Off-road Strangest Bikes

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 219
  • Pages: 3
Fordecades,manuf act ur er shavebeenpr oduci ngnew andi nnovat i vemot or cycl esanddi r t bi kes.Thesevehi cl eshavechangedt hewaywer i deonof f r oadt r ai l s.Somehavei ncr eased power ,somehavegr oundbr eaki ngf eat ur esandsome…ar ej ustpl ai nwei r d. Of f Road. com hasbeenst udyi ngand,of t enmocki ng,t heser i di cul ousbi kesf oryear s.We’ ve al sobeenposi ngt heser i ousquest i on:Whatwer et heyt hi nki ngwhent heycr eat edt hese t hi ngs?Her ear esomeoft hemostout r ageousbi kest hatwehaveencount er edi nour St r angeBi kesser i es.Not e:youmaywantt ocr ackopenacol donebef or echecki ngoutt hese wackyvehi cl es.

Of f Road. com,par toft heAdvanst arCommuni cat i onsOf f RoadGr oup,i soneoff or emost aut hor i t i esont heOf f Roadi ndust r y .Thr oughi t si nnovat i veonl i necommuni t y ,cover ageof Of f Roadevent s,t r ai lnewsandi ndust r ynewsacr ossmul t i pl ecat egor i es-i ncl udi ngt r uck and4x4,ATV/ UTV,snowmobi l e,Jeep,di esel ,anddi r t bi ke–Of f Road. com i st hepr oven aut hor i t yf orof f r oadent husi ast swor l dwi de.

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