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  • Words: 25,985
  • Pages: 91

(a PLAY written by Lanre Babajide).

Act 1 scene 1 A man lies in the middle of the court. There is cool and gentle music in the background. And a slight breeze is blowing by.

Oduduwa: You may have heared about me and you may not have. But I am here to tell my story. The story that has been told a thousand times in many lands and many ways. You will get to hear tales of adventure like never before. Tales that will make your ear tingle. (At this point, Oduduwa gets up and keeps talking). I was born in the kingdom of Lamurudu long ago before the pharaohs even came. Here is my story.

Act 1 scene 2 The courts of Lamurudu is full of activity. There are people walking up and down. Lamurudu is seated on his throne. There are different chiefs seated around his throne. Each of them is wearing a small crown but his crown is the Biggest of them all. There are two fierce looking young men standing beside his throne carrying swords. His throne is higher than everybody else and he is dressed in a big white robe. A man is standing beside the throne and blowing a whistle. The people sitting round the throne are all drinking palm wine in a small calabash. Soon all the chiefs prostrate before him and greet him.

Chiefs: We greet you Oh great King who rules over the Nile. Lamurudu: You are all welcome my people, I know you do not greet me in vain. I hope nothing has gone wrong in this great kingdom of Mecca. Chiefs: What sort of strange question is that my Lord, we are just hailing your majesty and wisdom you know you are the wisest king in this land Lamurudu: I know my subjects but the taller the Palm tree grows, the bigger the axe that wants to cut it down. Chiefs: Okay King what do you want us to tell you Lamurudu: Just tell me anything, tell me the truth. (At this point one of the chiefs stands up and prostrate before the throne. His name is Hanibal. He is very tall and broad chested and he looks like a warrior which he actually is). Hanibal: There is a problem great king but it is not something that your great Kingdom cannot solve. Lamurudu: Tell me now!! You know I don’t have much patience I hate it when you talk in riddles. Hanibal: Okay King some of our subjects are complaining that there is no food in their land. They say we hshould send them food as there is a famine in the land. Lamurudu: When did that start happeing, why didn’t anybody tell me that before Hanibal: Oh Great King, we are sorry, we thought that you already knew, you know that your wisdom is like the gods of Kabba hills in Saudi Arabia Lamurudu: You my chiefs and subjects me laugh, you think I am a god while I am a mere human being like you. One day I will die in front of all of you and then you will realize that i’m only human like all of you. Hanibal: We are sorry Oh great King, forgive us for our carelessness but we have brought the matter before you.

Lamurudu: Okay, you know we have a great store house of food materials that can last us 10 years Hanibal: Yes my Lord, so what do we do about that Lamurudu: Send somebody to organize and bring rice, barley and yam from our storehouse Hanibal: But who shall we send. Lamurudu: Okay send one of my sons Hanibal: But your chiefs and officials are there Lamurudu: Shut up!! I want my children to learn to be a leader like me. After all I cannot live forever and I will need people to succeed me so this great Kingdom can go on as long as the sun stays in the skies. Hanibal: Maybe we should send Adonis your first son. Lamurudu: No he already has enough training. I will send that boy Oduduwa instead, he has not being serious he only frollicks with all the ladies in the streets of Mecca. Let somebody go and get him. Hanibal: I will go sir. Lamurudu: You don’t have to go, I can send one of my messengers. Hanibal: I have been your friend since childhood and I am now your follower, I will always be your servant now let me go. Lamurudu: Okay, you can go. (At this point, Hanibal hurries out of the stage while the chiefs look on. It does not take a long time anyway as he is back with a tall, muscular, handsome young man following him behind. They get in front of Lamurudu and they both prostrate.) Oduduwa: Yes my father what have you called me for again, I have not done anything wrong. Lamurudu: You have not done anything wrong my son, I just want to send you to the Land of Nok. Oduduwa: That is interesting father, but what am I going to do there. Lamurudu: You will send them food. Hanibal will show you how to do it. Oduduwa: why are they that hungry? Lamurudu: Yes there is famine in their land. Just be a good boy when you get there. Oduduwa: Yes dad, but when shall we go. Is it immediately

Lamurudu: NO not so quick you will go in a few weeks time. Hanibal: But the famine is imminent and they seem to need the food immediately Lamurudu: Shut up!!. Are you trying to question my authority? They can waint for sometime they will still be alive in a few weeks time. (At this point, the chiefs and oduduwa himself prostrate before the King)

Act 1 Scene 3 Some young men are sitting on a mat and throwing dice on the floor. They are drinking palm wine from a calabash. They are all gay and enjoying themselves. It is like a party. Men and women are walking about chatting excitedly with each other. The stage is set like a royal palace. There are majestic wood carvings on either side of the stage and then people are generally walking about the stage. In the stage setting , the men are seating in front of the stage and there voice is loud and clear. There are people going up and down in the background. Oduduwa is in the midst of his friends and they are chattering endlessly with each other. The names of his friends are Nimrod, Abdullah, Agboniregun, Ifa and Hercules.

Oduduwa: My friends you are welcome to this great party of mine. You know I always like feeling happy. Nimrod: (while sipping from a bowl of palm wine). You like parties too much when will you ever be serious. Oduduwa: Abeg leave me alone, I have to enjoy myself. We don’t live in this world forever and of what use is life is there is no fun. Abeg let me enjoy my youthful days. Agboniregun: Yes, I think that Oduduwa is right, let the boy enjoy himself. Hercules: I agree with what Agboniregun just said. I think that life is too short not to have fun in it. Agboniregun: Shut up you this forienger you are not from Mecca like everybody else here. Your father is from Greece which is far away, I wonder what you are doing here. In fact nobody knows where your father is he ran away after pregnating your mother. Herules; But I have been in Mecca all my life that makes me a son of the land. Agboniregun: No go back to the land of your fathers.

Hercules: You are making me angry, are you trying to call me a bastard? Agboniregun: You very well might be one. At lease you just called yourself one now. I did not call you a bastard but since you know yourself, you are already. Hercules: Me you insult me like that? I am going to show you who I am. Agboniregun: Yes me, what can you do about that? Hercules: I will show you. (At this point he jumps at Agoniregun, and the two of them soon start fighting with each other. It is like they are involved in a scuffle. The scuffle lasts for a few minutes but Oduduwa soon steps in and manages to separate them. Incidentally, a lady who is passing bye steps in between them to try and separate them. Her name is Nefertiti). Nefertiti: You men should stop fighting. You men are not kids. You should stop disgracing yourselves like this. Oduduwa: (pushing the two men away from each other). You guys should not be fighting. Stop now before I get angry. (At this point, the two men go to the other side of each other as they are now separated. But they look at each other tentatively). Agboniregun: Men, you men should be together, after all we are all friends. Just try and hug each other and let us get on with the game. (They look at each other for sometime but then they hug each other). Oduduwa: so men let us get on with our game and try and forget about this stuff. (At this point, the men sit on the mat and they resume their game of ayo. They chatter amongst themselves for some time and as they were chatting, Oduduwa gets up and walks to the side of the room where Nefertiti was now standing) Agoniregun: Where is that guy going again Hercules: I guess he is going after a lady. (Soon he gets beside Nefertiti and then they start chatting. He holds her hands and after talking for sometime, they hug each other, after what seemed a long time, he returns to his mate) Hercules: So how was the little girl. I hope everything went on well. Oduduwa: It really went on well, in fact I know where she lives. I will go there very soon. Hercules: It does not surprise us anymore, after all, you are a prince, every lady will fancy being around you.

Oduduwa: Boys let us forget that and get on with our game.

Act 1 Scene 4 A girl is sitting in the middle of the room. She is dressed in all types of jewelry and necklaces. In fact, she looks like an Egyptian princess. The room is very beautifull and is surrounded by all types of carvings. As she is sitting down, she is looking at a mirror. Suddenly, somebody knocks at the door. She tries to ignore it but the knocking grows louder and then she decides to answer him. Nefertiti: Who is that knocking on my door? Egun: It is me egun your servant Nefertiti: What for?. What are you knocking on my door for I am feeling tired this morning Egun: Our princess, you have a visitor this afternnon Nefertiti: From where? Egun: From the royal palace Nefertiti: What is his or her name? Egun: His name is Oduduwa. Nefertiti: (sounding excited). Let him in. (At this point, Egun walks out of the stage and comes back with the tall Oduduwa following him from behind) Egun: He is here standing beside me now Nefertiti: Let him in. (At this point, Oduduwa comes in and stays by the door while she is sitting down and looking at her)

Nefertiti: Come and sit down beside me, why are you so nervous? (He now comes and sits beside her) Nefertiti: I am surprised you came here today. I thought you had forgotten all about me. Oduduwa: No I don’t mean that, in fact I have been thinking about you since that party you are as beautiful as a flower. Nefertiti: You mean that? Please don’t flatter me. Oduduwa: I mean it, my heart jumped into my mouth when I saw your breathtaking beauty. Nefertiti: By the way, how did you get to know my place. I mean it is not easy to locate Oduduwa: Because I am a determined man. When I want something, I get it by all means. Nefertiti: What do you mean. I mean who or what is it that you want? Oduduwa: You know what I mean I mean I want you. You are the most beautiful lady on the streets of Mecca. Nefertiti: There you go again I have heard that a thousand times from the mouths of men. Oduduwa: You may heared it a thousand times You may have heared it even more But take this from me That you are mine Beautifull flower among roses That even all the roses envy Pride of a thousand hearts Whom all the men of Mecca desire. Beauutiful woman full of grace Your smile is as deep as the ocean And you glow like the moon………………………………………………………………………… … ………………………………………………………………….

Nefertiti: (Putting a hand to his mouth). Stop all these your flattery, are you a poet or a musician or what?

Oduduwa: I am not I am only a man who can steal your heart. Nefertiti: Now let us forget about that, tell me more about yourself. Oduduwa: I am a prince of Mecca, everybody already knows me. Nefertiti: I mean not everybody knows you that well I mean who you really are. Oduduwa: Okay I am actually a wrestler. Nefertiti: What do you mean by that? Oduduwa: My father thought me how to wrestle, how to be a strong warrior right from my childhood. I can fight a thousand battles as you see me. Nefertiti: Really?, I always thought since you are a prince you live a life of comfort and luxury. Oduduwa: Not exactly, you know that there will always be war, so I must stand like a man. Nefertiti: So let me see some of your skills. I mean are you that strong? Oduduwa: Yes I am, (At this point, he brings out his strong arms and shows her his muscles). Nefertiti: That is pretty impressive. Your muscles stand tall like a mountain. Oduduwa: If you give me your heart I will protect and surround you like a mountain. Nefertiti: (giving him a hug). Your poetry is winning me over but I think you have to go now. Oduduwa: Why? Nefertiti: That is because my father will soon be around. Oduduwa: Okay, I will be going but when can we see again? Nefertiti: I don’t know we will try and see each other as time goes on. Oduduwa: Okay but I will be back soon.

Act 1 Scene 5 A girl on stage is carrying a large water pot on her head and she is walking along very slowly. Some trees could be put at the back of the stage to signify the fact that she is in a forest. She seems alone and is walking along singing a song. The girls name is Nefertiti. Nefertiti: Oh my home, Oh my home when shall I see my home, when shall I see my native land oh my home

(Suddenly Oduduwa jumps on the stage right in front of her. She falls down and breaks the pot of water on her head. Oduduwa helps her to stand up and tries to apologize) Oduduwa: I’m sorry my little princess, I know I scared you but I never meant to. You see I just wanted to surprise you. Nefertiti: Is that how to surprise someone? Now you have broken my water pot. Oduduwa: I’m sorry but my heart was so much in love with you that I traced you all over Mecca till I found you by this riverside. Nefertiti: You have been following me for over 3 weeks now. Are you not tired of this game? Oduduwa: I can never get tired but now I want you to give me your heart.

Nefertiti: Promise you will never break my heart if I give it to you. Oduduwa: A promise is a debt and I will repay it a thousand times over. Nefertiti: Okay oduduwa I will be yours. Yours for life and I will always be by your side. Oduduwa: Come closer to me my love and let me hold you. (At this point the two new lovers embrace each other) Oduduwa: You know what, I will be gone for sometime. Nefertiti: I need to go somewhere the King sent me. Nefertiti: Where is that? Oduduwa: To the land of Nok okay Nefertiti: Don’t be too long my darling. Oduduwa: Okay I will be back soon.

Act 1 Scene 6 This is the palace of the king (not the king of Mecca but that of the King of Nok. He is sitting on his throne with his chiefs around him. He looks a little worried but a man is blowing a whistle beside him. It is a sonourous, serene native African tune that makes one feel closer to nature. The name of the king is Ramses.

Ramses: Many days now and the Lamurudu has not done anything about our situation. Does he want us to starve to death? Akinkunmi: I don’t know for him, he seems to me to be a saddist Ramses: The gods themselves must be so angry with us to shut the rain of heaven against us. Akinkunmi: Maybe we should sacrifice somebody to the gods. Maybe that will appease the gods Ramses: Shut up Akinkunmi, you should think of more constructive things. In fact, if we are going to sacrifice somebody maybe it will be you. You this stupid hunch back. (The other chiefs couldn’t control their laughter and they burst out laughing) Ramses: Shut up all of you. People are starving to death and you can only laugh. Chiefs: We are sorry great chief.

Ramses: maybe we will call the Engineers to create a channel to the sea so we can get rain. Akinkunmi: But the last one we tried failed and the sea is so far away. In fact the last conduit we tried to build claimed the lives of many people Ramses: You are right young man but maybe we should try another one. Soon, the chiefs start talking in quiet voices among themselves and then Ramses puts his hands in the air and shouts Ramses: Wait!! Doesn’t anybody have a better idea? (The chiefs just look at the chief but while this silence is going on, a short stout stumbles on the stage. He is panting heavily and the chiefs, including the King are wondering what exactly is going on. His name is Ogun) Akinkunmi: What is it again young man. You are always coming in front of the chief with one news or the other. Ogun: I have a message from another land Akinkunmi: What is the message? Ogun: I don’t know sir but they said they wanted to see the King by all means Ramses: You are a foolish man. You don’t even ask questions about your visitors. What if they came for war? Ogun: I am sorry my King, I was too much in a hurry. Ramses: Anyway, go and get the men and let us see what they have to say. (At this point, the man hurries out of the stage and soon comes back with a company of men carrying food stuffs along with them. Oduduwa and Hanibal are leading them and they look very impressive and scary. The postrate before the King) Ramses: Stand up, where are you people from. Oduduwa: I am from the kingdom of my father, the great King of Mecca. We have come to end the famine in this land. Ramses: So you are his son, I have never seen you before anyway, but what is your name young man Oduduwa: My name is Oduduwa. Ramses: That is an unusual name but anyway I hope you brought a lot of food stuffs. Oduduwa: Yes my Lord, we brought a lot of wheat and rice and we brought some experts along Ramses: What do you mean by that? Oduduwa: My father said I should bring engineers and food storage experts along.

Ramses: I hope they can be of much help Oduduwa: Ah my king, you have forgotten that my fathers land Mecca is the center of knowledge with Universities and scholars all over the land. Ramses: you are right Oduduwa but where is the food. Oduduwa: (pointing to the corner of the stage) Right there. Ramses: Let my servants go and carry the food. (Oduduwa’s servants bring down the food from a container they carried it and young, strong men emerge from the back of the stage to carry the food to the back. While this is going on, the king starts talking) Ramses: So where are the men of knowledge that are supposed to help us, I will very much like to see them. Oduduwa: They are right beside me. (At this point he moves to his back and brings two men forward to the king. The king looks at them for some time and then he talks) Ramses: What is your name young men. First man: My name is Pyramids. Second man: My name is Ifa

Ramses: that is nice, so how learned are you two men? Pyramids: We have gone to all the Universities in Mecca and we know the number of stars in the skies and we can count the sands by the sea shore. Ramses: Only God can do that but any way you are welcome to this our Kingdom I hope you will be able to solve our problems and by the way how long are you staying? Ifa: Only a few months sir. We will not stay so long. Ramses: That is very good I hope you will help us with irrigation which is the only permanent solution to our problem. Our men of knowledge seem incapable of this. Pyramids: We will try our best sir. We come from a long lineage of scholars and our ancestors have practiced their knowledge everywhere. Ramses: well we shall see how you will fare in the next few months.

Act 1 Scene 7 (Lamurudu. The king is walking on the stage with two men right beside him. They are wearing royal regalia like him. The name of one man is Ifa while the name of the other is Achiles Ifa: I wonder why a King like you will suddenly decide to walk through the streets of Mecca. You should be carried by your servants or something. Lamurudu: Leave me alone don’t bother me. I need to know how it is like being around common people like this. Ifa: Don’t you know you are disgracing yourself? Lamurudu: I am not disgracing myself I just need to see how this city is. Achiles: Stop my King and look over there. (A very beautiful girl is passing bye. Her name is Nefertiti, she walks along the floor like a beauty queen. Lamurudu stops and looks at her.) Lamurudu: I have to have that girl right now. Achiles go and call her for me. She cannot go like that. Achiles: Okay, I will run up to her.

(Achiles runs as fast as possible toward the girl and seems engaged in a conversation with her. After sometime, she follows him and soon, they are in front of Lamurudu). Lamurudu: Who are you and who is your father in the whole of this Mecca Nefertiti: (knelling down) I am the daughter of Orunmila Lamurudu: (laughing) Is your father a god. Orunmila is one of the gods of Mecca. So you are one half and one human Nefertiti: No, my father is not a god. He was just named after him because that is the diety we worship in our family. Lamurudu: So you come from a family of priests Nefertiti: yes, my father is a priest and he divines with his eyes. Lamurudu: I will like to see him but as from now on you are mine. You will follow me to the palace. Nefertiti: I am my father’s daughter my Lord, and I belong to him Lamurudu: I am the sun of Mecca and you are talking to me like this. I will send one of my messengers to your place very soon so that we can talk. You are a beautiful girl and you should become one of my princesses in the palace. Nefertiti: Please my lord the king, I am still a little girl, and I am not the only woman in Mecca. Lamurudu: Don’t quarrel with me I will send for you soon. You can go for now, but you will hear from me later. Nefertiti: Allright my lord (She kneels down, gets up and briefly walks very fast away from the king while the King continues walking)

Act 1 Scene 8 A man sits in his house. He is dressed in a pure white cloth with a long, white beard. He sits on a large chair that is heavily designed with all sorts of carvings and designs. He is wearing a big red cap and he seems to be relaxed on his chair. He is singing a jolly good song as he holds a little guitar in his hands. He sings a song that goes like this. Orunmila: Here in this mecca The air is always gay And the children make merry The sun rejoices over her And it is joy forever here Here in our beautiful land

(As he is singing, he suddenly hears somebody knock at the door) Orunmila: Yes who is that? Who has come to disturb my rest this evening. Don’t you know I must rest my soul? Akogun: It is from the King of this city Orunmila: I hope nothing is wrong today. Akogun: Nothing is wrong at least let me come in first. Orunmila: Okay come in (At this stage Akogun comes in front of Orunmila and bows before him. He then sits down on a chair beside him) Orunmila: so what brings you here today .Or is there a war going on that you people need me to consult the gods for you. Akogun: No, nothing at all. Orunmila: Then what is it? Akogun: It is about a beautiful flower in your backyard. It has been growing all these years and it is time we plucked it. Orunmila: I don’t understand this parable of yours. Try and explain it to me. Akogun: I mean that your daughter Nefertiti, the King says he wants to see her. Orunmila: What for? Akogun: I mean the king really needs her. Orunmila: For what? Akogun: Why are you asking questions like a little kid? I mean I know you already understand. Orunmila: So you mean the king wants to marry my daughter. Well, I will ask her about it. Orunmila: Nefertiti!!, Nefertiti!!! (There is a short pause and then the girl comes on stage. She is wearing a flowing skirt and jacket made out of leopard skin) Nefertiti: Good evening father, I wonder why you called me today Orunmila: It is about the king. Nefertiti: The King? What do you mean I actually met him a few days ago but I thought he had forgotten about me. Orunmila: So you saw him last week, no wonder Nefertiti: No wonder what?

Orunmila: No wonder he wants to marry you Nefertiti: So what is going to happen now? Akogun: You are going to follow me to the palace. Nefertiti: Me I cannot go you cannot force any man on me Orunmila: Do you know that I have known your father since I was a kid. Besides he is a king and we will be related to your royal line if you marry the king Nefertiti: And become one of the women in his harem. Over my dead body. Orunmila: What do you mean by “over my dead body”. In fact, we are going to the King’s palace together. Nefertiti: But father, this is not going to work. Orunmila: Just let us go there first. I am sure you will understand things as time goes on. (He takes her by the hand and they both leave the stage)

Act 1 Scene 9 It is the Kings palace again and as usual, all sorts of beautiful carvings and adornments are all over the place. The King is seated in his palace but this time around, only two of his chiefs are around. And they look lively and cheerful. Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. The king is somewhat alarmed and speaks out loud. Lamurudu: Who is that? Oduduwa: It is me your son my Lord, we are back from our long journey. Lamurudu: Oh so it is you, come in and rest, we the chiefs and your parents have been expecting you. Oduduwa: (walking in front of the stage in full royale regalia postrates before the king along with Hannibal) Kabiyesi, Oh my father the great King, we have gone to the land of Nok and we have conquered. I have done all you said I should do.

Lamurudu: Hannibal is it true? Did the boy do well enough? Hannibal: Yes dad, he was very excellent. In fact, I think he deserves to be the next King when you die Lamurudu: That is very good of you my boy, I will like to know you have improved Oduduwa: Dad I will always make you proud. Lamurudu: Let us get some palm-wine to celebrate. This boy makes me feel happy. Hannibal: But there is no palm-wine around maybe I will go and get it. Lamurudu: No don’t go I will call one of my new concubines. Oduduwa: Concubines, I never knew you had acquired a new wife. Lamurudu: Yes I have, I will like to train her and make her feel among. Hanibal, go and fetch her on time. She is with the guards at the back of this palace. (At this point, Hannibal walks briskly and after some time he comes back with a beautiful young lady. The lady to Oduduwa’s surprise is nothing more than Nefertiti. She is carrying a big calabash and she places it in front of the king) Nefertiti: (Kneeling down) My Lord the king. Am I so important that you have called me out this day. I must be one of your favorite wives. Lamurudu: Shut up little girl, just serve the drinks. You just came to the palace yesterday and you are already talking like this. Nefertiti: Sorry my king, sometimes I talk more than my mouth (Nefertiti goes ahead to serve all the chieftains present there as well as Oduduwa himself. When she gets to Oduduwa, he pulls her to his side and seems to whisper something Lamurudu noticed this and he comments on this). Lamurudu: What are you saying to her. Do you know her from somewhere? Oduduwa: No I don’t I was only asking her to behave well for the king. Lamurudu: That is good. Oduduwa: That land of Nok is a very big country. I remember you told me that as a little boy but I never believed you. Lamurudu: You will still travel to many distant lands my dear son and by the way, where is Ifa and pyramids the two scholars I sent with you? Oduduwa: We left them there my father, so that they can spread the wisdom of Mecca and teach them things like irrigation, new farming techniques, etc. Lamurudu: That is very thoughtfull of you my son, now I know you can succeed me as King. Oduduwa: You are right my father.

(As they were talking, suddenly Adonis the first born of the king enters. He is a very tall and huge man with muscular features). Lamurudu: What I have you come to do here today my son, I did not invite you to me presence. Adonis: I can come anywhere at anytime, after all I am your first born and the rightfull heir to your throne. Lamurudu: What do you mean by that?. After all I am not yet dead. Are you planning to kill me? Besides, you did not even bother to prostate before me. Adonis: I don’t have to and besides, what is Oduduwa doing here in your presence. He is not the next King is he? Lamurudu: He is not but at least I am training him as a member of the royal family. Adonis: (Bringing out his sword and pointing it at Oduduwa) This boy will one day try and take over from you when you are alive. You are already making him to feel too pompous. See how he is feeling like a king already. Oduduwa: How can you be pointing at me like that in front of everybody. Do you want to kill me with your sword? Adonis: What if I do that? (At this point, Oduduwa gets up and pushes Adonis and then he pushes him back and they soon start fighting. Lamurudu is alarmed and shouts ) Lamurudu: Hanibal, separate them I can’t bear to see my 2 children fighting (At this point, Hanibal jumps in their middle and manages to pull them apart) Hannibal: You two should not be fighting, you are children of the same father. You will divide the Kingdom like this.

Lamurudu: You people should stop this nonsense now. Oduduwa and Adonis: We are sorry sir. Lamurudu: Now the two of you get out of my presence.

Act 1 Scene 10 As we all know, Nefertiti is now in the king’s palace and she is sitting in her room. She is applying make up on herself and looking at a large mirror. She seems lost in her world and does not notice when Oduduwa enters the room and sits beside her. It is only the reflection on her mirror that makes her realize he is beside her.

Nefertiti: What are you doing here? I thought that you were supposed to be somewhere else Oduduwa: I am supposed to be in my room but you live in my heart. Don’t you love me anymore my dear flower girl. (putting his hands round her waist) Nefertiti: Remove your hands from me. So you now want to snatch your fathers wife Oduduwa: My father’s wife or my wife. Tell the truth he forced you to marry him all because he is the King. Nefertiti: You are right and I am not happy here. Oduduwa: So why can’t you give me your heart? Nefertiti: I know you love me as much as I love you but isn’t it dangerous? Oduduwa: Dangerous as how? Nefertiti: Dangerous because I am yur father’s wife now and your father will deal seriously with us if he finds out Oduduwa: You have to go where your heart is. The sun in the skies moves from east to west going wherever it likes and so must our heart. Move where your heart tells you and you will be happy Nefertiti: But the forces against us are strong. Oduduwa: Yes but love can break all the forces in this world no matter how strong and the love we share together is the strongest thing on earth. Not even all the armies of this world can stop the love we feel for each other. Nefertiti: I really feel like kissing you right now but anybody may be looking at us. Oduduwa: Why don’t you go ahead and do it. Nefertiti: (She pauses for sometime, looks into his eyes and then embraces him and starts crying) Oduduwa: You don’t have to cry baby. Nefertiti: baby, you know I have always loved you with everything in me. Oduduwa: Yes I do and I love you to.

Act 1 Scene 11 Oduduwa’s mother is sitting in her room. She is as beautiful as anything in this world. She has long hair and her voice is like that of a piano. Her name is Iyalode and she is dressed elegantly. She is sitting on a cushion chair with the carving of a lion on the sides. She sits there for sometime and then she calls out to Oduduwa

Iyalode: Oduduwa!! Oduduwa!!! (Oduduwa was not on stage but he runs and stumbles on the stage like a man being chased by a Lion) Oduduwa: Yes mother, why have you called me today? I hope nothing is wrong Iyalode: Nothing is wrong my dear, why can I not call my one and only son. Oduduwa: You have always told me that since I was a kid. Iyalode: Yes you are my favorite son and tonight I want to tell you something. Oduduwa: What is it my mother? Iyalode: You see oduduwa, I want you to be the next King Oduduwa: Why mother? Iyalode: Because of what your father did to me Oduduwa: I thought my father has always being nice to everybody that is concerned. Even though some people in this great city of Mecca say he is a tyrant. Iyalode: No my son I want to tell you a story. Oduduwa: what is the story? Iyalode: Now my son, listen well. Long ago, when I was just a teenage girl. I used to live in the city of Ife among the Yorubas. Have you heared of them? Oduduwa: Yes, after all there are many Yoruba people walking the streets of Mecca. Iyalode: Here is my story……………………………………………………………………………… ………………… …………………………………………

Act 1 Scene 12 The King is sitting on his throne and he looks pensive and worried. He shakes his leg as if he is thinking about something. A little girl is in front of the throne and two soldiers are on each side of his throne. They are tall and look very fierce. The name of the King is Ajakaiye. After sometime, a young man appears on stage. He is short and sweating all over his body. He is panting heavily like someone who has been running very fast . King Ajakaiye: Oh I have been expecting you for a long time, how is the war front, how is the battle, hope the gods have favoured us.

Messenger: Ha my King, it seems the gods are angry with us. We have been defeated in battle. Our valiant men are all dead. King Ajakaiye: It seems the King of Mecca is so angry with us. He has decided to raid our land. Messenger: And even now, they are on the streets of Oyo, the soldiers are marauding about raping our women and burning everything or house they can see. King Ajakaiye: Do you mean it?.......... (As the King is talking, a loud voice comes from the background of the stage. Soon some men carrying all sorts of weapons appear on the stage and start chanting war songs. They are led by a tall muscular who is very dark in complexion. They all stop in front of the King and the muscular leader talks first) Chief Warrior: Ah great King we have conquered your land. Now we will cut off your head and carry you to Mecca (at this point, the two warriors beside the king try and fight the warriors but they are outnumbered and they soon kill the warriors. At this point, the chief warrior laughs ) Chief warrior: Ah Ah ah, now we have defeated you follow us to Mecca you slave. King Ajakaiye: No I can’t let me die and join my forefathers in the land of the gods. (At this point, he brings out his sword and kills himself) Chief Warrior: The king is dead so my boys carry this little girl and take her to King Lamurudu. We shall do what we will do with her (At this point, the soldiers pick the little girl and walk away from the stage).

Act 1 Scene 13 Iyalode: I was that little girl that was carried and I became one of your father’s concubines. I have not been happy since then but I am only a woman and I am helpless and powerless. Oduduwa: But I want to ask why is it that Yoruba land is not part of Mecca. Iyalode: well, the victory was not complete. The Yoruba people rebelled a few years later and gained back their independence from Mecca.

Oduduwa: But do you know what is going on in Oyo right now. Iyalode: I don’t know, the only thing I heared is that another Kingdom is harassing our land. Oduduwa: I never knew all this, why didn’t anybody tell me. Iyalode: Never mind, you are now of age, but I want you to do something for me. Iyalode: I want you to be the next king. Try and kill your father and take over the throne. Oduduwa: That is too hard to do. I do not think I am up to the task. Iyalode: I will be beside you. I have already hatched my plan. You do not have to do much. Oduduwa: What is the plan mother? Iyalode: Now let me tell you. (the two of them start whispering to each other)

Act 1 Scene 14 The setting is a like a garden with flowers all around. Serene music is being played in the background. Two people male and female are walking about in the garden. Of course it is Oduduwa and Nefertiti the two love birds. Nefertiti: So you have come here to see me today my lover. When will you leave the lion of passion alone don’t wake it lest it bites you.

Oduduwa: I will chase you Like a butterfly among flowers I will run after you Like a deer Running from a hunters gun Untill I am in your arms forever Nefertit: There you go again you this poet. When will you grow up and realize this is dangerous Oduduwa: For danger echoes in my heart In response to the love in me And I cannot leave Till I quench my thirst for love Nefertiti: Are you going to mary me? The king will think you are about to take over the kingdom from him Oduduwa: Let us forget about tomorrow and let tomorrow take care of itself Nefertiti: But oduduwa you know I still have feelings for you. Oduduwa: Come closer and hold me my rose (They look at each other for sometime and then the embrace) Nefertiti: Oduduwa, promise you will always love me. Oduduwa: My love for you will remain as long as the stars are in the sky and even the oceans celebrate our love clapping their hands for us. Nefertiti: Oh Oduduwa you know you are my first and only love. Oduduwa: Yes I promise, I will conquer Mecca for you. Nefertiti: Or even the very skies and mountains Oduduwa: Nefertiti, can you close your eyes. Nefertiti: Why? Oduduwa: Just close your eyes. (Nefertiti closes her eyes and then Oduduwa reaches into his pocket and brings out a golden necklace and puts it round her neck) Oduduwa: Now open your eyes and look at your neck

(She looks at the jewelry puts it in her hand and smiles). Nefertiti: Oh you are such a darling. Where did you get this from? Oduduwa: From one of the biggest market places in Mecca. Precisely from those European sailors that travel far and wide. Nefertiti: Thanks darling, you know women appreciate things like this. Oduduwa: Yes I do. Nefertiti: I wish we could be together forever. (The two lovers embrace)

Act 1 Scene 15 It is a party again in the palace of King Lamurudu. The party is organized by Adonis the elder brother of Oduduwa. It is all gay and merry and everybody is excited and chatting with each other. Oduduwa is in front of the stage with his friends Nimrod, Abdullah, Agboniregun, Ifa and Hercules. As they were playing their game, Adonis stumbles into the midest of Oduduwa and his friends as if he was

drunk. He throws away the board they are playing with and raises his hands in the air.

Oduduwa: (Standing up) So you are drunk again. I thought you had at last decided to stop being a drunkard. Now look at you, future King of Mecca Adonis: What do you mean? Do you mean to embarrass me in front of everybody? Everything in Mecca belongs to me. I am Mecca and Mecca is me. Oduduwa: There you go again. Proud thing you may never before King. What if you die before then? Do you know tomorrow? Adonis: What do you mean? Do you want to take over the Kingdom from me? I always knew you are a rebel you this proud thing. I know the whole of Mecca wants me to be their King. Isn’t it so? (By this time everybody in the party had stopped what ever they were doing and focused on them. The whole crowd at the party was quiet and everybody was looking at them.) Oduduwa: An ingrate and idiot like you does not deserve to become king. You are going to disgrace Mecca. You cannot even hold a sword and you never went to any of our Universities in Mecca you this idiot. Adonis: What do you mean by that? You this womanizer, everybody in Mecca likes me. I will wound you today you this son of a bastard. Oduduwa: You dare not touch me I will kill you here and you will never be anything Adonis: Okay I will not fight with you. Anybody who is on my side should raise their hands up. You all know I am the right King of Mecca. (Adonis looks around and to his surprise, nobody raises his hands in the air, he is bewirlded as he wonders what is happening) Oduduwa: You see, I told you. Now it is my turn. Anybody who is on my side should raise up his hands. (Most people in the crowd rose up their hands and then they start whispering among themselves. It seems Oduduwa is emerging a popular figure) Oduduwa: Can’t you see, I am the real crown prince of Mecca. Adonis: Oh people of Mecca where my grand fathers have always lived, why do you want to anoint this bastard as king. There is a loud noise in the crowd and everybody seems to be saying something. At this point, a man steps out of the crowd. He is a rather short man with a commanding voice. His name is Mansa Musa. The man stands in front of the whole crowd and starts talking. Mansa Musa: You may call Oduduwa a woman wrapper or whatever you like but we prefer him to you.

(Yes!! The whole crowd yells in unison to him) Adonis: But why? Mansa Musa: Since you were born in this land, you have not done anything. You just go from one tavern to another drinking like a fish. Adonis: But what has Oduduwa done? Mansa Musa: what has he done? He has done many things. He went all the way to Nok and found a solution to the famine in their land. You have not done anything before go back to the tavern and get yourself some palm wine. Adonis: I will show you citizens of Mecca I am the first born son!!!!!!!!! Mansa Musa: You this tyrant trying to tyrannize us. We are not scared of your rants. If you ever become king we will bury you alive in your father’s house. Oduduwa: You now see the people’s man (At this point the crowd starts shouting. It is like a modern day political rally and at this point Adonis is very angry and raging with hate) The crowd: Your fathers crown fits you well You walk majestic through the streets of Mecca You shall reign on this land King of Mecca we welcome you. Adonis: Why are you singing for Oduduwa? I will get all of you arrested for treason. Crowd: Shut up you this good for nothing boy. Adonis: Now all of you get out of here!!!!. This is my father’s house and I am the first born. You people should be arrested for treason. This party is Over!!!!! (At this point, everybody in the crowd leaves the stage. The whole stage goes silent and only Adonis is left. In fact, Oduduwa himself leaves the stage)

Act 1 Scene 16

Iyalode (Oduduwa’s mother) is sitting on a chair together with one of the King’s messengers and Mans Musa. His name is Toromagbe. He is a short and muscular man. The three of them sit on the stage for some time until Oduduwa comes in and postrates before his mother.

Iyalode: What took you so long, we have been expecting you. Oduduwa: I am sorry for the delay ma, I was attending to some matters. Iyalode: what matter are you attending to? Anyway you are already here and so let us proceed with the plan Oduduwa: Mother, we must read softly, walls have ears. Iyalode: Don’t worry, nobody is around. We can talk for as long as we like. Oduduwa: Okay my mother. Iyalode: Have you finally made up your mind to be the next King of Mecca? Oduduwa: Yes mother, I think I should be the king. All the people are rooting for me. Iyalode: How do you know? Oduduwa: During the party a few days ago most of them shouted that they wanted me to be the next king. I am ready for the task no matter what it is. I am the next King of Mecca!!!! Iyalode: That is good my son. You know I always teach you to be bold and courageous. Oduduwa: But Mans Musa was at the party and he was the main person supporting me. What is he doing here? Is he part of the conspiracy. Iyalode: so you don’t know I actually employed him to root for you and win the heart of the people of Mecca. Oduduwa: So he is part of the consipiracy? Iyalode: Yes, I had everything thought out well before I told you about it. Oduduwa: But what has Toromagbe got to do with all this. I thought he was just the King’s body guard. Iyalode: That is where I was going to all this while. He is in fact part of the plan. You know he is always close to the King and it will be easy for him to get him. Oduduwa: I think you are right. But we have to be very careful so that nobody knows what we are doing. Iyalode: Don’t wory, I am like a green snake under a green gas. Nobody will know anything.

Toromagbe: I will execute your mother’s plan to the last detail. I will make sure you are the next King. Your mother has told me that when we succeed I will be one of your chiefs and not an ordinary servant anymore Oduduwa: You have my word, I will make sure you are my second in command. Hanibal: Make sure I get a high post in your kingdom. You know that I have been working hard to win the people of Mecca to your side. Oduduwa: I will not disappoint anybody. I will go along with the conspiracy. Iyaode: Be strong my son, now listen to how everything is going to happen. (At this point, the three of them move close to each other and start talking to each other in low voices)

Act 1 Scene 17 It is a beer parlour or what you can call a tavern and a lot of people are there. As usual all types of alcoholic beverages are flowing freely and it seems everybody is enjoying himself. Mansa Musa is there with his friends. He is sitting in front of the tavern with his friends. They are all drinking palm wine as if there is no tomorrow First Friend: Mansa Musa you are dangerous Mansa Musa: How, what do you mean by that? Did I kill anybody? I mean what did I do? Second Friend: What you did at that party was terrible. I mean you were actually leading a revolt against the King. Mansa Musa: I mean he is not yet the king, nobody has crowned him king yet. Second Friend: But he is a member of the royal family. You will soon be accused of treason if you are not careful in this city. Mansa Musa: (while laughing) You people are cowards. I am only trying to say what is in everybody’s mind. Second Friend: Okay, can you say it in front of everybody in this place. I bet you don’t have the liver. Mansa Musa: Okay I will show everybody. First Friend and Second Friend: Okay we are watching, let us see. (At this point, mans Musa gets up and bangs his hand on the table. This makes a loud noise and attracts everybody’s attention. At this point, he gets up and stands in front of everybody and starts talking immediately.)

Mansa Musa: You men of mecca and even the women and children I want to tell you that that boy Adonis will only lead this great civilization to disaster. History will not forgive us if we allow this boy to become king. ……… (As he is talking, a man gets up from the crowd and shouts at him. His name is Mohamed) Mohamed: Enough of this your insurrection, you are cusing disunity in this city. You are the one going to lead this city to ruin. Mansa Musa: I’m only saying what the people want. Mohamed: there is peace in this great city, don’t let people start fighting. Let everything go in order. Mansa Musa: I don’t care, I have a right to say anything I want. (At this point, Mohamed runs to where Mans Musa is staying and pushes him till he falls down) Mohamed: Men of Mecca men of Mecca answer me. The crowd: Yes we can hear what you are saying. Mohamed: Do not let this man deceive you and lead you to rebellion. This is one of the greatest cities of all times and we have to let it remain like that. We only have to let tradition take it’s place. This stupid boy here is even more stupid than the Adonis he is abusing. Do not listen to this good for nothing rebel. (At this point, the people in the crowd start mummuring to each other in low tones. Some people seem to be saying something while other people seem to be saying another. While this is going on, Mansa Musa gets up to his feet and starts talking ) Mansa Musa: Okay let the people talk. Anybody who likes Oduduwa should rise up his hand. (Some people in the crowd rise up their hand while some do not) Mohamed: You see, not everybody here agrees with you. You have now succeeded in dividing the citizens of Mecca. (At this point, a man from the crowd starts shouting with all his might. He is at the back but as he is shouting, he is pounding his way to the front of the crowd and pushing people away. He is an old but muscular man with a bald head) Man: Mans Musa stop all this nonsense not everybody agrees with your point of view and besides, we had peace here until you started making all these your claims about Adonis and Oduduwa. Please get out of here and stop causing confusion. We don’t need a rebel like you. Let God decide who will be king or not. If you don’t have anything better to do with your time, go home and sleep. Mansa Musa: Come and carry me if you don’t like me. I know what I am saying. Man: I should come and carry you? You will see that I will carry you out of here with my bare hands

Mansa Musa: You are not strong enough you this old man Man: See I am here with my children. Young men like you. They will carry you out of here. You are the smoke that is causing fire here. Mansa Musa: You are a toothless bulldog Man: Mighty and strong, carry this man out of here. (At this point, two mean and fierce looking young men come out of the crowd and they carry Mansa Musa. One holds his hands while the other holds his leg. They carry him up in the air while everybody is watching. At this point, the murmuring and low voices seem to increase and there is a sense of appalling tension in the air)

Act 1 Scene 18 (The stage is empty. The only person there is Nefertiti standing all alone. Looking very apprehensive. She seems to be walking up and down. ) Nefertiti: But where could he be? I have been waiting for a long time (At this point Oduduwa comes on the stage beside her and pats her on the shoulder. She looks back and finds out it his him) Nefertiti: Oh you, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you will never come. Oduduwa: I am sorry darling, I almost forgot. I slept off. Nefertiti: How can you forget me? Oduduwa: You Know I can never forget you, Queen of my heart. I just made a mistake. Nefertiti: Move closer and hold me. (At this point, the two lovers hold each other in a tight embrace) Nefertiti: Oduduwa do you know something. Oduduwa: Yes, what is it? My dear. There is nothing I won’t do for you. Nefertiti: I am pregnant for you. Oduduwa: That is wonderfull. Nefertiti: You have just impregnated your father’s wife Oduduwa: Love is everything, and it conquers all. After all, the King will think he is the father. Nefertiti: I am only joking I am not pregnant. I just wanted to see your reaction. Oduduwa: I am not afraid of anything. I will always protect you. Nefertiti: How will you do that?

Oduduwa: Don’t worry, as I told you before, I will soon be king. Nefertiti: How? Oduduwa you must be a joker Oduduwa: You will see as time goes on. Nefertiti: I hope your dreams come true anyway. (As the two of them were talking, Adonis suddenly jumps on stage and shouts at them) Adonis: Oduduwa!!!!! You want to uncover your father’s nakedness. Soon you will lie with all the concubines in the palace. (The two lovers are shocked and move away from each other. They look at him and they are startled) Adonis: I have been looking at the two of you for a long time. You know that there is nothing under the sun that you can hide forever. Oduduwa: What do you mean? I am just trying to tell her a story. Adonis: Stop all those stupid lies you are telling. I will slap your face if you continue like this. I always suspected you and now I know you are just a scoundrel. I am going to tell the King about this. Nothing will prevent me from saying what I saw with my eyes. Oduduwa: Slap me and you will see what will happen. Adonis: I will not fight with you. Your sins will find you out. Oduduwa: Nothing will happen. Adonis: We shall see, I will finish you in this Kingdom!!!!!!!

Act 1 Scene 19 (Iyalode is sitting down on a chair looking very relaxed. She is in a room with all sorts of beautiful carvings all around. Suddenly, she hears a knock on her door. It is loud and defeaning) Iyalode: Yes who is that? Oduduwa: It is your son? Iyalode: Hope no problem Oduduwa: There is a problem mother. Please let me come in Iyalode: Come in my son and tell me what is happening (At this point, he walks in and sits down beside his mother) Oduduwa: Mother I am in big trouble. Iyalode: What is it my son tell me. Oduduwa: You know Nefertiti Iyalode: Yes I know her one of the concubines here Oduduwa: Mother I had an affair with her and just a few minutes ago, Adonis caught the two of us romancing each other. Iyalode: (hitting him on the head) You are a stupid boy. How can you be having an affair with your fathers wife. You are generally a womanizer. Now you have made the King to be suspicious. Oduduwa: Isn’t there anything that can be done about it? Before this conspiracy blows open Mother: Don’t worry. We will just have to move faster. The plan will be executed before anyone knows what is happeing Oduduwa: How? Mother: Don’t worry I am the one masterminding everything. You just wait for your time

Oduduwa: Thank you mother, but act fast and save my neck. Mother: don’t worry my son

Act 1 Scene 20 (It is like a political rally and Mans Musa is standing on a podium and there are many people sitting down ready to listen to him. He clears his voice for some time and then starts talking in a clear, loud voice) Mansa Musa: Citizens of Mecca. Can you hear me? The crowd: Yes we can!!!!! Mans Musa: I called this meeting this morning to make you understand that I am not a rebel but I have the best interest of Mecca at heart. Mansa Musa: I know I am just a magistrate but I have a right to air my views. You see, lamurudu will soon grow old and Mecca needs a new King with vision, dedication and a new dimension to things. Crowd: You are right our son, we are all with you. Mansa Musa: Look at what happened in the land of Nok. Oduduwa solved their problems very easily something I think that Adonis could not do. Crowd: You are right. Mansa Musa: We need somebody like Oduduwa, who will help us to solve our problems. He is a man of divine intelligence and impeccable character. Let us support him to be king. (At this point, everybody in the crowd claps for him)

Act 1 Scene 21 (The great King Lamurudu sits on his throne. His two body guards are standing beside him with swords in their hands. One of them is Toromagbe the conspirationist. Some of his chiefs are beside him and he is drinking palm wine from a large cup in his hands. Hannibal is one of the chiefs that are there and he speaks up ) Hannibal: Oh great King we greet and salute you. You are as wise as the gods of this land. Lamurudu: That is very good. This land has grown stronger all these years with my wisdom. Hannibal: You are one of the wisest Kings of Mecca. King: Thank you for the flattery. But I………………………………… (At this point, the King starts coughing. ). Hanibal: I hope no problem King: No problem, I only feel a little dizzy (As they were talking, Adonis his first born son jumps on the stage looking very excited) Adonis: King you cannot believe what my eyes saw King: What is it my son? You are the next King anyway Adonis: It is that your son Oduduwa, I caught him romancing Nefertiti. In fact from the conversation,l it seems he wants to take over this kingdom from you. Hanibal: How do you know? Adonis: Let us use wisdom here. If you are marrying the King’s wife are you not trying to take over his Kingdom? Lamurudu: I cant believe what you are saying is it……………………………………………

(At this point, the King starts coughing loudly and he even vomits the drink in his mouth). Chiefs: We hope you are alright great king. Lamurudu: I am feeling somehow but I am strong. Continue your story Adonis. Adonis: I am sure Oduduwa is planning something sinister. He has even impreginated Nefertiti. I overheared them talking about it. In fact I caught them red handed. It happened in front of my glaring eyes. Lamurudu: Go and get Oduduwa for me. I need to get him before something else happens. Let my two palace guards go. Toromagbe and Demas go and get him now. Adonis: Send an army after him, he is dangerous. Lamurudu: Don’t worry he is only a stupid boy. I will correct him. (At this point, Toromagbe and Demas leave the stage to get Oduduwa while everybody looks on) Lamurudu: Hurry and be very fast. Hanibal: Our young men nowadays don’t have any discipline. See how they just do anything anyhow. Oduduwa’s womanizing is getting out of hand Lamurudu: I will teach that boy a lesson. Hanibal: Oh King discipline him and banish him from this land. Lamurudu: Anyway, I will see to it. Let us talk about other matters. Where is the report on the taxes collected in our provinces this month. (At this point, one of the chiefs gets up. His name is Uthman. He stands in front of the King with a scroll on his hand). Uthman: I have been waiting for you. The book is in my hand here. Here you can see. You know I don’t mistakes in my account. (the King collects the book from him and looks at it for sometime) Lamurudu: Ah Uthman, you have made a mistake this time around. You did not record the land of Nok. Why? Uthman: I am sorry my Lord. The people I sent there did not get back on time. Lamurudu: Be more careful next time, you know taxation is a part of our economy. Uthman: I am very sorry great Chief. I will try and include the Land of Nok Lamurudu: Now you know I am organizing a great festival very soon, I honour of…… ….. (At this point, the King falls to the ground and starts rolling all over the place. The chiefs, Adonis and everybody is worried they are at a loss of what to do) Hanibal: Adonis, get some water and pour it on the king.

(Adonis complies immediately and pours water on him but this does not help him. He rolls all over the floor, yells loudly and then he lies still like a dead man) Adonis: (With tears all over his face). Father!! Father!! Father!!! Wake up. (Hanibal and the other chiefs surround him. Hanibal puts his ears on his heart and tries to resusicate him but it is all to no avail. He lies as dead as a log of wood) Hanibal: The king is dead!!! The King is dead!!!!. Somebody is behind all this mess. Somebody has to pay for this!!!!!!!!!!! Adonis: Oduduwa must have something to do with this, he was telling Nefertiti he wanted to take over Mecca. Let us send an army after him. Two men are not strong enough. The conspiracy must be running very deeply. Uthman: He is right, in fact everybody is a suspect. We are going to deal with this decisively. We will mobilize the soldiers all over mecca but first we will have to get Oduduwa. He has a long story to tell. (All the chiefs look on in sorrow and there is pandemonium everywhere)

Act 1 Scene 22 (Two men are walking across the stage with the large spears in their hands. They are toromagbe and Demas. They walk along for sometime and then toromagbe sits down in the middle of the stage) Demas: Let us go, we have to get oduduwa on time. You know this is a very important assignment. Toromagbe: I know but let us rest for sometime. Demas: okay we will sit down but it will not be for long. (At this point, Demas sits down beside him) Toromagbe: Demas, I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something about Oduduwa that nobody knows. Demas: What is it? Toromabge: Come closer to me and let me say it into your ears (At this point, Demas puts his ears closer to him but this is a deception. As he is talking to him. Toromagbe brings out a knife and stabs him in the heart. He lies on the floor. Writhing in a pool of his blood) Toromagbe: Here take that. You will never get me in trouble you this moroon. Demas: is this how you repay me your best friend. If I survive this, I will get back at you. Toromagbe: You will never survive this. You are going to meet your fore fathers today.

(At this point, he stabs him repeatedly with his long spear until he is sure he is dead.) Toromagbe: Now I can cover myself let me get to oduduwa as fast as possible. (He carries his body to the back of the stage, buries him and then runs outside the stage) Toromagbe: (running) Let me go about my business on time.

Act 1 Scene 23 (It is Iyalode’s room as usual and she is sitting down with her son beside her. The two of them seem engrossed in a conversation and then Toromagbe knocks on the door with all his might) Iyalode: Toromagbe, is that you? Please come inside and tell me what is happening (At this point, Toromagbe comes in as fast as possible. He sits down beside the two of them and then he starts talking.) Toromagbe: Ah!! I thank God Oduduwa is here. Things are getting out of hand. Iyalode: What exactly is going on? Toromagbe: You see I managed to poison the King Iyalode: that was very good but what about Adonis? Did you eliminate him Toromagbe: Stop interrupting me. I tried to poison Adonis but did not succed. In fact I was nearly caught. Iyalode: What about the King? Toromagbe: Yeah! I was coming to that. The King had a meeting with the chiefs today and I poisoned the drink. But I am not sure if he was dead. Iyalode: Why?

Toromagbe: This is because as the meeting was going on, Adonis came to report that Oduduwa and Nefertiti were having an affair and because of this, Lamurudu and Adonis were suspicious and told me to come and get you. Look, I guess the King is dead now and it is better we run away before we are caught. You see I was sent with another person to get you but I killed the person on the way so as to cover me and yourselves. The whole royal Government will be after us now and it will be better we run away. Iyalode: To where? Toromagbe: Anywhere, just let us get out of here before we are caught. Iyalode: but we can wait for sometime. Toromagbe: You know what, let us run to Mansa Musa’s place. From there we can run anywhere. Oduduwa: Let us start running now. (At this point, the three of them jump out of the stage and the stage is empty. The stage stays empty for sometime and then some soldiers enter the place. They are like 20 in number and they are heavily armed. The name of their leader is Akhenaton. A tall muscular man) Akhenaton: Where is Oduduwa. I thought he is always in his mothers house. First Soldier: He is not here let us check his place near the royal palace. This young man must be brought to justice. Akhenaton: Let us go boys. We have to be very fast. (At this point, the other soldiers leave the palace)

Act 1 Scene 24 Mansa Musa is sitting down in his house. He is in the middle of the floor with his supporters around him. They are all heavily armed with swords. After sometime, He stands up in order to address his followers. He seems to be exhorting them Mansa Musa: Now Abdulah, come here (At this point, one of his supporters gets up and stands in front of him) Abhdulah: I am here sir. Mansa Musa: Did you succeed in getting inside the weapons store. Abdulah: No I didn’t so I don’t think we have any weapons left Mansa Musa: Then we are in trouble, we have to leave Mecca before we are caught. By now, the King may be dead if Toromagbe has succeeded in his mission. It is better we leave Mecca now before it is too late Abdulah: But where…………………………………………………………………………….

(As he is talking, Toromagbe, Oduduwa and his mother enter inside looking very nervous) Mansa Musa: So what is happening now, I hope everything is okay. Toromagbe: I killed the king but they seem to have discovered the fact that something is going on. It is better we mobilize now. Mansa Musa: Mobilize for what? We do not even have enough weapons we could not get into the armory store. So it is better we leave Mecca now. (As they were talking, a group of soldiers suddenly burst into the scene, they are about 20 in number. They are armed to the teeth and are led by Akhenaton. Akhenaton: oduduwa, there you are, you can run but you cannot hide. Mansa Musa: Come my people, let us fight to the last. (At last, a fight breaks out and Mansa Musa, Oduduwa and his followers fight with the soldiers of Mecca. It is a bloody fight anyway with several men lying in a pool of their blood. Many people on the side of Mansa Musa die but Mansa Musa, Oduduwa and a handful of his supporters manage to run away from the stage before the fight ends. Some soldiers are captured anyway).

Act 1 Scene 25 (This is the King’s palace and this time around, Adonis is on the throne together with his chiefs since Lamurudu is dead. As they are sitting on the throne, some soldiers come in front of Adonis with some captives in front of them.) Adonis: Akhenaton, where is Oduduwa, didn’t you capture him? Akhenaton: We did not, he managed to escape but we captured some of his soldiers. We will soon interrogate them for more information. Adonis: Bring the soldiers and let me see. (At the point, the soldiers of Akhenaton bring some captives in front of the King. They are all tied with ropes around their hands and feet) Akhenaton: This are the rebel soldiers. Adonis: (He pauses for a while and looks at them). But oduduwa is not here. We still have to capture him and his followers because he is very dangerous and conniving. Send all the soldiers after them.

Akhenaton: Yes my Lord, some of the soldiers are after them already. In fact, troops have been mobilized throughout the whole kingdom to capture them wherever they are found. Adonis: That is very good. We must end all sorts of rebellion in Mecca. I must rest safely on this throne. Nobody is going to take my throne away from me.

Act 1 Scene 26 (A few soldiers. About three in number are bringing a man on stage. He is tied both hands and feet. His name is Toromagbe. The soldiers make nonsense of his muscular frame as they toss him from side to side. Akhenaton: Toromagbe, I never knew you were a traitor. So you have been plotting against the King all along. Toromagbe: Please let me explain. Akhenaton: Explain what? Shut up!!!!!!! (At this point, he gives him a heavy slap across his face) Akhenaton: So explain and tell the truth. What do you know about the King’s death. Who was responsible. Toromagbe: I don’t know my Lord. This is just a mistake, I was set up.

Akhenaton: Boys deal with him. It is as if he is not ready to tell the truth. (At this point, one of the soldiers give him a blow in the stomach and he feels weak an screams in agony) Akhenaton: Now, are you ready to tell the truth? Akhenaton: Okay I know very little about it. Akhenaton: Boys deal with him again!!!!!!!!!!! (At this point, one of the soldiers hit him on the head with a heavy piece of metal and he lies sprawling on the floor with blood coming out from his head) Toromagbe: Okay I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Akhenaton: Speak now before we do away with your life. (He manages to get up and sits down on a chair with pain written all over his face) Toromagbe: Okay………………………………..Okay…….. (At this point, Akhenaton gives him a very dirty slap on the face) Toromagbe: Abeg now, please have mercy on me I cannot talk because of the pain on my body Akhenaton: Talk before I send you to your forefathers. Toromagbe: It was Oduduwa’s mother that started the plan. I was supposed to poison the King (Akhenaton gives him another dirty slap on his face) Akhenaton: So you were the one that killed the king Toromagbe: Yes, I was but please forgive me. Akhenaton: Shut up!!!!!!. You have a thousand and one stories to tell!!!! You better start talking now. Toromagbe: Okay, Mansa Musa was also part of the plan and……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………..(As they were talking, the curtain closes and the next stage starts)

Act 1 Scene 27 (The scene is a busy market place full of life and activity as people seem to be buying and selling at a frantic pace. As the market is going on, suddenly, an arrow flies into the stage and kills one on of the market women. A band of armed men come into the place heavily armed with bows, spears and arrows. At this point, everybody keeps quiet as the woman lies dead on the floor and the warriors look frightening. They are led by Oduduwa and Mansa Musa who look even more frightening. They stay in the middle while the soldiers ransack everywhere)

Mansa Musa: Stop!!!! All of you. We are the revolutionary soldiers. Surrender everything in your possessions. Your goods and foodstuffs and everything. We give you little time or else we will kill all of you. Oduduwa: We mean every word of what we are saying. (At this point, the soldiers start carrying away all the goods they can find) Oduduwa: Now everybody close your eyes and lie flat on the floor until we leave this place. (At this point, one of the market women summon up courage, gets up and talks) Market Woman: Please Oduduwa don’t do this to us. We all supported you all along. (Oduduwa moves to the side of the woman and gives him a dirty slap. It makes the woman to fall down flat) Oduduwa: We need these goods to escape from Mecca. We have been overpowered. So don’t talk to me about being a hero or anything. Mansa Musa: Boys, have you carried all the goods you can. Soldeirs: Yes we have Mansa Musa: Okay, let us go. (At this point, Oduduwa, Mansa Musa and all the other soldiers leave the stage while the bewirlded crowd looks on.

Act 2 Scene 1 (Oduduwa, Mansa Musa, Iyalode and all the other soldiers are moving across the stage and they look apprehensive and at the same time tired. After sometime, all of them stop and sit down looking a little confused) Mansa Musa: We all cannot stop here, even though we are a far distance from Mecca, Oduduwa: I know but let us rest a little bit, after all, we don’t even know where we are going. We are just wondering all over the place in this far distant jungle. Mansa Musa: Let us think of getting away from the soldiers first of all. If we are captured, our fate will be worse. At this stage, survival is the most important thing.

Oduduwa: What about the food supplies we captured from the market place. Is it finished or is there anything left. One of the soldiers: We still have some food left. Oduduwa: How long can it last. One of the soldiers: It can only last at most 2 weeks so we have to find somewhere to stay at least for some time. Oduduwa: Well, we will figure a way out of this crisis. Let us pray to our gods to save us from this predicament we find ourselves in.

Act 2 Scene 2 (Here some soldiers come on stage. One side wearing ibo attire and the other side wearing Yoruba attire. They all seem ready for war and without notice, they attack each other. The Leader of the Igbo army is Chukwu while the leader of the Yoruba army is Adigun) Adigun: where are all you people from? Do you think you can conquer our father land like that? Chukwu: Our King Amadioha is the greatest of all, we are going to make you our slaves Adigun: That is impossible. Our great Kingdom cannot be conquered like that. Chukwu: We shall see, let the war begin.

(At this point, the two soldiers engage themselves in a serious fight. The Igbo people triumph at the end of the day. They kill all the Yoruba soldiers in combat and only one or two of them manage to escape. Some of the soldiers are also taken prisoner and at this point, the soldiers start jubilating and shouting) Chukwu: Yes my great people of Igbo land, we are going to make our people great and enslave this Yoruba people. Soldiers: Yes that is already happening. These people are in trouble with us. We will create our own Igbo empire.

Act 2 Scene 3 (This is the court of the King of Yoruba Land. He is dressed like an Oba of the Yorubas and his chiefs are sitting in front of him. He looks apprehensive as well as his chiefs. They all look tense. As they are still siting down, a man comes in looking haggard, weary and with wounds all over his body. He seems to have been running for a long time and then he postrates in front of the King. The name of the man is Ladi. Ladi: Kabiyesi O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! King: Good day my dear son, how is the battle front. I hope Edumare has given us victory. We cannot afford to loose this war again.

Ladi: May the gods strike your enemies dead. The last battle we fought was terrible, we were totally defeated and only very few of us have escaped to tell the story. In fact those Igbo soldiers are so terrible, they look like demons in human form. King: (putting his hands on his head). Mogbe O!!! I am in trouble. What will I tell the people of Ile Ife or even Yoruba land. One of the chiefs: Don’t be afraid o King, the our forefathers will be on our side. We shall overcome at the end of the day. King: I remember when my father used to tell me about our fight with Mecca and how we were enslaved but the tide turned in our favor and we won the war at last. I hope this war will not last that long. First it was Mecca and now it is the Igbo. One of the chiefs: What do we do about this?. Maybe we should go and call the Ifa priest, he will be in a better position to tell us what the gods have to say. Ladi: my Lord, only he can help us now.

Act 2 Scene 4 As usual, the King is sitting on his throne with his chiefs and serene Yoruba music is playing in the background. As they are sitting down, a short funny man comes on stage and postrates before the King. His name is Alapomeji. King: Alapomeji, what is it today? Why are you looking so excited. Did you win a large sum of cowrie? Alapomeji: No my Lord, the chief priest is here at last King: Where is he? Alapomeji: He is waiting at the door. King: Let him come in.

(At this point, Alapomeji runs outside the stage and comes back with the Chief Priest walking right beside him) Chief Priest: Good day King, I heared that you summoned me before your presence. What is it for? King: You know now, the war that is going on is terrible, we are loosing. So we need to hear what the gods are saying. Chief Priest: now let me bring out my oracle. (At this point, he brings out something that looks like a horn from his pouch and puts it in front of him. There is a lot of smoke in this horn and it expands to the whole room and chokes almost everybody inside including the king. When the somke is all over the room, he starts chanting an incantation) Chief Priest: Hear me o my fore fathers Hear me O gods of the land The wind said to the sea Where is the source of your power And the sea said I will show So the sea became a flood Scaterring the wind away O my fore fathers Show us the source of the power Let it be known today That the real King is hear I put my ear to the ground I put my Kolanut in the air When shall we know the mysteries Of the Tree of trouble Answer us my fore fathers. And let the wind understand the sea. (At this point, the King himself is postrate all over the floor. He is choking from the fumes of the smoke) King: Oh I hope I do not die!!!. The fumes are choking me to death. O Priest stop this thing and don’t kill us.

Chief Preist: I cannot stop what destiny says or delay the will of the gods!!!!!!!! (At this point, the chiefs themselves lie postrate with fear and intimidation. There is palpable tension in the air and then a mysterious voice speaks from the background. Nobody knows who the person is but it speaks anyway) Voice: Now you know the ways of the great ones For I usher in a new age An age of greatness for the Yorubas But this King shall not take you to your destiny He must go with this time Now let me rest in peace AH AH Ah………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. Chief Priest: Now that you have said it all Maybe you can go to the rivers of the gods And rest with your people For even the sun bows before you King of our land Greet your spirits for me. Voice: I will go And I will come Come back again To see you again (At this point, the Chief Priest puts the horn in his bag and the smoke disappears from the stage. Much to the relief of everybody except the Chief Priest himself who looks unruffled despite everything going on) King: I nearly died with fear. Who was that? Chief Priest: Don’t fear remain valiant and strong. I was surprised myself. It is one of the gods of the land. He is Orunmila the King of the gods King: I have never experienced something like this before.

Chief Priest: I never expected it myself. I was surprised when he showed up. I just wanted to practice some cheap form of divination. King: So what did he say? I was not really listenining. Chief Preist: What he aid is loaded with meaning. It does not totally favour you. King: What is it? Me and all the chiefs want to listen. Chief Priest: The spirit said, I will quote him word for word. For I usher in a new age. An age of greatness for the Yorubas. But this King shall not take you to your destiny. He must go with this time King: I don’t really understand what does that mean? Chief Priest: I know the meaning but the gods have told me not to tell anybody. Any way I will also give you my own riddle. “When a new wind is blowing that will set the people free, then the old King has to die and a child will reign instead” King: Now I think I understand you Priest, are you trying to say that I must be dethroned in order for us Oyo people to win the war? Chief Priest: I have not said that directly but you can decipher it yourself. I must be on my way now. The ground is going to shake in this land. (At this point, the Chief Priest leaves the stage while the chiefs and the King look on in awe and confusion)

Act 2 Scene 5 (The king is on his throne as usual with his chiefs surrounding him. They are all looking as if they are expecting somebody and rightly they are expecting someone. He comes in anyway in front of them and he looks equally as pensive as they do. His name is Olokun and he is a tall and stout man) Olokun: Kabiyesi, you are the great king, may you live long on our shores and may your reign last as long as the sun in the skies. King: Thank you for all your flattery my dear son but what is happening within Oyo, Ife-Ife and everywhere in Yoruba land and in the war front in general. Olokun: Ah my King, the situation is very terrible. There is famine everywhere in the land as the invading army has blocked our food supply and we are gradually loosing this war. Soon they might capture us and make everybody to be slaves.

King: God forbid bad thing. One of the chiefs: I think I have an idea King: What is the idea. One of the chiefs: I think the chief priest could be behind all these. King: I am beginning to think so, you see he was saying the other time that I will have to die in order to win the war. One of the chiefs: Exactly, I believe he is a traitor on the side of the Igbo people. He is only saying that because he has an ulterior motive maybe he wants to be the king or he wants to betray us to the Igbo people. King: That could be true. In fact he might know something that everybody does not know. Let us go and get him here. One of the chiefs: Yes I think so. Let us go before he cause more havoc. He is a green snake under a green grass.

Act 2 Scene 6 (A man is sitting in front of a small hut with all sorts of occultic paranephalia hanging all over his hut. He seems to be sleeping when a man knocks at the door of his hut. At this point, he wakes up from sleep as if he is startled) Chief Priest: come in who is that? Olokun: It is from the King, we have come to visit you concerning everything that is happening. Chief Priest: So you have finally come back again. I thought you had decided to ignore me. Olokun: How can we ignore you? Messenger of the gods. You wisdom is as bright as the stars in the skies and insight like Solomon himself Chief Priest: So what can I do for you?

Olokun: You are needed in the palace. Chief Priest: You mean it? Olokun: Where can you go without your wisdom, you messenger of the gods. Your white hair indicates wisdom that is unsurpassed by anyone anywhere. Come to the palace and save us from disaster Chief Priest: Okay, I will go but not everything I say will be pleasant Olokun: Okay, whatever it is you have to say, just come along your help is needed. (At this point, Olokun follows the Chief Priest out of the stage in a hurry).

Act 2 Scene 7 (The king is on his throne as usual with all his chiefs surrounding him. There are two soldiers beside the throne looking fierce and mean with all sorts of dangerous weapons on their body. As they are sitting down, Olokun enters the place with the Chief Priest) Kabiyesi: olokun, you are back at last. What took you so long. Olokun: kabiyesie OO!!!. I am sorry great king, you know his house is far away from this place. King: Anyway, let us go straight to business. It is concerning what is going on. Chief Priest: What is going on?

King: I mean about this divination you made the other day, what were you really saying? Chief Priest: What I will say will not be pleasant. King: say it, we are all ears we need your wisdom. Chief Priest: Well I will not talk in parables again, but I will speak the truth. King: So what is the truth? Chief Priest: Well, the truth is that this war will be won on only one condition King: what is the condition? Chief Priest: You have to step down from the throne and another person will take over. As long as you remain on that throne, there will be no end to the war. King: so who will take over? Chief Priest: A stranger from a distant land. I don’t know his name. King: Can you see all my subjects, can you see. This man is using his position as a priest to overthrow me and become King himself. Chief Priest: What do you mean? I am saying what the gods are saying. King: Traitor!!!! Traitor!!! Traitor!!!!, see what he is trying to do. In times of war and famine, you are trying to start your own trouble. May Edumare punish you for all your bad deeds. Olokun: I support you in this matter. Let the soldiers arrest him. King: You can hear what the king has to say. Arrest him and take him to the prison. Soldiers: Yes our great king. (At this point, the Chief Priest attempts to run away but it is to no avail. The soldiers seize him and drag him in front of the king.) Soldiers: Where should we take him? Should we cut off his head? Chief Priest: No, don’t just take him to prison. He has many questions to answer he is not the only one behind this conspiracy. (At this point, the soldiers drag him to the back of the stage)

Act 2 Scene 8 (It is the market place. Several people are in the market with the market women. This time around there is no noise in the market. Everybody looks quiet and some of the people look thin and hungry wearing very sad faces. The market women sit down with empty baskets as they have nothing to sell. Everybody wears a sad and forlorn look. As everybody is in this state of mind, a man comes into the middle of the market and starts talking. His name is Akinlolu)

Akinlolu: People of Oyo, how long shall we continue to live in hunger. There is no food anywhere. Even in the market place. We will die of hunger. One of the market women: There is even no food to sell, so the cowry is now useless. Our young men are also dying in the war. In fact, my youngest son is now dead. Ifedayo died yesterday on the city wall. Akinlolu: You mean the soldiers are now on the city wall? One of the market women: Yes they are, in fact, they will soon invade this city if the gods do not intervene. Akinlolu: Even me a man, I am afraid. Our King is a coward and has no wisdom. He does not have the ability to lead us out of this mess. Me I don’t want to perish along with my children. One of the market women: This is one of the days I wish I never saw in my life. Akinlolu: Look at that boy over there. He is dying of hunger(At this point, he points to a boy at the corner of the stage. The boy looks very thin and frail. He is sitting down looking very despondent) Akinlolu: Young man, what is your name? Okiki: My name is Okiki…… Akinlolu: Can you please come and meet me here? Okiki: I am too tired sir, I have not eaten for 7 days now and I can barely walk for a moment. Please let me rest Akinlolu: Can you see what I mean? A lot of our children are like this. Maybe we old men and children should also go to war as we desperately need to win this war. Even our women need to learn how to fight before we all perish One of the market women: Women can never go to war. It is against our culture and tradition here in Yoruba land. It is an abomination. (At this point, another market woman beside her stands up and pushes her aside. She is a very short but stout woman with facial marks of the Yoruba people. Her name is Orisabunmi) Orisabunmi: What does tradition have to do with this? All that matters is the survival of our race. We will all perish here. The elders say “it does not matter if it is a man or woman that kills a snake the most important thing is that the snake is dead” Akinlolu: You people of Oyo, do you agree with her?. Maybe our women and children should go to war. Everybody: Yes we think so, let us fight for the survival of our kingdom. Generations after us will not forgive us if they learn that they are slaves because we there fore fathers let them down and lost the war. Let us go and join the soldiers!!!!!! Akinlolu: Yes o!!!, everybody let us go.

Everybody: Oyo ilu ola Oyo lati toro Oyo Ilu Ola Oyo Ilu Baba wa Dad loma wa titi lai lai Aije be ma fie je mi rubo Awon Osa a wo e O ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Act 2 Scene 9 (A man is sitting on his throne dressed in the attire of an igbo chief. The name of the king of Igbo land is Amadioha. He has soldiers surrounding him and some chiefs are sitting around his throne. A man sitting in front of the throne is playing an African flute with joy on his face. Some other people are sitting round his throne wearing Igbo attire)

The Chiefs: Igwe, Otutu Oma oooo. We great you o great chief.

King Amadioha: Greetings o great chief. (At this point, one of the chiefs stand up. His name is Ifeanyi) Ifeanyi: Igwe, you will not only conquer a few lands, you will conquer distant lands far from us and you will even conquer the moon and the sun. You will be known far and wide by people that are distant from you. King Amadioha: Stop flattering me young man. We have not even finished fighting all our wars. I am only a human being like anybody else. Ifeanyi: Don’t worry, you have won even before you start fighting. You are the conqueror of the sun, moon, stars and everywhere. King Amadioha: Okay, let us hope indeed………………………………………. (As he is talking, the king is suddenly interrupted by a man who comes on stage. He stands tall and proud. He is the commandant of the army and his name is Chukwu) King Amadioha: So how is the war going? Chukwu: All well and good but we have not totally invaded the city. King Amadioha: Then why are you here. Go back to the war front. Chukwu: Wait a minute great King. I brought some captives here. King Amadioha: Then let me see my new slaves. (At this point, Chukwu whistles and some soldiers come into stage holding some men and women in chains. They drag their prisoners along like a sack of bag on the ground. The soldiers held a whip with which they used to cane the prisoners mercilessly. As they come on stage, the chiefs and the King himself look at them with admiration) Chukwu: These are our prisoner’s sir. King Amadioha: You have done well, we will sacrifice some of them to the gods. And some of the women will become our concubines. Chukwu: That is right O great King. In fact I have brought the head of one of the warriors here. Ifeanyi: Well then, let us see. (At this point, Chukwu carries a basket beside him and brings out the head of a young man from the basket. He hands it to the chiefs who gives it to the king. This makes the King to be excited as he carries the head high up in the air and makes a triumphant laugh. At this point, all the soldiers and chiefs postrate for him and hail him) Chiefs and Soldiers: Igwe!!!! The mighty one with power and glory. May you reign as long as the sun and may you trample your enemies under foot. Amadioha: I will yet conquer many lands. I will be the greatest King of you Igbo people.

Act 2 Scene 10 (The scene is tumultuous and exciting. Everybody seems to be making noise. Some war captives are paraded in front of everybody with chains in their hands. A crowd of people are sitting there watching them with excitement. Most of the people are dressed in the traditional attire of the Igbo people. Some soldiers are standing in front of the war captives. The soldiers and the war captives are standing on an elevated platform above the people. In front of the soldiers is a tall muscular man that is half naked. He seems to have a commanding presence about him and this is true as the moment he shouts at them, they all keep quiet. The man’s name is Okonkwo.) Okonkwo: Igbo kwenu Crowd: Eh!!!! Okonkwo: Igbo kwenu Crowd: Eh!!!!!! Okonkwo: Good day my fellow igbo people. We are here to sacrifice to Tochukwu our god of war. He has made us to win many battles Crowd: Igbo kwenu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okonkwo: My fellow igbo brothers, here standing in front of you are out prisoners of war Crowd: Igbo kwenu!!!!!! Otutu oma!!!! Okonkwo: Here today the palm wine will flow aplenty along with the blood of our enemies and this will make our forefathers to be happy. Crowd: You are right o okonkwo. Your words touch the ground, like the rain touches the ground. Okonkwo: Now we are going to give their blood to the gods so that the spirits can feed on their blood. Crowd: Igbo Kwenu!!!!, Igbo Kwenu!!!!, Igbo Kwenu!!!!, Igbo Kwenu!!!!, Igbo Kwenu!!!! Okonkwo: Now soldiers kill all of them so that they can go and meet the gods in the spirit world!!!!! (At this point, the crowd is in ecstacy and the soldiers draw out their swords and stab the prisoners one by one. Blood flows like water in a stream all over the place they are standing and the sight of blood seems to get the crowd excited. The crowd breaks out into a song as the prisoners lie dead all over the place.)

Crowd: Oh Amadioha great King

You have given us great victory On this land shall be shed The blood of our enemies Men shall come From to and fro To see the majesty of our land Blood, gold everywhere These are the gains of war!!!!!!!!! Okonkwo: Yes my people we shall kill many more and make Igbo land a great kingdom.

Act 2 Scene 11 (A man is standing in the middle of the court with chains in his hands. Some soldiers are surrounding him but they are all lying down and looking sleepy and drowsy. The man in the centre stage is the Chief Priest wearing his usual occultic dress. The man is lying down like the soldiers but after sometime he gets up and manages to unlock the chains in his hands. He looks around and luckily the soldiers are sleeping.) Chief Priest: This is my great chance to escape from this place. I have found favor with the gods. Let me run away from here before the King kills me for telling the truth. (At this point, he looks around, sees a sword lying on the ground, picks it up and runs away from the stage. The soldiers are still sleeping while all this is going on and do not notice when he had escaped. They continue to sleep long after he has left the stage. After sometime, one of the soldiers gets up and wakes the other guy up) First soldier: Wake up young man, you have been asleep for too long. You know we have a job to do. Second Soldier(Yawning): You know say body no be wood. Man must sleep, I am not a horse abeg no disturb me. First soldier: You know you are here to guard a prisoner Second Soldier: Yes I do. First Soldier: Let us even see if he is there. (At this point, the two of them walk to the center of the stage and to their dismay, the Chief Priest has escaped. The two soldiers are confused and disillusioned.)

First Soldier: What shall we tell the King? Second Soldier: I don’t know. We are finished. Our carelessness has destroyed us. We even forgot to tie the chains properly the man just ran away. First Soldier: Do you blame him? If you were in his shoes, you will do the same thing. First and Second Soldier together: A tigbe, A ti daran!!! Ye pari pa!!!!!! (They kneel down in the centre of the stage and look confused and lost)

Act 2 Scene 12 (It is the king of Yoruba land dressed in all his regalia with the chiefs surrounding him. The two soldiers are by his side and they look fierce and mean. There is an unusual silence for some time and then the King speaks up) King: Why are all of you here quiet? Chiefs: The sun does not shine at night and the rain does not fall every time. So the mouth does not talk except when it is needed. King: Anyway I don’t understand your proverb. But that is beside the point anyway, I will like to see that Chief Priest our prisoner. Let somebody go and get the guards for me. One of the guards: okay I will go. (The guard leaves the stage and soon returns with the two soldiers meant to guard the prisoners. The prison guards get in front of the king and bows down before him) The two guards: kabiyesi O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The King: So where is the chief Priest we left in with you. The two guards: (kneeling down) Our great King, please don’t be angry, the prisoner escaped from our hands. The King: You men are idiots. I always thought so, maybe you are part of the conspiracy. The two of you deserve to die. Guards arrest and kill them. The two guards: Please sir!!! We are sorry. Nobody is above mistakes. Please have mercy on us. (At this point, the two guards guarding the king take the men and drag them away to the back of the stage while the chiefs look on)

Act 2 Scene 13 (We are now back to Oduduwa and his entourage. They are all sitting down on the floor looking exhausted and despondent. They also look weary as they have walked for a long time. Oduduwa and Mansa Musa are sitting down in the middle of all of them with the soldiers surrounding them. They seem quiet for sometime and then Mansa Musa speaks up) Mansa Musa: Is there any food left for all of us I hope it has not run dry. One of the soldiers: We have very little food left. In fact, I think we will starve to death if we do not get any food soon. Mansa Musa: Eh Eledumare, we are finished where are we going to get help from (Just as he is talking, a man stumbles inside the stage. It is the Chief Priest. He looks a little haggard and tires but still manages to walk) Oduduwa: Where is this man from?. Let some of the soldiers arrest him. Mansa Musa: Don’t be so harsh on him. He just got here a few minutes ago. We need to know what brought him here. Oduduwa: okay let us at least question him. We can at least try and find out what brought him here. Let somebody bring him in front of one of us here. (At this point, one of the soldiers gets up and drags him in front of Oduduwa and Mansa Musa. He stands in front of them looking frail and in need of food) Mansa Musa: Gentleman, where are you from and what brought you here? Chief Priest: Ah it is a long story, somebody should please give me something to eat. Mansa Musa: We have little left but we will give you something. Let somebody put something in front of this young man. (At this point, one of the soldiers puts some Akara and loaf of bread in front of him. The man eats the food as if he has never eaten before all his life and this gives him some energy to talk) Oduduwa: Now tell us what brought you here. Chief Priest: It is Yoruba land my brother. Oduduwa: Yoruba land? That is interesting. That is where my mother comes from Chief Priest: Ah so we have a lot in common. Anyway let me tell you everything. Oduduwa: Go ahead and talk. Chief Priest: You see there is a war going on between the Yoruba and the Igbo. The Yoruba are loosing the war and dying of starvation. Mansa Musa: But they should have consulted you, you should have some message from the gods.

Chief Priest: That is what they said but what the gods revealed to me was not what they wanted to hear Oduduwa: So what did the gods say. Chief Priest: Well, the gods said that the King had to die and another one enthroned before we could win the war. Otherwise they will be enslaved. Oduduwa: Well, that is a difficult thing to say. Chief Priest: You are right. In fact, they thought I was lying and I was saying that because I wanted to be the King myself so the King arrested me for treason because he thougt I was dangerous. Mansa Musa: So how come you are here and not in prison? Chief Priest: Praise be to the gods, I managed to escape from the guards and now I am wondering about until I stumbled on you people. Oduduwa: We are brothers together then Chief Priest: What do you mean? Oduduwa: We are wanderers like you. Chief Priest: That makes us two in one but why is such a large entourage of people moving about. Oduduwa: Okay I was chased away from Mecca because I was trying to take over the kingdom. I had to leave or else my brother will kill me. Chief Priest: so you were once a prince of Mecca? Oduduwa: Yes I was. But I was not the firstborn. I guess I was over stepping my boundary and now I have learnt my lesson. Chief Priest: Well that was the past there is nothing that can be done about that now. Oduduwa: But can you do me a favour. Chief Preist: What is the favour? Oduduwa: Maybe you can consult the gods for us as we are in dire need of help. Chief Priest: okay not now, I will do it tomorrow. Oduduwa: Okay take your rest now. But it will be a serious business tomorrow. We really need help from the gods. Chief Priest: Okay, I promise you I will not fail tomorrow.

Act 2 Scene 14 (Oduduwa, Mansa Musa and Oduduwa’s mother sit in front of the Chief Priest. The Chief Priest this time around is dressed in all sorts of fetish paranephelia as he stands in front of them. He holds a horn in his hands and starts talking to them) Chief Priest: You people want me to consult the gods for you. The three of them: yes Chief Priest: But for what? The three of them: We have no where to settle down and we have no food to eat. Our food will soon finish. We want you to show us what we should do next. Chief Priest: Okay, I will show you. (At this point, the chief Priest brings out his horn and starts chanting incantations) Oh may the gods be roused from their dwelling place May the earth shake at their might Homeless and lost they are Let them not despair Oduduwa and his people Begging for your mercy. (There is a short silence for sometime and then a smoke comes out from no where. The whole stage is full of smoke as the whole artmosphere becomes tense. Suddenly, a voice starts speaking although nobody knows where it is coming from) Voice: Oduduwa!!! Oduduwa!!! Oduduwa!!!! Hear my voice and speak Hear my voice and repeat Wake up Wake up You sleeping giant. Wake up because now is the time You shall become a legend You shall deliver the Yoruba It is you I have chosen Gird your lions and go to Oyo

Gird your lions and go to ile ife For you are the great king of Yoruba land Oduduwa go in your might AH AH AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………………………………………………………………………. (At this point, the smoke gradually disappears and the atmosphere seems normal again. All of them are lying on the floor in apparent fear and then the Chief Priest manages to speak up to douse the tension in the air) Chief Priest: So you now heard what the gods are saying Oduduwa: That what? Chief Priest: So you were not listening all along. Oduduwa: I was but I did not totally understand everything. Chief Priest: Well, the gods say that you are the one that has been chosen to deliver the Yoruba people from war, bondage, imminent defeat and hunger. Oduduwa: I can try but it will be hard. I am a trained prince of Mecca and I am well schooled in the arts of war and in tacticall manourvers. My small band of soldiers can help to turn defeat into victory. Chief Priest: I believe the gods will empower you. Go and just believe in yourself Oduduwa: The gods have given me a great task but I will try my best. Chief Priest: Don’t worry I will divine for you and get more information from the spirit world. Oduduwa: What about our immediate problems Chief Priest: What immediate problems? Oduduwa: I mean our food supply will soon run out. We need food badly. Chief Priest: Don’t worry maybe I will consult the gods about that also. Oduduwa: Always the gods, can’t you think of something constructive and meaninfull? Chief Priest: Like what? Oduduwa: anything just about anything. Chief Priest: Just go to sleep don’t worry, everything will be allright.

Oduduwa: I will say you said so

Act 2 Scene 15 (At this point, there is nobody on the stage. Oduduwa is sleeping alone on a mat with his friend Mansa Musa and the Chief Priest sleeping close to him. They are sleeping when suddenly a thick smoke fills the room and a shining white figure emerges out of the smoke. This makes all of them to wake up and they are all startled and afraid. The figure stands in front of them for some time and then he starts talking) Spirit: Ah!!! Good day dear Oduduwa. You are the chosen one Oduduwa: I don’t know what you mean. Spirit: Go in your power and liberate your people. You are the next King of Yoruba land Oduduwa: How is that going to be possible Spirit: Don’t worry as from on, you will have all sorts of powers. You can command anything and it will happen. I will give you powers you never knew you had. That is why your name is called Oduduwa the mystical name no one understands. Oduduwa: I am scared and at the same time excited. Spirit: Now come closer, let me bless you, because you are the anointed one. (At this point, Oduduwa moves closer to the spirit and kneels down in front of him. The spirits places his hands on his head and blesses him. The prayer goes on for a short time)

Spirit: Now, receive the power, receive the power of the gods. You shall not be a mere mortal anymore You shall be great And generations shall celebrate Your ascent to divinity So you are Mystery of the gods Oduduwa (As all this is going on, the chief priest and Mansa Musa look on in awe and wonder what will happen next.They don’t have to wonder for long anyway as a little while after, the spirit brings out a seed and a black object and then walks out of the stage with the smoke following him. At this stage, Oduduwa falls on the stage for

sometime. This makes Mansa Musa and the Chief Priest to move near him in order to try and revive him. ) Chief Priest: Wake up Oduduwa, are you still alive? Mansa Musa: Wake up my dear friend. (After some time, Oduduwa wakes up and starts talking) Oduduwa: I am still alive my brothers. Chief Preist and Mansa Musa: We thank God. Oduduwa: You know what, I can feel my hands vibrating right now. Mansa Musa: Maybe you are feelling sick. Oduduwa: No, I think something is flowing out of my hand like a river. Chief Priest: The gods are right, you now have powers Mansa Musa. Oduduwa: What sort of power is this Chief Priest: Well, you may never have known, but you are destined for greatness from the day you were born. The gods have greatly favoured you. Oduduwa: I never knew that. Chief Priest: I believe that it is my job to teach you how to use those powers. Oduduwa: I am more than willing to learn you seem to have the wisdom of the gods. Chief Priest: A lot of great things are still going to happen but you people need to go to Oyo and help us win the war. You have enough powers Oduduwa: Look! I can see some metal objects on the floor. Chief Priest: They are the powers you are supposed to use, don’t worry, I will show you how to use them.

Act 2 Scene 16 The Chief Priest and Oduduwa are now in the middle of the stage. The are both sitting down. Oduduwa holds the two metal objects in front of the Chief Priest and gestures at him. Oduduwa: Now, how am I supposed to use these two objects that I have. I really need to know Chief Priest: You don’t have to be so nervous. Just let me teach you how to really use these power you have. Oduduwa: So how? Why can’t you just tell me. Chief Priest: Okay close your eyes and repeat after me. You will be surprised at what will happen next. Chief Priest: now let us go Chief Priest: Put the metal in front of your face while you close your eyes. Chief Priest and Oduduwa with Oduduwa saying whatever the chief priest said: I know the way to the sea I Know the secret paths I know the mysteries of the earth The secrets of the sand Are Open to me Now show me the way And I will do the imposible…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………

(As they are lost in the middle of their incantations, a smoke fills the room and the two of them stagger and roll on the floor. As is now the custom, a voice speaks from the smoke) Voice: Oduduwa!!! Oduduwa!!!!! Oduduwa!!!!! Now you know how to use your powers Now nature will obey your voice Now you can command earth, fire and water Now you see the powers in you Powers from your childhood.

Ahh Ah…..

(After sometime, the smoke disappears and the voice stops with both of them still left sprawling on the floor) Oduduwa: I never knew I had such powers Chief Priest: With this kind of power, you do not have to be afraid of anything. You are even more powerful than me. You can speak and a whole army will be destroyed. You can speak and command fire and wind to do as you like. You are Oduduwa the great deliverer of Yoruba land. Oduduwa: I now believe in what you are saying and finally, I believe in myself. Let us go on this great adventure.

Act 2 Scene 17 (It is the palace of the King of Oyo and he looks pensive and worried. He looks pensive and worried as are all his chiefs. As they are sitting down looking worried, a man runs into the stage covered with wounds and blood. He postrates in normal Yoruba fashion for the king. The man’s name is Ajagun)

Ajagun: Kabiyesi O!!! kade pe lori. Ki bat ape le se King : Good day great warrior so how is the situation in the war front ? I hope everything is okay and the tide has turned in our favour. Ajagun: Ah things have been terrible, in fact, it seems to me as if we will soon loose this war if something drastic is not done about it. Our soldiers are dying every time and our military leaders do not seem to have a clue what to do. May Edumare favor us. One of the chiefs: What do we do about this O!!!!. This kingdom must not collapse in our time. King: I am at a loss of what to say or do. (As they are still lamenting, the king’s servant runs into the stage. His name is Alapomeji. He kneels down in front of the chief with a mischevious smile on his face) Alapomeji: (Kneeling down in front of the king) King: What is it again this morning? You are always up to some mischief. Alapomeji: I have good news for you. King: What is it? Quickly say it because I do not have too much time to waste. Alapomeju: it is about some men from Mecca King: Mecca? People who fought against us during the reign of my father, I don’t want their trouble again. Maybe they are here to make war

Alapomeji: They do not mean any harm great King, they are here to help us. One of the chiefs: Do not send them away o great king. Time changes things and your enemy today could be your best friend tomorrow. Besides we need all the help we can get King (After a long thoughtful silence): Okay, bring them in, let us see what they have to say. (At this stage, Alapomeji leaves the stage and soon returns with Oduduwa and his entourage. The king and his chiefs look at them with suspicion and surprise at the same time) Oduduwa: We are here in your Kingdom o great king. King: Is that how you greet a king. Can’t you postrate for me don’t you know the culture of this place? Oduduwa: I am sorry, I did not grow up in Yoruba land.I have forgotten your culture here. Let me postrate Kabiyesi O!!!!! King: That is good my boy so what are you doing here? Oduduwa: Me and my people have come to help you. King: So how will you be of help to us? Oduduwa: I and my people can help you to fight and win your wars. King: How are you going to do that? Oduduwa: Don’t worry great King we will help you to win your wars. King: Well you can be of help but be careful as this war is so bloody that you may die. But by the way what brought you people all the way from Mecca to Yoruba land. Oduduwa: We were thrown out of Mecca our enemies wanted to destroy us. King: How did it happen? What actually did you do? Oduduwa: If I start telling the story now I will not finish until tomorrow King: We must know more about you. Oduduwa: Okay the King died and somebody lied I was the one that killed the King. King: Are you people sure you are not sent from Mecca to try and conquer us as you tried to do long ago Oduduwa: (prostrating) Kabiyesi, we mean you no harm in this kingdom, we just want to fight and help you to win your wars. King: No go …………………………………………….. (At this point, one of the chiefs stand up and taps he king on the shoulder)

One of the Chiefs: Let us leave this mean alone and let them start fighting for us. We have a dire situation in our hands and if they turn out to betray us, Edumare will see that our conscience is clear. King: Okay you can go to the war front with us. May Olodumare guide and lead you into all truth. Oduduwa: Thank you Kabiyesi, we will not disappoint you.

Act 2 Scene 18 (It is a war situation, the the soldiers of Yoruba land are standing in one corner while the soldiers of Ibo land are standing in the other corner. The soldiers of Yoruba land are dressed in the attire of the Yoruba people and this time around some of Oduduwa’s soldiers are there and it is Oduduwa that is leading the army of the Yoruba’s. Before they start fighting, Chukwu the war leader of the Ibo’s stands in front of his army and talks) Chukwu: This is the last battle before you people are enslaved. We are going to kill all of you and rape your women, surrender now or face the grave consequences. Oduduwa: We will not surrender, today something big is going to happen Chukwu: Like what? Get out of the way before my soldiers kill you. Oduduwa: I will show you what you have not seen before. (At this point, he brings out his two horns and starts chanting incantations. It goes thus) Oduduwa: The sea said to the wind When will you stop blowing But the wind replied I will stop when I can

You cannot stop the wind from blowing So you cannot the power within me Now blow. (At this point, something strange happens. The stage is full of smoke and then one by one, the soldiers of ibo land start falling down until all of them dies. When the smoke clears, it is only the soldiers of Yoruba land that are left standing. All the ibo soldiers of ibo land are dead except for Chukwu their war leader) Oduduwa: Now you see that you are in trouble. Your whole army is dead, where will you run to. Chukwu: Please have mercy on me. Please spare my life Oduduwa: Ha ha ha ha!!! I am the mighty warrior that stands proud like an iroko tree in the forest. Now soldiers arrest him, we must show this man to the king. (At this point, the soldiers handcuff him and start leading him away as their prisoner of war while the other soldiers sing a victory song)

The Soldeirs: Now we have our victor at last Ajagun kaiye Oduduwa Agbako eniyan Eniyan tankan tankan Okurin Ogun Oduduwa Kaabo (At this point, Oduduwa walks proudly in front of them as they walk out of the stage wih their war prisoner in hand)

Act 2 Scene 19 (It is the kings palace as usual and he is sitting down on his throne with his chiefs surrounding him. Suddenly, the King’s messenger comes in looking excited. He even forgot to prostrate as is the custom of the youruba’s and the king repriminds him for this) King: So you are too big to postrate. Your mother did not teach you manners Messenger: (prostrating) I am sorry my King, it is just that there are too many matters in my heart and I am too excited I just want to talk. King: So what is it you want to say. Just say it Messenger: Kabiyesi, the tide of war has changed. That young man Oduduwa captured there war leader Chukwu and their soldiers. In fact, I could not believe my ears when I heard the news. King: Iroyin o to afojuba go and get Oduduwa and the soldiers and let us listen to their side of the story. (At this point, the messenger rushes out of the king’s presence and comes balck with Oduduwa and his soldiers. Oduduwa is dragging Chukwu the war Lord along with him. Some of the soldiers are carrying calabashes full of something that makes the king curious) Oduduwa: Kabiyesi O!!!!!!!! King: So my son, what happened that you are now standing this tall and proud.

Oduduwa: My King I will conquer many lands and even the son, moon and stars for you. King: So tell me the details of what happened. Oduduwa: By the power of the gods, I conquered the ibo people. In fact I killed all their soldiers and here is Chukwu, their war Lord. Let me show you. (At this point, he drags Chukwu in front of him with his chain and Chukwu stumbles in front of the king, looking so haggard and defeated) Oduduwa: Now Chukwu, postrate and great our King. Chukwu: How I don’t know your custom here. (At this point, Oduduwa gives him a hard blow on the head and he screams in pain) Chukwu: Kabiyesi O!!!!. The great conqueror. King: You have done valiantly my son. Oduduwa: You have seen nothing yet my King, I will still do more King: So what is in all those calabashes you are carrying. Oduduwa: It is the head of the Ibo soldiers we killed King: That is interesting, let me see it. Oduduwa: Soldeirs do what the king said. (At this point, two or three of the soldiers come up in front of the king and throw some fresh human heads in front of him) King: Ha Ha Now I have the head of my enemies. Oduduwa: Don’t worry great king, you will never have to loose a war anymore. In fact, I will even enslave Ibo land for you. King: Now we people of Yoruba land can rejoice. We have found someone that can help us.

Act 2 Scene 20 (This is another war scene as before, this time, the new leader of the Yoruba warriors (Oduduwa) stands in front of his army while the leader of the Ibo stands there. Both of them are armed with swords, cutlasses, axes and other weapons of war ready to kill each other) Oduduwa: You people have come again, we will enslave you like before. You will regret ever coming to Yoruba land Ikechukwu: I Ikechukwu the son of the warrior cannot be defeated by anybody. I will slaughter you like a chicken and offer your head as sacrifice to the gods. Oduduwa: Let us see, your fate will be worse than chukwu who I enslaved.

Ikechukwu: Now soldiers attack let us kill these stubborn chickens. Soldiers: Ibo Kwenu (They move forward to attack) (At this point, Oduduwa brings out the two metallic horns and chants a short incantation) Oduduwa: Let the river part into the sea Let the sun stand still Let the warriors go blind For now is the victory (At this point, a smoke envelopes the artmosphere and the warriors of ibo land fall down. Most of them fall down dead while others go blind or paralused. Only very few soldiers are left standing after the thick smoke disappears) Ikechukwu: (Putting his hands to his face)Somebody help me, I am now blind. Soldeirs: Igwe Ma ma. We are all destroyed. See we are dead on the floor. Oduduwa: Now my boys, arrest all the soldiers that are alive and let us go (At this point, the soldiers of Oduduwa drag the few soldiers left alive from the stage including their new leader Ikechukwu while the soldiers of Oduduwa sing war songs but two of the remaining soldiers run to the back of the stage where they manage to escape)

Act 2 Scene 21 The Chief Priest is sitting down in the middle of the stage looking cool and calm. He seems to be practicing divination as he throws some kolanuts on the floor. He seems to be concentrating and this makes him not to notice when Oduduwa enters the stage and stands behind him. Oduduwa: (tapping him on the shoulder) My Lord, the great messenger of the gods. Chief Preist: (looking back) Oh God you surprised me, I did not expect to see you. Are you not fighting the war again and how is the war going. You know I have been banished from Yoruba land by that your king. Oduduwa: Ah my Lord, I used all the powers you gave me and it worked. I killed all the Ibo soldiers and captures their leaders. In fact, I am on the verge of winning the war. All those powers you thougth me how to use worked. Anytime I brought out my charms, all the soldiers just died or were paralysed. Chief Priest: That is very good my son, you have done well, you shall be called one of the great men in Yoruba land, but I want to teach you one more thing. Oduduwa: What is it my Lord?

Chief Priest: I am going to teach you the art of divination. Now come in front of me and hold the Kolanut in front of me. (oduduwa does exactly as he says. He holds the Kolanut and looks at him) Chief priest: Now throw it on the floor. You have to learn to understand the patterns. (Oduduwa throws it on the floor and looks at the scattered kolanuts in wonder) Chief Priest: Now if you learn to discern these patters, you will be able to solve all mysteries and see into the future. Nothing can take you by surprise anymore and your enemies will not be able to destroy you. (At this point, the two men start talking to each other with Oduduwa being the student and the Chief Priest the teacher)

Act 2 Scene 22 (It is the palace of the king of Ibo land and his chiefs are sitting down in front of him. As they are sitting down, the King’s messenger comes in and prostrates in front of him and the chiefs) King’s messenger: Eze our great king. King: That is me. So what is going on in the battle front. I heared the tide is turning against us. King’s messenger: You are right great King. After the death of Chukwu, another thing has happened. King: What is it again my son. It is not today the sun started rising and it is not yesterday the moon shone. There is nothing new under the sun. King’s messenger: Lord, all the soldiers of Ikechukwu our new leader are dead and even he our war leader has been captured. King: Amadioha!!! Why have you forsaken us.

King’s messenger: in fact, the tide has turned, right now, the soldiers of Oyo and Yoruba land are in the city terrorizing everywhere. King’s messenger: Whay have the gods brought this………………… (As the king is talking, Oduduwa and his soldiers enter the stage with the soldiers chanting war songs) Oduduwa: (laughing) Ah Ah Ah Ah You are in trouble you king, today we will kill you all King: Who are you people? Oduduwa: We have conquered your land. Soldeirs arrest them all King: Our land has fallen. The crown has fallen from my head. Oduduwa: Soldeirs arrest them!!! Are you all deaf (At this point, the soldiers arrest the chief and king and drag them from the stage with chains)

Act 2 Scene 23 (It is the palace of the King of Yoruba land. He is dressed in the attire of the King of Yoruba and his chiefs are surrounding him. There is somebody at the foot of the throne playing a flute. As usual the messenger comes in) King’s messenger: Oba O!!!!! Kia de pe lori Ki bata pe lese Oba ti o ju oba lo Ogo re lati iran si iran ni Oba O !!!!

King : What is the meaning of this oriki you are telling me today. King’s messenger: Kabiyesi, I don’t have to say anything. The soldiers are coming. King: Let me see what you have to say. (At this point, Oduduwa enters the stage along with the soldiers and their prisoners. Right beside Oduduwa, the Eze of ibo land is standing with handcuffs in his hands) King: Ehn!!. I can’t believe my eyes. Who is this coming in? Have you captured the king. Oduduwa: What do you think? I have conquered the whole of Ibo land. The King is in my hands. He did not even fight. He was worse than a woman. King: (Jumps out of his throne and dances) Today is the happiest day of my life. Oduduwa, you have brought pride and joy to Yoruba land. Oduduwa: I will even do more o great king. (At this point, the king and his chiefs start singing and dancing. They are so overwhelmed with joy. The song goes like this) Emi la ni yosi Emi la ni yosi Ba ti fe ori Be na lori Emi la ni yosi !!! (After some time, the king shouts at them to stop and they all stop. One could not even hear the noise of a pin drop) King: Now we do not have to worry about disgrace anymore One of the chiefs: Or hunger King: Indeed the siege is over. Oduduwa: Yes o!!! King: People of Yoruba land and all Oyo and Ile ife, we are going to hold a festival to celebrate this great victory of ours. Everbody: Yes O!!!!! King: Tell everybody in Yoruba land and beyond its’ shores. Let the twon cries cry out. We are free. Now let the messengers go and tell everybody in the city right away. Everbody: yes oo!!!

Act 3 Scene 1 (Two men are sitting on a chair on the stage. The name of one of them is Olokun and the name of the other is alapomeji. They are officials who work for the King. They seem to be discussing something serious. Unknown to them, Mansa Musa is hiding in a corner of the room and listening to them) Alapomeji: So how is tomorrow going to be. Olokun: What do you mean? Alapomeji: Stop pretending, don’t you know the King will die tomorrow. Olokun: Ah I have almost forgotten, we will poison the king. Alapomiji: I have planned everything to perfection. I will be the next king. Don’t worry Alapomeji, you will be my assistant.

Olokun: But if the King dies, the chiefs will have to elect his children. Alapomeji: Have you forgotten that the king has only two daughters. He has no male descendant. The king is so weak he cannot produce male children and we do not allow women to rule in our land. Olokun: That is true. They cannot change our custom that easily. Besides, some of the guards support us. Alapomeji: (He gets up from his chair and walks like a king ). Greet the future king of our land. Olokun: Kabiyesi o!!!!! (At this stage, the two men walk out of the stage but Mansa Musa comes out of the stage and talks or soliquises to himself) Mansa Musa: So this is what these people are planning. Some people are so greedy that they want to be where Eledumare did not put them. (He sighs and walks off the stage)

Act 3 Scene 2 (This is like a ceremony. The king is in the middle of a large number of people and everybody looks merry and gay. The drummers are at the corner of the stage with their talking drums and everybody is drinking wine from a calabash with some teenage virgins are serving. One of the drummers beat a drum until the King tells him to stop) King: Stop!!! You drummers, I have something important to say. Everybody: Oluwa lo fi oro si e lenu. So so soi ko ma so lo!!!! (Translated into English means God put word in your mouth. You can keep on talking)

King: Great people of Yoruba land. Eyin omo Oyo, today is a great day in the history of our land Everybody: Yes!!!! King: I cried to my forefathers and it seems their spirit are with us. Crowd: yes o!!!! King: Today we have been saved from the hands of our enemies. We are like sheep rescued from the jaws of a hungry lion. (He pauses for sometime and sips from the palm wime inside his bowl) King: You see, we can all drink and be happy. Our fore………………………………… (As he is talking, Mansa Musa stands up and interrupts him) Mansa Musa: Kabiyesi O!!!! King: You should not interrupt me like that because I am a king, but because today is a day of joy, I have decided to forgive you. Mansa Musa: Even the earth forgives the sky if the sky forgets to bring down rain. So let my plea be before you o great king. King: What is it. Mansa Musa: Everybody is happy here today about everything here but there are some people who are plotting your downfall. King: That is gone. Even the Chief Priest who I suspect has been banished. Don’t let us talk…………..tal.ta ta ta …………….lk (At this point, the King begins to stammer and holds his stomach) One of the Chiefs: King, I hope nothing is wrong with you. King: Ikun mi to wu ooo. Ori mi oooooo!! (At this point, the king falls to the ground and dies) Everybody: Ah ati gbe. Oba ti ba okun lo!!!!! Mansa Musa: This is what I was trying to say some people have poisoned the king. One of the chiefs: Who is behind this evil plot. Why should somebody be so wicked at a time like this. Mansa Musa: Everybody, I know the men behind this plot, they are here standing in front of you. Alapomeji and Olokun, two of the king’s chiefs are responsible. I saw them yesterday and I was trying to report them when the king fell down dead. I did not know they were moving faster then me!!!!!! The chiefs: Ha!!! Oduduwa: (chirping in) Don’t be surprised because the Yoruba’s say that Kokoro ti n je efo inu efo lo wa.

(The ant that is eating the vegetable is inside the vegetable) One of the Chiefs: Let the soldiers capture them before they run, they have a long story to tell. (At this point, the soldiers seize the two renegades and arrest them. The two of them look scared as if some one wants to kill them) Alapomeji and Olokun: Please spare us, it was a mistake. Chiefs: No we can. In times of war and tribulation, you have betrayed your people Everybody: The two of you are traitors and you shall pay for your wickedness.

Act 3 Scene 3 It is the King’s palace but the king is not around as he is dead. The chiefs are sitting down around the throne and Oduduwa and two beautiful ladies are sitting down in the middle of all of them. One of the Chiefs start talking, his name is Adigun, he is higly respected among the chiefs of the land. Adigun: Men of Oyo, you know we are all gathered together for a very important meeting.

Chiefs: Yes we all know. Adigun: As you all know, men of Oyo, we have a dilemma in our hands. The king did not leave behind a female descendant and if you check the history of us Yoruba’s, no woman has ruled us before. Chiefs: That is well said, we have to find a solution to this so that our Kingdom can continue. (At this point, one of the chiefs stand up, his name is Oluyoro. He his a heavily built man with a mustache) Oluyoro: I greet you well my fellow king makers Chiefs: Greetings to you all. Oluyoro: You see, one of these two young girls deserve to be king. They are the king’s children and one of the royal family. I do not understand why Oduduwa is here. He is not a member of the royal family and all because he won a war for us, all of you want to make him king. Adigun: That cannot be possible, it is against the custom of the land for women to rule us. Oluyoro: Everything has it’s first time. We should give these girls justice. Adigun: A woman can never rule us. In fact, I think we should make Oduduwa our next king. He is a valiant young man and a good warrior and he can deliver us. Everybody: Yes o!! We should make him king. He is the great leader of we Yoruba land Adigun: Do you know something, my fellow chiefs. I think I have a solution to this riddle Everybody: So what do you think we should do. Adigun: I think Oduduwa should be made to marry the first daughter of the King. That way, he will be related to and become part of the royal family. Everybody: We think you are right. You are indeed the wise one. (At this point, one of the chiefs stand up. His name is Ajanaku. He is a tall thin man wearing a traditional dress and cap in typical Yoruba fashion) Ajanaku: I think that what Adigun has said is right. This young man demonstrates bravery, courage, intelligence and vision qualities that shows he can lead us to greater heights. So let him marry into the royal family and make him king (At this point, everybody claps in agreement to what he said) Ajanaku: Gentlemen and fellow Kingmakers, I know that what you have said has gone down well with you people. (At this point, one of the ladies gets up. She is the oldest of the ladies and her name is Ayelala)

Ayelala: I am so glad with the decision all of you have made. In fact I don’t mind getting married to Oduduwa right now. Ajanaku: That is very good “bati fe o ri be na lo ri(Translated into English, the way we want things to be is the way it is) Ayelala: In fact, me and Oduduwa have been having an affair since he came here. Right now I am pregnant for him and I love him so much. (At this point, her sister stands up. Her name is Oyindamola. She looks visibly angry) Oyindamola: So you mean that you have been sleeping with this fugitive from Mecca. You have to be ashamed of yourself, you are a member of the royal family, don’t disgrace yourself like this. Ayelala: Shut up you this proud Kangaroo, if not for this man, maybe the soldiers of Ibo land will be rapping us now or we will be slaves in their palace. This man deserves more respect than you give him you this idiot. Oyindamola: So you call me an idiot. Anyway, let me tell you this is a decision you are going to regret. Ayelala: What is your business? It is my life, just let me do what I feel. Ajanaku: You two ladies should stop fighting, you are children of the same mother remember. Besides, everybody here agrees with the decision we made. (At this point, he pulls the two ladies who are about to start fighting apart) Everybody: Oduduwa, you are the next king of Yoruba land. Oduduwa: Yes I know I am the next king but before I am crowned I will like one thing to happen Ajanaku: What is it? Oduduwa: I will like you to bring back the Chief Priest you sent away. Ajanaku: How did you know the Chief Priest? Oduduwa: It may surprise all of you, but he is the one that gave me all the powers I used to win this war and in fact, he showed me the way to Yoruba land when I was just a fugitive from Mecca Ajanaku: So the Chief Priest was never a traitor. Oduduwa: No he was not, I will like him here again (At this point, the chiefs start grumbling among themselves. They grumble for sometime until one of the chiefs stand up. His name is Ogunjobi) Ogunjobi: Men of the royal company, listen to my words. Everybody: A tin gbo e o!!!!

Ogunjobi: I remember when the Chief Priest prideicted that a man from another country will save us and the king had to die first. All these things have happened and this vindicates the Chief Priest and shows he never had anything bad in mind. Ajanaku: I think you are right, let us call the chief Priest back I hope we can locate him Ogunjobi: Oduduwa will be in a better position to know where he is. At least he is the last person that saw him. Ajanaku: So let us go with Oduduwa to see him. (At this point, all the chiefs clap at the idea)

Act 3 Scene 4 (The Chief Priest is sitting down in the middle of the stage looking a little tired and hungry. He sits on a chair and seems to be dozing off and singing a song to himself) Chief Priest: Now my heart is sad Now my eyes are full of tears Now when will I see Oyo again Oyo Ilu Owo Oyo Ilu awon Oni ilu Kabo Oyo Kale Oyo…………………. (As he is singing, a group of Chiefs enter the stage. They are 3 in number and this makes him to look startled) Chief Priest: You people have come again. I did not try to take over the kingdom. Have you people come to finally kill me? Edumare have mercy on me. (At this point, one of the chiefs speak up, his name is Ajanaku) Ajanaku: Don’t be afraid we have not come to kill you. Chief Priest: Then what have you come to do. Is it to take me back to prison or sacrifice me to the gods? Ajanaku: how can we sacrifice you to the gods when you are a messenger of the gods yourself Chief Priest: Pleas spare me. Ajanaku: No, we have come to take you back to the palace to make you our Chief Priest again. Chief Priest: Why? Ajanaku: Oduduwa has actually explained everything to us, you see Oduduwa won the war with the magical powers you gave him and we don’t think you are a traitor anymore (As he is talking, Oduduwa enters the stage and the Chief Priest stands up immediately) Oduduwa: It is true, in fact, we enslaved the Ibo people and we are happy to welcome you back

Chief Priest: So what the gods said came true. You are a good son and student. I never knew you could be so valiant in war. Oduduwa: I am your true son my Lord (At this point, the Chief Priest and Oduduwa embrace each other while the others look on)

Act 3 Scene 5 (The artmosphere is gay and happy. A lot of people are on the stage while Oduduwa is on a throne that stands tall above everybody else. His wife Oyindamola is sitting down beside him and the chiefs are right in front of them. Ajanaku stands up and addresses the people) Ajanaku: Today is a happy day in the history of Oyo, we have been saved from our enemies and we have captured those who captured us. In fact, we now rule over our former masters. People of Oyo: Great is Oyo, Great is Oduduwa our great savior. Ajanaku: So people of Oyo, who is our next king. People of Oyo: (In a loud voice). It is Oduduwa who else can it be!!!!!! Ajanaku: Now in our final coronation ceremony we will crown Oduduwa King of the Yorubas (At this point, the Chief Priest stands up with a huge, golden crown on his head. He starts chanting incantations and singing praise songs in honour of Oduduwa. The song goes like this) Chief Priest: Oduduwa!!!! Son of the soil Rejected from Mecca Oduduwa When I call you You answer your name When I say welcome You cry to the sun Oduduwa Now the sun smiles on you. Step out in your majesty And rule over the sun

And generations shall celebrate your majesty Oduduwa!!!!! (At this point, the crowd claps for him and then he starts dancing) Oduduwa: I promise you people I will do you people proud. Chief Priest: This is for you Oduduwa!!!! (At this point, the Chief Priest, takes the crown from his hand and places it on his head. He now sits upon his throne the King of Yoruba land along with his wife Oyindamola and the whole crowd claps thunderously for him) The crowd: Now we have a savior and true king in our land. Oduduwa Towers above all Oduduwa: This is indeed a memorable day in my life. But the beginning of a brighter day. I know there are many great things still to come. And I will launch my people to greater heights of success. The crowd: Clapping and cheering. Oduduwa: You people of Yoruba Land I know some of you are saying I do not come from here but it is not totally true I am a foreigner. The crowd: What do you mean by that? Oduduwa: My mother was part of the royal family but was captured by the soldiers of Mecca when Mecca tried to conquer us and she became one of the concubines of the King of Mecca. So I am half Yoruba, at least from my mother’s side (At this point, everybody claps for him. And at the same time a man stands up from the common people. He looks respectable and decent and starts talking to him) Man: Oduduwa my Lord Oduduwa: Yes my son speak on Man: It does not matter if you are Yoruba or not. After all, you are our son now that you have married the daughter of the king. You did what no king in Yoruba land had done before so you are a true Omo ilu abi of our land. So may your reign last forever. Oduduwa: Thank you my son. (At this point, the drummers start drumming and everybody starts to drum and sing. They dance across the stage as the stage closes)

Act 3 Scene 6 (A voice is speaking at the background) Now Oduduwa became a great King, conquering many lands and enslaving many people. He now sits like the proud peacock of Africa and the world. (Now, this is the setting for this scene. The great king Oduduwa is now sitting on his throne. With his chiefs surrounding him. He is decked in all kind of precious stones like gold, sapphire, silver etc. In front of him are some people in handcuffs with soldiers standing in front of them. The strange thing about these soldiers is that some of them are dressed in royal regalia like himself) One of the chiefs: O great King, it seems you have conquered everywhere. They even now know you in the white man’s land for you have even conquered the Europeans. Oduduwa: Yes I told all of you but you will not believe me. I will even conquer more. Now soldiers bring the king of Spain here. (At this point, one of the soldiers drag a white man forward. The man goes stumbles forward and kneels down before him. Oduduwa: Now let me know more about you. Prisoner: My name is Lion heart, king of Spain the proud Armada that rules the waves of the sea. Oduduwa: Now I rule you don.t i? Prisoner: Now you rule over Spain and even mos of Europe please spare my life. (At this point, Oduduwa steps on his head) Oduduwa: Can you see? Now I am king of the world. Chiefs: Great is Oduduwa!!!! Lord of the Yorubas. Your reign shall be forever more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

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