October 25, 2009

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O Immaculate Virgin, mother of the true God and mother of the Church! You, who revealed your clemency and your pity to all those who ask for your protection, hear the prayer that we address to you with filial trust, and present it to your Son Jesus, our sole Redeemer. Mother of Mercy, teacher of hidden and silent sacrifice, to you we dedicate on this day all our being and all our love. We also dedicate to you our life, our work, our joys, our infirmities, and our sorrows. Grant peace, justice, and prosperity to our people, for we entrust to your care all that we have and all that we are, our Lady and Mother. We wish to be entirely yours and to walk with you along the way of complete faithfulness to Jesus Christ and his Church: hold us always in your loving hand. Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, we pray to you for all the bishops, that they may lead the faithful along paths of intense Christian life, of love and humble service of God and souls. Grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God. Blessed Virgin Mary, protect our families, so that they may always be united, and bless the upbringing of our children. Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the peace of God in our conscience, with our hearts free from evil and hatred, we will be able to bring to all true joy and true peace, which come to us from your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

OCTOBER 25, 2009 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME + PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY YEAR OF THE PRIEST 1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139 WWW.CTKLOMBARD.ORG

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October 25, 2009

All are invited to a Jubilee Mass with Most Rev. J. Peter Sartain, Bishop of Joliet Sunday, November 1st 12:00 Noon Mass Reception to follow

Feast of All Souls Monday, November 2, 7:30pm Remembering our loved ones who have died over the past 50 years All are invited to a special mass honoring all who died here at Christ the King Parish over the past 50 years. During this All Soul’s Liturgy, all present will receive a candle to bring to the altar in remembrance of their loved one.

October 25, 2009

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Save the Date for these events:

Facts from the Past Did you know… Christ the King’s second pastor was Father John Mayer, who served previously as pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Braidwood, Ill. Father Mayer arrived on the eve of the feast of Christ the King, which, in 1960, was celebrated in October. The new pastor was just in time for the first parish dance, which was held in the nearby firehouse. The men of the parish presented a fashion show as the evening’s entertainment.

Do you have any “facts from the past” that we could include in future bulletins? Please call the rectory 630-629-1717 ext 6050 or email [email protected].

Nov 1, 2009:

Jubilee Mass with Bishop Sartain (12:00) with reception to follow

Nov 2, 2009:

All Souls Day Mass (7:30 p.m.) – Remembering all our deceased parishioners from the past 50 years

Dec 27, 2009: 12:00 Mass and Alumni reception Jan 24, 2010:

Whole Parish Catechesis: Celebrating Family Life

Feb 13, 2010:

Mardi Gras celebration (7:30 p.m.) 50th Anniversary Memories Display

Mar 7-17:

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land w/ Fr Peter

Mar 21, 2010:

Family Fun Fair

Apr 25, 2010:

Spirit of Life Concert

May 9, 2010:

May Crowning following the 10:00 mass

June 6, 2010:

Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Sept 18, 2010: 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Foundations of our Families Please consider donating a brick for the reflection place Surrounding the Ten Commandment / Beatitude Monument. Having your name and message engraved on the brick is a special way of commemorating an event or honoring your family. Below are some of the messages you can place on the brick.

• • •

Commemorating a first communion Honoring a serviceman in the family Celebrating a 20th wedding anniversary

• • •

Giving thanks to God for a prayer answered In memory of a love one A remembrance of your life in our parish

Donating a brick also benefits our parish in many ways. Pays for some of the maintenance and repairs in the campus. Pays for the snow removal which could be substantial. Make extraordinary payment towards reducing the Parish mortgage. Provide a place for reflection and contemplation.

• • • •

If you have questions or suggestions please send your email to [email protected] or contact us at the rectory 1630-629-1717. Your donation is Tax deductible. You can send your completed order form to the rectory. Let us be grateful for the past, celebrate the present and pray for wisdom in the future, through Christ our King. Administration Commission

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October 25, 2009

What is "CRHP" or Christ Renews His Parish? Christ Renews His Parish is designed to give both the individual and the parish community an opportunity for renewal and growth in spiritual life. As we grow in awareness of God's love and respond to His call, we grow together as a parish family. A History of Christ Renews His Parish: "CRHP" began as a "renewal" weekend at Holy Family Parish in Cleveland in 1969. The members at Holy Family found the enthusiasm and positive response to this initial weekend overwhelming. This process helped their faith community understand in a new and more alive way that Jesus Christ was its center. Now, some 30 years later, Holy Family has celebrated its 80th "renewal" weekend and over 3,000 men and women from their parish have participated. During the 1970's, news of "CRHP's" success at Holy Family motivated other parishes throughout the Cleveland Diocese to adopt the program. Through the 1980's and 90's "CRHP" spread to 750 parishes in 62 dioceses across 27 states and received the recommendation of the renewal office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Today, "CRHP" continues to promote the development of vibrant faith communities and full service parishes by transforming the hearts of committed believers. CRHP is about Renewal! "Christ Renews His Parish" is an effective spiritual renewal process, which calls parishioners to experience personal conversion and Christian community in the environment of their own parish. The secret of the "what" is its simplicity. The program is based on the basic Christian principles of evangelization, reconciliation, catechesis, initiation, formation, community, and personal vocation. As the program manual states: "However sincere and deep our initial commitment to our faith, it requires by its very nature, continuous renewal and deepening. It must be a moment-to-moment process of saying, "yes" to God." Christ Renews His Parish is Christ Centered. With Christ in the lead, our journey will go down the correct path. It is a program designed to bring members of a parish together in Christ. The emphasis during the weekend is on small group participation. The process is centered around witnessing by presenting team members. Discussion and sharing is enjoyed by all participants. "CRHP" is a response to the need that every follower of Christ has to experience "church" and to experience "being church" and finally, to experience "being church for others". The primary challenge is taking your next first step into the rest of your life in Christ. The weekend is that first step and He has his arms open to welcome you. We have two weekends a year at Christ the King parish: 1 for men and 1 for women.

What is CRHP? The "Christ Renews His Parish" (CRHP) program is a spiritual retreat experience which brings adult parishioners together in small groups in order to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. It stresses a clear focus on the Gospel and provides a way to relax, unwind and reflect on our sometimes hectic lives. What happens during the weekend? The actual Renewal Weekend begins early Saturday and goes through Sunday mid-afternoon. It consists of small group participation, witnessing and sharing by previous members; exercises in the group process and community building; and sharing set in a scriptural and prayerful atmosphere. It also provides those attending with an opportunity for experiencing deep personal conversion through prayer and reflection. This experience would hopefully initiate a process of spiritual growth, Christian community building, good old fashioned fellowship and lay ministry formation. The weekend provides an opportunity for you to respond to a closer and deeper relationship with Christ. Who may attend? CRHP is open to all Christ the King, Sacred Heart and St. Pius X parishioners who are at least 18 years of age. When and where do the weekends take place? The weekends are conducted using the Christ the King Early Learning Academy classrooms and gymnasium. How long do the weekends last? A typical weekend begins at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday and will end by 4:00 P.M. on Sunday. Where do I sleep? The parish will provide cots for you to sleep on in a designated area of the Early Learning Academy. You bring your own bedding. What about food? Meals are provided by previous CRHP groups and members of the parish. There will be opportunities during the weekend for regular breaks for coffee, soft drinks and snacks. If you have a special diet, please let us know when you register so we will be able to provide for your needs. You will find that you will eat extremely well.


What should I wear? Casual and comfortable clothing is appropriate and highly encouraged. The key is to be relaxed.

Women's Weekend: October 2-3, 2010 Men's Weekend: October 16-17, 2010

What about the sacraments? An opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance occurs on Saturday evening and we celebrate Mass together Sunday afternoon.

If you would like to speak with someone who has attended a previous CRHP Retreat, please contact Roberta Beckman 630-629-1717 x0, Fr. Jarosz 630 396-6079

Still have questions? Please contact: Roberta Beckman at [email protected] or Fr. Peter Jarosz at [email protected]

October 25, 2009 On behalf of Fr. Bob, Fr. Guiney, and all the priests who served here at Christ the King over the past fifty years, we thank you for the many ways you enriched our ministry and strengthened our priesthood. May we live by grace, journey in hope, and celebrate our faith in Christ our King. Fr. Peter Jarosz

In Gratitude for our Priests Rev. James Gilbride (founding pastor) Rev. John Mayer Rev. Frederick Golden Rev. Tony Taschetta Rev. Felix Perel Rev. Donald Craig Rev. Victor Rueden Rev. Ambrose German, OSF Rev. Michael Intoccia Rev. John Ryan Rev. Michael Valente Rev. James Dvorscak Rev. David Hankus Rev. Peter Jarosz Rev. Robert Schoenstene

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Go your way; your faith has saved you. This is what Jesus said to Bartimaeus, I ask go where? Every step we take as Catholics is important to the life and growth of your household and the parish community. Where we go and what we do makes a difference, right? Jesus told the man go your way and what did he do—he followed Jesus—Bartimaeus wanted to follow Jesus and learn from Him. who can we learn form in our lives? Do we have a mentor , or someone we look up to for advice. How many times have we returned to an old familiar path after an encounter with Christ? We encounter Christ truly present to us in the holy Eucharist, each week or day we gather as a parish family. If following Jesus means taking a new direction, getting involved in a new ministry, or changing careers or friends, we often settle back into the same routines as before. Following Jesus is a life changing adventure! This week describe a time when you changed directions in your life because of an encounter with Christ. Even after 20 years of priesthood and my 8th year of service as Pastor at CTK, I am still looking for the direction of Christ the High Priest to guide me as I take care of the temporal and spiritual welfare of this community. This is quite an adventure, unlike Bartimaeus’ adventure with Jesus. Thank you for the many ways our parishioners share their time, talent and treasure. Let us pray that all the parish family will respond and give back to God for what He has given to us! Let’s celebrate our Jubilee year together, with the grace of God. Reserve the date for Mass with Bishop Peter on November 1st at Noon, reception to follow. The colors for our Anniversary Mass will be burgundy, gold and white, try to wear a little splash of these colors. In Christ, Fr. Jarosz

Pray for our Military

Come Early, Leave Late During these busy days of Fall, set your watch 10 minutes earlier, to get to Mass on time. Its important that we are all there to hear the Word of God. Also, please kindly leave mass when the priest reaches the narthex doors, during the closing song. Thank you for all you do at mass, to make it a prayerful experience for all. It is so nice to hear everyone singing and using their song books. Keep up the good work! Fr. Peter Jarosz

Joseph Velasco, III, Richard Godman, Jack Melvin, III, Steven Van Dyke, Jeremy Guenther, Frank Minniti, Andrew DaMitz, Patrick J. Doran, Kevin Dollens, Jessie Blanton, Michael Whelan, John Pierczynski, Thomas Pierczynski, Scott Allen Petersen, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Nikita Majcen, Tom Clohessy, Benjamin Raymond, Jason Peters, Andrew Sargent, Stephanie Olson, Joshua D. Braun, Brandon Hartmann, Jeffrey W. Erickson, Mark Kuhar, Matthew Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, David Starke, Melissa J. Gertie, Patrick Nicholson, Andrew Miller, Lara Owczarski, Frank Wilkins III, David Jurk, Kyle Villalobos, Douglas Wozniak, Jeff Maicke. Do you have a loved one in the armed forces? Email, call, or drop a note in the collection with their name.

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Look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for all. ~St. Teresa of Avila Join Fr. Peter and parishioners at the Aanchor abortion clinic on Saturdays from 8-9:30. Come for 15 minutes, for a moment, drive by even for an hour and just pray! Interested in going call Father .

Diocesan Survey for all Parishioners! The Comprehensive Survey for Parishioners is now available. To complete the survey, please go to Diocesan web site, www.dioceseofjoliet.org and click on the Lighting the Path to the Future logo. We are not encouraging paper copies but you can print the documents out and mail or drop off the completed surveys to the Catholic Schools Office and we will input their responses. This survey is vital for the Diocese to have accurate information.

Sacristan Ministry: The Liturgical “Behind the Scenes” Note Saturday Date Change It takes much “behind-the-scenes” work to ensure our liturgies are smooth and prayerful. One of the ministries that is vital to this is the ministry of the Sacristan. We are thankful to all who have helped fill this ministry in the past: Ditas and Arsenio Alzona, June Carlson, Matt Novak, Andy Tuszynski, and Mary Nicholas. Their continued service to the parish is greatly appreciated.

October 25, 2009

Parish Vocation Conference October 24, 2009 Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet Vocation Office and JAVA will host a training session from 8:30am – 12:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet for those who are interested in promoting vocations in their parish. This will be a great way to develop a culture of vocations in your parish. We will be discussing practical ways in which vocations can be promoted in the parish. Please reply to [email protected] or call the office.

50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Father Peter Jarosz A meeting will be held on October 22 at 7pm in the Parish Life Center for all those who are interested in going to the Holy Land. Kim White, parishioner and staff member of Totally Yours Pilgrimages will be there with Fr. Peter to answer any questions you may have about the pilgrimage. Questions, call Kim at 630.627.1074.

Holy Land Pilgrimage March 7-17, 2010 Instructional Mass Tuesday, November 10, 2009 6:30 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. in Church

Working behind the scenes, sacristans prepare the worship space before and after each liturgy. A sacristan typically arrives 20-30 minutes before mass and readies the church by performing a variety of duties, from lighting candles and preparing for baptisms, verifying that lectors, altar servers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are present. Sacristans remain after the liturgy to ready the church for the next celebration. Though most liturgical ministries serve the assembly, the role of the Sacristan is to minister to the presider and deepen your knowledge of the Catholic traditions, while helping to ensure that the liturgy proceeds smoothly.

Did you ever wonder why we do what we do at Mass? Fr. Terry Deffenbaugh from Tolentine Ministries will explain each step of the Mass for everyday understanding.

We are currently in need of more sacristans here at Christ the King, for weekday and weekend masses. If you or anyone you know is interested in this ministry, please come to our next training session for new and existing sacristans on Saturday, October 31, at 11:00am. If you have any questions, please call Bill Runge at 630.396.6075, email him at [email protected], or stop by after any weekend mass.

___ Eucharistic Minister ___Music/cantor

This is a regular Mass too! We will need readers, greeters, gift bearers, Eucharistic Ministers, and of course music. Please RSVP to what role you would like to participate in. ___ Greet at Mass


___ Gift Bearer

___ Active Participant

Name: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Email: ________________________________________

October 25, 2009

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It’s back and it’s better than ever! Saturday Night Live and BASIC have joined together to create an evening of fun, food and fellowship. We start with a game, have some dinner then just share some time together with teen friendly topics about life in general and look at where we can find God in these areas. Join us for 5:00 Mass then meet up with us in the School Gym from 6-9 PM. The next one is Saturday, November ! For More Info contact Sherry Rochford

For All Teens!

Carson Community Day-November 14, 2009 The teens will be selling Community Day Coupon Booklets for $5—Purchase one and get all this plus more!

• • • •

Great Door Busters $10 off any Purchase Early Bird Specials Special Pricing– 6 extra coupons

Funds will be used toward resources for Youth Ministry

John Angotti ...In concert Coming to St. James the Apostle 480 S. Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn Monday, October 26th 7:30-9:00 Accepting Free Will Donations This Concert is being brought to you by the parents of David Ringenberg, June27, 1990-August 29, 2009, who participated in St. James’ youth ministry . This Concert celebrates his life!!

OK, so maybe trying to get that little toddler dressed and ready for church really wasn’t so tough after all. At least you got them to church. Now that little toddler is an adolescent and it seems like you have no idea what to do anymore! You want to make sure you pass your Catholic faith to your child, but how? Join other parents like yourself for an evening of practical approaches to enhance faith development among young people. Presenter Bob McCarty, Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, will identify critical characteristics of adolescent faith to successfully and willingly take on the role of fostering faith in their teen.

Join us for one of two sessions being offered: Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 7-9 PM St. Michael Church 315 W. Illinois St., Wheaton Saturday, Nov. 7, 2009 10-Noon Immaculate Conception Church 134 Arthur St., Elmhurst

Brought to you by the South of the Border Cluster of Youth Ministers Contact Sherry Rochford for more info! [email protected] 630-396-6078

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October 25, 2009

Operation Support Our Troops

October 25 World Priest Day

Christ the King’s CCW will be accepting donations for Operation Support Our Troops - Illinois after Mass on November 14 and 15. Some of the items that the troops are asking for are:

This Sunday we celebrate the men who have exercised a unique stewardship of their lives by entrusting them to the Lord as priests. It is an opportunity for Catholics to thank, affirm and share their love and support for priests. Started by the Worldwide Marriage Encounter community, it is joined with the Serra Club’s celebration of Priesthood Sunday today. Throughout this year, dedicated as the Year for Priests, we can pray for vocations, and encourage those who might respond to this unique call. We can also respond to our own baptismal call by working collaboratively with our priests to build up he Kingdom of God.

Crossword Puzzles, Energy Bars, Packs of Powdered Coffee Creamer in Different Flavors, Foot Powder, Breakfast Bars, Cold Drink Mix Packets, Unscented Wipes, Beef Jerky, Bags of Nuts in Ziploc Bags (from World Market), Lip Balm, Feminine Hygiene Products, Hand Sanitizers, Canned Soup/Pasta, Canned Fruit, Pringles, Pop Tarts, Mouth Wash, 4 Pack Batteries. E-mail [email protected] for additional information. OSOTIL’s website is http://www.osotil.org/

October 25, 2009

Page 9 Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 24

5:00 Louise Dabrich

St. Anthony Mary Claret; Blessed Virgin Mary; Rom 8:1-11; Lk 13:1-9

Sunday, October 25

8:00 Patrick Maloney 10:00 Russ Rusevic 12:00 Gloria Kirch

Monday, October 26

8:30 Elizabeth Wienezendis

Tuesday, October 27

8:30 Vickie Szmuc

Wednesday, October 28

8:30 Joan Parmly

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52

Thursday, October 29

8:30 Thelma Casquejo

Friday, October 30

8:30 George Brust

Saturday, October 30

5:00 Frank & Marie Lewansowski

Sunday, November 1

8:00 Special Intention 10:00 Joseph Gifford 12:00 People of CTK

Feast of All Saints

Ministry Schedule for Oct. 1/ Nov. 1 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 L. Carnaghan, S. DiSalvo, A. Forstneger, J. Furgal, A. Ponce de Leon 8:00 A&D Alzona, J. Benshoof, I. Boutiette, D. Drees, R&E Caselli 10:00 P. Barone, L. Burr, M. Campbell, C. Clishem, M. Dourado, F. Harris 12:00 Clergy Only Altar Servers 5:00 B & N Orr 8:00 B. Haas, C&L Grunert 10:00 E. Maggiore, A. Sokalski, L. Schaaf 12:00 Cendric & Monique Martinez, Emily Maggiore, Charles & Lance Grunert Lectors 5:00 E. Mears 8:00 L. Dovalovsky 10:00 J. Pilar 12:00 V. Paras

Presider 5:00: 8:00: 10:00: 12:00:

Fr. Guiney Fr. Peter Fr. Bob Most Rev. Peter Sartain

Ministers of Care D. & A. Alzona, C. Paulsen, K. Vibar, G. Majcen, L. Michalik, F. Owens, V. Paras, P. Robinson, E & E Mears, M. Iwinski

Rest in Peace Our condolences to the friends and family of Joan Kerel and Mary Joe Ferruzza-Alan, who passed away last week. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May Their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Pray for Healing Tony Rudinski, Jean Brzezinski, Margaret Kalina, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Dolores Hrabec, Jay Perry, Roberta Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Ed Fontona, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, John Sheehan, Mark Wettsteadt, Denis Perry, Joan Temborius, Rose Fenske, Lorraine Wick, Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone, Isabel Carey, Efren Iraola, Mary Lou LeRoy, Sharon Barsaloux, Karen Schumann. Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our families, our friends, our community.

Welcome Michael Kearney We welcome Michael Kearney who will speak to us today about vocations. Michael is a seminarian at University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary. Please keep him, and all seminarians and priests, in your prayers this weekend as we celebrate Priesthood Sunday.

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October 25, 2009

Finance Council October Meeting Minutes The Finance Council met on the evening of October 7th Minutes from the previous meeting were unanimously approved, after one small correction. Through the first three months of fiscal year 2010, white and green envelope donations are $24,642 behind budget. School is going well at the Early Learning Academy. Fundraising has started to come in from the pizza sales, the wrapping paper sales, and we’ve also received the first rental income from use of the gym. We discussed the key points and scheduling of the upcoming Annual Stewardship Appeal in November. The enrollment form for electronic giving was revised and is now posted on the website. A full financial report will be made available to the Parish by early November. The next two Finance meetings are scheduled for November 11th and December 9th. We will need to meet our goal for the Catholic ministries appeal. Winter is approaching, giving generously to the gold envelopes will help us pay for snow plowing. The Finance Council is always looking for new members. Please contact Fr. Peter, or email [email protected] if you are interested. Rick Cosenza is the chair of the finance council, please direct questions to him or call the rectory to leave a message.

Stewardship of Treasure October 10-11 # Registered Families Account White Envelopes

1380 Amount

# 414


Non-envelope users


This week’s total


Weekly Budget



Green Envelopes*




Restricted Budget**

$2,308 .00

Difference Gold

-$904.00 60


* Thank you for reaching the goal this past week! Let’s try to reach our goal of $2,500 weekly to bring down our debt!

Stewardship of Treasure has never been easier! Sign-Up for Electronic Giving You can have your white, gold, and/or green envelope contributions automatically withdrawn from your account on a weekly or monthly basis. Visit our website, www.ctklombard.org or contact the business office, 630.396.6073, for more information.

2009-10 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Diocese of Joliet The Catholic Ministries Appeal supports God’s work all over this diocese. The parish does not always have the resources to help parishioners, so the diocese supplements us with ways we can help people help themselves. We would like 100% participation. We still need to meet our goal. Let’s try to reach this before Bishop Sartain comes to our parish on November 1st. Fr. Jarosz

Goal: $58,150 Pledges: $36,092

October 25, 2009

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Religious Ed Classes Vocation Speaker RCIA Generations of Faith Runners for Life

8:30am All Masses 10:00am 1:00pm 4:00pm

Academy Church ER PLC PLC

Break Open the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word Planning Meeting










MONDAY Food Pantry Natural Family Planning

12:00pm 7:00pm



Prayer Group

SATURDAY Sacristan Training

Children’s Choir Teen Ensemble Rehearsal Ensemble Rehearsal

4:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm

Church Church Church

WEDNESDAY Religious Ed Classes Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm 7:00pm

Sacraments Baptism: Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a preparation meeting. Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attending this meeting. First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation: Christ the King offers Faith Formation both in our Parish Academy, and in our Religious Education Program. Weddings: Weddings are scheduled in the home parish of the bride or groom. We require an eight month preparation time. The church date is set before any other commitments are made. Anointing of the Sick: If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the rectory, or see the priest after Mass. In case of an emergency, please call the rectory, ext 1.

Academy Church

NEXT SUNDAY Religious Ed Classes 8:30am Jubilee Mass w/ Bishop Sartain 12:00pm Jubilee Reception 1:00pm

Mass Times Monday-Friday 8:30am Sunday Obligation Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00 Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm And by appointment St. Peregrine Devotions Second Saturdays at 11:00am Rosary and Chaplet Weekdays at 7:35am Tuesdays 5:30pm Eucharistic Exposition 1st Thursday 9:00am until 8:00pm 1st Friday at 7:00am Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm

Academy Church PLC

Rectory Hours Mon: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 9:00a.m.– 6:00 pm Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

Bulletin Articles Bulletin articles are due on the previous Friday in order to be published in the following weekend’s bulletin. Please send articles to [email protected].

Registration On behalf of the pastoral staff, we welcome you as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish activities. Welcome!

CHURCH NAME & NUMBER — Christ The King #512918 ADDRESS — 1501 South Main Street Lombard, IL 60148 PHONE — 630-630.629.1717 CONTACT PERSON — Bill Runge 630.396.6075 Cellphone: 630.479.5279 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2003 E-Mail from [email protected] Adobe Acrobat PRINTER — HP LaserJet 4050 N NUMBER OF PAGES SENT —

1 through 12


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