Surviving her are a daughter, Shirley L. Dumas, of Newport* News, Virginia; two sons, Thomas E. Meeks, of Elkridge, Maryland, and Donald B. Meeks, of Durbin; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale by the Rev. Gene Kerby, with burial in the Stony Bottom Cemetery. .

,',, Mrs. Robert L. Miller fclara H. Miller, 80, died Monday, April 18, 1988, at her home in Marlinton. She was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church and was Past Worthy Matron of Marlinton Eastern Star, Chapter #97. Born at Grafton January 13, 1908, she was the daughter of Luther and Effie Brown Herrington. Her parents, two sisters, and a brother preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband, Robert L. Miller; two daughters, Roberta L. Smith, of Staunton, Virginia, and Judith A. Ramsey, of Marlinton; a son, Robert H. Miller, of Marlinton; six grandchildren; a sister, Nellie Menear, of Fairmont. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert E. Cruikshank, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. T. D. Moore, Sr. Mrs. Mary Ethel Moore, 83, of Rt. 1, Marlinton, (Onoto), died Monday, October 26, 1987, in Denmar Hospital She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Moore was a native of Greenbrier County, born November 1, 1903, the daughter of E. Cj and Elizabeth Jane Nicholas Cochran. Her husband, T. D. Moore, Sr., preceded her in death. Surviving her are a son, Theodore Darius Moore, Jr., of Abingdon, Virginia; five, grandchildren, Theodore D. Moore, III, who made his home with her, | Amy, Stephany, John and Joe: Moore; and a sister, Bertha Gilbert, of North East, Maryland. Graveside services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. by Rev. Richard Newkirk in Mountain ViWi Cemetervi ^

Harry J. Miller Harry J. Miller, 66, of Marlinton and Richmond, Virginia, died Friday, June 3, 1988, in the Medical College of Virginia Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, from complications following heart surgery. • Born April 9, 1922, at Cass, he tw^ the son of the late Harry C< and Mattie Jane Smith Miller. Mr. Miller was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore and was a Navy Veteran of World War II. He was retired. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Jack Miller, and two sisters, Arlene and Maxine. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Hunter McLaughlin Miller; a son, Michael H. Miller, of Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania; a daughter, Kathryn M. Walker, of Nags Head, North Carolina; a sister, Margaret Hogan, of Lynwood, California; and seven grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at the Baxter Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David Bush. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery. Bertha Brackman Mick Mrs. Bertha Brackman Mick, 94, of White Sulphur Springs, died Tuesday,' March 7, 1995, at her residence following a short illness. Born October 21, 1900, at Alvon, she was the daughter of the late George M. and Margaret Waggoner Brackman. Mrs. Mick was a member of Alvon United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband Robert Earl Mick, in 1973. Survivors include daughters, Gladys Tallman, Dorothy Shinaberry and Joyce Mick, all of White Sulphur Springs. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. March 10, in the Chapel of Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs, wiui interment in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg.

George W. Mitcham George W. Mitcham, 74, of Beckley, died April 25, in a Beckley Hospital. He was a retired schoolteacher, a Methodist, and an Army veteran of World War B. Survivors include a son, George W., Jr., of Wilmington, Del.; a brother, the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, of Marlinton; and two sisters, Mrs. Pansey Heater, of Crab Orchard, and Mrs. Lausie Wood, of MacArthur. Services and burial were at Beckley.

Robert T. Meadows Robert Todd Meadows, of Radford, Virginia, died September 10, 1999, in the New River Valley Medical Center after a short illness. He was preceoea in aeatn by his parents, Aubrey C. and Cleo C. Meadows, and a sister, Mary Lou Meadows. He is survived by one brother, Aubrey C. Meadows, Jr., of Tacoma, Washington, one sister, Patricia M. Painter, of Radford; a halfsister, Margaret Barb, of Marlinton; a half-brother, Michael Meadows, of Waynesville, North Carolina A graveside service was held at West View Cemetery on September 13, with the Rev. Donn Sunshine officiating.

Frank B. Mann, Sr. Franklin Benjamin Mann, Sr., 85, of Stony Bottom, died Wednesday, February 10, 1988, in Alleghany Regional Hospital at Low Moor, Virginia, folllowing a long illness. Born April 6, 1902, at Marlinton, he was the son of the late J. O. and Florence Poage Mann. He was a fanner and a member of the Presbyterian Church. His wife, Thelma, and a stepson, Charles Galford, preceded him in death. Surviving him are a son, Frank Mann, Jr., of Stony Bottom; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were held at'2 p. m. Sunday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. John Sullivan, with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Vada P. Money Vada "Polly" Kathleen Money, 57, of Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania, formerly of Espyville, Pennsylvania, died June I 7,1995, at home. She was born at Thornwood September 24, 1937, the daughter of the late James C. and Sallie D. Murphy Teter. She was a teller for Andover Bank for several years and was' a member of Espyville United Methodist Church. Surviving her are a son, Mark James, of Butler, Pennsylvania; sister, Patricia Hawes, of Pennsylvania; and a brother, Capt, Eugene V. Teter, of Alexandria, Virginia. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home at Arbovale, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. John Moore, Sr. Rose Belle Brock Moore was born on Caesar Mountain July 8, 1898, and died July 13, 1988. She was married to the late John Wilson Moore. They had five children: John Moore, Jr., of Hillsboro, Eleanor Galford, of Randallstown, Maryland, Marguerite Stapf and two sons deceased. She had twelve brothers and sisters: Roy Brock of Marlinton, Mary Dean, of Caesar Mountain, Nina Doss, of Indiana, Sue Renfro, of Los Angeles, California, and Ellen, of Morgantown. Carl, Luther, Kitty, Joe, Elmer, Blanche and Wilson are deceased. Six grandchildren also survive. Burial was in Maryland National Memorial Park on Saturday, July 16. Dewey Mullins Dewey Mullins, 85, of 417 19th Street, Dunbar, died October 28, 1988, at home after a long illness. Mr. Mullins «as rearc' from Disk Construction Company. He was in Marlinton a few years in the 1930's on a bridge construction job. His wife, who survives, is Jewel Warwick Mullins, formerly of Marlinton and a school teacher in Marlinton Graded School, the daughter of the late Otis and Annie Warwick. Also surviving are a son, Richard Mullins, of Salem, Virginia; a daughter, JoAnn Lilly,, of Andover, Massachusetts; five grandchildren; and a brother, John, of FJorida. Services were held at 2 p. m Monday at Keller Funeral Home Dunbar, by the Rev. Milan H Johnson. Burial was in Grandview Memorial Park.

Mrs. Bonnie Dell Mace Helen H. May Mrs. Bonnnie Dell Mace, 48, Helen H. May, 94, of Lewisburg, died on November 20, 1997, of Durbin, died Wednesday, July 8, 1987; in Memorial Division of in Beckley following a long illness. CBfciwJSton Area Medical Center She was born at Beard on December 12, 1903, the daughter after a short illness. of Richard and Susie Snedegar. She was a member of Bethel She was a member of the United Methodist Church, Durbin. Lewisburg United Methodist The daughter of Isaac and Mary Church and was a homemaker. Morgan Moore, she was born Survivors include a daughter, Marie Shirey, of Beckley; a son, October 18, 1938, a Durbin. Calvin Richard, of Colorado; 11 Surviving her are her husband, grandchildren and 12 great-grandJulian Mace; sons, Paul A. and children. David L. Mace, both at home; a She was preceded in death by sister, Mrs. Lilly Belle Grimes, of her husband, Dorsey May, and a Green Bank. daughter, Dorothy Johnson. Funeral services were held on Services were held at 2 p. m. November 25 at the Wallace and Saturday at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in LewisWallace Funeral Home at burg with the Revs. Patricia Jarvis Arbovale by the Rev. June Kerby. and Julian Sulgit officiating. Burial was in the Rosewood Cemetery.

Elisabeth Bell Monroe Elisabeth Bell Monroe, 94, o 575 Kidwell Drive Road, Morristown, Tennessee, died Sunday, March 13, 1988, at Morristown Hamblen Hospital. She attended Martha Washington College and General Assembly Training School, now Presbyterian School of Christian Education, and was a member of Morristown First Presbyterian Church. She was married to the Rev. McD. Monroe, who pastored churches at Green Bank in this County, Vass, North Carolina, Collierstown, Saltville and Grundy, Virginia, and Blaine and Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. Surviving her are two sens, James Jefferson Monroe, Fayetteville, and Dougald IvicD. Monroe, Jr., of Lancaster, Kentucky; three sisters, Mrs. Graham Rosenberger, Winchester, Virginia, Mrs, John Duckwall, Albemarle, North Carolina, fed Miss Margaret Wood, Harrisonburg, Virginia; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Morristown j First Presbyterian Church by the I Rev. Ned Hollandsworth. Memorial gifts may be given to Joy Gift, c/o Morristown First Presbyterian Church. Her body was donated to a medical college. Arrangements by Mays 1 Mortuary of Morristown. Luna H. Morgan Luna Margaret Hill Morgan, age 83, of Hillsboro, died Friday, December 12, 1997, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center at Fairka. Mrs. Morgan was born at Lobelia April 10, 1914, the daughter of the late George Forrest Hill and Mary Hallie Morrison Hill Dean. Preceding her in death were her ^ husband, Samuel Aaron Morgan, y her parents, a sister, Nora P. Hill D Kerns, and a grandson. Surviving her are six sons, Samuel Albert Morgan, Alvadore N. Morgan, and Randall G. Morgan, all of Hillsboro, William A. Morgan, of Stafford, Virginia, Arlie H. Morgan and Roger P. Morgan, both of Arbovale; two daughters, Janet V. Morgan Carter, of Washington, D. C , and Marie M. Morgan Tinney, of Frank; fr-neen grandchildren and twelve grtat-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Roy Gwinn. Burial was in Emmanuel Cemetery on Bruffeys Creek.

Genevieve Moore Edward Mutscheller Genevieve Moore, age 97, of Edward Louis Mutscheller, 77, Knapps Creek, died August 7, of North Myrtle Beach, South Car1998, in Liberty House Nursing olina, died August 25, 1998, at Home in Clifton Forge, Virginia. Grand Strand Regional Medical Miss Moore taught school, was Center. a secretary and formerly worked in Born December 6, 1920, in the Pocahontas County Board of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, he was a son of the late Dennis and Marga- Education office, Spencer State Hospital, Alderson Women's ret Reinhardt Mutscheller. Prison, and she served in the He moved to Myrtle Beach in Women's Auxiliary Corps (WAC) 1993 from Newington, Virginia. He was a member of Bricklayers & during World War II. She was a member of the Marlinton Allied Crafts Local 1. He was also Presbyterian Church. a member of American Legion Post 251, and a charter member of PleasThe daughter of Isaac Monroe antview Fire Department, both of Price Moore and Myrta May Herold Beaver Falls. He was a member of Moore, she was born on Knapps Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Creek September 25,1900. Church in North Myrtle Beach and Preceding her in death were two an Army Veteran, having served in sisters, Hollis Guthrie and Doris World War II and the Korean War. Norbury, and two brothers, Andrew Survivors in addition to his Washington Moore and Price Pershing Moore. wife, Louise Montani Mutscheller, include six sons, Edward Services were held at 2 p. m. Mutscheller, of Paris, Kentucky, Monday at VanReenen Funeral Michael Mutscheller, of Chestnut Home by the Rev. Randy Benson. Level, Pennsylvania, William Burial with military honors was in Mutscheller, of Newington, Virgi- the Moore Cemetery on Knapps nia, David Mutscheller, of Alexan- Creek. dria, Virginia, John Mutscheller, of Memorial gifts may be made to Marlinton, and Robert Mutscheller, a charity of choice. of Waynesboro, Virginia; a daughter, Denise Mutscheller, of Newington; a sister, Anna Mutscheller, Thelma L. Murray of Beaver Falls; three grandchildren Thelma L. Murray, age 91, of and a great-grandchild. White Sulphur Springs, died FriA memorial Mass will be cel- day, February 20, 1998, at Pocaebrated at Divine Mercy Church in hontas Continuous Care Center in Beaver Falls - September 5, 10 am. Marlinton, following a long illMemorials may be made to ness. She was born in Frankford, on Beaver Falls Historical Society, Carnegie Free Library, 1301 Sev- June 15, 1906, a daughter of the enth Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010. late William and Rena Alderman Loudermilk. She was a member of Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Mn. LMCJ Moon / \ White Sulphur Springs. She was a Mra. Lucy Bussard Moore, church organist and a Sunday 83, of Dunmore, died Friday, School teacher for many years. She February 20, 1976, at her home was also a member of the American after a short illness. Association for Retired Persons. Born August 8,1892, she was She worked in the dental office of a daughter of the late Perry and the late Dr. C.B. Collins in White Clara Magdalene Bussard, of Sulphur Springs for many years Punmore. Her husband, Harry prior to her retirement. B. Moore, preceded her in death She was preceded in death by in 1957. three husbands, Mike Murray, E. B. She was a member of the Kirkpatrick and Burtis Murray; a Brethren Church. Mrs. Moore brother, Melvin Loudermilk; and a sister, Loy Virginia Remley. w as a native of Dunmore. is survived by a son, DonSurviving; son, Delbert ald She W. Murray Sr., of White Moore, of Dunmore: daughters, Sulphur Springs; a daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Leah Loudermilk, of Max- Jo Ann Johnson, of Columbus, welton, and Mrs. Dewey Gal- Ohio; five grandchildren and five ford, of Dunmore; a sister, Mrs. great-grandchildren. Clara Ware, of Marlinton; six Services were Tuesday at grandchildren and 10 great' Shanklin Funeral Home Chapel by grandchildren. the Reverend Ray Conrad with Services were held Monday burial in Hillcrest Cemetery. afternoon in New Hope Breth-" Memorial donations may be ren Church with the Rev. Da- made to the Emmanuel United vid Rittenhouse officiating. Methodist Church Renovation Burial was in the Arbovale Fund, 25 Tressell St., White ^Cemetery. _ Sulphur Springs, WV.

Meade Jackson Moore Meade Jackson "Jack" Moore, age 80, of Daytona Beach, Florida, died Thursday, April 23, 1998, at Volusia Flagler Hospice in Port Orange, Florida, after a long illness. Mr. Moore was retired as a C&M Supervisor on the Monongahela National Forest at the Gauley Ranger District, Richwood. He had served 36 years with the Forest Service before his retirement in 1973. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He served in the Army in World War II and was a member of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons #65, Huntersville, and Beni Kedem Shrine, Charleston. Born at Huntersville February 20, 1918, he was the son of Elihu H. and Lola Kate McElwee Moore. His parents, a sister, Veda Moore Kershner, and two brothers, Ralph and Julian Moore, preceded him in death. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Ruth Rose Moore, and a brother, Col. Robert Moore, (Ret.), of Melbourne, Florida. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Randy Benson. Burial with Masonic rites was in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Volusia Flagler Hospice, Port Orange, Florida 32129. Charles D. Mapes Charles Dale Mapes, 69, of Nutter Fort, died Sunday, December 21, 1997, following an extended illness. He was born June 2, 1928, in Harrison County, a son of the late Charles and Nancy Wright Mapes. Surviving are his wife, Wanda Williams Mapes; two sons, Charles William Mapes, Harrisonville, and Theodore Dale Mapes, Florence, South Carolina; one daughter, Grenda Sue Hawk, Charleston; one brother, Gene Mapes, Concord California; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by four brouiers, Harry, John, William and Dennis Mapes, and one sister, Virginia Nelson. Mr. Mapes was a member of Vincent Memorial United Methodist Church, American Legion Post 13, and was an associate member of the West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees. He was a veteran of the U. S. Army during the Korean Conflict Funeral services were held in the Greathouse Funeral Home, Nutter Fort Chapel with burial in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens of Quiet Dell. The Mapes are former residents of Pocahontas County.

Hugh B. Moore Hugh B. Moore, age 87, of Marlinton, died September 23, 1998. He was born in Huntersville, on June 17, 1911, the son of the late Wm. Peyton Moore and Maude E. Jordan. During his career, he was a school teacher in Pocahontas County, a mail carrier, served in the Atlantic and Pacific War Zones during World War II, and was a funeral director in Beckley until his retirement in 1981. After retirement he poved to Ruckman Run with his wife, Margaret Ruckman Moore. He was a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church, a member of O.E.S. Chapter 97 of Huntersville and also a member of the Masons and Shriners. He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister, Reta Fenwick, and three brothers, Wm. Moore, Jack Moore, and Lynn Moore. He is survived by his wife, one - on, Charles E. Saffel, of Ruckman Run, Marlinton; daughter, Mary S. Hollabaugh, of Forestville, Maryland; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, at 2 p.m. at Marlinton United Methodist Church by Earl Michael and Rev. Dennis Mehaffie. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Marlinton United Methodist Church Kitchen J fund. Robert C. Magnuson Robert C. Magnuson, age 39, of Randallstown, Maryland, formerly of Charleston, died February 6, 1998, in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after a short illness. He was an administrative officer with the Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Administration of Maryland, a graduate of West Virginia University and he received his master's degree from the University of Colorado. Surviving are his mother, Eleanor C. Glaser, of Palm Springs, California; his father, Robert E. Magnuson, of Snowshoe; and a sister, Ann Magnuson, of Los Angeles, California. A memoriaT service will be held at a later date. The family asks that contributions be made to the Robert Carson Magnuson Fund, c/o Friends of Manassas National Battlefield Park, 12521 Lee Highway, Manassas, Virginia 20109 Lee Highway, Manassas, Virginia 20109.

Barbara Benge Morris Barbara Jean Waddell Benge Morris, age 56, of Hillsboro, died Thursday, October 15, 1998, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Morris was a seamstress and cook Born at Roaring River, North Carolina, on December 31, 1941, she was the daughter of Jessie Jane Poplin Waddell and the late William Grant Waddell. Her husband, Clyde R. Benge, is deceased. Surviving her are her mother, of Roaring River; two daughters, Rosalie Morris and Beth Auldridge, both of Hillsboro; a sister, Mary Elizabeth Pardue, of Lexington, North Carolina; two brothers, James Carlton Waddell, of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, and William Burton Waddell, of Sumter, South Carolina; and three grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at White Plains Baptist Church, Roaring River, by the Rev. Carlton Waddell, the Rev. John Foster, and me Rev. Jerry Gentry. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.

Ruth L. Marshall A memorial service will be held at Mingo Presbyterian Church Sunday, October 4, at 2:30 p.m., by Rev. Tom Jackson for Ruth L. Marshall. A reception will follow in the church Sunday School Room. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Mingo Cemetery Fund, in care of Josephine Sharp, Valley Head, WV 26294, or Mingo Presbyterian Church, in care of Rosemary Swecker, Valley Head, WV 26294.

Lydia M. Metts Lydia Marie Metts, 68, of Dayton, Ohio, died October 30, 1998, at die Hospice of Dayton. Formerly of Marlinton, she was the daughter of John and Edna Mapes. She was retired for several years as a certified dietary manager for me State of Ohio. Survivors include one sister, Fran Mapes, of California; one brother, Warren Mapes, of Washinton; two daughters, Carol McMillion, of Hillsboro, and Belinda Brotherton, of Medway, Ohio; five grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Her husband, Blake Metts, preceded her in death.


Fa ye O. Marsh


Faye O. Marsh, 67, of 327 First St., Webster Springs and formerly of Savannah Ga., and South Lyon, Mich., died Thursday, Dec. 31,1998, in Morgan Manor at Morgantown following a brief illness. Mrs. Marsh was born Sept. 15, 1931, at Webster Springs, a daughter of the late Orlando Gregory and Louvia O'Dell. She married Clifford Marsh who preceded her in death. Surviving are three daughters, Diana Gillespie and Alice Hamrick, both of Valley Head, and Sarah Holcomb, Bradenton, Fla.; a son, Lawrence Albert Marsh, Fruitland Park, Fla.; a brother, Harmon Gregory, Savannah, Ga.; and eight grandchildren, Elizabeth Marie Gillespie, EmHy Louella Gillespie, Clifford Justin Hamrick, Scott Jackson Hamrick, Jeremy B. Holcomb, Samantha Faye Holcomb, Erica Marie Marsh and Larry Jo Marsh. She was also preceded in death by a son, Dana M. Marsh. Mrs. Marsh was a retired bookkeeper and was a 1950 graduate of Webster Springs High School. She was associated with Webster County 4-H Builders, Webster County Senior Citizens and Webster Springs High School Reunion Committee. She attended the First United Methodist Church in Webster Springs.

Marie Deputy Moore Marie Deputy Moore, age 75, of Salisbury, Maryland, died Saturday, November 28, 1998, in Waterview Nursing Home in Salisbury. A secretary, Mrs. Moore was a business college graduate. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. She was born at Dunmore April 4, 1923, the daughter of die late Ward and Mattie McLaughlin Deputy. Also preceding her in deam were two sisters, Ruby Corbett and Mary Gillis, and a brother, John "Buck" Deputy. Survivors are a daughter, Karen Coulbourne, of Ocean City, Maryland, and a son, Charles Moore, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services were held at VanReenen Funeral Home on Tuesday at 11 a. m. by the Rev. Gail Cutlip. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.


Paul Mason

T. J. Mason


Mrs T. J. Mason c3

Mrs Emma Close Mason, daughter Paul Lyman Mason, aged 51 Thomas J. Mason, Itged 80 years, died on Tuesday, August years, died at his home on Wil- j of John and Mary El'zabetb Close 25, 1953, from a heart attack. Ou Hams River Monday morning, \ was born at Oakland, Maryland October 10, 1878 and departed Thursday afternooo his body was Mav 2. 1960, of a heart attack. ! life on Fiiday, November 17, 1939, j laid to rest in the family plot in Mr. Mason established the age sixty-one years, one month, and Mountain View Cemetery with Coca Cola Bottling Company in seven days. Uniting with tbe church iMasonic honors. The service was Marlinton but had retired several early in life she remained faithful to from tbe Methcdiat Church, by years ago and had since lived on che end. She was a memoer of the his pastor. Rev. Don Taylor. his farm. He was a 32nd Degree Home Builders Class and the Ladies Aid Society of the Marlinton MethoTbe deceased wss a son of the Mason. dist Church, and the Woman's Chrislate VV. K. and Rosa Lough Born at St. George, January tian Temperance Ur.iin. MasoD, of Moundsvide. He is 16, 1880, he was the son of the funeral was conduced ',om survived by his wife, Mrs. Cath- late John and Isabelle James Ma- theHer Marlinton Methodist Church on erine (Jiark Mason, and their five son. His wife, Mrs. Emma Close Sunday afternoon by htr pastor Rev. sons, Donald, Brooks, David, Mason, preceded him in death. H. Malcom Sturm. a;s sted by Rev Jimmy and Keliey. Of his faSurviving him are his son, Wal- J. C. Wool, of the Presbyterian ther's family there remains a ter Mason, of Marlinton, and a Church. The pall ber ers were A. H. 'brother, Dr. Wayne E. Mason,; daughter, Mrs. Mary Zangnlli, McJ"er.rin, FrejdJieJiauf, Henry Kin*:. of McKeesport, Pennsylvania. i of Vienna, Virginia; four grand- Robert Gay, Harry Lang and Charlie Mr. Mason was a graduate of children; and two sisters, Mrs. Camper. Surviving Mrs. Mason are her husWest Virginia University. He' Agnes Rexroad of Moorefield, was a musician of unusual talent and Mrs. Margaret Hebb of Par- band, T. J. Mason; a son. Walter; and a daughter, Mary; four sisters: Mrs and traiuirg. Until his health i sons. George Weiltng, Oakland, Maryland; failed he was with the nationally Mrs. R P. Widmejer and Mrs. C. V celebrated Tommy Dorsey orches-j Funeral services were held at Widmeyer, Berkeley Springs; Mrs j Smith's Funeral Home on WedIra: also a member of the Nation {1 : W. L Davis, Mulinton, and one al Broadcasting Musical Staff. He nesday afternoon by the Rev. brother, William Close, of Berkeley was a former music instructor at Herbert Pennington, Jr., and the Springs. Hinton High School. Of late Itev. Fred Oxendale, with burial Hers was a life of usefulness, bringing j iy to many by tier acts of kind jears Mr. Mason had been a busi- in Mountain View Cemetery. ness. As a friend and Reightx ness man in Marliutou, and tbe had few tquals. She was a grea v past year, executive secretary of er-of fljwers >,nd generoudy SJ Mrs. Retta Miller >he Pocibontas County Ft>ir. Mrs. Retta Gladwell Miller. ,her fl >.vers with rich and po^r, 85, of Hillsboro, died Tuesday 'and well. Mrs Ciftsrine Clark Mason "She stretcheth out her hand to April 20,1976, in the MemoriMrs. Catherine Clark Mason • al Division of Charleston Are a !the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her to the needy. She looketh wel: formerly of Marlfnton, died on Medical Center after a short hands to the ways of her household and Friday, August ,££LI9_S3, in a illness. i eatetb not the bread of idleness New York hospital. She was a member of Oak 'Favour is deceitful, ani beauty is Grove Presbyterian Church of vain: but a womai! that feareth tin She was the daughter of the Lord, she shall be praised 'Ji.e ber Hillsboro. late Wilbur and Lucy Moore of the fruit of her hands; ancLlet hei Born near Hillsboro on March own works praise her in the* gates." Clark. 5. X891,she was the daughter Proverbs .'i! She was preceded in death of Davin Andrew and Sophia by her husband, Paul L. Mason Clementine McClure Gladwell. Survivors include five sons, Htr husband, Winters A. Miller Donald and Keliey Mason, of died in 1938. Two children, California; Brooks and Jimmy Alfred and Harriet Lou, two Mason, of Pennsylvania, and sisters, Lena Barnes, Maysie KILLED BY HORSE David Mason, of Hinton; one Smith, and two brothers, Mott brother, George Clark, of CaliBruce Morrison, aged four yean Gladwell and Lynn Gladwell, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morfornia. preceded her in death. rison, of Lobelia, was kicked in the Funeral services and burial head by a horse on last Friday He were in New York on Friday, Surviving: daughters, Mrs. passed away Sunday morning,' OctoSeptember 6. Marilyn Miller, of Charleston, ber 9, L932, never having regained Mrs. Virginia Smiley, of Stow, ! consciousness. Jacob D. Mace Ohio, Mrs. Anita Mallow, I t is not known how it happened as Jacob D. Mace, retired post- of Marlinton; sons, Billy, of the little boy was found lying near master, merchant and farmer, Gauley Bridge, Jack, L., of the home, with a stick grasped in his died at his home at Mace, Satur- Charleston; sister, Mrs. Anita little hand. If is presumed he struck Motteshead, of Charleston; a horse which was grazing near. Burday morning, February 21, 1959 at the McNeil graveyard, near after a long illness. Funeral ser- brothers, Arthur L. Gladwell, in! Buckeye, on Monday atternoon, the vices were held at Mace on Tues- of Lewisburg, and Ray; seven service being conducted by Rev T grandchildren. day afternoon H. Taylor. Funeral services will be 1 p. Bruce was a particularly bright and m. Friday in Oak Grove Pres- !promising boy, Great sympathy is elt for the bereaved parents. byterian Church, Hillsboro, with the Rev. Harold T. Elmore officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at VanReenen Funeral Home.



Eva May Gibson Mace

E v a May Gibson IVfiice, ageH 44 y e a r s , died Thursday J a n u a r y 9, 1947. at one p. in., iu the M e m o r ial General Hospital, Elkins. (^,v Mrs. Mace was born near Marl i n t o n , May 28, 1902, a d a u g h t e r of the late J a c o b A. and Mollie K r a m e r Gibson. iShe is survived by two sons, Arlie William and Nor'val G e n e . M a c e , and two daug h t e r s , J o s e p h i n e and Mrs. bJdythe Hess, all of Kaltimore, M a r y land; four b r o t h e r s , Philip J . , Mux and W i n s t o n G i b s o n , of M a r l i n t o n , and Price Gibson, of| Coving-ton, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Merle Meeks, of Elkins, and Mrs. Pollie Reed, of Marlinton.) Brief funeral services were con I dufted S.unday m o r n i n g a t 10:00 o'clock from the R u n n e r F u n e r a l Chapel by D. E d w i n Fletcher. F u r t h e r services were held a t one o'clock from the M a r y ' s C h a p e l C h u r c h with i n t e r m e n t in t h e GibfDn C e m e t e r y . Pallbearers were Vco H a n n a h , Raymond Townsend, Kent Hannah, Clyde Beverage, J a m e s H a n nah and P a r k e r Gibson, Flower girls were A n n a b e l s B e v e r a g e , M y r t l e Malcomb, Eleanor J e a n Gibson, E v e l e n e H a n n a h , Vivian Gibson, J o A n n R i t k e t t , W i l m a Gibson and W a n d a Sue Gibson. Tb 'd was I by t h e G a i n e r Taxi Service in Elkins before her illness.

Luwesvi'lp, Va May 20—Mrs J •ob A Mace, a>,ed fifty years, die. ii her home at Montebello, Tu ;sda\ .Ight at 10:50 o'clock Before mar iageshe was Miss Minnie Florence Kelly, daughter of the late P. C. and bucy Rogers Kelly of Hunte sville, V. Va. The made her home ut Dun uore until about a year ago when he came to Montebello to live. In addition to her husband, she is urvived by the following children: lerberr, Robert, Howard, Neal and lay Mace and Mrs G. H Lipscomb, f Vontebello; Mis iidlen Fertig, Mrs •',. F Moore and Mrs John Sharp o< iiunmore, W. V a : J . C . Mace, For. •Teade, M ryland; three sifters alsi urvive, MrsG W. Taylor, Dunmoe 1 rs II A. Shinaberry and Mrs R b •. ider, and one brother, Glay.o \i-lly, of Iiuntersulle. The body was taken by hearse t< Wesley Chapel, M E, Church, South D mmore, W. V a , on Tbarsdaj 1'lie funeral was conduct d by tin uastor. Rev R B. Moore ai-sisted b.< lev D. M. McGrady, of Monte elli Biptist chu cl . The pallbearer.vert: Thorp Kelly, Pinkney D .yle. Gr.iver Taylor, Ward Kelly, Charli I Taylor and .lune Guillford. The fl)« ' >r o^arers were friends of the famil; Burial was in the church yar 1. II

. Proves Fatal Robert Mace n RoLart Mace, il, of Clo'vjick, v. died in a slate fall early Thursday morn-j ing, March 12, 1959, at Mine No. j 15 of the Maust Coal and Coke! Co. at Sharp's Knob, about 18 miles from Marlinton. Injured by the same piece of slate was Jack Lanham, 34, of Campbelltown, who suffered a broken leg and possibly a broken pelvis. He has been reported in a satisfactory condition in the Pocahontas M e m o r i al' Hospital here. The accident occurred at 3:15 a.m. during the midnight to 8 a.m. shift. The rescue squad o the Marlinton Fire Company went to the scene about 4:45 a.m. Dr. R. R. Pittman accompanied Dale Curry and Kennet Faulknier, squad members. Mr. Mace was born at Stony Bottom February 17, 1925. He is survived by his parents, I igon and Bess Mace of Stony Bottom; his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Meeks Mace; four children, Elizabeth, eight, Wanda, six, Barbara, three, and John Robert, Jr., one-monthold, six brothers, Clyde of Clover Lick, George of MUl Creek, Luther of Omaha, Neb., Lewis of Buckhannon, Julian of Durbin, and Dale, at home; and seven sisters, Mrs. Daisy Hayslett of Marlinton, Mrs. Susie Ramsey of Lewisburg, Mrs. G o 1 d i e Armstrong and Mrs. Betty Armstrong, b o t h of Buckeye, Mrs. Annie Bowers of Clover Lick, Mrs. Mary Grace Hanna of Asbury and Mrs. Evelyn Turner of Cass, Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon in the Stony I Bottom Presbyterian Church br :the Rev. "Tliillip Newell. Bur' was in the Stony Bottom C'

Jerry W. Mace, Jr.

Services were held Friday afternoon for three year old Jerry W. Mace, Jr., of 752 Orvilla Road, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, who died Tuesday, October 2,1979, in North Penn Hospital, Lansdale, Pennsylvania, after being struck by a car near his home. He was the son of Sandra L. Brobst Duerr of Orvilla Road, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and Jerry W. Mace, Sr., of Marlinton. Surviving in addition to his parents, are his stepfather, David I. Duerr, of Hatfield, a step brother, Michael David Duerr, at home; the maternal grandparents, Frank and Katharine Brobst, of Sellersville, Pennsylvania; the paternal grandparents are Albert and Kathleen Mace, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Bessie Mace

Mrs. Bessie C. Mace, 78, ofAsbury, died Friday, April 18, 1975, in Greenbrier Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a native of Marlinton. Surviving sons, Luther, of Omaha, Nebraska, Clyde, of Weirton, George, of Marlinton, Julian of Durbin, Lewis, of Ripley, Dale, of Cass, daughters, Mrs. Daisey Hayslett, of Marlinton, Mrs. Susau Wade, of Frankford, Mrs. Goidie Arm strong and Mrs. Betty Armstrong, of Buckeye, Mrs. Annie Bowers, of Richwood, Mrs. Mary Hanna, of Asbury, Mrs. Evelyn Turner, of Stony Bottom, brothers, Harry and Earl Cain, of Stony Bottom, a sister Mrs. Kate Wallace, Manassas, Virginia; 40 grandchildren; 25 grea t- grandchi Idren. Services were held Sunday afternoon in Alexander Memorial Presbyterian Church at Stony Bottom with the Rev. Thomas Henderson officiating. Burial was in Stony Bottom Cemetery. Ligon George Mace Ligon George Mace, of Holcomb, aged 73, died Thursday, May 16, 1963, in a Montgomery hospital after a long illne3s He was a retired timberman He was born at Mace, July 21. 1890, a son of the late William and Madaline Mace. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bessie Mace; six sons, Luther, of Omaha, Nebraska, Clyde, of Clover Lick, George, of Mill Creek, Julian, of Durbin, Lewis, of Ridgely, and Dale, of Holcomb; seven daughters, Mrs. Daisy Hayslett, of Marlinton; Mrs. Susie Ramsey, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Goidie Armstrong and Mrs. Betty Armstrong, both of Buckeye; I Mrs. Annie Bowers, of Holcomb, Mrs. Mary Hanna, of White Sulphur Springs, and .Mrs. Evelyn Turner, of Cass; I three brothers, Truman, of Marlinton, Luther, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Henry, of Norton; tbirty-one grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.


Miliar Charles "Chuck" Wilson Miller, 32, died Saturday, December 11, 1982. Born February 21, 1960, at Marlinton, he was a son of John W. and Naomi R. Miller, of Marlintofjt^--yvtjg^ Mr. MHleT WW a sawmill employee and a member of the Methodist Church. Other survivors include his wife, Sandra Jean Hickman Miller; a son, Charles E. Miller, at home; three brothers, Tempest Miller, Wilburn Miller and John Delmas Miller- three sisters, Hester Jordan, Frances Miller, Charlotte Shaw, all of Marlinton. Services were held Tuesday, at, 2 p. m., in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham officiating. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery near Marlinton. John Miliar John Daniel Miller, aged 87. died Wednesday, September 9 ; 1959, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was a member of the Biptist Church. Born at Falling Waters, in Berkeley County April 24, 1872, he was a son of Benjamin T. and Katherine Miller. Mr. Miller is survived by his wife, Mrs. Laura Miller; a sister, Mrs. W. J. Miller,' of Martinsburg; four sons. Ben F. Miller, of Baltimore, Maryland; John E. Miller and Feldman Miller, of Martinsburg, and James Miller, of Buckeye; and a daughter, Mrs. Warren Reed, Randalltowr, Maryland. Funeral services were held at the Buckeye Presbyterian Church by the Rev. R. S. Pinrh with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. THOMAS N. MILLER Thomas Nelson Miller, •< died at his home in Dui. Sunday, October 21, after a . illness. He is survived by » •wife, Mrs. Goldic Ryder Miller; six daughters, Mrs. Eula Malpass, of Florida, M r s . Alberta Fertig, of Frost, and the Misses Hilda, Jane, Carol, and Phyllis, of Dunmore; five sons, Hubert, of Durbin, Robert, with the U. S. Army, and Howard, Jimmy and Carl Miller, of Dunmore; three sisters. Mrn. Nannie Gamber, of Gre«n F-rk. Md., Mrs. Lilly Gladwell, of Fairlea, and Mrs. Edith Wright, of G r e e n Bank; five brothers, Henry Miller, of Marlinton, Cleveland Miller, of Hillsboro, Harry Miller, of Dunmore, Codie Miller, of

Mrs. Alien J. Miller i ^ Mrs. Ann B. Miller, 61, of Sugar Camp Run, Route 2, Shinnston, died Sunday, September 11,1977, at West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown. She was born February 10, 1916, at Hillsboro, a daughter of the late Josiah Paul and Grace Kennison Beard. Surviving are her husband, Allen J. Miller; two sons, Robert McMillion, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Daniel McMillion, Rt. 2, Shinnston; three sisters, Mrs. John (Lucille) Price, Sylvester, Mrs. Ernest (Ethel) Wallace, Oak Hill, Mrs. Guy (Nancy) Cooper, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; one brother, Paul Beard, Fairfax, Virginia; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. One brother and one sister preceded her in death. Mrs. Miller was a member of the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church and Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 1031, Shinna. ton.

Mrs. Florence Ella Miller Florence Ella Bumgardner Miller. 58, of Charleston, died Tuesday, July 6,1982, at home after an extended illness. She was born September 11, 1923, at Stony Bottom, a daughter of the late I. B. Bumgardner, Sr. and Irvie Moore Bumgardner. She was preceded in death by a brother I. B. Bumgardner, Jr. She waB a secretary for the Charleston HouaiHg Authority, graduate of Marlinton High School and a member of the Marlinton United Methodist Church. Survivors are her husband, Albert L. Miller, Charleston; daughter, Sandi Hinds England, of Oak Hill, and a brother, Kenneth R. Bumgardner, of Tampa, Florida, and a granddaughter, Stacey Michele England. Services were held Friday at 2 p. mH in VanReenen Funeral Home with Rev. Robert Cruiksbank officiating and burial in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton..

Robert B. Wilier William L. Miller Robert B. Miller, son of Mr. Services were held Tuesday, and M r s J. R. Miller, ivai bon> in VanReenen Funeral Home March 8, J8o3. He departed tfeU Chapel for William Louis U fe on Wednesday, April '21. Miller, 71, of Willowick, Ohio, 1948; at the Parsons hospital. He a former railroad engineer. is survived by two daughter*. He died Friday, February Mrs. Lula Irvine, of Marlinton. 18, 1982, at Euclid General and Mrs. Rosa Tacy, of O.vss. and! Hospital in Euclid, Ohio, of a 'wo sons, J. Robe;t Miller, o Milton, Indiana, and Brown massive stroke. Miller, of Frost. He is also sur Mr. Miller was born June 9, vived by twenty-two grandchild1911, in Mansfield, Ohio, and ren and a host of other relative* lived in Willowick, Ohio, and friends. twenty years. He also lived in Funeral services were conducted Cleveland for 28 years. He was in Pocahontas County by Rev. J. W. I'.oiliday at the with the Civilian Conservation Smith Funeral Home on Friday, with interment in the Ruckmai: CoTps in the 1930's. Cemetery at Frost. Mr. Miller retired in 1976 after 32 years as an engineer Hiss Virginia Milter for Conrail in Cleveland. MissVirginia" 'Miller; agrkl Surviving him are his wife, years, •.U.^iuer of Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Underwood Miller; son. James L., of Painesville, Ohio; .Moral Miller, of ("as , died in tire , sisters, Mary Walttromand University Hospital, at Balti I Kate Allen, both of Michigan, more, Maryland, on Thursday.' Junell.:.:i'.U-2. Her death was! Joan Pekarek, of Maple due to injuries received in an auHeights and Fannie aima, of tomobile accident on April -2, Cleveland; and brother, Frank i'.i-U."Miller, of Mansfield. Fjtneral services were held at Graveside services were held Mingo on Sunday afternoon. Tuesday by Rev. Robert Hig- Virginia is survived by her parginsin Beaver Creek Ceme- ents and the following1 brothers tery. and sisters, Calvin and Gay Milller,.of'Baltimore, Maryland; also by her three half brothers: Jesse Tumblin, of Baltimore, Maryland; John, -of Newport >'e\vs, Virginia; Robert, of Blue Springs, West Virginia, and one sister, Mrs Jesse Doyle, of Blue Springs.


Infant Baby Boy Miller Graveside services for infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Winters Miller, 233 Tod N. W. Avenue, Warren, Ohio, were held at 2:00 p m. Thursday. Miy 8, 1958, at Oakwoii Cemetery The infant died Wednesday morning in St. Joseph's Hospital, six hours after birth. Surviving are: the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winters Miller, Warren, Ohio, two sisters; Patricia Ann and Linda Carol, at home, the maternal grandfather. William Jackson, of. Marlinton, the maternal g-eat grandmothers; Mrs. James Doss, of Bea^d, and Mrs. Ella Jackson, of Renick, and a number of uncles, and aunts and ; cousins. The Rev. Edward J. Eichenberger official and burial was made in th° f .mily plot in Oakwood Cemetery. Brown Miller

Brown Miller, 80, of Huntersville, died Monday, March 15, 1971, in the Veterans Hospital at Beckley after a long illness. Born at Huntersville, February 18, 1891, he was a farmer and a member of the Moose Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Belle Mi'der; three sons, John W., Luke H., and Paul M. Miller, all of Huntersville; two daughters, Mrs. Betty Jane Willet, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Miss Pearl Mae Miller, of Charleston; and one brother, Ranson Miller, of Huntersville. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel in Marlinton by the Rev David Rittenhouse, with burial in the Dilley Cemetery near Huntersville. Senilis Russell Milter

Douglas Russell Miller, 18, died Saturday, January 19, i!980, as a result of an auto accident. Born June 13,1961, in Warren, Ohio, he was the son of Winters R. and Betty Jackson Miller, formerly of Marlinton. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Patricia Roberts and Mrs. Linda Stantial; one brother, Jeffrey L. Miller, at home, all of Southington, Ohio; grandfather, W. E. Jackson, of BuckI eye; two nephews, J. A. Roberts and Timmy Stantial, and one niece, Heather Roberts, \ also of Southington, Ohio.

Charlie Myers

Charlie Myers, 84, of Green Bank, died Thursday, August 8,1974, in an Elkin's Convalescent Home after an extended illness. Born August 17, 1889, at Meyersdale, Pennsylvania, he came to Pocahontas as a young lad. He was a pioneer woodsman, employee of Howes leather Company and a retired farmer, Mr. Myers was a member of the Durbin Church of the "Brethren, where he served his church faithfully. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Sadie Wilfong, 1961, second wife, Viola Winter, 1968, and a son, Jessie L. Myers, in 1965. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Anna Lou Orndorff, of Green Bank, three sons, Earl W. Myers, of Andover, Ohio, Harvey C. Myers, of Durbin, and Robert M. Myers, of Madison, Ohio, one sister, Mrs. Mary B. Gordon, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, 15 grandchildren and 21 greatgrandchildren. The funeral services were held at 2:00 p. m., Saturday in the Durbin Church of the Brethren with Rev. David Rittenhouse and Rev. Virgil Cover officiating. Burial was in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Jessie Lee Myers Jessie Lee Myers, 41 year [old truck contractor, of Valley ; Bend, suffered severe internal injuries Thursday, June 10, when a giant log rolled over ,1 him, and died Tuesday, June 15, 1965, at the West Virginia University Medical Center in Morgantown. He had resided in the Elkins area for fifteen years. Born June 17, 1924. at Boyer, be was a son of Charlie Myers, of Durbin, and the late Sadie Wilfong Myers. During World War II he served with the United States Army in the European Theatre of War. Survivors are his wife, the former Mary Lou Cosner; one son, Darryl Lee, age 13, and one daughter, Danielle, 18, both at home; three brothers, Earl W. Myers, of Andover, Ohio, Harvey C. Myers, of Durbin, and Robert M. Myers, of Madison, Ohio; one sister, Anna Lou Orndorff, of Green Bank. Services were held Friday, June 18, at 2:00 P. M., at the John W. Lohr Funeral Chapel in Elkins. Interment was in Mountain State Memorial Gardens at Elkins.

• Mrs. Sadie W. Myers

Melvin B. Myers

Melvin B. Myers, 62, of Slatyfork, died Sunday, Septenv ber 16,1979, from injuries received in an auto accident on Route 219, near Dailey. He was a retired coal miner and a member of the Baptist Church. Born at Mt. Lookout June, 20, 1917, he was the son of the late Adam and Betty Kincaid Myers. Surviving are his wife, Della Thomas Myers; a daughter> Mrs. Linda Browning, of Piney View; brothers, Elvin, of Cleveland, Ohio, William, of Victor, Estil, of Henderson, Kentucky; Bisters, Mrs. Nina Boggus, of Nashville, Tennessee, Mrs. Sarah Robinson, of Slatyfork, Miss Virgie Myers, of Victor; four grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Mt. Lookout. Burial was in Mount Lookout Cemetery.


Mrs. Sadie W. Myers, age 71, died at her home at Boyer, on Sunday, December 17,1961. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren at Boyer. Survivors include her husband, Charlie Myers, of Boyer; a daughter, Mrs. Ray Orndorff, of Green Bank; four sons, Earl W. Myers, of Andover, Ohio; Harvey C. Myers, of Durbin; Robert M. Myers, of Madison, Ohio, and Jessie L Myers, of Valley Bend; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hedrick, of Tbcmwood. and Mrs. Jetty Welch, of Elkins; two brothers, Monroe Wilfong, of Boyer, and Kenton Wilfong, of Newport, Kentucky; fifteen grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon ir Boyer Church with the Rev, Ira Petre, the Rev. J. E. Fairturn, and the Rev John A Helms incha-ge. Barial was in Arbovale Cemetery.


Harry S. Moore Harry S. Moore, aged 68 years, died at the home of a son, Delbert 1 Moore, of Dunmore, o 1 Sund ay i afternoon, Jsnurry 13, 19S7. He was attending a family reunion, and suffered a heart attack. On Tuesday afternoon the funeral was held from the New Hope Methodist Church by Rev. J. W. Pugh. Interment was in the Arbovale Cemetery. Born at Dunmore, February 23, 1888, he was the son of the i late Joseph and Mary Buzzard ' Moore. Survivors include his widow, i Sally Moore; two brothers, T. D.,! of Knapps Creek and Ernest, of Frost; three sisters, Mrs. John Kelley, of Frost; Mrs. Bertha Fertig, of Browns Creek and Mrs. G. M. Sharp, of Knapps Creek; one son, Delbert, of Dunmore; and two daughters, Mrs. Lila Loudermilk, of Frankford; and Mrs. Madge Gal ford, of Dunmore.

Mrs. H. M. Moore

Mrs. Cora Jones Moore,, aged 82 years, wife of H. M. Moore, died at ber home at Dunmore on Friday, march 31, 1950. Burial on Sunday afternoon in the family plot in Dunmore cemetery. The service was held from the methodiat church by her pastor, Rev. Quade R. Arbogast. The deceased is survived by her husband and three children, Mrs. Jamie Campbell, Mrs. Winfred McElwee and Nrs. Ray Gum. Also, by nine grand-children and three great grand-children. This would have marked the 59th year of her marriage The deceased was a daughter of the late Dr. Harrison H. and Minnie Eagle Jones. She was reared in Highland county. Of Her father's family there remain her two sister9, Mrs. M. E. Hansel of Idaho, and Mrs. E l m e r Moore. ID religion, the deceased was a life long Christian, a Member of Miss Loretta Moore the Methodist church. Ever acMiss Mary Loretta Moore, tive in Church work, she was aged 89, died Saturday. Sep- president of the Womans Society tember 29, 1962, in an Elkins of the Dunmore church since its organization forty five years ago. nursing home. Born near Marlinton June 26, 1873, she was the daughMiss Wilda Florence Moore ter of the late George Claiborne Miss Wilda Florence Moore and Rachel Duncan Moore. Three brothers, T. D. Moore, daughter, of William Nelson and Adam Harper Moore, and Geo- Mattie Sharp Moore, was born rge Henry Moore, and two at Beaver Dam, May 1,1881 and sisters, Mrs. Ava Jane Barlow passed away Sunday,. May 13, and Mrs. Martha Catherine 1956. She leaves to mourn her Curry, preceded her in death. loss three sisters and four half brothers. Her sisters are Mrs. Surviving her is her sister, Lena McKenney, Mary Olive Mrs. Flora Jordan, of Marlin- Moore, and Amelia Ruth Moore. ton and a number of nieces and Her half brothers are Robert, nephews. Jess, Rev. Price., and Ted R.{ Funeral services were held Moore One brother, one sister Monday afternoon at tt e and a half sister preceded her in West Union Church by the death. Rev. James Shank with burial She was orphaned at an early in the Cochran Cemetery. age and finally found refuge in the home of Rev, George P. Moore. After his death she Mrs. Viola Moore moved to Independence, Missouri, Mrs. Viola Moore, 69, of to make a home for her sister, Durbin, died Friday, October Amy, who wa sprincipal of schools. 11,1975, in a Weston hospital She was a faithful member of the after a long illness. Methodist Church'. She was a lifelong resident Her body was laid to rest near of Pocahontas County and was some of her relatives, in the a life member of the United Odessa Cemetery. Methodist Church. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Vere Bly Tracy, of Boyer Funeral services were held Monday at the Bethel United. Methodist Caurch on Back Mountain near Durbin by the Rev. Billie Helmick, with burial in the Gum Cemetery.


G. Warren Moore / / £ George Warren Moore, 71, of Marlinton, died Sunday, October 5, 1975, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a member of Marlinton Presbyterian Church. He was a former employee of International Shoe Company. Mr. Moore was born at Stony Bottom, June 6, 1904, the son of the late George Preston and MaggieTacy Moore; he was also preceded in death by a brother, Arnold Moore. . Surviving: wife, Mary Alice Miller Moore; sons, Melvin and Vinton Moore, of Marlinton; daughters, Mrs. Juanita McLaughlin, Minnehaha Springs, Mrs. Oleta Dunbrack, and Mrs. Louise Johnson, both of Marlinton, Mrs. Collene Hall, of Hillsboro; a foster daughter, San.-'.y Bevis, of Marlinton, brothers, Asa Moore, of Amherst, Ohio, Edgar Moore, and Earl Moore, both of Marlinton, Granville Moore, of Huntington; sisters, Mrs. Mary Jackson, Mrs. Woodsie Burgess and Mrs. Lena Weatherholt, all of Marlinton, Mrs. Grace Perrett, of Cleveland, Ohio; 27 grandchildren; nine great-grand children. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home, with the Rev. Richard Newkirk, officiating. Burial was in Cochran Cemetery. Clyde Wallace Moore


Clyde Wallace Moore, aged 77, died Friday. November 23, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Death was attributed to cancer. Born at Mill Point, March 29, 1885 he was a son of the late John and Mary E. McNeil Moore. He was a retired carpenter. Preceding him in death were two sons, John Wallace, aged 8, and an infant son. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace Waugh Moore; three sisters, Mrs. Lura Brill and Mrs. Mabel Hudson, both of Marlinton, and Mrs. Marjorie Roberts, of Huntington. Funeral services were cor ducted Monday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church l with the Rev. George McCune and the Rev. Fred Oxendale of Oak Hill, in charge. Burial I was in Mountain View Ceme!tei v.

George Preston Moore George Preston Moore, 91, of Marlinton, died Tuesday, September 7, 1971, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Stony Bottom, August 6, 1880, he was a son of the late Andrew and Allie Wanless Moore. He was a member of the Marlinton Nazarene Church, and was a retired employee of the'State Road. His wife, Mrs. Maggie Moore, preceded him in death. Survivors include five sons, Edgar, Earl, and Warren, Moore, all of Marlinton, Asa Moore, of Amherst, Ohio, and Granville Moore, of Huntington ; four daughters, Mrs. Mary Jackson, of Huntersville, Mrs. Grace Perrette, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Woodsie Burges3 and Mrs. Lena Weatherholt, both of Marlinton, and one brother, John Moore, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Don Wood and the Rev. Sanford Boggs. with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Ressie Moore Mrs. Ressie Hively Moore, 87, died Tuesday, May 13, 1980, in Heartland Nursing Home in Beckley after a long illness. Mrs. Moore was a member )f the Mt. Carmel United Vfethodist Church. Born at Huntersville January 24, 1893, she was the of David H. and Louise itexrode Hively. She was the widow of Grover Moore, who died in 1967. A son, Chesley, also is deceased, as well as three brothers, Walter, Loy, and John, and one sister, Mattie Deputy. Surviving her are three daughters, Mrs. Peggy Matheny, Beckley, Mrs. Anna Gladwell, Staunton, Virginia, and Mrs. Alice Edwards, Detroit, Michigan; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services will be held at the VanReenen Funeral Home on Friday at 11 a. m. with the Rev. Bill Boblett officiating. Burial will be in the Mountain View Cemetery.


Mrs. G. P. Moore Mrs. Maggie Florence Tacy Moore, 85, of Marlinton. died Tuesday, January 20, 1970. in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Cass, August 29, 1884, she was a daughter of i he late George and Caroline Galford Tacy. She was united in marriage to George Preston Moore on January 2, 1901. They celebrated their 69th wedding anniverasry on January 2. 1970 She was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. She was preceded in death by her son, Arnold, her parents, five brothers and two sisters. Survivors include her husband, Preston Moore; five sons, Warren, Edgar,and Earl, alio' Marlinton. Asa, of Amhurst, Ohio, and Granville, of Hunt ington. and four daughters, Mrs. Mary Jackson, of Huntersville, Mrs. Grace Perefte, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Woodsie Burgess and Mrs. Lena Weatherholf, bo*h of Marlinton; 31 grandchildren, 71 great-grandchildrfn and 6 great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church with Rev. Donald Wood and Rev. Willis Cornelius in charge <Mf* h-iriqi in Mountain View Cemetery.

Edward J. Moore Edward J. Moore, Jr., 54, of Elk'ns, and a native of Cass, died January 11, 1969, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Moore was born January 4, 1915, at Cass, a son of the late Edward James Moore, Sr., and Lucy Bell Keyser Moore. He graduated from Green Bank High School, and later attended college in Detroit, Michigan. July 17, 1938, he was married to the former Sara Lee Ralsion, in Monterey, Virginia, who survives, in Elkins. In addition to his wife. Moore is survived by one son, Edward J. Moore, III, serving with the U. S. Army in West Germany; and thrte sisters, Mrs. Myron Ashby, of McLean, Virginia, Mrs. James McG<e, of Newport, Rhode Island, and Mrs. George Lindsay, of Richmond, Virginia. Funeral services were held in the John W. Lohr Funeral Home in Elkins.

Mrs. Grace Moore Sharp, of 'inehurst Farm, Knapp3 Creek, iied suddenly at her home on Saturday, August 17, 1957. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Funeral services were held Tuesday, August 20, at the Frost Methodist Church and graveside rites were held at Mountain View Cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. Quade Arbogast, of Richlands, who was assisted by the Rev. Lowell Legg, of Minnehaha Springs. , Grace Moore Sharp was the daughter of Joseph F. Moore and Mary Susan Moore and was born on July 30, 1893, at Dunmore. Mrs. Sharp was the wife of the 'ate G. M. Sharp, who died in 1955, and they had made their home on Knapps Creek since 1919. To this union one daughter was born, Grace Lucille Sharp, who died in early childhood. Mrs. Sharp is survived by two brothers and three sisters: Pearl Moore, of Huntersville, Emmons Moore, Mrs. Garfield Grimes, Mrs. Joe Fertig and Mrs. Ina Kelly, all of Dunmore; and a host of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Sharp was a teacher and taught school in Pocahontas County for 37 years. She held an A. B. degree from Davis and Elkins College. Mrs. Sharp also had been operating the Pinehurst Farm since the death of her husiband. She was a member of the Frost Methodist Church, the Professional Women's Club of Marlinton, Chapter 97 of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Farm j \vjmen\ Club of Minnehaha ', Springs. -i_iEDWARD C. MOORE Edward C. Moore, 67, died early Saturday morning, March 16, 1957, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital of a heart attaek suffered on March 1. Mr. Moore had worked as a postman for 41 years and was to retire on April 1. He was well known in Marlinton. He was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church and Marlinton Masonic Lodge. Born December 24, 1889, he was the son of Aaron and Susan Moore, of Pocahontas County. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ola Shafer Moore; a brother, Theodore, of Marlinton; two sons, Edward of Montgomery and Thomas of Harrisonburg, Va; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas King (Inez) of Bridgeport; and several grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Marlinton Presbyterian Church a t 2:00 p. m. Monday with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

William riutn Mtitztr William Hugh Mentzer, 73, 8502 Blackberry Avenue, Orlando Florida, died Saturday, January 8, 1977, in Winter Park Hospital. Born in Brunswick, Maryland, April 30,1903, he was the son of the late Charles E. and Mildred Mentzer. He moved to Orlando, Florida twenty five years ago from Martinsburg. He was a member of the United Church of Union Park, Florida. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Vera Gragg Mentzer, daughter, Mrs. Roland (Betty) Racey, Orlando, Florida; sons, Wade W„ Wexford, Pennsylvania; Charles W.. Visalia, California; James W., Orlando, Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Wells, Martinsburg, and Mrs. Mildred Ballard, West Palm Beach, Florida; also seven grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held January 10 at Cox Parker Funeral Home with Rev. Glen B. Tucker officiating with interment in Chapel Hill Cemetery, in Orlando. R. A. Merritt

R. A. Merritt, 81, of Pea Ridge Road, Oak Hill, died Tuesday in a Beckley hospital, r anuary30, 1968. Born at Eagle Rock, Virgina, March 4,1886, a son of the ate William Addison and Virginia Hester Hypes Merritt, he was a retired coal miner, member of Glen Jean Assembly of Clod Church and member of UMWA. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dixie A. Merritt, at home; a sister, Mrs. Mary Waugh, of Marlinton; six daughters, a son, 26 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Services was held in the Thomas Funeral Home Chapel at Oak Hill at 2 p. m. Friday, with burial in Highlawn Memorial Park.


Betty Lou Meeks Betty Lou Meeks, 48, oi Painesville, Ohio, died Thursday, December 29, 1983, in Painesville after suffering from an illness of heart trouble for about a year. Betty was a native of Cass, born May 22, 1935, the daughter of Dorothy and the late Jess Tacy. She was a 1953 graduate of Green Bank High School and a graduate of Martinsburg School of Beauty Culture. She had been a professional beautician and a resident of Painesville for the past 23 years. Her husband, Calvin Keith Meeks, preceded her in death in 1964. Survivors include one daughter, Mary Lou Meeks, at home; her mother, Dorothy Tacy, at Cass; one sister, Carolina Cassell, of Cass; and one brother, Robert Tacy, of Circlevflle, Ohio. Funeral services were held December 31 at 11 a. m. in the Brunner-Nixon Funeral Home in Painesville, with the Rev. Richard R. Henry, Jr., officiating. Burial was in the Painesville Riverside Cemetery. Reese Milks

Mrs. Lewis L. Mews

Mrs. -Myrle Pyles Mews, daughter of Mrs. Mary A. V. Ryder, of Huntersville and the late Joseph pyles, passed away at Silver Springs, Maryland, on October i 21, 1958, after a few months ill- j ness of cancer at the age of fifty years and ten months. She was born January 16, 1908, at Huntersville. %Lc-**!Ls She attendeaschools in Pocahontas County, graduated from Marlinton High School, and received her teaching cercificate from Concord College at Athens. After teaching in Pocahontas County and Maryland she was employed by the Government in the Treasury Department for a. number of years, then was transferred to the Farm Loan Branch where she served until her illness. She is survived by her husband, Lewis L. Mews, of Silver Springs, Maryland; her mother, Mrs. Mary A. V. Pyles Ryder, and step father, George H. Ryder, of Huntersville; three brothers. QJen and Dale Pyles. of Huntersville, and Enoch Pyles, of Marlinton; three sisters, Mrs. Duffie Moore and Mrs. Dewey Burr, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Amy Johnson, of Marlinton; also a number'of nieces and nephews and other relatives, and many friends.

Reese Meeks, 73, of Akron, Her funeral was conducted in Ohio, died February 26, 1979. Silver Springs, Maryland, by her A native of Stony Bottom, and pastor from the First Church of an Akron, Ohio, resident for God in Washington, D. C. In50 years, he was a retired terment was made in the Lincoln Goodrich employee with 36 Memorial Cemetery in Washingyears service. He was a veter- ton. D. C. an of World War II and was a member of Kenmore United Methodist Church, the GoodGrover Cleveland Miller rich 20 Year Club, the GoodGrover Cleveland Miller, rich Local 5 U. R. W. A., the iged 77, of Hillsboro, died on Ohio Sportsman's Club and the Sunday, September 23, 1962, Goodyear Sportsman's Club n the Pocahontas Memorial He is survived by brothers, Hospital. Charles and June, both of AkMr. Miller was born at ron, Ohio, Ollie and Lyle, both Hillsboro October 13, 1884. of Cass, Pearl, of Covington, .he son of the late John W. and Virginia; sister, Mrs. Maude Estaline Sprouse Miller. Geiger, of Beckley. Survivors include his wife. Services were held ThursMrs. Pearl Kincaid Miller; one day, at 1 p. m„ with Rev.
Howard Lee Miner

Howard Lee Miller, 38, of yl arkleysburg, Pennsylvania, died Monday, April 29, 1974, in Oakmont Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after a long illness. He was born October 1.1935 near Dunmsre, the son of Goldie Miller Sharp and the late Thomas H. Miller. He was a member of New Hope Church and a veteran of the U. S. Navy. Survivors include his mother > Goldie Sharp, stepfather, Kyle Sharp, Dunmore; wife, Mary Miller, son, Howard Lee, Jr., daughter, Mary Susan, of Markleysburg, one stepdaughter, Sharon Bowlin; two stepsons, Larry Shaw and Jerry Shaw, all of Uniontown, Pennsylvania; six sisters, Eula Sosebee, Stafford, Virginia, Alberta Moyers, Monterey, Virginia, Carol Ann Smith, Marlinton, Phyllis Earnest, Jane Jones, both of Follensbee, Hilda Sharp, Dunmore, four brothers, Robert Miller, Stafford, Virginia, James Miller, Alexandria, Virginia, Hubert Miller, Appomatox, Virginia, Carl Miller, Brandywine, Maryland, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held May 3, 1974, at 2:00 in Union Chapel by Rev. Ivan Walker. Mrs. Maude Moore Miller Interment was in Mt. WashingMrs. Maude Moore Miller, ton Cemetery. 90, widow of the late Edwin W. Miller, died October 15th, Harry C. Miller 1984, at Clear View Home, Harry Charles Miller, 81, of Hagerstown, Maryland. Mouth of Senega, died MonBorn June 12, 1894, in day, April 16. 1973, in the PoPocahontas County, she was cahontas Memorial Hospital. the daughter of the late C. Rice Born January 8, 1892, at and Lucy Barlow Moore. Hillsboro, he was the son of She was a graduate of Shepthe late John W. and Estaline herd College and taught in Miller. Elkins. She was past regent of He was a member of the William Henshaw D.A.R. and a Presbyterian Church and was member of King's Daughters a retired sawyer. Circle. During World War I He was twice married; his she was a cadet nurse. She was first wire was Mrs. G^raldine a member of the First PresbyFaulknier Miller and his SPCterian Church for more than 50 ond wife, Mrs. Mattie Smith years. Miller; both preceded him in Surviving are two daughters, death. Mrs. James Martin, of MartinsSurvivors include four chilburg, and Mrs. Richard O. dren, Mrs. Margaret Hogan, Steele, of Timberidge, Verof Linwood. California, Mrs. mont; a son, Edwin M. Miller, Arlene M. Sites, of Mouth of Peach Tree City, Georgia; eight Seneca, Harrv Miller, Jr., and grandchildren, two great- • Charles J. Miller, bot'i of Richgrandchildren; and a brother, mond, Virginia; six grandchilClarence B. Moore, of Marlin- : dren and two great-grandchilton. : dren. Memorial services were held ! Funeral services will be held October 17 at Woods Memorial L Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the VanReenen Funeral Chapel, Presbyterian Church, with burial at Garrardstown ' Home Chapel by the Rev. Don Wood, with burial at Cemetery. Hillsboro.

fcrionF. Miller Marion F.Miller, 39, of 1612 25th Street N. W. Canton, Ohio, died Tuesday, January 16, 1962, in Timken Mercy Hospital, after a lingering illness. He was the son of the late Cash R. Miller. He was born January 16, 1922, in Pocahontas County. He was a veteran of World War II, and was employed by Ford Motor Company retiring in November, 1961, due to ill health. He is survived bv his mother, Mrs. Louise Miller, of 4797 Fohl Street S. W.; his wife, Alma; a son, Richard Miller, at home; two sons by a pre1 vious marriage, Douglas Miller, with the Army stationed in France, and Michael Miller, of Whipple, Ohio, four brothers Clyde, Bruce, and Arthur Miller, all of Canton, Ohio, and Harold Miller, of New Philadelphia, and a sister, Agatha, at home. Funeral services were held Thursday at Kreighbaum Funeral Home, with the Rev. Ho| pert Johnson in charge. His body was.-laid to rest in the Sunset Hills Burial Park.

Henry C. Miller

Henry Clinton Miller, age 90, died Thursday, July 8,1971, in the Cabell Hospital at Huntington. Born April 16,1881, he was a son of the late William and Esteline Miller. Mr. Miller was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and lived most of his years at Buckeye. Mr. Miller was first married to Lucy Smith and to this union one son, Charles, was born. Both preceded him in death. In 1914 he married Winona Adkison, who preceded him In death in 1961. Eleven children were born to this union; two of whom are deceased, namely Glen Miller and Miss Mae Miller. The following survivors include two sons, Ross G. Miller, of St. Albans, and Ralph H. Miller, of Charleston; seven daughters. Mrs. Bernice Bailey of Marlinton, Mrs. Ruby McCarty, of Littleton, Colorado, Mrs. Frances Williams, of Institute, Mrs. Kathleen Young, of Hagerstown, Maryland, Mrs. Margaret Bailey, of Grantsville, Miss Dorothy Miller, of Spencer, and Mrs. Jean Groves, of Big Chimney; one brother, Harry Miller, of Macksville; 22 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Summers Miller RONCEVERTE 1RNS1 - Services for Mr. Summers William Miller. 68. will be at 3 p.m. Thursday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home at Lewisburg with the Rev. Alvie Edwards officiating. Burial will be in Riverview Cemetery at Ronceverte. Mr. Miller died at 11:30 p.m. Monday in a Fairlea hospital after a long illness. Born in Hillsboro. June 24. 1909. he was a son of the late George Washington and Blanche Atkinson Miller. Mr Miller was a retired employee of Appalachian Electronics. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Betty Virginia Phillips Miller; four sons. Junior W. of Corpus Christi. Tex.. Paul of St Paris. Ohio. Clyde of Lewisburg and Melvin of Hinton: three daughters. Mrs. Arnold (Dorothvt McClure of Ronceverte, Mrs. Gene (Mildred) Seldomridge of Covington. Va., and Mrs. John (Berry) McCutcheon of Lewisburg; one sister. Mrs. Nettie Phillips of Culpeper. Va.: 19 g r a n d c h i l d r e n and four great • grandchildren Friends may call after noon Wednesday and the familv will receive friends from 7 to •9^30 p.m.

Summers Millar

l/jrlin Miller

Summers Miller, 68, o! Ronceverte, died Monday, June 19,1978. in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illness. Born in Hillsboro, June 24, 1909, he was the son of the late George Washington and Blanche Atkinson Miller. Mr. Miller was a retired employee of Appalachian Electronics. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty Virginia Phillips Miller; four sons, Junior W., of Corpus Christi, Texas, Paul of St. Paris, Ohio, Clyde, of Lewisburg and Melvin, of H in ton: three daughters, Mrs. Arnold (Dorothy) McClure, Ronceverte; Mrs. Gene (Mildred) Seldomridge, of Covington, Virginia, and Mrs. John (Betty) McCutcheon, Lewisburg; one sister, Mrs. Nettie Phillips of Culpeper, Virginia. 19 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Thursday in Memorial Chapel of McCraw Funeral Home at Lewisburg, with the Rev. Alvie Edwards officiating. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery at Ronceverte.

Verlin Clarence (Cricket) Miller, 69, formerly of Low Moor, Virginia, but who had lived at Millboro Springs, Virginia, died suddenly of a heart attack at Warm Springs, Virginia, Saturday, October 28, 1967, where he had been fishing Born at Hillsboro, November 9, 1897, he was a son of the late John a_nd Estaline Sprousa Milier. He was a member of the Central Methodist Church at Clifton Forge, Virginia, and was a retired owner and operator of a filling station at Low Moor. He was preceded in death by ten brothers and sisters. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Ruth C. Miller; one son, Verlin Carl Miller, of Roanoke, Virginia; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Simpson, of Clifton Forge Virginia; four grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Nannie Gamber, of Greenfork, Indiana and two brothers, Harry Miller, of Marlinton, and Henry Miller, of Huntington. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Nicely Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. James C. Murphy, with bursal in the Oak

James A. Miller James A. Miller, 56, of Buckye, died Friday, August 27, 971, at his home after a long lness. Born at Buckeye, August 0, 1915, he was a son of the ate John D. and Laura Rogers vliller. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and had worked with the U. S. Forest Service in Marlinton. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marie Miller, of Buckeye; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Watson, of Waynesboro, Vir ginia; three brothers, Grady Miller, of Salisbury, North Carolina, B.F. Miller, of Baltimore, Maryland, and John E. Miller, of Martinsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Ilean Walton, of Buckeye; Mrs. Warren Reed, of Baltimore, Maryland and Mrs. Leslie Walls, of Roanoke, Virginia, and two grandehilren, Roger Arlin and David lhawn Watson. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Buckl e Presbyterian Church by he Rev. E. Willis Cornelius, vith burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. ^

Edwin W. Miller Edwin W. Miller, 79, former mayor, former sheriff, and for*, mer long-time principal of Martinsburg High School, died Sunday, September 13,1970, in the Winchester Hospital where he had been a heart patient for the past three weeks. Born October 24, 1891 at Gerrardstown, he was a son of the late D. Gold and Mariana McKown Miller. He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church, a veteran of World War I, and a graduate of Shepherd College and the University of Pittsburgh. He was a former district governor of Ki warns Club and was an honorary member of the Martinsburg Rotary Club. In 1920, he was married to the former Miss Maude Moore. Survivors' include his wife, Mrs. Maude Moore Miller; two daughters, Mrs. James M. (Anne) Morten, of Madison, New Jersey, and Mrs. Richard Stile, of Weston, Connecticut; one son, Edwin Moore Miller, of Clear Brook, Virginia; eight grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Paul C. Glasscock, Gerrardstown. Funeral services were conducted from the First Presbyterian Church, with burial in the Gerrardstown Cem?tery. He was a brother-in-law of Clarence Moore, of Marlinton.

Mrs. Laura Miller wm Mrs. Laura Walton Miller, aged 80 years, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, March 31,1964,, Thomas Nelson IHiiler / after a long illness. Thomas Nelson MiMer, aged tf> She was born at Buckeye, years, of Dunmore. died at hi. September 26, 1883, the dau- home on October 20^ghter of the late James A. and 1951, after Saturday, a long illmsi He WH> Mary Galford Rogers. She a farmer. Surviving are his was the last of her family. Her Mrs. Goldie Rider Miller; wife, husband, John D. Miller, two daughters, Mrs. Eula Malpaxs, six of children, Okey Walton and Mrs £lbeita Fertig, if William Miller, and a grsi d- Florida; Frost; and the Miss, s Hilda, Jane. daughter, Sherry Walls Ccr- ' Carol and Phyllis, all at home: man, preceded her in death. rive sons, Hubert, of Durbin: Mrs. Miller was a member Robert, with the United States of the Presbyterian Church. Army, and Howard, Jimmy and Surviving her are two sons, Carl Miller, at home: three sisGradie C. Walton, of Salisbury, ters, Mrs. Nannie Gamber, oi North Carolina, and James A. Greens Fork, Maryland: Mrs. Miller, of Buckeye, three dau- Lilly Glad well, of Fail lea, and ghters, Ilean Walton, of Buck- Mrs Edith Wright, of Greei eye, Mrs Eula Walls, of Si- Bank; five brothers, Henry Mil mon and Mrs. Mary Reed, of ler, of Mailinton; Cleveland MilBaltimore, Maryland, six grand ler, of Hillsboro: Harry Miller, of children and seven great-grand Dunmore; Cody Mil'er, o f . C W i Lick, and Verlin Miller, of Ulif children. ton Forge, Virginia; and eight Services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock graDdcbildren. at the Lower Buckeye Church bervicewill b e a t 2 p. in. Tues by the Rev. Robert Ray. Bur- day at Good Hope Church at ial will be in Mountain View Dunmore, with Rev. Q K. Arbo gast officiating. Burial will be ;'n Cemetery. Brick Church cemetery.

Cody Miller Cody Robert Miller, 68, of Marlinton, died Saturday, July 29, 1967, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born at Hillsboro, April 28, 1899, he was a son of the late John and Estiline Sprouse Miller. He was a retired farmer. Nine brothers and one si ter preceded him in death. Survivors include his wrlc, Mrs. Mamie Miller; one daughter, Mrs. Shirley M. Welder, of Marlinton, two sons, Robert H. and Theodore R. Miller, both of Marlinton, one sister, Mrs, Nannie Gamber, of Greens Fork, Indiana, three brothers, Henry Miller, of Hunt ington, Harry Miller, of Marlinton, and Verlin C- Miller, of Millboro Springs, Virginia. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Fred Walker with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Charles Middleton

Charles Middleton, Sr., was born April H, 1877, and d;ed Saturday, August 1, 1&70, at the age of 93. He was bo n in Virginia but reared in West Virginia and, while a young man, he carried mail from Traveler's Repose to various points. He lived in the Burner settlement near Durbin, farmed and worked in the woods. His wife, Mrs. Rosa Griffin Middleton, died in 1936. He spent the last five and and a half years with his daughter, Lillian Nottingham, in Ohio, then moved with her to live with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Hattie Shultz, in San Antonio, Texas, this past February. In addition to thpsa two, he is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Ernst, of" Warren, Ohio; lour eons, Coy W. and Cecil P. Middleton, of Corry, Pennsvlvania; Robert F. Middleton, of Wattsburg, Pennsylvania; and John A. Middleton, of Elsranada, California; 39 grandchildren, 58 greatgrandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren. Erne and Charles H. are deceased. Funeral services were held in Rayaker Chapel of Prayer with interment in the I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery at San Antonio, Texas.

A. N. Mlerchuk A funeral mass for Alexander N. (Chuck) Mierchuk, 48, 25 Pickeft Street, Hampton, Virginia, who died Wednesday. March 29 1972, was celebrated at 10:00 a. m., Monday, April 3. in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church by the Rev. Robert McEleney. Office of the Dead was recited at 8:00 p m. Sunday in Lawrence B. Wood Funeral Home. Burial was in the Greenlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were members of the Naval Reserve.' A veteran of World War II and the Korean Conflict, he was an employee of Langley Air Force Base and a member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. Survivors include his widow, the former Charlotte Burns, of Hot Springs, Virginia; four daughters, Mildred, Mary Ann, Melissa and Martha Lou; two sons, Michael and Mark, all at home. Also surviving are two half brothers FranK Melesky, of Scarbro, and Anton Mileweski, of Encino, California, who attended the funeral. Others who attended the funeral from out of state were Mrs. Pearl Burns and ; daughter, Nancy, of Miami, Florida, and Glenna Hayes, of Marlinton. George W. Michael George W. Michael, 80, of Bartow, died Friday, July 16, 1982, in Davis Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born January 28, 1902, in Virginia, he was a son of the late James R. and Martha S. Michael. Q^s Mr. Michael was retired from the Frank Tannery Co. and lived in Bartow 52 years. He was a member of the Church of the Brethren and the United American Mechanics. He was a boiler tender for Howes Leather Co., Frank. Survivors include his wife, Beulah Seiler Michael; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Renner, of Waldorf, Maryland, and one grandchild. Services will be held at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale at 2 p. m. Monday with the Rev. Paul Good officiating. Interment was in the Arbovale Cemetery.


Billy Jack Michael Billy Jack Michael, age 71, of Hot Springs, Virginia, died Sunday, March 30, 1997, in Alleghany Regional Hospital, Low Moor, Virginia Mr. Michael was a retired clerk for the C&O Railroad, with 40 years service, a member of the Ashwood United Methodist Church, the church's Men's Club, and Valley Springs Masonic Lodge. He served with the U. S. Army in the Korean War. A native of Marlinton, he was born May 22, 1925, the son of the late Omer Earl Michael and Nellie Meadows Michael. Preceding him in death were two brothers, Ralph and Clarence Michael. Surviving him are bis wife, Delsie Neal Michael; a daughter and son, Deborah Bogan and Donald L. Michael, both of Hot Springs; two sisters, Ruby Moses, of Ronceverte, and Hazel Long, of Alderson; a brother, James Micnael, of Marlinton; and four granddaughters. Services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at the Ashwood United Methodist Church, Hot Springs, by the Revs. Bass Mitchell and Steve Shaver, with burial in Alleghany Memorial Park. Memorial gifts may be made to the Ashwood United Methodist Church Building Fund or the Hot Springs Rescue Squad.

Elmer M i c h a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ Elmer Michael, 36, son of the late O. E. Michael, of Marie, died Friday, July 22, 1960, in the Hinton hospital, with a cerebral hemorrhage. He was a nephew of the late Omer Michael of Marlinton, and was a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bettie Michael; a daughter, Dottie Michael, a son, Donnie Michael, and his mother, Mrs. O. E. Michael. Funeral services and burial were held at Marie, Monday. Mrs. lefe Milibill Mrs. Icie Hannah Mitchell, 83, formerly of Rainelle, died at the home of her brother, Otto Hannah, at Riverside, on Tuesday night, January 22, 1980. Mrs. Hallie Clutter, of Ronceverte, is a sister. The funeral will be held at 2:30 P. M. Friday in the Rainelle Methodist Church. Burial will be in the End of the Trail Cemetery.

Melvin B. Myers Melvin B. Myers, 62, of Slatyfork, died Sunday, September 16,1979, from injuries received in an auto accident on Route 219, near Dailey. He was a retired coal miner and a member of the Baptist Church. Born at Mt. Lookout June, 20, 1917, he was the son of the late Adam and Betty Kincaid Myers. Surviving are his wife, Della Thomas Myers; a daughter* Mrs. Linda Browning, of Piney View; brothers, Elvin, of Cleveland, Ohio, William, of Victor, Estil, of Henderson, Kentucky; sisters, Mrs. Nina Boggus, of Nashville, Tennessee, Mrs. Sarah Robinson, of Slatyfork, Miss Virgie Myers, of Victor; four grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Mt. Lookout. Burial was in Mount Lookout Cemetery.

Mrs. Ella Clifton Myers

Mrs. Ella Clifton Myers, 61, of Parcoal, died Tuesday, July 23, 1963, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Survivors include her hus band, Garriet W. Myers; three sons, Billie Myers, of Marlin ton, Paul Myers, of Parcoal and Parker Myers, of Elyria Ohio;fivedaughters, Mrs. Ruth Casto and Mrs. Jean Wyatt both of Elyria, Ohio, Mrs. Jean Butcher, of Fort Pierce, Florida, Mrs. Mary Miller, of Morgantown, and Mrs. Ruby Stine, of Miami, Florida;one brother, Parker Clifton, of Webster Springs, and 19 grandchildren. . Funeral services were held arday morning at the Dodd ind Hurt Funeral Home in Webster Springs by the Rev. Arnold Bickel. Burial was ir the Groves Cemetery at Summersville. V^f^V.

James Myles

Mrs. Dorothy H. Myles, 41, 135 Indian Street, Gnadenhutten, Ohio, died Sunday, May 23, 1965, in the University Hos pital in Columbus, Ohio, where she had been a patient since May 2. She underwent open heart surgery on May 13. She was born November 22, 1923, at Cass, the daughter of the late Albert E. and Pearl Myers Harouff. Mrs. Myles was affiliated with Gnadenhutten Moravian Church and a member of the Eastern Star Lodge Number 124 at Cass. Survivors include her husband, James E. Myles, who is employed by Allensworth's Jewelry, in Gnadenhutten; one daughter, Pamala Myles, 12; two sons, Samuel Myles, 9, and Cameron Myles, 7; one brother, Donald Harouff, of Ripley, and a half-brother, Raymond McNickle, of Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Gnadenhutten Moravian Church by the Rev. John Moran. Burial was in the Gnadeuhutten Cem etery.



Mrs. Viola Myers

Mrs. Viola Winner Myers, 74, of Durbin, died Sunday, July 7, 1967, in an Elkins hospital after a long illness. Born in Pearl County, Virginia. May 22, 1884, she was the daughter of the late William and Hosanna Puckett Marshall. She was a member of the Durbin Church of the Brethren and had lived at Durbin most of her life. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Wiant and Mrs. Helen Byer, both of Cumberland, Maryland, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Hiner, of Callao, Virginia; two si-ters, Mrs. Norma Ashford Arbogast, of Green Bank and Mrs. Ethel Moore, of Durbin; three brothers, Hayes Marshall, of Durbin, Crofine Marshall, of Shady Side, Ohio, and Clyde Marshall, of Rockville, Md. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Durbin Church of the Brethren by the Rev. David Rittenhouse and the Rev. Paul Good «wi>u burial in the Arbovale

Mrs. James Myles Mrs. Dorothy H. Myles, 41, 135 Indian Street, Gnadenhutten, Ohio, died Sunday, May Lawrence Gregory Myers 23, 1965, in the University Hos Lawrence Gregory Myers pital in Columbus, Ohio, where she had been a patient since 4, of Nitro, died Wednesday. March 10, 1971, in the McMay 2. She underwent open Millan Hospital at Charleston. heart surgery on May 13. Survivors include his parShe was born November 22, ents, Lieutenant and Mrs. 1923, at Cass, the daughter of Paul Myers; one sister, Sonya the late Albert E. and Pearl Ella, at home; grandparents, Myers Harouff. Garrett Myers, of Elkins, and Mrs. Myles was affiliated Mr and Mrs. Sherman Workwith Gnadenhutten Moravian man, of Beckley. Church and a member of the Funeral services were held Eastern Star Lodge Number Saturday morning in the White 124 at Cass. Funeral Home Chapel at SumSurvivors include her hus- mersville by the Rev. Paul H. band, James E. Myles, who is Smith, with bu ial in Groves employed by Allensworth's Cemetery at Summersvjlle. Jewelry, in Gnadenhutten; one daughter, Pamala Myles, 12; two sons, Samuel Myles, 9, and Cameron Myles, 7; one brother, Donald Harouff, of Ripleys and a half-brother, Raymond McNickle, of Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Gnadenhutten Moravian Church by the Rev. John Moran. Burial; was in the Gnadenhutten Cera etery.

Virgil Myles Virgil Myles, 67, of Renick, died Monday, May 23, 1966, in the C & 0 Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia, after a long illness. He was a.soh of. the.late Mr; and Mrs. Reuben C. Myles. Mr. Myles was a retired farmer and attended the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace Myles; two sons, Virgil Lewis Myles, Jr., of Renick, and John J. Myles, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; one sister, Mrs. Stella Wolfenbarger, of Lewisburg; three half sisters, Mrs..Mary McCoy, of Rupert; Mrs. Dessie Kenni?on, of Hillsboro, arid Mrs., Maude Hinkle of Renick, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Jack Arbuckle. Burial was in t h e Morningside Cemetery at I Renick. . •" v / Infant William E. Miller

Graveside services for infant William Emory Miller, eight-dayold son of Mr. and Mrs. Winters Miller,. 1131 McMyler, N. W. Warren, Ohio, were held on Saturday, July.48, 1959, at 11-00 a. m., a t Oakwood Cemetery. The baby boy was JSSHS n i Wednesday, July 8, i959, in the Trumbull" Hospital, and died of complications. Besides the parents, the infant is survaved-fey two sisters, Patricia Ann and Linda Carol, both at home; the maternal grandfather, William E. Jackson, of Marlinton,, two maternal great-grand mothers, Mrs. James Doss, o; Baltimore, Maryland, and Mrs. Ella Jackson, of Renick, and a number of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Burial was in the family plot at Oakwood Cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of the While Fuueral Home. Those, who attended the funeral from Marlinton were: Mrs. Den nie Brown, Mrs. Sherman Frie Mrs. Warnie Moore, GeoMttler, and Mr. and Mrs\ r Irvine. ^^^

Colin Moore Charles Colin Moore, age 7, died Tuesday, June 17, 1997, at home. He was a student at Marlinton Elementary School. Bom at Fairlea on May 25, 1990, he was the son of Charles "Buck" and Kimberly Gibson Moore. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Charles Moore. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a sister, Katberine Ann Moore, and a brother, Gavin Lawrence Moore, both at home; his paternal grandmother, Fay T. Moore, of Buckeye; and his maternal grandparents, Stan and ndc Gibson, of Marlinton. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2 to 9 p. m. Thursday. Memorials in lieu of flowers may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital.

G. H. Moore George Henry,Moore, aged 65 years, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on Stony Creek on Tuesday afternoon, September 30, 1941. Mr Moore was a "prominent farmer of Ed ray District. He was a son of the late George C. and Rachel Duncan Moore. His sisters are Mrs Robert Jordan. Mrs Ballard Barlow and Miss Rettie Moore; his brother is T. D. Moore. He married Miss May Sharp, who passed away some years since. The fuueral will be held from the Ed ray Church on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock; interment in thej;family plot at the Cochran Uemewy.

Ira H. Moore Ira H. Moore, of Huntersville District, aged 71 years, died on Wednesday, August 13, 1947, after a long illness. On Friday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Mt. Zion Church where the service was held by Rev. J. W. Holliday. He had loug been a member of the Methodist Church. The deceased was a son of the late William J. and Loretta J. Moore. He is survived by his sister, Miss Word was received of the death of Carrie Moore. •Ge:rge W Miller, aged eighty-four years, which occurred at his home in Eaywondsville, Missouri, August 13. 2939. The deceased was a Dative of Pocahontas county, moving to Mis-j •souri in 1907. Among his children are William and Emory Miller. His brother is Robert Miller. William Mille* and family started for Missouri Menday ".fternnon.



Mrs. Frances A. Mitchell Mrs Frances Arquette Wright Mitchell, 71, died on Wednesday, March 1, 1967, in the Denmar Hospital at Beard where she had been a patient for nearly three years. Born May 4, 1895, at Hot Springs, Virginia, the daughter of the late A. T. Wright and Ella Cleek Wright Lantz. she was a member of the Edei Methodist Church in Bat) County, Virginia. Her husband. Charles Hunter Mitchell, and one son preceded her in death. Survivors include one son, Charles K. Mitchell, of Baltimore, Maryland; a half brothher, Ce^il Lantz, of Levitts burg, Ohio; and a half sister, Mrs. Elsie Puffenbarger, of Levittsburg, Ohio; three grand children and seven great-grand children. Other survivors include several nieces, nephews and a host of friends. Funeral services were held i Saturday afternoon in the Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. Owen M. Lee and the Rev. Victor A. Tenney with burial in the Ruckman Cemetery, j

Elsie May BERGOO-Elsie May of Bergoo died at the Summcrsville Memorial Hospital on Friday,October21,1994, following a long illness. She was 80 years of age. She was born in Coal River, on February 23, 1914, the daughter of Dudley and Mint Pclry Peters, both deceased. She had lived in Bergoo for the past 39 years, and was a homemakcr and a member of the Bergoo United Methodist Church. She is survived by: sons, Roscoe . May, Jr. and Franklin "Hank" May, both of Bergoo, and Billy John May of\ Buckhannon; daughters, Cathy Sirianni and Fay Butler, both of Cleveland, Ohio, Rachel Harris of Manassas, Va., Shirley Young of Bolair, and Susie Jordan of Webster Springs; sisters, Claudic Woods, Dclsic Daniels, and Sylvia Kelly, all ofWhitcsvillc; 35 grandchildren,and 35 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Roscoe M. May, Sr., son,Tommy May, and brother, Willie Peters. Services were held on Monday, October 24, at 10:00 a.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Darren Jones of Webster Springs, officiating. Burial was at the Union Cemetery, Parcoal Road, Webster Springs.



Martha E. Earlie T. Marion Fletcher Mastin Earlle T. Marlon, 71, of Rt. 1, Grottoes, Virginia, -WALLS, MS.-Martha E. died November 13, 1985, in 1 Fletcher Mastin of Walls, Mississippi, King's laughters' Hospital • formerly of Mills Mountain, died in in Staunton, Virginia. Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday, July He was born August 4, 2,1997, following a long illness. She 191^» in Surry County, was 59 years of age. Horth Carolina, a son of She was bom on February 21, William and Frances Whita- 1938, the daughter of the late Wilson ker Marion. and Cora Maude Cutlip Fletcher. She was a homemaker and a teacher's asHe was an A m y veteran sistant, and was a member of the of World War II. He had Congregational Methodist Church in been employed for 19 years Walls, Miss. at Western State Hospital She is survived by: her husband, before becoming self-enWilbur Mastin of Walls, Miss.; sons, ployed at Marion's Country Thomas Ray Mastin and Todd Mastin, Market at Bartow for sevboth of Walls, Miss., and Timothy eral years. Mastin of Memphis, Tenn:; brothers, Surviving are his wife, Charlie Howell of Aliquippa, Pa., Mrs. Louise Marionj a son, Cecil Fletcher of Camden-on-Gauley, Robert Lee Fletcher of Greenville, Jay D. Marion, of Verona, Miss., and Thomas Arden Fletcher of Virginia1 one grandson, and a number of nieces and Mills Mt., Cowen; sisters, Vivian Stewart of Toledo, Ohio, Virginia nephews. Rose of Camden-on-Gauley, Ruth Services were conducted Feeney of Webster Springs, Alma at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Plummer and Agnes Holcomb, both Obaugh Funeral Home by the of Cowen; and one grandchild. Rev. Julius W. Strock, with Services were held on Tuesday, burial in the Mullenax Fam- July 8, at 11:00 a.m., at the Mills Mt ily Cemetery near Bartow. Church near Cowen, with the Rev. Memorial contributions Okey Wayne and the Rev. Tom •ay be made to the SalvaFletcher, officiating. Burial was at the Mills Mt. Cemetery near Cowen. tion Army, 1700 W. BeverAdams Funeral Home in Cowen was ley Street, Staunton, for in charge of the arrangements. flood victims.

Homer Miller CHARLESTON-Homer Miller of Charleston died at his residence at the Heartland Nursing Home in Charleston,onTuesday, July 30,1996, following a long illness. He was 67 years of age. He was born in Areola, on May 7, 1929, the son of Omer and Gertrude Fisher Miller, both deceased. He was a lifelong resident of Boiair, and was a self-employed handyman at Camp Caesar. He was a member of the Sand Run Baptist Church. He is survived by: half-sisters, Agatha Adamy,Ruth Bell,andGlcnna Cummings, all of Boiair, and Lula Moffatt of Hermiker, N.Y. Services were held on Sunday, August 4, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Tom Kessler of Webster Springs, officiating. Burial was at the McAvoy Cemetery, on Pleasant Ridge Road, Webster Springs.

Dora B. Miller EDISON, O H I O - D o r a B. Miller, of Edison, Ohio, formerly of Cowen, died at the residence of her son Charles Miller, on Thursday, November 14,1996, following a long illness. She was 95 years of age. She was born in Sutton, on September 13, 1901, the daughter of the late Wil liam and Rebecca Jane Woods Floyd. She was graduate of Sutton High School, W. Va. Wcslcyan College with a Bachelor of Science degree. She did post-graduate work at WVU. She was a teacher in Webster County with 35 years of service, and was a member of the Canaan United Methodist Church in Edison, Ohio. She was a member of the Cowen Rebekah Lodge, the Order of the Eastern Star, Webster Springs chapter, and die retired teachers' association. She is survived by: son, Charles W. Miller of Edison, Ohio; daughterin-law, Evelyn (Mrs. Elmer) Miller, of New Plymouth, Ohio; sister, Mary Wallace of Houston, Texas; 9 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and 3great-grcat-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded by, her husband, Lawrence E. Miller and son, Elmer Miller. Services were held on Saturday, November 16, at 11:00 a.m., at the Adams Funeral Home in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Sashia S. Musick VALLEY HEAD-Sashia Shane Musick of Valley Head, died on Thursday, February 13, 1997, from injuries sustained in a house fire. She was 7 years of age. She was born on September 24, 1989, in Welch, the daughter of Tabetha Musick of Valley Head She was a first grade student at Valley Head Elementary School. She is survived by: uncle, Freddie Musick of Valley Head; aunts and uncles, Freda and Wayne Bishop of Davy and Tammy and Greg Potter of Twin Branch; grandparents, Linda and Dallas Pack of Davy; and grandfather Fred Musick of Welch. • Services were held on Tuesday, February 18, at 11:00 a.m., at the Calfree Funeral Service chapel, with the Rev. Ronald Adkins officiating. Burial was at the Privett Cemetery in Keyrock.


Joshua R. Musick VALLEY HEAD-Joshua Ryan Musick of Valley Head, died on Thursday, February 13, 1997, from injuries sustained in a house fire. He was five years of age. He was bom on August 30,1991, in Randolph County, the son of Tabetha Musick of Valley Head. He was a kindergarten student at Valley Head Elementary School. He is survived by: uncle, Freddie Musick of Valley Head; aunts and uncles, Freda and Wayne Bishop of Davy and Tammy and Greg Potter of Twin Branch; grandparents, Linda and Dallas Pack of Davy; and grandfather, Fred Musick of Welch. Services were held on Tuesday, February 18, at 11:00 a.m., at the Calfree Funeral Service Chapel, with the Rev. Ronald Adkins, officiating. Burial was at the Privett Cemetery in Keyrock.

Michael LeRoy Mace TROTWOOD, OHIO-Michael LeRoy Mace of Trotwood, Ohio, formerly of West Virginia, died at the Hospice of Dayton on Saturday, March 29,1997. He was 50 years of age. He was born in Buckhannon, the son of Arnett Mace and the late Jean Bruffey Mace Mason. He was raised in Fairmont and formerly lived in Webster Springs, Berkeley Springs, and in Maryland. He was a truck driver and mechanic, and was a veteran. He is survived by: his wife, SandraJ. Mace of Kettering, Ohio; sons, David A. Mace of Trotwood, Ohio and Michael L. Mace II of Webster Springs; daughters, Michelle Silman and Tammy Anderson, both of Webster Springs, and Cheryl A. Mace of Trotwood, Ohio; his father, Amett Mace of Remington, Va.; sister, Deanna L. Mace of Johnson City, Tenn.; and 7 grandchildren. Services will be held on Thursday, April 3, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Larry Cochran, officiating. Burial will be at the Hacker Valley Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 69:00 p.m., on Wednesday.

Phillip S. Massie COWEN-Phillip S. Massie of Cowen, died at Raleigh General Hospital in Bcckley, on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, following a long illness. He was 86 years of age. He was bom in Cowen, on October 12,1908, the son of the late David I. and Alice E. Farren Massie. He worked for the B & O Railroad and was a carpenter. He was a member of the Little Glade Baptist Church in Cowen and served in the U.S. Army. He is survived by: his wife, Marie Prater Massie of Cowen; son, Phillip F. Massie of Bcckley; brothers, Kenneth Massie of Cowen and Ishmal Massie of Harrisburg, Pa.; sisters, Ruth Bennett of Craigsvillc, Elieen Green and Margurctc Wayne, both of Nitro. Services will be held on Friday, January 20, at 2:00 p.m., at the Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne of Cowen, officiating. Burial will be at the Handschumachcr Cemetery in Upper Glade. Friends may call from 5-9:00 p.m., on Thursday, at the funeral home. Adams Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Mayme Edith Morton

Agatha M. "Gate" Mitchell

MAYME MORTON Mayme Edith Morton of Webster Springs died at her home on Saturday, November 19,1994, following a long illness. She was 98 years of age. She was bom in Webster Springs on October 15,1896, the daughter of Eskridge H. and Mary Catherine McCray Morton. She was a school teacher and taught for 42 years in Wayne, Braxton, and Webster Counties. She was a 1914 graduated of Webster Springs High School and a 1919 graduate of WVU. She was a member of the Chi Omega sorority and was a member of the D.A.R. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Webster Springs. Sheissurvivedby: nephews, E.V. Morton, Jr. of Webster Springs, Richard M. Richmond of Parkersburg, Dr. James R. Patrick of Toledo, Ohio, and John H. Morton of Houston, Texas; nieces, Mary Moll of Orrs, Mai ne and Jo Ann Morton of S arasota, Fla.; great-niece and husband, Cathy and Chuck Armentrout of Webster Springs, with whom she resided; and great-great-nephews, Jacob Nutter and Michael Armentrout, both of Webster Springs. Services were held on Tuesday, November 22, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. James H. Morton of Charleston, officiating. Burial was at Morton Family Cemetery in Webster Springs. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions to the Webster-Addison Public Library in Webster Springs.

Agatha M. "Gate" Mitchell of Webster Springs, died at Webster County Memorial Hospital in Webster Springs, on Tuesday, November 15, 1994, following a long illness. She was 82 years of age. She was bom in Webster County on August 25, 1912, the daughter of William H. and Maggie J. Lough McCourt, both deceased. She was a life-long resident of Webster County and was a retired bookkeeper at Webster County National Bank. She attended the First United Methodist Church in Webster Springs and was a 1930 graduated of Webster Springs High School. She attended W. Va. Wesleyan College. She was a past president of the Webster Springs Woman's Club and the Webster Springs Garden Club. She is survived by: son, Thomas P. Mitchell of Melbourne, Fla.; daughter, Cassandra Given of Webster Springs; sister, LeMoine Hunter of Webster Springs; 3 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas P. Mitchell, by brother E.H. McCourt and sister Bea Martin. Services were held on Friday, November 18, at 2:00 p.m. at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Nelson Harris and the Rev. Darren Jones, officiating. Burial was at the Miller Cemetery, on the Back Fork Road, ; Webster Springs.

Lenora G. Mollohan BIRCH RIVER-Lenora G. Mollohan of Birch River, was pronounced dead at the Summersville Memorial Hospital, on Monday,1 January 27,1997, following a fire at her residence. She was 70 years of age. She was a homemaker and a retired postal worker in Summersville. She was a member of the Birch .River Baptist Church and the American Postal Workers Union. She is survived by: sons, Johnnie Harold and Jackie Lee, both of Birch River, and James Allen of Bridgeville, Delaware; 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Services werc'held on Wednesday, January 29, at2:00p.m., at theGreeneRobertson Funeral Home in Sutton,

Mason May, Jr. Mason M. "Red" May, Jr., age 74, of Middletown, Ohio, died Thursday, June 26, at home. He was the widower of Earlene Conrad May. He retired as a lineman from the former Bell Telephone Company; was an Army .veteran of World War II; and was a member of Riverside Chapel and Wesley United Methodist Church, Middletown. Surviving him are a daughter, Patty Coble, of Middletown; two brothers, Orval May, of Willowick, Ohio, and Thomas May, of Marlinton; two granddaughters. Services were held Monday in Riverside Chapel by the Rev. James L. Williams. Burial was in Hillsdale Cemetery, Londonderry Township. Rosie M. Moore Rosie M. "Nanny" Moore, age 94, of Marlinton, departed this life Wednesday, July 2, 1997, at Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. Mrs. Moore was a member of the Church of Christ. Born at Marlinton December 1, 1902, she was the daughter of the late Coldert Jefferson and Dorabelle Cook Pritt. She was the widow of the late Adam Harper Moore. Also preceding her in death were a son, Ralph Lee Moore; a granddaughter, Pamela J. Moore; two brothers, George and Page Pritt, and two sisters, Lillie Madison and Mary Pritt. Survivors include a son, Keith E. Moore, of Marlinton; a daughter, Linda Carol McGill, of Marion, Illinois; a sister, Ella F. Kirby, of Marlinton; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday in Mountain View Cemetery by Earl D. Michael.

William E. Martin FA1RHOPE, AL.»William E. Martin of Fairhope, Alabama, formerly of Webster County, died on Thursday, February 13,1997. He was 84 years of age. He was a native of Cowcn. He is survived by: his wife, Esta Martin of Fairhope, Ala.; son, Carl Martin of Fairhope, Ala.; daughter, Lucille A. McDuffieof Fairhope, Ala.; and sisters, Wanda Caslleof Ohio and Genevieve Scaggs of Beckley. Services were held on Friday, February 14,at 10:00 a.m.,atthe Pine Rest Funeral Home in Foley, Alabama. Burial was at the Pine Rest Memorial Park in Foley, Ala.

Betty Jane Mathes

Ray Miles

CAMDEN-Bctty Jane Mathes of Camdcn-on-Gauley, died at^ the Nicholas County Health Care Center on Tuesday, January 7, 1997, following a long illness. She was 55 years of age. She was born in Summcrsvillc, on June 19,1941, the daughter of the late Guy and Clara White McCombs. She was a lifelong resident of Webster County, and was a homcmakcr and a member of the Gaulcy Mills Baptist Church. She is survived by. son, James McCombs of Camdcn-on-Gaulcy; and sisters, Elizabeth McCombs of Cafn-.dcn-on-Gaulcy and Mary Withrow of Baltimore, Md. Services will be held on Thursday, January 9, at 1:00 p.m., at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens Mausoleum in Calvin, with the Rev. George PcyattofUppcrGladc, officiating. Burial will be at the W. Va. Memorial Garj dens Mausoleum. Friends may call . there at Thursday, one hour prior to service. Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs is in charge of the arrangements.

Ray Miles of Webster Springs, died at the Webster County Memorial Hospital on Thursday, September 15, 1994, after a short illness. He was 81 years of age. He was born in Skelt, on October 22, 1912, the son of Patty and Lucinda Baldwin Miles, both deceased. He lived all of his life in Webster County, and was a coal miner with Adkins Coal Company and a Baptist by faith. He is survived by: his wife, Sarah Irene "Roxie" Miles of Webster Springs; sons, Bobby Ray Miles of Westminister, Md. and Ronald Fred Miles of Webster Springs; step-son, HarleyRayWilliamsofOrville.Ohio; step-daughter, Stella Estaline Stout . of Arbutus, Md.; 7 grandchildren, 8 • step-gTandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and 7 step-great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Erma Bender Miles, and son, Michael Lynn Miles. Services were held on Sunday, September 18, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. MinterLynch,officiating. Burial was at the Cogar Cemetery in Guardian.


Margaret £. Miller COWEN-Margaret E. Miller of Cowen, died in Richwood, on Friday, May 16, 1997. She was 95 years of age. She was born in Oakland, Maryland, on January 31, 1902, the daughter of the late Michael and Gertrude McCrobie Rice. She had lived in Cowen for 70 years, and was a homemaker and a member of the Upper Glade Presbyterian Church. She is survived by: son, Jack D. Miller of Cowen; daughters, Patricia Crowe of Cowen and Mary M. Hosey of Richwood; 13 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-greatgrandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Ottis Ray "Cricket" Miller, Sr. Services were held Monday, May 19, at 2:00 p.m.,. Jie Adams Funeral Chapel in Cowen, with the Rev. Okey Wayne officiating. Burial was at the W. Va. Memorial Gardens, in Calvin. Adams Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.


M. C. Marshall

Montague C. Marshall, Sr., 35, of Hampton, Virginia, died in the Riverside Hospital at Newport News Wednesday. Oacember 8, 1965. He had been in ill health for about two '/ears. He was a clerk for the Chesa peake and Ohio Railway Co. having been with them for 43 years, and a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men. Bom at Baker, Louisiana, March 25, 1900, he was a son of the late Gainer and Emilie <\.lden Marshall. Surviving him are his wife Freda Hoover Marshall; a daughter. Mrs. Catherine Pfenning, of Phoenix, Arizona; a son, Montague C. Marshall, Jr., a step daughter, Mrs. Juanita Grey, both of Hamoton: and a brother, Warwick Marshall, of Newport News, Virginia. Services were held in Hampton Thursday and on Saturday in Smith Funeral Home by the Rev. Victor Tenney, with burialin RuckmanCemetery.


Superior Court Judge Ralph Moody, 81, died Feb. 19 in Anchorage. Moody was raised in a, poor Alabama farming family.. While Moody was in high school:, his father gave him a calf to raise. When the calf was grown, Moody rented it RALPH MOODY out to a next-door neighbor for milking. This milk money paid Moody's tuition at the University of Alabama Law School where Vie received his doctorate of law. In 1946 Moody moved to Juneau to work for the Office of Price Administration, but within two weeks he had landed another job as an artorney with the Army Corps of Engineers. The young lawyer soon entered state politics, first serving in the territorial and state Legislatures, and then as majority leader of the first state Senate. In 1960, Governor Bill Egan appointed Moody to the position of state attorney general. Two years later, Egan appointed him to the Superior Court bench, a post he held for 23 years. Moody quickly gained the reputation of a by-the-book judge. He scoffed when anyone suggested poverty was an excuse for committing a crime. "I don't buy that," he once said. "You shouldn't get off because you're poor any more than you should get offif you're rich." He also was tough on repeat offenders who tried to use divine salvation as a cover. In a national magazine interview, Moody recalled what he told a criminal up for sentencing in his court years ago: "Well, I've been sitting on this bench a good many years, and a lot of you fellows find God there [in jail]," Moody said. "However, he never seems to accompany you when you leave, so I've concluded that he lives there, and I'm sending you back where he can keep an eye on you." Seaborn Buckalew, a longtime Moody friend and fellow judge, once said: "A defendant who stood in front of him would have a moment of terror. He was no-nonsense—straight as an arrow."

Flora J. Massie PARCOAL-Rora J. Massie of Parcoal died at the Nicholas County Health Care Center on Thursday, May 25,1995. She was 85 years of age. She was born in West Virginia on November 21, 1909, the daughter of James and Bertha Tharp Carpenter, both deceased. Shewasahomemaker and a Protestant by faith. She is survived by: sister, Lula Starling of Parcoal. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Junior Massie, and by several brothers and sisters. Services were held on Sunday, May 28, at 2:00 p.m., at the Dodd & Reed Funeral Home in Webster Springs, with the Rev. Minter Lynch, officiating. Burial was at the Hands-! chumacherCemetery inUpperGlade..

Paul Mac Moats Paul Mac Moats, age.77, of Durbin, died Wednesday, October 15, 1997, in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Clarksburg. Mr. Moats was born May 23, 1920, at Frank, and was the son of the late Ralph and Velta E. White Moats. He was a member of Durbin Church of the Brethren and was an employee of Howes Leather Company for 27 years. He was a veteran of WWII after serving four years and was a member of the American Legion. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Jack, Jim and Harold Moats, and a sister, Virginia. Surviving him are his wife, Helen Kathleen Vandevander Moats; daughters, Evelyn C. Warner, of Beverly, Paula J. Wood, of Benson, North Carolina, and Gloria E. Tingler, of Cherry Grove; son, Gary W. Moats, of Elkins; sisters, Mary Lou Moats, of Elkins, Ida Mae Blair, of Ohio; brothers, Clarence, of Missouri, George, of Ohio, John, of Pennsylvania, and Dale, of Charleston; twelve grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held October 18, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapel in Arbovale by the Rev. Donnie Curry and Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial at the Wilmoth Cemetery on Buffalo Mountain.

Freda A. Myers Freda A. Myers, 55, of Concord Township, Ohio, died Tuesday, November 12, 1985, at Lake County Memorial Hospital in Willoughby, Ohio, after a long illness. She was born October 17, 1930, in Cass, and had lived for thirty years hi Concord Township. Mrs. Myers was employed, as a secretary at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry. J'ur1-Ivors include three sons, Frank, QI, Joe and Mich.iel, wit of Gainesville: three daughters, Kelly, Tracy and Krsity, ail of Painesville; a brother, James Rexrode, of Painesville; two sisters, Gay Nell Dietrich, of Florida, and Lucille Stewart, of Frank; and one grandson. A granddaughter preceded her hi death. ' Services were held at SpearMulqueeny Funeral Home with burial in Riverside Cemetery, Painesville.

Earl W. Meyers Earl W. Myers, 86, of Andover, Ohio, died on October 11, 1997, at home. He was born on June 7, 1911, at Boyer, the son of Charles and Sadie Wilfong Myers. Mr. Myers was a machine operator and retired in 1971 from the General Electric-Andover Bulb Plant after over 25 years of service. He was a member of the Quarter Century Club at the plant. He married Ruth E. Lampila on July 7, 1958. Survivors include four daughters, Mary R. Burlingham, of Andover, Lois E. Wisniewski, of Bonita Springs, Florida, Carol Keil, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and Robin Myers, of Ohio; one step-son, William M. Newbury, of Mentor, Ohio; one step-daughter, Beverly S. Newbury, of Kapaa Kauai, Hawaii; one brother, Robert Myers, of Hagerstown, Maryland; sister, Anna Lou Orndorff, of Green Bank; 14 grandchildren, and several greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife in 1983; one son, Earl W. Myers, Jr.; and two brothers, Jesse Myers and Harvey Myers. Services were held on Wednesday at Baumgardner Funeral Home in Andover with Pastor Robert C. Gears officiating. Burial was in the Williamsfield Center Cemetery at Williamsfield, Ohio.

Arthur John Must, Sr. Arthur John Must, Sr., 86, of Atlanta, Georgia, died at home Friday, September 19,1997. He was bom April 29, 1911, in New York City, the son of the late John Jacob and Martha Keller Must, who had emigratedfromEstonia. Mr. Must was widely known in his youth as an adilete and a champion oarsman. He was a member of the Army's historic Seventh Regiment of New York and went on to distinctive service as an officer with the Army Air Corps during World War II. He retired from the United States Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel. He is survived by his wife, Eloise, of Atlanta; two sons, Arthur, of Atlanta, and Robert, of Hillsboro; one daughter, Martha Must Dowis, of Atlanta; three grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at Glenn Memorial Methodist Church in Atlanta.

! Aubrey C. Meadows Aubrey C. Meadows, 85, of Marlinton, died Wednesday, September 16, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital of an apparent heart attack. A native of Barger Springs, he was born December 13,1901. He was a retired employee of the International Shoe Company and was a member of the Marlinton Church of the Nazarene. Surviving him are three sons, A. C. Meadows, Jr., of Spanaway, Washinton, Bobby Meadows, of Radford, Virginia, Michael Meadows, of Waynesville, North Carolina; two daughters, Patty Painter, of Radford, Virginia, and Margaret Meadows Barb, of Marlinton; a stepson, George Beard, of Dixie; two sisters, Rita Masters, of Arlington, Alabama, and Elana E. Nottingham, of Fairfax, Virginia; two brothers, Beecher Meadows, of Marlinton, and Floyd Meadows, of Beckley; 12 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Services were held at 4 p. m. Saturday at the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Alderman, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Billy David Miller Billy David Miller, 63, of Gauley Bridge, died April 7, 1987, in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. He was the retired owner of the former Miller's Jewelry Store at Gauley Bridge and was a member of Gauley Bridge United Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge, VFW and American Legion. He was an Army veteran of World War II. Born November 8, 1923, in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, he was the son of the late Winters Alfred and Mary Retta Gladwell Miller. He grew up in Hillsboro. Surviving him are his wife, Ernestine; daughter, Mrs. Susan Clark, of Lewisburg, brother, Jack Lee Miller, of Cross Lanes; sisters, Mrs. Marilyn Miller, of Charleston, Mrs. Virginia Smiley, of Stow, Ohio, and Mrs. Anita Mallow, of Marlinton; and two grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Friday in Combs-Pennington Funeral Home, Gauley Bridge, by the Rev. Charles Hicks. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro.

Lily Victoria Mints

On January 30, 1986, in Adelaide, South Australia, Lily Victoria Mines, aged 80 years* died. She was born in Adelaide and also lived in the British Solomon Islands and England. She visited Pocahontas County in the 1960's when her daughter, Rosemary, and grandchildren, Philip, Nicolete, and Michelle Balister, lived here. I She was known for her skill at many crafts, some of which she shared with the gift shop of the Pocahontas County Free Library, and some of her handknitted baby clothes were given as gifts in local baby showers. She was married to the late Robert W. Mines, of London, England, and is survived by two daughters, three grandchildren, two sisters, and several nephews in Australia, and their families. Funeral services were held on January 2 at St. Matthews Church, Kensington, South Australia, where there is a memorial tablet for her. , Mrs. Duffie Underwood Moore Mrs. Duffie Underwood Moore, 89, of Huntersville, died Thursday, December 17, 1987, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a few months' illness. She was a member of the] Cummings Creek Church of God. Born on Cummings Creek October 6, 1898, she was the daughter of Joseph and Mary Virginia Church Pyles. She was preceded in death by her. first husband, Kennie Underwood, her' second husband, Ressie Moore, three daughters, Verna, Elsie, and Mary Helen, and >three sons, Carl, Calvin, and-an infant. Surviving her are three daughters, Beulah Underwood, Baltimore, Maryland, Reeva Poland, Phoenix, Arizona, and Wanda Johnson, Dunkirk, Maryland; seven sons, Renick Underwood, Jacksonville, Florida, Glen Underwood, Harmony, Pennsylvania, Quentin Underwood, Huntington, Melton Underwood, Sheffield, Pennsylvania, Kennie Underwood, Marlinton, Joy Underwood, Madison, and Eugene Underwood, Summersville; 29 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren; a brother, Dale Pyles, of Huntersville; and a sister, Amy VanReenen, Marlinton. Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday in the VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Lee Alderman, with burial in Beaver Creek Cemetery. .

Mrs. Oleta Mason Oleta Jean May Mason, 60, of Crescent City, Florida, formerly of Marlinton, died Friuay, August 19, 1988, in Crescent City after a long illness with cancer. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Born in Marlinton October 10, 1927, she was the daughter of the late Mason M. and Georgie W. DePriest May. Surviving her are her husband, J. Walter Mason, of Crescent City; and three brothers, Mason May, Jr., of Middletown, Pennsylvania, Orval Dale May, of Willowick, Ohio, and Thomas Price May, of Marlinton. Graveside services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday in Mountain View Cemetery by the Rev. Nolan Turner. In lieu of flowers memorial gifts may be made to the American Cancer Fund.

Elisabeth Bell Monroe Elisabeth Bell Monroe, 94, of 575 Kidwell Drive Road, Morristown, Tennessee, died Sunday, March 13, 1988, at Morristown Hamblen Hospital. She attended Martha Washington College and General Assembly Training School, now Presbyterian School of Christian Education, and was a member of Morristown First Presbyterian Church. She was married to the Rev. McD. Monroe, who pastored churches at Green Bank in this County, Vass, North Carolina, Collierstown, Saltville and Grundy, Virginia, and Blaine and Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. * Surviving her are two sons, James Jefferson Monroe, Fayetteville,! and Dougald McD. Monroe, Jr., of Lancaster, Kentucky; three sisters, Mrs. Graham Rosenberger, Winchester, Yirginia, Mrt. John Duckwall, Albemarle, North Carolina, wid Miss Margaret Wood, Harrisonburg, Virginia; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Morristown First Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Ned Hollandsworth. Memorial gifts may be given to Joy Gift, c/o Morristown First Presbyterian Church.


Betty J. JVloore Mrs. Betty Jean Johnson Moore, 57,, i$,, Rich wood, died Friday, March 17, 1989, in a Charleston hospital following a long illness. .. '•,• Born January, 6, 1932, at Widen, she was the daughter of the late Benjamin and Stella Campbell Pierson. Mrs. Moore was a former owner of Oakford Restaurant in Richwood, was a member,of the Church of God at Richwood and a former nurse's aide at Sacred Heart Hospital.


Surviving her are her husband, Vinton Moore; two daughters, Darlene Denise England, of Manhattan, Kansas, and Cynthia Ann DePugh, of Craigsville; a son, Louis Ray Johnson, of Richwood; three stepdaughters, Kyna Moore and Theresa Wagner, both of Marlinton, and Becky Crum, of Germany; two brothers, Bill Jones, of Detroit, Michgian, and Jack Pierson,-ofrLexington,^Kentucky ;•« two sisters, Exie Seabolt, of Cottle, and Violet Hammons, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon; seven grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at the Church of God in Richwood by the Rev. Michael Cox, with burial in the -Wallace Memorial Park at Clintonville. Mrs. Beulah Susan Meiss Mrs. Beulah Susan Meiss, 67, of 2915 South 10th Avenue, Altoona, Pennsylvania, died Monday, November 9, 1987, at an Altoona hospital following a long illness. She was a 1940 graduate of I Green Bank High School. Mrs. Meiss was born at Dunmore January 21, 1920, a daughter of the late Wade C. and Georgia Taylor Galford. Her husband, Frank F. Meiss, preceded her in death on December 12, 1963. Surviving her are a daughter, ^Mrs. Alice Fay Kimmen, of Altoona, Pennsylvania; two grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Beatrice V. Matheny, of Green Bank, Mrs. Marie Lowry, of Monterey, Virginia, Mrs. Gertrude A. Carpenter, of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and Mrs. Dolly R. Simmons, of Woodbridge, Virginia; two brothers, Ben and Thomas G. Galford, both of Dunmore. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the funeral home in Altoona, with burial in Altoona.

j Mrs. May Morrison ] May VanReenen Morrison, 93,! of Marlinton, died March 24, 19i7, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. 1 She was born near Onoto on' February 28, 1894, the daughter of George and Ora Curry VanReenen and had lived all her life in Pocahontas County. She was married to Neff Simpson Morrison, on June 6, 1923. He preceded hsr in death on August 10, 1949. She was also P|eceded in death by three brothers, Eiiest, William and Roy VinReenen, and three sisters, Ntftie Baxter, Bessie Baxter and Mjunie Moore. \ Surviving. relatives are two daighters, Janet Morrison, Columbus, Ohio, and Irene Phillips, Topeka, Kansas, and one grarddaughter, •' Jan Phillips, of Lewiston, Maine; two sisters, Grace Smith, of Montgomery, and Mary Sharp, of Marlinton, and one brother, Theodore VanReenen, also of Nfarlinton.' ' Funeral services were held Friday, March 27, at 2 p. m. in the %nReenen Funeral Home\with j Ker? Kenny Stevenson; ©fficiafrngj J withv ;£burial at the Cochran Cemetery. . BuniellW.Morik .: Burnell W. Monk, 73, .of Arbovale, died Sunday, January 24,1988, at his home. '"~ • * Born'March 30, 1914, at Cass, he was1 the son of the late John E. and Carrie B. Monk. Mr. Monk, who had lived most of his life in the Arbovale area, attended the Boyer Church and was a member of the Durbin Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Moose Lodge. He was a retired carpenter .employee of the Pocahontas County Board of Education. Surviving him are his wife, Orpha Monk; two daughters, Joan Barkley, of Arbovale, and Gloria Greathouse, of Leonardtown, 'Maryland; four sons, Edward Monk, of Bridgewater, Virginia, Ronald and Wendell Monk, both of Arbovale, and Douglas Monk, of 'Upper Marlboro, Maryland; a brother, Hunter Monk, of Washington; and fourteen . grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday i at 2 p. m. at the Boyer Church by the Revs. David Rittenhouse and s Paul Good, with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Mrs. Bessie Morrison Bessie Susan Simmons Morrison, 94, of Hillsboro, died Sunday, August 21, 1988, in Denmar Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Morrison was the widow of Winters Dixon Morrison and the daughter of the late Andrew and Joanna Spitzer Simmons. She was bom on June 6, 1894, in Jacox. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Surviving her are five daughters: Mrs. Grace Doss, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Mary Nottingham, of Marlinton, Mrs. Thelma (Peg) Bailey, Mrs. Ellen Miller, and Kathleen Bailey, all of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and a son, Andrew (Jack) Morrison, of White Hall, Maryland; sisters, Idella Hallman and Mary Funk; and brothers, Clifton, Ovid, and Mac Simmons; 25 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren, and 16 great-great-grandchildren. A daughter, Claire Smith, and three sons, Willard, Delbert, and Olbert Morrison, preceded her in death. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Willis Cornelius, with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. Miss Anna Morrison Miss Anna Morrison, 96, formerly of Charleston and a resident of Pocahontas Continuous Care Center, died Sunday, March 1, 1987, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a long illness. Born March 4, 1896, in Greenbrier County, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Mary Jane Zopp Morrison. Mrs. Morrison was a retired employee from Oberlin's Dress Shop in Charleston and attended the Baptist Temple in Charleston. Surviving her are three sisters, Margaret A. Garner and Fonda Moran, both of Lewisburg, and Blanche Hopkins, of Logan. Services were held Wednesday at McCraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg by the Rev. Homer Stewart, with burial in the End of the Trail Cemetery at Clintonville. Rev. Price N. Moore Rev. Price N. Moore, 83, of Selma, Virginia died February 2, 1988 at his residence. He was the son of the late William Nelson and Elsie Moore of Williams River near Marlinton. Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth, and son, Rev. Charles Moore,1 of Catlett, Virginia, and four grandsons. Preceeding him in death were three brothers, Robert, Jesse and Ted, and one sister Ethel.

1'Veda Cutlip McMillion Veda Ora Cutlip McMillion, 88. i • Hillsboro, died Monday, jeptember 16, 1991, in Beckk*. Hospital. She was a homemaker and a member of the Methodist Church. Born October 8, 1902, at Renick, she was the daughter of Willis and Emma Ida Brown Cutlip. She was married to Orville A. McMillion, who preceded her in death. Seven brothers and sisters also are deceased: Lester Cutlip, Mamie Stanley, Ruby May, Ressie Blake, Rella Jenkins, Sadie Bostic, and Ethel Hamons. Surviving her are four sons, Carl McMillion, of Cass, Denve McMillion and Eddie McMillion, both of Aberdeen, Maryland, and Leo McMillion, of York, Pe isylvania; and two daughters, Es e King, also of York, and Linda Rose, of Hillsboro; 17 grandchildren and 18 gr- u-grandchildren. Services were held at VahReenen Funeral Home at 3 p. m. Wednesday by the Rev. Roy Gwinn, with burial in the Kellison Cemetery.

Cletis R. Mayle Cletis R. Mayle, 63, of 212 Chestnut St., Philippi, died at 9:10 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 9, 1998, in United Hospital Center. Clarksburg, following an unexpected illness. Mr. Mayle was born March 22, 1934, at Philippi, a son of the late Joseph and Edna Mayle Mayle. Surviving are one son, Edmond L. Mayle, Philippi; two daughters, Cynthia Ann Mayle, Philippi, and Vicki Jo Mayle, Canton, Ohio; one sister, Eloise Mayle, Moatsville; two granddaughters, Crystal Diane Mayle and Elizabeth Diana Mayle, both of Philippi. He was also preceded in death by one son, Cletis Lurinzo Mayle; two sisters, Angelena Mayle aiicl Lummie Mayle; and one brother,"Buford Mayle. Mr. Mayle was a retired laundryman at the Myers Clinic & Hospital ' — ilippi.

Harry J. Miller Harry J. Miller, 66, of Marlinton and Richmond, Virginia, died Friday, June 3, 1988, in the Medical College of Virginia Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, from complications following heart surgery. Born April 9, 1922, at Cass, he was the son of the late Harry C. and Mattie Jane Smith Miller. Mr. Miller was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore and was a Navy Veteran of World War II. He was retired. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Jack Miller, and two sisters, Arlene and Maxine. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Hunter McLaughlin Miller; a son, Michael H. Miller, of Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania; a daughter, Kathryn M. Walker, of Nags Head, North Carolina; a sister, Margaret Hogan, of Lynwood, California; and seven grandchildren. Services were held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at the Baxter Presbyterian Church by the Rev. David Bush. Burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery.

Hazel Mullenax Hazel Mullenax, age 85, formerly of Bartow, died Wednesday, January 7,1998, at Homewood Nursing Home in Williamsport, Maryland. She had resided the past 5 years with her daughter, Helen Cook, of Hagerstown, Maryland. Born September 5, 1912, in It^hlaiid County, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late Arthur and Harriet Mullenax. Her husband, Lester Calhoun Mullenax, preceded her in death on October 1, 1989. She was a faithful member of the Church of God at Durbin. She is survived by four sons, Murrel, of Horseshoe, North Carolina, Dale, of Hagerstown, Maryland, Arthur (Bud), and Wallace, both of Bartow; four daughters, Helen Cook ahd Arlene Hause, both of Hagerstown, Maryland, Charlene Gossard, of Williamsport, Maryland, and Linda Mallow, of Harman; one brother, Ray Mullenax, of Staunton, Virginia; one sister, Ethel Rexrode, of Hightown, Virginia; sixteen grandchildren, and nineteen great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, Melvin and Aaron, two grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. Services were Sunday, January 11, at 11 a.m. at the Obaugh Funeral Home in McDowell, Virginia. Brother Gregory Tyler officiating. Burial was at the Mullenax Cemetery on Alleghany Mountain in Highland County, Virginia.


Lucille O. Moomau Lucille O. Moomau, age 96, died Monday, June 8, 1998, at the Sunnyside Retirement Community in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where she had been a resident since June of 1986. She was born March 7, 1902, in Cass, and was the daughter of the late James W. and Annie Gum Oliver. She graduated from Green Bank High School in the class of 1920 and then attended West Virginia University and Marshall College. She taught school in Cass, Durbin, and Dunmore, and then served Pocahontas County as Assessor. On August 22, 1923, she married Frederick William Moomau, who preceded her in death on June 7, 1955. Following her husband's death, she moved to Gaithersburg, Maryland, where she served as a librarian on a bookmobile. She attended George Washington University and took classes in children's literature, during which time she compiled an Anthology of Poetry for Children. Following her retirement she moved to Petersburg. Mrs. Moomau was a member of Liberty Presbyterian Church in Green Bank and then the Petersburg Presbyterian Church, where she was me church's oldest living member. She was a 50-year member of die Order of die Eastern Star and a charter member of the Huntersville Chapter, where she served as Worthy Matron. She was also a member of Petersburg Chapter, twice served as Worthy Matron and represented the Grand Jurisdiction of West Virginia as a Grand Representative to die District of Columbia. Memorial services will be conducted 11 a. m. Saturday, June13, at die Petersburg Presbyterian Church. Interment will follow at 3 p. m. in die Arbovale Cemetery in Arbovale. Memorial donations may be made to Sunnyside Retirement Community, 100 Sunnyside Drive, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, or to a charity of choice.

Virginia Frances Rexrode Myles Virginia Frances Rexrode Myles, age 85, of Elkins, died April 30, 1998, at the Davis Memorial Hospital at Elkins. She had been in declining health for the past several years. She was born on February 9, 1913, at Burner, the third child of the late Stanley J. and Eva Brill Rexrode, and grew up in Marlinton. On August 7, 1937, she was married to George A. Myles, who survives. Also surviving is her daughter, June B. Myles, Redding, Connecticut She was preceded in death by one brother, Edward Rexrode, and one sister, Naomi Holy. Mrs. Myles attended Marlinton schools, graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College, and pursued graduate studies at West Virginia University. She had taught school in both the Pocahontas and Fayette County School Systems. She was a member of the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, where she had taught Sunday School, sung in the choir, and participated with the Women of the Church. She held office in the Greenbrier Presbytery, and was a member of the Circle #2 of the Presbyterian Women. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday at Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at the Maplewood Cemetery at Elkins. The family suggests that expressions of sympathy be in the form of memorial contributions to the Virginia Rexrode Myles Scholarship Fund at West Virginia Wesleyan College, 59 College Avenue, Buckhannon, WV 26201, or a favorite charity. Reona Berry Mitchell Reona Berry Mitchell, 91, of Maryville, Tennessee, formerly of Marlinton, died May 10, 1998, in Asbury Acres Retirement Home. She was a homcmaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, C. S. Mitchell, and one son, Clair. Survivors include one son, Reid Mitchell, of Marlinton, and a daughter, Buena Rankin, of Maryville, Tennessee; 9 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Viewing will be held Thursday, May 14, from 5 until 7 p.m. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday May 15, at Vincent Funeral Home, in Jane Lew. Burial will be at Masonic Cemelery, in Good i»'upe.

Margaret G. Marks Margaret Green Marks, 90, of 227 Diamond St., Elkins, died at 6:20 p.m. Sunday, I March 29, 1998, at her home. She had been in declining health for the past six months. Mrs. Marks was born April 21, 1907, at Elkins, a daughter of the late MARKS Lewis T and Cornelia Daugherty Green. She married Melvin Cooper Marks, who preceded her in death on Feb. 13, 1975. Surviving are a son and daughterin-law, Melvin T. and Kay T. Marks, Elkins; a daughter, Mable L. Marks, Elkins; a sister, Pearl G. Nevils, Washington, D.C.; three grandchildren, Margaret, Rebecca and Lewis Marks, all of Elkins; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a sister, Ada V. Green. Mrs. Marks was a graduate of Riverside High School, was a retired operating room technician having worked at Memorial General Hospital, was a foster grandparent for the West Virginia Children's Home, was a member of the Elkins Randolph County Senior Center, was a member and past worthy matron of the Benson Chapter No. 17, Order of the Eastern Star and was a life member of Shiloh Baptist Church, where she was mother of the church. She had served as church clerk for many years, taught Sunday school and was a member of the church choir. Harold A. Miller Harold A. Miller, age 68, of Tuscarawas, Ohio, died March 26, 1998 in his residence. Born March 23, 1930, in Marlinton, he was a son of the late Cash R. and Louise Friel Miller. He retired from Greer Steel. He was a Navy veteran of World War U and a member of Tuscarawas VFW. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wanda E. Miller, a son, a stepson and two brothers. Surviving are one son, Jeffrey L. Miller, of Tuscarawas; two stepsons, Gerald L. McConnell, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, and Paul D. McConnell, of Fresno, Ohio; one stepdaughter, Lois Mazzoleni, of Dover, Ohio; two brothers, Bruce C , of Beach City, Ohio, and Arthur, of East Sparta, Ohio; one sister, Agatha Miller, of East Sparta; 14 grandchildren and 17 greatgrandchildren. Services were held at 11 a.m. March 30, in Naylor Funeral Home at New Philadelphia with Reverend Harry Milligan. Burial was in Ridgecrest Memory Gardens.

Alice B. Mills Alice B. Mills, age 53, of Middletown, Virginia, died May 7, 1998, in Winchester Medical Center. Mrs. Mills was born April 18, 1945, in Huntersville, the daughter of Denver and Dollie Bevel Underwood. She was an organizer of Against Child Abuse and was founder of Valarie's Echo in Middletown. She was a Real Estate Broker wim Classic Realty. She married Andrew "Buddy" Mills on September 15, 1961, in Huntersville. Surviving is her husband; her mother, Dollie Bevel Underwood, of Huntersville; a daughter, Tamra Mills, of Stephens City, Virginia; seven sisters, Delia Mae Fleury, of Ft. Washington, Maryland, Dortha Pearl Pyles, of Marlinton, Floretta Lee Gordon, of Stuart, Virginia, JoAnn McCoy, of Manassas, Virginia, Karen Sue Larson, of Marlinton, Rosemary Hofer, of Leesburg, Virginia, and Virginia Ann Dendy, of Fredericksburg, Virginia; three brothers, Grady Ray Underwood, of Afton, Virginia, Harmon Lewis Underwood, of Baltimore, Maryland, Louie Lee Underwood, of Harrisville; and two granddaughters. Funeral service was held Saturday, May 9, at 11 a.m. at Jones Funeral Home Chapel, Stephens City, Virginia, with Dr. Ken A. Smith. Burial was in Beaver Creek Cemetery, Huntersville.

Gail Smith Millsap Gail Smith Millsap, age 75, died Sunday, March 17, 1998, at the home of her daughter, Marmett McDaniels, in Culpeper, Virginia, after a long illness. Mrs. Millsap was born at Clover Lick on January 8, 1923, die daughter of the late John and Mary Ellen Hoover Smith. She is survived by Mrs. McDaniels, her only child, and twin granddaughters; four brothers, Charles Smim, of Beckley, Hunter Smith, of Bluefield, Bill Smith, of Bolar, Virginia, and Jack Smith, of Marlinton; and two sisters, Marmett Hancock, of Blacksburg, Virginia, and Osa McLaughlin, of Marlinton. Her husband, Bill Millsap, died about 1985; also preceding her in deam were two sisters, Alice Ervine and Anna Lee Ervine, and two broUiers, Jim Smith and George Smith. Services were held 11 a. m. Wednesday at Bailey Funeral Home at Princeton, with burial at Bluewell.


Eugene Hill Mitchell, II Eugene Hill Mitchell, II, age 78, of Hinton, died February 11, 1999, at home. He was a retired extension agent for West Virginia University in Mercer County, a member of Second Baptist Church, Hinton, and Wiley Lodge. He was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II, and t a longtime resident of Hinton. Born June 22, 1920, in Aflex, Kentucky, he was die son of die late Eugene Z. and Jessie Hill Mitchell, who was a school teacher in Pocahontas County for many years. His wife, Alice Ruth Hall Mitchell, died in 1992. Surviving him are a son, Eugene H. Mitcheu, ill, of Hinton; and a daughter, Ruth Mitchell Johnson, of Atlanta, Georgia. Services were held Tuesday at Pivont Funeral Home in Hinton by die Rev. John W. Gravely. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton. Robert H. Moss Robert H. Moss, age 68, of Richwood, died March 3, 1999, in Memorial Division, Charleston Area Medical Center, after a long illness. He was retired from Georgia Pacific, wim 35 years service. Born at Buckeye, July 20, 1930, he was die son of Tobias and Lora Jackson Moss. Surviving him are his wife, Juanita Morris Moss; and two sisters, Mary Broce, of Buckeye, ; and Goldie Turner, of St. Albans. Services were held Monday at Simons-Coleman Funeral Home, Richwood, by the Rev. Jay VanReenen. Burial was in die Richwood Cemetery. Seth Daniel Marks Sedi Daniel Marks, age 59, of Mount Nebo, died August 5, 1999, at home after a long illness. He was a member of Mount Gilead Bapdst Church at Pool, and a disabled miner. Surviving him are his wife, Beverly Hamrick Marks; two sons, Stephen Daniel, of Summersville, and Joseph, of Mount Lookout; five daughters, Terri Viers and Kelli Dempsey, bodi of Mount Nebo, Tammi Gregory, of Summersville, Kim Totten, of Marlinton, Ellittia Marks, at home; a brotiier, William L. Marks, of Rocky Point, Nordi Carolina; two sisters, Roberta Parrish and Elizabedi Ramsey, both of Mount Nebo; and diirteen grandchildren. Memorial services will be held a', a later date.

Herbert H. Morrison, Jr. Herbert Hansen Morrsion, Jr., age 65, of Buckeye, died Tuesday, January 19, 1999, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Morrison was selfemployed, die owner of Morrison Repair. He was a veteran of die Korean War, serving in die Air Force, and was a member of die Veterans of Foreign Wars and also of die Marlinton Moose Lodge. Born at Charleston June 10, 1933, he was die son of Herbert Hansen Morrison, Sr., and Ora Dilley Morrison. His parents and a son, William Lee Morrison, preceded him in deadi. Surviving him are his wife, Gerry Parker Morrison; two sons, James B. Morrison, of Renick, and Samuel P. Morrison, of Buckeye; a brother, Tom Dilley Morrison, of Frank; and one grandchUd. Services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by die Rev. Gail Cutlip, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Joyce M. Mick Joyce Marie Mick, age 68, of White Sulphur Springs, died February 4, 1999, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a short illness. She was bom June 10, 1930, at Cass, the daughter of die late Robert Earl and Berdia Brackman Mick. She was of the Mediodist faidi and was retired widi 20 years service at Burlington Industries. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Tallman and Mrs. Dorothy Lee Shinaberry, of White Sulphur Springs. Funeral services were conducted February 7, in the Chapel of Shanklin Funeral Home in White Sulphur Springs, by Rev. Bill Kelly, Rev. Ray Conrad and Rev. Bobby McCIintic. Burial followed in Rosewood Cemetery in Lewisburg. Expressions of sympadiy may be made to die American Lung Association of West Virginia, P.O. Box 3980, Charleston, WV 253393980.


William P. Martin William Patrick "Bill" Martin, 52, of 256 Seneca Road, Elkins, died at 7:27 a.m. Saturday. Jan. 2, 1999, in Davis Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient since Dec. 26. He had been in his usual health until entering the hospital and his condition had been considered critical for the past week. MARTIN Mr. Martin was born Sept. 7, 1946, at Elkins, a son of the late Patrick Francis and Anna Ruth Keplinger Martin. On May 15, 1993, he married the former Bonita "Bonnie" Gum who survives. Also surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Kathleen "Katie" and; T.C. Ward, Elkins; and a stepdaughter, Regan Brooke Phares, at home. Mr. Martin attended the schools of Randolph County and was a graduate of Elkins High School with the class of 1964 and attended Potomac State College. He was employed at the West Virginia Department of Highways as an inspector and at the time of his death he had 35 years of service with die state. He served with the Army National Guard as a military police office and was a member of H.W. Daniels Post 29 American Legion. He was a former member of Knights of Columbus and West Virginia Highlanders where he was a member for more than 20 years. He was a member of St. Brendan Catholic Church where he served as Eucharistic minister.

James C. Mitchem James Clifford Mitchem, age 77, of Coal City, Beckley, died January 25, 1999, in a Beckley hospital after a long Ulness. He was a retired miner and a member of Lillybrook Freewill Baptist Church. , He is survived by his wife, Thelma Gladine Grubb Mitchem; son, Henry David, of Harts; daughter, Lillie Jean Mitchem Hicks, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina; sister, Clara Garretson, of Marlinton;tiireegrandchildren; two greatgrandchddren. Service was held at WilliamsBlue Ridge Funeral Home, Sophia, by Reverend Robert Combs. Burial followed in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity.

Robert L. Miller Robert Luther Miller, age 91, of Marlinton, died Friday, August 13, 1999, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Mr. Miller was retired manager of the Marlinton A&P Store, coming to the store in Marlinton over sixty years ago. He was a member and active in the Marlinton United Methodist Church, having served as treasurer and about all other board, trustee, and administrative positions. He was past president of the Marlinton Rotary Club, treasurer and past master, Marlinton Masonic Lodge, AF&AM #127, 32nd Degree Mason, and member Order of Eastern Star #97, former Marlinton town recorder and council member, member of the Volunteer Fire Department for several years, worked with the Boy Scouts, and was a member of the Pocahontas Country Club. He was born July 14, 1908, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, the son of the late Alexander Luther and Mary Ella Tumey Miller. His wife, Clara A. Miller, his son, Robert H. Miller, and a sister, Myrtle Sidell, preceded him in death. Surviving him are two daughters, Judy Ramsey and Roberta Smith, both of Marlinton; four brothers, Paul Miller, of Venice, Florida, Kenny Miller and Howard Miller, of Fairmont, and Charles Miller, of New Manchester; six grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Marlinton United Methodist Church by Earl D. "Butch" Michael and the Rev. Stanley Clark. Burial with Masonic rites was in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Pocahontas Memorial Thomas Jason Moore II Thomas Jason Moore, II of Concord, North Carolina, died at birth at the Northeast Medical Center in Concord on Monday, August The infant is survived by his parents, Thomas Jason and Michelle Moore, of Concord; brother, Joseph, at home; grandparents, Thomas and LuAnne Moore of Orlando, Florida, Bill and Margaret Smith, of Clermont, Florida and Winston Kelley, of Bainbridge' C-eorgia; great-grandparents, Lucy Moore, of Marlinton, and Louise Kelley, of Bainbridge. Services were held Friday at Wilkinson Funeral Home in Concord with the Rev. Tom Anderson officiating.

Thomas F. Mero Thomas F. Mero, 80, a resident of 200 15th Street, Elkins, and a patient at the Elkins Regional Convalescent Center, died at 3:47 a.m. Friday, April 2, 1999, at the Center. He had been in declining health since 1992. He was born June 26, 1918 at Elkins, a son of the late Thomas Triffley and Pearl Phillips Mero. On June 15, 1941, he was married to the former Martha Sonner, who survives. Also surviving are a son, Thomas M. Mero, Alexandria, Va.; a brother, Bruce C. Mero, Tempe, Ariz.; a sister, Elizabeth Tiano, Elkins; and a granddaughter, Sharon J. Wetzel, Virginia Beach, Va. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Elizabeth Jane Mero, and a brother, Philip M. Mero. Mr. Mero attended Elkins High School, and graduated from Davis & Elkins College with the class of 1947. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army serving with the Third Infantry Division in France, and was wounded and received the Purple Heart. He was employed by the U.S. Postal Service as a postal auditor retiring in 1979. He was a lifetime member of H.W. Daniels Post No. 29, American Legion, and the Tygarts Valley Post No. 3647, Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a member of the Elkins Lodge No. 108 A.F. & A.M., Elkins Chapter No. 35, Royal Arch Masons, Pilgrim Commandery No. 21, Knights Templar, the Osiris Shrine at Wheeling, and the Elkins-Randolph County Senior Center. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Elkins. Icie V. Murphy Icie V. Murphy, age 87, of Arbovale, died Thursday, April I, at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Pine Grove Church of the Brethren, and was a retired cook with the Pocahontas County Board of Education with 30 years of service. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge and was a member of the Retired School Employees. Mrs. Murphy was born January 26, 1912, at Arbovale, a daughter of the late Arlie C. and Media A. Sponaugle Rexrode. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arlin J. Murphy; a sister, Katherine Pugh; and a brother, Hubert Rexrode. Surviving her are two sisters, Pearl Clarkson, of Arbovale, and Creola Brubaker, of Grafton, Ohio, and two brothers, Guy H. Rexrode, of Elk Ridge, Maryland, and George Rexrode, of Glen Burnie, Maryland.

George A. Myles George Anderson Myles, 84, of Elkins, died on May 7,1999, in the Elkins Regional Convalescent Center after a long illness. He was born on September 5, 1914, at Clifftop, the only son of George T. and Ollie Anderson Myles. Mr. Myles was graduated from West Virginia University in 1942, as a nrember of one of the first classes of the new School of Forestry. During World War II he worked as a wood specialist in the U. S. Technical Services. Following the war he began in the sawmill business at Goshen, Virginia, in 1946, moving to Elkwater in 1951 and to the present site of Myles Lumber Company south of Elkins in 1961. In 1982 Mr. Myles and W. M. Cramer acquired the R. S. Burruss mill at Marlinton. Mr. Myles was active in promoting and supporting the forestry industry in the state, involved in civic activities in Elkins, and member of the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church. On August 7, 1937, he married the former Virginia Rexrode, of Marlinton, who preceded him in death last year. Survivors include one daughter, June B. Myles, of Redding, Connecticut, and one sister, Frances Marford, of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Services were held on Tuesday at the Davis Memorial Church with the Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge officiating. Burial was in the Maplewood Cemetery at Elkins. Memorial gifts may be made to the W. Va. Forestry Endowment Fund, c/o Eugene Shreve, 19 Park Street, Buckhannon, WV 26201 or the charity of your choice.


Mary Ruth Rose Moore Mary Ruth Rose Moore, age 79, of Daytona Beach, Florida, died May 14, 1999, at Mariner Health Care of Port Orange, Florida. She retired in 1973 as a secretary for the United States Forest Service, in the Richwood office of the Gauley District, Monongahela National Forest She was a member of the Richwood Presbyterian Church, and a member of the Order of Eastern Star. The daughter of the late Robert Lee and Alta Moss Thomas Rose, she was born at Marlinton December 13,1919. She was preceded in death by her husband, Meade Jack Moore; her parents; a sister, Peggy Lutz; and a brother, Robert Rose. Surviving her are two sisters, Mildred Shortt, of Ona, and Louise McKeage, of Montrose, Penns_ vania; and a brother, Shan Rose, of Hendersonville, Tennessee. Visitation will be Thursday from 6 to 8 p. m. at VanReenen Funeral Home. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday at VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Randy Benson, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to the Marlinton United Methodist Women. Lottie G. Moore Lottie Grace Moore, age 88, of Orrville, Ohio, formerly of Boyer, died September 20, 1999, in Orrville, after a long illness. Mrs. Moore was bom September 25, 1910, at Boyer, and was the daughter of the late Henry Hamilton and Ida M. Stone Halterman. She was a member of Durbin United Methodist Church and was a member of die Women's Society ot the Church. She was also a membei of the Rebekah Lodge and was a member of the Women of the Moose. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Franklin Moore, in 1991; and one sister, Stella Bennett. Survivors include one daughter, Anna Mae Banton, of Orrville, "Ohio; two sons, Merle Moore, of Harrison, Arkansas, and John Moore, of Middletown, Ohio; 16 grandchildren, 13 greatgrandchildren, and one great-greatgrandchild. Services were held at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Arbovale, September 25 with burial in Boyer Cemetery.

Sophia Pearle Isner Martin Ruby Cavell Burdette Maddy Sophia Pearle Isner Martin, age Ruby Cavell Burdette Maddy, 79, 94, a former resident of the Glenof Oak Hill, died Sunday, March more Community, Elkins, and 14, 1999, after a short illness. more recently a patient at the Baroour County Good Samaritan Cen- | Mrs. Maddy died at home. She was born in Thurmond, a ter, died September 6, 1999, at the daughter of the late Andrew Wilson Center. She had been in declining and Minnie Garten Burdette. health for the past several years. Mrs. Maddy was a retired regisShe was born July 16, 1905, tered nurse, a member of the Oak at Parsons, a daughter of the late Hill United Methodist Church, CirJohnson and Iva Belle Shaffer Isncle #5 of the church, 1940 graduate er. On November 25, 1922, at of Oak Hill High School and a Tucker County, she married Ottis graduate of the Laird Memorial Otha Martin, who preceded her in death on April 11,1985. Hospital School of Nursing. She She attended the schools of was a member of the OHHS/CHS Tucker County and was a homeAlumni Association, Laird Memomaker and a member of the Good rial Hospital Nurses Alumni, Shepherd Church at Glenmore. American Legion Auxiliary Post She was preceded in death along 149. She was a past Noble of the with her husband by two sons, Rebekah Lodge. James Meredith and Ottis Junior In addition to her parents, she Martin, one infant brother and four was preceded in death by a sister, grandchildren. Opal Burdette Bunch. She is survived by three daughMrs. Maddy is survived by her ters, Lucille Kerns and Lola Vanshusband, J. Frank Maddy; a son coy, both of Elkins, and Violet Delane Wade Maddy, of Oak Hill; Bennett, of Fredericksburg, Virgia daughter, Cynthia Maddy Ashford, nia; 11 grandchildren, 18 greatof Frost; two brothers, Andrew grandchildren, and two great-greatWilson Burdette, Jr., of Hampton, granddaughters. Virginia, and Marvin G. Burdette, Service was held Wednesday at of Winter Haven, Florida; and two Lohr-Barb-Vance Funeral home grandchildren. chapel by the Rev. Tom Jackson Memorial services will be held and the Rev. Roger L. Foster. Saturday at 2 p.m. at Oak Hill Burial followed in the Mountain United Methodist Church with the State Memorial Gardens at Gilman. Rev. James Sheppard officiating. Special services will also be conducted by the Laird Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. John W. Miller The family will receive friends John W. Miller, age 85, of 250 following the service in the FelJordan Road, Marlinton, died lowship Hall of the church. Saturday, June 12, 1999, at In lieu of flowers, the family rePocahontas Memorial Hospital, quests donations to Hospice of after a long illness. Southern West Virginia, P. O. Box Mr. Miller was a farmer. 1472, Beckley WV 25802. He was born May 24, 1914, at Woodrow, the son of the late Emery and Icie Duncan Miller. Lottie G. Moore Others preceding him in death Mrs. Lottie G. Moore, of were a son, Charles W. Miller, two Orrville, Ohio, died on September brothers, Glen and Winters Miller, 20, 1999. and a sister, Arlene Brown. She will be buried in PocahonSurviving him are three tas County but arrangments are indaughters, Hester Jordan, Frances complete at press time. The body is Miller, and Charlotte Shaw, all of at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Marlinton; three sons, Tempest Home. "Buck" Miller, Wilbum E. Miller, and John D. "Delmas" Miller, all of Marlinton; three sisters, Mary Moore, of Marlinton, Elnita Friel, of Ohio, and Logetta Blackwell, of Joplin, Missouri; a brother, George Miller, of Marlinton; twelve grandchildren and sixteen greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Wallace Dorn, with burial in the Cochran Cemetery.




Mrs—^llle McLaughlin, wife of Dennis Dever, dier* ao her home on Knapps Creek, October 11, 1935. from a complication of diseases following a long illness. Mrs Dever was a daughter of the late Wm. J. and Susan Bible McLaughlin, was born June 2-t, 1374. She was married to Dennis Dever, June 30, 1897. To this union were born live children, three sons, Earl. Willard and Leo; two girls Jean and Blv who survive her. She is also survived by her husband, Dennis Dever; three grand children, Ruth, Dharl •>nd Earlene Dever and one brother, J A. McLaughlin, living in Indiana. cue was preceded to the grave by a sister, Mrs Lizzie Lightner, who died in Texas, and by one brother, Mitchell, of Greenbrier county, who was found dead in bed at her home four weeks ago. Mr- <jver was a faithful and consistant ir.ember of the Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held from the West Minster Church, Sunday afternoon, in charge of her pastor, Eev. D la. Monroe before a large crowd of sorrowing friends. The pall bearers and flower girls were her Sunday School class. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot near her home. I t can be said a good woman and a kind nei; hbor has gone from our midst.

C. C. McLaughlin \/ Clarence Cameron McLaughlin, of Dunmore, died on Monday, October 20, 1958, in McGuire's Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, after a long illness. He was a Veteran of World War I and a member of the Moose Lodge and the American Legion at Durbin. Born April 1, 1893, near Huntlersville, he -was the son of the late Wallace and Nancy Annas Moore McLaughlin. Surviving him are his wife, Virgie Dilley McLaughlin; a son, Everett McLaughlin, of Baltimore, Maryland; six sisters, Miss Ann McLaughlin, of Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Eva Loury, of Minnehaha Springs; Mrs. Bessie McCarty, of Huntersville; Mrs. I Grace Fertig, of Baltimore, Maryland; Mrs. Esta Ch imhn, of High Point, North Carolina; and Mrs. Delana Ginger, of Detroit, Michigan; and two brothers, Roy and June McLaughlin, both of Huntersville. He was preceded in death by a son, Clarence Cameron. Jr., and three brothers, Guy, Turk and Wirt McLaughlin. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Dunmore Methodist Church by the Rev. C. E. Potts with burial in the Dunmore ^£mej&£jL—

Finny McLaughlin Mrs. FanDy Dargan Mc> Caa McLaughlin, 78, of Charlottesville, Virginia, died Thursday, July 20, 1978, in a Charlottesville nursing home. Born in Annieton, Alabama, she was the daughter of the late William Lowndes and Addie Noble McCaa. She is survived by her husband, John C. B. McLaughlin; one son, Williiam Lowndes McLaughlin, of Washington, D. C ; two daughters, Mrs. James W. Grove, Charlottesville, and Mrs. George R. Ours, of Petersburg; one brother, John McCaa, and one sister, Mrs. Frank M. Butler, botb of Anniston, Alabama; seven grandchildren. She was a graduate of Agnes Scott College, Decatur. Georgia, and attended Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. She was a member of West- i minster Presbyterian Church.; She was a teacher of Biology , at Agnes Scott, Anniston High Schooland in the summer school sessions of Shepherd College a^Shepherdstown. A memorial service was held on Saturday, at Westminster Presbyterian Church with Rev. H. Middleton Raynal, of Glasgow, Virginia, and Rev. James Baker, of Charlottesville. Interment at New Providence Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Raphine, Virginia. George McLaughlin Q^s George Stanley McLaughlin, 55, of Stony Bottom, died Sunday, December 16, 1962, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following a heart attack. He was a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway employee. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. George T. McLaughlin, with whom he made his home; two sons, Donald Lee McLaughlin, of Tucson, Arizona, and Gerald Dale McLaughlin, of Santa Monica, California; two brothers,. Bearyl E. McLaughlin, of Stony Bottorx and Warren A. McLaughlin of Akron, Ohio; and two granc children. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday afternoon in the Alexander Memorial Church at Stony Bottom with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle in charge. Burial was in Stony Bottom Cemetery.

/ !'' Mrs. Molhe IHcLaughiin Mrs. Mollie Ester Moore McLaughlin, f7, of .Akron, Ohio, died at the home of her brotherMoody Moore, of Huntersville, on Friday afternoon, November 16, 1956, of a heart condition. She had been ill for the past year. A retired employee of the Firestone Rubber Company, of Akron, Ohio, she had been visiting her brother for a month. She was a member of the Akkron Methodist Church and the White Shrine. She was a member of the Marlinton Chapter Crder of the Eastern Star Number 97. i A daughter of the late Adam C. and Henrietta Hogsett Moore, of Huntersville. She was born March 14, 1889. Survivors include her husband, Charles A. McLaughlin, of Huntersville; one brother, Moody Moore, of Huntersville; one sister, Mrs. Allie V. Moore, of Fortuna, California, two sons, Frank G., of Fortuna, California; and Merritt, of Akron, Ohio. Services were held in the Smith Funeral home on Monday afternoon, by Rev. Charles A. Yoho. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery, with Eastern Star rites. A. G. McLaughlin £/ Archie Gray McLaughlin was born June 8, 1901, at Marlinton, the son of the late Edward F. and Margaret Mann McLaughlin and departed this life Wednesday night, April 22, 1959, acRomney. He had been a resident of Romney ' he past nine years. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Blackhurst, of Cass, March 16, 1928, and to them were born three children: Archie Gray McLaughlin, Jr., of Los Angeles, California; Edward H. Mclaughlin, of Morgantown; and Jane Ann McLaughlin, at home. In addition to his wife ar.d children he is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Claude E. McLaughlin, of Lewisburg; Frank P. McLaughlin, of Marlinton; Mrs. Glenna Morris and Mrs. Margaret Henderson, of Huntington. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at the Shaffer Funer al Home in Romney by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, pastor of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church of which Mr. McLaughlin was a member. Interment was made in the Arbovale Cemetery.

Elmer cLiut David Elmer McLaughlin, 90, died Sunday, September 23,1979, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born December 30, 1888. in Dunmore, he was a son of the late Robert and Lydia Rusmisel McLaughlin. Mr. McLaughlin was a farmer, woodsman, former member of the B o a r d of E d u cation, and a member of the W e s t m i n s t e r Presbyterian Church. Surviving him are bis wife, Ruth Galford McLaughlin; three sons, Shad and Robert, Marlinton, and Chester, of Barboursville; one daughter, Eleanor McLaughlin; three stepsons, Harper Galford, Green Bank, Marvin Galford, South Charleston; William Galford, Indianapolis, Indiana; and five stepdaughters, Viola Lantz. Green Bank, Roxie Morrison, Marlinton, Betty Kennison, Niceville, Florida, Helen Galford, Marlinton, and Gayle Galford, Texas; 19 grandchildren 21 great-grandchildren. • • Preceding him in death were his first wife, Ethel Wilfong McLaughlin, daughter, Lieutenant Decima McLaughlin, and sons, Basil, Rene, Cale, Azel, and three infants; four brothers; nine half brothers and sisters. He was the last of his family of fourteen. Services were held Tuesday in Westminster Presbyterian Church on Knapps Creek, by Rev. Willis Cornelius, Marlinton. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Westminster Presbyterian Church Fund.

Mrs. Elmer McLaughlin Mrs. Ethel Wilfong McLaughlin, wife of Elmer McLaughlin, died at her home on Knapis Creek, on Saturday. May 15, 1943. She had been in failing health for some time, but the .immediate cause of her death was a heart attack. Mrs. McLaughlin, a daughter of the late John and Josie Varner Wilfong, was born February 19, 1889. She married Elmer McLaughlin on September 27, i'.-.To this union were born twelve children; three oi whom preceded , . to the grave. Nine children survive: Eleanor, Shad and Robert at home; Basil, of Marlinton; Lieu tenant Dessie McLaughlin, of the Army Nurses Corps, stationed in Norm AT-ica, Cale and Azel, United States Naval Fleet in the Pacific Ocean; Rene, of United States Naval Station, Washington, D. C: Chester, United States Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. She is also survived by her husband, Elmer McLaughlin and two grandchildren, Kay and Basil Edward McLaughlin; four brothers: Ellzy and Norley Wilfong., of Hightown, Virginia; Elmer Wilfong, of Bartow; Wardell Wilfong, of Mill Creek; three sisters: Mrs. Dave Rexrode, of Elkins; Mrs. Cecil Rexrode, of Bartow, and Ruth Wilfong, of Hightown, Virginia.

Mrs. McLaughlin was a very |devout chaistian and had been a member of t h $ Presbyterian Church for many years. She was a loving and devoted wife and mother and a friend to all. Funeral services were held from the Westminster Church Monday afternoon in charge of her pastor, Rev. Hobart Childs and Rev. J. C. Wool. The pall beareas and flower girls were friends of the family. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot at the Dunmore [cemetery. Relatives and friends from a distance who attended the funeral Everette B. McLaughlin , , of Mrs. Elmer McLaughlin were Everette B. McLaughlin, J. Rene McLaughlin, Washing52, of Hampton, Virginia, ton, D. C; Mrs Rene McLaughlin, died Friday, August 13, 1971, of Dayton, Ohio; Chester Mcof an apparent heart attack. Laughlin, of Great Lakes, Illinois, He was a son of Mrs. Virgie Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McLaughlin, Dilley McLaughlin and the Mrs. Guy McLaughlin and daugh /.ate Cam McLaughlin, of iter, Zola, of Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Jim Barklcy, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dunmore. Funeral services were held Rexrode and family, of Elkins; Monday afternoon in the Dun Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilfong, more Methodist Church by Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wilfong, the Rev. Kenneth Montgom- Mr. and Mrs. Norley Wilfong and ery, with burial in the Dun- family and Ruth Wilfong, of Hightown Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. more Cemetery. Wardell Wilfong, of Mill Creek; Mr. and Mrs. George Gainer, Mr and Mrs Cecil Rexrode and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilfong, of for.


i Our Army and Navy Boys i

Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, of Huntersviilo received tiiis letter ifrom her sister, Lieutenant Decima McLaughlin, who was serving with the United States Army Nurses' Corps in Italy. This letter was written just ten days before her death on October 6, following an operation: Somewhere. September 26, 19,43. Dearest Sis and all: "Well, here I am again and sure wish I was there having a talk with you all, telling you these things I am unable to, write you. It is now 7:00 p. m. here and it is so dark. We go on duty at 7:30 so it seems as if it is in the middle of the night. We have Leen awful busy this week: worked 11 hours a couple of days, so you can figure we are working some now. It is a pleasure though to be lusy for one don't have time to think. I wrote to Jim and also to his mother. I received mail once this week but it was all old mail. I got one letter from Azel. I was so glad to hear from him. I wrote to him—even though 1 could not say where 1 am. There is a movie tonight—so that's a break., although I am not going. Guess I will go to bed usual at 8:30 p m. Sure do plenty of sleep these nights. It is raining now. It sure will bo a mess if it rains much, ai d the raining season will soon st.ut. Then I guess we will wear coveralls all the tip and big heavy shoes. I d a not think I'll like that. I hope you all are well. J am fine so far. Tell everyone hello for me. Sure hope I hear from you real soon. Love and khfe to all. Dessie. MRS. MARY M. McO§^ iJN Mrs. Mary McCalpvn Mclaughlin, wife of Fred McLaughlin, dJed at her home at Hot Springs, Va., on Wednesday, April 1, 1959, after a long illness. She had lived for many years at Stony I torn and Cass but had recently moved to Hot Springs, Va., and had transferred her membership to the Hot Springs Presbyterian Church. Her funeral was held Friday in the Cass Presbyterian Church with interment in the Arbovale Cemetery. Shd is survived by her husband, Fred, one son, Paul, of | Staunton, V a., o n e daughter, jMrs. Jolene Fitzwater pf BrownsIburg, Va., and three grandchildren.

Basil E. McLaughlin PRIVATE JOE MCLAUGHLIN Rene MsLau^hlin Basil Elmer McLaughlin, 49, Co. F . .UOth. Irif. A. E. F. Joseph Rene McLaughlin, 40, jof Marlinton, died Thursday, 15th. December. 1918. . died in McGuire Veterans Hos- | August 26, 1965, following lung From Commanding Officer, Or*. F. pital at Richmond, Virginia on surgery at West Virginia Uni- 316 Infantry, Friday, October 3, 1958, from versity Medical Center at MorTo Mr. Elmer McLaughlin, Thincancer, after a very short illness. gantown. /*/more. W. Va. A veteran of World War II, he i Born at Dunmore, May 23, Subject: Joe E. .McLaughlin. was a member of the Westmin- 1916, he was a son of Elmer ster Presbyterian Church, Hun- j McLaughlin, of Huntersville, Pvt. Joe McLaughlin was killed in tersville Masonic Lodge, Order of and the late Ethel Wilfong action October 10, 191s. while his the Eastern Star, and Veterans Company was holding a front line McLaughlin. * of Foreig n Wars. He was an emsector at Wadonville, which is a vilHe was a member of the ployee at The Greenbrier at lag situated north of St Mihiel about Marlinton Presbyterian ChurWhite Suiphur Springs. ch and was employed by the 25 miles. He was platoon runner Born at Dunmore July 7, 1918, State Road Commission. and while carrying a message, a high he was the son of Elmer and EthSurvivors include his wifeexplosi.e .=liell struck very close to el Wilfong McLaughlin. His Mrs. Geraldine Sheets Mc\j moth er and a sister, Decima, pre- Laughlin; one daughter, Mrs- hi.i:, eu;isinga yen severe concussion. He delivered his message and then ceded him in death. Dewey (Kay) Ross; three sons.; Surviving him are his wife, Edward and Kenneth Mc- fell dead. No soldier of his regiment met a Mrs. Mary Katheryn Smith Mc- Laughlin, both of Marlinton. Laughlin, a son, Richard Rene, and Ray McLaughlin, station- braver death and wn often remember and a daughter, Mary Irene; six ed in Viet Nam;his father, El- his heroism and devotion to his duty. brothers, Basil and Shad, of Mar- mer McLaughlin, and one sisHe was buried in about the centre linton, Cale, of Moffett Field, Cal- ter, Miss Eleanor McLaughlin; of this village by some of his comifornia, Azel, of Akron, Ohio, both of Huntersville; five broth- rades who were under shell fire at Chester, of Barboursville, and ers, Cale McLaughlin, of NaRobert, of Huntersville; a sister, tional City, California, Azel the time, and a suitable cross marks Eleanor, and his father and step- McLaughlin, of Akron, Ohio, his grave. Joe was a good boy and he was well mother, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chester McLaughlin, of BarMcLaughlin, all of Huntersville. boursville, Shad McLaughlin, liked by everyone of the company and we were very sorry to lose him. Funeral services were held Sun- of Marlinton, and Robert Mc1 >wight Cook, day afternoon in the Westmin- Laughlin, of Huntersville, and 1st Lt. Sloth, inf. A. K. K. ster Church by the Rev. J. D. four grandchildren. Commanding < Arbuckle, the Rev. Herbert PenHe was preceded in death by nington and Glenn McClung, with his mother, one sister, Decima He heard humanity's clear call, burial in Mountain View Ceme- I McLaughlin, and one brother, • He gave his life, he gave his all. tery. ' Rene McLaughlin. In deadly battle line. Funeral services were held The silent stars in love look down. Mrs. Can McLaughlin lies this loyal son; Saturday afternoon in the Mar- Where Mrs. Josie R. McLaughlin linton Presbyterian In frost and dew they weave a crown, Church by Of honor lie has won. aged 75, died Friday, March 4, the Rev. Robert Ray. Burial 1960, at her trailer home near was in the Mountain View Minnehaha Springs. Cemetery. Azel IMsaf hlin She was born January 30, 1885, Azel Lee McLaughlin, 55, at Mount Solon, Virginia, the of Akron, Ohio, formerly of daughter of the late David and H. Cale Mclaughlin Marlinton, died Fridayr OctoEliza Andrews Rusmisel. H. Cale McLaughlin was ber 29, 1976, in St. Petersburg, Surviving her are her husband, born December 26, 1919, at Florida. George' Cameron McLaughlin; Dunmore, and died at the one daughter, Mrs. Cecil McNaval Hospital in San Diego, Mr. McLaugbiin, a retired Laughlin; nine grandchildren, California, on Monday, Febemployee of Goodyear Rubber and eight great-grandchildren; ruary 2, 1970. Company, was a Presbyterian and a veteran of World War eight sisters, and two brothers. He was a graduate of MarII. On Monday funeral services linton High School. He enwere held at the Dunmore Metered the U. S. Navy Dec«m He was preceded in death by thodist Church by the Rev. Be.ber 11, 1939, and n-tired- Debis mother, a sister, Lieutenant nard Skeens and the Rev. Charcember 31, 1969, with 30 years Decima McLaughlin, three les Potts, with burial in the Dunof active duty. brothers, Basil Rene and Cale. more Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Zola; He was preceded in death father, Elmer McLaugbiin, by his mJther, onesieter. Dtcuna, and two brothers, Rene step mother, Mrs. Ruth McMrs. Mary Emma McLaughlin and Basil. Laughlin, of Marlinton;daughMrs. Mary Emma McLaughlin, ters, Mrs. Cheryl Bailey, CleveHe leaves his father, Elmer )f Natural Well, Virginia, a naMcLaugbiin. of Huntersv'lle; land, Ohio, Mrs, Evelyn Evans ive of Stony Bottom, died at the one Mster, Eleanor McLaugh- of Suffield, Ohio, Miss Joanie Community House Hospital, in 1 n, of Huntersville; four broth- McLaughlin, of Akron, Ohio; Jot Springs. Virginia, on Tuesers, Az?l McLaughlin, of Ak« brothers, Chester, of Barbours1ay, March 31, 1959. ran, Omo; Chester McLaugh- ville, Shad and Robert, bothThe funeral will be conducted lin, of B&rboursville; Shad of Marlinton; sister, Miss ElFriday, April 3, at 2:00 p. m in McLaughlin, of Marlinton, eanor McLaughlin, of Marlinthe Cass Presbyterian Church. ton. and Robert" McLaughlin, cf with burial at Arbovale. Humersville. Service and burial were Wed-


firs. E. F McLaughlin

MRS. MARY MCLAUGHLIN Mrs. M a r g a r e t Mann M c L a u g h Funeral services for Mrs. Mar? Jane McLaughlin, 65, of D u n - lin, aged s e v e n t y - e i g h t years, more, who died Dec. 4 at the wife of E d w a r d F . M c L a u g h l i n , Pocahontas Memorial H o s p i t a l died a t her home in M a r l i n t o n w e r e h e l d at the Dunmore on F r i d a y , M a y 10, 1946. F o r Church on Dec. 7, with the Rev. several years she had been an Roger P. Melton of 'Marlinton, invalid. officiating-. Interment was made T h e deceased was a d a u g h t e r in the McLaughlin Cemetery. Mrs. McLaughlin was born in of t h e late Clark and F h o e b e McPocahontas County, a daughter Allister M a n n , b o r a in A l l e g h a n y Virginiia. Fifty-one of the late Thomas Galford and C o u n t y , Elizabeth Vint Galford of Dun- years a g o she became t h e wife of more. She was married twice, E . F . M c L a u g h l i n . H e and t h e i r five children s u r v i v e : Claude, of her first husband being Brown McLaughlin of Dunmore. After L e w i s b u r g ; Archie G r a y , of F a i r his death she married Musto Mcmont; M r s G l e n n a M o r r i s of Laughlin, a brother of her first H u n t i n g t o n ; F r a n k P . and Marhusband. Her second husband is g a r e t of M a r l i n t o n . A daughter, deceased. S h e was a lifelong Dessie H e l e n , preceded her m o t h e r member of the Baxter PresbyterOf her father's famiiy t h e r e ian Church. remain h e r b r o t h e r s . G. | W a l t e r , Surviving are two sons, Oran, Mack, F r a n k and S a m u e l ; her of Marlinton and Murl of Seattle, Wash.; one half-sister, Mrs. | sisters Mrs. Q. \V. P o a g e , Mrs. E m m a Hippie, of Waukegan; A. C. K i d d , Mrs: B y r o n K i d d , Mrs. R. H. Dinklc, Mrs. Wilson 111.; and one half-brother, Lee C o u r t n e y , M r s . S. S. H a r t e r . Kessler, of Clover Lick; and five grandchildren, Granville, J a n e , In early life, u n d e r t h e minisBrown and Linda McCarty, of try of the late Rev. W . T . P r i c e , Dunmore, and Johnny Musto McD. D . . Mrs. M c L a u g h l i n became Laughlin of Seattle, Wash. a professing c h r i s t i a n , and m e m ber of t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n church Hers was a brijrht, useful life, E. H. McLaughlin looking well to t h e care of her Edward Hamilton McLaugh- loved ones and ber household unlin, 84, of Huntersville. died til laid aside with sickness. T h r o Tuesday, December 26, 1967, ugh her l o n g illness she endured in a Waynesboro, Virginia, threat suffering with becoming hospital after a long illness. patience. " H e r children arise Born at Huntersville, Octo- and call her blessed."

ber 23, 1883, he was a son of the late Hugh and Alcindia Bird McLaughlin. He was a retired farmer. His wife preceded him in death. Survivors include two sons, Edward H. McLaughlin, of New Smyrna, Florida, and Lloyd McLaughlin, of Valley H«ad, and two daughters, Mrs. Grace Shelton and Mrs. Margaret Deputy, both of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Huntc-isville Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in the McLaughlin Cemetery near Huntersville.


On S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n t h e fu neral was held from t h e P r e s b y -cerian church b y her p a s t o r , R e v . .!. C. Wool, D.I). H e r body was laid to rest in the M c L a u g h l i n family cemetery near t h e Court House, beside t h e g r a v e of h e r little d a u g h t e r , Dessie Helen. CLARENCE CAM McLAUGHLIN Clarence Cam McLaughlin, 66, of Dunmore, Pocahontas County, died Monday morning, October 20, 1958, in the Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Va., after a long illness. A veteran of World War I, was a member of the Moose Lodge and the American Legion at Durbin. He was a retired sawmill operator. Surviving are his wife, Virgie; a son, Everett of Baltimore, Md.; six sisters, Miss Ann McLaughlin of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Eva L o w r y of Minnehaha Springs, Mrs. Bessie MeCaity of Huntersville, Mrs. Grace Fertig of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Esta Chandler of High Point, N. C , and Mrs. Delena Ginger of Detroit, Mich., and two brothers, June and Roy, both of Huntersville. Services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Dunmore Methodist Church with Rev. C. E. Potts officiating. Burial was in Dunmore Cemetery.

DEATHS Mrs Hattie Raxrode McLauglin, wife of Balphor McLaughlin, died on Wednesday, July 10, 1940, after a Ion? illness; aged 68 years She was the daughter of the late George A. and Mary Folks Rexrode, of Hightown, Virginia. The deceased was united In mar riage to Balphor McLaughln in 1911 and to this union one child was born. Mrs McLaughlin is survived by her husband and daughter, Mrs Glen Kelley; three step children: Mrs Newton Lockridge, Nelle McLauehlln and Lonnie McLaughlin; also one foster daughter, Florence Alderman. One step daughter. Flora McLaughlin preceded her to the grave In 1935. Mrs McLaughlin was a christian, a life long member of the church; being united with the Lutheran Church until 1923, at which time she changed her membership to the Huntersville Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were conducted at her home on Browns Mountain, on Friday afternoon, July 12, by Rev. A. B. Wllliford, of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. '. ; ion, of the Methodist Church. Interment was made in the family cemetery. Thefllower girls were nelces of the deceased: Mrs Willie Sampson, Mrs G. O. Wade. Mrs Dempsey Johnson, Viola Pullins, Lucille Rt^rode, Ida Rexrode, Mary {Catherine Smith, Mary Etta Hevener, Dora McLaughlin and Betty Jane Rock. The pall bearers were her nephews: George Hevener, George Smith, Roscoe Rexrode, Herbert Rexrode, Charlie Palmer and Forest McLaughlin. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr and Mrs George Justice, Mrs Frank Rock and Betty JanetRock, of Rldgely, West Virginia: Mrs Sallle Loury, of Alliance. Ohio: Mr and Mrs Russell Thorpe, of Canton, Ohio.

Mrs NetaMcLajgf.lh

Mrs. Neta Thomas Byrd McLaughlin was born January 13, 1876, and departed from this life on Wednesday night, September 11, 1957, at Elkins State Home. Her first husband, John Ellet McLaughlin died in 1908, and her last husband, Wirt Woods McLaughlin, died in 1954. Her brothers were James Byrd, George Byrd, and John Byrd; all are dead. Her sisters were Nora Byrd, Nellie Byrd, and Sara Kathirne Byrd, and all are dead. She is survived by some nieces and nephews, two grand children, and fourteen gi7??.t-grand children. She had one son to John EHet McLaughlin, Alfred Brvan McLaughlin, died November 14,1932. Here parents were Valentine Byrd and Elizabeth Byrd. She will be sadly missed by all her friends who knew her.

DIED Miss Mollie B. McLaughlin Musto Hamilton McLaughlin, aged Miss Mollie B. McLaughlin, 70, of Richmond, Virginia, 62 years, died at his home near Dunmore. on Saturday, January 4, 193(5, formerly of Dunmore, died after a short illness. Friday, June 23, 1972, in a On Sunday afternoon his body was Richmond hospital after a buried in the LIcLaughliu cemetery, short illness. the funeral being conducted from Born at Dunmore, Septem- Baxter Presbyterian Church by his Rev. D. M. Monroi. ber 17, 1901, she was a daugh- pastor. The deceased was a son of the late ter of the late John and Min- Hugh and Nancy Rati iff McLaughner Susan McLaughlin, lin. Of his father', ' 'raily there reShe was a member of the St. main his sisters, f J. W. Deputy, Giles Presbyterian Church in 'Mrs Anne Corbett, Iv^rs Charles A Richmond and was employed ' Sharp; his brothers; Jacob, Letcher and Charles McLaughlin A sister, as a bookkeeper. Mrs Alice Brooks died not long since; Survivors include one broth- also two brothers, Brown and Wiler, Lyle L. McLaughlin, of Fol- liam. lansbee; four sisfers, Mrs. Mr McLaughlin married a Miss Nelia McLaughlin, Mrs. Leta Galford; to this union were born two Adams and Mrs. Dorothy Hall, children. The death of Mrs McLaughl in adds all of Dunmore, and Mrs. to the list cf so many promOladys Boso, of Willowick, another inent uizens and good men who have Ohio. passed ver in recent months. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the BaxMrs. H. W. McLaughlin ter Presbyterian Church at Mrs. Nellie S. Brown McDunmore, with burial in the Laughlin, widow of Dr. Henry Dunmore Ceaietery. W. McLaughlin, died Tuesday, Lonnie Preston McLaughlin May 21, 1968, in Stonewall On Monday morning, July Jackson Nursing Home at Lex9, 1962, Lonnie McLaughlin, ington, Virginia. Mrs. McLaughlin was a died of hardening of the ar- j member of Ginter Park Presteries while on a bulldozer on a road construction job. He byterian Church in Richmond, was rushed to a hospital in an Virginia. emergency car but was dead on She is survived by two dauarrival. ghters, Miss Virginia T. McLonnie was born May 11, Laughlin, of Arlington, Vir1909, and died at the age of ginia, and Mrs. Harry D. Tem53 years, one month and 28 ple, of Richmond, Virginia; six day. His parents were the sons, the Rev. John McLaughlate Balphor and Myrtle Cole lin, of Charlottesville, Virginia, Harry W. McLaughlin, Jr., McLaughlin. of Halifax, Virginia, James He leaves his wife, Stella KelM. McLaughlin, of Arlington, ley McLaughlin; and their three children, a daughter, Virginia, Dr. Andrew M. and Dorothy Corley, of Elkins; two Samuel B. McLaughlin, both sons, Lyle Lee McLaughlin and of Brownsburg, Virginia and Lonnie McLaughlin, Jr., of Lee M. McLaughlin, of LexingElkins; two grandchildren, ton, Virginia; one sister, Miss Dexter Lyle and Sheryl Lee Bessie B. Brown, of Richmond, McLaughlin; two sisters, Nelle Kentucky; 21 grandchildren Barrett and Dollie Lockridge, and 24 great-grandchildren. of Minnehaha Springs. Funeral services were held Funeral services were con- Thursday afternoon at New ducted on Thursday, July 12, Providence Presbyterian Churat The Smith Funeral Homei ch near Brownsburg, Virginia by the Rev. David H. Cobwith the Rev. Acie Bryant in lentz with burial in the church charge, and his body was laid to rest in Mountain View Ce- cemetery. metery.


rd was received Tuesday of the ti of Mrs. Harry McLaughlin at ;ome at Alliance, Ohio, October She had been in bad health for 8 time. Her many friends in Marlinton will remember Mrs. McLaughlin as Miws Pearle Warner, who wa» a inn local hospital for several

Grover C. McLaughlin C A S S — G r o v e r C. M c L a u g h l i n i aged 64 y e a r s , died on M o n d a y , April 6, 1953, of a heart attack T h e f u n e r a l w i l l be held from t h e Cass Presbyterian Church on T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n ; bis body will be laid in the family p l o t in A r bovale C e m e t e r y .



P. KcLaugMin

Mitchell D. McLaughlin, of M welton, aged about 78 years, was found dead in be 1 on Tuesday morning, September VI, 1935, at the home of his broil e-in-law, D W Dever, o> Knapps Cret k. He had come to see v, s s i ^ r * i i Dever, who had been very ill ' i, body will be buried at Maxwe.l n, on Thursday afternoon. Mr McLaughlin was one of the inent men of Greenbrier couwhere h e h a s lived for more tl forty yeaTs. He was a son of the late William and Susan Bible McLaughlin, and he was bom and reared in Pocahontas county. His home was near Iluntersvilie, where J. H. Buz zard now lives. He married Miss Greaver, of Bath county. She and a number of ehil dren survive. i Among the children are Mrs Henry Beaid, of Hillsboro; William, Porter and Richard McLaughlin, ol Greenbrier county. Of bis father'* family there remain Ins sister. Mrs D YV Dever. of Llnapps Creek, and his brother, Jacob McLaughlin, of Bnmlield. Indiana. Mr McLaughlin was a good man and lived a most useful life-diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving | Che Lord. In religion, he adhered to the church of his fathers, t le 1 res.hyierian, and for many years a Ruling Elder in the Max welton Church.

C C. McLaughlin Clarence C a m e r o n M c L a u g h l i n , aged 23 y e a r s , suffered death i n a truck accident a t the bridge e e a r Boyer, on S u n d a y n i g h t , O c t o b e r 10, 1948. His truck s t r u c k the side wall of the bridge and was torn to pieces. T h e deceased was the son cf C a m e r o n and V i r g i e Dilley M c ; L a u g h l i n , of D u n m o r e . He is s u r v i v e d by his p a r e n t s and a brother, Everett. Mr. M e L a u g h l i u is survived by !his wife, Mrs G e r t r u d e H o r n e r M c L a u g h l i n , and t h e i r little daughter. H e was a veteran of the late war, with long service overseas. T h e funeral service is to be held at Dunmore Wednesday afternoon.

Harmon S. McLaughlin H a r m o n Strickler M c L a u g h l i n aged 71 y e a r s of Cass, died on S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 13,^1948, afj ter a long illness. On Tuesday afternoon his body was laid in the Wanless c e m e t e r y ; t h e funeral being held from the Cass Meth bdist C h n r c h by his pastor, Rev. Qaade Arbogast. j S u r v i v i n g a r e his wife, Mrs. Bessie M c L a u g h l i n and their four children, Mrs A n n a V a r n e r , H a r , mon, X j r m a n and Ira McLaughlin,

Mrs. W. C. McLaughlin Mrs. Fannie A. Moore McLaughlin, aged 83 years, widow of the late W. C. McLaughlin, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hefner, of Edray, on Wednesday, December 28, 1955. On Saturday afternoon, the funeral was held from the Baxter Church, at Dunmore, by her pastor, Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, assisted by Rev. Ezra Bennett, of Edray. Her body was laid to rest in the Dunmore Cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of the late Jefferson and Laura Grimes Moore. Of her father's family there remain her sister, Mrs. Hattie McLaughlin, and her brother, George E. Moore, of Lewisburg. Mr. McLaughlin preceded his wife a number of years since. Of their nine children, five survives their parents; Mrs. W. R. Kellison, Mrs. Henry Hefner, both of Marlinton; Mrs. Harmon Dilley, of Dunmore; Don McLaughlin, of Ravenna, Ohio; and Okey McLaughlin, of Silver Springs, Maryland. They are also survived by five grand children. The deceased was a professing christian, for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church. Thus is noted the passing of a good mother, and a friend to all in need. December brings sad memories, Of a loved one gone to rest— Those who think of you today, Are the ones who loved you best. The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day, But never will the one we love, From memory pass away. Sleep on, dear mother, take your rest, We loved you well, but God knew best. T*v.~


George Cameron McLaughlin George Cameron McLaughlin, 83, of Huntersville, died Saturday, December 19, 1964, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. He was born at Dunmore, July 23, 1881. Survivors include one daughter. Mrs. June (Cecil) McLaughlin, of Huntersville; one sister, Mrs. Kate Galford, of Dunmore, and a half brother, Elmer McLaughlin, of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Dunmore Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley. Burul was in the Dunmore Cemetery


Mrs. L. P. McLaughlin

Mrs. Love McLaughlin Notting ham. wife of Lea No'tMngl am, enterfid into rest at her home at Bellngton, February 7. 1932, Her iiiness was brief: two days before her death she was paralyzed. She gradually Slew weaker until her quiet spirit was released from its t< nemerit of clay. In the quiet of I he evening : she was not, for God had taken her I1 from her earthly to her heavenly home. Mrs Nottingham was a daughter 1 of the late Robert and Martha liusmisell McLaughlin, of Dunmore. She is survived by her husband and live step childen, Vera, Artie, Ruth, Alma and Paul Nottingham; four broth ers, W. C. R. L.. Cam and Russell McLaughlin, of Dunmore: three sisters, Mrs Nebraska Skyles and Mrs John Galford. of Dunmore; Miss Melissa McLaughlin, of North Emporia, Va.; three half brothers, fallmer, of Knapps Creek; Arnold and Guv, of Akron, Ohio. Funeral service conducted from tinSouthern Methodist uhureh, of which she was a member, by the pastor Rev Marshall, assisted by Rev 1). M. Monroe, of the Presbyterian church. The flower girls were her neices. lie) body was laid to rest in a (lower covered geave in the Dunmore cemetery, to await the resurrection. God will take away our trouble, lie will wipe away our tears, In the blissful happy morning Mrs. McLaughlin was a charter Of that day of endless years. member of the Eastern Star of A,r?. Hillsboro. During the many years she lived at Hdlsboro she Roy P. McLaughlin was a faithful member of the Oak Roy Bedford McLaughlin, 65, Grove Presbyterian Church there of Huntersville, died Saturday, Services were conducted by June 14, 1975, in Memorial Rev. J. D. Arbuckle and Dr. R. General Hospital in Elkina A. Pfrangle, Saturday afternoon, after a long illness.. November 15th, at the Clifton He was a farmer and a memPresbyterian Church at Maxwel- ber of the Methodist Church. ton, of which she was a member. Born January 26, 1910, near Burial followed in the church Huntersville, he was a son of the cemetery. late Wallace and Annis Moore » Jacob McLaughlin McLaughlin. He was preceded in death by Jacob McLaughlin, aged 79 years, died at his home noarDuu- five brothers, Worth, Guy, more on April 6, 1948. He had Turk, Cam and June, and two been in failing health following sister's, Eva Loury and Bessie an attack of pneumonia some McCarty. Surviving: wife, Madeline weeks since. On Thuisday aftirnoon his bedy was laid to rest in Perry McLaughlin, sons, Huthe McLaughlin family cemetery, bert R. Perry, of Dunmore, and the service beiag held from the Howard Lee McLaughlin, at home by his pas'or, Kev. B. B. home; one daughter, Mrs. LarBreiteubirt and Rev. Quade Ar- ry (Minnie Faye) Taylor, of Minnehaha Springs, four sisters bogast. The deceased was a son of the Mrs. Esta Chamelin, of High late Hugh and i\anc.v Ratliff Mc- Point, North Carolina, Mrs. Laughlin. Of his father's family Grace Fertig, of Joppa, Marythere remain his sisters, Mrs. land, Mrs. Anna Mary McLena Deputy; Mrs, Anna Corbett Laughlin, of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Delana Ginger, of and Mrs. Charles A. Sharp. Detroit, Michigan, and three Mr. McLaughlin married Miss grandchildren. Grace Scruggs, who survives. Services were held Tuesday Their children are Clyde, Earl jaud Junior; Mrs. Janice Dunn, afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home with the Rev. Mrs. Ellet Gragg and Opal. Sherman Markley officiating. Thus is noted the passing of a Burial was in the McLaughlin good man. a solid, substantial cit- Cemetery near Huntersville. izen. Mrs. Julia Arbuckle McLaughilin died at her home in Lewisburg, Wednesday night, November 12, 1958. Mrs. McLaughlin was born at "Belle Vue," her ancestral home north of Lewisburg, August 16, 1878, the daughter of the late Alexander W. and Elizabeth Creigh Arbuckle. She was the wife of Lee P. McLaughlin, who preceded her in death. Surviving are three sons, Andrew W. McLaughlin, of Lewisburg; Alexander A. McLaughlin, of Aldtrson, and Lee Preston McLaughlin, of Hillsboro; two daughters, Elizabeth Price McLaughlin, of Bradenton, Florida, and Mrs. William Unger, of Gulfport, Florida; two brothers, Alexander W. Arbuckle, of Lewisburg, and Dr. Lockhart Arbuckle, of Savannah, Georgia; two sisters, Mrs. John B. Sydenstricker and Miss Mary Lynn Arbuckle, both of Lewisburg, and seven grandchildren. She is also survived by Dr. William Kay, of Richmond, Virginia, and Thomas and J a m e s Kay, of Waynesboro, Virginia, whom she raised and loved as her own.

Mrs. Grace McLaughlin


. M r s . Grace Julia McLaughlin, 79. of Mountain Grove, Virginia, died Thursday, December 25,1975, in the Bath County Community Hospital Mrs. McLaughlin was born July 3, 1896, in Pocahontas County, a daughter of the late Joseph Newton and Virginia Duncan Friel. She was the widow of Vernon P. McLaughlin, who died July 3, 1964. She is survived by three daughters, Virginia Beard, Clifton Forge, Virginia, Edith McLaughlin, Staunton, Virginia, Nobel Byer, Warm Springs, Virginia; four sons, Harper J. McLaughlin, Roanoke, Virginia, Jack D. McLaughlin and James L. McLaughlin of Hot Springs, and Vernon Tate McLaughlin, Warm Springs; one brother, Dee Friel, Elkins. Also surviving are 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, December 27, in the Chapel of the McLaughlin Funeral Home with the Rev. Clyde Gum officiating, assisted by the Rev. Warren Rollins. Interment was in the Warm Springs Cemetery. _ Mrs. Grace McLaughlin Mrs. Grace Bell Scruggs McLaughlin was born March 21, 1887, and departed this life on Saturday, April 9, 19S0. She was the 'wife of Jacob R McLaug'hlin who preceded her in death April 1, 1948. To this union were born seven children: Clyde B McLaughlin, of Dunmore; Edna Gragg, of Marlinton; Earl McLaughlin, Opal McLaughlin and Junior McLaugu lin at home and Janice Dunn, of Mullens; and a son Emmett McLaughlin passed away at an early age. Beside these to mourn her loss she leaves nineteen grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Bessie Bird, of Valley Center, Virginia; Mrs. Lola Taylor, of Dunmore; Mrs. Nannie Burner, of Durbin; Mrs. Connie Webb, of Louisa, Kentucky, and one half sister, Mrs. Gussie Fellen, of Charleston. She was a member of the Methodist Church for sixty one years, having joined the Methodist Church in Greenbrier County at the age of twelve years. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon in the Methodist Church at Dunmore, with burial in the McLaughlin Cf netery.



The community was shocked Friday forenoon, January 20, 1933, by the sudden and unexpected death of William A. McLaughlin. He was at work on his farm on Seneca Trail two miles below Marlinton. Fire had gotten out in a patch of dry grass, and in getting it under control, the extra exertion brought on an attack of heart failure. He was in the sixtieth year of his age, having been born at Dunmore on August 23, 1873. On Sunday afternoon, the funeral service was conducted from the Presbyterian church by Rev O. N Miles, assisted by Rev. W. G Winton, in the presence of a great congregation, Burial in the McLaughlin family cemetery with Masonic honors. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and the Masonic fraternity. The pall bearers were Frank Baxter, Frank Moore, Frank King, G. S. Callison, Pat Gay, E. M. Richardson and Calvin W. Price. Honorary pallbearers were W. H. Barlow, Dr. N. R. Price, Dr. Fred Allen, W. B. King T. S- McKeel, Fred Ruck man, Geo. P. Edgar, O. A. Baxter. The deceased was a son of the late George H. and Ruhamah Wiley McLaughlin. Of his fathers family there remain three daughters, Mrs. Solon Moore, Mrs. J. O. Smith, and Mrs. L. II. Stephenson: three sons, John A., Edward F. and Fred F. McLaugh lin. A sister and a brother, Clarence, preceded him in death some years since. He married Miss Mittie Kee, who survives him. Mr. McLaughlin was a prominent farmer and stockman. He was a man with a wide acquaintance and many friends, who will regret to hear of his untimely death.

vMa Mtumni y Miss Vida Leone McLaughlin, 70. of Jacksonville, Florida, died of a heart attack, Friday, April 24,1975. A native of Green Bank, she moved to Jacksonville. 1969, from Washington, D. C. She was a member of the Methodist Church and prior to her retirement was with the Treasury Department and Library of Congress of the United States She was preceded in death by her father Jesse W. McLaughlin and her mother, Ethe Hudson McLaughlin Arbogast Survivors include two aunts, Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin, of Hnnteraville, and Mrs. Ada Hudson, of Marlinton and a number of cousins. Funeral services were held on Thurtday afternoon in the Chapel of George H. Hewell and Son Northside Funeral Home, the Rev. Michael T. Shirley, officiating. Graveside services were held May 1, by the Rev. Kenneth Montgomery, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery near Dunmore.

Stella K. McLaughlin Stella Grace Kelley McLaughlin, -* Marlinton, who lived on Brown., Mountain, near Huntcrsville, passed away in the Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins on Saturday, February 5, 1994. Mrs. McLaughlin was retired, a former typesetter for The Pocahontas Times. She was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Born at DunmoreJanuary 4, 1913, she was a daughter of the late Cletus and Bessie Curry Kelley. On July 14, 1930, she was married to Lonnie P. McLaughlin, who preceded her in death on July 9, 1962. She was also preceded in death by three brothers, Ernest, Ward and Albert Kelley, and an infant sister. Surviving her are a daughter, Doromy M. Hess, of Elkins, and two sons, Lyle Lee McLaughlin, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Lonnie P. McLaughlin, Jr., of Elkins; a brother, Glen H. Kelley, and a sister, Jettie Jane Withers, both of Marlinton; four grandchildren, Dexter McLaughlin, Sheryl Lee Amass, Kimberly Meyer, and Julie Fink, all of Baltimore; three greatgrandchildren, Bradley McLaughlin, William and Rachel Myer, all of Baltimore; and two step-grandchildren, Michael and Christina Shannon, of Elkins. Services were held at 11 a. m. Monday at VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Dr. Basil A. Hensley, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery Wirt W. McLaughlin W i r t W. M c L a u g h l i n , aged 76 y e a r s , of M a r l i n t o n died on Wednesday, J a n u a r y 6, Xy54. H e had been in failing health for some time. On S a t u r d a y afternoon his body was laid in the McLaughlin, family cemetery at H u n t e r s v i l l a ' T h e service was held frenj ibe Hunte'SiiHe C h u r c h by Kev. R. P Meitoo and Rev. Ralph M a l c o t n b . T h e deceased was a SDD of the late Wallace McLaughlin, of B r o w n s Creek, H i s ruotberV n a m e was C u r r y . He is survived by his w i ' e Mrs. Xeta Ryrd M c L a u g h l i n . His sister is M r s Eva L o u r y , of M i n n e h a h a Sprit gs H i s half sisters a r e Miss Anna May M c L a u g h l i n , of California; Mrs. (irace F e r t i g , of Baltimore; Mrs. Deliua G i n g e r , of Detroit, Mrs. Esta Brown, of Hiarh Point, North Carolina: M r s . Bessie Mc C u r t y , of B r o w n s Creek. His half b r o t h e r s are C a m e r o n , of; D u n m o r e , J u n e McLaughlin., ofj M a r l i n t o n , and R o y , of Browns Creek.

E. F. McLaughlin M Edward F. McLaughlin, aged 76 years, died at his home in Mariinton early Wednesday uiorai r, October 15, 1947. He bad been subject to heart attacks. On Friday afternoon the funeral was held from the Presbyterian Church by his pastor. Rev. Roger P. Melton. Interment, was in the McLaughlin Family Cemeter.v near the Court House. The pall bearers were Senator Fred Allen, Kerth Nottingham, J. M. Bear, Dewey Stemple, J. E. Hamrick and Mack Brooks. Mr. McLaughlin was a son of the late George H. and Rhubama Wiley McLaughlin. He married Margaret Clementine Mann, who preceded her husband in May, 1946. Their sons are Claude, of Lewisburg. member of the House of Delegates from Greenbrier County, Archie Gray, of Fairmont, with the Farm Bureau Insurance Division; Frank P . , of Marlinton, with the (State Board of Control; Mrs. Glenna Morris, of Huntington, and Margaret, at home. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Moore, of Afton, Virginia, and Mrs L. H. Stephenson, of Monterey, Virginia, and by two brothers, J. A. and Fred, of Marlinton. The deceased was one of the leading citizens of Pocahontas County. He was a farmer and stockman, active in business affairs until the last weeks of his life. In religion be was a life long member of the church of his father's, the Pres byte via n. Long an officer of his churo.i, he was chairman of the board of deacons. Edgar Hugh McLaughlin Edgar Hugh McLaughlin, aged 72 years, died on July 2, 1955, it Troutville, Virginia, after a prolonged -illness. On Monday, iflernoon, his body was laid in „he Clifton Cemetery at I k ; melton. The dec 'ased was born in Marlinton, a ton cf the late Andrew M. and Mary Price McLaughlin. There remains his sister, Mrs. T. B. Massey, of Hampden Sidney, Virginia. He married Miss Lillian McElwee. They are survived by their six children, Mrs. A. M. Groseclose, of Roanoke, Virginia; Mrs. Clifford Nipp, of Ashland, Kentucky; Mrs. David Hamlin, of Silver Springs, Maryland: Bernard H., of Troutville, Virginia; Edgar H., of Pittsford, New York: and Hugh P., of M i . Vernon, Ohio,

Mrs. Gray McLaughlin

WiUiijm Park McLaugh'in Mrs. Elizabeth Blackhurst On (he evening of January 25, McLaughlin, 62, of Ca^s, died • 195-2, at 9:04 p. m., C£od sent an Wednesday, December 17,1969 angel to claim a dear hu&rdiand aud at her home after a short ill[loving father, William Park- Mcness. Laughlin. In a moment he left She wasbrrn August 18, 1907, us, in a twinkling of an eye, and r at A bovale, the daughter (our hearts are sao and lonely. of the late Rev. Harry and Mr. VfL'uigblin was born on Lula Burner Blackhurst. She I February 2-^h, 1888, and was was a member of the Order of united in oiarrive to birdie Gabthe Eastern Star and lived bert, on November 28, 1907. He most of her life in Pocahontas leaves to mourn their loss, bis County. wife and their nine children: Her husband, A. G. McLaugh Davil Lynn, of Dunmore; Forlin, died in April, 1969. rest Leo and Charles Burlyn, at Survivors include a daughter, home; Sterl Lewis and Grady Lee Jane Ann, at home, two sons, of the United Stales Air Force; Archie Gray McLaugh'in. of Madge Johnson, of Dunbar; GerWhittier, California, and Edaldine Shinaberry, of Minnehaha ward H. McLaughlin. MeroSprings; Hazel Hamrick, of Minnenee J a i l s Wisconsin; eight go, and Dora Sharp, of Hunting-. brothers, Allen Blackhurst, of ton. A biby girl, Enid Gaynelle, J Arbovale, Warren E., of Cass, preceded bim in death thirty one Henry, of Belle, William, of He also leaves thirteen r,year8. Rand, Victor, of Meadville. grandchildren. Pennsylvania, Homer, Bryan, He was the son of the late Texas Harold, Will ston, South 'Amos P., and Mattie Gum McCarolina, Francis, Louisa, VirLaughlin. His brothers, Clvde ginia, four g andchildren. C , E. Glen, and Harry G., and Fureral services were held in one sister, Minnie,- preceded him Cass United Methodist Church in death several years ago. on Saturday with the Rev. KenThe following brothers and sisneth Montgomery in charge. ters survive: Balphor L., of MinBurial was in the Arbovale nehaha Springs; D. Clarence, of Cemetery. Homewortb, Ohio; Mrs. SaUu Loury. of Alliance. Ohio; Mrs Edna Thorpe, of Canton, Ohio: Mrs. Maude White, of Minnihi J. A. McLaughlin | ha Springs, and Mrs. Verna Hock of Marlinton. John A. McLaughlin, 84, promHe united with the Methodist inent Marlinton citizen, died laet Wednesday morning, Feb. 16, Church in early life. 1950. He had been in failing Funeral services were held at health for some time and more the Methodist Church of Minnerecently had been critically ill haha Springs with the Rev. L. at the Pocahontas Memorial Hos- E. Saville and the Rev. Quade R, pital. j^rbogast, officiating. His bod.\ The deceased, who was a son was laid to rest in the Mountain of George H. and Ruhamah Wi- View Cemetery at Marlinton. ley McLaughlin, was married to Mary McClung of Bath^County, He is not dead, just gone Above, Virginia. She preceded him in Awaiting for the one? he lores, And some glad day on Heaven's death a few years ago. Surviving are a brother, Fred shore. McLaughlin of Marlinton, and We'll clasp bis hand to part no two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Moore more. and Mrs. L. H. Stephenson. Sadly missed by his Wife Mr. McLaughlin, who had servand Children. ed as a school teacher in early life, was a graduate of Concord College and the Dunsmore Business College. For many years Mrs Myrtle McLaughlin Kelley, he was manager of the local branch of the Clifton Forge Gro- aged twency-eigbt years, wife of cery Company. He served his Glenn Kelley of Browns Mountain, died Saturday morning, September county in the State Legislature 21, Laid. She was a daughter of in 1911 and 1923. Balpbor McLaughlin and his wife Mr. McLaughlin was an elder the late Mrs Hattie Rexrode McLim in the Marlinton Presbyterian | ghiin. Tiie funerai service was held Church. on Sunday afternoon. Funeral services were held at his home by the Rev. R. P. Meln ton, and interment was made in Mt. View Cemetery.


Frank P. McLaughlin

Frank Price McLaughlin, 67, died about 10:30 Monday night, January 11, 1965, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after suffering several heart attacks during the evening. Born October 9, 1897, at Dunmore, he was the son of Edward F. and Margaret Mann McLaughlin. At the time of his death, Mr. McLaughlin was Director of Livestock Marketing with the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. He served two times in the Legislature, 19551966 and 1959. A farmer most of his life, he was a Deacon in: the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, a member of Marlin- j ton Masonic Lodge A F & AM, 1 a director of the First National | Bank in Marlinton, a former j Sheriff of Pocahontas County i and former owner of Home Products Meat Market. He was graduated from Davis and and Elkins Junior College and then attended West Virginia University. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Irene Logan McLaughlin, a daughter, Miss Dorothea McLaughlin, a graduate stu-j dent at the University of! Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi-j gan; a son, Frank Andrew McLaughlin, of Lancaster, Ohio; three grandchildren; two sisjters, Mrs. WMlliam G. Morris land Miss Margaret McLaughlin, both of Huntington; and a brother, Claude-E. McLaughlin, of Lewisburg. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, with burial in Moun tain View Cemetery.

Park McLaughlin Park McLaughlin, aged 64 years died, on Friday, January 25, 1952, after a short illness. On Tuesday afternoon his remains were laid to rest in the Mt. View Cemetery. The funeral service was conducted from the Minnehaha j Springs Church by his pastor. j Rev. L. E Saville. The deceased is survived by his | widow, Mrs. Bertie Gabbert Mc| Laughlin and their four daughters, Mrs. Harold Johnson of ; Charleston; Mrs, SterlShinnaberry ; of Minnehaha; Mrs. Hazel Ham| rick, of Valley Haad; Mrs. Djra !_Sharp of Huntington; and five sons, Lynn, Forrest, Berlin, Grady and Sterl. The!deceased was a son of the late Amos and Mattie Guin McMeLaughlin. His sisters are Mes dames SallieLoury, Maude White Edna Tharp and Verna Rock; his brothers are Balphorand Clarence McLaughlin. The deceased was a good citizen upright and industrious. H P was' connected with the lumber industry. Claude McLaughlin

Claude E. McLaughlin, 82, of Lewisburg, dbd Tuesday, August 29, 1978, after a long illness. Mr. McLaughlin was a former member of the state legislature, assistant tax commissioner and mayor of Lewisburg. A World War I veteran, Mr. McLaughlin was a retired farmer and businessman, having worked for the J. R. Reynolds Company as a salesman. A resident of Lewisburg 54 years, he was a Mason and a IN MEMORY member of the Old Stone Presbyterian Church. A'ter an illness Of several months of tuberculosis on the bone, little Born October 21, 1895, in Ralph Cline McLaughlin, son of Mr. Dunmore, he was a son of the and Mrs. K. Lawrence McLaughlin, late Edward and Margaret died at the University Hospital, Mann McLaughlin. He was Charlottesville, Va , on May 23. 1022, preceded in death by two aged 8 years, two months and 7 days. brothers, Gray and Frank, and The funeral service was conducted by Rev. D. M. Monroe, pastor of the a sister, Dessie. Presbyterian church. Oue of his Survivors include his wife, uncles, Osel McLaughlin and three Mary Agnes [Polly] Sydencousins, Okie, Lillie and Cecil Mcstricker McLaughlin and two Laughlin, bore his little snow white casket to the cemetery and he was i sisters, Mrs. Glenna Morris, of laid to rest in a flower covered grave, Huntington and Mrs. Maramid a large crowd of sorrowing' garet Smith, of Charleston. friends and relatives. Services will be held at 11 Ralph was a bright little boy and a. m. Friday, at the Old Stone was known only to be loved. His Presbyterian Church by Dr. T. life though brief was a hippy one. • W. Apperson. Burial in RoseIn their grief his loved ones may find comfort and consolation in the wood Cemetery. thought, that he is not dead, but is Visitation will be Thursday, 7 only waiting for them in the Heavento 9, at the Wallace and ly home, where there is no more partWallace Funeral Home. ing or afflictions.

Arnold K. McLaughTn Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLaughlin, and daughter, Miss Eleanor A/r cLaughlin, were in Akron, Ohio, iast Saturday, to attend the fun.-al of his brother, Arnold K. ^vlcLaughlin. Mr. McLaughlin, aged 70 years of St. Petersburg, Florida, died on Tuesday, July 25, 1961, in Goldsboro, North Carolina, enroute home from Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where he and his wife had spent their vacation with friends and relatives. Dea'.h was attributed to a heart attack. He was born at Dunmore. He is survived by his wife, Lula; a daughter, Mrs. Ray (Jacqueline) Jordan and three grandsons, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; two brothers, Elmer, of Huntersville, a n d Guy, of Akron, Ohio; a half-sister, Mrs. John Galford, of Dunmore, and a half-brother, Cam, McLaughlin, of Huntersville. He had been employed at the Goodyear plant for a number of years before his retirement. He was a Veteran of World War I, and a Mason. Funeral services were held at Prentice-Kenmore Funeral Home, in Akron, on Saturday, with Masonic rituals. m i . . M » a f McLaughlin £/ Mrs. Elizabeth Blackhurst McLaughlin, 62, of CVs, died Wednesday, December 17,1969 at her home after a short illness. She was born August 18, 1907, at Arbovale. the daughter of the late Rev. Harry and Lula Burner Blackhurst. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and lived most of her life in Pocahontas County. rS^e^L, Her husband, A. G. McLaugh !in, died in April, 1969. Survivors include a daughter, lane Ann, at home, two sons, vrchie Gray McLaughlin, of Vhittier, California, and EdT ard H. McLaughlin. Menoonee Falls, Wisconsin; eight /•others, Allen Blackhurst, of rbovale, Warren E., of Cass, enry, of Belle, William, of and, Victor, of Meadville, ^nnsylvania. Homer, Bryan, exas Harold, Will ston, South arolina, Francis, Louisa, Virnia, four gandchildren. Funeral services were held in ass United Methodist Church ! Saturday with the Rev. Ken*th Montgomery in charge, urial was in the Arbovale emetery.


Russell McLaughlin

Russel McLaughlin aged 67 years, died at his home near Dunmore Wednesday morning, Feb. 22, 1950. For several mouths he had been in failing health. Burial on Friday afternoon in Dunmore cemetery. The service was held from the Baxter Church b,> his pastor, Rev. Graham, assisted by Rev. Q R. Arbogast. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hallie Moore McLaugh lin and their six children, Mrs. Myrtle Billner, Mrs. Laura Dill, VIrs. May Baker, Mrs. Virginia Gorj, Sterling and E ii. Mr. McLaughlin was a son of the late Robert and Minta Rusmissel McLaughlin. His sister are Miss Melissa, of Emporia, Vas and Mrs. Kate (John) Galford of Dunrnore, and two brothers, Lawrence and Cameron of Duumore; also three half brothers, Elmer, of Knapps Creek; Guy and Arnold of Akron, Ohio. At an early age Mr Mc Laughlin became a member of the Presbyterian Church, and he served a faithful Christo the end. Through long months of suffering his faith never wavered. H's sick room was a place where the presence of the Good Shepherd was keenly felt; He led him by the hand through the valley of the shadow of death into the City of God. His great faith will ever remain a testimony to those who are left b ehind. '__ x.

rnrt U. MeLiiiilin . Frank Gerald McLaughlin, 67, of Fortuna, California, died March 12,1978. A d He was born at Huntersville, January 15, 1911, the •on of Charles and Molly Moore McLaughlin. In 1925 he went to California and had been in the logging business there for over 35 years. He was a woods boss for Georgia Pacific Corporation. Mr. McLaughlin was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U. S. Army Air Force, and was a member of Sunset Post No. 2207, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Surviving him are his wife, Bernice M. McLaughlin, sons, William P. and Dan McLaughlin, both of Fortuna; a granddaughter, Angi McLaughlin; and a brother, Merritt McLaughlin, of Cary, Illinois. Another son, Robert, preceded him in death in 1975. Services were held March 15, in the chapel of Goble Fortuna Mortuary with burial iri Sunrise Cemetery, Fortuna.

Mrs. Ruth McLaughlin Mrs. Ruth Galford McLaughlin, 90, of Knapps Creek, Rt. 2, Mariinton, died Monday, June 4, 1984, in Pocahontas Continuous Care Center. She was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, charter member of Cass Chapter No. 124, Order of Eastern Star, and always active in Democratic affairs. Mrs. McLaughlin was born October 9, 1893, in the Wesley Chapel Community, the daughter of John L. and Margaret Gillispie Hudson. She was twice married, to Glen R. Galford and Elmer McLaughlin, both of whom preceded her in death. Also six sons, Kent R. Galford, Ray Galford, Wallace A. Galford, Jim A. Galford, John L. Galford, and Gayle Galford are deceased. Surviving her are three sons, Harper Galford, Green Bank, Marvin Galford, South Charleston, William Galford, Indianapolis, Indiana; four daughters, Helen Galford, Mariinton, Viola Lantz, Green Bank, Betty Kennison, Niceville, Florida, and Roxie Morrison, of Mariinton; three stepsons, Shad, Chester, and Robert McLaughlin and a stepdaughter, Eleanor McLaughlin, all of Mariinton; 37 grandchildren, 54 greatgrandchildren, and 19 greatgreat grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Willis Cornelius and Rev. Richard Newkirk, with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Raymond Leon M c L a u g h l i n ^ ^ I

Raymond Leon McLaughlin, son of the late Cornelius and Laura Nee Higgins McLaughlin, died suddenly July 29,1966 Born May 22, 1918, at Dunmore, he is survived by five brothers, Bryan and James McLaughlin, of Bowie, Mary-j land; Victor, of Bel Air, M a r y ' land; Preston, of Pasadena, 1 Maryland; and Hunter Mc-j Laughlin, of Baltimore, Maryland; five sisters. Mrs. Corlelia Hotf, Mrs. Charles Thorn ! ;on, Mrs. Anna Frazer, of 3altimore, Maryland; Mrs.; ^orena Proescher, of Glen' 3urnie, Maryland; Mrs. Bessie Hellems of Quin wood; and a host of relatives and friends. Interment at Baltimore, National Cemetery, Baltimore.


Forrest McLaughlin

Forrest P. McLaughlin, 91, of Lewisburg, died Friday, October 31, 1980, in a Fairlea nursing home after a long illness. Born in Pocahontas County, January 28,1889, he was a son of the late Mitchell and Emma Greever McLaughlin. Mr. McLaughlin was a member of the Clifton Presbyterian Church at Maxwelton; a former employee of the Department of Highways and a retired Greenbrier County farmer. His wife, Lula Feamster McLaughlin, preceded him in death. Survivors include a son, John Johnston McLaughlin of Rich Creek, Virginia; a daughter, Mrs. John R. (Mary Karr) Hickman, of Princeton; a brother, Richard K. McLaughlin, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Beard, both of Lewisburg; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Memorial Chapel of McCraw Fu? neral Home in Lewisburg witl Dr. Spencer Hamrick officiat ing. Burial was in Rosewoo Cemetery in Lewisburg.

Turk McLaughlin Turk McLaughlin, aged 47 years, of Mariinton, passed away on Monday morning, July 21, 1952. He had been in fi iling health for a number of n o n t t n j Od Wednesday afternoon the funeral service will be held from the Methodist Church by his pastor, Rev. Don Ta.-, lor, assie e 1 by Re , R. T. Crigger and Rev. L. E Saville. His body will be laid in the faaily plot in Mountain View, Cemttery. The deceased was a son of the late Wallace and Annis MooreI McLaughlin, of Browns Creek.1 His brothers are Cameron, June! and Roy; hi« sisters, Mrs. Elbert! , McCarty, Mrs. Annie Fertig. Mrs. Delona Ginarer, Mrs. Esta Brown and Anna Mnry. On October 22, 1904, Mr McLaughlin matried Miss Sylvia Gertrude Dilley. Treir chid ret; are Mrs. James Bussard, of Ar lington, Virginia; Bruce, in the Armed Service, stationed at Fori Meade, Maryland; and Donovan, at home. Thus is noted the passing of another good mau and line citizen.

Mrs. Bessie Ann Cassell McBalpbor MtLaug'lin Laughlin, 86, formerly of Mrs. NaDcy Annis Moore McBalphor McLaughlin, age! 75 Cass, died Friday, Noverr ber Laughlin, aged 81 years, died a t 29, 1968, in the Summersville years, died at a hospital in Clifton her home ou B r o w n s Creek on Forge| Virginia on Sunday n ; ght; Convalescent Home. Monday m o r n i n g , A u g u s t 5, 24, 1954. He had been A lifelong resident of Cass, Octobert 1946. The funeral was held W e d in failing health for some months. she was a member of the Unit- On Wednesday nesday afternoon, with burial in afternoon his ed Methodist Church. the McLaughlin C e m e t e r y near body was laid in the family cemeSurvivors include two dau- tery on Browns Mountain. The H u n t e r s ville. ghters, Mrs. Annie Varner and ; services were by Rev. L. E. The deceased was a d a u g h t e r Mrs. Olive Cook, both of Cass; Sa ville. of the late Samuel and Nancy three sons Ira McLaughlin, of Beale Moore, of Marlin M o u n t a i n . The deceased was a son of the Oregon, Harmon McLaughlin, late She was the last of a large family. Amos and Elizabeth Gum of Charleston, and Captain McLaughlin, of Browns MounShe became the wife of t h e late Norman McLaughlin with the tain. His brother is Clarence McWallace H. M c L a u g h l i n , w h o ! U. S. Navy; three sisters, Mrs. Laughlin, of Homeworth, Ohio; preceded her twenty-seven y e a r s Mamie Tallman, Miss Cora his sisters are Mrs. Sallie Loury since. T h e i r nine children are Cassell and Mrs. Grace Cassell, and Edna Tharpe, of AlliCameron, T u r k , J u n e and Roy; all of Cass; two brothers, Aus- ance, Mrs. Ohio; Maude White, Mrs. Bessie M c C a r t y , Mrs. Grace tin Cassell, of Davisville; of MinnehahaMrs. Springs; and Mrs. Fertig, Mrs. Delona G i n g a r , Mrs. and Brice Cassell, of Cass; ten Verna Rock, of Marlinton. Esta C h a m e r l i n , Miss A n n a Mary grandchildren and one greatMcLaughlin. Mr. McLaughlin was twice grandchild. married. His first wife was Miss Funeral services were held Myrtle Cole. Their children are Edward Franklin McLaughlin, 76, Monday afternoon in the Cass Lonnie McLaughlin, Mrs. Harprominent stockman and farmer of United Methodist Church by per Barrett and Mrs. Newton Pocahontas County, died at his home the Rev. Travis E. Wells, Jr., Lockridge, all of Minnehaha' in Marlinton Wednesday, October with burial in the Wanless Springs. 15, 1947, following a short illness of His second wife was : Cemetery on Back Mountain. Miss Hattie Rexrode, who prea heart ailment. Mr. McLaughlin was born and ceded her husband some years reared in this county, and was wideMarvin C. McLaughlin since. Their daughter, Mrs. Mary ly known due to his active participaMarvin Claybert McLaughKelley, preceded her father fourtion in farm and livestock dealing. lin, aged 58, died in his sleep teen years ago. His wife, Margaret Mann Mcat his home in Dunmore on j Mr. McLaughlin was a me:nLaughlin, whom he married DecemMonday, January 8, 1962. ber 12, 1894, died in May of 1946. iber of the Presbyterian Church A lifelong resident of Dun- for many years. He was a blackOne daughter also preceded him in | more, he was a member of the smith by trade, and a fine citizen, j death. Surviving children are Claude Mc- | Presbyterian Church at DunLaughlin, member of the House of' more, a veteran of World War morning. SeptemDelegates from Greenbrier County, II, the Loyal Order of Moose, | On13,Wednesday 1939, the community was and a former mayor of Lewisburg; and the American Legion at ber shocked by the news of the sudden A. G. McLaughlin, who is connected Durbin, and was a former em- and unexpected death of William with the Farm Bureau insurance of-j i ployee of the Mower Lumber loplwr McLauiKln, aped sixtyfice, Fairmont; Frank McLaughlin,' Company. nine years, at his home near Dun state farm manager of the West Vir- , more. He was In his usual health, Survivors include six sisters, going ginia Board of Control; Mrs. Glenna I about Irs v-.o'k^p eparing for the Mrs. Hallie Gutshall, of Mor- threshing Morris, a nurse, of Huntington; and machine. That morning gan town. Miss Mollie McLaugh he had eaten a hearty breakfast. Margaret McLaughlin, at home. J lin, of Richmond, Virginia, The cause of his cbath was heart There are six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at | Mrs. Gladys Boso, of Cleve trouble, which only lasted about qne the Marlinton Presbyterian Church I land, Ohio, Mrs. Leta Adams, hour, until he passed beyond. He knew everything and talked until the on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Nelia McLaughlin and J Mrs. Dorothy Hall, al! of Dun- last. Burial was Thursday after noon in the Dunmo.e cemetery, the Imore, and a brother, Lyle service being onaui't.ed at '' - l'res John Guy McLaughlin j McLaughlin, of Follansbee. bvtcriari ciiurch bj his •, Rev John Guy McLaughlin, of Services will be held in the A. B. Williford. Mr M blin i> Akron, Ohio, passed away on Dunmore Presbyterian Chursurvived by his wife, ... Fannie Saturday, December 8, 1962. ch by the Rev. John Dozier at •••. McLaughlh: and their s^even He was born at Dunmore, children, Okie, Glenna, Lena. 1:00 Thursday afternoon, with November 20, 1895, a son of ; and Don McLaughlin, Mrs Harmon burial in the Dunmore Ceme. the late Robert and Lydia ! Dilley and Mrs W.

Miss Mabel L. McLaughlin Miss Mabel L. McLaughlin was born September 9, 1901, a daugh t e r o f M r s . Fannie and the late W. C. McLaughlin, and died suddenly of a heart attack at her home at Dunmore, on Saturday evening, June 2, 1951, at 6:30 p. m. Funeral services were.held from the Dunmore Methodist Church, on Monday afternoon by ber pastor, the Rev. Quade R. Arbogast, assisted by Ibe Rev. H. Graham Keys. Interment was made in the family plot in the Dunmore Cemetery. ; Miss McLaughlin is survived by her mother, Mrs Fannie McLaughlin and three sisters, Ruth, Lilly and Glenna, of Dunmore,! -nd two brothers, Okry. of Col-1 lege Park, Maryland, and Don, of Kaveoua, Onio. She was preceded in death by ber father, one sister, Lena, and two brothers, Albert and Earl. Mrs. R. K. McLiufhlin Mrs. R. K. McLaughlin, 74, died Thursday, August 7,1975, at the Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a long illiness. Jean Gertrude Pritchard McLaughlin, born February 11, 1901. was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Pritchard, of Dunmore. She attended the grade school there and was sent to Hillsboro for high school She later attended Greenbrier School for Girls and Marshal) College. She taught school for many years in Pocahontas and Greenbrier counties. Mrs. McLaughlin was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore but after her marriage to R. K. McLaughlin in 1927 she became a member of Clifton, Presbyterian Church at Maxwelton, where she and her family were consecrated and constant worker?. Preceding her in death were one sister, Mrs. June McElwee, and two brothers, Forrest and John Pritchard. Surviving her are her husband, R. K. McLaughlin, Sr., and son, Richard, Jr., of Lewis burg, and one brother, Carlon Pritchard, of Dunmore. Service was held in the McGraw Funeral Home, in Lewisburg, on Saturday with the Rev. Jack Arbuckle and Rev. Spencer Hamrick officiating. Burial was in Rosewood Cemetery.


Ciarence C. McLaughiin Jr. Clarence Camsron McLaughlin J r . , was born June 7, 1923 and was killed in a truck wreck October 10, 1948, at the age of 25 years 4 months and 3 days. The funeral was held in the Dunmore Metbodist Church with the VFVV Post of Marliutou. in charge. Tne deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McLaughlin Sr. He is survived by his wife, Gertrude and their six year old daughter, Shirley and one brother. Mr. McLaughlin was a graduate of Greenbank High School, Class of '41. He was then employed by the Martin Aircraft Plant in Baltimore. He entered tne Service in March 1943, and served 35 months with the 66 Black Panther Division of the Infantry. He served 18 months iu Europe. He was discharged February 7. 1946. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. John Letcher McLaughlin aged 66 years, died t t his home near Dunmore on Friday, August 13, 1943. A clay or two before he had suffered a heart attack while at work in his hay field. On Sunday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the Dunmqre cemetery, the service being conducted from the Presbyterian church by his pastor, Rev Hobart Chikls. Mr McLaughlin is survived by his wife, Mrs Minnie McLaughlin; by their daughters, Nelia, Molly and Virginia at home; Mrs Leta Adams, Stony Bottom; Mrs Gladys Boso, Parkersbu g; Mrs Patrick Hall, Dunmore; by their two sons, Lyle at Follansbee,' Brooks county, Marvin at home. I : The deceased was a son of the late Hugh and Nancy Ratliff MeLaughlin, of Dunmore. Among his father's family remaining are his sisters, Mrs Lena Deputy. Mrs Anna Corbett, and Mrs Charles A. Sharp; and his broth er Jacob Mack Brooks, assistand superintendent of schools, is a nephew. Mrs. Nora Keily McLaughlin Mrs. Nora Kelly McLaughlin aged 80 years, died at the ho;oe nf der son. Dice McLaughlin near Huntersvitle on Wednesday, Oc | tober -24, 1951. She had been in i failing health for some months. Burial on Friday afternoon in the family cemetery. The deceased was the widow of the late lame-' •;. \Vr. McLaughlin of Sitlitjfcit >r She is survived by her son Dii:•>, and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sharp.

Mrs. June McLaughlin Mrs. Cecil Rowena McLaughlin, 57, of Huntersville, died Sunday, November 7, 1965, after a short illness. A member of the Huntersville Methodist Church, she was born at Mount Solon, Virginia, January 12. 1908, the' daughter of George Cameron and Josie McLaughlin. Surviving Mrs. McLaughlin are her husband, June McLaughlin, and nine children, Mrs. Bonnie Sharp, Keith McLaughlin, Mrs. Shirley Anderson, of Huntersville. Jimmy McLaughlin and Wallace McLaughlin, or Marlinton, Jerry McLaughlin, of Somerset, Vir ginia, Sp 4 Sherman McLaughb"n, Fort Benning, Georgia, Betty Sue and June David Mc Laughlin, at home. Services were held at the Huntersville Methodist Church on Wednesdav afternoon a t 2 p. m. by the Rev. Markley and Rev Saville with burial in the McLaughlin Cemetery. MRS. ROY MCLAUGHLIN (2/ Veta Cross McLaughlin, born at Cass September 5, 1906, died Thursday, December 12, 194(5. in a Baltimore hospital. She had baen in failing health for a rwmb3r of years. She is si. vivedHby^ier husband, Roy McLaughlin, four daughters, Mrs. Grace Galans, of Chester, Pennsylvania, Marie, Jean and Mae, at home, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Cross, one sister, Margaret, two brothers, Warren and Carnie Cross, and one granddaughter, Dolly Galans. A fifth daughterdied in infancy. Funeral services "were conducted Sunday at the Cass Presbyterian Church by Rev. B. B. Breitenhirt. Interment was in the Arbovale Cemetery.' Little Virginia Catherine McLaugh lin was born May 8, 1923, and died March 6, 1924, after a few days illness. She was the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlin, who formerly lived at flosterman but moved to Flynn, Virginia, about a year and a half ago. She leaves her parents and two little sisters to mourn their loss. Our loss is Heaven's gain. She has gone to that home where pain and sickness are felt no mere. Sweet little darling, pride of the home, Looking for some one beckoning to come, Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew Looking for someone, yes looking for you. A. M. C.



As Osel McLaughlin, age 30, of Dunmore was driving bis car near his home there Monday evening he was stricken w||h heart failure, resulting in instant death. He was the victim of leakage of the heart, which physicians c'aim, has been threatening to take him instantly for several years. He was a son of Mrs. Lydia McLaughlin and for several years has made his home with his halfbrother, Laurence McLaughlin. Besides being survived by his mother, he has three living brothers, • Elmer, of Dunmore and •Arnold and Guy, of Akron, Ohio. One brother was killed in France during the wav. The funeral services will be conducted today by the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member, and interment made in the Dunmore cemetery. Mri. Elsie McLaughlin Mrs. Elsie McLaughlin, 53, of Marlinton, died early Saturday, February 1, 1975. Born at Woodrow March 921, she was a daughter of the late Divis Wellington and Mary Belle Snyder Sharp. Seven brothers, three sisters, and a daughter, Marcella Marie, preceded her in deatb. Surviving are her husband. De"wey McLaughlin; twelve children. Frances, Lee, Chris, Dotty Lou, Linda, Gertrude Ellen. Wanda and Matricia McLaughlin, all of Marlinton, Belva McLaughlin, of Elkins, Patsy Madison, of Marlinton, Shirley Poe, of Morgantown, and Judy Jones, of Delta, Pennsylvania; two brothers, Arthur and Bernard Sharp, and a sifter. Mrs. Mamie Dyke, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Services will be held at 2:00 Thursday at the VanReenen funeral Home, V i t h burial in the Cochran Cemetery.


. Lawrence MslaugMin R )bert Lawrence McLaughlin 80, died in the Pocahontas Memor, ial Hospital Friday, May 27,1960. He was a farmer and a member of Baxter Presbvterian Church.. Born October 12, 1879 he was the son of Robert and Martha Rusmisell McLaughlin. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mazle S McLaughlin; four brothers, Cam aud Elmer, Huntersville. Guy of Akron, Ohio, and Arnold of St. Petersburg. Florida; a sister, Mrs Kate Galford of Dunmore; three sons, Lee of Dunmore, Cliff of Arbovale, and Neil of Ypsilanli, Michigan; two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Landis of Edray and Mrs Dolly Mahaffey of Baltimore, Md. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Baxter Prps byterian Church by ihe Rev. Philip Newell, with burial in the ^Dujimore Cemetery. June L McLaughlin

June L. McLaughlin, 63, of Huntersville, died Friday, May 1, 1970, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born November 22, 1906. he was a son of the late Wallace and Nancy Moore McLaughlin. His wife, Cecil McLaughlin McLaughlin, preceded him in death November 7, 1965. He was a school bus driver and a member of the Huntersville United Methodist Church. Survivors include three daughters. Mrs. Bonnie Sha'p and Mrs. Sue Landis, of Huntersville, Mrs. Sh'rlev Anderson, of Minnehaha Spring", six sons. Jimmie, of Marlinton. Jerry, of Somerset. Virginia. Wallace, of Alexandria, Virginia. Keith. Sherman and June David, all of Tacoma Park. Maryland, a brother, Roy, of Hnnrersville, and five sisters, Mrs. Bessie McCarty, of Huntersville. Mrs. Grace Fertig, of JoDpa, Maryland. Miss Ann McLaughlin, of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Delana Ginger, of Detroit. Michigan, and Mrs Est a Chamelin, of High Point, North Carolina.

In addition to his wife and Mrs. Rachel McNeel Myers Cleek parents, he was also Dreceded died at No 165 Woodland Ave., in death by three brothers, Lr-ington, Ky., January 17, 1924. Turk. Cum and Ouy, a halfShe was born March 17, 1846, Knapps sister, Mrs. Eva Loury, and a Creek, Pocahontas county, W. Va , lalf-brother, Wirt, and two and was married to John Cleek, Jr., grandchildren. September 28, 1868 Since her husFuneral services were held bands death she has made her home mostly with htr son, Jack Cleek, but Sunday afternoon in the HuntUnited Methodist for the last few years has made her ersville home with her daughter, M*ss Hattie Hhurrh with Rev. Shprman Cleek, of Lexington, Ky. She has Markley in charge. Burial been very feeble for several years.— vas in the McLaughlin Cemr Bath Enterprise. ery at Huntersville.

Mrs. Myrtle Ann McLaughlin Mrs, Myrtle Ann McLaughn, aged 7*4, of Stony Bottom, led on Tuesday, October 9, 962, in the Pocahontas Metorial Hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Pocahontas County and a member of the Alexander Memorial Church at Stony Bottom Survivors include her husband, Frank L. McLaughlin: a daughter, Mrs. Anna Grace Kimball, of Akron, Ohio; a son, Lloyd P. McLaughlin, of Parma, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Maude Barclay and Mrs. | Bessie Shrader, both of Cass,' and Mrs. Blanche Lytton, of Stony Bottom; a brother, Jesse McCalpin, of Green Bank; nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Funeral set vices will be conducted Ihursday afternoon in the Alexander Memorial Church with the Rev. J. D. Arbuckle in charge. Burial wi.l be in Stony Bottom Cemetery. Mrs Letcher McLaughlin Mrs. Minnie Susan McLaughlin •iged 75 years, of Dunmore, jridow of the late Letcher McLaughlin, died at home, on Frilay. May 2, 195ki. On- Sunday • fternoon her body was laid to rest in Dunmore Cemetery, the funeral service being held from the Baxter Church by her pastor, Rev Craham Keyes, astisteJ by Rev. Q R Arb"gast. Mrs. McLaughlin was a daughter of the hue Swing and Kluwbetb Hite McLaughlin of Highland County. In 1897 she became the wife of Letcher Mc Laughlin, who preceded her nine vears since. They are survived by two sons, Marvin at home, and Lyleof Fallonsbee, six daughters, Lelia and Mrs. Dorothy Hall at home. Mollie of Richmond, Virginia, Mrs. Gladys Boso of P»rker.->burg, and Mrs. Leta Adams of D-jnim-re.

aamuei K. McLaughlia (% . I Samuel R. McLaugbfio, 164 years, -Med in Marlinton ; Sunday afternoon, Nov. !'.),'l'X.n He had been in failing health for some months. Burial on We day afternoon in the Arbovale cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late James and Medora M • Laughlin of Stony Bottom. He is sur vived by his sister, Mrs. Virginia Simmons of Cass. He married Miss Farrell Cottrel! of Nicholas County, who preceo*d him j McLaugl

Lyle L. McLaughlin Lyle L. McLaughlin was born March 3,1899, and died May 9, 1985. He is survived by his wife, Bertie Beard McLaughlin. They would have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on June 9. Lyle was the son of the late John Letcher and Minnie McLaughlin. He was one of eight children. He leaves to mourn his loss two sisters: Nelia McLaughlin, of Dunmore, and Gladys M. Boso, of 29728 Cresthaven Drive, Willowick, Ohio. He was preceded in death by one brother, Marvin McLaughlin, and four sisters, Hallie Gutshall, Mollie McLaughlin, Leta Adams, and Dorothy Hall. Lyle was an educator who started his career in Hillside School, a one room school in Pocahontas County, and finished his career as Principal of Colliers School in Brook County. He was a member of Follansbee Methodist Church, where he taught a Sunday School class for many years. He was a 32nd Degree Mason. Services were conducted at the James Funeral Home in FoUansbee, with his minister, Rev. William Calhoun officiating. Interment was in the St. John's Cemetery, with Masonic graveside services. Larey McLiaialia

Leroy B. McLaughlin, 74, of Huntersville, died Monday, March 5, 1979, at Denmar State Hospital. His parents were George Henry and Cora Cornelius McLaughlin. He was the husband of Opal Francisco McLaughlin. Other s u r v i v o r s include a daughter, Julia Timmons, of New York; three brothers, Richard, H. C. and Jess MeLaugblin, of Bluefield-, four sisters, Mrs. Ted Johnson, Bluefield, Mrs. G. L. Pelter, Roanoke, Virginia, Mrs. A. W. McGhee, Huntington, Mrs. William Funkhouser, Bristol, Virginia; four grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in VanReenen Funeral Home by Rev. Clyde Gum, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Okey C. MsLaughlin Lynn D. McLaughlin^ Lynn David McLaughlin, 74, Okey C McLaughlm, 71, of of Dunmore, died Friday, Oc- Hillsboro, died in the Memotober 28, 1983, at his home, rial General Hospital in Elkins, after a long illness. on Thursday, February 27, He was a carpenter and pile 1969, after a long illness. driver, and was a member of A native of Dunmore. he the Dunmore United Methodist bad lived at Hillsboro for four Church. years and formerly lived at Born November 7, 1908, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Minnehaha Springs, he was a He was a son of the late son of William Parker and Chris and Fannie Moore McBirdie Patterson Gabbert Mc- Laughlin. Laughlin. Mr. McLaughlin was a He was preceded in death by member of the Oak Grove two brothers, Forrest and Presbyterian Church at HillsCharles McLaughlin, and a boro. sister. Enid. Survivors include his wife, Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mae R. McLaughlin; Mildred Taylor McLaughlin; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Dilthree sons, Forrest Clark Mc- ley. of Dunnmre, and Mrs, Laughlin, Andover, Ohio, I'Hie M. Kellison and Mrs. David Lynn McLaughlin, iGlenna Hefner, hoth of MarJamestown, Pennsylvania, and linton, and one brother, Don Harry Parker McLaughlin, of McLaughlin, of Ravenna, Ohio Dunmore; two daughters, Cora Funeral services were held Lee Wyatt, of Rt. 2, Marl in ton, Saturday afternoon in the Oak and Millie Marie Campbell, of Grove Presbyterian Church by Dunmore; two brothers, Sterl the Rev. Cecil Dalton with Lewis McLaughlin, of Warm burial in the Mountain View Springs, Virginia, and Grady Lee McLaughlin, of Roanoke, Cemetery at Marlintou. Texas; four sisters, Madge Eddie F. McLaughlin i/ Johnson, of Dunbar, Geraldine Eddie F. McLaughlin, 34, of Shinaberry and Hazel Hamrick, both of Marlinton, and Dora Hampton, Virginia, was killed Sharp, of Huntington; fourteen Tuesday, June 19,1979, in the grandchildren and four great- crash of a twin-engine plane near Kanawha Airport. Two grandchildren. other men were killed and two Services were held Monday men were critically injured. it 2 p. m. in the Dunmore He was an ironworker with Jnited Methodist Church by Lockwood Construction Comhe Rev. Edwin Tutwiler, with pany in Hampton. urial in Dunmore Cemetery. He was the son of Mrs. Minnie Rhea McLaughlin and the late Everette McLaughlin. Surviving him are his wife, Deborah, and four children, Jacob R. McLaughlin, Jr. Jacob R. McLaughlin, Jr., Spring, Dena, Butch and 45, died at his home in Dun- Becky, all at home; his moth* more Sunday, August 29,1976. er, Mrs. Minnie McLaughlin, He apparently suffered a heart of Hampton; his grandmother, Mrs. Virgie McLaughlin, of attack in his sleep. Dunmore; brothers, Ralph, of Mr. McLaughlin was born Dunmore, Ernie, of Palm March 28,1931, at Dunmore, the son of the late Jacob R. Springs, California, Roger, of Hampton, Billy, of Dunmore; McLaughlin and Grace Scruggs and three sisters, Susie BarMcLaughlin. He never marnardini, of Newport News, Alried. ice HaTper, Fayetteville, North Surviving him are two bro*. • Carolina, and Brenda Mcers, Clyde McLaughlin ana Laughlin of Hampton. Carl McLaughlin, both of Graveside services were Dunmore; three sisters, Opal held in the Veterans Cemetery McLaughlin, Dunmore, Edna Gragg, Marlinton, and Janice in Hampton on Saturday. Dunn, of Herndon. John L. McLaughlin, aged about Services were held Wednesday at the VanReenen Funer- 75 years, died at his home at Mustoe, al Home by the Rev. Greg- Highland county. Sunday morning. February 10th, and was buried the ory Lewis with burial in the same evening. Mr. McLaughlin had Dunmore Cemetery. been blind for several years. He was well known in Bath, Highland and Pocahontas counties—Bath Enterarise.

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HRS. MARY MCLAUGHLIN Mrs. Mary Margaret McLaughlin, ' widow of the late Andrew M. McLaughlin, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle, at Maxweltou, Greenbrier county, on Thursday night, January 1-5, 1925. Her age was 78 years having been bcrn October 5, 1846. Since last fall her health has not been the best. Her death was due to weakness incident to age. On Saturday the funeral was from the Maxwelton church. The , service was conducted by Rev G. W. Nickell of the Frankford Presbyterian j church. The pall bearers were her six nephews, J A McLaughlin, E i F. McLaughlin, Mitchell D Mc- j Laughlin, Andrew P.ioa, Dr. Ligon Price and Calvin W. Price. Her grave is beside t h a t of her husband. Andrew McLaughliii who died about twelve years ago. Mrs. McLaughlin was the last of the large family of the late James Atley Price and Margaret Poags Price, who lived where Marlinton is now. Mrs, McLaughlin spent more, than half her life at Marlinton. In i 1891 the family moved to a large es- j tate Ave miles north of Lewisburg. ; The influence of Mrs. McLaughlin and her family has been a blessing to this whole community. May 14, 1867 she became the wife of the late Andrew McLaughlin and she did him good all the days of his life, and the heart of her husband did safely trust in her. The surviving children of this union are Ray. H. W. McLaughlin, D D , of Raphine, Virginia; Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle, of Maxweltoa; Lse P . McLaughlin, of Hillsboro; Mrs. H. H Arbuckle a n d E l g a r H. McLuur'-Uin, of Maxwelton and Mrs J. M. Massie, of Hampden Siduey, Virginia. These with husbands and wives and children gatue. around her place of resting. Ko "chUdrjb ever h i d a better mother and they arise up and call her blessed. _ j —

Pamela Kay McLaughlin Pamela Kay McLaughlin, 18-month-old daughter of Basil Edward and Joyce Friel McLaughlin, died Saturday morning, October 26,1968, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, of pneumonia. She was born April 4, 1967, in Marlinton. Besides her parents she is survived by a four-year-old sister, Robn Lea; her grandparents, Mrs. GeraldineSheets McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Friel; the great-grandparents, E. C. Sheets, Elmer McLaughlin and Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. Roberta Friel. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Donald Wood, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Always a devoted, active christian, she had been a member for a life time of the church of her fathers, the Presbyterian. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin were church builders, and I they w(j.2 in no community long be fore a church and Sunday School would be established through their influence. Mrs. McLaughlin lived to a ript -old age but she never became old. Her bodily strength failed, but she main • tained her strong mind to the lastihour. Her friends and companions were of all ages from toddling child hood to tottering old age. She shared l a t h e jays and sorrows of ti/em all. She lived all her life for others. Her active mind and busy hands were so filled with thought and care for others that t'.ny uncertainty of the future or trial of the past must needs care for itself. By her the tear of a child never went unnoticed any more then the supposedly deeper sorrow of those of mature years The sharing of others burdens became her part In early life, As a young girl she saw a brother sho"; d >wn and other brothers carried t o . prison by an invading army. She was the comfort and stay of her broken parents, She began her married life in a countrysids devastated by war I t was her lot to 1 suffer the trials and disappointments incident to a long life in this world, much of it during a hard period of our country's history.. The effect of it all was to ripen and strengthen and deepen a naturally sweet dispojsition and develop strong, abiding faith In God To this writer Aunt Mary has always been an ideal woman She is in mind when L read the thirty-first chapter of Proverbs. She performed so well all the duties in the sphere of womanhood. •'Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest their all. A R'«TIIB that feareth the Loa she shall o^ praised.''

Vernon McLaughlin V Vernon Pole McLaughlin, 76. died suddenly at his home in Mountain Grove, Virginia, on Monday, July 13, 1964. He was born in Bath County the son of the late Harper and Etta J. McLaughlin. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Grace McLaughlin; two daughters, Mrs. J. D. Byer. of Covington, Virginia, and Miss Edith P. McLaughlin, of Staun ton, Virginia; four sons, Harper McLaughlin, of Hot Springs Virginia, Jack D. McLaughlin, of Warm Springs, Virginia, James L. McLaughlin, of Millboro, Virginia, and Vernon T. McLaughlin, at home; one brother, William C. McLaughlin, of Monterey, Virginia. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning in the Mountain Grove Methodist Church. Burial was in the Warm Springs Cemetery.


Kevin Wayne McLaughlin B aby Kevin Wayne McLaugh lin, five months old son of June David and Wanda Sue Pennington McLaughlin, of Washington, D. C , died suddenly Sunday, April 5, 1970. He -was born November 2, 1969, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital in Marlinton. Survivors include his parents and two brothers, David AUen and Timothy Lee; grandparents are June McLaughlin and the late Mrs. Cecil McLaughlin, of Huntersville, and Mrs. Virginia Fennington Burgess of Marlinton, and Ronald Pennington, of Cass. Funeral services were held in the VanReenen Funeral Home Chapel, Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Sherman Markley. with burial in the McLaughlin Cemetery at Hunt_^. . — : i l



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\s Dice McLaughlin James Dice McLaughlin, 60, of Huntersville, died Saturday, April 28, 1973, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. j He was a woodsman and a native of Dunmore. ^ - e - £ - ! Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bertie McLaughlin; one I son, Michael McLaughlin, at home, two daughters, Miss Carolyn Sue McLaughlin and Mies Barbara Ann McLaughlin, bofh at home, and one sister, Mrs. Icie Mae Sharp, of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Vana" Reenen Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Alfred Gum, with JA burial in the Beaver Greek Cemetery near Huntersville. J. L. MCLAUGHLIN DIES John Letcher McLaughlin, a lifelone citizen of Dunmore community died Friday, August 13. 1943 at 3 o'clock, after an illness of a few days. Mr. McLaughlin was the son of Hugh and Nancy Ann McLaughlin and was born December 30, 1875, near Dunmore. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie McLaughlin, and eight children, as follows: Lyle McLaughlin of Follansbee, Mrs. Hallie GutshalP of Morgantown, Miss Mollie McLaughlin of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Gladys Boso of Parkersburg, Mrs. Leta Adams of Stony Bottom, Mrs. Dorothy Hall. Nelia and Marvin McLaughlin, at home. An infant child died in 1905. Also surviving are six grandchildren, Gerald and Junior Gutshall. Mrs. Elsie Cesa, Sandra and Kestra Boso and Patsy Ann Hall; three sisters. Mrs. Lena Deputy. Mrs. Charles A. Sharp, Mrs. Anna Corbett; and one brother, Jake McLaughlin. On Sunday afternoon, following services in the Presbyterian church, the body was laid to rest in the Dunmore cemetery.

Miss Lena McLaughlin Miss Lena McLaughlin, aged 38 .years, died on Tuesday, February 10, 1948. at the home of ber brother, Don McLaughlin, in Kavenna, Ohio. She had been in failing1 health for some years. On Saturday ber body was laid to rest in the Dun more Cemetery, the service being held from Baxter Church by her pastor, Rev. B. B. Breiteohirt. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Fanuie Moore McLaughlin and the late C. C. McLaughlin. Her brothers are Okey and Don; her sisters, Mabel, Ruth, Glenna and Lillie. She was a graduate of Greenbank High School, Class of 1936.

Mrs. Mazie McLaughlin Mrs. Mazie Hannah McLaughlin, 70, of Dunmore, died on Friday, June 9, 1961, in St. Lukes Hospital, Richmond, Virginia after a long illness. Born at Elk Route, Marlinton, August 11, 1890, she was a daughter of the late William H. and Sarah S. Hannah. Her husband, Charles A. McLaughlin, preceded her in death. She was a member of the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Georgia E. Taylor and Mrs. Thelma E. Sizemore, both of Dunmore; Mrs. Mary M. Miller, of Richmond, Virginia; and one son, C. Arling McLaughlin, of Dunmore; one brother, H. Marvin Hannah of Elk Route, Marlinton; four sisters, Miss Levie Hannah, of Mustoe, Virginia; Mrs. Lucy P. Judy, of Middletown, Virginia; Miss Mary F . Hannah and Mrs. Bessie V.Marrs both of Fairmont. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Baxter Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Jack Arbuckle in charge. Burial was in the McLaughlin Cemetery.

DIED Joseph J. McLaughlin died at his home near Cass on Friday April 24, 1925. On Sunday afternoon his body was buried at the McLaughlir church, under the auspices of tb Modern Woodmen, of which order ha was a member. Mr. McLaughlin was about sixty years of age. About a week before his death he suffered a strol a of paralysis. He is survive by his wife, who is a daughter of the late Lafayette Burner, and a numbei of children. He was a son of the late David McLaughlin, of Back Alleghany. Among the surviving Mrs. Russell McLaughlin members of his father's family sre Dallas McLaughlin, of Stony Bottom; Mrs. Hattie Moore McLaughJames McLaughlin, of Oklahoma, lin, 81, died Saturday, March 26, and Mrs. Uriah Hevener, of Arbovale 1960, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jason Gore, in Hinton. Harlan E. McLaughlin / She was preceded in death by Harlan Elwood McLaughlin, her husband, Russell McLaugh56, of Dallas, Texas, formerly lin, and a daughter, Mrs. Laura of Cass, died in an early mornDill. * ing fire Sunday, March 1,1970, Surviving in addition to Mrs. at his home. Gore are two other daughters, He was a member of the Mrs. Myrtle Bittner and Mrs. Alexander Memorial PresbyM a r y Dively, both of Meyersterian Church at Stony Botdale, Pennsylvania, and two sons, tom, and was a former railroad Ellis McLaughlin of Wichita Falls, worker. Texas, and Sterl McLaughlin of He is survived by his mother, Meyersdale, Pennsylvaniajalso a Mrs. G. C. McLaughlin, of brother, George Moore of LewisCass; two sisters, Mrs. Clara burg. Maceyko, of Alexandria, VirFuneral services were held Monginia, and Mrs. Louise Danton, day in the Dunmore Methodist of Painesville, Ohio, and a Church by the Rev. Charles Potts brother, Julian, of Alexandria, and the Rev. Philip Newell, with Virginia. burial in Dunmore Cemetery. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m., Thursday in the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Mrs. Lillian McLaughlin Chapel at Arbovale with Rev. As this paper is ready to be Thomas E. Henderson in charge printed, the word comes of the Burial will be in the Arbovale death of Mrs. Lillian McElwee Cemetery. McLaughlin, aged 69 years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Polly McLaughlin J. C. Nipp, on Monday night, Mrs Pully Johnston McLaug.,- January 31, 1955. The funeral lin.'aged 67 5 ears, wife of W : l- is set for Maxwelton Church, near liam J McLaughlin of Lewis Lewisburg, on Thursday afterburg, died on Thursday, Marcn noon at 2 o'clockC The deceased was a sister of June McElwee, of 89, 1951, after a 3bort illness Marlinton, and Winfred McElwee, of Dunmore.

C. T. McLaughlin « Charles T. Mr-Lauehlnr 69, of Durbin, died Saturday, February 15. 1969, at his home. - ,He was a retired woodsman. Survivors include his wife, Mr.°. Dosie Sheets McLaughlin ; five daughters. Mrs. Vesta Stiles and Mrs. Ruth Hickman, both of Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. Mollie Thompson, of Elkins, Mrs. Beulah Gragg, of Souderton. Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Nell* Crawford, of Navarre. Ohio: four sons. John McLaughlin, of Ansted, James, Paul and Ro'and McLaughlin, all of Baltimore, Maryland; 23 erandehildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesdav afternoon in the Wallace and Wallice Funeral Home Chanel at Arbovale by the Rev. David Rittenhouse with burial in the Arbovale Cemetery. Ralph Darrell McLaughlin Ralph Darrell McLaughlin, age 30 years, of Akron, Ohio, was killed at work in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, July 14, 1962. He was born November 30, 1931. Surviving him are his parents, Guy and Dessie Queen McLaughlin; his wife, throe children and three sisters. Funeral services were on July 18, at the Hopkins Funeral Home, with burial in Memorial Cemetery. Those attending from West Virginia were Mr. and Mrs. Chester McLaughlin, of Barboursville, Basil and Shad McLaughlin, of Marlinton, Elmer and Eleanor McLaughlin, of Huntersville.

Lee P McLiughlin, aged 61 years, I a prominent citizen of Pocahontas C iduty, died at his home on Tuesday day night, May 30 I98fl He had been ill for some weeks witli heart (i seasu. The funeral service will be i nJucted from the Oik Grove Church a Hillsboro, on Friday, afternoon at 2 o'clock; interment at Maxwel. or-n. Mr McLaugh'in was a son of the i late Andrew and Mary Price MoI Laughlin. His brothers are Dr Hen ry 'ff and EJgar II McLiughlin; his ! sisters. Mrs Anna Arbuckle, Mrs J | M. Masile and Mrs Lulu Arbuckle. Mr McLaughlin i-: "irvived by his | wife who w is Mis* Julia Arbuckle. and their live ehildteo: Andrew. I Alexander, Preston, and Misses Eliz abeth Price :;nd Lynn.


Mrs. C. C. HcLaughr'n Mrs. Fannie Moore McLa1.!-1,11lin, aged 84 years, widow of tb. late C. C. MsLaughlin, of Dimmore, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hefner, near Edray, on Wednesday afternoon, December 28, 1955. She had been in failing health for several months. Th? d333iseJ was a daughter of the late William Jefferson and Loretta Grimes Moore. As this paper is printed no arrangements for the funeral have been announced. , LiUie Mary McLaughlin Kellison Lillie Mary McLaughlin Kellison was born March 6, 1905, and passed away May 15, 1984, after a 9-month illness. Lillie was the daughter ol Chris and Fannie McLaughlin, of Dunmore. She was preceded in death by 3 brothers, Okie, Earl and Albert and 3 sisters, Lena, Mabel and Mrs. Ruth [Harmon] Dilley, all of Dunmore. In 1929, she married W. R. Kellison, of Mountain Grove, Virginia. In 1940, they moved to Ravenna, Ohio, where they lived until 1949. Returning to Marlinton, -they made their home at Woodrow and then Edray where she was very active in the community. As a member of the Edray Extension Homemakers, she was selected as a Pocahontas County Belle. At the time she became ill, she was a counselor in the Daughters of America, an active member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, Senior Citizens, A.A.R.P. and the Marlinton Extension Homemakers. She was also an active member and twice Noble Grand in the Ruth Rebekah Lodge #68. Lillie is survived and sadly missed by one son, Neal, his wife, Helen Astin, their daughter, Jeanne, and her husband, Tony Tatano; one sister, Mrs. Glenna [Henry] Hefner, 2 nieces, Helen Hefner and Mary Anderson, all of Marlinton; a nephew, Cameron Dilley, of Dunmore; also one brother, Don McLaughlin, his wife, Lou, and their daughter, Mrs. Nancy [Lynn] Waltenbaugh, who reside in Ravenna, Ohio. She also left behind many, many good friends and neighbors; kind, thoughtful people whom she appreciated and loved every day.

Ettl C. McLaughlin | Earl McLaughlin, 63, ol Dunmore, died Tuesday, August 9, 1977, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long illness. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Born December 13, 1913, at Dunmore, he was the son of Mrs. McLaug-hlin was a daugh- Jacob R. and Grace Scruggs ter of the late William and Pol v McLaughlin, g 0 c £> Gay Gibson. Her brother is RobMr. McLaughlin is survived ert Gibson of Elk. Among the relatives attendii | by a brother, Clyde, of Dunmore, and three sisters, Opal from Pocahontas were Mrs. Una* McGuire, Mrs. Forrest Gibso,., McLaughlin, of Dunmore, Edna Gragg, of Marlintcn, and Mrs Levia J. Carter, Earl and Janice Dunn, of Herndon, VirLieo Dover. ginia. Services will be held at 2 AMU Mary Meliajhlin p. m. Thursday, at VanReenen Miss Anna Mary McLaughFuneral Home by the Rev. lin, 85, of LOB Angeles, CaliDavid Rittenhouse, with burial fornia, died Wednesday, April in Dunmore Cemetery. 30, 1980, of cancer. Born October 23, 1894, at Ernest C. C. McLaughlin Huntersville, she was, the Ernest Cameron C. Mcdaughter of Wallace and AnLaughlin, age 42, died Wednenis Moore McLaughlin. She day, July 13, 1983, at his home was a member of the Methoin Dunmore. dist Church. He was a Veteran and was a She is survived by three sisbeautician, formerly working in ters, Grace Fertig, Joppa, California. Maryland, Esta Chamelin, The son of Ella Minnie Rhea High Point, North Carolina, McLaughlin, of Dunmore, and Delena Ginger, Detroit, Michithe late Everett B. McLaughlin, gan. he was born at Dunmore SepPreceding her in death, betember 4, 1940. tides her parents, were brothSurvivors include his mother; ers, Wirt, Cam, Guy, Turk, three brothers, Ralph McJune and Roy McLaughlin; sisters, Mrs. Bessie McCarty Laughlin, Dunmore, Roger and and Mrs. Eva Lc>ury. Billy, of Hampton, Virginia; and three sisters, Marietta Services were held at the Bernardini, of Newport News, VanReenen Funeral Home at 2 o'clock Sum' ?., by Rev, Virginia, Alice Harper, of ElizWillis Cornelius. Burial was in abethton, North Carolina, and the McLaughlin Cemetery. Brenda, of Hampton, Virginia. Services were held at the home. (cLAUGHLIN, Mrs. Mazie Hannah—service for Mrs. McLaughPeirlli MtLuihfia lin, 70, of Dunmore, PocahonPearlie McLaughlin died tas County, who died Friday, Friday, February 10,1978, in was conducted Sunday in BaxBaltimore, Maryland. He was ter Presbyterian Church at Dun' a former resident of Cass, the more by Rev. Jack Arbuckle. eon of the late Joe and Sally Burial was in McLaughlin CemBurner McLaughlin. etery at Dunmore. The body was taken to the church by Smith Surviving are his wife, LeFuneral Home of Marlinton. vie Simmons McLaughlin; two Mrs. McLaughlin died in St. sons, Harry and Ciarence, of Luke's Hospital at Richmond, Baltimore; and two sisters, Va., after a long illness. She 1 Mamie Church, of Akron, was the widow of Charles A. 1 Ohio, and Monta Mace, of McLaughlin of Dunmore. SurBaltimore. viving are a son, C. Arling Mc-, Laughlin of Dunmore; three Services and burial were in daughters, Mrs. Georgia E. Baltimore on Monday. Taylor and Mrs. Thelma Sizemore of Dunmore and Mrs. Mary M. MiUer of Richmond, Va.; a brother, H. Marvin Hannah of Marlinton; and four sisters, Mrs. Lavie Hannah of Mustoe, Va., Mrs. Lucy P. Judy of Middletown, Va., Miss Mary S. Hannah and Mrs. Bessie Marrs of Fairmont. Mrs. Sallie Gbsoa McLaughlin Mrs. Srtllie Gibson McLaughlin, aged 81 years, wife of Jacob McLaughlin, died at her home in tSrimneld, Indiana, November 4 1944 She had b e e n in poor health tor some time. Her funeral vasheldon Wednesday afternoon •it Br:mfield.


Sub M. Susie M. Smith McKenney, 79, of Warren, Ohio, died Tuesday, November 25. 1980, in St. Joseph Hospital follow ing a long illness. Mrs. McKenney was born May 25,1901, in Marlinton, a daughter of Luther and Frances Sharp Smith. She was a member of Second Christian Church of Warren and had worked at the Ravenna Arsenal during World War II. Surviving are a son, Clyde McKenney, Seoul, Korea, a daughter, Naomi Anderson, of Warren; a brother, Joe Smith, of Marlinton; six sisters, Lula Jackson, Sally Friel, Fay Fitzgerald, Emma Dunbrack, Lucy Warner, all of Marlinton, and Maude Fertig, of Baltimore, Maryland; six grandchildren and (our great-grandchildren. Her husband, Lawrence McKenney, died in 1975. Three brothers also died previously. Funeral services were held Saturday, November 22, at the Carl W. Hall Funeral Home and burial was in Crown Hill Burial Park. Selma MacPherson Selma MacPherson, age 87, of Marlinton, died Monday, September 28, 1998, in Heartland Nursing Home, Beckley. She was a retired employee of Holly Farm Poultry and a member of St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Marlinton. Mrs. MacPherson was born June 4, 1911, in Bath County, Virginia, the daughter of Harmon and Nellie Thacker Smith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Archibald, and a son, Charles S. Alderman. Surviving her are five sons, Robert, James and Bernard Alderman, Douglas MacPherson, of Richmond, Virginia, and Donald MacPherson, of Wayne, Michigan; five daughters, Lottie Revis, Lorraine Alderman, Alvonia Smith, Elizabeth Martin and Mary Alice Alderman; 41 grandchildren, 82 great-grandchildren, and greatgreat-grandchildren. Visitation will be Thursday at VanReenen Funeral Home and funeral services will be held Friday but no times are available yet.

Ruby F. McCarty Ruby F. McCarty, age 78, of Littleton, Colorado, formerly of Pocahontas County, died August 11, 1998, at Porter Hospital, Denver, Colorado. She was a homewife and mother and a member of Arapahoe Road Baptist Church. Mrs. McCarty was born at Buckeye, October 8, 1919, the daughter of Henry C. Miller and Winona Adkison Miller. She is survived by her husband, Robert W. McCarty, of Littleton, and two sons, Robert C , of Ft. Lupton, Colorado, and Jerry L., of Lakewood, Colorado; two sisters, Jean Groves, of Elkview, and Margaret Bailey, of Grantsville. She was preceded in death in addition to her parents by five sisters, Bemice, May, Frances, Doromy and Bobby, and three brothers, Ross, Glenn and Ralph. Funeral services were at Horan & McConaty Funeral Home, Lakewood, Colorado, on August 14, with interment at Chapel Hill Cemetery, Littleton, Colorado. Sterl L. McLaughlin Sterl L. McLaughlin, age 69, of Warm Springs, died March 1, 1998, in the Springs Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs, Virginia, after a long illness. He was a Veteran and a retired diesel mechanic. He is survived by two daughters, Lisa K. Hamilton, of Webster Springs, and Lois A. Crace, of Ohio; one son, Wendell McLaughlin, of Ohio; step-children, Dee Dee Broce and Rick McLaughlin, of Hot Springs, Virginia; sisters, Hazel Hamrick, of Marlinton, and Dora Sharp, of Huntington; one brother, Grady McLaughlin, of Texas. A memorial service was held Tuesday at Healing Springs Baptist Church by the Reverend Roger Austin, with graveside service on Wednesday at Mountain View Cemetery, Marlinton.


Florence Price McNeel Florence Randolph Price McNeel, age 89, of Marlinton, died Saturday morning, September 19, 1998, at her home after a long illness. Mrs. McNeel was a graduate of Flora Macdonald College in North Carolina and taught Latin at Richwood and Marlinton High Schools until after her marriage in 1935 when she moved to Charleston. She was later a social worker with the Crippled Children's Division of the Health Department While in Charleston she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and had the nursery department for thirty years. She returned to Marlinton on her retirement. Mrs. McNeel was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, sang in the choir, and was active in a circle and Sunday school. She was a member of the Marlinton Woman's Club and served on the board of the Pocahontas County Historical Society. The daughter of the late Calvin W. and Mabel Milligan Price, she was born in Marlinton January 6, 1909. Preceding her in death were her husband, Isaac McNeel; her parents; a brother, Calvin Thomas Price; and two sisters, Betsy Price Green and Ann Price Hubard. Mrs. McNeel is survived by two sons, William Price McNeel, of Marlinton, and John Randolph McNeel, of Palo Alto, California; a sister, Jane Price Sharp, of Marlinton; two grandsons and a granddaughter. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. at the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Randy Benson. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Hillsboro. Memorial gifts may be made to the Marlinton Presbyterian Church, Pocahontas County Historical Society, or the History Room of the new McClintic Library.

Alex KcKeel Dr. H. W. McNeei Gecrge Alex McNeei, aged 77 Dr. Harvey Winters McNeei, years, died at his home at Dilleyt aged 76 .years, died at his home M ill en Tuesday, January 1,1957, in Hillsboro, on (Monday morning after a long illness. November 1, 1918. He had been On Thursday afternoon the in ill health the past eight years funeral service was held from the or more. He had worn himself out iti ihe service of his fellow Hillsboro Methcdist Church by the pastor, Rev. E. D. Summers. man, as a couDtry doctor. His body was laid in the Oak On Wednesday afternoon, the Grove Cemetery. funeral service was held from the Mr, McNeei is survived by Oak Grove Presbyterian church by three daughters: Mrs. Martha his pastor, Kev. J. K. Fleming. Lev/is, at home; Miss Polly McHis body was laid to rest in the Neei, of Marion, Virginia; and family plot in Oak (jroye Ceme- Miss Margaret McNeei,-of Northtery. east, Maryland; and by three The deceased was a son of the sons: Blair, at home; George, of late Isaac and Nannie Beard Mc- Renick: and Alex, Jr., of AnnanNeei, of Midpoint. He married dale. Virginia. Also, by his sisMiss Elizabeth Edgar, who pre- t e r Mrs. Lydia Sydenstricker, of ceded him more than two y e a n Hillsboro; five grand children, and sr.tce. Their five children a,e one great grand-children. His i aac, Alfred and Paul; Harriet wife, Mrs. Rachel Cameron Beard and Dorothy McNeei. Of his McNeei preceded her husbanr' father's family there remain his some years since. sister, Mrs. Mary Goid Browning;: This good citizen was a son of his twin brother, T. S. McNeei, Jacob and Mary Jordan McNeei, and his brother, J. Lanty Mc- of The Levels. The only remainNeei. ing member of this family is his Thus is noted the passingof onr sister, Mrs. Lydia Ann Sydenof our most useful and prominent stricker, of Hilbboro. citizens. In the active practice of his profession as a physiciar Henry W. McNeei for nearly a half century, he lit terally wore himself out in servict Henry Washington McNeei, to suffering humanity. 75,. died in the Davis Memorial Hospital at Etkins on Dr. McNeei was a graduate o. Thursday, January 16, 1975. Washington and Lee University and the Medical College of the He had been ill for several years in veterans' hospitals Ui'iversity of Virginia. He took an active part in public affairs, and Denmar Hospital. and for many terms he was elected He was born on the old Mcmember and president of school Neei homestead near Hillsboards, district and c o u n t y . boro, April 29, 1899. the son Largely through his influence, of Joseph Samuel and Mary the Hillsboro high school was es- Curry McNeei. His parents tablished and the grade school and two brothers, Lloyd and built to make Hillsboro again a Joseph Beard McNeei, preschool centre. ceded him in death. Dr McNeei was descended from Mr. McNeei was a member the best families of the Green-- of the Wesley Chapel United brier Valley and his life fulfilled Metbodist Church at Hillswell the high traditions of di3-j boro. tinguished ancestry. A veteran of World War I, he was a charter member of American Legion, having joined in France when the Legion Mrs Rachel Beard McNeei, wife of was first organized, and he Alex McNeei, died at her home ne Hillsboro on Frldly afternoon, March has been an active member 24, ltM',), after a short illness of pneu- for over 55 years since. He was also a member of 40 and S monia. Her age was seventy years Burial on Sunday afternoon in the and the Veterans of Foreign family plot in Oak Grove Cemetery, Wars. the service being conducted by Rev Survivors include one broth* L. S Shires. Mrs Mrs McNeei was a er, Thomas P. McNeei, of daughter of the late John G. and Elizabeth Blair Beard. Her sisters Lewisburg, and one sister, Miss are Mrs Mattie McNeei, and Mrs Jen- Lucille McNeei, of Hillsboro. nie Hill, both of Farmington, WashFuneral services were held ington, Her brother is George Beard Sunday afternoon in the WesShe is survived by her husband and ley Chapel United Methodist their six children, Blair, George, Church, by the Rev. Oren Lee, Polly, Margaret, Martha and Alex J. •>of Morgantown, and the Rev. Sailey, with burial in the M o Neel Oemptflrv.


Mrs. G. D. McNeill

Mrs. Marietta Grace McNeill, 82, of Buckeye, died at the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Saturday, July 1, 1961, after a long illness. Mrs. McNeill was born at Buckeye on January 22, 1879, the daughter of the late William iC. and Susan Buckley McNeill. On January 29, 1903, she was 'united in marriage to George Douglas McNeill, who survives. In her youth Mrs. McNeill was a teacher in the district schools, and throughout her life was a professing Christian and a member of the Buckeye Methodist Church. Surviving are: her husband, G. D. McNeill of Buckeye; two sons, Ward K. McNeill of Columbus, Ohio, and James W. McNeill, of I Buckeye; two daughters, Mrs. I Carleton P. (Elizabeth) Dorsey : and Mrs. Roger W. (Louise) Pease, both of Morgantown. Also surviving are her sister, Mrs. Edna M. Kellison, of Beard; her brother, R. S. McNeil, of Mar-1 linton; four grandchildren: John j D. McNeill, Fresno, California;! Blix and Cheryl McNeill, at home; Douglas Pease, of Hanover, New Hampshire; and two greatgrandchildren, Larch Ann and Rosemarie McNeill, of California. Funeral services were held at I two o'clock, July 3, at the Svvago Methodist Church, ' with the Reverend Ezra Bennett in charge; interment followed at the family cemetery at Buckeye. "Strength and dignity are her clothing . . . and the law of kindness is on her tongue . . . She looketh well to the ways of her household . . . Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, andhepraisethher Give her the fruit of her hands' and let her works praise her in the gates." Mrs. Joe S. McNeei

Mrs. Mary Caroline Curry 'McNeei, aged 91, died at her home in Hillsboro on Sunday, January 28, 1962. She had been ill for five months. Born at Huntersville on June 1, 1870, she was a daughter of William and Lucy Hill Curry. Her husband, Joseph Samuel McNeei, preceded her in death. Surviving her are three children, Thomas P. McNeei, of Lewisburg, Henry W. McNeei and Lucille McNeei, of Hillsboro, and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Wesley Methodist Church, of which she was a member, by the Rev. Owen Lee and the Rev. John I. Prather. Burial was in the McNeei Cemetery.

D/. Johi 0. S'CNJJI


John Osborne McNeel, M. D., Mrs. Nora Wilson McNeel, daughagi 50, of St. Louis, Missouri, j ter of Osborne and Lucinda Armdi?d Wednesday, J.une 19, 1957. A I strong Wilson of Highland County, verdict of accidental death by Virginia, was iborn in Monterey, Va. drowning was made by the coro- on October 29, 1878. Her father, ner of Jefferson County, Missouri. who was a ruling elder in the PresDr. McNeel was born July 12, byterian Church, a devout and God1906, at Mill Point, the oldest fearing man reared her in the love son of J. Lanty and Nora- Wilson and admonition of the Lord. She McNeel, who preceded him in grew to young womanhood in the death. He is survived by two beautiful Monterey Valley where brothers, Joe, of Mill Point, and she received her education in the Richard, of Seebert. publbic schools. In 1900 she gradu-1 He was graduated from Wash- ated in nursing from the Jewish hos- 1 ington and Lee University and p i t a l ,-at Philadelphia a n d was among I the University of Virginia School 1 the first nurses registered in West Virginia. She came to Pocahontas [of Medicine. Upon completion of his training county shortly thereafter and prache was Director of Student ticed her profession. She was ever Health at the University of Vir- proud of the fact that she was the first Superintendent of Nurses a t ginia. During World War II he ser- the Marlinton Hospital. On August 28, 1907 she was marved one year in the Coast Guard, then joined the University of ried to John Lanty McNeel of MillVirginia Unit of the 8th Evacua- point, West Virginia, were they tion Hospital, serving in North made their home until her death on Africa, Sicily, Italy and Austria. December 3 1 , 1940. In her community she was ever ready to minister He held the rank of Major and succor those in distress be it Since the War, he has practiced from whatever cause and it matmedcine in Marlinton and Lewis- tered not wat station in life they burg, and has been associated ' held. To this martial union were with the Puget Sound Medical born three eons, John Osborne, Cooperative, Seattle, Washing- Joseph Wilson and Richard Isaac. ton, an! the Labo; Health Insti- | These sons together with her hustute of St, Louis, where he was i band survive. Both her father and at the time of his death. 1 mother preceedad her to the grave Services will be held at the as well as one bother, Frank Wilson. Oak Grove Presbyterian Church She is survived by two sisters and in Hillsboro, but plans for the one brother, Mrs.. C. R. Lacy of Clir date are indefinite now. ton, Va, Miss Lucy Wilson of Staun-

Miss Rachel McNiel Miss Rachel McNeel, aged 90: years, died at a hospHal in Ponca City, Oklahoma, on December 19, 1955. She had fallen in the home, but remained conscious ahmst up to the time of her This elect lady was a daughter of Colonel George See McNeel, and Sabina Beard McNeel, of ! Hillsboro, West Virginia. She is | survived by her sister. Miss Annie McNeel with whom she lived. Her brother, Edwin, passed away some months since. Her body was laid to rest beside the grave of her brother, Edwin, in the I. 0. O. F. cemetery !at Ponca City. The funeral was from the First Presbyterian Church by her pastor, Dr. Braden.

ton, Va., and James Roy Wilson of Millpoint, W. Va. At an early age she became a ! membe- of the Monterey Presbyter- ; ian Church and in which church she , was a tireless and energetic worker, j On March 7, 1907 she was admitted i to membership of the Marlinton | Presbyterian Church by letter, a n d ' >n November 25, 1907 after her marriage she united with the Oak | Grov•'. Presbyterian Church, by let- j ter. She was a kindly woa-king, unselfish Christian, always interested | in the Sunday school, Auxiliary and any work which concerned the kingdom of Ood. She was always faithful at the church services and saw that every member of her family »ere there also. "Her childrar, arise u p , a-nd call • her blessed; her husband also and he ( praiseth her."


MISS Harriet McNeel

^ ^

Miss Harriet Anne McNeel, 57, died Wednesday, November 1, 1967, in the Kanawha Valley Hospital in Charleston. Miss McNeel was born May 10, 1910, at Hillsboro, the daughter of the late Dr. Harvey Winters and Elizabeth Edgar McNeel. She was graduated from Greenbrier College in 1929 and taught in Pocahontas schools for three years. After attending the Katherine Gibbs School of New York City, she held secre'arial positions with the-New York Stock Exchange and Roosevelt Hospital. Later, coming to Charleston, she worked with the Kanawha Manufacturing Company for several years, and tl:e.i in the office of the Dean of Greenbrier Co lege at I e sisburg. Eight years ago she joined the proofreading staff of the Charleston Gazette, where she remained until her death. Miss McNeel was a mem beroft^eOak Grove Presbyterian Courch. Surviving her are a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Backs, of Cincinnati, Ohio: two brothers, Alfred McNeel, of Hillsboro, and John Paul McNeel, of Middletown, Connecticut; and seven nephews and nieces. Services were held Friday morning in the Barlow-Brnsall Funeral Home Chapel in Charleston by the Rev. Paul A. Chesney and Saturday after noon in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro by the Rev. Elwood Clower, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery. ^_ J. L. IBcNu

John Lanty McNeel, aged 77 years, died at his home at Mill Point, on Saturday morning, tober 22, 1955. Death was attributed to cerebral hemorrh.ige. He had been in failing health for several years. On Monday afternoon, the funeral was held from Oak Grove Church by his pastor, Rev Collier Harvey, Jr. His bod; was laid to rest in the McNeel Cemetery. Mr McNeel is survived by his three sons—Dr John, of St. Louis, Missouri, Joe W., at home, and Ric'-Td, of Hillsboro. His wife, Mrs .Mor Wilson McNeel, preceded her husband sixteen years since. The deceased was a son of the late Squire Isaac and Mrs Miriam Nancy Beard McNeel. His sister s Mrs Mary Gold McNeel Brown

Blair McNeel

Rlciard I. McNeel I

J. Moffett KcNeel Jason Blair McNeel, 84, of Richard Isaac McNeel, 66, of Jacob Moffett McNeel was Hillsboro, died Saturday, JanDunmore, died Monday, Januborn October 30, 1892, at Hills- uary 19. 1980, in Alleghany ary 21, 1980, after a long illboro, son of the late Samuel fc,. Regional Hospital at Lowness. and Mary Beard McNeel, and He was a 25-year resident of moor, Virginia, from complideparted this life on February 19, cations of emphysema. Dunmore and was a farmer. He was a scout ranger for the 1959, at his home, near Hillsboro, Mr. McNeel was a farmer, after a long illness. Buckskin Scout Reservation a member the Oak Grove f Funeral services were held on Presbyterianof Church. at Dilleys Mill. He bad Sunday, at 2:00 P M.. in the served on the Pocahontas Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, County Commission for about Martha M. Stacy, of Lewisat Hillsboro, where he was a life 15 years and was a former Cirburg, Miss Margaret McNeel, long member and Clerk of the cuit Clerk, i of Salem, Virginia; brothers, Session. The R e / . Collier S. George Ear), of Reniek, George He was president of the Harvey, Jr., and the Rev. J. D. Alexander, Jr., of Mount JackBank of Marlinton and a memArbuckle officiated. Burial was son, Virginia. ber of the Farm Bureau, Pomade in Oak Grove Cemetery. Graveside service was held cahontas Producers, and the Mr. McNeel is survived by his West Virginia Cattleman's Asat 2 p. m. Wednesday in Oak wife, Mrs. Rachel Ann Edgar Mc- sociation. Grove Cemetery, Hillsboro. Neel; four children, Samuel E., Born April 1, 1913, at Mill of Miami, Florida; Jacob Moffett, Point, he was a son of the late Ad McNeill Jr., at home; Mrs. Mary Hilleary, Daniel Addison McNeill, 70, of Hillsboro; and Mrs. Earl Ed- John Lanty and Nora Wilson died Friday, September 2, wards, of Charleston; a sister, McNeel. A brother, Dr. John 1977, at his home in Green- Mrs. Lida Bartholomew, of Hills- O. McNeel, preceded him in death. ville, South Carolina. boro, and eight grandchildren. Survivors include his wife, Born March 7, 1907, at In addition to being Clerk of Mabel White McNeel; a son, Buckeye, he was the son of the Session of his Church, he was Winters and Etta Beverage Executive Director of the P. C. A., Lanty F. McNeel; and two daughters, Mrs. Nora Lou McNeill. and a member of the Board of Workman, both of Hillsboro, He was a member of the the National Federal Loan Asso- and Mrs. Martha W. Murdick, Presbyterian Church and the ciation. He was active in civic of Muncie, Indiana; a brother, Masonic Lodge. He was a affairs and will be greatly missed Joseph Wilson McNeel, of former teacher in Pocahontas in the community and county. Hillsboro, and five grandchilCounty schools and a Marlindren. ton merchant before moving Services were held Tuesday to South Carolina, where he Urn Mi PI Ml at 2 p. m. in the Oak Grove was a supervisor in a sheet Samuel Edgar McNeel, 59, of Presbyterian Church in Hillsmetal firm until his retirement Hillsboro, died Tuesday, April boro with the Rev. Jack Artwo years ago. 8, 1980, in the Pocahontas Me- buckle officiating. Burial was Surviving him are his wife, morial Hospital, after a long in the McNeel Cemetery near Mrs. Teresa Bingham McNeill, illness. Hillsboro. of Greenville, five children: He was a farmer and former Patricia Gardner, New Mexico, Joe McNeel State Road employee and conPhyllis Borger, Greenville, Joseph Wilson McNeel, 74, struction worker. He was a Daniel Addison McNeill, Green Deacon in the Oak Grove Pres- of Mill Point, died Wednesday, ville, Jacqueline Reeves, Calibyterian Church. August 31, 1983, in Denmar fornia, Mrs. Susan Wolfe, Hospital after many years' The son of the late J. Moffett near Greenville; eleven grandand Rachel Edgar McNeel, he illness. children; a brother, E. Meade was born at Hillsboro NovemBorn July 12, 1909, at Mill McNeill, Athens; and two sisber 4,1920. Point, he was a son of the late ters, Mrs. Goldie Smith, Mill John Lanty and Nora Wilson Surviving him are his wife, Point, and Miss Madaline McMcNeel. Mrs. Madeline Lee Marcum Neill, Buckeye. McNeel; two daughters, Mrs. His wife, Linda Jane McFerServices and burial were in Patricia Shepard, Monroeville, rin McNeel, and two brothers, Greenville on Sunday. Pennsylvania, and Barbara Dr. John O. and Richard I. Lee, at home; three sons, SamMcNeel, preceded him in uel Edgar, Jr. and John Kevdeath. U S. McNeil, agp . 73 .rears, diet! in, at home, Moffett Earl, He was a retired farmer and at, his home in Santa Anna, Califor- Ocala, Florida; two sisters, a member of the Oak Grove nia, December i», 1038 lie was a na- Mrs. Mary Hilleary, Hillsboro, Presbyterian Church. tive of Pocahontas County, the young and Mrs. Nancy Edwards, est child of the late Rev. Jonathan Surviving him are a nephew, McNeil, of Swago. His si-ter is Mrs Paramus, New Jersey; one Lanty F. McNeel, of Hillsboro; John Buckley, and his brother Is brother, J. Moffett, Jr., of two nieces, Nora Lou Workman Enoch McNeil. His wife. Mrs Irene Hillsboro; two grandchildren. Buckley McNeil, died threeyears ago of Hillsboro, and Martha McTheir children are Mrs Gienda (toil Services will be held Friday, Neel Murdick, of Muncie, Indimd Mrs Dott Budd: ttwirsons, Boss at Oak Grove Presbyterian ana; and a sister-in-law, Mabel and William. Nearly fifty years ago Church at 2 p. m., by the Rev. Mr McNeil started a s:o;e business White McNeel, of Hillsboro. J. D. Arbuckle. Burial in Oak in Marlinton. Services were held at 2 p. m. Grove Cemetery. Saturday in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church by his pastor, Rev. J. D. Arbuckle, with burial in the McNeel Cemetery.


Carl Brown McNeill Mrs. A. W. McNaill Carl Brown McNeill was Mrs. Etta Erma Beverage Asa Winters McNeill, age 89, born at Buckeye, on August died at the Pocahontas Me- McNeill, 84, died early Tues12, 1883, a son of the day, March 13, 1962. at her morial Hospital early Tuesday late James T. and Hannah home at Buckeye after a long morning, June 4, 1963, after a Bav. rage McNeill. He died on iilness. short illness. « Wednesday, January 1, 1964. Born at Buckeye October Born at Buckeye October 22, at 912 N. Mesa, Ei Paso, Texas 1873, he was the son of the late 31, 1877, she was the daughter On June 28,1916, he married I of G. W. and Lydia Adkison Daniel A. and Nancy McNeill, Alice Dennis, of Newport, Beverage and lived all her life and lived all his life at Buckeye Tennessee. To this union twin at Buckeye. He was a member of the girls were born on August 21, She was a member of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church 1923, named Mary Jane and He was preceded in death by Swago Methodist Church. Nancy Ann. Mary Jane is Mrs. McNeill is survived by his wife, March 13, 1962. Mrs. James Rayburn, of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nancy Mr. McNeill is survived by her husband, A. W. McNeill; Ann died May 3, 1925. two sons. Dr. Meade McNeill, two sons, Dr. Meade McNeill, of Athens,.and Addison Mc- of Athens, and Addison, of He is survived by his wife, Neill, of Greenville, South Waynesville, North Carolina; Mrs. Alice McNeill; one dautwo daughters, Mrs. Glenn Carolina; two daughters, Mrs. ghter, Mrs. James Rayburn; Glenn Smith, of Mill Point, Smith, of Mill Point, and Miss I two brothers, Homer E. McMadeline McNeill, at home: and Miss Madaline McNeill, Neill, a barber, of Durbin, and at home; seven grandchildren two brothers, Dayton BeverMoody L. McNeill, of Hillsage, of Sequim, Washington, and three great-grandchildren. boro; two grandchildren, Audand Joseph Beverage, of Canrey, of Springfield, Virginia, Services will be held Thurs- ton, North Carolina; seven and Lelaine, at home; one day afternoon at two o'clock grandchildren and three greatniece, Mrs. A. M McDonald, at the lower Buckeye Presby- grandchildren. of El Paso, Texas. Two brothterian Church, by the Rev. Services will be held Thursers, preceded him in death, Robert Ray. Burial will be in day afternoon at two o'clock Kerney L. McNeill, February Mountain View Cemetery. in the Swago Methodist Chur12, 1892 and LockH. McNeill, ch by the Rev. Ezra Bennett. March 17, 1940. Burial will be in Mountain Carl was left fa'herless at the Reid -McNeil view Cemetery. The body age of nine. He helped his 4hwill be taken to the church Dennis Reid McNeill, aged _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mother raisii the younger broyears died on Monday morning, ne hour before services. thers until he was 16. He then May 30, 1955, after short illness. went many places and lived in Rev. Howard McNeill On Wednesday afternoon the Howard Carol McNeill, 84, El Paso for 30 yearns. funeral was held from Marlinton Alice was the daughter of Methodist Church by his pastor, of Hillsboro, died Wednesday, Robert Dennis. She has a Rev. Don Taylor. His body was April 9,1980, in Memorial Gen- twin sister, Algie, who is _a eral Hospital in Elkins, after laid in the family plot in Mt. nurse and helped care for Carl an extended illness. View Cemetery. Rev. McNeill was a retired in his last days. Mr McNeill is survived by his Carl's mother died DecemMethodist minister and a vetwife, Mrs Gertrude Grubbs, and ber 3, 1944, at the age of 86. their five children—Kendall, of eran of World War I. the Air Force; Mrs Patricia DooBorn at Woodrow, August He was a noble worker and ley, Middleburg, Kentucky; Brad- 26, 1895, he was a son of loved by all who knew him. Fur. -s cprviceiu New Me.v ford K., at home; Violet, Eliza- Luther and Louella Snyder -'. Bur'-' beth City, North Carolina; Mar- McNeill. A daughter, Jewell Wess, and son, Carl, a sister guerite, at home. The deceased was a son of the and three brothers, preceded J . Luther McNeill late J. Luther and Martha Van him in death. J. Luther McNeill, aged 80 years, He is survived by his wife, Reenan McNeill. Of his father's 11 months, and 11 days, died Monfamily, there remain his sister, Laura Barrett McNeill; three day, December 22, 1947 after an illMrs Mabel Conrad, of Hammond, daughters, Mrs. Mary Pritt, ness of many weeks. He had sufferIndiana; his brother, W. J. Mc- Bel Air, Maryland, Mrs. A rlene ed a stroke of paralysis. Pritt, of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Neill, of Tampa, Florida. McNeill is survived by his wife Lottie McKenney, of Marlin- Mrs.Mr.Florence Mr McNeill was a graduate of Van Reenan McNeill, ton; ten grandchildren and also by his four sons, Howard of Marlinton High School, president of the class of 1929. He attended nineteen great-grandchildren, Droop; Arnot and Reed of Marlina sister, Mrs. Mabel Con- ton; Henry of Tampa, Florida, and Shenandoah College, Dayton, and rad, of Marlinton. a daughter, Mrs. Mabel Conrad, of Virginia. Services were held in Mount Hammond, Indiana. For many years Mr McNeill Church on Droop by the His body was laid to rest in the was a faithful employe of the In- Zion Rev. B. B. Mitcham with Mountain View Cemetery. ternational Shoe Company, in the burial in Sunset Cemetery. He was a member of the Methodist Marlinton Tannery. For the past I Church. several years he was also manager of the Alpine Theatre. In religion, the deceased was a member o f Methodist Church. He was also an Oddfellow. There is general regret over the untimely passing of this useful citizen. A. W. McNeill


William Claiborne FT MH


Staff Sergeant James Howard McNeill

William C. McNeill died at his Services were held on S u n d a y , home on 'tjwago, January 30. 1936, at. the advanced age of eighty seven years On February 19. 1924, Re7 Moore J a n e 19, 1949, at 2 o'clock, p. m., one month. With his passing the McNeill died at the home of his a t the M a r l i n t o n Methodist Swago community and the county S l i g h t e r , Mrs. H. H. Cochran, at C h u r c h for Staff S e r g e a n t J a m e s lost imost useful and substantial cit- Lost Creek, Harrison County. He H o w a r d McNeill, whose body arizen. He was one of a family of nine was born in Swago, in Pocahontas rived J u n e 17, 1949, from overchildren born to Jonathan G. and County, November 9, 1930, the son of seas. Rev. R. H . S k a g g s had Anceline B. McNeill. Of the nine, William McNeill and Nancy Griflie c h a r g e of the service; also the feu.- survive These are Betty Buck- McNeill. Of a large family, a half V e t e r a n s of F o r e i g n W a r s . I n ley and Enoch McNeill of Buckeye- brother, George W. McKeever, of t e r m e n t was in Mountain View Asa, who lives at Sutton, and Ulysses Swago, survives. the of Santa Ana, California. Millie, wife Mr. McNeill grew to manhood in C e m e t e r y a t M a r l i n t o n in of the late Aaron Kee, and the eldest Pocahontas county and was active as family lot. H e was escorted by of the family, and three brothers— a teacher. In 1859 he entered the I Technical S e r g e a n t L a w r e n c e Daniel, James and Dock died several ministry as a member of the Metho-' Cain from L i t t l e t o n , W . Va. years ago. dist Protestant Conference. Nine T h e m a n y beautiful floral offerWilliam C. McNeill married Susan years later he became a member of Buckley, daughter of the Reverend the West Virginia Conference Metho- i n g s wers carried by v e t e r a n s . S e r g e a n t McNeill was born a t oshua Buckley, on April 21, L870, rd^st Episcopal Church. In 1881 he im1 for the most part of their sixty- 1 retired from the active ministry, and B u c k e y e on A p r i l 2, 1921. H e devoted his time to his large family dve years of married life they resided was the oldest son of Eleanor H o w )n the old homestead near the mouth extensive farm operations at Smith-- ard McNeill and the late Lock H . if Dry Creek. His aged widow and 1 ville, Ritchie county. In 1922 his home was destroyed by McNeill. ive children survive him. The chiltire, and his devoted wife received On N o v e m b e r 6, 1942 he enteriren are Mrs. Nevi J. Kee and Mrs. burns which proved fatal. Since the ed the A i r Corps and was sent to V. S. Overholt ol Marlinton; Mrs. G. 3. McNeill and Mrs. Mortimer Kelli- death of his wife Mi. McNeill h a d F o r t T h o m a s , K e n t u c k y . From made his home with his r,on and his j t h e r e he went to St. P e t e r s b u r g , ion of Buckeye, and Reuben S , of daughter. Marl into;.: Florida, then to Sioux Falls, S o u t h Mr. McNeill's wife was Miss Jane Early in life, Mr. McNeill joined D Poole Caldwell, of Marshall county. ! a k o t a , where he g r a d u a t e d as a ;he M P Church and he lived a most They were the parents of twelve radio operator. H e was then sent 2xemplary christian life, being ever children, ten of whom survive: Claude to K i n g m a n , Arizona and g r a d u billing and anxious to do anything ated for a g u n n e r . Next to Mospossible for the advancement of the :T., of Kellerton. Iowa; William K. of Washburn: Frank C , of Smit'.es L a k e , W a s h i n g t o n , then to jhurch or his community. ville; Burleigh S., cf Smithvill P e n d l e t o n , O r e g o n , then Walla In early manhood he was noted for Mrs G. M. Ciammer, of Fort Collins, Walla, W a s h i n g t o n , then to Py-1 his great physical strength, but in Colorado; Mrs. Gus J, Shaffer, of ote, Texas, vvhere he took his lust middle age he was stricken by a seKinttwood: Mrs. A. L. Ireland, of vere case of 'flu' from which he never flight t r a i n i n g . Then he il.nv to; entirely recovered, For many years G r a n d Island, Nebraska, a n d OB] Lock H. McNeill, aged 52 years, ! to P r a g u e Island, Maine. he has beeu confined to his home beAbout! ; d ed early Sunday morning, March] cause of poor health. 17. 1940, in the Pocahontas Memorial] J a n u a r y G , 1944, he flew to E n g land. Hospital, after a short illness of pneu 1 Mrs. Martha McNeill monia, following influenza. On Tues H e was radio o p e r a t o r on a F l y - : Mrs. Martha Perkins McNeill, day afternoon, his body was buried in i n g F o r t r e s s and on F e b r u a r y 10, 97, passed away at her home in the family plot in Mt. View Ceme , 1944, was s e n t on a b o m b i n g mis tery, the funeral was conducted from Buckeye on Friday, July 21, 1961, the sion to B r u n s w i c k , G e r m a n y . Swago Church by Rev. J. C after a long illness. i He was r e p o r t e d missing in actio.; Wool, assisted by Rev. R FI Skagg?. Born August 6, 1863> at An- The pall bearers were J. E. Buckley, on F e b r u a r y lu, 1944, when his thonys Creek, Greenbrier Coun- Dallas McKeever, Austin Duncan, plane and a n o t h e r in formation ty, she was a daughter of the late Walter Graham, R. S. McNeill and! collided over L i n g e n , G e r m a n y , a p p r o x i m a t e l y fifteen miles fr/hu Morgan and Fanny Perkins." Her Veilin Loudermilk. Mr McNeill was a son of the late' the border of the Netherlands, husband, Matthew Wallace (Dock) preceded her in death in 1920. James McNeill, who died forty-eight ago His mother, Mrs Hannah She was a member of the Metho- years Beverage McNeill survives. His Thomas Rush McNeill dist Church of Buckeye. brothers are Carl, Homer, and Moodj Thomas Rush McNeill, S3, Surviving are two daughters, McNeill. He married Miss Eleanor died at his home near Buckeye Miss Duffie McNeill and Miss Howard who survives with their sev on Monday, January 27, 1964. Watsie McNeill, one son, Rush en children, Mildred. James, Robert, He was born at Buckeye, McNeill, a half brother, G. D. Curtis, Carl, Stanley and Nicholas. Mr McNeill was one of our best citAugust 25, 1830, the son of the McNeill, all of Buckeye; also honest, industrious and up lite Matthew (Dock) Wallace six grandchildren and seven great- izens, right in all his dealings. Left father and Martha Ann Perkins Mcgrandchildren. less at an early age, he took the bes ! Neill. of care of his widowed m ther. A Services were conducted at the Surviving him are his wife, Lower Buckeye Church at 2:00 wide circle of friends deplore the un Mrs. Anna Morrison McNeill; p. m. Sunday, with the Rev. Ezra timely pis-sing of this goad man.

Bennett in chargt. Burial in the McNeill Cemetery at Buckeye. R. S. McNeil R. S. McNeil died at h'"s home in Marlinton Sunday, October 31, 1965, of a heart attack. Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the arrival of his son, Lt. Col. William R. McNeil, from South America.

t^'0 sons, Dempsey McNeill, of Marlinton and Walter McN. ill of Buckeye; four daughters, MRS. GRADY McNBEL Mrs. Nancy Taylor, of North j W o r d has been received her< Augusta. South Carolina, Mrs. j of the death of Mrs.. Caroline MrNee), wife of G r a d y McNeel. of Helen Carr, of Alexandria, Virginia, Mrs. Sherlin Ledford, C o e u r d ' Aiene, I d a h o , which ' ocGermany, and Vera McNeill, curred on M o n d a y m o r n i n g , J a n uar.y 30, 1950, from a h e a r t at- at home; eight grandchildren; one sister, Duffie McNeill, of tack following p n e u m o n i a . Buckeye, who makes her home



Mrs. Olivine Runciman McNeill wife of R. S. McNeill, died on Saturday afternoon, March 9, 1935 H t r age was 42 years. The cause of her death was heart disease. On Monday, the funeral service was conductj ed from her late home by her pastor, j Rev. S. B Lapsley; burial in the j family plot in Mt. View cemetery by the graves of her father and mother. Mrs. McNeill was the daughter o; Mr. and Mrs James Runciman. Sire was born at Waynesboro, Va. Her I sisters are Mrs. A. B. McCrary, of Ronceverte, and Mrs. Joseph Bastien, I of Fordwick, Va. Site became the I wife of R S McNeill, of Marlinton, | in 1918, and to this union was born i one son William She is survived 1 by iier husband and her son. Mrs. McNeill went out at the full ! tide i>f her useful life; seemingly at I the lime most needed by her family, the church, state and community Site was an expert instructor of the young and for years had taught the primary grade in the Marlinton school. At the time of her death she was president of the Woman's Club of Marlinton. In religion she was a member since childhood of the church of her fathers, the Presbyterian.



J a c k i e Linn McNeill, aged 4 and 1 2 years, died of leukemia on I F r i d a y m o r n i n g , A u g u s t 3 1 , 1951, at the home of his p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. Manuel L. McNeill, R F . D . 2, Elizabeth City C o u n t y , H a m p t o n , Virgi. ia. He is survived bj his p a r e n t s , a half-sister, Patricia McDaniels, his paternal g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. Arnot McNeill; his maternal g r a n d father, T. F . W e s t , of H a m p t o n . Funeral service was held on Sunday a f t e r n o o n , S e p t e m b e r '2, at the Lawrence B. Wood funeral home by the Rev. G e o r g e B Fletcher, pastor of L i b e r t y B a p t i s t C h u r c h , in H a m p t o u . Burial was in Oakland C e m e t e r y . Foui uncles of the child were pallbearers. Manuel McNeill

Manuel McNeill, 48, died at Fort Howard Veterans' Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, on Sunday, April" 16,1967., He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnot McNeill, of Elk Route, Marlinton, born August 14, 1918. In addition to his parents he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith West McNeill one son, Curtis McNeilJ; two brothers, Gerald McNeill, of Marlinton, and Stanley McNeill, of Hampton, Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, of Mar ^^"^ton. One son, Jackie, preceded him in death. Services and burial will be Friday in Hampton, Virginia.

Mrs. Susan B. McNeill M r s Susan Buckley 'McNeill, aged n i n e t y - t w o y e a r s , widow of the late William McNeill, died at h e r h o m e on S w a g o , M o n d a y m o r n i n g , March 9. 1942, of the intimities of e x t r e m e age. On W e d n e s d a y afternoon her b o d y was buried in t h e family plot in Mt. View C e m e t e r y . T h e service was held from t h e h o m e b y Rev. J . C. Wool. Mrs. McNeill was a d a u g h t e r of the late Rev J u s h u a and L u c y Adkison Buckley. Of her father's family t h e r e r e m a i n her sister, M r s M a r g a r e t T h o m a s and her b r o t h e r , J o h n B. Buckley. She became the wife of William McNeill, who preceded her a few y e a r s since. T h e y are survived by four d a u g h t e r s and one son. Mrs A. S. O v e r h o l t , Mrs Neva Kee, Mrs. Gr. O. McNeill, M r s . E d n a Kellison, and R. S. McNeill. M r s McNeill was a life long m e m b e r of the M e t h o d i s t P r o t e s t a n t C h u r c h . H e r useful life was that of a consistent christian, d o i n g well her p a r t as d a u g h t e r , wife, m o t h e r and n e i g h b o r . Mrs. N. C. McNeil

Mrs. Ruth Eureka Young McNeil, aged 87, of Marlinton, died on Sunday, September 23, 1962, in the Denmar State Hospital. Born at Buckeye, November 11, 1874, she was a daughter of the late Charlie and Margaret Buckley Young. She was a member of the Marlinton Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, N. C. McNeil. Survivors include a son, Norval C. McNeil, of San Diego, i California; a half- brother, Harry Thomas, of Hinton; two half sisters, Mrs. Ella Kirby and Mrs. Alta Rose, both of Marlinton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church with the Rev. George McCune in charge. Burial was in the Mc- ] Neil Cemetery at Buckeye. j Mrs. Nettie McNeill Mrs. Nettie Ann Clemons McNeill, aged 82 years, widow of the late Jonathan McNeill, die. at the home of Mrs. Willis iVlcKeever, on Swago, Tuesday, April 1, 1947. On Friday afternoon her body was laid in the Ruck man Cemetery near Millpoint. The grave side service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. H. Skaggs. The deceased was a native of Nicholas County, but had spent uiost of her life in Pocahontas,

Ida McNeill B R Mrs. Ida McNeill, 83, of Edray, died Tuesday, September 12, 1978, in Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was a member of the Edray Methodist Church and Edray Extension Homemakers Club. Born February 7, 1895, at Onoto, she was (ha daughter of the late Jacob and Nenay Kellison Beverage. Her husband, Arnot, and a son, Manuel, preceded her in death. Survivors include two sons, Gerald McNeill, of Marlinton, and Stanley McNeill, of Hampton, Virginia; a danghter, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, of Marlinton; two brothers, Clawson and Lee Beverage, and a sister, Mrs. Pearl Burka, all of Marlinton; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday with the Rev. B. B. Mitcham, Rev. Alfred Gum, Rev. Richard Newkirk and Rev. Howard McNeill officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. l,ua

Ward McNeill

Ward Kaywood McNeill, 75, died Saturday, April 14, 1979, from heart failure at his home at Buckeye. He was a graduate of West Virginia University where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta and Delta Delta Delta. Earlier in life be was a teacher and Farm Bureau store manager in Pocahontas County, then went to Columbus, Ohio, where he was State statistician for the Agricultural Soil and Conservation Service until his retirement. Born at Buckeye October 1, 1903, he was the son of the late George Douglas and Grace McNeill. Surviving him are a son, John Douglas McNeill, and three granddaughters, of Fresno, California; a brother, James W. McNeill, of Buckeye; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorbey, of Morgantown, and Mrs. Louise McNeill Pease, of Lewisburg. Services were held Monday in VanReenen Funeral Home by Clarence Davis, Jr., with burial in the McNeill Cemetery at Buckeye.


Miss Mary McNeil


nnett H. McNeil Bfen Miss Mary S. McNeil, 83, died in Stonewall Jackson HosBennett Harvey McNeil, 74. of pital Nursing Home on January Monterey died Thursday morning, 29, 1966, in Lexington, Virginia Sept. 29 at his home. She was born March 13, A son of the late Charlie and 1882, on Kerrs Creek at the Mahalia Moran McNeil, he was home of her grandfather, John born Sept. 16, 1892 at Buckeye, Kinnear McCown. She was a W. Va. A veteran of World War daughter of the late Capt. John I, he was a member of the AmeriAdam McNeil and Emma can "Legion and the Advent Christian Church. Moore McCown McNeil. He is survived by his widow, A graduate of Lexington Mrs. Fannie Ginger McNeil. High School, she received her The funeral service was conteacher's certificate from Har- ducted from the home at 11 a. m. risonburg State Normal School, Saturday, Oct. 1 by the Rev. Wenand taught in the public schools dell DuBois and Pastors Roger of Rockbridge County for 12 Mace and Rudy Torres. Interment years. Miss McNeill was was in Monterey Cemetery with a member of the Lexington Obaugh Funeral Home in charge Pn^byterian Church and a of arrangements. Active pallbearers were Joe Sulmember of the Lexington Wolenberger, James F. Varner, M. man's Club for about 40 years. L. Eagle, Jack Herold, Lynn CarSurviving are three brothers, penter and Carl Gutshall. Honorary were Moffett Hull, Conard Paul McNeil, Daniel W. McCarpenter, Paul L. Mauzy, C. R. Neil, and George McNeil of Gutshall, Ryland Swoope, Henry Lexington; two sisters, Mrs. Harris, Ronald Corbett, Carl P. William H. Cackley, Mill Point Armstrong, E. W. Cox Jr., R. M. and Mrs. Rachael McNeil RobGutshall, Wayland Ratcliffe, Galen inson, Lexington. Carpenter, Dr. T. E. Billingsley, Funeral services at the chapGeorge O. Wilson, John Baldwin and members of Post 155, Ameriel of the Lexington Presbyter: can Legion. ian Church were conducted Tuesday, 11a. m., by the Rev. Douglas Chase. Burial was in Mrs Lea McNeill was born May 4, New Monmouth Church Cem- 1859 and died January 11, 1910, aged 80 years, 8 months and 7 days. She eterv.

George Arnot McNeill George Arnot McNeill, 79, of Marlinton, died Monday, May 26. 1969, at his home after suffering an apparent heart attack. £— Born at Laurel Creek January 2, 1890, he was a son of the late Luther and Louella McNeill. He was a member of the Edray Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Surviviors include his wife, Mrs. Ida Beverage McNeill; two sons, Gerald R. McNeill," of Marlinton, and Stanley L. McNeill, of Hampton, Virginia; one daughter, Mrs. Dorothy McNeill Johnson, of Marlinton; one brother, Howard McNeill, of Droop, and a half sister, Mrs. Berlin Conrad, of Hammond, Indiana. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Edray Methodist Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and the Rev. Alfred Gum with burial in the Mountain View Cemetery.

is survived by two daughters, Mrs. M. B Shomo, cf Cumberland, Maryland, and Mrs J. Ott Dilley, of near Marlinton, with whom she resided; also by six grand children, seventeen great grand children and one greatgreat grandchild; also by one brother, Luther McNeill, of Marlinton. Grandma McNeill as she was af fectionately called by her friends and relatives was a kind and lovable woman and will be sadly missed in the home. She was born and reared and spent her entire life in Pocahontas county. Funeral services were con ducted from LTnion Central Church by Rev. R. H. Skaggs, the Methodist pastor. Burial was in the Wilfong cemetery. Mr and Mrs EUett H. Dilley, of Oakland, Maryland, and Mrs Helen Pethtal and little son, Donald Wayne of Durbln, were among the relatives attending the funeral.


Mrs Mehaia Caroline Moran McNeil, aired seventy seven years, died B'ebruary 2, 1940, at her home on Swago. Though her health had been falling for some time, her death was unexpected. On Sunday afternoon her body was buried in the tamily plot in the Buckley cemetery; the servine was conducted from the Swago church by Rev J C Wool. ..irs McNeil was a daughter of the late John C. and Mary LaRue MShe was born in Grayson county, Vir ginia. She came with her parents to Pocahontas county in 1880, Or her father's family there remain her three sisiers, Mrs Matilda Auldridge of Buckeye: Mrs Lydia Slayton of Huntersville; Mrs Annie Collins of Charleston. On December 15, 1887, she becatae the wife of the late Charles L ..i Neil, who died about fcwenr veart; ago To tl:is union three l.i. len were born—John C. at home; Bennett H of Vanderpool, Virginia, and Mrs Mary P. Turner, of Trinity, Ttxas Mis McNeil was a home loving pe>son whose children arise and Call * r blessed. She was a life lonr- ' .'.ber of the Baptist Church. John C. McNeill

John Calvin McNeill, aged 72, )f Buckeye, died Tuesday morning, June 20, 1961, in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital after a long illness. A lifelong resident of his community, he was born September 16, 1888, at Buckeye, the son of the late Charles and Mahala Moran McNeill, and was never married. A sister, Mrs. Mary Turner, preceded him in-death January 29, 1958. Surviving him are a brother, Bennett McNeill, of Vanderpool, Virginia; an aunt, Mrs. Annie Collins, of Charleston, and numerous cousins. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. • Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 in the Upper Swago Church by-the Rev. Ezra Bennett, assisted by the Rev. S. M. Schoolcraft, with burial in the Cloonan Cemetery. Mrs. Edith McNeill Mrs. Edith West McNeill, of Hampton, Virginia, died in Hampton General Hospital on June 14, 1984, after a lingering illness. She was the wife of the late Manuel McNeill and the daughter-in-law of the late Arnot and Ida McNeill, of Marlinton. Surviving Mrs. McNeill is a son, Curtis, of Hampton, a daughter, Patricia, five granddaughters and two greatgrandchildren, all of Hampton; sisters, Mary and Florence West, also of Hampton. Burial was in Hampton on June 16.

Qeerje Edgir McNeil George Edgar McNeil, 82, of Lexington, Virginia, died Wednesday, August 22, 1979, at bis home. Born August 1,1897, in Rockbridge County. Virginia, he was the son of the late John Adam McNeil and Emma Mc< Cown McNeil. Mr. McNeil was a retired member of the Merchant Marines. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Rachel McNeil Robinson, of Lexington. Services were held on the 24th at New Monmouth Presbyterian Cemetery at 11 a, m. Burial followed. Mr. McNeil was the brother of the late Mrs. William (Agnes) Cackley, of Mill Point, and visited often in the County. ~~

T. S.jHcNeel Thomas Summers McNcel, aged 77 years, died on Tuesday, Ma-v 23, 1950. He had been in failing health for many mouths. On Thursday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Marlinton Presbyterian Church by his pastor, Rev. Roger P. Melton. Interment in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery. He was the son of the late Isaac McNeel and Miriam Nancy Beard McNcel, of Millpoint, West Va., where he was born October 16, J-872. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Frances (Mc-j Nulfcy) McNeel, and his twin brothi r, Dr. H. W. McNeel. He is s u r v i v e d by his daughter, Nancy Mrs. Richard F. Currence; his sisler, Mrs. W. A. Browning, one br.thei, J. Lanty McNcel, and four grand-daughteri, Mary Jarvis, Nancy Ward, Louise and Sara Alice Summers Currence. Mr. McNeel was educated in the local schools and attended Washington and Lee University, and graduated in law from the University of Virginia in the year 1897. He practiced his profession until ill health forced him to retire. He was descended from pioneer stock, a direct descendant of John McNeel, Revolutionary soldier, and pioneer of Pocahontas County. He was Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church for thirty years. He was also a student of I the Bible and loved bis church and all its work; and was a modest, sincere and earnest Christian. He was a Mason for over fifty years, as H member of the Huntersville Lodge, No. 755, and the * Hillsboro Lod^e, No. 121. He was active in public service. In his early life, he served as Prosecuting Attorney for Pocahontas County for the years 19011904. He was also Mayor of the Town of Marlinton. He had been a Commissioner of the Circuit and County Courts for over thirty years. In World War I. he was Secretary of the Local Draft Board and he '.. J served as Divorce Commissioner for man; years. His death will be regretted by his host of friends throughou.

Miss Wattle McNeill Miss Watsie McNeil!, barn ii't Buckeye May 5, 1889, daughter of the late Matthew Wallace and Martha Perkins McNeill, departed this life unexpectedly Monday, December 3, 1962. at ihe age of 73 years, from a heart attack. She is survived by one sister, Miss Duffie McNeil!, and one brother, Rush McNeill, both of Buckeye. She lived her entire life in Buckeye among many friends. Graveside services were held MfeNeffl Cemetery in keye Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Ezra Bennett.

Enoch George McTSeill, aged f*j years, died at his horr"> two miles; below Marlinton on Saturday, June L 1, 1940, He had been ill for so months. On Tuesday morning his body .?as laid to rest in the McNeill jetneteiy, the fumeral service being conducted from the Lower church by fab pastor. Rev J. C. Wc Mr McNeill is survived by his SOD Tesse, with whom be made his home, ! and two daughters, Mrs Nellie Bar low and Mrs Augusta deVaughan, both of Akron, Ohio. His wife, Mrs A.nna Duncan McNeill, died some years since. Mr McNeill was the last iiirviving member of the family of. •he late Rev Joshua and Evangeline \dkison McNeill. His sister, Mrs lolin Buckley, pieceded him a few Months since. Tims is noted the passing of a 'Od man, of the pioneer t pe, indus n, honest and trustworthy.


IN MEMORY Thomas Summers McNeei By J. E. Buckley The Honorable Thomas Summers McNuel, president of the Pocahontas County Bar Association and for more than 52 years as practicing attorney at this Bar; finished his duties on May 23, 1950, when his soul was called to the Court of the Supreme Architect of the Universe where all matters in difference are res adjucata. Thomas Summers McNeei was born at Millpoint, Pocahontas County, West Virginia, on Oc ber 15, 1872, the son of Isaac A Neel and Miriam Nancy Beard McNeei. He was one of four children, the others being his twin brother, Doctor H. AY. McNeei, of Hillsboro, Marigold McNeei Browning of Marlinton; and J. Lanty McXeel of Millpoint. Pie was a direct descendent of the pioneer John McNeei, who settled at Hillsboro, as a first inhabitant in the year 1765, and whose descendants for 185 years have been leaders in all the worthwhile activities of the Valley of the Green brier. Mr. McNeei attended the public schools of his community, the Hillsboro Academy, Washington .tnd Lee University and was graduated from the Law School of the University of Virginia, with a legree of L. L B. in June 1897, and on October 5, 1S97, he was admitted to practice in Marlinton before Jud^e J. M. McWborter. Upon his admission, he began active practice of his chosen profession, which he continued for a 1 greater length of time than any other member of the Pocahontas County Bar. On July 8, 1903, Mr. McNeei was married to Mary Frances McXultyof Highland County, Va.; to which union was born one child, Margaret Nancy, Mrs. Richard P. Currence of Mtrlinton. Mr. McNeei served as Proecuting Attorney of P o c a h o n t a s County from 1901 to 1905, as well as several terms as mayor of Marlinton; he was Secretary of the local draft board for the first World War, and was serving as Commissioner of Accounts, Commissioner ID Chancery and Divorce Commissioner of the Circuit Court at the time of his leath, which positions he had occupied for many years.


The deceased had been a member of the Masonic Lodge for more than 50 years and was Past master of Marlinton Lodge No. 127, and a Knight Templer; he had been an Eider of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church for more than 30 years and had b^en a life long worker in the Church of his Fathers. Mr. McNeei was a gentleman of polished manner, excellent company and a welcome addition to any group. In the practice of his profession, he was kind, sympathetic and ethical in all his associations. In politics he was a Democrat and for most of his life took an active part in the conduct of his party's affairs in the County and State. In the passing of Thomas Summers McNeei, this world has lost to the next an able lawyer, a kind gentleman and an honest man, who lived an active and useful life for the betterment of his community and services to others, I'd his example will long be remembered by and be an inspiration to all those who were privileged to know him well. At the request of the Pocahontas County Bar Association.

Mrs. Nellie McGowan Mrs Nellie E. McGowan was horn March 31, I877j and died on Sunday. Ay-il6, 1941, at Shady Springs; aged 54 years and (idays. She was a daughter of the late Nickson and Mary Mann McCoy, of Hillsboro, She is survived by herJi us band, S. L. McGowan^ and one son, Wilbur, of Shady Springs and one daughter, Mrs Eunice Williams, of Beckley. Of her father's family two sisters. Mrs Neda McMillion. of Flint, Michigan, and Mrs Nora Jackson, of Hillsboro, and one brother, Albert McCoy, of Radford, Virginia survive The funeral service was con du< ted from the Hillsboro Methodist Church by Rev. L. S. Shires and interment in the old Droop Church Cemetery. Airs McGowan was converted in her youth and lived a truly good life given to hospitality: possessing an unusual amount 'of patience, kindness and love and will bo greatly missed in her home and community. She was preceded to the jrravT I several years ago by two children. st daughter. Mary, age (i years and I a son, Milton. 15 years of ;ige.

Loy E. McAtee


Loy Earl McAtee, 48, a former resident of Huttonsville and a resident of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. since 1985, passed away Monday at his residence in Florida. Mr. McAtee was born July 6, 1946, at Elkins, the eldest son of Loy and Katheryn "Kate" Liggett McAtee, who both survive in Huttonsville. In addition to his parents, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Timothy (Mary J.) Marcum, Huttonsville; three brothers, Eugene, Robert and Paul David McAtee, all of Huttonsville; and several nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. Preceding him in death was one infant sister, Emily Vada McAtee. Mr. McAtee was a graduate of Webster Springs High School with the class of 1964. He was a member of the Tygart Valley Presbyterian Church, the Huttonsville Lodge No. 168 IOOF, where he had served as past noble grand and a member of the Huttonsville Rebekah Lodge No. 103. He was also a member of the Randolph Lodge No. 116 of Elkins and the Delphia Rebekah Lodge No. 62. He was a member of the William Ewing Encampment No. 55 of Elkins, where he had served as the past chief patriarch and a member of the William Ewing LEA No. 55 of Elkins. Mr. McAtee was also a member of the Canton Barbour No. 1 of Philippi, the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans of Morgantown, the Tygart Valley No. 76 K of P, BPOE No. 1135 of Elkins, FOE No. 2353 of Clarksburg, Elkins Moose Lodge No. 375 and the H.W Daniels Post No. 29 American Legion. In 1984 he served as the past grand master of the Grand Lodge of WVa. IOOF and had also served as the past district deputy grand master for District No. 12. In 1985 he was the grand representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. He helped to organize and serve as the first presi. dent for the W.Va. Emergency and Disaster Fund for the Grand Lodge of W.Va. IOOF. He had also served on the Board of Trustees for the Brick Church Cemetery in Huttonsville. •> John IS MoAtot Ui-; June It; «ed 68 years. He w a s U i e SOf) Ha«ison H and Manraret Stalnakei McAtee. He had been >irk several months. He spent most of hte life at "tafOj- Randolph county. On May ''.!!'< 2, lte was married to Miss Effia K bay. Il e is survived by his widow one son Harris II, and one daughter i^aura.both at home: two brothers Charles, of Hyper. Kansas; and Jacob or Valley Head; two sisters. Mrs W I ^nter, of Paintsvllle, Ky. and Mr* J I. Skidmore. of Norton; also on Lirandson, William McAtee. The pa" baarers were Edwin, John and Archie hkidiuore, Brooke and Wood.o* Miarpe and Albert McAtee. Tim Bower girls were Mabel Cross, Edna V< ;d Annie Sliarpe, Verna Gibson •ola I-.amsey, Mary Seolt, MonaGaj and Mary Rifleman. The services were conducted at the home by Rev W II Horsey. Burial to tb e Miie-u , cemetery. —

Mrs. Joe 0. McKenney

Mrs. Truda Waugh McKenney was born December 10, 1903, and departed this life April 12, 1961, at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Warren, Ohio. She was the daughter of the late Jake and Missouri Wilfong Waugh. Truda was orphaned at an early age and was | reared by the lute Mary Jane Sharp. On October 26, 1921, she was anited in marriage to Joseph 0. McKenney, who survives. To this union were born five children. Two sons, Guy and Gerald, preceded her in death. Surviv- ! ing are Airman First Class Cam-1 eron J., of Chanute Air Force | Base, Illinois; Arnold Eugene, of Warren, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. Genevieve Dumire, of Warren, and a foster daughter, Brenda Also her step; Sue, at home. |1mother, Mrs. Rosa Waugh, of Marlinton, two step-sisters, Mrs. Stella Gay, of Clover Lick, and Mrs. Flossie Campbell, of Mar^ linton; two half-brothers, Jesse G. Waugh, of Elon College, North Carolina, and Clyde Waugh, of East Liverpool, Ohio; six grand daughters and two grandsons. Mrs. McKenney was a resident of Marlinton until nine years ago when she moved to Warren, Ohio. She was a member of the Second Church, its Tower Class, and of the Blue Star Mothers Chapter No. 45. Mrs. McKenney was an ardent church worker and took an extensive interest in all its activities. While in Marlinton she was a member of the Indian Draft Methodist Church, was Sunday School Superintendent and song leader. She will be sadly missed by all her friends and neighbors. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, at the Draft Church, with the Rev. Ezra E. Bennett officiating. Burial was made in the family plot of the Draft cemetery.

Camtrin John McKtnsty Cameron John McKenney, of Franklin, Kentucky, died Sunday, November 6,1977, in Franklin Memorial Hospital. Born June 27,1921, in Marlinton, he was the son of Joe and Truda McKenney. He had lived in Franklin fourteen years. Besides his parents he was preceded in death by two brothers. He is survived by his wife, Norma Jean, two daughters, Patricia and Sheryl; two sons, Kevin and Shawn, all of Franklin; one brother, Arnold McKenney, of Warren, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. Vance Dumire, of Warren, Ohio. He is also survived by one son and four daughters from a previous marriage. He was graduated from Marlinton High School in May 1939 and entered the Air Force in September 1939. He retired with a medical discharge in 1964. He was the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McKenney, of Marlinton, Cameron was laid to rest in Greenlawn Cemetery in Franklin, Kentucky, November 10.

Anold Eugeni McKiniey

Arnold Eugene McKenney, 54, of Warren, Ohio, died Monday, March 22,198U. He had been in ill health for a long time. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at VanReenen Funeral Home .Chapel at 11 a. m. Burial in Indian Draft Cemetery.

Mrs. VicieO. McKenney Mrs. Vicie McKenney, of Wheeling, died January 2, 1975, at home. She was preceded in death by her husband, Forest Ellis McKenney, in 1968 Surviving are one stepson, Clyde McKenney, Korea; one step daughter, Naomi Anderson, Warren, Ohio; four brothers, Cecil Lemasters, Radcliff, Kentucky, Lawrence Lemasters, Falls Church, Virjjinia, Gerald Lemasters. Fairfax, 'Virginia, Arthur Lemasters, Chesapeake, Virginia; four sisters, Mrs Rita Shaffer, Mrs. Ruth Conard, Annandale. Virnia, Mrs. Neila Sykes, Spring till, Florida, Marietta HolGod put a flower on this earth, licgsworth, of Baltimore, It bloomed for many years, Maryland, and a host of relaBrought joy and happiness to us tives and friends. all, Funeral services were conAnd then He called it home. ducted Sunday at the Mt. Pleasant Church at Indian Her daughter. Draft, by Rev. Maynard Craw ford. She was laid to rest in the family cemetery.



Mrs. Elbert McCarty ( V * f J .

Mrs. Bessie McCarty, 82, of Huntersville, died in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital Wednesday, September 25, 1974, after several years illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Born December 1, 1891, near Huntersville, she was the daugh ter of the Jate Wallace and Nancy McLaughlin. Her husband, Elbert McCarty, died April 5, 1959, and a son died in infancy. Surviving her are two sons, Carl McCarty, of Huntersville, and Lynn McCarty, of Alvon; two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Moore and Mrs. Geraldine Smith, both of Huntersville; eleven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren; a brother, Roy McLaughlin, Huntersville, and four sisters, Mrs. Grace Fertig, of Joppa, Maryland, Anna McLaughlin, Los Angeles California, Mrs. Delano Ginger, Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Esta Chamehn, High Point, North Carolina. Services were held Friday afternoon in the Huntersville Methodist Church by the Rev. Ezra Bennett and Gene Loury, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Burke McCarty Burke McCarty, age 75 years, of Narrows, Virginia, died in a Pearisburg, Virginia, hospital on Tuesday, March 8, 1960, following a heart attack. He was a retired merchant of Narrows and a former resident of Cass. He is survived by one brother, Richard McCarty, of Hillsboro. He was the son of the late Ellis and Sallie E. Hill McCarty, of Hillsboro. His wife preceded him in death two years. i He was a member of Riverside j Masonic Lodge 124 at Cass and I a member of the Beni Kedem Shrine and Knights Templar. Funeral services were held from Riffe's Funeral Home, in Narrows, Virginia, on Friday, March 11th, at 11:00 a. m. Additional services were held from the Meth odist Church, in Hillsboro, with burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery with the Riverside Masonic Lodge, of Cass, in charge.

Dunmore Resident^ Killed Monday Noon When Struck By Tree

Charles W. McCarty Charles William McCarty was born February 28, 1874 and passed away March 17, 1945, after a lingering; illness, aged 71 years and 18 days. He was the eldest child of the late L. S. and Martha F. McCarty. He was a carpenter by trade. On March 19th funeral services were held at Mt. Grove church in Bath county, Virginia, with the Rev. L. E. Saville, of Minne'iiiha Springs officiating. His body -was laid to rest by that of i is son Basil, who preceded him by six years. Charles is survived by four children; one brother, D. W. McCarty, of Frost; tour sisters, Mrs Minnie Kelly. Frost; Mrs Ernest Rhea, Dunmore; Mrs Hugh Rhea [and Mrs Adam Rhea, Marlinton. '• Also five half brothers, George and Frank of Frost; Ledford, Da'e and Odell in the armed forces; two half sisters, Mrs. Edgar Bussard and Mrs June Bus*ard; his step-mother Mrs L. S. McCarty, and a number of nep: hews, nieces an friends who re| gret his passing. M

Funeral services were held at the Baxter Presbyterian Church at Dunmore Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Lynn McCarty, 32, who was struck and killed Monday about noon by a falling Mrs. Thslma McCarty Mrs. Thelma G. McCarty, age tree. M r s . McCarty was assisting', 60 years, 9 months and 7 days, a son of Ted Kerr, of Dunmore, j of Frost, died in the Pocahontas in felling tree close to the i Memorial Hospital, in Marlinton, Kerr home,a by use of a chain. on Thursday morning, September paw. In cutting the tree, it was' 8th, 1960, after a long illness. seen that it would not fall the Death was attributed to cancer. way it was desired, and the Kerr She was a member of the Frost youth started for his home to seMethodist Church. Born at cure a wedge to swing the tree Burnsville, Virginia, January 1st, in another direction. Mrs. McCarperceived that the tree was 19uO, she was the daughter of the ty tailing as the result of a gust of late Andy C. and Hattie Trainer wind and called to wain the Kerr Carpenter, and the widow of the youth, who was enabled to flee late George McCarty, who pre- to safety. The t r e e , however, ceded her in death on January struck a truck which Mrs. Mc21, 1960. Carty had been operating a n d Survivors include: five daugh- bounced off, striking her and ters, Mrs. Myrtle Nelson and Miss crushing her skull. In addition to her husband, Betty McCarty, both of Frost; Mrs, Mildred Carpenter and Mrs. Mrs. McCarty is survived by her i Annie Bennett, both of Coving- mother, Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, who is seriously ill; ton, Virginia, and Mrs. Mabel Dunmore, children, Granville, J a n e , , Cross, of Washington, D. C ; and fcur Brown, and Linda, at home; and' three sons, William Taylor and two brothers, Oren McLaughlin, George McCarty, of Frost, and of Marlinton, a n d M y r l McZed Taylor, of Conneaut, Ohio; Laughlin, in the Navy in the also a sister, Mrs. Ruth Burns, Philippine Islands. of Waynesboro, Virginia, and a Interment was made in the half-sister, Mrs. Grace Ratliff, Dunmore Cemetery.

formerly of Bethel, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. in the Frost Methodist Church with the Rev. L. E. Saville in charge. Burial was made j in the Harper Cemetery.

Elbert G. McCarty

Elbert G. McCarty, aged 74 died at his home on Browns Creek Sunday, April 5, 1950, after a long illness. Born November 17, 1884, near Huntersville. he was the son of the late Peter and Arminta Hill McCarty. He was a member of the browns Creek Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Bessie; two daughters, Mrs. Moody Moore and Mrs. Lee Smith; two sons, Lynn and Carl; and a brother, Amos H. McCarty, all Of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marlinton Methodist Church by the Rev. Herbert M. Pennington, Jr. and the Rev. Bernard Skeens, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.

Donald Dale McCarty Donald Dale M c C a r t y . aged 5 m o n t h s , little son of Mr ai>d Mrs. Dale M c C a r t y , of F r o s t , died on Tuesday N o v e m b e r 10. ! His little body will be laid to rest in Mt. Zion C e m e t e r y on Wednesday a f t e r n o o n .

Ruby Sharp McCarty Ruby Clara Sharp McCarty, age 83, of Marlinton, died Sunday, March 23, 1997, at home. Mrs. McCarty was a member of the Church of Christ." She was a past member of the Daughters of America and the American Association of Retired Persons. The daughter of the late Marion McCoy and Delia Frances Jackson Sharp, she was bom at Fairview December 1, 1913. She was preceded in death by two sons, Robert Allen McCarty and Gerald Samuel "Butch" McCarty; two sisters, Lillian Sharp Nizolek and Geraldine Sharp Wilfong; and two brothers, Dock William Sharp and Denny Warick Sharp. Surviving her are her husband, Winters Kyle McCarty; two daughters, Enna Lee McCarty, of Sayreville, New Jersey, and Marian Frances Murphy, of Roanoke, Virginia; two sons, Charles Edward McCarty, of Beltsville, Maryland, and Steve Kyle McCarty, of Bowie, Maryland; four brothers, Dewey Franklin Sharp, of Marlinton, Oley Marion Sharp, of Riverdale, California, Willie Eugene Sharp, of Richmond, Virginia, and Wade Thomas Sharp, of Fairview; ten grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildlren. Services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at VanReenen Funeral Home by her minister, Michael L. Moore. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery. Dorse Wilbur McCarty Dorse W i l b u r M c C a r t y , aged 71 years, pnssed away a t his home at Frost, on S a t u r d a y , Januar.v 3, 1953. He wag noru J a n u a r y 3 , 1881, at F r o s t , West Virginia, the son of the late L a n t y and M a r t h a Dilley McCarty. He was first 'usrried to Bessie E. S h a r p , w h o died several years ago. Four children to this m a r r i a g e survive him. They a r e : Mrs Charles Rayle and Maynard M c C a r t y , of Canton, Ohio; Mrs. Dave C O E D S , of Mountain G r o v e , Virginia, and Dewey McCarty, of F r o s t . His second wife was J o s e p h i n e i^ifcjttr, who with t h e i r d a u g h ter, Dorothy M c C a r t y , survives him. Also s u r v i v i n g him are 21 grandchildren and t h r e e g r e a t grandchildren. On Monday afternoon his body was laid to rest in the S h a r p cemetery. T h e funeral services were couducted from, the 5>.osjt Methodist Church by R e v . L , JD. Sju

ville, assisted by Rev. S, Clyde Lussard,

Sherman McCarty Sherman McCarty, son of Ellis and Sally McCarty, was bom at Hillsboro, West Virginia, May 11, 1882, and died in the Chesapeake and Ohio Hospital, Clifton Forge, Virginia, Octo bero, I03S On October 25, 1910 he was mar ried to Miss Hazel Fletcher, To this I union were born three children, Harwell, Nancy and Kathleen Their | home was characterized by devotion, sympathy and kindness. lie grew up in the atmosphere of a ! thoroughly Christian home. Under the ministry of Rev. Charles. Lynch he was converted and united with the Methodist church at Hillsboro on September 11, 1903. For about twenty-rive ytars he was a Steward in the Hillsboro church He was a man of faith, modest and retiring in his disposition, yet possessing deep and abiding convictions. As a neighbor lie was unselfish, ac comrnodating and ever ready to be of! service to his friends He thought of I others, not of himself. He loved his Bible and magnified ! its teachings in his daily life. Hlsi deiinite Christian faith was his com fore and assurance during his final>. His kindness, gentleness and Christian manhood won for him a large place in the hearts of the pen pie of bis community. The enure i and community have sustained a real loss in his death. Beside his imme diate family he leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, Burke, of Cass, and Richard, of Hillsboro. The benedic tion of his consecrated life rests up- j on his loved ones. The funeral service was conducted | at the Hillsboro church. Friday, (>.'t j ober 7th at 2 p. m. by his pastor, I Rev. L S. Shires, assisted by Rev j J. E. Kni K ht if t i e Presbyterian! church. Interment was made, with Masonic rites, in the Brick Church Cemetery.

Mrs. Peier McCarly Mrs. A r m e n t a Hill M c C a r t y , aged 91 years, widow of the late P e t e r M c C a r t y , died a t the home of her d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Clyde C. W a u g h , in M a r l i n t o n , on S a t u r day m o r n i n g , A u g u s t 3, 1946. S h e had been ill m a n y m o n t h s . On Monday afternoon the funeral service was held from the Marlinton M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h by R«v. H a r v e y C. P o r t e r . H e r body was laid to rest in the family plot in M o u n t a i n View C e m e t e r y . Mrs. M c C a r t y was a d a u g h t e r of t h e late A a r o n and M i r i a m J o r d a n Hill, of the Levels. Of her family t h e r e r e m a i n s one son, Granville, of Missouri. I n O c t o b e r , 1865, she became the wife of P e t e r M c C a r t y , who preceded her m o r e than t w e n t y years since. T h e i r surviving children are M r s . Cryde 0. W a u g h , A m o s and E l b e r t McCarty. T w o d a u g h t e r s and a son preceded their m o t h e r .

Sergeant Douglas W. McCarty

Sergeant Douglas W. McCarty, 18, was killed in action in Viet Nam on Thursday, April 11, 1968. He had been in Viet Nam since last Septem ber and was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action on December 22; he received a Purple Heart for wounds received in action on November 28 and a First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Purple Heart for wounds received on December 22. Born at Frost June 15, 1949, he was the son of Dale and Creola Grimes McCarty. He was a member of the Frost Methodise Church. Surviving him in addition to his parents are two brothers, Kyle McCarty, of Arlington, Virginia, and Dewey Lynn McCarty, of Fort Monroe, Virginia; two sisters, Bonnie and Connie McCarty, both at home; and his grandparents, Mrs. Tobitha McCarty and Mrs. Verna Grimes. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Frost Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley, assisted by the Rev. David Rittenhouse. Burial with military honors was in Mount Zion Cemetery.

Samuel C. McCarty ^ Samuel C. McCarty, 24, of Fallston. Maryland, died instantly in a car accident at Monkton, Maryland, Saturday, April 10, 1971. His car was struck by another car; he was thrown from his car and the car overturned on him. The son of Carl and Margie Lantz McCarty, he was born August 4, 1946, in Elkins. Brides his parents, of Hunt ersvilie, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jill McCarty, and a son, Car]; three sisters, Mrs. Nancy Ccchran, of Huntersville, Mrs. Carolyn Hannah, of Joppatowne, Maryland, and Miss Frances McCarty, at home; grandmothers, Mrs Icie Cleek and Mrs. Bessie McCarty, both of Huntersville. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Huntersville Methodist Church by the Rev. Sherman Markley, with burial in the Mountain view Cemetery.


DIED Ellis McCarty aged 81 years, died Sunday rBominif, Deeehi'oer 29, i after a few weeks illness with an infected blood stream. On Monday af• ion. his body was buried in the Oak Groye cemetery, the service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. John 1. Light. Thus ib noted the passing of one of the bt>st utifcens of the Little LeVele District. He came from pioneer stock. His great grandfather, Thorn as McCarty was a soldier of the Revolution, and iiis grandfather fought in the war of 1812. He was the son of David and Susan Harper McCarty, and the last one of their family. He married Sallle Hill, wtio preceded him to the grave not long since Their children are Burke of Cass; Richard and Sherman, of Hillsboro, A daughter, Mrs George Beard, died some years ago. For a life time, Mr McCarty had bfen a professing christian, a mem ber of the Southern Methodist church

Led ford H. McCaity Ledford Hunter McCarty, 61, died Sunday, February 18, 1979, at King'B Daughters' Hospital after a long illness. Born September 14,1917, in Frost, he was a son of the late Lanty and Tabytha Howdyshell McCarty. Mr. McCarty was a woodsman, a World War 11 veteran and a member of the Frost United Methodist Church. Survivors include four sons, Phillip of Marlinton, and Billy, Bobby, and Jeffrey, all of Frost; two daughters, Mrs, Nancy Kirk and Mary K. McCarty, both of Frost; two brothers, Dale and Odell, both of Frost; one sister, Mrs. Mary Bussard, of Minnehaha Springs; eight grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in the Frost United Methodist Church with the Revs. '."David Rittenhouse and Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Mt Zion Cera-

Ledlord H. McCaity Ledford Hunter McCarty, 61, died Sunday, February 18, 1979, at King's Daughters' Hospital after a long illness. Born September 14,1917, in Frost, he was a son of the late Lanty and Tabytha Howdyshell McCarty. Mr. McCarty was a woodsman, a World War II veteran and a member of the Frost United Methodist Church. Survivors include four sons, Phillip of Marlinton, and Billy, Bobby, and Jeffrey, all of Frost; two daughters, Mrs. Nancy Kirk and Mary K. McCarty, both of Frost; two brothers. Dale and Odell, both of Frost; one sister, Mrs. Mary Bussard, of Minnehaha Springs; eight grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday in the Frost United Methodist Church with the Revs. David Rittenhouse and Clyde Gum officiating. Burial was in Mt Zion Cemetery. ^^^^^

George McCarty George McCarty,aged 55 years, and 18 days, died Thursday, January 21, 1960 in the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, after a long j illness. He was bom at Mountain | Grove, Virginia, the son of the late Lanty S. McCarty and Mrs. j McCarty.' Surviving are his wife, Thelmaj Carpenter McCarty; a daughter,1 Betty, and a son, George H., both at home; his mother, Tabytha McCarty, of Frost; a sister, Mrs. Mary Bussard. of Minnehaha Springs, a half sister, Mrs. Nerva Rhea, of Dunmore; four brothers, Frank, Dale, Ledford and Odell, all of Frost. Funeral services were conducted at the Frost Methodist Church ;1 Saturday by the Rev. L. E. Saville, with burial in the Harper i Cemetery at F r o s t y

Kenneth Roger McCarty

Kenneth Roger McCarty, 20, of Alexandria, Virginia, formerly of Frost, was killed in a car accident on Route 33, west of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, January 1, 1965. Born February 21, 1944,-he was the son of Frank and Gladvs Bussard McCarty, of Frost. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and was a truck driver. Other survivors include his wife, Mrs. Audrey Fowler McCaity: three brothers. Robert Lee McCarty, of Minnehaha Springs, Clyde Edwin McCarty stationed with the Air Force >n Okinawa, and Lannie Frank 'in McCarty, of Frost. services were he'd eie.y. • • 1


Burlyn M c C a r t y T a k e s O w n Life W i t h S h o t g u n On Wednesday evening of last week, July 2, 1958, James Burlyn McCarty, 51, took his own life by shooth.g himself in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun. The shooting was witnessed by his wife and three neighbor children. James Burlyn McCarty was a veteran of World War If, having served with the U.S. Coast Guard. He was a member of the Methodist Church and the Junior Order United American Mechanics. He was the son of the late James W. and Minnie Shrader McCarty and was b o r n December 19, 1906. Funeral. services were held on Saturday a t the Smith mortuary chapel by the Rev. Herbert Pennington. Burial was in Mountain View cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Eva Beverage McCarty, and one Brother, Robert Wilmer McCarty of Hagerstown, Md.

James Burlyn McCarty


James Burlyn McCarty was born D e c e m b e r 19, 1906, t h e son of t h e late J a m e s W . a n d M i n n i e S h r a d e r M c C a r t y , and died J u l y 2, 1958. Mr. M c C a r t y served in t h e United S t a t e s C o a s t G u a r d during World War II, was a m e m b e r of t h e M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h , and was a m e m b e r of the J u n i o r Order of M e c h a n i c s . . Surviving him are his wife, E v a B e v e r a g e M c C a r t y , of n e a r M a r linton, a n d one b r o t h e r , R o b e r t Wilmer M c C a r t y of H a g e r s t o w n , Maryland. F u n e r a l services were held S a t u r d a y a t t h e S m i t h Funeral H o m e by t h e R e v . H e r b e r t J. P e n n i n g ton, J r . , with burial in M o u n t a i n View C e m e t e r y .


Mrs. Lanty S. McCarty

Carolyn McCarty Booth Frank McCarty Mrs. Carolyn Sue McCarty Frank McCarty, 57, of Frost, Booth, of Joppatown, Marydied Thursday, March 15, 1973, following a heart at- land, died Friday, July 15, 1983, in a Baltimore hospital tack in'Marlinton. after a long illness. Born at Frost, April 15, She was an employee of 1915, he was a son of the late Proctor & Gamble Company. Lanty McCarty and Tabytha Born at Elkins, she was the Bowers McCarty.^ daughter of Carl and Marjorie He was a member of the Lantz McCarty, of Huntersville. United Methodist Church. A brother, Samuel, precedSurvivors include his wife, ed her in death. QgsyyO, Mrs. Gladys Buzzard McCarty In addition to her parents, one daughter. Miss Mary Alice McCarty, four sons, Kenneth" she is survived by her husband, Ted Booth, a daughter, Shelia Roger McCarty, Robert McHannah, at home, and two Carty, of Minnehaha Springs, sisters, Mrs. Nancy Curry and Lanty McCarty, of Frost, and Mrs. Frances McPaters, both Clyde McCarty. with tbe of Marlinton. United States Air Force; one sister, Mary Buzzard, of MinServices were held in Marynehaha Springs, three brothers, land on Saturday night and Dale, Ledford and Odell Mcthen on Monday at 2:00 p. m. in Carty, all of Frost. VanReenen Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Cruikshank, Funeral services were held with burial in Mountain View Monday afternoon in the Frost United Methodist Church by Cemetery. Samuel C. MoGarty, a^ed sixty-four the Rev. David Rittenhouse, James McCarty years, d'ed in a hospital in New with burial in the Frost CemeJames Curtis McCarty York, December 1938, after a brief tery. was born at Frost, October illness. Mis body was laid to rest in .he Duiant Cemetery Uabot, Ver 16,1931, and died Sunday, Mrs. Marie McCarty iToont. Having made his home in April 19, 1981, of a heart that state for several years He was Mrs. Marie M<j£&.itrbliL Mcattack, in Northglenn, Colooorn and reared in Pocahontas coun Carty, aged 3'2 years, wife of rado, where he made his ty, and was a brother of the late C. .1 Lynn McCarty, was instantly home for the past ten years McCarty, of Marlinton. and son of killed oy a falling tree at tier with Jean McCarty. the late Samuel A, and Elizabeth An derson McCarty. He is survived by home near Dun more on Monday, He was the son of the late his wife who was Miss Mabel Lewis; May'26= 1952 The tree kickid Viola McCarty Bussard. He back, and broke ber neck. five sons, Grant, Layton, V-trgil, was a construction foreman Johnnie and Charles; two daughters On Wednesday afternoon the and a veteran. Sernice and Polly; one sister, Mrs funeral will be held from tbe He is survived by Jean i^ranlc Thompson, one brother, James Baxter Church, and ber body A. McCarty, both of Vermont, Mr McCarty; and Mary and McCarty was a member of the Meth laid in the Dun in ore Cemetery. Lewis Bussard, with whom Tbe deceased was a daughter of odist Protestant church and in that he had made his home prior church served as pastor for a num- •Mrs. Mary Galford McLaughlin, to moving to Colorado; four ber of years. His many friends In- and the late Musto McLaughlin brothers, Dennis Bussard, this and adjoining counties will re Her brothers, Oran L.. of Mar Illinois; Bensul Bussard gret his passing. C. linton, and My rl, of tbe Navy, and Delmas Bussard, both: now in the Philippines. of Dunmore; and Clark The deceased is survived by Bussard, Marlinton. Three hrr husband, and their four sisters, Mary Lou Waugh Mrs. Marie McCarty children, Granville, Jaue, Browu and Tabytha Jean Boggs, Mrs. .Marie Mel aughlit Mc- and Linda. both of Marlinton, and Carty," aged 3'2 years, wife of Linda Arbogast, Dunmore. Lwin McCarty, was instantly J. W. McCARTY Services were held at 2 killed oy a falling tri'c at lnr home nu»r. Dumunre on Monday, James W. McCarty, aged 68 p.m., Friday, in VanReenMay '26, 1952 Tne tree kickid years, died at his home near Bever en Funeral Home by Rev. back, and broke her Deck. ley from a heart attack on Satur- Clyde Gun and Rev. Rex On Wedne-flay afternoon the day night, May 13, 1944. On Ball, with burial in Mt. Zion funeral will be held from the Wednesday afternoon his body Cemetery. Baxter Church, and her body will be laid to rest in Mt. View Cemetery, the service to be conlaid in the Dunmore Cemetery. ducted from the Marlinton MethTbe deceased was a r'a lyhter of odist ChurcS about three o'clock. Mrs. Mary Galfi.rd McLaughlin, The deceased was a son of the and the late Musto McLaughlin late Peter McCarty of HuntersHer brothers. Orau L., of Marlinto-1, and My rl, of tbe Navy, ville. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Eva McCoy McCarty, and now in the Philippines. their two sons, James B. and RobThe deceased is survived by ,ert W. Also* by his mother, Mrs. hir husband, and thiir four Arminta Hill McCarty, two children, Granville, Jane, Brown brothers, Amos and Elbert, and and Linda. one sister, Mrs Clyde Wai „h. Mrs. Tabytha Alice Bowers McCarty, 88, of Frost, died at her home Friday, February 28, 1969, after a short illness. She was born a t Frost J u l y 18, 1880. She was a member of t h e Frost Methodist Church. Hpr husband, Lantv Summers McCarty, preceded her in death. Survivors me'ude four sons, Frank Ledford, Da'e and 0 Dell McCartv, all of Frost, and one daughter. Mrs. Mary Lowry, of Minne'baha Springs. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Frost Methodist Church by the Rev David Rit^enhouse and the Rev. Sherman Markley with burial in the M o u n t Zion Cemetery near Frost.


v >

Robert L. McComb, Jr. Robert MeComb /2*r-*-ye„ Warrant Officer Cadet RobRobert Lee McComb, 61, ert L. McComb, Jr . 21, son of of Marlinton, died Tuesday, Mr and Mrs. Robert L McMarch 25, 1975, in Preston Comb, Sr., Marlinton. died of County Hospital, Kingwood, injuries received in a helicopter crash during practice maafter a long illness. neuvers at Fort Rucker, AlaHe was a retired state mine bama, on Friday, February inspector. 20, 1970. <0> Born at Huntersville April Born at Marlinton Novem12,1913, hf was the son of Al- ber 24, 1948, he entered the fred Beckley and Emma Alice service March 4, 1969, comMcLaughlin McComb. £ * > pleting his basic training at A son, Robert L. McComb, Fort Polk; Louisiana. From Jr., and a sister, Mrs. Jessie I here he went to Fort Wolters, Pierson, preceded him in death. Texas, where he completed a Surviving him are brothers helicopter pilot course, and Harry B. McComb and Phil L. would have completed advancMcComb, of Huntersville; sis- ed flight training and reGeorge S. McCom'j ters, Mrs. Lollie McCr3y, of ceived his Commission on George Samuel McComb, aged Lewisburg, Mrs. Donna Bur- March 10. After graduation 100 .years of Watopa, died on well, of Blacksburg. Virginia, from Marlinton High School Thursday, October 11, 1951, at Mrs. Connie Holland, Staun- he attended Cannon Aviation the home of his daughter, Mrs. ton, Virginia, Mrs. Mary Enid Flight School, in Tulsa OklaA. C. Neville, in White Sulphur Cochran, of Elkins, and Mrs. homa, and Burnside-Ott in SpriDgs, after a luug illness. Elizabeth Faulknier, of Mar- Miami, Florida. linton. On Saturday afternoon, the Survivors include his parfuneral was conducted from MarServices were held Friday at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert vin Chapel by Rev. Frank JohnVanReenan Funeral Home McComb and one half-brother, son, with interment in the Ruckwith the Rev. Maynard Craw- James Williams, of Salem. raan cemetery. ford officiating. Burial was in Funeral services were held Mountain View Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the Tuesday afternoon in the Marlate Price and Etiza ADO Moore linton Presbyterian Church McComb of near Huntersville. Of by the Rev. Fred Walker and his father's family there remain the Rev. Willis Cornelius with his brother, Beckley, of Huntersburial in the Mountain View ville. Cemetery at Marlinton. H. McComb I The deceased married Lydia, McComb, 65,* of Mrs. Clarence H. McComb McOlure, who preceded him some years ago. They are survived by Huntersville, died Saturday, April Mrs Georgia Moore McComb, five sons, Berton, of Washington 8, 1995, in Alleghany Regional 54, of Huntersville, died on MonState; Guy of Danese; Brown of Hospital, at Low Moor, Virginia. day, December 9, 1957, in the Mr. McComb, a retired Marlinton; Loek, of Hot Springs, C & O Hospital at Clifton Forge, Va.; Glenn, of Watoga. Also by mechanic, was a Presbyterian, a Virginia, after a long illness. member of the United Mine four daughters, Mrs. A. C. NevMrs. MeComb was born Sepille of White Sulphur, Mrs. Daisy Workers, International Union of Witt of Watoga; Mrs. Lotta Operating Engineers, Local 132 and tember 15, 1903, at Huntersville, Nopnan of Clover Lick; Mrs. Oddfellows Lodge, Marlinton the daughter of the la£e Jacob and Victoria Jack Moore. She Jewel Hefner of Mill Point. His #182. Bom at Huntersville June 20, was a member of the Hillsboro grand children number 28 and his great-grand children 33 and 1929, he was the son of Clarence Chapter of the Order of the H. and Georgie MooreJ^cComb. Eastern Star and of the Huntersgreat-great grand-chi'dren 2. A daughter, "Gloria Grey Dean, ville Presbyterian Church. his parents, and a brother, Edgar She is survived by her husband, McComb, preceded him in death Clarence H. McComb. three Surviving him are his wife, children, Gray McComb, ofi Dolly G. Sharp McComb; two Huntersville, and Carl and Tiny, osie Louise McComb daughters, Patricia Ann Hamilton at home: six sisters, Mrs. Ruby Rosie Louise McComb, twin and Lisa Gail McComb; two sons, Rhinehart, Mrs. Campie Heydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. El- Clarence Herbert McComb and drick, Mrs. Lucille Campbell, dridge McComb, of Huntersville^ Kevin Harold McComb, all of Mrs. Mary Jane Easton, and Mrs, was born on Tuesday, August 9, Marlinton; two brothers, Tiney Helen Epling, all of Covington, 1949, and died a few hours after Moore McComb, of Columbus, Virginia, Mrs, Grace Devonshire, birth. Funeral services were con- Ohio, and Carl Daniel McComb, of of Miami, Florida, and a brother, ducted on August 10 by Rev. T. Sanford, Florida; five grand- Dallas Jordan, of Canton, Ohio. G. Alderman, with burial in thej children and four great- Funeral services were held Beaver Creek Cemetery. I grandchildren. Wednesday in the Huntersville Services were held at 2 p.m. Presbyterian Church with the Tuesday at VanReenen Funeral R ev . J. D. Singletary, the Rev. Home, by the Rev, Rick White, Acie Bryant, of Huttonsville, with burial in the, Beaver Creek anf j the Rev. W. O. Ragsdale, of Cemetery. the A. R. P. Church in Coving| ton, Virginia, officiating. Burial was made in the Huntersville Cemetery. - " Amos McCarly Amos McCany, 94, died at his home near Huntersville on Wednesday, April 10, 1974 He was born March 4, 1880 on Browns Creek, the son of the late Peter and Arminta Hill McCarty. He was born, lived and died in the McCarty home place and was the last of a family of two brothers and three sisters. Ha was never married. Funeral services were he Id Saturday afternoon in the VanReenen Funeral Home. Burial was in the Mountain View Cemetery.


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