October 30

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October 30, 2006 HOM202 Loganaceae continued… Sensation: shocked, let down, disappointed Passive reaction: Compensation: composed and calm Temperament: Perfectionist. Irritability, especially when other people are inefficient. Anxious. Vengeful. Fast pace life. Get things done on time and done right. Go out of the way for anyone else, but very dissatisfied with family at home. Very sharp, professional dressers. Will commit suicide with a knife. Very sharp pain, precise (not vague). Hyper sensitive person. All senses are sensitive. Intolerant to contraindication, especially when it wastes their time. Coach who loves kids, but are very aggressive with the kids. Epilepsy: key  with aura. Intensity. KEY NOTE: deep sleep after seizure. General health:  Stroke: especially with paralysis of the left side (Phos)  Tendency to stutter and stammer (Stram)  Headaches: various but usually occipital and above eyes, worse with emotions esp. anger, mental work, cold wind, spicy, fumes, odours  Intense headache’s  Big constipation remedy Eyes:  BIG ONE: do not like light in the morning – very sensitive (d/t liver toxicity  eyes) Always better with warm drinks, never cold. Never want to be uncovered. Nasal obstruction: mucous membranes are swollen and can’t get it out. Makes them more irritable. More they try, the worse the feeling  for all evacuations, including constipation. Nose starts to leak when eating. Sleep with mouth open. Constantly trying to clear throat. Nux: chilly (pain) Chamomilla: not necessarily cold Hemorrhoids active after beer. Stuttering  a lot to say but it doesn’t come out.

More tired in the morning than when they went to bed. Awake at 3am. Sleeps with arms above the head, back hands under occiput, arms under head and over head. Dreams: work and business. Sensitive to chill. Perspiration on the right side. Nux: frowning, vertical, angry (Lyco: eyebrows up). Curare: spend whole life trying to detox, they always feel dirty. Gelsemium: “covering up”. A good remedy for acute reaction to bad news. Ignatia: perfect control. Lots of grief and disappointment. Can’t keep tears held back. Spigelia: feeling of deficiency, accept faith, don’t have the ability to get out of it. Instinctual reflex, no time to think. Solanaceae: plant family closest to animals (attack) CASE RECEIVING (instead of case taking) -facilitation of the reception of information and case clarification -Hahnemann: Aphorisms 82-104 -Paracelcus: what is the quote actually saying? More to do with adults than children. There is a deeper inner truth which is not apparent. What is apparent is the compensated state – coping mechanism. Our job is to get to the inner truth – what is motivating the compensated state? As children, we are free (depending on how the kids are brought up and how strict the rules are). 3 basic steps: 1. Receive a good case 2. Analyze the case 3. Analyze the response of the patient to the remedy Case receiving is an art, a case well taken is half the cure. Need to have the evidence. Need to be alert  it is not just what the patient tells you but how they tell you. Posture, tone, expression, movements, energy in room, how you feel. Go into the room like an empty vessel: no experience, no ego. In there to get information. You have to take on their (patient’s) energy. You are not a doctor, but a case receiver. If you inject yourself, you are incorporating your case and there is less room for you to understand or perceive the case. Question: can you counsel while taking the case? It is inevitable that there is some healing process during the case taking (by getting them to reflect on their feelings). However, you do not want to do any actual counseling techniques because you will not know the effects of the remedy. If they are crying, there is an appropriate etiquette. Minimize compassion. Fine balance between cold shell and compassion. Use minimal compassion. We will learn how to direct the

conversation so that they will continue. However, try not to engage their intellect or conscious mind. The inner truth is in the subconscious. If they repeat three times that I am happily married, even if it wasn’t asked of them. Why do they feel the need to say this? This is the conscious mind compensating the subconscious, which is the opposite. There is probably an issue there. The quickest way to get to the remedy source is to go through sensation and energy. We are going to learn how to get this out of our case. If the person is a sensation-type person already, they are less compensated. These people are more in touch with their body, or disease process. Less suppressed. They are more healthy. Cancer patients are the most suppressed and compensated. When you lose touch with your individuality, cancer can progress. And this is why cancer patients are often hard to treat. Nothing is coincidence in a case. Channel the energy – how you feel included. It’s all part of the energy that surrounds the case. Notice if they are late, if you are late. Everything is a clue. Reflect on every case. Approximate data in the room. Patient: I feel terrible, I lost my husband. You think: they are sad. You ask them about their sadness. You are connecting with their experience. You will gloss over an important area to investigate. So ask, what is terrible? Because you’ve never known to loose someone. Patient: I’m angry because they did not leave me in their will. And you thought they felt sad, when they actually feel angry. So you cannot bring in your own experience otherwise you will miss the case. Patient: what do you mean you do not know what terrible means? Take note how they react – sarcasm or mocking is part of the case! When to tell them about the case receiving process and homeopathy: wait until they ask you “why are you asking me all these silly questions? What’s this all about?” And then tell them and they will usually open up. Because when they ask, they want to know and are attentive. Definition of Homeopathy: started 200 years ago from a German physician who was trying to find a way to cure disease (not comfortable with the conventional medicine). Through 13 years of searching, understood the concepts of disease and vital force. If we can find a way to influence the vital force, we can cure disease. There is a healing energy which has an incredible ability to heal yourself. You want to tap into the healing energy. Let the patient know with conviction that they can heal themselves with a remedy that has similar symptoms. Your vital force will be reversed. Your character is matched to a remedy. If I tell you to go to pearson airport look for a woman, what are the chances you’ll find who I am looking for? Pretty slim. But I if I say she’s a woman with a purple hat and a red polka dot bag  more likely! You will sense it when the patient has a question. Basic techniques: (also, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, we all do!) 1. avoid the use of leading questions. Keep everything open ended. Conscious mind will take you there by default through cues of the subconscious.

Patient has a headache, if: Plant remedy: I can’t handle the pain, it’s too sensitive. Mineral remedy: Prevents me from functioning at my optimal level. Animal: I get these headaches because of stress, my husband…and then complains of the person. So that’s now where the vital force is focused. Go with this energy – and do headache later. Let the patient respond for themselves, do not fill in their blanks. You are doing this to be pure in order to help them identify the remedy. You want to bring your patient into their vital area. But do not force a situation. Thank patient. There will be another opportunity later on. Especially if they are stuck. They may have protective reaction or response – and the more you force it, the more resistance. Quiz: based on loganaceae and associating aphorism. Case will take precendence, so there is a chance we will not have it. DO NOT say anything during the case. If you have a question, write it down. Remain as neutral as possible. Please do not eat during the case. You can write it down, or watch it only. We will take it up after to see what you got out of the case.

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