October 20081

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated

October 2008

South Australia

Volume 3, Issue 4

Contact: Triumph Riders Club. 25 Domain Street, Moana. 5169 Web: www.triumph-riders-club.org.au President: Shane Ince 0402-409495

Club Reminders The 2008 Ride Calendar is available at our web site (www.triumphriders-club.org.au) with information on our Sunday, Friday night, Weekend rides and any extra bike events, non club related. Our club rides are also in the Advertiser “Club Notes Section” or notification via email for club members. Membership for the club will be $25 for full membership (Triumph owner), $15 for associate membership (friend/partner/wife of owner) and a $20 once of joining fee, to cover admin costs and club patch.

Individual Highlights: Item


Club Reminder


Next Ride


Advanced Rider Training

Sunday Morning Rides

1 1

Report Sunday 28th September 2008 Ride Day


Pt Broughton Weekend


Pink Ribbon Ride


Day Of Triumph


Weekend @ Burra


Peter McKenzie Thoughts

Peter McKenzie Continued

4 5

Lobethal Grand Carnival


Ride Calendar


Club Discounts


TRC Order Form


Next Club Ride Day Sunday 26th October, 2008 We will be leaving from the “Place Next Door Café” 516 Glynburn Road, o Burnside (next door to Feathers Hotel) 10:00 am (meet at 9:30 am) going South. Chris Roberts will be ride leader and check out the web site for a map of the planned ride. We have our Club rides on the forth Sunday of the each month. Hopefully we see some more new faces at the next ride and some of the old ones as well? 8^}. Any more information contact Shane Ince on mob 0402-409495.

Advanced Rider Training – TRC and RoadSkills The Triumph Riders Club and RoadSkills are combining to organise an Advanced Rider Training day at Mallala on Friday 28th November. The TRC will subsidies any financial members $80 towards the cost of the day (normal cost $350). Numbers are limited so get in early. The day includes practice at emergency breaking, both in a straight line and cornering, emergency maneuvering and some track time as the last part of the day. Lunch is provide and a certificate which may get you cheaper comprehensive insurance for the bike. Contact Shane Ince on mob 0402-409495 or email [email protected] to register your interest.

Sunday Morning Rides Starting ouroSunday morning rides on the 14 December 2008, second Sunday

of the month. One month we will meet north of the City and next month south of the City. People can meet for breakfast and then go for a short ride for a couple of hours with the ride route to be decided on the day. This will allow people to have a quick ride, catch up with other members and be back home by lunch time. Take a look at our ride calendar for details.

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia

Ride Day Report – Sunday 28th September, 2008 Clearing showers o then fine with showers developing again later in the evening. That was the weather

forecast and we were to find out the clearing showers would go for a little longer than expected, especially in the hills, but more of that later. This ride was our “Bring a Mate Along” ride where any TRC member could bring along any of their friends to see how the Triumph’s go. We have decided to have a “Bring a Mate Along” ride for our September and March Sunday rides. This gives other riders who you may go for a ride with every now and then a chance to come along with us and enjoy the day. With the numbers along on the day it was obviously popular with other riders. We started our ride at the usual spot for our Sunday rides, Café Next Door, Burnside, with 35 willing soles. Frank Pellas was ride leader with yours truly, Shane Ince and trusty pillion Deb Norwood, “tail-endCharlie”. The roads were a little wet near Burnside with a shower just before we left and a darker sky in the hills. Heading up Greenhill Rd in to the hills we soon found light rain and fog, always a good start to a ride. The light rain and fog were with us to the famous Cork Screw Road which made it a slow ride down this particularly steep road. By the time we got too Mt Pleasant, our first stop, the weather was clearing up with the sun breaking out every now and then. After we had our break here to have a quick drink and pit stop we headed of to Cambrai, Sedan and Angaston. For those of you who know the road from Mt Pleasant to Sedan and then back to Angaston the drop from the foothills to the plains have some fantastic corners. There are some faster sweeping corners and a couple of tighter ones. This happens both down towards Sedan and then back up again towards Angaston. As we were at the back of the pack when we headed back up towards the hills again from Sedan Deb and I slowed down a bit to let the group go ahead and had a bit of fun up the hill. No traffic and no other riders in front of us so I could just concentrate on the road. YEE HA! We arrived at Angaston for lunch at the Angaston Hotel. With the numbers we had, the lunch stop was a little longer than planned but people came away pretty happy with the food. We then headed of to Nurioopta to fill up and then to Eudunda (pit stop for Frank to relieve a bit of pressure build up), Marrabel, and Kapunda with some fantastic roads around this area with very little traffic. We left one pissed off brown snake behind in this section as one of the bikes had run over it; apparently it had had a go at biting the front tire of one of the riders. Buy the time Deb and I went past it, it was writhing around and I made sure my legs were not hanging down. Then on to Lyndoch and finally to Inglewood to finish the ride. Frank had planned a slightly different ride but with the Bay to Birdwood Rally on he had to change the ride route slightly to not get caught up in the rally. The ride was 311 km from start to finish and while a long ride it was still enjoyable. While the rain had cleared up a lot of the ride was with nasty side winds so made some of the ride a little bit of a challenge. We all headed off to our own destinations form here with a couple of old bones knowing they had done something today. Deb and I traveled 420 km from door to door and we arrived home about 7 pm so we were both glad to see the old homestead. So another great day with a great ride route planned out by Frank, with no detours or wrong roads like some other ride leaders in the past. One of the comments on the day was someone asked whether I was leading any rides. Chris Roberts replied “We sacked him as ride leader as he keeps taking us the wrong way; we just let him lead the weekend rides now”. Don’t tell Chris, but the last weekend ride to Burra I talked Frank into leading this ride as well. Page 2 of 2

Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia

Weekend Away – Pt Broughton – 8th and 9th November 2008 Our next weekend away is on the 8th and 9th November to Port Broughton. Meet at 9:30 am for a 10 am departure from the Caltex Bolivar, Pt Wakefield Rd, and Bolivar. We will be staying at the, Sunnyside Hotel Motel 17 Bay Street, Port Broughton South Australia 5522 Phone: 08 8635 2100 Fax: 08 8635 2353 Email: [email protected] STANDARD One double bed or queen size bed with either one or two single beds. $70.00 Room Only SPA ROOM One queen size bed. $85.00 Room Only FAMILY Two bedrooms with one double bed and three single beds. $70. If you are coming along for the ride you need to make the booking yourself so give them a ring.

Pink Ribbon Ride – Sunday 19th October, 2008 This year the o Pink Ribbon Ride is on Sunday 19th October with a new destination. The ride starts at the Burnside Village Car Park, meet at 9 am for a 10:15 leave, coffee shop open at the Village. Destination this year will be Nurioopta Oval, Penrice Road, and Nurioopta.

Registration fee is $10, which includes a sausage sizzle and door prize with drinks available at the oval. The ride is a bit more public view ride this year so there will be a best dressed bike prize. So come along and help out a good cause and have some fun. For any enquiries contact Liv mob 0415-412467 or email [email protected]

Day of Triumph – Sunday 12th October, 2008 The Triumph o Sports Owners Association South Australia is having a Day of Triumph (info below).

While this is for Triumph cars the Triumph Riders Club has decided to be part of the day by offering some of our members to bring along their bikes and have a static display of the bikes. We will be there for a couple of hours in the morning so this will give people a chance to have a look at some of the cars as well. If interested give Ian Bell a ring 0437-443995 or contact him via email at [email protected] Info from web site of Triumph Sports Owners Association. “Sunday 12th October Bonython Park, Port Road, Thebarton BYO picnic lunch. Gates open 9.00am - enter park at Traffic Lights, Port Road & Phillip Street, and follow road round to main car park at the southern end of Bonython Park All entrants to be in position by 10.15am Judging starts10.30am sharp The Club has booked the Reserve for the day and entry is FREE. Members wishing to attend but not enter their car(s) are encouraged to display their Triumphs and support this event making it a fun day with a picnic atmosphere. This is a new venue with plenty of shady trees, BBQ facilities and public conveniences.”

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia

Peter McKenzie First Ride Back Thoughts o I thought I would just let you know that I went for my first serious bike ride yesterday since I “fell off” last year. The Triumph riders club organised a day where friends of the club on other bikes were welcome to ride, so I cleaned up and registered the Suzuki. The day started at a café in Burnside where all the riders met on what turned out to be a wet start to the ride, I first went to Marc’s house and he joined me on his bike on what was to be our first ever father and son bike ride. The first half an hour was spent negotiating twisty windy roads in quite heavy rain in the hills, these bends would normally be a dream but I found them very tricky. I found myself being scared and unsure every time I went into a corner whether it was a 20kph bend or a long sweeping bend. For some reason my visor kept steaming up which made life even more difficult. I was in a long line of riders but struggled to keep up with the riders in front and I felt that I was seriously holding up the riders behind. I therefore found myself increasingly becoming scared of falling off or losing control on each corner. Every now and then the lead riders pulled over to regroup and I was very relieved each time and too embarrassed to mention anything to the other riders. I don’t feel as though it was purely me that was causing the nervous riding but a lot to do with the bike and its handling abilities, or lack of, in the wet. There was a point when the rain stopped and the riders started to open up on a road in the hill that ran alongside a dam and that’s when Marc overtook me and went ahead on long sweeping corners. I can tell you that it was the worst feeling following your son on windy roads knowing that every corner I came round could have found him on the floor or on the other side of the road. I obviously have no idea of his riding skills or capabilities, and the ride became one that I was wanting to “get off” We came to a long stretch of road leading towards Lobethal and I have ridden this road many times on the Triumph Speed Triple at quite high speeds, yesterday I was struggling to get up to any speed again having the fear that the bike wasn’t handling at all well going around corners. I pity the riders behind me who at stages were riding through the considerable smoke screen from my exhausts; mind you many of them flew past me at the earliest opportunity. We headed left at Lobethal and came to a stretch of road of 100kph limit were there was a long line of riders stretching down the road in front of me and this is truly one of the greatest experiences of bike riding. I saw that Marc had pulled over ahead and I slowed down and pulled up alongside him, he said he was struggling to concentrate and didn’t want to ride any further (turns out he had a late night the night before and didn’t get to bed till 4.30am) I was quite happy to call it a day early and when the tail end rider came past I waved him goodbye. Marc and I rode back home and again hit a band of rain but we got back safely and called it a day. I have real mixed feelings about the ride and I suppose the fact that Marc was in the ride with me had me thinking a lot more than normal. I know that riding on the Triumph gave me a sense of security both with the tyres and the superb handling capabilities that were non existent in a 30+ year old Suzuki. When I let the throttle off on the Triumph the engine speed would slow the bike somewhat into corners so not much braking needed if the corners were judged correctly. No such luck on the Suzuki as when I let the throttle off approaching corners it continued to have speed into corners. The excellent brakes on the Triumph could be touched and the bike would respond immediately unlike the Suzuki that just wouldn’t have a bar of slowing me down when I needed it most. ride but if yesterday was a test for me then I failed miserably.

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia

Peter McKenzie First Ride Back Thoughts - Continued I now find myself o wondering where I go to from here, I love riding but I know that to do so and

enjoy it will mean buying a new bike with today’s braking and handling abilities not a last century bike with 70’s roadholding. Joanna had promised to ride with me yesterday to see if she would enjoy it enough to start joining me on the Triumph club rides and I’m so glad she didn’t as she would have been put off and scared with the way I rode. I do want to enjoy riding again but I don’t want to splash out on a new bike to find that it wasn’t just the bike issues yesterday but my own demons after the crash last year. I know that many riders have had worst crashes and continued to ride but if yesterday was a test for me then I failed miserably. I think the next ride I am likely to do may be the toy run but I am going to drop the price of the Suzuki on the internet and just sell it hopefully to an enthusiast who will continue to refurbish it to it’s former glory. I am going to the UK for Christmas and hopefully will get an opportunity to see the new Triumph Thunderbird; I feel that may be the next thing for me. Thought I’d share my thoughts with you. Peter

Lobethal Grand Carnival 11/12 October 2008 For any one interested in having a look at some classic car and motorcycle racing in the hills take a look at the Lobethal Grand Carnival on the weekend of 11/12 October, 2008 . More information at http://www.lobethalgrandcarnival.com.au/home.html “Nestled in the Adelaide Hills, less than an hour east of Adelaide, Lobethal is set for a serious reenactment of its glory days, sixty years after the last races of 1948 and a timely seventy years after Lobethal Carnivals Ltd first recruited the services of a fledgling Sporting Car Club of S.A. and the Motor Cycle Club of S.A. to stage car and motor cycle races in 1938. Much has been written of Lobethal, by those who saw it, those who came to race, to spy even! And by those who have imagined it, researched it, driven it. A wealth of imagery, moving and printed remains; a select number of cars and bikes exists, the winner of the 1939 Australian Grand Prix, Allan Tomlinson is still very much in our midst and best of all, the fabled circuit of 47 bends, a ribbon of road so frighteningly fast, so steeped in mystery, so revered that it was once acclaimed by no less than multiple Australian Grand Prix winner, Doug Whiteford, as the greatest racing circuit in Australia, remains in its entirety. It is upon this proud heritage; "Lobethal Grand Carnival" will pay homage to the unique history of events past.”

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia

2008 Ride Calendar Listed September 2008 28th - Sunday Ride - Meet Café Next Door - Leave 10 am October 2008 26th - Sunday Ride - Meet Café Next Door - Leave 10 am November 2008 8th – 9th November –Pt Broughton Weekend – Meet Caltex Bolivar – Leave 10 am 14th - Friday Night Ride 7:30 am Duke of Brunswick Hotel, Gilbert Street Adelaide 23rd - Sunday Ride - Meet Café Next Door - Leave 10 am December 2008 12th - Friday Night Ride 7:30 am Duke of Brunswick Hotel, Gilbert Street Adelaide 14th – Sunday Morning Ride 9:30 am Mawson Lakes, Adelaide – short ride 28th - Sunday Ride - Meet Café Next Door - Leave 10 am

Club Discounts

10% of the fun stuff and 22.5% of industrial and footwear all year with your TRC membership card. Go to http://www.raysoutdoors.com.au/ to check out their site. Maximoto - 456 Main North Road, Blair Athol for 10% of all accessories and bike maintenance items. Go to http://www.maximoto.com.au/index/home-1.php and take a look. G C Motorcycles offer $5 off all tyres to all TRC members. They have a place at 122 Main North Road Prospect or 947 South Road Melrose Park. They also do accessories and brake work. 12 Volt Powerhouse, batteries for all types of vehicles offer at least 5% of prices for club members, so shop around and then see what Rob Wiseman can do at 12 Volt Powerhouse. http://www.12voltpowerhouse.com.au/ Viper Stripes – Custom Graphics 15% off for Club Members, contact Shane mob 0402 409495 for code to put in at time of order. Reflective and normal wheel rim tape and replacement graphics for your bike. Reflective tape excellent for making your bike seen from the side at night. Go to http://www.viperstripes.co.uk/ and have a look. Some pictures of my bike below. S A Competition Conversion for any dyno and tuning work, general workshop jobs and suspension work. Discount for TRC members, so take a look at http://www.competitionconversions.com.au/ or give Kim a call on 08-8234 5722, located at Mile End near the city.

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Triumph Riders Club Incorporated South Australia Code No 0001 0002 0003 0004 4199 4046 4289 4067 0005 0006 5MPBW 2LSVWG 2LSVBB 2LDNN 3FSB 3FJR S3SRN

Item TRC Number Plate Surround – Plastic TRC Patch Triumph Leather Belt Stubby Holder TRC Baseball Cap - Black TRC Signature Caps - Navy/White/Red TRC Sandwich Peak Caps - Natural/Navy Bucket Hat – Double Sandwich Knitted Beanie Thermal Fleece Beanie TRC Polo Check collar – Men’s TRC – JeniB V Neck Spandex PoloLadies White/Grey TRC – JeniB V Neck Spandex PoloLadies Black TRC – JeniB Drop Needle Polo – Ladies Navy/White American Style Fleece Windcheater Jacket Polar Fleece – Full zip – Royal Blue Spandex Rugby Top Long Sleeve Navy

Unit Price $10 $5 $30 $8 $15 $18 $18 $20 $15 $15 $35 $40




$40 $40 $40 $55 $55 Total Number

Total Money

All the above items of clothing have the TRC logo on them. Please post order to TRC Promotions, 25 Domain Street, Moana SA 5169 or Call Dwayne (Chopper) Hall phone Mob 0439-680457 for any queries. Money will have to be transferred to the Triumph Riders Club account Commonwealth Bank Glenelg BSB 065 108 Account 10266679 prior to pick up. Name :


Address : Post Code :

………………………………………………………………………………………………...… …….…… Member Number : ……………… Date: .….…/………/…..

Contact Number : ……………………………………….

This newsletter has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about Triumph Riders Club Incorporated ("the Club") and the services and products offered by the Club. Although the Club has attempted to ensure that the content of this newsletter is accurate, the Club makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in, or accessible through, this newsletter. In particular, this information may be incomplete, may contain errors or may have become out-of-date. The information in this newsletter might include opinions or views which, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not necessarily those of the Club, any associated company or any person in relation to whom they would have any liability or responsibility. This newsletter contains links to third party sites. The Club is not responsible for the content of any other site accessed via these links; that information is the responsibility of the site owner and Club has no control over it. Links to other sites are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement by the Club of the products offered by the site owner. The Club makes no commitment, and disclaims any duty, to update any of the information provided on or through this newsletter. The Club reserves the right to add, modify or delete any information on, or features of, this newsletter at any time and without notice. The Club expresses no warranty on this newsletter with respect to services it offers and no such warranty or similar term should be inferred. The Club shall not be liable for any losses or damages, including without limitation direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising out of use or reliance on information contained in this newsletter. The Club is not liable for any consequences which may result from any unauthorised reproduction or use of any part of this newsletter.

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