Oikos Annual Report 2008 Web

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be in forme d get invo l v make a differ ed ence

oikos International

students for sustainable economics and management

the oikos year 2008 plus an outlook on 2009

vision & mission oikos strengthens action competence for sustainable development among tomorrow’s decision makers.

Therefore, we

1 2

increase awareness about sustainability opportunities and challenges, focusing on students of management and economics,


foster their ability not only to analyse long-term economic, environmental and social trends, but also implement sustainabilitydriven innovation,

create institutional support for these learning processes through the integration of sustainability issues in research and teaching at the world’s faculties for management and economics.

Student Dialogue oikos Conference 2008 St.Gallen, Switzerland


katha says...

at a glance

2008 was a thrilling year for this world - and also for oikos. We would like to share some of our most exciting moments with you and show you our plans for 2009.

Our highlights in 2008, and a glimpse of the future.



How do we empower student leaders, advance the oikos network and strengthen sustainability research?

Local Chapter

How do our Local Chapters make a difference at their local universities and faculties?

2009 oikos and the

How do we make a difference in 2009? topic spotlight

future of finance you & us get involved 

How do we promote curricula change and advance academic research for a sustainable future of finance? How do we work with our alumni, project partners, students and donators? How can you get involved — and work together with us for sustainable economics and management?

It was extremely motivating to be 100% involved with oikos in 2008. Thanks to our great team, members, advisors, sponsors and supporters!

4-5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12

Let’s keep in touch, Katha Katharina Beck, President 2008

kate says... Welcome to oikos in 2009! Be informed about our recent activities, get involved in future oikos projects and make a difference by organising projects at your University or whereever you can make a positive impact. Yes, you can! Yours, Kate Kate Negacz, President 2009

oikos provides the Local Chapters with tools to build their websites in a common oikos format.

Launch of Local Chapter websites

Project Development Fund


oikos supports eight Local Chapter projects with coaching and (seed) funding, based on alumni donations matched by the GLS bank.

Martin Herrndorf and Nina Hug become oikos PhD Fellows. Nina studies the communication of public value and kicks off new oikos personal development projects. Martin joins to study Base of the Pyramid strategies. At oikos, he develops public relations and impact tools.

Katharina Beck inspires students at the World Student Summit on Sustainability in Regina, Canada, in the newly launched oikos Pathfinder Session.

Pathfinder Session

Two new oikos PhD Fellows


jan NEW


Ten project leaders develop and realise change projects in a seven months coaching and skill programme.



Project Leadership onProgramme going


7-8 mar

Advisors Retreat Advisors from Local Chapters and oikos International develop and improve their coaching skills in Ittingen, Switzerland.

24-27 apr

12-16 may

Case on the social enterprise ‘Scojo Foundation’ by Ted London and Mary Christiansen, University of Michigan, wins oikos Case Writing Competition.

oikos Case Writing Competition

16 PhD students from 12 countries discuss their research designs and results on entrepreneurial strategies for sustainability with international faculty.

oikos PhD Summer Academy 25-29 aug


oikos Spring Meeting Cologne More than 80 students exchange their oikos project ideas and experience, learn about sustainable consumption and production and participate in case studies on bio-plastic (with BASF) and water scarcity (with Henkel).

video on the oikos website

oikos International

Kim Poldner starts her PhD Fellowship —­ to study eco-fashion and initiate oikos alumni activities.

New oikos PhD Fellow


oikos launches a call for papers for a new academy inviting PhD students and young faculty that focus on sustainable finance.

oikos PRI Young Scholar Finance Academy

sep 25-29 sep

Students develop their sustainability skills and discuss future strategies for higher education on applied corporate social responsibility with Mostafa Tolba, former director of the UN Environment Programme and other experts.

Call for cases launched in two tracks: on Social Entrepreneurship (with Ashoka) and on Corporate Sustainability.

oikos Global Case Writing Competition

See topic page on sustainable finance…

oikos Autumn Meeting Graz



students for sustainable economics and management

16-22 nov

oct oikos Student Award


oikos Winter School videos on the oikos website

UniDiesel from Greece wins the best Sustainable Campus project. Campus Climate Solutions from Florida is awarded as the most innovative student project on Curricula Change.

28 students from 18 countries develop their sustainability projects with experts and professional coaches at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany.

Local Chapters In 2008, oikos Local Chapters organised 126 events, including conferences, panel discussions, simulation games, seminars, surveys, lectures, movie screenings and reading circles. They increased awareness about sustainability in around 22.000 students at their universities and business schools. Some changed the curriculum of their field of study, others focused on changing their university as an organisation. You will find extensive information about Local Chapter projects on the website of our Chapters. On this page we picked some examples to illustrate how our Chapters make a difference.

oikos Cologne A lecture series on development cooperation and sustainability continuously attracts more than 100 students - the first course organised by oikos Cologne integrated into the official University curriculum. oikos London In the Perspectivity Game — an interactive simulation game about the problems of collective action — students of London School of Economics wear the hats of national leaders and discuss trade-offs between prosperity and environmental sustainability. oikos Paris oikos Monterrey New Chapter starts its activities in Mexico with round tables on sustainability.

Please visit the websites of the Local Chapters or contact them personally by email:

Student survey with 600+ participants reveals importance of sustainabilty for students at ESSEC business school, including for choosing an employer. oikos Reims Students at Reims Management School get involved in sustainability at the first oikos Sustainable Development event, April 1-7.


Having co-founded oikos Bayreuth in the 1990’s I fully endorse the ideas oikos stands for. Today, oikos is still one of my most valuable professional networks. Dr. Kai Hockerts, Associate Professor Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

oikos Spring Meeting 2008, Cologne, Germany

On 1 April, 450 students discuss the implications of climate change with the Minister for Environment and other experts after the screening of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. oikos Graz oikos Graz raises awareness for sustainability with a newly designed oikos poster series. oikos St.Gallen 80 participants design projects to deeper integrate sustainability into the curriculum of the University of St. Gallen at the oikos Conference on October 23-24. oikos Dhaka 30 students of BRAC University approach the model of Social and Ecological Market Economy in a seminar organised by oikos Dhaka in collaboration with the GTZ Bangladesh.

oikos Johannesburg The African Development Partnership brings together African student leaders in sustainability with local and international experts, e.g. from the World Bank.


oikos Prague

Bayreuth Bratislava Brussels Clausthal Cologne Dhaka Friedrichshafen Graz Hamburg Johannesburg London Monterrey NEW Oslo Paris Prague Reims St.Gallen Warsaw Witten/Herdecke Total 2008 Total 2007


40 students explore ways to improve sustainability at the Warsaw School of Economics and in their daily life at the ‘Change your thoughts. Change your world’ event on November 14-15.

Students reached

oikos Warsaw


German and Chinese students developed a deeper understanding of sustainability challenges in China during movie screenings, discussions and workshops with experts at the China Symposium at the University of Bayreuth on May 27-28.

Our Local Chapters in numbers Chapter

oikos Bayreuth

20 n.d. 30 9 25 70 3 31 7 6 90 6 23 25 15 26 85 15 13 499 404

540 n.d. 150 200 279 800 30 200 100 85 230 10 500 600 16650 400 250 520 70 21614 12467

7 n.d. 6 4 15 6 3 13 2 2 5 1 22 4 4 5 15 4 8 126 121

2 n.d. 3 4 6 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 3 3 4 2 9 2 3 59 71

Chapter Development

2008 Newly founded In accession

Monterrey Paderborn Belfast

2008 Dec 2008 Jan 2009


oikos International

students for sustainable economics and management

Who knows what the future brings? What we already know regarding our events, you find below.

We will announce all new developments on our website and in our newsletter — join and be surprised: www.oikos-international.org/get-involved/


9-13 feb

new PhD Fellow

oikos PRI Young Scholars Finance Academy Young Scholars advance their research on responsible investments.

Patricia Mesquita from Brazil joins oikos to do research on organisational learning modes and to support the intra-organisational knowledge transfer.

26-29 mar

oikos Spring Meeting Oslo




Participants discuss and develop visions for a sustainable European future.

Project Leadership Programme See topic page on sustainable finance…

10 selected oikos members boost their projects and work on company case studies (provided by GLS Bank).

oikos Global Case Writing Competition oikos awards the best teaching case within the newly established two tracks — Social Entrepreneurship (with Ashoka) and Corporate Sustainability.


30 aug 4 sep

10th oikos PhD Summer Academy For the tenth time, PhD students gather to advance their research with leading sustainability faculty.

Project Development Fund

going We continue our support for Local

Chapter projects — with ideas, feedback and some money. 


sep Presidents and Advisors Retreat Presidents and advisors meet and discuss the best way to fill their respective roles and best work together.

30 sep oikos Student Award Deadline to apply for the 5th annual oikos Student Award.

sep New oikos Fellows Two new oikos Fellows start their studies at the University of St.Gallen and take a lead on new oikos projects.

oct oikos Autumn Meeting oikos members discuss sustainability and exchange their experiences in developing and running change projects at their universities.

nov oikos Winter School A new generation of student project leaders is trained in sustainability and project management skills by advancing their own projects at the University of Witten/Herdecke.


This international PhD Academy in cooperation with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) provides a unique platform for the encouragement of academic research on responsible investment issues. The Academy gathers leading academics, practitioners and exceptional PhD students. An outstanding faculty (Gordon L. Clark, Oxford University; James P. Hawley, St. Mary’s College, United States; Nils Kok, Maastricht University) join this one week event in February 8-13, 2009.

Developing future finance curricula



oikos PRI Young Scholars Finance Academy

On February 13, oikos hosts the Colloquium “Finance Education 2020” to develop an impulse for the future of finance education based on sustainbility principles. Together with selected thought leaders from the finance industry, the participants of the oikos PRI Young Scholars Finance Academy meet in Zurich to develop concrete steps for curriculum development. We also intend to engage in follow-up projects with the global PRI academic network. Curricula for the future of finance also are the topic of a case study sponsored by the GLS Bank for the Project Leadership Programme 2009. Results of this project will be available in Autumn 2009.

nance Panel talks on the financial crisis


future of oikos and the

topic spotlight

oikos invited experts to discuss the financial future on panel discussions at different oikos Universities: January 2008 and 2009: At the London School of Economics, speakers from Citigroup, Zouk Ventures, Five Talents, Planet Finance and Sustainable Finance Ltd. etc. discuss the emerging challenges in the financial world. November 2008: During the Winter School at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany, Deutsche Bank meets the GLS Bank to compare different approaches to sustainable banking. December 2008: oikos Cologne and oikos Hamburg, in cooperation with the GLS Bank, each attract over 100 people with panel discussions on the financial future, featuring speakers from academia, media and praxis. Follow-up events are planned for 2009.

It is obvious that today’s teaching has not inspired people to act responsibly (...) The financial crisis is a huge opportunity to pursue change at universities. Katharina Beck, oikos President 2008, in Die Zeit, 16 December 2008 10


you Roberto Artavia INCAE Business School Costa Rica Key-Note Speaker oikos St.Gallen Conference 2008


In 20 years of oikos, generations of students have entered and left the organisation to have an impact in the business, NGO or policy world. In 2009 we are launching an international oikos Alumni Initiative in order to stay in touch with our Alumni and help them to continuously make an impact for sustainability. This project is being launched with decentralised Alumni Meetings in several European cities. To stay in touch, contact kim.poldner@ oikosinternational.org.

donors 11

oikos Circle of Donors

project partners

To increase our outreach and impact, we work together with leading organisations in the sustainability field. In our international projects in 2008, we teamed up with Ashoka, the UN PRI and the Swiss National Fund. We are grateful to the Mercator Foundation Switzerland, who enabled us to considerably extend the oikos PhD Fellowship Programme. We also received project-specific funding and content support from companies like Henkel, IKEA, BASF, RWE and the GLS Bank. In 2009, we intend to strengthen our existing partnerships and actively develop new cooperations. Interested? Contact jost.hamschmidt@ oikosinternational.org.


The oikos Local Chapters target students, and are run by students. They put their free time, energy and creativity in designing and running projects that have an impact at their universities. If you are studying at a university where a Local Chapter exists, contact them to get active at www.oikosinternational.org/chapters/. If you are at a university without Chapter, contact kate.negacz@ oikosinternational.org on opportunities to found one!



get involved

whom to contact on what

…on oikos in 2009? …on the Local Chapters? …on the international projects?

Dr. Jost Hamschmidt oikos Foundation, Managing Director [email protected] phone +41 (0)71 224 2595

…on oikos in 2008?

Each oikos Chapter has a contact person for the communication with students and other people interested in oikos. You can contact them directly or first visit the Local Chapter websites: www.oikos-international.org/chapters/

Kate Negacz oikos International, President 2009 [email protected] phone +41 (0)71 224 2698 skype ‘katenegacz’

…on PhD and faculty projects? …on potential involvement as a donor?

…on how to join existing oikos Local Chapters or support their projects?

Katharina Beck oikos International, President 2008 [email protected]

…on how to stay in touch as alumni?

Kim Poldner | oikos PhD Fellow 2008-2011 [email protected]

…on member coaching and training programmes?

Nina Hug | oikos PhD Fellow 2008-2011 [email protected]

…on the oikos Student Award and public relations?

Martin Herrndorf | oikos PhD Fellow 2008-2011 [email protected]

Concept, Content and Design: Katharina Beck ([email protected]) and Martin Herrndorf ([email protected]), Photos: Robert Stürmer, www.stuermer.com (2, 9, 11), oikos International (1, 6)



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