Omni Crime One

  • Uploaded by: I have rejoined myself with the cause by Charles W. Iseley/Isley for personal reasons. I'll follow the Sun.
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 799
  • Pages: 2
Omni Crime One House Joint Resolution 192 is strictly a resolution that applies only to the members of Congress (who "resolved" it) and to its subjects. It could have been modified anytime by Congress if they so chose. Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112 was the UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (hereinafter USFG) obligation to the People. When the USFG took much of the Peoples lawful/natural money out of the people’s/public circulation in 1933, i.e., gold coins, thus leaving an insufficient amount of lawful money in general circulation to meet the needs of the people, i.e., only silver coins remaining, the Congress was required to give the people a remedy. Public Law: "Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112" was that remedy. Most, if not all, of the State Constitutions require the State to pay its debts in gold and silver coin. By taking away a State Government's ability to comply with its Constitutional mandate of paying its debts in gold and silver coin, the USFG involuntarily restricted a State Government's ability to function in a de jure capacity. The de jure States went into suspension after the following four acts were committed: (1) the taking of gold coins out of general circulation in 1933, (2) in 1964, the U. S. Mint ceased minting any more silver coins, (3) in 1968, Silver Certificates could no longer be redeemed for silver, and (4) on August 15, 1971, President Nixon closed the Gold Window, thus stopping the redemption of foreign-held dollars for gold. At that point in time, the U. S. Dollar was backed solely by the full faith and credit of the American people, and the States could no longer function in a de jure capacity while in a state of suspension. The States went into suspension because the USFG involuntarily/treasonously FORCED them to replace the Constitution/Contract. Thus, constitutionally, the People/States were not allowed to function in a de jure capacity not having the ability to pay its debts in the form mandated by its Constitution, i.e., contract FOR the people, with no true rebellion or meaningful objection from the State officials. There has been no hope in the judicial system as it has been practiced. It is vital People know the USFG turned our lives upside down and have made us believe We are subject under and to them; when in law they are subject under and to We The People-every human being is part and partial We The People.

The Treasonous Acts 1. 1868 The 14th Amendment which created a new class of citizen in parallel if you will. "All men" (and women) are created, in series, and equal as stated in the Declaration of Independence and by the obvious nature as a sovereign, appeared to become "a person", instead of what they truly are, and a appeared subject of and to the USFG. Of, for, and by (The People), became for, by, and to (The USFG). 2. In 1871 the USFG formed itself into a CORPORATION and walked from under the Constitution/Contract. 3. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Central Banks were created. 4. In 1933 President Roosevelt put into effect the "Trading with the Enemies Act". This applied only for Federal Citizens. 5. In 1933 Roosevelt took the Gold away from the People-although they were not required to give it away-still leaving the people without "Lawful Money" to pay DEBTS with. 6. March 9, 1933: Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session states: "The ownership of all property is in the State; individual so called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law amounting to mere user: and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. 7. In 1933 President Roosevelt passed HJR 192 June 5, 1933, since the government had taken the Gold, the people had no "Money", the government would pay the "DEBTS" for the people-DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR-thereby giving the people unlimited Credit. 8. In 1938 Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins made CONTRACTS the rule in our Courts. "IF THERE IS NO CONTRACT THERE IS NO CASE!" 9. In 1946 the People’s government and courts were hidden through the Administrative Procedures Act. 10. In 1965, The USFG took silver away as a means for paying DEBT, the UCC became the supreme law for America concerning the Banking System, the courts were pulled together in Administrative Admiralty and Civil (Contract or Commerce/Corporation), and the Act and Intent were brought together taking away your plea of Innocent, making you guilty until proven Innocent.

You must be educated to protect yourself, your family and currency.

As it is has been said in defacto court "ignorance of the law is no excuse". How many of their 60,000,000 laws don't you know? The government has used your ignorance against you. It is time to choose differently.

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