Office Management 2

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Assignment 01




OFFICE management Architects Brief & Clients Brief

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief What Is brief in architecture ? Brief means give essential information to someone; In Architecture brief is the main part of the design process That help to define spaces & work load to fulfill clients need. The design brief tells the reader what will be doing. Also it is brief is The media to express Architect that perfect design imagine in clients head , Whether a Architect or a client, an effective design brief is the single most critical factor in ensuring that a project is successful.... There are two types of briefs in architectural design process. Clients Brief

Architects Brief

Design process The first phase in the architectural design process Architect will have to fully understand the clients’ requirements, Site conditions, interpret the Planning & Building Regulations relevant to the site, financial position and the period in which the building is required for occupation. It is also essential to discuss the terms & conditions of Architects appointment, role as an Architect, programme of work and costs with client at the outset. so that both should understand all the implication.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




In this stage the client should provide his brief To perform this task . then it starts the Design process (Making of Architectural brief, conceptual space arrangement , the schematic development…).


THAT’S GOOD FOR CLIENTS AND GOOD FOR ARCHITECTS.” What is Clients Brief ? A Clients brief is document that tells to Architect ,what client looking for, what is wish to achieve, what is targeting and any other related information. The results of producing this document should allow to find out solutions, how much it will cost and how long it will take. The ultimate success of project depends on the quality of client’s brief, clients ability to clearly describe to his architect the requirements and functions of building, and proposed methods of operation and management. It is wise to ask architect to assist you in preparing a final brief. Because brief is a series of information required by the Architect before he starts any design work of his clients’ project. 

Clients aims

Clients design style:

Clients reasons for start on this building project: What activities are designed for it?

Who will be making the decisions? About the designs? About costs? Clients overall expectations: What is hope to achieve by this project?

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




.Following are some of other information required by the Architect. 1/ Nature of the project 2/ Accommodation requirements and functional relationships 3/ Location of site, extent of site and approach to site 4/ Site conditions, survey plans, site levels and other features at site 5/ Adjoining buildings and other environments, factors 6/ Any special space relationships, specially in unusual buildings, factories etc. 7/ Special services required and availability of services in the area of the site 8/ Financial standing of the client and cost implications of the project 9/ Time for completion of the Project 10/ Planning, Building and other regulations applicable for the site and the Project

At the initial meetings, architect listen carefully to Clients intentions and create a brief, addressing not only design aesthetics but also the function of the building. Timings and budgets for project will be defined at an early stage. A brief is not a blueprint. It shouldn’t tell the designer how to do the work. It’s a statement of purpose, a concise declaration of a client’s expectations of what the design should finish. And while briefs will differ depending upon the project. All of the above should be considered in detail, if necessary in combination with the architect and/or the relevant professional and clear, brief decisions recorded and conveyed to the architect for completion. Design Examples Providing examples of what client consider to be effective or relevant design can be a great help in writing a design brief.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01

1/ 2/ 3/ 4/




Colour Imagery quality • The atmosphere that particular designs create

Ex: Housing project for Miss Sithara Hafeel Fathima In training period that we worked for Thisara Thanapathy Architects, Above Project client gave a book of images of the places, Textures & she has Colected & wrote what she want to design. That is her brief & architect use it to imagine & the develop the concept. After doing perspectives & to present to clients additional requirements was developed. It is good practice that architects do. Example Clients Brief CLIENT .BRIEF TO ARCHITECT FOR HOUSE PLANNING 1. __________________________ PHONE: _______________ EMAIL: ________________ 1. I/ we plan to build a custom home ___ for myself /ourselves, or ___ speculatively. 2. 2. I plan to build on a flat ___, sloping ___, or irregular ___, site. (check one)

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


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3. 3. (check one) ___ I do not have a site purchased. Please design a Dream Home for me per the specifications outlined herein. ___ I have purchased a lot. Please include site survey, setbacks, height restrictions, and all applicable code or jurisdictional information. 4. 4. I will be building in a deed-restricted community. (yes/ no) yes, ply complete architectural design standards and covenants. 5. 5. I will/will not be using an interior designer. 6. 6. The site vegetation and topography can be described as follows Send ographical map and tree survey if site purchased. 7. 7. The surrounding area and immediate lots to left and right and across the street are described as follows: Supply photographs as deemed necessary.

8. 8. My approximate budget per square foot of conditioned space (measured to outside of bearing wall) is approximately RS___/ 9. NOTE: Architect cannot be held liable for cost of house exceeding Client budget. Client must check with Realtors or builders in his or her area to arrive at projected costs per style of house, budget, and location.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




10. 9. The style of home I would like can best be described as: 11. 12.10. I like/ do not like symmetry in my plans or elevations. (circle one and describe) ________ SF.

13. 12. The total number of bedrooms is ____. The total number of baths is ____. I wish to have the following rooms (circle Y for yes or N for no), with approximate sizes indicated in length and width and a short description of each.: Y/N. Formal Living 3 Y/N. Formal Dining _ /N. Family Room Y/N. Library/ Den Describe all other rooms (bedrooms, garages, storage, exercise, guest, etc.) desired with approximate size and description of each: (add pages if necessary) 13. I prefer a formal/ informal plan. 14. 14. I would like the following rooms arranged on the first level and the emainder upstairs 15. 16.15. The following spaces must be placed close to each other 17. 16. I do/ do not wish to have step-downs or level changes, or only in the following areas. (explain) 18.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




19.17. The following activities will take place outside: (example: pool, decks, gazebos, boat dock, tennis, etc.) 20. 18. I would like the following rooms/spaces oriented to specific views or placed per compass direction as follows: 21. 19. The first floor height should be at least ___ ft., and not to exceed ___ ft. I want the second floor height to be at least ___ ft., and not to exceed ___ ft. 22. 4 20. The driveway approach will be: (example: circular drive, inside load or setback side load drive, center approach, rear approach, etc.) 23. 22. I would like the perimeter wall of the house to be constructed of ______________________ (example, wood and brick, block and stucco, steel, rammed earth, etc.), and be approximately ____in. thick. 24. 23. I want a full/ partial/ no basement. (circle one) 25. 24. I like/ do not like irregular rooflines. (circle one) 26. 25. The perimeter plan geometry should be: (check one) ___ Regular

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




27. (rectangular geometry with minimum wall projections (for easiest, most cost-effective buildout) ___ Medium Irregular plan with meandering exterior walls (moderate cost to build but may offer best views, orientation to natural features, topography, vegetation, sun angle, etc.) ___ Complex (highly irregular plan with many angles and/or curving walls inside and out, expensive to detail, finish out and construct) ________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL NOTES : if client needed

“design briefs are about

paving the way for a successful design effort

that reflects well on everyone involved.” What is Architects Brief ? An architectural brief is, to fulfill clients requirement - usually by creating a building to accommodate the requirements,The architect's aim is to provide the technical expertise to give a physical form to the client's aspirations, hopes, ambitions and dreams. This practice is most applicable to clients who value fulfilling their social responsibilities within their own local habitat.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




A architect’s brief is a written document including sketches that might be anything from a single page to a multiple volume set of documents. It is often formulated by or with the architect, and includes opportunities , basic cost & basic needs. Usually the Architectural brief is developing through the clients brief & the analyzing of other special factors – site, infrastructure , type of project. It contents , a clear set of instructions and detailed requirements as starting point of the architect's design In the later stages of writing a brief, will specify accurately the number and size of rooms that will be required, spatial progression , the finishes, equipment, furniture that will fit the room for its functional purpose and the environmental conditions that will assist the purpose. Environmental conditions might include temperature range, humidity, air movement, acoustic isolation, & all the things. For complex facilities, the brief may be prepared by a specialist consultant, separate from the design architect. Ex ; Labs, Special treatment units in hospitals) In such projects, are often employed with project participants , users, customers, facility experts, builders and other designers brought together for an intensive one or two day period to work out the critical aspects of the brief. A brief could be prepared by several methods, depending on the scope of the project and the nature of your Client Organization. The following methods could be used :.1 Have a discussion about the scope of the project with the top management of the Client Organization. .2 If the organization is a complex Department or Cooperate Company you may have to send questionnaires to each division to obtain information . 3 Have several meetings with Sub_Departments/DivIsions .4 Obtain data from other Authorities. Such as UDA, Local Authority and any other statutory Authorities having jurisdiction to the Site and Building.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




Brief-Site Analysis Systematic analysis of your clients brief and site conditions is very important to avoid and eliminate any possibility of preconception establishing. Such preconception ideas will lead to imbalanced design. This is a process of recording existing elements as obtained from the client against the new elements divided after giving consideration to site, planning and structural elements. The analysis should be produced with the following points in mind Permissible Site-Coverage. Plot Ratio. Permissible height 5.3 Boundaries and existing features such as slopes, boulders, trees, water vs. etc. 5.4 Light angles to windows, sun path, and orientation. 5.5 Rights or easement establishment. 5.6 Building or improvement lines or any future development nearby and everything from bus stops to fire appliance access. 5.7 Materials. Cost, construction, services. 5.8 Space analysis in relation to structural possibilities. 5.9 Space allocation according to Architectural Data available. 5. 10 Functional relationships of activities in the building 5

population (median and peak), area, minimum height, floor loading, floor finish and skirting requirements, including any plinths, hobs or set-downs, wall finishes, including wall protection needs (pertain ant in hospitals, warehouses, etc.), ceiling finish, including acoustic needs, engineering services required: power, lighting, air-conditioning, water, drainage, communications, etc.; environmental conditions: air temperature, humidity, noise level, air movement; access and security needs; FFE (furniture, fittings and equipment), with note made of mass, dimensions, power requirements, energy evolved, noise produced, ventilation and extraction needed, service and operating clearances; fire safety. Prepare Bubble Diagrams Space Relationship Diagrams to obtain Clients approval

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




A thorough brief it is help full to develop Functional brief with services . This brief is used to, create the architectural brief, that sets out the preparation of design options.

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects A client brief should primarily focus on the results and outcomes of the design. It should not attempt to deal with the aesthetics of design… That is the responsibility of the designer. The design brief also allows (the client) to focus on exactly what he want to achieve before any work starts on the project.

Architects brief is written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria, and its limitation. The architect,s brief is used to encourage thinking of all ...

As architects


“WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE?” Bibliography

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


Assignment 01




Work with an architect Lectuer Notes : Archt: V.N.C.Gunesekara Managment Report – 4 th year

Differentiate between a Client’s Brief & Architects Brief


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