One Act Play - I Shall Shoot You

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  • Words: 4,080
  • Pages: 8
I SHALL SHOOT YOU! - I Augustine Anbananthan Characters: Rinku, Gautam, Sheela, Manoj, Shekar, Abhishek, Kiran, Ravi, Plumber, Girl 1, Girl 2, Girl3 Scene 1 (Gautam, Sheela, Rinku, Manoj) Gautam : Sheela, be quick. I am late to the factory. Bring along my brief case too. Rinku : Hands up! stand still. I am going to shoot you. Gautam : No, no don't shoot. Stop, stop. I surrender, I shall die. (Rinku shoots) Rinku : That's it. My aim never misses. Sheela : Come on, get up. Enough is enough. Why don't you stop this silly game of yours, both of you? Rinku, go and have your milk and get ready to the school. Pappa has to go to the office. Rinku : Pappa, how was my aim today. I took you by surprise, didn't I? Gautam : Yes, It was very sudden. How is your lessons in the rifle shooting in your school? Rinku : I am as usual first. Even the senior boys could not get at the bull's eye. Yesterday I hit seven out of ten. Gautam : That is good. Sheela : What is this non sense. You are a girl and always talking about shooting and horse riding. Gautam, you too are giving undue importance to her wild fancies. She mustn't be spoiled like this. Rinku, why are you playing with this toy? Go and keep it and get ready. Rinku : Mummy, it is not a toy. It is a real pistol. Sheela : Yes, yes, it is a real pistol, it has been loaded with dummy bullets, you are only practising. How many times you have told me this? Stop this nonsense and go ahead with your work. Gautam : Who put in your brain the crazy idea that girls get spoilt if girls learn to shoot and ride horses? Rinku : Why are you always against me mummy? You see, one day I am going to become a top defence personnel. Sheela : I'll appreciate you when you become one such an officer. Now, go and pack your school bag and get to the school. Manoj must be waiting for you. Gautam, have you talked to the dance teacher about her classes? Rinku : Mummy, I don't want to go to dance classes. Sheela : Look, girls must learn music and dance and not shooting and horse riding. Understood? Gautam : Sheela, why are you forcing her to do things she doesn't like? Let her feel free to learn what she wants. Sheela : Gautam, I am the one who has to answer questions from people. I am the person who has to face the society and answer their nasty questions Gautam : Sheela, music and dance are in born talents. One can not force any one to learn and become experts in them. Of course, my mother and aunts were good at these fields. It doesn't mean my child should be as good as they were. Does that mean that our child too would invariably be as good as them?


Sheela : Leave aside music and dance. Is there any thing wrong if I expect her to be at least modest . Even at this stage she is growing up to be a bully. And you pamper her too much. Gautam : I am not pampering. I am grooming her and encouraging her in certain of her aptitudes. She seems to enjoy taking up some manly activities. It is all right. The times are changing and today the womanfolk need to learn all these things. Sheela : But don't you understand that her future will be at doldrums with such involvement? Gautam : First of all she is a child yet and secondly, I wish her to be a strong, courageous lady fit enough to be called Joan of Arc. Do you know nowadays ladies perform better in the defence field and also as police force? Sheela : Okay, enough of your dreams about your bold daughter. When you come back, don't forget to book ticket to Delhi. I hope you have not forgotten that we have to go to Delhi next week. Gautam : Okay, I shall send Manoj to book the tickets. Where is he? Sheela : He is having his breakfast. He will leave Rinku in the school and come to the office. But can't we take Rinku with us to Delhi? Gautam : The principal is not ready to sanction leave for her. Moreover, it is a matter of two days and her exams are near. No chance. Manoj and ayah are here. She is a brave girl. She can stay alone. Stop worrying about Rinku. Manoj : Uncle, I will need to withdraw some money for paying the electricity bill. I shall go to the bank after going to school. Gautam : Okay, you have to get our air tickets. Manoj : Are you all going for the marriage? Sheela : No, Rinku will not be going with us. She will stay here. Manoj : No, problem. She can stay here. How long will you be away ? Sheela : Just two days. Gautam : Manoj, take this cheque. Don't be very late to the office. I have some work in the office too. okay. Let me move. bye. Manoj : But uncle, I wanted 20,000 rupees for the Board meeting. But you have given only ten. I have to make arrangements. Gautam : Manoj, try to control your expenses. These days the extra expenses are becoming too much. Reduce unnecessary ones. Manoj : Yes uncle, but I have been showing you all the accounts. Gautam : I am not blaming you Manoj, I am just training you how to curtail these. After all you are going to manage the whole affair after me. You should know to be economical. Manoj : All right uncle. I shall try. If I require more, I shall come back to you. Bye uncle. Come on Rinku. Let us get going. Gautam : Okay, that's fine. Rinku, practice more. I am thinking of sending you for a mountaineering camp next year. You must become strong and tough. Rinku : Okay papa, Bye! Sheela : Gautam, this must stop. Do you know how dangerous things are turning out to be? You are very strict with others but you don't control Rinku at all. Gautam : Listen, if you want me to do anything, tell me.I shall do. But don't try to force your ideas into my head. I know how to train my daughter. O.K ? Sheela: I am not saying that you are not responsible. Am I wrong if I expect you to be more concerned about our daughter.? Gautam: But yours doesn't seem to be concern.It is forcing your ideas into others. Sheela: Okay, I am stupid. I am useless and I spoil my child. This is too much.


Gautam: Sheela it is not like that. Why don't you try to understand me? Sheela: It is you, who is not ready to understand me. Can't you realise that Rinku's dangerous games may lead us into troubles? Gautam : Don't imagine things. Everything will be all right. When you are understanding and accommodating in all other things, you seem to be adamant and emotional in matters of Rinku. Please control yourself. Let us chalk it out in the evening. Bye. Scene 2 (Manoj, Shekar, Kiran, Abhishek, Ravi) Abhishek : Manoj, You have almost become a slave to your uncle. There is no use sticking on to you. Kiran : What can Manoj do? His hands are tied and he has no one to take care of him. His uncle is his last resort. Ravi : But, if we miss this chance we may land in trouble. Manoj : Why are you all so much in hurry. I am the only relative, though distant who will get all from my uncle's property. Shekar : Yes, but when will you get? After we all become old. Abhishek : That day you wanted twenty thousand and he gives you only ten. At this rate it is very difficult to carry on with our plans. Ravi : I think that your uncle has begun to doubt you. Manoj : It is not like that. He believes me very much but he wants to train me to be more thrifty. Kiran : Of course, the expenditure for the Board Meeting would hardly be five thousand and who will give twenty. Shekar : Manoj, why don't you withdraw more amount from the bank or the accountant and show him account afterwards? Manoj : It is not possible. He doesn't allow any expenditure to be done without his sign and no one else has the withdrawal powers. Abhishek : You are the only relative of him and he doesn't have a son. You should get all the property after his death. Manoj : But there is a danger. Now a days he throws money for charity. Kiran: Perhaps the tragedy in his family has made him more charitable and religious. Ravi : But that means we shall be left with nothing. No use being friendly with Manoj. Manoj :Don't say that. I have lots of dreams. Somehow I want to become rich. Yes, rich that I want to rule the world. I must achieve it by all means. Abhishek: But if you are slavish you can't achieve anything. It requires guts, did you hear that guts. Manoj: You talk of guts. See guys, I am not what I look. I can do anything, underline the word anything. But I shouldn't land into problems Kiran: What about his daughter? Gautam grows her up like his son. Shekar : Rinku is so young and she will start possessing all only when she becomes a major. Till then if anything happens to Gautam Manoj will be the caretaker. Ravi : So you mean to say that Gautam should die before Rinku becomes a major.


Manoj : What do you mean? Abhishek : He means that if Gautam dies before Rinku becomes a major, you can use all the property as you wish. Kiran : You will be the caretaker and all powers will be with you. Manoj : Talk about something that would happen. Don't talk all nonsense. Shekar : We are not talking impossible things. If it doesn't happen, let us make it happen. Kiran : What do you exactly mean? Abhishek : He means that uncle could die in an accident. Manoj : How can he die in an accident? Accidents don't happen as per your or my wish. Ravi : Accidents can happen as per our will if only we have the will power. Abhishek : It is very simple. Let us see to it that he dies. Manoj : Don't blabe. Do you mean that we should kill him. If anything happens to him the first suspect will be I. Then I shall be behind bars along with you all. Shekar : Don't be so pessimistic. Of course, the killing will not be done as simple as you think. We must plan things. Kiran : Okay, let us see. There should be an accident. Gautam should die. It is not necessary Sheela auntie or Rinku should die. The major thing is that Manoj should not be in the scene and no doubt should come on him. Ravi : Oh, Manoj is just a dummy now. He must become real, yes, really a powerful person and this is the only way. Abhishek : Yes, he is just a dummy, wait.... dummy I have heard this word many times..... yes dummy bullets. Kiran : That's a great idea! I got it. Shekar : What do you mean? Abhishek : Manoj, what did you say about the real pistol, dummy bullets, Rinku shooting. every day affair. Manoj : Oh, that silly drama every day. Well, Rinku every day shoots Gautam as a practice. He is growing her like the Rani of Jhansi... all non sense. But it is only dummy bullets. He has many of them. Nothing will happen to him. Abhishek : But if those bullets become real. Shekar : How is it possible? Kiran : Let us make it possible. Manoj : Do you mean ... we change ..... Abhishek : Exactly so. Come on. This is the best chance. Never should we get the suspicion on us. Manoj : Are you sure? I will not be found. Ravi : Come on yah, Don't be a chick. We shall give you the master plan without any hitch. Just do as we say and see the result. Scene 3 (only action involving Manoj) Scene 4 (Gautam, Rinku, Sheela, girl1, girl2, girl3) Gautam : Sheela, be quick. I am late to the factory. Bring along my brief case too. Rinku : Hands up! stand still. I am going to shoot you.


Girl1 : Excuse me sir, we are from Helpage India. We are very sorry to disturb you at home. Rinku : Oops. Today's chance is gone. Okay, let me postpone it to tomorrow. Gautam : Yes, yes. In fact I wanted you to come to my house. Girl2 : Your manager gave us the message. Sheela : (entering) Please be seated. I shall bring coffee for you too. Girl3 : No, thank you, madam. We are already delaying his work. We shall move off once our work is over. Gautam : Manoj, bring the cheque book. Manoj : (entering) Uncle, we had made the donation two months back. Gautam : It's all right, Manoj. You know very well. If at all we do some charity, we should see to it that it reaches the right hand. Girl1 : It is very kind of you to recognise us sir. Sheela : Do you know one thing? He never gives even a rupee to the beggars stretching their hands in the streets. Gautam : I strongly believe in the proverb "Give a fish to man; you will feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, you will feed him throughout his life." Well, I cannot teach anyone anything. But I can at least help people who do that job. I am sure the charitable institutions like CRY, Udavum Karangal, Charity of Missionary and of course Helpage India do these jobs better than any individual. Girl3 : There are many other organisations who too such work, sir. Gautam : Yes, yes. I may not know many of them and as an individual I can help only to my capacity. Girl2 : As Mother Teresa said, "The intention to help is more important than to actually help." Gautam : Come on. Take this cheque. The bible says, "Your left hand should not know what your right hand gives." But I cannot claim myself to be such a saintly person. I definitely require a receipt for the amount for my Income Tax purposes. Girl1 : Sure, sir. We shall send you a proper receipt for the same. Girls : Thank you. sir. Manoj : Uncle, today you are supposed to meet our lawyer at 9 a.m. and already it is 9.15. Gautam : Oh.. I have forgotten it altogether. Manoj, without you I shall find all my work very difficult to accomplish. Come on. Let us go. Scene 5 Gautam : Sheela, be quick. I am late to the factory. Bring along my brief case too. Rinku : Hands up! stand still. I am going to shoot you. Gautam : No, no don't shoot. It is not a toy. Stop, stop. (enter a plumber with all his tools) Plumber : Sir, Where is the bathroom? I have come to repair the leaking tap. Rinku : Today also I could not play the shooting game. Gautam : There it is. Who called you to repair it? Plumber : One gentleman -- his name --- (takes out a slip of paper) -- yes, Manoj came to our workshop to call me. You have a problem with your tap. haven't you? Gautam : But, it started problem just today. Plumber : I don't know. He came and said that I have to come immediately. Manoj : (entering) Good, you have come. There is the tap. Get it repaired soon. Uncle, I only called him.


Gautam : That's good. You are quite good and quick in your work. Manoj : But uncle, you don't believe me. Sheela : Manoj, take Rinku and go to school.Be quick. (they leave) Gautam : Nowadays Manoj is very prompt in his work, isn't he? Sheela : But Gautam, I have my own reservations about his friendship. Gautam : You always doubt people. Sheela : It is not like that. Women have better sense of judgement than that of men. Gautam : Okay, okay. I do agree. But Manoj has been very good at his work. But for him I would be in great trouble. Sheela : How many times you will tell this? Gautam : Sheela, don't forget the past. He is a very lucky boy. Just because he was with us he was saved. Though he is a very distant relative he is the only relative we have. Sheela : Gautam, don't remind me of those horrible days. Gautam : Sheela, whatever you say, the whole tragic event is fresh in my mind. Who can forget that huge flood that swept all our village leaving none alive? Sheela : Even our worst enemy shouldn't face such a tragedy of losing all the relatives in one go. We were fortunate enough to survive as we were here in the town. Gautam : At times I feel why at all we survived. Sheela : Forget it. What I wanted to tell you was that Manoj is mixing with some bad company and has been inviting them very often to our house when we are not here. Gautam : Why do you mind that? Let him enjoy his company. Do you expect him to be a slave to us all the time. He too should have some relaxation with his friends. Sheela : But his company is spoiling him. I found him lately that he has been telling lies and spending more money. He even gives wrong account. Gautam : Perhaps I am too strict with him. I should have given him more money when he wants. After all he is going to be the one who will acquire all our wealth if anything happens to us. Sheela : Why are you talking all about death. You are just 47 and we have long years if God permits. If God had saved us when all others perished, He will certainly help us. Don't worry. Go ahead to your company. Scene 6 (Manoj, Shekar, Kiran, , Abhishek, Ravi,Rinku) Kiran : Manoj, why did you call us today? Shekar: As per our original plans we are not supposed to meet till everything is over. We have been closely observing but no result. Where is Gautam? Manoj : Gautam and Sheela Aunty have gone to Delhi. I have called all of you with a purpose. Ravi : See Manoj, You are making things more complicated. We shouldn’t meet like this very often. Abhishek : Yes, yes. These meetings of ours may lead us into trouble during the police enquiry after Gautam's death.


Shekar : And I am sure Sheela aunty has already seen us meeting. Manoj : Don't worry. No one has any suspicion on us. I am a young man. I have my own friends' circle. Ravi : That's all right. What happened to our master plan? Manoj : As per our plan I have replaced those dummy bullets with real ones. The pistol is fully loaded. Abhishek : Then how is Gautam still alive? Shekar : Has Rinku stopped playing that silly game? Manoj : No, It is sheer luck that Gautam has been escaping. All the time there is an interference. Rinku doesn't shoot if there is any one in the room. She finds it thrilling to shoot and take everyone by surprise. Even Rinku is getting frustrated not being able to play that game for so many days. Ravi : Yes, she will definitely get the thrill of her life when her shot kills Gautam. Kiran : By the bye, where is Rinku? She has not gone to Delhi with her parents, has she? Manoj : No, she must be inside fooling around with her computer games. Shekar : Don't worry. She will not come here now. Abhishek : But when everything is going on fine, why did you call us? Manoj : First of all Gautam and Sheela aunty aren't in town. Secondly, I would like to once again reconsider whether we should go ahead with our plans or not. Shekar : Why the hell are you confusing us? Ravi : Manoj, you seem to be utterly confused. Why don't you be patient? Manoj : I don't mind waiting any long. But are you sure the suspicion will not fall on us? Abhishek : Manoj, Who can suspect us when our master plan has been so perfect? Manoj : Only you will be proud of your master plan. When everything is over the police will go through every minute detail and can easily trace me out. Shekar : What do you exactly want to do? Do you want to change our plans? Manoj : Yes, so far no harm is done. I think we should make some other plan to acquire the property. Kiran : Do you mean that we should remove the real bullets and put back those dummy ones? Rinku : (enters ….. sees all the friends……goes near the drawer……. Picks up the pistol) Uncle, I have not got a chance to play the shooting game for the past one week. Manoj : Rinku, keep the pistol and go out to play with your friends. Rinku : No, today for a change I am going to have one, two, three, four and five for my shooting target. Abhishek : Rinku, Don't fool around with the gun. Rinku : It is not a gun. It is a pistol 0.45 barrel. Shekar : Rinku, It is a real pistol. Rinku : I know it is a real pistol. Kiran : The bullets too are real . Rinku : Ha, ha…… I shall show whether they are real or not . All: NO NO NO NO Rinku : Come on. One, two, three, four and five. ……………… (CURTAIN)


Characters: Rinku, Gautam, Sheela, Manoj, Shekar, Abhishek, Kiran, Ravi, Plumber, Girl 1, Girl 2, Girl3 Props: Scene 1 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone Scene 2 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone + tall glasses, coke or pepsi, Scene 3 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone + Dark and light effects (red light) Music, bullet filler, gloves (Manoj to have a leather jacket) Scene 4 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone + Brochures, files, vanity bags Scene 5 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone + Tools box for plumber, slip of paper or a diary + (cap) Scene 6 Sofa set, table, magazines, newspapers, briefcase, files, cheque book, pistol, table with a drawer or cabinet, audio system, flower pots, flowers, tray, biscuits, cup and saucer, dusting cloth, napkin, pen stand, wall hanging, clock, calendar, key chain, school bag, books, telephone


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